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The document describes how to model electrical systems including lighting fixtures, switches, and circuits in Revit. It also covers creating schedules to document the systems.

Lighting fixtures and switches are associated in the model by assigning each fixture to a switch ID, representing the switch that controls that fixture.

The steps to create a switch system are to select the switch, select the 'Select Switch' command, and then click the fixtures to connect them with dashed lines. This populates the switch ID field in the fixture schedule.

3 - 7 Add Circulator Pumps 303

22 Type VG, click Revit Links tab, turn on c Office Building.rvt

Save your work

Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to
Mechanical Exercise folder, enter 18 Circulator Pumps Added for File name. Click the File
Tab again then select Close.
Now we have finished the hydronic piping systems of this office building. Readers can Open
the exercise file: \Mechanical\19 Hydronic Piping Finished.rvt to take a look of the final
modeling result. In Chapter 7 Interference Check we will make minor adjustments of two
hydronic pipes in this model.
The hydronic piping system used for boilers and radiators in this chapter can also be used
for many other mechanical systems such as chiller chill water and cooling tower condensate
304 Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

3 - 8 Organize Mechanical 3D Views

Open the exercise file: \Mechanical\19 Hydronic Piping Finished.rvt
1 In Project Browser, double click {3D} under 3D Views to open the default 3D View.

In this view we can see both mechanical air systems and hydronic piping of our model.
Nevertheless the hydronic piping are only single lined and have no color.
2 Use VG to add Hydronic Supply and Hydronic Return two filters and set their colors as
same as the colors shown on floor plans.
3 - 8 Organize Mechanical 3D Views 305

3 On View Control Bar set Detail Level to Fine to display double lined piping.

4 In Project Browser, duplicate this {3D} view to a 3D Mech Air Systems view.

5 Type VG, click Filters tab, then click Edit/New … button. In Filters dialog, select Hydronic
filter, in Categories list, besides those already checked pipe categories add Mechanical
Equipment one more category, press OK.
306 Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

6 (back to Visibility/Graphic Overrides Filters dialog) Click Add button to add Hydronic to
the Filter list and turn it off.

Now the 3D Mech Air Systems view only displays the Mech Air System components.

Note: Although we leave the Hydronic Supply and Hydronic Return those two filters on, but
the Hydronic filter contains more categories, not only the piping but also the
equipment, thus we turned off the entire Hydronic Piping Systems in this view.
3 - 8 Organize Mechanical 3D Views 307

7 Type WT and Type ZA.

Now we have three 3D views for the Mechanical Systems: 3D Mech Air Systems view, 3D
Hydronic Piping view and default {3D} view that shows both systems.

Save your work

Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to
Mechanical Exercise folder, enter 19 Mechanical 3D Views Finished for File name. Click the
File Tab again then select Close.
Up to here we have finished the entire Mechanical Systems of this office building. Readers
can Open the exercise file: \Mechanical\20 Mechanical System Finished.rvt to take a look
of the final drawing with three different 3D views.

Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

In this chapter we will create Electrical Systems for a two story office building, including the
layouts of lighting fixtures and switches in each space, layouts of receptacles, installations
of electrical panels and transformers in Elec/Mech rooms, creations of power and lighting
circuitry, as well as switch systems. We will also create many schedules such as: required
lighting levels, lighting analysis, lighting fixtures and electrical usage reports. Besides, we
will have Revit create power and lighting panel schedules for us according to the circuits
that we created in the model. Finally, we will practice how to draw electrical conduits.
310 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

4 - 1 Prepare Electrical System Modeling

1 Start Revit 2019. In its Starting Screen
click New… under Projects.
2 In New Project dialog box, press
Browse… button on the right.

3 In Choose Template dialog box, find and open C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2019

\Templates\Us Metric\Electrical-Default_Metric.rte file.

4 In New Project dialog box, press OK.

Examine the Preset Views of Electrical template

5 In Project Browser, take a look of all the views that the template file has.
4 - 1 Prepare Electrical System Modeling 311

The default views in Electrical template were categorized to two sub-disciplines: Lighting
and Power.
 The floor plans under Lighting sub-discipline, we use them to place light switches
and create lighting circuits. We will add two more floor plans for defining required
lighting levels for each floor.
 The ceiling plans under Lighting sub-discipline, we use them to place lighting
 The floor plans under Power sub-discipline, we use them to place electrical
equipment, receptacles, and create power circuits.

Note: The view name starting with “1 -“ and “2 -“ means “first floor” and “second floor”.

Set Project Units

For consistency, we set the length units format same as the format in architectural project.
1 Click the Manage tab, then select Project Units.

2 In Project Units dialog box, click the example button of Length Format.
3 In Format dialog box, for Units select Centimeters, for Rounding select 2 decimal places,
for Unit symbol select cm, put a check mark on Suppress on trailing 0’s.

4 Click OK to complete the settings of Length format, click OK again to finish the settings
of Project Units.
312 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

Load Architectural Background Drawing

1 Click the Insert tab, select Link Revit.

2 In Import/Link RVT dialog box, find and select the exercise file: \Architectural\c Office
3 At the bottom of dialog box, verify Positioning: is Auto - Origen to Origen, then press

The line works of linked model is grey out with brightness of 50%.
4 - 1 Prepare Electrical System Modeling 313

4 Click Manage tab, then click Additional Settings to expand its drop down list, select
Halftone / Underlay.
5 In Halftone / Underlay dialog box change Brightness from 50% to 70%, press OK.

Now we can see the line works of linked model become darker.

6 Select the imported architectural background model, on Modify panel, click to pin
the model so it won’t be moved accidentally.
314 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

7 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

Modify and Add New Levels

1 In Project Browser, double click South - Elec under Elevations to open Elevation: South -
Elec view.
2 Select and drag the host’s level symbols to the right of link model’s level symbols.

3 Change host Level 2’s height from 400 cm to 370 cm.

4 - 1 Prepare Electrical System Modeling 315

4 Use the Level tool on Architecture ribbon to add Roof, Ceiling 1, Ceiling 2 three levels,
and create a Roof - Power floor plan.

For more detailed steps of adding new level and floor plan, please refer to the steps in
Chapter 2 section 1.

Electrical Settings
1 Click Manage tab, then click MEP Settings to expand its drop down list, select Electrical

2 In Electrical Settings dialog box, under Wiring select Wiring Types to take a look of the
wire types that we have. (Here we can add more wire types as desired)
316 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

3 Select Voltage Definitions to examine the voltage settings.

4 Select Distribution Systems to examine the systems we have.

4 - 1 Prepare Electrical System Modeling 317

5 Select Load Calculation, check (turn on) Run calculations for loads in spaces, click OK to
finish the Electrical Settings.

Important! We have to turn on this setting in order to examine the electrical loads in a
space (see section 4-7) and display the actual receptacle and lighting loads in
the Electrical Usage Reports that we create in section 4-8.

Create Spaces
1 In Project Browser, move cursor to 1 - Lighting view under Floor Plans and under
Lighting sub-discipline, right click mouse button, on Context Menu select Duplicate View
-> Duplicate.
318 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

2 Move cursor to newly created 1 - Lighting Copy 1 view, right click mouse button, on
Context Menu select Rename… to rename it to 1 - Lighting Level.

3 Use VG to turn off Elevations (in Annotation Categories).

4 Type ZA (Zoom All) to zoom the entire model to fit the drawing area.

Turn on Room Bounding Parameter

5 Select the linked architectural background model.
4 - 1 Prepare Electrical System Modeling 319

6 On Properties palette, click Edit Type. In Type Properties dialog box, put a check mark on
Room Bounding parameter, press OK.

7 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

Important! We have to turn on the Room Bounding of linked architectural model in order to
use its room enclosures to create spaces.

We can use the same method as we did in previous mechanical systems to create spaces for
electrical systems, or, use the following method to copy identical spaces from mechanical
project into electrical project to speed up the process.

Copy Spaces from Mechanical Project

8 Open the exercise file: \Mechanical\03 Create Zones.rvt
9 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Space under Floor Plans to open Floor Plan: 1 - Space
320 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

10 Carefully window select all spaces and their tags, then hold Shift key, select three
restroom shafts and their tags to exclude them.

11 On Modify | Multi-Select ribbon, select Copy to Clipboard.

12 On Quick Toolbar click Switch to Windows button, on drop down list select Project1.rvt -
Floor Plan 1 - Lighting Level to return to that view.

13 Click the Modify tab, then click the down arrow under Paste to drop down the list, select
Aligned to Selected Views.
4 - 1 Prepare Electrical System Modeling 321

14 In Select Views dialog box, select Floor Plan: 1 - Lighting Level, press OK.

Now we have copied all the spaces and their tags of mechanical 03 Create Zones.rvt
drawing first floor (except shaft spaces) to Project1 Floor Plan 1 - Lighting Level view.
15 Use the same method, duplicate a 2 - Lighting Level view from 2 - Lighting view, turn off
four elevation symbols, zoom models to fit drawing area, go to 2 - Space view of 03
Create Zones.rvt drawing, copy all spaces (except shaft space) and their tags to
clipboard, switch back to 2 - Lighting Level view, then paste them into it.
322 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

16 When finished, switch to any view of 03 Create Zones.rvt drawing, then close it.
Like Mechanical modeling, we turn off all 4 elevation symbols (South, East, North, West) on
all floor plan and ceiling plan views; this can reduce the zooming operations during the
17 Open 1 - Lighting, 2 - Lighting, 1 - Ceiling Elec, 2 - Ceiling Elec, 1 - Power, 2 - Power six
views respectively, use VG to turn off their Elevations, then type ZA to zoom models to
fit their drawing area.
Save your work
When all done, click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box,
create an Electrical Exercise folder at a convenient location on your hard drive, enter 01
Electrical Setup Finished for File name, then click Save. Click the File Tab again then select

4 - 2 Define Required Lighting Levels

When designing building lighting systems, first we need to define the Required Lighting
Levels for each space, then base on these requirements to layout the lighting fixtures.
Open the exercise file: \Electrical\02 Define Lighting Levels.rvt

Create a Required Lighting Level parameter

1 Click the Manage tab, then select Project Parameters.
4 - 2 Define Required Lighting Levels 323

2 In Project Parameters dialog box click Add… .

3 In Parameter Properties dialog box do the following settings:

Parameter Type: confirm Project Parameter radio button is turned on.
Parameter Data:
Name: enter Required Lighting Level
Discipline: Electrical
Type of Parameter: Illuminance
Group parameter under: Electrical - Lighting
confirm Instance radio button is turned on
confirm Value are aligned per group type radio button is turned on
Category: check Spaces
Press OK.

4 Press OK again to finish the creation of Required Lighting Level parameter.

324 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

Validate the new parameter

5 Select any space on the drawing.
On Properties palette, under Electrical - Lighting category, we can see the newly created
Required Lighting Level parameter.

We could use this new parameter to enter a Required Lighting Level value in Properties
palette for each space. However, there are many spaces in this project that have same
lighting requirement. It is more efficient to create a key schedule and use it to assign
Required Lighting Level based on space's lighting type.

Create a Lighting Type Key Schedule

1 Click the Analyze tab, select Schedule/Quantities.
4 - 2 Define Required Lighting Levels 325

2 In New Schedule dialog box do the following:

Category: select Spaces
Name: enter Space Lighting Requirements
click Schedule keys radio button
Key name: enter Lighting Type
press OK

3 In Schedule Properties dialog box, find Required Lighting Level in Available fields, click
Add parameter(s) button to add it to Schedule fields.

4 Click Formatting tab, change Key Name’s heading to Space Lighting Type.
326 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

5 Press OK to finish settings. Now we have a schedule with only two headings but has no
contents in it.

Enter Required Level (lx) for Different Lighting Types

6 On Modify Schedule/Quantities ribbon, select Insert Data Row.

Now there is an empty data row at the bottom of the schedule.

7 As shown on the left, in first data row enter 01 Private Office and 325 lx. Then continue
to insert new data rows, enter lighting types and required lighting levels to finish this
Space Lighting Requirements key schedule as shown on the right.

The purpose to put 01, 02, 03.… in front of lighting type names is for sorting.

Create Space Color Fills according to Required Lighting Levels

1 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Lighting Level under Floor Plans to open that view.
2 Click the Analyze tab, select Color Fill Legend.
4 - 2 Define Required Lighting Levels 327

3 On Properties palette, click Edit Type button. In Type Properties dialog box, put a check
mark on Show Title parameter, press OK.

4 Place a color fill legend at the upper right of the drawing.

5 In Choose Space Type and Color Scheme dialog box, select Spaces and Scheme 1, press
328 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

6 Select the color fill legend we just placed, on Modify | Color Fill Legends ribbon, select
Edit Scheme.

7 In Edit Color Scheme dialog box, select Scheme 1 on the left, then click the Duplicate
button below.

8 In New Color Scheme dialog box, enter Required Lighting for Name, press OK.
4 - 2 Define Required Lighting Levels 329

9 In Edit Color Scheme dialog box, for Scheme Definition, enter Required Lighting Levels
for Title, on Color drop down list, find and select Required Lighting Level parameter.

10 When Revit displays Color Not Preserved message, press OK.

11 Press OK again to finish the settings.

Now we see the Color Fill Legend at upper right has only Title but no legends. This is
because we haven't assigned required lighting levels for any space; therefore this Color Fill
Legend is empty. Next, we will base on the Space Lighting Type to set required lighting
levels for each space. The good thing about defining a Color Fill Legend first is that when we
330 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

assign required lighting levels for a space we can see that space is filled with color, thus we
can tell which space has assigned and which space hasn't, so there won't be any missing.

Assign Required Lighting Levels by Space Lighting Types

1 Select the 101 Office space at the lower left, on Properties palette, find Lighting Type,
on the drop down list of its right, select 01 Private Office.

2 When done, click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

Now we can see 101 Office has filled with color, in the meantime the Color Fill Legend at
upper right displays the legend of 325 lx.
4 - 2 Define Required Lighting Levels 331

Notice! After we assigned the Lighting Type, if we

scroll up Properties palette, we can see
that Required Lighting Level displays 325 lx.

3 Select both Open Offices, on Properties palette, on the drop down list of Lighting Type,
select 02 Open Office.

4 When done, click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

332 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

Now we can see both Open Offices have filled with different color and the Color Fill
Legend at upper right displays the legend of 485 lx.

5 Select both Conference rooms as shown, on Properties palette, on the drop down list of
Lighting Type, select 03 Conference.
4 - 2 Define Required Lighting Levels 333

6 When done, click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

Now both Conference rooms have filled with another color and the Color Fill Legend at
upper right displays the legend of 375 lx.

Use the same method, refer to the figure below, finish assigning lighting level for the
remaining spaces of first floor.

Note: Some Lighting Types have the same Illuminance such as Private Office and Restroom
all have 325 lx, thus the Color Fill Legend displays only one swatch for them, also
those types of spaces filled with the same color. Besides, Guest Room is specified as
Private Office lighting type.
334 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

Assign Required Lighting Levels to 2nd floor spaces

1 In Project Browser, double click 2 - Lighting Level under Floor Plans to open Floor Plan: 2
- Lighting Level view.
2 Click Analyze tab, select Color Fill Legend, place the Color Fill Legend at the upper right
of second floor plan.

3 In Choose Space Type and Color Scheme

dialog box, choose Spaces for Space Type
choose Required Lighting for Color
Scheme, press OK.

Like first floor, according to the space’s lighting type, refer to the figure below, finish
assigning lighting level (lx) for the spaces of second floor. Note: assign Janitor’s lighting type
to Private Office.

Save your work

When all finished, Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog
box, navigate to Electrical Exercise folder you created in previous section, enter 02 Defining
Lighting Level Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.
4 - 3 Create Space Lighting Analysis Schedule 335

4 - 3 Create Space Lighting Analysis Schedule

In this section we will create a Space Lighting Analysis schedule to test the lighting fixtures
we place in spaces in next section and to see if they satisfy the required lighting levels.
Open the exercise file: \Electrical\03 Create Space Lighting Analysis Schedule.rvt

1 Click the Analyze tab, select Schedule/Quantities. In New Schedule dialog box, select
Spaces for Category, enter Space Lighting Analysis for Name, press OK.

2 In Schedule Properties dialog box, find and add Name, Number, Required Lighting Level
and Average Estimated Illumination to Schedule fields, move Number field to the top,
then press Add calculated parameter button.

Notice! The Required Lighting Level in Available fields was the new parameter we added to
project in previous section, it wasn’t in Electrical template file.
336 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

3 In Calculated Value dialog box, enter Lighting Delta for Name, verify Formula radio
button is on, select Electrical for Discipline, select Illuminance for Type, in Formula field
enter “Average Estimated Illumination - Required Lighting Level”, press OK.

Note: When creating formula we can press the □

… button to open the Fields list to select the

fields instead of typing it.

4 Click Sorting/Grouping tab, set Sort by Number, verify that Itemize every instance check
box at bottom left is checked.

5 Click Formatting tab, select Lighting Delta field on the left, then press Conditional
Format… button on the right.
4 - 3 Create Space Lighting Analysis Schedule 337

6 In Conditional Formatting dialog box, set Test to Not Between, Value -54 lx and 54 lx, set
Background Color to red.

7 Press OK twice to finish the settings and create a Space Lighting Analysis schedule.

In this schedule we can see that all the values for Average Estimated Illumination are 0 lx
and the Lighting Delta are all negative with red background. This is because we haven’t
placed any lighting fixture in these spaces; therefore no illumination has been calculated.

Save your work

Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to
Electrical Exercise folder, enter 03 Space Lighting Analysis Schedule Finished for File name.
Click the File Tab again then select Close.
338 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

4 - 4 Add Lighting Fixtures

In this section we will place lighting fixtures in spaces and use Space Lighting Analysis
schedule created in previous section to test and see if they satisfy the required lighting
Open the exercise file: \Electrical\04 Add Lighting Fixtures.rvt
1 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Ceiling Elec under Ceiling Plans to open Ceiling Plan:
1 - Ceiling Elec view.
2 Type WT (Window Tile) to tile 1 - Ceiling Elec view and Space Lighting Analysis schedule
side by side.
3 Type ZA (Zoom All) to zoom the entire model to fit the drawing area.

4 On Properties palette, click View Range’s Edit… button to set view range as follow:

4 - 4 Add Lighting Fixtures 339

Because the original view range settings will let us accidentally see the floor mount
receptacles of second floor open offices and conference rooms.
5 Click Systems tab, select Lighting Fixture.

6 In Family/Type Selector, click the down arrow to

find and select M_Plain Recessed Lighting
Fixture family 600x1200 - 277 type fixture.

7 On Modify | Place Fixture ribbon, select Place on Face.

8 Place the first lighting fixture on the ceiling grid of 101 Office as shown. Click the
leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

Now in the schedule we see that the Average Estimated Illumination of 101 Office is 183 lx,
the Lighting Delta is -142 lx.
340 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

9 Again, place the second lighting fixture on the ceiling grid of 101 Office.

Now in the schedule we can see that the Average Estimated Illumination of 101 Office
became 366 lx, the Lighting Delta changed to 41 lx, and the red background disappeared,
which means the lighting level of this space has satisfied our design requirement.
Readers can try to add one more lighting fixture in this space, then the Average Estimated
Illumination would become 549 lx, Lighting Delta would be 224 lx, and the red background
would appear again, since when we place three lighting fixtures in this space, its Lighting
Delta would exceed our acceptable range which is from -54 lx to 54 lx, too bright.
4 - 4 Add Lighting Fixtures 341

10 Select Lighting Fixture on Systems ribbon again. In Family/Type Selector, click the down
arrow to find and select M_Plain Recessed Lighting Fixture family 600x600 - 277 type

11 On Modify | Place Fixture ribbon select Place on Face, place four 600x600 lighting
fixtures on the ceiling grid of 102 Office.

When placing each lighting fixture, please notice the variations of Average Estimated
Illumination in right schedule.
After finish placing, we can see that the Average Estimated Illumination of 102 Office
became 324 lx, the Lighting Delta changed to -1 lx, and the red background disappeared too,
which means the lighting level of this space has also satisfied our design requirement.
342 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

Please use the methods above and refer to the orange reference lines shown below to
finish placing all 60cm x 120cm and 60cm x 60cm M_Plain Recessed Lighting Fixtures on 1 -
Ceiling Elec ceiling plan. When placing those 60cm x 120cm fixtures that need to rotate 90
degree, press space bar to rotate them first. We can also use Copy tool to copy these

Since Elec/Mech room will run many pipes and conduits at higher levels it does not have
hung ceiling, thus we install pendant lights in it.

Load Additional Lighting Fixture Family

12 Click Insert tab, select Load Family.

13 Navigate to C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2019\Libraries\US Metric\Lighting

\MEP\Internal folder to find and load the following families:
M_Pendant Light - Linear - 1 Lamp.rfa
M_Pendant Light - Linear - 2 Lamp.rfa
4 - 4 Add Lighting Fixtures 343

14 After loading, click Systems tab, select Lighting Fixture on Systems ribbon, in
Family/Type Selector, find and select M_Pendant Light - Linear - 1 Lamp family 1200mm
- 277V type fixture.

15 On Modify | Place Fixture ribbon select Place on Face.

16 Place the 1 lamp pendant light in 118 Elec/Mech Room as shown.

17 Select Lighting Fixture on Systems ribbon again. In Family/Type Selector, find and select
M_Pendant Light - Linear - 2 Lamp family 1200mm - 277V type fixture.

18 On Modify | Place Fixture ribbon select Place on Face.

344 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

19 Place the 2 lamp pendant light in 118 Elec/Mech Room as shown.

The reason we put two different lights in this room is that the calculated lighting level is
much closer to the required lighting level.
20 Besides, place a 2 lamp pendant light in the stairwell next to Elec/Mech room as shown.

Note: All lighting fixtures in this project are 277 volts.

4 - 4 Add Lighting Fixtures 345

Use the same methods, open 2 - Ceiling Elec view, according to the drawing below, finish
placing all lighting fixtures on second floor.

After placing all the lighting fixtures, in Space Lighting Analysis schedule we found there are
a few spaces do not meet our requirements (either under or exceed). Two corridor spaces
at first and second floor restroom entrances exceeded their requirements. Although we
could remove the 60cm x 60cm fixtures in the middle of those corridors to satisfy the
requirements, but author felt it’s all right to let them brighter at restroom entrances. The
troubles are the lighting calculations for those stairwells. In next section, we will do some
adjustments of those stairwell spaces in order to meet our lighting requirements.

Save your work

Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to
Electrical Exercise folder, enter 04 Lighting Fixtures Finished for File name. Click the File
Tab again then select Close.
346 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

4 - 5 Adjust Stairwell Spaces

Open the exercise file: \Electrical\05 Adjust Stairwell Spaces.rvt
1 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Ceiling Elec under Ceiling Plans to open that view.
2 Draw a section line crossing the south stairwell as shown.

3 Double click the section symbol to open the section view.

4 - 5 Adjust Stairwell Spaces 347

4 Use VG to turn on Spaces Interior and Reference, turn off Levels in Annotation Categories.

5 On Properties palette, set Sub-Discipline to Lighting, uncheck Crop Region Visible.

348 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

6 As shown on the left figure, select second floor 223 Stairwell space, pick the control
point at its bottom, drag it down to the location as shown on the right figure.

7 Close the warning message.

8 Select 223 Stairwell space again, on Properties palette, set Base Offset to -370 cm.

Thus we expanded second floor stairwell

space and use its lighting fixtures to light
up the first floor stairwell space.
4 - 5 Adjust Stairwell Spaces 349

9 Select first floor 121 Stairwell space, on Properties palette, set its Lighting Type to

10 In Project Browser, double click Space Lighting Analysis under Schedules/Quantities to

open that schedule.

Now in schedule, 121 Stairwell space does not have Required Lighting Level, there is no
lighting fixture in it, therefore its Average Estimated Illumination is 0 lx, then there is no so
called Lighting Delta. On the other hand, we can see the Average Estimated Illumination for
223 Stairwell decreased (because its fixtures cover more space), but still satisfied our
lighting requirement.
In schedule the lighting level of north 122 Stairwell is still not enough. However we can
improve its lighting level by increasing its surface reflectances.
350 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

Change Space Surface’s Reflectance

1 On Properties palette, click the Edit... button next to Fields.
2 In Schedule Properties dialog box, find and add Ceiling Reflectance, Floor Reflectance
and Wall Reflectance from Available fields to Schedule fields.

3 Press OK to update the schedule.

Now we see the schedule expands 3 more fields on its right.
4 - 6 Add Switches 351

4 Select the Wall Reflectance of 122 Stairwell space; change it from preset 50% to 75%.

Now we can see the Average Estimated Illumination of 122 Stairwell increased (became
brighter), which satisfied our lighting requirement.
So we have learned that the surface reflectance of a space affect its lighting level. Which
means the higher the surface reflectance is the brighter the space is. Space having higher
surface reflectance can use fewer or lower wattage lighting fixtures to reach the required
lighting level, that can save energy and money.

Save your work

Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to
Electrical Exercise folder, enter 05 Stairwell Spaces Adjusted for File name. Click the File
Tab again then select Close.

4 - 6 Add Switches
Open the exercise file: \Electrical\06 Add Switches.rvt
1 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Lighting under Floor Plans of Lighting sub-discipline
to open that view.
2 Use VG to turn off Sections in Annotation Categories.
352 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

Since Revit’s electrical systems differ with its mechanical systems that have some default
system colors, therefore we set our own colors for electrical equipment or devices such as:
panelboards, light switches, circuit wires, etc.
3 Type VG, click Filters tab, then press Edit/New... button.
4 In Filters dialog box, press the New button at lower left to create a Light Switch filter, for
Categories select Lighting Devices, for Filter Rules set Family Name equals M_Lighting

5 Press OK back to Visibility/Graphic Overrides Filters dialog, press Add button to add
Light Switch to filter list.
6 Click the Projection/Surface Lines Override… button of Light Switch, in Line Graphics
dialog box, set Color to Blue, press OK.

7 Press OK again to finish the settings.

Note: The VG filter overrides such as color, style, need to be done on each view that uses
them, but the filter’s name and rules are only set once.
4 - 6 Add Switches 353

Single Pole Light Switch

8 Click Systems tab, click the down arrow under Device to drop down the list, then select

9 In Family/Type Selector, find and select M_Lighting Switches family Single Pole type,
then place this switch on the wall close to the door of 101 Office. Click the leftmost
Modify button on ribbon.

Please notice the Properties palette, switch’s Elevation is 120 cm and Switch ID is blank.
10 Click the Device icon on Systems ribbon. (now it displays the light switch picture)

11 Place a single pole switch in 102 Office and 103 Guest Room as shown.
354 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

12 On View Control Bar, change scale from 1 : 100 to 1 : 200.

Now all switch symbols become twice big, meanwhile the line weight of lighting fixtures

Three-Way Light Switch

13 Click the Device icon on Systems ribbon again.
14 In Family/Type Selector, select M_Lighting Switches family Three Way type, then place
two three-way switches on the right wall of the left Open Office.
4 - 6 Add Switches 355

15 Continue to place two three-way switches on the left wall of the right Open Office, also
place a three-way switch on the wall of each stairwell.

16 According to the next figure, place the necessary single pole switches for the remaining
rooms and corridors.

Attention! On floor plan views, when Detail Level is set to Coarse or Medium, switches and
receptacles are presented by symbols, they will enlarge or shrink by view scales.
When Detail Level is set to Fine, they are actual objects with sizes.
356 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

Same situation, open Floor Plan: 2 - Lighting view, according to the next figure, place the
correct switches for second floor. (make sure to do the VG settings before placing)

Save your work

When all finished, Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog
box, navigate to Electrical Exercise folder, enter 06 Switches Finished for File name. Click
the File Tab again then select Close.

4 - 7 Place Receptacles
Open the exercise file: \Electrical\07 Place Receptacles.rvt
1 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Power under Floor Plans of Power sub-discipline to
open that view.
4 - 7 Place Receptacles 357

In Power floor plan views we can see those lighting fixtures and switches that we placed in
previous sections.
2 Use VG to turn off Lighting Devices and Lighting Fixtures, also turn off Sections.

Now the lighting fixtures and switches are gone.

Notice! Switches belong to Lighting Devices category.

3 On Properties palette, click View Range’s Edit… button to set view range as follow:

Because the original View Top setting will let us accidentally see the floor mount
receptacles of second floor open offices and conference rooms.
358 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

Place Wall-Mount Receptacles

4 Click Systems tab, click the down arrow under Device to drop down the list, then select
Electrical Fixture.

5 In Family/Type Selector, find and select M_Duplex Receptacle family Standard type,
then place this receptacle on the north wall of 101 Office. Click the leftmost Modify
button on ribbon.

Please notice the Properties palette, receptacle’s Elevation is 46 cm.

6 Select 101 Office space.

On Properties palette the Actual Receptacle Load shows 180.00 VA.

4 - 7 Place Receptacles 359

7 Click the Device icon on Systems ribbon. (now it displays the receptacle picture)

8 Place other three receptacles on the walls of 101 Office.

9 Select 101 Office space again.

Now on Properties palette the Actual Receptacle Load shows 720.00 VA (i.e. 180.00 VA x 4).
Therefore when placing receptacles we can inspect the changes of Actual Receptacle Load
by selecting the space.
360 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

10 As shown below, place the same receptacles on the walls in 102 Office and 103 Guest

Since all radiators are installed under windows, we can not put receptacle under window.

11 On View Control Bar, change scale from 1 : 100 to 1 : 200.

Now all receptacle symbols become twice big.

4 - 7 Place Receptacles 361

According to the next figure, place all standard receptacles on the walls for the remaining
rooms and corridors.

Place Floor-Mount Receptacles

12 Click the Device icon on Systems ribbon.
13 On Modify | Place Devices ribbon, select Place on Face.

14 As shown below, place floor mount receptacles on the floors in Open Offices and
Conference rooms.
362 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

Note: In office buildings, we might install some receptacles on ceiling to provide power for
overhead projector, wireless Router, and etc.

GFCI Receptacles
Since restrooms have water running, therefore we install GFCI (Ground Fault Current
Interrupter) receptacles.
15 Click the Device icon on Systems ribbon.
16 In Family/Type Selector, select M_Duplex Receptacle family GFCI type, then place four
GFCI receptacles on the walls inside the restrooms.

The Elevation of GFCI receptacle is 120 cm. In Chapter 6 we will install a fire cabinet on the
wall at restroom entrance with bottom (elevation) at 70 cm. Since the receptacle we placed
at restroom entrance is a regular duplex, its elevation is 46 cm, so it’s OK.
4 - 7 Place Receptacles 363

Same situation, open Floor Plan: 2 - Power view, according to the next figure, place all
corresponding receptacles for second floor. (make sure to do all the VG settings before

Save your work

When all finished, Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog
box, navigate to Electrical Exercise folder, enter 07 Receptacles Finished for File name. Click
the File Tab again then select Close.
364 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

4 - 8 Create Electrical Usage Reports

Open the exercise file: \Electrical\08 Create Electrical Usage Reports.rvt
1 Click the Analyze tab, select Schedule/Quantities. In New Schedule dialog box, select
Spaces for Category, enter Electrical Usage Reports for Name, press OK.

2 In Schedule Properties dialog box, find and add Name, Number, Area, Actual Receptacle
Load, Actual Power Load per area, Actual Lighting - Dwelling Unit Load, Actual Lighting
Load per area to Schedule fields, move Number field to the top.
4 - 8 Create Electrical Usage Reports 365

3 Click Sorting/Grouping tab, set sort by Number, verify that Itemize every instance check
box at bottom left is checked.

4 Press OK to finish the settings.

Now we created a space power and lighting usage report schedule.

Notice! First floor south stairwell does not have any receptacle and lighting fixture;
therefore there are no receptacle and lighting loads for it. On second floor, both
stairwells don’t have receptacle; therefore there is no receptacle load for them.
366 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

Note: If necessary, on Properties palette we can click the Edit… button next to Formatting
to modify schedule field formatting, for examples, change the field formats of Actual
Receptacle Load and Actual Lighting - Dwelling Unit Load from VA to W (Watts).

Save your work

Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to
Electrical Exercise folder, enter 08 Electrical Usage Report Finished for File name. Click the
File Tab again then select Close.
4 - 9 Add Electrical Equipment 367

4 - 9 Add Electrical Equipment

In this section we place distribution panels and transformers in first and second floor
Elec/Mech rooms and create the Logical Connections between them.

Open the exercise file: \Electrical\09 Add Electrical Equipment.rvt

1 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Power under Floor Plans of Power sub-discipline to
open that view.
2 On View Control Bar, change scale from 1 : 200 back to 1 : 100.
368 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

3 Use VG to set Line color of Electrical Equipment to magenta.

Load Additional Panel Families

4 Click Insert tab, select Load Family.
5 Navigate to C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2019\Libraries\US Metric\Electrical\MEP
\Electric Power\Distribution folder to find and load the following families:
M_Lighting and Appliance Panelboard - 208V MLO - Surface.rfa
M_Lighting and Appliance Panelboard - 480V MCB - Surface.rfa
Main Distribution Panel (MDP)
6 Click the Systems tab, select Electrical Equipment on Systems ribbon.

7 In Family/Type Selector, find and select M_Lighting and Appliance Panelboard - 480V
MCB - Surface family 250 A type panel.
8 On Properties palette, set Elevation to 180 cm, scroll down the palette, enter MDP for
Panel Name.

Please note its Distribution System is 480/277 Wye.

4 - 9 Add Electrical Equipment 369

9 Verify that Tag on Placement is turned on Modify | Place Equipment ribbon and Leader
is turned off on Option Bar.

10 Place the panel on the right wall of Elec/Mech room as shown.

11 After placing, select the tag of the panel, drag it to the left so that it won’t block the panel.

Transformer (T1)
12 Select Electrical Equipment on Systems
13 In Family/Type Selector, find and select
M_Dry Type Transformer - 480-208Y120 -
NEMA Type 2 family 45 kVA type
14 On Properties palette, scroll it down,
enter T1 for Panel Name.
Please note its Distribution System is
480/277 Wye.
370 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

15 Press space bar three times to let the dragging point is on its right side, then place this
transformer on the wall of Elec/Mech room as shown.
16 After placing, select the tag of the transformer; drag it to the left so that it won’t block
the transformer.

Lighting and Appliance Panel (P1)

17 Select Electrical Equipment on
Systems ribbon.
18 In Family/Type Selector, find and
select M_Lighting and Appliance
Panelboard - 208V MLO - Surface
family 100 A type panel.
19 On Properties palette, scroll it
down, enter P1 for Panel Name.
Please note its Distribution System
is 120/208 Wye.

20 Place the panel on the wall of Elec/Mech room as shown.

21 After placing, select the tag of the panel; drag it to the left so that it won’t block the
4 - 9 Add Electrical Equipment 371

22 In Project Browser, double click 2 - Power under Floor Plans of Power sub-discipline to
open that view.
23 On View Control Bar, change scale from 1 : 200 to 1 : 100.
24 Use VG to set Line color of Electrical Equipment to magenta.
25 Like first floor Elec/Mech room, place two panels and one transformer on the right wall
of second floor Elec/Mech room. Their family names, types and panel names are:
M_Lighting and Appliance Panelboard - 480V MCB - Surface : 250 A, H2 (set Elevation to
180 cm)
M_Dry Type Transformer - 480-208Y120 - NEMA Type 2 : 45 kVA, T2
M_Lighting and Appliance Panelboard - 208V MLO - Surface : 100 A, P2

Note: H2 is a Higher Voltage Distribution


Create Logical Connections between equipment

1 Click the Close Hidden Windows button on Quick Toolbar.
2 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Power under Floor Plans to open that view.
3 Type WT (Window Tile) to tile 1 - Power and 2 - Power views side by side.
372 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

T1 and MDP
4 Select T1 transformer.
5 On Modify | Electrical Equipment ribbon, select Power.

6 On Modify | Electrical Circuit ribbon, select Select Panel.

7 Select the MDP panel above T1.

8 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon to complete their connection.

4 - 9 Add Electrical Equipment 373

P1 and T1
9 Select T1 transformer.
10 On Properties palette, set its Secondary Distribution System to 120/208 Wye.

11 Select P1 panel.
12 On Modify | Electrical Equipment ribbon, select Power.
13 On Modify | Electrical Circuit ribbon, select Select Panel. Select the T1 transformer

14 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon to complete their connection.

374 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

H2 and MDP
15 Select H2 panel in 2 - Power view.
16 On Modify | Electrical Equipment ribbon, select Power.
17 On Modify | Electrical Circuit ribbon, select Select Panel. Select the MDP panel in 1 -
Power view.

18 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon to complete their connection.

T2 and H2
19 Select T2 transformer in 2 - Power view.
20 On Modify | Electrical Equipment ribbon, select Power.
21 On Modify | Electrical Circuit ribbon, select Select Panel. Select the H2 panel above.

22 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon to complete their connection.

4 - 9 Add Electrical Equipment 375

P2 and T2
23 Select T2 transformer.
24 On Properties palette, set its Secondary Distribution System to 120/208 Wye.

25 Select P2 panel.
26 On Modify | Electrical Equipment ribbon, select Power.
27 When Revit displays this warning message, close it.

28 On Modify | Electrical Circuit ribbon, select Select Panel. Select the T2 transformer

29 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon to complete their connection.

376 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

When all finished, we can move mouse cursor on top of any panel or transformer, press Tab
key a few times to examine the logic connections of these equipment.

Save your work

Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to
Electrical Exercise folder, enter 09 Electrical Equipment Finished for File name. Click the File
Tab again then select Close.

4 - 10 Create Power Circuitry

Open the exercise file: \Electrical\10 Create Power Circuitry.rvt
1 Use VG to turn off Spaces, then set Wires line color to orange.

Explain: Turn of Spaces is to facilitate the coming selections of multiple receptacles.

2 Hold Ctrl key, select four receptacles in 101 Office.

4 - 10 Create Power Circuitry 377

3 On Modify | Electrical Fixtures ribbon, select Power.

4 On Modify | Electrical Circuits ribbon, select Select Panel.

5 Select the P1 panel in Elec/Mech room on north side of the building.

378 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

6 On Modify | Electrical Circuits ribbon, select Arc Wire.

7 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

8 Zoom in the bottom left of the building. Hold Ctrl key, select six receptacles in 102 Office.

9 On Modify | Electrical Fixtures ribbon, select Power.

10 On Modify | Electrical Circuits ribbon, drop down Panel’s list, select P1.

Notice! Revit remembers the panel in previous circuit creation and automatically assigns it
to the current creation, so if we don’t use a different panel we can skip this step.
4 - 10 Create Power Circuitry 379

11 On Modify | Electrical Circuits ribbon, select Arc Wire.

12 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

Edit Circuit
13 Select a receptacle in 101 Office.

14 Click the Electrical Circuits tab on the right of Modify | Electrical Fixtures tab.

15 On Electrical Circuits ribbon, select Edit Circuit.

380 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

16 On Edit Circuit ribbon, verify that Add to Circuit is turned on.

17 Select the receptacle outside 102 Office.

18 Click Finish Editing Circuit.

19 Move the cursor on top of the receptacle we just picked, press Tab key to display the
dashed wires as shown, then press down the mouse button.
20 Click the little Arc Wire icon on the figure to create wires for that receptacle.
4 - 10 Create Power Circuitry 381

21 Delete the original homerun of the circuit of 101 Office.

Adjust Circuit Arc Wires

22 Select the arc wire of the circuit as shown.

23 Click and hold the little circle next to the arc, drag it to the upper left to expand that arc.
382 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

24 Select the homerun wire of the circuit as shown.

25 Click and hold the little circle in the middle, drag it to the lower left.
4 - 10 Create Power Circuitry 383

26 Click and hold the control point of the homerun arrow, drag it to the lower left to
shorten the homerun line.

27 When satisfied, click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

We can use the above methods to adjust any circuit arc wire and homerun to the way we
384 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

Increase panel’s breaker number

28 Select P1 panel, on Properties palette, increase its Max #1 Pole Breakers from 12 to 42.

Note: If we don’t increase the breaker number, we won’t have enough breakers for all
circuits on first floor.

Refer to the drawing below and the P1 panel schedule in Section 4-13; finish all receptacle
circuits on first floor.
4 - 10 Create Power Circuitry 385

Same situation, use the methods above, refer to the drawing below and the P2 panel
schedule in Section 4-13, complete all receptacle circuits for second floor. Before creating
circuits, use VG to turn off Spaces and set Wires line color to orange.

Save your work

When all finished, Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog
box, navigate to Electrical Exercise folder, enter 10 Power Circuitry Finished for File name.
Click the File Tab again then select Close.
386 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

4 - 11 Create Lighting Circuitry

Open the exercise file: \Electrical\11 Create Lighting Circuitry.rvt
1 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Lighting under Floor Plans of Lighting sub-discipline
to open that view.

2 On View Control Bar, set scale to 1 : 100.

3 Use VG to set Line color of Electrical Equipment to magenta, turn off Electrical Fixtures,
set Wires line color to green.
4 - 11 Create Lighting Circuitry 387

4 Select the MDP, T1, and P1 equipment in Elec/Mech room.

5 Click Annotate tab, select Tag all.

6 In Tag All Not Tagged dialog box, select Electrical Equipment Tags, press OK.

7 Drag all three tags to the left so they don’t block the equipment.
388 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

8 Select MDP panel, on Properties palette, increase its Max #1 Pole Breakers from 12 to

9 Hold Ctrl key, select two lighting fixtures and one switch on the wall of 101 Office.

10 On Modify | Multi-Select ribbon, select Power.

11 On Modify | Electrical Circuits ribbon, select Select Panel.

12 Select the MDP panel in Elec/Mech room on the north side of the building.
4 - 11 Create Lighting Circuitry 389

13 On Modify | Electrical Circuits ribbon, select Arc Wire. Then click the leftmost Modify
button on ribbon.
390 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

For some reasons Revit creates a very long homerun all the way to the MDP panel in
Elec/Mech room.
14 Select the long homerun line, click and hold the little circle in the middle, drag it to the
place as shown.

15 Click and hold the control point of the homerun arrow, drag it to the place as shown to
shorten this homerun line.
4 - 11 Create Lighting Circuitry 391

If the homerun line generated by Revit is too long we could use the above method, use
mouse to drag its control points to shorten it, or, use the following method, after Revit
generated the long home run, delete it and redraw a shorter one (see steps 20-23).
16 Select four lighting fixtures and one switch on the wall of 102 Office.

17 On Modify | Multi-Select ribbon, select Power.

18 On Modify | Electrical Circuits ribbon, drop down Panel’s list, select MDP.

Notice! Revit remembers the panel in previous circuit creation and automatically assigns it
to the current creation, so if we don’t use a different panel we can skip this step.
392 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

19 On Modify | Electrical Circuits ribbon, select Arc Wire. Then click the leftmost Modify
button on ribbon.

20 Delete the long homerun line that is all the way to the MDP panel.

21 Click Manage tab, select Snaps. In Snaps dialog box, turn off all snaps except Angular
dimension snap increments and Nearest, press OK.
4 - 11 Create Lighting Circuitry 393

22 Click Systems tab, then click Wire.

23 Follow the next four figures, draw a shorter arc homerun from the upper right lighting
fixture of 102 Office toward the Elec/Mech room.
394 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

24 Select 20 lighting fixtures and two three-way switches on the right wall of the left Open

25 Use either the method of 101 Office (shorten the homerun line) or the method of 102
Office (delete the longer homerun line then draw a shorter one) to create a large
lighting circuit.
4 - 11 Create Lighting Circuitry 395

Adjust the number of conductors between two 3-way switches

26 Select the lower three-way switch (1).
27 Hover the mouse cursor on top of the upper three-way switch (2).

28 Press Tab key, when seeing that Revit use the best path to string up the 2 three-way
switches, press down mouse button.
396 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

29 On Modify | Multi-Select ribbon, select Filter.

30 In Filter dialog box, uncheck Lighting Devices and Lighting Fixtures, press OK.

31 On Properties palette, change the number of Hot Conductors from 1 to 2, press Apply at
the bottom of the palette.

Now the number of tick mark (conductor) on the arc wires between the two three-way
switches changed from 3 to 4.
As the following examples, we can first pick an arc wire, then click the + or – nearby to
increase or decrease the number of tick mark.
4 - 11 Create Lighting Circuitry 397

Refer to the drawing below and the MDP panel schedule in Section 4-13 finish all lighting
circuits of first floor.
398 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

Same situation, use the methods above, refer to the drawing below and the H2 panel
schedule in Section 4-13, complete all lighting circuits for second floor. Before creating the
circuits, don’t forget to do the necessary VG settings.

Save your work

When all finished, Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog
box, navigate to Electrical Exercise folder, enter 11 Lighting Circuitry Finished for File name.
Click the File Tab again then select Close.
4 - 12 Circuit Mechanical Equipment 399

4 - 12 Circuit Mechanical Equipment

Open the exercise file: \Electrical\12 Circuit Mechanical Equipment.rvt
1 In Project Browser, move cursor to 1 - Power view, right click mouse button, on Context
Menu select Duplicate View -> Duplicate with Detailing.

2 Rename the duplicated view to 1 - Mech Equipment.

400 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

3 Select any a wire in drawing, right click mouse button, on Context Menu select Select All
Instances -> Visible in View.

4 Click the button (or press Del key) to delete all the wires in the drawing.
5 Use VG to turn off Electrical Fixtures and HVAC Zones, turn on Mechanical Equipment.
4 - 12 Circuit Mechanical Equipment 401

6 Click the Insert tab, select Link Revit.

7 In Import/Link RVT dialog box, find and open the exercise file: \Mechanical\20
Mechanical System Finished.rvt

Now we have linked the mechanical drawing into the electrical drawing.
8 Click Collaborate tab, click the down arrow next to Copy/Monitor to drop down the list,
then select Select Link.

9 Click any a VAV box in drawing to select the link.

10 On Copy/Monitor ribbon, click Copy, then check (turn on) Multiple on Option Bar.
402 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

11 Select all the VAV boxes and the four hydronic pumps in Elec/Mech room.

12 Press Finish button on Option Bar.

13 Click Copy/Monitor tab .

14 (Revit backs to Copy/Monitor ribbon), click Finish.

Now we have copied (with monitoring) all first floor VAV boxes and pumps from the linked
mechanical drawing that need electrical power.
4 - 12 Circuit Mechanical Equipment 403

15 Use the same method, import \Plumbing\11 Plumbing System Finished.rvt link file and
copy/monitor the water heater in Elec/Mech room.

16 After copy/monitor all the necessary mechanical equipment, use VG to turn off 11
Plumbing System Finished.rvt and 20 Mechanical System Finished.rvt Revit Links.

Now the radiators and boilers are gone, we only see the VAV boxes, pumps and water
heater that use electrical power.
17 Select the three VAV boxes that serve Office 101, 102 and Guest Room 103.
404 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

18 On Modify | Mechanical Equipment ribbon, select Power.

19 On Modify | Electrical Circuits ribbon, select Select Panel.

20 Select the P1 panel in Elec/Mech room.
21 On Modify | Electrical Circuits ribbon, select Arc Wire.

Now we have circuited these three VAV boxes to P1 panel.

22 Use the same method to circuit the other 7 groups of VAV boxes to P1 panel.
4 - 12 Circuit Mechanical Equipment 405

23 Zoom in the Elec/Mech room.

24 Circuit the four pumps to the 480V
MDP panel separately.

25 Circuit the water heater to 208V P1


26 Use the same method, duplicate a 2 - Mech Equipment view from 2 - Power view with
“Detailing”, delete all the wires, use VG to turn off Electrical Fixtures and HVAC Zones,
turn on Mechanical Equipment, then copy/monitor all the VAV boxes on second floor,
make 8 groups of them to circuit them to the P2 panel in ELEC/MECH room.
406 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

27 In Project Browser, duplicate a Roof - Mech Equipment view from Roof - Power view.

28 On Properties palette, scroll down to View Template, click Electrical Plan button.
29 In Assign View Template dialog box, set Name to <None>, click OK.
4 - 12 Circuit Mechanical Equipment 407

30 Use VG to turn on Mechanical Equipment, set Wires color to orange, turn off Elevations
and Sections in Annotation Categories.

Now we can see two AC units and two exhaust fans on roof.

31 Use the previous method copy/monitor these four mechanical equipment.

32 After Copy/Monitor, use VG to turn off 11 Plumbing System Finished.rvt and 20
Mechanical System Finished.rvt Revit Links.
33 Select the left rooftop AC unit.
34 On Modify | Mechanical Equipment ribbon, select Power
408 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

35 In Specify Circuit Information dialog box, set 3 Poles and 480 V.

36 On Modify | Electrical Circuits ribbon, drop down the Panel list and select H2 Panel.

37 Click Arc Wire on ribbon.

Now this AC unit is circuited to the 480V H2 panel located on second floor Elec/Mech room.
38 Use the same method to circuit the other rooftop AC unit and exhaust fans to the 480V
H2 panel on second floor.
4 - 13 Create Panel Schedules 409

Since in 1 - Power and 2 – Power views we will see the HVAC Zones outlines from the linked
mechanical model, therefore we turn both mechanical and plumbing model off just in case
of seeing something that we don’t want.
39 Open 1 - Power view, use VG to turn off 11 Plumbing System Finished.rvt and 20
Mechanical System Finished.rvt Revit Links.
40 Open 2 - Power view, use VG to turn off 11 Plumbing System Finished.rvt and 20
Mechanical System Finished.rvt Revit Links.
Save your work
When all done, click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box,
navigate to Electrical Exercise folder, enter 12 Mechanical Circuitry Finished for File name.
Click the File Tab again then select Close.

4 - 13 Create Panel Schedules

Open the exercise file: \Electrical\13 Create Panel Schedules.rvt
1 Click Manage tab, then click Panel Schedule Templates to drop down the list, select
Manage Templates.

2 In Manage Panel Schedule Templates dialog box, click Duplicate button.

3 Press OK to duplicate a Branch Panel1 template.
410 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

4 In Manage Panel Schedule Templates dialog box, select the duplicated Branch Panel1
template, then click Edit button.

5 Select any a load box in schedule as shown.

6 On Modify Panel | Schedule Templates ribbon, select Format Unit.

4 - 13 Create Panel Schedules 411

7 In Format dialog box, set Unit symbol to None, press OK.

8 On Modify Panel | Schedule Templates ribbon, click Finish Template.

9 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Power under Floor Plans to open that view.
10 Select P1 panel in first floor Elec/Mech room.
11 On Modify | Electrical Equipment ribbon, drop down the Create Panel Schedules list,
select Choose a Template.

12 In Change Template dialog box, select Branch Panel1 that we just created, press OK.
412 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

Revit generated the P1 panel schedule for us.

Correct Circuit Descriptions

When creating circuit systems, if a circuit only covers the receptacles of one space (or
room), for example CKT #2, its Circuit Description tells us exactly the name of that space
which is Office 102. But if a circuit covers the receptacles of more than one space, for
example CKT #3, its Circuit Description only tells us the room numbers but no names which
are Room 103 and 120. Additionally, after a circuit is done, if we modify (add or remove) its
receptacles, for example CKT #1, we have added a receptacle in Open Office into this circuit
which was just serving Office 101, but its Circuit Description did not change (update).
Therefore if a circuit’s serving space(s) has/have changed, we need to manually correct its
Circuit Description to avoid the mistake.
4 - 13 Create Panel Schedules 413

13 As the schedule shown below, correct those circuit descriptions that need to be

Adjust Circuit’s Number

14 Select CKT 1.

15 On Modify Panel Schedule ribbon, select Move Down.

414 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

16 On Modify Panel Schedule ribbon, select Move Across.

Thus we can use Move Up, Move Down, Move Across and Move To to adjust circuit’s
17 Select MDP panel in first floor Elec/Mech room.
18 On Modify | Electrical Equipment ribbon, drop down the Create Panel Schedules list,
select Choose a Template and choose Branch Panel1 template.
19 After Revit generated the schedule, refer to the schedule below; correct the circuit
descriptions of the schedule.
4 - 13 Create Panel Schedules 415

20 In Project Browser, double click 2 - Power under Floor Plans to open that view.
21 Select P2 panel in second floor Elec/Mech room.
22 On Modify | Electrical Equipment ribbon, drop down the Create Panel Schedules list,
select Choose a Template and choose Branch Panel1 template.
23 After Revit generated the schedule, refer to the schedule below; correct the circuit
descriptions of the schedule.
416 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

24 Select H2 panel in second floor Elec/Mech room.

25 On Modify | Electrical Equipment ribbon, drop down the Create Panel Schedules list,
select Choose a Template and choose Branch Panel1 template.
26 After Revit generated the schedule, refer to the schedule below; correct the circuit
descriptions of the schedule.

Save your work

When all finished, Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog
box, navigate to Electrical Exercise folder, enter 12 Panel Schedules Finished for File name.
Click the File Tab again then select Close.

4 - 14 Define Circuit Loads

Open the exercise file: \Electrical\14 Define Circuit Loads.rvt

Balance Circuit Loads

When balancing circuit loads, we start with the panels farthest from the power source, then
keep on balancing the panels supply them.
4 - 14 Define Circuit Loads 417

1 In Project Browser, double click P2 under Panel Schedules to open that schedule.

Watch the Total Load VA values of A, B, C three phases.

2 On Modify | Panel Schedule ribbon, select Rebalance Loads.

Now Revit re-arrange the location of some circuits to let the Total Loads of A, B, C three
phases are much equal.
418 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

3 Same for H2, P1, MDP panel schedules, open them sequentially, select Rebalance Loads
on Modify | Panel Schedule ribbon to rebalance their loads.

Correct Circuit Breaker (Trip) Sizes

4 (after all panel loads are rebalanced) In MDP panel schedule, we change its Mains Rating
from 100 A to 150 A.
5 The total load of T1 Transformer is: 10264 + 10266 + 10543 = 31073 VA, we change its
breaker from 20 A to 50 A.
6 The total load of H2 panel is: 24834 + 24770 + 24616 = 74220 VA, we change its breaker
from 20 A to 125 A.

4 - 14 Define Circuit Loads 419

7 Open H2 panel schedule.

8 The total load of T2 Transformer is: 9277 + 9277 + 9463 = 28017 VA, a 30 kVA
transformer would be enough (see step 11 to change it), we also change its breaker
from 20 A to 50 A.
9 The load for two Rooftop AC units is: 6667 x 3 = 20001 VA, we change their breakers
from 20 A to 40 A.

420 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

10 Open P1 panel schedule, the load for the Water Heater is: 2250 x 2 = 4500 VA; we
change its breaker from 20 A to 30 A.

Change Transformers
11 Open Floor Plan: 2 - Power view, zoom in the Elec/Mech room, select T2 transformer, in
Family/Type Selector, change its type from 45 kVA to 30 kVA.

Now we can see that 30 kVA transformer is smaller than 45 kVA transformer.
4 - 15 Draw Conduits 421

Save your work

Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to
Electrical Exercise folder, enter 14 Circuit Loads Defined for File name. Click the File Tab
again then select Close.

4 - 15 Draw Conduits
In this section we will draw conduits to connect the panels and transformers in first and
second floor Elec/Mech rooms.
Open the exercise file: \Electrical\15 Draw Conduits.rvt
Since transformers need to dissipate heats, we move them a little away from the walls.
1 In second floor Elec/Mech rooms, move T2 transformer 15 cm left.
2 Open Floor Plan: 1 - Power view, in Elec/Mech rooms, also move T1 transformer 15 cm

3 Use VG to turn on Sections in Annotation Categories.

422 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

4 Draw a section line crossing the Elec/Mech room as shown.

5 Double click the section symbol to open the section view.

6 On Properties palette, set Sub-Discipline to Power, uncheck Crop Region Visible.

7 On View Control Bar, set Detail Level to Fine.
8 Use VG to turn off HVAC Zones in Model Categories and Levels in Annotation Categories.
4 - 15 Draw Conduits 423

9 On Quick Toolbar click the Thin Lines button.

10 Select all the panels and transformers.

11 Click Annotate tab, select Tag all.

424 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

12 In Tag All Not Tagged dialog box, select

Electrical Equipment Tags, press OK.

13 On View Control Bar, change view scale from 1 : 100 to 1 : 50.

14 Click Modify tab, use Align tool to line up the left edge of H2 panel on second floor with
the left edge of MDP panel on first floor.
15 Same method, use Align tool to line up T2 with T1 transformers; P2 with P1 panels.
4 - 15 Draw Conduits 425

16 Use VG to turn off Conduit Fittings Center line and Conduit Center line.

17 Select the bottom connector of MDP panel, right click mouse button, on Context Menu
select Draw Conduit from face.

18 When Revit displays the Surface Connection ribbon and adjustment screen, here we
don't do any change; just click Finish Connection on ribbon to accept the default
location of connection.
426 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

Note: The light blue rectangle shown is the bottom face of MDP panel, it let us adjust the
location of conduit connection on that face.

19 On Options Bar, set Diameter to 63 mm, then draw a conduit 110 cm down, then 180
cm left to the outside of the building.
4 - 15 Draw Conduits 427

20 Select the top connector of MDP panel, right click mouse button, on Context Menu
select Draw Conduit from face.

21 When Revit displays the Surface Connection ribbon and adjustment screen, just click
Finish Connection on ribbon to accept the default location of connection.
428 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

22 On Options Bar, set Diameter to 53 mm, then draw a conduit up to the bottom of H2
panel on second floor.

23 When Revit displays the Surface Connection ribbon and adjustment screen, just click
Finish Connection on ribbon to accept the default location of connection.
4 - 15 Draw Conduits 429

24 Select MDP panel, move it to the left (approximate 30 cm), so there has more room
between it and the T1 transformer.

25 Select the right connector of MDP panel, right click mouse button, on Context Menu
select Draw Conduit from face, click Finish Connection on ribbon, on Options Bar, set
Diameter to 35 mm, draw an L shape conduit as shown on the left figure below.
26 Select the bottom connector of P1 panel, right click mouse button, on Context Menu
select Draw Conduit from face, click Finish Connection on ribbon, draw a 35 mm
vertical conduit as shown on the right figure below.
430 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

27 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Power under Floor Plans to open that view. Zoom in
the Elec/Mech room.
28 On Quick Toolbar, click the Thin Lines button.

29 On View Control Bar, set Detail Level to Fine.

4 - 15 Draw Conduits 431

30 Select the right connector of T1 transformer, right click mouse button, on Context Menu
select Draw Conduit from face.

31 In Surface Connection screen, set the distance between connector and transformer left
edge to 15 cm.

32 Click Finish Connection on ribbon.

432 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

33 On Options Bar, set Diameter to 35 mm, then draw a short horizontal conduit as shown.

34 Select the right connector of T1 transformer again, right click mouse button, on Context
Menu select Draw Conduit from face.
4 - 15 Draw Conduits 433

35 In Surface Connection screen, first drag the dimension control point from the left edge
to the right edge.

36 Then set the distance between connector and transformer right edge to 15 cm.

37 Click Finish Connection on ribbon.

434 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

38 On Options Bar, set Diameter to 35 mm, then draw a short horizontal conduit as shown.

39 Click Systems tab, click Conduit Fitting icon.

40 On Modify | Place Conduit Fitting ribbon select Load Family.

41 In Load Family dialog box, find and open C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2019\Libraries

\Us Metric\Conduit\Fittings\RNC\M_Conduit Body - Type L - PVC.rfa family.
4 - 15 Draw Conduits 435

42 Press Space bar twice to let the dragging point on the shorter end of the L fitting, then
attach it to the lower conduit coming out from the transformer.

43 Continue to attach the L fitting to the upper conduit coming out from the transformer.
When done click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

44 Select the upper L fitting, click the rotation icon twice to rotate it up.
436 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

45 On Systems ribbon, select Conduit.

46 From the top of upper L fitting, draw a short 35 mm conduit up.

47 From the bottom of lower L fitting, draw a short 35 mm conduit down.

Attention! When drawing conduits, make sure to set the correct diameters on Options Bar.

48 Click Modify tab, use Align tool to line up the drawn conduits with the upper conduit
coming out from MDP panel.
4 - 15 Draw Conduits 437

49 On View Control Bar, set Detail Level back to Medium.

50 In Project Browser, double click Section - 2 to re-open the section view of Elec/Mech
51 On Modify ribbon, select Trim/Extend to Corner tool, first select the vertical conduit
dropping from MDP panel, then select the horizontal conduit coming out from
transformer to connect them together.
438 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

52 Continue to select the vertical conduit dropping from P1 panel, then select the
horizontal conduit coming out from transformer to connect them together.

Attention! For some reasons, we must select the vertical conduit first, then select the
horizontal conduit, otherwise we will receive error message from Revit.

53 Use the same methods; finish the conduit connections between H2 panel, T2
transformer and P2 panel on second floor.
4 - 15 Draw Conduits 439

54 Click the button on Quick Toolbar to view model in 3D.

55 Use VG to turn off Electrical Fixtures, Lighting Devices, Lighting Fixtures and Levels.
440 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

Attention! Switches belong to Lighting Devices category; receptacles belong to Electrical

Fixtures category.

56 Zoom in to display the panels and transformers of both floors.

57 On View Control Bar, set Detail Level to Fine.
58 Set Visual Style to Shaded.

Now we see the conduit connections of equipment much realistically.

4 - 15 Draw Conduits 441

Save your work

Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to
Electrical Exercise folder, enter 15 Panel Connected for File name. Click the File Tab again
then select Close.
442 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

4 - 16 Create Switch Systems

Open the exercise file: \Electrical\16 Create Switch Systems.rvt

When Revit creates lighting switch systems,

unlike power and lighting circuits, it won’t
generate wires on drawings. Only when we
move cursor to a switch, press Tab key a few
times to display the dashed lines connecting to
the fixtures it controls. When cursor leaves
that switch, dashed lines disappear. So when
we create switch systems, it is not easy to tell
which system is created which system is not.
Therefore we first create a lighting fixture
schedule, use this schedule to verify the
creations of switch systems, so there won’t be
any switch system missing.

Lighting Fixture Schedule

1 Click the Analyze tab, select Schedule/Quantities. In New Schedule dialog box, select
Lighting Fixtures for Category, enter Lighting Fixture Schedule for Name, press OK.

2 In Schedule Properties dialog box, first, select Space from Select available fields from:
drop down list, then find and add Space: Name and Space: Number to the Schedule
3 Next, select Lighting Fixtures from Select available fields from: drop down list, then find
and add Family and Type, Panel, Circuit Number, Switch ID to the Schedule fields.
Arrange the field order as shown.
4 - 16 Create Switch Systems 443

4 Click Sorting/Grouping tab, set Sort by Space: Number, check the Blank Line; verify that
Itemize every instance check box at bottom left is checked.

5 Click Formatting tab, select Space: Number field on the left, change its Heading to
Number, select Space: Name field on the left, change its Heading to Name.
6 Select Switch ID on the left, press Conditional Format… button on the right.
444 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

7 In Conditional Formatting dialog box, set Test to Not Equal To, leave Value box blank, set
Background Color to yellow.

8 Press OK twice to finish the settings and generate the schedule.

The schedule populates all the lighting fixtures in each space with their panel name, circuit
number and switch ID.
At this moment all Switch IDs are blank. When we create switch systems in the coming
steps they will fill in with values and be the evidences of the creation.

9 Click the Close Hidden Windows button on Quick Toolbar.

10 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Lighting under Floor Plans to open that view.
4 - 16 Create Switch Systems 445

11 Use VG to turn off Wires and 19 Mechanical Systems Finished.rvt and 11 Plumbing
System Finished.rvt Revit Links.

12 On View Control Bar, set scale to 1 : 200.

13 Type WT (Window Tile) to tile 1 - Lighting view and Lighting Fixtures Schedule side by
14 Type ZA (Zoom All) to zoom the entire model to fit the drawing area.
446 Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

15 Select the switch in 101 Office, on Properties palette enter: 101 for Switch ID.

16 Select the two lighting fixtures in 101 Office.

Notice that on Properties palette the Switch ID of these two lights is blank, there is no
switch assigned to them yet.
4 - 16 Create Switch Systems 447

17 On Modify | Lighting Fixtures ribbon, select Switch.

18 On Modify | Switch System ribbon, select Select Switch.

19 Click the switch in 101 Office.

Now Revit displays two dashed lines connecting the wall switch to the lighting fixtures. On
the right hand side, in Lighting Fixture Schedule, we see two lighting fixtures of 101 Office
display their Switch ID of 101 with yellow background, means we created a switch system
for them.

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