State of The Nation Address 2020

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The key takeaways are the 10 points of NRM's political programme and the President's view of two categories of economy - the real economy and leisure/pleasure economy.

The 10 points are: 1) Restoration of Democracy 2) Restoration of Security 3) Consolidation of national unity 4) Defending national independence 5) Building an independent economy 6) Improving social services 7) Eliminating corruption 8) Redressing errors 9) Cooperation with African countries 10) Following a mixed economy strategy.

The crucial points related to the economy are 5) Building an independent economy, 9) Cooperation among African countries, and 10) Following a mixed economy strategy of public and private enterprises.

State of the Nation Address


H.E. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni


State House Entebbe

4th June, 2020

His Excellency the Vice President;
Rt. Hon. Speaker of Parliament;
His Lordship the Chief Justice;
Rt. Hon. Deputy Speaker of Parliament;
His Lordship the Deputy Chief Justice;
Rt. Hon. Prime Minister;
Rt. Hon. Deputy Prime Ministers;
Hon. Ministers;
Hon. Members of Parliament;
Members of the Diplomatic Corps;
Distinguished Guests;
Ladies and Gentlemen, all of you the citizens of Uganda
and our visitors.

Madam Speaker,

In fulfillment of the Constitutional requirement

under Article 101 (1) of the Constitution of the
Republic of Uganda, I am here to deliver the State of
the Nation Address, 2020.

While still fighting, precisely at Kanyaara camp in
Ngoma, the combined meeting of the High Command
and NRC, adopted the 10 points of NRM political
programme. These 10 points were:

Restoration of Democracy

Restoration of Security

Consolidation of national unity and elimination of all
forms of sectarianism

Defending and consolidating national independence

Building an independent, integrated and self-sustaining
national economy

Restoration and improvement of social services and
rehabilitation of war–ravaged areas

Elimination of corruption and the misuse of power

Redressing errors that have resulted in the dislocation
of some sections of the population

Co-operation with other African countries

POINT N0. 10
Following an economic strategy of a mixed economy

As far as the economy is concerned, of these 10

points, the crucial ones are nos: 5, 9 and 10. Point
no.5, talks of building an economy that is
independent, integrated and self-sustaining. Point
no. 9, talks of co-operation among African countries,
in other-words, markets integration among other
factors. Point no. 10, talks of using the strategy of a
mixed economy (Government and private
enterprises), in doing all this ─ rather than being
morbidly fixated, ideologically, to either private
enterprise alone or public enterprises alone. As
usual, many of the people did not bother to grasp
the importance of these points or, indeed, of the
other 7 points. They thought that we were just
talking to justify our role in national issues. On
account of this, even when we captured power, we
continued to face resistance in pushing these points
from elements of the political class and the
bureaucratic class. We have actually continued to
be in the bush even when we are in the Government
and have continued to wage guerrilla warfare against
the neo-colonial and colonial interests in Uganda.
Much more could have been achieved, if it was not
for this opposition.

It is the partial implementation of our programme,

that is helping us to survive in this crisis of the virus
and to even use the virus to take off in terms of the
social-economic transformation, we have been
talking about since the 1960s.

When this global crisis, therefore, descended on the

World, I started hearing screams of pessimism
coming from all sorts of sources. Immediately, I
authored two documents that I will distribute to all
the Honourable Members of Parliament (MPs) that
talked about the “Real Economy”, on the one hand,
as well as the “Vulnerable Economy”, on the other
hand. The Real Economy is the economy that deals
with the nine (9) basic human needs of: food,
clothing, shelter, medicine, security, physical
infrastructure (the railways, the roads, the
electricity, the telephones, etc.), health
infrastructure (hospitals etc.), the education
infrastructure (schools, etc.) as well as the teaching
of numeracy, literacy, skilling and intellectuality and
the spiritual work (churches, mosques, radios, TVs,
etc). This is the real economy. It deals with the
basic human needs. It is durable. Even in wars, this
economy will survive. It is comprised of: agriculture,
industry, ICT and some of the services (the
professional services such as engineering, medical,
legal, etc). This economy deals with basic human
needs, as already pointed out; it is, as already
pointed out, also durable and reliable. It is also
beneficial to the society. If we were talking of
nutrition, human nutrition, we would say that it
would be body-building or body-nourishing ─ Adding
nutrients to the body. It is also an economy for
survival and prosperity. If you want to survive as a
people, that is the way to go. If you want to prosper
as a country, that is the way to go ─ Real Economy.
If you want to benefit, the way to go is the way of the
Real Economy.

The other economy is the Vulnerable Economy. This
vulnerable economy, also happens to be the
economy of leisure and pleasure. Leisure and
pleasure, are optional. If you can get them, it is all
right. If you cannot, you will, however, survive,
nevertheless. These are activities that add leisure
and pleasure to a human being; but, if necessary,
he/she can survive without them. They are optional
and additional. These are sectors like: tourism,
entertainment, bars, night-clubs, cruises on ocean-
liners, theatre-going, import-business for luxuries
(carpets, perfumes, wines, spirits, wigs, etc). Some
of these activities, are not only for pleasure, leisure
and optional, they are also parasitic. They take
nutrients from us and do not add any energies for
our growth. These are activities like the imports of
luxuries. Luxuries are good. We should, however,
produce them ourselves. It is so wrong to buy
luxuries from other countries when they buy little
from us. Banyankore call this: “obubaagyi”
(squandering wealth). Some of the leisure sectors,
although vulnerable, they are, at least, beneficial.
These are sectors like tourism, entertainment, etc.
They bring in money instead of taking out money ─
out of Uganda.

Nevertheless, to have a firm economy, we must go
back to the Bible, in the Book of Matthew, Chapter 7
Verses 26-27. It talks of a foolish man that built his
house on sand: “But everyone who hears these words of
mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish
man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the
floods came and the winds blew and beat on that house;
and it fell ─ and great was its fall”.

It is now 78 days since the lockdown we launched on

the 18th of March, 2020, in response to the pandemic
of the corona-virus. In that lockdown, we stopped
all international passenger flights into and out of
Uganda, the tourists are no longer coming, foreign
investors are not coming, the Ugandans abroad are,
may be, sending less money to their relatives
because they are also facing problems where they
are, etc.

However, Uganda is still standing and coping with

the virus, the floods, the landslides, the rising water-
levels in the Lakes, the locusts, the floating islands,
the security of the country, the crime, feeding
millions of our people, etc. Why? It is on account of
some of the few of our ideas that we have managed

to implement, in spite of the endless opposition that
we always face.
We have built a strong Army; we have built a
powerful LC system, the fact that it is not well
facilitated financially notwithstanding; we have
surplus electricity on account of the correct
prioritization, with Parliament support, in 2006; we
have a good road network of tarmac roads, totaling
5,111kms; on account of our correct agricultural
policy, we have alot of agricultural products for food-
security and for commerce in the form of: bananas,
maize, beans, irish-potatoes, cassava, coffee, tea,
cotton, cocoa, milk, beef, fish, poultry, eggs, flowers,
etc., etc. Apart from feeding us, these agricultural
products end up by earning for us US$2,005million
(49% of total merchandise exports) if we take the
year 2019. Even in this lockdown, since March, the
following agricultural products have earned for us as

(a) Coffee:
March - US$45.87million
April - US$36.928million
May - ……………
(b) Tea:
March - US$5.15million
April - US$6.145million
May - ……………
(c) Fish:
March - US$14.98million
April - US$6.831million
May - ……………..

(e) Maize:
March - US$10.23million
April - US$6.256million
May - …………….

Our agriculture is, therefore, not only feeding us

almost 100%, but also earning dollars for us of the
magnitude of US$ 2.005billion.

Our correct policy on the private sector, the

corruption and obstruction of many of our public
servants notwithstanding, has also attracted a total
of 5,200 factories. These are producing: cement,
steel bars, soap, mattresses, mabaati, sugar,
cooking oil, rubber tyres, textiles, beverages, beers,
etc., that bring in a total of US$2.09billion. This
sector is ready for even a qualitative change by
starting manufacturing buses, mini-buses, pick-ups,
small cars, bicycles, etc.
The ICT sector is a growing one, employing
1,282,818 persons with 380,896 companies engaged
in information technology, telecommunications,
broadcasting, postal and courier and audio visual.
Therefore, these are the sectors of the economy that
will not easily collapse because of the corona-virus.
The son of Mr. Warren Buffet, whom they claim to be
the 2nd richest man in the World, came to visit me at
Kisozi. I asked him how many cattle his father had.
He told me that he did not own any cattle, but
owned railways, etc!! I had never seen a rich man
without cattle and land and I told him so. Recently,
I saw some people trying to get rid of shares in the
Airline companies as hot potatoes because of the
corona-virus pandemic. My farm-based wealth, land
on which the farming takes place, are going
nowhere. They were here yesterday, today and

In spite of the obstructions by the neo-colonial

actors and foreign backers, Uganda is able to stand
up today and weather this storm because of the
correct actions we took. The vulnerable portions of
the economy, have collapsed. However, the real

economy is standing up and expanding, especially in
agriculture and industry.
If we take industry, in just the last few months of
this crisis of the virus, by March, 2020, we had only
two factories, known as Saraya East Africa Limited
and the Luwero Industries making sanitizers. We
now have 107 factories. By March, 2020, there was
not even one factory making masks in Uganda and
we were told that there was a global shortage, etc. I
told some of our factories including Nytil, UIRI, NEC,
etc., to make these masks. We now have factories
making the masks ─ we received requests from 61
factories but, only 10 have been certified. There was
a big shortage of PPEs in the World. I told some of
our factories, including Mulwana, to solve this
problem. They have risen to the occasion and they
are producing the PPEs.

The pharmaceutical plants like the “Quality

Chemicals”, the scientists like Dr. Nantulya, have all
joined the battle of banishing the unhealthy
dependency on the outside for our livelihood and
paying alot of money in the process as well as losing
alot of jobs. In the area of manufacturing medicines,
there are young Ugandans that have been being
tossed around and even persecuted by the
unpatriotic and colonial agents in the system. These
are people like Dr. Nambatya, Mathias Magoola, etc.
However, their protracted struggle is, finally, going to
succeed. Dr. Nambatya is moving ahead, with
Government support, to isolate import substances
that will help us to fight many viruses. Magoola and
Dr. Kyakulaga, now supported by some African
Banks such as Equity Bank of Kenya are creating a
World class pharmaceutical group, known as Dei-
Pharma, that will make any and all the medicines
the country needs and even export. Incredibly, three
days ago, a group answering to the description of the
so called Financial Intelligence Authority had closed
their Bank accounts claiming that they did not know
where their money was coming from and what it was
doing. Yesterday, I visited one of their huge factories
in Matugga, near my camp no. 3, near Buwambo, in
that area during our bush war. Why couldn’t
Financial Intelligence check what these people were
doing on the ground? How could they fail to know
that the money was coming from Equity and other
Banks? I am going to get to the bottom of these
treacheries by all these elements that have been
fighting our Revolution. Anyway, the Bible says that
whatever you sow, that is what you harvest. Omuntu
ekyabiba nikyo agyesha (buri muntu yenna, kyasiga,
kye kyakungula). This is in the Book of: Galatians,
Chapter 6, verses 7-9. It says: “Don’t be deceived: God
is not mocked. Whatever a man sows, he will reap in return.
The one who sows please his flesh, from the flesh he will
reap destruction; but the one who sows to please the spirit,
from the spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not grow weary in
well-doing for in due time we will reap a harvest if we do not
give up”.

As I was visiting Dei-Pharma factory yesterday, I

could hardly recognize our ambush sites: Kawanda,
Matugga, Kiggogwa. They are all built-up now,
especially, especially with factories, factories. The
only mistake is that some of the factories are built in
the wetlands. Those already built or being built
should be allowed to continue. Demolishing an
already built factory is not common-sense. They are
very expensive and very useful. However, I direct
UPDF to take an aerial map of that area that will
show us the factories already in the wetlands or
being built, so that no new ones will added. We want
more and more factories, but build on dry land, not
the wetlands. The CAOs, the Gombolola chiefs and
the GISOs in these areas will be held accountable.

The Import Bill of Uganda is normally US$7billion
per year broken down as:

Standard International Trade

Classification (SITC) Description US$-2019 % share
Animal & Animal Products 40.62 1%
Vegetable Products, Animal,
Beverages, Fats & Oil 452.20 7%
Prepared Foodstuff, Beverages &
Tobacco 220.06 4%
Mineral Products (excluding Petroleum
products) 1,246.02 20%
Petroleum Products 956.65 15%
Chemical & Related Products 559.39 9%
Plastics, Rubber, & Related Products 380.47 6%
Wood & Wood Products 149.27 2%
Textile & Textile Products 243.72 4%
Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles 271.49 4%
Base Metals & their Products 439.12 7%
Machinery Equipment, Vehicles &
Accessories 1,223.93 20%
Arms & Ammunitions & Accessories 0.39 0%
Electricity 2.80 0%
TOTAL 4 100%

When you look through this list, you see that there
is no reason why we should import many of these
items: medicines, textiles, leather products,
industrial sugar for use by coca-cola, industrial
starch for use by the Pharmaceutical Industries,
paper, packaging materials, glass products,
automobiles, bicycles, etc., etc. Many of these can
and will be made here.

The corona-virus pandemic, by temporarily blocking

the channels of dependency and collapsing the
economy of leisure and pleasure, has re-inforced we,
the patriots, that have, for long, stood against neo-
colonial dependency of the unhealthy kushaka
(kusaka in Luganda). Kushaka is the act of a
homestead of a lazy family that does not grow their
own food and have to buy from other families. It is a
disgrace to be in that situation in the villages. This
is different from Kuchurika (barter trade), because
that one is symbiotic. You give what you produce
and get what you do not produce. Uganda’s position,
Africa’s position, has been the unhealthy kushaka,
even what we can produce ourselves.

The Cabinet has accepted this analysis of emphasizing

and fully developing the Real Economy of survival and
prosperity on a durable basis, as already pointed out at
the beginning. The real economy capacity and potential
of Uganda are in: Agriculture; Industry; ICT; and some

of the services that have durable demand that is not
easily affected by crises.
In agriculture, we have: bananas; maize; cassava;
beans; irish-potatoes; sweet potatoes; millet; sugar-
cane; cattle for dairy products; cattle for beef and
leather; coffee; tea; cocoa; and fish. We are going to
produce more and better each of these 14 crops or
livestock activities and process industrially each one
of them to achieve the full spectrum benefits of each
for the local, regional and international markets. I
can give a few examples to illustrate this point.

Our scientists, Dr. Florence Muranga, many years

ago, discovered that flour from bananas can make
better and safer bread than wheat flour that
contains a substance known as gluten that is not
good for human nutrition. With alot of resistance
from the agents of colonialism, I have been funding
the banana project, including the patenting of the
formula. This year, Shs.9.5billion has been released
and next financial year, Shs.12billion will be
released to conclude this project. The global demand
for wheat is worth US$43.6billion. This is,
potentially, the market that is waiting for the banana
flour. The wheat flour imported into Uganda alone
today, takes US$300million per annum.

You come to cassava. Out of cassava you can get
pharmaceutical grade starch to use in making
tablets. We have a young pharmaceutical industry
(making medicines). Making tablets, for instance,
needs high grade starch. This is now being imported
from China and India. This cost adds 7% to the cost
of medicine per unit, moreover, in foreign currency.
We are getting cooking gas from the alcohol from the
cassava starch. Animal feeds can be made from the
cassava flour. Uganda has been importing animal
feeds worth Shs.28billion per year. Yet, these are
from cassava, maize, etc ─ crops that we have in
plenty here ─ cassava, 4.1million tonnes per annum;
and maize, 5million tonnes per annum. I have
already mentioned the issue of industrial grade
sugar for use by soft drinks makers like coca-cola
and pharmaceutical grade sugar for use in making
baby medicines that need sweeteners. With Uganda
alone, we import industrial grade sugar worth
US$40.251million per annum. Wasted foreign
exchange; yet, we are suffering with unsold drinking
sugar that simply needs more refinement to save the
US$40.251million that is spent on that unnecessary
import. I have not checked on whether our people
have isolated the amount of pharmaceutical grade
sugar that is needed to sweeten all the baby
medicines that we use in Uganda. However, Uganda
imports medicines for humans and livestock
including vaccines, worth US$383.035million per
year. We intend to make most of these here and also
to make most of the inputs (raw-materials) here.

You come to dairy products. Uganda is now

producing 2.6billion litres of milk per annum. This
rose from 200million litres in 1986 when Uganda
was importing powdered milk from Denmark, adding
on Lake Victoria water and a funny little
Government company that was answering to the
description of the “Uganda Dairy Corporation”,
would stamp that product as: “Made in Uganda”.
The only Ugandan-ness in the product, was the
water from Lake Victoria.

Today, we have a huge surplus because the demand

in Uganda is 800million litres. Yet, the production
has hit 2.6billion litres and is growing. Of course,
the “surplus” itself is artificial. It is simply because
the Ugandans are still under-consuming when it
comes to the milk the human body requires.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO),
a human being needs 210 litres of milk per annum
to get all the calcium, phosphorous, etc., the body
needs. With 43million Ugandans, the country needs
9billion litres of milk per annum. Hence, this
“surplus” is artificial; but it is the present reality.
This is, however, not a problem. The global demand
for milk products is worth US$718billion. Uganda
can get quite abit of this. Our farmers and
processors, however, need to know that to sell
internationally, we must have good quality milk and
cheaper than the milk of New-Zealand, Ireland, etc.
The market, however, is there.

You come to beef, pork, poultry, etc. The global

demand for these meats, is US$945.7billion. Uganda
can get quite abit of this money with our 14.4
million cattle, 15.6 million goats, 50 million chicken,
4.1 million pigs, 3.9 million sheep, etc. We just need
to work on the quality.

Then, there is the fish. The global demand for fish

and fish products is US$125.6billions. The Uganda
portions of the Lakes: Nalubaale (Victoria), Kyoga,
Mwitanzigye (Albert), Rweeru/Masyooro (George),
Butuumbi/Rutshuru (Edward), can produce a total
of 447,000 tonnes of fish per annum if we eliminate
the cancer of bad fishing by parasites in our society.
In addition to fishing from the Lakes, I have been
promoting fish-farming using the miiga (edges of our
papyrus swamps), the myegyeego (the edges of the
other swamps), to do fish-farming instead of
destroying our precious wetlands with low-profits
rice, yams, etc. The example we have shown at
Limoto in Pallisa district, where the population is
now earning Uganda shillings 70 million (after
removing the operation expenses) per annum from 5
fish ponds, only using 1.23 acres, instead of the
previous Shs. 7million per annum, using almost 10
acres of the swamp area. The swamp in that zone is
now fully restored and the community is earning
better. At Kawumu, my 4 fish ponds in one (1) acre,
are earning, for my people, Shs. 68 million per year.
Fish farming can generate more fish than even the
Lakes. The swamps of Busoga, Bukedi, Teso, Lango,
Kigyezi, Ankole, Buganda and the Nile valley
between West Nile and Acholi, should only be
utilized for this highly profitable fish-farming and for
the environmental protection. Nothing else should
be allowed in or near those swamps, lakes and
rivers. The recent losses to those who had
encroached on the land for the lakes, the wetlands
and the river valleys, should be an eternal lesson to
all of us. In the Bible, in the Book of Genesis,
Chapter 11, verses 1-9, there is the story of the
Tower of Babel. It says: “And the whole earth was of one
language, and of one speech. 2  And it came to pass, as they
journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of
Shinar; and they dwelt there. 3  And they said one to another, Go
to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had
brick for stone, and slime had they for morter. 4  And they said,
Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach
unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered
abroad upon the face of the whole earth. 5  And the LORD came
down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men
builded. 6  And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and
they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now
nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined
to do. 7  Go to, let us go down, and there confound their
language, that they may not understand one another's speech.

So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face
of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. 9  Therefore is
the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there
confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did
the  LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.
It is neither common sense nor good economics for
anybody to oppose what God arranged. In the Book
of Genesis, chapter 1, verses 9-10, God marked the
boundaries between dry land and water. It says:
“And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to
one place, and let dry ground appear.” And it was
so.  10  God called the dry ground “land,” and the gathered
waters he called “seas.” And God saw that it was good.
Most of what we have said above is the
implementation of the point no. 5 of the NRM 10
Points programme: “building an economy that is
independent, integrated and self-sustaining”. Have
we not sustained ourselves in this crisis or in a
bunch of crises: corona-virus, locusts, rising waters
of the Lakes, floods, landslides or floating islands?
Much of what we said above, is the partial
integration between agriculture and industry. Our
plan is to intensify, broaden and fully take
advantage of that integration to fill all the
unnecessary gaps that I pointed out above and also
fully benefit from the global economy by joining the
export businesses. The economics of Africa are
correctly described as under-developed because,
indeed, they have alot of potential which is not fully
utilized. It is under-utilized, under-developed. We
are going to fully develop that potential and become
developed countries. We are lucky because we have
everything: agriculture that produces so many
products; entrepreneurial classes that can process
all and every agricultural product using appropriate
factories; electricity and other infrastructure
elements that assist processing; a large, educated,
young population that can run modern economies; a

big regional market created by the African Pan-
Africanists eversince the time of the Lagos Plan of
Action; and huge international markets availed to
Africa, Uganda included, on account of the historical
factors that favour Africa.

In the other document, I quote two examples, that of

Ireland and New-Zealand. Ireland is a very small
country, with a land area of 68,883 sq. kms, about
one third of Uganda. 80% of that little country is
used for the Dairy Industry. They earn US$5.2billion
from that activity alone. New-Zealand, from the
Dairy sector, earns US$7.8billion. Here, in Uganda,
we are not talking of one or two activities. In
agriculture alone, I have identified for you 14
products, each with a potential for earning for us
billions of dollars and creating very many jobs. The
little we have done in the direction of building an
independent, integrated and self-sustaining national
economy, has seen us through endless regional
crises of: South Sudan, Rwanda, Congo, Somalia,
etc.; as well as navigating us now through a
pandemic of the corona-virus and the other natural
calamities I have already pointed out above.

The above, is all based on the utilization of our
agriculture potential and integrating it with
manufacturing (industry). How about then,
minerals, forestry and the human resource (products
of the brain through IT, engineering, etc.)? There is
even bigger potential there. We are already self-
sufficient in cement and we are exporting cement
worth US$57million (2019), a decline from
US$103million exported in 2013, due to the
increased internal usage of cement on account of the
heavy infrastructure investments we are
undertaking and the growth in the real estate sector.
We produce 289,183 metric tonnes of recycled steel
(mitayimbwa, etc.) and we earn US$110 million from
exporting steel products. We are in the process of
developing vertically integrated steel industry from
our iron-ore (obutare) at Usukuru in Tororo, Muko
in Rubaanda and Butogota in Kanungu. The global
steel industry is US$2.5trillion. Although we are
making steel products using recycled scrap, strong
structures like dams need fresh and alloyed steel
that we are still importing. We end up using
US$444.619millions for this imported higher quality
steel products. This we are going to end by
developing our own vertically integrated steel
industry as already pointed out.
We built a Gold Refinery at Entebbe. That gold
refinery was and is still being fought by the neo-
colonial agents. We shall, however, defeat them. The
refinery is earning US$1.256billion per annum.
When I was trying to control the mining of gold in
Uganda, I was opposed even by members of
Parliament. They do not want Uganda to have a Gold
Refinery. Refineries do not belong to countries like
Uganda. They should be in Dubai, South Africa, etc.,
but not in Uganda, according to these enemies. We
say: “No, the Gold Refinery in Uganda will be
defended by all the policy instruments”. Now that
gold is being refined here, Madam Nakyobe, using
my small innovation fund, should start to teach
some of the grand-children the skills of jewellery.
The rich Ugandan ladies will be able to buy the gold
jewellery made here instead of squandering money
buying the same from distant sources. We already
have a good ceramics’ industry at Kapeeka, making
ceramic tiles, saving US$28.5million in imports and
also bringing in US$3.05millions earned from
exports. These ceramic tiles are from our clay
(eibuumba). When the copper mining resumes at
Kilembe, that sector will be linked to the making of
cables for electricity, transformers for electricity,
etc., rather than what was happening in the 1950s
and 1960s when the copper would only be processed
to 94% purity (blister copper), that could only be
exported as a semi-processed raw-material. It could
not be used in our cables’ industry. To do that, you
need to purify copper to 99.9%, known as cathodes
copper. Even uranium, I rejected the plans of the
neo-colonial agents of exporting uranium so that
others use it to generate electricity when Uganda has
only a total potential of 4000mgwts on all the River Nile
sites and those of its tributaries. A country like Japan
generates a total of 298,350mgwts. Where will Uganda
get all the power it needs if hydro-power is not enough?
Or has it been biologically proven that Africans do not
need electricity? As long as I am in charge of the
country, no uranium will ever be exported from
Uganda. Let it remain in the ground. When solar-power
becomes as cheap as hydro-power, then the politics and
economics of energy will change. Until then, sita-kange
(I do not give up what is mine).

Having fully exploited our mineral wealth, by linking

minerals with industries, with the real economy,
that leaves the wealth based on the human brain
and human skills in the form of IT knowledge,
engineering, etc. With our educated population,
literacy rate of 75%, this is now a real opportunity.

Our scientists, in particular, apart from being active
in the agro-based industries of starch, processed
fruits, dairy products, etc., they have also moved
into engineering of designing and fabricating auto-
mobiles, the bio-chemistry of vaccines, etc. Besides,
the private sector is also active in import-
substitution by assembling computers, TV-sets,
mobile phones, radio-sets, etc., here.

How will all this be funded? Some of the funding is

FDI, mainly from our Chinese and Indian friends.
Alot of new factories are coming up funded in this
way. The recent examples of these are: Simi factory
─ mobile phones and radios; Saachi factory ─ TVs,
flat irons, radios; Goodwill factory ─ ceramics; etc.
With the Ugandan entrepreneurs, the Government
has put Uganda shillings 1,040.5billions in the
(Uganda Development Bank (UDB) to give low
interest loans to anybody that wants to go into
manufacturing and, may be, commercial agriculture.
We shall continue putting more money for this
purpose into UDB. The third source of money for
this effort is our wealth funds that need to be re-
inforced. These are, especially, the Myooga Funds
(funds based on the respective specializations ─
metal works, carpentry, etc).
This is on top of the Youth, the Women and the NAADS
funds. A Ugandan family named one of their children:
“Balibaseka” (they used to laugh at my efforts, not
believing that value will come out of them). Those who
thought that not much would come out of NAADS,
should do something to themselves, maybe kwetuga
(suicide), out of honour, because what they laughed at
has now pushed Ugandan’s production of coffee from 4
million, 60kgs bags, to 7 million bags. Only, now
Agriculture needs to tell us on what more guidance that
is needed to ensure that the coffee gives the big size
berries, known as screen 18, etc. We shall sensitize our
people and they will do it correctly as we mobilized
them for war and they did or recently for corona-virus
and they are doing it.

Some of those funds will be modified to deal with the

categories of our people that have been affected by the
lockdown. Those affected, include: the boda-boda
riders, the salon operators, the bars people, the night-
clubs people, the artists, etc. These funds can be used,
at low interest, for these categories of our people to,
possibly, do other activities. A team from Operation
Wealth Creation (OWC) has looked at the budget and
suggested ways of savings that can save as much as
Shs. 5 trillion from the budget that can do all those
efforts mentioned above.

Besides, the Minister of Finance, Planning and
Economic Development is proposing the following
measures, to provide liquidity to private firms that
have been affected by the COVI-19 Lockdown:

(i) Allow corporations including small and medium sized

enterprises (SMEs) to delay payment of corporation tax
or presumptive tax for taxes due between April and
June 2020 and for tourism, manufacturing,
horticulture and floriculture to defer until September

(ii) Defer payment of Pay-As-You Earn (PAYE) tax by those

sectors which are most affected until September 2020;

(iii) Waiver of interest on tax arrears;

(iv) Support to water and electricity utilities in order to

ensure continued supply of these essential services to
consumers during the period April to June 2020;

(v) Expedite payment of outstanding VAT refunds;

(vi) Payment of domestic arrears for goods and services

supplied to Government by the private sector;

(vii) For those unable to pay their loans, Government
through the Bank of Uganda has already put in the
gazette the measures to support businesses; including
allowing extension of repayment periods,
postponement of loan repayment for a limited period,
relaxing the conditions for non-performing loans,
reduction of reserve funds commercial banks are
required to keep with Bank of Uganda and creating a
special liquidity facility to rescue businesses that are
not able to meet operational costs due to low demand
or reduced production due to COVID-19;

(iii) Capitalisation of Uganda Development Corporation

(UDC) with Ug Shs. 100 billion to enable Government
to invest in strategic areas;

(ix) Boosting funding to Uganda Industrial Research

Institute (UIRI) in FY 2020/21 to continue with
innovation research and incubation of business start-

(x) Securing funding for the development of Kampala

Industrial Business Park at Namanve and for power
transmission and substations for Mbale, Kapeeka,
Bweyogerere, Kasese, Soroti, Luzira, Jinja and
Mbarara industrial parks; and

(xi) Provision of additional UGX 300 billion immediately to
boost agricultural production and productivity for
seedlings, fertilizers, irrigation, storage facilities and
value addition. The target crops are coffee, cotton, tea,
palm oil and other oil seeds, cassava, maize, cocoa and
dairy, beef, and fish production.

All these efforts will be much easier when our

Government scientists are paid well. They will be
able to contribute to the economy without being
distracted of having to survive when it comes to the
basics of life. Our scientists must be paid at a level
comparable to international standards, but of
course, taking into account our low cost of living.
The prices of food here and other products are much
cheaper than in other parts of the World. This factor
should be taken into account when fixing the
salaries of scientists.

The Government will not allow the landlords evicting

tenants on account of not paying rent. Discussions
have started with both groups and a solution will be
found. This lockdown is new for people in the towns.
However, we the cattle keepers repeatedly face
lockdowns lasting for many months whenever, there
are epidemics of foot and mouth (ejwa) or CBPP
(Kihaha). Quarantines are normally imposed.
However, we survive and thrive later. The people
affected should be registered and an appropriate
formula of support will be found that does not create
dependency. Food distribution for the genuine
groups will continue until the problem is over.
Nevertheless, many families in Uganda do not need
free food; they just need seeds and low interest
money for borrowing and markets for their products.
These measures will deal with the deepening and
expansion of the Real Economy.

This does not mean that we do not value or

appreciate the Vulnerable Economy, the economy of
leisure and pleasure. Of course, we value it if it is
available. We only note its vulnerability. With real
economy consolidated, the vulnerable economy will
come back stronger when the pandemic is over. By
correctly managing the pandemic, the reputation of
Uganda will grow in the World. After the pandemic,
people will flock here. The diaspora are now sure of
a secure and respectable base, their homeland.
Hence, to harvest from the economy of leisure and
pleasure, we need to consolidate and expand the real
economy. Happily, the leisure and pleasure economy
was already integrated with portions of our real
economy. The hotels in Kampala, were buying alot of
food from our agricultural sector. The drying up of
the local hotel capacity, has created a marketing
problem for the food industry. That is why some of
the farmers are beginning to process the foods, e.g.
eggs, into food supplements. Out of egg-yolk, they
are extracting mayonnaise, shampoos, body creams,
protein supplements and from the egg-white, they
are making low density cholesterol and from the egg-
shell (ekishankara), they get calcium and potassium.

Out of milk, apart from cheese, butter, yoghurt, etc.,

they also get cassein which is a protein supplement
that is used for body builders, for cancer patients
and it can be used by pharmaceutical companies to
make the digestable shells of capsules that carry the
medicine powder into our stomachs.

Therefore, the portions of the real economy that were

integrated with the leisure and pleasure industries,
will find ways of surviving the temporary collapse of
that vulnerable economy. By the time the vulnerable
economy stands up, again, our agriculture and
industry will have broadened their opportunities.
There is nothing to lose. Only, we are becoming
wiser and stronger. We have everything.

Therefore, in conclusion, the pandemic should help
those who had not believed the NRM before that
there are two categories of the economy: the real
economy around the nine human needs of: food,
clothing, shelter, medicine, security, infrastructure,
health, education and spirituality and the leisure
and pleasure economy around: tourism,
entertainment, holiday-making, sports, concerts,
music, etc. The former is for survival and prosperity
and the latter is additional and optional.

In this crisis, Uganda is emphasizing, consolidating

and broadening the real economy; ultimately,
Uganda will benefit from both.

I will conclude this address by asking the whole

country to remember some of our well known
citizens that died since the last State of the Nation
address. These include:

(i) Late Justice Ntabgoba; the former Principle Judge;

(ii) Late Meddie Kaggwa; Chairman Uganda Human

Rights Commission;

(iii) Late Dr. Kanyerezi Masembe; Chairman and Co-
founder of Kampala Hospital, former Head of the
Department of Internal Medicine at Makerere
University School of Medicine;

(iv) Late Prof. Edward Ddumba; former Executive

Director of Mulago National Referral Hospital and
Medical Director of St. Francis Hospital Nsambya;

(v) Late Maj. Gen. Benon Biraaro; a former Senior

UPDF Officer;

(vi) Late Maj. Akorimo Kanuti; who hoisted the Uganda

National Flag for the first time on 9th October, 1962;

(vii) Late Luwemba William Apuuli; the Under-

Secretary, Ministry of Justice and Constitutional

(viii) Late Jimmy Kirunda; a former footballer who

captained the National team to the African Cup
finals in 1978 and;

(ix) All other Ugandans who have passed away since

the last State of the Nation Address.

Let us stand for a minute of silence to remember,

them. May their souls in eternal peace.

I thank you and wish you good luck.

25 Bills were passed into Law as shown below:

02/06/2 The Administration of the Judiciary Bill, 2018
28/05/2 The National Payment Systems Bill, 2020
20/05/2 The National Local Content Bill, 2019
24/04/2 The Appropriation Bill, 2020
21/04/2 The Excise Duty (Amendment) Bill, 2020
16/04/2 The Income Tax (Amendment) Bill, 2020
15/04/2 The Value Added Tax (Amendment) Bill 2020
14/04/2 The Stamp Duty (Amendment) Bill, 2020
14/04/2 The Tobacco Control (Amendment) Bill, 2020
18/03/2 The Sugar Bill, 2019 which had been returned to the
0 House by H.E the President in accordance with Article
91(3)(B) of the Constitution and Rule 142 of the Rules of
05/03/2 The Electoral Commission [Amendment] Bill, 2019
05/03/2 The Political Parties and Organizations [Amendment]
0 Bill, 2019.
04/03/2 The Local Government [Amendment] Bill, 2019
03/03/2 The Parliamentary Elections [Amendment] Bill, 2019.
27/02/2 The Presidential Elections [Amendment] Bill, 2019
31/01/2 The Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets
0 (Amendment) Bill, 2019
29/01/2 The Traffic and Road Safety Act 1998 (Amendment) Bill,
0 2019
27/11/1 The Institute of Parliamentary Studies Bill, 2019
03/10/1 The Physical Planning (Amendment) Bill, 2018

11/09/1 The Law Revision Bill, 2019

11/09/1 The Supplementary Appropriation Bill, 2019
20/08/1 The Law Revision (Penalties in Criminal Matters)
9 Miscellaneous (Amendment) Bill, 2015

15/08/1 The Kampala Capital City Authority (Amendment) Bill,

9 2015
25/07/1 The Anti-Money Laundering (Amendment) Bill, 2019
26/06/1 The Landlord and Tenant Bill, 2018


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