Level of Implementation of Human Resource Management Policies and Work Behavior of Employees of LGU - Bulalacao

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Level of Implementation of Human Resource Management Policies and

Work Behavior of Employees of LGU - Bulalacao

A Thesis Proposal
Master in Business Adminstration
Polytechnic University of the Philippines – Bansud Campus

(Student Name)
Chapter 1



Human Resource Policies are continuing guidelines on the approach an

organization intends to adopt in managing its people according to Armstrong

(2010). It represents specific guidelines to Human Resource (HR) managers on

various matters concerning employment and states the intent of the organization

on different aspects of HR management such as recruitment, promotion,

compensation, training, selections, and others. A good policy provides

generalized guidance on the approach adopted by the organization, and

therefore its employees, concerning various aspects of employment. A procedure

spells out precisely what action should be taken in line with the policies.

Hu, Dinev, Hart, & Cooke (2012) cited that human resource policies

therefore serve as a reference point when human resources management

practices are being developed or when decisions are being made about an

organization’s workforce. Each organization has a different set of circumstances,

and so making an individual set of human resource policies. The locations an

organization operates in will also dictate the content of their plans.

Work behaviors involve observable (physical) components and

unobservable (mental) components as also defined by US Department of Labor.

Consequently, work behavior is the conglomeration of the different feelings and

attitude toward the company and job. Work behavior as described by Lunenburg
& Ornstein (2011) is the behavior one uses in employment and usually is more

formal than other types of human behavior. Behavior varies from profession to

profession, as some are far more casual than others. Job satisfaction and

organizational commitment are related to many outcomes of interest, such as

absenteeism, performance, and turnover. Therefore, companies track feelings

toward work and try to create more positive attitudes. The primary behaviors that

contribute to organizational effectiveness are work performance, citizenship

behaviors, absenteeism, and turnover. These behaviors are affected by a

complex blend of personality and situational factors.

Employees demonstrate a wide variety of positive and negative behaviors

at work. Among these behaviors, four are critically important and have been

extensively studied in the organizational behavior literature. Work performance is

a person’s accomplishments of tasks listed in one’s work description. A person’s

abilities, particularly mental abilities, are the main predictor of work performance

in many occupations. The employee treated at work, the level of stress

experienced, work attitudes, and, to a lesser extent, personality is also factors

relating to one’s job performance.

Citizenship behaviors are tasks helpful to the organization but are not in

one’s work description. Performance of citizenship behaviors is less a function of

our abilities and more of motivation. Among negative behaviors, absenteeism

and turnover are critically important. Health problems and work-life balance

issues contribute to more absenteeism. Poor work attitudes are also related to

absenteeism, and younger employees are more likely to be absent from work.
Turnover is higher among low performers, people who have negative work

attitudes, and those who experience a great deal of stress. Personality and youth

are personal predictors of turnover.

Background of the Study

Rule 1, Section 1 of Civil Service defines Rank-and-File Employees as

those in the public sector whose functions are neither managerial nor

confidential. They are employees occupying positions in the first and second

levels. The first level shall include clerical, trades, crafts, and custodial service

positions which involve non-professional or sub-professional work in a non-

supervisory or supervisory capacity requiring less than four years of collegiate

studies. The second level shall include professional, technical, and scientific

positions which involve professional, technical, or scientific work in a non-

supervisory or supervisory capacity requiring at least four years of college work

up to Division Chief Level.

In the case of the Local Government Unit of Bulalacao located at Province

of Oriental Mindoro. Currently, there are twelve (12) heads, four (4) unit heads

and one hundred twelve (112) employees. Employees in the municipality are

almost related to each other. Based on the accounts and other research,

problems related to work behavior including tardiness and poor job performance

are cause by bad work behavior. There were many circumstances that the

personnel is not wearing the prescribed uniform and identification card.

The researcher being one of the employees seeks to determine the

factors that affect the level of implementation of human resource management

policies and the work behavior of employees so that through the findings of this

research an intervention program can be proposed to contribute to the goals of

the organization that is to provide better services to its clientele.

Theoretical Framework

The study was anchored on Greene (2017) work behavior theory

considering on how a person conducts themselves toward others. When workers

are treated as humans rather than machines, they respond to their particular

work situation in a positive way by increasing individual productivity. The

behavioral theory is often called the human relations movement because it

addresses the human dimension of work. Behavioral theorists believed that a

better understanding of human behavior at work, such as motivation, conflict,

expectations, and group dynamics, improved productivity.

Work characteristics theory suggests that both of these approaches to

organizational change converge in their emphasis on a standard set of work

characteristics as essential to employee satisfaction and motivation. The

independent variable is the level of implementation of human resource

management policies measured in terms of recruitment and selection, employee

placement and motivation and employee development. The dependent variable

is the work behavior measured regarding professionalism, communication,

cognitive, technological and social dimension.

Conceptual Framework

Presented below is the conceptual framework of the study.

Demographic Profile of LGU Level of Human Resource

Bulalacao Employees in terms of: Management Policies in terms of:
Recruitment and Selection
Age Employee Placement and
Sex Motivation
Marital Status Employee Development
Educational Attainment

3. Extent of Manifestation of
Work Behavior in terms of:

Technological Dimension
Social Dimension

Intervention Program

Figure 1. Research Paradigm

Based on the foregoing theory and cited authorities, the conceptual

framework was formulated as follows: the work behavior of employees is

influenced by the human resource management policies. The human resource

management policies are in terms of recruitment and selection, employee

placement and motivation and employee development and extent of mifistation

on work behavior of employees are indicated by professionalism, communication,

cognitive, technological and social dimension.

Statement of the Problem

In this study, level of implementation of human resource management

policies and work behavior of employees, is undertaken. Specifically, it seeks

answers in the following question.

1. What is the demographic profile of LGU Bulalacao employees in terms of:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Sex;

1.3 Marital Status;

1.4 Educational Attainment?

2. What is the level of Human Resource Management Policies in terms of:

2.1 Recruitment and Selection;

2.2 Employee Placement and Motivation ;

2.3 Employee Development?

3. What is the extent of manifestation of work behavior in terms of:

a. Professionalism;

b. Communication;

c. Cognitive ;

d. Technological Dimension;

e. Social Dimension?

4. Is there a significant relationship between demographic profile of LGU

Bulalacao employees and the level of Human Resource Management

5. Is there a significant relationship between demographic profile of LGU

Bulalacao employees and extent of manifestation of work behavior?

6. Is there a significant relationship between the level of Human Resource

Management Policies and extent of manifestation of work behavior?

7. Based on the findings of the study, what intervention program can be



1. There is no significant relationship between demographic profile of

LGU Bulalacao employees and the level of Human Resource

Management Policies.

2. There is no significant relationship between demographic profile of

LGU Bulalacao employees and extent of manifestation of work


3. There is no significant relationship between the level of Human

Resource Management Policies and extent of manifestation of work


Scope and Limitations of the Study

Only selected employees of ,unicipality of Bulalacao were the subject of

this research. The study focused on their profile and effect of human resource

policies as associated on the level of their work behavior. The profile of the

respondents was obtained from their personal determinants which were limited

only to age, sex, marital status, and educational attainment. Human resource
management policies were derived from their perceptions on organizational

factors like recruitment and selection, employee placement and motivation and

employee development. Level of work behavior were derived from their

perceptions of the factors indicated by professionalism, communication,

cognitive, technological and social dimension For a deeper analysis of their

perception, a significant between the level of Human Resource Management

Policies and level of work behavior were tested using inferential statistics.

Significance of the Study

The researcher believes that the findings of this study will be beneficial

to the following:

Bulalacao Local Government. This study would enable the LGU – Bulalacao to

gain some significant insights on how the human resources play a major role in

the growth and development of every organization thereby developing a plan

which can create productive and good work behavior employees.

Human Resource Management Office. With the results of the study, the chief

of office would be able to propose a system that will enable the manpower to

develop their skills and attitudes towards efficient and effective local governance.

LGU employees. These study could help them because its main focus of this

study was how to give them have such good policies from human resource office.

Thus, this may create and recommend programs that are definitely favorable on

their part.
Future Researchers. This study may serve as a guide for them to develop other

researches that have significance relevance in human resource management.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are both theoretically and operationally defined as

used in the context of the study so as to have clear and easiest understanding

into it, to wit:

Cognitive – represents thoughts, beliefs and ideas about something. Typically

these come to light in generalities or stereotypes.

Communication – enable to express oneself to another in terms of speaking or

writing. In this study, communication is sending or receiving information with

other co-employees.

Development – is a process that creates growth, progress, positive change. In

this study, development is growth of the employees through work.

Educational Attainment – Refers to the highest degree obtained by the

employee such as Masters graduate, college graduate, high school graduate or

elementary graduate.

Human Resource Management – a management function concerned with

hiring, motivating, and maintaining workforce in an organization. Deals with the

issue related to employees such as hiring, training, development, compensation,

motivation, communication, and administration.

LGU – Abbreviation of Local Government Unit

Placement – implies assigning a specific rank and responsibility to an individual.

Matching the requirements of the job with the qualifications of a candidate is the

essence of placement.

Professionalism –is the conduct, behavior and attitude of someone in a work or

business environment. In this study, professionalism is develop and practice by

being productive, developing professional image, taking initiative, and being


Recruitment – is a positive process of searching for prospective employees and

stimulating them to apply for the jobs in the organization.

Social – interactions of individual and groups being a member of a society

Work Behavior – is the behavior one uses in employment and is normally more

formal than other types of human behavior. This varies from profession to

profession, as some are far more casual than others. 

Chapter 2


Foreign Literature


Professionalism is defined as an individual’s conduct at work. In spite of

the word’s root, this quality is not restricted to what we describe as “the

professions,” which are typically careers that require a lot of education and have

high earnings associated with them. Many cashiers, maintenance workers, and

waitresses can demonstrate a high level of this trait, although these occupations

require minimal training and employees have modest earnings. An equal number

of doctors, lawyers, and engineers—often called professionals—can display very

little. You may wonder if anyone will even notice if you don’t demonstrate

professional behavior at work. As long as you do your job well, who cares? It

turns out your boss, customers, and co-workers do. They will notice if you lack

this quality and it could have severe consequences for your career


Living organisms including humans are social when they live collectively

in interacting populations, whether they are aware of it, and whether the

interaction is voluntary or involuntary. This is concerning human society, the

interaction of the individual and the group, or the welfare of human beings as

members of society, Steinberg (2011) discussed.

Foreign Studies


According to Katz (2013) communication is sending and receiving

information between two or more people. The person sending the message is

referred to as the sender, while the person receiving the information is called the

receiver. The information conveyed can include facts, ideas, concepts, opinions,

beliefs, attitudes, instructions and even emotions.

Verbal communication is merely sending a message through a spoken

language that is understood by both the sender and receiver of the message.

Examples of verbal communications include face-to-face talking, listening to a

lecture or seminar, and listening to a television program. In fact, if you are

listening to this lesson, you are engaged in a verbal form of communication.

Written communication is sending a message by the use of symbols that

are understood by both the sender and receiver of the message. If you are

reading the transcript of this lesson, you are engaged in written communication.

Body language is a form of nonverbal communication that can be used to send a

message. You can often tell if your boss is pleased or upset simply by looking at

his facial expressions, posture and gestures. For example, a flushed face may

mean embarrassment; a clinched fist may indicate anger, and the rolling of one’s

eyes may signal disbelief or annoyance.


Wang, Yang, & Xu (2017) emphasized that the adjective technological

described something that is based in science and applied to everyday life to

solve problems. If you network your computers at home to make it easier to

share files, you’re using your technological skills.

The root of technological comes from the Greek word tekhnologia,

meaning “systematic treatment,” and a systematic, scientific approach is still

behind modern technological developments. What makes something

technological rather than scientific is the practical application of the science. The

technological advances of the last decades have touched nearly every aspect of

life, including how you stay in touch with friends, how you gather and analyse

information, how your food is produced, and even how you listen to your music.


Psychological processes involved in acquisition and understanding of

knowledge, the formation of beliefs and attitudes and decision making and

problem solving. They are distinct from emotional and volitional processes

engaged in wanting and intending. Cognitive capacity is measured with

intelligence quotient (IQ) tests. The ability to quickly and effectively perform

complex and challenging tasks is increasingly vital in today’s office environment,

making cognitive power a key determinant of success for most employees,

Klonoski (2011) said.

Local Literature Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment and Selection

On November 15, 2013, the Rationalization Plan (RP) was approved by

the Department of Budget and Management (DBM). The approval included the

rationalized structure and staffing pattern of offices in the Central, Regional and

City Levels.

The recruitment and selection process for the vacant positions, whether

existing vacant or new, shall follow the provisions and criteria in D.O No. 66 s.

2007 entitled “Guidelines on the Appointment and Promotion of Personnel” and

D.O No. 29 s. 2002 entitled “Merit Selection Plan.”

Employee Placement and Selection

Personnel whose items were affected and were considered for

placement to the same or comparable position/s had to undergo the set criteria

and provisions stated in E.O. Nos. 53 s. 2013 and 27 s. 2014. “Regular

recruitment and placement shall commence when all incumbents are placed in

the same or comparable positions in the approved rationalized staffing pattern.

The agency may perform the preliminary processes of screening and

assessment before the issuance of the NOSCA by the DBM. The agency shall

use the indicative staffing pattern included in the approved RP as a reference for

placement of personnel to comparable positions and the agency may also

conduct the screening and assessment processes for residual vacant positions

after placement to comparable positions.

Employee Development

This Republic Act No. 7686 shall be known as the “Dual Training System

Act of 1994.” It is with this declared the policy of the State to strengthen

manpower education and training in the country so that the latter may be assured

of an ever- growing supply of an educated and skilled manpower equipped with

appropriate skills and desirable work habits and attitudes. The Dual Training

System, as successfully tested in some highly developed countries, shall be

adopted in duly accredited vocational and technical schools, in cooperation with

accredited agricultural, industrial and business establishments, as one of the

preferred means of creating a dependable pool of well- trained operators,

craftsmen and technicians for the economy.

Synthesis of the Study

The researcher reviewed the literature and studies cited to have a

comprehensive overview of the present study. The literature and studies

provided data and information to support this study. These were related to the

present study since they were concerned with work behavior and human

resource management

As the researcher wanted to determine the work behavior to human

resource management, this study will encourage the LGU employees of

Bulalacao to be highly productive, effective and more useful employee in the

organization to give quality services.

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the methodology the researcher employed to gather

significant data necessary for the study. Research design, methods of collecting

data, instrumentation, sampling techniques and statistical treatment of data are

presented in this chapter.

Research Method

The descriptive correlational research design was used in the study. It is

descriptive because it determined the level of implementation of the human

resource management policies in the aspects of recruitment and selection;

employee placement and motivation; and employee development and the extent

of work behavior as measured by professionalism, communication, cognitive,

technological and social components of the respondents. It is correlational

because it determined the relationship between the level of implementation of the

human resource management policies and work behavior of LGU – Bulalacao.

Population, Samples and Sampling Technique

The respondents of this study are those employees in the Local

Government Units of Bulalacao. The manner of selection of the respondents is

presented using non-probability sampling, specifically, purposive sampling.

Edralin (2000) defined purposive sampling as the selection of samples based on

predetermined set of criteria. Convenience sampling method is likewise

employed in which people are selected simply because they are "convenient"

sources of data for researchers (Battaglia, 2013). A convenience sample is

simply one in which the researcher uses any subjects that are available to

participate in the research study (Crossman, 2013).

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher wrote a letter requesting the Mayor of LGU Bulalacao for

permission to undertake a study among the respondents. Upon its approval, the

researcher personally conducted the distribution of the questionnaires to the

target respondents. The distribution was done after the Monday Convocation

where most of the employees attended the said programs and the remaining

questionnaires were distributed individually. After the retrieval of the

questionnaires, the data collected will be tallied, analyzed using appropriate

statistical tools. To draw more substance in the results of the numerical data,

inputs from the HRMO were taken and incorporated into the discussion and



A researcher – made instrument was used to facilitate the collection of

data. It consisted of three parts. Part 1 comprised of items about their profile

specifically gender, civil status, and educational attainment. Part 2 asked on the

level of implementation of human resource management policies on recruitment

and selection, employee placement and motivation, and employee

development. Part 3 consisted of items of work behavior manifestation among

the rank and file employees to be measured in terms of professionalism,

communication, cognitive, technological and social. The research instrument

underwent a series of face and content validity reviewed by the adviser and by

the Human Resource Management Officer of the LGU Bulalacao.

The researcher strived to ensure quality and integrity of this research

undertaking by seeking informed consent and respect the confidentiality and

anonymity of the respondents. It also provided that the respondents participated

in the study voluntarily and the research conduct is independent and impartial

and does not create harm and intimidation to them. Also, should the participants

be interested in the results of the study, they were informed.

Statistical Treatment

The researcher will use both descriptive and inferential statistics.

Descriptive statistics such as percentage and mean will be used to identify and

describe the true nature of each variable being investigated. The formula is as


Percentage (%) = x 100 %

Where: % = Percentage

F = Frequency

N = Total Number of Respondents

100 = constant factor

1. Weighted Mean (x) =
∑ Fx

Where: x = Mean

 = Summation Symbol

X = Weights of each item

N = Number of Cases

Moreover, for purposes of testing the hypothesis, inferential statistics such

as correlation analysis will be used, particularly the Pearson’s Product-Moment

Coefficient of Correlation and the Chi-square test to measure the degree of

relationship which exists between the variables being studied. Formulas are as


Chi Square:

∑ (O−E)2

Where: X2 = Chi Square Value

 = Summation Symbol

E = Expected Frequency

O = Observed Frequency
1. Pearson’s r

r =n ∑ xy−¿ ¿ ¿

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