Total Productive Maintenance: The Evolution in Maintenance and Efficiency
Total Productive Maintenance: The Evolution in Maintenance and Efficiency
Total Productive Maintenance: The Evolution in Maintenance and Efficiency
ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 11, (Part -I) November 2017, pp.26-32
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the contributions of total productive maintenance (TPM) initiatives
towards improving manufacturing performance at Shalimar Nutrients Private Limited (SNPL) Nagpur.The
correlations between various TPM implementation dimensions and manufacturing performance improvements
have been evaluated and validated by employing overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) in Maintenance
Department. The research focuses upon the significant contributions of TPM implementation success factors
like top management leadership and involvement, traditional maintenance practices and holistic TPM
implementation initiatives, towards affecting improvements in manufacturing performance in the SNPL. The
study establishes that focused TPM implementation over a reasonable time period can strategically contribute
towards realization of significant manufacturing performance enhancements. The study highlights the strong
potential of TPM implementation initiatives in affecting organizational performance improvements. The
achievements of SNPL manufacturing organizations through proactive TPM initiatives have been evaluated and
critical TPM success factors identified for enhancing the effectiveness of TPM implementation programs in the
SNPL context.
Keywords: Total productive maintenance, Preventive maintenance, Overall equipment efficiency
Date of Submission: 18-10-2017 Date of acceptance: 04-11-2017
learn techniques for proactive and preventative random audits could be conducted using company
maintenance.Managers are trained on TPM principles check sheets to ensure that it is observed in true
as well as on employee coaching and development. spirits by everyone in the work place depicts the key
activities to be holistically deployed for effective 5S
1.7 Safety, Health, Environment implementation at the workplace.
It maintains a safe and healthy working
environment. It eeliminates potential health and V. OEE AND THE SIX BIG LOSSES
safety risks, resulting in a safer workplace and OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is a
specifically targets the goal of an accident-free metric that identifies the percentage of planned
workplace. production time that is truly productive. It was
1.8 TPM in administrative and support departments developed to support TPM initiatives by accurately
Administrative and support departments can be seen tracking progress towards achieving “perfect
as process plants whose principal tasks are to collect, production”.
process, and distribute information. It helps to An OEE score of 100% is perfect production.
eextends TPM benefits beyond the plant floor by An OEE score of 85% is world class for discrete
addressing waste in administrative functions. manufacturers.
An OEE score of 60% is fairly typical for
IV. S PHILOSOPHY discrete manufacturers.
TPM starts with 5S. It is a systematic An OEE score of 40% is not uncommon for
process of housekeeping to achieve a serene manufacturers without TPM and/or lean
environment in the work place involving the programs.
employees with a commitment to sincerely
implement and practice housekeeping. Problems Table 2: TPM Goals
cannot be clearly seen when the work place is Compone TPM Type of Productivity
unorganized. Cleaning and organizing the workplace nt Goal Loss
helps the team to uncover problems. Making Availability takes into
problems visible is the first step of improvement. 5S account Availability
is foundation program before theimplementation of TPM. Loss, which includes
all events that stop
Table 1: 5 S principles planned production for
Japanese nomenclature (English 5S/5C): Features Availabilit an appreciable length of
No Stops
Seiri (Sort/Clear): Sort out unnecessary items from y time Examples include
the workplace and discard them. Unplanned Stops (such
Seiton (Set in order/Configure): Arrange necessary as breakdowns and other
items in good order so that they can be easily down events) and
picked up for use. Planned Stops (such as
Seisio (Shine/Clean and check): Clean the workplace changeovers).
completely to make it free from dust, dirt and clutter Performance takes into
Seiketsu (Standardize/Conformity): Maintain high account Performance
standard of housekeeping and workplace organization Loss, which includes
Shitsuke (Sustain/Custom and practice): Train and all factors that cause
No Small
motivate people to follow good housekeeping production to operate
Performan Stops or
disciplines autonomously at less than the
ce Slow
maximum possible
If this 5S is not taken up seriously, then it leads to 5D speed when running.
(delays, defects, dissatisfied customers, declining Examples include both
profits, and demoralized employees). Slow Cycles, and
This 5S implementation has to be carried out Small Stops.
inphased manner. First the current situation of Quality takes into
theworkplace has to be studied by conducting a 5S account Quality Loss,
audit. This audit uses check sheets to evaluate the which factors out
current situation. This check sheet consists of various manufactured pieces that
No do not meet quality
parameters to be rated say on a 5-point basis for each Quality standards, including
„S‟. The ratings give the current situation. The each Defects pieces that require
of the above-mentioned 5S is implemented and audit rework. Examples
is conducted at regular intervals to monitor the include Production
progress and evaluate the success of implementation. Rejects and Reduced
After the completion of implementation of 5S Yield on startup.
1. Improved equipment performance eliminates the
root cause of defects.
2. Defects are prevented through planned
3. Preventive maintenance costs are reduced as
equipment operators conduct autonomous
4. Improved equipment designs ensure that new
equipment naturally produces fewer defects
5. Simplified products designs and a redesigned
Figure 4.Implementation of Pokayoke
process produce with few defects
Engineers, technicians and managers are trained in
VII. DATA ANALYSIS maintenance and quality
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is
widely use as the measure of success of TPM
implementation. Overall Equipment Effectiveness is
Success of TPM depends on various pillars
given as: Availability × Performance Efficiency ×
like 5-S, JishuHozen, Planned Maintenance, Quality
Quality Rate (OEE = A × PE × QR)[1]. Availability
maintenance, Kaizen, Office TPM and Safety, Health
takes into account the losses due to equipment failure
& Environment.Overall Equipment Effectiveness has
and setup and adjustment and is calculated as the
improved from 66 % to 79% indicating the
ratio of operating time to loading time. Performance
improvement in productivity and improvement in
Efficiency includes losses due idling and minor
quality of product.It is observed that most of the
stoppages and speed loss and is calculated as ratio of
defective components are because of the previous
net operating time to operating time. Quality rate
process namely casting hence to improve the
factors the defects in process and reduced yield and is
productivity efforts must also be given to previous
defined as ratio of valuable operating time to net
process as well.The key factors for this implementation is possible with continual support at all
implementation are workers involvement and top the levels along with the supply of necessary resources.
management support. Still world class TPM
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Arpit S. Bhoyar. “Total Productive Maintenance: The Evolution in Maintenance and Efficiency
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