Differential and Integral Calculus

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The document covers topics related to calculus including derivatives, integrals, curves, and volumes.

The main topics covered include derivatives, integrals, curves, volumes, work, and multiple integrals.

The formula for finding the radius of curvature is 1/R = dθ/ds where R is the radius of curvature and θ is the angle between the tangent and radius vectors.


Find the acute angle between the

two curves y = x2 and y = x3 + x2 + 1
Derivative of Functions at their point of intersection.
a. 63.44° b. 71.57°
Derivative of Exponential Functions c. 76.07° d. 78.78°
606. Find the second derivative of y = Tangent and Normal Lines to a Curve
xx in Rectangular Coordinates
a. xx-1 + xx(1 + In x)2 614. Find the equation of the line
b. xx+1 + xx(1 + In x)2 normal to the curve 2x2 – 3xy + y – 18
c. xx + xx-1(1 + In x)2 = 0 at (3, 0)
d. xx + xx+1(1 + In x)2 a. 2x + 3y – 6 = 0
Partial and Total Derivatives b. 2x – 3y – 6 = 0
607. Find the derivative of the function c. 3x +2y – 9 = 0
f(x, y, z) = 3x2y4z. d. 3x – 2y – 9 = 0
a. 6xy4z dx + 12x2y3z dy + 615. Find the equation of the line
3x2y4 dz passing through the point (8, -4) and
b. 12x2y3z dx + 6xy4 dy + 3x2y4 tangent to the curve x2 + 2xy – y2 +
dz 6x + 41 = 0
c. 6xy4z dx + 3x2y4 dy + a. 2x – 7y – 44 0
2 3
12x y z dz b. 7x – 2y – 64 = 0
d. 12x2y3z dx + 3x2y4 dy + 6xy4 c. 3x – 4y – 40 = 0
dz d. 4x – 3y – 44 = 0
Implicit Differentiation 616. Determine the subtangent of the
608. Find the second derivative of x2 + curve x2 + 2x – 32y + 1 = 0 at a point
y2 = 9 where the slope is 1.
a. -9/y2 b. -9/y3 a. 10 units b. 9.13 units
c. 9/y d. 9/y3 c. 11.31 units d. 8 units
Approximation and Errors 617. Find the subnormal of the curve y
609. Find the approximate change in y = x3 at (2, 8).
= 3x2 – x1/2 from 2 to 2.004. a. 98 units b. 96 units
a. 0.0544 b. 0.0466 c. 94 units d. 92 units
c. 0.0433 d. 0.0384 618. Determine the normal length of
610. The legs of a right triangle the curve x2 + 2x – 32y + 1 = 0 at a
change from 5 cm and 12 cm to 5.20 point where the slope is 1.
cm and 12.30 cm, respectively. Find a. 10 units b. 9.13 units
the approximate change in area c. 11.31 units d. 8 units
a. 1.95 cm2 b. 1.26 cm2 619. Find the equation of the line
c. 2.30 cm2 d. 1.59 cm2 passing through the point (-7, 8) and
611. The diameter and altitude of a normal to the curve x2 – 6x – 8y + 17
right circular cone are 10 cm and 16 = 0.
cm, respectively. Find the maximum a. x + 3y – 17 = 0
percentage error in the volume when b. 2x – 5y + 54 = 0
these dimensions are in the error of c. x – 2y + 23 = 0
±0.60 cm. d. 3x + y + 13 = 0
a. 11.50% b. 8.25% Slope of Curves in Polar
c. 15.75% d. 18.25% Coordinates
Tangent and Normal to a Curve 620. Find the slope of the curve r =
Slope of a Tangent at a point on a tan θ at θ = /4.
Curve in Rectangular Coordinates a. 3 b. 1 c. 4 d. 2
612. If y = 4cos x + sin 2x, what is 621. Find the slope of the curve r =
the slope of the curve when x = 2? sin2 θ at θ = /3.
a. -2.21 b. 0.03 a. 4.24 b. 5.20
c. -4.94 d. 1.86 c. -5.20 d. -4.24
622. Find the slope of the line tangent a. 2.25 units b. 2.75 units c.
to the polar curve r = 8 at θ = /6. 2.50 units d. 2 units
a. 1.4142 b. 1.7321 633. Find the radius of curvature for
c. -1.4142 d. -1.7321 the curve y = In (sec x).
Angle between the Radius Vector a. sec x b. csc x
and Tangent c. cot x d. tan x
623. Find the angle between the radius Center of Curvature
vector and the tangent line of the 634. Find the center of curvature of
curve r = asec2θ at θ = /8. the parabola y = 2x – x2 at (1, 1).
a. 18.43° b. 63.43° a. (1, 2) b. (2, 1)
c. 26.57° d. 71.57° c. (1, ½) d. (1/2, 1)
Points of inflection 635. Find the center of curvature of
624. Find the point of inflection of the the curve y = sin x at (/2, 1)
curve y = 3x5 + 5x4. a. (/2, ½) b. (/3, ½)
a. (1, 8) b. (1, 0) c. (/2, 0) d. (/3, 0)
c. (0, 0) d. (-1, 2) Velocity and Acceleration
Limit of a Function 636. If s = t2 – t3, where s is distance
x2 in meters and t is the time in seconds,
 2
625. Evaluate lim cos  find the velocity when the rate of
x 
 x change of velocity is zero.
a. e-2 b. e-3 c. 0 d. 1 a. ¾ m/s b. 2/3 m/s
626. Evaluate the limit of sin 2x cot 4x c. 1/3 m/s d. ½ m/s
as x approaches zero. Radial and Transverse Components
a. ½ b. ¼ c. 0 d.  of Velocity and Acceleration
627. What is the limiting value of the 637. A particle travels around the
 1
x Limacon r = 3 + 2 cos θ with a
function f ( x)  1   as x constant angular velocity of 2 rad/s,
 x
where r is in meters and θ in radians.
approaches infinity? Find the velocity and acceleration of
a. 1 b. e c. 0 d. infinity the particle when θ = /2.
1 a. v = 6.51 m/s, a = 24 m/s2
628. Evaluate lim x 0 sin  
 x b. v = 5.77 m/s, a = 25 m/s2
a. -0.449 b. -0.643 c. v = 8.49 m/s, a = 18 m/s2
c. -0.985 d. no limit d. v = 7.21 m/s, a = 20 m/s2
e  (1 / x ) Flows Rates
629. Evaluate lim x 0  638. Water flows on a conical tank at
x the rate of 2 m3/s. The conical tank is
a. 1 b. 1/e c. infinity d. 0 4 m across the top and 6 m deep.
 a b  When the depth of the water is 5 m,
630. If lim x 1     e 2 , find
 x x2  how fast is the wetted surface area of
the tank changing?
the value of a.
a. 2.40 m2/s b. 2.16 m2/s
a. 2 b. 0 c. 1
c. 2.53 m2/s d. 2.77 m2/s
d. any real value
639. A conical pile is formed by
631. Evaluate
pouring sand at a rate of 30 cm3/s
199  2 99  399  ...  n 99 When its base diameter and altitude
x  n100 are 18 cm and 20 cm, respectively,
a. 99/100 b. 1/99 the diameter changes at a rate of 0.12
c. 1/100 d. 1/101 cm/s. How fast is the altitude
Circle of Curvature changing?
Radius of Curvature a. 0.096 cm/s b. 0.087 cm/s
632. Find the radius of curvature of c. 0.078 cm/s d. 0.069 cm/s
the ellipse 16x2 + 9y2 = 144 at (0, 4).
640. Water is flowing into a spherical Clock Problems
tank 24 m in diameter at a rate of 2 647. The hands of the clock are 15 cm
m3/s. Find the rate of water rise after and 20 cm long. How fast are the ends
40 minutes. of the hands approaching at 4 P.M?
a. 0.0092 m/s a. 0.82 cm/min
b. 0.0180 m/s b. 0.89 cm/min
c. 0.0144 m/s c. 0.71 cm/min
d. 0.0046 m/s d. 0.98 cm/min
Time Rates Motion
Geometric Problems 648. An LRT train 6 m above the
641. At a certain instant the ground crosses a street at a speed of 9
dimensions of a rectangular m/s, at the instant that a car
parallelepiped are 4, 5 and 6 feet, and approaching at a speed of 4 m/s is 12
they are each increasing, respectively, m up the street. Find the rate of
at the rates of 1, 2, and 3 feet per separation of the LRT train and the car
second. At what rate is the volume one second later.
increasing? a. 2.84 m/s b. 3.15 m/s
a. 118 ft3/s b. 124 ft3/s c. 3.64 m/s d. 4.62 m/s
c. 138 ft /s d. 142 ft3/s 649. A kite, at a height of 60 feet, is
642. The sides of a triangle measuring moving horizontally at a rate of 5 feet
40 m, 32 m, and 16 m increase at the per second away from the boy who
rates of 2 m/s, 5 m/s, and 3 m/s, files it. How fat is the cord being
respectively. How fast is the area of released when 100 feet are out?
the triangle changing? a. 3.28 ft/s b. 3 ft/s
a. 102.06 m2/s b. 138.42 c. 4.28 ft/s d. 4 ft/s
m /s c. 113.69 m2/s
d. 127.33 650. A circular cylindrical block 24 cm
m2/s in diameter is inserted vertically at a
643. Find the rate of change of the rate of 8 cm/s into a liquid contained
circumference of a circle with respect in a circular cylindrical tank 50 cm in
to the area, when the area equals 4 diameter. Find the rate at which the
square feet. liquid surface is rising.
a. 0.75 b. 0.80 a. 2.88 cm/s b. 2.50 cm/s
c. 0.50 d. 0.60 c. 2.00 cm/s d. 2.40 cm/s
644. Two sides of a triangle measure 651. A particle moves to the left o the
15 m and 20 m. When the included parabola y2 + 8x – 16 = 0, where x
angle is 600, it increases at the rate of and y are in meters, with a constant
1.500/sec. How fast is the area of the speed of 12 m/s. Find the horizontal
triangle changing? component of the velocity when the
a. 1.96 m2/s b. 1.13 m2/s particle is 3 m from the origin.
c. 1.69 m2/s d. 1.31 m2/s a. 6.93 m/s b. 6 m/s
645. Find the rate at which the volume c. 9.80 m/s d. 10.39 m/s
of a right circular cylinder of constant 652. An airplane traveling north at 560
altitude 10 feet changes with respect kph is directly above a certain town at
to its diameter when the radius is 5 2 pm. A second airplane traveling east
feet. at 600 kph is directly above the same
a. 25p b. 50p town 30 minutes after. How fast is the
c. 40p d. 60p distance between the two planes
646. In the equation x2 + 4x – y + 4 = changing at 4 pm.
0, find the coordinate of the point a. 842.72kph b. 829.05 kph
where the abscissa and the ordinate c. 853.19 kph d. 812.36 kph
change at equal rates. 653. A man is walking at 2 m/s
a. (-1/2, 9/4) b. (-3/2, ¼) towards a building 15 m high. A
c. (1/2, 25/4) d. (3/2, 49/4) billboard 4 m is located on top of the
building. How fast is the subtended d. 5.20 sq. units
angle of the billboard changing when 660. Find the largest area of a
the man is 20 m from the building? rectangle that can be inscribed in a
The eye level of the man is 1.50 m triangle whose dimensions are 10 m,
above the ground. 12 m, and 12 m.
a. 0.8130/s b. 0.1830/s a. 27.27 m2 b. 20.45 m2
c. 0.381 /s d. 0.3180/s c. 40.91 m2 d. 54.54 m2
654. A light is placed on the ground 32 661. Determine the area of the largest
feet from a building. A man 6 ft tall rectangle that can be inscribed in a
walks from the light toward the parabola having a base of 6 m and
building at a rate of 6 ft/sec. Find the altitude of 10 m. The base of the
rate at which his shadow on the parabola is perpendicular to its axis.
building is decreasing when he is 16 ft a. 17.89 m2 b. 23.09 m2
from the building. c. 20 m2 d. 54.54 m2
a. 5.10 ft/s b. 6.80 ft/s 662. Which of the following most
c. 3.40 ft/s d. 4.50 ft/s nearly gives the percentage oF the
655. At a point A 80 km north of point area conveRted by the largest
O, a car travels east a rate of 50 kph. rectangle inscribed in a parabola with
At another point B 100 km east point base perpendhcular to its axis?
O, a second car travels north at a rate a. 44.72% b. 50%
of 40 kph. Find the rate of change of c. 57.74% d/ 70.71%
the angle subtended by these cars at 663. Find the largest area of a
point O after 1.50 hrs. parabmla that can4be inscribed in a
a. 35.91 0/hr b. 32. 19 0/hr right circular cone with a radius of 4 m
c. 27.67 0/hr d. 30.07 0/hr and an altitude of 11 m.
Maxima and Minima a. 54.50 m2 b. 50.45 m2
Algebraic Problems c. 40.55 m2 d. 45.50 m2
656. Find the range of the function 664. Find the volume of the smallest
defined by the equation f(x) = x2 – 8x cone that ca. be circumscribed about a
+ 22. sphere of radius 8 cm.
a. (-6, ∞) b. [6, ∞) a. 4, 688.73 cm3
c. (6, ∞) d. [-6, ∞) b. 4,49.01 cm3
657. Find the minimum value of the c. 4,032.82 cm3
function f(x, y, z) = 9x2 + 4y2 + z2 – d. 3,289.51 cm3
6x + 20y + 6z + 43. 665. Find the area of the largest
a. 9 b. 10 c. 7 d. 8 rectangle that can be inscribed in the
Geometric Problems ellipse 36x2 + 25y2 = 900.
658. Two spheres of radii 5 cm and 12 a. 60 sq. units b. 75 sq. units
cm are 36 cm apart on center. IF a c. 80 sq. units d. 50 sq. units
source of light is placed along their line 666. A cardboard box manufacturer
of centers, how far must it be from the whishes to make boxes from
center of the smaller sphere so that rectangular pieces of cardboard 30 cm
the greatest surface area is by 40 cm by cutting squares from four
illuminated? corners. Find the largest volume
a. 4.08 cm b. 6.47 cm contained by each box.
c. 7.63 cm d. 5.21 cm a. 3, 042.30 cm3
659. Find the largest area of an b. 3, 032.30 cm3
isosceles triangle with vertex at (0, 2) c. 3, 062.30 cm3
that is inscribed in the ellipse 4x2 + d. 3, 052.30 cm3
9y2 = 36. 667. Find the minimum radius of
a. 6.36 sq. units curvature of the curve 49x2 + 36y2 +
b. 7.09 sq. units 490 x – 216y – 215 = 0
c. 7.79 sq. units a. 6.53 units b. 5.14 units
c. 6.35 units d. 5.41 units shorted pole should the stake be for
668. Find het shortest distance of the the wire be of minimum length?
point (6, 3) to the parabola y = x2. a. 9 ft b. 10 ft
a. 4.47 units b. 4.36 units c. 11 ft d. 12 ft
c. 6.76 units d. 7.20 units 675. A uniform rod 20 cm long rest in
669. Find the shortest distance from a smooth hemispherical bowl 12 cm in
the point (-1, 7) to the curve 9x2 + diameter. Find the angle that the rod
25y2 – 18x + 100y – 116 = 0. makes with the horizontal when
a. 6.14 units b. 5.71 units equilibrium is attained.
c. 6.76 units d. 7.20 units a. 29.500 b. 25.080
Miscellaneous Problems c. 23.18 d. 19.000
670. If the horizontal distance reached 676. The strength of a rectangular
by a projectile is 150 m, find its beam varies as the product of the
minimum velocity at a point of release. width and the square of the depth.
Use g = 9.81 m/s2 Find the area of the strongest beam
a. 41.22 m/s b. 38.36 m/s that can be cut from a circular log of
c. 54.24 m/s d. 36.18 m/s diameter 300 mm.
671. A body of weight W = 120 N is a. 38,729.83 mm3
pulled along a horizontal plane by a b. 42,426.41 mm2
force R inclined at an angle θ c. 36,055.51 mm2
measured from the horizontal. The d. 37,416.57 mm3
angle of friction between the plane and
the body is 0.30. Find the least value
of the force R to impend motion. INTEGRAL CALCULUS
a. 31.02 N b. 36.00 N
c. 39.16 N d. 38.48 N Integration Procedure
672. The cost of fuel per hour for Integration by parts
running a ship is proportional to the 677. Evaluate  sec d .

cube of the speed and is P1,350 per

1 1
hour when the speed is 12 miles per a. sec  tan   In(sec  tan  )  c
hour. Other costs amount to P6,400 2 2
per hour regardless of the speed. Find 1 1
b. sec  tan   In(sec   tan  )  c
the speed that makes the costs 2 2
minimum. c. sec  tan   In(sec  tan  )  c
a. 16 mph b. 12.8 mph
d. sec  tan   In(sec  tan  )  c
c. 15 mph d. 20 mph
Integration by Trigonometric
673. A cable is to be run from power
plant on one side of a river 900 m
wide to a factory on the other side 3 x 2 dx
km away upstream. The cost of
678. Evaluate  9  x2
running the cable over land is P200 a. x = 9tan-1(x/3)
per meter while the cost under water b. x – 3tan-1(x/3)
is P250 per meter. What total length of c. x + 9tan-1(x/3)
cable must be run at most economical d. x + 3tan-1(x/3)
cost? Integration of Rational Fractions
a. 3,200 m b. 3,100 m 679. Which of the following is not part
c. 3, 400 m d. 3,300 m x3  x  2
674. Two vertical poles 15 ft above the of the integral of  x( x
 1) 2
dx ?
ground and 21 ft apart to be
reinforced by a wire connected to the a. 2 In x b. arctan x
top of the pole and tied to a stake c. –In (x2 + 1) d. 2 In (x2 + 1)
driven in the ground between the Wallis’ Formula
poles. At what distance from the
680. Evaluate the integral of cos5x c. 295.08 m d. 291.61 m
sin3x dx from 0 to /2. Plane Areas
a. 0.0417 b. 0.0833 Plane Areas in Rectangular
c. 0.0654 d. 0.0327 Coordinates
681. Evaluate the integral of cos4x 690. Find the area bounded by the
sin6x dx from 0 to /2. parabola y + 5t + 2x – x2 and the
a. 0.0234 b. 0.117 chord joining (-2, -3) and (3, 2).
c. 0.0184 d. 0.0368 a. 22.83 sq. units
682. Evaluate the integral of cos73x dx b. 20.83 sq. units
from 0 to /6. c. 19.33 sq. units
a. 0.2171 b. 0.1524 d. 18.33 sq. units
c. 0.2712 d. 0.1256 691. At t years from now, one
683.Find the integral of sin4x cos6x dx investments plan will be generating
with a lower limit of 0 and an upper profit at the rate of 50 + t2 thousand
limit of /2. pesos per year, while a second
a. 0.0667 b, 0.1047 investment plane will be generating
c. 0.0068 d. 0.0107 profit at the rate of 200 + 5t thousand
684. What is the integral of cos83x dx pesos per year. Determine the net
from x = 0 to x = /6. excess profit if you invest in the
a. 0.2213 b. 0.6637 second plan of the first plan up to the
c. 0.1432 d. 0.4302 time the two plans yield equal profits.
Velocity and Acceleration a. P2, 604,166.67
685. The velocity of a particle along a b. P2,268,566.67
straight path is v = 4 + t + 3t2, where c. P1,687.500
t is time of travel in seconds and v in d. P1,478,500
m/s. From the start it travels 8 m in 1 692. Determine the area bounded by
second. Find the total distance it the x axis and the curve y = 1/x2 from
travels in 2 seconds. x = 1 to x = infinity.
a. 23.3 m b. 26.1 m a. 1 sq. unit b. infinity
c. 29.7 m d. 20.5 m c. indeterminate d. 2 sq. units
686. The velocity of an object is given 693. Find the area bounded by the
by v = 4t2 + 3t + 5, where v is in m/s curves x2 + y = 0, and 2x + y + 3 = 0
and t is in seconds. Find the distance a. 14.67 sq. units
traveled from 2nd second to the 5th b. 10.67 sq. units
second. c. 11.67 sq. units
a. 221.33 m b. 333.67 m d. 13.67 sq. units
c. 364.17 m d. 281.67 m 694. Find the area bounded by the
Situation: The motion of a particle in curves y = x2 and 2x + y = 3.
space is defined by the parametric a. 10.33 sq. units
equations ax = 0.8t, ay = 2 – 0.3t, and b. 10.67 sq. units
az = 5 where a is in m/s2 and t in c. 11.33 sq. units
seconds. d. 11.67 sq. units
687. Find the acceleration of the 695. Find the area bounded by the
particle after 10 seconds. curves 2y = x2 and x = y.
a. 10.71 m/s2 b. 8.46 m/s2 a. 0.63 sq. units
c. 9.49 m/s2 d. 11.16 m/s2 b. 0.37 sq. units
688. Find the velocity of the particle c. 0.33 sq. units
after 10 seconds. d. 0.67 sq. units
a. 64.23 m/s b. 70.25 m/s 696. Find the area between the
c. 57.09 m/s d. 67.13 m/s parabola y = x2- 4x, and the x axis,
689. Find the total distance traveled the line x = 3.
by the particle after 10 seconds. a. 7 sq. units b. 9.62 sq. units
a. 281.88 m b. 287.71 m c. 9 sq. units d. 10 sq. units
697. Find the area between the 704. Find the area enclosed by the
parabola y = x2 – 4x, the lines x = 3 cardiod r = 6(1 + cos θ)
and y = 1 a. 142.16 sq. units
a. 7.69 sq. units b. 84.83 sq. units
b. 9.62 sq. units c. 71.08 sq. units
c. 5.65 sq. units d. 169.65sq. units
d. 12.12 sq. units 705. Find the area enclosed by the
Plane Areas in Polar Coordinates curve r = 1 + cos 2θ.
698. What is the area within the curve a. 6.28 sq. units
r = 2cos3θ? b. 4.71 sq. units
a. 1.57 sq. units c. 12.56 sq. units
b. 6.28 sq. units d. 4.36 sq. units
c. 2.09 sq. units 706. A goat is tied to an 8 m diameter
d. 3.14 sq. units circular fence by a cord 3 m long. Find
699. What is the area within the curve the area over which the goat can
r2 = 16 cos θ? graze.
a. 26 sq. units b. 30 sq. units a. 14.82 m2 b. 16.39 m2
c. 32 sq. units d. 28 sq. units c. 15.09 m2 d. 17.11 m2
700. Find the enclosed by the curve r2 Plane Areas in Parametric Form
= a cos 2 θ. 707. Find the area bounded by the
curve whose parametric equations are
x = 4 cos θ and y = 5 sin θ.
a. 75.40 sq. units
r2 = a cos 2 θ b. 62.83 sq. units
a. 2a sq. units c. 47.12 sq. units
b. a sq. units d. 37.70 sq. units
c. 0.25a sq. units Centroid of plane areas
d. 0.50a sq. units Centroid of Plane Areas in
701. Find the area enclosed by the Rectangular Coordinates
curve r2 = 36 cos 2 θ. 708. Find the abscissa of the centroid
a. 72 sq. units b. 9 sq. units of the area bounded by the parabola y
c. 36 sq. units d. 18 sq. units = x2 and the line y = 2x + 3.
702. Find the area enclosed by the a. 2.00 b. 1.75
curve r2 = a cos 3 θ. c. 1.50 d. 1.00
709. Find the coordinates of the
centroid of the region bounded by the
curves 2y = x2 and x = y.
a. (1, 4/5) b. (1, ¾)
c. (4/5, 1) d. (3/4, 1)
710. A curve has an equation y = cos
x. How far is the centroid of the curve
from x = 0 to x = /2 measured from
the x axis?
r2 = a cos 3θ. a. 0.34 b. 0.31
a. 4a sq. units c. 0.39 d. 0.50
b. a sq. units 711. Find the ordinate of the centroid
c. 0.50a sq. units of the area bounded by the parabola y
d. 2a sq. units = x2 and the line y = x + 2.
703. Find the area enclosed by the a. 1.00 b. 1.60
curve r2 = 4 cos 3θ. c. 0.50 d. 0.80
a. 8 sq. units b. 16 sq. units 712. Determine the coordinates of the
c. 4 sq. units d. 2 sq. units centroid of the area bounded by the
line x = 6, 5x = y, 3x + 5y = 28, and d. 355.31 cu. Units
the x axis. 720. The area bounded by the lines x
a. (1.83, 2.83) b. (1.67, 2.67) = 6, 3x – 5y + 22 = 0,5x + 3y = 20,
c. (2.67, 1.67) d. (2.83, 1.83) and the x axis is revolved about the y
Moment of Inertia / Radius of axis. Find the volume of the solid
Gyration of an Area formed.
Moment of Inertia of an Area a. 695.73 cu. units
713. Find the moment of inertia b. 659.73 c. units
bounded by the lines y = x, y = 2x c. 795.63 cu. Units
and x + y = 12 about the y axis. d. 759.63 cu. Units
a. 148 units4 b. 152 units4 721. Find the volume of the torus
c. 156 units4 d. 160 units4 formed by revolving the circle x2 + y2
714. Determine the moment of inertia = a2 about the line x = b when b > a.
of the area bounded by the lines x = a. 22a2b b. 22ab2
6, 5x = y, 3x + 5y = 28, and the x c. 22ab d. 2ab2
axis is taken about the x axis. 722. The area bounded by the lines x
a. 82 units4 b. 68 units4 = 6, 5x = y, 3x + 5y = 28, and the x
c. 95 units4 d. 50 units4 axis is revolved about the y axis. Find
715. Find the moment of inertia of the the volume of the solid formed.
area bounded by the parabola y2 = 4x a. 336.88 cu. Units
and the line x = 2 about the x axis? b. 358.05 cu. Units
a. 12.07 units4 c. 382.17 cu. Units
b. 7.44 units4 d. 369.18 cu. Units
c. 14.88 units4 723. The area bounded by the curves
d. 6.57 units4 2y = x2 and x = y is revolved about
716. Determine the moment of inertia the line 2x + 3y = 10. Find the volume
of the area bounded by the curves y = generated.
x2, y = 2x – 1, and the 4x + y = -4 a. 5.85 cu. Units
taken about x = 1. b. 5.58 cu. Units
a. 4.57 units4 b. 5.57 units4 c. 6.51 cu. Units
c. 7.57 units4 d. 6.57 units4 d. 6.15 cu. Units
Radius of Gyration of an Area Volumes of Solids of Revolution by
717. Find the radius of gyration, with Integration
respect to the y axis, of the area 724. The area in the first quadrant
bounded by the curve x2 = 4y, the line bounded by the parabola 12y = x2, the
x = 4, and the line y = 0. y axis, and the line y = 3, revolves
a. 4.75 units b. 4.10 units about the line y = 3. What is the
c. 3.10 units d. 3.72 units volume generated?
Fluid Pressure a. 72.75 cu. Units
718. The cross section of a trough is a b. 80.75 cu. Units
parabolic segment 8 m wide and 4 m c. 90.48 cu. Units
deep. If the trough is filled with a d. 85.25 cu. Units
liquid weighing 9.81 kN/m3, find the 725. The area bounded by the graphs
total force on one end. of y = 2x + 3 and y = x2 revolves
a. 334.85 kN b. 502.28 kN about the x axis. Determine the
c. 167.42 kN d. 251.13 kN volume generated.
Second Theorem of Pappus a. 227.87 cu. Units
719. Find the volume of the solid b. 329.45 cu. Units
generated by rotating the curve 9x2 + c. 255.82 cu. Units
4y2 = 36 along the line 4x + 3y = 20. d. 375.06 cu. Units
a. 473.744 cu. Units 726. Find the volume generated by
b. 532.97 cu. units rotating the area in the third and
c. 236.87 cu. Units fourth quadrants bounded by the curve
25x2 + 36y2 = 900 and the x axis, top of a building. How much work is
about the x axis. required to pull half of it to top?
a. 628.32 cu. Units a. 24,750 N-m b. 32,250 N-m
b. 602. 41 cu. Units c. 47,250 N-m d. 15,750 N-m
c. 576.47 cu. Units Length of Plane Curves
d. 550.33 cu. Units Length of Plane Curves in
727. Find the volume of the solid Rectangular Coordinates
generated by revolving the area 733. Find the length of the curve y =
bounded by the curve y = 4x – x2, and x2 from x = 0 to x = 3?
the line y = x about x = 3. a. 9.88 units b. 9.75 units
a. 42.41 sq. units c. 9.62 units d. 9.49 units
b. 39.27 sq. units Length of Plane Curves in Polar
c. 31.42 sq. units Coordinates
d. 26.70 sq. units 734. What is the total length of the
Volumes of Solids with known curve r = 4 sinθ?
cross section a. 25.13 units b. 3.14 units
728. The axes of two right circular c. 6.28 units d. 12.57 units
cylinders of equal radius 36 cm 735. What is the perimeter of the
intersect at right angles. Find the curve r = 4(1 – sinθ)?
volume common to the cylinders. a. 32 units b. 30.12 units
a. 28,104 cc b. 29,104 cc c. 25.13 units d. 28 units
c. 30,104 cc d. 31,104 cc Length of Plane Curves in Parametric
Work Form
729. A hemispherical tank of radius 10 736. Find the length of the curve
ft is full of water. Find the work done whose parametric equation are x = 7
in pumping the water to the top of the + 10 cosθ and y = -2 + 6sinθ.
tank. Unit weight of water is 62.4 a. 50.81 units b. 51.81 units
lb/ft3. c. 50.05 units d. 51.05 units
a. 490.09 ft-tons 737. Find the length of one arc of the
b. 381.48 ft-tons curve whose parametric equations are
c. 420.93 ft-tons x = 2θ – 2sinθ and y = 2 – 2cosθ.
d. 275.15 ft-tons a. 24 units b. 8 units
730. A hemispherical tank with c. 16 units d. 32 units
diameter of 4 m is full of water (unit Area of a Surface of Revolution
weight = 9.81 kN/m3). Find the work Area of a Surface of Revolution by
required in pumping all the contents at First theorem of Pappus
a height of 3 m from the top of the 738. Find the total area generated by
tank. revolving a rectangle of sides a and b
a. 616.38 kN-m about side a.
b. 739.66 kN-m a. b(a + b) b. 2a(a + b)
c. 123.28 kN-m c. a(a + b) d. 2b(a + b)
d. 493.10 kN-m Area of a Surface of Revolution by
731. A spherical tank 4 m in diameter integration
is ¾ full water (unit weight 9.81 739. Find the total area generated by
kN/m3). Find the work required in revolving the segment of the parabola
pumping all the contents when a pump x2 – 4x – 8y + 28 = 0 from x = 3 to x
is placed on top of the tank. = 6 about the y axis.
a. 635.49 kN-m a. 124.48 sq. units
b. 525.08 kN-m b. 103.08 sq. units
c. 588.44 kN-m c. 92.68 sq. units
d. 470.34 kN-m d. 110.93 sq. units
732. A 30 m length of steel chain
weighing 140 N/m is hanging from the
Multiple Integrals
a y2 / a
740. Evaluate  
0 0
e x / y dxdy .
a. 2a2 b. 0.25a2
c. 0.5a2 d. a2

  x 
2 y
741. Evaluate
 3 y 2 dxdy
0 0
a. 13.67 b. 13.33
c. 12.33 d. 12.67
5 y
742. Evaluate  
2 1
3 x 2 ydxdy .
a. 66.13 b. 68.59
c. 67.82 d. 65.03
Volume by Triple Integration
743. Find the volume in the first octant
bounded by the surfaces x = 1 and x2
= y + 2z.
a. 0.05 cu. Units
b. 0.06 cu. Units
c. 0.07 cu. Units
d. 0.08 cu. Units

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