Case Data Sheet Group - 5 - IHCC

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1. SUMMARY (Ravleen)

The Floundering Expatriate case takes place in 1995 and contexts the events of a
globalization effort by Argos International, a company based in the United States.

The CEO of this company, Bill Louin, recognized a rising corporate star in Detroit and felt
Bert Donaldson, would be the perfect person to facilitate communication between recently
acquired divisions in Europe.

Bert Donaldson’s resume was impressive. He was a professor of American Studies in Cairo,
Egypt for 5 years and while in the United States, Bert made major improvements to the
organizational structure by implementing cross-functional teams, achieved considerable cost
reductions, and much more. Bert was charismatic, a hard worker, and very sharp, a proven
leader within the U.S. organization.

Bert Donaldson. who arrived in Zurich a twelve month ago to facilitate communicating
among the parts providers that Argos has acquired over the past two years–just isn’t working
out, his manner seems scratchy here and he is behind agenda in implementing the team-
building plan. The corporate environment became tense and dysfunctional and created a
friction between Bert, the expatriate and the local European divisional leadership.

Bert recognised the problem but did not have a solution. He failed to recognise the need for
cultural adaption, training and awareness and various other cultural issues.

Furthermore. Waterhouse is worried that Donaldson’s failure will reflect severely on himself.
But Waterhouse can’t merely fire Donaldson. Donaldson is a smart adult male with a record
of successes in the States.

Argos Diesel Europe is experiencing cross-cultural challenges among its European suppliers,
local company employees and the new member - an American expatriate. The company
places high priority on achieving results, and it is aware that in order to achieve their
financial targets they must become an integrated team.
2. KEY PLAYERS (Ravleen, Priyanka , Priya )

Frank Waterhouse – CEO of Argos Diesel.

Bert Donaldson – Deputed to make a seamless managerial force but facing lot of issues.

Bill Loun – Argos International. CEO and Chairman. He wants Donaldson to remain on.

Ursula Lindt – Executive helper to Frank Waterhouse. gives utile information to him
about Donaldson’s attitude and his personal life.

Bettina Schewri – basically a director to Donaldson. extremely educated and a linguist.

dissatisfied with Donaldson’s attitude.

Paul Janssen – Vice president of human resources for Argos Europe who has a complete
cognition of the dissatisfaction with Bert.


1. Lack of understanding for cultural differences / cultural awareness (Priya Batra)

When things did not go as expected, European managers and administrative team in
Zürich becomes frustrated and complaint rather they should be upfront and finding a
solution/means to tell Bert what is expected of him which showed lack of tolerance for
individual differences. The Stereotypes in the minds related to the American’, ‘the
Germans’ vs ‘the Portuguese’.

Difference in perception of time like punctuality, meeting duration, the ‘right’ time to be
part of an international assignment, also the Use of titles and names, ways of addressing
others regarding Bert’s reference to Bettina Schwerin as a ‘secretary”, instead of referring
to her with her appropriate title.

Dress code American trainers wearing Mickey Mouse sweaters, Understanding of

hierarchical organisations, managers’ unresponsiveness to Donaldson’s multiple-choice

Presentation style and amount of information covered as they were bombarded with
information, not providing enough background information. Also, no breaks in between
presentations to allow people to interact.
2. Lack of Open Communication among each other: (Priyanka Gupta)

Donaldson lack of cultural awareness and the effect on the company, group perception of
him depicts there was no direct confrontation to discuss the real issues and what can be
done to improve problems which depicts.

Also Between Frank Waterhouse and Bert Donaldson there was lack of communication
as to what is expected from Bert, how he can better adjust to the culture, ways of solving
friction between Bert and the team as Frank was always to busy.

If there would be a proper communication established at the beginning, Frau Schweri

could have assisted in setting up the meetings and familiarize Donaldson with the
social/organisational etiquette.

3. Lack of team collaboration (Priyanka Gupta)

There was Lack of having an ‘open mind’ work approach also there was not much
emphasis on collective attitude and it was more of an individualistic approach. Emphasis
should be on overall team performance and collaboration

Frank’s self-centred attitude toward his own career plans in the US versus an overall
attempt to ensure everyone in the team properly adjusts to changes in culture to ensure
quality performance.

Lack of response from managers to Donaldson multiple choice survey which also showed
Team exclusion – like Bert was not a part of Frank’s “inner circle”.

4. Difference in the levels of fluency of the common language (Ravleen)

Everyone in the office, except from Bert is fluent in Swiss German but Bert’s lack of
attempt to speak Swiss German is viewed negatively by the team also he as a leader it is
expected to have basic command of the language.
4. CORE PROBLEM (Priya, Priyanka, Ravleen)

Bert Donaldson is considered a star performing artist, the adult male with the perfect
sketch in Detroit, although he has not been able to create the European directors into an
incorporate squad as is his authorization.

Donaldson’s abrasive and simple-minded attitude has not allowed him to hold on and
tackle the cross-cultural complexness of his European directors. Donaldson has tried
everything possible to pacify and actuate his staff but they refuse to listen. The job is so
serious that Bert has personally admitted to his inability to manage the juniors.

The situation is that Frank cannot just get away with Donaldson by firing him or directing
him back to America. Donaldson is considered a star performing artist and Frank has
been advised to lodge with him for a small while longer. Even he does fire him the move
may reflect unfavorably on him and might take to the helplessness of the team-building


Given that Bert was not provided with any cultural training prior to his move to
Switzerland, and due to the current confusion, misunderstanding, and demands of his
current role, in order for Bert to develop as an effective international leader, he needs to
consider his current condition, and work on these most effective and less time
constraining activities during the present time -

Selection & Preparation

1. Cultural awareness training (Priya Batra)

This training will allow Bert to learn ‘major aspects of the host country culture, including
customs, traditions, everyday behavior with this developing his cultural awareness, Bert’s
way of thinking will expand, and global mindset will broaden.

Executives on international assignments have to be sensitized to the cultural patterns

followed in their state of operation.

Bert will build up an understanding on how to create an environment of equal

opportunities, while being flexible and sensitive to other’s differences also he will be
more receptive in learning about the needs and wants of others, while sharing openly
common goals and values.
The goal for Frank, Bert, and the entire company is to reach successful results. Hence, it’s
to the advantage of Bert and Frank that bonds are established so that they can discuss
openly their feelings, expectations, and more importantly a change of action.

Set up SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound) goals for the
short and long term also obtain a reality check to analyze his current situation.

2. Interaction with team members ( Priya Batra )

A key to a leader’s success is having the correct networking ability to connect and
interact with others. As a director, Bert should try be more charismatic, share a few lunch
breaks with his team, or even try to interact outside of work. This will allow him the
possibility to see his colleagues and team members in a richer cultural and analytical

It is really of import for CEO’s to develop one’s channels of communicating so that all
intelligence. satisfaction and dissatisfaction etc. can make him. They have to be proactive in
this respect as a “if it isn’t broke. don’t hole it” attitude can hold serious reverberations for
the organization.

3. Repatriation (Priyanka Gupta)

Within a month of Once return to their home country, after completing their international
assignment, expatriates should be required to review their Personal Development Plans,
success/failure of their assignment, and lessons learnt with their provided HR business
partner and coach/mentor.

Bert’s’ current situation demonstrates to the company, that the culture of the organization
must be adjusted in order to foster successful cross-cultural assignments where It needs
coaching, mentoring, and adapt to potential new ideas and ways of doing for their
employees and their families prior to departure.

The manager needs to develop skills for understanding a managing diversity. It is

important to understand these approaches and the potential impact they could have on the
4. Working Together and Cross-Cultural Issues ( Ravleen)

Culture is what we see, how we make sense of what we see, and how we express
ourselves, and there are various varieties that lie within.

One aspect of communication style is language usage. Across cultures, some words and
phrases are used in different ways. Therefore, we found that it took some time to agree
with each other about certain points but always came to a conclusion or harmony in the

There are different ways that people move toward completing roles or projects. Some
reasons include different access to resources; different judgments and rewards associated
with task completion, different notions of time, and varied ideas about how relationship-
building and task-oriented work should go together.

Submitted By :-
Group 5 -
Priyanka Gupta
Ravleen kaur
Priya Batra
Pragati Tomar

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