Neuroimage: Lukasz Smigielski, Milan Scheidegger, Michael Kometer, Franz X. Vollenweider

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NeuroImage 196 (2019) 207–215

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Psilocybin-assisted mindfulness training modulates self-consciousness and

brain default mode network connectivity with lasting effects
Lukasz Smigielski *, 1, Milan Scheidegger 1, Michael Kometer, Franz X. Vollenweider
Neuropsychopharmacology and Brain Imaging, Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, University Hospital of Psychiatry, University of Zurich,
Lenggstrasse 31, 8032, Zurich, Switzerland


Keywords: Both psychedelics and meditation exert profound modulatory effects on consciousness, perception and cognition,
Mindfulness but their combined, possibly synergistic effects on neurobiology are unknown. Accordingly, we conducted a
Meditation randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study with 38 participants following a single administration of the
psychedelic psilocybin (315 μg/kg p.o.) during a 5-day mindfulness retreat. Brain dynamics were quantified
directly pre- and post-intervention by functional magnetic resonance imaging during the resting state and two
Default mode network meditation forms. The analysis of functional connectivity identified psilocybin-related and mental state-
–dependent alterations in self-referential processing regions of the default mode network (DMN). Notably,
decoupling of medial prefrontal and posterior cingulate cortices, which is thought to mediate sense of self, was
associated with the subjective ego dissolution effect during the psilocybin-assisted mindfulness session. The extent
of ego dissolution and brain connectivity predicted positive changes in psycho-social functioning of participants 4
months later. Psilocybin, combined with meditation, facilitated neurodynamic modulations in self-referential
networks, subserving the process of meditation by acting along the anterior–posterior DMN connection. The
study highlights the link between altered self-experience and subsequent behavioral changes. Understanding how
interventions facilitate transformative experiences may open novel therapeutic perspectives. Insights into the
biology of discrete mental states foster our understanding of non-ordinary forms of human self-consciousness and
their concomitant brain substrate.

1. Introduction embedded in indigenous rituals and contemplative practices (Nichols,

2004). These setting variables may increase the drug-induced state of
Psilocybin is a preferential 1A/2A serotonin receptor agonist that self-transcendence resulting from changes in 5-HT-related synaptic
dose-dependently induces profound alterations in consciousness (Preller signaling and brain network connectivity, which may be a unique ther-
et al., 2017; Preller and Vollenweider, 2018; Vollenweider et al., 1998). apeutic mechanism in the action of psychedelic drugs (Preller et al.,
Recent research has focused on its potential to facilitate transformative 2018). Therefore, insights into drug-induced neuronal alterations in
experiences with lasting aftereffects (Griffiths et al., 2011) and treat self-referential processing and conditions facilitating such experiences
clinical conditions such as addiction, end-of-life anxiety, and depression may foster our understanding of self-consciousness and promote novel
(Vollenweider and Kometer, 2010). However, it remains unclear which therapeutic approaches to improve mental health and well-being.
neuronal underpinnings are associated with those drug-induced experi- There are several similarities and possible synergistic interactions
ences and how extra-pharmacological variables known as set and setting between psychedelic-induced and meditative states of consciousness at
may shape drug responses. Converging evidence suggests the quality of a the levels of both phenomenology and brain dynamics. First, some sub-
psychedelic experience is influenced by context, including mindset, ex- jective psilocybin effects resemble the altered modes of perception and
pectations, and environmental factors (Studerus et al., 2012). Tradi- cognition occurring in advanced meditation, including self-
tionally, psilocybin-induced altered states of consciousness were transcendence (Letheby and Gerrans, 2017). Second, a contemplative

* Corresponding author. Neuropsychopharmacology and Brain Imaging, Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, University Hospital of
Psychiatry Zurich, Lenggstrasse 31, 8032, Zurich, Switzerland.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (L. Smigielski).
equal contribution.
Received 2 December 2018; Received in revised form 31 March 2019; Accepted 2 April 2019
Available online 6 April 2019
1053-8119/© 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
L. Smigielski et al. NeuroImage 196 (2019) 207–215

setting that facilitates mindfulness may also deepen psychedelic experi- 2. Materials and methods
ences (Pahnke, 1969). Third, an increase in mindfulness-related capa-
bilities was recently shown after intake of ayahuasca containing the 2.1. Participants
serotonergic psychedelic N,N-dimethyltryptamine (Soler et al., 2016),
which is chemically related to psilocybin. We thus expect that Data from 38 healthy, experienced meditator subjects (23 males,
mindfulness-related capabilities, such as an increased ability to focus and mean age 51.66  8.32) were analyzed. They were matched for age, sex,
deepen introspection, may have a beneficial impact on outcomes of previous meditation experience, and dispositional mindfulness and
psychedelic experiences. randomly assigned to psilocybin or placebo groups. Written consent was
Meditation describes a set of mental practices for the cultivation of obtained prior to study enrollment. After two drop-outs between the
mindfulness, defined as attentiveness and non-judgmental acceptance of randomization and study beginning (one person declined, another was
present-moment experience (Bishop et al., 2004). The therapeutic value excluded due to a detected exclusion criterium for fMRI) the final active
of mindfulness techniques has been increasingly recognized owing to and control groups involved 20 and 18 subjects, respectively. See SM
their proven beneficial effects on psychosomatic health and well-being Table 1 for detailed participant characteristics.
(Gotink et al., 2015). Scientific studies highlight post-meditation neu-
roplastic changes, with lasting effects starting after a few days of practice 2.2. Study procedures
(van Leeuwen et al., 2012). Different neural correlates have been iden-
tified during distinct meditative states such as focused attention (FA; All participants followed a structured meditative discipline (known in
sustained attention on a meditation object, e.g., breath) and open the Zen tradition as sesshin), consisting of a 5-day silent group meditation
awareness (OA; non-reactive monitoring of the content of experience) retreat.
(Tang et al., 2015). Distinguishing among different styles of meditation Psilocybin (315 μg/kg body weight; absolute dose, 21.82  3.7 mg)
provides a useful heuristic for delineating dissociable psychological and and placebo (lactose) were administered on the fourth day (10:30 a.m.)
neurodynamic effects. in a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled design while the par-
Accumulated evidence highlights common neurobiological signatures ticipants maintained daily meditation routines. The day before and after
for meditative states of self-transcendence (Vago and Silbersweig, 2012) the retreat, pre-post fMRI scans were collected to measure intervention
and psychedelic states of ego dissolution (Lebedev et al., 2015), in effects. Three 7-min blocks were performed with eyes closed in fixed
particular through modulations of activity and connectivity in the default order, approximating a naturalistic progression of a meditation practice:
mode network (DMN) (Brewer et al., 2011; Carhart-Harris et al., 2012; resting state (RS), focused attention (FA), and open awareness (OA). The
Kometer et al., 2015). The DMN (Raichle, 2015) is a large-scale network order of fMRI measurements was randomly assigned, with pre- and post-
that functionally integrates distant brain nodes and mediates among scan times differing by no more than 2 h to avoid time-of-day effects.
other phenomena, such as wakefulness, awareness, and memory, a va- Refer to SM Fig. 1 for details on study flow. The experiment was con-
riety of self-related cognitions (Qin and Northoff, 2011). Abnormalities ducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. The Cantonal
in the DMN are linked to symptom severity in various psychiatric dis- Ethics Committee of Zurich approved the study. The Swiss Federal Office
orders, with adaptive changes in DMN function following pharmaco- for Public Health, Department of Pharmacology and Narcotics in Bern
logical treatments (Fox and Greicius, 2010). Accordingly, the DMN was authorized the use of psilocybin in humans. The specific moderate-to-
proposed as a biomarker for monitoring the therapeutic effects of high dose of psilocybin was chosen based on previous studies, where
meditation (Simon and Engstr€ om, 2015). Modulations of the cortical similar oral doses were successfully applied to induce changes in con-
midline network structures involved in higher order mental processes sciousness and were found physically and psychologically tolerable
such as self-referential processing (Qin and Northoff, 2011) may facilitate (Hasler et al., 2004).
states of self-transcendence, a proposed key treatment mediator in
psychedelic-assisted therapies (Garcia-Romeu et al., 2014). Interestingly, 2.3. Psychometric measures
a previous study points to the utility of DMN metrics as neural predictors,
by demonstrating that a difference in coupling between the medial pre- 2.3.1. Five Dimensional Altered States of Consciousness scale (5D-ASC)
frontal cortex (mPFC) and the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC), two main The 5D-ASC instrument (Dittrich, 1998) was administered 360 min
DMN hubs, predicted behavioral outcomes that rely on self-referential
processing (Tompson et al., 2016).
Building upon the above lines of evidence, the present fMRI-based
study aimed to investigate changes in functional connectivity as well as
experiential and behavioral markers following psilocybin intake during
meditation. To this purpose, we administered a single dose of psilocybin
to a group of experienced meditators at a 5-day retreat using a ran-
domized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, between-subject design. The
effects of psilocybin-assisted meditation were quantified by fMRI the
days before and after the retreat (pre-post intervention) during three
experimental conditions: 1) resting state (RS, no meditation), 2) FA, and
3) OA meditation. Functional connectivity offers a window into the or-
ganization of large-scale, modular, spatially allocated, and functionally
linked areas by analyzing linear dependencies (i.e., correlations) be-
tween blood-oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal fluctuations (Rogers
et al., 2007). We hypothesized that drug-induced modulations in brain
networks relevant for self-referential processing, particularly within the
DMN, mediate acute and lasting retreat outcomes. As psychedelic drugs
are known to induce transformative experiences, we hypothesized that
Fig. 1. Subjective effects of psilocybin measured along five dimensions of the
the degree of these modulations in the brain may be predictive of 5D-ASC scale. Green and blue bars depict psilocybin and placebo groups. Values
long-term adaptive changes in behaviors and attitudes. To our knowl- are means  SEM; **, p < 0.001; *, p < 0.05 (Tukey's HSD); n ¼ 38. OSB,
edge, this is the first imaging study to investigate the neurodynamics of a Oceanic Self-Boundlessness; DED, Dread of Ego Dissolution; VisRe, Visionary
potent consciousness-altering drug in a mindfulness retreat setting. Restructuralization; AA, Auditory Alterations; VigRe, Vigilance Reduction.

L. Smigielski et al. NeuroImage 196 (2019) 207–215

after placebo/psilocybin intake as a retrospective measure of subjective were decomposed into networks by applying ICA and the Infomax al-
effects. The scale is a well-validated instrument that measures alterations gorithm as implemented in GIFT v3.0a (
in consciousness and perception, and it has been applied in previous e/gift). The automatized method of component labeling used multiple
studies with psilocybin (Studerus et al., 2011). It is composed of 94 spatial regressions with extracted ICs and resting state network templates
visual-analogue items, clustered in five dimensions (scales), rated as from a large cohort of healthy adults (Allen et al., 2011). Spatial maps
percentage scores of the maximum scale value. reflect the degree of connectivity between each voxel's time series and
the aggregate network time course. The optimal number of components
2.3.2. Persisting Effects Questionnaire (PEQ) was estimated using the minimum description length criterion (MDL)
The PEQ (Griffiths et al., 2011) was administered after 4 months to modified to account for spatial correlations across all the conditions (Li
measure follow-up effects. This questionnaire was developed to evaluate et al., 2007). Prior to the independent component analysis (ICA) pro-
changes in attitudes in psychosocial domain on the basis of previous cedure, data were pre-normalized by removing timepoint means to deal
research on the aftereffects of psychedelic experiences. The 145 items are with the conditioning of the covariance matrix. Independent components
rated on a 6-point scale from 0 (none) to 5 (extreme) (Griffiths et al., were computed using the Infomax algorithm (Bell and Sejnowski, 1995)
2006). We used a global change score constructed by taking an overall after a two-step data reduction performed by a principal component
mean of positive scale scores. The six categories included changes in analysis (PCA). Infomax, which is commonly used for real-world fMRI
attitudes about life, attitudes about self, mood changes, social effects, data, identifies independent signals by adaptively maximizing the output
behavior changes, and increased spirituality. The instrument proved entropy of a neural network (Calhoun et al., 2013) using a non-Gaussian
sensitive to follow-up changes in studies involving psilocybin and other model with stochastic or natural gradient updates (Amari, 1998) and
psychoactive drugs (Griffiths et al., 2011). delivers high signal-to-noise estimates (Correa et al., 2007). GICA was
used as a back-reconstruction method. Stability of the IC estimations was
2.4. MRI data acquisition and scanning parameters ensured by repeating the algorithm 20 times using ICASSO (http:// (Himberg et al., 2004). The cluster
Structural and functional data were recorded using a 3T Philips stability/quality index reflecting the compactness and isolation of a
Achieva MRI scanner with a 32-channel SENSE head coil. High- cluster was very high for all 39 ICs (Iq > 0.9, range 0.986–0.960). Each
resolution T1-weighted gradient-echo images were acquired for struc- subject component image and time course was scaled to represent the
tural reference at the beginning with a 3D field echo sequence (TR ¼ 9.3 percent signal change from the original data. In order to limit the analysis
ms; TE ¼ 4.6 ms; FOV ¼ 240 mm; flip angle, ¼ 8 ; in-plane resolution ¼ 1 to within-network results and voxels showing consistent activation across
 1  1 mm; 160 sagittal slices). Functional data were recorded with a subjects, the effects were restricted to the spatial extent of the given
T2*-weighted echo-planar functional scan (slice thickness ¼ 4 mm (no component by applying a mask based on the distribution of voxel-wise
gap); slices ¼ 32; TR ¼ 2000 ms; TE ¼ 35 ms; FA ¼ 82 ). Participant t-statistics. Results were assessed at a FDR-corrected p < 0.05 threshold.
hearing was protected from the scanner noise with earplugs and head- Anatomical labels are based on the Automated Anatomical Labeling
phones. Foam pads were used to reduce head motion. Toolbox (AAL2) for SPM v12 (
(Tzourio-Mazoyer et al., 2002).
2.5. Preprocessing
2.7. Region-of-interest analysis with DMN hubs
Spatial preprocessing was performed with SPM v12 (http://www.fil.i, Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience, We centered a 10-mm-radius sphere around the peak voxel of the ICA-
London, UK) and included slice-time correction, realignment, segmen- derived significant group by time interaction cluster in the mPFC
tation of structural data, normalization into the stereotactic MNI (Mon- (Fig. 3B, [MNI -6 44–6]) as a region of interest (ROI) in a subsequent
treal Neurological Institute) template, and smoothing with a 6-mm full- hypothesis-driven ROI-to-ROI analysis. Three other main hubs of the
width-at-half-maximum Gaussian kernel. In order to address fluctua- DMN, known as the core self-network (Andrews-Hanna et al., 2014) or
tions in the magnetic field and spurious correlations from head move- tripartite self-network (Davey et al., 2016), were defined by the default
ments, outliers based on the criterion of >3 standard deviations from the Conn Toolbox anatomical atlas (Harvard-Oxford Atlas), i.e., the posterior
global mean intensity across all functional scans and >1-mm composite cingulate cortex (PCC, [1–36 30]) and the bilateral angular gyri (AG,
measure of total frame-to-frame motion across translation and rotation, right [52 -52 32], left [-50, 56, 30]). This analysis was conducted using
were calculated using Artifact Detection Tools (ART, www.nitrc Conn Toolbox (version 15.h) ( run with
.org/projects/artifact_detect). To increase the precision of the GLM by Matlab ( Bivariate correlation co-
erasing physiological noise from the signal (i.e., heart rate, respiration), efficients between the denoised mean BOLD signal time course in this
the CompCor strategy (Behzadi et al., 2007) was applied to estimate ROI and these main hubs of the DMN were computed and subjected to
principal components associated with automatically segmented white Fisher transformation, what represents a common method for investi-
matter (WM) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which were entered as gating functional connectivity (Rogers et al., 2007). ROI-to-ROI values
nuisance variables along with six realignment parameters (translation, were extracted for individual subjects for regression analysis.
rotation, and their derivatives). These data were captured in a matrix
containing the ART-detected outliers and effects of conditions in the 2.8. Statistics
subject-level analysis. The applied approach targets most sources of noise
without regressing out the global signal, which has been found to The 5D-ASC data were analyzed with a repeated-measures two-way
generate spurious anticorrelations (Chai et al., 2012; Murphy et al., ANOVA, with group as between- and scales as within-subject factors. A
2009). The residual signal underwent a linear detrending and was two-sample t-test was conducted for PEQ positive global change scores.
bandpass filtered (0.009 < f < 0.08 Hz) to reduce low-frequency drift and For ICA maps and ROI-to-ROI analysis, paired t-tests, as implemented in
high-frequency noise. Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) v12 were used to compare pre-post
effects for both groups separately. Group by time interaction effects were
2.6. Independent component analysis calculated in SPM using two-sample t-tests on the subject-wise post-pre
differences for each of three conditions and components. Brain imaging
ICA is a data-driven blind source separation method for generating statistics were assessed at an FDR-corrected p < 0.05 threshold. Addi-
spatial components using the principle of maximal and statistically tional Bonferroni corrections were used to penalize for multiple tests and
grounded independence (Calhoun et al., 2001). Preprocessed fMRI data are reported accordingly. Pearson's correlation coefficients were

L. Smigielski et al. NeuroImage 196 (2019) 207–215

calculated for OSB (as a measure of alterations in self-experience) with Δ

change of significant ROI-to-ROI connectivity and PEQ scores. Finally, a
stepwise multiple regression using the forward stepwise model (starting
with a null model and adding variables) was conducted with PEQ scores
and all ROI-to-ROI connectivity scores (three ROIs, three conditions) to
test predictors of follow-up changes. The significance level for linear
statistics was p ¼ 0.05.

2.9. Data and code availability statement

Data are available upon direct request.

3. Results

3.1. Acute subjective drug effects

Compared to the placebo, psilocybin significantly altered the scores of

the Five Dimensional Altered States of Consciousness scale (5D-ASC)
(Dittrich, 1998), as indicated by the significant group by scale interaction
(F4,144 ¼ 33.82, p < 0.0001) and main effects of scale (F4,144 ¼ 61.43,
p < 0.0001) and group (F1,36 ¼ 102.57, p < 0.0001). A post-hoc Tukey's
test of the interaction showed a significant psilocybin-induced increase
for Oceanic Self-Boundlessness (OSB), Visionary Restructuralization
(VisRe) (both p < 0.0001), and Vigilance Reduction (VigRe) (p < 0.05;
Fig. 1), but not for Dread of Ego Dissolution (DED) (p ¼ 0.92) or Auditory Fig. 2. Independent component analysis component maps, with Montreal
Alterations (AA) (p ¼ 0.43). Neurological Institute (MNI) maximum voxel coordinates and z-scored mean
time courses, representing three divisions of the default mode networks.
3.2. Identification of DMN components
the three interaction tests conducted, the effect was marginally signifi-
To overcome the limitations of model-based approaches, a decom- cant (corrected p ¼ 3  0.019 ¼ 0.057). However, the high significance
position method using independent component analysis (ICA) was of the mPFC-PCC effect withstood the application of the same procedure
employed to dissect data into statistically independent spatial and tem- to control for three t-tests (corrected p ¼ 3  0.003 ¼ 0.009). We did not
poral patterns of coherent fMRI signals (Calhoun et al., 2001). ICA is a find any other statistically significant changes in this analysis for the
highly reliable method for identifying the DMN and other brain networks remaining conditions. There was a significant negative correlation be-
(Beckmann et al., 2005). The optimal number of components was found tween OSB and pre-post change in connectivity between the mPFC and
to be 39. Furthermore, an automatized labeling method based on spatial PCC (r ¼ 0.595, p ¼ 0.006; p ¼ 0.018, corrected for three comparisons
regression with templates (Allen et al., 2011) additionally informed by with significant ROI-to-ROI connections).
visual inspection indicated three networks of interest that best match
different divisions of the DMN: posterior DMN (pDMN), antero-ventral 3.5. Positive persistent effects and their predictors
DMN (avDMN), and antero-dorsal DMN (adDMN; Fig. 2).
The psilocybin group scored significantly higher on the mean global
3.3. ICA spatial maps analysis positive change score of the Persisting Effects Questionnaire (PEQ) after
4 months (M ¼ 2.58, SD ¼ 1.32) compared to the placebo (M ¼ 0.65,
Paired t-tests (for timepoints 1 and 2) and time by group interactions SD ¼ 0.98; t36 ¼ 5.05, p < 0.0001). Moreover, these follow-up effects
were calculated separately for each of the three conditions (RS, FA, OA) were positively correlated with the acute OSB scores during psilocybin
and networks (pDMN, avDMN, adDMN). Significant interaction effects administration (r ¼ 0.66, p ¼ 0.002; Fig. 5A). Given the hypothesis that
and pre-post connectivity changes were found in the anterior-cingulate psilocybin-related changes in connectivity may predict follow-up effects,
and medio-prefrontal cortex (ACC/MPFC) within the avDMN (Fig. 3). a regression analysis with nine DMN ROI-to-ROI connectivity scores (Δ
The results remained significant after an additional Bonferroni correction post-pre mPFC-PCC, mPFC-AGr, and mPFC-AGl scores under RS, FA, and
of the p-values for the number of tests conducted (by a factor of 9 for OA conditions for the psilocybin group) and persistent effects as the
interactions and 18 for paired t-tests). We found no other statistically predicted variable was conducted. This revealed a statistically significant
significant changes in the adDMN or pDMN at rest or in the other model containing two of nine predictors: change in connectivity between
conditions. mPFC-PCC at rest and mPFC-right angular gyrus for FA. The model
accounted for 44% of the variance (F2,17 ¼ 6.79, p ¼ 0.007). An increase
3.4. Region-of-interest analysis in mPFC-PCC connectivity at rest significantly predicted a subsequent
positive change in attitudes after the psilocybin-assisted mindfulness
Paired t-tests revealed significant decoupling during OA meditation in retreat (β ¼ 0.41, p < 0.05) as did a decrease in mPFC-AGr connectivity
the psilocybin group only, between the ICA-derived ROI in the mPFC and during FA (β ¼ 0.49, p < 0.05).
all three target DMN regions: PCC (β ¼ 0.16, t19 ¼ 3.81, p ¼ 0.003),
right AG (β ¼ 0.12, t19 ¼ 2.42, p ¼ 0.030), and left AG (β ¼ 0.11, 4. Discussion
t19 ¼ 2.34, p ¼ 0.030). A significant treatment group by time interac-
tion was found under OA meditation for the connectivity between the The effects of a 5-day psilocybin-assisted mindfulness retreat on brain
mPFC and the PCC (t36 ¼ 2.65, β ¼ 0.18, p ¼ 0.019) and left AG dynamics in experienced meditators aligned with previous findings of
(t36 ¼ 2.61, β ¼ 0.17, p ¼ 0.019), but not the right AG (t36 ¼ 1.47, altered DMN function during meditation (Brewer et al., 2011; Carhar-
β ¼ 0.10, p ¼ 0.149; Fig. 4B). All p-values are FDR-corrected for the t-Harris et al., 2012) and psychedelic states (Brewer et al., 2011; Car-
number of ROIs. After applying a conservative Bonferroni correction for hart-Harris et al., 2012; Palhano-Fontes et al., 2015). We confirmed our

L. Smigielski et al. NeuroImage 196 (2019) 207–215

Fig. 3. Significant clusters of increased connectivity

within the antero-ventral default mode network
(avDMN) during resting state, as shown by spatial
maps analysis. (A) Pre-post-retreat effect (t2 > t1) in
the psilocybin group, as revealed by a paired t-test
(including anterior cingulate cortex, t ¼ 5.90, k ¼ 144
voxels). (B) Group by time interaction (including left
caudate, mediofrontal orbital cortex, and anterior
cingulate cortex t ¼ 5.12, k ¼ 1066 voxels). All sta-
tistical brain map results are shown at an FDR-
corrected cluster-level threshold of p < 0.05 (Bon-
ferroni corrected for number of tests conducted).
Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) coordinates
are reported for peak clusters.

Fig. 4. Pre-post-retreat changes in functional

connectivity between the main default mode
network hubs. (A) Volumetric views of the inde-
pendent component analysis (ICA)-derived seed
(in red) and target regions (in blue). (B) Group by
time interaction (marked with asterisk) and pre-
post-retreat contrast showing significant decou-
pling of antero-posterior DMN connectivity dur-
ing open awareness meditation in the psilocybin
group (FDR-corrected for the number of ROIs
within a condition p < 0.05; after the additional
Bonferroni correction across conditions, the
interaction effects were marginally significant
(p ¼ 0.057), while for the paired t-test the cor-
rected p-values for the angular gyri and PCC were
0.09 and 0.009, respectively). (C) Significant
Pearson's correlation coefficients between the
psilocybin-induced measure of self-transcendence
during acute administration and pre-post-retreat
mPFC-PCC change during open awareness medi-
tation in the fMRI scanner (corrected p ¼ 0.018;
0.006*3 comparisons). mPFC, medial prefrontal
cortex; AG r, right angular gyrus; AG l, left
angular gyrus; PCC, posterior cingulate cortex.

hypothesis regarding post-acute psilocybin-specific modulations of activity and functional integrity were also reported under psilocybin,
functional connectivity during a meditative state in the DMN, a key LSD, and ayahuasca (Carhart-Harris et al., 2012; Kometer et al., 2015;
network for self-referential processes. Psilocybin administered in a Palhano-Fontes et al., 2015; Speth et al., 2016). After intravenous
mindfulness retreat setting significantly potentiated positively felt states administration of psilocybin and LSD, cerebral blood flow and BOLD
of ego dissolution (i.e., OSB, oceanic self-boundlessness) compared to the activity decreased along with decoupling of functional connectivity be-
placebo. Most notably, OSB was associated with post-retreat decoupling tween the mPFC and PCC (Carhart-Harris et al., 2012, 2016). Key func-
of functional connectivity between anterior (mPFC) and posterior (PCC) tions of the PCC include the coordination of mental representations
regions of the DMN during OA meditation. Antero-posterior DMN con- (Cavanna and Trimble, 2006), conceptual self–other distinction (Murray
nectivity during OA was specifically decreased post-intervention in the et al., 2015), inward-versus outward-directed mentalizing (Johnson
psilocybin group but not the placebo group. et al., 2006), and maintenance of a unitary sense of self (Johnson et al.,
Meditation and psilocybin have been shown to share common neural 2002). Presumably, when this self-referential processing system col-
mechanisms of action by affecting brain regions involved in self- lapses, an altered self-experience may emerge. We thus hypothesized that
awareness such as the DMN (Brewer et al., 2011; Carhart-Harris et al., psilocybin-induced states of self-transcendence specifically affect
2012; Farb et al., 2007; Lebedev et al., 2015). A recent review and antero-posterior DMN connectivity during meditation.
meta-analysis of meditation neuroimaging studies found consistent We found differential effects of psilocybin on resting state brain
deactivation in DMN hubs (Fox et al., 2016). Notably, changes in DMN connectivity and various styles of meditation. Although FA and OA are

L. Smigielski et al. NeuroImage 196 (2019) 207–215

Fig. 5. Positive persistent effects following the psilocybin-assisted mindfulness retreat. (A) Relationship between psilocybin-induced oceanic self-boundlessness
(OSB), as measured by the 5D-ASC instrument, and mean positive changes in attitudes after 4 months (r ¼ 0.66, p ¼ 0.002). (B) Follow-up effects plotted against
the pre-post-retreat change in functional connectivity between mPFC-PCC at rest (upper) (r ¼ 0.45, p ¼ 0.046) and mPFC-AGr during focused meditation (lower)
(r ¼ 0.53, p ¼ 0.016). mPFC, medial prefrontal cortex; AGr, right angular gyrus; PCC, posterior cingulate cortex; n ¼ 20.

two common mindfulness practices, they differ in the neural architecture 30 retreats).
supporting their cognitive processes (Manna et al., 2010). The aim of FA Psilocybin was previously found to increase the variance and ampli-
is to stabilize the mind from distraction by maintaining selective atten- tudes of the BOLD signal in the ACC, as a marker of increased synchro-
tion on a specific object or physiological process (e.g., breath). nization and wider dynamic repertoires of connectivity states
Conversely, OA promotes a receptive field of non-reactive attitude to- (Tagliazucchi et al., 2014). Increases in ACC/mPFC within-network
wards automatic cognitive and emotional interpretations of sensory, connectivity might result from changes in local network integrity
perceptual, and endogenous stimuli, developing the scaffolding for a following stimulation of glutamatergic signaling by 5-HT2A receptor
form of meta-awareness (Dahl et al., 2015). Although anterior–posterior activation (Aghajanian and Marek, 2000). This parallels other studies of
DMN connectivity during FA or RS was not found to be reduced in the glucose metabolism (Schreckenberger et al., 1998; Vollenweider et al.,
psilocybin group, the extent of post-intervention antero-posterior DMN 1997) or cerebral blood flow (CBF) after psilocybin administration
disintegration during OA was correlated with decreased self-referential (Lewis et al., 2017) and ayahuasca intake (Riba et al., 2006) that point to
focus (i.e., OSB) under psilocybin. This finding aligns with the experi- increased activity in mPFC areas that subserve the regulation of mood,
ential quality of OA that resembles psychedelic-induced states of un- cognition, and goal-directed behaviors. These findings are of potential
constrained cognition and an expanded sense of the self, described as relevance for the understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying
dissolution of ego boundaries (Lebedev et al., 2015). In contrast, FA psilocybin's putative therapeutic effects, as areas within the
primarily exploits a narrow attentional focus, a cognitive ability that was anterior-ventral DMN have been directly implicated in treatment out-
less affected post-acute by psilocybin exposure. comes in depression. In particular, such modulations may foster adaptive
In opposition to meditation, the RS represents task-free baseline brain self-referential processing and help to recalibrate relationships between
activity when a person is typically engaged in mind wandering the default network and task positive networks (Pizzagalli, 2011).
(Andrews-Hanna et al., 2014). Psilocybin-related modulations at rest Both meditation- and psychedelic-induced states of transcendence of
were mainly comprised of higher mPFC/ACC connectivity within the usual body, space, and time perception may rely on altered communi-
antero-ventral DMN. Notably, the mPFC plays a crucial role in directing cation and large-scale desynchronization between the inferior parietal
the ongoing stream of thought, subserving both integrative and gateway lobe (IPL) and other nodes of the DMN, such as the mPFC and PCC,
functions and representing a key nexus for self-related cognition and comprising a tripartite ‘core-self’ system (Barrett and Griffiths, 2018;
emotion regulation (Bush et al., 2000; Moran et al., 2013; Qin and Davey et al., 2016). Hence, we extended our ICA approach and explored
Northoff, 2011). Although previous studies reported enhanced network the connectivity between the ICA-based hot spot in the anterior DMN
efficiency in the ACC following short-term meditation (Xue et al., 2011), (mPFC/ACC) and posterior and parietal DMN regions by ROI-to-ROI
we observed no pre-post-retreat changes in anterior DMN connectivity in analysis. In line with our hypothesis, reduced connectivity of
our placebo group. As long-term meditators show more ACC/mPFC fronto-parietal networks (mPFC/AG) during OA was associated with
activation and greater functional connectivity within the psilocybin-related loosening of self-reference. Conversely, the activity of
medio-prefrontal DMN compared to novices (H€ olzel et al., 2007), we the tripartite ‘core-self’ system was found to be enhanced, with increased
likely failed to detect any pre-post-retreat changes in anterior DMN in our levels of self-reference in a dynamic causal modelling study (Davey et al.,
placebo group owing to the considerable meditation entrainment of our 2016). Based on a previous study of neural correlates of a
sample (i.e., group mean experience of approx. 5000 h of meditation and self-transcendent state (d'Aquili and Newberg, 1999), d'Aquili and

L. Smigielski et al. NeuroImage 196 (2019) 207–215

Newberg proposed “deafferentation” of the posterior parietal lobes from connectivity during FA explained a relatively high proportion of the
the prefrontal cortex as a neural correlate of mystical-type experiences. variance in positive persistent changes after 4 months. These dissociable
Accordingly, the functional elimination of neural input to the effects of psilocybin on task-versus-rest and acute-versus-intermediate
brain-orienting system in the parietal lobes can cause a transient blurring network dynamics point to a complex, yet behaviorally relevant modu-
of demarcation between self and world, resulting in a state of lation of DMN function. The psilocybin experience of OSB might increase
self-transcendence. Advanced brain-lesion mapping techniques with pre- the meditators' capability of down-regulating DMN integration during
and post-neurosurgery personality assessments provide further evidence OA practice, representing a neural mechanism frequently found during
that selective damage to IPL regions induces unusually fast modulations states of self-transcendence. In contrast, higher DMN integration at rest
of a stable personality trait related to self-transcendence (Urgesi et al., was predictive of lasting behavioral outcomes at the 4-month follow-up.
2010). Interestingly, a lower ratio of parietal to prefrontal cortical acti- This is consistent with the idea that psychedelics increase
vation was also found to be a signature of meditation characterized by context-dependent DMN flexibility, enabling more adaptive allocation of
transcendence, but not meditation without transcendence (Barnby et al., brain resources. Although higher DMN integration in the psilocybin
2015). Although we measured only post-acute effects, we propose that group predicts the long-term transformative impact of the retreat on core
psilocybin-assisted mindfulness practice facilitates states of life attitudes and behaviors, experienced meditators were still able to
self-transcendence (OSB) and may decrease functional connectivity of down-regulate DMN connectivity during OA to reach states of
the tripartite ‘core-self’ system during OA meditation even two days after self-transcendence. Hence, the dynamic repertoire of DMN function may
drug administration. be increased following psychedelic drug administration, which aligns
Previous attempts to identify neural correlates of the self have focused with recently proposed therapeutic mechanisms of “brain resetting” that
primarily on the DMN, highlighting its role in ego-identity or the mediate psilocybin's antidepressant properties (Carhart-Harris et al.,
narrative self (Carhart-Harris and Friston, 2010; Qin and Northoff, 2011). 2017).
In particular, decoupling between the DMN and the medio-temporal The present work has some limitations. One of them is a relatively low
lobes (MTL) was hypothesized to be associated with sample size. Our participants were experienced meditators, restricting
psychedelic-induced ego dissolution (Carhart-Harris and Friston, 2010; generalizability to a larger population, which may be less skilled in
Carhart-Harris et al., 2014) and correlated with the dreamlike quality of handling and integrating the psychotropic effects of psilocybin. The
the experience (Carhart-Harris and Nutt, 2014; Lebedev et al., 2015). retreat setting with intense meditation practice did not evoke any sig-
Under LSD administration, decreased connectivity between the para- nificant adverse drug reactions such as dysphoric mood, anxiety, or
hippocampus and retrosplenial cortex (RSC) correlated strongly with fearful delusions, which may occur when the reference framework of
ratings of ego dissolution and altered meaning (Carhart-Harris et al., ordinary perception is lost. The participants’ experience in navigating
2016). However, we did not find any modulations of MTL–DMN con- altered states of consciousness through meditation and the supporting
nectivity two days after psilocybin administration in an additional environment may have contributed to this positive outcome. A
exploratory analysis of functional connectivity between the PCC and cautionary note should be made on the use of mind-altering drugs in
bilateral hippocampi/parahippocampi in our sample (see Supplementary unprepared individuals with uncleared health histories. Potential risks
Material). We conclude that changes in MTL–DMN connectivity may be and safety guidelines in human psychedelic research have been outlined
primarily related to distinct aspects of ego dissolution, such as the by Johnson et al. (2008).
narrative self and the dreamlike quality of acute drug effects, while We here report for the first time psilocybin-induced functional con-
post-acute changes in mindfulness-related neurocircuits comprise other nectivity changes in self-referential brain networks in a group of expe-
nodes of the DMN such as the IPL, PCC, and mPFC. rienced meditators after a mindfulness retreat. Functional imaging
Transformative effects of psychedelic drugs have been previously markers of different meditative states enabled a comprehensive and
reported in healthy volunteers (Griffiths et al., 2011) and in combination state-dependent assessment of these effects. Psilocybin exerted disso-
with meditation and other spiritual practices (Griffiths et al., 2018). In ciable post-acute effects on DMN integrity with increased anterior DMN
our study, lasting effects of the psilocybin experience also included connectivity at rest and decreased antero-posterior and fronto-parietal
subsequent psychological changes at the 4-month follow-up. Specifically, DMN connectivity during OA meditation. Positively felt ego dissolution
the drug effect of OSB correlated with positively valued mean changes in under psilocybin-assisted meditation was correlated with post-acute
attitudes about life, self, social behavior, mood, and spirituality. We changes in DMN connectivity and was predictive of behavioral out-
interpret this as a shift in self-representation, which may act as an comes 4 months later. Our findings highlight the potential of psilocybin
organizing principle at different levels of processing (Letheby and Ger- in facilitating dynamic changes in self-referential processing networks
rans, 2017). An experience of ego dissolution may further imply cogni- with lasting positive outcomes. Moreover, this study motivates further
tive reappraisals, reifications, self-inquiry, or insights and contribute to research into the converging effects of mindfulness and psychedelics on
enduring psychological changes. Our double-blind study presents a brain dynamics and psychotherapeutic change variables in the context of
notable case because its participants were primarily in middle adulthood psychedelic-assisted therapy.
and already engaged in meditative practices, and yet the
psilocybin-treatment group still reported a significant beneficial effect of Declaration of interest
the retreat.
Transformative processes might result from drug-induced alterations The authors declare no conflict of interest.
in functional network connectivity that increase global brain plasticity
with lasting behavioral outcomes (Gallimore, 2015; Ly et al., 2018). Acknowledgements
Several studies point to acute changes in integrity and coupling of resting
state networks (Petri et al., 2014; Roseman et al., 2014) and decreased Special thanks go to Vanja Palmers, Zen expert, for guiding the re-
antero-posterior DMN connectivity (Carhart-Harris et al., 2012; Palha- treats and his invaluable help and advice in preparing this study. We also
no-Fontes et al., 2015) during acute administration of psychedelic drugs, thank Peter Gasser and Anke R€ oskamp, Juraj and Sonia Styk, Rainer
while increases in DMN connectivity have been reported one-day post-- Kr€ahenmann, Theo Huber, Karim Tissira, and David Andel for medical
treatment with psilocybin (Carhart-Harris et al., 2017) or ayahuasca supervision, Sara Romer for help in participant screening, and Niklas
(Sampedro et al., 2017). We did not find any significant increases in Bürgi and Rahel Nicolet for assistance in data collection. The study was
antero-posterior DMN integrity two days after psilocybin administration. supported by the Swiss Neuromatrix Foundation (2014-0101).
However, our regression model revealed that an increase in mPFC-PCC
functional connectivity at rest and decrease in mPFC-AGr functional

L. Smigielski et al. NeuroImage 196 (2019) 207–215

Appendix A. Supplementary data Farb, N.A.S., Segal, Z.V., Mayberg, H., Bean, J., McKeon, D., Fatima, Z., Anderson, A.K.,
2007. Attending to the present: mindfulness meditation reveals distinct neural modes
of self-reference. Soc. Cognit. Affect Neurosci. 2, 313–322.
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi. Fox, K.C., Dixon, M.L., Nijeboer, S., Girn, M., Floman, J.L., Lifshitz, M., Ellamil, M.,
org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.04.009. Sedlmeier, P., Christoff, K., 2016. Functional neuroanatomy of meditation: a review
and meta-analysis of 78 functional neuroimaging investigations. Neurosci. Biobehav.
Rev. 65, 208–228.
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