Wavelet-Based Face Recognition Schemes: University of Buckingham, Buckingham MK18 1EG United Kingdom

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Wavelet–Based Face Recognition Schemes 99


Wavelet–Based Face Recognition Schemes

Sabah A. Jassim
University of Buckingham, Buckingham MK18 1EG
United Kingdom

Abstract. The growth in direct threats to people’s safety in recent years and the rapid
increase in fraud and identity theft has increased the awareness of security requirements in
society and added urgency to the task of developing biometric-based person identification
as a reliable alternative to conventional authentication methods. In this Chapter we describe
various approaches to face recognition with focus on wavelet-based schemes and present
their performance using a number of benchmark databases of face images and videos. These
schemes include single-stream (i.e. those using single-subband representations of face) as
well as multi-stream schemes (i.e. those based on fusing a number of wavelet subband
representations of face). We shall also discuss the various factors and quality measures that
influence the performance of face recognition schemes including extreme variation in
lighting conditions and facial expressions together with measures to reduce the adverse
impact of such variations. These discussions will lead to the introduction of new innovative
adaptive face recognition schemes. We shall present arguments in support of the suitability
of such schemes for implementation on mobile phones and PDA’s.

1. Introduction
The early part of the 21st century has ushered the shaping of a new global communication
infrastructure that is increasingly dominated by new generations of mobile phones/devices
including 3G and beyond devices resulting in the emergence of pervasive computing
environment with less reliance on presence in specific locations or at specific times. The
characteristics of such a ubiquitous environment create new security threats and the various
mobile devices/nodes are expected to provide additional layers of security for online
transactions and real-time surveillance. Cryptography can provide confidentiality protection
mechanisms for online and mobile transactions, but authenticating/identifying the
principal(s) in such virtual transactions is of utmost importance to fight crime and fraud and
to establish trust between parties taking part in such transactions. Traditional authentication
mechanisms are based on “something you know” (e.g. a password/PIN) or “something you
own/hold” (e.g. a token/smartcard). Such authentication schemes have shown to be prone
to serious threats that could have detrimental effects on global economic activities. In recent
years, biometric-based authentication has provided a new approach of access control that is
aimed at establishing “who you are”, and research in the field of biometrics has grown
rapidly. The scope of active research into biometrics has gone beyond the traditional list of
100 Face Recognition

single traits of fingerprint, retina, iris, voice, and face into newly proposed traits such as
handwritten signature, gait, hand geometry, and scent. Moreover, the need for improved
performance has lead to active research into multimodal biometrics based on fusing a
number of biometrics traits at different levels of fusion including feature level, score level,
and decision level. Over the past two decades significant progress has been made in
developing robust biometrics that helped realising large-scale automated identification
Advances in mobile communication systems and the availability of cheap cameras and other
sensors on mobile devices (3G smart phones) further motivate the need to develop reliable,
and unobtrusive biometrics that are suitable for implementation on mobile and constrained
devices. Non-intrusive biometrics, such as face and voice are more naturally acceptable as
the person’s public identity. Unfortunately the performance of known face and voice
biometric schemes are lower than those of the Iris or the fingerprint schemes. The processing
and analysis of face image suffer from the curse of dimension problem, and various
dimension reduction schemes have been proposed including PCA (principal Component
analysis). In recent years a number of wavelet-based face verification schemes have been
proposed as an efficient alternative to traditional dimension reduction procedures.
The Wavelet Transform is a technique for analyzing finite-energy signals at multi-
resolutions. It provides an alternative tool for short time analysis of quasi-stationary signals,
such as speech and image signals, in contrast to the traditional short-time Fourier transform.
A wavelet-transformed image analyses the signal into a set of subbands at different
resolutions each represented by a different frequency band. Each wavelet subband
encapsulates a representation of the transformed images object(s), which differ from the
others in scale and/or frequency content. Each wavelet subband of transformed face images
can be used as a face biometric template for a face recognition scheme, and the fusion of a
multiple of such schemes associated with different wavelet subbands will be termed as
multi-stream face recognition scheme.

2. Face Recognition - A brief review

Automatic face based human Identification is a particularly tough challenge in comparison
to identification based on other biometric features such as iris, fingerprints, or palm prints.
Yet, due to its unobtrusive nature, together with voice, the face is naturally the most suitable
method of identification for security related applications, ([1], [2], [3]). Recent growth in
identity theft and the rise of international terrorism on one hand and the availability of high-
resolution digital video-cameras at a relatively low cost is a major driving force in the surge
of interest for efficient and accurate enrolment, verification schemes of face-based
authentication. Moreover, there are now new opportunities, as well as tough challenges, for
mass deployments of biometric-based authentications in a range of civilian and military
applications. In the rest of this section we shall briefly review the main approaches to face
recognition with focus on 2D schemes directly related to this chapter’s aim.

2.1 Dimension reduction approach

An important part of a face recognition process is the feature extraction of a given facial
image. Two current approaches to feature extraction are the geometry feature-based
methods and the more common template-based methods. In the latter, sets of face images
Wavelet–Based Face Recognition Schemes 101

are statistically analysed to obtain a set of feature vectors that best describe face image. A
typical face images is represented by a high dimensional array (e.g. 12000=120×100 pixels),
the processing/analysis of which is a computationally demanding task, referred to in the
literature as the “curse of dimensionality”, well beyond most commercially available mobile
devices. It is therefore essential to apply dimension reduction procedures that reduce
redundant data without losing significant features. A common feature of dimension
reducing procedures is a linear transformation of the face image into a “significantly” lower
dimensional subspace from which a feature vector is extracted. The first and by far the most
commonly used dimension reduction method is the Principal Component Analysis (PCA),
also known as Karhunen-Love (KL) transform, [4]. In [5], M. Turk and Pentland used the
PCA technique to develop the first successful and well known Eigenface scheme for face
recognition. PCA requires the use of a sufficiently large training set of multiple face images
of the enrolled persons, and attempts to model their significant variation from their average
image, by taking a number of unit eigenvectors corresponding to the “most significant”
eigenvalues (i.e. of largest absolute values). Essentially, the selected eigenvectors are used as
the basis for a linear transformation that maps the original training set of face images
around their mean in order to align with the directions the first few principal components
which maximizes the variance as much of the as possible. The values in the remaining
dimensions (corresponding to the non-significant eigenvalues), tend to be highly correlated
and dropped with minimal loss of information.
Despite its success in reducing false acceptances, the PCA/Eigenface scheme is known to
retain within-class variations due to many factors including illumination and pose.
Moghaddam et al. [6] have demonstrated that the largest three eigen coefficients of each
class overlap each other. While this shows that PCA has poor discriminatory power, it has
been demonstrated that leaving out the first 3 eigenfaces (corresponding to the 3 largest
eigenvalues) could reduce the effect of variations in illumination [6]. But this may also lead
to loss of information that is useful for accurate identification.
An alternative approach to PCA based linear projection is Fisher’s Linear Discriminant
(FLD), or the Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) which is used to maximize the ratio of the
determinant of the between class scatter to that of within-class scatter [7], [8]. The downside
of these approaches is that a number of training samples from different conditions are
required in order to identify faces in uncontrolled environments.
Other schemes that deal with the curse of dimension include Independent Component
Analysis (ICA), or a combination of ICA and LDA/FLD, (see [1], [7], and [9]). Lack of
within-class (variations in appearance of the same individual due to expression and/or
lighting) information is known to hinder the performance of both PCA and ICA based face
recognition schemes. Cappelli et al., [9], proposed a multi-space generalization of KL-
transformation (MKL) for face recognition, in which a PCA-subspace is created for each
enrolled classes. The downside of this approach is that a large number of images are
required to create a subspace for each class.
All the statistical approaches above require a large number of training images to create a
subspace, which in turn requires extra storage space (for the subspace and enrolled
template/features), [10]. Current mobile devices (3G smart phones) and smartcards, which
are widely used in commercial and military applications, have limited computing resources
and it is difficult to implement complex algorithms, especially for face verification. Bicego et
al. presented a face verification scheme based on Hidden Markov Models (HMM). Statistical
102 Face Recognition

features such as the mean and variance are obtained by overlapping sub images (of a given
original face image). These features are used to compose the HMM sequence and results
show that the HMM-based face verification scheme, proposed by Bicego et al., outperforms
other published results, [11].

2.2 Frequency transforms based approaches

Frequency transforms provide valuable tools for signal processing and analysis. Frequency
information content conveys richer knowledge about features in signals/images that should
be exploited to complement the spatial information. Fourier and wavelet transforms are two
examples that have been used with significant success in image processing and analysis
tasks including face recognition. To some extent, such transforms reduce dimension with no
or little loss of information.
The work of John Daugman, ([12], [13]) and others on generalisation of Gabor functions has
led to a general compact image representation in terms of Gabor wavelets. The Gabor
wavelets, whose kernels are similar to the 2D receptive field profiles of the mammalian
cortical simple cells, exhibit strong characteristics of spatial locality and orientation
selectivity, and are optimally localized in the space and frequency domains. The Gabor
wavelet model was eventually exploited to develop new approaches to face recognition.
Taking into account the link between the Gabor wavelet kernels and the receptive field
profiles of the mammalian cortical simple cells, it is not unreasonable to argue that Gabor
wavelet based face recognition schemes mimics the way humans recognise each others.
Lades et al. [14] demonstrated the use of Gabor wavelets for face recognition using the
Dynamic Link Architecture (DLA) framework. The DLA starts by computing the Gabor jets,
and then it performs a flexible template comparison between the resulting image
decompositions using graph-matching. L Wiskott et al, [15], have expanded on the DLA,
and developed the Elastic Bunch Graph Matching (EBGM) face recognition system, whereby
individual faces were represented by a graph, each node labelled with a set of complex
Gabor wavelet coefficients, called a jet. The magnitudes of the coefficients label the nodes for
matching and recognition, the phase of the complex Gabor wavelet coefficients is used for
location of the nodes. The nodes refer to specific facial landmarks, called fiducial points. A
data structure, called the bunch graph, to represent faces by combining jets of a small set of
individual faces. Originally many steps (e.g. selecting the Fiducial points) were carried out
manually, but gradually these would have been replaced with a automated procedures.
Z. Zhang et al, [16], compared the performance of a Geometry-based and a Gabor wavlet-
based facial expression recognition using a two-layer perceptron. The first uses the
geometric positions of a set of fiducial points on a face, while the second type is a set of
multi-scale and multi-orientation Gabor wavelet coefficients extracted from the face image
at the fiducial points. For the comparison they used a database of 213 images of female facial
expressions and their results show that the Gabor wavelet –based scheme outperforms the
geometric based system.
C. Lui and H. Wechsler, [17], developed and tested an Independent Gabor Features (IGF)
method for face recognition. The IGF first derives a Gabor feature vector from a set of
downsampled Gabor wavelet representations of face images, then reduces the
dimensionality of the vector by means of Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and finally
defines the independent Gabor features based on the Independent Component Analysis
(ICA). The independence property of these Gabor features facilitates the application of the
Wavelet–Based Face Recognition Schemes 103

Probabilistic Reasoning Model (PRM) method for classification. The Gabor transformed face
images exhibit strong characteristics of spatial locality, scale and orientation selectivity,
while ICA further reduce redundancy and represent independent features explicitly.
The development of the discrete wavelet transforms (DWT), especially after the work of I.
Daubechies (see e.g. [18]), and their multi-resolution properties have naturally led to
increased interest in their use for image analysis as an efficient alternative to the use of
Fourier transforms. DWT’s have been successfully used in a variety of face recognition
schemes (e.g. [10], [19], [20], [21], [22]). However, in many cases, only the approximation
components (i.e. the low frequency subbands) at different scales are used either as a feature
vector representation of the faces perhaps after some normalisation procedures or to be fed
into traditional face recognition schemes such as the PCA as replacement of the original
images in the spatial domain.
J. H. Lai et al, [23], developed a holistic face representation, called spectroface, that is based
on an elaborate combination of the (DWT) wavelet transform and the Fourier transform. To
make the spectroface invariant to translation, scale and on-the-plane rotation, the LL
wavelet subband of the face image is subjected to two rounds of transformations. The LL
wavelet subband is less sensitive to the facial expression variations while the first FFT
coefficients are invariant to the spatial translation. The second round of FFT is applied after
the centralised FFT in the first round is represented by polar coordinates. Based on the
spectroface representation, their proposed face recognition system is tested on the Yale and
Olivetti face databases. They report recognition accuracy of over 94% for rank1 matching,
and over 98% for rank 3 matching.
Another wavelet-based approach for face recognition has been investigated in terms of dual-
tree complex wavelets (DT-CW) techniques developed by N. G. Kingsbury, (see e.g. [24]). Y.
Peng et al, [25], propose face recognition algorithm that is based on the use of an anisotropic
dual-tree complex wavelet packets (ADT-CWP) for face representation. The ADT-CWP
differs from the traditional DT-CW in that the decomposition structure is determined first
by an average face, which is then applied to extracting feature of each face image. The
performance of their scheme is compared with the traditional Gabor-based methods using a
number of different benchmark databases. The AD-CWP method seems to outperform the
Gabor-based schemes and it is computationally more efficient.
The rest of the chapter is devoted to DWT-based face recognition tasks. We shall first give a
short description of the DWT as a signal processing and analysis tool. We then describe the
most common approaches to wavelet-based multi-stream face recognition.

3. Wavelet Transforms
The Wavelet Transform is a technique for analyzing finite-energy signals at multi-
resolutions. It provides an alternative tool for short time analysis of quasi-stationary signals,
such as speech and image signals, in contrast to the traditional short-time Fourier transform.
The one dimensional Continuous Wavelet Transform CWT of f(x) with respect to the
wavelet (x) is defined as follows:

 f ( j , k )   f , j ,k    f ( x)
j ,k ( x)dx
104 Face Recognition

i.e. wavelet transform coefficients are defined as inner products of the function being
transformed with each of the base functions j,k. The base functions are all obtained from a
single wavelet function (x), called the mother wavelet, through an iterative process of
scaling and shifting, i.e.
 j ,k (t )  2 2  (2 j t  k ).

A wavelet function is a wave function that has a finite support and rapidly diminishes
outside a small interval, i.e. its energy is concentrated in time. The computation of the DWT
coefficients of a signal k does not require the use of the wavelet function, but by applying
two Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters, a high-pass filter h, and a low-pass filter g. This is
known as the Mallat’s Algorithm. The output will be in two parts, the first of which is the
detail coefficients (from the high-pass filter), and the second part is the approximation
coefficients (from the low-pass filter). For more details see [26].
The Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) is a special case of the WT that provides a compact
representation of a signal in time and frequency that can be computed very efficiently. The
DWT is used to decompose a signal into frequency subbands at different scales. The signal
can be perfectly reconstructed from these subband coefficients. Just as in the case of
continuous wavelets, the DWT can be shown to be equivalent to filtering the input image
with a bank of bandpass filters whose impulse responses are approximated by different
scales of the same mother wavelet. It allows the decomposition of a signal by successive
highpass and lowpass filtering of the time domain signal respectively, after sub-sampling by
2. Consequently, a wavelet-transformed image is decomposed into a set of subbands with
different resolutions each represented by a different frequency band. There are a number of
different ways of doing that (i.e. applying a 2D-wavelet transform to an image). The most
commonly used decomposition scheme is the pyramid scheme. At a resolution depth of k,
the pyramidal scheme decomposes an image I into 3k +1 subbands, {LLk, LHk, HLk, HHk,
LHk-1, HLk-1,…, LH1, HL1}, with LLk, being the lowest-pass subband, (see figure 3.1(a)).
There are ample of wavelet filters that have been designed and used in the literature for
various signal and image processing/analysis. However, for any wavelet filter, the LL
subband is a smoothed version of original image and the best approximation to the original
image with lower-dimensional space. It also contains highest-energy content within the four
subbands. The subbands LH1, HL1, and HH1, contain finest scale wavelet coefficients, and
the coefficients LLk get coarser as k increases. In fact, the histogram of the LL1-subband
coefficients approximates the histogram of the original image in the spatial domain, while
the wavelet coefficients in every other subband has a Laplace (also known as generalised
Gaussian) distribution with  0 mean, see Figure 3.1(b). This property remains valid at all
decomposition depth. Moreover, the furthest away a non-LL coefficient is from the mean in
that subband, the more probable the corresponding position(s) in the original image have a
significant feature, [27]. In fact the statistical properties of DWT non-LL subbands can be
exploited for many image processing applications, including image/video compression,
watermarking, content-based video indexing, and feature extraction.
Wavelet–Based Face Recognition Schemes 105







Fig. 3.1. (a) The Multi-resolution Pyramid (b) An image, its WT to level 2 and subbands

4. DWT – based Face recognition

The LL subband of a wavelet transformed image corresponds to the low frequency
components in both vertical and horizontal directions of the original image. Therefore, it is
the low frequency subband of the original image. The subband LH corresponds to the low-
frequency component in the horizontal direction and high-frequency components in vertical
direction. Therefore it holds the vertical edge details. Similar interpretation is made on the
subbands HL and HH. These remarks together with our knowledge of structure of facial
features provide a strong motivation and justification for investigating wavelet-based
approaches to face recognition. In fact the variety of wavelet decomposition schemes and
filter banks provide a very rich and a complex source of information that could be exploited
to deal with the tough challenges and difficulties associated with face recognition in the
presence of expression and extreme variations in lighting conditions.
With appropriate pixel value scaling the low LL subband, displayed as an image, looks like
a smoothing of the original image in the spatial domain (see Figure 3.1(b)). For efficiency
106 Face Recognition

purposes and for reason of normalising image sizes, non-DWT based face recognition
schemes such as PCA pre-process face images first by resizing/downsampling the images.
In such cases, matching accuracy may suffer as a result of loss of information. The LL
subbands of the face image, does provide a natural alternative to these pre-processing
procedures and this has been the motivation for the earlier work on wavelet-based face
recognition schemes that have mostly combined with LDA and PCA schemes (e.g. [10], [28],
[29], [30], [31]). Below, we shall describe face recognition schemes, developed by our team,
that are based on the PCA in a single wavelet subband and summarise the results of
performance tests by such schemes for some benchmark face databases. We will also
demonstrate that the use of the LL-subband itself as the face feature vector results in
comparable or even higher accuracy rate. These investigations together with the success of
biometric systems that are based on fusing multiple biometrics (otherwise known as multi-
modal biometrics) have motivated our work on multi-stream face recognition. This will be
discussed in section 5.

4.1 PCA in the Wavelet Domain

Given the training set  of images, applying a wavelet transform on all images results in a
set Wk() of multi-resolution decomposed images. Let Lk() be the set of all level-k low
subbands corresponding to the set Wk(). Apply PCA on the set Lk() whose elements are
the training vectors in the wavelet domain (i.e. LLk subbands). Note that each wavelet
coefficient in the LLk subband is a function of 2kx2k pixels in the original image
representing a scaled total energy in the block. Figure 3.2, below, shows the first 4 eigenfaces
obtained from a dataset of images in the spatial domain as well as in the low subbands at
levels 1 and 2 using the Haar wavelet filter. There are no apparent differences between the
eigenfaces in the spatial domain and those in the wavelet domain.

Fig. 3.2. Eigenfaces in (a) spatial domain, (b) LL1, and (c) LL2

Diagram1, below, illustrates the enrolment and matching steps which will cover face
recognition in the wavelet domain with and without the application of PCA. The diagram
applies equally to any wavelet subband including the high frequency ones.
There are many different wavelet filters to use in the transformation stage, and the choice of
the filter would have some influence on the accuracy rate of the PCA in the wavelet domain.
The experiments are designed to test the effect of the choice of using PCA or not, the choice
of wavelet filter, and the depth of decomposition. The performance of the various possible
schemes have been tested for a number of benchmark databases including ORL (also known
as AT&T see http://www.uk.research.att.com/facedatabase.html), and the controlled
Wavelet–Based Face Recognition Schemes 107

section of the BANCA, [32]. These datasets of face images do not involve significant
variation in illumination. The problem of image quality is investigated in section 6. Next we
present a small, but representative, sample of the experimental results for few wavelet

Enrolment stage PCA

set of

k training face multi-stage set of

images DWT feature vectors

similarity measure
compare using a
Verification stage projection onto

new multi-stage
face image DWT feature vector

Diagram 3.1 Verification scheme.

The ORL Experiments.

 Enrolment/Training module There are 40 subjects in ORL. In the first instance, we
split the subjects into two equal groups: Group1 and Group2. For each group we
trained the system with 4 different sets of five images for each subject. These sets
were, respectively, frames 1-5, frames 6-10, even indexed frames and odd indexed
frames. In total, we conducted 8 different training sessions for these groups.
 The Testing Module. In each of the training sessions that consisted of 20 subjects, the
remaining 100 images of the trained subjects as well as 100 impostor images (5
images per subject, selected in the same way as in the training scheme) were used to
test the many-to-one identification schemes.
Chart 3.1, below, contains the test results of experiments that were designed to test the
verification accuracy when the Haar wavelet filter is used to different level of
decompositions. It shows the average accuracy rates for the various identification schemes
measured using different number of eigenfaces (20, 30, 40 and 50) for the schemes that
involve the use of PCA. The results indicate that regardless of the number of eigenvalues
chosen, PCA in the LL subbands outperform the PCA in the spatial domain, and LL3 is the
best performing subband in this case. Moreover, the wavelet LL3 scheme without the PCA
achieves the best performance. Another interesting observation, not explicit in this chart, is
that the accuracy rates for the various training schemes vary widely around the stated
108 Face Recognition

averages, indicating that accuracy can be improved further by making a careful choice of the
training images for the enrolled subjects.







E20 E30 E40 E50

Chart 3.1. Identification accuracy for Spatial PCA, Wavelet PCA, and Wavelet-only features

The superior performance of the wavelet-only scheme compared to the other schemes, has
desirable implication beyond the computational efficiency. While most conventional face
recognition schemes require model/subspace training, wavelet-based recognition schemes
can be developed without the need for training, i.e. adding/removing classes do not require
rebuilding the model from scratch.
Jen-Tzung Chien etal ([10]) who used all the 40 subjects of ORL to test the performance of a
number of recognition schemes including some of the wavelet-based ones investigated here.
In those experiments, there were no impostors, i.e. untrained subjects. Thus we conducted
experiments where all the 40 subjects were used for training. We trained the system 4 times
each with a set of 5 different frames and in each case the remaining 200 images (5 frames for
each subject) in the database were used for testing.. On average, all schemes have more or
less achieved similar accuracy rate of approximately 89%. Similar experiments with 35
trained subjects, the rest being impostors, have been conducted but in all cases the results
were similar to those shown above.
Chart 3.2 contains the results of verifications rather identifications. The experiments were
carried out to test the performance of wavelet-based verification schemes, again with and
without PCA. Here, two filters were used, the Haar as well as the Daubechies 4 wavelets,
and in the case of Daubechies 4 we used two versions whereby the coefficients are scaled for
normalisation in the so called Scaled D3/d4. The results confirmed again the superiority of
PCA in the wavelet domain over PCA in the spatial, and the best performance was obtained
when no PCA was applied. The choice of filter does not seem to make much difference at
level 3, but Haar outperforms both versions of Daubechies 4.
The superiority of the PCA in the wavelet domain over the PCA in the spatial domain can
be explained in terms of the poor within class variation of PCA and the properties of the
linear transform defined by the low-pass wavelet filter. The low-pass filter defines a
contraction mapping of the linear space of the spatial domain into the space where LL
subbands resides (i.e. for any two images the distance between the LL-subbands of two
images is less than that between the original images). This can easily be proven for the Haar
filter. This will help reduce the within class variation.
Wavelet–Based Face Recognition Schemes 109

Verification Results for ORL (Ave. of 10 Experiments)

100. 00

90. 00
Accuracy %

80. 00

70. 00

60. 00

50. 00

40. 00
PCA + pca +
pc a + HL3 pca + D4L3 Daub4 L3 Haar L3 S caled D3 pc a + HL4 Daub4 L4 Haar L4 S caled d4
S pati al Db4L4

(TA +TR)% 75.09 76. 79 76. 84 97. 23 97. 00 94.68 82. 63 58.58 62.16 96.52 89. 84

Feature Domain

Chart 3.2.Verification accuracy for Spatial PCA, Wavelet PCA, and Wavelet-only features

The trend in, and the conclusions from these experiments are confirmed by other published
data. For example, C.G.Feng et al, [33] have tested and compared the performance of PCA in
the spatial domain and in wavelet subbands at different levels for the Yale database. Table
3.2, below, reports the recognition accuracy for the Daubechies 4 filter and confirms our
conclusions. Note that the inter-class separation experiment in [33] can be seen to
demonstrate that the contraction mapping nature of the low-pass filter transformation does
not have adverse impact on the inter-class separation.

PCA on
PCA on PCA on WT PCA on WT Method
Method original subband 1 subband 3 (PCA on WT
subband 2
image Image Image subband 4

Accuracy 78.78% 75.75% 83.03% 81.18% 85.45%

Table 3.2 ¥. Performance comparison using Yale database

5. Multi-stream face Recognition

A wavelet transformed image is decomposed into a set of frequency subbands with different
resolutions. Each frequency subband gives rise to a different feature vector representation of
the face and has the potential to be used for recognition. The performances of such schemes
vary significantly depending on many factors including the chosen wavelet filter, the depth
of decomposition, the similarity measure, the sort of processing that the corresponding
coefficients are subjected to, and the properties of subband as described at the end of section
3. The fact that identification schemes that are based on the fusion of different biometric
modalities have shown to significantly outperform the best performing single modality
scheme, raises the possibility of fusing different signal representing the same modality.
Moreover, different subbands of wavelet-transformed face images, each representing the

¥ Reproduced from [CGFeng].

110 Face Recognition

face in different way, makes them perfect candidates for fusion without costly procedures.
Diagram 2, below, depicts the stages of the wavelet based multi-stream face recognition for
3 subbands at level 1, but this could be adopted for any set of subbands at any level of

Diagram 2. Multi-stream Wavelet face recognition scheme

In this section we shall investigate the viability of fusing these streams as a way of
improving the accuracy of wavelet-based face recognition. We shall establish that the fusion
of multiple streams of wavelet-based face schemes does indeed help significantly improve
single stream face recognition. We have mainly experimented with the score fusion of
wavelet subbands at one decomposition depth. Limited experiments with other level of
fusion did not achieve encouraging results.
The experiments reported here are based on the performance of the multi-stream face
wavelet recognition for databases that involve face images/videos captured under varying
recording conditions and by cameras of different qualities. These databases are the Yale
database, and the BANCA audio-visual database. More extensive experiments have been
conducted on the PDAtabase audio-visual database of videos recorded on a PDA within the
SecurePhone EU-funded project (www.secure-phone.info).

5.1 The Yale database experiments

Identification experiments reported in table 5.1., below, are based on the “leave one out”
protocol. The table contain the performance of 3 single wavelet–based down to level 3 (the
LL3, LH3 and HH3 subbands schemes), the fusion of the three subband streams for a
Wavelet–Based Face Recognition Schemes 111

selection of fixed weight combinations and for comparison we include results from some of
the best performing face recognition schemes reported in Yang, [34], and Belhuemer et al,
[35]. These results demonstrate that among the single subband streams, the LH3 is the best
performing one. The multi-stream fusion of the three subbands for all but one weight
configuration outperform the best single stream scheme, illustrating the conclusion that the
multi-stream approach yields improved performance. Comparing the results with those
from the state of the art schemes reported in [14] and [26] shows that the multi-steam fusion
of the two single streams LH3 and HL3 subbands outperform all but 3 of the SOTA
schemes. One can predict with confidence that the multi-stream fusing of several subbands
at different level of decomposition would result in significantly improved performance.

Features/Weights Error
Method LL3 H L3 LH3 Rate (%)
1 0 0 23.03
Single-stream 0 1 0 14.55
0 0 1 12.73
0 0.4 0.6 9.70
0 0.3 0.7 9.09
0 0.2 0.8 9.70
0.1 0.3 0.6 10.91
0.1 0.25 0.65 10.91
0.2 0.2 0.6 12.73
0.2 0.3 0.5 12.12
0.2 0.4 0.4 13.33
Eigenface( EF30 ) 28.48
Fisherface (F F14 ) 8.48
ICA 28.48
Yang26 SVM 18.18
K.Eigenface (EF60 ) 24.24
k.Fisherface (F F14 ) 6.06
Eigenface (EF30 ) 19.40
Belhumeur (EF30 , w/o 1st 3 EF ) 10.8
et al.14 Correlation 20.00
(Full Face) Linear Subspace 15.60
Fisherface 0.60
Table 5.1. Fusion Experiments – Yale database

5.2 BANCA database experiments

Experiments reported here are only a small, but representative, sample conducted on the
BANCA database and is limited to the use of the G evaluation protocol, [32]. The
experiments are conducted on the English section of the database which include recording
for 52 subjects. Each subject participated in 12 sessions, each consisting of two short clips
112 Face Recognition

uttering a true-client text while in the second clip he/she acts as an impostor uttering a text
belonging to another subject. The 12 sessions are divided into 3 groups:
 the controlled group – sessions 1-4 (high quality camera, controlled environment
and a uniform background)
 the degraded group – sessions 5-8 (in an office using a low quality web camera in
uncontrolled environment).
 the adverse group – sessions 9-12 (high quality camera, uncontrolled environment)
For the G evaluation protocol, the true client recordings from session 1, 5, and 9 were used
for enrolment and from each clip 7 random frames were selected to generate the client
templates. True-client recordings from sessions 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, and 12 (9 videos) were
used for testing the identification accuracy. From each test video, we selected 3 frames and
the minimum score for these frames in each stream was taken as the score of the tested
video in the respective stream. In total, 468 tests were conducted. Identification accuracies of
single streams (first 3 rows) and multi-stream approaches for the G protocol are shown in
Table 5.2. Across all ranks the LH-subband scheme significantly outperformed all other
single streams. The multi-stream fusion of the 3 streams outperformed the best single stream
(i.e. the LH subband) by a noticeable percentage. The best performing multi-stream schemes
are mainly the ones that give >0.5 weight to the LH subband and lower weight to the LL-
subband. Again these experiments confirm the success of the multi-stream approach.

Weights Identification Accuracy for Rank n for G test configuration

LL HL LH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1.00 0.00 0.00 58.55 67.95 72.65 77.14 80.34 82.69 84.62 85.47 86.54 87.61
0.00 1.00 0.00 56.84 65.60 72.22 76.28 79.49 82.26 84.83 85.68 87.18 87.82
0.00 0.00 1.00 69.23 80.77 85.68 89.10 91.45 92.52 93.38 94.44 95.09 95.94

0.20 0.20 0.60 76.28 85.47 88.89 90.81 92.74 93.38 94.44 95.73 96.37 96.79
0.20 0.30 0.50 76.07 83.12 88.46 91.45 93.38 93.80 95.09 95.30 95.73 96.15
0.25 0.35 0.40 74.15 81.62 87.61 89.74 91.24 92.31 92.95 94.66 95.30 95.30
0.10 0.30 0.60 76.71 85.90 89.32 92.09 93.16 93.80 94.87 95.51 96.37 96.79
0.10 0.20 0.70 75.00 85.68 88.89 92.74 94.02 94.23 94.44 95.09 96.15 96.58

Table 5.2 Rank based results for single and multi-stream identification using test protocol G

6. Quality-based Adaptive face Recognition

The performance of most face recognition schemes including those mentioned earlier
deteriorates when tested in uncontrolled conditions when compared to their performance
under normal recording conditions. These effects are often the result of external factors such
as extreme variations in illumination, expression, and occlusion. To deal with varying
recording conditions, most existing schemes adopt normalization procedures that are
applied irrespective of the recording conditions at the time of recording. Such strategies are
known to improve accuracy in adverse conditions at the expense of deteriorated
performance in somewhat normal recording conditions that generate well/reasonably lit
images, and thereby yielding little or no improved overall accuracy. This section focuses on
Wavelet–Based Face Recognition Schemes 113

the development of adaptive approaches to deal with such variations, whereby the
application of normalisation procedures will be based on certain criteria on image quality
that are detected automatically at the time of recording. We shall describe some quantitative
quality measures that have been incorporated in adaptive face recognition systems in the
presence of extreme variation in illumination. We shall present experimental results in
support of using these measures to control the application of light normalisation procedures
as well as dynamic fusion of multi-stream wavelet face recognition whereby the fusion
weighting become dependent on quality measures.


Quality measures play an important role in improving the performance of biometric
systems. There has been increasing interest by researchers in using quality information to
make more robust and reliable recognition systems (e.g. [36], [37], [38], [39], [40]). Quality
measures can be classified as modality-dependent and modality-independent. Modality
dependent measures (such as pose or expression) can be used for face biometric only, while
modality-independent measures such as (contrast and sharpness) can be used for any
modality because they do not need any knowledge about the specific biometric. For multi-
modal and multi-streams biometrics, there is a need to combine the various trait/stream
quality measures to build adaptive weighting associated with the matching scores produced
by their individual matchers, ([41], [42]). Quality measures can also be classified in terms of
the availability of reference information: full reference, reduced reference, and no reference
quality assessment approaches, ([43]).
Face image quality measures must reflect some or all aspects variation from a “norm” in
terms of lighting, expression, pose, contrast, eyes location, mouth location, ears location,
blur and so forth, ([44], [45]). New quality measures based on wavelets have been developed
for different biometrics, [46]. Here, we will focus on image quality measures as a result of
variation in lighting conditions and its use for improving performance of face recognition
and dynamic fusion of multi-streams.


Illumination image quality measures must either reflect luminance distortion of any image
in comparison to a known reference image, or regional variation within the image itself. The
universal image quality index (Q) proposed by Wand and Bovik,[47] incorporates a
number of image quality components from which one can extract the necessary ingredients
an illumination image quality measure that fits the above requirements. For two
signals/vectors X {xi | i 1,2,.......,
N} and Y {yi | i 1,2,...,N}, Q(X,Y) is defined as:
4  xy X Y
Q( X , Y ) 
2 2 2 2
( x   y )[( x )  ( y ) ]
114 Face Recognition

1 1 1 N
N X i  N yi ,
x , y  x2   ( xi  x ) ,
N i 1 N i 1 N  1 i 1
1 N
xy  (xi  x)(yi y)
N 1 i1

It models any distortion as a combination of three components: loss of correlation,

luminance distortion, and contrast distortion. In fact, Q is the product of three quality
measures reflecting these three components:

 xy 2 xy 2 
x y
Q( X , Y )  .  . (2)
 x y 2 2 2 2
(x)  ( y)  x  y
The luminance quality index is defined as the distortion component:
2 x y
LQI = (3)
2 2
(x)  ( y)
In practice, the LQI of an image with respect to another reference image is calculated for
each window of size 8x8 pixels in the two images, and the average of the calculated values
defines the LQI of the entire image. The LQI is also referred to as the Global LQI as opposed
to regional LQI, when the image is divided into regions and the LQI is calculated for each
region separately, [48].
The distribution of LQI values for the images in the different subsets of the Extended Yale B
database reveal an interesting, though not surprising, pattern. There is a clear separation
between the images in sets 1 and 2, where all images have LQI values > 0.84, and those in
sets 4 and 5 where all LQI vales < 0.78. Images in set 3 of the database have LQI values in
the range 0.5 to 0.95.
The use of LQI with a fixed reference image that has a perceptually good illumination
quality investigated as a pre-processing procedure prior to single-stream and multi-streams
wavelet-based face recognition schemes, for adaptive face recognition schemes with
improved performance over the non-adaptive schemes.
In the case of multi-streams schemes, a regional version of LQI index is used to adapt the
fusion weights, [48]. A. Aboud et al, [37], have further developed this approach and
designed adaptive illumination normalization without a reference image. We shall now
discuss these approaches in more details and present experimental evidences on their
In order to test the performance of the developed adaptive schemes, the relevant
experiments were conducted on the Extended Yale database, [49], which incorporates
extreme variations in illumination recording condition. The cropped frontal face images of
the extended Yale B database provide a perfect testing platform and framework for
illumination based image quality analysis and for testing the viability of adaptive face
recognition scheme. The database includes 38 subjects each having 64 images, in frontal
pose, captured under different illumination conditions. In total number there are 2414
images. The images in the database are divided into five subsets according to the direction
of the light-source from the camera axis as shown in Table 6.1.
Wavelet–Based Face Recognition Schemes 115

Subsets Angles Image Numbers

1  < 12 263
2 20 <  < 25 456
3 35 <  < 50 455
4 60 <  < 77 526
5 85 <  < 130 714
Table 6.1 Different illumination sets in the extended Yale B database

Samples of images for the same subject taken from different subsets of the Extended Yale B
database are shown in Figure 6.1. LQI values are respectively 1, 0.9838, 0.8090, 0.4306, and

(a) Subset 1 (b) Subset 2 (c) Subset 3

(d) Subset 4 (e) Subset 5

Fig. 6.1. Sample images from different subsets in the Extended Yale B.

6.2. LQI–based Adaptive illumination normalization for face recognition.

Histogram Equalisation (HE) has been used as a mean to improve face recognition when the
sample image suffers from poor illumination. In extreme cases when the presented sample
is poorly illuminated HE improves the chance of recognition, but there are side effects and
there are evidences that HE does reduce image quality and recognition accuracy in the cases
of well lit images. An analysis of the effect of HE on the recognition accuracy of the various
single-subband wavelet face recognition schemes for the different subsets of images in the
Extended Yale B database has confirmed these conclusions, ([36], [50]). For the three level 2
wavelet subbands (LL2, LH2, and HL2), applying HE yields a reasonable-to-significant
improvement in accuracy for sets 4 and 5; while the accuracy dropped as a result of HE
application for sets 1, 2 and 3. What is also interesting, in this regard, is that as a result of the
application of HE the values of LQI improved significantly for images in sets 4 and 5 but to
a much lesser extent in set 3, while the LQI values in sets 1 and 2 has deteriorated greatly.
The LQI of all images in sets 4 and 5 after HE became > 0.78.
These observation and the remarks, at the end of the section 6.1 provide the perfect
threshold adopted by Sellahewa et al, [36], for the first Image quality based adaptive
116 Face Recognition

illumination normalisation procedure and the adaptive face recognition. The use of the
threshold of 0.8 for LQI below which HE is applied, has led to improved face recognition in
the different single subband streams as well as in the multi-stream cases. The improvement
was across all subsets but to varying degrees and more significantly in sets 4 and 5, (for
more details see [36]). The identification error rates for some multi-stream wavelet schemes
will be presented and discussed in the last subsection. AHE refers to this LQI-based
adaptive use of HE.

6.3 No-Reference Quality Index

The choice of reference image for image quality assessment is a factor that may affect the
adaptive normalisation procedures and it may not be a simple task. Defining image quality
measures without a reference image is a desirable task and more so for illumination
assessment in relation to face images. The frontal pose of a human face is more or less
symmetric; hence it is easy to design a symmetric version of the LQI without the need for a
reference image. A without a reference luminance quality measure, can be defined in a two
steps process, where in the first step the LQI for the left half of a face image is measured
with reference to its right half and the second step uses a form of histogram partitioning that
aims to measure some aspects of distortion from normal face histogram.

Step 1. The symmetric adaptive local quality index (SALQI). For a face image (I), SALQI is
defined as follows:

1. Divide I into left and right half sub-images, IL and IR respectively, and let IFR be the
horizontal flipping of IR.
2. Starting from the top left corner, use equation (3), above, to compute LQI of the 8x8
windows in IFR with respect to the corresponding windows in IL, as indicated

3. After calculating the quality map {mi =LQIi: i=1,….,N}, a pooling strategy as
indicated in equations (4) and (5) to calculate the final quality-score of the image (I)
as a weighted average of the mi’s:
 m * wi
i 1 i
Q (4)
iN1 wi
Wavelet–Based Face Recognition Schemes 117

2 2
where, wi  g ( x i , y i ) , and g ( x, y )    C (5)
x y

Here, xi = I L,i and yi = I FR,i , where I FR,i is the mirrored block of I L,i of a row. The C is a
constant representing a baseline minimal weight. The value range of SALQI is [0, 1] and its
equals 1 if and only if the image is perfectly symmetrically illuminated.

Step 2. The Middle Half index (MH). The SALQI provides an indication of how
symmetrical the light is distributed, but it does not distinguish between a well-lit face
images from an evenly dark image. SALQI produces high quality scores for such images. To
overcome this problem we use histogram partitioning: A good quality image normally has a
dynamic range covering the full grey scale and its histogram covers well the middle part.
The MH index is thus defined as:
MH  (6)
Bright  Dark
Where, Middle = No. of pixels in the middle range between a Lower bound LB
and an Upper bound UB,
Bright = No. of pixels in the bright region of the histogram greater than
Dark = No. of pixels in the dark region of the histogram less than LB,
Examining a number of so-called normal images, the LB and UB are set at 63 and 243,
respectively. The MH value ranges from 0 to Max = (M/2), where M is the size of the image.
The larger MH is, the better the quality is. Its maximum value depends on the image

6.4 The Symmetric Adaptive Histogram Equalisation (SAHE)

This is another adaptive scheme that uses both the SALQI and MH values to control the use
of HE. Chart 6.1 displays the distribution of image LQI, SALQI and MH indices in the
various subsets of the extended Yale B data base before and after the application of HE,
AHE, SALQI version of AHE, and the full SAHE. For subset 1 and subset 2, we see that the
application of HE results in deterioration in quality, and both AHE and MH maintain the
same original quality. This confirms that for well lit images that exhibit similar illumination
characteristics to those in subsets 1 and 2 (i.e. SALQI > 0.65) no normalisation is needed. The
other 3 subsets benefit, to varying degrees, from pre-processing. But they benefit more from
the full version of SAHE which includes the use of MH.
118 Face Recognition

Charts 6.1. Distribution of for extended Yale B database before and after various

A. Aboud et al in [37] have tested the performance of an SAHE-adaptive wavelet-based face

recognition scheme in comparison with the corresponding versions with no normalization,
and with the LQI-based adaptive which only used a single threshold (approx. 0.8). In the
corresponding experiments, two different wavelets are used: Daubechie-1 (i.e Haar), and
Daubechie-2 (also known as Daub 4), at three decomposition levels. Again the testing was
based on the Extended Yale B database. The dataset are divided into two groups: training
set and testing set. The training set has (38) images, one image per subject which is chosen to
be (P00A+000E+00). The testing set consists of all the remaining (2394) images, i.e. 63 images
per subject. Different values of SALQI and MH quality indices have been used as thresholds
for SAHE approach. Recognition results, displayed in Figure 6.2, show that the LH2
subband gives the best results under varying illumination and the error rate for the SAHE
with SALQI <0.6, is about 0.30% less than what was achieved by the LQI–based AHE
application. However, SAHE resulted in slightly increased error rates for subset 3 images
while reduced the errors of subset 4 and subset 5. The results for LL2 features are
significantly better, although these error rates are much higher than the errors with LH2.
Wavelet–Based Face Recognition Schemes 119

1. Calculate the quality scores for the image (I) using ( SALQI ) and ( MH )
2. If (SALQI < Thershold1) and (MH < Threshold 2) Then
IF (MH < Thershold3) Then {Apply normalization algorithm on the whole image (I)}
Else if (MH >= Thershold3) Then
a. Apply HE on the left region of image (I) and compute SALQI
b. Apply HE on the right region of image (I) and compute SALQI
c. Apply HE on left and right regions of the image (I) and compute SALQI
Select the case that has higher SALQI value
End if
3. Else if ( SALQI >= Thershold1 ) and ( MH >= Thershold2 ) Then
{Do not apply histogram normalization algorithm on image (I)}
4. End if

Fig. 6.4 Symmetrical Adaptive Histogram Equalization Algorithm

No No
pre-process 8.89 18.20 83.30 95.82 97.20 70.71 pre-process 8.00 0.00 30.55 71.10 95.24 50.97
HE, ZN 3.11 25.88 70.99 90.11 85.57 64.52 HE, ZN 7.56 0.44 17.58 26.62 14.15 14.31
0.80 2.67 22.81 69.01 90.11 84.03 63.05 0.80 7.11 0 11.65 20.34 11.76 10.94
0.60 2.67 7.89 37.8 73.76 76.61 48.36 0.60 7.11 0 12.97 18.25 11.34 10.61
0.70 2.67 7.89 38.02 73.76 76.47 48.36 0.70 7.11 0 12.97 18.63 11.48 10.73
0.80 2.67 20.83 40 73.76 76.47 51.22 0.80 7.11 0 12.53 18.44 12.32 10.86
0.90 2.67 7.89 38.24 75.1 76.05 48.57 0.90 7.11 0 12.75 18.63 11.34 10.65
(a) Wavelet Haar, suband: LL2 (b) Wavelet Haar, suband: LH2
Set1 Set2 Set3 Set4 Set5 All Set1 Set2 Set3 Set4 Set5 All
No No
pre-process 8.44 14.25 80.66 95.63 97.20 69.36 pre-process 14.67 0 35.60 66.35 89.64 49.83
HE, ZN 1.78 20.83 67.47 90.30 85.71 62.84 HE, ZN 13.33 0 24.84 28.33 18.35 17.80
0.80 0.89 17.54 64.84 90.87 84.45 61.36 0.80 13.33 0 21.76 22.24 16.11 15.19
0.60 0.89 4.61 30.99 72.05 77.03 46 0.60 13.33 0 20.22 21.48 15.83 14.65
0.70 0.89 4.61 31.21 71.86 76.89 45.96 0.70 13.33 0 20.22 21.48 15.83 14.65
0.80 0.89 15.79 33.19 72.05 77.03 48.57 0.80 13.33 0 20.66 21.48 16.39 14.90
0.90 0.89 4.61 31.43 73.38 76.47 46.21 0.90 13.33 0 20.22 21.29 15.69 14.56
(c) Wavelet Daub 4, suband: LL2 (d) Wavelet Daub4, suband: LH2
Table 6.2 Identification error rates of wavelet-based face recognition system
120 Face Recognition

6.5 Regional LQI and Adaptive fusion of multi stream face recognition
The previous parts of this section demonstrated the suitability of using the AHE and SAHE
as a mean of controlling the application of illumination normalisation procedure (HE) and
the benefits that this yields for single and multi-stream face recognition schemes. However,
in real-life scenarios, variations in illumination between enrolled and test images could be
confined to a region, rather than the whole, of the face image due to the changes in the
direction of the light source or pose. Therefore, it is sensible to measure the illumination
quality on a region-by-region basis. Sellahewa et al, [48], has experimented with a rather
simple regional modification of the LQI, whereby we split the image into 2x2 regions of
equal size, and tested the performance of the Regional AHE based adaptive multi-stream
face recognition. Figure 6.5 and Figure 6.6 present that Identification error rate for the RLQI-
based fusion of (LL2, LH2) and (LH2, HL2), respectively, using 10 different weighting

LL2 + LH2 Identification Error Rates (%)

WLL WLH Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Total
1.0 0.0 3.56 17.54 38.24 73.57 75.91 50.13
0.9 0.1 2.22 7.68 30.11 65.78 70.73 43.27
0.8 0.2 2.22 3.29 22.64 57.03 63.31 36.83
0.7 0.3 1.33 0.44 18.46 46.2 51.26 29.38
0.6 0.4 2.22 0.00 15.16 36.12 38.94 22.81
0.5 0,5 3.56 0.00 14.73 27.95 27.17 17.51
0.4 0.6 4.89 0.00 13.41 19.96 18.91 13.13
0.3 0.7 5.78 0.00 12.97 17.87 14.57 11.36
0.2 0.8 8.80 0.00 14.07 15.59 11.62 10.4
0.1 0.9 8.89 0.00 13.85 13.5 10.36 9.6
0.0 1.0 10.67 0.00 14.95 14.45 10.36 10.19
Fig. 6.5 Non-Adaptive Fusion (LL, LH)

LH2 + HL2 Identification Error Rates (%)

WLH WHL Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Total
1.0 0.0 10.67 0.00 14.95 14.45 10.36 10.19
0.9 0.1 8.44 0.00 14.73 12.55 9.52 9.26
0.8 0.2 7.56 0.00 12.75 12.74 9.38 8.8
0.7 0.3 5.78 0.00 11.65 11.41 9.8 8.25
0.6 0.4 5.33 0.00 9.23 10.65 11.76 8.16
0.5 0,5 4.44 0.00 7.47 10.65 13.17 8.16
0.4 0.6 3.11 0.00 7.47 11.98 18.49 9.93
0.3 0.7 2.22 0.00 8.13 15.78 24.37 12.58
0.2 0.8 5.33 0.00 9.23 19.96 36.97 17.8
0.1 0.9 7.11 0.00 12.75 29.09 51.68 25.08
0.0 1.0 9.33 0.88 15.16 39.35 61.62 31.19
Fig. 6.6 Non-Adaptive Fusion (LH, HL)
Wavelet–Based Face Recognition Schemes 121

The use of RLQI has obviously resulted in further improvement in accuracy of multi-stream
recognition schemes. With best overall error rate of 9.6 for the (LL2, LH2) fused scheme
achieved when LL2” was given a small weight of 0.1, while best error rate for the (LH2,
HL2) fused scheme is 8.16 achieved when have nearly equal weights. What is more
interesting is that the best performance over the different sets is achieved with different
weighting configurations in both cases. This shows that the wavelet-based multi-stream
recognition scheme, developed previously, has no objective means of selecting fusion
parameters and that it performed differently for face images captured with different lighting
conditions has led to developing of a new adaptive approach to face recognition. This
suggests a dynamic scheme of weighting that depends on image quality. Figure 6.7, below,
presents the results obtained for using quality-based adaptive fusion of two or 3 subbands.
In this case if the LQI of the image is>0.9 then the score for LL2 will be given a 0.7 weighting
otherwise it is given a 0 weighting. The LH2 and HL2 subbands get equal proportion from
the left over.

Identification Error rate %

Feature Subband Subset Subset Subset Subset Subset
1 2 3 4 5
LL2 3.56 17.54 38.24 73.57 75.91
subband LH2 10.67 0.00 14.95 14.45 10.36
HL2 9.33 0.88 15.16 39.35 61.62
Adaptive 2.22 0.00 14. 73 14.45 10.36 9.34
Furion 7.47 0.22 1.78 10.65 13.17 7.95
Fig. 6.7 Adaptive Fusion

It is clear that, this dynamic choice of weighting of the scores has led to further
improvement over the non-adaptive static selection of weighting.


In this chapter we have reviewed face recognition schemes, and in particular we advocated
the use of wavelet-based face recognition. The fact that a wavelet-transform of face image
into a number of different subbands representing the face at different frequency range and
different scales, has been exploited to develope several single-stream face recognition
schemes one for each wavelet subband. The performances of several of these were tested
over a number of benchmark databases, which revealed different error rates, but achieving
comparable/better results compared to PCA based schemes. This approach has the
advantage of being very efficient and being scalable.
We have also shown that one mimicked the success of fusion approach to multi-modal
biometric-based recognition by using multi-stream face recognition that is based on fusing a
number of single streams. Even the fusion of a small (<4) number of single streams has led
to significant improvement in performance.
122 Face Recognition

Finally, we have demonstrated with a significant degree of success that the challenge of face
recognition in the presence of extreme variation illumination can be dealt with using
adaptive quality –based face recognition. The main advantages of using quality measures
are the avoidance of excessive unnecessary enhancement procedures that may cause
undesired artefacts, reduced computational complexity which is essential for real time
applications, and improved performance.
The work on quality- based adaptive fusion and adaptive wavelet multi-stream wavelet face
recognition will be expanded in the future to deal with other quality issues as well as
efficiency challenges.

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