Astm F558 - 13

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Designation: F558 − 13 An American National Standard

Standard Test Method for

Measuring Air Performance Characteristics of Vacuum
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F558; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original
adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript
epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope ASTM Test Methods

1.1 This test method covers procedures for determining air E691 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to
performance characteristics of commercial and household Determine the Precision of a Test Method
upright, canister, stick, hand-held, utility, and combination- E2251 Specification for Liquid-in-Glass ASTM Thermom-
type vacuum cleaners having provisions for attaching a hose eters with Low-Hazard Precision Liquids
and incorporating a series universal motor. This test method F431 Specification for Air Performance Measurement Ple-
can be applied to the carpet cleaning mode of operation. num Chamber for Vacuum Cleaners
1.2 These tests and calculations include determination of 2.2 AMCA Standard:4
suction, airflow, air power, maximum air power, and input 210-85 Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for Rating
power under standard operating conditions (see Note 1). The 2.3 IEC Standard:5
nozzle mounted on plenum testing is an ideal air performance IEC 60312 Ed 3.2 Vacuum Cleaners for Household Use—
measurement and is not intended to represent the actual air Methods of Measuring the Performance
performance during carpet or floor cleaning.
3. Terminology
NOTE 1—For more information on air performance characteristics, see
Refs (1-6).2 3.1 Definitions:
1.3 The foot-pound-inch system of units is used in this 3.1.1 air power, AP, W, n—in a vacuum cleaner, the net time
standard. The values in parentheses are given for information rate of work performed by an air stream while expending
only. energy to produce an airflow by a vacuum cleaner under
specified air resistance conditions.
1.4 This standard may involve hazardous materials,
operations, and equipment. This standard does not purport to 3.1.2 automatic bleed valve, n—any device a part of a
address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its vacuum cleaner’s design which automatically introduces an
use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to intentional leak within the vacuum cleaner’s system when
establish appropriate safety and health practices and deter- manufacturer specified conditions are met.
mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. A 3.1.3 corrected airflow, Q, cfm, n—in a vacuum cleaner, the
specific precautionary statement is given in Note 2. volume of air movement per unit of time under standard
atmospheric conditions.
2. Referenced Documents 3.1.4 input power, W, n—the rate at which electrical energy
2.1 ASTM Standards:3 is absorbed by a vacuum cleaner.
E1 Specification for ASTM Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers 3.1.5 model, n—the designation of a group of vacuum
E177 Practice for Use of the Terms Precision and Bias in cleaners having the same mechanical and electrical construc-
tion with only cosmetic or nonfunctional differences.
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F11 on Vacuum 3.1.6 population, n—the total of all units of a particular
Cleaners and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F11.22 on Air Perfor- model vacuum cleaner being tested.
Current edition approved May 1, 2013. Published June 2013. Originally 3.1.7 repeatability limit (r), n—the value below which the
approved in 1978. Last previous edition approved in 2011 as F558 – 11. DOI: absolute difference between two individual test results obtained
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references appended to
this test method.
3 4
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or Available from Air Movement and Control Association, 30 West University Dr.,
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM Arlington Heights, IL, 60004.
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Available from the IEC Web store,, or American National
the ASTM website. Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

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F558 − 13
under repeatability condition may be expected to occur with a
probability of approximately 0.95 (95 %).
3.1.8 repeatability standard deviation (Sr), n—the standard
deviation of test results obtained under repeatability condi-
3.1.9 reproducibility limit (R), n—the value below which the
absolute difference between two test results obtained under FIG. 1 Schematic Diagram of Meter Connections
reproducibility conditions may be expected to occur with a
probability of approximately 0.95 (95 %).
instrument having a resolution of 0.01 in. (0.254 mm) over the
3.1.10 reproducibility standard deviation (S R), n—the stan-
entire required range may be used instead of two separate
dard deviation of test results obtained under reproducibility
3.1.11 sample, n—a group of vacuum cleaners taken from a 5.3 Wattmeter, to provide measurements accurate to within
large collection of vacuum cleaners of one particular model 61 %.
which serves to provide information that may be used as a basis 5.4 Voltmeter, to provide measurements accurate to within
for making a decision concerning the larger collection. 61 %.
3.1.12 standard air density, ρstd, lb/ft3, n—atmospheric air 5.5 Barometer, with an accuracy of 60.05 in. of mercury
density of 0.075 lb/ft3 (1.2014 Kg/m3). (1.27 mm of mercury), capable of measuring and displaying Discussion—This value of air density corresponds absolute barometric pressure, scale divisions 0.02 in. (0.51
to atmospheric air at a temperature of 68°F (20°C), 14.696 psi mm) or finer.
(101.325 kPa), and approximately 30 % relative humidity. 5.5.1 Mercury barometers, in general, measure and display
3.1.13 suction, inch of water, n—in a vacuum cleaner, the the absolute barometric pressure. Some corrections may be
absolute difference between ambient and subatmospheric pres- needed for temperature and gravity. Consult the owner’s
sure. manual.
5.5.2 When purchasing an aneroid or electronic barometer,
3.1.14 test run, n—the definitive procedure that produces
be sure to purchase one which displays the absolute barometric
the singular result of calculated maximum air power.
pressure, not the mean sea level equivalent barometric pressure
3.1.15 test station pressure, Bt, inch of mercury, n—for a value. These types of barometers generally have temperature
vacuum cleaner, the absolute barometric pressure at the test compensation built into them and do not need to be corrected
location (elevation) and test time. for gravity. Discussion—It is not the equivalent mean sea level
value of barometric pressure typically reported by the airport 5.6 Sharp-Edge Orifice Plates—See specifications in Speci-
and weather bureaus. It is sometimes referred to as the fication F431.
uncorrected barometric pressure (that is, not corrected to the 5.7 Thermometer— Solid-stem, ambient thermometer hav-
mean sea level equivalent value). Refer to 5.5 for additional ing a range from 18 to 89°F (or –8 to +32° C) with graduations
information. in 0.2 F (0.1°C), conforming to the requirements for thermom-

3.1.16 unit, n—a single vacuum cleaner of the model being eter 63°F (17.2°C) as prescribed in Specification E1. As an
tested. alternative, thermometers S63F or S63C, as prescribed in
Specification E2251, may be used. In addition, thermometric
4. Significance and Use devices such as resistance temperature detectors (RTDs),
4.1 The test results allow the comparison of the maximum thermistors or thermocouples of equal or better accuracy may
potential air power available for cleaning tasks when tested be used.
under the conditions of this test method. The test results do not 5.8 Psychrometer—Thermometers graduated in 0.2 °F (0.1
indicate the actual air power present during the cleaning °C).
process due to the effects of the various tools in use and 5.9 Voltage-Regulator System, to control the input voltage
surfaces being cleaned. During the nozzle on plenum chamber to the vacuum cleaner. The regulator system shall be capable of
air performance testing, the brushroll is unloaded and this maintaining the vacuum cleaner’s rated voltage 61 % and
condition is not representative of the brushroll being in contact rated frequency having a wave form that is essentially sinusoi-
with carpet or other surfaces being cleaned. dal with 3 % maximum harmonic distortion for the duration of
5. Apparatus the test.

5.1 Plenum Chamber—See Specification F431 or IEC 6. Sampling

60312, Section (Figure 13c). 6.1 A minimum of three units of the same model vacuum
5.2 Water Manometers, or equivalent instruments. One to cleaner, selected at random in accordance with good statistical
measure from 0 to 6 in. (152.4 mm) in increments of 0.01 in. practice, shall constitute the population sample.
(0.254 mm), and one with increments of 0.1 in. (2.54 mm) for 6.1.1 To determine the best estimate of maximum air power
use in making measurements above 6 in. (152.4 mm). A single for the population of the vacuum cleaner model being tested,

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F558 − 13
the arithmetic mean of the maximum air power of the sample mm of mercury), and the dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures
from the population shall be established by testing it to a 90 % to the nearest 0.2 °F (or 0.1 °C)
confidence level within 65 %. The test area shall be free of major fluctuating
6.1.2 Annex A2 provides a procedural example for deter- temperature conditions due to air conditioners or air drafts that
mining the 90 % confidence level and when the sample size would be indicated by a thermometer at the immediate test
shall be increased (see Note 2). area.
NOTE 2—See Annex Annex A2 for method of determining 90 % 8.1.4 Connect a manometer or equivalent instrument to the
confidence level. plenum chamber.
7. Test Vacuum Cleaners 8.1.5 Connect a wattmeter and a voltmeter in accordance
7.1 New Test Vacuum Cleaners: with Fig. 1.
7.1.1 Preconditioning a New Test Vacuum Cleaner—Run Wattmeter Correction—If needed, the indication
the vacuum cleaner in at rated voltage 61 % and rated may be corrected for voltmeter and wattmeter potential coil
frequency with filters in place. loss by opening the load circuit on the load side of the Preconditioning a Rotating Agitator Type Vacuum wattmeter with the line voltage at the operating value. The
Cleaner—In a stationary position, operate the vacuum cleaner wattmeter current connection may be at its most sensitive
for 1 h with the agitator bristles not engaged on any surface. position. Subtract this loss value from the total load indication Preconditioning a Straight-Air Canister Vacuum to obtain the true load. As an alternative method, use the
Cleaner—Operate the vacuum cleaner for 1 h with a wide-open following equation:
inlet (without hose).
W c 5 W i 2 V 2 /R T (1)
7.2 Used Test Vacuum Cleaners:
7.2.1 Recondition a used test vacuum cleaner; prior to the where:
initial test run as follows: Wc = corrected wattage, Thoroughly remove excess dirt from the vacuum Wi = indicated wattage,
cleaner. Without using tools for disassembly, clean the entire V = voltmeter reading, and
outer surface, brushes, nozzle chamber, ductwork, inside of the RT = RP × RV/(RP + RV),
chamber surrounding the primary filter, and inside hose and where:
wands. RT = total resistance, Ω, For vacuum cleaners using disposable filters as the RP = wattmeter potential coil resistance, Ω, and
primary filters, use a new disposable primary filter from the RV = voltmeter coil resistance, Ω.
manufacturer for each test. Install it as recommended by the
vacuum cleaner manufacturer. 8.2 Setup—Attachment Hose: For vacuum cleaners using water as the primary 8.2.1 Connect the hose assembly to the plenum chamber
filter, empty the receptacle and refill as recommended by the hose adapter and seal only this connection. See Fig. 2.
manufacturer. The end of the hose assembly should be inserted For vacuum cleaners using non-disposable dirt inside the hose connector adapter and be perpendicular to the
receptacles, empty in accordance with the manufacturer’s plenum chamber.
instructions and clean the receptacle until its weight is within The end of the hose assembly shall not project into
0.07 oz (2 g) of its original weight and install it as recom-
mended by the vacuum cleaner manufacturer. the plenum chamber.
8.2.2 The hose should be supported and kept straight and
NOTE 3—It is preferable to conduct this test method on new test vacuum
horizontal. Maintain the vacuum cleaner in its normal operat-
cleaners prior to any other ASTM test methods to avoid contamination that
could cause performance variations. ing orientation. If the hose is not intended to enter the vacuum
cleaner horizontally, gradually bend the hose with a single
7.3 Test Vacuum Cleaner Settings—If various settings are
provided, set the motor speed setting or suction regulator using bend from the intake port to the plenum chamber. Any
the manufacturer’s specifications as provided in the instruction restraining method should allow the hose coupling to seal at the
manual for normal operation. If a different setting is used, cleaner. See Fig. 3.
make a note of the deviation in the test report. 8.3 Test Setup—Carpet Cleaning Mode:
8. Procedure 8.3.1 Mount the cleaner plate as shown in Fig. 1e of
Specification F431 to the plenum chamber.
8.1 Preparation for Test:
8.1.1 Prepare the test vacuum cleaner(s) in accordance with 8.3.2 Make an adapter by any convenient method which
Section 7. adapts the test vacuum cleaner’s nozzle opening to the opening
8.1.2 Set the manometers to zero and check all instruments in the cleaner plate.
for proper operation. 8.3.3 Maintain the largest cross-sectional area possible
8.1.3 Record the test station pressure and the dry-bulb and throughout the adapter. This will prevent impeding the airflow
wet-bulb temperature readings within 6 ft of the test area. Read between the plenum chamber and the test vacuum cleaner’s
the barometric pressure to the nearest 0.02 in. of mercury (0.51 nozzle.

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FIG. 2 Diagram of Hose and Adapter Connection

8.3.5 The interface between the adapter and the test vacuum
cleaner’s nozzle is to be airtight. This may be achieved by any
convenient means.
8.3.6 If the vacuum cleaner incorporates edge cleaning slots
along the side edge(s), or slots along the front and rear edge of
the bottom plate, or both, these slots should be sealed by any
convenient means such as clay, tape, and so forth.
8.3.7 Do not eliminate leaks resulting from test vacuum
FIG. 3 Schematic for Air Performance Test cleaner’s construction, except at the adapter/nozzle interface as
described above.
8.3.8 An example of an adapter is shown in Fig. 4. This
8.3.4 It is recommended that the hole for the adapter/ adapter uses a closed-cell foam gasket material or molded low
plenum chamber interface be located as close, if not directly durometer urethane material shaped to fit the contour of the test
below, the dirt pickup duct for the test vacuum cleaner’s cleaner’s nozzle opening with sufficient surface area for
nozzle. sealing.

FIG. 4 Nozzle Adapter


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8.3.9 Attach the nozzle adapter to the plenum chamber’s 8.4.3 The vacuum cleaner is to be operated at its nameplate
cleaner plate, taking care to center the adapter’s opening over rated voltage 61 % and frequency 61 Hz throughout the test.
the hole in the cleaner plate. For vacuum cleaners with dual nameplate voltage ratings,
8.3.10 The interface between the adapter and the plenum conduct the test at the highest voltage.
chamber should be airtight. The use of foam, clay, tape, or any Allow the vacuum cleaner to operate at the open
other convenient means may be used to make this interface orifice for 1 to 2 min between test runs.
airtight. 8.4.4 While operating the vacuum cleaner per 8.4.3, insert
8.3.11 Mount the test vacuum cleaner to the nozzle adapter orifice plates sequentially into the orifice plate holder of the
by any convenient means. plenum chamber starting with the largest size orifice and

8.3.12 The test vacuum cleaner, when mounted to the following it with the next smaller orifice plate. Use the
plenum chamber, should be set on the plenum chamber/adapter following orifice plates: 2.000, 1.500, 1.250, 1.000, 0.875,
in the user position. If needed, the test vacuum cleaner’s rear 0.750, 0.625, 0.500, 0.375, 0.250, and 0 in. (50.8, 38.1, 31.7,
wheels should be supported to keep the cleaner’s foot parallel 25.4, 22.2, 19.0, 15.8, 12.7, 9.5, and 6.3 mm). The following
with the plenum chamber’s surface. optional orifice plates may also be used: 2.500, 2.250, 1.750,
8.3.13 For test cleaners incorporating a pivoting handle, 1.375, and 1.125 in. (63.5, 57.2, 44.5, 34.9, and 28.6 mm).
support the test vacuum cleaner’s handle at 31.5 in. above the
8.4.5 For each orifice plate, record the suction, h, and input
nozzle/adapter surface.
power, P, in that order. All readings should be taken within 10
8.3.14 For those vacuum cleaners which have a non-
s of the orifice insertion. Allow the vacuum cleaner to operate
pivoting handle, support the test vacuum cleaner’s handle at a
at the open orifice for 1 to 2 min before inserting the next
height such that the cleaner’s nozzle is parallel to the surface of
the nozzle adapter.
8.3.15 Secure the test vacuum cleaner to the plenum cham- Read the suction to the nearest graduation of the
ber to prevent the test vacuum from possibly moving and instrument. Readings should be taken as soon as the manom-
breaking the airtight seal during the test. eter reaches a true peak. (When using a fluid type manometer,
8.3.16 If the vacuum cleaner has a brush roll or other the liquid level may peak, drop, and peak again. The second
mechanism for agitating the floor surface during cleaning, it peak is the true peak reading. A person conducting the test for
shall be activated for the duration of the test. the first time shall observe at least one run before recording
data. See Specification F431 for instructions on how to
8.4 Test Procedure: minimize the overshoot (first peak) of the liquid level).
8.4.1 Any automatic bleed valve which affects the air
performance of the vacuum cleaner shall not be defeated. 9. Calculation
8.4.2 Operate the vacuum cleaner with no orifice plate
inserted in the plenum chamber inlet at nameplate rated voltage 9.1 Correction of Data to Standard Conditions:
61 % and frequency 61 Hz prior to the start of the test run to 9.1.1 Air Density Ratio—The density ratio, Dr, is the ratio of
allow the unit to reach its normal operating temperature. For the air density at the time of test ρtest, to the standard air
vacuum cleaners with dual nameplate voltage ratings, conduct density, ρstd = 0.075 lb/ft3 (1.2014 kg/m3). It is used to correct
testing at the highest voltage. Do this before each test run. the vacuum and wattage readings to standard conditions. Find

FIG. 5 Vacuum Cleaner Test Arrangement

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ρtest (lb/ft3 or kg/m3) from standard psychometric charts or TABLE 1 Orifice Flow Coefficient Equations (K1)
ASHRAE tables and calculate Dr as follows: NOTE 1—K1 was determined experimentally using an ASTM plenum
ρ test chamber (see Specification F431) and an ASME flowmeter (see Ref (1)).
D r 5 (2)
ρ std NOTE 2—Equations for K1 in terms of Bt and h are given in Appendix
Orifice Diameter, in. (mm) Orifice Flow Coefficient EquationA
ρtest = the air density at the time of test, lb/ft3, and
ρstd = the standard air density, 0.075 lb/ft3. 0.250 (6.3) K1 5
r21.0468 As an alternative, the following equation is intended 0.5553r20.5754
0.375 (9.5)
to be used for correcting ambient conditions where the baro- K1 5
metric pressure exceeds 27 in mercury and the dry-bulb and 0.5694r20.5786
0.500 (12.7) K1 5
wet-bulb temperatures are less than 100°F (37.8°C); and may r21.0138
be used as an alternate method of calculating Dr (see Appendix 0.625 (15.8) 0.5692r20.5767
K1 5
X1 for derivation and accuracy analysis). r21.0104
[17.68 Bt – 0.001978 Tw2 + 0.1064 Tw 0.750 (19.0) 0.5715r20.5807
Dr = K1 5
+ 0.0024575 Bt (Td – Tw) – 2.741] r21.0138
Td + 459.7 0.5740r20.5841
0.875 (22.2) K1 5
where: r21.0158
Bt = test station pressure at time of test, in. of mercury, 1.000 (25.4) K1 5
Td = dry-bulb temperature at time of test, °F, and
Tw = wet-bulb temperature at time of test, °F. 1.125 (28.6) K1 5
9.1.2 Corrected Suction—Corrected suction, hs, is the ma- 1.250 (31.7) 0.5717r20.5814
K1 5
nometer reading, h, times the correction factor, Cs as follows: r21.0152

h 5 C sh (3) 1.375 (34.9) 0.5680r20.5826

s K1 5
r21.0235 For series universal motors (see Ref (6)) the correc- 1.500 (38.1) 0.5719r20.5820
K1 5
tion factor, Cs, is calculated as follows: r21.0165

1.750 (44.5) 0.5695r20.5839

C s 5 110.667 ~ 1 2 D r ! (4) K1 5
r21.0235 This test method does not have any formulas avail- 2.000 (50.8) 0.5757r20.5853
K1 5
able for correcting input power for any other type of motor r21.0157
(permanent magnet, induction, etc.) 2.250 (57.2) K1 5
9.1.3 Corrected Input Power—Corrected input power, Ps, r21.0279

expressed in watts, is the wattmeter reading, P, times the 2.500 (63.5) 0.5660r20.59024
K1 5
correction factor, Cp, as follows:
P s 5 C pP (5)
B t s 0.4912d 2 h s 0.03607d For series universal motors the correction factor, Cp, r5
B t s 0.4912d
is calculated as follows:
C p 5 110.5~ 1 2 D r ! (6) Bt = test station pressure at time of test, in. of mercury, and
h = uncorrected suction (manometer reading), in. of water. This test method does not have any formulas avail-
able for correcting input power for any other types of motor
(permanent magnet, induction, etc.) TABLE 2 Repeatability and Reproducibility
9.2 Corrected Airflow—Calculate the corrected airflow, Q,
expressed in cubic feet per minute (see Note 4 and Appendix Test Type Coefficient of Repeatability Coefficient of Reproducibility
Variation, Limit, Variation, Limit,
X2) as follows: CV %r r CV %R R

Q 5 21.844D 2 K 1 =h s (7) End of Hose 2.190 6.132 6.533 18.292


. Nozzle 4.795 13.426 19.265 53.942

Q = corrected flow, cfm,
D = orifice diameter, in., NOTE 4—For the corrected airflow expressed in liters per second, use
K1 = constant (dimensionless), orifice flow coefficients for the following equation:
orifices in the plenum chamber. See Table 1 for values =h s
Q 5 10.309 D 2 K 1
for each orifice. See Ref (1) for the derivation of these
flow coefficients. where:
hs = corrected suction, in. of water. Q = corrected flow, L/s,

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D = orifice diameter, m, 11.6 Repeatability (Single Operator and Laboratory, Multi-

K1 = constant (dimensionless), and day Testing)—The ability of a single analyst to repeat the test
hs = corrected suction, Pa. within a single laboratory.
9.3 Air Power—Calculate the air power, AP, in watts, as 11.6.1 The expected coefficient of variation of the measured
follows: results within a laboratory, CV %r, has been found to be the
respective values listed in Table 2.
AP 5 0.117354 ~ Q !~ h s ! (8)
11.6.2 The 95 % repeatability limit within a laboratory, r,
where: has been found to be the respective values listed in Table 2,
AP = air power, W, where r = 2.8 (CV %r).
Q = corrected flow, cfm, and 11.6.3 With 95 % confidence, it can be stated that within a
hs = corrected suction, inch of water. laboratory a set of measured results derived from testing a unit
NOTE 5—See Appendix X3 for derivation. should be considered suspect if the difference between any two
9.4 Maximum Air Power—Determine the maximum air of the three values is greater than the respective value of the
power using the method in Annex A1. repeatability limit, r, listed in Table 2.
11.6.4 If the absolute value of the difference of any pair of
10. Report measured results from three test runs performed within a single
10.1 For each vacuum cleaner sample from the population laboratory is not equal to or less than the respective repeatabil-
being tested, report the following information: ity limit listed in Table 2, that set of results shall be considered
10.1.1 Manufacturer’s name and product model name or suspect.
number, or both. 11.7 Reproducibility (Multiday Testing and Single Operator
10.1.2 Type of cleaner; that is, upright, canister, etc. Within Multilaboratories)—The ability to repeat the test within
10.1.3 The corrected input power, corrected vacuum, cor- multiple laboratories.
rected airflow, and air power for each orifice used. 11.7.1 The expected coefficient of variation of reproducibil-
10.1.4 Calculated maximum air power. ity of the average of a set of measured results between multiple
10.1.5 Indicate the method of testing, end of hose or nozzle laboratories, CV %R, has been found to be the respective
on plenum. values listed in Table 2.
11.7.2 The 95 % reproducibility limit within a laboratory, R,
11. Precision and Bias6 has been found to be the respective values listed in Table 2,
11.1 The following precision statements are based on inter- where R = 2.8 (CV %R).
laboratory tests involving eight laboratories and four units. 11.7.3 With 95 % confidence, it can be stated that the
11.2 The statistics have been calculated as recommended in average of the measured results from a set of three test runs
Practice E691. performed in one laboratory, as compared to a second
laboratory, should be considered suspect if the difference
11.3 The following statements regarding repeatability limit between those two values is greater than the respective values
and reproducibility limit are used as directed in Practice E177. of the reproducibility limit, R, listed in Table 2.
11.4 The End of Hose Coefficients of Variation of repeat- 11.7.4 If the absolute value of the difference between the
ability and reproducibility of the measured results have been average of the measured results from the two laboratories is not
derived from nine sets of data, where each of two sets have equal to or less than the respective reproducibility limit listed
been performed by a single analyst within each of the eight in Table 2, the set of results from both laboratories shall be
laboratories on separate days using the same test unit.6 considered suspect.
11.5 The Nozzle Coefficients of Variation of repeatability 11.8 Bias—No justifiable statement can be made on the
and reproducibility of the measured results have been derived accuracy of this test method for testing the properties listed.
from seven sets of data, where each of two sets have been The true values of the properties cannot be established by
performed by a single analyst within each of the seven acceptable referee methods.
laboratories on separate days using the same test unit.6
12. Keywords
Complete data on the round-robin test is available from ASTM Headquarters. 12.1 airflow; air performance; air power; suction; suction
Request RR:F11-1010. power; vacuum cleaner


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(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 The following, second degree polynomial equation, is A1.3 Setting the derivative of Eq A1.1 equal to zero and
assumed to provide the best mathematical approximation of the solving for X will determine the value of Xm where Y is at its
air power versus airflow relationship. maximum value f(Ymax) as follows:
NOTE A1.1—See Ref (4) for additional information.
dy d
Y 5 A 1 1A 2 X1A 3 X 2 (A1.1) 5
dx dx 1
@ A 1A 2 X1A 3 X 2 # 5 0 (A1.5)

where: dy
Y = air power (AP), 5 A 2 12A 3 X 5 0
X = airflow (Q), and Substitute Xm as the value of X at Ymax and solve for Xm:

A 1, A2, and A3, = arbitrary constants.

A1.1.1 Use X and Y values obtained from only five specific Xm 5 2 (A1.6)
2A 3
orifices selected as follows: Substituting this value of Xm, and A1, A2, and A3, into Eq 1
A1.1.1.1 Using the test data, determine the orifice size that will determine the value of Ymax (APmax) as follows:
produced the highest air power value.
A1.1.1.2 Use the air power and airflow values at this orifice, Y max 5 A 1 1A 2 X m 1A 3 X m 2 (A1.7)
and the next two smaller and the next two larger orifices in the
A1.4 Calculate the goodness of fit, R (correlation coeffi-
following computations:
cient) as follows:
A1.1.1.3 If the highest air power value calculated from the
observed data is at the 2.0 in. (50.8 mm) orifice or larger, then ( ~Y i OBS 2 Y i CAL! 2

use the air power and airflow values from the five largest R512 (A1.8)
orifices. ( ~Y i OBS 2 Y OBS! 2
A1.2 To determine the values of A1, A 2, and A3, use the X Y i CAL 5 A 1 1A 2 X i OBS 1A 3 X 2 i OBS (A1.9)
and Y values obtained from the five specified orifices and solve and:
the following set of normalized equations:
(Y i ( X 1A ( X
5 NA1 1A 2 i 3 i
N (Y i OBS (A1.10)

(XY i i 5 A1 ( X 1A ( X 1A ( X
i 2 i
3 i
(A1.3) and:
i = 1 to N orifices used in 8.2,
(X Y i
i 5 A1 ( X 1A ( X 1A ( X
2 i
3 i
OBS = observed data,
where: CAL = calculated data, and
N = 5 (number of orifices selected), Yi OBS = is the air power (AP) obtained from the calculations
i = 1 to N, and in 9.3 for the corresponding value X i OBS (airflow,
Xi and Yi = the values obtained during testing (X1Y1, X2Y2, Q) at any of the N orifices selected.
. . . XNYN) at the five orifices specified in A1.4.1 If R is not greater than or equal to 0.900, the test
must be performed again and the new set of data shall be used.


A2.1 Theory: the true mean of the population, µ, lies within 5 % of the
A2.1.1 The most common and ordinarily the best estimate calculated mean, x̄, of the sample taken from the population as
of the population mean, µ, is simply the arithmetic mean, x̄, of stated in Section 6.
the individual scores (measurements) of the units comprising a A2.1.2 The following procedure provides a confidence in-
sample taken from the population. The average score of these terval about the sample mean which is expected to bracket µ,
units will seldom be exactly the same as the population mean; the true population mean, 100(1-α) % of the time where α is the
however, it is expected to be fairly close so that in using the chance of being wrong. Therefore, 1-α is the probability or
following procedure it can be stated with 90 % confidence that level of confidence of being correct.

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A2.1.3 The desired level of confidence is 1-α = 0.90 or 90 % where:
as stated in Section 11. Therefore α = 0.10 or 10 %. CI = Confidence Interval (U - upper limit; L - lower limit),
x̄ = mean score of the sample taken from the population,
A2.1.4 Compute the mean, x̄, and the standard deviation, s,
t = t statistic from Table A2.1 at 95 % confidence level,
of the individual scores of the sample taken from the popula- s = standard deviation of the sample taken from the
tion: population, and
1 n n = number of units tested.
x̄ 5
n (X
i (A2.1)
A2.1.7 It is desired to assert with 90 % confidence that the
true population mean, µ, lies within the interval, CIU to CIL,

! n

i 2 S( D


centered about the sample mean, x̄. Therefore, the quantity

n ~n 2 1!
(A2.2) ts/ =n shall be less than some value, A, which shall be 5 % of
x̄ in accordance with the sampling statement of 6.1.
A2.1.8 As n→`, ts/ =n→0 . As this relationship indicates, a
n = number of units tested, and
numerically smaller confidence interval may be obtained by
Xi = the value of the individual test unit score of the ith test
using a larger number of test units, n, for the sample.
unit. As will be seen in the procedural example to
Therefore, when the standard deviation, s, of the sample is
follow, this is the average value of the results from three
large and the level of confidence is not reached after testing
test runs performed on an individual test unit with the
three units, a larger sample size, n, shall be used.
resulting set of data meeting the repeatability require-
ments of Section 11. A2.2 Procedure —A graphical flow chart for the following
A2.1.5 Determine the value of the t statistic for n – 1 procedure is shown in Fig. A2.1.
degrees of freedom, df, from Table A2.1 at a 95 % confidence A2.2.1 Select three units from the population for testing as
level. the minimum sample size.
NOTE A2.1—The value of t is defined as t1-α/2 and is read as “t at 95 % A2.2.2 Obtain individual test unit scores by averaging the
confidence.” results of three test runs performed on each of the three
t statistic 5 t 12α/2 5 t 0.95 (A2.3)
individual test units. The data set resulting from the three test
runs performed on each individual test unit shall meet the
where: respective repeatability requirement found in Section 11.
1-α/2 = 1 – 0.10/2 = 1 – 0.05 = 0.95, or 95 %.
A2.2.3 Compute x̄ and s of the sample.
A2.1.6 The following equations establish the upper and
A2.2.4 Compute the value of A where A = 0.05(X)
lower limits of an interval centered about x̄ that will provide the
level of confidence required to assert that the true population A2.2.5 Determine the statistic t for n – 1 degrees of freedom
mean lies within this interval: from Table A2.1 where n = the number of test units.

CIU 5 x̄1ts/ =n (A2.4) A2.2.6 Compute ts/ =n for the sample and compare it to the
value to A.
CIL 5 x̄ 2 ts/ =n (A2.5)
A2.2.7 If the value of ts/ =n.A, an additional unit from the
population shall be selected and tested, and the computations
of steps A2.2.2-A2.2.6 repeated.
TABLE A2.1 Percentiles of the t Distribution A2.2.8 If the value of ts/ =n,A, the desired 90 % confi-
df t0.95 dence level has been obtained. The value of the final x̄ may be
1 6.314 used as the best estimate of the air power rating for the
2 2.920
3 2.353
4 2.132
5 2.015 A2.3 Example —The following data is chosen to illustrate
6 1.943 how the attachment hose value of air power for the population
7 1.895 of a vacuum cleaner model is derived. The measured test
8 1.860
9 1.833 results from three test runs on each unit are required to have a
10 1.812 repeatability limit not exceeding 6.132 as indicated in Section
11 1.796 11.
12 1.782
13 1.771 A2.3.1 Select three test units from the vacuum cleaner
14 1.761
15 1.753 model population. A minimum of three test runs shall be
performed using each test unit.


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A2.3.4 Test runs scores for Test Unit No. 1:
Test Run No. 4 = 82.4
Test Run No. 5 = 80.9
Test Run No. 6 = 81.8
A2.3.5 Maximum spread = 82.4 – 80.9 = 1.5
% difference 5 maximum spread/maximum score 5 5 1.8 %

This value is less than the repeatability limit requirement of

Section 11.
A2.3.6 Unit No. 1 score = (82.4 + 80.9 + 81.8)/3 = 81.7
NOTE A2.2—If it is necessary to continue repeated test run sets (7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12, etc.) because the spread of data within a data set is not less than
the repeatability limit requirement stated in Section 11, there may be a
problem with the test equipment, the execution of the test procedure, or
any of the other factors involved in the test procedure. Consideration
should be given to re-evaluating all aspects of the test procedure for the
A2.3.7 A minimum of two additional test units must be
tested, each meeting the repeatability limit requirement. For
this procedural example, assume those units met the repeat-
ability requirement and the individual unit scores are:
Score of Test Unit No. 1 = 81.7
Score of Test Unit No. 2 = 88.3
Score of Test Unit No. 3 = 86.6
x̄ 5 1/ 3 ~ 81.7188.3186.6! 5 85.5 (A2.8)


s5 Π3 @ ~ 81.7! 2 1 ~ 88.3! 2 1 ~ 86.6! 2 # 2 @ 81.7188.3186.6# 2

3 ~3 2 1!

s = 3.426.
A 5 0.05 ~ 85.5! 5 4.276 (A2.10)

FIG. A2.1 Testing Procedure Flowchart A2.3.11

degrees of freedom, n 2 1 5 3 2 1 5 2 (A2.11)

t 0.95 statistic 5 2.920

A2.3.2 Test run scores for Test Unit No. 1: A2.3.12
Test Run No. 1 = 77.4
Test Run No. 2 = 83.4 ts/ =n 5 2.920 ~ 3.426! / =3 5 5.777 (A2.12)

Test Run No. 3 = 82.1 A2.3.13 Since 5.777 > 4.276, the requirement that ts/ =n
A2.3.3 Maximum spread = 83.4 – 77.4 = 6 ,A has not been met because s is large. Therefore, an
6 additional test unit from the population shall be tested.
% difference 5 maximum spread/maximum score 5 5 7.2 %
83.4 A2.3.14 Score of Test Unit No. 4 = 84.5.
This value is greater than the repeatability limit required in
x̄ 5 1/ 4 ~ 81.7188.3186.6184.5! 5 85.3 (A2.13)
Section 11. The results shall be discarded and three additional
test runs performed. A2.3.16

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s degrees of freedom, n 2 1 5 4 2 1 5 3 (A2.16)

5 Π2 2 2 2
4 @ ~ 81.7! 1 ~ 88.3! 1 ~ 86.6! 1 ~ 84.5! # 2 @ 81.7188.3186.6184.5#
4 ~4 2 1!

t 0.95 statistic 5 2.353

ts/ =n 5 2.353 ~ 2.845! / =4 5 3.347 (A2.17)
s = 2.845. A2.3.20 3.347 < 4.264 (meets requirements)
A2.3.17 A2.3.21 Thus, the value of x̄, 85.3, represents the air power
score for the vacuum cleaner model tested and may be used as
A 5 0.05 ~ 85.3! 5 4.264 (A2.15) the best estimate of the air power rating for the population
A2.3.18 mean.


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Symbols b ~ dry air portion! 5 ~ B t 2 e !

70.7261 Bt 2 e
ρa 5 3
Dr = density ratio, which is the air density at time of test 53.34 ~ T d 1459.7!
divided by the standard density, dimensionless, X1.2.3 ρv Calculation:
R = gas constant, = 1545/MW, ft/°R,
MWa = molecular weight of dry air = 28.9644, 1545 1545 53.34
R5 5 5 (X1.3)
Mwv = molecular weight of water vapor = 18.016 or 0.622 MW v 0.622~ MWa ! 0.622
V = specific volume of fluid = 1/[ρ], lb/ft3, b ~ water vapor portion! 5 e
ρstd = standard air density = 0.075 lb/ft3,
70.7261 0.622e
ρtest = density of moisture-laden air, lb/ft3, ρ 5 3
ρa = density of dry air portion of moisture-laden air,
53.34 ~ T d 1459.7!
lb/ft3, X1.2.4 ρtest Calculation:
ρv = density of water vapor portion of moisture laden air, ρ test 5 ρ a 1ρ v (X1.4)
= density of mercury at 32°F = 848.713 lb/ft3,
P = absolute pressure of gas, lb/ft2, 5
3 S
~ B t 2 e ! 10.622 e
T d 1459.7 D
b = absolute pressure of gas, in. of mercury,
Bt = test station pressure at time of test, in. of mercury, 1.32595 ~ B t 2 0.378 e !
T = absolute temperature,° R, 5
T d 1459.7
Td = dry-bulb temperature,° F,
Tw = wet-bulb temperature,° F, X1.2.5
svp = saturated vapor pressure at wet-bulb temperature, ρ test ρ test
D 5 5 (X1.5)
inch of mercury, and r
ρ std 0.075
e = partial vapor pressure at test condition, in. of
mercury. 17.68 ~ B t 2 0.378 e !
T d 1459.7
X1.2 Derivation X1.2.6

NOTE X1.1—See AMCA Standard 210-85.

PV = RT and V = 1⁄ρ, therefore ~ T d 2 T w!
e 5 svp 2 B t (X1.6)
P/ρ = RT or ρ = P/RT 2700
X1.2.1 Conversion of P to b: X1.2.7
P 5 ρ m ~ b/12! 5 ~ 848.713/12! b 5 70.7261b (X1.1) svp 5 2.95991024 T w 2 2 1.5927·1022 T w 14.102 ~ 1021 ! .
X1.2.2 ρa Calculation: (X1.7)

1545 1545 X1.2.8 Combining the equations in X1.2.5, X1.2.6, and

R5 5 (X1.2) X1.2.7:
MW a 28.9644
D r 5 [17.68B t 2 0.001978T w 2 10.1064 T w (X1.8)
P 70.7261b
ρa 5 5
RT 53.34~ T d 1459.7! 10.0024575 B t ~ T d 2 T w ! 2 2.741]/ ~ T d 1459.7!

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X1.3 Error Analysis for Usable Range of svp Equation EFFECT OF ERROR IN SVP ON CALCULATION OF
NOTE X1.2—See error analysis for usable range in AMCA Standard D (X1.2.5) R
X1.3.4 The B – 0.378e factor greatly reduces any error in
COMPUTATION METHODS FOR SVP COMPARISON “e” (or svp) since B is far greater in magnitude than 0.378e.
X1.3.1 The svp equation is taken from AMCA Standard X1.3.4.1 The worst-error case is with lowest “B” and
210-85 and used in X1.2 versus svp value tabulations in Ref highest “e.”
X1.3.5 The worst-error condition is with low barometric
X1.3.2 Probability of Error in svp:
condition, high wet-bulb temperature, and 100 % relative
X1.3.2.1 The plot of data shows very little error at 80°F
(26.7°C) and below but increasingly larger error as Tw in-
creases above 80°F. X1.3.6 If the Dr equation is restricted to minimum value of
B = 27.00 in. of mercury absolute and maximum value of Tw =
100°F (37.8°C) then at the worst-case condition of 100 %
relative humidity the Dr error = +0, –0.23 %.
X1.3.3 The worst error is when Td = Tw (that is, 100 %
relative humidity). At that point the “e” error = svp error. Error
in “e” reduces with decreasing humidity.


X2.1 From Ref (3), p. 54, eq. (1-5-36): K = orifice flow coefficient, dimensionless,
d = orifice diameter, in., and
Q 1 5 0.099702
~ CYd 2 F a !
~ =1 2 β 4
ρ std
(X2.1) hs = differential pressure at standard conditions, in. of water.

X2.3 The ASTM plenum chamber, as specified in Specifi-

where: cation F431, is not a measuring device that uses a pipe. The
Q1 = flow rate at standard, air density and temperature, ft3/s, flow from ambient into the sharp edged orifice plate is
C = coefficient of discharge, dimensionless, unrestricted and a plenum chamber is placed immediately,
Y = expansion factor, dimensionless, downstream of the orifice plate.
Fa = thermal expansion factor, dimensionless,

β = d/D, dimensionless, X2.3.1 Thus the orifice flow coefficient, K, and the expan-
d = orifice diameter, in., sion factor, of X2.2 are different for the plenum chamber
D = diameter of pipe upstream, in., specified in Specification F431.
hs = differential pressure at standard conditions in. H2O,
X2.3.2 For the plenum chamber specified in Specification
F431, the combination of the orifice flow coefficient K, and the
ρstd = air density at standard conditions, 0.075 lb/ft3.
expansion factor, Y, were empirically determined as a singular,
X2.1.1 This equation determines the rate of gas flow in a orifice flow coefficient K1.
pipe system, and measured with a venturi tube, a flow nozzle,
or an orifice plate measuring device mounted in the pipe. X2.3.3 The value of K1 will vary for each of the orifice
plates identified in Section 9.
X2.1.2 The equation (1-5-36) from Ref (3), page 54, uses
the symbol ρ1 instead of ρstd for the air density at standard X2.4 Replacing K and Y in the equation of X2.2 with K1
conditions, q1 instead of Q1 for flow rate at standard air density results in:
and temperature, and hs instead of hw for differential pressure at
standard conditions. The symbols ρ1, q1, and hw were changed Q 5 21.844 K 1 d 2 = h s (X2.3)
to ρstd, Q1 and hs respectively as a matter of consistency within where:
this standard and clarity. (ρ1 = ρstd, hs = hw, Q1 = q1).
Q = flow rate at standard, air density and temperature, cfm,
X2.2 Converting to ft3/min flow rate, substituting 0.075 for K 1 = orifice flow coefficient for the Specification F431
the value of ρstd substituting K for CFa / =12B 4 and simplify- plenum chamber, dimensionless,
d = orifice diameter, in., and
hs = differential pressure at standard conditions, in. of
Q 5 21.844KYd2 =h (X2.2) water.

where: X2.4.1 This equation determines the rate of gas flow, in

ft3/min through a thin plate square edged orifice, mounted in
Q = flow rate at standard, air density and temperature, cfm, accordance with Specification F431.

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X3.1 Power is defined as the rate of doing work in a given where:

period of time and can be expressed by the following general F = force generated by air stream passing through the
equation: orifice, lbs,
P 5 Fv (X3.1)
p = density of water at (68°F), 62.3205 lb/ft3 ,
hs = differential pressure at standard conditions, in. of water,
where: and
P = power, A = cross sectional area of the orifice, ft2.
F = force, and X3.3.1.1 The constant 1⁄12 is used to maintain the correct set
v = velocity. of units
X3.2 Air power as defined in the terminology section (see 1 ~ ft! ~ lb!
F ~ lbs! 5 p h ~ in.! A ~ ft2 ! (X3.5)
3.1.1) is the net time rate of work performed by an air stream 12 ~ in.! ~ ft3 ! s
while expending energy to produce air flow by a vacuum X3.3.2 The velocity is given by the following equation:
cleaner under specified air resistance conditions, expressed in
V 5 Q/A (X3.6)
watts. Therefore air power is:
AP 5 745.7/33000 Fv (X3.2)
V = velocity of air stream passing through the orifice, ft/min,
where: Q = flow rate at standard, air density and temperature, cfm,
AP = air power, W, and
F = force generated by the air stream passing through the A = cross sectional area of the orifice, ft2.
orifice, lbs, and
v = velocity, ft/min. X3.4 Substituting equations from X3.3.1 and X3.3.2 into
the equation of X3.2, p = 62.3205 lb/ft3, and simplifying;
X3.2.1 The constant 745.7/33000 is used to maintain the
correct set of units. AP 5 0.117354 h s Q (X3.7)

33000 ft lb where:
1 watt 5 (X3.3)
745.7 min AP = air power, W,
hs = differential pressure at standard conditions, in. of
X3.3 For an air stream passing through a given orifice size: water, and
X3.3.1 The force is given by the following equation: Q = flow rate at standard air density and temperature, cfm.
1 X3.4.1 This is the equation used to calculate the air power
F5 p h sA (X3.4)
12 in 9.3.


X4.1 Dry-bulb temperature, TD = 68°F. X4.8 Water column height = ρ0/ρwater/(12)3 = 14.69595
(1728)/62.3205 = 407.4829 in. H2O at 68°F.
X4.2 Atmospheric pressure = 14.69595 psi.
X4.9 To convert inches of mercury at 32°F to pounds force
X4.3 Relative humidity (approximate) = 30 %.
per square inch, multiply by 14.69595/29.921 = 0.491153 (use
X4.4 Density of mercury at 32°F (Note X4.1), (ρHs) = 0.4912).
848.71312 lb/ft3. X4.10 To convert inches of water at 68°F to pounds force
X4.5 Density of water at 68°F, (ρwater) = 62.3205 lb/ft 3 per square inch, multiply by 14.69595/407.4839 = 0.03606511
(use 0.03607).

X4.6 Density of air at 68°F, 30 % relative humidity, ρ0 = NOTE X4.1—Mercury barometer readings are to be corrected to 32°F.
0.075 lb/ft3. See Kent’s Mechanical Engineers Handbook.

X4.7 Barometer reading, B0 = ρ0/ρ Hg/(12)3 = 14.69595 X4.11 All constants are from AMCA Standard 210-85 and
(1728)/848.71312 = 29.9213 in. Hg at 32°F (Note X4.1). Refs (3) and (4).

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Manometer Reading, h, in. H2O

Orifice Diameter, in. (mm)
min max
0.250 (6.3) 0.1 109
0.375 (9.5) 0.1 100
0.500 (12.7) 0.1 91
0.625 (15.8) 0.1 81
0.750 (19) 0.1 72
0.875 (22.2) 0.1 63
1.000 (25.4) 0.1 55
1.250 (31.7) 0.1 40
1.500 (38.1) 0.1 26
2.000 (50.8) 0.1 11


NOTE X6.1—These equations are the results of substituting the r equation into the Table 1, K1 , equations.

Orifice Diameter, in. Orifice Diameter, in.

Flow Coefficient Flow Coefficient
(mm) (mm)

0.020109h10.018665B t 0.020621h10.004764B
0.250 (6.3) K1 5 1.250 (31.7) K1 5
0.03607h10.022988B t 0.03607h10.007466B t
0.020029h10.009873B t 0.020488h10.007172B
0.375 (9.5) K1 5 1.375 (34.9) K1 5
0.03607h10.012918B t 0.03607h10.011543B t
0.0205382h10.004519B t 0.020628h10.004961B
0.500 (12.7) K1 5 1.500 (38.1) K1 5
0.03607h10.00678B t 0.03607h10.008104B t
0.020531h10.003684B t 0.020542h10.007073B
0.625 (15.8) K1 5 1.750 (44.5) K1 5
0.03607h10.005108B t 0.03607h10.011543B t
0.020614h10.004519B t 0.020765h10.004715B
0.750 (19) K1 5 2.000 (50.8) K1 5
0.03607h10.006778B t 0.03607h10.0077118B t
0.020704h10.004961B t 0.020592h10.008301B
0.875 (22.2) K1 5 2.250 (57.2) K1 5
0.03607h10.0077609B t 0.03607h10.013704B t
0.020513h10.004813B t 0.020416h10.011907B
1.000 (25.4) K1 5 2.500 (63.5) K1 5
0.03607h10.00717152B t 0.03607h10.019648B t

1.125 (28.6) 0.020470h10.007073B t

K1 5
0.03607h10.011052B t


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X7.1 This example shows the calculations of air density for Bt = 29.10 in. Hg
two different test locations at two different elevations and the Tw = 61.0 °F
results of the maximum air power calculations. Td = 70.0 °F
X7.2 This example attempts to show the importance of X7.4.1 The test station pressure, Bt, or absolute barometric
using the test station pressure or absolute barometric pressure pressure was measured with a mercury barometer. The actual
in the calculations of the air density instead of the equivalent reading of the barometer was adjusted for latitude and tem-
mean sea level value of the absolute barometric pressure. perature per the mercury barometers instruction manual.
X7.2.1 Air density or the weight of the air per unit volume X7.4.2 The test laboratory also recorded the equivalent
at a particular test location is influenced by the local weather mean sea level barometric pressure value. This value was
conditions, the test locations height above sea level, the obtained from their local airport. It was 29.50 inHg and
heating, cooling and ventilation system of the test facility, etc. represented what the barometric pressure would be at 0 ft
X7.2.1.1 In general, air density decreases as the elevation elevation not at the test laboratories elevation of 355 ft.
increases. The amount of the atmosphere above the test X7.5 The air density ratio, Dr, was computed using the
location decreases as elevation increases; thus the weight of the values in X7.4 because these were the ambient conditions at
air above the test location decreases resulting in a lower air the test location at the time of the test. Dr was calculated as
density. follows:
X7.2.1.2 Air density is effected by the amount of moisture
17.68(29.10) – 0.001978(61.0)2 + 0.1064(61.0)
within the air. Water vapor adds weight to the air. Dr =
+ 0.0024575(29.10)(70.0 – 61.0) – 2.741
(70.0 + 459.7)
X7.3 For this example, a vacuum cleaner having the char-
acteristics shown in Table X7.1 at standard air density condi- Dr = 0.9657
tions in accordance with 3.1.4 shall be used. X7.6 Using the value for Dr, the suction correction factor Cs
X7.3.1 The calculated maximum air power for this unit is and the input power correction factor, Cp were calculated as
152 air watts. shown below:
X7.3.2 It will be assumed that this cleaner performs per- C s 5 110.667~ 1 2 D r ! C p 5 110.5~ 1 2 D r ! (X7.1)
fectly each time it is used (that is, no motor performance
variations, the hose is laid out the exact same way for each test C s 5 110.667~ 1 2 0.9657! C p 5 110.5~ 1 2 0.9657!
C s 5 1.0229 C p 5 1.0172
X7.7 These correction factors were then used to compute

X7.4 In Harrisburg, PA, an independent test laboratory the corrected suction hs and the corrected input power Ps. In
located 355 ft above sea level measured the maximum air addition the airflow and air watt values were calculated for
power of the vacuum cleaner described in X7.3 per Specifica- each orifice plate. The results are shown in Table X7.2.
tion F558. At the test location and test time, the laboratory X7.7.1 The following calculations show an example of how
measured the test station pressure, Bt, the wet bulb the corrected suction, hs, correct input power, Ps airflow, Q, and
temperature, Tw, and the dry bulb temperature, Td. Their values
were recorded as follows:
TABLE X7.1 Measured Data Corrected Data (Date at Standard Conditions)
Orifice Input Input Air Power,
Orifice Input Power, Suction, hs Airflow, Q Air Power, AP Suction Suction, hs Airflow, Q
Diameter Power Power, Ps AP (air
Diameter (in.) Ps (watts) (in. H2O) (cfm) (air watts) (in. H2O) (in. H2O) (cfm)
(in.) (watts) (watts) watts)
2.500 768 1.70 107.2 21.4 2.500 755 1.66 768 1.6980 107.1341 21.3483
2.000 766 3.80 101.9 45.5 2.000 753 3.71 766 3.7949 101.8055 45.3390
1.750 761 6.00 97.7 68.8 1.750 748 5.87 761 6.0044 97.7049 68.8465
1.500 757 9.40 88.7 97.9 1.500 744 9.19 757 9.4004 88.6998 97.8511
1.375 750 11.70 83.6 114.8 1.375 737 11.44 750 11.7019 83.6217 114.8346
1.250 742 14.30 76.4 128.3 1.250 729 13.98 742 14.3000 76.3714 128.1638
1.125 731 17.70 68.7 142.8 1.125 719 17.3 731 17.6960 68.8672 143.0164
1.000 716 21.50 60.1 151.7 1.000 704 21.02 716 21.5012 59.8448 151.0033
0.875 693 25.70 49.8 150.3 0.875 681 25.12 693 25.6950 49.7649 150.0619
0.750 666 30.40 39.7 141.7 0.750 655 29.72 666 30.4003 39.7197 141.7041
0.625 637 35.20 29.6 122.3 0.625 626 34.41 637 35.1977 29.6375 122.4203
0.500 603 40.20 20.1 94.9 0.500 593 39.3 603 40.1996 20.1266 94.9488
0.375 566 44.50 12.2 63.7 0.375 556 43.5 566 44.4958 12.2060 63.7367
0.250 538 47.00 5.9 32.6 0.250 529 45.95 538 47.0019 5.9030 32.5601
0.000 519 49.30 0.0 0.0 0.000 510 48.2 519 49.3034 0.0000 0.0000

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Provided by IHS under license with ASTM
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
F558 − 13
the air power, AP, were computed for each orifice. In the X7.8.1 Although the data was incorrect, the laboratory
calculations below the 0.750 in. diameter orifice data was used. observed in their case that it did not make much difference in
X7.7.1.1 The corrected suction was calculated as follows: the results. This was due to the small difference between the
h s 5 C sh (X7.2) test station pressure and the equivalent mean sea level value.
(The small difference was a result of the test laboratory only
h s 5 ~ 1.0229!~ 29.72! being 355 ft above mean sea level).

h s 5 30.4003
X7.8.2 It is also worth noting that had the test laboratory
actually tested the vacuum cleaner under the 29.50 inHg
X7.7.1.2 The corrected input power was calculated as fol- barometric pressure, the measured suction and input power
lows: values would have been slightly different for the vacuum
P s 5 C pP (X7.3) cleaner.

P s 5 ~ 1.0172!~ 655! TEST LOCATION 2: HIGH ELEVATION

P s 5 666 X7.9 In El Paso, TX, an independent test laboratory located

3700 ft above sea level measured the maximum air power of
X7.7.1.3 The airflow for the 0.750 in. diameter orifice was the vacuum cleaner described in X7.3 per Specification F558.
calculated as follows:
X7.10 At the test location and test time, the laboratory
Q 5 21.844 D 2 K 1 =h s (X7.4) measured the test station pressure, Bt, the wet bulb

temperature, Tw, and the dry bulb temperature, Td. Their values
0.5715r 2 0.5807
K 1 , for 0.750 in. orifice 5 were recorded as follows:
r 2 1.0138
Bt=24.86 in. Hg
B t ~ 0.4912! 2 h ~ 0.03607! Tw=64.0°F
r5 Td=80.0°F
B t ~ 0.4912!
X7.10.1 The test station pressure, Bt, or absolute barometric
D 5 0.750 B t 5 29.10
pressure was measured with an aneroid barometer. The actual
h 5 29.95 h 5 30.40 reading of this particular aneroid barometer gave the absolute
barometric pressure value and did not need any adjustments. It
Solving for r: was noted in the instruction manual that this barometer had
29.10~ 0.4912! 2 29.95~ 0.03607! temperature compensation built into it.
r5 5 0.9244 (X7.5)
29.10~ 0.4912!
X7.11 The test laboratory also recorded the equivalent mean
Solving for K1: sea level barometric pressure value. This value was obtained
0.5715~ 0.9244! 2 0.5807 from a digital weather station within their laboratory that had
K1 5
~ 0.9244! 2 1.0138
5 0.5862 (X7.6) been originally set up to report the mean sea level equivalent
barometric pressure to coincide with local weather reports. The
Solving for Q: value was 28.64 inHg and represented what the barometric
pressure would be at 0 ft elevation not at the test laboratories
Q 5 21.844~ 0.750! 2 ~ 0.5862! =30.40 5 39.7197 (X7.7)
elevation of 3700 ft.
X7.7.1.4 For the air power the calculations were as follows:
X7.12 The air density ratio, Dr, was computed using the
AP 5 0.117354 Qhs (X7.8) values in X7.10 as follows:
AP 5 0.117354 ~ 39.7197!~ 30.4003! 17.68(24.86) – 0.001978(64.0)2
Dr = + 0.1064(64.0) + 0.0024575(24.86)(80.0 – 64.0) –
AP 5 141.7041 (80.0 + 459.7)
X7.7.2 The calculations shown in X7.7.2 were made for
Dr = 0.8087
each of the various orifice plates sizes used in the test.
X7.7.3 The maximum air power was calculated in accor- X7.13 Repeating the same calculation in X7.6 and X7.7
dance with the procedure outlined in Appendix X1 and found using the density ratio Dr from X7.12, the results are shown in
to be 152 air watts. This is in agreement with the vacuum Table X7.3.
cleaners characteristics described in X7.3. X7.13.1 The air power was calculated to be 152 air watts.
X7.8 Had the independent laboratory incorrectly computed X7.14 Had the independent laboratory incorrectly computed
the maximum air power using the equivalent mean sea level the maximum air power using the equivalent mean sea level
value of barometric pressure (rather than absolute), the incor- value of barometric pressure (rather than absolute), the incor-
rectly calculated maximum air power would have been 150 air rectly calculated maximum air power would have been 136 air
watts. (Based on incorrect air density ratio Dr = 0.9790; using watts. (Based on incorrect air density ratio Dr = 0.9328; using
Bt = 29.50, Tw = 61.0°F, and Td = 71.0°F). Bt = 28.64, Tw = 64.0°F, and Td = 80.0°F).

Copyright ASTM International

Provided by IHS under license with ASTM
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F558 − 13
TABLE X7.3 X7.14.1 Seeing the difference, the independent test labora-
Measured Data Corrected Data (Data at Standard Conditions) tory realized it was very important to use the correct test station
Orifice Input Input Air Power,
Diameter Power
Power, Ps
Suction, hs Airflow, Q
AP (air
barometric pressure to ensure that the data they would distrib-
(in. H2O) (in. H2O) (cfm) ute would correlate with other test laboratories at different
(in.) (watts) (watts) watts)
2.500 701 1.51 768 1.7026 107.2412 21.4281 elevations operating under a different air density.
2.000 699 3.37 766 3.7999 101.7847 45.3897
1.750 695 5.32 761 5.9987 97.5589 68.6790
1.500 691 8.34 757 9.4040 88.6285 97.8104
1.375 685 10.38 751 11.7043 83.5185 114.7164
1.250 677 12.68 742 14.2977 76.2585 127.9537
1.125 667 15.70 731 17.7030 68.7675 142.8659
1.000 654 19.07 717 21.5030 59.7434 150.7599
0.875 633 22.79 694 25.6976 49.7152 149.9267
0.750 608 26.96 666 30.3996 39.6695 141.5213
0.625 581 31.22 637 35.2031 29.5966 122.2699
0.500 550 35.65 603 40.1982 20.1050 94.8440
0.375 517 39.47 566 44.5056 12.1678 63.5515
0.250 491 41.68 538 46.9975 5.8739 32.3964
0.000 474 43.72 519 49.2978 0.0000 0.0000


(1) “Calibration of ASTM Plenum Chamber,” Whirlpool Corp., 3/31/76. (4) “Fan Engineering,” Buffalo Forge Co., 1970.
(2) ASHRAE Guide and Data Book-Handbook of Fundamentals, Ameri- (5) AGA-ASME Committee Report on Orifice Coefficients, 1935.
can Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning (6) “Simplified Air Density Correction of Vacuum Cleaner Performance
Engineers, 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017. Data,” A. L. Sebok, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
(3) ASME Fluid Meters Theory and Application , 6th Ed., 1971, American Transactions, Vol IGA-6 January/February, 1970, pp. 88-94.
Society of Mechanical Engineers, 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY

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