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4:00-5:00 MWF
BA Polit Sc 4 January 30, 2017
In this paper, I shall analyze the foreign relations/policy of the Philippines by looking at RODRIGO DUTERTE in terms of the four
elements in the setting set by individuals/individual decision makers. The said four elements are: a.) extent of role playing engage in by the
individual; b.) nature of the prior experience of the individual; c.) degree of perceptual screens; and d.) the apparent effect of the
individual’s personality traits and character. Once again, the said individual is no other than Duterte.

First of all, let us be clear that foreign relations/policy is not only based on the individual because you have also the international
and domestic setting affecting it. But if I take out both international and domestic setting and I will only focus on the individual setting, then
this is my answer.


Role playing says that the particular office that taken up by the individual will caused him act in a certain way; therefore given the
said office, he makes decision of what his role shall. Technically speaking, as a head of state Duterte’s role in foreign relations is chief diplomat
which means that he is the architect of Philippine foreign policies. But aside from being chief diplomat, he also take the role as a spokesperson
of nationalism. His role as being a spokesperson of nationalism is clearly seen in his stand against US imperialism. His anti-US colonial tone is
seen in his foreign policy in which he limits US access to Philippine Military Bases unlike his predecessor. In fact, he also called for independent
foreign policy by not relying on long-time security ally which is the United States. Duterte views the United States as an unreliable ally for the
Philippines because of United States’ inability to stop China from building its artificial islands that undermined the Philippines’ position in the
South China Sea. Instead of asking support for a longtime ally (the United States), Duterte seeks a relationship with China which has violated
the country's rights in the South China Sea. Because of the nationalistic role of Duterte in in Philippine Foreign Relations, President Rodrigo
Duterte's foreign policy is "difficult to comprehend" thus making his foreign policy weak.


Before sworn into office, Duterte is the former mayor of Davao City for almost 22 years. He is also a lawyer by profession. Based on
his past experience, it shows that he is not an experience chief diplomat because he is only exposed to local affairs and not that to
international affairs. In other words, Duterte is just a beginner or a novice chief diplomat in the world of foreign relations. Yes, he might have
learned the nature of foreign relations in his law class but that doesn’t makes him expert in foreign relations. Another reason why Duterte is
an unexperienced chief diplomat is that when he is angry; he is blunt, unrestrained, and provocative in his language. By having that attitude,
it shows that he doesn’t observe professionalism and we all know that professionalism is a big deal in foreign relations. Duterte’s past
experienced did shape his initial outlook on the world in general and the United States in particular specifically in his foreign policy with the
US. An example of Duterte’s past experienced that affected his outlook on the United States is his disdain for the American immigration
system. He was reportedly denied a visa to visit the United States when he was young. Little is known in terms of specifics, but it may have
been linked to US concerns about extrajudicial killings in Davao City during his time as mayor. Having Duterte as an unexperienced chief
diplomat, it shows that the succeeding foreign policies of the Philippines will be at risks if he is stubborn to decide on his own without thinking
its consequences unless he will seek the advice of the expert in foreign relations.


The degree of perceptual screens is the degree by which the person tries to accept or block out information or criticisms. Duterte is
known as a person who do not accept criticism. He is a kind of person that fight for what he believes despite criticisms from both local and
international critics. One of the prominent critics of Duterte is the United Nations. He was been criticized by United Nations High
Commissioner for Human Rights for lack of understanding of human rights institutions. Instead of responding professionally to the United
Nations in order to explain the EJK, Duterte even called the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights an idiot and threatens to
burn the United Nations. It shows that Duterte’s attitude in dealing criticisms is very inappropriate and unprofessional. If Duterte continues
to deal with criticisms in an appropriate manner, this will lead to his downfall. If he continue to answer back his international critics in an
unprofessional manner, other countries would have a bad impression to us which will lead to a negative foreign relations with the Philippines.
As a chief diplomat, Duterte must remember that criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfills the same function as pain in
the human body; it calls attention to the development of an unhealthy state of things. Criticisms will help one to correct or rectify himself
from wrong doings.


Duterte is commonly reflected by both local and international media as a person who speaks his mind even though it is uncourteous.
He is not the kind of a leader who is polite in terms of speaking. He is blunt, unrestrained, and provocative in his language whether in front
of compatriots, the press, or the diplomatic corps, or in the company of other heads of state. Some leaders might communicate with their
people by talking professionally as part of their charisma. For Duterte, he does not care about being politically correct. Indeed, he seems
allergic to the idea of being polite and proper to people and institutions he does not like. This attitude of him might bring negative impressions
to foreign heads of state which might affect their foreign relations with us. Another trait of Duterte is that he takes back what he said and he
even change his stands regarding a certain issue. He is a kind of leader who do not have a clear stand on an issue. Having no permanent
stands will result to a lack of clarity from the Duterte’s administration on what a principled and independent foreign policy should be.

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