Sizing and Counting Airborne Particulate Contamination in Cleanrooms and Other Dust-Controlled Areas

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Designation: F25/F25M − 09 (Reapproved 2015)

Standard Test Method for

Sizing and Counting Airborne Particulate Contamination in
Cleanrooms and Other Dust-Controlled Areas1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F25/F25M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 2.3 IEST Document:

IEST-G-CC1003 Measurement of Airborne Macroparticles
1.1 This test method covers counting and sizing airborne
particulate matter 5 µm and larger (macroparticles). The
sampling areas are specifically those with contamination levels 2.4 SAE Document:
typical of cleanrooms and dust-controlled areas. SAE Abstract ARP-743, Procedure for the Determination of
Particulate Contamination of Air in Dust-Controlled
1.2 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound units Spaces by Particle Count Method, August 19625
are to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in
each system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each 3. Terminology
system shall be used independently of the other. Combining
3.1 Definitions:
values from the two systems may result in non-conformance
with the standard. 3.1.1 airflow: unidirectional airflow—air flow which has a singular
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the direction of flow and may or may not contain uniform
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the velocities of air flow along parallel lines.
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- NOTE 1—Formerly known as laminar airflow.
bility of regulatory requirements prior to use. non-unidirectional airflow—air distribution where
the supply air entering the room mixes with the internal air by
2. Referenced Documents means of induction.
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 3.1.2 critical pressure—for an orifice, with a constant up-
F50 Practice for Continuous Sizing and Counting of Air- stream pressure, the downstream pressure at which the flow
borne Particles in Dust-Controlled Areas and Clean will not increase when the downstream pressure decreases.
Rooms Using Instruments Capable of Detecting Single
3.1.3 critical pressure ratio—the ratio of the critical pres-
Sub-Micrometre and Larger Particles
sure of an orifice to the entrance pressure.
2.2 ISO Standard:
ISO 14644-1 Cleanrooms and Associated Controlled 3.1.4 customer—organization, or the agent thereof, respon-
Environments—Part 1: Classification of Air Cleanliness3 sible for specifying the requirements of a cleanroom or clean
3.1.5 fiber—particle having an aspect (length-to-width) ratio
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E21 on Space
of 10 or more.
Simulation and Applications of Space Technology and is the direct responsibility of 3.1.6 macroparticle—particle with an equivalent diameter
Subcommittee E21.05 on Contamination.
Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2015. Published November 2015. Originally greater than 5 µm.
approved in 1963. Last previous edition approved in 2009 as F25 – 09. DOI:
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM Available from Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (IEST),
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Arlington Place One, 2340 S. Arlington Heights Rd., Suite 100, Arlington Heights,
the ASTM website. IL 60005-4516,
3 5
Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St., Available from Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), 400 Commonwealth
4th Floor, New York, NY 10036, Dr., Warrendale, PA 15096-0001,

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

F25/F25M − 09 (2015)

FIG. 2 Typical Air Sampling-Filtration Apparatus

5. Apparatus
FIG. 1 Suitable Microscope: Inclined Binocular Body; Mechanical 5.1 Filter Holder,6aerosol open type having an effective
Stage; Triple Nosepiece; Ocular-Objective Combination to Obtain filtering area of 960 6 25 mm2.
40 to 45× and 90 to 150× Magnification
5.2 Adapter.7
5.3 Flow-Limiting Orifice,810 L/min.
3.1.7 M descriptor—measured or specified concentration of
5.4 Membrane Filters,9black, 0.80-µm mean pore size,
macroparticles per cubic metre of air, expressed in terms of the
47-mm diameter, with imprinted grid squares having sides 3.10
equivalent diameter that is characteristic of the measurement
6 0.08 mm. Pressure drop across the filter used shall be no
method used.
greater than 50 torr for an air flow rate of 1 L/min·cm2. Discussion—The M descriptor may be regarded as
an upper limit for the averages at sampling locations (or as an 5.5 Forceps, with unserrated tips.
upper confidence limit, depending upon the number of sam- 5.6 Vacuum Pump, capable of producing a pressure of 34
pling locations used to characterize the cleanroom or clean kPa (260 torr) (vacuum of 500 torr) downstream of the orifice
zone). M descriptors cannot be used to define airborne particu- at a flow rate of 10 L/min through the orifice.
late cleanliness classes, but they may be quoted independently
5.7 Flowmeter, calibrated and having a capacity in excess of
or in conjunction with airborne particulate cleanliness classes.
10 L/min.
3.1.8 occupancy states: as-built—condition where the installation is com- 5.8 Glass Microscope Slides, 50 mm by 75 mm, or 47-mm
plete with all services connected and functioning but with no plastic disposable petri dishes.
additional equipment, materials, or personnel present. at-rest—condition where the installation is complete 6
The sole source of supply of the apparatus known to the committee at this time
with equipment installed and operating in a manner agreed is 47 mm Stainless Steel, Millipore XX5004710, available from Millipore
upon by the customer and supplier, but with no personnel Corporation, 290 Concord Rd., Billerica, MA 01821. If you are aware of alternative
present. suppliers, please provide this information to ASTM International Headquarters.
Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible operational—condition where the installation is technical committee,1 which you may attend.
functioning in the specified manner, with the specified number 7
The sole source of supply of the apparatus known to the committee at this time
of personnel present and working in the manner agreed upon. is Luer slip to 1⁄4 in. -3⁄8 in. ID hose Stainless Steel, XX6200004, available from
Millipore Corporation, 290 Concord Rd., Billerica, MA 01821. If you are aware of
3.1.9 particle size—major projected dimension of the par- alternative suppliers, please provide this information to ASTM International
ticle. Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee,1 which you may attend.
4. Summary of Test Method The sole source of supply of the apparatus known to the committee at this time
is Limiting Orifice Set (5 orifices including 10 L/min), XX5000000, available from
4.1 The test method is based on the microscopical exami- Millipore Corporation, 290 Concord Rd., Billerica, MA 01821. If you are aware of
nation of particles impinged upon a membrane filter with the alternative suppliers, please provide this information to ASTM International
Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
aid of a vacuum. The number of sampling points is propor- responsible technical committee,1 which you may attend.
tional to the floor area of the enclosure to be checked. The 9
The sole source of supply of the apparatus known to the committee at this time
apparatus and facilities required are typical of a laboratory for is AABG04700, Black Grid, 0.80 µm, available from Millipore Corporation, 290
Concord Rd., Billerica, MA 01821. If you are aware of alternative suppliers, please
the study of macroparticle contamination. The operator must
provide this information to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will
have adequate basic training in microscopy and the techniques receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,1
of particle sizing and counting. which you may attend.

F25/F25M − 09 (2015)
5.9 Binocular Microscope, (Fig. 1) with ocular-objective 7.2 The filter surface may be vertical or horizontal with
combinations to obtain 40 to 45× and 90 to 150× magnifica- respect to the floor.
tions. Latter objective shall have numerical aperture of 0.15 7.2.1 The orientation of the filter depends on airflow direc-
min. tion for unidirectional airflow areas.
5.10 Normal Counter,10(2 gang) or equivalent. Sampling in a unidirectional airflow shall be as close
to isokinetic as is possible.
5.11 Microscope Lamp, 6 V, 5 A, high-intensity. IEST-G-CC1003 provides additional information on
5.12 Ocular Micrometer Scale, 5-mm linear scale with 100 isokinetic sampling.
divisions. 7.2.2 For nonunidirectional airflow areas, the customer may
5.13 Stage Micrometer, standard 0.01-mm to 0.1-mm scale. specify an orientation or the process being monitored in the
cleanroom may indicate which orientation would be preferred.
6. Sampling Apparatus In nonunidirectional airflow, airflow directions and
velocities vary with location and time.
6.1 The airborne particles shall be collected, with the aid of IEST G-CC1003 recommends a sample inlet probe,
a vacuum source, on a membrane filter of 960-mm2 effective
with an inlet diameter of at least 20 mm, facing upward. This
filtering area.
will collect larger particles that tend to settle out of the air.
6.2 The apparatus specified in 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 or equivalent
7.3 The standard sample for this test method shall be 300 L
shall be used.
(10 ft3).
6.3 Fig. 2 is picture of a typical sampler. 7.3.1 The sample size may be adjusted for specific condi-
6.4 Fig. 3 is a drawing of a typical sampler assembly. tions.
7.3.2 The number of particles sampled shall meet statistical
6.5 Sampler airflow is maintained using the vacuum pump,
criteria of ISO 14644-1 or other accepted statistical sampling
specified in 5.6, connected to the sampler and either a
flowmeter to measure flow or a calibrated orifice to control
flow. 7.4 The sample shall be taken at waist level [0.9 to 1.0 m
6.5.1 The flow rate may be adjusted using a flowmeter and (36 to 40 in.)] from the floor), at bench level, or at other points
valve downstream of the sampler with filter and other elements as specified by the customer. The sample points may be
installed. selected for relevance to and sensitivity of the operations being
6.5.2 A calibrated orifice, 5.3, may be used to control the performed in the cleanroom.
airflow rate. The specified flow rate for the orifice depends on 7.5 The number and location of sampling points shall be as
critical pressure ratio of less than 0.53 for air at room designated in the sampling plan.
temperature and pressure. The limiting orifice shall be cali- 7.5.1 The minimum number of sample locations as specified
brated with the pump, filter holder, and filter used for this test in ISO 14644-1, Annex B may be used:
method. The required flow rate is 10 6 0.5 L/min.
N L 5 =A (1)
6.6 Inspect the sampler, including the orifice, to ensure that
it is free of restricting matter before each test. Clean if required. where:
NL = minimum number of sampling locations (rounded up to
7. Sampling in a Cleanroom, Clean Zone, or other a whole number), and
Controlled Areas A = area of the cleanroom or clean zone in square metres.
7.1 Sampling Plan:
7.1.1 A sampling plan shall be provided. In the case of unidirectional horizontal airflow, the area A
7.1.2 ISO 14644-1 and IEST-G-CC1003 may be used as may be considered as the cross section of the moving air
guides for the plan. perpendicular to the direction of the airflow.
7.5.2 The nature of the operations or the customer may
select the number of sampling points.
The sole source of supply of the apparatus known to the committee at this time
is the Veeder-Root counter, available from Veeder-Root, 6th Ave. & Burns Xing, 8. Sampling in a Duct or Pipe
Altoona, PA 16602. If you are aware of alternative suppliers, please provide this
information to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive 8.1 The sampling of a moving gas stream in a duct or
careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,1 which pipeline requires isokinetic sampling.
you may attend.

FIG. 3 Typical Aerosol Monitor Sampling System

F25/F25M − 09 (2015)
8.2 Often by reason of the total flow, the allowable pressure
drop, or the physical dimensions of the system (as for example
an air conditioning air duct), it is impracticable to sample the
entire flow.
8.3 Because of the low viscosity of gas, moving gas streams
present several special sampling problems, which may disturb FIG. 5 Faulty Sample from a Rapid-Ducted Gas Stream
the results unless care is taken.
8.4 To collect a representative sample of particulate con-
tamination from a ducted air stream, insert a probe (as shown 8.10 Sampling rate and probe dimensions shall be carefully
in Fig. 4) coupled to the sampling apparatus described in 5.1, adjusted to match duct and probe air velocities.
5.2, and 5.3.
9. Preparation of Apparatus
8.5 Achieving accurate isokinetic sampling requires that the
9.1 Before sampling, remove dirt and dust from the filter
gas linear velocity at the probe opening match that in the duct.
holder by washing in a free-rinsing detergent, ketone-free
Equal velocities may be achieved by a proper ratio between the
isopropyl alcohol, submicron-filtered reagent grade petroleum
probe opening and the limiting orifice dimensions, for ex-
ether (boiling range 30 to 60°C) or trichloromonofluorometh-
ane or trichlorotrifluoroethane.
flow in duct ~ L/min! sampling rate ~ L/min!
5 (2) 9.2 The clean laboratory equipment used for counting and
duct cross 2 sectional area probe opening area
sizing the collected particles shall be in a HEPA-filtered clean
8.6 Failure to match the probe and duct velocities will cause bench or equivalent clean area.
a distortion of results favoring either large particles if the probe
9.3 Plastic microscope hoods shall be installed on the
velocity lower than duct velocity or small particles if the probe
microscope to minimize particle deposition on the filter being
velocity higher than duct velocity.
8.7 Fig. 5 shows an open-type holder installed in a duct.
9.4 Personnel performing sizing and counting operations
Some large particles are diverted from the filter by airflow
shall be equipped with cleanroom garments consistent with
around the filter holder. Most small particles are diverted.
good practice.
8.8 Probes shall have thin walls, sharp edges, as large an
9.5 Clean and prepare microscope slides and petri dishes for
inside diameter as is practicable, but with a minimum inside
preserving the membrane filter and specimen. Lens tissue
diameter of 6.4 mm (0.25 in.).
properly used is satisfactory for this operation.
8.8.1 Practice F50 provides some guidelines for sample
probe tubing. 9.6 Handle hazardous chemicals used in the method with Sample transit tubes should be configured so that the recognized precautions.
flow Reynolds number is maintained in the range 5000 to 9.7 Establish a background count on membrane filters by
25 000. examining each filter used for referee purposes. Examination at For particles in the size range 0.1 µm to approxi- 40 to 50× magnifications through the microscope will reveal
mately 2 µm in diameter and a flow rate of 30 L/min (1 low or high background count.
ft3/min), a transit tube up to 30 m long can be used. For particles in the size range approximately 2 to 10 9.8 For routine work, a background count on two filters per
µm, a maximum transit tube length of 3 m can be used. box of 100 is adequate under present rigid production methods. If a flexible transit tube is to be used, then no radius 9.9 Make a background count, following the microscopical
of curvature below 150 mm shall be used. methods outlined in this method.
8.8.2 Tubing diameter, length, and bend radius shall be 9.10 A background is required upon any filter with a
selected to maximize the transport of particles of the maximum contamination level approximating 10 % or greater of the
size to be measured. estimated test sample. This count will be subtracted from the
8.9 Probes shall head directly up stream. total count (Pt) obtained for each size range.
9.11 If the background count is estimated to be greater than
10% of the total count from a 0.3 m3 (10-ft3) specimen, a larger
sample [0.4 or 0.6 m3 (15 or 20-ft3)] volume) may be used to
eliminate the need for following the background count proce-
9.12 Place acceptable filters in clean petri dishes and cover.
9.13 Identify dishes for test use.

10. Procedure
10.1 With the aid of laboratory pressure tubing of rubber or
FIG. 4 Isokinetic Sampling from a Duct plastic, connect the filter holder to the vacuum train which

F25/F25M − 09 (2015)
includes the filter holder, and either or both a limiting orifice of
10 L/min (Fig. 6) or a flowmeter having a capacity of 10 L/min,
and a source of vacuum (vented outside sampling area or
filtered to prevent contamination of the area samples).
10.2 The vacuum pump shall be vented outside the clean-
room or sampling area or filtered to prevent contamination of
the area samples.
10.3 With clean unserrated forceps, carefully remove the
membrane filter from the petri dish and place, with grid side
up, on the screen support of the filter holder (Fig. 7). Twist the
locking ring in place to secure the filter.
10.4 When in the sampling area, place the filter holder in the
desired location and orientation. FIG. 7 Placing the Filter on a Typical Screen Support
10.5 Apply the vacuum and adjust to a flow of 10 L/min.
When using the orifice, no adjustment is necessary. However,
the pump shall be checked with the manometer to ensure its 10.7.5 Use a magnification of approximately 45× for count-
ability to maintain a pressure of 34 kPa (260 torr) [vacuum of ing particles 50 µm or larger and approximately 100× for
500 torr] or better while sampling. particles smaller than 50 µm. (Greater magnification may be
advantageous for examination to identify particles.)
10.6 The filter shall be removed from the holder with
forceps and placed between clean microscope slides or in a NOTE 3—Analysis for particles in the 0.5-µm to 5.0-µm size range may
be achieved by using transmitted light techniques, after rendering the
clean petri dish for transport to the microscope counting area. white filter transparent by placing the filter on immersion oil of refractive
10.7 Microscopical Analysis: index 1.515. A magnification of at least 500× is required. For transmitted
10.7.1 Place the ocular micrometer in one eyepiece. Using a light microscopy, a white filter must be used (instead of black filter) since
only the white filter can be rendered transparent with immersion oil. If a
stage micrometer, calibrate the measuring eyepiece (ocular smaller pore size filter is used, the flowmeter and limiting orifice will
micrometer) for each magnification (Fig. 8). (A whipple disk require calibration with filter holder and filter in place.
similarly calibrated is satisfactory for many investigations.) 10.7.6 Particles should be counted and tabulated in two size
10.7.2 Knowing the subdivisions of the stage micrometer ranges: particles greater than 50 µm and particles 5 to 50 µm.
(top), the divisions of the measuring eyepiece (bottom) may be Particles smaller than 5 µm are not to be counted by this
sized from it (Fig. 8). method. The size of a particle is determined by its greatest
NOTE 2—Example—Stage micrometer 100 µm per major division, 10 projected dimension.
µm per minor division; 100 divisions of the measuring eyepiece subtend
1050 µm, one division of the measuring eyepiece = 10.5 µm. 10.8 Method of Counting Particles:
10.8.1 Adjust the microscopic focus and lamp position so
10.7.3 Place the microscope slide or petri dish containing that maximum clarity of filter surface and particle definition is
the specimen under the microscope. The petri dish cover must obtained.
be removed. 10.8.2 With the lower magnification (approximately 45×),
10.7.4 Adjust the microscope lamp intensity and direct it on count the entire effective filter area for particles in the ranges
the specimen from an oblique position to obtain the maximum larger than 50 µm.
definition for sizing and counting. High intensity illumination 10.8.3 Use a manual counter or equal for counting the
is a critical requirement. particles.
10.8.4 At the higher magnification, estimate the number of
particles in the 5-µm to 50-µm ranges over the effective
filtering area by scanning one unit area.
10.8.5 If the total number of particles in this range is
estimated to be less than 500, count the number of particles in
each size range being measured over the entire effective
filtering area.
10.8.6 A statistical analysis shall be performed on the
particle counts in each size range to determine the uncertainties
in the measurement.
10.8.7 If the total number of particles in the 5-µm to 50-µm
ranges is estimated is greater than 500, the counting procedure
in 10.9 applies.
10.8.8 The largest projected dimension of the particle de-
termines the size category of the particle.
10.8.9 Fibers may be counted separately if so specified by
FIG. 6 Inserting a Typical Orifice the customer.

F25/F25M − 09 (2015)

FIG. 8 Calibrating the Measuring Eyepiece

10.9 Statistical Particle Counting: 10.9.3 Select unit areas for counting so that the average total
10.9.1 When the estimated number of particles over the number of particles in a unit area does not exceed 50 particles.
effective filtering area in the 5-µm to 50-µm ranges exceeds (See Fig. 10 for alternative unit areas.)
500, the method entails the selection of a unit area for 10.9.4 If a particle lies on the upper or left boundary line of
statistical counting, counting all particles in the unit area which a counting area, count this particle as if it were within the
are in each range being measured, and then similarly counting boundaries of the counting area.
additional unit areas in accordance with the counting plan of
NOTE 4—With membrane filter on stage, movement of the stage makes
Fig. 9 until the following statistical requirement is met: particles appear to pass the divisions on the measuring eyepiece.
F n 3 N t 5 .500 (3) 10.9.5 Start and finish a selected grid square or unit area by
where: sizing and counting from the left edge of a grid line, scanning
Fn = number of grid squares or unit areas counted, and exactly one grid square width as the operation continues from
Nt = total number of particles counted in Fn areas. left to right. Optional unit areas are: a grid square, a rectangle
defined by the width of a grid square and the calibrated length
10.9.2 After establishing with low-magnification examina- of the ocular micrometer scale, and a rectangle defined by the
tion that particle distribution on the filter is uniform, for the width of a grid square and a portion of the length of the ocular
referee method, use the counting plan as shown in Fig. 9. micrometer scale.
Count a number of grid squares or unit areas within different 10.9.6 Scan the unit area for particles by manipulating the
grid squares as indicated in the counting plan of Fig. 10 until stage so that particles to be counted pass under the ocular
the statistical requirements of 10.9.1 are met. micrometer scale. Only the maximum dimension of the particle
is regarded as significant, and for particles improperly oriented
relative to the ocular micrometer scale, make an estimate of
maximum dimension. The eyepiece containing the ocular
micrometer should not be rotated to size specific particles.
Using a manual counter, count all particles in the selected area
which are in the 5 to 50 µm range as indicated by the ocular
micrometer scale. Record the number of particles in each unit
area counted to have a record of the number of unit areas and
the particles counted to meet requirements of 10.9.1. This same
procedure applies to those special requirements for counting
and sizing in closer size ranges between 5 and 50 µm.
10.9.7 In obtaining the total number of particles, count 10 or
more grid squares or unit areas on the filter disk. From this
count, calculate the total number of particles, which would be
present on the total effective filtration area of 100 imprinted
grid squares.
FIG. 9 Double-Diameter Counting Plan (Shaded Area Used) 10.10 Alternate Counting Method:

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NOTE 1—With membrane filter on stage, movement of the stage makes particles appear to pass the divisions on the measuring eyepiece
FIG. 10 Alternative Unit Areas

10.10.1 Record data for all subsequent use. To ensure 10.10.9 The largest dimension of the particle determines the
reproducible results, the operator should be checked periodi- size category of the particle.
cally with a secondary standard (such as SAE ARP-743). 10.10.10 Divide the results by ten and report them in each
10.10.2 In obtaining the number of particles of a given size range as particles per cubic metre.
particle size range, the number of particles on a representative 10.10.11 Calculation of Calibration Factor:
number of grid squares of the filter disk are counted. From this The calibration factor is the ratio of the effective
count, the total number of particles, which would be present
filtration area (100 grid squares or 9.6 cm2 to the area counted).
statistically on the total effective filtration area of 100 im-
printed grid squares, is calculated. To arrive at a calibration factor, start with the
10.10.3 If the total number of particles of a given particle microscope adjusted for the power under consideration.
size range is estimated to be between 1 and 50, count the Using the stage micrometer, measure the length
number of particles over the entire effective filtering area. of the ocular micrometer scale that is used to define the width
10.10.4 If the total number of particles of a given particle of the unit area. The length of the unit area is defined by the
size range is estimated to be between 50 and 1000, count the size of the grid square or 3.08 mm.
number of particles in 20 randomly chosen grid squares and
multiply this number by 5 to obtain the total statistical particle 11. Calculation
count. 11.1 Calculate the total number of particles in a given size
10.10.5 If the total number of particles of a given particle range on the filter as follows:
size range is estimated to be between 1000 and 5000, count the
number of particles on 10 randomly chosen grid squares and P t 5 N t 3 @ 960/ ~ n 3 A t ! # (4)
multiply this number by 10 to obtain the total statistical particle where:
count. Pt = total number of particles of a size range on the filter;
10.10.6 If the estimated total number of particles of a given subtract the background count from the Pt value after
size range exceeds 5000, count the particles within at least 10 calculation but before dividing by sample volume;
randomly chosen unit areas. To obtain the total statistical Nt = total number of particles counted in n unit areas;
count, multiply the sum of the particles counted in the areas by n = number of unit areas counted;
the calibration factor as defined in 10.10.11. Af = unit area in, mm2; and
NOTE 5—The basic unit area for the statistical count (if it is not based 960 = total effective filter area, mm2.
on the grid markings on the filter) will be defined by using the ocular Results should be expressed for each size range in particles
micrometer and will be the area swept by scanning the length of an
individual grid square with the length of the ocular micrometer scale or
per cubic metre of sample by dividing the number of particles,
any appropriate portion of the scale (Fig. 10). Pt, by the sample size (0.3 m3 standard):
10.10.7 Select unit areas so that there will be no more than Particles/m 3 5 P t /0.3 m 3 (5)
about 50 particles of a size range in a unit area. (See Fig. 10 for
Final results are expressed in particles per cubic foot of
the alternative unit areas.)
sampled atmosphere in size ranges determined.
10.10.8 If a particle lies on the upper or left boundary line
of a counting area, count this particle as if it were within the 11.2 Ready comparison of particle distribution is possible
boundaries of the counting area. by increasing the number of size ranges counted and then by

F25/F25M − 09 (2015)
plotting size counts on semilog or log-log graph paper. Plotted 13.3 For training personnel, low to medium concentration
data make for easy comparisons over extended operating specimens may be prepared on a grid filter and preserved
periods. between microslides as standards for a given laboratory.
Standard counting specimens are available for this purpose.
12. Test Report
13.4 This test method can be adapted for projection micro-
12.1 The results from testing each cleanroom or clean zone scopical analysis by the use of white filter, transmitted light,
shall be recorded and submitted as a comprehensive report, and a properly marked projection screen. The projection
along with a statement of compliance or noncompliance with techniques should be checked against a direct microscope
the specified requirements for airborne macroparticle concen- count, because the optics of projection equipment are some-
trations. times inadequate for resolution of small particles.
12.2 The test report shall include the following:
12.2.1 The name and address of the testing organization, 14. Test Report
and the date on which the test was performed; 14.1 The results from testing each cleanroom or clean zone
12.2.2 A clear identification of the physical location of the shall be recorded and submitted as a comprehensive report,
cleanroom or clean zone tested (including reference to adjacent along with a statement of compliance or noncompliance with
areas if necessary), and specific designations for coordinates of the specified requirements for airborne macroparticle concen-
all sampling locations; trations.
12.2.3 The specified designation criteria for the cleanroom
or clean zone, including the ISO classification, the relevant 14.2 The test report shall include the following:
occupancy state(s), and the considered particle size(s); 14.2.1 The name and address of the testing organization,
12.2.4 The type of airflow in the cleanroom; and the date on which the test was performed;
12.2.5 Details of the test method used, with any special 14.2.2 A clear identification of the physical location of the
conditions relating to the test or departures from the test cleanroom or clean zone tested (including reference to adjacent
method, and identification of the test instrument and its current areas if necessary), and specific designations for coordinates of
calibration certificate; all sampling locations;
12.2.6 The test results, including particle concentration data 14.2.3 The specified designation criteria for the cleanroom
for all sampling location coordinates; and or clean zone, including the ISO classification, the relevant
12.2.7 The classification of the cleanroom or clean zone per occupancy state(s), and the considered particle size(s);
ISO 14644-1; 14.2.4 The type of airflow in the cleanroom;
14.2.5 Details of the test method used, with any special
12.3 If the report includes classification measurements, the
conditions relating to the test or departures from the test
report requirements of ISO 14644-1, Section 4.4 shall be
method, and identification of the test instrument and its current
calibration certificate;
13. Precision and Bias 14.2.6 The test results, including particle concentration data
for all sampling location coordinates; and
13.1 The precision and bias of this test method can be no
higher than the sum total of the variables. To minimize the 14.2.7 The classification of the cleanroom or clean zone per
variables attributable to an operator, a trained microscopist ISO 14644-1.
technician is required. Variables of equipment are recognized 14.3 If the report includes classification measurements, the
by the experienced operator, thus further reducing possible report requirements of ISO 14644-1, Section 4.4 shall be
error. followed.
13.2 The 500-count method has been determined to have
merit. Considering the possibility of having from 2 to 5 15. Keywords
specimens per referee investigation, the fatiguing factor is less 15.1 airborne particle concentration; cleanroom; contamina-
than that for more time-consuming methods of counting. tion; macroparticle

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if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
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