Total Productive Maintenance: The Evolution in Maintenance and Efficiency

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Arpit S. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application www.ijera.

ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 11, (Part -I) November 2017, pp.26-32


Total Productive Maintenance: The Evolution in Maintenance

and Efficiency
Arpit S. Bhoyar , Laukik P. Raut2, Sunil Mane3
Student1, Assistant Professor2, Production Manager3
Department of Mechanical Engineering12
GHRCE Nagpur1,2, Shalimar Nutrients Pvt. Ltd.3
Corresponding Author: Arpit S. Bhoyar

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the contributions of total productive maintenance (TPM) initiatives
towards improving manufacturing performance at Shalimar Nutrients Private Limited (SNPL) Nagpur.The
correlations between various TPM implementation dimensions and manufacturing performance improvements
have been evaluated and validated by employing overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) in Maintenance
Department. The research focuses upon the significant contributions of TPM implementation success factors
like top management leadership and involvement, traditional maintenance practices and holistic TPM
implementation initiatives, towards affecting improvements in manufacturing performance in the SNPL. The
study establishes that focused TPM implementation over a reasonable time period can strategically contribute
towards realization of significant manufacturing performance enhancements. The study highlights the strong
potential of TPM implementation initiatives in affecting organizational performance improvements. The
achievements of SNPL manufacturing organizations through proactive TPM initiatives have been evaluated and
critical TPM success factors identified for enhancing the effectiveness of TPM implementation programs in the
SNPL context.
Keywords: Total productive maintenance, Preventive maintenance, Overall equipment efficiency
Date of Submission: 18-10-2017 Date of acceptance: 04-11-2017


TPM is a unique Japanese philosophy, TQM is defined by Feigenbaum as both a
which has been developed based on the productive philosophy and a set of guiding principles that
maintenance concepts and methodologies. This represent the foundation of a continuously improving
concept was first introduced by M/s Nippon Denso organization. It is the application of quantitative
Co. Ltd. of Japan, a supplier of M/s Toyota Motor methods and involvement of people to improve all
Company, Japan in the year 1971. Total productive the processes within an organization and to exceed
maintenance is an innovative approach to customer needs.
maintenance that optimizes equipment effectiveness,
eliminates breakdowns and promotes autonomous
maintenance by operators through day-to-day
activities involving total workforce. The
manufacturing industry has experienced an
unprecedented degree of change in the last three
decades, involving drastic changes in management
approaches, product and process technologies,
customer expectations, supplier attitudes as well as
competitive behaviour. In today‟s fast changing
marketplace, slow, steady improvements in
manufacturing operations do not guarantee sustained
profitability or survival of an organization. Thus the
organizations need to improve at a faster rate than
their competitors, if they are to become or remain
leaders in the industry. Figure 1: Historical evolution of quality methods DOI: 10.9790/9622-0711012632 26 | P a g e

Arpit S. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 11, (Part -I) November 2017, pp.26-32

III. TPM PILLARS 1.3 Quality Maintenance

It is designed for error detection and
prevention into production processes. It applies root
cause analysis to eliminate recurring sources of
quality defects.It specifically targets quality issues
with improvement projects focused on removing root
sources of defects and hence reduces number of
defects. It reduces cost by catching defects early (it is
expensive and unreliable to find defects through
Figure 2: The traditional TPM model consists of a inspection).
5S foundation and eight supporting activities
The eight pillars of TPM are mostly focused 1.4 Focused Improvement
on proactive and preventative techniques for Maximize efficiency by eliminating waste and
improving equipment reliability. manufacturing losses. Manufacturing losses are
categorized into 3 big losses:
1.1 Autonomous Maintenance
1) Equipment losses
It places responsibility for routine
2) Manpower losses
maintenance such as cleaning, lubricating, and
3) Material losses
inspection, in the hands of operators.Train the
operators to close the gap between them and the
maintenance staff, making it easier for both to work
as one team. Change the equipment so the operator
can identify any abnormal conditions and measure
deterioration before it affects the process or leads to a
failure.The following seven steps are implemented to
progressively increase operator‟s knowledge,
participation and responsibility for their equipment.
1. Perform initial cleaning and inspection
2. Countermeasures for the causes and effects of dirt
and dust
3. Establish cleaning and lubrication standards
4. Conduct general inspection training
5. Carry out equipment inspection checks
6. Workplace management and control
7. Continuous improvement
It gives operators greater “ownership” of
their equipment, increases operators‟ knowledge of
their equipment, ensures equipment is well-cleaned
and lubricated, identifies emergent issues before they
become failures, frees maintenance personnel for
higher-level tasks.
1.2 Planned Maintenance Figure 3: Manufacturing losses
It establishespreventative and predictive maintenance 1.5 Early Equipment Management
systems for equipment and tooling. The following It is directs practical knowledge and understanding of
seven steps are implemented under the planned manufacturing equipment gained through TPM
maintenance. towards improving the design of new equipment.
1. Correct operation New equipment needs to be:
2. Correct set-up 1) easy to operate
3. Cleaning 2) easy to clean
4. Lubrication 3) easy to maintain and reliable
5. Retightening 4) have quick set-up times
6. Feedback and repair of minor defects 5) operate at the lowest life cycle cost
7. Quality spare parts 1.6 Training and Education
It significantly reduces instances of unplanned stop It fills in knowledge gaps necessary to
time and enables most maintenance to be planned for achieve TPM goals. It applies to operators,
times when equipment is not scheduled for maintenance personnel and managers.Operators
production thereby reduces inventory through better develop skills to routinely maintain equipment and
control of wear-prone and failure-prone parts. identify emerging problems.Maintenance personnel DOI: 10.9790/9622-0711012632 27 | P a g e

Arpit S. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 11, (Part -I) November 2017, pp.26-32

learn techniques for proactive and preventative random audits could be conducted using company
maintenance.Managers are trained on TPM principles check sheets to ensure that it is observed in true
as well as on employee coaching and development. spirits by everyone in the work place depicts the key
activities to be holistically deployed for effective 5S
1.7 Safety, Health, Environment implementation at the workplace.
It maintains a safe and healthy working
environment. It eeliminates potential health and V. OEE AND THE SIX BIG LOSSES
safety risks, resulting in a safer workplace and OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is a
specifically targets the goal of an accident-free metric that identifies the percentage of planned
workplace. production time that is truly productive. It was
1.8 TPM in administrative and support departments developed to support TPM initiatives by accurately
Administrative and support departments can be seen tracking progress towards achieving “perfect
as process plants whose principal tasks are to collect, production”.
process, and distribute information. It helps to  An OEE score of 100% is perfect production.
eextends TPM benefits beyond the plant floor by  An OEE score of 85% is world class for discrete
addressing waste in administrative functions. manufacturers.
 An OEE score of 60% is fairly typical for
IV. S PHILOSOPHY discrete manufacturers.
TPM starts with 5S. It is a systematic  An OEE score of 40% is not uncommon for
process of housekeeping to achieve a serene manufacturers without TPM and/or lean
environment in the work place involving the programs.
employees with a commitment to sincerely
implement and practice housekeeping. Problems Table 2: TPM Goals
cannot be clearly seen when the work place is Compone TPM Type of Productivity
unorganized. Cleaning and organizing the workplace nt Goal Loss
helps the team to uncover problems. Making Availability takes into
problems visible is the first step of improvement. 5S account Availability
is foundation program before theimplementation of TPM. Loss, which includes
all events that stop
Table 1: 5 S principles planned production for
Japanese nomenclature (English 5S/5C): Features Availabilit an appreciable length of
No Stops
Seiri (Sort/Clear): Sort out unnecessary items from y time Examples include
the workplace and discard them. Unplanned Stops (such
Seiton (Set in order/Configure): Arrange necessary as breakdowns and other
items in good order so that they can be easily down events) and
picked up for use. Planned Stops (such as
Seisio (Shine/Clean and check): Clean the workplace changeovers).
completely to make it free from dust, dirt and clutter Performance takes into
Seiketsu (Standardize/Conformity): Maintain high account Performance
standard of housekeeping and workplace organization Loss, which includes
Shitsuke (Sustain/Custom and practice): Train and all factors that cause
No Small
motivate people to follow good housekeeping production to operate
Performan Stops or
disciplines autonomously at less than the
ce Slow
maximum possible
If this 5S is not taken up seriously, then it leads to 5D speed when running.
(delays, defects, dissatisfied customers, declining Examples include both
profits, and demoralized employees). Slow Cycles, and
This 5S implementation has to be carried out Small Stops.
inphased manner. First the current situation of Quality takes into
theworkplace has to be studied by conducting a 5S account Quality Loss,
audit. This audit uses check sheets to evaluate the which factors out
current situation. This check sheet consists of various manufactured pieces that
No do not meet quality
parameters to be rated say on a 5-point basis for each Quality standards, including
„S‟. The ratings give the current situation. The each Defects pieces that require
of the above-mentioned 5S is implemented and audit rework. Examples
is conducted at regular intervals to monitor the include Production
progress and evaluate the success of implementation. Rejects and Reduced
After the completion of implementation of 5S Yield on startup. DOI: 10.9790/9622-0711012632 28 | P a g e

Arpit S. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 11, (Part -I) November 2017, pp.26-32

OEE takes into Rejects

account all losses during
(Availability Loss, Reduced Quality Scrap, warm-up,
Perfect Yield Loss Rework startup or
Performance Loss, and
OEE Producti other early
Quality Loss), production.
resulting in a measure
of truly productive
TPM program implementation
manufacturing time.
TPM is not a quick fix, it can often take
between 2 and 5 years to implement fully depending
Table 3: Six big losses
on the size and complexity of your organisation. The
Six Big Example most widely adopted framework for adopting TPM is
Categor Comments
Losses s that of the Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance (JIPM)
There is which is based around 9 steps split into three cycles.
Tooling flexibility a. Measurement Cycle;
Failure, on where to i. Equipment history and performance analysis:
Unplanne set the Select one cell or machine and begin to set project
d threshold objectives such as manning costs, OEE and material
Availabi Maintena between an
Unplann savings.Set up a project board for the 9 steps of the
lity nce, Unplanned
ed Stops project and the team should start to collect all
Loss Overheat Stop
ed (Availabilit manuals and drawings. Also assemble all historical
Bearing, y Loss) and records regarding manning, performance rates,
Motor a Small Stop breakdowns, maintenance, replacements and
Failure (Performan accidents.
ce Loss). ii. Calculate OEE:Ensure the team is educated in
This loss is what OEE is and how to perform the OEE
Setup/Ch often
Calculation. Set up your OEE display board at the
angeover, addressed
Material through gemba along with graphs for each contributing factor.
Shortage, setup time This step can take several days to a few weeks to
Setup gather meaningful data.
Availabi Operator reduction
lity Shortage, programs iii. Asses the six big losses and set priorities;Review
Loss Major such as all of the data collected and have the team agree
Adjustme SMED priorities and plans with management. Do not just
nt, (Single- jump to the lowest OEE, look also at the process
Warm-Up Minute cycle time to see if it is within tact time (the demand
Time Exchange
time of the customer) and if the process is a
of Die).
bottleneck or causing obvious delays.
Compone b. Condition Cycle
only includes
nt Jam, iv. Critical Assessment: This is where you start to
stops that
are less analyze each and every component of the machine,
Perform than five what does it do, how does it do it, why is designed
Small nt, Sensor
ance minutes that way and so forth. This is the opportunity for the
Stops Blocked,
Loss and that do whole team to fully understand how the machine
not require
Blocked, works in detail.For each critical component identify
ideal conditions (pressure, lubrication, temperature
Checking etc.) and also how each can be made to deteriorate
Anything quicker than it should.Document everything and keep
that keeps with the machine so that all have access.
Incorrect the v. Cleanup and condition appraisal;
Setting, equipment
Equipme from This step is very much like the third stage of
ance running at 5S Shine apart from it goes into much greater depth.
Running nt Wear,
Loss Start by taking pictures of the current state, and then
Alignmen its
t Problem theoretical begin to inspect and clean each component filling in
maximum an appraisal form to detail any issues. Develop a
speed. cleaning program as well as identifying all possible
Rejects causes of contamination both inside and outside the
Quality Scrap, during
on machine and develop plans to either eliminate,
Loss Rework steady-state
Defects isolate, prevent or if you have to clean.
production. DOI: 10.9790/9622-0711012632 29 | P a g e

Arpit S. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 11, (Part -I) November 2017, pp.26-32

vi. Planed Refurbishment; Table 4: Implementation of TPM

Plan and conduct all refurbishment Before After
identified in the previous stages. Also implement any
changes to eliminate contamination, introduce
pokayoke devices and examine and implement quick
changeover through SMED (single minute exchange
of die.)

vii. Develop Asset care; Unwanted angles and

This is the stage which most people identify pipesare kept near the That much area is used to
with TPM, the introduction of autonomous window keep accepted and rejected
maintenance where the operators themselves parts.
undertake daily inspections, lubrication, simple
repairs, and simple replacements and detect problems
themselves. We also establish visual management
using kamisshabi boards to show what work has been
done, color code and identify all gauges, pipes, cables
etc with reference to the manuals as well as installing
inspection windows so you can see what is happening
inside the machine. No labelling is done and Labelling is done and tools
tools are placed randomly are stored in their
in racks respective places identified
c. Problem Prevention Cycle;
viii. Best practice routines and standards; Just as in
the 5S standardization step we develop and
implement standard operating methods based on all
that we have learned through the previous steps. We
develop best practice manuals, single point lessons
and spares requirements; all of which are kept with
the machines not locked away in an office Allen keys, nut bolts and Proper places are decided
somewhere. other tools are kept for each tool.
ix. Problem Prevention:Using our measures of OEE
we use the 5 whys and other quality tools to identify
solutions and improvements with a preference for
low cost and no cost solutions.


„Kaizen‟ literally means „change for the No red tag marking is Red tag marking is done
betterment‟. Kaizen involves small improvements done for rejected and wall is also white
materials. washed
and is carried out on a continual basis and involving
people of all level in the organization. The principle
behind Kaizen is that „a very large number of small
improvements are more effective in an organizational
environment than a few improvements of large
value‟. This pillar is aimed at reducing losses in the
workplace that affect our efficiencies. By using a
detailed and thorough procedure we eliminate losses Plastic bags and waste They are kept
cotton is randomly kept systematically
in a systematic method using various Kaizen tools.
Objective of Kaizen is achieve and sustain zero loses
with respect to minor stops, measurement and
adjustments, defects and unavoidable downtime.

Operators used to spit in Resisted use of tobacco

Corner after chewing
tobacco DOI: 10.9790/9622-0711012632 30 | P a g e

Arpit S. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 11, (Part -I) November 2017, pp.26-32

operating time. Following table gives the summary of

No operator is writing observation made beforeand after TPM
hourly report implementation.

Availability = Operating time/planned production

Performance = Ideal Cycle Time / Total Pieces
Writing hourly report is Quality = Good Pieces / Total Pieces
compulsory OEE = Availability X Performance X Quality

Employee details are not Table 5 Implementation of TPM

displayed on the notice Sr. Category Before After
No. implem impleme
entation ntation
1 Shift time 420 min 420 min
Total production in
Employee details are 2 3200 kg 3200kg
a shift
displayed on the notice
board 3 Scheduled break 60 min 60 min
4 30 min 10 min
No working information break
is displayed on the notice 5 Operator absent 30 min 10 min
board 6 Total Time Break 120 min 80 min
Time taken per Kg 10.66
7 9.41 min
Production min
Availability (A) 0.71
Working information is 8 0.80 min
displayed on the notice Performance
board 9 1 min 1 min
Efficiency (PE)
10 Quality Rate (QR) 0.96 0.99
OEE (A × PE ×
11 0.66 0.79

1. Improved equipment performance eliminates the
root cause of defects.
2. Defects are prevented through planned
3. Preventive maintenance costs are reduced as
equipment operators conduct autonomous
4. Improved equipment designs ensure that new
equipment naturally produces fewer defects
5. Simplified products designs and a redesigned
Figure 4.Implementation of Pokayoke
process produce with few defects
Engineers, technicians and managers are trained in
VII. DATA ANALYSIS maintenance and quality
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is
widely use as the measure of success of TPM
implementation. Overall Equipment Effectiveness is
Success of TPM depends on various pillars
given as: Availability × Performance Efficiency ×
like 5-S, JishuHozen, Planned Maintenance, Quality
Quality Rate (OEE = A × PE × QR)[1]. Availability
maintenance, Kaizen, Office TPM and Safety, Health
takes into account the losses due to equipment failure
& Environment.Overall Equipment Effectiveness has
and setup and adjustment and is calculated as the
improved from 66 % to 79% indicating the
ratio of operating time to loading time. Performance
improvement in productivity and improvement in
Efficiency includes losses due idling and minor
quality of product.It is observed that most of the
stoppages and speed loss and is calculated as ratio of
defective components are because of the previous
net operating time to operating time. Quality rate
process namely casting hence to improve the
factors the defects in process and reduced yield and is
productivity efforts must also be given to previous
defined as ratio of valuable operating time to net DOI: 10.9790/9622-0711012632 31 | P a g e

Arpit S. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 11, (Part -I) November 2017, pp.26-32

process as well.The key factors for this implementation is possible with continual support at all
implementation are workers involvement and top the levels along with the supply of necessary resources.
management support. Still world class TPM
[5]. 6)SameetDandawate, Laukik P. Raut,
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International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) is UGC approved

Journal with Sl. No. 4525, Journal no. 47088. Indexed in Cross Ref, Index Copernicus (ICV
80.82), NASA, Ads, Researcher Id Thomson Reuters, DOAJ.

Arpit S. Bhoyar. “Total Productive Maintenance: The Evolution in Maintenance and Efficiency
.” International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , vol. 7, no. 11,
2017, pp. 26–32. DOI: 10.9790/9622-0711012632 32 | P a g e

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