Schools Division Office Urdaneta City Urdaneta City National High School

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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Urdaneta City Pangasinan



Name: ___________________________________________ LRN: ____________________ Score: ________

Grade & Section: ___________________________________ Teacher: Decee Precy P. Bambalan
Direction: Encircle the letter of your answer.

1. All the ideas that are included in a paragraph must relate to each other. What does this concept mean?

a. that words should follow the correct capitalization

b. that a written text is a connected discourse
c. that the ideas are parallel to each other
d. that each paragraph must contain a topic sentence

2. A unified paragraph includes only information relevant to the main idea and uses words that are consistent in
tone. What is the concept it imply?
a. coherence b. unity c. mechanics d. language use

3. Recognize disunity and correct it by omitting extraneous information and changing unsuitable words. Which
stage of writing is explained in the sentence?
a. pre-writing b. drafting c. editing d. publishing

4. To revise a paragraph for unity of ideas, evaluate both the topic sentence and the supporting information.
Examine each supporting ideas against the main idea, eliminating any supporting ideas that do not directly
support the main ideas or that do not develop other supporting ideas. What does this error correction mean?

a. To edit a paragraph, check the number of words and delete repeated words.
b. To edit a long paragraph, delete unrelated supporting ideas.
c. To lessen the number of sentences, revise the topic sentence.
d. To make the paragraph longer, add a different topic sentence.

5. A paragraph will be weakened by information that strays from the main idea or by words that disrupt the tone
of the paragraph. What does this mean?
a. Delete unnecessary sentences that are unrelated to the topic sentence.
b. Eliminate punctuation marks that will confuse the readers.
c. Improve the paragraph by adding more irrelevant words in the sentence.
d. Enhance a paragraph by putting a good title to it.

6. This is the process of stimulating creative thinking by letting your mind wander freely over a subject.
a. brainstorming b. graphic organizing c. outlining d. writing

7. This is also called diagramming or clustering of ideas using diagrams.

a. topic outline b. sentence outline c. graphic organizer d. brainstorming list

8. It states the major and minor heading in words or phrases.

a. topic outline b. sentence outline c. graphic organizer d. brainstorming list

9. It states the major and minor heading in sentences.

a. topic outline b. sentence outline c. graphic organizer d. brainstorming list

10. The writing teacher asked your class to form a group of 5. Your group is given 10 minutes to list down as
many ideas as you can in a sheet of paper about Filipino eating habits. What technique of organizing ideas is
used in this situation?
a. graphic organizer b. brainstorming list c. outlining d. free writing

11. The teacher drew a diagram on the board that looks like a spider web. Then she wrote the word patriotism
inside a big circle at the center of the web. Next, she asked your group to write your ideas around the web.
What technique of organizing ideas is used in this situation?

a. graphic organizer b. brainstorming list c. outlining d. free writing

12. The teacher asked your group to used Roman Numerals, letters and numbers in organizing your ideas about
problems encountered by senior high students. What technique of organizing ideas is used in this situation?

a. graphic organizer b. brainstorming list c. outlining d. free writing

13. The teacher asked you to write sentences after the Roman Numerals, letters or numbers in organizing your
ideas. What is the type of outlining used?

a. topic outline b. phrase outline c. sentence outline d. word outline

14. It describes or discusses an event/action that is caused by another event/action. What type of pattern of
development is this?
a. narration b. cause and effect c. description d. definition

15. This pattern divides a topic into parts or groups and separately discusses each.
a. classification b. comparison and contrast c. narration d. problem-solution

16. Details explain the main idea by providing a mental picture of situations, objects, or surroundings; details
focus on sensory or physical data.

a. definition and example b. description c. chronological d. classification

17. Also called statement and clarification, a word or concept is introduced then explained or describes. An
example of its usage then follows.

a. definition and example b. description c. chronological d. classification

18. Also called time order, narration or sequence of events, details support the main idea as a list of events told
in the order that they happened.
a. description b. classification c. cause and effect d. chronological

19. It is organized to emphasize the similarities and/or differences between two or more items or topics.

a. problem-solution b. classification c. comparison and contrast d. description

20. The text presents a significant problem and explains it in detail. Then, a possible solution is suggested.
Sometimes, only the problem is presented because there is no solution.
a. classification b. comparison and contrast c. narration d. problem-solution

21. Public schools should require students to wear uniforms because they save parents money. In this sentence,
what is the signal used in using cause and effect pattern?
a. should b. require c. because d. they

22. A first date can end up being categorized as successful, a clingy, a boastful or awkward. In this sentence,
what is the signal used in using classification pattern?
a. can b. being c. categorized d. or

23. The kitchen table is rectangular. Made of a two-inch-thick piece of oak, its top is covered with a cloth
patterned in dark red and blue squares against a white background. In this sentence, what is the word that
describes the topic?
a. kitchen b. table c. is d. rectangular

24. A solar eclipse means an astronomical event during which the moon seems to cover the sun. In this sentence,
what is the signal used in using definition and example pattern?
a. a b. means c. event c. which

25. The death of Maria’s mother created for her a shocked disbelief. Then, a personal loneliness and grief that
led to declining health. In this sentence, what is the signal used in using chronological pattern?
a. created b. then c. and d. to

26. Community service activities develop social and emotional skills of students while academic classes develop
intellectual skills. In this sentence, what is the signal used in using contrast pattern?
a. develop b. and c. while d. academic

27. Since pollution has a detrimental impact on modern living standards, a remedy is to increase recycling of
waste products. In this sentence, what is the signal used in using problem-solution pattern?

a. since b. has c. impact d. remedy

28. It comprises of the introduction, body and conclusion.

a. organization b. coherence c. language use d. mechanics

29. It is the logical arrangement of your ideas. What is this concept called?
a. organization b. coherence c. language use d. mechanics

30. These words are used in everyday casual speech.

a. contracted form of the verb b. colloquialism
c. academic d. scientific

31. A writer would like to express his ideas about the LGBT community in his place. So, he started writing in his
blog in the internet. His ideas about LGBTs started with his own experience and these develop more information
coming from credible sources who are members of the LGBT. What logical order is used by the writer?
a. order of importance b. chronological order c. spatial order d. developmental order

32. A student is asked to write about his summer vacation experience. She started writing about the first trip
they had with her family at Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Then, she wrote her unforgettable moments when they visited the
Paoay Church in Ilocos Norte. Finally, they had a blast of fun at the beach at Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte. What
logical order is used by the student?

a. spatial order b. comparison and contrast c. chronological d. developmental

33. A job applicant has to write a short essay about his priorities in life. He began writing about the least
significant goals to the most significant like having a house and lot property in the future. What logical order is
used by the applicant?
a. order of importance b. chronological c. spatial d. comparison and contrast

34. A teacher needs to arrange the seating plan of his students. So, he asked Railey to sit beside Kenneth; Shane
to sit behind Rico. What is the logical order used by the teacher?
a. comparison and contrast b. spatial c. chronological d. order of importance

35. A transferee is interview by the guidance counsellor. The transferee explained that she wanted to transfer
because it is challenging in this new school in contrast to her previous school. Both schools are offering the same
General Academic Strand so she chose to transfer. What is the logical order used by the transferee?
a. spatial b. comparison and contrast c. developmental d. chronological

36. Formal language is serious writing. It uses traditional standards of correctness. What does this imply?
a. In writing for the public readers, avoid formal language because it uses slang and colloquial.
b. Formal language is used in occasions like programs, wedding events and birthdays.
c. Use formal language in writing for easy understanding because the rules are known to all.
d. Never use formal language because it is difficult to use.

37. Informal language is conversational in tone. What does this imply?

a. Informal language is used in casual speech.
b. Informal language is used in public speaking.
c. Informal language is used in writing newspapers.
d. Informal language is used in writing novels.

38. Slang generally originates among groups sharing a common social bond of activity like students or rock
musicians. Examples of this are neat and hang out. What does this imply?
a. Slang words are invented by small group of people that agrees with the meaning of this new slang words.
b. Slang words can be seen in the dictionaries around the world.
c. Slang words are understood by many groups of people.
d. Slang words come from the people who are knowledgeable of different words around the world.

39. The cops nabbed the crooks but couldn’t find the loot. The underlined words are examples of?
a. formal language b. contracted form of verb c. slang d. scientific

40. She shouldn’t come near the fire. The underlined word is an example of?
a. formal language b. contracted form of verb c. slang d. scientific

41. Our school’s foundation anniversary will be on February 19-23, 2018. Which of the following sentence is the
corrected form of the sentence above?
a. our schools Foundation Anniversary will be on February 19-23, 2018.
b. Our school’s Foundation Anniversary will be on February 19-23, 2018.
c. Our schools Foundation anniversary will be on February 19-23, 2018.
d. Our school’s Foundation Anniversary will be on february 19-23, 2018.

42. The tiger airways travel from Manila to Singapore. Which of the following sentence is the corrected form of
the sentence above?
a. The Tiger Airways travel from Manila to Singapore. b. The Tiger airways travel from Manila to Singapore.
c. The tiger Airways travel from Manila to Singapore. d. The Tiger Airways travel from manila to Singapore.

43. The baguio strawberry is a popular pasalubong of travellers from Benguet. Which of the following sentence
is the corrected form of the sentence above?
a. The baguio Strawberry is a popular pasalubong of travellers from Benguet.
b. The Baguio strawberry is a popular pasalubong of travellers from Benguet.
c. The baguio strawberry is a popular Pasalubong of travellers from Benguet.
d. the Baguio strawberry is a popular pasalubong of travellers from Benguet.

44. The club purchased a konzert speaker from its funds in selling movie tickets. Which of the following sentence
is the corrected form of the sentence above?
a. The club purchased a Konzert Speaker from its funds in selling movie tickets.
b. The club purchased a konzert Speaker from its funds in selling movie tickets.
c. The club purchased a Konzert speaker from its funds in selling movie tickets.
d. The club purchased a konzert speaker from its funds in selling Movie tickets.

45. The class is composed of all-filipino students. Which of the following sentence is the corrected form of the
sentence above?
a. The class is composed of All-filipino students. b. The class is composed of all-Filipino students.
c. The class is composed of All-Filipino students. d. The class is composed of all-filipino Students.

46. To forgive you must also learn to forget. Which of the following sentence is the corrected form of the
sentence above?
a. To: forgive you must also learn to forget. b. To forgive you must also learn to forget!
b. To forgive, you must also learn to forget. d. To forgive “you must also learn to forget.”

47. You left my heart broken Charlene said sadly. Which of the following sentence is the corrected form of the
sentence above?
a. “You left my heart broken.”, Charlene said sadly. b. You left my heart broken-- Charlene said sadly.
c. You left my heart broken, Charlene said sadly. d. You left my heart broken, Charlene said sadly!

48. Some children died lately it is said that it was because of Dengvaxia. Which of the following sentence is the
corrected form of the sentence above?
a. “Some children died lately it is” said that it was because of Dengvaxia.
b. Some children died lately—it is said that it was because of Dengvaxia.
c. Some children died lately it is said, that it was because of Dengvaxia.
d. Some children died lately it’s said that it was because of Dengvaxia.

49. The teacher was eager yet she has no enough sleep to finish her test paper. Which of the following sentence
is the corrected form of the sentence above?
a. The teacher was eager (yet she has no enough sleep) to finish her test paper.
b. The teacher… was eager yet she has no enough sleep to finish her test paper.
c. The teacher was eager/ yet she has no enough sleep to finish her test paper.
d. The teacher was eager yet she has no enough: sleep to finish her test paper.

50. If you are in TPLEX you can only drive your car for a maximum of 100 kmh. Which of the following sentence
is the corrected form of the sentence above?
a. If you are in TPLEX, you can only drive your car, for a maximum of 100 kmh.
b. If you are in TPLEX (you can only drive your car) for a maximum of 100 kmh.
c. If you are in TPLEX, you can only drive your car for a maximum of 100 km/h.
d. If you are in TPLEX-you can only drive your car for a maximum of 100 kmh.

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