Corruption PDF
Corruption PDF
Corruption PDF
Abstract: Corruption is widespread in Indian Civilization and it has caused maximum suffering to the human
kind. The paper discusses issues related to the nature, causes, consequences and possible remedial measures of
corruption in Indian Society. It emphasizes that lack of transparency, morality, accountability and consistency
as well as institutional weakness provided fertile ground for the growth of corruption in India. It also
emphasizes that how corruption related to development issues in India and which kind negative effects are
shown in Indian social, political and economic system. The paper also touches that which kind of reforms are
necessary to fight against corruption in India.
I. Introduction :
Corruption is an age old phenomenon and can be seen everywhere now a days. It is like a cancer in
public life, which has not become to rampant and perpetuated overnight, but is course of time. The word
corruption means destruction, ruining or spoiling a society or nation. A corrupt society is characterized by
immorality and lack of fear or respect for the law. It is the abuse of public power for private gain. Corruption
comes under many different guises like bribery, extortion, fraud, embezzlement. misappropriations of public
goods, nepotism (favoring family members for jobs and contracts) cronyism and influence pending.
Corruption has been defined in many different ways, each lacking in some aspect. A few years ago, the
question of definition absorbed a large praportion of the time spent on discussion of corruption at conferences
and feelings. However like a elephant, even though it may be difficult to describe, it is generally not difficult to
recognize when observeed. Unfortunately, the behaviour is often difficult to observe directly because, typically
acts of corruption do no t takes place in broad day light.
According to Oxford Dictionary – “perversion of destruction of integrity in discharge of public duties
by bribery or favour is called corruption.”
The webster's Dictionary defines corruption as “inducement to wrong by improper or unlawful means
as bribery.”
The most popular and simplest definition of corruption is given by the world bank. According to this
definition corruption is that it is the “abuse of public power for private benefit” . From this definition it should
not be concluded that corruption cannot exist within private sector activities. Especially in large private
enterprises, this phenomenon clearly exists, as for example in procurement or even in hiring. It also exist in
private activities regulated by the government. 20 | Page
Corruption In India: Nature, Causes, Consequences And Cure
After the independence corruption is widespread in Indian bureaucratic and political system fill lust
small point to apex. According to an international report, the much amount of Indian black money deposited in
Tax Heaven Foreign banks, if which is come out in India. Then the annual budget of India can be made without
tax lies to next 30 years. It is surmisal that the is how much widespread in present India after independence
probably that high profile scandal was the jeep scam in 1948, when jeeps were required for the army operation
in Kashmir. Other notable scandals includes the Mudgal case (1951), Mundra case (1957 – 58), Malviya –
Sirajuddin Scandal (1963).
The governing climate in those days can be gauged from the many observations . A.D. Gorwala
committee, set up to suggest ways to improve the system of governance. The Santhanam committee (1962)
examine the problem of corruption observed in 1964 that “there is widespread impression that failure of
integrity is not uncommon among ministers and that some ministers, who have held office during the last
sixteen years have enriched themselves illegitimately, obtained good jobs for their sons and relations through
nepotism and have reaped other advantages inconsistent with any notion of purity in public life.” In later years
corruption will be gradually widespread in Indian society and no effective measures have yet been installed that
curb the menace. The lokpal bill could not be passed in last decades, it speaks for the utter lack of political will
in the country.
In recent years so many major scandals involving high level public officials have shaken the Indian
public services. These scandals suggests corruption has become a pervasive aspect of Indian political and
bureaucratic system. Some of them major scams are following –
1 Coal Allotment Scam (Cost – 186000 Crores)
2 2 G Spectrum Scam (Cost – 176000 Crores)
3 Commonwealth Games (CWG) Scam (Cost – 70000 Crores)
4 Mega black money laundering Scam (Cost – 70000 Crores)
5 Adarsh Housing Scam (Cost – 18978 Crores)
6 Stamp Paper Scam (Cost – 20000 Crores)
7 Boforce Scam (Cost – 400 Million)
8 Fodder Scam (Cost – 950 Crores)
9 Hawala Scam (Cost – 8000 Crores)
10 Satyam Scam (Cost – 14000 Crores)
11 Stock Market Scam (Cost – 3500 Crores)
12 Madhu Koda Scam (Cost – 4000 Crores)
Under the Indian constitution, the government consists of three branches : the legislative, the executive
and the judiciary with clear mandate for independent functioning of each branch. For the good governance it is
compulsory that each of these units must function with integrity and efficiency. The legislators are elected
representatives of the peoples and responsible for making laws. The executive branch consisting of ministers,
bureaucrats and whole government machinery, which is responsible for the implementation of laws made up by
legislative assemblies. The judiciary, acts as an impartial watchdog to see if the people are governed as per the
law. It lakes the power to frame any law, it can only interpret the laws passed by the law makers under the
constitutional framework and give its verdicts. But when corruption invades, governance begins to degrade
implying loss of integrity and efficiency both. Now – a – days corruption is widespread in every segment of
Indian government system and politics.
The behaviour of India legislators both at the union and in the state leaves a lot to be desired. Every
time they act motivated by personal gain. Corruption in the assemblies as seen from this perspective implies
floor crossing, case for vote taking money or other benefits to ask questions, framing rules under the influence
of big corporate houses at the cost of common people. Criminalization of politics is yet another fact of
corruption in the current parliament. These are over a quarter MPs with criminal records. Many with serious
charges against them. It also highlights an area where electoral reforms is urgently needed so that criminals don't
enter in the parliament or state assemblies.
In the executive branch, ministers are placed at top of the hierarchy. They are responsible for the
making policies for the public because the public trust on them and elected by votes to making government. In
recent analysis we seen that the level of corruption in ministers is highest. 2 G spectrum scam, coal allotment
scam, commonwealth games scam, fodder scam etc. are the best examples of it.
In Indian parliamentary system, the responsibility of execution of the policies making by government at
ground level is taking hand over to the bureaucracy. But the report card of the Indian bureaucracy is also not
very flattering. Bureaucratic corruption in India thrives on red tape, complicated procedures and discretionary
power. Governance in India is characterized by the lack of transparency in rules. Complicated procedures and a
bureaucracy that enjoys broad discretionary power. According to a recent analysis of reports of bribery demands 21 | Page
Corruption In India: Nature, Causes, Consequences And Cure
in India conducted by trace international was published in January 2009, 90% demand for bribe came from
government officials of which over 65% for avoiding harassment, 50% bribery was for timely delivery of
services to which the individuals were already entitled, about 10% were meant to provide any advantage.
Bureaucratic corruption pervades the Indian administration system with widespread practices of bribery,
nepotism and misuse of official positions and resources.
Independence of the judiciary is guaranteed by constitution of India. But corruption is also rampant in
Indian courts. According to Transparency International, judicial corruption in India is attributable to factors such
as “delays in the disposal of cases, shortage of judges, and complex procedure, all of which exacerbated by a
preponderance of new laws.” Almost 3% respondents in India consider the judiciary to be corrupt.
Emergence of a political elite which believes in interest oriented rather than nation oriented
programmes and policies.
Artificial scarcity created by people with malevolent intention wrecks the fabrics of the
Corruption is caused as well as increased because of the change in the value system and ethical
qualities of men who administer. The old ideals of morality, services and honesty are regarded
as anachronistic.
Tolerance of people towards corruption, complete lack of intense public outcry against
corruption and the absence of a strong public forum to oppose corruption allow corruption to
reign our people.
Vast size of population coupled with widespread illiteracy and the poor economic infrastructure
lead to endemic corruption in public life.
In a highly inflationary economy, low salaries of government officials compel them to resort to
corruption. Graduates from Indian institutes of management with no experience draw a far
handsome salary than what government secretaries draw.
Complex laws and procedures deter common people from seeking help from the government.
Elution time is a time when corruption is at its peak. Big industrialists fund politicians to meet
high cost of election and ultimately to seek personal favour. Bribery to politicians buys
influences and bribery by politicians buys votes. In order to get elected, politicians bribe poor,
illiterate people.
Consequence Of Corruption:-
Corruption is as much a moral as a development issues. It can distort entire decision making processes
on investment project and other commercial transactions, and the very social and political fabric of societies. In
India corruption is like a cancer for society. It is destroying Indian economic, democratic and political system.
Corruption reduces public revenue and increases public spending. It thus, contributes to larger fiscal
deficits, making it more difficult for the government to run a sound fiscal policy. Corruption is likely to increase
income inequality because it allows well positioned individuals to take advantage of the government activity at
the cost of the rest of the population. Corruption distorts markets and the allocation of resources because it
reduces the ability of the government to impose necessary regulatory controls and inspection to correct for
market failures. It acts as an arbitrary tax and reduces the fundamental role of the government, legitimacy of the
market economy and increase poverty.
India is the largest democratic country of the world. According to the fundamental corrupt of
democracy Indian constitution provides that no taxation can be charged without permission of legislature. The
money yield by the taxation process is the precious wealth of public. But black money is generated through
corruption. It black money is like oxygen for the corruption. According to an international report the much more
amount of black money deposited in the foreign banks. If it money will be taken reverse in India than all the
foreign debt can be removed and after the much will be keep out that about 20000/- rupees gain by every Indian
or if all the black money will be taken reverse than the budget of India can be make without any tax for next 30
years. This black money are destroying our democratic system.
Politically, corruption increase injustice and disregard for rule or law. Basic human right and freedom
comes under threat. as key judicial decisions are based on the extent of corrupt bribes given to court officials
rather than on the innocence or guilt of the parties concerned. Police investigations and arrests may be based on 22 | Page
Corruption In India: Nature, Causes, Consequences And Cure
political victimization or personal vendettas rather than on solid legal grounds. Commenting on the socio –
political consequence of corruption the supreme court of India observed that corruption in a civilized society
was a disease like cancer. If not detected in time it was sure to turn the polity malignant leading to “disastrous
III. Conclusion
There is a much better grasp today of the extent to which corruption is a symptom of fundamental
institutional weaknesses in Indian society. Instead of tackling such a symptom with narrow intervention
designed to “eliminate” it, it is increasingly understood that the approach ought to address a broad set of
fundamental institutional determinants. However, the challenge of integrating this understanding with
participatory process has barely begun. The implementation of institutional reforms can benefit significantly
from the participatory process that is being developed for anti-corruption activities. Equally important, any
participatory process, however sophisticated, ought to lead to concrete results beyond enhanced participation
and heightened awareness. Thus, identifying key institutional reforms in India, and mobilising support for such
reforms, needs to be fully integrated into the participatory process from very early on. Such early convergence is
likely to promote a better balance between prevention and enforcement measures in addressing corruption. Until
recently, the pendulum was firmly in the “enforcement” corner. The gradual swing towards the middle ground
has taken place due to recognition of the limitations to expose legalistic enforcement measures, since the law
institutions themselves are currently part of the corruption problem in India.
Therefore, corruption is an intractable problem in India; it is like diabetes, which
can only be controlled, but not totally eliminated. It may not be possible to root out corruption completely at all
levels but it is possible to contain it within tolerable limits. Honest and dedicated persons in public life, control
over electoral expenses, could be some of the important prescriptions to combat corruption. 23 | Page
Corruption In India: Nature, Causes, Consequences And Cure
[1]. A.Abdulraheem 2009; Corruption in India : An overview (Cause, consequences and remedial measures); Social Action Vol. 59
October – December 2009.
[2]. Report of Transparency International 2012.
[3]. U.Myint 2000; Corruption : Cause, consequences and cures; Asia – Pacific Development Journal Vol. 7, No. 2 December 2000.
[4]. Understanding Corruption in India: Promoting Transparency.
[5]. Vito Tanzi 1998; Corruption around the world : Cause, consequences , scope and cures : IMF working paper 1998. 24 | Page