Image Processing

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Computing and Informatics, Vol. 22, 2003, ????

National Storage System Laboratory School of Software Engineering Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan, 430074, P. R. China e-mail: [email protected]

Manuscript received 23 June 2002; revised 27 January 2003 Communicated by Ladislav Hluch y

Abstract. The goal of this paper is to present a critical survey of existing literatures on human face recognition over the last 45 years. Interest and research activities in face recognition have increased signicantly over the past few years, especially after the American airliner tragedy on September 11 in 2001. While this growth largely is driven by growing application demands, such as static matching of controlled photographs as in mug shots matching, credit card verication to surveillance video images, identication for law enforcement and authentication for banking and security system access, advances in signal analysis techniques, such as wavelets and neural networks, are also important catalysts. As the number of proposed techniques increases, survey and evaluation becomes important. Keywords: Face recognition, eigenface, elastic matching, neural networks, pattern recognition

1 INTRODUCTION Face recognition is becoming an active research area spanning several disciplines such as image processing, pattern recognition, computer vision, neural networks, cognitive science, neuroscience, psychology and physiology. It is a dedicated process, not merely an application of the general object recognition process. It is also the representation of the most splendid capacities of human vision.


Y. Lu, J. Zhou, Sh. Yu

As one of the most successful applications of pattern recognition, image analysis and understanding, face recognition has recently received signicant attention, especially during the past several years. This is evidenced by the emergence of face recognition conferences such as AFGR [1], AVBPA [2], CV [3], PR [4], CVPR [5], WACV [6], CGIPV [7], WCVBVSMA [8], CCVHM [9], SSWNN [10], IP [11], and systematic empirical evaluations of face recognition technology (FRT), including the FERET [1220] and XM2VTS [21, 22] protocols. There are at least two reasons for this trend: the rst is the wide range of commercial and law enforcement applications, and the second is the availability of feasible technologies after 30 years of research. The previous literatures on systematic empirical evaluations of face recognition are chiey the earlier surveys by Samal & Iyengar 92 [23] on nonconnectionist approaches, by Valentin et al. in 94 [24] on connectionist schemes, the abundant and thorough survey by Chellappa et al. in 1995 [25] on 20 years of face recognition, the longer and more comprehensive surveys by Fromherz in 1997 [26], and by Zhou et al. in 2000 [27]. They focused on the development of face recognition before the mid 1997. During the past several years, face recognition has received increased attention and has advanced technically. Many commercial systems [2831] using face recognition are now available. Signicant research eorts have been focused on video-based face modeling, processing and recognition. This review paper reports on research results mostly published in the mid 1997 and later, thus complementing the earlier surveys by Samal & Iyengar 92, Valentin et al. in 94, Chellappa et al., Fromherz in 1997, and Zhou et al. in 2000. In this paper we provide a critical review of the most recent development in face recognition. This paper is organized as follows: In Section 2 we briey review issues that are relevant to face recognition system. Section 3 provides a detailed review of the development in face detection and localization techniques using grayscale, rang and other images. In Section 4 and 5 face feature extraction and recognition techniques is detailed and discussed, respectively. Finally, summary and conclusions are in Section 6. 2 FACE RECOGNITION SYSTEMS In general, an automatic face recognition systems are comprised of three steps. Their basic owchart is given in Figure 1. Among them, detection may include face edge detection, segmentation and localization, namely obtaining a pre-processed intensity face image from an input scene, either simple or cluttered, locating its position and segmenting the image out of the background. Feature extraction may denote the acquirement of the image features from the image such as visual features, statistical pixel features, transform coecient features, and algebraic features, with emphasis on the algebraic features, which represent the intrinsic attributes of an image. Face recognition may represent to perform the classication to the above image features in terms of a certain criterion. Segmentation among three steps is considered to be

A Survey of Face Detection, Extraction and Recognition


trivial, easy and simple for many applications such as mug shots, drivers licenses, personal ID card, and passport pictures. Thus this problem did not receive much attention. Scholars have given more interest on addressing other problems. However, recently more eort is devoted to the segmentation problem with the advancement of face recognition systems under complex background.

Fig. 1. The basic owchart of a face recognition

In face recognition systems, it is clear that the evaluation and benchmarking of the algorithms is crucial. Previous work on the evaluations [1222, 3233] provides insights into how the evaluation of recognition algorithms and systems can be performed eciently. The most important facts learned in previous evaluations are as follows: (1) large sets of test images are essential for adequate evaluation; (2) The sample should be statistically as similar as possible to the images that arise in the application being considered; (3) Scoring should be done in a way which reects the costs or other system requirement changes that result from errors in recognition; (4) System reject-error behavior should be studied, not just forced recognition; (5) The most useful form of evaluation is that based as closely as possible on a specic application; (6) The accuracy, samples, speed and hardware, and human interface are extremely required for the face recognition. Whether a face recognition system is better was measured using two basic methods. The rst one measured identication performance, where the primary statistic is the percentage of probes that are correctly identied by the algorithm. The second one measured verication, where the performance measure is the equal error rate between probability of false alarm and of correct verication. (A more complete method of reporting identication performance is a cumulative match characteristic. For verication performance it is a receiver operating characteristic (ROC).) A standard database of face imagery was essential to the success of the FERET program, both to supply standard imagery to the algorithm developers and to supply a sucient number of images to allow testing of these algorithms. Until recently, there exist some common and large databases for FRT evaluation test, which embrace MIT Face Database (about 2592 images), UMD Face Database (about 7100 images), USC Face Database (about 100 images), ARPA/ARL Face Database (about 8500 images), ORL Face Database (about 400 images), Yale Face Database (about 165 images), Stirling University Face Database (about 1580 images), UMIST Face Database (about 564 images), Oulu University Physics-Based Face Database (about 2100 images), M2VTS Multi-modal Face Database (about 10 000 images), CMU Test Images for Face Detection (about 5000 images), and UMASS Face Database (about 150 images), etc. Among them ARPA/ARL Face Database is one of the most famous of them, since it possesses those traits such as multi-race, multi-aged phase, diverse expressions, illumination change, pose varia-


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tion, large number, many test participants. It consists of about 1100 image sets of two frontals, and pairs of 1/4, of 1/2, of 3/4, and of full proles. It totals about 8500 images. It has gradually become the most complete gallery for face recognition test. In addition, some algorithms performed very well under a certain database: Subspace LDA from UMD [34], Probabilistic Eigenface from MIT [35], and Elastic Graph Matching from USC [36]. 3 DETECTION AND LOCALIZATION TECHNIQUES Face detection and localization from images is a key problem and a necessary rst step in face recognition systems, with the purpose of localizing and extracting the face region from the background. It also has several applications in areas such as content-based image retrieval, video coding, video conferencing, crowd surveillance, and intelligent human-computer interfaces. However, it was not until recently that the face detection problem received considerable attention among researchers. The human face is a dynamic object and has a high degree of variability in its appearance, which makes face detection a dicult problem in computer vision. It is an essential step in face recognition. During the past several years, a wide variety of face detection and localization techniques have been growing fast. Many progresses on it have been made and reported recently. The associated studies are elaborated below. Up to the close years, there exist a variety of approaches to face detection. Categorization of them may depend on dierent criteria. In terms of modeling process used, the approaches to face detection may fall into two main categories: (1) local feature-based ones; (2) global methods. Their face detection regions are required by the comparative matching between the detecting region and constructed template based on modeling. In the former ones, salient features such as the eyes, nose, and mouth are rst located. Various measurements of these facial components are used to construct feature vectors. These approaches to face recognition basically rely on the detection and characterization of above individual facial features and their geometrical relationships. The latter ones, on the other hand, take a holistic view towards face recognition without explicitly nding facial features. They involve encoding the entire facial image and treating the resulting facial code as a point in a high-dimensional space and assume that all faces are constrained to particular positions, orientations, and scales. 3.1 Approaches Based on Features 3.1.1 Geometrical Method The method is based on face geometrical conguration. Generic knowledge about faces employed is facial organs position, symmetry, and edge shape as follows: a face contains four main organs, i.e., eyebrows, eyes, nose and mouth; a face image is symmetric in the left and right directions; eyes are below two eyebrows; nose lies between

A Survey of Face Detection, Extraction and Recognition


and below two eyes; lips lie below nose; the contour of a human head can be approximated by an ellipse, and so on. By using the facial components as well as positional relationship between them we can locate the faces easily. When a face image is fed into the system, a preprocessing step will be applied to remove small light details and to enhance the contrast. Then, the processed image will be the threshold to produce a binary image. Finally, a labeling step and a grouping algorithm will be used to group detected features block by block to locate the faces. Many detailed studies may refer to the literatures [37] (Jeng et al. 1998), [38] (Berngger et al. 1998) [39] (Feng and Yuen, 1998), [40] (OHTA et al., 1998), [41] (Wang et al., 1999), [42] (Reisfeld and Teshurun, 1998), [43] (Jie Zhou et al., 1999), [44] (Lv et al., 2000), [45] (Kwon, and Lobo, 1999), [46] (Tao et al., 1999), [47] (Tian et al., 1999), [48] (Decarlo and Metaxas, 2000), [49] (Wang and Tan, 2000), [50] (Roach et al., 2000), [51] (Lin and Fan, 2000), [52] (Jing and Mariani, 2000), [53] (Wang et al., 2001), [54] (Li et al., 2001), [55] (Sclaro and Liu, 2001), [56] (Ho and Huang, 2001), [57] (Wong et al., 2001). Face detection can often be achieved by detecting geometrical relationships among facial organs as mentioned, because they are simple, straightforward and ecient. Jeng et al. 1998 [37] proposed a useful geometrical face model and an ecient facial feature detection approach, which is based on the fact that human faces are constructed in the same geometrical conguration and could accurately detect facial features, especially the eyes, even when the images have complex backgrounds such as bad lighting condition, skew face orientation, and facial expression. The geometrical face model in [37] was constructed to evaluate which combination of feature blocks was a face as Figure 2, according to the average proportion between each facial organ obtained by estimating several real faces. Facial symmetry is another geometrical characteristics. The context free generalized symmetry transform is an interest operator which is motivated by the biological mechanisms of attention and xation, and is inspired by the intuitive notion of symmetry. It assigns a symmetry magnitude and a symmetry orientation to every pixel. The input to the transform is an edge map the gradients of intensity at each pixel and its output is a symmetry map, which is a new kind of an edge map, where the magnitude and orientation of an edge depend on the symmetry associated with the pixel. In [42] Reisfeld and Yeshurum 1998 proposed a method for automatic and robust detection of eyes and mouth using the aforementioned transform. In most cases, the overall shape of the face or the whole head is very similar to an ellipse. Some researchers have been using this shape information for facial detection. [49] extended previous shapebased face detection methods by applying a special elliptical template containing directional information of edges. An elliptical ring in [49] was used as the template as illustrated in Figure 3. Figure 3 (a) is a normal upright face; (b) is the binary image after edge linking; (c) is an elliptical ring representing the contour. Recently some scholars, including Ho and Huang 2001 [56], and Wong et al. 2001 [57] have studied the genetic algorithm-based detection. Ho and Huang 2001 [56] have presented a genetic algorithm-based optimization approach for facial modeling from an un-calibrated face image using a exible generic parameterized geometrical facial model (FGPFM). The notations for the model ratios in [56] are illustrated in Fi-


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gure 4. Le is the distance between two far corners of the eyes; Lf is the distance between the mouth-line and eyes-line; Lw is the distance between the nose base and the mouth-line; Lm is the width of the mouth; Ly is the width of one eye; Ln is the width of the nose. Figure 5 in [57] showed an example of a selected face region based on the location of an eye pair. A square block is used to represent the detected face region.

Fig. 2. The geometrical face model

Fig. 3. Deformable template

The Sequential Testing Method also belongs to this category. The approach is coarse-to-ne in both the exploration of poses and the representation of objects. Features are spatial arrangements of edge fragments, induced from training faces at a reference pose, and computation is minimized via a generalized Hough transform; there is no on-line optimization and no segmentation apart from visual selection itself. All tests are binary and indicate the presence or absence of loose spatial arrangements of oriented edge fragments. Detection means nding a sucient number of arrangements of each size along a decreasing sequence of pose cells. At the beginning, the tests are simple and universal, accommodating many poses simultaneously, but the false alarm rate is relatively high. Eventually, the tests are more discriminating, but also more complex and dedicated to specic poses. As a result,

A Survey of Face Detection, Extraction and Recognition


Fig. 4. The notions of the model ratios

Fig. 5. The head of geometry of our head model

the spatial distribution of processing is highly skewed and detection is rapid, but at the expense of (isolated) false alarms which, presumably, could be eliminated with localized, more intensive, processing. The pertinent documents are in [5859]. In [59], Figure 6 (left: the grey level was proportional to this count; right: the scan line corresponding to the arrow; it covered three faces) showed an illustration of the spatial distribution of processing corresponding to the scene shown in Figure 7. 3.1.2 Color-Based or Texture-Based Method Color and texture are two important modalities in many images processing tasks, ranging from remote sensing to medical imaging, robot vision, face recognition, etc. By now their analysis methods have been widely utilizing to detect faces for different races, sexes, and ages. Some research results show that human skin colors cluster in a small region only in the GRB color space instead of the HIS color space; human skin colors dier more in brightness than in colors; and every texture is distinctive and distinguishable from one another. Therefore, the normalized GRB or texture models are considered to be capable of characterizing human face with less variance in color or texture. Recently, many intensive studies have been reported, i.e., [60, 61] (Terillon et al., 1998), [62] (Yang and Ahuja, 1998), [63] (nakia and Stockmann, 1998), [64] (Albol et al., 199), [65] (Garcia and Tziritas, 1999), [66]


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(Lu et al., 1999), [67] (Xie et al., 1999), [68] (Li et al., 2000), [69] (Wu and Huang, 2000), [70] (Wei et al., 2000), [71] (St orring et al., 20000, [72] (Schwerdt and Crowley, 2000), [73] (Liang et al., 2000), [74] (Dass and Jain, 2001), [75] (Zhang et al., 2001), [76] (Duta and Jain, 1998), [77] (Cascia and Sclao, 1999), [78] (Decsombes et al., 1999), [79] (Fan and Sung, 2000), [80] (Li and Peng, 2001). Terrillon et al. [60, 61] used a skin color model based on the Mahalanobis metric and a shape analysis based on invariant Fourier-Mellin moments to automatically detect and locate human faces in two-dimensional complex scene images. During the detection, color segmentation of an input image is performed by threshold in a normalized hue-saturation color space where the eects of the variability of human skin color and the dependency of chrominance on changes in illumination are reduced. Literature [73] employed a multi-modal face tracker which integrated eye blink detection, cross-correlation, and robust tracking of skin colored regions. A new technique was developed which replaced threshold and connected components with the moments of color pixels weighted by a Gaussian density function. The paper [77] explored new ways of learning and retrieving the appearance of human faces in black, white and still images by gray-tone texture model. An example of the inverse texture mapping of a cylinder in arbitrary 3D position in [77] is shown in Figure 8. Fan and Sung [79] proposed a feature based similarity measure (FBSM) to take into account the spatial dierences between feature points of two poses. The feature-texture similarity measure (FTSM) was sensitive to pose dierences between two face images and could be used to directly determine the best hill-climb directions in pose parameter space without computing gradients of error functions.

Fig. 6. The coarse-to-ne nature of the algorithm was illustrated by counting, for each pixel, the number of times the detector checks for the presence of an edge in its vicinity

3.1.3 Motion-Based Method Human motion analysis is receiving increasing attention from computer vision researchers. This interest is motivated by applications over a wide spectrum of topics.

A Survey of Face Detection, Extraction and Recognition


Fig. 7. Example of a scene

Fig. 8. (a) Input frame with the cylindrical model superimposed, (b) corresponding to texture map, (c) and condence map

Motion analysis could extract the low-lever features such as body part segmentation, joint detection and identication and recover 3D structure from 2D projections in an image sequence. This motion information, which was comprised of position and velocity of moving eyes, speaking tone and expressions, etc., incorporated with intensity value, could be employed to easily locate the face. [81] proposed a combined expression recognition system based on the analysis of the dynamic expression image sequences. Here the authors took the face as being composed of several primary expression regions, in which the motion features could be extracted and constituted to eigen-sequences. The analysis of the arbitrary length of image sequences of facial expressions and combined expression recognition are proposed and implemented by analyzing the respective expression meaning and the expression contents of dierent primary regions and using the multi-feature fusion. Part of the dynamic expression image sequences in [81] shown in Figure 9. Bobick and Davis 2001 [82] presented a new view-based approach to the representation and recognition of human movement. The basis of the presentation is a temporal template a static vector-image where the vector value at each point is a function of the motion properties at the


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Fig. 9. Dynamic expression image sequences: (a) anger; (b) surprise; (c) sadness

corresponding spatial location in an image sequence. Other detailed studies may be referred to literature [8386]. 3.1.4 Other Methods The above-mentioned methods are robust and eective for detecting faces. However, on the one hand, the geometrical, color-based or texture-based and motion-based methods show generally dierent sensitivity to illumination, pose, scale, resolution to some extent; the motion-based method is also closely related to human motion properties at every corresponding spatial location in an image sequence. On the other hand, the major diculties are inevitably encountered in face recognition due to variation in luminance, facial expressions, visual angles and other potential features such as glasses, beard, etc. These lead to a need for employing multiple methods and various techniques, i.e. Bayesian, neural networks, fuzzy logic, and others. Consequently, some researchers have integrated multiple ways so as to achieve better performance and make best advantages of them [8792]. [87] presented a novel analytically-based face recognition system where the eyes are detected using graph templates, the mouth is detected using deformable templates, and the location of the nose is found by using integral projections based on the mouth and eye locations. Using a 3D model of a head, the facial rotations are estimated in order for the system to compensate for rotation. T. Yokoyama et al. 1998 [88] proposed a facial contour extraction model in which three characteristics: global shape constraint of axis-symmetry, dual-scale ltering, and iterative initialization are considered. In [89] Jebara and Pentland described a real-time system initialized by using skin classication, symmetry operations, 3D warping and eigenfaces to nd a face. Sun et al. 1998 presented a robust approach to face or facial features detection in which utilized color, local symmetry, geometry information of human face based various models. Literature [92] introduced a pose-invariant appearance model that utilized a generic-view shape template for alignment, texture nonlinear-

A Survey of Face Detection, Extraction and Recognition


ities across views of large pose variations, and a neural network for model tting to new images. It is worth noting that there sill exists another method belonging to the category. For instance, [93] and [94] are the related paradigms. In [93], Huang et al. 1998 proposed a combined approach to face detection. They rst adopted the structure-based approach to obtaining the face location and facial components positions roughly, which is insensitive to the illumination, skin tone, and scale. Compared to template-based methods, structure-based approach could then be faster and more exible to be extended to dierent scene variation. The symmetry of front face along the mid-axle is then another information which is used for validation of face, where the texture and image feature are used. Literature [94] presented a robust and precise scheme for face detection and precise facial feature location. The structural model is used to characterize the geometric pattern of facial components. The texture and feature models are used to verify the face candidates detected before. The center and the radius of the eyeballs of a persons eyes was detected using the face detected, the structural information extracted and the contour and region information. Figure 10 in [94] showed the faces detected with eyes marked.

Fig. 10. Faces detected with eyes

3.2 Holistic Approaches 3.2.1 Eigenface-Based Method This method approximates the multi-template T by a low-dimensional linear subspace F , usually called the face space. Images are initially classied as potential members of T , if their distance from F is smaller than a certain threshold. The images which pass this test are projected on F and these projections are compared to those in the training set. The method has been rather successful for various detection problems such as detecting frontal human faces [9597]. However, it runs into problems if one tries to detect objects under arbitrary rotation and possible other distortions. In [97] Zhu et al. proposed a subspace approach to capture local


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Fig. 11. Detection process

discriminative features in the space-frequency domain for fast face detection. Based on orthonormal wavelet packet analysis, the discriminant subspace algorithm was developed to search for the minimum cost subspace of the high-dimensional signal space, which led to a set of wavelet features with maximum class discrimination and dimensionality reduction. Figure 11 in [97] illustrated the detection process. The system decomposes an entire input image into subband images which contain the discriminant features. Multiple sliding windows within dierent subbands are aligned to the same spatial location. Features are selected from multiple subbands to calculate the likelihood ratios. Face locations are reported where the likelihood ratios exceed a xed threshold. 3.2.2 Spatial Matching Detector Method This approach embraces the Support Vector Machines, various template matching methods, other discriminable Kernel Cost Function methods, and so on. [101] offerred a novel detection method, which worked well even in the case of a complicated image collection of detected images which was called a multi-template. Only images which passed the threshold test imposed by the rst detector were examined by the second detector, etc. The algorithms performance compared favorably to the well-known eigenface and support vector machine based algorithms, but was substantially faster. A schematic description of the geometry behind anti-faces in [101] was presented in Figure 12. The algorithms positive set (the images it classies as members of the multi-template), is orthogonal to the direction around which random images cluster, hence, there are relatively few false alarms. Many associative references point to [98103]. 3.2.3 Neural Networks Method Neural networks have been applied, with considerable success, to the problem of frontal face detection [104110]. A neural networks based upright frontal face detection system was presented in [105]. The retinally connected neural network examined

A Survey of Face Detection, Extraction and Recognition


Fig. 12. Schematic description of the anti-face algorithm

Fig. 13. Neural network layers

small windows of an image and decided whether each window contained a face. The system arbitrated between multiple networks to improve performance over a single network. In [106] hybrid neural method is proposed to locate human eyes. In [110] the new neural network model proposed, the Constrained Generative Model, performed an accurate estimation of the face set, using a small set of counter-examples. The neural network layers in [110] were shown in Figure 13. The use of three layers of weights allows to evaluate the distance between an input image and the set of face image.

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This approach detects faces in color images based on the fuzzy theory. [111] is a typical example of fuzzy detection category. In this paper Wu et al. made two fuzzy models to describe the skin and hair color, in which used a perceptually uniform color space to describe the color information to increase the accuracy and stableness. Furthermore, the models were used to extract the skin and hair color regions, then comparing them with the pre-built head-shape models by using a fuzzy theory based pattern-matching method to detect face candidates. In [111], Figure 14a showed an input image. Figures 14b and 14c were grayscale images that indicated the skin color similarity map (SCSM) and hair color similarity map (HCSM) estimated from Figure 14a. Figure 14d showed the map of matching degree (MMD). Some experimental results were shown in 15.

3.2.5 Other Methods This method integrates the above multiple methods and various techniques, i.e. Bayesian, neural networks, fuzzy logic, and others. In [112] three methods were developed to extract facial expression information for automatic recognition. The rst one is facial feature point tracking using a coarse-to-ne pyramid method. The second one is dense ow tracking together with principal component analysis (PCA). The third one is high gradient component (i.e. Furrow) analysis in spatio-temporal domain.

Fig. 14. An MMD obtained by comparing the skin-color similarity map and the hair-color similarity map with the head-shape models

A Survey of Face Detection, Extraction and Recognition


Fig. 15. Experimental results of face-candidate detection

4 FEATURE EXTRACTION TECHNIQUES The extraction of discriminant features is the most fundamental and important problem in face recognition. The image features generally may be divided into four groups: visual features, statistical pixel features, transform coecient features, and algebraic features, with emphasis on the algebraic features, which represent the intrinsic attributes of an image. The visual features include edges, contours, textures and regions of an image. They are all visual features of a pixel; the statistical features of a pixel are representation of histogram and various statistical moments; the transform coecient features are properties of the feature vector using various mathematical transforms; the latter represent intrinsic attributions of an image. Any image can be considered as a matrix. Therefore, various algebraic transforms or matrix decompositions can be used for algebraic features extraction of the image. In the light of the types of the above-mentioned features, there are four approaches for extracting image features until now as follows: 4.1 Knowledge-Based Method This approach depends on generic visual and statistical knowledge to extract features. So far there has been much literature concerning the problem of extracting these features [37, 41, 114]. In [113] facial features were extracted based on generic knowledge of facial components. 4.2 Mathematical Transform Method It is well known that Fourier transform, Hadamard transform, Karhunen-Loeve transform, Singular Value Decomposition, Foley-Sammon transform, Discrete Cosine transform, multispace Karhunen-Loeve transform, etc. can be used to extract features of an image. Literature [81, 114120] are correlative studies. In [115] Yilmaz


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and Gkmen proposed a new algorithm based on KLT to overcome edge problems due to illumination variation and pose change. [116] exploited the feature extraction capabilities of the discrete cosine transform (DCT) and invoked certain normalization techniques that increased systems robustness to variation in facial geometry and illumination. The Variance distribution for a selection of discrete transforms given a rst-order Markov process of length N = 16 and = 0.9 in [116] was shown in Figure 16. Data is shown for the following transforms: discrete cosine transform (DTC), discrete Fourier transform (DFT), slant transform (ST), discrete sine transform (type I) (DST-1), discrete sine transform (type II) (DST II), and Karhunen-Loeve transform (KLT). [118] introduced the multi-space KL to improve KLT when the data distribution was far from a multidimensional Gaussian and to better cope with large sets of pattern, which could cause a severe performance drop in KL. Lai et al. 2001 [120] presented a new method for holistic face representation, called spectro-face which combined the wavelet transform and the Fourier transform. Figure 17 in [120] showed the decomposition process by the 2D wavelet transform on a face image. Fourier invariant features could represent the facial features which were invariant for the rotation in the z -axis as Figure 18. The other approach is the morphological transform method. This method extracts face features by the scale-space morphological techniques which is an alternative to linear techniques for generating an information pyramid. [121123] are associated with it. 4.3 Neural networks or Fuzzy Extractor Method Park and Bien 2000 [124] used a fuzzy observer as a means of extracting features of wrinkledness directly from a camera image of a human face. The fuzzy observer in [124] was shown in Figure 19. 4.4 Other Method Literatures [125127] are associated with this method. They combined generic geometry properties and mathematical transform to extract the image features. 5 RECOGNITION TECHNIQUES After detection and feature extraction of face has been nished. Face recognition then is the last step of the bottom-up image processing approach. Research on face recognition technology has been studied for more than 20 years. It has become a new major research area in the last few years because of a number of potential applications ranging from security access control, personal identication to humancomputer communication. A number of face methods have been proposed. These methods can be divided into the following several categories which depends on the classier selection while diverse classier diers on the assumptions

A Survey of Face Detection, Extraction and Recognition


Fig. 16. Variance distribution for a selection of discrete transforms for N = 16 and = 0.9

Fig. 17. 2D wavelet decomposition of a face

about classier dependencies, type of classier outputs, aggregation strategy (global or local), aggregation procedure (a function, a neural network, an algorithm), etc. 5.1 Statistical Approach In this approach quantitative description of faces is characteristic, elementary numerical description features are used. The set of all possible patterns forms the pattern or feature space. The classes form clusters in the feature space, which can be separated by discrimination hyper-surface. The approach chiey embraces geometrical parameterization method [39, 48, 50], eigneface method [114120, 128, 129], Fisherface method [128, 130], evolutionary pursuit algorithm, etc. The use of geometrical parameterization, i.e., distances and angles between points such as eye corners, mouth extremities, nostrils, and chin top is one method of characterizing the face. A simple distance measure is used to check for similarity


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Fig. 18. (a) The direction of rotation; (b) rotation in the x-axis; (c) rotation in the y -axis; (d) rotation in the z -axis

Fig. 19. Articial neural network structure of fuzzy observer

between an image of the test set and the image in the reference set. Matching accuracies depends on the geometrical feature parameters extracted. The references denote their experimental results are not comparatively satisfactory. The deformable template method in [48], where an energy function is employed to adjust the geometrical parameter conguration also belongs to this category. Though it is a reformative algorithm, there still exist two disadvantages in practice. On the one hand, the matching process is sensitive to the values in the energy function. Hence for the input images under dierent conditions the values of elds are rather dierent, and consequently aect the matching process and result. Whats more, there is another weakness of more time-consuming and expensive computation due to using the matching process. The deformable face model in [48] was a 3D polygon mesh, shown smoothly shaded in Figure 20(a), and wireframe in 20(b) in its default conguration.

A Survey of Face Detection, Extraction and Recognition


Fig. 20. The deformable face model method Eigenface Eigenface Fisherfaces Fisherfaces Evolutionary Pursuit # axes 26 30 26 30 26 top 1 region rate 87.26 % 88.62 % 86.45 % 88.08 % 92.14 % top 3 rate 95.66 % 95.93 % 93.77 % 95.39 % 97.02 %

Table 1. The comparative testing performance for eigenfaces, sherfaces, and evolutionary pursuit (30 images)

The eigenface method is a successful holistic approach to face recognition using the Karhunen-Loeve transform (KLT). This transform produces an expansion of an input image in terms of a set of basis images or the so-called eigenimages. Turk and Pentland (1991) [129] proposed a face recognition system based on the KLT in which only a few KLT coecients were used to represent faces in what they termed face space. Each set of KLT coecients representing a face formed a point in this high-dimensional space. The system performed well for frontal mug shot images. Whereas the KLT does not achieve adequate robustness against variations in face orientation, position, and illumination. Furthermore, in practice the two main drawbacks of KLT in multi-space, including linearity and scalability problem, exist namely, the data distribution cannot be model with a multidimensional Gaussian and a linear mapping for feature extraction demonstrates its weakness; the feature power progressively vanishes since the pattern features tend to become very smooth and the training time can become daunting. Attempting to overcome these limitations, a multi-space KL as a new approach is introduced in [118]. Other literatures are referred to [114117, 119, 120]. The sherface method based on Fisher Linear Discriminant (FLD), following Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and operating then in a compressed subspace, seeks for disciminatory features by taking into account within- and between-class scatter as the relevant information for pattern classication. It overcomes one of PCAs drawbacks as it can distinguish within- and between-class scatters. Its weak-


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ness is that it requires large sample sizes for good generalization. The sherface space is superior to the eigenface space for face recognition only when the training images are representative of the range of face (class) variations; otherwise, the performance dierence between the both is not signicant. Evolutionary Pursuit (EP) is a novel and adaptive representation method for image encoding and classication. In analogy to projection pursuit methods, EP seeks to learn an optimal basis for the dual purpose of data compression and pattern classication. It implements strategies characteristic of genetic algorithms (GAs) and is similar to random search techniques for nonlinear optimization and variable selection. Experimental results show that EP improves on face recognition performance when compared against PCA (Eigenface) and displays better generalization abilities than FLD (Fisherfaces). The comparative testing performance for eigenfaces, sherfaces, and evolutionary pursuit (30 images) in [131] was shown in Table 1. And the 30 eigenfaces derived by the Eigenface method and optimal basis derived by the EP in [132] were displayed in Figure 21 and Figure 22, respectively. All details refer to [131, 132].

5.2 Feature Matching Approach This method stores feature points detected using the Gabor wavelet decomposition or multi-scale morphological dilation-erosion into data les for each image. Its identication process utilizes the information present in a topological graphic representation of the feature points. After compensating for diering centroid locations, two cost values are evaluated. One is the topological cost and the other a similarity cost. Kotropoulos et al. [121] applied morphological elastic graph matching to frontal face authentication on databases ranging from small to large multimedia ones collected under either well-controlled or real-world conditions. [122] proposed a novel morphological dynamic link architecture (MDLA) based on multi-scale morphological dilation-erosion instead of Gabor wavelets for frontal face authentication. Figure 23 in [122] depicted the grids formed in the matching procedure of a test person with himself and with another person for a pair of test persons extracted from the Multi-modal Verication Techniques for Tele-services and Security Applications (M2VTS) database. In [123] (a) Model grid for person BP; (b) best grid for test person BP after elastic graph matching with the model grid; (c) best grid for test person BS after elastic graph matching with the model grid for person BP; (d) model grid for person BS; (e) best grid for test person BP after elastic graph matching with the model grid for person BS; and (f) best grid for test person BS after elastic graph matching with the model grid. Tefas et al. [123] used support vector machines to enhance the performance of elastic graph matching for frontal face authentication. It is relatively insensitive to variations in lighting, face position, and expression and its database is easily expanded, whereas it may require more computational eort than the eigenface.

A Survey of Face Detection, Extraction and Recognition


Fig. 21. The 30 eigenfaces derived by the Eigenface method

5.3 Neural Networks Approach Neural networks can be viewed as massively parallel computing systems consisting of an extremely large number of simple processors with many interconnections. Neural networks attempt to use some organizational principles (such as learning, generalization, adaptability, fault tolerance and distributed representation, and computation) in a network of weighted directed graphs in which the nodes are articial neurons and

Fig. 22. Optimal basis derived by the EP


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Fig. 23. Grid matching procedure in MDLA

directed edges (with weights) are connections between neuron outputs and neuron inputs. The main characteristics of neural networks are that they have the ability to learn complex nonlinear input-output relationships, use sequential training procedures, and adapt themselves to the data. To date, Hopeld Neural Networks (HNN), Self-Organizing Map (SOM), Back-Propagation (BP) have been used for face recognition. [113, 104110] are detailed to describe them.

Fig. 24. Cumulative recognition rates with standard eigenface matching (bottom) and the newer Bayesian similarity metric (top)

A Survey of Face Detection, Extraction and Recognition


5.4 Fuzzy Theory Approach This approach uses fuzzy theory to representing diverse, non-exact, uncertain, and inaccurate knowledge or information. And information carried in individual fuzzy set is combined to make a decision. Processes of composition and de-fuzzication form the basis of fuzzy reasoning. Fuzzy reasoning is performed to recognize face in the context of a fuzzy system model that consists of control, solution, and working data variables; fuzzy sets; hedges; fuzzy; and a control mechanism. Many paradigms are appeared in [87, 124]. 6 OTHER APPROACHES Beside the above-mentioned approach to face recognition, some researchers also used other methods to perform the studies on face recognition, i.e., the rules of the shape and albedo of a face under all possible illumination conditions, Bayesian decision, etc. Georghiades et al. 2001 [133] presented a generative appearancebased method for recognition human face under variation in lighting and viewpoint, exploiting the fact that the set of images of an object in xed pose, but under all possible illumination conditions, is a convex cone in the space of images. In [134] Moghaddam et al. 2000 utilized Bayesian decision for the purpose of face recognition and image retrieval. They arrived at the conclusion that Bayesian method gained better results than standard eigenface method and eectively halved the error rate of eigenface matching. Figure 24 in [134] highlighted the performance dierence between standard eigenfaces and the Bayesian method from a small test set of 800 + individuals. 7 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION In this paper, we have presented an extensive review of recent research development on face recognition. Also have we focused on face recognition systems, detection and localization, feature extraction, and recognition aspects of the face recognition problem. Here we give below a concise summary followed by conclusions in the same order as the topics appear in the paper. A crucial step in face recognition system is the evaluation and benchmarking of numerous algorithms. Several important face databases and their associated evaluation methods are reviewed. The availability of these protocols which include the FERET protocol and the XM2VTS protocol has had a signicant impact on progress in the development of face recognition algorithms. We herein present a comprehensive and critical survey of face detection algorithms. Face detection is a necessary rst-step in face recognition systems, with the purpose of localizing and extracting the face region from the background. The algorithms presented in this paper are classied as either feature-based or holistic and are discussed in terms of their technical approach and performance. In the light


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of the above detailed analysis and outline, it is clear that, at present, the approaches on face detection are chiey concentrated on feature-based and holistic aspects. And it is also at least no doubt to come to the following conclusions: (1) The present face detection techniques are developing from the traditional 2D image detection to 3D image detection. (2) In a recent study of face detection systems, most of them have adopted hybrid processing algorithms to obtain better results for detection. It deeply indicates that the future in face detection will lie in the research of hybrid detection algorithms and systems. (3) The interest and research activities on the application of neural networks and fuzzy method to face detection will continue to gain attention and increasing signicance in the future. (4) More commercial applications of FRT will emerge, such as face verication based on ATM and access control, while law enforcement applications include video surveillance. In terms of image features, the extraction techniques are classied into four types: knowledge-based, mathematical transform based, neural networks or fuzzy theory based, and other. Feature extraction is an old problem in the eld of pattern recognition; however, it has been the most fundamental and important problem. Whether feature extraction is eective is always the key to solving the problem or completing the task of image recognition. It is believed that better methods for extraction will be improved to represent intrinsic and more attributions of images, reduce the information redundancy, and increase simultaneously the entropy, which will merit further recognition for better results. A multitude of techniques are available in literature [128134] for recognition. They include statistical method, feature matching method, neural networks, fuzzy theoretical method, and other. The intensity-based approaches, Eigenface, Fisherface, Support Vector Machines (SVMs), Morphological Elastic Graph Matching (MEGM), Neural Networks (NN), fuzzy systems, etc. are typical. In the meantime, MEGM, NN, and fuzzy systems are the most promising methods which will be further progressed. The eigenface is sensitive to face position and lighting variations in the images, but MEGM is insensitive and its database expansion is easier, whereas it may require more computational eort. The performance of the auto-association and classication nets is upper bounded by that of the eigenface, but is more dicult to implement in practice. Consequently, for commercial/law enforcement applications to date, only intensity-based approaches may be pursued. Methods for integrating variety of methods above should be developed, combining the latest achievements. And it would also be of interest to investigate ways to make the MEGM, NN, fuzzy systems more practical and ecient. REFERENCES
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A Survey of Face Detection, Extraction and Recognition


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Jingli is a doctoral supervisor, professor in Department of Computer Science and Technology in Huazhong University of Science and Technology in China, and member of IEEE. Her research interests include computer storage system and multimedia technology.

Shengsheng is a doctoral supervisor, professor in Department of Computer Science and Technology in Huazhong University of Science and Technology in China, and member of IEEE. His research interests include computer architecture and networking communication technology.

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