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AveraSell Quick Start Guide

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AveraSell Quick Start Guide

^ = CTRL * = ALT [F] =

Program Overview function key U = Underscored letter
Welcome to AveraSell! AveraSell is a
feature-rich point-of-sale program
designed to be easy to learn and use. This
guide contains basic information about
how to use AveraSell.
NOTE: This guide may refer to Click or type a number or key
features that are optional in your combination. For example, ^1 means to
version of AveraSell. hold down the CTRL key and press the
number 1. Likewise, *1 means to hold
down the ALT key and press the
Keystrokes number 1. Brackets prompt you to use
Tab Key = Enter Key - In AveraSell the function keys at the top of the
you use the Enter key just like a Tab key keyboard.
to move from field to field. This is an
option which you may disable, but we
think it is a natural keystroke.
Add new entry (press INSert key) -
Select the Add button and follow the
Edit an existing entry (press Enter key) A tab with an underlined letter means to
- First highlight the desired entry, then press the ALT key and the letter.
select Edit. Make changes as necessary. Locked - If a record is locked it will
Delete an existing entry (press DELete have a padlock icon beside it and you
key)- First, highlight the desired entry, will get the message that it is in use by
then select Delete. Generally you will be another user. If it really is not in use by
prompted to confirm the deletion. If another user, highlight the item and
not, be prepared to re-enter the item. press CRTL-U to unlock it.
WARNING: You cannot undelete.
AveraSell will ask you to confirm that Mouse Use
you really want to delete an item, but
RightMouseClick - The right hand
once it is deleted, it is gone.
button on the mouse opens common
F10 key is the Finish command. When shortcut menus for the task at hand.
you are finished creating an invoice, You should try RightMouseClicking
press F10. When you have finished everywhere in AveraSell to see what you
editing an inventory item, press F10. can do.
Hot Keys - Menus are often labeled
with keystroke combinations for Lookup Button - Often appears at
selection the option without having to the end of a field to allow you to select
reach for the mouse. the desired item from a list.

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AveraSell Quick Start Guide

Instructions See Help

Go To: In the User Manual you will often see
references to the Help files of AveraSell.
Throughout this manual we will try to
For example, when you read in this
guide you to a specific area of AveraSell.
manual "See Help: Price/Weight
For example, if you read "Go To
Embedded In SKU" this means that you
Accounting: Reports: Sales Reports:
should open the help files and find the
Inventory" you should click on the pull
down menu named Accounting, then
select Reports, then select Sales Reports, 1) Go To Help: Search For Help On
and finally select Inventory. 2) Select the Find tab.
To standardize directions, you will most 3) Start typing a keyword, like
frequently be directed to the pull down "embedded"
menus at the top of the window which
are always available. However, you will 4) In the bottom half, you will see the
quickly discover that there are faster topic and you can choose to open it.
ways to accomplish the same thing. For If you would like more help with this,
example, on the Manager Console Go to Help: How To Use Help.
screen you can simply press Report
Center (CTRL-R) and choose the same
report. Tip Of The Day
This is an informative and handy feature
Step By Step of the AveraSell's Help program to
Learning to do something for the first gradually initiate you to features and
time sometimes requires step by step procedures of AveraSell. You will be
instructions. given a tip which might otherwise be
1) Where it is considered appropriate
you will be asked to follow numbered
steps of instructions.
2) These step by step instructions will
stand out with this formatting design.
3) Remember that this may not be the
only way of accomplishing the task.
4) As you become more familiar with
AveraSell, you may find equally
appropriate and perhaps easier ways of
doing the same thing.
You can open the Tip Of The Day at
any time by selecting it under Help.
Or you may set AveraSell to open it
each time you start AveraSell. This

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AveraSell Quick Start Guide
option is a part of the POSitive Setup the AveraSell Help pull-down menu.
Form which is accessed by selecting File: Please include the 'version' and 'build'
System: System Setup: Defaults Tab. numbers in your problem report.
4) If a window with an error message
Registration was displayed, please include the full text
If you register your copy of AveraSell, of the dialog box, including the text in
you will receive unlock codes that will the title bar.
activate two additional features, 5) If the problem involves a setting or
Inventory Matrix and Customer Orders. option on a dialog box, please report the
Registration is only done via the internet text in the title bar and the text of the
at www.averasell.com setting or option with an explanation of
what you have observed.
Technical Support Note: You can press F1 at any time
Fee based technical support for while AveraSell is active for context
AveraSell is available from POSitive sensitive help.
Software Company. Visit If you have any comments or
www.gopositive.com, or call our support suggestions about AveraSell, we would
department at 866-368-2266 for current like to hear from you. Send an e-mail to
pricing. [email protected] or call us,
Free technical support is available as at 800-735-6860.
described below:
Answers to many common questions
can be found in the Support Knowledge
Base at www.gopositive.com
You can also send e-mail to
[email protected].
Send postal mail to:
POSitive Software Company
2290 Robertson Drive
Richland, WA 99354
When reporting problems, please
include the following information:
1) Is the problem reproducible? If so,
2) What version of Windows are you
running? For example, Windows 98,
Windows NT 4.0, XP, etc.
3) What version of AveraSell are you
running? Select About AveraSell from

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AveraSell Quick Start Guide

A Brief
This section gives an overview of some
of the major functions of AveraSell,
• The AveraSell Main Screen
• Inventory Tracking
• Customer Tracking
• Invoicing
• System Setup
• Reports
You can begin exploring AveraSell
immediately by running the program,
and choosing the demo company
“Blink’s Video Game Emporium.” We
have included sample data for you to
play with, using a fictitious store.
The default ID and password for
logging in to Blink’s is POS and POS.
Once you have logged in, you can begin
to explore the program. Sample
inventory, customers, and invoices have
already been entered for you.

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AveraSell 4.3 Quick Start Guide
AveraSell Main Screen Main Menus
When you first run POSitive, you will see a Standard pull down menus access
screen similar to the one below. POSitive's AveraSell's functions.
main screen consists of four elements: • File - Access to AveraSell system
preferences and setup screens.
• Main Menus • Edit - (not applicable)
• The Tool Bar • Register - Access to invoicing and
• Manager Console Window cash register functions.
• The Signature Bar • Inventory - Access to inventory and
purchase order functions.
• Management - Access to employee
and managerial functions.
• Marketing - Access to e-mail
broadcasts, mailing lists and customer
• Accounting - Access to GL setups and
reporting functions.
• Utilities - Access to customer, vendor,
and tax rate setups.
• Window - Access to open windows.
• Help - Access to program registration,
on-line help, and toolbar.

The Tool Bar (optional)

The Tool Bar displays shortcut icons and
hotkeys for typical AveraSell functions. This

is turned on or off from the Help menu. If

it is turned off, the icons are not visible, but
the hotkeys will still function. The Toolbar
should be turned off if you want more
screen area for invoicing and other AveraSell
• New Invoice - Create a new invoice.
• Pending - Access pending orders,
layaways, and quotes.
• Inventory - List of your inventory.
• Customers - List your customers.
• Calendar - View a calendar.
• Calculator - Use a popup calculator
with printing tape.

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AveraSell 4.3 Quick Start Guide
• Open Cash Drawer – this will open number 1. Likewise, *1 means to hold
up your cash drawer, if one is down the ALT key and press the number 1.
attached. Setup: Station Detail allows you to designate
• Internal E-Mail - Send messages to if Manger Console will open and which
other employees. Main Group will be activated upon startup.
• Time Clock - Employee time clock
punch in or out. The Signature Bar
• Price Check - Lookup the price of an
item by scanning its barcode. At the bottom of the screen the gray bar
• Login - Change employee operating displays the following information
work station. • Registration Status - Demo Mode if
• E-mail – send or receive e-mail. the program is unregistered, and Basic
• Retrieve Internet Orders – if you are Edition, Advanced Edition, Single
using our e-commerce solution, this User, or Multi-User if registered.
will retrieve internet orders directly • The currently active Sales ID on this
into POSitive. workstation.
• Program version - More specific
Manager Console Window version information is available on the
Help: About POSitive screen from the
(optional) Help menu.
The Manager Console provides a tabbed Date and Time - This should be checked
and hot keyed listing of many AveraSell frequently for accuracy and corrected at the
functions. You may use the mouse or the individual computer.
keyboard for quick access.
Press the Function Key to activate an
appropriate Main Group button:

• Register [F2]
• Management [F3]
• Inventory [F4]
• Purchase [F5]
• RMA [F6]
• E-Commerce [F7]
Then Click or type a number or key
combination. For example, ^1 means to
hold down the CTRL key and press the

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AveraSell 4.3 Quick Start Guide
Inventory Tracking
AveraSell offers you a wide range of
inventory options for selling everything from
pencils to personal computers.

All the information you need to manage category which can govern its
your inventory is presented on the inventory characteristics.
screen. • Purchases - Multiple vendors,

• Stock - Stock counts are up to the automated RMAs, complete purchase

minute, backorders are flagged and order history, 'hot' items list, and
filled automatically, and substitution more. Save money by consolidating
items can replace items on pending purchase orders, pick and choose
orders. Settings for minimum and from the best vendors, RMA
maximum stock levels help you make inventory quickly.
timely reorders. • Pricing - AveraSell gives you 6 pricing
levels for everything you sell. Prices
• Types Of Inventory - From simple to
can be automatically updated with cost
sophisticated. Consumables, bulk
changes. Promo pricing can be in
inventory, color - size matrix, kits,
effect for any time period, for just an
consignments, trade-ins, serialized,
hour to infinity. Selected customers
templates, assemblies, labor and
can get permanent price discounts,
services, freight, and gift certificates.
contract pricing, and other benefits.
Each supports multiple SKUs,
pictures, and taxation options. Each • E-Commerce - Any inventory item
inventory item is assigned to a can be automatically displayed on your

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AveraSell 4.3 Quick Start Guide
web page for sale whenever you want.
One of the unique features of POSitive is
the ability for you to rapidly enter inventory
by selecting category defaults. Inventory is
grouped into Departments and Categories.
Categories can have defaults set, such as
minimum stock, default vendors, price
markups, etc. When you enter a new
inventory item, POSitive will fill out 90% of
the information required by using the
Category defaults. POSitive can even auto-
generate SKUs for you, based on rules you
provide. So, entering an inventory item can
be as simple as:
• Type in a description
• Type in a cost
• Press F10 to complete
POSitive will generate a SKU, calculate
pricing, and fill in all other details

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AveraSell 4.3 Quick Start Guide
Customer Tracking
AveraSell lets you easily track your
customers at the point of sale. Once you
know who your customers are, and their
buying habits, you can customize your
marketing efforts through direct-mail or e-
mail. You can keep extensive notes and
classify your customers as needed for
enhanced marketing.

• See at a glance what the customer has

• Offer incentives to come back by
setting automatic discounts, frequent
buyer rewards, and by mailing or e-
mailing special offers.

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AveraSell 4.3 Quick Start Guide
not priced
Invoices • Line Positioning - reposition items
on invoice for readability or packaging
AveraSell makes quick and simple sales purposes
invoices and receipts.
• Full and Contracted Views of
• Unlike a cash register, you are making Invoice - temporarily hide or reveal
a record of the sale which you can customer information
review and reprint at any time, even • Customer Purchase History - view
years from now. complete history of customer
• You are updating your inventory and purchases and returns
triggering mechanisms to order more • Return Processing - record, verify
inventory. authenticity, and accept return
• You are creating a history of your inventory for refund or replacement
customer’s purchases, providing you • Inclusion of Special Notices - print
with additional marketing extensive policy statements and special
opportunities. notification on every invoice
) POSitive can track your customer’s e- • Switch printers on the fly - route the
mail address. Opt-in e-mail lists are a invoice to other designated printers
powerful and inexpensive way to • Backorder Releases - fill invoice
market to your customers. Use backorders by 'borrowing' items from
POSitive to gather e-mail information another customer's pending order
at the point-of-sale, and then to send • Invoice Suspension - temporarily
out bulk e-mail messages. hold or permanently convert an
invoice to an order or layaway
Invoicing Features • Coupon and Gift Certificate
While creating an invoice, there are many Redemption - accept coupon values
features and processes to handle most every and honor gift certificates
business need. • Global and Line Item Discounting
- offer percent off and/or dollar
• Barcode Scanning - accepts input of discounts, tax Exemption – Nullify
common barcode scanners
• Line Editing of quantity, price, The Invoice Interface
discount.- change as needed
• FastAdd Inventory - add a new Ringing up sales with AveraSell is quick.
inventory item on the fly Use a barcode scanner to scan an item, press
• Fractional and Multiple Quantities F10 to take payment, and you are ready for
– use up to 4 decimal places for the next customer.
Quantities; rapid entry of multiple The REGISTER SCREEN is designed for
Quantities fast data entry. It contains the minimum
• Annotations - make paragraph style amount of information you need to process
notes about line items and general a sale. This screen is suitable for gift stores,
notes for the invoice pet stores, and any type of store where your
• Serial Number Assignments - primary operation is cash & carry.
display serial numbers on invoice
• Packaging - offer listed inventory at
a package price with individual items

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AveraSell 4.3 Quick Start Guide
can be edited to make your invoicing
process easier.

Tendering The Invoice

The last step of a customer sale is to tender
the invoice.
• Offer your customers the benefits of
split tender, gift certificates, coupons,
discounts, store accounts, credit card
payment, and even accept foreign
currency at the current exchange rate.
Entering Sales Just press F10 to select the method of
An invoice consists of 3 main areas. payment. You will be prompted to give
change and the receipt will be printed.
Customer Information (top area) - The
customer's name, address, phone and
shipping information are displayed so you
will be reminded to keep it updated.
) Note: This is not visible on Cash Sale
invoices because there is no customer
information to display.

Purchase List (white area) - items listed

here are being sold to the customer.
Add items being purchased. Items can be
added by using a barcode scanner, typing the
SKUs, or selecting from an inventory
lookup table.
Edit items being purchased. Highlight the
item and press Enter. Change the quantity,
selling price, discount percentage.
Delete an item from the list. Highlight the
item and press the DELete key on the
) To add a NOTE to the invoice press
CTRL-N. Type your message and press
F10 when done. To edit the note,
highlight a portion of it and press

Invoicing Controls (gray area) - Click on

any button or use the Function keys
associated with the item. These button bars

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AveraSell 4.3 Quick Start Guide
Invoice History • Control employee access to functions
and features of AveraSell
Once the invoice has been completed, you • Establish invoicing, inventory and
may review and reprint invoices. customer options
• Reprint a receipt whenever needed.
• Review details of a sale, especially
when a customer is returning
• Focus on just the invoices for a
specific customer
• Find invoices which contain or meet
specific criteria which you need.

System Setup
AveraSell lets you choose from dozens of
customization settings to reflect your
business style.

• Standardize sales processes so that

everyone knows and follows the
correct procedures

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AveraSell 4.3 Quick Start Guide
You can get information rich reports to help
you make business decisions.

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AveraSell 4.3 Quick Start Guide
Enter your cost of the item
What You Should Do
Adjust the selling price(s)
Now? ) If you want to know more about all the
AveraSell has sample data which already has options and settings available when
creating an inventory item, press F1 for
inventory, customers, vendors and other
basic elements in place for you to
experiment with.
Press F10 to save it.
1) Run AveraSell
Choose Exit.
2) At the Choose Company screen,
highlight Blink's Video and press Enter Create A Customer
3) Enter the sales ID and password which Open the Customer List (Click on the
are POS and POS People icon on the toolbar)
Poke around and do whatever you want to Press INSert (or choose the Add button)
do. Here are some suggested activities:
Fill in the fields and press Enter to get to the
next field
Create An Invoice
) TIP: When you get to the Zip Code
Click on the first icon on the toolbar. This field, type 99352 and press Enter. Note
creates a new transaction. Press Enter and that by entering a zip code AveraSell
this opens an invoice. automatically adds the city and state.
Press Enter again. This opens the inventory
list. Finally, press F10 to save your work.
Highlight an item (use the down arrow key)
and press Enter. Create A Layaway
Now press F10 and take payment by Cash Click on the New Transaction icon.
(Just press Enter and then F10.) Highlight Layaway and press Enter.
) Repeat the process as often as you want, This opens the customer list. Highlight your
trying something a little different each newly added customer and press Enter.
Add an inventory item or two to the
Layaway. Include the item you created
Create An Inventory Item earlier.
Click on the Bicycle icon on the toolbar. ) Note that the item you created is
Press the INSert (or choose the Add button) backordered. There is a value of 1.00
in the B'Order column. We will take
Select Normal care of this when you create a purchase
On the Departments List highlight and order.
select Wintendo Games
Press F10.
Type in a Description of something you sell
and press Enter. Highlight a date when the Layaway will be
picked up
Type in a SKU (any letter/number

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AveraSell 4.3 Quick Start Guide
When prompted to Apply Payment, type Y Press Enter. This opens the Vendor
for yes. Inventory List.
Enter an amount of 20.00.
Choose to print or not print the layaway.

Create And Receive A PO

Go to Inventory: Purchase Orders: Receive
W/O Purchase Order
) This means, click on the word Inventory
at the top of the screen. This opens a
pull down menu. Select Purchase
Orders, and then select Receive W/O Use the down arrow key to highlight an item
Purchase Order. and then press Enter.
Enter a quantity being purchased and press
Press F3 to open the list of vendors. Enter.
Select Glub Video Distributors. Press Enter again to confirm that you are
Press F10 for Next. receiving that quantity.
Press F10 Next, again. Press Enter (or change the cost if you wish).
Enter a number (In reality this will be the This brings you to a blank line.
number on your vendors invoice or packing ) Repeat the steps and add another item to
slip.) the purchase order.
Enter 10.00 for Freight charges. ) Now you will add the new inventory item
Press F10 Finish which you created to this vendor list.

Your newly created purchase order probably On a blank line of the purchase order, press
looks like this. Enter to open the Vendor Inventory List.
Press INSert or choose the Add button.

) You have just completed a PO Wizard

Press F2 to open the list of AveraSell
which takes you step by step for filling inventory. Highlight your newly added item
in the top half of a purchase order. and press Enter.
Press Enter, Enter and then select OK
Next, you will learn how to select items [F10].
from a Vendor Inventory List, and how to
add a new item to the vendor's inventory list.

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AveraSell 4.3 Quick Start Guide
Now that your item is on the Vendor Balance The Cash Drawer
Inventory List, you can select it for the
purchase order. As before, enter a quantity At the end of the day you should balance
and press Enter until you are on a blank line your cash drawer. Go to Register: Daily
again. Balance.
The purchase order is now complete. Press ) This means click on the Register pull
F10 to Post the PO. down menu at the top of the screen and
select Daily Balance.
Choose Receive Now.
) The PO Receive Summary screen Enter a Sales ID and a Password (POS and
displays the name of the customer for POS)
whom you created a layaway and
Select OK on the Choose Station prompt.
hence notifies you that the backordered
item is now being filled on that The coin counter helps you count down
layaway. your drawer. (Normally you would enter the
number of each denomination of bills and
coins, but we will skip this.) Press F10.
When balancing a cash drawer, you want
your count to equal the system count so that
the difference is 0.00

oose Close.

Open The Cash Drawer

From time to time, you may need to open Press F10 to Post
the cash drawer without ringing up a sale. Answer Yes to post the information to
Click on the cash register icon in the toolbar. history files.
Enter your Sales ID and Password On the Final Balance screen, designate how
much cash will be placed in the register for
Select an option to take cash out, put cash
making change the next day.
in, or to cash a check
Type a reason and then fill in the dollar
Press F10. This activity is logged and will
be a part of balancing the cash drawer at the
end of the day.

The Your Cash Deposit shows how much

cash you should remove from the drawer

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AveraSell 4.3 Quick Start Guide
leaving the rest to make change. Of course, you wish, AveraSell can generate a SKU for
you will also remove checks and credit card an inventory item as it is being added to
slips. AveraSell. The generated SKU can contain
codes to indicate the category and/or
Choose OK
vendor of the item.
Choose Yes to print the Register Balance
Bulk Inventory - AveraSell will track stock
counts of inventory purchased in bulk form
Then choose OK. and then re-packaged or sold in smaller
Print Reports Copy Record - This feature allows you to
With the Manager Console screen open, clone an inventory item to make another
either click on the Report Center button or item similar to it. All fields will be copied
press CTRL-R except for the SKU field which must be
unique. Make any changes to description,
Numerous reports are available for pricing, cost, or any other data field before
reviewing profits, inventory status, and saving.
purchase order history.
Customer Categories - The Customer
Highlight a report type on the left. Category is designed to minimize the
Highlight a specific report in the middle number of keystrokes and amount of time
column. needed to add a new customer to the
customer list. In advance, you define any
Press F7 to run the report. combination of tax rates, area codes, zip
) Note: the Add, Edit, and Remove buttons codes, pricing levels, store credits, and more
are for managing "custom made" as a customer category. When a new
reports, using the Clarion Report customer is added to AveraSell, selecting the
Writer (separate product). category will fill in the defaults and then you
have to fill in only a few details.
If you are prompted for a date range, click
Invoice Tender - When accepting payment
on one of the buttons or fill in start and end
dates. Then choose F10. on an invoice, only payment options
appropriate to the type of sale will be visible.
Daily Sales Summary For example, you may have chosen not to
accept credit cards on a cash sale so that
A useful report is the Daily Sales Summary option will not be listed.
screen which is a snapshot of a given day's
activity. Mail Groups - This feature exists to facilitate
internal e-mail and reporting of activities. A
Go to Management: Daily Sales Summary. group is a collection of employees with
similar jobs. The purpose of mail groups is
Advanced Features to reduce the number of internal mail
There are many advanced features are built messages having to be written and to
into AveraSell. Some of these features will broadcast one message to more than one
need to be activated while others are always individual at a time. A secondary purpose is
working for you. to be able to generate reports, such as a
profit report, based upon the activities of the
Auto SKU - An SKU, or stock keeping unit, members of a group.
is a unique identifier of inventory items. If

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AveraSell 4.3 Quick Start Guide
Purchase Order Number - Your purchase
order numbers can be generated with a code
which is easily interpreted so you will know
who placed the PO and when.
Quantity Alert - If you attempt to add an
item to the Order List which is already on
the list, you will be prompted to confirm the
adjustment. This feature helps you minimize
mistakes in ordering too many of an item.
Smart Links - Several shortcuts are
embedded into AveraSell screens to quickly
display more information. For example, if
you click on what appears to be a plain
information box about stock status, you are
immediately presented with data justifying
the counts.
Windowed Envelopes - Many forms,
receipts and some reports are formatted so
that the address will align with a windowed
envelope. This saves time and effort
required to hand address envelopes for
mailings of Receipts, and some Reports.

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AveraSell 4.3 Quick Start Guide
Setting Up Your
Now that you have installed AveraSell and
have had a chance to play around with the
sample company, Blink's Video Emporium,
you are ready to create your own company
Your Company - Choose a business type
You will be walked through each phase of similar to yours. Make any other changes
the company setup. You should enter your needed. Again, you can change settings
company information as accurately as selected here at a later time.
possible; however entries can be changed at
a later time if necessary.
Run AveraSell and stop at the Choose
Company screen.
Click on the Create New Company button.
You are prompted to enter a data password.
This password should be a simple word
which you can easily remember.
Station Info - Select appropriate options.
) Important: Do not forget this password.
There may come a time when you will
need this password to access your data

The New Company Wizard

The New Company Wizard will take you
step-by-step through creating your own
company. Please read the information on
the screens and fill in the information as Create Tax Rates - Most businesses only
accurately as possible. You may select the need to use Tax Description 1 and Tax Rate
Back [F9] or the Next [F10] buttons 1. Be sure to change the tax rate from 0.00
whenever you need to. to your local tax rate.
Company Info - Enter your company name Refer to User Manual for
and address exactly as you want it to appear instructions on setting up more
on your invoices. complex tax rates.

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AveraSell 4.3 Quick Start Guide
You can change the time to something more
practical. Next, choose OK. You will be
told that the directory doesn't exist and you
should answer Yes to create it.
Because backups are so important, AveraSell
will periodically give you reminders to
backup the data. Don't ignore them.
Remember: Leave AveraSell running during
Choose Invoice Style - If you are in doubt, the backup time period.
select Register Style. This can be changed at
a later time. Be sure to review the Help File
Add/Edit Employees
The Employee List will already have one
entry: POS Manager.

Finish F10 - When you see the Finish

button, click on it. Choose Yes to proceed It is wise, initially, to leave this default
with making default data. Please wait a few employee unchanged as you are getting used
minutes as AveraSell creates the data. Click to AveraSell. Later, you should edit this
on the "Done" button to continue to the entry to change the password.
next phase.
You should add yourself as an employee. A
Sales ID - You are asked to enter your Sales
New Employee Wizard will take you
ID and Password. For now, you can use through each step. If you have questions,
POS as Sales ID and POS as the Password. press F1 for help.
In the next steps, you will be guided to
create a sales id and password for yourself Later, when you decide to add your
and your employees. employees, you should learn more about
Security Settings and Security Groups. You
Backups - You are immediately prompted
can get help on this topic by pressing F1 and
to select backup options. looking for topics: Security Groups,
Choose appropriate Days and Time. AveraSell Security Options.
AveraSell sets the time of the backup to 1:00
AM by default. You can change this to fit This has been an overview of the basic
your schedule. company set-up procedure for AveraSell.
Please refer to the User Guide for more
IMPORTANT: for the backup to be
detailed information.
performed, your computer must be left on
and AveraSell needs to be running at that

POSitive Software Company – www.gopositive.com 20


AveraSell does run under Windows Vista, but we recommend Windows XP for the greatest stability and
reliability. Our POS software does NOT run on Macintosh computers.


• Pentium Class 800 or faster Stand Alone Systems also Require:

• 256 MB RAM*
• Windows 2000, 2003, XP, Vista • Uninterrupted Power Supply
• CD-ROM • Data Backup Device
• 200 MB free hard drive space
• 100 MBit Network Cards
• Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or later**

The following options will enhance the point of sale software

• Faster Processors
• More memory
• Credit Card Reader
• Cash Drawer
• Barcode Scanner
• Laser Printer
• Receipt Printer
• Barcode Printer

Dedicated Servers

• Pentium Class 800 or faster

• 512 MB RAM*
• Windows 2000, 2003, XP, Vista
• 100 MBit Ethernet Hub
• Data Backup Device
• Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS)
• Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or later**

We know that there are some users that run successfully on Novell however our testing and support is
only for Windows.

Peer to Peer Servers

• Pentium Class 800 or faster

• 256 MB RAM*
• Windows 2000, 2003, XP, Vista
• 100 MBit Ethernet Hub
• Data Backup Devise
• Uninterrupted Power Supply
• Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or later**
All Network Servers

Network system support requires 1 workstation set up with Net Meeting and an Internet connection.

The following options will enhance the retail software:

• Faster Processors
• 512 MB RAM or more*
• Network Switches

* The amount of memory used should be determined by the requirements of your operating system and
the level of performance you wish to have.

** MS Internet Explorer 6 or later contains a number of Internet components used in POSitive Software.
The software WILL NOT run if you don't have this installed. If you don't have this software already, you
can download it for free from www.microsoft.com.

Most standard point of sale equipment can be used with AveraSell, however
some interfaces or models may not be compatible.

• Barcode Scanner
• Magnetic Stripe Reader
• Integrated Keyboard
• Scale
• Portable Data Collector
• Laser/Inkjet Printer
• Receipt Printer
• Label Printer
• Check Validation Printer
• Cash Drawer
• Pole Display
• Multiple Monitor
• Touchscreen Monitor
• Capture Picture Using TWAIN Source Device
• Debit PINpad

Barcode Scanner
Supported Devices:
AveraSell only supports Keyboard and USB Interface barcode scanners.
Metrologic, Symbol, Unitech, Welch Allyn (brand)

No special settings are needed to setup this device.

To test this device:

If a barcode is scanned in notepad and it’s SKU appears then it will work in AveraSell.
Magnetic Stripe Reader
Supported Devices:
Cherry, IDTech, Logic Controls, Partner Tech, Unitech, Magtech

1) Click on the Register menu item and then click on Register Center. If your Manager
Console was already open then click on the “Register(F2)” button.
2) Click on the Station Settings button. This will open the Station Detail window.
3) Click on the Credit Card Processing tab.
4) Place a check next to “Use Mag Stripe Reader”
5) Click OK to save changes.

To test this device:

1) Click on the Register menu item and then click on Register Center. If your Manager
Console was already open then click on the “Register(F2)” button.
2) Click on the Station Settings button. This will open the Station Detail window.
3) Click on the Credit Card Processing tab.
4) In the “My Card Reader” section of this window click on the Test button.

Integrated Keyboard
Supported Devices:
Cherry, IDTech, Logic Controls, Partner Tech, Unitech

The keyboard will automatically be setup by windows drivers. Click here for directions
on setting up the Mag Stripe Reader.

To test this device:

If you can type characters and they appear then the keyboard is working. Click here for
directions for testing the Mag Stripe Reader.
Supported Devices:
NCI WeighTronix, and others. MUST be compatible with POSH MR4-KB decoder or
Plexis xWedge software decoder.

Setup for one inventory item:

1) Open your inventory list.
2) Edit an item on this list and click on the Options(F8) tab.
3) Place a check next to “Prompt to Read Scale”.
4) Click OK to save changes

Setup for a category:

1) Click on Utilities and then Categories.
2) Highlight the category and then click Defaults(F5).
3) Place a check on “Prompt to Read Scale” and click Reset Inventory(F5).
4) Place a check next to “Prompt to Read Scale” and click Process(F10).
5) Click Done and then OK to save the changes.

To test this device:

1) Create a new invoice.
2) Add an item that has the “Prompt to use Scale” enabled.
3) It should prompt for the item’s weight.

Portable Data Collector

Supported Devices:
Unitech, Metrologic Scanpal 2, PSC Falcon PT40

1) Click on the Register menu item and then click on Register Center. If your Manager
Console was already open then click on the “Register(F2)” button.
2) Click on the Station Settings button. This will open the Station Detail window.
3) Click on the Portable Scanner tab.
4) Select the com port that the Portable Scanner is connected to.
5) Select the type of Scanner.
6) Click OK to save the changes.

To test this device:

1) Click on Inventory, Physical Inventory, and then Reconcile from File.
2) Click on the Add button.
3) Type in the name of your scanner where it stays Import Description.
4) Choose “Portable Scanner” and click Finish.
5) Make the name of your scanner is highlighted and click Import Highlighted.
6) A “Reading Scanner…” window will appear that will allow you to scan in your
inventory into AveraSell. When you are done click on OK to save the changes.
Laser/Inkjet Printer
Supported devices:
(almost all)

1) Click on the Register menu item and then click on Register Center. If your Manager
Console was already open then click on the “Register(F2)” button.
2) Click on the Station Settings button. This will open the Station Detail window.
3) Under Printers/E-Mail click on the transaction type you would like to use this printer
for. (You can repeat steps 4-7 if you want to setup this printer for multiple types of
4) Click on Laser/Ink Jet Printer for Printer Type.
5) To the right of where it says Windows Printer Driver click on the “…” button.
6) Select your laser/inkjet printer and click OK to save the changes.
7) To the right of where is says Windows Form type in Standard.
8) Click OK to save the changes.

To test this device:

1) Open your windows Control Panel.
2) Double click on Printers and Faxes.
3) Right click on your printer and click Properties.
4) Click on Print Test Page.

Receipt Printer
Supported Devices:
Epson, Samsung, Star, Ithaca

1) Click on the Register menu item and then click on Register Center. If your Manager
Console was already open then click on the “Register(F2)” button.
2) Click on the Station Settings button. This will open the Station Detail window.
3) Under Printers/E-Mail click on the transaction type you would like to use this printer
for. (You can repeat steps 4-8 if you want to setup this printer for multiple types of
4) Click on Receipt/Dot Matrix for Printer Type.
5) To the right of where it says Windows Printer Driver click on the “…” button.
6) Select your Receipt/Dot Matrix printer and click OK to save the changes.
7) To the right of where is says Windows Form type in Generic Receipt Printer.
8) To the right of where is says Form type the form number. (If you click on the “…”
button you can see the list of available form numbers)
9) Click OK to save the changes.
To test this device:
1) Open your windows Control Panel.
2) Double click on Printers and Faxes.
3) Right click on your printer and click Properties.
4) Click on Print Test Page.

Label Printer
Supported Devices:
Datamax, Eltron/Zebra

1) Click on File, Editors, and then Inventory Labels Editor.
2) Highlight the label that you most commonly use and click edit. (If you get a warning
message just press OK)
3) Click on Project and then Page Setup.
4) Click on the Printer Selection tab and press Select.
5) Select your label printer, press OK, and press OK again to save the changes.

To test this device:

1) Click on File, Editors, and then Inventory Labels Editor.
2) Highlight the label that you most commonly use and click edit. (If you get a warning
message just press OK)
3) Click on File, Print Sample, and then Print Sample with Frames.

Check Validation Printer

Supported Devices:
Epson TM-U325PD

1) Click on File, System, and then System Setup.
2) Click on Invoice Setup.
3) Click on the Printing tab.
Customer Checks can be validated by printing your bank name and account number on
the back of the check for deposit. You can print up to 6 lines of information. Each line
will print whatever is typed plus insert data within the brackets

[Date] = Date of the invoice will be printed

[Time] = Time when the invoice was created will be printed
[Invoice] = Invoice number will be printed
[Station] = The register number
[Method] = The method or type of payment
[ID] = the sales ID of the employee

4) Enter desired text to be printed on the back of the check.

For example
Line 1----For Deposit Only
Line 2----Bank Name
Line 3----Account Number
Line 4----[Date] [Time]
Line 5----[Invoice] Reg [Station] [ID]
Line 6 ---[Method]

IMPORTANT: To complete the setup, you must also configure the printer definition.

5) Click OK to save the changes.

6) Go to File: System: Printers
7) Edit "Generic Receipt Printer"
8) Select tab "Receipt Printer Setup" and enter the appropriate values as per manufacturer

These are codes for the Epson TM-U325PD

--- This is a Receipt Printer --- CHECKMARK this
--- Reset Printer --- 27,64
--- Tear Off Code --- 29,86,65,0
--- Validate Checks --- CHECKMARK this
--- Validate Accounts Receivable --- (OPTIONAL)
--- Validate On --- 27,99,48,8
--- Validate Off --- 27,99,48,1
--- Print Validation Text Upside Down --- (OPTIONAL)
--- Upside Down On --- 27,123,1-
--- Upside Down Off --- 27,123,0
Cash Drawer
Supported Devices:
(Any receipt printer interface drawer)

1) Click on the Register menu item and then click on Register Center. If your Manager
Console was already open then click on the “Register(F2)” button.
2) Click on the Station Settings button. This will open the Station Detail window.
3) Click on the Cash Drawer tab.
4) Place a check next to “Use Cash Drawer”.
5) Enter in the correct control codes.
Epson and Samsung control codes:
Cash drawer trigger: 27,112,0,48
Partial cut (option): 27,105

Epson alternate cash drawer trigger: 27,112,0,64,240 (generates longer pulse)

Star control codes:

Cash drawer trigger: 7
Partial cut (option): 27,100,48 or 27,100,49

Citizen control codes:

Cash drawer trigger: 7
Partial cut (option): 27,80,00 or 27,80,01
(Some Citizen printers also use Epson control codes)

Ithaca POSjet control codes:

Cash drawer trigger: 27,120,1
Auto-cut (option): 27,118
Run Macro (for logo printing) <27><31><114>macro name<0> (Use only with POSjet

Note: If you have trouble printing, or can't make your cash drawer open, make sure your
printer port is set to EPP or Standard and not ECP. Many new computers, especially
Dell's, come from the factory with the printer ports set to ECP. This setting is not
compatible with most receipt printers. Contact your computer's manufacturer for
instructions on how to check the setting of your printer port.

6) Select the port that this printer is connected through.

7) To the right of where it says Cash Drawer Printer click on the “…” button.
8) Select the printer that the cash drawer is connected through and click OK. (If you do
not have this cash drawer connected through a printer then you will need to add a
generic/text only printer that uses the same port the cash drawer is connected through)
9) Click OK to save the changes.
To test this device:
1) Click on the Register menu item and then click on Register Center. If your Manager
Console was already open then click on the “Register(F2)” button.
2) Click on the Station Settings button. This will open the Station Detail window.
3) Click on the Cash Drawer tab.
4) Press the test button and the cash drawer should open.

Pole Display
Supported Devices:
Logic Controls, Partner Tech, or any brand that emulates the latter.

1) Click on the Register menu item and then click on Register Center. If your Manager
Console was already open then click on the “Register(F2)” button.
2) Click on the Station Settings button. This will open the Station Detail window.
3) Click on Pole Display.
4) Place a check next to Use Pole Display.
5) To the right of where it says Pole ID click on the “…” button.
6) If you are using Partner Tech CD-5220 or CD-7220 then highlight 200 and press OK.
(Skip to step 11)
7) If you are using something else then highlight 251 and press edit.
8) Enter the name of the Pole Display as the description.
9) Enter control codes 1 and 2. (See your manufacturer’s instruction manual for details on
10) Enter in the number of characters per line that will display on the pole display, click
OK, and click OK again to save changes.
11) Select the correct port that this devices uses.
12) Enter a “welcome to our store” message where it says Pole Line1 and Pole Line2.
13) To the right of where it says Pole Printer click on the “…” button.
14) Select the printer that the pole display is connected through and click OK. (If you do
not have this pole display connected through a printer then you will need to add a
generic/text only printer that uses the same port the pole display is connected through)
15) Click OK to save the changes.

To test this device:

1) Click on the Register menu item and then click on Register Center. If your Manager
Console was already open then click on the “Register(F2)” button.
2) Click on the Station Settings button. This will open the Station Detail window.
3) Click on Pole Display.
4) Click on the Test button and it should display the message from Pole Line1 and Pole
Line2 on your pole display.
Multiple Monitor
Supported Devices:
(almost all)

1) Click on the Register menu item and then click on Register Center. If your Manager
Console was already open then click on the “Register(F2)” button.
2) Click on the Station Settings button. This will open the Station Detail window.
3) Click on the Multi-Monitor Support tab.
4) Place a check next to Activate Multi-Monitor Mode.
5) Click OK to save the changes.

To test this device:

1) Create a new invoice.
2) The second monitor that is connected to the computer should show the information
that the customer needs to see.

Touchscreen Monitor
Supported Devices:
(almost all)

1) Click on the Register menu item and then click on Register Center. If your Manager
Console was already open then click on the “Register(F2)” button.
2) Click on the Station Settings button. This will open the Station Detail window.
3) Click on Invoice/Misc.
4) Under Invoice Style select Touchscreen.
5) Click OK to save the changes.

To test this device:

1) Create a new invoice.
2) You should be able to press the buttons on your Touchscreen monitor.
Capture Picture Using TWAIN Source
To associate pictures with your inventory:
1) Open your inventory list.
2) Highlight the inventory item you would like a picture to be associated with.
3) Click on the “Pic” tab on the right side.
4) Click on the icon to the left of the “+” icon.
5) Click on Select Source(F8).
6) Highlight the correct picture capturing device and click OK.
7) Click Capture.

Debit PINpad
Supported Devices:
VeriFone PINpad 1000SE

1) Setup your com port that this device is connected to with the following settings:
Bits per second (Baud): 1200
Data bits: 7
Parity: Even
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None
2) Click on File, Definitions, and then Tender Definitions.
3) Click Add.
4) Enter the following settings for the debit card tender definition:
Tender Code: DBT
Description: Debit Card
Receipt Description: Debit Card
Type: Debit Card
Use Electronic Debit Card Verification: checked
5) Click OK to save the changes.

To test this device:

1) Create a new invoice.
2) Add line item(s) to the invoice.
3) Click Tender(F10)
4) Choose the debit card tender type. The PINpad should prompt for a PIN number.
Setting up your receipt printer in POSitive for Windows or AveraSell

The first thing you’ll need to do is install a Windows printer driver for your receipt printer. Since most
receipt printers do not ship with a driver disk, you can download a Epson, Samsung, Star or Ithaca printer
driver from our web site: www.gopositive.com. You can also use the Generic/Text Only driver that is
included with Windows. Once you’ve installed a Windows printer driver, start POSitive for Windows and
go to Station Settings.

Above is the Station Settings screen. Notice the options on the left. About 1/3 of the way down, you’ll see
Cash Drawer. Click on this option.

This screen allows you to enter the Cash Drawer Code that our software sends to the receipt printer
whenever the cash drawer needs to open. Our example shows the typical settings for Epson, POS-X or
Samsung receipt printers connected to a parallel port (LPT1)*. If your receipt printer is on and the cash
drawer is connected to it, the drawer should open when you click on the Test button. Note: The “Cash
Drawer Printer” setting is used with USB receipt printers. You must have a USB driver for your printer
installed in order to make the correct setting. *Star printers use 7 for the open code. Ithaca uses
Next, find Invoice on the left menu and click on it. This will take you to the Printers/E-Mail set-up screen.
Next to Printer Type, select Receipt/Dot Matrix. Windows Printer Driver is the Windows driver you
installed for your receipt printer. Make changes by clicking on the box with three little dots. In our example
we’re using a Samsung SRP-270 with no auto-cutter. Next, your Physical Printer should be Generic receipt
Printer. Last, you need to designate a form to use. Form 6 is our standard, generic 40 column (3”) receipt
form. Use form 7 if you want the customer name to print on the receipt.

Setting up your Pole Display in POSitive for Windows

Go to “Pole Display” under Station Settings. If you’re using a Partner Tech CD-5220 (or CD-7220), click
on the square button to the right of the Pole ID line.
Under “Browse Records”, highlight CD-5220 and click on “Edit”.

Make sure your settings match those shown above and click “OK”.

You’ll be back at this screen, so click on “Select”.

Next, you’ll need to selected your COM port and check the settings. Click on “COM Ports Setup” at the
lower left corner of the screen.

Select your COM port. For a CD-5220 pole display the port settings are: Baud 9600, Parity None, Data Bits
8 and Stop Bits 1. Make changes if necessary and click OK.
At this point, make sure the pole display is on and connected to your computer. Click the Test button and
see if your message appears on the display. If not, double check your connections and settings to make sure
they are correct. Also make sure you are actually connected to the COM port selected. If everything seems
to be correct, there is one more step you’ll need to take, especially if your computer is running Windows
2000 or XP. You’ll need to go to the Printers folder in Windows and add a “Generic/Text Only” printer
driver that will use the same COM port as the pole display.

Next, go back to the Pole Display set-up screen and under Pole Printer select the “Generic/Text Only”
printer driver you just installed. Click the Test button and the pole display should now be working.
If you are using a different brand of pole display, you need to add it to the Pole Display list. On the main
Pole Display screen, click the square button to the right of Pole ID.

Select “251 Undefined” and click edit.

Enter a description for the pole. In our example we’re calling it “Emax”*. Next, enter the control codes for
lines 1 and 2 and the number of characters per line. In this example, we’re using the control codes for the
Emax pole display. Also, most pole displays only have 20 characters per line.
*The settings for the Emax pole display will also work with the Logic Controls PD3000/6000 pole

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