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Gerhard Ziemer

Axel Haverich

Cardiac Surgery

Operations on the
Heart and Great
Vessels in Adults
and Children

Cardiac Surgery
Gerhard Ziemer
Axel Haverich

Cardiac Surgery
Operations on the Heart and Great Vessels
in Adults and Children
Gerhard Ziemer Axel Haverich
Department of Surgery HTTG - Surgery
The University of Chicago Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Chicago, IL Hannover
USA Germany

ISBN 978-3-662-52670-5     ISBN 978-3-662-52672-9 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9

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The majority of the various comprehensive the third and latest edition of this German
textbooks available cover either cardiac textbook in 2010 [3].
surgery in adults, mostly synonymous for In the spirit of our German teacher
acquired heart disease, or pediatric cardiac Hans Borst’s honored guest’s address at the
surgery, synonymous for congenital heart 65th Annual Meeting of the American
defects. This separation of the spectrum of Association for Thoracic Surgery in New
cardiac surgery is not appropriate anymore, Orleans 1985: Hands across the ocean,
especially as the majority of children oper- German-­American relations in thoracic
ated for congenital heart disease reach surgery [4], we expanded the project of our
adulthood, potentially needing further sur- German textbook and planned for an
gical attention. On the other hand, although updated English language edition.
a rare phenomenon in the Western world, Among the authors and co-authors
cardiac surgeons have to deal with acquired contributing to the latest German edition
heart disease in children as well. (mainly from Germany, Austria, and Swit-
Surgery and catheter interventions, zerland), many had received at least part of
competing therapeutic strategies in the their specialty and subspecialty training in
beginning, have become complementary: clinical cardiac surgery or research in
interventional valve implantation may be English-­speaking countries, most of them
performed by cardiac surgeons, and aortic in North America, but also in the United
stent implantation is well established in Kingdom, Australia, and South Africa.
the thoracic domain. This development This our first English language edition
also blurred the boundaries of involved entitled Cardiac Surgery: Operations on the
specialties, necessitating close coopera- Heart and Great Vessels in Adults and Chil-
tion not only between cardiologists and dren comprises the view of 71 authors not
cardiac surgeons, but also involving vas- only from 30 German, Austrian, Swiss,
cular surgeons, radiologists, and others. French, and Luxembourgian Cardiac Units,
Furthermore, hybrid procedures per- but also from Boston, MA; Chicago, IL;
formed in parallel or in sequence with Greenville, NC; Houston, TX; Los Angeles,
open surgery and catheter intervention in CA; Miami, FL; Milwaukee, WI; St. Peters-
the same setting by different groups of burg, FL; Toronto, ON; and Washington, DC.
specialists (e.g., surgeons and catheter Starting rather traditionally, with a
interventionalists) have changed the tra- chapter on the history of cardiac surgery,
ditional field of surgery. we continue with risk scores and principles
Only a few textbooks cover such a of quality assurance, followed by quality
broad spectrum of cardiac surgery. Our control in cardiac surgery in the United
predecessors as editors, Hans Georg Borst, States, and an overview of databases in car-
Werner Klinner, and Åke Senning, started diac surgery.
this endeavor, when they published the This introduction is completed with a
first and only German textbook on cardiac section of chapters on technical prerequi-
surgery, “Herz + herznahe Gefäße” 1978 sites for cardiac surgery in which we focus
[1], the year, in which both of us (G.Z. and separately on postoperative critical care for
A.H.) just finished medical school. adults and children. There also is a chapter
For the second edition, published in on tissue engineering in cardiac surgery.
1991, now named “Herzchirurgie” [2], The major part of this book is divided
edited by Hans Borst, Werner Klinner, and into sections on congenital anomalies and
Hellmut Oelert, we could contribute as those for acquired diseases, also ­addressing
junior faculty in our primary fields of minimally invasive cardiac surgery as well as
interest. This led us to become editors of endovascular treatment of aortic diseases.

The publication of this book was signifi- References

cantly delayed due to the sudden death of
our highly valued German Illustrator Rein- 1. Borst HG, Klinner W, Senning A (Hrsg.) (1978)
hold Henkel, who had been responsible for Herz + herznahe Gefäße Kirschnersche allge-
meine und spezielle Operationslehre M.
our anatomical figures before. In memory of
Kirschner (Hsg.) Operationslehre Bd 6. Springer,
him and his longstanding contribution, we Berlin/Heidelberg/New York
had to complete this edition without being 2. Borst HG, Klinner W, Oelert H (Hsg.) (1991) Her-
able to use his artwork throughout. zchirurgie: Die Eingriffe am Herzen und an den
We thank Claus-Dieter Bachem for herznahen Gefaessen 2.Aufl.Kirschnersche
allgemeine und spezielle Operationslehre
serving as our project coordinator and
G.Heberer, R.Pichlmayr (Hsg.) Band VI. Teil 2
Ellen Blasig and Gabriele Schroeder from Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York
Springer as publishing editors. 3. Ziemer G, Haverich A (Hsg.) (2010) Herzchirur-
At the University of Chicago, we had gie. Die Eingriffe am Herzen und an den herz-
native speaker editing support from Liz nahen großen Gefäßen. 3. Aufl. 889 pp., 824
fig.,. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York
Johnson, Grace Macek, and Melanie Sojka.
4. Borst HG (1985) Hands across the ocean.

Our hope is that this comprehensive German-­ American relations in thoracic sur-
but still concise textbook is suitable not gery. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 90:477–489
only for cardiac surgical residents in train-
ing, but may also serve as reference for all
surgeons, physicians, nurses, and techni-
cians caring for patients with heart disease
of any type, at any age.

Gerhard Ziemer
Chicago, IL, USA
Axel Haverich
Hannover, Germany


I Introduction
1 The History of Cardiac Surgery............................................................................................. 3
Knut H. Leitz and Gerhard Ziemer

2 Risk Scores in Cardiac Surgery.............................................................................................. 33

Dietmar Boethig and Jeffrey Phillip Jacobs

3 Principles of Quality Assurance and Risk Management Risk............................ 67

Juergen Ennker and Tobias Walker

4 Quality Control in Cardiac Surgery in the United States..................................... 85

Matthias Loebe and Mark G. Davies

5 Databases in Cardiac Surgery................................................................................................ 95

Wolfgang Schiller and Jan F. Gummert

II Technical Prerequisites
6 Extracorporeal Circulation and Myocardial Protection
in Adult Cardiac Surgery........................................................................................................... 111
Christof Schmid

7 Advances in Cardiopulmonary Bypass for the Neonate and Infant............. 153

Richard A. Jonas

8 Cardiovascular Tissue Engineering.................................................................................... 171

Mathias H. Wilhelmi and Axel Haverich

9 Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care............................................................................................ 195

Andreas Markewitz, Axel Franke, René H. Bombien, and Ali Khoynezhad

10 Critical Care in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery...................................................................... 251

Renate Kaulitz, Allison L. Thompson, and Gerhard Ziemer

III Congenital Anomalies of the Heart and Great Vessels

11 Surgery for Congenital Heart Defects: A Historical Perspective.................... 291
Aldo R. Castañeda

12 Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connections and Congenital

Defects of the Atria, the Atrioventricular Septum,
and the Atrioventricular Valves............................................................................................ 299
Vladimir Alexi-Meskhishvili, Axel Unbehaun, and Roland Hetzer
viii Contents

13 Definite Palliation of Functional Single Ventricle.................................................... 425

Rüdiger Lange and Jürgen Hörer

14 Ventricular Septal Defects....................................................................................................... 463

Markus K. Heinemann

15 Congenital Heart Disease with Anomalies of the Right Ventricular

Outflow Tract..................................................................................................................................... 481
Gerhard Ziemer and Renate Kaulitz

16 Anomalies of the Left Ventricular Outflow Tract....................................................... 531

Viktor Hraška and Joachim Photiadis

17 Surgery for Aortic Atresia, Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome,

and Hypoplastic Left Heart Complex................................................................................ 581
Rudolf Mair and Eva Sames-Dolzer

18 Common Arterial Trunk.............................................................................................................. 597

Boulos Asfour and Lennart Duebener

19 Congenitally Corrected Transposition and D-Transposition

of the Great Arteries..................................................................................................................... 607
Sabine H. Daebritz and Michel Ilbawi

20 Congenital Anomalies of the Coronary Arteries and Coronary

Diseases of Children and Adolescents............................................................................. 641
Christoph Haller and Christian Schlensak

21 Congenital Anomalies of the Great Vessels.................................................................. 663

Gerhard Ziemer and Renate Kaulitz

IV Acquired Diseases of the Heart and Great Vessels

22 Coronary Artery Disease........................................................................................................... 721
Jochen T. Cremer, Jan Schöttler, and Grischa Hoffmann

23 Left Ventricular Reconstruction and Conventional Surgery

for Cardiac Failure......................................................................................................................... 743
Friedhelm Beyersdorf and Matthias Siepe

24 Acquired Lesions of the Aortic Valve............................................................................... 759

Martin Misfeld, Efstratios I. Charitos, and Hans-Hinrich Sievers

25 Surgery for Acquired AV-Valve Diseases....................................................................... 795

Parwis B. Rahmanian and Thorsten C. W. Wahlers

26 Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery................................................................................. 831

Jens Garbade, Sreekumar Subramanian, and Friedrich-­Wilhelm Mohr

27 Aneurysm and Dissection of the Thoracic and

Thoracoabdominal Aorta..................................................................................................... 869
Matthias Karck and Klaus Kallenbach

28 Endovascular Surgical Therapy of Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal

Disease of the Aorta................................................................................................................ 913
Ali Khoynezhad, René H. Bombien, and Aamir Shah

29 Surgical Therapy of Atrial Fibrillation......................................................................... 947

Timo Weimar and Kai-Nicolas Doll

30 Device Therapy of Rhythm Disorders.......................................................................... 965

Heiko Burger, Tibor Ziegelhöffer, and Kai-Nicholas Doll

31 Cardiac Tumors and Pericardial Diseases.................................................................. 995

Christof Schmid

32 Cardiac Injury.............................................................................................................................. 1009

Thierry Carrel

33 Combined Procedures in Cardiac and Vascular Surgery................................. 1017

Heinz G. Jakob and Stephan C. Knipp

34 Combined Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery.................................................................. 1033

Mark K. Ferguson

35 Pulmonary Embolectomy and Pulmonary

Thromboendarterectomy.................................................................................................... 1041
Stein Iversen

36 Lung Transplantation............................................................................................................. 1061

Clemens Aigner and Walter Klepetko

37 Heart and Heart–Lung Transplantation..................................................................... 1079

Bruno Meiser and Bruno Reichart

38 Cardiac Assist Devices and Total Artificial Heart.................................................. 1103

Reiner Koerfer, Sotirios Spiliopoulos, and Gero Tenderich

39 Postoperative Sternal Complications.......................................................................... 1129

Christof Schmid and Shahab A. Akhter

Service Part
Index.................................................................................................................................................... 1139


Clemens Aigner, MD, MBA, FETCS Aldo R. Castañeda, MD, PhD

Department of Thoracic Surgery Emeritus, Department of Pediatric Cardiac
Medical University of Vienna Surgery
Vienna, Austria Boston Children’s Hospital/
Harvard Medical School
Shahab Akhter, MD
Boston, MA, USA
Division of Cardiac Surgery,
Department of Cardiovascular Sciences Efstratios I. Charitos, MD, PhD
East Carolina Heart Institute Department of Cardiac
at East Carolina University and Thoracic Vascular Surgery
Greenville, NC, USA University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein
Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Vladimir Alexi-Meskhishvili, MD, PhD
Department of Cardiac, Thoracic, and Vascular Jochen T. Cremer, MD, PhD
Surgery, German Heart Center Berlin Department of Cardiac and Vascular Surgery
Berlin, Berlin, Germany University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein
Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Boulos Asfour, MD, PhD
Department of Congenital Heart Surgery, Sabine H. Daebritz, MD, PhD
German Pediatric Heart Center Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
Sankt Augustin, North Rhine-Westphalia, Heart Center Duisburg, Duisburg
Germany North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Friedhelm Beyersdorf, MD, PhD Mark G. Davies, MD, PhD, MBA

Division Cardiac and Vascular Surgery Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
University Heart Center Vascular Surgery Training Programs
University of Freiburg, The Methodist Hospital
Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg, Houston, TX, USA
Kai-Nicolas Doll, MD, PhD
Dietmar Boethig, MD, PhD, MS Sana Cardiac Surgery Stuttgart
Department Cardiac, Thoracic, Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Transplantation, and Vascular Surgery
Lennart Duebener, MD, PhD
Hannover Medical School
Department of Congenital Heart Surgery
Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germany
German Pediatric Heart Center
René H. Bombien, MD, PhD Sankt Augustin, North Rhine-Westphalia,
Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery Germany
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Juergen Ennker, MD, PhD
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Heart Center
Heiko Burger, MD Heliosklinikum Siegburg
Department of Cardiac Surgery Siegburg, North Rhine-Westphalia,
Kerckhoff-Klinik Germany
Bad Nauheim, Hessen, Germany
Mark K. Ferguson, MD
Thierry Carrel, MD, PhD Division Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery,
Clinic for Cardiac and Vascular Surgery Department of Surgery
University Hospital Berne The University of Chicago
Berne, Switzerland Chicago, IL, USA
xii Contributors

Axel Franke, MD, PhD Michel Ilbawi, MD

Department for Cardiovascular Surgery Department of Pediatric
Central Military Hospital Cardiovascular Surgery
Koblenz, Rhineland-Palatinate, Advocate Children’s Hospital
Germany Oak Lawn, IL, USA

Jens Garbade, MD, PhD Stein Iversen, MD, PhD

Department of Cardiac Surgery Klinik Für Kardiovaskularchirurgie
Heart Center, University of Leipzig Heliosklinikum Siegburg
Leipzig, Saxonia, Germany Siegburg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Jan F. Gummert, MD, PhD Jeffrey Ph. Jacobs, MD, FACS, FACC

Department of Thoracic Johns Hopkins All Children’s Heart Surgery
and Cardiovascular Surgery Johns Hopkins All Children’s Heart Institute
HDZ NRW – Ruhr University Bochum Saint Petersburg, FL, USA
Bad Oeynhausen, North Rhine - Westphalia,
Heinz G. Jakob, MD, PhD
Department of Thoracic
Christoph Haller, MD and Cardiovascular Surgery
Division of Cardiovascular Surgery West German Heart Center Essen
The Hospital for Sick Children University of Duisburg-Essen
Toronto, ON, Canada Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Axel Haverich, MD, PhD Richard A. Jonas, MD

Department Cardiac, Thoracic, Department of Cardiac Surgery
Transplantation, and Vascular Surgery Children’s National Heart Institute
Hannover Medical School Children’s National Medical Center
Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germany Washington, DC, USA

Markus K. Heinemann, MD, PhD Klaus Kallenbach, MD, PhD

Department of Cardiac, Department of Cardiac Surgery
Thoracic, and Vascular Surgery INCCI Haerz Zenter
University of Mainz Medicine Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Mainz, Rhineland - Palatinate, Germany
Matthias Karck, MD, PhD
Roland Hetzer, MD, PhD Department of Cardiac Surgery
Emeritus, Department of Cardiac, Thoracic, University Hospital Heidelberg
and Vascular Surgery Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg,
German Heart Center Berlin Germany
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Renate Kaulitz, MD, PhD
Grischa Hoffmann, MD Division Pediatric Cardiology and Pediatric
Department of Cardiac and Intensive Care Medicine
Vascular Surgery Tübingen University Children’s Hospital
University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg,
Kiel, Schleswig-­Holstein, Germany Germany

Jürgen Hörer, MD, PhD Ali Khoynezhad, MD, PhD, FACS, FACC

Department of Congenital Heart Disease Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery
Hopital Marie Lannelongue Department of Surgery
Les Plessis Robinson, France Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Victor Hraška, VH, MD, PhD
Pediatric Heart Surgery Walter Klepetko, MD, PhD
Herma Heart Center Department of Thoracic Surgery
Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Medical University of Vienna
Milwaukee, WI, USA Vienna, Austria

Stephan C. Knipp, MD Friedrich-Wilhelm Mohr, MD, PhD

Department of Thoracic Department of Cardiac Surgery
and Cardiovascular Surgery Heart Center, University of Leipzig
West German Heart Center Essen Leipzig, Saxonia, Germany
University of Duisburg-Essen
Joachim Photiadis, JP, MD, PhD
Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia,
Department of Surgery for Congenital Heart
Disease-Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
Reiner Koerfer, MD, PhD German Heart Center Berlin
Department for Surgical Treatment Berlin, Berlin, Germany
of Endstage Heart Failure
Parwis B. Rahmanian, MD, PhD
and Mechanical Circulatory Support
Department of Thoracic
Evangelisches und Johanniter
and Cardiovascular Surgery
Klinikum Niederrhein
Heart Center, University of Cologne
Duisburg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Rüdiger Lange, MD, PhD
Bruno Reichart, MD, PhD
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
Consortium Xenotransplantation
German Heart Center Munich
German Research Foundation Transplant Center
Munich, Bavaria, Germany
University of Munich
Knut H. Leitz, MD, PhD Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Emeritus, Department of Thoracic, Heart
Eva Sames-Dolzer, MD
and Vascular Surgery
Department of Cardiac, Vascular,
Krankenhaus Links der Weser
and Thoracic Surgery
Bremen, Bremen, Germany
General Hospital Linz/University Hospital III
Mattthias Loebe, MD, PhD Linz, Austria
Division of Heart and Lung
Wolfgang Schiller, MD
Transplantation and VAD
Division of Cardiac Surgery
Department of Surgery
Department of Surgery
University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital
University Hospital of Bonn
Miami, FL, USA
Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Rudolf Mair, MD, PhD
Christian Schlensak, MD, PhD
Department of Cardiac, Vascular,
Department of Thoracic,
and Thoracic Surgery
Cardiac, and Vascular Surgery
General Hospital Linz/University Hospital III
University Hospital Tübingen
Linz, Austria
Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Andreas Markewitz, MD, PhD, Col.
Christof Schmid, MD, PhD
Department for Cardiovascular Surgery
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery
Central Military Hospital
University Medical Center Regensburg
Koblenz, Rhineland - Palatinate,
Regensburg, Bavaria, Germany
Jan Schöttler, MD, PhD
Bruno Meiser, MD, PhD
Department of Cardiac and Vascular Surgery
Transplant Center Munich
University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein
University of Munich Medical Center
Kiel, Schleswig-­Holstein, Germany
Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Aamir Shah, BA, MD
Martin Misfeld, MD, PhD
Divisions of Cardiothoracic
Department of Cardiac Surgery
and Vascular Surgery
Heart Center
Department of Surgery
University of Leipzig
Cedars-­Sinai Medical Center
Leipzig, Saxonia, Germany
Los Angeles, CA, USA
xiv Contributors

Mathias Siepe, MD, PhD Axel Unbehaun, MD, PhD

Division Cardiac and Vascular Surgery Department of Cardiac, Thoracic, and Vascular
University Heart Center Surgery, German Heart Center Berlin
University of Freiburg Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg
Thorsten C.W. Wahlers, MD, PhD
Department of Thoracic
Hans-Hinrich Sievers, MD, PhD and Cardiovascular Surgery
Department of Cardiac Heart Center, University of Cologne
and Thoracic Vascular Surgery Cologne, North Rhine - Westphalia, Germany
University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein
Tobias Walker, MD, PhD
Lübeck, Schleswig-­Holstein, Germany
Department of Thoracic,
Sotirios Spiliopoulos, MD Cardiac, and Vascular Surgery
Division Cardiac Surgery University Hospital Tübingen
Department of Surgery Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Medical University Graz
Timo Weimar, MD
Graz, Austria
Sana Cardiac Surgery Stuttgart
Sreekumar Subramanian, MD Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Department of Heart Surgery
Mathias H. Wilhelmi, MD, PhD
Heart Center, University of Leipzig
Department Cardiac, Thoracic,
Leipzig, Saxonia, Germany
Transplantation, and Vascular Surgery
Gero Tenderich, MD, PhD Hannover Medical School
Department for Surgical Treatment Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germany
of Endstage Heart Failure
Tibor Ziegelhöffer, MD, PhD
and Mechanical Circulatory Support
Department of Cardiac Surgery
Evangelisches und Johanniter
Klinikum Niederrhein Duisburg,
Bad Nauheim, Hessen, Germany
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Gerhard Ziemer, MD, PhD
Allison L. Thompson, PharmD, BCPS
Division Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery
Department of Pharmacy
­Department of Surgery
University of Chicago Medicine
The University of Chicago
Chicago, IL, USA
Chicago, IL, USA
1 I


Chapter 1 The History of Cardiac Surgery – 3

Chapter 2 Risk Scores in Cardiac Surgery – 33

Chapter 3 Principles of Quality Assurance and Risk

Management Risk – 67

Chapter 4 Quality Control in Cardiac Surgery

in the United States – 85

Chapter 5 Databases in Cardiac Surgery – 95

3 1

The History of Cardiac

Knut H. Leitz and Gerhard Ziemer

1.1 From the Beginning – 5

1.2 Operations on the Pericardium – 6

1.3 Trendelenburg’s Pulmonary

Thromboembolectomy – 7

1.4 Resection of a Right Ventricular Aneurysm

by Sauerbruch (1931) – 7

1.5 The First Successful Ligatures of a Patent

Arterial Duct by Robert Edward Gross
(1905–1988) in the United States
and by Emil Karl Frey (1888–1977)
in Germany – 7

1.6 Blocked Developments

and Missed Opportunities – 9
1.6.1 Endotracheal Intubation – 9
1.6.2 Cardiac Catheterization – 11
1.6.3 Decline of German Surgery Pre-World War II – 11

1.7 Heart Valve Surgery in the Time

Before Extracorporeal Circulation – 12

1.8 History of Extracorporeal Circulation – 13

1.9 Development of Heart Valve Surgery in the Era

of Extracorporeal Circulation – 16

1.10 Development of Coronary Surgery – 18

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_1
1.11 Pacemaker, Defibrillators,
and Arrhythmia Surgery – 20

1.12 Thoracic Organ Transplantations – 21

1.13 Circulatory Assist Devices – 22

1.14 The History of (Thoracic) Aortic Surgery – 23

References – 24
Chapter 1 · The History of Cardiac Surgery
5 1
1.1 From the Beginning heart can be sure to be definitively discredited by
his colleagues.» This quotation is found in
September 9, 1896, is generally agreed upon as the K.H.  Bauer’s Aphorismen und Zitate in der
date of birth for clinical cardiac surgery. This was Chirurgie [Aphorisms and Citations in Surgery]
the day when in Frankfurt/Main, Germany, (Bauer 1972). Karl-Ludwig Schober, in his work
Ludwig Rehn (1849–1930) decided to operate on on early history of surgery of the thorax and its
a 22-year-old gardener who suffered from a stab organs, has his doubts about this being a proper
wound to his chest. He had been treated for 1 day citation of what Billroth actually said. He rather
conservatively with icepacks and camphor injec- thinks that this notion is a misquotation, originat-
tions. When the patient’s clinical condition rap- ing from hearsay or from primary mistakes in
idly deteriorated, Rehn performed a left citation (Schober 1981, 1993).
thoracotomy and opened the pericardium. He Among crucial points for the early years of
found a 1.5 cm stab wound in the right ventricle, cardiac surgery, Rehn’s experience (Rehn 1913) is
which he closed with three single stitches. The repeatedly quoted by Herrmann Küttner, who
postoperative course was complicated by fever wrote the chapter «Cardiac Surgery» for the first 6
and frank pus draining from the thoracotomy editions of the Textbook of Surgery edited by Bier,
wound; however, the patient eventually recovered Braun, and Kümmel, first edition 1912 (Schober
and was discharged from hospital. When Rehn 1993):
presented this case at the 26th Meeting of the
German Society for Surgery in 1897, he con-
»» It is important not to take shallow bites on
both wound edges, as the sutures need to be
cluded: «From now on, there should not be any tied without cutting through the fragile tis-
more doubt about the feasibility of a heart suture.» sue of the heart muscle.
He hoped his successful case would encourage
others to continue the work in the field of heart Referring to the issue of continuous versus
surgery (Rehn 1897). interrupted single sutures, Rehn clearly pleaded
Rehn’s pioneering effort was not an ingenious, for interrupted single sutures.
spontaneous flash of inspiration. In 1868 Georg
Fisher from Hannover, Germany, had published an
»» If the heart shows signs of fatigue and starts
working in an irregular fashion while the
analysis of medical discharge summaries of 452
suturing is performed, give it a rest to recover.
patients with heart wounds (Fisher 1868). He found
Therefore one should put the heart back into
the recovery rate to be 10 %. This meant not all
its original, normal position and refrain from
patients died immediately from wound to the heart,
any manipulation for some time.
which at least for some should allow for surgical
intervention. Reports on successful experimental Most of this advice is still up to date!
and unsuccessful clinical cases of stab wounds to Ludwig Rehn was a self-made man who had
the heart had been presented by Block from Gdansk not been trained at any of the leading centers for
(then Germany) and also by Norwegian and Italian surgery at that time. However, he was a
surgeons (Bircks 2002; Block 1882). ­thoroughbred surgeon who caught the momen-
The first surgery for a stab wound to the heart tum and acted accordingly. He became not only
in the United States was performed in Montgomery, the first to successfully perform cardiac surgery,
Alabama, by Luther Hill on September 14, 1902, he also was the first cardiac surgeon, who devel-
on a 13-year-old boy, who had suffered numerous oped and controlled his surgical techniques in
stab wounds to his chest. Surgery was performed animal experiments. This made him the founder
under chloroform anesthesia. One single stitch of academic cardiac surgery (Mueller 2007;
had to be done on the myocardium, and the Schmieden 1931).
patient survived surgery without complications Three other surgeons became the leaders of
(Westaby 1997). In 1903, Ricketts from Cincinnati, experimental cardiac surgery before World War I
Ohio, reported on 56 cases of cardiac sutures, with and provided the base for its further clinical appli-
success in 20 (Ricketts 1903). cation (Schober 1993; Vaubel 1980; Westaby 1997):
There has been controversy about a notion 55 Alexis Carrel (1873–1944)
attributed to Theodor Billroth (1829–1894), «The 55 Ernst Jeger (1884–1915)
surgeon who will try to suture a wound of the 55 Rudolf Haecker (1878–1957)
6 K.H. Leitz and G. Ziemer

Alexis Carrel was born in Lyons, France. After «The Current State of Blood Vessel Surgery» (Jeger
1 graduating in medicine from the University of 1914b), Jeger died in 1915 of typhus as a prisoner of
Lyons, he left France for Montreal, Canada, but war in Russia (Schober 1993).
joined shortly afterward the Department of Ernst Jeger’s main interest was experimental
Physiology at the University of Chicago, where he cardiovascular surgery. In 1913 he reported on
mainly worked with Charles Guthrie (1880– reimplantation of the renal vein into the inferior
1963). They perfected the technique of vascular vena cava (Jeger and Israel 1913). In Breslau he suc-
anastomosis. The triangle method for vascular ceeded in bridging resected aortal segments by
anastomosis developed by Carrel in 1902 is still a end-to-side anastomoses of vein grafts (Jeger 1913).
standard today. They also reimplanted limbs and For treatment of portal hypertension, he proposed
performed autotransplantations of kidneys, ova- the mesenteric-caval shunt (Jeger 1914a). While in
ries, and thyroid glands. war, he took care of vascular injuries and was suc-
In 1906 they separated; Charles Guthrie went cessful in six out of eight cases (Jeger 1914b).
to Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, In 1913, as part of a lecture at the 42nd Congress
and Alexis Carrel joined the Department of of the German Society of Surgery, he anticipated
Experimental Surgery at the Rockefeller Institute the later Blalock-Taussig shunt as a way to arterial-
in New York City. There he replaced segments of ize the pulmonary circulation, without having any
the descending thoracic aorta with caval vein idea about the clinical significance at that time
grafts, being already aware of the risk of paraple- (Jeger 1914a). Ernst Jeger’s early death was not only
gia in this type of surgery. He did experiments on a personal tragedy but also a step back for the
techniques of mitral commissurotomy and car- development of the European cardiac surgery.
diac aneurysmectomy, and he also did research Rudolf Haecker is the third surgeon who has to
on coronary artery bypass surgery. be mentioned here. As an assistant to Paul
Another one of his areas of interest was heart Leopold Friedrich in the Department of Surgery
transplantations. He transplanted hearts from lit- at the University in Greifswald, Germany, he pub-
tle animals to the neck vessels of bigger animals lished on experimental cardiac pathology and
(Carrel and Guthrie 1905). In 1912 Carrel was surgery (Haecker 1907). His experiments on caval
named the Nobel Laureate for Physiology and inflow occlusion in normothermia showed that
Medicine. After the World War I, he continued his dogs survived this for no more than 3 min with-
research on organ preservation and worked with out cerebral damage. Therefore, normothermic
Charles Lindbergh on a mechanical pump which caval inflow occlusion was defined as a method to
should support the circulation when the heart be used only for a very short period of time when
needed to be stopped for surgical procedures treating wounds of the heart. This was confirmed
(Edwards and Edwards 1974; Westaby 1997). by Ferdinand Sauerbruch and Ludwig Rehn
Ernst Jeger (1884–1915) was born in Vienna, (Rehn 1913; Sauerbruch 1907).
Austria. There he received his training in surgery The next steps in the development of cardiac
from Professor Eiselsberg and Professor surgery included success in closed-heart surgery;
Zuckerkandl. A short time after that, he went to the the heart was operated from the outer surface,
Physiological Institute in London, England, and «trying not to disturb and certainly not interrupt
then to Berlin, Germany, to Professor Bickel in the the heart’s pump function».
Department of Experimental Biology at the Charité.
In between, he spent 6 months studying with Carrel
in New York City. In June 1913 he started working 1.2 Operations on the Pericardium
as a volunteer in the Department of Surgery at the
University of Breslau with Hermann Küttner. Being At the beginning of the twentieth century, it was
a foreigner from Austria, taking this unpaid posi- not possible to treat inflammatory pericardial dis-
tion was his only chance to work there without hav- ease in the state of purulent, especially tubercu-
ing to pass a new medical examination for the lous pericarditis; the consequence often was a
German Reich. When World War I began, he had to severely contracting pericarditis leading to the
join the Austrian army and had to defend the end stage of constrictive pericarditis. In 1902
Przemysl fortress against the Russians (Schober Ludolf Brauer inaugurated what he called cardi-
1993). Just before he could publish his overview olysis: resection of the ventral parts of the calcified
Chapter 1 · The History of Cardiac Surgery
7 1
pericardium together with segments of the tho- East Prussia/Germany (Kirschner 1924). Thereafter,
racic wall (Brauer 1903). The heart was indirectly ­successful Trendelenburg operations were reported
unwrapped. The first successful pericardectomies by Arthur W.  Meyer (1885–1933) from Berlin,
were performed in 1912, again by Ludwig Rehn in Germany (Meyer 1928, 1931) and by Clarence
Frankfurt/Main, and in 1913, by Ferdinand Crafoord and G. Nystrom from Sweden (Crafoord
Sauerbruch in Zurich, Switzerland. Later, the 1929; Nystrom 1930).
technique of pericardectomy was mastered by
Viktor Schmieden (1874–1945) in Halle/Saale
and later in Frankfurt/Main, where he had become 1.4 Resection of a Right
Rehn’s successor in 1919. There he later continued Ventricular Aneurysm
to work with the internist Franz Volhard (1872– by Sauerbruch (1931)
1950), who came to Frankfurt in 1927 after having
been professor in Halle/Saale (Bircks 2002; With the diagnosis of a mediastinal tumor, the big
Schober 1993). The first pericardectomy in the mass was punctured intraoperatively. When
United States was performed in 1928 by Edward bleeding occurred, the tissue had to be clamped;
D.  Churchill in Boston on an 18-year-old girl however, it continued tearing and bleeding even
(Churchill 1929). In Cleveland, Ohio, Claude more. It eventually could be controlled by com-
Beck worked experimentally on the clinical symp- pression with a finger. Sutures were laid over the
toms and the surgical therapy of constrictive peri- compressing finger in situ and tied. Histopathology
carditis (Westaby 1997). revealed an aneurysm of the wall of the right ven-
tricle (Sauerbruch 1931).

1.3 Trendelenburg’s Pulmonary

Thromboembolectomy 1.5  he First Successful Ligatures
of a Patent Arterial Duct
In his classical work about surgical pulmonary by Robert Edward Gross
artery thromboembolectomy in 1908, Friedrich (1905–1988) in the United
Trendelenburg (1844–1924), surgeon-in-chief at States and by Emil Karl Frey
the University of Leipzig, Germany, precisely (1888–1977) in Germany
described and meticulously specified his technique
of surgery (Trendelenburg 1908). With forceps and Frey was working at the University of Duesseldorf,
a suction cannula, the trombembolic material was Germany, before World War II (Bircks 2002; Frey
extracted from the pulmonary arteries after the pul- 1978). In his book Rueckschau und Umschau (ret-
monary trunk was opened with a transverse inci- rospective look around), he writes:
sion. He argued that patients often survived
10–15  min even after fulminant lung embolism. »» In 1939 Edens, the internist in Duesseldorf
Therefore, a well-trained team should succeed in sent a 14 year old boy to us, in whom loud
saving a patient with an intervention, which in sibilating sounds were heard through the
those days only meant surgery. External cardiac chest, that made me think of an arterio-
massage would also help. Unfortunately, venous aneurysm. In surgery, we found a
Trendelenburg had no successful clinical cases of patent ductus Botalli. The loud sound
his own in Leipzig. In Jena, Germany, F.  Krüger imme­diately disappeared, when I compressed
(1878–1954) had a patient who, in 1909, survived the small communication between pulmonary
the Trendelenburg operation for 5  days (Krüger artery and aorta. As this did not show
1909; Schober 1993). Dagobert Schumacher, chief unfavorable sequelae, I ligated the short
resident with Ferdinand Sauerbruch in Zurich, passage twice with the assistance of Karl
Switzerland, summarized nine unsuccessful pulmo- Vossschulte. I did not report this operation
nary embolectomies from the literature and added immediately, as we hoped we could soon treat
three new unsuccessful cases from their group another patient in the same way, so that more
(Schumacher 1913). It was not until 1924 that the accurate data from preoperative examinations
first successful embolectomy was performed by and exact reports about changes after surgery
Martin Kirschner (1879–1942) in: Königsberg, could be presented. This did not happen,
8 K.H. Leitz and G. Ziemer

World War II came. I was told somewhat later,

1 that Gross in the United States already had
written about the ligation of a patent ductus
Botalli. He had the primacy of this surgery
(Frey 1978).

In fact, Robert Gross had already ligated an

open ductus Botalli on August 26, 1938 at
Boston Children’s Hospital (. Fig.  1.1). With
this, he started the era of pediatric cardiac sur-
gery (Gross and Hubbard 1939). While Frey
described his surgery as rather unplanned, Gross
had planned to perform a ductus closure well
ahead by working out a surgical approach with
his pediatrician partner John Hubbard in the
laboratory and autopsy room (Moore and
Folkman 1995). The first suitable patient, a
7-year-old girl showed up when Gross was still
chief resident, and his chief William Ladd like
many Bostonians was out of town taking sum-
mer vacation. With the permission of the acting
..Fig. 1.1  First ductus ligation: According to Dr. Goss’s
chief, Thomas Lanman, he went ahead. surgery case logbook #1 page 7, on 8/26/38 his only case
Apparently, so the story goes, Ladd encountered was «Ligation patent ductus arteriosus». (Courtesy
Gross shortly after the successful operation at Dr. Robert and Carol Replogle)
some sporting event. When asked how things
were at the hospital, the laconic answer of Gross
was that nothing unusual had happened
(Castaneda 1981).
Doubts about Gross’s primacy in successfully
closing a persistent ductus arteriosus are not sub-
stantiated, although published peer reviewed
(Kaemmerer et al. 2004).
In his biographical memoir (Moore and
Folkman 1995) Dr. Gross is cited to never again
have ligated a ductus after the 12th pediatric
patient, a 14-year-old girl, died while dancing
with her friends at a party for her 2 weeks after
surgery. Autopsy showed a cut through ligature
permitting massive hemorrhage. According to
Dr. Gross’s original surgery case logbook 1937–
1972 (provided by Bob Replogle, see . Fig. 1.1),
this must have been his 14th pediatric ligation
patient (of total 20), a 16 year old girl (. Fig. 1.2).
Thereafter he performed two ductus divisions
before he returned to ligation only for another
14 months up to patient number 42. Thereafter ..Fig. 1.2  On page 171 of Dr. Goss’s surgery case log-
ductus ligation became a rarity in his and his book #1 he started his special list «Patent Ductus». Adult
associates’ practice (. Fig.  1.3). Almost all fur- patients where operated at Peter Bent Brigham Hospital
ther ductus patients until his last one, number (P.B.B.H.). His 14th pediatric patient receiving ductus liga-
1610, in March 1972, underwent ductus division tion was a 16 yo girl operated on 4-4-41. Following her
lethal ductus rupture, the next two patients received duc-
with suture closure of the ends (Moore and tus division followed by patients most frequently receiv-
Folkman 1995). ing ligations for another 14 months (Courtesy Dr. Robert
and Carol Replogle)
Chapter 1 · The History of Cardiac Surgery
9 1

..Fig. 1.3  After September 1942, ductus ligation became a rarity, almost exclusively replaced by ductus division
(Dr. Goss’s surgery case logbook #1, «Patent Ductus» list, pp.174/5, Sept. 1944 – Oct. 1945) (Courtesy Dr. Robert and
Carol Replogle)

1.6 Blocked Developments the pressure ventilation, the lung is expanded and
and Missed Opportunities breathes very calmly and regularly. When the
pressure pipe is disconnected from the endotra-
1.6.1  Endotracheal Intubation cheal tube, the lung collapses.» Kuhn saw the
advantages of this method for an undisturbed gas
Friedrich Trendelenburg (1844–1924), at that exchange and superior kinetics of the inhaled nar-
time still at the University of Rostock, Germany, cotic agents, which lead to a better control of nar-
used tracheal intubation in a patient for the first cosis. In describing his experiments, he obviously
time in 1869. The rationale was to avoid aspira- saw also the advantage of avoiding pneumothorax
tion of blood and secretions during oral surgery during his open chest experiments; however, he
(Trendelenburg 1871). At the end of the nine- was not a thoracic surgeon (Schober 1993).
teenth century, other surgeons reported success- At almost the same time, Franz Kuhn was per-
ful narcosis employing tracheal intubation, like forming his endotracheal intubation experiments,
Karel Maydl (1853–1903) in Prague, Bohemia in 1904 Ferdinand Sauerbruch (1875–1951), assis-
(Maydl 1892); Viktor Eisenmenger (1864–1932) tant to Johannes (born: Jan) von Mikulicz-Radecki
in Vienna, Austria (Eisenmenger 1893); and (1850–1905) in Breslau, Germany, performed
Theodore Tuffier in Paris, France (Schober 1993). open chest surgery on a lung in a low-pressure
A cuffed rubber tube, which also had a pilot bal- chamber developed and constructed by himself
loon, was already used by Eisenmenger in 1893 (Sauerbruch 1904b, c). To avoid pneumothorax,
(Goerig and Schulte am Eich 2003). he employed a low-pressure technique he devel-
Franz Kuhn (1866–1929), working as a gen- oped, in which the patient’s head was exposed to
eral surgeon in Kassel, Germany, was a proponent normal atmospheric pressure outside the box,
of tracheal intubation (Kuhn 1901). He employed while the other parts of the body were in subat-
flexible metal pipes. In March of 1905, he mospheric pressure within the low-pressure
described his experiments on dogs as follows: «In chamber. When opening the chest in the low-­
deep narcosis the right thorax is entered. Due to pressure chamber (in which, in addition to the
10 K.H. Leitz and G. Ziemer

patient, the whole surgical team had to fit), the surgeon in Germany. In his comments he did not
1 lung did not collapse, and the patient could favor one technique over the other (Goerig and
breathe spontaneously. Sauerbruch, who got Schulte am Eich 2003; Schober 1993).
worldwide attention for this discovery, rejected High-pressure and low-pressure techniques,
the endotracheal positive pressure ventilation as as well as the insufflation techniques, illustrate the
suggested by Kuhn, which he viewed to be struggle of the different schools for the best
unphysiological (Sauerbruch 1904a, b, and c; method to avoid pneumothorax and at the same
Schober 1993). In his mind, positive pressure ven- time provide the best gas exchange during tho-
tilation represented a permanent Valsalva maneu- racic surgery. The superior solution that was ulti-
ver, potentially leading to circulatory disturbance. mately accepted, however, had already been
On another occasion he wrote, «The low pressure published in 1886 by the French surgeon Théodore
procedure creates the pressure difference (neces- Tuffier (1857–1929). Employing a snugly fit endo-
sary to keep the lung expanded) by thinning the tracheal tube, he intermittently delivered high-
air on the lung surface, while the positive pressure pressure air. This optimal French solution was
procedure increases the air pressure in the lung» only reluctantly accepted in Germany (Goerig
(Schober 1993). After a visit in New York City in and Schulte am Eich 2003; Schober 1993).
1908, bringing over his low-pressure chamber At this point we like to briefly focus on
from Germany for demonstration, Sauerbruch left Ferdinand Sauerbruch and his professional career.
it with Willy Meyer (1858–1922) at Lennox Hill After medical school education at the universities of
Hospital. He may not have liked when Willy Marburg, Greifswald, Jena, and Leipzig, he took his
Meyer and his brother, who was an engineer, later first resident position in Breslau 1903. Six days after
tried to reverse the low pressure into a high-­ he finished his PhD thesis on experimental thoracic
pressure chamber («universal chamber») with esophageal surgery, he had to attend the funeral of
having the patient’s head inside and the surgical his teacher, von Mikulicz in 1905. He went to work
team operating on the patient’s chest outside with Paul Leopold Friedrich (1864–1905) in
under normal pressure. Greifswald. Friedrich was already a respected tho-
The air insufflation method, developed by John racic surgeon at that time (Cherian et  al. 2001;
Auer (1875–1948) and his father-in-law James Dewey et al. 2006; Schober 1993). When he took a
Meltzer (1851–1920) in New  York City, also was university chair in Marburg in 1907, Sauerbruch
rejected by Sauerbruch (Meltzer 1910; went with him and was appointed Professor in
Schober1993). Oxygenation was achieved by a con- Marburg. In 1910 his reputation in lung surgery
tinuous flow of air via a small pipe introduced into made him chairman and Professor of Surgery at the
the patient’s upper airway. In animal experiments University of Zurich, Switzerland, the country of
the depth of insertion of that pipe into the trachea tuberculosis hospitals and spas. He published the
correlated with the length of survival. In 1910, the standard text book Techniques of Thoracic Surgery
neurosurgeon Charles Elsberg (1872–1948) in 1911 (Sauerbruch and Schumacher 1911). In
employed the Meltzer/Auer method successfully in 1918 Ferdinand Sauerbruch went to become
a patient at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City Professor in Munich, Germany, just in time to
(Schober 1993). Not surprisingly, Sauerbruch also receive the title of Geheimer Hofrat (privy council-
rejected the concept of high-­pressure respiration, lor) from the last Bavarian King (Cherian et  al.
as suggested by the internist Ludolf Brauer (1885– 2001; Dewey et  al. 2006). There he founded what
1951) in Marburg, Germany (Brauer 1904). In was called the Sauerbruch school, which later
high-pressure respiration, the patient had to exhale peaked at the Charité in Berlin (1928–1949).
against a high airway pressure delivered by an air- Nobody could overrule his judgement. In
tight face mask. With the overwhelming authority Sauerbruch’s defense, Rudolf Nissen stated in his
of Sauerbruch in opposition, endotracheal ventila- book Real-life in Thoracic Surgery (Erlebtes aus der
tion and endotracheal anesthesia had no chance to Thoraxchirurgie):
develop in Germany at that time. Interestingly,
both Ferdinand Sauerbruch’s and Ludolf Brauer’s »» Sauerbruch’s rejection of the endotracheal
papers were published in the same journal, both intubation today seems unbelievable to us.
receiving editorial comments by von Mikulicz- However, it was only in a small portion
Radecki, the authoritative contemporary thoracic related to stubbornness. The main reason
Chapter 1 · The History of Cardiac Surgery
11 1
was a lack of an organized management for an inactivity in progress in German medicine
anaethesia. Sauerbruch opposed the estab- occurred. This cannot be explained with the war
lishment of anaesthesia as a specialized and its consequences alone (Schober 1993;
discipline. He saw it as a step forward to the Wachsmuth 1985b). German medicine and surgery
decomposition of the discipline of surgery fell below the level of the leading nations. The North
into different subspecialties. (Nissen 1955) American, British, and Scandinavian proponents of
thoracic surgery took over the field (Schober 1993).
Looking through the congress communications
1.6.2  Cardiac Catheterization of the German Society of Surgery after 1920, the suc-
cessful Trendelenburg operation in 1924 performed
Similarly, cardiac catheterization was not recognized by Martin Kirschner and the aneurysmectomy done
as diagnostic tool. There was a lack of by Ferdinand Sauerbruch in 1931 were the only
clinical questions and therapeutic options. Werner highlights. Several reasons are named and discussed;
Forssmann (1904–1979) was a young resident in the others may be added; many of them may be interde-
hospital of Eberswalde, a small town near Berlin. pendent (Sauerbruch 1924; Schober 1993):
Motivated by a picture he saw in a textbook of phys- 55 Fear of splitting the field of surgery into inde-
iology, in 1929 he pushed a thin, well-­lubricated pendent subspecialties: The best will only
urine catheter through a cubital vein directly into his become master in a subspecialty (Nissen 1955).
heart (Lichtlen 2002). He went to radiology to docu- 55 Lack of diagnostic options (only very few
ment this experiment on himself by x-ray. His idea internists were willing to expose their
was to later inject drugs directly into the heart and patients to risky therapies).
immediately study the response (Forssman 1929). In 55 Exclusion of the German Society of Surgery
1931 he published an article about contrast images from the Societé Internationale de Chirurgie
of heart cavities with the same experimental setup after World War I.
(Forssmann 1931). The importance of Forssmann’s 55 Lack of cooperation within Germany, espe-
experiments was recognized by his chief, Dr. cially as compared to the situation in the
Schneider. He advised Forssmann to go to the most United States.
authoritative surgeon in Germany, who happened to 55 Both World wars with tremendous human
work in the close-by Charité. Sauerbruch had not sacrifice and waste of material resources and
the slightest recognition of the potential of wealth.
Forssmann’s work, and he dismissed the young col- 55 The hierarchical structure of the German
league with the words, «With this you cannot do society, in which only a few opinion leaders
anything at all in surgery.. . . . for such tricks you may had the say (Forssmann 1972).
receive your PhD in a circus but not at a respectable 55 Decline of the German language as the scientific
German medical department» (Forssmann 1972). language. Most scientific publications were now
In 1956 Forssman and the Americans André in English, a language only very few of the
F. Cournand (1896–1988) and Dickinson Richards German opinion leaders spoke (Leitz 2005).
(1895–1973), both working at the Bellevue Hospital 55 The therefore difficult information transfer as
in New  York City, became Nobel Laureates in compared to today (e.g., when the German
Medicine for their pioneering work in cardiac cath- surgeon Werner Wachsmuth was prisoner of
eterization (Bircks 2002; Lichten 2002). war in England after 1945, he was asked
whether the Germans used penicillin: He had
never heard about it before, even though
1.6.3   ecline of German Surgery
D Alexander Fleming had already discovered
Pre-World War II penicillin in 1928, and the Allied Troops used
it since 1940 routinely (Wachsmuth 1985a).
It became evident that after the stunning develop- 55 The exodus and murder of a vast number of
ments up to the beginning of World War I in scientists with Jewish background due to the
1914—a period during which the names of Ernst Nazi racial discrimination politics, which had
von Bergmann, Curt Schimmelbusch, Robert been sharpened with the law launched April
Koch, August Bier, Rudolf Virchow, Konrad 7, 1933, to restore the civil servants career
Röntgen, and Karl Landsteiner can be mentioned— with the Arian paragraph (Nissen 1969).
12 K.H. Leitz and G. Ziemer

1.7 Heart Valve Surgery as the access to the heart and the left auricle as the
1 in the Time Before entry for the digital disruption of the mitral valve.
Extracorporeal Circulation After World War II, it was Russell Brock (1903–
1980) in London who tried to treat aortic valve ste-
The first operation on a heart valve is attributed noses. Coming either from the brachiocephalic
to Theodore Tuffier (1857–1929). On July 13, trunk, the subclavian artery, or through the left
1912, he operated a patient with aortic valve ste- ventricular apex, he inserted valvulotomes through
nosis. After consulting Carrel, who was present stenotic aortic valves to relieve stenotic aortic
at the operation in Paris, France, he did not valves. The results, however, were bad (Brock
incise the aortic wall but tore the aortic valve as 1950). Horace Smithy (1914–1948) in Charleston,
he invaginated the aortic wall with the index fin- South Carolina, had similar experiences. He tried
ger, tearing the valve open in this way (Tuffier to perforate the mitral valve with a punch, which
1914). The idea of bursting stenotic valves domi- rarely went smoothly. However, five out of his
nated the surgical circles of that time. seven patients with mitral stenosis survived.
Valvulotomes and cardioscopes were con- Smithy himself died of rheumatic aortic valve ste-
structed, e.g., by E. Cutler, S. Levine, and C. Beck nosis. His paper on his surgical achievements was
but also by others (Westaby 1997). But cardio- published shortly thereafter (Smithy et  al. 1950).
scopes were never successful due to the bad Just before he died, he had visited Alfred Blalock in
viewing conditions. Baltimore, who offered to operate on him after he
Encouraged by his experimental experience would have assisted Dr. Smithy operating on a few
with animals, in 1923 Elliot Cutler (1888–1947) patients there. The first patient fibrillated after tho-
operated a 12-year-old girl with hemoptysis at racotomy and died, and Blalock refrained from
Peter Bent Brigham Hospital in Boston, further operations like this (Crawford 2010).
Massachusetts. Via a modified sternotomy, he At Hahnemann Hospital, Philadelphia,
exposed the heart without opening the pleurae Pennsylvania, Charles Bailey (1910–1993) took
and drove a valvulotome from the apex of the left his chance. After numerous animal experiments,
ventricle through the mitral valve and burst it he operated on five patients with mitral stenosis,
open. The girl survived for four and a half years, but only one patient survived (Bailey 1949). For
the hemoptysis diminished (Cutler and Levine disrupting the mitral valve, Bailey utilized little
1923). Cutler abandoned this type of surgery after knives mounted to his index finger. Due to his
further clinical treatments failed. failure, he was referred to as the «butcher of
Sir Henry Souttar (1875–1964), a surgeon Hahnemann Hospital» and was prohibited by the
from London, England, operated in 1925 on a administration of his hospital from operating on
19-year-old woman with rheumatic mitral steno- any other patients for mitral stenosis (Stephenson
sis through a left thoracotomy. Employing posi- 1997). Therefore, he in part started operating in
tive pressure ventilation and ether anesthesia, he other hospitals. At the meeting of the American
dissected the heart and inserted his index finger College of Chest Physicians in Chicago, 1948, he
into the left atrium. In this way he divided the presented his only successful mitral commissur-
leaflets of the mitral valve; however, this caused otomy case, a young woman (Stephenson 1997).
regurgitation (Souttar 1925). The women was Shortly after Bailey’s success with his first case,
hospitalized again in 1930 but died of multiple Dwight Harken (1910–1993) in Boston,
cerebral embolisms and heart failure. Massachusetts, was also successful with his first
Souttar performed mitral valvulotomy only mitral commissurotomy. When his next six con-
once, and when asked why, he explained his deci- secutive patients died, Harken decided to quit
sion in a letter to Harken: «. . . The physicians cardiac surgery; however, colleagues persuaded
declared that it was all nonsense and in fact that him to continue. In England, Russell Brock
the operation was unjustifiable. In fact it is of no reported in 1950 on six successful closed mitral
use to be ahead of time. . . .» (Harken and Curtis commissurotomies (Baker et al. 1950).
1967; Westaby 1997). 1948 was the year of the closed mitral com-
In summary, it may be concluded that the first missurotomies (Westaby 1997) (see . Table 1.1).
attempts to divide heart valves were not very suc- It was Brock, DuBost (1914–1991), and Tubbs
cessful. But these attempts established sternotomy (1908–1993) who earned the credit to have
Chapter 1 · The History of Cardiac Surgery
13 1

..Table 1.1  Closed mitral commissurotomies 1.8 History of Extracorporeal

of 1948 Circulation
Date Surgeon Location Physiologists and pharmacologists were the first
January 30, Smithy Charleston, SC, USA
to be interested in organ perfusion. They perfused
1948 selected organs to study their function and also
their reaction to certain drugs. The first device
June 10, 1948 Bailey Philadelphia, PA,
constructed for a whole-body perfusion was the
«respiration apparatus» developed in 1885 by
June 16, 1948 Harken Boston, MA, USA Frey and Gruber in Leipzig, Germany, which is
September 16, Brock London, England regarded as the predecessor of the modern heart-­
1948 lung machine for extracorporeal circulation (Frey
and Gruber 1885). Ten years later Jakoby in
Tuebingen, Germany, experimented with isolated
decisively improved valvulotomies. They devel- lungs of animals to be used as an oxygenator
oped parachute-like instruments, which could be (Jakoby 1895). In 1926 it was the Russian
transformed into two or three jawed instruments, S.S.  Brunkhonenko who developed a heart-lung
depending on the type of valve. In addition, the machine which he called «Autojektor.» His exper-
effective width of the instrument could be modi- imental device comprised two pumps, one pump
fied by an adjusting screw. It became standard to to propel the venous blood through an isolated
introduce the dilatation instrument through the lung and another pump for the systemic circula-
apex of the left ventricle. Lead by the index finger tion of their experimental animals (Brunkhonenko
introduced through the left atrial appendage, it 1928; Rukosujew et  al. 2007). Alexis Carrel and
was placed within the stenotic valve to perform the Charles Lindbergh also built perfusion devices in
disruption. The initially high mortality decreased, the 1930s, first for isolated organs only, later they
and the degree of resulting mitral regurgitation also looked into human total body perfusion
progressively diminished. From there, the closed (Edwards and Edwards 1974). An in-depth over-
mitral commissurotomy started its triumph until it view about the evolution of extracorporeal circu-
was replaced on a larger scale by the open commis- lation can be found in Galletti and Brecher (1962),
surotomy about 30 years later (Westaby 1997). Galletti (1993), and Lillehei (1993).
Bursting procedures for aortic valve stenosis, It was around 1950 when all closed surgical
as well as the treatment of mitral insufficiency, interventions to treat congenital and acquired
were attempted in the era before extracorporeal heart defects seemed to have reached a limit. To
circulation was in clinical use, but they were more introduce instruments blindly into the heart cavi-
or less unsuccessful. ties did not directly address the problem, and very
The efforts to surgically treat aortic insuffi- often did not solve it. It was every surgeon’s desire
ciency were more promising. Charles Hufnagel to perform his work under direct vision and
(1917–1989) in Washington, D.C., had the idea to therefore perform it precisely. If this should not be
implant a to-and-fro moving nylon ball, enclosed accomplished, cardiac surgery would have to play
in a cage made of firm synthetic material an inferior role within the surgical specialties
(Plexiglass) into the descending aorta. The origi- (Kirklin 1989).
nal idea to design a caged ball valve prosthesis Three experimental ways, partly underway
(ball in cage) traces back to US patent No.19323 already since the 1930s, were further pursued:
for a bottle closer (Matthews 1998). Hufnagel per- 55 Hypothermia by Wilfred Gordon Bigelow
formed his first clinical implantation on September (1913–2005), Toronto, ON, Canada
11, 1952. The ball, initially made of nylon, was too 55 Controlled cross circulation by C. Walton
noisy for the patients. Therefore, future models Lillehei (1918–1999), Minneapolis, MN, USA
contained a silicon-coated caged ball. The first 55 Heart-lung machine by John H. Gibbon
series published reported on 23 patients with a (1903–1973), Philadelphia, PA, USA
mortality of 26 %. The surviving patients showed
marked clinical improvements with a shrinking Bigelow’s approach was simple. Cooling down
heart size as seen on x-ray (Hufnagel 1951, 1954). an organism would reduce its oxygen consumption,
14 K.H. Leitz and G. Ziemer

allowing interruption of the circulation for some 1955a; Lillehei et al. 1955b). Usually an adult served
1 time to have a direct look into the heart and eventu- as the «circulation donor» who continuously sup-
ally perform a procedure. Animal experiments ported with part of his arterial blood the perfusion
showed that oxygen consumption could be only of the arterial system of a usually much smaller
reduced linearly with body temperature, when patient. The blood flow was controlled by a pump.
muscle shivering was suppressed (Bigelow et  al. The venous blood of the patient was pumped back
1950a). Bigelow also learned that an adult labora- to the donor’s venous system. The donor only
tory animal can be cooled down without risk of required his groin vessels to be cannulated. With
adverse sequelae to 20  °C body temperature. At adequate cannulation of the patient, the heart was
20 °C body temperature, oxygen consumption was taken out of the circulation, and the cardiac cavities
only 20 % as compared to 37 °C; 20 min would be could be opened for direct vision heart defect
allowed to perform controlled heart surgery under repair (Lillehei et al. 1955a; Lillehei et  al. 1955b)
direct vision (Bigelow et al. 1950b, 1969). (see also 7 Chapter «Surgery for Congenital Heart
In Bigelow’s experiments the anesthetized and Defects: A Historical Perspective», Sect. 11.2).
ventilated animals were placed on cooling blankets With this approach, Lillehei and his team set
and cooled down to 20 °C. After thoracotomy, caval the following milestones in surgical repair of con-
inflow occlusion was initiated, and the right atrium genital heart disease (Lillehei et al. 1955a; Lillehei
was opened. It was closed again after 15  min. et al. 1955b):
Survival was 50 % in these laboratory animals 55 Ventricular septal defect (1953)
(Bigelow 1950a). Bigelow presented his experimen- 55 Complete atrioventricular canal (1954)
tal results in 1950 at the annual meeting of the 55 Tetralogy of Fallot (1954)
American Surgical Association (Westaby 1997).
F.J.  Lewis and M.  Taufic at the University of Lillehei endured almost hostile opposition.
Minnesota in Minneapolis were the first to clini- Critics talked about the potential of a 200 % mor-
cally apply hypothermia and caval inflow occlusion tality, as two persons were operated upon for only
after having done numerous experiments them- one patient to be treated. But the head of the
selves. On September 2, 1952, they operated on a Department of Surgery in Minneapolis, Owen
5-year-old girl after cooling her down to 28 °C rec- H.  Wangensteen, always protected him and
tal temperature. The atrial septum defect they greatly supported his intellectual and surgical
found measured 2 cm and has been closed directly. enthusiasm (see 7 Chapter «Surgery for Congenital
After five and a half minutes, the inflow to the heart Heart Defects: A Historical Perspective», Sect. 11.2).
was opened again; the heart started beating (Lewis Hypothermia and cross circulation had opened
and Taufic 1953). Shortly thereafter, Henry Swan the window of direct vision-controlled heart sur-
from Denver, Colorado, reported on 13 patients he gery. The real breakthrough, however, only came
had operated upon in the same way (Swan et  al. when finally the heart-lung machine became avail-
1953). See also 7 Chapter «Surgery for Congenital able for support of extracorporeal circulation. It
Heart Defects: A Historical Perspective», Sect. 11.2. was John Gibbon (1903–1973) who worked his
Ernst Derra (1901–1979), University of whole professional life, together with his wife Mary,
Düsseldorf, Germany, was the first in Europe to on the development of a machine to support extra-
perform open-heart surgery employing surface corporeal circulation. As early as 1937 he could
hypothermia; when in 1955, he closed a secundum demonstrate that heart and lung would, in princi-
atrial septum defect (Derra et  al. 1965; Bircks ple, resume their full function after their work had
2002). Without any doubt, Derra and his group been temporarily taken over by an artificial pump
have set the standard in employing surface hypo- and oxygenator. However, only a few animals sur-
thermia for open-heart surgery in atrial septum vived and those only for a few hours (Gibbon
defect and pulmonary stenosis. Ranging well into 1939). Gibbon became more successful when, after
the 1960s, Derra’s group performed the largest World War II, he met Thomas Watson, Chairman
single hospital series of surface hypothermia in the of IBM, who was fascinated by Gibbon’s ideas and
world, comprising 1851 patients (Schulte 2001). promised to help him. A heart-lung machine was
At the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, built with modified DeBakey roller pumps and
C. Walton Lillehei (1918–1999) developed the so- with a grid oxygenator (Stephenson 1997).
called «controlled cross circulation» (Lillehei et al. Employing this new Gibbon-IBM heart-lung
Chapter 1 · The History of Cardiac Surgery
15 1
machine, he successfully closed an ostium secun- thin blood film which provides a rapid gas
dum atrial septal defect in an 18-year-old girl on exchange. The disadvantage of both film oxygen-
May 6, 1953 (Gibbon 1954). When his next two ators is the complicated maintenance and assem-
patients died, he retired to investigate the potential bly, which requires a lot of time and personnel.
causes of the failure of his heart-lung machine. Extracorporeal circulation was simplified
Later he retired completely from cardiac surgery when a new, less complex and therefore easier to
and exclusively worked on issues in thoracic sur- set up oxygenator, the bubble oxygenator, was
gery (Stephenson 1997). finally developed by DeWall and Lillehei in 1955
As other groups also worked on the develop- (Lillehei et  al. 1956; DeWall and Lillehei 1958).
ment of a heart-lung machine, so did C. Dennis This development was made possible by LC
(1902–2005) in Minneapolis; he, however, was Clark’s findings published 1950, who had demon-
unsuccessful with his first clinical case (Dennis strated that excess gas bubbles could be elimi-
et  al. 1951). F.  Dodrill (1902–1997) in Detroit, nated from blood by adding silicone components
who had built a heart-lung machine with the sup- to the oxygenator setup (Clark et  al. 1950). The
port of General Motors, successfully used it as a previous inability to get rid of these bubbles, to
left heart bypass in a mitral valve operation defoam the oxygenated extracorporeal blood, had
(Dodrill et al. 1952). Shortly thereafter he also delayed the development of this type of oxygen-
used it as a right heart bypass in pulmonary valve ator significantly.
surgery (Dodrill et al. 1953). When Vincent Gott succeeded in building a
In Europe, among others, Clarence Crafoord one-way bubble oxygenator and have it produced,
(1899–1984), Viking Björk (1918–2009), and Ake it made preparation for cardiac operations much
Senning (1915–2000) in Sweden (Andersen and easier and significantly less time consuming (Gott
Senning 1946; Björk 1948), J.  Jongbloed in et  al. 1957). From then on, the DeWall-Lillehei
Holland (Jongbloed 1949), and AM Dogliotti in oxygenator became a standard element in the
Italy (Dogliotti 1951) experimented with extra- setup for extracorporeal circulation until the late
corporeal circulation. The world’s second success- 1970s. IH Rygg in Denmark succeeded in con-
ful operation with a heart-lung machine was the structing a similar device (Rygg and Kyvsgaard
excision of a left atrial myxoma in Stockholm, 1958). WJ Kolff and SA Clowes developed the first
Sweden (Senning 1954). membrane oxygenators (Clowes et al. 1956; Kolff
The final breakthrough in using the heart-lung et al. 1956). They came into practical use once
machine as a routine tool in open-heart surgery appropriate membranes could be produced suc-
was accomplished by John W.  Kirklin (1917– cessfully with the reliability required. AJ Lande
2004) in the Mayo Clinic. After having visited described the first commercially available one-­way
Gibbon and Dodrill, the Mayo group decided to membrane oxygenators for routine clinical use
build their own oxygenator-pump, based on the (Lande et al. 1967). Frank Gerbode and his group
work they were shown. During the winter of later reported success with other types of mem-
1954/1955, nine of ten experiments in dogs brane oxygenators (Gerbode et al. 1967; Hill et al.
employing the new Mayo-Gibbon heart-lung 1972; Zapol et  al. 1979). See also 7 Chapter
machine were successful. The group decided to «Advances in Cardiopulmonary Bypass for the
choose eight patients to be operated upon. All of Neonate and Infant», Sect. 7.2.1 and chapter
these patients would be operated, even if the first «Surgery for Congenital Heart Defects: A Historical
seven surgeries had a fatal outcome. Four patients Perspective», Sect. 11.2).
survived, and with this the success story of cardiac Further innovations in extracorporeal circula-
surgery began (Kirklin et al. 1955; Kirklin 1989). tion comprised hemodilution, respectively, non-
The Mayo-Gibbon oxygenator represented a blood prime, when 5 % glucose or dextran was used
stationary grid oxygenator, in which the blood as reported by Zuhdi, Long, Cooley, and Neville in
passes along stiff narrowly spaced grids. Another the early 1960s (Westaby 1997). Another new fea-
principle is that of a cylinder oxygenator described ture was the integration of a heat exchanger into the
in 1953 by Denis Melrose (1953) or the rotating arterial side of the circuit (Sealey et al. 1958, 1959).
disk oxygenator described in 1956 by E. Kay and With this, the advantages of hypothermia could be
FS Cross (Cross et  al. 1956; Kay et  al. 1956). In integrated into the concept of extracorporeal circu-
both types of oxygenators, rotation produces a lation. The combination of deep hypothermia and
16 K.H. Leitz and G. Ziemer

extracorporeal circulation was developed by Hans different degrees lead to bleeding tendency, throm-
1 Borst in Germany for aortic arch surgery (Borst boembolism, fluid retention, and primary or sec-
1959; Borst et al. 1964) and by Y Hikasa in Japan ondary organ damage (Edmunds 1998). See also 7
and Brian G Barratt-Boyes in New Zealand for sur- Chapter «Extracorporeal Circulation and Myocardial
gical correction of congenital heart defects (Hikasa Protection in Adult Cardiac Surgery», Sect. 6.1.4.
et al. 1967; Barratt-Boyes et al. 1972).
A prerequisite for extracorporeal circulation
and whole-body perfusion had been the discov- 1.9 Development of Heart Valve
ery of heparin by J McLean in 1916 (McLean Surgery in the Era
1916) and protamine by E Chargaff and KB Olson of Extracorporeal Circulation
in 1937 (Chargraff and Olson 1937).
In order to limit the ischemic time of heart on The first aortic valve replacement with an artificially
one side, and still having sufficient time to operate manufactured valve was accomplished in 1960 by
on the immobilized heart, various methods were Dwight E.  Harken (1910–1993) in Boston,
developed. Ake Senning (1952) very early on used Massachusetts. He implanted a prosthesis consisting
electrically induced ventricular fibrillation. For of a ball in a steel cage. It was implanted with single
aortic valve replacement, Dwight McGoon interrupted sutures into the aortic anulus. As he
(1925–1999) utilized selective coronary perfusion thought that the aortic wall could interfere with the
employing special cannulas (McGoon 1976). In ball in the cage and thus be affected, his valve had a
the beginning many groups used intermittent double cage (Harken 1989). For the implantation, he
interruption of coronary circulation by used extracorporeal circulation at a temperature of
­intermittent aortic cross clamping. The time inter- 26 °C (Harken et al. 1960). Albert Starr (born 1926)
vals provided by this way were 15–20 min, which in Portland, Oregon, constructed a similar prosthe-
seemed to be sufficient for some (Cooley et  al. sis for the mitral position in cooperation with the
1958a). But Denton Cooley also described the retired engineer Lowell Edwards (1898–1982). Their
«stone heart» (Cooley et al. 1972). Further toler- cooperation started in 1958. As did so many others,
ance to ischemia was achieved by topical cooling they started out to develop a bileaflet valve, which,
as suggested by the Stanford group (Shumway et in most cases, completely thrombosed within
al. 1959). Simple cardioplegia solutions were ready 2–3 days in their dog experiments. Therefore, they
for clinical use as early as 1955, like the potassium had to go back to the conception of the caged ball
citrate cardioplegia of Melrose (Melrose et  al. valve, the concept used already in Hufnagel’s first
1955), the magnesium cardioplegia of Kirsch off-pump descending aortic valve implantation in
(Kirsch et al. 1972), or the sodium extraction car- 1952 (see 7 Sect. 1.7, «Heart Valve Surgery in the Time
dioplegia of Bretschneider (1964, 1980). Before Extracorporeal Circulation»).
Bretschneider’s solution was clinically tested by Ball valves absolutely did not resemble a natural
Sondergaard (Sondergaard and Senn 1967). From valve, but flawless function was more important
1975 on, experimentally proven solutions were than the shape and design. An advantage of the ball
commonly available, like the crystalloid HTK valve concept was the fact that the ball was not fixed
solutions after Bretschneider (1980) and the St. to the ring, and in this way thrombus formation
Thomas solution (Hearse et al. 1978) or blood car- beyond the ring, especially in mitral position, was
dioplegia after Buckberg (1982), which later was completely eliminated. In addition, the constant to-
modified by Calafiore (Calafiore et al. 1994). and-fro oscillation of the ball had a cleansing effect
Although extracorporeal circulation was and is on the ring. Furthermore, dogs with ball valve
an integral part of the success story of cardiac sur- implants in the mitral position showed clearly less
gery, it had to be learned that through temporary problems, and many of them became long-time
whole-body perfusion with extracorporeal survivors (Matthews 1998). The model chosen for
devices, harm can also be produced (Blackstone human use consisted of a cage of steel, a silastic ball,
et al. 1982; Kirklin et al. 1986; Kirklin and Barratt-­ and a Teflon sewing ring. After the first patient died
Boyes 1993; Edmunds 1997). The contact of blood 10  h postoperatively caused by an air embolism,
with artificial extracorporeal surfaces activates Albert Starr successfully implanted this type of ball
about five plasma proteins and five cell systems, valve in mitral position in the eight following
which through a cascade-type activation can to patients between July 1960 and February 1961.
Chapter 1 · The History of Cardiac Surgery
17 1
With the support of extracorporeal circulation, he the first time were reported in 1978, the convex-
operated through a right thoracotomy. Six patients concave valve was taken off the market in 1986
became long-term survivors, with two even going (Lindblom et al. 1986; Ostermeyer et al. 1987). A
back to work (Starr and Edwards 1961; Pluth 1991; follow-up model, the so-called monostrut valve
Matthews 1998). The original model of the Starr- (Björk and Lindblom 1985), which was manufac-
Edwards valve has been modified several times. tured out of one block of metal, therefore not
Sheathing the brackets of the cage with Teflon cloth requiring weld joints anymore, was introduced in
in order to reduce the incidence of thromboembo- response to the failures. Success was limited; when
lism did not prove successful. Only model 1260 and due to the worldwide problems with the old valve
model 6120 received subsequent FDA approval and the consecutive law suits, Shiley’s company
(Akins 1991), which entered the medical manufac- finally collapsed after a settlement (Westaby 1997).
turing environment in 1976 (Siposs 1989). Another Walt Lillehei also participated in the develop-
caged ball valve model is the Smeloff-Cutter valve, ment of tilting disk valve prostheses. In 1966 the
which was introduced on the market in 1966. Lillehei-Nakib toroidal discoid prosthesis was
Remarkable is its double-­ cage construction; the described, and it was followed in 1967 by the
smaller dimensions of the cage were favorable, improved Lillehei-Kaster pivoting disk valve
especially for implantation in the mitral position, as (Lillehei et al. 1974, 1977, 1989). Almost a cross-
this caused left ventricular outflow tract obstruc- breed between the Björk-Shiley and the Lillehei-
tion less often and to a lesser degree (Smeloff 1989). Kaster valve is the Medtronic-Hall tilting disk
Numerous artificial heart valves were developed, prosthesis, inserted for the first time in a patient
but did not find widespread acceptance or had been in June 1977. It was developed by the Norwegian
implanted only by a few, like the Barnard-Goosen Karl Victor Hall (1992, 1989) and received world-
valve or the Gott-­Daggett valve (Westaby 1997). wide recognition (Akins 1995).
Progress came with the development of the tilt- It also was in Lillehei’s laboratories where the
ing disk heart valve prosthesis. Its design concept, a design of the first artificial double leaflet valve, the
mobile disk occluder contained in a ring, was devel- St. Jude valve, was thought of. In these models
oped by Juro Wada (1922–2011) from Sapporo the suture ring as well as the leaflets were made of
Medical College, Japan, in 1966. The Wada-Cutter synthetic nonthrombogenic pyrolytic carbon. The
valve was characterized by a very low profile, in leaflets, which are mounted into articular caves in
addition it had a significantly lower-pressure gradi- the valve prosthesis ring, open up to 85° and
ent compared to all other artificial heart valve mod- allowed for almost laminar blood flow. The first
els available at that time, as the central blood stream clinical implantation was on October 3, 1977, by
was not obstructed (Wada et al. 1989). Viking Björk DM Nicoloff in Minneapolis, Minnesota (Emery
(1918–2009) in Stockholm, Sweden, visited Wada et al. 1978; Lillehei et al. 1989).
in Japan and immediately started implanting the Only a few of the 32 mechanical heart valve
Wada-Cutter valve. He compared its performance prostheses that were developed from the mid-­
with the Kaye-Shiley valve, which revealed a sig- 1960s to the end of the 1980s received FDA
nificantly higher-pressure gradient (Westaby 1997). approval and survived (Akins 1991). These are the
Therefore, Björk convinced Don Shiley to design Starr-Edwards valve, the Medtronic-Hall valve,
and build a prosthesis according to Wada’s concep- the St. Jude Medical valve, and the Omniscience
tion. Shiley was a former Edwards Laboratories valve (Akins 1991). In 1993 the Carbomedics
engineer, who later worked independently. The valve was approved as the second bileaflet valve in
result was the Björk-Shiley valve, which was the United States (Akins 1995).
implanted for the first time on January 16, 1969, in The era of homografts (postmortem-harvested
Stockholm by Björk himself (Björk 1969, 1984; human heart valves) began in 1962 with the
Westaby 1997). The original model consisted of a implantation of homografts by the Toronto group
ring with two brackets which lay within the ring (Heimbecker et  al. 1962). Donald Ross (1922–
plane, in between which the disk moved. The open- 2014) in London, England, on July 24, 1962, and
ing angle originally was 60°. The disk underwent independently Brian Barratt-Boyes in Auckland,
various modifications, and from 1976 it became a New Zealand, on August 23, 1962, performed
convex-concave shape (Björk 1978). After a signifi- the  first aortic valve replacements with aortic
cant number of fatal bracket fractures, which for homografts (Ross 1962; Barratt-Boyes 1965).
18 K.H. Leitz and G. Ziemer

Experimentally Alfred Gunning (1918–2011) and Shiley and Carpentier-­ Edwards biological heart
1 Carlos Duran in Oxford, England (Binet et  al. valves (Carpentier 1972). Warren Hancock,
1971) worked on the extraction, conservation, employed at Edwards Laboratories until 1967,
and implantation of homografts but also of developed a porcine valve, which was implanted
heterografts (Duran and Gunning 1962). They
­ clinically by Robert Litwak (Kaiser et  al. 1969).
suggested the technique Ross employed in his first Later models incorporated flexible stents (Westaby
successful clinical case (Ross 1962). As the implan- 1997). Because of transvalvular obstruction, espe-
tation of homografts was technically considerably cially in the smaller porcine bioprosthesis, a tech-
complex, Angell mounted homografts to a stent nique was devised to remove the native right
which made a mitral valve replacement possible coronary cusp, which contains in pigs a bar of ven-
(Binet et  al. 1971). Instead of homografts, Ake tricular muscle. The removed cusp was substituted
Senning in Zürich and Marion Ionescu in Leeds, by a cusp of a second animal. The first Hancock
U.K., used valves constructed out of autologous modified orifice valve was used clinically in 1976
fascia lata and mounted them on a stent (Senning (Cohn et al. 1989).
1967; Ionescu et al. 1970). These fascia lata valves, During the 1980s, the early enthusiasm to use
however, had a high failure rate and were soon glutaraldehyde-treated bioprostheses cooled
abandoned (Thiede et  al. 1971). Donald Ross in down since bioprostheses calcified with time and
1967 for the first time used the pulmonary artery the decreased durability became an established
valve of a patient as an aortic valve replacement fact (Carpentier et al. 1984). This opened up the
and restored the continuity between the right ven- development and use of stentless bioprotheses
tricle and the pulmonary artery with an aortic or a experimentally and in humans (David et al. 1992).
pulmonary homograft (Ross operation) (Ross To preserve the mitral valve in clinical mitral
1967). The first successful Ross operation in a neo- insufficiency had already been suggested by Walt
nate, employing the autograft’s growth potential, Lillehei (Lillehei et  al. 1957) and later on by GH
was performed by Gerhard Ziemer in 1989  in Wooler (Wooler et al. 1962), GE Reed (Reed et al.
Hannover, Germany in a 2.7 kg baby (Ziemer 1965), and JH Kay (Kay et. 1978). But it is Alain
1992). After root remodeling surgery at 13 years, Carpentier who is entitled to the leadership of
the autograft got finally replaced at 26 years of age reconstructive mitral valve surgery. Since 1971, he
with a mechanical valve. concentrated his work on the anatomical changes
In 1964 Duran and Gunning in Oxford clini- in mitral regurgitation and published a classifica-
cally implanted for the first time a porcine valve tion based on the involved segment of the valve. It
prosthesis mounted on a stent (Binet et al. 1971). In dates back to him developing the understanding
Paris Binet and Carpentier implanted heterografts/ that mitral valve anulus dilatation primarily relates
xenografts mounted on a stent including the first to the posterior portion of the anulus. He was the
stented mitral heterograft prosthesis in 1967 first to suggest a rigid ring for stabilizing the mitral
(Carpentier 1972). Originally, the animal valves valve anulus and developed various technical
used, mainly porcine valves, were preserved in details for reconstructive mitral valve surgery. He
organic mercurial salt solution or 4 % formalde- summarized his experience in the famous paper
hyde, from 1968 on in glutaraldehyde. Glutaral­ published in 1983: Cardiac Valve Surgery-The
dehyde was introduced by Alain Carpentier. As an French Correction (Carpentier 1983).
associate Professor of Surgery, he interrupted his
surgical activity 2 days a week to study chemistry
and discovered glutaraldehyde (Spencer 1983; 1.10 Development of Coronary
Carpentier 1989). Glutaraldehyde diminishes anti- Surgery
genicity and avoids denaturation of collagen fibers,
strengthening the tissue by intense collagen cross- The first surgical attempts to treat coronary heart
linking at the same time. Carpentier summarized: disease were sympathectomy of cervical ganglia to
«The valve substitute obtained on this way is a bio- achieve analgesia and thyroidectomy to lower
prosthesis rather than a heterograft» (Binet 1989; metabolism and, in this way, cardiac oxygen con-
Carpentier 1989; Stephenson 1997). These experi- sumption (Parsons and Purks 1937; Mueller et al.
mental and first clinical experiences lead to the first 1997). Claude Beck, professor at the Western
commercially available bioprostheses: Ionescu- Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, went a step
Chapter 1 · The History of Cardiac Surgery
19 1
further following the idea of creating collateral ves- begun. Not only new diagnostic means to detect
sels to increase myocardial blood flow (Beck and the pathology of coronary artery disease were cre-
Tichy 1934; Beck 1935). He employed mechanical ated, but also the efficacy of the utilized surgical
irritation to create adhesions between the pericar- treatment modalities could be directly evaluated
dium and epicardium. He also interposed pectoral (Sones and Shirey 1962; Lichtlen 2002).
muscle or omentum to induce neovascularization Lillehei (Absolon et  al. 1956) and Bailey
(Beck 1935). Similar procedures were reported by (Bailey et al. 1957) were the first to envision direct
O’Shaughnessy in London, England, and by coronary artery surgery with their experimental
A.  Lezius in Hamburg, Germany (O’Shaughnessy open and closed coronary thromboendarterec-
1936; Lezius 1938). To achieve the same result, tomy. Longmire in Los Angeles, California
Lezius also sewed the lung to the epicardium, a pro- (Longmire et  al. 1958), and Ake Senning in
cedure he called cardiopneumopexy (Lezius 1951). Stockholm, Sweden (Senning 1959), were the first
Arthur Vineberg (1903–1988) from Montreal, who applied these techniques in clinical cases.
Canada, went a step further when, in an experi- Rene Favaloro (1923–2000) from the Cleveland
mental setting in 1947, he implanted the mammary Clinic reported about 163 patients who under-
artery into a tunnel made into the left ventricular went open coronary thromboendarterectomy and
myocardium. To his surprise, there was no hema- vein or pericardial patch plasty between January
toma formation, as he had seen after implantation 1962 and May 1967. These procedures were per-
of an artery into a skeletal muscle in the same way. formed on a fibrillating heart with extracorporeal
So the myocardium seemed to have properties like circulation at a temperature of 30 ° C. It was pri-
a sponge. He explained this with sinusoids known marily the right coronary artery which was
from embryology. In cases of ischemia caused by treated. Twenty-eight patients died during hospi-
coronary disease, the sinusoids were supposed to tal stay (17 %). Of 94 patients who underwent
open up. He proved the existence of the assumed postoperative angiography, the result was consid-
connections by stain injections. Clinically he per- ered good in 53 (Favaloro 1970).
formed this procedure in 1950 for the first time and As these results were not satisfying, Favaloro
reported his 140 operations 1964 with a final mor- proceeded with direct coronary bypass surgery.
tality of 2 % (Vineberg 1946, 1958; Vineberg and On May 9, 1967, he implanted an aortocoronary
Buller 1955; Westaby 1997). Vineberg had his late venous bypass in a 51-year-old female patient
satisfaction through Mason Sones, who proved by who had proximal obstruction of the right coro-
angiography that most internal mammary artery nary artery on angiography. The left coronary
implants remained open and even developed anas- artery was unobstructed and fed via collateral ves-
tomoses to the native coronary arteries in 70–80 % sels the peripheral right coronary artery which
of the patients (Effler et al. 1963). had no further artheriosclerotic changes. On this
The evolution from the indirect to direct pro- healthy periphery, Favaloro anastomosed the
cedures in coronary surgery would not have been bypass vein. Twenty days later, the patient under-
possible without the development of coronary went postoperative coronary angiography. The
angiography by Mason Sones (1918–1985) at the aortocoronary artery venous bypass was open
Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio. Before 1959 (Favaloro 1968, 1970). Between May 1967 and
coronary arteries were visualized only nonselec- December 1968, 171 coronary artery venous
tively by injecting contrast through a catheter bypass surgeries were performed. From this point
positioned in the aortic root. On October 30, on, the success story of coronary artery bypass
1958, the catheter migrated unnoticed into the surgery took off. Favaloro summarized the advan-
right coronary artery during contrast injection tages of the bypass graft technique as follows:
and an image was taken; the error was only 55 Low mortality
noticed after the angiography film was developed 55 Accessibility of all regions of the coronary
and ready to be inspected. The patient went artery system and hence
through the nonvoluntary maneuver without sub- 55 Enlarging the indication for coronary surgery
jective or even objective harm (Westaby 1997).
After repetition of direct coronary angiography Next to Favaloro, it is Dudley Johnson from
on 1,020 patients, Sones stated correctly that now Milwaukee, Wisconsin, who was part of the inau-
the era of selective coronary angiography had guration of routine coronary surgery. In 1969 he
20 K.H. Leitz and G. Ziemer

reported on 301 coronary patients whom he had Off-pump resections of ventricular aneurysms
1 operated upon since February 1967 and who in by simply applying big clamps between aneurys-
most cases received a vein graft (Johnson et al. mal sac and left ventricle were described by Likoff
1969). His conclusions were similar to Favaloro’s. and Bailey (1955). It was Denton Cooley in 1957
Johnson noted that there have been others who who for the first time employed extracorporeal
reported on sporadic cases of coronary artery circulation to resect a ventricular aneurysm
bypass surgery between 1962 and 1967. But none (Cooley et  al. 1958b). A further development in
of these publications had any influence on further cardiac aneurysm surgery came from Vincent
development. Among those, for example, was a Dor, Monte Carlo, Monaco, who suggested an
venous bypass to the left anterior descending cor- endocardial patch plasty to maintain and receive a
onary artery in 1964, which, however, was better remodeling of the heart leading to improved
reported only much later (Garret et al. 1973). function (Dor et al. 1989).
Originally, coronary bypass surgery favored The first closure of a postinfarction ventricu-
vein grafts. Years later, Loop and Lytle, also from lar septal defect was performed by Cooley in 1957
the Cleveland Clinic, demonstrated the superior- (Cooley et  al. 1957). The early operations were
ity of arterial grafts. Consequently, this made arte- performed only on hemodynamically stable
rial revascularization the technique of choice, patients through an incision in the right ventricle.
especially in young patients (Loop et  al. 1986; Later on, emergency patients with huge left to
Lytle et  al. 2004). The use of the internal mam- right shunts were also operated on. Heimbecker
mary artery as a bypass graft was reported as early et  al. (1968), Dagett et  al. (1970, Dagett (1990),
as 1967 by Vasilii Kolesov from St. Petersburg, Kitamura et al. (1971), and David et al. (1972) are
Russia. He operated through a left thoracotomy among those who developed the techniques cur-
on the beating heart without extracorporeal circu- rently used with incision through the infarcted
lation. Donald Effler (1915–2004), cardiac area and application of synthetic patch material.
surgeon-­in-chief at Cleveland Clinic, discussed
this technique and suggested a pre- and postop-
erative angiographic control (Kolessov 1967). In 1.11 Pacemaker, Defibrillators,
the United States, Goetz, Bailey, and Green worked and Arrhythmia Surgery
using the mammary artery (Borst and Mohr
2001). But its widespread use started only after the P.M.  Zoll opened the modern era of pacemaker
convincing publication out of the Cleveland therapy in 1951, when he treated Adam-Stokes
Clinic. The radial artery as a bypass graft was syndrome with externally applied stimulation
brought into discussion by Carpentier in 1973 (Zoll 1952). He fixed electrodes precardially to
(Carpentier and Guernonprez 1973). Because of the skin and stimulated the heart with intermit-
frequently seen graft spasms, the radial artery did tent electrical impulses. Skin changes were caused
not gain acceptance at the beginning, but rather and patients complained about bad pain.
experienced a renaissance in recent years. An important push to the development of
Following Dudley Johnson’s dictum: «anasto- pacemarkers came from Lillehei’s group in
moses on small vessels can’t be performed on a Minneapolis. Following VSD surgery, they repeat-
moving object» (Johnson et  al. 1969), it was edly had to deal with the problem of complete AV
through the late 1990s that employing extracor- block. In experiments on dogs, they created com-
poreal circulation in coronary surgery seemed to plete heart block and applied low voltage current.
be mandatory. Nevertheless, there were already This leads to continuous heart beats again and
large off-pump coronary surgery series reported reestablished normal blood pressure.
showing acceptable results (Buffolo et  al. 1985). Lillehei immediately put this laboratory expe-
SIRS (systemic inflammatory response syndrome) rience into clinical practice. He must have been
frequently is a response of the immune system to the first to implant temporary pacemaker wires
blood contact with artificial surfaces. In order to on the right ventricle. They could be removed by
avoid SIRS whenever possible, many groups simply pulling them once postoperatively the
almost exclusively embarked on off-pump coro- patient’s heart rhythm was stabilized. Lillehei also
nary surgery (Calafiore et al. 1996; Subramanian realized that wires could be introduced through
1997; Borst and Mohr 2001). cannulas into the closed chest and placed on the
Chapter 1 · The History of Cardiac Surgery
21 1
right ventricle, so that patients with Adam-Stokes designed for the surgical therapy of arrhythmias
syndrome could be helped without further surgi- became obsolete. The complex surgical procedures
cal interventions (Westaby 1997). Together with for atrial fibrillation, developed by Gerard
Earl Bakken, he built a pacemaker generator as Guiraudon in France and by James Cox in St. Louis,
big as a cigarette box, which could be carried Missouri, the so-called Maze procedure, under-
around outside the body. Attached to suspenders, went multiple variations following the develop-
it hung over the shoulder. The steel wires being ment of various ablation devices (see 7 Chapter
connected to the right ventricle and transmitting «Surgical Therapy of Atrial Fibrillation», Sect. 29.6).
the impulse were isolated with Teflon (Lillehei
et  al. 1960). In this way pain and skin changes
which annoyed Zoll’s patients were eliminated. 1.12 Thoracic Organ
The first totally implantable pacemaker was Transplantations
inserted by Senning and Elmquist in 1958  in
Stockholm, Sweden (Elmquist and Senning 1959). After initial experimental work by Carrel and
The electrical switch had been embedded in epoxy Guthrie (1905), Demichov (1962), and Mann et al.
resin. The patient had a total AV block with fre- (1933), Richard Lower (1930–2008) and Norman
quent Adam-Stokes attacks. As the quicksilver bat- Shumway (1923–2006) at Stanford University in
teries used at that time had a short life span, a California developed the experimental foundation
patient might have to experience quite a lot of bat- for clinical heart transplantation (Lower and
tery changes. In the United States, it was William Shumway 1960; Lower et al. 1962). Starting from
Chardack in 1960 who implanted the first pace- the experiments on surface cooling for myocardial
maker in Buffalo, NY (Chardack et al. 1960). He protection, they perfected the surgical technique of
worked together with Wilson Greatbatch, an elec- orthotopic heart transplantation. With the recipi-
trical engineer. Other types of implantable pace- ent animal being on extracorporeal circulation in
makers were developed by Zoll in 1960 (Zoll and mild hypothermia for excision of the «sick» heart,
Linenthal 1960). A further milestone in pace- they developed the technique of leaving portions of
maker therapy was the development of tranvenous the posterior wall of the left and right atrium as a
electrodes, which avoided surgery to expose the cuff to be anastomosed to the donor heart.
right ventricle. Both in 1962 it was Parsonnet in Thereafter, aorta and pulmonary artery were anas-
the United States (Parsonnet et  al. 1962) and tomosed. Some of their experiments were auto-
Ekestrom and Lagergren in Sweden (Ekestrom transplantations; others were heterotopic
et al. 1962) who were the first to implant transve- transplantations in dogs. When in 1967 they got
nous electrodes. Not only the demand function in the first dogs to survive more than 250 days with
1964 but also the principle of bifocal, AV-­ the aid of immunosuppressive drugs (azathioprine,
sequential stimulation in 1969, was developed by cortisone), they thought to be ready for the first
Castellanos et al. (1964) and Berkovitz et al. (1969). clinical heart transplantation (Lower et al. 1965).
The cumbersome short life spans of pace- The first homologous human heart transplan-
maker generators could be significantly prolonged tation in the world took place on December 3,
when W Greatbatch developed lithium batteries, 1967; however, it was not performed at Stanford
which have a life span five to ten times longer than University, California, but at Groote Schuur
quicksilver batteries (Greatbatch et al. 1978). Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa. The donor
The first implantable defibrillator (automatic was a young woman who died from a car accident,
internal cardioverter/defibrillator: AICD) was the recipient was a 54-year-old grocer named
implanted by M Mirowsky at Johns Hopkins Louis Washkansky, who had end-stage ischemic
Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland (Mirowsky et al. cardiomyopathy after multiple myocardial infarc-
1980). The first systems required a thoracotomy to tions, being considered inoperable by various
implant patch electrodes on the heart; however, authorities. He was in irreversible heart failure.
from 1991 on the transvenous implantation After donor brain death was confirmed, the trans-
became possible (Moore et al. 1991). plantation process started, in which a team of 30
As a result of the rapid development in pace- people under the leadership of Christiaan Barnard
maker and defibrillator technology, including less (1922–2001) participated. Before this, Barnard
invasive catheter methods, many of the techniques had visited Richard Lower’s laboratory to get first-
22 K.H. Leitz and G. Ziemer

hand information about the transplantation tech- sporin A, which was available to the Stanford
1 nique developed by Shumway and Lower, the group in 1980 (Oyer et al. 1983).
technique he employed (Barnard 1967). 55 The concept of retransplantation for acute
After the donor heart was cooled to 16 °C, it and chronic rejection was established
was put in 10° cold saline and transported to the ­(Copeland et al. 1977).
next door recipient operating room, where it was
perfused with blood. The ischemic time was Due to the new facilitating supportive fea-
4  min. Barnard described the moment after he tures, the number of heart transplantations rose
had excised the diseased recipient’s heart that for up to almost 4,500 worldwide cases in 1995. By
the first time in his life he looked into an empty that time, heart transplantation had become an
chest (Schmid et  al. 2003). Louis Washkansky established surgical treatment for end-stage car-
died on December 21, 1967, of pneumonia. diac failure (see 7 Chapter «Heart and Heart-Lung
The second heart transplantation in the world Transplantation», Sect. 37.1.1).
was performed 3 days later, on December 6, 1967, The first attempts of combined heart and lung
by A.  Kantrovitz at Maimonides Hospital in transplantation were undertaken 1968 by Cooley,
Brooklyn, New  York. But the recipient, a 2-day-­ 1969 by Lillehei, and 1981 by Barnard.They all
old baby, died immediately after the operation were not successful (Westaby 1997). It was Bruce
(Schmid et al. 2003). Reitz in Stanford, California, who, after exhaus-
On January 2, 1968, Barnard transplanted the tive animal experiments on monkeys (Reitz et al.
heart of an organ donor who died of subarach- 1980) based on Castañedas heart-lung autotrans-
noid bleeding to the 58-year-old dentist Philip plantation experiments in baboons (Castañeda
Blaiberg. Blaiberg survived for 18  months. He et al. 1972), succeeded in applying this surgery on
finally died of chronic rejection (Westaby 1997). a 45-year-old woman with primary pulmonary
Soon thereafter, other heart surgeons followed hypertension on March 9, 1981. The woman was
with their first clinical heart transplantations: extubated 48  h after surgery and survived for
Shumway in Stanford; again Kantrovitz in more than 5 years. Reitz’s second patient, who had
Brooklyn; Sen in Bombay, India; Cabrol in Paris, Eisenmenger’s syndrome caused by a VSD, was a
France; Ross in London, England; and indepen- long-term success, also (Reitz et al. 1982).
dently Cooley as well as DeBakey, both in The first isolated lung transplantation was per-
Houston, Texas. The results of the more than 100 formed by James Hardy in 1963. His patient died
patients transplanted within a year after Barnard’s 7 days after surgery (Hardy et al. 1963). More suc-
first operation were very poor. More than 60 cess had Fritz Dermon (Dermon et al. 1971) from
patients died within the first postoperative week; Belgium, whose patient survived for 10  months.
average survival for the remaining patients was The final scientific and clinical breakthrough in
less than 30 days (Westaby 1997). The problems of lung transplantation surgery was achieved by Joel
indications, definition of brain death, myocardial Cooper’s group in Toronto, Canada. They reported
protection, as well as rejection and its diagnosis on two patients who had returned to normal life
diminished the initial enthusiasm. Most of these activities after surgery and survived lung trans-
problems were solved in the following years, plantation 14 and 26 months (Cooper et al. 1986).
mainly by the Stanford group: Since then, the number of lung transplantations
55 Exclusion criteria for heart transplantation performed yearly has progressively risen all over
were specified (Jamieson et al. 1982). the world. In 2013, lung transplantation was per-
55 Transvenous biopsy was introduced for rejec- formed in more than 4000 patients (see 7 Chapter
tion diagnosis (Caves et al. 1973). «Lung Transplantation», Sect. 36.1, . Table 36.1).
55 New concepts for myocardial protection made
long-distance organ procurement possible.
Ischemia of up to 4 h could be accepted 1.13 Circulatory Assist Devices
(Thomas et al. 1978).
55 Improvement of immunosuppressive medica- The idea of mechanical circulatory assist devices is
tion, first by human antithymocyte globulin old. Different approaches were followed. The con-
with introduction of T-cell monitoring (Bieber cept of diastolic augmentation to improve coronary
et al. 1976), thereafter by introduction of cyclo- perfusion was developed in experimental animal
Chapter 1 · The History of Cardiac Surgery
23 1
studies by the brothers Kantrowitz (1953) and two more patients (Campbell et  al. 1988). PE
Kantrowitz and Kinnen (1958). Internal counter- Oyer in Stanford did the first successful «bridge
pulsation was employed by Claus and coworkers to transplant», when he successfully trans-
(1961). Thereby the blood was aspirated from the planted a heart after having implanted a
aorta during systole and injected back during dias- Novacor left heart assist system before (Portner
tole. With modifications and, most importantly, the et  al. 1985), see also 7 Chapter «Cardiac Assist
availability of inflatable latex balloons, Moulopoulos Devices and Total Artificial Heart», Sect. 38.2.
and coworkers succeeded in 1962 in the develop- The patient Barney Clark was the first to
ment of the intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) undergo a complete artificial orthotopic heart
(Moulopoulos et al. 1962). Inflating and deflating replacement. In December 1982, a Jarvik Type 7
of gases, at first C02, later helium, were ECG trig- total artificial heart was implanted in the
gered. The first clinical successes were reported by University of Utah by William DeVries. The
Kantrowitz in 1968 (Kantrowitz et al. 1968). Since patient was extubated on the second postopera-
1979, the Seldinger technique allowed insertion of tive day, but he died on the 112th postoperative
the IABP balloon pump from the periphery day after multiple, mostly thromboembolic, com-
through the femoral artery (Bregman and plications (De Vries et al. 1984; Westaby 1997).
Cassarella 1980). The intra-aortic balloon pump, in The idea of using peripheral muscles to aug-
addition to increasing coronary perfusion in dias- ment cardiac performance came from Kantrowitz
tole, also causes systolic afterload reduction. and MiKinnen (1958). But the idea could only be
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation realized once the fatigability of peripheral muscles
(ECMO), developed by Hill et al. (1972) and Zapol was understood and managed (Macoviak et  al.
et  al. (1979) and modified by Gattinoni (Pesenti 1982). Of same importance was the knowledge to
et al. 1993), is another principle for treating post- correctly stimulate the skeletal muscle
cardiotomy heart failure. The ECMO principle is a (Drinkwater et al. 1980). The first one to apply the
long-term extracorporeal circulatory and respira- cardiomyoplasty clinically was Carpentier in 1985
tory support, derived from its use during cardiac with a transformed latissimus dorsi muscle
surgery. As left ventricular afterload cannot be wrapped around the heart (Carpentier and
reduced with the ECMO system alone, the combi- Chachques 1985). See also 7 Chapter «Left
nation of both support systems, ECMO and IABP, Ventricular Reconstruction and Conventional Surgery
has been suggested (Bavaria et al. 1990). for Cardiac Failure», Sect. 23.3.4.
The first realistic attempts to replace the heart
with an artificial implant are attributed to Willem
Kolff and his coworkers T. Akutsu and Y. Nose at 1.14 The History of (Thoracic) Aortic
the Cleveland Clinic. They implanted in the mid-­ Surgery
1960s four-chambered air-driven artificial hearts
into calves in an orthotopic position. The animals The first surgeons who concentrated their efforts
could be kept alive for more than 24  h. In 1967 on the thoracic aorta and its branches were HB
Kolff became head of the Division of Artificial Shumacker (1947), Henry Swan et al. (1950), Henry
Organs and Institute for Biomedical Engineering Bahnson (1953), as well as Michael DeBakey and
at the University of Utah. He worked with Kwan-­ Denton Cooley (1953). The first infrarenal aortic
Gett and Robert Jarvik on the design of a com- aneurysm was resected by Charles DuBost in 1951
pletely implantable artificial heart (Westaby 1997). (DuBost et  al. 1952). They all replaced the aortic
In Houston, Texas, Domingo Liotta (born segments resected with aortic tube homografts.
1924) designed artificial ventricles, planned to The first synthetic tube graft, made from
be used as pumps for extracorporeal circulation Vinyon-­ N, was implanted in 1952 by Arthur
or as an artificial heart. Already in 1966 Michael Voorhees (1921–1991) at Columbia University in
DeBakey (1908–2008) successfully employed New  York, NY (Voorhees et  al. 1952). They had
an artificial Liotta ventricle as part of a left heart found that synthetic grafts were accepted by the body
bypass in a 37-year-old woman for postcardiot- as a vessel substitute, when the material used had a
omy heart failure. After 10 days, she was weaned rather porous structure and was biologically indiffer-
off bypass and became a long-term survivor ent. Around the same time, DeBakey started using
(DeBakey 1971). DeBakey was successful with Dacron, with the first grafts being manufactured
24 K.H. Leitz and G. Ziemer

on  a household sewing machine (DeBakey et  al. References

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Chapter 1 · The History of Cardiac Surgery
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33 2

Risk Scores in Cardiac

Dietmar Boethig and Jeffrey Phillip Jacobs

2.1 What Is a Score? – 34

2.2 Prominent Risk Scores in Cardiac Surgery – 34

2.2.1 S ociety of Thoracic Surgeons Score – 34
2.2.2 EuroSCORE – 35
2.2.3 German Quality Assurance: Aortic Valve
Replacement and Coronary Artery
Bypass Scores (KCH-SCORE 3.0) – 35
2.2.4 Risk Adjustment in Congenital Heart
Surgery, 1st Version (RACHS-1) – 36
2.2.5 The Aristotle Score – 39
2.2.6 The STS–EACTS Congenital Heart Surgery
Mortality Score (STAT Mortality Score) – 41

2.3 Appropriate Use of Risk Scores – 53

2.3.1  omparison of Therapy – 53
2.3.2 Quality Monitoring – 53
2.3.3 Inadequate Score – 61
2.3.4 Manipulation – 61
2.3.5 Usefulness – 62
2.3.6 External (Third Party) Versus Internal
(Within Medical Associations) Quality Assurance – 62
2.3.7 Publication – 63

2.4 Summary – 63

References – 63

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_2
34 D. Boethig and J.P. Jacobs

2.1 What Is a Score? propensity scores applying Cox´ regression (Cox

1972) with treatment as endpoint permits within
Scores can influence the ultimate survival of certain limits a kind of «retrograde randomiza-
2 patients. For example, the urgency of need for tion». Meanwhile the number of citations for
hepatic transplantation is determined by scores «­propensity score» AND «cardiac surgery» in
(Asrani and Kim 2010). Scores also can influence PubMed exceeds 500.
survival of hospitals or departments. If the scores Scores are the subject of the following chapter.
of performance of a hospital or department are This chapter describes six widely used scores,
considered too low, they are at risk for closure. three for patients with acquired cardiac disease
Therefore, scores can be rather important. The and three for patients with congenital cardiac
term «score,» however, can have multiple mean- ­disease. Several other risk stratification models
ings. The following chapter tries to define the have been applied in cardiac surgery (Nilsson
appropriate interpretation of the word «score,» et  al. 2006 and Parsonnet 1995). Some remarks
explains various ways of constructing scores, and are provided about the ­appropriate use of scores
provides orientation about scores currently used and some of the potential limitations of these
in the field of cardiothoracic surgery. scores.
Generally speaking, «score» means a simplified
method of counting. The Old English word «scoru»
is derived from Norwegian and means «twenty» 2.2  rominent Risk Scores
(7 Later on, a notch in a in Cardiac Surgery
stick, made as a mark to remember a certain num-
ber of counted items, e.g., 20 sheep, was called a 2.2.1  ociety of Thoracic Surgeons
score. Today, the word «score» has a wide variety of Score
meanings. The multiple interpretations today com-
prise such different domains as the instructions for The Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) database
playing a piece of music, a vote in sporting compe- is one of the largest cardiac surgical databases in
titions, a container of fruit, or the sum of points the world and receives data from over 90 % of the
achieved points in a game on a computer. Of units performing cardiac surgery in the USA. The
specific relevance to this chapter, probabilities for total number of included operations amounts to
mortality (Abel 1993) and other classifications of more than 5.3 million. Around 250,000 cardiac
humans are summarized or characterized by scores, surgery procedures are added each year. STS uses
which can be used to simplify more extensive one of the largest surgical audit programs in the
descriptions (Lee et al. 2006, Harrell 2001, Hosmer world to assure accuracy and completeness of
and Limeshow 2000, Tischendorf et al. 2007). data in the STS databases.
In cardiac surgery, scores mainly classify After entering the data (risk factors) from a
patients according to certain symptoms, labora- specific patient, the risk calculator of the STS
tory values, or other properties and aim to estimate ­website (7
the risk for an adverse event such as mortality, de.aspx) will calculate the risk for mortality and a
renal failure, or complicated wound healing series of complications for patients receiving coro-
(Overman et al. 2013). Scores can be used to group nary artery bypass grafts and/ or aortic or mitral
patients according to a comparable risk for events valve replacement or repair.
(Budoff et al. 2007, Higgins et al. 1992, Tu et al. The following probabilities are calculated
1995). A good score predicts results reliably (good from STS database entries:
calibration) and differentiates well between 55 Mortality
patients with higher and lower risk (good discrimi- 55 Morbidity or mortality
nation). Clinicians like scores that are easy to cal- 55 Length of stay more than 14 days
culate, easy to interpret, and are both applicable 55 Length of stay less than 14 days
and relevant for many patients. 55 Permanent stroke
Propensity scores are a statistical method orig- 55 Prolonged ventilation time
inally introduced by Rosenbaum and Rubin 55 Deep sternal wound infection
(1983) and re-presented to the community of 55 Renal failure
­cardiac surgeons by Blackstone (2002): calculating 55 Reoperation
Chapter 2 · Risk Scores in Cardiac Surgery
35 2
Risk determination is accomplished via logistic mortality risk can be requested interactively on the
regression models that base on roughly 500,000 website (7
STS data sets entered between 1/2002 and 12/2006. The revised version no longer recommends
the use of an additive model. A continuous pro-
spective data harvesting of the EuroSCORE
The STS risk calculator has by far the largest
study group at selected centers has finished
underlying database for its risk models. Some
recently a recalibration. A sentinel group of hos-
of the specific prediction—at least for mitral
pitals is continuously observed and will trigger
valve operations—cannot to be obtained
the next recalibration if their mortality rates
diverge too far from the currently observed
ones. The calculator website mentioned above is
followed by a one-­page section of definitions
section that contains:
With a limited effort of entry of data, the 1. Short definitions of various items.
internet-­based STS risk calculator is suitable to 2. A listing of the choices for some items with
obtain reliable predictions for individual multiple answers.
cardiac surgical patients for the most frequent 3. A calculator for estimation of creatinine
operations. Immediately after data entry, the clearance from the level serum creatinine, age,
calculated ­probabilities for mortality of a height, and weight (according to
variety of potential morbidities are provided. Cockroft-­Gault). (If present, the user can
enter the creatinine clearance directly.)

A detailed description of how to calculate the

2.2.2 EuroSCORE score is given in the paper of Nashef et al. (2012)
This paper provides:
The EuroSCORE (European System for Cardiac 1. The factor weights for a total of 29 status
Operative Risk Evaluation; Nashef et  al. 1999; descriptions
7 predicts the 2. The constant of the final regression model
in-hospital mortality risk after cardiac surgery. 3. A detailed calculation instruction
The score was constructed to be applicable on a
large fraction of cardiac surgery patients, such as:
55 CABG The EuroSCORE II is useful if one intends to
55 Valve repair or replacement estimate mortality of a broad range of cardiac
55 Replacement of part of the aorta surgery patients, especially if the patient
55 Repair of a structural defect group is large and thus manual data entry into
55 Maze procedure a website is challenging. Another advantage is
55 Resection of a cardiac tumor its recent recalibration to current results of
surgery and the continuous surveillance for
Originally derived from 19,030 data sets of the necessity of future recalibration.
numerous European clinics in 1995, the
EuroSCORE database was updated in October
2011 (22,000 data sets). It is a robust, simple-to-
use, and reliable tool to estimate mortality after 2.2.3  erman Quality Assurance:
cardiac and intrathoracic aortic surgery. Eighteen Aortic Valve Replacement
well defined and easily available factors are entered. and Coronary Artery Bypass
The resulting risk is returned either by addition of Scores (KCH-SCORE 3.0)
risk points (additive model, old version) or by
inclusion of the factors in a regression model The section for cross-sectoral quality assurance
(regression model, new model). The latter can be in  health care, SQG, of the AQUA-Institut
programmed on the user’s computer (for larger (Göttingen, Germany) regularly evaluates a virtu-
data sets), because the complete model is ally complete data set (98.8 %) of all German iso-
published. Alternatively, the EuroSCORE risk of lated coronary artery bypass grafting procedures,
36 D. Boethig and J.P. Jacobs

isolated aortic valve replacements, and the combi- 2.2.4  isk Adjustment in Congenital
nation of both (n = 66,365  in 2011), as well as Heart Surgery, 1st Version
transplantations of the heart, lungs, and both. The (RACHS-1)
2 institution uses a set of well-defined risk fac-
tors.  A random validation of source data was RACHS-1 (Jenkins et  al. 2002, 2004) is a score
­performed and did not reveal any evidence of that groups most of the procedures performed in
purposeful manipulation of entry of data. The patients with congenital cardiac malformations
most recent data set used to develop regression according to their risk of postoperative in-­hospital
models for in-hospital mortality is based on mortality. The developers of RACHS-1 wanted to
patients operated on in 2010. The regression coef- keep the score relatively as simple, with minimal
ficients and the constant of the models derived entry of data that could all be obtained from the
from this huge data set can be downloaded from usual hospital discharge data sets. The developers
the following website hyperlinks: of RACHS-1 used a data set of 3,709 surgical pro-
7 cedures performed in 1996, including patients
koronarchirurgie-isoliert.html from 32 institutions. The procedures were first
7 classified by their estimated mortality risk, and
aortenklappenchirurgie-konventionell.html then the group assignment was adapted to reality.
7 Finally, a validation using 3,419 discharge data
tungsbereiche/kombinierte-koronar-­ sets was performed and confirmed good calibra-
undaortenklappenchirurgie.html tion and discrimination. For 5 of the 79 proce-
dures (. Table  2.2), an age split was introduced.
. Table 2.1 gives the 2011 results for isolated The 79 procedures are divided into six categories.
cardiac surgery based on data of 40,353 such The applicability of this simple scoring system for
operations. dividing patient populations into groups with sig-
Unlike for the EuroSCORE, data for this nificantly differing operative risk has been shown
KCH-SCORE 3.0 model are specific for the repeatedly in various countries (. Table 2.3)
described procedures and come from German RACHS-2, an updated version of RACHS-1,
centers only, so they should me more specific for has not yet been published. In the future, increas-
comparisons with or within Germany. The ing availability of computer power and larger data
AQUA-Institut updates the regression models in sets may lead to the development of procedure-­
short intervals, making current factor weights specific mortality prediction models based on the
available. When using these models outside primary procedure of the index operation carried
Germany, it is advisable to consider the usual out during a hospital stay. Such a procedure-­
postoperative length of hospital stay in German specific mortality prediction model may be appli-
hospitals (isolated aortic valve replacement: 5 % cable for common operations but will likely not
up to 7 days, 56.5 % 8–14 days, 22.2 % 15–21 days, obviate the need for a grouping process such as
15.8 % >21  days; isolated CABG: 9.5 % up to RACHS-1 to deal with the multiple rarer opera-
7  days, 61.7 % 8–14  days, 17.6 % 15–21  days, tions. The large databases for congenital heart
11.2 % >21 days; CABG plus aortic valve replace- surgery (STS Congenital Heart Surgery Database
ment: 6.0 % up to 7 days, 48.2 % 8–14 days, 25.2 % and European Association for Cardio-Thoracic
15–21 days, 20.5 % >21 days). Surgery [EACTS] Congenital Heart Surgery
Database) can provide the large numbers required
for both procedure-specific mortality prediction
model and complexity stratified models.
The KCH-SCORE 3.0 is very useful to compare
results of isolated coronary artery surgery,
aortic valve replacement, or both of them to
actual expectations in Germany. The RACHS-1 is suited to group pediatric cardiac
KCH-SCORE 3.0 is best used to compare surgery patients according to their risk of
outcomes with or within Germany. mortality after cardiac surgery.
Chapter 2 · Risk Scores in Cardiac Surgery
37 2

..Table 2.1  Risk-adjusted in-hospital mortality according to the log. (KCH-SCORE 3.0)

Risk factor Definition Regression coefficient

(Constant) – −5.7503853602647300 = β0

Age 66–70 years 0.3997704422494380 = β1

71–75 years 0.6471051658100260 = β2

76–80 years 0.8592868665625700

80–85 years 1.2456627767548900

86 years or more 1.7534572132889400

Gender Female 0.2409740617585420 = β3

Body mass index <22 −0.0747372660361782 = β4

>35 0.4181980662086110 = β5

NYHA state IV Angina at rest 0.4844037233502880 = β6

Myocardial infarction within the last 21 days 0.4257073497896120 = β7

Critical preoperative state 0.9021816586032620 = β8

Pulmonary hypertension 0.6773151306260310 = β9

Atrial flutter or other dysrhythmias 0.4537995728069390 = β10

Left ventricular ejection fraction <30 % 1.2141884842788300 = β11

30–50 % 0.5526803957590370 = β12

3-vessel coronary artery disease 0.1599987092081420 = β13

Reoperation heart/ aorta 0.9656245650921850 = β14

Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus 0.2805516494146400 = β15

Peripheral arterial disease 0.5589691496985530 = β16

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 0.4369515198143070 = β17

Other lung diseases 0.4186316551698350 = β18

Neurologic dysfunction 0.1342343822193820 0.245 = β19

Preoperative renal replacement therapy or 1.0294845545444300 0.829 = β20

preoperative serum creatinine >2.3 mg/dl

Emergency 0.6794065906504790 0.600 = β201

How to calculate the mortality risk:

 Mark all applying risk factors

 Add their regression coefficients

Add the constant (in this case: −5.7503853602647300), name the result «R,» and replace «R» with the result in the
following formula:

2.718259R/ (1+2.718259R)

 The result of this calculation multiplied by 100 is the mortality risk in %

38 D. Boethig and J.P. Jacobs

..Table 2.2  Risk classes of the score «Risk Risk Procedure

Adjustment in Congenital Heart Surgery, 1st class
version» (RACHS-1)
3 Aortic valve replacement
2 Risk Procedure Ross procedure
Left ventricular outflow tract patch
1 Atrial septal defect surgery (including
secundum atrial septal defect, sinus Ventriculomyotomy
venosus atrial septal defect, patent foramen Aortoplasty
ovale closure)
Mitral valvotomy or valvuloplasty
Mitral valve replacement
Patent ductus arteriosus surgery at
age >30 days Valvectomy of tricuspid valve
Coarctation repair at age >30 days Tricuspid valvotomy or valvuloplasty
Partially anomalous pulmonary venous Tricuspid valve replacement
connection surgery
Tricuspid valve replacement repositioning
2 Aortic valvotomy or valvuloplasty at age for Ebstein anomaly at age >30 days
>30 days
Repair of anomalous coronary artery
Subaortic stenosis resection without intrapulmonary tunnel
Pulmonary valvotomy or valvuloplasty Repair of anomalous coronary artery with
intrapulmonary tunnel (Takeuchi)
Pulmonary valve replacement

Right ventricular infundibulectomy Closure of semilunar valve, aortic or

Pulmonary outflow tract augmentation
Right ventricular to pulmonary artery
Repair of coronary artery fistula conduit
Atrial septal defect and ventricular septal Left ventricular to pulmonary artery
defect repair conduit
Primum atrial septal defect repair Repair of double-outlet right ventricle with
or without repair of right ventricular
Ventricular septal defect repair
Ventricular septal defect closure and pulmonary
Fontan procedure
valvotomy or infundibular resection
Repair of transitional or complete
Ventricular septal defect closure and
atrioventricular canal with or without valve
pulmonary artery band removal
Repair of unspecified septal defect
Pulmonary artery banding
Total repair of tetralogy of Fallot
Repair of tetralogy of Fallot with
Repair of total anomalous pulmonary pulmonary atresia
venous at age >30 days
Repair of cor triatriatum
Glenn shunt
Systemic to pulmonary artery shunt
Vascular ring surgery
Atrial switch operation
Repair of aortopulmonary window
Reimplantation of anomalous pulmonary
Coarctation repair at age ≤30 days artery
Repair of pulmonary artery stenosis Anuloplasty
Transection of pulmonary artery Repair of coarctation and ventricular septal
Common atrium closure defect closure

Left ventricular to right atrial shunt repair Excision of intracardiac tumor

Chapter 2 · Risk Scores in Cardiac Surgery
39 2
. Table 2.2  (continued)
Risk Procedure Risk Procedure
class class

4 Aortic valvotomy or valvuloplasty at age The products are added, and their sum indicates the
≤30 days number of expected deaths. This number can then
be expressed as percentage of the entire group of
Konno procedure operated patients: the mortality rate expected if
Repair of complex anomaly (single ventricle) mortalities were equal in the observed and the
by ventricular septal defect enlargement reference population

Repair of total anomalous pulmonary veins  Comparison: The quotient of observed and
at age ≤30 days expected mortality rates (in %) shows the
relationship of observed and expected mortality.
Atrial septectomy Another intuitive measure of comparison is to
indicate the mortality rate difference: it shows how
Repair of transposition, ventricular septal
many lives per 100 were saved (or lost) in one
defect, and subpulmonary stenosis (Rastelli)
group (hospital, country) in respect to the
Atrial switch operation with ventricular reference group
septal defect closure
(From Jenkins et al. (2002), Jenkins (2004); used
Atrial switch operation with repair of with permission)
subpulmonary stenosis

Arterial switch operation with pulmonary

artery band removal
2.2.5 The Aristotle Score
Arterial switch operation with ventricular
septal defect closure In 1999, under the leadership of Dr. Francois
Arterial switch operation with repair of Lacour-Gayet, the Aristotle Committee was
subpulmonary stenosis ­created to address the issue of stratification of
Repair of truncus arteriosus
complexity in surgery for congenital cardiac
­diseases (Lacour-Gayet 2002, 2004a, and 2004b;
Repair of hypoplastic or interrupted aortic Mavroudis and Jacobs 2000). The developers of
arch without ventricular septal defect closure
this tool recognized that ­standard methods of
Repair of hypoplastic or interrupted aortic benchmarking in quality of care assessment were
arch with ventricular septal defect closure based on stratification of risk, with nearly exclu-
Transverse arch graft sive emphasis on the measurement of the out-
come of operative mortality. They believed that to
Unifocalization for tetralogy of Fallot and
pulmonary atresia
assess outcomes, including comparison of out-
comes between centers, and to establish a plat-
Double switch form for continuous improvement in quality,
5 Tricuspid valve repositioning for neonatal stratification based on the risk for mortality alone
Ebstein anomaly at age ≤30 days is insufficient. The fundamental principle of the
Repair of truncus arteriosus and Aristotle Complexity Score is to define complex-
interrupted arch ity as a constant for the challenge presented by a
given surgical procedure. The Aristotle Committee
6 Stage 1 repair of hypoplastic left heart
syndrome conditions
postulated that the complexity of a given proce-
dure in surgery for congenital cardiac diseases is
Damus–Kaye–Stansel procedure the sum of three factors or indices: (1) the poten-
A groupwise mortality comparison based on these tial for operative mortality, (2) the potential for
reference values is achieved by comparing operative morbidity, and (3) the technical diffi-
observed and expected mortality: culty of the operation (Jacobs et al. 2006a).
 Expected mortality. For each RACHS-1 group, the Lacour-Gayet and the Aristotle Committee cre-
following product is calculated: number of ated a tool for stratification of complexity and called
performed operations pertaining to the designated it the Aristotle Complexity Score, following Aristotle’s
group by mortality in the comparison group
belief in the importance of current opinion. In the


..Table 2.3  Various published mortality rates with RACHS-1 stratified RACHS-1 groups

Literature Population Treatment Operations Mortality [%] in the different RACHS-1 categories
1 2 3 4 5 6

Jenkins et al. (2002) PCCC, USA 1996 4370 0.4 3.8 8.5 19.4 – 47.7

HDD, USA 1994–1996 3646 0.3 3.3 9.5 19.2 – 47.0

Boethig et al. (2004) Bad Oeynhausen, Germany 1996–2002 2386 0.3 4.0 5.6 9.9 50.0 40.1
D. Boethig and J.P. Jacobs

Larsen et al. (2005) Aarhus, Denmark 1996–2002 957 1.1 3.1 8.5 17.0 – 57.0

Kang et al. (2004) London, England 200–2003 998 0 1.3 5.0 11.1 – 36.5

Welke et al. (2006) CHSS members 2001–2004 12.672 0.7 0.9 2.7 7.7 – 17.2

Al-Radi et al. (2007) Toronto, Canada 1999–2004 2397 0 1.0 4.0 7.0 17.0a 17.0a

Nina et al. (2007) Maranhao, Brazil 2001–2004 145 3.8 26.0 60.0 – – –

Larrazabal et al. (2007) Guatemala City, Guatemala 2003–2004 537 0.5 7.4 23.3 25.0 – –

Awori and Nairobi, Kenya 2002–2006 313 2.5 16.9 29.4 50

Ogendo (2008)

Mildh et al. (2007) Helsinki, Finland 2000–2004 1001 0 2.1 3.2 9.7 – 14.3

Padley et al. (2011) Sydney, Australia 2005–2010 1745 0 1.1 1.6 6.2 0 25.8

Pasquali et al. (2010) 38 USA centers 2003–2008 46.730 0.8 1.3 2.7 7.0 17.1a 17.1a

Vijarnsorn et al. (2011) Bangkok, Thailand 2005 230 0 1.7 11.1 25 100 100

Bojan et al. (2007) Paris, France 2007–2009 1384 0 1.7 3.0 7.1 100 57.9

Magliola et al. (2011) Buenos Aires, Argentina 2004–2009 2942 0.4 2.4 7.1 14.0 34 34

CHSS Congenital Heart Surgeons Society, HDD Hospital Discharge Data Sets, PCCC Pediatric Cardiac Care Consortium, RACHS-1 Risk Adjustment in Congenital Heart Surgery,
1st version
aRACHS-1 categories 5 and 6 were combined to calculate the mortality rate
Chapter 2 · Risk Scores in Cardiac Surgery
41 2
year 350 BCE, in Rhetoric, Book 1, Aristotle stated, from complex procedures, such as Sinzobahamvya
«When there is no scientific answer available, the et al. (2006), Miyamoto et al. (2005), Artrip et al.
opinion (Doxa) perceived and admitted by the (2006), and Derby et al. (2007).
majority has the value of truth.»
Lacour-Gayet and the Aristotle Committee
have differentiated the concepts of complexity and The Aristotle Score is suited to group
risk and have stated, «Complexity is a constant pediatric cardiac surgery patients according
precise value for a given patient at a given point in to their risk of mortality after cardiac surgery.
time; performance varies between centers and
surgeons. In other words, in the same exact patient
with the same exact pathology, complexity is a
constant precise value for that given patient at a 2.2.6  he STS–EACTS Congenital
given point in time. The risk for that patient will Heart Surgery Mortality Score
vary between centers and surgeons because per- (STAT Mortality Score)
formance varies between centers and surgeons.»
Under the leadership of Lacour-Gayet and the First published in 2009 by O’Brien et  al., the
Aristotle Committee, the Aristotle Basic Complexity STS–EACTS Mortality Score (later abbreviated as
Score was developed by a panel of experts, made up STAT Mortality Score: Society of Thoracic
of 50 surgeons who repair congenital cardiac Surgeons – European Association for Cardio-
defects in 23 countries and represent several major Thoracic Surgery Congenital Heart Surgery
professional societies. The Aristotle Basic Mortality Score) was derived from 77,294 con-
Complexity Score allocates a basic score to each genital heart surgery data sets. They were pooled
operation, varying from 1.5 to 15, with 15 being the from the databases of STS and EACTS, collected
most complex, based on the primary procedure of a between 2002 and 2007, and describe outcomes of
given operation. The Aristotle Basic Complexity 148 different operations. Similar to RACHS-1,
Score represents the sum or aggregate of scores only the most complex component procedure of a
assigned to a given procedure for the three compo- given operation is considered (Jacobs et al. 2009b).
nents of complexity—potential for mortality, To create the STAT Mortality Score, at first the
potential for morbidity, and technical difficulty— observed hospital discharge mortality rates were
each of which varies from 0.5 to 5. To facilitate adjusted by approaching the mortality rates of
analysis across large populations of patients, each rarely encountered procedures to the average mor-
procedure is then assigned an Aristotle Basic tality, in order to limit over- or underestimation by
Complexity Level, which is an integer ranging from chance. The applied Bayesian algorithm modified
1 to 4 based on the Aristotle Basic Complexity the observed rates stronger if the total case number
Score (. Table 2.4) (O’Brien et al. 2007). was lower. Then, the adjusted mortality rates were
The Aristotle Comprehensive Complexity transformed by shifting and rescaling, in order to
Score adds further discrimination to the Basic fit into a scale ranging from 0.1 to 5. The result is
Score by incorporating two sorts of patient-­specific the «STS–EACTS Congenital Heart Surgery
complexity modifiers: (1) procedure-­ dependent Mortality Score (O’Brien et al. 2009).»
factors, including anatomic factors, associated In a further step, these score values were grouped
procedures, and age at procedure, and (2) proce- into the five «STS–EACTS Congenital Heart
dure-independent factors, including general fac- Surgery Mortality Categories (STAT Mortality
tors such as weight and prematurity, clinical factors Categories).» The comparative validation on 25,106
such as preoperative sepsis or renal failure, extra- data sets collected (2007–2008) from the same data-
cardiac factors such as duodenal atresia and base showed optimal discrimination of the STAT
imperforate anus, and surgical factors such as Mortality Score for the procedure-specific mortality
reoperative sternotomy. Additional points, up to a rates (C-index  = 0.787), followed by the STAT
maximum of 10, are added to the Basic Score to Mortality Categories (C-index = 0.778), then the
account for the added complexity and challenge RACHS-1 categories (C-index = 0.745), and then
imputed by these modifying factors. The Aristotle the Aristotle Basic Score (C-index = 0.687). Addition
Comprehensive Complexity Score has been used of patient-specific variables improved the C-indexes
by numerous investigators to analyze the outcomes to 0.816, 0.812, 0.802, and 0.795, respectively.
42 D. Boethig and J.P. Jacobs

..Table 2.4  The Aristotle basic complexity score (ABC score) and the Aristotle basic complexity levels
(ABC levels) (January 1, 2010)

2 Score Mortality Morbidity Difficulty

1 pt <1 % ICU 0–24H elementary

2 pt 1–5 % ICU 1D-3D simple
3 pt 5–10 % ICU 4D-7D average
4 pt 10–20 % ICU 1W-2W important
5 pt > 20 % ICU > 2W major

1.5–5.9 1
6.0–7.9 2
8.0–9.9 3
10.0–15.0 4

Total Complexity
Procedures (Basic score) Mortality Morbidity Difficulty
Pleural drainage procedure 1.5 1 0.5 0.5 0.5
Bronchoscopy 1.5 1 0.5 0.5 0.5
Delayed sternal closure 1.5 1 0.5 0.5 0.5
Mediastinal exploration 1 0.5 0.5 0.5
Sternotomy wound drainage 1.5 1 0.5 0.5 0.5
Intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP)
2.0 1 0.5 1.0 0.5
Explantation of pacing system 2.5 1 1.0 1.0 0.5
PFO, primary closure 3.0 1 1.0 1.0 1.0
ASD repair, primary closure 3.0 1 1.0 1.0 1.0
ASD repair, patch 3.0 1 1.0 1.0 1.0
ASD partial closure 3.0 1 1.0 1.0 1.0
Atrial fenestration closure 3.0 1 1.0 1.0 1.0
Pericardial drainage procedure 3.0 1 1.0 1.0 1.0
PDA closure, surgical 3.0 1 1.0 1.0 1.0
Pacemaker implantation, 3.0 1 1.0 1.0 1.0
Pacemaker procedure 3.0 1 1.0 1.0 1.0
Shunt, ligation and takedown 3.5 1 1.5 1.0 1.0
ASD, common atrium (single
3.8 1 1.0 1.0 1.8
atrium), Septation
AVC (AVSD) repair, partial
4.0 1 1.0 1.0 2.0
(incomplete) (PAVSD)
Chapter 2 · Risk Scores in Cardiac Surgery
43 2
. Table 2.4  (continued)

Total Complexity
Procedures (Basic score) Mortality Morbidity Difficulty
Coronary artery fistula ligation 4.0 1 1.0 2.0 1.0
Aortopexy 4.0 1 1.5 1.5 1.0
ICD (AICD) implantation 4.0 1 1.5 1.0 1.5
ICD (AICD) (automatic implantable
4.0 1 1.5 1.0 1.5
cardioverter defibrillator) procedure
Ligation, thoracic duct 4.0 1 1.0 2.0 1.0
Diaphragm plication 4.0 1 1.0 2.0 1.0
ECMO decannulation 4.0 1 2.0 1.0 1.0
ASD creation/enlargement 5.0 1 2.0 2.0 1.0
Atrial septal fenestration 5.0 1 2.0 2.0 1.0
AVC (AVSD) repair, intermediate
5.0 1 1.5 1.5 2.0
PAPVC repair 5.0 1 2.0 1.0 2.0
Lung biopsy 5.0 1 1.5 2.0 1.5
Ligation, pulmonary artery 5.0 1 1.5 2.0 1.5
Decortication 5.0 1 1.0 1.0 3.0
ASD repair, patch + PAPVC repair 5.0 1 2.0 1.0 2.0
PAPVC repair, baffle redirection
to the left atrium with systemic vein
translocation (Warden) (SVC sewn 5.0 1 1.0 2.0 2.0
to the right atrial appendage)
ECMO cannulation 5.0 1 2.0 1.0 2.0
Pectus repair 5.3 1 2.0 1.0 2.3
Aortic stenosis, supravalvar, repair 5.5 1 1.5 2.0 2.0
Valvuloplasty, pulmonic 5.6 1 1.8 1.8 2.0
VSD repair, primary closure 6.0 2 2.0 2.0 2.0
VSD repair, patch 6.0 2 2.0 2.0 2.0
AP window repair 6.0 2 2.0 2.0 2.0
Valve replacement, truncal valve 6.0 2 2.0 2.0 2.0
Cor triatriatum repair 6.0 2 2.0 2.0 2.0
Valve excision, tricuspid (without
6.0 2 2.0 2.0 2.0
PA, reconstruction (plasty), main
6.0 2 2.0 2.0 2.0
Pericardiectomy 6.0 2 2.0 2.0 2.0
Coarctation repair, end to end 6.0 2 2.0 2.0 2.0
Coarctation repair, subclavian flap 6.0 2 2.0 2.0 2.0
Coarctation repair, patch aortoplasty 6.0 2 2.0 2.0 2.0
Vascular ring repair 6.0 2 2.0 2.0 2.0

44 D. Boethig and J.P. Jacobs

. Table 2.4  (continued)

Total Complexity
2 (Basic
Procedures (Basic score) Mortality Morbidity Difficulty
PA banding (PAB) 6.0 2 2.0 2.0 2.0
PA debanding 6.0 2 2.0 2.0 2.0
ECMO procedure 6.0 2 2.0 3.0 1.0
Aortic stenosis, subvalvar, repair 6.3 2 2.0 1.8 2.5
Shunt, systemic to pulmonary,
modified Blalock–Taussig shunt 6.3 2 2.0 2.0 2.3
RVOT procedure 6.5 2 2.0 2.0 2.5
Valve replacement, pulmonic (PVR) 6.5 2 2.0 2.0 2.5
Shunt, systemic to pulmonary,
central (From the aorta or to the 6.8 2 2.0 2.0 2.8
main pulmonary artery)
Valvuloplasty, truncal valve 7.0 2 2.0 2.0 3.0
Anomalous systemic venous
connection repair 7.0 2 2.0 2.0 3.0

Occlusion MAPCA(s) 7.0 2 2.0 2.0 3.0

Valvuloplasty, tricuspid 7.0 2 2.0 2.0 3.0
DCRV repair 7.0 2 2.0 2.0 3.0
Valve replacement, aortic (AVR),
mechanical 7.0 2 2.0 2.0 3.0

Valve replacement, aortic (AVR),

bioprosthetic 7.0 2 2.0 2.0 3.0

Atrial baffle procedure, Mustard or

Senning revision 7.0 2 2.0 2.0 3.0

Aortic arch repair 7.0 2 2.0 2.0 3.0

Bidirectional cavopulmonary
anastomosis (BDCPA) 7.0 2 2.5 2.0 2.5
(bidirectional Glenn)
Glenn (unidirectional
cavopulmonary anastomosis) 7.0 2 2.5 2.0 2.5
(unidirectional Glenn)
Right/left heart assist device
procedure 7.0 2 2.0 3.0 2.0

Hybrid approach "Stage 1," stent

placement in arterial duct (PDA) 7.0 2 1.5 1.5 4.0

VAD implantation 7.0 2 2.0 3.0 2.0

VAD explantation 7.0 2 2.0 3.0 2.0
V entricular septal fenestration 7.5 2 3.0 2.0 2.5
TOF repair, ventriculotomy, non-
transanular patch 7.5 2 2.5 2.0 3.0

Valve replacement, Tricuspid

(TVR) 7.5 2 2.5 2.0 3.0
Chapter 2 · Risk Scores in Cardiac Surgery
45 2
. Table 2.4  (continued)

Total Complexity
Procedures (Basic score) Mortality Morbidity Difficulty
Conduit placement, RV to PA 7.5 2 2.5 2.0 3.0
Sinus of Valsalva, aneurysm repair 7.5 2 2.5 2.0 3.0
Valve replacement, mitral (MVR) 7.5 2 2.5 2.0 3.0
Coronary artery bypass 7.5 2 2.5 2.0 3.0
Bilateral bidirectional
cavopulmonary anastomosis 7.5 2 2.5 2.0 3.0
(BBDCPA) (bilateral bidirectional Glenn)
Conduit placement, Other 7.5 2 2.5 2.0 3.0
Hybrid approach "Stage 1",
Application of RPA and LPA bands 7.5 2 2.5 2.5 2.5

Atrial baffle procedure (non-

Mustard, non-Senning) 7.8 2 2.8 2.0 3.0

PA, reconstruction (plasty), branch,

central (within the hilar bifurcation) 7.8 2 2.8 2.0 3.0

Coarctation repair, interposition

graft 7.8 2 2.8 2.0 3.0

PAPVC, scimitar, repair 8.0 3 3.0 2.0 3.0

Systemic venous stenosis repair 8.0 3 3.0 2.0 3.0
TOF repair, no ventriculotomy 8.0 3 3.0 2.0 3.0
TOF repair, ventriculotomy,
transanular patch 8.0 3 3.0 2.0 3.0

TOF repair, RV–PA conduit 8.0 3 3.0 2.0 3.0

Conduit reoperation 8.0 3 3.0 2.0 3.0
Conduit placement, LV to PA 8.0 3 3.0 2.0 3.0
Valvuloplasty, aortic 8.0 3 3.0 2.0 3.0
Aortic root replacement 8.0 3 2.5 2.0 3.5
Valvuloplasty, mitral 8.0 3 3.0 2.0 3.0
Mitral stenosis, supravalvar mitral
ring repair 8.0 3 3.0 2.0 3.0

Coarctation repair, end to end,

extended 8.0 3 3.0 2.0 3.0

Arrhythmia surgery—atrial,
surgical ablation 8.0 3 3.0 2.0 3.0

Arrhythmia surgery—ventricular,
surgical ablation 8.0 3 3.0 2.0 3.0

Hemi-Fontan 8.0 3 3.0 2.0 3.0

Aneurysm, ventricular, right,
repair 8.0 3 3.0 2.0 3.0

Aneurysm, pulmonary artery,

repair 8.0 3 3.0 2.0 3.0

Cardiac tumor resection 8.0 3 3.0 2.0 3.0


46 D. Boethig and J.P. Jacobs

. Table 2.4  (continued)

Total Complexity
2 (Basic
Procedures (Basic score) Mortality Morbidity Difficulty
Pulmonary embolectomy 8.0 3 3.0 3.0 2.0
Pulmonary embolectomy, acute
pulmonary embolus 8.0 3 3.0 3.0 2.0

Aortic stenosis, subvalvar, repair,

with myectomy for IHSS 8.0 3 2.0 2.0 4.0

Valvuloplasty converted to valve

replacement in the same 8.0 3 2.5 2.5 3.0
operation, pulmonic
LV to aorta tunnel repair 8.3 3 3.0 2.3 3.0
Valve replacement, aortic (AVR), 8.5 3 3.0 2.0 3.5
Aortic root replacement, valve
sparing 8.5 3 2.0 2.0 4.5

Senning 8.5 3 3.0 2.5 3.0

PA, reconstruction (plasty), branch,
peripheral (at or beyond the hilar 8.8 3 2.8 2.5 3.5
Aortic root replacement, mechanical 8.8 3 3.3 2.0 3.5
Aortic aneurysm repair 8.8 3 3.0 2.8 3.0
VSD, multiple, repair 9.0 3 3.0 2.5 3.5
VSD creation/enlargement 9.0 3 3.0 3.0 3.0
AVC (AVSD) repair, complete
(CAVSD) 9.0 3 3.0 3.0 3.0

Pulmonary artery origin from

ascending aorta (hemitruncus) repair 9.0 3 3.0 3.0 3.0

TAPVC repair 9.0 3 3.0 3.0 3.0

Pulmonary atresia—VSD
(including TOF, PA) repair 9.0 3 3.0 3.0 3.0

Valve closure, tricuspid (exclusion,

univentricular approach) 9.0 3 4.0 3.0 2.0

1 1/2 ventricular repair 9.0 3 3.0 3.0 3.0

Fontan, atriopulmonary connection 9.0 3 3.0 3.0 3.0
Fontan, atrioventricular connection 9.0 3 3.0 3.0 3.0
Fontan, TCPC, lateral tunnel,
fenestrated 9.0 3 3.0 3.0 3.0

Fontan, TCPC, lateral tunnel,

nonfenestrated 9.0 3 3.0 3.0 3.0

Fontan, TCPC, external conduit,

fenestrated 9.0 3 3.0 3.0 3.0

Fontan, TCPC, external conduit,

nonfenestrated 9.0 3 3.0 3.0 3.0
Chapter 2 · Risk Scores in Cardiac Surgery
47 2
. Table 2.4  (continued)

Total Complexity
Procedures (Basic score) Mortality Morbidity Difficulty
Congenitally corrected TGA repair,
VSD closure 9.0 3 3.0 3.0 3.0

Mustard 9.0 3 3.0 3.0 3.0

Pulmonary artery sling repair 9.0 3 3.0 3.0 3.0
Aneurysm, ventricular, left, repair 9.0 3 3.0 2.5 3.5
Conduit placement, ventricle to
aorta 9.0 3 3.0 3.0 3.0

Pulmonary embolectomy, chronic

pulmonary embolus 9.0 3 3.0 3.0 3.0

Valvuloplasty converted to valve

replacement in the same 9.0 3 2.5 3.0 3.5
operation, truncal valve
Valvuloplasty, common
atrioventricular valve 9.0 3 3.5 2.5 3.0

TOF—Absent pulmonary valve repair 9.3 3 3.0 3.0 3.3

Transplant, heart 9.3 3 3.0 3.3 3.0
Aortic root replacement,
bioprosthetic 9.5 3 3.5 2.0 4.0
Aortic root replacement, homograft 9.5 3 3.5 2.0 4.0
Damus–Kaye–Stansel procedure
(DKS) (creation of AP anastomosis 9.5 3 3.0 3.0 3.5
without arch reconstruction)
Valvuloplasty converted to valve
replacement in same operation, 9.5 3 3.0 2.5 4.0
Superior cavopulmonary
anastomosis(es) (Glenn or
hemiFontan) + atrioventricular 9.5 3 3.0 3.0 3.5
Ebstein’s repair 10.0 4 3.0 3.0 4.0
Arterial switch operation (ASO) 10.0 4 3.5 3.0 3.5
Rastelli 10.0 4 3.0 3.0 4.0
Coarctation repair + VSD repair 10.0 4 2.5 3.5 4.0
Aortic arch repair + VSD repair 10.0 4 3.0 3.0 4.0
Anomalous origin of coronaryartery
from pulmonary artery repair 10.0 4 3.0 3.0 4.0
Superior cavopulmonary
anastomosis(es) + PA reconstruction 10.0 4 3.5 3.0 3.5


48 D. Boethig and J.P. Jacobs

. Table 2.4  (continued)

Total Complexity
2 (Basic
Procedures (Basic score) Mortality Morbidity Difficulty
Hybrid Approach “Stage 2”,
aortopulmonary amalgamation +
superior cavopulmonary 10.0 4 2.5 3.5 4.0
anastomosis(es) + PA debanding +
without aortic arch repair
Hybrid approach “Stage 1”, stent
placement in arterial duct (PDA) + 10.0 4 3.0 3.0 4.0
application of RPA and LPA bands
Valve replacement, common
atrioventricular valve 10.0 4 3.5 3.5 3.0
Ross procedure 10.3 4 4.0 2.3 4.0
DORV, Intraventricular tunnel
repair 10.3 4 3.3 3.0 4.0
Valvuloplasty converted to valve
replacement in the same 10.3 4 3.5 2.5 4.3
operation, aortic
Ventricular septation 10.5 4 3.5 3.5 3.5
Valvuloplasty converted to valve
replacement in the same 10.5 4 4.0 2.5 4.0
operation, mitral
Interrupted aortic arch repair 10.8 4 3.8 3.0 4.0
Truncus arteriosus repair 11.0 4 4.0 3.0 4.0
TOF–AVC (AVSD) repair 11.0 4 4.0 3.0 4.0
Pulmonary atresia–VSD–
MAPCA (pseudotruncus) repair 11.0 4 4.0 3.0 4.0

Unifocalization MAPCA(s) 11.0 4 4.0 3.0 4.0

Konno procedure 11.0 4 4.0 3.0 4.0
Congenitally corrected TGA repair,
atrial switch and Rastelli 11.0 4 4.0 3.0 4.0
Congenitally corrected TGA repair, VSD
11.0 4 4.0 3.0 4.0
closure, and LV to PA conduit
Arterial switch operation (ASO) and 11.0 4 4.0 3.0 4.0
VSD repair
REV 11.0 4 4.0 3.0 4.0
DOLV repair 11.0 4 4.0 3.0 4.0
Aortic dissection repair 11.0 4 4.0 3.0 4.0
TAPVC repair + shunt—systemic to
pulmonary 11.0 4 4.0 3.5 3.5
Arterial switch procedure + aortic
arch repair 11.5 4 4.0 3.5 4.0

Valvuloplasty converted to valve

replacement in the same operation, 11.5 4 4.5 3.0 4.0
common atrioventricular valve
Fontan + atrioventricular 11.5 4 4.0 3.5 4.0
Pulmonary venous stenosis repair 12.0 4 4.0 4.0 4.0
Chapter 2 · Risk Scores in Cardiac Surgery
49 2
. Table 2.4  (continued)

Total Complexity
Procedures (Basic score) Mortality Morbidity Difficulty
Partial left ventriculectomy (LV
volume reduction surgery) (Batista) 12.0 4 4.0 4.0 4.0

Transplant, lung(s) 12.0 4 4.0 4.0 4.0

Aortic root translocation over left ventricle
(including Nikaidoh procedure) 12.0 4 3.0 4.0 5.0
Valvuloplasty converted to valve
replacement in the same operation,
12.0 4 4.0 3.5 4.5
aortic—with Ross procedure
Ross–Konno procedure 12.5 4 4.5 3.0 5.0
Fontan revision or conversion (Redo Fontan) 12.5 4 4.0 4.0 4.5
Arterial switch procedure and VSD
repair + aortic arch repair 13.0 4 4.5 4.0 4.5
Hybrid approach “Stage 2”, aortopulmonary
amalgamation + Superior Cavopulmonary
anastomosis(es) + PA debanding +
aortic arch repair (Norwood [stage1] 13.0 4 4.0 4.5 4.5
+ superior cavopulmonary
anastomosis(es) + PA debanding)
Transplant, heart and lung(s) 13.3 4 4.0 5.0 4.3
Congenitally corrected TGA repair,
atrial switch and ASO (double switch) 13.8 4 5.0 3.8 5.0
Valvuloplasty converted to valve
replacement in the same operation, 14.0 4 4.5 4.5 5.0
aortic—with Ross–Konno procedure
Norwood procedure 14.5 4 5.0 4.5 5.0
HLHS biventricular repair 15.0 4 5.0 5.0 5.0
Truncus + interrupted aortic arch
repair (IAA) repair 15.0 4 5.0 5.0 5.0

Interventional cardiology or not eligible (intentionally excluded from Aristotle) procedures:

ASD repair, device
VSD repair, device
PDA closure, Device
ASD creation, balloon septostomy
(BAS) (Rashkind)
ASD creation, Blade septostomy
Balloon dilation
Stent placement
Device closure
RF ablation
Coil embolization
Pulmonary AV fistula repair/occlusion


50 D. Boethig and J.P. Jacobs

. Table 2.4  (continued)

Total Complexity
2 (Basic
Procedures (Basic score) Mortality Morbidity Difficulty

TGA, other procedures (Kawashima,

LV-PA conduit,other)
Cardiovascular catheterization
procedure, therapeutic
Echocardiography procedure, sedated
transesophageal echocardiogram
Echocardiography procedure, Sedated
transthoracic echocardiogram
Non-cardiovascular, non-thoracic procedure on
cardiac patient with cardiac anesthesia
Radiology procedure on cardiac patient, cardiac
computerized axial tomography (CT scan)
Radiology procedure on cardiac patient, cardiac
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Radiology procedure on cardiac
patient, diagnostic radiology
Radiology procedure on cardiac patient,
noncardiac computerized tomography
(CT) on cardiac patient
Radiology procedure on cardiac patient,
nonCardiac magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) on cardiac patient
Radiology procedure on cardiac
patient, therapeutic radiology
Cardiovascular catheterization
procedure, diagnostic
Cardiovascular catheterization procedure,
diagnostic, hemodynamic data obtained
Cardiovascular catheterization procedure,
diagnostic, angiographic data obtained
Cardiovascular catheterization procedure,
diagnostic, transluminal test occlusion
Cardiovascular catheterization procedure,
diagnostic, hemodynamic alteration
Cardiovascular catheterization procedure,
diagnostic, electrophysiology alteration
Cardiovascular catheterization
procedure, therapeutic, septostomy
Cardiovascular catheterization
procedure, therapeutic, balloon valvotomy
Chapter 2 · Risk Scores in Cardiac Surgery
51 2
. Table 2.4  (continued)

Total Complexity
Procedures (Basic score) Mortality Morbidity Difficulty
Cardiovascular catheterization
procedure, therapeutic, stent redilation
Cardiovascular catheterization procedure,
therapeutic, perforation (establishing
interchamber and/or intervessel
Cardiovascular catheterization procedure,
therapeutic, transcatheter Fontan
Cardiovascular catheterization procedure,
therapeutic, transcatheter implantation
of valve
Cardiovascular catheterization
procedure, therapeutic adjunctive therapy

Cardiovascular electrophysiolog
catheterization procedure
Cardiovascular electrophysiolog
catheterization procedure, therapeutic
Other miscellaneous, not scored:
(Either too vague or not a primary
Atrial baffle procedure, NOS

VSD repair, NOS

Valve surgery, other, tricuspid

Valve surgery, other, pulmonic

Valve surgery, other, mitral

Valve surgery, other, aortic

Tracheal procedure

TOF repair, NOS

Thoracotomy, other
Thoracic and/or mediastinal procedure, other
TGA, Other procedures (Nikaidoh,
Kawashima, LV-PA conduit, other)
Shunt, systemic to pulmonary, other
Shunt, systemic to pulmonary, NOS
Pleural procedure, other


52 D. Boethig and J.P. Jacobs

. Table 2.4  (continued)

Total Complexity
2 (Basic
Procedures (Basic score) Mortality Morbidity Difficulty
Peripheral vascular procedure, other
Pericardial procedure, other
PDA closure, NOS
Palliation, other
PA, reconstruction (plasty), NOS
Organ procurement
Miscellaneous procedure, other
Mediastinal procedure
Fontan, TCPC, lateral tunnel, NOS
Fontan, other
Fontan, NOS
Esophageal procedure
DORV repair, NOS
Diaphragm procedure, other
Coronary artery procedure, other
Congenitally corrected TGA repair,
Congenitally corrected TGA repair, NOS
Conduit placement, NOS
Coarctation repair, other
Coarctation repair, NOS
Cardiotomy, other
Cardiac procedure, Other
AVC (AVSD) repair, NOS
ASD repair, NOS
Arrhythmia surgery, NOS
Other anular enlargement procedure
Fontan, TCPC, external conduit, NOS
VATS (video-assisted thoracoscopic
Minimally invasive procedure
Bypass for non-cardiac lesion
Valve replacement, aortic
Chapter 2 · Risk Scores in Cardiac Surgery
53 2
This classification had been also applied to 111.494 often left to some leader’s gut feelings; however,
pooled data sets from the STS Congenital Heart scores are an alternative and more objective
Surgery Database and the EACTS Congenital Heart methodology of outcome research (Jacobs et al.
Surgery Database for patients operated between 2005). A comprehensive comparison of risk-
2006 and 2009 (Jacobs et al. 2012). adjusted, expected, and observed results informs
In contrast to RACHS-1 and the Aristotle about the current state and its development, both
Score, the STAT Mortality Score and the STAT before and after implementation of structural or
Mortality Categories (O’Brien et al. 2009) are not procedural changes. Scores address a broad vari-
based primarily on expert opinion, but are instead ety of end points and are quite helpful for such
based on objective data (77,294 observations) and endeavors (Jacobs 2008).
their exact evaluation.
Using methodology similar to that used to
develop the STAT Mortality Score and the STAT 2.3.2 Quality Monitoring
Mortality Categories, the STAT Morbidity
­Categories have recently been developed to facili- Differences between expected and achieved
tate grouping pediatric and congenital cardiac results are an appropriate tool to assess quality
operations into five categories associated with development. Professor Paul T. Sergeant explains
operative morbidity (Jacobs et al. 2013). very clearly how to deal with such expectations
The role of preoperative morbidities as well as and their fulfillment, using the analogy of a bank
of concomitant procedures is currently being ana- account (Sergeant et al. 2001):
lyzed by the STS and EACTS Congenital Heart
Surgery Databases (. Table 2.5). »» A successfully performed procedure adds a
certain sum to the surgeon’s «life bank
account». The sum equals the average risk of
mortality of the patient. If the procedure had
The STS–EACTS Congenital Heart Surgery
a mortality risk of 20% and the patient sur-
Mortality Score (O’Brien et al. 2009) (STAT
vived, the surgeon gains 1/5 life on his
Mortality Score) is a grouping system for
account. In contrary, if the surgeon loses one
pediatric and congenital cardiac surgery
of such patients, the probability of survival
mortality comparisons that encompasses a
(80%) gets withdrawn from his account. So,
wide range of surgical procedures. The tool is
if one of 5 patients with a 20% risk of mortal-
contemporary, observation based, validated,
ity dies and four survive, the surgeon has
and simple to use.
saved up 0.8 lives and withdraws 0.8 for the
lost patient from his account. His perfor-
mance corresponds to the average of the
reference population. Using this method,
2.3 Appropriate Use of Risk Scores patients with inhomogeneous risk can be
summarized objectively, just by adding the
. Table 2.6 summarizes the appropriate and inap-
risks of mortality of the survivors and sub-
propriate use of risk scores. These topics are then
tracting the probabilities of survival of the
discussed in more detail.
patients that die.

Scores can be used for this purpose even if

2.3.1 Comparison of  Therapy detailed information about specific procedures is
not available. Using this methodology of the sur-
Despite great efforts, cardiac surgery is not geon’s «life bank account» (mortality risk is cred-
immune to undesired results (Jacobs et al. 2014). ited in case of patient survival, survival chance is
These undesired results occasionally must be con- withdrawn in case of patient death), the relevant
fronted by the best and most experienced sur- number for comparisons would be the number of
geons, leading institutions, and even the most saved lives per 100 operations, related to a defined
vital patient. At which point are what conse- reference group, such as the 43,934 STS-, or
quences to be drawn? How can the success of 33,360 EACTS-data base patients described by
taken measures be assessed? Such questions are O’Brien et al. (2009).
54 D. Boethig and J.P. Jacobs

..Table 2.5  STAT mortality score and the STAT mortality categories

Procedure Mortality
2 Score Category Unadjusteda Model basedb

ASD repair, patch 0.1 1 0.2 % (0.1–0.4 %) 0.3 % (0.1–0.5 %)

AVC (AVSD) repair, partial (incomplete) 0.1 1 0.3 % (0.1–0.8 %) 0.5 % (0.2–0.9 %)

ASD repair, patch + PAPCV repair 0.2 1 0.2 % (0.0–1.3 %) 0.6 % (0.2–1.4 %)

Aortic stenosis, subvalvular, repair 0.2 1 0.5 % (0.3–1.0 %) 0.6 % (0.3–1.0 %)

ICD (AICD) implantation 0.2 1 0.3 % (0.0–1.4 %) 0.7 % (0.2–1.6 %)

DCRV repair 0.2 1 0.4 % (0.1–1.5 %) 0.8 % (0.2–1.6 %)

ASD repair, primary closure 0.2 1 0.8 % (0.5–1.3 %) 0.9 % (0.5–1.3 %)

VSD repair, patch 0.2 1 0.9 % (0.7–1.1 %) 0.9 % (0.7–1.1 %)

Vascular ring repair 0.2 1 0.8 % (0.3–1.6 %) 0.9 % (0.4–1.6 %)

Coarctation repair, end to end 0.2 1 0.9 % (0.5–1.5 %) 1.0 % (0.6–1.5 %)

ICD (AICD) procedure 0.2 1 0.0 % (0.0–2.9 %) 1.0 % (0.2–2.9 %)

PFO, primary closure 0.2 1 0.5 % (0.0–2.6 %) 1.1 % (0.3–2.5 %)

AVR, bioprosthetic 0.3 1 0.0 % (0.0–3.6 %) 1.2 % (0.2–3.4 %)

VSD repair, primary closure 0.3 1 1.1 % (0.5–2.1 %) 1.2 % (0.6–2.1 %)

PVR 0.3 1 1.2 % (0.5–2.3 %) 1.3 % (0.6–2.3 %)

Conduit reoperation 0.3 1 1.3 % (0.8–2.1 %) 1.4 % (0.8–2.1 %)

Pacemaker procedure 0.3 1 1.3 % (0.8–2.1 %) 1.4 % (0.9–2.1 %)

PAPVC repair 0.3 1 1.2 % (0.5–2.7 %) 1.5 % (0.7–2.7 %)

TOF repair, ventriculotomy, 0.3 1 1.4 % (0.7–2.4 %) 1.5 % (0.8–2.4 %)

non-transanular patch

TOF repair, no ventriculotomy 0.3 1 1.4 % (0.7–2.4 %) 1.5 % (0.8–2.3 %)

Glenn (unidirectional cavopulmonary 0.3 1 0.0 % (0.0–5.5 %) 1.5 % (0.2–4.3 %)

anastomosis; unidirectional Glenn

AVC (AVSD) repair, intermediate 0.3 1 1.4 % (0.5–3.1 %) 1.6 % (0.7–3.0 %)


Coarctation repair, interposition graft 0.3 1 0.9 % (0.0–4.8 %) 1.7 % (0.4–4.1 %)

Fontan, TCPC, lateral tunnel, 0.3 1 1.6 % (0.8–2.8 %) 1.7 % (0.9–2.7 %)


Sinus of Valsalva, aneurysm repair 0.3 1 0.0 % (0.0–6.7 %) 1.7 % (0.3–5.2 %)

AVR, mechanical 0.3 1 1.6 % (0.6–3.4 %) 1.7 % (0.7–3.2 %)

PDA closure, surgical 0.4 2 1.8 % (1.3–2.5 %) 1.9 % (1.3–2.5 %)

PA, reconstruction (plasty), main 0.4 2 1.6 % (0.3–4.5 %) 1.9 % (0.6–4.0 %)


LV to aorta tunnel repair 0.4 2 0.0 % (0.0–8.4 %) 1.9 % (0.3–5.9 %)

Chapter 2 · Risk Scores in Cardiac Surgery
55 2
. Table 2.5  (continued)
Procedure Mortality

Score Category Unadjusteda Model basedb

Valvuloplasty, mitral 0.4 2 1.9 % (1.3–2.6 %) 1.9 % (1.3–2.6 %)

Valvuloplasty, aortic 0.4 2 1.9 % (1.1–3.0 %) 1.9 % (1.1–2.9 %)

11/2 ventricular repair 0.4 2 0.0 % (0.0–9.0 %) 2.0 % (0.3–6.2 %)

Arrhythmia surgery—ventricular, 0.4 2 0.0 % (0.0–10.6 %) 2.2 % (0.3–6.8 %)

surgical ablation

Pacemaker implantation, permanent 0.4 2 2.1 % (1.4–3.2 %) 2.2 % (1.4–3.1 %)

Ross procedure 0.4 2 2.1 % (1.1–3.6 %) 2.2 % (1.3–3.4 %)

Glenn + PA reconstruction 0.4 2 2.1 % (1.0–4.0 %) 2.2 % (1.1–3.8 %)

Aortopexy 0.4 2 0.0 % (0.0–11.6 %) 2.3 % (0.3–7.3 %)

Fontan, atriopulmonary connection 0.4 2 0.0 % (0.0–11.6 %) 2.3 % (0.3–6.9 %)

Bilateral bidirectional cavopulmonary 0.4 2 2.2 % (1.1–4.1 %) 2.4 % (1.2–3.8 %)

anastomosis (bilateral bidirectional
Glenn procedure)

Aortic root replacement, mechanical 0.5 2 2.1 % (0.4–5.9 %) 2.4 % (0.7–5.1 %)

Conduit placement, LV to PA 0.5 2 0.0 % (0.0–13.7 %) 2.4 % (0.3–7.9 %)

Coarctation repair, end to end, 0.5 2 2.5 % (1.9–3.3 %) 2.5 % (1.9–3.3 %)


Anomalous origin of coronary artery 0.5 2 2.5 % (1.1–4.8 %) 2.6 % (1.2–4.4 %)


RVOT procedure 0.5 2 2.6 % (1.9–3.5 %) 2.6 % (1.9–3.5 %)

Aortic aneurysm repair 0.5 2 2.5 % (1.1–4.9 %) 2.6 % (1.3–4.5 %)

Congenitally corrected TGA repair, VSD 0.5 2 0.0 % (0.0–16.1 %) 2.6 % (0.3–8.8 %)

AP window repair 0.5 2 2.4 % (0.5–6.9 %) 2.7 % (0.9–5.6 %)

Valvuloplasty, pulmonic 0.5 2 2.6 % (1.1–5.1 %) 2.7 % (1.3–4.7 %)

TOF repair, ventriculotomy, 0.5 2 2.7 % (2.1–3.4 %) 2.7 % (2.1–3.4 %)

transanular patch

Aortic root replacement, bioprosthetic 0.5 2 0.0 % (0.0–16.8 %) 2.7 % (0.3–9.3 %)

Bidirectional cavopulmonary 0.5 2 2.7 % (2.1–3.4 %) 2.7 % (2.1–3.4 %)

anastomosis (bidirectional Glenn

Aortic stenosis, supravalvular, repair 0.5 2 2.7 % (1.2–5.0 %) 2.8 % (1.4–4.6 %)

Pericardiectomy 0.5 2 2.1 % (0.1–11.1 %) 2.9 % (0.5–7.5 %)

Conduit placement, other 0.5 2 0.0 % (0.0–20.6 %) 2.9 % (0.3–9.8 %)

Aneurysm, ventricular, left, repair 0.5 2 2.2 % (0.1–11.5 %) 3.0 % (0.5–7.8 %)

Fontan, TCPC, external conduit, 0.6 2 3.0 % (2.1–4.1 %) 3.0 % (2.1–4.0 %)

56 D. Boethig and J.P. Jacobs

. Table 2.5  (continued)

Procedure Mortality

2 Score Category Unadjusteda Model basedb

Pulmonary artery origin from 0.6 2 2.3 % (0.1–12.3 %) 3.1 % (0.6–8.2 %)

ascending aorta (hemitruncus) repair

ASD, common atrium (single atrium), 0.6 2 2.3 % (0.1–12.0 %) 3.1 % (0.5–8.3 %)

PAPVC, scimitar, repair 0.6 2 2.8 % (0.3–9.7 %) 3.2 % (0.8–7.7 %)

Fontan, TCPC, external conduit, 0.6 2 3.2 % (2.1–4.7 %) 3.2 % (2.1–4.6 %)


Ligation, pulmonary artery 0.6 2 0.0 % (0.0–28.5 %) 3.4 % (0.4–12.1 %)

Coronary artery fistula ligation 0.6 2 2.6 % (0.1–13.8 %) 3.4 % (0.6–9.2 %)

Aortic root replacement, valve sparing 0.6 2 2.7 % (0.1–14.2 %) 3.4 % (0.6–9.2 %)

Mitral stenosis, supravalvular mitral 0.6 2 3.5 % (0.7–9.9 %) 3.6 % (1.0–7.7 %)

ring repair

Arrhythmia surgery–atrial, surgical 0.7 2 3.7 % (1.8–6.7 %) 3.6 % (1.9–5.9 %)


Systemic venous stenosis repair 0.7 2 3.4 % (0.4–11.7 %) 3.7 % (0.9–8.6 %)

PA, reconstruction (plasty), branch, 0.7 2 3.7 % (1.5–7.5 %) 3.7 % (1.6–6.5 %)

peripheral (at or beyond the hilar

Valvuloplasty, tricuspid 0.7 2 3.7 % (2.7–5.0 %) 3.7 % (2.8–4.9 %)

TVR 0.7 2 3.8 % (1.2–8.6 %) 3.8 % (1.5–7.3 %)

Valve replacement, truncal valve 0.7 2 0.0 % (0.0–36.9 %) 3.8 % (0.4–13.8 %)

Fontan, TCPC, lateral tunnel, 0.7 2 3.8 % (1.1–9.6 %) 3.9 % (1.3–7.9 %)


Atrial fenestration closure 0.7 2 3.4 % (0.1–17.8 %) 3.9 % (0.7–11.3 %)

Cor triatriatum repair 0.7 2 4.0 % (1.6–8.0 %) 4.0 % (1.8–7.2 %)

VSD, multiple, repair 0.7 2 4.0 % (2.2–6.8 %) 4.0 % (2.2–6.3 %)

Atrial baffle procedure (non-Mustard, 0.7 2 3.8 % (0.1–19.6 %) 4.0 % (0.7–11.0 %)


Coarctation repair, subclavian flap 0.7 2 4.1 % (1.9–7.7 %) 4.1 % (2.0–6.9 %)

Partial left ventriculectomy (LV volume 0.7 2 3.8 % (0.1–19.6 %) 4.1 % (0.7–11.3 %)
reduction surgery; Batista)

TOF repair, RV–PA conduit 0.7 2 4.2 % (2.4–6.8 %) 4.2 % (2.4–6.4 %)

Transplantation, lung(s) 0.8 3 4.3 % (1.2–10.6 %) 4.2 % (1.4–8.6 %)

Occlusion MAPCA(s) 0.8 3 3.8 % (0.1–19.6 %) 4.2 % (0.7–12.1 %)

Coarctation repair + VSD repair 0.8 3 4.3 % (2.4–7.1 %) 4.2 % (2.4–6.6 %)

Konno procedure 0.8 3 4.3 % (1.8–8.7 %) 4.3 % (1.9–7.6 %)

Coarctation repair, patch aortoplasty 0.8 3 4.3 % (2.5–6.8 %) 4.3 % (2.6–6.5 %)

Chapter 2 · Risk Scores in Cardiac Surgery
57 2
. Table 2.5  (continued)
Procedure Mortality

Score Category Unadjusteda Model basedb

PA, reconstruction (plasty), branch, 0.8 3 4.3 % (2.9–6.2 %) 4.3 % (2.9–5.9 %)

central (within the hilar bifurcation)

Aneurysm, pulmonary artery, repair 0.8 3 4.3 % (0.1–21.9 %) 4.3 % (0.8–12.2 %)

Aneurysm, ventricular, right, repair 0.8 3 4.4 % (1.2–10.9 %) 4.3 % (1.4–8.8 %)

Ventricular septal fenestration 0.8 3 4.2 % (0.1–21.1 %) 4.4 % (0.8–12.4 %)

Shunt, ligation and takedown 0.8 3 4.6 % (1.0–12.9 %) 4.5 % (1.3–9.9 %)

Hemi-Fontan procedure 0.8 3 4.6 % (2.4–7.9 %) 4.5 % (2.4–7.1 %)

AVC (AVSD) repair, complete 0.8 3 4.6 % (3.9–5.4 %) 4.6 % (3.9–5.4 %)

Anomalous systemic venous 0.8 3 4.8 % (2.1–9.3 %) 4.8 % (2.2–8.2 %)

connection repair

ASO 0.8 3 4.8 % (3.9–5.8 %) 4.8 % (3.9–5.7 %)

Valvuloplasty, truncal valve 0.8 3 5.0 % (0.1–24.9 %) 4.8 % (0.8–13.5 %)

Fontan, atrioventricular connection 0.9 3 0.0 % (0.0–84.2 %) 4.9 % (0.4–20.1 %)

Pulmonary embolectomy, acute 0.9 3 0.0 % (0.0–84.2 %) 5.0 % (0.4–19.7 %)

pulmonary embolus

ASD partial closure 0.9 3 5.4 % (0.7–18.2 %) 5.1 % (1.1–12.7 %)

Rastelli operation 0.9 3 5.4 % (3.2–8.4 %) 5.3 % (3.2–7.8 %)

Conduit placement, ventricle to aorta 0.9 3 0.0 % (0.0–97.5 %) 5.3 % (0.5–21.4 %)

AVR, homograft 1 3 6.7 % (0.8–22.1 %) 5.8 % (1.3–13.8 %)

REV 1.1 3 7.7 % (0.9–25.1 %) 6.3 % (1.3–15.5 %)

Pulmonary artery sling repair 1.1 3 7.0 % (2.6–14.6 %) 6.4 % (2.5–11.9 %)

Mustard procedure 1.1 3 8.0 % (1.0–26.0 %) 6.4 % (1.4–15.9 %)

Pulmonary atresia–VSD (including TOF, 1.1 3 6.6 % (4.0–10.1 %) 6.4 % (4.0–9.3 %)

PA) repair

Conduit placement, RV to PA 1.2 3 6.7 % (5.2–8.5 %) 6.7 % (5.2–8.4 %)

Pulmonary embolectomy 1.2 3 11.1 % (0.3–48.2 %) 7.1 % (1.0–22.1 %)

MVR 1.3 4 7.4 % (5.5–9.7 %) 7.3 % (5.4–9.4 %)

Pericardial drainage procedure 1.3 4 7.8 % (4.8–11.8 %) 7.5 % (4.7–11.0 %)

Aortic arch repair 1.4 4 7.9 % (6.1–10.0 %) 7.8 % (6.1–9.8 %)

Fontan revision or conversion (redo 1.4 4 8.8 % (3.3–18.2 %) 7.9 % (3.1–14.6 %)

Fontan procedure)

DOLV repair 1.4 4 14.3 % (0.4–57.9 %) 7.9 % (1.0–24.0 %)

DORV, intraventricular tunnel repair 1.4 4 8.1 % (6.0–10.6 %) 8.0 % (6.0–10.3 %)

Arterial switch procedure + aortic arch 1.4 4 11.1 % (1.4–34.7 %) 8.0 % (1.7–20.6 %)
58 D. Boethig and J.P. Jacobs

. Table 2.5  (continued)

Procedure Mortality

2 Score Category Unadjusteda Model basedb

PA debanding 1.4 4 8.7 % (4.0–15.8 %) 8.0 % (3.7–13.7 %)

ASO and VSD repair 1.4 4 8.3 % (6.7–10.2 %) 8.2 % (6.6–10.0 %)

Cardiac tumor resection 1.4 4 8.6 % (5.3–13.2 %) 8.3 % (5.1–12.2 %)

Transplantation, heart 1.4 4 8.5 % (6.4–10.9 %) 8.4 % (6.3–10.6 %)

Coronary artery bypass 1.5 4 9.7 % (3.6–19.9 %) 8.5 % (3.5–16.0 %)

TOF–absent pulmonary valve repair 1.5 4 9.1 % (5.2–14.6 %) 8.6 % (5.0–13.1 %)

Valve excision, tricuspid (without 1.5 4 20.0 % (0.5–71.6 %) 8.8 % (1.2–28.1 %)


Shunt, systemic to pulmonary, MBTS 1.5 4 8.9 % (7.9–10.1 %) 8.9 % (7.9–10.0 %)

TOF–AVC (AVSD) repair 1.6 4 9.7 % (5.4–15.8 %) 9.1 % (5.0–14.1 %)

Ross–Konno procedure 1.6 4 9.8 % (6.1–14.7 %) 9.4 % (5.8–13.9 %)

Senning procedure 1.6 4 11.1 % (3.7–24.1 %) 9.4 % (3.5–18.6 %)

Ebstein’s repair 1.6 4 10.8 % (4.4–20.9 %) 9.5 % (4.0–17.6 %)

Aortic arch repair + VSD repair 1.7 4 10.1 % (7.1–13.8 %) 9.8 % (6.9–13.1 %)

PA banding 1.7 4 9.9 % (8.3–11.7 %) 9.8 % (8.3–11.5 %)

Aortic root replacement, homograft 1.7 4 10.8 % (5.5–18.5 %) 9.9 % (5.1–16.2 %)

Unifocalization MAPCA(s) 1.7 4 10.3 % (7.2–14.2 %) 10.0 % (7.1–13.4 %)

Aortic dissection repair 1.7 4 12.9 % (3.6–29.8 %) 10.0 % (3.0–21.1 %)

Congenitally corrected TGA repair, VSD 1.7 4 16.7 % (2.1–48.4 %) 10.1 % (2.0–25.9 %)
closure and LV to PA conduit

Pulmonary atresia–VSD–MAPCA 1.7 4 10.8 % (6.4–16.7 %) 10.2 % (6.1–15.3 %)

(pseudotruncus) repair

VSD creation/enlargement 1.8 4 11.3 % (6.0–18.9 %) 10.4 % (5.6–16.6 %)

HLHS biventricular repair 1.9 4 12.5 % (5.6–23.2 %) 10.9 % (4.8–18.8 %)

TAPVC repair 1.9 4 11.2 % (9.6–13.0 %) 11.2 % (9.5–12.8 %)

Pulmonary venous stenosis repair 2 4 11.9 % (8.3–16.4 %) 11.4 % (8.0–15.3 %)

Shunt, systemic to pulmonary, central 2.1 4 12.3 % (9.9–15.0 %) 12.1 % (9.7–14.6 %)

(from aorta or to main pulmonary

Interrupted aortic arch repair 2.1 4 12.4 % (9.7–15.6 %) 12.2 % (9.6–15.1 %)

Arterial switch procedure and VSD 2.4 4 15.0 % (9.0–23.0 %) 14.0 % (8.5–20.5 %)
repair + aortic arch repair

Truncus arteriosus repair 2.4 4 14.3 % (11.6–17.4 %) 14.1 % (11.4–16.8 %)

ASD creation/enlargement 2.5 4 15.4 % (9.8–22.6 %) 14.5 % (9.4–20.9 %)

Chapter 2 · Risk Scores in Cardiac Surgery
59 2
. Table 2.5  (continued)
Procedure Mortality

Score Category Unadjusteda Model basedb

Atrial septal fenestration 2.6 4 22.2 % (6.4–47.6 %) 15.1 % (4.5–30.8 %)

Valve closure, tricuspid (exclusion, 2.6 4 40.0 % (5.3–85.3 %) 15.6 % (2.7–41.6 %)

univentricular approach)

Damus–Kaye–Stansel procedure 2.9 5 17.5 % (13.6–21.9 %) 17.1 % (13.2–21.5 %)

(creation of AP anastomosis without
arch reconstruction)

Transplantation, heart and lung 3.2 5 30.8 % (9.1–61.4 %) 18.7 % (5.4–39.8 %)

Congenitally corrected TGA repair, 3.2 5 27.8 % (9.7–53.5 %) 18.9 % (6.3–37.2 %)

atrial switch and Rastelli operation

Congenitally corrected TGA repair, 3.4 5 25.0 % (11.5–43.4 %) 20.0 % (9.1–34.7 %)

atrial switch and ASO (double switch)

Norwood procedure 4 5 23.7 % (22.0–25.4 %) 23.6 % (21.9–25.3 %)

Truncus + IAA repair 5 5 34.9 % (21.0–50.9 %) 29.8 % (17.7–44.3 %)

Procedures and their mortality scores, categories, rates as observed, and «smoothed» model based rates – accord-
ing to the STS–EACTS scoring system
ASD Atrial septal defect, AVC atrioventricular canal, AVSD atrioventricular septal defect, PAVSD partial atrioven-
tricular septal defect, PAPVC partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection, ICD implantable cardioverter defi-
brillator, AICD automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator, DCRV double-chambered right ventricle, VSD
ventricular septal defect, PFO patent foramen ovale, AVR aortic valve replacement, PVR pulmonary valve replace-
ment, TOF tetralogy of Fallot, TCPC total cavopulmonary connection, PDA patent ductus arteriosus, PA pulmonary
artery, LV left ventricle, RVOT right ventricular outflow tract, TGA transposition of the great arteries, AP aortopul-
monary, TVR tricuspid valve replacement, RV right ventricle, MAPCA major aortopulmonary collateral artery, ASO
arterial switch operation, REV reparation a` l’e´tage ventriculaire (REV procedure), MVR mitral valve replacement,
DOLV double-outlet left ventricle, MBTS modified Blalock–Taussig shunt; HLHS, hypoplastic left heart syndrome;
TAPVC, total anomalous pulmonary venous connection, IAA interrupted aortic arch
aDenotes 95 % exact binomial confidence interval

Denotes 95 % Bayesian credible interval (Table 2.5 derives from O’Brien et al. (2009))

Another application of such data would be the Computers are required in order to capture
construction of plots showing the development of all relevant data necessary for complex scores
cumulated risk-adjusted mortality (CRAM plots, with reasonable (van Gameren et  al. 2011)
. Fig. 2.1) corresponding to the running total a life effort and reliability. Unfortunately, a com-
bank account on which mortality risks of survi- pletely automatized system of data entry and
vors are deposited and survival chances of nonsur- analysis is currently not freely available. Such a
vivors are withdrawn. Continuous performance completely automatized system of data entry
monitoring, based on any group that has published and analysis would include the following
its data, is made feasible by applying CRAM plots. ­components:
Confidence limits for such curves can be calcu- 1. A standardized and complete methodology
lated according to Kang (2006). of data collection that would be applicable
Alternative approaches to assessing the per- in the heterogeneous environment of a
formance of hospitals in the context of ­multi-­ large number of participating units
institutional performance have been presented for 2. A reliable centralized system of storage
adults with acquired heart disease, using quar- Zof data
terly overall adjustment (Jin et al. 2010), and for 3. The generation of clinically relevant,
congenital cardiac surgery, using funnel plots well-founded, and statistically correct
(Jacobs et al. 2011, 2012b). information from these data


..Table 2.6  Appropriate use of risk scores and associated potential limitations

Topic Use Potential limitations

Individual prognoses Scores ought to enable the surgeon to objectively Score-based therapy decision-making might promote a shift from being
select the most promising therapy patient centered to literature centered; scores might consider only a subset
of a of a patients’ risk factors

Comparison of therapya Inhomogeneous groups become better comparable The risk of ignoring (locally) important factors grows

Quality assessment (CRAM plots; Kang Early recognition of (un)favorable treatment options Premature assumption of significance; statistical efforts required; possible
D. Boethig and J.P. Jacobs

et al. 2006; Sergeant et al. 2001) developments misinterpretation of confounding factors

Effort Recognition of risk bearing or inappropriately In case of already high efficacy of a unit that does not do scoring, the time
expensive treatment options or institutions and money spent for quality or risk assessment (that are detracted from
patient care) are theoretically wasted. However, the act of participating in
a database and benchmarking can lead to further increase in quality even
in a high performing unit

Inadequate score Suboptimal tools are more useful than no tools at all Neglecting of relevant or rare factors; new developments might shift risk
factor weight before being integrated in a new version

Manipulationa Score defects might be circumvented «Upcoding» as well as selection of patients and data might compromise
the treatment of severely ill patients (Epstein 2006; Steinbusch et al. 2007),
obfuscate underperforming units, and distort score development itself

Usefulnessa Personnel and money can be allocated more A general lack of resources cannot be overcome by redistribution

External vs. internal quality assurancea More objective (knowledge-based) evaluation Risk of inadequate interpretation and reactions

Publication (public reporting)a Large patient numbers might be guided to better In case of manipulations or errors, patients might be misled (
performing institutions Risk aversion can develop, but can be prevented with
appropriate risk adjustment

Health politicsa Sanctions can be appropriate, closing (Severe) sanctions might be applied based on scores that disregard
underperforming units can be beneficial for patients important locally specific risk factors

Publicitya Evidence-based information instead of «smart» Information might be selected or difficult to interpret; «evidence» may not
advertising might direct patients to better treatment be absolute truth

CRAM cumulated risk-adjusted mortality

aRepresents topics discussed in more detail in text
Chapter 2 · Risk Scores in Cardiac Surgery
61 2
..Fig. 2.1 Fictitious
example of a CRAM plot.
CRAM cumulated Lives saved compared to expectations of a reference group
risk-adjusted mortality

Cumulated Risk-Adjusted Mortality


Serial procedure number

Especially in times of restricted funding for an inappropriately high amount is subtracted from
health care, outcomes analysis and quality assess- the «life accounts» of the surgeon and hospital.
ment using scores require a shift of money away Such errors are likely to remain uncompensated.
from patient care toward outcomes analysis and Furthermore, such errors can have increased sig-
quality assessment. Although many diagnoses and nificance and impact in low-­ volume programs
procedures must be coded anyway at various institu- where patient numbers are small.
tions in order to comply with regulatory require-
ments and generate documentation for billing, every
cent that is needed to fund additional collection and 2.3.4 Manipulation
analysis of data often has to be generated by and
diverted from the direct care of patients. We must Score-based results are at risk to be manipulated.
keep in mind that the results from any work with Such alterations might be triggered by threats with
outcomes analysis and quality assessment using undesired consequences such as closure of depart-
scores must have benefits that outweigh the resources ments or simple comparative publication of results
used to construct and apply them. Otherwise, we can (Epstein 2006; Steinbusch et al. 2007; 7
harm patients by wasting their money. On the other hand, MELD scores used
for liver allocation were reported to have been
intentionally worsened in order to bypass patients
2.3.3 Inadequate Score on the waiting list (7
archiv/128320/Transplantationsskandal-­a n-der-
Even the most sophisticated score uses only a part Universitaet-Goettingen-­Erschuetterndes-Mass-an-­
of the information pertaining to a patient: the ele- Manipulation; 7
ments of data that have been defined and are journals/biology/2012/54–918.pdf; Sumeet 2010).
included in the score. It is simply not possible to Manipulation of data can influence several
create and use a scoring system that considers all domains: quality improvement, «upcoding,» «out-
possible circumstances and elements of data; such coding,» and selection of patients:
a system would drive the effort of acquisition to an 55 Quality improvement. The ideal consequence
impossible level. Meanwhile, scores that disregard of outcomes analysis and quality assessment is
important factors do not reflect reality well and improvement of the quality of treatment
might lead to distorted conclusions. The risk of (Jacobs et al. 2007). This goal can be achieved
mortality of patients with important disregarded frequently, but often might be difficult to
factors is underestimated, and if the patient dies, reach. Frequently, the necessary measures are
62 D. Boethig and J.P. Jacobs

obvious, but the surgeon is not enabled to 2.3.5 Usefulness

implement these measures. Many obstacles
may exist that prevent improvement of quality Internal quality assessment can only be useful if
2 including lack of personnel, deficiencies of suboptimal results are followed by adequate reac-
infrastructure, shortages of money, and tions. If deficiencies are detected, they might be
inappropriate hierarchical structures within a related to lack of staffing or funding, and the
hospital; the surgeon may have only limited involved institutions must be given the opportu-
independent influence on any or all of these nity to change this. The results of quality
obstacles (Jacobs et al. 2006b). ­assessment can be used to show the need for
55 Upcoding. With the growing severity of the improvements. These necessary improvements
consequences of bad result, a scenario can be allocated within the hospital itself, if local
develops with increased perverse motivation changes in personnel, structure, or organization
to fictitiously enter data that «aggravates can ameliorate the circumstances. Alternatively,
diagnoses» or, in other words, adds risk the necessary improvements might have struc-
factors that create a more difficult case mix. tural character and require changes on the politi-
This strategy might be observed in borderline cal level (Jacobs et al. 2011). Risk-adjusted
cases or in cases that leave room for comparisons of outcomes can also identify insti-
interpretation. This strategy can be applied to tutions with outstanding performance that might
the coding of the procedures performed as serve as an example.
well as the underlying diagnoses.
55 Outcoding. Options such as «Other» or «Else,
please indicate» or «Please describe» in a Quality assessment should consider the
system of scoring make it easier to describe analysis and distribution of good
procedures that may be associated with performance at least as important as the
special risk, but open the possibility of detection and repair of suboptimal results.
manipulation of the coding by excluding
these operations from routine analysis of
outcome. Variations of operations with bad
outcome can be coded as «Other» if such a
category is offered. The effects of such 2.3.6  xternal (Third Party) Versus
operations can then be mitigated or hidden. Internal (Within Medical
55 Selection of patients. Each score is a Associations) Quality
simplification, because certain factors are Assurance
excluded from the observational focus. A
score classifying only procedures that have Dealing internally with a high rate of undesired
been performed will disregard other events allows the concerned institution to take
therapeutic options. This scenario might lead measures considered appropriate directly after
to preference of alternative therapeutic detection of the necessity for change. Such actions
options, such as interventional transcatheter should be taken without undue delay. Responsibly
treatment and compassionate care, especially minded units should not need external pressure
for patients with presumed high procedural for such work. Reasons for spreading information
risk due to unaccounted concomitant morbid- about presumed underperformance beyond the
ity. Departments that try to help patients even borders of a hospital could include persisting fail-
in desperate or rescue conditions are at high ure, general mistrust of improvement attempts of
risk to look worse than a unit that selects single units, or the need for political changes
low-risk patients and leaves the complicated resulting from systematic underfunding. Purely
patients to other departments. Such risk internal quality assurance requires the confidence
aversion is mitigated with proper risk of patients that surgeons, hospitals, and politi-
adjustment within a system of scoring. cians will do their very best to deliver optimal
Undesired effects of this kind have been care. This confidence is often dependent on the
previously observed, even in situations where transparent reporting of outcomes to patients and
results of single surgeons were differentiated the public, especially in the inhomogeneous field
and published (7 of pediatric cardiac surgery.
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7 7
7 clinical.picture.php?cpid=3&qiid=27
r42&dbname=database 7
7 7
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7 musteraw (“Koronarchirurgie isoliert”, PDF, p. 80)
mode=none 7
7 reiche/koronarchirurgie/download, p. 95
67 3

Principles of Quality
Assurance and Risk
Management Risk
Juergen Ennker and Tobias Walker

3.1 Introduction – 69

3.2 Fundamentals of Quality Assurance – 69

3.2.1  uality Assurance as an Essential
Part of Quality Management – 69
3.2.2 Excursus into Quality Management – 69 Quality Management Models in the Hospital – 70 DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 – 70 Cooperation for Transparency and Quality in the Hospital
(CTQ) and proCum Cert – 70 European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) – 71 Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare
Organizations (JCAHO) – 71

3.3 External Quality Assurance – 71

3.4 Internal Quality Assurance – 72

3.5 Measurability of Quality Assurance – 73

3.5.1  arkers of Therapeutic Success:
Postoperative Mortality and Complication Rate – 73
3.5.2 Markers of Therapeutic Success:
Number of Reoperations – 73
3.5.3 Markers of Therapeutic Success:
Operating Time and Operating Costs – 73

3.6 Evaluation of Internal Quality Assurance Data – 73

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_3
3.7 Risk Management – 74
3.7.1 F undamentals of Risk Management – 74
3.7.2 What Is Understood by Risk? – 75
3.7.3 What Is Understood by Risk Management? – 76
3.7.4 How Errors Originate – 76
3.7.5 Components of Risk Management – 77
3.7.6 Methods of Risk Identification – 77 Adverse Occurrence Screening – 79 Sentinel Event Report – 79 Incidence Report – 79 Complaint Management – 79 Patient Questionnaire – 79 Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) – 80
3.7.7 Risk Analysis and Risk Assessment – 80
3.7.8 Handling Risks – 81
3.7.9 Risk Controlling – 83

References – 83
Chapter 3 · Principles of Quality Assurance and Risk Management Risk
69 3
3.1 Introduction binding requirement for systematic quality assur-
ance was introduced, and it has become the govern-
Providing high-quality medical services was and still ing concept in this professional field. The applied
is the self-imposed demand physicians and hospitals quality assurance measures comprising not only
wish to be measured by. However, now it is no longer internal and external quality assurance with mor-
sufficient to merely formulate high demands; medi- tality and morbidity conferences but going far
cal service providers also have to document these beyond this concept.
services to achieve comparability. Exacerbated by
increasing economic constraints and an ever-increas-
ing competitive situation, on the one hand, as well as 3.2.1 Quality Assurance as an
increasing patient expectations, on the other hand, Essential Part of Quality
physicians and hospitals can no longer get by without Management
the introduction and permanent establishment of
quality management systems (Korenstein et al. 2012). Quality assurance is an essential part of the qual-
It has been shown in the recent past that in ity management system. Quality assurance mea-
addition to an improved medical reputation, the sures in hospitals, medical facilities, and practices
pursuit of maintaining and improving patient care have the aim of increasing the trust of all interest
also offers economic advantages. Documentation groups («stakeholders») by fulfilling precisely for-
and the evaluation of the services rendered, mulated requirements.
namely, quality assurance, as well as the identifi- Medical quality assurance and patient interest
cation and prevention of risk situations and risk are thus closely linked with one another.
management, play a very essential role. For both
tools, medical care oriented toward patient needs
and demands is central. The aim of medical quality assurance is an
From the perspective of a hospital setting, we improvement of treatment quality and as a
would like to elucidate the essential elements of result patient satisfaction—one of the strongest
quality assurance and present the key elements of arguments in quality management systems.
a functional risk management system in everyday
hospital routine.
The common target of the various quality
management systems is to bring more transpar-
3.2 Fundamentals of Quality ency into the quality of medical care and to ensure
Assurance the long-term survival and continuous improve-
ment of physician practice (Lack and Schneider
In 1988, the German Physician’s Board included the 2005; Lack and Gerhardinger 2010).
obligation of all physicians to participate in quality The wish for continuous improvement in medi-
assurance measures in their own professional code cal services has been present in the medical pro-
of conduct. This decision has been implemented by fession for a long time. It goes beyond the
all State Medical Boards in the professional regula- measures for medical self-regulation (medical
tions. For this reason, participation in quality assur- case discussions, conferences, hygiene commis-
ance programs has become a part of the ordinary sions, drug commissions, clinical studies, semi-
professional duties of the physician. The obligation nars, and autopsies) established to date.
of a physician to participate in quality assurance is,
however, also defined by Articles 135–137 of
Volume V of the German Code of Social Law V 3.2.2 Excursus into Quality
(SGB V) by the legislator. In this code, it is stated Management
that: «Approved hospitals, inpatient care facilities
and inpatient rehabilitation facilities are committed According to the definition of the International
to introduce and further develop internal quality Organization for Standardization (ISO), quality is
management» (Ennker et al. 2004). «.  . . the degree to which a set of inherent
In surgery departments, quality assurance mea- ­char­acteristics meets the requirements . . ..» The
sures have been a constant factor since the 1970s; a term «quality manage­ment» (QM) is defined as «. . .
70 J. Ennker and T. Walker

a process within an organization, which attempts to management and to receive certification. DIN stan-
achieve continuous improvement of a process or a dards are generally a universal standard that is famil-
service . . . » (7 iar to many people outside the medical field and
However, quality management established in whose merit and significance have achieved general
practice goes beyond these measures. For application acknowledgement. Additionally, the quality man-
in a hospital, there are several quality management agement system in accordance with DIN EN ISO
3 models. Despite differently weighted target parame- 9001:2000 can be applied to complex hospitals and
ters (patient and referring physician satisfaction, pro- university clinics as well as in their departments and
cess optimization, and responsibility of the sections, which can then be certified accordingly.
management), all current concepts in Germany have The central issue of the DlN-ISO standard is the
one central pillar, the PDCA cycle. This cyclic process written documentation of the essential procedures of
was formulated and described by William Edwards a facility (hospital, laboratory area, and medical care
Deming and Walter Andrew Shewhart in the 1980s center) in a QM handbook. Based on this electronic
(Deming 1982, 1986). PDCA stands for the terms or printed document, everyday hospital processes
«plan,» «do,» «check,» and «act» and describes the are made comprehensible and transparent to third
planning of a process or the improvement of an exist- parties. Moreover, the QM handbook also includes
ing process («plan»), implementating a change («do»), instructions and stipulations as the permanent focus
checking the results achieved («check»), and correct- of the overall work process. The QM handbook
ing based on the results of the process («act»), which according to DIN ISO is divided into five chapters,
can in turn lead to a new plan («plan»). This cycle has which inquire into the different areas systematically
also entered into the literature as the Deming Cycle. (quality management system requirements, defini-
tion of management responsibilities, resource man-  uality Management Models
Q agement, product realization, and nature of the best
in the Hospital possible form of continuous process improvement).
Several quality management models have been
developed for application in hospitals, which Cooperation for
each have different focuses. This partly has his- Transparency and Quality
torical origins because the models were not in the Hospital (CTQ) and
originally developed for the medical field or for proCum Cert
pragmatic reasons because they place particular The Cooperation for Transparency and Quality
emphasis on certain specializations and medical (CTQ) model is a quality management system
disciplines. The most frequently used models of developed by one of the federal associations of the
quality management in Germany are as follows: health insurance funds, the German Hospital
55 DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 (DIN: German Federation, the Chambers of Physicians, and the
Institute for Standardization; EN: European German Nursing Council; it was developed explic-
Standard; ISO: International Organization for itly for implementation in hospitals. ProCum Cert
Standardization) is closely based on CTQ but was adapted for
55 Cooperation for Transparency and Quality in denominational sponsoring ­organizations.
the hospital (CTQ) with proCum Cert CTQ is based on a structured hospital self-­
55 European Foundation for Quality assessment in accordance with defined prescribed
Management (EFQM) criteria. The report is divided into six criteria, and
55 Joint Commission on Accreditation of the hospital is assessed on the basis of the PDCA
Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) cycle by the applicants themselves. This is followed
by an external assessment (inspection) by external
All four models are to be illuminated briefly in CTQ inspectors where points are awarded and
the following. facilities must reach a certain level to achieve certi-
fication. This may involve some areas that are DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 assessed at a lower level being compensated for by
DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 is a quality management higher-rated partial criteria. However, in all areas,
standard and stipulates what requirements the over- at least 55 % of the possible points must be achieved.
all management of an enterprise must fulfill to meet In the case of proCum Cert, this model has
a certain standard in the implementation of quality been extended by a Christian mission statement
Chapter 3 · Principles of Quality Assurance and Risk Management Risk
71 3
and a Christian self-understanding within the In the JCAHO handbook, 562 different stan-
CTQ requirements: dards are defined for medical performance assess-
55 Pro: for the patients and for good and proven ments. Upon fulfillment of these standards,
quality in denominational hospitals. JCAHO certificates are awarded. These certifi-
55 Cum: with the patients and their concerns cates are, however, graduated and correspond to
and wishes and with other denominational accreditation steps, each time imposing more
hospitals. stringent requirements on the hospital. In 2000,
55 Cert: structures, standards, and procedures, the first quality standards for hospitals valid
which have to exist, are laid down by an worldwide were published. For the first time,
«Expert Advisory Committee» and monitored these standards take the different economic, polit-
by trained inspectors. ical, and cultural peculiarities of the countries
into account. European Foundation
for Quality Management
(EFQM) 3.3 External Quality Assurance
The underlying quality management concept of the
European Union (European Foundation for The measures outlined above all have a quality
Quality Management, EFQM) was initially focused assurance character, but do not, however, guaran-
on facilities in health care. Originally its intention tee optimal therapeutic quality. The diversity in
was to comprise a concept for industrial working medical therapeutic quality principally arises
areas and service providers. Nine criteria were from the skills and ability of the physicians and
defined for application in hospitals. The basic idea the health care staff as well as the experience and
of the concept is the requirement that the best in a motivation of the team assigned to the patient.
branch or field set the standard and competitors The compliance of the patient also contributes to
are benchmarked according to this standard. More diversity in care. Therefore, therapeutic results
specifically, the EFQM comprises five eligibility cri- obtained under study conditions can also not
teria, which show the nature of the services an always be reproduced and therefore can differ
organization provides. The results achieved by the from clinic to clinic (Moreland 1999).
organization are presented in four outcome criteria. With the help of external quality assurance, an
In this model, the petitioner also initially gives a attempt can be made to record the therapeutic qual-
self-assessment. In the event of a prize being attrib- ity of the participating facilities, thereby making
uted, this assessment is checked by the EFQM them comparable. The objective of such measures
within the scope of a visit (external assessment). may simply be the documentation of an applied
The organizations with the highest point scores can standard. However, they can also be used to achieve
receive the European Quality Award (EQA) from transparency and to provide comparability for
the European Organization for Quality (EOQ). referring physicians, health insurance companies,
Since the criteria for this award are very compre- patients, and relatives (hospital clients).
hensive, this model of quality management is princi-
pally suitable for large hospitals and not necessarily
for subsections or individual departments of a hospi- Additionally, with the aid of external quality
tal. Similarly, this model is recommended for enter- assurance, competition can develop between
prises that already have experiences with quality the participating enterprises and can result in
management systems and have already experienced the initiation of an improvement of
certification procedures (Kastenholz et al. 2011). therapeutic quality. J oint Commission on

Accreditation of Healthcare However, there are a number of problems
Organizations (JCAHO) associated with the introduction of external qual-
Historically, this assessment procedure originally ity assurance measures. For example, the health of
developed in the USA for hospitals had a great the patient populations at different hospitals can
influence on the development of German and vary considerably. Although part of this differ-
European quality management systems. ence can be compensated for by risk adjustment
72 J. Ennker and T. Walker

and/or risk modeling, diversity remains which is

..Table 3.1  Core issues of quality assurance
often difficult to identify and take into consider-
ation resulting in an imbalance between the par- External quality Internal quality control
ticipating institutions. Further, the documentation control
of a large number of parameters over a longer
period of time is not always possible without Restriction of the A further range of
3 problems arising, so that important data may
documented data to a important parameters may
few indicators, which be used for the assessment
become lost. Until now there has been no control are jointly available in of the course of the disease
over the validity of the documented data from all participating and therapy. Individual
physicians, practices, or hospitals. Therefore, the hospitals and are part selection of the parameters
quality indicators used does not necessarily reflect of a protocol. The is made by hospital
parameters are management
the real situation. specified
All these factors may influence the establish-
ment and assessment of quality assurance systems Analyses of the data The therapeutic results
are performed with a can be acquired
and may diminish their validity. However, the marked delay in time continuously and be
advantages of an established quality management from the events to be promptly corrected
system are clearly reflected in a cost-effectiveness observed
analysis. Legislators have recognized the advan-
Registration of quality Adequate data for the
tages of a quality management system by supple- indicators is assessment of specific
menting the DRG law (Article 137 SGB V) which sometimes incomplete therapeutic effects can
obligates hospitals to publish a structured quality and subject to a time be analyzed and
report and introducing of the German National limit (usually only presented
30-day mortality)
Institute for Quality Assurance.
Risk adjustment Statistical models can be
models are limited to adapted to defined
simple indicators criteria and can consider
3.4 Internal Quality Assurance (Euroscore) the multifactorial
emergence of
Since the demands and defined tasks in the area of therapeutic effects and
inpatient and outpatient health care in a hospital their chronologies
are multifarious and the facilities differ consider- The evaluation of the Special analyses of certain
ably as a result, not all health care areas are suit- endpoint of the time patterns in the data
able for participation in external quality measures. course of treatment is collected may provide
Considerable areas of patient care were therefore performed without information on the
excluded. Thus, for a structured approach to viewing the cause and consequences of changes
effect relationships in therapy and/or
patient care, internal facility quality assurance is personnel
absolutely essential. External quality assurance
measures support the internal quality assurance From Ennker and Zerkowski (2006); used with per-
measures, as they are implemented in many hos- mission
pitals, for example, already within the scope of in-­
house quality circles. In cardiac surgery, for example, the risk of a
Internal quality assurance is thus an instru- heart valve or coronary bypass operation in a par-
ment of in-hospital control. It provides the persons ticular hospital should be measured in the short
involved with a structure to make medically valid term using risk score systems (e.g., Euroscore and
statements on therapeutic successes in their facil- Parsonnett Score) (Jones et al. 1996; Nashef et al.
ity and to promptly correct any errors that may 1999; Metzler and Winkler 2012; Head et  al.
occur. This only succeeds, however, if the mea- 2013). The durability of a bypass or an implanted
sures taken are accompanied by continuous mon- valve, however, often manifests itself only after
itoring, reflection, and statistical analysis of the several years or decades. This must be considered
data acquired (Albert et  al. 2004). Risks of the when interpreting the data material.
treatment should be compared with the actual An overview of the important core issues of
therapeutic success, which can often only be mea- internal and external quality assurance is given in
sured after a number of years. . Table 3.1.
Chapter 3 · Principles of Quality Assurance and Risk Management Risk
73 3
3.5  easurability of Quality
M For this reason, the aim of modern surgical tech-
Assurance niques is to avoid reoperation.
Therefore, within the field of coronary bypass
To be able to subject the therapeutic success to a surgery, arterial conduits are being increasingly
statistical analysis, three markers of therapeutic used as bypass materials due to their longer
success have to be defined: patency rate (Tranbaugh et  al. 2012; Dimitrova
55 Postoperative mortality and complication rate et al. 2012). In heart valve surgery, state-of-the-art
55 Number of reoperations heart valves are used which, due to the innovative
55 Operating time and operating costs materials and surface treatments, should have
longer durability and as a consequence have a
lower reoperation rate. However, the decisions
3.5.1 Markers of  Therapeutic made by the surgeon during the operation as well
Success: Postoperative as the technical precision of the operation may
Mortality influence the postoperative results decisively.
and Complication Rate These problems appear particularly frequently in
the area of mitral valve reconstruction and make
These markers include quality indicators such as follow-up observation periods of several years
perioperative occurrence of a stroke, hemor- necessary (Flameng et al. 2003).
rhages, renal failure, infections, and long-term
ventilation (Borracci et  al. 2007). For Germany,
they can be looked up at 7, 3.5.3 Markers of  Therapeutic
provided by the German National Institute for Success: Operating Time
Quality Assurance (BQS). and Operating Costs
To be able to achieve valid collection and
assessment of these operative complications, for The length of an operation is also considered a
example, in the case of coronary bypass and valve benchmark for surgical and intervention quality,
operations, follow-up observation periods of as they can reflect the expertise of the surgeon and
6–12  months are required (Osswald et  al. 1999; his operating team. However, speed alone is not
Seghieri et  al. 2012). Further, due to age-related necessarily a quality indicator, because speed may
poor reconstitution capabilities, elderly patients also mean carelessness and imprecise work (Rosser
require a longer recovery phase and often still suf- et  al. 1997). For this reason, in the case of this
fer from postoperative sequelae within the speci- marker, the complexity of the operation and fur-
fied period. ther event variables must also be registered. The
To be able to discuss surgical success in the same also applies to recording the operation costs
widest sense, the actual goal of the operation must as a quality indicator. The seasoned and experi-
be reached, that is, an improvement of the com- enced surgeon with his team can work more cost-
plaint in comparison to the time before the opera- effectively than an inexperienced ­surgeon. Subject
tion must have occurred (improved status of the to certain reservations, this can also enable the
patient). In the field of cardiac surgery, this can be quality of the surgical intervention to be assessed.
an increase in the stress level tolerated and an
improvement of quality of life or extension of the
remaining lifetime possible. 3.6 Evaluation of Internal Quality
Assurance Data
3.5.2 Markers of  Therapeutic In order to be able to achieve a valid evaluation of
Success: Number the internal quality assurance data, the various risk
of Reoperations profiles of the patients must be added to the statisti-
cal analysis of the postoperative mortality and
Reoperations can also be seen as the consequence complication rate, the success of the operation, and
of the surgical technique applied; a reoperation for reoperation rate to the surgical technique, surgical
the patient generally means an enhanced perioper- material, and the perioperative therapy (MacKenzie
ative morbidity and mortality risk (Kara et al. 2013). et al. 2012; O’ Brien et al. 2009; Shahian et al. 2009).
74 J. Ennker and T. Walker

..Table 3.2  Key elements of computer-assisted internal quality assurance

Key elements Explanation

IT To carry out a statistically valid data analysis, it is necessary to put together several sources of
documentation data within a hospital. In practice, this often represents much difficulty:
3 and data
 The data sources in autonomous departments are often unlinked
 Date acquisition is often of a redundant nature

 Data acquisition is only partially consistent

 Due to external agreements, combining data sources is not always possible

 The individual departments as «owners» of the data sources insist on their autonomy

 Complying with the data regulations can in individual cases be problematic

 Integration of old data can be technically challenging

Acquisition of For a more detailed, postoperative follow-up, observation data must be accessed. To do this,
patient data it is necessary to develop and implement a multitiered system. This enables continuous
following documentation of the important anamnestic perioperative data. It is recommended that, in
transfer addition to the current daily routine work, a follow-up collection of data should be carried
out 6 months and 1 year postoperatively. This includes follow-up of physicians and hospitals
(hospitals for follow-up treatment, rehabilitation clinics, etc.) as well as the patients

Risk adjustment To evaluate the results of new therapies as well as the individual surgeons and departments,
it is necessary to compare the risk profiles of the patient population adequately. This is
possible with the help of established risk models such as Euroscore or Parsonnet Score. In
the representation of hospital-specific risk profiles, however, they are sometimes insufficient
for adequate presentation and can be supplemented by additional and, in some cases,
specific models. Moreover, it has to be taken into consideration that the collected data can
only be acquired retrospectively and can potentially result in error. Using modern statistical
methods such as balancing scores enables an adjustment of the patient characteristics and
hence leads to comparability between different institutions

Assessment As the results of surgical interventions are subject to multifactorial influences, the
plausibility elucidation of a cause and effect relationship is desirable. Depending on the method,
statistical methods alone can only show correlations and may not provide any actual
evidence. Therefore, the evaluated results must be subjected to a plausibility test

Due to the mass of collected data and the complex- referring physician, health insurance associations,
ity of the analysis, this internal quality assurance and patients, presentation within the scope of an
task is only possible with the help of computer- Internet website is also recommended.
assisted systems. Core issues of such a form of data
acquisition are summarized in . Table 3.2.
In the current conflict of dwindling financial 3.7 Risk Management
resources, computer-assisted data acquisition
represents a great challenge as an internal quality 3.7.1 Fundamentals of Risk
assurance tool. Thus, it is essential when setting Management
up and permanently maintaining such a system to
combine the multiple ranges of applications with In 1998, the Control and Transparency in
a high standard of quality. Further, one should Enterprises Act (ConTraA) took effect in
also not shy away from communicating the data Germany. According to this act, the board of an
gained within the scope of transparency and com- incorporated company must «. . . adopt appropriate
parability in the health care sector to the outside. measures to identify developments ­endangering
In addition to the written information for the the continued existence of the corporation at an
Chapter 3 · Principles of Quality Assurance and Risk Management Risk
75 3
early stage.» This legal requirement also refers to ­ hysicians, practices, and hospitals. It is precisely
limited liability companies (Ltd) and its CEOs and modern medicine which involves a great potential
applies to a number of privately sponsored hospi- for complications, mistakes, and damage.
tal associations. The problem is accentuated by the demand of
Derived from this act is the contractual the legislator to reduce treatment costs. Ultimately,
accessory obligation of the hospital manage- this leads to a shortened hospital stay of the
ment to create and permanently guarantee the patient and to increased pressure of time for the
organizational principles for a smooth course treatment of the patient group involved.
of treatment. In concrete terms, for the hospital All these criteria taken together lead to an
owners and hospital management, this means increased risk for the patient.
that an appropriate department for legal as well This became clearly apparent when the
as technical-­medical guidelines must be estab- Institute of Medicine (IOM) published its report
lished. This begins with the decision for a spe- «To Err Is Human» in 2000 (Institute of Medicine
cific legal form of the enterprise progressing up 2000; Leape and Berwick 2005). According to
to the allocation of departmental responsibilities. their definition, the term «patient safety» means
Furthermore, the hospital management also has the absence of adverse events during treatment.
the obligation to ensure the organizational struc- However, about 10 % of all hospital patients suffer
tures become effective in everyday medical treat- from adverse events, of which approximately half
ment and, if necessary, to intervene. The hospital can be attributed to direct errors in hospital activ-
manager is also responsible and accountable for ity and would have been avoidable (Institute of
the financial, spatial, personnel, and equipment Medicine 2000, 2001). As a result, in the USA
planning of the hospital. alone, up to 100,000 deaths per year have to be
In 1952, the BGH formulated a «Postulate of expected, which in principle would have been
Jurisdiction»: «Responsibility will be held for avoidable. There are no exact figures available for
organizational errors irrespective of financial, Germany but is may be assumed that they are of
structural, personnel or material bottlenecks similar dimensions.
because protection and safety of the patient has The topic «patient risk, patient safety, and
absolute priority over all other issues.» improvement of risk safety» is of enormous
importance for patients, hospital staff, and insur-
ance companies. Accordingly, there is also in
Emerging from the legislation described
Germany an ever-increasing ambition both on
above is the legal obligation of a medical
the part of the insurance companies as well as for
care facility to define a corporate strategy for
patients and physicians’ representatives to make
the enterprise to prevent damage and risks
important aspects of hospital activity a part of a
and to minimize any damage that may occur.
functioning risk management system.

On the other hand, the development within 3.7.2 What Is Understood by Risk?
the health care system has led to manifold
advances in therapy options. As a result, a marked The term «risk» can be characterized as the
improvement in the therapeutic results could be probability of damage occurring in the negative
achieved (Ulrich 2012; Fehr et  al. 2012). At the case or benefit in the positive case. How the
same time available medical technology has con- damage or benefit is understood depends on the
tinued to develop so that therapeutic results values and objectives of the organization con-
which were still unthinkable several years ago are cerned in each case. In the area of risk manage-
taken for granted today. Through the publication ment, this approach, however, is limited
of data, the general awareness and demands of exclusively to the negative viewpoint, that is, the
patients are growing accordingly. potential damage to the patient or financial loss
On the other hand, the increased frequency of for the organization.
high-risk operations also leads to an increasing There are often several concomitant risks that
number of civil proceedings with increasing may jeopardize a patient’s therapeutic success.
claims for damages and compensation from One problem regarding risk assessment is that not
76 J. Ennker and T. Walker

in its entirety. An optimally running risk manage-

Definition of Risk ment system cannot mean complete prevention of
Risk: Probability of an incident multiplied by errors. Risk management improves the ability of
the possible consequences (complication or an organization to deal with errors and the result-
death of a patient, financial loss). ing risks and damages. A solid risk management
system will increasingly become an important
3 guarantor of the overall success of an enterprise.
only one possible risk event is involved but often The primary target parameter of risk manage-
several individual events which are closely related ment is prevention of damage and claims by iden-
to one another. Frequently there is a tendency to tifying the causes.
ignore the entirety of the risks and only consider
the most likely individual event involved. This
may result further in a systematic underestimation 3.7.4 How Errors Originate
of the risk potential in a given situation.
If it is assumed that people are fundamentally fal-
lible, then the provision of continuous services
3.7.3 What Is Understood by Risk will inevitably not proceed continuously free of
Management? error. Thus, errors are also to be expected in those
institutions which have an above-average aspira-
The term «risk management» is the professional and tion regarding avoiding mistakes, as should be the
systematic handling of risks, their identification, the case in a hospital, for example. Mistakes are thus
prevention of damage, and claims for damages. The not considered as a cause, but as a consequence of
primary target parameter of risk management is the the «weak points» in the system. This concept was
prevention of damage by identification of causes. developed by J.  Reason in the 1990s and can be
Risk management is a method of identifying errors illustrated using a «Swiss cheese model» (Reason
that may occur, their causes and possible conse- 1997, 2000, 2012; . Fig. 3.1).
quences in a systematic manner, and analyzing and In every organization, there must be defense
focusing on avoiding these in the future. mechanisms and protective barriers on different
An adequate risk management system ensures levels that prevent the emergence of errors.
that an organization, a process, or a service is safer These barriers can, for example, be alarm signals
indicating device error functions, the exact regu-
lation of responsibilities, the «four-eyes princi-
ple» or the improvement of the safety awareness
Adequate risk management therefore begins
of the staff. Nevertheless, all barriers and protec-
to take effect before errors with serious
tive functions show smaller or larger gaps in
consequences can occur.
different places. As a result of unfavorable

..Fig. 3.1  Risk model

according to (J. Reason Successive layers of defense
1997, 2000) carrying various safety deficits

Potential source Catastrophe

of error

Training Experience
Organization Communication
Chapter 3 · Principles of Quality Assurance and Risk Management Risk
77 3
..Fig. 3.2 Damage
pyramid according to

1 Catastrophe

29 Accident

300 Incident

c­ onstellations, a situation may arise in which all 3.7.5 Components of Risk

defense mechanisms for a specific error sud- Management
denly become permeable. As a consequence, a
catastrophe or a fatal event emerges. A risk management system comprises four essen-
tial building blocks (. Fig. 3.3):
55 Risk identification
Also, from a statistical point of view, the 55 Risk assessment
emergence of catastrophic events are not 55 Risk solving
unpredictable but instead are preceded by 55 Risk controlling, which includes internal and
numerous smaller mishaps, work errors, and external communication
minor incidents.
The entire process of an actively used system
of risk management should be understood as
This correlation was already presented by being a cycle (cf. quality management), which
Heinrich in 1941 and is the central thesis of continuously keeps questioning itself and adapts
«Heinrich’s Law» (Heinrich 1941). In the 4,000 itself to new developments.
incidents examined, approximately 300 smaller
and inconspicuous errors occurred, and of these
in 29 incidents, a catastrophic error was avoided 3.7.6 Methods of Risk Identification
in time, but in one case, according to this law, a
serious catastrophe occurs (. Fig. 3.2). This dam- To identify risks in a system, they must be recog-
age pyramid demonstrates that between the nized as such. Only then can their significance be
occurrence of the most serious error and smallest quantified and classified qualitatively in a system,
error, there is a relevant relationship; therefore, a that is, the identification of previously unknown
strategy must be formulated with the avoidance risks is difficult, but nevertheless an essential pre-
of catastrophes by preventing small errors. requisite to successfully setting up a risk manage-
This correlation exists in the entire field of the ment system. Individual risk events, under certain
health care system. Catastrophic events can result circumstances, occur only very rarely, and their
in the death or serious injury of a patient as well as significance is thus often underestimated. In some
serious financial losses for the enterprise, whose cases, errors are not named by the persons con-
causes lie in avoidable errors. cerned, either due to a feeling of shame or because
78 J. Ennker and T. Walker

..Fig. 3.3 Risk
management cycle
according to Ennker et al.

Recognition of risky situations Quantitative risk assessment

and procedures with regard to probability
3 Grading of these situations and and extent of damage
procedures according to their
intrinsic risk for human life
and things


Communication of risk internally Risk avoidance

and externally Risk reduction
Risk acceptance
Establishing early warning systems
Risk transfer

legal implications are feared. Ultimately, risk anal- usually does not lead to the discovery of the actual
ysis is a purely retrospective process, so that causes and the error analysis also does not lead to
important aspects may simply become forgotten. a real improvement in the causative process.
This means that in many cases, the «catastro- The origin of errors and the erroneous handling
phe» has already happened and only then is an as a result is a multifactorial process, whose causes,
investigation started to determine how this calam- as a general rule, are to be sought in different work-
ity could occur (Duthie et al. 2005). ing areas and only in the rarest cases can they be
The most common reaction to a major calam- reduced to a direct, exclusively human cause
ity is the provision of prevention measures, so that (Carthey et al. 2001). The principle possible causes
this particular catastrophe can never happen are frequently ignorance and/or i­ ndifference, a heavy
again. The essential aspect of far-reaching risk pre- or excessive workload, communication deficiencies,
vention, however, is that the calamity is often only monitoring problems, inadequate resources, and in
the tip of an iceberg and under the surface lays the the health care system often patient factors. They
hidden potential for a complete series of further may make a contribution toward the occurrence of
and different calamities that cannot be resolved by an error on an individual basis or in their entirety.
the specifically tailored individual measures.
Whereas in Anglo-Saxon countries the assess-
ment of errors and causes of errors has changed,
The vast majority of errors here is not to be
in Germany errors are still primarily considered
ascribed to an individual person but often
under the aspect of personal responsibility.
arises at communication interfaces between
Although physicians are often threatened with
different service areas and types of service.
sanctions, those concerned usually accept the
consequence of, if possible, covering up the mis-
takes or not revealing their own involvement. Due
to the paucity of information, the consequence of However, in order to learn from mistakes and to
such behavior is the exact causes of the emergence avoid the repetition of the same mistake, errors and
of the error cannot be or can only inadequately be previous incidents must in the first instance be docu-
recognized (Department of Health 2000). mented in a reproducible system. When doing this, it
In the aviation transport or the atomic indus- is of decisive importance that reporting is performed
try, errors that occur are not always the result of free of sanctions and anonymously. Only when it has
human error. This erroneous assumption then been accepted in an organization that everyone is
Chapter 3 · Principles of Quality Assurance and Risk Management Risk
79 3
capable of making mistakes and that this may consti- incidents (incidence reporting system), an attempt
tute a part of normal working procedures can a valid is made to record all incidents independent of their
system be established to identify the sources of potential repercussions and to derive suitable mea-
error—the prerequisite for reliable prophylaxis sures from this for organizational processes
(Leape 2002; Emanuel et al. 2008). In the following, a (Gausmann and Schmitz 1998). The underlying
selection of such systems, which have already proved principle behind this form of recording is based pri-
their validity in practice, are presented. marily on the abovementioned statistical relation-
ship between a multitude of preceding incidents of Adverse Occurrence smaller significance and a catastrophe ultimately
Screening resulting from these (cf. Heinrich’s Law).
Using adverse occurrence screening and a targeted
search for previously defined adverse events, it is pos- Complaint Management
sible to make a risk assessment of defined sections of The systematic introduction of a functional com-
a process or a service (Pagnamenta et al. 2012). plaint management system is based on the follow-
In a hospital, for example, this can be the death of ing observation: a patient who is satisfied with his
a patient, unplanned readmission into a hospital, treatment tells an average of three additional per-
unplanned return transfer to the intensive care unit, sons about his/her experiences. A patient who is
an unplanned operation, or hospital stay of more dissatisfied with his treatment informs nine addi-
than 30 days. With the help of a computer-assisted tional persons about this, and a patient who was
database, an assessment of the occurrence and dissatisfied who could then be satisfied again (e.g.,
chronological sequence of defined risks may be with the help of a functional complaint manage-
gained. The disadvantage of this method is, however, ment system) recounts this very satisfying experi-
the fact that only retrospective r­egistration of the ence for him/her to 20 additional persons.
defined target variables is possible, thus hampering In this example, it is evident that the reputation
the search for the causes due to delays (Reason 1995). of a hospital can be dependent on positive and
negative incidents and that it is important to react Sentinel Event Report appropriately to the complaints made by patients.
Certain events in a hospital can be considered as
key events, based on a combination of similar error
Every complaint must be seen as being an
structures. Examples of this are (Leape et al. 1995):
opportunity for improvement. Patients who
55 Operation of the wrong patient or the wrong side
express complaints are in principle interested
55 Suicide of a patient during the hospital stay
in contact with the hospital and/or its staff.
55 Unexpected death of a patient
55 Reoperation due to forgotten material or
surgical instruments
55 Blood transfusion despite blood group Patients who have the feeling that their com-
incompatibility plaints are handled attentively and satisfactorily
55 Medication mix-ups as the direct cause of believe that their decision to choose this hospital
death of a patient has been confirmed, and they then communicate
their experience to others. Incidence Report Further, important avenues for internal qual-
This reporting system involves the acquisition and ity management can be derived from where there
assessment of all error incidents within an organiza- are deficits in the everyday routine or where
tion, independent of whether they are severe or only potential for improvement exists.
minor incidents (WHO 2005). In such a complex
organization such as hospital, errors and near errors Patient Questionnaire
are an integral part of the daily routine. Although The aim of patient questionnaires is to improve
several of the incidents rated as especially serious patient satisfaction and the competitiveness of the
are discussed within the scope of ward handovers or facility concerned. One of the greatest challenges
medical rounds, a large majority of these do not, in the implementation of this tool consists initially
however, undergo any further processing as they are in detachment from an antiquated doctor-­patient
not really considered to be relevant, as «nothing relationship. A patient generally possesses only lim-
happened.» With the help of a reporting system for ited medical competence and must be considered
80 J. Ennker and T. Walker

as a partner who is involved in relevant decisions. 55 Checking the effectiveness of the measures
To be a partner, he/she should be put into the posi- taken to prevent errors
tion by the medical personnel to be able to properly 55 Reassessment of the risk after the corrective
judge his/her own clinical situation (Merten 2005). measure based on the abovementioned key
If attention is given to patient questionnaires which points (gives a new risk priority number, which
particularly describes situations that include risk in turn regulates the further need for action)
3 and regards potential for improvement, then imple-
menting a questionnaire leads to gaining important A comparative analysis of the risk priority
information that may have escaped the attention of numbers gives the possible risk reduction and the
the staff. From this point of view, patient question- most suitable measure to prevent the occurrence
naires represent an important source of informa- of a specific error and damage associated with it
tion for exposing risk potentials. (cf. Stauss and Seidel 2002).
In order to gain as much information as pos-
sible from such questionnaires, a patient
­questionnaire should be constructed in such a 3.7.7 Risk Analysis and Risk
way that it allows not only yes and no answers but Assessment
also allows rating. This is usually achieved by an
evaluation of the predefined statements or scaling Following risk identification is an analysis, an assess-
of «not/never true» up to «completely/always ment, and an estimation of the risks, and potential
true,» usually in five to six steps. risk areas are discovered. These are attributable the
product of the probability of the occurrence of the Failure Mode and Effects analyzed error and the degree of the damage associ-
Analysis (FMEA) ated with it. This relationship can be depicted graph-
The FMEA is an analytical method designed to ically as in . Fig. 3.4. The risks here cannot always
find potential weaknesses in a workflow procedure, be seen as single, independent points, but rather
a process, or an organization. Within the frame- they may include larger areas which are then
work of risk management, the FMEA can be imple- described as «risk areas.» In certain special cases,
mented to avoid errors and to act as a preventative these areas may also shift into areas that exceed a
measure. The FMEA is premised on precautionary predetermined risk threshold. A section of the risk
accident prevention as opposed to error detection which is not located within an acceptable range
and correction (error management), emphasizing must be considered separately and re-analyzed.
early identification of potential causes of error. In At the beginning of a risk analysis, the probabil-
practice, this usually functions by a team of ity of the occurrence of the risk should be deter-
employees from the departments concerned hav- mined. This is especially important because risks
ing a discussion on errors and the assessment of the that occur regularly show a habituation effect and as
errors, which should take place in predefined steps: a result are underestimated in the future. It is there-
55 Identification of potential error possibilities fore recommended to follow a time frame scheme.
55 Evaluation of the possible error consequences An example of this is presented in . Table 3.3.
55 Analysis of the causes Following the determination of the probabil-
55 Risk assessment according to the estimated ity of occurrence are an evaluation and classifica-
probability of the occurrence of the error tion of consequential damage. For a hospital, this
concerned and classification in a mathematical can be presented as in . Table 3.4.
scale system From . Tables 3.3 and 3.4, it is possible to set
55 Classification of the possible damage up a risk rating matrix, and the classified events
55 Classification of the probability of can be assigned to specific levels of activity, which
discovering this error must be implemented by those bearing responsi-
55 Multiplication of the values of occurrence, bility in order to prevent the future occurrence of
significance, and discovery (this gives a these risks and/or damage (. Table 3.5).
grading system with a risk priority number Based on this structured risk estimate and the
which regulates the urgency of the further potential consequence, a ranking list can be created,
need for action) in which ranking of the potential consequences and
55 Result-oriented discussion of measures to error sources takes place. A catalog of measures can
make the occurrence of the error impossible then be derived from this list to deal with risks.
Chapter 3 · Principles of Quality Assurance and Risk Management Risk
81 3

of occurence

high Inacceptable risk Risk variance/range

Threshold for

low Acceptable risk


low moderate high catastrophic

..Fig. 3.4  Relationship between probability and damage (From Ennker et al. 2006; used with permission)

..Table 3.3  Risk-time scheme ..Table 3.4  Consequential damage

Frequency of Consequences Definition

occurrence Time frame
Extreme Death of a patient which is not
Very common Occurs weekly or several times directly related to the disorder
per month and does not correspond to the
expected therapeutic result
Common Occurs several times per year
Considerable Serious persistent dysfunction
Uncommon 1–3 events per year which is not directly related to
Rare Occurs now and again in a the disorder and does not
5-year interval correspond to the expected
therapeutic result
Very rare Occurs once in a 5–30-year
interval Every form of disfigurement

Urgent need for surgery

Moderate Persistent dysfunction which is

not directly related to the
3.7.8 Handling Risks disorder and does not
correspond to the expected
Within the scope of a risk analysis, one should be therapeutic result
aware that despite excellent risk management, it is
Every case of extended
impossible to completely and permanently hospitalization
exclude all existing risks. Therefore, four strategic
Need for additional surgery
considerations for handling identified and ranked
risks in a hospital are key: Minor Increased need of nursing care
55 Risk avoidance Very minor Incident, which does not,
55 Risk reduction however, require any further
55 Risk acceptance medical care or surgical
55 Risk transfer measures whatsoever

..Table 3.5  Risk rating matrix

J. Ennker and T. Walker

Consequential damage

Probability Extreme Considerable Moderate Minor Very minor

Very common 1 1 2 3 3

Common 1 1 2 3 3

Uncommon 1 2 2 3 4

Rare 1 2 3 4 4

Very rare 2 3 3 4 4

The numerical values given correspond to the different levels of consequences with the corresponding measures derived from these, which are listed below
Level 1: Unexpected death or persistent dysfunction that is not normally related to the disorder. The immediate intervention of the functionaries is required here. For a hospital,
especially in private ownership, such events threaten its very existence. A single occurrence here may also be sufficient to lead to serious consequences for the hospital
Level 2: An event that is fraught with a high risk or an incident fraught with a high risk which may potentially lead to death, severe complications, or a permanent dysfunction of
the patient. Immediate intervention of the functionaries is necessary
Level 3: Events that lead to health impairment of the patient and are related to inadequate handling of medical care, clinical practice, and quality of the operation. A report to those
bearing responsibility is required that stipulates appropriate measures to prevent future repetitions
Level 4: Events which involve a minor health impairment, but which harbor a risk potential. A remedy for this may often already be achieved by means of a qualitative improve-
ment in routine procedures
Chapter 3 · Principles of Quality Assurance and Risk Management Risk
83 3
In this way, within the scope of a risk avoid- increasing competition is becoming more and
ance scheme, a patient can be transferred to a spe- more important and is essential to the survival of
cialty hospital when adequate treatment cannot the enterprise and the employees working there.
be guaranteed in an organization’s own hospital.

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organize the everyday clinical routine in a live-adjusted displays with internal and external risk-­
number of stages, so that it is possible to adjusted mortalities. A valuable method for bench-
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exactly is patient safety? In: Henriksen K, Battles JB,
Rather, risk controlling must serve to check
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on the one hand, important that risk management Quality, Rockville
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der Herzchirurgie. Steinkopff, Darmstadt
cannot already be terminated a few months after
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its introduction. On the other hand, it is necessary Recht. Steinkopff, Darmstadt
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erably established from the beginning on a con- Fehr R, Hurley F, Mekel OC, Mackenbach JP (2012) Quantitative
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85 4

Quality Control in Cardiac

Surgery in the United
Matthias Loebe and Mark G. Davies

4.1 Introduction – 86

4.2 Levels of Quality Control – 87

4.2.1 Local/Institutional Level – 87 Morbidity and Mortality Conferences – 87 Care Management and Performance Improvement – 88 Medical Services Quality Management – 88
4.2.2  egional Level – 89
4.2.3 National Level – 89 The Joint Commission – 89 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services – 89 Society of Thoracic Surgeons National Database – 90 University Hospital Consortium – 90 Hospital Quality Alliance – 90 American College of Cardiology – 90 Vascular Quality Initiative – 91 Registries in Other Nations – 92
4.2.4 Commercial Quality Review and Reporting – 92 The Commonwealth Fund – 92 Leapfrog – 92 Healthgrades – 93 US News & World Report – 93
4.2.5 Quality Control in Thoracic Transplant – 93

4.3 Conclusion – 93

References – 93

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_4
86 M. Loebe and M.G. Davies

4.1 Introduction cardiac surgery for many years. These models are
accepted by the cardiac surgery community and
In recent years, quality control, outcome mea- their representative societies.
surement, and reporting of performance criteria With the interest growing in control of cost in
have become central parts of daily activities for health care, the general belief has developed that
cardiac surgeons in the United States (Loebe et al. quality measures are one of the strongest vehicles
2009). Several layers of outcome reporting and to reduce expenditures. A good outcome leads to
quality control have been introduced by a number decreased resource utilization at all levels, shorter
4 of players in the health-care industry. Hospitals, length of stay (LOS), and less cost. In an environ-
practitioners, and entities such as insurance com- ment where reimbursement is based on diagnosis-­
panies, provider networks, and state health-care related group (DRG) methodology, this is a
agencies are all subject to public reporting and necessary element in maintaining financial viabil-
have to compare their performance with national ity of both nonprofit and for-profit organizations
and regional benchmarks. and individuals. Therefore, as health care has
While public reporting is expected to generate moved from a type of free-market economy to a
awareness and influence decision-making by con- more regulated and controlled field, payors and
sumers, insurance companies as well as govern- governments have adapted. In the United States,
ment agencies use outcome reports for the Federal Government has become the largest
credentialing, re-credentialing, and regulation of provider of health care; it will be unavoidable that
health-care providers. Payments and financing mechanisms of central governance will be more
are now modified based on the outcomes reported. and more influential in how health care is pro-
To position oneself in the competitive market of vided. Again, cardiac procedures are in the fore-
health-care providers in the United States, institu- front as they are both very common and quite
tions have expanded the requirements on internal expensive, but other areas such as vascular surgery
reporting. Frequent reviews of individual practi- and general surgery are soon to follow. There is
tioners as well as service lines outcomes, internal little doubt that in the near future, all health-­care
reporting, and internal benchmarking are increas- providers will be increasingly subject to intense
ingly applied to improve performance of pro- outcome monitoring and quality reporting.
grams and institutions and increase their standing About 60 % of cardiac patients in the United
in public reporting and contractual negotiations. States are covered by Medicare, a federal govern-
Furthermore, institutions are investing in ancil- ment agency. Patients covered through Medicaid
lary staff to maximize coding on each patient so (state government entities) add another 10 % of
that they can benefit from the risk adjustment of government-sponsored health care. Veterans are
outcomes and improve reimbursement. The entitled to receive care in a separate health-care
majority of the work on additional documenta- system, fully funded by the Federal Government
tion now falls on the clinical staff at each level of and with a unique quality control system, as all
patient care. information is centrally collected by the
There is no doubt that cardiac surgery lends Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) (Takaro
itself particularly well to such efforts of intense et al. 1986). VA funding is separate from Medicare.
outcome monitoring and public reporting due to The number of private-paying patients, either
the relative homogenicity of cases treated by car- through private insurance or directly, has con-
diac surgeons and the length of time that has been stantly declined, and today is less than 6 %. That
spent recording and developing the databases. leaves about 20 % of patients who have insurance
Comparably few procedures make up the vast through commercial carriers nearly always
majority of surgeries performed in the field (Guru bought and provided by the employer. These com-
et al. 2009). The key procedures, such as coronary mercial insurance companies and networks have
artery bypass grafting (CABG) or aortic valve their own benchmarks and quality standards.
replacement, have been extensively studied, and Performance data are used within the United
there is fairly good evidence that can be used as a States in different ways: some basic criteria are
basis for performance measurement and outcome adopted from the Medicare system, but additional
reporting. In addition, risk models have been performance requirements may be established by
developed and extensively tested in the field of the commercial payors to restrict the number of
Chapter 4 · Quality Control in Cardiac Surgery in the United States
87 4
certified providers, particularly in specialty pro- cardiovascular procedures play a primary role in
grams such as solid organ transplant. Different the quality assessment through the Federal
levels of partnership (provider network, center of Government. Hospitals and regions are measured
excellence, etc.) have been implemented to direct by their utilization of and performance in cardiac
patients to specific institutions. Quality parame- procedures. Consequently, great attention is
ters are the most important factors in such grad- directed to outcomes in this field by the adminis-
ing, but they are not the only ones: center volume, trative leadership of hospitals (Klein and Nashef
location, spectrum of other services, and pricing 2008).
do play a substantial role in becoming a center of
Recently, the Federal Government, through 4.2 Levels of Quality Control
Medicare, has started to link reimbursement with
quality parameters in that certain complications 4.2.1 Local/Institutional Level
are not paid for at all (such as hospitalization for
line sepsis and decubitus ulcers) and, in general, Several levels of quality assurance in cardiac sur-
reimbursement is reduced if the hospital is not in gery have been established (. Table 4.1). One level
compliance with pre-specified benchmarks. For is the measurement of care performance on the
example, if performance criteria in discharge edu- institutional level. This would include documenta-
cation and discharge medication for heart failure tion and reporting of medication errors, sentinel
patients are not fulfilled, the total Medicare reim- events (e.g., retained sponges), patient falls, and
bursement for all services to the hospital will be patient satisfaction. Medication errors are docu-
reduced by 3 %. These are substantial punish- mented and reported by the pharmacy service of
ments for health-care providers and require hos- the hospital, and these reports are based on com-
pitals to increase their supervision of practitioners puterized records. Ongoing monitoring of patient
to change the way they deliver health care and satisfaction by interviews and sending out ques-
may force hospitals to remove physicians from the tionnaires after hospital discharge is mandated and
staff in order to control noncompliant personnel. can be performed by commercial service providers.
The Federal Government has long focused on The quality of physician performance is moni-
quality reporting in health care. Under the Clinton tored and reported internally. In most institu-
administration and continued under the second tions, this is based on the data derived from the
Bush administration, the Centers for Medicare Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) registry.
and Medicaid Services (CMS) through the Agency Individual outcomes are made available to the
for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) surgeon and to his peers. Usually, this includes
developed the Healthcare Cost and Utilization number of cases, mortality, time on ventilator, use
Project (HCUP) to identify Quality Indicators of blood products, and LOS. Furthermore, cases
(QIs) in response to the increasing demand for are identified and reviewed by peers based on cer-
information regarding the quality of health care. tain triggers, such as mortality, unplanned return
These measures, based on discharge data obtained to the operating room (OR), or complaints by
through Medicare, were intended to flag potential nonphysicians. These reviews are protected as
quality problems in hospitals or regions. Out of confidential and should not be confused with
200 possible indicators, 45 were selected, with 25 educational events such as mortality and morbid-
indicators evaluating quality of care at the hospi- ity conferences, which are open to residents and
tal level. These included seven volume indicators, fellows and not part of quality assurance.
and among these were five cardiovascular indica-
tors: abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair, Morbidity and Mortality
carotid endarterectomy (CEA), CABG, percuta- Conferences
neous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA), Morbidity and mortality conferences are depart-
and pediatric heart surgery. In addition to AAA mental events that are not protected under the
repair, pediatric heart surgery and CABG in- laws regulating quality control and reporting for
house mortality appear as indicators. CABG and the hospital. They are, of course, protected by
PTCA per capita are listed as indicators for confidentiality rules governing health care in gen-
regional quality in health-care delivery. Obviously, eral. These conferences cannot substitute for the
88 M. Loebe and M.G. Davies

..Table 4.1  Levels of quality assurance in Care Management
cardiac surgery and Performance
Level of Surveillance entities In the Care Management and Performance
Improvement (CMPI) process, service lines
Local/ Morbidity and mortality within the hospital review their performance in a
institutional conferences multidisciplinary fashion. Generic indicators such
as mortality, LOS, preventable falls, and patient
4 Care Management and
Performance Improvement (CMPI) satisfaction are reviewed. The service line may set
their own criteria or the hospital may hand down
Medical Services Quality benchmarks to the service line. Most of the time,
Management (MSQM)
these benchmarks are derived from outside
Regional New York State Cardiac Surgery sources such as University Hospital Consortium
Reporting System (UHC) or STS databases. Service line-­specific cri-
Northern New England teria, like in transplantation, may be added.
Cardiovascular Disease Study Group During the CMPI process, quality goals for the
Dallas City-Wide Conference future are set, and plans to obtain these goals are
established. The role of CMPI is to choose specific
National The Joint Commission
quality improvement projects that are highlighted
Centers for Medicare and by the review of outcomes from administrative
Medicaid Services (CMS) databases. Appointments to CMPI are annual.
Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS)
National Database  edical Services Quality
University Hospital Consortium (UHC)
Medical Services Quality Management (MSQM)
Hospital Quality Alliance (HQA) is a formal, multidisciplinary peer review of cases
American College of Cardiology (ACC) based on medical service lines. The hospital iden-
tifies indicators that lead to review. In cardiac sur-
Vascular Quality Initiative (VQI)
gery, these indicators might be mortality,
Commercial The Commonwealth Fund unplanned return to OR, LOS, time on ventilator,
Leapfrog or a sentinel event. The members of this commit-
tee are appointed by the president of the medical
Healthgrades staff. The committee performs a peer review pro-
US News & World Report cess. The case review is mandatory and includes
Transplant United Network of Organ Sharing
all practitioners in the service line. The committee
surveillance (UNOS) can investigate, send out inquiries, and get other
service line MSQM committees involved.
Scientific Registry of Transplant
Cases are reviewed by peers and graded
Recipients (SRTR)
according to performance. The service line sub-
Interagency Registry for committee reports to the hospital’s MSQM steer-
Mechanically Assisted Circulatory
ing committee. This oversight committee may
hear appeals from the practitioner and/or invite
outside reviews. Quality problems have to be
reported to the service line’s departmental chair-
Medical Services Quality Management (MSQM) man, who decides the appropriate actions. For
or Care Management and Performance example, a performance improvement plan may
Improvement (CMPI) processes outlined below. be established between the chairman and the
Morbidity and mortality conferences are primar- practitioner. Its progress, then, has to be reported
ily reviews within the department and serve, to a back to the MSQM committee. Serious issues may
large extent, an educational purpose. Participation have to be reported to the State Board and can
is voluntary, and cases can only be reviewed with result in disciplinary action from the medical
the consent of the practitioner. licensing board. The MSQM process is protected
Chapter 4 · Quality Control in Cardiac Surgery in the United States
89 4
under confidentiality law. Actions by the hospital Joint Commission International (JCI) was
that alter a physician’s credentials/privileges established in 1997 as a division of Joint
lead  to dismissal from the attending staff, or Commission Resources, Inc. (JCR), a private, not-
require retraining reports to a Federal National for-­
profit affiliate of The Joint Commission.
Practitioner Database, which is accessible by Through international accreditation, consulta-
any  health-­
care facility to which a physician tion, publications, and education programs, JCI
applies to work. extends The Joint Commission’s mission world-
wide by helping to improve the quality of patient
care by assisting international health-care organi-
4.2.2 Regional Level zations, public health agencies, and health minis-
tries, and others evaluate, improve, and
Several regions have established reporting mecha- demonstrate the quality of patient care and
nisms for cardiac surgery outcomes. The most enhance patient safety. International hospitals
widely known example is the reporting of volume may seek accreditation to demonstrate quality,
and outcomes in the State of New  York. Here, and JCI accreditation may be considered a seal of
both hospital and individual practitioner data are approval by medical travelers from the United
made available to the public by the state govern- States.
ment. Similar reporting structures have been All health-care organizations are subject to a
established in other regions, including the 3-year The Joint Commission accreditation cycle,
­Northern New England Cardiovascular Disease while laboratories are surveyed every 2  years.
Study Group and the Dallas City-Wide With respect to hospital surveys, the organization
Conference. does not make its findings public. However, it
does provide the organization’s accreditation
decision, the date that accreditation was awarded,
4.2.3 National Level and any standards that were cited for improve-
ment. The unannounced full survey is a key com-
ponent of The Joint Commission accreditation The Joint Commission process. «Unannounced» means the organization
On a national level, quality reporting is provided does not receive an advance notice of its survey
through several avenues. One level is the agencies date. Substantial time and resources are devoted
that accredit hospitals. The Joint Commission by health-care organizations ranging from medi-
(TJC), formerly the Joint Commission on cal equipment suppliers and staffing firms to
Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations tertiary-­care academic medical centers to prepare
(JCAHO) and previous to that the Joint for and undergo The Joint Commission surveys.
Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals
(JCAH), is a US-based nonprofit organization  enters for Medicare
that accredits more than 19,000 health-care orga- and Medicaid Services
nizations and programs in the United States. A The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
majority of state governments have come to rec- (CMS), previously known as the Health Care
ognize The Joint Commission accreditation as a Financing Administration (HCFA), is a federal
condition for licensure and the receipt of Medicaid agency within the US Department of Health and
reimbursement. Surveys (inspections) typically Human Services (DHHS) that administers the
follow a triennial cycle, with findings made avail- Medicare program and works in partnership with
able to the public in an accreditation quality state governments to administer Medicaid, the
report on the Quality Check Website. Recently, a State Children’s Health Insurance Program
new law regulating Medicare removed The Joint (SCHIP), and health insurance portability stan-
Commission’s statutorily guaranteed accredita- dards. CMS establishes criteria for reimburse-
tion authority for hospitals, opening the field for ment of services. As mentioned above, CMS
other accreditation companies. Another provider recently joined reimbursement to quality reports
of hospital accreditation that has entered the US and will reduce payment to hospitals that do not
market is Det Norske Veritas (DNV), a Norwegian meet performance criteria. This signifies a dra-
insurance and logistics company. matic shift in the role that CMS plays and will
90 M. Loebe and M.G. Davies

force health-care providers to dedicate significant STS match. They found that the unmatched cases
resources to quality management and outcome were more likely to be minority patients and/or
reporting (Lindenauer et al. 2007). emergency operations. They also discovered that
the cases excluded from the STS database were  ociety of Thoracic Surgeons
S more likely to be associated with mortality. Some
National Database of the explanations for these discrepancies could
The STS National Database was established in 1989 include potential selective underreporting of
as an initiative for quality improvement and patient patients with poor outcomes.
4 safety among cardiothoracic surgeons. The STS
database now has over 1,000 participating surgeons University Hospital
and data on almost four million operations (Brown Consortium
et al. 2010). There are three components to the STS University Hospital Consortium (UHC), Chicago,
National Database, each focusing on a different Illinois, formed in 1984, is an alliance of 116 aca-
area of cardiothoracic surgery: adult cardiac, gen- demic medical centers and 276 of their affiliated
eral thoracic, and congenital heart surgery, with hospitals representing approximately 90 % of the
the availability of anesthesiology participation nation’s nonprofit academic medical centers. The
within the Congenital Heart Surgery Database. Consortium’s membership includes academic
The component databases provide opportunities health systems from across the United States.
for quality improvement to their participants. The These systems came together to develop the
STS has developed quality performance measures Quality and Accountability Study, so they could
in all three subspecialties of surgery. have a truly objective, data-driven measure for
By collecting outcomes data for submission to comparing their systems. UHC offers an array of
the STS National Database, surgeons are commit- performance improvement products and services.
ting to improve the quality of care that their car- Extensive databases provide comparative data in
diothoracic surgery patients receive. STS continues clinical, operational, faculty practice manage-
to develop and maintain quality performance mea- ment, financial, patient safety, and supply chain
sures in the areas of adult cardiac, general thoracic, areas. Programs such as UHC’s Imperatives for
and congenital heart surgery. Many of these mea- Quality and the UHC/AACN Nurse Residency
sures are included in CMS’s Physician Quality Program™ offer opportunities for knowledge shar-
Reporting System. In the interests of transparency, ing and education. List servers allow members
STS has also established STS Public Reporting from across the Unites States to share information
Online: the publishing on of CABG com- on outcomes and performance.
posite quality ratings from STS Adult Cardiac
Surgery Database participants who have volun- Hospital Quality Alliance
teered to participate. STS initially received consent In December 2002, the American Hospital
from 226 database participants to report their Association, the Federation of American
information through STS Public Reporting Online. Hospitals, and the Association of American
With over 1.5 million patients, the STS data- Medical Colleges launched the Hospital Quality
base provides unmatched outcome comparisons. Alliance (HQA), a national public–private col-
The STS National Database is about 97 % com- laboration to encourage hospitals to collect and
plete and ready to support longitudinal research report data regarding the quality of care on a vol-
on the outcomes of cardiothoracic surgery, untary basis. The HQA was designed to provide
according to results of a study that matched STS information about the quality of hospital care to
database records to records kept by CMS. A study the public and to «invigorate efforts to improve
by the Duke Clinical Research Institute matched quality.» Financial incentives were suggested and
records in the STS database and CMS database for have been since implemented.
CABG hospitalizations of Medicare patients over
age 65 from 2000 to 2007 (Guru et al. 2008). The American College
researchers evaluated the representativeness of of Cardiology
the STS database by comparing data from the Medical outcome research has traditionally used
CMS records that were not matched to STS three different sources of data: randomized clini-
records with the CMS records that did have an cal trial data, administrative data, and registry
Chapter 4 · Quality Control in Cardiac Surgery in the United States
91 4
data. All forms of data have their respective and information solutions that support the areas
advantages and shortcomings. In recent years, of cardiovascular care where quality can be mea-
government agencies such as the FDA or CMS sured, benchmarked, and improved.
have increasingly requested registries for certain
procedures or devices. These post-marketing reg- Vascular Quality Initiative
istries allow for evaluation of therapies in daily In 2011, the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS)
practice. However, the quality of data reported launched the Vascular Quality Initiative (VQI) to
and provided to the agencies determines the value improve the quality, safety, effectiveness, and cost
of such registries. of vascular health care by collecting and exchang-
To improve the quality of cardiovascular ing information. VQI combines the concepts of
patient care by providing information, knowledge, regional quality improvement developed in New
and tools; implementing quality initiatives; and England with the intention of becoming a robust
supporting research that improves patient care and national vascular database and leader in quality
outcomes, the American College of Cardiology improvement in limb salvage. The New England
(ACC) launched the National Cardiovascular Data registry is a validated regional data registry within
Registry (NCDR) as a result of its exploration of a quality improvement initiative that has been
various strategies for collecting and implementing associated with improved preoperative medica-
clinical data in order to improve cardiovascular tion usage and has helped define real-world prac-
care (Messenger et al. 2012). As part of a data qual- tice and potential practice improvements.
ity assurance program, annual audits are per- VQI provides a potential vehicle for future
formed to assure the completeness and correctness public and pay-for-performance reporting and
of the information transferred into the registries has the potential to improve patient outcomes. It
by the sides. Educational tools to improve perfor- uses the structure of a Patient Safety Organization
mance of documentation and reporting are pro- (PSO) to ensure a focus on quality improvement
vided to the participating centers. Through this and to provide the necessary safeguards for data
effort, it is guaranteed that stakeholders using the confidentiality. The SVS PSO was listed by AHRQ
information derived from the registries can base in February 2011. The SVS PSO collects data
their decisions on high-­quality data. related to commonly performed major vascular
The outgrowth of the NCDR effort has focused procedures. These include carotid endarterec-
on quality patient care through standardized tomy (CEA), carotid artery stenting (CAS),
measurement of clinical practice and patient out- infrainguinal bypass (INFRA), suprainguinal
comes. The first registry, encompassing cardiac bypass (SUPRA), open infrarenal abdominal aor-
catheterization and percutaneous coronary inter- tic aneurysm (oAAA) repair, endovascular infra-
vention (PCI) activities, was designed to help renal AAA repair (EVAR), thoracic endovascular
health-care provider groups and institutions aortic repair (TEVAR) including branch/fenes-
respond to increasing requirements to document trated AAA repair, peripheral vascular interven-
their processes and outcomes of care. Today, the tion (PVI) of aortoiliac and lower extremity
NCDR maintains several registries in the field of arterial disease, and hemodialysis access
cardiovascular medicine. Among them are the (ACCESS). Participants in VQI must commit to
ICD registry, collecting information about defi- entering data for all consecutive procedures per-
brillator therapy; the CARE registry, collecting formed and must submit billing data periodically
information about carotid interventions; and the to allow an audit that confirms complete entry of
TVT registry which has recently been started in all procedures. Follow-up information is collected
conjunction with STS to monitor percutaneous at 1 year for all procedures, an element unique to
aortic valve interventions. VQI, and at additional time points for selected
Today, more than 2,200 hospitals nationwide procedures that may require interval or longer
participate in the NCDR. As the preeminent US follow-up.
cardiovascular data repository, the NCDR pro- Analysis of aggregated data within the SVS PSO
vides evidence-based quality improvement solu- is directed by the Quality Committee and per-
tions for cardiologists and other medical formed by PSO staff. This includes the develop-
professionals. As a patient-centered resource, the ment of risk-adjustment algorithms to allow fair
NCDR has developed clinical modules, programs, comparisons of hospitals or physicians, adjusted
92 M. Loebe and M.G. Davies

for potentially important differences in patient on quality and performance measures. Other
characteristics. Based on these analyses, the Quality companies provide advice to health-care providers
Committee develops and disseminates informa- how to improve their performance. Finally, some
tion to improve patient safety, such as recommen- media attract advertisement by providing «best
dations, protocols, or information regarding best of» lists (best doctor, best hospital, etc.). Discussed
practices. The Quality Committee also coordinates here are some of the most important entities in the
and facilitates quality efforts of regional quality field of commercial quality review and reporting.
groups, as discussed above (Sect.  4.2.2). The SVS In addition to these entities, there are several other
4 PSO is permitted to publish data that are non-iden- smaller enterprises providing ratings, all with very
tifiable in terms of patient, physician, or hospital. different procedures to establish their ranking. As
This allows regional quality groups to obtain non- a consequence, at any given time, one can find sev-
identifiable data for their centers for specific eral hospitals advertising their services by claim-
regional quality analyses or research projects. It is ing to be «the best» in cardiac care in the region.
also possible for multiple regional groups or cen-
ters to pool non-­identifiable data for analysis, and The Commonwealth Fund
such projects are approved and coordinated by the The Commonwealth Fund is a private US founda-
SVS PSO Quality ­Committee. tion whose stated purpose is to «promote a high
performing health-care system that achieves bet- Registries in Other Nations ter access, improved quality, and greater effi-
Proponents have long recognized the potential ciency, particularly for society’s most vulnerable»
value of collaborative registries to answer clinical and the elderly. This foundation covers many
questions and provide benchmarking for quality areas of national and international health-care
improvement or assurance. While their value is policy. One of these many fields of activity is the
significant, so are the logistical issues associated gathering and dissemination of evidence on excel-
with data collection, auditing data accuracy, lence in health care from across the country and
ensuring confidentiality, obtaining patient con- the world. National and international compari-
sent, and funding such efforts. In vascular sur- sons should help to show what is possible to
gery, one of the earliest registries that has been achieve and stimulate health-care providers, poli-
maintained is the Swedvasc effort, which has been cymakers, and stakeholders to take action to
in place since 1987. Subsequently, several other improve performance. Since 2006, The
European vascular registries were organized, and Commonwealth Fund and its Commission on a
more recently integrated as Vascunet, under the High Performance Health System have tracked
auspices of the European Society for Vascular the performance of US health care through a
Surgery. The United Kingdom (UK) Audit and series of national, state, and regional scorecards.
Australasian Vascular Audit (Australia and New
Zealand) have been organized in the UK and in Leapfrog
Australia and New Zealand to function as quality Leapfrog is a for-profit organization advising
assurance registries. employers on what health insurance coverage to
offer to their employees. Its goals are to inform
Americans about hospital safety and quality, pro-
4.2.4  ommercial Quality Review
C mote full public disclosure of hospital perfor-
and Reporting mance information, and help employers provide
the best health-care benefits to their employees.
Several companies have entered the market in Leapfrog sets and publishes certain standards on
reviewing and reporting health-care outcomes. which to base health-care plan purchasing deci-
Again, cardiovascular medicine is the most docu- sions. For the most part, these standards are taken
mented and watched area in this regard. As the US from local or national databases, but they also
health-care system is a quasi-free market, these include recommendations on such organizational
companies exercise their influence to stir decision- and structural issues as participation in databases,
making towards certain health-care providers. intensive care unit staffing with board-certified
Some companies advise insurance companies in intensivists, door-to-needle time for acute myo-
contracting with hospitals and physicians based cardial infarction, and technical equipment. As
Chapter 4 · Quality Control in Cardiac Surgery in the United States
93 4
Leapfrog acts on behalf of purchasers and employ- qualification. The Scientific Registry of Transplant
ers across the country, it represents a substantial Recipients (SRTR) is the basis of outcome evalua-
market force in health care. Through its guide- tion. Here, every 6 months, detailed reports on the
lines and criteria, the group has substantial influ-performance of transplant centers are made avail-
ence on how health care is delivered. able to the public. This includes survival, graft
function, wait time, and demographics of recipi- Healthgrades ents. Centers that do not meet expected perfor-
Healthgrades Inc. is a US company that develops mance levels get flagged and risk the loss of their
and markets quality and safety ratings of health-­ certification if they continue to underperform.
care providers, including hospitals, nursing Both CMS and UNOS visit transplant centers
homes, physicians, and dentists. Quality ratings unannounced to perform chart reviews. This has
are devised from publicly available patient safety led transplant centers to dedicate substantial
data and analyzed with proprietary technology amounts of time and personnel to documentation
developed by Healthgrades. In addition to these and reporting. It has also urged numerous small
ratings, Healthgrades offers consulting services to transplant programs to close down as the demand
health-care providers to improve on safety mea- in resources and outcome quality was deemed to
sures and how to enhance marketing and public be too economically challenging.
relations. As a for-profit organization, it has a
strong presence on the internet, where it provides
gradings for hospitals and physicians. 4.3 Conclusion US News & World Report Quality control in cardiac surgery in the United
US News & World Report is a former print maga- States has grown rapidly in recent years. Efforts in
zine that now offers its ratings online. A multitude documentation and reporting of outcome data
of reports are available (schools, universities, hos- have become a substantial part of the cardiac sur-
pitals, etc.). The report on hospital rankings is one gery practice. Through their administrations, hos-
of the most prominent and offers a ranking of hos- pitals have taken a leading role in implementing
pitals by specialty. If a hospital is ranked in multi- benchmarks, monitoring outcome, and reporting
ple specialties among the top performers, it is these numbers to regional and national databases.
included in an Honor Roll. Recently, US News & Reimbursement has now been tied to perfor-
World Report started to offer regional comparisons mance criteria. Multiple layers of documenting
as well. Its findings are hugely used for promotion and reporting have been implemented. To remain
and advertisement of hospitals in the United competitive in this environment, institutions have
States. In their reporting, cardiac surgery is ranked no choice but implement processes of quality con-
together with cardiology. Factors influencing the trol and quality improvement. Constant internal
rank are volume, outcome, technical equipment, reporting and rapid intervention on data suggest-
reputation score, and number of nurses. In the ing a process or practitioner underperforming are
upper segment, the ranking is largely driven by a necessary to maintain effective health-care deliv-
reputational score, which is obtained through a ery. The hope is that these efforts will result in
questionnaire sent out to peers in the field. improved outcomes for patients and a more effi-
cient use of resources in cardiac surgery.

4.2.5  uality Control in Thoracic

Transplant References
In addition to the quality reporting and perfor- Brown ML, Lenoch JR, Schaff HV (2010) Variability in data:
mance control described above, solid organ trans- the Society of Thoracic Surgeons National Adult
plantation is subject to further surveillance. Cardiac Surgery Database. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg
Transplanting centers must be certified by CMS
Guru V, Tu JV, Etchells E et al. (2008) Relationship between
and the United Network of Organ Sharing (UNOS) preventability of death after coronary artery bypass
in order to perform transplants. Certification is graft surgery and all-cause risk-adjusted mortality
based on case volume, outcome, and physician rates. Circulation 117(23):2969–2976
94 M. Loebe and M.G. Davies

Guru V, Naylor CD, Fremes SE, Teoh K, Tu JV (2009) Publicly Loebe M, Tewani S, Bruckner BA, Disbot M (2009) Quality
reported provider outcomes: the concerns of car- management in cardiac surgery in the USA. Dtsch Med
diac surgeons in a single-payer system. Can J Cardiol Wochenschr 134(Suppl 6):S234–S236, German
25(1):33–38 Messenger JC, Ho KK, Young CH et al. (2012) The National
Klein AA, Nashef SA (2008) Perception and reporting of Cardiovascular Data Registry (NCDR) data quality
cardiac surgical performance. Semin Cardiothorac brief: the NCDR data quality program in 2012. J Am
Vasc Anesth 12(3):184–190 Coll Cardiol 60(16):1484–1488
Lindenauer PK, Remus D, Roman S et al. (2007) Public Takaro T, Ankeney JL, Laning RC, Peduzzi PN (1986)
reporting and pay for performance in hospital quality Quality control for cardiac surgery in the Veterans
improvement. N Engl J Med 356(5):486–496 Administration. Ann Thorac Surg 42(1):37–44
95 5

Databases in Cardiac
Wolfgang Schiller and Jan F. Gummert

5.1 Introduction – 96

5.2 Databases in Cardiac Surgery: Germany – 96

5.2.1  nnual Report of the German Society for Thoracic and
Cardiovascular Surgery – 96
5.2.2 National Mandatory Quality Assurance in Germany – 97
5.2.3 German Quality Assurance for Congenital Heart
Diseases – 98

5.3  he Society of Thoracic Surgeons National

Database (STS-NDB) – 98

5.4  atabases of the European Association for

Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS) – 100
5.4.1 E ACTS Congenital Database – 100
5.4.2 EACTS Adult Cardiac Database – 102

5.5  he Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery in Great

Britain and Ireland’s National Adult Cardiac
Surgery Audit and the British Congenital
Cardiac Association’s Congenital Heart Disease
Audit – 103

5.6 Databases Answering Specific Questions – 105

5.6.1 TAVI Databases – 105 German Aortic Valve Registry (GARY) – 105 STS/ACC TVT Registry™ – 106 The United Kingdom Transcatheter Aortic Valve
Implantation Registry – 106
5.6.2  ational Pediatric Cardiology Quality
Improvement Collaborative (NPC-QIC) – 106

References – 107

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_5
96 W. Schiller and J.F. Gummert

5.1 Introduction ..Table 5.1  Properties of databases are

influencing the possible results and are important
There is a worldwide consensus in cardiac surgery for the interpretation of outcomes
that the use of complex and risky therapies can
Database Option
merely be justified by solid knowledge about their
Thus, cardiac surgery was and still is an expe- Mode of Mandatory/voluntary
diting motor for the introduction of database sys- participation
tems in medicine. Participants Institutions (hospitals)/single
Furthermore, by the end of the twentieth cen- surgeons/group of institutions
5 tury in numerous countries, partners of health
Trigger Diagnoses related/procedure
care have realized a necessity of quality assurance. criteria related all procedures/selected
As a consequence, national databases have been key procedures (e.g., isolated
constituted in several countries (Germany, United CABG)
Kingdom, USA). Primarily initiated by national Term of data Ongoing/time-limited
medical societies, some of these databases have aquisition
evolved from systems producing output figures
Data Plausibility checks, feedback, and
with crude mortality rates to sophisticated data- validation correction system
bases with extensive analyses and risk stratifica-
tion tools. On-site data monitoring/
statistical checks
Aims of these databases include reporting
and providing information to the public and Verification of Validation with reimbursement
partners in health care, participating in audit completeness data, local visits
programs, enabling benchmark evaluations and Data set Patient-/case-/procedure related
performance assessments, and improvement of
Type and definition of variables
Databases distinguish from each other not Obligatory/optional data/
only according to geographical catchment areas minimum data set
(region, nation, continent), but also some are Plausibility checks follow-up data
linked to healthcare providers, social security sys-
Outcome Descriptive statistics, mortality
tems, medical societies, or research projects. The variables rates (inhospital, 30 days,
design of a database and its properties is essential follow-up); morbidity variables
for the significance and interpretation of the (e.g., stroke, renal failure,
reports and analyses derived from it (. Table 5.1). mediastinitis, length of hospital
stay); process variables,
composite scores, risk adjustment

Reporting Regularly (e.g., annually/with

5.2  atabases in Cardiac Surgery:
D multiple years) public, specific for
Germany participants, anonymous,
scientific aggregation
5.2.1 Annual Report of the German
Society for Thoracic
and Cardiovascular Surgery
The DGTHG performance statistics is giving /
Annual reports of the German Society for gives a complete overview of cardiac surgery pro-
Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (DGTHG cedures performed in Germany. . Figure 5.1 shows
performance statistics, until 2003; Hamburg the development of annually performed main car-
Statistics) were first introduced in 1978. diac surgical procedures from 1994 to 2012.
Further, since 1989, results have been pub- These statistics are based on voluntary and
lished in the Journal of Thoracic and anonymized annual data delivery of all German
Cardiovascular Surgery (Kalmar and Irrgang cardiac surgery departments. Procedure type as
1990; Funkat et al. 2012). well as hospital mortality has to be reported.
Chapter 5 · Databases in Cardiac Surgery
97 5

Counts Coronary Artery Bupass Surgery Valve Surgery Congenital Heart Disease Others






94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12

..Fig. 5.1  DGTHG performance statistics: annually performed main cardiac surgical procedures since 1994 (Copy-
right: German Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery)

In Germany, every diagnostic or surgical proce- bility to preserve the comparability of data even
dure has to be coded for reimbursement reasons. over decades.
Coding is based on a German Operation and The database registers procedures, not patients.
Procedures System (OPS) which was derived in 1994 Thus, the number of procedures is higher than the
from the «International Classification of Procedures number of treated patients. As a result, mortality is
in Medicine» (ICPM), and since that time, new meth- declared on a slightly lower level than an effective
ods have been adopted on an annual basis. Therefore, one; however, analyzing electronically submitted
it represents not only the state-of-the-art medical data showed that this difference is neglectably small.
therapies but also new procedures. For example, Future development of this database will pro-
transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) could vide a risk-adjusted presentation of all cardiac
be coded as early as 2006 with the code «5–35a.0 surgical procedures performed in Germany.
endovascular aortic valve implantation» which was Besides the publication in the Journal of
later subdivided in «5–35a.00 endovascular implanta- Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, selected
tion» and «5–35a.01 transapical implantation.» data are published by the «Deutsche Herzstiftung»
Software that processes administrative data (German Heart Foundation) in «Deutscher
with OPS codes is free to every institution. Each Herzbericht» (German Heart Report) along with
operation is assigned to defined classes according data concerning interventional therapies in
to an open and accessible specification. Germany (7
Since 2004, data can be submitted electroni- For further information, visit 7
cally, and for each procedure, risk variables can
also be transmitted at the discretion of the institu-
tion. Thus, a risk-adjusted presentation of the 5.2.2  ational Mandatory Quality
results is possible and a more detailed sub-­analysis Assurance in Germany
can be performed. Currently, not all departments
are using this opportunity; thus, risk adjustment Since 2001, results of isolated aortic valve proce-
is possible only for a subset of data. dures, isolated coronary artery bypass grafting
The top priority of this database is the com- (CABG) and combined aortic valve and coronary
pleteness of annual data collection. For compara- surgery have been reported to the German Head
bility reasons, the basic structure of cardiac Office for Quality Assurance (AQUA-Institute,
operations classification was maintained. It was Göttingen, until 2008; BQS-Institute, Düsseldorf).
subdivided or enlarged when more information For economic reasons, this mandatory quality
had to be reported or new methods have been assurance is restricted to a numerically essential
introduced, always in mind a backward compati- part of the entire cardiac surgery activity. This
98 W. Schiller and J.F. Gummert

type of external quality assurance is a legally German health care including physicians, hos-
required process. pitals, and health insurances. In Germany, these
Historically, this quality assurance initiative ­self-­governing partners have the order to trans-
goes back to the QUADRA study performed in pose legislation into daily practice.
Germany beginning in 1989 (Struck et al. 1990). . Table 5.2 is derived and translated from the
In 2000, the data set was adopted to the defini- Quality Report 2012, AQUA-Institute (AQUA-­
tions for EuroSCORE variables as risk-adjusted Institut für angewandte Qualitätsförderung und
outcome measurements had to be performed by Forschung im Gesundheitswesen GmbH 2013). It
means of EuroScore. As observed, mortality rates gives procedural and outcome results for isolated
turned out to be only half of the predicted ones; coronary artery bypass grafting in Germany.
5 new scores for isolated CABG (KCH-Score) and For further information, visit 7
isolated AVR (AKL-Score, published as German
AV-Score) (Kötting et al. 2013) and the combina-
tion of both (KBA-Score) have been developed. 5.2.3  erman Quality Assurance
Data analysis is performed on an annual basis, for Congenital Heart Diseases
and reporting to hospitals is accompanied by an
audit of departments with suspicious quality indi- In 2006, the German Society for Thoracic and
cators. In the case of serious irregularities, the Cardiovascular Surgery (DGTHG) together with
clinic will be de-anonymized for the assessment the German Society for Pediatric Cardiology
panel. Thus, an inspection or a professional audit established a task force to develop national quality
will be carried out to bring about quality improve- assurance for congenital heart disease. On the
ment by defining common objectives. If no basis of the EACTS Congenital Database, a data
improvement can be achieved with these arrange- set was defined not only for surgical therapies but
ments, the professional group can recommend a also for interventional treatment. Follow-up data
de-anonymization to the federal commission. of the patients is requested 3 months and 1 year
Data validation is implemented via statistical after the initial operation or intervention.
control measures as well as on-site in randomly After a successful pilot study, the database was
selected hospitals. launched in October 2011. The vast majority of
Today, quality assurance in Germany is man- German institutions performing interventional or
datory for 13 different organs or regions of the surgical treatment for congenital heart disease is
body comprising 31 different types of treatment. participating on a voluntary basis. Hospitals have
Of these, 14 components refer to the cardiovascu- to pay for participation, and the database is spon-
lar system: revascularization of the carotid artery, sored by «Deutsche Herzstiftung» (German Heart
heart transplantation, lung and heart-lung trans- Foundation).
plantation, implantation of a cardiac pacemaker, With this longitudinal database, estimations
exchange of a pacemaker, revision of a pacemaker, of outcome regarding multistage procedures will
implantation of an implantable cardioverter defi- be possible.
brillator, exchange of an implantable cardioverter For further information, visit 7 www.
defibrillator, revision of an implantable cardio- nationale-­qs-­
verter defibrillator, percutaneous coronary inter-
vention (PCI), coronary artery bypass grafting
(CABG), isolated conventional aortic valve 5.3  he Society of Thoracic Surgeons
implantation, isolated transcatheter aortic valve National Database (STS-NDB)
implantation (TAVI), combined coronary artery
bypass grafting and conventional aortic valve After the publication of unadjusted outcome data
implantation, and heart transplantation. on the basis of administrative data by the US
The regulatory authority and contracting Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA)
entity is the «Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss» in the late 1980s, several databases and risk mod-
(G-BA; Common Federal Committee) which els for risk-adjusted outcome measurements had
is the body of the self-governing partners in been developed. One of these databases is the
..Table 5.2  Isolated coronary bypass grafting in Germany, from Quality Report 2012

2011 2012

Indicator of quality Cases (patients)

ID Description Result Result Counts (O|E)a Denominator Tendency

332 Utilization of the left internal thoracic artery 93.7 % 94.1 % 32,401 34,417 →
Chapter 5 · Databases in Cardiac Surgery

2256 Postoperative mediastinitis after elective/urgent operation 0.5 % 0.4 % 128 34,398 →

2257 Postoperative mediastinitis in patients with risk class 0 or 1 according to NNIS 0.4 % 0.4 % 114 31,373 →

2259 Neurological complications after elective/urgent operation 0.9 % 0.8 % 277 32,800 →

348 In-hospital mortality 3.0 % 3.1 % 1,228 40,160 →

349 In-hospital mortality after elective/urgent operation 1.9 % 2.0 % 684 34,429 →

11617 Ratio of observed to expected mortality (O/E) 1.00 % 1.04 % 1,177 1,128 39,282 →
3.00 % 2.87 %

353 Status at the 30th postoperative day is known 78.3 % 79.2 % 31,798 40,160 ↗

351 Mortality after 30 days 3.2 % 3.1 % 730 23,274 →

From AQUA-Institute, Göttingen, on behalf of the Federal Joint Commission

NNIS National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance
aIn case of regression-based indicators of quality
5 99
100 W. Schiller and J.F. Gummert

Society of Thoracic Surgeons National Database 5.4 Databases of the European

(STS-NDB) that was founded in 1989. With the Association for Cardio-­
first software release in 1990 and 105 voluntary Thoracic Surgery (EACTS)
reporting sites from the USA and Canada, the
STS-NDB has grown exponentially to one of the The European Association for Cardio-Thoracic
largest medical databases with more than 1,000 Surgery (EACTS) currently supports two data-
participants and over five million data sets. The bases—the EACTS Congenital Database and the
STS-NDB comprises three components: EACTS Adult Cardiac Database.
Adult Cardiac Surgery Database
General Thoracic Surgery Database
5 Congenital Heart Surgery Database 5.4.1 EACTS Congenital Database
One of the most internationally recognized In 1999, the EACTS Congenital Database was
achievements of the STS-NDB is the risk models developed from a London database project of the
which imply different risk scores for isolated European Heart Surgeons Association (ECHSA)
CABG, isolated valve procedures, combined CABG and has since grown to a high-level database with
plus isolated valve procedures, and most recently worldwide acceptance.
risk models for multiple valve procedures (Shahian Currently, Bohdan Maruszewski in Warsaw
and Edwards 2009; Shahian et al. 2009a, b; O’Brian manages the database while Zdzislaw Tobota
et al. 2009; Rankin et al. 2013). For isolated CABG secures the project’s functionality. Further, 411
risk scores, data related to postoperative renal fail- departments of 35 European and 43 non-­
ure, stroke, prolonged intubation time, surgical re- European countries are registered.
exploration, and deep sternal wound infection are The EACTS Congenital Database offers par-
available. The STS CABG Composite Score and the ticipating centers’ sophisticated outcome reports
STS AVR Composite Score are combining pre-, about their own performance in relation to
intra-, and postoperative process and outcome national results or analysis by continent
measures, which is unique in this manner. (. Fig.  5.3). Public reporting provides for out-
In 2011, the Adult Cardiac Surgery Database was come data related to specific procedures and is
opened to participation by international institutions. aggregated for continents. A list of the best five
The data set last updated in 2011 (version units and some of their outcome variables are also
2.73) comprises 217 core panels and 255 addi- available. Risk stratification is performed by
tional variables. General statistics are published means of the «Aristotle Score» and «Mortality
regularly. Cooperating clinics are provided with Score.» The latter was developed on the basis of
extensive reporting suitable for inter-institutional real outcome data derived from the EACTS
benchmarking. Congenital Database and the STS-NDB. The STS
Until recently, the STS-NDB offers the possi- Congenital Database Task Force and the Joint
bility of public reporting to hospitals and surgeon EACTS-STS Congenital Database Committee
groups on a voluntary basis for isolated CABG developed coding specifications for diagnoses and
and isolated AVR. procedures in congenital heart disease, which are
On an aggregate level, star ratings (one to three used in both databases (Jacobs et al. 2007). As a
stars) are given for the participant. The ratings are consequence, mortality and morbidity risk indi-
based on a composite score, absence of mortality ces have also been developed (Jacobs et al. 2006,
(CABG and AVR), absence of morbidity (CABG 2007).
and AVR), use of internal thoracic artery as bypass Annually up to ten participants are visited for
graft, and receipt of required perioperative medi- data validity and verification audits.
cations only for isolated CABG (. Fig. 5.2). For further information, visit ­7 www.
For further information, visit 7
Chapter 5 · Databases in Cardiac Surgery
101 5

..Fig. 5.2  The Society of Thoracic Surgeons National Database: screenshot and example of public reporting with
respect to hospitals and surgeon groups on a voluntary basis for isolated CABG; names are erased by black bars.
7 (used with permission)
102 W. Schiller and J.F. Gummert

..Fig. 5.3  Example of bubble chart reporting from the EACTS Congenital Database: mortality score vs hospital mor-
tality for neonates, all procedures. The graphs show the results of one unit (red) over the mean values of the other units
split by hospitals. Each bubble represents one hospital; X-axis, mortality-score, Y-axis, 30d mortality; the bubble sizes are
correlating to the relative case numbers of each institution (Courtesy of B. Maruszewski)

5.4.2 EACTS Adult Cardiac Database tion). The second report was published in
September 2005 with additional data sets from
EACTS Adult Cardiac Database aims at collecting 2003. It included 350,000 data sets of 18 countries,
data on procedures from all European countries and for the first time, Germany participated in the
and to publish them as a comprehensive report. In report. The third report was published in
the future, structure and quality standards that September 2007 using additional data sets from
align closely with those of the STS-NDB will be 2004 to 2005. This report was based on 627,000
implemented. data sets and was the first to analyze total lethality
The first report was based on 220,000 data sets when sufficient data was available. In July 2010,
of procedures from 2001 to 2002 including 12 the Fourth European Association for Cardio-­
countries (at that time without German participa- Thoracic Surgery Adult Cardiac Surgical Database
Chapter 5 · Databases in Cardiac Surgery
103 5
Report was published. The report contains infor- tries. NICOR is funded by the Healthcare Quality
mation about over one million patients Improvement Partnership (HQIP), which is a
undergoing adult cardiac surgery in the period up charity contracted by the Department of Health
to the end of 2008. The submissions are from 366 in England to deliver outcome-focused quality
hospitals in 29 countries across Europe and China improvement programs structured around collec-
(Bridgewater et al. 2010). tion of clinical data.
Currently, the major problem of this data- Participation in the National Adult Cardiac
base system lies in its heterogeneous data quality Surgery Audit is mandatory for all National
due to markedly different local structures and Health Service (NHS) hospitals in England and
historically evolved data collecting cultures in Wales as part of the National Clinical Audit
the participating countries (Bridgewater et  al. Patient Outcomes Programme (NCAPOP). Data
2010). from the National Adult Cardiac Surgery Audit
Moreover, in some countries, there are legal are used to publish mortality rates for all NHS
considerations concerning data protection, which hospitals in the United Kingdom (and of some
hamper hospitals participation in this registry voluntarily participating private hospitals), which
(Hickey et al. 2013). carry out major adult cardiac surgery. Moreover,
since 2005, individual consultant adult cardiac
surgeon’s mortality rates have been reported to the
public (. Fig. 5.4). Over 90 % of adult cardiac sur-
5.5 The Society of Cardiothoracic geons chose to «opt in» to having their individual
Surgery in Great Britain data published for the most recent publication of
and Ireland’s National Adult these data on the SCTS website (7
Cardiac Surgery Audit patients).
and the British Congenital NICOR tracks long-term mortality and re-­
Cardiac Association’s interventions centrally by using a unique patient
Congenital Heart Disease identifier (the NHS number), along with other
Audit data set fields such as date of birth.
The Congenital Heart Disease Audit is man-
In the United Kingdom, monitoring of survival aged by NICOR, with professional leadership pro-
rates after cardiac surgery began in 1977 with vol- vided by the British Congenital Cardiac Association
untary submission of data to the Society of (BCCA) and the SCTS. All pediatric cardiac cen-
Cardiothoracic Surgery in Great Britain and ters in the United Kingdom participate in the
Ireland (SCTS). A more detailed National Adult Congenital Heart Disease Audit. The first report
Cardiac Surgery Audit data set was first released was published based on 2000/2001 data from
in 1996 and was later updated in 2003 and 2010. CCAD together with BCCA and SCTS. It contains
Comprehensive reports with analysis of the hospital mortality rates for specific operations or
National Adult Cardiac Surgery Audit data at catheter interventions. Today, mortality rates for
national level were published in the so-called Blue congenital heart procedures are published online
Books. The most recent Blue Book (Demonstrating (7
Quality) was published in 2009 (Bridgewater et al. vwContent/home?Opendocument) at hospital
2009). «Blue Book» analysis is now available level only, as low procedure rates per surgeon and
online and updated on a regular basis (7 www. per type of procedure mean that mortality report- ing on individual surgeon basis would risk making
In 2003, the SCTS agreed to join the Central analysis patient identifiable (. Fig. 5.5).
Cardiac Audit Database (CCAD), which was For further information, visit the following:
established in 1996 in order to coordinate differ- NICOR 7
ent data collection activities. CCAD has now SCTS Data set 7
become part of the National Institute for Adultcardiacsurgery/data sets
Cardiovascular Outcomes Research (NICOR), SCTS Outcomes data 7
based at University College London (UCL), which The Congenital Heart Disease Audit 7 www.ucl.
manages seven cardiovascular audits and regis-
104 W. Schiller and J.F. Gummert

..Fig. 5.4  Example of public presented outcome data for an individual surgeon (names are not included) (Derived
from 7 (used with permission)
Chapter 5 · Databases in Cardiac Surgery
105 5

Surgery : Norwood procedure (Stage 1) 2009–2012 – pediatric cases only

100 % 24

National average
95 % 2 98 % Control Limit
90 % 21
99.95 % Control Limit
8 13

85 %
Survival at 30 days

80 % 18

75 %

70 %

65 %

60 %

55 %

50 %
0 20 40 60 80 100 120

..Fig. 5.5  Example of public presented outcome data for Norwood stage I procedures (each number represents one
hospital) (Derived from 7

5.6  atabases Answering Specific

D included if informed consent is given. Data
Questions management is performed by an independent
institution (BQS-­ Institut für Qualität &
5.6.1 TAVI Databases Patientensicherheit, Düsseldorf, Germany),
which also gathers follow-up data up to 5  years
Due to the enormous growth potential in the rela- post implantation. With this, the 1-year follow-up
tively new procedure of transcatheter aortic valve reached an exceptional completeness of 98.1 %.
implantations (TAVI) and the steep rise in implan- GARY is an investigator-­initiated study with an
tation in some countries, there are several national unrestricted grant from medical device compa-
activities to evaluate the TAVI procedure. nies, active in the TAVI field.
The data set of GARY is based on the data set   erman Aortic Valve Registry
G of the National Mandatory Quality Assurance
(GARY) in Germany (see 7 Sect. 5.2.2). Additional data
As transcatheter aortic valve implantations regarding indication, anatomical parameters like
(TAVI) in Germany increased enormously (2010, distance of the coronary ostia to the aortic anulus,
2,565 patients; 2011, 7,231 patients; 2012, >9,000 procedural data, and outcome data are requested.
patients), the German Society for Cardiology The survey of quality of life (EQ-5D) preopera-
(DGK) and the German Society for Thoracic and tively and with each follow-up gives an additional
Cardiovascular Surgery (DGTHG) initiated a reg- focus to this registry, which goes beyond the usual
istry to evaluate this method in comparison to outcome parameters of mortality and complication
conventional aortic valve replacement. The rates. All centers performing TAVI procedures in
German Aortic Valve Registry (GARY) is a Germany are participating in this nationwide vol-
prospective, controlled, multicenter registry. All untary registry (Beckmann et al. 2012).
patients undergoing an invasive therapy for For further information, visit 7 www.aorten-
acquired aortic valve disease are consecutively
106 W. Schiller and J.F. Gummert  STS/ACC TVT Registry™ and the need for «intervention for paravalvular
The Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) and the regurgitation». All units performing TAVI proce-
American College of Cardiology (ACC) developed dures in the United Kingdom submit data for every
a registry in order to investigate practice patterns consecutive patient where TAVI was attempted. The
and patient outcomes regarding the TAVI p ­ rocedure first long-term results derived out of this database
within an observational period of 30 days and 1 year have been published in 2011 (Moat et al. 2011).
post implant. The sophisticated data set (version 1.2) For further information, visit 7 www.ucl.
of this registry contains all commonly known pre-,
intra-, and postprocedural parameters with cath
and lab findings and a long list of possible compli-
5 cations. Moreover, it comprises preoperative indi- 5.6.2  ational Pediatric Cardiology
cation parameters like «Hostile chest,» «Porcelain Quality Improvement
aorta,» or «EuroScore II» as well as the «Kansas City Collaborative (NPC-QIC)
Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire» in its short form
KCCQ-12 and the «Five-Meter Walk Test» preoper- The database of the NPC-QIC is primarily not
atively and in the two follow-ups. As many of these based on cardiac surgery initiatives, and it is not
parameters are not obligatory, the validity of derived a database for quality measurement of cardiac
analyses will depend on the collaboration of partici- surgery procedures. But it is very closely linked
pants. Participation is voluntary and bound to fees to cardiac surgery, as the underlying aim is for it
that have to be paid by each facility. to improve the outcomes of care for children with
For further information, visit 7 www.ncdr. congenital heart disease, and it is the first project
com/TVT. «to improve survival and quality of life in infants
with a single ventricle during the interstage   he United Kingdom
T period between discharge after neonatal cardiac
Transcatheter Aortic Valve surgery and admission for bidirectional Glenn.»
Implantation Registry The NPC-QIC is an initiative of the Joint
In the United Kingdom, the British Cardiovascular Council on Congenital Heart Disease (JCCHD),
Intervention Society (BCIS) and the Society of which consists of delegates from four key organi-
Cardiothoracic Surgeons in Great Britain and zations related to pediatric cardiology and liaison
Ireland (SCTS) have developed a data set for TAVI, representatives from different other organizations
as the National Institute for Health and Clinical including the Society of Thoracic Surgery (STS).
Excellence (NICE) suggested that all TAVI proce- The first achievement of this voluntary
dures should be recorded in a national database. multicenter project with the involvement of
Similar to the SCTS National Adult Cardiac parents is the development of clinical and
Surgical Database, this TAVI registry is imple- monitoring processes together with an inter-
mented and managed by the National Institute for stage feeding protocol that promises to
Cardiovascular Outcomes Research (NICOR). improve interstage growth. The project started
This data set contains typical pre-, intra-, and in 2007 with pilot funding obtained from the
postprocedural parameters as well as variables Cincinnati Children’s Heart Association. One
concerning the indication for TAVI like «extensive of the first tasks was to develop the longitudi-
calcification of ascending aorta,» «poor mobility,» nal NPC-QIC database as the basis for the
the Canadian Study of Health and Aging (CSHA) whole project. In contrast to other databases
Clinical Frailty Scale score, or the Katz Index of presented in this chapter, which are used to
Independence in Activities of Daily Living. measure quality of care and deriving conclu-
Follow-up data after 1 and 3  years contain the sions, the NPC-QIC database is primarily a
CCS angina class and the NYHA heart failure class of research tool to improve quality by developing
each patient. Late valve deterioration together with and validating methods.
«valve failure mode» or late paravalvular leakage can For further information, visit 7
be documented together with the date of occurrence For a list of more databases, see . Table 5.3.
Chapter 5 · Databases in Cardiac Surgery
107 5

..Table 5.3  Further databases

Country Database Link

Australia, New Australian and New Zealand Society of 7

Zealand Cardiac and Thoracic Surgeons (ANZSCTS) ascts-surgical-database/

Belgium Belgian Association for Cardio-Thoracic 7

Surgery (BACTS) database

China Chinese Adult Cardio Vascular Surgery 7


Italy National Registry of the Italian Society for 7

Cardiac Surgery

Japan Japan Adult Cardiovascular Surgery database 7

Norway Norwegian Register for Cardiac Surgery 7

Poland Polish National Registry of Cardiac Surgery 7

USA (NH, ME, VT) The Northern New England Cardiovascular 7
Disease Study Group (NNECDSG) database
(voluntary participation)

USA (NY) New York State Cardiac Surgery Reporting 7

System (mandatory participation) cardiovascular/

USA (NY) New York State Congenital Cardiac Services 7

database (mandatory participation) cardiovascular/

References Jacobs JP, Mavroudis C, Jacobs ML et al. (2006) What is oper-

ative mortality? Defining death in a surgical registry
AQUA- Institut für angewandte Qualitätsförderung und database: a report from the STS Congenital Database
Forschung im Gesundheitswesen GmbH (2013) Task Force and the Joint EACTS-STS Congenital
Qualitätsreport 2012. AQUA- Institut, Göttingen, Database Committee. Ann Thorac Surg 81(5):1937–
7 1941
Qualitaetsberichte/2012/AQUA-Qualitaetsreport-2012.pdf Jacobs JP, Mavroudis C, Jacobs ML et al. (2007) Nomenclature
Beckmann A, Hamm C, Figulla HR et al. (2012) The German and databases—the past, the present, and the future : a
Aortic Valve Registry (GARY): a nationwide registry for primer for the congenital heart surgeon. Pediatr Cardiol
patients undergoing invasive therapy for severe aortic 28(2):105–115
valve stenosis. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 60(5):319–325 Kalmar P, Irrgang E (1990) Cardiac surgery in the Federal
Bridgewater B, Keogh B, Kinsman R, Walton P (2009) Republic of Germany during 1989. A report by the
Demonstrating quality: the 6th National Adult Cardiac German Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular
Surgery database report. Dendrite Clinical Systems, Surgery. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 38:198–200
Henley-on-Thames, 7 Kötting J, Schiller W, Beckmann A et al. (2013) German aortic
resources/SixthNACSDreport2008withcovers.pdf valve score: a new scoring system for prediction of mor-
Bridgewater B, Gummert J, Kinsman R, Walton P (2010) tality related to aortic valve procedures in adults. Eur
Towards global benchmarking: the fourth EACTS adult J Cardiothorac Surg 43(5):971–977
cardiac surgical database report 2010. Dendrite Moat NE, Ludman P, de Belder MA et al. (2011) Long-term out-
Clinical Systems, Henley-on-Thames comes after transcatheter aortic valve implantation in
Funkat AK, Beckmann A, Lewandowski J et al. (2012) high-risk patients with severe aortic stenosis: the U.K. TAVI
Cardiac surgery in Germany during 2011: a report on (United Kingdom Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation)
behalf of the German society for Thoracic and Registry. J Am Coll Cardiol 58(20):2130–2138
Cardiovascular Surgery. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg O’Brien SM, Shahian DM, Filardo G et al. (2009) Society of
60(6):371–382 thoracic surgeons quality measurement task force.
Hickey GL, Grant SW, Cosgriff R et al. (2013) Clinical regis- The society of thoracic surgeons 2008 cardiac surgery
tries: governance, management, analysis and applica- risk models: part 2—isolated valve surgery. Ann
tions. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 44(4):605–614 Thorac Surg 88(1):S23–S42
108 W. Schiller and J.F. Gummert

Rankin JS, He X, O’Brien SM et al. (2013) The society of thoracic Shahian DM, O’Brien SM, Filardo G et al. (2009b) Society
surgeons risk model for operative mortality after multiple of thoracic surgeons quality measurement task
valve surgery. Ann Thorac Surg 95(4):1484–1490 force. The society of thoracic surgeons 2008 cardiac
Shahian DM, Edwards FH (2009) The society of thoracic surgery risk models: part 3—valve plus coronary
surgeons 2008 cardiac surgery risk models: introduc- artery bypass grafting surgery. Ann Thorac Surg
tion. Ann Thorac Surg 88(1):S1 88(1):S43–S62
Shahian DM, O’Brien SM, Filardo G et al. (2009a) Society of Struck E, De Vivie ER, Hehrlein F et al. (1990) Multicentric
thoracic surgeons quality measurement task force. quality assurance in cardiac surgery. QUADRA study of
The society of thoracic surgeons 2008 cardiac surgery the German Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular
risk models: part 1—coronary artery bypass grafting Surgery (QUADRA: quality data retrospective analysis).
surgery. Ann Thorac Surg 88(1):S2–S22 Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 38(2):123–134

109 II


Chapter 6 Extracorporeal Circulation

and Myocardial Protection
in Adult Cardiac Surgery – 111

Chapter 7 Advances in Cardiopulmonary Bypass

for the Neonate and Infant – 153

Chapter 8 Cardiovascular Tissue Engineering – 171

Chapter 9 Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care – 195

Chapter 10 Critical Care in Pediatric

Cardiac Surgery – 251
111 6

Extracorporeal Circulation
and Myocardial Protection
in Adult Cardiac Surgery
Christof Schmid

6.1  onduct of Cardiac Surgery

with Extracorporeal Circulation – 113
6.1.1 Physiology During Extracorporeal Circulation – 113 Hemodynamics – 113 Pulsatility – 113 Oxygen Consumption – 114 Gas Exchange During Extracorporeal Circulation – 115 pH Management: α[Alpha] Stat and pH Stat – 116
6.1.2  nticoagulation During Extracorporeal
Circulation – 116 Heparin – 117 Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT) and Heparin
Analogues – 117 Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors – 119 Surface Coating – 121
6.1.3 Myocardial Protection – 121 Concepts of Myocardial Protection – 121 Cardioplegia Strategies – 123
6.1.4 Side Effects of Extracorporeal Circulation – 125 Respiratory System – 125 Renal System – 125 Gastrointestinal System – 126 Endocrine System – 126

6.2  omponents of Extracorporeal

Circulation Systems – 127
6.2.1 Standard Heart-Lung Machine – 127 Pumps – 128 Oxygenators – 129 Venous Reservoir – 131

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_6 Bubble Trap and Arterial Filter – 132 Gas Blender – 132 Cannulas and  Tubing – 132 Cardioplegia Administration – 136 Vent Placement – 137 Tubing – 137 Open and Closed Systems – 137
6.2.2 Miniaturized Extracorporeal Systems – 137 MECC System (Maquet®) – 138 Resting Heart System (Medtronic) – 139 Synergy-Mini-Bypass System (Sorin®) – 139 ROC-Safe System (Terumo®) – 140 Modifications for Aortic Valve Surgery – 140 Functional Differences Between Mini and Standard
Systems – 141
6.2.3 Conduct of Cardiopulmonary Bypass – 141 Preparation of Extracorporeal Circulation – 141 Monitoring During Extracorporeal Circulation – 142 Termination of Extracorporeal Circulation – 142 Anesthesia During Extracorporeal Circulation – 143 Hemofiltration During Extracorporeal Circulation – 143 Problems and Complications During Extracorporeal
Circulation – 143

6.3 Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation – 144

6.3.1 E CMO Parameters – 145
6.3.2 Venoarterial ECMO – 145
6.3.3 Venovenous ECMO – 146
6.3.4 Indication for ECMO – 146
6.3.5 Physiological Consequences and Problems – 148
6.3.6 Long-Distance Transport on ECMO – 149
6.3.7 ECMO Resuscitation – 149

References – 150
Chapter 6 · Extracorporeal Circulation and Myocardial Protection in Adult Cardiac Surgery
113 6
6.1 Conduct of Cardiac Surgery ..Table 6.1  Necessary pump flows related to the
with Extracorporeal body temperature
Body temperature Pump flow L/min/m2
Adult cardiac surgery can be performed in different Normothermia 2.2–2.6
ways. For the majority of cardiac surgical proce-
dures, extracorporeal circulation is employed, i.e., a Mild hypothermia (32–35 °C) 2.0
standard heart-lung machine is connected, whereas Moderate hypothermia 1.5
some operations such as off-pump coronary artery (26–31 °C)
bypass surgery or the transcatheter aortic valve
replacement (TAVR) can be carried out without it
(see also 7 Chapter «Minimally Invasive Surgery», (SVR). Under normal perfusion conditions, the
Sect. 26.3.4). Minimized heart-lung machines basi- central venous saturation (SvO2) should be >65 %,
cally consisting of a combined pump-oxygenator and the serum lactate should be normal. A
provide another tool, which is predominantly used decreasing SvO2 during extracorporeal circula-
for coronary artery bypass surgery and in a few tion indicates insufficient circulatory support.
centers for aortic valve replacement too. Cerebral autoregulation keeps cerebral perfu-
sion constant for an arterial blood pressure range
of 50–150 mmHg. As brain metabolism decreases
6.1.1 Physiology to as low as 40 % of normal during anesthesia, a
During Extracorporeal perfusion pressure of 40–60 mmHg at full flow suf-
Circulation fices during normothermia or mild hypothermia.
In elderly hypertensive patients and those with sig-
The purpose of extracorporeal circulation is the nificant carotid artery stenosis, however, one is
maintenance of peripheral perfusion and gas inclined to maintain the perfusion pressure some-
exchange during open-heart surgery and in car- what higher to prevent ischemic complications.
diopulmonary failure. Therefore, extracorporeal The oxygenator of the heart-lung machine
circulation has a profound influence on the hemo- usually contains a heat exchanger, which allows
dynamic status and the oxygenation/acid-base cooling and rewarming of a patient with a hypo-/
status of the patient. The hemodynamic status is hyperthermia system. Between 22 and 37  °C,
optimized via the pump flow, whereas the gas cerebral perfusion remains constant, again due to
exchange is adjusted with the oxygenator. The autoregulation, and drops below 22  °C down to
blood flow over artificial surfaces necessitates 15 % of normal. For that reason, the pump flow of
anticoagulation and compromises end-organ the heart-lung machine can be lowered to 1.5 L/
function with time. A prolonged cardiac arrest min/m2 at a temperature of about 28 °C and even
requires cardioplegic myocardial protection. further with more pronounced hypothermia.
The benefit or harm of total body hyperperfu- Hemodynamics sion is still unclear. In vasoplegic or septic patients,
The main task of circulatory support is the main- who normally present with high cardiac output
tenance or reestablishment of a physiological sys- and high central venous saturation, respectively, it
temic perfusion. As the required cardiac output is probably advantageous to offer a maximized
(CO) is related to the patient’s body size and pump flow. So far, high pump flows have been
shape, the necessary pump flow has to be normal- successfully offered only in patients with a total
ized to the body surface (. Table 6.1). artificial heart, but this phenomenon has not been
The pump flow aimed at for standard adult analyzed in proper studies (Copeland et al. 2003).
open-heart surgery employing extracorporeal cir-
culation is commonly defined to 2.4 L/min/m2. In Pulsatility
miniaturized systems, less hemodilution allows The significance of pulsatility during extracorpo-
for a lower pump flow. The regulation of the mean real circulation was a matter of research for
arterial pressure is achieved by adjusting the many  years. Frequently, there is an erroneous
pump output and the systemic vascular resistance assumption that a roller pump generates only a
114 C. Schmid

weak pressure profile. In fact, roller pumps create a VO 2 = ( Ca O 2 − C v O 2 ) × Cardiac output

high pulsatility with a hard pulse (dp/dt, pressure
× 10 [ normal : 200 – 250 mL / min ]
increase over time), which is dampened by the long
tubing system as well as by the windpipe function of
The arterial oxygen content (CaO2) defines the
the aorta. For practical purposes, pulsatility can be
amount of oxygen, which is bound to hemoglobin
most simply generated by varying the rotational
and dissolved in plasma, and can be calculated
speed of the pump, even with an a priori nonpulsa-
with the following formula (arterial oxygen satu-
tile centrifugal pump. However, most of the pres-
ration SaO2)1:
sure pulse does not reach the aorta as the compliance
of the oxygenator absorbs the pressure pulsation. Ca O 2 = ( Hb × 1.39 × Sa O 2 ) + ( Pa O 2 × 0.003)
Important knowledge with regard to the physi-
ological relevance of pulsatility has been gained
[ normal : 20.4 mL O2 / 100 mL blood ]
with the introduction of axial and centrifugal flow
6 pumps for long-term ventricular assist. Taken
The central venous oxygen content (CvO2) can be
calculated in a similar way (venous oxygen satura-
together, it seems that pulsatility is meaningless as
tion SvO2):
long as the pump flow is normal or mildly elevated
(>100 mL/kg/min). The same is true for an inade- C v O 2 = ( Hb × 1.39 × Sv O 2 ) + ( Pv O 2 × 0.003)
quate low flow (<40 mL/kg/min) with inadequate
oxygen supply, anaerobic metabolism, and acido- [ normal : 15.7 mL O2 / 100 mL blood ]
sis. Only in a borderline low but not critical range
The arteriovenous oxygen difference (AVDO2),
pulsatile perfusion may offer an advantage (Bartlett
which is normally 4–6 mL O2/100 mL blood, is a
2005). The reason for this is a stronger stimulation
parameter of tissue perfusion. A high difference
of aortic and carotid sinus pressure receptors by
(>6 vol.%) is seen with physical activity and car-
the nonpulsatile flow, which ensues a worse micro-
diovascular decompensation and a low difference
circulation following an increased endogenous
during hypothermia and sepsis.
catecholamine release. As the extracorporeal cir-
The systemic oxygen delivery (DO2) is fourfold
culation always provides sufficient oxygen, this
higher as the oxygen consumption (VO2) and can
mechanism does not play a role in daily practice,
be calculated from the arterial oxygen content and
i.e., nonpulsatile flow per se is not harmful.
the cardiac output and therefore depends on the
amount of hemoglobin, its saturation, as well as Oxygen Consumption the arterial partial oxygen tension. Accordingly,
The oxygen consumption (VO2) is a global instru- oxygen extraction describes the quantity of oxygen
ment to measure cardiopulmonary function and which actually participates at the gas exchange.
oxygen transport. In adults, oxygen consumption The normal level is 26 ± 2 %. Calculation is as fol-
is 3–5 mL/kg/min and depends mainly on the tis- lows:
sue metabolism. At rest, oxygen consumption VO 2
equals the basal metabolism and increases with O 2 ER = × 100
physical activity accordingly (up to tenfold). With DO 2
fever or following catecholamine application, it
only rises about 50–60 %. In healthy people, there DO2 is independent of the patient’s size:
is also a linear relationship between oxygen con- DO 2 = Ca O 2 × CO × 10
sumption and heart rate. Oxygen is taken up by
the lung as necessary, independent of lung func- [ normal : 800 – 1000 mL / min ]
tion. Therefore, oxygen consumption can be mea- If the oxygen delivery declines, oxygen consump-
sured with respiratory parameters. As the arterial tion first remains normal, i.e., more oxygen is
oxygen content is independent of age and body retrieved in the periphery and the central venous
size and oxygen requirement is regulated by car-
diac output, the oxygen consumption (VO2) can
1 SaO2 = arterial oxygen saturation, 1.39 = Hüfner’s
be calculated as product of the difference between constant (1 g hemoglobin can bind 1.39 mL of
arterial (CaO2) and venous (CvO2) oxygen content oxygen theoretically), PaO2 = arterial partial oxygen
and the cardiac output according to Fick: tension, and 0.0003 = Bunsen solubility coefficient
Chapter 6 · Extracorporeal Circulation and Myocardial Protection in Adult Cardiac Surgery
115 6
oxygen saturation drops. Only when DO2 is no c­ ross-­clamped, the lung cannot contribute to gas
more but twice of the oxygen demand, an oxygen exchange. For oxygen transfer through the oxy-
debt and anaerobic metabolism develop. A 1:1 use genator, especially during aortic cross-clamp, the
of delivered oxygen is impossible since a few tis- pump volume plays an important role as the oxy-
sues with a low oxygen need (skin, tendons, body gen transfer increases almost linearly with the
fat) are relatively oversupplied. pumped volume. Further influencing variables
In the daily routine of cardiac surgery, oxygen are related to the properties of the oxygenator. All
delivery is hardly ever determined, as oxygenation available oxygenators have a different internal
can be analyzed quite reliably with pO2 and oxy- resistance and oxygenation performance. The so-­
gen saturation. In critically ill patients, this can be called rated flow of an oxygenator determines its
problematic since more oxygen can be available capacity, i.e., the flow at which venous blood
with normal hemoglobin and a pO2 of 40 mmHg (SvO2 = 75 %) with a hemoglobin of 12 mg/dL can
as in an anemic patient with a pO2 of 100 mmHg. be still fully oxygenated. For most oxygenators,
Interestingly, the human organism has physio- maximal rated flows are about 7 L/min. As long as
logic regulatory mechanisms which always aim at the pump flow is below this limit, all blood is fully
a normalization of DO2. In this regard, cardiac saturated, and the oxygen content is determined
output increases in case of anemia or hypoxia by the blood flow and the arterial oxygen content.
until normal levels are regained. In chronic The sweep gas is the ventilating gas blown into the
hypoxia, the number of red blood cells increases, oxygenator, which is either a mixture of oxygen
additionally. Artificially ventilated, hypoxic, ane- and carbon dioxide (heart-lung machine) or pure
mic, and hypermetabolizing patients should oxygen (ECMO). In exclusive carbon dioxide
therefore be generously treated with red blood cell elimination, the gas flow can be raised up ten
transfusion, and not only the FiO2 (fraction of times (gas: blood = 10:1).
inspired oxygen) of the ventilator increased. If blood is fully saturated, the maximum oxy-
Carbon dioxide elimination (VCO2) corre- gen uptake capacity corresponds to the arteriove-
sponds closely to the oxygen consumption. nous oxygen difference (AVDO2). With low
However, the carbon dioxide does not have a lin- hemoglobin and a high central venous saturation,
ear relationship with increasing exercise. At about the maximum oxygen uptake capacity is dimin-
70 % of maximal oxygen consumption, carbon ished. It can be counteracted by an augmentation
dioxide elimination rises exponentially, and a of the pump flow. In low flow situations, more
non-compensated metabolic acidosis occurs. The oxygen can be provided only by an increase of the
relationship between carbon dioxide production oxygen uptake capacity.
and oxygen consumption is termed respiratory With a venoarterial perfusion, the arterial
quotient (RQ = VCO2/VO2), which is also depen- blood reinfused is saturated to 100 %, and the pO2
dent on nutrition. In Europe the respiratory quo- can be increased up to 500  mmHg (commonly,
tient is about 0.82. only 150–200  mmHg are used!). If pulmonary
The pCO2 in arterial blood is 40 mmHg and is function would be totally lost, the left ventricular
kept constant by autoregulation. A metabolic blood would be identical with the right atrial
increase in carbon dioxide production is followed blood, which would ensue a saturation of about
by an increased respiratory elimination. 75 % and pO2 of 35 mmHg. In the body, the well-­
Accordingly, carbon dioxide elimination is not oxygenated perfusate would mix with the ­badly/
only dependent on hemoglobin and cardiac out- non-oxygenated blood from the lung. With the
put but also on respiration. As the carbon dioxide assumption of a 50 % perfusion by the extracor-
elimination via the lung is much more effective poreal circulation, an oxygen content of c.
than oxygenation, it remains intact for a long time 18  mL/100  mL blood with a saturation of 90 %
in case of severe pulmonary dysfunction. and a pO2 of 55  mmHg would be achieved
(Bartlett 2005).  as Exchange During
G In case of venovenous perfusion, which is per-
Extracorporeal Circulation formed only as an ECMO treatment, the PaO2 and
During extracorporeal circulation as long as the the arterial saturation in a hypothetically complete
heart is ejecting, gas exchange occurs by both the lung failure would be identical to the post perfu-
lung and the oxygenator. Once the aorta is sion central venous saturation. In a venovenous
116 C. Schmid

ECMO, the arterial saturation would not raise flow correlates with cerebral oxygen consumption
higher than 95 % and would be typically even during hypothermia as the cerebral auto regula-
lower, PaO2 would be only around 40 mmHg, and tion remains intact. It is the temperature regula-
the patients would be cyanotic and hypoxic tion type in poikilothermic animals, where the
(Bartlett 2005). However, normally, cardiac output degree of ionization of several important enzymes
in these patients is compensatorily increased and remains intact. Accordingly, the α-stat manage-
the systemic oxygen supply sufficient. An improve- ment seems to be more physiologic and is mostly
ment of lung function increases arterial oxygen- preferred in adult perfusion. The advantage of the
ation, so that recovery of native pulmonary pH-stat approach, which is found in hibernating
function can be monitored by the difference of animals, is the better cerebral perfusion due to the
arterial and venous saturation. carbon dioxide-related vasodilatation. This tech-
As in the native lung, carbon dioxide elimina- nique is partially favored in pediatric surgery (see
tion in the oxygenator is much more efficient than also 7 Chapter «Advances in Cardiopulmonary
6 oxygen uptake. Carbon dioxide elimination dur- Bypass for the Neonate and Infant», Sect.
ing extracorporeal circulation is (as in the native
lung) mainly determined by the properties of the
6.1.2 Anticoagulation During
oxygenator and hardly by the pump flow. An
Extracorporeal Circulation
increase of the membrane surface or the gas flow
improves carbon dioxide elimination, but not the
oxygen uptake. Intact vessel endothelium has active and passive
In both venoarterial and venovenous ECMO, antithrombogenic properties such as the release
carbon dioxide (but not oxygen) levels can be of prostacyclin and endothelium relaxation factor,
adjusted to any desired level by choosing the which inhibit platelet aggregation. It also activates
respective membrane surface and the appropriate the physiologic anticoagulant protein C and inac-
gas flow. In clinical practice, the oxygenator is tivates thrombin.
usually oversized, and increased carbon dioxide The artificial surfaces inside the oxygenator,
elimination with a respiratory alkalosis can the reservoir, the pump, and tubing (PVC, poly-
develop if the gas flow is not reduced. This overdi- urethane, silicone) have no endothelial coverage
mension can be useful for long-term use when the and are thrombogenic. There is immediate plate-
gas exchange surface gradually declines. let adhesion and consecutive thrombus forma-
tion. An activation of the coagulation cascade, the pH Management: α[Alpha] kinin-kallikrein system, the fibrinolytic system,
Stat and pH Stat and the complement system follows. The intrinsic
The gas exchange by the oxygenator does not only coagulation pathway is initiated by the factor XII
allow sufficient oxygenation and elimination of high-molecular-weight kininogen-prekallikrein
carbon dioxide, it also has a profound impact on complex, whereas the extrinsic cascade is acti-
the acid-base balance and the blood pH.  As vated with the release of tissue phospholipids. The
changes in the acid-base balance and blood pH median sternotomy also releases tissue thrombo-
have significant consequences in the physiology plastin, which activates platelets as well. The
of the circulation, close monitoring and an ade- hemodilution during extracorporeal circulation
quate management are crucial. further reduces the concentration of
There are two possibilities for the pH and ­anticoagulation factors, platelets, and physiologic
pCO2 management. With lower body tempera- anticoagulants protein C, protein S, and anti-
tures, pCO2 drops and the pH increases with thrombin III.
0.017 °C, i.e., at 25 °C the pH is 7.6. Employing the Due to the activation of the coagulation sys-
α-stat management, the pH changes are not coun- tems by the surgical procedure and the use of the
terbalanced; a relative alkalosis is the conse- heart-lung machine, a strict anticoagulation is nec-
quence. With the pH-stat approach, the essary. This is generally accomplished with heparin
temperature related pH changes are counterbal- at a dose of 300–400  IE/kg. This dose is termed
anced with an increased carbon dioxide applica- «full heparinization.» During surgery, anticoagula-
tion to maintain pH as in respiratory acidosis. In tion is monitored with the activated clotting time
case of the α-stat management, the cerebral blood (ACT). An ACT of 350–450  s is c­ onsidered ade-
Chapter 6 · Extracorporeal Circulation and Myocardial Protection in Adult Cardiac Surgery
117 6
quate. In case of heparinized minimized extracor- Heparin-Induced
poreal systems, an ACT of >250 s seems sufficient. Thrombocytopenia (HIT)
After termination of cardiopulmonary bypass, a and Heparin Analogues
1:1 antagonization of heparin with protamine nor- During treatment with heparin, thrombocytope-
malizes the ACT to a level of about 120 s. nia can develop, where two different types can be
distinguished: Heparin 55 Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia type 1
Heparin was discovered at the Johns-Hopkins (HIT 1): 2–4 days after the start of heparin
University in Baltimore in 1916 and was intro- treatment, the count of platelets mildly
duced into clinical practice in the 1930s (McLean decreases due to direct activation. Within a
1916). In 1939, it became evident that a plasmatic few days, the number of platelets spontane-
factor is necessary for the anticoagulant action of ously normalizes without therapeutic means.
heparin. The identification of this factor, termed The exact incidence is unknown. In the liter-
antithrombin III, succeeded not before the 1970s ature, reported incidences vary from 1 to
(Brinkhous et al. 1939). 25 % with unfractionated heparin, while
Standard heparin (unfractionated heparin, LMWH heparins are told to have a lower
UFH, chain length ≥18 saccharides) is a mix- risk.
ture of polysaccharides (negative loaded sulfated 55 Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia type 2
glycosaminoglycans) and is mainly obtained (HIT 2): The HIT 2 occurs less often and
from porcine small bowel and bovine lungs. manifests after 4–14 days with a much more
Fractionated low-molecular-weight heparin dramatic drop of platelet numbers. The
(LMWH, chain length 5–17 saccharides) has a underlying pathophysiology bases on an anti-
shorter chain length and differs with regard to the body formation against heparin bound to
various coagulation factors. antithrombin III. In about 75 % of cases, the
Both types of heparin bind antithrombins heparin-platelet factor 4 (H-PF 4) complex is
(AT), predominantly AT III, by which a complex the causative antigen. The antibody, mostly
is formed, which accelerates the activity of AT III IgG, recognizes H-PF 4 and activates platelets
a thousand times. UFH acts faster as LMWH, via the Fc receptor leading to platelet aggrega-
since it inactivates not only the prothrombinase tion. Despite the thrombocytopenia, bleeding
complex (consisting of the activated factor X, acti- complications are infrequent, whereas throm-
vated factor V, calcium ions, and phospholipids) boses with so-called white clots are reported
as does LMWH but also thrombin. Further mech- to form in arterial and venous vessels in
anisms of action include the inactivation of the 50–70 % of cases (Greinacher et al. 2003). HIT
factors IX, XI, XII and kallikrein, and the binding 2 is a life-threatening complication with a
of calcium ions, which augments the anticoagu- mortality rate of more than 20 %.
lant properties. Because of the different effective-
ness, the heparin dosage is standardized in Patients with a HIT 2 syndrome must not be
international units (IU) and not in milligram treated with heparin, i.e., heparin therapy has to
(mg). One unit of heparin prevents coagulation of be stopped immediately. Anticoagulation can
1 mL citrate plasma after addition of calcium chlo- only be performed with alternative drugs, of
ride at 37 °C for an hour. AT III is substituted at which a few are available (Magnani 1993;
levels <50 % of normal because of its importance. Warkentin and Greinacher 2003) (. Table 6.2):
It is noteworthy to recognize, that thrombin is 55 Argatroban (Argatra™): Argatroban is a syn-
not totally inactivated during extracorporeal cir- thetic direct thrombin inhibitor (arginine
culation despite high dosages of heparin. As a analogue), which is only used in patients with
consequence, thrombus formation may occur in HIT 2. The dosage is adjusted with the aPTT,
the clinical setting despite full heparinization. which is 1.5–3 times augmented. The metabo-
Apart from the anticoagulation properties, lism is mostly hepatic and elimination over
heparin exhibits various other traits. It increases the feces. Therefore, renal failure is not prob-
fibrinolysis by release of tissue plasminogen acti- lematic. As half-life is only 50 min, argatroban
vator (tPA) and has an anti-inflammatory effect by is the mostly used alternative drug to replace
hindering granulocyte migration into the tissue. heparin, also in ECMO therapy.

C. Schmid

..Table 6.2  Heparin and alternative anticoagulants for extracorporeal circulation

Anticoagulant drug Mechanism of action Neutralization Administration and Control parameter and Elimination and half-life (HL)
dosage therapeutic range

Heparin, UFH Inhibitor of thrombin and Protamine 1:1 I.v. bolus: 300–400 U/kg ACT >400 s (40 %) Binds to endothelium,
prothrombinase complex macrophages, and plasma
proteins −5–15 min, thereafter
renal elimination

HL: 60–90 min

Argatroban (Argatra) Synthetic direct thrombin Not possible I.v. bolus: 0.3–1 mg/kg ACT >400 s Liver, HL: 52 min
inhibitor (arginine analogue)
Infusion: 2–40 μg/kg/min

Bivalirudin (Angiomax) Synthetic direct thrombin Not possible I.v. bolus: 1 mg/kg Kaolin-ACT >400 s, ecarin Proteolysis, kidney c. 20 %
inhibitor (arginine analogue) clotting time (ECT):
Infusion: 2.5 mg/kg/h 400–500 s HL: 25–34 min

Danaparoid (Orgaran) Anti-factor Xa Not possible Factor Xa: 1.5 ± 0.3 U/mL Kidney: 40–50 %

HL (anti-Xa): 19–24 h

Lepirudin (Refludan) Direct thrombin inhibitor Not possible I.v. bolus: 0.25 mg/kg Ecarin clotting time (ECT) Catabolic hydrolysis kidney
c.50–60 %

Infusion: 0.5 mg/min Plasma levels: 3.5–4.5 μg/mL HL: 1.3 h

Chapter 6 · Extracorporeal Circulation and Myocardial Protection in Adult Cardiac Surgery
119 6
55 Bivalirudin (Angiomax™): Bivalirudin is a If patients just have a HIT 2 history without
synthetic bivalent reversible thrombin inhibi- detectable antibodies, surgery can be performed
tor (polypeptide containing 20 amino acids), with heparin, and the bleeding risk will be lower
which has been occasionally used for extra- than with intraoperative alternative anticoagula-
corporeal circulation in HIT 2 patients. A tion. As new antibodies may be generated with the
rather short half time of only 25–34 min due repeated heparin use, immediately after this second
to a proteolytic degradation independent of surgery, anticoagulation has to be changed to alter-
liver and kidney function is advantageous native drugs in all cases with history of HIT 2. Due
(renal elimination 20 %). Moreover, bivaliru- to the significant bleeding risks with alternative
din can be cleared via dialysis (Almond et al. anticoagulation, there is a new discussion about
2006). The dosage is monitored with the eca- considering heparin use during extracorporeal cir-
rin clotting time, which is a meizothrombin culation even in the presence of HIT antibodies.
generation test that can be used to measure Heparinized systems do not require full hepa-
the activity of the direct thrombin inhibitors. rinization. However, these systems renounce the
It should be increased to 400–500 s. A longer- sucker as the collected blood would coagulate in
term use of bivalirudin has been reported in the reservoir despite heparinization. Heparin is
ECMO therapy, where the ecarin clotting time covalently bound on the inner surface (e.g., with
was kept at 300–350 s (Koster et al. 2007). the Carmeda technique) of all blood-contacting
55 Danaparoid (Orgaran™): Danaparoid sodium elements including cannulas, tubing, oxygenator,
is extracted from porcine intestinal mucosa and filter and can remain efficacious over months
and is a mixture of low-molecular-sulfated gly- without provoking systemic coagulation. A devel-
cosaminoglycans (heparan sulfate 84 %, der- opment of HIT 2 has not been reported so far. A
matan sulfate 12 %, chondroitin sulfate 4 %) routine use of the heparinized system is hindered
with only low activity against antithrombin but by the increased costs.
strong AT III-mediated anti-factor Xa activity.
The cross-reactivity with HIT 2 antibodies is Platelet Aggregation
low. The monitoring of anticoagulation is only Inhibitors
possible by analyzing factor Xa levels as no Platelet aggregation inhibitors (. Table 6.3) are an
antidote exists. Accordingly, overdosing may integral part of modern interventional cardiology
lead to bleeding complications. The biocom- of coronary artery disease. Especially the long-­
patibility is close to 100 %; the half-life is term success of percutaneous interventional stent
19–24 h, being hardly affected by renal insuffi- placement is significantly related to the combined
ciency (Wilde and Markham 1997). treatment with acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) and
55 Lepirudin (Refludan™): Lepirudin is a recom- thienopyridine derivates (clopidogrel). These
binant hirudin (single-stranded polypeptide), platelet inhibitors as well as a medication with GP
which is produced with genetically engineered IIb/IIIa inhibitors (Aggrastat) increase the risk for
yeast cells ([Leu1, Thr2]-63-desulfohirudin). bleeding complications in a surgical procedure.
It binds noncovalent without the aid of cofac- Even if a high bleeding tendency does not mani-
tors to thrombin and inhibits its prothrom- fest in all patients, it seems advantageous to wait
botic activity. Thus, lepirudin is a selective and prior to surgery until the drugs’ platelet-­inhibiting
irreversible thrombin inhibitor. The dosage is properties ceased, if possible. For acetylsalicylic
guided by the activated partial thromboplastin acid medication, halting the medication for
time (aPTT). With high dosages at an aPTT 5–7  days is usually sufficient; the best control
>70 s as it is necessary for extracorporeal cir- parameter is the normalization of the bleeding
culation, the validity of aPTT is limited, and time. In emergency situations, such as unstable
the measurement of the ecarin clotting time angina, acute myocardial infarction, or PTCA
(measurement of anti-IIa activity) is superior complication, a delay of surgery is not possible,
(Greinacher et al. 2003). Lepirudin undergoes but the surgical procedures can still be performed
only minimal metabolism in the liver, and up with an acceptable risk, which in general is limited
to two thirds are eliminated unaltered via the to an increased use of blood and blood products.
kidney. Half-life is about 1.3 h and consider- The significance of excessive thrombocytosis
ably prolonged in case of renal failure. is not well known, but successful open-heart
C. Schmid

..Table 6.3  Platelet aggregation inhibitors used in cardiac surgery

Drug Mechanism of platelet inhibition Reversibility Administration Elimination half-life Recovery of platelet

Aspirin COX-1 inhibitor Irreversible Oral (1× daily) Production of new platelets

Thienopyridine ADP P2Y12 receptor antagonist Irreversible Oral (1× daily) Production of new



Ticagrelor ADP P2Y12 receptor antagonist Reversible noncompetitive Oral (2× daily) 7 h 80 % recovery by 72 h

Abciximab Fibrinogen receptor antagonist (GP IIb/IIIa) Monoclonal antibody Intravenous ≥50 % recovery by 48 h

Eptifibatide Fibrinogen receptor antagonist (GP IIb/IIIa) Reversible Intravenous 2,5 h 50 % recovery by 4 h

Tirofiban Fibrinogen receptor antagonist (GP IIb/IIIa) Reversible Intravenous 2 h 4–8 h

Cilostazol PDE inhibitor Reversible Oral (2× daily) 11–13 h

Dipyridamole PDE inhibitor and other mechanisms Oral 14 h

From Ferraris et al. (2012); used with permission

Chapter 6 · Extracorporeal Circulation and Myocardial Protection in Adult Cardiac Surgery
121 6

..Table 6.4  Surface-coating techniques

Trade name Type of surface coating Manufacturer

Bioline Covalent heparin binding Maquet

Carmeda Covalent heparin binding Medtronic

Physio Synthetic phosphorylcholine coating (heparin-free) Dideco-Sorin

Softline Synthetic polymer coating (heparin-free) Maquet

Trillium Covalent heparin coating Medtronic

X-coating Synthetic polymer coating (poly-2-methoxyethylacrylat, heparin-free) Terumo

s­urgical procedures with a heart-lung machine a barrier by an uptake of water, allowing the blood
have been described. proteins to move along without adherence and
denaturation. Platelet adhesion is inhibited too. Surface Coating
The aim of surface coating (. Table 6.4) is to aug-
ment biocompatibility of foreign material, i.e., to 6.1.3 Myocardial Protection
lower the risk of thrombus formation. Since many
years, several different techniques of surface coat- The aim of myocardial protection is to create con-
ing, mainly various types of heparin coating, are ditions which allow a surgical procedure on the
tested experimentally and in clinical practice. heart while myocardial integrity and function are
Distinct advantages and disadvantages of the preserved. The optimal conditions are not the
coating techniques are not evident, so far. same for all operations but depend on the pathol-
However, it seems important to achieve complete ogy of the heart and the surgical requirements to
coverage of the whole extracorporeal circuit from repair it. Finally, there is always an individual
«tip to tip» as only that allows abdication of full compromise between optimal surgical conditions
heparinization. As many adverse events manifest and ideal myocardial protection (Guyton 1995).
only after longer-term extracorporeal circulation,
the value of surface coating in the daily routine of Concepts of Myocardial
extracorporeal circulation is controversially dis- Protection
cussed. Several concepts have been devised for myocar-
For heparin coating, heparin is covalently dial protection, which can all be employed con-
bound to the artificial surface in order to mimic secutively (Guyton 1995):
the antithrombogenic properties of heparan sul-
fate on the natural endothelium. The exact mech- kMyocardial Protection Prior to Cardiac
anism of action of the bound heparin is still Arrest
unclear, but a diminished activation of comple- The induction of anesthesia in patients with
ment, of proinflammatory cytokines, and of plate- impaired left-ventricular pump function or coro-
lets has been widely demonstrated. nary heart disease is more dangerous than in
Polypeptides are attached to the artificial sur- healthy patients. Several reports have shown that
face with electrostatic forces and van der Waals an injury of myocytes starts already before initia-
forces. As a consequence, the surface is hydrophi- tion of extracorporeal circulation in 18 % of
lized and more rapidly moistened, which hinders patients (Delva et  al. 1978). As many patients
the adhesion of plasma proteins. reach the operation room in a suboptimal status
The polymer coverage X-coating (PMEA = (agitation, tachycardia, hypoglycemia, hypovole-
poly(2-methoxyethylacrylate)) consists of two lay- mia) and are thus opposed to an increased risk, a
ers. A hydrophobic layer binds to the foreign sur- careful hemodynamic and pharmacological opti-
face; the hydrophilic layer is at the luminal side and mization should be performed prior to surgery in
in contact to the blood. The hydrophilic layer forms elective cases.
122 C. Schmid

The decline of mean arterial pressure during management at the membrane oxygenator allows
extracorporeal circulation below 60  mmHg can faster cooling, as it is our practice for years. Yet,
lead to subendocardial ischemia even in healthy the temperature difference between heat
patients. Accordingly, special care has to be taken exchanger and blood in the oxygenator should
to maintain sufficient perfusion pressure in not exceed 10  °C, even if scientific evidence is
patients with coronary artery disease. If neces- lacking. If deep hypothermia below 20 °C is aimed
sary, perfusion pressure should be augmented at, e.g., for aortic arch surgery, administration of
with α-adrenergic drugs like norepinephrine, an α-blocker can be helpful as it enables a more
despite the risk of significant side effects. evenly and faster temperature decline. During
Furthermore, the heart-lung machine implies deep hypothermia, a circulatory arrest is relatively
hemodilution, which also may lower subendothe- well tolerated for up to 45 min.
lial perfusion (Kleinman et al. 1978). Hypothermia Historically, rewarming was even more care-
can impair autoregulation of local blood flow and fully performed than cooling, since the high pO2
6 translate into local hypoperfusion. In hypertro- in bubble oxygenators could lead to gas embolism.
phied hearts and those with coronary artery ste- Since introduction of membrane oxygenators and
nosis, ventricular fibrillation can also favor a precise pO2 management to achieve 150 mmHg
subendothelial ischemia. The same is true for at the outlet, the formation of microbubbles is
overdistension of the ventricle. Therefore, an much less, and therefore a faster rewarming is pos-
immediate vent placement should follow if a dis- sible. Nevertheless, blood temperature in the oxy-
tended ventricle cannot be rapidly arrested by genator should not exceed 38 °C.
clamping the aorta. The underlying pathophysiology during hypo-
thermia and rewarming are only partially known.
kLowering the metabolic rate during cardiac With cooling, the metabolism responds rather
arrest inconsistent, which also leads to a significant
After optimal preparation for the ischemic arrest, alteration of myocardial homeostasis. This means
the latter should be withstood in the best way pos- that the supply of the hypothermic heart with
sible. For the myocardium, rapid surgery with oxygen and substrates does not maintain normal
brief ischemia is best—this, however, is rarely cellular function (Cameron and Gardner 1988). A
possible. Therefore, the heart is protected with further disadvantage, especially for deep hypo-
hypothermia and cardioplegia. thermia, is a significant postoperative coagulopa-
It is long known that the heart can be pro- thy and cardiac edema formation.
tected with hypothermia. In the nineteenth cen- Cardioplegia is more effective in protecting
tury, Van’t Hoff demonstrated a decline of the heart than hypothermia alone. The oxygen
myocardial metabolism of 50 % for every 10  °C consumption of an arrested heat is only about one
drop in cardiac temperature. Thus, the use of fifth of a normal beating heart at 37 °C. The com-
hypothermia during cardiac surgery was sug- bination of hypothermia and cardioplegia poten-
gested early and initially applied to the whole tiates cardiac protection. Studies have shown that
body. Later, surface cooling with irrigation of cold even rather cold solutions (2 °C) do not harm the
saline was introduced. myocardium, but the cooling of heart with infu-
Simple cardiac surgical cases are operated upon sion of cold solutions is quite heterogeneous,
with adequate cardioplegia in normothermia. In especially in patients with coronary artery dis-
more difficult cases with extended ischemic times ease. A topical cooling may help to create a more
exceeding 1.5–2  h, hypothermia around 30  °C is uniform hypothermia. The optimal myocardial
mostly favored. Only if a long ischemic time temperature is still discussed controversially.
beyond 2  h is anticipated, hypothermia below While crystalloid cardioplegic solutions are
28  °C is recommended. Nowadays, even rather applied with 4 °C, the assumed temperature opti-
complex operations with ischemic times of 3 h can mum for blood cardioplegia is higher (15–20 °C).
be performed safely if myocardial protection is Even normothermic blood cardioplegia protocols
adequate. have been established in some institutions (Abah
Many earlier publications emphasized a cool- et al. 2012). Due to the higher temperature range,
ing rate not to exceed 1  °C/min for the patient. blood cardioplegia requires reinfusion about
This is no longer true as an improved gas exchange every 20 min.
Chapter 6 · Extracorporeal Circulation and Myocardial Protection in Adult Cardiac Surgery
123 6
kA Favorable Metabolic Milieu Increases reperfusion («hot shot») was to limit reperfusion
Safety During Cardiac Arrest damage (1977). The rationale for this cardiopro-
During cardioplegic arrest, cardiac metabolism is tective action is that amino acids like glutamate
altered. Accordingly, it is important to maintain and aspartate play an important role in myocar-
an adequate metabolic milieu during cardioplegic dial intermediary metabolism and their relative
arrest. This task is in part accomplished with car- importance is further enhanced during and after
dioplegia in various ways: ischemia (Caputo et al. 1998). Before the release
1. By minimizing interstitial and intracellular of the aortic cross-clamp, a normothermic
edema formation substrate-­enriched blood cardioplegia is applied,
2. By hindering loss of cellular metabolites mostly via the coronary sinus to actively resusci-
3. By supplying sufficient substrates for the tate the ischemically damaged, substrate-depleted
metabolism myocardium by maximizing the kinetics of repair.
4. By preserving an equated acid-base ­balance Thereafter, reperfusion with normothermic blood
follows until cardiac activity resumes (Ascione
Frequently, the metabolism is not properly et al. 2008). Considering the induction of cardio-
kept up, as coronary artery stenosis and myocar- plegia as first phase of reperfusion, warm cardio-
dial hypertrophy lead to regional underperfusion plegic induction was extensively studied in 1983
and hyperperfusion. Moreover, cardioplegia can to prove the «active resuscitation» of the heart
be washed out in part by collateral flow. In this (Buckberg 1995) (. Table 6.5).
regard, blood cardioplegia seems advantageous as The techniques of delivery include single and
blood is the natural perfusion media with all multidose, continuous, antegrade, and retrograde
nutritive elements and excellent buffering proper- (either, both alternatively or simultaneously). For
ties. In the same way, reconvalescence of ischemic single-dose cardioplegia application, low- and
myocardium with blood cardioplegia is probably high-volume concepts exist, which means that
superior (see below). some centers administer less than 1000  mL and
others more than 2000 mL. The rationale for mul-
kControlled Reperfusion Lowers Structural tidose cardioplegia derives from the occurrence
and Functional Myocardial Damage of noncoronary collateral flow, which replaces the
The problem of reperfusion injury caused by oxy- carefully formulated cardioplegic solution with
gen free radicals and a massive increase of endo- systemic blood at the temperatures prevailing in
thelial permeability with cellular edema the surrounding systemic arteries. Additional
formation is well known. The increasing tissue benefits of multidose cardioplegia are formula-
pressure hinders reperfusion, and the tissue tions that include buffering and hypocalcemia
edema leads to an increased diffusion distance which may limit reperfusion damage during sub-
through the tissue. Both worsens metabolism. sequent doses (Buckberg 1995).
Several concepts for controlled reperfusion with Microplegia is a more recent concept. It is
warm and cold, low calcium, and substrate- marketed as a cost-effective strategy utilizing
enriched solution have been designed and pres- undiluted blood with targeted amounts of car-
ent advantages in experimental and clinical dioprotective additives, adjustable to meet the
studies. However, there is still no defined opti- changing requirements of each patient during
mum and no concept for daily routine established cardioplegia procedures (Menasché 1996, 1997).
for controlled reperfusion after cardiac ischemia As it delivers blood from the circuit and additives
(Mohan Rao and Simha 2011). for cardioplegia with minimal crystalloid, it is
sometimes called blood cardioplegia without the Cardioplegia Strategies crystalloid. Standard blood cardioplegia contains
Over the years, a wide spectrum of cardioprotec- crystalloid in a 4:1 or 8:1 dilution. The constitu-
tive (protecting the myocardium) strategies has ents of microplegia total 1.5 mL of crystalloid for
evolved. Multidose crystalloid cardioplegia was each 100 mL of circuit blood, equalling a ratio of
introduced in 1976. Cold blood cardioplegia fol- 66.6:1.
lowed in 1978 with the idea to add myocardial Regardless the delivery technique, no superi-
nourishment to the substrate-depleted heart ority of either could be proven. As a consequence,
(Buckberg 1995). The idea of warm cardioplegic cardioplegia administration is far from being

124 C. Schmid

..Table 6.5  Crystalloid preservation solutions

Bretschneider’s solution Histidine 180.0 mmol/L

Mannitol 30.0 mmol/L

Histidine × HCI (H2O) 18.0 mmol/L

Sodium chloride 15.0 mmol/L

Potassium chloride 9.0 mmol/L

Magnesium chloride (6 H2O) 4.0 mmol/L

Potassium hydrogen-2-oxoglutarat 1.0 mmol/L

Tryptophan 2.0 mmol/L
St. Thomas solution Sodium chloride 110.0 mmol/L

Potassium chloride 16.0 mmol/L

Magnesium chloride 16.0 mmol/L

Sodium hydrogencarbonate 10.0 mmol/L

Calcium chloride 1.2 mmol/L

University of Wisconsin solution Potassium lactobionate 100.0 mmol/L

Raffinose 30.0 mmol/L

Potassium phosphate 25.0 mmol/L

Magnesium sulfate 5.0 mmol/L

Adenosine 5.0 mmol/L

Glutathione 3.0 mmol/L

Allopurinol 1.0 mmol/L

HAES (polyhydroxyethyl starch) 5.0 %

Heparin 1000 U/L

Celsior solution Sodium hydroxide 100.0 mmol/L

Lactobionate 80.0 mmol/L

Mannitol 60.0 mmol/L

Histidine 30.0 mmol/L

Glutamate 20.0 mmol/L

Sodium chloride 15.0 mmol/L

Magnesium chloride (6 H2O) 13.0 mmol/L

Glutathione 3.0 mmol/L

Calcium chloride (2 H2O) 0.25 mmol/L

From Schmid (2014); used with permission

Chapter 6 · Extracorporeal Circulation and Myocardial Protection in Adult Cardiac Surgery
125 6
standardized, and every surgeon chooses the most The problem of postperfusion syndrome, also
convenient and in his eyes superior technique to known as «pump lung,» is rather historical. In the
deliver cardioplegia. early days of extracorporeal circulation, 15–25 %
of patients suffered fatal postoperative lung fail-
ure. During autopsy, atelectasis, abnormal elastic
6.1.4 Side Effects of Extracorporeal fibers, but no edema or cellular infiltrates were
Circulation seen (Baer and Osborn 1960). Due to comparable
findings in postmortem examination, it is
assumed that the postperfusion syndrome is a Respiratory System special type of adult respiratory distress syndrome
Open-heart surgery employing cardiopulmo- (ARDS). Nowadays, ARDS is a rare finding after
nary bypass can compromise the whole respira- extracorporeal circulation and mostly a conse-
tory system including the lung, bronchial system, quence of intrabronchial bleeding due to a trau-
chest wall, and diaphragm, especially if there is matic lesion following intubation or right heart
­extensive preexisting disease. The most frequent catheterization. The impact of blood product
comorbidities are nicotine abuse and pulmonary transfusion is still unclear.
emphysema, but chronic bronchitis, subclini-
cal pneumonia, preoperative lung edema, and Renal System
muscular weakness are also important. During The influence of extracorporeal circulation on kid-
extracorporeal circulation with the heart arrested, ney function has been already studied 40 years ago.
the lung is only perfused by the bronchial arter- At that time, a decline of renal blood flow and glo-
ies since the pulmonary blood flow is interrupted merular filtration during extracorporeal circulation
or virtually absent. It is unclear whether the of 25–75 % was reported (Lundberg 1967; Porter
alveolar cells suffer ischemia/reperfusion injury et  al. 1966). These alterations were only partially
during surgery. Various other factors including reversible within the early postoperative days. Likely
hemodilution, lowered oncotic pressure, micro- underlying causes were hypothermia, renal vaso-
embolism, and release of vasoactive and inflam- constriction, and the loss of pulsatile perfusion. In
matory substances increase vascular permeability, summary, the best results with nonpulsatile perfu-
perivascular edema, and bronchial secretion. The sion could be achieved with a mean systemic blood
combination of the aforementioned factors leads pressure >65 mmHg and a pump flow of 30–50 mL/
to a decline of pulmonary compliance and func- kg (Hilberman et al. 1979; Yeboah et al. 1972).
tional residual capacity, as well as to an increase It has been shown that the preoperative organ
of breathing work. Moreover, a sternotomy or function of the kidney and all other organs is
thoracotomy has an immense influence on the decisive for its behavior during extracorporeal
compliance of lung and chest wall (Peters et  al. circulation. The most important negative impact
1969). Three days after surgery, a maximal loss factors are age >70 years, diabetes mellitus, heart
of compliance of about 30 % is present, and after failure, and a prolonged duration of surgery and/
6  days, a significant decrease of compliance is or cardiopulmonary bypass, respectively (Bhat
still evident (Vargas et  al. 1992). Lung volume et al. 1976; Stafford-Smith et al. 2008).
and pulmonary flow rates drop immediately after During surgery with extracorporeal circula-
surgery and can persist for 6 weeks (Berrizbeitia tion, a certain degree of kidney injury seems to be
et  al. 1989). Disconnection of the ventilator, the unavoidable. Renal flow, creatinine clearance,
complete withdrawal of the positive end-expira- water elimination, and urine volume decrease. A
tory pressure (PEEP), and single-lung ventilation mild proteinuria is common. Hemodilution ame-
frequently have the consequence of a relevant gas liorates these side effects by improving renal
exchange disorder during weaning off cardio- blood flow, glomerular filtration rate, creatinine
pulmonary bypass and thereafter. Immediately and water clearance, and urine excretion.
after extubation, functional residual capacity is After surgery, hypotensive periods are the
decreased by 40–50 % and hardly recovers during main reason for acute renal failure. A diminished
the first 72 h (Stock et al. 1986). The entry into the renal perfusion augments production and release
pleural space and the preparation of the ITA ves- of renin and angiotensin II, which further impair
sels have no isolated impact. renal perfusion. Kidneys with preexisting
126 C. Schmid

­ ysfunction and those with ischemic damage are

d c­ onsecutive impact of the extracorporeal cir-
very susceptible to additional injury. Overall, a culation on pancreatic function and glucose
postoperative oliguric renal failure increases the metabolism is different in diabetic and non-
mortality and morbidity risk eightfold. diabetic patients:
55 In nondiabetic patients, glucose levels during Gastrointestinal System extracorporeal circulation are elevated and
The incidence of severe gastrointestinal complica- normalize thereafter within 1–2 days. When
tions is estimated to be about 1 %, i.e., gastrointes- employing hypothermia, the increase in glu-
tinal complications during and after extracorporeal cose levels is less pronounced and starts
circulation are rare (Filsoufi et  al. 2007). Until immediately with rewarming of the patient
now, there are only few data on this topic available. (Kuntschen et al. 1985). High postoperative
In contrast to the lung, there seem to be no typical glucose levels have been associated with a
gastrointestinal consequences or lesions during poor neurological recovery after cerebral
6 extracorporeal circulation. In a clinical inconspic- events (Longstreth and Inui 1984). The insu-
uous setting, blood chemistry may present ele- lin level declines with induction of anesthesia,
vated liver enzymes, an increase of serum amylase, remains low during extracorporeal circula-
and in animal studies also mild edema formation tion, and rises again with rewarming.
in intestines and pancreas. The main cause of gas- 55 Diabetic patients suffer insulin deficiency
trointestinal complications is probably hypoten- during extracorporeal circulation, which is
sion, however, still an unproven assumption. far smaller under hypothermic conditions.
Arterial hypotension seems to promote gastric During rewarming of the patients, insulin
acidosis, where a relationship between gastric pH levels can increase up to sixfold and then nor-
level and duration of extracorporeal circulation malize within 3 days (Crock et al. 1988).
has been found. In the intestines, an increased
endotoxin release suggests a disturbance of the kThyroxine
intestinal barrier (Andersen et al. 1993). With the initiation of extracorporeal circulation,
The role of extracorporeal circulation in the triiodothyronine (T3) levels drop and consecu-
development of nonocclusive mesenteric isch- tively recover to about 60 % of normal. Thyroxine
emia (NOMI) is unclear. Nevertheless, NOMI is a (T4) and thyrotropin (TSH) decline insignifi-
serious complication in open-heart surgery and cantly, although heparin augments free T3 and T4
associated with a significant mortality (Klotz et al. levels. The combination of a low T3, low normal
2001). Initially, NOMI leads to intestinal disten- T4, and normal TSH is also seen in numerous
sion and paralytic ileus, which is followed by other diseases and also in trauma patients and is
intestinal necrosis. called euthyroid sick syndrome or low T3 syn-
Human and animal studies on liver and pan- drome (Holland et al. 1991).
creas during nonpulsatile extracorporeal circula-
tion demonstrate a considerable decline of organ kParathyroid Hormone (PTH) or
perfusion. Complications are less when pulsatile Parathormone
flow is established (Ranmsey 1995). With going on cardiopulmonary bypass, PTH
levels decrease and normalize again 90 min after Endocrine System termination of extracorporeal circulation. The
Through many physiological interactions, extra- impact of hypothermia is unclear and controver-
corporeal circulation affects the endocrine system sially discussed (Bannister and Finalyson 1995).
in multiple ways. A distinct analysis of the hor-
monal changes is difficult as further parameters kAntidiuretic Hormone (ADH), Also Known
including age, comorbid conditions, and anes- as Vasopressin or Arginine Vasopressin
thetics also have impact on the endocrine system. (AVP)
Trauma and surgical stress promote ADH release,
kGlucose/Insulin which can be counteracted by an appropriate nar-
Alterations of glucose and insulin levels are cosis (with opioids). Despite anesthesia, cardiopul-
primarily influenced by infusions and priming monary bypass increases ADH, which returns to
liquids of the heart-lung machine. The normal the following day (Kuitunen et al. 1993).
Chapter 6 · Extracorporeal Circulation and Myocardial Protection in Adult Cardiac Surgery
127 6
6.2  omponents of Extracorporeal
C port, is also facilitated avoiding considerable
Circulation Systems blood loss in these cases, too.
With a standard heart-lung machine circuit,
The standard heart-lung machine is the central blood is drained from the right atrium or the
part of the most frequently utilized type of caval veins with cannulas. With the aid of a pump,
extracorporeal circulation (ECC). It is the work- it is transported through an oxygenator back into
place of the perfusionist, who monitors and the aorto-arterial tree. An arterial filter lowers the
pilots the extracorporeal circulation during the load of systemic emboli (microparticles and air
surgical procedure. All steerable parts of the bubbles). One or more suckers or vent lines col-
device are mounted on a console and aligned to lect blood from the operative field and take it back
each other in order to be easy to read and to to the reservoir after passing a venous filter with
reach and to keep the workplace ergonomically an integrated bubble trap. Usually, there is also a
optimized. separate system for cardioplegia application.
Multiple sensors with an online display for line
pressures, temperatures, electrolyte concentra-
6.2.1 Standard Heart-Lung Machine tions, and blood gases guarantee monitoring of
the physiologic milieu and enhance the security
The heart-lung machine (. Fig. 6.1) enables surgi- of the extracorporeal circulation system.
cal procedures on the arrested heart by maintain- A hypo-/hyperthermia system can be option-
ing systemic perfusion and replacing pulmonary ally used to cool and to rewarm a patient during
function, also. Moreover, operations can be exe- the surgical procedure. The hypo-/hyperthermia
cuted with the heart beating. Surgery on neigh- system cools down and heats a water circulation,
boring structures, which would not be tolerated which is connected to the oxygenator and thus
hemodynamically without extracorporeal sup- alters blood temperature.

Venous Sternal saw

return catheter
H/S cuvette
catheter Cardioplegia
Artarial cannuia
Venous shunt cannuia

Arterial shunt
sensor Arterial
filter Bubble
Bubble detector
Continuous Cardioplegia
blood parameter delivery system




reduction filter

Centrifugal pump
(or roller pump)
Arterial suction vent Cardioplegia
Temperature control and Heart-lung machine
monitoring system

..Fig. 6.1  Configuration and setup of a standard heart-lung machine (Courtesy of Terumo)
128 C. Schmid Pumps backflow would considerably increase the degree

The arterial pump and the oxygenator are the of hemolysis.
most important components of the extracorpo- The design of the roller pumps is variable and
real circulation. The main task of a pump is to sus- has undergone certain modifications with time. The
tain sufficient blood flow for systemic circulation pure U form has merged into an omega style, which
and to assure adequate end-organ perfusion dur- is hemodynamically beneficial. A lower-­pressure
ing cardiac arrest. The pumps further allow increase (dp/dt) reduces the stress of blood compo-
unloading and venting of the heart, suction with nents. There are large and small pumps and double-
various types of suckers, and also application of headed pump consoles available. All are driven by
cardioplegic solution. electric motors adjustable from 1 to 250 rpm.

kRoller Pump kCentrifugal Pump

The traditionally used pump is the peristaltic Centrifugal pumps (. Fig. 6.3) are hemodynami-
6 roller pump (. Fig. 6.2). A peristaltic pump works cally equally effective as roller pumps, but much
by an alternating pattern of squeezing and releas- less traumatic to blood elements (cells and pro-
ing flexible tubing to move fluid through the teins), and hence advantageous. The inlet in the
pump. The roller pump consists of a stator and a central axis takes up the blood which is then
rotor, connected to a drive unit. The stator is a expelled at the peripheral outlet by rotation of the
pump bed holding an elastic silicon tube which is pump head. As there is no valve, blood can pour
arranged around the rotor. Small amounts of through the pump in both directions (depending
blood are trapped in the silicon tube and mas- on the pressure gradient), if the pump head halts.
saged forward along the tube by rotating cylindri- Accordingly, the arterial line has to be immediately
cal rollers. Valves are not necessary for clamped in case of a pump stop. The pump flow is
unidirectional flow. Several types can be discrimi- continuous and pulseless and increases with the
nated with regard to number of rollers, with dou- rotational speed. However, in contrast to the roller
ble roller pumps being the mostly used. pump, the pump flow of a centrifugal pump is
Pump flow primarily depends on the rotational dependent on preload and afterload. It rises with
speed and the diameter of the tube. It is important an augmented preload and a reduced afterload. A
for the rollers to be occlusive, i.e., the wipers are deleterious increase of the line pressure, e.g., with a
totally compressing the lumen of the tube, as kinking tubing, therefore does not occur. But due

..Fig. 6.2  Roller pumps from Stöckert/Sorin (Courtesy of Sorin)

Chapter 6 · Extracorporeal Circulation and Myocardial Protection in Adult Cardiac Surgery
129 6
to the preload and afterload sensitivity, surveillance The 300 million alveoli of the human lung
of the line pressure is not sufficient. A flow mea- generate a gas exchange area of 160  m2. Within
surement is mandatory and can be achieved with the alveoli, the red blood cells come as close as
electromagnetic or Doppler sonography devices. 0.7 μm to air, which allows sufficient diffusion of
Centrifugal pumps can generate forward pressures oxygen and carbon dioxide in either way. In the
up to 900 mmHg; maximal suction is about 400– oxygenators, the blood capillaries are much larger,
500 mmHg. As a consequence, cavitation phenom- and the gas exchange area is considerably smaller
ena as well as gaseous and microparticle embolism as compared to the human lung.
are reduced (. Table 6.6).
kBubble Oxygenator Oxygenators Bubble oxygenators consist of three components
The purpose of an oxygenator (. Fig. 6.4) is to including the oxygenation chamber, the defoamer,
replace the gas exchange function of the lung dur- und an arterial filter. These components can be
ing extracorporeal circulation. An oxygenator not aligned in series or in a concentric manner from
only enriches venous blood with oxygen but also inside to outside. First, oxygen is passed through
eliminates carbon dioxide. By doing this, blood a dispersion plate into the venous blood. Bubbles
elements should not be traumatized, and the are generated, with their size depending on the
priming volume to fill the oxygenator should be as outlet size of the dispersion plate, gas flow, blood
low as possible. Basically, there are different pos- viscosity, and surface tension of the blood. Gas
sibilities for a blood and gas interaction: blood exchange takes place at the surface of the bubbles.
can be fed to a gaseous phase (film oxygenator— Smaller bubbles offer a larger gas exchange area
obsolete in clinical practice), gas can be added to but are more difficult to be removed afterward.
blood (bubble oxygenator—rarely used anymore), Nitrogen cannot be added to the gas inflow as a
or blood and gas can be separated by a membrane significant risk for embolism would evolve due to
(today’s membrane oxygenator). its low solubility.
The elimination of the gaseous bubbles
occurs in the defoaming chamber. The
defoamer is mainly composed of polypropylene
fibers and polyurethane foam, coated with anti-
foam silicone. The remaining air bubbles are
destroyed or finally trapped by a filter (125–
175  um). Important functional parameters are
blood flow behavior and velocity, surface active
substances, and absorption mechanisms. As
nitrogen cannot be supplemented as part of the
gas flow, considerable nitrogen losses can occur.
Finally, the blood is collected in a reservoir. The
..Fig. 6.3  Schematic drawing of a centrifugal pump maximal operating time of a bubble oxygenator
(Courtesy of Maquet) is limited to 6–8 h.

..Table 6.6  Clinically available centrifugal pumps

ROM (1/min) Flow (L/min) Pressure (mmHg) Bearing Heparin coating

Biomedicus 540 and 550® 0–4500 0–9.9 −300–999 Mechanic Carmeda

Delphin® (Sarns) 0–3600 0.3–9.9 0–700 Mechanic X-coating

Capiox® (Terumo) 0–3000 0–8.0 0–800 Mechanic X-coating

Rotaflow® (Maquet) 0–5000 0–9.9 0–750 Magnetic Bioline

Centrimag® (Levitronix) 1500–5500 0–9.9 0–600 Magnetic –

130 C. Schmid

a b

..Fig. 6.4  Oxygenator with semi-permeable silicone membrane a and microporous membrane b (Courtesy of Maquet,
Sorin and Medtronic)

kMembrane Oxygenator kDiffusion Capillary Membrane Oxygenators

The membrane oxygenator mimics the human lung In this type of oxygenator, the capillaries are addi-
better as blood and gas are separated by a gas per- tionally covered with a thin (<1 μm) skin as a bar-
meable membrane. The blood is pressed in between rier to prevent plasma leakage. This barrier is
numerous small capillaries. The membrane was frequently composed of silicon rubber, a homoge-
formerly manufactured of cellulose, polytetrafluor- neous nonporous material. The gas exchange
ethylene, and polyethylene; now there are only two occurs (as before) in the microporous part by dif-
types left: diffusion membrane (silicone) and fusion. The driving force is the diffusion pressure
microporous membrane ­oxygenators. or the difference of partial pressures of the gases,
respectively. Within the barrier, transportation is
kMicroporous Membrane Oxygenators based on a solution process, i.e., the gases dissolve
Nowadays, the majority of oxygenators are made in the polymer matrix, penetrate the barrier, and
of capillaries with a micro porous surface pass out again. The diffusion rate is related to the
­structure. The membrane of these microporous pressure drop and to the permeability of the
capillary membrane oxygenators consists of poly- membrane but independent of the gaseous sub-
propylene, a hydrophobic material containing stances. As the pressure difference is high for oxy-
pores with a size 0.03–0.07 μm in half of the sur- gen (up to 720 mmHg) and low for carbon dioxide
face. Gas exchange is by free diffusion through the (45  mmHg), oxygen transfer is sufficient, and
pores, i.e., blood is in direct contact to the gas. ­carbon dioxide elimination is more difficult. The
Since the membrane surface is hydrophobic and diffusion of anesthesiology gases is limited due to
the pores are small, no ultrafiltration of water their large molecule size.
occurs and gas and serum remain separated. If the
gaseous pressure in the capillaries exceeds that of kThe Newest Developments
blood, gas can pass the micropores. So membrane are oxygenators with a polymethylpentene coat-
oxygenators have a lower diffusion resistance and ing. A better gas transfer coefficient enables an
an excellent carbon dioxide transfer without the unrestricted gas exchange, and plasma leaking
need of enlarging the membrane surface. Longer during long-term use does not occur. Priming
use may lead to adsorption of plasma proteins to volume and pressure gradients are comparable to
the wall of the pores, which renders them hydro- the microporous design.
philic and decreases surface tension. Eventually, Membrane oxygenators are considerably safer
plasma leakage can develop necessitating an oxy- than bubble oxygenators since only few solid and
genator replacement. gaseous emboli are generated and the regulation
Chapter 6 · Extracorporeal Circulation and Myocardial Protection in Adult Cardiac Surgery
131 6
of the gas exchange is simplified. In all membrane long-term use (as in ECMO), aqueous vapor can
oxygenators, oxygen diffuses along a concentra- condensate in the capillaries and compromise gas
tion gradient through a membrane according to exchange. Nevertheless, membrane oxygenators
Fick’s principle, depending on the oxygen pres- have much longer run times than bubble oxygen-
sure gradient and the permeability of the mem- ator, they may run up to several weeks, and the
brane. Since gas and blood are physically impairment of the blood components is less.
separated, other gases like nitrogen or air can be
added to alter the oxygen concentration (FiO2) or Venous Reservoir
transfer. The carbon dioxide elimination works The venous reservoir (. Fig. 6.5) receives the
similarly, as it diffuses along a concentration gra- venous return and the spilled blood from the oper-
dient from the venous blood to the gaseous phase. ative field is collected by the suckers in a large con-
The exchange rate is related to the surface, the tainer or bag. Drainage of the venous system and/
­carbon dioxide gradient, and the permeability. A or the heart is usually passive by gravity with the
loss of nitrogen can be counteracted by a high reservoir being mounted 40–70 cm below the level
nitrogen supplementation at the inflow gas (which of the heart. Apart from the position of the reser-
is not possible in the bubble oxygenator). voir, central venous pressure, cannula size, and
The effective gas exchange area for adults in tubing affect drainage. Cardiopulmonary bypass
the current oxygenators is ranging from 1.3 to can run on rather low central venous pressures by
2.5 m2; the respective heat exchange area is 0.14– partially exsanguinating the patient (minus 1–3 L),
0.6 m2. Transfer rates for oxygen and carbon diox- namely, shifting part of the combined patient/ECC
ide may be as high as 450  mL/min. During circuit into the venous reservoir.

..Fig. 6.5  Venous reservoir: hard shell (left) and soft bag (right) (Courtesy of Maquet)
132 C. Schmid

Most reservoirs have an integrated blood fil- trap, which accumulates the bubbles in the mid-
ter. It is composed of Dacron wool or polyure- line stream and eliminates them from there.
thane foam and catches particles from 20 to Bubble traps and arterial filters are available as
100 um, depending on the filter size. An incorpo- single components as well as an integrated part of
rated bubble trap allows elimination of air bub- a complete system, e.g., cardioplegia sets. The
bles. Furthermore, the venous reservoir offers sizes have to be adapted because of priming vol-
access for drug application and blood sample umes and flow limitations in very small patients
withdrawal. only. The efficacy of bubble traps and arterial fil-
Technically, reservoirs can be constructed as a ters is judged rather inconsistently. However,
rigid container or a soft bag. The rigid systems are most studies demonstrate a reduction of air
advantageous as they are larger, and volume esti- bubbles and microembolism in transcranial
mation and air elimination are simpler. Likewise, Doppler sonography measurements.
priming and vacuum-assisted drainage are easier.
6 Gas Blender Bubble Trap and Arterial Filter With only few exceptions, oxygen and carbon
Bubble traps are incorporated as first element into dioxide transfer is determined by a gas blender.
the venous line, i.e., prior to the pump and oxy- Gas flow can be altered from 0 to 16 L/min, and air
genator. Blood and air bubbles are split up by can be supplemented so that an oxygen tension of
gravity and centrifugal forces, and the blood addi- 21–100 % can be offered to the patient. A high
tionally passes a membranous sieve with a poros- oxygen concentration leads to a higher pO2 and
ity of 40–200  um. The priming volume is about consecutive enhanced oxygen transfer. In contrast,
150  cm3, which is not problematic in a normal carbon dioxide transfer is governed by the gas
heart-lung machine but is of significance in a flow. A higher gas flow accelerates carbon dioxide
mini-ECC setting. Special air removal devices washout by better maintaining the pCO2 pressure
consist of combined bubble detection and bubble difference. Another way to regulate carbon diox-
elimination, which functions as an automatic pro- ide exchange is to admix it to the sweep gas.
cess in a rather effective manner.
Arterial filters are integrated into the arterial Cannulas and  Tubing
line prior to the blood returning into the patient. Various cannulas (. Fig. 6.6) are available to con-
They also have a sieve with a pore size of 20–40 um, nect an extracorporeal circuit to a patient.
trapping air bubbles and small solid particles. A Standard cannulas are manufactured by a trans-
peculiar variant is the so-called dynamic bubble lucent flexible synthetic material. The cannula

..Fig. 6.6  Curved and

straight arterial cannulas,
curved and straight venous
wire-enforced cannulas,
two-stage venous cannula
(Courtesy of F. Merkle)
Chapter 6 · Extracorporeal Circulation and Myocardial Protection in Adult Cardiac Surgery
133 6
tips are composed of a rigid material, either of dissection <1 %), dislodgement of atheromas, and
synthetic material or of metal. The cannula tips thrombi (stroke !). A screening for endovascular
are also the narrowest part of the cannula and atheromas can be performed by palpation, echo-
therefore responsible for pressure drops, jets, tur- cardiography, or with epiaortic ultrasound
bulences, and cavitation phenomena (vein col- (Bolotin et  al. 2005). The latter has been recom-
lapse around the cannula due to excessive mended in patients with a history of transitory
drainage). Cannulas can become either directly ischemic attack or stroke, severe peripheral arte-
or indirectly (jets) most dangerous as they can rial occlusive disease, and palpable or visible aor-
lacerate the arterial wall (dissection!), loosen ath- tic wall calcifications and even in any patient
erosclerotic plaques, and cause hemolysis. beyond an age of 50–60 years! The practicality of
Hemolysis and protein disintegration may also these measures has to be accessed on an individ-
occur with pressure gradients >100  mmHg. ual basis. An extraordinary risk for thromboem-
Kinking is prevented in all cannulas. Arterial bolism and stroke is present in patients with a
cannulas are most often have a stiffened wall of porcelain aorta, which is evident in 1.2–4.3 % of
various kinds, while venous cannulas have a cases. A special protection system positioning a
metallic spiral reinforcement inside the cannula sieve as a filter (pore size 120 um) just before the
wall. Numerous cannula heads have been aortic cannula did not gain widespread accep-
designed to accommodate the clinical needs. tance, even if clinical studies demonstrated collec-
Angled cannula heads are advantageous for tion of embolic dfebris in 97  % of patients
­bicaval cannulation; single cannulas for the right (Banbury et al. 2003) (. Fig. 6.7).
atrium can be straight or angled. As drainage can The purse strings for the venous cannulas either
be impaired with single (one-stage) right atrial into the right atrium or into the caval veins are best
cannulation, a so-called two-stage cannula was performed with transmural sutures. If the right
designed, which drains the superior caval vein atrium has not to be entered during the procedure,
indirectly via the right atrium and the inferior e.g., none or only left-sided structures are opened,
caval vein directly. a two-stage cannula placed into the right atrial
Central cannulation of the heart and/or the appendage will sufficiently drain both caval veins.
adjacent large vessels offers the best drainage and A surgical procedure involving entry into the right
consequently provides the best cardiopulmonary atrium or the presence of an intracardiac shunt
support/temporary cardiopulmonary replace- mandates separate bicaval cannulation employing
ment. According to the planned procedure, the tourniquets around both caval veins also. Right-
arterial cannula can be either inserted into the angled cannulas for individual caval cannulation
ascending aorta, the aortic arch, or brachioce- may be least disturbing. The cannulation of the
phalic trunk. A more distal cannulation, especially superior caval vein can be achieved at the base of
in the aortic arch, reduces the risk for cerebral the right atrial appendage, i.e., via the right atrium,
embolism. Extrathoracic but still central cannula- with a long tip cannula, or by direct access to the
tion can be accomplished via the axillary, subcla- vein with a short tip cannula. It is important not to
vian, or carotid artery. All aortic cannulas are injure the sinus node and to avoid vessel narrowing
introduced after a 5 mm stab incision and during after removal of the cannula. The inferior caval vein
a mean arterial pressure of 60–80  mmHg. They is best entered 1  cm above the diaphragm, more
are fixed with purse-string sutures in the laterally than anterior. Both a straight or angled
­adventitial layer, which can be reinforced by pled- cannula serve the purpose well (. Figs. 6.8 and 6.9).
gets. Thus, the aortic insertion can be sealed and A persisting left superior vena cava (LSVC),
the cannula fixed. Transmural stitches are avoided which is present in 0.3–0.5 % of patients (Wood
as they would increase the risk of subadventitial 1956), is usually connected to the coronary sinus
hematomas and continuous bleeding. During and therefore drains into the right atrium. In 10 %
cannula placement, it is important to verify that of these cases (unroofed coronary sinus), h ­ owever,
the tip is readily inserted into the aortic lumen it drains directly into the left atrium. These very
and directed toward the aortic arch. Extrathoracic rare cases should be picked up clinically due to
cannulas are inserted in the same manner as any oxygen saturations only around 90 %, unless they
other peripheral cannula. Possible complications are masked by a large ASD with a supervening left
include vessel wall tearing and dissection (aortic to right shunt.
134 C. Schmid

a b

..Fig. 6.7  Cannulation of ascending aorta. A purse-string suture is placed and the cannula inserted after a stab
­incision a or with the aid of a small Satinsky clamp in children b

a b

..Fig. 6.8  Exposition of the superior caval vein a, the inferior caval vein is provided with a tourniquet b

Suspicion for any LSVC should arise when no much higher than 15  mmHg, simple clamping
or only a diminutive brachiocephalic vein or an may be allowed during ECC.  Otherwise, clamp-
unusually large/dilated coronary sinus is visible. ing of the vessel could lead to venous stasis and
In presence of a brachiocephalic vein, it may finally to a cerebral impairment. In these cases,
­sufficiently drain the LSVC when temporarily or the left superior caval vein should be cannulated,
even definitely occluded. If probatory clamping of either directly close to the left atrial appendage or
a LSVC without visible connection to the right via the coronary sinus. A retrograde cardioplegia
side does not result in a left-sided caval pressure has to be adapted to the anatomical findings.
Chapter 6 · Extracorporeal Circulation and Myocardial Protection in Adult Cardiac Surgery
135 6

a b

..Fig. 6.9  Cannulation of the superior caval vein via the atrial appendage a; both caval veins are placed b

Absent or dilated coronary sinus may not allow Peripheral cannulation is an alternative to
for administration of retrograde cardioplegia. central cannulation. In standard surgical proce-
The size of the aortic cannula is kept small to dures with median sternotomy, it is no longer
avoid extensive laceration of the aortic wall. used, except for emergency situations including
­However, the tip of the cannula is the narrowest severe bleeding, cardiac arrest, acute aortic dis-
part, where pressure drops and jets and section, reoperation, and minimally invasive
­turbulences develop which can injure the aortic procedures. During recent years, the cannula-
wall from inside. Venous cannulas are chosen as tion of the subclavian artery has proven very
large as possible to guarantee optimal drainage advantageous in patients with acute aortic dis-
from the heart. According to Hagen-Poiseuille’s section, since this vessel is only rarely involved
law (at laminar flow), the resistance correlates in the disease, giving unrestricted flow access to
with the 4 power of the radius of the cannula. the aortic arch. Mostly, the vessel is not directly
Therefore, a short cannula with a large diameter cannulated. Instead, a Dacron graft (size
allows for maximal pump flow. 6–8 mm) is anastomosed to it in an end-to-side
At the arterial side, blood is propelled by the manner, and a straight aortic cannula is tied into
pump, i.e., flow resistance in cannula and tubing it. Lacerations of the subclavian vein and the
have to be overcome. The pressure in the arterial brachial plexus may occur but are infrequent.
line rises in relation to the pump flow. Usually the Apart from the subclavian vessels, iliac and fem-
flow is set, and the resultant pressure is measured. oral arteries as well as the jugular vein may serve
Line pressures up to 300  mmHg are tolerated. as access for extracorporeal circulation. Arterial
Systemic relationships of flow and pressure in cannulas can be rather short; venous cannulas
cannulas and tubing are expressed with the help should be long enough to reach the right atrium
of the so-called M-figure. Small cannulas have a in order to prevent collapse of the inferior caval
high shear stress which destroys blood cells. The vein resulting in poor drainage.
critical limit of shear stress dependent hemolysis In contrast to intrathoracic cannulation, a
is unknown; in the literature, values from 80 to peripheral access with a single venous cannula
400 N/m2 have been reported. The limit for plate- usually does not permit total bypass, i.e., complete
lets is significantly lower with 10–35  N/m2. The mechanical support. Only 80 % of blood volume
venous blood is mainly drained by gravity, where can be drained via peripheral cannulas, whereas
the central venous pressure and the hydrostatic 20 % of blood volume passes the lung. This means
pressure (difference in height between patient and also that the maximal pump flow is lower as com-
reservoir) are the driving forces. With a known pared to central cannulation (3.5–4 L/min). With
blood viscosity (c. 3  cP), the necessary minimal a femoral perfusion and a still ejecting heart, the
cannula size can be chosen. arterial ECC blood hardly reaches the aortic arch.
136 C. Schmid

a b

..Fig. 6.10  Cardioplegia cannula with sidearm for venting a, coronary sinus catheter b

Venous drainage can be improved with suction by measurement of the aortic pressure during car-
integrating a roller pump or centrifugal pump dioplegia delivery. In case of retrograde cardio-
into the venous line or by connecting the hard plegia administration, a balloon catheter is placed
shell reservoir to a vacuum. Venous suction for ventrally to the venous cannula with a purse-­
optimizing drainage has several advantages: (1) string suture and into the coronary sinus. There
unloading of the right atrium and ventricle is are self-inflating balloons and those to be manu-
improved; (2) the cannula size can be reduced by ally inflated with the aid of a syringe. Catheter
25 %, which is very usefully in peripheral cannula- placement is simple and can be achieved even if
tion; (3) the extracorporeal circulation is less sus- only the right atrium and ventricle are prepared in
ceptible to an air block after lacerating of the right redo procedures. Its highest value of retrograde
atrium; and (4) procedures at the pulmonary catheters is in aortic root surgery as well as in
artery can be performed with a two-stage cannula. coronary reoperations. Correct positioning can
The term «total bypass» is used when on full be judged best by digital palpation of the balloon
ECC flow, all systemic venous flow is forced into just below the left atrial appendage. Failure of
the venous cannulas by closing the tourniquets catheter placement is rare and then caused by a
around the individual caval cannulas. This term Chiari net (remnant of the embryologic large
may not be applicable for two-stage venous can- valve of the sinus venosus) or an extraordinary
nulation, although it may come close with excel- small coronary sinus. After initiation of extracor-
lent drainage. poreal circulation, a constant flow from the cath-
eter must remain evident, despite proper venous Cardioplegia Administration drainage and low central venous pressure. If the
For the application of cardioplegia, a large bore heart is lifted up during retrograde cardioplegia,
sharp needle is sufficient. Alternatively, special swollen veins including the posterior descending
catheters can be inserted and fixed with a suture. vein (V. cordis media) should be visible
Most of the latter have a sidearm, which allows (. Fig. 6.10).
Chapter 6 · Extracorporeal Circulation and Myocardial Protection in Adult Cardiac Surgery
137 6 Vent Placement Open and Closed Systems
With institution of extracorporeal circulation, In open systems, the venous reservoir can be de-­
pulsatility decreases and with good drainage may aired during operation. Mostly, the venous reser-
finally cease on full flow and/or total cardiopul- voir is built with a rigid housing and an integrated
monary bypass and an empty heart. However, as defoamer. The latter allows removal of air in a
bronchial and Thebesian veins drain into the left simple manner, but if the blood levels drop below
atrium and ventricle even with total bypass, the a critical level, air embolism may occur. Therefore,
left ventricle will fill and distend, or blood will a blood level sensor is necessary, which not only
spill into the operative field if the heart is entered monitors the level and alarms in time but also
and not vented after cross-clamping. stops the heart-lung machine automatically.
A vent catheter usually has a mandrel or a Closed venous reservoirs are flexible bags
reinforced but flexible tip, which facilitates its which can crumple. Air is trapped on top of it and
placement. Main indication is a left-sided valve can be removed via a valve. If the blood levels
replacement or LV aneurysm resection. Thus, the decrease, the walls of the bag collapse and prevent
operative field is kept bloodless, and de-airing the dislodgement of critical amounts of air to the
heart at the end of the procedure is easier. patient.
Standard approach is the right superior pulmo- Reliable data suggesting preference for one
nary vein. Cannulation through the interatrial system over the other are not available; both sys-
groove just anterior to the pulmonary vein may tems are on the market with the rigid housing/
prevent pulmonary vein obstruction in the rare open system taking the larger share.
event of tears in the vein requiring extensive
sutures/repair. Alternatively, especially in emer-
gency situations, vent placement can occur via the 6.2.2 Miniaturized Extracorporeal
left ventricular apex after a stab incision. Insertion Systems
of the vent into the pulmonary artery trunk is also
possible. For coronary artery bypass surgery, a After more than 30 years of clinical success with
vent is placed into the aortic root, often as a com- standard ECC, about two decades ago the side
bined cannula for antegrade cardioplegia delivery. effects of extracorporeal circulation became the
focus of intensive discussion. Off-pump coronary Tubing artery bypass surgery (OPCAB) emerged, but the
The tubing system connects the various compo- technical challenge of this new surgical technique
nents of the ECC with the patient. In many insti- could not be met by all surgeons. Even when
tutions, the ECC components are individually OPCAB surgery could not convince the cardio-
selected and preassembled in a custom pack, surgical community with clearly superior results,
which eliminates the infectious risk almost com- the desire for less traumatic tools and techniques
pletely. The length of the tubing must be appropri- remained and lead to the development of minia-
ately sized to provide sufficient distance to the turized extracorporeal systems. They combine an
non-sterile heart-lung machine. In general, the adequate safety standard with reduced side effects
diameter should be large enough to keep flow claimed (Remadi et  al. 2004; Wiesenack et  al.
resistance and shear stress which impair blood 2004).
components as low as possible. On the other A miniaturized heart-lung machine is not
hand, tubing should be shortest possible und only a reduced size system but also a new con-
small in diameter to allow minimal priming and cept of extracorporeal circulation. Its goal is a
low gradients along the tubing. Most commonly, constant volume perfusion with minimal blood
for adult patients, the arterial line is 3/8″ in diam- trauma, reduced hemodilution, less postopera-
eter and the venous lines 1/2″ in diameter. tive systemic inflammatory response syndrome
Cannulas and tubing are transparent to facili- (SIRS), lower transfusion requirements, and
tate the evaluation of the blood with regard to finally faster and better reconvalescence. The
color, air bubbles, and clots. Most of the tubes are first mini-­ systems were slimmed standard
available with heparin coating, which is supposed heart-lung systems, i.e., suckers and the venous
to reduce the heparin need and thus lessens the reservoir were left off and the tubing was short-
risk of bleeding complications. ened. The pump consisted (and still does) of a
138 C. Schmid

a b

..Fig. 6.11  MECC system. Set-up a, schema b (Maquet) (Courtesy of Maquet)

centrifugal pump and a low flow oxygenator assembled, or the system can be purchased as a
with a small priming volume. Some systems are complete set. Due to the different technical fea-
heparin coated including all tubing. A separate tures, the mode of operation of the systems varies.
heating device is unnecessary as a heat exchanger An optimum cannot be defined, yet.
is an obligate and integral part of each oxygen-
ator. Bubble traps are optional. Cardioplegia is MECC System (Maquet®)
administered with low-volume techniques too. The MECC (miniaturized extracorporeal circula-
Most often, the Calafiore technique is employed, tion) system (. Fig. 6.11) was developed in the
where arterial blood is deviated from the main late 1990s and was the first mini-system which
line, enriched with potassium, and afterward was commercially available. It is completely
reintegrated into the venous return (Calafiore assembled from Maquet products (Maquet
et  al. 1995). A systemic blood sucker does not Cardiovascular, Rastatt, Germany; Wayne, NJ,
exist as spilled blood is not immediately fed to USA):A Rotaflow® centrifugal pump, a Quadrox
the venous line to keep the circuit closed. D® oxygenator with a diffusion membrane, and an
Instead, it is collected and washed with a cell optional venous bubble trap to eliminate circulat-
saver and returned to the patient thereafter. ing air bubbles. All components are heparin
All these individual procedures are not new, but coated (Bioline®), allowing a short-term run of
their combination delineates a completely new the device without full heparinization. This is
principle of extracorporeal circulation. The main truly advantageous for patients with a high bleed-
indication for miniaturized extracorporeal systems ing risk. The arterial Quart® filter may be added
is coronary artery bypass (CABG) surgery where as well but also increases the priming as does the
the cavities of the heart are not entered. An aortic bubble trap by 25 %. The preparation of the sys-
valve replacement and a resection of a left ventricu- tems requires only about 1–2 min.
lar aneurysm may also be achieved with a mini- The Rotaflow® pump can propagate 4.0–
system, but the surgical procedure is more complex 4.5  L/min and has a priming volume of
and needs further refinements of the system, and 32  mL.  The Quadrox D® oxygenator offers a
the basic idea to prevent the blood air contact is par- membrane surface of 2.4  m2 and requires a
tially undermined. It is self-­ evident that before priming volume of 250 mL. The great advantage
starting valve surgery with a mini-bypass system, of the MECC systems is that the bubble traps
significant experience with coronary bypass surgery and the arterial filter can be easily left out which
employing this system should have been obtained. lowers the basic priming volume to 500 mL and
There are several mini-systems commercially hemodilution is minimal. No other system pro-
available. Their components can be individually vides this opportunity.
Chapter 6 · Extracorporeal Circulation and Myocardial Protection in Adult Cardiac Surgery
139 6  esting Heart System
R propel 1–6 L/min. The oxygenator has a membrane
(Medtronic) surface of 2.5  m2 and a priming volume of
The Resting Heart® system (. Fig. 6.12) is a com- 250  mL.  An interesting feature is the Affinity
plete set based on Medtronic products (Medtronic, Venous Air Removal Device (VARD®). With the
Minneapolis, MN, USA): the centrifugal Bio-­Pump help of two ultrasound detectors, air bubbles are
Plus® and their Affinity NT® membrane oxygen- recognized, an audiovisual signal is turned on, and
ator. The whole system is heparin coated with the the bubbles are automatically removed. A filter with
Carmeda® technology. The Bio-Pump Plus® can a pore size of 38 um is integrated in the VARD®.
The advantages of this system are its high safety
level and the perfect bubble elimination. The large
priming volume of 1400 mL is a disadvantage as it
equals or even exceeds that of a normal heart-lung
machine ECC circuit. Thus, hemodilution and
inflammation are not substantially influenced.
Since April 2013, the complete ECC set is no
longer available in the United States, but all compo-
nents are still obtainable to assemble the system. Synergy-Mini-Bypass System

The Synergy® system (. Fig. 6.13) is a fully inte-
grated complete system from Sorin (Sorin S.P.A,
Milan, Italy) and includes a centrifugal pump,
a  microporous polypropylene oxygenator with a
..Fig. 6.12  Resting Heart system (Medtronic) (Courtesy membrane surface of 2.0  m2, an arterial filter, a
of Medtronic) venous bubble trap, and a heat exchanger within

..Fig. 6.13  Synergy-Mini-Bypass system (Sorin) (Courtesy of Sorin)

140 C. Schmid

one device body. The maximal pump flow is bles; an arterial filter eliminates microbubbles. In
reported as 8  L/min. The compact construction case of air entering the circuit, an ultrasound
renders the priming volume with 680  mL in an detector reduces pump speed and finally blocks
acceptable range, but the tubing system has to be the venous line in an automated process. The
added. An air purge system for automatized air inner surface of the whole system is equipped
bubble elimination can be well added to the system. with the biocompatible X-coating.
The Synergy system differs from its competi- The safety feature with the venous bubble trap
tors by its compact construction. Another advan- and the arterial filter is opposed by a large prim-
tage is the possibility to convert the closed system ing volume which may lead to a considerable
in an open system with a reservoir with a few steps. hemodilution. A retrograde autologous filling can
lower the priming volume. ROC-Safe System (Terumo®)
The ROC-Safe® system (Terumo Corp., Hatagaya, Modifications for Aortic
6 Japan), R, O, and C (. Fig. 6.14) being the initials Valve Surgery
of the perfusionist who invented the system, is a Aortic valve replacement with mini-systems has
closed perfusion system, which was developed for been performed with several systems. Cannulation
coronary bypass surgery. With an additional of the aorta and right atrium is as usual; blood
module, other surgical procedures can be accom- cardioplegia is administered ante- or retrogradely.
plished as well. Its centrifugal pump offers up to The main problem is to keep the aortic root dry.
6  L/min, whereas the polypropylene oxygenator As a standard vent in the left atrium would aspi-
has a surface of 1.8 m2 and a heat exchanger inte- rate large amounts of air and cause air blockade, it
grated. A venous bubble trap removes larger bub- cannot be used when the aorta is opened. Instead,

Air Bubble
Add Detector Centrifugal
Volume Pump
Air removal

Venous Line

Filter Oxygenrator

..Fig. 6.14  ROC-Safe system (Terumo) (Courtesy of Terumo)

Chapter 6 · Extracorporeal Circulation and Myocardial Protection in Adult Cardiac Surgery
141 6
a (second) vent catheter is inserted into the Though there are numerous differences in
­pulmonary artery, which drains the pulmonary study parameters between standard and mini-
vascular bed and the left atrium. All blood which mized heart-lung machine circuit, they trans-
is collected by the vent is immediately returned to late hardly into advantages or disadvantages of
the patient’s venous line via a vacuum bag or cell either system, respectively. The large heterogene-
saver system. Accordingly, the system has also be ity of mini-systems renders comparison difficult.
termed «semi-closed.» Despite the increased A recent meta-analysis of randomized studies
complexity, a small incision, minimal access aor- showed that mini-systems are associated with
tic valve surgery is possible. less hemodilution; less postoperative drainage
and transfusion requirements; earlier extuba- Functional Differences tion; reduced incidence of postcardiotomy heart
Between Mini and Standard failure; higher number of platelets; lower serum
Systems creatinine, C-reactive protein, troponin T, and
The operation of both, the mini and standard sys- creatinine kinase; lower interleukins (IL-8, IL-6,
tems, is comparable, but there are some differ- IL-10) and tumor necrosis factor alpha; and
ences due to the composition of the devices: lower thromboxane B2, prothrombin fragment,
55 The tubing of the mini-systems is usually neutrophil elastase, circulating endothelial cells,
shorter, so that the device has to be placed terminal complement complex, n-acetyl-glucosa-
much closer to the surgeon. Heparin coating minidase, intestinal fatty acids, and Clara cell 16
and the biocompatible surfaces which are (Biancari and Rimpilainen 2009). The overall con-
hardly seen in standard heart-lung machines clusion from thesis studies was that mini-systems
seem to be advantageous for the reduced are associated with a lower stroke risk, less blood
need of anticoagulation, but there is hardly loss, and lower mortality. These results still have
any evidence for that. to be critically interpreted.
55 Since mini-systems are closed systems, prior
to initiation of extracorporeal circulation, all
air bubbles have to be meticulously removed 6.2.3 Conduct of Cardiopulmonary
from both the arterial and venous line. Bub- Bypass
ble traps, if present, are only useful for small
amounts of trapped air. While there are rules to be obeyed during the
55 The principle of closed systems also includes conduct of cardiopulmonary bypass, within cer-
that back bleeding during coronary artery tain limits there is room for a rather wide
bypass surgery cannot be arbitrarily removed ­variability. The reason for this is that most of the
by suction at the arterial vent, as air bubbles suggested parameters to be followed or aimed for
can enter the arterial line over the vent line have been empirically determined and the indi-
with a high suction force. If back bleeding vidual experience plays an important role on how
significantly interferes with the surgical to reach and maintain them.
efforts, a small probe or shunt or a lower flow
may have to be chosen. Preparation
55 The main risk with the use of a mini-system of Extracorporeal Circulation
evolves once a severe surgical bleeding At the beginning, all sterile packed components of
occurs. Hypovolemia can develop and jeopar- the heart-lung machine are assembled which
dize extracorporeal perfusion as an immedi- takes about 15  min. Such a «dry» circuit can be
ate retransfusion of large amounts of blood stored as a stand-by tool for about 7 days. The so-­
via the cell saver is impossible. The blood loss called priming of the heart-lung machine, namely,
has to be replaced by transfusion of blood filling with the perfusate chosen and de-airing the
products as long as the patient’s blood is pre- tube system, is not uniform. The basic perfusate
pared for retransfusion. That’s why for open- consists of a balanced electrolyte solution. At sev-
heart surgery, the use of these mini-systems is eral centers it is preferred to add colloidal solu-
not primarily recommended. In an emer- tions containing albumin, hydroxyethyl starch
gency situation, only the Synergy system can (HAES), or dextrane to obtain some osmotic
be converted into an open circuit. pressure and thereby reduce extracellular fluid
142 C. Schmid

retention. However, a clear advantage for the use at the steering console to maintain adequate cardio-
of colloidal solutions has not been demonstrated, pulmonary support. Mean arterial pressure and
yet. The priming is recirculated sufficiently long pump flow depend on the degree of hypothermia;
to remove all air from the circuit. As the filling the latter and the amount of cardioplegia are related
volume of the extracorporeal circuit equals about to the type of surgery planned. The important
one third of the patient’s blood volume, the hema- ­surveillance parameters are noted in the perfusion
tocrit drops to about two thirds with the initiation protocol. The interaction between perfusionist, anes-
of cardiopulmonary bypass. In case of hypother- thesiologist, and cardiac surgeon and the strict sur-
mic perfusion, the hematocrit is lowered even veillance of the perfusion parameters allow the
further. So far, an optimum for the hematocrit on optimal conduct of cardiopulmonary bypass, as well
extracorporeal circulation in adult patients has as the prevention or early detection of complications.
not been defined. After the priming, the heart-­
lung machine should be used within 8 h. Termination of
6 Prior to the start of extracorporeal circulation, Extracorporeal Circulation
the patient has to be sufficiently, so-called «fully» After the surgical repair of the heart or great ves-
heparinized. For a standard heart-lung machine sels has been completed, the patient can be weaned
extracorporeal circuit in open-heart surgery, 300– from cardiopulmonary bypass. At this point, the
400 IU/kg of heparin is considered a full heparin- patient has to be rewarmed to at least 34 °C, and
ization. It is administered intravenously (see the intravascular compartment and the heart have
above). In (closed) heparinized (surface-coated) to be refilled and de-aired by reducing the venous
systems, one third to 50 % of this dose are usually unloading. Myocardial contractility is judged
sufficient for anticoagulation. Additionally, 2500– visually be the cardiac surgeon and optionally by
10,000 IU is added to the priming to make up for transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) also. If
the additional volume and to prevent thrombotic myocardial contractility is insufficient, it has to be
complications within the circuit prior to go on augmented by appropriate drugs, mainly by cate-
bypass in case of blood priming. Two to 5  min cholamines and phosphodiesterase inhibitors.
after heparin administration and prior to the ini- Atrial fibrillation can be converted to sinus rhythm
tiation of cardiopulmonary bypass, coagulation is to improve cardiac performance; likewise, brady-
controlled by the activated clotting time (ACT). cardia can be counteracted by various pacemaker
Over the whole perfusion period, ACT should be stimulation modes (A00, AAI, DVI, DDD, VVI,
kept between 350 and 400 and is therefore con- see 7 Chapter «Device Therapy of Rhythm Disor-
trolled regularly, i.e., at a 30 min interval. ders», Sect.  30.2.1, Table 30.2). In case of severely
compromised cardiac pump function, biventricu- Monitoring During lar stimulation and/or an intra-aortic balloon
Extracorporeal Circulation pump is favored, as is nitric oxide (NO) (up to
During extracorporeal circulation, cardiovascular 30 ppm) or prostaglandin (iloprost) inhalation in
function, gas exchange, and acid-base balance have situations with right heart failure due to elevated
to be surveyed not only by the anesthesiologist but pulmonary resistance/pulmonary hypertension.
also by the certified clinical perfusionist. The perfu- When a normotensive pulsatile blood pres-
sionist has to keep an eye on the monitor to read the sure is reached, the flow of the heart-lung machine
electrocardiogram (ECG), the arterial blood pres- is stepwise reduced and finally stopped. After ter-
sure, the central venous pressure, the arterial satura- mination of cardiopulmonary bypass, venous
tion, and the body temperature(s). During complex decannulation follows. When hemodynamics are
surgical procedures, further parameters such as the stabilized, heparin is antagonized with protamine,
left atrial pressure can be important too. mostly 1:1. ACT rapidly normalizes to a level
Furthermore, an adequate urine production of <130  s. In contrast to heparin, protamine is not
0.5–1  mg/kg/h should be present. If the latter is administered as a bolus but as a brief infusion
insufficient, augmentation of the pump flow should over about 5  min or more. A rapid protamine
follow prior to the use of diuretics. During deep application can cause a so-called protamine reac-
hypothermia, urine output decreases and may cease. tion, which is a life-threatening complication with
The perfusionist controls pump flow and line pulmonary vasoconstriction and pulmonary
pressures as well as the filling of the venous reservoir edema. The blood, which has been collected in the
Chapter 6 · Extracorporeal Circulation and Myocardial Protection in Adult Cardiac Surgery
143 6
heart-lung machine, can be retransfused via the Problems and Complications
arterial cannula, with the help of vasodilative During Extracorporeal
drugs, if necessary. The use of the pump suckers Circulation
has to be stopped when 50 % of the protamine is Problems and complications may arise from can-
given. If there is further bleeding, the blood is col- nulas and tubing, from insufficient hepariniza-
lected and retransfused by the anesthesiologist tion, and from unexpected cardiac findings.
after being washed in a cell saver.
kAortic Cannulation Anesthesia Aortic cannulation should be a technically simple
During Extracorporeal procedure. As a consequence of malpositioning, the
Circulation tip of the cannula can be within or close to the vessel
During extracorporeal circulation, volatile anes- wall. It also may be inadvertently directed toward the
thetic drugs can be administered at the heart-lung aortic valve. A thin vessel wall can tear, and in the
machine directly into the extracorporeal circuit, worst case aortic dissection may occur. The latter can
when the gas exchange membrane of the oxygen- often be immediately recognized by a bluish color-
ator is permeable for it (the diffusion membrane ation of the aortic wall and verified with transesoph-
of polymethylpentene is not suitable!). Most of the ageal echocardiography. Then, an immediate aortic
volatile anesthetic drugs (sevoflurane, isoflurane, replacement with an interposition graft is necessary,
desflurane) act rapidly and allow for a reliable nar- but mortality is high. In case of atherosclerotic aortic
cosis without hemodynamic compromise. They vessel walls (high correlation with carotid stenosis
also cease their action fast. As the conductance of and peripheral occlusive arterial disease), debris can
anesthesia is excellent and safe, volatile narcotics loosen and embolize. Therefore, some institutions
are used for many years in cardiac surgery. The favor an intraoperative epiaortic ultrasound in
use of a vaporizor mounted on a heart-­ lung patients with severe atherosclerotic disease. For cor-
machine, however, is somewhat problematic since onary surgery, off-pump surgery may serve as alter-
this combination is not commercially available native. Air embolism can be prevented with careful
and self-assembled systems have to get approval de-airing of the aortic cannula and arterial tubing.
by the respective authorities. In contrast to the
legally optimal intravenous anesthesia, volatile kVenous Cannulation
anesthetics seem to increase end-organ tolerance The placement of the venous cannula(s) in
against adverse influences. On the heart, they have patients with fragile atrial and/or caval walls may
a cardioprotective effect by an anesthesia induced lead to considerable bleeding complications and
preconditioning, and they lessen the reduction of also to air embolism. If a large amount of air is
the cerebral perfusion. A recent meta-analysis of aspirated into the venous line, an air block will
the literature shows that volatile anesthetics develop, i.e., the venous blood flow and finally
increase cardiac performance and reduce the need also the heart-lung machine stop. A rapid de-­
of inotropic support and length of postoperative airing procedure is necessary with head down
ventilation (Symons and Myles 2006). positioning, compression of the liver, and initia-
tion of venous suction. Sutures for repairing tis- Hemofiltration During sue tears as well as normal cannulation sutures
Extracorporeal Circulation can trap venous monitoring lines and catheters.
The number of patients with impaired renal func- They may also obstruct caval veins. Malpositioning
tion or even with terminal renal failure who of a venous cannula can render venous drainage
undergo open-heart surgery is steadily rising. inadequate and lead to venous congestion, which
Sufficient turnover and elimination of the fluids by in case of temporary hepatic vein obstruction can
the patient are not possible, neither during nor lead to early postoperative (reversible) liver fail-
after the procedure. To prevent a fluid overload, a ure. Further causes of inadequate venous return
hemofiltration system can be integrated into the are small or obturated cannulas and hypovolemia.
extracorporeal circuit. The hemofilter is connected
between the arterial and venous line distal to the kPeripheral Cannulation
pump. It generates an ultrafiltrate over a highly Peripheral cannulation, especially via femoral ves-
permeable membrane as does a native glomerulus. sels, is prone to multiple complications including
144 C. Schmid

leg ischemia, vessel wall laceration, vessel dissec- kCoagulation Disorder

tion, postoperative stenosis, thrombosis, lym- A severe coagulopathy following termination of
phatic fistula, and infection. Most deleterious is cardiopulmonary bypass is treated with transfu-
leg ischemia during long-lasting surgery in sion of fresh frozen plasma (FFP), and platelets, as
patients with preexisting vascular disease. In these well as with packed red blood cells (PRBC) to
cases, it is advisable either to use a Dacron graft replace the blood loss. Alternatively, the (impor-
sutured to the vessel or a selective distal vascular tant) various clotting factors can be measured and
perfusion over a sidearm of the arterial cannula. separately substituted—this philosophy has not
yet gained widespread acceptance. Rather advan-
kAortic Valve Incompetence tageous was the routine use of aprotinin, a fibri-
(Over-)distension of the left ventricle after initia- nolysis inhibitor which inhibits plasmin and
tion of extracorporeal circulation with the heart kallikrein and also stabilizes the platelet mem-
arresting can be a sequela of aortic valve incom- brane. However, due to a mildly elevated inci-
6 petence, or much less often due to an nondiag- dence of renal failure, the approval for aprotinin
nosed patent ductus arteriosus. The first step is to was withdrawn in some countries. It was substi-
decompress the heart manually; a brief halt of tuted by tranexamic acid, which is less effective
extracorporeal circulation is another option. If and also administered with various protocols.
the heart continues to dilate, a rapid vent inser- Platelet dysfunction is frequently treated with a
tion, e.g., through the left ventricular apex, is rec- vasopressin analogue (1-desamino-D-arginine
ommended. Another option is to quickly clamp vasopressin), but some studies question its advan-
the aorta and to apply cardioplegia retrograde tageous properties as transfusion requirements
through the coronary sinus or directly into the were frequently unaltered (Mannucci 2000).
coronary ostia. In case of large drainage losses, the blood
should be collected in a reservoir and washed and
kLow Perfusion Pressure retransfused with the CATS (Fresenius ­Continuous
A drop of the systemic blood pressure during car- AutoTransfusion System, Terumo, Ann Arbor,
dioplegia administration is normal. If the pressure MI) system. This is one of the few options which
remains low after termination of cardioplegia, vaso- Jehova’s witnesses mostly accept, among other
pressors such as norepinephrine have to be applied. additional measures like preoperative iron and
EPO treatment. Jehova’s witnesses further allow
kMyocardial Failure based on an individual patient decision the use of
If weaning from extracorporeal circulation man- a cell saver, intraoperative autotransfusion without
dates relatively high doses of catecholamines for blood storage, and administration of coagulation
sufficient myocardial contractility, a transesopha- factors (but not red and white blood cells, platelets,
geal echocardiography should be performed to and fresh frozen plasma).
analyze myocardial pump function and ventricu-
lar filling. Insertion of an intra-aortic balloon
pump can be helpful to reduce the catecholamine 6.3 Extracorporeal Membrane
demand and its related complications. Moreover, Oxygenation
monitoring of the patient’s left ventricular pre-
load can be improved by placement of a left atrial With the development of the heart-lung
catheter or a Swan-Ganz catheter. When cate- machine, mechanical support of the circulation
cholamine application leads to pulmonary hyper- by temporarily replacing heart and lung func-
tension, they can be administered over the left tion allowed for open-heart/direct vision car-
atrial catheter to avoid the pulmonary vascular diac surgery since the mid-1950s. When the
complications. The right heart can be indirectly need for more ­prolonged support became evi-
supported with inhalation of nitric oxide (NO) or dent, adequate long-­lasting oxygenators had to
prostaglandin administration, both lowering pul- be developed. With the availability of mem-
monary artery resistance when elevated. A fur- brane oxygenators for this purpose, this pro-
ther option is the use of phosphodiesterase longed type of extracorporeal circulation, in
inhibitors, which also lower the pulmonary vas- principle the same support as needed for open-
cular resistance. heart surgery, was coined extracorporeal
Chapter 6 · Extracorporeal Circulation and Myocardial Protection in Adult Cardiac Surgery
145 6
membrane oxygenation (ECMO). Two types of 6.3.1 ECMO Parameters
ECMO have emerged as basic configurations:
venoarterial and venovenous ECMO. The components of an ECMO circuit are
As in the standard ECC setup for on-pump selected in order to achieve a total support of
cardiac surgery, the essential components of an the patients’ cardiopulmonary function. Only in
ECMO circuit include a pump and an oxygenator. special cases, e.g., for carbon dioxide elimina-
Oxygenator and pump are connected in a closed tion when oxygenation may not be a problem,
circuit to avoid blood-air contact. A venous reser- partial support with 25 % of normal cardiac out-
voir is mostly absent. Some systems use a reser- put is sufficient.
voir initially after setup to facilitate volume According to the guidelines of the Extra­
management. A bubble trap is optional. Integrated corporeal Life Support Organization (ELSO), a
systems have bubble traps, sometimes working in blood flow up to 3 L/min/m2 is necessary for suf-
an automated mode. In custom-made systems, ficient support of heart and lung function. With
they are often absent. regard to the age groups, this means pump flows
All components of the ECMO system are of 100 mL/kg/min in newborns, 80 mL/kg/min in
mounted on a steerable console, which can be children, and 60 mL/kg/min in adults. The perfu-
placed aside the patient’s bed. With special sion pressure in the arterial tubing should not
brackets, oxygenator and pump can also be fixed exceed 400 mmHg; maximal suction at the venous
to the bed frame to alleviate patient care. The line should be less than 300  mmHg. Adequate
driving console has to be equipped with batter- pump flow is present when continuous monitor-
ies, capable to maintain ECMO support for a ing of the central venous oxygen saturation shows
minimum of 1  h. A heat exchanger can be values >70 %. Most venoarterial and venovenous
implemented to cool or warm up patients as ECMO setups achieve about 3–4.5 L/min, depend-
necessary. Meanwhile, there are also driving ing on cannula size and pump characteristics and
consoles available for use outside the cardiac allow sufficient gas exchange and normal metabo-
surgery units. With these driving consoles, lism (O2 supply in newborns 6 mL/kg/min, chil-
ECMO patients can undergo computed tomog- dren 4–8  mL/kg/min, adults 3  ­ mL/kg/min).
raphy or other diagnostic procedures, or ECMO Cardiopulmonary function can be well stabilized,
can be available as a backup for high-­risk inter- allowing for recovery of heart and lung with strain
ventional procedure in the cath lab. taken off of them. With a complete loss of cardio-
The latest developments are ECMO systems pulmonary function, a less than optimal pump
allowing patient transport with an ambulance flow may still be sufficient to enable patient trans-
car or even a helicopter. The Emergency Life port to another hospital for definite and poten-
Support (ELS) system from Maquet® was the tially successful treatment.
first device to get approval for air transporta-
tion from the European Aviation Safety Agency
(EASA). These integrated devices are available 6.3.2 Venoarterial ECMO
as complete sets and are functionally well
designed. Among the systems available, the The primary indication for venoarterial ECMO
Cardiohelp® (Maquet, Rastatt, Germany) is the (va-ECMO) is myocardial pump failure.
most sophisticated and versatile device, cur- Concomitant lung failure is thereby supported as
rently FDA approved for the USA. This unique well. For an emergency indication, cannulation
concept offers different versions for different should be simple and not require any or only lim-
tasks. With its tip-to-tip surface coating and ited surgical expertise. As a routine, peripheral can-
approval for up to 14 days of support its short-­ nula placement is generally favored. Percutaneous
term use, e.g., high-risk PTCA, as well as vessel cannulation, however, is much more
longer-­term use including interhospital patient demanding as it is more prone to complications
transport is possible (Philipp et  al. 2011). For when compared to a primary surgical cannula
the other systems (Lifebridge®, Lifebridge, insertion. Peripheral venous drainage is performed
Ampfing, Germany; Life-Box®, Sorin, Milano, through a femoral vein; arterial return can occur
Italy), support is limited to 6  h and 5  days, via a femoral or a subclavian artery. A complete
respectively. unloading of the heart and support, respectively, is
146 C. Schmid

not possible, mainly due to the limiting capacity of sen, with a short drainage cannula and a long can-
the peripheral venous drainage system. As a rule, nula for arterial reinfusion. As the drainage of a
about 80 % of blood is directed toward the ECMO, short cannula is worse and the inferior caval vein
whereas 20 % still find its way into the pulmonary may collapse with increased suction, these tech-
vascular bed and protect the latter. niques are less effective. Another alternative pro-
Patients with immediate postcardiotomy fail- vide the double-lumen cannulas, which are
ure, who are still centrally cannulated at the ascend- inserted in the right jugular vein. As they drain
ing aorta and right atrial appendage, are usually mainly from the inferior caval vein and the out-
connected to the ECMO system employing these flow should be directed toward the tricuspid valve
cannulas in place. In this ECMO circuit, the blood orifice, its placement is much more demanding.
is drained from the right atrium and reinfused into More effective than for oxygenation in adult
the ascending aorta, as with the routine intraopera- applications is the use for venovenous CO2
tive extracorporeal circulation (. Fig. 6.15). removal (see below: ECCO2R) (. Fig. 6.16).
6.3.3 Venovenous ECMO 6.3.4 Indication for ECMO

The indication for venovenous ECMO (vv-­ There are no clear-cut indications for ECMO ther-
ECMO) is respiratory failure without significant apy. The large societies for cardiopulmonary medi-
ventricular dysfunction. As in va-ECMO, periph- cine/surgery have not established respective
eral cannulation is favored to lower bleeding com- guidelines. There are only guidelines from the
plications. In the standard setup, venous blood is Extracorporeal Life Support Organization (ELSO)
drained from the femoral vein and the arterialized which recommend ECMO placement when the risk
blood returned into the (right) jugular vein. It is to die without would be 50 %. Immediate ECMO is
important to have the tips of both cannulas at a to be performed if the mortality risk approaches
distance large enough to prevent a short circuit, 80 %. In most institutions, the indication is deter-
i.e., pump recirculation. If a jugular access is mined by the institutional experience. A large expe-
impossible, a femorofemoral configuration is cho- rience with ECMO leads to a more ­liberal indication

..Fig. 6.15  Peripheral (femorofemoral) venoarterial ECMO (Courtesy of Maquet)

Chapter 6 · Extracorporeal Circulation and Myocardial Protection in Adult Cardiac Surgery
147 6

..Fig. 6.16  Femorojugular venovenous ECMO (Courtesy of Maquet)

for its application and ultimately to better results high skill level, vv-ECMO in adults is not wide-
(Muller et al. 2009; Schmid et al. 2009). spread. As for va-ECMO, criteria when to install
In myocardial pump failure, a cardiac index of vv-ECMO are not well defined and differ among
2.0–2.3 L/min/m2 or lower defines today’s indica- centers. In a prospective study in 1979, two
tion for mechanical circulatory support with a ­indications for pulmonary support with ECMO
ventricular assist device. Accordingly, refractory were proposed (Zapol et al. 1979):
medical treatment for cardiac failure is an accepted 1. A pO2 < 50 mmHg at an FiO2 of 1.0 requires
indication for va-ECMO therapy. Postcardiotomy immediate ECMO placement.
circulatory failure offers more therapeutic options. 2. Whereas a pO2 < 50 mmHg at an FiO2 > 0.6
In case of myocardial contractile failure, the usual and a PEEP > 5 cmH2O for more than 12 h
primary attempts for cardiovascular stabilization was defined as slow entry criterion.
include augmented catecholamine administration
followed by an intra-aortic balloon pump place- Nowadays, emergency ECMO placement for
ment. Only after failure of both combined and an pulmonary support is indicated when the pre-
expected recovery of myocardial pump function, dicted risk for conventional respirator manage-
va-ECMO is indicated. If there is no recovery ment is high. Such a high risk is seen with an
potential, assist devices for long-term support are oxygenation index [(mean airway pressure × FiO2
the better choice (see 7 Chapter «Cardiac Assist × 100)/pO2)] >40 and with a pO2/FiO2 < 60–80. In
Devices and Total Artificial Heart», Sect. 38.4). this regard there is no difference between venove-
While va-ECMO is indicated for emergency nous and venoarterial ECMO. However, prior to
treatment of primary myocardial failure, r­ eplacing an ECMO installation, all other treatment options
the function of the lungs also, vv-ECMO is to should be considered, and a lung protective venti-
replace the impaired gas exchange in primary pul- lation aspired (tidal volume 6  mL/kg, PIP < 35
monary failure (endpoints: recovery, transplanta- cmH2O, FiO2 < 0.6, cmH2O and pO2 goal: arterial
tion, or death), thereby preventing secondary pO2 > 60 mmHg) (Schmid 2009).
cardiac failure also. Since these therapies require a A special type of ECMO is ECCO2R (extracor-
high logistic effort, considerable resources, and a poreal carbon dioxide removal). Here, carbon
148 C. Schmid

..Table 6.7  Indications for va-ECMO and vv-ECMO (Schmid et al. 2009)

Indication va-ECMO vv-ECMO

Urgent Cardiac index <2.0 L/min/m2 PaO2/FiO2 <80 mmHg; (FiO2 = 1.0)

(catecholamines ↑, IABP)
Protective ventilation impossible

Emergency Resuscitation with insufficient cardiac PaO2/FiO2 <60 mmHg; (FiO2 = 1.0; PEEP = 20 cmH2O),
function severe respiratory acidosis

dioxide is eliminated with an ECMO pump flow approaches: on the right side into or between the
of 1–2 L/min, whereas oxygenation is achieved by pulmonary veins and on the left side through the
6 the native lung by endotracheal/bronchial oxygen left atrial appendage. The LV apex may be cannu-
insufflation without significant ventilation. lated for drainage also. A transition from periph-
There are only few absolute contraindications eral to central cannulation can be helpful too. An
for ECMO.  These are mainly situations, where alkalotic hyperoxygenation by lowering pH/pCO2
recovery of end-organ function (late tumor stage, and pulmonary vascular resistance is a further
significant cerebral disease/damage) cannot be means to benefit the right ventricle.
expected. All other contraindications are relative, A recovery of myocardial pump function with
i.e., in every case benefit and risk have to be persistent respiratory impairment can cause prob-
weighed such as peripheral vascular disease and lems during femorofemoral venoarterial perfusion.
abdominal aortic aneurysm with thrombus for- The lower half of the body is well perfused with
mation. This is also true for the bleeding risk in arterialized blood, whereas the upper body includ-
polytraumatized patients, when an ECMO with ing the brain and coronary arteries is provided with
heparin coating is used (Arlt et  al. 2010). Yet, hypoxemic blood from the native (malfunctioning)
maintenance of ECMO without heparin adminis- lung only. Diagnosis can be established by percuta-
tration is only possible for a few days. The carbon neously measuring oxygen saturation at a right-
dioxide-lowering properties can also be beneficial sided finger or directly with a radial artery blood
for neurosurgical patients (Bein et  al. 2002). A gas drawn. Therapeutic options consist of a transi-
septic patient can be supported with ECMO too, tion to central cannulation or of a relocation of the
but loss of peripheral resistance with a consecu- arterial cannula into the right subclavian artery.
tive increase of cardiac output may not be fully Major complications are bleeding and throm-
mastered with peripheral ECMO systems, if at all bosis at the cannula sites, followed by ischemic
(. Table 6.7). complications at the respective extremities.
Therefore, it is advisable to anastomose a (6–8 mm)
Dacron graft for cannulation to the arterial vessel
6.3.5 Physiological Consequences if the latter is small in size. Most institutions follow
and Problems that strategy always when accessing the subclavian
artery due to the risk of deleterious complications.
The main goal of mechanical support with ECMO At the femoral artery, a separate small cannula
is to allow for recovery of heart and/or lung func- placement for distal perfusion is another option.
tion. This works well as long as there is no total Further problems arise during long-term sup-
loss of cardiopulmonary function, i.e., if the port. Patient mobilization and physiotherapy are
ECMO supports but not replaces heart and lung, difficult. The patients are usually bedridden and
although this may be initially the case. A total loss tethered to the bed by the tubing. A successful
of cardiac pump function can be compensated extubation to benefit lung function and to prevent
with a peripheral ECMO in small patients with respiratory infections hardly facilitates mobiliza-
large vessels only. Otherwise, the left heart is not tion. The use of a solitary double-lumen cannula
sufficiently unloaded and distends. Consecutively, for venovenous ECMO inserted into the jugular
an additional vent may become necessary, which vein increases the mobility but may limit pump
can be inserted into the left atrium with several output (Chimot et al. 2013).
Chapter 6 · Extracorporeal Circulation and Myocardial Protection in Adult Cardiac Surgery
149 6
6.3.6 Long-Distance Transport or the distal abdominal aorta; the tip of the
on ECMO venous cannula was placed in the inferior vena
cava. A so-called distal perfusion can be estab-
Critically ill patients with cardiac and/or pulmonary lished but is frequently omitted. Central cannu-
failure may not have access to all therapeutic means lation is not performed. In cases of vv-ECMO,
in a primary care center; they have to be referred to outflow was achieved via the femoral vein, and
a tertiary care center or a specialized heart and lung inflow was gained by cannulation of the right
failure unit. However, the clinical state of patients internal jugular vein and thereafter into the
being on high-dose inotropes or being maximally superior vena cava. Before vessel cannulation
ventilated is rather unstable, and conventional 5000 IU heparin is administrated intravenously,
patient transport is associated with a high risk. except when the partial thromboplastin time
With the availability of the miniaturized ECMO (PTT) value is ≥1.5 times above normal range.
systems (see above 7 Sect. 6.2.2), patient transport With a heparin-coated circuit, no further antico-
became safe, both in a venovenous and venoarterial agulation is needed during transport. After start-
configuration. Prerequisites are a hub and a radio ing the ECMO, circulatory state and respirator
system for the participating hospitals as well as an on settings are optimized in a brief period. A dra-
call system in the hub hospital/unit which can be matic reduction of catecholamine requirement is
organized in various ways. An incoming request for common; a mean systemic blood pressure of
ECMO transportation demands immediate 50–70 mmHg is sufficient. The patient is trans-
response: (1) Verifying that the patient is an appro- ferred to the helicopter or ambulance car, and
priate candidate for ECMO treatment with further monitoring is established in the vehicle.
definitive therapeutic options to be offered. The Monitoring includes continuous electrocardio-
cause of heart failure, reversibility of cardiac dysfunc- graphic surveillance, invasive blood pressure
tion, end-organ failure, neurology, tumor, and other measurement, pulse oximetry, and capnography.
terminal diseases should be asked for to judge Tissue perfusion and oxygen delivery are
whether the patient may be weaned from ECMO, assessed by pulse oximetry and estimation of
can undergo conventional open-heart surgery, or arterial blood gas exchange and mixed venous
will need long-term mechanical support. (2) Avail- oxygen saturation if available. Minimal require-
ability of staff and equipment. ECMO transport ments are electrocardiogram, blood pressure,
teams usually include an anesthesiologist or an inten- pump flow (3–5 L/min), and right radial arterial
sivist, a cardiac surgeon, a perfusionist, and a para- saturation. During transport, low flow situations
medic. Depending on the organizational structure are treated with crystalloid infusions and
and individual skill level, the team can be reduced to impaired oxygenation with airway toilet and
two staff members, as the space in most helicopters increased oxygen supply. An ischemic leg cannot
and ambulance cars is limited. (3) Availability of ICU be treated, but will not become a clinical prob-
capacity. In Europe, adult ECMO transportation is a lem for the few hours in the air/on the road.
new mission, predominantly created by cardiac sur- Upon arrival, the patient is immediately referred
geons. Therefore, not only the staff but also ICU to the cardiac ICU, and further treatment options
capacity is shared. Shortness of ICU beds is common. are discussed and applied (Arlt et al. 2008).
After arrival at the distant hospital, the
patient’s clinical condition is reviewed again. If
the patient unexpectedly is no longer a candidate 6.3.7 ECMO Resuscitation
for ECMO according to (1), the mission is
aborted. If the patient, now with specialists sup- Acute cardiovascular collapse is life threatening
port available, can be stabilized for normal and mandates immediate action. In most
patient transfer, ECMO is not installed either. instances, an appropriate drug therapy is suffi-
For ECMO placement, the size of the femoral cient to stabilize the patient; some, however, may
vessels can be measured by ultrasound, and require chest compressions/external heart mas-
appropriate cannulas are chosen to minimize the sage and artificial ventilation. Further treatment
risk of limb ischemia (arterial 15–17 Fr, venous options are usually not available except in institu-
17–23 Fr). For va-ECMO, the tip of the arterial tions offering ECMO placement during resuscita-
cannula is positioned in the common iliac artery tion. Systems for ECMO as a resuscitation tool
150 C. Schmid

include mobile larger devices and light-weight the same opinion with regard to maintenance or
portable systems. withdrawal of therapy, ethical debates are diffi-
For ECMO resuscitation, femoral artery and cult. (3) If ECMO resuscitation was successful
vein—preferably on opposite sides—are punc- and the patient denies consecutive necessary
tured percutaneously during brief periods of halt- treatment such as VAD therapy, mechanical sup-
ing external cardiac massage. With Seldinger’s port must be terminated.
technique, a borderline small arterial cannula
(e.g., 15 Fr) and a long venous cannula (21 Fr or
23 Fr) are inserted and connected to the ECMO
circuit after careful de-airing. When ECMO is Abah U, Garfjeld Roberts P, Ishaq M, De Silva R (2012) Is
started, both cannulas are fixed to the patient, and cold or warm blood cardioplegia superior for myocar-
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153 7

in Cardiopulmonary
Bypass for the Neonate
and Infant
Richard A. Jonas

7.1 Introduction – 155

7.2 I mprovements in the Hardware of

Cardiopulmonary Bypass for Neonates and
Infants – 155
7.2.1  xygenator – 155
7.2.2 Pump Design – 156
7.2.3 Cannulas – 156

7.3 I mproved Techniques of Neonatal and Infant

Cardiopulmonary Bypass – 157
7.3.1  oston Circulatory Arrest Study – 158
7.3.2 Subtle Brain Injury Secondary to Hypoxia – 159 F actors That Potentially Limit Oxygen Delivery During
Cardiopulmonary Bypass – 159 Alternative pH Strategies During Hypothermic Bypass – 160
7.3.3  isks of Normothermic Bypass – 163
7.3.4 Hemodilution – 163 Safe Limits of Hemodilution – 163 Laboratory Studies of Hemodilution at Children’s Hospital
Boston – 164 Microcirculation During Deep Hypothermia – 164 Potential Disadvantages of Hemodilution – 164 A Study of Cerebral Microcirculation During Deep
Hypothermia – 165
7.3.5 Clinical Studies of Hematocrit – 165  odifications to Clinical Practice as a Result of the Hematocrit
Trial – 166

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_7
7.3.6 I nteraction of Flow Rate, pH, Hematocrit, Blood
Temperature, and Brain Temperature – 166 The Importance of Brain Temperature – 167
7.3.7 Adjunctive Techniques for Brain Protection – 168

7.4 Conclusion – 168

References – 168
Chapter 7 · Advances in Cardiopulmonary Bypass for the Neonate and Infant
155 7
7.1 Introduction 7.2 Improvements in the Hardware
of Cardiopulmonary Bypass
The results of surgery for congenital heart for Neonates and Infants
anomalies in neonates and infants have
improved dramatically over the last two decades. 7.2.1 Oxygenator
Not only is mortality less but in addition dura-
tion of time in the intensive care unit and over- The earliest oxygenators such as the Gibbon oxy-
all morbidity have continued to decline. There is genator relied on a thin film of blood adhering to a
no single explanation for this progress. disk or mesh that rotated through a trough of
. Table  7.1 suggests that the development of blood. Not only did this system require a huge
cohesive multidisciplinary teams managing priming volume, but in addition it generated a large
neonates and infants with congenital heart dis- number of emboli. The many deleterious effects of
ease has been one of the most significant fac- cardiopulmonary bypass (. Table  7.2) include
tors. However, the second factor listed is also emboli, hemolysis, and the systemic inflammatory
extremely important and that has been improve- response to cardiopulmonary bypass (Edmunds
ments in both the hardware and techniques of 1998). In addition for the neonate and infant, expo-
cardiopulmonary bypass. sure to a massive volume of homologous blood
In the early years of cardiopulmonary bypass (bank blood) was equivalent to many exchange
in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, both the hardware transfusions. Even in the adult world, the «homolo-
and techniques of bypass that were used for gous blood syndrome» had been recognized in the
infants and neonates were no more than slight early years of cardiopulmonary bypass (Gadboys
modifications of the hardware and techniques et  al. 1962). This response to massive transfusion
used for adults undergoing cardiopulmonary was definitely exaggerated in the neonate and
bypass. It wasn’t until the late 1980s that develop- infant and was responsible for much of the morbid-
ments in cardiopulmonary bypass were focused ity of cardiopulmonary bypass in its early years.
specifically on neonatal and infant cardiopulmo- When bubble oxygenators came into commer-
nary bypass. Continuing developments in the cial use in the 1970s, there was an even greater
1990s and in the new millennium have been exposure to gaseous microemboli than had been
accompanied by further improvements in out- the case with disk and mesh oxygenators (Dewall
comes. et  al. 1956). Arterial line filters at this time
required a large priming volume of their own, and
they were generally ineffective. They were likely to
generate as many emboli as they removed because
..Table 7.1  Reasons for improved results of platelets and fibrin adhered to the downstream
surgery for congenital heart anomalies in neonates side of the filter mesh. Early attempts to introduce
and infants membrane oxygenators in the 1970s required an
extremely large priming volume. The first widely
Cohesive multidisciplinary teams

Improved cardiopulmonary bypass

..Table 7.2  Deleterious effects of
 Hardware cardiopulmonary bypass
Interventional cath
 White cell/endothelial activation
 Diagnosis more accurate/less invasive
 Platelet consumption
 Better operations (switch vs. Senning)
 Activation of humoral cascades, e.g., complement,
 3 stage single ventricle track kallikrein/bradykinin
156 R.A. Jonas

used membrane oxygenator for pediatric use did design of the modern heart-lung pump, it has
not come into existence until the late 1980s. This been possible to reduce total priming volume to
was the Cobe variable prime flat sheet membrane approximately 200–250 cc in most centers. Some
oxygenator or «VPCML» (Cobe Cardiovasular centers are using custom-developed microcircuits
Inc., Arvada, CO, USA) (Nagatsu et al. 1987). This with even smaller priming volumes.
early membrane oxygenator was used, for exam-
ple, in the Boston circulatory arrest study of the
late 1980s without an arterial line filter (Newburger 7.2.2 Pump Design
et al. 1993). It was not until the early 1990s that an
oxygenator specifically designed for neonates, the Like oxygenators, early heart-lung pumps used
Lilliput hollow fiber membrane oxygenator, was for pediatric bypass were essentially the same as
available (Sorin S.P.A, Milan, Italy). Subsequent those used for adult cardiopulmonary bypass.
improvements in oxygenator design have resulted Thus, long lengths of tubing were required to
in an ever decreasing priming volume. Today reach to the sucker heads as well as to the main
neonatal and infant oxygenators are likely to have pump head. With the development of specific
7 an integrated arterial filter within the oxygenator pediatric heart-lung machines, it is now possible
itself thereby avoiding the additional priming vol- to bring the principal pump head extremely close
ume, for example, the Terumo FX oxygenator to the patient so that the tubing length is very
(Terumo Corp., Hatagaya, Japan) (. Fig. 7.1). The short (Ando et al. 2004) (. Fig. 7.2). Furthermore
priming volume required for the heat exchanger both the oxygenators and the pumps accommo-
component of oxygenators has also become date 3/16 diameter arterial line tubing as well as
remarkably small. Taken in conjunction with the ¼ in. or even 3/16  in. venous line tubing. The
sucker pump heads also can be brought much
closer to the patient thereby further decreasing
the priming volume. The advantages and disad-
vantages of centrifugal versus roller head pumps
continue to be debated as well as pulsatile versus
nonpulsatile systems. The majority of centers con-
tinue to favor nonpulsatile roller head pumps
because of their safety and simplicity as well as
cost considerations.

7.2.3 Cannulas

Important improvements in cannulas designed

for neonates and infants have resulted in far
greater ease and safety in conducting continuous
cardiopulmonary bypass than in prior years when
relatively rigid thick-walled cannulas were used.
Modern thin-walled plastic cannulas with a much
larger internal to external diameter ratio allow
safe cannulation of the superior and inferior vena
cava in infants as small as 2.5 kg (. Fig.  7.3a, b)
(Rider et  al. 2008). Very small cannulas can be
used for continuous bypass in even smaller babies
though there are risks involved in incising directly
..Fig. 7.1  The Terumo Capiox FX oxygenator has an into very small and fragile veins including throm-
integrated arterial filter with self-venting technology. The bosis and late stenosis. Thus, there continues to be
filter surrounds the hollow fiber layer of the oxygenator
where gas exchange occurs. This design reduces prime
a place for hypothermic circulatory arrest in the
volume and therefore blood exposure by eliminating a smallest premature babies as well as babies under-
separate filter component from the circuit going aortic arch reconstruction.
Chapter 7 · Advances in Cardiopulmonary Bypass for the Neonate and Infant
157 7
..Fig. 7.2  The Sorin S5
heart-lung machine allows
the pump heads to be
brought very close to the
neonate or infant, thereby
reducing prime volume by
shortening tubing length

..Fig. 7.3  Venous cannulas used for neonatal and infant cardiopulmonary bypass. a DLP Single Stage cannula features the
multiport tip that makes insertion easier for single atrial cannulation. b The right-angled Terumo Tender Flow provides a
unique step-down design, which maximizes flow performance and minimizes pressure drop, available in a range of sizes
from 8Fr to 24Fr

7.3 Improved Techniques ..Table 7.3  Improved techniques of neonatal CPB

of Neonatal and Infant
Cardiopulmonary Bypass Less hemodilution

Less exposure of blood products through smaller

. Table 7.3 illustrates the advances in the technique prime volume
of neonatal and infant cardiopulmonary bypass that
have contributed to improved outcomes for surgery. Better understanding of pH strategy
Many of the insights that led to the improved tech- Better understanding of temperature and flow
niques of neonatal and infant bypass were derived manipulations
from prospective randomized trials that in addition Improved monitoring of neonatal and infant bypass
to perioperative outcomes used late neurodevelop-
mental outcomes as sensitive endpoints for deter-
mining cardiopulmonary bypass related factors that tors including prenatal brain injury caused by
were responsible for morbidity. Although subse- abnormal fetal circulation also are important in
quent studies have shown that patient-related fac- determining cognitive and motor deficits, neverthe-
158 R.A. Jonas

..Fig. 7.4  In a random-

ized prospective trial of low 1.0
flow bypass versus circula-
tory arrest (alpha stat,
hemodilution to 20 %) con-
ducted at Children’s Hospi-
tal Boston in the 1980s 0.8 p < 0.004
using now outmoded
bypass equipment, there
was a strong correlation
between duration of circu-
latory arrest and the occur- Probability of seizures 0.6
rence of seizures. However,
no child who had an arrest
time less than 35 min had a
seizure either clinically or
by encephalography (From 0.4
Newburger et al. 1993;
7 used with permission)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Circulatory arrest (minutes)

less these studies did allow a better understanding of flow index of approximately 0.75  L/min/m2
the consequences of different bypass techniques (Newburger et al. 1993) (. Fig. 7.4). Although in
leading to subsequent improvements (Zeltser et al. the early neurodevelopmental follow-up studies,
2008; Limperopoulos et  al. 2010). The first major there tended to be a worse outcome in patients
prospective randomized trial of bypass technique who underwent hypothermic circulatory arrest,
for neonates and infants was the Boston Circulatory by 8  years of age, and in subsequent follow-up
Arrest Study (Newburger et al. 1993). studies there were minimal differences(Bellinger
et  al. 2003). For example, in academic achieve-
ment at 8 years of age, there were no differences
7.3.1  oston Circulatory Arrest
B between circulatory arrest and low flow patients
Study in reading score, math score, any WIAT (Wechsler
Individual Achievement Test) subscale score, or
The Boston Circulatory Arrest Study was a ran- the competence scales of teacher reports.
domized prospective trial of neonates and infants However, both groups scored lower than popula-
less than 3 months of age undergoing an arterial tion norms. While today those reduced scores for
switch procedure for d-transposition between both groups might be solely attributed to the pre-
1988 and 1992. As noted above, the hardware natal effects of a hypoxic cerebral circulation, at
used for that study was primitive by today’s stan- the time of the study, they were attributed solely
dards and included a flat sheet membrane oxy- to the deleterious effects of cardiopulmonary
genator with a priming volume of 750 cc. Also no bypass. This resulted in the generation of a new
arterial line filter was employed. The periopera- hypothesis, namely, that the technique of bypass
tive results of that study included a higher inci- that was employed in the late 1980s resulted in
dence of seizures in babies undergoing circulatory limited oxygen delivery secondary to the interac-
arrest relative to those undergoing continuous tion of several points of bypass technique. The
low flow bypass at deep hypothermia with a flow most important factors that interacted were
index of 50  cc/kg/min which is equivalent to a thought to be reduced overall flow rate relative to
Chapter 7 · Advances in Cardiopulmonary Bypass for the Neonate and Infant
159 7
normal, the alkaline pH of hypothermic bypass gaseous microemboli. A high perfusion flow rate
using the alpha-stat strategy and the impact of also can result in the reservoir level dropping
hemodilution. abruptly if there is any interference with systemic
venous return. Thus, the safety margin for the
perfusionist becomes much narrower, and there is
7.3.2  ubtle Brain Injury Secondary
S a risk of pumping air into the patient if there is
to Hypoxia inattention for just a few seconds and if modern
safety mechanisms such as level sensors fail (De
The concept that a subtle degree of brain injury Somer 2007; Murphy et al. 2009).
could occur during heart surgery in the absence
of gross neurological findings such as a stroke was kpH Strategy
a new one in the field of cardiac surgery in the The cardiac surgeon and perfusionist must have a
1980s. However in other fields, the concept of very good understanding of the oxyhemoglobin
subtle cumulative cognitive injury has become dissociation curve (. Fig.  7.5) (Hamilton et  al.
increasingly appreciated. In the field of sports 2004). A shift of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation
medicine, for example, the cumulative effect of curve to the left means that oxygen is bound
multiple concussions in American football has more tightly to hemoglobin. Thus, tissues that
received increasing attention from the lay press as require oxygen for ongoing metabolism may be
the science of this field becomes more focused. In unable to obtain an adequate amount. This will
the sport of high-altitude climbing, there are sev- result in the venous oxygen saturation being
eral reports, some including MRI studies, that falsely elevated. This is extremely important
have documented the injury that can occur from because venous oxygen saturation is the principal
hypoxia related to high altitude. Cognitive studies means of monitoring the «safety» of cardiopul-
of mountain climbers who have climbed without monary bypass. It is a fundamental premise that
supplementary oxygen have ­documented persis- if the venous oxygen saturation is greater than
tent memory impairment (Cavaletti et al. 1990). 70 %, then oxygen delivery is being adequately
maintained (Swan et al. 1990).  actors That Potentially Limit
Oxygen Delivery During kFactors that Shift Oxyhemoglobin
Cardiopulmonary Bypass Dissociation Leftward
Several factors in the neonate and young
kFixed Flow Rate infant undergoing hypothermic cardiopulmo­
A normal cardiac index is approximately 3.5–4 L/ nary bypass can shift oxyhemoglobin dissocia-
min/m2. If there is acute hemodilution, an indi- tion leftward. These include the presence of fetal
vidual can increase cardiac output to at least hemoglobin as well as reduced 2,3-diphospho-
10–15  L/min/m2 in order to maintain oxygen glycerate. Reduced disphosphoglycerate in red
delivery. However, the individual who is placed blood cells occurs in bank blood which is used in
on cardiopulmonary bypass has a fixed cardiac greater relative volume in the small neonate. This
output that is determined by the perfusionists and was ­particularly a problem in the early years of
not by oxygen and substrate needs. The usual cardiopulmonary bypass when large prime vol-
maximal perfusion flow rate is 2.4 L/min/m2. umes were required. Other important factors that
shift the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve left-
kWhy Is Maximal Perfusion Flow Rate ward are hypothermia and alkalinity. Hypocarbia
Limited to Only 2.4 L/min/m2? also has the same effect. Hypothermia also has the
The flow rate that is used during cardiopulmonary effect of shifting the pH of neutrality in an alka-
bypass is a trade-off between achieving safe oxy- line direction. It is for this reason that in the early
gen delivery and avoiding an excessive priming years of perfusion, carbon dioxide was routinely
volume and excessive delivery of microemboli. added to the sweep gas passing through the oxy-
Particularly in the early years of cardiopulmonary genator in order to counteract that alkaline shift.
bypass when there was no arterial line filter and Today, however, there is controversy regarding
bubble oxygenators were used, it was well known whether carbon dioxide should be added for
that a high flow rate resulted in greater delivery of pediatric bypass.
160 R.A. Jonas

..Fig. 7.5  The oxyhemo-

globin dissociation curve is 100
shifted to the left by both Shift to the left:
acidosis and hypothermia. Hypothermia
90 Hypocarbia N
A left shift results in oxy-
gen being more tightly Alkalosis
bound to hemoglobin. 80 2,3–DPG
Thus, venous oxygen satu- Fetal hemoglobin N
ration may be inappropri-
ately elevated during

% Hemoglobin saturation
hypothermic bypass. It may
fail to indicate that an 60 N Shift to the right:
intracellular oxygen debt is Hyperthermia
being incurred because of Hypercarbia
inadequate flow 50 Acidosis

7 30



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100  lternative pH Strategies

A pH-stat strategy is that it increases cerebral blood
During Hypothermic Bypass flow and can therefore increase the embolic load
to the brain. This is of greater relevance in adults
kpH-Stat Strategy who have atheromatous disease of the aorta and
The pH-stat strategy was popular from the earliest head vessels than it is in pediatric bypass.
years of hypothermic bypass in the 1960s until the
mid 1980s. The strategy involved adding carbon kAlpha-Stat Strategy
dioxide. A nomogram was used by perfusionists The alpha-stat strategy involves no compensation
to «temperature correct» the blood gas result to for the alkaline shift that is induced by hypother-
the patient’s body temperature (Severinghaus mia (. Fig.  7.6). Thus, the blood gas machine
1966). Thus even though the blood gas machine, should read out an arterial pCO2 of 40 mm and a
which warms the blood gas sample to 37  °C, pH of 7.4 since it warms the blood specimen to
would read out a very high CO2 level directly 37  °C.  If a nomogram is used to correct to the
from the machine, when corrected to patient patient’s body temperature, the pH will be quite
body temperature, the pCO2 should read 40 mm. alkaline. The alpha-stat strategy was introduced in
This is a much more acidotic strategy than the the mid 1980s mainly based on theoretical consid-
alternative alpha-stat strategy. erations that focused on the metabolic changes that
occur in cold-blooded animals. Animals that must
kAdvantages of the pH-Stat Strategy remain active at hypothermia tend to use the
The pH-stat strategy increases oxygen availability alpha-stat strategy because there is less suppression
during bypass because it counteracts the leftward of metabolic rate. However, hibernating animals
shift of oxyhemoglobin dissociation induced by tend to use the pH-stat strategy to suppress their
hypothermia and alkalinity. It also has the effect metabolic demands (Wilson 1977). Today the
of suppressing metabolic rate and is therefore alpha-stat strategy is the standard technique
additive to the effects of hypothermia (Aoki et al. employed in adults undergoing cardiopulmonary
1993). The principal potential disadvantage of the bypass, principally because of the perception that it
Chapter 7 · Advances in Cardiopulmonary Bypass for the Neonate and Infant
161 7
..Fig. 7.6 Cooling
results in an alkaline shift
in the pH of both blood
and water because there is
less dissociation of water 7.5 7.5
Imidazole N
molecules (pH is the nega-
tive log of free hydrogen
ions). This alkaline shift N
moves the oxyhemoglobin H1
dissociation curve leftward
7.3 7.3
thereby binding oxygen
more tightly to hemoglo-
bin and exacerbating the
leftward shift induced by
hypothermia itself (From
Swan et al. 1990; used with 7.1 7.1
0.5pK – Water

6.9 6.9

6.7 6.7

6.3 6.3

6.1 6.1

0 10 20 30 40
Temperature (˚C)

will reduce the number of cerebral emboli by 9  months of age were randomized to either the
reducing cerebral blood flow (Henriksen 1986). pH-stat or alpha-stat strategy. The study sup-
However, there are few studies that have directly ported the hypothesis that had been proposed,
demonstrated this fact or that have demonstrated namely, that the pH-stat strategy is safer for neo-
an improved clinical outcome, particularly with natal and infant bypass. All perioperative compli-
respect to neurological factors (Murkin et al. 1995). cations were more common with the alpha-stat
strategy. Even mortality approached a significant
kProspective Randomized Study p value of 0.05. In addition the hospital course of
of pH Strategy patients with transposition was significantly
A prospective randomized trial of pH strategy improved with the pH-stat strategy including a
was undertaken at Children’s Hospital Boston significantly shorter duration of intubation and a
between 1992 and 1996 (du Plessis et  al. 1997). shorter stay in the intensive care unit. Subsequent
One hundred eighty-two patients less than neurodevelopmental studies in these patients
162 R.A. Jonas

..Fig. 7.7  In a retrospec-

tive analysis of 16 patients
who underwent deep
hypothermic circulatory 140
arrest between 1983 and
1988, there was a strong

Development indexes
positive correlation
between arterial PCO2 dur-
ing cooling and develop-
mental score, that is, 100
children undergoing the
alpha-stat strategy had a
worse developmental out-
come (From Jonas et al. 80
1993; used with permis-
30 40 50 60 70 80 90
7 PCO2 (torr) at circulatory arrest

using the Bayley scale of infant development particularly susceptible to choreoathetosis were
demonstrated a consistent trend toward an
­ patients with multiple aortopulmonary collateral
improved psychomotor development index in vessels. Particularly for these patients, there is a
patients randomized to the pH-stat strategy risk that alkalinity will result in cerebral vaso-
(Bellinger et al. 2001). However, this was a diverse constriction and pulmonary vasodilation exac-
group of patients (in contrast to the circulatory erbating the steal of blood from the cerebral
arrest trial that enrolled only patients with trans- circulation into the lungs. The findings of these
position), and it also predated the era of genetic retrospective studies resulted in an enhanced
testing. Therefore, overall and perhaps not sur- appreciation of the dangers of alkalinity for pedi-
prisingly, there was not a statistically significantly atric patients undergoing hypothermic bypass.
advantage for the pH-stat strategy with respect to By shifting back to the pH-stat strategy, choreo-
developmental outcome though once again the athetosis was essentially eliminated as a neuro-
overall trend was definitely in this direction. logical complication of hypothermic bypass.
Furthermore the perioperative results alone con-
vincingly documented that the pH-stat strategy is kWhy Is the pH-Stat Strategy Not Used
preferable to the alpha-stat strategy for hypother- Routinely for Pediatric Bypass?
mic bypass. Adding carbon dioxide to the oxygenator sweep
gas increases the complexity of managing perfu-
kRetrospective Studies of Development sion for the perfusion technician. For perfusionists
A small retrospective study of development who mainly undertake adult perfusion, it can be
looked at patients who underwent the Senning intimidating to have to manage not only a smaller
operation under circulatory arrest during the and modified circuit for pediatric perfusion but in
period when the pH strategy was being changed addition having to manage blood gases in a differ-
from a more acidotic (pH stat) to more alkaline ent fashion. Furthermore there has been less use of
(alpha-stat) strategy (Jonas et al. 1993). Despite hypothermia and particularly deep hypothermia
the fact that only 16 patients were studied, there than in the early years of pediatric bypass. At a
was a remarkably powerful influence of pH strat- mild degree of hypothermia such as 30–32  °C,
egy on developmental outcome with a p value of there is very little difference between the pH-stat
0.002 (. Fig.  7.7). This finding was also consis- strategy and alpha-stat strategy. In fact some cen-
tent with the fact that an epidemic of choreoath- ters have eliminated the use of hypothermia alto-
etosis occurred at Children’s Hospital Boston gether and undertake normothermic bypass
beginning in the mid 1980s and coincident with (Corno 2007). So far there are no randomized pro-
the introduction of the alkaline alpha-stat strat- spective trials that have documented that there is
egy (Wong et  al. 1992). Patients who appeared any advantage in applying normothermic bypass.
Chapter 7 · Advances in Cardiopulmonary Bypass for the Neonate and Infant
163 7


Oxygen consumption (ml.min–1.m–2)



50 25°C


0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Perfusion flow rate (1.min–1.m–2)

..Fig. 7.8  Even a mild degree of hypothermia markedly reduces cerebral oxygen consumption. Thus, a lower flow
rate safely supplies adequate substrate. Lower flow generates fewer emboli, reduces the inflammatory effects of bypass,
and allows a lower reservoir level and hence less addition of blood products

7.3.3 Risks of Normothermic Bypass it had been recognized by this time that the
«homologous blood syndrome» was an important
Normothermic bypass requires a much higher source of morbidity after cardiopulmonary bypass
flow rate than mildly hypothermic bypass (Gadboys et al. 1962). During the 1980s with the
(. Fig. 7.8). There is a steep decline in the meta- discovery of HIV as well as hepatitis C and there-
bolic rate of the brain with even a mild degree of fore increasing cost for testing and storing bank
hypothermia. Thus, the safety margin with hypo- blood, there was increasing pressure from hospital
thermia is substantially increased, for example, in blood banks for cardiac surgeons to reduce blood
the event that a technical problem with the bypass usage during cardiopulmonary bypass.
circuit requires a temporary stop of cardiopulmo-
nary bypass. The greater flow rate required for Safe Limits of Hemodilution
normothermia also results in increased delivery of One of the most influential studies regarding the
microemboli and increased use of the cardiotomy question of the safe limit of hemodilution was pub-
suction system. This is where most of the blood lished by Kawashima (Kawashima et al. 1974). They
injury occurs such as hemolysis and complement used a noncardiopulmonary bypass dog model and
activation. Hypothermia per se reduces the determined that systemic oxygen consumption was
inflammatory effects of cardiopulmonary bypass. maintained until the hematocrit fell to less than
20 %. It is important to recognize that using a non-
bypass model fails to take account of the fixed upper
7.3.4 Hemodilution limit of perfusion flow rate that exists in the setting
of cardiopulmonary bypass. In the nonbypass
In the earliest years of cardiopulmonary bypass in model, there is a compensatory increase in cardiac
the 1950s, pure blood was used to prime the bypass output that maintains oxygen delivery. Further
circuit. No doubt this reflected the inefficiency of studies were undertaken by Laver et al. (1975). They
early disk and mesh oxygenators. A high hemato- determined that in the setting of profound hypo-
crit was required to achieve adequate oxygen thermia and circulatory arrest, even extreme hemo-
delivery. However, by the 1960s it was ­possible to dilution to hematocrits below 15 % appeared to be
hemodilute the perfusate and maintain reasonable clinically well tolerated. Ott and Cooley extended
oxygen delivery (Neptune et al. 1960). Furthermore the limits of hemodilution among Jehovah’s Witness
164 R.A. Jonas

Cooling DHCA Rewarming


120 † †

% Recovery

† #
80 †

60 †
40 #; p, 0.05 I vs. II Group III
# *; p, 0.05 II vs. III Group II
20 † #
# * †; p, 0.05 III vs. I Group I
0 # #
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Time (minutes)

7 ..Fig. 7.9  Extreme hemodilution to a hematocrit of 10 % (group I) was associated with a significant decline in
­cerebral phosphocreatine as measured by magnetic resonance spectroscopy in piglets undergoing cooling to deep
hypothermia. Piglets with a hematocrit of 20 % (group II) and 30 % (group III) demonstrated a slight increase in
­phosphocreatine during cooling (From Shin’oka et al. 1996; used with permission)

patients. They reported in 1977 that they had per- five different groups. Two of the groups had a
formed 542 operations without blood transfusion relatively low hematocrit of 20 %, but the colloid
(Ott and Cooley 1977). Work undertaken in the oncotic pressure was boosted by addition of
1990s at the Mayo Clinic using a dog model with either hetastarch or pentafraction. In another
cardiopulmonary bypass also suggested that group modified ultrafiltration was undertaken at
extreme hemodilution to a hematocrit of 12–15 % the conclusion of bypass. The conclusions of this
was «safe» (Cook et al. 1997). The reduced perfu- study were that both higher hematocrit and
sion pressure resulting from hemodilution was higher colloid oncotic pressure with pentafrac-
compensated for in this study by an increase in tion improved cerebral recovery after deep hypo-
pump flow rate to double the normal flow. thermic circulatory arrest. Higher hematocrit
improved cerebral oxygen delivery but did not Laboratory Studies reduce total body edema. Modified ultrafiltration
of Hemodilution at Children’s after cardiopulmonary bypass was less effective
Hospital Boston than having a higher initial prime hematocrit or
A piglet model of cardiopulmonary bypass was colloid oncotic pressure.
developed that employed simultaneous magnetic
resonance spectroscopy and near-infrared spectros- Microcirculation During Deep
copy as well as survival of the animals after 1 h of Hypothermia
deep hypothermic circulatory arrest. An initial The concept that deep hypothermia was associ-
study compared hematocrits of 10, 20, and 30 % ated with disturbances of the microcirculation
(Shin’oka et al. 1996). It was found that there was a became increasingly entrenched in cardiac surgi-
significantly more rapid recovery of high-energy cal texts from the 1970s onward (Messmer et al.
phosphates after circulatory arrest with the highest 1972). It was felt that increased red cell rigidity
hematocrit (. Fig.  7.9). The cerebral oxyhemoglo- and increased plasma viscosity resulted in occlu-
bin level measured by magnetic resonance spectros- sion of capillaries. Hemodilution was proposed as
copy was maintained at a significantly higher level a method to counteract this microcirculatory dis-
with a higher hematocrit. The neurological deficit turbance.
score was significantly improved in the highest
hematocrit group relative to the other two groups. Potential Disadvantages
In an extension of the initial laboratory study of Hemodilution
of hemodilution, the differential effects of oncotic The most important risk of hemodilution is that is
pressure and oxygen delivery were analyzed reduces oxygen carrying capacity. Below a hemato-
(Shin’oka et al. 1998). Piglets were separated into crit of 20 %, the oxygen transport capacity of blood
Chapter 7 · Advances in Cardiopulmonary Bypass for the Neonate and Infant
165 7
declines quite rapidly. However, this is not the only ..Table 7.4  Randomized clinical trial of hematocrit
risk of hemodilution. Hemodilution also results in a
marked decrease in viscosity and therefore a reduc- Eligible Excluded
tion in perfusion pressure. While this is not of great
significance for the pediatric patient, it is very impor- Planned two Weight <2.3 kg
ventricle repair
tant for the adult patient who may have a carotid or using CPB
cerebrovascular stenosis. Furthermore cerebral
blood flow must increase in order to maintain cere- <9 months old Genetic syndrome
bral oxygen delivery. Thus, there is potential for Major extracardiac anomalies
greater delivery of both particulate and gaseous cere-
Previous cardiac surgery
bral microemboli when hemodilution is employed.
Arch reconstruction  Study of Cerebral
Microcirculation During Deep Children’s Hospital Boston December 1996–Decem-
ber 2000
In order to study the effects of hypothermia and
hemodilution on the cerebral microcirculation, a neurological function with the hematocrit of 30 %
new model using intravital microscopy in the pig relative to the more hemodilute animals.
was developed (Duebener et al. 2001). A burr hole Furthermore the histological score was signifi-
was placed in the skull of a pig. The dura and arach- cantly worse with a p value of 0.02 in animals that
noid were removed from the surface of the brain. were subjected to hemodilution to 10 %.
Using a scanning microscope, the microcirculation
on the surface of the brain can be viewed. By admin-
istering fluorescent dyes, it is possible to label white 7.3.5 Clinical Studies of Hematocrit
cells and to label the plasma (FITC, fluorescein iso-
thiocyanate) thereby allowing visualization of red An initial prospective randomized clinical trial of
cells. An initial study that was undertaken compared hemodilution was undertaken at Children’s Hospital
hemodilution to 10, 20, and 30 % during cooling to Boston between 1996 and 2000 (Jonas et al. 2003).
deep hypothermia as well as before and after hypo- The eligibility criteria are shown in . Table 7.4. All
thermic circulatory arrest. It was found that the patients were less than 9 months of age at the time of
functional capillary density, a measure of capillaries surgery and were undergoing biventricular repair
perfused within a given area, was well maintained using cardiopulmonary bypass. Most patients did
with an undiluted hematocrit of 30 % at deep hypo- not undergo circulatory arrest. Patients were ran-
thermia and with full flow cardiopulmonary bypass. domized to a hematocrit of either 20 or 30 %.
Hemodilution resulted in an increased flow rate rela- However, as shown in . Fig.  7.10, the hematocrits
tive to baseline confirming the risk of greater emboli achieved were 27.8 ± 3.2 for the higher hematocrit
delivery with hemodilution (Duebener et al. 2001). group and 21.5 ± 2.9 for the lower hematocrit group.
Following deep hypothermic circulatory arrest, Thus, the spread of average hematocrit was only 6 %.
reperfusion occurred more rapidly and more Seventy-three patients were randomized to the
evenly with a hematocrit of 30 % relative to a hema- higher hematocrit group and 74 to the lower hema-
tocrit of 10 %. Furthermore there was greater acti- tocrit group. The use of blood products was essen-
vation of white cells in the hemodilute group of tially identical between the two groups. This was
10 %. These findings suggest that there is greater achieved through conventional ultrafiltration and
risk of endothelial injury during deep hypothermic reduced prime volume circuits. There was 1 death
and circulatory arrest if a severe degree of hemodi- among 147 patients for an overall mortality of 0.7 %.
lution is employed. It is possible that this is hypoxic The lactate level 1  h after bypass was significantly
endothelial injury that may result in a reduced abil- higher with the lower hematocrit. Whole-body
ity to secrete nitric oxide. The endothelial activa- edema measured by bioimpedance was significantly
tion also results in a greater number of rolling white higher with the lower hematocrit. Interestingly the
cells that adhere to the activated endothelium. lowest cardiac index measured by thermodilution
The animals that were studied were tested for for the first 24  h postoperatively was significantly
functional recovery after circulatory arrest. There lower with the lower hematocrit. This was true for
was a significantly more rapid return to normal all subgroups including the transposition subgroup
166 R.A. Jonas

..Fig. 7.10  In a prospec-

tive randomized clinical trial
of minimum hematocrit
during neonatal and infant
Hematocrit During Hypothermic CPB
bypass, the target hemato-
crits were 20 and 30 %. The .35
figure illustrates the hemat- p < 0.001
ocrits that were actually
achieved. By minimizing
­circuit volume and using
hemofiltration, there was
no difference in the volume
of blood or blood product .25 Hct 21.5 +
_ 2.9 Hct 27.8 +
_ 3.2
use between the two N=74 N=73


who had the lowest cardiac index postoperatively as of less than 20 % are now strenuously avoided
well as in the tetralogy/truncus subgroup which had although they used to be standard of care for deep
the intermediate cardiac output and the VSD/com- hypothermia. In order to maintain a reasonable
plete AV canal group which had the highest cardiac safety margin from the cut point of 23.5 %, most
output (. Fig. 7.11). centers use a hematocrit of at least 25 % and during
Developmental testing was undertaken at rewarming will use conventional ultrafiltration to
1 year of age. There was a significantly lower psy- hemoconcentrate up to a hematocrit of 30–35 %. In
chomotor development index, which assesses patients who will be cyanotic after weaning from
motor skills, among the lower hematocrit patients. bypass, for example, patients with hypoplastic left
A significantly higher percentage of patients in the heart syndrome undergoing the Norwood proce-
lower hematocrit group scored below two stan- dure, it is now common practice to hemoconcen-
dard deviations of normal (p = 0.01). This resulted trate up to a hematocrit of 40 % for weaning from
in the data and safety monitoring board of the bypass.
NIH discontinuing the trial before its planned
completion date. However, the trial was subse-
quently extended to compare a hematocrit of 25 % 7.3.6 Interaction of Flow Rate, pH,
vs. hematocrit of 35 % (Newburger et  al. 2008). Hematocrit, Blood
The extension trial did not show any additional Temperature, and Brain
advantage in increasing the hematocrit to 35 %. Temperature
The data analysis of the combined trials suggested
that there was a cut point at approximately 23.5 % The cardiac surgeon should be acutely aware of
below which there was a higher probability of a the patient’s brain temperature during cardiopul-
low psychomotor development index score (Wypij monary bypass. Nasopharyngeal temperature and
et al. 2008). tympanic membrane temperature will give
approximations as to the patient’s brain tempera- Modifications to Clinical ture. When the brain is at normothermia, it is par-
Practice as a Result ticularly important to avoid a «perfect storm» of
of the Hematocrit Trial limited oxygen delivery. The most typical perfect
Most centers have modified their hemodilution storm occurs when flow to the brain is reduced,
practice in response to the prospective randomized for example, there is a fixed upper bypass flow rate
trials of hematocrit described above. Hematocrits (even at «full flow») and collaterals are stealing
Chapter 7 · Advances in Cardiopulmonary Bypass for the Neonate and Infant
167 7

a 5.0 Lower hematocrit b p < 0.008 p < 0.36

Higher hematocrit 140
Cardiac index (I/min per m2)

* p < 0.05

* * 100
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 Lower Higher Lower Higher
Time after cross-clamp removal (hours) hematocrit hematocrit
Psychomotor development Mental development
index (n 5 109) index (n 5 112)
Psychomotor development index

p < 0.02




15 20 25 30 35
Hematocrit at onset of low flow (%)

..Fig. 7.11  Results of a randomized prospective clinical trial of lower hematocrit (21.5 %) versus higher hematocrit
(27.8 %) at Children’s Hospital Boston. a The use of a higher hematocrit (closed circles) was associated with a significantly
higher cardiac index at 6 and 9 h after cross-clamp removal compared with lower hematocrit (open circles). b
­Developmental assessment at 1 year of age demonstrated a significantly higher psychomotor development index (a
measure of motor skills) in patients managed with a higher hematocrit (p = 0.008). c Analysis using hematocrit as a con-
tinuous variable demonstrated a significant association between high Psychomotor Development Index at 1 year of age
and higher hematocrit during cardiopulmonary bypass

from the systemic circulation (open shunt, ability has been increased at a time when the brain
collaterals, etc.) and the oxyhemoglobin dissocia- metabolic rate is still low.
tion curve is left shifted because of cold blood and
alkalinity. Hemodilution will further exacerbate The Importance of Brain
the limitation of oxygen delivery (. Table  7.5). Temperature
Thus, the early phase of cooling when the brain is The most critically important point for the car-
warm (high metabolic rate) and the blood is cold diac surgeon and perfusionist to remember is that
and dilute (low oxygen availability) is the highest the brain metabolic rate is essentially exponential
risk situation (Sakamoto et al. 2002). Monitoring with respect to the effect of temperature. The
venous oxygen saturation can be quite misleading hyperthermic brain that is above 37  °C is at
because during the early cooling phase, venous exceedingly high risk of brain injury because of a
oxygen saturation may be falsely elevated due to markedly increased metabolic rate. On the other
the hypothermic blood and leftward shift of oxy- hand, a very mild degree of hypothermia, for
hemoglobin. example, to 32 or 34  °C, substantially decreases
The rewarming phase is generally a less dan- brain metabolic rate. It is also important to appre-
gerous time because the brain is cool and the ciate that temperature gradients exist within the
blood is warmer so that oxyhemoglobin dissocia- brain. The cortex of the brain tends to be at a
tion has been shifted rightward and oxygen avail- lower temperature than the deep brain structures

168 R.A. Jonas

..Table 7.5  The probability of histologic injury after circulatory arrest increases with higher temperature,
lower hematocrit, and more alkaline pH

Multivariate predictor

Temperature pH strategy Hematocrit (%) HCA (min) Predicted total histologic score

15 pH 30 60 0.0

15 pH 20 60 0.5

15 Alpha 30 60 1.0

15 pH 30 80 or 100 1.5

15 Alpha 20 60 2.0

25 pH 30 60 2.5

15 Alpha 30 80 or 100 3.0

7 15 pH 20 80 or 100 3.0

25 pH 20 60 3.5

25 Alpha 30 60 4.0

15 Alpha 20 80 or 100 4.0

25 pH 30 80 or 100 4.5

25 Alpha 20 60 5.0

25 pH 20 80 or 100 6.0

25 Alpha 30 80 or 100 7.0

25 Alpha 20 80 or 100 8.0

such as the thalamus and basal ganglia. This tem- 7.4 Conclusion
perature gradient can be magnified by the use of
surface cooling techniques, for example, packing Continuing refinement in the hardware and tech-
the head in ice. niques of cardiopulmonary bypass specifically
designed for neonates and infants will result in
further reduction in the morbidity of
7.3.7 Adjunctive Techniques cardiopulmonary bypass. However, it is critically
for Brain Protection important to remember at all times that
cardiopulmonary bypass is not a physiological
Many innovative methods for maintaining brain state so that expeditious and yet accurate surgery
perfusion have been developed including retrograde including minimization of the use of blood prod-
cerebral perfusion and antegrade cerebral perfusion. ucts will result in an optimal outcome.
Studies of retrograde cerebral perfusion both in the
lab and clinically have led to its complete discontin- References
uation. There is still enthusiasm for various methods
of antegrade cerebral perfusion though today the Ando M, Takahashi Y, Suzuki N (2004) Open heart surgery
only clinical studies that have been undertaken have for small children without homologous blood transfu-
sion by using remote pump head system. Ann Thorac
been disappointing and have if anything suggested a
Surg 78:1717–1722
higher level of brain injury, particularly embolic Aoki M, Nomura F, Stromski ME et al. (1993) Effects of pH
injury, with this technique relative to deep hypother- on brain energetics after hypothermic circulatory
mic circulatory arrest (Goldberg et al. 2007). arrest. Ann Thorac Surg 55:1093–1103
Chapter 7 · Advances in Cardiopulmonary Bypass for the Neonate and Infant
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171 8

Cardiovascular Tissue
Mathias H. Wilhelmi and Axel Haverich

8.1 Background – 172

8.1.1  im of Discipline – 172
8.1.2 Basic Principles – 172

8.2  omponents Necessary for Bioartificial Tissue

Generation – 173
8.2.1  ells – 173
8.2.2 Matrices – 174
8.2.3 Bioreactor Technologies – 176

8.3 Blood Vessels – 176

8.3.1  eneration of Vascular Grafts Based
on Biological Matrix Materials – 177
8.3.2 Generation of Vascular Grafts Based on Alloplastic
Matrix Materials – 179
8.3.3 Generation of Vascular Grafts Based on Hybrid Matrix
Materials – 180

8.4 Cardiac Tissue Engineering – 181

8.4.1  eart Valves – 181
8.4.2 Myocardial Tissue – 184 Vascularization and Cellular Composition – 185

8.5 Outlook – 187

References – 188

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_8
172 M.H. Wilhelmi and A. Haverich

8.1 Background 8.1.2 Basic Principles

End-stage organ failure and tissue loss represent Over the years, various methods and techniques to
the most devastating and costly problems in manufacture bioartificial tissues have been
modern medicine. Over the last years, many described. Although different in detail, almost all of
treatment options, i.e. tissue and organ trans- these approaches can be categorized according to
plantation as well as the development of one of the following three superordinate concepts:
advanced alloplastic prostheses and devices, 1. Guided Tissue Regeneration: (engineered) cell-­
have significantly improved patient outcome. free matrices of various origins—biological,
However, due to a number of limiting factors, synthetic or combined—are implanted into a
both these substitutional and reconstructive recipient organism for in vivo cellular (re-)
options are still imperfect. The most important seeding, maturation and restoration. Example:
factors are: an in vitro decellularized biological blood vessel
1. The increasing lack of donor organs for trans- or heart valve of allogeneic or xenogeneic origin
plantation and associated second-line risks is implanted into a recipients organism and
due to lifelong immunosuppressive therapy, then regenerates under in vivo conditions in
which may induce the development of malig- corpore.
8 nant tumors 2. Selective Cellular Transfer: systemic or local
2. The qualitative and quantitative shortage of application of cell preparations (of autologous,
usable donor tissues allogeneic or xenogeneic origin) to elevate the
3. An increased risk for infectious and thrombo- concentration of a specific cell type and to
embolic complications, i.e. following the provide a defined cell-mix within a target tis-
implantation of mechanical devices and allo- sue area, respectively. Example: injection of a
plastic grafts stem cell suspension into areas of myocardial
4. The disability of alloplastic prostheses to infarction to induce regenerative processes and
dynamically adapt to altered surroundings, thus to improve tissue function
e.g. an apparent infection 3. Tissue Engineering (classical sense): in vitro
isolated, expanded and, sometimes, differen-
tiated cells (preferentially of autologous origin)
8.1.1 Aim of Discipline are seeded in vitro onto or into a matrix scaf-
fold to form a living tissue or solid organ.
Seeking for a method «designed and constructed to Example: endothelial cells isolated from an
meet the needs of each individual patient» (Vacanti individual patient are expanded and seeded
and Langer 1999) and to avoid or at least to reduce in vitro on the luminal surface of a tubular
the above-mentioned limitations of currently matrix scaffold to generate a bioartificial
used prostheses, the idea of (cardiovascular) «tis- vascular prosthesis.
sue engineering» was created in 1987 by members
of the American Science Foundation (NSF) in Many different (cardiovascular) tissue struc-
Washington, DC.  It describes the interdisciplin- tures have already been generated and larger
ary approach to combine and apply principles and 3D-tissue structures, e.g. bioartificial myocar-
methods of engineering and life sciences towards dium grown in vitro are beginning to take shape
the development of biological substitutes that (Ferber 1999). However, many obstacles and
restore, maintain and/or improve diminished tis- challenges still remain. This chapter focuses on
sue functions (Ferber 1999; Vacanti 1988; Vacanti surgically implantable prostheses and thus pre-
and Langer 1999). The concept of Cardiovascular dominantly reports on selected examples and
Tissue Engineering follows the bioartificial genera- concepts of grafts generated by methods of guided
tion of solid cardiovascular tissue structures, such tissue regeneration and tissue engineering in the
as the myocardium, heart valves and blood vessels classical sense. Additionally, some historical
as well as the application of cellular preparations, background information as well as still existing
e.g. to treat arrhythmic disorders or myocardial limitations and prospective key activities in car-
infarction. diovascular tissue generation are provided.
Chapter 8 · Cardiovascular Tissue Engineering
173 8
8.2 Components Necessary acellular or decellularized matrices and build-up
for Bioartificial Tissue extracellular matrix components through their
Generation proliferative activity and differentiation and thus
regenerate, remodel and construct new tissues,
Regardless of the desired tissue type, the success- respectively. A cell source should be easily acces-
ful generation of bioartificial tissue constructs sible and ideally of autologous origin. The har-
relies on four superordinate components: vested cells should fast proliferate, be easily to
1. Tissue-specific cells which form, vitalize and differentiate into a desired cell type or—if already
establish the functionality of a desired tissue differentiated—should preserve their cellular
2. Matrix scaffolds, which provide niches to phenotype and function. They may not transmit
accommodate these cells and direct their growth pathogens and should be none antigenic.
within a definite three-dimensional architecture Fibroblasts, keratinocytes and endothelial cells
3. Stimulating signals (chemical or physical), are examples for such already differentiated and
which modulate cellular gene expressions and, highly proliferative cells and therefore are broadly
thus, cellular differentiation and synthetic applied in experimental as well as clinical settings
activity, e.g. extracellular matrix production of bioartificial skin, cartilage and cardiovascular
4. Cellular and humoral components of the graft generation/regeneration. However, other
recipient’s immune system, which adjudicate organ-specific cells, e.g. hepatocytes or cardio-
on tissue integration or graft deterioration myocytes, show no or only very limited and slow
and destruction proliferation (Teebken et al. 2005).
In all these cases, embryonic and adult stem
The ideal characteristics of a bioartificial cardio- cells are of special interest. Embryonic stem cells
vascular prosthesis are summarized in . Table 8.1. are able to differentiate into structures of all three
germinal sheets and thus are of high benefit—at
least experimentally. Due to legislation and ethi-
8.2.1 Cells cal concerns, its use is very limited or forbidden in
most countries. In contrast, adult stem cells are
Cells are key components in cardiovascular tissue only able to differentiate into a limited number of
generation and regeneration. They (re-)vitalize tissues, e.g. bone, cartilage, tendons and skeletal
muscle. However, due to its legal harmlessness
and good availability even in adult, old and multi-
..Table 8.1  Properties of an ideal (bioartificial) morbid patients, these cells are an attractive alter-
cardiovascular prosthesis native and object of intense research (Pittenger
et al. 1999).
Autologous origin
A third, relatively new approach is the emer-
Resistance against infection gence of so-called induced pluripotent stem cell
No transmission of pathogens
(iPS cell) technology, which base in ground-­
breaking works of Yamanaka and colleagues
Non-carcinogenic (Takahashi and Yamanaka 2006) (. Fig. 8.1). They
Non-teratogenic demonstrated that the overexpression of four
genes («Yamanaka factors»= Oct4, Sox2, Klf4,
High hemo- and biocompatibility
c-Myc) allow for re-programming of already dif-
Lifelong durability ferentiated somatic cells into the embryonic state
Ability to grow and thus, at least in theory, the creation of a whole
organism from one single somatic cell. Over the
Ability to integrate, regenerate and dynamically
last years, many groups picked up this unique
adapt to changing conditions
concept and, i.e. performed studies to simulate
Good availability genetic cardiovascular disorders (Narsinh et  al.
Passable costs 2011; Freund and Mummery 2009) or to develop
and test drugs (Inoue and Yamanaka 2011; Wu
Good surgical manageability
and Hochedlinger 2011). Some researchers
174 M.H. Wilhelmi and A. Haverich

a b

..Fig. 8.1  a, b iPS-cell culture. Cell culture of human umbilical vein blood derived iPS cells (HSC-iPS-clone2):
a original magnification 50×; b original magnification 200× (Courtesy of Prof. U. Martin and Dr. A. Haase, Leibniz Research
Laboratories for Biotechnology and Artificial Organs—LEBAO, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany)

anticipate that this technique will close the gap However, apart from this anatomic advantage,
between the advantages of pluripotent cells and major disadvantages simultaneously lie in the
legislation. Although many efforts have been fixed shape and size of these matrices as well as in
undertaken to follow this concept and some its immunogenic/antigenic potential due to their
working groups already reported on successful allogeneic and xenogeneic origin.
applications in experimental settings (Schmidt Regarding the latter aspect, we recently ana-
2010; Rufaihah 2011), especially the development lyzed decellularized equine carotid arteries
of methods to assess the risk for tumor induction, (dEAC) with a low DNA content for residual cel-
e.g. teratomas is still open. lular proteins. A detergent-based decellulariza-
tion protocol including endonuclease treatment
resulted in dEAC with 0.6 ± 0.15 ng DNA/mg dry
8.2.2 Matrices weight representing 0.33 ± 0.14 % of native tissue
DNA content. In contrast, when matrices were
Another important prerequisite for the generation homogenized and extracted by high detergent
of tissues is a structural fundament—the matrix. concentrations Western blot analyses revealed
Matrices are of biological, synthetic or combined cytosolic and cytoskeleton proteins like GAPDH
(hybrid constructs) origin. They serve as struc- and smooth muscle actin which were depleted to
tural backbone and provide guidance and anchor- 4.1 ± 1.9 % and 13.8 ± 0.55 %, respectively. Also
age for seeding cells. However, in contrast to putative immunogenic MHC I complexes and the
construction materials in building industries, tis- alpha-Gal epitope were reduced to only
sue matrices are non-static but prone to dynamic 14.8 ± 1.2 % and 15.1 ± 2.05 %, respectively. Mass
tissue remodeling in the sense of situation-­adapted spectrometry of matrix extracts identified 306
synthesis and degradation of its components and proteins belonging to cytosol, organelles, nucleus
thus possess varying biomechanical properties. and cell membrane. Moreover, aqueous matrix
An ideal matrix scaffold should exhibit the follow- extracts evoked a pronounced antibody forma-
ing characteristics: it should be bio- and hemo- tion when administered in mice and thus display
compatible non-­ antigenic and immunogenic high immunogenic potential. Our data indicated
supportive for cellular growth and (neo-) angio- that an established decellularization protocol
genesis to provide sufficient cell- and matrix which results in acellular matrices evaluated by
nutritionable to grow natural materials such as low DNA content reduces but not eliminates cel-
acellularized extracellular matrix components of lular components and thus may contribute to its
allogeneic or xenogeneic origin are mostly applied immunogenic potential in vivo (Böer et al. 2011).
for the generation of pre-defined anatomical Synthetic matrices are artificial constructs
structures, e.g. blood vessels or heart valves. often based on polymers, which are synthesized
Chapter 8 · Cardiovascular Tissue Engineering
175 8
out of biological, artificial or combined bioartifi- varies depending on the porosity of a certain
cial materials. Shape and size of the resulting con- matrix, tissues need vasa vasorum to ensure suf-
structs are highly variable and arbitrary and the ficient cell and matrix nutrition at lower dimen-
polymers applied in tissue engineering are often sions by diffusion. Therefore, pivotal questions
sprouts of polyhydroxy acid (PHA) of aliphatic regarding cell-cell interactions and the in  vitro
polyesters, e.g. polyglycolic acid (PGA), polylactic induction of angiogenesis are as important as the
acid (PLA) or copolymers (PGLA) of these mate- matrix material itself. Referring to these aspects,
rials. Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are a class of porosity of a scaffold and its internal pore orga-
natural occurring polymers and exhibit thermo- nization influences cell migration and plays a
plastic properties. They are biocompatible, reab- major role in its biodegradation dynamics, nutri-
sorbable and highly flexible and induce only slight ent diffusion and mechanical stability. Thus, in
inflammatory reactions after implantation into a order to control cell migration and cellular inter-
living organism. Because of these characteristics actions within the scaffold, novel technologies
and its high tensile strength, these polymers are capable to precisely produce predefined 3D
often applied for the bioartificial generation of structure designs are required as a first step. The
blood vessels and heart valves, too (. Table 8.2). two-photon polymerization (2PP) technique
Regardless of the matrix material used, the allows for the realization of those arbitrary 3D
most crucial and thus limiting factor of all cur- structures with submicron spatial resolution. We
rently undertaken approaches to generate living used this technique to generate highly porous
three-dimensional tissue structures remains 3D scaffolds made out of acrylated poly(ethylene
thickness. Beyond a critical thickness, which glycol) (PEG) and seeded the resulting matrix

..Table 8.2  Matrices and exemplary clinical applications

Matrix Components Example for clinical application

Synthetic matrices

Non-biodegradable Dacron (polyethyleneterephthalate), Vascular prostheses made out of dacron and

ePTFE, polyurethane ePTFE are routinely applied in the clinical
setting; an autologous endothelialization of
small-calibre prostheses and its subsequent
clinical application as bypass or hemodialysis
access has already been tried

Biodegradable Derivatives of poly α-hydroxy acids of Suture material, vascular replacement therapy
aliphatic polyesters, e.g. polyglycolic
acid (PGA), polylactic acid (PLA) and
copolymers thereof (PLGA),
poly-epsilon-aminocaproic acid,
poly-4-hydroxybutyrate (P4HB),
polyglycolic acid (PGA), hyaff-11
(hyaluronic acid ester)

Biologic matrices

Primary acellular Collagen Vascular graft, heart valve, myocardial tissue

Secondary Native acellularized matrix scaffold of Decellularized heart valve, venous valve out
acellular small intestinal submucosa (sis), bone, of sis
heart valves or blood vessels

Non-acellularized Native matrix scaffolds, e.g. human Cryopreserved human allograft prostheses for
allograft/homograft prostheses heart valve-, vascular- or skin-replacement

According to Teebken et al. (2005)

176 M.H. Wilhelmi and A. Haverich

scaffolds fully automated with cells by means of a 8.2.3 Bioreactor Technologies

technique called «laser-­induced forward transfer
(LIFT)». In this laser printing approach, a pro- Initial bioartificial tissue generation is based on
pulsive force, resulting from laser-induced shock static in  vitro cell and tissue expansion and the
wave, is used to propel individual cells or smaller use of simple culture media. However, slowly it
cell groups from a donor substrate towards the became clear that the development of living,
receiver substrate. We could demonstrate that structural and functional intact tissues strongly
printing of multiple living cell types into 3D depends on a multitude of dynamically adapted
scaffolds to be possible using this technique environmental factors, which build up a physio-
(Ovsianikov et al. 2010). logic and tissue-specific micro- and macrosphere.
To further evaluate survival and functionality Individually constructed bioreactor systems, e.g.
of cells transferred by the LIFT method, we printed for the generation of blood vessels and heart
human adipose-derived stem cells (hASCs) in a valves, thus allow for a tailored mass transfer of
free-scalable 3D grid pattern in a second step. nutritive factors, metabolites, regulatory mole-
Here, it was demonstrated that neither the prolif- cules and gases and simulate parameters of physi-
eration ability nor the differentiation behavior of ologic hemodynamics, e.g. pH, blood flow
stem cells was affected by the LIFT procedure. The velocity, shear stress and shear rate, temperature
8 3D grafts were differentiated down the adipogenic and blood pressure, which are crucial for the
lineage pathway for 10 days, and finally we could dynamic maturation of a specific tissue (Martin
verify by quantitative assessments of adipogenic and Vermette 2005).
markers that the 3D grafts resembled cell lineages Studies comparing static and dynamic culture
present in natural adipose tissue. Additionally, we conditions during the generation of various car-
provided the proof that even pre-differentiated diovascular constructs showed those tissues, cul-
hASCs could be utilized for the generation of tured under pulsatile conditions, to exhibit
3D-tissue grafts (Gruene et al. 2011a, b). significantly higher values for burst pressure,
As mentioned above, the utilization of living suture retention strength and collagen fiber con-
cells for therapies in regenerative medicine tent (Teebken and Haverich 2002; Niklason et al.
requires a fundamental understanding of the 1999). More and above, it is known that the
interactions between different cells and their envi- absence of physiologic stress leads to altered gene
ronment. Moreover, common models based on expression and may result in cellular apoptosis
adherent two-dimensional cultures are not appro- finally. All these findings demonstrate the com-
priate to simulate the complex interactions that plexity and plasticity of individual physiologic
occur in a three-dimensional cell microenviron- micro- and macrospheres, simultaneously under-
ment in vivo. Thus, using the LIFT technique, we scoring the essential importance of bioreactor
printed spots of human adipose-derived stem cells systems for the mimicry of tissue-specific culture
(ASCs) and endothelial colony-forming cells conditions (. Fig. 8.2).
(ECFCs) in a 3D array. We could demonstrate that
(i) these cell spots can be arranged layer by layer in
a 3D array; (ii) any cell-cell ratio, cell quantity, cell- 8.3 Blood Vessels
type combination and spot spacing can be realized
within this array; and (iii) the height of the 3D Depending on its size and localization, blood ves-
array is freely scalable. As a proof of concept, we sels are made for blood conduction, supply/dis-
printed separate spots of ASCs and ECFCs within posal of metabolic elements and/or
a 3D array and observed cell-cell interactions in thermoregulation and blood pressure regulation.
vascular endothelial growth factor-­free medium However, the primary aim of all surgical and/or
and showed that direct cell-cell contacts trigger the interventional vascular interventions is the sole
development of stable capillary-like networks restoration of blood flow within an impaired or
(Gruene et al. 2011a, b). Thus, these methods may destructed vascular area to warrant blood supply
help to study the complex and dynamic relation- in downstream tissue areas or to assure adequate
ships between cells and their local environment blood refuse via the venous system. The spectrum
and to standardize the in vitro generation of bioar- of possible techniques reaches from local recon-
tificial (cardiovascular) tissue constructs. structive approaches, e.g. thromboendarterectomy
Chapter 8 · Cardiovascular Tissue Engineering
177 8

a b

c d

..Fig. 8.2  Complex bioreactor system. Bioreactor system for in vitro generation of a vascular and b cardiac valve
grafts. The system shown in c allows for parallel generation of up to three vascular grafts and is housed in an incubator.
A computer system controls all relevant parameters, e.g. media flow velocities, pressure and shear stress d and media
flow is generated by e a centrifugal pump (Courtesy of Prof. M. Wilhelmi, Dept. of Cardiothoracic, Transplantation, and
Vascular Surgery, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany)

to complete substitution by biological (= autolo- (Gross and Bill 1948; Gross et al. 1949). However,
gous, allogeneic or xenogeneic), synthetic (= allo- 3–5  years after implantation of these allogeneic
plastic) or hybrid vascular grafts. grafts, severe calcifications visible on X-rays
pointed to degenerative processes, which often
resulted in complete and initially inexplicable
8.3.1  eneration of Vascular Grafts
G graft loss (Dubost et  al. 1952; Outdot and
Based on Biological Matrix Beaconsfield 1953; Outdot 1951).
Materials Addressing this observation, a first milestone
in the history of biological grafts was laid by
Autologous vessel grafts harvested from an indi- Rosenberg and co-workers, who tried to reduce
vidual patient to substitute or reconstruct his own the presumable underlying graft immunogenicity
diseased vessels are used since the early eigh- by impregnation. He used bovine carotid arteries
teenth century (Goyanes 1906; Murphy 1897; and tried to improve its in  vivo performance by
Carrel 1902). The clinical application of alloge- impregnation with dialdehyde starch (Rosenberg
neic prostheses mainly harvested in the context of and Henderson 1956; Rosenberg 1976) and antic-
autopsies started in the 1940s and mainly based ipated that induced cross-linkings between extra-
on works of Charles Hufnagel and Robert Gross cellular matrix proteins of these vessels would
178 M.H. Wilhelmi and A. Haverich

weaken immunological responses of the recipient revealed endothelial monolayers on the luminal
while preserving graft structure/shape and pro- surface of these grafts, which stained positive for
longing its storage time. However, it emerged that von Willebrand factor. However, although histo-
dialdehyde starch was a bad choice. These grafts logical data were very promising, biomechanical
also demonstrated severe calcification and degra- tests revealed that these constructs had only very
dation. Subsequently, different chemical agent— limited structural stability so that Dacron nets
glutaraldehyde—was discovered and found to be had to be wrapped around the grafts to allow at
a much better choice. Many different tissues were least physiological pressure loads (Weinberg and
impregnated very successfully with this agent and Bell 1986). L’Heureux picked up the principle of
became readily available off the shelf. this method, changed some culture conditions
In 1972, Dardik evaluated glutaraldehyde pre- and noticed that it was possible to positively influ-
served human umbilical veins as an alternative ence graft stability and pressure tolerance/burst
biological bypass material, i.e. for lower extremity strength by modification of environmental condi-
bypasses (Dardik and Dardik 1973). However, as tions (Edelman 1999; L’Heureux et al. 1998).
already postulated by Kunlin in 1949, these grafts These two concepts rely on the principle of tis-
also failed in the long term, and the greater saphe- sue engineering in the classical sense. Campbell
nous vein was found to be the most suitable graft and co-workers also imitated this basic concept
8 in this anatomic area (Kunlin 1949). but utilized on in vivo situation for graft genera-
Reviewing the underlying mechanisms of tion (= guided tissue regeneration). They implanted
graft deterioration, two factors seem to play a par- silastic tubings into the peritoneal cavity of rats,
ticular role in this phenomenon: (i) immunologi- and after 2  weeks they observed that fibroblasts
cal reactions in the sense of subliminal tissue and mesothelial cells seeded on the outer surface
rejection (Wilhelmi et al. 2003a, b), which seem of these tubings. The resulting tubular tissue sheet
to be induced by the antigeneity of resident allo- was then dissected and everted so that the previ-
geneic cells and (ii) the method of tissue preserva- ously outer mesothelial cells subsequently built-
tion/fixation (glutaraldehyde) itself. As mentioned up the inner surface and thus mimicked the
before, initially this latter agent was used to reduce lamina interna. In animal models these bioartifi-
the immunogenicity of tissues via the cross-­ cial vessel grafts showed physiological reactivity
linking of collagen fibers to prolong its durability. towards vasoactive agents and were patent for up
However, over the years it became clear that to 4 months (Campbell et al. 1999). Another clas-
­glutaraldehyde increases the risk for calcification, sical tissue engineering approach was used by a
potentially amplifies immunological reactions working group of Huynh. They used small intesti-
and, most importantly, inhibits processes of nal submucosa (SIS) and bovine type-I collagen to
in vivo regeneration (O’Brien et al. 1999). Today it generate a new kind of vascular prosthesis. After
is believed that histoincompatibilities are respon- removal of all cellular components via hypotonic
sible for the induction of immunological solutions, they tested autologous, allogeneic and
responses and resulting tissue rejection. We could xenogeneic grafts in large animal models and
indeed show that even established decellulariza- reported on excellent patency rates. In the histo-
tion protocols reduce but not eliminate all cellular logical analysis, they found these primary decel-
components and thus may still contribute to lularized implanted grafts to spontaneously
immunogenic reactions in vivo (Böer et al. 2011). re-seed in  vivo and thus obviously underwent
The first vascular prosthesis completely gener- regenerative processes (Huynh et  al. 1999).
ated on the basis of biological materials goes back However, in experiments using smaller animals
to Weinberg and Bell (Weinberg and Bell 1986). such as rats, these small calibre vessel grafts were
They seeded smooth muscle cells in vitro on a col- found to be occluded very early due to thrombus
lagen gel, which mimicked the lamina media, formation (Schmidt and Baier 2000).
added fibroblasts to the outer surface of this con- Apart from the use of conventional matrix
struct and thus generated a bioartificial adventi- materials, e.g. just decellularized preformed vas-
tia. Following 2 weeks of further in vitro culture, cular matrices of allogeneic or xenogeneic origin
endothelial cells were added to the luminal sur- or the de novo synthesis of collagen fibers as sug-
face to serve as an artificial lamina interna. gested by L’Heureux, another interesting concept
Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) evaluations was developed based on the use of fibrinogen and
Chapter 8 · Cardiovascular Tissue Engineering
179 8
fibrin. Fibrin is known to facilitate matrix synthe- able polylactide mesh structure (degradation time
sis by seeded cells compared to other reconsti- of 6–9 months), and again, after in vitro matura-
tuted proteins such as type I collagen. However, tion, the graft was ready for implantation
despite these promising attributes, fibrin gel alone (Tschoeke et al. 2009), also shown by others (Aper
possesses inadequate mechanical properties to et al. 2004) (. Fig. 8.3).
withstand implantation in the vascular system.
Therefore, Tschoeke et al. (2008) developed an
injection molding technique to completely inte- 8.3.2  eneration of Vascular Grafts
grate a non-biodegradable, high porous textile Based on Alloplastic Matrix
structure (pore size ~ 2  mm) into the vascular Materials
wall, which consists of an autologous fibrin gel
scaffold as cell carrier for the vascular smooth In 1952, Voorhees and co-workers identified an
muscle cells (Tschoeke et al. 2008). He hypothe- alloplastic material called Vinyon «N» (Voorhees
sized that the combination of a mesh and dynamic et  al. 1952). Vascular conduits made out of this
culture conditions allows for the generation of material and tested in animal models revealed
mechanically stable and implantable vascular good initial functionality. However, soon it
grafts within a shorter cultivation period than tra- became clear that it was not possible to autoclave
ditional methods. He developed a two-step mold- this material without severe deformation and
ing technique to integrate a polyvinylidene pronounced shrinking. Even with these initially
fluoride (PVDF) mesh (pore size: 1–2 mm) in the somewhat disappointing data, many scientific
wall of a fibrin-based vascular graft (inner diam- groups began to think about alloplastic materials,
eter 5  mm) seeded with carotid myofibroblasts. and soon another material—polyester
The graft was cultured under increasing physio- (=Dacron)—was discovered and evaluated for its
logical flow conditions for 2  weeks. Cell growth applicability as a vascular prosthesis. A new era
and tissue development were excellent within the in vascular surgery was heralded and the clinical
fibrin gel matrix surrounding the PVDF fibers, introduction of these prostheses spread all over
and tissue structure demonstrated similarity to the world. More and above, a new medical
native tissue. The grafts were successfully sub- ­speciality—medical material engineering—came
jected to physiological flow rates and pressure up. Following the establishment of basic techni-
gradients from the outset, and mechanical prop- cal methods in the production of woven prosthe-
erties were enhanced by the mesh structure. Mean ses, it was tried to optimize material properties,
suture retention strength of the graft tissue was e.g. compliance, manageability. The necessity to
6.3 N and the burst strength was 236 mmHg, and do so based on the observation that the first gen-
thus small-calibre vascular grafts with good eration of these prostheses was very porous and
mechanical properties could be obtained within therefore had to be pre-clotted with blood prior
14  days. In a next step, the non-biodegradable to implantation. Furthermore, they were very
material was replaced by a midterm biodegrad- stiff and kinky and stenoses occurred when they

..Fig. 8.3  Vascular graft

made out of fibrin gel.
Small-diameter vascular
graft exclusively consisting
of fibrin gel (Courtesy of
Prof. M. Wilhelmi and Dr. Th.
Aper, Dept. of Cardiotho-
racic, Transplantation, and
Vascular Surgery, Hannover
Medical School, Hannover,
180 M.H. Wilhelmi and A. Haverich

were implanted in angles. Therefore, Sauvage reveal much better patency rates. However, in
introduced a crimped prosthesis to avoid those contrast to the assumption that the greater saphe-
kinking-­related stenoses (Sauvage et al. 1974). A nous vein may represent a universally applicable
further development in this sense was the appli- vessel graft, it should be noticed that due to prior
cation of external rings to prevent kinking and surgical interventions, varicoses or deep vein
outer velour coverage for better integration of the thrombosis, this vessel is not available in every
prostheses into the surrounding tissue. patient. Furthermore, it belongs to the venous and
In 1954 another new material—«nylon»—was thus low pressure part of the cardiovascular sys-
discovered (Shumacker and King 1954), and tem, predisposing ectatic and degenerative defor-
Edwards and Tapp constructed a new prosthesis mations when exposed to arterial blood pressure
out of this material (Edwards and Tapp 1955). load. Other autologous venous grafts, e.g. the
However, in 1958 Harris observed that 100 days femoral vein or those obtained from the upper
following implantation into the aorta, these pros- extremity, exhibit the same structural disadvan-
theses lost their structural stability, whereas tages and are reported to be even less qualified
Teflon and Dacron did not. Thus, the era of nylon than the greater saphenous vein. Based on these
was terminated before it really began. In the 1970s limitations, the search for tissue engineered grafts
another new material became available. It was a has intensified, especially for prostheses in the
8 variant of Teflon, named expanded polytetrafluo- venous system and for small-diameter arterial
roethylene (ePTFE). The microstructure of this grafts.
material initially discovered by Eiseman is char-
acterized by microscopic small knots and trans-
versal fibers running between them. Because of 8.3.3  eneration of Vascular Grafts
the resulting huge internodal spaces, up to 80 % Based on Hybrid Matrix
of the prosthesial wall are simply made of noth- Materials
ing. The practical meaning of this characteristic is
that these prostheses are primarily blood tight The basic idea for the generation of hybrid con-
and thus do no not require pre-clotting prior to structs combining biological and synthetic matrix
implantation. materials was to profit from positive attributes of
Deduced from further studies aiming to both these material groups. An early approach
increase the impermeability of vascular aiming to realize such a concept was the subcuta-
prostheses, collagen, albumin and gelatin impreg- neous implantation of polyethylene, polyvinyl or
nations were discovered as useful tools. silastic mandrains covered by a polyester net. The
Importantly, it was observed that these modifica- ratio behind this concept was that fibroblasts may
tions were not associated with loss of biomechan- spontaneously seed on these alloplastic nets to de
ical stability or other characteristics relevant for novo synthesize a tissue sheet within a few weeks
clinical application. Further refinements com- following the concept of guided tissue regenera-
prise the binding of various effectors, e.g. fibrino- tion. Indeed, Sparks and co-workers demonstrated
lytic or antibiotic substances, anticoagulants or that it was possible to generate such a tubular
other effectors to minimize damaging influences structure but also reported on degenerative
and to optimize bio- and hemocompatibility of changes in the sense of aneurysm formation and
these prostheses (Sagnella et  al. 2003, 2005; resulting graft loss in the long term (Sparks 1973).
Murugesan et  al. 2002; Lachapelle et  al. 1994; More and above, the application of alloplastic
Ginalska et al. 2005a, b), a concept today termed vascular prostheses with an inner diameter
biofunctionalization. smaller than 5–6 mm was and still is often associ-
In the clinical setting, alloplastic prostheses, ated with early thrombotic occlusion and graft
i.e. those made out of Dacron and ePTFE, are failure. Thus, one of the most important clinical
primary used for reconstructive interventions of issues in cardiovascular surgery was and is to
large calibre vessels such as the aorta and its side identify materials, which allow for the generation
branches. The restriction of these implants to of vascular grafts ≤5 mm. In early experiments it
mainly large vessel areas (>6 mm) is explained by was tried to reduce the intrinsic thrombogeneity
the clinical observation that autologous vessel of alloplastic grafts by seeding autologous endo-
grafts such as the greater saphenous vein still thelial cells on their inner surface (Williams
Chapter 8 · Cardiovascular Tissue Engineering
181 8
1995). Miwa and Matsuda developed a prosthesis obtained from bovine aortas and cultivated under
on polyurethane basis with an artificial lamina pulsatile culture conditions in vitro. After 8 weeks,
basalis composed of collagen type-I and derma- endothelial cells were added at the luminal side
tan sulfate on which an endothelial monolayer and in the subsequent histological analysis up to
was transferred. Following in  vitro culture, they 50 % of all extracellular matrix components were
implanted this construct in dogs and observed a identified as elastin and collagen proteins.
primary patency rate of 75 % without additional Furthermore, scanning electron-microscopic
anticoagulative therapy (Miwa and Matsuda analyses revealed homogeneous cellular mono-
1994). layers on the luminal surface, which stained posi-
Deutsch reported on a study in which endo- tive for CD31 (PECAM-1). In animal models,
thelial cells seeded ePTFE prostheses were these prostheses were patent for up to 8 weeks and
implanted as above the knee bypasses. He found a withstood a blood pressure load of more than
9-year patency rate of 65 % and thus comparable 2,000 mmHg. Presently, many working groups try
results to those obtained with greater saphenous to identify, synthesize and characterize further
vein bypass grafts. In contrast, non-seeded pros- biodegradable materials, which exhibit optimized
theses revealed only a patency rate of 16  % properties for the realization of such hybrid con-
(Deutsch et  al. 1999). However, these good cepts (Nerem 1992).
patency rates of seeded grafts could not be If other prospective approaches, e.g. gene
achieved when used for coronary revasculariza- therapies aiming to modulate crucial tissue char-
tion (Laube et al. 2000). Thus, it was hypothesized acteristics, i.e. intrinsic thrombogeneity or fur-
that an increased intrinsic thrombogeneity might ther modified surgical methods and techniques
be responsible for this phenomenon. As a conse- will help to increase patency rates is uncertain
quence, polyurethane matrices seeded with endo- (Kuo et al. 1998; Hubbell et al. 1991). However, a
thelial cells were coincubated with heparin and few positive effects could already be observed
RGD groups to further increase endothelial cell (Flinn et al. 1984; Tyrrell and Wolfe 1991; Taylor
adherence. Indeed, a 75 % increase in endothelial et  al. 1992; Siegman 1979; Miller et  al. 1984;
surface coverage was observed. Linton and Darling 1962; DeLaurentis and
Another, potentially disadvantageous issue Friedmann 1972).
with regard to in vivo graft performance might be
the use of non-reabsorbable matrix materials for
that they may prevent remodeling and regenera- 8.4 Cardiac Tissue Engineering
tive processes (Seifalian et  al. 2002). Alternative
may be reabsorbable materials, which degenerate 8.4.1 Heart Valves
over time and in parallel to the bioartificial in vivo
generation of a living graft. However, one essen- Today heart valve replacement therapy comprises
tial prerequisite in this regard is that the initially mechanical and bioprosthetic valves. Similar to
implanted biodegradable material has to be bio- small-calibre alloplastic vascular prostheses,
mechanically stable enough to withstand physio- mechanical valves incur high rates of thrombosis
logical hemodynamic stress load. Also, the and thromboembolic complications. Oral antico-
bioartificially generated tissue has to develop in agulants, however, are associated with an
parallel to material degradation with subsequent increased risk for bleeding complications, but
biomechanical properties similar to those of a they significantly reduce the risk for thromboem-
native vessel. bolic complications (Cannegieter et al. 1994). The
Over the last years, many polymers (degrad- valve itself is prone to an elevated risk of infec-
able and non-degradable) were evaluated, but tious complications but nevertheless is expected
most of them were found to be highly thrombo- to last a whole patient’s life. Bioprosthetic valves
genic, induced foreign body reactions, led to the fabricated from decellularized and preserved
formation of aneurysms and/or were reabsorbed xenogeneic valves or pericardial tissues are rela-
too fast. Niklason, therefore, tried to combine tively non-thrombogenic, and bleeding complica-
biodegradable polymers with living cells tions are rare due to the lack of lifelong
(Niklason et  al. 1999). Polyglycolic acid (PGA) anticoagulation. However, these valves tend to
matrices were seeded with smooth muscle cells degenerate over time and have no or only limited
182 M.H. Wilhelmi and A. Haverich

remodeling capacities. Nonetheless, nowadays the pulmonary position of dogs, and, following
these valves last for up to 20  years (Rahimtoola 1  month, no hints to inflammatory reactions or
2003; Marchand et al. 2001). Taken together, the other immunological side effects could be
need for the generation of bioartificial heart valves observed—at least macroscopically.
bases on the following arguments: (i) ability to Other groups who used similar in  vitro
remodel and grow (application in infants), (ii) decellularization protocols reported on compa-
reduced immunogenicity and thus reduced tissue rable results, so that the first commercially
deterioration/degradation (lifelong durability) available decellularized and cryopreserved
and (iii) avoidance of (oral) anticoagulants (i.e. in xenogeneic valvular prostheses came up. It
young, physical active and old, disabled patients). could be shown that decellularized valves
Finally, tissue-engineered heart valves may exhibit exhibit reduced immunogenicity in comparison
anti-infectious properties, if complete inner and to native control groups. However, it was warned
outer cellular coverage could be achieved. that even the application of these valves may
Historically, Ross and Barret-Boyes were the lead to accelerated destruction, especially when
first who used biological, allogeneic human heart used in infants (Simon et  al. 2003). The pre-
valve prostheses in the clinical setting. Their pri- sumptive reason for this phenomenon was an
mary thought was to identify an alternative to elevated activity of the infant immune system in
8 mechanical prostheses, i.e. because of the lack of combination with a physiologically increased
distracting «click» noises and oral anticoagulation calcium metabolism at this age.
following implantation (Barratt-Boyes 1965; Ross As a logical consequence of the concept of
1967). However, initially, progressive degenera- exclusive decellularization, an additional step of
tive changes occurred 8–10  years following in  vitro autologous endothelial re-seeding was
implantation, which finally led to complete added, and following promising initial data in
destruction and thus often necessitated redo animal models, results in human patients are
operations. The underlying mechanisms were available already (xenogeneic heart valves re-­
thought to base especially on two major factors: seeded with autologous human endothelial cells)
(i) immunological reactions in the sense of sub- (Dohmen et  al. 2002a, b). Another approach of
liminal tissue rejection (Wilhelmi et al. 2003a, b), autologous endothelial re-seeding of decellular-
which seem to be induced by the antigeneity of ized heart valve prostheses could be realized in
resident allogeneic cells, and (ii) the method of Hannover in close collaboration with the univer-
tissue preservation/fixation by glutaraldehyde. sity of Chisinau, Republic of Moldavia. Assuming
Initially, this latter agent was used to reduce the that decellularized, xenogeneic matrix scaffolds
immunogenicity of tissues via cross-link of colla- may still induce immunological reactions due to
gen fibers to prolong its durability. With time, interspecies differences, human allografts decel-
however, it became clear that actually the risk for lularized by using an elaborated protocol were re-­
calcification increases, immunological reactions seeded by autologous endothelial cells obtained
are amplified and in  vivo regeneration is ham- as mononuclear cells isolated from individual
pered by this agent (O’Brien et al. 1999). blood probes. Positive stains for the von
Trying to avoid the antigenic influence of resi- Willebrand factor, CD31 (PECAM-1) and flk-1 as
dent cells, Gulbins seeded cryopreserved human observed in monolayers of cells cultivated and
allografts with autologous endothelial cells differentiated on the luminal surface of the scaf-
in  vitro and implanted these prostheses in ani- folds in a dynamic bioreactor system indicated
mals. However, the prostheses were not decellu- the endothelial nature of these cells. The re-
larized prior to the in vitro seeding, and thus the seeded valves were implanted in pulmonary posi-
success was only moderate (Gulbins et al. 2003). tion of two pediatric patients (age 13 and 11 years)
The group of Wilson picked up the basic idea to with congenital pulmonary valve failure.
use allogeneic cardiac valves but established a Postoperatively, a mild pulmonary regurgitation
multistep decellularization protocol, which based was documented in both children.
on the use of hypo- and hypertonic solutions, Based on regular echocardiographic investiga-
detergents and enzymes to remove all cellular tions, hemodynamic parameters and cardiac
components within the allogeneic valvular tissue morphology changed in 3.5  years as follows:
(Wilson et al. 1995). The valves were implanted in increase of the PV anulus diameter (18–22.5 mm
Chapter 8 · Cardiovascular Tissue Engineering
183 8
and 22–26  mm, respectively), decrease of valve valves showed improved freedom from explanta-
regurgitation (trivial/mild and trivial, respec- tion, provided low gradients in follow-up and
tively), one decrease (16–9  mmHg) and one exhibited adaptive growth (Cebotari et  al. 2011)
increase (8–9,5 mmHg) of the mean transvalvular (. Fig. 8.4). This concept has now been evaluated
gradient, one remaining (26  mm) and one for experimental aortic valve replacement and is
decreasing (32–28  mm) right ventricular end-­ currently introduced in selected clinical cases
diastolic diameter. The body surface area (Baraki et al. 2009).
increased (1.07–1.42  m2 and 1.07–1.46  m2, An alternative approach basing on alloplastic
respectively), and no signs of valve degeneration matrix materials was followed especially by Mayer
were observed in both patients now 10 years after and Vacanti. They used synthetic matrix scaffolds
the procedure. Thus, it could be shown that the on polymer basis—polyglycolic acid (PGA) and
tissue engineering of heart valves using autolo- polylactide (PLA), respectively (Hoerstrup et  al.
gous endothelial progenitor cells is a feasible and 1998). Following re-seeding of such matrices with
safe method at least for pulmonary valve replace- autologous arterial vessel wall-specific cells, pul-
ment. Furthermore, it was concluded that tissue monary valves and pulmonary artery segments
engineered valves have the potential to remodel were generated and tested in a sheep model
and grow according to the somatic growth of a (Shum-Tim et al. 1999; Shinoka et al. 1996, 1998).
child (Cebotari et al. 2002, 2006). However, the initially experienced disadvantage
Another interesting approach of this group of very high rigidity of polymer scaffolds led to
was the use of fresh decellularized pulmonary the development of new polymers and copoly-
homografts (DPH) for pulmonary valve replace- mers, e.g. polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA), poly-­4-­
ment. Thirty-eight patients with DPH in pulmo- hydroxybutyrate (P4HB) and polyglycolic acid
nary position were consecutively evaluated during (PGA) (Sodian et  al. 2000; Korecky et  al. 1982;
the follow-up (up to 5  years) including medical Hoerstrup et al. 2000). In contrast to the above-­
examination, echocardiography and MRI. Patients mentioned studies on DPH, till now none of these
were matched according to age and pathology and scaffold materials reached the clinical stage of
compared with glutaraldehyde-fixed bovine jugu- development.
lar vein (BJV) (n = 38) and cryopreserved homo-
graft (CH) (n = 38) recipients. In contrast to BJV
and CH groups, echocardiography revealed no
increase of transvalvular gradient, cusp thicken-
ing or aneurysmatic dilatation in DPH patients.
Over time, DPH valve anulus diameters converge
towards normal z-values. Five-year freedom from
explantation was 100 % for DPH and 86 ± 8 % and
88 ± 7 % for BJV and CH conduits, respectively.
Additionally, MRI investigations in 17 DPH
patients with follow-up time >2 years were com-
pared with MRI data of 20 BJV recipients. Both
patient groups (DPH and BJV) were at compara-
ble ages (mean, 12.7 ± 6.1 versus 13.0 ± 3.0 years)
and have comparable follow-up time (3.7 ± 1.0
versus 2.7 ± 0.9 years). In DPH patients, the mean
transvalvular gradient was significantly (P < 0.001)
lower (11 mmHg) compared with the BJV group
(23.2 mmHg). Regurgitation fraction was 14 ± 3 %
and 4 ± 5 % in DPH and BJV groups, respectively.
In three DPH recipients, moderate regurgitation
was documented after surgery and remained ..Fig. 8.4  Cardiac allograft valve. Decellularized pulmo-
nary homograft valve (DPH) (Courtesy of Prof. A. Haverich
unchanged in follow-up. and Dr. S. Cebotari, Dept. of Cardiothoracic, Transplanta-
Thus, in contrast to conventional homografts tion, and Vascular Surgery, Hannover Medical School, Han-
and xenografts, decellularized fresh allograft nover, Germany)
184 M.H. Wilhelmi and A. Haverich

8.4.2 Myocardial Tissue muscular cell types as well. The resulting data
revealed that a 3D matrix architecture led to
According to its typical three-layered architec- improved cellular differentiation of all kinds of
ture, the heart represents the largest «vascular» evaluated cells and tissue ­generation.
structure of the body. Thus, at the first glance, it Beside cellular composition and differentia-
may seem to be very simple to bioartificially tion, living tissues and, i.e. functional myocar-
construct a heart. Actually, the mimicry of this dium are characterized by the orientation of its
organ or even parts thereof still faces the scien- resident cells. Here, two factors seem to play a
tific world with one of the most challenging crucial role for the heart (i) mechanical stimuli
tasks. The first, probably accidental event to and (ii) the geometric orientation of matrix com-
develop a three-­dimensional myocardial tissue ponents. Regarding the first point, electronically
dates back to the early 1950s, when Moscana and controlled bioreactors were developed, which
co-workers isolated embryonic chicken cardiac provide, e.g. stretching forces to muscle cell cul-
muscle cells and cultivated them under continu- tures originating from the musculature and the
ous rotation in an in vitro setting. After 18 h in heart. Using these devices, it could be shown that
culture, the cells spontaneously formed spher- mechanical stimuli exhibit positive effects on dif-
oid, three-­dimensional and approximately 200 ferentiation and orientation of both types of mus-
8 cells comprising aggregates, which most inter- cular cells (Terracio et al. 1988; Chambard et al.
estingly exhibited spontaneous contractile activ- 1981). Under conditions of continuous cyclic
ity (Moscona 1959). Many other groups picked stress consisting of distension and relaxation,
up this promising model and observed that these skeletal muscle cell cultures formed longitudi-
cellular aggregates resembled functional native nally orientated 3D muscle fibers, which began to
cardiac tissue much more than any other two- form tendons as well (Vandenburgh et al. 1991).
dimensional cellular monolayer before In another concept, collagen sponges were
(McDonald et al. 1972). Thus, this early observa- combined with a suspension of newborn rat car-
tion demonstrated that embryonic cardiac cells diomyocytes in Matrigel and stimulated electri-
grow even under in vitro culture conditions and cally (Radisic et al. 2004). This concept led to the
tend to form spontaneous cellular aggregates. formation of cardiac muscle structures with
However, following longer times of in vitro cul- enhanced tissue morphology, contractile function
ture and ongoing cell proliferation, it could be and specific molecular marker expression. Thus,
observed that: (i) the spontaneous contraction electrical stimuli seem to have similar effects as
ceased, (ii) the whole tissue contracted and (iii) mechanical ones (Fink et al. 2000; Zimmermann
the cellular sheets loosened and started to float et  al. 2002). Furthermore, it could be observed
in the culture medium. that other parameters, e.g. strong magnetic fields,
For a long time, insufficient culture conditions influence the orientation of fibroblasts and smooth
were accused to cause this phenomenon and many muscle cells as well (Guido and Tranquillo 1993;
groups skipped to follow this experiment. However, Torbet and Ronzière 1984; Tranquillo et al. 1996).
Shimizu and co-workers regarded this phenome- Regarding the second influencing factor—the
non as a chance to harvest and staple the floating geometric orientation of matrix components—it
monolayers and thus to generate a 3D-­tissue struc- was observed that the matrix scaffold itself has
ture without the need for an additional matrix scaf- essential influence on tissue growth and cellular
fold (Shimizu et  al. 2002). According to the differentiation. One important example, which
observation that free floating and thus mechanical underscores this observation, was that cardiomy-
nonloaded myocardial monolayers cease their con- ocytes obtained from newborn rats and seeded on
tractile activity over time, Vandenburgh and co- a rill-shaped collagen type-1 matrix grew along
workers covered cultured muscle cells with type-1 these structures (Simpson et al. 1994).
collagen to further mechanically load and stimu- Perhaps one of the most striking examples
late these cells (Vandenburgh et  al. 1988). And demonstrating the influence and importance of
indeed, they observed that this method led to extracellular matrix components for the survival
improved differentiation of myocytes so that this of injected cells was a study in which a whole
basic principle was transferable to other, non- rat heart was decellularized and subsequently
Chapter 8 · Cardiovascular Tissue Engineering
185 8
repopulated with neonatal cardiomyocytes, (Matrigel) (Zimmermann et al. 2000; Souren et al.
resulting in a beating heart (Ott et  al. 2008). 1992). However, the resulting contractile forces
However, and as already mentioned above, the could be tripled by applying cyclic distension
optimal matrix scaffold for the bioartificial gen- forces (Fink et al. 2000).
eration of cardiac tissue is still unknown. The Two other, totally different approaches based
reasons for this fact are manifold and may be on cell-matrix combinations consisting of polyg-
characterized as follows: lycolic acid (PGA) or a liquid gelatin matrix and
1. The necessity of high mechanical stability cells, e.g. fetal rat cardiomyocytes (Langer and
with coexistent high compliance Vacanti 1993; Li et al. 1999; Carrier et al. 1999).
2. The helical and interweaved fiber structure of Both these cell matrix composites exhibited
the cardiac muscle, which are mandatory for spontaneous contractile activities—in vitro and
optimal pump function in  vivo. However, following implantation in
3. Adequate tissue niches to host/retain tissue- infracted myocardial tissue areas, only a very few
specific cells, (iv) the guarantee of a sufficient of these cardiomyocytes could be detected histo-
supply of these key cells with oxygen and logically. In contrast, following implantation of
nutrients alginate-based matrices seeded with fetal cardiac
4. The ability to completely integrate into the cells, Leor observed distinctive vascularization
surrounding myocardial tissue within these constructs. However, a real integra-
tion into the surrounding recipient’s myocar-
Today it is not clear, if it ever will be techni- dium could not be observed either (Leor et  al.
cally possible to generate materials, which com- 2000).
pletely mimic the complex structure of a living Apart from all matrix-based techniques men-
heart. Even if it should be possible, e.g. on basis of tioned above, Shimizu and co-workers presented
modern nanotechnologies, it has to be guaran- a complete matrix-free approach. They used a cul-
teed that quantitatively enough nishes are present ture flask coated by a thermosensitive surface on
within those matrices, so that specific cells can be which cells of all kinds can be grown. However, in
nested within the scaffolds, connect with each contrast to other known culture flasks, this spe-
other and build up a fully functioning electrical cific setting allows cells to detach in reaction to
and mechanical syncytium. Whether strategies changes in temperature (Shimizu et  al. 2002).
developed in Taylor’s laboratory to decellularize Thus, confluent monolayers of cardiac myocytes
and reseed an entire organ will proof successful can be grown and subsequently piled up to
has to be awaited (Badylak et al. 2011). At least, a 3D-connected cellular layers (up to 50–75  μm
matrix closest to native would be provided. thickness). The advantages of this technique are
Another approach to bioartificially generate the simplicity of the method and the indepen-
myocardial tissue, resulted from an in vitro model dence from the use of potentially immunogenic,
initially developed to evaluate embryonic fibro- pathogenic or even toxic matrix scaffolds. The
blasts (Kolodney and Elson 1993). Here, cardio- disadvantages comprise limitations with regard to
myocytes were cultured in a collagen-gel matrix geometric shapes, fragility and thus only limited
(Chambard et al. 1981; Hall et al. 1982). The par- mechanical load capacity. Meanwhile, various
ticular characteristic of an experimental setting variations of this method have been described
established by Eschenhagen and co-workers was (Kofidis et al. 2002; Akins et al. 1999).
that the cell containing matrices were positioned
between two rectangular positioned Velcro cov- Vascularization and Cellular
ered glass rods. Spontaneous muscle activities and Composition
forces generated by the resulting cellular aggre- Over the last decade, various methods and tech-
gates adhering to these glass rods thus could be niques to bioartificially generate cardiovascular
identified and quantified (Eschenhagen et  al. tissues have been described. However, as finds
1997). Cardiomyocytes obtained from newborn true for almost every other kind of 3D-tissue
rats and embedded in collagen type-1 gel exhib- structure as well, one of the most essential and
ited no growth and differentiation until the addi- still unsolved problems is the limitation of the
tion of further extracellular matrix components maximal achievable tissue thickness, which bases
186 M.H. Wilhelmi and A. Haverich

on limited diffusion capacities for nutrients and implantation seemed to be of only minor impor-
oxygen. Studies evaluating the process of angio- tance with regard to tissue fate, some essential
genesis in tumors have shown that in the absence questions could not be answered: (i) is the pre-
of capillary vessels and perfusion, the thickness of existing vascularization sufficient for long-term
living tissues is restricted to a maximum of survival, (ii) how many of the initially implanted
2–4 mm (Folkman 1971). One crucial parameter cardiomyocytes survive over time, (iii) do these
in this regard is the individual and tissue-specific implanted cells functionally and structurally
metabolic activity and the local concentration of integrate into the recipient myocardium and (iv)
cells, respectively. Contractile cardiac tissue con- does the implantation of those constructs really
tains a very number and high density of cellular lead to an augmented cardiac function? In con-
components and thus exhibit a very high meta- text of some in vitro studies, such as Langendorff
bolic activity. Depending on the stage of develop- models, it was observed that the cardiac function
ment, a human heart contains between 2,400 and actually improved, higher pressure values were
3,300 capillaries per mm2 area (Rakusan et  al. obtained (Li et al. 1999) and the fractional short-
1992). ening was increased (Leor et al. 2000). However,
On the other side, it is known that embryonic these effects, overall, were not very pronounced
rat hearts and adult frog hearts are completely and could be obtained in a similar way by the
8 avascular and are fed only by diffusion. The rea- injection of different and, i.e. non-cardiomyo-
son for this phenomenon lays in the structure of cytic cells. In direct comparison of cellular sus-
these tissues, which are characterized by a wide pensions and 3D bioartificially generated tissue
spread trabecular system composed of muscular grafts, the advantage of latter is not clear at pres-
struts (Sys et  al. 1997; Ratajska et  al. 2003). ent.
Regarding strategies for the bioartificial genera- Another conceptional issue regarding the bio-
tion of tissues, this means that a physiological artificial generation of cardiac tissue refers to spe-
vascularization or an intensive trabecular sys- cific cellular components and sources to isolate or
tems with fibers not thicker than 50–75 μm has generate such cells, respectively. It is estimated
to be present. Some working groups tried to that an adult human heart comprises 5 × 109 car-
increase the transport capacity for oxygen and diomyocytes within the left ventricle alone
other nutrients by using specialized bioreactor (Beltrami et  al. 1994). This means that approxi-
systems or oxygen carriers, e.g. peroxy fluoro- mately 40 million cardiomyocytes are present
carbon (Radisic et al. 2005; Carrier et al. 2002). within 1 g of cardiac tissue or in other words that
Actually it was possible to induce a positive it is nearly impossible to harvest a sufficient cell
effect on the cellular density as well as metabolic count to generate a complete bioartificial heart,
activity (Carrier et  al. 2002); subsequently car- e.g. via cardiac biopsies. Scientific approaches
diac tissue with a clinical relevant tissue thick- with focus on adult stem cell research might rep-
ness of up to 500 μm could be generated (Radisic resent a possible solution for this problem. Today
et al. 2005). it is known that all cells necessary to generate
Other strategies based on data observed at autologous cardiac tissues can be differentiated
newborn rat hearts. Here it was tried to generate from (adult) stem cells, which can be harvested
single tissue struts, which than were woven to from, e.g. bone marrow aspirates (Makino et  al.
each other so that the resulting network was 1999; Orlic et al. 2001), peripheral blood probes
completely perfused and allowed for diffusion (Asahara et  al. 1997; Badorff et  al. 2003), cord
through the whole tissue structure. Alternatively blood (Condorelli et al. 2001) or fatty tissue (Zuk
it was tried to integrate bioartificially generated et al. 2001).
cardiac muscle constructs into native vascular- Another potentially interesting alternative to
ized tissues (with or without additional pharma- generate higher quantities of suitable cells might
cological stimulation of angiogenic processes). be the induction of pluripotent stem cells (iPS
Although it was observed that all these artificially cells) from somatic cells of an individual patient.
generated heart muscle tissues exhibited a fast Currently, the most common method of generat-
(re-)vascularization following implantation and ing cardiomyocytes from iPS cells is the embryoid
that hypoxic periods during and early after body differentiation system which coaxes the iPS
Chapter 8 · Cardiovascular Tissue Engineering
187 8
cells to differentiate into the cardiac lineage 55 The development of dynamically (self-)adapt-
(Narsinh et  al. 2011). However, although the ing systems (intelligent bioreactors) for the
resulting cells show many functional properties of (automated) in vitro generation of cardiovas-
normal human cardiomyocytes, some other cular tissues
aspects of these cells, including their morphology, 55 The identification and establishment of
remain relatively immature and «fetal-like». More micro- and nanotechnologies, which facilitate
and above, these pluripotent cells still run the risk tissue/matrix (neo-)angiogenesis and thus
to induce teratomas (Oh et al. 2012). Thus, all of allow for the generation of complex 3D-tissue
the above-mentioned techniques and cellular structures
sources have to be investigated intensely in the 55 The identification of suitable autologous cell
future. sources and techniques for the isolation
(adult stem cells) or generation (iPS cells) of
high quantities of suitable key cells for matrix
8.5 Outlook (re-)vitalization and functionalization
55 The evaluation of residual immunological dif-
Shortcomings of all known alloplastic implant ferences between donor tissue and the recipi-
materials, namely, infectious and thromboem- ent immune system
bolic complications, blazed a trail for biological 55 The development of strategies to avoid or
and bioartificial tissue substitutes in the cardio- minimize the immunological consequences
vascular system. However, although a huge vari- 55 The identification, formulation and imple-
ety of methods and techniques have been mentation of standard operating procedures
established to generate and evaluate bioartificial (SOP) for the bioartificial generation of car-
cardiovascular grafts, only two of these have diovascular grafts
found their way into clinical practice (. Table 8.3), 55 Formulation of nationally and internationally
i.e. the following issues still have to be addressed accepted uniform requirements for product
and further evaluated: licencing procedures

..Table 8.3  State of the art of cardiovascular implants and grafts

Type of prosthesis Matrices and cells Application

Vascular Non-reabsorbable prostheses out of Dacron Commercially available, clinical routine

replacement and ePTFE (Rahlf et al. 1986)
therapy: with
synthetic matrices Seeding of alloplastic prostheses with Clinical studies (Vara et al. 2005)
endothelial cells

Seeding of biodegradable synthetic matrices Clinical studies (Isomatsu et al. 2003)

With different kinds of cells

Vascular Acellular vascular implants of brute origin Commercially available, clinical

replacement routine
therapy: with
biologic matrices Acellular vessel of human origin Animal experiments (Schaner et al.
2004) and clinical case reports

Acellular and re-seeded vessel grafts of human Clinical case reports (Zehr et al. 2005)

Tissue preparations of small intestinal Animal experiments (Tucker et al.

submucosa (SIS) 2002)

Stent-based venous valves (Pavcnik et al.

188 M.H. Wilhelmi and A. Haverich

..Table 8.3  (continued)

Type of prosthesis Matrices and cells Application

Cardiac valve Seeding of biodegradable synthetic matrices Animal experiments (Teebken et al.
replacement with different kinds of cells 2005)
therapy: with
synthetic matrices

Cardiac valve Glutaraldehyde-preserved heart valves of Commercially available, clinical

replacement brute origin routine
therapy: with
biologic matrices Decellularized heart valves of brute origin Clinical case reports (Goldstein et al.

Cryopreserved human heart valves Clinical routine (Vogt et al. 1999)


Decellularized cryopreserved human heart Clinical studies (Zehr et al. 2005)

Valves (homografts)

8 Decellularized cryopreserved and autologous Clinical case reports (Dohmen et al.,

2002; Cebotari et al. 2006) and animal
studies (Steinhoff et al. 2000)

Re-seeded human heart valves (homografts) Clinical study (Cebotari et al. 2011)

Decellularized fresh human heart valves Stent-based pulmonary valve (Lutter

(homografts) et al. 2010; Metzner et al. 2010)

Small intestinal submucosa (SIS)

Myocardial Combination of liquid matrix preparations Animal experiments (Kofidis et al.

regeneration 2005; Eschenhagen and Zimmermann
With cardiomyocytes or stem cells 2005)

Injection of cell suspension Clinical case reports (Menasché et al.


Myocardial In vitro generated conduits Animal experiments (Ozawa et al.

replacement 2004)
therapy: with
synthetic matrices

Myocardial In vitro generated myocardial patches In vitro generated myocardial patches

replacement (Leor et al. 2000)
therapy: with
biologic matrices Autologous vascularized SIS Hata et al. (2010), Tudorache et al.

Constructs made out of cell sheets Animal studies (Shimizu et al. 2006)

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195 9

Cardiac Surgical
Intensive Care
Andreas Markewitz, Axel Franke, René H. Bombien,
and Ali Khoynezhad

9.1 Introduction – 198

9.2 Aims of Intensive Care – 198
9.3 General Intensive Care – 198
9.3.1  SICU Admission – 198
9.3.2 Patient Assessment at CSICU Arrival – 199 Physical Examination – 199 Assessment of Anesthesia and Sedation – 199 Neurological Status – 200 Volume Status, Centralization, and Body Temperature – 200 Heart Rhythm and Heart Rate – 200 Secure the Pacemaker Function – 200
9.3.3 Basic Monitoring and Diagnostics – 201 ECG and 12-Lead ECG – 201 Invasive Blood Pressure Monitoring – 201 Measurement of Central Venous Pressure – 201 Pulse Oximetry – 202 Fluid Balance – 202 Chest Tube Output – 202 Measurement of the Body Temperature – 202 Blood Sample Analysis – 203 Chest X-Ray – 203 Routine Laboratory Investigations – 203
9.4  bjectives and Standard
Procedures in CSICU – 203
9.4.1  bjectives – 203
9.4.2 Sedation and Analgesia – 204
9.4.3 Gastrointestinal Ulcer Prophylaxis – 205
9.4.4 Antibiotic Therapy – 205

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_9
9.4.5 Administration of Blood and Blood Products – 205 Packed Red Blood Cells (PRBC) – 206 Platelet Concentrates – 206 Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) – 207 Prothrombin Complex Concentrate – 207 Recombinant Factor VIIa (rFVIIa) – 207 Antithrombin III (AT III) – 207
9.4.6 Nutrition – 207
9.4.7 Discharge from ICU – 208
9.5 Special CSICU Arrangements – 208
9.5.1 Introduction – 208 The Importance of Communication – 208 Incidence of Organ Malfunction and Failure – 208
9.5.2 Circulatory System – 209 Postoperative Physiology and the Incidence of Its Failure – 209 Goals of Postoperative Cardiovascular Therapy – 209 Diagnostic Approaches in Postoperative Cardiovascular
Therapy – 209 Pathophysiology, Clinical Presentations, and Differential
Diagnosis of the Postoperative Low Cardiac Output
Syndrome (LCOS) – 210 Therapy of LCOS – 212 Arterial Hypertension – 220 Rhythm Disturbances – 223
9.5.3 Bleeding Complications and Pericardial Tamponade – 225 Incidence, Cause and Diagnostic – 225 Prevention – 226 Therapy – 227
9.5.4 Lung and Mechanical Ventilation – 227 Ventilation Parameters and Settings of the Ventilatory
Machine – 227 Weaning and Extubation – 228 Respiratory Failure – 229
9.5.5 Kidney – 236 Incidence, Cause, and Diagnostic of Renal Complications – 236 Prevention of Renal Complications– 237 Therapy of Renal Complications– 237
9.5.6  astrointestinal Tract – 238
9.5.7 Central and Peripheral Nervous System – 239
197 Incidence of Neurological Complications – 239 Ischemic Stroke – 239 ICU Psychosis – 240 Critical Illness Polyneuropathy – 240 Other Neurological Complications – 240
9.5.8  cid-Base Balance and Electrolytes – 241
9.5.9 Fever and Infection – 242
9.5.10 Decubitus – 244
9.5.11 Disturbances of the Coagulation System – 245
9.5.12 Endocrine System – 245
9.6 Scores and Quality Assurance – 246
References – 247
198 A. Markewitz et al.

9.1 Introduction 9.3 General Intensive Care

The chapter will provide an overview of protocols 9.3.1  CSICU Admission
and therapies in perioperative cardiac surgical
intensive care. Due to its broad spectrum, cardiac The monitored transport of the patient from the
surgical intensive care cannot be discussed in a operating room to the CSICU has to be performed
single chapter. In this context suggested literature by the attending anesthesiologist and a member
provides a more in-depth representation of the of cardiac surgical team. The report must be com-
topic. municated directly to the CSICU physician on
The chapter is written based on the clinical duty, and it must contain all relevant information
and chronological course of the patient. However, about the operation to estimate the therapeutic
the hectic schedule of cardiac surgical intensive milestones for the next 12–24 h.
care unit (CSICU) will frequently alter the tempo- The report should contain all necessary
ral schedule of a cardiac surgical intensivist. A pre- and intraoperative information. A proto-
seasoned intensivist will be able to make the col involving standardized transfer reporting is
appropriate decision despite limited time in advisable. Here are suggestions for the content
obtaining information and diagnostics. The con- of this report:
tent of this chapter is aimed at supporting the car- 55 Name
diac surgical intensivist in this critical task. 55 Age
55 Size and preoperative weight
9 55 Medical history (comorbidities, risk factors)
9.2 Aims of Intensive Care 55 Preoperative medication (sedative agents,
antibiotics, antihypertensive medication)
One of the basic goals of postoperative intensive 55 Preoperative status (any type of complica-
care is maintain hemodynamic stability, hemosta- tions, difficulties during intubation, abnormal
sis, and adequate oxygenation and ventilation baseline activated clotting time, and other
leading to prompt extubation in order to move abnormal laboratory values)
the patient quickly to the step-down unit. 55 Preoperative diagnosis and details of the sur-
In this process the patient should wake up gery performed
neurologically intact, have adequate perfusion 55 Anesthesia induction and intraoperative
and hemodynamics, get extubated promptly, tol- medication
erate liquids and solid food, and have adequate 55 Ventilator settings and abnormalities in blood
pain control. gas analysis
The prerequisite for this process is preopera- 55 Intraoperative course
tive normal function of organ systems. 55 Any complications
Furthermore, it is expected that appropriate anes- 55 Any incomplete coronary revascularization or
thesia induction and maintenance, as well as remaining valvular regurgitation after repair
uncomplicated cardiac surgical operation, have 55 ECG findings (signs of ischemia)
been performed. 55 Bleeding tendency
Here lay two further aims of intensive care: 55 Number and location of drains and tempo-
prevention of complications by appropriate pre- rary pacemaker electrodes
ventive intervention and, in case of issues, effi- 55 Transfused and any remaining blood products
cient and quick treatment of complications. 55 Intraoperative volume status and cardiac
The length of intensive care stay remains a function after weaning off extracorporeal cir-
surrogate for «complicated postoperative course» culation (heart rate, systolic blood pressure,
after open-heart operations. It can be assumed central venous pressure, cardiac output)
that approximately 75 % of the cardiac surgical 55 Course of pharmacologic support, actual
patients will have an uneventful postoperative medication at transfer
course, while 25 % will require a prolonged and 55 Intraoperative renal function and positive or
complicated CSICU stay. negative fluid balance
Chapter 9 · Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care
199 9
In times of electronic health records, the of relative hypovolemia, hypothermia, or endog-
CSICU admission report may be performed enous and exogenous catecholamine-mediated
electronically. However, a complimentary ver- centralization, the extremities have to be exam-
bal report is highly recommended to clarify ined equally from both sides from central to
any questions, issues, and inconsistencies. The periphery, and the results have to be docu-
verbal report may specifically enhance alert- mented. Furthermore the patency of the chest
ness to specific existing or upcoming potential tubes has to be ensured and any intraluminal
problems! clots removed.
Finally, the quality and quantity of chest tube
drainages have to be analyzed, and the filling state
9.3.2  Patient Assessment at CSICU of the pleura vacs on admission has to be docu-
Arrival mented. Assessment of Anesthesia Physical Examination and Sedation
The physical examination at the time of admis- To appraise the depth of sedation, the intensiv-
sion to the CSICU provides critical information ist should address the patient first. In case of no
that completes the clinical picture in combination response, the patient may be touched on the
with monitoring tools and laboratory and imag- forehead, for example, or an adequate pain
ing results. stimulus can be given, as needed. During trans-
The physical examination at admission on the portation to CSICU, the patient should prefer-
CSICU should be expeditious and is grossly per- ably have a Ramsay score of 4–5 (.   Table  9.1).
formed in the form of inspection, palpation, and The neurological ­findings are always correlated
auscultation. The clinical exam findings at the with the administered drug levels (Ramsay
time of admission are important indicators of the et al. 1974).
patients’ clinical course.
After connecting the patient to the ventilator,
..Table 9.1  The Ramsay Sedation Scale defines
both lungs are carefully auscultated, to ensure
three awake levels 1 - 3, and three asleep levels 4 - 6,
adequate and equal ventilation of each lung side. the latter depending on the patient’s response to a
Furthermore the heart auscultation may detect light glabellar tap or loud auditory stimulus
any murmurs and rubs and will help in assessing
the heart rhythm at admission. Due to opiate Score
value Grade of sedation Assessment
injection, bowel sounds are mostly quiet and of
no diagnostic significance at this point. The cor- 1 Patient anxious Mild, inadequate
rect position of the nasogastric tube should be and agitated or sedation
confirmed by air insufflation into the tube and restless or both
simultaneous auscultation of the epigastrium. 2 Patient Adequate
The inspection should include the following co-operative, sedation, pt stable
points: the light reflex of the pupils and the pupil oriented, and at CSICU
status, any grimacing of the patient, the location tranquil
and function of all venous and arterial lines and 3 Patient responds to Adequate
drains, the position of the endotracheal tube, the commands only sedation, pt stable
position of the extremities, dermal color (normal, at CSICU
cyanotic, or pale), evidence of increased jugular 4 a brisk response Desired level at
vein pressure, and the adequate perfusion of the transport to CSICU
visible mucous and extremities. 5 a sluggish Desired level at
The palpation should include checking the response transport to CSICU
skin turgor and edema, bilateral thorax excur-
6 no response Sedation probably
sion, the friction of the abdominal wall, and the
too deep
pulse status of all extremities. To state the degree
200 A. Markewitz et al. Neurological Status tial in early diagnosis along with prompt diagnostic
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is a useful tool in quan- tools (e.g., cranial computed tomography) to
tifying and monitoring the progress of patient’s potentially minimize neurological deficit.
neurological status (.   Table  9.2). The Glasgow
Coma Scale provides a score in the range of 3–15; Volume Status,
patients with scores of 3–8 are usually said to be in Centralization, and Body
a coma. The total score is the sum of the scores in Temperature
three categories. However, the GCS has only a lim- The basic principles of postoperative cardiac sur-
ited use in sedated and intubated patient. Since gical intensive care are hemodynamic monitoring
cerebral ischemia and intracerebral hemorrhage and the differentiated management of intravascu-
occur in 1–5 % of patients undergoing cardiac sur- lar volume and vasoactive substances, inotropic
gery (Markewitz and Lante 2006), it is important to support, heart rate, and rhythm management.
monitor the pupillary response, the position of the Therefore early on CSICU admission, the inten-
eyeballs, and the motor response of the extremities sivist has to estimate patient’s intravascular vol-
on CSICU admission and closely in the postopera- ume status and the degree of centralization or
tive course. Frequent neurological exams are essen- peripheral vasoconstriction. The volume status
can be estimated by evaluating core body temper-
ature, central venous pressure (correlated to «pos-
..Table 9.2  Glasgow Coma Scale and Score itive end-expiratory pressure» on the ventilator),
and the undulation of the arterial pressure wave-
9 Reaction Action Score form, the heart rate, and blood pressure.
If there are no signs of volume overload
Eye Spontaneous—open with 4
opening blinking at baseline (hypervolemia) at the time of CSICU admission
response (pulmonary edema, central congestion on the
Opens to verbal command, 3
thoracic X-ray, right heart failure, insufficiency of
speech, or shout
the tricuspid valve), volume substitution should
Opens to pain, not applied 2 be considered to reduce hypotension due to
to face rewarming and the concomitant loss of peripheral
None 1 resistance.
Verbal Oriented 5
response Heart Rhythm and Heart Rate
Confused conversation, but 4 To achieve an adequate cardiac output, a heart rate
able to answer questions
of 60–120  bpm with a cardiac output of >2.0  l/
Inappropriate responses, 3 min/m2 body surface has to be established. Regular
words discernible atrial and ventricular function in sinus rhythm or
Incomprehensible speech 2 under pacemaker sensing/pacing is helpful in
maintaining adequate cardiac output. The frequent
None 1
episodes of bradycardia or tachycardia after car-
Best Obeys commands for 6 diac surgery require the continuous heart rate
motor movement monitoring. Patient’s abnormal rhythm should be
Purposeful movement to 5 correlated to invasive arterial blood pressure mon-
painful stimulus itoring and the pulse oximetric curve. In case of
Withdraws from pain 4
discrepancies, and when the electronic measure-
ment is not reliable, the pulse may be palpated.
Abnormal (spastic) flexion, 3
decorticate posture Secure the Pacemaker
Extensor (rigid) response, 2 Function
decerebrate posture Depending on the operation and the occurrence
None 1 of preoperative or intraoperative arrhythmias, the
temporary pacemaker wires are attached to the
According to Teasdale and Jennett (1974), Jennett right atrium and the right ventricle and, in special
et al. (1977) cases, also to the left ventricle. If heart rhythm
Chapter 9 · Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care
201 9
disturbances occur in the postoperative course, I nvasive Blood Pressure
the cardiac output will be reduced, and this may Monitoring
require external electrical stimulation. Therefore The postoperative measurement of the arterial
the function of the pacemaker wires has to be blood pressure is an essential part of CSICU mon-
tested and documented at the time of CSICU itoring. The acquisition of the arterial pressure can
admission: proper capture and sensing is critical! be carried out in two ways: a noninvasive method
using a blood pressure cuff or an invasive method
requiring cannulation of the radial or femoral
9.3.3  Basic Monitoring artery. The noninvasive measurement is error
and Diagnostics prone and inadequate for a safe blood pressure
monitoring. The invasive blood pressure measure-
To assess all relevant parameters in cardiac sur- ment allows close pressure monitoring as well as
gery patients, various monitoring systems have to assessment of the volume status of the patient due
be intertwined. to respiratory undulation of the pressure curve.
Basic monitoring of CSICU patients includes Furthermore during mechanical ventilation and
(Carl et al. 2010): under inotropic and vasopressor administration,
55 Continuous ECG and 12-lead ECG arterial blood gas may be drawn from the arterial
55 Invasive and noninvasive blood pressure line for easy blood sample and laboratory analysis.
measurement Possible errors occur if the pressure trans-
55 Measurement of central venous pressure ducer is not correctly zeroed or if any air bubbles
55 Pulse oximetry remain in the pressure lines. The air leads to a dis-
55 Input and outputs (chest tube drainage, volume tortion of the pressure curve due to damping. The
input, and urine output) mean arterial pressure (MAP) is utilized routinely
55 Body core temperature measurement in CSICU. It can be calculated after measuring the
systolic (APsyst) and diastolic (APdiast) blood
If the postoperative course will be compli- pressure using the following formula:
cated, additional monitoring will be required.
After CSICU admission and review of the basic MAP [ mm Hg ] = AP diast
monitoring tools, the diagnostic tools may be + 1 / 3 ( AP syst − AP diast )
supplemented by:
55 Mixed venous and arterial blood gas analysis
55 Chest X-ray, a - p (lying and in inspiration) Measurement of Central
55 Routine laboratory diagnostics Venous Pressure
The central venous pressure (CVP) is invasively ECG and 12-Lead ECG measured in the upper caval vein in about 1–2 cm
To get a basic monitoring for arrhythmia and isch- distance the right atrium. CVP correlates—in
emia, continuous ECG monitoring is required on absence of an insufficiency of the tricuspid valve—
CSICU. In lead II the electrical axis is parallel to with the end-diastolic pressure in the right ven-
the sinus node and the AV node. Usually the P tricle. The CVP value depends on the intravascular
wave is clearly detectable in lead II, so supraven- volume, the peripheral vascular resistance, the
tricular and ventricular rhythm disturbances can right ventricular ejection fraction/compliance,
be differentiated. Lead V5 should be added on the the pulmonary artery resistance, and the intratho-
monitor in patients with coronary artery disease racic pressure (PEEP ventilation/intrinsic PEEP).
to recognize any ischemia at the anterior and lat- The CVP is low in relative volume-deficient
eral wall. An ST-segment analysis is recommended patients and elevated due to volume overload, right
for each ECG monitoring. In cardiac surgical heart failure, pulmonary embolism, pericardial tam-
patients, a 12-lead ECG should be performed rou- ponade, tension pneumothorax, and in ventilated
tinely for any patient at CSICU admission and patient with high PEEP (CVP real = CVP–PEEP).
daily on the first three postoperative days. If The diagnostic value of the CVP is limited due
patients stay longer on CSICU, indication for addi- to the high volume compliance of the venous
tional ECG depends on clinical status, especially if ­system. However, if followed as a trend, the CVP
any ST-changes occur as seen on the monitor. provides useful information about the volume
202 A. Markewitz et al.

status as well as the right ventricular preload and Chest Tube Output
compliance. It is helpful to know the CVP value at On admission, the filling state of the pleura vacs
the time of weaning from extracorporeal bypass has to be documented. The chest tube output is an
and correlating cardiac function with correspond- important indicator for postoperative bleeding in
ing right ventricular preload help assist as guide- cardiac surgery. However, the chest tubes have to
line for postoperative volume management. be frequently checked by active manipulation
(gentle «milking» motion) for proper drainage. Pulse Oximetry Breathing and pulse synchronous movements of
The percutaneous spectrophotometric determi- the liquid level are also an indication for patency.
nation of oxygen saturation is a very useful and In case of a pulmonary parenchymal injury, there
noninvasive and continuous approach to measure will be breath-dependent air bubble leaking from
the peripheral arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2). the first fluid chamber.
It is displayed as a pulse synchronous undulating The total chest tube output should ideally be
curve. The SaO2 is defined as percent of oxygen- less than 100 ml per hour. If the drainage is more
ated hemoglobin denominated by the sum of oxy- than 100 ml per hour, it may be necessary to check
genated and deoxygenated hemoglobin. It can be one or more of these blood coagulation parameters:
compared in its diagnostic relevance to the partial 55 Activated clotting time
pressure of oxygen (paO2). 55 Prothrombin time (PT)
The respiratory monitoring allows the assess- 55 Partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
ment of pulmonary oxygen uptake and allows, by 55 Level of fibrinogen
9 knowing the actual hemoglobin concentration, 55 Platelet count
the assessment of the arterial oxygen supply of the 55 Functional coagulation tests such as throm-
tissue. Additionally, the acquisition of the pulse boelastogram
curve shows the mechanical heart function.
Pulse oximetry cannot discriminate among If the patient is stable without evidence of
oxygenated hemoglobin, carboxyhemoglobin, pericardial tamponade, the abnormal coagulation
and methemoglobin. In these cases, the measured values should be normalized first. If a high chest
SaO2 concentration is actually lower than dis- tube is combined with a significant hemoglobin
played SaO2 given concomitant dyshemoglo- drop or a new pericardial effusion leading to atrial
binemia in the bloodstream. or ventricular collapse and circulatory instability,
Estimated oxygen saturations (SaO2) at the patient should be taken back for mediastinal
40 mmHg carbon dioxide, at a pH 7.4, and physio- exploration and control of hemorrhage (see also
logical body temperature are depicted in .   Table 9.3. 7   Section 9.5.3 «Bleeding Complications and Pericar-
dial Tamponade»). Fluid Balance
The postoperative fluid balance is close monitoring Measurement of the Body
of fluid input and output (I&O) including urine out- Temperature
put and chest tube and nasogastric drainage. In the The body temperature should be measured con-
first 24 h after operation, the hourly documentation tinuously. Among others, it affects the values of
of I&O may be useful. However, after the first postop- the blood gas analysis. Furthermore, hypothermia
erative day, the interval can be extended to every 4 h. can exacerbate bleeding tendencies in the early
Separate documentation of crystalloid versus colloid postoperative course. For this reason, the temper-
volume resuscitation in the postoperative phase has ature should be collected at least to every arterial
not been clinically useful and has fallen out of favor. blood gas sample taking. Typically, a four-hourly
interval is recommended. The temperature can be
..Table 9.3  Reference values for estimated measured by using a Foley catheter with inte-
oxygen partial pressure (paO2) based on measured grated temperature sensor or transesophageal or
oxygen saturation (SaO2) by pulse oximetry (see text) intravascular by the Swan-Ganz catheter or by
infrared (middle ear temperature) approach.
Parameter Values
The interpretation of body temperature is
PaO2[mmHg] 26 35 40 60 90 150 always intertwined with the clinical picture: while
in the postoperative rewarming phase and
SaO2[%] 50 66 75 90 95 100
peripheral vasoconstriction, the body temperature
Chapter 9 · Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care
203 9
can arise to 102 °F (39 °C) in 2–3 h and decreases nary status. Additional chest X-rays are only
to normal values after vasodilatation; a tempera- ordered for specific questions arising from
ture rise combined with peripheral vasodilatation changes in the clinical status of the patient.
is rather a sign of prolonged systemic inflamma-
tory response (SIRS) or septic event. Routine Laboratory
Investigations Blood Sample Analysis Cardiac surgical operations change important
A blood gas analysis should be performed physiological processes: changes to the body tem-
immediately after CSICU admission. perature, full heparinization and reversal along with
Furthermore, blood gas sampling should be heparin rebound, intravascular fluid changes, elec-
repeated if cardiopulmonary instability occurs trolyte shifts, activation of inflammatory cascades,
or if the ventilation settings have been changed etc. During surgery only a few laboratory values are
(here with a time interval of 30  min after tested. Therefore, upon CSICU admission, checking
change). At an inspiratory oxygen fraction the following parameters may be necessary:
(FiO2) of >0.6, a blood gas analysis is recom- 55 Blood count
mended every 4–8 h intervals. 55 Activity of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)
To maintain an «oxygen reserve» during the 55 Urea and creatinine
transport from the OR to the CSICU, the patient is 55 PT value
generally transferred with a FiO2 of 1.0. Further- 55 PTT
more, manipulations like disconnection from the 55 Antithrombin III levels
ventilator or other problems can be better managed, 55 Activity of creatine kinase (CK) and CK-MB
and the lung function can be estimated on CSICU 55 Troponin I levels
admission. If a patient under controlled ventilation 55 Activity of aspartate transaminase (AST), also
with an FiO2 of 1.0 for transport have a body tem- known as serum glutamic oxaloacetic trans-
perature-corrected PaO2 of <200 mmHg (Horovitz aminase (SGOT)
quotient of <200, normal value in pulmonary 55 Activity of alanine transaminase (ALT), also
healthy patients 350–450), a pulmonary problem known as serum glutamic-pyruvic transami-
can be expected (For Horovitz quotient see also nase (SGPT)
7   paragraph Respiratory Failure in Sect. 9.5.4 Lung and 55 Concentration of C-reactive protein (CRP)
Mechanical ventilation, p. 226). Then the need of spe- 55 Lactate
cial attention and close controls is necessary. In 55 Magnesium
patients with opened pleural cavities, an initial PEEP
of 8 cm H2O is recommended to reduce atelectasis In an uneventful course, a 12-h lab check
and may be weaned down prior to extubation. interval should be adequate. Additionally, daily
Point-of-care laboratory tests using special- laboratory test may include the function of the
ized blood gas-analyzing machines, prompt liver, the lactate, and the total protein and albu-
results can be obtained in the CSICU including min levels. The monitoring of blood glucose lev-
determination of the acid-base balance, concen- els and electrolyte values is additionally measured
trations of electrolytes (especially potassium), and with the periodic blood gas analysis. Other labo-
the hemoglobin and blood glucose values. ratory parameters are checked as indicated. Chest X-Ray

Soon after the patient arrives and is situated in his 9.4 Objectives and Standard
bed, a chest X-ray is mandatory in order to judge Procedures in CSICU
the correct position of any indwelling catheters,
endotracheal tube, and chest drains as well as 9.4.1  Objectives
proper lung expansion. The scan should be done
in ventilatory inspiration. While acutely the chest Well-run CSICU should have a clear definition of
X-ray checks for intrathoracic fluid accumulation primary end points of therapeutic regimen. This
(e.g., hematothorax) or pneumothorax as well as helps to identify patients with prolonged and
lung congestion in left heart failure, repeated daily complicated course that require an escalation of
chest X-rays for the first three postoperative days monitoring and/or an adjustment of the current
are an ideal follow-up tool to screen cardiopulmo- therapy.
204 A. Markewitz et al.

To recognize the optimal time point for adjust- 9.4.2  Sedation and Analgesia
ing the therapy, the objectives and therapeutic
goals and their progress require a close monitoring For the patient with an uncomplicated course, a
and documentation (usually once per shift). The differentiated analgesia and sedation is suggested,
following criteria have to be achieved during the aiming for antianxiety, analgesia, and vegetative
first 24 h of an uncomplicated postoperative course: protection. According to the current guidelines,
55 Awake patient (Ramsay score of 2) with no various combinations of drugs are available for
evidence of neurological deficit adequate analgesia and sedation. Preferably, the
55 Warm extremities without edema with even concept has to be adapted to the intraoperative
balance anesthetic management to avoid unnecessary
55 No abnormalities in the blood gas analysis change of medication, possibly causing adverse
compared to patient’s baseline interactions of various analgesics and sedatives
55 No evidence of bleeding or clotting disorder due to different pharmacokinetics. .   Table  9.4
55 Hemoglobin concentration of >8 mg/dl provides a list of these medications.
55 SaO2 of >92 % (peripheral) To attenuate autonomic responses during
55 MAP of >65 mmHg weaning from mechanical ventilation and in asso-
55 Sinus rhythm with a heart rate of 60–90/min ciation with the extubation, sedation can be com-
55 Adequate left and right ventricular function plemented with clonidine (IV clonidine is not
on echocardiogram available in the USA):
55 CVP of 8–12 mmHg 55 Objective of clonidine use: weaning
9 55 Stable urine output >0.5 ml/kg/h 55 Drug (active ingredient): clonidine
55 Normal lactate levels 55 Drip dosage: 1.5 mg/50 ml
55 Concentration: 0.03 mg/ml
With increased age and patient’s comorbidi- 55 Infusion rate: 1–4 ml/h/70 kg body weight
ties, there is increased risk for adverse events
associated with complicated operative and post- A deep sedation in cardiac surgery should
operative course. The clinical experience shows only be used in special cases:
that errors in the early postoperative period may 55 Complicated long-term mechanical ventila-
lead to life-threatening complications, or at least a tion
complicated course, requiring more costly expan- 55 Abdominal positioning (usually for severe
sion of monitoring, therapeutic arrangements, hypoxemia)
and longer ICU stay. In the following, we will dis- 55 Inadequate oxygen delivery to peripheral
cuss various therapeutic goals and regimens, organs caused by sepsis or multi-organ dys-
some supported by published guidelines. function syndrome

..Table 9.4  Overview of routinely used sedatives and their dosages

Duration of Drip dosage Concentration Infusion rate

sedation Drug [mg/50 ml] [mg/ml] [ml/h/70 kg]

Up to 24 h Propofol 1 % 500 10 3–10

Remifentanil 5 0.1 1–12

24–72 h Midazolam 90 1.8 1–7

Sufentanil 0.5 0.01 1–10

More than 72 h or Midazolam 90 1.8 1–7

for unstable
patients Ketamine 1250 25 2–10
Chapter 9 · Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care
205 9
Besides sedation and analgesia, peripheral for SU prophylaxis. Additionally, PPIs have been
analgesics are administered. For slight or moder- associated with a risk of community-­acquired C.
ate pain, the following nonopioid analgesics can diff. (Aseeri et  al. 2008; Buendgens et  al. 2014),
be used: osteoporosis (Yang et al. 2006), pneumonia (Laheij
55 Acetaminophen: 1 g q6h per mouth or naso- et  al. 2004; Sarkar et  al. 2008), and interstitial
gastric tube (maximum dosage, 4 g/day) nephritis (Leonard et al. 2012). In centers preferring
55 Ibuprofen: 600 mg q8h per mouth or nasogas- H2RA as first-line medication for SU prophylaxis,
tric tube (maximum dosage, 2.4 g/day) PPI may still be used in those patients who had suf-
55 Ketorolac: 30 mg q6h intravenous (maximum fered from a more recent GI hemorrhage (Alhazzani
dosage, 120 mg/day) et al. 2013; MacLaren and Campbell 2014).
55 Tramadol: 50–100 mg q4–6h per mouth or
nasogastric tube (maximum dosage, 300 mg/
day) 9.4.4  Antibiotic Therapy
These medications have to be adapted to the The importance of prophylactic antibiotics to
patient (allergies, age, renal function) and to the reduce surgical site infections (SSI) has been
operation (ketorolac may cause increasing bleeding clearly demonstrated in a number of placebo-­
tendency in postoperative course) and should be controlled studies. SSIs and particularly sternal
given orally as soon as possible. Oral or parenteral and mediastinal infections have implications for
opioids should be used complementary for severe significantly increasing both morbidity and mor-
pain. The goal is to maintain a pain score below 2–3 tality. Based on availability and cost, it is reason-
(0 meaning no pain, 10 being the worst pain) to able to use cefazolin (a first-generation
allow adequate breathing and early ambulation. cephalosporin) for standard cardiac surgical pro-
phylaxis, given the fact that most randomized
trials could not discriminate between various
9.4.3  Gastrointestinal Ulcer cephalosporins.
Prophylaxis Based on The Society of Thoracic Surgeons’
guidelines, the duration of antibiotic prophylaxis
Physiologic stress associated with illness and hos- should not be dependent on indwelling catheters
pitalization is known to result in gastrointestinal such as chest tubes, as practiced in some centers.
ulceration, especially among the critically ill. The There is evidence indicating that antibiotic pro-
complication of this stress-related mucosal dis- phylaxis of 48-h duration is effective.
ease could be prevented with appropriate applica- Edwards et al. recommend in a 2006 published
tion of pharmacologic prophylaxis. Stress-induced guideline to continue the perioperative antibiotic
ulcer (SU) has decreased significantly in the last therapy for a maximum of 48 h to avoid the devel-
25 years (less than 0.5 %), but remains associated opment of antibiotic resistance (Edwards et  al.
with significant morbidity and mortality. This can 2006). In order to reduce multiresistance in the
be reduced by early enteral nutrition. An ulcer CSICU, the duration of antibiotics should be only
prophylactic medication is generally recom- prolonged for plausible and documented reasons.
mended in CSICU, because cardiac surgical In case of the occurrence of fever in combina-
patients often presented with at least one risk fac- tion with septic clinical picture within 48 h postop-
tor for stress-induced ulcer. This is generally eratively, the perioperative antibiotic regime should
achieved with proton pump inhibitor (PPI) or H2- not be continued, rather, changed and adapted.
receptor antagonist (H2RA). PPI medications are
preferred by some due to less interaction with
other medications and better efficacy. Common 9.4.5  Administration of Blood
drug regimen is esomeprazole 20–40 mg enteral and Blood Products
or parenteral every day.
There are, however, no studies available, which The use of the extracorporeal circulation does
have demonstrated a superiority of PPI over H2RA significantly alter the primary and secondary
206 A. Markewitz et al.

hemostasis and the coagulation system. (age >70 years), (2) low RBC volume either from
Additionally, a high percentage of cardiac surgi- preoperative anemia or from small body size or
cal patients are on dual antiplatelet medications, from both, and (3) urgent or complex operations
altering the coagulation profile as well. Therefore, usually associated with prolonged CPB time and
many reference values for the coagulation profile non-CABG procedures.
are ­approximations. .   Table 9.5 contains expected The transfusion of PRBC in patients with a
values and their development. hemoglobin level less than 7  g/dL is reasonable,
Even a significant abnormality in the coagulation but it is based on good evidence (class IIb, level of
profile may not require immediate therapeutic inter- evidence C), and the transfusion in patients with a
vention. Before any values are treated, the clinical pic- hemoglobin more than 10 g/dL, trying to improve
ture has to be taken into account for decision-making. the oxygen transport, is not recommended (class
Only the context of clinical presentation and labora- III, level of evidence C) (Ferraris et al. 2011).
tory extents should lead to a therapy—for example, In clinical practice the transfusion of PRBC
an elevated blood loss from the chest tubes has to be correlates to the patient’s condition. Patients in
treated—rather a deranged coagulation profile with- life-threatening situation should receive blood
out any clinical evidence of bleeding. The necessity of even if the hemoglobin level is not under 7 g/dL.
blood products has to be checked in any case. If a surgical problem (e.g., surgical site suture
bleeding) is suspected, a resternotomy has to be  acked Red Blood Cells
P performed promptly.
(PRBC) Of particular concern are the side effects of
9 The cutoff for transfusion of PRBC has been contro- blood and blood products:
versial. There is more evidence supporting the fact 55 Hemolytic transfusion reaction of immediate
that PRBC transfusion increases morbidity and mor- type
tality, along with increased local and systemic infec- 55 Hemolytic transfusion reaction of the delayed
tious complications (Engoren et  al. 2002; Whitson type
et  al. 2007). However, it is not clear whether the 55 Febrile, nonhemolytic transfusion reaction
transfusion itself or the comorbidities of the patients 55 Allergic transfusion reaction
requiring transfusions are the ultimate culprit. 55 Transfusion-related acute lung injury
STS guidelines from 2011 suggests three (TRALI)
important preoperative risk factors are linked to 55 Transfusion reactions due to bacterial con-
bleeding and blood transfusion: (1) advanced age tamination
55 Transfusion-associated infections

..Table 9.5  Reference values for the coagulation Transfusion-associated respiratory insufficiency
profile on admission on the CSICU and their may exacerbate the clinical picture in a multi-mor-
postoperative changes bid patient, complicating the postoperative differen-
tial diagnosis and therapeutic approach.
On Postoperative
Extent admission course Platelet Concentrates
Activated Basic value No change The use of platelet concentrates in cardiac surgery
clotting time is necessary due to platelet dysfunction after
(ACT) CPB. A platelet transfusion is necessary for unsta-
Thrombocyte >50.000/μl Increase ble patients with active bleeding if the platelet
count count is <50/nl (<50.000/μ1). In hemodynamically
Prothrombin (PT) >50 % Increase
stable patients, even without bleeding, the thresh-
value old for transfusion is a platelet count of <10/nl
(<10.000/μ1). After transfusion of one unit of
Activated partial <40 s Decrease
platelet concentrate, the expected raise of the plate-
time (aPTT) let count will be approximately 30/nl (30.000/μ1).
Furthermore, according to STS guidelines, the
Antithrombin III >60 % Increase
use of intraoperative platelet plasmapheresis is
reasonable to assist with blood conservation
Chapter 9 · Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care
207 9
strategies as part of a multimodality program in Recommended PCC dose is 25–30  IU/kg as
high-­risk patients if adequate platelets yield can initial bolus.
be reliably obtained (Ferraris et al. 2011). Recombinant Factor VIIa Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) (rFVIIa)
FFP contains all coagulation factors and their The use of rFVIIa has a limited indication in high-­
inactivators. Considered indications for transfu- risk patients as last resort. Recommended dose
sion of FFPs are the emergency treatment of a ranges vary from 11 to 200 μg/kg body weight. We
clinically relevant bleeding and an acute bleeding use 90 μg/kg body weight to be administered within
due to a complex coagulation disorder, expected 2–5 min, preferably immediately after FFP transfu-
after prolonged CPB, and the loss and/or a dilu- sion. If the bleeding does not stop, a second infusion
tional coagulopathy in patients with severe blood may be considered after 20–30 min. There are vary-
loss and extensive transfusions. In these cases and ing results in literature concerning thromboem-
as rule of thumb, a unit of FFP is transfused for bolic side effects from 5 % (Warren et al. 2007) to no
each four PRBC transfusions. increased risk (Kluger et al. 2007; Chapman et al.
FFPs should not be given to expand volume. 2011). According to STS guidelines, rFVIIa concen-
Here are further recommendations from STS guide- trate may be considered for the management of
lines for blood conservation (Ferraris et al. 2011): intractable nonsurgical bleeding that is unrespon-
1. Plasma transfusion is reasonable in patients sive to routine hemostatic therapy after cardiac pro-
with serious bleeding in context of multiple or cedures using CPB (class IIb, level of evidence B).
single coagulation factor deficiencies when
safer fractionated products are not available Antithrombin III (AT III)
(class IIa, level of evidence B). Antithrombin III concentrates has a class I recom-
2. For urgent warfarin reversal, administration mendation according to STS guidelines for blood
of prothrombin complex concentrate is pre- conservation: AT III is indicated to reduce plasma
ferred, but plasma transfusion is reasonable transfusion in patients with antithrombin-­mediated
when adequate levels of factor VII are not heparin resistance immediately before cardiopul-
present in prothrombin complex concentrate monary bypass (level of evidence A). In case of
(class IIa, level of evidence B). heparin resistance, and instead of FFP transfusion,
3. Transfusion of plasma may be considered as it is strongly suggested to administer AT III to
part of a massive transfusion algorithm in improve activated clotting time for the CPB.
bleeding patients requiring substantial Various dosing algorithm exists based on
amounts of red blood cells (class IIb, level of baseline antithrombin activity levels. If such levels
evidence B). are not available in the operating room, 1,000 IU
is given parenterally, and the activated clotting Prothrombin Complex time is remeasured.
Prothrombin complex concentrates (PCCs) are
hemostatic blood products containing four vita- 9.4.6  Nutrition
min K-dependent clotting factors (II, VII, IX, and
X), as well as the anticoagulant inhibitor proteins Poor nutritional status can adversely affect thoraco-­
C, S, and Z (Ansell et al. 2004). They are a useful, pulmonary function in spontaneously breathing
reliable, and fast alternative to fresh frozen plasma and mechanically ventilated patients with respira-
for the reversal of the effects of oral anticoagulant tory disease by impairment of respiratory muscle
treatments (vitamin K antagonists). The use of function, ventilatory drive, and pulmonary defense
PCC rather than FFP is recommended for mechanisms. The questions of whether, when, and
Coumadin reversal in patients with major bleed- how intensive care patients must be fed are essential
ing (Baglin et al. 2006; Baglin et al. 2007). The use in planning the nutrition plan at the CSICU.  In
of PCC is not the first choice in bleeding compli- critically ill patients, including cardiac surgical
cations, because PCC stems from a large pool of patients, an underfeeding is related with a poor out-
donors and puts the recipients at increased risk of come (Preiser et al. 2015). It is recommended to
anaphylactic shock, viral transmission, etc. consider enteral feeding in patients who will not
208 A. Markewitz et al.

have oral intake within the next 5 days. An enteral It is common practice that the daily need for
nutrition is preferable, unless the patient is on high- ICU capacities deforms the clinical picture of the
dose inotropes, making adequate gut perfusion patient to a better one. Unfortunately this may
unlikely, or there is an enteral passage malfunction lead to higher readmission rate to the CSICU. If
due to injury or surgical operations. Enteral feeding the readmission rate exceeds 5 %, discharge crite-
is started after the position of jejunal nutrition tube ria should be revisited.
has been confirmed on X-ray and with elevation of
the upper part of the body. For patients with venti-
lator failure, it is recommended to avoid overfeed- 9.5 Special CSICU Arrangements
ing, causing nutritionally associated hypercapnia.
This may delay timely extubation. 9.5.1  Introduction
It is important to provide patients with an esti-
mated prolonged intubation time with additional
calories, to be started within the first 24  h. The The Importance
required amount of calories is 20–25 kcal/kg body of Communication
weight/day (Kreymann et al. 2006). Controlling sub- Especially in critically ill patients, the importance of
sequent hyperglycemia, therefore reducing the risk communication with the patient himself and his fam-
of infection using insulin drip protocols, remains ily, but also with the medical and nonmedical staff on
critical aspect in ICU nutrition (van den Berghe the CSICU, is of great importance. The clinical situa-
et al. 2001; Bhamidipati et al. 2011; Haga et al. 2011). tion of the patient as well as the medical course for the
9 Optimal support would establish neutral or next 24 h has to be evaluated and discussed in this
positive nitrogen balance, depending on the need «family-and-CSICU-­staff team.» It is important to
for protein repletion. In the critically ill patient create a mutual trust, especially if serious and final
with renal function impairment, this can be accom- decisions have to be made. Additionally clerical or
plished by giving 1–3  g of protein/kg daily. psychological support can be an important part of
Generally, this amounts to approximately 20 % of the family-and-­staff team and should be consulted
total calories being administered as protein. While early, especially in a complicated course. The bulk of
recommendations for an appropriate substrate mix problems can be avoided using open communication
of carbohydrates and fats vary, generally 60–70 % and care, whereas poor communication skills and a
carbohydrates are given with 20–30 % fats. lack of understanding may lead to complaints from
patient, family members, or health-care providers.

9.4.7  Discharge from ICU Incidence of Organ

Malfunction and Failure
The decision whether the patient is ready to be trans- To predict the incidence of organ malfunction and
ferred from CSICU should only focus on medical failure of CSICU patients, different scores can be
criteria. Most cardiovascular patients will be trans- used which take preoperative data into account.
ferred to an EKG-monitored step-down unit for fur- .   Table 9.6 is a general overview of prevalence and
ther recovery. Patients with ongoing organ support, mortality rates with multiple organ failure according
hemodynamically unstable patients, patients with to our own experience (Markewitz and Lante 2006).
complex heart rhythm disturbances, or patients with One-fourth of patients will have a CSICU stay
a Ramsay score >3 have to stay in the CSICU. of more than 48  h. This is closely related to the

..Table 9.6  Prevalence and mortality of multi-organ failure after cardiac surgery

Organ complications/failure

Circulatory Central nerve

Parameter system Lungs Kidney Intestine system

Prevalence (%) 4–7 3–9 1–5 1–3 1–5

Mortality (%) 38 20–25 40–80 10–100 20–25

From Markewitz and Lante (2006)

Chapter 9 · Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care
209 9
preoperative risk and an increased use of resources Optimal ranges for postoperative cardiovas-
(Giakoumidakis et al. 2011). It is obvious that fail- cular parameter are:
ure of one or more organ system will influence the 55 Mean arterial pressure (MAP) of >65 mmHg
physiological function of the other organ systems 55 Central venous pressure (CVP) of
(Sealy and Christou 2000). Clinical practice shows 8–12 mmHg (in dependence on the ventila-
that the right therapeutic strategy leads to a recov- tion)
ery of the malfunction organ, but the interactions 55 Diuresis of >0.5 ml/kg/h
between the different systems are still undiscov- 55 Lactate concentration of <3 mmol/L
ered. This lack of knowledge is one reason for the 55 Central venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2) of
high mortality in organ failure. As the knowledge >70 % and mixed venous oxygen saturation
of these interactions grows, it might be possible to (SvO2) >65 %
influence them, to decrease mortality. The mission 55 Cardiac index of >2.0 L/min/m2
of the intensivist is to define the therapeutic course 55 Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP)
as clearly as possible and adjust it, as needed. of 12–15 mmHg
55 Left ventricular end-diastolic area index
(LVEDAI) of 6–9 cm2/m2
9.5.2  Circulatory System 55 Intrathoracic blood volume index (ITBVI) of
850–1,000 ml/m2
55 Global end-diastolic volume index (GEDVI) Postoperative Physiology of 640–800 ml/m2
and the Incidence of Its
Failure The MAP as tissue perfusion pressure and the
The postoperative cardiac physiology is modified CVP as index for right ventricular preload are
depending preoperative cardiac anatomy and recommended as basic ICU pressure monitoring
physiology and the type of index operation. For (Carl et  al. 2010). Furthermore the hourly pro-
the postoperative CSICU therapy, the awareness duced urine as a marker for a sufficient renal glo-
and knowledge of prevalent postoperative tempo- merular perfusion, the serum lactate level as a
rarily impaired cardiac function are important. A marker for a sufficient end-organ tissue perfusion
reduced myocardial compliance leads to a stiffer and oxygenation, and the central venous oxygen
ventricle with higher intracardiac filling pres- saturation—as approximate mixed venous oxygen
sures. Preoperative risk factors, such as advanced saturation—should be also considered as basic
age, hypertension, decreased left ventricular ejec- postoperative monitoring.
tion fraction (<30 %), a left main stem stenosis, If the cardiac function is impaired, more
diabetes in combination with its vascular cardiac parameters are required to refine the
­transformations, renal insufficiency, or pulmo- therapeutic course (extended monitoring). A
nary disease, as well as intraoperative complica- Swan-Ganz catheter should be placed to moni-
tions, increase the risk of postoperative heart tor the mixed venous oxygen saturation and the
failure (St. André and DelRossi 2005). The treat- pulmonary capillary wedge pressure. The left
ment strategy should include preload optimiza- ventricular end-diastolic area index (an approx-
tion and administration of intravenous inotropes imate for left ventricular preload) should be
and vasopressors. High dosages of parenteral measured using transesophageal echocardiog-
drugs are necessary in one-third of the patients raphy. The intrathoracic blood volume index
(Vargas-­Hein et al. 2006) and mechanical circula- and the global end-diastolic volume index are
tory support in 4–5 % (Vargas-Hein et al. 2006). also used to determine the left ventricular pre-
load and are obtained analyzing the pulse curve Goals of Postoperative contour.
Cardiovascular Therapy
The goal of postoperative cardiovascular therapy Diagnostic Approaches
is defined to maintain a sufficient tissue perfusion in Postoperative
and a normalization of the oxidative metabolism Cardiovascular Therapy
(Carl et al. 2010). The required blood oxygen sat- The following findings are consistent with low
uration is directly associated with lung function, cardiac output syndrome (LCOS), requiring
cardiac output, and intravascular volume. prompt attention and therapeutics:
210 A. Markewitz et al.

55 MAP of <60 mmHg From total crystalloid volume infusion, at

55 Urine excretion of <0.5 ml/kg/h for more least 25 % stay in the intravascular space. In com-
than 1 h parison to colloids, more crystalloids have to be
55 SvO2 of <60 % in a patient with SaO2 of 98 % administered to have an equivalent preload-­
55 Lactate concentration of >2.0 mmol/L increasing effect. Therefore colloid transfusion
55 Peripheral vasoconstriction with cold especially human albumin in 5 or 25 % concentra-
extremities as a sign of centralization tion is preferred in the CSICU. However, it is not
clear whether any choice of fluid solutions will
The immediate initiation of therapy for low improve patient’s survival.
cardiac output syndrome is critical and directly The side effect of synthetic colloids is ana-
associated with outcome, similar to the septic phylactic reaction especially after administra-
patients (Polonen et al. 2000; Rivers et al. 2001). tion of gelatin products, whereas the
succinylated forms are less reactive. Increased Pathophysiology, Clinical bleeding complications and renal function
Presentations, and impairment after HES infusion have been docu-
Differential Diagnosis of the mented, in particular in the high-molecular,
Postoperative Low Cardiac high-substituted solutions. The complication
Output Syndrome (LCOS) rate of currently used low-­molecular, low-sub-
Usually the immediate therapy will solve the stituted solutions is very low, keeping the daily
problem. Therefore the correct choice of the ther- dose limit of 50  ml/kg in mind. Albumin has
9 apy is primarily dependent on the cause. anti-inflammatory effects, very helpful in
The most common causes of postoperative patients with poor nutritional status or liver dis-
LCOS are: ease, and—in concentrated form and with
55 Volume deficiency (especially bleeding) increased osmolarity—may help reduce periph-
55 Rhythm disturbances eral edema. However, there is a very small risk
55 Pericardial tamponade of infection, and therefore the use of albumin
55 Myocardial infarction should be wisely considered. Last but not least,
55 Left heart failure it is important to stress that blood and blood
55 Right heart failure products are not appropriate for volume replace-
55 Vasoplegic syndrome ment therapy (Ferraris et  al. 2011). Unless
55 Maximum variant: cardiovascular arrest hemoglobin is low anyways, or blood is the vol-
ume missing, like in bleeding states.
A tension pneumothorax and a circulatory
compromise due to unfavorable mechanical ven- kRhythm disturbances
tilation should be excluded as part of the differen- While evaluating the volume status, the heart
tial diagnosis. In the first step, easily correctable rhythm should be analyzed, and obvious hemo-
problems should be eliminated, for example, lack dynamically compromising rhythm disturbances
of volume and arrhythmias. have to be treated immediately. Details will be
given in the following. If there is any evidence of
kLack of volume LCOS after correction of preload and dysrhyth-
A lack of volume will present as a low CVP and a mias, the extended monitoring has to be imple-
respiratory undulation of the blood pressure curve. mented to find the cause of the circulatory
The main cause of a lack of volume is the postop- impairment.
erative blood loss, consistent with increased chest
tube output, if the drains are not clogged. kPericardial tamponade
The causal therapy is to optimize the preload Pericardial tamponade is associated with ele-
by fluid administration. There are two different vated CVP, decrease of the urine production,
fluid solutions available: crystalloid solutions that and cold extremities, and it is a clinical diagno-
serve as full electrolyte solutions and colloids, such sis. The X-ray of the chest may show an enlarged
as hydroxyethyl starch (HES, nonionic volume mediastinum with a «tent sign.» A transesopha-
expander), succinylated gelatin solution, or human geal echocardiography (TEE) should confirm
albumin. There is no reason not to use HES, and the clinical diagnosis, with compressed atria or
there is no new scientific literature on this issue. right ventricle as well as respiratory variation of
Chapter 9 · Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care
211 9
mitral valve inflow; however, a TEE comes rather 55 Advanced age
late during this often rather rapid process. It is 55 The extent and severity of underlying heart
commonly associated with decreasing chest tube disease, especially preexisting reduction of
output after significant output just before, con- left ventricular ejection fraction
sistent with clogged drains. A sterile suction of 55 Previous cardiac surgery
chest tube may be attempted; however, if the 55 Presence of peripheral vascular disease
drains cannot be reopened and bleeding is 55 Urgency of index operation
thought to be due to «hypoprolenemia» (slang
for missing sutures), a rethoracotomy has to be Factors that can be influenced are the intraop-
performed promptly. If the patient is in an erative factors, such as the cross clamp time, the
unstable condition, the tamponade has to be quality of myocardial protection, and the degree
treated immediately at the CSICU. Having ster- of success in the operative approach. The main
notomy carts, established protocols, and trained cause of the left heart failure is an excessive myo-
CSICU nurses can make this procedure more cardial pressure and/or volume overload. Special
efficient and successful. forms are the «myocardial stunning» and the
«hibernating myocardium.»
kMyocardial infarction Usually the myocardial stunning is a com-
The occurrence of a perioperative myocardial pletely reversible, mostly diastolic, prolonged
infarction may be recognized in the ECG with myocardial dysfunction after a short period of
typical ST elevation or echocardiogram find- myocardial ischemia. If appropriate and effective
ings of regional wall abnormalities. It is accom- revascularization is performed, no permanent cell
panied by rhythm disturbances, elevated defects will remain; however, the contractility may
myocardial markers in the serum such as tropo- be impaired over a prolonged period of time. The
nin, CK, and CK-MB (understanding that these basic research is ongoing to explore the pathways
markers are frequently elevated without myo- of the «stunning.» It can occur after a regional
cardial infarction), up to hemodynamically ischemia, such as myocardial infarction, or after a
unstable patients. An upward trend in CK and global ischemia, triggered by a cardiac arrest.
CK-MB serum levels in sequential analyses is In contrast, the «hibernating» myocardium is
more disturbing than an isolated high value. If defined as an adaption of the myocardium to the
the patient is stable enough to be transported to reduced coronary perfusion. After a proper resto-
the cath lab, an immediate coronary angiogra- ration of the perfusion, the contractility will get
phy should be performed. The cath result may back to normal function, although on occasion a
mandate an interventional angioplasty or «stunned» situation can appear.
another cardiac operation. If the patient’s con-
dition is too critical or if there is no further kRight heart failure
intervention possible, the acute circulatory fail- Diagnosis and treatment of right ventricular fail-
ure has to be treated medically using nitroglyc- ure is challenging. Pulmonary hypertension and
erin, aspirin, ß-blockers, an adequate analgesia, long-standing valvular disease are predisposing
and heparin, or more advanced therapies such factors. Insufficient cardioplegia or intravascular
as balloon pump and ventricular assist and volume overload may contribute to the disease.
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation Additionally left heart failure, anaphylactic reac-
(Antman et al. 2004). tion to protamine administration, or an inflam-
If myocardial infarction is excluded, it is matory response to the operation can acutely
important to take the following differential diag- increase right ventricular afterload that can lead
nosis into account: left heart failure, right heart to myocardial damage. In echocardiography the
failure, biventricular failure, or vasoplegic syn- right ventricle is enlarged and hypo- or akinetic
drome. To gain information the extended moni- with potentially normal left ventricular function.
toring will be necessary. Often, new onset tricuspid regurgitation is
kLeft heart failure
The failure of the left ventricle is one of the major kVasoplegic syndrome
complications after cardiac surgery. Predisposing Reduced peripheral vascular resistance occurs
factors that cannot be influenced are: in at least 20 % of the patients after cardiac
212 A. Markewitz et al.

surgery. The standard therapy is the adminis- (.   Fig. 9.1). Differences in Guidelines from the
tration of volume and norepinephrine (Carrel European Resuscitation Council and the
et al. 2000). In some patients there is a norepi- American Heart Association are featured in a
nephrine-resistant reduced peripheral vessel Critical Care Nurse article more recently (Ley
resistance (Levin et  al. 2004). This is called a 2015).
vasoplegic syndrome. A possible correlation to The survival rate of these patients is better than
preoperatively administered ACE inhibitor expected: overall 33 % of patients in whom a reth-
therapy is discussed. Besides ruling out hypo- oracotomy due to cardiac and circulatory arrest on
adrenal syndrome, initiation of intravenous the CSICU was performed will survive (Mackay
vasopressin therapy or methylene blue is rec- et al. 2002), compared to 48 % survival rate if the
ommended (Egi et al. 2007). rethoracotomy was performed within the first
10 min after the arrest (Mackay et al. 2002).
kCardiac arrest
The worst case of a LCOS is the cardiac arrest that Therapy of LCOS
appears in 1–2 % of cardiac surgery patients
(European Resuscitation Council, Nolana et  al. kPharmacological circulatory support
2010). The most common causes of postoperative The therapy of LCOS is the continuous intrave-
cardiac arrest are (modified after European nous application of circulatory supportive medi-
Resuscitation Council, Truhlár et al. 2015): cation that will be described in the following.
55 Myocardial ischemia
9 55 Tension pneumothorax kCatecholamines
55 Pericardial tamponade Dopamine acts directly and indirectly on
55 Massive bleeding with hypovolemic shock α-adrenergic receptors as well as on β-adrenergic
55 Pacemaker dysfunction in patients with little receptors, in addition to its affinity to dopamine
or no intrinsic rhythm receptors. The affinity to receptors is dose depen-
55 Electrolyte disturbances, especially in low or dent: 0.5–3 μg/kg/min leads to a vasodilatation of
high levels of potassium renal and abdominal vessels via dopamine recep-
tors, 3–10 μg/kg/min raises the heart rate and the
The cardiac arrest can be directly monitored cardiac output with increasing the arterial and pul-
by the minimal or missing peaks in the blood monary artery pressure via stimulation of the
pressure curve. Ongoing ventricular fibrillation ß-receptors, and a dosage of more than 10 μg/kg/
or cardiac arrest is displayed by the ECG. Therapy min increases the peripheral vascular resistance
has to be started immediately. Obvious reasons due to stimulation of the α-adrenergic receptors
can be treated easily: If a tension pneumothorax is with additional release of norepinephrine. An
present, the situation can be handled by deploy- increase in mean pulmonary artery pressure and
ment of a thoracic drain. If the pacemaker is not the wedge pressure can be corrected using pulmo-
active or the connection is defective, it must be nary vasodilators. Important side effects are sup-
reconnected or replaced or a transvenous or pression of the pituitary gland hormone, ischemia
transcutaneous pacer be placed. If the electrolyte of gastrointestinal mucosa, and, as with all cate-
situation is unbalanced, it has to be corrected. cholamines, an increase of myocardial oxygen con-
A myocardial ischemia leading to ventricular sumption. Important to mention that low-dose
fibrillation can be treated using a biphasic electric dopamine has not been shown to prevent renal
defibrillation shock with maximum energy. failure (Lassnigg et al. 2000).
Additionally the ischemia has to be treated with a Epinephrine activates ß1-, ß2-, and
cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The resuscitation α-adrenergic receptors. The receptor response is
has to be performed according to ACLS protocol. dose dependent: 0.02–0.05  μg/kg/min increases
If classical ACLS protocol does not resolve the the inotropic effect predominantly through the
cardiac arrest in CSICU, immediate opening of ß1-receptors, 0.05–0.2  μg/kg/min increases the
the chest is recommended, as last resort. This will inotropic effect and the peripheral vascular resis-
alleviate tamponade and pneumothorax, will help tance by the ß- and the α-receptors, and a dosage
diagnose significant bleeding, and will allow >0.2  μg/kg/min will increase the peripheral
internal cardiac compression and defibrillation ­vascular resistance by increasing effects on the
Chapter 9 · Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care
213 9


Clear/open airways, check for signs of life

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR 30:2)

Until automatic external defibrillator (AED) and ECG monitor are connected

Check cardiac rhythm according to ECG

Ventricular fibrillation, asystolic VT Asystolic electric activity

Electric defibrillation, one delivery:

biphasic: 150 - 300J monophasic 360 J

No response

Continue immediately with CPR 30:2

For 2 min, then start over and check ECG

..Fig. 9.1  Therapeutic algorithm for cardio-circulatory arrest (Modified after European Resuscitation Council (2010)).
VT ventricular tachycardia, ECG electrocardiogram

α-receptors. Important side effects are tachycar- Norepinephrine is the first choice as vasocon-
dia, increase of the mean pulmonary artery pres- strictor and is recommended in two situations:
sure and the wedge pressure, ischemia of 55 In patients with low blood pressure due to
gastrointestinal mucosa, and an increase of myo- low systemic vascular resistance, if this can-
cardial oxygen consumption. not be effectively treated by administration of
Norepinephrine activates α-adrenergic volume or positive inotropic agents
receptors, but also ß1- and ß2-receptors. 55 To compensate the initial blood pressure drop
Although there is increase in contractility, the after starting a phosphodiesterase-III-­
cardiac output overall is not increased due to inhibitor therapy such as milrinone
higher peripheral vascular resistance. The arte-
rial vasoconstriction improves the perfusion Dobutamine activates the ß1-receptors and
pressure to all organs. Important side effects are significantly ß2- and α-adrenergic receptors.
tachycardia (less than epinephrine) and increase Dobutamine is a positive inotropic and lusitropic
of mean pulmonary artery and pulmonary artery agent (improves myocardial relaxation in the
wedge pressure. diastole) and has also vasodilatory effect. This
214 A. Markewitz et al.

improves the cardiac output. Most common rele- Furthermore it can be used to reduce an elevated
vant side effects are tachycardia and increased pulmonary artery pressure and in right heart fail-
myocardial oxygen consumption. ure. Important side effect is a hemodynamically
Due to lack in increase of the mean pulmo- relevant tachycardia with hypotension. Further,
nary artery pressure and the wedge pressure and the inhibition of hypoxemia-triggered pulmonary
maintenance of perfusion of the visceral arteries, vasoconstriction and an increased intrapulmo-
in our practice the use of dobutamine is the first nary right-left shunt can lead to decreased oxy-
choice in increasing cardiac output. genation. Finally, a high dosage can result in
severe headaches, and prolonged applications will
kVasodilators cause tolerance that mitigates the effect. Details of
Phosphodiesterase-III inhibitors such as milri- pharmacotherapy are discussed under treatment
none: In contrast to catecholamines, milrinone is of arterial hypertension (7   Sect.
an adrenoreceptor-independent inotrope with
vasodilatory characteristics. The administration kNitroprusside
leads to an increase of intracellular cAMP levels Sodium nitroprusside decreases the afterload and
due to a blockade of cAMP depletion. This trig- the preload with consequent increase of cardiac
gers the calcium influx into the cell and an output. Therefore, the myocardial oxygen con-
increased release of calcium from the sarcoplas- sumption is decreased.
mic reticulum. Smooth muscle cells with an In severe LCOS the use of sodium nitroprus-
increased level of cAMP dilate. In addition milri- side is recommended to reduce systemic vascular
9 none may increase the heart rate by affecting the resistance. Similar to nitroglycerine, the side
sinus node and increase the atrioventricular con- effects are decreased oxygenation, and in our Los
duction transmission. In contrast to catechol- Angeles experience, we do not recommend it for
amines, the myocardial oxygen consumption is aortic dissection, as there is evidence that nitro-
not significantly augmented due to a simultane- prusside may increase shear stress on the aortic
ous reduction of the pre- and afterload. In sum- wall. Some references, however, suggest to
mary, milrinone has a positive inotropic effect employ it combined with beta-blockers (Erbel
with an increased cardiac output along with a et al. 2001; Tsai et al. 2005). The most dangerous
drop of cardiac filling pressures and the pulmo- side effect is cyanide intoxication. In order to
nary vascular resistance. Side effects are long avoid this side effect, nitroprusside medication
life time with difficult dose adjustments, should be accompanied by IV sodium thiosulfate
increased pulmonary shunting, and hypotension infusion.
requiring vasoconstrictors. In clinical practice, Details of pharmacotherapy of sodium nitro-
milrinone is used when inotropic effect of dobu- prusside are discussed under treatment of arterial
tamine is reduced due to ß-adrenergic receptor hypertension (7   Sect.
kInhalative Vasodilators
kLevosimendan Inhaled vasodilators, such as nitric oxide (NO) are
Levosimendan is used to prevent and to treat often used to treat a pulmonary hypertension. The
LCOS and acts as a calcium sensitizer. It is increas- mode of NO action is the activation of guanylate
ingly being used in Germany. Levosimendan is cyclase (cGMP) with a specific dilation of pulmo-
currently not available in the USA for clinical use. nary vessels. The drop of the pulmonary resistance
For further information see 7   Chapter «Critical and the shift of blood flow through ventilated lung
Care in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery», Sect. areas reduce the pulmonary pressure and improve
the arterial oxygenation. In contact with hemoglo-
kNitroglycerin bin, the NO is been deactivated. Therefore, the NO
The administration of nitroglycerin leads to a dil- does not enter the systemic circulation. Important
atation of vessels, especially the venous and the side effects are the methemoglobinemia due to
coronary vessels and, in smaller amount, the arte- prolonged use and an increased bleeding tendency,
rial system. The primary use is the prophylaxis but the incidence is low by using the recommended
and the therapy of a myocardial ischemia. dosage of <20 ppm.
Chapter 9 · Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care
215 9
An alternative for pulmonary vasodilatory kBasic rules in pharmacological circulatory
effect is the phosphodiesterase-V inhibitor silde- support
nafil. Sildenafil is available orally with the similar A LCOS has to be treated immediately according
effects such as NO. There is a potential side effect to the underlying reason. Therefore an algorithmic
of systemic hypotension with sildenafil. approach to pharmacological circulatory support
is critical. The results of Swan-Ganz catheter and
kVasopressors transthoracic echocardiography are frequently not
Vasopressors are primarily used to increase the available immediately, allowing for algorithmic
arterial perfusion pressure, in cases where the approach recommended in .   Figs. 9.2 and 9.3.
optimized volume status and positive inotropic However, the basic circulatory monitoring
response is inadequate for peripheral perfusion. will provide important information, allowing for
Vasopressin as well as methylene blue belongs to following rules of thumb:
the vasopressors. 55 In a patient with MAP <60 mmHg and a cen-
tral venous pressure of >12 mmHg, treatment
kVasopressin with positive inotropic agents should be con-
Vasopressin activates the vasopressin-1 receptor sidered.
with an increase of the intracellular calcium level. 55 The worse the left ventricular function is in
Vasopressin is very effective especially in the the patient, the earlier should these drugs be
vasoplegic syndrome, unresponsive to maximal initiated.
norepinephrine dosage. The side effect of vaso- 55 The worse the left ventricular function is in
pressin even in low dose is significant decrease of the patient, the more sensitive the heart may
microcirculation. Therefore the use of vasopressin respond to volume administration, especially
should be considered as second or third choice in an already preoperatively increased left
and preferably should be used in low dosage. and right ventricular preload.
55 Initial drug of choice is dobutamine in com-
kMethylene blue bination with norepinephrine and/or epi-
The effects, side effects, and indications for use nephrine given the aforementioned
of methylene blue are similar to vasopressin. advantages and side effects. Dobutamine
Although there are promising reports, overall reduces systemic and pulmonary vascular
there is little data supporting routine use of resistance along with inotropic effect. If the
methylene blue. Further details are given in vasodilatory effects are too strong, norepi-
.   Table 9.7. nephrine or epinephrine may be used.

..Table 9.7  Dosage of inotropes and vasopressors

Drug Bolus Dosage

Dopamine None <3 μg/kg/min: renal effect

3–10 μg/kg/min: β-adrenergic effect

>10 μg/kg/min: β- and α-adrenergic effect

Dobutamine None 2–20 μg/kg/min: β-adrenergic effect

Adrenalin During ACLS protocol 0.05–1.0 μg/kg/min

Noradrenalin None 0.05–1.0 μg/kg/min

Milrinone 25–75 μg/kg over 20 min 0.25–0.75 μg/kg/min

Enoximone 0.25 bis 0.75 μg /kgKG 1.25 bis 7.5 μg/kg/min

Levosimendan [not available in the USA] 12 bis 24 μg/kgKGa 0.1 μg/kgKG/min (0.05 bis 0.2 μg/kgKG/min)

aShould not be given as bolus in patients with hypotension

216 A. Markewitz et al.

Extended hemodynamic monitoring employing TEE, PAC, pulse contour analysis

LVEDAI: <5 cm2 /m2 <7 cm2 /m2 >9 cm2 /m2 >11 cm2 /m2

PAWP: <5 mmHg <10 mmHg >10 mmHg >20 mmHg

ITBVI: <750 ml/m2 <850 ml/m2 >1000 ml/m2 >1200 ml/m2

Optimize preload Reduce preload

Optimize preload Improve inotropy
Improve inotropy Improve inotropy

Volume 1) Volume 1) Dobutamine or 1) Volume depletion +

replacement, PDE III blocker + Epinehrine +
2) Dobutamine or
9 only
PDE III blocker +
Norepinehrine PDE-III blocker

Norepinehrine 2) Epinephrine

3) Epinephrine

Goals achieved?

Further chance to optimize

No Yes Evaluate therapy
therapy? No!


..Fig. 9.2  Therapeutic algorithm for left heart failure according to results of extended monitoring. IABP intra-aortic bal-
loon pump, ITBVI intrathoracic blood volume index, LVEDAI left ventricular end-diastolic area index, OP redo surgery, PAC
pulmonary artery catheter, PAWP pulmonary artery wedge pressure, PDE III phosphodiesterase III, TEE transesophageal
echocardiography, VAD ventricular assist device (Modified after Carl et al. (2010). This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (7

­ lternatively milrinone/vasopressin combi-

A MAP, the intravascular volume has to be reduced.
nation is used especially in patients with high This can be assured using diuretics or renal
propensity of going into atrial fibrillation, replacement therapy. Furthermore, in the pres-
causing further drop in cardiac output. Both ence of right heart failure, right ventricular after-
drugs do not possess any adrenergic receptor load reduction using nitroglycerine, milrinone,
response. and inhaled NO may be necessary.
If hemodynamic stabilization cannot be
In case of intravascular volume overload or achieved with pharmacotherapy, a prompt deci-
increase of the CVP without augmentation of sion for mechanical circulatory support is
Chapter 9 · Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care
217 9

TEE Extended hemodynamic monitoring PAC

RV preload low Optimize preload PAWP : CVP > 1

RV-dilatation MAP > 70 mmHg PAWP : CVP < 1

Yes ! No !

Optimize inotropy, reduce LV afterload Optimize inotropy ± increase SVR

If PHT: reduce RV afterload If PHT: reduce RV afterload

1. Dobutamin ± PDE III blocker 1. Dobutamin ± PDE III blocker

± NTG ± norepinephrine

2. PHT: NO, Prostanoids (inhal.>IV) 2. PHT: NO, Prostanoids (inhal.>IV)

Goals achieved ?

Further chance to optimize

No Yes Evaluate therapy
therapy? No!


..Fig. 9.3  Therapeutic algorithm for right heart failure according to data from extended monitoring. IABP intra-aortic
balloon pump, OP redo surgery, PAC pulmonary artery catheter, PAWP pulmonary artery wedge pressure, PDE III phos-
phodiesterase III, TEE transesophageal echocardiography, VAD ventricular assist device. CVP central venous pressure, LV
left ventricular, MAP mean arterial pressure, NO nitric oxide, NTG nitroglycerin, PHT pulmonary hypertension, RV right
ventricular, SVR systemic vascular resistance

required. Besides pharmacological or mechanical kMechanical Circulatory Support:

circulatory support, adequate therapy for the Intra-aortic Balloon Pump
other organ systems must be provided, including: The intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) is one of
55 Adequate oxygenation the mostly used mechanical circulatory support
55 Balanced acid-base balance, especially due to devices in cardiac surgery due to ease of trans-
a poor response of adrenergic receptors to femoral implantation into the descending aorta
catecholamines in an acidic pH range with relatively low risk and side effects (Robicsek
55 Adequate blood sugar levels with a target of et al. 2003). The main goal is the augmentation of
<180 mg/dl the diastolic blood pressure by balloon inflation
218 A. Markewitz et al.

Two of the following 5 criteria combined define LCOS:

– MAP: < 60 mmHG - Urine output: < 0.5 ml/hr
– ScvO2: <60 % at SaO2 of 98% - Lactate level: <2 mmol/l
– peripheral vasoconstriction with cold extremities

Stabilize Rhythm CVP

High Low Bleeding?

Optimize preload

Elevate Legs pulse pressure/MAP rise

Optimize preload: volume infusion up to 10 ml/kg
Hemodynamic stabilization goals achieved?
– MAP. > 70 mmHg – Urine output.< 0.5 ml/kg/h
– ScvO2: > 70 % at SaO2 98 % – CVP: 8 –12 mmHg

If not: Improve contractility extend monitoring to differentiate


..Fig. 9.4  Staged approach to therapy of postoperative low cardiac output syndrome (LCOS), stage I: CVP central
venous pressure, LHF left heart failure, LRHF left and right heart failure, MAP mean arterial pressure, RHF right heart
failure, SaO2 oxygen saturation, ScvO2 central venous oxygen saturation

and a decrease of the left ventricular afterload by patients with an impaired left ventricular ejection
well-timed balloon deflation. This leads to an fraction, left main stem stenosis, unstable angina,
enhancement of coronary perfusion and a relief of or the need of a coronary reoperation to improve
cardiac work with the result of an improved oxy- outcomes (Dunning and Prendergast 2003).
gen supply-demand ratio and a somewhat The useful effects of the IABP use can be
increased cardiac output. immediately seen at the pressure curve after
The appropriate time of initiation of the IABP IABP is initiated: due to the reduced cardiac out-
is as soon as possible (Baskett et  al. 2002; put, diminished first peak in the arterial pressure
Christenson et al. 2002; Ramnarine et al. 2005). It curve is frequently followed by a second higher
is frequently helpful for the treatment of LCOS and peak as function of the preload reduction.
especially helpful for coronary patients during the Recovery of the left ventricular function leads
weaning process from extracorporeal circulation. usually to a conversion of the peaks—the first
The exceed threshold of an epinephrine dose level one overgrow the second one. This is an indica-
of >0.2 μg/kg/min or a dobutamine dose level of tion for removal of IABP, especially in face of sig-
>10 μg/kg/min should be the indication for IABP nificantly reduced pharmacological circulatory
use. Preoperatively, IAPB will be very useful in support. The IABP should be weaned from a 1:1
Chapter 9 · Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care
219 9

Hemodynamic goals not achieved despite rhythm optimization and volume adjustment

Still two of the following parameters present:

– MAP: <60 mmHg – Urin output: <0.5 ml/kg/h

– ScvO2: <60 % at SaO2 98 % – Lactate level: >2.0 mmol/l

– peripheral vasoconstriction with cold extremities

Extended monitoring


Improve contractility/inotropy ± Improve contractility/inotropy ±

LV preload reduction RV preload reduction

Hemodynamic stabilization goals achieved ?

– MAP. >70 mmHg – Urine output. < 0.5 ml/kg/h

– ScvO2: >70 % at SaO2 98 % – CVP: 8–12 mmHg

If not: Mechanical circulatory support with IABP

..Fig. 9.5  Staged approach to therapy of postoperative low cardiac output syndrome (LCOS), stage II: CVP central
venous pressure, IABP intra-aortic balloon pump, LHF left heart failure, LRHF left and right heart failure, LV left ventricu-
lar, MAP mean arterial pressure, RHF right heart failure, RV right ventricular, SaO2 arterial oxygen saturation, ScvO2 central
venous oxygen saturation

augmentation to 1:2, finally to 1:3, understand- kMechanical Circulatory Support:

ing that thrombus may form on the balloon sur- Ventricular Assist Devices (VADs)
face at this rate. The complication rate should be There is a variety of ventricular assist devices
below 10 %, mostly related to vascular problems available, some combined with an oxygenator, to
such as site bleeding, thromboembolic events, treat both cardiac and lung failure in the short,
and ischemia of lower extremities. mid, or long term postoperatively. The ventricular
The therapy success relates to the basic prob- assist devices may be pulsatile or axial, uni-
lem and its reversibility. While stunned myocar- (LVAD or RVAD) or biventricular (BiVAD), and
dium should return to near-normal function, the intra-, para-, or extracorporeal. There is also FDA-
scarred myocardium will not improve contractil- approved total artificial heart for intracorporeal
ity despite IABP support. In patients with failed biventricular assistance. Finally, the VADs may be
IABP support, mechanical circulatory support considered as bridge to recovery, sole therapy, or
may have to be escalated to the next level using bridge to heart transplant depending on patient’s
ventricular assist devices. characteristics and medical history. Having an
220 A. Markewitz et al.

Hemodynamic goals not achieved despite rhythm optimization, volume adjustment, adding
positive inotropic medication, improved pre-and afterload and insertion of IABP:
Still two of the following 5 criteria combined define LCOS:

– MAP: <60 mmHG – Urine output: <0.5ml/h

– ScvO2: <60 % at SaO2 of 98 % – Lactate level: <2 mmol/l
-peripheral vasoconstriction with cold extremities

Extended monitoring



Hemodynamic stabilization goals achieved ?

– MAP. >70 mmHg – Urine output. <0.5 ml/kg/hr

– ScvO2: >70 % at SaO2 98 % – CVP: 8–12 mmHg

If not: Timely decision for further therapeutic options required, evaluate indication for
cardiac transplantation

..Fig. 9.6  Staged approach to therapy of postoperative low cardiac output syndrome (LCOS), stage III: BiVAD biven-
tricular assist device, IABP intra-aortic balloon pump, LHF left heart failure, LVAD left ventricular assist device, MAP
mean arterial pressure, RHF right heart failure, RVAD right ventricular assist device, SaO2 arterial oxygen saturation,
ScvO2 central venous oxygen saturation

on-site heart transplantation program can be very Arterial Hypertension

complementary for the latter group of patients. The early postoperative blood pressure in cardiac
Overall, the management of VAD patients surgical patients is more often rather too low than too
consumes a lot of time, money, and resources. high. The occasional presence of early ­postoperative
The adjudication and indications for use will be arterial hypertension may become problematic espe-
limited in the future to smaller cohort with best cially in patients with fragile cardiac, aortic, and arte-
possible outcomes. This is important in today’s rial tissue. An extreme case is perioperative care of
increasing health-care cost environment (See also patients with acute aortic syndrome such as aortic
7 Chapter «Cardiac Assist Devices and Total Artifi- dissection (Khoynezhad and Plestis 2006). After pain
cial Heart», Sects. 38.4–38.7). .   Figs  9.4, 9.5, and has to be excluded as cause, the pressure has to be
9.6 summarize graphically the key points of lowered using the following drugs—alone or in com-
LCOS therapy. bination (Khoynezhad 2007).
Chapter 9 · Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care
221 9

..Table 9.8  Review of approach to patients with acute aortic syndrome presenting with hypertension to the CSICU

1. Physician has a high index of suspicion for acute aortic dissection

 (a) History:
   (i) Severe, sudden onset, sharp or tearing back pain, chest pain, shoulder pain, or abdominal pain
   (ii) 50 years or older, history of hypertension, aortic dissection or aortic aneurysm (of family history of such),
previous cardiac surgery, connective tissue disorder (bicuspid aortic valve, Marfan syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos
syndrome, Loeys-Dietz syndrome), or peripartum
 (b) Physical examination:
1. Blood pressure differential in various extremities (pulse deficit)
2. Acute stroke, paraplegia, or paraparesis
3. Abdominal pain, flank pain
2. General measures:
 (a) Establish two large bore (18 gauge or bigger) IVs
 (b) Supplemental oxygen by nasal cannula or mask
 (c) Cardiac monitor
 (d) Get an EKG, portable chest X-ray, place a Foley catheter
 (e) Obtain CBC, chemistry panel, coagulation panel, UA, CK, Troponin, d-dimer
 (f ) Type and cross ten units packed red blood cells (PRBCs)
 (g) Set up an arterial line
3. Diagnostic imaging:
 (a) Computed tomography angiogram (CTA)
 (b) Transesophageal echocardiogram
 (c) Magnetic resonance angiogram (MRA)
 (d) Intravascular ultrasound
4. Prompt cardiothoracic surgical consultation
5. Blood pressure, heart rate, and pain management
 (a) First line: β-blockers
   (i) Labetalol, bolus (15 mg) ± a drip (5 mg/h)
 (b) If hypertension persists, add:
   (i) Nicardipine drip (starting dose: 5 mg/h)
 (c) If tachycardia persists, add:
   (i) Esmolol (loading 0.5 mg/kg over 2–5 min, followed by a drip of 10–20 μg/kg/min
   (ii) Diltiazem drip (loading 0.25 mg/kg over 2–5 min, followed by a drip of 5 mg/h)
 (d) Goals:
   (i) Heart rate 60–80 beats/min
   (ii) Systolic blood pressure 100 mmHg
 (e) Morphine (for pain relief )
6. Hemodynamically unstable patients:
 (a) Endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation
 (b) Blood pressure support with crystalloid and colloid (PRBCs if rupture is suspected)
 (c) TEE at bedside in the emergency department or in the OR
 (d) Pericardiocentesis is not recommended (class III)

(From Tran and Khoynezhad (2009); used with permission)

222 A. Markewitz et al.

kNitroprusside and has little effect on cardiac output or pulmo-

Nitroprusside is a potent direct arterial and nary artery wedge pressure. In contrast to nitro-
venous dilator, acting through release of nitric prusside, the pharmacodynamic properties of
oxide. It has a rapid onset of action, with a half-life nicardipine are favorable. Nicardipine has a very
of seconds to <2 min and thus is given in the form long half-life; the ß-half-life of nicardipine is
of continuous infusion. Dose is 0.3 μg/Kg/min IV approximately 40  min, whereas its γ-half-life is
infusion; with titration q2  min until desired approximately 13  h. Because about 14 % of the
response with maximum dose 10 μg/Kg/min. The drug is eliminated during the γ-phase, the hypo-
hypotensive effects of nitroprusside can be unpre- tensive effect can be prolonged. In a study com-
dictable because it simultaneously causes potent paring the effect of nicardipine to nitroprusside
venodilatation and peripheral arterial vasodila- in patients with severe postoperative hyperten-
tion. This is especially the case for patients with sion, the two drugs had equivalent efficacy, but
severe left ventricular hypertrophy and preload-­ only nicardipine reduced both cardiac and cere-
dependent diastolic dysfunction. It has been bral ischemia. Nicardipine is administered
shown to cause coronary steal; it can cause a sig- through a continuous infusion with starting dose
nificant reflex tachycardia, causing increase in at 5  mg/h infusion. It is titrated by 2.5  mg/h
aortic shear stress (dp/dt). Therefore, especially q5  mins with maximum of 15  mg/h. In cardiac
when given in aortic dissection patients, it should surgical patients, nicardipine has been shown to
be combined with beta-blocker therapy. decrease arterial BP acutely with no effects on
It is photosensitive, so it requires special han- ventricular preload or cardiac output, suggesting
9 dling. Its most serious adverse effect is in the form that it has a minimal negative inotropic action.
of cyanide toxicity, which occurs due to accumu- With nicardipine, oxygen delivery to the cells is
lation of its metabolites thiocyanate/cyanide, and usually well maintained, and oxygen require-
its clinical presentation may vary leading to diffi- ments are unchanged. Because nicardipine is
culty in diagnosis. Thus, it is recommended that metabolized primarily by the liver, it can be used
this drug be used only when other intravenous in patients with renal insufficiency. However,
antihypertensive agents are not available. there have been concerns with the use of calcium
channel blockers in patients with coronary artery
kNitroglycerin disease, possibly due to sympathetic activation,
Nitroglycerin acts by release of nitric oxide caus- bleeding caused by inhibition of platelet aggrega-
ing vasodilation, especially of the coronary arter- tion, and pro-arrhythmic effects. There remains
ies. It is primarily a venodilator; however, at considerable debate about the role of calcium
higher doses it also causes arterial vasodilation. It channel blockers as first-line therapy.
does not cause coronary steal. Initial dose is typi-
cally 5  μg/min IV infusion with increments by kß-blockers
5 μg q3–5 min until desired response, with a max- In perioperative cardiac surgery, especially in car-
imum of 200 μg/min. A drawback is that it cannot ing of patients with aortic dissection and aortic
be used for a prolonged duration as patients rap- aneurysm, integrity of arterial system depends
idly develop tolerance to it. Being predominantly not only on the absolute blood pressure but also
a venodilator, it is subject to same hemodynamic on the velocity of left ventricular contraction (dp/
issues such as nitroprusside. It may predispose to dt). A vasodilator alone, instead of decreasing the
severe hypotension in patients with left ventricu- heart rate, may even cause reflex tachycardia, thus
lar hypertrophy and preload-­dependent diastolic causing propagation of the aortic dissection.
dysfunction. Therefore, the optimum treatment involves a
combination of a parenteral ß-blocker and an
kNicardipine arterial vasodilator, with heart rate targeted
Nicardipine is a short-acting calcium channel around 55–65 beats/min. The ß-blocker of choice
blocker belonging to the dihydropyridine class. It in this situation is generally esmolol and, alterna-
causes cerebral and coronary vasodilation with tively, labetalol or metoprolol.
only minimal negative inotropic effect, has mini- Esmolol is a ß1-antagonist, while labetalol is a
mal effects on atrioventricular nodal conduction, combined α1-, ß1-, and ß2-­antagonist with an
Chapter 9 · Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care
223 9
alpha to beta-blocking ratio of 1:7. Both of them, ensure a sufficient cardiac output in combination
by slowing down the heart rate, also reduce the with an increased diastolic myocardial perfusion.
myocardial oxygen demand. Esmolol reduces Most cardiac surgical patients are pretreated
blood pressure by reducing cardiac output and with ß-blockers due to their cardiac disease. This
inhibiting renin release, while labetalol decreases results in a sinus bradycardia after operation. For
afterload directly and also inhibits renin release. a sufficient weaning from extracorporeal circula-
Their disadvantage is in the form of their negative tion, a transient pacing of the heart is frequently
inotropic effect and possible reaction in patients necessary. In patients after valve operations, the
with reactive airway disease. Half-life of esmolol anatomical relation to the atrioventricular con-
is around 9 min, while that of labetalol is 5.5 h. duction system has to be considered for possible
The hypotensive effect of labetalol begins irritation or damage with a resulting dysfunction.
within 2–5 min after its intravenous administra- These rhythm disturbances require short-term
tion, reaching a peak at 5–15  min following external pacing via temporary pacing wires on
administration and lasting for about 2–4  h. the right atrium and the right ventricle.
Labetalol may be administered as a loading dose Most patients with normal ventricular function
of 20 mg, followed by repeated incremental doses do well with transient ventricular pacing. In patients
of 20–80 mg at 10-min intervals until the desired with decreased left ventricular function, a more
BP is achieved. Alternatively, after the initial load- physiologic pacing, such as AV sequential pacing, is
ing dose, an infusion commencing at 1–2 mg/min recommended—especially for hypertrophic and
and titrated up to until the desired hypotensive dilated hearts. The pacing should be at 80–100 bpm
effect is achieved is particularly effective. Bolus with an AV interval of 150 ± 25 ms. The power out-
injections of 1–2  mg/kg have been reported to put should be at least double the lowest energy to
produce precipitous falls in BP and should there- stimulate the heart (stimulation threshold). If the
fore be avoided. patient does not have an adequate baseline rhythm,
The onset of action of esmolol is within 60 s, the output should be three times higher as the
with duration of action of 10–20 min. However, threshold. In the operating room, the sensing will be
because it is metabolized by red blood cell (RBC) turned off due to interferences with the electrocau-
esterases, any condition that precipitates anemia tery. Before closing the chest, the pacemaker has to
will prolong its «short half-life.» The metabolism be recalibrated to detect any own rhythm and to
of esmolol is via rapid hydrolysis of ester linkages work proper in the inhibited mode (Spotnitz 2005).
by RBC esterases and is not dependent on renal or The role of temporary biventricular pacing in
hepatic function. Typically, the drug is adminis- the perioperative setting is not well defined yet,
tered as a 500–1,000  μg/kg loading dose over although some data suggest a benefit in patients
1 min, followed by an infusion starting at 50 μg/ with poor left ventricular function. If it is tried, the
kg/min and increasing up to 300  μg/kg/min as position of the pacemaker wires on the left heart is
necessary. important. The recommended site for the left ven-
.   Table 9.8 reviews approach to patients with tricular wire is the posterior lateral ­position, near
acute aortic syndrome presenting with hyperten- the first marginal artery. An anterior position is
sion to the CSICU (Tran and Khoynezhad 2009). not recommended (Flynn et al. 2005). Rhythm Disturbances kSupraventricular tachycardia

Rhythm disturbances can be categorized by their Supraventricular tachycardia occurs with an inci-
heart rate such as tachycardia and bradycardia, by dence of 50 % after cardiac surgery. In general a
hemodynamic situation, such as stable or unsta- low potassium and magnesium blood level is a
ble, and they also can be anatomically classified frequent reason for supraventricular tachycardia,
into being of supraventricular or ventricular ori- mostly an atrial fibrillation. Supraventricular
gin. extrasystole is harmless and can be treated by
­balancing the electrolyte blood levels. A postop-
kBradycardia erative atrial fibrillation is associated with an
Bradycardia after cardiac operations is often seen. increased mortality. It is also associated with
The operated heart profits from an elevated heart major adverse events, such as ventricular
rate for the first postoperative hours to days, to tachycardia, stroke, prolonged hospital stay, and
224 A. Markewitz et al.

tion of 50–60 s is recommended. In patients with

..Table 9.9  Pharmacological therapy in atrial
transient atrial fibrillation, it can be stopped after
24 h if stable sinus rhythm prevails.
Rhythm Rate If the diagnosis of tachycardia is unclear,
Drug control control Prophylaxis administration of 6–12  mg adenosine may be
diagnostic and—on rare occasion—therapeutic.
Flecainide (+) (+) (+)
Adenosine allows for cardiac pause due to bra-
Propafenone (+) (+) (+) dycardia and complete AV block in patients
ß-blocker + ++ +++ with supraventricular tachycardia, in particular
in AV-­reentry pathology. In patients with ven-
Amiodarone ++ + ++ tricular tachycardia, adenosine remains without
Sotalol ++ + ++ any response. In the following, less common
supraventricular tachycardia forms will be pre-
Verapamil + ++ +
Diltiazem + ++ + Sinus tachycardia mostly appears if the patient
Digoxin + ++ + suffers stress, such as pain or fear due to inade-
quate sedation. In some cases, ß-blockers, digoxin,
Magnesium − − ++
or verapamil will be recommended.
Electric +++ +++ − Atrial flutter: this rhythm disturbance shows
cardioversion up with a sawlike P wave configuration in the
9 − no therapeutic effect, (+) therapeutic effect con-
ECG. The goal is to overdrive the flutter with the
troversially discussed, + therapeutic effect possible, pacemaker or to perform synchronized electric
++ therapy effective, +++ therapy very effective conversion. In some cases, vagus stimulation or
pharmacological AV delay (i.e., with verapamil)
will reduce the heart rate, but the rate of conver-
increased hospitalization costs (Dunning et  al. sion is very low.
2006; European Resuscitation Council 2005; AV-reentry tachycardia can be influenced
McKeown and Gutterman 2005). using adenosine or verapamil. ß-blockers, fle-
The most important aspect of supraventricu- cainide, or propafenone are not very effective.
lar tachycardia for the cardiac surgical patient is
the hemodynamic relevance. If the patient’s kVentricular tachycardia
hemodynamics are unstable, the heart rate has to Intermittent ventricular extrasystoles are com-
be immediately decreased to 80–100 bpm, usually mon after cardiac surgery and do not have to be
in the form of electric cardioversion. treated in the majority of cases. The common
If the patient is hemodynamically stable, one causes are hypoxemia and unbalanced electro-
has to decide whether heart rate control or rhythm lytes. These have to be treated first. Sometimes
control, namely, conversion into sinus rhythm, is the pharmacological effect of ß-blocker or amio-
the ultimate goal. In patients with history of atrial darone can be helpful. If intermittent monomor-
fibrillation or with high pretest probability for phic extrasystoles occur, such as nonsustained
atrial fibrillation, such as large atrium or mitral ventricular tachycardia, the CSICU physician
valve operations, conversions may not be persis- has to be cautioned, because these can lead to an
tent. .   Table 9.9 gives an overview about the drugs ongoing ventricular tachycardia (VT).
used in atrial fibrillation as well as their effects. A persisting ventricular tachycardia is, in
If atrial fibrillation is present, the following most cases, hemodynamically compromising,
aspects have to be addressed additionally: pain-­ especially with ventricular flutter or ventricular
induced stress must be treated adequately, the fibrillation. An immediate therapy is required: an
potassium blood level should be more than electric r-peak triggered cardioversion (biphasic;
4.5  mmol/L, the oxygen saturation should be 100  J → 200  J) in ventricular flutter and an
more than 92 %, and the volume overload with asynchronous defibrillation in the presence of
atrial stretch should be avoided. ventricular fibrillation. In general, resuscitation
In the presence of atrial fibrillation over 24 h, due a relevant drop of the arterial pressure is
a systemic anticoagulation with a PTT prolonga- required, too. A slow VT can be treated medically
Chapter 9 · Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care
225 9

..Table 9.10  Survey of commonly used antiarrhythmic drugs

Class of drugs Drug Dosage Indication

1 Sodium channel blocker

1A Disopyramide 50–100 mg po Atrial and ventricular tachycardia

1B Lidocaine 100–150 mg IV Ventricular tachycardia

1C Flecainide 100–150 mg po Prophylaxis of atrial fibrillation

Propafenone 100–150 mg po

2 (ß-blocker) Metoprolol 5–20 mg IV Supraventricular and ventricular

extrasystole, frequency control of
25–100 mg po BID atrial fibrillation
Esmolol 25–50 mg IV

3 (potassium channel Amiodarone 5 mg/BW within 20 min IV Ventricular tachycardia, atrial

blocker) fibrillation

Sotalol 20–100 mg IV Atrial fibrillation

4 (calcium channel Verapamil 5–10 mg IV Atrial tachycardia, frequency control

blocker) of atrial fibrillation
Diltiazem 20–30 mg IV

Others Adenosine 6–18 mg All kinds of atrial tachycardia (except

atrial flutter), differential diagnosis for
rhythm disturbances

Digoxin 0.4–0.6 mg Frequency control of atrial fibrillation

with lidocaine (100–150  mg) or amiodarone lines for tolerable chest tube outputs, which, how-
(300 mg) or with an overdrive pacing. ever, do not apply to all patients (.   Table  9.11).
While . Table  9.10 gives an overview about The amount of chest tube output and its assumed
commonly used antiarrhythmic drugs, . Fig. 9.7 cause are important for therapeutic decision-­
shows our treatment algorithm for tachycardias. making. If the diagnosis is unsecure, a hematocrit
According to their mode of action, the com- check of chest tube drainage will establish the
monly used antiarrhythmic drugs can be diagnosis.
divided into four classes and others. The four After cardiac surgery employing extracorpo-
classes are: real circulation, function of the coagulation sys-
1. Sodium channel blockers tem is severely impaired. Reasons are full
2. β-blockers heparinization, reduced platelet function (preop-
3. Potassium channel blockers erative antiplatelet therapy, perioperative hemo-
4. Calcium channel blockers dilution, hypothermia, and mechanical irritation),
and lack of fibrinogen in combination with a
hyperfibrinolysis (in close correlation to the dura-
9.5.3   leeding Complications and
B tion of the extracorporeal circulation). Initially
Pericardial Tamponade increased chest tube output is not unusual but has
to be watched carefully.
On ICU admission, the surgeon will report  I ncidence, Cause and any intraoperative bleeding complication and if
Diagnostic there may be a surgical reason for the bleeding. If
Bleeding complications occur after cardiac sur- the deranged coagulation system is the presumed
gery with an incidence of 1–3 % (Mehta et  al. underlying cause, appropriate diagnostics should
2009). The following table indicates general guide- be run to guide therapeutics:
226 A. Markewitz et al.

Cardioversion, No Patient´s hemodynamics stable

up to three times

300 mg Amiodarone IV over 10–20 min Yes

900 mg Amiodarone IV over 24 h

Wide QRS complex width? Narrow

Irregular Regular Regular Irregular

Possible causes: Possible causes: Therapy: Most probably AF

1. AF + branchblock 1. VT or unknown Vagus maneuvre, Therapy:
Therapy: as in narrow Therapy: 300 mg 6 mg rapid Rate control
Amiodarone over Adenosine IV If onset > 48 h
9 2. AF+preexcitation
20–60 min, thereafter Repeat w/12 mg if postop,
3. polymorphic VT 900 mg Amiodarone unsuccessful, max. 300 mg IV
Therapy: over 24 h IV two repetitions Amiodarone over
Cardioversion, 24h ECG monitor 20–60 min IV,
2. SVT+branchblock
Amiodarone thereafter
Therapy: Adenosine IV
900 mg
Amiodarone over
24 h IV

SR ?

SVT oder paroxysmales AF Atrial flutter possible

Therapy: Rate control

..Fig. 9.7  Our management algorithm for tachycardia. AF atrial fibrillation, SR sinus rhythm, SVT supraventricular
tachycardia, VT ventricular tachycardia

55 Protamine administration to correct pro- to detect any hemoglobin drop. Furthermore,

longed activated clotting time hemoglobin sample from chest tubes, chest X-ray,
55 Administration of platelets in patients with and echocardiography can assist with diagnosis of
platelet dysfunction or thrombopenic patients bleeding and cardiac tamponade.
55 Administration of fresh frozen plasma or
cryoprecipitate due to a lack of coagulation Prevention
factors The most important way to prevent bleeding com-
plications is a careful chest closure. A famous
The routine blood gas analysis will provide quote in cardiac surgery puts it well: most com-
additionally the actual hemoglobin concentration mon cause of significant postoperative bleeding is
Chapter 9 · Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care
227 9
period of mechanical ventilation is common.
..Table 9.11  Limits for the postoperative blood
drain loss in adult patients
However, if other circulatory and pulmonary rea-
sons are lacking, weaning from ventilator should
Time after Maximum amount of tolerable be attempted at or before 4  h after operation. A
operation blood loss (ml) long-term ventilation (more than 72  h) is only
required in 5 % of the patients after cardiac sur-
First hour 400
gery (Murthy et al. 2007).
Second hour 300 Generally, two different ventilation mecha-
Third hour 250 nisms are used: mandatory or assisted ventilation.
The mandatory ventilation can be volume- or
Fourth hour and 200
pressure-controlled, the latter being the mode of
choice. The goal of mandatory ventilation mode is
to improve the gas exchange by improving the
«hypoprolinemia,» insufficient use of suture material ventilation-perfusion ratio, whereas the assisted
to avoid surgical site bleeding. Furthermore, antifibri- ventilation aims toward reducing the work of
nolytics such as ε-aminocaproic acid or tranexamic breathing for the patient (.   Table 9.12).
acid have shown to reduce postoperative bleeding
and take backs for hemorrhagic complications. Ventilation Parameters
The potential value of intraoperative monitoring and Settings
of fibrinolysis, residual heparin content, or platelet of the Ventilatory Machine
function is not unequivocally established, yet. A series of parameters may be adjusted and regu-
lated on the ventilator. In the following, important Therapy ventilation parameters are discussed briefly:
Disorders of the coagulation system have to be 55 The inspiratory oxygen concentration can be
treated as already described. If there are bleedings adjusted between 21 % and 100 %, corre-
from the sternal closure wires out of the bone, a sponding to FiO2 of 0.21–1.0.
temporarily increased PEEP to 10  mmHg may 55 The respiratory rate is the adjustable frequency
stop the bleeding. In case of a true blood loss above of breathing cycles on the ventilator and is
the limits given in .   Table  9.11, a prompt reex- usually between 8 and 14 per minute.
ploration should be considered. The timing for 55 The tidal volume is defined as the amount of
take back is poor, if the patient requires new onset air introduced during one breathing cycle.
and/or increasing inotropic support. If the diagno- The physiological value is between 5 and
sis is in doubt, a more aggressive approach toward 8 ml/kg BW.
operative exploration is warranted. Furthermore, 55 The minute volume is the product of respira-
sternal exploration in CSICU should be promptly tory rate and tidal volume. The physiological
done in acute hemodynamic compromise: simple value is between 5 and 8 l/min.
bleeders can be treated immediately, and in more 55 The inspiratory flow is the amount of airflow
complex ­situations, the hemodynamics can be sta- during inspiration compared to the time. The
bilized, allowing safe transfer of the patient to the inspiration flow can be constant, decelerating,
OR. Principles of explorations in CSICU should be or accelerating. Generally the inspiration flow
exercised as «dry run» with the nursing and allied is chosen as short as possible and as high as
health-care providers, allowing for smoother run necessary, mostly in decelerating fashion.
in true emergencies. A resternotomy kit should be 55 The maximum inspiratory pressure is the guid-
fabricated, along with adequate lightening tools, ing parameter in pressure-controlled ventila-
improving visualization of surgical site in CSICU. tion. If the inspiratory pressure is not regulated,
especially in volume-controlled ventilation, pul-
monary complications may occur due to pul-
9.5.4  Lung and Mechanical monary barotrauma. Therefore the
Ventilation pressure-­controlled ventilation has become the
preferred mode of ventilation in the last years.
The lungs in cardiac surgical patients are compro- 55 The relation of inspiration and expiration
mised due to various reasons. Therefore a short should be 1:2 to ensure an almost complete
228 A. Markewitz et al.

..Table 9.12  Summary of ventilation modes

Controlled ventilation Assisted ventilation Controlled and assisted ventilation

IPPV, intermittent positive pressure SIMV, synchronized intermittent BIPAP, biphasic positive airway
ventilation mandatory ventilation pressure
CPPV, continuous positive pressure MMV, mandatory minute volume
ventilation PSV, pressure support Ventilation
VCV, volume controlled ventilation ASB, assisted spontaneous breathing
PCV, pressure controlled ventilation CPAP, continuous positive airway

airway gas exchange. The end-expiratory pres- Weaning and Extubation

sure is the alveoli pressure at end of exhala- Generally, the patient arrives on the CSICU in man-
tion, and it is in the spontaneous breathing datory ventilation mode until the cardiopulmonary
human ca. 4–5 cm H2O. Ventilation with a situation is stable and the patient is normothermic.
positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) Weaning from ventilator should be performed in
ensures patency of the alveoli, by reducing stepwise fashion. The mandatory ventilation mode
the alveolar collapse, which decreases the may then be switched to assisted mode, if the acid-
ventilation/perfusion interface. base balance and the oxygen level are stable at a FiO2
0.6 (pH 7.4 ± 0.5; arterial CO2 partial pressure,
9 To set the ventilator, size, weight, and clinical 40–55 mmHg; HCO3-­concentration, 20–28 mmol/L;
condition of the patient have to be considered, and base excess, 1.5 to 1.5). Controlled reduction of the
there are certain limits that should not be exceeded. ventilation pressure support to 3–5  mmHg over
For example, an oxygen concentration of more PEEP is the next step. .   Figure 9.8 summarizes our
than 60 % for a prolonged time can cause lung approach for weaning patients from ventilation.
trauma. Furthermore, high maximum inspiratory Extubation can be possible if the following
pressure as well as tidal volume of more than extents are achieved:
12  ml/kg BW is associated with a poor outcome 55 Adequate oxygenation under spontaneous
(Malhotra 2007; Wheeler and Bernard 2007). breathing with a paO2 >60–80 mmHg with a
.   Table  9.13 has suggested values for various FiO2 ≤0.5 and a peripheral SaO2 ≥92 %
ventilatory parameters. The settings of the ventila- 55 PEEP ≤8 cm H2O
tor are adjusted and corrected by blood gas analy- 55 Pressure support 3–5 mmHg over PEEP
sis, pulse oximetry, end-tidal CO2 monitoring, and 55 Tidal volume ≥5 ml/kg BW
intrapulmonary pressure curves on the ventilator. 55 Breathing minute volume <20 L/min
55 Respiratory rate 8–18 per min
..Table 9.13  Proposed ventilator settings 55 pH level 7.3–7.45 with a CO2 arterial partial
pressure of 40–55 mmHg
Extent Setting
The clinical presentation of the patient before
Inspiratory oxygen <0.6
concentration, FiO2
the extubation is important:
55 The patient is awake, alert, and responds ade-
Respiratory rate 8–12/min quately.
Inspiration-expiration relation 1:2 55 The patient can cough on command.
55 The cardiac function is stable (heart rate
Positive end-expiratory pressure 5–8 cm H2O
(PEEP) 50–140 bpm, systolic blood pressure
90–180 mmHg, low-dose catecholamines,
Maximum inspiration pressure <30 mmHg isovolemia, no pathological ECG changes to
Tidal volume 5–8 ml/kg BWa the preoperative ECG).
55 Body temperature ≥96.8 °F (36 °C).
aPredicted body weight (female, 45.5 + 0.91 × [height in
55 Drainage loss ≤50–100 ml/h.
cm—152.4]; male, 50 + 0.91 × [height in cm—152.4])
55 Intact physiological reflexes.
Chapter 9 · Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care
229 9
55 Transfusion more than six units of
Controlled ventilation
55 Cardiac arrest

3. Postoperative risks
Reduction of FiO2
55 Serum albumin level <4 g/dl
55 Low cardiac output requiring catechol-
Assisted ventilation 55 Resternotomy for bleeding

Before an acute respiratory failure can be

Reduction of pressure support diagnosed, other causes of hypoxemia have to be
corrected first:
55 Occluded breathing tube
Extubation 55 Leaking ventilation system
55 Improper ventilation mode
55 Occluded bronchus with mucus or foreign
. . Fig. 9.8  Stepwise weaning from postoperative bodies
ventilation 55 Hemothorax, pneumothorax
55 Diaphragm malfunction due to phrenic
An impaired renal function should not be a 55 Pleural effusion
reason for prolonged ventilation. Some patients 55 Atelectasis
present with agitation and stress during the extu- 55 Significant right-left shunt
bation process (respiratory rate >35 per min, 55 Lung edema of cardiac origin
increased blood pressure, and sweating). They
should receive light anxiolytics and after ongoing kSymptoms, findings, pathophysiology,
ventilation a second trial of extubation. Only a causes, and diagnostic of respiratory failure
small percentage of these patients will require rein- The most common symptom of respiratory insuf-
tubation. ficiency is dyspnea, often associated with tachy-
pnea, along with cyanosis. It may have an acute Respiratory Failure onset. The X-ray displays diffuse, bilateral inter-
Acute respiratory failure is the most important stitial infiltrates that are not of cardiac ­origin.
pulmonary issue in critical care medicine. The fol- However, the differential diagnosis in cardiac sur-
lowing risk factors are known to increase the risk gical patients may be difficult, and per definition
for an acute respiratory failure: wedge pressure should be less than 18 mmHg.
1. Preoperative risks In respiratory insufficiency oxygen saturation is
55 Emergency operation less than 90 % on pulse oximetry, and the blood gas
55 Cardiac reoperation analysis is consistent with hypoxemia. If the paO2/
55 Age >75 years FiO2 ratio (Horovitz quotient) is less than 300, a
55 High level of urea mild acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
55 Low hematocrit level is present. If the quotient is less than 200 (e.g., paO2
55 Body mass index >30 kg/cm2 <100 mmHg at FiO2 0.5), it is defined as moderate
55 Pulmonary hypertension ARDS. If it is below 100, the ARDS is classified as
55 Left ventricular ejection fraction <35 % severe (The ARDS Definition Task Force 2012).
55 Cardiogenic shock The causes for respiratory insufficiency after
55 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease cardiac surgery are:
55 Pneumonia
2. Intraoperative risks 55 Aspiration
55 More than 120 min of extracorporeal cir- 55 TRALI (Transfusion-related acute lung
culation injury)
230 A. Markewitz et al.

55 Reperfusion injury after long-term extra- 2007) and gained some interest more recently in
corporeal circulation cardiac patients, also (Guarracino and Ambrosino
55 Pulmonary parenchymal hemorrhage 2011; Cabrini et al. 2015), but it remains contro-
55 Secondary involvement due to multi-organ versial.
kVentilation in respiratory failure
Based on the causes, the required diagnostics Since only a portion of alveoli are sufficiently ven-
are: tilated and perfused, the ventilation of patient
55 Bronchoscopy, combined with sampling with ARDS is challenging: The interstitial edema
for microbiological analysis decreases the compliance of the lungs. Therefore
55 Critical analysis of the pulmonary and the ventilation pressure is increased to maintain
perioperative history the effective minute volume, imposing additional
55 Chest X-ray stress to the alveoli and causing their further
55 CT scan destruction. To reduce these deleterious effects,
reduced tidal volume to 4–6  ml/kg has been
The pathophysiology of the acute respiratory shown to be associated with improved outcomes
failure is topic of many research endeavors and is (The Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
discussed below in brief: Network 2000). A possible side effect of this
In the beginning of acute respiratory failure, alveoli-­protective strategy is an increased CO2
the capillary endothelium is damaged by toxin partial pressure that can be tolerated upon
9 that leads to hyperpermeability of the endothe- 80  mmHg (permissive hypercapnia), unless the
lium followed by an interstitial pulmonary edema. associated metabolic acidosis would be harming
This increases the gas diffusion distance and the patient.
causes collapse or narrowing of the alveoli. This In acute severe lung failure, high PEEP levels
process is enhanced by the loss of surfactant fac- have to be used. The PEEP setting on the ventila-
tor. Ventilation-perfusion mismatch occurs: the tor is usually 12–15 cm H2O but may be increased
not ventilated lung parts are well perfused, to maximal 25 cm H2O. To calculate the approxi-
whereas the ventilated lung parts are only insuffi- mate required PEEP, the formula PEEP ≤
ciently or not perfused. The thrombotic occlusion FiO2/0.05 can be useful. The exacter method is to
of pulmonary capillaries, hypoxemia-triggered adjust the PEEP to the pressure-volume curve,
vasoconstriction, the release of proinflammatory where the PEEP value has to be chosen right
mediators, and the ventilation-perfusion mis- above the lower inflection point. The lower inflec-
match worsens the pulmonary function. The tion point indicates the pressure limit that is nec-
ensuing hypoxemia deteriorates the function of essary to open the alveolus. A PEEP right above
other organ systems. Adequate oxygenation needs this point ensure open alveolus (Hemmila and
to be maintained, and the aggressive ventilation Napolitano 2006; Malhotra 2007; Wheeler and
mode (FiO2 1.0, high ventilation pressure) neces- Bernard 2007). Adequate PEEP will prevent alve-
sary for adequate oxygenation may enhance the oli trauma caused by collapse and reopening. The
structural damage of the alveoli and the lungs. effect of high PEEP to the circulatory system
occurs only in patients with hypovolemia, but
kTherapy higher risk of pneumothorax has to be considered
Treatment of acute respiratory failure consists of in all patients with sudden respiratory deteriora-
two basic principles: a causal and a symptomatic. tion. It is important to mention that there is no
The cause of ARDS must be treated promptly. data supporting improved outcome with high
The symptomatic treatment entails ensuring PEEP ventilation in respiratory failure. The strat-
proper oxygenation of the patient. This includes egy of a low tidal volume, permissive hypercap-
adequate mechanical ventilation and other sup- nia, and high PEEP is called the open lung
portive care, such as special positioning of the concept.
patient. Noninvasive ventilation in patients In addition to high PEEP ventilation, recruit-
developing acute respiratiory failure after pri- ment maneuver is helpful in maintaining alveoli
mary extubation has been advocated (Hill at al. open: this includes brief gradual increase of
Chapter 9 · Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care
231 9

Criteria for respiratory failure:

– Dyspnea – resp. rate >357 min. – pulmonary edema (CXR)
– paO2:<60 mmHg – SaO2: <90 %

Trial w/noninvasive ventilation Invasive ventilation/Intubation

Ventilatory settings:
Goals achieved (1) No
– tidal volume: ≤6 cc/kg

– Inspiratory plateau: ≤30 cm H2O

– PEEP: ≤20 cm H2O

– as much assisted ventilation as possible

– FiO2: try to stay ≤0.6

Monitoring Yes Goals achieved (1)


Initiate weaning process Escalate therapy

(1) Goals: paO2:>60 mmHg

SaO2: >90 %, art. pH: >7.2

..Fig. 9.9  Our initial therapeutic approach in acute respiratory failure/acute pulmonary failure. FiO2 inspired oxygen
fraction, paO2 arterial oxygen partial pressure, PEEP positive end-expiratory pressure, CXR chest X-ray, SaO2 arterial
­oxygen saturation

maximal ventilation pressure up to 40 cm H2O to hypoxemic patients, but usually requires para-
«recruit» (reopen) collapsed alveoli. After recruit- lyzing medication.
ment maneuver is finished, the maximal ventila- Yet another mode of ventilation that can be
tion pressure is reduced slowly to lowest possible useful in patients with acute respiratory failure
PEEP that keeps the alveolus open based on lower and maximal reduced lung compliance is the
inflection point. high-frequency oscillatory ventilation mode. A
If the open lung concept with a low tidal vol- high ventilation frequency between 300 and 600/
ume and a high PEEP do not sufficiently improve min reduces the tidal volume to 1–4  ml/kg and
oxygenation, inversed ratio ventilation may be subsequently reduces stress to the alveoli
tried: the inspiration-expiration ratio has to be (Hemmila and Napolitano 2006). The expiration
changed to a prolonged inspiration time (2:1 up is actively carried out by a vibrating membrane, in
to 4:1), and the FiO2 has to be maximally contrary to other forms of high-frequency venti-
increased to 1.0. This is an effective approach in lation (i.e., jet ventilation).
232 A. Markewitz et al.

Despite invasive ventilation therapeutic goals (1) not achieved

Increase PEEP (max. 25 cm H2O)

Goals (1) achieved No

Increase in-/exspiratory ratio up to 4:1 as needed

Goals (1) achieved No

Increase ventilator rate

Goals (1) achieved No

Increase FiO2

Yes Goals (1) achieved No

De-escalation of therapy Escalation of therapy

(1) Goals: paO2: >60 mmHg

SaO2: >90 %, art. pH: >7.2

..Fig. 9.10  Our approach for therapeutic escalation in acute respiratory distress syndrome: FiO2 inspired oxygen
fraction, paO2 arterial oxygen partial pressure, PEEP positive end-expiratory pressure, SaO2 arterial oxygen saturation

kOther supportive Measures positive influence on oxygenation due to improved

The proper position of the patient can improve ventilation-perfusion ratio and homogenized
the oxygenation. Elevated upper body position ventilation. The frequency and the duration of
(30–45°) supports the patient’s breathing, by this positioning are not strictly defined, but it
reducing pressure from the diaphragm caused by should be adapted to the patient’s clinical condi-
abdominal organs, and reduces silent aspiration. tion. The positioning maneuver requires increased
The most effective strategy for oxygenation is ven- logistic and personnel workforce, but the effects
tral positioning of the patient. This has a very on the respiratory system are remarkable.
Chapter 9 · Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care
233 9
..Fig. 9.11 Our
approach for further thera-
peutic escalation in acute Despite invasive ventilation with FiO21.0, PEEP 25 cm H2O, and IRV,
respiratory distress syn- therapeutic goals (1) not achieved
drome: irresponsive to first
stage escalation of therapy:
FiO2 inspired oxygen frac-
tion, IVR inversed ratio ven- Additional measures:
tilation, NO nitrogen oxide,
paO2 arterial oxygen partial – lung recruiting maneuvers
pressure, PEEP positive – positioning therapy
end-expiratory pressure, – high frequency oscillating ventilation
SaO2 arterial oxygen satura-
tion – nitric oxide ventilation

Goals (1) achieved No

Extracorporeal Lung assist/replacement

Yes Goals (1) achieved No

of therapy

(1) Goals: paO2:>60 mmHg

SaO2:>90 %, art. pH: >7.2

The 135° positioning and special rotational beds time and the CSICU stay. This entails daily
are less effective than the true 180° positioning brief disruption of the sedatives, until the
but certainly very helpful. To perform these patient is awake and more alert, before reiniti-
maneuvers, the patient’s hemodynamics has to be ating the sedation.
stable. This may not be the case early after open- The early initiation of enteral nutrition has
heart cases. shown a positive effect in reducing ventilator
The fluid management of the respiratory-­ period in patients with mechanical ventilation
impaired patient has to be restrictive to avoid more than 36 h, whereas the endotracheal surfac-
any volume overload that results in an increase tant therapy and the inhaled medications, such as
of the existing lung edema, worsened by cardio- prostacyclin or iloprost, have not proven to be
genic pulmonary edema. However, intravascular efficacious.
hypervolemia has to be avoided given the high Steroids improve blood pressure, the pulmo-
PEEP ventilation. nary oxygenation, and the duration of mechanical
Furthermore, «sedation holiday» is an ventilation in ARDS but do not reduce the 60- or
effective method in shortening ventilation 180-day mortality.
234 A. Markewitz et al.

If, despite maximal aforementioned efforts, intubated and ventilated starts by reducing the
adequate oxygenation is not secured, more inva- sedation so far that the patient is stress-free and
sive methods may be considered in appropriate hemodynamically stable under assisted
patient cohort, understanding the significant ­ventilation. Then the patient controls his breath
cost involved: there are pump-driven systems, rate, but the tidal volume is assisted by the ven-
such as extracorporeal membrane oxygenation tilator. Subsequently the ventilation pressure is
(ECMO) for heart and lung support, or pump- reduced stepwise, allowing the patient do most
less systems that work due to the artery-venous of the work of breathing. The blood gas analysis
pressure gradient. In both systems the blood and the clinical situation should be stable
oxygenation occurs with assistance of a gas within 30–60 min without evidence of respira-
exchange membrane oxygenator. The oxygen- tory fatigue.
ation is more effective using ECMO, but the Signs of respiratory fatigue are:
pumpless systems are more often used in hyper- 55 Agitation
capnic patients with hypoxemia responding to 55 Anxiety
conventional measures. 55 Sweating
Due to its pump drive, the ECMO is not 55 Tachycardia
dependent on the circulatory situation, whereas 55 Blood pressure drop or rising
the pumpless systems require a stable or stabi- 55 Centralization (peripheral vasoconstriction)
lized cardiocirculatory function. ECMO con- 55 Inadequate ventilation time volume
sumes significantly more CSICU resources 55 Inadequate tidal volume
9 (Bein et al. 2007). 55 Breath rate of >35 per minute
.   Figures  9.9, 9.10, and 9.11 show treatment 55 Peripheral oxygen saturation of <92 %
algorithms and therapeutic escalation in respira- 55 Arterial oxygen partial pressure <60 mmHg
tory distress situations.
If the patient displays these symptoms, the
kTracheotomy extubation should be delayed for another 24  h,
Tracheotomy is a supportive measure provid- before a second extubation is attempted.
ing the following advantages: secured airway, If the patient is stable and calm, the sedation
easier oral care, more comfort for the patient, should be ended. Just before extubation the
and no larynx trauma. Weaning from mechani- patient should be totally awake, should push the
cal ventilation is faster and less complicated in hand on command, and should raise the head off
patients having tracheotomy (De Leyn et al. the pillow. If a gastric tube is in place, it should
2007). Reduced dead space ventilation by tra- be completely suctioned and removed before
cheotomy reduces the work of breathing for the extubation.
patient. The procedure can be performed sur- After extubation, the patients are positioned
gically or using percutaneous Seldinger in sitting or with upper body elevated 30–45° to
approach in CSICU-dilatational tracheotomy— facilitate the work of breathing and reduce aspi-
that can be done on bedside with bronchoscopy ration risk. The possibility of reintubation has
(Ciaglia et al. 1985). to be considered in elderly, frail, malnutri-
The optimal timing for a tracheotomy is tioned patients, or those with poor mental
unclear yet (Young at al. 2013), but the positive status and prolonged ventilator support.
effect of this treatment should encourage the .   Figure 9.12 summarizes our approach to wean
intensivist to perform it earlier if prolonged patients from ventilation after a complicated
mechanical ventilation is expected. course.

kWeaning from ventilation and extubation kSide Effects and complications

Patients with more than 48  h of mechanical of mechanical ventilation
­ventilation will have a more difficult course of Possible side effects of the mechanical ventilation
extubation. The weaning actually starts already are:
preoperatively with breath-exercising respira- 55 Increased intrathoracic pressure with a
tory physiotherapy. The weaning process once reduction of the cardiac filling
Chapter 9 · Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care
235 9

Once pulmonary problem solved, check daily whether weaning off ventilation is possible

Prerequisites for weaning off ventilation:

– Patient awake, responsive, and able to follow commands; stable hemodynamics,

– paO2: >60 mmHg, SaO2: >92 % at FiO2 of 0.5, PEEP <8 cm H2O, art. pH: 7.3–7.5,
– VMV <15 L/min
– Sufficient spontaneous ventilator breathing with pressure support (PS)

Reduction of PS to ≤3–5 cm H2O over PEEP with T-piece breathing

Wait for 2 to 3 h

– Pt meets general criteria for extubation: SaO2: >92 % at FiO2 of 0.5, respiratory rate <35/min;
– <20 % change in heart rate and blood pressure, no agitation, pt coughs on command.
– Pt meets special criteria for extubation: paO2: >60 mmHg, SaO2: >92 % at FiO2 ≤0.5 with
– PS≤8 cm H2O, VMV <15 L/min, art. pH: 7.35–7.45

Yes No

Extubation Continue mechanical ventilation for 24 hrs

..Fig. 9.12  Our approach for weaning off mechanical ventilation. FiO2 inspired oxygen fraction, paO2 arterial oxygen
partial pressure, PEEP positive end-expiratory pressure, PS pressure support, SaO2 arterial oxygen saturation, VMV
­ventilator minute volume

55 Decrease of renal blood flow with activation 55 Pulmonary trauma due to a high FiO
of the renin-angiotensin system 55 Damages of the alveoli due to high tidal vol-
55 Reduction of airway mucus clearance ume or a high airway pressure
55 Damage to the surfactant monolayer by posi- 55 Barotrauma of the lungs with the risk of a
tive airway pressure-mediated shear stress pneumothorax
55 Decubitus and thromboembolic complica-
The following complications should be men- tions due to immobilization
While most side effects and complications
55 Trauma to or edema of larynx, trachea, and may be self-limiting, the most deleterious effect
bronchi on a patient with acute respiratory failure is from
55 Ventilator-associated pneumonia ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). VAP
236 A. Markewitz et al.

develops 48 h or longer after mechanical ventila-

..Table 9.14  The RIFLE criteria according to
tion is given by means of an endotracheal tube or Bellomo et al. (2004)
tracheotomy and is associated with substantial
mortality. VAP results from the invasion of the Class GFR criteria
lower respiratory tract and lung parenchyma by
microorganisms. Intubation compromises the Risk Plasma Cr increase 1.5 × baseline or
GFR decline >25 %
integrity of the oropharynx and trachea and
allows oral and gastric secretions to enter the Injury Plasma Cr increase 2 × baseline or
lower airways. The prevention of any triggers is GFR decline >50 %
most important: sterile exchange of ventilator Failure Plasma Cr increase 3 × baseline or
components, sterile endotracheal suction, posi- GFR decline >75 % or acute plasma
tioning of the patient with aspiration precau- Cr> 4 mg/dL
tions, and weaning according to established Loss Persistent ARF = complete loss of
protocols. kidney function requiring dialysis for
>4 weeks but <3 months

End stage End-stage kidney disease requiring

9.5.5  Kidney dialysis for >3 months I ncidence, Cause, and ..Table 9.15  National Kidney Foundation

9 Diagnostic of Renal classification of stages for chronic kidney disease
The perioperative acute renal failure occurs with Stage Description GFR
an incidence 1.2–5.1 % after cardiac surgery and is 1 Kidney damage with >90 (with CKD
associated with 40–80  % increased mortality normal or ↑ GFR risk factors)
(Markewitz and Lante 2006; Mehta et al. 2006).
2 Kidney damage with 60–89
The definition of renal failure has been some- mild or ↓ GFR
what empiric and vague in cardiac surgical litera-
ture; increased creatinine by certain value or 3 Moderate ↓ GFR 30–59
percentage, reduced urine output, and other fac- 4 Severe ↓ GFR 15–29
tors had been used in the past, making reliable
5 Kidney failure <15 (or dialysis)
comparison of literature impossible. The RIFLE
classification (.   Table  9.14) as well as the more
recent AKIN classification (Acute Kidney Injury
..Table 9.16  Grading for acute renal failure
Network) (.   Tables 9.15 and 9.16) can be used to
according to the consensus conference of the
quantify and qualify renal failure (Bellomo et al. Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN)
2004; Hoste et  al. 2006; Kuitunen et  al. 2006;
Mehta et al. 2007). RIFLE, for example, classifies Grade Serum creatinine level Urine output
severity and outcomes, it proposes criteria for
1 Creatinine ↑ by <0.5 cc/kg/h
three grades of increasing severity: risk of acute
≥0.3 mg/dL or ↑ by for 6 h
renal dysfunction (R), injury to the kidney (I), >150–200 %
and failure of kidney function (F), and two out-
2 Creatinine ↑ by <0.5 cc/kg/h
come classes: loss of kidney function (L) and end-­
>200–300 % for 12 h
stage kidney disease (E). The RIFLE classification
based on estimated glomerular filtration rate 3 Creatinine ↑ by >300 % <0.3 cc/kg/h for
(eGFR) and serum creatinine. eGFR is calculated or by 4 mg/dL or by 24 h or anuria
≥0.5 mg/dL acutely (<100 cc in 12 h)
with the abbreviated «Modification of Diet in
Renal Disease formula», MDRD (Jin et al. 2008). 3 Kidney replacement
Calculation of estimated glomerular filtration rate therapy necessary
(eGFR) with the abbreviated «Modification of Mehta et al. (2007)
Diet in Renal Disease» formula: Chronic kidney
Chapter 9 · Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care
237 9

 Estimated eGFR  ml / minute / 1.73 m 2  = 186 × [serum creatinine ]−1.154 × [ age ]−0.203 
   
 : [ 0.742 if female ] × [1.210 if African − American ] 

disease (CKD) is defined as a baseline eGFR 2002); this not being the case with N-acetylcysteine
≤60 ml/min/1.73 m2, while chronic renal failure or «renal-dose» dopamine. Avoiding any nephro-
(CRF) is defined as eGFR ≤30  ml/min/1.73  m2 toxic function, such as aminoglycosides, and all
(stage III versus IV and V according to the Kidney prostaglandin-­synthesizing blockers is important
Disease Outcome Quality Initiative) (National but not always possible.
Kidney Foundation 2002).
In clinical practice, many cardiac surgical  herapy of Renal
patients can be classified into RIFLE criteria Complications
«risk,» and some may correspond to the level During the first hours after cardiac operation, the
«injury.» However, the recovery is the norm in urine production decreases in nearly all patients
majority of these patients. due to various causes. Once in a while, the urinary
Starting with the level «failure,» the treatment catheter may be clogged or kinked, or the mean
of the patients is going to be more complex and arterial pressure is too low. These problems can be
resource intensive. CSICU capacities are limited, solved easily, and they have to be considered early
and patients that require hemodialysis may in the evaluation of the patient. Generally diuret-
occupy them for a prolonged period of time. The ics, such as furosemide or torasemide or mannitol,
preoperative risk stratification of renal failure is are given to improve urine output, understanding
not easy to perform, but the Society of Thoracic that urine output per se does not imply extend of
Surgeons (STS) provides a risk score for postop- kidney function. Also, the maximum dose per day
erative renal failure (Online STS Risk Calculator) of diuretics has to be taken into account.
(.   Table  9.17). .   Figure  9.13 shows how the If urine output cannot be reactivated with the
results of the STS Risk Calculator translate into a aforementioned methods, the decision for renal
probability for renal replacement therapy. replacement therapy should be made within 24 h
or less of oliguria or anuria. Options for renal  revention of Renal
P replacement therapy such as intermittent or a
Complications continuous filtration mode does not influence the
Prevention is the best therapy of renal failure. It is patient’s outcome (Garwood 2004). Diuretic
important to ensure an adequate hydration, oxy- administration, however, should to be stopped
genation, and adequate mean arterial pressure. due to its contra-productive effect (Mehta et  al.
The perioperative administration of aspirin has 2002), as up to 25 % of these patients will require
proven to have a positive effect (Mangano et  al. long-­term renal replacement therapy.

..Fig. 9.13  Probability to

require renal replacement
therapy after cardiac sur- 90
gery in relation to preoper- 80
ative risk factors (STS risk 70
score acc. to Table. 9.17) 60
Mehta et al. (2006)

1 4 7 10 1316 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70
total points in Tab. 9.17 (STS-Risk-Score)
238 A. Markewitz et al.

..Table 9.17  Parameters and corresponding points for risk assessment, if perioperative renal replacement
therapy will be required

STS risk score for perioperative renal replacement therapy Points

Age <55 55–59 60–64 65–69 70–74 75–79 80–84 85–89 90–04 95–99 >100

Points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Creatinine 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 >4.0

Points 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Type of CABG only AV only CABG + AV MV only CABG + MV


Points 0 2 5 4 7

Myocardial No <3 weeks

Points 0 3

Color White Nonwhite

Points 0 2

9 Chronic
lung disease
No Yes

Points 0 3

Reoperation No Yes
am Herzen

Points 0 3


Points 0 3

Cardiogenic No Yes

Points 0 7


9.5.6  Gastrointestinal Tract ated with a mortality of 70–100 %, and high index
of suspicion is critical to promptly achieve the
Severe complications of the gastrointestinal tract, right diagnosis. The symptoms are usually unspe-
such as bleeding, ulcer, prolonged ileus, pancre- cific, causing late diagnosis. Furthermore, there is
atitis, intestinal ischemia, or mesenteric artery no specific monitoring available, but increasing
thrombosis occur in about 3 % of the patients lactate and phosphate levels and persisting ther-
undergoing open-heart surgery. apy refractory metabolic acidosis should increase
The outcome of patients with severe gastroin- index of suspicion, prompting diagnostic testing.
testinal complications is associated with high The metabolic acidosis is usually accompanied by
mortality (Markewitz and Lante 2006). Most paralytic ileus and leukocytosis. The next step has
common problems involved gastrointestinal to be taken very quickly to confirm the diagnosis:
bleeding, amenable to endoscopic treatment mesenteric arteriogram, but if there is no possi-
options, and associated with much better out- bility for angiography, immediate laparotomy is
come. Ischemic bowel complications are associ- requested to diagnose and possibly treat the issue
Chapter 9 · Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care
239 9
with superior mesenteric or celiac artery bypass it can significantly reduce quality of life longterm
operation. If a nonocclusive ischemia is present, and does increase early mortality. Neurological
the ­administration of  local vasodilatory drugs complications are classified into the following
such as papaverine is possible. Even with rapid categories:
decision taking, the mortality remains at 50 %. 55 Ischemic stroke
When symptoms are present for more then 12 h 55 ICU psychosis
survival is ­improbable. 55 Critical illness polyneuropathy
A subtype of patients with acute type A or B 55 Other neurological complications such as
aortic dissection may have or develop malperfu- neurocognitive deficits, neuropsychological
sion to celiac or mesenteric artery during the complications, and peripheral nerve inju-
index hospitalization (complicated aortic dis- ries
section). The malperfusion is usually due to
dynamic (dissection flap occluding the orifice of Ischemic Stroke
the aortic branch vessels) or anatomic (dissec- The incidence of an ischemic stroke after cardiac
tion flap and hematoma in the orifice for the surgery is 2–10 %, being between 1.4 % and 3.8 % in
branch vessels). These patients have a treatment patients after coronary artery bypass grafting and
paradigm that has significantly changed in up to 10 % with multiple valve operations or total
recent years, requiring further details here arch replacement (Selim 2007). The patient
(Khoynezhad et al. 2009). typically has hemiparesis and aphasia depending
Prompt diagnosis and anti-impulsive treat- on the troubled brain hemisphere. CT scan will be
ment of patients with suspected complicated able to show the infarcted area 2 h after stroke. The
aortic dissection (CAD) is essential for usual causes for an ischemic stroke are ruptured
improved outcome. Originally, the minor only atherosclerotic plaques from the aorta, or calcific
available option used to be surgical fenestration aortic valve, thrombotic material from the left
of the membrane separating true and false atrium or the left ventricle, acute occlusion of a
lumen in order to perfuse both true and false high-grade-stenosed internal carotid artery. Next
lumen and reduce the pressure gradient that is to CT and duplex carotid, transesophageal echo-
the cause for the dynamic malperfusion. For cardiography is ordered to exclude emboli source
anatomic obstructions, mesenteric bypass oper- from the heart.
ation would be added. The endovascular treat- Therapeutic approach to thromboembolic
ment is, however, now the new standard to ischemic stroke is parenteral lysis with recombi-
promptly restore intestinal blood flow. Diagno- nant tissue-type plasminogen activator. However,
sis is confirmed with intravascular ultrasound this therapeutics cannot be used for most cardiac
and/or angiogram in the hybrid suite (See also surgical patients given the recent operation. In cer-
7   Chapter «Endovascular Surgical Therapy of Tho- tain circumstances, super-selective intra-­arterial
racic and Thoracoabdominal Disease of the Aorta», lysis may be performed; however this has to be
Sect. 28.7.2). performed within 6 h of symptoms. In most cases
the stroke occurs in patients under sedation,
­making any therapeutic intervention within that
«window» impossible. Therefore the therapy of a
9.5.7  Central and Peripheral stroke in cardiac surgical patients is mostly symp-
Nervous System tomatic:
55 Increase of the blood pressure
(160–180 mmHg systolic) as autoregulation Incidence of Neurological in the stroke area may not be present any
Complications more
Depending on definitions and the diagnosing 55 Adequate oxygenation
physician, incidence of neurological complica- 55 Blood glucose level <150 mg/dl
tions may vary. As minor as it may appear to be, 55 Body temperature less than 99.5 °F (37.5 °C)
240 A. Markewitz et al.

While systemic heparinization is not recom- volume resuscitation necessary. In the individ-
mended, administration of aspirin (50–325  mg) ual case, especially in violent patients, adminis-
daily as secondary prophylaxis is established. tration of 2–10 mg haloperidol or clonidine IV
The most feared complication is brain edema (clonidine as an IV drug is not available in the
with increase of intracranial pressure. Therefore USA) as well as the newer generation of atypi-
the monitoring has to be extended to check for cal antipsychotic drugs may be considered.
signs of increased intracranial pressure and Only in extreme situations, endangering the
decreased consciousness. Recommended posi- patient and the CSICU staff, the sedation with
tioning is 30° elevated upper body, diuresis with propofol is recommended.
mannitol, or administration of short-acting To further differentiate and quantify psycho-
barbiturates, such as thiopental. While steroids sis, the Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale
are no longer recommended, the use of hyper- (Sessler et  al. 2002), in conjunction with the
ventilation is controversial and may be used as Confusion Assessment Method, may be employed
short-­term therapy until other measures are (Ely et  al. 2003, 2004; Sessler et  al. 2002). The
initiated. The last option in reducing intracra- physical fixation of the patient should only be per-
nial pressure is surgical decompression with a formed in extreme situations; on the one hand, it
craniotomy. is restricted by law and needs clear documenta-
Furthermore, treatment of accompanying tion, and on the other hand the symptoms can be
seizures may be necessary, along with all accom- exacerbated by physical fixation.
panying problems of immobilized and uncon- It is not uncommon that patients with ICU
9 scious patients, such as aspiration pneumonia, psychosis develop an instable sternum requiring
thromboembolic complications, and decubitus surgical reintervention.
The prognosis of survivors with stroke after Critical Illness Polyneuropathy
cardiac surgery is rather grim; only 47 % survive The cause of this rare complication is not well
the first 5 years, half of them with permanent def- understood, allowing for no treatment or pro-
icits requiring external support for daily living phylaxis. This polyneuropathy affects mainly
activities (Salazar et al. 2001). Early rehabilitation the motor axons, occurring most commonly
will help to restore the muscular coordination and after sepsis and polytrauma. A correlation with
improve functional outcome. systemic inflammatory reaction syndrome
(SIRS), multi-organ failure, and various drugs ICU Psychosis is highly suggested. The main problem is to
ICU psychosis is a disorder in which hospitalized wean the patient from ventilator, as breathing
patients, especially in ICU, may experience anxi- muscles are commonly affected by critical ill-
ety, paranoia, hallucinations, disorientation, agita- ness polyneuropathy. After repeatedly failed
tion, and even violence against nurses and doctors. extubation attempts, the critical illness poly-
The condition has been formally defined as «acute neuropathy has to be taken into account. Early
brain syndrome involving impaired intellectual mortality is about 30 %, another 50 % of the
functioning which occurs in ICU patients.» ICU patients recover between 6  weeks and a year,
psychosis is a form of delirium or acute brain fail- while 20 % will have residual neuropathies
ure, and some organic factors including dehydra- (Kane and Dasta 2002).
tion, hypoxia, low cardiac output, infections, and
drugs may contribute to its development. The Other Neurological
postoperative delirium occurs relatively often in Complications
elderly and remains clinically challenging for Other complications, such as neurocognitive defi-
many physicians, nursing staff, and the patient’s cits, neuropsychological complications, and
family. peripheral nerve lesions, are not specific to car-
Mild form of delirium does not require diac surgical patients. Peripheral nerve injuries
therapy, especially in elderly, or in case of sig- are potentially preventable complications during
nificant fluid loss (fever, sweating, diarrhea) or anesthesia, requiring extra attention while posi-
high ambient temperatures, making adequate tioning the patient.
Chapter 9 · Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care
241 9
9.5.8   cid-Base Balance and
A Negative base excess × 0.1
Electrolytes × body weight ( kg ) = ml tris buffer solution

The laboratory values and the common causes for A metabolic alkalosis is often the result of an
disorders of the acid-base balance are displayed in overtreated metabolic acidosis. A metabolic alka-
.   Tables 9.18 and 9.19. losis can also cause a reduction of myocardial
Metabolic acidosis is the most relevant acid-­base contractility and heart rhythm disturbances and
disorder in the CSICU, as the underlying causes can will worsen the oxygen tissue supply by shifting
be potentially fatal disorders. An insufficient oxygen the oxygen dissociation curve.
supply, caused by LCOS or mesenteric ischemia, ini- Electrolyte abnormalities will influence the
tiates a change from aerobe to anaerobe metabolism, heart function, especially the potassium level have
releasing more acids in the bloodstream. Main goal is the most clinical effect. The typical potassium
to treat the underlying cause of the acidosis, as sole level in the blood serum is 3.5–5 mmol/L. A low
treatment of the metabolic acidosis may not be level of potassium associated with metabolic alka-
enough. Clinical implications are reduced myocar- losis is accompanied by extrasystoles, tachycardia,
dial contractility and decreased effectiveness of cate- and ST interval decrease or a prolonged QT inter-
cholamines, clinically relevant in patients with pH val and will be treated by parenteral administra-
below 7.2. The amount of NaHCO3 to balance the tion of KCl. If hyperkalemia is present, high peaks
acidosis can be calculated with the following formula: of the T waves can be seen as well as enlargement
of QRS complex, branch blocks, arrhythmias, and
Negative base excess × 0.3
cardiac arrest. To lower the serum potassium
× body weight ( kg ) = mval NaHCO3 ( 8.4% ) level, the administration of diuretics, NaHCO3,
calcium, or glucose with insulin can be helpful.
Administrating large amounts of NaHCO3 results Diuretics will eliminate the potassium, but the
in iatrogenic hypernatremia. If more bicarbonate other attempts only provide a potassium shift
buffer is needed in case of a sodium level more from extracellular to intracellular. Another effec-
than 145  mmol/L, Tris (hydroxymethyl) amino- tive method to reduce potassium levels is Sodium
methane (THAM) may be used:

..Table 9.18  Laboratory values in disorders of the acid-base balance

CO2 partial Bicarbonate Base excess

Disorder pH level pressure mmHg concentration mmol/L mmol/L

Normal values 7.36–7.44 35–45 22–26 –2 to + 2

Respiratory acidosis <7.36 >45 Normal Normal

Respiratory alkalosis >7.44 <35 Normal Normal

Metabolic acidosis <7.36 Normal <22 Negative

Metabolic alkalosis >7.44 Normal >26 Positive

..Table 9.19  Common causes for disorders of the acid-base balance

Disorder Cause Therapy

Respiratory acidosis Hypoventilation Increase respiratory rate or tidal volume

Respiratory alkalosis Hyperventilation Decrease respiratory rate or tidal volume

Metabolic acidosis Anaerobe metabolism Bicarbonate and correct the underlying cause

Metabolic alkalosis Overcorrected acidosis Acetazolamide and correct the underlying cause
242 A. Markewitz et al.

..Fig. 9.14 Differential
diagnosis and grading of
severity of inflammatory Presence of 2 or more of the following findings:
reactions without and with
infectious cause – Temperature: ≥38 C or ≤36 C (rectal, or urine bladder)
– Heart rate ≥90/min
– Tachypnea (breath rate > 20/min) or hyperventilation
(PaCO2 von <33 mmHg)
– Leukocytosis (>12,000/µl) or leukopenia (<4000/µl)
or >10 % immature precursor cells


+ Infection


+ Organ dysfunction

9 Severe Sepsis

+ Hypotension

Septic Schock

Polystyrene Sulfonate Suspension, a cation- response syndrome or early postoperative atelec-

exchange resin adminstered orally or as an enema. tasis. The temperature course should be followed
If the potassium level exceeds 6  mmol/L or and does not require normalization if patient is
patient is having active symptoms, extracorporeal not tachycardic or otherwise symptomatic.
filtration of potassium using renal replacement Exceptions to this rule are operations for infective
therapy may be indicated. endocarditis, or sternal wound infections. The
If high levels of sodium are present, the sodium challenge for the intensivist is to differentiate
intake has to be stopped immediately to prevent a between physiological fever and brewing infec-
hyperosmotic coma. All transfusion fluids should tion. .   Figure 9.14 depicts and describes sequence
be sodium-free, such as glucose 5 %. A hypernatre- and grading of differential diagnosis in inflam-
mia due to fluid overload or sodium loss through matory processes.
the kidney or the gut (diarrhea) can be treated by Infection is a clinical diagnosis or positive
administration of sodium-­containing fluids. result in microbiology examination.
Organ dysfunction include:
55 Acute encephalopathy with impaired vigi-
9.5.9  Fever and Infection lance, disorientation, restlessness, delirium
55 Relative or absolute thrombocytopenia with a
The rise of the body temperature after cardiac platelet drop >30 % within 24 h or a platelet
surgical operations is not uncommon and does count <100,000/μl in the absence of acute
not require a treatment in the absence of any bleeding
signs of infection. This is especially true in the 55 Arterial hypoxemia with paO2 <75 mmHg in
first few days after index operation, commonly room air, Horovitz quotient <250 (see
associated with body’s systemic inflammatory 7   Sect., p. 229)
Chapter 9 · Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care
243 9
..Fig. 9.15  Our algo-
rithm for diagnosis and
therapy of postoperative Correct hypovolemia Temperature >38.5° C
fever. CXR chest X-ray
examination, CVL central
venous line
No infection? Search for infectious site:

- Transfusion reaction - Clin. Examination

- Gastrointest bleed. - Chest x-ray Treat infection

- Phlebitis - Echocardiography locally and

- Thrombosis - Remove CVL if >48 hrs

- Hematoma - 2 sets of blood cultures

(each aerob & anaerob)
- Withdrawl
- Microbiology of tracheal
- Pancreatitis saecretion, urine, wound,
liquor, stool
- Serology for infection
Yes No

Treatment of Empiric antibiotics

cause therapy

24 hr observation, Yes No Suspicious for
re-evaluation Sepsis

55 Renal dysfunction, diuresis <0.5 cc/kg/h for Since postoperative cardiac surgical infections
more than 2 h despite adequate volume load are associated with significantly increased mortal-
or serum creatinine climbed to twice nor- ity and cost, any signs of infection have to be eval-
mal uated carefully and promptly. If an infection is
55 Metabolic acidosis, negative base excess present, an appropriate and immediate treatment
exceeds −5 mmol/L or lactate increased more is recommended. This is especially true for
than 1.5 normal patients with high pretest probability of infection
55 Hypotension with systolic arterial pressure such as immune suppressed, HIV-infected, or
<90 mmHg or mean arterial pressure poorly controlled diabetic and obese patients
<70 mmHg for at least 1 h despite volume The search for infection after cardiac surgery
replacement and IV vasopressor therapy should focus on:
55 Pneumonia
kPractical steps 55 Urinary catheter infections
Fever is defined as a body temperature with more 55 Central vein catheter and peripheral line
than 100 °F (in Europe 38.3 °C = 100.9 °F). Initially infections
hypovolemia should be corrected that may cause 55 Surgical site infections
fever by itself. If the temperature is not dropping or
another fever is coming up, a high index of suspi- The first three types of infection occur usually
cion for brewing infection should be maintained. after the fifth postoperative day, whereas surgical
The next step is the search for the infection focus. site infections appear mostly after more than
244 A. Markewitz et al.

1–2 weeks depending on involved pathogen. These also, the more general term to describe these tis-
wound infections should be treated according to sue damages would be pressure sore. This com-
general surgical principles and accompanied by sys- pression of the tissue reduces the blood supply,
temic antibiotics. and the ensuing hypoxia may damage the nerves
If bedside investigations, such as chest X-ray, in this area within a few hours. If the patient can-
urine, and respiratory cultures, remain negative not change the position, a permanent skin dam-
for an infection, an antibiotic therapy should age will occur.
be started even without knowing the infectious Besides the hypoxia, compromised venous
organism. The typical organism described in the drainage is also important in accumulation of acid
literature may be helpful, but it is more useful to metabolism products in the skin. Furthermore,
know the hospital common organisms and their the acidic environment initiates vasodilatation
resistances. Furthermore, the initial antibiotic with hyperemia, with subsequent exudate and
should be wide spectrum, reducing to more nar- transudate with possible tissue edema and blisters,
row antibiotics once sensitivities are back. If an and microthrombotic vascular changes. This acid
infection focus is identified, removal of the focus environment stimulates usually the ambulatory
with or without surgical excision should be per- human to move a little bit, preventing thereby any
formed immediately. tissue damage in healthy individuals.
.   Figure 9.15 illustrates our algorithm to eval- Frequently the decubitus is infected, prolong-
uate postoperative fever. ing the healing process. Body parts without a
If the infection progresses to a full-blown sep- proper muscle or fat tissue are most vulnerable to
9 sis, the prognosis will be significantly worse. decubitus.
These four strategies have shown to improve The decubitus can be categorized in different
severe sepsis or septic shock outcomes: depths and sizes and is commonly classified as
55 Early support for normalized hemodynamic follows:
function (Rivers et al. 2001) Stage I is the most superficial and recoverable,
55 Intensified insulin therapy (van den Berghe characterized by nonblanchable redness that
et al. 2001) does not subside after finger pressure is
55 Administration of human recombinant acti- relieved. This stage is visually similar to reac-
vated protein C (APC) (Bernard et al. 2001). tive hyperemia seen in the skin after prolonged
55 Widening of antibiotic therapy including anti- application of pressure. Stage I pressure ulcers
fungal or antiviral in specific patient cohort can be distinguished from reactive hyperemia
in two ways: (a) reactive hyperemia resolves
In the meantime, target levels for tight glyce- itself within three-fourth of the time pressure
mic control have been changed (Haga et al. 2011). was applied and (b) reactive hyperemia
Activated protein C (APC) has been removed from blanches when pressure is applied, whereas a
the market due to questionable benefit (Marti- Stage I pressure ulcer does not. The skin may
Carvajal et al. 2012). This topic is rather compre- be hotter or cooler than normal, have an odd
hensive and complex and cannot be sufficiently texture, or be painful. Although easy to iden-
handled in this chapter. Therefore, further detailed tify on a light-skinned patient, ulcers on
reading is suggested (Dellinger et al. 2013). darker-skinned individuals may show up as
shades of purple or blue in comparison to
lighter skin tone.
9.5.10  Decubitus Stage II is damage to the epidermis extending
into, but no deeper than, the dermis. In this
A decubitus is tissue damage caused by prolonged stage, the ulcer may be referred to as a blister
compression (Maklebust 2005; Thompson 2005). or abrasion that can be infected.
In clinical practice, decubitus is the short form for Stage III involves the full-thickness damage of the
the historical term decubitus ulcer. As the word skin and may extend into the subcutaneous tis-
decubitus in Latin means lying down, although sue layer. This layer has a relatively poor blood
these damages can be caused in other positions supply and can be more difficult to heal. At this
Chapter 9 · Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care
245 9
stage, there may be undermining tissue dam- HIT is a prothrombotic disease triggered by
age that makes the decubitus much larger than an immune reaction against the platelet factor 4
it may seem on the skin level. heparin complex. The clinical signs are drop of
Stage IV is the deepest, extending into the muscle, the platelet count more than 50 % and clinical
tendon, or even bone. thrombosis. Actual HIT tests are sensitive but less
The decubitus prophylaxis is the best therapy. The specific. Nearly half of cardiac surgery patients
treatment of a fulminant decubitus is very com- develop antibodies to heparin, whereas only
plex and requires plenty of resources. For prophy- 1–2 % will have a clinical relevant HIT. Functional
laxis, the following aspects are very important: HIT tests, such as serotonin-released assays, are
55 Tissue-protective patient exercise, position- more accurate by measuring the platelet activa-
ing, and transfer tion caused by heparin antibodies.
55 Routine use of softgel or air-filled mattresses The prompt therapy is to stop any exposure to
55 Continuous performance of prophylactic heparin and to change the anticoagulation to
maneuvers alternatives, such as lepirudin. Additionally, plate-
let infusions may have to be administered to
Local therapy of decubitus contains: remove the existing antibodies. .   Figure  9.16
55 Debridement summarizes the approach to HIT.
55 Treatment of infection
55 Moist wound treatment
55 Wound conditioning 9.5.12  Endocrine System
55 Hyperbaric oxygen therapy and VAC wound
treatment After intensified insulin therapy to achieve blood
glucose levels less than 110  mg/dl had shown to
The causal wound therapy is: decrease mortality and the incidence of postopera-
55 Complete decompression of the damaged tis- tive infections, intensified insulin therapy was on
sue protocols of most CSICUs (van den Berghe et  al.
55 Improvement of nutrition 2001). Meanwhile, it could be demonstrated that
55 Adequate pain therapy moderate glycemic control with blood glucose lev-
55 Improving the general functional condition els less than 180  mg/dl is more advantageous in
patients after cardiac surgery (Haga et  al. 2011;
Stage II decubitus ulcer or higher is a sign of Bhamidipati et al. 2011). With both protocols, the
poor nursing and patient care. It should be inves- incidence of hypoglycemia is a concern, being
tigated if there was omission or human error asso- increased up to sixfold. Furthermore, low ­potassium
ciated with it. The incidence for decubitus on any level can occur, contributing to dysrhythmias. A
ICU should be less than 1 % per year. close monitoring of blood glucose level and potas-
sium should be ensured through close monitoring.
In critically sick patients, especially those on high-
9.5.11  Disturbances dose catecholamines, adequate blood glucose levels
of the Coagulation may be much harder to achieve.
System T3 levels in patients after open-heart surgery
are reduced. However, T3 supplement has failed
Most common problems with coagulation sys- to demonstrate any improved outcome (Ronald
tem after cardiac surgery have been discussed and Dunning 2006). Same principle applies to
(paragraph 7   Sect.  9.5.3). In this section, postoperative cortisol levels, making supplemen-
heparin-­induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) will tal steroid administration useless and possibly
be briefly described (Napolitano et  al. 2006; deleterious due to effects on postoperative wound
Selleng et al. 2007). The incidence of HIT com- healing. In patients requiring perioperative ste-
plications is 1–2 % after cardiac surgery, being roids, such as adrenal insufficiency, vitamin A
associated with an increased mortality (Kerendi administration may counteract steroid effects on
et al. 2007). wound healing.
246 A. Markewitz et al.

50% drop of platelet count and/or new onset thrombosis

HIT possible, stop heparin therapy

Heparin therapy ≥ 5 days

HIT test (ELISA)

No Yes

Hit test positive

Heparin therapy
during preceding Yes
30 days?
No Yes

HIT possible

9 No
HIT not probable
Functional HIT test
Continue heparin therapy Positive ?


Employ alternative anticoagulant therapy HIT

..Fig. 9.16  Diagnostic algorithm for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT). ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent
assay (Modified according to Selleng et al. (2007))

9.6 Scores and Quality Assurance have been developed, also. Further scores are
available in the internet (Société Française
Both topics are subject for numerous publica- d’Anesthésie et de Réanimation 2008). In Ger-
tions of all kind. Their significance for clinical many, currently a combination of a modified
intensive care treatment in cardiac surgery has SAPS II score and TISS 28 score is employed to
yet to be shown. There are, however, in various evaluate the expenditure of an individual treat-
versions a vast number of intensive care medi- ment course to be used for reimbursement—an
cine scores available (see also 7   Chap. 2, «Risk example of how a potentially useful clinical
Scores in Cardiac Surgery»), which all have been instrument is used for purposes other than orig-
developed for different purposes, for example, inally intended.
APACHE (Acute Physiology and Chronic Quality assurance in intensive care medicine
Health Evaluation), SAPS (Simplified Acute currently is only done on a voluntary basis.
Physiology Score), or SOFA (Sequential Organ However, any intensive care unit should check its
Failure Assessment). To assess the economic own quality of treatment at least by a minimal
aspects of ICU treatment, scores like TISS 28 data set. An example for some parameters is given
(Therapeutic Intervention Scoring ­System 28) in .   Table 9.20.
Chapter 9 · Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care
247 9
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251 10

Critical Care in Pediatric

Cardiac Surgery
Renate Kaulitz, Allison L. Thompson, and Gerhard Ziemer

10.1 Introduction – 253

10.2 Noninvasive and Invasive Monitoring – 254

10.3 Myocardial Dysfunction:

Low Cardiac Output Syndrome (LCOS) – 255
10.3.1  linical Signs and Diagnosis – 255
10.3.2 Treatment – 256 Limiting Oxygen Consumption – 256 Optimizing Pre- and Afterload – 256 Improvement of Inotropy and Control of Afterload – 258 New Class of Agents – 260

10.4  ystemic Inflammatory Response

Syndrome (SIRS) – 260
10.4.1  linical Manifestations of SIRS – 260
10.4.2 Clinical Criteria for SIRS – 260
10.4.3 Treatment Options – 261

10.5  ostoperative Bleeding Complications

and Anticoagulation – 262
10.5.1  auses of Postoperative Bleeding Complications – 262
10.5.2 Anticoagulation – 262
10.5.3 Therapy of Bleeding Complications – 263

10.6  emporary Chest Wall Patch

Plasty (TCWPP) – 263

10.7 Postoperative Analgesia and Sedation – 264

10.7.1 Analgesia – 264 Intravenous Application – 264 Oral Application – 265
10.7.2 S edation – 265
10.7.3 Muscle Relaxation/Paralytics – 266

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_10
10.8  erioperative Prophylaxis for Infectious
Complications – 266

10.9 Arrhythmia – 267

10.9.1  auses and Hemodynamic Sequelae – 267
10.9.2 Diagnostic Procedures – 267
10.9.3 Management of Postoperative Arrhythmia – 268 Treatment of Tachyarrhythmia – 268 Treatment of Bradyarrhythmia – 269

10.10 R
 espiratory Dysfunction and Mechanical
Ventilation – 269
10.10.1 I ndication and Ventilation Nodes – 269
10.10.2 Weaning and Extubation Readiness – 271

10.11 Postoperative Pulmonary Hypertension – 272

10.11.1 D iagnosis and Specific Causes – 272
10.11.2 Treatment Options: Prevention First! – 273

10.12 K
 idney Injury and Renal
Replacement Therapy – 274
10.12.1 D efinition, Risk Factors, and Staging
of Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) – 274
10.12.2 Management of AKI – 274

10.13 Postoperative Nutrition – 275

10.14 P
 erioperative Neurologic Injury
and Neurologic Monitoring – 276
10.14.1 P reoperative Neurological Abnormalities
and Risk Factors – 277
10.14.2 Peri-, Intra-, and Postoperative Neurologic Injury – 277
10.14.3 Neuromonitoring Techniques – 278

10.15 Postoperative Extracorporeal

Life Support (ECLS) – 279
10.15.1 I ndications – 279
10.15.2 Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)
and Ventricular Assist Devices (VAD) – 280

References – 281
Chapter 10 · Critical Care in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
253 10
10.1 Introduction 55 Treatment of pulmonary hypertension
55 Respiratory modalities such as high-fre-
Advances in outcomes for pediatric and congenital quency oscillatory ventilation
cardiac surgery cannot be attributed to advances in 55 Postoperative cardiac catheterization tech-
cardiac surgery alone; they rather have to be also niques with the option of using catheter
attributed to advances in pediatric cardiology, pedi- interventional procedures
atric cardiac anesthesia, and last but not least, postop- 55 Hybrid techniques which combine catheter
erative pediatric cardiac intensive care management. intervention and surgery already as a primary
Intraoperative care including myocardial protection, treatment option (hybrid operating room or
deep hypothermic cardiac arrest, ultrafiltration, and surgery in the cath lab).
technical advances has contributed to an increasing 55 Treatment for cardiac dysrhythmia and pac-
postoperative survival rate especially for infants with ing including epicardial/transvenous leads,
complex congenital heart defects. The overall surgi- resynchronization therapy, and intracardiac
cal 30-day mortality in childhood decreased to 2–4 % defibrillator ICD
and, today, nearly 90 % of the children will reach 55 Management strategies for patients with func-
adulthood. With even further reduction of the tionally univentricular hearts such as hypo-
immediate postoperative surgical mortality, the focus plastic left heart syndrome and balancing
is more directed on postoperative morbidity, sequelae systemic and pulmonary vascular resistance
of treatment, and residual defects that might com-
promise quality of life. These management strategies are supported by
While primary corrective surgery for most complex perioperative monitoring with the avail-
biventricular congenital heart defects and neonatal ability of intraoperative transesophageal echocar-
palliation for complex multistage definitive surgery diography even in neonates and routine sometimes
for univentricular lesions has been established, frequent transthoracic echocardiography in the
with the development of combined surgical/cathe- PCICU.  Hemodynamics and tissue oxygenation
ter interventional procedures, new therapeutic are closely assessed in real time via intravascular
fields opened. Treatment now starts on one end of catheters, sometimes with direct measurements of
the spectrum with low and very low birthweight cardiac output. Thereby, significant complications
neonates and widens to an increasing number of (pleural and pericardial effusions, impaired ven-
adult patients with congenital heart defects palli- tricular function) and/or residual lesions can be
ated or operated upon during childhood requiring picked up even before they lead to deleterious
further surgical or catheter interventional therapy. consequences. Neuromonitoring includes near-
Therefore, management concepts for patients infrared spectroscopy, electroencephalogram, and
with congenital heart defects require interdisciplinary transcranial Doppler ultrasound whenever indi-
care including pediatric and congenital cardiac sur- cated with the additional option of cranial mag-
gery, cardiac anesthesia, pediatric cardiac intensive netic resonance imaging.
care, pediatric and adult cardiology, and neonatology. Postoperative morbidity and mortality have a
Ideally, management starts with fetal echocardiogra- close relation to postoperative complications.
phy for prenatal counseling. Other subspecialties such Therapeutic strategies should be developed to
as pulmonology, neurology, hematology, and/or hep- anticipate or to avoid adverse events. The early
atology are ­important to manage interacting prob- identification of low cardiac output syndrome is
lems with other organ systems. one of the most important goals in the care for
Over the last years, pediatric cardiac intensive children after cardiac surgery. An essential ele-
care has developed new management strategies for: ment of successful pediatric intensive care is mul-
55 Treatment of heart failure—including new tidisciplinary collaboration with standard
pharmacologic agents, mechanical cardiopul- treatment concepts, however, with decisions indi-
monary support with extracorporeal mem- vidualized based on close clinical assessment.
brane oxygenation and ventricular assist Continuum of service and a gradual transition in
devices, and heart and heart-lung transplan- small steps during recovery and weaning are
tation mandatory (Chang 2005).
254 R. Kaulitz et al.

10.2 Noninvasive and Invasive Double or triple lumen central venous cathe-

Monitoring ters (via internal jugular vein, subclavian vein, or
an umbilical venous catheter in neonates) allow
Comprehensive and detailed information about for hemodynamic monitoring and application of
the diagnosis and the surgical procedure is of inotropic agents, volume supplementation, cor-
utmost importance for the continuum of manage- rection of coagulation factors, and parenteral
ment and to plan the therapeutic strategy in the nutrition. Femoral vein catheters are only used
intensive care unit. This information includes when other options have failed. Right atrial or
intraoperative parameters such as cardiopulmo- central venous pressure reflects systemic venous
nary bypass time, aortic cross-clamp time and return, right ventricular preload and function,
complications, hemodynamic and metabolic sta- and intravascular volume load. Measurement of
tus, and anesthetic protocol, especially vasopres- oxygen saturation excludes intracardiac/atrial
sor and vasodilator medication (Diaz 2006; Beke shunting and provides information about oxygen
et al. 2005; Ravishankar et al. 2003). extraction as a potential indicator of low cardiac
Standard noninvasive monitoring includes elec- output. The trend of serum lactate level is another
trocardiogram (ECG), oscillometric blood pressure surrogate parameter to judge cardiac output.
measurement, pulse oximetry, capillary refill time, Pressure traces will indicate arrhythmia such as
temperature, and assessment of end-­organ function atrial tachycardia or junctional rhythm. Left
such as urine output. For most surgical procedures atrial pressure monitoring is not routinely per-
adequate postoperative monitoring includes inva- formed, it reflects left ventricular function and
sive measurement of arterial blood pressure to assess compliance, and it is routinely used in children
cardiac output and oxygen delivery for anticipation after mitral valve surgery or when abnormal val-
10 and early detection of low cardiac output syndrome. ues are expected, as in situations with poor pre-
This is demonstrated by tachycardia, hypotension, operative left ventricular function and/or left
poor end-­organ perfusion, cool extremities, weak heart surgery. Pulmonary artery pressure will be
pulses prolonged capillary refill time, and oliguria abnormally elevated in any mechanical airway
or anuria. obstruction, by hypoxia, acidosis, hypothermia,
Radial artery cannulation, or femoral artery or pain. It is only monitored as systolic, diastolic,
access when radial cannulation is not possible and mean pressure in special situations with
or of limited diagnostic value such as in patients known pre- and/or postoperative pulmonary
with coarctation or aortopulmonary shunt, hypertension or suspected risk for pulmonary
allows continuous blood pressure monitoring hypertensive crisis.
and measurement of metabolic acid-base status. Whenever myocardial function is compro-
Neonates may arrive on a PCICU with an umbil- mised for a prolonged period of time postopera-
ical arterial line. Axillary artery cannulation for tively or if there is suspicion for relevant residual
invasive blood measurement in our hands is lesions, cardiac catheterization is indicated early
only a third choice and rarely necessary. In rare in the postoperative period.
cases intraoperatively, while the chest is still Measurement of cardiac output follows the
open, a percutaneous mammary artery pressure Fick principle to calculate systemic (Qs) and
line can be inserted, which can be pulled later pulmonary (Qp) blood flow (under the assump-
on with ties in place. tion of a constant oxygen consumption).

Oxygen consumption VO 2
Qs =
systemic arterial oxygen content − mixed venous oxygen content
Oxygen consumption VO 2
Qp =
pulmonary venous oxygen content − pulmonary arterial oxygen content

Intracardiac shunt calculation results from the The calculation of the vascular resistance R is
ratio Qp/Qs. made from the relation of mean pressure changes to
blood flow across systemic or pulmonary circuit.
Chapter 10 · Critical Care in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
255 10
mean aortic pressure − mean right atrial pressure
Rs =
mean pulmonary artery pressure − mean left atrial pressure
Rp =

The pulmonary vascular resistance is expressed as 10.3  yocardial Dysfunction: Low

mmHg/l/min (Wood units) and normally varies Cardiac Output Syndrome
between 1 and 4 Wood units; the normal ratio Rp/ (LCOS)
Rs is <0.2.
Arterial pulse wave analysis provides continu- 10.3.1  Clinical Signs and Diagnosis
ous monitoring of cardiac output, stroke volume,
and systemic vascular resistance. Correlation Low cardiac output syndrome (LCOS) is a serious
between thermodilution cardiac output determi- postoperative complication that can be caused by
nation and calculation from pulse contour analy- a transient reduction in myocardial function after
sis could be demonstrated (Fakler et  al. 2007; cardiac surgery in neonates, infants, and young
Proulx et al. 2011). children. It is observed in up to 25 % of children
Transthoracic echocardiography is routinely and occurs within the first 48 h, typically 6–18 h
used for quick monitoring of global systolic ven- after operation. The temporary reduction in sys-
tricular function, to judge atrioventricular and temic perfusion leads to an inadequate oxygen
semilunar valve function, for early detection of supply of the end organs. It is associated with an
pericardial and pleural effusion, and also for increase in systemic and pulmonary vascular
detailed evaluation of the surgical result. For resistance of up to 25 % and 40 %, respectively.
early postoperative follow-up evaluation, cardiac This results in longer mechanical ventilation and
output can be calculated using the velocity time prolonged intensive care stay and increased mor-
integral across the aortic valve by pulsed wave tality (Hoffmann et  al. 2003; Wernovsky et  al.
Doppler and the cross-sectional area of the left 1995). Prevention and early recognition of LCOS
ventricular outflow tract/aortic valve anulus. became more important although evidence-based
Right ventricular/pulmonary artery pressure can guidelines on diagnosis and treatment are not
be calculated using the Doppler flow profile available.
across the pulmonary artery or of the tricuspid The risk for development of LCOS is specifi-
valve regurgitation. cally high in young children who require complex
The transesophageal echocardiography is now cardiac surgery or redo procedures, in those who
used on a routine base intra- and perioperatively have preexisting cardiac and pulmonary dysfunc-
as it allows continuous hemodynamic assessment tion, and in those with coronary artery problems.
to exclude relevant residual lesions. In some Several factors can contribute to the development
places it is also used routinely to monitor weaning of LCOS: prolonged periods of myocardial isch-
from cardiopulmonary bypass or hemodynamic emia with or without cardioplegia, hypothermia
changes during chest closure. and reperfusion injury, activation of the inflamma-
Monitoring of pulmonary function is possible tory cascade by cardiopulmonary bypass, increase
by using the new ventilator systems; renal and of systemic and pulmonary vascular resistance,
gastrointestinal function is monitored biochemi- impaired myocardial function and arrhythmia,
cally and by ultrasound. Sedation and analgesia capillary leakage, and pulmonary dysfunction.
are monitored by various physiologic parameters Residual defects (intracardiac shunts, valve insuf-
and pain assessment tools. Potential neurologic ficiency) or the need of a ventriculotomy also
sequelae are monitored by different modalities increases the risk of LCOS (Hoffmann et al. 2003;
including electroencephalography, cranial ultra- Nagashima et al. 2000; Ravinshankar et al. 2003; Li
sound in infants, and transcranial Doppler et al. 1998). LCOS can be diagnosed by its clinical
sonography. To verify/rule out major cerebral
­ features as tachycardia, impaired systemic perfu-
complications like bleeding and/or infarction, sion, and decreased urine output or oliguria (nor-
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed mal urine output 1 ml/kg/h in infants, 0.5 ml/kg/h
tomography (CT) may be employed. in older children and adults).
256 R. Kaulitz et al.

Signs of inadequate oxygen delivery and 10.3.2  Treatment

impaired systemic perfusion might precede
clinical symptoms: difference of arterial and Postoperative treatment strategies for LCOS are:
mixed venous oxygen saturation >30 % (normal 55 Limiting oxygen consumption
20–25 %) metabolic acidosis (BE > −5 mmol/l) 55 Optimizing ventricular contractility
which correlates with inadequate oxygenation 55 Improvement of diastolic function
and tissue perfusion and a lactate level rising 55 Adequate ventricular preload
>2 mmol/l in two consecutive blood samples. A 55 Reduction of afterload
lactate level >4.5–6  mmol/l was shown to be
predictive for postoperative morbidity and Heart rate should be normalized and cardiac
mortality (Cheung et al. 2005; Hoffmann et al. rhythm converted into sinus rhythm; often atrial or
2002; Takami and Ina 2002). An increase of lac- sequential pacing is necessary to stabilize the early
tate level may be a typical sign for inadequate postoperative hemodynamics. Ventricular func-
tissue perfusion, but it also rises with increased tion should be monitored and residual anatomic
metabolic demand in the presence of hyperther- lesions should be ruled out by echocardiography
mia or with muscular activity (shivering, sei- (transthoracic, transesophageal); cardiac catheter-
zures), glycogenolysis during catecholamine ization should be performed early in any unclear or
administration, and with compromised kidney prolonged hemodynamically unstable situation.
or liver function leading to insufficient lactate
Therefore, prevention and early diagnosis of a
Prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment of
developing LCOS need a close postoperative moni-
LCOS are the important measures to reduce
10 toring employing indirect judgment of cardiac out-
morbidity and mortality in patients at risk for
put with clinical signs like slow capillary refill, cold
postoperative LCOS. With lack of
extremities, and hypotension and the collection of
evidence-based guidelines, different drug
directly measured parameters as mixed venous
regimens and drug classes are used, with
oxygen saturation, base deficit, and serum lactate.
dosing and duration of drug administration
Direct monitoring of cardiac output with thermo-
showing a high variability (Vogt and Läer
dilution technique and continuous monitoring of
arterial saturation, however, are not routinely used
(Hausdorf 2000; Ravinshankar et al. 2003; Stocker
and Shekerdemian 2006).
As cardiac output is determined by heart rate Limiting Oxygen Consumption
and stroke volume which are influenced by pre- This can be achieved by mechanical ventilation,
load, afterload, and contractility, the continuous adequate analgesia, and sedation provided.
hemodynamic monitoring includes heart rate, Normothermia is preferred except in those
right atrial or central venous pressure (and with patients with specific tachyarrhythmia who need
special indication the left atrial pressure), and a controlled hypothermia. Drug therapy is chosen
arterial blood pressure. Tachycardia will indi- according to type of LCOS, like with elevated sys-
cate a compensatory mechanism to maintain temic vascular resistance, with low systemic vas-
cardiac output; intravascular volume depletion cular resistance, or with predominantly elevated
is indicated by central venous pressure; drop of pulmonary vascular resistance (Ravinshankar
arterial blood pressure is a late sign of reduced et al. 2003).
cardiac output. The intracardiac ECG allows
detection and analysis of various dysrhythmias; Optimizing Pre- and Afterload
echocardiography provides a quick assessment The optimal ventricular filling pressure is deter-
of ventricular function and cardiac output look- mined by monitoring the right atrial/central
ing at the systemic ventricular outflow profile venous (and left atrial) pressure, heart rate, and
(VTI, velocity time integral). Right atrial or sys- blood pressure. Extra fluid boluses (5–10 ml/kg)
temic venous pressure reflects the systemic may become necessary to maintain adequate
venous return and right ventricular preload preload. This can be expected in patients after
(. Table 10.1). repair of tetralogy of Fallot and after Glenn or
Chapter 10 · Critical Care in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
257 10

..Table 10.1  Causes for changes of right and/or left atrial and pulmonary artery pressures

Pressure changes Causes

Decreased right atrial/systemic venous pressure Hypovolemia

and decreased left atrial pressure
Systemic vasodilatation



Elevated right atrial/systemic venous pressure Hypervolemia


Right ventricular dysfunction

Increased afterload (elevated pulmonary vascular



Inadequate analgesia and sedation

Tricuspid/AV valve stenosis or insufficiency

Elevated right atrial/decreased left atrial pressure Pulmonary hypertension

Elevated pulmonary artery pressure Left ventricular dysfunction

Primary/persistent pulmonary hypertension

Peripheral pulmonary stenosis

Hypoventilation/respiratory acidosis

Mechanical airway obstruction (atelectasis, pneumothorax,

pleural effusion)

Inadequate analgesia and sedation

Decreased pulmonary artery pressure Hypovolemia

Reduced cardiac output

Elevated left atrial pressure Hypervolemia


Left ventricular dysfunction

Increased afterload (elevated systemic vascular resistance)


Mitral/AV valve stenosis or insufficiency

Fontan procedure. Vasoactive drugs are admin- are most often administered, sometimes in combi-
istered to reduce preload by increasing vascular nation with epinephrine. Increased pulmonary
capacity. vascular resistance requires sufficient mechanical
Elevation of the systemic and pulmonary vas- ventilation, mild hyperventilation, and temporar-
cular resistance can be observed in patients with ily inhaled nitric oxide; sometimes prostacyclin
acidosis, hypoxemia, and inadequate analgesia and derivates are added, also. In patients with LCOS
sedation. In patients with LCOS in the presence of and low systemic vascular resistance, catechol-
elevated systemic vascular resistance, i­nodilators amine support with dopamine or e­pinephrine
258 R. Kaulitz et al.

..Table 10.2  Receptor response in different catecholamines (Beke et al. 2005)

α(Alpha)-receptor β(Beta)1-receptor Dopaminergic receptor

(inotropy, (inotropy, β(Beta)2-receptor (peripheral/renal
Catecholamine vasoconstriction) chronotropy) (vasodilatation) vasodilatation)

Dopamine 0–3 2–3 1 3

Dobutamine 0–1 3 1 0

Epinephrine 3 3 3 0

Norepinephrine 3 3 1 0

(and norepinephrine) is preferred to maintain 55 Increase of systemic vascular resistance and

adequate cardiac output but also systemic vascular arterial hypertension
resistance and blood pressure. 55 Downregulation of ß-adrenergic receptors Improvement of Inotropy Dopamine improves cerebral and abdominal/

and Control of Afterload splanchnic perfusion (2–5 μg/kg/min). In higher
After optimizing preload conditions, treatment dosages (5–10  μg/kg/min), dopamine stimulates
of myocardial dysfunction is focused on improv- myocardial ß-receptors and increases contractil-
ing inotropy and reducing afterload. In addition, ity or induces peripheral vasoconstriction via
10 heart rate has to be normalized related to age; α(alpha)-receptor stimulation (>10  μg/kg/min);
sinus tachycardia up to 200/min can be tolerated there is an increased risk of cardiac arrhythmia. In
for several hours in otherwise stable neonates as addition the development of intrapulmonary
it helps to maintain cardiac output. In older chil- shunts is described. During sepsis dopamine can
dren inadequate tachycardia will decrease car- have an unfavorable effect on intestinal perfusion
diac output by shortening the ventricular filling (Dolye et al. 1995; Lee and Mason 2001).
period. Supraventricular tachycardia has to be Dobutamine (β(beta)-receptor stimulation)
controlled pharmacologically (adenosine, amio- combines the pharmacological effects of chronot-
darone) or in hemodynamically unstable patients ropy, contractility, and vasodilatation; it is poten-
by immediate cardioversion. Bradyarrhythmia tially arrhythmogenic (low/high dosage, 5/20 μg/
should be avoided employing temporary exter- kg/min). During the early postoperative period,
nal pacing; postoperative atrioventricular dys- the perfusion pressure can drop and epinephrine
synchrony as in junctional ectopic tachycardia, might be more indicated. Combining dobutamine
junctional escape rhythm, or third-degree atrio- and milrinone, a synergistic effect increases car-
ventricular block should be regulated by sequen- diac output by increasing contractility while
tial pacing, either directly or after pharmacologic decreasing afterload (Berg et  al. 1993; Hausdorf
heart rate reduction. 2000; Leonhard et al. 1997).
Depending on the type of LCOS (elevated or Epinephrine (low dose 0.05–0.1  μg/kg/min,
low systolic/pulmonary vascular resistance), mil- max. 1.0  μg/kg/min) with its α(alpha)- and
rinone, dopamine, dobutamine, epinephrine, and β(beta)-receptor stimulation has a strong inotro-
norepinephrine are most commonly used (Vogt pic effect; the systemic vascular resistance will
and Läer 2011). An improvement of ventricular increase via α(alpha)-receptor stimulation. This
contractility can be achieved by the administra- bears the risk of renal failure if preload is inade-
tion of different catecholamines (. Table  10.2). quate. The chronotropic effect can be beneficial in
Their clinical effect is dose related with potentially neonates in whom cardiac output is heart rate
unfavorable side effects with higher doses (Bailey dependent. In older children inadequate tachy-
et al. 1999; Chang et al. 1995; Penny et al. 2001): cardia predisposes to myocardial ischemia.
55 Increase in myocardial oxygen consumption Adverse effects related to daily dosages are com-
55 Increase of heart rate prise of diastolic ventricular function, increase of
55 Arrhythmia ventricular filling pressure and oxygen consumption
Chapter 10 · Critical Care in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
259 10
with lactate generation, and an increase of sys- 7–20  μg/kg/dose) (Dunser et  al. 2003; Lechner
temic and pulmonary vascular resistance et al. 2007; Matok et al. 2007, 2009). There is still
(Chang et  al. 1995; Wenovsky and Hoffman debate on the indication and timing of initiation
2001; Wessel 2001). of AVP and also on dosage regimen as reflected by
Milrinone is a phosphodiesterase III inhibitor a wide range of starting doses.
that improves myocardial contractility by increas- Nonspecific vasodilators as nitroglycerin (glyc-
ing the intracellular cAMP and calcium con- eryl trinitrate) and nitroprusside are used for
centration; in addition to this the agent induces afterload reduction. Nitroglycerin (5–20  μg/kg/
pulmonary and systemic vasodilatation via min) predominantly reduces preload with venous
cGMP.  Besides these inodilator properties, mil- pooling. Nitroprusside (0.5–10  μg/kg/min) has
rinone improves ventricular diastolic relaxation the effect of relaxation of smooth muscles in
(lusotropic effect). It can be used in combination arteries and veins leading to a decrease of preload,
with other vasoactive drugs in preventing and ­systemic, and pulmonary vascular resistance. This
managing LCOS. After an initial bolus (25/50 μg/ drug has a rapid onset and short half-life; dosages
kg over 15–60 min) and an infusion for mainte- can be adjusted. Invasive monitoring is required.
nance (0.25–0.75–1.0 μg/kg/min), an increase in Prolonged periods of drug administration (>72–
cardiac output and reduction of ventricular fill- 96 h) exceeding a total dosage of 0.5 mg/kg results
ing pressures can be documented. Arrhythmia, in formation of thiocyanate and cyanide; in order
hypotension, and thrombocythemia are rare and to decrease cyanide, thiosulfate has to be given
dose-­ dependent complications. Prophylactic simultaneously in a ratio 10:1. Titrating the effec-
administration of milrinone might reduce the risk tive dosage can reduce the adverse side effects
for postoperative LCOS (Bailey et al. 1999; Chang such as pulmonary vasodilation, intrapulmonary
et  al. 1995; Duggal et  al. 2005; Hoffman et  al. shunt opening, and reduction of cerebral vasodi-
2002, 2003). After Fontan operation patients with latation (Wessel 2001).
high pulmonary vascular resistance and postop- Phentolamine is a nonselective α(alpha)-
eratively impaired oxygenation will benefit from receptor blocker that works as a competitive
the combined use of milrinone and inhaled nitric antagonist for α(alpha)1 and α(alpha)2 adrenore-
oxide (Cai et al. 2008). ceptors. The drug can be administered peripher-
Enoximone is also a myocardial-specific phos- ally in a dose of 2–6 μg/kg/min; it is a relatively
phodiesterase III inhibitor and provides the same long-acting drug that lowers the systemic vascu-
spectrum of indications; half-life is even longer lar resistance. It is used to «balance» systemic and
and somewhat unpredictable compared to milri- pulmonary blood flow in duct-dependent con-
none. It is not available in the USA. genital heart disease, i.e., HLHS, and to manage
Norepinephrine (0.01–1.0  μg/kg/min) pre- infants after the Norwood procedure (Tweddell
dominantly stimulates the peripheral α(alpha)- et al. 1999; Motta et al. 2005; Galal et al. 2005).
receptors and has little inotropic effect limiting its For the management and rescue treatment
use in LCOS patients. It might increase oxygen with glucocorticoid, see 7 Sect. 10.4.
consumption and lactate generation. It is often
used as first add-on drug in LCOS with low sys- kThyroid hormone
temic vascular resistance and to maintain an ade- After cardiopulmonary bypass transient reduc-
quate arterial perfusion pressure in sepsis or after tion of levels of triiodothyronine (T3) is known in
an aortopulmonary shunt procedure to improve pediatric and adult patients. Low levels of T3 can
pulmonary blood flow. contribute to the development of LCOS and pro-
Vasopressin (AVP) (and terlipressin [TP, not longed mechanical ventilation. They are associ-
available in the USA]) may be used in hypoten- ated with higher requirements of catecholamine
sive, catecholamine-refractory shock after cardio- support and longer stay on the ICU. A low thyroid
pulmonary bypass and depressed cardiac hormone level may be caused by hemodilution,
function. AVP significantly improves blood pres- release of cytokines, and TNFα(alpha) and dopa-
sure, accompanied by heart rate decrease and mine infusion that interfere with thyroid hor-
reduction of required catecholamine support that mone levels, also (Murzi et  al. 1995). T3
lowers the risk for arrhythmia. Dosages start at a supplementation during the first 72  h improves
low level (AVP 0.0002–0.002  U/kg/min; TP cardiac output and systolic blood pressure,
260 R. Kaulitz et al.

decreases required vasoactive support, and Suominen et  al. 2011; Momeni et  al. 2011).
improves renal perfusion and fluid balance Levosimendan is at least as efficacious as milri-
(Mackie et al. 2005). none and was administered in combination with
other vasoactive drugs as catecholamines, vaso- New Class of Agents pressin, or inhaled nitric oxide (Follath et al.
As stated above, ideal strategies to treat LCOS 2005; Stocker et al. 2007; Suominen et al. 2011).
include: Levosimendan is currently not available in the
55 Systemic venous and arterial vasodilation USA for clinical use.
55 Maintenance or decrease of myocardial oxy-
gen consumption
55 Control of heart rate, avoiding arrhythmia 10.4 Systemic Inflammatory
55 Control of neurohumoral activation Response Syndrome (SIRS)
55 Improving renal perfusion and fluid balance
10.4.1  Clinical Manifestations of SIRS
Basic treatment strategies with inotropic sup-
port (i.e., dobutamine and milrinone) may induce Both cardiopulmonary bypass and deep hypother-
or sustain elevated myocardial oxygen consump- mia with or without circulatory arrest may induce
tion and are potentially arrhythmogenic (Moffett an inflammatory process mediated by cellular acti-
and Chang 2006). vation and activation of pro- and anti-­inflammatory
Nesiritide, a recombinant form of B-type cytokines and mediators. The inflammatory cas-
natriuretic peptide, has a vasodilating effect on cade and activation of leucocytes, endothelial cells,
the venous, arterial, and coronary artery vascular myocytes, and hepatocytes lead to the systemic
10 system reducing pre- and afterload. Nesiritide can inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). The
improve neurohumoral markers of heart failure; it incidence for this potentially life-threatening com-
decreases the autonomic stimulation by inhibit- plication is reported in 4–37 % of patients on extra-
ing the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system corporeal circulation during the operation.
(Behara et  al. 2009; Jefferies et  al. 2007; Simsic Clinical manifestations in the first (three to five)
et  al. 2006). The pharmacologic profile with a postoperative days begin with fever, fluid retention
short half-life makes this drug attractive for the due to capillary leak syndrome, myocardial dys-
early postoperative period although more pediat- function with low cardiac output syndrome
ric studies are necessary before routine use. The (LCOS), the need for initiation or increases in ino-
dosage used starts with a bolus of 1–2 μg/kg fol- tropic support, acute pulmonary dysfunction
lowed by a continuous infusion of 0.01–0.02 μg/ (acute respiratory distress syndrome, ARDS), renal
kg/min for 24 h (Simsic et al. 2006). dysfunction, neurologic symptoms, or rarely, mul-
Levosimendan—used to prevent and to treat tiorgan failure (Carvalho et al. 2001; Chang 2003).
LCOS—acts as a calcium sensitizer. Increasing The activation of an immunologic response can be
the sensitivity of the contractile myofilaments to attributed to the surgical trauma, ischemia, reper-
calcium results in inotropic support; via an fusion, or cellular activation by the artificial sur-
ADP-­associated process, potassium channels of face of extracorporeal circulation. Fever as the
vascular smooth muscles are opened resulting in main symptom may be due to bacterial infection
decreased systemic and pulmonary vascular or a noninfectious origin such as SIRS; procalcito-
resistance and coronary dilatation. As the vaso- nin and C-reactive protein (CRP) kinetics can be
dilating effect precedes the inotropic effect, useful markers in differentiating these conditions
some continued catecholamine support should (Nahum et al. 2012; Arkader et al. 2004).
be considered. The myocardial oxygen con-
sumption remains unchanged. Levosimendan
acts via active metabolites, which explains the 10.4.2   linical Criteria for SIRS
long duration of drug action. Levosimendan (Cavadas et al. 2011)
infusion starts usually after a loading dose of
12–24  μg/kg over 10  min followed by continu- 55 Fever
ous infusion of 0.1–0.2 μg/kg/min for 24 h and 55 Myocardial dysfunction, hemodynamic insta-
in some patients up to 48 h (Osthaus et al. 2009; bility, and need for inotropic support
Chapter 10 · Critical Care in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
261 10
55 Pulmonary dysfunction with increased Fi02 10.4.3  Treatment Options
and respiratory distress syndrome
55 Renal dysfunction Various strategies have been considered to affect
55 Endothelial dysfunction and fluid retention and ameliorate the inflammatory cascade in
with weight gain SIRS.  These include the use of heparin-coated
bypass circuits, ultrafiltration during cardiopulmo-
A few studies describe the molecular mecha- nary bypass procedures, and administration of ste-
nism of the inflammatory cascade («postcardio- roids or intravenous immunoglobulin or
pulmonary bypass inflammation,» «post pump leukocyte-­endothelial blocking agents (Berdat et al.
syndrome») which seems to be age related and 2004; Bronicki et al. 2000; Chaney 2002; Checchia
more severe in very young patients. In relation to et al. 2003; Grossi et al. 2000; Lindberg et al. 2003;
their bodyweight and body surface area, neonates Thompson et  al. 2001). Heparin-­bonded bypass
with complex cardiac surgery are exposed to the circuits seem to have some clinical benefit, but data
largest artificial surface area of cardiopulmonary on the relation to cytokine response is limited.
bypass circuits. The most important mediators are Ultrafiltration techniques, either before, during,
interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, and IL-10, tumor necro- and/or after cardiopulmonary bypass, have become
sis factor (TNFα(alpha)), and adhesion molecules a standard method to remove surplus body water
like integrin and selectin; there is an increase in administered with the circuit prime volume during
circulating complement fractions (Bronicki et al. cardiopulmonary bypass procedures (Wang et al.
2000; Carvalho et  al. 2001; Neuhof et  al. 2003; 2012). In addition, long duration of bypass, deep
Tarnok et  al. 1999). The induced inflammatory hypothermia, and low weight increase the risk of
processes are responsible for the capillary leak water accumulation during bypass in infancy.
syndrome with extracardiac fluid retention, Excess water removal will induce hemoconcentra-
edema, and compromised organ function or mul- tion, reduce myocardial edema, improve contrac-
tiorgan failure requiring delayed chest wall clo- tility, improve pulmonary gas exchange, and
sure, longer period of mechanical ventilation and improve pulmonary ventilation. Low molecular
catecholamine support, higher risk of infection, weight substances such as inflammatory cytokines
and longer ICU stay (Casey 1993; Dickerson and and complements will be removed during ultrafil-
Chang 2005). An isolated organ dysfunction can tration; benefits for the early postoperative period
be observed as myocardial dysfunction and and recovery are obvious (Huang et al. 2003;
decrease in cardiac output (about 16 %), pulmo- Mahmoud et al. 2005). Monitoring of the inflam-
nary dysfunction (about 23 %), or renal dysfunc- matory response during cardiopulmonary bypass
tion (about 23 %) (Cavadas et al. 2011). was considered; this would allow monitoring of the
Different factors including preoperative pul- intensity of the inflammatory reaction. Combining
monary hypertension, cardiac failure, or cyanosis conventional (during CPB) and modified ultrafil-
have been assumed to increase the risk and clini- tration (after CPB) seems to be the most effective
cal manifestation of SIRS.  In addition genetic strategy, especially in neonates and infants who
polymorphisms predisposing to systemic inflam- undergo complex cardiac surgery with long dura-
matory response are discussed (Chang 2003; Mou tion of extracorporeal circulation (Berdat et  al.
et al. 2002). The pronounced complement activa- 2004; Gaynor 2003; Thompson et al. 2001).
tion in patients with lack of complement compo- The criteria for the use of steroids vary depend-
nent C4 might trigger the inflammatory reaction ing on the age of the patient or type and length of the
and capillary leak syndrome (Zhang et al. 2005). cardiac surgery. There is a lack of standardization
Younger age, lower weight, longer cardiopulmo- with regard to the type of corticosteroid, timing of
nary bypass time, and longer duration of mechan- administration (before, during, or after cardiopul-
ical ventilation were identified as predisposing monary bypass or combined), and dosing regimens
factors; about 22 % of pediatric patients 3  years (Checchia et al. 2005; Dickerson and Chang 2005).
and younger presented with SIRS (Cavadas et al. The probable mechanisms of steroids by which
2011). SIRS and organ injury after pediatric open-­ they may improve the hemodynamic situation
heart surgery were not influenced by bypass tem- in inotropic- and volume-resistant h ­ ypotension
perature when moderate or mild hypothermia include (Bronicki et  al. 2000; Chaney 2002; Seri
was employed (Stocker et al. 2011). et al. 2001; Shore et al. 2001):
262 R. Kaulitz et al.

55 Limiting the capillary permeability and fluid with artificial surfaces leads to activation of coag-
retention ulation with thrombin generation, fibrinolysis,
55 Improving pulmonary compliance and oxy- and an inflammatory reaction on humoral and
gen delivery cellular level. Coagulation and inflammatory
55 Preserving myocardial performance ­system have multiple interactions in association
55 Reduction of inotropic requirements with with thrombin generation and proinflammatory
adrenergic receptor induction state. Surgical trauma per se causes tissue factor
activation, also followed by thrombin generation.
Stress doses of hydrocortisone given intra- The aim of anticoagulation is the suppression of
and postoperatively can attenuate the SIRS by an thrombin formation and consumption of coagu-
immunomodulating effect with reduction of pro- lation factors.
inflammatory cytokines (e.g., IL-6 and IL-8), Bleeding complications after cardiac surgery
increases in anti-inflammatory cytokines (e.g., are related to platelet dysfunction, thrombopenia,
IL-10), and modulation of the IL-6-to-IL-10 ratio, activation of the complement system, hemodilu-
which is associated with improved outcome after tion, activation of the hemostasis, and fibrinolysis
major cardiac surgery (Weis et al. 2009). as well as consumption of coagulation factors
The combined pre- and intraoperative steroid (Chang 2005; Pychynska-Pokorska et  al. 2004).
administration seems to have the best anti-­ During the neonatal period and infancy, additional
inflammatory effect. The peak effect of methylpred- aspects include the immaturity of the coagulation
nisolone occurs 1–4  h after application (Checchia system; impaired heparin clearance; more signifi-
et al. 2005; Lindberg et al. 2003). The recommenda- cant hemodilution with reduction of clotting fac-
tions for dosage vary from a dose equivalent of tors and thrombopenia; deep hypothermia and
10 1–30 mg/kg of methylprednisolone. Dexamethasone cardiac arrest with more profound inflammatory
dosage is usually 1 mg/kg. There are no data on the reaction associated with increased vascular perme-
effect of steroids during the period of reperfusion or ability, platelet activation, and fibrinolysis; platelet
early postoperative period. Steroids given postoper- dysfunction induced by preceding prostaglandin
atively in hemodynamically compromised neonates infusion or in association with asplenia or poly-
with low cardiac output unresponsive to high doses splenia; and immaturity or impairment of kidney
of inotropic agents and fluid resuscitation turned out and liver function. In cyanotic congenital heart dis-
to be highly effective in improving the hemody- ease with stimulation of erythropoiesis, platelet
namic parameters and decreasing the inotropic regeneration and survival time are often reduced.
requirements. In this «rescue protocol» hydrocorti- In children with preoperative hepatic congestion or
sone was administered using two dosing regimens right heart dysfunction, coagulation factor abnor-
(100 mg/m2/day for 2 days, 50 mg/m2/day for 2 days, malities for fibrinogen, antithrombin, factors II, V,
and 25 mg/m2/day for 1 day or 100 mg/m2/day for VII, IX, and X, as well as proteins C and S have to
1 days, 50 mg/m2/day for 2 days, and 25 mg/m2/day be assumed (Bulutcu et  al. 2005; Despotis et  al.
for 2  day; Suominen et  al. 2005). Adverse effects 2001; Williams et al. 1999).
associated with steroid administration included Technical developments improving the CPB
hyperglycemia requiring insulin administration, circuit are aimed at minimizing the activation of
infectious complications, or wound infections coagulation, inflammatory, and fibrinolytic sys-
(Checchia et al. 2005; Heyn et al. 2011). tems. Reducing the size of the perfusion equip-
ment and circuit volume seems to be beneficial.
To enhance the biocompatibility of the CPB cir-
10.5 Postoperative Bleeding cuits, biopassive coatings have been developed
Complications and some promising pediatric studies could be
and Anticoagulation published (Eaton et al. 2011).

10.5.1  Causes of Postoperative

Bleeding Complications 10.5.2  Anticoagulation

Cardiac surgery with extracorporeal circulation During cardiopulmonary bypass high-dose

requires anticoagulation, as the blood contact heparin (unfractionated) is administrated to
Chapter 10 · Critical Care in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
263 10
inhibit coagulation; however, some intravascu- 2003). Antifibrinolytic agents such as
lar and intracircuit coagulation is still possible. ε-aminocaproic acid and tranexamic acid have
Intraoperatively direct heparin level monitoring been used to decrease blood loss and substitution
is available. The anticoagulant effects of heparin of ­coagulation factors by interfering with the plas-
can be monitored with some limitations using min binding to fibrin; variable dosing schemes
the ACT (activated clotting time) (Easton and exist for both agents (Despotis et  al. 2001; Ririe
Iannoli 2011). The heparin response will depend et  al. 2002; Martin et  al. 2011). Desmopressin,
on the concentration of AT III, which has a lower which increases factor VIIIC and von Willebrand
baseline concentration in infancy. At completion factor, can be applied for bleeding control with
of cardiopulmonary bypass protamine is admin- limited pediatric experience (Kenet et al. 2008).
istered to reverse heparin partially or completely. If transfusion and optimization of coagulation
Adverse effects after application of protamine factors and platelet counts cannot achieve normal-
include histamine-dependent vasodilation, ana- ization of hemostasis, recombinant factor VII
phylaxis, or pulmonary hypertension. (rFVIIa) can control a nonsurgical critical, other-
The experience with direct thrombin inhibi- wise intractable bleeding (Douri et al. 2000; Tobias
tors (argatroban, bivalirudin) is still very limited; et al. 2003). Experience in pediatric patients is still
guidelines for dosing and monitoring in children limited; besides control of bleeding, there is a risk
are not available (Riess et al. 2007). of thrombotic complications in 4–25 % (Stocker
and Shekerdemian 2006; Tobias et al. 2003). rFVIIa
improves platelet function and directly activates
10.5.3  Therapy of Bleeding factors X and Xa supporting thrombin generation;
Complications it should only be administered after normalization
of platelets and coagulation factors including
Postoperative bleeding complications require fibrinogen (Monroe et  al. 1997; Pychynska-
extended laboratory testing including hemoglo- Pokorska et al. 2004; Eaton et al. 2011).
bin, platelet count, fibrinogen, fibrin degradation
product, D-dimer, activated partial thromboplas-
tin time (aPTT), and INR.  Perioperative use of 10.6  emporary Chest Wall Patch
thromboelastography provides information on Plasty (TCWPP)
the coagulation system from clot generation to
fibrinolysis and facilitates the treatment of periop- After complex cardiac surgery, especially in neo-
erative bleeding complications (Moganasundram nates, it may be lifesaving to leave the sternum split
et al. 2010). open and plan for a delayed sternal closure. Main
Replacement of fresh frozen plasma (10–15 ml/ indications for a primary delayed sternal closure
kg) and platelets (thrombopenia <30,000/μl) is a were severe cardiomegaly due to myocardial edema
first-line measure. Transfusion of packed red blood or dilatation especially after RV to PA conduit
cells (PRBC) should follow a transfusion algo- implantation. Other reasons are reduced shunt
rithm as recommended in adult patients as long flow due to pulmonary vascular resistance, signifi-
as the corrective surgery led to a noncyanotic cant nonsurgical bleeding, decreased lung compli-
state. Surgical exploration can be indicated, but ance, and high ventilatory pressure to maintain
allow to detect an etiology of bleeding only in less acceptable ventilation and oxygenation (Samir
than 50 %. This should be considered if blood loss et al. 2002; Tabbutt et al. 1997). The incidence for
via chest tube output exceeds 50–70  ml/h in application of this technique may vary depending
infants or 60–100 ml/h in children less than 10 kg on surgical policy to perform TCWPP in all neo-
body weight and 160–270 ml/h in children with nates or only in a hemodynamically unstable situa-
less than 25  kg body weight or 5–10  ml/kg/h tion or after failure to close the sternum as indicated
(Kirklin and Barratt-Boyes 1993). by heart rate and rhythm change, drop in arterial
For restitution of hemostasis after cardiopul- oxygen saturation and pressure, or drop in central
monary bypass, specific agents are available. venous saturation while the venous pressure rises.
Aprotinin has been withdrawn from the market Potential risk factors for delayed sternal clo-
in 2008 because of specific adverse effects sure were increased pulmonary vascular resis-
(Codispoti and Mankad 2000; Mossinger et  al. tance due to primary cardiac diagnosis,
264 R. Kaulitz et al.

cardiopulmonary bypass time longer than on one end to the critically ill neonate after
185 min, aortic clamping time above 98 min, cen- ­complex cardiac surgery in low cardiac output
tral venous saturation below 51 %, and age at state with delayed sternal closure, with or without
operation less than 7 days (Samir et al. 2002). The mechanical circulatory assist device on the other
incidence of TCWPP in neonates came up to end. For the future the adult with congenital heart
30 %. After primary sternal closure, atypical tam- disease may become an additional important
ponade or the tight mediastinal syndrome with challenge with special requirements for neuro-
low cardiac output, hypoxemia, acidosis, or protection and adequate management of pain and
increased systemic venous pressure can be signs sedation (Beke et al. 2005; Chang 2005; Diaz 2006;
to indicate a need for reopening. This was Donald et al. 2007; Huber and Kretz 2005; Wolf
described in 6.7 % of patients after primary chest and Jackman 2011).
closure (Samir et al. 2002). In this group the post- Several tools are now available to assess pain
operative mortality rate was significantly higher and sedation from neonate to adult. Behavioral
(Ziemer et al. 1992). and self-reporting scales have been recom-
The risk of infection during TCWPP turned mended, but difficulties still exist for neonates
out to be negligible as a routine antibiotic prophy- and infants, preverbal children, and developmen-
laxis is given using a cephalosporin or vancomy- tally delayed children. To reduce the risk of neu-
cin in combination with an aminoglycoside rologic sequelae, multimodal neuromonitoring
(Christenson et al. 1996; Tabbutt et al. 1997). was developed including bispectral index (BIS)
After 2–4  days with reduction of edema and using data from the electroencephalogram, near-­
hemodynamic stabilization, definite chest closure infrared spectroscopy to monitor regional cere-
can be planned. Central venous pressure should bral oxygen index, or transcranial Doppler
10 be less than 10 mmHg, the coagulation parame- evaluation.
ters normalized, a negative total fluid balance «Fast tracking» and early postoperative extu-
documented, and hemodynamics should have bation need appropriate modification of the anes-
been stable during the last 24 h. Close monitoring thetic technique using shorter-acting drugs;
of hemodynamic parameters is necessary includ- increasing the acceptance of regional anesthesia
ing heart rate, central venous (and left atrial) pres- supports the goal of «fast tracking,» if desired.
sure, systemic arterial pressure, central venous Long-term sedation and analgesia after complex
saturation, and arterial blood gases. Delayed ster- cardiac repair can promote the development of
nal closure is possible if after sternal wiring the tolerance and withdrawal phenomena. During
central venous pressure increases less than the weaning process, a continuing balance of ade-
2  mmHg and the mean arterial blood pressure quate analgesia without deep excessive sedation
does not decrease more than 5 mmHg, compara- while maintaining sufficient respiratory function
ble to the situation in the OR (Ziemer et al. 1992). is required.
To avoid hemodynamic instability by transferring
the patient to the OR, we rather maintain the
hemodynamic stability with the patient staying in 10.7.1  Analgesia
his ICU bed and receiving definite chest closure
almost always on the intensive care unit. Intravenous Application

10.7 Postoperative Analgesia Morphine  During the early postoperative period,

and Sedation all patients usually receive a morphine infusion
(30–100  ug/kg/h; supplemental bolus,
An appropriate individualized strategy for post- 50–100  ug/kg as required). Problematic side
operative analgesia and sedation (narcotic analge- effects are respiratory depression, deep sedation,
sia) and potential muscle relaxation starts in the pruritus, vomiting and nausea (in awake
operating room and continues into the pediatric patients), and infrequently hypotension and bra-
intensive care unit. The range includes the child dycardia. In neonates delayed recovery has to be
after elective surgery for simple lesions and considered; in renal insufficiency adequate dose
optional fast-track surgery extubated in the OR reduction due to prevent accumulation of active
Chapter 10 · Critical Care in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
265 10
metabolites is mandatory to avoid excessive use of fentanyl (<20  ug/kg). Fast-track
long-lasting sedation. In older children, patient- ­management is useful in selected non-neonatal
controlled analgesia (PCA) may be tried; other- patients with uncomplicated cardiac surgery, but
wise nurse-controlled analgesia may be needs effective pain management by specialized
preferable. Pain scores and vital signs should be nurses (Iodice et  al. 2011; Roediger et  al. 2006).
monitored continuously. Short-­acting opioids (as remifentanil) and muscle
High-dose opioid administration is associated relaxation (by rocuronium or vecuronium) are
with reduced stress reaction, reduced nitrogen preferred. To promote early extubation after car-
loss, and fewer postoperative complications pro- diac surgery, an epidural pain management strat-
viding better outcomes in critically ill infants and egy may provide stable analgesia in a steady state,
patients with low output and pulmonary hyper- but data are still limited with lack of large ran-
tension. domized controlled studies (Thammasitboon
Fentanyl provides rapid onset and offset (high et al. 2010).
lipid solubility) with intense analgesia. After pro-
longed infusion (days), long elimination half-life Oral Application
causes delayed recovery; there is a rapid develop- Oral opioid administration may be advantageous
ment of tolerance. Analgesia can be achieved with and reduces the infection risk.
infusion rates of 1–5(–10) ug/kg/h. Bolus fentanyl Morphine is the standard opiate and is avail-
of 5–10 ug/kg may be necessary for endotracheal able for multiple routes of administration. Oral
suctioning, 10–50 ug/kg in pulmonary hyperten- morphine needs a three- to sixfold higher dosage
sive episodes. than the IV formulation. It is excreted by the kid-
Remifentanil (0.1–0.3  ug/kg/min) is a syn- neys, and its half-life may be prolonged in new-
thetic, ultrashort-acting opiate with potent anal- borns. Careful titration with monitoring for
gesic effects and rapid onset and offset, largely adverse effects such as respiratory is required.
dependent on infusion duration and age. It is Oxycodone and hydrocodone are semisynthetic
metabolized by plasma and unaffected by renal or opioids with an onset of 20–30 min and a dura-
hepatic function. It is suitable for ventilated tion of 4–6  h. Oxycodone is 50 % more potent
patients, but has to be combined with midazolam than hydrocodone and is dosed at 0.05–0.15 mg/
or a volatile anesthetic agent. kg every 4–6 h. Hydrocodone is dosed 0.1–0.2 mg/
Non-opioid analgesics such as acetaminophen kg every 4–6 h. Both are available as combination
and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs products with acetaminophen.
(NSAID) as diclofenac and ibuprofen are used as Codeine (0.5–1.0 mg/kg every 4–6 h) is a weak
co-analgesia mainly to reduce opioid side effects opioid receptor antagonist. It is available in com-
and to allow fast-track surgery (Maund et  al. bination with acetaminophen. Ten percent of the
2011). Ketorolac is a potent NSAID without respi- drug is metabolized to morphine by cytochrome
ratory depression but has some important side P450 2D6, which does have high rates of genetic
effects (bleeding complications, renal dysfunc- polymorphism.
tion, gastrointestinal complains, or dyspepsia). Tramadol (1.0–2.0  mg/kg every 4–6  h) is an
Ketamine (bolus 1–2  mg/kg; infusion atypical opioid in that the majority of its opioid
10–20 ug/kg/min) provides rapid onset with posi- receptor activity is by its metabolite. It also cen-
tive effect on arterial blood pressure and heart trally inhibits the reuptake of norepinephrine and
rate making it unsuitable for analgesia during serotonin. It has decreased risk of respiratory
delayed chest closure as it may obscure hemody- depression than other opioid analgesics but is
namic compromise of sternal adaptation acutely. associated with nausea and vomiting and an
Its use for narcosis for secondary chest closure increased risk of seizures.
violates the principle of hemodynamic stability in
the sense of maintaining homeostasis around this
procedure. 10.7.2  Sedation
Analgesia in fast-track pediatric patients needs
a multimodal pain management that facilitates Most of the analgesic drugs have some sedative
rapid extubation and discharge from intensive properties also. For longer periods of postopera-
care unit, beginning with a limited intraoperative tive mechanical ventilation, especially in patients
266 R. Kaulitz et al.

with cardiac failure, pulmonary hypertension, Analgesia and sedation for many days can be fol-
and lung or airway disease, additional sedation is lowed by withdrawal symptoms such as sweating,
recommended. tachycardia, hypertension agitation, vomiting, or
Benzodiazepines (midazolam, bolus 0.05– diarrhea; this needs a special oral weaning regimen
0.1  mg/kg; infusion 0.05–0.2  mg/kg/h) have an over 7–14  days using clonidine, an opioid, and/or
amnestic effect with a reduction in consciousness benzodiazepine or haloperidol in older children.
and help with seizure control but have the risk of
withdrawal with prolonged use. Some drugs
reduce consciousness and pain such as ketamine 10.7.3  Muscle Relaxation/Paralytics
or clonidine.
Ketamine in addition to its analgesic proper- Muscle relaxation has to be considered in special
ties has a sedative effect, also (see 7 Sect. situations during the early postoperative period
«Intravenous Application»). It can cause hemody- when low cardiac output is present. Muscle relax-
namic compromise by increasing afterload in ants reduce oxygen demand, and by inducing
catecholamine-­dependent patients. It has, how- chest wall relaxation, they have an indirect influ-
ever, on the other side, a catecholamine-­sensitizing ence on pulmonary vascular resistance when
effect. remaining elevated in a hemodynamic unstable
Chloral hydrate (oral/rectal 25–50  mg/kg) may situation. For the same reasons they are applied in
be administrated in addition to morphine/mid- children with delayed chest closure or those who
azolam during weaning process and is well tolerated. require hypothermia because of severe dysrhyth-
Haloperidol is used for delirium in agitated mia (Playfor et al. 2007).
patients. It has the risk of extrapyramidal side Pancuronium (0.1 mg/kg bolus) is a nondepo-
10 effects. IV doses of 0.025–0.05 mg/kg/day divided larizing neuromuscular blocking agent, which is
in three to four doses have been used. long acting with vagolytic effects, resulting in
Propofol (normal infusion dose 50–200 ug/kg/ tachycardia and hypertension.
min, max. 4 mg/kg/h) is used for short-term pro- Vecuronium (0.1 mg/kg bolus) has less unwanted
cedures; has a risk of hypotension and decrease in side effects, but can accumulate in hepatic failure.
systemic vascular resistance, dysrhythmias, rising Rocuronium (0.6–1.2 mg/kg bolus) has a rapid
lactate, or acidosis; and may cause propofol infu- onset of action, is useful for tracheal intubation,
sion syndrome: acidosis, bradyarrhythmia, and and turned out to have only minimal cardiovas-
rhabdomyolysis. cular side effects (Reich et al. 2004).
Dexmedetomidine (loading dose, 0.5  ug/kg Cisatracurium (0.1–0.2  mg/kg bolus IV) is an
over 15–30 min)—a selective α(alpha) 2 agonist— intermediate-acting neuromuscular blocking agent.
has a sympatholytic effect resulting in hypoten- It has no significant cardiovascular adverse events.
sion and bradycardia and a decrease in systemic
vascular resistance without suppressing respira-
tory drive. These effects are thought to be benefi- 10.8 Perioperative Prophylaxis
cial in cardiac patients, especially for attenuating for Infectious Complications
the hemodynamic and endocrinal response to
cardiopulmonary bypass with an intraoperative The perioperative administration of antimicrobial
infusion (Munoz and Berry 2005). agents is routinely used in pediatric cardiac surgery.
Methadone is a synthetic opioid with potent While the onset of routine antimicrobial treatment
analgesic activity and a long half-life. Because of is rather uniform, about 1 h to immediately before
its half-life and good oral bioavailability, it has surgery, the duration of prophylaxis varies. Usually
been used successfully to treat iatrogenic narcotic the antimicrobials are administered up to 24 or 48 h
dependency or chronic pain. postoperatively. Longer durations may depend on
Clonidine, an α(alpha)2 agonist, has less anal- the presence of central venous lines and chest tube
gesic potency and can be used for longer sedation drains that are handled following more local inten-
and withdrawal from opioids (oral, 2–5  ug/kg sive care guidelines. Thus, antimicrobials for
every 4  h; also available in transdermal applica- 6–9 days postoperatively seem to be common.
tion; IV preparation not available in the USA, Nosocomial infections (NI) were found to occur in
dose 0.5–3 ug/kg/h). up to 15 % with the consequence of longer ­intensive
Chapter 10 · Critical Care in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
267 10
care stay and increased mortality. The predominant first 48  h after intracardiac surgery employing
organism was coagulase-­ negative Staphylococcus extracorporeal circulation. The reported incidence
from skin flora, but also Staphylococcus aureus, gram- varies between 15 and 25 %. They occur most
negative pathogens, and enterococci were found. Risk often as sustained or non-sustained tachyarrhyth-
factors for NI include younger age/infancy, complex mia (supraventricular tachycardia [SVT], atrial
cardiac surgery, or open-chest procedure; NI sites are flutter [AF], junctional ectopic tachycardia [JET],
mainly bloodstream or lower respiratory tract or the ventricular tachycardia [VT]), or bradyarrhyth-
urinary tract (Grisaru-Soen et al. 2009). An increased mia (higher-degree AV block, sinus bradycardia).
risk might also be present in pediatric patients with Predisposing risk factors are prolonged cardio-
intracardiac right-to-left shunt (cerebral emboli, brain pulmonary bypass time, cardiac arrest and deep
abscess) and after implantation of prosthetic material hypothermia, younger age, myocardial ischemia,
(valve prosthesis, conduits, patch material). atrial or ventricular cardiotomy and placement of
The antimicrobial agent used for prophylaxis suture lines, hemodynamic impairment, electro-
should be effective against staphylococci like lyte imbalance, or arrhythmogenic agents as cate-
cephalosporins or penicillins combined with a cholamines. Preoperative arrhythmia may recur
ß-lactamase inhibitor; limiting the duration of postoperatively or persist (Batra et al. 2006; Beke
prophylactic administration will reduce the risk et al. 2005; Craig et al. 2001; Hoffman et al. 2003;
of the development of resistant pathogens. Ravinshankar et al. 2003).
Glycopeptides such as vancomycin or teicoplanin Mechanisms of postoperative arrhythmia are
were used in patients with high risk for methicillin-­ abnormal automaticity as assumed for JET and
resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), espe- VT; they are influenced by the autonomic nervous
cially in the neonatal period. system and show a gradual onset and termination.
Kato et  al. defined three potential groups of Reentry mechanisms by anatomic or functional
patients being at highest risk for postoperative boundaries can develop at the atrial, AV nodal,
MRSA infection: atrioventricular, or ventricular level; they occur
1. Preoperative colonization with MRSA with rapid onset and sudden termination and may
screened by sampling cause AF and VT.  Triggered automaticity can
2. Young children (<3 months) who had been in develop in the presence of premature beats and is
the hospital since birth a reason for torsades de pointes or other polymor-
3. Infants and young children who had complex phic tachycardias.
cardiac surgery Hemodynamic consequences depend on the
heart defect and potential anatomic residua and
The risk of resistant pathogens such as are mainly characterized by loss of atrioventricu-
vancomycin-­resistant enterococci (VRE) has also lar synchrony; the cardiac output decreases by
to be considered (Kato et  al. 2007; Finkelstein nearly 10–20 %. In addition, tachycardias reduce
et al. 2002; Maher et al. 2002). the cardiac output by shortening the diastolic fill-
In patients with temporary chest wall patch ing phase, leading to a decreased stoke volume.
plasty and secondary chest closure, the risk of infec- Bradycardia can be compensated to a certain
tion or mediastinitis was low as a routine antibiotic degree by increasing stroke volume, but the filling
prophylaxis is given using a cephalosporin or vanco- pressure may increase also, with an increase of
mycin in combination with an aminoglycoside ventricular volume.
(Christenson et al. 1996; Tabbutt et al. 1997). This
also is our personal experience in over 25 years.
10.9.2  Diagnostic Procedures
10.9 Arrhythmia Monitoring heart rate variability is one of the diag-
nostic tools used to detect inadequate heart rate
10.9.1  Causes and Hemodynamic acceleration or arrhythmia; in addition, invasive
Sequelae monitoring by arterial and systemic venous lines is
routinely available. An intracardiac ECG via the
Arrhythmias are quite frequent during the early temporary epicardial pacemaker wires allows
postoperative period, predominantly during the detailed rhythm analysis, identifying atrial and
268 R. Kaulitz et al.

ventricular spikes. Esophageal electrogram can most often there is a 2:1 or 3:1 conduction. If the
identify atrial activity; as the catheter electrodes patient is hemodynamically compromised, atrial
have sensing and pacing modes, atrial stimulation overdrive pacing with 120 % of the flutter fre-
or overdrive pacing is possible in infants; the first quency or cardioversion is indicated. Pharma­
choice epicardial wires allow for atrial stimulation cologic therapy is initiated to prevent recurrence
or overdrive pacing in any age group. Cardiac (e.g., digoxin and ß-blocker or class III agent
catheterization should be considered if the sotalol or amiodarone).
arrhythmia may be related to surgical technique Atrial fibrillation with an atrial rate of 400–
compromising coronary artery perfusion. 700/min is less common, and it causes loss of
mechanical atrial activity; the ventricular rate is
irregular (absolute arrhythmia). It is treated along
10.9.3  Management of Postoperative the decision lines and treatment options for atrial
Arrhythmia flutter; however, atrial overpacing is not possible.
Ectopic atrial tachycardia is rarely documented
First of all, before specific and eventually complex early postoperatively and may occur transiently
treatment modalities are embarked on, distur- triggered by abnormal automaticity. Treatment
bances of the electrolyte status or acid-base status strategies include digoxin, reduction of catechol-
have to be excluded. In addition, myocardial dys- amine infusion, ß-blocker (esmolol), and amiod-
function or ischemia with acute increase in atrial arone to control ventricular rate.
or ventricular volume or pressures can initiate Junctional ectopic tachycardia has become the
arrhythmia. Modification of the inotropic support most frequent postoperative tachyarrhythmia
by catecholamines has to be considered, also. (incidence 6–11 %). This arrhythmia can occur
10 Management of acute arrhythmia depends on the after any cardiac surgery but may be more com-
hemodynamic status and mechanism; treatment monly seen after surgery for tetralogy of Fallot,
may be pharmacologic or electrical or a combina- ventricular septal defect, atrioventricular septal
tion of both (Payne et al. 2011). defect, atrial switch operation, or Norwood pro-
cedure (Batra et  al. 2006; Hoffman et  al. 2003; Treatment of Tachyarrhythmia Perry and Walsh 1998). Predisposing factors may
Supraventricular tachycardias result most often be younger age at surgery (<6 months), prolonged
from intra-atrial reentry mechanisms. Depending bypass times, and catecholamine support; it is not
on heart rate and hemodynamic situation, strate- necessarily surgery near the His bundle or hypo-
gies comprise vagal maneuvers, overdrive pacing, magnesemia (Batra et  al. 2006; Dodge-Khatami
or application of IV adenosine (initial 0.05–0.1 mg/ et al. 2002; Hoffman et al. 2003). JET starts often
kg IV, max. 0.3  mg/kg IV). Adenosine induces a during the first 24–48 h postoperatively and may
short AV block terminating SVT which runs be acutely life-threatening by loss of AV syn-
across the AV node. The short half-life of 7–10 s chrony and rapid ventricular rates, but is often
allows repeated applications. In situations of atrial self-limiting after 2–8  days. Diagnosis is made
flutter, adenosine will unmask the atrial activity from the surface or intracardiac ECG showing AV
during short AV block. Overdrive pacing choosing dissociation with an atrial rate lower than the ven-
a heat rate 10–40 beats higher than SVT may inter- tricular (tachycardia with small QRS at a rate of
rupt the reentry tachycardia. If the patient is 170–230/min). This causes a dramatic decrease in
hemodynamically compromised or even in shock, cardiac output and hypotension. Managing JET
synchronized cardioversion (0.25–1.0 J/kg) is used today includes a combination of hypothermia
(Beke et al. 2005; Perry and Walsh 1998). (surface cooling; 32–34 °C) and amiodarone (IV
Atrial flutter (intra-atrial reentry mechanism) bolus 5 mg/kg, continuous infusion 10–15 mg/kg/
can be diagnosed in the classic form by a saw- day) to control the ventricular rate or restore sinus
tooth p-wave pattern in the surface ECG with a rhythm. Temporary atrial/DDD pacing with a
p-wave rate of 300–600/min. More often, the heart rate just above the ectopic tachycardia
p-wave morphology is irregular and the fre- induces AV synchrony (Janousek et al. 2000; Laird
quency varies, related to various locations of et  al. 2003). Adequate analgesia, sedation, and
potentially surgically induced foci. Depending on paralysis are needed to tolerate surface cooling
the AV conduction, the ventricular rate varies; (Hoffman et al. 2003; Laird et al. 2003).
Chapter 10 · Critical Care in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
269 10
Ventricular tachycardias (VT) are uncom- Fallot, or l-transposition of the great arteries. The
mon in early childhood. They are potentially incidence of advanced second-degree or third-
related to electrolyte or acid-base status, myo- degree AV block requiring pacemaker implanta-
cardial ischemia, myocarditis, or a low cardiac tion is now less than 1 %. All patients with a
output state (LCOS). Patients with a damaged or persistent higher-­ degree conduction block for
scarred myocardium after surgery for tetralogy more than 10–14  days should undergo perma-
of Fallot, aortic valve procedures, or Ross proce- nent cardiac pacemaker implantation (VVI-
dure may develop ventricular tachycardia with VVIR or DDD system) (Gregorates et  al. 2002;
widened (>0.09  s) QRS complexes of a single Lin et al. 2010).
dominant morphology. AV dissociation, fusion Less often, sinus node dysfunction may be the
beats, and intermittent sinus beats are other cause of sinus bradycardia. It may follow atrial
observed features. surgery like correction of sinus venosus defect,
The other types of VT show varying QRS Mustard or Senning surgery (atrial switch) for
morphology, twisting around the isoelectric transposition of the great arteries, or Fontan-type
baseline (torsades de pointes). This type of VT is surgery. Permanent cardiac pacemaker implanta-
at high risk for ventricular fibrillation (and in tion (AAI, AAIR, or DDD mode) is indicated
need of defibrillation with 2–4  J/kg). Treatment when bradyarrhythmia causes symptoms or even
should be initiated immediately with synchro- reported syncope.
nized cardioversion (1–2  J/kg). More hemody-
namically stable patients can be treated
pharmacologically with magnesium (25–50 mg/ 10.10 Respiratory Dysfunction
kg in 5–15  min), lidocaine (1  mg/kg; infusion and Mechanical Ventilation
20–50  ug/kg/min), or amiodarone (Craig et  al.
2001; Hanisch 2001). Detailed evaluation of the 10.10.1  Indication and Ventilation
hemodynamic situation and electrophysiologic Nodes
examination are usually initiated. For chronic
prevention of symptomatic VT, medical treat- Prolonged respiratory dysfunction after pediatric
ment or implantation of an «automatic implant- cardiac surgery may have various reasons. The
able cardioverter/defibrillator» is recommended respiratory mechanics may be impaired by upper
(Kleinman et al. 2010). airway obstruction (subglottic stenosis, injury to
the recurrent laryngeal nerve), interstitial edema Treatment of Bradyarrhythmia from left-to-right shunt or inflammatory response
Sinus bradycardia with slowing of the heart rate after cardiopulmonary bypass (SIRS), parenchy-
below the age-related normal rates postopera- mal compromise by atelectasis or pneumonia,
tively mainly results from various degrees of AV pleural effusion, diaphragmatic paralysis, chest
block. First-degree AV block becomes hemody- wall edema, or abdominal compression by ascites.
namically relevant only with extremely prolonged Insufficient ventilation can occur in association
PQ duration. This can occur after complex atrial with deep sedation/analgesia, neuromuscular
surgery or surgery around the AV node. Second-­ insufficiency after prolonged mechanical ventila-
degree AV block with intermittently missing QRS tion, or with advanced malnutrition. Pulmonary
complexes (Mobitz type II) can result in slow gas exchange is also impaired in situations with
heart rates. Here, sequential pacing can be indi- low cardiac output, ventilation-perfusion mis-
cated or infusion of isoproterenol (continuous match, or intrapulmonary shunts with the conse-
infusion 0.05–0.1  ug/kg/min) or atropine bolus quence of hypercapnia.
(0.02  mg/kg). Third-degree AV block after rou- The indication for prolonged endotracheal
tine surgery may be transient early postopera- intubation (or reintubation) and mechanical ven-
tively with return of conduction within a few tilation is given in situations with acute respira-
days; however, there is an increased risk of tory insufficiency and inadequate gas exchange
delayed AV block. Surgeries with a risk of at least with retention of carbon dioxide (pCO2
temporary postoperative AV block include cor- >50  mmHg), hypoxemia (pO2 <70  mmHg) and
rection of ventricular septal defect, atrioventricu- peripheral oxygen saturation <93 %, and/or respi-
lar septal defect, subaortic stenosis, tetralogy of ratory acidosis. These limits have to be adapted to
270 R. Kaulitz et al.

the individual situation of the patient. Patients ­ xygenation with a low mean airway pressure.
with right-to-left shunt are used to having lower Here, the aim is more than in any other patient to
oxygen saturations, the same as in patients with extubate as early as possible in order to use the
chronic hypercapnia. negative intrathoracic pressure under spontane-
In spontaneous respiration there is a synchro- ous respiration for improvement of passive pul-
nous active contraction of the diaphragm and monary perfusion.
intercostal muscles, inducing a negative intratho- Modifications of mechanical ventilation have
racic pressure followed by a passive expiration. been introduced to reduce the ventilator-related
Invasive ventilation offers a positive pressure at lung injury, to improve the postoperative hemo-
inspiration; the pressure decrease at expiration dynamic situation, and to facilitate gas exchange.
can be modified by using positive end expiratory High-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV)
pressure (PEEP). This can be associated with a uses the combination of very small tidal volumes
decrease in venous return, increase in pulmonary (1–3 ml/kg) and high-frequency oscillatory ven-
artery pressure and pulmonary vascular resis- tilation (2–15 Hz, 120–900/min). This allows for
tance, and reduction in pulmonary blood flow or lung-protective ventilation with a reduced risk of
cardiac output with the need for volume supple- barotrauma and atelectasis (Kneyber et al. 2012).
mentation. These effects are «compensated» by It generates a continuous positive airway pres-
improvement of oxygenation and consecutive sure system with small oscillations. It is mainly
reduction of the pulmonary vascular resistance. used as a rescue modality when hypoxemia and
In patients with Fontan circulation, however, the acidosis occur on conventional mechanical ven-
passive pulmonary artery flow can be significantly tilation despite increasing alveolar ventilation.
compromised by inadequate positive pressure Oxygenation depends on FiO2 and mean airway
10 ventilation and PEEP. pressure, ventilation on frequency, and amplitude
The initial, conventional mode of mechanical of oscillation. Early use of HFOV in pediatric
ventilation is often pressure-regulated volume cardiac surgery may be beneficial, and it can be
controlled; with the beginning of spontaneous used when there is evidence of pulmonary hyper-
breathing, the mode is switched to synchronized tension and right ventricular failure (Bojan et al.
intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV) with 2011). High-frequency jet ventilation (HFJV) uses
pressure control. After complex cardiac surgery rates of 60–600 per minute with tidal volumes of
with prolonged cardiopulmonary bypass time, 2–5  ml/kg; this results in a lower mean airway
most patients remain under controlled ventilation pressure. High-frequency positive pressure ventila-
for at least 24 h, especially in neonates and infants. tion (HFPPV) combines tidal volumes of 3–4 ml/
Principal ventilatory parameters for infants/ kg with rates of 60–150 per minute.
children include a ventilator rate of 15–40/8–20 Neurally adjusted ventilatory assist (NAVA) is
per minute, a tidal volume of 8–10–12 ml/kg, and the newest mode of mechanical ventilation that
an I:E ratio of 1:1.5–1:3. Elevation of mean airway uses the electrical activity of the diaphragm to
pressure (by increase of PEEP, inspiratory time or trigger the ventilator breath and to adjust the ven-
flow) and inspired oxygen concentration will tilatory assist to the patient’s neural drive. First
increase the oxygenation. Hypercapnia needs an clinical data demonstrated a superior patient-­
increase ventilatory minute volume. ventilator synchrony, lung-protective mechanical
International guidelines for the variety of ven- ventilation mode, and efficient unloading of the
tilation modes are still lacking; modes included respiratory muscles and suggested potential
pressure control, synchronized intermittent man- advantages for the weaning process after pro-
datory ventilation, pressure support, and pressure-­ longed mechanical ventilation (Verbrugghe and
regulated volume control. Jorens 2011).
The ventilation mode should take the underly- Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation
ing disease into account. Patients with pulmonary (NPPV) provides mechanical respiratory support
hyperperfusion may require pressure-controlled without the need for endotracheal intubation. It
ventilation with increased PEEP and a lower ven- refers to continuous positive airway pressure
tilator rate. After univentricular palliation with (CPAP) or bilevel respiratory support including
Glenn- or Fontan-type surgery, mechanical venti- expiratory or inspiratory positive airway pressure
lation is focused on optimal ventilation and or biphasic positive airway pressure (BIPAP).
Chapter 10 · Critical Care in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
271 10
It can be used in selected patients including cir- patient arriving on the intensive care unit. He
cumstances with postoperative or postextubation may, however, have already been extubated in the
respiratory failure, atelectasis, pneumonia, or OR.
ARDS.  NPPV can facilitate weaning from The weaning process begins with the onset of
mechanical ventilation reducing the risk of rein- spontaneous breathing accompanied by a decrease
tubation as it improves gas exchange and reduces in ventilator support. There is no standard strat-
work of breathing. Predictive factors for failure of egy for the weaning process. Factors influencing
NPPV are higher FiO2 and hypercapnia on weaning are level of sedation, fluid balance of the
admission (Najaf-Zadeh and Leclerc 2011). Care patient (lung compliance decreases with intersti-
has to be taken that the face mask used can be tol- tial edema, chest wall edema), pulmonary hyper-
erated comfortably and does not cause pain. Tight tension (with the need for oxygen supplementation
masks leading to face hematomas have to be and special inhalation regimen), and function of
avoided. the diaphragm. Steroids started 6–24  h before
In neonates and infants, some units prefer to planned extubation after prolonged ventilation
apply high flow (4–8 l/min) air or oxygen via nasal may be useful in reducing tracheal inflammation
prongs after extubation, as a substitute/alternative and subglottic edema (Newth et al. 2009).
for CPAP. Care has to be taken to avoid skin break- Using indices to predict success of weaning
down from prolonged prong placement. and extubation is probably less reliable than clini-
Following repair of tetralogy of Fallot, low car- cal judgment and decision-making. A spontane-
diac output state secondary to restrictive right ven- ous breathing test or extubation readiness test
tricular physiology, refractory to conventional consisting of a period of spontaneous breathing
measures, may be improved by using negative pres- with FiO2 <0.5 failed to indicate extubation suc-
sure ventilation (NPV). NPV can augment pulmo- cess (Newth et al. 2009).
nary blood flow and cardiac output in patients with The weaning process in infants and children
restrictive right ventricular physiology and dia- employs SIMV (synchronized intermittent manda-
stolic dysfunction (Shekerdemian et al. 2000). The tory ventilation) or IMV mode with pressure sup-
use of negative pressure ventilation may also be port and gradual reduction of the ventilator
beneficial in patients after Fontan operation with support, i.e., ventilator rate. Comparing the effect
improvement of pulmonary blood flow and stroke of SIMV and BIPAP ventilation, the last mode
volume (Shekerdemian et al. 1997). allows more synchronization with the respirator.
The administration of heliox, a mixture of Criteria for extubation (extubation readiness)
helium and oxygen, during mechanical ventila- include spontaneous ventilation, stable hemody-
tion decreases the work of breathing and dimin- namic parameters, and optimal cardiac output,
ishes respiratory distress. It facilitates gas exchange normal cardiac rhythm/adequate pacing, intact
by improving oxygenation and eliminating car- airway reflexes with vigorous coughing, manage-
bon dioxide, making it a rescue strategy in patients able airway secretion, adequate oxygenation on
with severe airway obstruction and respiratory fraction of inspired oxygen <0.4, maintenance of a
failure (asthma, bronchiolitis, upper airway pH >7.35 and PaCO2 <45 mmHG, adequate hemo-
obstruction, cystic fibrosis, and congenital tra- stasis, and sufficient consciousness. Extubation
cheal stenosis, postoperatively after tracheal sur- failure (need for reintubation within 24–72 h) is
gery). Early experience made ventilation with most often related to upper airway obstruction and
heliox a promising strategy for children with vari- is expected in nearly 6 % of patients. The require-
ous complex respiratory diseases (Gupta and ment to reintubate increases morbidity. Residual
Cheifetz 2005; Martinón-Torres 2012). anatomic lesions have to be excluded as well as pul-
monary causes of respiratory failure (i.e., pleural
effusion, diaphragm paralysis, pneumothorax).
10.10.2  Weaning and Extubation These all, however, should have been excluded
Readiness before extubation. Neurologic problems such as
oversedation or neuromuscular blockade may lead
Weaning off mechanical ventilation is a priority to reintubation, also.
once postoperative hemodynamic stabilization is Prolonged mechanical ventilation (>72 h) fol-
achieved. This may be already the case with the lowing cardiac surgery in neonates and infants
272 R. Kaulitz et al.

correlated with postoperative morbidity includ- PVR.  These are predominantly total anomalous
ing nosocomial infections and pneumonia, low pulmonary venous connection, truncus arterio-
cardiac output syndrome, need for inotropic sup- sus communis, atrioventricular septal defects,
port and more fluid retention, delayed sternal clo- nonrestrictive ventricular septal defect, transposi-
sure, and extubation failure. Longer stay in the tion of the great arteries with ventricular septal
ICU and increased mortality may be the conse- defect or aortopulmonary window, and during
quence. Risk factors associated with prolonged the early postoperative period after cardiac trans-
mechanical ventilation were younger age, more plantation.
complex form of congenital heart disease, or pre- Monitoring shows an increase of the systemic
existing comorbidities such as chromosomal venous pressure accompanied by a decrease of
abnormalities, dystrophy/malnutrition, heart fail- cardiac output as well as arterial pressure and oxy-
ure, pulmonary hypertension, and pulmonary gen saturation. A pulmonary hypertensive crisis
disease (Szekely et al. 2006). was defined as a pulmonary-to-systemic pressure
Early extubation after pediatric cardiac sur- ratio of more than 0.75, potentially leading to
gery (<8 h postoperatively) offers some benefits as acute right heart failure. Postoperative PH is the
reduction of pulmonary and nosocomial infec- result of endothelial damage, suppression of
tions and lower use of sedation. An additional endogenous NO production, inflammatory pro-
aspect is a shorter duration of intensive care stay cesses, ischemic lesions, or reperfusion syndrome
with reduced financial costs (Davis et al. 2004). after cardiopulmonary bypass leading to an
Fast-track pediatric anesthesia and cardiac sur- increased reactivity of the pulmonary vasculature.
gery is a concept suitable for selected patients The pulmonary vascular endothelium produces
with uncomplicated cardiac defects (as ASD, endogenous vasoconstrictors (as endothelin-1)
10 VSD, partial AVSD, subaortic stenosis, a replace- and vasodilators (as prostacyclin). Additional cir-
ment of RV-PA conduits) and absence of relevant cumstances can promote a postoperative increase
comorbidities such as pulmonary hypertension or of PVR requiring a longer period of mechanical
heart failure. Effective pain management is one of ventilation and stay on intensive care unit. These
the most important aspects of fast-track process circumstances include pulmonary complications
(Howard et al. 2010; Iodice et al. 2011). (atelectasis, pneumothorax, pleural effusion,
bronchospasm), pulmonary vascular microem-
boli, pulmonary edema, inadequate ventilation
10.11 Postoperative Pulmonary with carbon dioxide retention, and inadequate
Hypertension high PEEP (Brown et  al. 2003; Checchia and
Bronicke 2012; Huddleston and Knoderer 2009;
10.11.1  Diagnosis and Specific Schulze-Neick et al. 2001).
Causes In postoperative situations with systemic-to-­
pulmonary connections as after aortopulmonary
During the last years, the incidence and severity shunt procedures, especially in preoperative duct-­
of postoperative pulmonary hypertension (PH) dependent cardiac lesions as hypoplastic left heart
have been reduced related to early surgical correc- syndrome, the relation of PVR to systemic vascular
tion of congenital heart disease, associated with resistance may be rather low, as a result of severe
modification of cardiopulmonary bypass like pulmonary hypercirculation. Balancing the sys-
using modified ultrafiltration, and changes in temic and pulmonary circulation can be achieved
treatment of critically ill patients. PH is due to by measures which either increase the PVR, like
persistent increased pulmonary blood flow (L/R reduction of the inspired oxygen fraction, hypoven-
shunt) or elevated pulmonary vascular resistance tilation, and elevation of the mean airway pressure
(PVR). It is defined as a mean pulmonary artery (e.g., with higher PEEP), or by lowering the sys-
pressure >25 mmHg at rest. An increased vascular temic vascular resistance with specific agents as
reactivity and the development of hypertensive sodium nitroprusside or phentolamine.
crisis postoperatively have to be anticipated in In biventricular circulation, an abnormal
some cardiac lesions with long-standing preoper- increase of the right ventricular pressure—calcu-
ative increased pulmonary blood flow or pulmo- lated by the trans-tricuspid Doppler velocity—
nary venous obstructive lesions with elevated can also be caused by residual anatomic lesions.
Chapter 10 · Critical Care in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
273 10
These may be right ventricular outflow tract of endothelial NO, can complicate the weaning
obstructions, pulmonary valve stenosis, left heart process (Atz et  al. 1996; Miller et  al. 2000). The
obstructive lesions, or pulmonary venous obstruc- recommended starting dose of NO is 20 ppm, but
tion. Right ventricular pressure overload shifts it may vary between 5 and 40 ppm (Journois et al.
the interventricular septum toward the left ven- 2005; Stocker et al. 2003).
tricle, causing severe tricuspid regurgitation, Sildenafil, a specific phosphodiestarese-5
arrhythmias, and left ventricular dysfunction, inhibitor, allows for a more selective pulmonary
each of these sequelae leading to low output states. vasodilation and is used for acute and chronic
Primary treatment options beside the manage- treatment of PH with lower risk of systemic arte-
ment of the PH are fluid management for ade- rial hypotension. The special effects in children
quate preload, control of arrhythmias, and after congenital heart surgery need further evalu-
inotropic support. ation (Atz et al. 2002; Schulze-Neick et al. 2002).
However, data suggest that oral sildenafil can
facilitate the weaning of iNO (Huddleston and
10.11.2  Treatment Options: Knoderer 2009). As enteral absorption may be
Prevention First! compromised during the early postoperative
period, intravenous sildenafil is advantageous and
Management strategies in patients at risk for post- was reported to reduce pulmonary artery pressure
operative PH are mainly focused on preventing (Fraisse et  al. 2011). Preoperative sildenafil
potential trigger mechanisms and by providing reduced postoperative pulmonary artery pressure
deep sedation, moderate hyperventilation (i.e., and shortened length of stay in the intensive care
pCO2 30–35  mmHg), an increase of inspiratory unit (Palm et al. 2011).
oxygen fraction, and adequate PEEP ventilation. Chronic treatment options include bosentan—
The application of pulmonary vasodilators needs an endothelin receptor antagonist; it was shown
a strong indication because of the potential side to be safe and improves functional capacity.
effects. Milrinone, a selective phsphodiesterase-3 Potential side effects described were (reversible)
inhibitor with inotropic and vasodilator effects, abnormalities in hepatic function tests (Galie
works as an unspecific pulmonary vasodilator et al. 2003). In combination with sildenafil, both a
with pronounced lowering of the systemic blood decrease of sildenafil and increase of bosentan
pressure and therefore has only limited indica- concentration have to be considered; at present,
tions in PH.  Intravenous prostacyclin (epopros- no dose recommendations are available for this
tenol, started with 1–2  ng/kg/min, titrated to combined therapy. Dosing for bosentan mono-
10–20 ng/kg/min) is an alternative option; how- therapy is weight related: for 5≤10  kg, 15.6  mg
ever, dose-dependent systemic side effects such as daily for 4  weeks and thereafter 15.6  mg twice
systemic hypotension, headache, nausea, and daily; for weight 10–20  kg, 31.25  mg daily for
vomiting may limit its use. Abrupt withdrawal 4 weeks and thereafter 31.25 mg twice a day; for
may induce rebound pulmonary hypertension. 20–40 kg, 31.25 mg twice a day for 4 weeks and
Inhaled prostacyclin and the prostacyclin analog, thereafter 62.5  mg twice a day; and for body-
iloprost, seem to be as effective as inhaled nitric weight >40 kg, 62.5 mg twice a day and thereafter
oxide (Mulligan and Beghetti 2012; Rimensberger 125 mg twice a day.
et  al. 2001); the most common side effects are The degree of right ventricular failure must be
cough, headache, or flushing. Inhaled iloprost is determined, and treatment is aimed to reduce
often used in combination with other vasodilator pulmonary vascular resistance, increase cardiac
drugs (sildenafil, bosentan). output, and resolve systemic hypotension.
Inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) is a potent vasodi- Dobutamine in doses up to 5 ug/kg/min signifi-
lator and now a standard of care for postoperative cantly decreased pulmonary vascular resistance
pulmonary hypertension; however, prophylactic and increased cardiac output especially when
administration in patients at risk for pulmonary combined with iNO. Individualized therapy also
hypertensive crisis is not recommended. may include the administration of norepineph-
Development of methemoglobinemia may limit rine and dopamine. In these patients modification
its use. After abrupt reduction of NO, «rebound» of mechanical ventilation has to be considered as
pulmonary hypertension, because of downregulation hyperinflation or inadequate PEEP ventilation
274 R. Kaulitz et al.

can fatally reduce cardiac output. In refractory 55 Renal dysfunction has a multifactorial
right ventricular failure, atrial septectomy/septos- ­origin, sometimes determined by preoperative
tomy or the use of mechanical right ventricular events:
assist devices has to be discussed. 55 Prerenal (hypovolemia, hypotension, LCOS,
sepsis, peripheral vasoconstriction, increased
central venous pressure, mechanical ventila-
10.12 Kidney Injury and Renal tion, intra-abdominal pressure elevation,
Replacement Therapy ascites, postoperative residual lesions)
55 Renal (renal failure due to hypoxemia, acido-
10.12.1   efinition, Risk Factors,
D sis, nephrotoxic agents, hemolysis with
and Staging of Acute Kidney hemoglobinuria)
Injury (AKI) 55 Neurohumoral abnormalities (i.e., inadequate
ADH secretion, increase of plasma-renin or
Acute kidney injury (AKI) in infants and children aldosterone)
after heart surgery is a serious complication 55 Postrenal (preexisting/congenital renal anom-
encountered in 11–30  % (Sethi et  al. 2011, alies or uropathy)
Chiravuri et  al. 2011). AKI requiring dialysis
occurs in up to 5 % of these patients. The mortal- The diagnosis and classification of AKI can be
ity rate under these conditions might approach made using the gold standard of serial creatinine
40 %. However, even after a period of dialysis, measurements; biomarkers such as neutrophil
chronic renal impairment rarely develops gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL), N-­acetyl-­
(Skippen and Krahn 2005). ß-(D)-glucosaminidase (NAG), interleukin-18,
10 AKI can be defined as an abrupt (within 48 h) kidney injury molecule-1, and cystatin C, how-
reduction in renal function with increase in ever, may allow for early rapid diagnosis of AKI as
serum creatinine of >0.3 mg/dl or a total increase they precede the increase in serum creatinine by
in serum creatinine to >1.5-fold from baseline or several hours. This might enable prevention and
reduction in urine output (<0.5 ml/kg/h for more early modification of clinical management of AKI
than 6 h) (Sehti et al. 2011). Using the modified after cardiopulmonary bypass (Krawczeski et  al.
RIFLE (Risk, Injury, Failure, Loss of kidney func- 2010, 2011; Parikh et al. 2011).
tion, and End-stage kidney disease.) criteria, a
decrease of estimated creatinine clearance by 50 %
(resp. 75 %) and reduction of urinary output 10.12.2  Management of AKI
<0.5 ml/kg/h for 16 h (resp. <0.3 ml/kg/h for 24 h)
might indicate kidney injury (resp. failure) Postoperatively compromised cardiac function
(Akcan-Arikan et  al. 2007). Uniform standards and hemodynamics lead to decreased kidney per-
for defining and staging of AKI were established fusion. The clinical features of a low cardiac out-
in 2008 by the AKI Network (Mehta et al. 2008). put syndrome include tachycardia, poor systemic
The risk for renal dysfunction is increased in: perfusion and inadequate mean arterial pressure,
55 Children younger than 12 months increase in serum lactate, and decreased urinary
55 Weight <10 kg output. Therapeutic options include inotropes,
55 Duration of cardiopulmonary bypass time vasopressors, vasodilators, and diuretics to opti-
>90 min mize cardiac function, renal and systemic perfu-
55 Complex heart defect and cyanosis sion, as well as pulmonary blood flow for oxygen
55 Postoperative LCOS and prolonged inotropic supply. To balance systemic and pulmonary blood
support flow, ensuring adequate systemic organ perfusion,
55 Systemic inflammatory response syndrome as well as sufficient oxygenation, medication, and
with intraoperative activation of the drug dosing, has to be titrated continuously,
immune system despite changes in CPB accompanied by ventilatory adjustments.
practice (hemofiltration, modified ultrafil-
tration) (Sethi et al. 2011; Picca et al. 2008; kDopamine
Beke et al. 2005; Chang 2003; Ravinshankar Dosages of 3–5 ug/kg/min improve renal perfusion
et al. 2003). and urinary output (dopamine receptor, also present
Chapter 10 · Critical Care in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
275 10
in the mesenteric vascular system), whereas dosages acid (IV 0.5–1  mg/kg/day, max. 2  mg/kg/day)
from 5 to 10 ug/kg/min increase inotropy and chro- may be administered early postoperatively. A
notropy (ß1-stimulation) and from 10 to 20 ug/kg/ more expensive alternative to furosemide is
min increase systemic vascular resistance (α(alpha)- bumetanide in single doses of 0.05 mg/kg every
receptor stimulation). High doses of dopamine for 6–8–12  h or in a continuous infusion (0.2–0.4–
treatment of low cardiac output syndrome might 0.5 mg/kg/day).
induce peripheral and splanchnic vasoconstriction
(Gajarski et al. 2003; Prins et al. 2001). kRenal replacement therapy (RRT)
Renal replacement therapy may be required to be
kFenoldopam required in nearly up to 10 % of children undergo-
It is a selective dopamine-1 receptor agonist which ing heart surgery. Acute peritoneal dialysis is
combines the effect of decreasing systemic vascu- most frequently used, as hemofiltration has the
lar resistance while increasing renal blood flow, disadvantage of vessel access and systemic antico-
tubular natrium extraction, and urinary output. In agulation.
contrast to dopamine, dopamine-2 and adrenergic Indications for peritoneal dialysis (PD) are
receptors are not activated, and chronotropic and oliguria (<0.5  ml/kg/h for more than 4  h) or
inotropic effects are not observed (Bove et al. 2005; anuria (despite adjusted inotropic, vasodilator,
Costello et al. 2006; Goldstein and Chang 2006). and diuretic support), fluid overload, creatinine
Pediatric experience is still limited. level >1.2  mg/dl, hyperkalemia or electrolyte
imbalances, or acidosis. Fluid overload may be
kEpinephrine an indication without acute renal failure (Chan
Treatment of low cardiac output syndrome often et al. 2003; Ravinshankar et al. 2003). As PD is
includes epinephrine at a dose >0.05  ug/kg/min easy and safe, it does not need any anticoagula-
for maintenance of adequate mean arterial pres- tion or vessel access and is well tolerated in the
sure. hemodynamically instable infant, and early
application is now recommended to avoid
kMilrinone increasing fluid overload. Prophylactic place-
It is a phosphodiesterase III inhibitor. Without the ment of peritoneal catheters intraoperatively for
increase of myocardial oxygen consumption, it routine early postoperative dialysis is expected
combines the effect of moderate inotropy after to reduce the effects of systemic inflammatory
end diastolic relaxation with vasodilation of pul- response by removing inflammatory mediators
monary and systemic circulation (Stocker and and allows early fluid balance (Baskin et al. 2010;
Shekerdemian 2006). Dittrich et al. 2004).

Prevention of fluid overload, pulmonary edema, 10.13 Postoperative Nutrition
and elevated cardiac afterload is an important clin-
ical goal in treatment of critically ill children after Early nutrition assessment in the postoperative
cardiac surgery. To support a net negative fluid bal- period is necessary to avoid underfeeding or
ance from the start, diuretic therapy is introduced overfeeding; outcome and length of stay on the
almost immediately postoperatively. Furosemide, a ICU can be affected. The energy requirements are
loop diuretic, is most often used either as a bolus difficult to estimate and will change during the
(1 mg/kg every 6–8–12 h) or in a continuous infu- postoperative course; nutritional needs may be
sion (4–8–10 mg/kg/day) as recommended in the calculated using preoperative anthropometric
hemodynamically unstable patient. Usually treat- measurements or indirect calorimetry. Reasons
ment is started with higher doses and adjusted for inadequate nutrition therapy can be based on
based on urinary output (Ravinshankar et al. 2003; fluid restriction, ceasing of enteral nutrition for
Van der Vorst et  al. 2001). In addition to furose- diagnostic procedure, weaning process and extu-
mide, aminophylline (single bolus infusion bation, or surgery, gastrointestinal intolerance
5–10 mg/kg) is an effective adjuvant for diuresis as with vomiting, abdominal distension, and dis-
is chlorothiazide (10–20 mg/kg/day, divided q6 h, turbed motility. Overfeeding also has adverse
or later 20 mg/kg/day p.o). Additionally ethacrynic metabolic effects with hepatic dysfunction.
276 R. Kaulitz et al.

Protein requirements are higher than in Chylothorax after surgery is a complication

healthy children to yield a positive nitrogen bal- that occurs with an incidence of 0.9–6 %; new-
ance; in critically ill children, protein breakdown born and infant patients with complex surgery are
will exceed protein synthesis leading to negative at highest risk. Possible reasons include surgical
nitrogen balance, weight loss, and skeletal muscle damage of the thoracic duct, central vein throm-
wasting. BUN will increase and mimic renal fail- bosis, elevated systemic venous pressure, or dam-
ure for some! Depending on age protein intake age of small lymphatic vessels at secondary chest
varies between 2 and 4 g/kg/day until the age of closure (Biewer et al. 2010). Diagnosis is obvious
2 years and 1.5 g/kg/day above 13 years (Skillman in milky appearance of the pleural effusion once
and Mehta 2012). Protein malnutrition can cause enteral feeds are initiated, lymphocytosis, elevated
higher risk of infections, wound healing prob- triglyceride concentration, and the presence of
lems, longer dependency on mechanical ventila- chylomicrons.
tion, and prolonged weaning. Treatment options are mainly based on nutri-
Inadequate carbohydrate feeding can lead to an tional supplementation with MCT diet for at least
increase in insulin concentration, lipogenesis with 10  days up to 30  days or even 6  weeks for lym-
an increase in CO2 production, and steatosis and phatic decompression; this was effective in more
hepatic cellular injury (Hulst et  al. 2006). than 70 % of patients. Alternatively, oral nutrition
Postoperative hyperglycemia is caused by the acute with low fat formula and additional intravenous
stress response, occurs in 90 % of patients, and was lipid application might be possible. In cases of
found to resolve within 72 h (Moga et al. 2011). central vein thrombosis, lysis or interventional
To maintain normoglycemia monitoring and catheter should be considered. Persisting chylo-
insulin therapy may be necessary as this strategy thorax for more than 10 or 14 days needs further
10 seems to lower postoperative morbidity and diagnostic procedures to rule out elevated sys-
mortality by also reducing the risk of infection temic venous pressure or otherwise impaired
and liver dysfunction in pediatric patients (Hulst postoperative hemodynamics. More aggressive
et al. 2006). therapeutic regimens included total parenteral
Adult data suggested in 2001 the preferable nutrition (TPN); however, in some series MCT
serum glucose level to be <110 mg/dl for reduced feeding does not cause longer pleural drainage
risk of wound complications; however, more than TPN. Rarely octreotide therapy or pleurode-
recent data show the same effect for a glycemic sis has to be discussed. Prolonged intensive care
control at levels <180  mg/dl (van den Berghe stay, malnutrition, hypogammaglobulinemia, and
et  al. 2001; Bhamidipati et  al. 2011; Haga et  al. lymphopenia with predominant T-cell depletion
2011). See also 7 Chapter   «Cardiac Surgical may result in a higher incidence of opportunistic
Intensive Care», Sects. 9.5.7 and 9.5.12. infections and indication for prophylactic antimi-
Enteral nutrition is always preferred, but has to crobials if not taken care of by meticulous moni-
be precluded in hemodynamically unstable toring and replacement therapy as necessary.
patients receiving high-dose vasoactive medica-
tion, muscle relaxants, analgesia, and sedation, as
well as in situations with increased risk for aspira- 10.14 Perioperative Neurologic
tion. Sometimes enteral nutrition is initiated Injury and Neurologic
using nasogastric tube or postpyloric tube. In Monitoring
patients with gastrointestinal intolerance, proki-
netic medication should be considered. Nearly 90 % of children with congenital heart
Parenteral nutrition has the increased risk of defects will survive into childhood, and many car-
infection from central venous lines and hepatic diac malformations are now corrected or palliated
dysfunction and is thought to be generally initi- in the neonatal period or during infancy. Once
ated only if enteral nutrition is insufficient for at mortality of surgery for congenital heart disease
least 5 days (Mehta et al. 2009). Serial assessment had improved significantly over the years, surgical
of nutrition requirements is necessary and should modifications and changes in intra- and periop-
be focused on protein balance and continuous erative management are primarily focused on
glucose monitoring to avoid hyper- or, even more prevention of postoperative morbidity and long-­
important, hypoglycemia. term outcome. Reoperations or reinterventions,
Chapter 10 · Critical Care in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
277 10
either planned or not planned, severe arrhyth- heart syndrome. Postoperative findings describe
mias, and exercise impairment are well known new lesions or worsening of preoperative lesions
and seem to be typically associated with surgery in more than 66 %. Isolated risk factors such as the
for complex congenital heart disease. These use of deep hypothermic cardiac arrest or dura-
sequelae, however, are less frequent than develop- tion of cardiopulmonary bypass time were not
mental delay or mental retardation, as well as identified; other factors as compromised pre-,
behavioral and learning problems, which are intra-, and postoperative hemodynamics, espe-
often not recognized before childhood. cially pronounced low cardiac output syndrome,
may be more important (Bellinger et  al. 1999;
Galli et al. 2004). Resolution of mild periventricu-
10.14.1  Preoperative Neurological lar leukomalacia can be assumed; ventriculomeg-
Abnormalities and Risk aly and cerebral atrophy are very rare.

Preoperative neurological abnormalities such as 10.14.2  Peri-, Intra-,

hypo- or hypertonia, motor asymmetries, feeding and Postoperative
difficulties, and seizures have been described in Neurologic Injury
more than 50 % of the newborn with congenital
heart defects. Sonographic brain abnormalities Perioperative factors related to the risk of neuro-
were found in up to 10 % of infants before surgery logic injury include preoperative prostaglandin
including holoprosencephalopathy and agenesis infusion, mechanical ventilation, placement of
of the corpus callosum (Kaltman et  al. 2005). central venous lines, or catheter intervention such
Microcephaly that can be followed into childhood as balloon atrial septostomy or balloon valvulo-
may be present in more than 25 %. Its causes are plasty. Cerebral pressure autoregulation in chil-
multifactorial, although special abnormalities of dren with congenital heart disease may be
fetal hemodynamics, secondary to the specific impaired; autoregulatory limits are expected to
cardiovascular pathoanatomy, might influence vary with type of defect and age and are not clearly
cerebral development (Limperoupolos et al. 2000; defined.
Shillingford et al. 2005). This aspect was discussed Intraoperatively many risk factors can be iden-
for infants with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, tified which might cause neurological abnormali-
transposition of the great arteries, or tetralogy of ties: cardiac arrest, deep hypothermic circulatory
Fallot and may be related to alterations in cere- arrest, hemodilution (hematocrit should be above
brovascular resistance (Kaltman et al. 2005). 30 %), reperfusion injury, inflammatory reaction,
In addition, genetic syndromes with abnormal or hyperglycemia (Bellinger et  al. 2001).
neurological development have to be considered Pharmacologic management or bypass flow rates
such as trisomy 21, monosomy 22q11.1, velocar- to maintain mean arterial pressure intraopera-
diofacial syndrome, associations of multiple con- tively carry the risk of brain injury by ischemia or
genital anomalies such as VACTERL or CHARGE hyperperfusion (Schears et al. 2006).
syndromes, or Williams-Beuren syndrome. Prolonged and uninterrupted periods of deep
In preterm neonates, after prolonged perinatal hypothermic circulatory arrest in neonates and
asphyxia or intracranial bleeding, in a hemody- infants may have adverse effects on late neurologic
namically unstable condition or in the presence of outcome (Clancy et al. 2003; Forbess et al. 2002).
coagulopathies, it might be necessary to postpone The effects of duration of circulatory arrest on later
the corrective surgical procedure or to switch to a neurodevelopmental parameters are nonlinear; a
palliative operation, like pulmonary artery band- «safe» duration of total circulatory arrest cannot be
ing in VSD or bilateral banding and ductus stent- given as effects of cardiopulmonary bypass are also
ing in HLHS. influenced by diagnosis, age at operation, and other
Preoperative magnet resonance imaging studies perioperative variables (Wernovsky 2006; Wypij
showed ischemic lesions, mainly periventricular et  al. 2003). Strategies with continuous cerebral
leukomalacia, in up to 20 % of all patients with perfusion during cardiopulmonary bypass are fre-
congenital heart defects (Mahle et al. 2002), even quently preferred these days, although data on
more frequent in infants with hypoplastic left long-term ­neurologic outcome for this approach
278 R. Kaulitz et al.

are lacking. A long-term follow-up study in chil- and circulatory arrest and in infants with coexist-
dren with transposition of the great arteries under- ing abnormalities of the central nervous system
going neonatal arterial switch surgery revealed (Gaynor et al. 2006; Clancy et al. 2003).
worse results in motor and speech functioning for Thromboembolic events may occur intraoper-
infants after predominantly deep hypothermic cir- atively (contact of blood with artificial surfaces of
culatory arrest; however, after low-flow cardiopul- extracorporeal circulation, air embolism) or early
monary bypass (initiated to reduce the risk of postoperatively (venous stasis, clotting factor
ischemic cerebral injury), a higher proportion of imbalance, residual lesions, artificial patches, and
patients with behavioral difficulties was described. tubes). Due to postoperative sedation and pharma-
The entire study group, regardless of bypass strat- cologic paralysis, this injury may be recognized
egy, presented with difficulties in sustained atten- only days later. Screening for coagulopathies (pri-
tion, speech, and learning abilities or developmental mary prophylaxis) and appropriate treatment
delay (Bellinger et  al. 1999; Skaryak et  al. 1996). reduce the risk at the original surgery. Secondary
Animal studies could demonstrate that low-flow prophylaxis means to prevent recurrence.
cardiopulmonary bypass may induce a greater Postoperative dyskinesias, most often
inflammatory response with nonneurologic mor- described as choreoathetosis, have an incidence of
bidity; the intermittent perfusion during deep 0.5 %; they usually become evident clinically after
hypothermic circulatory arrest seems to have a several days. They are assumed to be secondary to
neuroprotective effect resulting in normal cerebral hypoxic-ischemic injuries related to a special vul-
metabolic and ultrastructural recovery (Langley nerability of the basal ganglions during extracor-
et al. 1999). poreal circulation. They occur more often after
Postoperative risk factors for cerebral injury surgery for cyanotic lesions, especially with high
10 include invasive monitoring, mechanical ventila- pulmonary and consecutively less cerebral flow
tion, pharmacologic management in a hemody- during extracorporeal circulation. There is recov-
namically unstable patient, risk of cerebral emboli, ery; however, in most cases, it is not complete.
post-bypass cerebral edema related to inflamma-
tion, reperfusion injury or microemboli, and
hyperthermia with increase cerebral oxygen 10.14.3  Neuromonitoring Techniques
requirements. The duration of postoperative
intensive care unit length of stay in the newborn A standard for continuous intraoperative and
period was associated with worse developmental early postoperative cerebral monitoring that
outcome (Newberger et  al. 2003). During the allows for immediate detection of potential brain
early postoperative period, the first 24–48 h after damage has not been defined. Maintaining cere-
cardiopulmonary bypass, the systemic blood flow bral oxygenation and cerebral autoregulation is
and oxygen delivery are decreased, and the most important in preventing brain injury during
cerebral pressure autoregulation is impaired,
­ cardiopulmonary bypass and when employing
implying the high risk for localized ischemic or deep hypothermic circulatory arrest. Noninvasive
global hypoxic injury of the central nervous sys- monitoring techniques include cranial near-­
tem (Bassan et al. 2005; Wernovsky 2006). infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), electroencephalo-
The occurrence of seizures in the immediate gram (EEG), transcranial Doppler ultrasound
postoperative period after repair or palliation of (TCD), and bispectral index monitoring (BIS).
congenital heart defects was defined as a marker NIRS uses near-infrared light signals to moni-
of early central nervous system injury. Continuous tor nonpulsatile signal component reflecting tis-
electroencephalographic monitoring demon- sue (arteriolar (25 %), capillary (5 %), venous
strated seizures in 10–20  % of neonates and (70 %)) circulation and measures oxygenation
infants and was thought to be a surrogate marker regionally in the frontal cerebral cortex. Tissue
for long-term neurologic outcomes in early stud- oxygenation measured by NIRS showed a good
ies, while more recent data could not prove the correlation to mixed venous saturation used as an
negative predictive value (Gaynor et  al. 2006; indicator for cardiac output (Nagdyman et  al.
Clancy et  al. 2003; Rappaport et  al. 1998). 2005; Tortoriello et  al. 2005). This correlation,
Postoperative seizures were more often identified however, is best for children weighing less than
after prolonged duration of deep hypothermia 10  kg. As studies revealed that it may not be
Chapter 10 · Critical Care in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
279 10
possible to predict absolute mixed venous satura- form of ECLS in pediatrics, the largest experience
tion, NIRS can be used for indicating trends is now available for ECMO.
(Mittnacht 2010). In cyanotic patients, NIRS
baseline values may vary between 40 and 60 %; in
acyanotic patients they reach approximately 70 %. 10.15.1  Indications
Trends during cardiopulmonary bypass are simi-
lar in infants and children, but they showed a The indication for ECLS connected with cardiac
wide inter-patient variability and an absence of surgery may exist for:
normal values. 55 Any unstable postoperative state after complex
Postoperative EEG monitoring allows detec- congenital heart surgery, predominantly con-
tion of (subclinical) seizures in patients under nected with Bland-White-Garland (Anomalous
sedation und neuromuscular blockade. Left Coronary Artery from the Pulmonary
TCD measures the blood flow velocity in the Artery (ALCAPA)) syndrome, transposition of
anterior and/or middle cerebral arteries; patient’s the great arteries, total anomalous pulmonary
baseline measurement can be compared with the venous drainage, and hypoplastic left heart
actual intra- or postoperative measurements. syndrome
Age-specific normal values can be provided and 55 Inability to wean from cardiopulmonary
allows the detection of decreased Doppler veloci- bypass; postoperative myocardial dysfunc-
ties related to hemodynamic instability, general tion (LCOS)
anesthesia, or low temperature (Zimmermann 55 Occasional preoperative stabilization (i.e.,
et al. 1997; Andropoulous et al. 2003). cardiogenic shock, after clinical deterioration
BIS as a simplified processed EEG can corre- or even resuscitation, pulmonary hyperten-
late brain wave activity with awareness or depth of sion refractory to medical therapy; in rare
sedation; it was found to indicate changes in cere- exceptions for patients with obstructive total
bral activity in the presence of acute hypotension anomalous pulmonary venous drainage or
causing cerebral hypoperfusion. The BIS monitor Ebstein’s anomaly)
may indicate by burst suppression pattern the 55 Severe hypercapnia after tracheal resection in
adequate cooling before initiating deep hypother- pulmonary artery sling surgery not amenable
mic circulatory arrest (Hayashida et al. 2003). to Heliox treatment (see 7 Sect. 10.10)

Indications for ECLS primarily not connected

10.15 Postoperative Extracorporeal to cardiac surgery are:
Life Support (ECLS) 55 Acute myocarditis
55 Bridging to transplantation in patients with
Low cardiac output syndrome secondary to myo- cardiomyopathy or («end stage») congenital
cardial failure remains a serious problem in pedi- heart disease
atric cardiac intensive care management. Cardiac 55 Arrhythmia refractory to medication with
failure and indication for mechanical circulatory hemodynamic compromise (supraventricular
support may be related to congenital heart dis- tachycardia, junctional ectopic tachycardia,
ease with or without immediately preceding car- ventricular dysrhythmias)
diac surgery. Other reasons include myocarditis 55 Pulmonary hypertension
and cardiomyopathy, intractable arrhythmias, 55 «Acute respiratory distress syndrome,» severe
postcardiopulmonary resuscitation, pulmonary upper airway obstruction, respiratory failure
hypertension, or respiratory failure. Predominantly in parenchymal lung disease
two forms of extracorporeal life support (ECLS) 55 Any cardiopulmonary arrest as extracorpo-
are used: extracorporeal membrane oxygenation real cardiopulmonary resuscitation
(ECMO) for short-term cardiopulmonary support
and ventricular assist device (VAD) as a long-term Prerequisites for initiation of ECLS are:
bridge to cardiac recovery or heart transplanta- 55 Principally reversible situation of cardiopul-
tion. The use of an intra-aortic balloon pump is monary deterioration
still limited to older children (if children at all), 55 High mortality rate with continued optimal
adolescents, and adults. Being the most frequent medical treatment
280 R. Kaulitz et al.

55 Exclusion of relevant residual lesions and function, and inability to wean from cardiopul-
surgical bleeding monary bypass (Hintz et  al. 2005; Ravinshankar
55 Neurological integrity et  al. 2003). Some centers have recommended
55 Upper limit of pharmacologic treatment routine mechanical ventricular support to stabi-
lize the early postoperative period after Norwood
Clinical findings mirror a low cardiac output I procedure coining it NOMOVAD («no mem-
constellation with inadequate organ perfusion brane oxygenator ventricular assist device») (Shen
with low mean arterial blood pressure, reduced and Ungerleider 2004). The known difficulties in
ejection fraction (<25 %) and cardiac index (<2 l/ resuscitating patients after Glenn or Fontan pro-
min/m2), limited diuresis (<1  ml/kg/h), central cedure, with limitations to achieve effective pul-
venous pressure >15 mmHg or left atrial pressure monary blood flow and oxygenation to start with,
>18 mmHg, and increasing lactate level. The cri- continue with technical difficulties of cannulation
teria to start with ECLS are variable. Nearly 1–5 % for ECMO in this challenging patient group.
of pediatric patients need mechanical circulatory Experience is very limited in the literature, most
support after corrective surgery for complex con- probably due to individual poor outcome in these
genital heart defects (Duncan et al. 1998; Morris cases.
et al. 2004; Walker et al. 2003). The principal management includes monitor-
ing of the systemic perfusion (acid-base status,
mixed venous oxygen saturation, serum lactate,
10.15.2  Extracorporeal Membrane urine output), providing afterload reduction (i.e.,
Oxygenation (ECMO) vasodilators as nitroprusside or milrinone), mod-
and Ventricular Assist ifying ventilator settings, assessment of the neuro-
10 Devices (VAD) logic state (including daily cranial ultrasound
examination) and organ function, as well as exclu-
For pediatric patients two forms of mechanical sion of infections. Fluid retention and total body
life support are available: the ECMO system for edema formation can require hemofiltration.
critically ill children who require acute or short-­ Heparin is used for anticoagulation (400–
term circulatory support and the VAD for long-­ 1000  IU/kg/day) monitored by the «activated
term support in children with cardiac failure who clotting time» (ACT, target 180–220  s). When
need longer time for recovery or bridging to using heparinized tubings, the ACT can be kept
transplant. Obviously, VAD implantation requires lower, around 150  s for centrifugal pump VADs
a sufficient pulmonary function. The decision for and 180  s for centrifugal pump ECMOs. The
one or the other system also depends on anatomy hematocrit should be optimized to 40–50 %, the
(uni- or biventricular circulation), pathophysiol- platelet count >100,000/μl (Cooper et  al. 2007,
ogy, cannulation, emergent resuscitation, and Coskun et  al. 2011). Weaning from ECMO
local experience. requires inotropic support, monitoring of cardiac
For cardiac support ECMO cannulation usu- output and filling pressures, and stepwise reduc-
ally requires venoarterial access (transthoracic, tion of flow. Usually mechanical support is
right atrium-ascending aorta; cervical, jugular required for 2–3  days; if myocardial recovery is
vein-carotid artery). More than 70 % of venous limited or needs more than 3–5 days, VAD should
return can be passed to the membrane oxygenator be considered in cases of good pulmonary func-
bypassing the heart. Respiratory failure in isolated tion. Poor prognosis is associated with an ECMO
parenchymal lung disease with sufficient cardiac period of longer than 8–10  days (Coskun et  al.
function can be managed by venovenous ECMO, 2011).
usually via a transjugular double lumen catheter. Bleeding is one of the major complications
With increasing experience, ECMO indica- during ECMO. It often is associated with the need
tion was extended to functionally univentricular for extensive replacement of blood products; sub-
circulation, requiring some modification in the sequent re-exploration of the mediastinum might
technical management (e.g., increased flow be indicated. Other complications comprise
because of the runoff by the systemic-to-­ thromboembolic events, hemolysis, air embolism,
pulmonary shunt). It can be lifesaving in acute infections, cerebral bleeding, and stroke. Finally,
shunt thrombosis, deterioration of ventricular multiorgan failure after repeat transfusions or
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major technical problems can complicate the on VAD is supposed to be as high as 25 % (Cooper
ECMO period even more (Montgomery et  al. et  al. 2007). Neurological impairment has been
2000; Sorof et al. 1999). Thus, management of an described in up to 20 % after VAD and more than
ECMO patient requires an experienced interdisci- 60 % after ECMO, which, however, is more often
plinary team. used in critically ill infants with complex surgical
The advantages of ECMO include the option procedures.
of biventricular support as well as respiratory sup-
port. It can readily be applied in emergent resusci-
tation, it offers the possibility of peripheral References
cannulation, and it is suitable for newborn babies.
Disadvantages are patient immobilization and the Aharon AS, Drinkwater DC, Churchwell KB et  al. (2001)
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289 III

Anomalies of the
Heart and Great

Chapter 11 Surgery for Congenital Heart Defects:

A Historical Perspective – 291

Chapter 12 Anomalous Pulmonary Venous

Connections and Congenital Defects of the
Atria, the Atrioventricular Septum, and the
Atrioventricular Valves – 299

Chapter 13 Definite Palliation of Functional Single

Ventricle – 425

Chapter 14 Ventricular Septal Defects – 463

Chapter 15 Congenital Heart Disease with

Anomalies of the Right Ventricular
Outflow Tract – 481

Chapter 16 Anomalies of the Left

Ventricular Outflow Tract – 531

Chapter 17 Surgery for Aortic Atresia, Hypoplastic

Left Heart Syndrome, and Hypoplastic
Left Heart Complex – 581

Chapter 18 Common Arterial Trunk – 597


Chapter 19 Congenitally Corrected Transposition and

D-Transposition of the Great Arteries – 607

Chapter 20 Congenital Anomalies of the Coronary

Arteries and Coronary Diseases of Children
and Adolescents – 641

Chapter 21 Congenital Anomalies of the Great

Vessels – 663
291 11

Surgery for Congenital
Heart Defects: A Historical
Aldo R. Castañeda

11.1 Introduction – 292

11.2 Comments – 292

11.3 Conclusions – 296

References – 296

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_11
292 A.R. Castañeda

11.1 Introduction primary defect, additional in utero acquired car-

diac pathology may significantly complicate the
Pediatric cardiac surgery began with Dr. Gross’s primary congenital cardiac lesion.
first successful ligation of a patent ductus arterio- One of the first depictions of a congenital
sus (an extracardiac lesion) on August 8, 1938, at cardiac defect was by Leonardo da Vinci who
the Children’s Hospital in Boston. The beginnings clearly drew a partial anomalous pulmonary
of open heart surgery for repair of congenital mal- venous connection of the right pulmonary veins
formations, aside from Gibbon’s first successful to the right atrium (Da Vinci 1979). The first
closure in Philadelphia of an atrial septal defect successful operation for correction of an extra-
using an artificial heart–lung machine, can be cardiac lesion, namely ligation of a patent ductus
traced to members of the Department of Surgery arteriosus was accomplished by R.  E. Gross on
at the University of Minnesota during the 1950s August 8, 1938, at the Children’s Hospital in
and 1960s of the twentieth century. This story will Boston (Gross and Hubbard 1939). This epic
be told as well as other advances will be discussed, operation ushered in the era of pediatric cardio-
some of which also carry the imprint of the vascular surgery. Six years later on October 10,
Minnesota surgical training program, with its 1944, C. Crafoord (Crafoord and Nylin 1945), at
heavy emphasis on research. the Karolinska Hospital in Sweden, repaired
successfully a coarctation of the aorta. On
November 9 of the same year, Blalock and
11.2 Comments Taussig (1945) carried out the first subclavian
artery to pulmonary artery anastomosis to palli-
Primary morphogenesis of the human heart is ate cyanosis producing malformations, particu-
completed 60 days after conception. The embry- larly tetralogy of Fallot.
onic heart, initially a tubular structure includes In 1952 Muller and Dammann (1952) intro-
the truncus, conus, bulbo cordis, ventricle (left), duced pulmonary artery banding to protect the
11 and atria. Obeying genetic commands, the heart pulmonary arterioles from developing pulmo-
undergoes looping (more commonly dextro- nary vascular obstructive lesions, a consequence
looping) to become, after 2  months, the final of increased intravascular pressure and shear
four-chambered, four-valved organ. The origi- stress. The more those indications were diag-
nal left ventricle is the primary pump of the phy- nosed, the more it became apparent that most
lum Chordata, while the right ventricle makes congenital cardiac defects were indeed intracar-
its first appearance in reptiles, hence in land- diac. The challenge during the late 1940s and early
locked animals that depend on a pulmonary cir- 1950s was how to gain access to the interior of the
cuit. Amphibians still have only one ventricle heart. Several ingenious half measures were pro-
(the left ventricle), while reptiles have two atria posed including Gross’s atrial well technique
and two ventricles, albeit still interconnected. (Gross et  al. 1953). Although useful in some
Cardiac ontogenesis seems to recapitulate phy- patients, this and similar makeshift attempts
logenesis. proved too limiting and inadequate for the repair
According to more recent information, sin- of most intracardiac defects. Clearly, surgeons
gle genes can cause single cardiac malforma- needed to be able to see how to carry out the
tions, and mutation in a single locus may repair inside the heart. Haecker in 1907, using
demonstrate different penetration, expression, normothermic superior and inferior vena cava
and hence phenotype, while mutations in differ- occlusion, learned that dogs did not tolerate cir-
ent loci may induce the same phenotype. culatory occlusion for more than 3 min; beyond
Genetecists now believe that at least 75 % of that time dogs either died or exhibited central
congenital cardiac malformations have a genetic nervous system damage (Haecker 1907). Using
origin. The earlier the «insult» during embryo- this background information, surgeons started to
genesis, the more complex the malformations. experiment with ways to prolong these 3 min.
During the remaining 7 months of intrauterine Boerema et al. in Amsterdam (1951), Bigelow
existence and in the presence of an important et  al. in Toronto (1950), and John F.  Lewis at the
Chapter 11 · Surgery for Congenital Heart Defects: A Historical Perspective
293 11
University of Minnesota (Lewis and Taufic 1953) ..Table 11.1  Early attempts at open heart
began to use total body hypothermia, both moder- surgery with a heart–lung machine
ate at 28 °C and profound at 18 °C. Their purpose
was to lower metabolic demands particularly of the Name Year No. Outcome
CNS, hoping to consequently allow for longer and
Dennis 1952 2/2 Died
safer period of caval occlusion. When the University
of Minnesota team convinced themselves that at Gibbon 1953 5/6 Died
28 °C the CNS was sufficiently protected to with- Helmsworth 1953 1/1 Died
stand 10 min of circulatory arrest and that a simple
Dodrill 1953 2/2 Died
ostium secundum defect could be closed within
less than 10 min, John F. Lewis and collaborators Clowes 1954 2/2 Died
succeeded on September 2, 1952, in closing an Mustard 1954 5/5 Died
atrial septal defect in a 5-year-­old girl, under direct
vision using moderate hypothermia and caval Total 17/18 (94.5 %) Died
inflow occlusion (Lewis and Taufic 1953).
This operation was soon adopted by other sur-
geons principally by Swan in Denver (Swan et al. Fortunately, a group of young, aggressive,
1953) and Derra in Düsseldorf, Germany (Derra and scientifically trained surgeons at the
et al. 1965). Although this technique represented University of Minnesota did not share these pes-
an important advance, it was nevertheless far simistic predictions. The story of the ingenious
from ideal. Clearly a system was needed that and daring «controlled cross circulation» experi-
would substitute both the pumping function of ence by C. W. Lillehei is extensively outlined in
the heart and the respiratory function of the G.W. Miller’s book King of Hearts: The true story
lungs. In 1933 John Gibbon, at that time a surgical of the maverick who pioneered open heart surgery
resident at Jefferson University, while on a clinical (Miller 2000). Although the hospital mortality
rotation at the Massachusetts General Hospital was high, Lillehei and his team definitely proved
(MGH) in Boston, witnessed the death of a young that the heart (and the patient) could and did
woman from a pulmonary embolus. Gibbon rec- indeed withstand the repair of even very com-
ognized that removal of the saddle embolus could plex congenital cardiac malformations, includ-
have saved the life of this otherwise healthy young ing tetralogy of Fallot and complete AV canal
woman. Despite little support from the senior (Lillehei et al. 1955). Controlled cross circulation
staff at the MGH, Gibbon obstinately persisted in served a most important and opportune histori-
developing an artificial heart–lung machine. cal purpose; it dispelled the prevailing pessimism
Twenty years later and after many research tri- about the feasibility and future potential of open
als, Gibbon succeeded on May 9, 1953, to close an heart surgery. Still, the need for subjecting a
atrial septal defect in a young woman using a screen healthy donor to the risks of anesthesia, antico-
oxygenator of his own design and a roller pump agulation, and cannulation of important veins
(Gibbon 1954). Unfortunately, a previous attempt at and arteries with the added threat of possible air
closing a ventricular septal defect in an infant and embolism made this technique less than practi-
four other open heart operations after the success- cal for routine use.
ful second patient ended in death of all five patients. What were the circumstances that authorized
Gibbon became so discouraged by his results and at the University of Minnesota the first open
those of other surgeons, obtained between 1951 heart operations under direct vision, using mod-
and 1954 (. Table  11.1), that he offered to lead a erate hypothermia and caval inflow occlusion
move to ban, for an unforeseeable time, other and also the daring controlled cross circulation
attempts at open heart procedures in the United experience as well as some other firsts? One rea-
States. The generalized pessimism that affected the son was Dr. Owen H. Wangensteen, the Chief of
cardiologic community was based on the convic- the Department of Surgery, who fostered at the
tion that the sick or malformed heart simply could University of Minnesota a very special intellectual
not withstand surgical manipulations. environment, stimulated scientific curiosity, and
294 A.R. Castañeda

provided through the various research and Ph.D. 4. The emotional burden placed on child and
opportunities, the tools to pursue new knowl- parents living with the threat of another
edge. The cardiac surgical leadership at that time operation.
also included Dr. Richard L. Varco, a very erudite 5. The increased cost of two operations.
individual, intellectually versatile with a deduc-
tive intelligence, a synthesizer of knowledge, and a In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Horiuchi et al.
masterful surgeon. C. Walton Lillehei was a vision- (1963) and Hikasa et al. (1967) in Japan and Barrat-
ary surgeon, innovative, an unrelenting pioneer, Boyes et al. in New Zealand (1972) started to obtain
emotionally hardy, an iconoclast, and outwardly good results with primary repair in infants. In 1972,
flamboyant. Clearly the controlled cross-circula- at Boston Children’s Hospital, we followed this lead
tory idea carried his imaginative seal. John Kirklin and accumulated as well a large and satisfactory
accompanied by Mr. Richard Jones, an engineer experience with open heart operations in infancy
also from the Mayo Clinic, paid a visit to Gibbon’s (Castañeda et  al. 1974). However, review of our
laboratory to study in detail his heart–lung data from the New England Infant Cardiac Program
machine. Kirklin and Jones succeeded in improv- (Report of the New England Regional Infant
ing and simplifying Gibbon’s screen oxygenator, Cardiac Program 1980) showed that deaths from
called from then on the Mayo–Gibbon pump oxy- complex congenital cardiac defects occurred
genator. Kirklin using this machine in early 1955 mostly during the first few weeks of life.
inaugurated the outstanding accomplishments in Based on this information and also after
cardiac surgery of the Mayo Clinic Group (Kirklin reviewing our midterm and late results with the
et al. 1955). atrial switch operations (Senning and Mustard) for
The first patient was a child with a ventricular transposition of the great arteries (TGA), we
septal defect. In the meantime Richard de Wall at became convinced that complex cardiac lesions
the University of Minnesota developed a very should, by preference, be repaired during the neo-
simple, easy to assemble and use, bubble oxygen- natal period in order to reduce early deaths and to
11 ator (DeWall 1956). For nearly 2  years, all open minimize secondary organ damage, including the
heart operations in the world were carried out in heart, lungs, and CNS. This early approach would
Minnesota in two institutions located 70  miles also allow normal postnatal development, such as
apart. Subsequently, and in great measure thanks physiologic myocardial hyperplasia/hypertrophy,
to the simplicity and low cost of the de Wall bub- coronary angiogenesis, and pulmonary angio- and
ble oxygenator, open heart centers spread rapidly, alveologenesis. Also preliminary laboratory exper-
first in the United States and then throughout the iments in 2-kg puppies subjected to 2 h of cardio-
world. Note also that at the beginning all open pulmonary bypass convinced us that the effects of
heart operations were indicated for repair of con- this 2-h period of extracorporeal bypass on both
genital cardiac lesions. During the 1950s and the formed elements of blood and the lungs (air
1960s, the prevailing impression was that open and fluid static volume–pressure measurements as
heart operations were poorly tolerated by the very well as alveolar bubble stabilizations) revealed only
young, as demonstrated by the cross circulation minor, transitory, and rapidly reversible changes
experience and other sporadic attempts at open that were well tolerated by these very young ani-
heart repair in infancy. Therefore, symptomatic mals (Visudh-Arom et al. 1970).
neonates and infants were first subjected to pallia- Consequently, on January 2, 1983, we per-
tive procedures, while intracardiac repair was formed our first arterial switch operation (ASO-­
delayed until age 5–7 years. Jatene) in an 11-day-old neonate with TGA and an
This therapeutic policy presented serious dis- intact ventricular septum (Castañeda et al. 1984).
advantages, including: The operation consists of first transecting both
1. The need for two operations. great arteries that arise anomalously, the aorta from
2. The palliative operation did not always the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery from
accomplish its purpose. the left ventricle. Then, both left and right coronary
3. Iatrogenic damage was not uncomely arteries are explanted from the proximal aorta,
produced by the palliative procedure itself. now the neopulmonary artery, and are reimplanted
Chapter 11 · Aldo R. Castañeda
295 11
into the proximal neoaorta. The operation is com- Postoperatively these patients were kept in the
pleted by anastomosing the proximal neoaorta, pediatric cardiac care unit for 7–8 days in order to
with its implanted coronaries, to the distal ascend- undergo the second-stage operation that included
ing aorta and the proximal neopulmonary artery to removal of the pulmonary artery band, closure of
the distal main pulmonary artery. The interatrial the shunt, and an arterial switch operation.
communication, mostly enlarged by a balloon During this week-long interval, serial two-­
atrial septostomy (Rashkind procedure) and that dimensional echocardiography showed that LV
permitted early postnatal survival and also serves mass increased similar to the rat by a mean of over
to decompress the pulmonary circuit, is closed as is 50 %, and cardiac catheterization revealed a mean
a ventricular septal defect, if present. left ventricular–right ventricular pressure ratio
The results both early and late of the ASO in increase from 0.5  ±  0.08 before to 1.04  ± 0.29
the neonate have been very satisfactory (Castañeda 7 days after the first stage. Of the first 49 patients
et al. 1994) (. Table 11.2). We had established to subjected to this two-stage approach, there was
our satisfaction that optimal management of dex- one death after the first stage and one more death
tro-transposition of the great arteries with an after the second stage (Jonas et al. 1989).
intact ventricular septum was achieved by an The obvious advantages of this rapid two-stage
ASO, performed ideally within the first 2 weeks of approach are the following:
life. However, a substantial number of patients 1. That a larger group of patients with dextro-­
were referred to our institution for an ASO beyond transposition and an intact ventricular
the first month of life for various reasons, includ- septum can be offered this option beyond the
ing sickness or late referral by parents or physi- first month of life.
cians. Experimental work related to left ventricular 2. Both stages can be performed at one hospital-
hypertrophy had shown that LV muscle mass ization and offer also important psychologi-
increased very rapidly following experimental cal, logistic, and financial advantages.
coarctation of the aorta in rats. In fact within
7  days, the LV muscle mass increased by more Clearly, there are many other important areas
than 40 %. Beyond that time there was no appre- of development within pediatric cardiac surgery
ciable continued increase in hypertrophy. This over these last 66 years, which within the limita-
rapid response of the myocytes proved to be due tions of this chapter cannot all be mentioned, but
to a fivefold increase in c-fos and c-myc myosin they will in part be dealt with in the specific chap-
heavy chain mRNA and HSP 70 within 1–3 h after ters of this book.
the applied pressure stimulus (Izumo et al. 1988). In . Table 11.3 these important areas are enu-
Based on these experimental data, we initiated merated. Finally, outlined in . Table 11.4 are the
a clinical series in which the preparatory first-­
stage operation consisted of pulmonary artery
banding and a modified Blalock–Taussig shunt. ..Table 11.3  Additional areas of important
developments in pediatric cardiac surgery

..Table 11.2  Transposition of the great arteries: The dispensable right ventricle (Fontan)
arterial switch operation 1983–1997 Conduits: valved and nonvalved

Type lesion No. Hospital Perioperative care

patients mortality
Deep hypothermia ± circulatory arrest
Interventricular 522 15 (2.8 %) Preservation of the «immature» myocardium
septum (IVS)
Mechanical ventricular assistance
Ventricular septal 261 9 (3.4 %)
defects (VSD) Pulmonary vascular obstructive disease

Tubercular 29 3 (10.0 %) Electrophysiology

meningitis (TBM)
812 27 (3.3 %) Interventional cardiology–surgery collaboration

296 A.R. Castañeda

..Table 11.4  Hospital mortality according to

Past efforts of pediatric cardiac surgeons and
age and years of pediatric cardiologists, anesthesiologists, inten-
sivists, perfusionists, and pathologists, all con-
Hospital mortality cerned with the diagnosis and treatment of
Age (years) 1954–1960 1995–2000
congenital cardiac malformations, have produced
impressive advances over these many years. I am
<1 4 % 2.5 % convinced that the most exciting advances of our
specialty are still before us.
1<5 21 % 1.5 %

5 < 12 20 % 2.5 %

<12 24 % 3.5 %

Barrat-Boyes BG, Neutze JM, Seelye ER, Simpson M (1972)
impressive decreases achieved in operative mor-
Complete correction of cardiovascular malformations
tality between the years 1953–1960 and 1995– in the first year of life. Prog Cardiovasc Dis 15:229–253
2000. Not shown but equally dramatic are the Bigelow WG, Lindsay WK, Harrison RC et al. (1950) Oxygen
improvements in functional results after early pri- transport and utilization in dog at low body tempera-
mary repair of most complex congenital cardiac ture. Am J Physiol 160:125–137
Blalock A, Taussig HB (1945) The surgical treatment of mal-
formations of the hearts in which there is pulmonary
stenosis or pulmonary atresia. JAMA 128:189–202
Boerema I, Wildschut A, Schmodt WJH, Broekhuysen L
11.3 Conclusions (1951) Experimental research into hypothermia as
an aid in the surgery of the heart. Arch Chir Neerl
Pediatric cardiac surgery has made much prog-
Castañeda AR, Lamberti J, Sade RM et  al. (1974) Open-
ress since Dr. Gross’s epic operation, in 1938. The
11 transition from early palliation and elective repair
heart surgery during the first three months of life.
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 68:719–731
at preschool age to the eventual aggressive pri- Castañeda AR, Norwood WI, Lang P et  al. (1984)
mary repair in the neonate has led to a worldwide Transposition of the great arteries: anatomical repair
in a neonate. Ann Thorac Surg 38:438–43
substantial reduction in operative risk and
Castañeda AR, Jonas RA, Mayer JE Jr, Hanley FL (1994)
improved long-term results. The clinical applica- Cardiac surgery of the neonate and infant. WB
tion of the concept of the «dispensable RV» origi- Saunders Co, Philadelphia, pp 3–22
nally accomplished by Fontan has allowed an Crafoord C, Nylin G (1945) Congenital coarctation of
impressive expansion of the surgical armamen- the  aorta and its surgical treatment. J  Thorac Surg
tarium, including for such extreme lesions as the
Da Vinci L (1979) Disegni anatomici della Biblioteca Reale
hypoplastic left heart syndrome and other com- di Windsor. Casa Editrice Giunti, Barbiera
plex single-ventricle lesions. Although a palliative Derra E, Grosse-Brockhoff F, Loogen F (1965) Der vorhof-
procedure, the various modifications of the origi- septumdefect (Atrial septal defects). Ergeb Inn Med
nal Fontan procedure have allowed many other- Kinderheilkd 22:211–267
DeWall RA (1956) Design and clinical application of the
wise doomed children to enjoy a very reasonable
helix reservoir pump-oxygenator system for extracor-
lifestyle. poreal circulation. Post Grad Med 23:561–573
To become a well-trained and competent Gibbon JH Jr (1954) Application of a mechanical heart-­lung
pediatric cardiac surgeon, it is important to apparatus to cardiac surgery. Minn Med 37:171–185
include at least 6–12  months additional special- Gross RE, Hubbard JP (1939) Surgical ligation of a patent
ductus arteriosus. Report of first successful case. JAMA
ized training in an institution with a large volume
of children with complex cardiac pathology. Also, Gross RE, Pomeranz AA, Watkins E Jr et al. (1953) Surgical
future pediatric cardiac surgeon interested in an closure of defects of the interauricular septum by use
academic career should ideally include a research of an atrial well. N Engl J Med 247:455–460
experience either in molecular c­ardiology/biol- Haecker R (1907) Experimentelle studien zur pathologie und
chirurgie des herzens. Arch F Klin Chir 84:1035–1098
ogy, genetics, biophysics (tissue engineering),
Hikasa Y, Shirotani H, Satomura K et al. (1967) Open heart
immunobiology (xenotransplantation), pharma- surgery in infants with the aid of hypothermic aneste-
cology, neurobiology (CNS protection), or ethics. sia. Arch Jap Chir 36:495–508
Chapter 11 · Aldo R. Castañeda
297 11
Horiuchi T, Koyamada K, Matano I et  al. (1963) Radical controlled cross circulation: result in thirty-two
operation for ventricular septal defects in infancy. patients with ventricular septal defects, tetralogy of
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 46:180–190 Fallot and atrioventricularis communis defects. Surgery
Izumo S, Nadal-Ginard B, Mahdavi V (1988) Protooncogene 38:11–29
induction and reprogramming of cardiac gene expres- Miller GW (2000) King of hearts: the true story of the mav-
sion produced by pressure overload. Proc Natl Acad erick who pioneered open heart surgery. Times Books,
Sci U S A 85:339–343 New York, 310 pp
Jonas RA, Giglia TM, Sander S, Castañeda AR (1989) Rapid Muller WH Jr, Dammann JF Jr (1952) The treatment of cer-
two-stage arterial switch for transposition of the great tain congenital malformations of the heart by the cre-
arteries and intact ventricular septum beyond the ation of pulmonic stenosis to reduce pulmonary
neonatal period. Circulation 80(suppl 1) I 203–I 208 hypertension and excessive pulmonary blood flow: a
Kirklin JW, DuShane JW, Patrick RT et al. (1955) Intracardiac preliminary report. Surg Gynecol Obstet 95:213–219
surgery with the air of a mechanical pump-oxigenator Report of the New England Regional Infant Cardiac
system (Gibbon type): report of eight cases. Mayo Clin Program (1980) Supplement Pediatrics 65 (2), part 2
Proc 30:201–206 Swan H, Zeavin I, Blount SG Jr, Virtue RW (1953) Surgery by
Lewis FJ, Taufic M (1953) Closure of atrial septal defect with direct vision in the open heart during hypotermia.
the aid of hypothermia: experimental accomplishment JAMA 153:1081–1085
and the report of the one successful case. Surgery Visudh-Arom K, Miller Ira D, Castañeda AR (1970) Total car-
33:52–59 diopulmonary bypass in puppies: pulmonary studies.
Lillehei CW, Cohen M, Warden HE et  al. (1955) The direct Surgery 68:878–883
intracardiac correction of congenital anomalies by
299 12

Anomalous Pulmonary
Venous Connections and
Congenital Defects of the
Atria, the Atrioventricular
Septum, and the
Atrioventricular Valves
Vladimir Alexi-Meskhishvili, Axel Unbehaun, and Roland Hetzer

12.1 Anomalies of the Atria – 304

12.1.1 Isolated Atrial Septal Defects – 304 Definition of the Disease Entity and Aim of Operation – 304 History – 304 Embryology of the Atrial Septum – 304 Anatomy of the Atrial Septum – 305 Forms of Atrial Septal Defect – 306 Surgical Indications – 307 Surgical Procedure – 308
12.1.2 Partial Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Drainage – 312 General Comments – 312 Isolated Partial Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Drainage – 312 Partial Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Drainage and Sinus
Venosus Defect – 312 Scimitar Syndrome – 313 Anomalous Drainage of the Left Pulmonary Veins into
the Innominate Vein – 317
12.1.3 Anomalous Drainage of the Caval Veins – 317 Definition and General Comments – 317 Anatomy – 318 Surgical Technique – 319
12.1.4 Cor Triatriatum Dextrum – 322 Definition and General Comments – 322 Surgical Technique – 322

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_12
12.1.5 Atrioventricular Septal Defects – 322 Definition of the Anomaly and Surgical Aims – 322 Historical Comments – 323 Surgical Anatomy – 325 Surgery for Partial Atrioventricular Septal Defect – 327 Surgery for Intermediate Atrioventricular Septal Defect – 328 Surgery for Complete Atrioventricular Septal Defect – 329 Important Technical Comments for AVSD repair – 333 Patients with AVSD and Small Left Ventricle – 334 Results of AVSD Repair – 335 Atrium commune – 336

12.2  ongenital Heart Defects with Obstruction

of the Left Ventricular Inflow Tract – 336
12.2.1  verview – 336
12.2.2 Congenital Pulmonary Vein Stenosis – 337 Introduction – 337 Embryology – 337 Clinical Presentation – 338 History – 338 Surgical Procedures – 338
12.2.3 Cor Triatriatum Sinistrum – 338 Introduction –338 History – 339 Surgical Anatomy – 339 Clinical Presentation – 340 Surgical Techniques – 340 Complications and Their Avoidance – 343
12.2.4 Supravalvular Stenotic Mitral Ring – 343 Introduction – 343 History – 343 Surgical Procedure – 343 Surgical Techniques – 344
12.2.5 Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection – 344 Introduction – 344 Surgical Anatomy – 344 Patients with Pulmonary Venous Obstruction – 346 Patients Without Pulmonary Venous Obstruction – 347 Surgical Procedures – 347 Surgical Techniques – 347 Postoperative Complications and Their Avoidance – 352
301 Pulmonary Vein Stenosis After Correction of Total

Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection – 354 Standard Techniques – 355 Sutureless Correction of Postoperative Pulmonary Vein
Stenoses with Pericardium – 355 Pulmonary Vein Stenting and Balloon Angioplasty – 359 Prevention of Pulmonary Vein Obstruction Using
a  «No-Touch»  Technique – 359
12.2.6  ongenital Diverticula and Aneurysms of the Left
Atrium – 360 Historical Background – 360 Surgical Anatomy – 360 Clinical Picture – 360 Surgical Techniques – 361

12.3 Congenital Mitral Valve Anomalies – 361

12.3.1 I ntroduction – 361
12.3.2 Historical Comments – 362
12.3.3 Incidence of Congenital Mitral Valve Anomalies – 362
12.3.4 Normal Mitral Valve Anatomy – 362
12.3.5 Classification of Congenital Mitral Valve
Anomalies in Children – 363 Introduction – 363 Classification of Congenital Mitral Valve Stenosis – 364 The Hammock Valve – 364 Shone’s Complex – 365 Congenital Mitral Valve Incompetence – 365 Ischemic Mitral Valve Incompetence – 366
12.3.6  iagnostic Modalities – 366
12.3.7 Surgical Indications – 366
12.3.8 Surgical Approaches to the Mitral Valve
in Children – 366
12.3.9 Cardiopulmonary Bypass and Myocardial
Protection – 368
12.3.10 Treatment Options for Congenital Mitral Valve
Anomalies – 368
12.3.11 Surgical Treatment – 369 Surgery for Stenotic Anomalies of the Mitral Valve – 369 Surgery for Mitral Valve Incompetence – 370 Atrioventricular Valve Reconstruction in Patients
with Single Ventricle – 375 Mitral Valve Replacement – 375 Implantation of the Extracardiac Valved Conduit for Mitral
Valve Stenosis – 376
12.3.12 R
 esults of Repairing Congenital Mitral Valve
Anomalies – 376

12.4 Ebstein’s Anomaly – 377

12.4.1 I ntroduction – 377
12.4.2 Mortality and Morbidity – 377
12.4.3 History of Surgical Treatment – 377
12.4.4 Anatomy – 378
12.4.5 Associated Anomalies – 379
12.4.6 Classification – 379
12.4.7 Preoperative Assessment and Preparation – 379 Preliminary Comments – 379 Typical Radiological Findings – 380 Typical Echocardiographic Findings – 381 Typical Findings of Cardiac Catheterization – 381 Indications for Surgical Treatment – 382 Contraindications – 382
12.4.8 Surgical Treatment Options – 382 Introduction – 382 Surgical Options for Very Severe Anomalies (Types C
and D of Carpentier’s Classification) – 383 Importance of the Atrialized Chamber – 384 Anesthesia – 384
12.4.9 Operation – 384 General Procedure Before Valve Reconstruction – 384 Cardiopulmonary Bypass – 384 Myocardial Protection – 385 Tricuspid Valve Reconstruction – 385 Cone Reconstruction of Ebstein’s Anomaly – 386 Tricuspid Valve Replacement – 391 General Procedures Following Valve Reconstruction – 393 Specific Surgical Complications – 396 Postoperative Care – 396
12.4.10 S urgical Treatment in Neonates and
Small Infants – 396 Introduction – 396 Cardiopulmonary Bypass and Right Atriotomy – 397
12.4.11 Results of Surgery for Ebstein’s Anomaly – 399

12.5  verriding and Straddling Atrioventricular

Valves – 401
12.5.1 I ntroduction – 401
12.5.2 Definitions – 401
12.5.3 Surgical Anatomy – 402 AV Valves – 402 Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) – 403 Conduction System – 403 Ventricular Morphology – 404
12.5.4 Surgical Treatment – 404 Transection of Tendinous Fibers – 405 Slitting of the VSD Patch and Division of the VSD Patch
Suture Line – 405 Papillary Muscle Re-implantation – 405 Pseudoseptation – 406 Myocardial Conal Flap Methods – 406 Retraction of the Chordae or the Papillary Muscle – 406 AV-Valve Replacement – 406 Alternative Methods – 408
12.5.5 Results – 409

References – 409
304 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

12.1 Anomalies of the Atria total cardiopulmonary bypass, several ingenious

closed surgical techniques were developed and
12.1.1  Isolated Atrial Septal Defects used (Alexi-Meskishvili and Konstantinov 2003).
Despite good results in the experimental labora- Definition of the Disease tory, these techniques did not always secure com-
Entity and Aim of Operation plete closure of large atrial septal defects. Robert
Secundum atrial septal defect (ASD II) is one of Edward Gross of Boston described the atrial well
the most common congenital heart defects. semi-open technique (Gross 1952). Although
ASD II occurs in about 1 in 1,500 live births or in many surgeons of that time successfully used
approximately 7 % of the children with congenital Gross’ method, it did not always enable complete
heart disease. The male to female ratio is 3:2. While closure of defects, especially of those not centrally
an ASD II allows for a bidirectional shunt, an open located in the atrial septum. On September 2,
foramen ovale with functioning valve, as present in 1951, F. John Lewis, with his first assistant Richard
15–20 % of healthy adults, can only lead to a right-to- Varco and further assistants Mansur Taufic and
left shunt, elevated right-sided pressures provided. Walton Lillehei, operated on a 5-year-­old girl with
In the Western countries, ASD-related mortal- ASD II under general hypothermia and inflow
ity is very low, less than 1 %. Morbidity secondary occlusion. This operation was the world’s first suc-
to ASD is also rare but can occur in infants with cessful operation on the open human heart under
very large left-to-right shunt and associated defects direct vision (Lewis and Taufic 1952). It marked
and in adults with high pulmonary hypertension the beginning of the era of open-heart surgery. In
and/or arrhythmias, usually in the form of atrial 1955, for the first time in Europe, Ernst Derra in
fibrillation or flutter. Abnormal ventricular compli- Düsseldorf operated successfully on patients with
ance may contribute to the development of conges- secundum ASD employing surface hypothermia
tive heart failure in some patients (Park et al. 2011). and inflow occlusion (Derra et al. 1955).
The world’s first successful operation with car-
diopulmonary bypass was a direct closure of an ASD
II in an 18-year-old patient on May 6, 1953, per-
In adult patients there is the risk of
12 cerebrovascular events caused by paradoxical
formed by John Heysham Gibbon in Philadelphia,
USA (Gibbon 1954). Operations on the atrial sep-
systemic embolism through the ASD or open
tum paved the road to modern open-­heart surgery.
foramen ovale and of the development of
atrial arrhythmias (Gatzoulis et al. 1996; Embryology of the Atrial
Mas et al. 2001). Septum
In histology specimen, cardiac tissues are first
detectable on day 18 or 19 of fetal life. Cardiac
The clinical effect of an isolated secundum development continues for the next several weeks.
ASD is related to left-to-right shunting. The mag- The atrial septum begins to form during the 4th
nitude of shunt depends on the size of the defect, week and is complete by the end of the 15th week
its location, the cardiac chamber compliance, and of gestation.
the pulmonary vascular resistance. The majority In the early embryo heart, the atria comprise a
of children with isolated ASD are clinically common chamber. As the atria enlarge, the sep-
asymptomatic. The diagnosis is usually made after tum primum forms and grows from the roof of
the discovery of a cardiac murmur during routine this chamber toward the developing atrioventric-
examination and echocardiography. If clinical ular canal area, which is later divided by the supe-
signs suggest high pulmonary arterial pressure, rior and inferior endocardial cushions. These
cardiac catheterization may be indicated to estab- cushions fuse and bend with their convexity
lish the degree of pulmonary hypertension. toward the atria, thereby approaching the down-­
growing septum primum. This process continu- History ally narrows the passageway between the atria,
Secundum atrial septal defect was among the first which is then defined as the ostium primum.
anomalies amenable to operative treatment. The ostium primum closes completely, but,
Before the advent of whole-body hypothermia and before this occurs, a central perforation appears in
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
305 12
the septum primum, allowing continuous unre- allows a tiny left-to-right shunt that can be detected
stricted flow from the right atrium to the left atrium. by sensitive techniques, such as color Doppler
This perforation, the second opening in the septum echocardiography, in 15–20 % of healthy adults.
primum, is called the ostium secundum. As the The tissue of the fossa ovalis acts as a valve
atria expand to either side of the truncus arteriosus, when it is superimposed on to the left side of the
a fold is produced in the roof of the atria just to the crescent-shaped septum due to the elevated left-­
right of the septum primum. This passively formed sided pressure. When the right atrial pressure
fold is the septum secundum. The lower edge of the increases, this valve can open the path for a right-­
septum secundum is crescent shaped and forms the to-­left shunt and also for paradoxical embolization.
upper edge of the foramen ovale. It comes to overlay
the ostium secundum but does not interfere with Anatomy of the Atrial Septum
blood flow from right to left through the foramen
ovale. After birth, with the increase of pulmonary Knowing the anatomy of the atrial septum is
blood flow and elevation of the left atrial pressure, important to avoid specific complications
the septum primum is pushed against the septum during surgery, especially the inducement of
secundum, effectively closing the atrial septum. rhythm disturbances (. Fig. 12.1).
Fusion of the septum primum and the septum
secundum closes the foramen ovale. Complete
closure occurs in most individuals. In 25–30 % of The right atrium is the chamber of the heart that
normal adult hearts, however, a probe can be normally receives systemic blood from the caval
passed from the right atrium to the left atrium via veins and from the coronary sinus. ­Morphological
the foramen ovale. This patent foramen ovale characteristics of the right atrium are the presence

His-bundel Insertion of
septal tricuspd
valve leaflet (lower
Septum atrioventriculare
border of Koch’s triangle)
Pars membranacea
Tendon of Todaro
(upper border of Coronary sinus
Koch’s triangle) (Base of Koch’s triangle)

Valvula Thebesii
V. cava superior
Ostium, Valvula
V. cavae inferioris

Limbus Crus anterior Valvula foraminis ovalis

ovalis Crus posterior

Koch’s triangle

..Fig. 12.1  Anatomy of the atrial septum

306 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

of the limbus of the fossa ovalis, which surrounds Forms of Atrial Septal Defect
the valve of the fossa ovalis (septum primum) Atrial septal defects occur at several sites within the
superiorly, anteriorly, and posteriorly; the broad- atrial septum, but only atrial communications occur-
based atrial appendage; the Eustachian valve at ring in the region of the fossa ovalis or so-­called
the orifice of the inferior vena cava; the Thebesian secundum defects—as related to the embryonic
valve at the orifice of the coronary sinus; the mus- ostium secundum—are true ASDs because the inter-
cle band known as the crista terminalis, which atrial septum is only slightly larger than the fossa
separates the trabeculated from the nontrabecu- ovalis itself (Silverman 1997; Wilcox et al. 2004).
lated portion of the atrium; and the ostium of the Many classifications for atrial septal defects
tricuspid valve. have been suggested. In the classification of
It has been suggested that there are three Edwards, the following types of ASD are recog-
internodal tracts in the right atrium connecting nized (Edwards 1953):
the sinus node and the atrioventricular node: 55 Secundum type within the fossa ovalis (60 %
an anterior, middle, and posterior bundle of cases)
(James 1963; Sealy et al. 1969). This is a contro- 55 Sinus venosus type, often associated with
versial issue. According to Anderson and anomalous return of the right pulmonary
Becker (1980), there are parallel and closely vein(s) (10 %)
packed bundles of working myocardium in the 55 Ostium primum defects below the fossa ova-
crista terminalis and in the anterior limb of the lis (today part of AV septal defects)
fossa ovalis, which could be the morphological 55 Raghib-type ASD (with absent coronary sinus
counterpart of the preferential pathways dem- in the presence of a persistent left superior vena
onstrated by the electrophysiologists. However, cava, thereby connecting to the left atrium)
it has not been possible to identify any such 55 Multiple coalescent defects, essentially form-
bundles in the muscular bands (Wilcox et al. ing a common atrium
2004). Experimentally it was shown that dam-
age to the crista terminalis can be a substrate A more recent classification of ASD suggested
for the development of atrial arrhythmias by the Congenital Heart Surgery Nomenclature
12 (Gandhi et al. 1996). and Database Project (. Fig.  12.2) identifies the


1° CS

FO 2° FO




FO Common


..Fig. 12.2  Common types of atrial septal defects according to the Congenital Heart Surgery Nomenclature and
Database Project. CS coronary sinus, FO fossa ovalis, IVC inferior vena cava, RAA right atrial appendage, RLPV right lower
pulmonary vein, RUPV right upper pulmonary vein, SV sinus venosus, SVC superior vena cava, TV tricuspid valve
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
307 12
f­ollowing main types of atrial septal defects The exact nature of the development of sinus
(Jacobs et al. 2000b): venosus defects remains controversial.
55 Common atrium (single atrium): complete
absence of the intra-atrial septum. The term This type of ASD would more properly be
«single atrium» is applied to defects with termed a «sinus venosus defect» because the lesion
completely normal atrioventricular valves represents an intra-atrial communication rather
and «common atrium» to defects accompa- than a defect of atrial septal tissue. Anderson and
nied by malformation of the atrioventricular colleagues suggested that the superior sinus veno-
valves. sus defect results from a failure of infolding of the
55 Coronary sinus ASD (synonym: «unroofed atrial walls between the superior vena cava and the
coronary sinus») defines a defect of the wall right pulmonary vein (Al Zaghal and Anderson
separating the left atrium from the coronary 1998; Anderson et al. 1995). Van Praagh et  al.,
sinus, often allowing blood to drain from the however, postulated that sinus venosus defects
left atrium via the coronary sinus and the result from a deficiency in the common muscular
coronary sinus ostium to the right atrium. wall that normally separates the right pulmonary
Coronary sinus defects make up a small sub- veins from the superior vena cava, resulting in
set of ASDs and are often associated with a «unroofing» of the right pulmonary veins allowing
persistent left superior vena cava draining them to drain into the superior vena cava or the
anatomically into the coronary sinus, here right atrium (Van Praagh et al. 1994).
functionally into the left atrium, leading to
cyanosis if ASD is closed. Surgical Indications
55 ASD, patent foramen ovale: a small interatrial Although the presence of an ASD does not represent
communication in the region of the foramen a life-threatening condition, there is a danger of
ovale characterized by no absence of septal tis- complications and chronic sequelae developing with
sue of the septum primum or septum secun- time, and it is generally accepted that all ASDs should
dum. be closed either surgically or by an interventional
55 ASD, primum: a usually crescent-shaped procedure before the patients reach school age.
ASD in the inferior portion of the atrial sep- Today candidates for surgical closure are the
tum directly above the AV valve level. patients with large secundum ASDs deemed not
55 ASD, secundum: an ASD confined to the area amenable to transcatheter closure, patients with
of the fossa ovalis. It is not necessarily to be sinus venosus and coronary sinus defects (LSVC),
distinguished from a wide-open foramen and those with primum-type ASD as well as com-
ovale («stretched foramen»). The most com- mon atrium.
mon etiology is a defect of the septum pri- This recommendation of closure of ASD before
mum, but an absence of tissue of the septum school age includes asymptomatic ASD. Early ASD
secundum may also contribute. An ostium closure is indicated to avoid atrial fibrillation, pulmo-
secundum defect may be associated with an nary hypertension, chronic right ventricular over-
aneurysm of the interatrial septum. This is load, mitral valve incompetence, and the risk of
thought to be due to excess tissue of the fossa paradox systemic embolization (Cheng et al. 1994;
ovalis valve. It may be accompanied by mitral Mas et al. 2001). Cardiac catheterization is rarely nec-
valve prolapse or atrial arrhythmias. essary. Echocardiographic evidence of right atrial and
55 ASD, sinus venosus: an interatrial communi- in particular right ventricular enlargement is usually
cation in the region of the right horn of the considered sufficient evidence of a clinically signifi-
sinus venosus, usually in the area of the cra- cant left-to-right shunt representing an indication for
nial sinoatrial junction close to the superior surgical closure of the ASD.  Surgery is ideally per-
vena cava orifice, but more rarely posterior to formed in children aged 2–4 years, when the surgical
the fossa ovalis and without a connection to a risk is very low. However, if symptoms of congestive
cava orifice or in the region of the caudal heart failure occur and cannot be effectively con-
sinoatrial junction near the inferior vena cava trolled, the operation may be indicated even in early
orifice. The superior sinus venosus defect is infancy. In adult patients closure of ASDs results in
usually associated with anomalous drainage clear clinical improvement because of the reduction
of the right upper and occasionally also of in the volume load of the chambers (Thilén and
other pulmonary veins into the right atrium. Persson 2006). For example, it has shown that mitral
308 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

valve prolapse was reduced or eliminated in 80 % of (Barnard and Speake 2004; Olinger 1995; Svenarud
patients because of normalization of the left ventricu- et al. 2003). More recently, however, in a double-­
lar geometry (Schreiber et al. 1989). In adult patients blind, randomized clinical trial of neurocognitive
with an ASD and atrial fibrillation, closure of the ASD effects, a benefit of carbon dioxide insufflation in
should be combined with antiarrhythmic surgery open-chamber cardiac surgery could not be shown
(atrial ablation). in an adult population (Chaudhuri et al. 2012). Surgical Procedure kAccess and general surgical technique

Today, the operation is normally performed with After the standard median sternotomy is per-
normothermia and using the heart–lung machine. formed, the pericardium is opened longitudinally,
Among the surgical approaches to the heart, the and pericardial stay sutures are placed. To avoid
median sternotomy is the classical method (Julian oversized resection of the pericardium, we prefer
et al. 1957). To achieve better cosmetic results, lim- not to harvest the autologous pericardial strip until
ited access techniques have been developed, as there after the atrial septum has been inspected. Direct
are lower partial sternotomy, anterior submammar- superior vena cava cannulation is important espe-
ian incision, anterolateral thoracotomy, and limited cially in patients with superior sinus venosus
or posterior thoracotomy (Del Nido and Bichell defects and provides optimal exposure. After direct
1998). In prepubescent female patients, a submam- cannulation of the superior vena cava, transatrial
marian thoracotomy should be avoided in view of cannulation of the inferior vena cava near its entry
the risk of impaired breast development, and other into right atrium is performed, the aorta is cannu-
surgical approaches, such as a right posterior thora- lated, and cardiopulmonary bypass is instituted
cotomy or lower partial sternotomy, should be fol- under normothermic conditions. Tourniquets are
lowed (Bleiziffer et al. 2004). These techniques are applied to the venae cavae and snared. After car-
ideally suited for closure of a simple secundum-type diac fibrillation has been induced, the ascending
ASD since, in addition to the cosmetic advantage, aorta is clamped, and cardioplegic solution is
they probably also decrease the duration of hospital infused proximal to the aortic clamp through a
stay (Barbero-Marcial et al. 1998; Bauer et al. 2000a; separate cannula to induce cardiac arrest. Some
12 Black and Freedom 1998; Del Nido and Bichell surgeons use the electrically induced ventricular
1998; Gundry et al. 1998). These limited access tech- fibrillation for the operation without interrupting
niques require considerable expertise in pediatric blood flow into the coronary arteries by clamping.
cardiac surgery since the view of the operative field This is an acceptable method, but there is a risk of
is limited and difficulties may occur in de-airing the air embolism from the left heart chamber if spon-
heart after the chambers have been closed (Cooley taneous defibrillation occurs. The right atrium is
1998). Small incisions do offer a sufficient visualiza- opened by means of a longitudinal incision from
tion but not the same as standard incisions. The sur- the atrial appendage toward the inferior vena cava,
geon can see only certain areas, but the entire heart, and stay sutures are placed on the anterior and
which means that there is a loss of operative control posterior edges of the atrial incision (. Fig. 12.3).
(Mavroudis et al. 2005). Although diagnostic proce- The area of the sinus node and crista terminalis
dures have improved over the past decade, they have leading from it are avoided during atriotomy to reduce
not become 100 % accurate, yet. Contrary to limited the risk of postoperative atrial arrhythmias. First of all
skin incisions, full median longitudinal sternotomy
enables the surgeon easier access to the systemic
venous return, which is of particular advantage in
the case of persistent left superior vena cava or other
anomalies of the venous return. With lateral or par-
tial thoracotomy at our institution, we use aortic and
bicaval cannulation to connect the heart–lung
machine and avoid cannulation of the femoral artery
or femoral vein (Bauer et al. 2000a, b). Because of
the risk of air embolism that attends all open-heart
operations and to reduce this risk, we employ con-
tinuous insufflation of carbon dioxide into the oper-
ative field during cardiotomy as previously suggested ..Fig. 12.3  Surgical access
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
309 12
the anatomy is carefully inspected to recognize any The best way to avoid residual air remaining
additional fenestrations or defects in the atrial septum in the left side of the heart is to prevent it from
and to determine the location of all four pulmonary getting there by avoiding suction from the left
veins and their orifices and the position of the mitral atrium to start with. With filling the left atrium
valve and coronary sinus. Usually a part of the septum carefully with blood before the closing suture is
with multiple fenestrations is resected to obtain a sin- tightened and the anesthetist vigorously ventilat-
gle ASD. Only small defects can be closed by means of ing the lungs, accidental left-sided air can be
direct suturing, since the tension on the tissue must be completely removed. Before taking off the aortic
kept to a minimum to prevent the recurrence of ASDs cross-clamp, the patient is placed in the
(. Fig. 12.4). Trendelenburg position. At this stage additional
In cases of small defects, which nowadays are, antegrade de-airing through the ascending aorta
however, rarely treated surgically, we use the con- via a small incision or the cardioplegia infusion
tinuous double-suture technique. The suture site is very helpful.
starts at the inferior edge of the defect (. Fig. 12.5). We recommend closing all types of atrial
septal defect with an untreated autologous peri-
cardial patch and a nonabsorbable suture
When placing sutures on the lower aspect of (. Fig. 12.7).
the defect, care must be taken to avoid tissue In large secundum ASDs, care must be taken
near the coronary sinus that contains the to accurately identify the lower margin of the
conduction system (. Fig. 12.6). defect and to avoid mischanneling of the inferior

..Fig. 12.6  Positioning of the sutures at the lower part

..Fig. 12.4  Closure of a small defect by direct suture of the defect

a b

..Fig. 12.5  a, b Continuous double-suture technique for the closure of small defects
310 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

a b

..Fig. 12.7  a, b Closure with untreated autologous pericardium and nonabsorbable sutures

a b

..Fig. 12.8  a, b Closure of a large secundum defect

vena cava into the left atrium (. Fig. 12.8) (Gaynor atrium with venous blood. The patient is placed
2006). in the Trendelenburg position, the lung is vigor-
Sinus venosus defects are not atrial septal ously ventilated, routine de-airing procedures are
defects but interatrial communications outside the performed, and the aortic clamp is removed.
boundaries of the atrial septum (Van Praagh et al. When adequate cardiac function has been
1994). The superior type is located above and out- restored, the cardiopulmonary bypass is termi-
side the fossa ovalis, usually adjacent to the supe- nated. Once the venous cannulas are removed
rior vena cava and the right upper pulmonary vein. and protamine is given, transesophageal contrast
The inferior type, which is extremely rare, is echocardiography may be employed to check the
located near the orifice of the inferior vena cava surgical result. As contrast medium we use car-
and the right lower pulmonary vein (Banka et al. dioplegic solution (hydroxyethyl starch), which is
2011). Sinus venosus defects must always be closed injected into the right upper pulmonary and in
with a pericardial patch. In the case of superior both the superior and inferior venae cavae. This
sinus venosus defects, the orifice of the right supe- does not only exclude residual shunt defects but
rior pulmonary vein is visualized, and the suture also an anomalous drainage of the inferior vena
line is placed between it and the orifice of the supe- cava. Thereafter surgery is completed in the rou-
rior vena cava and then around the rim of the tine manner.
After the defect has been closed, the atrial kAlternative approaches
incision is closed with a continuous suture. Before In all the approaches described below, we do not
the suture is knotted, the tourniquets around the use special or custom-made instruments. We only
lower and upper vena cava are released, and the use those available in the standard surgical instru-
venous line is slightly compressed to fill the right mentarium.
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
311 12
kLimited right-sided posterolateral ders of the corpus sterni. A small sternal retractor
thoracotomy is used to gradually splay the two halves of the
The patient is placed in the left lateral decubitus partially split sternum. Rapid and vigorous splay-
position with the ipsilateral arm suspended. A ing must be avoided to prevent sternal fracture.
posterolateral thoracotomy incision is made on The thymus tissue is displaced in the direction
the right. The anterior end of the skin incision is of the neck or more or less resected, and follow-
restricted so as not to cross over the anterior axil- ing the pericardiotomy, pericardial stay sutures
lary line. The chest is opened in the fourth inter- are placed and the ascending aorta is cannulated,
costal space, the lung is retracted in dorsal for example, by the Seldinger method. Traction of
direction, and the pericardium is opened 1  cm the aorta in caudal direction with small forceps
anterior to the phrenic nerve. Pericardial stay enables complete exposure of the ascending
sutures are placed, with two caudal pericardial aorta. The inferior vena cava is cannulated
stay sutures placed through the costal cartilage to directly and the superior vena cava through the
elevate the ascending aorta into the operative right atrial appendage. After the ASD closure is
field. After heparin has been given, the aorta is completed, the air is carefully removed from the
cannulated, and bicaval venous cannulation is left side of the heart. Totally thoracoscopic clo-
performed. The cannula for the inferior vena cava sure of ASD in children was recently reported
is placed through a separate skin incision, which (Wang et al. 2011).
is later used for chest tube placement. After
clamping of the aorta with a straight clamp and kTechnical considerations
cardioplegia administration, the intracardiac Although ASD closure is generally considered to
repair is performed. be a simple operation, exact preoperative diag-
nosis is critical to avoid intraoperative and post-
kRight-sided anterolateral thoracotomy operative complications. This is especially
This approach is only recommended for young important if there is limited experience with tho-
female patients when breast development is com- racotomies. The lower edge of ostium secundum
plete (Schreiber 2013). For optimal surgical defects may be difficult to identify if the inferior
exposure, single-lung ventilation is helpful in vena cava cannula is placed too high. Also the
larger patients, but not necessary. The patient is Eustachian valve may be mistaken for the lower
positioned with the right side of the body ele- edge, in which case incorrect defect closure
vated by 35° achieved with an inflatable airbag would result in diversion of blood from the infe-
under the shoulder. The right arm is fixed at the rior vena cava into the left atrium, leading to cya-
elbow and wrist and suspended from a frame nosis. An unusual kind of interatrial shunting is
positioned at the head end of the operation table. caused by the «partially unroofed coronary
The skin incision is made below the breast, about sinus» which allows left atrial blood to enter the
1  cm caudal to the submammary skinfold, and right atrium through the coronary sinus. To
the pleural cavity is opened through the fourth expose the defect in the roof of the coronary
intercostal space. Next, the pericardium is sinus, an incision in the interatrial septum is
opened anterior to the phrenic nerve, and follow- necessary.
ing the conventional cannulation and induction The surgical mortality is low in patients with
of cardioplegic cardiac arrest, intracardiac repair uncomplicated ASDs. In experienced pediatric
is carried out. centers, the mortality rate should be much less
than 1 %.
kLimited inferior sternotomy Postoperative morbidity after ASD surgery
A limited skin incision (maximal length 5–7 cm) consists almost exclusively of the formation of
is made, starting from the lower pole of the cor- pericardial effusion (postpericardiotomy syn-
pus sterni (excluding the xiphoid process) and drome), which occurs in approximately one third
proceeding in the direction of the neck. The sub- of patients. If tamponade occurs, pericardiocente-
cutaneous tissue is mobilized to prevent undue sis is necessary. Pericardial effusion should be sus-
tension on the soft tissue. The lower part of the pected in any pediatric patient who has undergone
sternal body is exposed and the sternum is par- surgical repair of an ASD and who presents with
tially split down the middle, limited to the bor- chest pain, fever, shortness of breath, or general
312 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

malaise. In young children, symptoms may be defects are, strictly speaking, not a form of ASD
nonspecific and include irritability and decreased because they occur outside the boundaries of the
appetite. atrial septum and are thus interatrial communica-
tions but not true ASD.  Operating on a sinus
kInterventional closure of atrial septal venosus defect with anomalous pulmonary
defects venous drainage obliges the surgeon to reform the
The transcatheter approach to ASD closure has entire superior cavoatrial junction, taking the
gained acceptance for both pediatric and adult utmost care to avoid damage to the sinus node
patients (Berger et al. 1999). Benefits of the trans- and thus postoperative arrhythmic sequelae
catheter approach include its minimal invasive- (Anderson et al. 1983).
ness, the avoidance of both thoracotomy and
cardiopulmonary bypass, and the relatively short I solated Partial Anomalous
recovery time. Potential drawbacks are residual Pulmonary Venous Drainage
shunting around the device and displacement of The superior vena cava cannula must be placed
the device requiring surgical intervention (Bohm cranial to the anomalous connection of the right
et al. 1997). Interventional closure is not suitable superior pulmonary vein. After atriotomy, the
when the rim of the defect is not large enough to atrial septum, namely, the cranial part of the sep-
properly seat the device. Further, long-term safety tum primum in the fossa ovalis, is resected. The
concerns have been raised, and there is a need for edges of the created ASD caudally and the cranial
specific technical expertise and equipment. circumference of the abnormal right upper pul-
monary vein must be incorporated into the patch
closing suture so that, during defect closure with a
Secundum ASDs are currently the only pericardial patch, correction of the anomaly and
subtype of ASD that are amenable to this redirection of the right superior pulmonary vein
type of treatment, which can be performed in into the left atrium are achieved (. Fig. 12.9).
the catheterization laboratory without It is often assumed that nonendothelialized
fluoroscopy and with echocardiographic edges of the created ASD can lead to thrombus
12 monitoring alone (Ewert and Berger 2003). formation and systemic embolization. However,
experience from the field of heart transplantation
contradicts this assumption.
12.1.2  Partial Anomalous
Pulmonary Venous Drainage Partial Anomalous
Pulmonary Venous Drainage General Comments and Sinus Venosus Defect
Partial anomalous pulmonary venous drainage On rare occasions the sinus venosus defect is so
(PAPVD) may occur as an isolated anomaly in small that there will not be free drainage of the
patients with intact atrial septum or in patients superior pulmonary vein after closure of the defect.
with ASD.  In patients with upper sinus venosus In such cases the defect is enlarged by an incision
defects, the pulmonary vein is often connected into the atrial septum toward the fossa ovalis, and
high on the superior vena cava. Sinus venosus then a patch is placed. There are different methods

a b c

..Fig. 12.9  a–c Pericardial patch closure of the atrial septal defect created and redirection of right upper pulmonary
vein in isolated partial anomalous pulmonary venous drainage
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
313 12
a b c

..Fig. 12.10  a–c Redirection of the pulmonary veins in large sinus venosus defect

of correcting a sinus venosus defect and partial cavoatrial junction or even both the caval and pul-
anomalous pulmonary venous drainage: monary venous pathways. In such cases, after tran-
55 Simple patch closure of the defect (primary section and reimplantation of the superior vena
or enlarged defect) cava, a cavoatrial anastomosis can be created by
55 Patch closure of the defect and second patch patching the sinus venosus defect and the ­orifice of
for augmentation of the superior vena cava— the SVC.  This represents a very useful technique
right atrial junction (Gustafson and Warden 1995; DiBardino et al.
55 Patch closure of the defect incorporating the 2004; Agarwall et al. 2011; Warden et al. 1984)
SVC orifice with distal superior vena cava and was originally proposed by John Lewis in 1958
reimplantation into the right atrium (Warden (Benvenuto and Lewis 1959; Ehrenhaft et al. 1958;
technique) Groves 1967). The superior vena cava is mobilized
55 Transcaval closure to make room for the anastomosis to the right
atrial appendage and is transected above the inser-
The choice of the method depends on the tion of the uppermost pulmonary vein; its cardiac
individual anatomy of the patient. There is little end is then closed with a continuous suture. The
data on the long-term functional outcomes fol- orifices of azygos vein and abnormal pulmonary
lowing repair of these defects. veins have clearly to be distinguished, the azygos
If the superior vena cava is large, the right vein usually closed and divided for better mobili-
atrium is opened in the usual manner. The open- zation. Prior to completing this anastomosis, it is
ing of the pulmonary veins into the superior vena critically important to identify and resect any
cava is visualized, and the veins are completely potentially obstructive trabeculae carneae of the
redirected into the left atrium by roofing the pul- pectinate muscles within the right atrial append-
monary vein, namely, closing the interatrial com- age (DiBardino et al. 2004). The sinus venosus
munication using an autologous pericardial patch defect is closed with a pericardial patch in such a
(. Fig. 12.10). way that the stump of the superior vena cava and
Incision through the cavoatrial junction must the pulmonary veins can drain into the left atrium
be avoided because the sinus node and its arterial in an unobstructed manner (. Figs.  12.11 and
supply may be compromised during repair 12.12). Caval division techniques (Said et al. 2011),
(Anderson et al. 1979a, b, 1983; Buz et al. 2008). If a transcaval technique (Nassar et al. 2012), and a
for the atriotomy an incision in the cranial area is pulmonary vein reimplantation technique
selected that runs parallel to the course of the (Aramendi et al. 2011) were also reported.
superior vena cava directly anterior to the anoma-
lously connected pulmonary veins, no sinus node Scimitar Syndrome
arteries can be damaged (R. Van Praagh personal Complete or partial drainage of the right pulmo-
communication). nary veins into the inferior vena cava (scimitar
In the case of a smaller superior vena cava and syndrome) is a rare anomaly, first described in
rather distant anomalous pulmonary venous 1836 (Cooper 1836). Scimitar syndrome is often
drainage into the SVC, placement of the patch to associated with aplasia of parts or the whole of
divert the pulmonary venous blood into the left the right lung. In scimitar syndrome drainage, the
atrium may result in significant stenosis of the right pulmonary veins can also drain into the
314 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

a b

V.azygos Anomalous pulmonary

venous connection

..Fig. 12.11  a–c Warden’s technique for sinus venosus defect repair. a Anomalous pulmonary venous connection to
12 the superior vena cava (SVC) well above the cavoatrial junction. An associated high sinus venosus defect is shown by
the dashed lines. b First stage of repair: a superficial purse-string suture is placed around the cephalad SVC, and partial
cardiopulmonary bypass is instituted with venous return from the inferior vena cava (IVC) only. The SVC is mobilized, the
azygos vein transected. c Total cardiopulmonary bypass is established by introducing a cannula through the lateral wall
of the right atrium and the tip of the right atrial appendage into the SVC. The SVC is transected, the caudal stump is
oversewn, and anastomosis of the cephalad end of the SVC to the right atrial appendage is begun. It often requires
patch enlargement

­ ortal vein or into the hepatic veins. An ASD is

p In descending order of frequency, the following
present in 25–50 % of the patients. In some anomalies are associated with the scimitar vein:
patients anomalous lung segments are supplied 55 Anomalous right lung sequestration and right
with arterial blood from the descending aorta by lung hypoplasia (virtually 100 %, with widely
small pulmonary arteries. The scimitar vein (SV) varying degrees of hypoplasia)
is typically single, runs anterior to the hilum of 55 Dextroposition of the heart
the lung, and pierces the diaphragm en route to 55 Hypoplasia of the right pulmonary artery
the inferior vena cava, where it enters just above, (60 %)
behind, or lateral to the right hepatic vein orifice. 55 Systemic arterial blood supply to the right
Considerable variations of this anatomy have lower lung from the infradiaphragmatic aorta
been noted: the SV may run behind the hilus or (60 %)
may be present as a double vein, with the anoma- 55 Atrial septal defect of the secundum type
lous entry point being as far away as the right (40 % overall, 80–90 % in the infantile variant)
hepatic vein and the azygos vein. In addition, the 55 Right-sided diaphragmatic hernia (15 %)
scimitar vein may be stenotic at or just distal to its 55 Horseshoe lung (parenchymal continuity
junction with the inferior vena cava or right between the right and left lung behind the
atrium; this occurs in 10–20 % of cases. heart and anterior to the esophagus)
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
315 12
a b

..Fig. 12.12  a–c Warden’s technique for sinus venosus defect repair (continued). a The cavoatrial anastomosis is com-
plete. The right atriotomy exposes the sinus venosus defect. b The inferior margin of the defect is sutured to the anterior
and lateral margins of the intracardiac SVC orifice. c Completed repair. Anomalous pulmonary venous flow has been
directed through the proximal SVC and across the septal defect into the left atrium. Flow from the SVC into the right
atrium is reconstructed by the cavoatrial anastomosis (Warden et al. 1984)

The infantile scimitar syndrome, in addition 55 A milder form presenting in late childhood
to its high incidence of ASD, is associated with a or adulthood that is frequently asymptomatic,
large number of further cardiovascular anomalies with diagnosis often being made incidentally
(Brown et al. 2003): because of radiographic abnormalities
55 Ventricular septal defect
55 Patent ductus arteriosus Botalli Surgery for scimitar syndrome was first per-
55 Hypoplastic aortic arch formed in 1950 by Drake and Lynch (1950). In a
55 Aortic isthmus stenosis patient with recurrent right-sided pneumonia
55 Tetralogy of Fallot and a scimitar vein draining the bronchiectatic
55 Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery lower right lung, they resected the right lower
55 Truncus arteriosus communis lung lobe, with good results.
The first corrective surgical procedure in a
There are two forms of scimitar syndrome that patient with scimitar syndrome and an ASD was
are clearly distinguishable in terms of clinical pre- performed in 1956 by Kirklin using cardiopul-
sentation (Gudjonsson and Brown 2006): monary bypass (Kirklin et al. 1956). The scimitar
55 An infantile syndrome associated with signif- vein was anastomosed to the right atrium in
icant mortality proximity to the ASD, and this portion of the
316 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

a b

..Fig. 12.13  a, b Correction of scimitar syndrome. a Correction by reimplantation of the scimitar vein into the right
atrium and redirection by creation of a tunnel by suturing of a short baffle. b Correction by creation of a tunnel from the
inferior vena cava to the ASD by suturing of a long baffle

right atrial wall was then sutured to the margin of

the ASD, closing the ASD and rerouting the
12 blood flow from the scimitar vein to the left
Classical repair of scimitar syndrome consists
in redirection of the anomalous pulmonary veins
leading to the inferior vena cava through the atrial
septal defect into the left atrium by means of a
pericardial baffle (. Fig. 12.13).
In small children this method results in a high
incidence of obstruction of the tunnel. The
method of choice in these patients is therefore
direct anastomosis of the right pulmonary veins ..Fig. 12.14  Scimitar syndrome repair via right thora-
with the lateral wall of the left atrium (. Fig. 12.14). cotomy without the use of cardiopulmonary bypass in
In an adult patient, the procedure can be per- adults (Adapted from Brown et al. 2003). The repair is
complete and the clamp is about to be removed from the
formed through a right posterolateral thoracot- left atrium
omy and without cardiopulmonary bypass
(Brown et al. 2003). In small children cardiopul-
monary bypass is obligatory. In infants and small scimitar vein in small children, the interposition
children, direct implantation of the scimitar vein of a graft as an extension between the anomalous
into the left atrium can be technically difficult vein and the left atrium has been reported (Lam
because the left atrium is small. In such cases the et al. 2007).
scimitar vein can be implanted into the right In patients with scimitar syndrome and right
atrium, and the flow can then be redirected via an lung sequestration, ligature of collaterals to the
existing or created ASD using a pericardial patch affected lung segment is generally recommended,
(Brown et al. 2003; Gudjonsson and Brown 2006: and the segment(s) may remain in place. Right pneu-
. Fig. 12.15). To prevent tension or kinking of the monectomy is indicated in patients with intractable
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
317 12
a b

..Fig. 12.15  a Isolated anomalous drainage of the left pulmonary veins into the innominate vein. b Anastomosis of
the anomalously draining left pulmonary veins with the left atrial appendage

pulmonary sequestrations (persistent infections) or entrance into the innominate vein to create a long
if the attempt at correction has failed (Huddleston tunnel for the anastomosis to the left atrium. The
et al. 1999; Thibault et al. 1995; Torres and Ca 1993). pulmonary venous stem is opened longitudinally
to receive an anastomosis with large lumen. The Anomalous Drainage left atrial appendage is amputated, and the anasto-
of the Left Pulmonary Veins mosis is carried out with a continuous 7/0 or 6/0
into the Innominate Vein monofilament suture (see . Fig.  12.15). In some
In its isolated form, this anomaly is very rare cases patch enlargement of this anastomosis with
(see . Fig. 12.15a). Partial left drainage of a small autologous pericardium is necessary.
upper lobe vein into the innominate vein may be
left uncorrected, but if all the left pulmonary
veins drain abnormally and create similar hemo- 12.1.3  Anomalous Drainage
dynamic consequences to those of an ASD, surgi- of the Caval Veins
cal correction is indicated. In asymptomatic
infants and small children, the operation can be Definition and General
postponed to grow into a size with less postopera- Comments
tive risk of stenosis of the anastomosis between Anomalies of the systemic venous return that
the left pulmonary veins and the left atrial drains to the heart may occur in isolation or in
appendage. association with other congenital heart defects
The operation is conducted using cardiopul- (DeLeval et al. 1975; Gandy and Hanley 2006).
monary bypass and cardioplegic cardiac arrest. Many of the common defects are clinically of minor
The phase of cardioplegia is important to obtain a significance when found in isolation. There are
bloodless operative field, which facilitates the cre- many rare anomalies that may or may not become
ation of a wide, nonconstrictive anastomosis clinically significant. However, systemic venous
between the left pulmonary venous stem and the anomalies are of great importance in patients with
left atrial appendage. the different forms of a univentricular heart and
The persisting left upper caval vein should be may complicate the creation of cavopulmonary
doubly ligated and may be transected at its connections as well as the later Fontan completion.
318 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

The presence of a systemic venous anomaly may In situs solitus a left superior vena cava is con-
necessitate modifications of the implantation tech- nected to the coronary sinus, and, in the absence
niques for heart transplantation or combined heart of other cardiac defects, this has no functional
and lung transplantation. The classification of these impact. Its importance for surgery is that it must
anomalies is primarily descriptive (Gaynor et al. be taken into consideration in the technique of
2000; . Figs. 12.16, 12.17, and 12.18). venous cannulation or intermittent occlusion and
causes difficulties if minimally invasive surgical Anatomy approaches are used.
Isolated anomalies of the caval veins are overall The most common malformation of clinical sig-
rare, but they are frequently associated with other nificance is drainage of the left superior vena cava
congenital heart defects, especially in the pres- into the left atrium. In the Raghib-type ASD (Raghib
ence of heterotaxy and isomerism. et al. 1965), the coronary sinus roof is completely or


..Fig. 12.16  Anomalies of the superior vena cava. Top row: right superior vena cava to right atrium (left); right supe-
rior vena cava through the coronary sinus to left atrium (center); right-sided superior vena cava to left atrium (right).
Middle row: Left superior vena cava to left-sided atrium (completely unroofed coronary sinus; left); left superior vena
cava through the coronary sinus to right atrium (center); left vena cava to right atrium (right). Bottom row: bilateral supe-
rior vena cava: right superior vena cava to right atrium, left superior vena cava to left atrium (completely unroofed coro-
nary sinus; left), bilateral superior vena cava: right upper vena cava to right atrium, left superior vena cava through the
coronary sinus to right atrium (center), bilateral superior vena cava: right upper vena cava through the coronary sinus to
left atrium, left superior vena cava to left atrium (right)
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
319 12
This can, if not recognized, lead to inadequate total
cavopulmonary connection during performance of
the Fontan operation or ASD closure, with resulting
residual or de novo right-to-­left shunt. Surgical Technique

Anomalous drainage of the left superior vena
cava to the coronary sinus without unroofed
coronary sinus needs no surgical interven-
tion. If surgery for other cardiac anomalies is
required, direct cannulation of an isolated left
superior vena cava is necessary, to obtain a dry
operative field. Cannulation must be performed
after the cardiopulmonary bypass is started
up, to prevent hemodynamic disturbances.
Cannulation itself can be performed in the
usual manner. In bilateral superior venae cavae
with a sufficiently large connection between the
left and right superior caval veins through the
innominate vein, the left superior vena cava
can be temporarily clamped using a tourniquet
of hemoclip, which needs to be removed after
the heart chambers are closed. Alternatively,
in infants and small children, the left superior
..Fig. 12.17  Anomalies of the inferior vena cava. Top vena cava can be transected in preparation for a
row: right inferior vena cava to right atrium (left); left infe- Fontan operation.
rior vena cava to left atrium (center); inferior vena cava to Interruption of the inferior vena cava is a very
left and right atrium (biatrial outflow; right). Middle row:
left inferior vena cava to right atrium (left); right inferior
rare vascular anomaly. In such cases all venous
vena cava to left atrium (left); right inferior vena cava to blood from the bottom half of the body drains
left atrium (right). Bottom row: interrupted right inferior into the superior vena cava through the azygos
vena cava with azygos continuation into right upper vena vein or else into the left superior vena cava
cava (left); interrupted left inferior vena cava with (hemi-) through the hemiazygos vein. This anomaly
azygos continuation into left upper vena cava (center, sec-
ond from left); interrupted right inferior vena cava
necessitates special care when performing the
with (hemi-) azygos continuation into left upper vena superior cavopulmonary connection, during the
cava (second from right); interrupted left inferior Fontan operation and in atrial switch operations
vena cava with azygos continuation into right upper in patients with transposition of the great arteries.
vena cava (right) With anomalous drainage of the systemic veins
into the left atrium, the surgical management of
an unroofed coronary sinus presents technical
partially absent, resulting in venoarterial shunt at challenges. Different surgical options exist to cor-
the left atrial level, clinically compensated by the rect this anomaly (Gandy and Hanley 2006;
large left-to-right shunt through the ASD. Clinical Quaegebeur et al. 1979; Reddy and McElhinney
symptoms occur, however, after closure of the ASD 1997; Van Son et al. 1998a, b, c):
without having taken care of the anomalous LSVC
drainage. Combinations with other congenital heart kAnomalous drainage of the superior vena
defects have also been described (Abbattista et al. cava into the left atrium
1994; Cherian and Rao 1994; DeLeval et al. 1975; Ligation of the left superior vena cava can be
Liang et al. 1996; Quarti et al. 2005). performed if there is a good ­connection between
Other less common anomalies of systemic the right and left caval vein via the innominate
venous return to the left atrium include drainage of vein (Liang et al. 1996). If the innominate vein is
the inferior vena cava into the left atrium or in sepa- absent, ligation is possible in exceptional cases if,
rate drainage of the hepatic veins into the left atrium. after clamping of the left superior vena cava,
320 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.


..Fig. 12.18  Anomalies of the hepatic veins. Upper row: right lower vena cava and separate entry of hepatic veins into
left atrium (left); right inferior vena cava and separate entry of hepatic veins into right atrium (center); right inferior vena
cava and separate entry of hepatic veins into coronary sinus (right). Middle row: left inferior vena cava into the left
atrium and separate entry of hepatic veins into right atrium (left); left inferior vena cava and separate entry of hepatic
veins into left atrium (center); left inferior vena cava and separate entry of hepatic veins into coronary sinus both into
the left atrium (right). Bottom row: interrupted right lower vena cava with azygos continuation into right upper vena
cava and separate entry of hepatic veins into right atrium (left); interrupted right inferior vena cava with azygos continu-
ation into right upper vena cava and separate entry of hepatic veins into left atrium (second from left); interrupted left
inferior vena cava with hemiazygos continuation into left superior and separate entry of hepatic veins into left atrium
(second from right); interrupted left inferior vena cava with hemiazygos continuation into left superior vena cava and
separate entry of hepatic veins into right atrium (right)

venous pressure does not exceed 15  mmHg and et al. 1998a, b, c); in some cases spontaneous
the coronary sinus and the pulmonary venous enlargement, actually caused by elevated LSVC
drainage are not compromised (Laks 1994). In pressures after ligation, may be expected.
cases of hypoplastic innominate vein, enlarge- Reimplantation of the left superior vena
ment of the innominate vein between the right cava into the right atrium or the pulmonary artery
brachiocephalic vein and the left jugular vein with is practiced successfully (Gandy and Hanley 2006;
a pericardial patch and ligation of the left superior Liang et al. 1996; Quarti et al. 2005). There are,
vena cava can be successfully performed (Van Son however, concerns about the potential early
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
321 12
a b

..Fig. 12.19  a, b Procedure for intra-atrial redirection of anomalous LSVC to left atrial connection

s­ tenosis of the anastomosis and thrombus forma- superior vena cava, so as to redirect the blood
tion and the possibility of reverse flow in the case from the anomalously draining left superior
of elevated pulmonary arterial pressure at rest or vena cava to the front side of the patch. The
during physical exertion in the later course. suture line then runs further to the roof of the
Intra-atrial redirection of the left superior left atrium and reaches the rim of the atrial
vena cava is the preferred option. There are two septum laterally, thus completely separating
possible techniques (Gandy and Hanley 2006; the systemic venous return (. Fig. 12.19).
Quaegebeur et al. 1979):
55 Roofing procedure. This operation can be rec-
ommended if the roof of the coronary sinus is kAnomalous drainage of the inferior vena
absent. After the establishment of cardiopul- cava into the left atrium
monary bypass and cardioplegic cardiac As an isolated anomaly, this defect occurs very
arrest, the right atrial incision is performed. rarely (Zenker et al. 1965) and usually presents in
A separate cannula is introduced into the patients with heterotaxy syndrome and atrial
innominate vein orifice through the coronary isomerism (Rubino et al. 1995; Yun et al. 2006a).
sinus orifice. If there is no additional ASD, To connect the heart–lung machine, separate can-
the interatrial septum is incised. The repair is nulation of the anomalous vein is necessary. For
started at the point of entrance of the left the Fontan operation, these veins can be con-
superior vena cava into the left atrium. A nected to total cavopulmonary connection to pre-
pericardial patch is used to cover the defect of vent the development of pulmonary arteriovenous
the coronary sinus roof. With a separate peri- fistulas (Shah et al. 1997). If an extracardiac tun-
cardial patch, the ASD is then closed. nel is created during the Fontan operation, the
55 Intra-atrial baffle procedure. Because of the risk hepatic veins can be incorporated into the cavo-
of obstruction of the left pulmonary veins and pulmonary connection using the atrial flap tech-
the mitral valve and also the risk of creating nique (Shah et al. 1997) or separately connected
too small a tunnel, the preferred method is the to the extracardiac conduit using an additional
intra-atrial redirection, which is carried out in tube graft (Lee et al. 2002). If an intracardiac lat-
such a fashion that the anomalous vein drains eral tunnel operation is performed, these veins
into the right atrium. If there is a secundum can be incorporated in the created lateral canal
ASD, the patch is inserted between the two (Gandy and Hanley 2006; Shah et al. 1997).
atrioventricular valves on the rim of the atrial In isolated cases repair consists of redirecting
septum or, with an ostium premium defect, the direct hepatic veins or the inferior vena cava into
along the anulus of one of the atrioventricular the right atrium by creating an intracardiac tunnel.
valves. The suture line is then carried down If there is an ASD, the pericardial patch must be
toward the posteroinferior corner of the left inserted in such way that the blood flow leads into
atrium and around the entrance of the left the right atrium (Derra et al. 1965; . Fig. 12.20).
322 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

a b c

..Fig. 12.20  a–c Redirection of the blood flow into the right atrium for anomalous IVC or hepatic veins to left atrial

kCombined anomalous drainage of the vena Surgical Technique

cava and pulmonary veins The operation is performed using cardiopulmo-
There are various forms of this combined anoma- nary bypass and cardioplegic arrest. Excision of
lous drainage of the vena cava and pulmonary the obstructive membrane and closure of a
veins. Often, and particularly in patients with het- ­coexisting ASD leads to complete disappearance
erotaxy, these anomalies are associated with other of the symptoms. In rare cases cor triatriatum
12 complex congenital heart defects. dextrum is combined with cor triatriatum sinis-
Surgical therapy in such cases must be tailored trum (Steen et al. 2007; Wedemeyer et al. 1970).
to the individual anatomy to achieve satisfactory Resection of both membranes and closure of the
hemodynamic results. Surgical mortality in patients ASD achieved complete correction in the case
with heterotaxy and combined systemic and pulmo- described (Wedemeyer et al. 1970).
nary venous anomalies is high and in recent series
approaches 50 % (Friesen et al. 2005; Gaynor et al.
1999; Hashmi et al. 1998; Rubino et al. 1995; Yun 12.1.5  Atrioventricular Septal Defects
et al. 2005, 2006a, b). Definition of the Anomaly
and Surgical Aims
12.1.4  Cor Triatriatum Dextrum The term «atrioventricular septal defects» (AVSD)
covers a group of congenital malformations of the Definition and General atrioventricular septum and atrioventricular
Comments valves of differing degrees of severity. These
Cor triatriatum dextrum is defined as a separation of anomalies have been, and continue to be, referred
the right atrium by remnants of the right sinus to in the literature by different names, for exam-
venous valve (Abdulla et al. 2004). The extent of fail- ple, endocardial cushion defect, atrioventricular
ure of sinus venosus valve (aka Eustachian valve) canal defect, and persisting atrioventricular canal
regression varies from a small mobile atrial septation defect (Becker and Anderson 1982; Bharati and
of the right atrium called Chiari’s network to com- Lev 1973; Dubost and Blondeau 1959; Litwin et al.
plete septation of the right atrium (cor triatriatum 2007; Van Mierop and Alley 1966).
dexter). Cor triatriatum dextrum can present as an Since the absence of the atrioventricular sep-
isolated anomaly or as part of a complex malforma- tum is common to all forms of these defects, the
tion of the right side of the heart (Eroglu et al. 2004). term suggested by Becker and Anderson (1982),
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
323 12
«atrioventricular septal defect,» is anatomically function. In 60–70 % of cases, total AVSD is asso-
correct and therefore seems to be the most appro- ciated with Down syndrome.
priate, although surgical writing often uses the
designation «atrioventricular canal defect» Historical Comments
(Backer et al. 2007). The first descriptions of these defects were from
AVSDs represent a spectrum of cardiac mal- Peacock (1846), Rokitansky (1875), and Abbott
formations that can be divided into the partial (1936). However, Rogers and Edwards (1948)
AVSD, an intermediate AVSD type, and the com- were the first to describe the morphological sim-
plete AVSD (Jacobs et al. 2000a, b). ilarity between the ostium primum defect and
In the opinion of Anderson and Ho (1989), the common AV canal defect. Wakai and
the division of the aortic leaflet of the left-sided Edwards (1956, 1958) introduced the term «par-
AV valve found with AVSD, which used to be tial and complete atrioventricular canal defect.»
known as a cleft, is more appropriately viewed as Subsequently, other authors contributed to
a commissure of a tri-leaflet valve. Carpentier knowledge of the anatomy of the defects, among
(1978) regarded, on the basis of such a view, cleft them were Lev (1958), who described the topog-
closure as unnecessary. Since then other authors raphy of the AV node and the His bundle;
have disagreed (Alexi-Meskishvili et al. 1996, Bharati and Lev (1973), who introduced the con-
1997; Capoua et al. 1992; Crawford 2007; Pozzi cept of the intermediate AV canal; and Van
et al. 1991). Mierop who supplied an overview of the pathol-
In accordance with the varying degree of the ogy and pathogenesis of endocardial cushion
two features, septal defect and AV valve malfor- defects (Van Mierop and Alley 1966). In 1966
mation (others are described in the section Rastelli and colleagues presented a division into
«Surgical Anatomy»), three subgroups of AVSD types A, B, and C (Rastelli et al. 1966), which for
may be identified (Jacobs et al. 2000a): a long time provided orientation for the surgical
55 Partial AVSD, in which there is an interatrial procedure, although different variants of a spec-
connection of the ostium primum defect type trum existed.
(ASD I) and two atrioventricular valve ostia The first successful repair of an AVSD was
with intact ventricular septum and a cleft in reported by C. Walton Lillehei. He used cross cir-
the anterior leaflet of the left AV valve (this culation and direct suture of the atrial rim of the
type also includes the isolated ostium pri- septal defect to the crest of the ventricular septum
mum defect and the isolated «mitral» cleft) (Lillehei et al. 1955). In the late 1950s and early
55 Total AVSD, characterized by a common 1960s, Lillehei, McGoon and Kirklin, and Cooley
atrioventricular valve orifice and the absence converted the use of cardiopulmonary bypass and
of the membranous and muscular portion of used two synthetic patches to close the atrial and
the atrioventricular septum ventricular components of the defect separately
55 The intermediate form (here the AVSD con- (Cooley 1960; Lillehei et al. 1955; McGoon et al.
sists of only a small, depressed, restrictive 1959). Maloney reported the use of a single-patch
ventricular septal defect exclusively between technique for direct closure (Maloney et al. 1962).
the superior and inferior leaflet portions, Dwight McGoon described the double-patch
being «open» only in ventricular diastole, in technique (McGoon et al. 1959).
which the crest of the interventricular septum Wilcox and Nicholson each independently
can be seen from the atrial side) reported a «simplified» or «modified» single-
patch technique for repair of AVSD (Nicholson et
All three groups have in common the presence al. 1999; Wilcox et al. 2004). Each technique has
of left-to-right shunt, with a tendency toward strong advocates, but it is not clear that any of
early development of high pulmonary resistance them is superior to the other two (Crawford
pressures (with the total defect more often than 2007). Recently, Aramendi described a technique
with the partial type). Therefore, the aim of the for repair of a complete AVSD without a patch
operation is the early, complete removal of the (Aramendi et al. 2006).
left-to-right shunt by closure of the defects while Mair and McGoon (1977) reported successful
preserving—or achieving—normal AV valve correction of the AVSD during the first year of
324 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

life. They stressed the importance of taking From the surgical point of view, we do not
enough tissue from the tricuspid valve to create consider the question of whether the cleft found
an adequate left AV valve. with complete AVSD is a normal commissure to
The most controversial issue in the surgical be of great importance. It is far more important to
treatment of the complete AVSD was whether it note that a partially or completely open cleft is the
is necessary to close a so-called mitral cleft. The main cause of subsequent valve incompetence
issue remains controversial for patients with and that cleft closure represents the only means
parachute «mitral valve» (Sharma et al. 2013). for achieving long-term valve competence in
This so-­called mitral cleft (better referred to as such cases. The incidence of late operation for late
a cleft of the left AV valve) is referred to by severe left AV valve incompetence in patients
some authors as the «zone of apposition» with nonclosed cleft was 14–26 % (McGrath and
(Wetter et al. 2000). The opinion that the cleft Gonzales-­Lavin 1987; Pozzi et al. 1991: Ross et al.
should be left intact is not new and was pro- 1991). Nowadays surgeons must be advised
posed for patients with incomplete AVSD many always to close a left AV valve cleft to approxi-
years ago (Dubost and Blondeau 1959; Van mate to the age-related normal diameter of the
Mierop and Alley 1966). In the late 1970s, the mitral valve (Crawford 2007; Litwin et al. 2007;
concept of the tri-leaflet mitral valve was intro- Nunn 2007; Wetter et al. 2000). It should be
duced by Carpentier, Becker and Anderson remembered that closure of the zone of apposi-
(Becker and Anderson 1982; Carpentier 1978). tion (cleft) does not create a leaflet comparable to
Carpentier believed that the left AV valve func- the aortic leaflet of the normal mitral valve
tions best when reconstructed as a tri-leaflet (Wilcox et al. 2004).
valve (Carpentier 1987). This led some sur- From the end of the 1960s and the beginning
geons to leave the cleft open during total repair of the 1970s, the surgical indication for AVSD
of the complete AVSD (McGrath and Gonzales- repair was extended to include children in the first
Lavin 1987; Ross et al. 1991). year of life (Bailey et al. 1976; Barratt-Boyes 1973).
At the same time, some proponents of the tri-­ Since then the age at which complete AVSD is
leaflet mitral valve concept maintained that electively corrected has dropped. In many centers
12 although it was impossible to produce a bileaflet the mean age of patients at the time of complete
valve which structurally approximated the mitral AVSD repair is around 4  months (Backer et al.
valve of a normal heart, «closure of the ‘cleft’ in 2007; Singh et al. 2006). More recent recommen-
some cases may be the only way to produce a dations are based on operating before pneumonia
competent atrioventricular valve» (Becker and occurs and before the development of irreversible
Anderson 1982). pulmonary hypertension and the complications
of congestive heart failure and AV valve insuffi-
ciency. The ability to perform safe surgery in early
The left AV valve reconstructed during repair infancy has been facilitated by improvements in
of AVSD is not a mitral valve. anesthesia, cardiopulmonary bypass, and postop-
erative management. In most centers the preop-
erative diagnosis is made on the basis of
The main goal of left AV valve reconstruc- transthoracic echocardiography only. Cardiac
tion in patients with complete AVSD is to pro- catheterization is rarely used. The ideal age for the
duce a competent and nonstenotic systemic correction of complete AVSD appears to be
atrioventricular valve. Criticism of the tri-leaf- between 3 and 6 months (Backer et al. 2007). The
let concept has increased over the past 25 years ideal age for correction of an incomplete, non-
as surgeons have noted that the high rate of complicated AVSD is about 2 years.
reoperations necessitated by late AV valve If patients with a partial AVSD present with
insufficiency after total correction of complete symptoms very early in life, complex anatomy
AVSD could be mainly attributed to nonclosure should be suspected, including multilevel left-­
or incomplete closure of the cleft or avulsion of sided hypoplasias, which may pose a significant
the suture used to close the cleft (Alexi- challenge to management and suggest a poor
Meskishvili et al. 1996, 1997; Ten Harkel et al. prognosis (Giamberti et al. 1996; Manning
2005; Wetter et al. 2000). 2007).
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
325 12 Surgical Anatomy common posterior leaflet, the Rastelli classification is
Knowledge of the main anatomic characteristics applied to the behavior of the superior leaflets only: if
of AV septal defects is essential not only to define they are divided from each other, type A is present; if
the diagnosis but also for the surgical treatment. there is a so-called common superior leaflet without
These characteristics are (Anderson and Ho 1989; attachments to the interventricular septum, the type
Piccoli et al. 1979; Wilcox et al. 2004): is C. With type B, which is extremely rare, tendinous
55 The absence of the atrioventricular septum threads attached to the left superior leaflet lead to an
55 The absence of the normal «wedging» of the anomalous papillary muscle in the right ventricle.
aorta between the mitral valve and the tricuspid In line with modern concepts (Anderson et al.
valve, which is partially responsible for the 1985; Wilcox et al. 2004), the common anterior
presence of a common atrioventricular valve (or superior) and posterior (or inferior) leaflets
55 Abnormal relationship between the left ven- are to be seen as «bridging leaflets» that override
tricular outflow tract (LVOT) and the the ventricular septal defect to a greater (type C)
«unwedged» aortic valve or lesser (type A) extent. The greater variance is in
55 Abnormal relationship between the inflow the relationship of the anterior (superior) leaflet
and outflow tract of the left ventricle in favor to the bridged septum, so that the classification is
of the outflow tract, which results from the largely made in this respect.
above features The size of the interventricular communica-
55 Posterior displacement of the conduction sys- tion, the ventricular septal defect, is also very vari-
tem due to the absence of the atrioventricular able. Sometimes there is only a small gap between
septum the left superior and inferior leaflet. Frequently,
To successfully reach the goals of surgery, however, the defect reaches over the whole extent
secure defect closure without AV block, and com- of the superior leaflet, up to the aortic valve, just
petent AV valves, the pathomorphology of the AV as it can extend below the inferior leaflet.
valves and the anatomical course of the conduc- In addition to the variants described so far, we
tion system are of utmost importance (. Fig. 12.21). should also mention those that result from the rela-
There are significant differences between the AV tive position of the common AV valve in relation to
valves of a normal heart and of a heart with partial or the ventricular septum. As well as a balanced form
total AVSD (see . Fig.  12.21a–c). As in the normal (similar size right and left ventricle with the com-
heart (see . Fig.  12.21a), the heart with a partial mon AV valve lying centrally above them), a right-
AVSD has two distinct AV valve orifices, while the dominant form is found, which is defined by an
individual leaflets of these AV valves differ: both the enlarged right ventricle, small left, and displace-
tricuspid valve and the mitral valve are not to be ment of the AV valve to the right. By analogy the
regarded as such in the presence of an AVSD but left-dominant form has the opposite features.
rather as right and left AV valves. In principle these Owing to the absence of the atrioventricular
are double-leaflet valves with the corresponding com- septum, hearts with AVSD show displacement of
missures (Anderson and Ho 1989). The resulting six the conduction system in comparison with nor-
leaflets are named according to their position: for the mal hearts. This concerns first and foremost the
right AV valve, right superior (RS), right lateral (RL), AV node, which is normally situated in the apex
and right inferior (RIS), and for the left AV valve, left of the Koch triangle but in the heart with an AVSD
superior (LS), left lateral (LL), and left inferior (LIS) is displaced in posterior direction and is found
(see . Fig. 12.21b). When a complete AVSD is pres- between the insertion line of the posterior (infe-
ent, there is a single common AV valve ostium (see rior) common leaflet and the anterior area of the
. Fig. 12.21c). This common AV valve usually con- coronary sinus (. Fig. 12.22).
sists of five leaflets, rarely of six, and their nomencla- In comparison with the normal heart (see
ture corresponds to that used with a partial AVSD. . Fig. 12.22a), the crest of the ventricular septum
It was recognized that the classification of total and also the entire axis of the conduction system
AVSD into types A, B, and C by Rastelli et al. (1966) is, like the AV node, displaced in posterior direc-
did not exactly reflect the actual anatomic features, tion (see . Fig.  12.22b; Mitchell et al. 2007).
but for surgical purposes the detailed description of Surgical view of conduction system is presented
the individual morphology in terms of this classifica- on . Fig. 12.22c, d.
tion has proven its worth. Assuming that the inferior AVSDs occur not only in isolation but also in
portions of the left and right AV valve usually form a combination with other heart defects, e.g., with
326 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

tetralogy of Fallot, transposition of the great ate hypothermia and with cardioplegic heart
arteries, and total anomalous pulmonary venous arrest to protect the myocardium (Crawford 2007;
drainage. The surgical procedure must be tailored Litwin et al. 2007; Manning 2007). For operations
to addressing both malformations. In such com- on infants, deep hypothermic cardiac arrest with
binations the interventricular communication is or without cardioplegia is an option.
particularly large, so that the patch used for clo-
sure must be large enough and must be cut to cor- kAccess and general surgical technique
respond to the particular form. The standard access is by median longitudinal
sternotomy. In large patients the right-sided
kSpecifics of extracorporeal circulation anterolateral thoracotomy in the fourth or fifth
Today intracardiac correction procedures are per- intercostal space may be selected. Today the lim-
formed using cardiopulmonary bypass in moder- ited lower sternotomy and the posterolateral

a b

Valva tricuspidalis
Cuspis anterior

Cuspis posterior

Cuspis septalis

Cuspis anterior
12 LIL
Valva mitralis
Cuspis posterior

d e





..Fig. 12.21  a–e Morphology of the AV valves and course of the conduction system. LIL left inferior leaflet, LLL left
lateral leaflet, LSL left superior leaflet, RIL right inferior leaflet, RLL right lateral leaflet, RSL right superior leaflet. a Normal
heart with tricuspid and mitral valve. b Partial AVSD, c total AVSD (Rastelli type A), d total AVSD (Rastelli type B), and
e total AVSD (Rastelli type C)
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
327 12
a b
«Risky» area

Left bundle branch

Penetrating bundle
Line of tricuspid
valve attachment
Coronary sinus

Tendon of Todaro

c d
Atrial Long,
connections Left bundle branch non-branching Posterior
Axis of septal bundle displacement
AV-node defect
Right atrium Right bundle branch Diminished of septal crest
Right ventricle atrial

..Fig. 12.22  a–d Displacement of the conduction system. a Diagram of normal configuration, b diagram of posterior
displacement, and c, d diagrammatic view of surgical situs

right-sided thoracotomy are also used. At a few

places, more recently a trans-axillary approach is
suggested also (German Heart Center Munich,
Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York, NY)  S
 urgery for Partial
Atrioventricular Septal
After access has been gained, a patch of autolo-
gous pericardium is harvested, keeping an ade-
quate distance from the phrenic nerve. The patch
can be pretreated with glutaraldehyde (0.1–0.6 %)
according to the surgeon’s preference. Aortic and
..Fig. 12.23  Right atriotomy
bicaval cannulation is performed. If there is a per-
sistent left superior vena cava, this is cannulated
separately or temporarily closed with a tourni- incised up to the atrial wall (Sondergaard’s groove,
quet. interatrial groove) to prevent extreme pull-up and
We usually perform the correction on high-­ deformation of the mitral valve and to ensure
flow cardiopulmonary bypass with hemodilution optimal suspension and mobility of the recon-
and normothermia or moderate hypothermia to structed valve (Alexi-Meskishvili et al. 1996).
(28–32 °C). Myocardial protection is provided by Sometimes there is, in addition to the ostium pri-
antegrade application of cold crystalloid or warm mum defect, an atrial septal defect of secundum
blood cardioplegic solution. type, which is divided from the primum defect by
The right atriotomy is made from the base of a muscle bridge. A small sucker is placed through
the right atrial appendage to just above the infe- the atrial septal defect into the left atrium to keep
rior vena cava (. Fig. 12.23). the operative field bloodless. We prefer to contin-
After right atriotomy has been performed, the uously direct carbon dioxide into the operative
remains of the septum secundum and primum are field with flow of 3–6 l/min.
328 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

The anatomy of the AV valves is carefully

inspected, and the degree of regurgitation is tested
by injecting cold normal saline solution into the
left and right ventricles.

It is important to assess the adequacy of the

lateral commissures and to measure the
orifice of the left AV valve, which will be left
after closure of the zone of apposition (cleft).

The septal commissural cleft is identified and

closed with interrupted, nonabsorbable sutures that
may be reinforced with pericardial pledgets to pre-
vent suture dehiscence. During cleft closure the
minimal acceptable mitral valve diameter is deter-
mined according to the patient’s body surface area
(Rowlatt et al. 1963). In cases where the medial and
lateral commissures are fused and cleft closure
would produce a stenotic orifice, the cleft is only par-
tially closed or is left completely open. Competency
of the atrioventricular valves is reassessed, and in
some cases anuloplasty or commissuroplasty is
required to establish best possible apposition of the
valve leaflets to achieve acceptable valve function.
Next, the atrial septal defect is closed. A peri-
12 cardial patch is sutured close to the junction of the
atrioventricular valves, adjacent to the tricuspid
valve, using monofilament nonabsorbable mat-
tress sutures. Alternatively a continuous suture
..Fig. 12.24  Closure of a partial atrioventricular septal
may be used (Sadeghi et al. 1997). Multiple small defect
careful bites are taken from the posterolateral leaf-
let of the tricuspid valve and anchored close to the
anulus, to prevent residual atrial septal defects. separation from the heart–lung machine to assess
Initially this suturing is continued toward the cor- valve function and identify any residual defect.
onary sinus. We routinely allow the coronary
sinus to drain into the right atrium by carrying the  S
 urgery for Intermediate
suture line along the left atrial side of the septum Atrioventricular Septal
and the anterior lip of the coronary sinus away Defect
from the Koch triangle. The suture line continues In the presence of an intermediate AVSD
to the dome of the right atrium. Another suture (. Fig. 12.25a), it is possible to suture the edge of
starts at the anterior edge of the atrial septal defect the small, basin-like central ventricular septal
and joins the posterior suture; after the air has defect directly with the midline of the AV valve
been evacuated from the left side of the heart, the apparatus, which is then slightly lowered. To this
two sutures are knotted together (. Fig. 12.24). end double-armed sutures are placed as individ-
After closure of the atrial septum, the right ual U-sutures that pierce the right-sided portion
atrium is closed with a continuous suture. Special of the ventricular septum as superficially as pos-
attention is given to de-airing both the left and sible, taking care to preserve the heart structures,
right sides of the heart using forced ventilation of in particular the right bundle. The sutures enter
the lungs and continuous aspiration of blood the tissue about 6 mm from the upper rim of the
from the ascending aorta. In all patients trans- defect, exit 2–3 mm further away, and are then led
esophageal echocardiography is performed after in the direction of the atrium through the border
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
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a b

..Fig. 12.25  a, b Closure of an intermediate atrioventricular septal defect

of the AV valves. To prevent the sutures being

transected by the septum muscle, we use synthetic Correction of the complete atrioventricular
reinforcement, i.e., either small Teflon tubes or septal defect should maintain the
Teflon pledgets. Placement of the sutures begins anatomically correct position of the atrioven-
on both sides in the outer edges of the defect and tricular valve leaflets at end systole, to avoid
proceeds toward the center, so that the last of leaflet distortion, which can result in mitral
these sutures can be used as the first suture for valve incompetence or to narrowing of the
adaptation of the corners of the left superior and left ventricular outflow tract and the
left inferior leaflet in the area of the marking development of a subaortic stenosis.
suture. Thus, the same sutures can then be passed
through the lower edge of the pericardial patch
that serves to close the ostium primum defect and We perform the operation through a complete
then be knotted (. Fig. 12.25b). or partial median sternotomy. The heart–lung
In rare cases of intermediate AVSD, it can be machine is connected via aortic and bicaval can-
necessary, in the interests of secure closure of the nulation, and the procedure is carried out in mod-
interventricular communication, to use a synthetic erate hypothermia and with myocardial protection
patch, namely, when only a very delicate, fragile by means of crystalloid cardioplegia solution. To
membrane is present below the AV valves. obtain optimal exposure, the superior caval can-
Alternatively, the complete AV valve level can be nula is placed directly in the superior vena cava
lowered onto the septal crest (see also below: modi- and the inferior cannula near the entrance of the
fied single-patch technique for total AVSD repair). inferior vena cava into the right atrium.
The right atrium is opened in the same man-  Surgery for Complete ner as described for the correction of partial
Atrioventricular Septal AVSDs. Following right atriotomy, four stay
Defect sutures are placed on the anterior and posterior
edges of the atrial incision, and a small vent cath-
kRepair of complete AVSD with eter is placed in the left atrium so that the anat-
double-patch technique omy can be evaluated. Next, the VSD is visualized,
When compared to single-patch and modified sin- including the anterior and posterior VSD–anulus
gle-patch techniques, double-patch repair may offer relations, to identify the extent of VSD repair nec-
practical and theoretical advantages: there is no essary. The common atrioventricular valve is eval-
need to incise the bridging leaflet, which is necessary uated after injection of cold sterile saline solution
with the single-patch technique. This avoids the risk into the left ventricle to recognize the ideal coop-
of leaflet dehiscence and the shortening of the mitral tation of the left components of the anterior and
valve leaflets that may occur with the single-patch posterior bridging leaflet. To anticipate the cleft
technique (Fortuna et al. 2004; Litwin et al. 2007). closure, a marking suture is placed at the base of
330 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

the cleft. Asymmetric apposition of the leaflets close to their native and systole position and so
should be avoided because this can lead to post- that they are separated from the left ventricular
operative incompetence of the left AV valve. The outflow tract by the short anterior end of the
deepest part of the cleft at the valve leaflet free patch (Van Arsdel et al. 1995). The stitches are
margin is identified by bringing together the pulled tight so that the right side of the patch is
bridging leafs at the point of the first chordal firmly fixed to the ventricular septum.
attachments to the free margins. The extent of the After the VSD patch is secured, 6-0 or 5-0
cleft closure is indicated by marking sutures monofilament nonabsorbable sutures are passed
placed along the facing margins of the anterior through the upper rim of the VSD patch and then
and posterior bridging leaflet (. Fig. 12.26). through the adjacent AV valve leaflets using the
When the leaflets are undivided, an attempt is previously placed marking sutures as a guide.
made to place more leaflet tissue on the side of the Thus, the separation is achieved, enabling a left
left AV valve. If leaflets are naturally divided, this and right AV valve to be formed (. Fig. 12.27c, d).
usually determines the size of the new anterior left The cleft in the new anterior left AV valve leaflet is
AV valve leaflet (. Fig. 12.27a). closed completely up to the insertion point of the
When the leaflet anatomy has been identified primary chordae at the leaflets edges, using inter-
and marking sutures have been placed on the base rupted fine monofilament nonabsorbable sutures.
point of the AV valve cleft, the ventricular septal The valve size is measured with a Hegar dilator
defect is closed with multiple interrupted felted and compared with the age-dependent normal
mattress sutures or with continuous sutures diameter to avoid AV valve stenosis (Rowlatt et al.
placed on the right ventricular side of the 1963). If the newly created orifice is too small, a
VSD. Usually six to eight single sutures are neces- few of the sutures at the free margin of the valve
sary (. Fig.  12.27b). These sutures should be that were placed for cleft closure can be removed,
placed further from the crest at the posterior end although we consider a diameter of 1–2  mm
of the VSD to avoid injury to the conduction tis- smaller than the normal age-related orifice diam-
sue. A scalloped Dacron patch (or alternatively a eter to be acceptable (Rowlatt et al. 1963). Valve
pericardial or Gore-Tex patch) is trimmed to competence is tested by filling the left ventricle
12 make it slightly smaller than the VSD.  This with saline. If there is residual insufficiency, addi-
reduces the size of the dilated anulus and there- tional anuloplasty sutures are necessary, with the
fore may help to reduce the incidence of AV valve position of the anuloplasty determined by the
incompetence newly occurring after the repair direction of the insufficiency jet (Spray 2004). It
(Suzuki and Fukuda 2002). may be necessary to tolerate slight residual insuf-
When fashioning the VSD patch, the height ficiency. Although incomplete cleft closure has to
should be chosen to maintain the valve leaflets be tolerated in cases of small orifices with com-
plete closure, these patients are at a higher risk for
reoperation for left AV valve regurgitation in
medium-term follow-up (Alexi-Meskishvili et al.
Next, the ASD is closed according to the tech-
nique described in the section on partial AVSDs
(. Fig.  12.27e). The right atrium is then closed
and after de-airing of the heart the aortic clamp is
Only in patients with a risk of developing a
critical elevation of pulmonary vascular resis-
tance postoperatively do we place a left atrial pres-
sure measurement catheter through the sulcus
interatrialis at the level of the right upper pulmo-
nary vein and a pulmonary arterial pressure mea-
surement catheter through the right ventricular
..Fig. 12.26  Closure of a total atrioventricular septal outflow tract. Others routinely place left atrial
defect using a double-patch technique catheters postoperatively in any AVSD patient.
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
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Transesophageal contrast echocardiography and meticulous technical repair, it is, in our
is performed to evaluate cardiac function, experience, rarely necessary to reestablish
residual shunt flow, and atrioventricular valve extracorporeal circulation to perform a further
function. Using careful intracardiac evaluation correction.

..Fig. 12.27  Closure of a total atrioventricular septal defect using a double-patch technique
332 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

kRepair of complete AVSD with single-patch the left ventricle with a small catheter. Because the
technique superior and inferior bridging leaflets of the
The original single-patch technique for correc- ­common AV valve must be completely divided in
tion of the total AVSD was described by the the single-patch technique, it is very important that
group from Mayo Clinic (Rastelli et al. 1968a). the point of apposition of these leaflets be identi-
This technique was favored by Aldo Castaneda fied and marked with fine stay sutures. Once the
also and found again more recent appreciation line of division has been planned, the superior and
(Crawford 2007; Reddy and McElhinney 1997). It inferior bridging leaflets are divided, therefore
is described shortly below (. Fig. 12.28). becoming part of the left and right AV valves. After
A single pericardial patch, harvested at the division of the leaflets, the underlying ventricular
beginning of surgery and fixed in glutaraldehyde septal defect can be seen. All chordae tendineae
(0.1–0.6 %), is used to repair the entire septal attaching to the free edge of the leaflets should be
defect. After aortic cross-clamping and cardiople- preserved as far as possible. The interventricular
gia administration, the right atriotomy is per- component of the defect is first closed with inter-
formed as described above. The valve leaflets are rupted pledget-supported 5-0 nonabsorbable
inspected after infusion of 20-mm cold saline into sutures or continuous 5-0 polypropylene sutures.

a b



..Fig. 12.28  a–d Closure of an atrioventricular septal defect using single-patch technique
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
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When the level of the AV valve orifice is reached,  Important Technical
the divided valve leaflets are sewn to the patch with Comments for AVSD repair
interrupted nonabsorbable doubly pledget-sup- To avoid injury to the conduction system, some
ported sutures. The level of reattachment of the surgeons used alternative techniques for ASD clo-
leaflets to the patch should be chosen rather lower sure. The suture line can be placed outside the
than too high. Closure of the cleft in the newly cre- coronary sinus so that this opens under the patch
ated left AV valve is performed with interrupted into the left atrium leading to a mandatory right-­
5-0, 6-0, or 7-0 polypropylene sutures, which are to-­left shunt. If a left upper vena cava leading into
placed up to the first-order chordae tendineae the coronary sinus is present, this technique can-
when closure is complete. The cleft can be also not be used. If the coronary sinus is unroofed, the
closed before reattachment of the leaflets to the defect should be closed through the left atrium. If
patch. It can even be closed before the superior there is a prominent left upper vena cava leading
leaflet is divided for this technique. In circum- into the coronary sinus, patch closure of the ASD
stances in which complete closure would result in a by the technique described above means that the
restrictive valve orifice, fewer sutures are placed coronary sinus and the left upper vena cava lead
(partial closure). The newly created left AV valve is into the right atrium. A left upper vena cava is
tested by injecting saline into the left ventricle. If treated in the manner described in the section on
necessary, anuloplasty is performed. After resus- anomalies of the caval veins (12.1.3).
pension and adjustment of the leaflets, the pericar- In about 10 % of partial, intermediate, or total
dial patch is used to close the atrial component of AVSD, additional AV valve abnormalities may
the septal defect (including the secundum defect, complicate the surgical procedure. Most often a
when present) with a running 5-0 polypropylene double orifice of the left AV valve («double-orifice
suture so that the coronary sinus orifice comes to mitral valve») and a potential parachute valve,
lie in the right atrium. The right atrium is closed which is caused by fusion of the papillary muscles
and the operation is completed in the usual manner. to form a single papillary muscle, are found
(Ilbawi et al. 1983). In addition to a left open cleft
kRepair of complete AVSD with modified or a reopening cleft, these additional abnormali-
single-patch technique ties lead to postoperative incompetence of the AV
When the modified single-patch technique is valve and result in the need for reoperation fol-
used (Bender et al. 1982; Nicholson et al. 1999; lowing AVSD correction (Alexi-Meskishvili et al.
Wilcox et al. 2004), the VSD is closed directly 1996, 1997; Nakano et al. 2002). Sometimes there
using multiple interrupted mattress sutures. is more than one additional anomaly of a valve
Teflon-buttressed 5-0 sutures are placed from the (Bano-Rodriges et al. 1988). If there is a double-­
right side of the interventricular septal crest and orifice valve, the main orifice is often associated
passed through the bridging leaflet of the com- with a cleft formation supported by both papillary
mon AV valve, through one edge of the autolo- muscles, while the second orifice, which lies in the
gous pericardial patch—to close the atrial septal posteromedial portion of the left AV valve, is
defect—and finally through a thin strip of Dacron ­usually supported by only one papillary muscle.
or pericardium. These sutures are then tied down This prevents the normal excursion of the leaflet
to close the ventricular septal defect. The length of during the diastole (Manning 2007). Separation
Dacron or pericardial strip must be shorter than of the bridging leaflet tissue must be avoided to
the septal crest, so that suture tying results in a prevent floating and prolapsing of the central seg-
central anuloplasty of the common orifice and ment of the valve, which would lead to severe
ensures that adequate leaflet tissue is available for postcorrection valve insufficiency (Lee et al. 1985;
coaptation of the leaflets. If the central leaflets are Manning 2007). If there is a cleft in the true ori-
naturally divided rather than bridging, the sutures fice, it should be closed up to the point on the
are passed from the septal crest through the edge edge of the leaflet where the chordae tendineae
of the leaflets on each side of the septum (creating support the leaflet. In patients with a narrow
a bridging leaflet) and then through pericardium mural valve portion and when complete cleft clo-
or Dacron as described above (Nunn 2007). The sure would significantly reduce the true opening
remainder of the AVSD repair is conducted as area, closure of the cleft must remain partial.
described for single-patch repair. In  such situations some surgeons accept a true
334 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

opening area of a minimum of 80 % of the ­normal was hypothesized that right ventricle volume
value (Nakano et al. 2002; Rowlatt et al. 1963). overload results in right-to-left septal bowing
When an accessory mitral valve orifice is well sup- and contributes to the presence of a hypoplastic
ported by chordae and does not cause incompe- left ventricle, which can actually accommodate a
tence, it may be left as it is (Lee et al. 1985; Nakano greater potential volume (Phoon and Silverman
et al. 2002; Schaff 1982). In these cases, the cleft of 1997). Hence, surgical decision-­making depends
the true opening may be completely closed to not only on the AVVI but also on the absolute
achieve complete valve competence, even if now left ventricular volume and the potentially toler-
the true orifice becomes stenotic. The second, ated total volume. However, the definition of
double orifice would compensate for this. ventricular hypoplasia to be determined preop-
When there is only a single left ventricular eratively remains unclear, since the main criteria
papillary muscle, this potentially leads to a stenotic used so far apply to small left ventricles in other
parachute valve, which represents a considerable clinical conditions (Phoon and Silverman 1997;
challenge for the AVSD correction procedure. This Van Son et al. 1997).
situation should be distinguished from patholo- At our institution we have developed a guide-
gies in which one of the papillary muscles is hyper- line for the choice of surgical strategy based on
plastic. In single papillary muscle, anatomical the relationship between the long axis of the left
complete closure of the cleft carries the risk of pro- ventricle and the long axis of the right ventricle
ducing a significant mitral valve stenosis. In such (LV/RV long axis ratio) (Delmo Walter et al.
situations the division of a single papillary muscle 2008). A small left ventricle is defined on the basis
and partial cleft closure, without creating a steno- of angiographic measurements when the LV/RV
sis, represent an acceptable compromise (David et long axis ratio is smaller than 1.1. The ventricular
al. 1982; Litwin et al. 2007; Manning 2007). axis lengths were measured in the plane in which
If tetralogy of Fallot is present, the anterior the left and right AV valve reach a position in one
edge of the patch used to close the VSD must be plane with their respective apices during ventric-
much wider and reach far enough to the right to ulography (. Fig. 12.29).
completely subsume the overriding aortic root In our experience, 16 patients with an LV/RV
12 and prevent narrowing of the subaortic area value of >0.65 (mean 0.80 ± 11) underwent suc-
(Ilbawi et al. 1990). When applying a single-patch cessful biventricular correction of the defect. In
technique for complete AVSD repair in TOF, the two out of three patients with severe left ventricu-
superior bridging leaflet has to be divided more lar hypoplasia (LV/RV value of 0.45, 0.60, and
anteriorly to prevent subaortic stenosis and/or 0.62, respectively), weaning from cardiopulmo-
increased risk for patch dehiscence. nary bypass was not possible. Two of them (LV/
RV value of 0.45 and 0.60) died on the 8th and  Patients with AVSD and 11th postoperative day, respectively, despite
Small Left Ventricle mechanical circulatory support. The third patient
Surgical correction of a partial or complete (LV/RV of 0.62) needed postoperative extracor-
AVSD in patients with a preoperatively identi- poreal membrane oxygenation due to myocardial
fied small left ventricle poses a challenge for car- failure and successfully underwent heart trans-
diac surgeons, in particular in terms of the plantation on the 21st postoperative day.
choice of surgical strategy (Apitz et al. 2009). Our experience demonstrates that the size
There are as yet no proven guidelines for decid- of the left ventricle in total AVSD should not be
ing between biventricular correction and uni- considered absolute and that the left ventricle
ventricular palliation (Cohen and Stevenson has the potential to increase to a size sufficient
2007). These authors reported on a large group to support the systemic circulation. In this regard
of patients with unbalanced AVSD, in whom it was surprising that preoperatively the volume-­
they used echocardiographic measurement of overloaded right ventricle can compress the
the atrioventricular valve index (AVVI). This already small left ventricle. Further, it was notable
parameter is the left valve area divided by the that after surgical correction of the total AVSD,
right valve area. The authors suggested that only primarily because of reversal of septal deviation,
patients with AVVI >0.67 (symmetrical) can the left ventricle is allowed to attain its full status
safely undergo biventricular repair. Further, it as a ventricle.
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
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a b
LV/RV Long Axis Ratio (LAR)

AV-Value Level Plane of AV valve

Length LV
Length LV Length RV
Length RV (Normal >1,1)
LV length (long axis)
RV length (long axis)

..Fig. 12.29  a, b Measurements of LV-to-RV long axis ratio (LAR) where ventricular lengths were obtained by measur-
ing the distance in the plane in which the left AV valve and right AV valve are on the same level as their respective api-
ces. The relation of the left to the right side is determined (normal: >1.1)

The presence of a small left ventricle (with LV/ in patients with partial AVSD than in those with
RV value of as low as 0.66) did not preclude suc- complete AVSD. This phenomenon can partially
cessful biventricular repair. However, a value of be explained by the fact that a higher incidence
under 0.65  in the preoperative angiogram was of additional anomalies of the left AV valve mor-
clearly a predictor of myocardial failure. In such a phology is observed in patients with partial AVSD
case a univentricular surgical strategy should be than in patients with complete AVSD.
followed (Drinkwater and Laks 1997). Han and colleagues (1995) found that the over-
Although our findings cannot be compared all increase of valve incompetence in patients after
directly with those of Cohen and Rychik (1999), correction of partial AVSD correlated to an increase
we agree that the true LV size may be misleading. in mild regurgitation. There is a tendency toward an
Our series suggest that the size of the left ventricle increase in moderate regurgitation and no change
may be influenced by surgical manipulation. The in the group with severe regurgitation. The inci-
key parameter is the relationship between the dence of reoperations for significant left AV valve
long axes, since this value is independent of septal incompetence after correction of various types of
deviation. Further, this parameter is not only sim- AVSD ranges between 8 and 20 % and seems to be
ple to obtain but probably also far better than higher in patients with unsutured cleft or additional
volumetry with its complex measurements. valve anomalies ­ (Alexi-Meskishvili et al. 1997;
Nakano et al. 2002; Hoohenkerk et al. 2012).  Results of AVSD Repair There is no single or ideal procedure for cor-
Complete correction of a complete AVSD remains recting residual AV valve incompetence if the
a challenging operation (Kaza et al. 2011). In cause is other than open cleft. Various surgical
recent years there have been many modifications techniques have been suggested, among others
in the surgical technique and different approaches cleft closure or valve perforation suturing with or
to the AV valve, and many centers have reported without different types of anuloplasty, triangular
low early and late postoperative mortality. or quadrangular leaflet resection, chordal short-
Nevertheless, left AV valve incompetence remains ening, or resection of secondary chords and plica-
the main cause of postoperative mortality and tion of redundant leaflets; the number of variations
morbidity and is the most frequent indication reflects the complexity of the problem.
for reoperations, which are necessary in 10 % Valve replacement during initial surgery for
of cases (Ando and Takahashi 2011; Patel et al. AVSD is rarely necessary, although the presence
2012; Permut and Mehta 1997). The incidence of of severe valve anomalies increases risk of recur-
severe preoperative left AV valve incompetence is rent valve incompetence and the subsequent need
rare. However, in some series a higher incidence for valve replacement. Mitral valve replacement
of preoperative left AV incompetence was noted can be performed safely in adult patients, but in
336 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

infants and small children it can be a challeng- The choice of procedure depends on the spe-
ing procedure. Drawbacks of prosthetic valve cific etiology of the obstruction. The most fre-
replacement in children include the requirement quent form of subaortic stenosis, which may
of long-­ term anticoagulation, the potential of occur many years after AVSD correction,
compromising annual growth and the necessity remains, however, the typical fibromuscular
of repeat valve replacement as the child grows. («membranous») form, which generally does
Proposed techniques of valve replacement in not cause more technical difficulties than any
small children include supra-anular implantation other fibromuscular SAS in the absence of
in cases of severe anular hypoplasia and enlarge- AVSD.
ment of the mitral valve anulus after incision of
the ventricular septal patch (Ando and Fraser  Atrium commune
2001). The term «common atrium» is used for malfor-
A further potential danger after AVSD repair mations with complete absence of the atrial sep-
is the development of an obstruction of the left tum accompanied by anomalies of the
ventricular outflow tract, which is observed in atrioventricular valves and can be considered a
2–10 % of patients operated upon (Crawford variant of the AVSD (Jacobs et al. 2000a). In these
2007; Nunn 2007). The causes of this complica- cases surgical treatment consists of complete cre-
tion are intrinsic abnormalities of the left ven- ation of the atrial septum with autologous peri-
tricular outflow tract. Elongation, anterior cardium or a synthetic patch. If coexisting
rightward displacement, and stenosis of the left anomalies of the caval or pulmonary veins are
ventricular outflow tract are present in most present, they are also treated appropriately. The
hearts with an AVSD and represent the anatomic term «single atrium» is reserved for atrial septal
cause of the «gooseneck» deformity. When these defects resulting virtually in one atrium; however,
features are pronounced, tubular stenosis may there are no anomalies of the atrioventricular
occur. Excrescences of fibrous tissue related to valves present.
the left AV valve and thickening of the fibrous
tissue in the membranous portion of the septum
12 may produce a discrete ridge within the left ven- 12.2  ongenital Heart Defects
tricular outflow tract. Other causes of obstruc- with Obstruction of the Left
tion include abnormal insertion of papillary Ventricular Inflow Tract
muscles or chordae tendineae into the infundib-
ular septum and dynamic obstruction by sys- 12.2.1  Overview
tolic anterior motion of the left AV valve into the
left ventricular outflow tract (Shiokawa and This group of congenital heart defects function-
Becker 1997). Significant left ventricular outflow ally has an obstruction of the blood flow from the
tract obstruction after AVSD correction is lung into the heart and embryologically shows
regarded as present when the pressure gradient anomalous drainage of the pulmonary veins into
at rest is >40 mmHg, which then is considered the true left atrium. These defects are classified
an indication for reoperation (Permut and Mehta according to their localization:
1997). 55 Stenosis and atresia of one or more pulmo-
Management of this complication must often nary veins
incorporate a number of techniques (Van Arsdel 55 Total anomalous pulmonary venous connec-
et al. 1995). There are several basic surgical tion to the systemic venous system with or
options to treat this complication (DeLeon et al. without obstruction
1991; Starr and Hovaguimian 1994; Van Son et al. 55 Cor triatriatum
55 Resection of fibromuscular tissue In addition to these developmentally related
55 Modified Konno procedure anomalies, the following also belong to the con-
55 Detachment and resuspension of the left AV genital heart defects with obstruction of the left
valve ventricular inflow tract:
55 Implantation of an apico-aortic valve-bearing 55 Congenital mitral valve defects
conduit 55 Supravalvular stenotic mitral ring
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
337 12
55 Left atrial cardiac tumor, which mainly of other congenital anomalies (Ito et al. 2001).
occurs as an atrial myxoma (see 7 Chapter Different surgical techniques have been used to
«Cardiac Tumors and Pericardial Diseases», correct congenital or acquired pulmonary vein
Sect. stenosis in pediatric patients, but the success of the
treatment was limited (Sakamoto et al. 1995;
The clinical symptoms presented by these Spray and Bridges 1999). The problem with the
heart defects are extremely similar. Two-­ proposed techniques of patch repair in small chil-
dimensional echocardiography should be able to dren and infants is partially related to the fact that
establish the diagnosis. Cardiac catheterization minor geometric changes in small patients can
and cardio-angiography could help in determin- have critical effects on the low-pressure system, in
ing the actual hemodynamics if desired. which the flow is high, resulting in turbulence,
In the interests of completeness and less to aid intimal hyperplasia, or kinking of the patch repair
differential diagnosis, congenital diverticulum of causing additional venous obstruction. Sutureless
the left atrium is included in this section. techniques proposed in the late 1990s, on the
other hand, allow hemodynamically optimal cor-
rection (Azakie et al. 2011; Caldarone et al. 1998;
12.2.2  Congenital Pulmonary Lacour-Gayet et al. 1996, 1999; Yanagawa et al.
Vein Stenosis 2011). The patients with involvement of all pulmo-
nary veins have a uniformly poor prognosis due to Introduction progressive pulmonary vascular disease and are
Congenital pulmonary vein (PV) stenosis is a rare candidates for heart–lung transplantation
anomaly, accounting for only 0.4–0.6 % of all con- (Mendelhof et al. 1995; Spray and Bridges 1999).
genital cardiac anomalies (Edwards 1960; Park Clearly no single-treatment algorithm can be
et al. 1974; Aleksi-Meskhishvili 1977; Latson and applied in all cases. Congenital pulmonary venous
Prieto 2007). It may involve any or all pulmonary stenosis is often an isolated lesion, but it may
veins. The term pulmonary vein stenosis describes coexist with total anomalous pulmonary vein
a variety of entities with variable clinical courses. connection, complete transposition of the great
The basic pathological process is fibrous intimal arteries, a ventricular septal defect, or other
thickening, which can gradually cause obliteration anomalies (Van Son et al. 1995a).
of the lumen of the pulmonary veins at the atrial
junction. In its most severe form, congenital pul- Embryology
monary vein stenosis is a progressive disease with Congenital pulmonary venous stenosis has an
rapid development of pulmonary hypertension embryologic relation with total anomalous pulmo-
and rare survival beyond the first year of life. It nary vein connection and cor triatriatum. Despite
may not be found immediately after birth but this embryologic relation, co-occurrence of con-
develops within the first 6 months of life to clinical genital pulmonary venous stenosis and cor triatri-
significance. Surgical intervention has not been atum is extremely rare (Sade et al. 1974). In the
successful in this group. Other forms of pulmo- 3-mm large embryo, a diverticulum has formed
nary vein stenosis, including unilateral types asso- that in the future will develop into the left atrial
ciated with further congenital heart defects, may portion of the sinoatrial region. The diverticulum,
be managed by various surgical procedures or in or common pulmonary vein, grows toward the
some cases by pneumonectomy. The pulmonary developing lungs and ultimately connects with the
venous stenosis that can develop following radio- pulmonary veins, which have already formed.
frequency ablation to correct atrial fibrillation is When this drainage pathway is established, the
an iatrogenic complication (Saad et al. 2003). early connection between the splanchnic plexus
Although multiple direct surgical techniques and the umbilicovitelline and cardinal venous sys-
have been described for the repair of congenital tems becomes of secondary importance and is
pulmonary vein stenosis, the «sutureless» tech- largely lost. As the left atrium rapidly grows, the
niques are also important (Caldarone et al. 1998; common pulmonary vein is absorbed into the pos-
Lacour-Gayet et al. 1996). terior atrial wall, and the pulmonary veins enter
Often coexisting congenital pulmonary venous the left atrium individually. A variety of obstruc-
stenosis is an incidental finding during correction tive lesions of the pulmonary venous drainage may
338 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

occur, depending upon the stage at which normal described in a report on pulmonary vein steno-
embryogenesis is interrupted. If atresia of the com- sis after TAPVD repair, can be treated effectively
mon pulmonary vein occurs very early, a major by excision of the obstruction (Lacour-Gayet
drainage route can be established through either 2006). Initially, increase of the vein caliber can
the umbilical or cardinal venous system and lead be effectively achieved by patch angioplasty.
to total anomalous pulmonary vein connection of Whenever possible the use of artificial or
the infracardiac or supracardiac type. If the steno- allograft patches should be avoided, as they may
sis occurs at a later stage, the result may be stenosis induce neointimal formation with increased
of the common pulmonary vein (cor triatriatum). need for reoperation (Van Son et al. 1995a, b).
If stenosis occurs at a very late stage, after absorp- When segmental stenosis or atresia is present,
tion of the common pulmonary vein into the pos- the technique described by Pacifico for the
terior left atrial wall, the result will be stenosis or removal of pulmonary venous obstructions
atresia of an individual pulmonary vein. Further, using either atrial wall or atrial septal tissue may
pulmonary vein stenosis may occur on a physio- be useful (Pacifico et al. 1985).
logical basis in patients with cor triatriatum due to The surgical method of treatment for
restriction of flow from the chamber containing congenital and acquired pulmonary venous
the pulmonary veins to the chamber containing stenosis is described in detail in the sec-
the mitral valve. tion dedicated to total anomalous pulmonary
venous drainage. Clinical Presentation Histologically, the membrane that may be
The clinical presentation of congenital pulmonary removed from the orifices of the pulmonary veins
venous stenosis resembles that seen with all the shows intimal fibrous thickening without cell
other lesions that produce pulmonary venous infiltration and therefore no evidence of active
hypertension. The prognosis is poor, particularly if inflammation (Reye 1951).
all pulmonary veins are affected. Although pro-
gression of symptoms may be less rapid if only one
or two pulmonary veins are involved, progression
12 to bilateral pulmonary vascular disease leading to 12.2.3  Cor Triatriatum Sinistrum
death is usually the rule, even in initially less severe
cases (Edwards 1960; Lacour-Gayet 2006; Sade Introduction
et  al. 1974; Spray and Bridges 1999). Two- Cor triatriatum is a rare congenital cardiac anom-
dimensional echocardiography with pulse Doppler aly and represents 0.1 % of all congenital cardiac
examination and color-coded flow imaging pro- malformations. It is associated with other cardiac
vides a reliable method for identifying and local- defects in up to 50 % of cases, for example, with
izing the pulmonary venous obstruction and (Löffler 1949; Marin-Garcia et al. 1975; Cooley and
determining its degree (Van Son et al. 1995a, b). Murphy 1990; Masayaoshi et al. 2001; Oelert et al.
1973; Oglietti et al. 1983; Pirc et al. 1996; Richardson History et al. 1981; Rodefeld et al. 1990; Sethia et al. 1988):
The first surgical correction of congenital pulmo- 55 Transposition of the great arteries
nary stenosis was reported by Kawashima in 1971 55 Tetralogy of Fallot
(Kawashima et al. 1971). Correction later in the 55 Atrioventricular canal defects
life may be successful in removing a localized 55 Anomalous pulmonary venous drainage
venous obstruction (Binet et al. 1972; Kawashima 55 Tricuspid atresia
et al. 1971). In subsequent studies, high early and 55 Aortic isthmus stenosis
late mortality rates have been reported (Binet 55 Ebstein’s anomaly
et al. 1972; Pacifico et al. 1985). 55 Persistent ductus arteriosus Botalli Surgical Procedures Surgery is the treatment of choice. Indications

The surgical approach to pulmonary vein steno- for emergency surgery in small infants are signs of
sis must be flexible, and the correctional tech- cardiac failure with pulmonary and systemic con-
nique will depend on the local anatomy of each gestion. In older children and adults, surgery is
lesion. Those of the membranous type, as performed electively.
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
339 12 History Variable types of subtotal cor triatriatum also
While the classical pathoanatomical features were exist, with only one right or one left pulmonary
already described in detail by Church 1867/1868, it vein draining into the proximal chamber
was Max Borst in 1905 who presented a specimen (. Fig. 12.30) (Van Praagh and Corsini 1969). The
using the term cor triatriatum (Borst 1905). The clinical course of untreated cor triatriatum sinis-
first anatomical classification, proposed by Löffler trum depends on the effective opening area in the
in 1949, was extended by Edwards in 1960. Cor diaphragm and on the presence and location of an
triatriatum was successfully corrected for the first ASD as a decompression outlet for the left atrium.
time by Lillehei in 1955 (Jorgensen et al. 1967; Three quarters of patients with severe obstruction
Vineberg and Gialloreto 1956). die in infancy (Brown and Hanish 2003).
The location of the atrial appendage is a key Surgical Anatomy characteristic of this congenital malformation
Embryologically this condition arises through and differentiates cor triatriatum from a similar
defective incorporation of the four pulmonary condition, supravalvular mitral valve stenosis. In
veins into the posterior left atrial wall (Steen et al. cor triatriatum, the left atrial appendage is invari-
2007). In its most common form, cor triatriatum ably found in the same chamber as the mitral
sinister, the left atrium is divided into a proximal valve ring, proximal to the dividing atrial mem-
and a distal chamber. The two chambers are sepa- brane, i.e., in the «low-pressure» compartment.
rated by a diaphragm with one or more restrictive The classification by Lucas et al. (1961) includes
ostia. The pulmonary veins drain into the proxi- eight main types of cor triatriatum sinistrum and
mal chamber, and when the openings are small, is based on the relation of obstructive membrane
functional pulmonary venous stenosis results. to the atria and the atrial septal defects.

a b c

d e f

..Fig. 12.30  a–f Types of cor triatriatum sinistrum with the different connections between the atria: intracardial a–e
and extracardial f
340 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al. Clinical Presentation atriotomy can be used. In some cases of coexisting

The degree of severity of the disease depends on complex cardiac anomalies, deep hypothermia
the number and size of the orifices in the mem- and circulatory arrest can be used to allow com-
brane between the upper and lower atrial portion. plete repair (Alphonso et al. 2005).
Whereas a severe obstruction unavoidably leads
to pulmonary hypertension and right-sided heart kOperation through the right atrium
failure, the anomaly may be accompanied by only and the atrial septum
moderate or even absent pressure gradients and a Transatrioseptal access through the right atrium
lack of clinical symptoms, and it may even be dis- is suitable mainly in infants and small children
covered only by chance. The clinical presentation and in older patients when there is, in addition, a
of cor triatriatum is characterized by blood con- large atrial septal defect. Cannulation of the
gestion in the pulmonary circulation, which is upper and lower vena cava is performed in such a
deceptively similar to that of congenital mitral manner that a broad portion of the atrial wall
valve stenosis. The final diagnosis is made by remains free for the atriotomy. Opening of the
echocardiography. Additional cardiac catheter- right atrium is performed parallel and close to
ization is indicated at least beyond infancy to the atrioventricular groove: the retractor is posi-
evaluate secondary pulmonary vascular obstruc- tioned in the atrial wall, and the atrial septum is
tive disease. incised from the upper edge of the interatrial
communication in the direction of the right Surgical Techniques upper pulmonary vein (. Fig.  12.31a). Then the
kIntroduction direction of incision is reversed, and the caudal
Symptomatic patients and patients with elevated atrial septum is opened, which exposes not only
pulmonary artery pressure need their obstruc- the actual left atrium but also the insertion edge
tion to be taken care of. Although interventional of the separating membrane at the atrial septum.
catheterization techniques have been devel- The retractor is switched to the atrial septum, and
oped and have been used successfully in some the relationship of the membrane to the mitral
patients (Huang et al. 2002), open surgical cor- valve, on the one hand, and to the left pulmonary
12 rection is currently preferred. In asymptomatic veins, on the other hand, is evaluated. After the
patients with normal pulmonary arterial pres- surgeon has checked that all four pulmonary
sure routine, echocardiographic observation is veins drain normally, the membrane is excised
recommended (Alphonso et al. 2005; Steen et directly along the attachment margin
al. 2007). The procedure is performed on car- (. Fig. 12.31b). Direct vision of the entire mitral
diopulmonary bypass and in cardioplegic car- valve is not always possible from the beginning.
diac arrest. Deep hypothermic circulatory arrest However, as the membrane resection continues,
may be used in neonates and small infants. First the valve becomes more easily visible, which is
successful operative treatment was performed particularly important where the membrane runs
by Vineberg on July 15, 1954 (Vineberg and very close to the valve, in posterolateral direction
Gialoreto 1956). Surgery offers good early and (. Fig. 12.31c).
long-term results both for the isolated anom- Resection of the triatrial membrane in trans-­
aly and also for those occurring in association right-­atrial approach begins at the septal attach-
with other congenital heart defects (Alexi- ment and proceeds in anterior and posterior
Meskishvili et al. 2000; Alphonso et al. 2005; direction. The resection may be most difficult
Croti et al. 2003). along the lateral left atrial wall, where it is vital to
The surgical treatment involves complete resec- ensure that neither the mitral valve nor the entry
tion of the obstructive membrane between the dis- of the left lower pulmonary vein into the left
tal and proximal chambers in the left atrium atrium is injured. In this area the depth of the exci-
performed through the atrial septal defect, which sion is also difficult to gauge, and occasionally per-
is enlarged for the purpose by an incision in the foration of the free posterior wall of the left atrium
atrial septum. All pulmonary veins should be or the coronary sinus may occur. Sometimes such
carefully identified. The atrial septal defect is injuries, which have to be sutured, are not to be
closed with a pericardial patch. Alternatively, in avoided, when through complete excision of the
older patients with a dilated left atrium, a left membrane unhindered blood flow from the
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
341 12
pulmonary veins to the mitral valve needs to be kOperation through the left atrium
guaranteed. Once it has been established that the In older children and adults, the intra-atrial mem-
left atrial wall and the mitral valve are intact, the brane in cor triatriatum may alternatively be
atrial septum is closed by direct suturing or by accessed through the pulmonary vein sinus, i.e.,
implantation of a pericardial or synthetic patch through the cranially positioned accessory left
that is anchored with a continuous suture (4-0 atrium. The incision is made to the right of and
polypropylene) (. Fig.  12.31d). In patch closure posterior to the interatrial sulcus. After broad
the suture begins at the lowest point of the atrial opening a small hook is inserted into the atrial wall
sepal defect. From there it is taken in clockwise so that the membrane, with its usually central per-
direction along the right lateral edge and then foration, can be seen. Only the four entries of the
anticlockwise along the left lateral edge of the pulmonary veins are visible, whereas the atrial
atrial septum in cranial direction and is knotted at appendage, which is normally visible in the left
the meeting point below the upper vena cava atrium, and the mitral valve cannot be seen. This
entry. Finally, the right atrial incision is directly lack of information concerning the exact position
closed with a continuous suture (4-0 polypropyl- of the true left atrium and its demarcation in rela-
ene). The heart is routinely de-aired under partial tion to the interatrial membrane as well as the
bypass, and the aortic cross-clamp is released to interatrial septum is a serious disadvantage of this
restore coronary perfusion. Once normothermia access approach. A possibly present atrial commu-
has been reached, the patient is weaned from the nication is not always to be seen from this
extracorporeal circulation as per usual. approach.

a Tricuspid valve b
Coronary sinus

c d

..Fig. 12.31  a–d Cor triatriatum: operation through the right atrium and the atrial septum. a Incision of the atrial
septum along the upper edge of the foramen ovale in the direction of the right upper pulmonary vein. b After visual
inspection of both atrial portions, membrane excision is begun along the upper and posterior attachment margin. c
Once the membrane is excised, the mitral valve becomes visible and is inspected to make sure it is intact. d Closure of
the remaining communication between the atria with a synthetic or pericardial patch
342 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

perforation of the free wall of the left atrium

The left transatrial access should be used between these two structures is to be avoided. If
only in large hearts in which it does not such an injury appears, it must be closed by direct
negatively affect the success of the corrective suture. Not until the membrane is completely
procedure. excised is the unobstructed connection between
the pulmonary veins and the mitral valve, which
is usually normally developed, completed
Resection of the membrane through a left atrial (. Fig. 12.32b). If present, the atrial septal defect
incision should only be performed on the relaxed is corrected through the same access before the
cardioplegic heart. It begins with an incision lead- operation is completed by closure of the atrial
ing from the perforation opening to the right incision with a continuous over-and-over suture
upper pulmonary vein (. Fig. 12.32a). As soon as (. Fig.  12.32c). The suture begins at the caudal
the incised membrane can be retracted to reveal incision edge, taking in the anterior atrial flap,
the mitral valve, the resection may be continued tangentially the endocardium below the incision,
without major risk. At the left attachment margin, and lastly the posterior atrial flap, and, after knot-
it is necessary to take into consideration the close ting, continues in cranial direction to the middle
proximity of the left pulmonary vein to the mitral of the incision. A similar suture is placed from the
valve. As excision of the membrane continues, upper incision edge in the opposite direction and,

a b


..Fig. 12.32  a–c Cor triatriatum sinistrum: operation through the left atrium. a Excision of the membrane dividing
the left atrium starting from the central perforation and proceeding along the attachment margin. b After complete
membrane excision, the two parts of the left atrium are connected, and blood flow to the mitral valve is unhindered.
c Direct closure of the left atrium by continuous suture
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
343 12
after de-airing of the atrium by inflation of the depending on the diameter of the ring. Usually
lung, is knotted with the lower row of sutures. the valve itself is abnormal, and frequently it is
Release of the aortic cross-clamp after de-airing of stenotic or hypoplastic. In many cases this
the heart and weaning of the patient from the lesion is associated with other stenotic lesions
heart–lung machine in normothermia are then such as:
routine procedures. 55 Parachute valve
55 Hammock valve
kOperation for complete division 55 Papillary muscle fusion
of the left atrium 55 Double-orifice mitral valve
If the accessory left atrium is completely divided
from the actual left atrium by an unperforated Supravalvar, or subvalvar where applicable
membrane (see . Fig.  12.30d) but has a connec- mitral ring must be differentiated from cor tria-
tion to the right atrium, the correction is best per- triatum. In both cor triatriatum and supravalvar
formed by transatrioseptal access through the mitral ring, the left atrium is divided into two
right atrium. Here the membrane is also excised, compartments. In cor triatriatum, the distal, pos-
beginning at its caudal edge, which is attached to terior compartment contains the pulmonary
the inferior rim of the atrial septal defect. To enable veins, while the anterior compartment contains
visual inspection, the atrial septal defect is first the left atrial appendage and the mitral valve ori-
enlarged in caudal direction (see . Fig. 12.31a). At fice. In supravalvular mitral ring, the posterior
the same time, this also opens the actual left atrium compartment contains the pulmonary veins and
and allows the surgeon to assess the extent of the the left atrial appendage, while the anterior com-
membrane. This is then entirely excised (see partment contains only the mitral valve orifice.
. Fig.  12.31b, c), and finally the remaining large
atrial septal defect is closed with a pericardial or History
synthetic patch (see . Fig. 12.31d). The procedure The first case was described by Fisher (Cassano
is completed by direct closure of the right atrial 1964; Fisher 1902). Shone and Edwards described
incision with a continuous monofilament suture. a developmental complex of left-sided obstruc-
tions, consisting of a supravalvar mitral ring and a Complications and  Their parachute mitral valve in addition to subaortic
Avoidance stenosis, ventricular septal defect, and coarctation
The most frequent complication is injury to the of the aorta (Shone et al. 1963). Combinations
posterior left atrial wall between the mitral valve with other congenital heart defects, mostly with
and the entry of the left lower pulmonary vein. coarctation of the aorta and a ventricular septal
Such injury cannot always be avoided during com- defect, have been reported (Srinvasan et al. 1980;
plete excision of the triatrial membrane and in Sullivan et al. 1986; Watraida et al. 1997). A para-
principle is not dangerous as long as it is recog- chute mitral valve is often associated with a supra-
nized and the damage is repaired by direct suturing. valvular mitral ring (Banerjee et al. 1995). The
When operated upon timely, surgical results first successful surgical correction was reported by
are very good. Persistent pulmonary hyperten- Lynch and colleagues in 1962 in a 10-year-old girl
sion—especially in the early postoperative with a coexisting ventricular septal defect (Lynch
period—can negatively affect, especially prolong, et al. 1962).
the postoperative course. Surgical Procedure
Resection of the fibrous tissue taking care not to
12.2.4  Supravalvular Stenotic damage the anterior mitral valve leaflet is the pro-
Mitral Ring cedure of choice. The ring is usually easily
separated from the valve with the resection begun Introduction posteriorly and extended anteriorly. Only rarely is
This defect is formed by a circular ridge of mitral valve replacement necessary. The operation
endocardial tissue that is attached to the ante- is performed through a median sternotomy with
rior leaflet of the mitral valve below its insertion standard extracorporeal circulation and cardiac
on the anulus. Varying degrees of stenosis exist, arrest. The obstructive membrane/ring can be
344 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

a b c

..Fig. 12.33  a–c Supramitral ring. a Horseshoe-shaped supravalvular mitral valve ring. Only in the area of the anterior
commissure the stenotic effect of the membrane is less evident. b Excision of the supravalvular stenotic mitral ring
along its margin of attachment to the mitral anulus. c After total removal of the stenotic ring, the (usually intact) mitral
valve is freely visible

resected through the left or right atrium after inci- (TAPVC) can be associated with other heart
sion of the atrial septum. defects, especially in children with polysplenia,
asplenia, or heterotaxy syndrome, we will mainly Surgical Techniques address isolated total anomalous pulmonary
The operation always requires cardiopulmonary venous connection and its combination with
bypass and consists of complete resection of the other minor anomalies, such as patent ductus
supramitral ring, regardless of whether it con- arteriosus Botalli or atrial septal defect.
sists of a ridge, a ring, or a membrane. Access is
gained either through the right atrium and the Surgical Anatomy
atrial septum (especially when further intracar- Knowledge of the normal development of the pul-
12 diac anomalies are present) or directly through monary veins facilitates an understanding of how
the enlarged left atrium. Resection begins with the various types of anomalous pulmonary venous
incision of the superfluous anterosuperior tissue, drainage occur. Failure of the common pulmonary
which can then be relatively easily separated vein to connect with the pulmonary venous plexus
from the mitral anulus (.  Fig.  12.33). It should leads to persistence of one or more venous connec-
be possible to avoid injury to the mitral valve. tions to the right superior vena cava, to the left ver-
Coexisting heart defects must be corrected at the tical vein/innominate vein, or to the umbilicovitelline
same time. If the defect arose from acquired vein/portal vein. Failure of the septum primum to
endocardial fibrosis and the mitral valve is there- form normally or abnormal septation of the sinus
fore insufficient, the valve will need to be recon- venosus can lead to direct connection of the pulmo-
structed so that the insufficiency does not nary veins to the right atrium. Late obstruction of
increase postoperatively. the common pulmonary vein after earlier venous
channels have disappeared can lead to isolated pul-
monary vein atresia, a rare and u ­ sually fatal condi-
12.2.5   otal Anomalous Pulmonary
T tion. If incorporation of the common pulmonary
Venous Connection vein does not take place, left atrial division may
occur, or a cor triatriatum membrane may form, Introduction leading to stenosis of the common pulmonary vein.
The diagnosis of total anomalous pulmonary TAPVC is divided into four broad categories
venous connection is made when all four pulmo- defined by the site of entry of the anomalous con-
nary veins drain anomalously to the right atrium nection to the systemic venous circulation
or to a tributary of the caval veins. This malfor- (Herlong et al. 2000).
mation is present in between 1 and 1.5 % of all Darling proposed the most commonly used
children with congenital heart disease. Although classification system for TAPVC (which he called
total anomalous pulmonary venous connection TAPVD: total anomalous pulmonary venous
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
345 12
a b c

d e

..Fig. 12.34  a–e Anatomic forms of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection: a type I supracardiac connection of
all pulmonary veins to a left superior vena cava; b type I supracardiac connection of all pulmonary veins to the right superior
vena cava; c type II (cardiac connection) with drainage of the pulmonary veins into the right atrium; d type II (cardiac con-
nection) with drainage of all pulmonary veins into the coronary sinus; and e type III (infracardial/infradiaphragmatic) with
drainage of all pulmonary veins into the portal venous system or directly into the inferior vena cava

drainage) based on the site of pulmonary venous 55 Type III or infracardiac connection is found
drainage (Darling et al. 1957; . Fig. 12.34): in 14 % of cases (. Fig. 12.34e). Here the
55 Type I or supracardiac connection common pulmonary vein travels down ante-
(. Fig. 12.34a, b) is the most common form and rior to the esophagus through the diaphragm
is seen in 51 % of cases. The four pulmonary to connect to the portal vein. Infradiaphrag-
veins drain via a common vein into the right matic connections have to be considered in
superior vena cava, left superior vena cava, or almost every case: either because they drain
their tributaries. In supracardiac connections, a through a still wide-open ductus venosus
stenosis may occur at the origin of the ascend- into the portal vein which acts stenotic due
ing vertical vein or at its attachment to the to its inherent elevated pressure or severe
innominate vein, or the vertical vein may be stenoses of the common pulmonary vein
stenosed where it crosses the left pulmonary may almost inhibit the pulmonary venous
artery and the left bronchus. flow when the ductus venosus constricts
55 Type II or cardiac connection accounts for shortly after birth.
28 % of cases (. Fig. 12.34c, d). The pulmo- 55 Type IV or mixed connection is rare and
nary veins connect directly to the right side accounts for only 7 % of cases. The right and left
of the heart, for example, to the coronary pulmonary veins drain to different sites (e.g.,
sinus or directly to the right atrium. In this the left pulmonary vein into the left vertical
anomalous connection, obstructions are rare vein and this in turn into the left innominate
but may occur at the junction between the vein, with separate anomalous drainage of the
common vein and the coronary sinus. right pulmonary vein) (Berdat et al. 2001).
346 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

..Table 12.1  Total anomalous pulmonary

pulmonary blood flow resulting in worsening cya-
venous connection: distribution of the different nosis. If the condition remains untreated, the
forms reported by Hammon and Bender (1983) course is characterized by progressive clinical dete-
rioration and early death in the first week or month
Type n % of life, depending on the degree of pulmonary
Type I: supracardiac total anomalous 284 51
venous obstruction (Hammon et al. 1980).
pulmonary venous connection

Type II: cardiac total anomalous 156 28

Patients with symptomatic obstructed total
pulmonary venous connection
anomalous pulmonary venous connection
Type III: infracardiac total anomalous 79 14 may need immediate attention and
pulmonary venous connection emergency operation.
Type IV: mixed forms 40 7

Total 559 100 Some anatomic subtypes of supracardiac con-

nection are more prone to obstruction. If the
In all types, stenosis may also occur because of anomalous confluens vein drains directly into the
restrictive atrial septal defect size and the small right superior vena cava, partial obstruction
left atrium. Incidence of different forms of TAPVC occurs in approximately 65 % of cases. Almost all
is shown in . Table 12.1. patients with drainage into the azygos vein show
Pulmonary venous obstruction may occur in pulmonary vein obstruction. The diagnosis is
all types of anomalous connections, and in all cases made by echocardiography.
clinicians must identify all sites of stenosis so that
they can be treated at the time of surgical repair. Preoperative angiography in children with
symptoms of obstruction may provoke a
clinically relevant deterioration (Serraf et al.
Children with obstructed TAPVC often show 1991).
12 respiratory problems, hypoxia, or even low
cardiac output syndrome. Pulmonary artery
hypertension may also be present. Physical examination findings include severe
cyanosis with threatening respiratory failure. The
apical heart beat is prominent, but usually the heart
In children with obstructed TAPVC, urgent is not clinically enlarged. The pulmonary compo-
correction is required, if necessary as an emergency nent of the second heart sound appears louder, and
procedure, whereas in those with unobstructed a persistent splitting of the sound may be heard. A
TAPVC, the operation can be performed electively. typical sound is usually lacking. Sometimes a sys-
tolic murmur over the pulmonary area or a tricus- Patients with Pulmonary pid insufficiency murmur at the mid- or lower
Venous Obstruction sternum may be heard. The peripheral pulses usu-
Pulmonary venous obstruction occurs either func- ally appear normal directly after birth but decrease
tionally or even anatomically in virtually all patients as heart failure progresses. The chest X-ray shows a
with infradiaphragmatic drainage and in approxi- small heart with pulmonary congestion, which is
mately 50 % of patients with supracardiac drainage. occasionally interpreted as a severe pulmonary
Patients with an obstruction develop symptoms infection. Hepatomegaly commonly occurs, espe-
early, usually at age 24–36  h. These symptoms cially in TAPVC type III with infradiaphragmatic
include tachypnea, tachycardia, and cyanosis. drainage. Although definitive correction is not
Occasionally, newborns with obstructed TAPVC possible by catheter intervention, atrial septostomy
are treated with extracorporeal membrane oxygen- is performed in some patients when the foramen
ation (ECMO) for respiratory failure or pulmonary ovale is the site of the obstruction or when stenting
hypertension prior to corrective surgery (Ishino of the narrowed vertical vein is able to bridge the
et al. 1997; Meadows et al. 2007). Signs of pulmo- time until corrective surgery if this has to be
nary hypertension progress due to decreasing delayed for some reason (Kanter 2006).
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
347 12 Patients Without  Pulmonary rection was usually performed using profound
Venous Obstruction hypothermia and circulatory arrest, although in
TAPVC patients with unobstructed pulmonary older children it can be performed with bicaval
venous flow present with symptoms similar to cannulation and low-flow hypothermic perfu-
those of a large atrial septal defect. Mild failure to sion. Circulatory arrest has the advantage of
thrive with greater respiratory effort than normal allowing a bloodless surgical field with excellent
during exertion and recurrent pulmonary infec- exposure of the pulmonary venous confluence
tions may be present. Often, chest radiographs in and without unnecessary manipulation or clamp-
these patients with an increased incidence of ing of the pulmonary veins which can cause the
respiratory infections reveal significant cardiac later development of pulmonary vein stenosis. We
enlargement. tend to use bicaval cannulation in all children,
Physical examination findings suggest right including the smallest of neonates (body weight
ventricular volume overloading with an increase <2  kg). Standard metal-tipped right-angled
in right ventricular pulsation, a widely split sec- cannulas are introduced directly into the inferior
ond heart sound, usually with normal-intensity vena cava just above the diaphragm and into the
pulmonary closure, and a pulmonary outflow superior vena cava near the junction with the
murmur with or without a diastolic tricuspid innominate vein. In children with supracardiac
murmur. Cyanosis does not necessarily occur in TAPVC, the superior vena cava is considerably
the first year of life. If a restriction develops at the larger than normal since it receives additional
level of the foramen ovale, the probability of the blood flow from the anomalously draining pul-
development of pulmonary hypertension and its monary veins, and this facilitates direct cannula-
severity are increased. In this case there is earlier tion. In those rare cases of supracardiac TAPVC
onset of tachypnea, louder pulmonary valve clo- with anomalous drainage into the azygos vein, it
sure sound, more prominent right ventricular is better to place a bulldog clamp below the azygos
pulsation, and a greater likelihood of systemic vein (but at a distance from the sinus node) than
and pulmonary venous congestion. to place a tourniquet around the superior vena
Diagnosis of TAPVC is usually made by echo- cava. This enables decompression of the pulmo-
cardiography. Only rarely is cardiac catheteriza- nary veins through the superior vena cava during
tion now necessary; it is typically reserved for cooling (Kanter 2006). An alternative for decom-
patients with coexisting complex malformations pression of pulmonary veins would be to open the
requiring further definition and patients with confluens right away with going on bypass.
forms of mixed pulmonary vein connection in With bicaval cannulation, in our hands, the
whom the individual pulmonary veins cannot be cannulas are not in the way during the correction,
clearly delineated by echocardiography alone. and one is able to achieve excellent exposure of
the pulmonary venous confluence, especially in Surgical Procedures the phase of cardioplegic arrest. On occasion, it is
The goal of surgery is to redirect pulmonary vein helpful to introduce brief periods of circulatory
flow entirely and directly to the left atrium. arrest during the most critical parts of the opera-
The first surgical correction is attributed to tion to optimize surgical exposure in a bloodless
Muller and colleagues at the University of field. However, with bicaval cannulation and low-­
California in Los Angeles. Without the aid of car- flow hypothermic perfusion, this is rarely neces-
diopulmonary bypass, the left atrial appendage sary. When cannulating and decannulating are
was anastomosed to the pulmonary venous confl- meticulously done, no complications of direct
fluence (Muller 1951). The first complete correc- caval cannulation such as superior vena cava
tion as an open-heart procedure was performed by thrombosis or postoperative chylothorax are to
Lewis and Varco at the University of Minnesota in be expected.
1956, using the technique of moderate hypother-
mia and caval inflow occlusion (Lewis et al. 1956). Surgical Techniques
The first TAPVC repair on cardiopulmonary With TAPVC draining to the coronary sinus or
bypass was performed by Kirklin at the Mayo directly into the right atrium (type II or cardiac
Clinic on May 26, 1955 (Burroughs and Kirklin connection), the correction is performed by sim-
1956; Kirklin 1973). Since the 1960s, TAPVC cor- ply enlarging the existing atrial septal defect or
348 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

patent foramen ovale and completely unroofing and then the foramen ovale is enlarged to enable
the coronary sinus until all four pulmonary veins a better view into the left atrium. Next, a curved
are adequately visualized. The enlarged atrial sep- instrument is introduced into the enlarged coro-
tal defect is then closed with a patch of pericar- nary sinus, and its anterior wall, which at the
dium or other material incorporating and same time is the posterior wall of the left atrium,
redirecting the pulmonary veins to the left atrium is levered upward. The taut membrane thus
(. Figs.  12.35 and 12.36). Care must be taken to brought into view is incised and cut out so that a
avoid the conduction pathways. defect with a diameter of at least 1.5–2 cm results.
The mere unroofing of the large coronary The creation of such a large opening far below
sinus when all pulmonary veins are draining into the opening of the coronary sinus largely excludes
it was described by Van Praagh (Van Praagh et al. injury to the atrial conduction pathways and the
1972). The right atrium is opened longitudinally, AV node. The opening of the coronary sinus into
the right atrium is closed with individual sutures
or a continuous suture placed 4–5 mm inside the
coronary sinus. In these cases the interatrial
communication, which had to be enlarged for
visualization of the roof of the coronary sinus,
can now also be closed by direct suture or with a
Many techniques have been described for
the correction of the supracardiac form of
TAPVC.  Commonly, once the patient is on
­extracorporeal circulation, the pulmonary veins
are exposed in the posterior pericardial space by
dividing the pericardial fold between the right
atrium and the pulmonary venous confluence
(Kirklin 1973). An incision is made in the com-
12 ..Fig. 12.35  Correction of anomalous pulmonary mon pulmonary veins—the confluence, which
venous connection to the coronary sinus (cardiac type) by
is typically oriented in a transverse direction. In
opening the residual atrial septum between patent fora-
men ovale and coronary sinus and further resecting the cardioplegic arrest, with the aorta crass-clamped,
anterior wall of the coronary sinus («unroofing») followed an appropriately large incision is made in the
by closure of the atrial communication posterior wall of the left atrium, corresponding

a b

..Fig. 12.36  a The wall dividing the coronary sinus from the left atrium is deeply incised and excised as much as pos-
sible. b The pericardial or synthetic patch closing the atrial septal defect is anchored into the anterior wall of the coro-
nary sinus so that the coronary sinus itself drains into the left atrium together with the previously anomalously draining
pulmonary veins
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
349 12
to the course of the incision into the confluens between the pulmonary venous confluence and
before. The incision is started near the atrial sep- the back wall of the left atrium. This pedicled flap
tum and then directed toward the base of the left of autologous vein wall serves to strengthen the
atrial appendage, making a transverse incision in anastomosis and to increase the effective volume
the left atrial back wall that corresponds to the of the left atrium. The vertical vein is usually
incision in the pulmonary venous confluence. ligated/clipped or transected (Kumar et al. 2001;
Next, a direct anastomosis, which should be Spray 2001).
as large as possible, is made between these two An alternative technique for the correction of
incisions using a continuous 7-0 or 6-0 absorb- supracardiac TAPVC is to use a biatrial trans-
able suture (. Fig.  12.37). The anastomosis can verse incision (Shumacker and King 1961). This
be augmented by dividing the left-sided verti- consists of making a transverse right atrial inci-
cal vein as far superiorly as possible at its entry sion across the crista terminalis and then
into the innominate vein. An incision is made through the posterior wall of the left atrium.
on the right medial aspect of the vertical vein Under direct vision, the posterior wall of the left
down to where it enters the pulmonary venous atrium can then be directly anastomosed to the
confluence. This vein is then flapped down medi- pulmonary venous confluence. For the last por-
ally on to the superior aspect of the anastomosis tion of the anastomosis, an interrupted suture

a b

..Fig. 12.37  a Horizontal incision of the left atrium in line with the pulmonary venous confluence (dashed line); b
anastomosis of the pulmonary venous confluence and the left atrium with a running absorbable suture; c schematic
representation of the completed correction with broad anastomosis between pulmonary venous confluence and left
atrium; and transection of the left ascending superior vena cava venous confluence drainage between two ligatures
350 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

technique can be used. The atrial septal defect is which is then closed with a pericardial patch. The
typically closed with a piece of pericardium or authors postulate that this technique eliminates
other patch material. The incision in the right the possibility of distortion of the anastomosis
atrium is closed directly or with a separate patch because it is performed with the heart in the ana-
if necessary. This technique has the advantage of tomically correct position.
enhanced exposure of the pulmonary veins. Surgical correction for the infracardiac type of
However, it requires more suture lines on the TAPVC is very similar to that described for supra-
atrium, which potentially increases the risk of cardiac TAPVC.  Often, however, the pulmonary
postoperative atrial arrhythmias (. Figs.  12.38 venous confluence is oriented vertically in the
and 12.39). common pulmonary vein so that the incision in
Cobanoglu and Menashe described a tech- the common pulmonary vein is more hockey-­
nique of repair in supracardiac or infracardiac stick shaped, running vertically and then on to
TAPVC performing the anastomosis from the left the left upper pulmonary vein to correspond with
side of the operating table with the apex of the a similar incision on the back wall of the left
heart tipped up and to the right (Cobanoglu and atrium from the medial to the inferior side of the
Menashe 1993). The anastomosis starts at the left atrial appendage (. Fig. 12.42).
right side, and the surgeon works toward himself It is not necessary to ligate the common pul-
or herself to the base of the left atrial appendage, monary vein below the diaphragm, and, in fact,
connecting the common pulmonary vein to the some authors have advocated routinely leaving
left atrium close to the left upper pulmonary vein this vein open in patients who show symptoms of
(. Fig. 12.40). an obstruction (Cope et al. 1997). The advantage
The persisting foramen ovale is then closed of leaving the vertical vein unligated is that, theo-
directly or, if there is concern about impingement retically at least, it can allow decompression of the
on the pulmonary vein anastomosis, with a patch. pulmonary venous channel through the sinus
Then the vertical vein is typically ligated venosus in the early postoperative phase, particu-
(. Fig. 12.41). The heart is closed and the child is larly when the left atrium is small and poorly
rewarmed and weaned from the cardiopulmo- compliant (Cheung et al. 2005; Ishino et al. 1997).
12 nary bypass. On the other hand, if the left atrium is quite small,
it can be helpful to divide the vertical vein and use
the remnant as an onlay patch to augment to the
If there is concern about postoperative size of the left atrium. This technique involves
pulmonary artery hypertension and wide mobilization of the pulmonary veins and
subsequent right ventricular failure, a pulmonary confluence. The correction is com-
life-saving technique can be to leave the pleted with the apex of the heart tipped up and to
persisting foramen ovale partially open to the right. After the vertical vein has been divided
allow decompression of the right side at the diaphragm, it is divided longitudinally. A
through the atrial septum with right-to-left parallel incision is made in the back of the left
shunting, at the expense of some systemic atrium extending into the left atrial appendage.
arterial desaturation. The venoatrial anastomosis begins at the upper
end of the pulmonary venous confluence and the
base of the left atriotomy. The anastomosis pro-
Hawkins et al. described a direct approach to ceeds along both sides until the inferior side of the
the anastomosis between the left atrium and the confluence (the divided vertical vein) is anasto-
common pulmonary vein in which the fossa ova- mosed to the tip of the left atrial appendage
lis is first excised through the right atrium (. Fig. 12.42c) The surgical management of mixed
(Hawkins et al. 1983). A generous transverse inci- forms of TAPVC varies according to the particu-
sion is made in the back wall of the left atrium, lar anatomy of each patient (Imoto et al. 1998). A
and a corresponding incision is made in the single anomalous pulmonary vein can be occa-
­pulmonary venous confluence. The common pul- sionally left uncorrected if the other three veins
monary vein is now anastomosed to the back wall are satisfactorily reconstructed and correctly con-
of the left atrium directly through the fossa ovalis, nected. However, close observation is required
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
351 12

a b

c d e

..Fig. 12.38  a Right atrium, atrial septum, and left atrium have been opened horizontally. The opposite pulmonary vein con-
fluence is incised in parallel. b Anastomosis between pulmonary vein confluence and posterior wall of the left atrium is per-
formed with continuous absorbable suture. c Anastomosis between left atrium and pulmonary vein confluence is complete. d
To enlarge the left atrium and enable unobstructed drainage from the pulmonary veins into the left ventricle, the atrial septal
defect is closed not directly but with a synthetic patch. e The patch used to close the atrial septal defect is anchored with a con-
tinuous suture. Closure of the right atrial incision begins with a continuous suture at the remaining anterior incision edge. f Clo-
sure of the right atrial incision is performed with a continuous resorbable over-and-over suture, if necessary by sliding
technique. At times an additional patch may be required to enlarge the posterior lateral wall of the right atrium also
352 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

a b

..Fig. 12.39  a In some cases of infradiaphragmatic TAPVD, the anastomosis between the left atrium and the pulmo-
nary vein confluence is created from the left, the heart being held out of the thorax to the right. The incision runs to the
right, horizontally along the posterior wall of the left atrium and, in parallel, along the anterior wall of the pulmonary
vein confluence. b The anastomosis between the opened pulmonary vein confluence and the left atrium is performed
with a continuous over-and-over resorbable suture. The foramen ovale/ASD II has already been closed by direct sutur-
ing from the right atrium. The infradiaphragmatic connection is divided

a b


..Fig. 12.40  a, b The Cobanoglu technique

during the postoperative follow-up so that a sig- may have been misdiagnosed as having persistent
nificant left-­to-­right shunt or the onset of pulmo- fetal circulation with pulmonary artery hyper-
nary vascular hypertension can be identified early. tension and may need continuing extracorporeal
membrane oxygenation (ECMO) support. If the Postoperative Complications pulmonary artery pressure has risen following the
and Their Avoidance correction, continuous measurement of the pul-
Postoperatively, these children can present pulmo- monary artery pressure may be helpful to guide
nary artery hypertension, particularly those who appropriate management (Imoto et al. 1998).
had suffered from the symptoms of pulmonary Occasionally, children with persistent pulmo-
vein obstruction. In fact, as noted above, some nary artery hypertension will require nitric oxide
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
353 12

a b

..Fig. 12.41  a Access from the right side in infracardiac total anomalous pulmonary venous connection. The incision
is sometimes made vertically along the course of the draining vein in caudal direction, an orientation the confluens in
infradiaphragmatic TAPVC often reveals. The corresponding incision in the left atrium runs parallel to it. b The incision
openings are connected by a continuous suture. c Halfway across the opening, the suture ends are pulled tight. d The
anastomosis between the pulmonary vein confluence and the left atrium is completed, and the drainage vein is tran-
sected between the two ligatures

treatment or ECMO in addition to the standard

measures of hyperventilation, adequate oxygen-
ation, and sedation. Before purely embarking on
treatment of persistent pulmonary hypertension,
an anastomotic obstruction of the newly con-
nected pulmonary veins has to be ruled out or
being taken care of surgically.
Both in the operating room and in the early
postoperative period, the left ventricle can be par-
tially noncompliant and show a restricted stroke
volume. These children will be very sensitive to
volume overload. They seem to have a fixed
stroke  volume and can often compensate for the
decreased stroke volume by an increase in heart
rate until the  compliance of the ventricle has
..Fig. 12.42  Surgical correction for the infracardiac
type of TAPVC
improved. The use  of milrinone to improve the
354 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

ventricular compliance and at the same time reduce TAPVC surgery shows fibrous intimal hyper-
the pulmonary vascular resistance may be helpful. plasia associated with some media hypertrophy.
Volume overload has to be avoided. In these very There is increasing severity in the spectrum of
critical patients, temporary chest wall patch plasty lesions from anastomotic strictures to ostial and
with secondary sternal closure is a further expedi- diffuse pulmonary vein stenoses. In the case of
ent strategy (Alexi-Meskishvili et al. 1995). an anastomotic lesion, revision of the left atrial
A particularly challenging group of patients anastomosis with patch enlargement plasty brings
with total anomalous pulmonary venous about good results. On the other hand, conven-
connection are those with single left ventricle tional techniques for treating an ostial pulmonary
morphology. In these children the maintenance vein stenosis are of no use and have shown very
of adequate pulmonary blood flow is difficult poor results. The sutureless correction technique
since they develop pulmonary artery hyperten- introduced in 1996 provides better midterm
sion early on, particularly if they need either a results than any other technique and improved
systemic to pulmonary artery shunt or pulmo- the freedom from mortality and recurrence of
nary artery banding. What appears to be adequate the stenosis from 65 to 90 % (Lacour-Gayet 2006;
pulmonary blood flow in the operating room can Lacour-Gayet et al. 1966).
later mean excessive blood flow through the pul- When pulmonary venous stenosis occurs
monary vessels when the pulmonary vascular immediately after surgery or during the first post-
resistance drops and becomes normal. It may be operative days, it is the result of a primary restric-
necessary to readjust the source of the pulmonary tive anastomosis, a technical problem. More
blood flow to these changes. Even in the best of commonly, however, the stenosis occurs after a
hands, these children are problematical. A report delay varying from two to several months, fre-
from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia pub- quently after a large anastomosis repair and
lished in 1999 showed a 1-year survival in this uneventful postoperative course.
group of children with TAPVC and single-ventri- Complex forms of TAPVR are associated with
cle physiology of only 37 % (Gaynor et al. 1999). a significantly higher risk of pulmonary vein ste-
The early mortality was 58 % if the TAPVC was nosis. A 20–50 % incidence of postoperative pul-
12 corrected during the first operation. More than monary venous stenosis has been reported after
half of the survivors later developed a pulmonary repair of TAPVR associated with single-ventricle
vein stenosis. Hashmi and associates from the and right atrial isomerism. The mixed type of
Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto reported drainage, aberrant pulmonary venous drainage,
a 95 % early mortality in 20 children with right association with scimitar syndrome, presence of
atrial isomerism in whom TAPVC correction genetic syndromes, and boy weight of less than
was performed either alone or in combination 2.5  kg are all associated with increased occur-
with other procedures (Hashmi et al. 1998). rence of a secondary pulmonary vein stenosis
(Lacour-Gayet 2006). The common denominator Pulmonary Vein Stenosis of most complex TAPVR is hypoplasia of the pul-
After Correction of Total monary venous confluence. The Toronto group
Anomalous Pulmonary introduced sutureless repair as the initial proce-
Venous Connection dure in patients with hypoplasia of the pulmo-
The major complication and the main cause nary venous confluens (Yun et al. 2005). The
of reoperation following surgery for TAPVC critical element of this technique is to perform
is the occurrence of pulmonary vein stenosis. the atrial anastomosis directly to the pericardium
Pulmonary venous stenotic disease is a poorly around the incised common pulmonary vein,
understood phenomenon associated with con- which should not have been further dissected out
genital pulmonary vein hypoplasia and carries of its connective tissue surroundings.
a very poor prognosis (Ando et al. 2004). The The diagnosis of ostial pulmonary vein steno-
causal mechanism is not well understood but sis is based on Doppler echocardiography ­showing
may be related to endothelial trauma in the pul- continuous flow with a velocity of >1.5 mm/s at
monary vein during the initial operation or to the pulmonary vein ostium.
pericardial adhesions. Pathological examination Magnetic resonance imaging is also, at least
of the pulmonary venous obstruction following partially, helpful here. It is the only imaging
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
355 12
procedure able to visualize intact portions of tomy of scar tissue or patch venoplasty (using
the pulmonary veins in the case of ostial atre- either pericardium, living atrial tissue, or PTFE)
sia. A pulmonary artery pressure of >50 mmHg has been associated with a high risk of recurrence
is an indication for surgery (Lacour-Gayet (Ricci et al. 2003).
2006). In these cases, which present usually much
Growing severity of pulmonary venous later than the cases of isolated anastomotic steno-
obstruction after repair of TAPVC can be evalu- sis, the anterior aspect of the previous anastomo-
ated according to the score proposed by Lacour- sis between the common pulmonary venous
Gayet (2006): trunk and the left atrial wall is incised to start
1. Anastomotic stenosis between the pulmonary with, also. Exposure is usually achieved via a right
vein confluence and the left atrium without atriotomy and transseptal approach
individual ostial stenosis (. Fig.  12.43a–c). The stenotic communication
2. Right pulmonary vein ostial stenosis involving between the left atrium and the pulmonary vein
the upper and/or the lower vein (a single confluens can be relieved by making a series of
pulmonary vein stenosis is usually well five or six radial incisions (. Fig. 12.43d, e).
tolerated) Resection of a portion of the stenotic rim is
3. Left pulmonary vein ostial stenosis involving sometimes necessary to further enlarge the pul-
the upper and/or lower vein monary vein orifice (Devaney et al. 2006a, b).
4. Bilateral pulmonary vein stenosis involving Patch enlargement of a left pulmonary venous
two, three, or four individual pulmonary stenosis using left atrial appendage tissue is an
venous ostia alternative technique (Pacifico et al. 1985).
5. Diffuse hypoplasia of one or several
pulmonary veins Sutureless Correction
6. Total atresia of several pulmonary vein ostia of Postoperative Pulmonary
Vein Stenoses
Yun and associates proposed another score for with Pericardium
the evaluation of pulmonary vein stenosis: This technique was described by Lacour-Gayet
0—no stenosis in 1996 (Lacour-Gayet et al. 1996). The proce-
1—mild stenosis dure is based on complete resection of the ste-
2—severe stenosis notic scar tissue of the pulmonary vein, creating
3—occluded pulmonary vein an opening in the left atrial wall that is left open.
For the operation it is necessary to leave intact
The higher the score, the greater is the risk of the adhesions between the posterior left atrial
the need for reoperation or death (Yun et al. wall, the venae cavae, and the pericardium.
2005). Posteriorly a minimal dissection is performed.
While the use of total circulatory arrest is sim- Standard Techniques pler, bicaval cannulation with full-flow CPB is
For each patient, the operative technique is our preferred technique. The superior vena cava
selected on the basis of the specific anatomy of the is directly cannulated and snared in as high a
stenosis. position as possible. The inferior vena cava can-
In patients with isolated anastomotic stenosis, nula is cannulated in low position and is not
who in most cases present in the first days after snared, which allows drainage of most of the
original repair, revision of the left atrial anasto- return flow through the inferior vena cava. The
mosis is performed by patch enlargement using a left atrium is approached through a transseptal
transseptal approach. The anterior aspect of the incision. The stenotic pulmonary venous ostia
previous anastomosis between the common pul- are identified. They can be reduced to the size of
monary venous trunk and the left atrial wall is pinheads and are therefore often difficult to
incised. A polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE) patch is identify. The stenotic tissue of the right pulmo-
used to enlarge the anastomosis. nary vein is totally resected from inside the left
Ostial stenosis is sometimes associated with atrium and also from the outside below the
this lesion. Conventional repair of an individual interatrial groove. This resection creates a large
pulmonary vein stenosis by either endarterec- opening in the left atrial wall that is left open.
356 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

a b


..Fig. 12.43  Correction of anastomotic pulmonary vein stenosis via a right atriotomy a and transseptal incision
b which exposes the narrowed anastomosis between left atrium and pulmonary vein confluens c. A series of five or six
radial incisions can be made d resulting in a wide-open communication e
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
357 12
The stenotic pulmonary vein scar tissue is The interatrial septum is closed, as is the right
excised to the level of the pericardial reflection, atrial wall. The fenestration between the left
until normal pulmonary vein tissue is reached atrium and the pericardium is left wide open. The
(. Figs. 12.44 and 12.45). further course of the operation using this tech-
nique differs for the right and left side.
For right-sided pulmonary vein lesions, the
right pericardial tissue is anastomosed around
and in some distance to the atrial wall, above the
left atrial fenestration, creating a left neo-atrial
pouch made by the pericardial sac. The pericar-
dial sac is dorsally kept closed by the pericardial
adhesions from the previous operation. The pat-
ent right pulmonary vein leads freely into the
pouch, and the blood drains through the opening
in the left atrial wall (. Figs. 12.45 and 12.46).
For left-sided pulmonary vein lesions, the cor-
rection can be conducted through the left atrial
cavity (. Figs. 12.47, 12.48, and 12.49).
The portion of the left atrial tissue surround-
ing the stenotic scar tissue is excised. This creates
a large opening in the left atrial wall. The left pul-
..Fig. 12.44  Resection and sutureless correction (right monary veins are dissected out to the left pericar-
side). This technique is based on total resection of the ste- dium and transected once normal pulmonary
notic scar tissue in the pulmonary vein. A small incision is vein tissue is reached beyond the stenotic seg-
required posteriorly. The left atrium is approached through ment. In the presence of sufficient pericardial
a transseptal incision. The stenotic tissue of the right pul-
monary vein is totally resected. This resection creates a
adhesions left in place, no suturing is necessary
large opening in the left atrial wall that is left open (. Fig. 12.48).
The blood from the left pulmonary veins is
allowed to drain passively into the left atrium
through the posterior pericardial cavity, which is

..Fig. 12.46  Resection and sutureless correction (right

side). For right-sided pulmonary vein lesions, the right
pericardial tissue is anastomosed around and in some dis-
tance to the right atrial wall above the left atrial fenestra-
tion. Thus, a neo-atrial pouch made by the pericardial sac
..Fig. 12.45  Resection and sutureless correction (right is created, through which the open right pulmonary vein
side). The stenotic scar tissue of the pulmonary vein has drains freely into the opening in the left atrial wall. The
been removed to the level of the pericardial reflection, so phrenic nerve is located below the anastomotic suture
that normal pulmonary vein tissue can be recognized line in front of the pulmonary veins
358 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

..Fig. 12.49  Resection and «sutureless» correction (left

side, from inside). In the absence of sufficient pericardial
adhesions, it is necessary to perform an atrio-pericardial
anastomosis around and in some distance from either
inside (as shown here) or outside

..Fig. 12.47  Resection and sutureless correction (left

side, from inside). For left-sided pulmonary vein lesions,
the correction is made through the left atrial cavity. A por-
tion of left atrial tissue around the stenotic scar tissue has
been excised, creating a large opening in the left
atrial wall


..Fig. 12.50  Resection and «sutureless» correction (left

side, from outside). The atrio-pericardial anastomosis can
also be performed from outside by elevating the heart

..Fig. 12.48  Resection and sutureless correction (left maintained as a closed space by the pericardial
side, from inside). The left pulmonary veins have been dis- adhesions. In the absence of sufficient pericardial
sected and transected and longitudinally incised across the adhesions or in cases of congenital pulmonary
stenotic segment into normal pulmonary vein tissue. In the vein stenosis without pericardial adhesions, it is
presence of sufficient pericardial adhesions, no suturing is
necessary to perform an atrio-pericardial anasto-
necessary. Blood from the left pulmonary veins is allowed
to drain passively into the left atrium through the posterior mosis either from inside the left atrium or from
pericardial cavity maintained as a closed space by the peri- the outside by elevating the heart (see . Figs. 12.48,
cardial adhesions 12.49, and 12.50). The suture line is placed on the
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
359 12
pericardium, distant to the pulmonary venous Pulmonary Vein Stenting
ostia. The left phrenic nerve is located anterior to and Balloon Angioplasty
the pulmonary veins and outside the anastomotic The results of stenting for pulmonary vein steno-
suture line (. Fig. 12.51). sis have been disappointing. The tendency of the
In 1998, Caldarone and associates described a pulmonary veins to develop significant intimal
similar technique in which the stenotic tissue is proliferation makes the stenting procedure haz-
left in place, but the obstructed pulmonary venous ardous. Nevertheless, this therapy option may be
lesions are incised longitudinally (Caldarone and seen as an ultima ratio solution if stenosis has
Behrendt 2000; Caldarone et al. 1998; . Figs. 12.52 recurred again after several operations. Leaving
and 12.53; Najm et al. 1998). an atrial fenestration to allow angioplasty is
­preferable. New generations of stent systems, such
as the drug-eluting stents used for coronary artery
interventions, may be more effective in the future.
Knowing the tendency of the pulmonary venous
endothelium to restenose after any manipulation,
it is unlikely that the pulmonary veins will stay
open for more than a few months (Bingler et al.
2012). Prevention of Pulmonary

Vein Obstruction Using
a «No-Touch» Technique
Since Lacour-Gayet modified the surgical tech-
nique for correction of TAPVR in 1995 so that
only minimal incisions of the pulmonary veins
are made using total circulatory arrest, the rate of
pulmonary vein obstruction has significantly
decreased. Although the reasons are not entirely
clear, there is no doubt that the neonatal pulmo-
nary venous tissue is very sensitive and had a ten-
..Fig. 12.51  Resection and sutureless correction
(left side, from outside). Note that the suture line in the dency to inflammatory stenotic processes. A
pericardium is placed at a distance from the pulmonary «no-touch» technique (as far as the pulmonary
vein tissue. The course of left phrenic nerve is located venous ostia are concerned) is therefore advisable,
anterior to the veins. Its actual position has to be known using total circulatory arrest, dissecting the pul-
and checked for
monary veins only minimally, strictly limiting an

a b c

..Fig. 12.52  a–c Right-sided marsupialization is performed for right pulmonary vein stenosis by making a left atrial
incision a that is extended into each stenotic vein and across the area of narrowing. A posteriorly based flap of pericar-
dium is mobilized b and reflected onto itself and the left atrium c, which avoids the need to directly suture the veins.
The right phrenic nerve has to be watched out for
360 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

a b c

..Fig. 12.53  a–c Left-sided marsupialization is accomplished in an analogous fashion to the right. Here elevation
of the apex of the heart is necessary to facilitate exposure. A left atrial incision is made a and extended into each ste-
notic vein. A pericardial flap is cut out b and the marsupialization is completed c. The left phrenic nerve has to
be watched out for

opening incision to the pulmonary vein conflu- 55 There is no evidence of a pericardial defect.
ence, and staying well away from the individual 55 Distortion of the left ventricular free wall by
pulmonary vein ostia (Kanter 2006). A further the aneurysm is present.
precaution is to use resorbable sutures of
polydioxanone for the anastomosis (Lacour- Very rare are multiple small aneurysms of
Gayet 2006). both atria; these often become symptomatic
through atrial tachycardia (Bokeria et al. 1989;
Miyamura et al. 1990; Varghese 1969).
12.2.6   ongenital Diverticula and
12 Aneurysms of the Left Atrium Clinical Picture
In asymptomatic patients, the diagnosis can be Historical Background suspected if the heart silhouette in the chest X-ray
Congenital aneurysms of the left atrium belong to is enlarged.
the very rare congenital anomalies. They were first Despite its congenital etiology, manifestations
described by Semans and Taussig (1938). Two usually do not arise until about the second decade
variants of this anomaly are recognized: those of life, with a mean age of first presentation of
with intact pericardium and those with partial 26 years. Atrial fibrillation is observed in 40 % of
absence of the pericardium. In the latter case, it is these patients, and stroke occurs in 18 % (Gold
possible that the left atrial appendage protrudes et  al. 1996). Strokes have been reported even in
through the pericardial defect rather than there infants (Sands et al. 2003). Typical chest pain can
being an aneurysm in the strict sense (Bukharin be caused by compression of the left coronary
and Aleksi-Meskhishvili 1969). Gold collected artery (Pomerantzeff et al. 2002). Congestive
reports of 48 patients from the international lit- heart failure in the neonate may be related to an
erature (Gold et al. 1996). Since then, many new anatomic obstruction of the pulmonary venous
cases have been reported (Kiaii et al. 2004; Pome drainage (Stone et al. 1990) or to displacement of
et al. 2000; Tanoue et al. 2004). the mediastinum or airway obstruction (Morales
et al. 2001). Cardiac tamponade due to restricted Surgical Anatomy diastolic expansion of the left ventricle has been
A true left atrial aneurysm must fulfill the follow- described (Dimond et al. 1960). In the presence of
ing criteria (Foale et al. 1982; Huang et al. 1993; multiple biatrial aneurysms, atrial tachycardia
Stone et al. 1990): can occur in infants and small children (Bokeria
55 There is a normal atrium. et al. 1989; Miyamura et al. 1990). Diagnosis is
55 There is direct continuity of the blood flow easily established with echocardiography and
through the atrium itself. magnetic resonance imaging.
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
361 12
a b c

..Fig. 12.54  a–c Left atrial aneurysm as a sacculation of the left atrium along the posterior wall of the left ventricle. a
View from anterior direction; b view from posterior direction; c closure of the left atrium with a direct, continuous over-
and-over suture following resection of the aneurysm

Because of the risk of life-threatening compli- fails (Morales et al. 2001). The outcome is usually
cations, including tamponade, tachyarrhythmia, good, and the symptoms disappear (Gold et al.
systemic embolization, heart failure, and poten- 1996; Pomerantzeff et al. 2002).
tially, at least, of heart rupture, surgery is recom-
mended even in asymptomatic patients of any age
(Fontain-Dommer et al. 2000; Gold et al. 1996; 12.3 Congenital Mitral Valve
Morales et al. 2001; Pomerantzeff et al. 2002). Anomalies Surgical Techniques 12.3.1  Introduction
Surgery to correct this anomaly may be performed
through a left thoracotomy with or without car- Pediatric mitral valve anomalies present complex
diopulmonary bypass (McGuinness et al. 2007; management challenges to the surgeon, who has
Vagefi et al. 2007; Victor and Nayak 2001), using to choose between valve reconstruction and
stapling devices (Burke et al. 1992) or even with a replacement. Frequently not only the mitral valve
minimally invasive, endoscopic approach (Kiaii must be addressed but there are other associated
et  al. 2004). Median sternotomy, however, is the congenital malformations also requiring correc-
favored approach because, particularly in the case tion. Mitral valve reconstruction is the preferred
of large structures, adequate exposure through a technique for any kind of mitral valve malforma-
lateral thoracotomy is not possible. Using cardio- tion in newborns, infants, and small children as
pulmonary bypass also provides a motionless well as in older children and adolescents. Valve
operative field, which helps to avoid embolization reconstruction allows for valve growth with
caused by manipulation (Gold et al. 1996; Tanoue increasing age, does not necessitate anticoagula-
et al. 2004; . Fig.  12.54). It is important to cor- tion, and carries very little risk of thrombus for-
rectly assess the relationship between the neck of mation. It also entirely avoids the difficulty that
the aneurysm and the posterior mitral commis- there is a complete lack of prostheses suitable for
sure of the mitral valve because if the aneurysm this age group, and especially for small children.
extends into the commissure, partial anuloplasty Even when the result of primary reconstruction is
may be necessary to reestablish mitral valve com- not optimal, the time until a repeat correction and
petence (Stone et al. 1990). Mitral valve replace- until the patient reaches adulthood and/or can
ment has also been reported to be necessary if the receive an adult-size prosthesis can be bridged.
attempt to reconstruct the deformed mitral valve The best results of valve reconstruction are
362 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

achieved when the whole variety of reconstruc- flow tract. Both ends of the fibrous continuity of
tional techniques are available, the technique is the aortic and mitral valve are anchored in the
selected on an individual basis, and the use of any short axis of the left ventricle. Toward the ven-
kind of prosthetic material is avoided. Valve tricular musculature, the fibrous tissue is thick-
replacement must be reserved only for patients ened to form right and left fibrous trigones
with definitively irreparable mitral valves. (Wilcox et al. 2004). The scalloped posterior
(mural) leaflet is narrower and its attachments
occupy 210° of the anulus. Controversy remains
12.3.2  Historical Comments regarding the most accurate terminology for the
mitral valve leaflets. While some authors favor
Mitral valve surgery has a long tradition (Böttcher the terms «aortic leaflet» and «mural leaflet»
and Hübler 2006; Murray et al. 1938). The first (Ho and Anderson 1988; Wilcox et al. 2004), usu-
closed mitral commissurotomy in a child was ally the leaflets are defined as an anterior and
reported in 1952 by Mannheimer (Mannheimer posterior mitral leaflet (Carpentier and Brizard
et al. 1952). Young and Robinson (1964) reported 2006; Zias et al. 1998). The two mitral valve leaf-
the first successful mitral valve replacement in an lets are separated by the anterolateral and pos-
infant with congenital mitral valve stenosis. teromedial commissures. Close to the
During the past three decades, mitral valve sur- commissures lie two corresponding papillary
gery in infants and children has become an muscles, which are extensions of the subendo-
important part of pediatric cardiac surgery cardial myocardium. Chordae tendineae of the
(Carpentier et al. 1976; Dunn 1998; Lamberti and papillary muscles insert on both sides of the
Kriett 2007; Wood et al. 2004). opposite commissure, so that each valve leaflet
receives chordae from both papillary muscles.
The chordae support the leaflets and connect
12.3.3  Incidence of Congenital them either to the free and rough side of the
Mitral Valve Anomalies papillary muscles or directly to the ventricular
wall, as so-­called basal cords (Wilcox et al. 2004).
12 A congenitally abnormal mitral valve affects less The mitral valve leaflets are segmented in six
than 1 % of all infants born with a normal-sized components (scallops): three anterior (A1–A3)
left ventricle. Patients born with the different types and three posterior (P1–P3) scallops (Carpentier
of atrioventricular canal defects, single ventricle, and Brizard 2006; Kumar et al. 1995; . Fig. 12.55).
and congenitally corrected transposition do not The relationship between the mitral valve
have a mitral valve in the anatomic sense of a sys- ring and the coronary arteries depends on the
temic atrioventricular valve. In up to 60 % of cases, dominance type of the coronary artery supply.
congenital anomalies of the mitral valve occur in When the left coronary artery is dominant,
association with other cardiac lesions, and often the  entire attachment of the mural leaflet is
more than one component of the mitral apparatus
is involved (Wilcox and Anderson 1985).
2 1
12.3.4  Normal Mitral Valve Anatomy
The mitral valve consists of the anulus, leaflets,
3 P1 A3
chordae tendineae, and papillary muscles. The
mitral anulus is an integral part of the fibrous
skeleton of the heart. Normally the mitral valve
has two leaflets, anterior and posterior. The 4
P3 6
larger, anterior (septal or aortic) leaflet attaches 5
to 150° of the anulus and is squat and trapezoid
in shape. As a consequence of being in fibrous
continuity with the aortic valve, it forms the ..Fig. 12.55  Components (scallops) of the mitral valve
posterior boundary of the left ventricular out- (After Kumar et al. 1995). A anterior, P posterior
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
363 12
AV-node into anular dilatation, cleft leaflet, and par-
Right fibrous trigone tial leaflet agenesis (Chauvaud et al.
55 Type II: Leaflet prolapse. The free edge of
one or both of the leaflets overrides the
plane of the valve orifice during systole.
These defects are subdivided into chordal
elongation, papillary muscle elongation, and
chordal agenesis.
55 Type III: Restricted leaflet motion. The motion
of one or both of the leaflets is limited, which
Sinus node usually results in mitral valve stenosis,
Left circumflex
Coronary although in some cases valve insufficiency is
coronary artery Dominant right observed. Stenosis results from commissural
coronary artery fusion, imperforation, and thickening or
shortening of the subvalvar apparatus.
..Fig. 12.56  Important surgical structures of the mitral
valve as viewed by the surgeon (After Wilcox et al. 2004)
There are two subtypes with further divisions:
55 Type III-1: restricted leaflet motion with nor-
mal papillary muscles:
intimately related to the coronary artery and its 1. With fused commissures of the papillary
branch to the atrioventricular node. In the case muscles
of dominant right coronary artery, the poste- 2. With shortened chordae
rior leaflet is encircled by the circumflex coro-
nary artery, with the branch running below and Also included in this last group are anomalies
to the left to the mitral ring as viewed by the with excessive leaflet tissue, the supravalvular
surgeon (.  Fig. 12.56). mitral ring and anular hypoplasia.
55 Type III-2: restricted leaflet motion with
abnormal papillary muscles:
12.3.5  Classification of Congenital 1. Parachute mitral valve
Mitral Valve Anomalies 2. Hammock mitral valve
in Children 3. Papillary muscle hypoplasia Introduction There are two limitations to this classifica-

The Carpentier nomenclature is most com- tion that can lead to its being applied differ-
monly used to classify congenital mitral valve ently by different investigators and therefore to
anomalies (Carpentier and Brizard 2006; inconsistencies in data reporting. Firstly, a
Carpentier et al. 1976). Carpentier defined a purely stenotic or insufficient valvular lesion is
systematic classification based on an objective rarely observed. Secondly, the surgical litera-
assessment of the valve function. ture has generally divided and evaluated the
According to the Carpentier classification, risk attached to congenital mitral valve lesions
lesions with normal leaflet motion and lesions based on stenosis versus insufficiency, not leaf-
with leaflet prolapse produce mitral valve insuffi- let function. In addition, the Carpentier classi-
ciency, whereas lesions with restricted leaflet fication was developed before two-dimensional
motion lead to mitral valve stenosis. echocardiography was routinely available. Indi-
This classification is based on a functional vidual interpretations of the functional anat-
analysis of the mitral valve leaflet mobility: omy introduce variability, which makes the
55 Type I: In this lesion there is typically classification less reliable and reproducible
normal leaflet motion. The regurgitation (Mitruka and Lamberti 2000).
results from a lack of coaptation between Mitruka and Lamberti proposed a unifying
the leaflets. This anomaly is subdivided anatomic classification for congenital abnormalities
364 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

of the mitral valve based on the consideration of Classification of Congenital

whether the valve is stenotic or insufficient. When Mitral Valve Stenosis
numerous defects of the valve apparatus are pres- Congenital mitral valve stenosis is a very rare con-
ent, the predominant defect causing the functional genital heart defect, affecting less than 4 out of
deficit will direct the classification of the lesion. 1,000 infants with congenital heart disease (Keith
The many forms of mitral valve pathology can be et al. 1967). Infants with congenital mitral steno-
coded in a hierarchical system by selecting the pre- sis have a mortality rate approaching 40 % after
dominant lesion as the first diagnosis and each 2  years, regardless of the treatment applied
additional lesion as a subsequent diagnosis in (Moore et al. 1994).
decreasing order of importance. Using this rule the Based on postmortem analyses of 49 children
division of congenital mitral valve defects is as fol- with mitral valve stenosis, Ruckman and Van
lows: type 1 lesions are supravalvular and type 2 Praagh (1978) proposed a division of mitral
lesions valvular, with type 2 subdivided into group valve stenosis into four types, which is widely
A (anular defects) and group B (leaflet defects). accepted:
Type 3 lesions are subvalvular, with group A 55 Type A: abnormalities of the mitral valve
involving abnormalities of the chordae tendineae commonly seen in biventricular hearts. These
and group B defects of the papillary muscles. Type lesions are subdivided into groups with short
4 lesions are mixed lesions. The authors anticipate chordae, with abnormal mitral valve attach-
that adoption of their classification would mini- ments, and with loss of interpapillary dis-
mize observer variability in the diagnosis and that tance.
the valve function can be described as a conse- 55 Type B: lesions found in patients with a hypo-
quence of the valve anatomy. This, in turn, allows a plastic left ventricle.
segmental and systematic approach that is useful 55 Type C: lesions found with the supravalvular
in selecting the best therapeutic options (Mitruka mitral ring.
and Lamberti 2000). 55 Type D: the parachute mitral valve. This is a
Mitral valve reconstruction is the preferred mitral valve abnormality in which all chor-
technique for any kind of mitral valve disease in dae tendineae of the mitral valve, which
12 infants, children, and adolescents. This avoids may itself be shortened and thickened,
the need for valve replacement with all its draw- insert into a single, abnormal papillary mus-
backs, which is particularly important in infants cle, usually causing mitral stenosis. The
and small children in the face of the complete parachute mitral valve may be part of
lack of a prosthesis suitable for this age group. Shone’s complex (1963). A congenital mitral
Even when an optimal result of primary recon- valve stenosis associated with left ventricu-
struction cannot be achieved, time is gained so lar outflow tract obstruction, Shone’s com-
that later a definitive adult-size prosthesis can be plex, and age <3 months at ­operation are
implanted. We are convinced that reconstruc- significant risk factors for early mortality
tion allows valve growth without a need for anti- (Serraf et al. 2000)
coagulation. This is best achieved when the
whole spectrum of reconstruction techniques
are available and can be applied individually, The Hammock Valve
avoiding the implantation of any prosthetic The hammock valve is similar to the parachute
material. mitral valve; however, the chordae are shortened
or absent, and the thickened mitral valve leaflets
insert directly into the rudimentary papillary
muscle. Mitral valve excursion is limited and this
Replacement of the mitral valve should be results in mitral valve stenosis. The hammock
reserved for patients with truly irreparable valve is extremely rare; transitional forms
valve damage (Hetzer et al. 2008). between the hammock valve and parachute valve
are possible.
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
365 12 Shone’s Complex Congenital Mitral Valve
Shone and colleagues described a developmental Incompetence
complex consisting of obstructions at many levels Infants and children presenting with congenital
of the heart (Shone et al. 1963). This complex has atrioventricular valve incompetence represent a sig-
four components: nificant surgical problem. A congenitally abnormal
55 Parachute mitral valve valve may develop progressive insufficiency during
55 Supra-anular mitral ring early childhood. Anatomic reasons for congenital
55 Subaortic stenosis mitral insufficiency may be variable and can present
55 Coarctation of the aorta in combination (Berguis et al. 1964; Davachi et al.
1971; Noren et al. 1964; Ohno et al. 1999):
All four classical components were found in 55 Cleft in the anterior or posterior leaflet
19 out of 30 patients in one of the largest series 55 Shortened leaflets
reported (Bolling et al. 1990). The abnormalities 55 Elongated chordae
of the mitral valve include fusion of the papil- 55 Hypoplastic leaflets
lary muscles, fusion of the papillary muscle 55 Accessory orifice (double-orifice mitral valve)
with the ventricular wall, and true parachute 55 Ring dilatation
mitral valve with only one papillary muscle and 55 Ischemic damage of the papillary muscles, as
fused chordae. A pressure gradient of >8 mmHg in patients with anomalous origin of the left
across mitral valve is regarded as significant. coronary artery from the pulmonary artery
The aortic valve is usually bicuspid. Mitral valve (Bland–White–Garland syndrome)
stenosis or obstruction by the supra-anular ring 55 Direct leaflet–papillary muscle attachment
was the main intracardiac lesion, causing early 55 Short or absent chordae
presentation, in 8 out of 27 patients with Shone’s 55 Solitary papillary muscle
complex reported by Brown et al. (2005). These
patients showed severe and progressive left ven- Connective tissue disorders such as Marfan’s
tricular outflow tract obstruction and suffered syndrome, mitral valve prolapse, or myxomatous
from pulmonary hypertension (Bolling et al. mitral valve degeneration can also result in symp-
1990). In practice there is a broad spectrum of tomatic mitral valve insufficiency in early childhood.
manifestations of this complex, ranging from Surgical methods for the treatment of congen-
mild lesions to severely obstructive or hypo- ital mitral insufficiency are variable and must be
plastic left heart anatomy that necessitates sin- tailored according to the individual anatomy in
gle-ventricle palliation (see also 7 Chapter each patient. Segmental analysis of the insuffi-
«Surgery for Aortic Atresia, Hypoplastic Left Heart cient mitral valve leads to a correction designed to
Syndrome, and Hypoplastic Left Heart Complex», optimize the function of the leaflets, the chordae,
Sect. 17.1 and Sect. 17.6.8). or the papillary muscles (Lamberti and Kriett
Surgical treatment of Shone’s anomaly must be 2007). The surgical methods include (Carpentier
tailored to the individual patients since the ana- and Brizard 2006; Ohno et al. 1999; Okita et al.
tomical features are very variable. Anomalies 1988; Lamberti and Kriett 2007):
causing hemodynamic problems must be 55 Plication of the commissures
addressed first. Many patients need multiple 55 Plication of redundant leaflet portions
operations, particularly when the mitral valve is 55 Cleft closure by additional anuloplasty
involved. In three large series, hospital mortality 55 Leaflet resection, shortening, and replacement
ranged from zero to 16 % and late mortality from 55 Creation of two orifices
10 to 24 % (Bolling et al. 1990; Brauner et al. 1997; 55 Chordal shortening or replacement
Brown et al. 2005). Late outcome in Shone’s
anomaly correlates with the severity of the mitral Often it is necessary to combine different meth-
valve obstruction and the degree of pulmonary ods to achieve optimal reconstruction of the insuf-
hypertension (Bolling et  al. 1990; Brauner et al. ficient valve. When mitral valve replacement
1997; Cavigelli-Brunner et al. 2012). cannot be avoided, a mechanical valve prosthesis is
366 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

usually appropriate. Bioprosthetic valves and leaflet motion and to select the appropriate recon-
homografts tend to degenerate rapidly in infants struction technique (Chauvaud et al. 1997a, b).
and children. Experience with the Ross–Kabbani Visualization of the leaflet function by preopera-
operation (autologous transplantation of the pul- tive transthoracic two-dimensional echocardiog-
monary valve into mitral position) in infants is very raphy and by cardiac catheterization may differ
limited, and long-term results in children are not (Banerjee et al. 1995; Freedom and Smallhorn
available (Frigiolla et al. 2005; Mitchell et al. 2001). 1988). Preoperative cardiac catheterization helps
to evaluate the degree of pulmonary hypertension Ischemic Mitral Valve and define the anatomy of associated intracardiac
Incompetence and extracardiac defects (Brown et al. 2005).
This type of mitral valve incompetence usually occurs
in patients with anomalous origin of the left coronary
artery from the pulmonary artery (Bland–White– 12.3.7  Surgical Indications
Garland syndrome, see 7  Chapter «Congenital
Anomalies of the Coronary Arteries and Coronary Often infants and children are referred for mitral
Diseases of Children and Adolescents», Sect. 20.2.1) valve operation in the absence of manifest symp-
and is the result of a combination of papillary mus- toms. Gross cardiomegaly and dilatation of the
cle ischemia, dyskinesia of the free left ventricular left atrium in a seemingly asymptomatic child
wall, and left ventricular dilatation (Michielon et may provide an adequate basis for operation if the
al. 2003; Noren et al. 1964). Mitral valve surgery in preoperative echocardiographic analysis suggests
such patients is controversial (Dodge-Khatami et al. that the valve is amenable to repair. In symptom-
2002). In patients with mild or moderate mitral valve atic children surgical intervention is considered
incompetence, it has been shown that correction of anyways, especially if there is intractable heart
the coronary system alone may lead to an improve- failure, severe pulmonary hypertension, or a com-
ment in mitral valve insufficiency. By normalizing bination of both or when symptoms become
the left ventricular end-diastolic diameter, the mitral severe or when exercise limitations become unac-
valve insufficiency gradually decreases, but will not ceptable (Mitruka and Lamberti 2000; Uva et al.
12 completely disappear. Although patients show an 1995). In patients with a markedly abnormal valve
improvement in global ventricular function, they or in those who have previously undergone recon-
may be not free of symptoms because of this residual struction, mitral valve replacement may be the
mitral valve incompetence (Huddleston et al. 2001; only remaining option.
Michielon et al. 2003).

12.3.8   urgical Approaches to the

Persistence or recurrence of significant mitral Mitral Valve in Children
valve regurgitation after correction of Bland–
White–Garland syndrome should lead one to In the biventricular heart, the mitral valve can be
suspect a problem with the reimplanted approached through a variety of incisions. For
coronary artery (Huddleston et al. 2001). small children without significant dilatation of the
left atrium, the transseptal approach provides
optimal exposure of a defective septal leaflet. If the
Our experience with this anomaly in 20 pediat-
incision is extended into the dome of the left
ric patients shows that simultaneous correction of
atrium (the superior transseptal approach), ideal
severe mitral valve incompetence in the form of a
exposure of the mitral valve and its apparatus is
mitral valve anuloplasty, performed in five patients,
possible, even in the smallest patients (Aharon
was able to prevent an aggravation of hemodynamic
et  al. 1994; Lamberti and Kriett 2007). In older
instability after the operation (Alexi-Meskishvili
patients, an incision posterior to the intra-atrial
and Hetzer 2001; Alexi-Meskishvili et al. 1994).
sulcus is usually the most suitable. Transapical
access through the left ventricular apical has also
12.3.6  Diagnostic Modalities been described (Barbero-Marcial et al. 1993). The
use of deep retractors may push the mitral anulus
Accurate and thorough preoperative echocardiog- away from the surgeon and interfere with direct
raphy is mandatory to define lesions based on vision of and the approach to the valve. Plenty of
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
367 12
time should be devoted to inspection of the valve. Intraoperatively the valve diameter after
Testing of the valve with gentle cold isotonic reconstruction must be comparable with the nor-
saline flushed into the left ventricle helps to assess mal size calculated according to body surface area
apposition of the leaflets. All valve components (. Table 12.3). For this purpose Carpentier pub-
should be systemically evaluated (. Table 12.2): lished a correlation between normal valve diame-
55 Supravalvular area ter and body surface area in 1983. Since he gives
55 Valve anulus «Rowlatt et al. (1963)» as the source, we assume
55 Valve leaflets that the circumferences given in that publication
55 Chordae were converted by Carpentier to valve diameter
55 Papillary muscles measurements.

..Table 12.2  Systematic classification of

congenital mitral valve anomalies During lateral or posterior anuloplasty, great
care must be taken not to produce kinking
Type I: supravalvar of the circumflex coronary artery (. Fig. 12.57).
 A: Supravalvar ring

Type II: valvar

 A: Anulus
..Table 12.3  Heart valve diameters calculated in
 1: Midvalvar ring relation to body surface area (BSA) according to
Rowlatt et al. (1963)
 2: Hypoplasia

 3: Dilatation Valve diameter [mm]

 4: Deformation surface Mitral Tricuspid Aortic Pulmonary
area [m2] valve valve valve valve
 B: Leaflet
0.25 11.2 13.4 7.4 8.4
 5: Hypoplasia/agenesis
0.30 12.6 14.9 8.1 9.3
 6: Cleft
0.35 13.6 16.2 8.9 10.1
 7: Excessive tissue
0.40 14.4 17.3 9.5 10.7
 8: Double-orifice mitral valve
0.45 15.2 18.2 10.1 11.3
Type III: subvalvar
0.50 15.8 19.2 10.7 11.9
 A: Chordae tendineae
0.60 16.9 20.7 11.5 12.8
 1: Agenesis
0.70 17.9 21.9 12.3 13.5
 2: Shortened-funnel valve
0.80 18.8 23.0 13.0 14.2
 3: Elongated
0.90 19.7 24.0 13.4 14.8
 B: Papillary muscle
1.00 20.2 24.9 14.0 15.3
 4: Hypoplasia/agenesis
1.20 21.4 26.2 14.8 16.2
 5: Shortened
1.40 22.3 27.7 15.5 17.0
 6: Elongated
1.60 23.1 28.9 16.1 17.6
 7: Single—parachute valve
1.80 23.8 29.1 16.5 18.2
 8: Multiple—hammock valve
2.00 24.2 30.0 17.2 19.0
Type IV: mixed

All possible combinations of types I–III Modified according to Carpentier (1983)

Approximated standard deviations for the mitral valve
Modified from Mitruka and Lamberti (2000) are 1.9 mm (BSA <0.3 m2) and 1.6 mm (BSA >0.3 m2)
368 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

a b

..Fig. 12.57  Danger of coronary kinking in a lateral anuloplasty and b posterior Gerbode anuloplasty

The use of synthetic pledgets should be avoided, heart–lung machine with a small priming volume
especially in small children, as they can lead to is used, with aortic and bicaval cannulation. The
hemolysis. We do not use synthetic rings at all in superior vena cava is cannulated directly for bet-
children because they fix the anulus and eliminate ter mitral valve exposure. In most cases we oper-
the possibility of its growth (Aharon et al. 1994). ate in moderate hypothermia of 32  °C.  The
As suture pledgets and reinforcing material for patient’s core body temperature can be further
anuloplasty, we prefer to use autologous nontreated lowered depending on the complexity of the pro-
pericardium which is excellently suited as a recon- cedure. Myocardial protection is achieved with
struction material, allows growth, and at the same antegrade crystalloid or blood cardioplegia, and
time remains stable. In patients with congenital topical cooling with slush ice may be added. We
mitral valve stenosis, aggressive commissurotomy repeat cardioplegia administration every 20 min.
may produce significant valve incompetence. When the intracardiac procedure has been fin-
12 An exemption for using a prosthetic mitral ished, the heart is de-aired by applying gentle
valve ring may be the rare congenital Marfan’s atrial and ventricular massage and aspiration
patient who may present already in early child- through the cardioplegia cannulas. We still believe
hood with a severely dilated mitral anulus, which in preventing air embolism by carbon dioxide
after reduction and improvement of valve insufflation into the operative field, although
­function may still have (almost) normal adult more recently no advantage could be shown in an
dimensions. adult population (Chaudhuri et al. 2012).
Once the reconstruction is completed, the
heart is de-aired, and the results may be evaluated
with transesophageal echocardiography. Reinsti­ 12.3.10   reatment Options for
tution of cardiopulmonary bypass and revision of Congenital Mitral Valve
the reconstruction are necessary in some patients Anomalies
when the results of the reconstruction are not yet
satisfactory (Lamberti and Kriett 2007). This may Mitral valve surgery in infants and children is less
have been already suspected from hemodynamic well established and less standardized than in
data once having come off bypass. adults. Reasons for this are the greater complexity
of the defects, a broad variety of reconstruction
techniques, the prospect of multiple repeat opera-
12.3.9  Cardiopulmonary Bypass tions, and the lack of suitable prostheses (Lamberti
and Myocardial Protection and Kriett 2007). The limitations of replacing the
mitral valve with a mechanical valve in infants
The operation is performed through a full median and children are well recognized. Techniques for
sternotomy. For cosmetic reasons in female reconstruction of the mitral valve have become
patients with fully developed breasts, a right sub- increasingly sophisticated in recent years, so that
mammarian incision may be used. A conventional the interval before unavoidable valve replacement
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
369 12
has been considerably extended (Baird et al. 2012; tic mitral anulus in whom valve replacement
Hetzer et al. 2008; Mitruka and Lamberti 2000). would be problematical (Spevak et al. 1990).
The surgical techniques consist of dilatation, Application of this procedure is limited by the
reduction or plication of the anulus, the implanta- lack of decisive functional improvement in
tion of different types of ring, closure of clefts, response to balloon dilatation and the risk of it
sliding plasty, and many other alternatives precipitating acute and severe mitral valve insuf-
(Pritisanac et al. 2005). ficiency.
Valve replacement is the last option to be fol- Although balloon dilatation can significantly
lowed (Alsoufi et al. 2011; Brown et al. 2012; reduce the transmitral pressure gradient in the
Hetzer and Drews 1999; Sim et al. 2012). Although majority of patients, this effect persists in only
replacement of the mitral valve in children with about 40 % of cases (Moore et al. 1994). The best
cryopreserved mitral valve homografts provided result is observed in patients with pure stenosis
satisfactory early postoperative results (Plunkett and flexible leaflets. The worst results have been
et al. 1998), this technique must be considered seen in children who had anomalies of the papil-
investigational at the present time because the lary muscles in addition to the congenital mitral
homograft valves degenerate rapidly in children valve stenosis. Many patients need further proce-
(Revuelta 1998). dures to treat either recurrent mitral valve steno-
The Ross–Kabbani operation: Replacement of sis or mitral valve regurgitation resulting from
the mitral valve with the autologous pulmonary dilatation-related disruption of the mitral valve
valve (Kabbani et al. 1999, 2001) represents a fur- apparatus (McElhinney et al. 2005).
ther alternative option, although long-term
results in children are not yet available (Brown et
al. 2006). In individual case reports, this opera- 12.3.11  Surgical Treatment
tion was recommended for very small infants
when valve reconstruction is impossible or a pre- Surgery for Stenotic
viously implanted mechanical prosthesis devel- Anomalies of the Mitral Valve
ops thrombosis despite adequate anticoagulatory kSupravalvar mitral ring
treatment (Frigiolla et al. 2005; Mitchell et al. Resection of the fibrous tissue taking care not to
2001). damage the anterior leaflet is the procedure of
More recently, on the AATS Mitral Conclave choice. While the ring has to be cut off the anulus,
in New  York, NY, in May 2013, Quiñonez et  al. it is usually bluntly separated from the valve leaf-
from the Boston Children’s Hospital presented his lets with the resection begun posteriorly and
early experience with catheter deployable valve extended anteriorly. Only rarely is mitral valve
for mitral valve replacement in seven neonates replacement necessary (Sullivan et al. 1986).
and infants with a mitral diameter of <12  mm
(range 8–12  mm). He modified an externally kSingle papillary muscle—parachute
stented bovine jugular vein graft (Melody™ mitral valve
valve) for open-heart surgical implantation in this Fenestration of the papillary muscle (split into
cohort. His group hypothesized that the valve can anterior and posterior) with fenestration of the
be expanded in the catheterization laboratory as interchordal leaflet spaces typically releases the
the child grows. There was one early death in a subvalvar stenosis. The most appropriate site
salvage patient. Two patients have undergone for leaflet-splitting incisions is on both sides of
subsequent transcatheter balloon expansion of the common papillary muscle toward the
the prosthesis (to 12 mm) at 3 and 4 months post- trigones (. Fig.  12.58a, b). These incisions are
operatively, both with ongoing mild regurgitation extended into the body of the papillary muscle
(Quiñonez et al. 2013). Experience with isolated which is split toward its base, ensuring suffi-
balloon dilatation for congenital mitral stenosis is cient thickness of both «new» papillary muscles
very limited, and there are only few reports about (. Fig.  12.58c–e). Valve incompetence can be
the long-term results of this procedure (Alday treated by leaflet suturing or anulus remodel-
et al. 1994). This procedure should be considered ing. As would be expected, the success rate of
before mitral valve replacement in young patients this procedure increases with the age and size
(less than 5 years old) and in those with hypoplas- of the patients.
370 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

a b

c d e

..Fig. 12.58  a–e Surgical procedure for single papillary muscle (parachute mitral valve). a, b Incisions to split the leaf-
lets; c–e extension of the incisions deep into the body of the papillary muscle

kHammock mitral valve Surgery for Mitral Valve

12 This lesion is one of the most difficult mitral Incompetence
anomalies to correct, since the muscular mass kDilatation of the valve anulus
found beneath the leaflets impinges on the left The treatment for this disorder is typically
ventricular outflow tract (Stellin et al. 2000). a form of anuloplasty. In children less than
Ideally the hammock valve is treated by 10  years of age, rectangular resection of the
excision of the excess papillary muscle beneath mural leaflet, anular plication, and suturing of
the mural leaflet, fenestration of the inter- the leaflet edges will usually reduce regurgita-
chordal spaces, cleft suturing, or anular remod- tion and allow for future anular growth. The
eling. Kay–Whooler (eccentric) anuloplasty (Kay et
If the papillary muscles are not attached to the al. 1961; Whooler et al. 1962)involves reduc-
free edges of the leaflets, a suitably thick part of tion of the dilated posterior mitral anulus by
the posterior left ventricular wall carrying the two sutures pledgeted with autologous pericar-
rudimentary papillary muscle and the chordae is dium placed anterior to each commissure and
carved out of the wall (. Fig. 12.59a, b). It must be running at a varying distance along the mural
ensured that both the remaining wall of the left anulus. When using the Kay–Whooler tech-
ventricle and the «new» papillary muscle nique, it is essential for long-term stability that
maintain—or obtain—sufficient muscle thickness the sutures go through the fibrous trigones.
to fulfill their respective functions (. Fig. 12.59c). Tightening the sutures narrows the anulus
Valve replacement is often necessary (Uva et al. (.  Fig. 12.60).
1995). The modified Paneth anuloplasty, published by
his group (Burr et al. 1977), is used mostly in chil-
dren and adolescents with severe anulus dilatation
Hammock mitral valve is a strong predictor of of any origin. This technique involves a reduction
a high incidence of reoperations (Prifti et al. of the circumference of the posterior anulus by the
2002). placement of horizontal polypropylene mattress
sutures that are anchored to the trigones with
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
371 12
a b c

..Fig. 12.59  a–c Excision of a portion of the ventricular wall in hammock mitral valve correction

a b

..Fig. 12.60  a, b Kay–Whooler technique in dilated mitral valve anulus

a b c
Mitral valve anulus

..Fig. 12.61  a–c Modified Paneth anuloplasty

pledgets of untreated autologous pericardium and kProlapse of the anterior leaflet

placed in such a manner that they tauten the pos- When all three segments of the anterior leaflet are
terior anulus (. Fig. 12.61a). The degree or extent prolapsed and there is no adequate chordal sup-
of shortening is chosen so that the leaflets coapt port, results of triangular resection are
well, and normal valve size according to the calcu- ­unsatisfactory (Mantovani et al. 2005). In chil-
lated body surface area is maintained (Carpentier dren it seems to be more effective to shorten the
1983; Rowlatt et al. 1963; see . Table  12.2). The chordae in combination with placing an autolo-
shortened posterior anulus is then stabilized with gous pericardial strip to strengthen the anulus
an untreated autologous ­ pericardial strip and treat anular dilatation (Aharon et al. 1994).
(. Fig. 12.61b, c). The pericardial strip can also be The main technical problem with artificial chorea
already primarily reinforcing the anulus with the is determining their correct length, especially
shortening sutures. given the fact that e-polytetrafluoroethylene
372 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

sutures are very slippery and the knots may slide often render the valve incompetent, necessitating
when tied. In adults David (2004) recommends extensive reconstruction or valve replacement.
using the lateral commissure as a reference for Up to one half of the posterior leaflet is amenable
correct chordal length estimation. In children it to resection, but only a small wedge of the ante-
is much more difficult to estimate the correct rior leaflet can be safely resected. Larger areas of
length. The zone of apposition along the length of the unsupported anterior leaflet can be treated by
the healthy, nonelongated native chordae chordal shortening, transfer, or replacement. Due
(attached to the nonprolapsing part of the valve) to the consequential disparity between the mitral
may serve as a reference (Boon et al. 2007; valve opening area and the leaflet size after leaflet
Minami et al. 2005). resection, concomitant anuloplasty is usually nec-
essary. Occasionally valve replacement is unavoid-
kLeaflet hypoplasia or agenesis able.
Treatment for leaflet agenesis consists of a rectan-
gular resection with suturing of the free edges of kChordae tendineae agenesis and rupture
the leaflet remnants after a sliding valvuloplasty of The absence or rupture of the primary chordae of
the remnants has been performed. A defect in the the central posterior scallop is most effectively
anterior leaflet may be treated by direct suturing dealt with by rectangular leaflet resection and
or by application of an autologous pericardial direct suturing. Modified Gerbode plication
patch depending on its size (Aharon et al. 1994; plasty is the technique we use for ruptured chor-
Chauvaud et al. 1997a). dae of the central scallop of the posterior leaflet
(Gerbode et al. 1962) (. Fig. 12.62a). The flail leaf-
kIsolated leaflet cleft let segment is plicated toward the ventricle with a
The optimal treatment consists of closure of the V-shaped suture line of polypropylene inter-
leaflet cleft (Zias et al. 1998). Anterior leaflet rupted mattress sutures pledgeted with untreated
clefts are repaired by direct suture technique. autologous pericardium (. Fig.  12.62b, c). When
Care must be taken to avoid extending the valve competence is assured, the posterior anulus
suture line beyond the site of primary chordal is stabilized with a strip of untreated autologous
12 insertion, as this would limit the valve opening. pericardium which is anchored to both trigones
Posterior leaflet clefts may be treated by quad- with separate pledgeted mattress sutures
rangular resection or simple closure. In the case (. Fig. 12.62d, e).
of a three-leaflet mitral valve, commissuroplas- The use of artificial chordae of expanded
ties at the anterolateral and posteromedial com- polytetrafluoroethylene sutures in neonates and
missures are indicated. Suturing of the free children has been reported (Anagnostopoulos
edges of a cleft in the posterior leaflet and plica- et al. 2007; Kawahira et al. 1999; Matsumoto
tion of the anulus also offer good palliation. If et  al. 1999). Some authors suppose that, when
there is associated anular dilatation, an anulo- this technique is combined with other con-
plasty is performed concurrently (Perier and servative methods of mitral valve reconstruc-
Clausnizer 1995). In rare cases the mitral cleft is tion in children, it delays and possibly entirely
a part of an anomaly of the ventriculo-arterial avoids the need for implantation of a mechani-
connection and is addressed during and after cal prosthesis (Murakami et al. 1998). Valvular
the complex corrective procedure (Fraisse et al. restriction by artificial chordae has so far not
2002; Menahem and Anderson 2004; Photiadis been observed in the midterm follow-up in
et al. 1995). growing children (Boon et al. 2007; Kawahira
et al. 1999; Minami et al. 2005). However, the
kDouble-orifice mitral valve long-term results could not yet be observed
There are two strategies in treating the mitral (Matsumoto et al. 1999). The latest report with
valve with two orifices: the accessory orifice can a mean follow-up of 8.3 years during a 17-year
be left intact if it is competent (Carpentier and experience showed satisfactory results with
Brizard 2006) or it can be oversewn and obliter- mitral valve repair with artificial chordae in
ated if it is incompetent and the main orifice is of infants and children (Oda et al. 2013). Defects
adequate diameter (Baño-Rodrigo et al. 1988). If of the secondary chordal defects are addressed
the valve is stenotic, the treatment is more com- by suturing the free edges of the leaflet to the
plicated, as transection of the bridging tissue will secondary chordae.
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
373 12
a b c

d e

..Fig. 12.62  a–e Procedure followed when chordae tendineae are ruptured or absent: modified Gerbode plasty

kElongated chordae tendineae, hypoplastic chordae by expanded polytetrafluoroethylene

and shortened or ruptured papillary sutures is an option, with limited but spreading use
muscles, and mixed lesions in children (Matsumoto et al. 1999; Oda et al. 2013).
Treatment of these anomalies must address the
individual anatomy and anular remodeling. kTreatment of systolic anterior motion in
Often, valve replacement is the only viable option. patients with hypertrophic obstructive
A combination of different methods of valve cardiomyopathy
reconstruction is necessary: In patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardio-
55 Chordal shortening by splitting the papillary myopathy (HOCM), no distinct abnormalities of
muscle and suturing the chordae in the depth the chordae tendineae and papillary muscles are
of the papillary muscle stalk apparent. Valve reconstruction is guided by care-
55 Resection and suturing of the prolapsed por- ful transesophageal echocardiographic assess-
tion of the leaflet ment of the septal anatomy and thickness, mitral
55 Quadrangular resection of the opposing seg- valve function and anatomy, and mobility of the
ment of the posterior leaflet subvalvular apparatus. The segments of the ante-
55 Transfer of the primary chordae by suturing rior leaflet closest to the trigones are sutured to
the segment to the atrial surface of the ante- the corresponding posterior anulus with inter-
rior leaflet rupted polypropylene mattress sutures pledgeted
55 Fenestration of the interchordal spaces with untreated autologous pericardium. Sutures
are passed through the coaptation line of the
When leaflet mobility is limited by abnormally ­anterior leaflet and the corresponding posterior
short chordae or malformed papillary muscles (as anulus (. Fig. 12.63a, b), Hetzer technique (Hetzer
in parachute or hammock valves), splitting the pap- et al. 2008).
illary muscles may improve leaflet excursion. In this manner mobility of the anterior leaflet
Persistence of interchordal tissue can impede left in the segments near the trigones is limited, and
ventricular inflow. Removal of the tissue between the development of systolic anterior motion (the
the chordae and resection of secondary chordae can SAM phenomenon) resulting in mitral valve
increase the effective orifice area. Replacement of insufficiency is prevented (. Fig.  12.63c, d).
374 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

a b


..Fig. 12.63  a Anterior leaflet retention plasty for systolic anterior motion (SAM) in hypertrophic obstructive cardio-
myopathy (Hetzer technique); b completed repair (view from the atrium); c depiction of mitral valve insufficiency in
hypertrophic and obstructive cardiomyopathy with SAM, longitudinal cross-sectional view; d the mitral valve regurgi-
tant jet is diverted into the LVOT after septal myectomy and the retention plasty of the anterior leaflet; site of septal
12 myectomy as viewed through the aortic valve. Opposite the anterior mitral valve leaflet (the broken line marks the inci-
sion in the myocardial septum; Hetzer technique) (Delmo Walter et al. 2010; Hetzer and Delmo Walter 2013) ph

Intraoperative measurement of the mitral valve between the right and the left coronary sinuses
opening area uses Hegar dilators. It is important (Hetzer et al. 2008; . Fig.  12.63e). The incisions
to ensure that the age-related minimal normal should be continued apically beyond the point of
valve diameter is reached, to avoid mitral valve mitral–septal contact, which is usually marked by
stenosis. In addition to the retention plasty of the a fibrous band. This wide incision beneath the
anterior mitral valve leaflet, Morrow-type subaor- aortic valve improves exposure of the important
tic myectomy through transaortic access should area toward the apex.
always be performed. Left ventricular and aortic After septal myectomy and anterior leaflet
pressure is measured directly and simultaneously. retention plasty, the aortic and mitral valves must
As the gradient across the left ventricular outflow be inspected to ensure that they have not been
tract may be low (30 mmHg) because of anesthe- injured. Pressures in the left ventricle and aorta
sia, isoproterenol is administered, or premature must be remeasured, and the transesophageal
ventricular contractions are induced to determine echocardiographic evaluation is repeated after
the maximal pressure gradient. weaning from the cardiopulmonary bypass.
An oblique aortotomy is made, leading right- Myectomy has been successful when there is little
ward into the noncoronary sinus in the direction or no residual LVOT gradient, absence of SAM,
of the aortic anulus. The aortic valve is inspected and no mitral valve stenosis.
and the subvalvular region exposed. We make
parallel incisions in the septum directly opposite kMitral valve reconstruction for endocarditis
the anterior mitral leaflet and resect long blocks of The vital principle consists of adequate debride-
septal myocardium between the two incisions, ment of the infected tissue and meticulous flush-
which start directly below the aortic anulus at the ing of all affected areas with povidone–iodine
right coronary sinus and at the commissure solution, regardless of whether purulence or
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
375 12
v­ egetations were present or not. Further, meticu- In patients with hypoplastic left or right ven-
lous removal of vegetations, when present, and tricle and hypoplastic, insufficient corresponding
anatomic reconstruction using sutures reinforced valves not amenable to reconstruction, the insuf-
with untreated autologous pericardial pledgets or ficient valve van be closed with a pericardial
pericardial strips are necessary. patch, thus converting heart failure to mitral valve
Mitral valve reconstruction is performed or tricuspid valve atresia. The creation or enlarge-
using either anterior commissuroplasty (our ment of an atrial septal defect is important in
modified Kay–Whooler technique; see these circumstances to prevent atrial congestion.
. Fig. 12.60a, b), posterior commissuroplasty with
leaflet resection (see . Fig.  12.61a), or posterior Mitral Valve Replacement
commissuroplasty with pericardial strip rein- At present there is no ideal valve prosthesis avail-
forcement as in our modification (see . Fig. 12.61b, able for mitral valve replacement in children, par-
c). Chordal rupture can be corrected by chordal ticularly in early childhood and infancy (Alexiou
reimplantation or replacement. et al. 2001). In children every possible effort
should be made to preserve the native valve. It is Atrioventricular Valve our policy to attempt mitral valve reconstruction
Reconstruction in Patients in every child, even when less than optimal results
with Single Ventricle of the reconstruction must be accepted and reop-
Significant atrioventricular (AV) valve insuffi- erations after some time must be planned. The
ciency has been reported in up to one third of philosophy behind this concept is to bring every
patients with single ventricle who undergo pal- child—if necessary by repeated operations—up to
liation (Imai et al. 1999; Sallehuddin et al. 2004). an age when a prosthesis that will last for a life-
This is considered a significant preoperative risk time can be implanted (Hetzer and Drews 1999;
factor as well as a reason for the worsening in Hetzer et al. 2008). If reconstruction for mitral
late results after bidirectional cavopulmonary valve stenosis is attempted, mitral valve insuffi-
shunt (BCPS) and after Fontan operation ciency often remains, partly due to defects of the
(Scheurer et al. 2008). We therefore prefer to cor- subvalvar apparatus (such as parachute and ham-
rect significant AV valve insufficiency when per- mock deformities). In this situation valve replace-
forming BCPS.  This provides a better ment is often the only remaining option (Beierlein
background, avoids the need for additional et al. 2007; Günter et al. 2000; Kadoba et al. 1999).
intracardiac repair when the Fontan operation However, in small children whenever it is possible
follows, and improves the results. Common rea- we prefer to implant a mechanical or biological
sons for AV valve insufficiency in patients with aortic valve prosthesis in upside-down position.
single ventricle are anular dilatation, elongation Most mechanical mitral valves are only available
of the chordae, and the presence of clefts. To in sizes 25 and larger. Therefore, for smaller sizes,
achieve valve competence, it is often necessary mechanical aortic valves, implanted in upside-­
to combine valve reconstruction with anulo- down position, have to be used. The risk that
plasty. Although there are techniques that arises after implantation of a mitral valve prosthe-
improve AV valve function, such as anuloplasty, sis that is too large is far greater than if elective
bi-valvation of the common atrioventricular second mitral valve replacement is performed
valve, cleft closure, chordal elongation or short- after the child has grown (Caldarone et al. 2001).
ening, and the suturing of pericardial patches Small prosthetic valves can lead to patient–
(Lamberti and Kriett 2007; Oku et al. 1994), there prosthesis mismatch in the course of somatic
are still a number of patients who require AV growth of the patient (Vohra et al. 2006). The
valve replacement due to progressive valve supra-anular implantation technique allows the
insufficiency that is not amenable to reconstruc- mitral valve to be replaced with a prosthesis which
tion. To maintain ventricular function, it is is larger than the natural mitral valve ring (Kanter
important to preserve the chordae and the papil- et al. 2011). After 15 years, all children with pros-
lary muscles. Chordal attachments must be thesis of <23 mm have outgrown their valves, but
divided only if they obstruct the ventricular out- mitral valve re-replacement with a larger size
flow tract (Mahle et al. 2001). The development prosthesis is always possible, and the operative
of postoperative total AV block is common. risk is low (Beierlein et al. 2007). In a large
376 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

multicenter study, the risk of developing total AV growth of the anulus (Raghuveer et al. 2003).
block was found to be between 8 and 30 % Children with mechanical valve prostheses must
(Caldarone et al. 2001; Kanter et al. 2005). be placed on an anticoagulation regimen to main-
With the wide array of techniques currently tain an international normalized ratio (INR) of
available, satisfactory repair of congenitally anom- between 2.5 and 3.5 (Günter et al. 2000). Long-­
alous mitral valves is possible in 80 % of cases term anticoagulation is usually well tolerated
(Baird et al. 2012). Preservation of the chordal (Beierlein et al. 2007; Caldarone et al. 2001;
attachments is important in preserving ventricu- Sachweh et al. 2007).
lar function but is often not possible in infants
and small children. When the anulus is too small Implantation of the
to place the prosthesis in orthotopic position, the Extracardiac Valved Conduit
valve prosthesis may be implanted in supra-anu- for Mitral Valve Stenosis
lar position in the left atrium (Tierney et al. 2008; In cases when the stenotic mitral valve is irrepa-
Kanter et al. 2013; Rocafort et al. 2013). The most rable and valve replacement is not feasible due to
appropriate prosthesis for mitral valve replace- anular hypoplasia in the setting of a normal-­sized
ment in older children is a low-profile mechanical left ventricle, an extracardiac conduit with a por-
bileaflet prosthesis (Alexiou et al. 2001; Alsoufi cine valve may be implanted (Amodeo et al.
et al. 2011; Günter et al. 2000; Sim et al. 2012). In 1990). The operation is performed through a left
the not so distant past, the perioperative mortality thoracotomy or a median sternotomy (Laks et al.
for valve replacement in infants and children was 1980). The prosthesis is attached to the left atrium
30–50 % (Kadoba et al. 1999; Zweng et al. 1989). by making an incision between the base of the left
However, with improved myocardial preservation atrial appendage and the pulmonary veins. The
techniques, better valve prostheses, tighter control distal end of the prosthesis is sutured to the apex
of postoperative anticoagulation, and improved of the left ventricle. Rapid calcification of the bio-
postoperative intensive care unit management, prosthesis in children is the main concern
the operative mortality for mitral valve replace- (Mazzera et al. 1989; Serraf et al. 2000). The more
ment in children decreased to 3.5–11 % (Alexiou recently published innovative surgical technique
12 et al. 2001; Günter et al. 2000; Brown et al. 2012), of implanting an individually modified transcath-
although valve replacement in the smallest chil- eter valve under direct vision with the option of
dren continues to carry a high early mortality of stepwise dilatation during further follow-up
up to 20 % (Beierlein et al. 2007; Serraf et al. 2000; (Quiñonez et al. 2013) may be applicable in these
Vohra et al. 2006). Repeat valve replacement cases where earlier an atrioventricular conduit
is necessary in half of the cases within 3  years was thought of.
(Kanter et al. 2005). Long-term survival in small
children remains poor, with an actuarial survival
rate after 10–20  years of approximately 50–61 % 12.3.12  Results of Repairing
(Alexiou et al. 1999; Günter et al. 2000; Kadoba Congenital Mitral Valve
et al. 1999). Anomalies
In a large multicenter study, the main reasons
for second mitral valve replacement in 102 chil- Results of mitral valve repair in pediatric patients
dren operated on at age of less than 5 years were have significantly improved in recent years (Hetzer
prosthetic valve stenosis and prosthetic endocar- et al. 2008; Delmo Walter et al. 2010). The r­ easons
ditis. In detail the following reasons for second for this trend lie in better understanding of valve
mitral valve replacement were given: pathology, improved surgical techniques, changes
55 Stenosis of the original valve prosthesis in myocardial protection and extracorporeal circu-
(24 children, 83 %) lation, and intraoperative use of transesophageal
55 Thrombosis of the original valve prosthesis echocardiography. Mortality rates reported in dif-
(4 children, 14 %) ferent studies are difficult to compare because there
55 Prosthetic valve endocarditis (1 child, 3 %) are differences in the disease complexity, ages of the
patients at operation, description of the mitral
The second implanted prosthesis was always valve anomalies, and surgical methods used
larger, which underlines the factor of continuing (Pritisanac et al. 2005; Seccombe 1999). Late results
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
377 12
are dependent on the age at operation, clinical pre- placement and the resultant tricuspid valve regur-
sentation, presence or absence of valve insuffi- gitation. In the case of mild displacement and
ciency or stenosis, and other associated cardiac mild valve regurgitation, the patient may remain
anomalies (Aharon et al. 1994). In general, higher asymptomatic for many years. If, however, leaflet
mortality with reconstruction is to be expected displacement and tricuspid valve regurgitation
when the mitral valve anomaly is associated with are severe, the pulmonary blood flow is decreased,
other additional heart defects (Wood et al. 2004). the right atrium becomes dilated, and the blood is
Best midterm and long-term results are achieved in shunted from right to left through an atrial septal
patients with isolated mitral valve insufficiency defect or more often a patent foramen ovale. The
because of anular dilatation or with the presence of patient becomes cyanotic. The signs of heart fail-
a cleft (Zias et al. 1998). Results are suboptimal in ure may also develop secondary to a functional
patients with absent chordae (Sugita et al. 2001). In small right ventricle and decreased right ventricu-
patients with mitral valve stenosis, the results are lar compliance.
less satisfactory since there is greater complexity
and variability in the pathology (Lorier et al. 2001).
Many patients with mitral stenosis later need repeat 12.4.2  Mortality and Morbidity
operations and even mitral valve replacement (Uva
et al. 1995; Serraf et al. 2000; Alghamadi et al. Intrauterine mortality with this lesion is as high as
2011; Remenyi et al. 2012; Jiang et al. 2013). 85 %. Mortality after birth is related to the severity
of cyanosis, the tricuspid valve deformation, and
the lack of antegrade flow through the pulmonary
12.4 Ebstein’s Anomaly valve (McElhiney et al. 2005). Newborns with
cyanosis have a mortality rate of up to 70 % com-
12.4.1  Introduction pared to 15 % for newborns without cyanosis
(Arizmendi et al. 2004). Death is precipitated by
Ebstein’s anomaly is a rare, complex congenital heart failure or postoperative complications or
malformation of the tricuspid valve and the right occurs as sudden cardiac death. Actuarial survival
ventricle with very variable anatomy. The anomaly among live-born patients has been reported to be
involves abnormal attachments of the tricuspid 67 % for the first year and 59 % for the first 10 years
valve leaflets to the valve anulus. Marked variability (Giuliani et al. 1979).
exists in the degree of displacement of the septal Severity of the leaflet displacement and the
and posterior leaflets into the cavity of the right degree of associated right ventricular outflow
ventricle. This may result in a right ventricle that is tract obstruction determine the age at which the
divided into an atrialized portion of the right ven- patient develops symptoms. In large-scale investi-
tricle above the valve leaflets and a remaining, gations of Ebstein’s anomaly, 81 % of the patients
more or less, hypoplastic ventricular portion below were diagnosed during their first week of life, 6 %
the valve leaflets. The lesion was first described in when aged 1–4  weeks, 11  % at the age of
1866 by the German pathologist Wilhelm Ebstein 5–25  weeks, and 2 % when older than 25  weeks
(1866) and was first referred to as Ebstein’s disease (Arizmendi et al. 2004; Correa-Villasenor et al.
in 1927 (Arstein 1927). The first diagnosis of 1994; Kumar et al. 1971). After the first 6 months,
Ebstein’s anomaly in a living patient was made by the prognosis in infancy is approximately the
Tournaire and associates (Tournaire et al. 1949). same as that in childhood and adolescence
The incidence of Ebstein’s anomaly of the tri- (Arizmendi et al. 2004; Davidson et al. 1995;
cuspid valve is approximately 1:20,000 live births, Davies et al. 2013; Yu et al. 2013).
accounting for less than 1 % of all congenital heart
defects. Male and female children are affected
equally. In a large cardiac surgical center, Ebstein’s 12.4.3  History of Surgical Treatment
anomaly accounts for less than 1 % of all cardio-
vascular procedures for congenital heart disease The surgical treatment of Ebstein’s anomaly, the
(Hetzer and Pasic 2004). associated tricuspid valve incompetence, and the
Hemodynamic consequences of this lesion are significant sequela remained controversial for a
directly related to the severity of the leaflet dis- long time with regard to the surgical indication,
378 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

the most suitable operative technique (valve In 2004 da Silva described a new technique for
replacement or repair), the appropriate type of repair of Ebstein’s anomaly (da Silva et al. 2004)
repair, and the optimal timing of the procedure. which uses some principles of the Carpentier
Reconstruction of the tricuspid valve in Ebstein’s technique, but reconstructs the tricuspid valve in
anomaly was not generally accepted, firstly a significantly different way (da Silva et al. 2004,
because of the immense variety of pathological 2007; Dearani et al. 2008). According to da Silva
manifestations of the anomaly that makes the (da Silva et al. 2007; da Silva and da Fonseca
development of a standardized reconstruction 2012), the surgical goal of the technique is to cre-
concept difficult. Further, few surgeons have the ate a cone-like structure from the available tricus-
opportunity to gain sufficient experience in the pid valve tissue, covering the right atrioventricular
management of this defect since it so rarely orifice and allowing leaflet-to-leaflet coaptation.
occurs. Many surgeons favored tricuspid valve This cone reconstruction technique was used suc-
replacement, which is technically the most cessfully for primary correction of all forms of
straightforward procedure, particularly after the Ebstein’s malformation (da Silva et al. 2007; da
first successful replacement was reported in 1963 Silva and da Fonseca 2012; Vogel et al. 2012; Liu
by Barnard and Schrire (1963). Although some et al. 2011; Dearani et al. 2013a) and for re-repair
patients do well for many years after tricuspid due to residual severe tricuspid valve incompe-
valve replacement, prosthetic valve replacement tence (Dearani et al. 2013b).
exposes the patient to the well-known potential In neonates and infants, two different surgical
problems of prosthetic valve dysfunction, throm- strategies can be applied: valve reconstruction
boembolism, endocarditis, and patient–prosthe- (Knott-Craig et al. 2000; Boston et al. 2011) or the
sis mismatch as a result of somatic growth of the univentricular approach known as the Starnes
patient. For these reasons a reparative plasty of procedure (Starnes et al. 1991).
the tricuspid valve should always be preferred to
valve replacement, whenever it is possible. In
cases where the tricuspid valve is completely 12.4.4  Anatomy
absent so that no chordae or papillary muscles
12 are recognizable or where the free edges of the Ebstein’s malformation of the tricuspid valve is
leaflet are attached to the ventricular wall, recon- characterized by three features:
struction is not possible, and there is no alterna- 55 Adherence of the septal and posterior leaflets
tive to prosthetic replacement in an older child to the underlying myocardium with down-
or adult. ward (apical) displacement of the functional
Hunter and Lillehei described the concept of anulus and so-called atrialization of the
valve reconstruction for the first time in 1958 affected portion of the right ventricle
(Hunter and Lillehei 1958). This technique was 55 Redundancy and fenestration of the anterior
applied with clinical success by Hardy (Hardy leaflet
et al. 1964) and was further modified by Danielson 55 Dilatation of the right atrioventricular junc-
who has been credited with popularization of tion (i.e., the true tricuspid anulus)
valve repair in Ebstein’s anomaly in a large series
of patients (Danielson et al. 1979a, b, c). In addi- Because each of these features may be mani-
tion to reconstruction of the tricuspid valve, this fested to different extents, the morphological
technique includes transverse plication of the so-­ appearance of the tricuspid valve in Ebstein’s
called atrialized chamber. In 1988, Carpentier anomaly is also highly variable (Anderson and Lie
introduced a technique of valve reconstruction 1979; Chauvaud et al. 2003; Chen et al. 2004).
with longitudinal (instead of transverse) plica- Apical displacement always affects the septal
tion of the atrialized chamber (Carpentier et al. leaflet, but it may also involve the posterior leaf-
1988). This technique was further developed by let, and large parts of the affected leaflets are usu-
Quaegebeur (Quaegebeur and Sreeram 1991). In ally adhered firmly to the right ventricular wall
contrast to these techniques, Hetzer in 1998 (Becker 1995). The anterior leaflet is usually
introduced a concept of tricuspid valve recon- enlarged and resembles a billowed sail, but it is
struction in which the atrialized chamber can always attached to the anulus at the normal posi-
remain untouched (Hetzer et al. 1998). tion (Becker 1995). Although the anterior leaflet
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
379 12
is not usually displaced, it is almost always ana- 12.4.6  Classification
tomically abnormal. This leaflet may also have
multiple chordal attachments to the ventricular Carpentier’s surgical classification of Ebstein’s
wall. The displacement of the septal and posterior anomaly is valuable for making surgical decisions
valve components in the direction of the apex of as to the most appropriate procedure and for esti-
the right ventricular cavity divides the right ven- mating individual surgical risk (Carpentier et al.
tricle into a supravalvular portion that is known 1988; . Fig. 12.64): In type A (minimal disease),
as the atrialized chambers and a finally smaller the septal and posterior leaflet origins are only
subvalvular portion of the ventricle, the so-called moderately displaced into the right ventricle. The
true right ventricle. The true anulus of the tricus- atrialized chamber is small, and a relatively large
pid valve at the anatomic atrioventricular junc- trabecularized right ventricular cavity is pre-
tion, the right atrium, and the functional served. The anterior leaflet is large and mobile.
tricuspid valve anulus are always dilated, and the The volume of true right ventricle is adequate
tricuspid valve itself is usually incompetent. (. Fig. 12.64a). In type B (intermediate disease),
Dilatation of the right ventricle is associated not the relationship between the volume of the atrial-
only with thinning of the right ventricular wall ized chamber and true right ventricle is reversed:
but also with an absolute decrease in the myocar- a large atrialized chamber and a smaller contract-
dial fiber count in the right ventricular myocar- ing ventricle are both present. The anterior leaflet
dium (Anderson and Lie 1979). Significant is also large and mobile (. Fig. 12.64b). In type C
fibrosis of the left ventricular myocardium in (severe disease), the anterior leaflet is restricted
deceased neonates was also described (Celermajer in motion by its adherence to the endocardium of
et al. 1992b). the anterior right ventricular wall by a fibrous
band or abnormal chordae tendineae. This
restriction may cause significant stenosis of the
12.4.5  Associated Anomalies right ventricular outflow tract (. Fig. 12.64c). In
type D (lesion of the tricuspid valve sac), the
An atrial septal defect or persistent foramen ovale entire right ventricle is lined by broad adherent
is present in 90 % of the patients (Celermajer et al. fibrous leaflet structures and is almost completely
1992a; Watson 1974). In neonates with Ebstein’s atrialized, with the exception of a small infun-
anomaly, the incidence of important associated dibular portion. Thus, the entire right ventricle
cardiac anomalies is higher, 20–25 % (Arizmendi forms a so-­ called tricuspid valve sac
et al. 2004; Celermajer et al. 1992a, 1994; Kumar (. Fig. 12.64d).
et al. 1971):
55 Ventricular septal defects
55 Transposition of the great arteries 12.4.7  Preoperative Assessment
55 Tetralogy of Fallot and Preparation
55 Anomalous pulmonary venous drainage
55 Aortic isthmus stenosis Preliminary Comments
55 Atrioventricular septal defects Patients with Ebstein’s anomaly become symp-
tomatic depending on the severity of the anom-
Abnormalities of the mitral valve in the form aly. Neonates who are highly symptomatic have
of fibrosis and prolapse were reported in 21 % of ­massive cardiac enlargement, severe cyanosis,
the patients (Cabin and Roberts 1981; Gerlis et al. and metabolic acidosis; they require urgent sur-
1993). Additional significant problems in these gery (Knott-Craig et al. 2002; Pflaumer et al. 2004;
patients include an paroxysmal supraventricular Reemtsen et al. 2006). In these patients, physio-
tachycardia, which occurs in 25–50 %. Between 5 logical pulmonary atresia is present due to
and 20 % of these patients have Wolff–Parkinson– inability of the right ventricle to produce suffi-
White syndrome (Arizmendi et al. 2004; Giuliani cient pressure to open the pulmonary valve. This
et al. 1979). Other important complications of situation causes a right-to-left shunt through an
Ebstein’s anomaly are cerebral abscesses and para- interatrial communication, which leads to sys-
doxical emboli (Genton and Blount 1967; temic arterial desaturation and cyanosis and, if
Mathews et al. 1983). not treated, to high mortality. The rate of ­survival
380 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

a b

right atrium

atrialized ventricle
residual, «true» right ventricle

c d


..Fig. 12.64  a–d Carpentier’s surgical classification of forms of the Ebstein’s anomaly

up to the age of 30 years is 65 % (Arizmendi et al. reached the age of 80  years have been reported
2004). Some adult patients may show symptoms (Lillehei et al. 1967; Seward et al. 1979). In these
of chronic heart insufficiency with progressive patients, the diagnosis is usually made by echo-
cyanosis, paradoxical embolization, cerebral cardiographic examination after cardiac enlarge-
abscess, and atrial or ventricular arrhythmias. ment has been detected.
Paroxysmal atrial tachycardias may cause pro- Patients with Ebstein’s anomaly and severe
gressive heart failure or worsening of cyanosis cardiac failure who are not candidates for surgery
and may even cause syncope. In the current era, are treated with standard heart failure therapy,
application of the right-sided or biatrial maze including administration of diuretics and digoxin
procedure is a routine part of our corrective (Attenhofer et al. 2007).
technique when atrial arrhythmias are present.
Some patients with the mild form of Ebstein’s Typical Radiological Findings
anomaly may be oligosymptomatic or even The chest X-ray of the adult patient is character-
asymptomatic up to adulthood. Only rarely do ized by massive enlargement of the right atrium,
patients survive in the long term without an inter- resulting in a triangular heart silhouette with a
vention. However, unusual cases of patients who broad basis sitting symmetrically on the
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
381 12
diaphragm. The pulmonary arteries and the aorta
are usually narrow, and the pulmonary artery vas-
culature is rarefied. Typical Echocardiographic

The most important diagnostic procedure for
Ebstein’s anomaly is echocardiography with
Doppler evaluation of the regurgitant tricuspid LA
flow, the interatrial shunt, and the characteristic
Ebstein’s anatomy. Echocardiographic analysis RA
focuses on the degree of tricuspid regurgitation
and the size of the right atrium, the atrialized
chamber, and the «true» right ventricle, the latter
being the most decisive for the risk and the out-
come of surgical repair. Also of great importance RV
are the size and mobility of the predominant tri-
cuspid valve leaflet, which is usually the anterior
leaflet. Furthermore, determination of the shape, Grade 1:<0,5
Area of (RA + aRV)
size, and function of the usually distorted left ven- Grade 2:0,5-1,0
tricle is important. These attributes may be fur- Area of (RA + LV + LA)) Grade 3:1,1-1,4
ther impaired by repair techniques with plication Grade 4:>1,5
of the atrialized chamber. The location and size of
..Fig. 12.65  GOSE scoring system (GOSE Great Ormond
an interatrial communication and the degree of Street Echo score). aRV atrialized part of the right ventri-
shunt can be well determined by echocardiography. cle, RV right ventricle, LA left atrium, LV left ventricle, RA
Celermajer and associates devised the Great right atrium
Ormond Street Echo grading system (GOSE;
. Fig. 12.65) for severity of Ebstein’s anomaly. In Cyanosis in combination with a GOSE score
this system the ratio is calculated between the of 3 or 4 in neonates and infants corresponds to a
combined area of the right atrium and atrialized mortality rate of 100 %. Grade 3 alone carries a
right ventricle to the combined area of the func- risk of 45 % for mortality in the later course
tional right ventricle, left atrium, and left ventricle (Knott-Craig et al. 2007). Robertson and Silver-
in the four-chamber view at end-diastole. This man defined further echocardiographic features
scoring system has been shown to be the best that are highly predictive of death by 3 months of
independent predictor of death in neonates with age. These parameters assess the degree of distal
Ebstein’s anomaly and permits prognostic stratifi- attachment of the anterosuperior tricuspid leaflet
cation (Celermajer et al. 1992a). and the degree of right ventricular dysplasia and
The ratio is used to define four grades of dyskinesis and left ventricular compression
increasing severity (Celermajer et al. 1992a): caused by right heart dilatation (Roberson and
55 Grade 1—ratio less than 0.5 Silverman 1989).
55 Grade 2—ratio between 0.5 and 0.99 Magnetic resonance tomography may be used
55 Grade 3—ratio between 1 and 1.49 to assess ventricular volumes and ventricular
55 Grade 4—ratio greater than 1.49 function when echocardiographic quality is inad-
equate (Attenhofer et al. 2007).

Predictors of death are cardiothoracic ratio Typical Findings of Cardiac

greater than 0.85, GOSE score of 4, or a Catheterization
combination of echocardiography scores 3 Cardiac catheterization is desirable only when
and 4, cyanosis, and severe tricuspid it is necessary to detect anatomy of associated
regurgitation (Celermajer et al. 1992a; complex cardiac anomalies and cardiovascu-
Knott-Craig et al. 2000). lar disease, such as an anomaly of the coronary
arteries, which is extremely rare in adult patients.
382 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

A further indication is the need to clarify pre- In symptomatic neonates and small infants, a
operative arrhythmias by electrophysiological delay in surgical treatment usually results in very
evaluation. Electrophysiological mapping serves high mortality (Knott-Craig et al. 2002). In this
to locate and ablate accessory conduction path- group of patients, two different surgical strategies
ways (Hebe 2000). Intracardiac pressure record- have been applied: valve reconstruction (Knott-
ing and oximetric determination of intracardiac Craig et al. 2000, 2007) or the univentricular
shunts may be useful when it is necessary to approach and the Starnes technique (Reemtsen et al.
verify the echocardiographic findings. However, 2006; Starnes et al. 1991). Experience with both tech-
cardiac catheterization is not without risk. niques is limited, and further experience is necessary
Tachyarrhythmias associated with the procedure to establish which of these approaches is superior.
are relatively frequent (Davidson et al. 1995). In
the early 1960s noncontrollable, malignant supra- Contraindications
ventricular arrhythmias in patients with Ebstein’s There are no specific contraindications to recon-
anomaly were reported (Watson 1974). structive surgical treatment in Ebstein’s anomaly
­per se. The contraindications include general con- Indications for Surgical traindications for open-heart surgery and the assess-
Treatment ment that a surgical intervention would not improve
The management of patients with Ebstein’s anom- the patient’s quality of life or life expectancy.
aly is aimed at preventing and treating complica- Relative contraindications to the cone operation
tions. In general medical management is include age above 50  years, moderately elevated
recommended only for patients with mild symp- pulmonary arterial pressure, reduced ejection frac-
toms. This approach concentrates on medication tion (less than 30 %), significant delamination of the
for heart failure, arrhythmias, and anticoagula- anterior leaflet and complete failure of delamina-
tion. The classic indication for operative treatment tion of the septal and inferior leaflets, severe right
is the presence of severe, chronic heart failure with ventricular dilatation, and severe dilatation of true
symptoms of f­ unctional New  York Heart tricuspid anulus (Dearani et al. 2008).
Association (NYHA) class III or IV.  However,
12 based on favorable results of surgical treatment,
the indications for operation have been consider- 12.4.8  Surgical Treatment Options
ably extended. Currently, most patients beyond
the early infancy can be operated upon with good Introduction
results (Davies et al. 2013; Yu et al. 2013). The There is still controversy surrounding the best type
extended indications for surgical treatment of tricuspid valve repair; indications for valve
include the following (Hetzer and Pasic 2004): replacement, whether and how plication of the atri-
55 Less symptomatic patients with functional alized part of the right ventricle should be performed;
NYHA class II and progression of symptoms and the surgical strategies to follow in neonates
55 Increasing cyanosis (Boston et al. 2006; Chauvaud et al. 2003; Chen et al.
55 Deterioration of exercise tolerance 2004; da Silva et al. 2007; Dearani 2007; Friesen et al.
55 Retardation of growth curve in children 2004; Hetzer and Pasic 2004; Knott-Craig et al. 2007;
55 Paradoxical embolization and cerebral Reemtsen et al. 2006; Sano et al. 2002; Ullmann et al.
abscesses 2004; Yun et al. 2006a, b). It is of great importance to
55 Atrial and/or ventricular arrhythmias note that every patient with Ebstein’s anomaly is dif-
55 Increase in cardiac size ferent and that different reconstruction techniques
55 Worsening of the echocardiographic findings, need to be available and to be applied in each indi-
such as an increase in tricuspid valve regurgi- vidual situation (Dearani 2007).
tation Reconstruction of the tricuspid valve is preferable
55 Enlargement of the right atrium and right to valve replacement to avoid the well-known prob-
ventricle lems of valve prosthesis dysfunction and anticoagula-
55 Deterioration of right ventricular function tion and the need for repeat valve reconstruction
procedures in line with the growth of child patients.
These indications mostly apply for older chil- In view of the excellent results, it seems justifiable to
dren and adult patients. extend valve reconstruction to include patients who
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
383 12
would previously have been treated by valve replace- energy-saving effect on the right ventricle during
ment. In line with the hospital-­specific guidelines, systole. The key point for the preoperative decision
valvuloplasty is possible in 40–98 % of patients, with to create an additional cavopulmonary shunt during
a reoperation rate of 3–15 %. Numerous surgical repair of Ebstein’s anomaly is the assessment of the
techniques and modifications have been suggested. right ventricular function. Unfortunately, in Ebstein’s
The five most important reconstruction techniques anomaly there is no reliable method to measure the
are those developed by the following authors: Hardy, right ventricular wall stress, ejection fraction, and
Danielson, Carpentier, Quaegebeur, Hetzer, and da shortening fraction in the deformed right ventricle.
Silva. Depending on whether and how plication of In order for the bidirectional Glenn shunt to
the atrialized chamber is performed, the techniques be considered a potential adjunct to the o ­ peration,
can be regarded as falling into three groups: it is important that there should be good left ven-
55 Transverse plication (Danielson et al. 1992; tricular function and low left atrial pressure,
Hardy et al. 1964) (. Fig. 12.68) which is not always the case in advanced cases of
55 Longitudinal plication (Carpentier et al. 1988; Ebstein’s anomaly.
Quaegebeur and Sreeram 1991) (.  Fig. 12.69,
. Fig. 12.70)
55 Without plication (Augustin and Schmidt- Because concomitant left ventricular
Habelmann 1997; Hetzer et al. 1998; Ullmann dysfunction may be present when the right
et al. 2004; daSilva et al. 2004, 2007) ventricle fails, it is important to document by
(.  Fig. 12.71, . Fig. 12.72, .  Fig. 12.74) direct pressure measurements that the left
atrial and pulmonary arterial pressures are
low; otherwise, the shunt will not be effective.  urgical Options for Very
Severe Anomalies (Types C
and D of Carpentier’s
Classification) In newborns and small infants, the Starnes tech-
In severely sick patients with the most unfavorable nique may be indicated. Here a fenestrated tricus-
anomalies, any of the techniques described above pid valve closure is combined with a central
carry a high operative risk. In adult patients and aortopulmonary anastomosis and an atrial
children, a combination of tricuspid valve recon- ­septectomy (Starnes et al. 1991; Van Son et al.
struction and a bidirectional cavopulmonary anas- 1998a, b, c). Alternatively primary orthotopic
tomosis can be applied (Carpentier et al. 1988; heart transplantation can be considered.
Chauvaud et al. 1998a, b). The bidirectional cavo-
pulmonary shunt should be used selectively when
the right ventricle is functioning poorly and there is
difficulty in weaning the patient from the cardio-
pulmonary bypass. Among 169 patients with
Ebstein’s anomaly, Quiñonez and associates used
additional bidirectional cavopulmonary shunt in b
14  patients with decreased right ventricular func-
tion (Quiñonez et al. 2007). In high-risk patients a
with Ebstein’s anomaly, an associated bidirectional c
cavopulmonary shunt seems to offer several distinct
advantages including decreased operative mortality
and better tolerance of the residual tricuspid valve
dysfunction. Bidirectional cavopulmonary shunt
may be considered as a planned procedure, as an
intraoperative salvage maneuver, or as an alterna-
tive to cardiac transplantation in selected patients ..Fig. 12.66  The right atrium can be opened in three
alternative ways: an arched incision a, an oblique inci-
(Chauvaud et al. 1998b; Quiñonez et al. 2007). sion from the right atrial appendage to the inferior vena
The mechanism of improvement of the bidirec- cava, b or a straight incision parallel to the interatrial
tional cavopulmonary shunt may be due to an groove c
384 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al. Importance of the Atrialized typically performed at the level of the functional

Chamber tricuspid anulus. This is in contrast to the original
Plication of the atrialized part of the right ­ventricle reconstruction procedure, in which the functional
is a controversial issue (Augustin and  Schmidt- anulus was brought up to the true anulus, which by
Habelmann 1997; Boston et al. 2006; Dearani definition results in plication of the right ventricle.
2007; Friesen et al. 2004; Hetzer  et al. 1998; The original plication technique was very effective
Ullmann et al. 2004; Vargas et al. 1998). in decreasing the size of the heart and in establish-
The main question is the significance of the atri- ing good long-term durability results of the valve
alized chamber. Hardy, Danielson, Carpentier, and reconstruction. However, due in part to suture
Quaegebeur consider it necessary to obliterate this lines in the plicated ventricle and/or interruption
chamber or at least to reduce its size, for different of narrow branches of the right coronary artery,
reasons. On the one hand, this chamber, when sub- ventricular arrhythmias can be provoked. Since
jected to the right ventricular pressure, can have a adoption of the newer technique in the mid-1980s,
similarly negative effect on the energy system of the the incidence of perioperative ventricular arrhyth-
right ventricle as a left ventricular aneurysm can mias is no longer of relevance (Attenhofer et al.
have on the left ventricle. Further, the formation of 2007; Boston et al. 2006; Dearani 2007).
thrombi caused by low flow and stasis in a noncon-
tracting sac is possible. Thus, plication of the atrial- Anesthesia
ized chamber can improve the right ventricular The principles for anesthesia follow those that are
function and prevent characteristic arrhythmias. relevant for all open-heart surgery. There are no
On the other hand, transverse plication may, at specific requirements for the perioperative anes-
least in the serious forms B and C in the Carpentier thesia for this procedure. In our institution the
classification, transfer great tension to the plication standard anesthesia protocol provides for induc-
sutures and the tissue. This may possibly have tion with etomidate and fentanyl, and pan-
unknown ­negative influences on the already abnor- curonium is given as a muscle relaxant. The
mal septum and the left ventricle. The longitudinal anesthesia is maintained by propofol infusion.
plication causes no distortion of the ventricular
12 geometry and preserves the positional relationship
between the apex and floor of the left ventricle. 12.4.9  Operation
Most surgeons who favor tricuspid valve replace-
ment leave the atrialized chamber untouched and General Procedure
no negative effects have been reported. In a similar Before Valve Reconstruction
fashion, the Hetzer technique does not close or The operation is performed via a complete or par-
reduce the chamber and has also not led to further tial median sternotomy. After the pericardium is
enlargement of the right ventricle or to other opened (. Fig.  12.66), a piece of pericardium is
unwanted effects (Hetzer et al. 2008). In addition, harvested and fixed as patch material in glutaral-
incorporation of the atrialized chamber into the dehyde (0.6 %) or left unfixed. Next, the surgical
contracting right ventricle may positively affect the site is inspected (. Fig. 12.67). Typically the right
ventricular filling during diastole. This can lead to atrium is enormously enlarged, and the right ven-
stimulation of the remaining muscle tissue in the tricle appears to be dilated, as far as both the atri-
wall of the atrialized chamber and even to hyper- alized chamber and the remaining part of the
trophy, which in some cases contributes to an right ­ ventricle are concerned. The atrialized
improvement in right ventricular contraction. This chamber can be easily delineated at the acute
interesting concept requires further investigation. margin of the heart and along its the inferior side.
In his original technique, Danielson routinely The left ventricle is displaced to the left and lies
plicated the atrialized ventricle as part of the repair around the right ventricle like a curved cucumber.
(Danielson et al. 1979a, 1992). This approach was
modified in that plication or resection is performed
by the Mayo Clinic group now only when the atri- Cardiopulmonary Bypass
alized part of the right ventricle wall consists of After the aorta has been cannulated and separate
thinned, transparent wall, particularly in the infe- bicaval cannulation has been performed, the
rior segments, since the current repair technique is patient is placed on extracorporeal circulation,
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
385 12
a b
Anterior leaflet
Right atrium Posterior leaflet
Anterior leaflet

True right ventricle

True anatomic Posterior leaflet AV-node

anulus Atrialised ventricle Septal leaflet Septal leaflet
Atrial septal defect
Functional anulus Atrialised ventricle Coronary sinus

..Fig. 12.67  a, b The intracardiac situs. In this complex anomaly, the pathological intracardiac anatomy differs greatly
between patients, and no one case is the same as others in all aspects. Certainly the characteristic findings of Ebstein’s
anomaly are easily identified in all patients. The anatomic anulus of the tricuspid valve is greatly dilated, and the origin
of the septal leaflet lies in the chamber of the right ventricle. The posterior and anterior leaflets show broad variations.
The attachment of the posterior leaflet to the anulus is also displaced in apical direction and leads to the formation of
the so-called atrialized chamber, the size of which can greatly vary (see 7 Sect. 12.4.6). In most cases the anterior leaflet
is the largest. This leaflet may be entirely mobile or may be partially or even completely fixed to the neighboring free
right ventricular wall by a varying number of fibrous bands. In this case the leaflet mobility is reduced. In some patients
the posterior leaflet is strong and mobile and of about the same size as the anterior leaflet or even larger. The anterior
leaflet can show a cleft or fenestration. Rarely one finds a fourth small accessory leaflet originating from the anterosep-
tal commissure

which provides total cardiopulmonary bypass, and (. Fig.  12.68). In this procedure the displaced
moderate hypothermia of 30  °C is selected. The septal and posterior leaflets are transposed to the
aorta is clamped and cardioplegic solution is given. normal anatomical anulus level of the valve. Thus,
the atrialized chamber is plicated and closed at Myocardial Protection the transverse level, i.e., parallel to the true tri-
Myocardial protection is given in accordance with cuspid valve anulus. This leads the anterior leaflet
our internal cardiac surgery guidelines. At our body to the true tricuspid valve anulus and forms
institution cardioplegia is induced by infusion of the coaptation of the anterior leaflet with the atri-
crystalloid cardioplegia into the aortic root. The alized septum. Danielson modified this tech-
myocardial protection is maintained by repeated nique by ­ performing an additional posterior
infusion of cold hydroxyethyl starch solution. anuloplasty to reduce the diameter of the tricus-
pid valve anulus. Tricuspid Valve Some modifications of the original Danielson
Reconstruction reconstruction were reported by the Mayo Clinic
kTricuspid valve reconstruction with group (Attenhofer et al. 2007; Boston et al. 2006;
transverse plication (techniques of Hardy Dearani 2007). A patent foramen ovale is closed
and Danielson) by direct suture, and larger atrial septal defects are
Reconstruction of the tricuspid valve by this closed with an autologous pericardial patch. Right
technique (Danielson et al. 1979a, 1992; Hardy reduction atrioplasty is routinely performed for
et al. 1964) uses the mobility of the anterior leaf- an enlarged right atrium. The original technique
let as a closing mechanism for the valve of tricuspid valve reconstruction brought the
386 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

functional tricuspid anulus up toward the true and can thereby promote remodeling. Unlike the
­anatomical ­tricuspid anulus; thus, it effectively Danielson technique, in which a monocusp valve
plicated the atrialized part of the right ventricle is created, this procedure creates a bileaflet valve
(. Fig.  12.68). At present valve reconstruction is (at least when a posterior leaflet, albeit morpho-
performed at the level of the functional tricuspid logically abnormal, is present). In general, we
anulus. In addition, contrary to early experience, do not consider atrial reduction a necessary part
plication of the atrialized portion is not per- of the procedure. Finally, anular reinforcing
formed unless the wall is severely thinned. A sutures or artificial polytetrafluoroethylene
right-sided maze procedure is performed in (Gore-Tex™) chords have been placed only in a
patients with a history of intermittent or chronic small number of cases (Chen et al. 2004).
atrial flutter or atrial fibrillation. Left-sided maze
procedure usually is not applied. kTricuspid valve repair without plication
(technique of Hetzer)
kTricuspid valve repair with longitudinal This technique as suggested by Roland Hetzer
plication (techniques of Carpentier and restores the valve mechanism on the plane of the
Quaegebeur) true tricuspid valve anulus by using the most
Carpentier’s method of reconstruction (Carpentier mobile leaflet for valve closure, without plicating
et al. 1988; . Fig. 12.69) consists of separating the the atrialized ventricle (. Figs. 12.71 and 12.72). It
anterior and/or posterior leaflet from their hinge provides sufficient reconstruction, even in cases
points at the anulus, transecting the connective where only the posterior leaflet or parts of the ante-
tissue bands between the leaflets and the right rior leaflet can be remodeled and used for valve
ventricular wall, longitudinal plication of the atri- closure (Hetzer and Pasic 2004; Hetzer et al. 1998).
alized chamber, and reinsertion of the leaflets into The technique introduced by us, making the
the true anulus above the plicated chamber. In atrialized chamber part of the right ventricle
addition the leaflets are displaced in clockwise without any plication, may be employed in two
direction toward the posterior part of the septal ways: (1) either doing a posterior plication of the
anulus. To reduce the tension on the new leaflet anulus, i.e., partial closure of the «true» ostium
12 attachment line, transection and reattachment of (see . Fig. 12.71), or (2) the creation of a «double-­
the papillary muscle to the anterior leaflet may be orifice valve» by suturing of the anterior anulus to
necessary, particularly in the anterior portion. It is the «true» septal anulus (see . Fig.  12.72). The
highly recommended that this new valve anulus is decision in favor of posterior anulus plication is
stabilized with a prosthetic ring, as originally sug- made when the posterior leaflet of the posterior
gested by Carpentier’s group (Carpentier et al. portion of the anterior leaflet is not mobile and
1988; Chauvaud et al. 1996). not capable of coaptation. We prefer the double-­
Quaegebeur modified the Carpentier tech- orifice valve when both the anterior and posterior
nique in two respects (. Fig.  12.70): instead of leaflet segments, or at least the anterior leaflet, are
suturing a ring to keep the anulus in a particular present, mobile, and capable of coapting with the
form and to reduce its size, he placed the reduc- newly created ostia. Division of the ostium by an
tion plasty along the posterior leaflet by using a anulus suture is carried out when the anterior
suture that additionally reduces the anulus size. leaflet has a deep fissure.
The second modification consisted of not apply- To stabilize the ostium division suture, we
ing separation and reimplantation of the papillary regularly add the so-called Sebening stitch. This
muscles of the anterior leaflet. stitch tacks a papillary muscle or a strong fibrous
Since Jan Quaegebeur’s original report of chorda out of center of the anterior leaflet to the
experience with his technique (Quaegebeur and septum, usually to the fibrous tissue of the rudi-
Sreeram 1991), various alterations have taken mentary, displaced septal leaflet (. Fig. 12.73).
place. We still believe that vertical plication of the
right ventricle restores the normal inlet configu- Cone Reconstruction
ration of the right ventricle, reduces the tricuspid of Ebstein’s Anomaly
valve anulus, and supports the subvalvular appa- As described by da Silva (da Silva et al. 2004,
ratus. In addition, the plication itself likely helps 2007, da Silva and da Fonseca 2012), «After
to maintain a more normal ventricular geometry establishment of cardiopulmonary bypass and
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
387 12
a b
Functional anulus True anulus


Coronary sinus
Patch closed ASD Atrialized ventricle
Untied anuloplasty suture

..Fig. 12.68  a–c Tricuspid valve reconstruction with plication of the atrialized chamber (Danielson technique).
a Apicobasal transverse ventricular plication sutures are placed. Teflon-pledgeted single-button sutures pierce the edge
of the atrialized chamber in ventricular direction and exit at the true tricuspid valve anulus. b Transverse plication of the
atrialized chamber is performed. The plication sutures are pulled tight, so that the posterior and the septal leaflet are
pulled in the direction of the true anulus and the atrialized chamber is closed in a transverse plane, parallel to the true tri-
cuspid valve anulus. c The valve anulus is reduced by a posterior anuloplasty, using Teflon-pledgeted polypropylene (3/0)
mattress sutures. The sutures of the posterior anuloplasty are placed in a plane with the sinus coronarius to avoid injury of
the cardiac conduction system. The tricuspid valve is tested for competence by instilling cold isotonic saline solution into
the right ventricle. After the correction the tricuspid valve functions as a monocuspid valve

cardioplegia, right atriotomy is performed» papillary muscles and other tissues between the
(.  Fig. 12.74a). When creating a component tri- individual leaflets and the corresponding right
cuspid valve by the cone technique, it is very ventricular wall areas are divided, taking par-
important to perform extensive mobilization of ticular care to preserve the right ventricular
the displaced or tethered leaflets. The abnormal apex attachments.
388 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

a b

c d


e f
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
389 12
Division of fused papillary muscles, fenestra-
tion of obliterated interchordal spaces, and triangu-
lar resections on the leaflet distal third are required
to improve subsequent right ventricular inflow.
Afterward the septal edge of the a­ nterior leaflet is
carefully mobilized by freeing its connections to
the interventricular septum. Only the normal
attachment of the anterior leaflet to the tricuspid
anulus and proper subvalvular a­ pparatus
are left in place (. Fig. 12.74b). Then the free edge
of the posterior leaflet is rotated clockwise and
sutured to the anterior leaflet septal edge, forming
a new tricuspid valve resembling a cone. The new
valvular anulus is constructed at the anatomically
correct level by means of plication of the true tri-
cuspid anulus to match the proximal circumfer-
ence of the constructed anulus (. Fig. 12.74c). If
the septal leaflet it is too short to reach the true
..Fig. 12.70  Quaegebeur technique. A posterior anulo-
plasty of the tricuspid valve anulus is performed. In this tricuspid anulus, longitudinal elongation is
modified form of the Carpentier technique, no prosthetic achieved by plicating its proximal edge toward the
ring is used to reinforce the anulus. The anulus diameter is center. On completion of these preparatory steps,
reduced by a posterior anuloplasty with a 3/0 polypropyl- the anterior edge of the septal leaflet is sutured to
ene mattress suture reinforced with Teflon-felt pledgets.
the septal edge of the anterior leaflet. The atrial-
Unlike in the Carpentier technique, the newly inserted
leaflets are not subjected to excessive tension so that tran- ized RV is usually longitudinally plicated to
section and translocation of the papillary muscle are not exclude its thin part. Endocardial placement of
necessary. The posterior anuloplasty is performed close to this suture avoids damage to the coronary arter-
the coronary sinus, and it is important to avoid injury to ies. Atrial septal defect or open foramen ovale is
the conduction pathways

..Fig. 12.69  a–f Valve reconstruction with longitudinal plication of the atrialized chamber—Carpentier technique.
a, b The anterior and posterior leaflets are mobilized. The anterior leaflet and the adjacent part of the posterior leaflet are
separated from their anchorage along the anulus. The incision begins at the anterior commissure. The anchorage of the
anterior leaflet at the anteroseptal commissure should, however, remain untouched. The released leaflets are further
mobilized by transecting accessory trabeculae, fibrous bands, and adhesions to the ventricular wall. The interchordal
spaces are enlarged by fenestration if they are narrowed. The accompanying papillary muscle is also entirely mobilized
by transecting the muscle band that inserts at the lateral wall of the right ventricle. If the muscle is insufficiently mobi-
lized, the leaflet coaptation may be unsatisfactory when there is excessive tension on the leaflets. c, d Longitudinal plica-
tion of the atrialized chamber is performed. The chamber is closed by placing sutures vertically to the true tricuspid
valve anulus. For plication either Teflon-pledgeted single-button sutures or a continuous suture reinforced with several
single-button sutures is used. It is important to ensure that the ventricular wall is not perforated or the coronary arteries
injured. Plication of the atrialized chamber reduces the diameter of the tricuspid valve anulus. e The mobilized leaflets
are rotated and refixed. The anterior and posterior leaflets are turned in clockwise direction and then attached to the
new, narrower anulus with a continuous 5/0 polypropylene suture. The sutures should be placed at a distance from the
atrioventricular note to avoid atrioventricular block. The danger zone lies in the septal portion of the anulus and close to
the opening of the coronary sinus. For this reason the suture should end here. After the mobilized anterior leaflet has
been attached, it covers the whole valve opening area, and the valve functions as a monocuspid valve. In this manner
the tricuspid valve anulus is reduced by the size of the plicated atrialized chamber, and the anterior leaflet is swung in
clockwise direction to cover the whole anulus portion of the anterior and posterior leaflet. The valve is then tested for
competence by instilling cold isotonic saline solution into the right ventricle. After the correction the tricuspid valve
functions as a monocuspid valve by virtue of the anterior leaflet. If the leaflet coaptation is not competent due to insuffi-
cient mobilization of the papillary muscle, the muscle can be detached from the lateral ventricular wall and refixed at a
higher point on the ventricular septum. f The tricuspid valve anulus is reinforced. To stabilize the anulus, an anuloplasty
ring is implanted. This ring reduces the diameter of the dilated tricuspid valve anulus, thus enlarging the coaptation area
of the leaflet and improving the valve competence. The ring should not be used in children; in patients with form A
according to the Carpentier classification, it should not necessarily be applied
V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

a b
right atrium
anterior leaflet

residual, true
posterior leaflet
true anatomical anulus septal leaflet
atrialized ventricle
functional anulus

c d


..Fig. 12.71  a–h Hetzer technique: reconstruction of the valve without plication of the atrialized chamber—applied
in a patient with a large and intact anterior leaflet. a–c The leaflet is mobilized and the sutures placed. First the anterior
leaflet is assessed for mobility. If there are fibrous bands between the leaflet and the right ventricular wall, they are tran-
sected to improve leaflet mobility. The original valve opening is reduced in size by closing the posterior portion of the
valve opening with four to six individual mattress sutures of 3/0 polypropylene, reinforced with autologous pericardium
or Teflon pledgets. The diameter of the newly created tricuspid valve opening should be at least 2.5 cm. So that this size
is reached, the first suture is placed as a trial suture. The suture runs through the true anulus at the area of the anterior
leaflet and then through the opposite point on the septum. Thus, the suture divides the original valve opening into two
parts. The anterior portion becomes the new valve opening and the posterior portion is closed. The valve is then tested
by instilling cold isotonic saline solution into the chamber of the right ventricle to show that the anterior leaflet can
effectively close the new valve opening. The remaining sutures are placed consecutively, to close the posterior portion
of the tricuspid valve orifice. The suture line is placed in the plane of the true tricuspid valve anulus, leaving out the sep-
tal region. To avoid injury to the atrioventricular node in this area, the suture line is placed in the muscular part of the
atrialized chamber, just below the real anulus. The atrialized chamber is not plicated. d, e The posterior portion of the
anulus is closed. The pre-laid sutures are pulled tight, closing the posterior part of the original valve orifice. Thus, the
anterior anulus is brought closer to the septum. f, g Next, the valve is tested for competence by filling the right ventricle
with isotonic saline solution so that the anterior leaflet coapts with the atrialized septum. The atrialized chamber is
thereby included in the chamber of the contracting ventricle. h Rarely is it necessary to correct the valve opening by
additional narrowing of the anteroseptal commissure if residual valve insufficiency is present
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
391 12
e f

g h

..Fig. 12.71 (continued)

usually valve closed which permits the flow of Tricuspid Valve
blood in one direction only (. Fig. 12.74d). Replacement
Because of suture dehiscence at the septal and In general TV repair is preferable to valve replace-
posterior part of new tricuspid anulus in some of ment whenever it is feasible. Depending on the
their patients, da Silva suggested the need to rein- experience of the groups concerned, the rate of
force the new tricuspid valve ring with additional valve replacement differs greatly, between 2 and
interrupted sutures in children or with an anulo- 50 %. A clear indication for tricuspid valve
plasty ring in adult patients (da Silva and da Silva replacement is given when the valve tissue is not
2012). present or in the case of a Type D lesion according
392 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

a b

c d


..Fig. 12.72  a–d Hetzer technique: reconstruction of the valve without plication of the atrialized chamber—when the
anterior leaflet is divided by a cleft or fissure. a The anterior leaflet is inspected and mobilized. Here it is divided by a cleft
and deep fissures. Several chordae adhesions to the right ventricular wall are transected. b The sutures are placed. Two
polypropylene mattress sutures reinforced with autologous pericardium or Teflon-felt pledgets pierce the middle section of
the anulus in the area of the cleft and the opposite part of the atrialized septum, just below the septal anulus. c A new valve
morphology is created. The pre-laid sutures are pulled tight and the anterior anulus is drawn toward the septum. Thus, the
valve receives two openings. The two individual parts of the anterior leaflet coapt with the opposite septum. d Competence
of the valve closure is tested by filling the right ventricle with isotonic saline. Both valve openings are closed by both parts
of the anterior leaflet. Thus, the atrialized chamber is incorporated into the contracting right ventricle

to the Carpentier classification («tricuspid valve This allows the coronary sinus to drain into the
sac»; Boston et al. 2006). right ventricle. However, complete AV block can-
The prosthesis can be implanted by the stan- not always be avoided, and some patients need
dard procedure with insertion of the prosthetic cardiac pacemaker implantation. The standard
suture ring into the true tricuspid anulus or in a procedure for prosthetic valve implantation may
slightly modified procedure, which was recom- or may not be accompanied by plication of the
mended by Barnard and Schrire (1963) atrialized chamber. If the atrialized chamber is
(. Figs.  12.75, 12.76, and 12.77). In their classic excessively dilated and the volume of the
work, they described how the valve prosthesis is functional, true right ventricle is normal, plication
placed at the atrial side of the coronary sinus, to of the atrialized chamber may be performed dur-
reduce the risk of complete atrioventricular block. ing the valve implantation. There is no consensus
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
393 12

Moderate or severe residual tricuspid
regurgitation early after reconstruction
surgery in Ebstein’s anomaly is a significant
risk factor for reoperation (Boston et al.

Freedom from reoperation for tricuspid

valve dysfunction 10  years after initial valve
repair in a report from the Mayo Clinic was
79.6 ± 6.5 % (Boston et al. 2006). This compares
favorably with the 72 % freedom from reopera-
tion for bioprosthesis dysfunction 10  years
after  initial valve replacement with a porcine
bioprosthesis in a similar pediatric population
(Kiziltan et al. 1998).  eneral Procedures Following

Valve Reconstruction
kClosure of an interatrial connection
A persistent foramen ovale is closed using a con-
tinuous suture. Large atrial septal defects should
be closed with a patch of impermeable material
such as autologous pericardium or polytetrafluor-

kCorrection of additional congenital

c Further associated anomalies—ventricular septal
defects, atrioventricular canal defects, mitral
valve disease, and valvular or subvalvular pulmo-
nary valve stenoses—are normally treated either
before or after the tricuspid valve reconstruction.

kTreatment of atrial arrhythmias

Ablation for AV node reentry tachycardia or abla-
tion of an accessory conduction path in Wolff–
Parkinson–White syndrome can be performed as
part of the surgical treatment. The Cox maze proce-
dure (typically a biatrial maze procedure or isolated
left or right atrial maze) can be performed at the
same time as the valve reconstruction, to control
..Fig. 12.73  a–c The Sebening stitch stabilizes the chronic or paroxysmal atrial fibrillation or atrial
ostium dividing suture in Ebstein’s reconstruction flutter. The maze procedure is performed either sur-
gically or through an incision/suture sequence or
using high-frequency ablation ­equipment.
on which prosthesis type—mechanical or biologi-
cal prosthesis—should be implanted. The deci- kRight-sided atrial reduction plasty and
sion is made together with the patient, who is first closure of the atriotomy
informed of the advantages and disadvantages of Closure of the right atriotomy can be performed
the different prostheses. in such a way that the gigantic right atrium is
394 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

a b

c d


..Fig. 12.74  a–d Operative steps for Ebstein’s anomaly repair using cone reconstruction. a Opened right atrium
showing displacement of the tricuspid valve. TTA true tricuspid anulus, ASD atrial septal defect, CS coronary sinus.
b Detached part of the anterior and posterior leaflet forming a single piece. c Clockwise rotation of the posterior leaflet
edge to be sutured to the anterior leaflet septal edge and plication of the true tricuspid anulus. d Complete valve
attachment to the true tricuspid anulus and valve closure of the atrial septal defect (From da Silva et al. 2007;
used with permission)

significantly reduced in size. A substantial part of kIntraoperative echocardiographic

the dilated and redundant wall can be excised or assessment
incorporated into the suture line. The right atrium After the heart has been closed and is beating, the
is closed with a continuous 4/0 polypropylene function of the tricuspid valve is evaluated, and
suture. the valve openings are measured by transesopha-
geal echocardiography. In addition possible resid-
kDe-airing of the heart ual shunts are investigated and the left and right
Cardiac de-airing is carried out in the manner ventricular function analyzed.
normal in our hospital. To avoid air embolism, we
employ carbon dioxide insufflation into the peri- kPerioperative monitoring and weaning
cardium during the operation. More recently, from cardiopulmonary bypass
however, it could be shown elsewhere that this has Temporary atrial and ventricular epicardial leads
no impact on postoperative neurocognitive func- for early postoperative pacemaker stimulation are
tion (Chaudhuri et al. 2012). placed. Under monitoring of the left and right
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
395 12

a b

..Fig. 12.75  a–c Tricuspid valve replacement: standard implantation without plication of the atrialized chamber. The
leaflets and chordae attachments remain in situ, to support right ventricular function. When a right ventricular outflow
tract obstruction is caused by leaflet tissue, commissurotomy-like radial incisions are made in the leaflet tissue to open
the outflow tract. If necessary, single mattress sutures with Teflon-pledgeted reinforcement are placed so that they
pierce the tissue of the true tricuspid valve anulus and then the prosthetic ring. It is important to carefully avoid the His
bundle by placing the sutures in the septum, at least between the coronary sinus and the tricuspid valve anulus. A pros-
thesis, which should normally measure 31–33 mm, is positioned in the anulus. When the sutures are pulled tight, the
suture ring of the prosthesis comes to rest on the anatomic tricuspid valve anulus. The atrialized chamber has not been
plicated and its position is now below the prosthesis

atrial filling pressure, the patient is weaned from terpulsation. Nitric oxide can be added to the ven-
extracorporeal circulation. tilator air to reduce the pulmonary vascular
resistance if the pulmonary artery pressure is
kPerioperative and postoperative care ­elevated; the indication should be made gener-
For weaning from extracorporeal circulation, ino- ously to relieve the right ventricular workload.
tropic support may be necessary and, in rarer Otherwise, the general institutional principles
cases, mechanical circulatory support, for applied in patients after open-heart surgery are
example, in the form of intra-aortic balloon coun- followed.
396 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

Dots indicate suture line

..Fig. 12.76  Tricuspid valve replacement: standard ..Fig. 12.77  Tricuspid valve replacement: classic tech-
implantation with plication of the atrialized chamber. If nique as described by Barnard and Schrire in (1963). The
the atrialized chamber is extremely dilated and the vol- suture line is placed posterior to the AV node and around
ume of the functional right ventricle is normal, atrialized the coronary sinus, to avoid injuring the conduction sys-
chamber plication may be performed in addition to the tem. In this way the valve prosthesis lies on the atrial side
prosthesis implantation. Individual Teflon-reinforced mat- of the coronary sinus, which thus drains into the low-pres-
tress sutures are placed close together through the false sure right ventricle. The atrialized chamber is not plicated.
anulus, at the insertion line of the posterior and septal If, however, plication of the atrialized chamber is desired,
leaflet, through the true anulus and finally through the an additional suture line must be placed to avoid constric-
suture ring of the prosthesis. Once the sutures are pulled tion of the coronary sinus
tight, the atrialized chamber is put out of action. The tri-
cuspid valve leaflets are not excised
12 Specific Surgical 12.4.10  Surgical Treatment in

Complications Neonates and Small Infants
The specific complications possibly arising
from this operation are complete AV block, Introduction
injury to the right coronary artery, acute heart Neonates with symptomatic Ebstein’s anomaly
failure, and failure of myocardial pumping, continue to represent a difficult management
which can make the implantation of a mechani- problem. They have a high perioperative and
cal circulatory assist system necessary. Further, early mortality rate, and those surviving the first
persistent atrial or ventricular arrhythmia and month of life remain at high risk of hemody-
tricuspid valve regurgitation or stenosis can namic deterioration and sudden cardiac death
occur after the reconstructive operation or (Celermajer et al. 1992a). All surgical attempts in
following failure of the prosthesis to function these children, including palliative shunt proce-
correctly. dures, were generally unsuccessful until Starnes
developed a procedure in 1991 that included Postoperative Care closure of the tricuspid orifice, enlargement of
All patients should be monitored postoperatively the interatrial communication, and a central
in the standard manner. After discharge from shunt.  In this manner the neonatal Ebstein’s
hospital, the patient should receive routine malformation is converted into functional tri-
cardiology follow-up with emphasis on heart cuspid and pulmonary valve atresia. In infants
rhythm and ventricular function. with mild-to-moderate tricuspid r­egurgitation
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
397 12
a b


..Fig. 12.78  a, b Starnes’ procedure. a A glutaraldehyde-fixed autologous pericardial patch is sewn into the anatomic
tricuspid valve anulus. b A fenestration is created in the patch using a 4-mm coronary punching device. The coronary
sinus still drains on the right atrial side of the patch

and severe right ventricular outflow tract University of Oklahoma reported for the first time
obstruction, a systemic artery-to-pulmonary successful biventricular Ebstein’s anomaly correc-
artery shunt is created in addition to the inter- tion in three cyanotic neonates with severe tricus-
atrial communication being enlarged (Starnes pid valve regurgitation (Knott-Craig et al. 2000).
et al. 1991) (. Fig. 12.78). The surgical techniques included reconstruction
of the tricuspid valve as a monocuspid valve, right- Cardiopulmonary Bypass sided ventricular plication, subtotal closure of the
and Right Atriotomy atrial septal defect, and correction of associated
After median sternotomy a piece of pericardium heart defects (. Fig.  12.79) (Knott-Craig and
is harvested as patch material. Cardiopulmonary Goldberg 2007). A large and mobile anterior leaf-
bypass is established using standard aortic and let was present in all three patients, and this was
bicaval cannulation, and under moderate hypo- used in the valve repair, which was very similar to
thermia (28  °C), the heart is arrested with that described by Danielson (Danielson et al.
cardioplegic solution. Through an oblique right 1992).
atriotomy, the tricuspid valve is inspected and If the tricuspid valve is not amenable to
evaluated for possible reconstruction. The rela- repair or the remaining functional portion of the
tion in size between the atrialized chamber and right ventricle is inadequate or there is a right
the trabeculated (functional) right ventricle is ventricular outflow tract obstruction that can-
determined, and then the leaflet tissue is not reasonably be corrected, then right ventricu-
addressed. It is very important to analyze the pos- lar exclusion—the univentricular strategy—is
sibility of mobilizing the anterior leaflet. This leaf- undertaken (the Starnes procedure . Fig.  12.78;
let must be able to cover the main part of the new Starnes et al. 1991). This is performed by patch-
tricuspid valve orifice. Therefore, the remnants of ing the tricuspid valve with a glutaraldehyde-
the small tethered septal and posterior leaflets are fixed autologous pericardial patch or Gore-Tex
also assessed for their ability to be integrated in patch sewn at the anatomic level of the tricuspid
the reconstruction plasty. The right ventricular anulus. A 4-mm fenestration of the patch is then
outflow tract is investigated. If the ventricle is tri- made with a coronary punch. The coronary sinus
partite and tricuspid valve tissue is adequate, is left on the right atrial side of the patch, con-
reconstruction of the valve is undertaken by the trary to the original Starnes technique (Reemtsen
Danielson or Hetzer method. et al. 2006; Starnes et al. 1991). The opening in
Experience with biventricular correction of the interatrial septal opening is enlarged. A
Ebstein’s anomaly in newborns and small infants is right atrial reduction plasty is carried out and,
very limited. Only one surgical team from the depending on the size of the atrialized portion,
398 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

a b

Caudal orifice

Fenestrated ASD patch valve orifice

Pericardial patch

Fenestrated original
anterior leaflet
Pericardial patch

..Fig. 12.79  a–c Knott-Craig’s technique for correction of Ebstein’s anomaly in neonates. a The atrial septal defect is
closed with a fenestrated patch. For the anuloplasty a suture is placed so that its one pledgeted end is in the coronary
sinus and the other pledgeted end comes to rest between the anterior and posterior leaflet. b The orifice of the tricus-
pid valve is divided into two openings by pulling tight the pre-placed suture. Insert b Once the valve has been shown to
be sufficiently competent, the caudal orifice is closed and the atrialized part of the right ventricle is thus plicated. c A
competent monocuspid valve is created by detaching the anterior leaflet from the anulus. The native leaflet is fenes-
trated and enlarged with a pericardial patch. Insert c Cross-sectional schematic view of extended anterior leaflet, fenes-
trated in its native component

right ventricular plication. Care must be taken to 1998a, b, c). Finally, pulmonary blood flow is pro-
avoid kinking of the right coronary artery (see vided by a modified Blalock–Taussig shunt
. Fig. 12.78). (5–4  mm). The atriotomy is closed. Usually the
Next, the right ventricular outflow tract is sternum is electively left open and closed 2–3 days
addressed. To correct pulmonary valve insuffi- after the operation (Reemtsen et al. 2006).
ciency, the pulmonary trunk is interrupted and At about 6 months of age, a bidirectional supe-
oversewn (Reemtsen et al. 2006; Van Son et al. rior vena cava-to-pulmonary artery anastomosis
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
399 12
tricular correction of Ebstein’s anomaly in 524 con-
secutive patients. Tricuspid valve reconstruction
was performed in 189 patients and valve replace-
ment in 335 patients, most of whom received a bio-
prosthesis. Antiarrhythmic surgery was carried out
in 108 patients. The authors replaced the valve only
when it was not possible to entirely detach the
anterior leaflet and when strong linear adhesions
or numerous thread-like connections were present
between the free end and the myocardium below
it. Since 1999 the early mortality has been 2.4 %.
The rate of freedom from reoperation due to tri-
cuspid valve regurgitation after 5, 10, and 15 years
was 91 %, 80 %, and 68 %, respectively. There were
no significant differences in probability of reopera-
tion between patients with valve reconstruction
Atrial septal defect and those with valve replacement. Moderate or
Coronary sinus severe tricuspid valve insufficiency on hospital dis-
Patch closed tricuspid valve charge was a significant risk factor for reoperation
only in the group of patients who received valve
..Fig. 12.80  Exclusion of the right ventricle by the reconstruction.
Sano technique Chauvaud and associates from France
(Chauvaud et al. 2003) reported on 191 patients
and shunt takedown are performed. Fontan com- who were operated on using the technique of
pletion (inferior vena cava-to-pulmonary artery mobilization of the anterior leaflet introduced in
anastomosis) is usually performed when the 1988 by Carpentier (Carpentier et al. 1988).
patient is aged 2–4 years. Conservative surgery was possible in 187 patients
There are diverse modifications of the original (98 %) and included mobilization of the anterior
Starnes procedure. Sano and colleagues devel- leaflet, longitudinal plication of the atrialized
oped a procedure for complete exclusion of the right ventricle, and prosthetic anuloplasty with a
right ventricle in which also a part of the right ven- prosthetic ring in adults. A bidirectional cavo-
tricle is resected to reduce its size (Sano et al. pulmonary shunt had to be performed in 60
2002; . Fig.  12.80). A further modification was patients. Four patients had valve replacement.
published by Yun’s group (Yun et al. 2006b). Hospital mortality occurred in 18 patients (9 %)
and in nine patients due to right ventricular fail-
ure. Actuarial survival during the mean follow-
12.4.11  Results of Surgery up of 6.4  years was 82 % at 20  years. Tricuspid
for Ebstein’s Anomaly valve insufficiency was of grade I or II in 80 % of
the cases. Reoperation was necessary in 8 % (16
Many early studies found a 25–30 % hospital mor- patients). The second procedure was successful
tality rate. Late results are influenced by arrhyth- in ten patients. Electron beam computerized
mias, problems with artificial valve prostheses, tomography (in 20 patients) demonstrated that
and intrinsic primary myocardial disease. left ventricular ejection fraction improved from
Recent reports show decreased mortality and 56 to 66 % (p < 0.05). The number of patients
morbidity, compared with the early reports, but with supraventricular tachycardia and preexcita-
there is still controversy surrounding the question tion syndromes was reduced from 23 to 5.
of whether to recommend early surgery in asymp- Chen from Jan Quaegebeur’s group at
tomatic patients. It has been shown that some of Columbia University reported on 25 patients
these patients remain symptom free or have only (19 children and 6 adults) who underwent valve
mild symptoms for many years. reconstruction using the Quaegebeur tech-
Stulak and colleagues from the Mayo Clinic nique, which involved vertical plication of the
(Stulak et al. 2007) published the results of biven- atrialized ventricle and reimplantation of the
400 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

valve leaflet after clockwise rotation (Chen et al. Heart Surgeons Association in 2006 investigat-
2004). The average age at the time of operation ing the surgical treatment of Ebstein’s anomaly
was 14.2 ± 15.9  years, and the average follow- in 150 patients. The surgical procedures
up was 4.1 ± 3.4  years. Three patients required (n = 179) included 60 valve replacements, 49
reoperation for right ventricular overload (one valve reconstructions, 46 one-and-a-half ven-
child) and progressive severe tricuspid regurgi- tricle reconstructions, 13 palliative shunts, and
tation (two adults). Both adults received tricus- 11 other complex procedures. There were 20
pid valve replacements, one at 4  years and the hospital deaths (perioperative mortality
other at 8 years postoperatively. Three patients 13.3 %). Perioperative mortality did not differ
had radiofrequency ablation procedures per- significantly among repair, replacement, and
formed intraoperatively. Ten patients (40 %) one-and-a-half ventricle repair but was higher
had moderate-to-severe tricuspid regurgitation in patients with severe forms of the disease who
perioperatively. However, 18 ­ children (95 %) underwent palliative procedures early in life.
and 5 adults (83 %) ­demonstrated ­significant Young age seemed to be the only independent
improvement in exercise capacity late postoper- predictor of perioperative mortality (Sarris
atively. Two children died suddenly 11 months et al. 2006).
and 4 years after the corrective procedure. A conic reconstruction of the tricuspid
The group from the German Heart Center valve and longitudinal plication of the atrial-
in Munich reported results of a technique of ized part of the right ventricle was suggested by
Ebstein’s anomaly repair in 23 patients by which da Silva and associates (2007). They reported
a predominantly monocuspid valve is created, the results of repair of Ebstein’s anomaly in 40
with simultaneous ventricularization of the atri- patients. An atrial septal defect, if present, was
alized right ventricular chamber (Augustin and closed with a patch. There was 2.5 % mortality.
Schmidt-Habelmann 1997; Ullmann et al. 2004). Two patients later required tricuspid valve re-
Mortality was 4 % (one patient). Valvuloplasty reconstruction. No atrioventricular block
consisted of creating a predominantly mono- occurred nor was a tricuspid valve replacement
cuspid valve at the level of the anatomical necessary at any time during the mean follow-
12 atrioventricular junction resulting in ventricu- up time of 4 years.
larization of the atrialized chamber. Important Boston and associates from the Mayo Clinic
recurrent atrioventricular valve regurgitation published the results of their surgical treatment
developed in three patients (13 %). The cause of Ebstein’s anomaly in 186 children aged
was rupture of the fixation suture. Reoperation <13  years (Boston et al. 2006). A total of 117
was necessary: two patients underwent repeat patients received tricuspid valve replacement.
valvuloplasty and one patient tricuspid valve Tricuspid valve reconstruction and anuloplasty
replacement. One patient presenting with hypo- were carried out in 52 patients with Ebstein’s
plastic right ventricle and subsequent right heart anomaly of forms A and B according to the
failure underwent creation of a total cavopul- Carpentier classification (1988). The authors
monary connection. During a follow-up of 4.6 applied valve-­preserving reconstruction tech-
(0.5–10.9) years, all patients were doing well and niques only in cases in which at least 50 % of the
showed significant improvement of right atrio- anterior leaflet could be detached and the ante-
ventricular valve regurgitation and favorable rior end was not fixed to the endocardium. The
development of the right ventricular geometry early mortality rate in the reconstruction group
and function, as documented by serial echocar- was 5.8 %; for the last 25 years, since 1981 (31
diographic examination. The authors concluded patients), there had been no deaths. The risk
that their technique of Ebstein’s anomaly repair factors were age <2.5  years and weight of
with ventricularization of the atrialized cham- <10.7  kg. Morbidity consisted of transient
ber provides excellent results regarding right arrhythmias of atrial and ventricular origin and
atrioventricular valve function and leads to the need for early reoperation (n = 3). No
favorable restoration of RV geometry and func- patient required a permanent pacemaker.
tion (Ullmann et al. 2004). Actuarial survival following tricuspid valve
George Sarris reported the results of a mul- reconstruction after 5, 10, and 15  years was
ticentric study by the European Congenital 92.3 %, 89.9 %, and 89.9 %, respectively. The
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
401 12
rate of freedom from reoperation at 5, 10, and Van Praagh et al. (1964). Rastelli and colleagues
15  years was 91.0  %, 76.9  %, and 61.4  %. (Rastelli et al. 1968a, b) identified the malalign-
Moderate-to-severe tricuspid valve regurgita- ment between the atrial and ventricular septum as
tion before hospital discharge was the only risk a characteristic feature of hearts with overriding
factor for reoperation. Tricuspid valve stenosis valves and described the straddling phenomenon
did not occur in any of the patients. In the long- of the tricuspid valve in cases of atrioventricular
term follow-up, 89 % of the patients were in septal defects.
NYHA classes I and II. Straddling and overriding are often observed
A recent survey of a total of 595 patients with in combination with other complex congenital
Ebstein’s anomaly showed an overall in-hospital heart defects and are always associated with the
mortality of 5.9 %. Mortality among the neona- presence of a ventricular septal defect or a com-
tal population was between 22.7 and 26.9 % mon ventricle (Huhta et al. 1982a, b; Khairy et al.
depending on need for multiple o ­perations. 2007; Liberthson et al. 1971; Reddy and
Mortality in infants was 4.1 % and in children McElhinney 1997; Serraff et al. 1996; Tabry et al.
and adults 0.7 % and 1.1 %, respectively (Davies 1979; Van Son et al. 1998).
et al. 2013). Fetal distress and pulmonary atre- Since the introduction of echocardiography,
sia/stenosis are significant predictors of mortal- this anomaly has been more frequently recog-
ity in neonates with Ebstein’s anomaly (Yu et al. nized and can be exactly described in patients
2013). with complex congenital heart disease. On the
In 2006 Starnes’ group reported having treated other hand, angiography plays only an inferior
14 patients with his procedure, with total mortal- role (Delius et al. 1996; Freedom and Van Arsdell
ity of 30 %. Survival was improved within that 1998; Freedom et al. 1978; Güeven et al. 2003;
series, after a 4-mm fenestration of the tricuspid Huhta et al. 1982b; Seward et al. 1975; Yoshida
valve patch was introduced to avoid right ventric- et al. 1977).
ular distention and after the coronary sinus was Knowledge of the straddling phenomenon
retained on the right atrial side of the tricuspid in one of the atrioventricular valves is particu-
valve patch (Reemtsen et al. 2006). larly important for the choice of surgical strat-
Knott-Craig described biventricular repair of egy (univentricular or biventricular correction),
Ebstein’s anomaly in a consecutive series of 20 which depends on the type of straddling and on
neonates and four young infants, with a survival whether correction is possible without produc-
rate of 70 %. Three patients needed tricuspid valve ing valve incompetence or total atrioventricular
replacement during the median follow-up period block. The presence of such an anomaly can, in
of 4.5 years (Knott-Craig et al. 2007). some patients with transposition of the great
vessels and a ventricular septal defect and other
complex heart defects, mitigate against a
12.5  verriding and Straddling
O Rastelli correction, particularly when the clo-
Atrioventricular Valves sure of the ventricular septal defect would lead
to AV valve dysfunction (Anderson and Ho
12.5.1  Introduction 1998; Freedom and van Arsdell 1998; Huhta et
al. 1982b; Khairy et al. 2007; Russo et al. 1988;
Overriding and straddling phenomena of the van Arsdell 2006).
atrioventricular valves are rare: their rate of
occurrence in relation to all congenital heart
defects is between 0.3 and 3 %. Then it is particu- 12.5.2  Definitions
larly the tricuspid valve and hearts with discor-
dant atrioventricular connection that are affected An atrioventricular (AV) valve consists of the
(Liberthson et al. 1971; Milo et al. 1979; Reddy anulus, leaflets, and subvalvular apparatus.
and McElhinney 1997; Jacobs and Mayer 2000; Normally each AV valve has a morphological rela-
Güeven et al. 2003; Kiraly et al. 2007). tionship to a corresponding ventricle. This means
The phenomena of straddlings were described that the valve anulus with its leaflets is entirely
probably for the first time by Lambert (1951) and above this ventricle, and the subvalvular appara-
later analyzed in detail in univentricular hearts by tus is anchored in this ventricle.
402 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

Straddling of an AV valve arises when the sub- ventricular connection (univentricular heart).
valvular apparatus originates from both sides of In hearts with less than 50 % overriding of an
the ventricular septum, so that the opening usu- AV valve, i.e., if the larger part of the valve sec-
ally comes to lie above both ventricular chambers. tion is related to the corresponding chamber
Straddling often occurs above a ventricular septal (the secondary chamber; Anderson et al. 1981),
defect of the inlet septum. Using this definition a it is known as a biventricular atrioventricular
common AV valve almost always shows strad- connection (biventricular heart). The different
dling. However, there is no consensus on whether forms of straddling depend on determination
in this case one should speak of a straddling phe- of the atrioventricular connection.
nomenon (Liberthson et al. 1971; Milo et al. 1979)
or whether the concept «straddling» should be
reserved for describing either the mitral or tricus- 12.5.3  Surgical Anatomy
pid valve when its papillary muscles are connected
to both sides of the septum. The phenomenon of overriding AV valves sug-
In overriding valves, the subvalvular appara- gests, in addition to the valve anomaly, abnormal-
tus originates entirely in the original chamber, but ities of the atrial and ventricular septum
the AV valve anulus «rides» above a ventricular (malalignment, ventricular septal defect), the
septal defect so that there is a communication ventricular conduction system, and the ventricu-
with both ventricles. lar morphology.
The origin of the overriding and straddling
phenomena lies in the malalignment between the AV Valves
anterior edge of the atrial septum and the crest of Only AV valves can show the straddling phe-
the muscular septum (Anderson and Shirali 2009; nomenon, since arterial valves have no tensor
Rastelli et al. 1968a, b). apparatus (Anderson and Shirali 2009). Only one
The chamber in which the whole tensor appara- AV valve can override in a heart. There are four
tus of an AV valve and parts of the tensor apparatus possible forms of AV valve overriding: overriding
of the contralateral AV valve insert is known as the mitral or tricuspid valve each in atrioventricular
12 primary chamber (Anderson et al. 1981) or as the concordance or discordance (Anderson 1997;
dominant ventricle. The chamber in which only one Güeven et al. 2003; Ho 2003; Jacobs and Mayer
part of the tensor apparatus of the straddling AV 2000; Khairy et al. 2007). Independently of the
valve inserts is regarded as the secondary chamber type of atrioventricular connection and the
or «incomplete ventricle.» The latter chamber is extent of the overriding, an overriding tricuspid
typically much smaller or even hypoplastic. valve is practically always above the posterior
Overriding and straddling phenomena are portion of the interventricular septum. In the
found both with distinct right and left AV valves area of the overriding, there is malalignment
and with a common AV valve (AV septal defect between the atrial and ventricular septum, and
anomalies). Further, they have been observed to the ventricular septum is not developed as far as
be independent of the atrial site (solitus, inversus, the crux cordis in posterior direction. In the con-
or ambiguous) and from the type of atrioventric- trary case of the mitral valve, the anteromedial
ular connection (concordant, discordant, or uni- portions are usually affected by overriding and
ventricular) (Güeven et al. 2003). straddling so that the valve rides above the ante-
Overriding and straddling of an AV valve usu- rior interventricular septum. In this situation the
ally occur together. Very rarely they are found septum is developed up to the crux cordis
with two AV valves. However, both straddling and (Anderson 1997; Anderson et al. 1981; Becker
overriding can occur in isolation (. Fig. 12.81). et al. 1980; Ho 2003).
Both overriding and straddling of AV valves The straddling of parts of the subvalvar appa-
are observed in different forms. When the over- ratus of an AV valve can be slight, moderate, or
riding applies to more than 50 % of the cross severe. That is to say that the chordae tendineae
section of the valve, i.e., the larger part of the that cross the ventricular septal defect may insert
AV valve counts as part of the dominant at the contralateral side of the septum very close
­ventricle, the phenomenon is known as «dou- to the ventricular septal defect or 2–3  cm away
ble-inlet» ventricle with a univentricular atrio- from it or crossing the cavum of the contralateral
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
403 12
a b


Inter ventricular septum


..Fig. 12.81  a, b Illustration of the concepts of overriding and straddling. a A straddling valve has its subvalvar appa-
ratus originating in both ventricles. Its valvular orifice overrides the septum in all cases. b Isolated overriding occurs
with a subvalvar apparatus originating entirely and exclusively in one ventricle

ventricle and inserting at its free wall. In accor- type of malalignment VSD with an overriding
dance with these variants, Seward et  al. (1975) tricuspid valve from defect of the AV canal type
and Tabry and associates (Tabry et al. 1979) sug- (AV septal defect) (Anderson 1997). The
gested classification into types A, B, and C malalignment defect with overriding tricuspid
(. Fig. 12.82). The opening area of the abnormal valve is not an AV septum defect: the difference
AV valve is normally relatively large; the contra- is that in AV septum defects the septum, although
lateral valve is smaller or frequently even hypo- deficient, is developed up to the crux cordis
plastic (Milo et al. 1979). (Anderson 1997).
When straddling of the morphological tri- With an overriding/straddling mitral valve,
cuspid valve is present, creating a double-inlet the anteromedial valve portions are normally
connection, the dominant ventricle always involved in the overriding or straddling process,
shows the morphology of a left ventricle. The so that here there is often a VSD in posterior
rudimentary and incomplete right ventricle can ­position. The posterior parts of the septum are
be on the right or left side. In this form the strad- intact. The focus of the anomaly on the anterior
dling and overriding is extreme, and the tensor septum also explains the frequent combination
apparatus is almost always attached to the pari- with defects such as the double outlet right ven-
etal wall of the dominant left ventricle (Anderson tricle and the subpulmonary VSD (Taussig–Bing
and Shirali 2009). anomaly) or transposition of the great arteries
(Anderson et al. 1981; Freedom et al. 1978; Milo Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) et al. 1979; Niinami et al. 1995; Ostermeyer et al.
All opinions published so far confirm that a large 1980; Serraff et al. 1996).
ventricular septal defect (VSD) is a necessary part
of straddling anomalies of the AV valves. Conduction System
In all cases of overriding/straddling tricuspid The position and the course of the specific con-
valve, there is malalignment between the atrium duction structures (AV node, «penetrating» His
and chamber inlet septum. The VSD is in poste- bundle, ventricular bundle branches) depend
rior position, and the overriding phenomenon on the type of atrioventricular connection (con-
concerns the posteroseptal valve portions. The cordant or discordant) and the anatomy of the
VSD extends to the crux cordis (marginal peri- posterior atrioventricular junction (alignment
membranous VSD, juxtacrux VSD; Milo et al. or malalignment of the septa). When there
1979) and «prevents» the (inlet) septum from is  no  malalignment between the atrial and
being formed. It is important to distinguish this ­ventricular septum, i.e. the ventricular septum
404 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

a b c

..Fig. 12.82  a–c Classification for AV-valve straddling according to the site of insertion of the papillary muscle in the
opposite ventricle by Tabry et al. (1979). a Type A: insertion at the other side of the ventricular septum or at the edge of
the ventricular septal defect; b type B: insertion at the opposite side of the ventricular septum and removal from the rim
of the ventricular septal defect; c type C: insertion at the opposite free wall of the ventricular chamber

is developed in posterior direction up to the Milo et al. 1979). The AV node is found lateral to
crux cordis and also atrioventricular concor- the atrial septum in a position directly below the
dance is present, the position and course of the point at which the ventricular inlet septum
conduction system can be expected to be nor- reaches the tricuspid anulus (Milo et al. 1979).
mal, with a regular AV node in the Koch trian- The course of the His bundle is in the area of the
gle and posterior course of the His bundle with posterior rim of the VSD.  Although Serraf and
normal branching. These relations are found colleagues (1996) assumed that the conduction
only in hearts with atrioventricular concor- system in biventricular heart with a VSD was
dance. In those with overriding tricuspid valve similar to that in hearts with a simple VSD, this
(malalignment between the atrial and ventricu- thesis has not been supported by anatomical evi-
12 lar septum, juxtacrux VSD), an anomalous dence (Anderson 1997).
position of the AV valve and an abnormal
course of the His bundle are to be expected. Ventricular Morphology
Milo and colleagues reported that the conduc- Apart from atypically inserted chordae tendineae
tion path tissue does not originate from the and papillary muscles, the ventricles frequently
regular AV node and that, in biventricular show differences in size. Almost always there is
hearts with normal AV junction, the crux is hypoplasia of the secondary chamber (incomplete
derived from the conduction path tissue» (Milo ventricle) and a relatively larger primary chamber,
et al. 1979). In the case of atrioventricular dis- which still communicates more or less with the
cordance (isolated ventricle inversion, cor- overriding contralateral valve in addition to the cor-
rected transposition of the great arteries), the responding AV valve (Anderson et al. 1981; Corno
ventricular conduction system originates from 2005; Hanley 1999; Milo et al. 1979; Muster et al.
an AV node in anterolateral position, indepen- 1979; Seward et al. 1975; Van Praagh et al. 1964).
dently of the VSD position and of which AV
valve is overriding, and takes its course in the
area of the anterior circumference of the VSD 12.5.4  Surgical Treatment
(Anderson 1997). Here the determining factor
of the position of the specific musculature is the The corrective procedure for atrioventricular
atrioventricular discordance. valves with the straddling phenomenon was first
In hearts with atrioventricular concordance described in 1979 (Pacifico et al. 1979; Tabry et al.
and overriding tricuspid valve, the criteria for the 1979). The surgical considerations arising from
formation of a conduction path system are also the overriding phenomenon of the AV valve have
not fulfilled due to the malalignment between the found attention in a number of publications in
atrial and ventricular septum and the VSD that recent years (Aeba et al. 2000; Anderson 1997;
extends to the crux cordis (Anderson et al. 1981; Danielson et al. 1979a, b; Niinami et al. 1995;
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
405 12
Planche et al. 1982; Russo et al. 1988; Serraff et al. components to strengthen the sutures in the areas
1996; Tabry et al. 1979; Van Son et al. 1998a, b, c). where the suture line crosses the AV conduction
These show that the operative strategy always path. The sutures are placed at a distance from the
depends on the hemodynamically most relevant septum edge but in right ventricular or atrial tissue;
anomaly and that the real surgical problem with the straddling components remain in the left ventri-
the straddling AV valve lies in the need to close cle (Planche et al. 1982). Damage to the penetrating
the always coexisting VSD without impairing the AV bundle can be avoided by placing the sutures at
AV valve function, without producing AV block the left side of the septum edge (Serraff et al. 1996).
due to the positional anomalies of the specific Bob Anderson is of the opinion that surgical
muscles, and without the secondary chamber injury to the conduction path system can be
being too small after VSD closure. avoided by having exact knowledge of the anat-
Overriding of the AV valves, as discussed omy of the valves with the straddling phenome-
above, represents a whole spectrum of anomalies, non and the associated ventricular connection
with broad variability in position and size of the (Anderson 1997). However, in many patients a
VSD and in the location and course of the specific high incidence of postoperative complete AV
conduction structures and the ventricular geome- block has been observed (Pacifico et al. 1979;
try. For these reasons it appears not to be useful to Reddy and McElhinney 1997; Tabry et al. 1979).
describe the surgical procedure in detail and, so to Different surgical techniques in patients with
speak, «suture by suture» for an arbitrarily selected straddling of the tricuspid and mitral valve who
straddling situation, which would probably not be underwent biventricular correction have been
feasible with a different variant on the spectrum of described.
anomalies. Instead we describe in the following
the principle options for a surgical procedure, tak- Transection of Tendinous Fibers
ing into account the different types of anomaly. When straddling affects only individual chordae
The straddling phenomenon remains a great that play no part in the closure mechanism of the AV
challenge for the cardiologist and pediatric car- valve, these can be transected without risk. The VSD
diac surgeon (Delius et al. 1996; Kiraly et al. 2007; closure can then be performed in the usual manner.
Tabry et al. 1979). In patients with well-developed The possibility of proceeding in this way is definitely
ventricles, an attempt should always be made to given when the crossing chordae in slight or moder-
perform biventricular correction rather than uni- ate straddling (type A or B) insert at an isolated pap-
ventricular correction; in doing so it is important illary muscle in the contralateral ventricle.
to avoid traumatic AV block (Anderson 1997).
Biventricular correction in valves with straddling  litting of the VSD Patch
phenomena carries the potential risk of causing and Division of the VSD Patch
dysfunction of the mitral and tricuspid valve, Suture Line
since dividing the chambers or placing the suture In rare cases of type A and type B straddling, the
line for VSD closure can often mechanically dis- crossing tendinous fibers could be brought
tort or injure the tensor apparatus of the AV valves through a slit in the VSD patch. To avoid a resid-
directly below the VSD. In addition, displacement ual defect, the slit is sutured after VSD closure
of the suture line to the left or right in patents with (Aeba et al. 2000; Pacifico et al. 1979). This tech-
the straddling phenomenon may lead to obstruc- nique should only be applied when the crossing
tion of the left or right ventricular outflow tract chordae are not an important part of the mecha-
(Delius et al. 1996; Serraff et al. 1996). Variable nism of valve closure since the valve mobility
valve morphology means that the valves in would be reduced (Aeba et al. 2000; Danielson
patients with functionally single ventricle are sus- et al. 1979b; Tabry et al. 1979; . Fig. 12.83).
ceptible to developing insufficiency in the long-­
term course (Kiraly et al. 2007). Papillary Muscle
A further problem is the high risk of developing Re-implantation
total AV block (Anderson 1997; Anderson and Ho With slight or moderate straddling (type A or B),
1998; Serraff et al. 1996). To avoid this, Planche and if the crossing chordae insert at an isolated papil-
colleagues (1982) developed a technique that uses lary muscle in the contralateral ventricle and this
the leaflet tissue of the overriding tricuspid valve papillary muscle has no connections to the other
406 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

a b

..Fig. 12.83  a, b Illustration looking into the right ventricle in a patient with transposition of the great arteries and
ventricular septal defect. a At the papillary muscle of the mitral valve with straddling phenomenon, the suture line has
been interrupted. b After completion of the VSD patch insertion, the straddling papillary muscles of the subvalvular
apparatus of the mitral valve come to rest between the ventricular septum and the VSD patch. The cranial part of the
VSD patch has been flipped over, allowing a free view of the aortic valve (Following Aeba et al. 2000)

AV valve, this muscle can be transected at its base  yocardial Conal Flap
and later be reimplanted in the septum of the cor- Methods
12 responding ventricle during VSD closure (Niinami Trimming of a conal myocardial flap to be used to
et al. 1995; Reddy and McElhinney 1997; Van Son correct abnormal attachment of the tricuspid
et al. 1998a, b, c). Whether this method can pro- valve to the outflow tract septum and its fixation
duce undisturbed valve function remains ques- to the intracardiac tunnel in a patient with double
tionable. Technically the procedure can only be outlet ventricle are shown in . Fig. 12.85 (Niinami
performed when reimplantation is possible in the et al. 1995; Serraff et al. 1996).
ventricle through which the operation is per-
formed, usually only for a tricuspid valve in typical Retraction of the Chordae or
trans-right-atrial VSD patch closure. the Papillary Muscle
. Fig.  12.85 illustrates retraction of the chordae or Pseudoseptation the papillary muscle of a tricuspid or mitral valve with
The patch selected to close the VSD is clearly straddling into the left ventricle through the native
larger and is placed in the primary chamber aortic valve (. Fig.  12.85) or the pulmonary valve
around the base points of the crossing chordae so (. Fig. 12.86) in a patient with dextrotransposition of
that the entire subvalvar apparatus of the former the great vessels (Serraff et al. 1996).
straddling valve lies within the newly created ven-
tricular cavum—a procedure that is particularly AV-Valve Replacement
to be considered with type A straddling. This is When an overriding or straddling AV valve is pri-
technically relatively simple when the chords marily incompetent, which is extremely rare, or
cross into the ventricle through which the s­ urgeon when valve-preserving measures are not possible
works, mainly with straddling of the left AV valve in type C straddling, valve replacement must be
into the right-position ventricle. However, it is in considered. However, the well-known disadvan-
principle also possible with straddling of the right tages of valve replacement in children give rise to
AV valve into the left-position ventricle (Pacifico serious concerns (Tabry et al. 1979). If a malalign-
et al. 1979; . Fig. 12.84). ment VSD (straddling tricuspid valve) is present,
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
407 12

c Ventrikelseptum- Cuspis anterior

Cuspis posterior d

Cuspis septalis
Coronary sinus

..Fig. 12.84  a–e Pseudoseptation of a perimembranous malalignment (juxtacrux) ventricular septal defect in
an overriding and straddling tricuspid valve in a patient with situs solitus and normal atrioventricular connections.
a Access through an oblique incision in the right atrium. b The chordae of the septal tricuspid leaflet cross the ventricu-
lar septal defect to insert at papillary muscles of the left ventricle. The tricuspid valve anulus overrides by 10–20 %.
c Closure of the ventricular septal defect is performed transatrially. To preserve the tricuspid valve integrity, the patch is
placed on the left side of the septum in such a manner that the whole subvalvar apparatus remains to the right of the
Dacron patch. d, e Completed closure of the ventricular septal defect (Modified from Pacifico et al. 1979)
408 V. Alexi-Meskhishvili et al.

the artificial valve must normally be fixed to the

septal VSD patch, which makes the use of a low-­
profile prosthesis seem advisable. Alternative Methods

If it is highly likely that these intracardiac correc-
tive operations will give rise to total AV block, a
secondary ventricle that is too small and/or a
restriction in AV valve function (e.g., with pri-
mary stenosis of the non-straddling valve), the fol-
lowing alternatives should be considered instead.

kFontan operation
Patients with a giant papillary muscle and anoma-
lous insertion of the tricuspid valve cannot be
treated by biventricular correction, since this
..Fig. 12.85  Surgical technique for trimming a myocar-
would cause obstruction of the left ventricular
dial flap to the correct size to operate on a tricuspid valve outflow tract and AV valve dysfunction (Aeba
with anomalous attachment to the septum of the outflow et al. 2000). Curtain-like tricuspid valve chordae
tract and fixation to the intracardiac tunnel in a case of with anomalous origin remain a contraindication
double outlet ventricle (After Serraff et al. 1996) to biventricular correction in patients with ­double

a b


..Fig. 12.86  a Surgical technique for the intraoperative management of a tricuspid valve with straddling with transposi-
tion of the great arteries. The papillary muscle chordae are pulled toward the right ventricle using a hook that is entered
through the native aortic valve. The ventricular septal defect is closed with access either through the native aortic valve or
through the pulmonary artery in the normal fashion. Occasionally it is necessary to complete the procedure through the
right atrium. b Surgical technique for the intraoperative handling of a straddling mitral valve with transposition of the great
arteries. The chordae of the papillary muscles are pulled with a hook in the direction of the left ventricle through the pulmo-
nary artery. The ventricular septal defect is then closed through the native aortic valve or through a right ventriculotomy.
Sometimes the procedure must be completed through the right atrium (After Serraff et al. 1996)
Chapter 12 · Congenital Defects of Veins, Atria, AV-Septum, and AV-Valves
409 12
outlet right ventricle, transposition of the great phenomenon. In four patients the switch to uni-
vessels, or severe right ventricular hypoplasia. ventricular correction was made. There were four
Occasionally anomalies of the tricuspid valve or deaths after biventricular correction (13.3 %), and
anomalies of the papillary muscle origin around six reoperations were necessary due to a subaortic
the rim of the VSD in patients with double outlet stenosis, AV valve insufficiency, and the need for
ventricle make the creation of a satisfactory intra- pacemaker implantation.
cardiac rerouting difficult or even impossible. Reddy and colleagues (1997) described five
As long as the general criteria for a modified patients with straddling of the AV valves in whom
Fontan operation are fulfilled, this could be the the technique of chordal translocation and rein-
method of choice for patients with type B or type C sertion was used during the biventricular correc-
straddling and clear hypoplasia of the secondary ven- tion. None of the patients died, but three
tricle. developed total AV block necessitating perma-
In such situation it is assumed that univentricu- nent pacemaker implantation.
lar correction in the form of an extracardiac or intra- For patients with type A straddling and with-
cardiac lateral tunnel as part of the Fontan operation out overriding, the results are clearly more favor-
is superior to biventricular correction (Anderson able (Aeba et al. 2000; Niinami et al. 1995).
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425 13

Definite Palliation
of Functional
Single Ventricle
Rüdiger Lange and Jürgen Hörer

13.1 Introduction – 428

13.2 Nomenclature and Classification – 428

13.3 Anatomy – 428

13.3.1  earts with Double-Inlet Atrioventricular
Connection – 428
13.3.2 Hearts in Which One Atrioventricular
Connection Is Absent – 429 Tricuspid Atresia – 429 Mitral Atresia – 431
13.3.3 Hearts with Common Atrioventricular Connection
Where Only One Ventricle Is Normally Developed – 431
13.3.4 Hearts with Only One Normally Developed Ventricle
in the Presence of Heterotaxy Syndrome – 432

13.4 Natural History – 432

13.5  istory of Surgical Treatment of Patients

with Functional Single Ventricle – 433
13.5.1  alliative Operations – 433
13.5.2 Septation of the Functional Single Ventricle – 433
13.5.3 Cavopulmonary Anastomosis – 434
13.5.4 Fontan Operation and Modifications – 434
13.5.5 Staged Therapy for Completing the Fontan
Circulation – 436

13.6 I ndications for Definitive Palliation

and Fontan Circulation – 437

13.7 Surgical Techniques – 437

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_13
13.7.1 S tage I Palliation: Controlling the Pulmonary
Blood Flow – 437 Systemic-to-Pulmonary Artery Shunt – 437 Pulmonary Artery Banding – 439
13.7.2 Stage II Palliation: Improving the Efficiency
of Shunt-Dependent Circulation – 441 Bidirectional Superior Cavopulmonary Anastomosis
(Bidirectional Glenn Anastomosis) – 442 Hemi-Fontan Operation – 443
13.7.3 Stage III Palliation: Completion
of Fontan Circulation – 444 Extracardiac Total Cavopulmonary Connection – 444 Intracardiac Total Cavopulmonary Connection – 446
13.7.4 Special Surgical Techniques – 447 Other Techniques of Systemic-to-­Pulmonary Artery Shunt – 447 Anastomosis of the Proximal Pulmonary Artery
and the Ascending Aorta, with Aortic Arch
Reconstruction – 448 Modified Norwood Operation – 448 Resection of Subaortic Stenosis – 448 Bidirectional Superior Cavopulmonary Anastomosis
Without Cardiopulmonary Bypass – 449 Fenestration of Total Cavopulmonary Connection – 449 Extracardiac Total Cavopulmonary Anastomosis
Without Cardiopulmonary Bypass, in the Presence
of Superior Cavopulmonary Anastomosis – 449
13.7.5 Controversial Treatment Strategies – 450 Fontan Operation Versus Septation Operation – 450 Pro and Contra: Additional Pulmonary Blood Source
Following Bidirectional Superior Cavopulmonary
Connection – 450 Pro and Contra: Bidirectional Superior Cavopulmonary
Connection Without Cardiopulmonary Bypass – 451 Bidirectional Superior Cavopulmonary Connection Versus
Hemi-Fontan Operation – 451 Pro and Contra: Fenestration of the Total Cavopulmonary
Connection – 451 Pro and Contra: Intracardiac or Extracardiac Total
Cavopulmonary Connection – 452

13.8 Results – 453

13.8.1 Mortality – 453 Stage I Palliation – 453 Stage II Palliation – 453 Stage III Palliation – 453
13.8.2 Functional Status – 454
13.8.3 Neurological Status – 454
13.8.4 Right-Sided Thromboembolic Complications – 454
13.8.5 Rhythm Disturbances – 455
13.8.6 Protein-Losing Enteropathy – 455
13.8.7 Reoperations – 455

13.9 Conclusions – 456

References – 456
428 R. Lange and J. Hörer

13.1 Introduction The surgeon needs a structured nomenclature,

including all congenital heart defects with a func-
The treatment of newborns and small children, tional single ventricle and including all additional
who do not have two well-developed ventricles, heart malformations, which are important for
presents one of the biggest challenges in therapy of planning of the surgical strategy. Such a nomen-
congenital heart defects. In addition, the classifica- clature was developed by the ‘Society of thoracic
tion of this group of heart defects is difficult since surgeons international congenital heart surgery
there are a large number of heart defects, which database project’ (Jacobs and Mayer 2000).
can be accompanied by hypoplasia of one of the Accordingly, the functional single ventricles are
ventricles. These hearts are often described as ‘sin- divided into the following subgroups:
gle ventricle’ or ‘univentricular heart’. However, 55 Hearts with double-inlet atrioventricular
these terms are not precise. It is extremely rare that connection
these hearts actually consist of only one ventricle. 55 Hearts in which one atrioventricular
In most of the cases, one ventricle is fully devel- connection is absent
oped, while the other chamber is hypoplastic, not 55 Hearts with common atrioventricular
completely developed or rudimentary. Therefore, connection, where only one ventricle is
the term ‘functional single ventricle’ has been used normally developed
in recent times to describe all heart defects, in 55 Hearts with one normally developed ventricle
which separation of the ventricles is not possible. in the presence of heterotaxy syndrome
In presence of a functional single ventricle, the 55 Very rare heart defects, which cannot be
systemic and the pulmonary circulation are classified in the aforementioned categories
arranged in a parallel circuit. This is contrary to
the serial arrangement in the normal circulation. The common ground of all these hearts is the
Without a surgical intervention, this condition functional single ventricle physiology, regardless of
leads to a very unfavorable prognosis. The devel- the specific morphology. In most cases, a biventricu-
opment of surgical strategies for these patients to lar repair is impossible in the presence of a functional
separate the systemic from the pulmonary circu- single ventricle physiology. Therefore in these
lation has led to a significant improvement of life patients, a univentricular palliation is performed in
expectancy and quality of life. order to separate the systemic and pulmonary circu-
13 lation. The basic strategy of univentricular palliation
is similar, regardless of the specific morphology.
13.2 Nomenclature Therefore, this chapter will describe all operations
and Classification which are necessary to complete the univentricular
palliation. The final step of separating the pulmonary
The terms ‘single ventricle’ and ‘univentricular and systemic circulation is named ‘Fontan operation’
heart’ were characterized by Abbott (1936), Taussig after the surgeon, who first successfully performed
(1939), Edwards (1960), and Lev (1953). The term this surgical principle (Fontan et  al. 1971). The
‘functional single ventricle’ was established by van resulting circulation, which consists of one pumping
Praahg’s ‘Segmental anatomy approach’ (van chamber, is referred to as ‘Fontan circulation’.
Praagh et  al. 1979) and Anderson’s ‘System of
sequential chamber localization’ (Anderson et  al.
1975). According to van Praagh, a functional sin- 13.3 Anatomy
gle ventricle is connected with the atria through a
mitral, tricuspid or common atrioventricular valve. 13.3.1  earts with Double-Inlet
Anderson’s nomenclature is also based on the Atrioventricular Connection
atrioventricular connection. According to
Anderson, in a functional single ventricle, all atrio- Double-inlet atrioventricular connection depicts a
ventricular connections lead to just one ventricle. morphology, where both atria connect to only one
The other ventricle has no atrioventricular connec- ventricle through either two separate or one single
tion, and it is rudimentary. Anderson’s functional atrioventricular valve. In most cases, the atria are
single ventricle can also be named as ‘univentricu- connected with one fully developed chamber. The
lar atrioventricular connection’. cases in which only one ventricle is present are,
Chapter 13 · Definite Palliation of Functional Single Ventricle
429 13
however, very rare. A second, rudimentary or between the left atrium and the left ventricle. An atrial
hypoplastic chamber is usually present. Either the septal defect is present in all cases, at least in a form of
hypoplastic ventricle has no atrioventricular con- a non-restrictive foramen ovale. A bulboventricular
nection or the common atrioventricular valve foramen is present in most cases. The ventriculoarte-
opens partially in the hypoplastic chamber, in rial connection may be concordant or discordant.
terms of an override. The diagnosis of a ‘double- Kühne, who also defined two basic forms of
inlet ventricle’ is made, when more than 50 % of the this heart defect, first described tricuspid atresia
overriding valve lies over the dominant chamber. in 1906 as ‘atresia of ostium venosum dextrum’
The dominant ventricle can morphologically (Kühne 1906). Edwards and Burchell in 1949
more or less resemble the right or the left chamber of (Edwards and Burchell 1949), Keith in 1958
a normal heart. Only rarely the morphology cannot (Keith et  al. 1958) and Tandon and Edwards in
be classified. The size of the dominant ventricle cor- 1974 (Tandon and Edwards 1974) did further dif-
relates with pulmonary blood flow. In the presence ferentiation. Bellet and Steward in 1933 (Bellet
of pulmonary stenosis, the ventricle is smaller than and Steward 1933) and Taussig in 1936 (Taussig
in the cases with an unrestrictive pulmonary blood 1936) described the clinical picture.
flow (Shimazaki et al. 1980). The morphology of the Tricuspid atresia is complete in most cases,
rudimentary ventricle is always complementary to and the bottom part of the right atrium consists
the morphology of the dominant one. Usually, these of muscles (Anderson et al. 1977). Membranous
chambers lack a part of the inflow tract. Sometimes, atresia is less common and has three different
the outflow tract is also non-existent, and the ven- types. The first type is a tricuspid atresia with
tricle consists only from the trabeculized part. The imperforated valve membrane. An impermeable
hypoplastic chamber is connected to the dominant membrane which resembles a valve, and some-
ventricle through the bulboventricular foramen. times chordae on the ventricular side, is present
The position of the atria is variable. Normally posi- in this type (Anderson and Rigby 1987). The
tioned atria are found in most hearts with a double- second type includes a tricuspid valve, which
inlet left ventricle, whereas only in half of the hearts resembles the Ebstein anomaly, with completely
with a double-inlet right ventricle. In the other half of fused leaflets (Anderson et  al. 1977). In the
the patients, isomerismus (usually right) is present. third, rarest group, a complete atrioventricular
In general, two atrioventricular valves are present septal defect is present, in which the right part of
and both open in the dominant ventricle. These valves the common atrioventricular valve does not
usually do not correlate to the morphological tricus- open in the right ventricle (Ottenkamp and
pid or mitral valve. Therefore, it is advisable to refer to Wenink 1989).
these valves as right and left atrioventricular valve The right atrium can be dilated in the presence
(Restivo et al. 1982). A common atrioventricular valve of tricuspid atresia, and the wall is mostly thick-
is rarely present and mostly has a high grade of insuf- ened. An atrial septal defect, which is mostly secun-
ficiency (Soto et al. 1979). In approximately 20 % of dum type, represents the only outlet from the right
the patients, one of the atrioventricular valves is over- atrium. The left atrium is dilated due to intraatrial
riding the ventricular septum and a part of the chordal shunt but usually shows normal morphology.
apparatus is going through the interventricular com- The mitral valve and the left ventricle are
munication, which is known as straddling of the valve. larger than normal. The left ventricle is enlarged
due to volume overload. The right ventricle is
connected to the left ventricle through a bulbo-
13.3.2  earts in Which One
H ventricular foramen, which always has muscular
Atrioventricular Connection borders. The right ventricle is rudimentary and
Is Absent does not have an inlet component. The size of the
trabeculized part and the size of the outflow tract
of the right ventricle are dependent on the size of Tricuspid Atresia the bulboventricular foramen and the type of the
The term ‘tricuspid atresia’ describes the hearts with an ventriculoarterial connection.
absent right atrioventricular connection. As a result, Usually, a normal coronary pattern is present.
univentricular atrioventricular connection is present The systemic veins are also usually normally
and consists of a left atrioventricular connection connected, except for the persistent left superior
430 R. Lange and J. Hörer

vena cava, which is present in up to 15 % of these 55 Ib: restrictive bulboventricular foramen and/
hearts. The position of the sinus node is normal; or pulmonary stenosis
the AV node is on the right hand side of the cen- 55 Ic: unrestrictive bulboventricular foramen, no
tral fibrous skeleton. The course of the ventricular pulmonary stenosis
bundles depends on the position of the bulboven-
tricular foramen but are mostly positioned poste- Group II (ventriculoarterial discordance,
rior and inferior of the defect. 30–40 % of the cases) (Edwards and Burchell
Two further groups can be distinguished 1949; Annecchino et al. 1980):
based on the type of the ventriculoarterial con- 55 IIa: no bulboventricular foramen and
nection: ventriculoarterial concordance (normal pulmonary atresia
position of the great arteries) and ventriculoarte- 55 IIb: restrictive bulboventricular foramen and
rial discordance (transposition of the great arter- pulmonary stenosis
ies) (Rosenthal and Dick 1983). According to the 55 IIc: unrestrictive bulboventricular foramen,
size of the bulboventricular foramen and the no pulmonary stenosis
grade of the pulmonary stenosis, three more sub-
groups can be recognized: Double outlet from the right or left ventricle is rare
Group I (ventriculoarterial concordance, (Anderson et  al. 1977), while other forms are even
60–70 % of the cases) more uncommon. Altogether, 80 % of the patients can
55 Ia: no bulboventricular foramen and be assigned to the aforementioned groups (Anderson
pulmonary atresia and Rigby 1987; Forrest et  al. 1987). . Figure  13.1
illustrates the classification according to Edwards and

la lb lc


lla llb llc

..Fig. 13.1  Most common forms of tricuspid atresia in a simplified categorization according to Rosenthal and Dick
(1983) (Description in text)
Chapter 13 · Definite Palliation of Functional Single Ventricle
431 13
Burchell (1949) in a simplified categorization accord- 13.3.3  earts with Common
ing to Rosenthal and Dick (1983). Atrioventricular Connection
Where Only One Ventricle Is Mitral Atresia Normally Developed
In analogy to the absence of the right atrioventricu-
lar connection, the absence of the left atrioventric- Functional single ventricles with a malformation
ular connection can be accompanied with a based on a defect of endocardial cushion are
number of different heart defects. The classical included in this rare subgroup. Unlike the hypo-
example of the mitral atresia is a functional single plastic ventricles in other groups described in this
ventricle with a morphological right chamber and chapter, the chambers in this subgroup are not rudi-
an absence of the left atrioventricular connection. mentary since the inlet part of the ventricle is devel-
Just like in the cases of tricuspid atresia, mitral atre- oped. They are however hypoplastic since the blood
sia can be accompanied by an impermeable valve flow through the common atrioventricular valve is
on which chordae may still be identifiable. preferentially directed in the dominant ventricle.
However, a membrane consisting of connective The underlying pathology is the imbalance between
and fat tissue is found more often (Thiene et  al. the components (right/left) of the atrioventricular
1981). When mitral and aortic atresia is present, valve and the two ventricles (right/left). The dimen-
the heart defect is classified as a part of the hypo- sion of this imbalance determines the degree of
plastic left heart syndrome (see 7 chapter «Surgery hypoplasia and the dominance of the ventricle.
for Aortic Atresia, Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, In the right-dominant type, the right ventricle
and Hypoplastic Left Heart Complex», Sect. 17.1). This is large, the left ventricle is smaller than normal
is also the case in different combinations of mitral and the blood flow from the atria in the ventricles
atresia/stenosis and aortic atresia/stenosis. is preferentially directed into the right ventricle
Borderline cases are sometimes difficult to classify, due to displacement of the common atrioventric-
which is why the term hypoplastic left heart syn- ular valve towards the right. In left-dominant
drome should always be used when there is no pos- type, the left ventricle is large, the right ventricle is
sibility of biventricular correction and where a smaller than normal and the blood flow from the
definitive palliation leading to Fontan circulation atria into the ventricles is preferentially directed
must be undertaken (Kouchoukos et al. 2003a). For into the left ventricle due to displacement of the
these borderline cases, also the term hypoplastic common atrioventricular valve towards the left.
left heart complex is used (Tchervenkov et al. 1998) In the cases with left dominance, there is a notable
see also 7 chapter «Surgery for Aortic Atresia, hypoplasia of the right ventricle. However, it is
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, and Hypoplastic sometimes very difficult to separate the right-­
Left Heart Complex», Sect. 17.6.8. dominant type with a real dominance of the right
Most of these hearts have normally posi- ventricle, and the hypoplasia of the left ventricle
tioned atria, d-loop of the ventricles, a dominant from the common cases of atrioventricular sep-
right ventricle which is connected to the right tum defect with balanced ventricles, where the
atrium through the tricuspid valve, and a hypo- right ventricle is larger due to volume overload
plastic left ventricle positioned left and posterior. (Jacobs 2003).
In the cases with ventriculoarterial concordance It is very important to determine the degree of
and an existent connection between the domi- hypoplasia of the smaller ventricle in order to
nant and the hypoplastic ventricle, the size of the decide on surgical strategy. The atrioventricular
aorta ascendens and the aortic arch is determined valve index, introduced by Cohen et  al. (1996),
through the size of the bulboventricular foramen. has proven to be helpful in deciding which patient
When the foramen is restrictive, the ascending is suitable for biventricular repair and in which
aorta and the arch are hypoplastic. In some cases, univentricular palliation is necessary.
the aortic isthmus is also stenotic, and rarely, Hypoplasia of the aortic arch, or aortic isth-
there is an interrupted aortic arch (Jacobs 2003). mus stenosis, as well as a prominent pulmonary
Mitral atresia with ventriculoarterial discor- artery is relatively common in patients with right
dance is very rare. More frequent are the cases dominance of the common atrioventricular con-
with double outlet from the right ventricle. The nection. On the other hand , the aortic arch and
left ventricle is in these cases a blind pouch which the pulmonary artery are usually normally devel-
is connected only to the right ventricle. oped in the left-dominant cases (Jacobs 2003).
432 R. Lange and J. Hörer

13.3.4  earts with Only One

H Heart defects with a hypoplastic or rudimen-
Normally Developed Ventricle tary ventricle, which however do not include an
in the Presence of Heterotaxy atretic atrioventricular connection, double-inlet
Syndrome ventricle or an overriding of the atrioventricular
valve in the presence of a complete atrioventricu-
Heterotaxy syndrome is characterized by a spe- lar septal defect, are according to this classifica-
cific pattern of arrangement of thoracic and tion not defined as ‘functional single ventricle’.
abdominal organs. Unpaired organs are usually However, the underlying pathology of these
positioned in the median line of the body, while defects can prevent a biventricular repair. Hence,
the paired organs (e.g. lung lobes) or paired parts practically the same surgical strategy must be
of organs (e.g. atria) pose a mirror image on each applied, as in the cases of functional single ven-
side. Hence, an atrial isomerism (more accurately tricles. This subgroup of heart defects includes the
an isomerism of atrial appendages) was described extreme form of Ebstein disease, extreme forms of
by Wilcox et  al. (Becker and Anderson 1981). pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum,
Since the spleen is typically absent in the patients the isolated stenosis of tricuspid valve with intact
with right atrial isomerism, and there is typically ventricular septum and the isolated hypoplasia of
accessory spleen tissue in the patients with left the myocardium of the right ventricle (Uhl 1952).
atrial isomerism, the terms ‘asplenie’ and ‘poly-
splenie’ are also appropriate (Van Mirop and
Wiglesworth 1962; Becker and Anderson 1981). 13.4 Natural History
A functional single ventricle is often found in
patients with a heterotaxy syndrome. In addition, Tricuspid atresia is the most common form of a
there are often anomalies in the systemic and pul- functional single ventricle. It represents 1–3 % of
monary venous connections. Intracardial anat- all congenital heart defects (Kouchoukos et  al.
omy usually includes defects of the endocardial 2003b). The early natural course is determined by
cushion and pulmonary stenosis. the amount of pulmonary blood flow (pulmo-
More than half of the patients with right isom- nary stenosis, restrictive bulboventricular fora-
erism have a functional single ventricle. Typically, men). The further course of the disease is affected
there is a dominant right ventricle (42 %) with by cardiomyopathy, caused by the volume over-
13 double outlet from the right ventricle (82 %), pul- load of the functional single ventricle in face of
monary stenosis or atresia (96 %), bilateral supe- cyanosis.
rior vena cava (71  %) and a common Since the introduction of palliative surgical
atrioventricular valve (93 %). Bilateral sinus nodes interventions to control pulmonary blood flow,
are present. Coronary sinus is absent. Total anom- the life expectancy of the patients with functional
alous pulmonary venous connection is common single ventricle has remarkably increased. At the
(Rubino et  al. 1995). The inferior vena cava and present time, it is not possible to make any certain
the liver veins drain separately in the atrium. Both statements about the further course (‘unnatural
lungs consist of three lobes (Jacobs 2003.) history’) of these patients. Moddie et  al. (1984)
Less than half of the patients with left isomer- reported a survival of 50 % at 14  years after pri-
ism have a functional single ventricle. Two thirds mary diagnosis of functional single ventricle, with
of them have a dominant right ventricle. There is no surgical intervention. The main causes of death
no rudimentary chamber. Bilateral superior vena were terminal heart insufficiency and rhythm dis-
cava is common, as well as an interrupted inferior turbances. In a group of patients with double-inlet
vena cava in the infrahepatic part, with azygos left ventricle, from which some were palliated
continuity (80 %). Liver veins often drain bilater- (there were no patients in whom a separation of
ally in the atria, while the pulmonary veins usu- systemic and pulmonary circulation was per-
ally connect to the atrium located on the right formed), a survival of 42 % at 10  years was
hand side. In comparison to the hearts with right reported (Franklin et al. 1991).
isomerism, pulmonary atresia is uncommon. The combination of atresia of the left atrio-
Sinus node can be abnormally positioned or even ventricular valve with a restrictive interatrial
completely absent. Both lungs consist of two lobes communication has a very unfavorable course,
(Jacobs 2003). due to obstruction of pulmonary venous return.
Chapter 13 · Definite Palliation of Functional Single Ventricle
433 13
These children often pass away in the first few tion increases, while the systemic circulation
days after delivery due to acidosis following continues to decline. In patients with hypoplastic
hypoxia (Jacobs 2003). aortic arch, or aortic isthmus stenosis, the sys-
One of the most important morphological temic circulation is dependent on the ductal flow.
factors, which influences mortality, is a stenosis of The majority of these patients die within the first
the systemic outflow tract. This is especially pro- few weeks of life when the ductus arteriosus oblit-
nounced when the aorta is connected to a hypo- erates (Kouchoukos et al. 2003b).
plastic ventricle. The morphological substrate is a Another factor, which determines the progno-
restrictive bulboventricular foramen, through sis of the children with functional single ventricle,
which the complete cardiac output has to be is the presence of total anomalous pulmonary
ejected. When this communication is prenatally venous return. Although the abnormal connec-
restrictive, the findings of hypoplastic aortic arch tion of the pulmonary veins can be seen in any
and aortic isthmus stenosis or even interrupted patient with functional single ventricle, it is seen
aortic arch is common. A narrowing of the inter- more often in patients with right atrial isomerism.
ventricular connection may occur in the ­postnatal The prognosis of these patients depends not only
period, even in the absence of prenatal restriction on the degree of restriction of the anterograde
(Rao 1983). In this context, pulmonary artery flow from the functional single ventricle in the
banding can exacerbate the course of the disease pulmonary arteries but also on the presence and
(Freedom et  al. 1986). Donofrio et  al. (1995) the degree of pulmonary vein stenosis. Altogether,
showed that all palliative measures, which lead to these children have a very poor prognosis—44 %
volume unloading of the functional single ventri- die within 6 months, even with surgical interven-
cle, changed the geometry of the ventricle. Mass- tion (Gaynor et al. 1999).
volume ratio changes, the wall thickness increases
and the bulboventricular foramen gets smaller.
The natural history of the patients with tricus- 13.5 History of Surgical Treatment
pid atresia is dependent on the pulmonary flow of Patients with Functional
and is variable, just like in other patients with Single Ventricle
functional single ventricle. In the presence of ven-
triculoarterial concordance, there is usually lim- 13.5.1 Palliative Operations
ited pulmonary blood flow, due to restrictive
bulboventricular foramen or infundibulum ste- Shortly after palliative operations to either increase
nosis. Due to further reduction in the size of bul- or limit pulmonary blood flow were described,
boventricular foramen, and further reduction of surgeons started using these palliative techniques
the pulmonary blood flow, 90 % of these patients in children with tricuspid atresia. The Blalock-
die due to hypoxemia in the first year of life with- Taussig shunt (Blalock and Taussig 1945) treated
out surgical intervention (Rao 1977). In rare cyanosis, the pulmonary artery band (Mueller and
cases, the hemodynamics are balanced without Dammann 1952) heart failure secondary to pul-
excessive pulmonary flow, and only mild cyanosis monary overcirculation. During those times, these
is present. However, 90 % of these patients die due palliative measures were the only means to
to hypoxemia within 10 years of life due to devel- improve the quality of life and increase the life
opment of pulmonary stenosis (Rao 1977, 1983). expectancy of the children suffering from their
The few patients who survive until the second or heart disease. Later, these early palliations became
third decade of life pass away due to chronic part of a staged approach for finally more complex
obstructive pulmonary vasculopathy or due to definitive palliative procedures.
chronic heart insufficiency based on high volume
overload of the left ventricle.
Patients with tricuspid atresia and ventriculo- 13.5.2  eptation of the Functional
arterial discordance have a worse prognosis. Single Ventricle
Unrestrictive pulmonary blood flow leads to heart
failure and death within the first year of life. The The septation of the functional single ventricle
presence of subaortic stenosis worsens the prog- had the purpose of dividing the ventricle into sep-
nosis even further, since the pulmonary circula- arate subaortic and subpulmonary parts. All of
434 R. Lange and J. Hörer

the first published operative techniques include a 13.5.4 Fontan Operation

ventriculotomy (Sakakibara et al. 1972; Edie et al. and Modifications
1973). In 1979, Doty et al. (1979) first described a
transatrial approach for septation. However, the The first successful definitive palliation of a patient
hospital mortality approached 50 % (McKay et al. with tricuspid atresia by complete separation of the
1982). Restrictive bulboventricular foramen and a systemic and pulmonary circulation was performed
smaller ventricle were identified as risk factors. in 1968 and published in 1971 (Fontan and Baudet
The surgeons were hoping that the hypoplastic 1971; Fontan et al. 1971). These operations included
ventricle would grow after implantation of a shunt the Glenn anastomosis and a direct anastomosis
between the systemic and pulmonary circulation. between the right atrial appendage and the proximal
However, the early mortality remained high end of the divided right pulmonary artery. The main
(Stefanelli et  al. 1984). Stricter criteria for the pulmonary artery was ligated, the atrial septal defect
selection of patients scheduled for septation was closed and a homograft valve was implanted in
exclude most of the patients with functional sin- the ostium of the inferior vena cava. In the following
gle ­ventricle. These criteria include the morphol- two patients, a homograft valve was implanted
ogy and the function of the atrioventricular valve, between the right atrium and the pulmonary artery.
and the hypoplastic ventricle, as well as the pres- Kreutzer et al. (1973) published a simpler method, in
ence and the degree of subaortic and pulmonary which the autologous pulmonary valve was used as a
stenosis (Pacifico et al. 1985). Ebert et al. (Ebert conduit between the right atrium and the pulmo-
1984) performed successful first-stage palliation nary valve. In this way, the division of the right pul-
for two-­stage septations (temporary ventricular monary artery and the implantation of a valve in the
septal defect), in a limited patient group with rare inferior vena cava became unnecessary (. Fig. 13.2).
indications. Although the concept seemed inge- In the following years, the Fontan operation
nious, the final results for these patients after was modified by Fontan himself (Fontan et al. 1983)
potential second-stage surgery, however, were not as well as numerous other authors. Although some
reported. Since the introduction of the definitive of these operative techniques are no longer in clini-
palliation (Fontan circulation) in 1968, the prog- cal practice, the more common ones will be
nosis of these patients improved significantly.
When comparing the results of the septation
13 operation to the results of Fontan operations,
there seems to be almost no indication for septa-
tion of a functional single ventricle in the present AOA

13.5.3 Cavopulmonary Anastomosis

In 1958, Glenn reported on the first clinical pallia- LA

tion, which included end-to-end anastomosis of
the superior vena cava with the distal right pul-
monary artery (Glenn anastomosis) (Glenn
1958). Independent of Glenn’s work, Bakulev and RA RV LV
Kolesnikov (1959) developed the same therapeu-
tic concept, which Meshalkin introduced in the
clinical practice in 1956. The first bidirectional
Glenn anastomosis was introduced by Azzolina
et al. in 1974 (Azzolina et al. 1972) and was fur-
ther modified by Hopkins et al. in 1984 (Hopkins
et al. 1985). The superior vena cava was connected ..Fig. 13.2  Atriopulmonary anastomosis with
end-to-side with the right pulmonary artery, interposition of the autologous pulmonary valve
according to Kreutzer et al. (1973). AOA ascending aorta,
which was not divided prior to the procedure LA left atrium, LV left ventricle, PA pulmonary artery, RA
(Azzolina et al. 1972; Hopkins et al. 1985). right atrium, RV right ventricle, VCS superior caval vein
Chapter 13 · Definite Palliation of Functional Single Ventricle
435 13
described at this point. The surgeons today might logue to the Senning operation (Puga et  al. 1987;
encounter the patients with different Fontan modi- Jonas and Castaneda 1988; DeLeon et  al. 1989).
fications during Fontan conversions, or other reop- Leval et al. (1988) proved that the flow through this
erations. In 1979, Bjork et  al. (1979) described a ‘lateral tunnel’ leads to a smaller loss of energy in
direct connection between the atrium and the right hemodynamic studies in  vitro. Leval also intro-
ventricular outflow tract using a pericardial patch, duced the term ‘total cavopulmonary connection’
in patients with preserved pulmonary valve for this Fontan modification (. Fig. 13.5).
(. Fig. 13.3). The modification by Lins et al. (1981),
which described a direct a­ nastomosis of the atrium VCS
and the pulmonary artery, was the most commonly
performed one in the 1980s (. Fig. 13.4).
In tricuspid atresia, these Fontan modifications
have in common that the complete right atrium is AOA
in the subpulmonary position. In the long term,
this leads to significant dilatation of the right atrium
and displacement of the reconstructed interatrial
septum towards the left. This can possibly further
lead to an obstruction of the inflow of the left atrio-
ventricular valve and dilatation of the right atrium
with unfavorable flow characteristics from both
vena cavas towards the pulmonary artery, with con-
sequent arrhythmias and thromboses. Based on LV
this, some surgeons decided on partition of the
right atrium, through which most of the cavum of
the right atrium was separated from the intraatrial
cavopulmonary part. Unobstructed flow towards
the pulmonary artery was modeled by implanta-
tion of a patch or by folding of the atrial wall ana-
..Fig. 13.4  Direct anastomosis of the right atrium and
the pulmonary artery according to Lins et al. (1981)





..Fig. 13.3  Direct anastomosis between the right VCI

atrium and the right ventricular outflow tract using a
pericardial patch, in patients with a normal pulmonary ..Fig. 13.5  Intracardiac total cavopulmonary
valve, according to Bjork et al. (1979). RVOT right connection (‘lateral tunnel’). NeoAO neoaorta
ventricular outflow tract
436 R. Lange and J. Hörer

operation techniques, which are used less fre-
quently, and which have special indications, as
well as more controversial treatment strategies,
Neo-AOA will be discussed in 7 Sects. 13.7.4 and 13.7.5.
13.5.5 Staged Therapy
for Completing the Fontan
Most of the patients with functional single ven-
tricle require a palliative operation, which enables
the control over the pulmonary blood flow within
RA RV the first days of life. This often resulted in a stable
situation over the next couple of years and enabled
patients to maintain good ventricular function
and low pulmonary resistance until the Fontan
operation. Nevertheless, the postoperative course
after Fontan operation was commonly compli-
VCI cated through high central venous pressure, pleu-
ral effusions, ascites, and a low-output syndrome.
..Fig. 13.6  Extracardiac cavopulmonary connection.
RPA right pulmonary artery
It was noticed that the conversion of the ‘mixed’
circulation in a Fontan circulation results in an
immediate volume unloading of the ventricle.
However, due to a slower regression of the ven-
The next logical step was to avoid using the tricle mass, there is a systolic and a diastolic dys-
atrial tissue at all for the construction of the cavo- function of the single ventricle. Accordingly,
pulmonary tunnel. Danielson and Norwood Kirklin et al. (1986) identified an older age at the
achieved this by implantation of a conduit between time of Fontan circulation and ventricular hyper-
the inferior vena cava and the ­pulmonary artery trophy as risk factors for mortality. Francois et al.
13 (2005) showed that younger age at Fontan opera-
(Jacobs 2003). Based on the report from Marcelletti
et al. (1990) who used this conduit outside of the tion has beneficial influence on major complica-
heart, first extracardiac cavopulmonary connec- tions and outcome. Schreiber et al. (2007) showed
tion was introduced (. Fig. 13.6). Using the modi- that completion of the Fontan circulation is feasi-
fications of the intracardiac and extracardiac ble with very low mortality at an age of
cavopulmonary connection, it became possible to 16–48 months.
complete the Fontan circulation in almost all This lead to a hypothesis that dividing the
patients with functional single ventricle. Fontan operation in two operations would lead to
The Fontan operation is the endpoint for all earlier volume unloading and possibly reduce the
patients in whom a biventricular repair is hypertrophy of the ventricle. Norwood et  al.
unachievable due to intracardiac anatomy. The (Norwood and Jacobs 1993) introduced a ‘hemi-­
objective of all Fontan modifications is to pas- Fontan’ operation in 1989, as a middle stage on a
sively divert the blood from the vena cavas (in way of completing the Fontan circulation. (Norwood
some modifications—from the coronary sinus as and Jacobs 1993). Physiologically, this operation
well) into to lungs and to use the functional single was similar to the bidirectional Glenn. The differ-
ventricle as the only pumping chamber for the ence is that this operation is a part of the treatment
newly constructed serial systemic pulmonary cir- strategy towards completing the Fontan circulation.
culation. This also explains the term ‘definitive A connection between the superior vena cava and
palliation’. Different Fontan modifications, which the right pulmonary artery is established, just like in
are still being performed today, have both poten- the bidirectional Glenn anastomosis. The continuity
tial advantages and disadvantages and will there- between the superior vena cava and the right atrium
fore be presented in the following paragraphs. The is however left in place and closed with a patch. At
Chapter 13 · Definite Palliation of Functional Single Ventricle
437 13
the time of Fontan operation, this patch is removed 13.7 Surgical Techniques
to complete the intraatrial total cavopulmonary
connection. The introduction of this additional 13.7.1  tage I Palliation: Controlling
operation as the second stage in Fontan completion the Pulmonary Blood Flow
has ­significantly improved the probability of sur-
vival of the patients with functional single ventricle The purpose of neonatal palliation of patients
(Attanavanich et al. 2007). with all forms of functional single ventricle is bal-
Other associated heart defects as pulmonary ancing the systemic and pulmonary blood flow. In
artery stenosis, subaortic stenosis, and insufficiency addition, an unrestrictive blood flow from the
of an atrioventricular valve may be addressed at the systemic and pulmonary veins has to be secured
time of hemi-Fontan operation. The main pulmo- at the atrial level. All stenoses of the systemic out-
nary artery is divided from the heart at the level of flow tract of the functional single ventricle as well
the valve. This step simplifies the Fontan operation, as central pulmonary artery stenoses have to be
during which the patch between the superior vena addressed and corrected, also.
cava and the right atrium is removed in order to
establish the continuity between the superior and the Systemic-to-Pulmonary
inferior vena cava, in terms of formation of the lateral Artery Shunt
tunnel. Some surgeons prefer the bidirectional Glenn Reduced pulmonary blood flow is typically found
anastomosis over the hemi-Fontan operation and in the presence of tricuspid atresia with ventriculo-
tend to complete the Fontan circulation through an arterial concordance. The cause for this may be
implantation of an extracardial conduit between the pulmonary stenosis, infundibulum stenosis or a
inferior vena cava and the right pulmonary artery. restrictive bulboventricular foramen. In some
cases, a ductus-dependent pulmonary circulation
is present. In all these patients, lung perfusion has
13.6 Indications for Definitive to be secured through creation of a shunt between
Palliation and Fontan the aorta and one of its branches to the pulmonary
Circulation artery. Another large group of patients with func-
tional single ventricle who need a shunt are the
Definitive palliation and construction of Fontan patients with an obstruction in the outflow tract
circulation has to be considered in all patients towards the systemic circulation and the aortic
with a functional single ventricle, which possesses arch. In order to correct these stenoses, the main
a sufficient size and function, in order to provide pulmonary artery is used to bypass the obstruction
a serial connection of the pulmonary and sys- (Stansel anastomosis (Damus 1975; Kaye 1975;
temic circulation. This is usually the case in Stansel 1975)) as in modified Norwood operation.
patients with an absent atrioventricular connec- As a result, there is no continuity between the
tion, double inlet in the dominant ventricle or an functional single ventricle and the pulmonary
unbalanced atrioventricular septal defect. artery, which prompts for a shunt implantation.
The Fontan operation also has to be performed Sternotomy is the preferred approach, since it
in some cases where a normally functioning but enables the surgeon to have a better exposition of
morphologically underdeveloped ventricle is con- all relevant structures, and it secures a quick con-
nected to the pulmonary circulation. This is the nection to the heart-lung machine in case of hemo-
case in extreme forms of Ebstein anomaly and in dynamic instability. The shunt can be placed more
the presence of pulmonary atresia with intact ven- centrally than through a thoracotomy, which can
tricular septum (Alboliras et  al. 1987). Finally, reduce the incidence of upper lobe artery stenosis,
there are heart defects, in which two normally while a possible main pulmonary artery stenosis
developed chambers are present, but a biventricu- can easily be reconstructed using a patch. The duct
lar repair is very difficult due to complex ventricle can be safely divided, and an atrioseptectomy can
position, abnormal position of the great vessels or easily be performed if indicated. The only disad-
multiple ventricular septal defects. In some of vantage of this approach is the formation of adhe-
these complex cases, the Fontan circulation might sions in the area of ventricle and atria, the extent of
provide better early results as the biventricular which can be reduced by limiting the pericardial
correction (Russo et al. 1988; Hraska et al. 2005). incision to the part above the great arteries.
438 R. Lange and J. Hörer

A further advantage of avoiding lateral thora- the following operations. The brachiocephalic
cotomy in staged palliation of single ventricle cir- trunk is mobilized up to the bifurcation of the
culations is the impression that later development right carotid and subclavian artery. Heparin is
of rather significant aortopulmonary collateral given at a dose of 3 mg/kg and a vascular clamp is
perfusion of the lungs is clearly pronounced on placed on the brachiocephalic trunk proximal to
the side of previous thoracotomies. the carotid artery, so that the vessel is excluded. A
longitudinal incision is made in the vessel
kModified Blalock-Taussig shunt (. Fig. 13.7). Care has to be taken not to incise the
In the next step, at least the right side of the thy- back wall of the vessel, also. An elastic polytetra-
mus is subtotally resected. We prefer subtotal thy- fluorethylene tube with a diameter of 3.5 or 4 mm
mus resection at the first surgery as this facilitates is usually used for newborns and infants. The

A.Pulmonary artery
a b

PTFE Rohr Right atrium

Superior caval vein (SVC)


..Fig. 13.7  a–c Construction of a right-sided modified Blalock-Taussig shunt through a median sternotomy, without
cardiopulmonary bypass. The thymus is subtotally resected, and the truncus brachiocephalicus mobilized up to the bifurcation
of the right carotid and subclavian artery. Either the proximal or the distal anastomosis can be performed as a first step. In the
described case, the anastomosis with the pulmonary artery is completed first. The right pulmonary artery is partially occluded
with a vascular clamp and longitudinally incised. The anastomosis with polytetrafluorethylene tube is performed using a
non-resorbable monofilament suture 6/0 or 7/0. The posterior circumference of the anastomosis is performed at the beginning
a. After completion of the anastomosis, the vascular clamp is removed from the right pulmonary artery, and the shunt occluded.
In this way, the distal anastomosis is free from rotating forces and the correct length of the shunt can be easily determined. The
length of the shunt is of outmost importance, since a shunt which is too long as well as a shunt which is too short can lead to
torsion and stenosis of the pulmonary artery. After trimming of the shunt to the correct length, a vascular clamp is placed on the
truncus brachiocephalicus proximal to the right subclavian artery, and the vessel is longitudinally incised b. The anastomosis
with polytetrafluorethylene tube is performed using a non-resorbable monofilament suture 6/0 or 7/0. Special attention has to
be paid to the angle between the artery and the shunt. After completion of the anastomosis, the vascular clamp is removed. At
the end, the ductus arteriosus is encircled with a non-resorbable suture 5/0 and ligated c
Chapter 13 · Definite Palliation of Functional Single Ventricle
439 13
anastomosis is performed using a non-­resorbable than the modified Blalock-Taussig shunts.
monofilament suture 6/0 or 7/0. Special attention Furthermore, the proximal diameter of the bra-
has to be paid to the angle between the artery and chiocephalic trunk in modified Blalock-­Taussig
the shunt. After completion of the anastomosis, shunt adds to flow restriction or even is a major
the vascular clamp is removed, and the shunt cause for flow reduction. Therefore, the diameter
occluded. In this way, the proximal anastomosis is of the tube in aortopulmonary shunts should be
free from pulling and rotating forces and the cor- proportionally smaller. The smallest polytetrafluo-
rect length of the shunt can be easily determined. rethylene tube has a diameter of 3 mm. If this tube
The length of the shunt is of utmost importance, is too large for the patient, a surgeon can try to
since a shunt which is too long as well as a shunt place a longer shunt with proximal anastomosis in
which is too short can lead to a torsion, kinking the aortic arch. Flow reduction through partially
and stenosis of the shunt itself or of the pulmo- shunt clipping (at least when smaller tubes are
nary artery. After trimming of the shunt to the used) leads to premature cyanosis requiring treat-
correct length, the right pulmonary artery is ment. Interventional balloon dilatation may be
occluded with a vascular clamp and longitudi- used to widen a partially clipped shunt to the nor-
nally incised. The anastomosis is done with con- mal size. The potential risk of shunt tearing at the
tinuous 6/0 or 7/0 non-resorbable monofilament site of clip application when balloon dilated should
suture. The vascular clamp is then removed. be taken into account by the interventionalist.
Basically, either the proximal or the distal anasto-
mosis can be made first. We prefer to perform the Pulmonary Artery Banding
proximal anastomosis first, since the access to the Increased pulmonary blood flow is typically
inominate artery is more difficult compared to the found in the presence of tricuspid atresia with dis-
access to the pulmonary artery. cordant ventriculoarterial connection. Since the
Before opening the shunt, the ductus arterio- aorta rises from a hypoplastic ventricle, it is usu-
sus is encircled with vessel loop and temporarily ally underdeveloped. Many patients also have an
occluded. The hemodynamic situation is moni- aortic isthmus stenosis with isthmus hypoplasia
tored after opening of the shunt. The saturation and a hypoplastic aortic arch. In these cases, pul-
should be between 75 and 85 %. If the saturation is monary artery banding is often done concomi-
lower than 75 %, the shunt might be too small or tantly with the resection of the aortic isthmus
one or both of the anastomoses may be stenotic. stenosis (Rodefeld et al. 2005). In cases where the
Oxygen saturations higher than 85 % and a dia- aortic valve and the ascending aorta are hypoplas-
stolic blood pressure lower than 30  mmHg can tic, a modified Norwood operation with place-
point to an oversized shunt. In all these cases, ment of a systemic-to-pulmonary shunt is
shunt revision should be considered. In the pres- performed.
ence of stable hemodynamics, the ductus now A sternotomy is the preferred approach for the
should be permanently occluded to avoid com- same reasons described in the previous paragraphs.
petitive flow if it would reopen. After resection of the left part or all of the thymus,
the pericardium is opened above the great arteries.
kCentral aortopulmonary shunt A midpoint between the sinotubular junction of
There are many possible positions for an aortopul- the pulmonary artery and the right pulmonary
monary shunt, both on the aortic and the pulmo- artery is noted. The tissue between aorta and the
nary side. The decision of the exact place for shunt main pulmonary artery is dissected in this limited
implantation depends on the individual anatomy. area, and the two arteries are separated from each
In patients with small pulmonary arteries, it might other (. Fig.  13.9). The band should not be too
be an advantage to place the shunt on the main narrow to avoid erosions of the pulmonary artery,
pulmonary artery (. Fig.  13.8). The proximal and the material should induce as few adhesions as
anastomosis is then usually placed in the ascend- possible. A 5–8 mm cut open segment of a PTFE
ing aorta. In some cases, the central pulmonary tube or a band cut out of Dacron net-reinforced
artery has to be augmented, and the shunt can be silastic sheeting provide ideal banding material.
placed in an incision in the patch. In these cases, After placing of the band around the pulmo-
the distal anastomosis should be performed first. nary artery, the two free ends of the tape are fixed.
Central aortopulmonary shunts are usually shorter The gradient over the banding is slowly adjusted,
440 R. Lange and J. Hörer

a b

c d

..Fig. 13.8  a–d Construction of a central aortopulmonary shunt through a median sternotomy, with
cardiopulmonary bypass. The thymus is subtotally resected, and the ascending aorta, pulmonary trunk and both pulmo-
nary arteries mobilized a. After cannulation of the ascending aorta (on the opposite side of truncus brachiocephalicus)
and the right atrium, the pulmonary arteries are occluded. The pulmonary trunk is longitudinally incised at the
bifurcation. The shunt can be first connected with a polytetrafluorethylene or homograft patch on which a central
round excision was performed. This patch is then used for widening the pulmonary trunk b. The anastomosis is
performed using a non-resorbable monofilament suture 7/0. After trimming of the shunt to the correct length, an
appropriate place on the ascending aorta is identified. The aorta is partially occluded and incised c. The anastomosis of
the shunt with aorta is performed using a non-resorbable monofilament suture 7/0. The shunt is correctly positioned
when it is not kinking and when the pulmonary artery is not pushed dorsally or pulled anteriorly d

under strict control of the pressure in pulmonary in order to avoid dislocation and possible stenosis
artery distal from the banding and the systemic of the pulmonary bifurcation. Alternatively, the
pressure. The banding tape is constricted in a step- ‘Trusler formula’ can be used: the length of the
wise fashion, using metal clips or stitches in order band is calculated for each patient. It should be
to increase the gradient over the banding. The arte- 2 cm + 1 mm/kg of body weight in patients with
rial saturation is monitored during this procedure. normally positioned great vessels, and 2,2  cm +
A gradient of 30–60 mmHg and arterial saturation 1 mm/kg of body weight in patients with transpo-
of 75–85 % are acceptable, as long as the systemic sition of the great arteries. The calculated length of
arterial pressure corresponds to the normal pres- the band may require adjustments according to the
sure in a spontaneously breathing newborn. When arterial saturation, as described before. Pulmonary
the banding is in the definitive position, the tape is artery pressure is usually not measured when
fixed to the proximal part of the pulmonary artery employing this formula.
Chapter 13 · Definite Palliation of Functional Single Ventricle
441 13
a b c

..Fig. 13.9  a–c Pulmonary artery banding. After resection of the left part of the thymus, the pericardium is opened
above the great arteries. A midpoint between the sinotubular junction of the pulmonary artery and the right
pulmonary artery is noted. The tissue between aorta and the main pulmonary artery is dissected in this limited area,
and the two arteries are separated from each other a. Further resection should be avoided in order to prevent the
dislocation of the banding tape. After placing of the banding tape around the pulmonary artery, the two free ends of
the tape are fixed b. The gradient over the banding is slowly adjusted, under strict control of the pressure in pulmonary
artery distal from the banding and the systemic pressure. The banding tape is constricted in a stepwise fashion using
metal clips or sutures, in order to increase the gradient over the banding. The arterial saturation is monitored during this
procedure. A gradient of 30–60 mmHg and arterial saturation of 75–85 % are acceptable, as long as the systemic arterial
pressure corresponds to the normal pressure in a spontaneously breathing newborn. When the banding is in the
definitive position, the tape is fixed to the proximal part of the pulmonary artery in order to avoid dislocation and
possible stenosis of the pulmonary bifurcation c

13.7.2  tage II Palliation: Improving

S leads to higher mortality and morbidity (Fontan
the Efficiency of et  al. 1990; Parikh et  al. 1991). In preoperatively
Shunt-Dependent Circulation severely cyanotic patients, stage II results in both vol-
ume unloading and increased saturation.
The second stage of the three-stage palliation Considering the hemodynamic advantages of
strategy should be performed as soon as possible the upper cavopulmonary anastomosis over the
in order to reduce the volume overload of the shunt-dependent circulation, it is beneficial to per-
functional single ventricle and therefore improve form the second-stage palliation as soon as possi-
the efficiency of the shunt-dependent circulation. ble. The current consensus is that the cavopulmonary
All additional heart pathology should be anastomosis is performed at the age of 2–5 months,
addressed concomitantly. In newborns, in whom when the pulmonary resistance reaches a normal
the pulmonary and systemic circulations are bal- level (Chang et al. 1993; Slavik et al. 1995; Bradley
anced within the first 3–6 months of life without a et al. 1996). The contraindications are as follows:
need for systemic-to-pulmonary shunt or band- 55 Age of less than 6 weeks
ing of the pulmonary artery, stage II palliation is 55 Lung resistance of more than 4 Wood
performed as the primary operation. 55 Pulmonary artery pressure of more than
Volume unloading for the systemic ventricle is 30 mmHg
achieved by partial separation of the pulmonary and 55 Stenoses in pulmonary veins
systemic circulation. Desaturated blood from the
superior vena cava is directly led into the pulmonary The second reason for performing this ‘inter-
artery. The flow of the blood through a systemic-to- mediate’-stage operation is a possibility to correct
pulmonary shunt may be reduced or even removed. those accompanying defects, which are new or
As a result, workload of the functional single ventri- could not have been addressed during stage I. This
cle is reduced (Allgood et al. 1994; Jacobs et al. 1996 includes pulmonary artery plasty, resection of
b) providing myocardial protection in the long term subaortic stenosis, correction of a hypoplastic
(Schwartz et al. 1996; Mahle et al. 1999). This is of aortic arch, widening of a restrictive interatrial
utmost importance since poor ventricular function communication and surgery for atrioventricular
442 R. Lange and J. Hörer

valve insufficiency. Addressing all of the above- flow, the shunt can be divided. In the presence of
mentioned problems can preserve good function an anterograde flow through the pulmonary valve,
of the functional single ventricle and make the one may decide to divide the pulmonary artery
patient a better candidate for a Fontan operation. after securing the vessel with two vascular clamps
Two surgical techniques are used as stage II pal- and placing hemostatic sutures. If there is a need
liation, both resulting in partial separation of the for additional pulmonary blood flow, the shunts
pulmonary and systemic circulation through redi- may be temporarily occluded. In these cases, the
recting the desaturated blood from the superior vena pulmonary artery banding is left in place. In case
cava to the pulmonary artery: bidirectional superior of division of the main pulmonary artery, it is rec-
cavopulmonary anastomosis (bidirectional Glenn ommended to close the proximal pulmonary
anastomosis) and the hemi-­Fontan operation. stump at the levels of the pulmonary valve, avoid-
ing a blind pouch which could become source of  Bidirectional Superior systemic thromboemboli.
Cavopulmonary The azygos vein is divided in order to prevent
Anastomosis (Bidirectional blood flow from the superior to the inferior vena
Glenn Anastomosis) cava after the Glenn anastomosis is accomplished.
Superior cavopulmonary anastomosis may be per- If there is interruption of the inferior vena cava
formed with or without extracorporeal circula- with azygos continuation, the azygos vein must be
tion. The precondition for not using kept patent. This is often the case in patients with
cardiopulmonary bypass is the presence of a heterotaxy syndrome with left isomerism. The
source of pulmonary blood flow aside from the Glenn anastomosis in face of an azygos contin-
site of the planned Glenn anastomosis. This chap- uum is referred to as Kawashima operation lead-
ter will describe the operation using the heart-lung ing comparatively high oxygen saturations up to
machine (. Fig.  13.10). Cardiopulmonary bypass 90 % and more (Matsuda et  al. 1986) (See also
is initiated after cannulation of the aorta, the right 7
atrium and the superior vena cava at the junction In simple Glenn anastomosis, a vascular clamp
of the left brachiocephalic vein. All systemic-to-­ is applied immediately above the cavoatrial junc-
pulmonary shunts have to be controlled at this tion. The position of the sinus node must be noted.
point. If there is no need for additional pulmonary The superior vena cava is transected, and the
a b

..Fig. 13.10  a, b Superior cavopulmonary anastomosis. The right pulmonary artery is clamped near the bifurcation,
on the right side of the aorta. Superior vena cava, the right pulmonary artery and the upper lobe artery are snared. The
azygos vein is ligated and divided. The superior vena cava is divided from the right atrium, and the cardiac end is
oversewn a. The right pulmonary artery is partially excluded, and an incision is made on the superior wall. The
anastomosis between the superior vena cava and the pulmonary artery is carried out with a running resorbable
monofilament suture 6/0 or 7/0. The anastomosis should extend until the right upper lobe artery b
Chapter 13 · Definite Palliation of Functional Single Ventricle
443 13
cardiac end is oversewn. The right pulmonary  Hemi-Fontan Operation
artery is clamped either proximally or distally or a The physiology following a hemi-Fontan operation
C-clamp is used. A long incision is made on the is equivalent to the state after bidirectional supe-
superior wall of the RPA.  The cavopulmonary rior cavopulmonary anastomosis. There are how-
anastomosis is then carried out with a running ever basic differences in the operation technique.
resorbable monofilament suture. Cardiopulmonary The hemi-Fontan operation always is an open-
bypass is discontinued while carefully observing heart procedure and must therefore be performed
the pressure in the right atrium, in the superior using extracorporeal circulation (. Fig. 13.11).
vena cava, the systemic pressure and the arterial Following aortic and bicaval cannulation, and
saturation. A transpulmonary gradient of 8 mmHg initiation of the cardiopulmonary bypass, the
and a pressure of less than 18 mmHg in the supe- caval veins are snared, the aorta is cross-clamped
rior vena cava are acceptable. The arterial satura- and cardioplegic solution is infused in the aortic
tion should be approximately 80 %. root. The main pulmonary artery is then divided,

a b

c d

..Fig. 13.11  a–d Hemi-Fontan operation. The hemi-Fontan operation must be performed using the heart-lung
machine and requires cardioplegia and cross-clamping of the aorta. Following aortic and bicaval cannulation, and
initiation of the cardiopulmonary bypass, the caval veins are snared, the aorta is cross-clamped and cardioplegic
solution is infused in the aortic root. The main pulmonary artery is then divided, and both ends are oversewn. The
pulmonary arteries are fully mobilized and controlled with snares. An incision is made in the dome of the right atrium
and spirally extended towards the medial wall of superior vena cava. An incision is made in the right pulmonary artery
immediately adjacent to the incision line in the right atrium a. The dorsal walls of the incision are connected with a
running resorbable monofilament suture b. The anterior anastomosis is completed by patch augmentation c. The
junction of the superior vena cava and the right atrium is closed using a patch, through a separate incision in the right
atrium to direct the blood from the superior caval vein to the pulmonary artery d
444 R. Lange and J. Hörer

and both ends are oversewn, avoiding creation of total cavopulmonary connection’) and a cre-
a proximal blind pouch (see 7 The pul- ation of an intraatrial lateral tunnel (‘intracar-
monary arteries are fully mobilized and controlled diac total cavopulmonary connection’).
with snares. An incision is made in the dome of
the right atrium and spirally extended towards the Extracardiac Total
medial wall of superior vena cava. An incision is Cavopulmonary Connection
made in the right pulmonary artery immediately The surgical technique performed in patients with
adjacent to the incision line in the right atrium. tricuspid atresia, in whom a bidirectional supe-
The dorsal walls of the incision are connected with rior cavopulmonary anastomosis was previously
a running resorbable monofilament suture. The performed, will be described in this paragraph
anterior anastomosis is completed by patch aug- (. Fig. 13.12). The technique described can basi-
mentation in order to achieve a wide connection cally be performed in all patients with functional
and an unobstructed blood flow between the single ventricle, including patients who were not
superior vena cava and the pulmonary arteries. operated previously. In some cases, as for example
The incised junction of the superior vena cava atrial isomerism, situs inversus or interruption of
and the right atrium is closed using a patch from the inferior vena cava, the operative technique has
inside the right atrium, employing a separate inci- to be modified according to the specific anatomy.
sion in the right atrium. Consequently, the blood In patients who were previously not operated, and
flow from the superior vena cava into the pulmo- in patients in whom only stage I palliation was
nary arteries is separated from the blood flow performed, the extracardiac total cavopulmonary
from the inferior vena cava and the coronary sinus anastomosis is preceded by bidirectional superior
into the ventricle. Cardiopulmonary bypass is dis- cavopulmonary anastomosis. After previous
continued in the same way as during the bidirec- hemi-Fontan surgery, completion of the Fontan
tional superior cavopulmonary anastomosis. circulation is preferably accomplished by an intra-
cardiac total cavopulmonary connection.
Following midline sternotomy, cardiopulmo-
13.7.3 Stage III Palliation: Completion nary bypass is initiated after cannulation of the
of Fontan Circulation aorta and the superior and the inferior vena cava.
Inferior vena cava should be cannulated as d­ istally
13 In the present time, most of the candidates for the as possible, immediately superior to the dia-
Fontan operation have undergone bidirectional phragm. It is advisable to use a right-angled can-
superior cavopulmonary anastomosis or hemi-­ nula for the venous drainage. The right pulmonary
Fontan operation. The purpose of the Fontan artery is dissected from the right upper lobe
operation in this stage III setting is to complete branch across the midline posterior to aorta.
the separation of pulmonary and systemic circula- Superior vena cava and the superior cavopulmo-
tion by diverting the blood from the inferior vena nary connection are dissected. The adhesions
cava into the pulmonary arteries. Therefore, the around the right atrium and the right pulmonary
term ‘completion Fontan’ is also applied in this veins have to be thoroughly dissected, in order to
situation. Following the operation, only the pul- achieve correct position of the conduit.
monary veins and the blood from the coronary The right pulmonary artery is cross-clamped
sinus drain in the common atrium and therefore immediately next to the right upper lobe artery,
in the functional single ventricle. Therefore, sepa- and the main pulmonary artery is cross-clamped
ration of the pulmonary and systemic circulation on either side of the ascending aorta. The superior
is almost complete through stage III palliation. vena cava is then snared and the pulmonary artery
The correction of any additional or residual is therefore completely isolated from blood flow.
heart defect, such as pulmonary artery stenosis, Alternatively, in order to avoid the dissection of
valve regurgitation or stenosis in systemic out- the posterior wall of the aorta, a suction vent may
flow tract, should be performed at this time. be placed in the right pulmonary artery towards
Two surgical techniques are used for comple- the left side of the body instead of using a cross-­
tion of Fontan circulation: connection of the clamp. This might help reduce the risk of severe
inferior vena cava with the pulmonary arteries bleeding complications in patients with previous
using an extracardiac conduit (‘extracardiac aortic arch reconstruction.
Chapter 13 · Definite Palliation of Functional Single Ventricle
445 13

c d


..Fig. 13.12  a–h Extracardiac total cavopulmonary connection. Superior cavopulmonary anastomosis was
performed previously a. The right pulmonary artery is obliquely clamped on the medial side of the superior
cavopulmonary anastomosis, so that blood can still flow from the superior vena cava into the pulmonary artery. The
second clamp can be positioned on the left side from the ascending aorta. In this way, the central pulmonary artery is
isolated and can be opened on the inferior wall b. The anastomosis is carried out with a non-resorbable monofilament
suture 5/0 or 6/0 c. The conduit is then cross-clamped and the snares and clamps are removed from the pulmonary
arteries and the superior vena cava d. Inferior vena cava is cannulated as distally as possible, immediately superior to
the diaphragm. It is advisable to use a right-angled cannula for the venous drainage e. A vascular clamp is then applied
immediately above the cavoatrial junction and the inferior vena cava is snared. The inferior vena cava is divided from
the right atrium, and the cardiac end is oversewn using non-resorbable monofilament 4/0 suture f. After cutting the
conduit in the appropriate length, the anastomosis to the inferior vena cava is carried out with a running
non-resorbable monofilament 5/0 suture g, h
446 R. Lange and J. Hörer

g h

..Fig. 13.12  (continued)

An incision is made on the inferior wall of the peutic procedures. It also provides a possibility of
pulmonary artery which corresponds to the length volume substitution and catecholamine therapy
of an obliquely cut conduit. The conduit should have without primary passage through the lungs.
a diameter of at least 18 mm. A conduit of this size
may be implanted in children presenting with a Intracardiac Total
body weight of at least 10 kg. The anastomosis is per- Cavopulmonary Connection
formed with a running non-­resorbable monofila- Intracardiac total cavopulmonary connection can
ment 5/0 or 6/0 suture. The conduit is then be planned after stage II bidirectional Glenn or
cross-clamped and the snares and clamps are preferably after hemi-Fontan surgery. Following
removed from the pulmonary arteries and the supe- midline sternotomy, cardiopulmonary bypass is
rior vena cava. A vascular clamp is then applied initiated after cannulation of the aorta and the
immediately above the cavoatrial junction and the superior and the inferior vena cava (. Fig. 13.13).
13 inferior vena cava is snared. The inferior vena cava is The aorta is then cross-clamped and cardioplegic
divided from the right atrium, and the cardiac end is solution is infused in the aortic root in moderate
oversewn using non-­resorbable monofilament 4/0 systemic hypothermia. Alternatively, the operation
suture. After cutting the conduit in the appropriate is performed in hypothermic circulatory arrest.
length, the anastomosis to the inferior vena cava is All systemic-to-pulmonary shunts are divided
carried out with a running non-resorbable monofil- and the pulmonary arteries are dissected until the
ament 5/0 suture. Alternative techniques, described upper lobe arteries. If there is a connection
in 7 Sects. 7.4 and 7.5, can be used to perform this between the ventricle and the pulmonary artery, it
operation without cardiopulmonary bypass. should be closed at this point. In these cases, the
Cardiopulmonary bypass is discontinued while main pulmonary artery is then divided close to
measuring the pressure in the common atrium and the pulmonary valve, and both ends are oversewn
the superior and inferior venae cavae and determin- taking the pulmonary valve into the proximal
ing cardiac filling pressure, prepulmonary pressure suture line. An incision is made in the anterior
and the transpulmonary gradient. A transpulmo- wall of the atrium, leaving enough of atrial tissue
nary gradient of less than 8 mmHg and a pressure of laterally for the formation of the lateral tunnel.
16 mmHg in both vena cava are ideal. Pressures up The superior vena cava is then snared, and a
to 20 mmHg in the cava are acceptable. The blood suction vent is placed in the pulmonary artery
pressure should be the same in the superior and the through the right atrial appendage after the
inferior vena cava. Placement of a temporary trans- patch, which was placed between the superior
cutaneous line in the common atrium (functional vena cava and the atrium during the hemi-Fon-
‘left atrial’ line) should be considered to monitor tan operation is removed. Prior to the creation of
ventricular preload and transpulmonary gradient. the lateral tunnel, the lateral wall of the atrium is
This can be helpful for both diagnostic and thera- freed from any thick trabeculas. In cases where
Chapter 13 · Definite Palliation of Functional Single Ventricle
447 13
a b

Sequence for running suture

..Fig. 13.13  Intracardiac total cavopulmonary connection. The hemi-Fontan operation was performed previously.
Following midline sternotomy, cardiopulmonary bypass is initiated after cannulation of the aorta and the superior and
the inferior vena cava. The aorta is then cross-clamped and cardioplegic solution is infused in the aortic root in
moderate systemic hypothermia. The pulmonary arteries are dissected until the upper lobe arteries. An incision is made
in the anterior wall of the atrium, leaving enough of atrial tissue laterally for the formation of the lateral tunnel a. The
superior vena cava is then snared, and a suction vent is placed in the pulmonary artery through the right atrial
appendage. The patch, which was placed between the superior vena cava and the atrium during hemi-Fontan
operation, is removed. Prior to the creation of the lateral tunnel, the lateral wall of the atrium is freed from any thick
trabeculas. A polytetrafluorethylene patch is cut into an appropriate shape and implanted. The continuous suture is
started between the coronary sinus and the junction of the inferior vena cava and extended medially along the atrial
septal defect towards the medial aspect of the junction of the superior vena cava. In the lateral direction, the suture is
placed anterior to the junction of the inferior vena cava and extended along the lateral atrial wall, ending superior and
anterior to the junction of the superior vena cava b

the inflow into the dominant ventricle mainly Cardiopulmonary bypass is discontinued in
flows through a right atrioventricular valve, it is the same way as during the extracardiac total
important to check for unobstructed pulmonary cavopulmonary anastomosis.
venous and coronary sinus blood flow. Coronary
sinus unroofing may be performed in order to
achieve this. A polytetrafluorethylene patch is 13.7.4 Special Surgical Techniques
cut into an appropriate shape and implanted. To
cut a patch out of a large PTFE, prosthesis may
be ­advantageous for its preshaped curvature. The  ther Techniques of
continuous suture is started between the coro- Systemic-to-­Pulmonary
nary sinus and the junction of the inferior vena Artery Shunt
cava and extended medially along the atrial septal Nowadays, a direct anastomosis of the ascending
defect towards the medial aspect of the junction aorta and the right pulmonary artery (Waterson
of the superior vena cava. In the lateral direction, shunt) and a direct anastomosis of the descending
the suture is placed anterior to the junction of the aorta and the left pulmonary artery (Potts shunt) are
inferior vena cava and extended along the lateral obsolete. Both of them are characterized by uncon-
atrial wall, ending superior and anterior to the trollable shunt flow. In addition, closure of Waterson
junction of the superior vena cava. The atriotomy and Potts shunts during the next step operations is
is then closed using a running suture. When cho- more difficult and rather complex compared to clo-
sen appropriately, the atriotomy could be closed sure of a modified Blalock-­ Taussig or a central
with the anterior patch suture limiting the num- shunt. The classic Blalock-­Taussig shunt, with end-
ber of atrial suture lines. to-end anastomosis of the subclavian artery and the
448 R. Lange and J. Hörer

ipsilateral pulmonary artery, is rarely performed, in artery to the ascending aorta. Using the following
order to preserve upper extremity circulation. technique might help avoid stenosis or pulmo-
However, it may still be an option in special circum- nary valve insufficiency: an incision is made in
stances in very small patients (less than 2 kg). the wall of the ascending aorta which is adjacent
to the main pulmonary artery. An end-to-side Anastomosis of the Proximal anastomosis is then made between the main pul-
Pulmonary Artery and the monary artery and the incised part of the ascend-
Ascending Aorta, with Aortic ing aorta with a resorbable monofilament 7/0
Arch Reconstruction suture. The rest of the defect is closed with a patch
The pericardium is opened following midline with a non-resorbable monofilament 7/0 suture.
sternotomy and subtotal thymectomy. The aortic In the presence of a restrictive interatrial com-
cannula is placed as far distal as possible. In munication, an atrioseptectomy should be per-
cases of interrupted aortic arch, the arterial duct formed through an incision in the right atrium.
needs to be cannulated via the pulmonary artery As soon as the atriotomy is closed, the cardiopul-
as well. Once the cannula is introduced into the monary bypass may be restarted, and the patient
duct, the duct can be snared around it. A single may slowly be rewarmed.
venous cannula is inserted through the right Finally, the pulmonary circulation must be
atrial appendage. After institution of cardiopul- restored. In most cases, the distal part of the main
monary bypass, the patient’s core temperature is pulmonary artery has to be closed with a patch in
reduced to 18 °C. Temperatures should be mea- order to avoid stenosis. The distal anastomosis of
sured in the rectum or urinary bladder and in the modified Blalock-Taussig or central shunt
esophagus or nasopharynx. During this cooling may be positioned in the middle of this patch. In
phase, the ascending aorta, the aortic arch, the the literature, these techniques of dealing with a
supraaortic branches and the descending aorta subaortic stenosis are connected to Damus, Kaye,
distal to the isthmus are exposed. The main, Stansel and Lamberti (Damus 1975; Kaye 1975;
right and left pulmonary arteries and the arterial Stansel 1975; Lamberti et al. 1991).
duct are dissected as well. When the arterial can-
nula is placed in aorta, the arterial duct may be Modified Norwood Operation
occluded. If it was only possible to cannulate the The anastomosis of the proximal pulmonary artery
13 main pulmonary artery in interrupted arch, the and the ascending aorta, with aortic arch recon-
right and the left pulmonary artery should be struction procedure (7 Sect., follows the
temporarily occluded at this point. Obviously, in same  principles as the Norwood operation for
this situation, the duct needs to be open for hypoplastic left heart syndrome. It can therefore be
­initial perfusion. referred to as a modified Norwood operation.
When the desired temperature is reached, the However, the position and the size of the great arter-
aorta is then cross-clamped, and cardioplegic solu- ies may differ significantly from the typical patient
tion is infused in the aortic root. The circulation is presenting with hypoplastic left heart syndrome.
then arrested and the arterial cannula removed. The The modified Norwood operation is performed in
arterial duct is transected, and the pulmonary part cases of tricuspid atresia with ventriculoarterial dis-
is oversewn. All ductal tissue is resected together cordance or double-inlet left ventricle with ventric-
with the aortic isthmus completely. Alternatively, ular L-loop and ventriculoarterial discordance. The
all ductal tissue is resected from the aortic isthmus, variable morphology must be considered when
and the continuity of the aorta is left in place. An constructing the neoaortic arch. The dimension and
incision is made in the inner curvature of the aortic orientation of the patch, used for reconstruction of
arch towards the ascending aorta and if necessary the aortic arch, must be adjusted according to the
towards the descending aorta. When the continuity specific anatomy and position of the great arteries.
of the distal aorta was interrupted, the distal poste-
rior wall is connected with the descending aorta Resection of Subaortic Stenosis
with a resorbable monofilament 7/0 suture. The technique to resect a subaortic stenosis (SAS)
The pulmonary artery is divided immediately in patients with univentricular circulation is simi-
above the sinotubular junction. Many techniques lar for very different anatomic settings, as the
are used for connecting the main pulmonary point of obstruction always is the interventricular
Chapter 13 · Definite Palliation of Functional Single Ventricle
449 13
connection rather than a typical SAS in otherwise anastomosis is performed (Lamberti et al. 1990).
normal biventricular hearts. This is true for tri- A unilateral left cavopulmonary anastomosis in
cuspid atresia, ventriculoarterial discordance and the cases of situs solitus frequently requires car-
a restrictive bulboventricular foramen. The same diopulmonary bypass since manipulation of the
technique can be applied in cases of functional heart for exposure leads to circulatory instability.
univentricular heart with univentricular atrioven-
tricular connection, in which the aorta rises from Fenestration of  Total
the hypoplastic chamber, in cases of double-inlet Cavopulmonary Connection
left ventricle with ventriculoarterial discordance The surgical technique is different in cases of prior
and in cases of mitral atresia with concordant intracardiac versus prior extracardiac total cavopul-
atrioventricular connection. monary connections. Fenestration may be indicated
The chest is entered through midline sternot- in cases of high central venous pressure and low fill-
omy, taking care of the aorta which lies directly ing pressure of the heart following total cavopulmo-
behind the sternum due to its anterior placement. nary connection. In these cases, the fenestration can
The cardiopulmonary bypass is initiated after aor- usually be performed without cardiopulmonary
tic and bicaval cannulation. The aorta is then bypass. One clamp is placed on the atrium and
cross-clamped, and cardioplegic solution is another on the adjacent part of the extracardiac
infused in the aortic root. The bulboventricular conduit. A defect is made in the conduit, a larger
foramen is exposed through an incision in the out- part of the atrium is excised and the two defects are
flow chamber (Cheung et al. 1990). Alternatively, a connected. In order to prevent stenosis, the suture
transatrial or transaortic approach may be consid- line must be placed at the ridge of the defect in the
ered, keeping in mind that the small size of the atrium, and with a distance away from the ridge of
aortic valve can compromise a good exposure the defect in the conduit, similar to the principle of
(Newfeld and Nikaidoh 1987; Smolinsky et  al. ‘sutureless’ pulmonary vein repair.
1988). The conduction system is on the posterior-­ The simplest technique to fenestrate a lateral
inferior ridge of the defect. This is also true for the tunnel is to perforate the intraatrial patch. The
double-inlet left ventricle with ventriculoarterial size of the fenestration should be 4 mm in patients
discordance. Therefore, the defect can be enlarged weighting less than 12  kg, 5  mm in the patients
through an incision in the anterior superior ridge. between 12 and 30 kg and 6 mm in patients over
Subvalvular muscle bundles should be resected, 30  kg (Kopf et  al. 1992). Alternative techniques
taking care of the aortic valve. The incision in the include performing a fenestration in a way that
hypoplastic chamber is then closed with a patch. the opening can be controlled and later transcuta-
neously closed (Laks et al. 1991). Bidirectional Superior
Cavopulmonary Anastomosis  xtracardiac Total
Without Cardiopulmonary Cavopulmonary Anastomosis
Bypass Without Cardiopulmonary
Bidirectional superior cavopulmonary connec- Bypass, in the Presence
tion can be performed without cardiopulmonary of Superior Cavopulmonary
bypass in the presence of additional pulmonary Anastomosis
artery blood source. When only one superior It is not necessary to cannulate the superior vena
vena cava is present, the venous drainage of the cava when the extracardiac total cavopulmonary
upper body through a cannula is essential when anastomosis is performed without cardiopulmo-
the venous cross-clamp time is longer than nary bypass. The right pulmonary artery is
20 min. In the presence of bilateral superior vena obliquely cross-clamped medially from the supe-
cava, the venous drainage is usually not necessary. rior vena cava, so that the blood flow from the
In these cases, the anastomosis is first done on the superior vena cava in the right pulmonary artery
opposite side of the systemic-to-pulmonary artery remains unobstructed. The left pulmonary artery
shunt. During this time, the lung perfusion is can be cross-clamped on the left side of the ascend-
ensured over the shunt. Following the first anasto- ing aorta. The main pulmonary artery is com-
mosis, which provides a new path of lung perfu- pletely isolated, and its inferior wall can be incised
sion, the shunt may be resected, and the second for the anastomosis with the extracardiac conduit.
450 R. Lange and J. Hörer

Prior to completing the anastomosis between ‘One and a half ventricle correction’ is a third
the conduit and the inferior vena cava, the venous alternative to Fontan operation, and biventricular
blood from the lower body must be drained. The operation in patients with hypoplastic right ventri-
inferior vena cava is cannulated immediately above cle, whose volume is less than 30 % of the normal
the diaphragm, the second cannula is placed in the (Muster et al. 1993; Hanley 1999). There are how-
right atrium and the two cannulas are connected ever no clear criteria to decide between the different
making sure no air is trapped in the system (Uemura strategies on an individual patient basis (DeLeon
et  al. 1998). In the presence of collateral flow et al. 1989). Some reports present good results of the
between the superior and the inferior vena cava biventricular repair (Ebert 1984); others report bet-
through the azygos vein, the anastomosis can be ter results following univentricular palliation (Delius
performed with cross-clamping of the inferior vena et al. 1996; Hraska et al. 2005). Long-term results are
cava, without connecting it to the atrium (Shiraishi still pending in both patient collectives, which, how-
et al. 2005; Shinkawa et al. 2011). It is important to ever, are always difficult to exactly compare.
avoid even temporary obstruction of the liver veins. Pro and Contra: Additional
Pulmonary Blood Source
13.7.5 Controversial Treatment Following Bidirectional
Strategies Superior Cavopulmonary
Additional pulmonary blood flow besides the Fontan Operation Versus superior cavopulmonary anastomosis, either in
Septation Operation the form of a pre-existing shunt or an open pul-
In some cases where the underlying anatomy may monary valve, has both advantages and disad-
make the biventricular correction feasible, it vantages. One advantage is improvement of the
might however be advisable to choose the univen- systemic oxygen saturation (Webber et  al.
tricular palliation. This is the case when an 1995). In addition, it may promote growth of
extremely complex operation is necessary to the pulmonary arteries. This is very important
achieve biventricular correction and when it is not because growth of the pulmonary arteries is not
certain if the hypoplastic ventricle will be able to proportional to somatic growth in patients with
support the systemic circulation. In the following
13 circumstances, the univentricular palliation might
functional single ventricle (Mendelsohn et  al.
1994; Slavik et  al. 1995; Tatum et  al. 2006).
be preferred over the biventricular correction: However, even additional pulmonary blood
55 Unbalanced atrioventricular septal defect flow following partial cavopulmonary connec-
55 Moderate hypoplasia of the right ventricle tion does not lead to normal development of
55 Moderate hypoplasia of the left ventricle the pulmonary arteries (Berdat et  al. 2004;
55 Double-outlet right ventricle combined with Yoshida et al. 2005).
non-committed ventricular septal defect Another advantage is that the lungs will be
55 Tricuspid atresia with ventricular septal supplied with blood containing angiotensin
defect and moderate hypoplasia of the right inhibitor of the liver (Clement et  al. 1999). The
ventricle formation of arteriovenous fistulas can be pro-
55 Pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal moted in patients without an additional pulmo-
defect, accompanied by moderate hypoplasia nary blood flow due to absence of endostatin and
of the right ventricle with a moderately angiostatin in the pulmonary vessels. The right-­
reduced function to-­left shunt through the fistulas leads to a
55 Ebstein anomaly with moderate hypoplasia decrease in the systemic saturation. Arteriovenous
and moderately reduced function of the right fistulas are found in the ipsilateral lung of patients
ventricle with unilateral Glenn anastomosis (McFaul et al.
55 Significant straddling of one of the 1977) and in both lungs of patients with bidirec-
atrioventricular valves in the presence of tional partial cavopulmonary anastomosis
ventriculoarterial concordance or (Srivastava et al. 1995). Even in patients with azy-
discordance, ventricular septal defect and gos continuity, the arteriovenous fistulas can be
pulmonary stenosis found following the bidirectional cavopulmonary
Chapter 13 · Definite Palliation of Functional Single Ventricle
451 13
connection—Kawashima operation (Matsuda the patient and the preference of the surgeon. The
et  al. 1986). The formation of these fistulas may anastomosis can usually be performed without
be, however, reversible after completion of the cardiopulmonary bypass with or without place-
Fontan circulation (Knight and Mee 1995; ment of a shunt between the superior vena cava
Srivastava et al. 1995; Praus et al. 2008). and the right atrium (Murthy et  al. 1999).
The disadvantage of the increased lung perfusion Cardiopulmonary bypass is necessary when the
in patients with an additional pulmonary blood flow pulmonary circulation is exclusively shunt
is volume overload of the functional single ventricle. dependent and the shunt has to be removed for
The aim of early staging by partial cavopulmonary the superior cavopulmonary anastomosis. This is
connection is normalization of the workload of the usually the case with a right superior vena cava
functional single ventricle (Allgood et  al. 1994; and a right-­ sided modified Blalock-Taussig
Jacobs et al. 1996a, b) and protection of the cardiac shunt.
muscle in the long term (Schwartz et  al. 1996). In Off pump surgery avoids the disadvantage of
addition, higher pressure in the pulmonary artery hemodilution. This might lead to lower early
can lead to an increase in vascular resistance in the mortality (Hussain et  al. 2007). When the supe-
lungs. The increased pulmonary resistance was rec- rior cavopulmonary connection is performed
ognized as a risk factor for mortality after the Fontan using cardiopulmonary bypass, it is recom-
operation (Boruchow et al. 1970; Fontan et al. 1989; mended to perform modified ultrafiltration after
Bartmus et al. 1990; Driscoll et al. 1992; Knott-­Craig discontinuing cardiopulmonary bypass. This pro-
et al. 1995). A comparative study of patients with and cedure will possibly reduce the creation of edema
without an additional pulmonary blood flow showed and pulmonary effusions.
better results for patients without an additional pul-
monary blood flow (Mainwaring et al. 1995). Bidirectional Superior
The bidirectional partial cavopulmonary anas- Cavopulmonary Connection
tomosis with an additional pulmonary blood Versus Hemi-Fontan
source provides very poor results as a definitive Operation
palliation without Fontan completion (Gerelli The choice between a bidirectional superior cavo-
et al. 2012). These patients have a survival rate of pulmonary connection and a hemi-Fontan opera-
75 % in the first 5 years after the operation. A late tion depends on the technique of Fontan
Fontan operation due to cyanosis or functional completion. If the surgeon prefers to perform an
deterioration in these patients yields a periopera- extracardiac total cavopulmonary connection, the
tive mortality of more than 50 % (Yamada et  al. bidirectional superior cavopulmonary connec-
2000). In most of these patients, elevated pulmo- tion should be performed as the second-stage
nary artery pressure is the reason for delayed operation. If the surgeon prefers to perform an
completion of the Fontan circulation and the intracardiac lateral tunnel, both the hemi-Fontan
related poor results. Gerelli et al. (2012) confirm operation and the bidirectional superior cavopul-
that bidirectional partial cavopulmonary anasto- monary connection are an adequate second-stage
mosis with an additional pulmonary blood source procedure.
fails as a strategy for definitive palliation. However, The largest disadvantage of hemi-Fontan
the authors observed that the additional blood operation is the fact that it is an intracardiac oper-
flow may delay the long-term deleterious conse- ation, which usually requires cardioplegia and
quences of Fontan circulation and that it does not cross-clamping of the aorta. Unlike the bidirec-
preclude a successful Fontan completion. tional superior cavopulmonary anastomosis, the
hemi-Fontan operation always requires cardio- Pro and Contra: Bidirectional pulmonary bypass.
Superior Cavopulmonary
Connection Pro and Contra: Fenestration
Without Cardiopulmonary of the Total Cavopulmonary
Bypass Connection
The decision to perform a bidirectional superior Performing an incomplete separation of the pul-
cavopulmonary connection with or without car- monary and the systemic circulation by creation
diopulmonary bypass is based on the anatomy of of a communication between the Fontan tunnel
452 R. Lange and J. Hörer

and the systemic atrium can have advantages in the extracardiac conduit than in the intracar-
certain situations. In the late 1980s, this concept diac tunnel (Lardo et al. 1999).
was used in the treatment of high-risk patients One of the disadvantages of an intracardiac
during conversion of a shunt-dependent tunnel is the inevitable cross-clamp time and
­circulation into a Fontan circulation. In the fol- open-heart surgery. On the other hand, the extra-
lowing years, many publications suggested per- cardiac conduit can be placed on cardiopulmo-
forming fenestration in all patients undergoing nary bypass with beating heart, which prevents
Fontan operation (Cochrane et al. 1997; Gentles the potential deteriorating effect of cardioplegia
et al. 1997b; Bando et al. 2000; Gaynor et al. 2002; on the ventricular function (Schreiber et al. 2007).
Kumar et  al. 2003; Gupta et  al. 2004). However, However, a very low mortality rate after perform-
this topic is still part of controversial discussions. ing an intracardiac lateral tunnel in hypothermic
Fontan operation without routine Fenestration circulatory arrest was also reported (Jacobs et al.
can also be performed with low mortality and 2008).
morbidity (Thompson et al. 1999; Schreiber et al. The extracardiac total cavopulmonary con-
2007; Salazar et al. 2011). nection can be performed without cardiopulmo-
Fenestration of the total cavopulmonary anas- nary bypass (Uemura et  al. 1998) avoiding the
tomosis should be considered in patients with temporary increase in pulmonary artery resis-
increased pulmonary resistance of 2–4 Wood tance through the effects of cardiopulmonary
units. The resulting right-to-left shunt in these bypass and hypothermia. Performing the opera-
circumstances provides the necessary preload of tion without cardiopulmonary bypass may result
the systemic ventricle and therefore prevents a in better postoperative hemodynamics, lower rate
postoperative low-output syndrome. In addition, of secondary fenestration and lower rate of throm-
it prevents increased blood pressure in the caval bosis (Petrossian et al. 2006). In addition, almost
veins and the pulmonary arteries. All this may no atrial manipulation is necessary during
result in fewer pulmonary effusions and a shorter implantation of the extracardiac conduit. This
hospital stay. However, it also leads to a reduced may result in lower rate of sinus node dysfunction
systemic oxygen saturation. Publications have (Petrossian et  al. 2006; Lee et  al. 2007), which
shown no significant differences in the early or could not principally be confirmed (Kumar et al.
late mortality. However, in the long term, fenes- 2003). The extracardiac total cavopulmonary con-
13 tration leads to a higher cardiac output and lower nection can also be performed in malpositioned
rate of arrhythmias (Ono et  al. 2006). Atz et  al. hearts with apicocaval juxtaposition (Sakurai
observed spontaneous closure of surgical fenes- et al. 2010).
trations in 40 % of the patients at 8 ± 3 years after Lack of growth potential is the main disadvan-
the Fontan operation (Atz et  al. 2011). There is tage of the extracardiac conduit. This is however
evidence that subjects with a current fenestration not an argument against using the extracardiac
are taking more medications (Atz et al. 2011) and conduit or the reason to delay the completion of
have lower resting oxygen saturation (Atz et  al. the Fontan circulation. An 18 mm conduit may be
2011; Imielski et al. 2013). Patients with fenestra- implanted in children with 10 kg of body weight
tion require platelet aggregation inhibitors or (Schreiber et  al. 2007), without the need for
anticoagulants in order to prevent thromboem- replacement in the future. The growth potential of
bolic events. the conduit may be preserved, by using patient’s
atrium for the extracardiac completion of the Pro and Contra: Intracardiac Fontan circulation (Lemler et al. 2006). However,
or Extracardiac Total there is no clear answer which of the two tech-
Cavopulmonary Connection niques of performing the total cavopulmonary
There are still no long-term data, which show connection is superior. Both techniques are char-
an advantage of either intracardiac or extracar- acterized by low mortality and complication rates
diac total cavopulmonary connection. Both (Meyer et  al. 2006; Fiore et  al. 2007; Schreiber
techniques provide a laminar flow in the tun- et  al. 2007; Jacobs et  al. 2008). Multicenter data
nel, which is superior to an atriopulmonary suggest that in current use, the lateral atrial tunnel
connection (Alphonso et  al. 2005). Fontan may be associated with superior early out-
Theoretically, the flow dynamics are better in comes (Stewart et al. 2012).
Chapter 13 · Definite Palliation of Functional Single Ventricle
453 13
13.8 Results Stage II Palliation
Early mortality following the bidirectional superior
13.8.1 Mortality cavopulmonary connection or the hemi-­ Fontan
operation ranges between 0 and 10 % (Lamberti
et  al. 1990; Chang et  al. 1993; Reddy et  al. 1995; Stage I Palliation Bradley et al. 1996; Hussain et al. 2007). Associated
Early mortality of patients with tricuspid atresia, anomalies and the type of concomitant procedures
following a systemic-to-pulmonary shunt opera- determine outcome. Risk factors are increased pul-
tion, is similar to the mortality of patients with monary artery pressure, dominant right ventricle,
tetralogy of Fallot (Kouchoukos et al. 2003a, b). total anomalous pulmonary venous return, hetero-
Early mortality of patients following a modified taxy syndrome, atrioventricular valve insufficiency
Blalock-Taussig shunt operation for any indica- and very young age (Alejos et al. 1995; Reddy et al.
tion declined during the last 60 years from 16 % 1995; Scheurer et  al. 2007; Nakata et  al. 2010).
in the first half of this time period to 9 % in the However, the bidirectional superior cavopulmonary
second half (Williams et  al. 2007). This signifi- connection has also been performed in patients as
cant early mortality rate is accompanied by a young as 2 months of age, with early and late mor-
high interstage mortality, which ranges between tality equivalent to that seen in older patients
14 and 26 % (Fermanis et al. 1992; Fenton et al. (Petrucci et  al. 2010). Avoiding cardiopulmonary
2003; Li et  al. 2007). Shunt thrombosis is the bypass might have a positive influence on early sur-
main cause of death in the interstage period vival (Hussain et  al. 2007). Bidirectional cavopul-
(Cholette et al. 2007). monary anastomosis with additional source of
In older publications, the early mortality of pulmonary blood flow, as a definitive palliation
patients after pulmonary artery banding ranges without a planned completion of Fontan circulation,
between 25 and 35  % (LeBlanc et  al. 1987; has an unfavorable prognosis (Yamada et al. 2000).
Horowitz et al. 1989). Patients with non-restric-
tive pulmonary blood flow, who required pulmo- Stage III Palliation
nary artery banding, often present with stenosis Hospital mortality decreased from >20 % in the
in the systemic outflow tract. The obstruction first Fontan operations to <5 % in the present time
may be localized at the level of the ventricle or in (Annecchino et al. 1988; Fontan et al. 1989, 1990;
the aortic arch. Obstruction at both localizations Bartmus et al. 1990; Myers et al. 1990; Stein et al.
increases mortality (Lee et  al. 2003). Patients 1991; Driscoll et al. 1992; Mavroudis et al. 1992;
who required pulmonary artery banding, with- Mayer et  al. 1992; Day et  al. 1994; Jacobs et  al.
out aortic arch enlargement, have a lower early 1995b; Knott-Craig et al. 1995; Cetta et al. 1996;
mortality (<5 %) (Cleveland et al. 1984; Stefanelli Laschinger et  al. 1996; Cochrane et  al. 1997;
et al. 1984). Iemura et  al. 1997; Petrossian et  al. 2006;
Early mortality of 35 % is reported for patients d’Udekem et al. 2007; Hosein et al. 2007; Ocello
after connection of the proximal pulmonary et  al. 2007; Schreiber et  al. 2007). In the recent
artery to ascending aorta and concomitant aortic years, early mortality is reported to be fewer than
arch reconstruction (Rychik et  al. 1991). With 2 % (Meyer et  al. 2006; Nakano et  al. 2007;
increasing experience with the Norwood proce- Schreiber et al. 2007; Jacobs et al. 2008).
dure in patients with hypoplastic left heart syn- Multivariate analysis of potential risk factors
drome, a modified Norwood operation can be for early failure of Fontan circulation could iden-
performed in patients with tricuspid atresia and tify the following factors (Gentles et  al. 1997b;
ventriculoarterial discordance with improved Wallace et al. 2011):
results. Due to heterogeneity of the underlying 55 Preoperative pulmonary artery pressure
anatomy, it is hard to estimate the results after >19 mmHg
resection of subaortic stenosis. Early mortality of 55 Younger age at the time of the operation
11 % was reported for a small collective (Cheung 55 Weight-for-age z-score less than -2
et  al. 1990). It is sometimes difficult to assess 55 Heterotaxy syndrome
whether a widening of bulboventricular foramen 55 Tricuspid valve as the dominant
is sufficient or a modified Norwood operation has atrioventricular valve
to be performed. 55 Stenosis of the pulmonary arteries
454 R. Lange and J. Hörer

55 Fontan modifications with atriopulmonary with Fontan circulation is practically the same as
connection through an atrial appendage the one in healthy children (Peterson et al. 1984),
55 Total cavopulmonary connection without most studies showed that they have worse hemo-
fenestration. dynamic parameters (Annecchino et  al. 1988;
Chin et al. 1993; Harrison et al. 1995). Only few
Increased pulmonary artery pressure and patients are capable of reaching expected values
heterotaxy syndrome were confirmed as risk in stress tests—their heart rate rises, but the stroke
factors by many authors (Kirklin et  al. 1986; volume remains the same (Shachar et al. 1982).
Fontan et  al. 1989; Bartmus et  al. 1990; Myers NYHA classification status of the patients
et  al. 1990; Driscoll et  al. 1992; Pizarro et  al. deteriorates in time. One year after the operation,
2006). Since the introduction of staged pallia- 90 % of the patients are in NYHA I class, while
tion, younger age and shorter time between 20 years afterwards only 56 % are in NYHA I class
stage II and stage III palliation are connected to (Fontan et al. 1990; Gentles et al. 1997a).
lower rate of complications and lower early mor- Children with functional single ventricle do not
tality (Kirklin et  al. 1986; Francois et  al. 2005; have normal body growth (Ono et  al. 2007; Vogt
Schreiber et al. 2007). et al. 2007). Early volume unloading by partial cavo-
The long-term results show the palliative char- pulmonary anastomosis has a positive effect on body
acter of the Fontan circulation. Follow-up of growth (Ono et al. 2007; Vogt et al. 2007) and the
patients, who were operated in 70s and 80s show functional status of the patients (Mahle et al. 1999).
70 % survival after 5 years, 65 % after 10 years and Patients who have a fenestrated Fontan tunnel have a
50 % after 15 years (de Brux et al. 1983; Williams higher cardiac index than the patients in whom the
et  al. 1984; Fontan et  al. 1989; Tam et  al. 1989; pulmonary circulation is completely separated from
Earing et al. 2005). the systemic circulation (Ono et al. 2006).
Risk factors for late mortality are still not clearly
identified. The results of older studies with long fol-
low-up cannot be applied to the current patients. 13.8.3 Neurological Status
Improvement of the operative technique and the
introduction of the staged approach, leading to an Neurological development of the children with
early unloading of the ventricle, are expected to functional single ventricle is the same as the
13 yield better long-term results. Survival of patients development of healthy children (Uzark et  al.
after an ‘ideal’ Fontan operation was calculated 1998; Goldberg et al. 2000). Their school perfor-
through a mathematical model, eliminating the mance is also normal (Mitchell et  al. 2006). The
‘avoidable’ risk factors (Fontan et al. 1990). The pre- incidence of apoplexy is 3–9 % in long-term fol-
dicted survival was calculated to be 73 % after low-­up (du Plessis et al. 1995; Barker et al. 2005;
15 years, with low constant mortality risk afterward. Chowdhury et al. 2005). The risk of cerebrovascu-
Older age at the time of Fontan operation was the lar incidents is significantly reduced by acetylsali-
only recognized risk factor for late mortality. cylic acid therapy. The presence of the ligated
However, the modern concept of staged therapy was pulmonary artery stump may place patients at
not followed in this patient collective. Ten-year sur- risk for embolic stroke. The surgical approaches
vival rates of patients, who were treated according to should avoid leaving any pulmonary pouch when
the staged concept and received total cavopulmonary ligating or disconnecting the pulmonary artery
connection, are reported to be over 90 % (Driscoll (Koide et al. 1999; Oski et al. 1996).
2007; Lee et al. 2007; Nakano et al. 2007).

13.8.4 Right-Sided Thromboembolic

13.8.2 Functional Status Complications

Physical endurance improves significantly after Thrombosis can occur in the right atrium, Fontan
the Fontan operation. The cyanosis is usually tunnel, extracardiac prosthesis, in the venae cavae or
resolved after the Fontan operation in patients in in the pulmonary arteries. Half of the cases of throm-
whom no fenestration was performed (Ovroutski bosis occur immediately after the operation, while
et al. 2003). Although the cardiac index of patients the other half occurs in the long-term follow-up
Chapter 13 · Definite Palliation of Functional Single Ventricle
455 13
(Dobell et al. 1986; Putnam et al. 1988). Embolization Petrossian et al. 2006; Lee et al. 2007). Surgical
of the thrombotic material can lead to serious com- treatment of rhythm disturbances include
plications and might result in death of the patient MAZE operation and its variations and a con-
(Cromme-Dijkhuis et  al. 1990). The formation of version of an atriopulmonary Fontan modifica-
thrombi is multifactorial. The aggravating factors are tion into either intra- or extracardiac
(Jacobs and Pourmoghadam 2007): cavopulmonary connection (Deal et al. 2007).
55 Stasis in venous circulation
55 Synthetic material
55 Atrial arrhythmias 13.8.6 Protein-Losing Enteropathy
55 Prothrombotic state
Protein-losing enteropathy is characterized by
Prophylactic therapy with vitamin K antago- low serum albumin concentration, it results in
nists or antiplatelet aggregation therapy can pleural effusions and ascites. The underlying
reduce the incidence of thromboembolic events. causes are not completely understood. High dia-
Special care should be taken to treat the atrial stolic atrial pressure in the systemic atrium, path-
arrhythmias and a potential prothrombotic status. ological resistance in the mesenterial vessels and
Optimal flow dynamics in the venous pathway inflammatory reactions are discussed as possible
should be achieved (Kaulitz et al. 2005). causes (Hess et al. 1984; Ostrow et al. 2006). The
prevalence reaches 13 % at 10 years after Fontan
operation (Feldt et al. 1996; Mertens et al. 1998).
13.8.5 Rhythm Disturbances Only 50 % of patients are alive 5  years after this
complication was first diagnosed. In patients with
Tachycardic as well as bradycardic arrhythmias sinus node dysfunction, an improvement may be
may occur in patients presenting with functional achieved through pacemaker stimulation (Cohen
single ventricle after Fontan-type palliation. The et  al. 2001). In certain cases, fenestration of the
following factors are potential causes for develop- Fontan tunnel might reduce pleural effusions and
ment of rhythm disturbances: ascites (Jacobs et  al. 1996a; Warnes et  al. 1996).
55 Iatrogenic injury of the sinus node or its Other surgical options include Fontan conversion
blood supply and heart transplantation. The results of these
55 Long incisions and suture lines in atrium operations are discussed in the following para-
55 Effect of high pressure on the atrial tissue graph.
55 Congenital anomalies of the conductive system
55 Consequence of a valve insufficiency
13.8.7 Reoperations
The incidence of arrhythmia in the long term is
reported to be more than 50 % (Deal et al. 2007). A stenoses in the venous pathway is the most
The following parameters were identified as risk common indication for reoperations following
factors for (Durongpisitkul et  al. 1998; Alphonso Fontan palliation (Girod et  al. 1987; Mavroudis
et al. 2005; Chowdhury et al. 2005; Ono et al. 2006): et  al. 2005). Freedom of obstruction in venous
55 Heterotaxy syndrome pathways, 15  years following the operation, was
55 Poor ventricular function 50 % in a study with heterogeneous operation
55 Anomalies of the pulmonary veins techniques (Fernandez et al. 1989). The incidence
55 Glenn anastomosis of reoperations is 2 % after direct atriopulmonary
55 Insufficiency of an atrioventricular valve connection and 13 % after interpositions of a con-
55 Preoperative atrial fibrillation duit (Fontan et al. 1989). Hospital mortality fol-
55 Atriopulmonary Fontan modification lowing these reoperations is reported to be 24 %
55 Older age at the time of Fontan operation in older series (Fontan et al. 1989). The incidence
of stenoses in venous pathways might decrease
The influence of the type of total cavopulmo- after the introduction of the lateral tunnel and the
nary connection (intracardiac vs. extracardiac) extracardiac total cavopulmonary connection.
on the dysfunction of the sinus node is dis- However, there is limited data available beyond
cussed controversial (Kumar et  al. 2003; 10 years of follow-up in these patients.
456 R. Lange and J. Hörer

The following complications following an atri- is 68 % after heart transplantation (Jayakumar
opulmonary Fontan operation may be indications et  al. 2004). This survival is lower than the sur-
for Fontan conversion: vival of children with other congenital or acquired
55 Large right atrium with unfavorable flow heart defects (Bernstein et  al. 2006). The func-
dynamics tional status of the patients improves significantly
55 Rhythm disturbances after the transplantation. The symptoms of
55 Thrombosis protein-­ losing enteropathy usually improve as
55 Stenoses in venous pathways well (Bernstein et al. 2006).
55 Protein-losing enteropathy

The Fontan conversion operation includes con- 13.9 Conclusions

struction of a lateral tunnel or an extracardiac cavo-
pulmonary anastomosis, removal of thrombotic The intracardiac and extracardiac total cavopul-
material, reduction of the atrium and MAZE proce- monary connection are currently the best therapy
dure (Kreutzer et al. 1996; McElhinney et al. 1996; option for most of the patients with functional
Marcelletti et  al. 2000). The operation has lower single ventricle. The staged approach with early
hospital mortality in patients with preserved func- volume unloading of the systemic ventricle is an
tional status. The patients benefit from conversion important element of the modern therapy con-
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463 14

Ventricular Septal Defects

Markus K. Heinemann

14.1 Classification and Localizations – 464

14.1.1  efect of the Inlet Septum (Inlet VSD) – 465
14.1.2 Muscular VSD – 465
14.1.3 Conoventricular VSD – 465
14.1.4 Conus VSD – 465

14.2 Natural Course and Indications for Operation – 465

14.3 Cardiac Access – 466

14.3.1 T ransatrial Access – 467
14.3.2 Transventricular Access – 467
14.3.3 Transvalvular Access – 467

14.4 Closure Techniques – 467

14.4.1  onoventricular VSD – 468
14.4.2 Muscular VSD – 470
14.4.3 Inlet VSD – 470
14.4.4 Conus VSD – 470

14.5 Complications – 471

14.6 Special Forms of Operative Treatment – 471

14.6.1  ulmonary Artery Banding – 471
14.6.2 VSD with Secondary Aortic Valve Insufficiency – 472
14.6.3 VSD and Coarctation of the Aorta – 473
14.6.4 «Swiss-Cheese-Type» VSD – 475
14.6.5 VSD and Aneurysm of a Valsalva Sinus – 475
14.6.6 Catheter Interventional Techniques – 475
14.6.7 Pushing the Limits – 477

14.7 Perioperative Aspects – 477

References – 478

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_14

464 M.K. Heinemann

14.1 Classification the right ventricle, as surgical access is usually

and Localizations from the right side (. Fig. 14.1).
During the complex embryonic cardiogenesis
A ventricular septal defect (VSD) is defined as a (Goor and Lillehei 1975), normally a complete
communication between the left and the right separation of both ventricular chambers is formed
ventricular chamber in the area of the interven- by the development of a partition consisting
tricular septum. It may be isolated or can occur in mainly of muscle (muscular septum) and a small
association with other cardiac or vascular malfor- membranous part (membranous septum). The
mations. This chapter deals primarily with the latter is positioned toward the outflow tract with
treatment of isolated VSD which accounts for its cranial portion connecting to the septum of
20–25 % of all congenital heart disease. the former truncus arteriosus which is separating
As is so often encountered in terminology, the two great arteries (conus septum or conotrun-
several classifications for VSD exist, each with its cal septum).
own particular emphasis reflected in the litera- The right ventricle is subdivided into an inlet,
ture. In this chapter, the recommendation by van a trabeculated, and an outlet part. Following the
Praagh (van Praagh et  al. 1989) is followed, but blood flow one would encounter the different
the classifications according to Kirklin (Kirklin defects in the following order and frequency:
et al. 1957) and Anderson and Becker (Becker and 55 Inlet VSD (6 %)
Anderson 1982) are also common usage. All clas- 55 Muscular VSD (10 %)
sifications share the description of the localization 55 Conoventricular VSD (80 %)
of the defect orientating themselves at features of 55 Conus VSD (4 %)

..Fig. 14.1  a, b
Anatomy and a
nomenclature of VSDs.
a Classification of the
septum: membranous
septum; muscular septum:
Muscular septum:
inlet-, trabecular and
outlet septum. b
Localization of inlet, Outlet septum
muscular, conoventricular Membranous
(perimembranous) and septum
14 conus defects
Trabecular septum

Inlet septum

Conus defect
(perimembranous) Inlet defect
defect Muscular defects
Chapter 14 · Ventricular Septal Defects
465 14
14.1.1   efect of the Inlet Septum
D esis of tetralogy of Fallot) or rarely posteriorly
(Inlet VSD) (LVOT narrowing in interrupted aortic arch). An
isolated conoventricular VSD is the result of an
This defect lies directly behind the septal leaflet of insufficient development of the membranous sep-
the tricuspid valve and corresponds to the ven- tum and is therefore often also called a
tricular part of an atrioventricular septal defect or ­«membranous» VSD. Because of the usual exten-
AV canal. Accordingly, it is often found in associ- sion into the muscular part, «perimembranous
ation with trisomy 21. The fact that some also call VSD» may be the better term. This localization is
it an «AV canal-type VSD» is the cause of an the most frequent one by far (>80 %).
ongoing morphological debate between the vari- There is a close relation to the tricuspid valve in
ous schools of cardiac pathology (Spicer et  al. the area of the commissure between the septal and
2013). Upstream its border is the tricuspid valve the anterosuperior leaflet. The conduction system
anulus. The conduction system usually lies rather lies within the posteroinferior border. If the mem-
superficial within the caudad muscular border. branous septum is missing completely, the superior
Chordae and papillary muscles of the sometimes border of the VSD reaches the base of the right/
atypically configured right-sided atrioventricular noncoronary cusps of the aortic valve. Various
valve may obscure the overview from the right extensions posteroinferiorly (muscular septum,
atrium. This can necessitate the detachment of a inlet portion) or anterosuperiorly (conus septum,
leaflet for secure closure (see below, 7 Sect. 14.3.1). Fallot type) can occur and may impede orientation.
If there is only a small perforation of the mem-
branous septum, the defect will be hemodynami-
14.1.2  Muscular VSD cally insignificant. The development of a
sometimes quite impressive bulge of the membra-
Such a VSD is circumferentially bordered by muscle. nous part may occasionally lead to subpulmonary
It can occur in any area of the trabeculated part of obstruction. The impression of such a so-called
the right ventricle. The view from the right ventricle aneurysm VSD is, however, more often created by
with its crossing trabeculations can simulate multi- an associated dysplasia of the tricuspid valve leaf-
ple defects. Hence, the true arrangement can be let next to the defect which may be attached to its
judged much better from the smooth left ventricular crest with several chordae. Septal and anterosep-
side. Defects located anteriorly toward the apex are tal leaflet tissue can form a tunnel and direct
also known as «apical» VSDs. They are usually mul- blood from the left ventricle directly into the right
tiple and reflect an incomplete differentiation of the atrium (Gerbode defect; Gerbode et al. 1958).
muscular septum. Spontaneous closure within the
first months of life is therefore seen frequently.
The primarily netlike structure of the inter- 14.1.4  Conus VSD
ventricular partition with numerous communica-
tions explains the commonly encountered This VSD is characterized by an incomplete closure
multitude of defects. Whereas this is often only an of the conus septum between the two great arteries
illusion in the midmuscular part, apical VSDs are and is sometimes also called «subpulmonary» or
multiple as a rule. A prominent disruption of the «outlet» VSD. With the upper rim being outlined
myocardial differentiation of the septum is collo- by the pulmonary valve, its caudad border is mus-
quially called a «Swiss-cheese-type.» Apart from a cular. The conduction system and the tricuspid
conoventricular VSD a separate muscular defect valve are far away. For embryological reasons, this
may coexist, the relevance of which often only defect is frequently seen with a common arterial
becomes evident if it is overlooked or deliberately trunk, the isolated form being very rare.
not closed at surgery for the leading defect.
14.2 Natural Course and Indications
14.1.3  Conoventricular VSD for Operation
This defect is situated between the true ventricu- The natural course depends on the size and local-
lar and the conus septum. The conus septum may ization of the VSD. According to the shunted vol-
deviate anteriorly (RVOT narrowing, embryogen- ume and the pulmonary vascular congestion
466 M.K. Heinemann

resulting therefrom, restrictive and nonrestrictive of a trabecular hypertrophy up to an infundibular

defects are differentiated. In the latter, right ven- outflow tract stenosis («double-­chambered right
tricular systolic pressure equals the left ventricu- ventricle,» DCRV). During closure of the VSD
lar one. The degree of pulmonary vascular this must be additionally corrected. A DCRV
congestion is dependent on the variable of pulmo- without VSD is extremely rare.
nary vascular resistance (Rp). As this is physio- A direct relation of a high-positioned VSD
logically increased early postnatally, the true with the aortic valve may cause prolapse of the
hemodynamic significance often becomes appar- right coronary, sometimes the non-coronary cusp
ent only with its decrease over several weeks of into the VSD. The creation of a low-pressure zone
life. If the relation between pulmonary blood flow at the border of an accelerated fluid is known as
and systemic blood flow (Qp:Qs) is less than 1.5:1, the «Venturi effect.» The acceleration of blood
a VSD is considered small and restrictive. flow at the rim of a small VSD causes such trac-
Nonrestrictive VSDs often show a Qp:Qs ratio of tion on the affected valve cusps that an aortic
more than 3:1. A left-to-right shunt of such valve insufficiency can result. The dynamics of
dimensions soon causes cardiac failure, which in this phenomenon have been repeatedly studied.
the infant manifests itself with tachypnea, sweat- The latest point in time to close such a high VSD
ing and feeding difficulties, leading to failure to is the appearance of valve regurgitation (see
thrive. This development determines the timing below, 7 Sects. 14.6.2; Jian-Jun et al. 2006; Kostolny
of the operation. Closure of a VSD should be per- et al. 2006; Saleeb et al. 2007; Tatsuno et al. 1973;
formed before manifestation of cardiac failure, Tomita et al. 2004). Interestingly, such defects are
independent of age. more frequently encountered in patients of East
Chronic pulmonary arterial hypertension in Asian origin, which may be regarded as a hint to
untreated VSD stimulates remodeling of the pul- genetic disposition of the localization of VSDs.
monary vasculature, which eventually becomes Even a very small VSD must be feared to
irreversible and causes a massive increase in pul- increase the risk of endocarditis because of the
monary vascular resistance. When the relation of turbulence it creates on the endothelial surface.
the resistances Rp:Rs (Rs = systemic vascular resis- This is a weighty argument in favor of closure of
tance) becomes greater than 1.0, the shunt flow is defects which are barely or not hemodynamically
reversed to right to left, causing cyanosis. This significant (Backer et al. 1993).
phenomenon is known as «Eisenmenger’s syn- It should be mentioned that a VSD may con-
drome.» Because of the destruction of the pulmo- stitute a cardiac malformation in the context of a
nary vasculature, the only «therapeutic» option more complex genetic syndrome such as chromo-
14 may be combined heart-lung transplantation some 22q11 deletion. Genetic investigations of
(HLTx). It should be mentioned that one of the these causes may help to further explain the
first two successful HLTx in the world, performed mechanisms of cardiogenesis.
by Bruce Reitz in 1981, was done for that very rea-
son. The natural course of smaller defects is vari-
able. Apical muscular defects show a tendency to 14.3 Cardiac Access
close during ongoing myocardial differentiation
within the first year of life. In the membranous Median sternotomy is considered standard access
septum such a spontaneous closure is often pre- for VSD closure. With the constant development
tended by an increasing prolapse of accessory con- of so-called minimally invasive techniques reports
nective tissue («aneurysm VSD»). The development about alternative incisions such as partial inferior
of a subaortic ridge at the left ventricular surface of sternotomy, right anterolateral thoracotomy, or
the lower rim of an untreated conoventricular/ axillary thoracotomy are increasing (Kadner et al.
perimembranous VSD is seen in about 6 % of 2006; Mavroudis et  al. 2005). These do compro-
cases. Upon closing the VSD, this must be resected mise visualization, however, and their use should
to avoid leaving behind a subaortic stenosis which be limited to groups with a particular experience
may become more prominent over time (Eroglu and to older patients. They are favored for hybrid
et al. 2003; Kidd et al. 1993; Kleinman et al. 2007). approaches (see below, 7 Sect.  14.6.6; Mo et  al.
Leaving a VSD with a load of the right ventri- 2011; Schreiber et al. 2012; Xing et al. 2011). For
cle untreated for years may cause the development open repair the mainly cosmetically advantageous
Chapter 14 · Ventricular Septal Defects
467 14
considerations must by no means compromise is very rarely used for closure of anterior muscular
established security standards, e.g., direct suture VSDs. A conus VSD, however, can be approached
instead of patch closure, or induced ventricular through an oblique infundibulotomy.
fibrillation instead of aortic cross clamping and In apical VSDs in the trabecular portion
cardioplegic arrest. Cannulation of a child’s femo- («Swiss-cheese-type»; see below, 7 Sect. 14.6.4) a
ral or iliacal vessels remains highly controversial left ventriculotomy offers the theoretical advan-
because of its long-term side effects. tage of unobstructed overview due to the lack of
When using a standard median sternotomy, trabeculations. If done at all, the incision should
arterial cannulation is via the distal ascending be made at the very apex and to the right of the
aorta, the venous one bicaval with snaring of both left anterior descending coronary artery. Closure
veins. This is followed by the induction of cardio- of the ventricle usually requires fortification with
plegic arrest under aortic cross clamping. buttressed sutures (e.g., with Teflon felt strips).
Depending upon its localization, the VSD is Severe left ventricular dysfunction and arrhyth-
then approached through a cardiac incision. mias were observed during long-term follow-up,
making this approach almost obsolete (Hanna
et al. 1991). If it comes into consideration at all, an
14.3.1  Transatrial Access alternative option should be discussed (see below,
7 Sect. 14.6.6).
For transatrial access the right atrium is incised Access to defects close to the apex is often pos-
longitudinally, starting from the base of the right sible through an apical right ventricular incision.
auricle. This can be extended if necessitated by Obstructing trabeculations, however, must then
poor exposure. A left atrial vent is placed through be severed. Firm anchoring of the patch at the cra-
the foramen ovale or a small stab incision in the nial rim may prove difficult (Myhre et al. 2004).
fossa ovalis. The anterosuperior leaflet of the tri-
cuspid valve is then retracted with a blunt retrac-
tor. It may be helpful to additionally elevate the 14.3.3  Transvalvular Access
septal leaflet, too. This can be achieved with stay
sutures. Through the tricuspid valve orifice one Conotruncal defects immediately adjacent to the
can then see the right ventricular aspect of the pulmonary or aortic valve can be reached through
interventricular septum and all conoventricular the respective valve orifice. Visualization of the
(perimembranous) defects. The superior rim of interventricular septum remains limited. This
the VSD may be difficult to visualize nevertheless. approach is therefore reserved for smaller or
Sometimes it is then appropriate to partially recurrent defects in this area. In associated aortic
detach the anterosuperior tricuspid leaflet. valve insufficiency (see below, 7 Sect. 14.6.2) or an
Confusing anatomy of chordae or papillary mus- aneurysm of the sinus of Valsalva (see below,
cles sometimes need detaching of the septal leaf- 7 Sect.  14.6.5), an aortotomy is obligatory and
let. The leaflet in question is incised close and enables the precise exposure of the superior rim
parallel to its fibrous anulus and reattached after of any defect bordering the aortic valve.
VSD closure with a fine monofilament suture. A
limited radial incision has also been described to
provide very good exposure (Russell et al. 2011). 14.4 Closure Techniques

The techniques for VSD closure described in the

14.3.2  Transventricular Access following paragraphs exclusively imply the use of
patch material (Dacron, polytetrafluorethylene
A routine approach through the right ventricle [PTFE], autologous or xeno-pericardium, tissue-­
must be regarded as historical. In case of a localiza- engineered matrix). The suture techniques used
tion in or extension into the conus septum, a lim- are urgently recommended. Individual expertise,
ited infundibulotomy may facilitate exposure. however, allows for the routine use of alternative
Care must be taken to spare the coronary artery techniques: e.g., «always» running sutures, or
branches, which may be quite prominent in the «always» interrupted sutures with or without but-
conal area. Apart from that, a right ventriculotomy tressing material (Teflon felt, pericardium).
468 M.K. Heinemann

..Fig. 14.2  Transatrial closure of a VSD. Exposure of the VSD through the right atrium and the tricuspid valve. Shown is
the partial detachment of the septal tricuspid valve leaflet at the anulus to expose the superior rim of the defect. VSD
sutures in U-stitch technique

14.4.1  Conoventricular VSD is made in a clockwise direction first, caudally

taking great care that the pledgets rest directly on
Almost all of these defects can be closed through the septum and that no chordae or papillary mus-
14 a transatrial/transtricuspid approach. Initially, the cles are caught by the sutures. At the inferoposte-
upper rim is often obscured. Before starting any rior aspect the conduction system is approached
closure, however, the complete anatomy must be (. Fig.  14.3). Here the sutures are to be applied
visualized unequivocally. It is also to be deter- stringently on the right ventricular aspect, some-
mined if the rim of the defect reaches the anulus what detached from the true rim of the
of the tricuspid valve directly, or if a muscular VSD. Adjacent to the tricuspid valve, especially if
ridge is present. If borderline structures remain there is only a small ridge of tissue, one may need
obscured by valve tissue, detachment of the to pass some sutures from the atrium and through
respective tricuspid valve leaflet directly above its the tricuspid valve anulus to the ventricular side.
anulus may be required. Thus, the pledgets will be placed atrially. As soon
For anchoring of a patch, the use of separate, as the most posterior point is reached, it is advised
double-armed, braided U stitches, buttressed with to return to the anterior aspect. Slight traction on
small Teflon pledgets, is generally recommended the sutures already in place will expose the supe-
(. Fig.  14.2). It is advantageous to fix the first rior rim. Advancement, now counterclockwise, is
sutures on the anteroinferior aspect of the muscu- in identical fashion. In the area of the outflow
lar septum. Armed with small rubber-shod tract, generous portions of muscle can be used for
clamps and draped on a hole towel for clear view, secure anchoring. Reaching the aortic valve the
they facilitate stepwise exposure if put under gen- available ridge can be distressingly narrow, prob-
tle traction—similar to the implantation tech- ably the reason for the frequency of patch dehis-
nique for a mitral valve prosthesis. Advancement cences in this area. This can be overcome by
Chapter 14 · Ventricular Septal Defects
469 14

..Fig. 14.3  Right ventricular aspect of VSD closure. Opened right ventricle. The hatched area marks the part of the
septum bearing the conduction system. Here, sutures must be placed stringently on the right ventricular aspect and
away from the rim. Illustrated suture techniques are U-stitches and continuous suture. A combination is possible

placing several, usually only one to three, unbut- All stitches are now placed through the patch
tressed stitches in a longitudinal fashion along the in their original order. The patch is then carefully
rim. Under very delicate circumstances and in lowered onto the septal defect where it comes to
direct neighborhood of valve tissue, the use of fine rest on its right ventricular aspect like a lid. It
monofilament material is expedient, enabling bet- should therefore be tailored a bit larger than the
ter guidance. It is helpful to fill the aortic root actual defect size. When lowering the patch, great
intermittently with cardioplegia. This problematic care must be taken again that it does not obstruct
region is then overcome and one reaches the pos- any chordae or parts of the tricuspid valve.
terior aspect close to the tricuspid valve again, Retracting these delicate structures with fine
which is dealt with as described above. Usually, nerve hooks can be helpful. The sutures should
for closure of a nonrestrictive infant VSD, 10–15 only be tied after secure placement of the whole
sutures are needed to guarantee secure anchoring circumference of the patch.
of the patch, at the same time avoiding compro- If a tricuspid valve leaflet was detached for
mising neighboring structures. exposure’s sake, it is then reattached, ideally with
Woven Dacron is a well-proven patch mate- a fine monofilament running suture. Tricuspid
rial, being both tear-proof and flexible. PTFE is valve competence is tested in any case by instilling
preferred by some. Autologous pericardium (usu- fluid into the right ventricle. If necessary, recon-
ally impregnated with 0.6 % glutaraldehyde for structive measures to alleviate valve incompe-
10  min) and xenopericardium are controversial tence are needed (adaptation of commissures,
because of lower tear resistance. One should bear anuloplasty, but also replacement of awkward
in mind that after closure an enormous pressure VSD patch sutures).
load is inflicted on the patch and that the muscu- The left atrial vent catheter is now removed
lar part of the circumference is contracting with and the interatrial septum closed. We use absorb-
every systole, putting the whole suture line in this able monofilament material for closure of the right
area at risk. More recently, a tissue-engineered atriotomy in children. Before removing the aortic
matrix of porcine intestine (CorMatrix®) came cross clamp, the left heart is meticulously de-aired
into use also. through the cardioplegia site. For ­ immediate
470 M.K. Heinemann

­ uality control of the operative result and espe-

q 14.4.3  Inlet VSD
cially in the presence of any difficult anatomical
circumstances, an intraoperative transesophageal These defects can be easily reached through the
echocardiography is strongly recommended. tricuspid valve orifice because of their immediate
Moreover, pulmonary arterial oxygen saturations proximity to it. By definition, they reach the valve
can be measured and compared to SVC satura- anulus without an additional ridge of tissue. All
tions. A step-up of more than 5 % in absolute satu- sutures in this area must therefore be placed from
ration is suspicious for a residual VSD. the right atrial aspect. In the presence of multiple
Direct closure of a VSD with separate but- atypical chordae, it may be advantageous to use a
tressed U stitches is vehemently advised against single running stitch for the circumference bor-
because of the high risk of dehiscence and distor- dering the valve. This can be woven in between
tion of neighboring structures. This is also and the chordae and the usually short and plump pap-
particularly true for small defects. Very rare indi- illary muscles like a mattress suture. The risk of
cations for direct closure (concomitant very small dehiscence is low because the border of the defect
VSD with fibrous, scarred borders) may exist. in this area consists of firm connective tissue.
If the conduction system lies to the inferopos-
terior border, several separate U stitches are put
14.4.2  Muscular VSD some millimeters away from the edge and strictly
on the right ventricular aspect. Thus, usually a
Isolated midmuscular, inferior, or posterior defects combined running and single stitch closure tech-
can commonly also be reached through a right nique is the result. The debate where the conduc-
atriotomy. The more they are located in the trabec- tion system is most likely located in VSDs of the
ular part of the right ventricle, the more overview inlet septum is ongoing, depending on the patho-
is obscured by these trabeculae. This may evoke logical classification (Spicer et al. 2013).
the impression of multiple defects. Partial separa-
tion of muscle bundles may facilitate secure
anchoring of a patch. The whole border of such a 14.4.4  Conus VSD
VSD is muscular, including that toward the tricus-
pid valve. Direct closure is therefore inappropriate. This type of defect in a subpulmonary position is
If a muscular VSD is in close relation to a sepa- usually associated with more complex congenital
rate conoventricular or inlet defect, the conduction heart disease such as common arterial trunk. If
bundle often runs through the separating muscular isolated, it can be reached through a limited
14 bridge. Closure should be achieved by placing one infundibulotomy or through the pulmonary valve
large common patch covering both communica- itself.
tions and avoiding sutures in the bridging area. A limited longitudinal ventriculotomy sparing
VSDs located in the very anterior region or api- right coronary conal branches offers good expo-
cal ones may only be approachable through a ven- sure of the conus septum that forms the backwall
triculotomy, which in case of an anterior VSD may of the funnel just opened. The superior aspect of
be limited to an oblique infundibulotomy. Even if a these defects commonly reaches directly onto a
left ventriculotomy enables good visualization, this narrow fibrous ridge between the pulmonary
access is rarely ever used due to its negative long- valve anteriorly and the aortic valve posteriorly. If
term sequelae. This has become possible because of this tissue appears too fragile for secure anchoring
the development of new and alternative closure of the patch, as is often the case, the sutures must
technologies (see below, 7 Sect. 14.6.6). The apical be placed from the respective sinus of the pulmo-
incision of the right ventricle has come somewhat nary valve. Again, separate buttressed U stitches
back into fashion, especially where these new are used. For better orientation and precise place-
methods are not available (Myhre et al. 2004). ment of the sutures, intermittent filling of the aor-
In very rare large anterior defects, which can tic root with small doses of cardioplegia is advised.
be reached through an infundibulotomy, utmost At the caudad end, a continuous running suture is
care must be taken not to injure the left anterior usually appropriate. As only the conus septum is
descending coronary artery when placing the involved, the conduction system is far away and
anterior stitches. generous portions of muscle can be used.
Chapter 14 · Ventricular Septal Defects
471 14
In smaller, semilunar defects or insufficient insufficiency may result. Before closing the
tissue between aorta and pulmonary artery, the right atrium, the right ventricle must be filled
latter is incised transversely above the commis- with fluid for visual inspection, cross
sures. Then the sutures for the superior aspect are clamping the pulmonary artery if necessary.
placed from the sinus. The lower circumference
can be sutured continuously through the valve Closure of apically located muscular VSDs via a
orifice. Should the defect extend deep into the left ventriculotomy will lead to an impairment of
ventricle, exposure is compromised. left ventricular function, especially in the long term.
While oblique infundibulotomies can be closed Late occurrence of life-threatening ventricular
directly, longitudinal infundibulotomies should be arrhythmias has also been observed (Hanna et al.
closed with a patch to avoid RVOT obstruction. 1991). For these reasons, usage of this approach
should be made only very restrictively.
In «Swiss-cheese-type» VSD, smaller commu-
14.5 Complications nications may remain or be overlooked, the
hemodynamic relevance of which is hard to judge
The anatomy of the conoventricular/perimembranous early postoperatively.
VSD bears three danger zones, the injury of which Defects located in the inlet part of the septum,
leads to a respective specific complication: directly adjacent to the tricuspid valve, often offer
55 The upper border of the defect reaches the little space for safe anchoring of the sutures in the
aortic valve in many instances. The valve area of the conduction system. An increased risk
must be visualized through the VSD during of complete heart block has to be expected.
closure. Any distortion in this area may lead Closure of conotruncal defects through the
to postoperative valve insufficiency (Chiu pulmonary or aortic valve may lead to an insuffi-
et al. 2007). For visual inspection of valve ciency of the respective semilunar valve.
competence, cardioplegia can be repeatedly Inappropriate exposure of the lower margin in
administered into the aortic root during larger defects leads to an increased incidence of
surgery. residual defects in this area.
55 The lower border of the defect in the If a residual defect is known, regular follow-up
posterior direction toward the tricuspid valve is needed to judge its hemodynamic relevance
hides the conduction system. If hurt by (Dodge-Khatami et  al. 2007). Intraoperative
stitches, a block of the atrioventricular transesophageal echocardiography is able to detect
conduction will result, which then is often most valve insufficiencies and residual defects and
permanent and complete (third degree heart may thus decisively influence the further course of
block). If complete heart block is seen during action, e.g., immediate revision. Significant septal
reperfusion and depending upon the defects can also be detected or excluded by mea-
anatomy, one may consider replacing several suring oxygen saturation in the pulmonary artery.
stitches during a second time of ischemia. A defect needing closure usually leads to satura-
However, this will not guarantee complete tions above 80 % under ventilation with room air.
remission (Andersen et al. 2006). If complete As said above, when in doubt, a comparison with
heart block persists early postoperatively, we the SVC oxygen saturation is advisable.
wait for 10–14 days before we implant a
permanent pacemaker system, as recovery of
stable sinus rhythm is possible within this 14.6 Special Forms of Operative
time frame. For additional safety throughout Treatment
this time, we always suture a second set of
temporary pacemaker wires on the right 14.6.1  Pulmonary Artery Banding
ventricle when a higher degree of heart block
is present at the time of chest closure. The first operative closure of a VSD was performed
55 If several stitches were placed from the right by Lillehei under «cross circulation» on March 26,
atrium through the tricuspid valve anulus or 1954 (Lillehei et al. 1955). In the preceding years,
if a valve leaflet had to be detached for better there had been several attempts of palliation by
exposure, significant tricuspid valve lowering pulmonary blood flow, narrowing the
472 M.K. Heinemann

pulmonary artery with the aid of a circumferential changes can lead to sometimes dramatic effects.
textile band (Muller and Dammann 1952). This Before the band is eventually permanently fixed,
had been based on the observation that moderate the circulation must be given some time to adapt
pulmonary stenosis would positively influence the to the new resistances (. Fig.  14.4). Usually we
prognosis of patients with single ventricle. The see a minimum increase of 10–15 mmHg systolic
banding procedure enabled postponing correc- arterial pressure and a reduction of the heart rate
tion into an age beyond infancy and had become by 10 %. Pulmonary artery pressure does not
quite common practice. In the current era of sur- need to be measured routinely. In a univentricu-
gical treatment of VSD, pulmonary artery banding lar circulation, an arterial saturation between 75
has almost completely lost its former role, being and 80 % (under ventilation with room air and
only considered in the presence of absolute con- with an open chest!) and a decrease of pulmo-
traindications for extracorporeal circulation or in nary arterial pressure to about one third systemic
pronounced forms of a «Swiss-cheese-type» sep- is considered the benchmark. When palliating a
tum (see below, 7 Sect. 14.6.4). The technique still biventricular system, the arterial saturation
has its merits in the stepwise palliation of univen- should not drop below 85 %, but rather be 90 %.
tricular circulations with pulmonary vascular To prevent distal migration of the band with
congestion in the newborn and is therefore the danger of compromising the bifurcation and
described here. inducing asymmetrical pulmonary blood flow,
Contrary to the historical technique which was fixation sutures should be applied to the pulmo-
done through a left posterolateral thoracotomy, nary root. In biventricular circulations the pul-
access today is via a median sternotomy. Besides monary valve must not be jeopardized in any
offering the advantage of equal ventilation and manner. If the pulmonary trunk is very short, the
perfusion of both lungs, this route offers far better band can be excised concavely at the underside of
exposure, the possibility to establish cardiopulmo- the right-angled take-off of the right pulmonary
nary bypass in an emergency, as well as the cos- artery to prevent stenosis to the right side.
metic aspect of just one scar for all subsequent As the principle of palliation means transfer
operations. In addition, in cyanotic univentricular from one pathological state to another, which is
circulations, the development of post-thoracot- presumably better tolerated, the time span with a
omy chest wall-to-pulmonary collaterals compli- banded pulmonary artery should be kept to a
cating later Fontan type surgery is avoided. minimum. This is especially true for eventually
After displacement or partial resection of the curable congenital heart disease such as VSD or
thymus, the pericardium is incised over the great atrioventricular septal defect. The persistence of
14 vessels. The connective tissue between the aorta right-sided systemic pressures causes hypertro-
and the often rather short main pulmonary phy of the right ventricular muscle—up to the
artery is sparingly dissected over the width of the level of a hemodynamically relevant infundibular
intended band. Instead of the conventional stenosis persisting after debanding, causing addi-
braided textile bands which may migrate through tional problems. With the growth of the child, the
the vessel wall over time and lead to considerable banding becomes constantly more effective and
adhesions in any case, the use of smooth, inert may induce critical spells of arterial desaturation.
silicone, ideally reinforced with a Dacron mesh, This should be prevented by early de-banding not
or a PTFE band is recommended. Starting from later than 6 months post banding.
the historical Trusler’s formula (Trusler and
Mustard 1972), the initial length of the circum-
ference to be marked on the band should amount 14.6.2  VSD with Secondary Aortic
to 20 mm + 1 mm/kg body weight (e.g., 24 mm in Valve Insufficiency
a 4 kg baby). After marking, the band is pulled
around the pulmonary artery and fixed accord- The increasing prolapse of an aortic valve cusp
ing to the marked length. Depending upon the adjacent to a VSD can lead to distortion of the
hemodynamic situation, it can then be loosened valve with consecutive regurgitation. Small cono-
or tightened further. According to Poiseuille’s ventricular defects high in the septum or juxta-­
law, the radius of a tube influences the flow arterial conus defects are at particular risk. Usually
through it in the fourth power. Thus, minimal it is the right coronary cusp which is closely
Chapter 14 · Ventricular Septal Defects
473 14
a b

..Fig. 14.4  a, b Pulmonary artery banding. a Provisional adjustment of the band at the pulmonary artery by
clamping. Direct distal pressure measurement. b Permanent fixation of the band with single sutures

related to the VSD, sometimes the non-coronary removed. Instillation of cardioplegia into the aor-
one or both (Tomita et al. 2005). A lack of support tic root gives a first impression of valve patency.
of the afflicted area as well as the Venturi effect are An intraoperative transesophageal echocardiog-
considered mechanisms contributing to progres- raphy will exactly define the success of the recon-
sive valvular insufficiency (Tatsuno et  al. 1973; struction. In the presence of additional congenital
Tweddell et  al. 2006; see above 7 Sect.  14.2). valve asymmetries, e.g., a bicuspid valve or
Closure of the defect before the development of advanced changes, prognosis is obviously limited.
valvular insufficiency or as long as it is only minor
has the best prognosis (Jian-Jun et  al. 2006;
Kostolny et  al. 2006; Saleeb et  al. 2007; Tomita 14.6.3  VSD and Coarctation
et al. 2004). In these cases closure of the VSD is of the Aorta
often sufficient with the patch providing the nec-
essary support. If the valve has already undergone A VSD can be a defined, fixed part of a complex
morphological alterations, extension of the opera- malformation, e.g. in tetralogy of Fallot or com-
tion becomes necessary. mon arterial trunk. Often it is only loosely associ-
Reconstruction of the aortic valve according ated with a second malformation without this
to the technique described by Trusler has very constituting a direct syndromal relationship. The
good long-term results (Trusler et al. 1973, 1992). most common malformation encountered in the
After a transverse aortotomy above the sinotubu- presence of a VSD is coarctation of the aorta (see
lar junction, the aortic valve is inspected. One 7 chapter «Congenital Anomalies of the Great
usually finds an elongation of the cusp prolapsing Vessels», Sect.
into the defect. To correctly judge the extent of the Whereas concomitant correction during a
asymmetry, it is recommended to pass a fine single procedure is well accepted for complex
monofilament suture through the noduli Arantii heart disease (Heinemann et al. 1990), the strat-
to elevate the valve («Frater stitch»; Frater 1967). egy for optimal treatment of VSD with aortic
The afflicted cusp will crimp along its pathologi- coarctation is still subject of debate (Gaynor
cally elongated part close to the commissure. A 2003). A two-staged approach is the historically
buttressed suture then fixes the resulting fold established one, in which the coarctation is cor-
transmurally to the neighboring aortic wall, thus rected first through a left lateral thoracotomy.
reestablishing the symmetry of the free cusp edges Then the VSD is closed transsternally in a second
(. Fig.  14.5). The central marking suture is then operation. In the presence of large defects, this
474 M.K. Heinemann

a b

..Fig. 14.5  a–d Trusler’s plasty in aortic valve insufficiency. Transverse incision of the aortic root. a «Frater stitch»
through the noduli Arantii. The right coronary cusp is elongated. b Tension on the «Frater stitch» creates crimping
14 of the elongated cusp into a fold close to the aortic wall. c Right and non-coronary cusp are attached to each other.
Then the fold is fixed transmurally with pledgeted sutures to gather the elongation. d Safety suture between the two
cusps, creating a cover

strategy can be complemented with pulmonary A disadvantage is the use of hypothermia which
artery banding during coarctectomy to gain some would not be necessary for VSD closure alone and
time until the second procedure. Disadvantages is therefore a considerable extension of the proce-
are the necessity of two different incisions, two dure with all associated risks. An increased rate of
anesthesias, and a longer or repeated hospital stay recoarctations, presumably because of worse expo-
in combination with a state of palliation. sure, has also been reported (Brouwer et al. 1996;
Technical advances have led to the increased Gaynor et al. 2000; Isomatsu et al. 2001). The suc-
endeavor of concomitant correction of an isolated cessful combination of both strategies is also pos-
VSD and aortic coarctation through a sternotomy sible: First, a standard coarctation repair is done
in analogy to the strategy in more complex heart through a lateral thoracotomy, to be followed—
disease. The aortic isthmus is then approached dur- after repositioning but during the same anesthe-
ing a short phase of deep hypothermia and, when sia—by VSD closure through a sternotomy,
necessary, circulatory arrest. During the cooling avoiding deep hypothermia (Kanter et al. 2007).
phase the aortic arch with its braches as well as the Our experience leads us to recommend the fol-
descending aorta can be dissected free extensively. lowing approach: in a small VSD and aortic coarc-
Chapter 14 · Ventricular Septal Defects
475 14
tation, the aorta is repaired first and the VSD to bulging of the sinus into the cardiac structures
closely followed and closed at a later date as neces- below, up to the point of perforation. Usually only
sary. If size and extent of a VSD necessitate early the right coronary sinus is afflicted, sometimes in
closure, this is regarded an indication for single combination with the adjacent half of the noncoro-
stage repair. If the aortic narrowing also extends nary one. Perforation ensues into the right atrium
into the aortic arch as a tubular hypoplasia, which or ventricle. Coexistence of a VSD bordering the
is often observed in these cases, sternotomy and aortic valve can also be part of the malformation,
the use of hypothermic techniques for extended leading to valvular insufficiency. An increased
aortic reconstruction are appropriate anyway. If a incidence of this combination has been observed
VSD/coarctation patient presents in poor condi- in Asia, giving an indirect hint to genetic predispo-
tion, even after compensation, we rather proceed sition (Brizard 2006; Sakakibara and Konno 1962,
with coarctation repair only, regardless of VSD size. 1968; Lee et al. 2013).
In adult patients an extra-anatomic bypass to The operative strategy consists of resection of
circumvent the coarctation can be a very good alter- the «aneurysm,» VSD closure, and aortic valve
native option (Myers et al. 2011; Reents et al. 2012). reconstruction. After inspection of the anatomy
through an aortotomy, an exposition from the
ventricular side, e.g., through an infundibulot-
14.6.4  «Swiss-Cheese-Type» VSD omy, is adequate in most cases. This allows for a
definitive discrimination between a conoventric-
The malformation somewhat colloquially called a ular and a pure conus defect and therefore the
«Swiss-cheese-type» VSD represents a profound supposed course of the conduction system. The
disturbance of the development of the muscular aneurysmatic tissue is resected, resulting in a
ventricular septum, primarily in its trabeculated larger defect in the right coronary sinus. The
part. The multiple connections between right and Dacron patch used for VSD closure is also utilized
left chamber existing during embryonic and fetal for reconstruction of the aortic root. First, com-
life do not close, resulting in several defects in the plete VSD closure is performed with the anchor-
muscular septum. In the case of anteroapically ing of the middle part of the patch directly into
located small communications, spontaneous clo- the insertion zone of the right coronary cusp in
sure within the first year of life is highly likely. the usual fashion. The excess patch length crani-
A combination of larger VSDs extending into ally can then be tailored into the aortic root defect
the midmuscular portion with a considerable with a continuous suture. In a classical conus
combined passage area can become hemodynami- defect, as is often seen in Asian patients, the whole
cally very significant at the time of the physiologi- procedure can be done transaortically. Asymmetry
cal postnatal drop in pulmonary vascular of a valve cusp may call for additional valve recon-
resistance. Number and location of these commu- struction or even replacement.
nications make their surgical exposure very diffi-
cult. A decision must be made between pulmonary
artery banding and a right ventriculotomy (Seddio 14.6.6  Catheter Interventional
et al. 1999), if pulmonary artery banding is not the Techniques
institutional approach in these cases anyway. A left
ventriculotomy should be avoided if at all possible. The endeavor to avoid a ventriculotomy for clo-
sure of hemodynamically highly significant mus-
cular defects led to the development of
14.6.5  VSD and Aneurysm interventional techniques by catheter (Lock et al.
of a Valsalva Sinus 1988; Okubo et al. 2001; Waight et al. 2002; Bacha
et al. 2005). Because of the limitations of vascular
Congenital aneurysm of a sinus of Valsalva repre- access in small children, these are often combined
sents a separation of the media of the afflicted sinus with open exposure of the heart through a thora-
from that of the hinge point of the respective aortic cotomy as so-called hybrid procedures and have
cusp (Edwards and Burchell 1957). The structural become well-established in several centers. Purely
weakness between the aortic root and the heart in percutaneous closure of a muscular VSD can be
combination with the aortic blood pressure leads regarded safe under certain conditions too.

476 M.K. Heinemann

Further refinement of the devices has mean- defects. Direct contact of the device with the
while led to their use for closure of conoventricu- neighboring structures of the VSD did lead to
lar/perimembranous defects as an alternative to some insufficiencies of the aortic and tricuspid
surgery. This was evaluated in several studies valves, which was to be expected. Pressure upon
(Michel-Behnke et  al. 2005; Holzer et  al. 2006; the inferior border of the VSD also induced higher
Butera et al. 2007a, b; Hirsch et al. 2007; Xunmin degree heart block up to the need of temporary
et al. 2007; Mo et al. 2011). Because secure place- transvenous stimulation over several weeks
ment of these devices in a defect needs appropri- (Butera et al. 2006; Walsh et al. 2006; Zhou et al.
ate protrusions at the borders of the right and left 2008). Contrary to surgical therapy the possibili-
ventricular aspect, several modifications of the ties to manage complications are limited, and
established models for atrial septal defects became even the theoretical benefit of a shorter hospital
necessary. The «Amplatzer membranous septal stay with low morbidity may then become obso-
occluder» shows recesses of the Nitinol meshwork lete. At present, elective interventional closure of
for the aortic valve (. Fig. 14.6). a conoventricular VSD should be limited to a few
This proved to be successful in older children centers and closely followed by rigid study proto-
and adults with accordingly relatively small cols (Butera et al. 2007a, b; Carminati et al. 2007).

..Fig. 14.6 «Amplatzer 5 4
membranous septal
occluder.» Lateral aspect.
Device mounted on the
catheter and expanded; left
ventricular disk between 3
and 4; aortic excess length 4
with 0.5 mm being smaller
than the septal one 3 with
5.5 mm. Right ventricular
disk between 1 and 5, equal
excess length of 2 mm.
Waist fitting into the VSD (2)
with a depth of 1.5 mm. A
«delivery sheath»; B «pusher
catheter»; C connector at
14 catheter; D screw coupling
at disk. The
dacron-polyester patch
material can be seen
through the Nitinol mesh
(Reproduced from Hijazi
et al. (2002); with


1 2 3
Chapter 14 · Ventricular Septal Defects
477 14
The limited financial means of emerging coun- typical scenario is spontaneous closure once the
tries have stimulated research to further modify pulmonary resistance drops.
occlusive devices for use in the setting of a hybrid
approach through a (limited) thoracotomy but
without cardiopulmonary bypass. Given the popu- 14.7 Perioperative Aspects
lation density of China and the frequency of VSDs
as isolated defects, impressive series were pub- For getting informed consent, besides the general
lished over the recent years (Xing et al. 2010, 2011; risks of open heart surgery, the typical risks of VSD
Zheng et al. 2009; Chen et al. 2013). The remark- closure must be mentioned: complete heart block
able early outcomes and the active participation in with pacemaker dependency, residual defect, and
their development have now brought these new valvular insufficiencies (aortic, tricuspid). On a
techniques to Europe (Schreiber et  al. 2012). positive note, it should be emphasized that quality
However, long-term results remain to be evaluated. and expectancy of life as well as exercise capacity
can be considered normal after a successful
transatrial operation (Roos-Hesselink et al. 2004).
14.6.7  Pushing the Limits Recommendations for the prevention of infec-
tive endocarditis have evolved over the years.
Advancements in microtechnology have led to Antibiotic prophylaxis should be administered in
amazing developments like that of a telemetrically unrepaired VSD as well as any residual defects.
adjustable banding device (Bonnet et  al. 2004). Depending on the material, endothelialization of
This plays no role for standard treatment of a a patch can be considered complete after
VSD.  Transcutaneous tunneling of fixation 6  months, making aggressive antibiotic prophy-
sutures of a pulmonary band also serves the same laxis unnecessary thereafter (Backer et  al. 1993;
purpose of avoiding operative readjustments Dajani et al. 1997; Wilson et al. 2007).
(Choudhary et al. 2006). During postoperative intensive care therapy,
Such notions are primarily generated in the principles for preventing so-called pulmonary
emerging countries which in theory do offer hypertensive crises must be followed, especially in
modern cardiac surgery, but where many patients young infants with a markedly raised preoperative
are presenting only late or in dismal condition Qp:Qs ratio (relaxation, NO application, etc.; see
due to infrastructural shortcomings. If primary 7 chapter «Critical Care in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery»,
closure of a VSD is attempted in the presence of Sect. 10.7 and Sect. 10.11). An early complete heart
markedly elevated but still responsive pulmonary block may be caused by swelling of the tissue,
vascular resistance, patches with a valve mecha- which will usually resolve within 10–14  days.
nism may be considered (Novick et  al. 2005; During this time period, the indication for perma-
Zhang et  al. 2007). In the event of a critical nent pacemaker implantation should be handled
increase in pulmonary artery pressure, these very restrictively. It is a recommended safety mea-
allow for an overflow of desaturated blood from sure to implant two sets of temporary ventricular
the right into the left ventricle and thus mainte- stimulation leads in any patient who has a higher
nance of systemic blood pressure at the expense degree heart block at the end of the operation.
of arterial oxygen saturation. We still use a sim- Even if closure of a VSD historically belongs to
ple fenestration of the Dacron patch with a the first successful cardiac procedures ever, it is by
­standardized punch. Such an opening, usually no means a bagatelle or a beginner’s operation.
with a diameter of 3 mm, can be closed consecu- Nowadays, it is a requirement to limit this opera-
tively with a catheter intervention if necessary. tion only to centers with the necessary expertise
We feel this to be the safer approach—no risk of in the treatment of congenital heart disease, which
«valve» failure—as the limited fenestration is particularly important because the majority of
should reliably prevent a suprasystemic right VSD closures must be performed during the new-
ventricular pressure rather than prevent right- born period or in early infancy. This is the only
sided volume overload which rarely will occur in way to achieve the necessary quality regarding
these patients during long-term follow-up. The morbidity and mortality and long-term outcome.
478 M.K. Heinemann

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481 15

Congenital Heart Disease

with Anomalies
of the Right Ventricular
Outflow Tract
Gerhard Ziemer and Renate Kaulitz

15.1  etralogy of Fallot (TOF) with Pulmonary

Stenosis – 484
15.1.1  istorical Remarks – 484
15.1.2 Surgical Anatomy – 484 Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) – 484 Right Ventricular Outflow Tract – 485 Absent Infundibular Septum – 485 Pulmonary Valve and Pulmonary Arteries – 486 Coronary Artery Anomalies – 486 Associated Anomalies – 486
15.1.3  linical Diagnosis – 486
15.1.4 Diagnostic Procedures – 487
15.1.5 Surgical Management – 487
15.1.6 Surgical Management in TOF with Pulmonary
Stenosis – 488 Palliative Procedures – 488 Intracardiac Repair – 489
15.1.7  estrictive Physiology of the Right Ventricle Early and
Late Postoperatively – 495

15.2 Long-Term Complications After TOF Repair – 495

15.2.1  ecurrent Right Ventricular Outflow Tract
Obstruction – 495
15.2.2 Pulmonary Stenosis and Bifurcation/Left Pulmonary
Artery Stenosis – 496
15.2.3 Pulmonary Regurgitation – 496 Consequences of Pulmonary Regurgitation – 496 Surgical Pulmonary Valve Replacement – 497 Percutaneous Pulmonary Valve Implantation (PPVI) – 499

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_15
15.2.4  ight Ventricular Aneurysm – 500
15.2.5 Aortic Root Dilatation and Aortic Valve Insufficiency
After Tetralogy Repair – 500

15.3  etralogy of Fallot with Pulmonary Atresia

(TOF/PA) – 500
15.3.1 Nomenclature and Pathoanatomy – 500 Intracardiac Anatomy – 501 Morphology of the Pulmonary Arteries – 501
15.3.2 Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis – 502
15.3.3 Diagnostic Procedures – 503
15.3.4 Surgical Management of Tetralogy of Fallot with
Pulmonary Atresia – 503 Ductus-Dependent Pulmonary Blood Flow – 503 Surgical Management in Multifocal Lung Perfusion – 504 Destiny of the Unifocalized MAPCAs – 507

15.4  etralogy of Fallot with Absent Pulmonary Valve

(«Absent Pulmonary Valve Syndrome» APVS) – 507
15.4.1  efinition – 507
15.4.2 Anatomy – 507
15.4.3 Diagnostic Procedures – 508
15.4.4 Therapy – 508 Preoperative Management – 508 Surgical Strategies – 508 Alternative Surgical Approaches – 510 Postoperative Management and Late Outcome – 510

15.5 Double Outlet Right Ventricle (DORV) – 510

15.5.1  efinition – 510
15.5.2 Anatomy – 510 Ventricular Septal Defect – 511 Infundibular Septum (Conus Septum) – 512 Associated Morphologic Variations – 512
15.5.3  athophysiology – 512
15.5.4 Diagnostic Procedures – 513
15.5.5 Surgical Management – 513 General Remarks – 513 Repair of DORV with Subaortic VSD – 513 Repair of DORV with Subpulmonary VSD (Taussig-Bing
Anomaly) – 514
483 Repair of DORV with Noncommitted VSD – 516 Repair of DORV with Doubly Committed VSD – 516 Surgical Management Controversies – 516
15.5.6 Follow-Up – 517

15.6  ulmonary Atresia with Intact Ventricular Septum

(PA/IVS) – 517
15.6.1  efinition – 517
15.6.2 Pathoanatomy – 517 Right Ventricle and Tricuspid Valve – 517 Coronary Arteries – 518 Pulmonary Valve and Pulmonary Arteries – 518 Ductus Arteriosus – 518
15.6.3 S ymptoms and Diagnostic Procedures – 518
15.6.4 Surgical Management – 519 Introduction – 519 Mild Right Ventricular Hypoplasia – 519 Moderate Right Ventricular Hypoplasia – 520 Severe Right Ventricular Hypoplasia – 521 Right Ventricular-Dependent Coronary Circulation – 522 Surgical Controversies and Therapeutic Alternatives – 522
15.6.5 Follow-Up – 523

15.7 Double-Chambered Right Ventricle (DCRV) – 523

15.7.1  efinition – 523
15.7.2 Anatomy – 523
15.7.3 Symptoms and Diagnostic Procedures – 524
15.7.4 Surgical Approach – 524

References – 524
484 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

15.1  etralogy of Fallot (TOF)

T et  al. introduced small polytetrafluorethylene
with Pulmonary Stenosis tubes as shunt material (1981).
The concept of intracardiac procedures
15.1.1 Historical Remarks developed in 1948 with the «blind» palliative
dilatation of the pulmonary stenosis with or
The congenital heart defect with ventricular sep- without tetralogy of Fallot (Sellors 1948; Brock
tal defect (VSD), infundibular pulmonary steno- 1948). The first intracardiac surgical correction
sis and/or pulmonary valve stenosis/hypoplasia, of tetralogy was performed at the University of
dextroposition of the aorta, the aorta overriding Minnesota in 1954 by Walt Lillehei and Richard
the VSD, and right ventricular hypertrophy was Varco using «controlled cross-circulation»
clinically and pathoanatomically described and (Lillehei et al. 1955; see also 7 Chapter «Surgery
published by Etienne Louis Fallot in 1888 (Fallot for Congenital Heart Defects: A Historical
1888), at that time professor for hygiene and Perspective», Sect. 11.2). One year later (1955),
forensic medicine in Marseille, France. Although the first tetralogy repair employing extracorpo-
the first pathoanatomic observation was already real circulation provided by a heart-lung
made by Stensen in 1671 (Stenonis 1671) and machine was performed by John Kirklin at the
again reported by Sandifort in 1777 (Sandifort Mayo Clinic (Kirklin et al. 1955). In Germany,
1777), the clinical relevance with cyanosis being the first series of correction of tetralogy of
the leading symptom was first described by Fallot was published 10 years later (Klinner and
Fallot («maladie bleu»). In 1989 his original Zenker 1965).
publication was translated by Richard Van Aldo Castaneda in Boston propagated since
Praagh (Van Praagh 1989). In his comments he since the early 1970’s primary intracardiac repair
emphasized as a key morphologic feature in the in symptomatic infants without prior shunt sur-
cases described, the underdevelopment or hypo- gery (Castaneda et  al. 1977). The concept of the
plasia of the infundibulum and the right ven- early primary correction turned out to be advan-
tricular outflow tract. tageous with respect to the development of the
It took more than 40 years after the first descrip- pulmonary artery system and the protection of
tion by Fallot that the term tetralogy for the four right ventricular function during long-term fol-
pathoanatomic features was coined in the litera- low-up (Bacha et  al. 2001; Kirsch et  al. 2013).
ture as mentioned by Maud Abbott (1936) and Extending the primary repair into the neonatal
Helen Taussig (1948). At that time the therapeutic period mainly for symptomatic patients has been
options for congenital heart diseases with cyanosis successfully described in the early 1990s by the
(aka «Morbus caeruleus,» Pfaundler and groups from Boston, Melbourne, and Ann Arbor
Schlossmann 1926) were extremely limited. Since (Di Donato et al. 1991; Karl et al. 1992; Hennein
15 November 9, 1944, the options for surgical man- et al. 1995).
agement opened up with the first subclavian-to-­
pulmonary-artery-shunt procedure—the so-called
Blalock-Taussig shunt (Blalock and Taussig 1945; 15.1.2 Surgical Anatomy
see also 7 Chapter «Surgery for Congenital Heart
Defects: A Historical Perspective», Sect. 11.2). Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD)
During these years, other systemic-­pulmonary The usually large VSD lies posterior and inferior
artery shunt connections were generated as there to the infundibular septum. The outlet septum is
were the Potts anastomosis (Potts et al. 1946), the shifted to an anterolateral position resulting in the
Waterston shunt (1962), and its modification by overriding position of the aorta and the typical
Cooley and Hallman (1966). The first modified malalignment VSD. The defect comprises a large
Blalock-Taussig shunt was introduced by using a portion of circumference of the aortic anulus.
homograft artery as an interposition graft between These morphological signs can easily be demon-
the subclavian artery and pulmonary artery strated by echocardiography and have to be con-
(Vishnevsky and Donetsky 1960). A Dacron pros- sidered during surgery to preserve the integrity of
thesis was used by Klinner et al. (1962); DeLeval the aortic valve.
Chapter 15 · Congenital Heart Disease with Anomalies of the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract
485 15
The VSD may reach the tricuspid valve anulus Infundibular or conus septum
or is separated from it by a muscular border (pos-
Ventricular septal defect
teroinferior limb of the septal band). As this pro-
tects the conduction system, suture lines can be
placed directly at the inferior VSD rim. If the VSD
reaches the tricuspid valve anulus, stitches should
be placed at the right ventricular aspect of the
septum in some distance to the defect rim and
through the tricuspid valve anulus.
Most frequently the hypoplasia or underdevel-
opment of the right ventricular infundibulum/
conus characterizes TOF.  The infundibular or
conal septum is the cranial margin of the VSD. The
conal septum lies in a more horizontal position as
a muscular bridge between the interventricular
septum and right ventricular free wall, and it has
septal and free wall insertions. The septal insertion
of the conal septum is cranial to the anterior limb
of the trabecula septomarginalis; its lateral portion Posterior Anterior
Trabeculum septomarginalis
lies anterior to the tricuspid valve anulus. The
patch suture line in this area between the tricuspid ..Fig. 15.1  Transverse axis through the right ventricu-
valve anulus and conal septum has to run deeply lar outflow tract and «os infundibuli.» The muscular ring is
through the trabeculations of the right ventricular created by the moderator band (trabecula septomargina-
lis) with the anterior and posterior limb and the anterior
free wall. These deep stitches should prevent an
and cranial deviation of the conal (infundibular) septum
intertrabecular residual VSD which has an
increased prevalence in this location (so-­called
intramural residual VSD; Preminger et al. 1994).
During intracardiac repair, these muscle bun- R ight Ventricular Outflow dles are cut (myotomy rather than myectomy) open-
Tract ing the infundibular entrance; in addition secondary
The anterior deviation of the conal septum, hypo- endocardial thickening («jet lesions») should be
plasia of the right ventricular outflow tract with resected to avoid further right ventricular hypertro-
pulmonary stenosis, and hypoplasia of the pul- phy and to preserve right ventricular geometry.
monary valve anulus and pulmonary artery trunk
are the characteristic anatomic features in Absent Infundibular
TOF. Van Praagh used the term «hypoplasia of the Septum
whole right ventricular infundibulum» (Van Rarely the infundibular septum is extremely hypo-
Praagh et al. 1970). The left and right pulmonary plastic or even absent. Aortic and pulmonary valve
arteries themselves are not hypoplastic. anuli are separated only by a small fibrous band; the
Arborization abnormalities are rarely associated. VSD is orientated to both the aorta and pulmonary
Conal septum and trabeculae septomarginalis artery, i.e., it lies subarterial («doubly committed»).
as a muscular ring create the entrance to the In these cases, predominantly a pulmonary valve
infundibulum («os infundibuli») and contribute stenosis with valve dysplasia or associated pulmo-
mainly to the right ventricular outflow tract nary anulus or trunk hypoplasia determines the
obstruction when muscular hypertrophy of the right ventricular outflow tract obstruction; if the
right ventricle increases (. Fig. 15.1). This hyper- dynamic obstructive component is missing, typical
trophy leads to the hemodynamically relevant hypoxic spells cannot develop. However, sudden
dynamic obstruction by the hypercontractile hypoxemia might occur as a result of an acute
muscle bundles clinically presenting with hypoxic increase in pulmonary vascular resistance leading
spells. to intracardiac right-to-left shunt.
486 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz Pulmonary Valve

and Pulmonary Arteries Coronary artery anomalies are well known in
The pulmonary valve is usually abnormal. It may the setting of TOF and should be diagnosed
display a wide spectrum of dysplasia. The anulus preoperatively; detailed preoperative descrip-
might be hypoplastic with a thickened, cartilagi- tion is especially mandatory in the situation
nous, and immobile valve without identifiable of reoperation when intraoperative identifica-
commissures; the valve might be bicuspid with tion might be difficult.
less severe stenosis or has a nearly normally
developed anulus with a mildly stenotic tricuspid
valve. Associated Anomalies
The pulmonary trunk can be small or hypo- The most relevant associated intracardiac anom-
plastic corresponding to a narrowed or hypoplas- aly is the atrioventricular septal defect (described
tic right ventricular outflow tract. The pulmonary in nearly 4 % of TOF patients) (Fyler 1992;
arteries most often are not hypoplastic and they McElhinney et al. 1998b; Najm et al. 1998) with
are in continuity. The bifurcation shows a more the pathoanatomy of Rastelli type C (Suzuki et al.
superior-­inferior relation of the arteries; angiog- 1998). The primum defect component is often
raphy might demonstrate the «seagull sign.» small, the VSD huge, extending anteriorly into
In many patients, especially in presence of the infundibular septum. A right aortic arch is
hypoplastic pulmonary arteries, a coarctation of often found in patients with TOF; an additional
the pulmonary artery can develop at the site of muscular defect, straddling tricuspid valve, or
the entrance of the ductus arteriosus (Luhmer atrial septal defect has to be detected preopera-
and Ziemer 1993). Distal pulmonary artery ste- tively as well as partial anomalous pulmonary
nosis is uncommon in TOF with pulmonary ste- venous drainage or left-sided persistent superior
nosis. Isolation of the pulmonary artery is a rare caval vein (LSVC).
finding; the pulmonary artery has some connec- Associated syndromes as microdeletion
tion to the aortic arch via arterial duct or its liga- 22q11, trisomy 21, or Goldenhar syndrome have
ment. Aortopulmonary collateral arteries are to be considered.
rare also. This might indicate severe right ven-
tricular outflow tract obstruction or even func-
tional atresia. 15.1.3 Clinical Diagnosis Coronary Artery Anomalies Clinical symptoms depend on the severity and
Abnormal origin and distribution of the coro- progression of the right ventricular outflow tract
nary arteries can be expected in nearly 4 % of obstruction. Neonates with severe right ventric-
15 the patients (Fyler 1992). They have surgical ular outflow tract narrowing may present with
relevance mainly in two variants: anomalous cyanosis immediately after birth. Cyanosis
origin of the left anterior descending coronary aggravates with physical activity. An arterial duct
artery (LAD, or: ramus interventricularis ante- may significantly contribute to pulmonary blood
rior, RIVA) from the right coronary artery, flow and arterial oxygenation and has to be
which crosses the right ventricular outflow maintained patent by infusion of prostaglandin
tract and interferes with the surgical transin- E. In most infants right ventricular outflow tract
fundibular correction and transanular patch obstruction initially causes only mild or moder-
insertion. A comparable situation is given if the ate cyanosis; first symptom could be a systolic
right coronary artery origins from the murmur at routine examination. As the infun-
RIVA.  The coronary artery anatomy is almost dibular (dynamic) obstruction will increase over
always identifiable in infancy. Enlarged conal time, cyanosis can deepen, and hypoxic spells
branches arising from the right coronary artery can occur. These hypercyanotic attacks are the
can cross the right ventricular outflow tract to indication for treatment either surgical (intra-
reach the ventricular apex; these branches cardiac repair; BT shunt) or by catheter interven-
should also be preserved at surgery. tion depending on patient’s age, anatomy, or
Chapter 15 · Congenital Heart Disease with Anomalies of the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract
487 15
associated anomalies. Medication with ß-block- In symptomatic neonates or infants as an
ade can bridge to surgical or catheter interven- emergency measure or in patients with associ-
tion. ated anomalies requiring attention, cardiac
Clubbing of fingers, squatting, and complica- catheterization with intervention may be indi-
tions of intracardiac right-to-left shunt such as cated: for balloon valvuloplasty of the pulmo-
brain abscesses are now rare observations since nary stenosis or stent implantation into the
intracardiac repair is usually performed during patent arterial ductus. In these special situa-
infancy when first clinical symptoms appear; elec- tions, the intracardiac repair can be postponed.
tive repair is preferentially performed beyond the While our general practice is primary repair
age of 3 months (Kirsch et al. 2013). for TOF whenever surgery is indicated, we pre-
fer palliative procedure with a modified BT
shunt in situations after cardiac decompensa-
15.1.4 Diagnostic Procedures tion and metabolic acidosis or if during anes-
thesia induction for primary repair prolonged
Comprehensive diagnosis with description of all acidosis and resuscitation occurred.
anatomic details is provided by echocardiography. Elective surgical repair in oligo- or asymp-
Features such as right ventricular hypertrophy, tomatic infants should be performed at the age of
anterior deviation of infundibular septum, infun- 3–6 months (Kouchoukos et al. 2003; Kirsch et al.
dibular elongation or hypoplasia, central pulmo- 2013). Although elective neonatal repair in all
nary artery system, and overriding of the aorta patients has been recommended (Hirsch et  al.
with a malalignment VSD are identified; associ- 2000; Parry et al. 2000), waiting beyond the neo-
ated anomalies including coronary artery anoma- natal period is advisable considering the aspect of
lies can be ruled out. maturation of organ system (i.e., pulmonary
Cardiac catheterization at primary diagnosis vascular system, kidney). The incidence of a
is now rarely indicated; in consultation with sur- transanular patch plasty is reported to be higher
gery, it can be combined with an interventional in this age group (Stellin et al. 1995).
procedure as balloon valvuloplasty, stent implan- With the high incidence of reoperation for
tation, or occlusion of aortopulmonary collateral pulmonary regurgitation after TOF repair,
vessels depending on the individual situation of originally valve-sparing transatrial approach
the infant. Angiography allows judgment of the was favored whenever possible. More recently,
development of the pulmonary artery system or valve-­ sparing and reconstructive procedures
coexisting aortopulmonary collateral vessels were suggested in any TOF patient. There long-
(Mackie et al. 2003). It has to be considered that in term benefit has not been shown, yet; however,
low pulmonary flow situations, the potential the requirement of early reoperation for resid-
diameters of the neonatal and infant central pul- ual stenosis became more frequent (Stewart
monary arteries are underestimated. et  al. 2005; Hirji et  al. 2010; Robinson et  al.
2011). If the pulmonary valve cannot be spared,
there is no long-­ term benefit of a strict
15.1.5 Surgical Management transatrial vs. a transinfundibular repair with
transanular patch after 12  years (own unpub-
lished data from Tuebingen, Germany, in 110
uncomplicated TOF patients repaired in
The diagnosis of tetralogy of Fallot impli- infancy).
cates the need for an intracardiac repair in If the left anterior descending coronary
infancy. Symptomatic infants, especially artery (LAD) coming off the right coronary
those with hypoxic spells, have to be admit- artery (RCA), or less often a RCA coming off
ted to hospital for urgent surgery. Neonates the LAD, is crossing the RVOT and a transatrial
on prostaglandin infusion require surgery approach for repair is not feasible, we prefer RV
between the second and fourth week, most to PA conduit parallel to the native RVOT as
often corrective, seldom palliative. part of a repair rather than a palliative shunt
488 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

15.1.6  urgical Management in TOF

S with left-sided aortic arch, the shunt runs interaor-
with Pulmonary Stenosis tocaval to the right pulmonary artery. In right-
sided aortic arch with «mirror-image branching,» Palliative Procedures the shunt runs around the aortic arch. Regardless
The concept of aortopulmonary shunt procedures of the sidedness of the aortic arch, we suggest to
was developed to treat deep cyanosis in critically ill always use the right subclavian artery/brachioce-
infants and/or to replace the prostaglandin-­ phalic trunk and right pulmonary artery as first
manipulated ductus arteriosus. Intracardiac repair choice for a MBTS. Potential risks are pulmonary
can follow at the age of 2–3 months electively. In artery stenosis at the site of the shunt insertion and
very small (<2 kg) or preterm infants or those with distorsions, damage to the recurrent laryngeal or
hypoplastic pulmonary arteries or associated phrenic nerves, and increased pulmonary blood
extracardiac anomalies, palliation by transcatheter flow with systemic steal. Acute thrombosis is a rare
balloon valvuloplasty can postpone surgery if complication in small infants; many centers use
desired (Qureshi et al. 1988; Sluysmans et al. 1995); aspirin for prophylaxis of thrombosis. Newer anti-
additional ß-blocker medication can be useful to platelet agents may be more efficient. The best pre-
reduce the dynamic infundibular obstruction. ventive measure to avoid shunt thrombosis is a
Surgery should be performed via a median nonrestrictive anastomosis at both shunt ends.
sternotomy. Several technical variants have been A theoretical advantage of the MBTS over a
suggested. central aortopulmonary shunt is a kind of auto-
regulation of blood flow due to the dampening
kBlalock-Taussig Shunt action of the brachiocephalic trunk against the
The subclavian artery opposite to the side of aortic dynamic component of the aortic «Windkessel»
arch is divided and the proximal part is anasto- function. This supposedly leads to less diastolic
mosed to the same-­sided pulmonary artery end to runoff (hearsay).
side, i.e., in patients with left aortic arch, the right A disadvantage of the MBTS is secondary
subclavian artery and right pulmonary artery will hypoplasia or iatrogenic stenosis of the pulmo-
be connected. Sufficient collateralization will nary artery, both being repeatedly reported
develop via the vertebral artery if left patent but (Sachweh et  al. 1998). These sequelae are less
also via neck and shoulder vessels. Deficiencies of important in patients after emergency creation of
peripheral circulation are rarely found (Mearns a shunt, as in these instances further palliation or
et al. 1978), but growth retardation or «subclavian definitive repair should follow rather timely
steal» syndrome has been described as late compli- within weeks or a few months.
cations (Skovranek et al. 1976; Sokol et al. 1969). If After mobilization of the innominate vein and
this «classic» Blalock-Taussig shunt is created with the brachiocephalic trunk, the right pulmonary
15 the subclavian artery on the side of the aortic arch, artery should be circumferentially dissected up to
stenosis at the takeoff of the subclavian artery fre- the branching sites. We prefer to use individual
quently develops, and special precautions have to vessel loop maneuvers around the upper lobe and
be taken (Laks and Castaneda 1975). intermediate right pulmonary artery branch.
Conventional vascular clamps tend to be too
kModified Blalock-Taussig Shunt bulky. Alternatively a C-clamp (e.g., Cooley
The procedure of choice for primary palliation in clamp) can be used which is placed from cranial
selected patients with TOF as well as in duct-­ and centrally. For the proximal (systemic) anasto-
dependent univentricular circulation is the modi- mosis, the polytetrafluorethylene prosthesis
fied Blalock-Taussig shunt (MBTS; deLeval et  al. should be cut obliquely, while the pulmonary end
1981; Vishnevsky and Donetsky 1960; Klinner is cut in a convex fashion to ensure a good adap-
et al. 1962). It is created via median sternotomy by tion of the T-shaped anastomosis to the circum-
interposing a polytetrafluorethylene prosthesis ference of the pulmonary artery. The length of the
with a diameter of 3.5–4 mm between the brachio- prosthesis is estimated in situ without any tension
cephalic trunk/proximal subclavian artery and the or distortion of the target vessels (. Fig. 15.2).
right pulmonary artery with end-to-side anasto- Subadvential sutures delineating sites and
moses at both ends of the prosthesis. In patients size of the planned arteriotomies may facilitate
Chapter 15 · Congenital Heart Disease with Anomalies of the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract
489 15
trunk very well. While the site for the pulmo-
nary anastomosis is only slashed, at the aorta
after a short incision a punch hole (diameter
4 mm) is created. This circular orifice allows a
more harmonized anastomosis. If clamping of
the pulmonary artery is not tolerated or in case
of a pulmonary coarctation, normothermic car-
diopulmonary bypass may be established as
described for MBTS above. In infants the shunt
should be about 4 mm in diameter (with a body
weight of less than 3  kg 3.5  mm), beyond the
first year of age no more than 5 mm. The use of
oversized shunts doesn’t enhance the systemic
oxygenation, and it even leads to an increased
left ventricular afterload, unrestricted pulmo-
nary artery vasculature provided. For the
course of central shunts in neonates and infants,
see also . Fig. 15.13b.
Any other historical shunt procedures
(Potts, Waterston, Cooley) are obsolete for
many years due to frequent secondary compli-
cations. They may, however, be used as a rare
bailout procedure in repetitive early, sometimes
..Fig. 15.2  Trimming of the polytetrafluorethylene already intraoperative prosthetic shunt throm-
prosthesis to perform the modified Blalock-Taussig shunt. bosis unrelated to surgical technique.
The systemic arterial end is cut obliquely to align with the
brachiocephalic trunk. At the pulmonary end, a convex cut
longitudinal with the RPA allows for best fit Intracardiac Repair

kManagement of extracorporal circulation

and optimize the correct placement and course Correction of a tetralogy of Fallot in neonates
of the shunt. After administration of heparin and infants can be performed in deep hypo-
(100 IU/kg), both the pulmonary artery and the thermic circulatory and cardiac arrest (DHCA).
brachiocephalic trunk are clamped. Peripheral Normothermic or mild hypothermic bypass
and cerebral (NIRS) oxygen saturations and and cardioplegia, however, are the most fre-
hemodynamics are monitored. Typically sys- quently used techniques. After pericardiotomy,
temic saturations remain unchanged. If not, the arterial duct if still patent is dissected. With
increase of FIO2 by anesthesia may be helpful. In acceptable levels of peripheral oxygenation, the
case of hemodynamic instability which cannot dissection of the main pulmonary artery and its
be treated with volume (erythrocyte concen- branches (if required) can be performed before
trate) and ventilatory alteration, the procedure installing cardiopulmonary bypass. If oxygen-
should be performed employing extracorporeal ation is impaired, these maneuvers should be
circulation with the heart beating. Circulatory performed with the aid of cardiopulmonary
impairment may have been caused also by bypass conveniently during the cooling period.
mechanical interference from pulling at the pul- The arterial cannulation may be selected distal
monary artery or compressing the aorta. at the ascending aorta slightly shifted to the
Our preferred method in both biventricular right to facilitate better access to the potential
(very rare) and univentricular heart is the cen- area of surgery: RVOT and MPA. In presence of
tral aortopulmonary shunt employing a ring-­ a right aortic arch (25 % of TOF patients), the
reinforced polytetrafluorethylene prosthesis. left-sided brachiocephalic trunk is dissected to
Newborns with a patent arterial duct in general install the aortic cannulation proximal to it
tolerate side bite clamping of the pulmonary avoiding an iatrogenic stenosis of the origin of
490 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

the trunk by tightening the purse-­string suture. c­arried out via transinfundibular access. The
Depending on the bypass strategy, a solitary incision is performed in a longitudinal direc-
venous cannula is inserted via the right atrial tion in continuation of the center line of the
auricle or two cannulae are used for both SVC pulmonary artery. It is not necessary to extend
and IVC individually. During the cooling the incision beyond the infundibulum into the
period, the dissection of the pulmonary artery right ventricular cavity. Former descriptions
is completed. The clamping of the aorta is car- including their drawings show ample incisions
ried out in deep hypothermia or whenever car- in direction of the apex and beyond the infun-
dioplegia is planned to be delivered. In dibulum cause right ventricular dysfunction. If
circulatory arrest the venous cannula is a transanular patch plasty is not necessary, the
removed routinely, and the right atrium is infundibulotomy should start strictly inferior
incised and inspected. In cases with an intact to the anulus. Cutting the crista supraventricu-
atrial septum, temporary atrioseptostomy in laris should be avoided also.
the area of the fossa ovalis is performed. This In neonates, the spatial relations are more
helps venting the left heart and finally de-airing critical than in older patients. As the sutures of
also. the outflow tract patch consume relatively
Immediately after closure of the VSD, in more of the ventricular wall, the course of the
cases where DHCA was employed, systemic RIVA/LAD has to be considered at any time,
reperfusion may start with a reduced flow rate with any stitch of the RVOT patch suture. A
of 25 % of the calculated flow returning the retrospective study attributed the strikingly
venous blood by the cardiotomy sucker. The increased mortality after performing surgery
temperature of the perfusate should be main- of the tetralogy of Fallot in neonates at that
tained at 20°, and rewarming should start only time to a possible ischemia of the area provided
after release of the aortic cross clamp, allowing by the RIVA/LAD without showing pathologi-
for coronary perfusion. This may happen cal signs of a complete occlusion (DiDonato
immediately after the left heart is de-aired et  al. 1991). Placing two superficial sutures at
through the atrioseptostomy and the proximal the collapsed right ventricle before infundibu-
ascending aorta, and the atrial septum is closed. lotomy provides a guideline for the incision
The venous cannula is reinstalled after closing projected in the longitudinal axis of the pulmo-
the atriotomy. For patients after DHCA, after nary artery.
release of the aortic clamp, the pressure of the
perfusion may stay at <30  mmHg for 10  min.
With flow rates of >50 %, the rewarming can be
A retractor placed in the apical angle of the
continued at temperatures of 25°. During the
infundibulotomy helps in identifying the intra-
15 rewarming period, the patch of the right ven-
cardial anatomy.
tricular/transanular outflow tract can be sewed
if necessary. Usually the time of the circulatory
arrest needed for a transinfundibular correc-
tion of a TOF lies between 20 and 30 min. In today’s approach of neonatal and infant
For patients operated upon in normother- tetralogy repair, transection rather than resection
mia or mild hypothermia with bicaval cannula- of abnormal and potentially obstructing muscle
tion, de-airing of the left heart is performed bundles is required. After sectioning some bundles
immediately after VSD and ASD closure, fol- of muscles in the area of the lateral insertion of the
lowed by release of the aortic cross clamp, deviated conus septum, the so-called dynamic
allowing for myocardial reperfusion and component of stenosis is usually eliminated. More
rewarming as necessary. The remainder of the incisions, or eventual resection of muscles, may be
repair is performed on the beating heart. necessary in presence of «jet lesion,» especially in
older kids, which can be found at spots of distinct
kTransinfundibular Repair flow acceleration. Although jet lesions are located
The classical surgical technique of tetralogy of very often at the conus septum, a resection of mus-
Fallot associated with a pulmonary stenosis is cles is not recommended because of the aortic
Chapter 15 · Congenital Heart Disease with Anomalies of the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract
491 15
valve closely behind the middle part of the septum. of the valve to the anulus, entering now from
Only a sparing resection of the fibrotic component the atrium and placed in the area of the antero-
is required and suggested. septal commissure (A in . Fig. 15.3b). Placing a
Regarding the long-term results, the actual rigid sucker through the VSD facilitates visual-
Achilles’ heel of tetralogy repair is the pulmonary ization and technical accessibility. Lowering the
valve. In symptomatic patients with TOF, there patch into the field, the next stitches should be
almost always is a valvular component of the placed close to the aortic valve (B in . Fig. 15.3b),
obstruction, which requires surgery. In fact a followed by sutures postero-caudal on the side
complete resection is only considered in cases of of the right ventricle, far apart from the defect
an acommissural cartilaginous membrane. A (C in . Fig. 15.3b). It is imperative not to touch
stepwise separation using Hegar dilatators should or enclose the medial papillary muscle by the
be performed even at tenuous tricuspidal suture (Lansici muscle), because a resulting
designed valves. More recently intraoperative insufficiency of the tricuspid valve will not be
balloon dilation combined with pulmonary valve tolerated hemodynamically by the hypertro-
sparing and reconstructive techniques are sug- phic and hyperdynamic right ventricle in the
gested without having produced superior inter- early postoperative period. After four to five
mediate results, yet. stitches, ensuring the critical area, the patch
The diameter of the anular ring can be suffi- should be sewn in the posterior cranial angle
ciently determined preoperatively by echocar- using an additional suture (D in . Fig.  15.3b).
diography and may be taken as a measurement for This area has some irregular trabeculae and was
the extent of dilation rather than the calculated usually incised during the former resection/
diameter related to the surface of the body. The incision of the infundibulum. To avoid intra-
use of dilatators larger than the diameter of the mural residual VSDs and to compensate the
anulus minus the standard variance is not recom- missing relative solid endocardium, the stitches
mended. The use of bigger dilatators can lead to should be applied very profoundly. Reaching
paracommissural tears in the wall of the pulmo- the lower edge of the conus septum, the stitches
nary artery and the anulus. It is absolute impor- should be applied also strong but more superfi-
tant to handle the valve tissue gently and to cial to avoid any injury of the aortic valve situ-
maintain/preserve the sufficient valve. But it has ated directly behind the conal septum (E in
to be considered that the anulus of the pulmonary . Fig. 15.3b).
valve, in contrast to all other heart valves, is com- Patch closure of the infundibulotomy (iso-
pletely muscular. Therefore, regurgitation can lated at the infundibulum or extending transa-
develop caused by an aneurysmatic dilation of the nular) may be performed during rewarming on
infundibulum and anulus even in the case of an bypass with the heart beating.
originally preserved tenuous tricuspidal designed
valve (see also below, 7 Sect.  15.2: «Long-term
Complications After TOF Repair»).
For VSD closure, we prefer using a Dacron For patch closing the infundibulotomy, it is
patch. The patch is sutured using a running absolutely necessary to use two suckers to
polypropylene suture (5/0 or occasionally 6/0 obtain a blood free and sufficiently clean situs.
in neonates, 5/0 in infants and young children, Any distortion has to be avoided in order to
later 4/0). prevent any stenosis especially in the area of
Despite different techniques of sutures and the critical distal angle in the MPA or at the
patch materials, it is expedient to apply some anulus, respectively.
principles of surgery to a VSD closure
(. Fig.  15.3). The suture should commence at
the deepest and farthest point, at the area of the
tricuspid anulus for the transinfundibular kTransanular right ventricular outflow tract
approach. In the case of a defect reaching the patch
tricuspid valve (perimembranous malalign- We almost exclusively use polytetrafluorethylene
ment VSD), the first U-stitch of any suture (0.4 mm thick) as reconstruction material for the
should be placed preferably through the orifice right ventricular outflow tract. An alternative can
492 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

a b

..Fig. 15.3  a Transinfundibular approach for tetralogy of Fallot repair. The septal and parietal branches, respectively,
of the conus septum are already incised. In general the edges of the VSD cannot be visualized simultaneously at one
15 glance. b Semi-schematic depiction of the circumference of the VSD. Segment A aortic tricuspidal angle; segment B inlet
septum with the bundle of His running at the edge of the ventricular septum, sometimes place of insertion of isolated
tricuspid valve chordae; segment C trabecular septum (smooth surface); segment D conus septum with the aortic valve
directly behind it; segment E crista supraventricularis with irregular and sometimes very deep trabeculae. c Distance and
depth of the stitches from the defect to the different parts of the circumference of the VSD

be autologous pericardium, homograft, xenograft, branches by the patch and to achieve a sufficient
or Dacron. In case of a sufficiently wide pulmonary dilatation at the same time, we occasionally use
valve anulus (>2 standard variation compared to third- or half-pipe-shaped pieces produced by lon-
normal), the integrity of anulus and valve may be gitudinal incised appropriate-­ sized PTFE grafts
retained by using only a strict infundibular patch. (diameter 6–8  mm). The given convexity of the
But in the case of a severely hypoplastic or atretic graft/vascular prosthesis prevents the distortion or
anulus, a transanular patch has to be used. The occlusion of the vascular lumen even using a cor-
incision is carried out into the pulmonary bifurca- responding wide patch. These bulged reconstruc-
tion, at least to the origin of the right pulmonary tions adapted itself to the growing vascular
artery or in case of a pulmonary coarctation even structure by time. A notable oversizing is not desir-
further into the left pulmonary artery (. Fig. 15.4). able; the diameter of the anulus may not exceed the
In order to avoid distortion of the bifurcation or its calculated item related to the surface of the body.
Chapter 15 · Congenital Heart Disease with Anomalies of the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract
493 15
a b

..Fig. 15.4  a In case of a suspected pulmonary artery coarctation, the incision may reach into the left pulmonary
artery. b The bulging patch may be cut almost rectangular at its ends. The maximum diameter is located at the level of
the anulus

The suture line commences in the distal angle and kTransatrial correction
runs proximal to both sides in increments using a This technique had been already described in the
running suture (polypropylene). early 1960s (Hudspeth et al. 1963). But in the fol-
For the patch suture line, the stitches in the lowing three decades, the original transinfundibu-
pulmonary artery wall should be congruent to lar correction (Lillehei et al. 1955) was established
those in the patch, whereas the stitches performed (Kirklin and Karp 1970) and became accepted as
in the myocardium of the infundibulum are far the almost exclusively used method (Castaneda
wider and deeper than in the patch for reasons of et  al. 1977). There were occasional reports in the
hemostasis. At the apical end of the patch, more literature using a transatrial correction, e.g., in case
length of the patch than in the myocardium is of coronary anomalies or as a secondary correction
used to retain the bulge of the patch. It is not nec- after primary palliation in older children (Brizard
essary to aim for full-thickness bites, as the main et al. 1998). The use of a «partial-transatrial» cor-
mechanical hold for the suture is provided by the rection with a transatrial closure of the VSD and a
epicardium. The adjacent coronary arteries must limited distal infundibulotomy had been also
not be compromised, especially the LAD.  The established in some centers (Edmunds et al. 1976;
covering epicardium overlying the coronary has Kawashima et al. 1985; Atallah-Yunes et al. 1996).
to be incised occasionally, giving relief of tension With a growing number of patients undergo-
which may have occurred. ing reoperation after transinfundibular repair, a
There are different suggestions regarding tech- renewed interest in transatrial approach came up,
nical innovation to replace the valvular function hoping to preserve right ventricular integrity and
by some working groups, e.g., the so-called mon- thereby long-term function. During the last
ocusp valve by the Loma Linda group (Gundry 25  years, our strategy moved also toward this
et al. 1994). This technique utilizes insertion of a direction; beyond the early postnatal phase, it
semilunar cusp of the same material as the transa- became our preferred access for repair of uncom-
nular patch (autologous pericardium or 0.1  mm plicated tetralogy of Fallot.
thick PTFE membrane). Originally this idea came After performing a right atriotomy, the VSD
up in the early 1970s but did not show any ongo- can be seen through the tricuspid valve after
ing effects on the pulmonary regurgitation except retracting the septal leaflet and anterior anulus
an early postoperative improved function of the with the assistance of two small retractors, set
valve (Ionescu et al. 1979). John Brown from Riley asserted at 11 and 2 o’clock position in the sur-
Children’s reported midterm results on improved geon’s view. The VSD is located far more cranially
function of the monocusp valve without any compared to a perimembranous VSD. The over-
major regurgitation in 48 % of his patients after riding aortic valve is seen very clearly through the
10 years (Brown et al. 2007). VSD (. Fig. 15.5).
494 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

Entry to subpulmonary infundibulum. Further distal infundibular stenosis

infundibulum has not been described in infants. The valvular ste-
Ventricular septal defect nosis is treated by a stepwise dilation with Hegar
dilatators through the tricuspid valve. Giovanni
Septal leaflet
of tricuspid Stellin’s group described intraoperative balloon
valve valvuloplasty (Vida et al. 2012).
Patch closure of the VSD is performed with a
running suture. Typically, neither septal chordae
nor aneurysmatic tissue of the tricuspid valve is in
the way. The first U-shaped suture should be
placed at the apical angle/deepest point of the
VSD. The further steps are corresponding to the
transinfundibular approach.
We do not have any experience with the
Tricuspid valve recently revisited technique by Rene Petre when
anulus he still was in Zurich (Till et al. 2011). Whenever
Posterior leaflet Anterior leaflet possible, they employed a method of direct clo-
of tricuspid of tricuspid sure of the VSD or just with a tiny patch after
valve valve mobilization of the conal septum.
..Fig. 15.5  Transtricuspid exposure of the intraven-
tricular anatomy after the conal septum had been already kAtrial septal defect/patent Foramen ovale
incised. In this view and exposure, the entrance of the Among others, several reference articles (Hirsch
right ventricular outflow tract is located somewhat apical et  al. 2000; Jonas 2004) favor to leave a small
and slightly cranial of the VSD communication in the atrial septum in neonatal
and infant TOF repair. The argument for this
The more or less narrow entrance of the right procedure is similar to a «fenestrated Fontan»:
ventricular outflow tract seems to be almost at the the gap acts as a relief when early postoperative
same level as the VSD, immediately distal to it. As right ventricular dysfunction leads to high
first measure after exposure, it is recommended to venous pressures with low cardiac output, main-
identify the VSD as well as the right ventricular taining at the same time a better cardiac output
outflow tract («os infundibuli») before any fur- at the expense of cyanosis. Though in most TOF
ther surgical maneuver. A cranially directed right patients the right atrial pressure is 10 mmHg or
angle clamp introduced into the distal right ven- more during the first 24  h postoperatively, it
tricular outflow tract or even farther into the pul- seems to be exaggerated as a routinely per-
15 monary artery should be palpable. formed preventive measure. The short-term
The further enlargement of the right ventricu- advantage may be transformed later into a dis-
lar outflow tract follows the same principles and advantage as most of the patients do not require
anatomic points of reference as described for the such a procedure—a technical perfect surgery
transinfundibular approach. First the septal and presumed.
parietal extensions of the conus septum have been If, however, right ventricular dysfunction per-
transsected enlarging the entrance of the right ven- sists at the end of surgery, not explainable intra-
tricular outflow tract. A slightly opened right angle operatively by measurements of hemodynamic
clamp placed around the muscle bundles prevents parameters and echocardiography atrioseptos-
accidental perforation of the infundibular wall. To tomy or an open foramen ovale may be helpful.
expose the immediate subpulmonary infundibu- During postoperative care, one has to be aware of
lum more clearly, the conal septum can be retracted. the cause of lower oxygen saturation and act/not
The principles of resection on the basis of «jet act appropriately.
lesions» present apply with the transatrial approach
also. The goal of the transatrial resection is free kTermination of the extracorporal
access to the pulmonary valve, which is reached circulation
when the valve can be clearly seen. This at times Coming off bypass, two fundamental principles of
may be burdensome but is easier with a short TOF repair should be kept in mind:
Chapter 15 · Congenital Heart Disease with Anomalies of the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract
495 15
55 The hypertrophic right ventricle used to sys- presence of an ideal surgical result. Systolic
temic pressure has to adjust to the lower right ventricular function may be preserved.
afterload while still requiring elevated pre- The Doppler profile in restrictive RV physiol-
load. This process of adaption takes a few ogy is characterized by antegrade diastolic flow
days during which a certain degree of dia- at the time of atrial contraction, sometimes
stolic dysfunction will persist. accompanied by retrograde flow in the superior
55 Although relatively common, a low systemic caval vein (Gatzoulis et al. 1995a); the duration
arterial pressure immediately after termina- of pulmonary regurgitation may be shortened.
tion of the extracorporal circulation is not During the early postoperative period, it is
ideal for the hypertrophied right ventricle. important to establish sinus rhythm and an
With a usually good systolic function of both adequate preload (12–15  mmHg). As systolic
ventricles, we limit pharmacological inter- function is preserved, catecholamine support is
vention in most instances to dopamine less necessary and has potentially disadvanta-
5–10 μg/kg/min and nitroglycerin 5–10 μg/ geous inotropic and chronotropic effects; the
kg/min. Further enhancement of inotropy is use of inodilatators is preferred. Whether early
usually not necessary; it may even be coun- postoperative restrictive physiology is associ-
terproductive. With a moderately elevated ated with superior right ventricular perfor-
preload of the right ventricle of 11–12 mmHg mance and less right ventricular dilatation
(temporarily not exceeding 14–15 mmHg) to during long-term follow-up is still matter of
start with, spontaneous and lasting improve- discussion.
ment of the arterial blood pressure occurs
almost constantly accompanied by a simulta-
neous decrease of the atrial pressure by 15.2 Long-Term Complications
1–3 mmHg within about 10 min after coming After TOF Repair
off bypass.
15.2.1 Recurrent Right Ventricular
Left atrial monitoring catheters are rarely Outflow Tract Obstruction
used, only when poor left ventricular function
requires additional monitoring. The surgical concept of primary intracardiac
The early postoperative management on the repair in symptomatic infants and neonates
ICU follows the principles already applied intraop- includes patch closure of the ventricular septal
eratively. Only a decrease of myocardial contractil- defect and relief of the right ventricular outflow
ity of the left ventricle may mandate additional tract obstruction. Whenever possible, a func-
support with inotropic drugs. Due to the prevailing tional pulmonary valve will be preserved, even if a
diastolic dysfunction of the right ventricle, an mild to moderate transvalvular gradient will per-
increased use of inotropic drugs is not sufficient sist. This bears the potential advantage of less pul-
and may produce or maintain a junctional tachyar- monary insufficiency and right ventricular
rhythmia (see 7 Chapter «Critical Care in Pediatric dilatation during midterm follow-up. If the post-
Cardiac Surgery», Sect. Phosphodiesterase operative right ventricular pressure exceeds 75 %
inhibitors may be indicated; however, their periph- of systemic ventricular pressure, a second opera-
eral vasodilation may limit their effectiveness. tion with muscle bundle resection or transanular
patch plasty is indicated, depending on the site of
residual obstruction. This is also true for the
15.1.7 Restrictive Physiology intraoperative residual RVOT at the time of pri-
of the Right Ventricle Early mary repair. Restenosis at the anular level might
and Late Postoperatively develop in children with anular hypoplasia (also
in patients with primary pulmonary atresia).
After corrective surgery for TOF, diastolic dys- Using a transanular patch in pulmonary atresia
function with reduced right ventricular com- patients, growth can occur only at 20 % of the
pliance can develop and is well documented by anular circumference. Therefore trans «anular»
echocardiographic Doppler studies even in repair of TOF/PA bears the rather calculated risk
496 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

of reoperation, while the alternative, namely using most patients with peripheral pulmonary artery
a conduit, will definitely lead to later reoperations stenosis after TOF repair, pulmonary insuffi-
in all patients. ciency is the second leading symptom. Therefore,
in these cases, pulmonary valve replacement
should be combined with a patch plasty (see
15.2.2 Pulmonary Stenosis 7 Sect. 15.2.3).
and Bifurcation/Left In patients less than 5 years of age, we rarely
Pulmonary Artery Stenosis implant pulmonary valves unless severe right
ventricular dilatation and dysfunction is present.
The rare event of pulmonary arteries being pri- These patients are rather candidates for adequate
marily very small can result in a significant post- patch reconstruction of RVOT/MPA/pulmonary
operative elevation of right ventricular pressure to bifurcation.
start with.
Recurrent or residual stenosis at the origin
of the left pulmonary artery, at the site of the 15.2.3 Pulmonary Regurgitation
former ductus entrance, is discussed as
Coarctatio pulmonalis in 7 Chapter 21, Consequences of Pulmonary
«Anomalies of the Great Intrathoracic Vessels». Regurgitation
The insertion of the BT shunt can cause periph- Pulmonary «valve» insufficiency is described in
eral branch stenosis requiring patch plasty or up to 90 % of the patients after correction of
catheter intervention (balloon angioplasty ± tetralogy of Fallot. The right ventricular vol-
stent implantation). The same intervention ume load and dilatation are clinically compen-
might be necessary if the stenosis at the distal sated for many years, but reduced exercise
patch end of the RVOT patch plasty is compro- tolerance will develop in adolescent patients
mising the vessel lumen or causing bifurcation with an increased risk for exercise-induced
stenosis to the right and or left pulmonary arrhythmia. Because of the interventricular
artery. Decision-­making for interventional dila- interaction also the left ventricular function
tion ± stent placement versus surgery should might be impaired. The increase in right ven-
take the state of the repaired RVOT into account: tricular conduction delay aggravates the ven-
if no further surgery for the RVOT is planned, tricular dyssynchrony. Relevant ventricular
catheter intervention may be the treatment arrhythmia turned out to be associated with
modality of choice. If in the near future, for older age at operation, higher proportion of
example, a conduit replacement was planned ventricular fibrosis, and extended infundibu-
anyways, it may be performed sooner and now lotomy/ventriculotomy; ventricular dysrhyth-
15 would include bifurcation plasty also. mia, right ventricular dilatation, and QRS
Reconstructive procedures at the pulmonary prolongation are associated with the risk for
bifurcation can cause kinking by vessel remodel- sudden death (Gatzoulis et al. 1995a; b; Norgard
ing even years after primary surgical correction. et  al. 1996). An overview of post tetralogy
Elongation of the right ventricular outflow patch repair RV p ­ athophysiology was published by
plasty into the pulmonary bifurcation can cause Andrew Redington, whose group took the lead
distortion of the pulmonary arteries resulting in in these investigations (Redington 2006).
relevant Doppler sonographic pressure gradients. Increasing right ventricular dilatation in the
As a catheter intervention approach, balloon context of pulmonary regurgitation is the main
angioplasty alone can rarely relieve the stenosis, indication for reoperation. During recent years,
stent implantation is required; surgical reinter- criteria for intervention have been continuously
vention allows usually restoration of the geometry discussed: currently right ventricular enddiastolic
of the bifurcation (. Fig.  15.6). Replacement of volume on MRI >140 ml/m2 and a regurgitation
the patch by a new one and individual techniques fraction of >35 %. A right ventricular volume
to solve the distortion are recommended (Fraser index of less than 160 ml/m2 is said to allow nor-
et al. 1995), sometimes with reinsertion of the left malization of right ventricular volume and func-
pulmonary artery (McElhinney et  al. 1998a). In tion after relief of volume load. Right ventricular
Chapter 15 · Congenital Heart Disease with Anomalies of the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract
497 15
a b

..Fig. 15.6  Internal plasty for pulmonary bifurcation stenosis. a Potential outer appearance of bifurcation with
proximal branch stenosis (not to be externally dissected), may be anatomical or functional. b Excision of neighboring
RPA/LPA wall, creating a whole thickness defect, extended by stay stitches. c By suturing the edges of the defect, a V-Y
plasty is performed, enlarging both LPA and RPA ostia

dilatation (<120 ml/m2) is now often used as the Our own follow-up data in 101 patients after
cutoff value to preserve the right ventricular func- infant TOF repair could demonstrate that the
tion; in addition to right ventricular end systolic transatrial approach will not reduce the incidence
volume index, development of tricuspid valve of pulmonary valve replacement at 12  years. An
regurgitation or presence of branch pulmonary undefined subgroup of patients after transinfun-
artery stenosis will influence the decision for sur- dibular repair employing transanular RVOT
gery also (Lee et al. 2012). The optimal timing for patch also required valve replacement somewhat
surgical intervention remains often difficult to earlier, but this did not influence the result at
define. 12  years when compared to the exclusively
Pulmonary insufficiency is probably not only transatrially repaired patients (unpublished data
determined by the integrity of the valve anulus per Ziemer and Nagy 2010).
se but also by dilatation of the subvalvular infun-
dibular region. Resection and incision of muscle Surgical Pulmonary Valve
bundles of the right ventricular outflow tract can Replacement
cause dilatation of the infundibulum that promotes In symptomatic patients with pulmonary regurgi-
anulus dilatation with valve insufficiency regardless tation, valve replacement is necessary; to prevent
of the approach chosen (del Nido 2006). right ventricular functional decline, indication is
498 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

given even in asymptomatic patients (criteria see tricular fibrillation at the beginning of surgery.
above). The operation is performed employing The RVOT surgery will follow as described above
normothermic extracorporal circulation with the and below.
heart beating. Bicaval cannulation is preferred. In The right ventricular outflow tract is opened;
cases with severe scarring, the right atrium may the patch material after a transanular patch proce-
not be dissected and a large single atrial cannula dure is removed. In presence of an aneurysm prox-
used instead. As in these operations the heart is imal/apical to the old RVOT patch, the incision is
not displaced during the procedure, a two-stage carried out farther into it until good RV muscle is
cannula seems not to have an advantage over large reached; the distal incision can be shorter.
solitary venous cannula. After transatrial correction, the incision is
Residual intracardiac shunts (PFO, residual comparable to that for primary transinfundibular
ASD, residual VSD, PDA) have to be definitely repair (. Fig. 15.7a). For valve replacement, a pul-
excluded preoperatively. Otherwise they have to monary homograft is preferred; an aortic homo-
be corrected during cardiac arrest or induced ven- graft might be useful in patients with pulmonary

a b


..Fig. 15.7  Implantation of the homograft for pulmonary valve replacement in repaired TOF. a Prospective sutures for
anastomosis are marked as dotted lines. The distal suture line goes around the RPA, indicating that the corresponding
sinus of the valve to be implanted needs to be excised accordingly. The proximal anastomosis can posteriorly reach the
VSD patch insertion. The infundibulotomy may be extended into the ventricle if an aneurysm is present. b After creation
of the distal anastomosis, the posterior part of the proximal anastomosis was performed, assuring proper valve function
by saline injection. c To further preserve valve geometry and function, the proximal anastomosis is enlarged anteriorly
with a trapezoid patch. Plication of an aneurysmal infundibulum is performed at the same time («right ventricular
reduction plasty»)
Chapter 15 · Congenital Heart Disease with Anomalies of the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract
499 15
hypertension but bears the risk of earlier and are valve incompetence and more frequently dis-
more extensive calcification. Pulmonary homo- tal conduit stenosis by fibrosis at the Contegra
grafts with small diameters (10–18  mm) have a pulmonary anastomosis leading to reoperation.
limited availability. Leaving the conduit too long can result in angu-
Since 1966, the homograft develops to the gold lation and conduit obstruction. In addition,
standard of right ventricular outflow tract recon- proximal aneurysmal dilatation in presence of
struction. However, reintervention has to be distal stenosis develops more often than in
expected because of shrinkage, calcification, and homografts or porcine xenografts (Holmes et al.
valve dysfunction, especially in young patients; 2012). The overall need for reintervention was
accelerated degeneration was described in patients calculated as 19 % after 4  years. Postoperative
less than 1  year at implantation. Freedom from administration of ASA is supposed to reduce
right ventricular outflow tract reintervention was neointimal proliferation and stenosis at distal
calculated as 67 % at 10 years and 47 % at 15 years anastomosis (Brown et  al. 2006). For primary
(Yuan et  al. 2008). Multiple right ventricular-­ insertion in patients less than 2  years of age,
pulmonary artery conduit revisions may be bovine jugular vein conduit revealed superior
required in patients now surviving to adulthood. long-term results when compared to both aortic
Different from conduit placement/replace- and pulmonary homografts in a large multi-insti-
ment in patients with pulmonary atresia or for/ tutional study (Poynter et al. 2013).
after Rastelli surgery, in TOF/pulmonary stenosis
patients requiring pulmonary valve replacement, Percutaneous Pulmonary
the valve can be positioned in an almost ­orthotopic Valve Implantation (PPVI)
position. The technical details during implanta- The limited lifespan of right ventricular-­
tion of the homograft valve include the placement pulmonary artery conduits is leading to multiple
of the proximal suture lines at the former valve conduit revisions historically all requiring cardio-
anulus, at the transition from ventricle to pulmo- pulmonary bypass. PPVI allows to extend conduit
nary artery. The distal suture lines or anastomosis life span and postpones the next surgical revision.
are placed first and then checked for proper orien- Thereby, it decreases the number of surgical pro-
tation and function of the valve by injecting nor- cedures required during lifetime. This strategy
mal saline into the graft. The proximal sutures limits right ventricular volume and/or pressure
often need a patch insertion at the anterior hemi- overload. Indications include right ventricular
circumference to avoid valve distortion dilatation in presence of moderate pulmonary
(. Fig. 15.7c). insufficiency, outflow tract obstruction with right
Sometimes the somewhat oversized homo- ventricular pressure greater than two thirds sys-
grafts have an excessive relative length due to the temic or compromised systolic right ventricular
length requirements for the commissures to function. An important selection criteria is a pos-
assure good valve function. In these patients the itive coronary safety evaluation to avoid to com-
valve needs to be oriented in a way that after exci- promise coronary artery perfusion by compression
sion of one Valsalva sinus of the valve, the right (McElhinney et al. 2010).
pulmonary artery will originate out of it close to The procedure is usually performed as percu-
the valve level (. Fig. 15.7b). taneous valve implantation. Prestenting prepares
Bioprosthetic valves—although most widely the landing zone for the implant and reduces the
used in the adult population in any valve loca- risk of stent fractures and valve dysfunction;
tion—provide limited durability in younger upper limit of the diameter is 21 mm (Bonhoeffer
patients because calcification and valve dysfunc- et  al. 2000; Lurz and Bonhoeffer 2008). The
tion are accelerated. hybrid implantation is described in patients with
™Bovine jugular vein conduits (Contegra™) difficult catheter course or limited vessel access.
are available in adequate sizes (12–22  mm) and The subxiphoid incision allows directly passage
can yield a functionally good result (Brown et al. of the delivery system into the right ventricle
2006). Other reports showed them to be (Simpson et  al. 2011). The transinfundibular
functionally worse when compared to homo-
­ implantation requires a sternotomy; on the other
grafts (Bautista-­Hernandez et  al. 2008; Meyns hand, a valve with a larger diameter can be
et al. 2004). Problems during midterm follow-up implanted (Schreiber et  al. 2006; Berdat and
500 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

Carrel 2006). Once complete sternotomy is indication for prophylactic surgical intervention
required for this «hybrid» appoach in a rester- with replacement of the ascending aorta.
notomy setting with an enlarged heart, the If the aortic root/ascending aorta diameter
advantage over a plain surgical approach may reaches more than 40 mm, MRI or CT should be
become rather questionable and may have to be performed annually.
reserved for very special cases where extracorpo- Another aspect of postoperatively persistent
real circulation is clearly detrimental. aortopathy is the aortic valve regurgitation
observed in 6–20 %; this might accompany the
aortic root dilatation (Mongeon et al. 2013; Niwa
15.2.4 Right Ventricular Aneurysm et al. 2002). An indication for surgical interven-
tion can develop; this should be reconstructive at
The concept of exclusion of the dyskinetic seg- first line (see 7 Chapter «Acquired Lesions of the
ment of the ventricular wall in patients with car- Aortic Valve», Sect. and Sect. 24.5.1).
diomyopathy of various underlying causes was
used as the basis for right ventricular outflow tract
plasty with resection of the hypokinetic infundib-
ular wall to reduce the right ventricular volume. 15.3 Tetralogy of Fallot
Del Nido describes the technique performing an with Pulmonary Atresia
incision along the right ventricular anterior wall (TOF/PA)
down to the apex if deemed necessary, plicating
and resecting the thinned anterior wall («right 15.3.1 Nomenclature
ventricular remodeling,» del Nido 2006). In a ran- and Pathoanatomy
domized trial, this right ventricular remodeling in
addition to pulmonary valve replacement did not Morphologic characteristics of TOF/PA are:
provide any additional benefit with regard to right 55 Large malalignment ventricular septal
ventricular ejection fraction or midterm func- defect.
tional result (Geva et al. 2010). 55 Anterior deviation of the infundibular
septum, hypoplasia of the infundibulum (as
in classical TOF) and blind-­ending outflow
15.2.5  ortic Root Dilatation
A tract, or anteriorly deviated and overriding
and Aortic Valve Insufficiency aorta, that is in contact with the anterior right
After Tetralogy Repair ventricular wall, the infundibulum may be
absent (as in truncus arteriosus).
In conotruncal malformations, the aortic root is 55 Right ventricular hypertrophy.
15 primarily enlarged; after 10–12 years after surgi-
cal repair during infancy, the indexed aortic root The intracardiac anatomy resembles that of
diameter tends to normalize (Francois et al. 2010). tetralogy of Fallot. It is known from fetal echocar-
Structural abnormalities similar to those in diography that in some of these patients, the right
patients with Marfan syndrome have been ventricular outflow tract was initially patent and
described in those patients operated during child- became functionally and later anatomically atretic
hood (Tan et al. 2006). Nearly one third of adult during fetal life. An alternative terminology
patients are expected to have an aortic root diam- names this malformation «pulmonary atresia/
eter of more than 40  mm after TOF correction. VSD.» While this term describes the main fea-
Aortic root dilatation can reach a diameter up to tures of the malformation sufficiently, regarding
45–50  mm in adolescent or adult patients. In a the intracardiac anatomy, it is rather nonspecific.
multicenter study in adults with TOF correction, Therefore, in accordance with Van Praagh, we
29 % revealed aortic root a diameter above 40 mm; prefer the term tetralogy of Fallot with pulmonary
the indexed observed to expected ratio was greater atresia, being one end of the tetralogy spectrum of
than 1.5  in nearly 7 % (Mongeon et  al. 2013). which the other end is marked by double outlet
Aortic root complications as aortic dissection are right ventricle/pulmonary stenosis (TOF type).
an extremely rare complication (Kim et al. 2005; Tetralogy of Fallot with pulmonary atresia
Rathi et  al. 2005). This explains that there is no sometimes coexists with microdeletion 22q11.
Chapter 15 · Congenital Heart Disease with Anomalies of the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract
501 15 Intracardiac Anatomy There is a wide spectrum of the pulmonary
The right ventricular outflow tract may by artery morphology—from normal developed pul-
obstructed by an imperforate pulmonary valve monary arteries with an atretic connection to the
(membranous atresia). More often a muscular right ventricle and ductal blood supply to absent
obstruction is present either at the os infundibuli intrapericardial pulmonary arteries and multiple
or immediately subvalvular. While there is no pulmonary collateral arteries from the aorta
luminal connection from the right ventricular (. Fig. 15.8).
outflow tract to the pulmonary artery, most often Rabinovitch et al. (1981) describe three sources
the pulmonary trunk at its blind origin is in tissue of arterial blood supply with different connection
continuation with the epi-myocardium. to the pulmonary arteries: bronchial artery collat-
The ventricular septal defect may be consid- erals take their origin from bronchial arteries and
ered perimembranous; with anterior extension are connected to pulmonary arteries inside the
due to the malalignment of the septum in TOF lung. Direct aortic collaterals arising from the
type, it can create a doubly committed situation. In descending aorta supply a lobe or a segment after
rare cases the septal defect might become restric- entering the lung at the hilum. Indirect aortic col-
tive if tricuspid valve tissue tags cover the defect; laterals arise from major branches of the aortic
this situation would become comparable with pul- arch (e.g., subclavian artery or internal mammary
monary atresia with intact septum. The aorta is in artery) and connect to the central pulmonary
overriding position, rarely connected only to the arteries. The collateral vessels may become stenotic
right ventricle, leading to a situation as in double at the site of anastomosis with the pulmonary
outlet ventricle. There is no correlation between artery; this protects the vascular bed from high
intracardiac anatomy and morphology of pulmo- flow and pressure damage by otherwise unob-
nary artery branching or pulmonary arterial sup- structed flow. Reduction of pulmonary blood flow
ply (Thiene et al. 1977; Anderson et al. 1991). in early infancy will decrease the number of alveoli
of the corresponding part of the lung in almost all Morphology patients; lung function tests demonstrated a
of the Pulmonary Arteries smaller lung volume only in a few patients.
In early pregnancy, around the 40th day, the vas- In the presence of major aortopulmonary col-
cular plexus of the lung buds connect to the sys- lateral arteries (MAPCA), the central and periph-
temic segmental arteries; these originate from the eral pulmonary arteries are hypoplastic (Haworth
dorsal aorta. Additionally, there is antegrade and Macartney 1980). Vessel stenosis might be
blood flow from the right ventricle to the pulmo- found at the aortic origin or at the anastomosis
nary arteries originating from the sixth branchial with the pulmonary artery in nearly 60 %. The
arches; during this period, there is obviously a vessel origin is mainly found at the descending
dual blood supply for the pulmonary paren- thoracic aorta at the level of the left main bron-
chyma. As the segmental arteries normally invo- chus (in left aortic arch) or carina (in right aortic
lute, the only pulmonary blood supply is provided arch). MAPCA may also arise from the branches
by the pulmonary arteries. of the aorta (e.g., subclavian artery) or rarely from
In patients with TOF-pulmonary atresia, this the common aortic trunk. They connect to the
development is disturbed as part of the cardiac central pulmonary arteries, to lobar or segmental
malformation and characterized by collateral sys- pulmonary arteries within the lung, or any pul-
temic arterial blood supply in presence of a wide monary artery supplying the lung independently.
spectrum of pulmonary artery morphology. In the In this way MAPCA may supply nearly 45 % of
presence of hypoplastic or even absent central pul- the bronchopulmonary segments directly and
monary arteries, the segmental arteries persist pro- 50 % via the central pulmonary arteries, while 5 %
viding a variable amount of pulmonary blood of the lung parenchyma have a double blood sup-
supply. The aortopulmonary collaterals can con- ply (Haworth 1990).
nect to central pulmonary artery, to lobar or seg- Based on the pulmonary artery anatomy and
mental pulmonary arteries, or enter the lungs blood supply (dominant via native pulmonary
without connection to the pulmonary arteries; arteries or MAPCA, rarely dual), five subgroups
sometimes they perfuse parts of the contralateral of pulmonary atresia have been defined for clas-
lung also (Haworth and Macartney 1980). sification of pulmonary artery morphology :
502 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

a b c

Group I Group I Group II

Ductus dependant, Ductus dependent,
with identifiable pulmonary trunk without an identifiable pulmonary trunk
d e f

Group III Group IV Group V

..Fig. 15.8  Morphology of pulmonary perfusion in tetralogy of Fallot/pulmonary atresia. a, b group I, ductal-dependent
pulmonary blood supply, no MAPCA, with or without an identifiable pulmonary trunk (unifocal lung perfusion); c group II,
hypoplastic intrapericardial pulmonary arteries, connected to all pulmonary segments; multiple segments will have dual
blood supply; d group III, extremely hypoplastic intrapericardial pulmonary arteries with multiple MAPCA-dependent
blood supply of the lung segments; e group IV e, absent intrapericardial pulmonary arteries; pulmonary blood supply
exclusively by MAPCA; f group V, absence of any angiographically identifiable pulmonary arteries or MAPCA, pulmonary
blood supply via diffuse small collateral vessels only. While group I may be considered a unifocal lung perfusion, groups
II–V represent situations with multifocal lung perfusion (Modified after Castaneda et al. (1994) and completed after Griselli
et al. (2004); both used with permission)

15 55 Group I (. Fig. 15.8a, b): ductal-dependent MAPCA, pulmonary blood supply via diffuse
pulmonary blood supply, no MAPCA, with small collateral vessels only (Griselli et al.
or without an identifiable pulmonary trunk 2004).
(unifocal lung perfusion).
55 Group II (. Fig. 15.8c): hypoplastic intraperi- While group I may be considered a unifocal
cardial pulmonary arteries, connected to all lung perfusion, groups II–V represent situations
pulmonary segments; multiple segments will with multifocal lung perfusion.
have dual blood supply.
55 Group III (. Fig. 15.8d): extremely hypoplas-
tic intrapericardial pulmonary arteries with 15.3.2 Clinical Presentation
multiple MAPCA-dependent blood supply of and Diagnosis
the lung segments.
55 Group IV (. Fig. 15.8e): absent intrapericar- Onset and severity of clinical symptoms will
dial pulmonary arteries; pulmonary blood depend on the type of pulmonary blood supply;
supply exclusively by MAPCA. the interventricular communication is large with
55 Group V (. Fig. 15.8f): absence of any angio- obligatory right-to-left shunt. If pulmonary blood
graphically identifiable pulmonary arteries or flow is ductus dependent, closure of the ductus
Chapter 15 · Congenital Heart Disease with Anomalies of the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract
503 15
after birth will rapidly cause cyanosis, hypoxemia, vide information on origin and course of
acidosis, and death if not treated; prenatal diagno- MAPCAs; this diagnostic information is also
sis of pulmonary atresia will allow starting prosta- provided by computerized tomography (Lofland
glandin infusion immediately after birth, 2004). However, complete clarification of pulmo-
preventing arterial desaturation. In presence of nary blood supply can only be obtained by angi-
MAPCAs, the clinical presentation can vary ography. This includes selective catheterization
between moderate and no cyanosis at all. The lat- of the ductus and MAPCAs at any level of origin
ter even with congestive heart failure, if the from the aorta. Retrograde pulmonary venous
MAPCAs are unobstructed. Some of the MAPCAs wedge ­angiography allows the identification of
may become stenotic or occlude leading to an central pulmonary arteries if they are present.
increase in cyanosis during infancy or childhood. Pressure measurement and test occlusion of the
Large unrestrictive MAPCAs can cause pulmo- MAPCAs identify the perfusion pattern of the
nary hypertension in the corresponding lung seg- lung segments and the individual contribution to
ment with secondary pulmonary vascular oxygenation. For surgical decisions, the perfu-
obstructive disease. Hyperperfused and under- sion pattern of all 20 lung segments has to be
perfused segments can coexist adjacent to each investigated.
other. As in other cyanotic cardiac anomalies,
additional aortopulmonary collateral blood sup-
ply may develop. While the vessels of this addi- 15.3.4 Surgical Management
tional pulmonary blood supply connect to the of Tetralogy of Fallot
pulmonary arteries at precapillary level, MAPCAs with Pulmonary Atresia
connect at the hilum or farther upstream at seg-
mental level. Ductus-Dependent
Clinical findings are not so impressive; a con- Pulmonary Blood Flow
tinuous murmur might be audible in patients Definitive primary repair is possible in ductus-­
with relevant MAPCAs, more localized in patients dependent pulmonary lung perfusion with con-
with just patent ductus arteriosus. fluent, sufficiently developed pulmonary
Historically, it was said that Helen Taussig’s arteries. Closure of the ductus or stenosis at the
detection of a murmur in her TOF patients who pulmonary end might induce a critical situation
were doing well gave her the idea that an artificial with cardiac decompensation; in a critical situa-
ductus arteriosus, the later Blalock-Taussig shunt, tion, palliation with a BT shunt may be pre-
would be beneficial for those patients without a ferred. Dilatation and stenting of the stenotic
murmur. The idea most probably originated in lis- ductus was suggested also (Gibbs et al. 1992,
tening to MAPCAS rather than to the rare long- Gewillig et al. 2004). In patients with bilateral
term patent ductus arteriosus in unifocal lung ductus and discontinuity of the pulmonary
perfusion or a ductus in any other severe form of arteries, primary neonatal repair is recom-
tetralogy (Richard Van Praagh, personal commu- mended; the discontinuity can be bridged by a
nication). PTFE conduit with mobilization of both pulmo-
nary arteries into the hilus. If in older infants a
homograft is used, its intact pulmonary bifurca-
15.3.3 Diagnostic Procedures tion should be preserved and may be used for
reconstruction of the bifurcation; the risk of
Radiological findings represent the typical con- early homograft stenosis has to be considered
figuration of the heart («coeur-en-sabot,» French (Shanley et al. 1993).
for «Boot-shaped heart») with the lack of the pul- Primary repair is possible if 15–18 lung seg-
monary trunk and irregular pulmonary vascular ments are in connection to the central pulmonary
markings. arteries. The postoperative right-to-left ventricu-
Echocardiography allows the definition of the lar pressure ratio is of prognostic value. If only
intracardiac anatomy; often it is possible to iden- 11–14 segments could be connected, there is a
tify the central pulmonary arteries in continuity. high risk for right ventricular pressure overload
Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging can pro- after corrective surgery. Patient selection after
504 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

careful and extensive diagnosis is a quite impor- Our preference for PTFE tubes in primary con-
tant point. Less than 10 segments do not allow for duit placement in babies is the relative ease at
a subsystemic right ventricular pressure (Reddy reoperation for the unavoidable conduit chance in
et al. 1995). any case.
Primary repair should be electively per- Reconstruction of the right ventricular out-
formed in the second week of life. In patients flow tract allows potentially a better growth of
with a membranous atresia or in those with a the pulmonary arteries compared to a shunt
short muscular atresia but tissue continuity (the procedure but needs cardiopulmonary bypass
majority of patients), surgical correction is com- and bears a higher risk. The risk of pulmonary
parable with transinfundibular correction of artery distortion after BT shunt is avoided
uncomplicated tetralogy of Fallot avoiding pri- using a central shunt which we prefer in
mary conduit implantation. Restenosis might patients with small-sized pulmonary arteries
develop at «anular» level, which even after the anyways.
best repair remains the most narrow and there- If there is coarctation of the pulmonary artery
fore most critical part of the RVOT reconstruc- associated with closure of the ductus, extended
tion. A longitudinal infundibular incision will be incision into the pulmonary branch 3–4 mm dis-
extended into the pulmonary trunk through the tal to the insertion of the ductus is necessary (see
atretic valve or muscular segment. In order to . Fig. 15.4a)
reduce the risk of early reoperation in patients
with muscular atresia, we mobilize the hypoplas- Surgical Management
tic pulmonary trunk a couple of millimeters, in Multifocal Lung Perfusion
divide it at mid-length, and reanastomose it into Depending on the individual anatomic situa-
the distal end of the infundibulotomy with tion, different surgical strategies are conceiv-
absorbable sutures (e.g., PDS). A transanular able. The decision has to be made in early
patch completes the reconstruction, still leaving infancy as some MAPCAs might become ste-
the «anulus» as the most narrow but sufficiently notic or atretic leaving segments without perfu-
wide part for the time being. Sufficient growth of sion, while other lung segments might develop
the autochthonous tissue has to be anticipated. pulmonary vascular obstructive disease with
Before RVOT reconstruction, closure of the irreversible pulmonary hypertension already
VSD  follows the procedure described in tetral- during childhood. The aim is to establish ante-
ogy of Fallot with pulmonary stenosis or truncus grade pulmonary perfusion from the central
arteriosus. pulmonary arteries for as many lung segments
In patients with complete atresia or severe as possible.
hypoplasia of the pulmonary trunk, implantation The surgical options for treatment of multifo-
15 of a conduit is necessary. For this, only limited cal lung perfusion are:
mobilization of the pulmonary arteries will be 55 Palliation with peripheral shunt procedures
performed; as the branch pulmonary arteries are 55 Staged peripheral unifocalization followed
often small, additional elongation/distortion by by central unifocalization and conduit place-
mobilization should be avoided. The conduit ment from the right ventricle with or with-
might be a homograft or xenograft or—for us out complete VSD closure (Puga et al. 1983,
preferable—a PTFE tube of 10–12 mm diameter; 1989; Sawatari et al. 1989; Sullivan et al.
a functioning valve at the right ventricular out- 1988)
flow tract is not necessary during infancy. The 55 Primary central operation and later unifocal-
main disadvantage for any neonatal or early ization with the option of catheter-based
infancy conduit implantation is the need for con- interventions as dilatation or coil occlusion:
duit replacement after 4–5 years because of out- with aortopulmonary shunt insertion (Iyer
growth. Comparing long-term results after and Mee 1991; Watterson et al. 1991) and
homograft and xenograft conduit implantation in with right ventricular to pulmonary artery
patients less than 2  years of age, a multicentric conduit without VSD closure (Rome et al.
Congenital Heart Surgeons’ Society Study more 1993)
recently showed advantages for the bovine jugular 55 Primary total correction (Lofland 2004;
vein xenografts employed (Poynter et  al. 2013). Reddy et al. 1995)
Chapter 15 · Congenital Heart Disease with Anomalies of the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract
505 15
kPalliative shunt procedure (Watterson et  al. 1991). Bilateral thoracotomies
Peripheral shunt procedures have to be integrated are used for peripheral unifocalization as subse-
in the further surgical strategy; their indication is quent procedures. Later on right ventricle to pul-
mostly seen in patients with absent intrapericar- monary artery conduit with or without VSD
dial pulmonary arteries with severe or increasing closure may follow.
cyanosis. This patient group has the less favorable Boston Children’s Hospital favored the
prognosis (Griselli et al. 2004). approach of a primary conduit procedure during
infancy (Rome et  al. 1993) choosing valved or
kStaged peripheral unifocalization nonvalved conduits for right ventricle to pulmo-
The concept of stepwise unifocalization was prop- nary artery connection to encourage growth of
agated by Francisco Puga (Puga et al. 1983, 1989), the central pulmonary arteries. The usually larger
Jarda Stark and Marc de Leval (Sullivan et  al. size of this connection should allow for more pro-
1988), Yasuharu Imai (Sawatari et al. 1989), and nounced pulsatility, eventually giving a better
Yasunaru Kawashima (Yahagira et al. 1996). impulse for PA growth. A further benefit may be
Staged unifocalization tries to interconnect as the advantage of a streaming effect, leading mainly
many intrapulmonary arteries as possible in a desaturated venous blood into the pulmonary
stepwise procedure—directly or by using pros- arteries.
thetic material. The created confluence of this
interconnection is anastomosed to an aortopul- kPrimary unifocalization
monary shunt. Unifocalization on both sides of Primary unifocalization as a corrective procedure in
the lung is performed via lateral thoracotomies. early infancy (age 3–4  months) was favored by
In a later procedure, a right ventricular to pulmo- Frank Hanley and Mohan Reddy (Reddy et  al.
nary artery conduit is implanted as a T- or 1995). Basic principle is complete mobilization of all
Y-shaped prosthesis/graft. The VSD might be MAPCAs (. Fig.  15.9). They preferred one-stage
closed completely or with a fenestrated patch. repair via median sternotomy. Other groups (Moritz
Collateral vessels have to be occluded by coils et al. 1996; Luciani et al. 1997) recommended bilat-
as they can support relevant left-to-right shunt. eral thoracotomies in the fourth intercostal space
If VSD closure (even only fenestrated) is the («clamshell» incision) establishing a more radical
positive endpoint in these staged unifocalization approach for the extensive dissection of the lung
procedures, success varies in the studies cited hilus. Their patients, however, were older.
from 12 to 60 % only. Before going on bypass, complete dissection of
the hilum in both lungs is required. Dissection of
kPrimary central procedures pre- and retrobronchial MAPCA is facilitated by
In the presence of central pulmonary arteries, anterior luxation of the lungs, if hemodynamically
with or without continuity, a central procedure as tolerated. As the majority of the MAPCAs originate
a primary approach is the first step of choice. from the middle part of the descending aorta, sinus
Thereby not only antegrade flow into the true pul- transversus incision of the posterior pericardium
monary arteries is established but also access for between the ascending aorta and the vena cava
potential catheter intervention made possible. It superior gives access to the infracarinal triangle.
may consist of a central aortopulmonary shunt or The collaterals are cut immediately at their aortic
of a RV to PA conduit. Both procedures may be takeoff. These vessels own a fragile structure, simi-
extended with central PA patch plasties if an addi- lar to a mixture of vein and ductal tissue, and they
tional localized stenosis cannot be taken care of require most delicate handling. After completion of
with the prosthetic anastomosis alone. the dissection and transection, they might be
Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne pre- guided into the intrapericardial space by separate
ferred a primary central aortopulmonary shunt retrophrenical but prehilar pericardial incisions.
(Iyer and Mee 1991). As in extremely hypoplastic Hanley and Reddy recommend to dissect,
central pulmonary arteries the shunt procedure disconnect, and unifocalize as many collater-
might be technically difficult, they introduced als as possible before establishing cardiopul-
what was called the «Melbourne shunt»: a direct monary bypass, only employing it earlier when
end-to-side anastomosis of the hypoplastic main desaturation and/or hemodynamic instabil-
pulmonary artery with the ascending aorta ity requires it (Reddy et  al. 1995). Lofland
506 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

recommends to perform the complete dissection Richard Jonas prefers a minimal mobilization
and unifocalization already during normother- of the MAPCA and an end-to-side connection
mic extracorporal circulation with the heart beat- with the central, intrapericardial pulmonary
ing (Lofland 2004). He claims superior and more arteries (Jonas 2004). Another approach avoids
extensive dissection on one hand with a safe envi- any manipulations of the MAPCA and preserves
ronment on the other. their native/original course to the lung by isolat-
ing the aortic segment with its MAPCA takeoffs.
This aortic segment is then connected to the right
All authors emphasize the importance of a ventricle using a conduit. The aorta is recon-
customized approach in any individual patient structed by using an adequate aorto-aortic vascu-
to unifocalize the collaterals and reconstruct lar graft (Abella et al. 2004).
the central pulmonary arteries at the same
time. kSeparation of the circulation with complete
or fenestrated VSD patch
The ultimate goal of surgery is to obtain a complete
separation of systemic and pulmonary circulation
The pattern of anastomosis favored by Reddy with occlusion of any intracardial connections.
and Hanley shows a long segment side-to-side Limiting factor is the capacity/cross section of the
junction of the vessels (see . Fig.  15.9) to gain a pulmonary vascular bed available for the right ven-
larger circumference to accommodate the cardiac tricular output. The resistance of either or both the
output. The anastomosis between right ventricle proximal unifocalized hypoplastic vessels or dis-
and pulmonary artery and any intracardiac pro- tally the arterioles may not accommodate a cardiac
cedure if necessary is performed during cardio- output at subsystemic pressures. The postoperative
plegic cardiac arrest. increased pressure ratios of the right and left ven-
tricles become the predictors of the mid- and long-
lasting outcome of the patients. Therefore,
management of the VSD is the key to successfully
attack this problem. In contrast to the tetralogy of
Fallot with a stenosis of the pulmonary artery and
a dynamic and regressive component of the intra-
operative high right ventricular pressure, the intra-
operative and early postoperative pressure of the
unifocalized vessels is anatomically and function-
ally fixed. A prediction of the postoperative right
15 ventricular pressure due to the connected lung seg-
ments (at least 10 of the 20 segments; Reddy et al.
1995) or other indices calculating the area or cross
section of the lung vessels (e.g., Nakata index;
Nakata et al. 1984) is vague and of limited value for
the final decision.
An assessment based on a preoperative angi-
ography is, in principle, suitable to estimate the
option of a definitive closure preoperatively. The
final decision has to be taken by the measure-
ments of the intraoperative pressure conditions of
the ventricles and/or great arteries.
..Fig. 15.9  Suggested patterns of unifocalization. In case of suprasystemic values of the right
Right: end-to-side anastomosis. This kind of anastomosis ventricle, the VSD patch should be fenestrated
requires only minimal mobilization of the MAPCA («major or—if necessary in very rare cases—be removed
aortopulmonary collateral arteries»). Left: a side-to-side
anastomosis after extended complete mobilization of
completely. Richard Jonas suggested fenestration
MAPCA, using the MAPCA itself as an augmentation of the of the VSD patch only if RV pressures exceed
central pulmonary artery 110–120 % of systemic values (Jonas 2004).
Chapter 15 · Congenital Heart Disease with Anomalies of the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract
507 15
Mohan Reddy and Frank Hanley based their arteries as possible by enhancing antegrade flow.
decision for VSD management on a complicated MAPCA are incorporated only if deemed abso-
but in their hands useful intraoperative procedure: lutely necessary for a significant part of the pul-
after completion of the unifocalization and the monary perfusion, in our hands rather reluctantly.
distal connection of the future conduit, they per-
form an isolated lung perfusion via the conduit.
The flow of the lung perfusion pump should equal 15.4 Tetralogy of Fallot
the theoretical cardiac output of the patient. If the with Absent Pulmonary Valve
pulmonary vascular bed can accept the calculated («Absent Pulmonary Valve
cardiac output with a pulmonary artery pressure Syndrome» APVS)
of <25 mmHg, the VSD closure can be tolerated
hemodynamically. In case of pressure values 15.4.1 Definition
between 25 and 40 mmHg, a fenestration should
be created. A VSD closure is contraindicated at Absent pulmonary valve syndrome is a rare car-
values above 40 mmHg (Reddy et al. 1997). diac anomaly. The most common association (in
A primary elective fenestration of a VSD patch >80 %) is given with tetralogy of Fallot. Extremely
is performed only in rare cases. Even with unfa- rare is the isolated absent pulmonary valve syn-
vorable results of the preoperative angiography, drome or the association with tricuspid atresia.
different and advantageous conditions at the end Two to 6 % of patients with TOF present with
of the operation may occur. With suprasystemic absent pulmonary valve syndrome. It is character-
pressure of the right ventricle, a secondary fenes- ized by rudimentary, hypoplastic pulmonary
tration is created using an aortic puncher in nor- valve cusps resembling a wide-open fibrous ring
mothermia and electrically induced ventricular at the level of an almost normal-sized anulus. It is
fibrillation. The diameter of 2.8 mm in neonates associated with severe dilatation of the main pul-
and 4  mm in infants allows a sufficient decom- monary trunk and branch pulmonary arteries in
pression of the right ventricle without the risk of a presence of severe pulmonary regurgitation and
lung flooding later on. In case of an angiographi- mild to moderate pulmonary stenosis; tracheo-
cally frugal pulmonary vascular bed to start with, bronchial abnormalities result from bronchial
we do not perform a VSD patch closure at all. compression by the pulmonary arteries which
may lead to respiratory compromise already in Destiny of the Unifocalized the immediate postnatal period. On the other
MAPCAs hand, patients with APVS may only have minor
The original enthusiasm for unifocalization based respiratory symptoms and moderate cyanosis for
on MAPCA/PA reconstruction was significantly several years.
dampened by reports of angiographic long-term
results of the Royal Children’s Hospital in
Melbourne (d’Udekem et al. 2005; Nørgaard et al. 15.4.2 Anatomy
2006). Sixty-five patients were examined after a
complete repair partially based on MAPCAs. In patients with absent pulmonary valve syn-
Comparing former and current angiographic drome and TOF, the intracardiac anatomy is char-
results, constantly unfavorable outcomes of the acterized by the large subaortic malalignment
incorporated MAPCAs were shown. Either most of VSD, anterior deviation of the conal septum, and
the vessels which were open early postoperatively moderate right ventricular outflow tract obstruc-
were occluded now or did not show any growth tion with a somewhat hypoplastic, fibrotic anulus
neither relatively nor absolute over the time. and rudimentary cusps and moderate-to-severe
In default of any long-term studies to date, a pulmonary insufficiency. The aneurysmal dilata-
competent judgment regarding the relevance of a tion of the pulmonary arteries might extend into
perfusion of individual MAPCA or MAPCA in its first- and second-order branches. Severe bron-
general is difficult. It is common sense to first con- chial obstruction might result from the long-­
nect the original pulmonary arteries independent standing in utero compression by the tortuous
of their size to develop as much diameter and dilated pulmonary arteries; this might extend
peripheral distribution of original pulmonary from the main stem bronchi into the hilar regions
508 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

(Milanesi et al. 1984; Rabinovitch et al. 1982). At (Taragin et  al. 2006). Thoracic CT can complete
birth severe respiratory compromise might the preoperative airway assessment (Vincenti
develop and is associated with significant perina- et al. 2012).
tal morbidity and mortality. Urgent neonatal cor- Prenatal diagnosis has become important.
rective surgery might be indicated including Fetal case series described prenatal and postnatal
pulmonary artery arterioplasty. survival rates of less than 20 %. Cause of death
Absence of ductus arteriosus is a rather typical includes termination of pregnancy, fetal heart
finding in APVS (Emmanouilides et  al. 1978). failure, respiratory decompensation, and chromo-
Ductal agenesis was thought to be protective in somal abnormalities (Wertaschnigg et al. 2013).
the setting of severe pulmonary regurgitation and
large VSD as a patent duct would result in huge
aortopulmonary shunting, the regurgitant absent 15.4.4 Therapy
pulmonary valve acting as in severe aortic insuf-
ficiency. Consequently, severe biventricular vol- Preoperative Management
ume overload and heart failure would develop Compression of the tracheobronchial tree can
(Zach et al. 1979). It was assumed that the elevated result in severe respiratory distress before surgery
right ventricular pressure in utero leads to under- requiring intubation and high-pressure ventila-
development of the pulmonary valve and the to-­ tion. The respiratory situation might become
and-­fro flow across the right ventricular outflow worse because of secondary barotrauma and the
tract and consecutive dilatation of the pulmonary risk of atelectasis, obstructive emphysema, or
arteries that cause tracheobronchial compression pneumothoraces. Special ventilation modalities
and malacia. The most severe compromise of pul- including belly or prone position management are
monary vasculature and airway development dur- used (Takabayashi et  al. 2005). Emergency ster-
ing fetal life may result in airway occlusion and notomy and temporary chest wall plasty might
fluid retention in the distal lung segments. widen the intrathoracic space and might improve
In association with tetralogy of Fallot, micro- the preoperative ventilatory status (Heinemann
deletion 22q.11.2 is the most common chromo- and Hanley 1993). Ultimate therapeutic option is
somal abnormality. the venovenous extracorporal membrane oxygen-
ation for preoperative stabilization (Kirshbom
and Kogon 2004).
15.4.3 Diagnostic Procedures Surgical Strategies
Intensity of diagnostic procedures depends on the Corrective surgery is planned as a one-stage
clinical presentation: some infants present as repair to treat cardiac and bronchial disease.
15 «pink» Fallot without respiratory symptoms even While TOF repair is a standardized procedure
if pulmonary artery dilatation is present; later (7 Sect., extension of reduction pulmo-
they might become symptomatic with airway dis- nary arterioplasty depends on the varying degree
ease or bronchospasm. Others develop severe of vessel dilatation and actual airway obstruction.
respiratory compromise and become ventilator We prefer the extensive posterior and anterior
dependent as early as in the immediate postnatal reduction arterioplasty as suggested by Roger
period. Chest radiograph will demonstrate car- Mee’s group (Stellin et al. 1983) (see . Fig. 15.10).
diac enlargement, lobar atelectasis, and areas of Corrective surgery is performed with cardio-
obstructive emphysema. In neonates and infants, pulmonary bypass and moderate hypothermia
the intracardiac anatomy is comprehensively and intermittent cold-blood cardioplegia or as in
described by echocardiography; a cardiac cathe- our preference for neonates and infants in limited
terization is not indicated. deep hypothermic circulatory arrest and hypo-
Older, less symptomatic patients from both thermic cardiac arrest. Aortic cannulation for car-
the bronchial and the cardiac side may be candi- diopulmonary bypass should be performed far
dates for elective bronchoscopy defining airway distal in the ascending aorta or better in the prox-
involvement, also. imal aortic arch. This may allow to transsect the
MRI can be used to illustrate the cardiac anat- ascending aorta in order to facilitate pulmonary
omy and extension and pattern of airway disease artery reconstruction.
Chapter 15 · Congenital Heart Disease with Anomalies of the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract
509 15
Surgical treatment of the pulmonary arteries trunk will also be plicated posteriorly. It may
depends on the varying degree and extension of even be transsected and somewhat shortened.
pulmonary dilatation. Both right and left pulmo- The reconstruction of the right ventricular out-
nary arteries as well as the main pulmonary flow tract can be managed in different ways, the
artery should be circumferentially dissected in individual surgeon’s preference for tetralogy
part before going on bypass and completely repair: transanular patch, monocusp valve,
before cross clamping the aorta. Pulmonary homograft valved conduit, Contegra jugular vein
bifurcation should be opened by an anterior valved conduit, or Gore-Tex conduit. In infancy a
y-shaped incision; the anterior wall of main, left, valved conduit is not really necessary even in sit-
and right pulmonary artery is partially resected uation of respiratory distress; an oversized homo-
and the posterior wall plicated, starting even far- graft or Contegra conduit might compromise
ther distal in the pulmonary hilum than the ante- tracheal bifurcation. Reduced infundibular resec-
rior resection did reach (. Fig.  15.10). While an tion is performed for relief of obstruction of the
anterior reduction plasty only reduces pulmo- right ventricular outflow. In neonates and infants,
nary artery diameter, the addition of the poste- we prefer transanular patch to ensure luminal
rior inner plication not only further diminishes reconstruction. Patients over 5  years receive
the diameter in a symmetric way, more impor- valved homografts or bovine jugular veins.
tantly it separates and elevates the pulmonary Decisions between 1 and 5  years, rarely to be
artery from the affected bronchi. During vessel made, may be again very individual.
closure, the lumen of the pulmonary artery Intraoperative bronchoscopy allows for assess-
should be calibrated by Hegar dilatators to pre- ment of the central respiratory tract and residual
vent overdoing the diameter reduction. In neo- tracheobronchial obstruction; if indicated airway
nates and infants, we use 8  mm Hegars. A decompression can be achieved by retrosternal
reduction to the correctly age and weight matched suspension of the pulmonary artery as long as not
diameters of 5–6 mm would increase the risk of dissected circumferentially (Bove et  al. 1972;
iatrogenic obstruction. The distal pulmonary Alsoufi et al. 2007).

a b

..Fig. 15.10  Complete circumferential reduction plasty of pulmonary artery employing endoluminal posterior plication
and anterior resection. a The planned excision of the anterior wall (dotted line) extends from hilum to hilum in right and
left pulmonary artery and also in a T-shaped fashion into the pulmonary trunk/main pulmonary artery. Decision-making
for how much to resect as well as for the actual reconstruction may be facilitated by transsecting and re anastomosing the
ascending aorta. b After generous endoluminal everting plication of the posterior wall and resection of the anterior wall,
the reconstruction is completed by direct suture of the anterior wall, employing absorbable suture material. Introducing a
somewhat oversized Hegar dilatator into the arteries during reconstruction may secure proper sizing (not shown in figure)
(Modified from Stellin et al. (1983); with permission by Elsevier)
510 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz Alternative Surgical 15.5  ouble Outlet Right Ventricle

Approaches (DORV)
kComplete resection of the mediastinal 15.5.1 Definition
pulmonary arteries and reconstruction with
a bifurcated homograft Double outlet right ventricle is a rare congenital
In APVS patients with respiratory distress, Hew heart defect (less than 1 % of the defects) with both
et al. (2002) recommended a total replacement of the aorta and the pulmonary artery originating
the aneurysmal central pulmonary arteries by from the right ventricle; the ventricular septal
implantation of a bifurcated valved homograft. defect is the only outlet from the left ventricle.
The early experience demonstrated comparable Associated abnormalities with discordant, univen-
results to the strategy with pulmonary artery pli- tricular, or atrioventricular canal connection, valve
cation and nonvalved reconstruction of the right atresia, or malposition of the great arteries may cre-
ventricular outflow tract. ate complex structural and functional situations.
Uncomplicated DORV patients present with
kLecompte maneuver for relief of airway atrioventricular concordance and subaortic ven-
compression («Hraska technique») tricular septal defect, relatively balanced ventricle,
Translocation of the pulmonary artery anterior to no atrioventricular valve abnormality or strad-
the aorta is a different approach to relief airway dling, and no major pulmonary artery anomaly.
obstruction in APVS (Hraska 2000). Extensive Patients with a subpulmonary ventricular septal
mobilization of the SVC with division of the azygos defect and d-transposition of the great arteries
vein as well as a right lateral wedge resection of the represent the Taussig-Bing anomaly (Taussig and
ascending aorta including mobilization of the aor- Bing 1949) with the aorta to the right or parallel
tic arch also aim at avoiding SVC distortion and to the pulmonary artery in a side-to-side relation.
obstruction by the Lecompte maneuver. The right While these patients clinically resemble patients
lateral wedge resection and reanastomosis of the with d-TGA and VSD, the two great vessels are
ascending aorta translocates it to the left and poste- not both transposed: only the aorta is. The pulmo-
riorly. Viktor Hraska also emphasizes shortening of nary artery still arises from the right ventricle. In
the almost always lengthy LPA. Favorable early and this special DORV situation, we rather should
midterm results in infants with tracheobronchial speak from d-malposition of the great vessels.
compression have been described (Nölke et  al. Complex anomalies can be associated with the
2006). Translocation of the ascending aorta, how- double outlet right ventricle as straddling or com-
ever, might have the risk of bronchial compression. mon atrioventricular, various left atrioventricular
valve anomalies, hypoplastic valve or ventricle,
15 Postoperative Management aortic arch or venous anomalies.
and Late Outcome Double outlet right ventricle with intact ven-
In neonates, it is beneficial to use temporary chest tricular septum is extremely rare; the left ventricle
wall patch plasty for the first postoperative days has no outlet and might be hypoplastic.
and eventually perform chest closure in a staged The constellation of double outlet left ventricle
fashion. A complicated postoperative course can is described in some cases, often associated with
result from persistent bronchomalacia after long-­ functionally univentricular heart and showing an
term tracheobronchial compression requiring extreme morphologic heterogeneity.
prolonged postoperative ventilator support.
Respiratory complications include severe pulmo-
nary infection (Hu et al. 2013) or bronchospasm. 15.5.2 Anatomy
For patients with persistent diffuse central airway
compression, advantages of endotracheal or endo- Double outlet right ventricle (DORV) belongs to
bronchial stent implantation were seen (Dodge- the group of conotruncal malformations as there
Khatami et  al. 1999). Rarely lung resection or are transposition of the great arteries, tetralogy of
lobectomy might be indicated if pulmonary infec- Fallot, and truncus arteriosus. These similarities
tions persist in functionally or anatomically com- were described as being either a spectrum or mor-
promised lung segments (Alsoufi et al. 2007). phologic continuum from double outlet right
Chapter 15 · Congenital Heart Disease with Anomalies of the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract
511 15
ventricle to tetralogy of Fallot on one side and then not necessarily a DORV by Richard Van
from double outlet right ventricle with subpulmo- Praagh’s classification), but both great arteries can
nary ventricular septal defect to transposition of also be supported by subarterial infundibulum
the great arteries on the other (Lev et al. 1972). In (bilateral conus); while these patients reveal a ven-
their understanding, DORV is characterized by tricular anatomy close to tetralogy of Fallot, in case
the origin of both great arteries from the right of pulmonary or subpulmonary stenosis, they even
ventricle. Richard Van Praagh (1968) defined the act clinically like a tetralogy patient. Not infre-
absent fibrous continuity (namely, discontinuity) quently, the great arteries are in a side-by-side posi-
between aortic and mitral valve (pulmonary and tion. The conal septum can fuse with the anterior
mitral valve in d-malposition) with bilateral sub- septomarginal trabecular muscle. In some cases, the
arterial conus as the most important diagnostic subaortic VSD may become restrictive which repre-
feature. Bob Anderson and colleagues (Anderson sents functionally subaortic stenosis after repair.
et  al. 1983) demanded for the diagnosis DORV
only one complete and one more than 50 % origin kSubpulmonary VSD (. Fig. 15.11b)
of the great vessels from the right ventricle. In those patients, where the VSD has a subpulmo-
nary location, the aorta lies to the right and most Ventricular Septal Defect often parallel to the pulmonary artery (dextro-­
The classification of the ventricular septal defect is malpositioned). Both the great arteries are supported
given by its relation to the great arteries by an infundibulum. While the pulmonary trunk is
(. Fig. 15.11). usually unobstructed, obstructive anomalies on the
systemic side are more frequent, however, more dis-
kSubaortic VSD (. Fig. 15.11a) tal including aortic coarctation and interrupted aor-
The most common subaortic interventricular com- tic arch (original description by Taussig and Bing
munication is a membranous defect less frequent a 1949). The interventricular communication is
muscular posteroinferior rim can be identified. between the anterior and posterior trabecular mus-
Often fibrous continuity between aorta and atrio- cle; the muscular outlet septum can fuse with the
ventricular valve can be described (if mitral valve, posterior limb of the septomarginal trabeculation.

a b
Subaortic conus Subpulmonary conus
Subaortic conus Subpulmonary conus

Ventricular septal defect Anterior Ventricular Posterior
Trabeculum septomarginalis septal defect Anterior
Trabeculum septomarginalis

..Fig. 15.11  Double outlet right ventricle with the interventricular communication between the anterior and posterior
limb of the septomarginal trabeculation. The muscular outlet septum is a right ventricular structure and can fuse with the
anterior limb of the septomarginal trabeculation in subaortic VSD a or the posterior limb in subpulmonary VSD b
512 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

kSubarterial («doubly committed») VSD Associated Morphologic

With absence of the muscular outlet septum, the Variations
aortic and pulmonary valves are in fibrous conti- Less common variants of double outlet right ven-
nuity. Therefore, the VSD cannot be related more tricle are those with discordant atrioventricular
to one or the other but rather to both semilunar connection or mirror-imaged atrial arrangement,
valves. This does not mean, however, that tunnel- usually in dextrocardia.
ing of the VSD to either semilunar valve may have The combination of double outlet right ven-
the same preference or ease/result of ­construction. tricle with atrial isomerism (heterotaxy syn-
drome) increases the morphologic heterogeneity
kRemote («noncommitted») VSD extremely often associated with unbalanced atrio-
In patients with a noncommitted ventricular ventricular septal defect, hypoplasia of the mitral
septal defect, the interventricular communica- valve, and ventricular hypoplasia. These diagno-
tion is remote from the ventricular outflow ses are not suitable for biventricular repair.
tracts; as a membranous defect it extends into Position of the great arteries and their relation
the right ventricular inlet, it may be situated in to each other may vary. Most frequent are side-­
the inlet part of the muscular septum or a com- by-­side arrangements with the aorta being to the
ponent of an atrioventricular defect. The tunnel right of the pulmonary artery. D-malpositions of
to the outflow tract may be obstructed by strad- the great arteries are not infrequent (see
dling atrioventricular valve apparatus, especially 7 Sect.  15.5.1; also Sect. L-malpositions
tricuspid valve leaflets. The great arteries may are extremely rare. The extracardiac position and
arise in parallel or spiraling position. In most relation of the great arteries to each other is not
cases, a remote VSD in DORV prevents biven- predictive of intracardiac anatomy. In planning
tricular repair. surgical strategy, knowing the exact anatomic
This classification of VSD location does not relations of the great arteries is of major impor-
only reflect pathoanatomy and physiology, it is of tance.
major importance for surgical strategy and actual Coronary artery anomalies have to be sus-
repair. pected as in any other form of conotruncal mal-
formation. I nfundibular Septum (Conus
This muscular structure, dividing the right 15.5.3 Pathophysiology
from the left ventricular outflow tract in the
normal heart, is rather a freestanding muscle Corresponding to the morphologic heterogeneity,
bundle of the RV in patients with DORV.  The the clinical presentation is variable and depends
15 great arteries in typical DORV are parallel to mainly on the relation of the ventricular septal
each other in a frontal plane. In echocardiogra- defect to the arterial outlets, association of obstruc-
phy, both semilunar valves are next to each tion of the pulmonary or aortic outlet, anomalies
other in the same plane, also. The conal sep- of the atrioventricular valves or aortic arch anoma-
tum, being the muscle between the two semilu- lies, and pulmonary vascular resistance.
nar valves, is a rectangular muscle mass, located In patients with subaortic ventricular septal
between the interventricular septum and the defect, absence of obstruction to the pulmonary
subarterial conus. While in DORV with sub- artery causes a hemodynamic situation as a simple
aortic VSD, the conus septum gets in contact but large VSD; with subvalar or valvar pulmonary
with the anterior bifurcation of the moderator stenosis, the situation resembles that in tetralogy of
band; in subpulmonic VSD it has contact to the Fallot. If the interventricular connection is subpul-
posterior extension of the moderator band. monary, the aorta will obtain predominantly deox-
These anatomic landmarks are important when ygenated blood (d-TGA hemodynamics); without
it comes to intraventricular repair employing surgical intervention, the unobstructed pulmo-
conal resection. nary blood flow and pulmonary hypertension
Subarterial obstruction, in most cases in the might induce pulmonary vascular obstructive dis-
subpulmonary location, is related to the conal ease already in early infancy. Associated aortic
septum, also. coarctation or interrupted aortic arch leads to
Chapter 15 · Congenital Heart Disease with Anomalies of the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract
513 15
acute cardiac failure during ductal closure. The Magnetic resonance imaging can support
subarterial VSD can have both clinical pictures, in complete diagnosis of atrial arrangement and
most cases, however, it will resemble a large VSD. associated pulmonary or systemic venous anoma-
Clinical presentation in doubly committed or lies.
remote ventricular septal defect depends on intracar-
diac streaming and the potentially associated sys-
temic or pulmonary arterial obstruction. A restrictive 15.5.5 Surgical Management
ventricular septal defect leads to left ventricular
hypertrophy, sometimes left atrial hypertension. General Remarks
A variety of surgical techniques allow for intracar-
diac repair also in complex, but biventricular
15.5.4 Diagnostic Procedures forms of double outlet right ventricle.
Univentricular palliation following the Fontan
There is no clinical diagnosis leading to principle or other palliative procedures should be
DORV.  Auscultation, chest x-ray, and ECG are preferred in patients with increased risk for repair
not helpful. Echocardiography is the most impor- and more complex forms with atrial isomerism,
tant diagnostic tool in primary diagnosis of dou- unbalanced ventricles, anomalies of the atrioven-
ble outlet right ventricle. It should also allow for a tricular valves, or pulmonary atresia.
detailed description of associated anomalies. Palliative procedures preceding intracar-
Nowadays in the majority of patients, diagnosis is diac repair include atrioseptostomy, pulmo-
made already prenatally because of the large nary artery banding, or shunt procedures. An
interventricular communication and position of atrioseptostomy may be performed in patients
the arterial outlets being picked up rather easily with subpulmonary VSD or mitral stenosis,
(Kim et al. 2006). pulmonary banding, or shunt procedures in
those patients with additional risk factors or
unbalanced ventricles. In patients with accom-
Prenatal diagnosis of DORV should lead to
panying aortic arch anomalies, separate arch
term delivery close to a unit with extensive
surgery may precede definite repair (Brown
experience in management of neonates with
et al. 2001).
congenital heart disease (Kim et al. 2006).
Although Lev’s classification is rather a con-
tinuous spectrum than a distinction of separated
groups (Lev et al. 1972), we will discuss the surgi-
cal options along his classification and will men-
Because of surgical relevance, the echocar- tion atypical procedures as necessary. Technical
diography incl. Doppler sonography should give details and controversies, like management of
information on the following anatomical features: abnormal chorda insertion or VSD enlargement,
55 Type of interventricular communication will be dealt with in an own paragraph.
(incl. location obstruction y/n)
55 Outlet septum and position of the great Repair of DORV
arteries and subvalvular anatomy of the great with Subaortic VSD
arteries Intraventricular correction is the typical form of
55 Morphology and function of semilunar valves repair for the most frequent variant of DORV:
55 Atrioventricular valve function and anatomy DORV with subaortic VSD. It is performed with a
incl. chordae insertion for potential patch, which creates a tunnel from the left ven-
interference with the ventricular septal defect tricle to the aorta employing muscular wall from
55 Coronary artery anatomy the right ventricular outlet septum. Transatrial
55 Aortic arch anatomy access is possible, but it might preclude sufficient
visualization of the VSD to decide on a poten-
Cardiac catheterization is necessary if echocar- tially necessary VSD enlargement. In these cases
diography in neonates cannot offer complete pre- we suggest liberally employing an oblique infun-
operative diagnosis. Later in infancy, it is necessary dibular incision across the outflow tract, which
to determine pulmonary vascular resistance. allows visualization of the semilunar valves,
514 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

enlargement of the VSD, and also correction of Repair of DORV

abnormal chordae insertion if present. A curved with Subpulmonary VSD
patch cutout of a PTFE tube graft is used to create (Taussig-Bing Anomaly)
the intraventricular tunnel, often a little bit over- The term «Taussig-Bing anomaly» originally was
sized to prevent development of secondary sub- coined for the famous heart described with the fea-
aortic stenosis. Patch insertion begins at the most tures of DORV, subpulmonary VSD, d-­malposition
distal point for the surgeon: next to the tricuspid of the great arteries, subaortic stenosis, as well as
valve for the transinfundibular approach and in coarctation of the aorta (Taussig and Bing 1949;
the most apical corner working through the tri- Van Praagh 1968). Thereafter, the term was gener-
cuspid valve. We always employ running polypro- ously applied for any DORV with subpulmonary
pylene suture (5/0 for neonates and infants; 4/0 VSD/d-malposition of the great arteries.
for older children). For relief of subpulmonary Two different surgical strategies are known: intra-
obstruction, resection of the conal septum may ventricular conduit from the left ventricle to the aorta
be necessary but might increase the risk of resid- or tunnel patch closure of the VSD as in subaortic
ual VSD (as lack of endocardium increases the VSD now combined with arterial switch operation.
risk of suture dehiscences). It also may lead to Intraventricular conduit repair has been
compromise of the aortic valve during patch described by Kawashima et al. (1971), Patrick and
insertion. The oblique infundibular incision may McGoon (1968) and Doty (1986). During recent
be closed directly but has to be checked for poten- years, the arterial switch operation is preferred
tial secondary obstruction. To avoid this, if in (Belli et al. 1998) and offers good mid- and long-­
question, it is closed with implantation of a patch term functional results (Schwarz et al. 2013).
to enlarge the right ventricular outflow tract. In
primary subvalvular obstruction, a longitudinal kKawashima operation
infundibular incision as in tetralogy of Fallot is In the Kawashima operation, intracardiac rerouting
used and if indicated later combined with transa- is performed posterior to the pulmonary valve
nular patch insertion. In infancy a myotomy is (Kawashima et al. 1971) along the subarterial conus
often sufficient; in older children muscle resec- to the aorta (. Fig. 15.12a). This operation is only
tion or resection of the conal septum might be possible with side-by-side relation of the great arter-
required. ies. An anterior-posterior great vessel relation is a

Ventricular septal Course of suture Ventricular septal

a defect b Pulmonary artery defect
line for tunnel patch


Tricuspid valve Tricuspid valve

Aorta Pulmonary artery Aorta Course of suture line
for tunnel patch

..Fig. 15.12  Schematic drawing of RVOT in coronal plane in DORV with subpulmonary VSD. Dotted lines show the
course of suture lines of the future tunnel patch. a In Kawashima operation the intracardiac tunnel patch is running pos-
terior to the pulmonary valve along the subarterial conus. b In Patrick-McGoon and Doty operation, the intraventricular
tunnel lies anterior to the pulmonary artery
Chapter 15 · Congenital Heart Disease with Anomalies of the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract
515 15
contraindication for this approach. Thus, the intra- Transposition and D-Transposition of the Great
cardiac conduit runs between tricuspid and pulmo- Arteries», Sect. Coronary artery anomalies
nary valve and needs sufficient space between them: and the position of the great arteries in DORV
at least half of the aortic diameter in order to pre- can complicate the procedure further; as said
vent creation of subaortic o ­bstruction. Surgical above, patients with a side-by-side position of
access for this operation is an ­infundibular incision the great arteries may be more suitable for intra-
that allows inspection of the intervalvar space and cardiac rerouting repair. With side-by-side posi-
also the sub AV-valve ­ apparatus to exclude tion of the great arteries, the Lecompte
straddling chordae (see 7 Chapter «Anomalous
­ maneuver should be combined with a transloca-
Pulmonary Venous Connections and Congenital tion of the pulmonary bifurcation to the right
Defects of the Atria, the Atrioventricular Septum, and pulmonary artery; the original pulmonary
the Atrioventricular valves», Sect. 12.5). The tunnel bifurcation can be closed directly or with a
patch should be redundant to prevent subaortic ste- patch. In the rare situation of posterior position
nosis. Its suture line may be reinforced and/or com- of the aorta, a Lecompte maneuver might be
prised with deep suture bites where it passes resected unnecessary (Van Praagh et al. 1970; Wilkinson
conus septum or VSD enlargement areas. et al. 1975; Tanaka et al. 1993). Coronary artery
anomalies have to be ­suspected more often than
kRastelli operation in transposition of the great arteries; most often
The intracardiac tunnel patch is implanted is a common origin of the LAD and the right
between the VSD and aorta passing the subpul- coronary artery from the anterior sinus. This
monary region. The connection from the right relates to coronary pattern type AB1 according
ventricle to the pulmonary artery is created via a to the SAUER classification (Gittenberger-de
valved or nonvalved conduit (Rastelli et al. 1969) Groot et  al. 1983) or type 1L 2RCX of
or as a direct connection form the right ventricle Quaegebeur’s classification (Quaegebeur 1986).
to the pulmonary artery simultaneously with a Even with normal origin of the coronary arter-
Lecompte maneuver (Lecompte and Bex 1985); ies, their course might be tortuous around the
the pulmonary trunk has been transsected and is arterial root before the coronary arteries reach
closed at valvular level to avoid a residual the atrioventricular groove in a «looping pat-
­pulmonary stump which may become a source tern» (Jonas 1998; Planche et al. 1998). This has
for systemic thromboemboli. See also 7 Chapter to be considered during the early postoperative
«Congenitally Corrected Transposition and period when changes in pre- and afterload could
D-Transposition of the Great Arteries», Sect. cause aortic and pulmonary root dilatation and
increased tension on the reimplanted coronary
arteries compromising myocardial perfusion.
This may result in an unstoppable vicious cycle
Rastelli surgery for DORV with normal
of ischemic myocardial failure despite originally
pulmonary valve should only be considered in
undisturbed coronary perfusion. These patients
those patients who reveal very unusual
react very unfavorably to «fluid resuscitation»
coronary pattern or the awkward «double
in face of a deteriorating arterial blood pressure.
outlet both ventricles» (see below).
Side-by-side relation of the great arteries is
not infrequently associated with subaortic
obstruction, aortic valve hypoplasia, or hypopla-
kPatrick-McGoon and Doty operation sia of the ascending aorta. Resection of the conal
Nowadays these techniques are seldom used. septum and patch enlargement of the infundibu-
Intraventricular rerouting is yielded with a tun- lum might be necessary. In presence of anular
nel running anterior to the pulmonary valve hypoplasia, a transanular patch (for the neopul-
(Patrick-­McGoon operation) or with a tube graft monary artery) is needed.
(Doty operation) (. Fig. 15.12b). Patients with aortic arch obstruction includ-
ing hypoplasia, interruption, or coarctation often
kSpecial features of arterial switch operation undergo separate surgical arch repair as a stage
in DORV one palliation, but also one-stage repair is recom-
The technique of the arterial switch operation is mended with even better survival as claimed
described in 7 Chapter «Congenitally Corrected (Kleinert et al. 1997; Schwarz et al. 2013).
516 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz Repair of DORV Anderson (Anderson 1983), the rather grotesque

with Noncommitted VSD definition of «double outlet both ventricles» came
The interventricular communication remote from up (Brandt et al. 1976). Intraventricular repair is
the ventricular outflow tracts still allows interven- always feasible, however, and may be complex.
tricular tunnel repair in otherwise noncomplex Enlargement of the VSD may almost always be
forms of double outlet right ventricle (Barbero-­ indicated, and depending on the intracardiac
Marcial et al. 1998; Brown et al. 2001). This type, rerouting and tunnel patch insertion, an arterial
however, often is complicated by straddling atrio- switch operation or Rastelli procedure may
ventricular valves, ventricular imbalance, or atrial become necessary.
isomerism making enlargement of the VSD and/
or adequate placement of the tunnel patch quite Surgical Management
difficult. In these cases intracardiac repair bears a Controversies
high risk and a conversion to univentricular cir- VSD size and/or chordal attachments close to the
culation or bidirectional cavopulmonary anasto- VSD or en route of the planned subaortic tunnel
mosis is frequently preferred as it overcomes the may complicate DORV repair further. This
technical difficulties and risks still offering good includes any type of atrioventricular valve abnor-
long-term results (Kleinert et  al. 1997; Delius malities such as common atrioventricular valve or
et al. 1996; Jonas 2004). straddling or abnormal chordae insertion at the
ventricular septum or conal septum. We try to
separately look at both anatomic features, VSD,
and chordae tendineae.
In biventricular repair of DORV with remote
VSD, enlargement of the VSD is mandatory in kAbnormal chordal attachments at the
order to permanently provide unrestrictive conus septum
systemic blood flow.
While preoperative echocardiography allows
exact diagnosis, defining any abnormal insertions
of chordae, their functional importance can often
Despite adequate enlargement at the original only be judged intraoperatively. Insertions of tri-
operation, midmuscular VSD have the tendency cuspid valve chordae at the VSD or conal septum
to shrink causing severe post repair SAS at times. can be detached to reliably close a VSD. Thereafter,
The question may be raised whether a biventricu- these chordae may be reimplanted at the VSD
lar repair is ever indicated in DORV/remote VSD, patch or be replaced by PTFE neochordae, with
despite primary feasibility and «success.» patch attachment also or at any other suitable site
An intermediate variant of surgical manage- providing a functionally satisfactory result.
15 ment may be a one-and-a-half ventricle repair, Abnormal chordae insertion of the mitral valve is
when intra right ventricular rerouting lead to much more difficult to handle and can cause
critical RV volume reduction. A bidirectional severe postoperative valve dysfunction; often con-
Glenn anastomosis is added to the intraventricu- version to a univentricular palliation has to be
lar «repair» (see also 7 Sect. 15.6). recommended, preferably before any chordae are
detached. The problems with the abnormal chor- Repair of DORV with Doubly dae are twofold: (1) reimplantation has to be car-
Committed VSD ried out at the left side of the patch, which means
This form is the least frequent of the four groups it has to be done while the patch still needs to be
as defined by Lev. It accounts for only 4–7 % of sutured in place and (2) mitral valve function
biventricular repairs in DORV (Aoki et al. 1994; after biventricular repair is a critical factor for
Lacour-Gayet 2008). The VSD is of oval, some- success, much more than the tricuspid valve.
times slitlike shape located immediately under- Double outlet right ventricle with atrioven-
neath the semilunar valves. Both the semilunar tricular septal defect carries an increased mortality
valves are in fibrous continuity by absence of the and reoperation rate for both biventricular repair
muscular outlet septum sometimes overriding and single-ventricle palliation; common atrioven-
both ventricles. Due to the questionable tricular valve regurgitation is an additional sig-
100 % + 51  % rule for DORV set up by Bob nificant risk factor (Ong et al. 2012).
Chapter 15 · Congenital Heart Disease with Anomalies of the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract
517 15
kEnlargement of the VSD Early fetal echocardiography may show a
This is an often debated topic. Some suggest to f­ orward flow in right ventricle and a patent infun-
routinely perform it during intracardiac repair dibulum in patients presenting later with
and others only in presence of small or pulmonary atresia. As it seems to develop later in
uncommon VSDs (noncommitted or doubly fetal life, it may be even looked at as an «acquired»
committed VSD). If the anteroapical enlarge- process (Sandor et al. 2002).
ment is technically feasible, we recommend to
do it always. The distal border of resection
should be the septal papillary muscle and muscle 15.6.2 Pathoanatomy
of the outflow tract (M. Lancisi) to avoid a con-
duction/heart block. Closing the VSD with a Right Ventricle and  Tricuspid
patch after enlargement, one has to be reminded Valve
to take deep bites in the endocardial-free area of The right ventricle in PA/IVS is always hypoplas-
enlargement. tic. The historical classification distinguishing
between two forms, one with a hypoplastic and
one with a dilated RV (Davignon et al. 1961), is
15.5.6 Follow-Up not used anymore, as the form with the dilated
«ventricle» is rather a variant of Epstein’s disease
Early postoperative mortality is low in patients of the tricuspid valve (see also 7 chapter
with noncomplex forms of double outlet right «Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connections and
ventricle undergoing biventricular repair. Late Congenital Defects of the Atria, the Atrioventricular
morbidity is determined by ventricular arrhyth- Septum, and the Atrioventricular Valves», Sect. 12.4).
mia and reoperations for atrioventricular valve Patients with pulmonary atresia and intact
dysfunction, residual VSD, subarterial/conduit ventricular septum present with a broad mor-
obstruction, or aortic valve insufficiency (Kleinert phologic spectrum characterized by membra-
et al. 1997; Brown et al. 2001). nous atresia or infundibular obstruction and
For patients with complex forms of double muscular atresia; right ventricular hypoplasia
outlet right ventricle or those unsuitable for with tri-, bi-, or unipartite morphology; and dys-
biventricular repair, the Fontan circulation is rec- plastic or hypoplastic tricuspid valve. In addition,
ommended although its own late morbidity and major or minor right ventricle-coronary arterial
mortality during long-term follow-up has to be communications can coexist (in 30–60 % of the
considered. infants), resulting in a potentially right
ventricular-­dependent coronary artery circula-
tion and bearing the risk of future coronary
15.6  ulmonary Atresia with
P artery stenosis or interruption. The initial tricus-
Intact Ventricular Septum pid valve diameter (z-score) can be used as a sur-
(PA/IVS) rogate parameter for the right ventricular
hypoplasia (Hanley et  al. 1993; Ashburn et  al.
15.6.1 Definition 2004). This size and the association with the pres-
ence of major right ventricle-­ coronary artery
Pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular sep- connections determine surgical decision and are
tum (PA/IVS) is a rare defect accounting for associated with survival and functional result.
1–3 % of congenital heart disease. It presents This was also thought to be influenced by the
with great morphologic heterogeneity. Right more descriptive classification of a tripartite (and
ventricular cavity, tricuspid valve, pulmonary mild hypoplastic right ventricle), bipartite, or
valve, and pulmonary anulus are affected; in unipartite right ventricle (with severe hypopla-
addition, right ventricle to coronary artery con- sia) (Bull et al. 1982), based on an original model
nections are present. Sounding very much from Goor and Lillehei (1975). Combining mea-
straight forward and simple by nomenclature, surements of the tricuspid valve diameter and
pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum right ventricular volume will probably give the
reveals both complex pathoanatomic variations most sensitive parameters for surgical decision
and surgical strategies. (Yoshimura et al. 2003).
518 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

55 Mild right ventricular hypoplasia is often these patients (Giglia et  al. 1992; 1993). With a
present in patients with membranous atresia non- or less stenotic coronary system in right
and a well-developed infundibulum. ventricular-­ dependent circulation to start with,
55 Severe right ventricular hypoplasia with an the RV to coronary connections diminish or may
obliterated infundibulum represents the other even disappear, as seen also in our own experience.
end of the morphological spectrum; the apex Therefore, in most of the so-called right ventricu-
volume is often taken up by severe hypertro- lar-dependent coronary circulation, dependency
phy of papillary and trabecular muscles. This is rather a term used for coronary flow originating
situation is complicated by right ventricle-­ from the right ventricle, while definitive depen-
dependent coronary artery circulation. dency is present in only a few cases with proximal
55 The intermediate form can be characterized stenosis of a solitary coronary artery or stenoses in
by a borderline right ventricular size with an both the right and left coronary artery.
infundibular portion; the trabecular portion
might be reduced. Major or minor right Pulmonary Valve
ventricle-­coronary arterial communications and Pulmonary Arteries
can be present (Alwi 2006). The atretic pulmonary valve may be well devel-
oped with fused commissures, but most often it is
Patients with dysplastic or severely insufficient only rudimentary and appears as a fibrous mem-
tricuspid valve or Ebstein’s anomaly (present in brane. The anulus frequently is hypoplastic.
5–10 %) and concomitant right ventricular dilata- Typically the pulmonary trunk and branches dis-
tion need separate judgment. tal to the atretic valve are normal; hypoplastic
Hypertrophic myocardium, myocardial fiber branch pulmonary arteries or arborization abnor-
disarray, and endocardial fibrosis are discussed malities are a rare finding (nearly 6 %). Also sig-
for the restrictive right ventricular physiology nificant aortopulmonary collaterals are usually
during long-term follow-up; neonatal endocar- absent. As in any right ventricular obstructive
dial fibrosis is a rare finding and may be related to lesion, pulmonary artery coarctation/LPA steno-
volume loading of the left ventricle or unstable sis may develop (Luhmer and Ziemer 1993).
coronary perfusion in right ventricular-derived
perfusion of the left and right ventricle. Ductus Arteriosus
The morphology of the arterial duct is important Coronary Arteries regarding the option of ductal stenting (origin
Coronary artery abnormalities are found in from the aorta, tortuosity, shape and length,
30–60 % of patients with pulmonary atresia with diameter).
intact ventricular septum; right ventricular
15 ­hypertension promotes the persistence of embry-
onic right ventricle-coronary artery fistulas 15.6.3 Symptoms and Diagnostic
(Freedom et al. 2005). They are less frequent in the Procedures
well-­developed ventricle and can be diagnosed
using fetal echocardiography allowing right ven- Neonatal cyanosis with closure of the arterial duct
tricular decompression. Right ventricular-depen- is the leading symptom, so prostaglandin infusion
dent coronary artery circulation is characterized immediately after birth is indicated. Usually fetal
by retrograde high-pressure hypoxic perfusion; echocardiography has allowed for prenatal diag-
turbulent flow may cause endothelial lesions pre- nosis.
disposing to stenosis, occlusion, or secondary Precise morphologic diagnosis as well as esti-
ostial atresia, an ongoing process even postnatally mation of right ventricular size, tricuspid valve
(Gittenberger-­de Groot et al. 1988). The presence size, and calculation of the initial z-score can be
of right ventricular-dependent coronary circula- obtained with transthoracic echocardiography.
tion is only a contraindication for right ventricular Right ventricular inlet length or area can be mea-
decompression when stenosis is present in both sured leading to an enddiastolic volume calcula-
the right and left coronary systems; this could tion. This, however, has some limitations in
result in myocardial steal and infarction. A pallia- presence of severe myocardial hypertrophy
tive single-ventricle repair is recommended in resulting from complete right outflow tract
Chapter 15 · Congenital Heart Disease with Anomalies of the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract
519 15
obstruction. For detailed evaluation of the right the right ventricle. Both measures promote
ventricle, nature of pulmonary atresia, morphol- growth of the right ventricle and tricuspid valve.
ogy of the infundibulum, and arterial duct angi- They consist of pulmonary valvotomy, balloon
ography may be necessary when echocardiography valvuloplasty (if necessary repeatedly) or right
is incomplete. Angiography may be also neces- ventricular outflow tract patch in combination
sary to reveal detailed coronary artery anatomy as with a systemic-to-pulmonary shunt if oxygen-
coronary fistula and/or stenosis involving both ation is insufficient. The second step of surgery
the right and/or left coronary artery have to be has to decide between biventricular repair and
considered especially in patients with hypoplastic palliation following the Fontan principle and
right ventricle and suspicion of coronary abnor- depends more on the initial right ventricular size
malities. This is especially advisable in major and tricuspid valve z-score than on the growth
right ventricle-coronary arterial connections capacity of the right ventricle as ventricular
described in echocardiography in order to define enlargement might result from volume load by
number, size, and course of the vessels; right ven- tricuspid and right ventricular insufficiency more
triculography documents retrograde filling of the than real growth. The morphology of the coro-
aorta as well as significant stenosis. Additional nary arteries with fistula and stenosis and right
antegrade selective coronarography can be per- ventricle-dependent coronary artery circulation
formed also. precludes a procedure with right ventricular
decompression when more than one coronary
artery or a single coronary artery reveals stenosis.
15.6.4 Surgical Management Most patients undergo surgery, and only in
selected patients with membranous atresia a Introduction catheter-­based intervention can be performed
Historically rather poor results of surgical treat- employing membrane perforation followed by
ment for PA/IVS up to the 1980s may be attrib- balloon valvotomy; catheter-derived stenting of
uted to neglect of coronary anatomy and aiming the ductus arteriosus is an alternative option to
too often and too early at a biventricular repair. surgical shunt procedure in order to avoid pro-
Now stratified management algorithms have been longed treatment with prostaglandin (Udink ten
used for surgical decision-making and corre- Cate et al. 2013). Neointimal proliferation requires
spond to the morphologic classification (Hoashi redilatation of the ductus or replacement by a
et al. 2012; Alwi 2006). Surgical strategy depends shunt. The need for a systemic-to-pulmonary
on size and morphology of the right ventricle (tri- shunt procedure for sufficient pulmonary blood
partite right ventricle), nature of valvar atresia, flow shows some association with the right ven-
size and function of the tricuspid valve, and tricular size but does not preclude biventricular
­presence of right ventricle-dependent coronary repair during later follow-up. In some patients
artery circulation. The goal of surgical repair is this will initially cause a period of left ventricular
separation of systemic venous and pulmonary volume overload and congestive heart failure.
venous circulation using either univentricular or The surgical approach will be dealt with sepa-
biventricular repair. The one-and-a-half ventricle rately for mild, moderate, and severe hypoplasia as
repair is the surgical option in patients with bor- well as for presence of right ventricular-­dependent
derline right ventricular size. One-and-a-half coronary circulation. Thereafter, surgical contro-
ventricle repairs for PA/IVS have been first per- versies are discussed. Any surgical procedure com-
formed by Hillel Laks and his group. At that time prising more then an isolated shunt implantation
4 of 15 patients were still presented in the biven- requires support of extracorporeal circulation.
tricular repair group, although surgery also
included a Glenn anastomosis and an adjustable Mild Right Ventricular
ASD (Billingsley et al. 1989). Hypoplasia
As it is rather unreliable to decide early on In patients with mild right ventricular hypoplasia
about the final strategy, primary palliation in neo- as described with a tricuspid valve z-score >−2,5,
nates shall keep all therapeutic options open. This well-developed infundibulum, most often mem-
first stage surgery aims at improvement of oxy- branous atresia, and usually absence of major
genation and to establish antegrade flow through right ventricle to coronary artery connections, a
520 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

biventricular repair should be feasible. Preferably Moderate Right Ventricular

surgical valvotomy and transanular patch plasty Hypoplasia
or alternatively catheter-based valvotomy and bal- With usually valvular and membranous atresia,
loon dilatation establish antegrade flow and allow the right ventricular trabecular component is
increase in right ventricular volume. Severe mus- often absent or attenuated. The infundibulum
cle hypertrophy might require myectomy for relief may be patent to its end at the atretic valve, the
of infundibular obstruction. Prolonged prosta- pulmonary valve anulus and infundibulum being
glandin infusion might be necessary in persistent small. Major and minor right ventricular coro-
restrictive right ventricular physiology. Insufficient nary artery connections may be present.
increase in oxygenation requires a shunt proce- Borderline right ventricular size with a tricuspid
dure either as a central aortopulmonary shunt or valve z-score between −2.5 and −4.5 usually pre-
modified BT shunt procedure. Shunt flow will cludes biventricular repair although some reports
depend on shunt size and length. Shunt size is describe successful biventricular repairs in ini-
chosen in relation to body weight (<2.5 kg 3-mm tially small right ventricles (Foker et  al. 2008;
shunt; up to 4  kg 3.5-mm shunt, >4  kg 4-mm Shaddy et  al. 1990). However, in this situation
shunt); the length of a central shunt and thereby restrictive physiology might develop after biven-
its resistance can be modified by a course around tricular repair if right ventricular enddiastolic
the right ventricular infundibulum (. Fig. 15.13b) volume is less than 60 % of normal.
Closure of the ductus arteriosus might induce
coarctation of the pulmonary artery (Luhmer and kNeonatal Palliation
Ziemer 1993); in expecting this situation, the In any case of moderate hypoplasia, the option
transanular patch plasty should be extended into should be kept to later incorporate the RV into the
the left pulmonary artery in these patients. A circulation. The initial right ventricular outflow
shunt prosthesis may already be ex situ anasto- tract plasty combined with a shunt procedure is
mosed to the PTFE patch, before used as plasty the surgical procedure of choice (catheter-based
material for the pulmonary artery («chimney intervention is described above). Cardiac cathe-
patch»; Plunkett et al. 1998; . Fig. 15.13a). terization with test occlusion of the shunt and
The foramen ovale or an atrial septal defect atrial communication about 1  year later might
remains open to allow for right atrial decompres- allow the decision to go further with biventricular
sion in presence of restrictive right ventricular repair. If right atrial pressures increase prohibi-
myocardium. During later follow-up, partial or tively high after probatory shunt and atrial septal
definitive closure can be performed after test occlusion, one-and-a-half ventricle repair has to
occlusion during cardiac catheterization. be considered.

a b


..Fig. 15.13  a Ex situ created PTFE shunt anastomosis with the patch plasty; b redundant shunt course around the
right ventricular infundibulum
Chapter 15 · Congenital Heart Disease with Anomalies of the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract
521 15
kOne-and-a-half ventricle repair (Gerelli et  al. 2012). During that time, further
Considering initial tricuspid valve z-score, the evaluation for the preferential one-and-a-half
one-and-a-half ventricle repair is preferable in ventricle option is possible.
these patients. This stage II procedure consists of
the bidirectional Glenn anastomosis with closure kModified Fontan Surgery
or restriction of the atrial septal defect. The cen- Details of Fontan Surgery are outlined in 7 Chapter
tral shunt from stage I neonatal palliation is «Definite Palliation of Functionally Single Ventricle»,
explanted. Sect. 13.6 and Sect. 13.7. It may be mentioned for
This procedure can be applied as early as patients after central shunt and RVOT patch that
6 months of age, although adequate oxygenation the RVOT has to be occluded/divided from the
and low pulmonary artery pressures may allow pulmonary circulation if not done so at the time of
waiting into the second year of life. Glenn procedure. Then the tricuspid valve should
The decision-making of whether the moderate be excised or at least made completely insufficient
hypoplastic right ventricle can pump the IVC in order to prevent suprasystemic pressures in the
blood with normal preload may be made by indi- RV that could provoke rhythm problems, extremely
vidual estimation of right ventricular volume and unfavorable in a Fontan state.
function; however, most important are the hemo-
dynamics after probatory occlusion of the atrial Severe Right Ventricular
septal defect during preoperative cardiac cathe- Hypoplasia
terization. Right atrial pressures should not Severe right ventricular hypoplasia is character-
exceed 15  mmHg with impaired cardiac output. ized by an initial neonatal tricuspid valve z-score
Published data see reduced right ventricular func- <−4; the trabecular portion is often absent, the
tion and a right atrial pressure of more than infundibulum diminutive or absent (muscular
12 mmHg or more than twice the left atrial pres- atresia), and the right ventricle unipartite, the
sure at probatory ASD occlusion as indication for only open part being a diminutive RV inlet por-
univentricular approach (Alwi et  al. 2000). tion. For long-term treatment, these patients are
Z-­values of the tricuspid valve outside the neona- best served with a Fontan procedure (Hanley
tal period are rather unreliable predictors. et al. 1993). In these diminutive right ventricles,
major right ventricle to coronary artery connec-
kBidirectional Glenn anastomosis tions are common and may show on angiography
The bidirectional Glenn anastomosis as the only stenosis or interruptions. The association with
stage two surgery is the procedure of choice in suprasystemic right ventricular pressure leads to
any borderline small right ventricle. It allows the term right ventricular-dependent coronary
reduction of the ventricular volume load and bal- circulation. Often the significance of right ventri-
ances systemic and pulmonary blood flow for a cle to coronary artery connections, the actual RV
long time. This strategy has the advantage of dependency is unpredictable. The Boston
encouraging right ventricular and pulmonary Children’s Hospital group found only two ste-
artery growth and provides some pulsatile pul- notic/interrupted coronary arteries or a stenotic/
monary blood flow by conducting the inferior atretic single coronary artery defining actual
caval and hepatic venous blood through the right dependency with immediate death after RV
ventricle without increasing right atrial pres- decompression (Giglia et al. 1992; 1993).
sures; with the superior vena cava–pulmonary The duct-dependent pulmonary blood flow
artery anastomosis, one third to one half of the requires an aortopulmonary shunt procedure. As
systemic venous return diverts directly to the atrial septostomy is only rarely necessary in neo-
pulmonary circulation. The Glenn procedure can nates, an alternative primary procedure could be
be performed at the age of 6 months or later if the interventional ductal stenting. This, however,
arterial oxygenation remains adequate. We sug- leaves the RV under high pressure and therefore
gest to always leave the aortopulmonary shunt in our mind is only indicated when significance of
open for better postoperative oxygenation as tol- coronary stenosis requires an undecompressed
erated by PA pressures. This may allow to post- RV.  Prior to any decision for or against decom-
pone the decision for the Fontan procedure for a pression, coronary arterial anatomy has to be
mean of 6 years as shown by Pascal Vouhe’s group investigated angiographically in detail.
522 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

If the univentricular surgical pathway is cho- tic stenosis by bulging of the hypertensive right
sen, decompression of the right ventricle by par- ventricle (Razzouk et al. 1992). Beyond the neo-
tial or complete tricuspid valvectomy only can be natal period, other surgical considerations like
considered using cardiopulmonary bypass. patch closure of the tricuspid valve or right ven-
With going on bypass, the ductus arteriosus is tricular thromboexclusion to prevent coronary
closed, and the pulmonary shunt anastomosis is steal have been reported (Waldman et  al. 1984;
created; as pulmonary coarctation has to be sup- Williams et al. 1991). To improve coronary perfu-
posed, the pulmonary shunt anastomosis should be sion during infancy, an aorta to right ventricle
extended into the left pulmonary artery conduit was considered (Freeman et  al. 1993;
(. Fig. 15.14). For decompression of the right ven- Laks et al. 1995). In addition, this conduit should
tricle, the hypoplastic tricuspid valve will be cause right ventricular decompression during sys-
resected. Then atrial septectomy is performed, com- tole; clear indication and long-term results are
plemented by coronary sinus incision for definite missing (Laks and Plunket 2001). However, the
and reliable creation of permanent unrestrictive Fontan procedure allows for coronary perfusion
interatrial communication (Schraut et al. 1974). with oxygenated blood coming from the left
At the age of 6–8 months, a bidirectional Glenn atrium via tricuspid valve to perfuse the coronary
anastomosis is performed followed by completion arteries during right ventricular systole.
of the Fontan circulation as outlined in 7 Chapter Heart transplantation was considered as an
«Definite Palliation of Functionally Single Ventricle», alternative strategy in these patients (Rychik et al.
Sect. 13.5.5 and Sect. 13.7. The functional result can 1998), but is not a realistic concept for primary
be expected to be the same as for other Fontan surgical intervention in the neonatal period. It
patients with the left ventricle as the systemic ven- may remain a secondary option once myocardial
tricle. Patients with persistent RV-dependent cir- dysfunction leads to clinical deterioration.
culation, however, will do worse (Giglia et  al.
1993). Surgical Controversies
and Therapeutic Alternatives Right Ventricular-Dependent
Coronary Circulation kClosure of coronary fistulas during primary
If proximal coronary stenoses are present, tricus- neonatal surgery
pid valvectomy for right ventricular decompression After preoperative diagnosis and intraoperative
can cause myocardial ischemia and ventricular identification by epicardial echocardiography,
arrhythmia and remains a high-risk procedure this concept suggests ligation of right ventricle to
with high mortality. If left not decompressed, coronary artery connections off bypass before
change in ventricular geometry can cause subaor- right ventricular decompression. Probatory liga-
15 tions of coronary connections with 7/0 sutures are
immediately and individually checked for result-
ing wall motion abnormalities by transesophageal
echocardiography. The idea is to induce antegrade
coronary flow taking away the high-pressure
hypoxic coronary flow, which might induce the
observed secondary coronary lesions. In their
experience ligation did not produce visual myo-
cardial consequences or wall motion abnormali-
ties during intraoperative echocardiographic
surveillance (Foker et al. 2008). The authors claim,
as others before (Hausdorf et  al. 1987; Rychik
et  al. 1998), that these noncritical connections
contribute to early postoperative myocardial dys-
function. The risk of this concept is, however, that
..Fig. 15.14  Anastomosis of the PTFE shunt with the
hypoplastic pulmonary artery and enlargement of the left
instead of awaiting the spontaneous closure of
pulmonary artery by oblique shunt insertion in patients these small vessels, actual autochthonous coro-
with presumed pulmonary coarctation nary arteries are damaged.
Chapter 15 · Congenital Heart Disease with Anomalies of the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract
523 15
kExtensive right ventricular muscle regardless of the surgical strategy with uni- or
resection (right ventricular «overhaul») biventricular repair; oxygen consumption was
Originally from Melbourne, Australia, and then positively correlated to initial tricuspid valve
in Cleveland, Ohio, Roger Mee’s group suggested z-score (Karamlou et al. 2013). Patients after uni-
in hypoplastic RV with open infundibulum to ventricular palliation present with similar results
perform an extensive transatrial and transinfun- as other Fontan patients characterized by inade-
dibular myectomy to enlarge the diastolic right quate chronotropic response and limited cardiac
ventricular cavity. The idea was to improve right reserve and unfavorable ventricular filling (Romeih
ventricular growth for biventricular repair et al. 2012). Only patients with mild right ventricu-
(Pawade et  al. 1993). While some patients who lar hypoplasia (tricuspid valve z-score <−2.5) and
may have been candidates for biventricular repair with two or more right ventricular segments bring-
anyways may have become ready for repair earlier ing them to a favorable end of the spectrum of
than without myectomy, the aim of the procedure PA-IVS might show normal exercise capacity
to make more patients eligible for biventricular (Romeih et al. 2012; Karl 2012). Late clinical fol-
repair could not be reached (Bryant et al. 2008). low-up after biventricular repair describes compli-
cations due to tricuspid or pulmonary insufficiency
kClosed («off-pump») pulmonary valvotomy with right ventricular dilatation or arrhythmia; a
during primary surgery small or hypertrophied right ventricle predisposes
These procedures stem from an era where morbidity to restrictive physiology with compromise of sys-
from extracorporeal circulation in neonates over- temic cardiac output (Hoashi et al. 2012). Careful
whelmed the early postoperative management. The initial management and selection for those who
last who published on this track, going even further, undergo biventricular repair are indicated. And
were Laks and Plunket (2001): they suggested off- even in selected patients, biventricular repair may
pump infundibulectomy and transanular outflow cause systemic venous congestion and low output
tract patch insertion. We think that with today’s tech- because of increased pulmonary vascular resis-
nology, a technically perfect procedure overcomes tance or decreased left ventricular filling; leaving
the disadvantages of extracorporeal circulation. the ASD open or fenestrated for right-to-left
shunting can stabilize the hemodynamic situation.
kCatheter-based interventions For borderline right ventricular size, bet-
In patients with membranous atresia, a catheter-­ ter outcome may be achieved with a one-and-
based procedure can be considered with perfora- half ventricle or univentricular repair
tion of the atretic plate followed by repeated (Karamlou et al. 2013).
balloon dilatation. A high technical success rate of
80–90 % can be expected in selected patients
(Alwi et al. 2000), but only a relative small pro- 15.7 Double-Chambered Right
portion of patients with pulmonary atresia and Ventricle (DCRV)
intact ventricular septum can be considered for
this procedure (Parsons et al. 1991; Bichell 1999). 15.7.1 Definition
In some patients this procedure has to be com-
bined with a surgical shunt procedure or later a Double-chambered right ventricle is an uncom-
right ventricular outflow tract patch resulting in a mon congenital heart defect and potentially pro-
hybrid biventricular repair (Hoashi et  al. 2012). gressive disease although natural history is
Stenting of the arterial duct is recommended in unknown. The underlying morphologic substrate
selected patients as an alternative to prolonged is supposed to be congenital, while the course of
prostaglandin administration and perhaps shunt the disease resembles an acquired disease (Hartman
procedure (Alwi 2006). et al. 1964). The incidence varies from 0.5 to 2 %.

15.6.5 Follow-Up 15.7.2 Anatomy

Long-term studies could demonstrate that func- Right ventricular cavity is divided in two chambers
tional capacity after PA-IVS repair is reduced by abnormal muscle or fibromuscular bundles. The
524 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

proximal chamber becomes the high-pressure, and morphologically excellent. Late ventricular
hypertrophied chamber; the distal chamber has dysfunction and arrhythmia are rarely described
low pressure. The anomalous muscle bundle tra- (Said et al. 2012).
verses the right ventricular cavity and shows a
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531 16

Anomalies of the Left
Ventricular Outflow Tract
Viktor Hraška and Joachim Photiadis

16.1 Introduction – 534

16.1.1 T he Normal Anatomy of the Left Ventricular Outflow
Tract and Aortic Root – 534 Aortic Valve – 534 Aortic Root – 535

16.2 Valvular Aortic Valve Disease – 536

16.2.1 I ntroduction – 536
16.2.2 Aortic Stenosis in Neonates and Infants – 537 Anatomy – 537 Pathophysiology – 537 Clinical Presentation and Diagnostics – 538 Indications for Surgery – 538 Decision-Making – 538 German Pediatric Heart Center Protocol
(Deutsches Kinderherzzentrum (DKHZ) Protokoll) – 539
16.2.3 Aortic Stenosis in Children – 540 Anatomy – 540 Pathophysiology – 540 Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis – 540 Indications for Surgery – 541
16.2.4 Aortic Insufficiency in Childhood – 541 Anatomy – 541 Pathophysiology of Aortic Regurgitation – 542 Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis – 542 Indications for Surgery – 542
16.2.5 Simple Reconstruction – 542 Open Valvulotomie in Neonates and Infants – 542 Open Valvulotomie in Childhood/Tricuspidalization
of the Aortic Valve – 543

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_16 Discussion: Simple Reconstruction – 545
16.2.6 Complex Reconstruction – 547 Aortic Valve Reconstruction – 547 Mechanical Aortic Valve Replacement – 550 Ross Operation – 551 Aortic Root Replacement with an Aortic Homograft – 552 Discussion Complex Reconstruction – 553

16.3 Subaortic Stenosis – 555

16.3.1 I ntroduction – 555
16.3.2 Anatomy – 555
16.3.3 Pathophysiology – 556
16.3.4 Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis – 556
16.3.5 Indications for Surgery – 556
16.3.6 Surgical Correction – 557 Resection of a Discrete Subaortic Membrane – 557 Modified Konno Operation – 557 Ross-Konno Operation – 558 The Konno-Rastan Operation – 558 Resection of the Conal Septum/Fibromuscular Stenosis – 560 Resection of Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy/
Extensive Myectomy in Hypertrophic Obstructive
Cardiomyopathy – 562
16.3.7 Discussion Subvalvular Obstruction – 562

16.4 Supravalvular Aortic Stenosis – 565

16.4.1 I ntroduction – 565
16.4.2 Anatomy – 565
16.4.3 Pathophysiology – 566
16.4.4 Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis – 566
16.4.5 Indications for Surgery – 566
16.4.6 Surgical Management: Symmetric Restoration of
Distorted Aortic Root – 566 Inverted Bifurcated Patch – 568 Symmetric Three-Patch Technique – 568 Symmetric Reconstruction Technique Without a Patch – 568 Diffuse Forms – 568
16.4.7 Discussion: Supravalvular Aortic Stenosis – 568

16.5 Sinus Valsalva Aneurysm – 569

16.5.1 I ntroduction and Anatomy – 569
16.5.2 Pathophysiology and Clinical Diagnosis – 570

16.5.3 I ndications for Surgery – 570

16.5.4 Surgical Correction – 571
16.5.5 Discussion – 571

16.6 Aortico-Left Ventricular Tunnel – 572

16.6.1 I ntroduction and Anatomy – 572
16.6.2 Pathophysiology and Clinical Diagnosis – 572
16.6.3 Indications for Surgery – 572
16.6.4 Surgical Correction – 572
16.6.5 Discussion – 573

References – 573
534 V. Hraška and J. Photiadis

16.1 Introduction cles (see 7 Chapter «Congenital Heart Disease with

Anomalies of the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract»,
Congenital left ventricular outflow tract obstruc- Sect. 15.5), atrioventricular canal defects (see
tion accounts for approximately 10 % of congeni- 7 Chapter «Anoma­ lous Pulmonary Venous
tal cardiac malformations (Samanek et al. 1989). Connections and Congenital Defects of the Atria, the
For practical purposes, the site of obstruction is Atrioventricular Septum, and the Atrioventricular
anatomically classified as valvular, subvalvular, or Valves», Sect. 12.1.5), complete transposition of the
supravalvular aortic stenosis or as a combination great arteries with a ventricular septal defect (see
of the three—multilevel stenosis. 7 Chapter «Congenitally Corrected Transposition
The decision-making process and planning of and D-Transposition of the Great Arteries», Sect.
operative care are complicated by the heteroge-, restrictive bulboventricular foramen in
neous makeup of patients with left ventricular single-ventricle hearts (see 7 Chapter «Definite
outflow tract obstruction. In neonates, the critical Palliation of Functional Single Ventricle», Sect.
point is to decide whether biventricular repair is;; 13.4; 13.5.2;;;
feasible. Patients with isolated stenosis and a well-­, or other complex structural defects.
developed left ventricle are optimal candidates for
biventricular repair. At the other end of the spec-
trum, the left ventricular outflow tract obstruc- 16.1.1   he Normal Anatomy
tion may be part of complex congenital cardiac of the Left Ventricular
malformations with a morphologically or func- Outflow Tract and Aortic Root
tionally (endocardial fibroelastosis) borderline
left ventricle, with multiple sequential outflow Aortic Valve
obstructions (Shone syndrome, HLHS, etc.) where The normal aortic valve is composed of three
single-ventricle pathway may be the optimal cusps attached in a semilunar fashion beneath
approach (see 7 Chapter «Surgery for Aortic Atresia, each of the three sinuses of Valsalva. The sinuses
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, and Hypoplastic and the cusps are named according to the origin
Left Heart Complex», Sect. 17.6.8). of the coronary arteries, namely the left, right,
Normal growth, desire for an active lifestyle and noncoronary sinuses and cusps. The valve
with the appropriate activity level, and difficulty cusps are composed of fibrous tissue lined with
in medical compliance, especially in teenagers, endothelium. There is a small fibrous thickening
represent another specific set of requirements in the middle of the free edge, the nodule of
posed by this subset of patients. In general, the Arantius (Latin: nodulus Arantii). The cusps are
prosthetic materials should not compromise car- attached to the aortic anulus at the hinge points.
diac growth and lifestyle. In particular, the devel- It is not a true anulus as it is not circular and all
opment of pulmonary autograft procedure for the points of attachment do not lie in the same
replacement of the aortic valve and aortic root has vertical plane. The aortic valve rarely is sym-
16 dramatically changed the approach to children metrical with regard to commissure distances
with congenital aortic valve disease and complex and the size of the cusps. The noncoronary cusp
left ventricular outflow tract obstruction. On the is normally the largest, with the left, the deepest
other hand, in some children the best alternative and the right, the shallowest cusp (Ralph 1998).
is still to use a prosthetic valve or allograft, despite Above the valve, the aortic wall is expanded
the well-known drawbacks of these procedures. to form the sinuses of Valsalva. The dilatation of
The indication criteria and the current tech- the sinuses ends at the level of the tip of the com-
niques applied for left ventricular outflow tract missures. At that level there is a discrete ridge
obstruction will be discussed later on. marking the sinotubular junction of the aorta. The
This chapter will not cover left ventricular out- diameter of the sinotubular junction is 10–15 %
flow tract obstructions that are associated with smaller than the diameter of the aortic anulus
other complex malformations such as conoven- (Kunzelman et  al. 1994; Sands et  al. 1969; Silver
tricular malalignment as seen in ventricular sep- and Roberts 1985; Swanson and Clark 1974). The
tal defects with an interrupted aortic arch (see cusps are separated by the commissures. On the
7 Chapter «Congenital Anomalies of the Great ventricular aspect, the insertion of the valve delin-
Vessels», Sect., double-outlet right ventri- eates three triangular areas between each cusp
Chapter 16 · Anomalies of the Left Ventricular Outflow Tract
535 16
where the aortic wall is thinner. These triangles Aortic Root
separate the left ventricular outflow tract from The surgeon must be familiar with the anatomic
the pericardial cavity. The height and width of the relationship of the aortic root to the surrounding
intercusp triangle govern the area of cusp apposi- structures (. Figs. 16.1, 16.2, and 16.3). The term
tion. «aortic root» includes the aortic anulus, the
In a normal three-cusp aortic valve, the length sinuses of Valsalva, and both the right and left
of the free edge of each cusp equals the diameter coronary ostia.
of the aorta. This «extra length» of the cusps rep- The aortic and mitral valves have a fibrous
resents an important element of normal valvular continuity. The right side of the aortic root is
function. During the ventricular systole, the extra attached to fibrous tissue which makes up 55 % of
length of each cusp allows the free edge of each its circumference, and its left side is attached to
cusp to approach the aortic wall, thereby allowing
the aortic orifice to open freely. At the same time,
the eddy currents in the sinuses of Valsalva pre-
Ascending aorta
vent occlusion of the coronary ostia. During dias-
tole, all three cusps meet at the central nodules of
Arantius and overlap in their closed position. Left atrium
The combined lengths of the free edge of the Aortic valve
three cusps equal the circumference of the aorta
at the sinotubular junction. In a bicuspid valve, Mitral valve
the combined length of the free edges of cusps is
at best, twice the diameter of the aorta. The ori- Mitral valve chordae
fice is therefore significantly smaller than the cir-
cumference of the aorta (Doty 1987; Tsang et al. Papillary muscle
2006). The bicuspid valve is not necessarily ste-
Left ventricle
notic. It is, however, more susceptible to hemo-
dynamic damage, so that often during the second
decade of life, the valve tissue wears out prema-
turely with fibroplastic thickening of the cusps ..Fig. 16.1  Normal anatomy of the left ventricle outflow
and occasionally, with deposits of fat, hyaline, tract (longitudinal section, through the left ventricle)
and calcium.

..Fig. 16.2  Normal aor- A. coronaria sinistra

tic valve from the surgeon’s
perspective Anterior mitral valve leaflet
Cuspis coronaria sinistra
Cuspis coronaria dextra

Cuspis noncoronaria
A. coronaria dextra
536 V. Hraška and J. Photiadis

..Fig. 16.3  The anatomic

relationship of the aortic Pulmonary trunk
root. ANT anterior, LV left
ventricular, PULM pulmo-
ium Ed
nary, POST posterior, LCS rd
ica g
pu e to
left coronary sinus, NCS Ep l
noncoronary sinus, ANT va m.
S lve
anterior, LV left ventricle, LC t
ec M
PULM pulmonary, POST sp V u
posterior, LCS left coronary .t a of L
La se



sinus, NCS nonkoronarer


ht ve
sinus (Picture: Sud et al.

a supraventrikularis

ntricular outflow tract

1984:77; used with

rior mitral


Left atrium






(p ent

os ri

b emb

t) cl
Mem CS ranous

sep trial
m dextru

the ventricular muscle which makes up 45 % of the free wall of the left ventricle. The commissure
the circumference. between the left and the right coronary cusps lies
The entire right coronary sinus lies adjacent adjacent to the corresponding commissure of the
to the right ventricular outflow tract. Inferiorly, it pulmonary valve, and there is an area of dense
relates to the interventricular septum. The non- fibrous tissue between these commissures (Tsang
coronary sinus lies adjacent to the right and to et al. 2006).
the left atrial chambers and the interatrial sep-
tum. Inferiorly, the commissure between the
right and the noncoronary cusps is related to the 16.2 Valvular Aortic Valve Disease
16 membranous septum and to the penetrating
atrioventricular bundle. The bundle of His passes 16.2.1  Introduction
through the interventricular septum beneath the
noncoronary cusps, near its junction with the Congenital aortic valve stenosis accounts for
right coronary leaflet. The left part of the non- 3–5 % of all patients with congenital heart disease.
coronary sinus inserts into the anterior mitral The incidence in males is up to five times higher
leaflet. The commissure between the noncoro- than in females. Valvular aortic stenosis has a wide
nary and the left coronary leaflets is positioned spectrum of anatomical and clinical variations.
above the area of aortic-mitral valve continuity. Most patients, especially those with bicuspid aor-
The left coronary sinus lies adjacent to the left tic valves, will remain asymptomatic during child-
atrium on the right and to the lateral aspect of the hood. Later in life, as the leaflets become thickened
base of the left ventricle on the left. Inferiorly, it and fibrotic, they may need surgical treatment.
relates to the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve. Critical aortic stenosis in newborns and infants
To the right, this is the only part of the aortic root lies at the other end of the spectrum. These
that does not relate to a cardiac chamber but to patients represent a distinct and challenging group
Chapter 16 · Anomalies of the Left Ventricular Outflow Tract
537 16
with severe obstruction at valvular level and duc- The unicuspid valve usually has an eccentric,
tus-dependent systemic circulation. They may pinhole orifice with one defined commissure, or
become severely ill when the ductus closes, mani- no commissural attachment laterally to the aortic
festing with low cardiac output, acute renal failure, wall at all (Roberts 1973). Even in the absence of
and severe metabolic acidosis. commissural fusion, the valve is severely stenotic
Many other cardiac anomalies are associated from birth. The dysplastic bicuspid or tricuspid
with valvular aortic stenosis, including interrup- aortic valves may have a myxomatous appearance
tion of the aortic arch with posterior malalign- and thick cusps with a variable degree of periph-
ment of the ventricular septal defect (see 7 Chapter eral commissural fusion. This type of valve in sys-
«Congenital Anomalies of the Great Vessels», Sect. tole produces a dome with a central opening. It is, multiple left-sided obstructions such as believed that swollen, thickened leaflets, rather
supramitral or mitral stenosis (see 7 Chapter than fusion of commissures, cause the obstruc-
«Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connections and tion (Ho et  al. 1988). The aortic anulus and
Congenital Defects of the Atria, the Atrioventricular ascending aorta are usually hypoplastic. In gen-
Septum, and the Atrioventricular Valves», Sect. 12.2.4; eral, immaturity (gelatinous, myxomatous primi-
Sect., underdevelopment of the left ven- tive tissue) and incomplete development (poorly
tricular cavity (see 7 Chapter «Surgery for Aortic defined leaflets, bicuspid or unicuspid morphol-
Atresia, Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, and ogy, borderline aortic anulus) are typical features
Hypoplastic Left Heart Complex», Sect. 17.6.8), hypo- of critical neonatal aortic valve stenosis (McKay
plasia of the ascending aorta and aortic arch (see et al. 1992; Roberts and Ko 2006).
7 Sect. 21.2.1), and coarctation of the aorta (see
7 Sect. In critical aortic stenosis, impor- Pathophysiology
tant endocardial fibroelastosis may be presented. The postnatal course depends on the combination
of the severity of outflow tract obstruction and
the function and development of the left ventricle
16.2.2   ortic Stenosis in Neonates
A and shunts on the atrial and ductal level. There are
and Infants two potential scenarios.
If stenosis at valvular level is mild and the left Anatomy ventricle is well developed with no obvious dys-
A reduced cross-section area in critical aortic ste- function, systemic circulation remains stable
nosis is the result of (1) deficiency or absence of despite closure of the arterial duct. Over time, the
one or more commissures, leading to a unicuspid left ventricular hypertrophy develops without
or bicuspid aortic valve; (2) immaturity with myx- signs of endocardial fibroelastosis.
omatous change and thickening of the valve More severe forms of valvular aortic stenosis
cusps, with or without commissural fusion/non- cause increased ventricular afterload, resulting
separation; and (3) hypoplasia of the valvular in increased ventricular wall stress and work-
anulus (. Fig. 16.4). load. This provides the stimulus for concentric

a b c

..Fig. 16.4  a–c Types of congenital valvular aortic stenosis. a Tricuspid valve. b Bicuspid valve with anterior and pos-
terior pocket. c Unicuspid valve
538 V. Hraška and J. Photiadis

hypertrophy of the left ventricle in order to nor- and degree of fibroelastosis should be estimated.
malize left ventricular wall stress, keeping an All cardiac structures should be assessed in two
appropriate left ventricular ejection fraction. The planes, and the Z-score for each parameter should
pressure gradient across the stenotic valve in addi- be calculated. The Doppler gradient across the
tion to the increase in myocardial wall thickness stenotic aortic valve can be greatly underesti-
may cause a mismatch between coronary and mated in a situation of low cardiac output with
myocardial perfusion pressure, potentially leading depressed left ventricular contractility and right
to myocardial ischemia, arrhythmias, and infarc- to left shunt at ductus level. Cardiac catheteriza-
tion. Endocardial fibroelastosis, as focal or diffuse tion to gain additional anatomic information is
cartilage-like fibroelastic thickening of the mural rarely necessary.
endocardium, may develop as a consequence of
chronic in utero or postnatal subendocardial isch- Indications for Surgery
emia. Critically ill neonates should be stabilized by
This process could severely impair the systolic aggressive treatment, including mechanical venti-
and diastolic function of the left ventricle. If left lation, inotropic support, and correction of meta-
ventricular hypertrophy is incapable of normaliz- bolic acidosis, while patency of the ductus is
ing wall stress, afterload mismatch develops. At maintained by prostaglandins. After stabilization,
that point there is no further preload recruitable a trial discontinuation of prostaglandins can be
stroke volume, and any increase of afterload undertaken if the structures on the left side are
results in a progressive decrease in stroke volume. well developed, left ventricle function is adequate,
As a result, there will be elevated left ventricular and the degree of aortic valve stenosis is not
end-diastolic pressure and inadequate antegrade severe. No intervention is needed if ductal closure
flow through the left ventricle outflow tract. The is tolerated. On the other hand, dependency on
left ventricle starts to be more dilated than hyper- the ductal circulation is a clear indication for
trophied. Both systemic and coronary perfusions urgent valve centered measures.
become dependent on the patent ductus arterio-
sus. As the ductus begins to close after birth, in Decision-Making
these cases, signs of circulatory collapse develop The key issue is to decide whether structures on
with hypotension, oliguria, and metabolic acido- the left side of the heart are adequate to sustain
sis (Jonas 2004). the systemic circulation, or whether they may
become adequate with available surgical Clinical Presentation approaches, leading to a biventricular type of
and Diagnostics repair. Neonates with a well-developed mitral
Neonates and infants with critical aortic valve ste- valve, left ventricle, and aortic root will benefit
nosis and ductus-dependent circulation present from biventricular repair. At the other end of the
with varying degrees of cyanosis and reduced spectrum, there are patients with severe hypopla-
16 peripheral perfusion. Systolic ejection murmur sia of the mitral valve, left ventricle, and aortic
may or may not be present, depending on the root, who are suitable only for single-ventricle
function of the left ventricle and the amount of repair (Norwood procedure). The most challeng-
blood flow across the aortic valve. Occasionally, a ing group consists of patients with a borderline
neonate will present with circulatory collapse fol- left ventricle (Corno 2005). Correctly choosing
lowing ductal closure. the appropriate surgical pathway at the very
Neonates and infants with severe, noncritical beginning is critically important and contributes
aortic stenosis, without ductal dependency, may to an overall improvement in outcome for patients
present with a history of irritability, failure to with critical aortic stenosis. Converting the failed
thrive, and poor feeding within several weeks. The biventricular repair to Norwood Stage I is associ-
remaining cases with less severe aortic stenosis will ated with increased mortality (Rhodes et al. 1991).
be asymptomatic for the time being (Jonas 2004). The decision-making process in critical aortic ste-
Echocardiography and Doppler flow studies nosis, when deciding between a uni- or biventric-
are essential diagnostic tools. Apart from ana- ular type of repair, should include the following
tomic diagnosis, ventricular function should be considerations with respect to morphometric and
assessed, and the severity of aortic valve stenosis hemodynamic parameters:
Chapter 16 · Anomalies of the Left Ventricular Outflow Tract
539 16
1 . Morphometric parameters adequate to perform biventricular correction
The adequacy of the left ventricle is based (Eicken et al. 2010; Colan et al. 2006; Hickey et al.
on assessment of inflow and outflow structures 2007; Alsoufi et al. 2007).
and on the size of the left ventricle. In neonates The main limit of all recommendations and
with isolated aortic stenosis, the assessment by studies was that in the comparison between the
way of Rhodes score may predict the suitability biventricular and univentricular type of repair,
of a biventricular approach (Rhodes et al. the only surgical approach taken into consider-
1991). The scoring system is based on the aor- ation for biventricular repair was the aortic val-
tic root dimensions indexed to body surface votomy. All data shows that death after aortic
area (<3.5 cm2/m2), the ratio of the long-axis valvotomy is increasingly likely in patients with
dimension of the left ventricle to the long-axis smaller aortic valves and in the presence of endo-
dimension of the heart (<0.8), the indexed cardial fibroelastosis. Aortic valvotomy does not
mitral valve area (<4.75 cm2/m2), and left ven- address either of these morphologic issues, so it is
tricular mass (<35 g/m2). If one or more of not surprising that attempting an aortic valvot-
these factors are present, a univentricular omy in the face of an increasingly small aortic
approach should be considered. valve and increasing endocardial fibroelastosis
Reduced dimension of the mitral valve ori- will be completely ineffective. Other surgical
fice (<9 mm), a small diameter of the aortic options available in neonates with critical aortic
anulus (<5 mm) (Leung et al. 1991), and a car- stenosis such as the Ross or Ross-Konno proce-
diac apex not formed by the left ventricle dures, including the resection of fibroelastosis,
(Karl et al. 1990) are recognized risk factors have not been taken in consideration. The Ross
for mortality if a biventricular approach is procedure normalizes the left ventricular outflow
undertaken. The degree of endocardial fibro- tract dimensions and hemodynamics and allows
elastosis and previously recognized risk pre- easy access to the left ventricular myocardium for
dictors for hospital mortality in neonates with resection of endocardial fibroelastosis. Thereby, it
critical aortic stenosis (younger age, left ven- directly addresses the three most important mor-
tricular length, lower Z-score of the aortic phologic risk factors for biventricular repair: the
valve diameter, presence of moderate or more presence and degree of endocardial fibroelastosis,
tricuspid regurgitation) were identified in a the left ventricular length, and the lower Z-score
multi-­institutional study conducted by the of the aortic valve diameter (Hanley et al. 2001).
Congenital Heart Surgeons’ Society (Lofland The decision-making protocol for critical aortic
et al. 2001). stenosis in our institution emphasizes assessment
2. Hemodynamic parameters of the inflow structures of the left ventricle, the
Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure length of the left ventricle, the flow characteristic in
>20 mmHg, left ventricular ejection fraction the ascending aorta, and the presence and degree of
<40 % (Pelech et al. 1987), and indexed left endocardial fibroelastosis (Hraska et al. 2007a, b).
ventricular end-diastolic volume <20 mL/m2 Single-ventricle palliation can be contem-
of body surface area (Keane et al. 1983) were plated if the mitral valve anulus is smaller than
clearly associated with death if biventricular 7 mm (more than–2z); if the apex of the heart is
repair was undertaken. The presence of total not formed by the LV, with diminished left ven-
or predominant antegrade blood flow in the tricular length and developed endocardial fibro-
ascending aorta and transverse aortic arch elastosis; and if flow in the ascending aorta is
correlated with survival after a biventricular predominantly reversed. Left ventricular outflow
type of repair (Kovalchin et al. 1998). structures, such as hypoplasia of the aortic anulus
and presence of endocardial fibroelastosis, are not  erman Pediatric Heart
G contraindications for biventricular repair if a Ross
Center Protocol (Deutsches operation is an option and the endocardial fibro-
Kinderherzzentrum (DKHZ) elastosis can be resected (Aszyk et al. 2012).
Protokoll) Historically, our treatment protocol was sur-
Proposed formulas have limited clinical value, gically driven. Recently, we have preferred an
and at this point there is no agreement on what interdisciplinary consensus-based approach.
combination of left-sided structures would be Critically ill neonates are stabilized by aggressive
540 V. Hraška and J. Photiadis

..Fig. 16.5 Treatment
protocol for critical aortic
valve stenosis at the Ger- Critical AoS
man Pediatric Heart Center,
Sankt Augustin. AoS aortic
stenosis, LV left ventricle,
EFE endocardial fibroelas- Bad LV function Good LV function EFE and/or Small Ao
tosis, Ao aorta, BV balloon
valvotomy, OV open val-
«Gentle» BV OV procedure

resuscitation, while patency of the ductus is edges of both thickened bicuspid cusps are taut
maintained by prostaglandins. A trial discontin- with no extra length and equal in length to the
uation of prostaglandins should be undertaken. diameter of the aortic root, they cannot open
Intervention (balloon or open valvotomy) is completely and thereby produce obstruction
indicated on a semi-elective basis if ductal clo- (Tsang et al. 2006). The aortic anulus is usually of
sure is tolerated. Dependency on the ductal cir- adequate size. Abnormal tricuspid aortic valves
culation is a clear indication for semi-urgent may not be obstructive during early infancy, but
intervention. If the LV function is depressed, a may become stenotic later in life due to leaflet
ballooning with a balloon not larger than 70 % of thickening and calcification.
diameter of the aortic anulus is performed to
slightly increase the effective orifice area of the Pathophysiology
aortic valve, creating a minimal risk of regurgita- Pressure overload leads to the development of con-
tion. This so-called gentle ballooning is used as centric hypertrophy of the left ventricle to compen-
an intermittent step to stabilize the patient before sate for increased left ventricular wall stress. Even
open valvotomy. If the LV function is not severely though myocardial oxygen consumption and coro-
depressed, surgery is the method of choice nary blood flow normalize at rest, there are many
(Hraska et al. 2012). alterations of coronary circulation in the hypertro-
In case of a hypoplastic aortic anulus and phied left ventricle, with development of a noncom-
developed but resectable endocardial fibroelasto- pliant left ventricle susceptible to ischemia.
sis, a Ross-Konno operation can be considered. A Myocardial perfusion pressure is reduced because of
Ross option is considered also if balloon valvot- reduced aortic pressure (both systolic and diastolic)
omy or open valvotomy fails (. Fig. 16.5). on one side and elevated left ventricular end-diastolic
16 pressure on the other side. During exercise there may
be development of subendocardial ischemia, causing
16.2.3  Aortic Stenosis in Children angina-like symptoms. Ineffective increase of cardiac
output may lead to syncope (Jonas 2004). Anatomy
Although all anatomic variations are possible, the Clinical Presentation
valve is bicuspid in about 70 % of aortic valve ste- and Diagnosis
nosis cases in children, with the two remaining Typically, children with aortic stenosis may remain
commissures arranged as anterior and posterior, asymptomatic, despite a significant gradient. With
or left and right. There may be a third raphe or further progression of stenosis, symptoms of
false residual commissure. There are usually vari- breathlessness, syncope, and angina will develop
able degrees of peripheral fusion of one or both at some point. This is accompanied by a constant
commissures, creating a stenosis (Roberts 1973). risk of bacterial endocarditis and sudden death.
Stenosis can occur without commissural fusion, The ECG demonstrates left ventricular hyper-
simply as a result of thickened or myxomatous trophy, with T-wave inversion in V6, eventually
cusps and a bicuspid configuration. If the free with ST changes.
Chapter 16 · Anomalies of the Left Ventricular Outflow Tract
541 16
ECHO and Doppler flow studies are highly in asymptomatic patients with a peak gradient
reliable to estimate aortic valve gradient, mor- between 40 and 60  mmHg, in order to promote
phology of the valve, and functional and morpho- aortic anulus growth (. Fig. 16.6).
metric parameters of the left ventricle. In the
presence of additional defects and multilevel ste-
nosis, catheterization is indicated. 16.2.4  Aortic Insufficiency
In patients with normal left ventricular function, in Childhood
the severity of aortic stenosis is graded according to
well-established Doppler gradient measurements. Anatomy
The stenosis is considered to be mild if the peak The morphology depends on the etiology. In
Doppler gradient is <40 mmHg or the mean gradi- children, aortic regurgitation may be associated
ent is <25 mmHg. If peak Doppler gradient is up to with certain congenital heart diseases (ventricu-
60  mmHg, or the mean gradient between 25 and lar septal defect, truncus arteriosus, tetralogy of
40 mmHg, the stenosis is considered to be moderate. Fallot, subaortic membrane, etc.) or with bicus-
If the maximum gradient is greater than 60 mmHg, pid aortic valves, with or without coarctation
or the mean gradient >40  mmHg, the stenosis is (Bonderman et  al. 1999). Currently, postinter-
severe (Hossack et al. 1980; Baumgartner et al. 2010). vention aortic regurgitation with resting aortic
stenosis is frequently seen. Predominant mor- Indications for Surgery phological factors contributing to aortic regur-
Surgery for aortic valve stenosis is indicated in gitation after balloon dilatation of the aortic
symptomatic patients when the peak Doppler valve are a combination of several pathologies:
gradient exceeds 40 mmHg, and LV hypertrophy anterior commissural avulsion, cusp dehiscence
and ECG changes are notable. In asymptomatic with retraction (presumably caused by long-
patients, a peak gradient more than 60 mmHg is standing balloon-induced tear), cusp tear or
an indication for procedure. Although each perforation, central incompetence due to calci-
patient should be evaluated individually, evidence fied cusps and sinus of Valsalva dilation, defi-
suggests that early intervention before myocardial cient cusps, and free cuspal edge adhesion to the
changes develop is beneficial (Jonas 2004). aortic wall (Solymar et  al. 1992; Bacha et  al.
Currently intervention/surgery is indicated even 2001; Jonas 2004).

..Fig. 16.6 Treatment
protocol for aortic valve
stenosis and insufficiency Aortic Insufficiency
at the German Pediatric Aortic Stenosis
Symptoms +/–
Heart Center, Sankt Augus- Symptoms +/–
AI ≥ Moderate
tin. LVEDD left ventricular Gradient >40 mm Hg
LVEDD ≥ 3 Z-score
end-diastolic diameter, AVR
aortic valve replacement


Reconstruction of valve

Mechanical AVR Ross procedure

542 V. Hraška and J. Photiadis

Prolapse appears to be the most frequent cusp breathlessness, syncope, and angina may develop.
pathology in pure aortic regurgitation. This There is constant risk of bacterial endocarditis.
pathology may also coexist with root dilatation. The ECG demonstrates the left ventricular
Most importantly, prolapse may be induced by hypertrophy, with left ventricular strain or isch-
reduction of root diameters, particularly at the emia.
sinotubular level (de Kerchove et  al. 2008; ECHO and Doppler flow studies are highly
Jeanmart et al. 2007). reliable in estimating aortic valve regurgitation,
Anuloaortic ectasia may be the result of dilata- morphology of the valve, and functional and
tion of the aortic root due to tissue disorder morphometric parameters of the LV. Aortic valve
(Marfan syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, insufficiency is scored as 0–4 (none, trivial, mild,
Turner syndrome) (Dervanian et  al. 1998). This moderate, and severe). The proximal aortic regur-
process begins in the sinuses of Valsalva with pear- gitation jet diameter to aortic anulus diameter
shaped aneurysmal enlargement of the aortic root, ratio offers more precise quantification of aortic
creating valvular incompetence by dilatation at the insufficiency, even in children. Catheterization is
commissural level. Another cause of aortic regur- rarely indicated.
gitation is rheumatic process with shortening of
the cusps between their free edges and the anular Indications for Surgery
attachments. This results in rolling of the free The timing for surgery in patients with chronic
edges and central incompetence. Less common aortic regurgitation is controversial. Accepted
courses are bacterial endocarditis, myxomatous indications are the presence of symptoms, increas-
degeneration, spontaneous cusp rupture, etc. Pure ing significant LV dilation with or without dys-
congenital aortic insufficiency is very rare. function, or both in the setting of moderate or
even worse AR. Pathophysiology of Aortic In order to achieve complete recovery of the
Regurgitation left ventricular function, surgery should be
Chronic aortic regurgitation represents a condi- ­performed before the Z-score of the preopera-
tion of combined volume overload and pressure tive left ventricular end-diastolic dimension is
overload. The balance between afterload excess, no greater than 4 (. Fig.  16.6) (Tsang et  al.
preload reserve, and hypertrophy cannot be 2006). A further echocardiographic estimate of
maintained indefinitely in many patients, and more than moderate aortic regurgitation is, for
afterload mismatch and/or depressed contractility example, a jet length more than two-thirds back
ultimately result in a reduction in ejection frac- into the left ventricle, or if insufficiency induced
tion, first into the low normal range and then reversed flow is detectable in the descending
below normal. With time, during which the ven- aorta.
tricle develops progressive chamber enlargement
and a more spherical geometry, depressed myo-
16 cardial contractility predominates over excessive 16.2.5  Simple Reconstruction
loading as the cause of progressive systolic dys-
function. This can progress to the extent that the Open Valvulotomie
full benefit of surgical correction of the regurgi- in Neonates and Infants
tant lesion in terms of recovery of left ventricle The operation is performed on cardiopulmonary
function and improved survival can no longer be bypass with mild hypothermia (32 °C) (Jeanmart
achieved (Bonow et al. 1998; Jonas 2004). et al. 2007; Hraska and Murin 2012).
The heart is approached through median ster- Clinical Presentation notomy. The ductus arteriosus is dissected. After
and Diagnosis systemic heparinization, the patient is cannulated
With the advent of balloon valvotomy, patients for cardiopulmonary bypass with two venous
originally treated for aortic stenosis later present cannulas and with an arterial cannula in the distal
with predominant aortic regurgitation. The ascending aorta. The bypass is commenced, and
majority of children remain asymptomatic. With the patent ductus arteriosus is occluded with a
the progression of declining systolic function or snare. A left atrial vent is placed through right
elevated filling pressures of the left ventricle, pulmonary veins. Alternatively, vent could be
Chapter 16 · Anomalies of the Left Ventricular Outflow Tract
543 16
placed through interatrial septum after opening easier. In order to maximize the effective orifice
of the right atrium. The aortic cross-clamp is area, especially in a bicuspid scenario, the com-
applied and antegrade cold crystalloid cardiople- missurotomy can be extended in circumferential
gia is delivered. An oblique, inverted hockey stick fashion beyond the commissure into the aortic
type of incision is made from the anterior aspect wall, splitting the aortic wall in two layers (Ilbawi
of the aorta toward the noncoronary sinus of et al. 1991). Incision into a false raphe should be
Valsalva. The aortic valve is carefully examined. A avoided; however, debridement of the raphe usu-
small cardiotomy sucker placed through the valve ally improves mobility of the cusps with subse-
orifice can improve inspection of the valve. The quent enlargement of the effective orifice area of
fused/nondivided commissures are carefully the valve. In older patients, bicuspidalization even
divided with a knife, ensuring that the individual of an unicuspid valve can be considered (Schäfers
cusps created are well supported and not liable to et al. 2008). Nevertheless, the design of a bicuspid
prolapse. The incision is short, usually 1–2 mm in aortic valve has a limited prognosis with potential
length. Even a short incision may result in an ade- failure and the invariable development of stenosis
quate opening of the outflow orifice, because the (Robicsek et al. 2004).
flow is a function of the fourth power of the If completion of the commissurotomy does
radius. Obstructive myxomatous and fibrous not result in adequate opening, despite the nor-
nodules on the leaflets are removed. This implies mal anulus dimension, conversion to a three-­
careful and meticulous thinning/shaving of cusps cusp valve should be considered. Usually, there is
with a knife. Frequently, a cleavage plane is identi- a prominent, thickened, even calcified false
fied between the fibrosis and what seems to be raphe. The false raphe is incised. Thickened and
thin pliable aortic cusp tissue. Properly performed immobile parts of the newly created cusps are
«shaving» greatly improves mobility of the cusps completely removed, leaving as much native
and increases the effective orifice area of the aortic mobile tissue as possible. Autologous or bovine
valve. The false raphe, if present as the ultimate pericardial augmentation of these two cusps is
remnant of a nondeveloped commissure, does not performed. Augmentation of the third cusp
provide any lateral support for the cusp and depends on the effectiveness of coaptation with
should not be incised. After performing the val- the already augmented cusps. Usually, the sym-
vulotomy, the aortotomy is closed with a running metric augmentation of all cusps involved pro-
suture, the left side of the heart is de-aired, and vides sufficient overlapping of cusps and
the aortic cross-clamp is removed. After rewarm- optimizes the height and width of the intercusp
ing, the patient is weaned off cardiopulmonary triangle, which governs the area of cusp apposi-
bypass. Transesophageal echocardiographic tion (Hraska and Murin 2012).
assessment of left ventricle function, aortic valve Alternatively, the raphe between the other
function, and flow characteristic in the left ven- unsupported cusp is incised, and a pericardial tri-
tricle outflow tract should be carried out rou- angle patch is folded and sutured along both edges
tinely. The ductus arteriosus should always be of the divided raphe and vertically to the aortic
ligated, if the patient is stable. If cardiac output is wall to provide support in the diastole, preventing
not adequate, even on aggressive inotropic sup- cusp prolapse (Tolan et al. 1997, . Fig. 16.8).
port, the arterial duct can be left open and main- Dysplastic bicuspid aortic valves are suitable
tained patent on prostaglandins or intraoperatively for tricuspidalization using most of available
stented to provide additional systemic perfusion native tissue for creation of two adjacent cusps
from the right ventricle. Under these circum- while adding a third cusp from pericardium. One
stances, bilateral pulmonary artery banding or both native cusps are detached from the anulus
should be considered as well (. Fig. 16.7). and reattached to anatomically ideal position, cre-
ating new commissures. Subsequently, cusp from Open Valvulotomie in pericardium is fashioned in between (Pretre et al.
Childhood/Tricuspidalization 2006).
of the Aortic Valve If there is a risk of aortic narrowing at direct aor-
The management of the operation is similar to totomy closure, the supravalvular aortic segment
that described for neonates and infants. should be augmented with a patch instead. Should
Visualization of the aortic valve anatomy is much there be post stenotic dilatation of the ascending
544 V. Hraška and J. Photiadis

a b


..Fig. 16.7  a The fused/nonseparated commissures are incised and the incision is extended in a circumferential
fashion beyond and above the commissures into the ventriculoaortic junction. b The incision is deepened in the muscle
underneath the commissure between the right and left leaflets. c Myxomatous nodules and areas of leaflet thickening
are thinned out. d Releasing of the rudimentary commissure. e Enlargement of the supravalvular area with a patch
Chapter 16 · Anomalies of the Left Ventricular Outflow Tract
545 16
a b

..Fig. 16.8  a View of a congenital bicuspid aortic valve showing one larger cusp with a median raphe. b Incision of
the median raphe. c A pericardial triangle (inset) is folded and sutured along both edges of the divided raphe and verti-
cally to the aortic wall to provide support in the diastole

aorta, wedge resection of the anterior part of aorta is (Borghi et al. 1999; McCrindle et al. 2001). Both
performed to restore optimal sinotubular dimension. are palliative procedures: sooner or later, reinter-
vention is likely. Whereas patients undergoing Discussion: Simple open valvotomy are more likely to have residual
Reconstruction stenosis, those undergoing balloon valvotomy are
The therapeutic goal is to relieve the aortic more likely to develop severe insufficiency
obstruction and provide lasting freedom from (Lofland et al. 2001). Predominant postvalvotomy
residual or recurrent stenosis, without causing pathology is an important predictor of the long-
significant aortic regurgitation. Satisfactory early term outcome. Mild aortic stenosis is usually very
outcomes have been reported in neonates and well tolerated, and patients have normal exercise
infants with critical aortic stenosis treated with tolerance (Mitchell et al. 2003). The need for aor-
both balloon valvotomy and open valvotomy tic valve replacement can be prolonged by
546 V. Hraška and J. Photiadis

repeated operation/dilatation. In contrast, young replacement is therefore higher. If three cusps

patients with even trivial or mild initial regurgita- could be constructed without producing signifi-
tion are at risk for progressive insufficiency and cant aortic regurgitation, the need for any reinter-
ventricular dysfunction and should be considered vention for recurrent stenosis is less than in
for earlier aortic valve replacement (Karamlou patients with bicuspid valves (Bhabra et al. 2003).
et al. 2005; Balmer et al. 2004). Not surprisingly, the tricuspid valve morphology
Balloon valvotomy relieves aortic stenosis by showed exceptional outcomes, with 100 % free-
causing rupture along the lines of least resistance, dom from aortic valve replacement at 20 years of
either along underdeveloped commissures or into follow-up. These figures provide evidence of supe-
cusp tissue (Solymar et  al. 1992). A particular rior long-term outcomes of open valvotomy in
problem is the severely abnormal valve, usually comparison with ballooning regarding preserva-
bicuspid or unicuspid, in which there is a high tion of the native aortic valve (Hraska et al. 2012).
risk of procedural failure and subsequent reinter- Overall, early mortality after open valvotomy
vention. Usually the transvalvular gradient is is less than 5 %, with the mortality rate approach-
effectively reduced, but there is increased risk of ing zero among infants over 1  month and older
progressing aortic regurgitation, predisposing to children. Early mortality in critical neonates is
early or late reoperations. Reintervention is associated with the adverse prognostic factors
almost inevitable (Zeevi et al. 1989; Hawkins et al. such as mitral stenosis, small-sized left ventricles,
1996; Robinson et  al. 2000). The incidence of small aortic anulus, depressed fractional shorten-
immediate and late important aortic regurgitation ing, low aortic gradient, endocardial fibroelasto-
is 13 % and up to 40 %, respectively (Ewert et al. sis, and other coexisting defects (Agnoletti et al.
2011; Brown et al. 2010a, b; Han et al. 2007). 2006; Alexiou et  al. 2001a, b; Miyamoto et  al.
Reintervention rates are about 50 % at 8 years 2006; Chartrand et al. 1999). Overall, the 10-year
after the initial balloon valvotomy (Moore et  al. survival rate is approximately 90 %, with nearly
1996). In the neonatal group, the results are worse, 100 % survival rate for isolated aortic stenosis.
with less than 30 % of patients surviving to There is a late death hazard with a 60–70 % sur-
15  years without reintervention (Reich et  al. vival rate for neonates and infants with associated
2004). The incidence of procedure-related mor- other severe lesions. The 10-year freedom from
tality up to 2 % is certainly not negligible, demon- recurrent aortic stenosis is approximately 80 %.
strating that the «less-invasive» approach is not Mild aortic stenosis is stable and nonprogressing,
necessarily the safest (McCrindle 1996; Brown and if so, it is amenable to repair (Keane et  al.
et al. 2008). 1993). Development of severe aortic regurgitation
There is high incidence of procedural femoral after open valvotomy is unlikely, with 10-year
artery damage. Despite treatment, the majority of freedom from severe aortic regurgitation more
children show evidence of obstructive lesions of than 90 %. Usually, postsurgical aortic regurgita-
the iliofemoral vessels after balloon valvotomy tion is related to monocuspid valves, or a techni-
16 (Balmer et  al. 2004). Open valvotomy allows a cally inadequate commissurotomy with rather
more accurate fashioning of commissurotomies, overenthusiastic incisions in the valve (Alexiou
attempting to construct the cusp as close to nor- et al. 2001b). Overall, the 10-year reintervention-
mal anatomy as possible. Shaving of thickened free survival rate is between 75 and 90 %, reflect-
cusps, excision of obstructive myxomatous nodu- ing the underlying age at repair, being less
larities, and mobilization of cusps effectively favorable for critical newborns (Alexiou et  al.
increase the orifice area of the valve, with minimal 2001a; Miyamoto et al. 2006; Detter et al. 2001).
risk of creating regurgitation. This is not achiev- The underlying anatomy of the left ventricular
able with «blind» balloon dilatation, where cusps outflow tract and associated lesions determines
are likely to get torn or perforated, while trying to the outcome of critical aortic stenosis more than
relieve the obstruction. the method of treatment. Superior longer-lasting
Morphology of the valve determines the need results can be achieved by direct surgical inter-
for reintervention. Unicuspid and bicuspid valves vention, where exact splitting of fused commis-
by definition have fundamental morphological sures and shaving off of obstructing nodules can
and functional abnormalities; the number of rein- produce a better valve with maximum valve ori-
terventions and patients needing an aortic valve fice, without causing regurgitation. Ballooning is
Chapter 16 · Anomalies of the Left Ventricular Outflow Tract
547 16
relatively safe and simple but frequently converts The access to the valve, the bypass strategy,
the physiology of aortic stenosis to aortic regurgi- and myocardial protection are the same as in
tation with a detrimental effect on ventricular other operations for aortic valve surgery. After
performance. The reintervention rate is higher opening the aorta, each cusp is inspected with
and the need for aortic valve replacement is respect to depth, length, thickness, mobility, com-
sooner than after a direct surgical valvotomy missural arrangement, and subvalvular area,
(Tweddell et al. 2005b). including the diameter of the anulus.
The first step of the operation is to relieve
commissural fusion and to perform an extensive
16.2.6  Complex Reconstruction thinning of the valve cusps. Then the appropriate
technique of repair for aortic valve regurgitation Aortic Valve Reconstruction is chosen based on the underlying pathology.
In normal hearts, the aortic root including the There are several scenarios:
flexible sinotubular junction expands during sys- 1. Perforations or tears in the aortic cusps are
tole, straightening the free cusp edges and main- repaired either with a direct suture or with
taining a constant strain in order to minimize pericardial patches.
fatigue stress (Brewer et al. 1976). Apart from this 2. Redundant tissue is corrected by shortening
mechanism, the proper coaptation depends on the the coaptation edge to match the adjacent
aortic anulus, the sinotubular dimension, and the cusps. For the assessment of cusp prolapse
height and position of each commissure in relation in a tricuspid anatomy, a fine suture («Frater
to the other commissures (Bierbach et al. 2010). stitch»; Frater 1967) is passed through the
Commissural attachments should be always nodules of Arantius and placed under traction
higher than the plane of the valve, giving the cusps to estimate the relative length of all free cusp
the necessary depth for coaptation. The crescent- margins. In bicuspid aortic valves, radial ten-
shaped portion of the leaflet’s free edge forms the sion is exercised on the opposite commissures
area of coaptation. Abnormalities in the length or to identify the extent and location of prolapse.
structure of the free edges result in poor mobility A redundant, prolapsing cusp can be repaired
or insufficient coaptation. A deficient cusp usually by several similar methods:
results from the long-standing balloon-­induced 55 Shortening is provided by triangular resection
tear with retraction of the free cusp edge. of redundant tissue. A small extra amount of
Anatomic elements necessary for valve repair tissue is left for incorporation into the suture
include a sufficient anulus diameter, mobile cusps line. The resected margins are approximated
or cusps that can be mobilized by resection or by means of interrupted or continuous poly-
shaving off excess fibrous tissue, and an ability to propylene sutures (. Fig. 16.9) (Mariani et al.
achieve coaptation without inducing stenosis. 1997).
The goal of reconstruction is to restore the 55 Plication of redundant tissue in the pro-
normal geometry of the valve, leaving as much as lapsed cusp achieves the same effect. No
possible the native valve and tailoring the con- resection of valve tissue is needed (Trusler et
struction to individual cusps. Autologous pericar- al. 1973).
dium, pretreated with 0.3 % glutaraldehyde, has 55 Correction of the cusp’s length does not auto-
excellent mechanical and handling properties and matically result in the correction of the cusp
shows only a minor rate of calcification, retrac- prolapse. To improve coaptation of the cusps,
tion, and fibrosis (Duran 1993, 1998). A fixation the free edge reinforcement of the leaflet can
time of 5–30 min improves handling and increases be applied, reducing the length of the free
the strength of the pericardial patch. An alterna- cusp margin. Free margin reinforcement is
tive is bovine pericardium (CardioFix bovine performed by an over and overrunning Gore-
pericardium; CarboMedics). This material is Tex CV-7 (Gore WL Gore and Associates,
highly resistant to calcification, supports the Flagstaff, AZ) suture. Both ends of the suture
growth of host cells, has excellent handling char- are suspended at the level of corresponding
acteristics, and does not require a preimplantation commissures, reinforcing and shortening the
rinse, making it rapidly available (Moore 1997). free edge.
548 V. Hraška and J. Photiadis



..Fig. 16.9  a, b The prolapse of the fused leaflet is corrected by a triangular resection only. LCO left coronary artery
orifice, RCO right coronary artery orifice

3. More extensive cusp destruction, with defi- the sinotubular bar. The running 6–0 mono-
cient cusps, requires an extension procedure filament suture line is carried from the center
using a pericardial patch. The length of the half of the native cusp to each commissure and
moon-shaped patch should be 15–20 % greater then up onto the aortic wall 2–3 mm above the
16 than the diameter of the aorta. The 20 % addi- original commissural insertion, staying away
tional length accounts for a reduction in the from the coronary ostia. With each patch in
pericardial free cusp edge width from a purse place, the newly constructed pericardial cusp
string effect with a running polypropylene edges are trimmed to provide a uniform cusp
suture. The height is governed by the extent depth. The commissures are suspended and
of augmentation and anticipated height of the reinforced with 5–0 monofilament sutures
newly created commissure. The destroyed part (Caspi et al. 1994; Polimenakos et al. 2010;
of the cusp is removed, and the patch is tai- Hraska and Murin 2012) (. Fig. 16.10). A
lored to achieve a «normal» morphology of the small ascending aorta should be enlarged with
newly created cusp. A deliberate overcorrec- a patch, especially if a three-cusp extension is
tion in the cusp reconstruction is attempted to performed, to avoid stenosis at the sinotubular
provide additional material to extend the line junction.
of coaptation of the cusps 3–5 mm above the 4. Mild dilatation of the anulus can be man-
line of original coaptation and 2–3 mm above aged with a subcommissural anuloplasty.
Chapter 16 · Anomalies of the Left Ventricular Outflow Tract
549 16



..Fig. 16.10  a, b The deficient shallow cusp is augmented with a glutaraldehyde-treated pericardial patch suspended
to the aortic wall, to achieve normal depth and length. At the commissures, an overlap is created, thereby ensuring
optimal coaptation and thus addressing the commissural separation. LCO left coronary artery orifice, RCO right coronary
artery orifice

This reduces the circumference of the anu- is suitable for a valve-sparing remodeling
lus and increases cusp coaptation without technique, the so-called Yacoub procedure
interfering with the range of motion of the (Sarsan and Yacoub 1993). The native valve
cusps. The amount of plication depends on is preserved; all three sinuses of Valsalva are
the level at which the sutures are placed. excised. The scalloped Dacron graft is sewn
The lower the sutures are placed at the com- proximally to the residual aortic sinus tissue
missures, the greater the anular plication around the aortic cusps and commissures.
and degree of cusp coaptation. Horizontal The coronary arteries are reimplanted to the
mattress sutures with pledgets are placed newly created sinuses (see 7 Chapter «Acquired
through the anulus on each side of the com- Lesions of the Aortic Valve», Sect.
missure and tied. Care is taken to avoid One putative advantage of the remodeling
contact with the cusps and coronary ostium approach is that the graft billows, thereby
(Cosgrow et al. 1991). mimicking the natural sinuses of Valsalva.
5. Aortic regurgitation resulting from restricted This allows more natural cusp motion (Leyh
cusp motion due to dilatation in the sinotu- et al. 1999) and should theoretically reduce
bular junction with no aortic anulus dilatation cusp-closing stresses and thereby enhance
550 V. Hraška and J. Photiadis

long-term valve durability (Grande-Allen Valsalva, incorporating the thin portion of

et al. 2000). The main drawback is the absence the aortic sinus as well. This results in closure
of fixation of the aortic anulus, which can pre- of the ventricular septal defect, elevation of
dispose to postoperative anular dilatation and the right coronary cusp, and reduction of the
recurrent aortic regurgitation. size of the right coronary sinus (Yacoub et al.
6. For important root dilatation with progressing 1997).
aortic valve insufficiency due to tissue disorder
(Marfan syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Intraoperative assessment of the reconstruc-
Turner syndrome) or congenital heart diseases tion of the valve is essential. The effective orifice
(bicuspid aortic valve) (Massih et al. 2002), a area of the valve should always be checked by dila-
reimplantation valve-sparing procedure should tors. A dimension of 1–2 mm larger than that pre-
be used (David et al. 1996, 2001; Vricella et al. dicted by the tables is necessary to achieve a
2005; Cameron and Vricella 2005). minimal gradient. The potential for insufficiency
The diseased root and all three sinuses of is assessed during the delivery of cardioplegia
Valsalva are excised, thereby preserving the after the aortotomy is closed. If the root is pres-
valve (see 7 Chapter «Acquired Lesions of the surized appropriately, and vent return is minimal,
Aortic Valve», Sect. A tubular ascending aortic insufficiency is not severe (Tweddell et al.
aortic graft with prefabricated sinuses is firmly 2005a, b).
anchored proximally at the ventriculoaortic After weaning, a direct measurement of the
junction below the leaflets, with the commis- pressure gradient between the LV and ascending
sures sewn inside the Dacron graft. The prefab- aorta should be obtained. The TEE is an essential
ricated sinus of Valsalva may limit the potential tool for assessment of the function of the LV and of
for leaflet damage. The reimplantation tech- gradients and insufficiency of the aortic valve. If a
nique minimizes the risk of late aortic anulus peak gradient is >40 mmHg and aortic insufficiency
dilatation, which is seen in patients after the is moderate or more, attempts to reduce these resid-
remodeling procedure. uals should be considered. In general, residual ste-
7. In the case of central cusp incompetence nosis is better tolerated than insufficiency. Increased
with dilatation of the noncoronary sinus of experience with three-­dimensional echocardiogra-
Valsalva, a reduction plasty is performed to phy and better understanding of aortic valve anat-
reduce commissural splaying. A wedge of the omy and the mechanism of failure might play a
noncoronary sinus wall is resected, followed promising role in the surgical treatment of these
by primary closure of the aortotomy (Bacha complex patients in the future.
et al. 2001).
8. In isolated cusp prolapse associated with Mechanical Aortic Valve
normal root anatomy, a sinotubular junction Replacement
plasty is performed to improve coaptation of The technique of routine mechanical aortic valve
16 the leaflets. Pledgeted 4/0 prolene (Johnson replacement is described in see 7 Chapter «Aquired
and Johnson medical NV/SA®) sutures are Lesions of the Aortic Valve», Sect. 24.5.2. If the aortic
placed in the middle part of the inter-com- valve anulus is hypoplastic and a modest degree of
missural segment. The dilated sinotubular enlargement of the aortic anulus is necessary, we
junction or the ascending aorta, or both, prefer posterior enlargement of the anulus. A stan-
may require plication, aortic wrapping with dard cardiopulmonary bypass setup and perfusion
prosthesis, or resection. technique is used. The Nicks procedure enlarges
9. Aortic regurgitation that develops in associa- the aortic anulus between the left coronary and
tion with a ventricular septal defect can be noncoronary commissure. The incision is carried
corrected through a transaortic approach. The into the fibrous continuity between the aortic and
series of pledgeted supported mattress mitral valve, staying away from the anterior leaflet
sutures are inserted through the crest of the of the mitral valve. A Dacron patch is used to
ventricular septal defect, staying on the right enlarge and support the anulus. After excision of
side of the septum, away from the conduction the aortic valve, inverting horizontal mattress
system. The sutures are then passed through sutures are placed through anulus and through the
the anulus of the aortic cusp into the sinus of patch. If the sutures are placed more distally on
Chapter 16 · Anomalies of the Left Ventricular Outflow Tract
551 16
Dacron patch, the valve can be slightly tilted to the aorta. Great care should be taken during the
accommodate the larger size of the valve (Nicks dissection of the posterior aspect of the valve,
et al. 1970; Jonas 2004). The Manougian technique where the left main coronary artery, the left ante-
is similar to Nick’s procedure, but the incision starts rior descending artery, and the first septal branch
rather in the middle of the coronary sinus and is lie. A shallower incision of the endocardial surface
extended into the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve is made at the septum with fine scissors.
and the roof of the left atrium (see 7 Chapter Subsequently, the dissection plane is developed
«Aquired Lesions of the Aortic Valve», Sect.; with the scissors angled to prevent deep dissection
Fig.  24.19 a–c). A pericardial patch is used for into the interventricular septum and injury to the
enlargement of the aortic root and closure of the first septal branch of the left anterior descending
defect in the mitral valve. artery. After harvesting the pulmonary valve, car-
dioplegia is delivered, and any bleeding points Ross Operation from the area of the previous dissection are either
In small children, a standard technique of com- controlled by diathermy or oversewn with a shal-
plete root replacement is used (Stelzer et al. 1998; low suture. In adolescents, in the case of a geomet-
Hraska and Murin 2012). ric mismatch of at least 3 mm in favor of the aortic
The approach and cardiopulmonary bypass are anulus, the commissures on either side of the non-
conducted in the usual way. Myocardial protection coronary sinus are plicated down with pledget-
is preferentially provided by retrograde cardiople- supported sutures to ensure the proper autograft
gia. A left ventricular vent is inserted through the fit and function. The pulmonary autograft is then
right pulmonary vein entrance. Extensive dissec- sutured to the left ventricular outflow tract open-
tion and mobilization of the ascending aorta, the ing using a continuous suture. The autograft is ori-
pulmonary trunk, and both pulmonary arteries entated in such a way that the right and left
are carried out. The arterial ligament is ligated and coronary arteries face the sinus. The suture line is
transected to improve mobility of the pulmonary subanular so that the autograft is plugged into the
arteries. After aortic cross-clamping, the aorta is left ventricular outflow tract, thus having the fibro-
partially transected and the feasibility of valve muscular support of the outflow tract. The second
repair is assessed. If the decision is made to pro- running adventitial suture over the remnant of the
ceed with the Ross operation, the main pulmonary aortic wall reinforces the first one and decreases
artery is transected just proximal to the bifurca- the risk of inaccessible bleeding, especially from
tion of the PA. The pulmonary valve is inspected the posterior aspect of the anastomosis. The left
to ensure no abnormality exists. In the case of coronary artery button is implanted into the circu-
severe abnormalities or bicuspid anatomy of the lar opening made in the pulmonary artery wall,
pulmonary valve, one should consider abandon- avoiding rotation, tension, or kinking. The right
ing the Ross operation and use a mechanical valve, anterior commissure is marked on the outside of
or an aortic homograft if aortic root is too small the autograft to avoid inadvertent injury to the
for mechanical valve. After complete transection valve leaflet during the implantation of the right
of the aorta, the coronary arteries are removed as coronary artery button. The autograft is then anas-
buttons with maximum adjacent aortic wall tissue. tomosed to the distal aorta using a continuous
Mobilization of both coronaries is performed. The suture. A pericardial strip can be used in adult size
aortic cusps and sinus wall are removed leaving an aortic anulus to reinforce the neoaortic root and
approximately 3–5 mm cuff of the aortic wall anu- avoid potential root dilatation (Charitos et  al.
lus in place. Then the pulmonary artery autograft 2009). After completing the distal anastomosis, the
is harvested. A right-angled clamp is used to iden- neoaortic root is expanded with a dose of cardio-
tify the opening on the right ventricle anterior plegia, and the appropriate position for implanta-
wall, staying away from the nadir of the anterior tion of the right coronary artery is determined. A
sinus of the pulmonary artery root. The infundib- circular opening is made in the pulmonary artery/
ular incision is extended in both directions around neoaortic wall, staying away from the valve com-
the pulmonary valve leaving an approximately missure, and the coronary is implanted. For recon-
3–5  mm muscular cuff of tissue in place. One struction of the right ventricular outflow tract, a
should try to avoid the conus branch of the right cryopreserved pulmonary homograft is used. The
coronary artery as the incision is carried toward distal anastomosis is carried out first,
552 V. Hraška and J. Photiadis

a b

..Fig. 16.11  a–c Ross operation: a The aorta is transected just above the sinotubular junction, and the pulmonary
autograft is harvested taking care to avoid injury to the LCA, the PA valves, and septal perforator of the LAD. b The right
and left coronary buttons are formed and dissected for maximal mobilization. The pulmonary autograft is implanted in
the left ventricular outflow tract using a running suture technique. c The left and right coronary arteries are reimplanted
into the neoaortic trunk. The neoaortic reconstruction is completed by proximal anastomosis with the ascending aorta.
16 A pulmonary homograft is used for reconstruction of the right ventricular outflow tract

placing the sinuses of the homograft into the  ortic Root Replacement
appropriate position. A mobile pulmonary artery with an Aortic Homograft
bifurcation facilitates construction of this anasto- Homograft aortic root replacement is currently
mosis. The posterior aspect of the proximal suture used for treatment of complicated bacterial endo-
line between the right ventricular outflow tract carditis with aortic root abscesses and in the man-
and the homograft is performed by placing shal- agement of complex left ventricular outflow tract
low bites avoid the coronaries. Anteriorly, the obstructions, when Ross-Konno is not an option.
suture line takes the full thickness of the muscle of The operation is performed using a standard
the right ventricular outflow tract. After de-­airing, bypass cannulation technique. We provide myo-
the aortic clamp is released. An ECHO may be cardial preservation preferentially through the
routinely performed after weaning the patient off coronary sinus.
bypass (Mohan Reddy et  al. 1998; Elkins et  al. The proximal transverse aortotomy is per-
1994) (. Fig. 16.11). formed. The coronary arteries are harvested on
Chapter 16 · Anomalies of the Left Ventricular Outflow Tract
553 16
large buttons with as much adjacent aortic wall tis- sion. A variety of valvuloplasty techniques have
sue as possible. Full mobilization of the coronaries is demonstrated good early and intermediate results;
achieved. The aortic valve cusps are excised and these techniques range from commissurotomy,
root enlargement (Konno incision) is performed if reattachment of a torn leaflet, resuspension of
necessary. An aortic homograft of an appropriate cusps, thinning of a dysplastic valve, removal of
size is chosen. It is always possible to use larger dysplastic nodules, and symmetrical pericardial
homograft than native aortic root. The homograft is augmentation of cusps to a reduction anuloplasty.
then sutured to the left ventricular outflow tract Aortic valve repair is safe, with early mortality
opening using a continuous suture. Sewing muscle approaching zero and with 3-, 5-, and 18-year
to muscle is avoided by anticlockwise rotating the freedom from valve replacement of 90, 75, and
homograft 120°, so that the right coronary artery 60 % (McMullan et  al. 2007; Alsoufi et  al. 2006;
ostium faces the recipient’s left coronary artery. The Polimenakos et al. 2010).
second running adventitial suture over the remnant With this time frame, aortic valve repair is
of the aortic wall reinforces the first one. The left considered to be a good temporary solution as it
coronary artery button is sewn into the enlarged offers reduction of regurgitation and stenosis and
ostium of the homograft’s right coronary artery. The stabilization of the ventricular dimensions until
right anterior commissure is marked on the outside the patients grow older, at which time the full
of the homograft to avoid inadvertent injury to the range of possible treatment options, including
valve leaflet during the implantation of the right mechanical valve or the Ross procedure, might be
coronary artery button. The homograft is then anas- used if necessary (Bacha et al. 2001; Tweddell et al.
tomosed to the distal aorta using a continuous 2005a, b; Caspi et al. 1994; Alsoufi et al. 2006). The
suture. The aortic root is pressurized by cardiople- selection of the most appropriate substitute in
gia, and the right coronary artery is reimplanted to children with irreparable aortic valve lesions
the appropriate site, avoiding rotation, tension, or remains controversial, with all the available
kinking (Clarke 1991). options having certain drawbacks. The pulmonary
autograft procedure is an alternative to a mechani- Discussion Complex cal prosthesis, but disproportionate dilation of the
Reconstruction neoaortic root, autograft regurgitation, and the
The ideal operation for aortic valve insufficiency need for pulmonary homograft exchanges remain
would preserve the native aortic valve and as much concerns (Elkins et al. 1996; Hörer et al. 2009).
of its functional unit (comprising the left ventricu- The Ross procedure is not a cure for aortic
lar outflow tract, the anulus, the sinus of Valsalva, valve disease. The Ross procedure should not be
and the sinotubular junction) as possible. Surgical considered if the pulmonary valve is deformed,
options in children with aortic valve disease remain damaged by acquired disease, or compromised by
limited. There is no ideal valve substitute; therefore, previous surgical procedures. Furthermore, certain
valve repair should take preference over any type of connective tissue disorders, such as the Marfan
valve replacement if a reduction of aortic regurgita- syndrome, probably affect the pulmonary valve
tion and/or stenosis can be accomplished to an and also disqualify it from consideration for auto-
acceptable level. A mild degree of postrepair resid- grafting. Results achieved with the Ross operation
ual hemodynamic lesions is well tolerated in the in rheumatic aortic valve disease were disappoint-
long run. The repaired valve has growth potential ing. The great advantages of the Ross procedure are
and no anticoagulation is needed. Not all valves are the superior hemodynamic performance, the
amenable to repair. Anatomic elements necessary growth potential, and the lack of need for antico-
for valve repair include a sufficient anulus, mobile agulant therapy (Al-Halees et al. 2002). The Ross
cusps, and the ability to achieve coaptation without procedure even allows replacement of stenotic or
inducing stenosis. Repair of congenitally bicuspid regurgitant aortic valves earlier in life, thus avoid-
aortic valves by tricuspid conversion confers better ing repeated surgical reinterventions, which may
outcomes, probably due to reduction in leaflet stress provide only short-term palliation and potentially
load and improved flow patterns (Odim et al. 2005). exacerbate ventricular function (Mohan Reddy
The best results are obtained when sufficient et al. 1998; Marino et al. 1999; Ohye et al. 2001).
native aortic tissue, including the hinge point of Root replacement technique, exclusively used for
the native leaflet, remains prior to leaflet exten- small children, demonstrated excellent midterm
554 V. Hraška and J. Photiadis

functional results with a mortality rate <5 % in The risk of autograft failure in these specific
both simple and complex left heart lesions, even in subsets of patients remains to be determined, and
neonates and infants (Stelzer et  al. 1998; Marino mechanical valve replacement should be consid-
et al. 1999; Ohye et al. 2001). Eighty-eight to 95 % ered as a reasonable option. On the other hand,
freedom from more than trivial neoaortic regurgi- patients with mixed severe aortic stenosis and
tation or valve replacement at a 5-year follow-up insufficiency might benefit more from a Ross
can be expected (Elkins 1996; Hraska 2004; Elkins operation than a repair (Bacha et  al. 2001).
et  al. 1998; Takkenberg et  al. 2009; Brown et  al. Freedom from pulmonary homograft replace-
2009). ments after the Ross procedure is about 90 % at
In adults, excellent midterm outcome can be 12-year follow-up (Elkins et al. 2001). These results
expected, when aortic root was enforced or sub- are superior to other right-sided reconstructions,
coronary implantation technique was used most probably because an orthotopically placed
(Charitos et al. 2009). The main concern is dilata- pulmonary homograft provides the ideal hemody-
tion of the neoaortic root leading to progression namics and flow pattern. Nevertheless, reopera-
of aortic regurgitation, especially in the settings of tion is likely to be necessary in very young children
geometric mismatch of the aortic and pulmonary in whom more accelerated degeneration of the
roots and bicuspid, chronically regurgitant aortic homograft can be expected. Remodeling of the left
valves (David et al. 1996; Laudito et al. 2001). ventricle after the Ross procedure, with normal-
The adjustment of the diameter of the aortic ization of the left ventricle diastolic diameter index
anulus and/or the sinotubular junction of the and left ventricle mass index, can be expected over
aorta seems to be an important factor in prevent- a 3–12 months period in every patient without the
ing neoaortic regurgitation after the Ross proce- associated lesion (Hraska et  al. 2004). The long-
dure. The sinotubular junction can easily be term outcome of the Ross operation is better than
adjusted to the appropriate diameter by reducing other aortic valve replacement options for chil-
the diameter of the ascending aorta before the dren, but the unknown long-­term outlook of auto-
autograft-ascending aorta anastomosis is finished. graft replacement and degeneration of homograft
Adjustment of the diameter of the aortic anulus placed to the RVOT remind us that the Ross pro-
by plication or anular reinforcement should be cedure results in a two-valve pathology.
considered only in older children (over 15 years Mechanical valve replacement in children
old) (Brown et al. 2010b). is complicated by the need for systemic anti-
If the growth of the patient is not an issue, it was coagulation, by lack of anular growth, and by
suggested encasing the autograft in a Dacron tube patient-­prosthesis mismatch (see also 7 Chapter
to prevent dilatation (Slater et al. 2005; David et al. «Acquired Lesions of the Aortic Valve», Sect.
2000). Mechanical adaptation phenomena in the Operative mortality is low, ranging between 0 and
wall of the autograft associated with elastic fiber 5 % (Ibrahim et  al. 1994; Mazzitelli et  al. 1998),
fragmentation are another potential risk factor for and is associated with poor preoperative status.
16 Ross failure (De Sa et al. 1999; Carr-White et  al. Long-term survival rates ranging from 85 to 64 %
2000; Ishizaka et al. 2003), which call for decreas- at 20-year follow-up reflect the complexity of the
ing wall stress by aggressive postoperative control underlying congenital disease, being more favor-
of blood pressure (Hraska et al. 2004). able for isolated aortic stenosis (Alexiou et  al.
Patients with bicuspid valve, chronic aortic 2000; Champsaur et  al. 1997). The anticoagula-
insufficiency, and a dilated aortic root are less tion management in infants and small children is
suitable candidates for a Ross operation. It is pos- particularly cumbersome. In the adolescent age
sible that aortic insufficiency alters the geometry group, noncompliance with activity restriction
and tissue characteristic of the subvalvular left and medical regiments, and high-risk behavior,
ventricle outflow tract, with propensity to postop- makes the use of a mechanical valve less attractive.
erative dilatation of the neoaortic root and pro- Although 93 % freedom from thromboembolism
gression of aortic insufficiency. Another at 20-year follow-up was reported, the risks of
possibility is that these patients have an inherent thromboembolism, valve thrombosis, anticoag-
abnormality of the pulmonary anulus, or valves ulation-related hemorrhage, and prosthetic valve
with mucocystic degeneration of the stroma endocarditis remain long term (Alexiou et  al.
(Laudito et al. 2001). 2000; Vongpatanasin et al. 1996). Placement of a
Chapter 16 · Anomalies of the Left Ventricular Outflow Tract
555 16
prosthetic valve in small children requires anu- Other rare causes of subvalvular obstruction
lar enlargement to accommodate an adequate are abnormal attachments of the mitral valve,
prosthesis which may result in late ventricular dys- accessory tissue, abnormal insertion of the mitral
function (Sharma et al. 2004). Repeated prosthetic papillary muscle, abnormal muscular bands
valve replacement is unavoidable during child- within the left ventricular outflow tract, and
hood, because of somatic growth and left ventricu- space-occupying lesions in the left ventricular
lar outflow obstruction. Earlier referral for redo is outflow tract. Shone and associates described a
warranted before the onset of ventricular dysfunc- complex of subvalvular aortic stenosis in associa-
tion. Freedom from surgical reintervention rates tion with supravalvular mitral ring, parachute
range from 70 to 91 % at 10-year follow-up and mitral valve, and coarctation of the aorta (see also
53 to 86 % at 20-year follow-­up (Mazzitelli et  al. 7 Chapters «Anomalous Pulmonary Venous
1998; Alexiou 2000). On the other hand, mechani- Connections and Congenital Defects of the Atria, the
cal aortic valve replacement might be a lifelong Atrioventricular Septum, and the Atrioventricular
solution, mainly for patients where large sizes Valves», Sect. and «Congenital Anomalies of
(≥21 mm) of the valve can be inserted. The major- the Great Vessels», Sect. (Shone et al. 1963).
ity of survivors are in the NYHA I class, leading Rarely seen hypertrophic obstructive cardiomy-
normal or nearly normal lives. Mechanical aor- opathy usually creates dynamic subvalvular
tic valve replacement, with optional enlargement obstruction due to opposition of the anterior leaf-
of the aortic root and long-term anticoagulation, let of mitral valve against the asymmetrically
remains a good alternative to the Ross procedure. hypertrophied ventricular septum.
Other alternatives for valve replacement are
unappealing, including a tissue valve with rapid
degeneration in children, or an allograft with no 16.3.2  Anatomy
growth potential. Aortic homograft replacement
of the aortic valve is a reasonable alternative in the Fixed subaortic obstruction can be discrete or dif-
case of endocarditis. Unfortunately, the durability fuse. The discrete form represents about 70 % of
of an aortic homograft is limited, with an 82 % cases and is characterized by a thin, fibromuscular
5-year freedom from reintervention (Lupinetti shelf located at the area of aortomitral continuity
et al. 2003). Furthermore, the risk at reoperation with the extension toward the interventricular
is not negligible and warrants that they be used septum.
with caution. The allograft may be densely calci- It is typically seen in patients with a more
fied, sternal reentry may be perilous, the coronary acute angle between the long axis of the left ven-
ostia may need to be reimplanted again, and the tricle and the aorta. This angulation leads to
aortic anulus may have scarred down excessively. imbalance in shear forces which causes the prolif-
eration of tissue that forms the membrane
(Kleinert and Geva 1993; Jonas 2004). There may
16.3 Subaortic Stenosis be an abnormal anatomic relationship with the
mitral valve, which is displaced anteriorly and
16.3.1  Introduction rotates in a clockwise direction.
Diffuse subvalvular aortic stenosis is caused
Subvalvular stenosis is an obstruction of the left by a circumferential narrowing which commences
ventricular outflow tract below the aortic valve. at the anular level and extends downward for
The most common form is a fixed obstruction due 1–3 cm into the left ventricle cavity.
to a discrete membrane or a diffuse, tunnel-like It is often a secondary lesion seen after previ-
obstruction. This condition occurs in patients ous resection of a discrete subvalvular aortic
with associated congenital heart disease, including membrane. Scarring from the initial resection in
ventricular septal defect, coarctation of the aorta, conjunction with an abnormal-shaped left ven-
interrupted aortic arch, atrioventricular canal, and tricular outflow tract may result in progressive
others. The lesion may develop in patients with fibromuscular proliferation and creation of a left
these defects before operation, but also may appear ventricular outflow tract tunnel.
and progress significantly after surgical correction Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy is
of the associated defects (Gersony 2001). characterized by primary asymmetric ventricular
556 V. Hraška and J. Photiadis

septal hypertrophy and a dynamic obstruction third of all cases. Contrary to the discrete form,
associated with abnormal systolic anterior motion the tunnel type of obstruction is often seen as a
of the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve. The his- part of complex lesions, even in neonates and
tological hallmark of this disease is the presence infants. Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopa-
of disorganized and bizarrely shaped hypertro- thy is rarely seen in the pediatric population;
phied myocytes (Goodwin et al. 1960). symptoms usually develop in the second or third
decade of life.
An ECHO is the method of choice for visual-
16.3.3  Pathophysiology izing the narrowed left ventricular outflow tract,
to discriminate between discrete and diffuse
Pressure overload leads to concentric hypertro- forms, to measure gradient, and to evaluate the
phy of the left ventricle and myocardial hypoper- function of the aortic valve and the functional and
fusion with the same sequels as seen in valvular morphometric parameters of the left ventricle.
aortic stenosis. Catheterization, with direct gradient measure-
Increased shear stress due to turbulence might ment, is useful in assessing complex, multiple lev-
cause endocardial injury and subsequent prolifera- els of obstruction of the left ventricular outflow
tion and fibrosis (Cape et al. 1997). The membrane tract and the aorta.
which results creates more turbulence, further accel-
erating the process of proliferation and fibrosis. The
turbulence can also cause injury to the aortic valve 16.3.5  Indications for Surgery
leaflets, with subsequent thickening and distortion
resulting in aortic insufficiency. As compared to Symptoms associated with left ventricular outflow
other congenital heart defects, discrete subvalvular tract obstruction (syncope, angina, diminished
aortic membrane is virtually never recognized in exercise tolerance, etc.) are indications for surgery
early infancy, but appears to be an «acquired» lesion(. Fig.  16.12). The surgical intervention is
secondary to flow disturbances in the left ventricular
indicated when the peak Doppler gradient across
outflow tract (Gewillig et al. 1992). the left ventricular outflow tract is 30 mmHg or
more in discrete subvalvular aortic membrane
and a more than 60  mmHg (mean gradient
16.3.4  Clinical Presentation ≥40 mmHg) in tunnel-type obstruction. Patients
and Diagnosis with peak gradient <30 mmHg and no significant
left ventricle hypertrophy are followed closely for
Isolated discrete subvalvular aortic membrane is progression, especially in the first several years of
typically seen in older children with symptoms life. Surgery is also advocated in infants and chil-
similar to those of the valvular variety. Trivial or dren in the presence of aortic regurgitation
mild aortic regurgitation is present in about two-­ regardless of gradient (Jonas 2004).
..Fig. 16.12 Treatment
protocol for subvalvular
aortic stenosis at the Ger- Symptoms
man Pediatric Heart Center,
Sankt Augustin, according
to peak gradients mea- Gradient > 30 mm Hg
sured, symptoms, or noted in the discrete type
aortic regurgitation (AR)
Gradient > 60 mm Hg
in the tunnel type

Chapter 16 · Anomalies of the Left Ventricular Outflow Tract
557 16
Indication for operation in hypertrophic The technique is similar to that utilized for diffuse
obstructive cardiomyopathy is driven by the fibromuscular stenosis (Hraska et al. 2007b).
progression of symptoms despite the maximum Complications of this procedure include the
medical therapy. In symptomatic patients, a creation of an iatrogenic VSD, if resection is
peak Doppler gradient above 50  mmHg under excessively deep, damage to the conduction sys-
resting conditions or with provocation, prefera- tem if the resection is made under the noncoro-
bly using physiological stress, is an indication nary leaflet, and damage to the aortic cusps due
for surgery. In asymptomatic patients, a peak to carefree manipulation with instruments
Doppler gradient >75–100  mmHg at rest is an (. Fig. 16.13).
indication for surgery (Maron et  al. 2003;
Dearani et al. 2005). Modified Konno Operation
The aorta is opened vertically with an extension
toward the intercoronary commissure, staying
16.3.6  Surgical Correction away from the right coronary artery. An oblique
incision is made into the infundibulum of the Resection of a Discrete right ventricle. A right-angled instrument is
Subaortic Membrane passed through the aortic valve to guide an inci-
The approach, the bypass strategy, and myocar- sion into the infundibular septum. Because of
dial protection are the same as in other opera- the extreme thickness of the septum, the inci-
tions for aortic valve surgery. An oblique, sion is always challenging. The incision should
inverted hockey stick type of incision is made remain above the muscle of Lancisi in order to
from the anterior aspect of the aorta toward the avoid the conduction system. The incision is
noncoronary sinus of Valsalva. The right coro- enlarged ­leftward below the pulmonary valve.
nary cusp is retracted anteriorly, exposing the Working back and forth between the aortic
subvalvular area. Alternatively, a nasal speculum approach and the septal incision, the incision is
can be used to improve exposure. The extent and extended toward the intercoronary commis-
relationship of the membrane to the surrounding sural triangle without injuring the cusps of the
structures, especially to the aortic valve and to aortic valve. Extra care is taken when resecting
the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve, are care- tissue from the inferior edge of the incision, to
fully assessed. The membrane is either grasped reduce the risk of injury to the His bundle. At
with forceps or stabilized by a skin hook. Caution this point, any fibrous subaortic tissue is
should be exercised not to damage the aortic resected. A patch of glutaraldehyde-­ treated
valve by instruments. Under the right coronary pericardium or Gore-Tex is sutured with inter-
cusp, close to the intercoronary commissure, a rupted pledgeted sutures (or a running suture)
radial incision is made through the white fibrous to close the created ventricular septal defect,
tissue only to its junction with the muscle. with all the sutures remaining on the right ven-
Combination of sharp and blunt dissection is tricular aspect of the septum. The incision in
used to peel the membrane off the muscle all the the aorta and the free wall of the right ventricu-
way round the entire circumference of the sub- lar outflow tract is then closed with a patch of
aortic region. If the membrane is attached to the pericardium (Jahangiri et  al. 2000).
aortic valve cusps, careful sharp dissection Alternatively, the right ventricular aspect of the
should be performed to remove any fibrous tis- right ventricular outflow tract can be exposed
sue which could obstruct the left ventricular out- working through the right atrium and the tri-
flow tract. The location of the conduction tissue cuspid valve. After pulling away the septal leaf-
near the membranous septum should be identi- let of the tricuspid valve, the septal incision is
fied, and any deep, sharp dissection must be made, starting above the insertion of the Lancisi
avoided. muscle, with an extension toward the pulmo-
A myectomy is routinely performed to enlarge nary valve. The risk of damaging the conduc-
the left ventricular outflow tract and to reduce the tion system is thereby lessened. The rest of the
likelihood of recurrence. A wedge of muscle under operation is the same as described above
the left half of the right coronary cups is excised. (. Figs. 16.14, 16.15, and 16.16).
558 V. Hraška and J. Photiadis

a b

..Fig. 16.13  a, b Diagram of a the pathoanatomy and b the resection of a subvalvular diaphragm, extreme form of
discrete membranous subvalvular aortic stenosis Ross-Konno Operation myectomy is performed if necessary. The pul-

In patients with left ventricle outflow tract monary autograft is seated with the infundibular
obstruction and/or a hypoplastic aortic anu- muscle extension fitting into the Konno incision
lus, a Ross-Konno procedure is the method of in the interventricular septum. The autograft
choice (. Fig. 16.17). The management of the is then sutured to the base of the aortic anulus
cardiopulmonary bypass, myocardial protection, using a continuous suture. The infundibular
and preparation and dissection of the great ves- muscle extension is reinforced with nonabsorb-
sels and coronary arteries is the same as for the able, interrupted, pledgeted mattress sutures.
Ross operation. After aortic cross-clamping and After reattaching the coronary artery buttons
cardioplegia administration, the aorta is tran- to the neoaortic root, the distal end is anasto-
sected at the level of the sinotubular junction. mosed to the transected aorta using a continu-
16 The coronary arteries are explanted with large ous suture. The right ventricular outflow tract is
coronary buttons comprising almost the entire reconstructed with an allograft valved conduit.
wall of the sinus of Valsalva. The pulmonary The allograft is sutured directly to the right ven-
autograft is harvested, along with an extension tricular infundibular muscle without the use of
of the infundibular free wall muscle attached any additional patching material (Hraska et  al.
to it. This extra tissue is used for patching the 2008).
ventriculoplasty incision. The interventricular
septum is incised to the left of the right coro- The Konno-Rastan Operation
nary artery. The length of the incision depends The approach, the bypass strategy, and myocardial
on the morphology of the obstruction. If only protection are the same as in other operations for
anular enlargement is necessary, the septal inci- aortic valve surgery. The pulmonary artery is dis-
sion is limited, extending to about 5–10 mm into sected away to reveal the base of the aorta. The
the septum. In patients with long-segment sub- aorta is opened vertically with an extension
aortic stenosis, the septal incision is extended toward the intercoronary commissure, staying
beyond the obstruction (Mohan Reddy et  al. away from the right coronary artery. A transverse
1996). Resection of fibroelastosis or ventricular incision is made in the outflow tract of the right
Chapter 16 · Anomalies of the Left Ventricular Outflow Tract
559 16

..Fig. 16.15  Modified Konno operation II: Ventricular

septal (broad arrow) incision starts below the left/right
commissure of the aortic valve: an instrument can be
passed from the aortotomy through the aortic valve to
the appropriate location of the interventricular septum for

..Fig. 16.14  Modified Konno operation I: The infun-

dibular incision allows for access to the interventricular
septum. In case a pulmonary autograft is needed, it can
be harvested right away

ventricle, just proximal to the pulmonary anulus.

After the opening of the right ventricle, the sep-
tum is visualized and the position of the pulmo-
nary artery cusps is noted.
The aortotomy incision is extended down in the
ventricular septum, staying above the muscle of
Lancisi (away from conduction system) on the
right side and away from the pulmonary cusps on
the left side. This opening must be extended far
enough below the tunnel stenosis. The aortic valve
is completely removed, and the subvalvular fibrotic
endocardial deposits are peeled away. An appropri-
ate sizer is placed in the area of the divided anulus
to estimate the amount of patch required to accom-
modate a predetermined valve size. Thereafter, a
trigonal Dacron patch made to fit the desired
enlargement is trimmed and sewn into the gap in
the ventricle septum up to the aortic valve anulus ..Fig. 16.16  Modified Konno operation III: The created
by continuous suture technique, reinforced by sev- septal defect is closed with an ellipsoidal patch on the
eral horizontal mattress sutures. At this point, sim- right ventricular side
560 V. Hraška and J. Photiadis

a b

16 ..Fig. 16.17  Ross-Konno procedure. a The aortic anulus is enlarged by incising the interventricular septum (dashed
line) between the left and right commissures. The length of the incision is frequently limited to just beyond the anulus.
A myectomy may also increase the orifice area, limiting the extent of the ventriculoplasty incision. b The autograft is
sutured to the margins with interrupted pledgeted sutures. A short apron is left on the autograft to fill the ventriculo-
plasty site. c Coronary buttons are reimplanted into the autograft. d Completed reconstruction

ple interrupted sutures are placed circumferentially repaired. The defect in the right ventricular outflow
through the aortic anulus, the Dacron patch, and tract is closed with a pericardial patch, covering the
the sewing ring of the prosthesis, and the valve is entire Dacron patch and draining any leakages into
seated and secured in place. Potential bleeding sites the right ventricle (. Fig. 16.18).
in the corner of the anulus-patch junction are dou-
ble sutured with individual interrupted sutures to  esection of the Conal Septum/
prevent hemorrhage from this site. The overlapping Fibromuscular Stenosis
Dacron patch is trimmed and used for enlargement After opening the aorta using an inverted hockey
and closure of the aortotomy incision. The aortic stick type of incision, the subvalvular area is
clamp is released, and any leakages in the patch are carefully inspected. The fibromuscular stenosis
Chapter 16 · Anomalies of the Left Ventricular Outflow Tract
561 16
a b

..Fig. 16.18  Surgical techniques for aortoventriculoplasty (AVP, Konno-Rastan). a Incision to open the aorta and
right ventricular outflow tract (dashed line). b Longitudinally opened aorta and transverse opening of the right ven-
tricle below the pulmonary valve, longitudinal incision into the interventricular septum after transection of the aortic
valve anulus, and resection of the dysplastic valve. c Sewn in trigonal patch plasty for the subaortic area and previously
implanted aortic valve prosthesis. d Completed left ventricular patch plasty and sewing technique of sewing in the
patch to enlarge the right ventricular outflow tract. e Completed AVP (LC left coronary artery, RC right coronary artery)
562 V. Hraška and J. Photiadis

or ridge of muscle projecting into the left ven- 16.3.7  Discussion Subvalvular
tricular outflow tract is excised as widely as pos- Obstruction
sible without interfering with the aortic valve
integrity and the conduction system. Two paral- On the basis of the underlying physiology and
lel incisions are made into the anterolateral morphology of a discrete subaortic membrane
aspect of the ventricular outflow tract. The first (Cape et al. 1997), any surgical treatment should,
incision is made beneath the intercoronary com- in addition to relieving the subaortic stenosis,
missural triangle, and the second one is made address the anatomic abnormality causing
beneath the belly of the right coronary cusp. The increased septal shear stress (Serraf et al. 1999a,
incisions are extended apical as far down as b). Discrete subvalvular aortic membrane can be
needed, and the chunk of muscle in between is cured in most patients by membranectomy
excised with scissors. accompanied by myectomy. Aggressive resection
of all structures causing flow turbulence (anoma- Resection of Hypertrophic lous septal insertion of the mitral valve, accessory
Obstructive Cardiomyopathy/ mitral valve tissue, anomalous papillary muscle,
Extensive Myectomy anomalous muscular band, etc.) (Marasini et al.
in Hypertrophic Obstructive 2003) and removal of pathological tissue from the
Cardiomyopathy valve leaflets and from the subcommissural
The operation is conducted in a similar way to the trigones may prevent development or progres-
resection of fibromuscular stenosis, but the extent sion of aortic regurgitation and may eliminate the
of the septal myectomy is deeper. The septal ­substrate for recurrent obstruction. In patients
myectomy is guided by ECHO findings with par- without a myectomy, the left ventricle outflow
ticular emphasis on the thickness of the ventricu- tract gradient increased postoperatively at a
lar septum and the anatomy and function of the greater rate than those with a myectomy
mitral valve. Before bypass, direct measurement (Barkhordarian et  al. 2007). Early mortality is
of the pressure gradient is performed to make a low, less than 5 % with the survival rate above
reliable comparison with post myectomy mea- 90 % at 15 years (Parry et al. 1999). Late mortality
surements. Particular attention is paid to myocar- is influenced by anatomic factors, namely, by
dial protection of the severely hypertrophied hypoplastic aortic anulus and concomitant mitral
myocardium. After opening the aorta and identi- stenosis (Lupinetti et al. 1992; Parry et al. 1999).
fication of the friction lesion caused by the oppo- Freedom from reoperation is about 85  % at
sition of the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve, 15  years. Recurrence of significant restenosis is
two parallel incisions are made in the septum associated with the immediate postoperative gra-
under the left, lateral half of the right coronary dient across the left ventricle outflow tract
sinus. These incisions are connected superiorly ≥30 mm, with the mean delay for reappearance of
under the aortic cusp, and a deep wedge of muscle a gradient leading to surgery approximately
16 is resected beyond the tip of the anterior leaflet of 4 years (Lupinetti et al. 1992; Rayburn et al. 1997).
the mitral valve to abolish the dynamic obstruc- The mild or moderate aortic insufficiency preop-
tion due to the systolic anterior motion of the eratively has a negative impact on the progression
anterior leaflet of the mitral valve. This classical of aortic insufficiency postoperatively. Therefore,
resection is extended leftward toward the mitral in the presence of aortic regurgitation, surgery is
valve and apically to the base of the papillary mus- recommended regardless of gradient to prevent
cle. In the presence of a midcavity obstruction, the development of aortic regurgitation or to
the apical portion of the myectomy is wider and improve aortic valve function (Parry et al. 1999;
includes the distal third of the right side of the Brauner et  al. 1997). Higher incidence of com-
septum. All attachments between the papillary plete heart block reflects a too aggressive
muscles and septum are divided. After weaning approach during extended, circumferential
from bypass, direct measurement of the pressure myectomy.
gradient and TEE is performed to evaluate the Tunnel or multilevel subaortic stenosis repre-
effectiveness of the myectomy. A resting mean sents a more challenging cause of left ventricular
gradient of <20  mmHg is acceptable (Dearani outflow tract obstruction, occurring in isolation
et al. 2005). or in association with or secondary to correction
Chapter 16 · Anomalies of the Left Ventricular Outflow Tract
563 16
of complex congenital defects (double-outlet right prosthetic mismatches occurring with somatic
ventricle, transposition of the great arteries, inter- growth. Pannus formation is particularly likely to
ruption of the aortic arch, complete atrioventricu- cause problems in patients, who bear small pros-
lar canal, resection of subaortic membrane, etc. theses. Unfortunately, adequately sized valves
(Jonas et al. 1994; van Arsdell et al. 1995; Belli suited to patients’ body size do not eliminate the
et  al. 1996). Ideally, relief of left ventricular risk of pannus ingrowth, due to children’s ability
obstruction should allow preservation of the to create pseudointima far more than adults.
aortic valve function, allow for growth of the aor- Careful attention should be given to maximizing
tic valve, and lessen the possibility of a subsequent the prosthesis effective orifice area according to
operation. The size and function of the aortic patient size without posing the additional risk of
valve determine the appropriate surgical tech- compromising the native pulmonary anulus,
nique. In isolated, simple forms, with a normal impinging on the pulmonary valve or the right
aortic valve, extended myectomy may be effective. coronary. Only an adult size prosthesis (21 mm
In complex forms with a normal aortic valve, or larger) should be inserted; otherwise patient-
the modified Konno procedure is effective for the prosthesis mismatch will inevitably develop,
relief of diffuse subvalvular aortic stenosis and resulting in aortic stenosis even in the presence
can safely be performed in infants and children. of a normally functioning valve. There is a non-
The risk of damaging the conduction tissue is trivial risk of pulmonary complications after the
minimal (Jahangiri et  al. 2000). Children with Konno procedure related to an initial injury to
multilevel left ventricular outflow tract obstruc- the pulmonary valve, disruption of the muscular
tion consisting of subaortic narrowing and aortic subpulmonary conus, or distortion of the pulmo-
valve stenosis may require initial palliation to nary anulus by the right ventricular patch. The
relieve the critical level of obstruction. This may pulmonary valve is quite exposed to injury dur-
involve open/balloon aortic valvotomy, and/or ing the procedure because of the very limited
subaortic membrane and muscle resection. Often space between the right coronary ostia and the
this initial approach will achieve medium-term lateral commissure of the aortic valve. In an
clinical improvement despite some degree of effort to avoid injury to the coronary ostia, the
residual stenosis or insufficiency avoiding a more surgeon places his anular transecting incision as
extensive operation in the first years of life. If close to the commissure as possible, risking dam-
enlargement of the aortic root and aortic valve aging the pulmonary valve. Another problem
replacement is indicated to relieve the obstruc- seen with the Konno procedure is development
tion, the Konno or Ross-Konno operations should of complete heart block with an incidence of
be considered. about 10 % (De Vivie et al. 1993). The recovery of
The anterior aortoventriculoplasty described ventricular function after the Konno procedure
by Konno and Rastan (Konno et al. 1975; Rastan is analogous to that seen after aortic valve
and Kaney 1976) addresses all levels of left ven- replacement alone (Sharma et  al. 2004). The
tricle outflow tract obstruction and is associated Konno procedure in children is an effective
with a significant decline in left ventricle outflow option for enlargement of the left ventricular
tract gradient, stabilization of left ventricular outflow tract in the face of multilevel obstruc-
function, and improvement in functional class. tion, but morbidity tends to be higher compared
Operative mortality for this procedure has with the Ross-Konno operation. If adult size
declined over the last two decades to less than prosthesis cannot be implanted, the Konno pro-
10 %, with survival at 10 years close to 90 % (Suri cedure should not be considered.
et  al. 2006). The operation is designed to offer The Ross-Konno procedure is an excellent
definitive correction of complex left ventricle technique to treat complex multilevel left ventric-
outflow tract obstruction, but in children the ular outflow tract obstruction even in neonates
hazard phase for aortic reoperation is constant, and infants with significant anular and subanular
with the 10-year survival rate, free of reopera- hypoplasia (Hraska et al. 2010).
tion, approximately 60–80 % (Suri et  al. 2006; Recently, the Ross-Konno procedure has
Erez et  al. 2002). Apart from thrombosis and found application in patients with an interrupted
endocarditis, the reoperative risk is related either aortic arch as the initial procedure or after pri-
to prosthesis obstruction by pannus or to patient- mary repair in patients with a severely restricted
564 V. Hraška and J. Photiadis

subaortic area, hypoplastic aortic anulus, and accomplished with mortality less than 5 % and
bicuspid valve. The Ross-Konno procedure low morbidity (Hraska et al. 2010).
increases our therapeutic choices for neonates or Early complications are especially related to
infants with critical aortic stenosis who show malignant arrhythmias (nonsustained ventricu-
unacceptable results following open valvotomy or lar tachycardia, nonsustained supraventricular
balloon valvotomy. Some newborns with critical tachycardia, etc.). The incidence of complete
aortic stenosis, a hypoplastic aortic anulus, and heart block varies from 0 to 6 % (Marino et  al.
significant endocardial fibroelastosis can be effec- 1999). The freedom from reoperation is between
tively treated with the Ross-Konno procedure and 60 and 70 % at 5  years, being less favorable for
resection of endocardial fibroelastosis, thus avoid- small children due to earlier homograft failure.
ing single-ventricular palliation (Aszyk et  al. The choice of conduit appeared to impact the
2012). need for replacement. The aortic homograft
The Ross-Konno procedure allows easy access rather than pulmonary homograft and smaller
to the left ventricular myocardium for resection of homograft size are factors adversely affecting
endocardial fibroelastosis, normalizing the left homograft longevity. The policy is to place the
ventricular outflow tract and the long axis of the largest pulmonary homograft possible at the time
left ventricle. of procedure.
The type of enlargement of the left ventricular There are disadvantages of the Ross-Konno
outflow tract depends on the presence of a sig- procedure as well. The nature of the operation
nificant ventricular septal defect or on the magni- places two valves at risk for single-valve disease.
tude of discrepancy of the aortic valve and However, many pediatric patients are not candi-
pulmonary artery size. If a significant ventricular dates for a Konno operation because of anatomic
septal defect is present, the incision of the conal considerations and the lack of readily available,
septum is extended toward the ventricular septal appropriately sized prostheses. Particularly in the
defect, and patch closure of the ventricular septal growing pediatric patient, the need for pulmo-
defect provides outflow tract enlargement prior nary conduit replacement is high. Replacement
to the autograft implantation. If there is primary of a pulmonary conduit is, however, less difficult
muscular obstruction, the ventriculoplasty inci- than repeated aortic root replacement. Other
sion is patched by an extension of attached infun- concerns regarding the use of the Ross-Konno
dibular free wall muscle harvested with the procedure in children include the uncertain
autograft. Occasionally, in very small babies, the long-term outcome of the pulmonary autograft
thickness of the right ventricular muscle can in the aortic position. The pulmonary autograft
restrict inflow through the tricuspid valve or demonstrates durability without developing aor-
cause recurrent outflow obstruction beneath the tic stenosis, aortic insufficiency, or progressive
autograft. In these patients, patch enlargement of dilatation. Enlargement of the aortic anulus par-
the left ventricular outflow tract is preferable. If allels somatic growth. However, it is unclear
16 there is a significant mismatch between the pul- whether use of the Ross-Konno procedure at an
monary anulus and a truly hypoplastic aortic earlier age alters the natural history of complex
anulus (≤4  mm in Ø), excision and reimplanta- left ventricular outflow tract disease. It is also not
tion of the coronary ostia can be more difficult known if the risk of late reoperation on the neo-
since extensive enlargement of the aortic anulus is aortic valve is higher, if performed in the neo-
necessary and the coronary arteries are close nate, infant, or child because of aortic root sinus
together. Often there is associated severe arch dilation and valve distortion over time. Based on
hypoplasia, coarctation, and a ventricular septal experience from arterial switch operations for
defect. In these patients, a modified Norwood transposition of the great arteries, the neonatal
type of repair with Rastelli modification and baf- pulmonary valve might rapidly be able to adapt
fling of the ventricular septal defect to the pulmo- to the aortic position. Long-term changes in left
nary valve is simpler, although ventricular septal ventricular mechanics await further study.
defect enlargement should be performed in all Despite the technically demanding nature of the
cases to prevent development of a restrictive operation, the Ross-Konno procedure is the
pathway to the pulmonary artery (Serraf et  al. method of choice for the multilevel type of left
1999a, b). The Ross-Konno procedure can be ventricle outflow tract obstruction, especially in
Chapter 16 · Anomalies of the Left Ventricular Outflow Tract
565 16
newborns and infants (Marino et al. 1999; Ohye cal approaches that include a more extended resec-
et al. 2001; Hraska et al. 2004, 2010; Brown et al. tion of the midventricular septum, relief of papillary
2006; Aszyk et al. 2012). muscle anomalies, and routine use of intraoperative
Isolated left ventricular septal myectomy pro- transesophageal echocardiography.
vides excellent outcomes for symptomatic patients
with severe obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopa-
thy. After surgery, significant and persistent 16.4 Supravalvular Aortic Stenosis
improvement in symptoms and exercise capacity
can be expected. The operation is performed with 16.4.1  Introduction
low operative mortality (reported to be 1–3 % and
even less in the most recent cases) in patients of all Supravalvular aortic stenosis is a complex anomaly
ages, including children, at those centers which of the entire aortic root with predominant stenosis
have the most experience with this procedure. at the sinotubular junction. This represents the least
Surgical risk may be higher in patients with a prior common form of left ventricular outflow tract
myectomy, or those undergoing additional cardiac obstruction and occurs in about 5–8 % of patients
surgical procedures. Complications such as com- (Samanek et al. 1989). The underlying cause of con-
plete heart block (requiring a permanent pace- genital supravalvular aortic stenosis is a loss-of-
maker) and iatrogenic ventricular septal perforation function mutation of the elastin gene on
have become uncommon (equal to or less than chromosome 7q11.23 (Keating 1995). In patients
1–2 %), while partial or complete left bundle-­branch with Williams syndrome, the elastin gene is deleted
block is an inevitable consequence of the muscular or disrupted together with a number of neighbor-
resection and is not associated with adverse ing genes that probably are important for the other
sequelae. Intraoperative guidance with echocar- features of the syndrome (elfin-face, mild mental
diography (transesophageal or with the transducer retardation, hypercalcemia) (Nickerson et al. 1995),
applied directly to the right ventricular surface) is whereas in patients with familial, non-Williams
standard and is useful in assessing the site and supravalvular aortic stenosis, the elastin gene only is
extent of the proposed myectomy, the structural subjected to a loss-of-function translocation or
features of the mitral valve, and the effect of muscu- point mutation (Chowdhury and Reardon 1999).
lar resection on systolic anterior movement of Patients with «sporadic» supravalvular aortic steno-
mitral valve and mitral regurgitation (Maron et al. sis are either members of a family carrying an elas-
2003). The incidence of recurrent left ventricular tin gene mutation with a subclinical phenotype, or
outflow tract gradient is less that 5 %. Recurrent carrying the elastin gene defect as a new mutation
obstruction is associated with limited myectomy at (Keating 1995). The resulting decrease in elastin
the initial operation, midventricular obstruction, expression during development is associated with
anomalies of papillary muscles, and ventricular an increased number of elastin lamellae and exces-
remodeling. The recurrence rate of left ventricle sive accumulation of collagen and smooth muscle
outflow tract obstruction after successful myectomy cells in the vascular wall, resulting in formation of
in pediatric patients is higher (Theodoro et al. 1996). severely thickened and rigid arterial vessels (Li et al.
Technically, the extended septal resection might be 1998; O’Connor et al. 1985). Elastin arteriopathy is
compromised by the small size of the aorta and lim- not a localized process but rather a generalized dis-
ited visibility of the midventricular region. Left ven- ease of both the systemic and pulmonary arterial
tricular remodeling, such as changes in wall systems (Stamm et al. 1997, 2001).
thickness and reduction of cavity size, might be
another explanation for the increased need for
reoperation in pediatric patients (Maron and Spirito 16.4.2  Anatomy
1998). A repeat myectomy can be performed with
excellent outcomes. Mitral valve replacement (in Supravalvular aortic stenosis is categorized
the absence of intrinsic mitral valve disease), even in broadly as either diffused (23 %) or localized
the presence of a relatively thin ventricular septum, (77 %). In the localized type, there is a severe nar-
is not recommended. Carefully performed surgical rowing of the sinotubular ridge. The outer
septal reduction is the preferred method. The need diameter of the aorta may be normal or reduced,
for reoperation may be reduced with current surgi- giving an hourglass appearance to the ascending
566 V. Hraška and J. Photiadis

aorta. The coronary arteries may be either dilated While echocardiography is diagnostic in many
due to the high systolic pressure proximal to the cases, it may be inadequate as the only diagnostic
sinotubular junction or stenotic because of the tool in more complex forms of supravalvular aor-
thickening of the wall of the sinuses of Valsalva, or tic stenosis with involvement of the aorta, the aor-
they develop atherosclerosis. On occasion, the free tic arch, and head vessels. In order to clarify the
edge of the aortic valve cusps almost completely anatomy in any complex form of supravalvular
adheres to the sinotubular junction, effectively aortic stenosis and to delineate any existing
isolating the coronary artery from the sinus of branch pulmonary artery stenosis, cardiac cathe-
Valsalva and the lumen of the aorta. Abnormalities terization and angiography are indicated. If there
of the aortic valve are present nearly in half of the is evidence for an obstruction of the coronary
cases. Thickening of the aortic cusps and aortic ostia, coronary angiography should be performed
insufficiency due to the high systolic pressure and with great care. Magnetic resonance imaging may
bicuspid aortic valve is most commonly presented possibly also represent an attractive alternative to
(Stamm et al. 1997; van Son et al. 1994b). In the invasive angiography.
diffuse form, the entire ascending aorta and the
brachiocephalic vessels may be thickened, with
narrowed lumen. There may by supravalvular nar- 16.4.5  Indications for Surgery
rowing of the main pulmonary artery and central
and peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis. An unfavorable natural history due to accelerated
coronary artery atherosclerosis, damage of the
aortic valve, and the high risk of sudden death is a
16.4.3  Pathophysiology reasonable argument for proceeding with early
surgery, before the left ventricular hypertrophy
The basic pathophysiology of supravalvular aortic has become severe.
stenosis is similar to other types of congenital aor- A peak Doppler gradient above 40  mmHg,
tic stenosis. Left ventricular hypertrophy and aortic insufficiency, and signs of compromised
ischemic myocardial damage due to coronary coronary artery blood flow are indications for
ostial stenoses, decreased blood flow into the cor- surgery (. Fig. 16.19).
onary sinuses, or hypertension-related coronary
arteriosclerosis may present in early childhood
and accelerate with age (van Son et al. 1994b). The 16.4.6  Surgical Management:
risk of sudden death secondary to myocardial Symmetric Restoration
hypoperfusion and subsequent fibrillation is of Distorted Aortic Root
higher in comparison with other forms of left ven-
tricular outflow tract obstruction (van Son et al. A single, asymmetric patch technique
1994a). In case of pulmonary artery stenosis, right (. Fig.  16.20a), enlarging only the noncoronary
16 ventricular hypertension and hypertrophy sinus in conjunction with resection of the stenotic
develop. ridge, does not address the constriction of the
thickened aortic wall at the level of the cusp hinge
point. This original method is rarely used any
16.4.4  Clinical Presentation more. Currently, the preferred method is the
and Diagnosis symmetric anatomic restoration of the aortic root
addressing all involved sinuses of Valsalva. The
The disease occurs as an isolated defect or as a risk of developing postoperative aortic regurgita-
part of William’s syndrome in association with tion is minimal despite the significant enlarge-
mental retardation, elfin facies, failure to thrive, ment of the diameter of the sinotubular junction.
and occasionally infantile hypercalcemia All techniques require a cardiopulmonary bypass
(Williams et  al. 1961). The clinical appearance with cardioplegic arrest of the heart. Deep
corresponds to other forms of left ventricular out- hypothermia with circulatory arrest and, alterna-
flow tract obstruction. Limited capacity, syncope, tively, hypothermic low-flow bypass with direct
and angina symptoms may increase during the perfusion of the brachiocephalic vessels are used
course and may be associated with detectable for diffuse forms where reconstruction of the aor-
myocardial ischemia or heart failure. tic arch or origins of the head vessels is required.
Chapter 16 · Anomalies of the Left Ventricular Outflow Tract
567 16
..Fig. 16.19 Treatment
protocol for supravalvular
aortic stenosis at the Ger- Symptoms
man Pediatric Heart Center,
Sankt Augustin. AI aortic
valve insufficiency
Gradient > 40 mm Hg

AI ≥ mild

Symmetric three-patch
Coronary ischemia or non-patch

..Fig. 16.20 Surgical
techniques to correct a
supravalvular aortic ste-
nosis. a Enlargement of
the noncoronary sinus by
a diamond-shaped patch.
b Insertion of an inverted
bifurcated patch with
enlargement of the right
sinus and noncoronary
sinus (Doty plastic). c Tran-
section of the ascending
aorta and extending all
the sinuses using patch RCA
and reanastomosis of the LCA
aorta (Brom technique). d
Transection of the ascend-
ing aorta, incision of all c d
sinus and the commissures
of the aortic valve comple-
mentary ascending aorta,
and direct reanastomosis.
e Incisions performed into
the aortic root relative
to coronary arteries for
both Brom and tri-sinus
Doty techniques. LCA left
coronary artery, RCA right
coronary artery


568 V. Hraška and J. Photiadis Inverted Bifurcated Patch taken to stay away from the coronary ostia; thus
An inverted Y-shaped vertical incision is made into the incisions are made off-center of the sinuses
the aorta (. Fig. 16.20b), extending to the noncor- (. Fig.  16.20e). Three complementary vertical
onary and right coronary sinus and crossing the incisions are made in the distal aorta, out of phase
thickened sinotubular ridge. It is important to stay with the proximal incisions. This allows interdigi-
away from the origin of the right coronary artery to tation of the proximal and distal flaps when the
prevent any problems with the suturing of the aorta is reanastomosed. A zigzag anastomosis
patch in close proximity to the coronary ostium. enlarges the aortic root without the use of pros-
An inverted bifurcated patch made of autologous thetic material (Myers et  al. 1993; Hraska and
or bovine pericardium is trimmed. The goal is to Murin 2012).
create bulging new sinuses of Valsalva. The tips of
the patch are placed into the apex of each incision, Diffuse Forms
near the hinge point of the aortic valve. The patch In the diffuse form of supravalvular aortic steno-
is sutured into the anterior sinuses of Valsalva and sis, the aortic enlargement should be extended
the remaining ascending aorta (Doty et al. 1977). into the ascending aorta or beyond as required, to
Doty later developed the bifurcated three sinus relieve the gradient. The pericardial patch is
technique by incising all three sinuses and using inserted along the entire ascending aorta and the
one part of the patch bifurcation as enlargement undersurface of the aortic arch distal to the left of
of the noncoronary sinus as before, while the the subclavian artery whenever a significant
other patch «leg» not only enlarges the right coro- degree of hypoplasia is suspected. In many cases
nary sinus to the left of the right coronary ostium of diffuse supravalvular aortic stenosis, the ori-
but enlarges also the left coronary sinus to the left gins of the supra-aortic vessels are also stenotic,
of the left coronary ostium. This is achieved by exposing the patients to the risk of cerebral isch-
suturing the right/left coronary commissure to the emia. Patch enlargement of the proximal branch
inner side of the left patch «leg,» similar as sug- arteries should be performed in association with
gested later for all commissures in the David tech- augmentation of the aortic arch (Pretre et  al.
nique for aortic valve reconstruction (Doty 1985). 1999). In some patients, complex tube graft con-
structions bypassing the aortic arch (ascending-­ Symmetric Three-Patch descending aortic conduit), with additional grafts
Technique supplying the supra-aortic branches, could be
In the case of extensive narrowing of the left coro- effective (see 7 Chap. 19).
nary sinus, a three-patch technique is preferable
(. Fig. 16.20c). The aorta is transected immediately
above the level of the commissures. Vertical inci- 16.4.7  Discussion: Supravalvular
sions are made into each of the three sinuses, staying Aortic Stenosis
away from the origin of the coronaries. Three tear-
16 drop-shaped patches from the pericardium are Congenital supravalvular aortic stenosis is not a
sutured into each of the sinuses of Valsalva. The simple lesion. The underlying elastin arteriopathy
ascending aorta is opened longitudinally on its ante- is a generalized disease of both the pulmonary and
rior surface. An anterior patch is used to supplement systemic arteries. Furthermore, the «supravalvu-
this aortotomy, enlarging the reanastomosis of the lar» stenosis has profound effects on the architec-
ascending aorta (Brom 1988). It is important that ture and function of the aortic valve itself. In
the patches are not too broad, because this may addition to left ventricular pressure overload, there
result in commissural splaying with valvular insuffi- is always a risk of myocardial ischemia due to cor-
ciency (Hraska and Murin 2012). onary hypertension and premature arteriosclerosis,
or obstruction to coronary blood flow as part of Symmetric Reconstruction the aortic root malformation. Indication for oper-
Technique Without a Patch ation and surgical treatment strategies must take
The aorta is transected at the narrowest point all these features into account, so that an optimal
above the commissures (. Fig. 16.20d). Any thick- long-term outcome can be achieved (Stamm et al.
ened area on the distal aorta is excised. Three ver- 1997, 2001). Optimal surgical management should
tical incisions are made into each sinus of Valsalva, strive for preservation and restoration of the aortic
similar to those in a three-patch technique. Care is valve and root, rather than simply for relief of the
Chapter 16 · Anomalies of the Left Ventricular Outflow Tract
569 16
supravalvular stenosis. The more symmetric treatment of pulmonary artery obstructions, with a
reconstructions of the aortic root with three-sinus pericardial patch placed throughout both pulmo-
reconstructions result in superior hemodynamics, nary arteries from the right to the left hilum, offers
a more physiological flow pattern, and they are a good long-term outcome. In patients with gener-
associated with a lower mortality rate and fewer alized obstructive arteriopathy with systemic and
reoperations than only augmentation of the non- pulmonary artery stenoses and suprasystemic right
coronary sinus. To avoid aortic regurgitation due ventricular pressure, preoperative dilation of
to oversizing of the reconstructed sinuses, the peripheral and central pulmonary artery stenoses
appropriate patch size can be calculated based on should be considered to decrease the right ventricle
the age-normalized circumference of the aortic pressure load prior to the ischemic insult of surgical
root, but in most cases, it is sufficient to use the repair of supravalvular aortic stenosis (Stamm et al.
circumference of the distal aortic end as a guide- 2000). The severe thickening of the arterial wall in
line (Stamm et  al. 1999, 2001; Hazekamp et  al. infradiaphragmatic arteries and localized stenoses
1999). Management of abnormalities of the aortic of mesenteric and renal arteries have been reported
valve, the subaortic region, and the coronary arter- in up to 30 % of the patients with supravalvular aor-
ies is critical to the long-term outcome of these tic stenosis (Zalzstein et al. 1991; Rein et al. 1993).
patients (McElhinney et al. 2000). Involvement of It is important to diagnose concomitant stenoses
the aortic valve, including stenosis or an abnormal prior to surgery for supravalvular aortic stenosis, so
number of cusps, is presented in one-third of that the consequences of peri- and postoperative
patients with supravalvular aortic stenosis. hypoperfusion of the abdominal organs can be
Degenerative changes in the valve are common, minimized (Stamm et al. 2001). Severe generalized
most probably due to abnormal stresses on and arterial forms and associated aortic valve disease
restriction of the cusps in the setting of impaired are correlated with late death and the need for reop-
distensibility of the sinotubular junction eration. The long-term survival rate is between 70
(Braunstein et  al. 1990). Reconstruction of the and 97 % and freedom from reoperation is above
valve is the preferable method of treatment. The 65 % at 20  years, respectively. Reoperations are
Ross procedure is the method of choice, if aortic more due to aortic valve problems than progressive
valve replacement is indicated. supra-aortic stenosis. The patient’s quality of life is
Stenosis or atresia of a coronary ostium and generally good, with the majority of patients in the
proximal coronary artery may occur, necessitat- New York Heart Association functional class I (van
ing either ostial endarterectomy, patch enlarge- Son et al. 1994a; Stamm et al. 1999; Hazekamp et al.
ment of coronary ostial stenoses, or coronary 1999; Brown et al. 2002).
bypass grafting (Martin et al. 1988). Early surgi-
cal intervention is indicated to prevent acceler-
ated coronary artery disease, its detrimental
ischemic effects on the myocardium, and dissec- 16.5 Sinus Valsalva Aneurysm
tion of the ascending aorta or coronary arteries
(van Son et al. 1994b). Any obstruction to coro- 16.5.1  Introduction and Anatomy
nary blood flow should be identified preopera-
tively, and patency of both coronary arteries The sinus of Valsalva is defined as that portion of
should be confirmed by intraoperative probing in the aortic root between the aortic valve anulus
every case. and the sinotubular ridge. The sinus wall of the
In diffuse supravalvular aortic stenosis, aortic aorta is thinner than the distal aorta and is there-
enlargement and extensive endarterectomy should fore subject to various anomalies, the most com-
be extended into the ascending aorta or beyond as mon being aneurysm of sinus Valsalva.
required, to relieve the gradient. The long-term The term «sinus of Valsalva aneurysm» should
survival of patients with diffuse supravalvular aor- not be mistakenly used for what is called an aortic
tic stenosis is similar to that of patients with the dis- root aneurysm, for example, in Marfan syndrome,
crete form, although the operative risk is increased or as part of any other acquired multianeurysmal
(Stamm et  al. 1999). A number of patients with aortic disease (see 7 Chapters «Acquired Lesions of
William’s syndrome or other forms of elastin arteri- the Aortic Valve», Sect. 24.3.1 and «Aneurysm and
opathy have stenoses of the pulmonary arteries in Dissection of the Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal
addition to supravalvular aortic stenosis. Surgical Aorta», Sect. 27.2.2).
570 V. Hraška and J. Photiadis

Sinus of Valsalva aneurysms are thin-walled 16.5.2  Pathophysiology and Clinical

outpouchings usually protruding into adjacent car- Diagnosis
diac chambers via either a direct connection or a
«windsock» tract that extends from the ventricular-­ Pathophysiology reflects either the location of
aortic junction. Because the sinuses are partially perforation or compression of surrounding struc-
intracardially located, their topographical relation- tures or both. Typically the aneurysm of sinus
ship to the neighboring structures influences the Valsalva ruptures into the low-pressure chamber
direction, the extension, and the location of the and left to right shunt develops. Compression of
threatened perforation (. Fig. 16.21). coronaries by aneurysms causes ischemic symp-
Aneurysms may be congenital or acquired toms, arrhythmias, or an infarct.
and are histologically characterized by the absence Extracardiac perforation, typically seen in
of the elastic lamellae of the aortic media (Edwards acquired aneurysm of sinus Valsalva, leads to
and Burchell 1957). In majority of all patients, acute, usually fatal cardiac tamponade (Brabham
congenital aneurysms of sinus Valsalva originate and Roberts 1990).
in the right sinus and perforate into the right ven- Most patients are asymptomatic until rupture
tricle or originate in the right half of the noncoro- occurs. Rupture may happen any time but is more
nary sinus and perforate into the right atrium. likely in young adulthood than in childhood.
The aneurysms of the left sinus are extremely rare, Additionally, intense physical activity can cause rup-
but can perforate into the pericardial sac or left ture of an existing aneurysms (Ferreira et al. 1996).
atrium. Alternatively, aneurysms which develop Rupture of an aneurysm can remain unno-
from the anterior part of the left sinus can com- ticed, if the perforation is small. A massive perfo-
press the left coronary artery. They can also perfo- ration, especially in the right atrium is
rate into the pulmonary artery. accompanied by an acute syndrome (dyspnea,
Approximately half of patients with aneurysm stenocardia, constant cardiac murmurs) which
of sinus Valsalva have associated defects. The can later lead to acute decompensation.
most common, especially in Asian population, is It is not unusual for bacterial endocarditis to
ventricular septal defect, aortic regurgitation, and develop in the further course of the illness.
bicuspid aortic valve (Chu et al. 1990). ECHO reliably identifies involved sinuses,
Sinus of Valsalva aneurysms may also result degree of aortic regurgitation, and the chamber
from aortic valve endocarditis, atherosclerosis, into which the perforation occurs or associated
deceleration trauma, or connective tissue disor- lesions such as ventricular septal defect.
ders, such as Marfan syndrome and Ehlers-­Danlos Catheterization is rarely indicated, unless signs of
syndrome (Harkness et al. 2005). ischemia are present. Magnetic resonance imag-
ing is highly effective for identifying aneurysms of
sinus of Valsalva (Parissis et al. 2004).

16.5.3  Indications for Surgery

The perforation of aneurysms is an indication for

surgery no matter of symptoms to minimize fur-
ther development of left to right shunt and con-
gestive heart failure. There may be an emergency
indication for surgery.
Surgery is electively indicated even for unrup-
tured, asymptomatic aneurysm of sinus Valsalva
to prevent the numerous complications associated
with progressive development of this lesion.
..Fig. 16.21  Position of the aortic sinus in relationship Tamponade is a true emergency.
to the cavities of the heart. Perforation of an aneurysm
Guidelines for surgical intervention are less
originating from the right sinus penetrating into the right
atrium clear for simple dilatation of aortic root. When
Chapter 16 · Anomalies of the Left Ventricular Outflow Tract
571 16
severe dilatation of aortic root creates aortic regur- closed with the patch and reinforced with a sepa-
gitation due to splaying of the leaflets, the same rec- rate patch through the chamber of penetration.
ommendations for surgical intervention as for the Closure of associated ventricular septal defect
aortic regurgitation are applied (see 7 Sect. 16.2.4). should be performed through right side with the
Another indication for surgery is the size of aor- separate patch.
tic root. The risk of rupture as a function of aortic Intraoperative TEE is strongly recommended
diameter is significant, if aortic root exceed 5  cm. for evaluation of aortic valve, associated anoma-
The threshold is lower when there is a family history lies, and residual fistulous communications.
of dissection. These indication criteria for surgery If moderate aortic regurgitation is present, the
developed for adults are applied for children as well. principles and guidelines of aortic valve surgery
However, relative aortic size taking into account the elaborated in 7 Sect. 16.2.6, «Complex reconstruc-
body surface area is more important than absolute tion» are applied. All valve procedures should be
aortic size in predicting the risk of rupture and com- performed after the aneurysm of sinus of Valsalva
plications. Therefore, smaller patients may benefit is repaired.
from operative repair at even smaller sizes of aortic Different techniques such as aortic root
root (Coady et al. 1997; Davies et al. 2006). replacement with composite graft and by auto-
graft or valve-sparing root replacement are used if
dilatation of aortic root with aortic regurgitation
16.5.4  Surgical Correction is present (see 7 Sect. 16.2.6).

The operation is performed through median

sternotomy on cardiopulmonary bypass with 16.5.5  Discussion
mild hypothermia (32  °C) and standard aortic
and bicaval cannulation. Left atrial vent is placed Congenital aneurysm of the sinus of Valsalva is a
through the right upper pulmonary vein/inter- rare defect of the aortic root. Apart from the acute
atrial groove. The aortic cross-clamp is applied, tamponade which is usually lethal, surgical treat-
and cardioplegia is delivered either directly to ment of ruptured aneurysm of Valsalva is highly
coronary ostium or via the coronary sinus. Aortic successful. In the absence of complicating factors
root cardioplegia with digital compression of fis- such as endocarditis, the results of surgical repair
tula is not reliable. Transverse aortotomy and are excellent with mortality approaching zero
right atriotomy are performed. The fistula should (Takach et al. 1999; Lukacs et al. 1992; Quiang et al.
be closed at both ends. The defect is identified 1994) and 10-year survival close to 100 % (van Son
from aorta first. Subsequently, the downstream et al. 1994c). Late complications with progressive
end of fistula is approached through the right aortic valve insufficiency are more common when
atrium. At the aortic end, the larger defects the patch is not used for repair or when there is
should be patched (glutaraldehyde-fixed pericar- bicuspid aortic valve (Quiang et al. 1994).
dium or prosthetic material), small defects might The natural history of unruptured sinus of
be directly sutured. Care is taken not to distort Valsalva aneurysm is unknown because most of
geometry of aortic cusps and anulus. The atrial these lesions are asymptomatic and undetected.
or ventricular end often has aneurysmal tissue Numerous complications such as myocardial
that should be debrided, and the base of the infarction, complete heart block, malignant
defect is then oversewn. Care is taken to avoid arrhythmias, endocarditis, progressive enlarge-
injury to the atrioventricular node, if there is ment, and sudden death due to rupture of not
perforation from noncoronary sinus to the right repaired aneurysms of sinus Valsalva have been
atrium. described. Surgery is safe and effective; therefore,
Nonruptured aneurysms involving the right it is indicated even in asymptomatic patients at
or noncoronary sinus with extensive penetration the time of diagnosis.
into the adjacent chambers are repaired through The optimal technique for dealing with sinus
the aorta and the chamber of penetration. Right dilatation in patients with Marfan syndrome or
atrial or transpulmonary exposures are usually other degenerative connective tissue diseases of
sufficient to approach any aneurysmal sac. The sac the aortic root remains controversial. If there is no
is opened and resected. Primary sinus defect is concern about significant aortic valve disease or
572 V. Hraška and J. Photiadis

aortic insufficiency, the valve-sparing techniques ischemia. ECHO and Doppler flow studies are
are preferable. David operation may provide bet- highly reliable in estimating morphology, flow
ter support for the anulus and remaining aortic in the tunnel, and functional and morphomet-
root tissue than Yacoub operation. Otherwise ric parameters of the left ventricle. The presence
complete replacement of the aortic root with of paravalvular regurgitation renders it difficult
composite graft may be the best option. to evaluate the status of native aortic valve by
ECHO.  Catheterization is useful in identifying
the coronary ostia.
16.6 Aortico-Left Ventricular Tunnel

16.6.1  Introduction and Anatomy 16.6.3  Indications for Surgery

This very rare congenital heart disease represents Symptomatic neonates and infants are operated
an abnormal connection between the ascending on urgent or semi-urgent bases after a brief period
aorta and the left ventricle. The tunnel originates of preoperative stabilization with medical after-
in the aorta, in most cases just above the right load reduction therapy. In general the operation
coronary artery in the right coronary sinus of should be timed as early as possible after diagno-
Valsalva, and passes down along the base of the sis of the defect, even when the communication is
aortic valve toward the left ventricle and enters small to minimize secondary deterioration of the
the left ventricle immediately below the right cor- aortic valve.
onary leaflet of the aortic valve. Rarely the tunnel
may arise from the left coronary sinus or end in
the right ventricle or left atrium. Tunnel bypass- 16.6.4  Surgical Correction
ing the valve can compromise structural support
of the right coronary sinus with development of The operation is performed on cardiopulmonary
aortic regurgitation. Aneurysmal dilatation of the bypass with mild hypothermia (32 °C). The heart
intracardiac tunnel can cause subpulmonary is approached through median sternotomy. After
obstruction by displacing the infundibular sep- systemic heparinization, the patient is cannulated
tum anteriorly. Rarely the coronary artery can for cardiopulmonary bypass with a single, angled
arise from within the tunnel. Externally a bulge in venous cannula in the right atrium and with an
the area of aortic root and the right ventricular arterial cannula in the distal ascending aorta. The
infundibulum can be seen. Two anatomical types bypass is commenced, and the patent ductus arte-
have been described: either a slit-like opening riosus is ligated and a left atrial vent is placed. The
with no aortic distortion or large oval opening at aortic cross-clamp is applied soon, to avoid dis-
the aortic end with or without aortic valve distor- tention of left ventricle and to prevent subendo-
tion predisposing to development of intracardiac cardial damage of myocardium. An oblique,
16 and/or extracardiac aneurysm (Hovaquimian inverted hockey stick type of incision is made
et al. 1988). from the anterior aspect of the aorta toward the
noncoronary sinus of Valsalva. The cardioplegia is
delivered directly to coronaries, or alternatively in
16.6.2  Pathophysiology and Clinical retrograde fashion via coronary sinus. The ends of
Diagnosis tunnel are identified above and below the valve
and the aortic valve is carefully examined.
Half of the patients present in early infancy with Positions of coronary arteries ostia are noted.
congestive heart failure caused by severe aortic Both the aortic and ventricular ends of tunnel
insufficiency. Associated lesions such as aortic should be closed with separate patches of Dacron
stenosis, aortic atresia, right ventricular outflow or pericardium using running suture technique.
tract obstruction, and ventricular septal defect are Ventricular end is approached through aortic
rare but can modify clinical presentation (Waldner valve or tunnel itself if injury to the conduction
et al. 1996). system is a concern. Approach through right
The ECG demonstrates the left ventricu- atrium, pulmonary valve, or tunnel itself is used
lar hypertrophy, with left ventricular strain or when the tunnel enters the right ventricle. A small
Chapter 16 · Anomalies of the Left Ventricular Outflow Tract
573 16
slit-like type of tunnel can be closed primarily, if choice for congenital aortic valve disease. J  Thorac
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Thorac Surg 80:1622–1627 Spectrum of cardiovascular anomalies in Williams-­
Waldner P, Dhillon R, Taylor JF et  al. (1996) An alternative Beuren syndrome. Pediatr Cardiol 12:219–223
method for repair of aortico-left ventricular tunnel Zeevi B, Keane JF, Castaneda AR, Perry SB, Lock JE (1989)
associated with severe aortic stenosis presenting in a Neonatal critical valvar aortic stenosis. A comparison of sur-
newborn. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 10:380–382 gical and balloon dilation therapy. Circulation 80:831–839
581 17

Surgery for Aortic Atresia,

Hypoplastic Left Heart
Syndrome, and Hypoplastic
Left Heart Complex
Rudolf Mair and Eva Sames-Dolzer

17.1 Cardiac Pathoanatomy – 583

17.2 Extracardiac Malformations – 583

17.3 Pathophysiologic Considerations – 584

17.4 Clinical Diagnosis – 584

17.5 Preoperative Management – 584

17.5.1 Timing of the Operation – 585

17.6 Operative Therapy – 585

17.6.1  istory and Principal Pathways – 585
17.6.2 Stage I: Norwood Procedure – 585 Operative Technique – 585 Cardiopulmonary Bypass, Perfusion – 586 Reestablishment of Pulmonary Blood Flow- Two Options – 588
17.6.3 Stage II: Bidirectional Glenn Shunt – 589 Physiologic Considerations – 589 Timing of the Procedure – 590 Operative Technique – 590
17.6.4 S tage III: Fontan Operation – 590
17.6.5 Results of Univentricular Palliation – 591
17.6.6 Alternatives to the Norwood Procedure:
Ductal Stenting and Bilateral Pulmonary
Artery Banding (Hybrid Procedure) – 592

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_17
17.6.7 Alternatives to Univentricular Palliation – 593 Heart Transplantation – 593 Fetal Intervention – 593
17.6.8 T reatment of Borderline Cases: Hypoplastic
Left Heart Complex – 593
17.6.9 Aortic Atresia and Normally Sized Left Ventricle – 594

References – 594
Chapter 17 · Surgery for Aortic Atresia, Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
583 17
17.1 Cardiac Pathoanatomy also be hypoplastic, however, not as severely as
the ascending aorta, as they receive the blood
Aortic atresia is defined by a complete occlusion flow for the supra aortic vessels.
of the aortic valve and a hypoplastic ascending Pulmonary artery and ductus arteriosus are
aorta. The isolated form with two normally big and well developed. The septum primum is
developed ventricles is extremely rare and exclu- typically muscularized and thickened. Sometimes
sively combined with a nonrestrictive ventricular it is shifted toward the left atrium: atrial septum
septal defect and a normally developed mitral malposition. Without severe restriction at the
valve. level of the foramen ovale, the left atrium is
The term «hypoplastic left heart syndrome» smaller than the right one.
was introduced by Noonan and Nadas in 1958. It In most cases, the leading lesion is a valvular
describes a spectrum of malformations in which hypoplasia/obstruction either of the mitral or of
the left ventricle is unable to support the systemic the aortic valve. As a consequence of the reduced
circulation due to its size. In these cases, not only blood flow, growth of the left ventricle and its
the left ventricle but also its adjacent structures, adjacent structures is reduced or had stopped at
mitral valve, aortic valve, and ascending aorta, are some stage. This has been proven in chicken
severely hypoplastic. A combination of hypoplas- embryos. By obstructing their mitral valve, hypo-
tic AV and semilunar valve features (mitral steno- plastic left heart syndrome could be produced
sis or atresia, aortic stenosis or atresia) defines the (Harh et  al. 1973). The same process could be
hypoplasia of the left ventricle and its adjacent observed by fetal echocardiography in aortic ste-
structures. nosis in humans, originally described by L. Allan
Traditionally four subtypes are differentiated: and coworkers at Guy’s Hospital in London
55 Mitral atresia, aortic atresia (Allan et  al. 1989). They found a critical aortic
55 Mitral hypoplasia/stenosis, aortic atresia stenosis with severely impaired left ventricular
55 Mitral atresia, aortic hypoplasia/stenosis contractility in a fetus in the 22nd week of gesta-
55 Mitral hypoplasia/stenosis, aortic hypoplasia/ tion. At 32 weeks of gestation, the ventricle was
stenosis not grown but small and highly echogenic, as in
typical hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Its
Further lesions leading to hypoplasia of the dimensions were the same as in the 22nd week of
left ventricle during fetal live are: gestation. Our group made the same observa-
55 Critical aortic coarctation tions in our fetal cardiac program. The hypothe-
55 Asymmetric septation in unbalanced AV canal sis of a valvular lesion as the reason for
55 Straddling mitral valve ventricular hypoplasia is the basis for fetal valvu-
55 Complex ventricular septal defect (VSD) and lar interventions. If such an intervention (bal-
hypoplastic or interrupted aortic arch loon valvuloplasty) is done early, an otherwise
55 Multiple stenotic lesions in series in the left lost ventricle could be rehabilitated (Makikallio
ventricular system (Shone syndrome) et al. 2006)
55 Isolated Severe Mitral Stenosis This also explains that there is no strict cutoff
line between critical aortic stenosis and hypoplas-
Borderline cases without a primary valvular tic left heart syndrome with a spectrum of border-
lesion were defined as hypoplastic left heart com- line cases concerning the size of the left ventricle.
plex by C. Tchervenkov in 1998.
In hypoplastic left heart syndrome, the
ascending aorta is usually very thin walled and 17.2 Extracardiac Malformations
fragile. Especially in aortic atresia with retro-
grade perfusion, functionally the hypoplastic Congenital cardiac malformations are frequently
ascending aorta can be looked at as a common combined with extracardiac malformations. For
coronary artery. A diameter of less than 2 mm is hypoplastic left heart syndrome, rates reported
most frequent in these cases. If there is antegrade are between 12 and 37 %.
blood flow (aortic stenosis), it is usually bigger in While one post mortem study shows an
diameter. Aortic arch and aortic isthmus may overall malformation rate in hypoplastic left
584 R. Mair and E. Sames-Dolzer

heart syndrome (HLHS) of 28 % (Natowicz 17.4 Clinical Diagnosis

et al. 1988), in another autopsy series, cerebral
malformations alone were found in 29 % of Nowadays, diagnosis of hypoplastic left heart
patients. However, severe cerebral malforma- ­syndrome is made almost exclusively by echo-
tions like agenesis of the corpus callosum were cardiography alone. In many cases, diagnosis is
seen only in 10 % (Glauser et al. 1990). In more made by echocardiography during fetal live.
than half of the cases in Natowicz’s series, This is possible after the 16th week of gestation.
genetic disorders were described either chro- Fetal diagnosis is extremely helpful for the new-
mosomal anomalies or autosomal dominant or born as emergency situations like ductal clo-
recessive lesions. Malformations of all organ sure can be avoided. All aspects, which are
systems are described. Among our own series important for the operation, can be seen echo-
of 233 patients with hypoplastic left heart syn- cardiographically, at best immediately after
drome, we saw one Goldenhar syndrome and birth. Cardiac catheterization is required and
one VACTERL syndrome. There was one case justified only in exceptional cases. There may
each of anal atresia, intestinal malrotation, be a therapeutic indication, as in hybrid proce-
growth retardation, and several kidney malfor- dure. If the anatomy of the pulmonary veins
mations. The overall malformation rate in our cannot be completely clarified by echocardiog-
own series is 5.6 % (unpublished data). Glauser’s raphy or in cases with borderline left ventricle,
study also demonstrated that the risk for cere- MRI may be helpful. The decision, whether a
bral malformations is higher if hypoplastic left left ventricle and its mitral valve are suitable for
heart syndrome is part of a malformations syn- biventricular repair, may be very difficult, espe-
drome. Among our own patients, there was one cially in borderline cases of critical aortic ste-
with agenesis of the corpus callosum. nosis. Different authors developed different
criteria – usually morphologic criteria –for this
decision (Rhodes et al. 1991).
17.3 Pathophysiologic Usually there is no problem with cardiopul-
Considerations monary circulation during fetal period, except in
the situation of an obstructive or near atretic fora-
The principal problem is a ductus-dependent men ovale. Newborns with hypoplastic left heart
systemic circulation. This means antegrade syndrome are generally of unremarkable appear-
blood flow in the ductus arteriosus – from the ance; sometimes a mild degree of cyanosis may be
main pulmonary artery into the descending noticed. A systolic-diastolic murmur can be
aorta and retrograde flow into the aortic arch heard, due to the persisting ductus arteriosus. If
and into the great cervical arteries as well as there is no fetal diagnosis, the first symptoms may
into the ascending aorta. In aortic atresia, the be severe metabolic acidosis, shock, and cardio-
ascending aorta merely is a single coronary vascular collapse due to ductal closure.
artery. The duct has to be kept patent on prosta-
glandin infusion preoperatively. In cases with
aortic stenosis, there might be antegrade blood 17.5 Preoperative Management
17 flow in the ascending aorta and in the proximal
aortic arch. During diastole, blood runs from As the preoperative condition of the newborn
the aorta (systemic circulation) into the pulmo- with hypoplastic left heart syndrome is an impor-
nary arteries – diastolic runoff, like in a nonre- tant prognostic factor, postnatal preoperative
strictive aortopulmonary shunt. While treatment is very important (Tworetzky et  al.
pulmonary vascular resistance decreases, shunt 2001).
volume increases and leads to pulmonary con- Preoperative management is based upon
gestion and volume load of the right ventricle. maintaining the ductus arteriosus patent. This is
Systemic diastolic blood pressure decreases and achieved by infusion of Prostaglandin E.  A fur-
perfusion of the coronaries, brain, kidneys, and ther goal is to avoid severe congestive heart failure
intestinal organs worsens. This increases the due to nonrestrictive pulmonary blood flow
risk of cerebral injury and necrotizing entero- secondary to decreasing pulmonary vascular
colitis. resistance.
Chapter 17 · Surgery for Aortic Atresia, Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
585 17
That means all pulmonary vasodilating agents final goal is the Fontan operation with a right
should be avoided: no additional oxygen, no ­ventricle as systemic ventricle. This goal, originally
hyperventilation, and no intubation if tolerated. aimed at in two stages, nowadays is achieved by a
Vascular resistance in systemic circulation should staged palliation consisting of three operations:
be kept low: afterload reduction with sodium 55 Stage I: Norwood procedure
nitroprusside or other vasodilators. If possible, no 55 Stage II: bidirectional cavopulmonary
vasopressors should be used. An optimal situa- anastomosis (modified Glenn anastomosis)
tion: The diagnosis is made during fetal life. The 55 Stage III: total cavopulmonary anastomosis
baby is delivered at or close to the tertiary center, (Fontan-­type operation)
where the operation is performed, so that no
extensive transport is necessary. Intensive care The Norwood procedure produces a balanced
treatment is started immediately after birth. univentricular physiology with restricted pulmo-
nary and unrestricted systemic blood flow. In
stage II, the source of the pulmonary blood flow
17.5.1  Timing of the Operation (Blalock-Taussig shunt or RV-PA conduit) is
replaced by a bidirectional Glenn shunt at the age
This depends on the pathophysiology of an unre- of 3–6 months. The completion to Fontan opera-
strictive aortopulmonary shunt. If pulmonary tion as stage III is achieved by connecting the
overcirculation and decompensation of the sys- inferior vena cava to the right pulmonary artery.
temic ventricle can be avoided, patients are oper- As we use the extracardiac version of this proce-
ated around day 5 of life. If there are serious signs dure employing PTFE tube prosthesis, we usually
of congestive heart failure (fluid retention), the perform stage III at the age of 2–3 years.
operation has to be scheduled earlier.

17.6.2  Stage I: Norwood Procedure

17.6 Operative Therapy
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome comprises uni-
17.6.1  History and Principal ventricular hemodynamics with nonrestrictive
Pathways pulmonary blood flow and ductus-dependent,
potentially restrictive, systemic circulation. The
Since the early 1970s, case reports are published goal of the Norwood procedure is a balanced uni-
about successful palliation of hypoplastic left heart ventricular physiology which is not dependent on
syndrome (Cayler et  al. 1970; Doty and Knott a persisting ductus arteriosus.
1977). Cayler and colleagues published a case of It is based mainly on three principles:
mitral atresia and aortic atresia, in which they did 1. Unrestricted flow from the right ventricle into
a successful palliation already in 1970. However in the systemic circulation
none of these early cases a Fontan procedure as a 2. Restrictive pulmonary blood flow
subsequent, more definite procedure could be per- (Blalock-Taussig shunt or RV-PA conduit)
formed. It was in 1982 at Children’s Hospital 3. Nonrestrictive pulmonary venous runoff to
Boston, when the first patient with hypoplastic left the tricuspid valve
heart syndrome underwent a Fontan procedure.
This patient had an initial palliation prior to the Operative Technique
Fontan procedure, described by William
I  Norwood, his surgeon, as a stage I palliation kSurgical access and dissection
(Norwood et al. 1980, 1983). A median sternotomy, slightly extended upward
There are two principal pathways in surgical into the jugulum is used as access. The thymus is
treatment of hypoplastic left heart syndrome: resected, leaving part of the cervical extensions in
55 Multistage reconstruction place. Right, left, and main pulmonary arteries are
55 Primary transplantation dissected. The right pulmonary artery is tempo-
rarily occluded by a tourniquet, thus reducing
Today in most centers, the reconstructive pulmonary blood flow, unloading the ventricle,
approach is the standard therapeutic pathway. The and increasing the systemic blood pressure. The

586 R. Mair and E. Sames-Dolzer

aortic arch with the supraaortic branches and the A.pulmonalis Ascending aorta
first 10–15  mm of the descending aorta are dextra
­dissected and mobilized, as well as the ductus
arteriosus. Marking stitches are placed on the PTFE Ductus
ascending aorta and the main pulmonary artery at prosthesis arteriosus
the planned anastomotic sites to avoid distortion. A.pulmonalis
If it is planned to perfuse via the brachioce-
phalic trunk, it has to be decided whether this is pulmonalis
done by direct cannulation or through a small
PTFE tube prosthesis (Pigula et al. 1999). Heparin
is now administered. In case prosthesis is used for V.cava
cannulation, the end-to-side anastomosis between superior
a 3.5  mm PTFE prosthesis and the brachioce-
phalic trunk is now performed. Cardiopulmonary Bypass,

Perfusion V.cava
kDeep hypothermic circulatory arrest Diaphragm
This is the classical form of extracorporeal circula- Ascending
tion used for stage I palliation in this malformation. aorta
Cannulation is simple. Originally we placed a soft
arterial cannula into the most distal part of the main
pulmonary artery and a big solitary venous cannula
into the right atrium. If this method is used, aortic ..Fig 17.1  Arterial cannulation. First cannula: brachio-
arch reconstruction and atrioseptectomy are done cephalic truncus through PTFE prosthesis (PTFE polytetra-
fluorethylene). Second cannula: supradiaphragmatic
in circulatory arrest. Even with enough training and descending aorta
exercise, one can get quickly into borderline dura-
tion of circulatory arrest and beyond the borders of
safety. Therefore, we abandoned this method
13 years ago and introduced what we feel is a safer
form of perfusion in these patients. above. Both pulmonary arteries are controlled
by tourniquets. The posterior pericardium is
kAntegrade cerebral perfusion (regional low incised, the left pleural space is opened, the
flow perfusion) inferior pulmonary ligament is divided, and the
This method was introduced by Pigula and cowork- aorta is carefully dissected out. A second arte-
ers in 1999. Cannulation is done in the brachioce- rial cannula is brought into the supradiaphrag-
phalic artery, either directly or via a 3.5-­mm PTFE matic aorta (. Fig.  17.1). Using this method of
prosthesis. A single venous cannula is put into the perfusion, cooling to a rectal temperature of
17 right atrium as usual. In our experience, cooling to 25 °C is enough.
a rectal temperature of 22 °C is enough (Hofer et al. The ductus arteriosus is closed with a typical
2005). During aortic arch reconstruction, flow is purse string suture at the aortic side. At the pul-
reduced to 30 ml/kg/min. The descending aorta is monary artery end, it is excised completely and
cross clamped and the cervical vessels are con- sewn over transversely to the left pulmonary
trolled by tourniquets. Circulatory arrest is neces- artery.
sary only for excision of the atrial septum. The main pulmonary artery is divided close to
its bifurcation. As we have seen kinking in some
kModerate hypothermia and additional cases due to excess length of the pulmonary arter-
cannulation of the descending aorta (Imoto ies, we don’t use a patch for closing the main pul-
et al. 2001) monary artery. We perform direct closure by a
This method is used in our unit now for 10 years. suture line exactly transverse to the right and left
Initial cannulation is performed as described pulmonary artery.
Chapter 17 · Surgery for Aortic Atresia, Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
587 17
Brachiocephalic artery, left common carotid
artery, and left subclavian artery are occluded by
tourniquets. The descending aorta is cross
clamped with an atraumatic vascular clamp. The
residual stump of the ductus arteriosus is excised.
Aortic arch and superior part of the ascending
aorta are incised longitudinally at the concave
Aortic arch
side of the arch up to a level of 6–7 mm superior
to the marked anastomotic site. Cold crystalloid
cardioplegic solution is administered via a small
olive shaped cannula. After that, the incision is Descending
continued to the anastomotic site. aorta

kReconstruction of the aortic arch

When excising the residual ductal stump, atten-
tion must be drawn not to leave any ductal tissue
at this level, which is usually seen as a rim on the
opposite side of the ductus. If there is any rim, the
whole isthmus should be resected and the conti-
nuity of the aorta is reestablished by a typical
extended end-to-end anastomosis between the
incised distal part of the aortic arch and
the descending aorta. After almost completing the
anastomosis posteriorly, the incision in the arch
should be extended for about 5–10 mm into the
descending aorta (. Fig. 17.2).
..Fig. 17.2  Extended end-to-end anastomosis between
kAnastomosis between the pulmonary aortic arch and descending aorta; incision extended into
artery and aorta the descending aorta
If the ascending aorta is of sufficient size and if a
good sized anastomosis between descending aorta 55 As the aortic arch forms a curvature of 180°,
and distal arch has been performed, a direct anas- the patch has to be naturally curved in two
tomosis between the aorta and pulmonary artery planes: cross section and longitudinal section.
can be done. However one has to pay attention not
to compress the pulmonary artery that is under- The best patch material, fulfilling these criteria,
neath the aorta and above the left bronchus. is the right-sided part of a pulmonary artery
Compression of the pulmonary artery is a very homograft bifurcation and its adjacent parts of the
unfavorable situation, which has a considerable main and right pulmonary arteries (. Fig.  17.4).
negative influence on short- and long-term prog- Alternatively, there is a PTFE prosthesis available,
nosis of the patient. So if there is any doubt about which has a curved and trumpet formed distal
space for the pulmonary artery, a patch should be end. From this prosthesis, a similar looking patch
used (. Fig. 17.3). can be cut out and used for aortic arch reconstruc-
tion. We have used this in more than 40 cases with
kPatch material and shape excellent anatomic results. We don’t use a­ortic
The goal of the reconstruction is a symmetrically arch homografts, as they calcify heavily, due to
curved arch without any kinking, a so-called their huge amount of elastic fibers. The patch is
roman arch. Some important technical aspects inserted with 6/0 non-absorbable monofilament
must be considered: material. If a PTFE patch is used, it is sewn in with
55 The patch must not be too long, especially on a PTFE thread.
its concavity. Otherwise this would result in More recently, Emile Bacha in New York and
kinking and «gothic deformation.» James Tweddell in Milwaukee started to employ
588 R. Mair and E. Sames-Dolzer

Vena cava superior


A.pulmonalis sinistra
A.pulmonalis dextra
Truncus pulmonalis
..Fig. 17.3  Aortic arch reconstruction with a patch RV-PA-Conduit

..Fig. 17.5  Norwood operation with an RV-PA conduit

to the right pulmonary artery (RV right ventricle)
A. pulmonalis sinistra

A. pulmonalis dextra Reestablishment of

Pulmonary Blood Flow-
Two Options
(A) Modified Blalock-Taussig shunt. This shunt
arises from the brachiocephalic artery and
goes to the right pulmonary artery. It is made
with PTFE tube prosthesis. A diameter of
3.5 mm is usually adequate for a newborn.
Patch (B) RV-PA conduit. This method was described
first by Norwood (Norwood et  al. 1981).
However, at that time valved conduits were
..Fig. 17.4  Cutting the patch out of a pulmonary artery
used, and they were too big for this purpose.
bifurcation homograft
The smaller non-valved RV-PA conduit – a
5 mm PTFE prosthesis – was introduced by
bioengineered porcine small bowel submucosa Sano in 2001 (Sano et  al. 2003, 2004).
for reconstruction with no long-term results Technically this conduit can be placed on
available yet. the left side between infundibulum and dis-
Great care is taken not to get any stenosis in tal main pulmonary artery. However we
the proximal part of the ascending aorta. This is prefer to place the conduit on the right side
17 avoided best by using only a few (three to four) of the ascending aorta (. Fig. 17.5) between
interrupted stitches of 7/0 non-absorbable mono- the infundibulum and right pulmonary
filament material in this area. artery (Griselli et  al. 2006). The original
method of Sano with the conduit on the left
kExcision of the atrial septum side of the reconstructed aortic arch leads to
This is usually done via the cannulation site in the a lateral shift of the ­distal conduit anasto-
right atrium. If the abovementioned newer tech- mosis and to stretching of the right pulmo-
niques of perfusion are used, this is the only part nary artery. In our experience this frequently
of the operation done in circulatory arrest. results in stenosis of the right pulmonary
It is of particular importance that no residual artery. Since we do the distal anastomosis
septal tissue is left. This guarantees an uninhibited on the right side and on the right pulmo-
pulmonary venous runoff. To be absolutely sure, nary artery, this problem has become
the coronary sinus can be unroofed additionally. extremely rare. Furthermore the Glenn pro-
Chapter 17 · Surgery for Aortic Atresia, Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
589 17
cedure is easier, if you don’t have to dissect shunt physiology generally demands a low resis-
on the left side. In general we use 5  mm tance strategy, patients with an RV-PA conduit are
prostheses. not that sensitive to an increase in systemic vascu-
lar resistance. Vasopressors are better tolerated by
The right pulmonary artery is incised longitu- these patients. So the decision between RV-PA
dinally between two stay sutures over a length of conduit and modified Blalock-Taussig shunt is
about 7-8 mm. Usually, there is no clamping nec- not a purely surgical one. The ability and routine
essary. A simple end-to-side anastomosis is done of the intensive care team with the management
between a 5  mm PTFE prosthesis and the pul- of shunt physiology should influence the surgeon’s
monary artery with a 6/0 polypropylene thread. decision as well.
The site of the oblique incision in the infundibu-
lum is marked by two stay sutures. A ventricular kDelayed chest closure
pacemaker is applied and fibrillation is induced. If there is any doubt in hemodynamic stability,
An oblique incision of about 10 mm in length is chest closure is delayed and the chest is closed
performed. The edges are undermined slightly temporarily with a waterproof membrane. This is
to avoid proximal conduit stenosis. The prosthe- sewn in with a simple continuous non-absorbable
sis is cut obliquely to the correct length. Kinking suture in between the skin edges. We drape the
and pressure upon the aorta must be avoided. patient additionally with a sterile adhesive mem-
The anastomosis is performed with a continuous brane. Criteria for definitive chest closure are
PTFE suture. completely stable hemodynamic and respiratory
parameters and a negative fluid balance during
kModified Blalock-Taussig shunt versus 2–3 days. Delayed chest closure is usually done at
RV-PA conduit the intensive care unit. Signs of pulmonary hyper-
The hemodynamics differ in that the shunt fusion, especially in shunt patients, may require
patients show a diastolic runoff in their systemic urgent chest closure.
circulation, while the conduit patients have the
hemodynamics of a banded pulmonary artery
with pulmonary regurgitation. 17.6.3   tage II: Bidirectional Glenn
Patients with an RV-PA conduit have a higher Shunt
diastolic blood pressure by about 10 mmHg than
patients with a modified Blalock-Taussig shunt In the late 1980s, it was observed that patients
(Mair et al. 2003). This should lead to an improved with a univentricular heart had better results after
organ perfusion predominantly in the coronaries a Fontan operation, when they had a bidirectional
but also in brain, kidneys, and intestinal organs. cavopulmonary anastomosis as an intermediate
However for the RV-PA conduit, a ventriculotomy step after stage I palliation than patients without
in the infundibulum is necessary. This causes a this operation. This was not influenced by the
scar in a univentricular heart and may worsen type of stage I palliation that was used (aortopul-
ventricular function. The question arising from monary shunt, pulmonary artery banding or stage
this is whether the improved coronary perfusion I Norwood procedure). The highest benefit had
weighs out the local infundibular scar. The multi- patients, who were not optimal candidates for a
centric study of R.  Oyhe and coworkers showed Fontan operation, either due to anatomic or phys-
that transplantation free survival at 12  months iologic reasons (Bridges et al. 1990).
was higher in patients with an RV-PA conduit Since that time, the bidirectional cavopulmo-
compared to a Blalock-Taussig shunt. After this nary connection became standard stage II pallia-
interval no significant difference in transplanta- tion between Norwood procedure and Fontan
tion free survival could be detected between these Operation.
two groups. In the same study, RV-PA conduits
showed more reinterventions and complications Physiologic Considerations
than the BT shunt group (Oyhe et al. 2010). The The heart is unloaded by the bidirectional cavo-
physiologic difference between these two meth- pulmonary anastomosis. The blood of the supe-
ods however has an impact on the early postop- rior vena cava bypasses the heart and goes through
erative management of these patients. Whereas the lungs directly following the pressure gradient
590 R. Mair and E. Sames-Dolzer

between superior vena cava and the common sected and the distal end of the conduit is sewn
atrium. Once shunt or conduit is closed, the ven- over transversely. If the distal anastomosis has
tricle does no longer pump into the pulmonary been made on the right side, the conduit must be
circulation. Systemic oxygen saturation after a removed completely. The site of the anastomosis
bidirectional Glenn shunt is usually between 80 can be used for the bidirectional cavopulmonary
and 85 %. This is similar to the situation after stage anastomosis. Usually it has to be enlarged by
I palliation, but it is achieved with a significantly 2–3 mm. In case of a stenosis of the pulmonary
smaller workload of the ventricle. So the efficiency arteries, this has to be repaired simultaneously
of heart labor is optimized and the ventricle either by a patch plasty or, if there is compression
should be better prepared for Fontan completion. under the aortopulmonary truncus, with a stent
placed intraoperatively. Timing of the Procedure While the Glenn anastomosis can be per-
The timing of the bidirectional cavopulmonary formed off pump in cases with a left-sided conduit
anastomosis varies from center to center. As the anastomosis, shunt or conduit anastomoses on
flow through the pulmonary vessels is reduced by the right pulmonary artery at stage I surgery
the Glenn procedure, it is mainly an outweighing require normothermic extracorporeal circulation
between potential further growth of the pulmonary (beating heart) for stage II.
arteries on the one side and early unloading the
ventricle to keep the ventricular performance and
possibly reduce interstage mortality on the other 17.6.4  Stage III: Fontan Operation
side. Many authors recommend an interval of
6 months between stage I and stage II. In our unit, The completion of the bidirectional cavopulmo-
we think it is important to unload the systemic ven- nary anastomosis, namely, from partial to total
tricle early as it is a right ventricle. Regarding the cavopulmonary connection, is the third step in
pulmonary vascular resistance, the earliest possible definite surgical palliation for univentricular
time would be after 6 weeks. We prefer an interval hearts. The operative technique is described in
of 3–4 months between stage I and stage II. 7 Chapter «Definite Palliation of Functional Single
Ventricle» Sect. 13.7.3. The age of operation Operative Technique depends to some extent on the method used for
As a rule, we generally perform a simple bidirec- this Fontan completion (lateral tunnel or extra-
tional Glenn shunt. We do not perform Hemi-­ cardiac conduit). As we prefer a fenestrated extra-
Fontan techniques. Surgery is described in cardiac conduit, we usually perform the procedure
7 Chapter «Definite Palliation of Functional Single during the third year of life. The patient should
Ventricle» Sect. and Sect. A special weigh 12  kg, so that PTFE tube prosthesis of
feature in hypoplastic left heart syndrome with 20  mm in diameter can be used. The following
aortic atresia is that great attention must be paid aspects made the extracardiac conduit the method
in order to not compress the small aorta, while of choice for us.
clamping the right pulmonary artery during the In this version, we avoid major suture lines on
bidirectional cavopulmonary anastomosis. This the atrial wall. Only when closing the junction of
17 could result in severe ventricular failure. the inferior vena cava (IVC), atrial tissue may be
incorporated in the suture line. In addition, no
kTechnique after a Blalock-Taussig shunt part of the atrial wall is under the elevated sys-
Besides the abovementioned aspects, there is no temic venous pressure employing this technique.
difference to other univentricular hearts with aor- This should minimize rhythm problems in this
topulmonary shunts. cohort of patients.
Using an extracardiac conduit, the aorta is not
kTechnique after RV-PA conduit to be cross clamped, and there is no period of
The RV-PA conduit is cross clamped and divided. ischemia for the heart in this procedure. We deem
The proximal end is sewn over very close to the this to be especially important in face of a right
infundibular anastomosis, so that no blind stump ventricle supporting the systemic circulation.
is left. If the distal conduit anastomosis has been Furthermore, an extensive dissection would be
made on the left side, this region has to be dis- necessary to cross clamp the aorta after a Norwood
Chapter 17 · Surgery for Aortic Atresia, Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
591 17
procedure if at all possible after complex neoaor- occurred. The preoperative status clearly
tic reconstruction. influences postoperative outcome.
55 Introduction of the RV-PA conduit. The severe
changes in pathophysiology, creating a physi-
17.6.5  Results of Univentricular ology similar to a PAB, lead to a more stable
Palliation condition especially in the early postoperative
period. We are well aware that the RV-PA
The total mortality of univentricular palliation conduit is not shown to be superior in larger
comprises the mortalities of each surgical stage as studies; however, it clearly helped us to
well as the interstage mortality. improve our results.
Before the Norwood operation (stage I), neo- 55 Evolution of extracorporeal circulation. We
nates and infants with hypoplastic left heart syn- replaced deep hypothermic circulatory arrest
drome suffer from univentricular circulation with initially by selective antegrade cerebral perfu-
increasingly nonrestrictive pulmonary blood flow sion and later on by complete body perfusion
resulting in diastolic systemic runoff and conse- via an additional arterial cannula in the
quently poor systemic perfusion. supradiaphragmatic aorta. This change in
The result of a successful Norwood procedure perfusion technique makes the operation
is a balanced univentricular circulation. Pulmonary comparable to other procedures using extra-
blood flow is restricted, either in form of shunt corporeal circulation and reduces the detri-
physiology (when a BT shunt is used) or in form of mental effects of intraoperative ischemia.
a functional pulmonary artery banding (PAB)
(using an RV-PA conduit). This leads to some relief Summarizing these changes, the significant
of ventricular volume load; however, the ventricle improvement of the results over time can be
has still to be considered volume overloaded until explained.
stage II surgery is performed. The problems of bal- Postoperative morbidity can be caused by aor-
ancing the two circulations after extensive pallia- tic arch stenosis, which can be kept low by using
tive surgery on extracorporeal circulation attribute the right patch form. In our series, aortic arch
to the higher mortality compared to corrective reoperations were required in 2.5 %, and cathlab
neonatal surgery. interventions in 6 % of patients. Stenoses of the
In the early days of Norwood procedures pulmonary arteries seem to be more common in
performed, the survival rate was somewhere the RV-PA conduit group (about 12 % in our
between 50 and 70 %. Today, several centers come series) than with Blalock-Taussig shunts. They
up with rates above 90 %. In our group, the sur- can usually be addressed at the time of the bidi-
vival rate of the Norwood procedure improved rectional cavopulmonary anastomosis.
from initially 66 % in 1998 to 87.4 % in a consec- The bidirectional cavopulmonary anastomosis
utive series of 206 unselected patients since 2003 is technically a rather straightforward procedure
(complete body perfusion by add. cannulation that reduces ventricular volume load. The mortal-
of the descending aorta). As independent risk ity of the Glenn shunt ranges between 0 and 2 %.
factors for mortality after the Norwood proce- This operation contributes only minimally to the
dure, we identified age older than 20 days at time overall mortality of the univentricular palliation
of operation, the anatomic subgroup of unbal- pathway.
anced AV canal and former trial of biventricular This consideration is also valid for the com-
repair. pletion to the total cavopulmonary connection.
Apart from the learning curve of the surgeon The extracardiac version of the Fontan palliation
and other responsible team members, we identi- can be safely performed without cross clamping
fied the following factors to have influenced the the aorta, gaining near normal arterial saturation
improvements of our results: by the same cardiac workload. Mortality rate is
55 Prenatal diagnostics. Prenatally identified between 0 and 2 %.
patients usually come to the specialized cen- Causes for death between stage I and stage II
ter in better condition than those who get can be:
diagnosed only once severe cardiac failure or 55 Residual or recurrent anatomic lesions like a
circulatory shock after ductal closure restrictive interatrial septum, obstruction of
592 R. Mair and E. Sames-Dolzer

the aortic arch or stenosis of the BT shunt, Aortic arch repair, aortopulmonary anasto-
RV-PA conduit or pulmonary artery. mosis, and atrial septectomy are done together
55 Trivial gastrointestinal infections can sud- with the bidirectional cavopulmonary anastomo-
denly lead to dehydration and circulatory sis at stage II, which now may be called compre-
instability. hensive stage II. The number of centers applying
55 Respiratory infections can rapidly cause this procedure, as well as the numbers of cases, is
severe respiratory insufficiency and death. still small. Therefore, a fair comparison with the
Norwood procedure is difficult.
A strict home monitoring program looking at It is the advantage of this method that it avoids
certain parameters (pulse oximetry, weight gain, cardiopulmonary bypass, deep hypothermia, and
food habits) was introduced by the Milwaukee circulatory arrest in a newborn for a palliative
group and showed significant advantage procedure only. Consequently, this approach less-
(Ghanayem et al. 2003). The early performance of ens the surgical trauma for stage I palliation. This
the bidirectional cavopulmonary anastomosis at could be of increased importance in high-risk
the age of 3–4 months is also commonly seen as patients especially in low birth weight or imma-
an advancement and is practiced at our unit. Our ture neonates.
own experience showed that the – what we call – In some centers, it is therefore used predomi-
banded physiology of the RV-PA conduit was able nantly in this high-risk group of patients.
to lower the interstage mortality in comparison to Pizarro and coworkers however found out that
the BT shunt group. there is no significant difference in survival in
Only few reliable data are published about the high-risk patients whether a Norwood procedure
interstage mortality between stages II and III. Death or a hybrid approach is used (Pizarro et al. 2007).
can be caused by compromised ventricular func- They also reported that between stage I and stage
tion, cardiac failure due to multiple aortopulmo- II procedures, a substantial number of reinterven-
nary collaterals, or rhythm disturbances. Overall, tions concerning stents and pulmonary artery
lethal events seem to be rare in this period. band were necessary. The comprehensive stage II

17.6.6  Alternatives to the Norwood Additionally, the death rate between stage I

Procedure: Ductal Stenting and II has to be considered. Numbers vary
and Bilateral Pulmonary between 10 and 16 % («interstage mortality»).
Artery Banding (Hybrid
in this group of patients has also a considerable
The principal goal of the Norwood procedure, to morbidity and mortality rate.
create unrestricted ejection of the right ventricle This might be attributed to some inherent
into systemic circulation, and restrictive pulmo- problems of this method reported by the applying
nary blood flow (balanced univentricular circula- surgeons and interventional cardiologists them-
tion) with unrestricted pulmonary venous return selves.
17 (unrestrictive atrial septal defect (ASD)), can be The stent in the ductus arteriosus may lead to
achieved also by a hybrid procedure (conventional retrograde preductal aortic coarctation (Bacha et al.
surgery combined with interventional techniques). 2006). In aortic atresia, this could cause serious per-
A stent is placed in the ductus arteriosus in fusion problems of the coronaries and the brain.
catheter technique and both pulmonary arter- The interatrial stent, which is necessary some-
ies are banded. If the foramen ovale is restric- times, might be difficult to place.
tive, an additional stent may be placed there During the comprehensive stage II procedure,
(Akintürk et  al. 2002; Michel-Behnke et  al. an aortic arch repair has to be performed in a redo
2003; Bacha et al. 2006). This procedure could situation and an ingrown ductal stent has to be
be applied as an alternative to the stage I removed. The latter can be very demanding, at
Norwood procedure. least in our experience.
Chapter 17 · Surgery for Aortic Atresia, Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
593 17
Furthermore, if the new perfusion methods The first fetal aortic valvuloplasties were per-
are used, as they are described above, the avoid- formed at Guy’s Hospital in London, England, in
ance of cardiopulmonary bypass is the only the late 1980s by Allan and Maxwell in a small
remaining advantage of this procedure, as nei- series (Allan et  al. 1995). At that time the
ther deep hypothermia nor circulatory arrest Norwood procedure already showed encouraging
are absolutely necessary for stage I Norwood results and became more and more widespread.
palliation. Therefore this concept of treatment was abolished
Regarding all these aspects, it is presently temporarily. Around 2000 it was restarted in a few
difficult to define the advantages of this proce- places (Makikallio et  al. 2006; Tworetzky et  al.
dure over the Norwood operation either with 2004; Arzt et al. 2011). The experience of our own
modified Blalock-Taussig shunt or RV-PA unit includes now 43 fetal aortic valvuloplasties in
conduit. 40 fetuses. After an initial decompression the ven-
tricle becomes smaller. During the residual fetal
period, almost normal growth was observed. In
17.6.7  Alternatives to Univentricular most cases, aortic valve and left ventricular out-
Palliation flow tract are still stenotic at birth and need rein-
tervention. We are convinced that fetal Heart Transplantation valvuloplasty is the central part of ventricular
Primary heart transplantation for hypoplastic rehabilitation in these babies, but the program
left heart syndrome was first performed in 1984 does not end at birth. To allow normal growth
by L.  Bailey et  al. (1986) and Mavroudis et  al. and biventricular physiology, the left ventricle has
(1988). The donor heart for this patient came to be aggressively freed from any possible obstruc-
from a baboon weighing 3.8  kg. In addition to tion. Seventeen of the 40 patients were delivered
standard heart transplantation (7 Chapter «Heart in our maternity hospital and further managed by
and Heart-Lung Transplantation», Sect. 37.2.2), an our unit. Ten of the 17 patients remained with a
extensive aortic arch repair is necessary in hypo- biventricular circulation. All of these ten patients
plastic left heart syndrome. This can be done needed aortic valvuloplasty in the first days of life.
usually with the donor aortic arch. The availabil- Eight of these patients underwent a Ross-Konno
ity of donor hearts is an unsolved problem in this procedure in the newborn period. In four, we did
therapeutic pathway and sometimes this requires an additional resection of endocardial fibroelas-
prolonged waiting time. Furthermore, the patient tosis. One patient died from a mucormycosis
needs lifelong immunosuppression. Coronary infection due to necrotizing enterocolitis after
sclerosis in donor hearts is also a well-described 40 days.
problem. We think that in critical aortic stenosis, this
therapeutic concept is very promising and will Fetal Intervention lead to a higher rate of biventricular repairs in
If critical aortic stenosis is the primary lesion of these babies.
a hypoplastic left heart syndrome, it can be
diagnosed by fetal echocardiography after the
16th week of gestation. At that time, the left ven- 17.6.8  Treatment of Borderline
tricle is still big, distended, and of severely Cases: Hypoplastic Left Heart
impaired contractility. It is known from many Complex (Tchervenkov et al.
echocardiographic studies that these ventricles 1998)
stop growing and develop endocardial fibroelas-
tosis and coronary fistulas. If the aortic valve The decision whether a left ventricle is able to sup-
can be opened up at that time and antegrade port systemic circulation and biventricular repair
blood flow through the left ventricle can be rees- is suitable, or single ventricle palliation has to be
tablished, the ventricle can be rehabilitated. done, is made by morphologic criteria. The most
Growth can go on and ventricular function will widespread criteria were published by L. Rhodes
be preserved. (Rhodes et al. 1991):
594 R. Mair and E. Sames-Dolzer

55 Mitral valve area >4.75 cm2/m2 monary anastomosis are the same as in a con-
55 Left ventricular long axis dimension to long ventional Norwood procedure. An intracardiac
axis of the heart >0.8 baffle is necessary to direct the left ventricular
55 Left ventricular mass > 35 g/m2 flow through the VSD into the pulmonary artery,
55 Aortic root diameter 3.5 cm/m2 similar to Rastelli procedure. A valved or non-
valved conduit is used to reestablish the continu-
These parameters are valid only for critical ity between RV and central pulmonary arteries.
aortic stenosis. This procedure can be performed as a com-
The left ventricular outflow tract however can plete repair in one stage, as we have done it suc-
be enlarged surgically by a Konno or Ross-Konno cessfully in our unit several times. Other authors
procedure and is therefore of very limited value as recommend a two-stage procedure:
a criteria for biventricular repair in critical aortic The first step would be a conventional
stenosis. Norwood procedure. In second step, the intracar-
These criteria are also of very limited value in diac baffle is made and the RV-PA conduit is
aortic coarctation with hypoplastic left ventricle. implanted.
For coarctation and hypoplastic left heart com-
plex, Tchervenkov and coworkers showed, that
even smaller ventricles than those selected by the
Rhodes criteria are amenable for biventricular References
repair, if certain requirements are fulfilled
55 Good left ventricular function Akintürk H, Michel-Behnke I, Valeske K et  al. (2002)
55 No mitral or aortic valve stenosis Stenting of the arterial duct and banding of the pul-
monary arteries. Basis for the combined Norwood
55 No endocardial fibroelastosis
stage 1 and 2 repair in hypoplastic left heart.
55 Antegrade blood flow in the ascending aorta Circulation 105:1099–1103
and the proximal aortic arch Allan LD, Sharland G, Tynan M (1989) The natural history
of hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Int J  Cardiol
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Allan LD, Maxwell DJ, Carminati M, Tynan MJ (1995)
the mitral valve is also crucial for the success of
Survival after fetal aortic balloon valvuloplasty.
biventricular repair in these cases. It is a require- Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 5:90–91
ment for left ventricular growth. That means that Arzt W, Wertaschnigg D, Veit I, Klement F, Gitter R, Tulzer G
any ASD should to be closed. Furthermore, all (2011) Intrauterine aortic valvuloplasty in fetuses with
obstructions in the outflow tract  – aortic root, critical aortic stenosis: experience and results of 24 pro-
cedures. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 37(6):689–695
ascending aorta, aortic arch, and isthmus – must
Bacha EA, Daves S, Hardin J  et  al. (2006) Single-ventricle
be removed aggressively. palliation for high risk neonates: the emergence of an
Different criteria were elaborated by van Son alternative hybrid stage I strategy. J Thorac Cardiovasc
for the repair of the unbalanced AV canal. Van Surg 131:163–171
Son and coworkers found that a left ventricular Bailey L, Conception W, Shattuck H, Huang L (1986) Method
of heart transplantation for treatment of hypoplastic
volume index greater than 15  ml/m2 is required
left heart syndrome. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 92:1–5
for biventricular repair of this malformation. A
17 big VSD component and a dysplastic mitral valve
Bridges ND, Jonas RA, Mayer JE, Flanagan MF, Keane JF,
Castaneda AR (1990) Bidirectional cavopulmonary
component worsen the prognosis of biventricular anastomosis as interim palliation for high- risk Fontan
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A Doty DB, Knott HW (1977) Hypoplastic left heart syn-
Sized Left Ventricle drome. Experience with an operation to establish
functionally normal circulation. J  Thorac Cardiovasc
Surg 74:624–630
This rare form of aortic atresia can only exist
Ghanayem NS, Hoffman GM, Mussatto KA et  al. (2003)
with an unrestrictive VSD.  A biventricular Home surveillance program prevents interstage mor-
reconstruction is possible in this malformation. tality after the Norwood procedure. J  Thorac
The principles of aortic arch repair and aortopul- Cardiovasc Surg 126:1367–1377
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Glauser TA, Rorke LB, Weinberg PM, Clancy RR (1990) Norwood WI, Lang P, Hansen DD (1983) Physiologic repair
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cedure. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 131:416–426 procedure for single-ventricle lesions. N Engl J  Med
Harh JY, Paul MH, Gallen WJ et al. (1973) Experimental pro- 362(21):1980–1992
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22:293–298 conventional surgical palliation? Eur J  Cardiothorac
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597 18

Common Arterial Trunk

Boulos Asfour and Lennart Duebener

18.1 Introduction – 598

18.2 Embryology – 598

18.3 Anatomy – 598

18.3.1  ulmonary Arteries – 598
18.3.2 Truncal Valve – 599
18.3.3 Ventricular Septal Defect – 599
18.3.4 Coronary Arteries – 599
18.3.5 Associated Anomalies – 599

18.4 Pathophysiology – 599

18.5 Diagnostics – 599

18.6 Operation – 599

18.6.1  reoperative Management – 599
18.6.2 Indication for Surgery and Timing – 599
18.6.3 Intraoperative Management – 600
18.6.4 Operative Access – 600
18.6.5 Cardiopulmonary Bypass – 600
18.6.6 Repair – 600
18.6.7 Special Intraoperative Problems – 602
18.6.8 Special Postoperative Problems – 604

References – 605

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_18
598 B. Asfour and L. Duebener

18.1 Introduction 18.3 Anatomy

In truncus arteriosus one vessel arises from the 18.3.1  Pulmonary Arteries
heart that supplies the pulmonary and systemic
circulation. By definition, at least one pulmo- There are two classification systems in use: one from
nary artery has to come off immediately distal to Van Praagh and Van Praagh (1965) and another
the truncal valve. The valve has often more than from Collett and Edwards (1949) (. Fig. 18.1).
three cusps and appears like a fusion of aortic and Van Praagh and Van Praagh divide truncus
pulmonary valve. Almost always there is a large arteriosus according to the existence or absence
ventricular septal defect directly ­underneath the of the conotruncal septum and define type A as
truncal valve. The pulmonary arteries originate cases with and type B as cases without ventricular
from different locations from the truncus and septal defect. In type 1 with a conotruncal septum,
are therefore exposed to systolic and diastolic there is a short main pulmonary artery which
systemic pressure. Interrupted aortic arch is not originates from the truncus. In type 2 two sepa-
an uncommon association with this anomaly. rate right and left pulmonary arteries come off
the truncus. In type 3 only one branch pulmonary
artery arises from the truncus, the other orginates
18.2 Embryology from a duct-like structure from the aortic arch.
Type 4 is associated with interrupted aortic arch.
Truncus arteriosus is the result of an incomplete Collett and Edwards divide truncus arteriosus
septation of the conotruncus (Pexieder 1995). in types I–IV. In type I a short main pulmonary
There is almost never a patent ductus arteriosus artery with branches arises from the truncus. In
unless the aortic arch is interrupted. Truncus type II left and right pulmonary arteries originate
arteriosus is morphologically related to the spec- separately from the posterior aspect of the trun-
trum of aortopulmonary window. In case of a cus. Most commonly an intermediate type of
very large aortopulmonary window, there is only these two forms is found. In type III the branch
a very small conotruncal septum. With the pulmonary arteries come off from opposite sides
absence of the septum, aortic and pulmonary of the truncus. In most cases the central and
valves fuse to form the truncal valve (Van Praagh peripheral pulmonary arteries are well developed.
and Van Praagh 1965). In type IV, also known as «pseudotruncus,» there

18 A1/I A2/II A3 A4

..Fig. 18.1  Truncus arteriosus types according to classification by Van Praagh and Van Praagh (A1–A4) and by Collett
and Edwards (I–IV). Types A1 and A2 are similar to types I–III. Type A1/I common origin of pulmonary arteries from the
truncus, type A2/II separates right and left branch pulmonary arteries from the dorsal truncus; type III is similar to type
II, but with further distance of the ostia of the separate pulmonary arteries (not shown). Type A3, only the branch pul-
monary artery contralateral to aortic arch sidedness arises directly from the truncus. The other branch pulmonary artery
(in this case the left) is connected through a usually narrow, ductus-like vessel with the aortic arch. Type A4, the truncus
continues via a ductus arteriosus into the descending aorta. The right and left pulmonary arteries come off the truncus
before the ductus. The ascending aorta is small. It appears to arise from the main pulmonary artery. The aortic arch is
interrupted. For type IV see text
Chapter 18 · Common Arterial Trunk
599 18
is no main pulmonary artery. Aortopulmonary 18.4 Pathophysiology
collaterals supply the lungs; therefore, this form is
now classified into the group pulmonary atresia The lungs are perfused during systole and diastole
with ventricular septal defect. with systemic pressures. This becomes more
prominent with fall of pulmonary vascular resis-
tance which increases symptoms. Truncal valve
18.3.2  Truncal Valve regurgitation reduces diastolic pressure which
leads to diastolic retrograde flow in the abdomi-
The truncal valve resembles a fused pulmonary nal aorta. A pressure gradient across the truncal
and aortic valve. The number of cusps varies from valve is rather attributed to these hemodynamics
two to six. Rarely there are more than four indi- than a morphological narrowing. Despite
vidual cusps. More commonly some cusps or increased pulmonary blood flow, a mild cyanosis
commissures are not completely developed, is secondary to the fact that both ventricles eject
which can result in significant truncal valve regur- into the truncal artery. An irreversible pulmonary
gitation. Additionally these cusps can be myxo- hypertension can result as early as in the sixth
matous which allows placement of stitches for month of life (Marciletti et al. 1976).

18.5 Diagnostics
18.3.3  Ventricular Septal Defect
Physical examination and chest radiographs show
The ventricular septal defect is located usually signs of increased pulmonary blood flow.
directly underneath the truncal valve and has Echocardiography is usually sufficient for diagno-
some distance from the tricuspid valve. Therefore, sis (and indication for surgery). Cardiac catheter-
the risk of AV block after closure of the ventricu- ization is indicated to evaluate pulmonary
lar septal defect is low. In rare cases, when the resistance in patients older than 3 months.
ventricular septal defect is very small, closure can
create left ventricular outflow tract obstruction.
18.6 Operation
18.3.4  Coronary Arteries 18.6.1  Preoperative Management
Often the origin of the coronary arteries is Truncus arteriosus is a cyanotic heart defect,
abnormal; however, the course is usually normal. which does not improve with prostaglandins.
The origins can be located very close to the ori- When there is associated interrupted aortic arch,
gins of the right and left pulmonary arteries. The the patent ductus arteriosus has no tendency to
left anterior descending (LAD) branch can origi- close. Rarely patients present with circulatory col-
nate from the right coronary and run across the lapse or acidosis. More commonly heart failure
infundibulum – like in tetralogy of Fallot (Suzuki secondary to increased pulmonary blood flow is
et al. 1989). found. Medical therapy  – except for short-term
stabilization to optimize the preoperative status –
is not beneficial.
18.3.5  Associated Anomalies
Most commonly the right aortic arch (25 %) and 18.6.2  Indication for Surgery
aberrant right subclavian artery (5–10 %) are and Timing
found (Calder et al. 1976). Interrupted aortic arch
(type A and B) is also frequently associated (10– Diagnosis is an indication for surgical correction.
15 %). In up to 90 % of cases, a DiGeorge syn- After stabilization in the intensive care unit, the
drome can be found (Jahangiri et al. 2000; Sano procedure should be performed within the first
et al. 1990). 2–3 weeks of life.
600 B. Asfour and L. Duebener

18.6.3  Intraoperative Management of cardiopulmonary bypass. Despite the regurgita-

tion, usually half of the cardioplegia can be given
After standard anesthesia induction monitoring, through the aortic root, the other half will be admin-
catheters will be inserted. The low diastolic systemic istered directly into the coronary ostia.
pressure and elevated end-diastolic ventricular In type A1 the short main pulmonary artery
pressure which are typical for this heart defect can can be excised from the truncus (. Fig. 18.2a, b).
lead to subendocardial ischemia and arrhythmias. In type A2/II, III the aorta is transected completely
In patients with DiGeorge syndrome, hypocalcemia above the pulmonary arteries (. Fig. 18.2d, e). This
and a defect of immune function are of concern. has many advantages:
Therefore, blood products need to be irradiated. 55 The distal part of the ascending aorta is
usually smaller than the truncal root. By
anastomosis the truncal root dimensions are
18.6.4  Operative Access reduced and the diameter of the sinotubular
junction decreased, which preserves the com-
After standard median sternotomy, the existence or petence of the truncal valve.
absence of the thymus in patients with DiGeorge 55 It avoids the risk put at the left coronary
syndrome should be noted. This is followed by har- ostium when the pulmonary artery is excised
vesting of a pericardial patch, which is fixated in from the right side.
0.6 % glutaraldehyde solution. Snaring of the right 55 The direct anastomosis of the truncal root
pulmonary artery reduces the diastolic runoff of with the ascending aorta can be accomplished
blood and increases the diastolic and systolic sys- in a more symmetrical fashion.
temic pressure. After administration of heparin,
the aorta is cannulated distally, and after establish- The closure of the ventricular septal defect
ment of cardiopulmonary bypass, the left pulmo- is achieved through a small incision in the
nary artery is exposed, snared, and mobilized. right ventricle (. Fig.  18.2c) with preservation
of conal branches and safe distance to the left
18.6.5  Cardiopulmonary Bypass anterior descending artery. Suitable patch mate-
rial includes Dacron, Gore-Tex, or autologous
Different strategies can be employed: pericardium, which is sewn into place with an
55 Bicaval cannulation with no or moderate interrupted or continuous suture. Normally the
hypothermia tricuspid valve is separated from the ventricular
55 Single atrial cannulation and deep hypother- septal defect by the muscle. Thus, the risk of dam-
mia with or without circulatory arrest age to the bundle of His is low (. Fig. 18.2f, g).
For reconstruction of the right ventricular out-
Routinely crystalloid cardioplegia is adminis- flow tract, there are different options. Ideally, a
tered and repeated after 30–45  min if necessary. small homograft (diameter, 9–13 mm) is available,
Hypothermia and single-dose cardioplegia could which is easy to implant. The graft is trimmed as
be an advantage, because repeated doses of car- short as possible. Then the distal anastomosis is
dioplegia in neonates have been reported to have constructed first. Afterward the graft is anasto-
negative effects (Jonas 1998). It has been noted mosed proximally with a third of the circumfer-
historically that with application of deep hypo- ence to the right ventricle (. Fig.  18.3a). The
18 thermic circulatory arrest in neonates and infants, remaining opening is closed with an autologous
cardioplegia is not necessary (G. Ziemer, personal pericardial or polytetrafluoroethylene (Gore-Tex)
communication 2008); however, one has to be patch (. Fig. 18.3b).
aware of disadvantages regarding side effects of If a small homograft is not available, a valved
hypothermia and neurologic deficits. bovine jugular vein graft (Contegra®) can be used
alternatively. The smallest diameter is 12 mm. The
graft is very soft and easy to handle. A disadvantage
18.6.6  Repair is the potential for dilation when exposed to high
pressures. Because of the high profile of the valve,
If there is truncal valve regurgitation, the aorta the conduit used is trimmed as short as possible.
should be cross-clamped right after commencement Proximally additional tissue can be used for recon-
Chapter 18 · Common Arterial Trunk
601 18

a b

c d

e f

..Fig. 18.2  a Intraoperative situs after cannulation in truncus arteriosus type A1/I and lines of incision for excision of
the pulmonary arteries. b With the heart arrested, the truncus is transected with preservation of the coronary arteries.
In the next step, the right ventricle will be incised between stay sutures. c The excision site of the pulmonary artery is
closed. The right ventricular outflow tract is incised between stay sutures. The pulmonary artery bifurcation is marked
with a stay suture. d The excision of the pulmonary arteries from the common truncus arteriosus (type A2/II, III) is
accomplished by transection of the truncus at the level of the pulmonary arteries. e The truncus is transected, and the
bifurcation of the pulmonary arteries is separated. f The ventricular septal defect is closed with interrupted sutures with
pledgets or with a continuous suture. As the bundle of His is not located in the inferior border of the ventricular septal
defect, the sutures can be placed safely there. g Patch in place for closure of ventricular septal defect
602 B. Asfour and L. Duebener

g (Barbero-Marcial et al. 1990). After identification

of the origin of the right pulmonary artery and the
left coronary ostium, an autologous pericardial
patch is sutured into place at the base between left
coronary ostium and origin of right pulmonary
artery. This patch divides the truncus into an aortic
and pulmonary arterial part with the left sinus of
Valsalva remaining on the pulmonary side. A
redundant patch can lead to obstruction of the
right pulmonary artery and should be avoided.
The right ventricle is incised directly underneath
the left sinus of Valsalva in direction left-inferior,
and the ventricular septal defect is closed with
Dacron or pericardium. Finally, the inferior bor-
der of the incision into the left pulmonary artery is
directly anastomosed with interrupted sutures to
the right ventricle. The right ventricular outflow
..Fig. 18.2 (continued) tract is reconstructed with a monocusp valve made
of pericardium. Recently a modification of the
struction, and no additional patch is needed. Some conduit-free Barbero-Marcial technique with
centers reported intima proliferation at the site of the interposition of the left atrial appendage between
distal anastomosis which we have not documented. the right ventricle and the pulmonary trunk for
It seems important to construct the distal repair of type III common arterial trunk has been
anastomosis first and use everting sutures ven- described (Aguilar et al. 2015).
trally and dorsally.
The profile of the jugular vein valve is rela-
tively high; therefore, the Contegra conduit is sig- 18.6.7  Special Intraoperative
nificantly longer than a homograft  – even when Problems
cut to the shortest length possible.
There is controversy about the use of valveless A regurgitant truncal valve can usually be
conduits. Generally it can be anticipated that the repaired, and replacement of the valve by homo-
postoperative intensive care stay is slightly pro- graft is rarely necessary during primary repair.
longed. Nevertheless, this option – because small The reason for the regurgitation is often cusp pro-
homografts are not readily available – is a useful lapse. It can be corrected by suturing the prolaps-
alternative in selected patients with large pulmonary ing cusp to the neighboring cusp. This way out of
arteries, without pulmonary hypertension, and with- a quadricuspid or tricuspid valve a tricuspid or
out a coronary artery crossing the right ventricular bicuspid truncal valve will be created.
outflow tract (Chen et al. 2005; Danton et al. 2001). In associated interrupted aortic arch, the patient
If the pulmonary arteries can be well mobi- is cooled with one cannula in the truncus and one
lized, a direct anastomosis of the posterior aspect in the right atrium. The right and left pulmonary
with the ventriculotomy might be possible. This is arteries are snared, and during short circulatory
18 technically most feasible in type I with existence arrest, the repair is performed. It is not advisable to
of a main pulmonary artery. Ventrally the connec- implant the descending aorta into the site, where
tion is completed with a hood created by autolo- the pulmonary arteries have been excised. As
gous pericardium or polytetrafluoroethylene described in 7 Chapter «Congenital Anomalies of the
(Gore-Tex). Figure 18.4 shows the implantation of Great Vessels» Sect. the anastomosis should
a polytetrafluoroethylene graft. Special attention be with the longitudinally incised distal ascending
should be paid to the trimming of the graft. aorta, if necessary with extension into the left com-
In a different technique without the use of a mon carotid artery (. Fig. 18.5).
homograft for types I and II, the left pulmonary Alternatively, the correction can be done with
artery is opened anterosuperiorly and then in selective cerebral perfusion through the right
direction of the left sinus of Valsalva of the truncus common carotid artery. For the aortic arch recon-
Chapter 18 · Common Arterial Trunk
603 18

a b

..Fig. 18.3  a Implantation of a valved homograft. The distal anastomosis has already been accomplished. Proximally
one third of the circumference of the homograft is anastomosed to the right ventricle. b The reconstruction of the right
ventricular outflow tract is completed proximally with an autologous pericardial patch

..Fig. 18.4  Trimming of the proximal end of a valveless polytetrafluoroethylene graft. The insert shows that the distal
level of beveling is in a 90° angle to the proximal one

struction, the cannula is advanced into the innominate artery. For reconstruction the
innominate artery and snared with a tourniquet. descending aorta is controlled with a Castaneda
At 18 °C cardiopulmonary bypass flow is reduced clamp, and both supraaortic branches (left com-
to 30–50 % of calculated whole body flow. A right mon carotid artery, left subclavian artery) are
radial artery line is used for invasive blood pres- clamped with small neurosurgical Yasargil clips.
sure monitoring. The goal is a pressure of Weaning from cardiopulmonary bypass is
30–35 mmHg to prevent potential cerebral edema. carried out in standard fashion with low dose of
To improve exposure the arterial cannula can be dopamine (4–6  μg/kg kg/min). The chest is
connected through a polytetrafluoroethylene closed primarily. Other groups perform rou­
shunt (3.5  mm), which is anastomosed to the tinely a secondary chest closure  – especially in
604 B. Asfour and L. Duebener

a b

..Fig. 18.5  a–c Repair of truncus arteriosus with associated interrupted aortic arch. a, b The pulmonary arteries are
excised from the truncus along the depicted lines, and the ductus arteriosus is transected. c The proximal ascending
aorta and the proximal ductus arteriosus are oversewn

very small patients (body weight <2.5 kg) – after hypertension is more common in late infancy
1–3 days. (Bando et  al. 1996). Therefore, a thin catheter
should be placed via the right ventricular out-
flow tract into the pulmonary artery. Otherwise
18.6.8  Special Postoperative clinical criteria can be used to diagnose pulmo-
Problems nary hypertension (e.g., high central venous
18 pressure, arterial desaturation, tachycardia,
Postoperative care can be challenging because hypotension, acidosis, oliguria). It is our policy
of pulmonary hypertension and right ventricu- to keep the patients ventilated during the first
lar dysfunction (secondary to the ventriculot- postoperative night, or up 48 h postoperatively,
omy). to lower the pulmonary vascular resistance.
Before considering medical treatment of pul- Nitric oxide (10–40  ppm) is administered if
monary hypertension, the operative result there is an otherwise therapy-resistant elevation
should be evaluated, and a large residual ven- of pulmonary vascular resistance. Only rarely
tricular septal defect should be excluded by extracorporeal membrane oxygenation is  used.
echocardiography. Life-threatening pulmonary (Aguilar JM et al. 2015)
Chapter 18 · Common Arterial Trunk
605 18
References tricular outflow tract reconstruction. Eur J Cardiothorac
Surg 20:95–103
Jahangiri M, Zurakowski D, Mayer JE, del Nido PJ, Jonas RA
Aguilar JM, Garcia E, Arlati FG et al. (2015) Repair of type III
(2000) Repair of the truncal valve and associated inter-
common arterial trunk with modified Barbero-Marcial
rupted arch in neonates with truncus arteriosus.
technique. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 150:e69–70
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 119:508–514
Bando K, Turrentine MW, Sharp TG et al. (1996) Pulmonary
Jonas RA (1998) Myocardial protection for neonates and
hypertension after operations for congenital heart dis-
infants. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 46(Suppl 2):288–291
ease: analysis of risk factors and management. J Thorac
Marciletti C, McGoon DC, Mair DD (1976) The natural his-
Cardiovasc Surg 112:1600–1607
tory of truncus arteriosus. Circulation 54:108–111
Barbero-Marcial M, Riso A, Atik E et al. (1990) A technique for
Pexieder T (1995) The conotrucus and its septation at the
correction of truncus arteriosus types I and II without extra-
advent of the molecular biology era. In: Clark EB,
cardiac conduits. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 99:364–369
Markwald RR, Takao A (eds) Developmental mecha-
Calder L, Van Praagh R, Van Praagh S et  al. (1976) Truncus
nisms of heart disease. Futura Publishing Co, Armonk,
arteriosus communis. Clinical, angiographic and patho-
pp 227–248
logic findings in 100 patients. Am Heart J 92:23–38
Sano S, Brawn WJ, Mee RB (1990) Repair of truncus arteriosus
Chen JM, Glickstein JS, Davies RR et al. (2005) The effect of
and interrupted aortic arch. J Cardiac Surg 5:157–162
repair technique on postoperative right-sided
Suzuki A, Sy H, Anderson RH, Deanfield JE (1989) Coronary
obstruction in patients with truncus arteriosus.
arterial and sinusal anatomy in hearts with a common
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 129:559–568
arterial trunk. Ann Thorac Surg 48:792–797
Collet RW, Edwards JE (1949) Persistent truncus arteriosus:
Van Praagh R, Van Praagh S (1965) The anatomy of com-
a classification according to anatomic types. Surg Clin
mon aorticopulmonary trunk (truncus arteriosus com-
North Am 29:1245
munis) and its embryonic implications. A study of 57
Danton MH, Barron DJ, Stumper O et  al. (2001) Repair of
necroscopy cases. Am J Cardiol 16:406–426
truncus arteriosus: a considered approach to right ven-
607 19

Congenitally Corrected
and D-Transposition
of the Great Arteries
Sabine H. Daebritz and Michel Ilbawi

19.1 Congenitally Corrected Transposition

of the Great Arteries (ccTGA) – 609
19.1.1 Pathology – 609  entricular Septal Defect (VSD) – 609
V Atrioventricular Valves – 610 Left Ventricular Outflow Tract – 610 Coronary Arteries – 610 Conduction System – 610
19.1.2  linical Presentation and Natural History – 611
19.1.3 Diagnostics – 612
19.1.4 Surgical Treatment Strategies – 612  alliative Procedures – 613
P Physiologic Correction (Classical or Traditional) – 614 Retraining the Left Ventricle for Anatomic Repair – 616 Anatomical Correction – 616 Alternative Procedures – 617
19.1.5 Results – 618 P hysiologic Repair – 618 Anatomical Correction – 618
19.1.6 Summary – 619

19.2  extro-(D-)Transposition of the

Great Arteries (D-TGA) – 619
19.2.1 E pidemiology – 619
19.2.2 Embryology and Pathology – 619
19.2.3 Physiology – 621
19.2.4 Diagnostics – 622

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_19
19.2.5 Surgical Management – 623 A trial Switch Operation
(Senning and Mustard Procedures) – 623 Arterial Switch Operation – 627 Choice of the Operative Procedure – 629
19.2.6 Complex D-Transposition of the Great Arteries – 631 D efinition and Epidemiology – 631 Pathophysiology and Diagnostics – 631 Transposition of the Great Arteries with Ventricular
Septal Defect – 631 T ransposition of the Great Arteries with Left Ventricular
Outflow Tract Obstruction – 632 Transposition with Right Ventricular Outflow Obstruction
and Hypoplasia of the Aortic Arch or Coarctation of
the Aorta – 635 Taussig–Bing Anomaly – 636

References – 636
Chapter 19 · Congenitally Corrected Transposition and D-Transposition of the Great Arteries
609 19
19.1 Congenitally Corrected mal»] looping; and D, dextroposition of the aorta,
Transposition of the Great respectively) (Van Praagh 1992; Van Praagh and
Arteries (ccTGA) Van Praagh 1966, 1967; see also below, 7 Sect. 19.2.3,
«Embryology and Anatomy»). CcTGA can present
19.1.1  Pathology without other intracardiac malformations (1–2 %;
Allwork et al. 1976). Associated cardiac malforma-
Congenitally corrected transposition of the great tions as ventricular septal defects (VSD), valvar and
arteries (ccTGA) is a rare cardiac malformation subvalvar pulmonary stenosis, as well as dysplasia of
with an incidence of 0.5 % of congenital heart the tricuspid valve are frequently present. The
defects (CHD). Morphologically, it consists of abnormal location of the conduction system predis-
atrioventricular as well as ventriculoarterial discor- poses to rhythm disturbances.
dance. The systemic venous, morphologically the Most patients with ccTGA have situs solitus
right atrium, is connected to the morphologically with levocardia. The morphologic right ventricle
left ventricle via the mitral valve; the left ventricle (mRV) is left sided; the morphologic left ventricle
in turn is connected to the pulmonary valve and (mLV) is right sided (L-loop). In about 25 % of
the pulmonary artery. On the other hand, the pul- cases, the lesion is associated with dextro- or
monary venous atrium (morphologically left) mesocardia. In situs inversus (about 5 % of cases),
drains into the morphologically right ventricle via there is a mirror-image anatomy with the apex of
the tricuspid valve. Thus, the right ventricle func- the heart pointing to the right side, which has to
tions as systemic ventricle and ejects via the aortic be distinguished from isolated dextrocardia in
valve into the aorta. This double discordance results situs solitus. In situs solitus and ccTGA, the aorta
in a physiologically corrected circulation whereby is left and anterior to the posteriorly positioned
the unoxygenated blood flows to the lungs and the pulmonary trunk (L-malposition). In situs inver-
oxygenated blood to the body (. Fig. 19.1). sus and ccTGA, the aorta is positioned right and
In most of the cases of ccTGA, there is situs sol- anterior to the pulmonary trunk (I, D, D).
itus with a segmental {SLL-} anatomy (S, situs soli-
tus; L, levo, left-sided looping of the cardiac tube;   entricular Septal Defect
and L, left-sided malposition of the aorta at the level (VSD)
of the aortic valve, respectively). Less frequently, A VSD is the most common associated cardiac
there is situs inversus with segmental {IDD-} anat- malformation in ccTGA and is present in about
omy (I, situs inversus; D, dextro [right sided, «nor- 70 % of all patients with ccTGA (Warnes 2006).

a b

Tricuspid valve
Systemic ventricle,
RA right ventricle


Mitral valve
Subpulmonic ventricle,
anatomical left ventricle

..Fig. 19.1  a, normal heart; b, Congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries (ccTGA). Ao aorta, LA left
atrium, LV left ventricle, PA pulmonary artery, RA right atrium, RV right ventricle
610 S.H. Daebritz and M. Ilbawi

Although a VSD can take up most of the ventricu- by subvalvar as well as valvar components. A sub-
lar septum, there is typically a single, nonrestric- valvar stenosis can additionally be due to accessory
tive perimembranous VSD of at least moderate mitral valve tissue or fibrotic tissue resulting in a
size, i.e., has no pressure gradient across it. The diffuse hypoplastic fibromuscular tunnel. If a VSD
VSD may extend into the inlet or into the infun- is present, accessory valvar tissue may prolapse
dibular septum. Multiple VSDs can be present. A from the systemic ventricle through the defect into
big, subaortic VSD reaching into the perimembra- the LV outflow tract or the pulmonary valve.
nous septum is frequently associated with a sig- Abnormal chordal attachments onto the crest of the
nificant pulmonary stenosis or with pulmonary septum can also be present. At the level of the pul-
atresia. Rarely, there is an atrioventricular septal monary valve, morphologic obstruction is caused
defect (AVSD) with or without a (subpulmonary) by fused and/or thickened dysplastic valve leaflets.
left ventricular outflow tract obstruction (LVOTO). In some cases there is even pulmonary valve atresia.  Atrioventricular Valves  Coronary Arteries

The mitral valve in ccTGA is almost always of The morphology of the coronary arteries follows
normal anatomy and function, but a significant the respective inverted ventricles. Typically, the
number of patients with ccTGA have a morpho- right-sided coronary artery has left coronary
logically abnormal and dysplastic tricuspid valve. artery anatomy and supplies the left ventricle. It
The most affected part of the valve is the septal rises from the anterior sinus of the aortic valve and
leaflet which presents with shortened and thick- branches into an anterior descending coronary
ened chordae that are occasionally adherent to the artery, which follows the interventricular septum,
ventricular septum. The septal components of the and a circumflex coronary artery, which follows
valve can be displaced towards the right ventricu- the atrioventricular groove between the right
lar apex resembling Ebstein anomaly; however, in atrium and the left ventricle. The left-sided poste-
contrast to the original Ebstein’s disease, there is rior sinus of the aortic valve gives origin to the
no atrialization of the right ventricle. The tricus- morphologic right coronary artery, which courses
pid valve is frequently regurgitant, and displace- in the atrioventricular groove between the left
ment of the interventricular septum towards the atrium and the right ventricle and branches into
left ventricle exaggerates tricuspid valve anular several marginal arteries that supply the ventricle.
dilatation and results in more regurgitation. These
pathological changes make tricuspid valvuloplasty,  Conduction System
if needed, less likely to be successful. Straddling of In atrial situs solitus, the His bundle does not arise
the tricuspid valve where one or more compo- from the existing and normally located AV node
nents of the valve such as the leaflets or subvalvar on the tip of the triangle of Koch, because of the
apparatus override the interventricular septum malalignment of the atrial and ventricular septum.
(see 7   Chapter «Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Instead, there is an accessory AV node (Hosseinpour
Connections and Congenital Defects of the Atria, et al. 2004), which is located anterior and superior
the Atrioventricular Septum, and the Atrioventricular in the area of transition of the atrial septum to the
Valves», Sect. 12.5.2) may be present. It is associated anulus of the mitral valve close to the commissure
with hypoplasia of the right ventricle. Rarely, there between the anterior and posterior mitral valve
is straddling of the mitral valve with left ventricle leaflets. This accessory AV node gives rise to a
hypoplasia in cases with inlet VSD. long, penetrating His bundle, which runs through
the fibrous trigone and passes subendocardially  Left Ventricular Outflow Tract anterior and caudad to the pulmonary valve anu-
19 The anatomic position of the pulmonary outflow lus into the morphologic left side of the septum.
tract in ccTGA, being wedged deeply between the The His bundle divides into a left bundle, which is
mitral and tricuspid valve, predisposes to the devel- located on the morphologic left side of the septum
opment of a stenosis of the morphologically left and into a right bundle, which penetrates the sep-
ventricular outflow tract (LVOT). An obstruction tum to reach the morphologic right ventricular
of the LVOT is present in about 30–50 % of all side. In the presence of a perimembranous VSD,
patients with ccTGA (Freedom 1999). It may be a the His bundle runs in close contact to the pulmo-
fixed or a dynamic obstruction, and it can be caused nary valve anulus around the LVOT and on the
Chapter 19 · Congenitally Corrected Transposition and D-Transposition of the Great Arteries
611 19
left-sided anterior-superior rim of the VSD. When failure in the first year of life (Friedberg and Nadas
closing the defect, this important difference from 1970). The initial therapy consists of medical
normal anatomy has to be taken into consider- treatment of the congestive heart failure followed
ation to prevent surgical AV block. by either banding of the pulmonary artery or clo-
In few cases, there is an anterior and posterior sure of the VSD and double-switch operation
AV node, both of which giving rise to a penetrat- before the onset of hypertensive pulmonary vas-
ing bundle, so that in case of a VSD, the defect can cular disease. This pathophysiology is altered if
be surrounded by a ring of conduction tissue LVOTO is present. Frequently in these cases,
(Hosseinpour et al. 2004). there is a balanced circulation with only mild
In situs inversus, the posterior AV node is nor- clinical symptoms, so that these patients may not
mally positioned at the tip of the coronary sinus and require medical or surgical therapy for several
gives rise to the penetrating bundle, which is located years and even decades except for the potential
on the inferior rim of the VSD on the surface of the need of a pacemaker. On the other hand, if
morphologic left side of the septum similar to LVOTO is moderate to severe, inadequate pulmo-
hearts with atrioventricular concordance. nary blood flow may lead to desaturation or cya-
About 4–7.5 % of newborns with ccTGA pres- nosis in the first year of life in 30 % of patients
ent at birth with a complete AV block caused by (Friedberg and Nadas 1970). In these patients an
anatomical discontinuity between the AV node initial systemic-to-pulmonary shunting or total
and the His bundle (Huhta et al. 1983; Lundstrom repair, depending on patient’s age, is indicated.
et al. 1990; van Son et al. 1995). The anomalous Severe pulmonary stenosis or atresia with VSD
course of the conduction system, due to septal leads to severe cyanosis or to a ductal dependent
malalignment, predisposes to the development of pulmonary circulation necessitating an early
a complete AV block with increasing age at a rate systemic-­ to-pulmonary shunt in the neonatal
of 2 % per year (Huhta et  al. 1983). Overall, the period. Some of the patients are born with or
incidence of a complete AV block is reported develop rhythm disturbances, mainly bradycardia
between 15 and 32 % (Friedberg and Nadas 1970; due to complete AV block, as their first clinical
Huhta et al. 1985; Lundstrom et al. 1990; van Son symptoms.
et al. 1995). Another 20 % of patients have first- or In summary, there is a wide variety in the clin-
second-degree AV block. ical presentation of ccTGA, depending on the
presence and the severity of associated defects
ranging from the infant with signs of severe con-
19.1.2  Clinical Presentation gestive heart failure or cyanosis to totally asymp-
and Natural History tomatic adult.
As the patient grows older, the most decisive
The natural history and the clinical course of factor with major impact on the clinical course
ccTGA are quite variable and depend on the is the development of mRV failure in associa-
presence and severity of associated cardiac mal- tion with tricuspid valve regurgitation. The mRV
formations. In the absence of associated malfor- failure can occur as part of the neonatal history
mations, patient could be asymptomatic up to the or after physiologic surgical «correction.» The
fifth decade of life or present with bradycardia pathophysiologic mechanism is related to RV
due to onset of spontaneous complete atrioven- inability to sustain the system circulation over a
tricular block. However, progressive deteriora- long period of time. This results in a vicious cycle
tion of the systemic morphological right ventricle of mRV failure and consequent tricuspid regurgi-
may occur with age and is accelerated by con- tation due to anular dilatation causing additional
comitant development of tricuspid valve regurgi- volume loading of the mRV.  The change in RV
tation or other abnormalities (Graham et  al. geometry leads to a shift of the ventricular septum
2000; Presbitero et al. 1995). towards the LV. As a result, the septal components
In the presence of associated malformations, of the tricuspid valve are stretched out leading to a
the major clinical symptoms are progressive heart decrease in the coaption of the leaflets with further
failure, cyanosis, or bradycardia (Webb 1999). If a increase in tricuspid regurgitation, which in turn
VSD is present, the left-to-right shunt and pulmo- leads to further ventricular dilatation. This inter-
nary volume overload may cause congestive heart relation between progressive valvar regurgitation
612 S.H. Daebritz and M. Ilbawi

and ventricular dysfunction is supported by the dence of mRV dysfunction was 32 % of 65 patients
observation that an increase in LV pressure fol- older than 18 years with ccTGA; 55 patients had
lowing pulmonary artery banding shifts the inter- undergone conventional repair (Piran et al. 2002).
ventricular septum towards the RV and leads to a Development of progressive right ventricular
decrease in tricuspid regurgitation (van Son et al. dysfunction with progressive increase of tricuspid
1996; Daebritz et al. 2001). regurgitation after classic repair, led to treatment
There is an increasing incidence of progressive strategies that aim at incorporating the mLV into the
deterioration of right ventricular function and systemic circulation. The recruitment of the mLV
failure with increasing age. In the first five decades, into the systemic circulation is achieved by rerouting
56 % of all patients with ccTGA and associated of the pulmonary venous and the systemic venous
major defects have moderate to severe deteriora- blood return by an atrial switch procedure (Senning
tion of right ventricular function. This late pre- or Mustard operation) and rerouting of the arterial
sentation could also occur in 32 % of patients connection by an arterial switch operation or a
without significant associated defects (Graham Rastelli operation. These so-­ called double-switch
et al. 2000). It is due primarily to lack of natural operations (Ilbawi et al. 2002) result in anatomic
anatomic adaptation of the mRV to the high-­ repair, creating atrioventricular and ventriculoarte-
pressure systemic circulation, exaggerated by lim- rial concordance (see below). The major advantage
ited coronary reserve to the right ventricular of this strategy is the immediate decompression of
myocardium due to single coronary artery supply the mRV, which becomes the low-pressure pulmo-
(Hornung et  al. 1998; Hauser et  al. 2003) or by nary ventricle. The decompression results in shifting
complete AV block causing an increase in stroke of the ventricular septum towards the mRV and thus
volume and secondary dilatation of the tricuspid reduces any tricuspid regurgitation, making valve
valve anulus (Voskuil et  al. 1999; van Son et  al. repair or replacement unnecessary.
1995). In case of dysplasia of the tricuspid valve or
Ebstein-like malformation, the onset of mRV fail-
ure can be accelerated due to the mechanisms and 19.1.3  Diagnostics
interactions described above.
Progression of preexisting regurgitation or the Prenatal or postnatal diagnosis of ccTGA is usually
onset of new one can occur after traditional physi- made by echocardiography (Allan et  al. 1994).
ologic repair (VSD closure, relief of LVOT) and is Additional diagnostic details may be obtained by
reported in 42 % of postoperative patients (Hraska transesophageal echocardiography. Advanced non-
et al. 2005). The decrease of the mLV pressure after invasive diagnostic tools, such as 3D echocardiog-
physiologic correction leads to a shift of the sep- raphy, 3D CT scan, and 3D MRI, are helpful in
tum to the left towards the mLV with consequent selected more complex cases. Cardiac catheteriza-
increase in tricuspid regurgitation and volume tion gives precise assessment of hemodynamics,
overload of the mRV. Therefore, tricuspid valvulo- such as the degree of pulmonary stenosis, shunt
plasty after classic repair is not an optimal solution volumes of one, or more VSDs (Qp/Qs), and
because it is either technically not feasible or is enables calculation of the pulmonary vascular
likely (van Son et al. 1995) to fail if the right ven- resistance. If an anatomical correction is planned,
tricle remains as systemic ventricle (Acar et  al. coronary arteriography is helpful, especially in redo
1998). Although the results of primary tricuspid surgery, but not absolutely necessary. Measurement
valve replacement have improved, particularly if of the mRV and mLV pressures and assessment of
surgery is performed early at the onset of first signs mLV muscle mass has to be performed in all
of mRV dysfunction (van Son et al. 1995), they are patients in whom pulmonary artery banding for
19 still not satisfactory, because valve replacement retraining or anatomical correction is planned.
does not address progressive mRV dysfunction. In
a series of 14 patients with initial tricuspid valve
replacement (Hraska et al. 2005), the 1- and 5-year 19.1.4  Surgical Treatment Strategies
survival rates were 71 and 53 %; the 1 and 5 years
rate of freedom from repeat valve replacement Until the end of the 1980s, the surgical treatment
were 100 and 40 %. Eleven of these patients (79 %) strategies of ccTGA were limited to the repair of
had dysfunction of the mRV.  The reported inci- associated defects, resulting in a classic or physio-
Chapter 19 · Congenitally Corrected Transposition and D-Transposition of the Great Arteries
613 19
logic repair. Thereafter, treatment options incorpo-
and to prevent from development of pul-
rating the mLV into the systemic circulation, monary vascular obstructive disease. In this
so-called the anatomical correction, were intro- group of patients, the band is tightened until
duced due to disappointing long-term results of thethe pulmonary artery pressure drops to about
physiologic repair (see 7 Sect. 19.1.2, «Clinical Pre-
one-third of the systemic pressure. It is also
sentation and Natural History») (Ilbawi et al. 1990).
used in patients who are destined for double-
The classic repair, in which the mRV remains as switch operation (i.e., atrial and arterial switch
systemic ventricle, carries the risk of unpredictable
or atrial switch plus Rastelli). Another indica-
onset and progression of mRV dysfunction. In con- tion for banding is the retraining of the mLV
trast, anatomic correction carries the potential dis-
in older patients with low mLV pressure,
advantages of the venous switch operation. who are planned for an anatomical correc-
Currently, the anatomic repair has become the tion. Pulmonary artery banding could also be
standard approach in spite of absence of long-term considered a definitive palliation in selected
results proving its advantages. . Fig  19.2 gives apatients with unfavorable anatomy, to establish
decision algorithm of the currently applied criteria
«balanced» circulation as seen in some patients
for surgical treatment of ccTGA. with valvar or subvalvar pulmonary stenosis
(naturally banded) who have a very good natu-  Palliative Procedures ral palliation without any intervention (Hraska
Depending on morphology and hemodynamics, et al. 2005).
an initial palliative procedure such as systemic-­ In retraining of the left ventricle and PAB,
to-­pulmonary shunt or pulmonary artery band- the PAB is tightened to achieve mLV pres-
ing may be necessary. sure of 80–100 % of the systemic pressure.
Frequently, a repeat stepwise banding is nec-
kModified Blalock–Taussig-Shunt essary because the left ventricle may not ini-
Newborns with severe pulmonary artery stenosis tially tolerate tight banding. These patients are
or pulmonary atresia (ductal dependant pulmo- usually sick and require prolonged stay in the
nary circulation) need early palliation with intensive care unit for ventilatory and hemo-
systemic-­to-pulmonary artery shunt, to allow for dynamic stabilization. This is due to the fact
growth of the patient making physiology or ana- that the response of the mLV to acute increase
tomic repair (Senning/Mustard operation, in afterload and volume shifting through
Rastelli) easier to perform. It is also needed in an intracardiac shunt is unpredictable and
newborns in whom a septation or rerouting of the is dependent on the age of the patients and
ventricles cannot be performed (i.e., huge VSD, other perioperative variables that could lead to
noncommitted VSD) and thus are destined for short- and long-­term mLV dysfunction (Quinn
eventual Fontan palliation. et al. 2008).
The insertion of a modified Blalock–Taussig The common approach to perform PAB is via
shunt is performed via median sternotomy. The median sternotomy. We use a 4-mm polytetra-
graft is preferably a thin-walled 3.5–4  mm fluoroethylene band and adjust it by serial pul-
polytetrafluoroethylene stretch graft, which is monary artery pressure measurements proximal
interposed between the proximal part of the right and distal to the band. Transesophageal echo-
subclavian or distal innominate artery and the cardiogram is used to evaluate mLV function at
right or main pulmonary artery. The use of car- the time of banding. An externally adjustable
diopulmonary bypass machine is usually not banding device might be helpful particularly
needed unless the patient becomes hemodynam- with regard to longterm stepwise training occa-
ically unstable when the pulmonary artery is par- sionally needed in older children, although its
tially clamped. use has been discouraging and has not been
widely accepted (Bonnet et  al. 2004; Daebritz
kBanding of the pulmonary artery et  al. 1999). Recently, a newer adjustable band
Pulmonary artery banding (PAB) is performed has been applied effectively for stepwise banding
in patients with a large VSD and pulmonary in 11 patients with ccTGA (DiBardino et  al.
overcirculation, to allow some somatic growth 2012).
614 S.H. Daebritz and M. Ilbawi


No acute consequence
Associated defects Right ventricular
Clinical follow up

Not septable heart TV-dysplasia VSD Pulmonary stenosis Age <15-18 years TVrec/TVR

mLV-training (PAB) + +
Higher grade TVregurg Non-restrictive VSD? mLV-training (PAB)
reduction of TVregurg PS? VSD? HTX
reduction of TVregurg

Double Switch Pulmonary hypertension

once PAB is Early Double Switch VSD
Cardiac failure PS Double Switch

Severe PS?
HTX PAB PA/VSD? Mild to moderate PS

Double Switch Cyanosis? Balanced state
once PAB is outgrown Neonatal mBTS

Senning-Rastelli- Follow up until cyanosis,

Operation mBTS TVregurg or right
ventricular dysfunction

Resection of PS,
VSD closure

..Fig. 19.2  Algorithm for the surgical management of congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries. Hori-
zontal arrow l No; vertical arrow l Yes; ccTGA congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries, HTX cardiac trans-
plantation, mBTS modified Blalock–Taussig shunt, mLV morphologic left ventricle, PA pulmonary atresia, PAB pulmonary
artery banding, PS pulmonary stenosis, TVregurg tricuspid valve regurgitation, TV tricuspid valve, TVR tricuspid valve
replacement, TVrec tricuspid valve reconstruction, VSD ventricular septal defect  Physiologic Correction oversewn and/or clipped. All procedures are

(Classical or Traditional) ­performed using mild to moderate hypothermia
Circulation in congenitally corrected transposition (28–32 °C). Cardioplegia is given (crystalloid car-
is already physiologic in the sense that oxygenated dioplegia, i.e., Bretschneider 30 cc/kg bodyweight,
blood flows to the body albeit through a right ven- or repeat blood cardioplegia). Foramen ovale or
tricle and the unoxygenated blood goes to the superior pulmonary vein is used to insert a ven-
lungs through a left ventricle. In physiologic surgi- tricular vent.
cal correction, this balance is maintained. Surgical Once the surgical procedure is completed, cor-
steps are taken to repair the associated malforma- onary perfusion is reestablished by opening aortic
tion such as ventricular septal defect, pulmonary cross-clamp. After rewarming to normal core tem-
stenosis, and tricuspid valve regurgitation. perature, the weaning from cardiopulmonary
bypass is done by stepwise reduction of the sup-
kGeneral surgical approach and port. A modified ultrafiltration is performed, while
cardiopulmonary bypass the operative result is assessed by transesophageal
The approach to the heart is via median sternot- echocardiography. Prior to discontinuation of car-
19 omy. The thymus is resected and the pericardium diopulmonary bypass, bipolar epicardial pacing
is opened in the midline and fixed with stay wires are placed on the ventricle and the atrium.
sutures. After dissection of the great vessels Drains are placed into the retrocardiac and
and  systemic heparinization, aortic and bicaval retrosternal spaces, in the pleural spaces as neces-
cannulation is performed. With establishing car- sary. The pericardium is reconstructed with
diopulmonary bypass, any preexisting systemic- 0.1 mm polytetrafluoroethylene membrane, to pre-
to-pulmonary artery shunt is divided after being vent damage to the heart or the great vessels during
clamped distally and proximally. Both ends are potential future resternotomies.
Chapter 19 · Congenitally Corrected Transposition and D-Transposition of the Great Arteries
615 19
kAtrial switch operation injuring them. While the coronaries can be seen
Either the Mustard or the Senning operation is from outside the heart, transmitral digital palpa-
used for the venous switching (see 7 Sect., tion (index finger) is suggested to decide on the
«Atrial Switch Operation»). Although Senning was location for the ventriculotomy.
more popular, intermediate outcome data from The conduit is implanted with a continuous
the Congenital Heart Surgeons’ Society (Wells polypropylene suture and is positioned either to
and Blackstone 2000) indicate better early and late the right or the left of the aorta depending on the
survival with the Mustard operation. available retrosternal space that allows minimal
compression of the conduit by the sternum.
kClosure of ventricular septal defects
The usual approach for closure of a VSD is kTricuspid valve reconstruction and
through the right atrium and the mitral valve. tricuspid valve replacement
Alternatives include a transpulmonary or a trans- Access to the tricuspid valve through a midster-
aortic approach or a left ventriculotomy if implan- notomy approach could be challenging due to its
tation of a left ventricular to pulmonary artery posterior lateral position, especially in cases where
valved conduit is needed. The VSD is closed with the tricuspid valve is displaced distally into the
a tailored woven Dacron or a Gore-Tex patch. right ventricle similar to Ebstein’s disease in atrio-
This can be done with a running suture or with ventricular concordance (see 7   chapter
multiple mattress sutures and pledgets. It is «Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connections and
important to remember that the conduction tis- Congenital Defects of the Atria, the Atrioventricular
sue is running on the anterior-superior rim of the Septum, and the Atrioventricular Valves», Sect.
defect with the bundle on the left ventricular side 12.4.4). A better exposure of the left-sided AV
of the septum. The sutures are placed through the valve in ccTGA may be achieved by a left thora-
VSD on the right ventricular side of the septum cotomy approach, the historical, original approach
superiorly and anteriorly. In the rest of the perim- to the mitral valve in normally related vessels. In
eter of the defect which is free of conduction tis- principle, all known techniques of valve recon-
sue, sutures can be placed safely into the rim of struction including a ring anuloplasty, leaflet
the defect on the left ventricular side. They also extension, or repositioning can be applied. Due to
can be placed through the anulus of the septal the discouraging results of tricuspid valve recon-
mitral leaflet. struction in ccTGA, valve replacement should be
strongly considered if a reconstruction does not
kRelief of subpulmonary stenosis and achieve optimal and most satisfying result. A
implantation of a valved conduit mechanical or tissue valve is usually used and is
The pathology of LVOT obstruction is quite vari- implanted in a routine fashion. Lesions such as
able. It could be due to fibromuscular ridge, acces- severe LVOT obstruction or procedures such as
sory valve tissue, diffuse hypoplasia (tunnel), or pulmonary artery banding or anatomic repair
valvar stenosis (see 7 Sect.  19.1.1, «Pathology»). may restore normal septal geometry and reduce
Resection of the stenosis is complicated by the anular dilatation of the tricuspid valve, thus
anatomical position of the subpulmonary outflow improving outcome of tricuspid valvuloplasty.
tract, and the presence of penetrating bundle of
His is in the area. Therefore, an extensive resection kPacemaker implantation
to achieve complete relief of an obstruction of the Spontaneous sudden or progressive complete
LVOT is hardly possible without damage to the atrioventricular block can occur in patients with
conduction tissue. ccTGA due to the abnormal location of the con-
As a result, the relief of the LVOTO is achieved duction system leading to continued mechanical
in most cases by implantation of an extracardiac stress. Iatrogenic block can also result from surgi-
valved left ventricule-to-pulmonary artery con- cal procedures such as resection of subpulmonary
duit. A homograft or a bovine jugular vein con- obstruction or VSD closure with or without
duit is preferably used. enlargement. The incidence of complete AV block
When a left ventriculotomy is performed, spe- seems to be higher (22–26 %) after classical repair
cial care has to be taken of the coronary arteries compared to anatomical repair in patients oper-
and the location of the papillary muscles, to avoid ated after 1981 (Hraska et al. 2005; Yeh et al. 1999),
616 S.H. Daebritz and M. Ilbawi

because the closure in anatomic repair is done on may be due to inadequate coronary perfusion
the right ventricular side of the septum. The tech- caused by the sudden increase of the afterload or
nique of implantation of pacemaker systems is by the induced hypertrophy. The reduced coro-
extensively described in see 7 Chapter «Device nary reserve in older patients compared to young
Therapy of Rhythm Disorders», Sect. 30.3. It has to be children may lead to greater ischemic damage of
kept in mind that pacemaker wires with screws the myocardium following the sudden increase in
have to be used if they are inserted into the mor- afterload and consequently impaired short- and
phologically left ventricle because it lacks the tra- long-term ventricular function (Poirier et al. 2004;
beculation which normally holds the wires in place. Quinn et al. 2008). However, training of the left
In children with a body weight <15 kg, a DDD ventricle already in early infancy, as performed in
system with epimyocardial wires and an epigas- the «rapid two-stage switch operation,» is also
tric battery implantation onto the posterior fascia associated with a long-term impairment of left
of the rectus muscle is recommended. Over 15 kg ventricular function (see 7 Sect., «Choice of
of body weight, thin, transvenous electrodes the Operative Procedure»). Another unanswered
implanted through the right subclavian vein may question is how fast should the pulmonary artery
prevent thrombosis of the left innominate vein. be banded. It seems that a multistage slow tighten-
The battery is placed under the right pectoral ing of the band to appropriate pressure levels is
muscle on the thoracic wall. better than a one-stage very tight initial banding. It
allows healthier left ventricular hypertrophy and  Retraining the Left Ventricle prepares the left ventricle better for short- and
for Anatomic Repair long-term performance. The measurement of left
Following physiologic repair of ccTGA, progressive ventricle mass by MRI is a reliable way to judge the
failure of the systemic right ventricle may occur preparedness of the left ventricle (Duncan et  al.
with or without tricuspid valve regurgitation. 2003; Langley et al. 2003; Poirier et al. 2004).
Retraining of the pulmonary LV to become a sys-
temic ventricle and subsequent anatomic correction  Anatomical Correction
has been tried in D-TGA with RV failure following In the physiologic repair, the emphasis of the treat-
venous switch operation (Daebritz et  al. 2001; ment strategies is placed on the management of the
Mavroudis and Backer 2000; Mee 1986; Poirier and associated malformation and their complications.
Mee 2000; Poirier et  al. 2004; Quinn et  al. 2008; The mRV and the tricuspid valve remain in the sys-
Brawn et al. 2008). The concept is based on progres- temic circulation. Disappointment with the long-
sive tightening of PAB that gradually allows the left term performance of the right ventricle and tricuspid
ventricle to acquire the necessary muscle mass, pos- valve as systemic structures and resultant heart fail-
terior wall thickness, and normal geometry of its ure led to the introduction of anatomic repair which
cavity as well as of the interventricular septum. incorporates the left ventricle and mitral valve into
Normalizing the septal orientation, namely, bulging the systemic circulation. The systemic venous blood
towards the right ventricle improves the function of is rerouted into the mRV, and the pulmonary venous
the tricuspid valve and right ventricle. blood is rerouted into the mLV by a venous switch
Which patients are suitable for a retraining of operation (Senning or Mustard operation) (see
the left ventricle for anatomical repair is still largely 7 Sect., «Atrial Switch Operation»). In patients
an unanswered question due to the limited num- without pulmonary outflow obstruction (without
ber of cases reported. One major issue is to what LVOTO), the ­ventriculoarterial discordance is coun-
age a successful retraining of the left ventricle is teracted by an additional arterial switch operation.
still possible. Most series suggest the left ventricle On the other hand, the venous switch operation has
19 loses its adaptability to become a systemic ventri- to be completed by a Rastelli operation in those
cle by 10–15 years of age (Mavroudis and Backer patients with LVOTO, pulmonary stenosis or atresia,
2000; Poirier and Mee 2000), although there are and VSD.  Both variations comprise the so-called
occasional case reports of successful retraining of double-switch operation or the Ilbawi operation
the mLV in patients up to early adulthood (Ilbawi et al. 1990; Yagihara et al. 1994). The surgical
(23 years) (Padalino et al. 2000). The age limitation techniques are described in detail in 7 Sect. 19.2.5,
may be due to potential damage of the ventricle by «Surgical Management», and Sect.,
the PAB after a certain age. Although the mecha- «Transposition of the Great Arteries with Left Ventricular
nism is unclear, failure of the mLV after retraining Outflow Tract Obstruction» .
Chapter 19 · Congenitally Corrected Transposition and D-Transposition of the Great Arteries
617 19
Although there are no absolute contraindica- tional Glenn leading to a hemi-Mustard procedure
tions for the anatomical repair of ccTGA, certain has also been advocated as part of the double-­
morphologic features are regarded as relative con- switch operation in order to assist right heart
traindications. In candidates for a Senning/ hemodynamics. Its benefits also include improved
Mustard–Rastelli operation, the size and location conduit life, reduced venous obstruction, decreased
of the VSD can limit the feasibility of connecting sinus node dysfunction, and technical simplicity
the left ventricle via the VSD to the aorta. Thus, a (Malhotra et al. 2011) (. Figs. 19.3 and 19.4).
Senning/Mustard–Rastelli operation cannot be Patients with coronary anomalies such as
performed successfully if the VSD is very distant to single or intra-aortomural coronary artery with
the aortic valve in the muscular or apical septum. or without signs of myocardial ischemia, as well
In patients with small VSD, enlargement of the as those with subsystemic LV pressure and those
defect to accommodate left ventricular stroke vol- with atrial arrhythmias, are considered subopti-
ume without obstruction has resulted in ventricu- mal candidates for anatomic correction (Langley
lar dysfunction and increased incidence of et al. 2003; Poirier et al. 2004; Mee 2005).
complete AV block (Ilbawi et al. 2002; Shin’oka
et al. 2007). Another relative contraindication is  Alternative Procedures
the insertion of chordae of one or both AV valves In patients, in whom biventricular repair is not
on the crest of the VSD or at the infundibular sep- possible due to a straddling AV valve, hypoplasia
tum, whereby tunneling of the mLV via the VSD to of one ventricle, or a difficult anatomy of one or
the aorta may disturb the functional integrity of more VSDs, the Fontan palliation is an alternative
one or both AV valves. Severe hypoplasia of the surgical approach (see 7 Chapter «Definite Palliation
mRV or the mLV makes the patients candidates for of Functional Single Ventricle», Sect. 13.6). Compared
a Fontan palliation. In mild hypoplasia of the mRV, with traditional physiologic repair, the Fontan
a «double-switch» operation, in combination with palliation provides better midterm results in this
bidirectional pulsatile Glenn procedure, 1½ ven- subgroup of patients. This may be due to the fact
tricle repair is recommended. The use of bidirec- that in these cases, the left ventricle remains in the



..Fig. 19.3  Illustration of the hemi-Mustard/bidirec- ..Fig. 19.4  Illustration of hemi-Mustard/bidirectional

tional Glenn (BDG) operation with the arterial–atrial Glenn (BDG) operation with the Rastelli–atrial switch pro-
switch procedure in a dextro-rotated heart. IVC inferior cedure in a dextro-rotated heart. IVC Inferior vena cava, LV
vena cava, LV left ventricle, RV right ventricle (Adapted left ventricle, RV right ventricle (Adapted from Malhotra
from Malhotra et al. (2011); with permission) et al. (2011); with permission)
618 S.H. Daebritz and M. Ilbawi

systemic circulation providing additional energy 50 % at 10 years of follow-up. The major risk factor
source. Another alternative is 1½ ventricle repair, for long-term poor outcome of physiologic tradi-
in which a limited relief of LVOTO is combined tional repair was preexisting tricuspid valve regurgi-
with a pulsatile bidirectional Glenn anastomosis tation (Hraska et  al. 2005; Shin’oka et  al. 2007).
(Mavroudis et  al. 1999). In this strategy, it is Survival rate of patients with preoperatively com-
important to keep the pressure in the mLV high, petent tricuspid valve was 72 % at 30 years.
but subsystemic to prevent septal shift towards
the mLV and consequent tricuspid regurgitation  Anatomical Correction
and progressive deterioration of mRV function. The discouraging long-term results of physiologic
This strategy may be used in combination with a repair and the progressive failure of the mRV in
Rastelli operation for patients who are not suit- the systemic circulation have prompted the adop-
able for an atrial switch due to the location and tion of anatomic repair as the treatment of choice.
size of the VSD or abnormal subvalvar attach- Excluding the learning curve results, short- and
ments to the crest of the septum. A better alterna- midterm outcome of anatomic repair has been excel-
tive in these patients is aortic translocation (see lent (Devaney et al. 2003; Duncan et al. 2003; Imai
7 Sect., «Nikaidoh Operation»). The last et al. 1994; Imamura et al. 2000; Ilbawi et al. 2002;
treatment option with or without prior surgery is Langley et al. 2003; Shin’oka et al. 2007; Hiramatsu
orthotropic heart transplantation (see 7 Chapter et al. 2012). The operative mortality is reported as
«Heart and Heart-Lung transplantation», Sect. low as 0–7 % (Duncan et  al. 2003, 46 patients, 26 However, heart donor shortage, particu- «double-­ switch» operations, 20 Senning–Rastelli
larly in neonates and children, and the morbidity procedures; Karl et al. 1997, 14 patients, all «double-­
of lifelong immunosuppression have to be taken switch» operations; Ilbawi et al. 2002, Langley et al.
into account when deciding on optimal treatment 2003, 54 patients, 29 «double-switch» operations,
strategy for each individual patient. 22 Senning–Rastelli procedures, 3 Senning tun-
nel operations; Hiramatsu et al. 2012, 90 patients,
72 atrial switch–Rastelli procedures, 18 «double-
19.1.5  Results switch» operations). Hiramatsu reported a follow-
up of 90 patients with double-­switch operation for  Physiologic Repair congenitally corrected transposition. Survival was
There are many reported results of classical physi- 75.7 % for patients with atrial switch and intracar-
ologic repair of ccTGA.  They show a low early diac rerouting (Rastelli operation) and 83.3 % when
mortality and consistently emphasize the problem a combined arterial and atrial switch were used for
of progressive failure of the mRV in the systemic those with double switch at 20  years postopera-
circulation (Acar et al. 1998; Graham et al. 2000; tively (Hiramatsu et al. 2012). Langley et al. (2003)
Ilbawi et al. 2002; Shin’oka et al. 2007; van Son et al. reported a series of 54 patients with a 5- and 9-year
1995; Voskuil et al. 1999; Yeh et al. 1999). The larg- survival of 94.4 %, 89.7 %, respectively, and demon-
est series published (Hraska et al. 2005) reports 123 strated reduction of tricuspid valve regurgitation by
patients with physiologic repair. Survival after 1, 5, the shift of the interventricular septum to the mRV
10, and 15  years was 84 %, 75 %, 68 %, and 61 %, after anatomical correction. Similar findings were
respectively. Patients with preoperative tricuspid reported by others. None of the patients had to be
regurgitation had the worst outcome. A dysfunc- reoperated for tricuspid regurgitation (Devaney
tion of the mRV was found in 44 % of all patients. et  al. 2003; Duncan et  al. 2003; Imamura et  al.
Freedom from mRV dysfunction after 5, 10, 15, 2000; Langley et al. 2003; Shin’oka et al. 2007). The
and 20  years (after physiologic repair) was 88 %, incidence of post-op complete AV block is quite
19 73 %, 57  %, 43  %, and 39  %, respectively. variable (2–5 %) and is lower following anatomic
Dysfunction of the tricuspid valve was present in corrections, but increased when aggressive enlarge-
42 % of the patients on follow-up, and freedom ment of the VSD is needed to prevent potential sub-
from development of tricuspid valve dysfunction aortic stenosis in venous switch/Rastelli operation
after 5, 10, 15, and 20 years was 91 %, 69 %, 52 %, (Shin’oka et al. 2007).
42 %, and 37 %, respectively. Sano et  al. (1995) New onset of left ventricular dysfunction has
reported a mortality rate of 17 %, significant tricus- been reported post anatomic repair. The exact etiol-
pid regurgitation of 71 %, and mRV dysfunction of ogy is not clear but could be related to long cross-
Chapter 19 · Congenitally Corrected Transposition and D-Transposition of the Great Arteries
619 19
clamp time, inadequate myocardial protection, pulmonary circulations such as those with a VSD
injury to septal perforators, other coronaries, sub- and moderate pulmonary stenosis can be followed
aortic stenosis, or suboptimal coronary arteries without intervention as long as they are free of
translocation (Langley et  al. 2003; Duncan et  al. clinical symptoms and do not develop mRV dys-
2003; Imamura et  al. 2000; Shin’oka et  al. 2007). function, although such conservative approach is
Also, moderate regurgitation of the neoaortic valve not recommended any more. Patients with ccTGA
can occur following double-switch operation and without associated defects can also be observed
may be related to pulmonary artery banding caus- without intervention. A good alternative, how-
ing proximal pulmonary trunk dilatation and dis- ever, is to apply a loose PAB in the neonatal period
ruption of the sinotubular bar (Langley et al. 2003) to keep the pressure in the mLV elevated to pre-
Occasional neoaortic regurgitation may occur with- serve septal geometry and keep LV trained to per-
out prior banding (Quinn et al. 2008). Restoration form as systemic ventricle in case anatomic repair
of sinotubular bar and anuloplasty using a double is needed at an older age. Long-term results of this
suture line at the anular level can be used to mini- aggressive approach are not available yet.
mize the incidence of regurgitation and consequent
left ventricular failure. The incidence of complica-
tions related to the venous switch operation such as 19.2 Dextro-(D-)Transposition
arrhythmias and venous obstruction has decreased of the Great Arteries (D-TGA)
markedly following the introduction of the modifi-
cations with hemi Mustard by Frank Hanley’s group 19.2.1  Epidemiology
(Malhotra et al. 2011) (. Figs. 19.3 and 19.4).
D-TGA is the second most common cyanotic car-
diac malformation after tetralogy of Fallot. It has
19.1.6  Summary an incidence of around 10 % of all congenital
heart malformations which occur in about 8/1,000
The current surgical strategy of choice in ccTGA live births (Sellke et al. 2005). The overall ratio of
is the anatomical correction/repair. However, male to female newborns with TGA is 2:1 and is
long-term data are still limited to small series, so increased to 3:1 in D-TGA with intact ventricular
there remains uncertainty with regard to the per- septum, «simple» TGA (Fyler 1980).
formance of the mLV in the systemic circulation,
to the development of neoaortic valve regurgita-
tion, and to the potential complications of venous 19.2.2  Embryology and Pathology
switch operation, although the later has decreased
markedly with recent modifications. Risk factors In normal hearts, the aorta is posterior and to the
such as RV dysfunction and tricuspid regurgita- right, and the pulmonary artery is anterior and to
tion favor strongly anatomic repair. Certain sub- the left (N position of Van Praagh). In transposi-
groups of patients, however, are not suitable for tion or malposition, the aorta is anterior to the
anatomical correction. These include older pulmonary artery at the semilunar valve levels. If
patients, in whom a retraining of the mLV cannot the aorta is anterior and to the right, it is
be performed successfully. These patients are still D-­transposition of the great arteries
candidates for a classical repair or heart transplan- (D-­malposition of Van Praagh); if it is anterior
tation. If the physiologic repair is deemed neces- and to the left, the transposition is L-­transposition
sary, it is advantageous to aim at leaving mLV of the great arteries (L-transposition of Van
pressure at least half of the systemic pressure, to Praagh) regardless of the relationship of the great
preserve the geometry of the mRV and interven- arteries to the ventricles they arise from.
tricular septum. In younger patients, in whom D-TGA is considered a conotruncal malfor-
anatomical correction is contraindicated because mation, i.e., a malformation in which the outflow
of morphological features, i.e., straddling of an AV tracts of both ventricles and their respective semi-
valve, an unfavorite location of the VSD or a hypo- lunar valves are affected. The aorta and the aortic
plastic ventricle, the Fontan palliation is an alter- valve arise from the mRV.  There is a subaortic
native with good results. Asymptomatic patients muscular conal septum separating the aortic valve
with associated defects but balanced systemic and from the tricuspid valve. The pulmonary artery
620 S.H. Daebritz and M. Ilbawi

and the pulmonary valve arise from the mLV, and ence of a VSD increases the probability of further
there is a fibrous continuity between the mitral associated malformations. If a VSD is hemody-
valve and the pulmonary valve (no conus), a rela- namically significant, the pulmonary artery is
tion which is normally present with the aortic larger in diameter compared to the aorta, and the
valve. Normally, the pulmonary valve is the only ratio can reach 3:1. RVOT obstructions can be
valve, which is not in fibrous continuity with the extensive and tunnel-like. Multilevel of obstruc-
other cardiac valves, because it is separated by the tions of the systemic (aortic) outflow with hypo-
conal septum. In TGA this applies to the aortic plasia of the aortic arch or coarctation of the aorta
valve. The great vessels are almost anterior–poste- is more frequent in TGA with VSD compared to
rior to each other, and the pulmonary artery is simple TGA and may be associated with hypo-
larger in diameter. Frequently, the commissures of plastic right ventricle at the extreme end of the
the two outflow valves are facing each other, and spectrum precluding biventricular repair in some
the coronary arteries arise laterally and posteriorly cases. The presence of interrupted aortic arch is
on the right and left side of the aortic root from the also possible, but rare (see, 7 Sect.,
facing sinuses. These abnormalities are due to lack «Transposition with Right Ventricular Outflow
of absorption of the subaortic conus prenatally Obstruction and Hypoplasia of the Aortic Arch or
leaving the aortic valve and aorta anteriorly. Coarctation of the Aorta»).
As a result, there is atrioventricular concor- The coronary arteries have abnormal patterns
dance and ventriculoarterial discordance due to in 25–30 % of patients with TGA. These abnormal-
the normal position of the RV and abnormal ante- ities are more frequently observed in patients with
rior position of the aorta. Using the segmental associated VSD or double-outlet right ventricle
nomenclature of Van Praagh and Van Praagh (DORV) and side-to-side position of the great ves-
(1966), simple D-transposition is described as (S, sels (see 7 Sect., «Taussig-Bing Anomaly»;
D, D), with S being situs solitus (normal atrial Gittenberger-­de Groot et al. 1983; Sim et al. 1994).
position), D dextro (normal) looping of ventri- There are several classifications of the coro-
cles, and D dextro position of great arteries. nary morphology, based on the nomenclature of
Associated malformations are present in 25 % the sinus, from which the coronaries arise. In the
and consist of a VSD with or without obstruction usual coronary pattern, the coronaries come off of
of the left or right ventricular outflow tract, hypo- the respective posterior right and left sinus,
plasia of the aortic arch or coarctation of the aorta whereas the anterior sinus does not give rise to
(see 7 Sect., «Transposition with Right any coronary artery. The axes of the great vessels
Ventricular Outflow Obstruction and Hypoplasia of and the coronary arteries are in a right angle. The
the Aortic Arch or Coarctation of the Aorta»), and most common anomaly is a circumflex artery
coronary artery abnormalities. arising from the right coronary artery out of the
Anatomic LVOTO is rare in simple TGA, right posterior sinus. In these cases the circumflex
TGA with an intact ventricular septum. Often, a artery runs behind the two great vessels into its
subvalvar LVOTO is just a functional obstruction supply area. In cases with single coronary artery,
caused by bulging of the ventricular septum to both right and left coronary arteries arise from a
the left. It decreases after anatomical correction single ostium. Frequently there is an associated
due to the decrease in right ventricular pressure small additional ostium that gives rise to a conal
and resultant septal shift towards the right ven- branch. Only very rarely, there is no second
tricle. This form of LVOTO is not a contraindica- ostium at all. Another very important variation of
tion to arterial switch operation. The pulmonary coronary anatomy is an intramural course of a
valve can be abnormal. Rarely, it is dysplastic; coronary artery, present in 2–3  % of cases
19 more frequently it is bicuspid with or without (Gittenberger-­de Groot et al. 1986; Sachweh et al.
significant stenosis. The subpulmonary area may 2002) regardless of branching pattern. The intra-
be obstructed with accessory valvar tissue or mural part of the coronary artery characteristi-
abnormal attachment of the mitral valve (as in cally runs the first millimeters within the aortic
Taussig–Bing anomaly). It could also be due to wall and does not have its own separate wall.
fibromuscular ridge or tunnel-like obstruction. Typically, the coronary artery crosses one aortic
VSD in TGA can be located anywhere in the valve commissure within the aortic wall and its
ventricular septum (25 % incidence). The pres- ostium is slanted and beveled. Therefore, the
Chapter 19 · Congenitally Corrected Transposition and D-Transposition of the Great Arteries
621 19

Cx Cx Cx

1LC×2R 1L2RC× 2RC×L r l

Cx Cx
Cx a

1C×2RL 1RLC× 1RL2C× 1R2C×L


Cx Cx Cx

r l
R a

..Fig. 19.5  Coronary morphology. a Most common pattern of coronary arteries in D-transposition of the great
arteries; b Rare pattern of coronary branching with single ostium. a anterior, Cx circumflex artery, l left, L left anterior
descending artery, p posterior, r right, R right coronary artery

ostium cannot be excised in the regular fashion at rings are the longer systemic and the shorter
the time of the arterial switch operation, because pulmonary circulations. The two circulations
of the common wall of the aorta and the coronary are in series. In contrast, in D-TGA, pulmo-
in the area of excision of the button. The varia- nary and systemic circulations are in parallel;
tions of coronary anatomy are depicted in the oxygenated blood recirculates in the pul-
. Fig. 19.5. monary vessels, and the deoxygenated blood
recirculates in the systemic vessels. Survival
after birth is possible only if there is mixing of
19.2.3  Physiology blood between the two circulations. The mix-
ing can occur at the level of foramen ovale or
The normal circulation resembles the figure of an ASD, a persistent ductus arteriosus, or a
8: The heart is in the cross middle and the VSD (. Fig.  19.6 ). The mixture of the blood
622 S.H. Daebritz and M. Ilbawi

..Fig. 19.6  In contrast

to normal anatomy, in
Normal circulation
D-transposition (D-TGA)
the systemic and pulmo-
nary circulations are sepa-
rate and are connected
parallel. The oxygenated
blood circulates in the pul-
monary circulation, and the
deoxygenated blood in the
systemic circulation. The
mixing and the survival
are accomplished by cross-
links, of which the atrial
septal defect (ASD) is the
most important, followed
by the persistent ductus
arteriosus (PDA) and a ven-
tricular septal defect (VSD)

through these shunts usually ensures adequate pressure leads to a shift of the ventricular septum
arterial oxygen saturation. The most important towards the mLV, a phenomenon that becomes
shunt is the one on the atrial level. If this is too apparent echocardiographically by the fourth
small, the atrial connection can be enlarged by week of life. This natural decrease in muscle mass
a balloon atrioseptostomy. This can be done of the LV is important for timing of the arterial
without fluoroscopy but under echocardio- but not the atrial switch operation.
graphic control. Usually, an ASD ensures ade-
quate mixing and survival for the first year of
life. Very rarely, adequate mixing of oxygen- 19.2.4  Diagnostics
ated and unoxygenated blood does not occur
in spite of wide open atrial communication, Diagnoses of D-TGA can be established prena-
and maintenance of open ductus arteriosus tally by the characteristic absence of crossing of
with PGE1 might be needed. In the era of the the great arteries on fetal echocardiogram and
atrial switch operation, i.e., the Sennning or the origin of the aorta from the anterior right
Mustard operations, children with D-TGA ventricle. After birth there is no typical heart
were operated on between 3 months and 1 year murmur, and the cyanosis can be mild due to
of age, surviving until the procedure with just adequate mixing while the ductus is still open.
an ASD.  Rarely, in the so-called nonmixers, Newborns present with unspecific clinical symp-
urgent arterial switch operation may be indi- toms as tachypnea, failure to thrive, and cyanosis
cated. while feeding. Associated, noncardiac malfor-
At birth, patients with D-TGA with or without mations are extremely rare in simple D-TGA. The
a VSD have systemic pressures in both ventricles diagnosis is typically made by echocardiography.
because of the elevated pulmonary vascular resis- Cardiac catheterization is usually not necessary,
19 tance of fetal circulation. Both right and left ven- neither in simple D-TGA nor in D-TGA with
tricles, therefore, are adapted to pump blood VSD even in patients with unclear coronary
against systemic vascular resistance. In the neona- artery anatomy.
tal period, the right ventricle maintains muscular Today’s surgical therapy is always the arterial
hypertrophy, while the left ventricle gradually switch operation, for which no additional preop-
loses muscle mass as the pulmonary arterial resis- erative diagnostics besides echocardiography are
tance decreases. The resulting decrease in LV necessary.
Chapter 19 · Congenitally Corrected Transposition and D-Transposition of the Great Arteries
623 19
Coronary anomalies suspected but not diag- done in the neonatal period or could be delayed
nosed preoperatively can be thoroughly evaluated until the child is older as long as the oxygen sat-
and managed at the time of surgery, as they do not uration is satisfactory. Its main advantage is
constitute contraindication to arterial switch opera- avoidance of any patch material. On the other
tion. In case of complex LVOTO or other malfor- hand, it utilizes the atrial septum and right atrial
mations, which potentially necessitate a change of wall to redirect the venous blood (Senning
operative strategy or even a univentricular pathway, 1959). The surgical principle of the Mustard pro-
cardiac catheterization may be indicated, although cedure (Mustard 1964) is to create an inner tun-
in most cases 2 or 3D echo can provide this infor- nel from the ostia of the caval veins to the
mation without the need for cardiac catheterization. posteriorly lying mitral valve and to reroute the
Sometimes, an MRI can add useful informa- pulmonary venous blood around this inner tun-
tion regarding left ventricular mass in cases of nel to the anteriorly positioned tricuspid valve
delayed presentation (after 3 weeks of life). (. Figs.  19.7, 19.8, 19.9, 19.10, 19.11, 19.12, 19.13,
19.14, 19.15, 19.16, 19.17, 19.18, 19.19, and 19.20).
In contrast to the Senning, which utilizes viable
19.2.5  Surgical Management tissue, it uniformally utilizes prosthetic patch
Surgical management of D-TGA has undergone For extracorporeal circulation, the venous
changes over the years. These changes reflect the cannulae are placed into the inferior caval and
current basic principles of surgery for congenital into the innominate vein or preferably in the
malformations, namely, that an early, complete, superior vena cava; the arterial cannula is inserted
and anatomic repair should be performed when- into the ascending aorta. The operation is mostly
ever possible. done using mild to moderate hypothermia with-
Historically, the initial therapeutic steps were out circulatory arrest.
palliative and consisted of an atrioseptostomy In the Senning operation, the aorta is cross-­
without the heart and lung machine (Blalock and clamped, and the venous inflow is excluded.
Hanlon 1950) and switching the IVC and RPV Cardiac arrest is maintained with crystalloid or
location using a homograft (Baffes 1956; O’Shea blood cardioplegia. The atrium is dissected
et  al. 1983). The development of cardiopulmo- anterior to the orifices of the venae cavae and
nary bypass and its widespread application opened longitudinally. The incision is extended
enabled the introduction of the atrial switch from the anterior wall of the IVC to base of the
operation (Senning 1959; Mustard 1964) and atrial appendage. A band of atrial wall tissue of
later the arterial switch anatomic correction 2–3 cm is created by longitudinal incision of the
(Jatene et al. 1975, 1976). left atrium just anterior to the entry of the right
pulmonary veins. This band of atrial tissue   trial Switch Operation
A forms the anterior circumference of the respec-
(Senning and Mustard tive caval veins. The residual atrial septum is cut
Procedures) anteriorly, and the coronary sinus is split open
The two types of atrial switch operations were towards the left atrium. A segment of atrial sep-
first and successfully performed by Senning in tum between the AV valves is left intact. The
1958 and Mustard in 1963. Their principle is to rim of the coronary sinus and the posteriorly
switch the venous inflow to both atria so that the displaced atrial septum is sutured anterior to
unoxygenated blood goes to the LV and pulmo- left pulmonary veins using running monofila-
nary circulation while the oxygenated blood ment sutures. In patients with a deficient atrial
goes to the RV and systemic circulation septum (native ASD or s/p Rashkind), a septum
(. Fig. 19.6). The outcome is a physiologic circu- defect is replaced with a patch of any kind most
lation without the normal anatomical repair, commonly pericardium or Gore-­Tex. The roof-
where the right ventricle remains the systemic ing of the left pulmonary veins is completed
ventricle, an anatomy and pathophysiology suturing of the anterior rim of the atrial wall
comparable to the findings in ccTGA or L-TGA band to the remnant of the septal rims between
(see . Fig. 19.1). The Senning procedure can be the two atrioventricular valves.
624 S.H. Daebritz and M. Ilbawi

At the lower rim, the sutures are to be placed

into the opened coronary sinus away from the tri-
cuspid side of the sinus, to prevent from AV
As a result, the pulmonary venous blood is
directed around the tube into the mitral valve.
This is achieved by fixing the anterior edge of the
right atrium onto the superior and inferior caval
veins and suturing it to the cut edge of the left
atrium. Care has to be taken to avoid stenosis of
the caval veins and the pulmonary veins. The
right atrial appendage can be used to enlarge the
superior caval vein. Patches of various tissues can
be used to augment both caval veins when neces-
sary (autologous/fixed pericardium, bovine peri-
cardium, or artificial materials).
During rewarming, a left vent can be inserted
via the right atrial appendage into the newly cre-
ated anatomically right but functionally left atrium.
In the Mustard procedure, the entire atrial sep-
tum is excised and the coronary sinus is split com-
pletely, unroofing it into the left atrium. An ..Fig. 19.7  Technique of cannulation for the atrial
autologous or bovine pericardial patch or artifi- switch (Senning and Mustard). The superior vena cava is
cial patch material is sutured beginning just ante- cannulated directly or at atriocaval junction, and the infe-
rior cava at its entry into the right atrium
rior to confluence of left pulmonary veins, then
around the rim of the coronary sinus, then around
both orifices of the caval veins, and finishing at
the residual rim of the anterior atrial septum, thus
roofing the pulmonary veins.
Care has to be taken that the anterior suture
line is placed at the floor of the split coronary
sinus all the way back to its inferior edge before
turning ventrally to the orifice of the caval vein to
minimize damage to the conduction tissue.
Behind this newly created septum, both caval
veins and the coronary sinus drain through the
mitral valve into the left ventricle which is
connected to the pulmonary artery (. Figs. 19.18,
19.19, and 19.20). The pulmonary venous tunnel is
completed by closing the anatomic right atrium ..Fig. 19.8  Atrial switch (Senning). Line of incision and
using a patch of autologous pericardium. This the right and left atrium, respectively, for creation of a
2–3-cm broad band of atrial wall tissue fixed on the two
drains the pulmonary venous blood through the caval veins, which is used as part of the new atrial septum
tricuspid valve into the right ventricle. In situ
pericardium can be used to close the right atrium
19 by suturing the open atrium to adjacent pericar- kResults
dium with the hope of maintaining patch viability The major drawback of the atrial switch operation
and thus function. Care must be taken to avoid is leaving the right ventricle as the systemic ven-
phrenic nerve injury. Several modifications of the tricle which is not designed to generate high pres-
techniques of Senning and Mustard have been sure, but to transport volume. It is normally flat,
described (Shumaker 1961; Oelert 1991). resting against the left ventricle, and has only one
Chapter 19 · Congenitally Corrected Transposition and D-Transposition of the Great Arteries
625 19

..Fig. 19.9  Atrial switch (Senning). Dissection of the

residual septum and the cranial and caudal circumference. ..Fig. 19.12  Atrial switch (Senning). The posterior rim
The original atrial septum remains fixed between the two of the initially created band of atrial wall is sutured on the
AV valves new roof of the left-sided pulmonary veins and forming
the middle part of the new atrial septum

..Fig. 19.13  Atrial switch (Senning). The posterior and

..Fig. 19.10  Atrial switch (Senning). Incision of the cor- middle parts of the new atrial septum are finished
onary sinus and the Vena magna cordis on the back of the
left atrium and roofing of the left-sided pulmonary veins
by suturing the dorsal extension of the divided coronary
sinus to the atrial wall on the opposite side

..Fig. 19.14  Atrial switch (Senning). The dissected

original atrial septum is translocated cranially and caudally
anterior to the confluence of the pulmonary veins

..Fig. 19.11  Atrial switch (Senning). Completion of the

roofing of the left-sided pulmonary veins
626 S.H. Daebritz and M. Ilbawi

..Fig. 19.18  Atrial switch (Mustard). After opening of the

right atrium, the residual septum is resected completely
and the coronary sinus and V. magna cordis are split
..Fig. 19.15  Atrial switch (Senning). The new atrial sep-
tum is completed, by fixing the anterior rim of the initially
created band of atrial wall onto the translocated original
atrial septum

..Fig. 19.19  Atrial switch (Mustard). The new atrial sep-

tum is constructed with the use of a pericardial or artificial
patch, which is fixed posteriorly between the confluence
..Fig. 19.16  Atrial switch (Senning). The blood of the
of the left-sided pulmonary veins and the mitral valve
caval veins and the V. magna cordis drains through the
and brought from the back around the pulmonary veins.
mitral valve into the morphologically left ventricle into
Finally, it is fixed between the AV valves
the pulmonary artery


..Fig. 19.20  Atrial switch (Mustard). The new atrial sep-

tum is inserted completely. Behind this, the blood drains
..Fig. 19.17  Atrial switch (Senning). Connection of the from the caval veins and the V. magna cordis through the
pulmonary venous canal with the rest of the original right mitral valve into the morphologic left ventricle into the
atrium. This results in a new left atrium, which drains the pulmonary artery, whereas the pulmonary venous blood
pulmonary venous blood via the tricuspid valve into the drains through the tricuspid valve into the morphologic
morphological right ventricle and thus into the aorta right ventricle and into the aorta
Chapter 19 · Congenitally Corrected Transposition and D-Transposition of the Great Arteries
627 19
of three coronary artery branches. In addition, the tomic situations, and in double-switch operation
tricuspid valve has only one real papillary muscle (Ilbawi procedure in ccTGA).
with the other papillary attachments being septo-
philic. Therefore, the right systemic ventricle is  Arterial Switch Operation
bound to fail in the long term with an incidence of In the arterial switch operation, the cardiac malfor-
about 0.8  %/patient-year followed by tricuspid mation is corrected anatomically, by connecting the
valve anulus dilatation and subsequent regurgita- great vessels to their normal ventricle, creating ven-
tion (Ebenroth and Hurwitz 2002; Martin et  al. triculoarterial concordance. In this procedure, in
1990; Oechslin and Jenni 2000). Tricuspid valve addition to the switch of the great arteries, the coro-
replacement has proven ineffective in solving the nary arteries have to be transferred as well as they
problem, as it does not prevent from but may delay would otherwise arise from the neopulmonary
the progression of systemic right ventricular fail- artery/root. The semilunar valves and sinus remain
ure. Another serious drawback of the atrial switch in their original location. Reimplantation of the cor-
operation is an increased incidence of rhythm dis- onary arteries involves translocation into the neo-
turbances in the form of the so-called brady–tachy aortic root. It carries the risk of kinking or distortion
syndrome, an unforeseeably changing brady- and of the coronary arteries with resultant stenosis or
tachycardic atrial arrhythmia, which is attributed occlusion and potential for myocardial ischemia or
to the multiple incisions and suture lines in the even infarction. The risk is increased in the presence
atrium (Gadzoulis et  al. 2000). Although these of coronary anomalies, particularly if there is only a
arrhythmias can be treated with catheter ablation single ostium giving rise to all three coronary
and pacemaker insertion, they have been incrimi- branches (Daebritz et  al. 2000; Mayer et  al. 1990;
nated as the cause of sudden death after venous Wernovsky et al. 1995; Fricke et al. 2012). It is addi-
switch operations. In cases of progressive systemic tionally increased if there is intramural course of the
right ­ventricular failure, the atrial switch can be first coronary artery segment (see 7 Sect. 19.2.2,
taken down and anatomic arterial switch per- «Embryology and Pathology») (Sachweh et al. 2002).
formed. This necessitates a prior retraining of the To intraoperatively detect an intramural
left ventricle by stepwise banding of the pulmonary course of a coronary artery and not to cut the ves-
artery. Although technically demanding, it can be sel accidentally, an inspection of the coronary
performed successfully before 10  years of age. ostium from inside is essential.
Conversion in older patients can potentially dam- Postoperative ischemia in the supply area of a
age the left ventricle and has not been associated transferred coronary artery necessitates revision.
with good results (Daebritz et al. 2001; Imai et al. Complete new reimplantation with or without an
2001; Poirier and Mee 2001). Cardiac transplanta- augmentation with the aid of a pericardial patch
tion is an alternative solution independent of age. can improve the angle and width of the orifice. An
Today, because of its long-term poor outcome, internal thoracic artery bypass graft in newborns,
the atrial switch has limited indications (presenta- although feasible, should be discouraged.
tion for simple TGA late in infancy or part of dou- In most places the arterial switch is done with-
ble switch) and should not be used as an alternative out circulatory arrest. Rarely however, there are
to treat neonatal D-TGA patients who are not good institutions in which the arterial switch operation
candidates for arterial switch operation. Whether is routinely performed using hypothermic circu-
or not univentricular pathway is preferable to an latory arrest of about 40 min (Fuller et al. 2010).
atrial switch operation in certain complex TGA Cannulation is done with two venous cannulae in
is an open question (see 7 Sect.  19.1.4, «Surgical either both caval veins or in the innominate vein
Treatment Strategies», and Sect., «Alternative and the inferior caval vein; an arterial cannula is
Procedures»). Fontan approach in these situations inserted into the distal ascending aorta just at the
could be advantageous because of the availability brachiocephalic trunk. Following initiation of
of the left ventricle to support the right ventricle as cardiopulmonary bypass, the ductus arteriosus is
both become one systemic ventricle. closed by ligatures or secured clips and is divided.
In summary, the atrial switch procedures are The space between the great vessels is dissected,
currently rarely indicated in D-TGA but are and the main pulmonary artery branches are dis-
applied in late presentation of simple TGA (if no sected and mobilized distally to beyond the
LV retraining is elected), in special complex ana- branching of the upper lobe arteries. It is impor-
628 S.H. Daebritz and M. Ilbawi

tant to divide any tissue tethering or pulling on After implantation of the coronary arteries,
the pulmonary arteries to allow successful the Lecompte maneuver (Lecompte et al. 1981) is
Lecompte maneuver without pulmonary artery performed, in which the pulmonary bifurcation is
kinking or distortion (see below). After cross- advanced in front of the distal aorta by passing the
clamping of the aorta and achieving cardioplegic aorta posteriorly between the two main pulmo-
arrest, the right atrium is opened and a left heart nary artery branches. The next step is the end-to-­
vent is placed via the atrial septal defect or persis- end anastomosis of the ascending aorta with the
tent foramen ovale. The aorta is cut distal to the reconstructed neoaortic root. Discrepancy
sinotubular junction, clearly distal to the coro- between neoaortic root and ascending aortic
nary ostia, and after inspection, the coronary diameter can be adjusted by taking smaller bites
arteries are excised with a wide U-shaped aortic on the distal small aorta. It may be helpful to
wall button. This should be done under direct make two longitudinal incisions at the cut end of
visualization from the inside and the initial cut to the distal aorta to decrease the discrepancy and
be limited to the aortic wall, to decrease potential achieve appropriate orientation. The atrial septum
damage to the coronary arteries especially in case is closed with a running double suture after
of an intramural course. If the coronary ostium is removing the vent; the right atrium is closed in
very close to the commissure, the commissure is the same way. After de-airing, the cross-clamp is
mobilized and an adequate coronary button is removed. The areas of excision of the coronary
harvested. The commissure may be resuspended buttons are patched with fresh or glutaraldehyde-­
later during the reconstruction of the neopulmo- fixed autologous pericardium. Augmentation
nary root. with two separate patches is preferred, but a sin-
The coronaries are mobilized for 5–10  mm gle, large pantaloon patch can be used as well.
peripherally. Sometimes it is necessary to sacrifice Other patch materials have not proven of value
a conal branch to gain sufficient mobility. The and have led to stenosis. The reconstructed proxi-
­pulmonary artery is cut 2–3  mm proximal to mal neopulmonary artery is then anastomosed
bifurcation. The coronary buttons are approxi- end to end with the distal pulmonary artery using
mated to the neoaorta to select the optimal place 6/0 polydioxane sutures. Polypropylene can be
for reimplantation. In difficult coronary anatomy, used as well. At the end of the procedure, coro-
it is useful to mark the best position for reimplan- nary arteries are inspected for flow, and the myo-
tation prior to division of the great vessels. It is cardium for color. The success of the operation is
important to choose the position on the neoaorta
rather a little distal than too proximal as the risk
of kinking caused by very proximal implantation
is higher than the risk of stretching of the elastic
neonatal coronaries caused by distal placement.
The aorta is pierced with a knife at the selected
position. Care is taken that the cusps of the semi-
lunar valve are away to avoid damage to the valve
(neoaortic valve). The hole is stretched with a fine
instrument and a 4-mm punch is used to achieve
a rounded hole. The implantation is performed
with an absorbable running 7/0 polydioxane
suture or with similar size nonabsorbable mono-
filament suture (Daebritz et al. 2000). Some sur-
19 geons prefer the excision of a U-shaped hole;
others perform a trapdoor plasty, in which no tis-
sue is removed and the hole is created by a wing-­
door incision (. Fig. 19.21). The later techniques
are advantageous in some cases because they
allow modifications in the orientation of the coro-
nary artery as needed to obtain optimal angle
especially when the anatomy is complex. ..Fig. 19.21  Trap door technique
Chapter 19 · Congenitally Corrected Transposition and D-Transposition of the Great Arteries
629 19
visible right away by the good filling of the coro-
nary arteries and the pink myocardium of both
In intramural course of a coronary artery
(. Fig.  19.22), the aortic wall has to be excised
beyond the commissure together with the coro-
nary artery. The commissure is detached and
resuspended later to the autologous pericardial
patch used for the reconstruction of the pulmo-
nary trunk. Some authors recommend the split-
ting and unroofing of the intramural part of the
coronary artery (Asou et al. 1994).
Several techniques have been used for single ..Fig. 19.22  Intramural course of right coronary artery,
coronary artery or both coronary arteries arising giving rise for left circumflex artery also
in proximity from the same sinus. These tech-
niques include separation of both coronary ostia arterial switch operation are superior when
(. Fig.  19.23) and separate reimplantation or compared with the atrial switch operation
reverse flap (. Fig.  19.24). Rarely used is the in (Muller et  al. 2013). The incidence of obstruc-
situ exclusion technique (. Fig. 19.25). tive pulmonary vascular disease in D-TGA has
markedly decreased over the years due to ear-
kResults lier surgical repair using the anatomic correc-
Hospital mortality in patient with simple tion (Newfeld et  al. 1974; Rivenes et  al. 1998;
D-TGA, undergoing arterial switch operation, Squarcia and Macchi 2011).
is less than 2 % in most experienced institu-
tions, even in small babies with low birth weight  Choice of the Operative
(Blume et al. 1999; Daebritz et al. 2000; Roussin Procedure
et al. 2007; Fricke et al. 2012; Khairy et al. 2013). The atrial switch is almost an obsolete procedure
Most patients do not need any cardiac medica- (Williams et al. 2003). The arterial switch opera-
tion and have normal exercise tolerance (Muller tion is indicated in almost all cases of D-TGA
et  al. 2013). Coronary artery stenosis or independent of coronary artery pattern such as
obstruction is rare (5 %), and freedom from intramural course or single coronary artery or the
reoperation at 10 years is >90 % (Daebritz et al. presence of a bicuspid but pliable and nonthick-
2000; Kado et al. 1994; Fricke et al. 2012; Khairy ened pulmonary (neoaortic) valve (van Praagh
et al. 2013) but is lower in patients with associ- 1992). It can also be performed as primary proce-
ated cardiac malformations (Fricke et al. 2012). dure successfully in patients with closed ductus
Pulmonary stenoses caused by the Lecompte arteriosus and decreased pulmonary artery pres-
maneuver occur in 5–10  % of cases. sure safely up to an age of 8 weeks (Edwin et al.
Development of regurgitation of the neoaortic 2010), provided the left ventricular muscle mass is
valve (Losay et al. 2001; Marino et al. 2006; Lim within normal limits. Isolated cases with hypotro-
et al. 2013) occurs in up to 5 % of patients and is phy of the left ventricle and a decreased posterior
more common after pulmonary artery banding. wall thickness to as low as 2–3 mm were success-
Rhythm disturbances are rare compared to the fully operated on as late as 12 weeks of age after an
atrial switch operation and are mostly supra- intraoperative temporary pulmonary artery band-
ventricular in origin (Rhodes et al. 1995; Khairy ing was used to assess, whether or not the left ven-
et  al. 2013; Bonhoeffer et  al. 1997; Castaneda tricle is able to sustain systemic pressure (Däbritz
et al. 1994; Di Donato et al. 1989; Hovels-Gurich et al. 1997). All patients within this age range tol-
et  al. 1997; Mayer et  al. 1990; Planche et  al. erated the procedure, nullifying the need for two-
1998; Pretre et  al. 2001; Prifti et  al. 2002; step arterial switch operation in early infancy. In
Quaegebeur et  al. 1986; Sellke et  al. 2005; borderline cases, beyond 12 weeks of age, an arte-
Wernovsky et  al. 1995; Williams et  al. 1997; rial «rapid two-stage» switch operation is utilized,
Fricke et al. 2012). Moreover, exercise tolerance in which the left ventricle is retrained in 1–2 weeks
and quality of life of patients undergoing the by tight pulmonary artery banding and implanta-
630 S.H. Daebritz and M. Ilbawi

a b

..Fig. 19.23  a, b Separation of both coronary ostia

a b

..Fig. 19.24  a, b Surgery for single coronary artery abnormality (reverse flap)

tion of a modified Blalock–Taussig shunt if a dra- Banding for retraining of the left ventricle
matic drop of the arterial saturation occurs with after a failed atrial switch or for preparation for
banding (see above; Castaneda et al. 1994; Lacour-­ a double-switch procedure in ccTGA (see
Gayet et  al. 2001; Sellke et  al. 2005). While this 7  Sect., «Retraining the Left Ventrilcle for
rapid two-step retraining acutely induces suffi- Anatomic Repair») is age dependent and seems to
cient LV myocardial hypertrophy during the first be possible up to early teenage age (Poirier and
19 6–8 months of life, it results in impaired LV func- Mee 2001; Sellke et  al. 2005). Deterioration of
tion and contractility, which, has not shown pro- left ventricular function has been described
gression progress over a period of 0.5–6 years of after late banding and retraining procedures in
observation (Boutin et  al. 1994). Banding also most of these cases (Daebritz et al. 2001). In this
increases the incidence of neoartic valve regurgi- age group, the retraining is frequently per-
tation (Jenkins et al. 1991). Because of these draw- formed in several steps over a time period of
backs of banding, it is better to perform primary months and years before the atrial switch is
arterial switch operation even up to 6 weeks of life. taken down and replaced with an arterial switch
Chapter 19 · Congenitally Corrected Transposition and D-Transposition of the Great Arteries
631 19

a b

..Fig. 19.25  a, b In situ exclusion

operation (Daebritz et al. 2001; Imai et al. 2001; patients need early corrective surgery. On the
Mee 2005). other hand, there can be reduced pulmonary
blood flow with variable degree of cyanosis.
These cases can be stabilized by the administra-
19.2.6  Complex D-Transposition tion of prostaglandins if the ductus is still
of the Great Arteries responsive.
Diagnosis is established primarily by echocar-  Definition and Epidemiology diography, demonstrating the morphology of a
The term «complex TGA» opposite to «simple TGA» VSD, the conal septum, the coronary arteries, the
refers to D-TGA with associated malformations AV valves, and the aortic arch. In most cases, a
such as a VSD, ventricular outflow tract obstruc- cardiac catheterization is redundant and can be
tion caused by a deviation of the conal septum, and avoided, as it does not give additional informa-
Taussig–Bing or aortic arch anomalies. D-TGA tion. However, it may be necessary for functional
with a perimembranous VSD (incidence 10–15 %) assessment of the different cardiac structures,
is inconsistently classified with complex TGA (Fyler pressure measurements, and calculation of pul-
1980). Complex forms of D-TGA associated with monary vascular resistance. In addition, cardiac
hypoplasia of one ventricle or with malformations of catheterization should always be performed in
the AV valve like straddling are not dealt with in this patients with complex TGA who have had prior
chapter as they are not amenable for biventricular palliative procedures.
correction but usually undergo primary palliation
leading eventually to a Fontan-type operation.  Transposition of the Great
Arteries with Ventricular  Pathophysiology Septal Defect
and Diagnostics Up to 50 % of patients with D-TGA have a VSD,
The clinical symptoms of complex D-TGA cover which is often small and closes spontaneously, so
a broad spectrum and depend on the presence of that only about 25 % of these patients have a VSD
associated outflow tract obstruction and hypo- which needs to be surgically addressed (Daebritz
plasia of various structures. On one hand, there et al. 2000; Moene et al. 1985).
can be pulmonary over circulation with reduced In the presence of a large, nonrestrictive VSD,
systemic perfusion and its attendant symptoms the left ventricle remains trained to support the
of heart failure and low cardiac output. These systemic circulation. The arterial switch operation
632 S.H. Daebritz and M. Ilbawi

can be delayed in these patients and need not be

performed in the first 2  weeks of life. The time-­
limiting factor in these patients is onset of severe
symptoms related to pulmonary overcirculation
and consequently development of pulmonary
vascular obstructive disease (Newfeld et al. 1974;
Bajpai et  al. 2011). Therefore, these patients
should be operated within the first 2–3 months of
life. In patients without any other additional mal-
formations, the therapy is an arterial switch oper-
ation with concomitant transarterial closure of
the VSD. Palliative procedures are rarely indicated
unless there is a complicating noncardiac comor-
bidity.  Transposition of the Great

Arteries with Left Ventricular
Outflow Tract Obstruction
An LVOTO in TGA is caused by a posterior devi- ..Fig. 19.26  Rastelli operation. Diagonal division of
ation of the conal septum, presence of a fibromus- the pulmonary artery and closure of the proximal end;
longitudinal incision of the right ventricular outflow tract
cular tunnel, or by a hypoplasia or dysplasia of the (original systemic ventricle)
pulmonary valve. Most commonly, it is located in
the subvalvar area. In TGA with LVOTO, the pul-
monary vascular bed can be hypoplastic as a con- ration rises and the diastolic pressure falls. Closure
sequence of limited pulmonary blood flow. of the ductus is recommended to prevent pulmo-
nary overflow and/or competitive flow with the
kSurgical therapy shunt. Timing of definitive repair is controversial.
A systemic-to-pulmonary shunt such as modified While some may prefer primary neonatal correc-
Blalock–Taussig shunt is used as a palliative pro- tion, we suggest early complete repair usually at
cedure to increase pulmonary blood flow. It is 3–6 months of age or whenever symptoms dictate.
usually performed through a median sternotomy In patients with D-TGA and VSD with
incision. The shunt runs parallel to the superior LVOTO, there are two definitive options, namely,
caval vein from the brachiocephalic trunk and the the Rastelli operation and Nikaidoh procedure:
proximal subclavian artery to the right pulmo-
nary artery. In newborns (3–3.5  kg), a 3.5–4.0-­ kRastelli Operation
mm, thin-walled polytetrafluoroethylene tubular This operation is indicated in TGA with peri-
prosthesis is used. It is beveled at 45° proximally, membranous VSD and LVOTO. The principle of
cut diagonally at the distal end, and anastomosed the operation is to direct left ventricle blood
end to side with a 7/0 running polypropylene or through VSD into the aorta using a tunnel patch
polytetrafluoroethylene suture. The procedure is within the right ventricle and establishing the left
performed without the use of cardiopulmonary ventricle as the system ventricle (. Figs.  19.26,
bypass. Whether or not bypass is needed can be 19.27, and 19.28). Cardiopulmonary bypass is
ascertained by temporarily clamping the right established using aortobicaval cannulation.
19 pulmonary artery while observing changes in sys- Continuous perfusion with mild to moderate
temic oxygen saturation. Usually, if blood flow hypothermia is used. A small longitudinal inci-
through the ductus arteriosus is not compro- sion in right ventricular outflow tract avoiding
mised, there is no need for extracorporeal circula- coronary branches is made. The VSD is enlarged
tion. Heparin (50–100 IE/kg BW) is given prior to if it restricts systemic blood flow. This is done by
clamping of vessels to prevent thrombus forma- resectioning the conal septum anteriorly and
tion. After completion of the shunt, oxygen satu- superiorly to avoid damage to the conduction sys-
Chapter 19 · Congenitally Corrected Transposition and D-Transposition of the Great Arteries
633 19
tem. If the VSD extends into the inlet septum, the
patch assumes three-dimensional orientation. In
the inlet septum, it lies at the same plane as the ven-
tricular septum to avoid distortion of attached
chordae. In the outflow part, it turns into a tunnel
almost perpendicular to inlet portion, to connect
the left ventricle to the aortic valve without obstruc-
tion. The patch used is usually Dacron or PTFE. To
form a wide tunnel, it is advantageous to tailor a
wide and short patch to bring the two orifices (the
VSD and aortic valve) closer to each other and
attain a spacious tunnel. A long and narrow patch
flattens the tunnel against the septum causing
obstruction to LVOT.  Superiorly, the sutures are
placed around the aortic anulus. The sutures are
either interrupted or continuous. A running suture
line is preferred, because it facilitates fashioning the
patch into a three-­dimensional tunnel. The pulmo-
..Fig. 19.27  Rastelli operation. Left relocation of the nary artery is transected just distal to the pulmo-
aorta with concomitant sealing of the ventricular septal nary valve and the proximal end sewn over. The
defect (VSD). The artificial patch is fixed on the rim of the VSD suture line should incorporate the pulmonary valve
dorsally and caudally; cranially the sutures are placed on the
anterior part of the aortic root, which thus is pulled/dislo-
leaflets to prevent thrombus formation in the blind
cated to the left. The blood from the left heart drains now via proximal pouch. The pulmonary valve remains
the original, extended orifice of the VSD to the aorta within the tunnel. The right ventricle is connected
to the pulmonary artery with a valved conduit or,
depending on the age, with a valveless graft
(. Figs. 19.26, 19.27, and 19.28). Usually a pulmo-
nary homograft or a valved bovine jugular vein
graft (Contegra) is used. Recently, the first tissue-
engineered valves for the RVOT have been
implanted in bigger children (Cebotari et al. 2006).
They employed decellularized pulmonary homo-
grafts seeded with autologous progenitor cells.

kNikaidoh Operation
The principle of this operation is that the entire
aortic root is uprooted and displaced posteriorly
into the pulmonary root and the LVOT
(. Figs. 19.29 and 19.30). Potential advantages are
the achievement of an anatomical position for the
outflow of the LVOT without a tunnel. It also
brings the RV-PA connection with or without con-
duit into a more anatomical position. In addition,
the operation can be applied to patients who are
not suitable for a Rastelli operation due to unfa-
vorable location or size of the VSD. Since the first
description of the technique in 1984, the operation
has gained increasing application recently because
..Fig. 19.28  Rastelli operation. Continuity between
right ventricle and pulmonary valve is established with a
of the reported incidence of LVOT obstruction
valved conduit. Individual anatomy dictates whether con- and resultant LV dysfunction ­following the Rastelli
duit runs distally to the right or the left of the aorta operation. After initiation of cardiopulmonary
634 S.H. Daebritz and M. Ilbawi

a b

..Fig. 19.29  a, b Nikaidoh operation. a The aortic root is excised and mobilized together with the coronary arteries
left in situ, if anatomically possible. The pulmonary artery is cut close to the valve. b The left ventricular outflow tract is
enlarged by dividing the ventricular septum starting from the pulmonary valve up to the VSD. The anterior leaflet of the
mitral valve is shown

a b


..Fig. 19.30  a, b Nikaidoh operation. a After mobilization of the aortic root, the aorta is translocated posteriorly
and about 30–50 % of the aortic root circumference of it sutured into the combined opening of RVOT and pulmonary
anulus posteriorly. The LVOT is reconstructed and enlarged with a generously tailored VSD patch. b Finally, the suture
of the aortic root is completed for the remaining 50 % to two-third of the circumference by the superior rim of the VSD
Chapter 19 · Congenitally Corrected Transposition and D-Transposition of the Great Arteries
635 19
bypass, the coronary arteries are excised with a others are in favor of the Rastelli procedure
button as in arterial switch operation (s.e.). In (Brown et al. 2011).
some cases, with favorable anatomy, the coronary
arteries can be transferred en bloc with the aortic   ransposition with Right
root without need for excision and reattachment as Ventricular Outflow
was originally described by Nikaidoh (1984). The Obstruction and Hypoplasia
aortic root is uprooted with or without the coro- of the Aortic Arch or
nary arteries and aortic valve. The LVOT is Coarctation of the Aorta
enlarged by incising the conal septum longitudi- RVOTO in TGA is due to either a malalignment
nally towards the VSD or, if VSD is absent, towards of the conal septum in association with a cono-
the cavity of the LV.  The aortic autograft is then ventricular (perimembranous) VSD or hypoplas-
sutured into the native LVOT. The LVOT is recon- tic subaortic conus as in DORV. The presence of a
structed with a triangular piece of PTFE sutured to conal septum under the pulmonary valve sepa-
the autograft distally and septum proximally, func- rating the pulmonary from the mitral valve
tionally closing the enlarged VSD.  If they have results in Taussig–Bing anomaly with incidence
been excised from the aorta, the coronary arteries of 5–7 % of all TGA (Pigott et al. 1987). Subaortic
are reimplanted into the neoaortic root as in an obstruction due to conal septum deviation or
arterial switch operation. In the classic Nikaidoh hypoplastic tunnel results in hypoplasia or atresia
operation, the RVOT is reconstructed with a patch, of downstream structures. Thus, RVOTO is usu-
but a valved conduit can be used as well (homo- ally associated with hypoplasia of the aortic arch
graft or bovine jugular vein conduit). The conduit and coarctation or interruption. The incidence of
lies in a physiological position. A Lecompte arch anomalies is around 7–10 % in TGA with
maneuver is performed depending on the anatomy VSD and is increased in DORV and TGA or in
of the great vessels and is usually not recom- Taussig–Bing anomaly (see 7 Sect.,
mended in side-by-side position. «Taussig-Bing Anomaly») (Pigott et al. 1987). These
lesions are often ductal dependant and need pros-
kResults for Rastelli and Nikaidoh taglandin administration soon after birth.
Rastelli operation carries a low operative mor- kSurgical therapy
tality of less than 5 %, but has a potential long- RVOTO due to conal septum deviation or subaor-
term morbidity caused by LVOTO and right tic conus is best treated by patch enlargement of
ventricular outflow tract obstruction (RVOTO). the RVOT anteriorly. Coarctation or interruption
Up to 50 % of patients require a reintervention of is treated with end-to-end anastomosis and patch
the RVOT at 5 years (cardiac catheterization or enlargement of the arch and the ascending aorta
operation), although in some series freedom at the time of VSD closure and arterial switch
from reoperation is 86 % at 5 years and 74 % at operation. Surgery may be performed in deep
10  years (Brown et  al. 2011). For the LVOT, hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA) or as we
reoperation rates of 5–10 % have been reported prefer with regional cerebral perfusion avoiding
from single centers (Hörer et al. 2007; Kreutzer DHCA. The patching of the ascending aorta min-
et al. 2000; Brown et al. 2011; Lim et al. 2013); a imizes the difference in caliber between proximal
European multicentre study  showed the inci- neoaorta and distal aorta. Diffuse hypoplasia of
dence of long-­term LVOTO to be around 5.2 % all structures, especially the aortic valve, may
(Hazekamp et al. 2010). RVOT morbidity is also require Damus–Kaye–Stensel operation or modi-
expected after the Nikaidoh operation, but fied Norwood approach. In case of hypoplasia of
LVOT should not be at risk for reoperation. The the entire arch, patch augmentation with autolo-
low rate for LVOT and RVOT reoperation led to gous pericardium or pulmonary homograft
an increased application of the Nikaidoh opera- extending from the ascending aorta along the
tion in this patient population. However, so far arch to beyond the coarcation is recommended.
there are no long-term results that support the Postoperative supravalvar pulmonary stenosis or
Nikaidoh operation in favor of Rastelli opera- obstruction due to Lecompte maneuver requires
tion (Yeh et al. 2007). One study reports superi- stenting or surgical patching in a small number of
ority of the Nikaidoh (Hu et  al. 2008), while cases. Technically it is advantageous to augment
636 S.H. Daebritz and M. Ilbawi

the pulmonary end-to-end anastomosis ventrally ment of RVOTO later on. Usually, this occurs in
with a patch of autologous pericardium. the first postoperative year and is treated with a
patch augmentation like in tetralogy of Fallot. The  Taussig–Bing Anomaly Lecompte maneuver may have to be modified as it
The term Taussig–Bing anomaly refers to may add to the incidence of supravalvar stenosis
double-outlet right ventricle (DORV) with because of the side-to-side position of the great
D-­transposition of the great artery in which the vessels when the aortic arch and a coarctation are
VSD is committed to the pulmonary valve (sub- present, a concomitant patch augmentation of the
pulmonary) and the great arteries are side by aortic arch (see 7 Sect., «Transposition with
side. The aorta is on the right and slightly ante- Right Ventricular Outflow Obstruction and Hypoplasia
rior to the pulmonary artery. There is variable of the Aortic Arch or Coarctation of the Aorta») with a
degree of pulmonary valve overriding of the sep- patch of pulmonary artery homograft or another
tum (see also 7 Sect. patch material is performed. Rarely a two-staged
TGA with DORV is also associated with coro- procedure may be needed (Daebritz et  al. 2000)
nary anomalies such as single ostium or intramu- and has reasonable results. Thus, a one-stage cor-
ral artery in 27 % of cases (Uemura et  al. 1995). rection is considered the procedure of choice
Abnormal mitral valve attachments to the LVOT (Tchervenkov and Korkola 2001; Tchervenkov
and hypoplasia of the aortic arch often combined et al. 1997).
with an aortic coarctation are frequently present
(Alsoufi et al. 2008). kResults of surgical therapy
Despite complexity of these lesions, the results are
kSurgical therapy comparable with those of the arterial switch oper-
The correction normally consists of an arterial ation in larger series (Daebritz et  al. 2000;
switch operation with VSD closure. The VSD is Tchervenkov and Korkola 2001; Lim et al. 2013),
tunneled towards the pulmonary valve (the neo- with an operative mortality of 7 % (Vogel et  al.
aortic valve). The close proximity of the VSD to 1984; Blume et  al. 1999; Takeuchi et  al. 2001;
the valve facilitates such connection (Mavroudis Wetter et al. 2004; Soszyn et al. 2011). There is an
et al. 1996). The VSD can be closed via the right increased rate of reoperation in patients with
atrium, a right-sided ventriculotomy, or via the hypoplasia of the aortic arch and the RVOTO and
pulmonary (neoaortic) valve. Our former routine is significantly higher than after the arterial switch
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(Daebritz et  al. 2000). In this technique, the et al. 2008; Rodefeld et al. 2007; Soszyn et al. 2011;
stitches for the VSD suture are placed on the right Lim et al. 2013).
side on the lower rim of the VSD by passing the
needle prior to each stitch through the VSD onto
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641 20

Congenital Anomalies
of the Coronary Arteries
and Coronary Diseases
of Children and Adolescents
Christoph Haller and Christian Schlensak

20.1 I ntroduction – 643

20.2 Anomalous Pulmonary Origins
of the Coronaries – 643
20.2.1  nomalous Left Coronary Artery from the
Pulmonary Artery (ALCAPA) – 643 Direct Reimplantation of the Anomalous Left Coronary
Artery – 644 Coronary Button Transfer with Lecompte Maneuver – 645 Takeuchi Repair – 646 Other Tubular Elongation Techniques – 646 Bypass Techniques – 646 Percutaneous Approach – 647 Assist Devices and Transplantation – 648 Outcomes – 648
20.2.2  nomalous Right Coronary Artery from the
Pulmonary Artery (ARCAPA) – 649
20.2.3 Other Anomalous Pulmonary Origins
of the Coronaries – 649 Isolated Origin of Left Anterior Descending Artery
from Pulmonary Artery – 649 Anomalous Circumflex Artery from
the Pulmonary Artery – 649 Both Coronary Arteries Arising from 
the Pulmonary Artery – 649 Isolated Origin of Coronary Arteries from
the Right or Left Pulmonary Artery – 649

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_20
20.3 Anomalous Aortic Origins of the Coronaries – 650
20.3.1 L eft Coronary Artery from Right Sinus of Valsalva – 650
20.3.2 Right Coronary Artery from Left Sinus of Valsalva – 651
20.3.3 Other Anomalous Aortic Origins of the Coronaries – 652

20.4 Congenital Atresia of the Left Main Stem – 653

20.5 Single Coronary Artery – 653

20.6 Coronary Arteriovenous Fistulas – 654

20.7 Coronary Bridging – 655

20.8 Coronary Aneurysms – 655

20.8.1 Kawasaki Disease – 656

 References – 657
Chapter 20 · Congenital Anomalies of the Coronary Arteries and Coronary Diseases
643 20
20.1 Introduction ALCAPA syndrome, is a rare congenital disorder.
In 1959, its incidence originally was stated to be
The development of the embryonic coronary artery only 1 in 300,000 live births (Keith 1959). In 1980,
circulation is complex and remains not fully under- the New England Regional Infant Cardiac
stood. Early theories suggest that the main coronary Program revealed 1 in roughly 100,000 and more
arteries develop from endothelial tissue growing out recently a study from Ireland 1 in 4,243 live births
of the aorta forming so-called coronary buds (Brotherton and Philip 2008; Fyler 1980). It was
(Hutchins et al. 1988). Newer animal models point first reported by Brooks in 1886 based on two
to a retrograde connection to the aorta (Waldo et al. cases. However, it was interpreted as a functional
1990). Coronary capillaries emanate from the pro- vein returning blood back into the pulmonary
epicardium forming a subepicardial capillary bed system (Brooks 1885). Almost 50 years later, it was
(Bernanke and Velkey 2002). The coronary arteries up to Bland, White, and Garland to describe the
then arise from a capillary ring that encircles the clinical features (Bland et  al. 1933). Therefore,
outflow tracts and invade the aortic wall second- ALCAPA was originally known as Bland-White-­
arily. Thereby, basic anlagen can be seen in all three Garland syndrome. The etiology is suspected to be
coronary sinuses that are subject to apoptotic mech- an abnormal aorticopulmonary septation process.
anisms (Waldo et al. 1990). A recent report could ALCAPA syndrome usually is an isolated defect.
further prove that coronary arteries may arise from There have been several reports that show coinci-
angiogenic sprouts of the sinus venosus by develop- dences with mitral valve arcade (Su et al. 2011) and
mental reprogramming (Red-Horse et al. 2010). other mitral valve pathologies, patent ductus arterio-
Coronary abnormalities are rare disorders occur- sus (Awasthy et al. 2010), atrial or ventricular septal
ring in approximately 1 % of all patients (Yamanaka defects (Kajihara et al. 2009; Schneider et al. 2006), or
and Hobbs 1990). It is still unclear whether this over- aortopulmonary window with interrupted aortic
or underestimates the real incidence since most arch (McMahon et al. 2002). Considering the differ-
studies are biased by referral patterns and asymp- ent anatomical variations in ALCAPA, a classifica-
tomatic patients may remain undetected (Angelini tion by Smith et al. was proposed in 1989 (Smith et al.
2002). Considering the anatomical variations of the 1989). Similar to the Leiden classification, the sinuses
normal coronary system, pathology may be even are named corresponding to the nonfacing sinus of
more variable. Alterations have been reported with the pulmonary artery. Most common is an origin of
regard to number, location, size and angle of the the left c­ oronary artery from sinus 1 (right-handed
ostia, coronary artery size, course, arteriolar ramifi- sinus). Other possible takeoffs are sinus 2, the supra-
cations and termination, as well as secondary abnor- commissural wall of sinus 1 and the nonfacing sinus,
malities (Angelini 2002; Ogden 1970). and posterior aspects of pulmonary artery branches.
Describing coronary variations requires a def- Coronary perfusion in utero is unremarkable.
inition of the normal anatomy. Herein, we rely on This changes early postnatally when the high pul-
the common description as reviewed by Loukas monary vascular resistance still allows for ante-
et al. (2009) and the definitions of the Congenital grade perfusion of the anomalous artery but
Heart Surgery Nomenclature and Database Proj- supplies the myocardial mass with hypoxic blood.
ect (Dodge-Khatami et  al. 2000). The aortic Later on, with continuing reduction of ­pulmonary
sinuses are described as suggested by the Leiden vascular resistance, antegrade flow into the anom-
classification (Gittenberger-de Groot and Sauer alous artery will be reduced or even reversed. This
1983) and Smith et al. (1989). may cause a myocardial perfusion deficit. In case
of flow reversal, a coronary steal effect with left-
to-right shunting can be seen. The coronary blood
20.2  nomalous Pulmonary Origins
A flow depends highly on increased right coronary
of the Coronaries blood flow and on the collateral network between
the right and left coronary artery. Stenosis of the
20.2.1   nomalous Left Coronary
A left coronary origin can further alter coronary
Artery from the Pulmonary hemodynamics (Dodge-­ Khatami et  al. 2000).
Artery (ALCAPA) According to the extent of these intercoronary
collaterals, an infantile type with little and an
The anomalous origin of the left coronary artery adult type with good collateralization are defined
from the pulmonary artery, also known as (Agustsson 1962).
644 C. Haller and C. Schlensak

The demand-supply mismatch leads to myocar- lish a two coronary system with antegrade perfusion.
dial damage and its sequelae such as v­ entricular dys- It is not surprising that ligation compared with estab-
function, ventricular dilation, ventricular aneurysm, lishment of a two coronary system performed worse
mitral valve insufficiency due to papillary muscle (Bunton et al. 1987). Therefore, the most physiologic
ischemia, and malignant arrhythmias. If the collateral and anatomical correction, the direct reimplantation
blood flow is satisfactory, ALCAPA can stay unrecog- as described by Neches et al. (1974) is the favorable
nized up to an advanced age (Tsigkas et al. 2011). therapeutic strategy in ALCAPA. If despite all surgi-
Once coronary blood supply is insufficient, cal sophistication a direct anastomosis cannot be
Bland-White-Garland syndrome patients usually achieved, several different options have been
present with signs of heart failure such as increased reported. Most of them deal with poor mobilization
diaphoresis, dyspnea with feeding, tachycardia, and of the coronary. The most relevant strategies will be
failure to thrive. It can be difficult to distinguish discussed below. Surgical techniques of ligation of
between dilated cardiomyopathy and ALCAPA. the coronary artery and bypassing of the vessel are
Specific electrocardiographic changes have been nowadays rarely used and should be reserved for
defined by Johnsrude et al. (1995) as Q-wave width special anatomical variations and individual cases.
≥30 ms in lead I and Q-wave depth ≥3 mm and ST Special attention has to be paid not only to
segment amplitude in lead aVL. The diagnostic value administration of cardioplegia but also to persistent
was challenged by Chang et  al. (2001) who added coronary malperfusion once extracorporeal circu-
echocardiographic findings of an RCA to aortic anu- lation has been established. Adequate myocardial
lus ratio greater than 0.14, increased echogenicity of protection during correction is crucial to the insuf-
papillary muscles and Doppler color flow through the ficiently perfused myocardium. As soon as cardio-
left coronary artery to electrocardiographic changes. pulmonary bypass starts, left-to-right shunting
Nevertheless, ALCAPA can be diagnosed by echocar- increases since the pulmonary arterial pressure
diography alone if there is awareness of the examiner. drops. Therefore, the main pulmonary artery or in
In addition to the confirmation of the aberrant artery, complex cases the right and left pulmonary arteries
an increased diameter of the right coronary artery have to be clamped immediately to avoid further
can be seen. Indirect changes such as signs of myocar- coronary steal. During delivery of cold blood car-
dial dysfunction and mitral valve insufficiency can dioplegia, our strategy includes clamping both the
complete the clinical picture. In rare cases, coronary aorta and the pulmonary artery. Other possible
angiography and MRI viability studies can help in approaches act by direct clamping of the left coro-
securing the diagnosis (Dodge-Khatami et al. 2002). nary artery at its origin or cardioplegia infusion via
At least within the first 3 years of life, any patient pre- the aorta and the pulmonary artery simultaneously.
senting with the clinical signs of dilated cardiomyop-
athy should have diagnostic evaluation to rule out Direct Reimplantation
ALCAPA. of the Anomalous Left
Surgical correction is indicated once the diag- Coronary Artery
nosis is made. The infantile type is characterized by Today, most of the patients presenting with Bland-­
insufficient collateral perfusion and has a fatal prog- White-­Garland syndrome can be treated with early
nosis if left untreated. Ongoing myocardial damage correction via direct reimplantation (Turley et  al.
due to chronic hypoperfusion occurs and hinders 1995). Surgical access is gained by standard median
postoperative improvement of left ventricular func- sternotomy. We prefer establishment of extracor-
tion. Ultrastructural changes could be detected in poreal circulation with bicaval venous cannulation.
specimen taken intraoperatively (Shivalkar et  al. Cardioplegia is administered as described
1994) as well as post mortem (Smith et  al. 1989). above. After adequate myocardial protection, the
Left ventricular recovery can be achieved best by pulmonary artery is transected and the aberrant left
early detection and early correction. coronary artery identified. The ostium is carefully
20 Early operative strategies aimed at a reduction of excised leaving a large pulmonary wall button. The
left-to-right shunting and an elimination of coronary most challenging part starts with mobilization of
steal. Several techniques have been reported includ- the coronary artery. Special attention has to be paid
ing ligation of the left coronary artery which leads to when choosing the adequate localization for aortic
an increase of its perfusion pressure (Sabiston et al. reimplantation. Tension should be avoided by any
1960). The corrective measure, however, is to estab- means, but kinking or distortion may as well lead to
Chapter 20 · Congenital Anomalies of the Coronary Arteries and Coronary Diseases
645 20
devastating ­consequences. The aortic wall can be Coronary Button Transfer
punched or incised in a flap-like fashion (trapdoor with Lecompte Maneuver
technique) to get a suitable opening (. Fig.  20.1). The farther away the anomalous coronary artery
Anastomosis is usually done with 6/0 or 7/0 is located, the more technically challenging is the
polydioxanone sutures. Finally, the defect of the direct reimplantation. Malankar et  al. proposed a
pulmonary wall has to be closed by autologous or technique combining an extended coronary but-
xenogenic pericardium. Polytetrafluoroethylene ton transfer with Lecompte maneuver (Malankar
(PTFE) or polyester (Dacron®) patches can be used et  al. 2010). The pulmonary trunk is transected
as well. Owed to the pathophysiology, early reperfu- close to the pulmonary bifurcation. The anomalous
sion and minimal cross-clamping time can mini- artery then has to be excised generously to ensure
mize myocardial stress. Therefore, coronary a tension-free anastomosis. The aorta has to be
circulation should be reestablished as soon as transected above the sinotubular junction and lon-
proper left coronary reinsertion is achieved. gitudinally incised opposite to the aberrant artery.


..Fig. 20.1  a–d Direct reimplantation in ALCAPA syndrome. a Incision of the pulmonary trunk. b Excision of the
coronary ostium. c Reimplantation into the ascending aorta. d Pulmonary trunk closure
646 C. Haller and C. Schlensak

In this way, the aortic wall can be anastomosed to

the pulmonary button of the left coronary artery
without considerable mobilization. The pulmonary
trunk is reconstructed with autologous pericardium.
Lecompte maneuver places the ascending aorta pos-
terior to the right pulmonary artery. Malankar et al.
emphasize that their technique leads to less tension
on the anastomosis, an approximation of the aorta
to the aberrant artery, and a reduced risk of external
compression by the main pulmonary artery. PA Takeuchi Repair

Another surgical approach to create a two coro-
nary system is the intrapulmonary tunnel tech-
nique first described by Takeuchi et  al. in 1979
(Takeuchi et  al. 1979). In a 2-year-old boy,
ALCAPA could be corrected via rerouting of the AO
oxygenated blood through an artificially created
aortopulmonary tunnel within the pulmonary
trunk. This technique is to be used in patients with
unfavorable coronary anatomy, e.g., ostia located
laterally or in the nonfacing coronary sinus
(. Fig. 20.2). Since most ALCAPA patients can be
treated with direct reinsertion, the Takeuchi repair
remains relatively rarely used. A long-term disad-
vantage is potential pulmonary valve impairment
and supravalvar pulmonary artery stenosis.
After establishment of extracorporeal circula- ..Fig. 20.2  Preferred anatomical variations for Takeuchi
tion and proper administration of cardioplegia, repair. Origin of the left coronary artery from lateral
the pulmonary artery is incised so that a aspect of the pulmonary sinus 1 or the nonfacing sinus.
rectangular-­ shaped flap is created. The attach- PA pulmonary artery, AO aorta
ment side of the flap lies adjacent to the aorta. To
create an aortopulmonary window, which will
functionally work as the left coronary ostium, an aorta. Tashiro et  al. (1993) and similarly Barth
opening at the flap’s base and the corresponding et  al. (2003) suggested to extend the artery by
aortic wall is created and anastomosed. The flap means of two pulmonary artery flaps. Additional
itself is then sutured to the back wall of the pul- techniques with different types of plastic recon-
monary trunk creating a tunnel to the ostium of struction and elongation of the left coronary
the anomalous left coronary artery. The missing artery with aortic and pulmonary artery wall offer
anterior wall of the pulmonary artery is finally plenty of surgical options for special indications
reconstructed with a generously sized autologous (El-Rassi et al. 2012; Katsumata et al. 1999; Sese
pericardial patch (. Fig. 20.3). As an alternative, a and Imoto 1992; Shinkawa et al. 2002).
bovine pericardial patch can be used for construc-
tion of the tunnel within the pulmonary trunk. Bypass Techniques
Coronary artery bypass has been reported by Meyer Other Tubular Elongation et  al. in 1968 using the left subclavian artery.
20 Techniques Saphenous vein grafts are difficult to harvest in chil-
To circumvent the problems coming along with dren and carry the risk of graft occlusion
insufficient mobilization, many different tech- (. Fig.  20.4). Coronary bypass grafting can be
niques have been described. One of the earliest achieved by use of the left internal mammary artery.
reports is made by Armer et  al. in (1963). They The anastomosis can be challenging in children and
use a flap of anterior pulmonary artery wall to is a better option in adult patients. Bypassing the
extend the coronary ostium and reroute it to the left coronary artery implies its proximal ligation.
Chapter 20 · Congenital Anomalies of the Coronary Arteries and Coronary Diseases
647 20

a b

Pericardial patch

..Fig. 20.3  a–e Takeuchi repair via intrapulmonary tunneling. a Operative site with incision marks corresponding to
anomalous coronary artery. b Flap-like incision of the pulmonary trunk. c Creation of an aortopulmonary window. d
Posterior displacement of pulmonary wall flap and tunnel creation. e Pulmonary trunk patch augmentation Percutaneous Approach of atrioventricular septal defect and surgical

Similar to the first therapeutic surgical approaches, repair at the age of 2  years. The interventional
percutaneous closure of the left coronary ostium technique was favored because of the assumed
can be a practicable strategy in select cases higher risk with repeat surgery and a surgically
(Collins et al. 2007). Collins et al. presented this disadvantageous anatomy. Nevertheless, the
approach in a 30-year-old woman with a history authors stress that this approach implies an
648 C. Haller and C. Schlensak


..Fig. 20.4  a–d Aortocoronary anastomosis using the left subclavian artery. a Access can be gained by left
anterolateral thoracotomy. b Proximal ligation of the anomalous coronary artery. c, d End-to-side or end-to-end
anastomosis of the subclavian artery with the anomalous coronary artery

adult-­type ALCAPA with good collateralization Outcomes

and should only be performed if there is no ante- It is widely accepted that establishing a two coro-
grade blood flow through the aberrant artery. nary system should be the surgical approach of
choice (Ben Ali et  al. 2009; Bunton et  al. 1987; Assist Devices Imamura et  al. 2011; Kuroczynski et  al. 2008;
and Transplantation Novick et  al. 2009; Ojala et  al. 2010). Bunton
Despite the multitude of treatment options in reported a 27 % early mortality with ligation com-
ALCAPA patients, myocardial viability can be sig- pared to no deaths with Takeuchi repair (Bunton
nificantly reduced. Especially in younger infants, et al. 1987). Operative mortality ranges between 0
insufficient collateral flow can lead to myocardial and 17 % (Alexi-Meskishvili et  al. 2011; Ginde
ischemia and therewith problems with weaning from et al. 2012; Imamura et al. 2011; Kuroczynski et al.
cardiopulmonary bypass. In a series of seven patients, 2008; Novick et al. 2009; Ojala et al. 2010). Long-­
del Nido et al. (1999) presented a centrifugal left ven- term follow-up shows excellent results with only
tricular assist device cannulated in the left atrium low late mortality rates (Alexi-Meskishvili et  al.
and in the ascending aorta, respectively, as a feasible 2011; Ben Ali et  al. 2009; Ojala et  al. 2010).
treatment strategy. Imamura et al. could show similar Operative risk factors are severity of left ventricu-
20 survival rates between ECMO-supported and non- lar dysfunction and presentation at an early age.
ECMO patients (Imamura et al. 2011). Mitral insufficiency is a well-known problem
Heart transplantation still remains the last in patients with ALCAPA.  Management of the
option in those patients suffering from ongoing mitral valve remains controversial. Since the
severe myocardial dysfunction (Mavroudis et  al. underlying pathology can be attributed to myo-
1988; Nair et al. 2003). cardial dysfunction secondary to malperfusion,
Chapter 20 · Congenital Anomalies of the Coronary Arteries and Coronary Diseases
649 20
most authors suggest a conservative approach. and due to the more complicated mobilization in
Restoration of adequate coronary blood supply adults, the aberrant vessel may be revascularized
has been shown to lead to recovery of LV function with an internal mammary artery bypass (Sahin
and improvement of mitral valve competence et al. 2012).
(Azakie et al. 2003; Ben Ali et al. 2009). Even in
severe mitral regurgitation, the valve should not  nomalous Circumflex Artery
be addressed initially. The Toronto group could from the Pulmonary Artery
show that mitral valve function can improve Isolated origins of the circumflex artery are
within 7.5 months after coronary transfer (Azakie described in the Congenital Heart Surgery
et al. 2003). Nomenclature and Database Project (Dodge-­
Khatami et  al. 2000), even though reports are
exceptionally rare.
20.2.2   nomalous Right Coronary
Artery from the Pulmonary  oth Coronary Arteries
Artery (ARCAPA) Arising from the Pulmonary
An origin of the right coronary artery from the Both coronary arteries arising from the pulmo-
pulmonary artery is a rare congenital anomaly as nary trunk have been reported (Grayzel and
well. An incidence of 0.002  % compared to Tennant 1934; Limbourg 1937). We suggest surgi-
0.008 % in ALCAPA has been stated (Williams cal treatment as in ALCAPA and ARCAPA, but
et al. 2006). Few case reports and small series can experience with this pathophysiological complex
be found. Associations with tetralogy of Fallot, is considerably low.
pulmonary stenosis or atresia, patent ductus arte-
riosus, atrial and ventricular septal defects, aortic I solated Origin of Coronary
coarctation, hypoplastic left heart syndrome, Arteries from the Right or
double-outlet right ventricle and bicuspid aortic Left Pulmonary Artery
valve, as well as other noncardiac congenital Although a rare abnormality, several case reports
anomalies (Bossert et  al. 2005; Cleuziou et  al. demonstrate isolated origins of coronary arteries
2006; Williams et  al. 2006) have been reported. from the right or left pulmonary artery
Pathophysiologic changes are comparable to (D’Alessandro and Di Lorenzo 1976; Kory et  al.
those in ALCAPA syndrome, even though con- 1984; Bharati et al. 1984; Villa et al. 2005). Several
gestive heart failure, sudden death, and ischemia variations have been described ranging from an
are less common, probably due to lower oxygen isolated offspring of the circumflex branch (Villa
consumption of the right ventricular myocar- et al. 2005) to an origin of a single coronary artery
dium. Surgical strategies should aim at direct from the right pulmonary artery (Kory et al. 1984).
reimplantation, although there is little data on Preoperative diagnosis is challenging, especially if
survival benefits. there is a duct-dependent circulation, since ante-
grade blood flow can be seen in the coronaries and
there are no signs of ischemia (Villa et al. 2005).
20.2.3   ther Anomalous Pulmonary
O Therapeutic strategies usually aim at establishing a
Origins of the Coronaries systemic coronary perfusion although surgical
approaches have to consider associated malforma- I solated Origin of Left tions and individual variations.
Anterior Descending Artery At our center, a rare case of isolated separate
from Pulmonary Artery origins of both the circumflex and the left ante-
There are few reports about an isolated origin of rior descending artery from the right pulmo-
the left anterior descending artery from the pul- nary artery in association with aortic
monary artery (Ozer et  al. 2008; Roberts and coarctation has been diagnosed. In a staged
Robinowitz 1984; Sahin et  al. 2012; Turley et  al. procedure, the coarctation could be resected
1995). Basically, these anomalies can be treated and the coronaries reimplanted into the aorta
similar to the strategies in ALCAPA syndrome successfully (L. Sieverding and G. Ziemer, per-
(Ozer et al. 2008). Diagnosis is usually incidental sonal communication 2011).
650 C. Haller and C. Schlensak

20.3  nomalous Aortic Origins

A unclear whether ischemia is a result of mechanical
of the Coronaries forces compressing the coronary between the great
vessels, a sharp angulation of the artery, or other
There are many possible variations of the coronary factors. Angelini et  al. (Angelini 2007) refer the
anatomy with varying clinical relevance. Anomalous malperfusion to several mechanisms of stenosis.
aortic origins account for approximately one third According to them, especially the proximal usually
of all coronary anomalies (Dodge-Khatami et  al. intraaortomural part of the aberrant coronary
2000). Usually asymptomatic, coronary anomalies artery is hypoplastic. Furthermore, the cross-­
can present with signs of ischemia, myocardial sectional area of the vessel is oval shaped and the
infarction, or sudden death. In a large series, Eckart length of its intramural course contributes to the
et al. (2004) could proof that 31 % of sudden non- functional narrowing, too.
traumatic deaths in a cohort of 6.3 million men and There are several operative techniques among
women aged 18–35 were related to coronary artery which are coronary artery bypass grafting (Davies
anomalies. Surprisingly, all deaths due to a coronary et  al. 2009; Romp et  al. 2003), unroofing of the
anomaly were attributed to a left coronary artery intraaortomural proximal segment of the coro-
from the right coronary sinus. This is in accordance nary artery (Davies et  al. 2009; Mumtaz et  al.
with results reported by Taylor et  al. (1992) who 2011), creation of a neo-ostium (Mumtaz et  al.
could not show a significant difference between the 2011), reimplantation, or a pulmonary transloca-
incidence of a right coronary artery from the left tion technique (Rodefeld et  al. 2001). Despite
coronary sinus and that of a left coronary artery choosing the right therapeutic strategy, the right
from the right coronary sinus but a much higher indication is crucial. Many authors of necropsy
occurrence of sudden death in the latter group. studies show high mortality rates if the anomaly is
Diagnosis should be confirmed by computed left untreated. However, Penalver et al. and other
tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. groups stress that mortality rates may be overesti-
Echocardiography can be a helpful tool, too. mated due to selection bias (Penalver et al. 2012).
Detection rates are much higher in angiography This also has been mentioned before by
and cross-sectional imaging as additional infor- Mirchandani et  al. (Mirchandani and Phoon
mation on course and supplied area is given. 2005), who calculated the incidence to be between
Echocardiography alone is mainly used to detect 0.09 and 1.07 %. Therefore, a critical look at sur-
regular or irregular ostia. Intravascular ultra- vival rates and operative risks is necessary. Large
sound may be a helpful tool in risk stratification population studies report a risk of sudden cardiac
(Angelini 2007). death due to a not further specified coronary
artery anomaly up to 1 in 208,567 (Chugh et al.
2009; Eckart et  al. 2004; Harris et  al. 2010;
20.3.1   eft Coronary Artery
L Redelmeier and Greenwald 2007; Wren et  al.
from Right Sinus of Valsalva 2000). Furthermore, it has to be considered that
many studies refer to data of active young people
The left main coronary artery may arise from the who are undoubtedly at increased risk.
right coronary sinus with a separate ostium or as a Coronary artery bypass grafting has been the
branch of the right coronary artery. Different first therapeutic strategy used in anomalous aor-
courses of the anomalous artery have been tic origin of a coronary artery. There are several
described. The left coronary artery may be found limitations of this operation. Only limited data
anterior to the pulmonary trunk, between the great exists on graft patency, due to the small number of
vessels, posterior to the aorta, transseptal or poste- cases. In addition, patients facing surgery are
rior to the right ventricular outflow tract (Taylor younger than average coronary bypass candidates.
et al. 1992). The most problematic anatomical vari- Some authors recommend ligation of the native
20 ation definitely is the one wedging the artery artery proximally to the graft to minimize com-
between the aorta and the pulmonary trunk, petitive flow (Shah et al. 2000). In active patients,
accounting for up to 82 % of sudden deaths in these steal phenomena have been reported (Tavaf-­
patients (Taylor et al. 1992) (. Fig. 20.5). It seems Motamen et al. 2008).
evident that the incidence of sudden ­cardiac death Mustafa et al. (1981) described the unroofing
is associated with exercise. Nevertheless, it remains procedure in 1981. The anomalous ostium is
Chapter 20 · Congenital Anomalies of the Coronary Arteries and Coronary Diseases
651 20






..Fig. 20.5  Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the right sinus of Valsalva. LAD left anterior descending
artery, LCX left circumflex artery, PA pulmonary artery, RCA right coronary artery, AO aorta

incised following the intramural course. The high as it might be suspected from necropsy
intercoronary commissure needs to be detached studies, surgery should be indicated cautiously.
and resuspended. Outcome of the procedure Surgical correction is justified in symptomatic
regarding patency of the coronary is excellent. patients. Even though the risk of sudden cardiac
The downside is the potential of aortic valve death is higher with exercise, there still remains a
incompetence, which might warrant aortic valve residual risk with restriction from exertion. We
replacement (Romp et  al. 2003). Therefore, recommend evaluation of prophylactic ICD
creation of a neo-ostium has been suggested
­ implantation in conservatively managed patients.
(Davies et al. 2009; Mumtaz et al. 2011). However, nowadays most authors suggest pri-
Coronary reimplantation or pulmonary mary surgical therapy in asymptomatic left coro-
translocation are other options used in select nary artery arising from the right sinus of
cases. Valsalva (Davies et al. 2009).
These surgical procedures can be performed
easily. Nevertheless, reported outcomes are diffi-
cult to interpret . Most studies are based on small 20.3.2   ight Coronary Artery
patient numbers and lack a long follow-up. from Left Sinus of Valsalva
Adverse events differ in frequency between 0 and
42 % (Penalver et  al. 2012). In view of the fact The incidence of this anomaly is equal or higher
that the risk of sudden cardiac death is not as than the anomalous origin of the left coronary
652 C. Haller and C. Schlensak

artery from the right sinus of Valsalva (Taylor 20.3.3   ther Anomalous Aortic
et  al. 1992; Yamanaka and Hobbs 1990). Origins of the Coronaries
Although data is scarce, the rate of sudden car-
diac deaths in these patients is lower and sur- Individual origins have been described for both the
gery should be indicated with caution. In left anterior descending and the circumflex artery
contrast to an anomalous left coronary artery, an from the right coronary sinus or from the right
asymptomatic right coronary artery from the coronary artery itself (. Fig. 20.7). There are reports
left sinus of Valsalva may be treated conserva- of all three coronary vessels arising separately from
tively with medical therapy and restriction from the right or left sinus of Valsalva, respectively
exercise. Symptomatic patients should undergo (Panduranga and Al-Mukhaini 2012; Surana et al.
surgery, which follows the techniques described 2012). Since numbers of patients are very small,
for an anomalous left coronary artery treatment strategies have to be evaluated for each
(. Fig. 20.6). patient dependent on individual risk factors.





..Fig. 20.6  a, b Scheme of anomalous origins of the right coronary artery from the left sinus of Valsalva; LAD left
anterior descending artery, LCX left circumflex artery, PA pulmonary artery, RCA right coronary artery, AO aorta






..Fig. 20.7  a–c Scheme of anomalous courses of the circumflex artery. The artery may originate either with a
separate ostium, a common ostium, or as a branch of the right coronary artery. LCX left circumflex artery, RCA right
coronary artery, LAD left anterior descending artery, PA pulmonary artery, AO aorta
Chapter 20 · Congenital Anomalies of the Coronary Arteries and Coronary Diseases
653 20
20.4  ongenital Atresia of the Left
C 20.5 Single Coronary Artery
Main Stem
Single coronary arteries are defined as a coro-
There have been early reports of atresia of the nary artery system that arises from a single coro-
left coronary ostium (Byrum et  al. 1980; nary ostium supplying the entire myocardium
Mullins et  al. 1972; van der Hauwaert et  al. (. Fig.  20.9). Since the anomaly is considered
1982). One of the earliest surgical corrections benign and symptoms are extraordinarily rare,
by saphenous vein grafting is described by diagnosis is usually made accidentally. Incidence
Mullins et  al. in 1972 (Mullins et  al. 1972). is reported with 0.04 % (Dodge-Khatami et  al.
Collaterals from the right coronary artery pro- 2000). Associations with congenital malforma-
vide perfusion of the left coronary system tions have been described in transposition of
(. Fig. 20.8). Atresia of the left coronary artery the great arteries, tetralogy of Fallot, truncus
can be differentiated from a single coronary arteriosus, arteriovenous fistula, endocardial
artery by coronary angiography showing a ret- fibroelastosis, and bicuspid aortic valve (Dodge-
rograde perfusion of the left coronary system. Khatami et al. 2000). The classification proposed
Therefore, patients present with signs similar by Smith et  al. (Smith 1950) is usually applied.
to those of Bland-White-Garland syndrome, It divides the pattern in three subtypes. Type I
such as syncope, failure to thrive, angina, dys- refers to a single coronary artery that follows the
pnea, or myocardial infarction (Musiani et  al. course of one of the two regular arteries. In type
1997). However, they miss the feature of left II, the course follows the normal distribution of
coronary artery steal, namely left-to-right both coronary vessels. Anomalous courses that
shunt into the pulmonary artery. Surgery is cannot be assigned to either type I or II are clas-
indicated once the diagnosis is established. sified as type III. The Congenital Heart Surgery
Therapeutic strategies aim at creating a two Nomenclature and Database Project follows a
coronary system. Most commonly, coronary more detailed classification based on the one
artery bypass grafting is performed. Left main suggested by Smith and described by Sharbaugh
trunk reconstruction has been described, too. in 1974 (Dodge-Khatami et al. 2000; Sharbaugh





..Fig. 20.9  Single right coronary artery with

..Fig. 20.8  Congenital atresia of the left main stem. LAD interarterial course of the left coronary artery. LAD left
left anterior descending artery, LCX left circumflex artery, anterior descending artery, LCX left circumflex artery, PA
PA pulmonary artery, RCA right coronary artery, AO aorta pulmonary artery, RCA right coronary artery, AO aorta
654 C. Haller and C. Schlensak

and White 1974). Other more detailed and Congenital Heart Surgery Nomenclature and
complex classifications have been created, too Database Project refers to an angiographic classi-
(Ogden 1970). fication by Sakakibara et  al. who differentiate
The risk of sudden cardiac death is only between a proximal and a distal type (Sakakibara
increased in patients with an anomalous course et al. 1966).
in between the great vessels. This may be the only Patients usually present with signs and symp-
indication for surgery once a single coronary toms due to left-to-right shunting. The size of the
artery is diagnosed. If needed, coronary bypass fistula correlates with its clinical manifestation.
grafting is the most common therapeutic Most patients are asymptomatic and are referred
approach. because of an unusual murmur during ausculta-
tion. Since drainage to the right atrium or ventricle
is common, signs of right heart volume overload
20.6 Coronary Arteriovenous can be seen. Nonspecific signs such as fatigue, dys-
Fistulas pnea, angina, endocarditis, arrhythmias, and myo-
cardial ischemia or infarction may precede
Coronary arteriovenous fistulas are defined as congestive heart failure. A rare complication of
connections between the coronary arteries and coronary arteriovenous fistulas is endocarditis.
the cardiac chambers or the great vessels, bypass- Diagnosis is made by echocardiography,
ing the myocardial capillary bed. Small fistulas are which can be helpful in larger fistulas, showing
quite frequent and are considered normal. They the extent and course of the vessel. Angiography is
usually neither result in clinical signs and symp- regarded as gold standard, since shunt volumes
toms nor do they increase in size and therefore can be quantified and exact course, origin, drain-
commonly remain undetected (Yamanaka and age, and size of the fistula can be observed. CT or
Hobbs 1990). Spontaneous closure may occur in MRI can give additional valuable information
some cases (Qureshi 2006). before initiating therapy.
Coronary arteriovenous fistulas with relevant Spontaneous closures of coronary fistulas,
intracardiac shunts are rare. Incidence is specified although rare, have been reported (Griffiths et al.
between 0.18 and 0.87 % (Angelini et  al. 2002; 1983; Hackett and Hallidie-Smith 1984; Schleich
Yamanaka and Hobbs 1990). As with most coro- et al. 2001). Indications for therapeutic closure are
nary anomalies, reports of incidence are biased symptomatic malformations and signs of heart
since asymptomatic patients may circumvent failure, myocardial ischemia, or when large but
diagnostic detection. Coronary fistulas have first clinically still asymptomatic shunt volumes are
been described by Krause in 1865 (Krause 1865). detected. If asymptomatic, therapeutic strategies
Björck et al. described the first surgical approach remain controversial due to the potentially benign
(Biorck and Crafoord 1947). Most commonly, this course of the diseases.
anomaly is considered congenital even though fis- There are several treatment options using
tulas can be acquired by trauma or may be sec- interventional approaches as well as surgical tech-
ondary to surgical or interventional procedures. niques. Since its first description in the 1980s,
Associated congenital malformations are catheter-based closure of coronary fistulas was
described, such as atrial and ventricular septal performed numerously. A multitude of different
defects, tetralogy of Fallot, double-outlet right devices have been used, ranging from detachable
ventricle, pulmonary or aortic stenosis, mitral balloons and coils of various types to Amplazer
regurgitation, and patent ductus arteriosus duct occluders (Qureshi 2006; Wiegand et  al.
(Fernandes et al. 1992). 2009). The risk of interventional procedures is
Most coronary fistulas, approximately embolization of the device, especially in high-flow
50–60 %, arise from the right coronary artery, fol- fistulas. Surgical approaches aim at direct closure
20 lowed by the left anterior descending (~35 %) and of the anomaly. Depending on size, location, and
the circumflex artery (~18 %) (Dodge-Khatami myocardial perfusion, closure can be achieved
et  al. 2000; Gowda et  al. 2006). Fistulas usually with or without cardiopulmonary bypass.
drain to the right side, most commonly to the Especially in large fistulas with impaired myocar-
right ventricle, followed by the right atrium. The dial perfusion, a trans ventricular approach with
anomaly may present isolated or multiple. The closure of its drainage site should be considered.
Chapter 20 · Congenital Anomalies of the Coronary Arteries and Coronary Diseases
655 20
If  the coronary vessel is considerably dilated,
aneurysmorrhaphy or resection with interposi-
tion or bypass grafting may be needed.
Outcome of interventional and surgical pro-
cedures is excellent with only low mortality
rates (Mavroudis et  al. 1997; Qureshi 2006).
Treatment strategies should be evaluated care-
fully and discussed in an interdisciplinary team
to guarantee optimal care.

20.7 Coronary Bridging

Intramyocardial courses of coronary arteries
exemplify the gradual transition from a variation
of what is considered normal to a substantial
anomaly (Angelini 2007). Coronary bridging is
defined as muscle fibers crossing the usually sub-
..Fig. 20.10  Division of bridging muscle bundles of the
epicardially running arteries. This can lead to
left anterior descending artery
external compression of the coronary artery dur-
ing systole. There is great variance when it comes
to incidence of myocardial bridges. On average, load with the use of negative inotropic or chrono-
one third of adult patients are suspected to have tropic drugs. Surgery can be performed with or
these (Möhlenkamp et al. 2002). Since most coro- without cardiopulmonary bypass. Since the left
nary bridges do not compress the artery substan- anterior descending artery is most commonly
tially, the incidence is much lower in coronary affected, accessibility of the bridging segment is
angiograms. Prevalence is higher in hypertrophic usually straightforward. The muscle bundles are
obstructive cardiomyopathy, although its effect incised and divided (. Fig. 20.10). In severe cases,
on ischemia or risk of sudden death is discussed other approaches such as coronary artery bypass
controversially (Mohiddin et  al. 1999; Yetman grafting, using the left internal mammary artery,
et al. 1998). Coronary narrowing due to myocar- can be taken into consideration.
dial bridges is a systolic phenomenon. Coronary Prognosis of myocardial bridges is good inde-
blood flow mainly occurs during diastole and pendent of treatment strategy. Series report excel-
therefore is not affected at this time. Tachycardia lent outcome with most of the deaths being related
can provoke symptoms since coronary flow to noncardiac causes (Juilliére et al. 1995; Kramer
reserve and the diastolic filling time are et al. 1982; Ural et al. 2009).
decreased. Severity of symptoms depends on
length of the bridging segment, depth, localiza-
tion, and other characteristics. In the majority of 20.8 Coronary Aneurysms
cases, coronary bridges affect the left anterior
descending artery. Coronary aneurysms were first described in 1761
Diagnosis must be suspected in patients pre- by Morgagni et al. (Morgagni 1761). A coronary
senting with signs and symptoms of myocardial artery dilation of more than 50 % compared to
ischemia lacking traditional risk factors. Further the distally located normal vessel diameter is
work-up should include coronary angiography considered as a coronary aneurysm. This defini-
although there are a high number of false negatives. tion can be imprecise especially in cases of dif-
Intravascular ultrasound can be a helpful tool. fuse dilation in which normal coronary size is
Most coronary bridges are considered benign. If hard to assess (Angelini et al. 1999). Giant aneu-
symptomatic, therapy may be indicated, although rysms are not well defined with some authors
there is little data on survival benefits. Therapy can referring to more than 5 up to more than 15 mm
be medicinal, surgical, or interventional. Medical of vessel diameter (Li et  al. 2005; McNeal-
treatment aims at reduction of myocardial work- Davidson et al. 2013).
656 C. Haller and C. Schlensak

Incidence ranges between 1.5 and 5 % (Syed cate antiplatelet or anticoagulant treatment even
and Lesch 1997). Congenital aneurysms only though there are no clear criteria for initiation of
form a minor part. Atherosclerosis is reported as therapy. If symptomatic, surgical therapy is indi-
the main cause of aneurysms, although numbers cated. Especially if patients are at increased risk
vary depending on the study population. Kawasaki of rupture, e.g., in case of giant aneurysms or
disease, for example, mainly affects Japanese and rapid progression, if there are signs of local com-
Korean people, but increasing incidence has been pression or if additional coronary artery pathol-
reported for the United States, too (Newburger ogies exist, surgery should not be delayed. In
and Fulton 2004; Taubert 1997). Other associa- case of asymptomatic, moderately sized aneu-
tions have been reported for systemic vasculitis rysms, therapy may not be necessary and close
(e.g., Churg-Strauss syndrome, polyarteritis follow-up combined with medical treatment can
nodosa, syphilis, systemic lupus erythematosus, be sufficient.
Takayasu’s arteritis), connective tissue disorders Via a median sternotomy, all aneurysms
(e.g., Marfan’s or Ehlers-Danlos syndrome), bac- should be accessible. Exposure of the left main
terial infections, drugs, or trauma (Cohen and coronary artery can be challenging. Strategies
O’Gara 2008; Hartmann et  al. 2012; Syed and include coronary artery bypass grafting with liga-
Lesch 1997). tion, resection, or marsupialization of the aneu-
The right coronary artery is most commonly rysm. Off-pump coronary artery bypass
affected accounting for 40–87  % of coronary techniques have been reported (Emaminia et  al.
aneurysms (Cohen and O’Gara 2008; Cohn 2007). 2011; Ishikawa et  al. 2004), as well as interven-
Among 978 patients examined by Swaye et  al. tional approaches.
(1983), the proximal and middle segments of the
right coronary artery were most frequently
involved, followed by the proximal left anterior 20.8.1  Kawasaki Disease
descending and the circumflex artery. Left main
coronary aneurysms have been described but are Kawasaki disease, also known as mucocutaneous
considerably rare. lymph node syndrome, is the leading cause of
Clinical presentation depends on size of the acquired heart disease in children in the United
aneurysm and can range from asymptomatic States and Japan (Taubert 1997). First described
patients to signs of myocardial ischemia, con- by Kawasaki (1967) in 1967, the disease is an acute
gestive heart failure, or even sudden cardiac febrile vasculitis of medium-sized vessels. Its role
death. There is an increased risk of thrombosis, in pediatric cardiac surgery is related to the occur-
thromboembolism, fistula formation, and rup- rence of coronary artery aneurysms which can
ture (Cohen and O’Gara 2008). Large aneu- affect 15–25 % of untreated children (Newburger
rysms may be seen on chest x-rays or during et  al. 2004). The mainstays of therapy are anti-
routine echocardiography. Standard imaging is inflammatory drugs, intravenous immunoglobu-
made with CT or MRI, which offers the possibil- lin, anticoagulation, and TNF-α inhibition.
ity of reconstructing the extent of the dilated Administration of intravenous immunoglobulin
vessel and its relation to adjacent structures. can reduce the prevalence of coronary artery
Coronary angiography is usually performed abnormalities (Durongpisitkul et  al. 1995). In
adding information on coronary anatomy, coex- Kawasaki disease, impressive regression of aneu-
isting atherosclerotic coronary artery disease, rysms has been reported, depending on initial
and associated fistulas. aneurysmal size (McNeal-­Davidson et al. 2013).
It is not clear if patients with coronary aneu- Regression has been described in 55 % of affected
rysms with associated atherosclerotic coronary patients during follow-­up (Kato et al. 1996). This
artery disease are at higher risk for adverse is commonly due to myointimal proliferation,
20 events than those without atherosclerosis. causing stenosis of the coronary. In giant coronary
Nevertheless, coronary aneurysms show worse aneurysms, ­ antithrombotic management most
outcomes when compared to the general popula- commonly includes low-dose aspirin combined
tion (Baman et al. 2004; Demopoulos et al. 1997; with warfarin, aiming at an international normal-
Hartnell et  al. 1985; Swaye et  al. 1983). ized ratio of 2.0–2.5 (Gordon et  al. 2009;
Conservative regimes in larger aneurysms advo- Newburger et al. 2004).
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663 21

Congenital Anomalies
of the Great Vessels
Gerhard Ziemer and Renate Kaulitz

21.1 Introduction – 665

21.2 Anomalies of the Aorta – 665

21.2.1  nomalies Resulting in Aortic Hypoplasia
and/or Stenosis – 665 Coarctation of the Aorta/Aortic Isthmus Stenosis – 665 Interrupted Aortic Arch – 680 Segmental Hypoplasia of the Aorta («Midaortic
Syndrome») – 686 Cervical Aortic Arch – 686 Persistence of the Fifth Arterial Arch (Fifth Aortic Arch or
Double-Lumen Aortic Arch) – 687
21.2.2  ortic Anomalies Causing Compression
of Neighboring Structures – 688 Foreword – 688 History of Surgery for Vascular Ring Formations – 688 Aim of Surgery for Vascular Rings – 689 Double Aortic Arch/Complete Vascular Ring – 690 Incomplete Vascular Ring – 692 Kommerell Diverticulum – 692 Less Common Findings of a Vascular Ring – 694 Compression Caused by an Aberrant Origin
of the Brachiocephalic Trunk/Innominate Artery – 694

21.3 Anomalies of the Pulmonary Artery – 695

21.3.1  bstructive Anomaly of the Pulmonary
Artery: Coarctatio Pulmonalis/Pulmonary
Artery Coarctation – 695
21.3.2 Pulmonary Artery Anomaly Causing/Being Associated
with Compression/Hypoplasia of Neighboring
Structures: Pulmonary Artery Sling – 696

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_21
21.4 Left to Right Shunt – 699
21.4.1 Ductus Arteriosus Botalli – 699 Patent Ductus Arteriosus of the Premature Baby – 700 Persistent Ductus Arteriosus in Infants and Children – 702 Persistent Ductus Arteriosus in Adults – 704 Atherosclerotic Ductus Arteriosus – 705 Infection of the Ductus Arteriosus – 705 Aneurysm of the Ductus Arteriosus – 706
21.4.2 Aortopulmonary Window – 707 Classification – 707 Surgical Treatment – 708

21.5 Right to Left Shunt – 711

21.5.1  ulmonary Arteriovenous Fistula – 711
21.5.2 Pulmonary Artery to Left Atrium Communication – 711

References – 713
Chapter 21 · Congenital Anomalies of the Great Vessels
665 21
21.1 Introduction duct (later arterial ligament), has a rather typically
diminished diameter at birth. In the old days, this
There is a vast spectrum of congenital anomalies led to the naming «isthmus», in analogy to a geo-
affecting the major intrathoracic arteries. These graphical term for the narrow land connection
anomalies may be the result of a complicated between the Peloponnese peninsula and the Greek
embryologic development from primitive ventral mainland, the Isthmus of Corinth. Developmentally,
and two dorsal aortas and their interconnecting the relative aortic narrowing can be explained with
branchial arches (Dische et al. 1975). They also may the small fraction of circulating blood passing this
result from hemodynamic pathophysiology second- aortic segment in fetal circulation.
ary to intracardiac lesions interfering with originally The obstructive lesion at this site had been
normal or abnormal ontogenetic vessel develop- described for some time as stenosis of the aortic isth-
ment. For the final pathoanatomy, we may distin- mus. Although isolated significant hypoplasia of the
guish between two principle groups of lesions. One isthmus, resulting in hemodynamic obstruction,
group comprises autochthonous lesions of great ves- does occur, the typical lesion to deal with is a rather
sels (narrowings, interruptions, atresias, abnormal distinct narrowing, a coarctation at the junction of
connections) which result in hemodynamic symp- aortic isthmus and the further descending aorta, the
toms, while the other group reveals anomalous posi- latter receiving most of its blood flow in utero from
tionings of the aorta and its branches causing the arterial duct. When aortic coarctation is accom-
symptoms by compressing neighboring structures. panied by aortic arch hypoplasia, either only distal
Anatomical shortcuts leading to hemody- or complete arch hypoplasia, frequently intracardiac
namic shunts will only be dealt with in this chap- congenital heart disease is associated (▶ Chapter
ter when they occur as isolated lesions. «Ventricular Septal Defects», Sect. 14.6.3). In cases of
We will proceed according to the following arch hypoplasia, the isthmus usually has more pro-
division/classification: nounced hypoplasia as well.
The localized narrowing/stenosis is at the cra-
nial circumference of the open arterial duct or
55 Anomalies of the aorta later the arterial ligament where it is connecting
55 Anomalies resulting in aortic to the aorta. Former classifications distinguished
hypoplasia/stenosis between pre- and post-ductal coarctations as well
55 Anomalies causing compression of as empirically between adult or infant coarctation
neighboring organs types. According to the lasso theory, backed by his-
55 Anomalies of the pulmonary artery
tology (Elzenga et al. 1986), as well as by the flow
55 Anomalies resulting in pulmonary
theory (Rudolph et al. 1972), these classifications
artery hypoplasia/stenosis
should not be used anymore.
55 Anomalies causing compression of
Pathogenesis of aortic coarctation starts with
neighboring organs
abnormal fetal hemodynamics. It may or may not be
55 Congenital shortcuts involving major
associated with intracardiac left-sided obstructive
intrathoracic vessels
lesions. These lesions result in decreased blood flow
55 Left to right shunt
in the ascending aorta, aortic arch, and isthmus and
55 Right to left shunt
consequently increased flow through the main pul-
monary artery and finally the arterial duct into the
descending aorta. This increased flow causes ductal
21.2 Anomalies of the Aorta myoepithelial cells to migrate within the whole cir-
cumference of the arterial duct into the adjacent
21.2.1   nomalies Resulting in Aortic
A descending aorta. These prostaglandin-sensitive
Hypoplasia and/or Stenosis cells contract postnatally when the prostaglandin
serum level drops and the oxygen saturation rises. Coarctation of the Aorta/ This contraction, physiologically meant to close the
Aortic Isthmus Stenosis ductus, in the presence of ductal cells in the aortic
Without being obstructive, the most proximal part circumference, will also narrow or even close the
of the descending aorta, between takeoff of the left aortic lumen. The mechanism for this localized ste-
subclavian artery and the junction of the arterial nosis can be viewed as a protrusion of the aortic wall
666 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

into the lumen, caused by a lasso, leading to an ther on remain clinically asymptomatic for
intraluminal membrane once the inverted wall is months or years. A good clinical exam, however,
fibrosed. The term «coarctatio aortae», aortic coarc- should suffice to detect the disease early on (weak
tation, is a description of this process: the Latin pulses in lower extremities, hypertension of upper
word coarcere means pulling together. extremities, systolic murmur best heard paraver-
An important acute therapeutic option to tebrally next to the left scapula). Surgery in these
secure lower body perfusion in critical neonatal cases is elective; however, it should not be delayed
aortic coarctation is medical reopening of the significantly, as complications of long-standing
arterial duct and thereby diminishing the restric- not operated aortic coarctation, like irreversible
tion in the adjacent aorta: a prostaglandin infu- arterial hypertension or left ventricular hypertro-
sion paralyzes the ductal myoepithelial cells in the phy, reduce life expectancy.
ductus and aorta. A concomitant aortic arch The mechanism and cause of these late dys-
hypoplasia can be explained by fetal hemodynam- functions remain unclear. A humoral pathophysi-
ics; however, at no point can it be treated medi- ologic chain, based on the currently known
cally. It remains a point of discussion as to whether mediators for arterial hypertension, has been
or not a hypoplastic arch segment has growth excluded, and the existence of an intrinsic vascu-
potential once the aortic coarctation has been lar pathology is being speculated upon (Pedersen
taken care of (DeLeon et  al. 1991; Siewers et  al. et  al. 2011). The patient group followed in this
1991). Therefore the surgical approach, to simul- paper, however, had been operated on between
taneously take care of both the coarctation and 1965 and 1985. Median age at repair had been
the hypoplastic arch if present, is the safe strategy. 10 years and 44 years at follow-up.
An isolated aortic coarctation can present clin- As technological advances in the field of MR
ically in various forms. The most serious form is techniques are being applied on a wider scale also
critical neonatal aortic coarctation. The acutely for the study of the post-coarctation aortas, subtle
developing aortic stenosis at ductal closure within but considerable differences can be detected in
the first days of life may lead to cardiac decompen- comparison to the normal aorta but also between
sation. Lack of collateral flow to the lower body different repair techniques, which might influ-
adds to rapidly increasing acidosis and multi- ence the long-term prognosis of these patients. It
organ failure. Intensive care treatment comprising becomes clear that abnormal pulse wave propaga-
of prostaglandin infusion, also, may stabilize the tion, even in the absence of measurable pressure
patient within hours. Surgical treatment can be gradients, is strongly influencing the cardiac
safely delayed and metabolic compensation and hemodynamics and the aortic pressure and flow
urine production can be anticipated. If medical conditions (Kenny et  al. 2010). These abnormal
treatment does not result in immediate clinical hemodynamics may especially persist in those not
improvement of the patient, and echocardiogra- quite precisely defined moderately hypoplastic
phy shows only mild or no ductal opening, surgery arches in long-term follow-up (Liu et al. 2010; Lee
is indicated with urgency. An increased mortality et al. 2012).
has to be anticipated in these cases. A palliative Patients with native coarctation of the aorta
catheter procedure if more readily available than continuously develop a more and more complex
surgery in dramatic cases may be considered. and complete system of collaterals contributing to
More recent work has identified that patients lower body perfusion. Main collateral courses are
with prenatally diagnosed isolated coarctation the mammary and intercostal arteries as well as
have a more severe anatomical form of coarcta- thoracic wall muscle artery branches. They are
tion, often accompanied by borderline hypoplas- able to significantly diminish or even abolish an
tic left heart structures than the neonates with original pressure gradient at rest. Pulse quality
coarctation diagnosed only after the first week of and exercise pressure gradient will still be a source
age. The prenatally diagnosed neonates were more for clinical diagnosis.
likely to require extensive arch reconstruction
21 under ECC, and they had longer hospital stays kSurgical Access
(McCandless et  al. 2012). An aortic coarctation Standard approach for coarctation surgery is a
that remains silent at ductus closure, not causing posterolateral thoracotomy in the fourth intercos-
hemodynamic or metabolic symptoms, may fur- tal space (. Fig.  21.1). In neonates with a
Chapter 21 · Congenital Anomalies of the Great Vessels
667 21
tions or plasties are planned. An advantage of
young and very young age is excellent elasticity of
the aorta. Special care has to be taken not to injure
the nerves next and close to the aorta (vagus
nerve, recurrent laryngeal nerve, phrenic nerve).
The extent of the dissection required depends on
the repair technique planned as well as on indi-
vidual pathoanatomic features. While only a lim-
ited dissection is necessary for a patch plasty (in
neonates, infants, and small children nowadays
rarely indicated), a resection of the coarctation to
be followed by an end-to-end anastomosis
requires an extensive dissection/mobilization of
the distal aortic arch as well as of the proximal or
even farther descending aorta. The first two sets
of intercostal arteries originating directly off the
isthmus are usually mobilized and temporarily
encircled with vessel loops, or they may be even
closed with a clip.
The Abbott artery coined by Robert Gross
after Maude Abbott (the author of the first book
on pathoanatomy of congenital heart defects
..Fig. 21.1 The curved, 4–5 cm skin incision needs suf-
ficient distance to both tips of the scapula and spine.
(Abott 1936)) quite often shows up as an anoma-
Closer to the spine, its course is almost parallel to it lous artery in coarctation. It originates from the
back of the aortic isthmus and can lead to quite
disturbing bleedings in case of accidental rupture.
bodyweight <3 kg, thoracotomy in the third inter- Even in a case of a supposedly «simple» patch
costal space may be advantageous. A limited, plasty, this could be troublesome.
curved skin incision starting 1 cm below the tip of A further abnormality asking for clinical com-
the left scapula and pointing cranially to end about plications is the aberrant subclavian artery, also
1 cm lateral to the vertebra gives sufficient access. called lusorian artery (lusorian from Latin lusus
Thoracotomy in neonates and infants is rather naturae, capricious act of nature; also, God’s joke).
simple, right in the middle of the intercostal space An aberrant subclavian artery arises as the last
chosen. When dividing the chest wall muscles, supra-aortic branch off the aorta and takes its
special care has to be taken in older children, ado- course to the opposite side of the arch passing
lescents, and adults, as intramuscular arteries as behind the esophagus. As its involvement in the
part of the collateral artery system in coarctation actual aortic narrowing of the coarctation is not
may have reached significant size leading to unde- clear at clinical presentation, extremity blood
sirable bleeding. pressure measurements may be misleading.
Neonates, infants, and small children can be Intraoperatively, cross-clamping of the distal aor-
ventilated with routine tracheal intubation for tic arch in these cases obstructs flow to both sub-
coarctation surgery. For older children some- clavian arteries (normal and aberrant) and
times, but for adults always, double-lumen intu- theoretically impairs the perfusion of the spinal
bation for isolated right-sided ventilation is cord even more than in cases of normal subclavian
required. arteries. A study aimed to determine the influence
Intrathoracic dissection starts with sharp or of this anomaly on coarctation repair in five neo-
electrocautery division of the mediastinal pleura nates did not result in paraplegia which most cer-
covering the proximal descending aorta. tainly can be attributed to a short cross-clamp time
Dissection extends further to the subclavian (Hjortdal et al. 2003), as it is our own experience.
artery and reaches caudally for about three inter- Another not infrequent variation of aortic
costal spaces, at times as far as the diaphragm. arch branching is the isolated origin of the left
The latter is required when long-segment resec- vertebral artery coming off as the third branch
668 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

between left common carotid artery and left sub- repair, but other studies recommend heparin in a
clavian artery. While it neither is a health issue on dosage of 100 U/kg KG (Wright et al. 2005).
its own, nor should it complicate the procedure, it Both aortic cross-clamp and release lead to
must not be confused with the left-sided common significant and acute changes in left ventricular
carotid artery when the arch is dissected from the afterload. Whereas the mature myocardium toler-
left side. This would lead to an insufficient mobili- ates such an increase in the afterload, immature
zation of a hypoplastic aortic arch. neonates may develop acute cardiac decompensa-
A truncus bicaroticus which sometimes is tion (bradycardia and asystole). It is mandatory to
associated with a hypoplastic aortic arch should timely prevent this complication with pharmaco-
be diagnosed preoperatively also. Again, dissect- logical measures. In the presence of concomitant
ing from the left side, it could be mistaken for a atrial- and/or ventricular septal defects, aortic
left-sided carotid artery, and one could unneces- cross-clamping can be better tolerated as the
sarily feel required to further dissect for a bra- blood can be shunted into the pulmonary circula-
chiocephalic trunk. tion, thereby relieving the left ventricle’s acute vol-
In general all of these anomalies should be ume load and pressure overload. Release of the
described preoperatively by echocardiography in aortic cross-clamp is accompanied by an acute
neonates and infants or with any type of angiogra- decrease in coronary perfusion. This should be
phy in older patients. prevented by volume loading concomitant to
Regardless of the technique of repair chosen, clamp release. Immediate or intermittent clamp-
cross-clamping of the aorta is necessary. Steps of ing with stepwise reopening of the aorta can be
the procedure and the required close communica- necessary and useful.
tion with anesthesia may be described in detail. Following the correction, the intraoperative
gradient for the mean pressure should not exceed
2  mmHg measured in a femoral artery line. In
The invasive arterial blood pressure infants, a strong pulse in the descending aorta as
measurement has to be performed on the well as absence of a palpable thrill over the anas-
right arm (we prefer right radial artery) tomosis suggest a good result. An almost
because at least temporary occlusion of the unchanged blood pressure in the radial artery
left subclavian artery occurs during most after release of the descending aortic cross-clamp
procedures (Cave: aberrant right subclavian is extremely suspicious for a significant residual
artery). stenosis.
Intraoperative measurements seem to be not
very predictive for a successful operation in terms
An additional invasive blood pressure mea- of residual or recurrent coarctation. A recent ret-
surement distal of the coarctation in neonates, rospective study suggests that a noninvasive sys-
infants, and small children is not required as tolic gradient >13  mmHg at hospital discharge
long as the expected cross-clamp time for the has excellent discriminative accuracy in identify-
descending aorta will be safely less than 30 min. ing patients in whom subsequent recoarctation
If a longer clamp time has to be expected, espe- developed (Kumar et al. 2011). The authors also
cially in older patients or in cases of reoperation, frequently observed rapid growth of both the
a relevant ischemia of the spinal cord has to be ascending and the transverse aortas, which was
avoided, and it is essential to document the dis- associated with improvement in gradient over
tal perfusion during a test clamping. A distal time.
descending aortic/femoral artery mean perfu- The mediastinal pleura is closed with a con-
sion pressure of less than 40–50 mmHg at pro- tinuous suture. A significant pericardial effusion
batory cross-clamp in these cases requires an may have been drained by pericardial incision
assist procedure, e.g., partial left heart bypass or ventral of the ductus Botalli or the phrenic nerve
even full ECC, to as much as possible avoid already before aortic cross-clamping.
21 paraplegia, one of the worst complications of In neonates and infants, we do not place chest
this operation. tubes unless an air leak is present. The preplaced
While in our practice we do not heparinize pericostal absorbable sutures shall be tied during
during simple aortic cross-clamp for coarctation an inflation hold of the lungs.
Chapter 21 · Congenital Anomalies of the Great Vessels
669 21
The individual surgical techniques are dis- anastomosis after incision of the aortic arch should
cussed below: expand the concavity of the hypoplastic arch. Dis-
section usually starts at the proximal descending
Surgical Techniques for Coarctation of aorta and is continued circumferentially around
the Aorta the left subclavian artery. In absence of any side
55 Resection and end-to-end anastomosis branches at the proximal subclavian artery, with
55 Resection and extended end-to-end the exception of some adventitia vessels, a fast
anastomosis exposure can be expected.
55 Patch plasty (indirect Vossschulte
It is important to dissect in direct contact to
55 Direct Vossschulte plasty
the adventitia of the aorta and its side
55 Interposition graft
branches in order to avoid any injuries to the
55 Extra-anatomic bypass
esophagus, the thoracic duct, and nerves
55 Subclavian-aortic (Blalock-Park)
(vagus, recurrent laryngeal). Sharp dissection
55 Aorto-aor tic (ascending to
with scissors or electrocautery is preferential
descending aorta)
over blunt dissection in order to avoid
55 Subclavian flap plasty (Waldhausen)
tearing off of aortic side branches. Bleeding
55 Reverse subclavian flap plasty
can be much better taken care of if they
originate from clean cuts rather than from
tears. Avoid spreading tissue close to arteries.
kResection and end-to-end anastomosis
This technique was independently developed but
successfully performed for the first time by Clar- The next step is to circumferentially dissect the
ence Crafoord (Crafoord and Nylin 1945) in distal aortic arch as well as the isthmus and also the
Stockholm, Sweden (October 19, 1944) and shortly arterial duct or ligament. The Abbott artery as men-
thereafter by Robert Gross (1945a) in Boston, tioned above is the only side branch which may
Massachusetts (July 6, 1945), after the first Boston originate from the back of the aorta (see «general
patient, operated on June 28, 1945 had died (Bob remarks» and Lerberg 1981) and which has to be
Replogle, personal communication). Since then it detected and occluded. The presence of a lusorian
was made more sophisticated and adjusted to the artery should have been detected preoperatively. A
different ages and types of pathology. Today, for separate origin of a vertebral artery in between the
neonates and infants, this is the most frequently takeoffs of the left common carotid and left subcla-
performed technique for coarctation repair. vian artery is more difficult to be recognized by pre-
The major advantage of this technique, besides operative echocardiography. Being aware of the
avoiding artificial material, is the complete resection possibility of this anomaly avoids confusion. The
of the ductal tissue that may be present in the com- circumferentially exposed aortic arch is retracted
plete circumference of the aorta at the coarctation with a loose vessel loop; we prefer leading the loop
site. Any remaining ductal tissue in the aortic wall ventral to the arch and dorsal around the isthmus
may become responsible for most of the early reste- inferiorly and dorsal around the subclavian artery
nosis following coarctation repair in neonates superiorly. In case of an extreme hypoplasia, the
(Ziemer et al. 1986). Extending this technique, it can loop should go around the arch proximal to the left
be also applied for taking care of accompanying carotid artery to optimize exposure (. Fig.  21.2).
hypoplasia of the distal or even proximal aortic arch. These maneuvers especially improve complete
mobilization of the back of the aortic arch.
kExtended end-to-end anastomosis The ductus arteriosus may be dissected before
In these cases, an extensive mobilization of the aor- or after the maneuver described above, depending
tic arch from the left even beyond the origin of the on the mobilization achieved versus required. In
left carotid artery – sometimes beyond the brachio- neonates, most often the duct is kept open with
cephalic trunk and the ascending aorta – is neces- prostaglandin infusion. In these cases, the ductus
sary as well as a quite distal dissection of the tissue is very vulnerable and manipulation should
descending aorta circumferentially. The following be avoided as much as possible. Once the decision
670 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

a b

..Fig. 21.2  a, b The circumferentially exposed aortic arch is retracted with a vessel loop, crossing the arch ventral and
distal to the left common carotid artery. This course of the vessel loop allows for extensive dissection and mobilization
in preparation for an extended end-to-end anastomosis

..Fig. 21.3  Applying a A.pulmonalis

clip (titanium) to the aortic
side of the duct after the cir- N.vagus sin
cumferential suture to the
pulmonary side is already
tied. Before ductus division,
recurrens sin.
an additional clip may be
applied to the pulmonary
side, as this stump will
remain. Topography of the
vagus and recurrent laryn-
geal nerve is depicted


for closure is made, a circumferential polypropylene necessary, while clamping the aorta, they can be
suture is placed superficially into the ductal wall or closed either temporarily using Yasargil clips or
the ligamentum arteriosum on the pulmonary side, permanently with titanium clips. For temporary
which is tied simFultaneously with discontinuing occlusion in older patients, a vessel loop maneu-
the prostaglandin infusion if present. ver may be also adequate. We prefer a definitive
On the aortic side, a clip is applied and the duct collateral closure as a primary step with or without
will be cut. Then or already before, a prophylactic transection, depending on the exposure achieved.
second clip can be applied on the pulmonary side After complete mobilization, but before any
(. Fig.  21.3). Dividing the duct improves the aortic resection, the mechanical tension of the
approach to the descending aorta, which should be future anastomosis should be estimated by approx-
mobilized beyond the next two or three sets of inter- imation of the future resection sites, each being
costal arteries. In case of a good exposure, neither the grabbed with forceps. This also could be done dur-
clip on the aortic side nor duct division is required at ing a test clamping phase by approximating the
this point. After placing the aortic clamps, the duct proximal and distal clamps. Mobilization may be
21 can be cut en bloc with coarctectomy. extended thereafter if necessary to reduce the risk
The intercostal arteries of a neonate are easily of anastomosis strictures caused by mechanical
identified and clearly structured, but with advanc- tension. Cross-clamping the aorta proximally
ing age, they become big, winding, and friable. If always includes the subclavian artery employing
Chapter 21 · Congenital Anomalies of the Great Vessels
671 21
a b

..Fig. 21.4  a–c Clamps in place after coarctectomy and arch incision a. Dorsal «inner» suture line of the anastomosis
performed with the clamps approximated b. Final anastomosis, clamps removed c

one curving clamp. In cases of more proximal arch line with the suture material available. Even inter-
hypoplasia, the aortic cross-clamp will include the rupted single suture lines tended to scar down as
left subclavian and carotid artery (. Fig. 21.4a, b). materials like silk provoked a rather heavy foreign
Now the complete resection of the juxtaductal body reaction. Nowadays circumferential anasto-
segment of the aorta is performed. The cutting edges mosis with absorbable (polydioxanone suture, PDS
should be free of any ductal tissue. If further resec- [Ethicon]; neonates, 7/0; infants, 6/0; children and
tion and/or anastomosis is necessary, the distal adolescents, 5/0) and with nonabsorbable monofil-
clamp may have to be moved more caudally. Into the ament sutures (polypropylene up to 6/0) shows a
arch, an aortotomy is commenced in the concavity normal potential of growing, even when employed
of the aortic arch and it is extended to cover the as a continuously running suture. The 6/0 polypro-
complete hypoplastic segment. In case of a now pylene sutures obviously rupture during growth.
enlarged proximal circumference in comparison to For adults we use 4/0 polypropylene sutures.
the circumference of the descending aorta, a dorsal A closure of the isthmus followed by an end-­
incision can be performed into the descending aorta to-­side anastomosis of the descending aorta to the
out of the distal resection site to create a harmonic aortic arch (neonates, infants) provides a techni-
E-E-anastomosis including the subclavian artery. cal variation as described by Frank Hanley’s group
Occasionally a separate implantation of the subcla- (Rajasinghe et al. 1996) (. Fig. 21.5).
vian artery is performed distal to or directly into the
aortic anastomosis to facilitate aortic reconstruction. kIndirect Vossschulte plasty
In the 1960s and 1970s, a direct E-E-­anastomosis In 1957 Vossschulte described a technique to
was not routinely performed in children, owing to enlarge the isthmus and the coarctation site by a
the fear of lack of growth of a circumferential suture plasty with an artificial patch, originally Dacron,
672 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

a b

..Fig. 21.5  Alternative repair of neonatal aortic coarctation, complicated by distal aortic arch hypoplasia: Hanley repair.
a All vascular structures involved are circumferentially dissected and mobilized: aortic arch, distal ascending aorta, aortic arch
branches, descending aorta as far as possible, and arterial duct. Sites of resection or incision are indicated by dotted lines.
b Left subclavian and left carotid artery as well as proximal arch are occluded with fine Satinsky-type clamp allowing for unre-
stricted flow in brachiocephalic trunk. The aortic isthmus is definitely closed with two clips, the ductus and all ductal tissue con-
taining descending aorta are resected, and the aortic arch is longitudinally incised in its concavity. Pulmonary end of the ductus
is closed with clip and/or suture. c Final sites after end-to-side anastomosis of the descending aorta to underside of aortic arch in
its concavity (From Rajasinghe et al. (1996); used with permission)

later polytetrafluoroethylene (Vossschulte 1957). rysms and risk of dissection (Aebert et al. 1993).
The coarctation membrane was usually excised and This may be caused by the weakened aortic wall
the intima-­media defect was often, but not always, following the resection of the intima-media mem-
oversewn. This technique originally was employed brane. It also may be due to the different elasticity
only for older children, adolescents, and adults. properties (anisoelasticity) of the patch material
For this patch-plasty, the so-called indirect used compared with the aortic wall, especially
Vossschulte plasty, a mobilisation of the aorta is when weakened by membrane resection (De
not necessary. This is advantageous in a case of Santo et al. 1987; Rheuban et al. 1986). There are
significant tortuous collaterals or major adhesions no reports on late aneurysm formation after
caused by former procedures. The length of the coarctation patch plasty in neonates or infants.
isthmus is unchanged and there is no risk of ste- In fact this kind of repair seems to experience a
nosis caused by mechanical tension (. Fig. 21.6). renaissance. Carl Backer and Gus Mavroudis used
21 The disadvantages of this technique became the procedure as an elective procedure in all
obvious over time in the follow-up of patients patients age 2–16  years, but unlike the original
receiving this operation at an age of more than method, the intima-media membrane will remain
14 years: all studies report development of aneu- untouched (Mavroudis and Backer 2003).
Chapter 21 · Congenital Anomalies of the Great Vessels
673 21

a b

c d

..Fig. 21.6  a–d Indirect isthmus (patch-) plasty according to Vossschulte: after proximal and distal aortic cross-
clamping and temporary occlusion of major collaterals entering the clamped aortic segment, longitudinal aortotomy is
performed, well covering the aortic isthmus and the coarctation site a. The membrane may be kept in place or cut out b.
If cut out, a continuous suture of the intima and media may cover the defect and reinforce the weakened wall c. Sutur-
ing the patch into place, standard rules apply: avoid oversizing and no tapered edges d. Nowadays, this technique
should be applied only exceptionally in lack of any other options

kDirect Vossschulte Plasty kResection and interposition graft

In contrast to the indirect plasty, the direct Vosss- This is the operation of choice in adolescents and
chulte plasty does not require a patch. It does, adults when an E-E anastomosis cannot be per-
however, require an extended mobilization of the formed. It replaces the patch plasty and prevents a
proximal and distal aorta. Analogous to the stricture in an anastomosis under tension. Proper
Heineke-Mikulicz plasty of the pylorus in visceral suture technique provided and absence of infec-
surgery, the narrow segment of the aorta is incised tion, development of an aneurysm should also be
in length and sutured in a crosswise fashion avoidable. The diameter of the prosthesis depends
(. Fig. 21.7). on the circumference of the descending aorta. A
At present we do not see any benefit of this diameter of 18 mm can be sufficient for a nonre-
technique compared to the resection and E-E strictive blood flow even in bigger adults. For
anastomosis, particularly because the technique smaller patients, especially in redo procedures,
can be performed only in cases of a short-segment one may be content to use a smaller graft like 14
narrowing. or 16  mm. Significant oversizing is without
674 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

a b


..Fig. 21.7  a, b Direct plasty according to Vossschulte. a Longitudinal incision commences in the aortic arch and
extends throughout the isthmus beyond the coarctation into the proximal descending aorta. b Suture of the longitudi-
nal incision in a crosswise fashion

advantage, as the long-term result depends on the tissue or insufficient proximal extension during
quality and diameter of the original anastomosis the primary operation) can usually be redone with
anyways. And again, smaller people have smaller a further more extended resection combined with
vessels! a proximal enlargement. If necessary, a sternot-
omy and extracorporeal circulation with circula-
tory arrest have to be utilized. Beyond the infant
The normal aorta is a rather delicate organ age, this kind of recurrent stenosis should not be
(Heinemann et al. 1997). treated in that way. Adhesions make the dissection
more difficult and can cause severe damage by
accidental injuries of related structures (phrenic
The operation should be performed in accor- nerve, recurrent laryngeal nerve, esophagus, tho-
dance with state-of-the-art general principles of racic duct). A repeat resection in these patients
vascular surgery. Outside neonatal, infant, and beyond infant age increases the mechanical ten-
child age, the operation should be only per- sion of the vessels because of a postoperative
formed in simple clamping, when a sufficient fibrosis with the aortic tissue not being elastic any-
arterial pressure in the descending aorta is con- more. This leads to a higher risk of another recur-
tinuously monitored (see above). In all other rent stenosis, if the re-resected aortic ends could
cases, a temporary bypass procedure should be be directly anastomosed anyways. Today these re-
employed. coarctations are a primary indication for interven-
tional dilatation and stent placement. It should be
kExtra-anatomic bypass in aortic isthmus kept in mind, however, that even after stent place-
stenosis/coarctation of the aorta ment, surgery may be necessary. Therefore, the
Extra-anatomic bypass procedures should not be length of the stent should be only as long as neces-
used in primary operations of an aortic isthmus sary to not further complicate future reoperation.
stenosis in children or adolescents. However, occa- In patients beyond infancy with a simple stric-
sionally it may be advisable even for older children ture of an anastomosis (without interventional
in repeatedly recurrent stenosis of the Isthmus, the option/success) and normal aortic arch and sub-
distal, or even in the proximal aortic arch to clavian artery, a Blalock-Park operation (bypass
employ an extra-anatomic bypass as a functional between left subclavian artery and descending
cure. For adults with a long-segment hypoplasia of aorta) through a left-sided thoracotomy can be
21 the isthmus, an extra-anatomic bypass procedure performed as a successful and simple treatment
can be appropriate even as a primary operation. (Blalock and Park 1944).
A recurrent stenosis in the first weeks after In general, the post-ductal descending aorta
neonatal operation (caused by remodeling duct can be laterally clamped in a generous way because
Chapter 21 · Congenital Anomalies of the Great Vessels
675 21
of the poststenotic reduced arterial pressure. We section of the descending aorta and the distal
recommend an extended circumferential expo- bypass anastomosis should be performed in accor-
sure of the aorta in the region of anastomosis or at dance to the abovementioned principles for the
least a vessel loop maneuver proximal and distal Blalock-Park bypass (Blalock and Park 1944).
of the planned anastomosis in elderly patients. Others prefer the intra-abdominal aorta for
After clamping, using an adequate large Satinsky the distal bypass anastomosis (Levy Praschker
clamp, the arterial pressure of the distal aorta has et  al. 2008). For us, this approach should be
to be checked. Especially in redo procedures, an reserved for specific and exceptional cases due
additional monitoring line for the arterial pres- to the complexity of the additional intra-
sure should be placed in the femoral artery or abdominal/retroperitoneal exposure. To opti-
descending aorta in addition to the always inva- mize length and position of the intrapericardial
sively monitored right radial artery pressure. course of the bypass, recommendation is to
The prosthesis to subclavian artery anastomo- use two separated prostheses for the proximal
sis should be in end-to-side technique at the prox- and distal anastomosis which then can be
imal intrathoracic segment of the artery. If further adjusted and anastomosed in ideal length and
growth of the patient has to be expected, the pros- position, not compromising any intrapericar-
thesis (polytetrafluoroethylene or Dacron) should dial structure.
be given some redundancy. This, however, should
not lead to kinking! kWaldhausen-Plasty («subclavian-flap-
Of special value is the extra-anatomic bypass plasty»)
in cases of accompanying hypoplasia of the aortic Waldhausen’s subclavian flap technique requires
arch (so-called complex recoarctation). Here, the dissection and transection of the left subclavian
bypass directly connects the ascending and artery, as in the original Blalock-Taussig shunt.
descending aorta. Employing the longitudinally split open subcla-
For this ascending to descending aortic vian artery as an in situ patch was the first long-
bypass, several courses may be considered: term successful technique of correcting neonatal
To achieve a bypass in an «orthotopic» but coarctation (Waldhausen and Nahrwold 1966).
still extraanatomic position, in which the bypass Reports on obstructions of growth and mal-
runs parallel and anterior to the aortic arch, usu- functioning of the left arm following the section
ally extracorporeal circulation is required as of the subclavian artery, as already historically
some retrocardiac dissection is necessary. If reported for the classical Blalock-Taussig shunt,
extracorporeal circulation is needed anyways, to may be considered as a detriment. This is also true
treat associated intracardiac lesions, aortic dis- for the potential late occurrence of a subclavian
section can be performed on the beating heart steel phenomenon. The fact of leaving ductal tis-
without any additional myocardial ischemia. sue in the aorta is an important cause of rather
Daebritz et  al. (1999) report about five patients early recurrence of coarctation in up to 25 % of
who received an orthotopic bypass in case of a neonates operated upon (Ziemer et al. 1986).
complex recoarctation through a left-­sided tho- Today the Waldhausen plasty may be
racotomy without extracorporeal circulation. employed in infant coarct reoperations when
Some groups suggest an extra-anatomic trans- resection and end-to-end techniques or artificial
pericardial connection between the ascending and patch plasties have failed without interventional
descending aorta through a median sternotomy treatment options available. This may be espe-
(McKellar et  al. 2007; Burkhart et  al. 2011). The cially true when repair is required in cases of sep-
proximal anastomosis is performed on the right sis and the exceptional case of local mycotic
side of the ascending aorta employing a side-biting aneurysm.
clamp. For the distal anastomosis, the descending After dissection, the subclavian artery is tran-
aorta is dissected transpericardially under careful sected proximal to the origin of the vertebral
retraction of the cardiac apex, using the OPCAB artery. The further incision line is performed
tools (e.g. vacuum, see also ▶ Chapter «Coronary along the lateral side of the subclavian artery,
Artery Disease», Sect., and . Fig. 22.19). extended beyond the isthmus and the coarctation
These groups claim an excellent approach to the into the descending aorta (. Fig. 21.8a, b). Once
supradiaphragmal descending aorta. The local dis- sutured into place, it has to be made sure that the
676 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

a b

c d

..Fig. 21.8  a–d Classic a, b and «inverse» c, d subclavian flap plasty. The incision extends clearly beyond the coarcta-
tion. As well as with the Vossschulte plasty, the membrane stays intact, or if resected, it is sewn from the inside (see
. Fig. 21.6c) a. After turning down of the laterally incised proximal left subclavian artery, it is sewn into the incised aorta
as a pedicled patch b. The «inverse» Waldhausen plasty is useful as a complementary technique in case of a long-seg-
ment hypoplastic distal aortic arch. In this technique, the left subclavian artery has to be incised medially to create the
pedicled patch required for the arch c. The localized coarctation is dealt with by a resection and end-to-end anastomo-
sis, not requiring much dissection d

subclavian flap reaches well beyond the ductal tis- we first would reevaluate the options for re-resec-
sue containing descending aortic wall, potentially tion and end-to-end anastomosis. A prosthetic
bypassing the later on occurring constriction of patch would be considered also before a subcla-
the ductal tissue at this location. vian flap in redo surgery as long as the segment to
Michel Ilbawi’s group modified the original be patched does not look severely scared and
Waldhausen technique by adding a direct therefore showing potential for future growth.
Vossschulte plasty (see . Fig. 21.7a, b) to create an The distally disconnected proximal left sub-
enlargement of the lumen and a reduction of clavian artery as a pedicled biological flap for the
length to be bridged by the subclavian flap (Allen aorta with growth potential is used also as an
et al. 2000). Asano in principle adds resection of additional or independent component of different
the coarctation with direct suture to be completed techniques (Zannini et  al. 1993). The «reverse
by the subclavian flap (Asano et al. 1998). subclavian flap» technique (. Fig.  21.8c, d) as
Currently we would see an indication for the described by Hart and Waldhausen (1983) is
«subclavian flap» technique only in the rare meant to be used in cases of a pre-isthmal aortic
21 infant who may require surgery for recoarctation stenosis. However the incidence of this variation
late after neonatal coarctectomy and end-to-end is minimal. This technique is also described by
anastomosis. But even in these rare events for Kanter to correct a hypoplasia of the distal aortic
surgery in the era of interventional cardiology, arch (Kanter et al. 2001).
Chapter 21 · Congenital Anomalies of the Great Vessels
677 21
As usual, it is important to transect the left
subclavian relatively distally, as the length of the In case of an extreme hypoplasia of the
proximal subclavian stump should bridge not proximal or the complete aortic arch, defined
only the segment to the left carotid but extend as less than 25 % of the diameter of the
into the proximal few millimeters of this vessel ascending aorta, transsternal surgery
as well. To create the reverse flap, the incision is employing extracorporeal circulation and if
carried along its medial border facing the left necessary deep hypothermic circulatory arrest
carotid artery, and it is continued into the con- also is recommended even in the absence of
vexity of the hypoplastic arch into the facing any additional intracardiac defects.
aspect of the left carotid artery. Distal dissection
and transsection, however, must not impair col-
lateralsation. Therefore both thyrocervical trunk A particularly unfavorable arch branching
and costocervical trunk as important collaterali- variant, especially for decision-making regarding
sation arterial branches of the subclavian artery surgical approach, is the common origin of the
have to be saved. brachiocephalic trunk and the left common
A more recent variant for this indication fol- carotid artery (truncus bicaroticus). When asso-
lows the same technical principle, but preserves ciated with coarctation, the distal aortic arch is
the left subclavian artery: After incision of left extremely long and accordingly hypoplastic. The
subclavian artery, convexity of the aortic arch, available techniques of extended plasties of the
and the left carotid artery, a prosthetic patch is aortic arch with or without E-E anastomosis may
interposed. In this way, the distal arch is work very well, when the clamped arch allows for
enlarged and both the takeoffs of the arteries are a good proximal lumen for which to end the
pushed distally (Dave et  al. 2012). In shorter plasty in. An intimate relationship of brachioce-
distal arch hypoplasia, both the cut open left phalic trunk and left carotid artery with a severely
subclavian artery and left common carotid hypoplastic distal arch from its origin may have a
artery may be sutured not only to the opened transsternal approach to be considered also.
distal arch but also to each other, creating a so-
called V/Y plasty which is used in vascular sur- kAortic coarctation as a part of complex
gery for vessel ­ stenoses immediately behind intracardiac anomalies
bifurcations (own experience). This creates a Only about a third of isolated coarctation surgery
common trunk for the left subclavian and com- used to be done in patients with normal intracar-
mon carotid artery which at the same time diac anatomy (Ziemer et  al. 1986). As already
enlarges the distal arch. mentioned above, the most important causes for a
hypoplastic isthmus or arch including coarctation
kAssociated hypoplasia of the aortic arch of the aorta are pathologic intracardiac flow pat-
A certain degree of hypoplasia of the aortic arch is terns developing during fetal life. Therefore coarc-
frequently associated with coarctation of the tation is rather more frequently part of an
aorta. The normal diameters of the aortic arch intracardiac defect (Anderson et al. 1983; Rudolph
segments are described in percentage in relation et al. 1972). Furthermore, coarctation is especially
to the ascending aorta. The values are set by mor- a complementary part of complex cardiac defects
phologists, being 60 %, 50 %, and 40 % for the with any left ventricular outflow tract obstruction
proximal and distal aortic arch and the aortic or complete underdevelopment of cardiac struc-
isthmus, respectively (Moene et al. 1982). tures serving the systemic circulation. Those typi-
There are no clear morphological cutoff values cal complex heart diseases are:
established which would indicate surgical therapy 55 Shone complex (see ▶ Sect.; 16.3.1; 17.1)
for segments below these values. While some 55 Taussig-Bing anomaly (see ▶ Sect.
studies have shown a potential for growth, other 55 Unbalanced atrioventricular septal defects
authors like us prefer the primary correction of (see ▶ Sect.; 13.6;
the hypoplastic aortic arch. The «extended» E-E 55 Various forms of univentricular hearts .
anastomosis or the «reverse subclavian flap» (see (see ▶ Sect. 13.3.3;
above) may enlarge the distal and if necessary the These complex congenital heart defects com-
proximal aortic arch also. bined with coarctation of the aorta usually
678 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

become symptomatic in the neonatal period and of more than 10 °C to proceed with coarctectomy
require immediate medical and surgical attention. in patients planned for intracardiac repair also.
While the extent of the first surgery, correction or While any simultaneous intracardiac and coarc-
palliation, is to be assessed individually, surgical tation repair can be done via median sternotomy, this
correction of the aortic coarctation is always access clearly facilitates an additional repair of a prox-
demanded. If only the correction of the aortic imal hypoplasia of the aortic arch. This can be per-
arch/coarctation of the aorta is planned without formed either as a long extended anastomosis,
any intracardiac repair, a left-sided thoracotomy comprising the entirely cut open concavity of the aor-
may be performed. This approach also allows for tic arch (. Fig. 21.9), an anastomosis comparable to
pulmonary artery banding if required. an interrupted aortic arch repair (. Fig. 21.11), or one
Correction of intracardiac defects employing may perform a direct E-S anastomosis between the
cardiopulmonary bypass in neonates requires a descending aorta and the ascending aorta after clip
median sternotomy. Moderate hypothermia or if closing of the isthmus (. Fig. 21.5). While we find it
necessary deep hypothermic circulatory arrest almost always possible to perform some type of direct
with or without (our preference) isolated brain autologous connection/anastomosis, in certain cases,
perfusion may be used. If deep hypothermic cir- a patch plasty with either synthetic material as
culatory arrest is planned, arterial cannulation for polytetrafluoroethylene, a tissue-­engineered patch, or
extracorporeal circulation is in the ascending pulmonary homograft wall may be performed.
aorta. In case of planning isolated cerebral perfu- An interesting patch material available for
sion also, the arterial access can be established arch reconstruction is autologous pulmonary
either via the brachiocephalic trunk using a PTFE artery wall harvested from the usually enlarged
prosthesis or via a direct cannulation of the distal pulmonary arteries in these settings (Roussin
ascending aorta on the right side. In both cases, et  al. 2002). The postulated advantages as com-
the aortic clamp can be placed during cardiac/cir- pared to other patch materials used have not been
culatory arrest to allow for «isolated» brain perfu- proven yet. Furthermore, it has to be evaluated
sion via the brachiocephalic trunk. In neonates, whether the postulated superior growth potential
once on pump, the proximal descending aorta can for the whole arch justifies the risk to impair the
be easily reached after performing the pericardial integrity of pulmonary valve and/or branches.
incision during cooling. To facilitate circumferen- The group from Texas Children’s Hospital
tial dissection of the descending aorta farther dis- recently reported a novel technique to address the
tally, a C-clamp (Cooley clamp  – «C» either hypoplastic aortic arch in patients beyond infancy,
representing Cooley or the form/shape of the when the elasticity of the involved vascular struc-
clamp) can be placed distal to the isthmus after tures could prevent an «extended» end-to-end
having sufficiently lowered the core temperature reconstruction (McKenzie et al. 2011). In fact this
to 25  °C.  During this clamp phase, flow of ECC technique is a mirror image of their previously
should be lowered to 50 %. described «advancement flap» (Elgamal et  al.
The cooling phase on ECC should be used to 2002). They transect the distal ascending aorta at
dissect and mobilize the aortic arch branches as the level of the arch. A longitudinal incision on the
far as possible and loop them with tourniquets. right anterolateral margin of the proximal ascend-
During cooling, a temperature gradient mea- ing aorta creates a tongue or flap, which is then
sured between intraesophageal, nasopharyngeal, anastomosed to the longitudinally incised under-
or tympanal on one side and intrarectal or intra- surface, the concavity of the aortic arch. The oper-
vesical (urine bladder) on the other side has to be ation is completed by a limited resection of
noted. High gradients may indicate an inadequate coarctation and isthmus, which is followed by an
circulation of the lower part of the body requiring end-to-end anastomosis incorporating the distal
an extended period of cooling (sometimes signifi- end of the ascending aortic patch/tongue. The
cantly longer than the usual 20 min used in any advantages speculated about with this kind of
case). In cases of undisputed anatomic and hemo- operation is the avoidance of foreign material
21 dynamic significant descending aortic narrow- bearing the risk of pseudoaneurysm formation.
ings, the temperature gradient on pump is not of Further speculation is a better elastic reservoir
importance. In cases of preoperatively question- function of the proximal aorta. Besides these theo-
able coarctations, we use a temperature gradient retical advantages, this approach has also practical
Chapter 21 · Congenital Anomalies of the Great Vessels
679 21
a b
Truncus brachiocephalicus
A. carotis communis sin.


..Fig. 21.9  a–c Trans-median sternotomy repair of aortic coarctation, with hypoplasia of the isthmus and the aortic arch.
Cannulation of the ascending aorta close, better opposite to the planned anastomosis/enlargement of the arch. Cannulation of
the ascending aorta is close, better opposite to the planned anastomosis/enlargement of the arch. The resection and incision
lines are visualized a. The arterial cannula is removed during deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (not always necessary). The
coarctation and isthmus are resected, the ductus transected, and the concavity of the aortic arch incision extends into the dis-
tal ascending aorta b. Final image after extended E-E anastomosis leading to enlargement of the arch also c

advantages in cases of recurrent coarctation With reaching the desired rectal temperatures
beyond infancy, where the challenging mobiliza- (<20 °C) and a cooling time of at least 20 min to
tion of the previous extensively manipulated ensure equal temperature distribution, the extra-
descending aorta can be avoided by performing corporeal circulation is arrested after the tempo-
the necessary extensive mobilization solely around rary closure of the arch vessels with tourniquets.
the proximal structures; but this technique always The blood is drained via the venous cannula into
requires extracorporeal circulation. the reservoir of the heart-lung machine. Usually
680 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

and Hypoplastic Left Heart Complex», Sect.

During circulatory arrest, the brain is the most claims his improved results in HLHS treatment are
sensitive organ. Besides keeping the arrest at least in part due to this cannulation technique.
period as short as possible, as an additional While recoarctation and coarctation in the adult
protective measure, the head should be were already treated with balloon dilatation in the
covered with ice packs throughout circulatory 1980s, routine interventional treatment of native
arrest, starting already during the cooling coarctation is meanwhile advocated by some, leading
phase. This is seen less as an additional cooling to sequential dilation of stents implanted in child-
measure than a measure to avoid rewarming of hood or definite placement of covered stents in ado-
the brain during the circulatory arrest period. lescents and adults (Egan and Holzer 2009; Godart
2011; Luijendijk et al. 2012; Butera et al. 2012).
Surgery for recoarctation follows the same
at this point, the temperature of the brain (in principles as for primary coarctation. Quite dif-
analogy measured as nasopharyngeal, esophageal, ferent than in primary coarctation, however, is
or tympanal) is <18 °C (or even <15 °C). the reduced collateralization, as some or many of
If the correction of the aortic arch is accomplished the collaterals may have been closed during pri-
expeditiously, the additional correction of a simple mary surgery. Therefore, we strongly recommend
intracardiac defect can be performed during the arterial pressure measurement in both right
same period of circulatory arrest. For longer times radial and one femoral artery even in in infants
spent for coarctation/arch reconstruction (>15 min), or small children to be aware of the potential risk
another short (1–3 min) l­asting reperfusion in deep of descending aortic cross-clamping. It has to be
hypothermia should follow before further intracar- judged early on whether the secondary opera-
diac repair in DHCA as recommended by Ross tion, either patch plasty, re-resection, or graft
Ungerleider and his group (Langley et al. 1999). In interposition, can be performed in simple clamp-
animal experiments, they showed a reduction of the ing. We liberally employ partial left heart bypass
risk for postoperative ischemic cerebral damage. for recoarctation surgery to avoid time constrains
After publication of the midterm results of the and secure lower body perfusion including spi-
Boston Circulatory Arrest Study (Bellinger et al. nal artery perfusion. In our practice, the young-
1993), several groups entertained the idea of iso- est patient patient operated upon for recoarctation
lated or selective cerebral perfusion avoiding employing partial left heart bypass (LA to distal
complete DHCA.  Some experimental reports descending aorta) was 7 years old. If in infants or
stress the harmful effects of ischemia and hypo- small children a transsternal approach is pre-
thermia although the counter arguments (cere- ferred with full extracorporeal circulation, oxy-
bral edema after long-lasting hypothermic genator, and cooling, femoral pressure control
«low-flow» perfusion with undefined pressure/ may not be necessary; however, it is a good
flow ratios) are also convincing to others. means to immediately control the quality of
At a temperature of less than 25  °C, about repair here also.
20–30 % of the calculated normal blood flow is
said to be sufficient for an isolated unilateral cere- Interrupted Aortic Arch
bral perfusion via the brachiocephalic trunk. This Interrupted aortic arch (IAA) has been defined as
is used by some groups for cerebral perfusion only a complete structural discontinuity in the course
(MacDonald et al. 2002; Pigula et al. 2000). Other of the aortic arch. An angiographic discontinuity
groups prefer a combined cerebral and myocardial of flow only, is sometimes referred to as pseudo-­
perfusion during the reconstruction of the aortic interruption when it relates to an extreme form of
arch (Ishino et  al. 2000; Kostelka et  al. 2004). a hypoplastic aortic arch with coarctation of the
Installing a double cannulation of the ascending aorta. However, in these cases, the structural con-
and descending aorta, directly above the dia- tinuity of the aortic arch is maintained.
phragm (Imoto et al. 1999, 2001), allows an almost In contrast to coarctation of the aorta, inter-
21 normothermic perfusion. While we think that the rupted aortic arch as an isolated malformation is
advantage of such a complex perfusion has not extremely rare (Dische et  al. 1975). It is almost
been proven, yet, Rudi Mair (see ▶ Chapter «Surgery always accompanied by additional intra- or extra-
for Aortic Atresia, Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, cardiac defects. These associated anomalies are
Chapter 21 · Congenital Anomalies of the Great Vessels
681 21
shunts on the ventricular level (ventricular septal lusorian artery (. Fig.  21.10b). As in type C, the
defect), in the ascending aorta (aortopulmonary ascending aorta gets only blood flow for coronaries
window), or in both locations (truncus arteriosus). and two supra-aortic arteries. The systemic perfu-
IAA as part of complex anomalies determines sion of the lower body and the supra-aortic branches
an independent type within certain classifications: beyond the interruption is duct dependent.
While the ventricular septal defect in coarcta-
55 Truncus arteriosus type A4 after Van Praagh
tion of the aorta is due to a posterior deviation of
55 Aortopulmonary window type IV
the outlet septum in 47 % of cases, a so-called pos-
terior malalignment VSD is present in 93 % of
In rare cases IAA can be also found in associa-
IAA (Kreutzer and Van Praagh 2000). This poste-
tion with a functional single ventricle. Variants of
rior malalignment narrows the left ventricular
hypoplastic left heart syndrome are the most fre-
outflow tract; however, this subaortic obstruction
quent forms of this single-ventricle circulation.
may become hemodynamically relevant only after
In the aortic atresia variant of HLHS compli-
repair of the aortic arch with or without VSD clo-
cated by IAA, coronary perfusion is dependent on
sure if no subaortic resection was performed.
vascular structures of various origins. Described is
Prediction for nonrequired resection is difficult.
a circle of Willis-dependent coronary perfusion
Regarding other VSDs, there are different sub-
associated with a well-developed aberrant right
types reported, but apart from the second most
subclavian artery (Tanous et al. 2006) or the Willis
frequently reported subpulmonary VSD, there is
collaterals, which were angiographically visualized
no other frequent location worth mentioned.
to come from an anterior spinal artery (artery of
Theoretically they could be anywhere.
Adamkiewicz) (Zsolt Prodan, Budapest, Hungary,
Besides posterior septal deviation, other types
personal communication). Interestingly both of
of obstructions in the left ventricular outflow tract
these two circle of Willis-dependent cases had the
have been also reported. A valvular aortic stenosis
same intracardiac anatomy with two w ­ ell-­developed
with or without anular hypoplasia and commonly
ventricles and a large ventricular septal defect.
seen bicuspid aortic valves have to be evaluated
The first case (Tannous et  al. 2006) under-
for treatment requirements and/or options. The
went successful biventricular repair along the
hemodynamic importance may surface only after
lines first outlined by Yasui (Yasui et  al. 1987;
arch and VSD repair in the same way reported
Austin et al. 1989).
earlier about the subaortic narrowing.
A simple and still useful classification for IAA
associated with ventricular septal defect has been
suggested by Celoria and Patton as early as 1959 kIndication of Surgery
(Celoria and Patton 1959). Determining factor for The history of surgical procedures to address IAA
this classification is the missing segment of the started some years after the surgery of the aortic
most common left-sided aortic arch with an also isthmus. Samson was the first to successfully cor-
left-sided descending aorta (. Fig. 21.10). rect an isolated IAA in a 3-year-old girl in 1955
In type A the interruption is located in the (Merrill et  al. 1957). The first neonatal repair,
region of isthmus (. Fig.  21.10a), in type B it is including closure of a ventricular septal defect,
between the left common carotid artery and left was carried out by Barratt-Boyes in 1970 in New
subclavian artery (. Fig. 21.10c), and in type C the Zealand (Barratt-Boyes et al. 1972).
aortic arch interruption is between the brachioce- Despite these success stories, before introduc-
phalic trunk and the left carotid artery tion of prostaglandin by the end of the 1970s, mor-
(. Fig. 21.10d). Actually we have not seen any IAA tality was very high. Ductus closure in this
type C after more than 25 years of clinical practice. duct-dependent circulation leads to multi-organ
Statistically, type B is the most common form, failure with anuria and metabolic acidosis. Under
and type C is extremely rare (Jonas et al. 1994). In those conditions, surgical therapy may not be suc-
addition to its rarity, type C is associated with an cessful. The infusion of prostaglandin allows for
extreme hypoplasia of the ascending aorta and is metabolic and circulatory stabilization. After attain-
therefore the IAA variation with the highest risk, ing hemodynamic stability, which can take some
analogous to hypoplastic left heart syndrome. A days, surgery can be performed in an almost elec-
very hypoplastic ascending aorta may be also pres- tive fashion. While refinement of surgical technique
ent in cases of type B interruption associated with a and strategy can secure a good long-­term result,

682 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

a b
A. subclavia dextra
A. carotis communis dextra
A. carotis communis sinistra
A. subclavia sinistra
A. lusoria dextra

A.carotis communis sinistra A. subclavia sinistra

c d A. carotis communis sinistra

A. subclavia sinistra

..Fig. 21.10  a–d Classification of interrupted aortic arch (Celoria and Patton 1959)

early mortality is influenced by prenatal diagnosis, the systemic circulation has to be ensured as a first
which helps to present these patients in best possi- step of palliation as in the Norwood procedure.
ble condition for surgery, avoiding any period of Isolated correction of an interrupted aortic
metabolic and/or circulatory decompensation. The arch via a lateral thoracotomy required reopera-
diagnosis of an interrupted aortic arch dictates indi- tion in all of nine patients as reported by Karl
cation for urgent surgery in the stabilized patient. et al. (1992).
Despite the first neonatal repair of IAA/VSD Median sternotomy is the access of choice in
being performed already in 1970, selective correc- total repair of IAA/VSD.
21 tion of the aortic arch combined with temporary After completing the sternotomy, one can
pulmonary artery banding had been the method of often see only a very thin or missing thymus as a
choice for quite some years. We nowadays recom- sign of DiGeorge syndrome (microdeletion 22q11)
mend this only in cases of a single ventricle where especially with IAA type B. These children tend to
Chapter 21 · Congenital Anomalies of the Great Vessels
683 21

a b

arterial line

venous line

..Fig. 21.11  a–c Surgery for IAA type B. Cannulation: the delicate ascending aorta is cannulated on its right side, while the
descending aorta is perfused via the ductus arteriosus a. After removing one or both arterial cannulas, the E-S anastomosis
between the descending aorta and the distal part of the ascending aorta is performed, after complete resection of the ductal
tissue. The proximal incision should be carried out at the posterior-medial aspect of the distal ascending aorta b. The com-
pleted anastomosis, which can reach into the left carotid artery proximally and the left subclavian artery distally c

develop hypocalcemia early postoperatively which Alternatively, the ascending aorta/right carotid
demand special attention. artery/brachiocephalic trunk can be perfused via a
Similar to repair of complex aortic coarcta- PTFE tube anastomosed in an end-­to-­side fashion.
tion, the extra- and intracardiac procedure can be Routine use of a single ascending aortic cannula
performed in deep hypothermic circulatory arrest has also been described (Vouhé et al. 1990).
with or without an isolated cerebral perfusion. As said before, cannulation of the proximal
A special feature of extracorporeal circulation aorta can be performed also indirectly using a
in repair of IAA is double arterial cannulation: the polytetrafluoroethylene prosthesis sewn E-S to
ascending aorta is directly cannulated, while the the brachiocephalic trunk. For direct cannula-
cannula for the descending aorta is introduced via tion, it is important to choose the right-sided
the arterial duct. Flow to both cannulas is provided aspect of the ascending aorta in order to facili-
by a Y-connector. The selected cannulas have a size tate the aorto-­aortic anastomosis, which ideally
not exceeding 8F, which is advantageous even in will be just opposite to the place of cannulation.
the case of a very small aorta (. Fig.  21.11a). These cannulations can be used as the only
684 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

source for reperfusion and the rewarming pro- intending to only incise it. The purse-string sutures
cess after repair. of the cannulation site or additional sutures placed
We perfuse the distal aorta usually with a direct at the aortic wall during the cooling period can be
cannulation of the duct. Alternatively the cannula- helpful for orientation to perform a correct anas-
tion can be installed in a large pulmonary artery, tomosis free of torsion. Both the aortic ends are
closing off both branches of the pulmonary artery approximated after setting the initial stitches of a
with tourniquets when starting extracorporeal cir- continuous suture using a slowly resorbable mate-
culation. This, however, carries a risk of develop- rial (polydioxanone 7/0). Alternatively, both edges
ing acute pulmonary valve insufficiency on bypass. of the vessel can be fixed first followed by sewing
In preparing direct cannulation of the ductus, a the backside from the inside also (. Fig. 21.11b, c).
tourniquet is placed around the ductus. The can- A multicenter Congenital Heart Surgeons’
nula can be inserted through an oblique incision at Society study (McCrindle et  al. 2005) investigated
the pulmonary end of the ductus. It is then pushed the potential technical causes of a recurrent obstruc-
in direction to the descending aorta and fixed with tion of the aortic arch in the context of the arch
the tourniquet, thereby closing the ductus. The reconstruction in 472 patients. A partial direct anas-
transection of the ductus is performed conve- tomosis complemented by a patch plasty was
niently during the cooling period, and the pulmo- reported as the optimal therapy. Using a polytetra-
nary stump is oversewn. Now the descending fluoroethylene patch was identified as an isolated
aorta is more easily accessible. If direct cannula- risk factor for later obstruction, and they advise to
tion of the ductus is chosen, the venous cannula use autologous pericardium or a homograft as an
should be inserted before, to be immediately able ideal patch material. In view of the heterogeneity of
to commence extracorporeal circulation. the participants and the few definite anatomic details
If not done already before going on extracorpo- of type and location of the restenosis described, the
real circulation, complete mobilization of the aorta results should be applied with caution.
and the supra-aortic branches should be carried In earlier times, when mobilization of the aorta
out during the cooling period, as described for and the supra-aortic branches was not extensively
complex coarctation before. A right-sided lusorian performed, different techniques to accomplish aor-
artery may have to be transected sometimes but tic continuity were suggested. For example, the duct
not necessarily; it can be used also as a «reverse was preserved (when persisting in older infants) or
subclavian flap» (s.a, surgery of an isolated coarcta- the left, distally detached carotid artery was turned
tion) for an aortic arch repair. In our experience, down to form a new arch (Monro et al. 1989).
we never needed to transect a left-sided subclavian Long-term results of the historical series were
artery during a correction of an IAA type B but is deemed acceptable, and it was concluded that
advocated generously by others to facilitate perfor- these techniques may eventually be also used
mance of the anastomosis. Under no circum- (Monro et al. 1996).
stances, both the left-sided subclavian artery and a The interposition of a prosthesis between the
right-sided lusorian artery should be transected, or ascending and descending aorta can be done
at least one has to be reimplanted. After mobiliza- without extended mobilization but will inevitably
tion out of the retroesophageal bed, a transected require an even more complicated reoperation in
right-sided lusorian artery can be anastomosed these originally very small patients.
orthotopically E-S to the right carotid artery, As a technical variation of a direct anastomo-
thereby creating a brachiocephalic trunk. sis, a side-to-side anastomosis between the left
After the cooling period is completed, the carotid and the left subclavian artery may be per-
supra-aortic branches are occluded with tourni- formed (in case of a type B). To obtain a wider
quets while deep hypothermic circulatory arrest is communication, the incision should be extended
initiated and all cannulas are removed. about 5–6 mm cranial. Although described in his
After complete resection of all ductal tissue textbook, Castaneda’s group didn’t see any need to
visible, the circumference of the distal aorta is ever perform it (Castaneda et al. 1994).
21 adjusted. The distal ascending aorta will be incised After closing the ventricular septal defect and if
on its left dorsolateral side if necessary including necessary, an additional communication at the atrial
the left carotid artery (type B). Placing and manag- level the cannula is reinserted in the ascending aorta,
ing the incision line in an empty vessel can be dif- which is now sufficient enough for the complete cir-
ficult. Beware of cutting through the vessel while culation. The various techniques of closing a ventric-
Chapter 21 · Congenital Anomalies of the Great Vessels
685 21
ular septal defect are described in detail in ▶ Chapter increased RV pressure after banding can accentuate
«Ventricular Septal Defects», Sect. 14.4. Here, the rel- the subaortic obstruction and result in cardiac failure.
evant characteristics of the posterior malalignment In IAA, the majority of authors recommend a
ventricular septal defect and the associated subaortic resection. The former group from Marie-
stenosis will be addressed more closely. Lannelongue (Serraf et al. 1996), as well as Vaughn
There are four routes to access the typical pos- Starnes’ group (Salem et al. 2000), claims that with
terior malalignment VSD in IAA. Certain authors their special suture technique they are able to pull
exclusively describe a right transventricular the subaortic septum from the left into the right
(Castaneda et al. 1994; Vouhé et al. 1990), a right ventricle. We doubt the effectiveness of this approach
transatrial (Bove et al. 1993; Serraf et al. 1996), a and deem the additional resection to be the most
transaortic, or a transpulmonary (Luciani et  al. important part of the surgical treatment. For exam-
1996) approach. We think it is important to be ple, a short, thick septum cannot just be pulled over.
able to employ all four approaches as in the indi- We are not alone with this opinion (Jonas 2004).
vidual case it may be necessary to simultaneously The resection of the conus septum can be per-
use different routes for different parts of an other- formed via different approaches as mentioned above.
wise difficult accessible VSD. It is extremely important to visualize the defect, espe-
The decision to surgically address the subaortic cially in the region of the aortic anulus to avoid any
region is critical. A significantly deviated septum injury of the aortic valve in spite of a necessary resec-
can be clearly identified by preoperative echocar- tion close to the anulus. In an ideal manner, the
diography. However, there may be no subaortic resection should be performed right up to the anulus
pressure gradient preoperatively. Even immediately in a way that a suture of the septal patch can catch the
after correction, the flow conditions of the left out- rest of the muscle and the anulus. Using a small hook
flow tract may appear regular, while after or a deep-­rooted suture to pull the conal septum, a
1–2 months, certainly in between the first years, a better exposure of the narrowing muscle for save
stenosis may develop in these cases (Apfel et  al. resection can be achieved. In that case we perform
1998). Data to support clear decision-­making at pri- usually an oblique infundibulotomy to inspect the
mary surgery do not exist. Some preoperative echo subaortic area, and occasionally we inspect through
studies try to predict development of a left ventricu- the aortic valve as well if doubt about the quality and
lar outflow tract obstruction by measurements of quantity of resection or potential damage exists. A
the original anatomy in absence of a preexisting sufficient and reliable transaortic resection is not
gradient. Suggested data indicating the need for possible and not advisable. The usually small aortic
surgical therapy are an absolute subaortic diameter anulus in addition to a frequently present bicuspid
of less than 3.5 mm and a subaortic area of <0.7 cm2/ valve limits exposure and increases the risk of dam-
m2 (Apfel et al. 1998) as well as a diameter of the age to the valve during resection, while inspection
aortic valve anulus of <4.5 mm (Salem et al. 2000). may be helpful in decision-making.
As shown by a Congenital Heart Surgeons’ In IAA/VSD with multistage hypoplasia of the
Society multicenter study (Jonas et al. 1994), a pri- left ventricular outflow tract, it is expedient to
mary subaortic muscle resection is connected with apply the surgical principle as suggested by Yasui
higher mortality. As in other multicenter studies (Yasui et al. 1987) and Ilbawi (Ilbawi et al. 1988).
before, a clear cause relation was not communi- The blood flow of the left ventricle is guided
cated. Postoperative subaortic stenosis is reported through the ventricular septal defect into the pul-
to occur in 26–57 % of most studies (Geva et  al. monary artery, and an end-to-side anastomosis
1993). Therefore, the decision to perform a primary between the proximal pulmonary artery and the
subaortic muscle resection is left with the individ- ascending aorta respectively the concavity of the
ual surgeon operating on an individual patient, and aortic arch is performed. An additional conduit
it should include prognostic aspects also. connects the right ventricle with the pulmonary
This thought process is also important when artery. We call this variation also «Norwood-
treating coarctation/VSD with the VSD being of the Rastelli» procedure, knowing that the «Rastelli» is
posterior malalignment type (Kreutzer and Van inverse (Steger et  al. 1998). The technical possi-
Praagh 2000). Should the malalignment be defini- bilities/options for an aortopulmonary connec-
tively identified, simultaneous intra- and extracar- tion are wide and manifold. Some groups perform
diac repair should be preferred over pulmonary a Norwood-like construction using the classical
artery banding and coarctation repair, as the or modified Damus-Kaye-Stansel anastomosis
686 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

(McElhinney et al. 1997) or the modification by Different from other aortic lesions in pediatric
Lamberti (Lamberti et al. 1991). cardiac surgery, being mainly congenital defects
The Ross-Konno operation is an alternative to with a clearly explanation of embryologic genesis,
the Norwood-Rastelli procedure when lack of the «midaortic syndromes» are addressed also as
retrosternal space becomes an issue – an advantage being acquired (Takayasu arteritis) as a secondary
particularly in neonates. How the long-term fate of result of systemic diseases like neurofibromatosis
the autograft in aortic position is comparable or or Williams-Beuren syndrome (Connolly et  al.
inferior to the Norwood/Damus-Kaye-­Stansel anas- 2002). Arnot and Louw (1973) assume a missing
tomosis remains open for discussion. Still in discus- fusion of the bilateral dorsal arteries in the seg-
sion is also the choice between a staged approach for ments affected. Because of the almost regularly
these patients versus a primary repair. High-volume observed anomalies of the renal arteries in the
Norwood centers seem to prefer a temporary single- abdominal form (stenosis, multiple arteries) other
ventricle circulation like a classical Norwood proce- authors think of a renal developmental disorder
dure followed by secondary repair (inverse Rastelli causing this syndrome. Given the different gender
part) within 1 year. In order to avoid any interstage distribution of the Takayasu arteriitis and the
mortality, we prefer primary repair. noninflammatory related hypoplasia, a clear dis-
tinction from the inflammatory arteriitis is seen
kComplications (Eibenberger et al. 1993). The segmental postisth-
In case of a relapse, the subaortic stenosis is associated mal hypoplasia caused renovascular hypertonus
with higher mortality. Further complications worth analog the typical ISTA, but it is rarely accompa-
mentioning are a restenosis in the region of the aortic nied by congenital heart disease. Mesenteric isch-
arch and the airway compression. In the Toronto Sick emia is also observed only in rare cases. The
Children’s Hospital experience, greatest survival histological examinations predominantly show
occurred in those patients with uncomplicated IAA dysplastic changes of the media, intima, and espe-
who had repair since 1993 (5-year survival, 83 %). cially along the lamina elastica interna.
Freedom from reintervention for arch obstruction As a rule the disease is diagnosed after some
was 60 % at 5 years (Oosterhof et al. 2004). years, mostly around the 20th year of life although
The restenosis rate is up to 20–50 % in the most the disease is also watched in infants. Our youngest
published studies. We have to differentiate between patient requiring thoracoabdominal aortic surgery
at least two types of restenosis: a stenosis localized was 3 years old, after previous catheter interventions.
to the anastomosis region may be treated sufficient If only the distal descending aorta is involved
by a balloon dilatation. A diffuse tubular stenosis only, a simple aorto-aortic prosthesis may bypass
requires an operative procedure. A patch plasty the affected segment via a lateral thoracic or tho-
during circulatory arrest should be performed. In racoabdominal access. More complex revascular-
adolescents and adults, an extra-­anatomic bypass izations may be necessary in cases of renal and
between ascending and descending aorta can be a visceral artery stenosis. The latter are usually
successful and permanently sufficient alternative, compensated for by a natural Riolan anastomosis.
as described by us for complex or recurrent coarc- A reconstruction using the saphenous vein or
tation (Heinemann et al. 1997). a plastic/artificial prosthesis has been failed in
children. In the largest published study so far, an Segmental Hypoplasia autotransplantation or the use of the iliac artery as
of the Aorta («Midaortic graft material for the diffuse stenosed renal artery
Syndrome») is recommended (Stanley et  al. 2006). In our
As far as morphology and etiology are concerned, experience also a reimplantation, at least of the
segmental hypoplasia of the aorta is a rather heteroge- left renal artery, direct into an aorto-aortic bypass
neous disease. It is based on a focal and diffuse hypo- is a possible alternative.
plasia of the descending aorta distal to the isthmus.
Most often only the abdominal aorta is Cervical Aortic Arch
21 affected in this syndrome, and therefore it is This malformation is an aortic arch that developed
mainly described in textbooks of vascular surgery. from the third instead of the fourth branchial artery.
Its presence, although very rare, as hypoplasia or It also can be looked at as a persistence of the third
stenosis of the thoracic or thoracoabdominal arch with involution of the fourth arch. As an iso-
aorta caused the discussion in this chapter. lated defect, it may not cause any symptoms except
Chapter 21 · Congenital Anomalies of the Great Vessels
687 21
a pulsation felt at the base of the neck. This anomaly descending aorta. A systemic-pulmonary form
is described on the right as well as on the left side. provides ductus-like flow to the pulmonary artery,
However, it is more often associated with short- while a pulmonary to systemic form may be a
path stenosis, similar to coarctation, tubular hypo- source for at least part of systemic flow. In a signif-
plasia, or tortuosity, which may require an adequate icant number of reported cases, the normal aorta,
therapy. In view of the rarity and the morphological developing from the fourth pharyngeal artery,
diversity of the obstructed cervical aortic arch, shows a coarctation, a hypoplasia of the isthmus,
there is not really a kind of standard therapy. In or an interruption. In that case the parallel run-
neonates an E-S anastomosis of the descending ning, abnormal arch is important in compensating
aorta to the ascending aorta should be performed. the perfusion like a collateral vessel. Also, both the
Establishing the anastomosis in the distal ascending distal end of the fifth arch and the normal isthmus
aorta will not compromise the main bronchus of can obtain ductal tissue causing hemodynami-
the same side as the arch. In elderly patients, a patch cally relevant coarctation (Atsumi et al. 2001). In
plasty similar to a Vossschulte plasty (McElhinney the latter case, a correction as in case of a classical
et al. 2000) or an extra-anatomic (prosthetic) bypass coarctation is required. If necessary, a hypoplasia
(Walker et al. 2002) is recommended. of the aortic arch may be repaired with/by a lon-
An aneurysmatic dilation of the cervical arch gitudinal incision following by an S-S anastomosis
has been described in some case reports. In cervi- of both arches (Lambert et al. 1999).
cal arches, this complication seems to occur much A persistent fifth aortic arch as a systemic-­
earlier than in normal arches. Most cases were pulmonary connection has been reported in asso-
reported in patients at an age between 30 and ciation with pulmonary atresia or interrupted
40 years (Mitsumori et al. 2008). A primary struc- pulmonary arteries. The «ductus-dependent»
tural wall abnormality of the embryologic third perfusion of the lung is confirmed by a morphol-
aortic arch may be causing this (McElhinney et al. ogy persistent fifth aortic arch. This anomaly is
2000). Additionally, cervical arches can be part of mistakenly named, preoperatively as well as intra-
a complete or incomplete vascular ring, requiring operatively, an atypical ductus arteriosus. Actually
treatment as described below. the fifth aortic arch doesn’t own a connection to
the aortic isthmus in contrast to the ductus arte-  ersistence of the Fifth Arterial
P riosus. This is relevant in the preoperative treat-
Arch (Fifth Aortic Arch or ment, as this «atypical» ductus does not require
Double-Lumen Aortic Arch) prostaglandin to maintain patency. Nevertheless,
This anatomic variant shows again the complexity cases with a prostaglandin-dependent systemic-
of the embryological development of the great pulmonary fifth arch connection have been
intrathoracic vessels. In the classic way, a persis- reported (Zartner et al. 2000). In one case, a pul-
tent fifth arch runs parallel and above the normal monary coarctation could be verified histologi-
left aortic arch. The fifth arch does not carry side cally (Khan and Nihill 2006).
branches. As it may just lead to a double-lumen The third variation, a pulmonary-systemic
aortic arch, it is in itself asymptomatic. connection, is the rarest form. It is seen with an
The origin of the additional fifth aortic arch interrupted aortic arch associated with aortic atre-
is at the distal ascending aorta, respectively, at sia. The persistent fifth aortic arch between the
the proximal concavity of the aortic arch oppo- pulmonary artery and the brachiocephalic trunk
site to the brachiocephalic trunk. The distal con- supplies the ascending aorta with the coronary
nection is in the region of the aortic isthmus arteries as well as the proximal normal aortic arch.
(Van Praagh and Van Praagh 1969). Besides the In such cases there exists a typical arterial duct
original form reported by the VanPraaghs, other simultaneously which guarantees the perfusion of
variations are described associated with malfor- the descending aorta as in any interrupted arch.
mations of the pulmonary artery or the «normal» There are two additionally known sources for cor-
aortic arch. Related to the function of the malfor- onary blood supply in IAA/aortic atresia with a
mated vascular structure, different forms exist as persistent fifth arch. A second form is described as
systemic-­ systemic, systemic-pulmonary, pulmo- a pulmonary aortic fistula that runs between the
nary-systemic, and mixed forms. As a systemic pulmonary artery and the aortic root on the level
to systemic variant, the fifth arch can be a second of the sinus of Valsalva (Donofrio et al. 1995). The
or the only arch connecting the ascending and third variation is a cycle of Willis-­ dependent
688 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

r­ etrograde collateral perfusion without any addi- such as the trachea and esophagus causing short-
tional vascular structure (Tannous et al. 2006). ness of breath and sometimes difficulties in swal-
Neither pulmonary atresia nor aortic atresia/ lowing. In infancy with predominantly liquid
IAA requires special technical features in com- food as mother’s milk and a rather soft trachea,
parison with the typical ductus-dependent circu- their most common symptoms are respiratory in
lation. Regarding construction of an aortic arch, it origin. With increasing age, the difficulties in
could be an intriguing choice to include the cut swallowing/dysphagia come forward with the
open fifth arch as an autologous tissue patch to introduction of solid food causing more pro-
obtain potential growth for the reconstructed new nounced dysphagia, especially because the rela-
aortic arch. But given the rareness of the disease tive narrowings of the vascular structures increase
and the uncertainty of the actual growth poten- with the growth.
tial, a Norwood variant should be the accepted The typical symptom is an inspiratory stridor
traditional and familiar treatment of choice. at rest accentuated at exertion; but a global respi-
ratory insufficiency with dependence on mechan-
ical ventilation may be possible as early as
21.2.2   ortic Anomalies Causing
A immediately postpartum. The difficulty in swal-
Compression of Neighboring lowing solid food is the typical symptom in adult-
Structures hood. However, patients who never experienced
normal swallowing before, may not be able to
report their objective dysphagia. Foreword The greatest challenge in diagnosing vascular
At first sight vascular anomalies causing compres- anomalies is to think of them in the differential diag-
sion of neighboring structures do not appear to be nosis of the relative heterogeneous symptoms often
simply categorized because of their diversity. and much more frequently caused by other diseases.
Berdon is responsible for naming them «Vascular Modern imaging tools (CT/NMR) improve the
rings, slings, and things» (Berdon and Baker 1972). accuracy of localizing defects. The timely and up-to-
The expression, which substantiated the difficult date implementation of surgery brings about imme-
issue of a summary, is later on used as a title of a diate regression and abolishment of symptoms in
chapter of the pediatric cardiology textbook by Bob most patients with excellent long-term results.
Freedom (Moes and Freedom 1992). A compre- The variations in the course of the thoracic
hensive embryologically based classification was aorta do not necessarily cause symptoms.
published by Jesse Edwards 1948, Edwards 1953. Contrary to other congenital heart diseases,
The development of the aortic arch and its anomalies of intrathoracic great vessels are only
branches from two dorsal and two ventral parts operated upon when clinical symptoms are pres-
and their interconnecting pharyngeal arches/arter- ent. However, there are two exceptions:
ies is substantiated by embryology. The classifica- 55 An asymptomatic vascular anomaly
tion suggested by anatomists and embryologists is associated with intracardiac defects requiring
intellectually perfectly able to grasp, but they have surgery anyways
only isolated clinical relevance because of their 55 An asymptomatic complete double aortic
numerous possibilities. A definite simplified clas- arch as it will become symptomatic with age
sification serving >95 % of the clinically described and growth but surgery is much easier in
variations was proposed within the Congenital neonates and infants
Heart Surgery Nomenclature and Database Project A new clinical challenge is the increasing
in 2000 (Backer and Mavroudis 2000): number of asymptomatic vascular rings being
55 Double aortic arch diagnosed already during fetal life (Mehmet Gule-
55 Right-sided aortic arch/left-sided arterial cyuz, pers. communication).
55 Aberrant origin of the right-sided  istory of Surgery for
21 brachiocephalic trunk/innominate artery Vascular Ring Formations
causing tracheal stenosis The first successful division of a double aortic
The common objective of these anomalies is arch was performed by Robert Gross on June 9,
the compression of the neighboring structures 1945 using the term vascular ring in the publica-
Chapter 21 · Congenital Anomalies of the Great Vessels
689 21
1966). In our view, with the exception of an aber-
rant brachiocephalic trunk, for all compressing
thoracic vascular anomalies, the approach, a lateral
thoracotomy, should always be performed on the
side of the descending aorta. The argument in favor
of such an approach is to obtain safe intraoperative
control of the structures to be cut, especially of the
descending aorta. A complete resection starts at the
descending aorta and extends beyond the esopha-
gus on the other side if not limited by specific ana-
tomic structures/details we are not aware of.
..Fig. 21.12  First vascular ring / double aortic arch divi-
sion: Excerpt from Page 102 of Dr. Gross’s Surgical case
logbook #1. On 6-9-45, in his third of four Patients to oper-
ate upon, he divided “……ligamentum arteriosum Divi- The key is to achieve effective control of the
sion of medial root of left subclavian artery». (Courtesy Dr. most sensitive/critical structure – the
Robert and Carol Replogle) descending aorta – which is of course more
accessible on the side of the descending aorta.
tion (Gross 1945b). It had been case three of the
day, preceded by an appendectomy, a right herni-
orrhaphy, and followed by a pyloromyotomy The resection of a patent vascular segment can
(. Fig.  21.12). The forms/findings of aortic arch be carried out by side bite clamping or under cer-
anomalies causing this problem and their indi- tain circumstances in cross-clamping of the
vidual treatment have been well delineated by his descending aorta above and below the structure
group early on (Gross and Ware 1946; Gross and to be resected. To perform a continuous running
Neuhauser 1951). The radical resection of the suture to close the resected structure, flush to the
encircling vascular and fibrotic structures was aorta should take only a few minutes, and for that
recommended by Hallmann and Cooley 1966 there is no need for further protective measures
(Hallmann et  al. 1966). The importance of the like including a left heart assist.
Kommerell diverticulum (Kommerell 1936) as an It has to be mentioned that Carl Backer and
independent cause for recurrent symptoms was Constantine Mavroudis perform a division of any
recognized by different working groups over the vascular ring irrespective of the side of the
years (Backer et al. 2002) and addressed now for descending aorta via a left-sided posterior thora-
primary surgery. This has been practiced by us for cotomy, following the same radical principles for
more than 25 years now. resection as we do. They claim no safety issues
The first sizeable study of video-assisted thora- and in addition the advantage of reimplantation
coscopic repair of vascular ring anomaly was pub- of the divided ipsilateral subclavian artery.
lished by Redmond Burke and his working group The immediate intraoperative sign of effectively
in 1995, at that time still in Boston (Burke et  al. having taken care of the symptomatic vascular ring
1995). Between 2002 and 2004, the first six vascu- is the significant retraction of the divided ring struc-
lar rings were operated upon employing a totally tures. Retraction is facilitated by preceding careful
endoscopic robotic-assisted approach by Pedro del circumferential dissection of these structures. If
Nido’s group, also in Boston (Suematsu et al. 2005). retraction does not occur, any residual, peri-esoph-
These approaches, however, do not meet the ageal, soft, and tissue-related finest structures/
abovementioned principles of radical resection. fibrotic bands have to be cut or divided as well, even
if seemingly harmless. This should avoid the devel-  im of Surgery for Vascular
A opment of adhesive scarring from previous distor-
Rings tions followed by recurrences. The remaining
The basic aim of surgery is definite relief of external vascular stumps (lusorian artery, ligamentum arte-
compression to the trachea and esophagus. This riosum, hypoplastic aortic arch) will be placed per-
should be achieved with most extensive resection manently beyond the esophagus if it doesn’t happen
of the compressing structures, especially by «clean- on its own right after ring division with or without
ing» the retroesophageal space (Hallmann et  al. additional dissection. Vascular rings are associated
690 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

only rarely with a primary structural tracheal steno- A. subclavia dextra

sis caused by hypoplasia in contrast to a pulmonary A.Carotis dextra A. Carotis sinistra
(artery) sling. A certain degree of tracheomalacia
A. subclavia sinistra
can be the reason for a residual stridor in infants in
the first postoperative month and in most cases
does not require additional surgery.  ouble Aortic Arch/Complete

Vascular Ring
There is a broad diversity of known and hypo-
thetic anatomic varieties/variations (Stewart et al.
1964) (. Fig. 21.13). For all of them, the following
anatomic and hemodynamic factors have to be
taken into consideration when planning and actu-
ally performing surgery:
55 Position of the descending aorta, especially in
relation to the esophagus
55 Position of the dominant aortic arch
55 Possibility of transection of currently patent
vascular structures
The sidedness of the descending aorta is some-
times difficult to define despite diagnostic imaging;
this may be especially true in case of a midline ..Fig. 21.13  Primitive aortic arch, the dashed lines indi-
aorta. The relation of the aorta to the esophagus is cate all possible interruptions
important because the access to the aorta can be
challenging when the esophagus has to be passed. there is no side preference reported by date, and
Imaging with a gastric tube in place can be very accessibility is dictated by the arch to be transected.
helpful. Surgery of a balanced (co-dominant) double
The proportions of size between the anterior aortic arch follows the above mentioned princi-
and posterior parts of the arches vary, While the ples especially with the aim of careful retroesoph-
double aortic arch may consist of two equally and ageal dissection and resection/«cleaning». Prior
well developed arches, the co-dominant form of to actual division, the strength of the right and left
double aortic arch, commonly there is a dominant carotid and radial pulses should be evaluated with
right aortic arch with a hypoplastic left arch, the vascular clamps applied. In the absence of any
which may be even atretic in part. changes in proximal and distal blood pressure and
In the nondominant arch, an atretic segment pulse curves, even the bigger of the two aortic
can be seen at any length and location. Similar to arches can be divided. To divide the bigger of two
the site of interruption in interrupted aortic arch arches in double aortic arch may be thought of, if
(Celoria-Patton classification), the location of inter- the ­bigger arch is the one with a retroesophageal
ruption/atresia defines a subtype. Most often atresia course. Precise documentation is required.
is seen in a distal segment of the aortic arch, the aor- In case of a dominant aortic arch with retro-
tic isthmus, or immediately distal to it (. Fig. 21.14a esophageal course, a simple transection of the ante-
and Fig. 21.15). An atresia of the proximal arch seg- rior hypoplastic ring segment may not be sufficient
ment corresponding to an IAA type C is absolutely to relieve all, but it may diminish some clinical
rare and was clinically not seen by us in 30 years. symptoms. With persistent significant symptoms,
See also «retroesophageal left aberrant innominate complex surgery may be necessary as described for
artery» under section «Incomplete Vascular Ring» extremely rare cases as an anterior dislocation of the
«less common findings of a vascular ring». aortic arch in infants (Planche and Lacour-Gayet
21 In case of a double aortic arch, the nondominant 1984). As an alternative in adolescents and adults,
part should be divided. If present, an atretic segment an «extra-­anatomic» bypass between the ascending
is the obvious choice of arch/ring division. The prox- and descending aorta may be performed after divi-
imal descending aorta can be located left or right, sion of the arch as a conceivable procedure.
Chapter 21 · Congenital Anomalies of the Great Vessels
691 21
a b
A. carotis communis dext.
A. subclavia dext. A. carotis communis sin. A. carotis communis dext. A. carotis communis sin.
A. subclavia A. subclavia
A. subclavia dext sin.


A. pulmonalis A. pulmonalis

..Fig. 21.14  a, b Double aortic arch. The most common form of double aortic arch: right-sided aortic arch with a
hypoplastic left arch. The hypoplastic arch can become extremely hypoplastic or even atretic either between the supra-
aortic vessels or distal to them a. The rare form of a dominant left-sided aortic arch with a hypoplastic retroesophageal
segment of the right-sided arch with the descending aorta on the left b

..Fig. 21.15  The most com- A. carotis communis dext.

mon double aortic arch has a A. subclavia
dominant right-sided arch with a dext.
hypoplastic or atretic left-sided A. carotis communis sin.
arch.The ligamentum arteriosum
contributing to the tracheo-
esophageal compression should
be cut, and the hypoplastic left-
sided aortic arch as well as the
aortic diverticulum has to be
resected. Back view correspond-
ing to Fig. 21.14a

A. subclavia

A. pulmonalis dext.

aortic diverticulum

A. pulmonalis sin.
692 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz Incomplete Vascular Ring clavian artery. Presence or absence of a ligamentum

arteriosum or a vascular ring formation was not
kRight-sided aortic arch with left sided described. The author pointed out that there is no
Ductus Botalli/Lig. Arteriosum obligatory diverticulum with any lusorian artery.
The right-sided aortic arch is curving to the right of Most frequently the lusorian artery is described as a
the trachea. There are three theoretical possible vari- left lusorian artery associated with a vascular ring of
eties, two of which may create a vascular ring. The a right-sided aortic arch and left-sided ductus arte-
fundamental structure is always the retroesophageal riosus. In the original report, the relation of a poten-
vascular structure or its remnant (arterial duct vs. tial duct, the subclavian artery, and the Kommerell
arterial ligament). diverticulum is not reported (Kommerell 1936).
The first variety as the mostly seen pathoana- The diverticulum can cause obstruction as part of a
tomic form (65 %) is the combination of an aber- vascular ring or probably only because of its volume
rant left subclavian artery (A. lusoria/lusorian as suggested in the original work by Kommerell.
artery) and an arterial duct located between the This is confirmed by the fact that a Kommerell
left pulmonary artery and aortic isthmus. A short diverticulum is a frequent cause of a symptomatic
aortic segment is addressed here indeed as the recurrence or persistence of symptoms following
isthmus from which the left subclavian artery and surgery of division of a vascular ring without resec-
the duct arise (. Fig. 21.16). tion of the diverticulum. Therefore it is expedient to
Both structures can arise separately from the perform the resection of the diverticulum following
aorta or jointly from a Kommerell diverticulum the radical principles even during the primary sur-
(see also ▶  Sect., «Kommerell Diverticulum»). gery (Backer et al. 2002).
The existence of a Kommerell diverticulum is not An increasing number of case reports describe
obligatory for this kind of symptomatic vascular an aneurysmatic dilatation of an originally asymp-
ring. tomatic diverticulum occasionally leading to aor-
The arrangement of the second variety (35 %) tic dissection (Fisher et  al. 2005; Naoum et  al.
is the mirror image of the normal left aortic arch 2008; Idrees et  al. 2014). In pathohistological
with a retroesophageal duct resp. ligamentum examinations of resected diverticula as part of vas-
arteriosum. The left subclavian artery runs regu- cular rings, degenerated media was observed in
larly to the left of the trachea coming off a left-­ the wall, which can explain these complications
sided brachiocephalic trunk. (Backer et  al. 2005). For this reason, also, it is
The third variety also with a mirror image highly recommended to resect a diverticulum dur-
branching does not create a vascular ring, as the ing primary surgery of any vascular ring if present.
ductus originates from the left subclavian artery There are no definitive guidelines for treat-
directly. This form occurs sporadically (2 %) and ment of asymptomatic aneurysmatic dilatation.
is associated with a tetralogy of Fallot up to 25 % Progression should be documented by imaging
without causing any vascular ring type symptoms. (CT, NMR). In younger and active patients, a
local resection is recommended if necessary in Kommerell Diverticulum combination with or without revascularization of
The Kommerell diverticulum is named after the lusorian artery. Revascularization may be per-
B. Kommerell, staff radiologist at Charité Hospital, formed as a supraclavicular carotid-subclavian
Berlin, Germany, in the 1930s (Kommerell 1936). It bypass or a reimplantation of the subclavian
is a remnant of the dorsal right or left root of the artery into the carotid artery on the same side. In
aortic arch as a pendant to the contralateral existing elderly patients or additional comorbidities, an
complete aortic arch (. Fig. 21.16). This structure, endovascular procedure is preferred, incorporat-
like when first described, is not referring to a certain ing features as coiling of the subclavian artery and
kind of vascular ring but can occur, not obligatory, stenting of the descending aorta or the revascu-
in a number of anomalies. The diverticulum is an larization of the lusorian artery in subject to the
aorta-sized outpouching of the descending aorta clinical conditions. A primary surgical revascu-
21 ending anteriorly in a nondominant/atretic aortic larization, which normally includes closure of the
arch or in an arterial duct and lusorian artery. It was subclavian/lusorian artery proximal to the verte-
originally described in a patient with a left-sided bral artery, eliminates the need of coiling in case
aortic arch and retroesophageal located right sub- of an intended endovascular treatment of the
Chapter 21 · Congenital Anomalies of the Great Vessels
693 21
..Fig. 21.16  a, b View of a Kommerell diver- a A. carotis communis dext.
ticulum with a right-sided aortic arch and left A. subclavia
lusorian artery. View from ventral a and view dext.
from dorsal b A. carotis communis sin.

Kommerell diverticulum

A. lusoria

A. pulmonalis

A. carotis communis dext.

b A. subclavia
A. carotis communis sin. dext.

A. lusoria

A. pulmonalis dext.

Kommerell diverticulum
A. pulmonalis sin.
694 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

diverticulum. Transthoracic surgery for the diver- diagnostic and technical principles should con-
ticulum may be also preceded by subclavian tinue to be applied.
artery revascularization. We primarily revascu-
larize only in elderly patients. Compression Caused Less Common Findings by an Aberrant Origin
of a Vascular Ring of the Brachiocephalic
The diversity of these findings published mostly Trunk/Innominate Artery
as a pathological case report or as an isolated clin- This anomaly is caused by an atypical distal take-
ical case (Moes and Freedom 1993; Ziemer et al. off of the innominate artery. It does not form a
1983) is quite understandable given the complex vascular ring. The artery leaves the arch distally
embryologic development. As these forms posteriorly. Coming from the left, it takes a course
account for only about 1 % of the clinical cases ventral to the right around the trachea and head-
with vascular ring malformation, they can’t be ing into a posterior direction. This at times causes
focused on individually. Their common feature is a compression of the trachea. The ventral indenta-
an unusual branching of the duct (right sided or tion of the trachea seen by bronchoscopy is
doubled) or an uncommon site of interruption, pathognomonic for this anomaly; no other vascu-
leading to interesting made-up nomenclature lar anomaly causes an isolated indent like that
like: «retroesophageal left aberrant innominate (. Fig. 21.17a).
artery» (Moes et  al. 1996). The above-discussed

..Fig. 21.17  a–c Aberrant bra-

chiocephalic trunk/innominate
artery. a, b Anterior translocation. a
c Anterior aortotruncopexy

Chapter 21 · Congenital Anomalies of the Great Vessels
695 21
This anomaly is mainly seen in infants and should show an extension of the tracheal lumen,
causes a typical stridor. Even episodes of short ideally with disappearance of the pulsations.
apnea are described.
For minor stridor symptoms, the treatment is
mostly conservative because with the development 21.3 Anomalies of the Pulmonary
of the cartilaginous rings during the second and Artery
third year of life symptoms diminish or may even
disappear completely. This may be also due to the 21.3.1  Obstructive Anomaly
changing size relation of the structures with growth. of the Pulmonary Artery:
A symptomatic, significant tracheal stenosis (70– Coarctatio Pulmonalis/
80 %) or apneic spells during infancy and early child- Pulmonary Artery
hood should be an indication for surgical treatment. Coarctation
An established therapy is the classical ventral
truncopexy  – tacking the innominate artery to A proximal stenosis of the left pulmonary artery
the sternum (. Fig.  21.17c) (Gross and close to the arterial duct was already known in the
Neuhauser 1948)  – or, as a complex and more 1950s, but a systematic pathoanatomical and
risky alternative, the resection followed by a pathophysiological summary was first published
proximal reimplantation of the innominate in 1990 by the group of Leyden (Elzenga and
artery into the proximal aortic arch or the distal Gittenberger-­de Groot 1986; Elzenga et al. 1990).
ascending aorta (Hawkins et  al. 1992). The so-called coarctatio pulmonalis/coarctation
Transsternal resection and proximal reimplanta- of the pulmonary artery can be seen as a counter-
tion is our method of choice to treat the symp- part of the coarctatio aortae/coarctation of the
tomatic aberrant origin of the brachiocephalic aorta. It is frequently seen being associated with
trunk (. Fig.  21.17b). We always employ extra- anomalies comprising right ventricular outflow
corporeal circulation and mild hypothermia for obstruction (Luhmer and Ziemer 1993). A
this procedure. During the procedure, NIRS is reversed flow direction in the prenatal arterial
used to monitor brain perfusion. duct leads - analog to coarctation of the aorta - to
The original surgical approach described by a lariat/lasso, like loop of invaded contractile duc-
Gross is the left thoracotomy (Gross and Neuhauser tal tissue/cells in the pulmonary artery wall,
1948), but several approaches are possible. Other which subsequently cause pulmonary artery
authors prefer a right anterolateral thoracotomy with coarctation. Contrary to coarctation of the aorta,
a submammary incision line (Mavroudis and Backer coarctatio pulmonalis is not known as an isolated
2003). We perform a median partial upper sternot- lesion. Its significance may only develop after cor-
omy for this procedure. The argument in favor of rection or palliation of an intracardiac lesion, as at
such access is the safe anchoring of the transsternal the time of surgery pulmonary coarctation was
sutures performing the pexy. The narrowed opera- not present or being thought of. With an ideal
tion field achieved by a lateral thoracotomy seems to early postoperative result of RVOT reconstruc-
make it awkward and insecure in our mind. tion and an unrestrictive pulmonary bifurcation
When we do on parents’ request a pexy rather for a couple of weeks after neonatal repair, sud-
than a translocation, we use three U-figured denly occurring right ventricular strain can be
sutures augmented with patches of 3.0 or 4.0. caused by acute narrowing to almost closure of
Instead of a mere truncopexy, we perform an aor- the proximal left pulmonary artery. If the postop-
totruncopexy (. Fig.  21.17.c): we place the first erative obstruction caused by plastic remodeling
suture subadventially at the distal ascending aorta, of ductal tissue occurs more slowly, it may be
the second at the base of the innominate artery, hemodynamically tolerated and stay clinically
and the third at the distal trunk just above the silent for a long time. Then, however, it may have
innominate vein. The sutures are fed transsternally led to the persistence of hypoplastic capillaries of
through the right part of the sternum and tight- the affected side during the critical phase of post-
ened fast after the removal of the retractor. With natal pulmonary development. This delay in
that the pulse oximeter measurement applied at development may complicate future surgical
the right arm should be unchanged, and the bron- reconstructions as a permanent increase of pul-
choscopy which should be performed obligatory monary vascular resistance has already occurred.
696 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

This is of special importance in univentricular cir- arteries should be discussed, as neonatal Blalock-­
culations which may require Fontan-type surgery. Taussig shunts or central shunts involving the
Severity of the ductal tissue causing left pul- pulmonary artery branches can lead to secondary
monary artery stenosis correlates with the severity stenosis (Sachweh et al. 1998).
of the right ventricular outflow tract obstruction.
That means that patients with pulmonary atresia
(with or without a ventricular septal defect) reveal 21.3.2   ulmonary Artery Anomaly
the most severe manifestations of pulmonary Causing/Being Associated
artery coarctation. In these patients, preoperative with Compression/
diagnostic procedure is often limited: in most Hypoplasia of Neighboring
cases, they require preoperative prostaglandin Structures: Pulmonary
infusion relaxing the myoepithelial cells. Artery Sling
Prostaglandin infusion in duct-dependent pulmo-
nary circulation cannot be temporarily stopped Pulmonary artery sling is an uncommon anomaly in
under very close clinical and echocardiography which the left pulmonary artery takes its origin from
surveillance to get information about the potential the common, main pulmonary artery far distal to
extent of pulmonary artery narrowing. the right of the trachea, then running behind the
Therefore, neonatal repair of pulmonary atre- trachea and in front of the esophagus to the left side
sia, which also includes a plastic reconstruction of (see . Fig.  21.18a). Characteristically, this anomaly
the main pulmonary artery in most patients, should causes an anterior dent of the esophagus. Contrary
also routinely include arterioplasty of the origin of to vascular rings caused by abnormal courses and
the left and/or right pulmonary artery (with right- connections of the aorta, leading to problems with
sided or bilateral duct) as recommended by some swallowing, this anomaly is more often associated
authors (Castaneda et al. 1994; Kirklin and Barratt- with pathological modifications of the respiratory
Boyes 1993; Luhmer and Ziemer 1993). system. Sometimes there may be only a temporary
For pulmonary atresia patients receiving a tracheomalacia in neonates, which does not require
systemic-pulmonary shunt as the primary opera- surgical attention. More often, however, the respira-
tion, the strategy is not clearly defined. In case of tory symptoms in the presence of a pulmonary
a limited narrowing, we recommend to address artery sling are caused by associated stenosis of the
surgery with the aid of cardiopulmonary bypass respiratory tract due to more or less hypoplastic and
and to perform a patch plasty of the pulmonary ring forming tracheal cartilages. As this has to be
coarctation including installation of distal anasto- expected in about 50 % of these patients, preopera-
mosis of the central shunt in the patched area. tive imaging of the respiratory tract is mandatory in
If the significance of a pulmonary coarctation all cases of pulmonary artery sling.
cannot be certified by echocardiography, it is ques- For a long time, a mechanical cause of the tra-
tionable to perform a prophylactic pulmonary arte- cheal stenosis was assumed because the accompa-
rioplasty. As many as 30 % of cases with right nying stenosis was mainly seen in the area of the
ventricular outflow tract obstruction revealed pul- left pulmonary artery crossing the trachea. The
monary artery coarctation (Luhmer and Ziemer length of the stenosis/hypoplasia, however, can
1993). Patients after shunt surgery should be very extend even far proximal, and hypoplastic com-
carefully and aggressively followed by cardiology plete ring cartilages can be present in the full
and cardiac surgery to recognize any changes in pul- length of the trachea. The ring cartilages can reach
monary perfusion in order to timely repair any distal the carina also. The main bronchial system
developing stenosis to maintain and provide a suffi- is mostly inconspicuous. The therapy of such an
cient and balanced pulmonary arterial development. anomaly should not only include the correction of
The issue of secondary pulmonary artery coarc- the pulmonary artery course but also address the
tation, occurring after neonatal surgery, is further narrowed airways. If necessary, the complete seg-
discussed in ▶ Chapter «Congenital Heart Disease ment of the stenosed trachea should be resected.
21 with Anomalies of the Right Ventricular Outflow Nowadays a median sternotomy is performed
Tract» Sect.; . Fig. 15.4; . Fig. 15.14». as access of choice, although the original opera-
In postoperative patients, differential diagno- tion described by Potts (Potts et  al. 1954) was
sis of an iatrogenic stenosis of the pulmonary done through a left-sided thoracotomy.
Chapter 21 · Congenital Anomalies of the Great Vessels
697 21

a b

..Fig. 21.18  a, b Pulmonary artery sling before and after orthotopic reimplantation

Usually extracorporeal circulation is estab- and occlusion of the anteposed vessels occurred,
lished. In case of an isolated pulmonary artery sling orthotopic reimplantation regained its popularity.
without intracardiac disease to be taken care of, the Tracheal surgery, at times involving the proxi-
operation can be performed in normothermia and mal right main bronchus, is indicated as a simul-
with the heart beating. With good venous drainage taneous procedure, adequate bronchoscopic and
and an empty right heart, ventilation is not required imaging findings provided. In planning and per-
which facilitates retroaortic and retrotracheal dis- forming this part of surgery, some principles are
section and final translocation of the left pulmonary notable:
artery. Even without intrinsic tracheal pathology – 55 In contrast to adults, the trachea in children
i.e., only tracheomalacia – but also in case of patho- is much better vascularized, and therefore an
logical, but sufficiently wide complete tracheal extensive dissection of the trachea is possible
rings, the proximal segment of the left pulmonary without risking ischemic complications to the
artery should be dissected and transected close to its same extent.
origin. Thereafter orthotopic reimplantation into 55 In infants the trachea can be resected in
the normal position pretracheal and left anterolat- a length of up to eight to ten cartilages
eral has to follow (. Fig. 21.18b). (or about half of the complete length) and
The origin of the left pulmonary artery is trans- still be anastomosed E-E after adequate
located and reanastomosed E-S far proximal into mobilization.
the main pulmonary artery in what one would con- 55 The region of anastomosis remains critical for
sider an orthotopic position. Preferably the area of restenosis caused by granulation tissue.
the former insertion of the ligamentum arterio- 55 An asymptomatic trachea albeit consisting
sum/arterial duct is used. Potts in his original oper- completely of pathological ring cartilages
ation described the reanastomosis of the left does not require surgical treatment.
pulmonary artery E-E into its origin on the right of
the trachea, now, however, being in a pretracheal For tracheal surgery, the following techniques
position. This technique resulted in an unaccept- may be applied:
able high occlusion rate of the left pulmonary 55 Simple resection and E-E anastomosis
artery. After a period in the late 1980s, where ortho- 55 Sliding plasty
topic reimplantation had been already the preferred 55 Insertion of a tracheal autograft
method to deal with the sling, there was a period 55 Using autologous tissue (pericardium, costal
where during the resection of the trachea only an cartilage) as an augmentation of the
anteposition ventral to the trachea was performed, reconstructed trachea
leaving the origin of the left pulmonary artery
untouched. This was thought to facilitate the com- As mentioned above, flexibility and good vas-
plex tracheal and vascular surgery. When stenosis cularization of the trachea in children allow for an
698 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

a b c

..Fig. 21.19  a–c Sliding plasty of the trachea

extended resection and end-to-end anastomosis. sional active extensions of the neck cannot be
Because of the simple feasibility of the resection, it avoided; however, a temporary fixation of the
is our preferred technique, which allows a resec- chin at the chest – as sometimes performed in the
tion even up to 50 % of tracheal length in case of adult thoracic surgery – is not indicated.
hypoplasia. An extended mobilization of the tra- In cases of more extensive stenosis (more than
chea above and below the length of resection is 50 % of the tracheal length), which prevents a
required, and the procedure is carried out by «simple» resection, a sliding plasty can be per-
inflection of the neck. In some cases, it was help- formed (Beierlein and Elliot 2006). The stenotic
ful for us to involve an ENT surgeon performing a segment of the trachea is cut obliquely in a very
laryngeal release. We perform the anastomosis huge angle, almost longitudinally. Cutting the tips
with interrupted polydioxanone sutures. To facili- of both ends (being an equivalent of some central
tate a fast healing tendency and to reduce the cre- resection), the remaining sides are shifted and
ation of obstructive granulation tissue, some sutured longitudinally (. Fig. 21.19). In those cases
surgeons felt an advantage in using faster reab- of an additionally preexisting stenosis of the right
sorbing suture material such as Vicryl®. We seal main bronchus, a sagittal incision starting at the
the anastomosis with fibrin glue containing an upper surface of the right bronchus heading proxi-
aminoglycoside antibiotic. Although used by oth- mal to the left side of the trachea facilitates con-
ers, we so far did not employ any other tracheal comitant treatment of this problem (Jonas 2004).
anastomosis-protecting feature like a pedicled The tracheal autograft technique described by
pericardial flap. We deem it appropriate to main- Backer (Backer et al. 1998) uses the resected tra-
tain the inflection of the neck up to 7 days after cheal segment once longitudinally incised as an
surgery. For that the preoperative customized expanding patch anteriorly for a partial E-E anas-
21 production of a plaster frame is recommended as tomosis. This procedure effectively shortens the
well as the application of sedation should be con- length of required resection (. Fig. 21.20).
tinued. Nevertheless an early extubation should The rare form of a completely, in its entire
be encouraged, i.e., at the morning of the first length, hypoplastic and stenotic trachea may
postoperative day. We are well aware that occa- mandate an alternative technique like that
Chapter 21 · Congenital Anomalies of the Great Vessels
699 21
a b c d

..Fig. 21.20  a–d Tracheal autograft technique: a segment resected out of the midst of the hypoplastic trachea is
sewn as a ventral patch after performing the direct anastomosis of the posterior tracheal hemicircumference

described by Idriss. As such, this is an extended and sixth day of life. This is followed by anatomical
patch plasty using autologous pericardium reach- closure, an involution of the duct tissue that finally
ing over the complete length of the trachea if nec- becomes the ligament arteriosum, a thin fibrotic
essary. This technique has a high rate of restenosis, structure between the aortic isthmus and the prox-
and it requires postoperative trachea stabilizing imal left pulmonary artery in adults. A ductus not
ventilation for at least 2 weeks (Idriss et al. 1984). functionally closed by 3  months of age will most
Good long-term results are reported on a small probably stay open as a persistent arterial duct.
series of patients undergoing a similar procedure Position (right/left), number (1–2), and size of
employing autologous costal cartilage as described the ductus can vary, especially in the aortic arch
by Forsen (Forsen et al. 2002). anomalies as discussed above. This is also true for
conotruncal as well as obstructive cardiac defects.
However, in most instances, the ductus is solitary
21.4 Left to Right Shunt and left sided, even in the case of a right aortic arch.
It is not the intention of this chapter to discuss the
21.4.1  Ductus Arteriosus Botalli particularities of the ductus arteriosus with regards
to associated anomalies, but we note the absence of
The ductus arteriosus Botalli, the arterial duct, is an the duct in patients with a truncus arteriosus type
essential part of normal fetal circulation. As a phys- A1–A2 as well in patients with an agenesis of the
iological shunt in prenatal life, it allows for about pulmonary valve. Histologically and functionally,
90 % of the right ventricular output (over 60 % of the ductus arteriosus is a unique vascular structure.
the combined right and left ventricular output) to In prenatal life, histologically the vessel is a large-
bypass the lungs, which are not inflated anyways. In sized muscular artery with the media almost com-
the descending aorta, it combines with about 10 % pletely missing elasticity. The cells of the tunica
of the combined cardiac output coming from the muscularis are located circular with unique recep-
aortic arch through the isthmus into the descend- tors, which react to postnatal changes (rising oxy-
ing aorta. The intrauterine diameter of the ductus is gen partial pressure, reduction of prostaglandin
comparable to the diameter of the descending aorta level in the blood). The muscle cells promote with
or the main pulmonary artery. Functional closure their contraction the functional closure in 80 % of
occurs soon after birth, usually between the first the newborns mostly in the first 24 h postnatally.
700 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

Additionally, the intima of the ductus shows a Patent resp. persistent ductus arteriosus will be
very good developed gelatinous matrix, which separately discussed for three different age groups
seals the closing lumen during/at the muscle con- with distinct therapeutic approaches: premature
traction. The final closure occurs within some babies, infants/children, and adults. Furthermore,
weeks caused by apoptosis of the muscular cells the special situations of an atherosclerotic duct, an
and proliferation of fibrotic tissue. At first the clo- infected duct, and of an aneurysmal duct will be
sure is completed at the side of the pulmonary dealt with.
artery; an ampulla-like bulging remains on/at the
aortic side for a few months and might lead to an Patent Ductus Arteriosus
aneurysm of the aorta in rare cases later in life. of the Premature Baby
The early phase of the closing process can be This type has to be seen as a delayed closure of a
completely reversed by a postnatal infusion of pros- histologically normal duct. The ductal tissue is just
taglandin l. On the other hand, the muscular cells in as immature as the baby, which postnatally makes
a ductus of a premature baby show a limited ability the ductal myocytes not respond timely to the
to react to oxygen, which is one reason for the high higher oxygen or lower prostaglandin levels, as it
rate of a patent ductus in this group of patients. would occur in term babies. Because of the com-
The patent ductus (spontaneous or maintained) mon association with respiratory insufficiency and
as part of a complex congenital heart disease will be arterial hypoxemia caused by an immature lung, it
discussed in the corresponding chapters. may be also speculated about an insufficient stimu-
lus for ductal closure in some patients. Depending
on the hemodynamic influence of the patent duct in
As definite spontaneous closure of the duct the individual patient, surgery is indicated
can be seen clinically as late as at the end of (increased left heart volume load by a large left-
the third month of life, this point of time is the right shunt with persistent pulmonary hyperten-
relevant date for the final distinction between sion). It cannot be ruled out that among the majority
a mere patent (before) and a persistent (after) of these patents with a histologically normal duct,
ductus arteriosus, interestingly both the occasional abnormal duct may be found which
abbreviated PDA. might otherwise have become a persistent arterial
duct later on. But this is without any clinical impact.
The first surgical treatment of a patent duct in
The persistent ductus arteriosus is a distinct a premature baby was reported by DeCancq in
pathological-clinical entity. In contrast to the nor- 1963. Because of the dramatic improvement of
mal ductal wall tissue, elastic fibers in the media the clinical condition after surgery, the procedure
are well developed. It almost resembles what can was rapidly accepted as the standard therapy for
be seen in the media of the normal aorta. For that this situation (DeCancq 1963). Indomethacin as a
reason, persisting patency of the duct cannot be medical therapy was introduced in 1976 (inhibi-
explained by a delayed or incomplete closing, but tion of prostaglandin synthesis), and because of
rather with a different (patho-) histology to start positive results and reduced risks, the medical
with. treatment remains the primary therapy in prema-
Historically, surgery for a persistent arterial duct ture neonates weighing more than 1,000 g.
was the first successful operation to repair congeni- With lack of sufficient data, the discussion
tal heart disease. It was Robert Gross from Boston whether primary surgery or primary medical
Children’s Hospital who performed ligation of a therapy should be preferred for premies <1,000 g
symptomatic large-caliber arterial duct via a left- is ongoing. The only randomized series of a
sided thoracotomy in a 7-year-old girl on August 26, controlled trial of very early prophylactic surgical
1938 (Gross and Hubbard 1939) (see also ▶ Chapter duct closure is more than 25 years old (Cassady
«The History of Cardiac Surgery» Sect. 1.5). et al. 1989). This study could not show a survival
When Porstmann closed a persistent arterial benefit for surgery; however, it showed a signifi-
21 duct in catheter technique in 1966, the arterial cant reduction in the incidence of necrotizing
duct also became the first congenital heart defect enterocolitis in the surgical group. Significantly
to successfully undergo definitive interventional worse neurosensory outcome was seen after sur-
treatment (Porstmann et al. 1967). gical duct closure versus medical therapy alone as
Chapter 21 · Congenital Anomalies of the Great Vessels
701 21
a result from the trial of indomethacin prophy- dure. Typically, these monitoring measures are
laxis in preterms (Kabra et al. 2007). Interestingly, already in place as part of the routine NICU care.
the surgically treated patients had received almost Positioning the baby on its right side is facili-
50 % more indomethacin than the nonsurgical, tated by its diapers in the radiant warming bed.
medicine-only group (0.64 mg/kg vs 0.45 mg/kg). There is no further bending of the chest necessary.
The authors of this large multicenter study com- The right side of the chest lies flat on the mattress.
prising of centers in Canada, Australia, New The posterolateral thoracotomy should be kept
Zealand, Hong Kong, and the USA state that PDA short according to the extreme elasticity of the tis-
ligation is a risk factor for poor long-term out- sue and may be no longer than 3.0 cm in prema-
comes in extremely low birth weight infants. They ture infants with a weight of about 500  g. The
also state that although indomethacin prophylaxis exposure of the site is obtained by careful retrac-
will prevent a few PDA ligations, most of these tion of the inflated and relative stiff lung. This
premies will not benefit from prophylactic indo- maneuver can compromise the cardiac function,
methacin and may even be harmed. and close monitoring regarding the development
In these patients, there is a persistent urgent of bradycardia is required. In case of a repetitive
need for controlled trials with long-term follow- compromise of the circulation and decrease of the
­up to better delineate the role of surgical versus heart frequency <100/min, which may occur very
medical closure of a patent arterial duct. In cur- rapidly, all instruments should be removed out of
rent practice, a surgical procedure is usually only the chest immediately, and a few minutes of
considered by neonatologists after two or three recovery should be allowed for. The dissection
indomethacin or ibuprofen cycles, and a symp- should be minimized also. Only some local inci-
tomatic duct remains patent. Given the undesir- sions of the mediastinal pleura cranial and caudal
able, especially renal side effects of indomethacin of the ductus are needed to apply a clip. The
and an only 50 % primary success rate of the edematous subpleural tissue of very symptomatic
drug-induced closure especially in premature patients further simplifies the dissection. The use
with a weight less than 1,000 g and definitely with of surgical loupes (2.5 better 3.5 magnification) is
a weight less than 500 g, a primary surgical ther- only mentioned for completeness. Circumferential
apy should be considered. Logistically even the dissection of the ductus is not only unnecessary; it
transport of these patients to the OR can be chal- clearly should be avoided for isolated ductus clo-
lenging. If possible, the operation should take sure in premature infants. The ductal tissue is
place on the neonatal intensive care unit because extremely fragile so that any direct manipulation
of the unstable thermoregulatory proportions and should be avoided. The recurrent laryngeal nerve
the often-critical respiratory conditions. This embracing the duct ventral of the vagal nerve
strategy advocated by us for many years is sup- (. Fig.  21.21) shouldn’t be manipulated either.
ported by clinical studies. They also showed that The clip should be applied midway of the duct to
the often-noticeable retrolenticular dysplasia may avoid any narrowing to the aorta or left pulmo-
be the result of an uncontrolled application of nary artery. For that the pulse oximetry system of
oxygen during the transport. The working group the lower extremities is useful. The clip should
in Philadelphia recommends further providing completely close the ductus. In case of an appar-
care to patients of outlying hospitals in their facil- ently incomplete closure, the removal of the clip is
ities by «traveling surgeons» (Gould et al. 2003). not recommended because of the risk of duct lac-
We are focusing further on maintaining the thera- eration. Instead a second clip has to be placed. If
peutical surrounding not only by performing the the application of the first clip induces any bleed-
procedure in the ICU at the bedside, but we also ing of the ductus, a second and better a third clip
foster an uninterrupted care and monitoring application also, one to each side of the original
throughout this procedure by an experienced clip, may save the situation.
neonatologist and its NICU staff. The advancement of clip technology allows for
A direct measurement of the arterial blood this approach as a routine. We check any clip
pressure during operation is neither practical nor applier for undistorting clip application on a
necessary. The ECG and the pulse oximetry sys- string outside the operating field before using the
tem of the upper and lower extremities should very same applier to actually close the duct.
deliver sufficient information during the proce- Although the majority of the premie duct closures
702 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

a b

N. vagus

A. pulmonalis sin. Aorta

N. laryngeus recurrens Ductus arteriosus

..Fig. 21.21  a, b Surgical site for a patent ductus arteriosus in a premature baby. After minimal dissection above and
below the ductus, only one clip is applied in the midst of the ductus

are performed as clip closure, they still may be drain should be primarily inserted. After a running
referred to as «ligations». Actually the first report suture of the fascia, the skin can be closed directly.
on premie ductus clip closures referred to «liga- We avoid conventional intracutaneous suture of the
tion with a clip» 30 years ago (Traugott et al. 1980). immature skin as this is often traumatic in these
An unpublished poll within the European cases; we also avoid adhesive dressings. We prefer a
Congenital Heart Surgeons’ Association in May nonacrylic tissue glue (Dermabond®) as a substi-
2013 (personal communication) regarding duct tute for a skin suture and wound dressing.
closing preference resulted for premies less than Any alternative surgical approach as interven-
1,000 g in 20 clip closures only, five ligations only, tion or video-assisted thoracic closure is not lon-
and two ligations plus clip when 27 members ger indicated. Even pioneering centers of
responded. A retrospective study comprising six video-assisted thoracoscopic ductus closure in the
surgeons in two centers in New Zealand over 1990s went back to the conventional procedure in
5  years demonstrated a significant reduction in these patients (Jonas 2004).
the operative time for clip use, absence of bleed-
ing (18 % in ligature group), and a trend in lower Persistent Ductus Arteriosus
postoperative morbidity (Mandhan et al. 2006). in Infants and Children
In a standard situation, the chest should be This is the typical aorta-like ductus arteriosus which
closed without any pleural drain. Preplaced perico- depending on its size and effectiveness can cause a
stal sutures are tied during a forced inflation of the significant left-right shunt leading to heart failure
lungs, in order to guarantee a complete expansion with or without increased pulmonary pressure.
of the lungs. Irrigating the wound with normal Beyond the third month of life, the ductus does not
21 saline during the first ventilations after chest clo- show any tendency toward a spontaneous closure,
sure may detect or exclude any air. Any attempt to and therefore the diagnosis of a hemodynamically
close small air leaks in the visceral pleura in order relevant ductus should define automatically an indi-
to avoid any drain is useless. In these cases, a pleural cation for transcatheter ­ closure or surgery. The
Chapter 21 · Congenital Anomalies of the Great Vessels
703 21
modern Doppler sonographic technology enables to vessel clamps, the ductus is incised right above the
identify a persistent ductus as small as a diameter of most prominent part of the palpable device. After
1–2 mm. These tiny vessels are asymptomatic, and a removing the device, the primarily placed sur-
prophylactic treatment due to threatening complica- rounding sutures and/or ligatures are tied.
tions of/like an endarteritis remains controversial
(Thilén and Aström-Olsson 1997).
During the last 10 years, the interventional clo- Rescue of a closing device after embolisation
sure has been established as a standard procedure in into the left pulmonary artery
this age group, preferably with a body weight of 1. Acute embolization: lateral thoracotomy in
6 kg or more, which, however, seems not to be man- the fifth intercostal space and oblique inci-
datory. Open surgery is performed only in excep- sion in the left pulmonary artery in the
tional circumstances or due to complications (s.b.). interlobar fissure.
Since the introduction of the Rashkind device (duc- 2. Late embolization or late notice, that means
tus occluder, «umbrella») in the 1970s, the inter- after more than 2 weeks: transsternal
ventional techniques for ductus closure have longitudinal incision of the distal main
become much more safer but also more extensive pulmonary trunk into the proximal left
and especially more expensive. The rate of compli- pulmonary artery employing
cations is very low. The occasional rescue surgery to normothermic extracorporeal circulation.
retrieve a lost device out of the pulmonary artery or 3. Cave: before removing the embolized device,
aorta, however, is far more extensive than a primary the closure/division of the ductus is required.
simple operative closure or division of the ductus.
An acutely embolized device usually ends up
in the lower lobe artery of the left pulmonary Video-assisted thoracoscopic ductus closure as
artery; this can be removed directly out of the first done by Laborde (Laborde et  al. 1993) may
interlobar fissure (upper/lower lobe) via a postero- offer a cosmetically favorable alternative to an
lateral thoracotomy in the fifth intercostals space open surgical procedure. But as currently indica-
and an oblique incision of the artery during a tem- tion for surgery is limited to very small patients or
porary tourniquet closure. If the dislocation was to those cases with an apparently complicated
originally unnoticed and the embolized device anatomy, video-assisted technique may be
may be in its new position for more than 2 weeks, extremely laborious, and the benefits of such a
we recommend access via sternotomy and the use procedure are not demonstrated. Technically, the
of normothermic extracorporeal circulation with trocars are placed in the third or fourth intercostal
the heart beating. With the transsternal approach, space if possible along a line.
the ductus Botalli has to be closed before or with The classical closure of the ductus is performed via
ongoing bypass. After a longitudinal incision of a posterolateral thoracotomy in the third or fourth
the distal main pulmonary artery and the proximal intercostal space. The following rule of thumb – sim-
left pulmonary artery, the device can be retracted. ilar to the coarctation operation  – approximately
A device still sticking in the ductus, however, applies: the lighter the patient, the higher the inter-
with a huge residual shunt can be removed via ster- costal space to be selected (<3 kg, third intercostals
notomy using extracorporeal circulation also. An space; >4  kg, fourth intercostal space; in between
off-pump approach via a typical left lateral thora- gray zone). The lung is retracted ventral by a spatula,
cotomy in the fourth intercostal space as usual for and the mediastinal pleura is opened longitudinally
primary ductus closure is also possible. But addi- right over the proximal descending aorta. The ven-
tionally to the procedure as for primary surgical tral edge of the pleura is elevated by stay sutures pro-
closure, the intrapericardial left pulmonary artery tecting the lung with a wet gauze pad. With this the
and the descending aorta have to be exposed proxi- lung spatula can be removed as they are no longer
mal and distal to the ductus to be able to perform necessary. The identification of the ductus, even
clamping maneuvers. Depending on the position of though it seems to be simple, may not always be
the intraductal device, sutures or ligatures may have achieved at the first sight. The first glance often
to be preplaced. After clamping of the great vessels addresses the ductus as the aortic arch. The recurrent
(aorta, if necessary even distal and proximal of the laryngeal nerve branching from the phrenic nerve
ductus branching) using Cooley clamps or straight and embracing the ductus from ventral/caudal to
704 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

dorsal may serve as a guideline. The aorta proximal

and distal to the ductus should be dissected circum-
ferentially before the ductus itself is manipulated.
Even though it is possible to place two special clamps
(Potts clamps) at the ductus in individual cases, it is
more convenient to cross-clamp the aorta proximal
and distal the ductus, as it also enables the closure of
extremely short and wide structures. After transec-
tion, both stumps should sewed by/with double-row
polypropylene sutures.
In infants and small children, we prefer primar-
ily to apply two circumferential sutures, one each
on the pulmonary and aortic side, thereby avoiding
aortic cross-clamping. The descending aorta, how- b
ever, proximally and distally to the ductus insertion,
is prepared for potential cross-­clamping if neces-
sary. The ductus is transected in between the tied
sutures in small steps (. Fig. 21.22). In case of sig-
nificant bleeding, the cross-clamping has to take
place as described above. Often an additional clip
application is sufficient, which we additionally per-
form prophylactically anyways in most cases. An
additional suture is rarely needed.
Most ductus closures are referred to as «liga-
tions», as the historically first successful ductus clo-
sure had been a ligation (Gross and Hubbard 1939).
A solitary ligation of a persistent ductus leads acutely
to a compression closure of the ductus. Thereafter the
locally compressed ductal wall tissue may thin out, ..Fig. 21.22  a–b Transection of a persistent ductus arte-
riosus in neonates and infants performing purse-string
and this will be followed by a recanalization of the
suture closures and if applicable additional clip placements
ductus, although stenotic. If a ligation shall be per- on both the pulmonary and aortal side
formed, at least two ligations with some distance to
each other are required, producing a thrombotic and acy (see ▶ Chapter «The History of Cardiac Surgery»
later on organized closure between the two ligations. Sect. 1.5). Reason of change in technique had been
The mechanism described for recanalization a fatal hemorrhage 2  weeks after ductus ligation
as a potential result of a solitary ligation in persis- due to a cut through ligature in this patient.
tent ductus does not apply for a simple ligation of Once the duct is closed/divided, the parietal
a patent ductus in a premature baby. In almost all pleura is readapted over the aorta with a running
of these cases, the ductal tissue at the time of sur- suture, and the thoracotomy is closed without
gery is still immature and irresponsive to the nor- placing a drain/chest tube in the standard way. In
mal stimuli, but will later undergo the normal older children/adolescents, a pleural chest tube
closing process accompanying normal gestational may be placed.
and postpartum life. If present, a pericardial effusion may be
For the persistent duct, even the «father of duc- relieved by a small pericardiocentesis ventral and
tus ligation», Robert Gross, suggested a ­transection distant to the phrenic nerve or directly ventral to
as the standard procedure later on (Gross and the pulmonary side of the duct.
Longino 1951). In his biographical memoir (Moore
and Folkman 1995) he is cited to have performed Persistent Ductus Arteriosus
21 only 12 ductus ligations in children. Thereafter, of in Adults
his 1,610 ductus surgeries, all others were ductus Despite all types of precautionary consults during
divisions. After reading Dr. Gross’s original surgery childhood, a minor number of PDA remains
logbook 1937–1972 we slightly modified this leg- undetected till symptomatology gets picked up at
Chapter 21 · Congenital Anomalies of the Great Vessels
705 21
adult age. The majority of these anomalies are tiny distal of the ductus (Hara et  al. 1993) with or
with an inner diameter of maximal 3–4 mm, and without (Johnson and Kron 1988) using a partial
they are found due to a murmur rather than left heart bypass. Transluminal temporary bal-
hemodynamic significance. At these sizes, poten- loon occlusion is followed by an intra-aortal patch
tial pathologic changes in pulmonary vascularity plasty. Taking everything said above into account,
are limited. After invasive examination which this approach is not first choice.
may show typically a predominant left-right shunt Gold and Cohn (1986) as well suggest an
without any or at least not significant pulmonary approach via thoracotomy. Their approach takes
hypertension, the ductus should be closed. advantage of the usually dilated and noncalcified
In case of a simple duct variation, an interven- pulmonary artery close to the ductus. They required
tion with one of the different devices like coils or an extensive dissection of the pulmonary artery so
umbrella should achieve a stable closure. that two Cooley clamps can be placed side biting the
But there are some variations, which are pri- left pulmonary artery close to the bifurcation beyond
marily (window type: extremely short) or second- the calcifications. The transection and the double-
arily modified (sclerotic, aneurysmatic, or row suture are performed in that case outside of the
infected ductus; see below). Their increased risk calcificated ductal tissue. A hemodynamically rele-
constellation mandates an alternative approach to vant narrowing of the pulmonary artery as a result is
that outlined above. not to be expected as the diameter of the vessel has
enlarged due to the pre existing significant left to Atherosclerotic Ductus right shunt in these cases requiring surgery.
Arteriosus While dependent on a limited extent of calcifi-
After the 50th year of age, a patent ductus arteriosus cations and size of the persistent duct, they may be
starts revealing atherosclerotic changes, calcifications amenable to routine interventional catheter closure
mainly at the aortic side. These mostly confluent cir- techniques; special anatomies like very large and/
cumferential calcifications prohibit a conventional or a very short ductus may need to undergo sur-
surgical closure by a ligation/transection or even by gery. With the advanced progress in the technology
multiple ligations via a thoracotomy. Any kind of of using endovascular prosthesis and growing/
clamping direct at the ductus has to be avoided due increasing experience of different diseases of the
to the increased risk of rupture or dissection. The thoracic aorta, first reports are published about the
same is true for clamping the aorta close to the take- successful endovascular treatment of the persistent
off of the ductus. In contrast to the aortic end, the ductus arteriosus (Ozmen et al. 2005; Roques et al.
pulmonary end of the ductus may not show any or 2001). However, there is no conclusive evidence
less calcifications. Therefore, it is recommended to available regarding the specific problematic case of
address the ductus closure via a sternotomy and from endoleaks due to the rarity of the procedure. Due
inside the main pulmonary artery employing nor- to the large devices and catheters required for the
mothermic extracorporeal circulation with the heart original Porstmann technique, using an Ivalon®
beating (Morrow and Clark 1966). plug, this technique was only suitable for adult
With this approach, it is required to clamp the patients of any kind (Porstmann et al. 1967a, b).
patent ductus before the pulmonary artery is incised.
In case of calcifications at the pulmonary site, it Infection of the Ductus
could be mandatory to occlude the ductus intralu- Arteriosus
minally, which creates a new risk on its own. The use The endarteritis inside the ductus and the pulmo-
of an appropriate/corresponding-­ sized Fogarty nary artery is a known but more talked about than
catheter can be helpful. If neither the clamping nor actually seen complication. If present, vegetations
the occlusion is possible because of a very short or usually occur on the pulmonary artery end of the
fragile ductus, the switch to a deep hypothermic cir- ductus, and embolic events are usually to the lung
culatory arrest is warranted (O’Donovan and Beck rather than the systemic circulation (Schneider
1978). The orifice should be closed by a patch plasty and Moore 2006). The risk of duct infection, even
using synthetic material with running sutures. in the pre-antibiotic era, was only about 1 %/year
Another option for closure of a calcified duct and has to be accordingly lower to almost nonexis-
was performed via thoracotomy employing tent with current era availability and use of antibi-
­primary cross-clamping of the aorta proximal and otics in the western world (Campbell 1968; Thilen
706 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

and Astrom-Olsson 1997). Therefore, the assumed be documented by ultrasound performed two to
risk of endocarditis as indication for ductus closure three times daily in the neonate. If regression does
in hemodynamically irrelevant arterial duct is not not occur or a partial thrombosis without closure
valid anymore for quite some time. For the rarely of the ductus persists (in the area of the aneurysm),
presenting infective PDA, in analogy to valvular surgery should be considered . This may also be
endocarditis, first-line treatment is antibiotics, and true for the rare cases with symptoms (Koneti et al.
surgery is only indicated if sepsis persists and/or 2011). Many in utero detected ductal aneurysms
PDA-associated circulatory problems persist/arise. resolve with ductal closure and thrombosis with-
The objective of the surgical therapy would not out clinical sequelae (Rutishauser et al. 1977). The
only be closure of the ductus but also the complete principal operative steps are the same as described
resection of the infected (vascular) parts of the ves- in ▶ Sect., «Patent Ductus Arteriosus of the
sel. Providing a safe operation with the aid of car- Premature Baby», and ▶ Sect., «Persistent
diopulmonary bypass is recommended. Ductus Arteriosus in Infants and Children» as the
Before and during establishing the extracorpo- aneurysm is constrained to the extent of the duc-
real circulation, manipulations at the pulmonary tus, not involving the connecting great arteries.
artery should have to be avoided. After clamping The generally elongated run of the ductus is easier
the ductus on the aortic side and blocking of the to transect. If thrombus extending into the aorta is
peripheral pulmonary arteries, the pulmonary documented, the clamping of the isthmus and
artery itself may be opened to prevent peripheral proximal descending aorta with inspection of the
embolizations. After removing the vegetations, the aortic lumen is obligatory. Resected aneurysms
involved wall of the pulmonary artery is resected. may show histological anomalies, above all con-
If the ductal intima of the aortic side imposes itself nective tissue disease.
macroscopically as obviously infected, a local Aortic thromboembolism may occur even in
resection of this part is also necessary. In cases premature infants after clip application of a large
such as these, the approach via left anterior thora- ductus/ductus aneurysm. Aortic occlusion may
cotomy is suggested by Stejskal and Stark (1992) in be treated by a short-term medical rising of the
order to facilitate the establishment of extracorpo- blood pressure, pushing the acute/fresh thrombus
real circulation via the ascending aorta and the far peripheral by the bloodstream, in an ideal way
pulmonary trunk as well as the access to both the to the iliac/femoral vessels where it may dissolve
aortic isthmus and the left pulmonary artery. spontaneously. If the aorta remains symptomati-
cally obstructed or even occluded, surgical treat- Aneurysm of the Ductus ment would be required, but was not necessary in
Arteriosus our own experience yet.
An aneurysm of the arterial duct may already be In our experience in two institutions over
present prenatally and demonstrable in fetal echo- 25 years, we have seen only one symptomatic aortic
cardiography. It also can manifest itself as a late thromboembolism during ductus surgery and one
complication of a persistent or incomplete closed spontaneous symptomatic pulmonary thrombo-
ductus, after surgery, intervention, and/or infection. embolism (Rauch et  al. 2008), both in premature
infants. A surgically treated patient has been
kThe aneurysm of the neonatal ductus reported in one case elsewhere (Fripp et al. 1985).
With the advanced use of perinatal echocardiog-
raphy, a primary aneurysm is seen more often kLate Aneurysm
(mostly asymptomatic). The incidence in children An originally incomplete closure or a persistent
with genetic anomalies is higher. In 25 % of ductus Botalli can result in typical degenerative
patients, systemic diseases such as trisomy 21, tri- aneurysm with complications as thromboembo-
somy 13, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, or Marfan’s lism and dissection/rupture at advanced age.
disease are present (Dyamenahalli et al. 2000). Besides the typical spindle-shaped aneurysm of the
Early on the indication for surgery was seen ductus, a diverticulum is also described compris-
21 very liberal because of an impressing diameter ing the aortic side of the ductus expanded like a
(Lund et al. 1992). Nowadays a primary conserva- trumpet. Misinterpretations as an aortic rupture of
tive treatment in the sense of watchful waiting is this structure after thoracic traumata are described.
recommended. The tendency of regression should At adult age the aneurysmatic dilatation can
Chapter 21 · Congenital Anomalies of the Great Vessels
707 21
involve the neighboring vessels and with that com- the proximal variation (type I, proximal defect,
plicate the therapy; however, the aneurysm even in . Fig.  21.23a), the window is directly located
late adult life can still be constrained to the original downstream of the sinotubular junction of both
duct area. Aneurysms of the pulmonary artery vessels connecting the left side of the ascending
connected with Eisenmenger syndrome caused by aorta with the right side of the main pulmonary
a patent ductus Botalli are also known in adults. artery. The distal variation is located farther
Clinical signs of a hemodynamically ineffective downstream linking the two great arteries at the
aneurysm of the ductus in adults are those of a tho- level of the takeoff of the right pulmonary artery.
racic mass: thoracic pressure sensation, a typical In relation to the aorta, the distal window can be
hoarseness indicating the affected recurrent laryn- identified in the back wall of the aorta (type II,
geal nerve. Bronchial obstruction in a 4 months old distal defect, . Fig. 21.23b).
(Roughneen et al. 1996) and vocal chord paralysis A third type, type III, is called the total defect
with phrenic nerve paralysis in a neonate (Berger (. Fig. 21.23c). Here, the complete aortic pulmonary
et al. 1960) have also been reported. Indications for septum between sinotubular junction and takeoff of
surgery are either hemodynamic reasons or symp- the right pulmonary artery is missing. Type IV is an
toms created by aneurysmal tumor growth. «intermediate version». The defect/window is
The operative procedure in adults may be located in between types I and II (. Fig. 21.23d).
complex as it may require aortic wall excision or The proximal and distal varieties correspond
a segmental resection and an implantation of a to the types I and II of the in most publications
prosthetic patch or a tube graft. The technical cited Richardson classification (Richardson et al.
details do not differ from principles of surgery of 1979). The third variety of the Richardson classifi-
an aneurysm of the descending aorta, and they cation matches what is now called hemitruncus,
may be straightforward also. an anomalous origin of the right or left pulmo-
nary artery directly from the aorta with two
essentially normal aortic and pulmonary semilu-
21.4.2  Aortopulmonary Window nar valves. The anomalous origin is usually oppo-
site to the side of the aortic arch. Classification Associated cardiac malformations are present
This rare malformation of the great arteries can be in 50 % of the patients. Most of them are simple
defined as a communication between the ascend- isolated anomalies like a ventricular septal defect,
ing aorta and the main pulmonary artery with ASD type II, or a persistent ductus. Others are
almost no length, a «window», which is hemody- typical for the aortopulmonary window. An IAA
namically unrestrictive in most cases. (see also ▶ Sect., «Interrupted Aortic Arch»)
Clinical symptoms and pathophysiology are as a very complex anomaly associated with aorto-
similar to truncus arteriosus, although these two pulmonary window was described first by Berry
defects derive from different embryological devel- et al. (1982). In this association, the IAA is usually
opments. While truncus arteriosus is a conotrun- of type A.  The three branches of the aortic arch
cal malformation, the aortopulmonary window arise from the more or less normal-size ascending
results from an error in fusion of parts of the far- aorta. The right pulmonary artery seems to arise
ther distally located aortopulmonary septum. from the right side of the ascending aorta, while
The result is an oval hole between the ascend- the origin of the left pulmonary artery is located –
ing aorta and the pulmonary artery associated far away from that – at the left side of the pulmo-
with two separated and completely normal semi- nary trunk before the origin of the ductus Botalli.
lunar valves. Absence of the intracardiac ventric- The proximal type windows may be accompa-
ular septal defect and presence of these two nied by anomalies of the coronary ostia and their
semilunar valves are the only morphological dif- origins. The distal windows more often show
ferences to truncus arteriosus. complex spatial relations to the takeoff of the right
In the Congenital Heart Surgery classification, pulmonary artery.
Jacobs et al. (2000) suggested four different types Independent of their location, these defects
for aortopulmonary window based on three types cause a nonrestrictive left to right shunt on the arte-
as described earlier (Mori et al. 1978). These four rial level. This may result in a relative early rise in
types differ in their localization (. Fig. 21.23). In pulmonary vascular resistance (Doty et al. 1981). To
708 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

a b

Type I, proximal defect Type II, distal defect

c d

Type III, total defect Type IV, intermediate defect

..Fig. 21.23  a–d Congenital Heart Surgeons’ Society classification of aortopulmonary window (According to Mori
et al. 1978; Jacobs et al. 2000; used with permission)

prevent this, early corrective surgery in neonates sary. Cardiac catheterization is recommended in
should be considered even in compensated situa- patients beyond the third month of life to evaluate
tions. In truncus arteriosus type A, the primary mix- pulmonary vascular resistance.
ing occurs on the ventricular level, causing a mixed The diagnosis of an aortic pulmonary window
shunt; in case of an aortopulmonary window, there presents an indication for surgery. The only con-
is an exclusive left to right shunt with normal periph- traindication would be fixed Eisenmenger syn-
eral saturation, especially after reduction of neonatal drome in older patients.
pulmonary vascular resistance. As said before, how-
21 ever, pulmonary resistance may rise again early. Surgical Treatment
Echocardiography is usually sufficient for The first successful surgical treatment dates back
diagnosis (Apitz et al. 2007). If coronary anomalies to 1948 when Robert Gross closed an aortopul-
cannot be ruled out, cardiac angiography is neces- monary window by double ligation. As depicted
Chapter 21 · Congenital Anomalies of the Great Vessels
709 21
in drawings in that publication, there obviously the aortic cross-clamp. If deep hypothermic cir-
had been some length to the window which allows culatory arrest is instituted, the place of cannula-
for this type of off-pump procedure (Gross 1952). tion is not as critical as the cross-clamp can be
Another procedure that was performed before the placed on either side of the cannula during arrest,
introduction of extracorporeal circulation was the and thereafter the defect is repaired.
division of the aortopulmonary connection after Venous cannulation depends on the presence
side clamping as reported by Scott and Sabiston of additional intracardiac defects to be taken care
(1953) and Flechter et  al. (1954). Despite these of as well as on the perfusion technique used (with
reports about successful treatments, these tech- or without circulatory arrest). Independent of the
niques had limited application due to the anatom- anatomic location of the aortopulmonary window,
ical variations, and they remained risky. Only by both pulmonary arteries should be dissected cir-
employing extracorporeal circulation, this cardiac cumferentially and snared by tourniquets with ini-
defect can be routinely corrected in a safe and tiating extracorporeal circulation analog to the
reproducible manner with protection of the correction of the truncus arteriosus. In case of a
neighboring structures. From all the techniques, hemitruncus, only the aberrant pulmonary artery
some of them are still used. We may mention the coming off the ascending aorta has to be closed
separation and direct closure described by Cooley temporarily.
(Cooley et  al. 1957) as well as the transaortic In contrast to the biarterial cannulation
(Deverall et al. 1969) patch closure. required for primary IAA, a single cannulation is
By definition this anomaly is a window, i.e., a sufficient in case of a Berry syndrome (s.a.)
communication without length, and it is not a because both parts of the aorta can be perfused
tubular structure. Sometimes, however, it can show via the nonrestrictive window. The temporary
some «depth», and its dimensions can be even closure of the pulmonary arteries with initiating
delineated in between the aorta and main pulmo- the extracorporeal bypass is self-evident.
nary artery. As the pulmonary artery is usually Dissection of the window can be carried out
enlarged, this anatomic communication can then during the cooling phase of bypass with the heart
be isolated with C-clamps on both the aortic and decompressed. In case of an aberrant right coro-
pulmonary sides without compromising the lumen nary artery out of the window or even out of the
of the great vessels. With that the window gets even pulmonary artery, its epicardial course may sug-
more of a length, and therefore the closure can be gest the best incision. With reaching the target
performed almost like a transection of the ductus temperature desired, the aorta is cross-clamped,
Botalli without installing cardiopulmonary bypass. and if applicable, cardioplegia is given. Thereafter
These must have been the circumstances of the first the window is opened, and aorta and main pul-
cases reported before the advent of cardiopulmo- monary artery are separated (. Fig. 21.24a, b).
nary bypass. This procedure may be still used in Relatively small (about 25 % of the aortal cir-
selected cases. One has to be absolutely certain that cumference) type I and type IV defects (see
the clamps will neither obstruct the lumina of the . Fig. 21.22a, d) can be closed directly at the aortic
pulmonary artery nor aorta and coronary arteries side. In case of an oval opening as in most cases, the
and they also will not interfere with the semilunar closure should be performed with a double-­row
valves. If this is the case, suture closure of both suture parallel to the longitudinal diameter, given
sides will be safe. Even if we plan to go ahead with the attention to the valve, the coronary arteries, and
an off-pump approach in aortopulmonary win- the remaining diameter of the aorta.
dow, we have a circuit for extracorporeal circula- If the window is larger than 25 % of the aortic
tion ready to be connected on the OR table. circumference, patch plasties of both the aortic
In general, repair of an aortopulmonary win- defect as well as the pulmonary artery is recom-
dow is performed under direct vision as an on-­ mended, using pericardium or polytetrafluoroeth-
pump procedure with cardioplegic arrest. In case ylene. We use 0.4 mm thick polytetrafluoroethylene
of a proximal window, the ascending aorta may be (. Fig. 21.24b).
cannulated at the usual aspect. With a distal win- As an alternative, the window can be closed by a
dow, the cannulation should be performed as dis- patch either with a transaortic or pulmonary access
tal as possible, rather in the proximal aortic arch incorporating the risk of a remaining defect/leak as
to ensure a safe and nondistorting placement of in any intracavity closure of a communication.
710 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz

If the window is located more distally, it transaortic patch closure may be possible; how-
should be approached through an oblique inci- ever, right pulmonary artery reconstruction is less
sion of the aorta. The aortotomy facilitates the controlled and therefore less reliable.
exact excision of the posterior part of the window If an IAA is associated, the origins of the pul-
to the pulmonary artery. Confining the excision monary arteries are located far from each other,
to the dimensions of the window facilitates right detaining a direct reimplantation of the right pul-
pulmonary artery reconstruction, which should monary artery (. Fig.  21.25a). It is suggested to
be carried out with a patch plasty. A second patch connect the orifice of the right pulmonary artery
closes and reconstructs the aorta. A single intra-/ with the aortic pulmonary window via an intra-

a b

..Fig. 21.24  a, b Bilateral patch closure of an aortopulmonary window

a A. pulmonalis sin. b
descending aorta
aortopulmonary window

ascending aorta
A. pulmonalis dext. intra aortic patch for tunnel of RPA

..Fig. 21.25  a, b Approach in case of an aortic pulmonary window associated with an interrupted aortic arch
Chapter 21 · Congenital Anomalies of the Great Vessels
711 21
aortic tunnel after performing a longitudinal aor- more or less severe cyanosis and/or insufficiency
totomy (. Fig.  21.25b). Anterior enlargement of of the heart.
the aorta may be necessary as already mentioned When viewed morphologically, these abnor-
in the original paper (Berry et  al. 1982). After mal connections can be classified as simple or
resection of the ductal tissue, the distal aorta complex forms, depending on the number of arte-
should be anastomosed end to side to the almost rial inflow vessels (commonly pulmonary collat-
regular-­sized ascending aorta. In our own limited eral arteries at times branching from the bronchial
experience, we preferred to reconstruct the aorta arteries). A solitary arterial inflow vessel identifies
and pulmonary artery separately with two patches. the simple form, while networks of arterial and
venous collaterals designate the complex form.
A more or less severe cyanosis without signs
21.5 Right to Left Shunt for intracardiac or known pulmonary disease is
typical for isolated congenital pulmonary arterio-
21.5.1  Pulmonary Arteriovenous venous fistula. Chest X-ray alterations of the lungs
Fistula in most cases are very discrete. The appearance of
intravenously injected air bubbles in the left
Pulmonary arteriovenous fistulas are a rare, but atrium detected by a contrast echocardiography is
correctable cyanotic disease. Their origins can be pathognomonic for the pulmonary arteriovenous
both congenital and acquired. The vast majority fistula. An additional CT or MRI or a conven-
of the congenital arteriovenous fistulas (about tional angiography is required to verify even the
70 %) are caused by an autosomal dominant anatomical details.
hereditary disease (hereditary hemorrhagic telan- Catheter interventional therapy can produce
giectasia, Rendu-Osler-Weber syndrome). This excellent results in cases of smaller fistulas with
telangiectasia primarily affects the skin and defined in- and outflow vessels. For the more
mucous membranes, but also visceral organs. It complex forms, surgical therapy is indicated.
rarely becomes symptomatic during the neonatal Closure of isolated large-sized fistulas can be per-
period, but does so with increasing age. About formed by ligation after careful dissection of these
35 % of the patients show pulmonary manifesta- very thin-walled and fragile fistulas. But more
tions (Gossage and Kanj 1998). often preference will be given for an anatomical
Acquired forms may be attributed to liver dis- lung resection (lobectomy, segmentectomy),
ease. It may also be seen in patients in the follow-­up eliminating the abnormal connections and the
of pediatric/congenital cardiac surgery after cyanosis en bloc.
Kawashima- or bidirectional Glenn operation for In the extreme case of bilateral diffuse fistulas
the spectrum of univentricular hearts. In these causing severe cyanosis, bilateral lung
patients, hepatovenous blood is prevented from transplantation is the only feasible therapeutic
direct lung passage. The lack of a presumed «liver option (Svetliza et al. 2002).
factor» is thought to be the reason for the develop-
ment of these potentially ubiquitously existing pul-
monary fistulas. Frequently, however, these new 21.5.2   ulmonary Artery to Left
appearing fistulas may be restricted to one lobe only. Atrium Communication
These fistulous communications are dealt with
also in ▶  Chapter «Definite Palliation of Functional This very rare anomaly of a shunt between the right
Single Ventricle», Sect. Due to their fre- pulmonary artery and the (superior aspect of the) left
quency and clinical implications for the Fontan atrium is reported in about 60 cases in the literature,
circulation, their treatment and first of all their most of them described beyond the neonatal period
primary prophylaxis continue to represent subject as a cyanotic disease which also may lead to systemic
of ongoing debate as to the optimal timing and thromboembolism (Chowdhury et al. 2005).
technical configuration of the total cavopulmo- According to a fatal case report (Verel et  al.
nary connection both in the setting of normal or 1964), there have been two reports mentioning
azygos-dependent inferior vena cava drainage. one surgical survivor each before 1960 (Friedlich
Congenital fistulas are usually isolated pathol- et al. 1950; Taussig 1960), the earlier and first one
ogies. Depending on their size, they can cause a supposedly being operated by Alfred Blalock.
712 G. Ziemer and R. Kaulitz


aneurysm MPA MPA






Type I Type II

venous confluens LPA LPA





Type III Type IV

..Fig. 21.26  Classification of the pulmonary artery to left atrium communication. Type I: direct connection between the
right pulmonary artery and the posterior aspect of the left atrium. Normal pulmonary veins. Type II: connection of the right
lower lobe pulmonary artery branch with the right inferior pulmonary vein («end to end») close to the left atrium. Agenesis of
the right lower lobe of the lung. Type III: connection with a retrocardiac pulmonary venous confluence that is not incorporated
into the left atrium. Type IV: aneurysmatic retrocardiac connection of the fistula receiving right pulmonary veins also. Normally
connected left pulmonary veins (According to de Souza e Silva et al. (1974) and Ohara et al. (1979); used with permission)

The neonatal form may manifest itself with a a proposed classification of three pathoanatomic
severe cyanosis, which cannot be managed conven- findings was already published in the 1970s by de
tionally. It has to be considered that this disease is Souza e Silva et  al. (1974) and extended to four
probably underdiagnosed due to the lethal outcome types by O’hara et al. (1979; . Fig. 21.26).
immediately postpartum. This may change now The symptomatic neonatal form has already
with the increasing frequency of prenatal diagnosis, significant abnormal hemodynamics prenatally:
21 as it was the case in our experience (Meyberg- in addition to the obligatory right to left shunt of
Solomayer et  al. 2009). This anomaly is currently the fistula there is flow reversal in the arterial
rarely mentioned in any of the important textbooks duct, leading to extreme biventricular cardiomeg-
of pediatric cardiologic or cardiac surgery although aly due to extreme volume overload of the heart.
Chapter 21 · Congenital Anomalies of the Great Vessels
713 21
At the same time, the pulmonary circulation The alternative strategy of an interventional
being prenatally already minimal may be even closure of the pulmonary artery to left atrial com-
further reduced. Cardiomegaly with the extremely munication is only recommended in neonates
enlarged left atrium may demand a detailed fetal achieving sufficient oxygenation and CO2 elimi-
echocardiography detecting the abnormal com- nation early postpartum. But in case of a continu-
munication. Immediately postnatal neonatal pul- ously deteriorating O2 saturation and a developing
monary vascular resistance may not allow any metabolic acidosis, immediate surgery is the most
pulmonary flow in this situation followed quickly competent measure to eliminate or prevent the
by asphyxia within the first minutes of life. metabolic decompensation within 15 min, proper
If the respiratory situation of the baby after planning provided.
birth cannot be stabilized within minutes after In patients at any age outside the immediate
spontaneous breathing or after intubation and neonatal period, who are less compromised by
ventilation, an operation via sternotomy is the defect, the fistula may be taken care off
required without delay. Anesthetic IV medication electively in a catheter-guided interventional
may have to be given directly into the right atrium setting or depending on the anatomy by surgery
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719 IV

Acquired Diseases of
the Heart and Great

Chapter 22 Coronary Artery Disease – 721

Chapter 23 Left Ventricular Reconstruction

and Conventional Surgery for Cardiac
Failure – 743

Chapter 24 Acquired Lesions of the Aortic Valve – 759

Chapter 25 Surgery for Acquired AV-Valve

Diseases – 795

Chapter 26 Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery – 831

Chapter 27 Aneurysm and Dissection

of the Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal
Aorta – 869

Chapter 28 Endovascular Surgical Therapy

of Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal
Disease of the Aorta – 913

Chapter 29 Surgical Therapy of Atrial Fibrillation – 947

Chapter 30 Device Therapy of Rhythm Disorders – 965

Chapter 31 Cardiac Tumors and Pericardial

Diseases – 995

Chapter 32 Cardiac Injury – 1009


Chapter 33 Combined Procedures in Cardiac and

Vascular Surgery – 1017

Chapter 34 Combined Cardiac and Thoracic

Surgery – 1033

Chapter 35 Pulmonary Embolectomy and Pulmonary

Thromboendarterectomy – 1041

Chapter 36 Lung Transplantation – 1061

Chapter 37 Heart and Heart–Lung

Transplantation – 1079

Chapter 38 Cardiac Assist Devices and Total Artificial

Heart – 1103

Chapter 39 Postoperative Sternal Complications – 1129

721 22

Coronary Artery Disease

Jochen T. Cremer, Jan Schöttler, and Grischa Hoffmann

22.1 Introduction – 722

22.2 History – 722

22.3 Invasive Therapy – 722

22.4 Surgical Strategy – 723

22.4.1  onventional Coronary Surgery with LIMA
to the LAD in Combination with Saphenous
Vein Grafts to Other Coronary Arteries – 724 Harvesting of Bypass Grafts (Greater Saphenous Vein,
Left Internal Mammarian Artery, and Alternative
Arterial Grafts) – 725 Techniques of Distal Anastomoses and Bypass
Constructions – 730
22.4.2 Beating-Heart Revascularization – 734 OPCAB (Off Pump Coronary Artery Bypass) Technique – 734 MIDCAB (Minimally Invasive Direct Coronary Artery
Bypass) – 735
22.4.3  ABG Reoperations – 736
22.4.4 Coronary Artery Endarterectomy – 737
22.4.5 Ostial Coronary Patch Plasty – 737
22.4.6 Surgery of Coronary Aneurysms – 737
22.4.7 Coronary Revascularization and Atherosclerotic
Ascending Aorta – 738

22.5  ignificance of Coronary Surgery and Current

Studies and Analyses – 738

References – 739

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_22
722 J.T. Cremer et al.

22.1 Introduction radial artery as bypass graft by Carpentier as soon

as 1971, first discussions about complete arterial
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is caused by ath- revascularization were initiated (Carpentier 1973;
erosclerosis leading to narrowing of the coronary Acar et al. 1998; Zacharias et al. 2004).
arteries. Restricted flow to the myocardium causes
myocardial ischemia and possibly to myocardial
By now coronary artery bypass surgery repre-
infarction. Current studies prove that besides
sents the main part of cardiac surgery in the
known risk factors mainly genetic factors account
western world. In industrial nations myocar-
for the development of CAD (Samani et al. 2007).
dial revascularization under cardioplegic
Because life expectancy is generally rising in
arrest using extracorporeal circulation still
industrial nations, the incidence of CAD increased
represents the standard surgical approach to
continuously over the years. The major portion of
coronary artery disease.
cardiac operations in adults in the industrial
nations is coronary artery surgery.
Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG)
evolved continuously and became more and more Options for off-pump coronary revasculariza-
complex. Besides technical innovations, there tion, which avoid extracorporeal circulation and
were changes in the approach to patients who its side effects, were refined in the meantime and
undergo coronary artery bypass surgery. Apart aimed for less invasiveness. Nevertheless
from introducing the use of the left internal mam- ­off-­pump coronary surgery in higher numbers is
mary artery (LIMA) as graft to the left anterior currently restricted to specialized centers. The
descending (LAD) coronary artery in multi-ves- proportion of off-pump surgery in the United
sel disease, many other concepts of revasculariza- States and Western Europe is currently estimated
tion options using different conduits were to be lower than 30 % (Halkos and Puskas 2010;
developed. Serving patients of all age groups Abu-Omar and Taggart 2009). In this context the
including old patients with severe comorbidities pioneering off-pump procedures like the first
demands differentiated treatment strategies. OPCAB («off-pump coronary artery bypass) in
1978 by Benetti (Benetti et al. 1980) and the clini-
cal initiation of MIDCAB in the mid-1990s by
22.2 History Subramanian, Boonstra and Calafiore (Calafiore
et al. 1996) should be mentioned.
Coronary artery bypass grafting began in the late
1960s. Still of interest is the indirect revasculariza-
tion in which the transected IMA was implanted 22.3 Invasive Therapy
in the ischemic myocardium, developed and per-
formed by Vineberg in 1951 (Vineberg and Miller Treatment of coronary artery disease is based
1951). Although retrospectively not effective, sin- upon three different therapeutic strategies which
gle aspects of this technique are in a modified way differ fundamentally in their invasiveness and
still used in special revascularization procedures, effectiveness. Nevertheless these strategies are
e.g. in myocardial laser therapy or minimally often used in combination, either in a simultane-
invasive direct coronary artery bypass (MIDCAB). ous or in a staged approach. Aside from medical
The first coronary artery bypass using an therapy only, revascularization by percutaneous
autogenous saphenous vein graft was performed coronary intervention (PCI) and revasculariza-
in 1964 by Garrett (Garrett et  al. 1973) making tion by surgical coronary artery bypass grafting
him a pioneer in coronary surgery. Favaloro (CABG) represent the cornerstones.
(1968) from the Cleveland Clinic finally intro- According to the national and international
duced bypassing coronary obstructions in multi-­ guidelines (Programm für Nationale Leitlinien
vessel disease using saphenous vein grafts, also. 2008), surgical treatment is indicated in coronary
Another cornerstone in bypass surgery was the multi-vessel disease with proximal vessel obstruc-
first mammary artery  – coronary artery anasto- tions greater than 70 %, or a left main stem steno-
mosis without extracorporeal circulation sis greater than 50 % with concomitant angina at
22 (Kolessov 1967). With the introduction of the rest or exercise. Additional ­diagnostic  tools like
22 · Coronary Artery Disease
723 22
perfusion imaging, stress echocardiography or et al. 2004). All surgical concepts are considerably
intracoronary flow measurements (Tonino et  al. more traumatic than interventional therapy and
2009) may be useful in verifying suspected myo- are associated with longer periprocedural hospital
cardial ischemia in asymptomatic patients. stay and time of convalescence. Once surgical
The decision to perform either PCI or CABG treatment is decided for, a variety of operative con-
is mainly based on the morphology of coronary cepts are available with or without employment of
obstructions predominantly displayed by coro- extracorporeal circulation. Surgical interventions
nary angiography (Jones et al. 2006). Alternative with extracorporeal circulation require exclusion
diagnostic tools like cardiac computed tomogra- of certain relevant vascular calcifications. Vascular
phy are of growing interest but currently they do regions of special interest are the ascending aorta,
not meet the quality criteria required. In selected branches of the aortic arch (stenosis of the subcla-
cases an additional intravascular ultrasound may vian artery and internal carotid artery) and periph-
be helpful to more precisely determine the level of eral vascular bed. Further aspects will be outlined
coronary vessel obstruction in proximal lesions in connection with detailed description of revas-
(Kuecherer 2002). The final decision for the thera- cularization concepts and techniques.
peutic approach chosen takes into account the Many patients with CAD are on anticoagulant
number of the diseased coronary arteries (one-, therapy beyond the usual dosage of aspirin espe-
two- and three-­vessel disease) as well as the pres- cially after an acute coronary syndrome with
ence or absence of lesions of the left main stem or implantation of drug eluting stent. In addition to
proximal portions of the LAD. anticoagulation with warfarin, heparin or fibrino-
According to national differences in medical lytic agents, there are a growing number of
practice, a wide range of national and interna- patients who receive combined anti-platelet-­
tional guidelines for treatment of CAD had been aggregating therapy, which may necessitate fur-
developed. The basis of these guidelines, which ther preoperative measures to prevent increased
provide level of evidence and class of recommen- risk of postoperative bleeding (Kunadian et  al.
dation, resides in newer prospectively randomiz­ed 2006). Nowadays potential risk factors like smok-
multicenter trials and analysis of large registries. ing, obesity or age beyond 80 years are not consid-
Accordingly in patients with coronary multi-­ ered strict contraindications for surgery anymore,
vessel disease with proximal lesions greater than particularly as surgical candidates with severe
70 % or main stem lesions >50 %, a surgical revas- CAD are on even higher risk without treatment.
cularization (CABG) is primary recommended. It
is assumed that bypass surgery in these patients
provides a lower rate of recurrent of angina and 22.4 Surgical Strategy
myocardial infarctions. Also lower is the need for
target repeat revascularization, which results in Surgical strategy in CAD is to bypass coronary
higher mid- and long-term survival (Booth et al. obstructions to a distal vessel area free of athero-
2008). In patients with single- and double-vessel sclerosis. The anastomosis of the conduit should
disease with proximal LAD lesions, current result in a nonrestricted bidirectional flow into the
guidelines show no preference for PCI or CABG. target vessel. The prime objective is to obtain com-
plete revascularization using adequate number of
bypasses to attain superior mid- and long-­term
In patients with diabetes and severely com- results (Ong and Serruys 2006; Mohr et al. 2011).
promised left ventricular function (<30 %), Moreover complete revascularization reduces the
surgical revascularization shows superior rate of perioperative myocardial infarctions.
long-term results when compared to PCI Alternative surgical concepts for CAD, which
(BARI trial 1997; Ben-Gal et al. 2006; are circumstantial, are listed below:
Toda et al. 2002). 55 Vascular patch plasty of the left main
coronary artery (Malyshev et al. 2004)
55 Coronary endarterectomy (Marinelli et al.
Medical therapy is still of value in the treatment 2002)
of CAD but requires high compliance by the 55 Mammary artery patch plasty of coronary
patient to be effective (Amoroso et al. 2001; Hueb ­vessel (Barra et al. 2000)
724 J.T. Cremer et al.

Coronary sinus catheter

..Fig. 22.2  Catheter for retrograde cardioplegia


surgery is subdivided into OPCAB, which allows

revascularization of multiple target vessels (Ngaage
2003), usually via a median sternotomy and
..Fig. 22.1  IMA to LAD bypass in combination with
venous grafts. IMA internal mammary artery, LAD left MIDCAB with single IMA bypass to the LAD via a
anterior descending coronary artery limited anterolateral thoracotomy (Diegeler 1999).

55 Epimyocardial myotomy for intramyocardial 22.4.1  Conventional Coronary

vessels (myocardial bridges) (Katznelson Surgery with LIMA to the 
et al. 1996) LAD in Combination
55 Transmyocardial laser revascularization with Saphenous Vein Grafts
(Allen et al. 2000) to Other Coronary Arteries
55 Angiogenesis and arteriogenesis with
vascular grow factors (Heilmann et al. 2003) In most cases this operation is performed employ-
ing extracorporeal circulation with moderate hypo-
At present CABG with the use of the left IMA thermia. Extracorporeal circulation is established
(LIMA) as bypass to the LAD in combination with using a single venous (two-stage) cannula and an
venous grafts to other obstructed coronary vessels arterial cannula placed in the distal ascending aorta
remains the most widely used form of surgical revas- or the proximal aortic arch. Most commonly car-
cularization. Several studies in the 1980s showed that dioplegic arrest of the heart is utilized (Lapenna
the use of the IMA as bypass to the LAD is associated et  al. 1994); nevertheless some institutions prefer
with a survival benefit after 10 years when compared intermittent aortic cross-­clamping (Boethig et  al.
to a revascularization with venous grafts only (Loop 2004). Especially in patients with multi-vessel dis-
et al. 1986). Nowadays, the percentage of IMA-LAD ease and occluded coronary arteries, retrograde
bypasses in a coronary surgery programme is infusion of cardioplegia solution via a coronary
regarded as an indicator of quality (. Fig. 22.1). sinus catheter (Franke et al. 2001) may be advanta-
Aiming for an even better long-term perspective, geous to obtain homogenous myocardial protection
there is a growing use of bilateral mammarian arter- (. Fig. 22.2). Moreover the additional application of
ies and the radial artery in coronary surgery. Another cardioplegic solution via already completed venous
essential development of the past decade was beat- grafts is possible. In patients with poor left ventricu-
ing-heart surgery to eliminate unfavorable side lar function or acute myocardial ischemia, the use
22 effects of extracorporeal circulation. Beating-heart of cold or warm blood cardioplegia was proven to
22 · Coronary Artery Disease
725 22
be beneficial in several experimental and clinical 55 Open technique with continuous skin
studies. Aortic root catheters with additional vent- incision over the entire length of the
ing line offer the opportunity to vent collateral coro- harvested vein segment (. Fig. 22.3).
nary blood flow during aortic cross-clamping. 55 «Bridging or tunnelling technique» using
Preoperative use of an intraaortic balloon multiple small incision over the saphenous
pump may be of benefit in patients with acute cor- vein, with experience harvesting can be
onary syndrome or poor left ventricular function. performed with distances of up to 15 cm in
between the incisions (. Fig. 22.4). Harvesting of Bypass Grafts 55 Endoscopic technique, depending on the
(Greater Saphenous Vein, Left harvesting device removal of the entire
Internal Mammarian Artery, greater saphenous vein, is possible through a
and Alternative Arterial Grafts) single incision of about 1 cm (. Fig. 22.5).

kVein Harvesting Endoscopic vein harvesting is attractive as

Although arterial conduits are used in almost all compared to the open procedure (Kiaii et al. 2002)
primary CABG procedures, venous bypass grafts in showing less to no impairment of postoperative
still are key elements of surgery for coronary heart mobilization in addition to a favorable cosmetic
disease. If analyzed carefully, venous grafts still result. Nevertheless the method is not established
provide acceptable long-term results; usually they in higher numbers due to the required equipment
are available in greater numbers, and harvesting is with increased need for more or less costly single-
considerably easy. use materials. Moreover, at least during the learn-
Long segments of the greater saphenous vein ing phase, the procedure may be quite demanding
are by far the most often used bypass grafts. In and time-consuming. In comparison the estab-
selected cases utilization of the lesser saphenous lished open technique is easily learnable; however,
vein may be reasonable. it is associated with an unfavorable cosmetic result
In patients with significant atherosclerotic and often associated with poor wound healing
occlusive disease, vein harvesting at the leg (Athanasiou et al. 2004). A compromise between
affected should be avoided. Besides the increased these two techniques is represented by the bridge
risk of delayed wound healing and local infection or tunnel technique (Tran et al. 1998). This method
when harvested in this setting, the intact vein can be easily adopted; also, there is no auxiliary
might become important for possibly future limb material necessary, and the prevalence of leg
saving vascular surgery. wound complications is comparatively low.
Vein harvesting is principally possible with If the open procurement technique is applied,
three different harvesting techniques: harvesting should start at the distal lower leg
where the vein can be easily located. The initial
skin incision of about 10 cm is made a few centi-
Patency of the deeper veins is prerequisite for meters proximal of the medial malleolus where the
the harvesting of the superficial veins of the leg. vein is often visible or palpable. Subcutaneous fat
History taking and physical examination spare is divided up to the level of the vein and the accom-
generally additional diagnostic tools like duplex panying saphenous nerve. The vein is carefully iso-
sonography of the veins or even phlebography. lated from the surrounding tissue and the adjacent
nerve. To prevent intravenous clot formation, the

..Fig. 22.3 Open
saphenous vein
726 J.T. Cremer et al.

..Fig. 22.4 Bridging A. femoralis communis

technique for saphenous
vein procurement

V saphena magna

desired graft length, the process is continued up

towards the knee, respectively, the groin. With
experience it is possible to remove the entire
greater saphenous vein with five small incisions.
A variety of dissection devices are commer-
cially available for endoscopic vein harvesting.
Using this technique the vein is localized via a
2-cm skin incision above the knee and circularly
freed of connective tissue. A lighted dissector is
introduced into the incision over the saphenous
vein and removes the covering tissue. Carbon
..Fig. 22.5  Endoscopic vein harvesting
dioxide insufflation improves the visualization;
diathermia in combination with hemostatic clips is
vein should be ligated and divided at the level of used to close the venous side branches before divi-
the malleolus. After insertion of a small cannula, sion. By advancing the endoscope towards the
the vein should be gently flushed with diluted hep- groin or towards the malleolus, it is possible to har-
arin solution. High pressures must be avoided to vest the total length of the greater saphenous vein if
prevent damage to the vascular wall (Shuhaiber necessary. Mini-incisions at the groin, respectively,
et  al. 2002). To prevent backflow the syringe at the ankle, are recommended to remove the vein
should stay connected and irrigation repeated and ligate the in situ remaining ends safely.
every 5 min. If the vein is of good quality, the skin Irrespective of the mode of harvesting after
incision is lengthened over the needed distance closure of the incisions required with absorbable
and dissected in the described manner. Branches suture, an elastic wound dressing is wrapped
may be ligated with non-­resorbable sutures and around the whole leg towards the groin. This
divided, or divided after hemostatic clip applica- effectively prevents postoperative hematomas of
tion. Meticulous care is required to ligate the distal the leg wounds.
end of the proximal vein left in place.
Using the bridging technique, it is also recom-
mended to start dissection at the distal lower leg.
To prevent iatrogenic compartment syn-
After a short incision of about 3 cm starting above
drome, the compressing wound dressing
the malleolus, the vein is exposed using blunt dis-
has to be removed immediately after trans-
section. After cannulating the graft, the next skin
fer to the intensive care unit.
incision is created along the line of the vein in a
distance of about 10 cm. For exposure of the vein
in the tunnel, the use of a retractor is advisable.
Since the application of sutures in the tunnel is When using the open or bridging technique,
laborious, the use of hemostatic clips to shut off harvesting of the vein can be started at the upper
22 side branches is recommended. To obtain the leg, also. However, flushing the graft is impossible
22 · Coronary Artery Disease
727 22
from proximal which may be disadvantageous, as
clots may develop. Starting at the lower leg and
inserting a cannula for flushing do avoid bypass
implantation without function due a wrong direc-
tion of flow against the venous valves. In addition
intermitted flushing allows for visualizing the vein
diameter and its wall quality. If testing shows a
poor graft quality, one can switch to another har-
vesting site at an early stage. A negative feature of
the endoscopic technique is that judgment of graft
quality is not possible until the vein is completely

kHarvesting of the left internal mammary

artery (LIMA)
After dividing the sternum, a special retractor is
introduced, which not only widely separates the ..Fig. 22.6  Takedown of the left internal mammary
edges of the split sternum but also elevates the left artery in tissue pedicle
half of the sternum to expose the IMA. In the next
step, the adjacent mediastinal fibro-fatty tissue is
removed from the endothoracic fascia. Most sur-
geons prefer atraumatic preparation of the IMA as
one pedicle containing the internal thoracic veins,
perivascular tissue and parietal pleura (Jones
1991). An incision is made in the parietal pleura
on the medial side of the IMA with a distance of
around 1 cm at suitable site, favorably an intercos-
tal space. Starting from here the fascia is incised
over the entire length of IMA down to the bifurca-
tion. Removing of the IMA can be performed pre-
dominantly with electrocautery (small and fine
tip) using low power. Side branches should be
divided with some distance to the main vessel
either with electrocautery or hemostatic clips. Step
by step, a parallel incision on the lateral site of IMA ..Fig. 22.7  Incised left internal mammary artery
is carried out after separating the vascular struc-
tures from the thoracic wall resulting in a circular
removal of the pedicle (. Fig. 22.6). Dissection of tory to prevent damage to the IMA (spasm, stric-
the proximal IMA has to be performed very care- tures) but also to the chest wall (carbonization,
fully to avoid injuries of the subclavian vein and necroses). Before division of the distal IMA, hepa-
artery and the phrenic nerve. To locally apply rin is administered systemically. The IMA is cut
vasodilating agents (Hartmann et  al. 1998) is transversely or obliquely at the site for anastomosis
advantageous in terms of feasibility of bypass anas- and incised 4–8 mm (depending on the ratio of the
tomosis and perioperative graft function. Dilating graft and target vessel diameter) (. Fig. 22.7).
agents (e.g. papaverine or nitroglycerine) can be There are several alternative methods to har-
applied as saturated sponge wrapped around the vest a LIMA. One example is to leave the pleura
IMA or as a spray. When administrating these intact (Bonacchi et  al. 2001). Harvesting can be
drugs intravascularly, meticulous care is necessary performed with classical instruments like scis-
to avoid endothelial damage. Therefore insertions sors, forceps and hemostatic clips to close off
of metal probes or drug injections on a regular arterial side branches. Dissection can be per-
basis are not recommended. During harvesting a formed also with ultrasonic devices (Brose et al.
non-traumatic use of the electrocautery is manda- 2002) to prevent damage due to thermal energy
728 J.T. Cremer et al.

(Yoshikai et al. 2004). To harvest the LIMA as a essential for the use of this graft, can be gained by
skeletonized graft without concomitant vessels dividing the proximal pedicle from mediastinal
and perivascular tissue presents another tech- structures. This comprises division of the proxi-
nique which differs in several aspects  from the
standard method (Canadas et al. 2005; . Fig. 22.8).
Harvesting starts with incision of the endotho-
racic fascia along the LIMA followed by encircling A hemodynamically relevant stenosis of the
the conduit – a vessel loop may be passed around it. proximal left subclavian artery is an absolute
Thereafter takedown over the entire length is contraindication for utilization of the LIMA as
achieved by dividing the side branches with hemo- conduit for coronary revascularization.
static clips. The main advantage of this technique
consists of more available graft length and a pre-
served venous circulation left in place, which may
improve conditions of wound healing. However
skeletonizing may be associated with more traumas
to the IMA due to the harvesting technique where a
no-touch procurement is almost impossible.
Difficulties in harvesting are likely in patients
with exostoses of the ribs, thoracic deformities,
systemic rheumatic diseases and in post radiation
or post thoracic trauma situations.

kAlternative Arterial Grafts

In addition to the LIMA, the right internal mam-
mary artery (RIMA) can be used as another arte-
rial graft (Lytle et al. 2004). The RIMA is prepared
in the same manner as the LIMA conduit. Often
the RIMA shows a bigger diameter and more
length down to the bifurcation in comparison to
the LIMA.  Additional length, which may be ..Fig. 22.8  Skeletonized left internal mammary artery

..Fig. 22.9  Proximal dissection of the

right internal mammarian artery

22 V. mammaria interna dextra

22 · Coronary Artery Disease
729 22
mal mammarian vein and dissection of the pari-
etal pleura up to the phrenic nerve (. Fig. 22.9).
Radial artery
Bilateral preparation of the internal mammar-
ian artery principally leads to a diminished perfu-
sion of the presternal tissue. This is clinically
associated with an increased risk for superficial
wound infections, dehiscence of the sternal edges, Brachioradialis
osteomyelitis of the sternum and/or mediastinitis muscle
(De Paulis et  al. 2005). These detrimental side
effects may be prevented if dissection is carried
out with consideration to the tissue. Precise appli-
cation of electrocautery and atraumatic handling
of the sternum (sternum retractor) and the pre-
sternal tissue are crucial. Moreover, in our mind,
the application of bone wax should be completely
avoided in bilateral harvesting.
The use of the radial artery as conduit inaugu-
rated in the early 1970s (Carpentier and ..Fig. 22.10  Removing a radial artery
Guernonprez 1973) was subsequently abandoned
due to high rate of perioperative disorders like
conduit spasms and early occlusion. Single long- side branches. Concerning the use of vasodilating
term observations after 20 years showing compe- agents and techniques, the same aspects apply as
tent radial grafts without signs of sclerosis lead to for IMA grafts. After removal under systemic hep-
a renewed broad interest in utilization of radial arinization, the graft should be immersed in a
artery in coronary bypass surgery (Acar et  al. solution of blood, heparin and papaverine. To cre-
1992). Before removal of the radial artery, an ate additional length, the perivascular fascia can
Allen’s test must be performed to ensure collat- be removed. Concerning the function of radial
eral perfusion of the forearm and hand depend- grafts and their tendency to vascular spasm, it has
ing on a complete superficial palmar arch been shown that optimal function and long-term
(Agrifoglio et  al. 2005). If the test is positive or patency can be achieved if the target vessels show
equivocal, ultrasonic or magnetic resonance sufficient diameters (>2 mm) and exhibit signifi-
imaging may be helpful (Rodriguez et al. 2001). cant proximal obstructions (Maniar et al. 2002). In
Open preparation usually performed at the the presence of low runoff or significant competi-
non-dominant arm starts with skin incision at the tive flow over the native vessel, spasm, early occlu-
wrist and proceeds to the elbow along the medial sion and string sign phenomena may occur. The
aspect of the brachioradial muscle. After division applied technique of anastomosis does not differ
of the subcutaneous tissue and the incision of the from the way it is used in mammary artery grafts;
forearm fascia, the brachioradial muscle is shifted
aside to expose the whole course of the radial
artery. Dissection starts at the wrist and the graft is When compared to IMA grafts, the radial
removed together with the accompanying veins. artery with its lamina muscularis and thinner
Side branches are controlled by hemostatic clips or lamina elastica interna more often tends to
cautious use of electrocautery (. Fig.  22.10) ­vasoconstriction and atherosclerotic
Alternatively ultrasonic devices can be used alterations. Therefore one should be restrictive
(Posacioglu et al. 1998). At any rate mechanical or with its use in patients with diabetes or
thermal damage to the conduit has to be avoided. generalized ­atherosclerotic disease. The use of
While the motoric nerve branches are deeper and the radial artery is ­contraindicated in patients
distant to the area of dissection, the superficial with insufficient collateral perfusion by the
branch of the radial nerve is more at risk for injury ulnar artery and in patients with terminal renal
which may lead to sensible disorders. Dissection failure. In these patients the radial artery has
of the radial artery at the level of the carpal tunnel to be preserved as a shunt vessel for dialysis.
becomes more challenging due a great number of
730 J.T. Cremer et al.

right gastroepiploic artery and the inferior epigastric

artery is rather limited. Due to the general availability
of both IMAs as well as both radial arteries to be used
as grafts, there is no real need to use arm veins, lesser
saphenous veins or small calibre prostheses in mod-
ern coronary surgery (Laube et al. 2000), especially as
their long-­term prognosis is poor. Techniques of Distal

Anastomoses and Bypass
Anastomosing coronary artery bypass grafts is per-
formed with the use of microinstruments and opti-
cal magnification with surgical loupes; rarely an
operation microscope is necessary. There is a wide
range of individual surgical techniques applied.
Often the epicardium is incised over the target ves-
sel for optimal exposure. The selected area of the
..Fig. 22.11  Proximal anastomosis of the radial artery artery should be free of atherosclerotic lesions, at
as coronary conduit
least at the anterior wall. Cardioplegic arrest in
combination with an aortic vent facilitates con-
however, the wall of the radial artery shows more struction of the anastomosis. Alternatively this may
thickness and stiffness. These wall qualities enable be performed with the heart beating or fibrillating.
complex construction like sequential anastomosis, For opening the coronary artery, special scalpels
T and Y grafts as well proximal anastomosis to the with a rounded blade are useful to avoid injuries to
ascending aorta (4 mm punch, 7-0 monofilament the posterior vessel wall. The incision usually
polypropylene suture; . Fig. 22.11). If atraumatic should have a length of 5–10 mm depending on the
dissection was performed, there is no need for size of the target vessel. The corresponding bypass
intravenous application of vasodilating agents. graft is divided obliquely and may be incised at the
The radial artery can be harvested endoscopi- heel. If the IMA graft shows a small calibre, it can
cally, also (Connoly et al. 2002) as it can be skele- be divided transversely before it is incised longitu-
tonized (Rukosujew et al. 2004). dinally. For the distal anastomosis of venous grafts,
Utilization of other arterial grafts like the right a running 7-0 polypropylene suture is employed
gastroepiploic artery (Suma et al. 1987; Suma et al. (. Fig.  22.12). It is advantageous to place the first
2007) and the inferior epigastric artery (Buche et al. stitches at the heel on distance and then to suture in
1995; Puig et  al. 1990) was of growing interest at direction towards the surgeon. Stitches in the coro-
times. By extending the skin incision over the ster- nary artery generally are placed from inside to out-
num and opening the peritoneum, the right gastro- side, and suture ends should be tied at the lateral
epiploic artery is exposed at the greater curvature of aspect of the anastomosis. For distal anastomosis of
the stomach. After dissection as pedicle, the graft is arterial grafts, we recommend using 8-0 polypro-
passed into the pericardial cavity either anterior or pylene suture. A disturbing memory effect of the
posterior to the liver through an opening in the dia- suture should be prevented by optimal handling.
phragm. The right gastroepiploic artery can be For side-to-side anastomoses, the coronary
anastomosed to distal branches of the right and cir- artery is opened longitudinally while the bypass
cumflex artery or the distal LAD. Nevertheless the graft is opened perpendicular or longitudinally.
use of this graft is challenging and expands the The incision depends on the diameter of the target
operation into a thoraco-abdominal procedure. vessel and the bypass graft. The length of incision
The inferior epigastric artery originates from the for parallel anastomoses, e.g. for diagonal
external iliac artery and can be harvested through branches, is less crucial (. Fig.  22.13). On the
or lateral to the rectus muscle. The available length ­contrary in perpendicular side-to-side anastomo-
is quite short and the distal diameter is small. ses which result in a diamond-shaped opening, a
22 Because of the wide range of utility and the rela- rather long incision can result in a flattened anas-
tively ease of harvesting the radial artery, the use of the tomosis. For venous side-to-side anastomoses,
22 · Coronary Artery Disease
731 22
The course of a bypass graft has to be free of
tension especially in between sequential anasto-
moses (. Fig. 22.15). Using sequential techniques
with arterial (Dion et al. 2000) and venous grafts
(Christenson and Schmutzinger 1997), a com-
plete revascularization can be achieved with good
results by economization of graft material, also.

The use of veins with sclerotic and thickened

wall and large diameter is associated with
unfavorable result, in particular when grafted
to small coronary arteries.

Proximal anastomoses at the ascending aorta

can be performed during reperfusion with the help
of side-biting clamps (. Fig. 22.16). If the ascend-
ing aorta is significantly calcified, any manipula-
tion has to be avoided, and the anastomosis should
be constructed with the aorta cross-­ clamped
despite a prolonged period of ischemia. For
..Fig. 22.12  Venous graft end-to-side anastomosis, venous grafts predominantly 5 mm orifices are cre-
distal anastomosis
ated with punches into the aortic wall, while 4 mm
orifices are more suitable for arterial grafts. There
are also punches with oval design available. For
construction of the proximal anastomoses, 6-0
polypropylene suture is used for the veins, while we
recommend 7-0 polypropylene for arterial grafts.
Especially in arterial revascularization, the
creation of the so-called Y or T grafts is favorable:
The radial artery or the RIMA is sutured in a right
angle end-to-side (T graft) or as a Y graft more
parallel/oblique to the proximal LIMA (Barner
et  al. 2001; Ochi et  al. 2001; Yilmaz et  al. 2002;
. Fig. 22.17). These graft anastomoses can be con-
structed even before going on extracorporeal cir-
culation. In this context the H graft (Cohn et al.
1998) and the λ graft (Egloff et al. 2002) may be
mentioned, also, and can be looked up.
In obstructed coronary vessels with multiple
stenoses, long anastomoses may be necessary, in
which the bypass also acts as a functional patch
plasty (Barra et al. 2000). This is technically less
..Fig. 22.13  Pedicle internal mammary artery graft demanding than a coronary artery endarterec-
side-to-side anastomosis tomy. For creation of proximal anastomoses, sev-
eral devices are available, predominantly made
the graft can be stretched between two fine nerve out of nitinol, which allow the construction of
hooks; this is not advisable in arterial grafts. venous (Eckstein et al. 2002; Mack et al. 2003) or
While venous anastomoses can be constructed arterial anastomoses (Watanabe et  al. 2004) as
obliquely, arteries should be connected parallel single-shot technique without extracorporeal
only as this is associated with better patency rates ­circulation. For several reasons, such automatic
(Freshwater et al. 2006) (. Fig. 22.14). anastomotic techniques are not in wide use by
732 J.T. Cremer et al.

..Fig. 22.14  Side-to-side anastomosis («diamond shape»)

anastomoses to the sidewall and finally the

­completion of the most proximal, anterior anasto-
moses. However, in any case, it is useful to com-
plete venous and radial artery grafts to the back- and
sidewall before completing the in situ IMA grafts
which are more susceptible to manipulations. The
sequence of anastomoses during OPCAB proce-
dures has its own principles.
In case of atherosclerotic alterations, it is more
reasonable to shift to a more distal site of the target
vessel despite a smaller diameter there. In this con-
text it is highly questionable whether an IMA graft
to a right coronary artery with multisite obstruc-
tions has a good prognosis. Whether sequential
grafts really have superior flow profiles which are
associated with better long-term results is thought
of, but not proven to date. The advantage of using
sequential graft is, however, that a considerable
length of the vein is spared for possible future
CABG or vascular reconstruction in concomitant
atherosclerotic peripheral vascular disease.
..Fig. 22.15  Sequential bypass free of tension
The extended use of arterial grafts is well
founded on the superior long-term perspective –
at least for in situ IMA grafts. On the other hand,
now; however, they are still of interest in patients impaired quality of the venous graft to start with
with localized atherosclerosis of the aortic wall. may force to consider alternatives. Selection of
For distal anastomoses, such automatic anasto- grafts has to take these aspects in account.
motic devices are also available but amelioration Utilization of a radial graft is only reasonable and
of precision and patency rate in comparison to associated with a good functional perspective
manually created anastomoses made them obso- when anastomosed to a target vessel with ade-
lete (Boening et al. 2005; Klima et al. 2003, 2004; quate diameter and significant proximal stenosis.
Ono et al. 2002; Tozzi et al. 2002). Because of its morphologic and functional prop-
erties, the IMA shows distinctly better long-term
kSequence of anastomoses results than the radial artery when used as bypass
(sequential grafts, single grafts) graft (Khot et  al. 2004; Ruengsakulrach et  al.
A reasonable grafting sequence is to start with 1999). In consequence, revascularization with
completion of the most distal, usually posterior bilateral IMAs shows the best long-term results,
anastomoses (e.g. right coronary artery or poste- especially when applied as in situ grafts. Aside
22 rior descending artery) which are followed by from this the function and prognosis of a graft are
22 · Coronary Artery Disease
733 22
a b

c d e

..Fig. 22.16  Technique of proximal anastomosis. a Punching of the side-clamped aorta. b–c Suture in running
fashion starting at the graft’s heel. d Parachuting of the graft. e Completion of the anastomosis

as the entire coronary perfusion may originate

from one source graft, e.g. the LIMA.  In most
cases bilateral in situ IMA grafting provides the
best long-term results. If the anatomy is suitable, a
sequential LIMA can be anastomosed to the first
diagonal branch and to the LAD.  The RIMA
should serve the second most important myocar-
dial area. If an in situ IMA bypass crosses the
mediastinum (e.g. RIMA graft to LAD), it may be
under tension and is at risk in case of cardiac
reoperations (e.g. valve replacement).
A prerequisite for complete arterial revascu-
larization employing the radial artery is an ade-
quate runoff without previous infarction and a
target vessel with a diameter of >2 mm. Otherwise
concepts with venous grafts are preferable. Overall
arterial revascularization offers a wide variety of
..Fig. 22.17  T graft: Radial artery end-to-side possibilities; the above-mentioned remarks aim to
anastomosed to left internal mammary artery describe the basic principles of this operative
strategy. Positioning of the graft should consider a
influenced by its intrathoracic course and the tension-free and harmonic course and also should
quality of the target vessel. IMA conduits used as bear possibly reoperations in mind. Measures to
free grafts have an inferior long-term prognosis prevent adhesions between bypasses and the ster-
than in situ IMA grafts despite comparable inflow num and the thoracic wall, respectively, like posi-
situations. Solely utilized T- or Y-graft construc- tioning the grafts in pericardial clefts or covering
tions are technically feasible with good results; them with mediastinal fat tissue, are of paramount
however, they are associated with additional risks importance (. Fig. 22.18).
734 J.T. Cremer et al.

..Fig. 22.19  Suction stabilizer for OPCAB (off-pump

coronary artery bypass)

..Fig. 22.18  Pericardial cleft

because of possible ischemic events during anas-
tomosis (. Fig. 22.19).
22.4.2  Beating-Heart When coronary arteries without adequate col-
Revascularization lateral vessels are temporary occluded intraopera-
tively to obtain good working conditions, ischemic
With the advent of emerging technical innovations, episodes may occur (Wippermann et al. 2004). By
there is increasing interest in beating-heart proce- using intracoronary shunts, continuous coronary
dures without the use of extracorporeal circulation. perfusion can be maintained (Rivetti and Gandra
Thereby the OPCAB technique ( as a more 1997). However, the manipulation necessary to
conventional approach to multi-vessel disease place these shunts can lead to injuries of the endo-
including sternotomy has to be distinguished from thelium, and, in addition, performance of the
the MIDCAB concept ( The MIDCAB anastomosis may be more demanding. Exposure
concept mainly aims to bypass the LAD with a of the target vessel can be improved with a blow-
LIMA graft via an anterolateral mini-­thoracotomy. ing device that removes blood from the anasto-
motic site by dispersion of humidified carbon OPCAB (Off Pump Coronary dioxide. In general, OPCAB technique allows for
Artery Bypass) Technique obtaining complete revascularization (Jansen et al.
Ideally beating-heart revascularization combines 1998). In case of small target vessels, significant
complete stabilization with optimal exposure of atherosclerotic changes or intramyocardial course
the target area. Several devices using suction or of coronary vessels, however, performance of
mechanical pressure for stabilization are available anastomoses is distinctly more challenging when
to perform a precise anastomosis (Lemm et  al. compared to cardioplegic arrest. Moreover there
2005; Scott et  al. 2002). Exposure of the lateral are limitations to create tension-free in situ IMA
and back wall is achieved by elevation and dis- grafts on the beating, dislocated and volume-
placement of the heart, which requires several loaded heart. This scenario often requires addi-
maneuver to preserve hemodynamic stability. tional length of the graft. Nevertheless concepts
Displacement of the heart and exposure of the with extended or complete arterial revasculariza-
lateral and back wall can be achieved by deeply tion are feasible (Mariani et al. 2004).
placed pericardial traction sutures and suction With regard to the sequence of anastomoses,
devices positioned at the cardiac apex which many surgeons prefer initial revascularization of
should result in satisfying exposure (Gründemann the LAD assuming that an ameliorated perfusion
et al. 2004). Hemodynamic stability has to be fur- of the anterior wall will stabilize subsequent
ther preserved by various measures like volume hemodynamics during further manipulation.
management, pharmacologic support and placing Single-center experiences as well as meta-­
of the patient or if necessary by temporary pacing analyses failed to prove prolonged advantage in
(Kwak 2005). Usually hemodynamic monitoring comparison to conventional bypass surgery (Feng
should be completed by trans-­esophageal echo- et  al. 2009; Shroyer et  al. 2009). Nevertheless the
22 cardiography and extended ECG monitoring significance of OPCAB procedures differs between
22 · Coronary Artery Disease
735 22

..Fig. 22.20  Left anterolateral mini-thoracotomy

nations; in Germany beating-heart operations com-

..Fig. 22.21  Lifting retractor in MIDCAB (minimally
prises 10 % of all isolated coronary bypass opera- invasive direct coronary artery bypass)
tions. Superior results are thought to be most likely
in patients with pre-existing neurological diseases,
advanced renal dysfunction or in the presence of In many cases it is advisable to harvest the
severe atherosclerosis of the ascending aorta. LIMA prior to opening of the pericardium to
Especially in combination with T graft and Y graft, create clarity in the surgical field. If the
OPCAB allows a complete no-­touch technique of quality of the target vessels is in doubt, an
the ascending aorta. Nevertheless OPCAB is not initial exposure of the anterior wall for
necessarily associated with superior results in terms inspection may be reasonable.
of intraoperative blood loss, perioperative myocar-
dial infarction or duration of intensive care stay.
Some centers prefer to harvest the LIMA MIDCAB (Minimally Invasive endoscopically followed by performing the distal
Direct Coronary Artery Bypass) anastomosis via the mini-thoracotomy.
The prime object of MIDCAB is a beating-heart Administration of 100  IU/kg body weight of
anastomosis between the LIMA as in situ bypass unfractioned heparin is sufficient to perform a
to the LAD.  After its inauguration in the late MIDCAB procedure. After immobilization of the
1960s, it took 30 years to reintroduce this concept target area using stabilizing devices, tolerance of
into the spectrum of surgical revascularization the myocardium against ischemia is tested by
due to lack of sufficient devices to perform temporarily occluding the LAD. Myocardial pre-
beating-­heart surgery safely. conditioning is achieved by short periods of reper-
In the original concept, the surgical access fusion, which should improve the myocardial
consists of a small left anterior thoracotomy in the tolerance against ischemia (Halkos et al. 2004). In
fifth intercostal space (Cremer et  al. 2000; addition the use of intracoronary shunts may be
. Fig. 22.20). Occasionally a lower partial sternot- helpful in MIDCAB procedures (Menon et  al.
omy is also designated as MIDCAB. Harvesting of 2002). To achieve high quality comparable to con-
the LIMA with the help of electrocautery is the ventional CABG, the anastomosis is created with
method of choice with this limited access. running 8-0 monofilament polypropylene suture.
Modified grabbing handles (extra long) and speci- Because of the limited access, it is advisable to
fied tips of the electrocautery are useful in this set- place the LIMA with stay sutures across from the
ting. A thoracic wall tilting retractor that spreads target area to perform the first stitches in distance
the ribs vertically is helpful in order to reach the (. Fig. 22.22). Following completion of the anasto-
proximal parts of the LIMA (. Fig.  22.21). mosis, fixation of the pedicles’ course with the
Creating a pedicled graft with adequate length that help of stay sutures or fibrin glue is advisable. It is
guarantees a tension-free bypass is more impor- recommended to cover the distal pedicle with
tant than complete division of all side branches. local mediastinal fat tissue to prevent adhesions
736 J.T. Cremer et al.

had been utilized before. Often one greater saphe-

nous vein, the radial arteries and the RIMA are
available for complete revascularization in a sec-
ond or even in a third procedure.
Before median re-sternotomy, the existence of
patent bypass grafts crossing immediately behind
the sternum has to be ruled out preoperatively.
Especially patent LIMA grafts to the LAD are of
importance, which may stick proximally to the tho-
racic wall and may curve to the right side. In this
context a high-resolution CT scan is valuable since
it provides information about the bypass course and
the ascending aorta (Cremer et al. 1998). Adhesions
of the aorta to the sternum and significant calcifica-
tion of the ascending aorta and the aortic arch can
be evaluated in this way, also. The findings may
..Fig. 22.22  Performing the anastomosis in MIDCAB have implications for the operative strategy in terms
technique (minimally invasive direct coronary artery of cannulation and clamping of the aorta as well as
the site of proximal anastomoses. In some cases
before re-sternotomy, femoral cannulation for
between the LIMA graft and the thoracic wall. extracorporeal circulation may be chosen.
Provided that freedom of pain and normothermia If sternotomy seems to be not associated with
are established, in the majority of cases, the elevated risk, no additional precautions have to be
patients can be extubated in the operating room. taken. After removal of retrosternal adhesions, the
In experienced hands the MIDCAB operation RIMA is harvested if needed in addition to venous
provides absolute excellent long-term patency of grafts. This is followed by exposure of the ascend-
the LIMA grafts with respective good outcome ing aorta, respectively, the aortic arch (optional
(Oliveira et al. 2002). In patients with m
­ ulti-vessel mobilization of the innominate vein), to ensure safe
disease and existing risks for conventional or beat- and expeditious arterial cannulation in case of sig-
ing-heart bypass surgery, a hybrid concept combin- nificant bleeding. The diaphragmatic aspect of the
ing MIDCAB revascularization of the anterior wall right ventricle offers in most cases a convenient re-
and interventional treatment (PCI) of other cardiac entry into the pericardial cavity. Caution is required
regions may be attractive (Cisowski et  al. 2002; in the presence of bypasses running around the
Murphy et al. 2004; Holzhey et al. 2008). right-sided cardiac chambers. In comparison to a
ventral approach, this preparation facilitates the
access to the right atrium, which allows immediate
22.4.3  CABG Reoperations initiation of extracorporeal circulation if necessary.
Any manipulation of degenerated bypass grafts has
A second CABG procedure may be necessary to be avoided to prevent peripheral embolization of
when either due to degeneration of venous grafts, atherosclerotic or thrombotic material into the cor-
leading to significant bypass stenoses, or due to onary artery periphery (this is also true in occluded
progression of CAD bypass occlusion occurs. In bypass grafts). The ascending aorta should be
comparison to the initial procedure, patients not exposed in a way that enables cross-­clamping and
only are 10–15  years older, the situation quite provides space for proximal bypass anastomoses.
often is even more complicated by progressive dif- In case of patent IMA graft, its localized exposure is
fuse CAD, reduced left ventricular function and mandatory to place a non-­traumatic bulldog to
further comorbidites related to age and ongoing stop bypass flow. Dissection of the posterolateral
systemic atherosclerosis. Several aspects that sep- aspects of the heart is recommended to be per-
arate reoperation from primary procedures have formed once extracorporeal circulation is estab-
to be taken into consideration. Nowadays, in gen- lished; appliance of cardioplegic arrest and venting
eral, sufficient bypass graft material is available of the heart may be of additional help.
22 since in most cases just venous grafts or some- If in severe CAD, antegrade coronary perfusion
times only a combination with a LIMA-LAD graft is compromised (especially in cases with patent
22 · Coronary Artery Disease
737 22
LIMA bypass which is temporary occluded during a
ischemia), retrograde application of cardioplegic
solution via a coronary sinus catheter is recom-
mended (Fazel et al. 2004). In reoperations, identi-
fication of coronary arteries can be highly
demanding. The proximal anastomoses of the pri-
mary operation may serve as reference point to find
the distal native coronary vessel. Moreover valuable
information can be provided by earlier angiograms
performed when the old bypass grafts were still
patent. The technique of distal anastomoses and the
choice of target vessels follow the same principles
as in conventional primary bypass surgery. In case
of a problematic ascending aorta or limited space at b
the ascending aorta, the proximal new bypass graft
anastomoses can be performed to the previous
grafts sites. In selected cases a patent LIMA can
serve as inflow for the newly created bypasses.

22.4.4  Coronary Artery


Indication for surgical coronary endarterectomy

(Marinelli et  al. 2002) should be handled very
restrictively because the procedure is associated ..Fig. 22.23  a, b Coronary artery endarterectomy
with an increased morbidity and mortality rate.
Only if reasonable bypass construction seems to
be impossible as the entire target artery is com- aortic wall. The opening created is then closed
pletely calcified and vital myocardium requires with an enlarging oval patch either made of vein,
revascularization, endarterectomy should be RIMA (Liska et  al. 1999), pericardium or syn-
taken into account (. Fig. 22.23). thetic material.
Endarterectomy is performed by generous inci- In today’s routine such like procedure did
sion of the coronary artery with following removal become extremely rare, due to obvious reasons:
of the plaque with the help of a dissector. Alternatively 55 Isolated ostial stenosis of the right coronary
the coronary vessel can be opened with two shorter artery is usually treated by catheter
incisions, and plaque is removed by careful traction intervention.
from the proximal incision after some dissection. 55 Isolated proximal stenosis of the left main stem
The coronary artery may be either reconstructed is a clear and proven indication for surgical
with a separate autologous vein patch, which is anas- treatment. Since surgical patch plasty of the left
tomosed to a venous bypass graft, or the created coronary ostium is technically complex and
opening is covered and enlarged with a broad anas- demanding, rather conventional peripheral
tomosis leading directly into the venous bypass graft. bypass graft revascularization for the LAD and
the circumflex artery is performed, as almost
always suitable target vessels are available.
22.4.5  Ostial Coronary Patch Plasty

Isolated, discrete ostial stenoses of the left or right 22.4.6  Surgery of Coronary
coronary artery can be surgically treated by ostial Aneurysms
patch plasty. During cardioplegic arrest, the
ostium of the effected coronary vessel is exposed In adult patients coronary aneurysms can reach a
via aortotomy. The coronary artery is longitudi- diameter up to 15 cm (Mawatari et al. 2000). An
nally opened from the lesion up to the normal existing coronary aneurysm bears the risk of
738 J.T. Cremer et al.

spontaneous rupture or embolization of throm- avoided by the use of in situ IMA grafts in
bus material causing an indication for operation. combination with T or Y grafts.
There are different techniques for surgical
treatment. The aneurysm’s in- and outflow vessel
can be ligated with subsequent distal coronary 22.5 Significance of Coronary
bypass; however, techniques preserving the ves- Surgery and Current Studies
sel are feasible, also. After resection of the aneu- and Analyses
rysm, an end-to-end anastomosis can be
performed (Westaby et al. 1999). In cases where As an example for Western Europe, CABG data
this is not possible due to the resulting distance from Germany are described. To date around
between the two vessels ends, a vein segment can 50,000 cases of isolated coronary surgery are per-
be interposed (Firstenberg et al. 2000) (see also formed in Germany anually, with a 30-day mortal-
7  Chapter «Congenital Anomalies of the Coronary ity of <3 %. These numbers comprise all patients,
Arteries and Coronary Diseases in Children and including those with significant risk factors like
Adolescents», Sect. 20.8). poor left ventricular function, acute myocardial
infarction or redo bypass surgery. Around 10 % of
coronary procedures are performed under beat-
22.4.7  Coronary Revascularization ing-heart conditions without extracorporeal circu-
and Atherosclerotic lation (MIDCAB/OPCAB). The mean age for all
Ascending Aorta patients is 67.4  years with more than 10 % being
80 years and older. On average 3.1, distal anasto-
The presence of significant atherosclerosis of the moses are constructed utilizing a LIMA graft in
ascending aorta demands changes of the routine 92.3 % of cases.
surgical procedure especially to prevent cerebral In the United States, the proportions are com-
complication due to embolization of plaque mate- parable. Within the last decade, around 1.5 mil-
rial. In many cases the atherosclerosis is preopera- lion patients underwent isolated CABG according
tively known because of the findings in the chest to the registry of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons
x-ray, the angiogram or a thoracic CT scan. If (STSs). The postoperative mortality rate declined
ascending aortic wall atherosclerosis is an acci- to 1.9 % in 2009. The LIMA is used 95 % of cases
dental intraoperative finding, an epiaortic ultra- (ElBardissi et al. 2012).
sound or trans-esophageal echocardiography may The Synergy between PCI with Taxus and
be helpful to judge the importance of calcification Cardiac Surgery (SYNTAX) trial is a randomized
actually present. prospective study, comparing CABG and PCI in
The following measures are helpful in order to 1,800 patients with three-vessel disease and/or left
reduce manipulation of the calcified aorta, thereby main stenosis. For these patients, it demonstrated a
reducing the risk of embolization to a minimum significant superiority of bypass surgery concern-
(«no-touch philosophy»): ing the primary end point (rate of major adverse
55 In operations with extracorporeal circulation, cardiac and cerebrovascular events; Serruys et al.
the aortic cannula should be placed in the 2009). In the meantime the 3-year results of the
proximal arch or the right subclavian artery. SYNTAX trial are available which confirm the
Clamping of the aorta can be avoided by original results (Kappetein et  al. 2011). This was
temporary hypothermic cardiac arrest and the first major multicenter randomized trial that
retrograde application of cardioplegia. compares CABG and PCI in the drug eluting stent
55 Alternatively the procedure can be performed era in patients with triple-­vessel disease. Former
with the heart fibrillating in normothermia or studies like the Arterial Revascularization Therapy
moderate hypothermia (Beyersdorf et al. Study (ARTS trial, Serruys et  al. 2005) and the
1990); however, this technique is associated Stent or Surgery trial (SOS trial, Stables et al. 2002)
with limited exposure of the target vessels. compared CABG to PCI with bare-metal stents.
55 The use of OPCAB technique avoids the risks The long-term results of the SYNTAX trial demon-
of inserting cannulas in this setting. strate impressively that with a growing complexity
Depending on the pattern of atherosclerotic of coronary lesions (quantified by the Syntax
22 lesions, any aortic anastomosis can be Score), surgery leads to a significant survival ben-
22 · Coronary Artery Disease
739 22
efit apart from lower incidence of myocardial than 1,000 patients using an internal thoracic artery/
infarctions, revascularization and recurrent angina radial artery T graft. Ann Surg 234:447–453
Barra JA, Bezon E, Mondine P et al. (2000) Surgical angio-
pectoris. Latest analyses of major registries prove plasty with exclusion of atheromatous plaques in case
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efit for surgical treated patients with triple-vessel artery: 2 years’ follow-up. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg
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Force and Kolh et al. 2010) and North American
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unmistakeably declared that an individual thera- patients with diabetes mellitus. J Thorac Cardiovasc
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peutic strategy has to be developed in a formal
Beyersdorf F, Krause E, Sarai K et al. (1990) Clinical evaluation
heart team. This should result in an ­optimal ther- of hypothermic ventricular fibrillation, multi-dose blood
apy for every individual patient and avoid the use cardioplegia, and single-dose Bretschneider cardiople-
of PCI when there is clear recommendation for gia in coronary surgery. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 38:20–29
surgical treatment (Hannan et  al. 2010). If these Boening A, Schoeneich F, Lichtenberg A, Bagaev E, Cremer
guidelines will be followed, coronary bypass sur- JT, Klima U (2005) First clinical results with a 30° end-­
to-­side coronary anastomosis coupler. Eur
gery will be of paramount importance in industrial J Cardiothorac Surg 27:876–881
nations as demographic changes with an aging Boethig D, Minami K, Lueth JU, El-Banayosy A, Breymann T,
population will lead to a growing number of Koerfer R (2004) Intermittent aortic cross-clamping for
patients with complex coronary findings. They isolated CABG can save lives and money: experience
may be due just to advanced age, but also due to with 15307 patients. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 52:147–
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743 23

Left Ventricular
and Conventional Surgery
for Cardiac Failure
Friedhelm Beyersdorf and Matthias Siepe

23.1 Introduction: Results of Medical Therapy – 744

23.2  urgical Reconstruction of Dilated Ischemic

Left Ventricle – 744
23.2.1  athogenesis of Left Ventricular Remodeling
After Myocardial Infarction – 744
23.2.2 Prognosis – 745
23.2.3 Dyskinesia (Aneurysm) Versus Akinesia – 745
23.2.4 Diagnostics and Indications for Left Ventricular
Reconstruction – 745
23.2.5 Surgical Technique – 746
23.2.6 Perioperative Complications – 750
23.2.7 Results and Outlook – 750

23.3 Conventional Heart Failure Surgery – 751

23.3.1 High-Risk Coronary Bypass Surgery – 751 Indication – 751 Surgical Procedures – 752
23.3.2 Mitral Valve Reconstruction – 752 Indications – 752 Surgical Technique – 752
23.3.3 Post-Infarction Ventricular Septal Defect – 752 Treatment – 752 Surgical Strategy – 753 Postoperative Results – 755 Interventional Post-infarction VSD Closure – 755
23.3.4 Other Techniques – 755

References – 756

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_23
744 F. Beyersdorf and M. Siepe

23.1 Introduction: Results restore left ventricular geometry (Jones 2001;

23 of Medical Therapy Athanasuleas et al. 2004).

In more than 60 % of all patients with terminal

Therefore, surgical procedures are extremely
heart failure, the underlying cause is coronary
important in the treatment of severe heart fail-
heart disease (CHD). The majority of these
patients have had previous myocardial infarction
(Gheorghiade and Bonow 1998). ­End-­stage con-
gestive heart failure (NYHA IV) is a life-­
threatening disease: One-year survival is around 23.2 Surgical Reconstruction
40–50 % only, and this is worse than life expec- of Dilated Ischemic Left
tancy for most patients with malignancies. Ventricle
The options for medical therapy in patients
with terminal heart failure have improved tremen- 23.2.1  Pathogenesis of Left
dously in recent years. The overall results, however, Ventricular Remodeling
are still unfavorable, as shown in several studies. After Myocardial Infarction
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
were shown to prolong the survival of patients in Coronary heart disease is responsible for the
NYHA IV heart failure; however, mortality at the development of terminal heart failure in two thirds
end of the first year was still 36 % (The CONSENSUS of patients. Most of these patients have suffered
Trial Study Group 1987). The COPERNICUS from acute myocardial infarction (Gheorghiade
study revealed advantageous outcome, when add- and Bonow 1998). Despite earlier revasculariza-
ing carvedilol, a β-blocker with additional tion, patients develop left ventricular dilatation in
α-blocking and vasodilating effects, to ACE inhibi- 20 % of cases. In these patients, this dilatation may
tor therapy: Patients with a left ventricular ejection lead to terminal heart failure (Gaudron et  al.
fraction (LVEF) of less than 25 % had an improved 1993). The remote, non-infarcted myocardium
survival after 28 months of 72 % compared to 58 % changes its volume and shape – a process known
in the placebo group (Packer et al. 2001). as «ventricular remodeling». With progressive
A disadvantage of several studies evaluating dilatation of the left ventricle, the normal elliptic
medical therapy of chronic heart failure is the fact shape takes on a more spherical one. Global left
that only a few or sometimes even no patients in ventricular ejection fraction decreases, eventually
NYHA IV were enrolled, like in the CARMEN resulting in terminal heart failure (Sallin 1969).
study where 60–70 % of patients were in NYHA Secondary to dilatation of the left ventricular
II; however, there were no patients in NYHA IV (remodeling), wall tension also increases in those
(Remme 2003) or in the RALES where even no regions of the left ventricle that have not suffered
data about the NYHA classes at the beginning of from acute infarction. The increased wall tension
the study were presented (Pitt et al. 1999). leads to elevated oxygen consumption of the myo-
Therefore, optimal heart failure treatment usu- cardium, reduced sub-endocardial blood flow and
ally is maintained for end-stage heart failure with diminished systolic shortening. On a molecular
the medication that was studied for the less sick level, apoptosis of myocytes is the cause of ven-
patients. Basically, all patients receive a combina- tricular remodeling (Baldi et al. 2002; Narula et al.
tion of ACE-inhibitors with beta-blockers as stud- 1996; Olivetti et al. 1997). This increased apoptosis
ied extensively in studies such as the CONSENSUS, is regarded a result of rising wall tension, and
COPERNICUS or CARMEN trial (Packer et  al. therefore, remodeling can be seen as a vicious cir-
2001; Komajda et  al. 2004; The Consensus Trial cle (circulus vitiosus). While in the beginning
Study Group 1987). Also, the addition of Aldactone apoptosis is primarily seen in regions adjacent to
to loop diuretics in medical treatment is beneficial acute infarction, after weeks or months apoptotic
for patients with congestive heart failure as shown myocardial cells can also be observed in remote
in the RALES trial (The RALES Investigators areas, ­originally not involved in the acute myocar-
1996). Despite optimal medical therapy, several dial infarction process.
patients’ left ventricular remodeling leads to severe Therefore, surgical left ventricular reconstruc-
heart failure, and only surgical strategies can tion aims at reducing wall tension to allow for
Chapter 23 · Left Ventricular Reconstruction and Conventional Surgery for Cardiac Failure
745 23
improved contractility of the remote, non-­ process of the non-infarcted myocardium. He
infarcted myocardium. developed the «endocardial patch plasty proce-
dure» for surgical reconstruction of akinetic
and dyskinetic areas (DiDonato et  al. 1997;
23.2.2  Prognosis Dor 1997, 2011).

In follow-up, approximately 20 % of patients with

acute myocardial infarction show progressive 23.2.4  Diagnostics and Indications
­dilatation of the left ventricle months and years for Left Ventricular
later (Gaudron et  al. 1993). The prognosis for Reconstruction
patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy depends
more on left ventricular volume and less on left The majority of patients, who undergo left ventric-
ventricular ejection fraction (White et al. 1987). In
ular reconstruction, also require myocardial revas-
1987, White and co-workers demonstrated that the cularization and/or reconstructive mitral valve
mortality rate after myocardial infarction was surgery. In case of anterior wall infarction, revascu-
directly related to the size of the left ventricle (left
larization should include the left anterior descend-
ventricular end-systolic volume). In the GUSTO-­I ing (LAD) coronary artery to improve perfusion
trial, it was shown that a left ventricular end-­systolic
and function of the interventricular septum.
volume index (LVESVI) of more than 40 ml/m2 fol- Most patients scheduled for left ventricular
lowing myocardial infarction was associated with a reconstruction surgery have an anterior-septal
high incidence of heart failure and reduced long- scar with both progressive left ventricular dilata-
term survival (Migrino et al. 1997). tion and reduction in left ventricular ejection
fraction. Clinically they experience symptoms of
heart failure. In rare cases, they also may have
23.2.3  Dyskinesia (Aneurysm) additional scars in the lateral or posterior wall of
Versus Akinesia the left ventricle. In larger studies, most patients
enrolled presented with left ventricular aneu-
After acute coronary occlusion, necrosis of the rysms (60–70 %), while the remaining displayed
dependent myocardium advances as a wavefront akinetic areas with progressive left ventricular
from the endocardium to the epicardium (Reimer dilatation.
and Jennings 1979). Early reperfusion after acute Presurgical diagnostic procedures should
coronary occlusion (percutaneous coronary comprise the following:
intervention (PCI) or coronary lysis) may be able 55 Coronary angiography
to salvage some of the epicardial muscle and 55 Left ventricular angiography
therefore prevent the development of a full-­ 55 Transesophageal echocardiography (two- or
thickness necrosis, which would lead to a thin-­ three-dimensional)
walled dyskinetic aneurysm. The reperfused 55 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) including
myocardium may retain a certain wall thickness «late enhancement» to assess myocardial via-
and even normal epicardial muscle layers. bility and the extent of myocardial scars
The  result is an akinetic segment with different
grades of mid-myocardial and epicardial fibrosis. With those procedures, the following data
However, akinetic ventricles develop ventricu- should be obtained:
lar  remodeling of the remote myocardium, also 55 Status of the coronary arteries
(see above 7 Sect. 23.2.1). Therefore, from a func- 55 Function of the heart valves
tional standpoint, akinetic and dyskinetic areas 55 Viability of the remote myocardium
can be considered identical. Currently, immediate 55 Extent of the scarring process («asynergy
reperfusion techniques are used in the majority of scar» in comparison to the remaining left ven-
patients with acute myocardial infarction, and tricle (left ventricular circumference) (in %))
therefore akinetic areas are more often seen than 55 Akinesia vs. dyskinesia (aneurysm)
classic aneurysms (dyskinesis). 55 Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF; in %)
It was Vincent Dor who first noted that aki- 55 Left ventricular end-diastolic diameter
nesis and dyskinesis led to the same remodeling (LVEDD; in mm)
746 F. Beyersdorf and M. Siepe

55 Left ventricular end-systolic diameter

23 (LVESD); in mm) If thrombotic material can be seen in cavities
55 Left ventricular end-diastolic volume index of any heart chamber, the heart must not be
(LVEDVI; in ml/m2) manipulated until the aorta has been cross
55 Left ventricular end-systolic volume index clamped.
(LVESVI; in ml/m2)
55 Existence or absence of thrombi within the
After median sternotomy, the heart may have
left ventricular cavity
to be dissected from pericardial adhesions, which
develop secondary to myocardial infarction. The
The degree of the asynergy of the left ventricle
type of venous cannulation depends on whether a
can be measured using different methods:
simultaneous repair of the mitral valve is required
55 Ventriculography (centerline method in RAO
(two-stage cannula or separate cannulation of the
superior and inferior vena cava). A left ventricular
55 Echocardiography
vent is introduced via the right upper pulmonary
55 Radionuclide ventriculography
vein or the interatrial groove (. Fig. 23.1).
55 Multislice computed tomography
Surgery can be performed with the heart beating
55 Magnetic resonance imaging
or with an arrested heart using cardioplegia. In both
instances, we use a left ventricular vent. If mitral
valve procedures are necessary, antegrade followed
A general rule can thus be stated. Left ventric-
by retrograde cold blood cardioplegia is used.
ular reconstruction is indicated when:
Required coronary revascularization and mitral
55 Approximately 35–40 % of the left ventricle
circumference is asynergetic.
55 LVESVI > 60 ml/m2.
55 LVEF < 35 %.
55 The patient has symptoms according to
NYHA classes II or III.

Patients in cardiogenic shock (intra-aortic

balloon counter pulsation, cardiac index <2  l/
min/m2, inotropes, pulmonary hypertension,
poor peripheral perfusion) are not candidates for
a left ventricular reconstruction procedure.

23.2.5  Surgical Technique

Surgery can address all three components respon-

sible for the development of heart failure:
55 Ventricle
55 Coronary arteries
55 Heart valves

Preoperative workup (see above 7 Sect. 23.2.4)

determines if only one component, two or all three
need to be surgically treated.
During surgery, transesophageal echocardiog-
raphy should be continuously available. A preop-
erative examination is of utmost importance in
order to detect intraventricular thrombi, which
are present in approximately 30 % of patients. ..Fig. 23.1  Cannulation of the heart
Chapter 23 · Left Ventricular Reconstruction and Conventional Surgery for Cardiac Failure
747 23
valve procedures are completed before left ventricu- other coronary arteries, these will also be revascu-
lar reconstruction is performed. Left ­ ventricular larized (right or circumflex coronary artery).
reconstruction can be carried out on the beating Thereafter, the apex of the left ventricle is
heart or with aorta cross clamped using cardiople- exposed using two to three large sponges or a
gia. The advantage of the beating heart technique is towel to elevate it out of the pericardium. Once
the chance to palpate a border between scarred and the left ventricle has been evacuated by the vent,
viable myocardium between the thumb and the the scarred area can be easily identified. The flac-
index finger to delineate the area of resection. In cid scar area, which usually lies lateral to the left
addition continuous coronary perfusion and the anterior descending coronary artery, is then
heart beating may provide better myocardial protec- incised (. Fig. 23.2a). After a small first incision is
tion for the right ventricle, especially in patients done, the extent of the scarred tissue is palpated
with pulmonary hypertension. We prefer to per- manually. With this technique, the border
form left ventricular reconstruction on the beating between contractile and non-contractile myocar-
heart and use ­cardioplegia for mitral revasculariza- dium can be detected very easily. Using a pair of
tion and mitral valve reconstructions. An exception scissors, the incision is now enlarged, where nec-
to this strategy applies to patients with left ventricu- essary. This border between viable and non-viable
lar thrombi, in whom left ventricular reconstruction myocardium has very clearly been identified in
has to be accomplished using aortic clamping. order to know where the purse-string suture
In patients with mitral valve regurgitation (Fontan suture) should be placed (. Fig. 23.2a, b).
grade II–III, surgical reconstruction is done as the After the left ventricle has been incised, it is
first step. The techniques employed are the same opened using clamps (Mikulicz clamp) or pledgeted
as in all other mitral valve procedures. In our sutures. If thrombotic material is present, this has to
practice, the Alfieri stitch applied from the ven- be carefully and completely removed (. Fig. 23.2b).
tricular side is rarely used. Thereafter, a purse-string suture (Fontan
In the majority of cases (more than 80 %), coro- suture) at the border between viable and non-­
nary revascularization of the left anterior descend- viable myocardium is carried out. A suture is
ing coronary artery is performed using the internal started in the periphery at the left ventricular apex
mammary artery, especially in patients with anterior using a 2/0 polypropylene suture with a big nee-
myocardial infarction in order to achieve revascu- dle. This purse-string suture continues via the lat-
larization of the septum as well as the adjacent areas eral wall and the inner surface of the anterior wall,
of the myocardial infarction. If there are stenoses of to the septum and finally back to the apex of the

a b


..Fig. 23.2  a, b. Elevation of left ventricular apex using pads and incision in the scar of the left ventricle lateral to the
left anterior descending coronary artery with a scalpel a; thrombotic material in the cavity of the left ventricle b
748 F. Beyersdorf and M. Siepe


..Fig. 23.4  One purse-string suture and three

U-sutures finally reconstruct and occlude the LV defect
..Fig. 23.3  Purse-string suture within the scar at the
and create a new left ventricular Apex
border between vital and nonvital myocardium (Fontan

Such operations would be significantly more dif-

left ventricle. The suture is tied using Teflon felt ficult in patients with acute myocardial infarctions.
pledgets to avoid its tearing (. Fig.  23.3). In the In these patients, the suture may not stay within the
majority of patients with an old infarction, this rather friable non-scar tissue. Therefore the tech-
line for the purse-string suture can be located eas- nique of left ventricular reconstruction described in
ily. In patients with chronic transmural aneu- this chapter is contraindicated in patients with acute
rysms, almost no trabeculations are found within myocardial infarction (less than 3–6 weeks).
the ventricle, which makes purse-string suturing By using the purse-string suture, the infarcted
very simple. Conversely, trabeculations may still tissue is isolated from the contracting myocar-
be present in patients with akinetic areas or more dium. The size of the remaining left ventricular
recent myocardial infarctions, rendering it slightly cavity should be more than 100  ml. In order to
more difficult to put the purse-string sutures into measure the remaining volume of the left ventri-
place. Purse-string sutures have to be placed deep cle, some surgeons use a sterilized balloon filled
in the myocardial wall. However, the perforation with 100  ml of crystalloid solution (e.g. normal
of the left ventricular wall with the suture line saline solution). Some surgeons even use a metal-
should be avoided under all circumstances. lic olive with the appropriate volume. This tech-
nique can only be used on a cardioplegic heart or
the balloon will be ejected from the beating heart.
It is important to avoid transmural stitches In addition to these measures, it is important to
when carrying out the purse-string suture. know the preoperative volumes of the ventricles
These transmural stitches may lead to local- to estimate the required degree of reduction.
ized ruptures and bleeding, once the purse- In patients with severe ventricular arrhyth-
string sutures are tied. mias, an ablation using cryo- or radio- techniques
can be performed at the border between vital and
Chapter 23 · Left Ventricular Reconstruction and Conventional Surgery for Cardiac Failure
749 23

..Fig. 23.5  Schematic drawings of the normal elliptical shape of the heart (left), the spherical shape of the dilated
heart after anterior-septal myocardial infarction (middle) and the reconstructed elliptical configuration after left
ventricular reconstruction (right)

a b

..Fig. 23.6  a After the second purse-string suture has been tied, b the remaining myocardial opening in the left
ventricle in most cases is less than 1–2 cm in size.

nonvital myocardium. Prophylactic or secondary dial opening effectively and create a new left ven-
implantation of a defibrillator is rarely necessary. tricular apex. Using these techniques, the left
After the purse-string suture has been tied, ventricle will regain its elliptical shape (. Fig. 23.5).
most often the myocardium of the left ventricle is If the first purse-string suture does not com-
already closed. If an opening remains, which is less pletely occlude the left ventricular myocardial
than 1–1.5 cm in diameter, further direct closure is defect, a second purse-string suture can be carried
possible: Three U-stitches (polypropylene sutures) out above the first one (. Fig.  23.6). With these
can be positioned at an angle of 60° to each other double-­ layer purse-string sutures, the opening
(. Fig. 23.4). They occlude the remaining myocar- almost always can be occluded.
750 F. Beyersdorf and M. Siepe

The last step of the procedure is the closure of

23 the epicardium over the newly created left ven-
tricular apex. Reinforced with Teflon felt strips, a
2/0 polypropylene suture with a big needle may be
used, if necessary. First, a mattress suture is carried
out and then, a running suture is laid over it. Any
injury or occlusion of the left anterior descending
coronary artery must be avoided.
Careful deairing has to be performed before
the ventriculotomy is definitely closed. We flood
the operative field with CO2, assuming an advan-
tage in reducing the risk of air embolism. The left
ventricular vent has to be stopped before the epi-
cardium is finally closed. We employ transesopha-
geal echocardiography to monitor the presence of
any residual air or CO2.
As mentioned before, a patch for final closure is
not necessary in all patients. However, there are
certain patient groups who always require a patch
..Fig. 23.7  Patch occlusion of the ventriculotomy with
for ventricular closure. These include patients with: final running suture line
55 Calcified left ventricular aneurysms, in which
a purse-string suture is unable to sufficiently
Very rarely, reduction of left ventricular cavity
reduce the remaining opening of the left ven-
volume may have been overdone (<100 ml/m2). This
would result in decreased LV stroke volume and
55 Huge dilated left ventricles, in which the
­diastolic dysfunction. In borderline cases, symp-
purse-­string suture is also unable to suffi-
toms  may improve spontaneously over the next
ciently reduce the opening (rare).
3–6 months due to slight dilatation of the left ven-
55 Left ventricular volumes after reconstruction
tricle. In more severe cases, the left ventricular cavity
that are seemingly too small (<100 ml/m2). In
has to be enlarged by implanting a patch (very rare).
these cases, the patch is used to enlarge the
However, a more frequent scenario is an inad-
cavity of the left ventricle (rare).
equately reduced cavity volume after left ventricu-
lar reconstruction. If the LVESVI remains higher
Implantation of a patch (autologous pericar-
than 80–100 ml/m2, surgery does not alter long-­
dial patch, bovine pericardium, Dacron patch or
term prognosis, and mortality and morbidity
endocardial scar tissue) is preferentially per-
remain high. The goal is to achieve a left ventricu-
formed with a running suture 3/0 polypropylene.
lar volume reduction of at least 30 % in relation to
After the patch is completely implanted, the epi-
the preoperative value.
cardium is closed over the patch as described
Postoperative ventricular rhythm disturbances
above (. Fig. 23.7).
are rare, even in patients who have had ventricular
arrhythmias preoperatively. Therefore implanta-
tion of a defibrillator or even the prescription of
23.2.6  Perioperative Complications antiarrhythmic drugs is only rarely necessary. Some
groups prefer to add intraoperative ablation (cryo-
Re-remodeling after primary successful left ven-
or radio-ablation) in patients with pre-existing ven-
tricular reconstruction has been described in
tricular arrhythmias (see above 7 Sect. 23.2.5).
15–25 % of all cases (DiDonato et al. 2001, 2010).
This re-remodeling/de novo remodeling is a re-­
dilatation of a reconstructed ventricle. Even
though the exact mechanism of this re-­remodeling 23.2.7  Results and Outlook
is unclear, an insufficient reduction of the left ven-
tricular volume at the first procedure may be one The results of left ventricular reconstruction sur-
of the reasons. gery have been published in many articles over the
Chapter 23 · Left Ventricular Reconstruction and Conventional Surgery for Cardiac Failure
751 23
last years (Athanasuleas et al. 2001, 2004; DiDonato cularization and mitral valve reconstruction is
et al. 1997, 2001; Dor 1997; Dor 2004; Maxey et al. warranted.
2004; Yamaguchi et al. 1998). These studies showed
significantly lower 30-day mortality, improved
5-year survival and reduced LVESVI values as 23.3.1  High-Risk Coronary
compared to the control group without left ven- Bypass Surgery
tricular reconstruction.
Based on these results, the National Institute Indication
of Health (NIH) in the United States supported a Coronary revascularization is meant to improve
worldwide prospective study (Surgical Treatment coronary blood flow but is not a primary therapy
for Ischemic Heart Failure: STICH trial, Velazquez to enhance ventricular remodeling. With current
et al. 2007). In 2009, results were published show- techniques of myocardial protection, coronary
ing the outcome of coronary bypass surgery alone bypass operations can also be done with good
and in combination with the left ventricular success in patients revealing severely reduced left
reconstruction (hypothesis 2 substudy of the ventricular function to start with.
STICH trial) (Jones et  al. 2009). However, there Yamaguchi et al. (1998) showed the results of
were several methodological problems associated the coronary bypass surgery being directly related
with this study: missing description of the pre- to preoperative LVESVI. In their study, 5-year sur-
ferred surgical technique, measurement of the left vival was only 54 %, when preoperative LVESVI
ventricular volume in only 161 of 501 enrolled was larger than 100 ml/m2. It was, however, 85 %, if
patients and postoperative LVESVI reduction of the preoperative LVESVI was less than 100 m/m2.
only 19 % of these 161 patients. A total of 66 % of Maxey et  al. reported superior long-term results
all patients did not have any measurement of when left ventricular reconstruction was added to
LVESVI.  In patients with dilated ventricle coronary bypass surgery in dilated ventricles
(LVESVI > 90 ml/m2), 56 % still had an enlarged (Maxey et al. 2004).
left ventricle after reconstruction (postoperative
LVESVI > 60 ml/m2). Thirteen percent of patients
enrolled had no history of preoperative myocar- It should be kept in mind, however, that 5-year
dial infarction. Only 49 % of the patients were in survival in patients with significantly reduced
NYHA III–IV.  These problems with the study ejection fraction (less than 25 %) is only
have also been published (Buckberg and 50–60 %, despite very good perioperative
Athanasuleas 2009; Dor 2011), and the value of results (Elefteriades and Edwards 2002;
the STICH study remains uncertain. Shah et al. 2003).
Most recent publications have shown a con-
siderable survival advantage of the left ventricular
reconstruction in ischemic dilated ventricles,
compared to conservative treatment or coronary Even in patients with left ventricular ejection
revascularization alone; careful application of the fractions of less than 15 %, good perioperative
described surgical techniques provided including results can be expected, as long as good target ves-
a LVESVI reduction of more than 30 % of the sels for revascularization, «hibernating» myocar-
baseline value, preferably <60  ml/m2 (normal dium, and good right ventricular function are
value according to White et al. 1987 is 25 ml/m2). present. Then not only moderate elevation of the
pulmonary artery pressure but also the scenario
of a redo-operation can be overcome.
23.3 Conventional Heart If the patient, however, has very poor right
Failure Surgery ventricular function, and even clinical signs of
right heart failure in face of fixed pulmonary
Coronary heart disease and mitral valve regurgi- hypertension, one should refrain from LV recon-
tation in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathies struction surgery and rather consider other forms
are independent risk factors for poor survival. of surgical therapy for ischemic cardiomyopathy,
Therefore, in these patients, a combined approach such as heart transplantation or mechanical cir-
of left ventricular reconstruction, coronary revas- culatory support (DiCarli et al. 1998).
752 F. Beyersdorf and M. Siepe Surgical Procedures It is important to anchor the sutures for the

23 As is true for any coronary revascularization sur- mitral ring securely inside the fibrous anulus (not
gery, the left internal mammary artery should be in the atrial wall or in the leaflet). The force on these
used as a bypass graft for the left anterior descend- sutures during anulus reduction is significant, and
ing coronary artery. The other coronary arteries tearing of the sutures will result in recurrent mitral
should be grafted with the right internal mam- valve insufficiency (. Fig. 23.8c).
mary artery, a vein or the radial artery. In all cases,
it should be aimed at a complete revascularization
in relation to the quality of the distal target vessels. 23.3.3  Post-Infarction Ventricular
Manipulations on the large and often arrhythmic Septal Defect
ventricles should be avoided before extracorporeal
circulation is started. As long as intracavitary In almost 1 % of patients, transmural myocardial
thrombi are ruled out and hemodynamics are sta- infarction is complicated by a ventricular septal
ble, the revascularization part of these operations defect (post-infarct VSD). A coronary vessel
can be performed either off pump or on the beat- occlusion without prior collateral network gener-
ing heart with extracorporeal circulation. We pre- ation leads to sustained myocardial necrosis.
fer cardioplegic arrest. If cardioplegia is used, Whenever the repair mechanism is too brief to
ante- and retrograde cold blood cardioplegia form a solid scar but tissue is rapidly weakened,
should be applied in order to facilitate optimal dis- the necrotic area may rupture and result in a ven-
tribution of the cardioplegic solution and to supply tricular septum defect. This event usually occurs
oxygen to the heart in between reinfusions. 1–2  weeks after the infarction. Very small post-­
infarction VSD can heal spontaneously and may
not cause any symptoms; they may even go undi-
23.3.2  Mitral Valve Reconstruction agnosed. Anatomically, most acquired VSDs
affect the anterior apical septum resulting from
LAD occlusion (60 %), while the rest are distrib- Indications uted equally to the mid-septal and posterior areas.
Functional mitral valve insufficiency is secondary Often, infarction VSD leads rapidly to hemo-
to progressive dilatation and dysfunction of the dynamic instability or even shock, and it is associ-
left ventricle. Therefore in these cases, it may not ated with high mortality. In these situations, the
be considered a primary valvular disease but only treatment is surgical or interventional VSD
rather a disease of the ventricle (. Fig.  23.8a, b). closure. If the structural defect in hemodynami-
Mitral valve insufficiency and left ventricular dila- cally instable patients remains, the natural course
tation will result in a circulus vitiosus, which can for this patient cohort is disastrous, with a 1-year
only be treated by mitral valve repair/replacement survival of less than 10 % (Brandt et  al. 1979;
and left ventricular reconstruction. It is of utmost Madsen and Daggett 1997).
importance in these patients to preserve the sub-
valvular apparatus (anulus, chordae, papillary Treatment
muscles) during any mitral valve operation. The care for patients with post-infarct VSD is chal-
Mitral valve reconstruction and left ventricu- lenging, requiring a multidisciplinary team to regu-
lar reconstruction surgery are indicated in larly assess the patient’s condition and evaluate the
patients with mitral valve insufficiency grade II– indication for surgery. Whenever possible, as
III or higher, in some cases already in grade II allowed for by the hemodynamic status, surgery
(Bolling et al. 1998). should be postponed in order to gain time for the
edges of the septal defect to heal as a scar and thereby Surgical Technique attain more suturable morphology. Medical treat-
In most of the cases mitral valve insufficiency is ment is based on afterload-reducing agents, inotro-
caused by anulus dilatation. Surgery aims at creat- pes and intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) insertion
ing a satisfactory coaptation area between the to reduce afterload in systole and augment coronary
anterior and posterior mitral valve leaflet. perfusion in diastole. Vasoconstrictors would
Undersizing is beneficial and can be achieved by a increase afterload. This usually results in higher
complete ring. shunt volumes and should be avoided. Achieving
Chapter 23 · Left Ventricular Reconstruction and Conventional Surgery for Cardiac Failure
753 23
a c

Area of Coaptation

closure force

Ring dilatation
Increased tension
on the chordae
Enlarged distance between
the papillary muscles

..Fig. 23.8  a–c Normal functional anatomy with good coaptation areas a; development of functional mitral valve
insufficiency b; sutures in the anulus before and after tying with use of a complete mitral valve ring c

optimum preoperative hemodynamics is of upmost surgery, the poorer the outcome (Deja et al. 2000;
importance to the operative outcome. Whether a Labrousse et al. 2002). The fragility of the septal
preoperative phase of mechanical circulatory tissue where the patch is anchored is the main rea-
support as a routine treatment tool is beneficial son for residual shunts (up to 40 %) and causes
awaits investigation in future series. significant mortality rates (Deja et al. 2000; Pretre
Preoperatively, repetitive transesophageal et al. 1999).
echocardiography (TEE) and thorough hemody-
namic monitoring are mandatory. Peripheral Surgical Strategy
organ function has to be screened and taken care Historically, the first successful post-infarct VSD
of as necessary. The hemodynamic status deter- closure was achieved by Denton Cooley in 1957
mines the time for surgery, with instability being (Cooley et  al. 1957). Many surgical techniques
the indication for defect closure. This in itself is and perioperative tools have been described
one of the main prognostic factors for outcome. over  the past 55  years to treat this defect and
The sooner a post-infarction VSD requires improve patient care. A preoperative IABP may
754 F. Beyersdorf and M. Siepe


..Fig. 23.9  Patch closure of an anterior (left Panels) and posterior (right Panels) post-infarction VSD. The access
through the infarcted LV free wall may or may not be closed with a second patch in anterior infarctions. For posterior
VSDs a patch repair of the LV access is always recommended (Adapted from Wahlers and Franke 2003)

be inserted and maintained for some days post- The ­techniques performed most often closely follow
operatively. Using general anesthesia and total the work of Dagget (Daggett et al. 1977). After inci-
hemodynamic monitoring including pulmonary sion in the left ventricular wall parallel to the LAD,
artery catheter and TEE, the operation is con- the defect is localized and a patch inserted using big
ducted employing full sternotomy using stan- stitches for Teflon-augmented single or running
dard cardiopulmonary bypass and cardioplegic sutures. The patch (of bovine pericardium or
arrest. Surgery using induced ventricular fibrilla- Dacron) should be large enough and placed broadly
tion has not proven to be superior to cardiople- overlapping the healthy myocardial tissue around
gic arrest (Deja et al. 2000; Labrousse et al. 2002; the VSD and its infracted borders. In anterior
Gula and Yacoub 1981). defects, access in the left anterior wall can be closed
The scar tissue of the infarction is routinely used using Teflon felt-augmented direct sutures or a sec-
for surgical access to the defect. Most described sur- ond patch. When choosing an incision in the poste-
gical procedures can be performed through an ante- rior wall for posterior defects, it is recommended to
rior or posterior scar region. In some patients always use a second patch for LV wall reconstruc-
trans-right atrial and trans-­tricuspid valve access tion. The patch on the fragile septum issue can be
is  possible. However, the right ventricular trabe­ secured using biologic glue material injected into
culae at times make localising the defect and safe the tissue (Daggett et al. 1977; Tanaka et al. 2001)
patch insertion difficult (Massetti et  al. 2000). (. Fig. 23.9).
Chapter 23 · Left Ventricular Reconstruction and Conventional Surgery for Cardiac Failure
755 23
tated (. Fig. 23.11). The apex is then reconstructed
using four strips of Teflon felt – one on each ven-
tricular free wall side and one on each side of the
septum, excluding the infarcted VSD area once the
sutures are tied (Khonsari and Sintek 2008). Postoperative Results

Most published series on post-infarction VSD
surgery are more or less out of date and report
30-day mortality rates between 20 and 60 %. Most
of these patients died early postoperatively from
multi-organ failure. Known risk factors for mor-
tality are preoperative shock, older age and timing
of surgery early after VSD occurrence. Anatomical
..Fig. 23.10  Double patch and glue technique. Two
features do not seem to play a role.
patches are inserted from the right and left ventricular
side toward the VSD, and glue is placed in between. The
technique requires a biventricular access (Adapted from Interventional
Deville et al. 2005) Post-infarction VSD Closure
As surgery early after post-infarction VSD bears
this high mortality, it seems obvious to look for
minimally invasive options and alternative treat-
ments. From the late 1990s, initial experiences
with percutaneous occluders have been published
(Lee et  al. 1998). These reports inspired several
institutions to employ this technology in patients
ineligible for surgery. Especially in the very early
phase after infarction with hemodynamically
instable patients, avoiding surgery seems attrac-
tive. A series of 29 patients was published (Thiele
et al. 2009). However, the authors concluded that
the strategy might offer shunt reduction only. The
procedure itself was still associated with signifi-
cant technical problems and high mortality and
morbidity. A hybrid strategy with open chest and
beating heart manipulation might facilitate cor-
..Fig. 23.11  For apical VSD a cut through both
rect device placement (Lee et al. 2010). In a cur-
ventricular apices can be placed, and the neo-apex rent «best evidence» review of the few existing
formed using felt strips in and outside both ventricular case series, Attia and Blauth reported that the
apical edges (Adapted from Khonsari and Sintek 2008) available devices are not very suitable for closing
an infarction VSD (2010). Since results for
Some surgeons recommend using a double catheter-­based interventional treatment have
patch technique with one patch from each side of been unconvincing so far, the standard of care for
the septum (Deville et al. 2005). In doing so, both post-infarction VSD closure at any time remains
ventricles need to be opened within the scar surgical.
region. Special care must be paid to the m­ oderator
band, which requires several incisions in the
right-sided patch. Once both patches are inserted, 23.3.4  Other Techniques
both are connected with a running suture, and
glue is injected between the two patches to rein- Over the years, many other methods have been
force the friable tissue defect (. Fig. 23.10). developed to surgically treat terminal heart failure
Whenever the heart’s apex is infarcted causing in various ways. However, all these techniques
an apical VSD, the apex can be completely ampu- have not provided enough scientific background,
756 F. Beyersdorf and M. Siepe

and more prospective data is necessary before DiCarli MF, Maddahi J, Roshar S et al. (1998) Long-term sur-
23 these alternative treatments are being accepted for vival of patients with coronary artery disease and left
ventricular dysfunction: implications for the role of
routine use. Some of these methods are still in the myocardial viability assessment in management deci-
experimental stage. These include dynamic car- sions. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 116:997–1004
diomyoplasty procedures (Lange et al. 1995), bio- DiDonato M, Sabatier M, Dor V, Toso A, Maioli M, Fantini F
logical pulsation with aortoplasty (Guldner et al. (1997) Akinetic versus dyskinetic postinfarction scar:
2000), skeletal muscle ventricle (Guldner et  al. relation to surgical outcome in patients undergoing
endoventricular circular patch plasty repair. Am J Coll
2001), left ventricular constraint device (Konertz Cardiol 29:1569–1575
et al. 2001), myosplint implantation (Fukamachi DiDonato M, Sabatier M, Dor V et al. (2001) Effects of the Dor
and McCarthy 2005) and transmyocardial laser procedure on left ventricular dimensions and shape
revascularization (Lutter et  al. 2002)  – just to and geometric correlates of mitral regurgitation one
name a few. year after surgery. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 121:91–96
DiDonato M, Castelvecchio S, Menicanti L (2010) End-
systolic volumes following surgical ventricular recon-
struction impacts survival in patients with ischaemic
References dilated cardiomyopathy. Eur J Heart Fail 12: 375–381
Dor V (1997) Reconstructive left ventricular surgery for
postischemic akinetic dilatation. Semin Thorac
Athanasuleas CL, Stanley AWH, Buckberg GD et al. (2001) Cardiovasc Surg 9:139–145
Surgical anterior ventricular endocardial restoration Dor V (2004) Left ventricular reconstruction: the aim and
(SAVER) for dilated ischemic cardiomyopathy. Sem the reality after twenty years. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg
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group et al. (2004) Surgical ventricular restoration in the struction in patients excluded from the Surgical
treatment of congestive heart failure due to postinfarc- Treatments for Ischemic Heart Failure (STICH) trial.
tion ventricular dilatation. JACC 44:1439–1445 J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 141:905–916
Attia R, Blauth C (2010) Which patients might be suitable Elefteriades J, Edwards R (2002) Coronary bypass in left
for a septal occluder device closure of postinfarction heart failure. Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 14:125–
ventricular septal rupture rather than immediate sur- 132
gery? Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg 11:626–629 Fukamachi K, McCarthy P (2005) Initial safety and feasibil-
Baldi A, Abbate A, Bussani R et al. (2002) Apoptosis and ity clinical trial of the myosplint device. J Cardiac Surg
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Cardiol 34:165–174 Gaudron P, Eilles C, Kugler I, Ertl G (1993) Progressive left
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759 24

Acquired Lesions of the

Aortic Valve
Martin Misfeld, Efstratios I. Charitos, and Hans-Hinrich Sievers

24.1 Introduction – 761

24.2 Historical Insights – 761

24.3 General Knowledge – 761

24.3.1  ortic Root Anatomy – 761
24.3.2 Aortic Valve Disease – 763 Aortic Valve Stenosis – 763 Aortic Valve Regurgitation – 763 Bicuspid Aortic Valve – 763 Natural History – 763
24.3.3  iagnostic Modalities for Aortic Valve Disease – 763
24.3.4 Indications for Surgery – 764
24.3.5 Preoperative Management – 765

24.4 Operative Technique and Access – 765

24.4.1 T echniques for Myocardial Protection – 765
24.4.2 Exposure of the Aortic Valve, Suturing of the Aortotomy,
and De-airing – 766

24.5 Aortic Valve Procedures – 768

24.5.1 Reconstruction of the Aortic Valve – 768 Reconstruction of the Aortic Valve Leaflets – 769 Reconstruction of the Aortic Root – 771
24.5.2 Aortic Valve Replacement – 774 Excision of the Native Valve and Decalcification – 774 Enlargement of the Aortic Anulus – 775 Subvalvular Stenosis – 775 Supravalvular Stenosis – 776 Choice of Prosthesis – 776
24.5.3 Mechanical Valves – 776

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_24
24.5.4 Biological Prostheses – 778 Stented Biological Prostheses – 778 Sutureless Aortic Valve Bioprostheses – 778 Stentless Valves – 779 Homografts – 781 The Ross Operation – 781
24.5.5 Combined Procedures – 781 Aortic Valve Replacement and Coronary Artery Bypass
Grafting – 782 Aortic Valve Replacement in Multiple Valve Disease – 783 Concomitant Replacement of Aortic Valve and Ascending
Aorta – 783 Aortic Valve Replacement in Advanced Age – 783 Aortic Valve Replacement and Dialysis – 784 Aortic Valve Replacement and Pregnancy – 784 The «Small» Aortic Valve Anulus – 784

24.6 Intra- and Postoperative Course – 785

24.6.1  atient Monitoring – 785
24.6.2 Postoperative Management – 785 Anticoagulation – 785 Endocarditis Prophylaxis – 786
24.6.3 Surgical Results and Complications – 786 Intraoperative Complications – 786 Postoperative Complications – 786

24.7 Reoperations – 787

24.8 Alternative Therapeutic Interventions – 788

24.9  urgical Techniques for the Management of

Aortic Valve Endocarditis – 788
24.9.1  ortic Root Abscess – 789
24.9.2 Multiple Valve Endocarditis – 789

References – 790
Chapter 24 · Acquired Lesions of the Aortic Valve
761 24
24.1 Introduction Don Shiley later developed a mechanical convex-
concave tilting valve. The first valve had an opening
Surgery on the aortic valve is now a routine cardiac angle of 60° and was on market from 1969 till 1986.
procedure performed in Germany (population The subsequent model with only one strut (mono-
>81,000,000) in 2010  in almost 11,700 patients strut), improved metal frame, and opening angle of
(Gummert et  al. 2011). The etiology of aortic valve 70° was available from 1982; however, due to sporadic
disease is either aortic valve stenosis, aortic regurgita- reports of design failure and fracture, it was removed
tion, or a combination of these. Replacement options from the market in 1986. During 1977, St. Jude
include mechanical or biological prostheses. Biological Medical Company entered the market with the first
prostheses (xenografts or heterografts: tissue from b-leaflet valve with an opening angle of 85°.
another species) are available as stentless or as stented On July 24, 1962, Donald performed the first
valves. Stented prostheses utilize a stent frame to subcoronary aortic valve homograft replacement
mount the biological tissue that will provide the valve in London, England, employing a single suture
mechanism, while stentless prostheses utilize either a technique as personally suggested to him by
complete porcine aortic root or an aortic root com- Gunning and Duran (Ross 1962). Brian Barratt-
pletely constructed from xenopericardium of porcine Boyes, working independently, performed his first
or bovine origin. Biological aortic valve substitutes subcoronary aortic valve homograft implantation
also include homografts (homografts or allografts: tis- on August 23, 1962, employing a what he later
sue from the same species) and autografts (tissue from called a more modern double suture technique
the same individual) as in the Ross ­procedure. derived from his own experience (Barratt-Boyes
1964; Kirklin and Barratt-Boyes 1986). They both
used sterilized freeze-dried cadaveric homografts.
24.2 Historical Insights Marion Ionescu from Leeds, UK, developed an
autologous valve using tissue harvested from the
The first aortic valve intervention was performed by patient’s fascia lata mounted on a metal stent
the French surgeon Theodore Tuffier (1857–1929) frame. Later on, xenopericardium was utilized as
and published by Alexis Carrel. They performed the valve leaflet material. Carlos Duran and Alfred
first dilatation of a stenotic aortic valve on July 13, Gunning in Oxford concentrated their efforts on
1912 in a 26-year-old patient by invaginating the aor- conservation of xenograft tissue, and on September
tic wall through the aortic valve. Later on, Carrel per- 23, 1964, the first stented porcine valve could be
formed the first anastomosis between the left ventricle implanted. Alan Carpentier from Paris in cooper-
and the descending aorta in animal experiments, as a ation with Miles L. Edwards developed and later
mean to bypass a stenotic valve. No realistic attempts marketed their first biological valve in the late
were performed thereafter until the end of the Second 1960s. Quicksilver was initially employed for the
World War. During 1950, an aortic valve dilatator was conservation of the tissue utilized for the first bio-
developed by Charles Bailey. It presented a variation logical valves; however later on, ­quicksilver was
of the mitral valve dilator (originally developed by replaced by formaldehyde and ­glutaraldehyde.
Lord Brock) but incorporated a three-piece head that
could be rotated to match and eventually dilate/dis-
rupt the three commissures. On September 11, 1952, 24.3 General Knowledge
Charles A.  Hufnagel (1917–1989) at Georgetown
University implanted a self-made valve in the The aortic root provides the connection between
descending aorta which resulted in a reduction of the left ventricle and the ascending aorta. The aor-
aortic valve regurgitation present by 70 %. Originally tic valve resides inside the aortic root and consists
the valve inside the valve cage was made from metal; of several structures. The anatomic and physio-
later on, however, it was replaced by a silicone sphere. logical borders between the aortic valve and the
On March 10, 1960, Dwight E. Harken (1910–1993) left ventricle are not identical (Sievers et al. 2012).
implanted a self-made mechanical aortic valve in the
anatomic position. The thoracic surgeon Albert Starr
and the valve engineer Miles Lowell Edwards devel- 24.3.1  Aortic Root Anatomy
oped a mechanical prosthesis originally meant for the
mitral position. Model 1260 was implanted for the The three leaflets provide the main closing mech-
first time in 1966 in aortic position. Viking Björk and anism of the aortic valve. The form of the leaflets
762 M. Misfeld et al.

and leaflet attachments give the aortic valve a of the coronary arteries, and the sinuses are termed
crown shape, and thus it is described as a «semilu- accordingly as left, right, and noncoronary sinus.
nar valve.» Anatomically a valve leaflet can be The areas where neighboring leaflet attach-
24 divided into three parts: ments run parallel are called commissure. The
55 The free margin, with a thickened circular area underneath each commissure is called an
node (nodulus Aranti), which provides the interleaflet triangle. The triangle between the
coaptation area to the corresponding neigh- right and noncoronary sinus is part of the mem-
boring valve leaflet branous septum and hosts the His bundle. This
55 The «belly» of the leaflet area is of special importance during aortic valve
55 The basal parts of the leaflet or leaflet attach- procedures, as injury here may lead to tempo-
ments rary or permanent conduction abnormalities,
potentially requiring implantation of a perma-
The leaflet attachments insert in the wall of the nent cardiac pacemaker system. Under the left/
aortic root and thus form a crown-shaped struc- noncoronary trigonum, the aortomitral curtain
ture, often called «anulus.» This description can be leads to the anterior mitral valve leaflet. The dis-
misleading as the word anulus refers to a c­ ircular tal border of the sinuses toward the ascending
structure in contrast to the «crown»-formed shape aorta as well as the top of the commissures forms
of the leaflet attachment (Sievers et al. 2012). a ­circular structure named «sinotubular junc-
The three bulges of the aortic wall are the sinuses tion» which separates the aortic root from the
of Valsalva. Two of the three sinuses host the origins ascending aorta (.  Fig. 24.1) (Sievers et al. 2012).

Non coronary cusp

Right coronary cusp Left coronary cusp
Left coronary cusp


Conduction system
(His bundle)
Anterior mitral
Muscular septum Membranous septum valve leaflet
Muscular septum
C = Commissure
D = Trigona

..Fig. 24.1  Schematic drawing of the aortic root and the left ventricular outflow tract. Injuries to the His bundle,
which runs in close proximity to the membranous septum on its left ventricular aspect, may cause temporary or perma-
nent postoperative conduction abnormalities. The aortomitral valve continuity reflects the close anatomic relationship
of the mitral and aortic valve in normal hearts
Chapter 24 · Acquired Lesions of the Aortic Valve
763 24
24.3.2  Aortic Valve Disease aortic stenosis, and thus it is not surprising that the
frequency of interventions in patients with bicus-
Aortic valve disease is classified in pure stenosis, pid aortic valves is much higher than in patients
pure regurgitation, and a combination of the with normal, tricuspid aortic valves (Roberts and
above, where both forms of disease and hemody- Ko 2005). Various phenotypes of bicuspid aortic
namics coexist. Aortic valve stenosis can be fur- valves have been classified, which allow a more
ther classified into valvular, subvalvular, and detailed classification of the pathology and recon-
supravalvular stenosis. struction techniques (Sievers and Schmidtke 2007).
Principally, all techniques employed for aortic Aortic Valve Stenosis valve surgery in tricuspid aortic valves can also be
Before 1950, rheumatic aortic valve disease after employed in patients with bicuspid aortic valves.
rheumatic fever due to streptococcal infection was Bicuspid aortic valve repair can lead to ­satisfactory
the most frequent etiology for aortic valve disease short- and midterm results (Davierwalla et  al.
(Rahimtoola and Frye 2000). After the introduction 2003; El Khoury et  al. 2006). Similarly, valve-­
of penicillin prophylaxis and treatment, rheumatic sparing aortic root replacement can also be per-
heart valve disease has been dramatically reduced formed in the setting of a bicuspid aortic valve.
in the western world. Here today, calcified aortic In the setting of bicuspid aortic valves, all con-
valve stenosis represents the most frequent form of ventional aortic valve replacement procedures
stenotic aortic valve disease, mainly due to the (mechanical, biological, homograft) can be per-
increased life expectancy of the population. This formed without concern. The anatomy of the cor-
form of disease, however, in contrast to the popular onary ostia, however, must be taken into special
belief, does not represent a mere time-dependent consideration, since in these patients, different to
degeneration process but rather an active disease the three leaflet setting, the two coronary ostia are
with aspects similar to the development of athero- often at a 180° angle apart, and as such some
sclerosis. Deposits of lipoproteins lead to a chronic matching and special orientation of the prosthesis
tissue inflammation and valve calcification at implantation might be required.
(Freeman and Otto 2005). There is however evi-
dence of a genetic component in the development Natural History
of the aortic valve calcification (Probst et al. 2006). Calcified aortic valve stenosis represents a dynamic
process. Mild or moderate aortic valve stenosis can Aortic Valve Regurgitation be well tolerated; however severe s­tenosis leads to
In the first half of the twentieth century, endocardi- increased morbidity and mortality. When combined
tis as complication of tertiary syphilis was often the with other comorbidities, often interdependent,
etiology of aortic valve regurgitation (Reader et al. such as low ventricular function, chronic renal dis-
1947). In the rheumatic form of aortic regurgita- ease, or advanced age, aortic valve stenosis can
tion, retracted, shortened aortic valve leaflets lead shorten life expectancy (Carabello and Paulus 2009).
to the development valve incompetence and pro- Patients with aortic valve insufficiency can be
gressive aortic valve regurgitation. Other reasons asymptomatic for quite some time. Once the
for the development of aortic regurgitation are patient becomes symptomatic, chronic dilatation
destruction of the aortic leaflets due to infective of the left ventricle is already present, and an
endocarditis, posttraumatic leaflet injury, as well as acceleration of the natural history and symptom
complications of type A aortic dissection. In many development takes place.
cases, dilatation of the aortic root cannot any lon-
ger warrant a sufficient closing mechanism of the
aortic valve leading to aortic valve ­regurgitation. 24.3.3  Diagnostic Modalities
for Aortic Valve Disease Bicuspid Aortic Valve
A bicuspid aortic valve has an incidence of about Symptom development can often be misleading, as
2 % and is the most common congenital heart some patients develop symptoms even with mild
defect. Diverse factors play a role in the embryo- aortic valve disease, while others may be asymp-
genesis of a bicuspid aortic valve. There is a ten- tomatic even in presence of severe aortic stenosis or
dency for bicuspid aortic valves to develop calcified regurgitation. In patients with aortic valve disease,
764 M. Misfeld et al.

symptoms often include angina. Symptoms also for aortic valve surgery. It should be taken into con-
can be related to the development of heart failure, sideration that the transvalvular gradient depends
like dyspnea and orthopnea. Syncope often occurs on the systolic left ventricular function, and in
24 in patients with significant aortic valve stenosis. patients with severely depressed left ventricular
Some patients with severe aortic valve stenosis systolic function, severe aortic valve stenosis can
can present with gastrointestinal bleeding. The coexist with low transvalvular gradient. These
etiology of this has only recently been unmasked. patients also profit from aortic valve replacement
This clinical syndrome consists of gastrointestinal despite low contractile reserve (Quere et al. 2006).
angiodysplasia in combination with a bleeding With respect to the aortic valve area, there is a con-
disorder mainly attributed to von Willebrand fac- sensus that an area below 1.0  cm2 represents a
tor dysfunction and has been coined «Heyde syn- severe aortic valve stenosis as depicted in the ACC/
drome» (Pate et  al. 2004); therapy of choice is AHA guidelines (Bonow et al. 2006) (.  Table 24.1).
aortic valve replacement. Most patients with asymptomatic severe aor-
The clinical examination reveals a pathologi- tic valve stenosis will eventually develop clinical
cal systolic murmur at the second intercostal symptomatology within the first 5 years after the
space radiating to the base of the neck and carotid diagnosis and carry a risk for sudden death of
arteries in cases of aortic stenosis and an early about 1 %/year (Pellika et  al. 2005). An exercise
diastolic murmur radiating to the heart apex in test can help differentiate and uncover symptoms,
patients with aortic regurgitation. as many «asymptomatic» patients will develop
Chest x-ray may reveal signs of left ventricular typical symptoms at exercise (Das et al. 2005).
hypertrophy or dilatation as well as calcification of Patients with acute, severe aortic insufficiency
the aortic valve. Echocardiography establishes the typically develop pulmonary congestion and hypo-
diagnosis of aortic valve disease, as well as the grading tension, which may lead to cardiogenic shock and
of its severity with measurement of transvalvular gra- should be referred for urgent surgical intervention.
dients, aortic valve area, and grade of valvar regurgi- The time point of surgical intervention in patients
tation. Aortic root dimensions, grade of calcification, with chronic aortic valve regurgitation is of great
as well as leaflet mobility and presence of vegetations importance. Surgical intervention in these patients
in cases of endocarditis can also be evaluated. should be performed before the left ventricular ejec-
Left heart catheterization with cardio-­ tion fraction falls below 55 % and before the (cor-
angiography provides invasive measurements of rected) left ventricular end diastolic diameter
transvalvular gradients as well as grading of the increases above 55 mm (Bekeredijan and Grayburn
aortic regurgitation. It should be performed prior 2005). According to the AHA/ACC guidelines,
to intervention in all patients to evaluate potential patients referred for surgical intervention before the
coexisting coronary artery disease that can be development of a depressed left ventricular function
treated at the time of operation. or left ventricular dilatation profit the most in terms
Magnetic resonance imaging is becoming more of long-­term survival in comparison to patients
and more popular for the evaluation of patients operated after symptom development (Bonow et al.
with aortic valve disease; however, for the time 2006; Tornos et al. 2006). It is important to mention
being, it cannot replace echocardiography or left that patients with severe aortic regurgitation and
heart catheterization for valve disease severity grad- depressed left ventricular function also profit from
ing and lead on its own to indication for surgery. surgical intervention (Bhudia et al. 2007).

..Table 24.1  Grading of aortic valve stenosis by

24.3.4  Indications for Surgery valve area (adult patients)

Valve area (cm2) Aortic stenosis severity

The indications for surgery include the presence of
clinical symptomatology and hemodynamic parame- >2.5 No stenosis
ters in conjunction with the evaluation of comorbidi-
1.6–2.5 Mild stenosis
ties. Symptomatic patients have been shown to profit
most of aortic valve replacement (Rahimtoola 1998). 1.0–1.5 Moderate stenosis
Primarily, an effective aortic valve orifice area <1.0 Severe stenosis
of <1.0  cm2 or a mean transvalvular gradient
of >50 mmHg should be considered as indication <0.75 Severe, critical stenosis
Chapter 24 · Acquired Lesions of the Aortic Valve
765 24
24.3.5  Preoperative Management 24.4.1   echniques for Myocardial
In addition to general preoperative considerations, in
patients prior to heart valve interventions it is impor- The patient is placed on extracorporeal circulation
tant to rule out the presence of any acute or chronic using standard access. After full h­ eparinization, the
infection especially in the ear-nose-throat as well as ascending aorta and right atrium are prepared dis-
dental area. Such chronic or acute infections should sected and cannulated using double purse-string
be treated before an elective aortic valve intervention sutures. Prior to cannulation, it is important to pal-
in order to minimize the risk of postoperative valvar pate the aorta for calcium plaques and avoid these.
or prosthetic infection. In urgent or emergency cases, Alternative cannulation areas are the right lateral
the procedure should be performed under broad anti- aspect of the ascending aorta, the brachiocephalic
biotic coverage, and the chronic infection should be trunk, the proximal aortic arch, as well as the distal
treated postoperatively under endocarditis prophy- right subclavian artery.
laxis. Patients on oral anticoagulation should be The right atrium is cannulated using double stage
switched to intravenous heparin prior to intervention. venous catheter. Alternatively, the superior and
inferior cavae can be cannulated individually
(. Fig. 24.2). Standard aortic valve interventions can
be performed in normothermia (35  °C) or mild
24.4 Operative Technique hypothermia (30–32  °C). Electrically induced ven-
and Access tricular fibrillation is performed before clamping the
ascending aorta, avoiding areas with c­ alcium plaques.
Conventional aortic valve replacement is In most cases, selective coronary infusion of cardio-
­performed under general anesthesia with the use of plegia is used. In patients with pure aortic stenosis
extracorporeal circulation. Invasive blood ­pressure without concomitant aortic insufficiency, the initial
monitoring as well as central venous catheters and cardioplegia solution can be given directly into the
in many institutions transesophageal echocardiog- aortic root. In patients with aortic regurgitation, this
raphy are standard monitoring modalities. should be avoided, as it can cause significant left
The patient is placed in supine position, and
not only the chest but also the groin is prepped and
draped in standard fashion, in case femoral artery
or vein cannulation might become necessary.
The most common surgical access for conven-
tional aortic valve replacement is the median ster-
notomy. Partial sternotomy incisions such as
inverted-T or inverted-L sternotomies have been
shown to lead to increased postoperative thoracic
wall stability and can be used for uncomplicated
aortic valve interventions (Bakir et al. 2006). For
complex or combined operations, the standard
median sternotomy should be preferred. After
careful hemostasis of the sternum, the sternal
retractor is placed, and the pericardium is incised
in the form of an inverse T and retracted. If the
heart has to be freed from adhesion, it may be
preferable to place the patients under pump sup-
port, in order to provide adequate hemodynamic
support and facilitate manipulation of the heart
and its position. A complete preparation of the
heart is not always necessary, especially in reop- ..Fig. 24.2  Intraoperative situs. The aorta is cannulated
erations as the left pleura space can be opened for just proximal to the aortic arch, and the superior and infe-
rior vena cavae are cannulated selectively. The ascending
de-airing maneuvers, and de-airing can be per-
aorta is clamped, and an S-shaped incision is performed
formed via the ascending aorta while manipulat- in the ascending aorta into the noncoronary sinus. Trans-
ing the apex of the left ventricle. verse aortotomy in insert
766 M. Misfeld et al.

v­ entricular distention. Care should be taken when cle through the aortic valve can also provide a
cannulating the left coronary ostium as in some bloodless operating field. Some surgeons prefer
patients with short left main stem this can lead to the flooding of the operative field with CO2 (2–4 l/
24 selective cannulation of either the left anterior min). As CO2 is heavier than air, it displaces air in
descending or the circumflex artery and result in the operative field and may lead to decreased inci-
insufficient myocardial protection. In cases where dence of air embolism (Martens et al. 2008).
significant calcification or stenosis of the coronary
ostia, retrograde cardioplegia and cooling of the
patient on bypass should provide adequate myocar- 24.4.2  Exposure of the Aortic Valve,
dial protection. Alternatively coronary artery bypass Suturing of the Aortotomy,
grafting should be performed before aortic valve and De-airing
replacement and cardioplegia can be given via the
vein grafts. The aortic valve can be exposed through a trans-
Placement of a left ventricular venting cathe- verse incision above the sinotubular junction or an
ter via the right superior pulmonary vein or the S-shaped or hockey-stick-shaped incision from
interatrial groove should be considered. the sinotubular junction down to the noncoronary
Alternatively, antegrade venting of the left ventri- sinus (. Fig. 24.3). In some patients with bicuspid

a c

..Fig. 24.3  a–c Valve exposure after S-shaped aortotomy a or after supracommissural transverse aortotomy b, c
Chapter 24 · Acquired Lesions of the Aortic Valve
767 24
a b

..Fig. 24.4  a, b Closure of the aortotomy after prosthetic valve implantation employing two single layer running
atraumatic sutures coming from each end of the incision a; noncoronary sinus enlargement with the use of a pericardial
patch. The proximal patch is sutured to the prosthetic valve ring b

aortic valve, the right coronary artery is often

located at the level of the sinotubular junction and
has to be looked for in order not to be injured.
Before incising the aorta, the right coronary
artery should always be identified, and the base of
the aorta should be inspected for calcifications.
When using the S-shaped incision, the anatomy
and position of the left coronary artery should be
taken into consideration, also. If there is a possibility
of aortic valve repair, the aortotomy should not be
extended in the noncoronary sinus in order to pre-
vent distortion of the aortic root geometry. This is
very important for the evaluation of the underlying
pathology prior to aortic valve repair. Stay sutures
are placed in the wall of the aortic root, usually in the
commissural area in order to improve exposure of
the aortic valve. According to the planned aortic
intervention, the approach and exposure of the aor- ..Fig. 24.5  Direct closure of the aortotomy with two
single-layered running sutures
tic valve can be different (see 7 Sect. 24.5.4, «Biological
Prostheses»). When an enlargement of the aortic and-­over running suture (. Fig. 24.4). In case of
anulus is necessary, the aortotomy can be carried out fragile tissue, felt or pericardium pledgets may be
in the noncoronary sinus. In cases of significant cal- used at the beginning of the suture line at the
cification of the aortic root, an oblique incision can ­lowest points of the aortotomy ending the suture
be used to prevent disruption of the calcium plaques. lines at the highest point (. Fig.  24.5).
All these criteria should be taken into consideration Furthermore, if the aortic tissue is very fragile, the
prior to choosing the appropriate surgical approach. closure of the aortotomy may be performed using
After the repair or replacement of the aortic felt or pericardium reinforcement. In extreme
valve, the closure of the aortotomy is performed cases, replacement of parts of the ascending aortic
using atraumatic, monofilament, size 4/0 or 5/0 with pericardium or Dacron is necessary
sutures utilizing two running lines, either both in (. Fig.  24.6). In young patients, with rather pli-
a continuous, over-and-over fashion or using first able, noncalcified aortic wall, a single-layered aor-
a mattress suture line followed by a second over-­ totomy closure may be sufficient, also.
768 M. Misfeld et al.

24.5 Aortic Valve Procedures

Repair or reconstruction of the patient’s native aor-

24 tic valve should be the procedure of first choice
whenever possible; however, the final decision to
repair or replace the aortic valve can be made only
intraoperatively. The primary concern is not only
the feasibility of the reconstruction but also the
expected long-term durability of it. In patients with
pure aortic valve regurgitation, the aortic valve in
..Fig. 24.6  In patients with poor quality aortic wall,
many cases can be repaired utilizing special recon-
part of the aorta can be replaced by a pericardial patch for structive techniques, while in patients with calcified
closure of the aortotomy aortic valve stenosis, a replacement of the aortic
valve may be the option of choice in most patients.

Before closing the aortotomy, venting of the

left ventricle should be terminated. The purse-­
string suture in the right superior pulmonary
vein or interatrial groove is tied down, while
mechanical ventilation is restarted with a few
deep breaths initiating de-airing before tying. In
Trendelenburg position and with reduced pump
flow, the ascending aorta is unclamped, and de-
airing maneuvers are continued. The left ven-
tricle may be de-aired via puncture of the left
ventricular apex using a cannula. After suffi-
cient de-airing, the puncture site is sutured
using monofilament 4/0 or 5/0 suture with or
without felt pledges or pericardium reinforce-
ment. The patient’s position is returned to nor-
mal, and additional de-airing should
be  performed via the ascending aorta.
Transesophageal echocardiography may be ..Fig. 24.7  Aortic valvotomy: sharp transsection of the
employed to verify de-airing. Returning volume fused/nonseparated cusps in a patient with aortic valve
to the patient and initiating mechanical ventila- stenosis revealing otherwise mobile leaflets without calci-
tion can further accelerate the de-airing pro-
cess. A complete de-airing of the left ventricle
even before unclamping the ascending aorta is 24.5.1   econstruction of the Aortic
possible, with manipulation of the left ventricle, Valve
reduction of venous return, and initiation of
mechanical ventilation. The first attempts to repair an aortic valve were
During reoperations and before unclamping performed by Taylor in the late 1950s (Taylor
the ascending aorta, the left ventricle can be et al. 1958). The advantages of repair vs. replace-
­ aired by placing the patient in reverse ment are avoidance of lifelong anticoagulation
Trendelenburg position with a left lateral tilt. and superior hemodynamics, both due to the
Manipulation of the left ventricle can be per- preservation of the native aortic valve tissue. A
formed via the left pleural space and de-airing systematic approach to aortic valve repair—simi-
through an opening in the ascending aorta. When lar to that during mitral valve repair—should be
performing this de-­airing maneuver through the carried out. During the inspection of the aortic
ascending aorta, it is important that the left ven- valve, the various components of the aortic root
tricular apex is at the lowest point possible. (leaflets, sinuses, trigona, anulus, commissures,
Chapter 24 · Acquired Lesions of the Aortic Valve
769 24
and sinotubular junction) are inspected, as well as
their relation to each other. The etiology of the
insufficiency is identified, and the possibility of a
durable reconstruction is evaluated. Off bypass,
intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography
allows to evaluate the repaired aortic valve before
the end of the procedure. In case of a suboptimal
result (moderate aortic regurgitation), the valve
repair needs to be improved or the valve has to be
Aortic valve repair in experienced centers car-
ries a low postoperative risk and acceptable 5- and
10-year results.  econstruction of the Aortic

Valve Leaflets
Reconstruction of a stenotic aortic valve should be
attempted when fusion of the free margin of the
leaflets is the etiology of the valve stenosis, as long
..Fig. 24.8  Aortic valve regurgitation due to coapta-
as leaflet tissue quality is not compromised and tion deficiency caused by one elongated cusp in an other-
there are no calcifications. In these cases, sharp wise intact native aortic valve
division of the fused or nonseparated leaflet’s free
margins as well as careful excision of sites of leaflet
thickening can increase the valve opening area as
well as the closing capability (. Fig. 24.7).
In patients with pure aortic valve regurgitation
due to leaflet prolapse or leaflet elongation
(. Fig. 24.8), and misalignment of the leaflets dur-
ing diastole, the repair can be performed with plica-
tion of the leaflets in the commissural area or in the
area at the nodules of Aranti or with shortening of
the leaflet free margin, and thus improving the
alignment and closure of the leaflets during diastole.
Temporary stay sutures are placed through the
nodules of Aranti to align the neighboring leaflets
(«Frater stitch») and identify redundant tissue.
Redundant tissue in the commissural area can be
plicated and with the use of Teflon felt or
­pericardial pledget reinforcement fixated on the
aortic wall (. Fig. 24.9). Plication in the area of the
nodules of Aranti should also be performed using ..Fig. 24.9  Aortic valve repair with plication of the free
reinforcement with pericardial strips/pledgets. margin of a cusp in the commissural area («Trusler
When the tissue is fragile, 5/0 or 6/0 PTFE or plasty»). The aortic leaflets are brought into closing posi-
Prolene sutures may be used as suturing material. tion with a temporary suture at the tip—nodule of
Aranti—of each cusp («Frater stitch»). Here the elongated
PTFE sutures are also indicated for shortening and
noncoronary cusp is folded over at the commissures, pli-
reinforcing the leaflet’s free margin. In these cases, cated, and sutured to the aortic wall using pericardium or
the suture line starts in the commissural area from pledget-reinforced U-sutures
the outside of the aortic wall and then continues
either in a double running over-and-over fashion through the aortic wall and tied over a Teflon felt
or first as a running mattress and then over-and-­ or pericardial pledget reinforcement (. Fig. 24.10).
over suture throughout the free margin length. At If primary shortening of the leaflets is identified as
the commissure level, the sutures are passed the valve’s pathology, a leaflet extension can be
770 M. Misfeld et al.

a b


..Fig. 24.10  a–c Reconstruction of a regurgitant aortic valve by plication of the prolapsing left-coronary cusps in the
area of the Aranti nodule a. Shortening of the free cusp margin with the use of double-layered over-and-over running
b or first mattress and then over-and-over running suture c. In both cases the sutures are finally passed through the aor-
tic wall and tied on the outside

attempted (Duran et al. 1995) using glutaraldehyde-­ which is then used to suture the piece of pericar-
treated autologous pericardium or xenopericar- dium as leaflet substitute, using 5/0 running
dium, similar as used for biological valves monofilament suture (. Fig.  24.12). Midterm
(. Fig. 24.11). For this, we prefer monofilament or results of aortic leaflet extension in patients with
PTFE sutures (5/0 or 6/0 size). According to the rheumatic aortic valve disease have shown satis-
extent of the leaflet shortening or calcifications, in factory results (Bozbuga et al. 2004; Grinda et al.
certain cases a complete leaflet can be replaced 2002); however, changes of the xenologous or
with pericardium. The diseased leaflet is resected autologous tissue properties overtime can influ-
leaving only a small rim at the level of the anulus, ence the long-term results (Cohen et al. 2007).
Chapter 24 · Acquired Lesions of the Aortic Valve
771 24
Further reconstruction techniques can be
used for decalcification of the aortic leaflets or
closing of fenestrations or perforations as there
are after healed aortic valve endocarditis, using
materials as described above.  econstruction of the Aortic

Changes in the aortic root dimensions can lead to
aortic regurgitation, mostly due to dilatation of the
sinotubular junction and less due to dilatation in
the aortic anulus area. Repair techniques aim at
restoring the normal dimensions and relations of
and within the aortic root (. Fig. 24.13). In isolated
dilatation of the sinotubular junction, the enlarged
commissural diameters lead to central aortic valve
regurgitation, and supracommissural replacement
of the ascending aorta with n ­ arrowing of the sino-
tubular junction can restore valve competence.
..Fig. 24.11  Aortic valve repair with enlargement of A disproportional, asymmetric dilatation of the
the cusp leading to extension of the cusp-free margin basal aortic anulus is often seen in the noncoronary
using autologous or xenopericardium sinus. Plication of the dilated trigona of the sinus

a b

..Fig. 24.12  a–c Restoration of valve competence in a valve with asymmetric leaflet retraction. a Isolated retraction
of the left coronary cusp, while both the other cusps are intact. b The retracted cusp is almost completely resected leav-
ing only a small rim to suture to at the anulus attachment. It is then replaced with a pericardial patch using running
suture technique from commissure to commissure c
772 M. Misfeld et al.

a b c


..Fig. 24.13  a–c Pathomechanisms responsible for central aortic regurgitation due to dilatation. a Normal aortic root.
b Dilatation at the anulus level. c Dilatation at the sinotubular junction. Both result in inadequate valve closing due to
lack of coaptation of the cusps

using subcommissural 4/0 monofilament U-sutures excised with a 2 mm rim of aortic wall around them
reinforced with autologous pericardium or Teflon («button»). After measuring the anulus diameter,
felt pledgets can restore normal dimensions. In stay sutures are placed at the upper end of the com-
patients with basal anulus dilatation, anuloplasty missures and put under tension so that the commis-
can reduce the basal anulus diameter. The aortic sures stay in anatomical position and the leaflet
root in the area of the noncoronary sinus is dis- coaptation is satisfactory. The diameter of the
sected, and monofilament pledgeted U-sutures are Dacron vascular prosthesis to be used is determined
passed from the inside of the aorta through the aor- using Hegar sizers. The prosthesis is then cut in
tic wall and tied over a short strip of Dacron pros- three tonguelike forms (also: «tulip shape»), so that
thesis, leading to a shortening of the basal anulus the «tongues» replace the excised sinuses
circumference in this segment, ultimately reducing (. Fig. 24.15). The prosthesis is sutured to the rim
the diameter, also (. Fig. 24.14). of the aortic root wall left over after excising the
Midterm results of partial reconstruction of sinuses using 4/0 monofilament suture. It is impor-
the aortic root are satisfactory (Carr and Savage tant to note that the sutures should pass through the
2004; Langer et  al. 2004). In contrast to mitral anulus and the attachment of the leaflets. The mobi-
valve reconstruction, there is limited experience lized coronary ostia are then further mobilized, and
with partial aortic root reconstruction, and thus the proper site of implantation is determined. Using
these patients require periodical follow-up electrocautery, holes are burned into the prosthesis,
(Minakata et al. 2004; Charitos et al. 2009b). and the coronary ostia are anastomosed to the pros-
In cases of complex aortic root dilatation thesis using 5/0 monofilament suture. Caution
with  macroscopically intact valve leaflets, should be taken so that the coronary ostia after
­valve-­sparing aortic root replacement can be per- implantation should remain without tension and
formed. These techniques replace the wall of the distortion, even after filling of the heart. The suture
aortic root with a Dacron prosthesis, and the lines for reimplantation of the coronary ostia can be
valve tissue is sutured to the individually pre- reinforced with strips of pericardium or Teflon felt
shaped tube prosthesis (Yacoub procedure or pledgets. Mid- as well as long-term results are excel-
«remodeling procedure») or reimplanted inside a lent (Erasmi et  al. 2003, 2007; Yacoub et  al. 1998;
tube or «Valsalva» graft (David procedure or Hanke et al. 2009).
«reimplantation technique»). In patients with connective tissue disorders
(Marfan syndrome), the Yacoub procedure should be
kYacoub procedure performed with caution, because the aortic anulus
The Yacoub procedure was first described in 1982 will not be stabilized and can further dilate over time.
(Fagan et al. 1982). The aortic root is mobilized, and For the same reasons, this procedure may not be
the aortic sinuses are excised leaving a 2 mm rim. appropriate in cases of acute type A aortic dissection
Likewise, the coronary ostia are mobilized and or patients with very dilated aortic anuli.
Chapter 24 · Acquired Lesions of the Aortic Valve
773 24

..Fig. 24.15  The Yacoub («sinus remodeling») proce-

dure. After excision of the native sinuses and mobilization
of the coronary arteries, a prosthesis with three «tongues»
is implanted at the rim of the native sinuses with a running
suture. The native commissures are fixated with a U-suture
and the coronary arteries reimplanted

kDavid operation
The David procedure, initially published by David
et al. in 1992, replaces the aortic root while preserv-
ing the native aortic valve. It also stabilizes the aortic
anulus (David and Feidel 1992). The aortic root is
dissected in the same manner as in the Yacoub pro-
cedure. The sinus walls are excised leaving a 3–4 mm
aortic wall rim at the anulus. The coronary ostia are
mobilized and excised with a «button» of aortic wall.
After determining the right prosthesis size/diameter
(see Yacoub operation), U-sutures (monofilament
..Fig. 24.14  a, b Aortic valve repair by subcommissural
narrowing for isolated noncoronary anulus dilatation. a Tef-
3/0 sutures with or without felt reinforcement) are
lon felt-reinforced U-sutures are passed from the noncoro- passed from inside out through the aortic wall, close
nary sinus through the cusps underneath the commissures to the aortic anulus and the base of the aorta. If pled-
and through the subcommissural trigona to the neighbor- geted sutures are used, care should be taken that the
ing (right and/or left coronary) sinus and tied down. b Dur- pledgets are not in contact to the valve leaflets.
ing an aortic anuloplasty, U-sutures reinforced with
pledgets are passed inside out through the anulus and
Alternatively, three base sutures only can be used.
sutured over a shortening Dacron strip, so that the anulus The commissures are placed inside the prostheses,
is plicated and reinforced (insert) and the U-sutures are then passed through the pros-
thesis (. Fig.  24.16). The commissure stay sutures
774 M. Misfeld et al.

The advantage of the David operation is that it

stabilizes the aortic anulus area, and thus this pro-
cedure is particularly appealing in patients with
24 connective tissue disorders (i.e., Marfan syn-
drome), patients with dilated aortic anuli, and
patients with type A aortic dissection.

24.5.2  Aortic Valve Replacement Excision of the Native Valve
and Decalcification
After surgical exposure of the aortic valve and
application of selective cardioplegia, the native
valve is resected. This can be performed easily in
patients with aortic regurgitation and none or
only minor calcifications. In patients with
­calcified aortic valve stenosis, however, the calci-
fication of the valve and the anulus can extend
into the left ventricular outflow tract or even the
­anterior mitral valve leaflet. To start with, the
calcifications have to be removed using scalpel
or rongeur while avoiding a perforation of the
aortic base. Small surgical gauze secured with a
..Fig. 24.16  The David («valve reimplantation») proce- stay suture may be placed through the left ven-
dure. After resection of the sinuses, the prosthesis is then tricular outflow tract into the left ventricle to
lowered over the aortic valve into position. The prosthesis prevent small plaques from falling down and
is tied down, and the commissures are fixated inside the remaining in the left ventricle after the decalcifi-
prostheses. The rim of the native sinus is sutured to the
prosthesis, and the coronary arteries are reimplanted.
cation process with the risk of embolization once
the heart starts to eject. Additional decalcifica-
tion maneuvers can be performed using various
surgical instruments (Luer or Mikulicz forceps,
are passed through the prosthesis and tied over felt .  Fig. 24.17). In the aortic anulus area, the calci-
or pericardium reinforcement. The rim of the fied plaques can firstly be crushed and then
excised sinus is then sutured into the prosthesis resected, whereas at the aortomitral curtain and
using running technique inside out, starting at the the anterior mitral valve leaflets, the plaques
lowest point of the sinus and upwards, using mono- often can be mobilized and removed with fine
filament 4/0 or 5/0 suture. The ­coronary buttons are resection. In case of perforation of the aortic
implanted in a way similar to the Yacoub procedure. anulus or the anterior mitral valve leaflet, repair
There are various technical modifications of the may employ autologous pericardium patch and
David technique, which attempt to create pseudo- a running suturing technique (suture size 4/0
sinuses by changing the dimensions of the prosthe- or 5/0).
sis in the anulus and commissural area. Prostheses Meticulous decalcification should be per-
with preshaped sinuses are also available. The pres- formed in order:
ence of sinuses have some theoretical advantages in 55 To achieve a satisfactory effective orifice area
terms of valve durability (Erasmia et  al. 2005); for implantation of the largest valve possible
however, clinical studies comparing the newer 55 To minimize the risk of paravalvular leaks
variations with the classical David procedure have 55 To reduce the risk of embolization of the ath-
yet to show significant clinical advantages (David eromatic plaque
et al. 2001a, 2002; Erasmi et al. 2003, 2007). A rigid
prosthetic material decreases the aortic root com- After satisfactory decalcification, the gauze, if
pliance and distensibility, and thus long-term fol- employed, is removed from the left ventricle, and
low-up of these patients is of importance. after temporarily pausing left ventricular venting,
Chapter 24 · Acquired Lesions of the Aortic Valve
775 24
..Fig. 24.17  a–c Excision of
a b
the calcified native valve and
decalcification of the aortic
anulus. a Sharp resection of
the native valve can be per-
formed in cases where the cal-
cification does not extend into
the leaflet attachments. b Exci-
sion of the native valve with
scissors, working parallel to
the aortic wall. c Removal of
calcium plaques in the aortic
anulus and wall

the left ventricle, under direct vision, is washed ning suture is employed starting in the anterior
out extensively with saline solution. mitral leaflet ending in the anulus, where the
Thereafter, the valve orifice area is mea- suture line is anchored using a second suture. If
sured, taking into consideration that the vari- the left atrium is opened, this should be closed
ous prosthesis sizers for the different valves are using monofilament, running 4/0 or 5/0 suture.
not identical in size with each other (Bartels The diameter of the aortic root is now measured
et al. 1998). Each prosthesis sizer compares to again, and the rest of the patch is integrated in
the given size of the specific commercial valve the closure line of the aortotomy (.  Fig. 24.19).
product only (. Fig.  24.18). Subvalvular Stenosis  nlargement of the Aortic
E In most patients with aortic valve stenosis, sig-
Anulus nificant left ventricular hypertrophy coexists. In
If after meticulous anulus decalcification, an some of these patients, hypertrophy of the bulbo-
adequate-sized prosthesis cannot be implanted, spiralis muscle in the left ventricular outflow
enlargement of the aortic anulus should be tract can lead to additional left ventricular out-
considered. An incision in the noncoronary
­ flow tract obstruction. To avoid a residual left
sinus or the commissure between the left and ventricular outflow tract obstruction after aortic
noncoronary sinus in the anterior mitral leaflet valve replacement, an enlargement of the subval-
can be used for this purpose (Manouguian and vular part is indicated, via a myectromy similar
Seybold-­ Epting techniques: Manougian and but limited compared to that described by
Seybold-­Epting 1979). After incision in this Bigelow or Morrow (Bigelow et al. 1966; Morrow
area, the base of the aortic root can be enlarged 1978, . Fig.  24.20). For extensive discussion of
using a 2–3  cm wide tear-shaped patch either surgery for congenital types of subvalvular steno-
from native or glutaraldehyde-­treated pericar- sis see 7 Chapter «Anomalies of the Left Ventricular
dium or from Dacron; A4/0 monofilament, run- Outflow Tract», Sect. 16.3.7.
776 M. Misfeld et al. Supravalvular Stenosis as well as subvalvular anomalies are also often in

Supravalvular aortic valve stenosis is a rare ­congenital patients with supravalvular aortic valve stenosis
defect, which should be corrected in childhood. This (McElhinney et al. 2000).
24 defect is described in 7 Chapter «Anomalies of the
Left Ventricular Outflow Tract», Sect. 16.4. The cause of Choice of Prosthesis
this malformation is of genetic origin and often The choice of prosthesis is a major decision in the
affects both systemic and pulmonary blood vessels surgical treatment of aortic valve disease. This
(Stamm et al. 2001). Coronary artery malformations decision should be tailored to the patient’s needs
and wishes after adequate information about risks
(e.g., bleeding or thromboembolism) and benefits
of each prosthesis, durability, and risk for degen-
eration as well as the risk of and for reoperation.
Data and experience of the institution should be
presented. The patient’s individual risk should be
estimated, also, after taking into consideration
comorbidities. Last but not least, life expectancy,
as well as professional and social criteria (family
planning, hobbies), plays a role in decision-­
making for a type of valve prosthesis.
In patients between the ages 60- and
70-years-­old, the decision of the optimal valve
type can be difficult. In these patients life
expectancy is ­usually greater than the biologi-
cal valve durability, and on the other hand
many of these patients wish to avoid lifelong

24.5.3  Mechanical Valves

..Fig. 24.18  Measurement for aortic valve replacement Mechanical valves potentially offer the advantage
with a valve sizer. The outside diameter of the sizer indi-
cates the outside diameter of the specific prosthesis the
of unlimited durability. Their disadvantage is the
sizer was made for need for lifelong anticoagulation and thus the

a b c

..Fig. 24.19  a–c Enlargement of a small aortic root through a posterior patch plasty. a With an incision through the
left/noncoronary commissure, the incision is extended into the anterior mitral valve leaflet. b A 2–3 cm wide, tear-shaped
patch (native or glutaraldehyde fixated autologous or xenopericardium or other prosthetic material) is sutured into the
incision. The suture should start at the deepest point of the incision, in the anterior mitral valve leaflet, and progress till
just below the aortic anulus (asterisks). c The valve is then implanted with standard technique and the rest of the patch is
integrated in the aortotomy closure
Chapter 24 · Acquired Lesions of the Aortic Valve
777 24
a b c

..Fig. 24.20  a–c Treatment of subvalvular muscular obstruction with a Bigelow myotomy a, b or a Morrow myectomy
c. After exposure and visualization of the hypertrophied muscle, the incision is performed into the muscle lying under-
neath the right coronary anulus part. For the Bigelow myotomy, now only compression into the incision is applied by
the surgeon’s finger. For the Morrow myectomy, a trapezoid piece, a block of muscle is excised, taking care to avoid
injury to the conductance system more anteriorly

risks for bleeding and thromboembolism. The and it should ensure to implant the prosthesis low
prostheses most often implanted nowadays are of into the plane of the aortic anulus. The orientation
the bileaflet type and in some centers also the of the bileaflet prosthesis should be at a 90° angle
tilting-­disk type. Mechanical valves are primarily to a virtual line connecting the coronary ostia.
indicated for implantation in younger patients, Valve-specific terms «supra,» «epi,» or «intra»-
who may wish to avoid a reoperation. Long-term anular implantation can be misleading as on one
studies show a risk for thromboembolic complica- hand the so-called supra-anular implantation still
tions between 0.5 and 4.4 % per patient-year and a leaves the prosthesis sitting on the anulus. On the
risk for major bleeding between 0.4 and 2.3 % per other hand, both techniques are possible with
patient-year (Lund et al. 2000; Santini et al. 2002). both prostheses, mechanical or b ­ iological. A his-
This risk depends on various factors like coexist- torical and real supra-anular aortic valve implan-
ing diseases (prior thromboembolism or bleeding tation had been suggested in the 1970s, when in
disorders), patient age, and target anticoagulation severe forms of aortic valve endocarditis with
range. Patient self-management of ­anticoagulation anular abscesses, the valve prostheses was
has shown to reduce bleeding and thromboem- implanted high in the ascending aorta, even distal
bolic complications (Aagard et  al. 2003; Kvidal to the coronary ostia. The coronary ostia had to be
et al. 2000b; Murdy et al. 2003). suture closed, and coronary perfusion was facili-
Implantation techniques: For the implantation tated with saphenous vein grafts (Danielson et al.
of mechanical and stented biological prostheses, 1974; Reitz et al. 1981).
similar principles apply. Principally these pros- An alternative to the U-suture technique is the
theses can be implanted either in intra-anular running suture technique (usually three monofil-
position (using everted, aortoventricular, U-type, ament sutures size 2/0, one per sinus (. Figs. 24.22
size 3/0 or 2/0, pledget mattress sutures) passed and 24.23).
first through adequate amount of anular tissue It is important to note that mechanical pros-
and thereafter through the prostheses. For better thesis has a circular ring that is implanted in a
orientation, sutures of alternating colors can be crown-shaped anulus. The ring of biological
used. The prosthesis is held using a special valve valves has a similar crown shape that resembles
stabilizer and lowered into position after all that of a symmetrical aortic anulus.
sutures have been passed through the ring of the At the base of the interleaflet trigone between
valve prosthesis (. Fig.  24.21). Tying down the the right and the noncoronary sinus lies the con-
sutures should be performed in an alternating duction system (His bundle). Care should be
crossover fashion to avoid tilting the prosthesis, taken not to cause injury in this area.
778 M. Misfeld et al.

24.5.4  Biological Prostheses Implantation technique: For the implantation

of a stented bioprosthesis, the same standard
Biological valves are the prostheses of choice in principles apply as for the mechanical prostheses.
24 patients 70 years and older. In younger patients, bio- Some prostheses have instead of a circular a semi-
logical valves can be considered when there is an lunar suture ring, mimicking the shape of the
underlying bleeding disorder that would prohibit original valve insertion. This should be taken into
lifelong anticoagulation. With regards to reoperation, consideration at the time of implantation.
biological valves have a higher degeneration rate the
younger the patient is at the time of implantation. Sutureless Aortic Valve
Bioprostheses Stented Biological The standard implantation techniques of aortic
Prostheses valve bioprostheses in general employ sutures for
Stented biological prostheses are either of porcine fixation of the prosthesis. The increasing number
or bovine origin. Due to progress in conservation of patients with multiple comorbidities, such as
and mounting methods, porcine and bovine pros- renal insufficiency, chronic obstructive ­pulmonary
theses do not show significant differences in dura- disease, or reduced left ventricular function, has
bility these days (Aupart et al. 2006; David et al. made the concept of a less time consuming suture-
2001b; Rizzoli et al. 2006). Stented prostheses dif- less implantation of the aortic valve attractive.
fer in the design of their suturing ring, as well as During open implantation of sutureless pros-
in the complete valve design and most important theses, the native valve leaflets are, in contrast to
in their effective valve orifice area. the closed transcatheter implantation, removed.

..Fig. 24.21 Implantation
of a mechanical prosthesis
using everting or the more
commonly noneverting
mattress sutures. The com-
missure sutures are marked
and placed under tension to
facilitate exposure. The pros-
thesis is mounted on a
holder and held by the assis-
tant. The mattress sutures
are passed through the anu-
lus and then at similar dis-
tances through the
Chapter 24 · Acquired Lesions of the Aortic Valve
779 24
Especially the self-expanding devices need careful
sizing after decalcification, and in general the aor-
totomy should be performed more distally than in
conventional aortic valve replacement procedures.
The first sutureless prosthetic valve was developed
in the 1960s by George J. Magovern in cooperation
with the engineer Harry W.  Cromie (Magovern
and Cromie 1963). The major problems with these
prostheses at that time were the risk of valve
thrombosis, the need for oral anticoagulation, and
the risk of endocarditis. The Magovern-Cromie
prostheses were implanted in the aortic as well as
in the mitral position. Anecdotal reports of
patients in whom this prosthesis was implanted
have been recently published (Zlotnick et al. 2008).
Reduced ischemia and cardiopulmonary
bypass times are major advantages for ­implantation
of sutureless valve prosthesis. This may be of spe-
cial importance for complex procedures or in
patients with high-risk profiles. However, studies
comparing outcome of sutureless prosthesis with
conventional prostheses are still to be published.
Another advantage of the sutureless prostheses
..Fig. 24.22  An alternative technique to the everting or may be the increased effective valve area that these
non-everting mattress sutures is the single suture or the type of prostheses offer, as they do not require a
twisting suture technique suturing ring which allows for larger inner open-
ing diameters. Patients with heavily calcified aor-
tic roots may especially benefit from implantation
of a sutureless valve prosthesis.
The sutureless valves currently used, either in
the clinical or in experimental setting, are the
3F-Enable Valve (3F ATS Medical, Minneapolis,
MN, USA), the Perceval S (Sorin Biomedica,
Saluggia, Italy), and the Intuity valve (Edwards
Lifesciences, Irvine, CA, USA). The final judg-
ment and acceptance of the sutureless valves will
depend on the safety and simplicity of implanta-
tion, as well as on the durability in comparison to
conventional biological valves. Stentless Valves

The most frequently used stentless aortic valves are
preserved and specially prepared porcine aortic
roots. The durability of stentless prostheses does
not seem to be superior to that of stented prosthe-
ses (Ali et al. 2006; Desai et al. 2004; Dellgren et al.
2002; Luciani et  al. 2002); however, the major
..Fig. 24.23  Implantation of the prosthesis with the advantage of the stentless prostheses is their larger
intermittent running suture technique. The suture starts effective valve area at similar valve sizes, and thus
underneath the commissure and continues till the next in patients with small aortic roots these devices are
commissure, which is held under tension with a stay
preferred by some surgeons (Auriemma et  al.
suture. So there are three running sutures, one each
between the commissures 2006; Vrandecic et al. 2000, 2002) (. Fig. 24.24).
780 M. Misfeld et al.

a b c


..Fig. 24.24  a–c Techniques for the implantation of stentless bioprostheses. a Subcoronary. b Root replacement. c
The root inclusion technique

kImplantation technique coronary suture line is performed using running

There are three main techniques for implantation of monofilament 5/0 or 4/0 sutures starting at the
stentless valves: the subcoronary technique, the root deepest point in the sinuses toward the commis-
replacement, and the cylinder inclusion technique. sures. The commissures are secured at the aortic
In the subcoronary technique (. Fig. 24.24a), the wall using pledget U-sutures. The noncoronary
prosthesis is completely integrated in the native aor- sinus of the prosthesis can be preserved
tic root. This can be problematic in patients with completely. For the closure of the aortotomy, the
very large or very small aortic roots and may man- noncoronary sinus can be sutured at first using
date the use of additional reduction or enlargement running sutures, and the prosthesis can be secured
techniques for the patient’s valve anulus and/or root. in this area using 4/0 monofilament U-sutures
The advantage of the subcoronary technique is the through the aortic wall, prior to the final closure
preservation of the native aortic wall and the physi- of the aortotomy.
ological movement of the individual aortic root In the root replacement technique
components. During the implantation, care must be (. Fig. 24.24b), the coronary ostia are excised with
taken to perform the aortotomy higher than usual a small rim of aortic wall (coronary buttons), while
(about 1 cm higher than the sinotubular junction) so the remainder of the aortic root is completely
that the commissures of the implanted prosthesis do resected. The basal suture line for prosthetic valve
not extent distal to the aortotomy. A transverse aor- implantation is performed in a similar fashion
totomy or an aortotomy extending in then noncoro- as in the subcoronary technique; however, when
nary sinus can also be performed. After excision of employing the single interrupted suture technique,
the native valve, decalcification, and sizing, the stent- the use of pledges or pericardium strips as rein-
less valve is implanted using 4/0 basal single or inter- forcement may be advantageous in terms of sta-
rupted sutures. These basal sutures are passed bility and hemostasis. After tying the basal suture
through the native aortic anulus and thereafter line, the coronary buttons are reimplanted taking
through the suturing ring of the prosthesis. Care care to avoid any tension or distortion. Thereafter,
should be taken to ensure a symmetry between the the prosthesis is sutured to the proximal part of the
native aortic valve anulus and the prosthesis, to avoid ascending aorta using monofilament 4/0 sutures.
malrotation of the prosthesis and obstruction of the In the cylinder- or root inclusion technique
coronaries, as well as to avoid injury to the conduc- (. Fig.  24.24c), the basal suture line is performed
tion system (His bundle) which runs in the triangle similar to the previously mentioned techniques, and
between the right and noncoronary sinus. The pros- the coronary buttons are implanted on the prosthe-
thesis is then parachuted in place, and the sutures are sis using monofilament running or single inter-
tied down. Alternatively, the prosthesis can be rupted size 5/0 sutures. However, the wall of the
sutured using multiple—two or three—running aortic root stays in place. The prosthesis is then
sutures (i.e., monofilament size 3/0, 4/0). sutured to the native aortic wall with a 4/0 monofila-
After the excision of the prosthesis’s corre- ment running suture, and the aortotomy is closed in
sponding sinuses leaving a 3  mm rim, the sub- a similar fashion.
Chapter 24 · Acquired Lesions of the Aortic Valve
781 24
The basal suture of the stentless prostheses lower rate than aortic homografts implanted in the
should be deep enough in the aortic root (left ven- aortic position (Alkog et al. 2000). The disadvan-
tricular outflow tract) to facilitate a tension and dis- tages of this procedure are its technical complexity
tortion-free reimplantation of the coronary buttons. and the fact that a Ross procedure converts a «one-
Other modifications of stentless valves are valve problem» to a potential «two-valve disease.»
manufactured from pericardium and require tai- Studies have shown that degeneration of the pul-
lored implantation procedures such as a basal monary homograft is responsible for a significant
suture and mere fixation of the commissures proportion of the reoperations observed in these
(Grubitsch et  al. 2005) or a solitary basal suture patients in the long term (Carr-White et al. 2001).
(Beholz et al. 2006). Data from registries show that in experienced cen-
ters, the Ross procedure is an attractive alternative Homografts to conventional aortic valve replacement in young
Human donor valves (homografts) offer similar patients (Böhm et al. 2003; Duebener et al. 2005;
long-term results as biological prostheses; how- Pasquali et al. 2007; Schmidtke et al. 2001; Sievers
ever, they do suffer from an accelerated degenera- 2002; Sievers et al. 2006, 2010a, b).
tion rate when implanted in younger patients The implantation techniques for the pulmo-
(Takkenberg et al. 2003; Talwar et al. 2005). They nary autograft in Ross procedure are similar to the
present an attractive choice of prosthesis in implantation of stentless valves or homografts (see
patients with extensive endocarditis, as they carry also 7 Chapter «Anomalies of the Left Ventricular
no foreign material. Homografts offer similar Outflow Tract», Sect.; Fig. 16.11a–c). Typically,
advantages as stentless prostheses (larger effective subcoronary, root replacement, and root inclusion
orifice area, no need for lifelong anticoagulation) techniques are employed. Especially the subcoro-
and may be regarded as an alternative to a valved nary and the root inclusion technique seem to
conduit in patients requiring combined aortic have superior long-term results, as the native aor-
valve and aortic root replacement. tic wall can provide support to the weaker pulmo-
Implantation technique: The implantation tech- nary valve and artery tissue and thus better resist
nique of the homograft is similar to that of stentless to dilatation (Schmidtke et al. 2001; Sievers et al.
valves. Because the homograft tissue is much more 2006, 2010a, b). The reinforced full root replace-
flexible and compliant than that of the stentless ments also offer excellent l­ ong-term results
valves, during the subcoronary or root inclusion (Charitos et al. 2009a). The ­pulmonary homograft
implantation, the homograft can be inverted inside that will replace the harvested autograft is
the left ventricular outflow tract, and the basal implanted distally as well as proximally using run-
suture can be performed with a running monofila- ning monofilament 4/0 or 5/0 sutures. Mild right
ment 3/0 or 4/0 suture (. Figs. 24.25 and 24.26). ventricular outflow size mismatch can be cor-
rected using either autologous glutaraldehyde fix- The Ross Operation ated pericardium or a synthetic membrane. Of
The Ross procedure was originally performed in special importance for the durability of the Ross
1967 by Donald Ross (Ross 1967). Its principle is procedure is strict adherence to as low as possible
to replace the diseased aortic valve with the blood pressure for 2 months after the procedure as
patient’s own native pulmonary valve. The latter well as lifelong endocarditis prophylaxis.
then has to be replaced with a pulmonary homo-
graft. The benefits of this procedure lie in the fact
that vital tissue is being implanted in the aortic 24.5.5  Combined Procedures
position that has the potential for growth, requires
no anticoagulation, and has superior durability Many patients require combined surgery on the
than aortic homografts in the aortic position. The aortic valve and its surrounding structures, like
reason behind the greater durability of the pulmo- coronary arteries or other parts of the thoracic
nary homografts in the pulmonary positions than aorta or on other valves, also. One should take
that of aortic homografts in the aortic position is into consideration that complex procedures in
the fact that in the Ross procedure the pulmonary general increase the overall operative risk.
homograft is implanted in a low-pressure system Prior to any procedure, a general operative
and thus they develop degenerative changes at a strategy should be planned well in advance.
782 M. Misfeld et al.

a d


..Fig. 24.25  a–e Aortic valve replacement with a homograft. a The sinuses of the homograft are excised. b The valve
is inverted. c The homograft is inverted into the left ventricular outflow tract, and the homograft basis is sutured to the
native anulus using an atraumatic suture. d Thereafter, the homograft is everted again, and the commissures are pulled
up into the aorta and sutured to the aortic wall using pericardial or Teflon pledgeted sutures. e The rim of the homograft
sinuses is sutured to the aortic wall using running suture in between commissures Aortic Valve Replacement replacement at the time of primary coronary bypass
and Coronary Artery Bypass grafting should be performed also in the setting of
Grafting mild or moderate aortic valve disease (Rosenhek
Isolated coronary artery bypass grafting as well as et al. 2004; Smith et al. 2004). Intraoperative aortic
isolated aortic valve replacement are routine cardiac valve inspection may help to determine the degree
surgical interventions. The indications for combined of valve degeneration and facilitate the decision.
aortic valve replacement and CABG procedure are During combined CABG and aortic valve
the same as for isolated aortic valve replacement. As replacement, on extracorporeal circulation, the aor-
a mild aortic valve disease, ­however, can quickly tic valve is excised to start with, in order to allow for
progress to a severe form, c­ oncomitant aortic valve manipulation of the heart during CABG without the
Chapter 24 · Acquired Lesions of the Aortic Valve
783 24
risk of dislocation of calcium plaques. Thereafter, Long-­term results are excellent (Hagl et al. 2003).
the distal coronary bypass anastomoses are per- Alternatively, a combination of a Dacron prosthe-
formed. This is followed by replacement of the aortic ses and a stentless biological valve can be used
valve and closure of the aortotomy. Finally, the grafts (Urbanski et  al. 2003). If the aortic root is not
are anastomosed proximally. With the distal anasto- ­diseased, then a conventional aortic valve and
moses in place, it is possible to perfuse coronary ascending aorta replacement can be performed
arteries with cardioplegic solution distal to their which significantly simplifies the operative proce-
obstruction until the end of the ischemic period. dure (Houel et al. 2002; Sioris et al. 2004). In cases
of ascending aortic ectasia or mild dilatation, an Aortic Valve Replacement aortoplasty can be performed using mattress
in Multiple Valve Disease sutures followed by running 3/0 monofilament
If more than one valve requires surgical attention, sutures over two Teflon strips for reinforcement
the calcified aortic valve is excised at first. (Bail et al. 2007; Robicsek et al. 2004; Walker et al.
Thereafter, interventions on the other valves are 2007). In cases of aortic root dilatation with a
performed in the following sequence: macroscopically normal aortic valve, a valve-­
55 Mitral valve sparing David or Yacoub procedure is indicated.
55 Aortic valve
55 Tricuspid valve Aortic Valve Replacement
55 Pulmonary valve in Advanced Age
Calcified aortic valve stenosis is a disease charac-
This sequence prevents embolization of calci- teristically seen with advanced age, senile aortic
fied aortic valve and/or wall plaques. It also allows stenosis. The aging of the overall population has
for tricuspid and pulmonary valve surgery to be led to an increase in the mean age of patients
performed after closure of the aortotomy and referred for aortic valve replacement. Although
while the heart is already being reperfused. the natural history for severe symptomatic aortic
Because of the anatomic proximity of the aortic valve stenosis carries a significant mortality and
and mitral valve anulus (. Fig. 24.1), mitral valve morbidity burden, almost a third of the elderly
replacement or mitral ring anuloplasty can lead to patients than could potentially benefit from sur-
reduction of the aortic valve diameter. Therefore, gery are not referred for surgical evaluation. The
mitral valve surgery should be performed before main reasons for this seem to be increased age
the aortic valve is replaced. The aortic valve anulus and reduced left ventricular function (Iung et al.
should be sized only after the mitral valve has been 2005). However, many studies have shown that
taken care of (replacement/reconstruction). although aortic valve replacement in the elderly
The techniques for mitral, tricuspid, or pul- carries a somewhat increased operative risk as
monary valve replacement during concomitant compared to younger patients, these patients do
aortic valve replacement are described in the cor- benefit from aortic valve replacement, also
responding sections of this book. (Carabello 2004; Charlson et  al. 2006;
Chukwuemeka et al. 2006a; Langanay et al. 2006; Concomitant Replacement Sundt et  al. 2000; Varadarajan et  al. 2006b). As
of Aortic Valve the perioperative risk of such procedures is
and Ascending Aorta increased in an emergency setting, especially in
During concomitant surgery on aortic valve and this patient population, a planned referral fort
ascending aorta, the decision should be made timely surgery should be sought (Kohl et al. 2007;
whether the aortic valve can be repaired or not Mistiaen et al. 2004). The increased perioperative
and whether only the tubular part of the ascending risk in this patient population should be commu-
aorta or the complete aortic root should be nicated with the patient during the informed
replaced, also. The classic Bentall procedure consent process, as often many patients decline
(Bentall and De Bono 1968) with reimplantation the procedure. High-risk patients should be
of the coronary arteries for the complete replace- offered a minimal invasive alternative (transfem-
ment of the aortic root and the ascending aorta oral or transapical aortic valve replacement; see
can be performed either with a composite 7 Sect. 24.8 «Alternative Therapeutic Interventions»
mechanical valve-graft conduit or in combination and Chapter «Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery»,
with a stented biological valve («bio Bentall»). 7 Sect. 26.3.4).
784 M. Misfeld et al. Aortic Valve Replacement biotic prophylaxis may be used in these patients
and Dialysis (Elkayam and Bitar 2005; Hung and Rahimtoola
Patients with terminal renal insufficiency are 2007; Reimold and Rutherford 2003).
24 prone to develop calcified aortic valve stenosis. A detailed information for the pregnant
Because of the reduced life expectancy of these patient or the patient in childbearing age about
patients and the need for regular vascular access the risk during and after pregnancy as well as
for dialysis, the American Heart Association and during delivery and a close collaboration of
American College of Cardiology guidelines rec- ­cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, and gynecologists
ommend the implantation of biological valves in is of great importance.
these patients (ACC/AHA Guidelines, Bonow
et al. 2006). However, no significant survival dif-  he «Small» Aortic Valve
ference could be shown between biological or Anulus
mechanical valves in patients with terminal renal The term «prosthesis-patient mismatch» (PPM) was
insufficiency requiring dialysis (Herzog et  al. first introduced by Rahimtoola in 1978 (Rahimtoola
2002). For these reasons, the decision between 1978) and describes the situation when the effective
mechanical or biological aortic valve replace- valve area of the prosthesis is smaller than that of the
ments should take into consideration the patient’s normal aortic valve for the given body size. The first
age and life expectancy, the option of renal trans- who examined relevance and implications of PPM
plantation, as well as the patient’s preferences. on the patient’s functional status after aortic valve
replacement was Pibarot (Pibarot et  al. 1996). Aortic Valve Replacement . Table 24.2 presents the grading criteria of PPM as
and Pregnancy described by Blais et al. (2003).
Mild or moderate aortic valve stenosis (aortic Although studies have shown that the pres-
valve area >1.0 cm2) rarely causes complications ence of PPM can have a negative effect on the
during pregnancy (Hameed et  al. 2001). Severe early postoperative course (Kulik et  al. 2006;
aortic valve stenosis can lead to increased mater- Tasca et  al. 2006), this can be masked by many
nal morbidity and fetal mortality. Maternal mor- other factors. In special cases, the use of a smaller
tality is rare (Silversides et al. 2003). Usually these prosthesis may be justified. This is true for older
patients will require aortic valve replacement patients with small aortic roots (Arata et al. 2002;
during the first months after delivery. When Bortolotti et al. 2000). Important factors to facili-
patients with severe aortic valve stenosis develop tate the decision for the size of prosthesis are not
symptoms during pregnancy, this may lead to only the left ventricular functional status but also
interruption of pregnancy. Therefore, a balloon the patient’s daily level of activity. Small prosthe-
dilatation prior to surgical intervention may be ses should be avoided in tall or active patients, in
necessary. Important factors for the prognosis of order to decrease the early postoperative risk, as
the disease during pregnancy are left ventricular well as to facilitate late recovery of the left ven-
function, grade of the aortic valve stenosis, and tricular function (David 2005). In these patients,
history of previous left ventricular decompensa- aortic root enlargement procedures may allow for
tion or thrombolic complications. Aortic valve the implantation of a larger prosthesis without a
insufficiency is usually good tolerated during significant increase in operative risk (Peterson
pregnancy. et al. 2007).
Pregnancy does not cause acceleration of bio-
logical valve degeneration. Mechanical prostheses
however carry a certain thromboembolic risk as ..Table 24.2  Defining the severity of
«prosthesis-patient mismatch» by valve area
well as a risk for warfarin embryopathy. For these
indexed to body surface area (Blais et al. 2003)
reasons in patients wishing to become pregnant,
biological valves may be an alternative. Patients Definition Effective aortic valve area (cm2/m2)
with mechanical prostheses who become preg-
nant should be switched to unfractioned heparin Severe PPM <0.65
during the first trimester and after the 36th week Moderate PPM 0.65–0.85
of pregnancy in order to reduce the risk for warfa-
No PPM >0.85
rin embryopathy or bleeding. Perioperative anti-
Chapter 24 · Acquired Lesions of the Aortic Valve
785 24
24.6 I ntra- and Postoperative may also require increased filling pressures to main-
Course tain adequate cardiac output, and thus invasive
hemodynamic monitoring with a Swan-Ganz or left
24.6.1  Patient Monitoring atrial pressure catheter is of benefit and can aid post-
operative decision-­making. Patients after aortic valve
Intraoperative monitoring of patients undergoing replacement may develop temporary atrial or ven-
aortic valve replacement is not different to other tricular arrhythmia, and thus, temporary pacemaker
routine cardiac surgery procedures. Apart from electrodes should not be prematurely removed.
the central venous access as well as invasive All patients after aortic valve interventions
­arterial blood pressure monitoring, transesopha- should receive endocarditis prophylaxis as well as
geal echocardiography (TEE) plays nowadays a adequate anticoagulation as recommended in the
central role. TEE can evaluate the prosthesis or guidelines of the American Heart Association
native valve function, the anatomy of the aortic (Bonow et al. 2006).
root, the coronary ostia, ventricular function
when weaning from extracorporeal circulation, as Anticoagulation
well as evaluate the de-airing of the heart. Patients with mechanical valves must receive life-
Especially during aortic valve reconstruction, long oral anticoagulation, whereas patients with
TEE can evaluate and document the postopera- biological valves may require anticoagulation only
tive result. for the first months after the procedure, if at all. The
degree of anticoagulation requirement can vary
from patient to patient according to the type and
24.6.2  Postoperative Management model of the implanted prosthesis as well as depend
on other comorbidities. . Table  24.3 presents an
The early postoperative management of patients after overview of the anticowagulation recommendations
aortic valve interventions does not deviate signifi- in patients after mechanical and biological aortic
cantly from that of patients undergoing other routine valve replacement (Bonow et al. 2006).
cardiac surgery procedures. The management of In patients already receiving warfarin, the
patients however with aortic valve stenosis and sig- addition of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) is recom-
nificant left ventricular hypertrophy can be challeng- mended. Risk factors requiring a higher antico-
ing. During hypertensive phases, the risk of bleeding agulation target range are:
in these patients is increased as well as the myocar- 55 Atrial fibrillation
dium oxygen needs. For these reasons, strict blood 55 Reduced left ventricular function
pressure monitoring in these patients is advised. Due 55 History of thromboembolic event
to decreased myocardial compliance, these patients 55 Hypercoagulopathy

..Table 24.3  Recommendations of The American College of Cardiology and The American Heart Association
for anticoagulation of patients with aortic valve prostheses (Bonow et al. 2006)

Acetylsalicylic acid Warfarin (INR:

Risk stratification (75–100 mg) 2.0–3.0) Warfarin (INR: 2.5–3.5)

Mechanical prostheses

Low risk, <3 months x x

Low risk, >3 months x x

High risk x x

Biological prostheses

Low risk, <3 months x

Low risk, >3 months x

High risk x x
786 M. Misfeld et al.

In contrast to the abovementioned guidelines, extracorporeal circulation with minimal pressure

in many centers, patients with low thromboem- loading of the aorta. In some cases where calcified
bolic risk after biological aortic valve replacement plaques are near the aortotomy area, an opening of
24 receive warfarin only for the first 3 months and are the aortotomy, excision of the aortic wall plaques,
switched thereafter to ASA.  Patients with homo- and closing of the aortotomy with the use of peri-
grafts or after the Ross procedure should receive cardium or Dacron patch might be necessary.
ASA only for the first postoperative months. Potential obstruction of the coronary arteries
should be taken into consideration when choosing Endocarditis Prophylaxis the appropriate prosthesis size. In cases of atypical
A detailed overview of the indications and recom- origin or course of the coronary arteries, it might
mendations for endocarditis prophylaxis in be necessary to perform additional CABG in order
patients after aortic valve replacement can be to ensure perfusion of the atypical coronary.
found in the guidelines of the American Heart
Association (Bonow et al. 2006). Postoperative Complications
Postoperative complications can occur in the
immediate as well as in the later postoperative
24.6.3  Surgical Results phase. In the early postoperative phase, the most
and Complications frequent complications are heart rhythm disorders
such as AV block and either surgical or diffuse
Postoperative results after routine aortic valve sur- bleeding due to coagulopathies leading to pericar-
gery are nowadays excellent, so that older (Kvidal dial tamponade. Somewhat later are general com-
et al. 2000a, b) as well as patients with reduced left plications such as wound healing disorders or
ventricular function (Chukwuemeka et al. 2006a, b; instable sternum. Late postoperative complications
Scognamiglio et  al. 2005; Tarantini et  al. 2003) or often have to do with the implanted prostheses
pulmonary hypertension (Pai et  al. 2007) benefit such as valve degeneration, valve thrombosis, valve
from aortic valve replacement. Of major importance malfunction, and prosthetic valve endocarditis.
is the optimal timing for surgery, as elective proce-
dures have a significantly lower mortality and mor- kValve thrombosis
bidity than the same procedures performed under The risk for valve thrombosis depends on the ana-
emergency condition. Aortic valve reconstruction tomic position of the prosthetic valve. The risk for
should be performed in specialized centers to ensure thrombosis is greater in the tricuspid position fol-
a satisfactory long-term result (Rankin et al. 2006). lowed by the mitral position, while in the aortic
Individualized risk profiling is of major position the risk is less than 1 % per year. Acute
importance for the decision to undergo aortic valve thrombosis often carries a high mortality.
valve interventions. Due to the obstruction of the valve function, it
often requires an emergency intervention. Intraoperative Complications Systemic thrombolysis may be an alternative to
Intraoperative complications may emerge in the valve exchange in patients with acute mechanical
form of anulus or aortic wall perforation during valve thrombosis late after the original surgery.
decalcification and can be directly treated by clos- Although surgical removal of the valve thrombus
ing the defect with a Teflon pledget or pericardium-­ can alleviate the valve obstruction, a valve
reinforced suture, or even with a pericardial patch. exchange is recommended once it is opted for
This complication can often only be identified late ­surgery, as the thrombus development can be a
during the procedure, after pressure loading of the consequence of damaged or defect valve coating,
aorta leads to an enlarging subepicardial hema- and thus the valve may be prone to recurrent valve
toma. Attempts to close the defect on the beating thrombosis in the future. In cases of chronic valve
heart from the outside of the aortic wall are rarely thrombosis or pannus formation and
successful, as the precise localization of the defect valve obstruction, the prosthetic valve should be
may not be identified. In these cases, opening of the replaced, anyways.
aortotomy and closure of the defect from the inside
is highly recommended. Bleeding from the aortot- kProsthetic valve endocarditis
omy suture line can easily be controlled with addi- Prosthetic valve endocarditis after aortic valve
tional U stitches and should be done while still on replacement is a serious complication that can
Chapter 24 · Acquired Lesions of the Aortic Valve
787 24
..Fig. 24.26 Refixation
of a partially detached,
however intact, mechanical
prosthesis (paravalvular
detachment and paraval-
vular leak) without evi-
dence of endocarditis. The
refixation is performed
with additional mattress
sutures, reinforced with
pericardial or Teflon felt
pledgets. The sutures are
passed from the outside,
through the aortic wall and
the prosthesis

lead to in hospital mortality of up to 30 % (Moon valve fixation can occur due to incomplete valve
et al. 2001). In combination with prolonged anti- and anulus decalcification. The indications for
biotic therapy and healed focus, aortic valve reoperation for paravalvular leak depend on the
replacement is most often the therapy of choice. patients’ symptoms, the presence or absence of
In about half of these patients, the aortic root hemolysis, as well as the hemodynamic conse-
can be involved, also. In order to prevent rein- quences of the leak. In cases of a localized partial
fection, during reoperation of patients with detachment, this can be repaired with additional
prosthetic valve endocarditis, the use of pros- pledget or pericardium-reinforced, size 3/0
thetic materials should be limited as far as pos- Seralene or Mersilene U-sutures (. Fig. 24.26). In
sible. For this reason, the use of homografts can cases of multiple or extended detachment of the
be recommended, especially in prosthetic endo- prosthetic valve, a new valve replacement is rec-
carditis with anuli abscesses (Lytle et  al. 2002; ommended.
Sabik et  al. 2002). However, it remains unclear
which is the prosthesis of choice in these cases,
as the decision of the replacement prosthesis 24.7 Reoperations
depends on the complexity of the intervention
and the additional interventions that may be Aortic valve reoperations become more and
required to remove all infected tissues from the more part of the daily routine in cardiac surgery.
aortic root (Hagl et  al. 2002; Leyh et  al. 2004; This in most case is due to the degeneration of
Moon et al. 2001). biological prostheses, but there are also compli-
cations of mechanical and biological prostheses.
kParavalvular leak Although elective reoperations require some
A partial valve detachment with the consequence special surgical approaches, they are not associ-
of a paravalvular leak presents with an incidence ated with a significantly higher morbidity and
of about 1–2 %. In most cases an acute or cured mortality in experienced centers as long as they
endocarditis can lead to valve detachment and are limited to isolated aortic valve re-replace-
paravalvular leak; however, inadequate valve fixa- ments (Davierwala et al. 2006; Potter et al. 2005;
tion during the primary operation can also result Vigt et al. 2000).
to paravalvular leak development. Paravalvular Indications. Indications for aortic valve reop-
leaks are preferential sites for the development of erations follow the general guidelines and criteria
prosthetic endocarditis. Most often, inadequate for aortic valve surgery and depend on the
788 M. Misfeld et al.

presence of symptoms, other comorbidities, vention is absolutely indicated. In patients with sep-
hemodynamic parameters, as well as upon the tic cerebral embolization, the time point of surgical
need for other, concomitant, cardiac procedures. intervention is of great importance as the risk for
24 recurrent embolization should be weighed against
the risk of intracerebral bleeding during the proce-
24.8 Alternative Therapeutic dure due to the systemic heparinization required
Interventions for extracorporeal circulation. The emergency pro-
cedure in these cases should be performed either
The techniques for percutaneous aortic valve bal- within the first 24 h or after 4–6 weeks when the
loon valvuloplasty were developed in the 1980s as initial cerebral insult has stabilized. As cerebral
an alternative to conventional valve replacement, insult often lead to blood-brain barrier disorders, a
in order to offer symptomatic, high-risk, patients computed tomography may be performed prior to
with severe aortic valve stenosis a therapy option intervention in patients with cerebral insult.
(Cribier et al. 1986). Initial results showed a high Risk factors for aortic valve endocarditis are:
(~25 %) periprocedural complication rate, mor- 55 Bicuspid and degenerated calcified aortic
tality rates up to 8 %, and increased incidence of valves
early restenosis and rehospitalization (NHLBI 55 Past rheumatic fever
Balloon Valvuloplasty Registry Participants 55 Diabetes mellitus
1991). Since then however, with the use of refined 55 Congenital valve disease
techniques, results have significantly improved, 55 Prior endocarditis
and balloon valvuloplasty has now been shown to
improve early and midterm survival (Agarwal In about 8–20 % of all cases, dental procedures
et  al. 2005). Studies have shown than combina- or other invasive interventions, respectively, were
tion of valvuloplasty and radiation may improve the main suspects of the initial bacteremia leading
restenosis rates. Nowadays however the interest to endocarditis.
in less invasive aortic valve interventions has Typical microorganisms causing endocarditis
shifted to minimal invasive aortic valve implanta- are (Bashore and Khandheria 2004):
tion via the transapical or transfemoral approach, 55 Staphylococcus aureus (32.4 %)
see 7 Chapter «Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery», 55 Streptococcus viridans (13.1 %)
Sect. 26.3.4. 55 Enterococcus faecalis (10.6 %)

For the prevention of endocarditis, guidelines

24.9 Surgical Techniques from the American Heart Association have been
for the Management of Aortic published (Wilson et al. 2007).
Valve Endocarditis It is recommended that in complicated cases
of aortic valve endocarditis, bicaval cannulation
Bacterial aortic valve endocarditis can affect vari- should be preferred. This should facilitate an
ous parts of the aortic valve and can result in extension of the procedure into the right heart
destruction of the valve mechanism resulting in chambers if deemed necessary later on during the
aortic regurgitation. Additional destruction of the procedure. Not infrequently, the extent of the pro-
aortic root and surrounding structures may also cedure necessary can be only determined intraop-
carry the risk of septic embolism. Without inter- eratively after careful inspection of the diseased
vention, this disease is often fatal. The aortic valve is tissues and findings such as:
involved in 25 % of cases with bacterial e­ ndocarditis 55 Supravalvular abscesses and aneurysms with
(mitral valve, 40 %; tricuspid valve, 20 %; pulmo- or without fistulas to other heart chambers
nary valve, 2 %). In almost 50 % of all patients with 55 Subvalvular abscesses or aneurysms with aor-
aortic valve endocarditis, a surgical intervention is toventricular dehiscence
indicated. Indications for surgery should be indi- 55 Destruction of other valves (mitral, tricuspid,
vidualized, since early intervention does not always or pulmonary)
lead to improvement of early postoperative progno-
sis (Tleyjeh et al. 2007). Especially in the setting of All excised infected tissues should be sent for
large (>8 mm), mobile vegetations, surgical inter- microbiological examination and identification of
Chapter 24 · Acquired Lesions of the Aortic Valve
789 24
the culprit microorganisms to determine appro- were found, these may be directly closed after rad-
priate antibiotic regimen. ical debridement using pericardium-­ reinforced,
In cases of aortic valve endocarditis, one should monofilament, 4/0 U-sutures or using a pericar-
differentiate between those with isolated leaflet dium patch (. Fig.  24.28). The same is true for
endocarditis and those cases with additional abscess cavities extending in the ventricular or
involvement of the surrounding structures. The atrial tissues (. Fig.  24.29). Experimental studies
principal aim of surgical intervention in cases of have shown that injection of a mixture of fibrin
aortic valve endocarditis is the excision of all mac- glue and antibiotics in the infected areas may have
roscopically infected tissue. The choice of valve a beneficial effect in terms of endocarditis prophy-
prosthesis in cases of aortic valve endocarditis laxis as well as for the treatment of endocarditis
remains an open question. The use of homografts itself (Deyerling et al. 1984; Karck et al. 1990).
or the Ross procedure, with minimal foreign mate-
rial implanted, offers at least a theoretical advan-
tage in cases of acute infection (Lytl et  al. 2002; 24.9.2  Multiple Valve Endocarditis
Sabik et  al. 2002; Birk et  al. 2004). Many studies
have failed to show an advantage of biological pros- In cases of combined aortic and mitral valve
theses in comparison to mechanical prostheses in endocarditis, a combined aortic and mitral valve
patients with aortic valve endocarditis (Hagl et al. replacement/repair should be performed. It is not
2002; Leyh et al. 2004; Moon et al. 2001). rare that an infection of the aortic valve extends to
Care should be taken to completely remove all the mitral valve and vice versa. In these cases, the
macroscopically infected tissue, in order to avoid Manougian technique (Manougian et al. 1979) for
endocarditis recurrence or spread of the infection. the enlargement of the aortomitral continuity
through the noncoronary sinus and part of the
aortic anulus should be performed in order to
24.9.1  Aortic Root Abscess gain surgical access to the mitral valve. This tech-
nique allows for the radical excision of all infected
In cases of aortic root abscess, the infectious tis- tissue in this area and provides access in case
sues should be excised, and radical debridement additional interventions on the mitral valve are
of the abscess cavity should be performed. The deemed necessary. For the reconstruction of the
abscess cavity should be sealed with native or aortic basis and the aortomitral continuity, autol-
glutaraldehyde-­ treated pericardial patch using ogous or xenopericardium should be used. Similar
running monofilament 4/0 or 5/0 suture techniques may be used in cases where the infec-
(. Fig. 24.27). In cases where subvalvular abscesses tion extends even toward the tricuspid valve.

a b

..Fig. 24.27  a Abscess of the noncoronary sinus penetrating toward the right atrium with destruction of the noncor-
onary cusp, also. b The aortic valve is excised, and the abscess cavity is closed with a pericardial patch
790 M. Misfeld et al.

a b c


..Fig. 24.28  a Of the aortomitral continuity. The attachment of the anterior mitral leaflet is completely detached
from the aortic wall, and the left atrium may be seen. b Reattachment of the base of the aortic root to the anterior mitral
leaflet using pericardium or pledget-reinforced U-sutures, only suggested in minor dehiscence. c To avoid tension on
the sutures, the defect, especially when large, should be closed with a pericardial patch

a b

..Fig. 24.29  a, b Subvalvular abscess extending into the muscular ventricular septum. a The wall of the abscess is
excised, and debridement of the abscess cavity is performed. b The cavity is closed with a pericardial patch using a run-
ning suture penetrating deep in the septal muscle

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795 25

Surgery for Acquired
AV-Valve Diseases
Parwis B. Rahmanian and Thorsten C.W. Wahlers

25.1 History of AV-Valve Surgery – 797

25.2 Open Surgical Access – 797
25.2.1 Median Sternotomy in Primary and Redo Surgery – 797
25.2.2 Atriotomy – 798
25.2.3 Opening of the Left Atrial Roof – 799
25.2.4 Trans Atrial/Trans Septal Approach – 799
25.2.5 Dubost Approach – 800
25.2.6 Reoperation: Considerations – 800
25.2.7 Left or Right Lateral Approach – 801
25.3 Closure of Left Atrial Appendage – 801
25.4 Extracorporeal Circulation, Cannulation
Technique, Myocardial Protection, De-airing – 801
25.5 Mitral Valve Surgery – 802
25.5.1 Functional Anatomy of the Mitral Valve – 802
25.5.2 Mitral Valve Replacement – 803 Choice of Prosthesis – 803 Excision of the Native Valve – 804 Implantation of Mechanical Prostheses – 806 Implantation of Biological Prostheses – 807 Technical Problems of Mitral Valve Replacement – 807
25.5.3 Valve Sparing Procedures – 809 Open Commissurotomy – 810 Mitral Valve Reconstruction (Leaflet and Anulus) – 811 Mitral Valve Reconstruction (Chordae) – 817 Patch Reconstruction – 819 Alfieri-Technique – 819
25.5.4 Ischemic Mitral Valve Regurgitation – 820
25.5.5 Mitral Valve Endocarditis – 822
25.5.6 Testing of Mitral Valve Reconstruction – 823

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_25
25.6 Tricuspid Valve Procedures – 824
25.6.1 Functional Anatomy – 825
25.6.2 Tricuspid Valve Replacement – 825
25.6.3 Treatment of Tricuspid Anular Dilation – 826 De Vega Anulorrhaphy – 826 Tricuspid Anuloplasty – 827 Bicuspidalization – 828

References – 828
Chapter 25 · Surgery for Acquired AV-Valve Diseases
797 25
25.1 History of AV-Valve Surgery reveals today the real quality and durability of
repair techniques developed and applied in the
The first successful mitral valve procedure in his- early days of reconstructive valve surgery.
tory was performed at the Peter Bent Brigham However, meanwhile reoperative mitral valve sur-
Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1923, by gery, accessed commonly via a median sternotomy
Elliot C. Cutler who used a teratomy knife placed but also via right and – less common – left lateral
from the apex of the left ventricle to open a stenotic thoracotomy, has become a standardized and safe
mitral valve by commissurotomy (Cohn 1994). procedure in most cardiac tertiary care centers.
Two years later, in 1925, Souttar performed a The proportion of tricuspid valve surgery com-
mitral valvulotomy from the left atrium using his pared to mitral valve procedures remains small,
finger to fracture the commissures (Comas et  al. and the decrease of rheumatic diseases in indus-
2006). The next step in the evolution of mitral valve trial countries makes particularly tricuspid valve
surgery was depending on the ­development of car- replacement a rare procedure today. However, tri-
diopulmonary bypass. Following Braunwald’s cuspid valve reconstruction, most commonly to
research studies at the National Institute of Health treat tricuspid regurgitation due to pulmonary
in the 1950s, Starr and Edwards were the first to hypertension in patients with long-­lasting mitral
implant a mitral valve prosthesis at the University valve regurgitation becomes more important.
of Oregon in 1961. Despite a relatively high rate of Different techniques of tricuspid valve reconstruc-
thromboembolic complications, the Starr-Edwards tion are described at the end of this chapter.
caged-ball prosthesis presented the gold standard
for mitral valve replacement for many years (Gao
et al. 2004). The caged-ball prosthesis was replaced 25.2 Open Surgical Access
by tilting disc prostheses and later on by bileaflet
prostheses in the 1980s. Another important 25.2.1   edian Sternotomy in
­development in heart valve surgery was the estab- Primary and Redo Surgery
lishment of biological heart valve prostheses. In
1970, Hancock implanted the first stented porcine Mitral valve surgery can be accessed by a median
valve, and only 6 years later, the first generation of sternotomy (. Fig. 25.1) or lateral thoracotomy from
Carpentier-­Edwards bovine pericardial valves was the right and less common from the left side. A right
introduced (see also 7 Chapter «The History of anterior thoracotomy is used for minimal-­invasive
Cardiac Surgery», Sect. 1.9). approaches and usually limited to the AV valves and
Following the establishment of heart valve pros- does not allow concomitant procedures such as
theses for the treatment of mitral valve disease, CABG or aortic valve procedures. Particularly reop-
reconstructive techniques such as open commissur- erative mitral valve surgery, which needs to be
otomy became less important. However, the nega- applied to an increasing proportion of patients, can
tive side effects of prosthetic valve replacement, i.e., be performed more safely via median sternotomy.
the need for lifelong anticoagulation and the risk of However, redo sternotomy carries the risk to injure
thromboembolic complications associated with retrosternal structures such as the right ventricle or
mechanical valves and the high rate of degeneration the right atrium, and therefore transection of the
of biological prostheses, led to a revival of recon- posterior proportion of the sternal bone and dissec-
structive techniques particularly within the last two tion of the pericardial tissue needs to be performed
decades. One of the pioneers of mitral valve recon- carefully to avoid severe bleeding complications. In
struction is Alain Carpentier who applied a system- redo cases, we strongly recommend a preoperative
atic and reproducible approach to reconstructive CT scan of the chest to measure the distance between
mitral valve surgery (Carpentier 1977). the sternum and the cardiac structures. Sternotomy
With an aging patient population and a is performed with an oscillating saw while the respi-
broader application of valve reconstruction or rator is disconnected in order to deflate the lungs and
replacement, the rate of patients referred for redo thus unload the right v­ entricle. Once the posterior
mitral valve surgery is constantly increasing. layer of the sternal bone is cut, the parietal pleura and
Consequent long-term follow-up of patients the pericardium are dissected. If the pericardium
undergoing mitral valve repair and improving was not closed at the initial procedure, careful dissec-
imaging quality of echocardiographic assessment tion between the parietal pleura and the right atrium/
798 P.B. Rahmanian and T.C.W. Wahlers


..Fig. 25.1  Surgical approach to the mitral valve via

median sternotomy, cranial-caudal view («anti-CT»)

ventricle is necessary. It is useful to open both pleural
spaces right after sternotomy to avoid tension on
structures such as the upper cava vein, the anony-
mous vein, the right ventricle, and the right atrium
when the sternal retractor is placed. Once the upper
and lower caval veins are dissected circularly and the
ascending aorta is freed from adhesive tissue, cardio-
pulmonary bypass can be established in a standard
fashion using bicaval venous cannulation. We only
advocate cannulation of the femoral vessels for estab-
lishment of cardiopulmonary bypass before sternot-
omy in patients with severe obliteration of the
retrosternal space and particularly in patients where
the ascending aorta has broad contact to the poste-
rior sternal layer. Once cardiopulmonary bypass is
established, the heart should be completely freed ..Fig. 25.2  a, b Opening of the left atrium in the
from adhesions to allow a good exposure of the interatrial groove. Epicardial fibrofatty tissue within the
mitral valve, which sometimes requires rotation or interatrial groove is dissected a and preserved to facilitate
primary closure of the left atriotomy b
elevation of the heart. In addition, complete dissec-
tion allows better application of topic cooling and de-
airing of the heart before releasing the cross-clamp. exposition of the mitral valve. While cardioplegic
solution is applied in an antegrade or retrograde
fashion, the left atrium is opened with a knife leaving
25.2.2  Atriotomy an edge of 5 mm towards the septum. The incision is
then extended caudally towards the lower cava and
The most common access to the mitral valve is an inci- cranially into the roof of the left atrium carefully
sion of the left atrium in the area of the interatrial avoiding an opening of the right atrium. Using a spe-
groove (sulcus interatrialis, Sondergaard’s groove) cial retractor with two to three hooks placed at the
(. Fig.  25.2) (Sondergaard et  al. 1955). This can be septal and caudal part of the incision usually allows
achieved by dissection beginning from the upper left for a good circumferential exposure of the mitral
pulmonary vein while the assistant is pulling the valve (. Fig. 25.3). However, sometimes a sponge or
right atrium towards a left and ventral direction. The gauze needs to be placed under the heart to lift up
epicardial fatty tissue in the interatrial groove can be the subvalvular apparatus. If the visibility of the
dissected with scissors or a high-frequency electro- valve is not satisfactory, holding sutures in the area
cautery allowing separation of the left and right of the commissures of the mitral valve may
atrium 3–6 cm in length. The higher the incision is improve the exposition. We routinely place a spiral
located towards the atrial septum, the better the wire-­reinforced suction catheter in the left inferior
Chapter 25 · Surgery for Acquired AV-Valve Diseases
799 25

..Fig. 25.3  Exposure of the mitral valve after left

atriotomy in the interatrial groove

pulmonary vein, which is the deepest portion of the

left atrium in this position to vent collateral pulmo-
nary blood flow. In addition, we infuse carbon diox-
ide (CO2) into the pericardium in all patients with
the idea of minimizing the risk of air embolism.
Following mitral valve procedure, the left atri-
otomy is closed with two single polypropylene 3-0
..Fig. 25.4  a, b Access through the roof of the left
sutures in an overcast fashion starting from cranial atrium. The incision starts at the interatrial septum ending
and caudal, respectively. Before the sutures are knot- at the origin of the upper left pulmonary vein with a
ted in the middle of the atriotomy, saline is insuf- distance of 1–2 cm to the aortic root anteriorly
flated into the left atrium for de-airing purposes.
be even more complicated when thin and fragile
tissue is present, particularly in elderly patients, and
25.2.3  Opening of the Left Atrial Roof therefore opening of the left atrial roof should be
performed only by experienced surgeons.
Opening the left atrial roof between ascending An advantage of this atriotomy is seen in com-
aorta and superior vena cava (SVC) can be utilized bination with a partial upper sternotomy. In this
as an alternative approach (. Fig.  25.4). First, the setting, usually a solitary «two-stage» venous can-
ascending aorta is pulled ventrally with a hook and nula is used for drainage instead of bicaval can-
the left atrial roof is incised at least 1 cm behind the nulation. In addition, cardioplegic solution has to
aortic root. The incision is then extended to the be administered in an antegrade fashion.
right towards the insertion of the SVC in the right
atrium and to the left towards the insertion of the
upper left pulmonary vein. With this technique, 25.2.4   rans Atrial/Trans Septal
exposition of the mitral valve can be achieved Approach
almost without rotation of the heart. Sometimes
temporary transverse dissection of the ascending In some patients, particularly in those with small
aorta might become necessary for better exposition. atrium, hypertrophic left ventricle and COPD
Pitfalls of this technique are accidental opening patients with barrel-shaped thorax, the left atrial
of the base of the left atrial appendage and an inci- approach through the interatrial groove may not
sion too close to the aortic root which may make allow sufficient exposure of the mitral valve. In
closure of the atriotomy difficult. Atrial closure may these patients, a trans-right atrial, transatrioseptal
800 P.B. Rahmanian and T.C.W. Wahlers

a b


..Fig. 25.5  a Trans-right atrial, transatrioseptal access to the left atrium. The dotted line represents the incision of the
interatrial septum after right atriotomy. b Biatrial, transatrioseptal incision (the Dubost approach). Care has to be taken
not to injure the atrioventricular junction, the tricuspid valve, the aortic root, or the His bundle

approach may be the better choice. First, the right of the septum. Marking the different flaps of atrial
atrium is opened with a hook-shaped incision fol- tissue with stay stitches may help correct anatomic
lowed by an incision of the interatrial septum in the repositioning before closing the ­atriotomy.
fossa ovalis in a length of 3–5 cm between the origin However, the biatrial approach is associated with
of the upper cava vein and the caudal portion of the an increased rate of atrial conduction disturbances
fossa ovalis. With this approach, a good exposition and should therefore, as recommended in the origi-
of both AV valves can be achieved without extensive nal publication by Deloche, only be used if the direct
rotation of the heart (. Fig.  25.5a). However, this approaches are not suitable (Deloche et al. 1990).
approach may have negative impact on the blood
supply of the sinus node and may contribute to tem-
porary or permanent sinus node dysfunction 25.2.6  Reoperation: Considerations
(Guiraudon et al. 1991). Both incisions are closed
with 3-0 Prolene sutures in an overcast fashion. The rate of patients referred for reoperative mitral
valve surgery is constantly increasing. In these
patients, our standard approach is a median sternot-
25.2.5  Dubost Approach omy. After dissection of the posterior portion of the
sternum, either with an oscillating saw or with heavy
The classic biatrial incision, as described by Dubost, scissors, the pericardium is carefully dissected from
allows a good exposition of both the mitral and tri- the chest wall. If the pericardium was not closed dur-
cuspid valves (Dubost et al. 1966). The incision starts ing the original procedure, then the right ventricle
at the right upper pulmonary vein and goes through and right atrium may need to be dissected from the
the atrial septum as well as the ventral right atrial wall chest wall. To start with, we regularly open the pleural
(. Fig.  25.5b). A horizontal incision into the inter- space to the right in order to avoid too much tension
atrial sulcus can be added to improve exposition on structures like SVC, innominate vein, right atrium,
(Brawley 1980; Deloche et al. 1990). However, there and right ventricle when placing the retractor. Then
needs to be caution if the incision is extended, par- the ascending aorta and the superior and inferior
ticularly in patients with small space between the pul- caval veins are dissected circumferentially in a step-
monary veins because uncontrolled tension by the by-step fashion. In case of severe adhesions between
retractor may enlarge the incision unintentionally pericardial tissue and the right atrium, a more lateral
into direction of the atrioventricular junction, the transpericardial entry is chosen, while the ventral
aortic root, or the His bundle (Deloche et al. 1990). adhesions are left in place. In our opinion, an attempt
Closure of the Dubost incision needs to be per- to completely release the heart from adhesions should
formed carefully to ensure correct reapproximation be made in every case to facilitate rotation of the heart
Chapter 25 · Surgery for Acquired AV-Valve Diseases
801 25
for better exposure of the mitral valve. This further- Following median sternotomy and resection of
more allows topical cooling of the heart during isch- the thymus tissue, the pericardium is opened in an
emia and facilitates better de-airing before releasing inverse t-shaped fashion. After systemic heparin
the cross-clamp at the end of the mitral procedure. application (400 IE/kg bodyweight) and placement of
An alternative approach for reoperative mitral valve two 4-0 polypropylene stay stitches, a cannula is
surgery is a right anterolateral thoracotomy with or placed in the distal ascending aorta and secured with
without transfemoral cannulation for the establish- a tourniquet. Regarding venous cannulation, it is
ment of extracorporeal circulation. important to consider that the best exposition of the
mitral valve is achieved by total cardiopulmonary
bypass with bicaval cannulation. First, a 90° venous
25.2.7  Left or Right Lateral Approach cannula is placed in the SVC and secured by tourni-
quet. Following initiation of partial extracorporeal
Under rare circumstances, a mitral procedure will circulation, another tourniquet suture is placed in the
be performed using a left lateral thoracotomy. In right atrium near the inferior cava (IVC) junction. A
these cases, the left atrium will be opened by plac- second 90° cannula is placed into the IVC and con-
ing a diagonal incision between the base of the left nected to the venous line using a y-connector. Using
atrial appendage and the insertion of the left pul- this bicaval cannulation technique allows for enlarge-
monary veins. However, venous cannulation ment of the atriotomy in any direction for better
remains an issue and is usually performed femo- exposure of the mitral valve if necessary. Furthermore,
ral ± jugular veins. Right and left lateral thora- pulling the tourniquet of the IVC cannula moves the
cotomy approaches for minimally invasive, heart towards the surgeon also facilitating better
endoscopic, and robotic mitral surgery are exposure. Finally, tourniquets are placed around both
described in more detail in 7 Chapter «Minimally caval veins to establish total cardiopulmonary bypass.
Invasive Cardiac Surgery», Sect. 26.3.5. Placement of a catheter into the coronary sinus
transatrially allows for the application of retro-
grade cardioplegia at every time point during the
25.3 Closure of Left Atrial operation without changing exposure. The alter-
Appendage native route of antegrade cardioplegia administra-
tion via the aortic root most likely requires removal
The left atrial appendage can be closed from inside of the mitral retractors to allow a competent clo-
the left atrium during mitral valve surgery using a sure of the aortic valve during administration of
double 3-0 polypropylene suture. Alternatively, a 4-0 cardioplegic solution. Usually, we administer 4 °C
teflon pledgeted suture can be placed from outside cold blood cardioplegia solution as described by
to directly close the appendage. Another approach Buckberg (initially 4 min followed by 2 min every
would be the resection of the appendage and direct 20–25 min of cardioplegic arrest). In addition, the
closure with a running suture. There are also devices patient’s body temperature is ­lowered to 32 °C, and
for epicardial exclusion of the left atrial appendage in most cases topic epicardial cooling is achieved
on the market. However, during mitral valve surgery by instillation of ice-cold saline solution.
direct closure under vision seems to be the most A particular focus has to be directed to the com-
valuable approach. It has to be kept in mind that ini- plete de-airing of the heart before opening of the
tially there is a risk for thromboembolism from the aortic cross-clamp following every mitral valve pro-
inner surface even if sinus rhythm is present. cedure because opening the left atrium results in air
distribution into every structure of the left heart
including the pulmonary veins. We feel two mea-
25.4 Extracorporeal Circulation, sures to be most important in order to minimize the
Cannulation Technique, risk of air embolism: insufflation of carbon dioxide
Myocardial Protection, into the pericardium and filling the left atrium with
De-airing saline before definite closure of the atriotomy.
Before releasing the aortic cross-clamp, a
Establishment of extracorporeal circulation gen- ­de-­airing maneuver is routinely applied in coopera-
erally follows the same principles as of other tion with anesthesia and perfusion. A cannula is
cardiac surgery procedures. However, some
­ placed in the ascending aorta just below the
aspects need to be discussed in more detail. cross-­
­ clamp to allow evacuation of trapped air.
802 P.B. Rahmanian and T.C.W. Wahlers

Alternatively, the entry site of an antegrade cardio- safely without leading to loss of coaptation. During
plegia cannula can be used. While moving the table the cardiac cycle, the motion of the anterior leaflet
in a head-up position pulmonary backflow into the also defines an important boundary between the
left atrium is increased by high-pressure ventilation inflow (during diastole) and outflow (during sys-
hold by anesthesia and temporary volume shift by tole) tracts of the left ventricle (David et al. 1997).
stopping venous drainage by perfusion. Careful The posterior leaflet of the mitral valve has a
25 manipulation of the ventricle and digital invagina- quadrangular shape and comprises 60 % of the
tion of the left atrial appendage (if not closed or anular circumference. Carpentier introduced a
resected) helps to release trapped air in the trabecu- surgical classification of the mitral leaflets by divid-
lar structures of the left heart. Aortic cross-clamp is ing them into three segments. In opposite to the
then removed in Trendelenburg position. However, anterior leaflet, the posterior leaflet typically has
manipulation, particularly elevation of the ventricle two well-defined indentations at its free margin,
should be done carefully because the rigid struc- which divide this leaflet into three scallops referred
tures of the valve prosthesis or anuloplasty rings to as P1 (anterior or lateral scallop), P2 (middle
may serve as a hypomochlion leading to rupture of scallop), and P3 (posterior or medial scallop). The
the atrioventricular plane, which is a life-threaten- three corresponding segments of the anterior leaf-
ing complication on its own (Rodriguez et al. 2001). let are accordingly described as A1 (anterior seg-
Weaning off cardiopulmonary bypass is initi- ment), A2 (middle segment), and A3 (posterior
ated once the patient is rewarmed. In patients segment) (Carpentier 1983). This nomenclature is
with impaired left ventricular function, we rou- particularly important for describing mitral valve
tinely place a left atrial pressure measurement pathology between echocardiographer and cardiac
catheter to control left ventricular preload. In surgeon as well as for planning the operative strat-
addition, all patients are under TEE surveillance, egy. In contrast to the anterior leaflet, the posterior
which allows control of mitral valve repair results leaflet comprises redundant tissue, particularly in
as well as left ventricular function during weaning the setting of prolapse due to excess tissue, and
of cardiopulmonary bypass. therefore tolerates more aggressive resection.
The commissures of the mitral valve define the
region where anterior and posterior leaflet come
25.5 Mitral Valve Surgery together at their origin at the anulus. However, this
area is not always well defined, and it is sometimes
25.5.1  Functional Anatomy necessary to use the corresponding papillary mus-
of the Mitral Valve cles as landmarks to identify the commissures.
The zone of coaptation plays another impor-
The mitral valve has a complex structure, and com- tant role for the function of the mitral valve which
petent function is only achieved by interaction of represents the area of contact between anterior
leaflets, commissures, chordae, papillary muscles, and posterior leaflets during systole. There are
and the left ventricle. Understanding these five ana- two zones on the atrial surface of the leaflet, the
tomical structures helps defining the pathophysio- peripheral smooth body zone and the central
logic basis of mitral valve disease and is crucial to rough zone. From the surgical view (atrial view),
achieve successful surgical repair (Adams et al. 2006). the two zones are separated by a gently curved
The mitral valve has two leaflets. The anterior coaptation line. The rough zone represents the
leaflet is of semilunar shape and comprises 40 % of coaptation surface of the valve and is crucial for
the anular circumference. There is continuity valve competency and the depth and length of
between the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve and coaptation is an important marker for the assess-
the left and noncoronary cusp of the aortic valve. ment of mitral valve function.
This area is referred to as the aortic-mitral curtain The mitral valve is an atrioventricular valve and
and is particularly fragile. The free edge of the ante- therefore separates the left atrial chamber from the
rior leaflet is slightly tented towards the cave of the left ventricle. The anulus of the mitral valve repre-
left ventricle by primary chordae and is usually con- sents the junction between the left atrium and the
tinuous without indentations. The lack of redun- left ventricle and also serves as insertion site for the
dant tissue at the edge of the anterior leaflet is of mitral leaflets. The mitral anulus is saddle shaped
importance in patients with anterior leaflet prolapse and changes its structure during the cardiac cycle.
as only little amount of the leaflet can be resected During systole, the commissures move towards the
Chapter 25 · Surgery for Acquired AV-Valve Diseases
803 25
apex of the ventricle while the anular circumfer- The complex structure of the mitral valve and
ence narrows. Both mechanisms support an opti- its connection to the left ventricle is of great impor-
mal coaptation and may be impaired by anular tance for left ventricular function. This fact is now-
dilatation or calcification. Furthermore, the mitral adays addressed by preservation of at least the
anulus is embedded into several important struc- posterior portion of the subvalvular apparatus dur-
tures, such as the coronary portion of the aortic ing mitral valve replacement either with mechani-
valve, the coronary sinus, the atrioventricular node, cal or biological prostheses, and long-­term studies
and the circumflex artery, which need to be taken have shown an improvement of outcome com-
into consideration during mitral valve surgery. pared to complete resection of the subvalvular
Finally, the chordae and the two papillary mus- apparatus (Chen et al. 2003; Yilmaz et al. 2005).
cles need to be mentioned. The chordae are of
importance for the end-systolic position of both
leaflets. They have their origin at the papillary mus- 25.5.2  Mitral Valve Replacement
cles and are classified according to their insertion
sites at the leaflets. Primary chordae (marginal chor- The marked decrease of rheumatic mitral stenosis
dae) are attached to the free margin of the leaflet and in industrial countries, which represented the main
prevent prolapse of the margin during systole. indication for mitral surgery in the 1970s and
Secondary chordae (intermediate chordae) are 1980s, resulted in lower rates of mitral valve replace-
attached to the ventricular surface of the leaflets and ment compared to mitral valve repair. Today, the
relieve excess tension from the leaflet tissue. vast majority of patients undergoing mitral valve
Secondary chordae may also play a role in preserv- surgery suffer from mitral regurgitation due to
ing ventricular shape and function (Rodriguez et al. degenerative or ischemic disease, which is more
2004). Several studies, beginning with Lillehei, have likely reparable than mitral stenosis. Nevertheless,
shown that preservation of the posterior part of the mitral valve replacement is still a standard proce-
subvalvular apparatus improves ventricular func- dure in cardiac surgery and plays an important role
tion following mitral valve replacement (Lillehei in the armamentarium of every cardiac surgeon.
et al. 1964). Techniques of preservation of the sub- Since the first successful prosthetic mitral valve
valvular apparatus are described later in this chapter. replacement by Starr in 1961, many improvements
Tertiary chordae (basal chordae) are only found at were introduced into clinical practice, particularly
the posterior leaflet connecting the base of the leaflet regarding the type of prostheses. The burden of
and the mitral anulus to the papillary muscles. The thromboembolic complications following pros-
kinetics of chordae and papillary muscles with their thetic valve replacement is even more important in
connection to the left ventricle directly interlinks mitral position than after aortic valve replacement.
mitral valve function with ventricular function.
The papillary muscles connect the mitral valve  Choice of Prosthesis
and its chordae to the left ventricle. The two papil- During the recent decades, several prostheses for
lary muscles have their origin in the area between mitral valve replacement were introduced; how-
the middle and apical third of the left ventricular ever, only a few of them were further developed
wall. The anterior papillary muscle usually has one and are now established in clinical practice. The
head, whereas the posterior papillary muscle regu- ideal mitral valve prosthesis unites optimal hemo-
larly has two heads. Each papillary muscle serves as dynamic characteristics like low gradient, with
origin of chordae tendineae to both leaflets. The long-term durability and low thrombogenicity.
blood supply, particularly of the posterior papillary However, as the ideal prosthesis is not developed,
muscle is of great importance. The anterior papillary yet the choice has to be made between durability
muscle is usually supplied by the left anterior (i.e., mechanical prostheses) and low thromboge-
descending and the diagonal or a marginal branch nicity (i.e., biological prostheses). Given the fact
of the circumflex artery. The posterior papillary that patients with mitral valve disease more often
muscle is supplied by the left circumflex or the right suffer from atrial fibrillation per se requiring anti-
coronary artery, depending on the dominance of coagulation therapy, one argument for biological
the left or right coronary system. This single-vessel prosthesis is diminished. It has, however, to be
blood supply of the posterior papillary muscle leads mentioned that patients with atrial fibrillation and
to vulnerability against ischemic injury in case of a biological prosthesis require anticoagulation with
myocardial infarction. a lower target international normalized ratio (INR)
804 P.B. Rahmanian and T.C.W. Wahlers

compared to patients with a mechanical valve in In cases that require complete resection of the
mitral position. Nevertheless, the high rate of native valve, first the anterior leaflet is grasped
structural deterioration of tissue valves requiring and stabilized with a sharp clamp at its free mar-
reoperative valve replacement led to a decrease in gin. Alternatively, we place a 3-0 Prolene suture in
the preference of tissue valves since the 1980s the area of the A2 segment in order to pull the
favoring mechanical prostheses particularly in anterior leaflet towards the left atrium. Starting
25 younger patients. In our practice, we choose a bio- from a stitch incision in the A2 segment approxi-
logical prosthesis in all patients with a life expec- mately 2–4 mm from the anulus, the anterior leaf-
tancy not exceeding 10–15  years and those with let can be detached from the anulus towards both
contraindications for permanent anticoagulation. commissures using scissors or a scalpel. To excise
Mitral replacement in children and young ado- the whole valve, the chordae are then cut at their
lescents remains a problem, and therefore this patient origin at the papillary muscles, and the posterior
population preferentially undergoes mitral repair leaflet is excised in the same fashion.
even if the expected result is not ideal. Homograft However, in our practice, we always try to pre-
replacement, which is a valuable option in aortic serve at least a part or if possible the whole subval-
valve disease, has not been established in mitral valve vular apparatus as several studies have shown
disease due to suboptimal long-term results. improved outcome of patients with retained chor-
Most mechanical mitral valve prostheses used dae tendineae after mitral replacement. Moreover,
in clinical praxis today are bileaflet prostheses and there is evidence that complete chordal-sparing
have replaced the tilting disc prostheses. Modern mitral valve replacement is superior to partial
bileaflet prostheses are made of polycarbon and chordal-sparing procedures (Yun et  al. 2002;
are reliable with a very low rate of mechanical fail- Chowdhury et  al. 2005). We usually resect the
ure. They further have an acceptable low anterior leaflet in the fashion described above pre-
­thrombogenicity but still require permanent anti- serving the posterior leaflet and the chordae to
coagulation. In our opinion, the best choice of a both papillary muscles (. Fig.  25.6). In cases of
mechanical prosthesis in mitral valve position is a severe calcification, the posterior leaflet can be
bileaflet prosthesis with a low profile and a broad decalcified using a rongeur leaving the fibrous
suture ring (Wippermann et  al. 2005). The low parts of the leaflet as well as the chordae intact.
profile is important to avoid impairment of leaflet This is important to avoid destruction of the poste-
motion due to the subvalvular apparatus, which rior portion of the anulus with all its ­consequences
should be preserved in all cases. Generally, we such as injury of the circumflex artery or ventricu-
attempt to implant large prostheses (29 mm). In lar rupture at the atrioventricular junction (Cassel-
cases with a small anulus and a small body surface man et al. 1999; Sasaki and Ihashi 2003).
area, a 27  mm prosthesis is also acceptable. We In cases of severe mitral valve stenosis, small
never noticed complications or problems in terms left ventricles, and particularly narrow anular
of too large prostheses. However, asymmetric or diameter, a radial incision into the remaining leaf-
incomplete opening of bileaflet prostheses might let towards both trigones and to the middle por-
occur due to slow flow across a very large prosthe- tion of the posterior leaflet between both groups
sis orifice particular in patients with atrial fibrilla- of chordae creates enough space for the implanta-
tion potentially increasing the risk of tion of an adequately sized prosthesis.
thromboembolic complications. Reoperative procedures following mitral valve
replacement may become necessary due to deterio-  Excision of the Native Valve ration of biological prostheses, endocarditis,
During the last decades, the question whether to thrombosis, or paravalvular leakage. In cases of
excise or to preserve the subvalvular apparatus has mitral valve re-replacement, we prefer a transseptal
been the subject of a long debate, and there is mean- or the classic interatrial approach to the left atrium,
while clear evidence that preservation of at least a which allows the best exposure even if mobilization
part of the subvalvular apparatus improves outcome. of the heart is limited (Murashita et al. 2004). Small
However, excision of the native mitral valve is deter- noninfective paravalvular leaks can be closed by
mined by the underlying pathology of mitral valve epianular U-sutures passed through the atrial wall,
disease and necessarily needs to be waged between mitral anulus, and sewing ring of the prosthesis.
«how many tissue needs to be resected?» and «which Larger leaks require complete removal of the pros-
parts of the subvalvular apparatus can be preserved?» thesis in order to place the sutures for the new pros-
Chapter 25 · Surgery for Acquired AV-Valve Diseases
805 25

a b

..Fig. 25.6  a, b Excision of the mitral valve preserving the posterior portion of the subvalvular apparatus. Following
stitch incision in the A2 segment, the anterior leaflet is detached from the anulus towards both commissures, leaving
approximately a 2–4 mm rim of leaflet tissue at the anterior anulus. The chordae of the anterior leaflet are cut at the top
of the papillary muscle

thesis safely under direct vision. Particularly if a larly important in patients with thin and fragile
deteriorated prosthesis or valve thrombosis is pres- anular tissue. Alternatively, for example, in patients
ent, the prosthesis is often healed in very firmly and with active endocarditis, autologous or
covered by a fibrous layer. In these cases, we incise glutaraldehyde-­preserved bovine pericardium can
the fibrous layer circularly at the sewing ring close be used. Usually, twelve to maximal 15 such
to the knots and cut all sutures separately. In most U-sutures are placed depending on the valve size,
instances, the prosthesis can then be removed ensuring that no gap remains between neighboring
bluntly from the pannus. In case of severe adhe- sutures. It is also important to avoid stitches cover-
sions, it might be easier to dissect the prosthesis out ing a too large anular distance that may result in
of the sewing ring, take the prosthesis out, and to plication of the anulus bearing the risk of paraval-
remove the remaining outer layer of the sewing ring vular leakage. Additional 4-0-polypropylene
and the sutures hereafter. It is particularly impor- stitches can be placed from the atrial side to the
tant to completely remove all pannus to ensure that sewing ring if there is suspicion of such plication.
the new prosthesis can be sutured to the anulus. The epianular technique provides a good adap-
More problems are created by prosthetic valve tation of the subvalvular apparatus at the base of
endocarditis with involvement of the anulus requir- the prosthesis improving the functional
ing debridement of anular tissue. In this case, the ­ventriculo-anular connection and therefore lead-
remaining anular tissue may not be firm enough to ing to better long-term results. In patients with
sufficiently anchor the new U-sutures requiring preservation of the posterior leaflet, the sutures can
deeper stitches and pericardium-­supported sutures be placed from the anular insertion of the leaflet
bearing a particular risk for compromising struc- through the anulus leading to a horizontal plica-
tures like the circumflex artery and the AV node. tion that tightens the subvalvular apparatus. It is,
The sutures for mitral valve replacement can be however, particularly important to involve only a
placed either from the ventricular side (for epi-/ narrow portion of the leaflet because too much pli-
supraanular prosthesis placement) or from the cation may lead to protrusion of the remaining
atrial side (for intraanular placement) (. Fig. 25.7). leaflet tissue into the orifice of the prosthesis poten-
The epi-/supraanular technique results in lower tially impairing leaflet motion of mechanical pros-
stress for the anular tissue and has become the theses. This plication technique can also be applied
favorite technique. Commonly, 2-0 braided Teflon- in patients with fragile anterior leaflet tissue.
pledgeted U-sutures are passed through the anulus In our practice, we usually do not place the
from the ventricular side towards the left atrium. U-stitches from the atrial side through the anulus,
The utilization of small Teflon pledgets is particu- because this intraanular technique leads to an
806 P.B. Rahmanian and T.C.W. Wahlers

a b c


..Fig. 25.7  a–c Different suture techniques for mitral prosthesis implantation. a Single-stitch technique (left) and
double U-stitch technique (right). b In counterclockwise direction: pledgeted epianular U-suture; intraanular suture
from the atrium; intraanular suture from the ventricle. c Implantation of a mitral prosthesis with a running suture

a b

..Fig. 25.8  a, b Two common orientations of mechanical bileaflet prostheses in mitral position

e­version of the atrial tissue, which may become such as resection of the left atrial tissue are described
problematic in cases with extensive calcification of in the literature (Isomura et al. 1993).
the atrial wall or the anulus itself.
Several techniques for reducing the size of the  Implantation of Mechanical
left atrium are described in the literature. Most tech- Prostheses
niques base on the plication of the posterior portion Generally, the implantation of both biological
of the left atrial wall. An established approach con- or mechanical prostheses follows the suture
sists of placing a 3-0 Prolene mattress suture starting techniques described above. However, some
from the origin of the pulmonary veins towards the special considerations need to be discussed
right-sided margin of the incision in the interarte- regarding the orientation of the recent genera-
rial groove, which leads to eversion of two-times tion of bileaflet mechanical valves. There are
3–15  mm tissue depending on the stitching tech- two ways of implantation: the axis of the leaflets
nique. An additional overcasting suture smoothens can be directed horizontally or vertically to the
the endocardial atrial surface. Other techniques intercommissural line (. Fig.  25.8). The ques-
Chapter 25 · Surgery for Acquired AV-Valve Diseases
807 25
tion which position is best is not definitely During valve implantation, it is sometimes
solved yet; however, there is evidence that an useful to remove the handle of the prosthesis after
antianatomic implantation less likely leads to a tying down the three commissural sutures. This
left ventricular outflow tract obstruction (Laub helps to avoid that one or more struts jam into the
et  al. 1992). Another issue may be the restric- atrial wall or into the subvalvular apparatus while
tion of leaflet motion due to remaining tissue, the prosthesis is tied down.
particularly if the posterior leaflet with the sub-
valvular apparatus is preserved. However, in  Technical Problems of Mitral
our own practice we have never observed such Valve Replacement
dysfunction. The design of some recent pros- Mitral valve replacement bears certain procedural
theses with a particular high anular cylinder risks, particularly during valve excision, anular
reduces the risk of alteration of leaflet function debridement, and implantation of the prosthesis.
from obstructing tissue. It is nevertheless Anular debridement during resection of the
important to ensure unimpaired leaflet motion native valve should not be too aggressive in order
once the valve is tied down and to make sure to leave enough tissue for safely placing the valve
that no redundant tissue protrudes into the sutures and neither damage the aortic valve, nor
valve orifice. On the other hand, with ventricu- the conduction tissue, or the circumflex artery.
lar relaxation during diastole subvalvular struc- Therefore, it is important to leave a margin of
tures are moved laterally away from the 3–5  mm leaflet tissue when excising the native
prosthesis, and valve closure happens when the valve whenever possible. This may, however, not
ventricle is maximally filled, and therefore be possible in cases of severe mitral stenosis with
impairment of prosthesis function is unlikely heavily calcified mitral leaflets and anulus where
(Wipperman et al. 2005). the left ventricular muscle is involved also (Iida
et al. 2005).  Implantation of Biological Aggressive decalcification may not leave enough
Prostheses tissue as solid skewback for the valve sutures
The commercially available biological prostheses (. Fig. 25.10), which results in a rare but particularly
for mitral replacement are made from porcine dangerous situation. Then, sutures for valve implan-
aortic valves or constructed with bovine pericar- tation sometimes need to be placed through the
dium and usually include a sewing ring and a ventricular muscle, particularly in the posterior por-
stent with three struts. During implantation, two tion of the anulus. These sutures in face of an exten-
struts are directed towards both trigones, whereas sively thinned out anulus are prone to rupture or
the third strut is positioned in the middle of the dissection of the posterior atrioventricular junction.
posterior anulus (. Fig.  25.9). This orientation This rupture may take place immediately with ven-
keeps the struts away from the left ventricular tricular contraction resuming after opening cross-
outflow tract and thus avoids obstruction during clamp but may also be delayed for several hours
systole (Chitwood 1998). Particular caution has to after the operative procedure when the sutures cut
be directed towards the U-sutures, which can through the ventricular muscle. Other causes for
potentially get entangled with the struts leading to ventricular rupture can be extensive tension on the
impaired function of the cusps of the prosthesis or anulus during valve excision, particularly during
even prosthesis destruction. Particularly bovine reoperation, and also inadequate pressure while
pericardial valves with their narrow struts are pushing the prosthesis in place.
prone to this complication, which can be seen eas-
ily and becomes evident during echocardiography
control after weaning from bypass. Therefore, The most dangerous complication of mitral
most manufacturers deliver their prostheses with valve replacement is rupture of the posterior
a temporary holding suture that connects the atrioventricular junction or the posterior left
three struts and avoids this entanglement. This ventricular wall. This commonly is caused by
securing suture is removed eventually after the too aggressive decalcification of the anular tis-
valve is tied down. In our practice, we routinely sue and/or luxation of the heart after prosthe-
ensure unimpaired leaflet motion and regular sis implantation.
coaptation using a small dentist mirror.
808 P.B. Rahmanian and T.C.W. Wahlers

a b


c d

..Fig. 25.9  a–d Orientation of biological prostheses. a Two of the three struts are directed towards the trigones (right
and left white point); the third strut is placed at the middle of the posterior anulus (middle posterior white point). This
orientation allows sufficient opening of the left ventricular outflow tract during systole. b Particular caution is required
when tying the U-sutures to avoid entangling the struts. c Entangling a strut results in distortion of the neighboring
leaflets which may be only discrete in bovine pericardial prostheses (above) and more obvious in porcine valves (below).
d A dentists mirror is a helpful tool to visualize correct implantation of the prosthesis after implantation

The only chance to treat atrioventricular dis- ately to unload the left ventricle. Attempts to con-
ruption is to stabilize the atrioventricular junction trol the disruption from outside should be avoided,
with pledgeted (Teflon or pericardium) sutures because this inevitably involves luxation of the
placed from inside the ventricle after temporary heart potentially worsening the life-­threatening
removal of the prosthesis. It is further important situation, which is per se associated with a mortal-
to reestablish extracorporeal circulation immedi- ity of 30–50 % (David 1987). However, in some
Chapter 25 · Surgery for Acquired AV-Valve Diseases
809 25

..Fig. 25.10  In case of extensive resection of tissue and/or decalcification in the area of the posterior anulus,
dissection of the AV sulcus may result (the arrows mark the channel of disruption). In these cases, reconstruction of
the AV continuity can be achieved with pledgeted sutures

cases of ­ atrioventricular ­
disruption, successful complication is serious and potentially life-­
pasting of a pericardial patch onto the ruptured threatening. Particularly biological prosthesis
area has been described. Preservation of the pos- with their higher profile and the three struts of
terior leaflet minimizes the risk of atrioventricular which one is located in the middle of the posterior
disruption (Deniz et al. 2008). anulus are associated with this complication,
Resection of papillary muscle under tension is whereas it is rarely seen in patients receiving
also dangerous and bears the risk of ventricular modern low-profile mechanical prostheses.
rupture if the resection line is placed too deep at Generally, displacement of the heart should be
the base of the papillary muscle. avoided during mitral valve replacement once the
Another rare but typical complication of prosthesis is in place.
mitral valve replacement is rupture of the poste-
rior ventricular wall caused by the prosthesis
itself. This complication is seen in patients with 25.5.3  Valve Sparing Procedures
small ventricles and in cases where the prosthesis
reaches deep into the ventricular cavity. If the The decreasing incidence of mitral stenosis due to
heart is displaced for de-airing purposes, the rheumatic disease and the increasing proportion
prosthesis may cause perforation of the ventricu- of patients presenting with mitral regurgitation
lar wall. Likewise atrioventricular disruption, this due to degenerative or ischemic etiologies led to a
810 P.B. Rahmanian and T.C.W. Wahlers

renaissance of valve-sparing procedures. Several Open commissurotomy works best in cases

concepts and techniques have been described to with commissural fusion, while the leaflets – par-
facilitate mitral valve repair. In this section, we ticularly the anterior leaflet – are still mobile and
will focus on techniques with broad application allow competent systolic closure. In this case,
such as quadrangular resection with sliding even thickening of the leaflet margins does not
plasty, chordal plasty, chordal shortening, and of affect success of reconstruction. However, com-
25 course the implantation of anuloplasty devices. missurotomy is not a good option in patients with
Minimal-­ invasive techniques and alternative combined mitral disease with additional mitral
approaches are described in 7 Chapter «Minimally regurgitation due to shrinking of the leaflets.
Invasive Cardiac Surgery», Sect. 26.3.5. The technique of open commissurotomy
includes identification of the fusion line between  Open Commissurotomy the leaflets in the commissural area and the assign-
Open mitral valve commissurotomy was the most ment of the corresponding chordae to the anterior
common reconstructive mitral valve procedure in and posterior leaflet. This can be achieved by a
the past and often effectively treated mitral stenosis. small incision into to the commissural line
With the development of interventional percutane- approximately 5  mm from the anulus and
ous techniques, first of all catheter-based balloon ­placement of a small right-angled clamp directing
valvuloplasty, open commissurotomy nowadays the tip of the clamp towards the mitral orifice
does not play an important role in the surgical dividing the chordae from the anterior and
armamentarium any more in acquired lesions. ­posterior leaflet, respectively (. Fig. 25.11). If the

a b

..Fig. 25.11  a–c Technique of open mitral valve commissurotomy. a After exposure of the line of fusion a stitch
incision is placed approximately 5 mm from the anulus within this line. b An angled clamp is then placed into the
incision and opened towards the valve orifice. The commissure is then dissected sharply. c Finally, the commissurotomy
is extended towards the central fibrous body
Chapter 25 · Surgery for Acquired AV-Valve Diseases
811 25
chordae are also conjoint, then sharp longitudi- Every exploration of a diseased mitral valve
nally separation is necessary. It should be avoided should start with functional analysis. Saline is
to extend the commissurotomy all the way to the instilled into the left ventricle. The saline leakage
anulus because the lack of tissue in this area will through the valve helps in identifying the area
result in inadequate coaptation and thus mitral and pathology of regurgitation. After saline test-
regurgitation. Some amount of superficial calcium ing, careful exploration of the valve using valve
may be carefully removed with a rongeur while hooks is performed. Following Carpentier’s ana-
keeping the continuity of the leaflet intact. In cases tomical classification, the height of coaptation of
of heavily calcified leaflets, commissurotomy may the corresponding segments of the anterior (A1,
not fix the problem, and valve replacement should A2, A3) and posterior (P1, P2, P3) leaflets is ana-
be considered instead. Mitral replacement has also lyzed (. Fig. 25.12).
to be considered if a significant regurgitation is Carpentier’s systematic classification of mitral
noticed following commissurotomy. valve regurgitation is generally based on leaflet
motion (. Fig. 25.13):  Mitral Valve Reconstruction 55 Type I, normal leaflet motion. This type of mitral
(Leaflet and Anulus) regurgitation is commonly caused by anular dil-
Mitral valve reconstruction requires a deep atation resulting in a loss of coaptation area
understanding of underlying pathology and while the leaflets retain their normal mobility.
involves all parts of the mitral apparatus. In this case, the left ventricle is usually dilated.
Carpentier’s pathophysiologic triad describes the Leaflet perforation is also referred to as type I
relationship between the cause of the disease (eti- mitral regurgitation. Isolated type I regurgita-
ology), the result of the disease (lesion), and the tion is found in about 10 % of cases.
functional impairment resulting from the lesion 55 Type II, extended leaflet motion. Extended leaf-
(leaflet dysfunction) (Carpentier 1983). Following let motion is commonly found in patients with
Carpentier’s principles, the vast ­majority of mitral degenerative mitral valve disease (Barlow’s dis-
pathologies –except heavily calcified lesions or ease, fibroelastic deficiency). Barlow’s disease is
extensively destroyed endocarditic valves  – are typically associated with excess leaflet tissue,
potentially suitable for a reparative approach. chordal elongation, and anular dilatation lead-
However, it should be kept in mind that mitral ing to complex mitral regurgitation. Chordal
replacement with modern prostheses results in rupture and papillary muscle rupture are also
acceptable long-term outcome, and therefore a referred to as type II lesions. With 60 % of cases,
critical assessment of long-term durability in type II is the most common lesion in patients
patient with complex pathologies is required. with mitral regurgitation.
Following establishment of cardiopulmonary 55 Type III, restricted leaflet motion. Restricted leaf-
bypass and exposure of the mitral valve, the deci- let motion during systole and diastole (type IIIa)
sion whether to repair or to replace the mitral is caused by leaflet thickening and retraction,
valve has to be made by the surgeon. This judg- chordal thickening and shortening, and com-
ment depends on three important factors: missural fusion frequently observed in patients
55 Experience of the surgeon in the application with rheumatic disease. The mechanism of type
of different reconstructive techniques IIIb dysfunction is restricted leaflet motion dur-
55 Type and extension of mitral valve pathology ing systole due to left ventricular enlargement
Patient-related factors such as age, comorbidities, and papillary muscle displacement as seen in
previous cardiac operations, contraindication patients with congestive heart failure and in
against anticoagulation, and others ischemic mitral regurgitation.
To date, repair rates up to 90 % depending on
pathology are feasible, particularly in tertiary cen- The most common cause of mitral regurgita-
ters with high caseload. tion in industrialized countries is degenerative
Feasibility of repair is first of all determined by disease with leaflet dysfunction type II (excess
the valve pathology and its extension. Most con- motion of the margin of the leaflet in relation to
venient are mitral valve pathologies with pre- the anular plane) due to chordae elongation or
served leaflet mobility and enough leaflet tissue to rupture. Anular dilatation (type I) is almost
allow remodeling a competent valve. always an associated finding.
812 P.B. Rahmanian and T.C.W. Wahlers

a b






..Fig. 25.12  a, b Principle of mitral valve reconstruction for mitral regurgitation. One goal of reconstruction is the
restoration of a broad coaptation surface b. A small coaptation line a results in high tension on the chordae potentially
leading to chordal rupture and leaflet prolapse

In clinical practice, there is a broad spectrum patients with longstanding prolapse, secondary
of degenerative disease ranging from fibroelastic changes may occur in the prolapsing segment,
deficiency (FED) to Barlow’s disease. The most resulting in myxomatous leaflet thickening and
complex form, Barlow’s disease, is characterized expansion (FED+). Forme fruste defines an
by excess leaflet tissue with large billowing, thick- ­intermediate form of degenerative disease with
ened leaflets, and anular dilatation. Chordal elon- excess tissue with myxomatous changes in usually
gation is the most common cause of prolapse, and more than one leaflet segment, but usually does
multiple leaflet segments are usually involved. It not involve the whole valve, differentiating it from
generally occurs in younger patients (aged Barlow’s disease (Adams et al. 2010). The underly-
<60  years), who have a long history of a heart ing pathology defines the technical approach in
murmur. In contrast, fibroelastic deficiency is a reconstructive mitral valve surgery for degenera-
degenerative disease of older individuals (usually tive mitral regurgitation.
>60 years of age), with a shorter history of valve Mitral valve reconstruction follows three gen-
regurgitation. Rupture, often of a single chord, is eral principles: preservation of leaflet motion, res-
the most common cause of leaflet dysfunction in toration of a large surface of leaflet coaptation,
fibroelastic deficiency, and in most cases the only and remodeling of the anulus of the mitral valve
abnormal leaflet tissue is found in the prolapsing (Carpentier et al. 1971). A large area of coaptation
segment. The other leaflet segments are often thin in early systole minimizes leaflet shear stress and
and translucent and of normal height. The poste- the smaller the coaptation area, the higher the
rior anulus may be dilated, but the size of the tension on the primary cords increasing the risk
anterior leaflet and valve is most often normal. In of chordal elongation or rupture (see . Fig. 25.12).
Chapter 25 · Surgery for Acquired AV-Valve Diseases
813 25

a b c

Type 1 Type 2 Type 3

..Fig. 25.13  a–c Carpentier’s classification of mitral valve regurgitation. a Type I dysfunction (normal leaflet motion)
results from anular dilatation, leaflet perforation, or a combination of both. Leaflet perforations may be congenital (as
part of a broad spectrum of anterior leaflet clefts with or without concomitant defects of the atrioventricular channel) or
achieved following mitral valve endocarditis. b Type II dysfunction (excessive leaflet motion) is caused by elongation or
rupture of the chordae tendineae or the papillary muscles. Papillary muscles pathology can be degenerative or ischemic.
Type II dysfunction commonly affects the posterior leaflet but may also be found in the anterior leaflet or both leaflets.
From the surgical view, degenerative type II lesions of the posterior leaflet can be repaired easily and with good long-
term durability. c Type III dysfunction (restricted leaflet motion) affects the posterior as well as the anterior leaflet and is
commonly associated with rheumatic heart disease. Due to the underlying pathology, rheumatic type III dysfunction is
less likely to be repaired as compared to type II dysfunction. In patients with concomitant mitral valve stenosis,
percutaneous valvulotomy has become a valuable approach. Open valvulotomy still plays a role; however, in most
instances mitral valve replacement with preservation of the subvalvular apparatus provides good long-term results.
Type III dysfunction may also be caused by ventricular dilatation in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy or by papillary
muscle displacement in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy

Enlargement of the coaptation area can usually be identified during initial valve analysis in most
achieved by narrowing the mitral anulus using cases, as the free prolapsing margin including
anuloplasty devices. Due to the relationship of the the ruptured chord is flushed back into the left
anterior portion of the anulus to the fibrous atrium (Carpentier 1983). In Barlow’s disease,
trigones of the heart, significant narrowing of the not only the prolapsing segment is affected. In
anulus can only be achieved at the posterior por- these patients, excess tissue is also seen in the
tion. The normal ratio between the septolateral neighboring valve segments and needs to be
and transverse diameter of the mitral anulus is addressed to achieve successful repair. Our
approximately 3:4 during systole. A remodeling ­preferred approach for prolapsing posterior leaf-
ring anuloplasty and basically also all historic let segments is a quadrangular resection with
remodeling techniques, as described by Paneth, sliding plasty (. Fig.  25.14). This technique
Whooler, and others, attempt to restore this ratio. together with mitral valve anuloplasty repre-
An anuloplasty ring prevents further anular dila- sents the most common reparative measure and
tation, preserves leaflet mobility, and relieves ten- has proven long-term durability. First, it is
sion to the leaflets (stabilizing the repair) by important to assess the extension of prolapsing
optimizing the coaptation area. segment (most likely involving the P2 segment)
in order to define the amount of tissue that
kQuadrangular resection of the posterior needs to be resected. We then identify the pri-
leaflet and sliding plasty mary chordae of the prolapsing segment and
Posterior leaflet prolapse due to fibroelastic defi- mark them with a 5-0 Prolene suture. Depending
ciency is usually caused by rupture of a single on valve size, the length of the segment to be
chord and therefore often affects an isolated resected is 1–3  cm. Following the definition of
portion of the leaflet. The ruptured chord is the resection borders, it is recommended to
814 P.B. Rahmanian and T.C.W. Wahlers

­ reserve a primary chord of this segment for

p sions from the margin of the leaflet towards the
potential correction of the corresponding anulus with the marking sutures as orientation.
­segment of the anterior leaflet by chordal trans- The base of the quadrangular resection is also
fer. Prior to resection of the P2 segment, it is fur- cut with a knife carefully respecting the anulus.
ther recommended to place 2 marking sutures It is recommended to leave an edge of 1–2 mm
around the chordae of the P1 and P3 segments, to preserve the integrity of the anulus (Gillinov
25 which need to be preserved. The quadrangular and Cosgrove 2001). In many instances, it is
resection is then carried out by two vertical inci- useful to close the vertical gap between P1 and

Left fibrous trigone

Left atrial aspect of

aorto-mitral septum Ruptured chord

Incision for
Posterior leaflet
Direction of sliding plasty

b c

Compression suture

Compression suture

..Fig. 25.14  a–c Mitral valve reconstruction for degenerative mitral regurgitation due to chordal rupture in the P2
segment. a After careful functional and anatomic valve analysis, a quadrangular resection of the prolapsing segment of
the posterior leaflet is performed. The excision lines are directed vertically to the anulus avoiding convex or concave
orientation. For an additional sliding plasty, the incision can be extended parallel to the anulus towards the P1 and P3
segment. b Following the quadrangular resection, valve reconstruction is performed in two steps. The anulus is
narrowed at the base of the resected segment by compression sutures placed in figures of 8 or as mattress sutures with
or without pledgets at the atrial as well as the ventricular aspect of the anulus. c The remaining parts of the posterior
leaflet are then readapted by a sliding plasty at the base. The remaining cleft between the P1 and P3 segment is then
closed by single figure-of-eight sutures or by a running suture
Chapter 25 · Surgery for Acquired AV-Valve Diseases
815 25
P3 segments at the top with single Prolene 5-0 a triangular resection of the prolapsed part fol-
stitches. In cases of excess tissue as seen in lowed by direct closure with interrupted sutures
Barlow’s disease, following quadrangular resec- (. Fig. 25.15d, e). The triangular resection should
tion of the prolapsing segment, a sliding leaflet be limited to the rough zone to avoid compro-
plasty is performed to shorten the height of mising the body of the leaflet (Adams et  al.
remaining leaflet segments. The residual P1 and 2006).
P3 segments are detached from the anulus
approximately one third in the direction to the kAnuloplasty
corresponding commissures. The next steps After addressing the prolapsing segments of the
attempt to gather the posterior portion of the anterior and/or posterior leaflet, an anuloplasty
anulus as much as possible. To achieve this, up should be performed. The use of anuloplasty
to three compression stitches are placed tangen- devices in the setting of mitral valve repair
tially through the posterior segment of the anu- has  several reasons. Most important are the
lus. Finally, a «sliding plasty» of the residual P1 ­restoration of a normal anular shape and dimen-
and P3 segments is performed and the gap sion. The normal ratio between the septolateral
between the residual leaflets is closed with and transverse diameter of the mitral anulus is
sutures. approximately 3:4 during systole. This ratio
The reconstruction of the posterior leaflet inverts in patients with chronic mitral regurgita-
should be already sufficient before the additional tion leading to a loss of leaflet coaptation area,
anuloplasty is performed. To test the result, saline even in nonprolapsing segments. A remodeling
is instilled into the left ventricle as described ring anuloplasty restores the physiologic ratio of
before. In case of residual regurgitation, addi- the normal anulus during systole, restoring not
tional adaptation stitches may be placed into the only the size but also the shape of the anulus. An
A1-P1 or A3-P3 to improve leaflet coaptation. anuloplasty ring prevents further anular dilata-
The anuloplasty, which completes mitral valve tion, preserves leaflet mobility, and relieves ten-
reconstruction, stabilizes the repair but does sion on the leaflets by optimizing the coaptation
usually not improve the leaflet reconstruction zone. There are several different anuloplasty
(Lim et al. 2002). devices available including flexible or semirigid
In some patients, particularly in the case of rings and bands. In our practice, we preferably
Barlow’s disease, excessive posterior leaflet tissue use semirigid closed anuloplasty rings in addition
is present, and it is necessary to reduce the height to every mitral valve repair in order to normalize
of the posterior leaflet sufficiently to avoid post- the mitral geometry and furthermore to stabilize
operative systolic anterior motion with resultant the reconstruction by relieving tension from the
left ventricular outflow tract obstruction and sutured leaflets.
mitral regurgitation. Systolic anterior leaflet First, appropriate ring sizing is performed fol-
motion can also be a result of too small anulo- lowing Carpentier’s principles. The measurement
plasty ring sizes. Postrepair echocardiography is is based on the intercommissural distance and
an important tool to detect this complication. also the surface area of the anterior leaflet. The
height of the anterior leaflet is defined by pulling
kTriangular resection of the anterior leaflet it downwards to the posterior leaflet and in com-
As mentioned before, in contrast to the posterior parison with the sizer’s surface (. Fig. 25.15a). The
leaflet, aggressive resection of the anterior leaflet intercommissural distance is measured by the dis-
is not possible due to anatomic limitations. tance between the two corner points of each indi-
Resection of large portions of the anterior leaflet vidual sizer.
(>10 %) distorts leaflet geometry and reduces the The anuloplasty is then performed by first
coaptation area. Furthermore, extensive resec- placing horizontal mattress stitches circumfer-
tion of the anterior leaflet compromises leaflet entially through the anulus (. Fig.  25.15b). In
mobility and increases the risk of repair failure opposite to mitral valve replacement, we do not
(Filsoufi and Carpentier 2007). Therefore, repair use Teflon-pledgeted sutures for mitral anulo-
strategies for anterior leaflet prolapse are plasty. In case of leaflet reconstruction, it is
designed to correct prolapse without resection important to place the sutures outside the area
of significant areas of leaflet tissue. A limited of reconstruction. Particular attention needs to
prolapse of the anterior leaflet can be treated by be addressed to the conduction system and the
816 P.B. Rahmanian and T.C.W. Wahlers

a b

Valve sizer

leaflet Repaired

Small hook Sliding plasty

c Triangular resection of anterior mitral leaflet


Chapter 25 · Surgery for Acquired AV-Valve Diseases
817 25
course of the circumflex artery. The anular chord belongs to. A continuous horizontal mat-
sutures are then equally spaced in the area tress suture is placed vertically to the anulus pli-
between the two commissures and the corre- cating the prolapsing segment and shortening the
sponding segment of the prosthetic ring. In the anular circumference by the length of the prolaps-
remaining portion of the anulus, the spacing is ing segment. Consequently, the suture line needs
set to conform the anulus to the shape and size to be extended into the atrial wall. An alternative
of the prosthetic ring. When the ring sutures approach would be the resection of the prolapsing
are tied, the ring reshapes the anulus to a nor- segment in a quadrangular or triangular shape
mal systolic geometry (. Fig. 25.15c). and direct readaptation of the remaining seg-
ments with intact chords. Chordal ruptures of the  Mitral Valve Reconstruction anterior leaflet chords, particularly of strut chords
(Chordae) (principle chords), represent a special challenge
Mitral regurgitation may be caused by isolated and were deemed not repairable with satisfying
chordal pathologies, but more often chordal long-term results and therefore led to valve
pathologies are accompanying lesions in patients replacement. However, a feasible approach in our
with degenerative mitral disease. In this section, practice is the utilization of the chordal transfer
reconstruction techniques for mitral regurgita- technique. A small segment of the corresponding
tion due to chordal pathologies are described. posterior leaflet segment with its marginal chord
in place is ­dissected and sutured to the ventricular
kPlication or resection of the posterior surface of the anterior leaflet close to the insertion
leaflet with or without chordal transfer of the ruptured chord. The resulting defect in the
Chordal rupture is most commonly located at the ­posterior leaflet is closed by leaflet plication. The
posterior leaflet, particularly at the P2 segment, midterm results of this technique are promising;
probably because the chordae of the P2 segment however, long-term data is required to determine
are prone to the highest tension in patients with the durability of this approach (Anyanwu and
loss of coaptation area. Chordal rupture is a typi- Adams 2007).
cal complication of Barlow’s syndrome which is
characterized by excess leaflet tissue, chordal kChordal plasty
elongation, and anular enlargement. Chordal Chordal plasty presents an alternative approach
pathologies are also seen in patients with Marfan’s for the treatment of leaflet prolapse instead of
syndrome. leaflet resection (. Fig. 25.16). In our practice, we
An isolated rupture of a posterior leaflet chord utilize 4-0 or 5-0 polytetrafluoroethylene sutures
can be treated by leaflet plication. Alternatively, (PTFE) as neo-chordae. The required length of
particularly in the setting of anterior leaflet pro- the neo-chordae is determined by lowering the
lapse due to chordal rupture, a triangular resec- free margin of the anterior leaflet to the anulus
tion of the prolapsing segment can be performed. and measuring the distance between the margin
The triangular resection technique equals the of the leaflet from this position and the head of
quadrangular resection without sliding plasty as the papillary muscle. This distance is usually
described above. Herein, the leaflet plication will 1.5–2 cm. Determining the correct length is par-
be described in detail. ticularly important – a too short neo-chord results
The leaflet plication technique involves invag- in restricted leaflet motion where as a too long
ination of the portion of the leaflet the ruptured neo-chord does not effectively reduces the leaflet

..Fig. 25.15  a–e Mitral valve anuloplasty. a Different anuloplasty rings are utilized for mitral valve reconstruction.
Sizing is performed by measuring the height of the anterior leaflet and the intercommissural distance. This can be
achieved by grasping the anterior leaflet with a hook. b Horizontal mattress sutures are placed circumferentially
through the anulus and the corresponding segments of the prosthetic ring. c When the sutures are tied down, the
anuloplasty ring reshapes the mitral anulus to a normal geometry. Usually, 10–12 sutures are required to sufficiently
secure the ring. d, e In patients with anterior leaflet prolapse due to chordal rupture, a triangular resection of the
prolapsing segment (here shown for segment A2) can be performed followed by direct closure of the defect with single
sutures. e Note the triangular resection is not extended to the base of the anterior leaflet. A stabilizing ring anuloplasty
should be added in any instance
818 P.B. Rahmanian and T.C.W. Wahlers

a b Prolapsing anterior leaflet


Ruptured chord of medial part

of anterior leaflet

c d

5-0 PTFE suture

Papillary muscle
Chapter 25 · Surgery for Acquired AV-Valve Diseases
819 25
prolapse (Sarsam 2002). The neo-chord is attached with anuloplasty which creates a good area of
to the corresponding papillary muscle using coaptation and therefore limits the tension on the
pledgeted sutures stitched through the fibrous
­ elongated chords. The valve is, moreover, mold-
portion of the muscle. Meanwhile, there are also ered towards a funnel shape which prevents pro-
commercial sutures with integrated Teflon pled- lapsing of the leaflet segment with elongated
gets available. At the leaflet margin, the suture chords (Smedira et al. 1996).
should be stitched twice to avoid tearing the often
fragile and thin leaflet tissue (Risteski et al. 2007).  Patch Reconstruction
To ensure the correct length before definitely The most common cause of leaflet perforation
tying the neo-chord, a clip can be used to fixate leading to type I regurgitation is mitral valve
the neo-­chord at the estimated length. If saline endocarditis. Surgical treatment with the inten-
testing shows a sufficient result, the neo-chord tion to restore the native valve requires removal of
can be tied down to its final length. all infective material while preserving intact leaf-
let margins. The resulting defect can be closed uti-
kChordal shortening lizing a patch of autologous pericardium or
If leaflet prolapse is caused by chordal elongation, glutaraldehyde-treated bovine pericardium with a
shortening of the affected chord can be a valuable 5-0 running polypropylene suture. It is important
option. Following Carpentier, the relative amount to size the patch approximately 20 % larger than
of chordal elongation is estimated by pulling the the defect to avoid tension on the leaflet due to the
free margins of the leaflets with two valve hooks. suture line (Sternik et al. 2002; Zegdi et al. 2005).
The body of the papillary muscle originating the
elongated chordae is then spliced longitudinally.  Alfieri-Technique
The portion with the insertion of the elongated The simplest maneuver for mitral valve repair of
chordae is then slid downwards and reattached to type I insufficiency with central regurgitation is the
the remaining muscle (. Fig. 25.17). Alternatively, so-called Alfieri stitch (edge-to-edge repair)
the elongated chord can be folded downwards and (. Fig.  25.19). After exploration of the valve, the
tied to the base of the papillary muscle (. Fig. central margin of the A2 segment is identified and
25.18). Both techniques result in a shortening of pulled towards the surgeon. Accordingly, the cen-
the elongated chord thus improving valve geom- tral margin of the P2 segment is grasped, and both
etry. However, in our opinion, this technique may segments are tied together with a pledgeted (Teflon
harm the papillary muscle, and therefore we pre- or pericardium) 4-0 polypropylene mattress suture
fer the utilization of artificial chordae. Another 3–5 mm from the free margin (Maisano et al. 1998).
alternative is described by Kay (1992), who also The long-term results of this technique are
folds the elongated chord but fixates the resulting controversial. Alfieri himself recommends always
loop at the fibrous head of the papillary muscle adding an anuloplasty device. With the advent of
and not at the body. minimal-invasive and catheter-based procedures,
Regardless of these techniques described, it the edge-to-edge repair has become more popu-
needs to be taken into consideration that limited lar. These techniques are described in detail in
leaflet prolapse due to chordal elongation might 7 Chapter «Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery», Sect.
be resolved by correcting the posterior anulus; Sect.

..Fig. 25.16  a–e Artificial chordoplasty. a, b The use of 5-0 Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) sutures as artificial chords
has replaced common techniques for chordal shortening and «flip-over» techniques in most instances of mitral valve
reconstruction. The figures show an anterior leaflet prolapse with ruptured chordae. The remnants of the ruptured
chordae are excised. In addition, secondary chordae may be released. c, d Double-armed 5-0 PTFE sutures are passed
through the papillary muscle in a figure-of-eight manner approximately 1 cm from the tip. Both ends of the suture are
then passed through the margin of the prolapsing leaflet segment. e A temporary holding suture is passed through the
prolapsing leaflet and the corresponding nonprolapsing segment of the opposite leaflet. Pulling the holding suture
allows determination of the correct height of the artificial chordae before tying the PTFE chord
820 P.B. Rahmanian and T.C.W. Wahlers

a b


c d

..Fig. 25.17  a–d Carpentier’s technique of chordal shortening for elongated chords. The corresponding papillary
muscle can be incised longitudinally a, moved downwards by the length of elongation and reattached with pledget-
armed sutures thus tightening the elongated chords b. An alternative technique consists of gathering the elongated
chord and attaching it to the incised papillary muscle c. d The incision of papillary muscle is finally closed covering the
gathered chord. An additional anuloplasty is strongly recommended to stabilize the repair

25.5.4  Ischemic Mitral Valve compared to degenerative mitral regurgitation

Regurgitation (Filsoufi et  al. 2006). Most commonly, ischemic
mitral regurgitation is caused by remodeling pro-
Ischemic mitral regurgitation represents a serious cesses of the left ventricle following myocardial
complication in patients with coronary artery dis- infarction and develops chronically over time,
ease, and surgical treatment of this entity is associ- whereas in some cases ischemic mitral regurgita-
ated with a significantly higher perioperative risk as tion results from acute myocardial ischemia leading
Chapter 25 · Surgery for Acquired AV-Valve Diseases
821 25
..Fig. 25.18  a, b
Chordal fixation plasty for a b
elongated chords. The
chord is gathered to the
optimal length and
attached to the fibrous
part of the papillary

Prolapsing anterior leaflet

a b

Edge to edge repair

..Fig. 25.19  a, b «Edge-to-edge» repair for ischemic mitral regurgitation. a Pericardial sutures or pledget-armed
horizontal mattress sutures are passed through the margins of the anterior and posterior leaflet and tied creating a
double orifice. This fixation results in a better coaptation during systole thus reducing mitral regurgitation. b «Edge-to-
edge» repair of an anterior leaflet prolapse in the area of A3 segment

to papillary muscle rupture. In the latter patient tured papillary muscle with sutures. In cases of pap-
group, acute mitral regurgitation and accompany- illary muscle elongation due to fibrotic degeneration
ing pulmonary edema often require emergency and elongation of papillary muscles following myo-
surgery. cardial infarction, Teflon-pledgeted PTFE sutures
Surgical outcome of patients with acute ischemic are stitched through the base of the papillary muscle
mitral regurgitation often is inferior; however, on one side and through the head of the papillary
immediate and consequent surgery remains the only muscle on the other side in a U-fashion. This leads to
option. In this setting, mitral valve replacement is a shortening of the elongated papillary muscle and
usually preferred over reconstructive measures. avoids cutting through the muscle (Fasol et al. 2000).
However, some authors suggest refixating the rup- If this reconstructive approach does not significantly
822 P.B. Rahmanian and T.C.W. Wahlers

reduce mitral regurgitation, mitral valve replace- recurrence or residual mitral regurgitation has
ment has to be performed in the same session. In been observed, and the choice of the right device is
this patient population in ­particular, it is important still under debate. The trend goes to completely
to preserve as much of the subvalvular apparatus as closed semirigid rings and some authors advocate
possible to avoid f­urther re(de-)modeling of the disease-specific rings that help in addressing the
already altered ventricle (Jouan et al. 2004). asymmetric tenting and leaflet restriction seen in
25 Chronic ischemic mitral regurgitation in ischemic mitral regurgitation (Daimon et  al.
patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy following 2006). The inabilities to overcorrect the septolat-
myocardial infarction requires a more differenti- eral dimension and to address anterior or asym-
ated approach. In most instances, chronic isch- metric anular dilatation are some major concerns
emic mitral regurgitation develops following current percutaneous approaches to correct isch-
occlusion of a dominant right coronary artery or emic mitral regurgitation are faced with (Anyanwu
a concomitant occlusion of branches of the right et al. 2006).
and circumflex artery. This leads to several
pathoanatomic and pathophysiologic changes
affecting the components of mitral valve function. 25.5.5  Mitral Valve Endocarditis
The left ventricle loses its elliptical shape and
becomes more spherical which leads to displace- Infective endocarditis commonly includes the aor-
ment of the papillary muscles, especially the pos- tic valve while involvement of the mitral valve is
teromedial papillary muscle. This papillary seen less frequently. In many instances, mitral valve
muscle displacement leads to a tethering of the endocarditis occurs secondary to aortic valve
mitral leaflets significantly reducing the coapta- endocarditis. Destruction of the infected aortic
tion area resulting in type III b mitral regurgita- valve leads to aortic regurgitation and prolapse of
tion (Filsoufi et  al. 2006). This restricted leaflet the aortic cusps into the left ventricular outflow
motion is mainly seen after posterior infarction tract during diastole and can produce «jet lesions»
and affects the posteromedial scallop of the poste- of the mitral valve. These lesions are typically
rior leaflet (P3 segment) adjacent to the posterior located in the central portion of the anterior leaflet
commissure area. and range between minimal vegetation and
Surgical treatment of chronic ischemic mitral extended leaflet perforation (Piper et  al. 2002).
regurgitation usually includes coronary artery Primary mitral valve endocarditis is a rare entity
revascularization, as most patients present with and usually leads to chordal rupture and/or large
multivessel disease. However, coronary revascular- vegetations. Mitral anular abscess formation is rare
ization alone, either surgically or interventionally, and presents a challenge for surgical treatment.
does not correct ischemic mitral regurgitation in The surgical principle of repairing the valve is
most patients. Furthermore, several studies have to  completely remove all infected tissue (Alexiou
shown a survival benefit of patients with ischemic et  al. 2000; Mylonakis and Calderwood 2001)
cardiomyopathy and sufficient mitral valve func- (. Fig. 25.20). This often leads to resection of large
tion compared to those with untreated mitral parts of the mitral valve requiring mitral valve
regurgitation. Therefore, if more than mild mitral replacement. The technique of replacement follows
valve regurgitation is present, bypass surgery the same principles as described above. We usually
should be accompanied by mitral valve recon- preserve the subvalvular apparatus – if not infected –
struction. Mitral valve anuloplasty is the appropri- and implant the prosthetic valve in an epianular
ate surgical procedure in most cases of ischemic position with Teflon-pledgeted U-sutures.
mitral regurgitation. The goal is to restore a large In some patients, resection of infected tissue is
coaptation area and to remodel the anulus while limited to smaller portions of the valve and allows
preserving leaflet mobility (Carpentier 1983). This native valve reconstruction. We particularly try to
can be achieved by downsizing the anulus using an achieve preservation of the native valve in chil-
undersized anuloplasty ring. This downsizing cor- dren, adolescents, and young adults to avoid neg-
rects the septolateral displacement and thus ative side effects of prosthetic valve replacement
reduces restricted leaflet motion and restores leaf- even if mitral valve reconstruction results in mild
let coaptation. For this approach, several devices to moderate mitral regurgitation. Reconstruction
(rings and bands) have been utilized. However, techniques depend on the localization of the
Chapter 25 · Surgery for Acquired AV-Valve Diseases
823 25
..Fig. 25.20  a–d Mitral valve reconstruction for
infective endocarditis. In cases of local destruction a of
the mitral valve, complete resection of the infected tissue
may be possible while preserving enough tissue for
sufficient reconstruction. In the case shown here, parts of
the anterior and posterior leaflet in the area of the
anterior commissure had to be resected b. The defect was
closed by reattaching the remaining anterior and
posterior leaflets at the commissure c resulting in a
competent and nonstenotic mitral valve d

b c

resulting defect. Smaller defects can be closed by to a very fragile tissue in this area often not allow-
direct sutures, whereas larger defects require ing a firm fixation of the prosthesis leading to para-
readaptation similar to a commissuroplasty. This valvular leakage or complete tear out of the
is only possible as long as the remaining valve ori- prosthesis. Some authors have therefore suggested
fice – measured with a sizer intraoperatively – is placing the prosthesis not in an anular position but
large enough. Even very large defects of the ante- above the anulus directly in the atrial wall (Dreyfus
rior leaflet can be handled with patches from et al. 1990; de Kerchove et al. 2007).
autologous pericardium.
A surgical challenge is patients with abscess
formations involving the mitral anulus or the 25.5.6  Testing of Mitral Valve
neighboring myocardium. In these cases, resection Reconstruction
of infected tissue involves an extended debride-
ment of anular or ventricular wall tissue and leaves Successful and reliable mitral valve repair
large defects requiring patch reconstruction. The requires intraoperative evaluation of mitral valve
patch, consisting of autologous pericardium, needs function. Several methods have been described
to be sutured carefully to the left ventricular wall (. Fig. 25.21).
and  – passing the anulus  – the left atrial wall The easiest and most common method to test
(Alexiou et al. 2000) before a valve prosthesis can the repair utilizes a large syringe to inject saline
be implanted. Prognosis of the patients, however, into the left ventricular cavity. Once the ventricle
remains poor, as the inflammatory processes lead is filled, the mitral leaflets are distended and
824 P.B. Rahmanian and T.C.W. Wahlers

a b


..Fig. 25.21  a, b Intraoperative testing of mitral valve repair by filling of the left ventricle with cardioplegic solution.
a Following isolated mitral valve reconstruction a thin perfusion catheter (12 Ch) is passed through the aortic valve into
the left ventricle using the cardioplegia insertion site at the ascending aorta. Cardioplegic solution is then administered
under pressure control. Mitral valve closure and potential leakage can be visualized from the left atrium then. In cases of
concomitant aortic valve replacement with complete excision of the aortic valve, a Foley catheter is placed into the
aortic valve orifice b. After inflating the balloon, cardioplegic solution can be administered via the catheter in a similar

mimic a systolic position. At this point, the valve testing methods may fail because they are static
should be competent along the whole coaptation and do not evaluate valve function during regular
line. According to Carpentier, the coaptation line cardiac cycle.
looks like «a smiling mouth». Therefore, definitive testing of repair can only
Hetzer has described a reliable and reproduc- be achieved with a beating heart employing trans-
ible technique to test mitral valve competency by esophageal echocardiography. This method, how-
placing a small catheter (12 Ch) through the inser- ever, requires termination of cardioplegic arrest
tion of the antegrade cardioplegia line and through and rewarming of the patient to allow at least par-
the aortic valve into the left ventricle. Cardioplegic tial weaning off bypass. Nevertheless, echocar-
solution is then administered into the ventricle diography can be performed with the cannulas in
with a maximum pressure of 40–50  mmHg to place and allows immediate reassessment for fur-
avoid distension of the myocardium. With this ther reconstruction or valve replacement in the
technique, valve closure and l­eaflet coaptation can absence of satisfactory repair. With consequent
be controlled easily. In cases of concomitant aortic utilization of intraoperative echocardiography, we
valve replacement, this methodology has been have not experienced relevant postoperative
modified by placing a urine catheter (Foley cathe- mitral regurgitation in our practice.
ter) in the left ventricular outflow tract through
the aortotomy and blocking the catheter at the
level of the aortic anulus after excising the cusps. 25.6 Tricuspid Valve Procedures
Saline can then be instilled into the left ventricle
accordingly (Borst et  al. 1991). These methods The tricuspid valve separates the right atrium
may work in most instances. In patients with func- from the right ventricle. As the tricuspid valve is
tional mitral regurgitation such as restricted leaf- only prone to low mechanical stress, isolated
lets in ischemic cardiomyopathy, however, these acquired diseases of the tricuspid valve are rela-
Chapter 25 · Surgery for Acquired AV-Valve Diseases
825 25
tively rare. Most surgical procedures of the tricus- tion of the Eustachian valve and the Thebesian
pid valve are necessary for secondary tricuspid valve), the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve,
valve regurgitation in the setting of chronic mitral and the orifice of the coronary sinus. The AV
valve disease and pulmonary hypertension. In nodal bundle is located near the apex of the tri-
these cases, the native tricuspid valve and its sub- angle of Koch in the region of the membranous
valvular apparatus are commonly intact, while the septum, and thus suture placement in this area
tricuspid anulus is severely dilated. After years of should be avoided.
debate whether to address tricuspid valve regurgi-
tation during mitral surgery or not, there is mean-
while clear evidence that simultaneous repair is 25.6.2  Tricuspid Valve Replacement
beneficial for patients with combined mitral and
tricuspid regurgitation (Dreyfus et al. 1990). As a As mentioned before, organic tricuspid patholo-
rapid and relatively simple procedure, we liberally gies are rare, and therefore tricuspid valve replace-
perform additional tricuspid anuloplasty in ment is rarely necessary. In cases of tricuspid
patients undergoing mitral valve surgery, when stenosis due to rheumatic disease or infective
more than moderate tricuspid regurgitation or a endocarditis with valve destruction without repair
dilated tricuspid anulus is present. This approach option, we replace the tricuspid valve following the
is based on the observation that tricuspid regurgi- same principles as described for mitral valve
tation does not recover even many years following replacement including preservation of the subval-
successful mitral valve repair or replacement vular apparatus. Even in cases of severe stenosis,
(Bianchi et al. 2009). mobilization of the subvalvular apparatus can be
Nowadays, at least in industrialized countries, achieved by commissurotomy allowing implanta-
organic tricuspid valve stenosis or combined tion of a biological prosthesis or a low-profile
pathologies due to rheumatic disease have become mechanical valve.
a rare entity. However, reconstruction can often It is important to mention that the U-sutures
be achieved by commissurotomy or anuloplasty. that are placed in the same manner than in mitral
Infective endocarditis involving the tricuspid valve replacement in the area of the anterior and
valve on the other hand is more common and posterior portion of the anulus have to be placed
increasingly seen in patients with immunosup- through the base of the septal leaflet instead of the
pression and more important chronic i.v. drug septal portion of the anulus to avoid impairment
abuse (Shatapathy et al. 2000). of the conduction system. When the leaflets need
to be excised, at least a margin of the septal leaflet
should stay in place. Nevertheless, complete AV
25.6.1  Functional Anatomy block is frequently associated with tricuspid valve
The tricuspid valve consists of three leaflets, the If a mechanical prosthesis needs to be
anterior, posterior, and septal leaflet. The anterior implanted, one should keep in mind that thereaf-
leaflet has the largest surface area, whereas the ter placement of a Swan-Ganz catheter or more
posterior leaflet is the smallest. The septal leaflet is important implantation of transvenous pace-
attached to the fibrous part of the heart. The leaf- maker electrodes is not possible. If a tissue valve is
lets are separated by three commissures (antero- chosen, the prosthesis should be orientated in the
posterior, posteroseptal, anteroseptal). A large way that the struts are not directed towards the
anterolateral papillary muscle originates from the anterior portion of the anulus because this may
free right ventricular wall and sends chordae to cause partial outflow tract occlusion. In our opin-
the anterior and posterior leaflets, whereas a ion and as advocated by other groups, in most
smaller posteromedial papillary muscle originates cases tricuspid valve replacement is performed
from the septum and is attached to the septal leaf- with a commercially available biological mitral
let. The septal leaflet has also chordae that are valve prosthesis (Filsoufi et  al. 2005). The lower
directly attached to the septal wall. mechanical burden in tricuspid position leads to a
The triangle of Koch is an important ana- significantly lower rate and later onset of
tomical landmark defined by the tendon of prosthetic biological valve degeneration com-
Todaro (a fibrous structure formed by the junc- pared to mitral or aortic position.
826 P.B. Rahmanian and T.C.W. Wahlers

25.6.3  Treatment of  Tricuspid posteroseptal commissure, the sutures are stitched
Anular Dilation through the outside of the atrial wall and secured
with another Teflon pledget. When tying the
The different approaches for tricuspid valve sutures, the remaining orifice should allow for two
repair follow the same rules described for mitral of the surgeon’s fingers to be introduced. A better
valve repair. The goal is to downsize the tricuspid estimation of the remaining orifice can be achieved
25 anulus in the anterior and posterior portion while with a valve sizer; a number 27 (mm) sizer of any
keeping the geometry of the septal part of the manufacturer is recommended. With these mea-
anulus intact to avoid compromise of the conduc- sures, the anular diameter is reduced to a third,
tion system. The orifice area is commonly reduced and the orifice is downsized to about 4  cm2 (De
to 3–4 cm2. Paulis et al. 1990). Alternatively, the atrium can be
closed first. The suture lines are then tied from out-  De Vega Anulorrhaphy side the atrium after weaning off cardiopulmonary
The de Vega anuloplasty shortens the anular cir- bypass under echocardiographic control until the
cumference at the base of the anterior and poste- tricuspid regurgitation disappears.
rior leaflets (. Fig. 25.22). We usually perform this One major drawback of this simple technique
technique with a double row of a Teflon-pledgeted is the potential risk of a suture tear out due to high
semicircular 4-0 polypropylene suture beginning tension on the anulus. This can be avoided by
at the anterior trigone and running along the anu- stitching the second suture line in an overcast
lus of the base of the anterior and posterior leaflets. fashion with a supporting pericardial strip. Also
The two suture lines are placed parallel but in an the long-term results are not comparable to ring
alternative sequence to ensure homogeneous nar- reduction plasties, as it was shown in the later
rowing of the tricuspid anulus. In the area of the years.

..Fig. 25.22  Tricuspid valve anuloplasty for tricuspid regurgitation according to de Vega. The technique employs a
double-lined suture in the anular segments of the anterior and posterior leaflet running from the posteroseptal
commissure to the anteroseptal commissure and back with a pledget at the turning point at the anteroseptal
commissure. The suture is then passed through a second pledget at the posteroseptal commissure. The suture is
tightened, producing a purse-string effect resulting in a length reduction of the anterior and posterior anulus segments
providing a broader leaflet coaptation. If the suture is passed through the atrial wall at the posteroseptal commissure,
final tightening can be performed after closure of the atriotomy and weaning off bypass under digital and/or
echocardiographic control
Chapter 25 · Surgery for Acquired AV-Valve Diseases
827 25  Tricuspid Anuloplasty also tend to pick a smaller ring if a measurement
Today, the de Vega plasty has been replaced by was in between sizes available. Ring implanta-
ring anuloplasty in most cases. As for mitral tion is performed by placing a series of eight to
­anuloplasty, several rings and bands especially ten simple 2-0 Polyester mattress sutures through
designed for the tricuspid valve are available. We the tricuspid anulus around the orifice. As previ-
prefer a three-dimensional ring that mimics the ously mentioned, particular attention needs to
shape of the tricuspid anulus. Alternatively, con- be directed to avoid injury of the intracardiac
ventional semirigid rings can be used. In these conduction system. As described above, the
cases, we bend the septal portion slightly inward atrioventricular node is located in the area of the
to create a three-dimensional shape which mim- membranous septum at the apex of the triangle
ics the anular direction along the membranous of Koch. This area is marked by placing the first
septum. Sizing of the tricuspid valve is based on two sutures on either side of this area. The
two measurements: the intercommissural dis- remaining sutures are then placed circumferen-
tance of the septal leaflet and the surface area of tially around the anulus. The atrio-anular junc-
the anterior and posterior leaflets. First the tion is identified by pulling down the anterior
­intercommissural (intertrigonal) distance of the and posterior leaflets, respectively. The stitches
septal leaflet is measured. Using a valve hook, are placed with wide bites in a 1  mm distance
primary chordae of the anterior and posterior from this atrio-anular junction and directed
leaflets arising from the anterior ­papillary mus- towards the ventricle (. Fig. 25.23). Overlapping
cle are secured at the margin of the leaflets and of the sutures and smaller corresponding bites
pulled down to expose the surface area of these through the ring particularly at the posterior
two leaflets. The surface area of the anterior and leaflet produces a measured anular plication in
posterior leaflet is measured using the plane of this region of maximal dilatation. Each arm of
the sizer. If the intercommissural distance and the sutures is then passed through the sewing
surface area measurement result in different ring of the prosthesis. Next, the ring is lowered
sizes, the ring size is chosen in favor of the mea- into position and tied securely to the anulus. A
sured surface area of the leaflets. In general, we final intraoperative test by injecting normal

..Fig. 25.23  Tricuspid valve anuloplasty with an open ring. The ring is fixated with horizontal single mattress sutures
avoiding injury of the bundle of His in the septal portion of the anulus
828 P.B. Rahmanian and T.C.W. Wahlers

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831 26

Minimally Invasive
Cardiac Surgery
Jens Garbade, Sreekumar Subramanian,
and Friedrich-­Wilhelm Mohr

26.1 Introduction – 833

26.2  he Development of Minimally Invasive

Procedures in Cardiac Surgery – 833
26.2.1  equirements, Problems, and Challenges – 833
26.2.2 Fundamental Concepts of Minimally Invasive
Cardiac Surgery – 834
26.2.3 HeartPort Technique – 835

26.3 Current Clinical Concepts – 835

26.3.1  eneral Principles – 835
26.3.2 Congenital Diseases – 837  atent Ductus Arteriosus – 837
P Atrial Septal Defect Closure – 837 Results – 839 Conclusion – 840 VSD Closure – 840
26.3.3  ericardial Diseases – 840
26.3.4 Minimally Invasive Aortic Valve Surgery – 840 Results of Minimally Invasive Aortic Valve Surgery – 841 Transapical and Transfemoral Aortic Valve Replacement – 841 Conclusion – 843
26.3.5  inimally Invasive Mitral and Tricuspid
Valve Surgery – 843 R
 esults of Minimally Invasive Mitral and Tricuspid
Valve Surgery – 846 Percutaneous Minimally Invasive Strategy – 847 Conclusion – 847
26.3.6 Coronary Arterial Revascularization – 848 Alternative Incisions for Revascularization – 848

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_26 R
 esults of Minimally Invasive Open Coronary Artery
Bypass Surgery – 850 Off-pump Coronary Revascularization Strategies – 851 Results – 852 Conclusion – 852
26.3.7  onduit Harvest – 852
26.3.8 Cardiac Arrhythmia Surgery – 853 Results – 853
26.3.9 G reat Vessels – 853
26.3.10 Heart Failure/Ventricular Assist Devices – 854 Left Ventricular Assist Device – 854

26.4 New Clinical Concepts – 855

26.4.1 Hybrid Strategy – 855 Results – 855 Conclusion – 856
26.4.2 E ndoscopic and Telemanipulator-Assisted Cardiac
Surgery – 856 Results – 857 Conclusion – 859

References – 859
Chapter 26 · Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery
833 26
26.1 Introduction 3. An increase in combined procedures (i.e.,
multivalve, CABG procedures, etc.).
The development of minimally invasive and alterna- 4. The proportion of patients requiring a
tive operative techniques has gained significant reoperation is rising dramatically.
importance in modern cardiac surgery. The goal is
not only to establish better tolerated and more effec- The following chapter should provide an
tive surgical techniques but also more efficient man- ­ verview of minimally invasive and alternative
agement algorithms. Central aims in modern operative methods and concepts, illustrate the
minimally invasive cardiac surgery are to minimize advantages and disadvantages of different
size of thoracic surgical access incisions, reduce ­techniques, depict the use of video-assisted proce-
immunologic trauma, prevent myocardial ischemia, dures, and finally present perspectives on
and maintain pulsatile systemic blood flow (i.e., myo- telemanipulator-assisted surgery.
cardial and cerebral). To achieve these aims, interdis-
ciplinary communication and the development of
common multidisciplinary therapeutic strategies are 26.2 The Development of Minimally
mandatory. This strategic approach represents an Invasive Procedures in Cardiac
important part of modern cardiac surgery. Surgery
Fundamentally, the term minimally invasive
cardiac surgery refers to the combined effort to 26.2.1  Requirements, Problems,
reduce trauma, operative risk, and thereby mor- and Challenges
bidity and mortality of conventional cardiac sur-
gical procedures. Overall, these patients should With the goal of optimal exposure, taking ana-
expect a quicker convalescence and rehabilitation. tomical factors and pathological complexity into
Factors which result in more efficient pre- and account, most cardiac surgical procedures are car-
postoperative in patient and postoperative ambu- ried out through the conventional approach of
latory care ultimately lead to a shorter hospital complete median sternotomy.
stay and reduce hospital costs, thereby achieving To reduce the invasiveness of this procedure,
more optimal resource utilization. These are ancil- various aspects of the conventional approach may
lary expectations of alternative operative strate- be altered:
gies. While cosmetic outcomes may be considered 55 Minimize the operative approach.
in the planning of cardiac surgical procedures, 55 Reduce the length of the incision.
they should come second to the central aims of 55 Avoid cardiopulmonary bypass and operate
minimal invasive cardiac surgery as outlined on the beating heart.
above. Due to more effective medical and inter- 55 Combine surgical and interventional
ventional therapies, conventional cardiac surgery strategies (hybrid procedures).
is being confronted by progressively increasing
cardiovascular disease in an aging population. We In order to do so, various strategies and tech-
must advance to meet these challenges. niques have been described:
In summary, today’s demands on cardiac sur- 55 Partial sternotomy in different fashions
gery relate to an increasing risk profile of the 55 Parasternal and thoracoscopic approaches
entire patient population. These demands are sig- 55 Lateral thoracotomy
nificantly determined by the following factors: 55 Mini-thoracotomy
1. The age of the patients who are undergoing a 55 Subxiphoid and subdiaphragmatic accesses
primary or secondary cardiac operation is
rising (2011, 13.4 % of patients were older than
80 compared to 2010, 12.4 %; 2006, 9.6 %; and The combination of a limited surgical
2005, 8.4 %) (Funkat et al. 2012; Gummert et al. approach with catheter-based intervention
2007). (hybrid strategy) represents a valuable
2. The severity of the basic cardiac illness is alternative option in highly selected patients
more complex, primarily because of comorbid and can lead to a significant further reduction
illnesses, often due to age, and prior in invasiveness (Shannon et al. 2012).
interventional procedures.
834 J. Garbade et al.

However, problems inherent to minimization i­ncluding the ­endoclamp technique, was carried
of surgical access may occur in the presence of a out using a left anterior mini-thoracotomy on the
rigid bony thorax leading to limited exposure. Or arrested heart (Reichenspurner et  al. 1998a, b.
the necessity of multiple smaller incisions to place However, for the correct positioning of
additional instruments may lead to an increase in the HeartPort system, a sufficient transesophageal
postoperative pain. echocardiography imaging is absolutely
Challenges in surgery on the beating heart, ­mandatory.
besides the moving target, include the hemody- As a result of a variety of reported complica-
26 namic imbalances resulting from manipulation tions, this technique is used almost exclusively now
and luxation of the blood-filled heart. As a result, in minimally invasive mitral valve surgery, telema-
an array of techniques and systems, such as video-­ nipulator-assisted coronary artery bypass surgery
assisted presentation, CO2 insufflation, flexible or in rare cases of conventional cardiac reopera-
mechanical stabilizers, mister-blowers, and coro- tions, or porcelain aorta (see 7 Sect.  26.2.3,
nary shunts, have been developed and represent «HeartPort Technique»).
part of the routine practice of minimally invasive With the introduction of direct coronary artery
cardiac surgery. revascularization through a limited thoracotomy
The first clinically relevant developments access such as the left anterolateral thoracotomy or
began in the early 1990s on the basis of laparo- the subxiphoid approach using video-assisted IMA
scopic techniques from general surgery. preparation on the beating heart and the deploy-
Therapeutic thoracoscopy or video-assisted tho- ment of specially developed stabilizers and instru-
racic surgery (VATS) became more commonplace ments (Reichenspurner et  al. 1998a, b), new
(Mack et  al. 1992). Currently, VATS is the pre- operative techniques could be transferred into
ferred worldwide approach to a variety of surgical clinical practice. Furthermore, these techniques
procedures, including more complex thoracic could be used in patients with high operative risk,
operations such as lobectomy and esophagectomy either for single- or multivessel coronary artery
(Landreneau et al. 1992). disease in combination with interventional proce-
dures as a hybrid procedure (Holzhey et al. 2012;
Shannon et al. 2012).
26.2.2  Fundamental Concepts Beating heart coronary artery revasculariza-
of Minimally Invasive Cardiac tion via a complete or partial sternotomy or vari-
Surgery ous thoracic surgical approaches can be carried
out with (on-pump beating heart) or without
In the 1990s, three significant developments led to extracorporeal circulation («off-pump»). This
a significant reduction of invasiveness in cardiac technique first became possible through the
surgery: development of special instruments and heart sta-
55 The HeartPort system bilizers, which enabled an optimal exposure of the
55 Reduced size of the surgical approaches corresponding coronary vessels.
55 Beating heart surgery Different algorithms were developed to
achieve coronary anastomoses, such as insertion
The HeartPort system, a cannulation and cath- of a shunt or application of a special blower. The
eter system developed in Stanford, CA, was first introduction of distal and proximal anastomotic
applied to carry out a LIMA-LAD anastomosis connectors facilitates these techniques.
during a coronary bypass operation after conven- Particularly with off-pump coronary bypass
tional sternotomy Woo et al. (2006). Using this surgery, effective collaboration with cardiac anes-
system, cardioplegic arrest was achieved through thesia is indispensable. This is the only way stable
inflation of an endovascular balloon (so-called hemodynamics and patient security can be guar-
endoclamp technique) in the ascending aorta with anteed. This technique is presently applied to over
subsequent ­ administration of cardioplegia into 25 % of all coronary artery bypass operations in
the aortic root. The balloon itself was inserted via the USA. The effectiveness and the superiority as
the femoral artery and advanced into the ascend- compared to conventional coronary artery bypass
ing aorta just above the coronary arteries. As a fur- surgery with respect to blood loss, renal failure,
ther development, the LIMA-LAD operation, intensive care unit, and hospital length of stay
Chapter 26 · Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery
835 26
have already been demonstrated (Puskas et  al. measurement of the right radial artery are essen-
2005). The proof of superior survival has not been tial for early recognition of balloon dislocation
shown. However, the recently published data and other complications (Siegel et al. 1997). The
coming from the GOPCABE study showed that HeartPort technique was initially used and evalu-
there is no significant difference between on-­ ated for minimally invasive coronary artery
pump versus off-pump CABG in the older popu- bypass surgery (Grossi et  al. 1999; Subramanian
lation (age >75) with regard to death, stroke, et  al. 1997). Further applications have been
myocardial infarction, or repeat vascularization described in aortic valve surgery (Wheatley et al.
up to 1 year after surgery (Diegeler et al. 2013). 2004), congenital heart surgery (De Mulder and
A direct comparison to interventional strate- Vanermen 2002; Yamada et  al. 2000), reopera-
gies is presently the object of multiple clinical tions, and minimally invasive mitral valve surgery
studies. The 10-year follow-up from our random- (Mohr et al. 1998; Ricci et  al. 2010; Meyer et  al.
ized study comparing bare-metal stenting with 2009; Casselman et al. 2007a, b).
MIDCAB observed similar outcomes regarding Due to various reported complications with
composite clinical end points. Nonetheless, the this technique, indications have been severely
MIDCAB procedure was associated with more restricted. Possible complications include injury
incompleteness of coronary revascularization to the iliac vessels, dissection of the femoral ves-
(Blazek et al. 2013). sels, injuries to the ascending aorta and aortic root
In our own analyses for patients with reduced including type A acute aortic dissection, trau-
LV function and increased operative risks, the matic aortic insufficiency, incomplete cardiople-
«beating-heart» technique is superior to conven- gia administration through displacement of one
tional bypass surgery with extracorporeal circula- or both coronary ostiae with resulting inadequate
tion avoiding cross-clamping especially in myocardial protection, migration of the catheter
emergency operations (Rastan et al. 2006). and occlusion of the brachiocephalic trunk with
resulting cerebral ischemia, and incomplete deair-
ing after opening the cardiac chambers (Muhs
26.2.3  HeartPort Technique et al. 2005; Wimmer-Greinecker et al. 1999).
Exclusion criteria for the application of the
The HeartPort system, a cannulation and catheter HeartPort technique are advanced peripheral
system developed at Stanford University, CA, was ­vascular disease, arteriosclerotic or aneurysmal
designed to enable minimally invasive and changes of the thoracic aorta as well as aortic
­endoscopic cardiac operations (CABG and mitral insufficiency, and mitral valve calcification.
valve) by providing endoluminal occlusion of the The endoluminal clamp technique enables the
ascending aorta (Stevens et al. 1996a, b; Pompili performance of minimally invasive techniques,
et  al. 1996). The catheter system can be intro- but has no significant advantages over the direct
duced percutaneously via the femoral vessels. The clamp technique developed by Chitwood for
distal end consists of a balloon, which is advanced mitral valve surgery (Dogan et  al. 2005;
and placed into the ascending aorta, above the Reichenspurner et al. 2005). As a routine method
aortic valve and proximal to the brachiocephalic for elective cases, this technique has not found
trunk. After the balloon is inflated with normal broad clinical application. Several authors report
saline, a temporary endoluminal occlusion of the on its use with TECAB (totally endoscopic coro-
aorta is achieved. Finally, through the same cath- nary artery bypass) procedures (Subramanian
eter system, cardioplegia can be administered into et al. 2005; Bonatti et al. 2007) and during reop-
the aortic root. Thereafter the same catheters may erations, but definitive data is lacking.
be used for drainage also. Through the jugular
vein, an additional catheter can be placed into the
pulmonary artery for drainage also. Furthermore 26.3 Current Clinical Concepts
a transvenous catheter can be placed into the cor-
onary sinus for retrograde cardioplegia adminis- 26.3.1  General Principles
tration. To ensure secure placement and
intraoperative steering of the catheter system, Median sternotomy allows for any type of surgery
TEE and an additional invasive blood pressure for all cardiac and great vessel pathologies where
836 J. Garbade et al.

surgical treatment is indicated. The excellent Sect., «Alternative Incisions for
exposure of the thoracic anatomical structures Revascularization»).
comes at the expense of a major surgical trauma. As innovative techniques, endoscopic and
This can lead to excessive mechanical strain and telemanipulator-assisted methods have been
produce an injury of the bordering costochondral evaluated in CABG, valve surgery, repair of
joints or thoracic musculature. Patients may expe- congenital defects, and the therapy of atrial
rience pronounced postoperative pains. This sen- fibrillation. A radically new approach is beating
sitivity to pain can result in a limitation of breathing heart percutaneous therapy of various native and
26 mechanics and limit postoperative mobilization. prosthetic heart valve pathologies ranging from
The incidence of postoperative infection and aortic, mitral, and pulmonary stenosis or
mediastinitis reported to be as high as 2–6 % in the regurgitation to prosthetic valve dysfunction.
literature, with consequent additional surgical The development of new cannula systems
procedures and wound therapies, represents com- enables safe and reliable connection for
plications that should not be underestimated extracorporeal circulation via the femoral,
(Gummert et al. 2002; Gorlitzer et al. 2013). axillary, and neck blood vessels. Furthermore,
In particular for patients with a high endoscopic harvest techniques for bypass
EuroSCORE (see also 7 Chapter «Risk Scores in conduits, in particular saphenous vein and radial
Cardiac Surgery», Sect. 2.2.2), diabetes mellitus, artery, have become increasingly important.
COPD, and an elevated body mass index (BMI), Alternative surgical access for the specific
there is an increased risk of developing such pathologies of the heart will be presented in
wound complications. more detail in the ensuing paragraphs.
Since the early days of cardiac surgery, lateral 2. A second strategy is the reduction or
thoracotomy has been a routine procedure. This elimination of extracorporeal circulation.
led to its use for mitral and tricuspid valve sur- Nowadays, many coronary surgical
gery, ASD closure or treatment of congenital procedures can be carried out on the beating
descending aortic lesions. These full-thoracotomy heart without the heart-lung machine
procedures still represent a significant trauma and (HLM). Despite a conventional sternotomy,
are often associated with rib injuries and signifi- one should still regard this approach as a
cant acute and chronic postoperative pain. minimally invasive procedure. Even
Isolated encapsulated pleural effusions and lung operations such as valvular surgery or left
adhesions are not uncommon and complicate the ventricular reconstruction can be carried out
use of the lateral thoracotomy. As a result, alterna- with a beating heart technique on
tive surgical access and techniques have been extracorporeal circulation, whereby the
evaluated, whereby each approach is concentrated avoidance of cardiac ischemia leads to a
to particular anatomic structures and a specific reduction of cellular trauma. In addition, the
operative strategy. miniaturization of the heart-lung machine in
Presently, four essential strategies have been adults, as well as children, reduces the
established as routine approaches, with validation immunologic trauma. From a systemic view,
in an array of clinical studies: adding a sternotomy to a procedure is rather
1. A reduction of the size of the surgical access less invasive than adding extracorporeal
and a corresponding reduction in the surgical circulation. Therefore, employing sternotomy
trauma are of major significance. From in order to avoid cardiopulmonary bypass is
valvular surgery to repair of congenital defects a way to minimize surgical trauma.
like atrial septal defect, as well as in coronary 3. A third building block is arterial, especially
artery bypass surgery, alternative approaches aortic endografting. In increasing
like the mini-sternotomy, the left or right proportions, chronic, as well as acute,
anterior mini-thoracotomy, or the pathologies such as dissection and
subxiphoidal thoracotomy have become estab- aneurysms (including ruptured aneurysms)
lished as possible minimally invasive surgical of the thoracic and abdominal aorta are
approaches (see 7 Sect., «Atrial Septal treated successfully with endoluminal stent
Defect Closure»; Sect.26.3.4, «Minimally Invasive graft implantation. Even dissections in the
Aortic Valve Surgery»; Sect. 26.3.5, «Minimally region of the aortic arch are being treated
Invasive Mitral and Tricuspid Valve Surgery»; with stents that cover the supra-aortic
Chapter 26 · Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery
837 26
vessels, and the supra-aortic vessels are preferred approach for PDA closure (Abu Hazeem
treated with separate extra-anatomic bypass et al. 2013). Interestingly, the technique was first
from the ascending aorta. successfully carried out in 1971 by Porstmann
4. This concept leads to a fourth important and colleagues (1971). Presently, different systems
strategy in minimally invasive cardiac surgery, are available for clinical use, including a variety of
one that represents a meaningful combination coil systems or the Amplatzer occluder device.
of surgical and interventional procedures, the The efficacy and safety of this approach has been
hybrid approach. This technique places new established in a large study not only in children
demands on the entire team and requires a but also in small infants and premature babies
redefinition of the equipment and instrumenta- (Sungur et al. 2013). Importantly, this procedure
tion found in the classic operating room with is not limited utility in very small children and
that of the requirements for a hybrid operating not limited for PDA closure in premature babies
room. While this process is presently in anymore (Abu Hazeem et al. 2013).
widespread clinical evaluation, it has already
become routine practice in many centers.  Atrial Septal Defect Closure
Both the first open-heart surgery by Lewis and his
team in 1952 and Gibbon’s first successful applica-
26.3.2  Congenital Diseases tion of his heart-lung machine in 1953 were oper-
ative closures of a secundum atrial septal defect  Patent Ductus Arteriosus (ASD II) (Gibbon 1953) (see also 7 chapter
At present, there are three different operative «Surgery for Congenital Heart Defects: A Historical
techniques for closure of a persistent patent duc- Perspective», Sect. 11.2). Since then, various meth-
tus arteriosus (PDA). ods were employed for ASD closure: median ster-
Gross described in 1938 the first successful notomy, right lateral thoracotomy (with central
ligation of a PDA in a 7-year-old girl via a left connections to the heart-­lung machine), the right
fourth interspace posterolateral thoracotomy parasternal thoracotomy, the mini-sternotomy,
(Gross et  al. 1939). After retraction of the lung, the subxiphoidal access, and the right mini-thora-
the vagus and phrenic nerves are exposed, and the cotomy (. Fig.  26.1) with connections to the
pleura is incised longitudinally over the aortic heart-lung machine via the femoral vessels, per-
isthmus. This procedure is associated with a pro- cutaneous endovascular occlusion techniques,
nounced surgical trauma, but offers an optimal hybrid techniques, and completely endoscopic
exposure to all anatomic structures. General com- procedures (Horvath et al. 1992; Doty et al. 1998;
plications include recurrent laryngeal nerve Doll et  al. 2003; Hongxin et  al. 2007; Bartakian
injury and rarely phrenic paresis or chylothorax. et al. 2012; Kotowycz et al. 2013; Liu et al. 2013).
Mortality is exceedingly rare. One requirement for surgical ASD closure is
A second approach, described in 1992 by the heart-lung machine. With respect to cannula-
Laborde, is the video-assisted thoracoscopic pro- tion, there are several choices. For one, the
cedure, which has been in use for many years. ascending aorta or the femoral artery may be can-
Using a left chest approach, two 5-mm ports are nulated. The venous drainage can be established
placed into the thorax, and videoscopic instru- via the superior and inferior vena cavae, the jugu-
ments are used to dissect out the anatomic struc- lar vein and the inferior vena cava, or via the fem-
tures and place a titanium clip on the PDA to oral vein. However, one requirement for
achieve surgical ligation. Laborde’s 12-year expe- transfemoral cannulation is a satisfactory vessel
rience (n = 743 patients) shows no difference in size, so this approach is dependent on the size and
efficacy compared to the standard open tech- age of the patient. Even complex septal patholo-
nique. There was no operative mortality, persis- gies, including sinus venosus defect or a partial
tent damage of the recurrent laryngeal nerve was AV canal, can be surgically repaired using a lateral
observed in 4.2 % of patients, and the average hos- approach but require more experience.
pital stay was 2 days. An important exclusion cri- For isolated ASD II, complete median ster-
teria for this approach was a PDA >8 mm (Laborde notomy is rarely used. As a surgical standard, the
et al. 1993; Villa et al. 2004 and 2006). right lateral mini-thoracotomy could be consid-
Concurrently, many centers have advanced to ered the standard approach (see . Fig.  26.1)
a percutaneous catheter-based technique as the (Gibbon 1953). Notwithstanding the very good
838 J. Garbade et al.

a b


..Fig. 26.1  Minimally invasive approach for atrial septal defect closure: a right lateral mini-thoracotomy and
b subxiphoid approach

operative results, this approach involves a cotomy (seldom used), the surgical access was via
smaller skin i­ ncision, reduced trauma, reduction the third or fourth interspace. The HLM was via
in postoperative pain, results in a quicker post- direct aortic and superior and inferior vena cava
operative convalescence and, in particular for cannulation (Cremer et al. 1999).
women, an excellent cosmetic result (Kotowycz Another operative method is the mini-­
et al. 2013). sternotomy (hemisternotomy). It can be further
With this technique, as with minimally inva- subdivided into an upper or lower partial sternot-
sive mitral and tricuspid valve surgery, an infra- omy or include subxiphoidal access (Barbero-­
mammary curvilinear skin incision is made, Marcial et  al. 1998). The advantage of a partial
followed by a fourth intercostal space thoracot- upper sternotomy in ASD closure seems to be dif-
omy. All relevant anatomical structures can be ficult to understand, and a cosmetic advantage is
nicely exposed. Finally, the pericardium is rather questionable.
opened parallel and at least 2  cm superficial to With these techniques, the HLM connections
the phrenic nerve. The HLM connections are can be made via the femoral vessels, central or
made via the femoral vessels, and an additional combined, and the venous drainage can be per-
venous cannula is placed via the jugular vein. formed via the right atrial appendage and the
The insertion of additional port systems (videos- inferior vena cava. Irrespective of which form of
copy, CO2 insufflation), the cross clamping mini-sternotomy is used, authors report very
(Chitwood technique), and cardioplegia admin- good exposure, excellent operative results, and a
istration are similar to the approach for mini- high rate of patient acceptance. Which surgical
mally invasive mitral and tricuspid valve surgery. approach will be preferred remains to be seen, but
The superior and inferior vena cavae are clamped will likely remain variable from center to center.
or snared, and following cross clamping, and In 1976, King and Mills reported the first pos-
during cardioplegia administration, the right sible interventional catheter-based closure of a
atrium may be opened, and the ASD may be secundum ASD (King et al. 1976). They laid the
closed directly. foundation for a rapid and exciting development
As soon as the ASD is securely closed, the in this area. Since the 1990s, percutaneous ASD
cross clamp may be released, and the right atrial closure using various occluder systems has been
incision can be closed while the heart is beating. established as the first-line treatment in older
With the parasternal minimally invasive thora- children and adults. A randomized comparison of
Chapter 26 · Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery
839 26
right lateral mini-thoracotomy or other ­minimally The success rate was significantly better in the
invasive approaches is still required. In the single, surgical group (100 % vs. 95.7 %), with no mortal-
nonrandomized study, catheter-based occlusion ity in either group. The early and long-term results
was compared with conventional sternotomy (Du (12 months) were similar. However, the peripro-
et al. 2002). Initially, this technique was only used cedural complications in the surgical group were
with uncomplicated ASD, but in the meantime, significantly higher (24 % vs. 7.2 %), resulting in a
even large ASDs measuring up to 4 cm have been prolonged hospital stay. Based on the higher com-
successfully closed with occluder systems. plication rate, the authors concluded that inter-
As a result of dislocation, thrombosis, perfora- ventional therapies represented a superior
tion, infection, and embolic complications, sec- approach to surgical ASD closure (Du et al. 2002).
ondary surgical treatment after interventional However, there is no randomized comparison of
ASD closure may be required (Divekar et al. 2005; minimally invasive surgical approaches with
Walther et al. 2007a). interventional therapies for ASD closure. A cur-
A further minimally invasive approach is the rently published nonrandomized single-center
combination of surgical and interventional tech- study with 718 ASD closures (383 surgical and
niques without the HLM.  On a beating heart, 335 transcatheter procedures) showed that the
using a right lateral mini-thoracotomy, the right long-term mortality of interventional procedure
atrium is exposed, and through its free wall, an was not inferior to surgery (5-year mortality,
occluder device is positioned under TEE guid- 5.3 % vs. 6.3 %; p = 1.00), and the secondary out-
ance. First results of this technique have been comes were similar in both groups. However, the
reported (Hongxin et al. 2007). reintervention rate was much higher in the trans-
Completely endoscopic procedures catheter group than in the surgical group
(telemanipulator-­assisted techniques) with the da (Kotowycz et al. 2013).
Vinci System (Intuitive Surgical, Sunnyvale, CA, The early and long-term results following sur-
USA) on the hypothermic fibrillating heart repre- gical ASD closure are very good. Independent of
sent innovative measures, which are not widely the selected operative approach, there are no sig-
used because the instrumentation may be cum- nificant differences in mortality (<1 %) or efficacy.
bersome and expensive (Liu et al. 2013). Minimally invasive approaches reduce the surgi-
cal trauma and lead to a quicker convalescence  Results (Bartakian et al. 2012; Kotowycz et al. 2013). In a
The efficacy and safety of catheter-based ASD clo- randomized study, Luo and colleagues compared
sure has been demonstrated in an array of clinical median sternotomy with a partial lower hemister-
studies (Du et  al. 2002; Hongxin et  al. 2007; notomy. Both techniques had comparable safety
Bartakian et al. 2012; Kotowycz et al. 2013). and efficacy, but the minimally invasive approach
Divekar and colleagues analyzed 34,000 resulted in less pain, less postoperative bleeding, a
occluder implantations with respect to cardiac shorter hospital stay, and a better cosmetic result
complications. Twenty-nine patients experienced (Luo et  al. 2001). In general, minimally invasive
cardiac complications, with five deaths and three approaches are better accepted by patients, par-
neurologic events. Perforations were noted in the ticularly in women, where the cosmetic aspect
region of the anterosuperior right atrial wall in plays a larger role.
close proximity to the aorta. The authors did not A further technique is the previously men-
offer an explanation for the localization of this tioned combination of a right lateral surgical
complication, but we believe that this may arise approach and direct placement of an occluder
from the abrasion of the implanted system with through the right atrial wall on the beating heart
the smooth-walled portion of the right atrial wall. under TEE guidance. Hongxin et  al. evaluated
Overall, there was a higher incidence of second- this technique in a series of 100 patients (Hongxin
ary surgical revisions after interventional occluder et al. 2007). The size of the ASDs ranged from 5 to
implantation (Divekar et al. 2005). 37 mm. After 12 months, the authors reported no
In 2000, a nonrandomized, multicenter study mortality and complete ASD occlusion in all
compared 442 patients who underwent percuta- patients. They concluded that this method is a
neous ASD closure with 154 patients who under- ­feasible alternative to isolated endovascular and
went median sternotomy and direct ASD closure. surgical techniques.
840 J. Garbade et al.

Moreover, the safety and efficacy of the Initial studies show good results, particularly with
catheter-­based and combined approach for ASD perimembranous VSDs (Pinto et al. 2006). In addi-
closure has been demonstrated even in children tion, hybrid procedure to cure VSDs is also of great
less than 1 year of age. clinical interest. The current published paper by
Zhu and colleagues showed that the combination  Conclusion of transcatheter VSD closure and percutaneous
The first-line treatment for ASD closure is percu- coronary intervention for treating VSD in acute
taneous placement of an occluder, which can treat myocardial infarction is also safe and a promising
26 even large secundum ASDs up to 40 mm in size. If alternative to open surgery (Zhu et al. 2013).
this modality fails or is complicated by infection,
thrombosis, emboli, or complex anatomy, surgical
treatment is indicated. The right lateral mini-­ 26.3.3  Pericardial Diseases
thoracotomy with femoral vessel cannulation
could be considered the standard approach, with The first time pericardial diseases, acute and
feasible alternatives including telemanipulator-­ chronic pericarditis, were described was in 1669
assisted (robotic) approaches or the various forms by Lower (1669). The primary surgical approach,
of mini-sternotomy. A significant aspect to con- particularly with constrictive pericarditis, was
sider is the HLM connection, which can be car- carried out in most cases via a median sternot-
ried out via the femoral vessels, centrally or a omy. In a study by Billa and colleagues, a left lat-
combination thereof. In slim patients of all ages, eral approach was shown to be a safe operative
suprainguinal cannulation of the iliac vessels is as approach for constrictive pericarditis, with simi-
easy as employing the femoral vessels, however, lar postoperative and long-term results. In the
thereby avoiding any potential lymph leaks. sternotomy group, there were more wound infec-
Moreover, in rather young patients, the external tions and pulmonary complications (Tiruvoipati
iliac vessels are of larger and therefore more suit- et al. 2003).
able size for cannulation than the femoral vessels. A further operative approach is the subxiphoi-
The role of hybrid approaches on the beating dal access (Mills et  al. 1989; Becit et  al. 2005).
heart and completely endoscopic procedures is Alternative procedures, in particular pericardial
not yet determined; further study is required. window for recurrent pericardial effusion, can be
carried out via a right or left lateral mini-­  VSD Closure thoracotomy (Tiruvoipati et  al. 2003). Video-­
A left anterior parasternal mini-thoracotomy has assisted thoracoscopic surgery has taken an
been described as a minimally invasive approach increasing role in most centers, with thoracos-
to the treatment of a subarterial or perimembra- copy requiring the use of a double-lumen endo-
nous VSD. Direct access is achieved via a third or tracheal tube and special instrumentation
fourth left intercostal space approach. Videoscopic (Georghiou et  al. 2005; Noyes et  al. 2003).
assistance can be achieved directly or via insertion Pericardial cysts and tumors can also be resected
of port systems. Finally, the relevant anatomic thoracoscopically. Rees and colleagues reported
structures can be exposed, to include the left thoracoscopic partial pericardiectomy via a left-­
phrenic nerve, and the pericardium can be longitu- sided approach (Rees et al. 1993). Case reports of
dinally incised. The HLM is connected via the telemanipulator-assisted resection of pericardial
femoral vessels. Cross-clamping is not absolutely cysts exist, but represent a significant increase in
required. The operation can be carried out using technical expertise that may not be widely avail-
mild hypothermia and ventricular fibrillation (Lin able (Bacchetta et al. 2003).
et al. 1998). Other approaches include the partial
lower (fourth intercostal space to the xiphoid) or
upper sternotomy (inverted T incision into the 26.3.4   inimally Invasive Aortic
fourth intercostal spaces bilaterally) to treat subar- Valve Surgery
terial, perimembranous, and muscular VSDs
(Kadner et  al. 2004; Murashita et  al. 1999). The standard approach to surgically treat diseases
Alternatively, percutaneous interventional proce- of the aortic valve, ascending aorta, aortic arch,
dures with the Amplatzer system are being applied. and bordering structures is the median ­sternotomy
Chapter 26 · Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery
841 26
with central connection for ECC. However, com- ­ recluding their use for later coronary revascular-
plete sternotomy is not absolutely required, ization.
because the anatomic structures can be exposed Cosgrove described a right-sided parasternal
via a minimally invasive partial sternotomy or incision (see . Fig. 26.2d). This involves division
thoracotomy. This approach is sufficient to expose of ribs from one or three to five from their sternal
and cannulate the ascending aorta and the right attachment. However, the resulting sternal insta-
atrium. The cardiac vent catheter can typically be bility resulted in this technique being abandoned
placed into the right superior pulmonary vein, the by most surgeons (Cosgrove and Sabik 1996).
pulmonary artery, or directly through the aortic The S-forming partial sternotomy (see
valve. External defibrillation pads should be . Fig.  26.2f) enables, with preservation of both
placed routinely prior to patient preparation. internal mammary arteries, a good exposure of
A more recent completely new concept is the the aortic valve region and the neighboring pul-
catheter-based aortic valve replacement. Presently, monary artery (Autschbach et  al. 1998). The
three different techniques—the transapical (via advantage of this strategy lies in its preservation of
left anterior mini-thoracotomy), transaortical the continuity of the shoulder girdle. Subsequent
(via upper mini-sternotomy), and the percutane- stabilization of the sternum with wires is challeng-
ous transfemoral or transaxillary approach are ing, and the technique is rarely used.
being intensively evaluated clinically.
Various forms and modifications of the partial   esults of Minimally Invasive
sternotomy for aortic valve and ascending aorta Aortic Valve Surgery
operations include (. Fig.  26.2): the J-forming Whether there is a clear advantage of partial
upper sternotomy, the transverse sternotomy, the upper sternotomy versus complete median ster-
S-forming sternotomy, and the right-sided para- notomy is heavily debated. It has been shown that
sternal thoracotomy. With the J-forming partial mini-sternotomy leads to a reduction in blood
upper sternotomy (see . Fig. 26.1c), the sternum loss, and shorter ICU and hospital length of stays
is divided from the sternal notch caudally until (Bakir et al. 2006; Khoshbin et al. 2011). A signifi-
the fourth or fifth intercostal space and curved cant advantage with respect to mortality has not
into the respective intercostal space on the right been demonstrated. Alternatively, a median ster-
side, taking care to preserve the right internal tho- notomy can be performed using a small skin inci-
racic vessels (Konertz et  al. 1996). Through this sion (limited skin, full sternotomy). Despite an
slightly right-dominant approach, the aortic array of alternatives, at most centers, the partial
valve, ascending aorta, and right atrium can be upper sternotomy or the classic median sternot-
well exposed. The aortic cannula can be placed omy remains the preferred approach for aortic
directly into the ascending aorta. In case of diffi- valve surgery.
cult anatomic exposure, the femoral vessels can be
cannulated for the HLM. The venous cannula may  Transapical and Transfemoral
be advanced into the right atrium under TEE Aortic Valve Replacement
guidance or may be placed directly into the right The transapical access represents a new surgical
atrium but brought up through a subxiphoidal concept (. Fig. 26.3) (Dewey et al. 2006). With this
incision or a right chest incision. approach, entry into the thorax is achieved through
The advantage of these latter approaches lies a small left anterolateral thoracotomy at the level of
in a better exposure because the light tension on the fifth or sixth intercostal space. Via this limited
the cannula results in retraction of the right access, the pericardium is opened and a purse-
atrium away from the aortic root. Sternal closure string suture is placed on the beating heart at the left
is usually achieved with normal wires, taking care ventricular apex. Simultaneously, a specially
to achieve good bone approximation and stabili- designed biological valve mounted on a stent is
zation of the entire sternal incision, including the crimped onto a delivery catheter. Next, antegrade
portion into the right intercostal space. A trans- catheter-based implantation and expansion of this
verse division of the sternum at the level of the valve is performed under angiographic and echo-
third intercostal space (see . Fig. 26.2e) may also cardiographic guidance (Dewey et  al. 2006).
be utilized. The disadvantage of this method is Additionally, during the mechanical expansion of
that both internal mammary arteries are divided, the valve, an external pacemaker is used to stimulate
842 J. Garbade et al.

a b c


d e f

..Fig. 26.2  Minimally invasive aortic valve replacement. Surgical approaches: a L- or T-shaped sternotomy, b L- or
T-shaped upper sternotomy, c J-shaped sternotomy, d right-sided parasternal thoracotomy, e transverse sternotomy,
and f S-shaped sternotomy

valve is expanded and fixated by radial force, the

ventricular pacing is terminated. The entire inter-
vention is performed without ECC; however, addi-
tional cardiac unloading with ECC, when required,
can be achieved via femoral cannulation. Multiple
successful series with this surgical procedure have
already been reported (Lichtenstein et  al. 2006;
Walther et al. 2007a, b; Pilgrim et al. 2012). Through
the avoidance of a complete sternotomy, reduction
of the surgical trauma, and avoidance of ECC, this
technique is a valuable alternative for high-risk
patients, i.e., those requiring cardiac reoperation or
aortic valve reoperation as a «valve-in-valve» proce-
dure (Walther et  al. 2007a, b, c; Eggebrecht et  al.
2011; Kempfert et  al. 2013) or for patients with a
porcelain aorta (Zahn et al. 2013).
A concurrent interventional procedure, which
..Fig. 26.3  Transapical aortic valve replacement.
Antegrade access and surgical technique
avoids a surgical incision, is the transfemoral ret-
rograde aortic valve replacement and represents
the heart to undergo rapid v­entricular pacing to an alternative minimally invasive approach. First
avoid valve dislodgment or embolization. Once the clinical experiences have been reported, but the
Chapter 26 · Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery
843 26
overall rate of stroke appears high and the proce- digital dilation of the mitral valve in 1925 (Souttar
dure cannot be performed in those patients with 1925). The first closed mitral commissurotomies
small femoral vessels (Webb et  al. 2007; Grube were reported independently around the same
et  al. 2007; Eggebrecht et  al. 2012; Pereira et  al. time by Harken, Bailey, and Brock (Harken et al.
2013; Franzoni et al. 2013). 1948; Bailey 1949; Baker et al. 1950). These pio-
Currently, direct «true» percutaneous neering attempts antedated the development of
approaches for aortic valve implantation are of cardiopulmonary bypass. With the introduction
great clinical interest and the focus of intensive of extracorporeal circulation, Lillehei published
clinical research. First clinical experience with the the treatment of mitral valve insufficiency via a
direct transaxillary transcatheter approach right-­sided thoracotomy (Lillehei et al. 1957). In
reported by the Hamburg group is promising 1960, McGoon reported on the possibility of
(Schäfer et al. 2013). However, further results and mitral valve reconstruction (McGoon 1960). A
technical developments are needed to minimize few years later, Starr and Edwards introduced
the surgical or interventional access. prosthetic valves, enabling the first mitral valve
Generally, all procedures require close collab- replacement via sternotomy in 1961 (Starr and
oration (team approach) between cardiac sur- Edwards 1961).
geons, cardiologists, and cardiac anesthesiologists Extracorporeal circulation and good exposure
(Kappetein et al. 2013). are essential to optimal surgical treatment of
mitral valve disease. In most centers, median ster-  Conclusion notomy and direct left atriotomy represent the
Minimally invasive aortic valve surgery is a safe, preferred approach to mitral valve pathology. A
reproducible, and cosmetically accepted operative good exposure of the mitral valve and the subval-
approach. However, there is no evidence for vular apparatus is also achieved using the trans-
improved survival in comparison to median ster- verse biatrial incision described by Dubost and
notomy, yet. The limited surgical approach colleagues (1966). This can also be accomplished
enables good exposure of the relevant anatomy, via a transseptal incision (Guiraudon et al. 1991).
with a reduced risk of sternum instability or infec- In 1996, Cosgrove and colleagues described a
tion. Concomitant bypass surgery is not possible right-sided parasternal approach. This technique
using the partial upper sternotomy, with the involved resection of a portion of the third and
exception of the proximal right coronary artery. fourth ribs, as well as division of the right internal
Transapical and transfemoral aortic valve replace- thoracic artery. Access to the mitral valve was
ment are innovative, already clinically widely then performed by opening the right atrium and
used, approaches and represent a significant the interatrial septum (Navia and Cosgrove 1996).
advancement for multi-morbid, high-risk, or pre- Although, the parasternal approach has fallen out
viously inoperable patients. In conclusion, the of favor, the transseptal approach still remains
view that aortic valve replacement requires ECC widely used. Various surgical access options are
and a big open exposure is no longer contempo- illustrated in . Fig.  26.4. The techniques (see
rary, and ECC can be avoided in selected cases . Fig.  26.4d) and instrumentation (. Fig.  26.5)
with percutaneous aortic valve replacement. described by Carpentier and Chitwood which
enable a minimization of the operative approach
represent pioneering achievements in mitral valve
26.3.5   inimally Invasive Mitral
M surgery (Carpentier et  al. 1996; Chitwood et  al.
and Tricuspid Valve Surgery 1997a, b). The endoluminal clamp technique
played an important role in the development of
Historically, the first attempts to treat mitral valve mitral valve surgery. The advantages and disad-
stenosis in the early 1900s were minimally inva- vantages of this method have been discussed in
sive approaches. In 1902 Sir Lauder Brunton car- 7 Sect. 26.2.3, «HeartPort Technique».
ried out the first surgical procedures on the mitral At present, the safest, most effective, and dura-
valve (Brunton and Edin 1902). Cutler and Levine ble nonsternotomy technique for mitral valve sur-
subsequently reported the first mitral valve gery is the right anterolateral mini-thoracotomy
­dilation via a median sternotomy in 1923 (Cutler in the fourth intercostal space (see . Fig.  26.4d).
and Levine 1923). Souttar carried out the first Through the imaginary projection of the mitral
844 J. Garbade et al.

a b c


d e

..Fig. 26.4  Minimally invasive mitral valve surgery, surgical approaches: a, b right- and left-sided partial upper
sternotomy, c left-sided C-shaped partial sternotomy, d right-sided anterolateral thoracotomy, e T-shaped upper

..Fig. 26.5 Chitwood

valve plane in the direction of the right shoulder, t­echnique is a safe alternative for reoperations,
isolated mitral or tricuspid as well as combined also, in particular for high-risk patients (Seeburger
mitral and tricuspid valve pathology can be effec- et al. 2008; Garbade et al. 2013).
tively exposed and surgically treated. Additional To perform the right anterolateral thoracot-
procedures like ablation for atrial fibrillation, omy, the patient is placed in supine position, with
closure of PFOs/ASDs, or removal of tumors
­ the right chest elevated to around 30°. The right
(i.e., myxomas) can be performed concomitantly arm is lightly abducted and placed on a position-
without difficulty (. Fig. 26.6). ing board. External defibrillation pads should be
At the Leipzig Heart Center, this approach is applied primarily. The first surgical step is femoral
used routinely for primary procedures. This vessel cannulation and connection to ECC circuit.
Chapter 26 · Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery
845 26
Videoscope approximately 1  cm in size, are necessary. In an
LA-retractor CO2 imaginary axis between the mitral valve and the
right shoulder, a stab incision is made into the
second intercostal space for introduction of a vid-
eoscopic camera. This is introduced via a special
port system into the chest, which also allows for
simultaneous CO2 insufflation (4–6  l/min). We
deem the CO2 insufflation essential and perform
it during the entire time of intracardiac manipu-
lation. The videoscope can either be stabilized by
Chitwood clamp a special holder arm or can be connected to a
..Fig. 26.6  Positioning, surgical incision, and speech-responsive robotic arm (Computer
projection of the anatomic structures for the right-sided Motion, USA).
anterolateral approach for mitral and tricuspid valve A second incision in the second intercostal
surgery—Leipzig technique
space at the anterior axillary line is necessary to
place the Chitwood clamp (see . Fig.  26.5).
Therefore classically the right femoral vessels are . Figure. 26.6 gives an overview of the positioning
exposed. For elective procedures, it is of value to and the necessary incisions for minimally inva-
perform the necessary cardiac catheterization by sive mitral valve surgery, as they are routinely
avoiding the right femoral vessels, since such used at the Leipzig Heart Center. After opening of
diagnostic measures may be associated with inju- the intercostal space, the pericardium is exposed.
ries and hematomas complicating cannulation. This is opened horizontally and parallel to the
Following exposure of the femoral vessels, a 4-0 phrenic nerve, with care taken to maintain a suit-
or 5-0 Prolene purse-string suture is placed on the able distance between the pericardial incision and
anterior surface of the vessels. Next, using the nerve (at least 2 cm).
Seldinger technique, the vessels are cannulated, After the ascending aorta is exposed under
beginning with the femoral vein. It is a­ dvantageous direct or indirect vision (videoscopic), cross-­
to use TEE to determine the correct positioning clamping of the aorta with the Chitwood clamp is
of the venous cannula. If there is concomitant tri- performed as ECC flow is reduced. Care must be
cuspid valve pathology or the body weight is taken during preparation and cross-clamping of
above 90 kg, an additional venous cannula can be the aorta to avoid injury to adjacent structures, in
placed percutaneously via the jugular vein. particular of the pulmonary artery or the left
Possible complications include vessel rupture, atrial appendage. Injury to these structures usu-
particularly of the retroperitoneal vasculature, ally requires sternotomy. Although aortic cross-­
and retrograde dissection. For this reason, at our clamping is preferred, endoluminal occlusion of
center, simultaneous TEE examination is per- the aorta using the HeartPort technique may be
formed during femoral cannulation. If right fem- used alternatively. As previously discussed, due to
oral cannulation is not possible, either left femoral a variety of complications, many surgeons have
or axillary cannulation may be performed. abandoned this technique (see 7 Sect.  26.2.3,
Following cannulation, the lateral mini-thoracot- «HeartPort Technique»).
omy is performed. The length of the skin incision In order to optimally access the left atrium, a
is 4–6  cm and is carried out in a lightly convex third small incision in the parasternal portion of
course caudally to the inframammary fold. For the right fourth intercostal space (see . Fig. 26.6)
especially obese patients and for women, prior is made, to place an atrial retractor and/or retrac-
skin marking and special positioning using an tion stitches. If performed under direct visual
adhesive drape is helpful. After dissection of the control, injuries to the right internal mammary
subcutaneous layers and controlled division or artery should be avoided.
displacement of the musculature, the thoracot- Along with endoscopic performance of iso-
omy is performed in the fourth intercostal space. lated steps of the operation, special instruments
Next, a special soft tissue-spreading retractor is have been developed and are necessary (i.e.,
used to spread the thoracotomy incision atrau- Chitwood clamp, HeartPort instruments). The
matically. Additionally, three further incisions, surgeon’s headlight, as well as the light source for
846 J. Garbade et al.

the videoscope, illuminates the surgical field. valve surgery, with at least comparable results to
Using a connected documentation and video- other approaches. However, the technique may
scopic camera system, every individual step, the not gain universal acceptance primarily because
pathology, and the operative result can be digi- of the resources required.
tized and recorded. An intelligent arrangement of
the monitors allows the assistant(s) and anesthe-   esults of Minimally Invasive
sia and nursing personnel to follow every step of Mitral and Tricuspid Valve
the operation. Via the right anterolateral approach, Surgery
26 direct access to the left and right atrium can be A current study from our group examined the
achieved easily. For isolated or concomitant tri- short- and long-term results of minimally invasive
cuspid valve pathology, additional cannulation of right anterolateral thoracotomy (Seeburger et  al.
the jugular vein is necessary to achieve complete 2008). A total of 1,339 patients were analyzed. The
caval occlusion. The placement of the jugular average bypass time was 122 ± 41  min, and the
venous cannula can be performed in the induc- cross clamp time was 70 ± 35 min. The 30-day and
tion room by the cardiac anesthesiologists. Both 1-year mortality for isolated mitral valve recon-
venous cannulae are then connected with a struction were 2.4 % and 5 %, respectively and
Y-connector for ECC.  The superior and inferior 3.7 % and 11.2 % for isolated mitral valve replace-
vena cavae can be controlled with tourniquets or ment, respectively. In seven patients, conversion to
large, atraumatic clamps. sternotomy was required; causes for conversion
Using a special cannula, the cardioplegia is included uncontrollable bleeding, obscured anat-
delivered into the aorta after aortic cross clamp- omy, or dense adhesions. For 494 patients, addi-
ing. Finally, this cannula can be brought out tional procedures such as atrial fibrillation ablation
through the incision for the atrial lift retractor (n = 305), tricuspid valve repair (n = 94), and clo-
and be used for later deairing (needle vent). sure of a PFO (n = 95) were carried out. The aver-
Closure of this site is performed using the usual age follow-up time was 28.4 ± 23.5 months, with a
technique. follow-up rate of 99 % (Seeburger et al. 2008). In
Particularly for reoperations, the procedure addition, a large single-­center review of more than
can be carried out on the beating or fibrillating 3,000 minimally invasive mitral valve procedures
heart. After reconstruction or replacement of the showed the safety and the very low rate of conver-
corresponding heart valve, closure of the atrium is sion to complete sternotomy (Vollroth et al. 2012).
performed with simultaneous deairing. However, there is an individual learning curve for
Continuous CO2 insufflation during the opera- minimally invasive mitral valve procedures pro-
tion is useful. Following atrial closure, deairing, viding the need for good monitoring, training,
weaning from the HLM, and decannulation, and mentoring not only in the initial phase for this
hemostasis is performed. The ribs are adapted kind of surgery (Holzhey et al. 2013).
with Vicryl sutures, and the incision site for the In contrast to this work, a study from the
video camera can be used for placement of a chest Cleveland Clinic showed that the rate of mitral valve
tube. Layered wound closure and administration repair was lower after lateral thoracotomy than with
of local anesthesia into the mini-thoracotomy median sternotomy, and the former was also associ-
incision helps reduce postoperative pain. ated with a higher risk of stroke. The authors con-
Multiple centers follow the concept of a com- cluded that in most cases, sternotomy remains the
pletely endoscopic, telemanipulator-assisted sur- preferred method (Svensson et al. 2007). The results
gery. In recent years, there is a growing body of of this study were based on a small number of
literature on this topic demonstrating its safety, patients and therefore may not be generalized.
efficacy, and durability. However, widespread Completely endoscopic, telemanipulator-­
application of this technique is limited by the assisted procedures are presently the subject of
extensive team and technical training and exper- intense clinical evaluation. Fifteen years experience
tise required (Woo et al. 2006; Casselman et  al. from Chitwood’s group, including reoperations,
2007a, b; Arcidi et  al. 2012; Nifong et  al. 2012; shows that there was a comparable 30-day mortal-
Mihaljevic et al. 2013). ity (2.2 % vs. 1.0 %) among 341 video-­assisted and
In summary, there are more data available on 100 completely telemanipulator-­ assisted proce-
the use of telemanipulators for minimally invasive dures (da Vinci System). There were no conver-
Chapter 26 · Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery
847 26
sions to sternotomy or dissection. In both groups, cified valves or those with leaflet restriction (i.e.,
complex mitral valve repairs were performed. type IIIB dysfunction). The necessity for perform-
However, the authors came to the conclusion that ing simultaneous procedures like atrial fibrillation
the times of cross-clamp, cardiopulmonary bypass, ablation or reconstruction of a relevant tricuspid
and overall operation were significantly longer in valve insufficiency also limits this technique.
the da Vinci group (Arcidi et al. 2012). In a recent Potential problems include the anatomic relation-
study from Vanermen et al., it was shown that for ships of the posterior mitral anulus, the CS, and
patients requiring cardiac reoperations, the video- the circumflex coronary artery (Tops et al. 2007).
assisted minimally invasive approach for mitral An important prerequisite for the safe and effec-
and tricuspid valve surgery is not only safe but also tive implantation of the partial anuloplasty is a
associated with a lower 4-year mortality than sta- parallel relationship between the anulus and the
tistically expected (Casselman et al. 2007a, b). coronary sinus (CS), which is also a limiting fac-
tor. Additionally, the CS can no longer be used  Percutaneous Minimally later for the administration of retrograde cardio-
Invasive Strategy plegia or cardiac resynchronization therapy. The
As with the aortic valve, the mitral valve is also first clinical results still reflect an experimental
the focus of intensive research efforts for the character and are not comparable with the present
development of percutaneous strategies. Based on high standards and excellent results of the right
the cooperation of multiple professional societies anterolateral minimally invasive mitral valve sur-
(STS, AATS, SCAI, ACCF, AHA, EACTS), a posi- gery.
tion paper on percutaneous valve technology was In addition to the interventional percutaneous
produced (Thomas et al. 2005). mitral valve repair (MitraClip procedure), there is
The goal of percutaneous techniques is to use a new concept of transapical beating heart adjust-
a catheter-based approach to deliver a system that able chordae replacement for mitral valve repair
can treat mitral valve disease on the beating (NeoChord device) or transapical beating heart
heart,  thereby avoiding a sternotomy and ECC. mitral valve replacement (Seeburger et  al. 2010;
Historically, percutaneous mitral balloon valvot- Cheung et al. 2013). Both concepts are very prom-
omy represents an established approach for the ising, but further results and specifications are
treatment of mitral stenosis that is still widely per- needed.
formed. Limitations of this concept lie in its lim-
ited durability or efficacy of the balloon dilatation.  Conclusion
However, it may be used for certain patients as a Short- and long-term results have demonstrated
bridging therapy for later surgical valve replace- the safety, efficacy, and reproducibility of the
ment (Kim et al. 2007). right-sided anterolateral mini-thoracotomy as an
At present, two different percutaneous strate- alternative approach for the treatment of mitral
gies have been evaluated: the edge-to-edge tech- and tricuspid valve disease. Additional surgical
nique using a clip or suture (double-/triple-orifice procedures like ablation of atrial fibrillation or
technique) and the partial anuloplasty through closure of a PFO/ASD can be performed simulta-
implantation of stabilizing systems in the coro- neously. This technique also has broad applicabil-
nary sinus (CS) to reduce the circumference of ity for cardiac reoperations and especially in
the posterior mitral anulus. high-risk patients. The partial opening of the
The EVEREST trial (Endovascular Valve pericardium represents an additional protective
Edge-to-Edge REpair STudies) includes the first measure for possible later sternotomy. Based on
clinical results of this double-orifice concept present data, this technique can be regarded as a
(EVEREST Registry 2007). After implantation of «gold standard» in mitral valve surgery.
the MitraClip device (Evalve Inc, Menlo Park, Video-assisted endoscopic procedures are safe
California), a significant reduction in mitral and effective, but require a constant learning pro-
regurgitation could be demonstrated (Feldman cess and intensive training. Completely endo-
et al. 2009, 2011; Glower et al. 2012). scopic, telemanipulator-assisted procedures are
Like the first technique, the partial anuloplasty presently limited to certain centers and represent
also is limited by its ability to treat all relevant interesting, albeit elaborate, alternatives. Percuta-
mitral valve pathologies, particularly severely cal- neous strategies are still evolving. Because of the
848 J. Garbade et al.

small number of clinical studies, in contrast to trates surgical approaches for revascularization
percutaneous aortic valve replacement, these via a partial sternotomy.
methods still remain experimental. In particular, for stenoses of the LAD, the
technique of left-sided anterolateral mini-­
thoracotomy (MIDCAB), described by Kolessov
26.3.6  Coronary Arterial in 1967 (Kolessov 1967), has been established as a
Revascularization standard technique in many centers (. Fig. 26.8a).
An array of different surgical approaches and
26 The four major components in minimally invasive conduit harvest techniques, such as thoracoscopic
strategies for coronary revascularization are sur- LIMA preparation (Benetti et  al. 1991, Benetti
gical access, use/avoidance of ECC, beating heart and Ballester 1995), the subxiphoidal
surgery (avoidance of ischemia), and the combi- (Subramanian 1997) or transabdominal approach
nation of surgery with interventional approaches (Subramanian and Patel 2000), the extended left
(hybrid strategy). anterior mini-thoracotomy (Calafiore et al. 1996),
The goal is to obtain adequate and safe expo- or the right parasternal thoracotomy (Stanbridge
sure of the target vessels through a limited incision et al. 1997), have been described in the literature
and reduce the immunologic and operative trauma (. Figs. 26.7 and 26.8).
by avoiding ECC.  In achieving these goals, the With the development of special instruments
minimally invasive approach should be at least as like rib retractors and stabilizers, MIDCAB has
safe and effective as the conventional method. become the procedure of choice for isolated
Furthermore, the use of hybrid procedures should LIMA-LAD revascularization, with excellent clin-
reduce the operative risk even further. Prerequisites ical long-term results (Thiele et al. 2005; Holzhey
for this approach include not only the develop- et al. 2012; Blazek et al. 2013; Etienne et al. 2013).
ment of corresponding instruments but also an With this technique, the skin incision is inframa-
intelligent planning and performance of the oper- mmary, lightly curved over a length of approximately
ation. 6  cm. Additionally, anastomoses in the region of
55 OPCAB (off-pump coronary artery bypass) diagonal and obtuse marginal branches can be car-
refers to operations via a partial or complete ried out, whereby an extension of the skin incision
sternotomy, in which coronary revascularization can be very helpful. For two-vessel coronary disease,
is carried out without ECC on the beating heart. a hybrid strategy can also be considered as an alter-
55 MIDCAB (minimally invasive direct coronary nate approach (Repossini et al. 2013). Particularly for
artery bypass) refers to operations via a mini-­ high-risk patients with multiple comorbidities, a
thoracotomy, in which coronary revascular- hybrid strategy may be valuable to reduce operative
ization is done without ECC, also on the risk. The hybrid strategy may involve either simulta-
beating heart. neous or staged PCI of a second coronary vessel after
55 TECAB (totally endoscopic coronary artery LIMA-LAD revascularization.
bypass) represents an innovative approach that A direct cross-clamping of the aorta or perfor-
is still in its infancy. The principle of this tech- mance of a central anastomosis is generally not
nique is complete endoscopic and computer-­ possible with this technique. However, in almost
assisted performance of the coronary bypass all cases, revascularization is performed on the
operation. In addition to perfect surgical tech- beating heart. When use of ECC is required, fem-
nique, the operator must contend with the oral cannulation can be carried out.
additional visuospatial and technical demands The MIDCAB technique is also useful for revas-
of performing the operation from a console. A cularization of the right coronary artery (RCA). Via
detailed presentation of this technique is given a right-sided anterolateral mini-­thoracotomy (see
in 7 Sect. 26.4.2, «Endoscopic and Telemanipu- . Fig.  26.8b), the right internal mammary artery
lator-Assisted Cardiac Surgery». (RIMA) can be exposed, prepared, and anasto-
mosed to the RCA (Stanbridge et al. 1997).   lternative Incisions for
A Further alternate approaches include the par-
Revascularization tial lower sternotomy, the partial left-sided ster-
The classical approach of complete median ster- notomy, and a technique developed at the Heart
notomy is not always required. . Figure 26.7 illus- Center in Dresden, Germany, the upper left-sided
Chapter 26 · Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery
849 26
a b

c d

..Fig. 26.7  Minimally invasive surgical approaches via an incomplete sternotomy for coronary artery bypass surgery:
a left-sided C-shaped partial sternotomy, b lower left-sided L-shaped sternotomy, c lower T-shaped sternotomy, and
d upper left-sided L-shaped sternotomy

anterolateral thoracotomy (see . Fig.  26.8c) mal anastomoses on the ascending aorta. The par-
(Gulielmos et al. 1999). With the latter technique, tial lower sternotomy offers the advantage of
a left third interspace thoracotomy is performed, being able to harvest both internal mammary
and rib division is often required to achieve suffi- arteries and revascularize all coronary arteries
cient exposure. The advantage of this method is a (Walterbusch 1998).
good exposure of the ascending aorta and right The subxiphoid, transabdominal approach (see
atrium, which enables central cannulation if the . Fig. 26.8d) described by Subramanian is useful for
HLM is required and the ability to perform proxi- revascularization using both internal mammary
850 J. Garbade et al.

a b


c d

..Fig. 26.8  Minimally invasive surgical approaches via a thoracotomy for coronary artery bypass surgery: a left-sided
anterolateral mini-thoracotomy, b right-sided anterolateral mini-thoracotomy, c extended left-sided anterolateral
thoracotomy, and d subxiphoid and transabdominal approach

arteries and the gastroepiploic artery (Subramanian   esults of Minimally Invasive
et al. 1997, Subramanian and Patel 2000). Open Coronary Artery
With respect to quality assurance, it is useful Bypass Surgery
to perform an assessment of the coronary bypass Multiple reports indicate that minimally invasive
grafts. Transit-time Doppler flow measurement direct revascularization has become a standard sur-
has become established as a routine approach and gical approach that has a higher freedom from rein-
can also be used with minimally invasive tervention than catheter-based imterventional
approaches. Furthermore, intra- or postoperative approaches (Diegeler et al. 2002; Thiele et al. 2005;
angiography has also been used.
Chapter 26 · Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery
851 26
Holzhey et al. 2012; Blazek et al. 2013; Etienne et al. Overall, the published data show that mini-
2013). In several studies, MIDCAB has also been mally invasive, direct coronary revascularization
shown to be superior in terms of freedom from is safe and effective and can be considered a stan-
angina and clinical symptoms (Thiele et  al. 2005; dard of care. The precise role of hybrid proce-
Blazek et al. 2013). dures remains to be seen. However, it clearly
When compared to sternotomy, this approach represents a valuable alternative that can reduce
also resulted in fewer wound infections and less the operative risk of patients with multiple
postoperative pain, which translated into a better comorbidities.
convalescence and shorter hospital stay. The
­perioperative mortality is currently under 1 %, with  Off-pump Coronary
excellent long-term results (Boodhwani et al. 2006). Revascularization Strategies
In one of our own studies (Holzhey et al. 2012), With the introduction of ECC, an innovation that
the early postoperative mortality among 1768 launched cardiac surgery, a higher standard could
MIDCAB patients was 0.8 % (n = 15), and the peri- be achieved in coronary bypass surgery, although
operative stroke rate was 0.4 % (n = 7). A conver- the first coronary bypass operation by Kolessov
sion to median sternotomy was necessary in 1.7 % was already carried out without ECC (Kolessov
(n = 31) because of severe pleural a­ dhesions, intra- 1967).
myocardial course of the LAD, bypass failure, or However, cardiopulmonary bypass repre-
bleeding. For 712 patients, a routine postoperative sents a significant operative and immunologic
angiography was performed, with 95.5 % of patients trauma. As a result of the manipulation of the
having a normal configuration of the bypass graft. great vessels, activation of the inflammatory
In the early postoperative course, 11 patients cascade, and active modulation of the blood
required additional PCI, and 48 patients required temperature and laminar flow, the use of the
an additional coronary bypass operation. The 5- HLM is not without risk. Activation of the
and 10-year survival was 88.3 % and 76.6 %, respec- immune system results in release of multiple
tively. Freedom from cardiac and neurologic vasoactive substances and cytokines. This
complications (MACCE) at 5 and 10 years was response results in increased capillary permea-
85.3 % and 70.9 %, respectively. The MIDCAB bility with sequestration of neutrophils and
technique is also safe for coronary reoperations but increased microemboli. As a result, a vasoplegic
challenging (Holzhey et al. 2012). syndrome is produced (Brasil et al. 1998; Gomes
In a randomized study (MIDCAB vs. PCI) for et al. 2003).
isolated one-vessel coronary disease, Cremer’s Avoidance of the HLM reduces cytokine
group in Kiel, Germany, showed no difference in release, in particular IL-8, which reduces the
mortality. However, again in this study, there was inflammatory response and the ensuing myocar-
a significant difference in reintervention rate dial injury (Deng et  al. 1996). In particular, the
favoring MIDCAB.  At a mean follow-up of risk of HLM under emergency conditions and for
5 years, the reintervention rate in the PCI group patients with multiple comorbid illness is very
was 24 % (Fraund et al. 2005). In a meta-analysis high (Brasil et al. 1998; Rastan et al. 2006; Palmar
of 1,110 patients, there was a significant advan- et al. 2007; Ben-Gal et al. 2011; Lamy et al. 2012).
tage to surgical revascularization of the LAD Injuries to the ascending aorta, including aortic
when compared to PCI in terms of mortality, dissection or mobilization of plaque or calcific
MACCE rate, and freedom from angina fragments, may also occur during cannulation or
(Boodhwani et al. 2006). use of the HLM and lead to cerebrovascular com-
In a study from our group, patients with iso- plications.
lated LAD stenoses were randomized to MIDCAB The renaissance of beating heart coronary
or PCI with bare-metal stent (BMS) implantation bypass surgery came primarily through the work
(Thiele et al. 2005). At 5 years, there was no differ- of Benetti (1985) and Buffolo (1991) in the early
ence in mortality or recurrent infarction rate, but 1980s. One of the most important developments
the reintervention rate in the PCI group was sig- in modern off-pump coronary artery bypass sur-
nificantly higher, and the MIDCAB patients had gery was the technique propagated by Benetti and
fewer clinical symptoms by CCS classification Calafiore in which the LIMA-LAD anastomosis
(Thiele et al. 2005). was performed directly on the beating heart via a
852 J. Garbade et al.

left lateral mini-thoracotomy (Benetti et al. 1991; nary artery bypass surgery has been demonstrated,
Calafiore et al. 1996). with beneficial effects on neurocognitive dysfunc-
Conditions for beating heart surgery include a tion, ventilation time, blood loss, and hospital stay
good exposure and stabilization of the target ves- as well as postoperative atrial fibrillation and renal
sel, a temporary interruption of coronary blood insufficiency. All of these benefits have been associ-
flow during the anastomosis without irreversible ated with optimal resource utilization. However,
myocardial ischemia, maintenance of sufficient with respect to mortality and bypass graft function,
systemic circulation during the anastomosis, and there has been increasing benefit for OPCAB when
26 a logical sequence of revascularization. compared to conventional strategies (Rastan et al.
With the development of new instruments 2006; Palmer et al. 2007; Keeling et al. 2012; Diegeler
and surgical tools that lead to efficient immobili- et al. 2013). On the other hand, a randomized study
zation and presentation of the target vessel, beat- from 2007 showed that OPCAB had no advantage
ing heart coronary bypass surgery without ECC with respect to neurocognitive function or 5-year
can be performed with very high quality and has survival (van Dijk et al. 2007). Nevertheless, patients
become standard in many centers. Important in with an acute myocardial infarction benefit from
this context is the close cooperation with a spe- this operative strategy (Rastan et  al. 2006), as do
cialty group of cardiac anaesthesiologists. older patients, high-risk patients, or patients with a
In contrast to on-pump surgery, the sequence calcified/porcelain aorta (Marui et al. 2012; Keeling
in which target vessels are revascularized is of et al. 2013). In experienced hands, OPCAB is also
great clinical significance. The surgical approach safe for coronary reoperations (Usta et al. 2013).
may be a classical median sternotomy, partial
sternotomy, lateral left- or right-sided mini-­  Conclusion
thoracotomy, or subxiphoidal. Despite the very good results of conventional cor-
For optimal myocardial physiology during onary artery revascularization, it should be con-
luxation and performance of the bypasses, a reduc- cluded that modern coronary revascularization is
tion of the dp/dt, heart rate, and afterload should confronted with four demanding challenges for
be achieved. Ischemic or pharmacologic precondi- surgeons:
tioning can also be helpful. The Trendelenburg 55 Increasing comorbidity of the patients
maneuver can be used to regulate volume status. 55 Increased demand for reoperations, due to
Performance of central aortic anastomoses is an aging patient population
not absolutely necessary, especially in the setting 55 Multiple previous interventions by
of a calcified aorta. As an alternative, particularly cardiology
for complete arterial revascularization, the use of 55 A higher and more progressive/aggressive
T- and Y-anastomoses based on the left internal interventional standard
mammary artery can be conducted. Using this
technique with the RIMA or the radial artery, all As a result, procedures that reduce operative
territories can be revascularized. If central anasto- trauma, such as beating heart revascularization
moses are required, a partial cross-clamp may be with or without the ECC, minimization of the
applied to the ascending aorta. Newer connector surgical approach (MIDCAB), and all-arterial
systems also offer the possibility to perform prox- revascularization should be standard procedures
imal aortic anastomoses using a clampless tech- in modern CABG surgery.
nique, thereby reducing operative trauma and
neurologic events (Emmert et al. 2011).
26.3.7  Conduit Harvest  Results
Only a brief discussion of results is presented here In recent years, endoscopically minimally invasive
but discussed in greater detail in 7 chapter procedures for conduit harvest are increasingly
«Coronary Artery Disease», Sect. 22.5. In Germany used. The endoscopic harvesting of the greater
in 2011, 14.7 % of CABG was performed using an saphenous vein, as well as the video-­assisted har-
off-­pump technique, with an increasing tendency vest of the radial artery, are well-­accepted and stan-
in recent years (Funkat et  al. 2012). In multiple dard procedures in many centers (Connolly et al.
studies, the safety and efficacy of off-pump coro- 2002; Patel et al. 2004; Williams et al. 2012; Sastry
Chapter 26 · Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery
853 26
et  al. 2013). In clinical studies, these techniques associated with very good clinical outcomes, with
have been shown to preserve the histological struc- a low rate of complications (O’Neill et al. 2007).
ture and endothelial function of the vessels, Currently, the hybrid strategy of combined
although there is clearly a learning curve (Fabricius endocardial and thoracoscopic epicardial ablation
et al. 2000; Aziz et al. 2005). These techniques have is of great clinical interest to overcome the short-
been shown to reduce the wound infection rate, comings of catheter-based ablation therapy (mul-
particularly in obese patients (Williams et  al. tiple procedures are often required and creating
2012). For minimally invasive techniques of vein linear lines are challenging) and beating heart epi-
harvest, two different procedures have been cardial ablation (creating mitral isthmus line can
described, either harvest under direct or under be challenging). First results are very promising
endoscopic vision (Sastry et al. 2013). (Pison et al. 2012).  Results
26.3.8  Cardiac Arrhythmia Surgery Minimally invasive techniques are well estab-
lished for the treatment of atrial fibrillation.
Surgical therapy of atrial fibrillation has evolved Isolated atrial fibrillation can be treated surgically
dynamically through the evaluation of various using a minimally invasive approach as for mitral
energy sources, minimally invasive approaches, valve surgery. Alternatively, bilateral video-­
and completely endoscopic techniques. Based on assisted thoracoscopic pulmonary vein ablation
the theory that existing electrical triggers for can be performed using an off-pump technique.
atrial fibrillation are located in the region of the Concurrently, surgical and interventional results
pulmonary veins and the atria, the concept of must be compared, but randomized trials are
surgical isolation of these foci was developed. lacking (see 7 chapter «Surgical Therapy for Atrial
With respect to atrial fibrillation, the MAZE pro- Fibrillation», Sect. 29.6.4).
cedure represents the most effective surgical
technique but requires entry into both the left
and right atria. Irrespective of the energy source 26.3.9  Great Vessels
used (monopolar or bipolar radiofrequency,
microwave, cryoenergy, or ultrasound), a safe Since the ascending aorta and aortic arch are
and effective therapy of isolated atrial fibrillation located in the upper mediastinum, replacement
can be performed via a right lateral mini-thora- of these aortic segments can be performed via the
cotomy with femoral cannulation. Commonly, various partial sternotomy approaches described
the therapy can be combined with other cardiac earlier for aortic valve replacement. Often, aortic
surgical procedures (valve or CABG procedures). replacement for aneurysmal disease is performed
Pulmonary vein isolation can be carried out on concomitantly with aortic valve replacement, but
the beating heart, even as an off-pump proce- may also be performed as an isolated procedure.
dure, as long as no concomitant intracardiac sur- Cannulation may be performed centrally, via
gery is required. the right axillary artery or via femoral access as for
Various authors have reported successful abla- mitral or tricuspid valve surgery. With increasing
tion of atrial fibrillation on the beating heart via a experience, partial or total aortic arch replacement
minimally invasive or completely endoscopic and even various forms of aortic root replacement
approach (right- and left-sided miniMAZE) may be performed via a partial upper sternotomy.
(Weimar et al. 2012) Surgical success rate seems As with other minimally invasive procedures, the
to also be dependent on ganglionic plexus abla- quality of the operation should not be compro-
tion (parasympathetic innervation) (Mehall et al. mised by the limited surgical approach.
2007; von Oppel et al. 2009; Pison et al. 2012). In reoperative cases, or for patients with poor
Completely telemanipulator-assisted ablation lung function, the use of the partial sternotomy
techniques have been described (Weimar et al. 2012). may be beneficial to limit the amount of cardiac
The interventional treatment of atrial fibrilla- dissection required or reduce respiratory compli-
tion represents an alternate approach. This tech- cations, respectively.
nique uses focused electrical isolation in the atria Off-pump debranching of the aortic arch ves-
and pulmonary veins and has been generally sels may also be performed via a partial upper
854 J. Garbade et al.

sternotomy, with either simultaneous or staged Miller 2009; Wilson et  al. 2009; Aggarwal and
implantation of a stent graft to treat aortic arch Pagani 2010). Continuous-flow pumps appear to
pathology. For cases of acute type A aortic dis- have an advantage over the larger, bulkier pulsatile-­
section, a novel approach has been recently flow assist devices, both in survival and complica-
described for inoperable patients, whereby a tion rates (Griffith et al. 2001; Gregoric et al. 2011).
transapical approach has been used to deliver a Thus, supporting the ongoing trend of further
stent graft into the ascending aorta without the miniaturization of these devices and the insuffi-
HLM (Köbel et  al. 2013; Ronchey et  al. 2013). cient supply of acceptable donor hearts have led to
26 These are further examples of the use of innovative thinking about less invasive mechani-
­minimally invasive and hybrid approaches (see cal strategies for long-term circulatory support.
7 Sect.  26.4.1 «Hybrid Strategy») to reduce the The newly designed LV-sewing ring revolu-
operative risk for cardiac surgical patients. tionizes and facilitates the positioning of the
inflow cannula to the left ventricle and makes this
extremely versatile. The diaphragmatic approach
26.3.10  Heart Failure/Ventricular to HVAD implantation is an alternative implanta-
Assist Devices tion technique that appears to be particularly suit-
able for patients with small lateral thoracic
dimensions, e.g., pediatric patients, and/or an  Left Ventricular Assist unusually enlarged heart (Cheung et  al. 2011;
Device Loforte et al. 2011). Implantation via thoracotomy
The incidence of heart failure worldwide contin- with two small incisions and with or without car-
ues to increase, so does the number of treatment diopulmonary bypass (cannulation via femoral
options to prevent or delay the onset of end- vessels) avoiding the invasive sternotomy is being
stage heart failure. The last decade has seen fun- most recently being utilized and shows promising
damental advances in the medical and surgical results (Slaughter et al. 2010; Strueber et al. 2011).
therapy for patients with severe heart failure. Regarding the small design, the device can be
While heart transplantation remains the gold placed after implantation either transapical, trans-
standard for patients with end-stage heart fail- mitral, intercostal, or subcostal.
ure, the rate of transplantation has remained Several centers have published on biventricu-
relatively steady over the past 20  years (Stehlik lar application of the HVAD pump. Hetzer and
et al. 2010; Francis et al. 2010). This has resulted associates described biventricular implantation
in a major imbalance between supply and techniques and reported on five patients implanted
demand leading to 20 % mortality for patients simultaneously with an LVAD and RVAD and an
on a waiting list for heart transplantation. Giving additional three patients implanted with an RVAD
the relative constant number of donor hearts after initial LVAD implantation. All five patients
available, with a continuously increasing num- with simultaneous LVAD and RVAD implantation
ber of heart failure patients requiring transplan- survived and were discharged home (Hetzer et al.
tation at some point, the waiting list mortality 2010). Strueber and colleagues reported on one
will increase dramatically. As a consequence of patient who received a right ventricular assist
the persistent and relatively even increasing device (RVAD) after initial LVAD implantation
donor organ shortage, there has been growing (Strueber et  al. 2010). The patient was awaiting
interest for alternative strategies. These strate- transplantation at the time of publication. Loforte
gies are in particular left ventricular mechanical and colleagues described a new technique for
circulatory support or partial circulatory sup- biventricular assist device (BiVAD) implantation
port not only as bridge to transplantation but in a small (1.6 m2) patient (Loforte et al. 2010).
also as a permanent solution: destination ther- In summary, the message is clear: continuing
apy (see also 7 chapter «Cardiac Assist Devices and to shrink the size of the pump and the concept of
Total Artificial Heart» Sect. 38.4). only partial circulatory support may minimize
Recently, newer, more durable devices have the surgical trauma, thus resulting in less adverse
been developed and have further advanced the events, shorter recovery times, and enhanced
mechanical circulatory support field (Lietz and quality of life.
Chapter 26 · Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery
855 26
26.4 New Clinical Concepts the patient, which reduces the hospital stay. A
prerequisite for this approach is the presence of
26.4.1  Hybrid Strategy an operating room that combines the require-
ments of the surgical and interventional team
The term hybrid strategy refers to the combina- and is outfitted with a modern fluoroscopic sys-
tion of surgical and interventional methods, tem and the necessary software for online image
either in a simultaneous or staged fashion that is processing and reconstruction, the so-called
used to treat a particular pathology. The goal is to hybrid operating room (. Fig. 26.9) (Jakob et al.
combine minimally invasive surgical techniques 2011).
and/or operative «partial solutions» with catheter-­
based interventional procedures to keep the risks  Results
to patients as low as possible. This new, controver- First clinical experiences with the hybrid strategy
sial therapy has already found broad clinical were made in coronary revascularization (de
applications in the realm of multivessel coronary, Canniere et al. 2001; Davidavicius et al. 2005). In
valve, and great vessel disease in adults, as well as a multicenter study, the combination of MIDCAB
in various pediatric cardiac surgical diseases. The with PCI for the treatment of multivessel CAD
hybrid approach requires close multidisciplinary was evaluated. Wittwer and colleagues reported
collaboration among various specialties and a that the method was safe and effective to achieve
strategic planning of the procedures (Byrne et al. a complete revascularization and that the
2008). approach is valuable for high-risk and older
In particular, in coronary artery disease patients, as well as for patients requiring cardiac
(CAD), the combination of MIDCAB (mortal- reoperation (Wittwer et  al. 2000). The 2-year
ity <1 %) and PCI is gaining increasing popular- results from Davidavicius’ group comparing
ity, particularly for high-risk patients with 2+ hybrid and OPCAB surgery for two-vessel CAD
vessel disease (Shen et al. 2013). Still unresolved showed that the hybrid method is safe and effec-
is the question whether simultaneous or staged tive. Both groups had similar freedom from car-
therapy is preferred. Simultaneous treatment diac symptoms. The perioperative morbidity,
has the advantage of achieving a complete requirement for blood products, pain control,
revascularization, immediate assessment of the and hospital stay were reduced in the hybrid
bypass graft, and a single operative setting for group (Davidavicius et al. 2005).

..Fig. 26.9 Hybrid
operating room
856 J. Garbade et al.

Telemanipulator-assisted coronary revascu- 26.4.2  Endoscopic and

larization has also been successfully combined Telemanipulator-Assisted
with PCI (hybrid procedure). A recent study Cardiac Surgery
published by Bonnati’s group showed that at a
mean follow-up of 5  years, there was a 5-year Telemanipulator-assisted or robotic surgery finds
survival of 92.2 %, and 5-year freedom from its origins in open surgery by transferring open
major adverse cardiac and cerebral events was surgery dexterity to a minimally invasive environ-
75.2 %. At 5  years 2.7 % of bypass grafts and ment, hence overcoming the limitations of classic
26 14.2 % of stented target vessels needed reinter- laparoscopic surgery. The introduction of the
vention (Bonatti et al. 2012). endoluminal clamp technique (see 7 Sect. 26.2.3,
The combination of minimally invasive «HeartPort Technique») supported the develop-
valve operations with percutaneous revascular- ment of telemanipulator-assisted cardiac surgery
ization, particularly for high-risk patients or (Stevens et al. 1996a, b; Pompili et al. 1996).
patients requiring reoperations, is also the sub- The basic idea of the telemanipulator-assisted
ject of intense clinical investigation technology consists of mechanical translation of
(Umakanthan et al. 2009). Various pathologies the surgeon’s motor movements through a limited
in babies and small children are being treated surgical approach, with simultaneous visual pre-
with hybrid approaches (Bacha et  al. 2005, sentation and control of the operative site. The
2007), and the most frequently used being the technique has been applied during IMA prepara-
«Giessen procedure» for stage I palliation of tion, coronary revascularization (LIMA-LAD
hypoplastic left heart syndrome (Akintürk et al. anastomosis) (Mohr et al. 1999; Argenziano et al.
2002; Galantowicz et al. 2008). 2006; Bonaros et al. 2013, with simple and com-
A rapid development of this technique has plex mitral valve pathologies (Falk et  al. 1996,
also been seen in the treatment of aneurysms and 1998; Chitwood et  al. 1997a, b, 2003; Cosgrove
dissections of the thoracoabdominal aorta and et al. 1998; Nifong et al. 2005; Reade et al. 2005;
aortic arch. Many centers have reported success Smith and Stein 2008; Mihaljevic et al. 2013), atrial
with a staged approach to complex aortic arch fibrillation ablation (Akpinar et al. 2003; Cheema
pathology. In some cases, treatment of a type A et  al. 2009), left ventricular mapping, and place-
dissection has involved surgical replacement of ment of epicardial electrodes. Endoscopic and
the ascending aorta and arch, with simultaneous telemanipulator-assisted systems have not only
stenting of the descending thoracic aorta (Lin been used to support minimally invasive proce-
et  al. 2007; Torsello et  al. 2007; Tsagakis et  al. dures with speech-directed holder and camera
2013; Kang et al. 2013). systems, but there have also entire operations been
carried out (Falk et al. 1998; Bonatti et al. 2012).  Conclusion The limitations of endoscopic surgery, such as
The hybrid approach has established new limited movement of rigid insertion systems (only
benchmarks not just in cardiac surgery, but in four degrees of freedom) and the limited flexibil-
all areas of medicine. The introduction of this ity of the distal instrument tips, result in increased
method is the logical result of the changing technical demands on surgeons. The transmission
patient population and the increasing complex- of movement tremors over the endoscope should
ity of the pathologies. It requires an intensive also not be underestimated. Telemanipulator-­
collaboration of the individual specialties and assisted systems are in the position to reduce these
has already become established in coronary limitations. Two different systems are available:
revascularization and pediatric heart surgery. systems which function primarily as passive tools
Interesting applications include the treatment and function as instrument or position holders.
of thoracoabdominal aneurysms and the com- These systems enable a tremor-free transmission
bination of minimally invasive valve surgery or fixation of the operative site. Instrument steer-
with adjunctive PCI.  However, a clear defini- ing, i.e., AESOP (Automated Endoscopic System
tion and characterization of the patients are yet for Optimal Positioning; Intuitive Surgical,
to be determined. Further studies will be Sunnyvale, California, USA), can be controlled
required to establish specific indications for the via speech or manually. The ­second group, telema-
hybrid approach. nipulators, enable a direct 3D-­controlled, fine sur-
Chapter 26 · Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery
857 26

a b

..Fig. 26.10  Telemanipulator. da Vinci System (Intuitive Surgical, Sunnyvale, California, USA): a steering console and
b robotic console (©2015 Intuitive Surgical, Inc)

gical manipulation on the heart. Presently, the approach can occur in a stepwise fashion (level I–
most commonly used system is the da Vinci sys- III) (Falk et al. 1996, 1998; Chitwood et al. 1997a, b)
tem (Intuitive Surgical, . Fig. 26.10). until a complete, robot-assisted closed-­chest opera-
The da Vinci System consists of a surgeon con- tion can be achieved (level IV) (Falk et al. 1998).
sole, a patient side cart holding the instruments,
and a vision cart, so that the surgeon can flexibly  Results
position various arms (from surgeon console two The AESOP systems are primarily used during
or three instrument arms) with up to seven minimally invasive mitral valve surgery as speech-­
degrees of freedom axis for translations and ori- guided stabilizers and instrument-holding sys-
entations, achieving controlled movements within tems. Studies have shown that these systems can
the operative site. The movements of the operator be used safely and effectively (Nifong et al. 2005;
are sensed and converted into synchronous surgi- O’Neill et  al. 2007; Bonatti et  al. 2012; Bonaros
cal movements through computer algorithms. et al. 2013; Mihaljevic et al. 2013).
The simultaneous control of the endoscopic In 2013, a total of 523,000 procedures had been
camera produces a high-definition 3D (1080i) pic- carried out worldwide with the da Vinci Robotic
ture, which is transmitted from the operative site to System. Essentially, four different pathologies were
the console. The insertion of robotic arms is treated: coronary one-vessel disease (TECAB)—up
achieved through various ports through the body to two-vessel disease, mitral valve repair (MVR),
wall. Advantages of telemanipulator-assisted sur- ASD closure, and atrial fibrillation ablation.
gery, in comparison to endoscopic surgery, include With the TECAB (totally endoscopic coronary
increased degrees of freedom, no transmission of artery bypass surgery) procedure, initially per-
tremors, variable speed of movement transmis- formed in 1998  in Paris and Leipzig (Loulmet
sion, indexing, linear maintenance of strength, and et al. 1999; Mohr et al. 1999), the preparation of
a direct hand-eye coordination (Falk et al. 1998). the left internal thoracic artery and the LIMA-
In accordance with the technical complexity LAD anastomosis were performed totally endo-
and the visual demands, implementation of this scopically on the arrested heart with a closed-chest
858 J. Garbade et al.


..Fig. 26.11  Telemanipulator-assisted cardiac surgery. Operative setup (©2015 Intuitive Surgical, Inc)

approach (using the HeartPort technique). The tomosis was carried out using the HeartPort
positioning of the patient is supine, with the left technique and not on the beating heart
hemithorax lightly elevated. Three ports are then (Argenziano et al. 2006; Bonatti et al. 2007). For
placed, forming a triangle (. Fig. 26.11). One port patients with t­ wo-­vessel coronary artery disease,
is in the fourth left intercostal space, medially and a hybrid approach can also be considered
anteriorly. The cranial port is in the third intercos- (Bonatti et al. 2012).
tal space, lateral and more posteriorly located and Telemanipulator-assisted mitral valve repair
the caudal port lies in the sixth or seventh inter- of complex pathologies has already been demon-
costal space, lateral and more posteriorly located. strated in studies by Chitwood and colleagues
For a better exposure and overview, CO2 insuffla- (1997a, b, 2003). In an FDA study of the da Vinci
tion to achieve an intrathoracic pressure of System, various techniques such as quadrangular
6–14 mmHg has also been shown to be helpful. resection, sliding plasty, chordal transfer, chordal
The results of the first prospective multi- replacement, and implantation of anuloplasty
center study with the da Vinci System showed no bands were carried out (Chitwood et  al. 2000).
difference with respect to mortality and morbid- With the introduction of new instruments, suture
ity (Argenziano et  al. 2006). The angiographic techniques, neochordae and nitinol clips, mitral
patency and reintervention rate were comparable valve reconstruction, and implantation of anulo-
to conventional operation. However, in this plasty bands are possible with good clinical
study, the construction of the LIMA-LAD anas- results. Increased experience has resulted in a
Chapter 26 · Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery
859 26
reduction of operative, bypass, and cross clamp be critically evaluated and compared to the existing
times (Reade et al. 2005; Mihaljevic et al. 2013). high standards of modern cardiac surgery.
With respect to atrial fibrillation ablation, the
MAZE procedure represents one of the most effec-
tive surgical techniques, whereby the left and right References
atria must be opened. Independent of which energy
source is used (radiofrequency or cryotherapy), a Abu Hazeem AA, Gillespie MJ, Thun H, Munson D, Schwartz
MC, Dori Y, Rome JJ, Glatz AC (2013) Percutaneous clo-
safe and effective therapy can be performed via a
sure of patent ductus arteriosus in small infants with
right lateral mini-thoracotomy with connection to significant lung disease may offer faster recovery of
ECC via the femoral vessels. Commonly, this pro- respiratory function when compared to surgical liga-
cedure is performed in conjunction with mitral or tion. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. doi:10.1002/
tricuspid valve surgery (Seeburger et  al. 2008; ccd.25032, PMID: 23723091
Aggarwal S, Pagani FD (2010) Bridge to transplantation:
Akpinar et al. 2003). Totally endoscopic techniques
current outcomes. J Card Surg 25:455–461
for isolated pulmonary vein ablation on the beating Akintürk H, Michel-Behnke I, Valeske K et al. (2002) Stenting
heart (Saltman et al. 2003; Cheema et al. 2009), but of the arterial duct and banding of the pulmonary
also systems for ablation on the beating heart, have arteries: basis for combined Norwood stage I and II
been described (Cheema et al. 2009). repair in hypoplastic left heart. Circulation 105:1099–
Garrido reported successful use of the da
Akpinar B, Guden M, Sagbas E, Sanisoglu I, Ozbek U,
Vinci System to treat atrial fibrillation (Garrido Caynak B, Bayindir O (2003) Combined radiofrequency
et al. 2004). Interventional therapy of atrial fibril- modified maze and mitral valve procedure through a
lation represents an alternate therapeutic strategy. port access approach: early and mid-term results. Eur
This approach involves focused electrical isola- J Cardiothorac Surg 24:223–230
Arcidi JM Jr, Rodriguez E, Elbeery JR, Nifong LW, Efird JT,
tion in the right and left atria, and the pulmonary
Chitwood WR Jr (2012) Fifteen-year experience with
veins, and has been associated with very good minimally invasive approach for reoperations involv-
clinical results but also serious complications ing the mitral valve. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg
(O’Neill et  al. 2007) (see also 7 chapter «Surgical 143:1062–1068
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869 27

Aneurysm and Dissection
of the Thoracic and
Thoracoabdominal Aorta
Matthias Karck and Klaus Kallenbach

27.1 Introduction – 871

27.1.1  efinitions and Outline – 871
27.1.2 Historical Remarks – 872
27.1.3 Surgical Indications – 872
27.1.4 Prostheses, Sutures, and Stentgrafts (Endovascular
Prostheses) – 873

27.2 Aneurysms of the Ascending Aorta – 873

27.2.1  ccess and Extracorporeal Circulation – 873
27.2.2 Limited Ascending Aorta Replacement – 874
27.2.3 Ascending Aorta and Aortic Valve Replacement – 874 Separate Replacement – 875 Combined Replacement/Composite Graft – 875 Distal Anastomosis – 877 Prosthesis Inclusion, Wrapping Technique – 878 Concomitant Coronary Revascularization – 878 Alternative Methods of Proximal Aorta Replacement – 879
27.2.4  scending Aorta Replacement Associated with Aortic Valve
Reconstruction – 880 Indications for Applying the Reimplantation Method – 880 Reimplantation of the Aortic Valve – 880 Modifications of the Reimplantation Method – 882
27.2.5 Complications – 882

27.3 Dissection of the Ascending Aorta – 883

27.3.1  iagnosis and Indications – 883
27.3.2 Access and Extracorporeal Circulation – 883

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_27
27.3.3 S electing a Surgical Technique – 884
27.3.4 Acute Type A Dissection – 885
27.3.5 Chronic Type A Dissection – 887
27.3.6 Complications – 888

27.4  neurysms and Dissection of

the Aortic Arch – 889
27.4.1  ccess and Extracorporeal Circulation – 889
27.4.2 Ascending Aorta: Decision Making – 891
27.4.3 Aortic Arch Replacement for Aneurysms – 892 Proximal Replacement – 892 Subtotal and Total Replacement – 893
27.4.4 Aortic Arch Replacement in Type A Dissection – 894
27.4.5 Total Aortic Arch Replacement Using the
Elephant Trunk Prosthesis – 896
27.4.6 Distal Aortic Arch Replacement – 897 Surgical Access – 897 Managing Intra- and Extracorporeal Circulation – 898 Procedure at the Aorta – 899
27.4.7 Alternative Techniques for Aortic Arch
Replacement – 902

27.5 Reoperations – 903

27.6  neurysms and Dissections

of the Descending Aorta – 903
27.6.1 T reatment Strategies – 903
27.6.2 Circulatory Support – 904
27.6.3 Indications – 904
27.6.4 Selecting a Technique – 904 Thoracic Access – 904 Thoracic Aorta Replacement – 905 Thoracoabdominal Access – 906 Thoracoabdominal Aorta Replacement – 907

References – 907
Chapter 27 · Aneurysm and Dissection of the Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Aorta
871 27
27.1 Introduction wall layer of a dissected aorta will go through the
typical transformation process and evolve into an
The surgical options for treating diseases of the aneurysm. A dissection can also develop from a
aorta have been extended in the past 15  years. preexisting aneurysm. Owing to these relation-
This development was driven, in particular, by the ships and also considering the similar type of sur-
search for means of reducing surgical trauma. For gical treatment, the procedures for proximal
example, new techniques that were introduced for thoracic aneurysms and aorta dissection are pre-
procedures at the aortic arch brought about con- sented together.
siderable improvement in intraoperative neuro- Operations for aneurysms and dissection of
protection (Hagl et  al. 2003). Moreover, new the descending thoracic aorta will be discussed
methods are now available for various indications with respect to the need to replace numerous
in classic «open» surgery; while they are not aortic segments. The respective chapter also deals
suited to replace the diseased aortic segment, with interventional procedures for treating aortic
these methods nonetheless enable us to treat disease involving the aortic arch and/or the tho-
affected aortal segments by implanting endovas- racoabdominal aorta. In addition, the reader is
cular prostheses  – so-called endografts (Baraki referred to the corresponding 7 Chap. 28 in this
et al. 2007; Nienaber et al. 2007). Accordingly, a textbook. By definition, an aneurysm of the
new chapter, «Endovascular Surgical Therapy of ascending aorta involves the segment between
Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Disease of the the aortic valve and the origin of the innominate
Aorta,» is added to this book (7 Chap. 28). artery, an aortic arch aneurysm when the aneu-
The surgical treatment of diseases of the rysm runs between the branches of the brachio-
aorta, therefore, is increasingly being conducted cephalic trunk and left subclavian artery, and,
at interdisciplinary treatment centers, which is finally, an aneurysm of the descending aorta if the
sensible. The following account, however, is thoracic aorta segments beyond this artery are
being given primarily from the perspective of affected.
classic aorta surgery and deals with the inter- Today, dissection of the aorta is divided into
ventional procedures according to surgical indi- type A and type B (Miller et al. 1979), basically
cation. superseding the original classification by De
Bakey et al. (1966). The two types only differ with
regard to the segment affected  – ascending or
27.1.1  Definitions and Outline descending aorta  – irrespective of the site of
proximal «entry» and the peripheral extent of the
Aneurysms and dissections of the aorta result dissection process. This view is thought to best
from a weakness in the viscoelastic «belt» of the satisfy the requirements for surgical manage-
vascular media that sustains the arterial pressure. ment since a type A dissection is always accessed
This can be strictly localized  – as in the case of via a sternotomy, type B in contrast via a left-lat-
rupture of the vascular wall due to trauma  – or eral thoracotomy. In our opinion, it is still sensi-
can involve extensive segments of the vessel – as ble to apply DeBakey’s type II terminology for
in the case of primary medial degeneration and dissections limited to the ascending aorta  – in
atherosclerotic aortopathy. The consequences are spite of their rarity – because they often engraft a
a progressive increase in the vessel radius as well preexisting anular ectasia, mainly associated with
as a thinning and  – and according to Laplace’s Marfan syndrome. In addition, they are usually
law – a disproportionate increase in wall tension, easier to operate than dissections extending far
resulting in compression of neighboring organs distally.
and ultimately in rupture. Aortic dissection repre- More recent studies have shown that intramu-
sents a special case, in which intima and the ral hematomas and atherosclerotic ulcerations can
degenerated media rupture and split longitudi- be signs of a beginning aortic dissection. Thus,
nally from the adventitia, usually over long Swensson et al. (1999) suggested that pathomor-
stretches of the vessel. If an individual does not phological criteria be used to distinguish them.
die as a result of an acute rupture associated with Lansman et al. (1999) recommended classify-
cardiac tamponade, massive aortic insufficiency, ing aortic dissections with regard to the site of the
or malperfusion of vital organs, the outermost intimal tear. In some cases, a type B dissection
872 M. Karck and K. Kallenbach

extends retrogradely into the aortic arch and up to this development in detail. Indeed, arch proce-
the aortic valve. dures were considered high-risk operations for
A dissection is defined as acute if surgery is quite some time until Griepp et  al. (1975), Ott
undertaken within 14  days of onset, usually et  al. (1978), Thevenet (1980), and particularly
accompanied by tremendous suddenly occurring Crawford (Crawford and Saleh 1981; Crawford
chest pain. It is called subacute if that pain event et al. 1979, 1984) picked up on an older sugges-
took place more than 2  weeks but less than tion made by Borst and colleagues to operate
2 months previously, and it is chronic if a longer under conditions of circulatory arrest and deep
period has passed. From the surgeon’s standpoint, hypothermia (Borst et  al. 1964). After Bachet
it is largely irrelevant to distinguish between acute et al. (1991) and more so Kazui et al. (2007) intro-
27 and subacute dissection as in both cases the walls duced scientifically well-founded techniques for
of the aorta are delicate and fragile since stabiliz- protecting the brain during surgery, excellent
ing scar tissue only develops in the outermost wall results can now be achieved for partial and total
layer later on. arch replacement. Long perfusion times and
potentially severe coagulation disorders due to
the extremely low body temperatures prompted a
27.1.2  Historical Remarks number of authors to compromise between mod-
erate hypothermia and comparably short periods
Surgical strategies for treating the proximal tho- of circulatory arrest (Bachet and Guilmet 2002;
racic segments of the aorta lagged behind those of Di Eusanio et al. 2002; Kamiya et al. 2006, 2007).
the descending aorta due to initially unresolvable Today, there is increasing evidence that neuro-
technical problems. These mainly involved intra- logical outcome after circulatory arrest of more
operative protections of vital organs and the avail- than 30 min is improved when antegrade cerebral
ability of vascular prostheses that remained blood perfusion was used in comparison to deep hypo-
tight even in a patient fully heparinized. Up to the thermia alone (Krüger et al. 2011).
middle of the 1950s, therefore, surgeons were Although true long-term follow-up data are
restricted to operate upon saccular and upon fusi- still limited, endoluminal thoracic aortic prostheses
form aneurysms by resecting the first and reduc- have been widely introduced clinically as, in the
ing the size of the latter (Cooley and De Bakey meantime, this is considered to be at least as good
1952). Cooley und De Bakey were the first to an option as classic open surgery for several indica-
implant a tubular prosthesis in the ascending tions (Nienaber et al. 2007). This applies to diseases
aorta under conditions of extracorporeal circula- of the descending aorta and, as recently reported,
tion in 1956. Later, the aortic root and the ascend- also to those of the aortic arch (Schumacher et al.
ing aorta were either replaced separately (Wheat 2006; Kotelis et al. 2011). Here, however, the supra-
et al. 1964) or jointly (Bentall and De Bono 1968; aortic branches need to be extra anatomically
Schulte and Birks 1971), with the latter technique transposed to the ascending aorta before implant-
largely becoming established. Today, hospital ing aortic endovascular prostheses.
mortality of those procedures is comparable to
that for a simple aortic valve replacement
(Kouchoukos et al. 1986). The valve-sparing pro- 27.1.3  Surgical Indications
cedures introduced by Yacoub in 1983 and by
David at the early 1990s extended the therapeutic The goal of surgical treatment of aneurysms and/
options considerably (David and Feindel 1992; or dissections of the thoracic and abdominal
Yacoub et al. 1983). aorta is to prevent rupture; less often compres-
For aortic arch replacement, surgeons initially sion of neighboring organs has to be eliminated,
used temporary or permanent extra-anatomic also. In general, an increase in the diameter of an
circulatory bypasses (Cooley and DeBakey 1956; aneurysm to >5 cm in the ascending aorta and in
Cooley et al. 1955; Creech et al. 1956; Muller et al. the arch segment and to >6 cm in the descending
1960) until De Bakey, Crawford, and Cooley suc- aorta gives the indication for elective proce-
cessfully replaced the aortic arch on extracorpo- dures. Symptoms of an impending rupture or a
real circulation for the first time in 1957 (De life-­
threatening compression of intrathoracic
Bakey et al. 1957). Heberer et al. (1960) described organs require a rapid line of action. For manifest
Chapter 27 · Aneurysm and Dissection of the Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Aorta
873 27
rupture and for acute type A dissection, emer- 27.2 Aneurysms of the Ascending
gency surgery is always needed in order to pre- Aorta
vent cardiac tamponade and massive aortic
insufficiency. Aneurysms that extend from the aortic root to the
Further refinements concerning the indica- branches of the innominate artery may be limited
tions for operative therapy in diverse subcohorts to one of the aortic sinuses or to the supracom-
of patients with aortic aneurysms have been pub- missural segment. More often, however, they
lished recently are displayed in updated guidelines involve the entire aortic bulb and the actual
and (Erbel et al. 2014; Hiratzka et al. 2010, 2016). ascending aorta, meaning an anuloaortic ectasia
associated with aortic valve insufficiency caused
by aortic ring dilatation. How radical the treat-
27.1.4  Prostheses, Sutures, ment must be depends largely on the degree of
and Stentgrafts aneurysmal dilatation. The surgeon, however, will
(Endovascular Prostheses) attempt to restrict the procedure to the proximal
segment of the aorta.
Today, prostheses fashioned from woven double-­
velour Dacron and pretreated with collagen are
used almost exclusively. Mostly, simple tubular vas- For planning the procedure with the aim of
cular prostheses are applied that, depending on possibly sparing the aortic valve, the surgeon
where they will be implanted, are supplied with must be aware about the type, extent, and
prefabricated side branches to facilitate an anasto- prognosis of any concomitant valve malfor-
mosis to the large branches of the aorta (Spielvogel mations.
et al. 2003). For treating diseases involving both the
aortic arch and the descending aorta, vascular
prostheses are available that carry a stented and a
nonstented segment (so-called hybrid prostheses; 27.2.1  Access and Extracorporeal
Karck et al. 2005). By using such prostheses that are Circulation
designed like an endograft distally, a later second
operation via a lateral access is often unnecessary. For all proximal aneurysms, the heart and aorta are
In addition, a wide variety of vascular stents accessed in the same way, via a median sternotomy.
and prostheses has emerged for endovascular If the pericardium is intact (first operation), the
treatment of many aortic diseases (Chuter 2007; aneurysm is usually protected from sawing injury.
Greenberg et al. 2006; Melissano et al. 2007). For Thus, sternotomy is performed in standard fash-
details, please see also 7 Chapter «Endovascular ion. After opening the pericardium, the surgeon
Surgical Therapy of Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal first determines whether the proximal aortic arch
Disease of the Aorta», Sect. 28.2. is suitable for arterial cannulation. If not, one of the
Human aortic homografts are particularly two common femoral arteries or the right axillary
well suited for repeat procedures of the thoracic artery can be used. In complicated situations, par-
aorta due to vascular prosthesis infection (Lesèche ticularly reoperations, the procedures outlined in
et al. 2001). 7 Sect. 27.5, «Reoperations», apply.
Sutures for aortic surgery have largely been With large aneurysms, the aorta is inevitably
standardized. We exclusively employ monofila- elongated, and thus, the heart is frequently dis-
ment, usually double-armed size 3/0 suture placed to the left and caudally, which makes it dif-
material. Extra-long threads (monofilament poly- ficult to access the right atrium. In this case, it may
propylene, 120  cm) are better for deep suturing, be easier to decompress the heart by first starting
whereas lower-sized threads and needles are pref- with one venous cannula and adding a second
erable for anastomosing aortic side branches and caval catheter later. More often, we insert a single
also for joining the coronary ostia to the aorta pros- two-staged cannula through the auricle of right
thesis. By choosing a special, hardened surgical atrium, while the assisting surgeon carefully holds
needle, it is much easier to create an anastomosis if the aneurysm to the side. Frequently, adhesions
the target vessel is calcified. have developed between the aneurysm, the right
874 M. Karck and K. Kallenbach

atrium, and the superior vena cava, which need to stumps by using continuous running sutures. In
be detached first so that the aorta can be clamped cases of valve insufficiency, a valve-sparing proce-
and opened as soon as the extracorporeal circula- dure can also be chosen and the aneurysmatic
tion has been established and ventricular fibrilla- segment of the ascending aorta replaced with a
tion has been commenced. It is also advisable to vascular prosthesis at the same time.
detach adhesions between the aneurysm and the
pericardium, but the phrenic nerve must be pre-
served under all circumstances. We always insert a
Aortic root aneurysms that definitely involve
left ventricular suction catheter, either via the
the sinus of Valsalva are repea­tedly and erro-
interatrial sulcus at the level of the upper right pul-
neously termed aneurysms of sinus of Val-
27 monary vein and the mitral valve or – if access is
salva. This term, however, is generally reserved
awkward  – directly through the apex of the left
for congenital saccular weakness of the ven-
chamber. After clamping the aorta, cardioplegic
tricular-aortic junction that, over time, perfo-
solution is then injected into the ascending seg-
rates most frequently into the right atrium or
ment for aneurysms not associated with aortic
ventricle. Aneurysms of the sinus of Valsalva
insufficiency. Cardioplegia may be delivered in a
do not cause aortic or aortic root dilatation to
retrograde fashion through the coronary sinus,
the extent of an aortic root aneurysm.
also. In all other cases, the aorta has been opened
prior to direct intubation of the coronary ostia if
antegrade delivery of cardioplegia is planned. The
technique for opening the ascending aorta includ-
ing its base depends on the intraoperative findings. 27.2.3  Ascending Aorta and Aortic
Valve Replacement

27.2.2   imited Ascending Aorta

L The entire proximal aorta including the aortic
Replacement root and valve needs to be factored into surgical
planning if the base of the aorta is dilated proxi-
Saccular aneurysms that develop – though rarely – mal to the actual ascending segment of the aorta
in the aortic root, in a sinus of Valsalva, or supra- in terms of an anuloaortic ectasia. If the valve can-
commissurally can be successfully treated with a not be spared, the ascending aorta can be replaced
patch or another valve-sparing procedure (see separately by using Wheat’s technique (Wheat
7 Sect.  27.2.4, «Ascending Aorta Replacement et al. 1964) or according to Bentall and De Bono
Associated with Aortic Valve Reconstruction»). After (1968) by using a valved composite graft. If the
occluding the aorta and introducing cardioplegic first technique is chosen, the defective base of the
arrest, the aneurysm should first be inspected to aorta must be eliminated to the greatest extent
determine its dimensions and extension. Then, it possible in order to prevent an aneurysmatic dila-
is resected up to where the aortic wall appears to tion of the residual base of the aorta from devel-
be healthy. Subsequently and in the simplest case, oping later. Indeed, as a result of their extensive
a pericardial or prosthetic patch is implanted to experience, Kouchoukos et al. (1986) advise doing
cover the aortic defect by oversewing with con- this. We employ this method in elderly patients
tinuous running 3/0 sutures, possibly with the aid with normal sinuses and preserved sinotubular
of Teflon- or pericardium-reinforced mattress junction. It also represents an option for a very
sutures. narrow base of the aorta, for coronary ostia that
A supracommissural fusiform aneurysm is lie extremely close to the anulus, or when a func-
opened along its longitudinal axis so that the tioning aortic valve prosthesis is already in place.
dilated segment of the aorta can subsequently be Regardless of the technique chosen, the aorta
resected. A defective aortic valve associated with is opened by making a «hockey stick»-like inci-
stenosis is replaced in the usual manner. A pros- sion that initially ends at the level of the sinotubu-
thetic tube graft that corresponds to the diameter lar junction before it enters the noncoronary sinus
of the aorta is inserted into the defect of the (. Fig. 27.1). Subsequently, we transect the aorta
ascending aorta and proximally and distally (usu- at this level in order to allow for a better view and
ally beveled) anastomosed end to end to the aortic mobility in the area of the aortic root.
Chapter 27 · Aneurysm and Dissection of the Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Aorta
875 27

..Fig. 27.1  Typical incision line for replacement of the ..Fig. 27.2  Separate replacement of aortic valve and
ascending aorta ascending aorta. The valve prosthesis is implanted. The
aortic prosthesis is anchored as deeply as possible in the
sinus. Arch-shaped gaps corresponding to the coronary
ostia are cut out of the proximal end of the prosthesis. The
ostia are semi-circumferentially included into the suture  Separate Replacement line (the left ostium is illustrated here). In the noncoronary
sector, the edge of the prosthesis can be joined directly
Applying the Wheat technique (Markewitz et al. with the suture ring of the artificial valve
1986; Wheat et al. 1964; Yun et al. 1997), the aortic
valve is first replaced in the usual manner. Then,
two small arch-shaped excisions are made in the
proximal end of the ascending aorta prosthesis  Combined Replacement/
that correspond to the anatomical site of the coro- Composite Graft
nary ostia; later, the prosthetic tube needs to be Combined replacement of the ascending aorta
anchored as deeply as possible in the bulb here. and aortic valve constitutes a routine procedure
Double-armed continuous anastomotic suturing for treating anuloaortic ectasia, irrespective of
begins at the level of the noncoronary sinus and whether it is caused by aneurysm or dissection
proceeds in the direction of the left coronary (Ehrlich et  al. 2001; Gott et  al. 1999; Mingke
ostium, which is semi-circumferentially included et  al. 1998; Sioris et  al. 2004). Following the
into the suture line. Sewing is continued in a original method of Bentall and De Bono (1968),
clockwise direction until the right ostium is the coronary ostia are not excised but reim-
reached and can also be included into the anasto- planted in the composite graft in continuity with
motic suture (. Fig. 27.2). With the other end of the aortic wall.
the thread, the surgeon stitches deeply into the In the modification described here, however,
noncoronary sinus to the right, to ultimately reach the coronary ostia are first excised out of the ves-
the corresponding thread and tie the two ends sel wall with a trumpet-shaped aortic tissue cuff
together. It is important to exclude the noncoro- (button) for better mobilization. We prefer this
nary sinus as completely as possible as recur- method for both primary and redo procedures at
rences are especially likely to develop in this zone. the aortic root because it always allows reimplan-
It may be advantageous, therefore, to join the tation of the coronary ostia into the aortic pros-
ascending aorta graft directly with the suture ring thesis without producing any tension. Indeed, we
of the already implanted aortic valve prosthesis have also largely departed from employing the
(for distal prosthesis-aorta anastomosing, see original method because we occasionally observed
7 Sect., «Distal Anastomosis»). This tech- recurrent aneurysms in the area of the coronary
nique may be also employed in ascending aortic ostia anastomoses in patients who had previously
aneurysms secondary to earlier aortic valve undergone surgery. In particular Svensson et  al.
replacement revealing a well-functioning valve (1992) and Gott et  al. (1995) gained experience
prosthesis, usually a mechanical one. using the modified technique already early on.
876 M. Karck and K. Kallenbach

..Fig. 27.4  All sutures have been placed and the
..Fig. 27.3  Combined replacement of the ascending prosthesis can be inserted into the base of the aorta
aorta and aortic valve. The prosthesis is anchored along
the right aspect of the base of the aorta using
Teflon-pledgeted mattress sutures. The valve cusps are preferred procedure is to sparingly fenestrate the
tubular segment of the prosthesis precisely at the
removed. The coronary ostia are excised out of the aortic
wall and held aside by stay sutures point at which the corresponding ostium can be
anastomosed with the least possible amount of
tension. To achieve this, the first assistant holds
Other variants are described in 7  Sect., the ostium toward the vascular prosthesis before
«Alternative Methods of Proximal Aorta Replacement» the surgeon places the window at the site that cor-
(Bachet et al. 1996). responds most favorably to the bottom of the
The size of the prosthesis for combined replace- ostium. For this, a battery-operated electrocauter-
ment of the aortic valve and the ascending aorta izer is used. At the same time, a wide-enough rem-
depends on the diameter of the aortic anulus. It is nant of prosthetic tissue must be left between the
determined in the same way as for isolated aortic suture ring of the valve prosthesis and the respec-
valve replacement after excising the cusps. After tive ostium so that the anastomosis is not under
transverse aortotomy at the level of the sinotubular any tension later. The holes in the prosthesis
junction, the coronary ostia are readily accessible, should be compatible with the size of the ostia
and the surgeon has a good view for excising them unless the ostium is sclerosed such that one would
in a «U shape» from the aortic wall and for subse- need to leave a greater margin around the holes.
quently placing stay sutures to hold them aside. When creating the anastomosis, the entire aortic
Three additional stay sutures at the level of the wall including the adventitia needs to be passed
valve commissures are lifted under light tension. by the needle. Depending on the condition of the
In this way, the entire aortic root is lifted more into surrounding aortic wall, a 5/0 or also a 4/0 suture
the surgical field of view, which facilitates the fur- is recommended. First the left ostium is anasto-
ther procedure. The prosthesis is anchored into the mosed to the prosthesis (. Fig. 27.5). For practical
base of the aorta, usually with Teflon felt-rein- reasons, the lower part of the coronary anastomo-
forced single mattress sutures that are placed from sis is sewn by inserting the needle through the
an aortal direction (. Figs. 27.3 and 27.4). prosthesis and capturing the lower margin of the
As a time-saving alternative, the composite ostium. For the rest of the anastomosis, the direc-
graft can be implanted by using three long, tion is less important. Nonetheless, it is easier to
double-­armed 2/0 polypropylene sutures and a sew toward oneself and around the anastomosis.
continuous sewing technique. They proceed from The right coronary ostium is attached to the pros-
the depth of each of the three sinuses to the cor- thesis in the same way; the anastomosis is usually
responding commissure and then inserting and technically easier (. Fig. 27.6).
anchoring the prosthesis in the anulus («block-­ It is wise to ensure that there is no leakage in any
and-­tackle» effect). of the two coronary-prosthesis anastomoses before
After fixating the composite graft in the base finishing the distal prosthesio-ascending aortic
of the aorta, the coronary ostia are sutured to the anastomosis (Borst 1981). To control for potential
respective sides of the vascular prosthesis. Our bleeding sites, the distal end of the composite graft
Chapter 27 · Aneurysm and Dissection of the Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Aorta
877 27

..Fig. 27.7  By infusing cardioplegic solution into the

distally clamped prosthetic tube graft, any anastomotic
leakage between the coronary ostia and the prosthesis
can be detected

the distal prosthesis-­aorta anastomosis has already

been completed.

..Fig. 27.5  Anastomosing the left coronary ostium to  Distal Anastomosis
the aortic prosthesis as a coronary button. By stitching Independently of which method of proximal aor-
through the prosthesis from inside to outside, the lower tic reconstruction is used, the next step involves
part of the periostial tissue is sutured first anastomosing the prosthesis to the distal ascend-
ing aorta. Usually this connection is established
just upstream of the occlusion clamp. In contrast,
for aneurysms that extend into the arch and occa-
sionally also for dissections, anchoring must be
more distal (see 7 Sect., «Alternative
Methods of Proximal Aorta Replacement»). Two
options are available for distal prosthesio-aortic
anastomosis. It can proceed entirely from the
lumen of the aorta by using transmural continu-
ous sutures. Alternatively, the aorta can be tran-
sected about 12  mm from the occlusion clamp
toward the heart so that an end-to-end anastomo-
sis can be fabricated (. Fig. 27.8). This variant has
the advantage that any sources of bleeding discov-
ered later can readily be inspected and easily
managed. The aneurysmal flaps are not sewn in
but rather left for later graft inclusion (see 7 Sect., «Prosthesis Inclusion, Wrapping Technique»).
Prior to creating the prosthesio-aortic anastomo-
sis, the closed occlusion clamp is carefully pulled
..Fig. 27.6  Anastomosis of the right coronary ostium, down toward the heart and the heart itself is
which is done in the same way as for the left side
raised, as it often has shifted far caudally and to
the left. Then the prosthesis is cut back to proper
is clamped and put under pressure by administer- size, usually strongly beveled. The end-to-­ end
ing cardioplegic solution via a separate arterial sup- anastomosis is fabricated by using double-­armed
ply into the graft, at this time perfusing already the 3/0 polypropylene thread, suturing by beginning
coronary arteries (. Fig. 27.7). Any residual sources at the backside of the prosthesis and toward the
of bleeding can then be easily recognized and read- aorta. After completing the anastomosis at the
ily treated; this is considerably more difficult when front part of the aorta, a more or less large
878 M. Karck and K. Kallenbach

nitis occurs. By modifying the original method of

Bentall and De Bono in that we excise the coro-
nary ostia, our preferred procedure, a complete
hemostatic effect cannot be achieved in the area of
the aortic root. This eliminates one important rea-
son for establishing a prosthetic inclusion in the
first place. Therefore we are increasingly abandon-
ing the aim of accomplishing a graft inclusion. In
addition, it has not been proven that an inclusion
provides a real protective effect from infection of
27 the prosthesis in mediastinitis.  Concomitant Coronary

When aortic disease is associated with ischemic
..Fig. 27.8  Performing the distal prosthesio-aortic heart disease or – more rarely – when damage in
anastomosis with continuous everting sutures through
the area of the coronary ostia (sclerosis, dissec-
the lumen. For this technique, it is advantageous to divide
the aorta completely tion) occurs during root replacement, coronary
revascularization may be necessary simultane-
ously with ascending aorta replacement (with or
prosthetic flap is sometimes left over that can be without valve replacement). In coronary artery
used for de-airing. Thereafter, the base of the flap disease, the distal bypass anastomoses are per-
is fastened with the anastomotic suture line and formed as in any standard CABG procedure. If a
the residual flap is removed. coronary ostium had to be sacrificed for technical
reasons, the distal venous bypass anastomosis is  Prosthesis Inclusion, performed most proximal at the coronary artery
Wrapping Technique involved in order to establish the shortest connec-
The technique originally published by Bentall and tion possible. If a coronary ostium needs to be
De Bono in 1968 has made it possible to establish closed, it is essential that retrograde leakage is pre-
a complete inclusion of the entire ascending aorta vented. This is most reliably achieved by placing a
prosthesis provided by the original aneurysm. deep mattress suture that is always reinforced.
After opening the aorta, the redundant aneurys- The proximal anastomosis of vein grafts can
mal flaps are cut back. Both proximally and dis- be problematic in these situations, particularly in
tally, as well as left-laterally, large triangular patients with dissections.
shaped parts of the aneurysmal wall need to be Two variants of proximal anastomoses can be
removed also, in order to achieve a tight fit of the employed: the one we prefer involves anastomos-
prosthesis within the custom tailored aneurysmal ing the bypass graft (s) to the innominate artery,
wall tissue. For this, continuous everting sutures which – if at all possible – is clamped off tangen-
are applied. Very thin aneurysmal wall tissue may tially during surgery. The alternative remains in a
require a continuous mattress suture and a second direct coronary bypass graft anastomosis to the
layer of interlocking sutures. The surgeon best aortic prosthesis. We only select this latter possi-
starts the suture at the lowest point in the surgical bility when the innominate artery is not suitable,
field of view in the area of the noncoronary sinus such as for an extensive dissection or if sclerosis is
and proceeds over the zenith of the ascending ves- palpable. In that case, a round pericardial patch
sel. Distally the left and right residual aneurysmal with a diameter of about 1.5–2  cm is first sewn
flaps are joined with the adventitia of the aortic into the aortic prosthesis and the bypass anasto-
wall slightly downstream of the prosthesio-aortic mosis created in the center thereafter. This proce-
anastomosis; they are joined with any Teflon felt dure is more laborious than a direct vein
strips that may have been used. anastomosis into the prosthetic material; how-
Reasoning for a complete inclusion of the graft ever, it prevents an anastomotic stenosis from
implanted has been hemostasis and potential pro- developing as a result of intimal hyperplasia later
tection from infection, especially when mediasti- postoperatively.
Chapter 27 · Aneurysm and Dissection of the Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Aorta
879 27   lternative Methods of
A tional risks. It also prohibits a tight graft inclusion
Proximal Aorta Replacement as otherwise the bypass graft would be compro-
Important alternatives to the procedures of mised.
Bentall and De Bono (1968) and the variants In the event of anastomotic bleeding into the
thereof emerge when a «biological» heart valve is graft inclusion, Cabrol et al. (1981) recommend to
chosen for replacement of the defective native anastomose the graft inclusion space, which
valve. Here, an aortic homograft valve, the proce- developed around the prosthesis, with the right
dures of Ross (1967), implantation of a composite auricle (. Fig.  27.10). Shunts created in this way
graft with a biological heart valve prosthesis (Etz thrombose over time; however, different surgeons
et  al. 2007), and recently also complete porcine have had different experiences like long-term
aortic root grafts (Carrel et  al. 2003) have to be heart failure due to a significant left-right shunt.
mentioned. Employing a human aortic root graft Therefore, we have only used this technique in
(homograft) for replacing an infected composite exceptional cases and would only employ it when
graft may have advantages in presence of a pro- everything else did already fail.
nounced aortic root abscess. If so, we frequently Reduction aortoplasty is another method sug-
have chosen this option because an aortic homo- gested for the surgical treatment of proximal aor-
graft offers the possibility of reliable anchoring in tic aneurysms. While Senning’s group (Egloff
the left ventricular outflow tract (Yankah et  al. et al. 1982) mainly recommended it for repairing
2005). More recently, we prefer complete porcine poststenotic dilatation, Robicsek (1982) also
aortic root grafts for this indication due to its applied it for fusiform aneurysms of the ascend-
availability in all sizes at any time.
Cabrol and colleagues (1986) performed
another variant of the Bentall/Bono technique in a
large number of patients. While replacement of
aorta and aortic valve is performed in a standard
fashion, they join the two coronary ostia first with
an 8-mm Dacron tube and anastomose this inter-
coronary graft side to side with the ascending aor-
tic prosthesis (. Fig. 27.9). We see an advantage of
this procedure for those coronary ostia that have
not or only minimally been displaced from the
aortic anulus and therefore could not be easily
joined to the prosthesis in the routine way. On the
other hand, this method requires that another
prosthesis be implanted, with the associated addi-

..Fig. 27.9  Combined replacement of the ascending

aorta and aortic valve according to Cabrol. The two
coronary ostia are joined by using an 8-mm tube graft. ..Fig. 27.10  Relieving the tension on the
Subsequently, the inter coronary graft is anastomosed periprosthetic graft inclusion by anastomosis with the
side to side with the aortic prosthesis right auricle according to Cabrol
880 M. Karck and K. Kallenbach

ing aorta associated with aortic valve disease. The prosthetic neosinuses of Valsalva. The base of the
ascending aorta is initially mobilized in a circular aorta needs to be reinforced at the level of the anu-
fashion as far as possible and then opened length- lus with a ring of autologous pericardium to pre-
wise into the noncoronary sinus. The vessel cali- vent anuloaortic dilatation from recurring.
ber is reduced to normal size and the valve For our procedures, we prefer the valve-­
replaced. Then, two to three valve sutures are sparing reimplantation method according to
placed over the circumference of the aorta out- David (David and Feindel 1992) for replacement
ward through the aortic wall at the noncoronary of the ascending aorta. With this technique, the
sinus. After closing the aorta by using continuous diseased aortic tissue is resected to the same
sutures, the vessel is enclosed by a synthetic pros- extent as for the Yacoub procedure; however, as
27 thesis that has been beveled proximally and the valve is reimplanted into a complete vascular
adjusted to the corresponding diameter. tube graft, secondary dilatation of the aortic anu-
Thereafter, the prosthesis is fixed by sutures placed lus and reconstructed root is prevented.
through the base of the aorta and then closed
around the ascending aorta with running sutures  Indications for Applying
under moderate tension. It is obvious that the dis- the Reimplantation Method
eased segment of an aorta reconstructed in this An important advantage of aortic valve recon-
way would largely still be in place. Thus, we no struction lies in the fact that long-term anticoagu-
longer use this technique and only perform reduc- lation is not required. The mid- and long-term
tion aortoplasty of the ascending aorta – if neces- follow-up results available so far are quite positive
sary – in very elderly patients in conjunction with (David et al. 2012; Kallenbach et al. 2005; Shrestha
aortic valve replacement surgery. More recent et al. 2012). Whereas David described the reim-
results with this technique, however, showed sat- plantation method in patients with aortic root
isfactory 5-year results with regard to the fate of aneurysms and aortic insufficiency with intact
the diameter emphasizing the preserved valve cusp morphology, today this technique is
Windkessel function of the ascending aorta (Bail also employed to treat aortic insufficiency without
et al. 2007; Walker et al. 2007). pronounced aortic ectasia, acute type A aortic
dissection, bicuspid aortic valves, mildly pro-
nounced prolapse of one or more valve leaflets,
27.2.4  Ascending Aorta and also in pediatric patient groups (David et al.
Replacement Associated 2001; Kallenbach et  al. 2002, 2004; Karck and
with Aortic Valve Haverich 2005; Vricella et al. 2005).
Reconstruction The long-term prognosis of valve-sparing sur-
gical techniques in patients with Marfan syndrome
Anuloaortic ectasia of the aortic root that devel- and aortic root ectasia is still the subject of contro-
ops from lateral displacement of the commissures versial discussion and requires further clarification
may cause a central aortic valve insufficiency. This (Benedetto et  al. 2011; Kallenbach et  al. 2007;
pathology can frequently be treated by valve-­ Karck et al. 2004). Irrespective of whether Marfan
sparing reconstruction of the aortic root when the syndrome is present, we apply the reimplantation
cusps are morphologically intact. Yacoub et  al. method in all patients with structurally intact
(1983) developed a method of remodeling the valve leaflets. Pronounced stress fenestration or
aortic root in patients with aneurysm. The dilated very pronounced prolapse of one or more valve
ascending aorta is resected with the sinus of cusps in Marfan syndrome suggests progressive
Valsalva sparing the aortic valve with its commis- structural changes in the aortic valve. Therefore, a
sures. A narrow rim of aortic tissue is kept at the reconstruction procedure should not be per-
edge of the valve sinuses and commissures. The formed here.
coronary ostia are excised from the aortic wall and
mobilized. Then, the proximal end of a Dacron  Reimplantation of the
graft is fashioned such that three tongue-­shaped Aortic Valve
extensions of the prosthesis can be anastomosed The aorta is opened transversely at the level of the
to the residual rims of the aorta. Subsequently, the sinotubular junction and completely transected
excised coronary ostia are reimplanted into the there (Karck and Haverich 2005). Often, however,
Chapter 27 · Aneurysm and Dissection of the Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Aorta
881 27
this structure has not been preserved, particularly prosthesis phantom or a Hegar dilator above the
in patients with Marfan syndrome, and instead aortic root, whereby the diameter size is taken
has evolved as aortic root ectasia, which is typical when the parallel commissural sutures touch the
of that condition. In this case, the ascending aorta sizer. To that number 2–3 mm are to be added in
should be opened further distally in order to avoid order to determine the corresponding vascular
injuring the coronary ostia, which occasionally prosthesis diameter because the vascular pros-
drift surprisingly far downstream. The distal part thesis encompasses the entire heart valve from
of the aorta is kept out of the surgical field by a stay the outside.
suture. After administering cardioplegic solution To anchor the vascular prosthesis, we use up
via the coronary ostia, the aortic valve is inspected. to 12 double-armed polyester sutures to be placed
The decision for or against reconstruction transmurally in an outward direction from the
depends on whether the valve geometry can be horizontal subvalvular level of the left ventricle
repaired, the degree of sinus calcification, and (. Fig.  27.12). Other groups have used as few as
whether the heart valve macroscopically three of these sutures, that is, one for each sinus
appears to be structurally intact. At reconstruc- (Tsang et al. 2011). The vascular prosthesis is then
tion the aortic root is externally mobilized as shortened to the appropriate length. Subsequently
far proximally as possible until a virtual, almost the positioning of the commissures is marked for
horizontal plane has been achieved near the later use on the outer side of the prosthesis with a
bottom of the sinus of Valsalva. Then the coro- sterile pencil by dividing the perimeter of the
nary ostia are excised from the aortic wall in a prosthesis into three equal segments. After the
U shape and held aside with stay sutures before stay sutures at the commissures have been drawn
resecting the sinus of Valsalva up to a rim of through the lumen of the prosthesis and held
4–5 mm to the insertion line of the valve leaflets aside by small clamps, the anchor sutures are
(. Fig. 27.11). placed at each corresponding position of the
To calculate the diameter of the vascular proximal end of the prosthesis. The prosthesis is
prosthesis needed for the aortic valve reimplan- anchored at the base of the aorta with ligatures to
tation, three double-armed stay sutures are first these sutures.
placed at the commissures. Under mild tension,
they are lifted to be parallel so that coaptation of
the valve cusps can be well visualized. The assis- The ligatures should not be drawn too tightly
tant holds a commercially available heart valve as this would cause an undesired plication of
the anulus.

After this is completed, the stay sutures at the

commissures are placed through the prosthesis and
pulled gently. The tissue rims from the excised
sinuses of Valsalva are then reimplanted into the
vascular prosthesis by using continuous 4/0 thread.
The surgeon starts at the bottom of the sinus and
sutures toward the commissures (. Fig. 27.13). The
suture lines that meet up are tied together outside
of the prosthesis above the commissures, likewise
the stay sutures at the commissures. Now the
patency of the valve can be checked by performing
a «water test.» Subsequently the coronary ostia are
..Fig. 27.11  Reimplantation method according to David. reimplanted into the ­neocoronary sinus, in corre-
The aortic wall was resected, leaving the commissures
spondence to the procedure for infracoronary
with a 4- to 5-mm wide margin of aortic wall. The
commissures are suspended with stay sutures. The ascending aorta replacement. Depending on the
coronary ostia were excised from the aortic wall in a U intraoperative findings, the distal part of the pros-
shape and held aside with stay sutures thesis is anastomosed to the distal aorta by using
882 M. Karck and K. Kallenbach


..Fig. 27.12  To anchor the vascular prosthesis up to

12 double-armed polyester sutures are placed
transmurally in an outward direction from the horizontal
subvalvular level of the left ventricle
..Fig. 27.13  The commissures are suspended in the
prosthesis under mild tension of the stay sutures, and the
either a prosthesio-aortic or prosthesio-prosthetic rims of tissue from the excised sinuses of Valsalva are
technique. Before the patient is weaned from the reimplanted in the vascular prosthesis
extracorporeal circulation, valve function should
be checked by transesophageal echocardiography. 27.2.5  Complications  Modifications of the The most important complication of proximal
Reimplantation Method aortic replacement is hemorrhage that cannot be
The aforementioned reimplantation method controlled. While bleeding from a distal
corresponds to the technique originally sug- prosthesio-­aortic anastomosis can usually be
gested by David (the so-called David-I method; taken care of without major problems by addi-
David and Feindel 1992). Since then various tional reinforced sutures, more extensive bleeding
modifications of the original method have been from a proximal anastomosis or from a coronary
recommended, which should largely enable the anastomosis can be fatal. If more extensive bleed-
surgeon to reconstruct the aortic root more ing develops in these areas in spite of the afore-
physiologically. David himself uses a vascular mentioned measures, it is best to open the
prosthesis that exceeds the vessel dimensions by ascending prosthesis longitudinally after reclamp-
up to 5 mm, whereby a neosinus is created as a ing the aorta. In this way, sufficient access is
result of plication when it is being anchored to gained to both the distant part of the aortic sutures
the base of the aorta (David et al. 2007). Miller and also to the coronary anastomoses.
generates neosinuses by creating multiple plica- Should intraoperative echocardiography
tions while implanting the vascular prosthesis show pronounced regurgitation after reconstruc-
(Demers and Miller 2004). tion, the aortic valve should be replaced. Upon
De Paulis developed a special vascular prosthe- renewed cross-clamping of the aorta, the pros-
sis with prefabricated neoaortic bulb (De Paulis thesio-aortic anastomosis is opened, or in case of
et al. 2000). Experimental and clinical studies have a longer ascending aorta prosthesis, the tube may
shown that, after reimplantation of the native valve be transected above the reimplanted commis-
into a prosthesis with a prefabricated neosinus, the sures. To gain a better overview of the aortic root,
physiological behavior of the valve is better than another incision can be made into the vascular
after using the David-I method (Aybek et al. 2005; prosthesis toward the base of the noncoronary
De Paulis et al. 2002). To what extent this phenom- neosinus. During repeat cardioplegia, the valve
enon is relevant for long-term function after aortic cusps are resected and a heart valve prosthesis is
valve reimplantation as compared to the David-I anchored into the native anulus by using stan-
method, however, remains to be seen. dard technique.
Chapter 27 · Aneurysm and Dissection of the Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Aorta
883 27
27.3 Dissection of the Ascending 27.3.2  Access and Extracorporeal
Aorta Circulation

27.3.1  Diagnosis and Indications Sternotomy, establishment of extracorporeal cir-

culation, myocardial protection with cardioplegia,
Combining 963 patients from six available natural and drainage of the left ventricle comprise con-
history series for acute type A aortic dissection, ventional treatment principles as outlined for
mortality was 18 % within 15  min, 22 % within aneurysm procedures (see 7 Sect.  27.2.1, «Access
6  h, and 38 % at 24  h. After 48  h, 50 % of these and Extracorporeal Circulation»). To prevent embo-
patients were dead. Another 20 % died within the lism or malperfusion, we prefer a site for arterial
next 5 days, and after 2 weeks, survival was only cannulation that can be perfused antegradely. The
20 % (Anagnostopoulos et al. 1972). Acute type A right axillary artery is suitable for cannulation via
aortic dissection represents one of the most an end-to-­ side vascular prosthetic anastomosis
urgent indications for cardiovascular surgery. The for vessels of a small diameter (Reuthebuch et al.
still substantial perioperative mortality even in 2004). The advantages of this technique lie in the
experienced hands (De Bakey et al. 1982) demon- option of using the usually nondissected innomi-
strate, on the one hand, just how threatening acute nate artery for perfusion. Later, antegrade cerebral
dissection was and, on the other, that technical perfusion can be facilitated via this access.
surgical problems still exist which have not been Alternatively the dissected ascending aorta or
resolved even today (Bachet et al. 1999; Fann et al. the proximal arch segment can be cannulated
1995; Hagan et  al. 2000; Kallenbach et  al. 2004; directly (Minatoya et al. 2003). Vessels should be
Krüger et al. 2012; Safi et al. 1998a). Diagnosis can punctured under echocardiographic control to
be confirmed both echocardiographically and ensure that the tip of the perfusion cannula is
with contrast-enhanced computed tomography positioned in the true lumen.
(CT), identifying a dissection membrane in the For retrograde perfusion the femoral artery is
ascending aorta. Moreover, CT can provide infor- cannulated, whereby in rare cases of a residual
mation concerning the extent of the dissection dissection at this level, intubation of the true
and the resulting malperfusion pathology. Magnetic lumen should be attempted.
resonance imaging (MRI) is not indicated for rea- Various cannulation sites are available for
sons of effort involved and the duration of the acute aortic dissection type A, all associated with
examination in an emergency situation such as advantages and drawbacks (Tiwari et  al. 2010).
this. Primary goal of any cannulation must be safe per-
In our hands, only patients with signs of most fusion of the true lumen.
severe cerebral damage are excluded from sur-
gery, but operation is not contraindicated in
those individuals with more discrete neurologi- For all types of cannulation, pressure must
cal deficits. Other ischemic complications at any be measured in one femoral artery and in
site do not constitute a contraindication for the right radial artery so that any deficient
emergency surgery, nor do continuing resuscita- perfusion of the true aortic lumen is most
tion measures as long as adequate circulation probably detected in time (see 7 Sect. 27.3.6,
can be maintained until the patient can be con- «­Complications»).
nected to extracorporeal circulation. Chronic
dissection is diagnosed like any aneurysm of the
proximal aorta and includes, under elective con- Moreover, it has proven to be helpful to intra-
ditions, MRI or high-­ resolution, contrast- operatively monitor cerebral oxygen saturation in
enhanced CT.  In elderly patients, the coronary both brain hemispheres, particularly during the
status should be determined preoperatively, pref- phase of circulatory arrest with or without selec-
erably by angiography. Goals of surgery include tive antegrade cerebral perfusion (Orihashi et al.
preventing aortic rupture, repairing aortic insuf- 2004).
ficiency, and  – not rarely  – resolving ischemic As soon as the extracorporeal bypass has com-
complications in peripheral organs and the heart pletely taken over the patient’s circulation, the aorta
(. Fig. 27.14). is mobilized at the level of the pericardial reflection
884 M. Karck and K. Kallenbach

..Fig. 27.14 Classification
of acute aortic dissection by
DeBakey and by the
Stanford classification


DeBakey Type I DeBakey Type II DeBakey Type III

Stanford A Stanford A Stanford B

in order to enable clamping the vessel as rapidly can be spared/repaired or needs to be replaced. A
and as high as possible when ventricular fibrilla- stable result can be achieved for acute dissection
tion during cooling ensues. By using wide clamps and normal aortic sinus morphology by resus-
for gentle occlusion and careful closure of the pending the commissures and gluing the dissec-
branches, breakage of the damaged aortic wall can tion membrane in the base of the aorta. Then, the
be avoided. To completely exclude this risk, the «no supracommissural ascending part of the vessel is
clamp technique» is recommended, particularly in replaced. However, reports of late postoperative
cases of acute dissection. Here, the surgeon refrains redissection of the aortic root call the value of this
altogether from cross-clamping the aorta. Instead, procedure into question, particularly in younger
the patient’s body temperature is cooled to a hypo- patients (De Paulis et  al. 2005; Fukunaga et  al.
thermic level, and the aorta is only opened when 1999). Nowadays, we only perform this operation
circulatory arrest has been induced (Bavaria et al. as an exceptional procedure in very elderly
1996). In this case, it is essential that the left ven- patients. Our routine approach is to resect the
tricle is sufficiently decompressed during cooling. entire dissected aortic wall except for the com-
missural segment with the valve cusps attached.
In most instances, the aortic valve may be pre-
27.3.3  Selecting a Surgical served by using the technique described by
Technique David – irrespective of the diameter of the aortic
root (Kallenbach et al. 2004).
Without pronounced anuloaortic ectasia present, The base of the aorta needs to be replaced with
the standard procedure for the ascending aorta is a composite graft if the aortic root is ectatic and
replacement associated with downstream resec- the aortic valve shows pronounced pathological
tion or reconstruction of the dissected wall layers. changes. For older patients, implants with a bio-
The surgical method chosen for the area of the logical heart valve prosthesis are available.
aortic root depends on whether the aortic valve Individualized composite grafts can also be
Chapter 27 · Aneurysm and Dissection of the Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Aorta
885 27
crafted intraoperatively from a biological heart
valve and a Dacron graft in relatively little time.
In patients with Marfan syndrome and in
patients with anuloaortic ectasia typical for
chronic dissection as well as in acute dissection
occurring in an ectatic aorta, combined replace-
ment of the ascending aorta and valve with a com-
posite graft is one option. Here, too, valve-sparing
reimplantation techniques, especially in younger
patients with Marfan syndrome, lead to durable
results (Karck et al. 2004).
We perform a revision of the arch (under cir-
culatory arrest and moderate hypothermia with
selective antegrade cerebral perfusion) in all aor-
tic dissections of type Stanford A and in an aneu-
rysmatic aortic arch (Hagl et  al. 2002; Kamiya
..Fig. 27.15  Aortotomy for acute dissection. The
et al. 2007). The extent of revision depends on the
ascending aorta was opened with a hockey stick-shaped
vessel diameter and the dissection pathology in incision. The proximal «entry» lies in the wall of the true lumen
the aortic arch. We only deviate from this proce-
dure for those rare cases of DeBakey’s type II aor-
tic dissection if the dissection in the distal
ascending segment can be resected completely The two coronary ostia must be ­examined
without opening the aortic arch. carefully before intubation especially because
the right coronary artery is ­occasionally
involved in the dissection or even shows an
27.3.4  Acute Type A Dissection «entry.»

On extracorporeal circulation with the aorta

cross-clamped, the ascending aorta, actually the dure. If the geometry and structure of the aortic
false lumen, is opened lengthwise via the thin-­ sinuses speak for the reimplantation method,
walled adventitia that has been separated from the the aortic root is mobilized from outside in a
two inner wall layers by the dissection. The whit- proximal direction toward the base of the aorta
ish, thicker wall of the true lumen, the dissection (see 7 Sect., «Reimplantation of the Aortic
membrane as seen in imaging, can then be recog- Valve»). Should the dissection extend to that
nized, which usually incorporates the proximal point, the adventitia is usually imbibed with
«entry» a few centimeters upstream of the aortic blood. Nonetheless, it should remain intact dur-
valve (. Fig. 27.15). The presence of an abundant ing this preparation step if at all possible, as it is
accumulation of thrombi in the proximal pocket needed later to stabilize the line of sutures when
of the dissection indicates a distal site of the prox- reimplanting the aortic root into the vascular
imal tear. The aorta is then completely transected prosthesis. The two coronary ostia including the
through all layers of the wall about 5 mm down- adventitia are then excised in trumpet shape
stream of the aortic valve commissures and from the aortic wall and held aside. The opera-
resected up to a few millimeters of the aortic tion then proceeds like that for a nondissected
clamp. Aortic valve and coronary ostia can then aortic root, whereby in an acute dissection, the
be viewed well. Cardioplegia solution is infused, tissue is considerably more fragile.
which according to the condition of the coronary If the surgeon has decided to reconstruct the
ostia is administered antegradely via the ostia or dissected aortic root as a whole, it only needs to be
retrogradely via the coronary sinus after inserting dissected as necessary for further management –
a perfusion catheter. possibly sparing the adventitia entirely
Subsequent assessment of the condition of (. Fig. 27.16). The goal of the reconstruction is to
the aortic root determines the further proce- rejoin the dissected layers of the aortic wall. For
886 M. Karck and K. Kallenbach

this, biocompatible glues (gelatin-resorcin-form- different technique was commonly employed to

aldehyde glue; BioglueR, Cryolife) can be applied reconstruct the aortic root. Starting in the poste-
or the aortic wall layers are merged together by rior aspect of the aorta, the dissected layers at the
continuous suturing and reinforcement with one level of the commissures were joined together by
or more TeflonR felt strips. using continuous 3/0 mattress sutures. Here the
If gelatin-resorcin-formaldehyde glue is used, the vessel is reinforced on the outside with a Teflon
false lumen, which often can only be followed in the felt strip and between the dissected layers with a
noncoronary sinus up to the base of the aorta, is spar- second strip (. Fig. 27.18). If the dissected wall of
ingly filled with both glue components. Subsequently, the true lumen is fragile, it may be advantageous
the dissected wall layers are adapted under moderate to reinforce the suture rejoining the aorta with a
27 pressure; here, special clamps should be employed third TeflonR felt strip inside the lumen. It is
(Borst fixation clamp, Aesculap, Art.-Nr. FB940R; advisable to end mattress suturing at the zenith of
(. Fig.  27.17). Once the tissue-impregnating glue the aorta. Before pulling the suture, an abundant
has hardened, the clamps are removed; the base of amount of fibrin glue is inserted in the sinus
the aorta reconstructed in this way now has a leather- pocket of the dissection in order to completely
like consistency and can be anastomosed to a vascu-
lar prosthesis of the same diameter.
If Bioglue is used, the Borst fixation clamp
should not be applied because its effect – which is
different from that of the gelatin-resorcin-­
formaldehyde glue – is mediated merely by glu-
ing the tissue without impregnating it. Before
gluing was widely introduced into clinical use, a

..Fig. 27.18  As an alternative to tissue gluing the

dissected portions of the aortic wall are joined together
distally and proximally by using continuous mattress
sutures slightly distal to the valve commissures, whereby
Teflon felt strips are used to reinforce the outer layer and
between the wall layers of the aorta. The residual
pericardial sinuses of the dissection can be obliterated by
loading them with fibrin glue. The aortic valve
commissures (usually the noncoronary sinus) that have
..Fig. 27.16  Reconstruction of the aortic valve and been frayed from the dissection are resuspended by
ascending aorta after acute dissection. The aorta is placing reinforced mattress sutures across the wall. The
completely transected only a few millimeters downstream dissected layers of the wall are reapproximated distally in
of the valve commissures a similar fashion

..Fig. 27.17 Borst
fixation clamp for adapting
the dissected wall layers
employing gelatin-
Chapter 27 · Aneurysm and Dissection of the Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Aorta
887 27
obliterate it as it is very difficult to stop any bleed- artery in order to search for the vessel just outside
ing that develops upstream from the reconstruc- the aorta and to ligate it proximally. The (venous)
tion zone. Then the suture, which serves bypass is placed end to side with the coronary ves-
exclusively to join the wall layers together, is tied. sel just beyond the ligature. This type of procedure
It should not be pulled too tightly such that the inevitably requires an ascending aorta replacement
aortic wall breaks or a purse-­string effect is pro- in order to gain a base for the bypass vessel unless
duced. For aortic valve reconstruction, the com- a mammary artery bypass is employed.
missures that have now been raised into their The distal wall is reconstructed mostly in the
normal position are each secured additionally same way as has been described for the base of the
with a transmural 4/0 mattress suture. aorta. We only deviate from this procedure in
If the dissection involves the right or more selected patients who present with dilated
rarely the left coronary ostium, the layers of the descending aortas or malperfusion caused by
wall of the respective circumference of the ostium compression of the true lumen. In these patients,
first need to be joined together by continuous it may be better to use the elephant trunk tech-
everting 5/0 stitches. If one of the coronary arteries nique and its variations – also by employing novel
has been completely torn off its ostium and the ves- implants with integrated vascular stents. This
sel lumen is large enough, the surgeon should at technique is dealt with in 7 Sect. 27.4.5, «Total
least attempt a circular reapproximation by sutur- Aortic Arch Replacement Using the Elephant Trunk
ing out through the ostium using continuous 6/0 Prosthesis».
sutures, grasping the torn coronary artery together
with the adventitia of the aorta and sewing them
together (. Fig.  27.19). If the ostium is small, a 27.3.5  Chronic Type A Dissection
coronary bypass will likely be unavoidable
(Kawahito et al. 2003; Neri et al. 2001). For this, the Repairing the base of the aorta for chronic dissec-
surgeon inserts a probe into the right coronary tion type A is only slightly different from ascend-

a b

..Fig. 27.19  a, b Reconstructing a dissected right coronary ostium. a The margin of the coronary artery that is
partially or entirely torn out of the wall of the true lumen of the aorta is grasped by a 5/0 suture sewn from inside to
outside and rejoined with the orifice in the aortic wall. b After the ostium has been reconstructed, the dissected
portions of the wall are connected by sewing around the distant circumference of the ostium
888 M. Karck and K. Kallenbach

ing aorta replacement in primary anuloaortic 27.3.6  Complications

ectasia. Owing to the underlying degenerative
aortic disease, we prefer in both situations to rad- Changes in the aortic blood stream primarily
ically eliminate the aortic wall and sinus. If the caused by the dissection or secondarily related
aortic valve can be spared, we use a Dacron tube to surgery can cause characteristic disorders
(David’s method). If the valve has to be replaced, that must be managed. If the dissection has
also, we rather use a composite graft than replac- caused regional compression of the true aortic
ing the ascending aorta segment and the aortic lumen and/or large vessel branches, organ per-
valve separately. Surgical preparation for proxi- fusion needs to be restored. Ischemia of the vis-
mal implantation of the Dacron prosthesis or of ceral tissues or lower extremities can
27 the composite graft involves radically excising the spontaneously resolve if antegrade perfusion
floating parts of the wall of the false lumen and through the true lumen is restored proximally at
sparing a 10-mm-long cuff upstream of the aortic dissection repair. For acute dissections, it may
occlusion clamp. be helpful to inspect the abdominal cavity by
If the aortic valve was previously damaged and extending the sternotomy somewhat to detect
the surgeon decides to replace the valve, the com- any persisting visceral malperfusion. If isch-
posite graft is first anchored in the aortic anulus. emia does persist, intervention  – aortic fenes-
Then, the coronary ostia are implanted in the cor- tration  – may be required immediately after
responding hole of the prosthetic ascending seg- diagnosis (e.g., anuria, no femoral pulse). This
ment, as performed in conjunction with the can be performed in an open surgical procedure
procedure for true aneurysm 7 Sect., or an intervention by introducing a transfemo-
«Combined Replacement/Composite Graft». Only ral catheter. The catheter-guided technique is
for tears of the inner aortic wall near the coronary less traumatic and thus better. If this is not suc-
ostia, the torn edges of the adventitia need to be cessful because the resulting window is not large
fixated by using continuous 5/0 prolene sutures so enough, the surgeon can attempt to alleviate the
that the affected ostium can be anastomosed. malperfusion by implanting a stent or endovas-
Reinforcing this suture line with Teflon felt strips cular prosthesis in the true lumen of the
is usually not necessary because of the scarred, descending aorta (Chavan et al. 2003).
consolidated outer vessel wall. If surgical treatment is decided upon for vis-
ceral or renal ischemia, the surgeon dissects the
infrarenal aorta as far as needed via a left-lateral
If surgical fenestration of the aorta is extraperitoneal access so that the aorta can be
required, we explicitly advise against opening double clamped gently for a length of about
the aorta through the fragile wall of the false 4 cm. A faster access would be the transabdomi-
lumen. Closing the aortic wall at a dissected site nal route to the infrarenal aorta. Here, a nondis-
is very difficult to manage successfully. sected strip of the aortic wall needs to be
identified and incised along the available length
of the vessel. The nondissected part of the aortic
Distally, the dissected aortic wall layers are circumference is identified by its white color as
generally joined in the aortic arch segment, simi- opposed to the blue or even dark red-blue dissec-
larly to the procedure for acute dissection. tion. Then a window as large as possible is cut
However, tissue gluing here is not effective out of the membrane on the opposite side that
because the wall layers are frequently completely separates the true and false lumen so that the
fibrotically remodeled. It is thus usually sufficient lumina can communicate with each other. The
to place a continuous mattress suture to join the aortotomy can usually be sutured with no diffi-
wall and reinforce it on the outside with Teflon culties, as the suture is in the nondissected part
felt strips. The distal prosthesio-aortic anastomo- of the aortic wall.
sis is established by widely grasping the firm, For ischemia of the extremities, the surgeon can
opposing side that has been created in this way by make a blind attempt to fenestrate the dissection
using continuous everting 3/0 or 4/0 sutures. membrane. However, an x-ray-guided transfemoral
Chapter 27 · Aneurysm and Dissection of the Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Aorta
889 27
Fogarty maneuver should be preferred. When with- 27.4 Aneurysms and Dissection
drawing the catheter, the desired communication of the Aortic Arch
between the two lumina is established. If this
attempt is not successful, fenestration can be Aortic arch aneurysms are those aneurysms
achieved through the external iliac artery exposed between the takeoff of the innominate artery and
retroperitoneally. the left subclavian artery. They may be either
A dangerous complication associated with restricted to the proximal or the distal segment, or
femoral arterial cannulation is compression of more often they affect the entire arch and also the
the true lumen of the aortic arch and/or its side neighboring ascending aorta, less often the
branches. This may result in severe malperfu- descending aorta. The vessels supplying the head
sion of the brain. If this is not detected, perma- and arms can also be involved, especially in aortic
nent neurological deficits can develop, including dissection. To protect the brain and the heart, a
decerebration. A typical sign of this complica- considerable degree of practical planning and
tion is an acute drop in perfusion pressure, as refined technique are required in repairing such
measured in the right radial artery, while the aneurysms. As initially mentioned, the aortic arch
values measured in the femoral artery at the is usually replaced in an orthotopic manner,
onset of extracorporeal perfusion would be under circulatory arrest in deep or moderate
high. This is the reason why surgery for acute hypothermia with selective perfusion of at least
aortic dissection both the right radial and one one cerebral hemisphere. The variants of proxi-
femoral artery pressure has to be monitored mal, subtotal, and complete aortic arch replace-
continuously and simultaneously. Permanent ment are presented in . Fig.  27.20. For distal
intraoperative monitoring of cerebral oxygen aortic arch replacement, see also 7 Sect.  27.4.6,
saturation in both brain hemispheres also helps «Distal Aortic Arch Replacement», Fig. 27.30.
to identify this complication, by showing a rapid By applying new treatment strategies, the dis-
drop in saturation. If the cerebral oxygen satu- eased aortic arch can be successfully excluded by
ration is constantly normal, an isolated tempo- both transposing the supra-aortic branches and
rary decrease in right radial arterial pressure implanting an endovascular prosthesis without
can be ignored. using extracorporeal circulation (Kotelis et  al.
Immediate measures can involve reinstitu- 2011; Schumacher et al. 2003). Whether periop-
tion of spontaneous circulation in the patient, erative risk and long-term surgical outcome are
whereby normal pressure signals are restored better for this extra-anatomical reconstruction
in the arms and legs. Robicsek (1985) made procedure than for orthotopic techniques under
some useful suggestions for resolving such an extracorporeal circulation remains to be seen.
Another option is to reduce the patient’s body
temperature first under partial extracorporeal circu- 27.4.1  Access and Extracorporeal
lation and when ventricular fibrillation ensues (also Circulation
electrically induced) to cannulate the true lumen of
the aortic arch by transapical cannulation with an A median sternotomy is always used to access the
additional arterial line. Under these perfusion con- aorta for aneurysms and dissections that do not
ditions, the patient’s body temperature is lowered to extend beyond the aortic arch. It allows for com-
a nasopharyngeal temperature of <20 °C to stop the bined replacement of both ascending aorta and
circulation. In this phase, the first steps are under- aortic arch. Usually either the distal ascending
taken to reconstruct or replace the base of the aorta. aorta or even the aortic arch can be cannulated so
Under circulatory arrest, the proximal aortic arch is that antegrade perfusion can be initiated directly
replaced. Subsequently, the distal prosthesis clamped when starting extracorporeal circulation. If the
toward the heart is cannulated with the arterial per- ascending aorta is adherent to the sternum, which
fusion catheter so that subsequent surgery on the may occur after previous sternotomy, the surgeon
proximal aorta can be performed, while rewarming should proceed as described in 7 Sect.  27.5,
is initiated by orthograde circulation. «Reoperations».
890 M. Karck and K. Kallenbach

a b c


..Fig. 27.20  a–c Variants for aortic arch replacement. a Proximal arch replacement, sparing the supra-aortic vessels
beyond the distal prosthesio-aortic arch anastomosis. b Subtotal arch replacement, sparing the left subclavian artery
beyond the prosthesio-aortic arch anastomosis. The right arch branches are implanted into a window at the zenith of
the prosthesis. c Total arch replacement. The prosthesio-aortic anastomosis lies distal to the branch of the left
subclavian artery, namely, distal to the arch. All arch branches are implanted in one window

Normally it is possible to insert a large-lumen median and distal arch can be repaired together
two-stage venous cannula into the right auricle to with the descending aorta via a left thoracotomy
completely drain the systemic venous return and (see 7 Sect., «Surgical Access»).
fully bypass and take over the heart’s function. In Management of the extracorporeal circulation
most cases, bicaval cannulation is not required for needs to be closely coordinated with the anesthesi-
total extracorporeal circulation. For procedures ologist, owing to the sometimes long duration of the
involving the aortic root and in particular for aor- cooling and warming phases during surgery and
tic valve insufficiency, a left ventricular suction also especially in regard to intraoperative neuro-
catheter should be inserted. monitoring. For aortic insufficiency, the aorta is
Aneurysms of the entire arch affecting the occluded when ventricular fibrillation ensues; oth-
descending aorta also can be surgically treated via erwise, the decompressed heart is allowed to fibril-
median sternotomy if a secure prosthesio-aortic late until the target temperature has been reached.
anastomosis cranial to the left pulmonary hilus Circulatory arrest is induced after an at least 30-min
can be established, that is, if no more than the cooling period to a hypothermia level of 26 °C tem-
proximal 4 cm of the descending segment are to perature both in the urinary bladder and nasopha-
be replaced. Alternatively a vascular prosthesis ryngeal. The temperature of the heart is maintained
reinforced with a stent on the distal end can be at <15 °C by repeatedly infusing cardioplegic solu-
implanted into the descending aorta via the tion and pericardial cooling. An additional neuro-
opened aortic arch for exclusion of the distal part protective effect is achieved during circulatory
of the aneurysm («frozen elephant trunk,» hybrid arrest by applying external cool packs to the head,
prothesis; Karck et al. 2003; Orihashi et al. 2001). which should avoid rewarming by ambient temper-
Otherwise, a two-step procedure is recom- ature. After opening the aortic arch, we begin with
mended, whereby the size of the aneurysm and the selective perfusion of the brain. Here, 26 °C arterial-
relative risk of rupture determine which comes first. ized blood is infused into the innominate artery and
Combined replacement of the aortic arch and the the left carotid artery via a perfusion catheter and a
descending aorta via sternotomy is difficult because roller pump (flow volume: 10  ml/kg body weight/
of the great depth of the surgical field and the left min) (Bachet et al. 1991; Frist et al. 1986; Hagl et al.
pulmonary root that is in the way. If the surgeon 2002; Strauch et al. 2003). The left subclavian artery is
still decides for this procedure, however, we recom- clamped or intubated with an occlusion catheter
mend selecting a clamshell access (Kouchoukos (. Fig.  27.21). For selective cerebral perfusion, we
et al. 2007). Alternatively, at least aneurysms of the prefer employing self-­occluding balloon catheters as
Chapter 27 · Aneurysm and Dissection of the Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Aorta
891 27
often adherent. The aortic arch is dissected free at
its ventral aspect as far as needed, always remain-
ing close to the aortic wall. Injury to phrenic,
vagus, and laryngeal recurrent nerves must be
avoided. During the cooling phase, the surgeon
can begin with the ascending aorta and valve pro-
cedure, which later on can be completed during
the more time-consuming rewarming phase. As
soon as the desired target temperature has been
reached, perfusion is stopped. During circulatory
arrest, the patient should be kept in a moderate
Trendelenburg position to reduce the risk of cere-
bral air embolism. The head lies below the level of
the surgical field; in this way, a certain fluid level is
maintained in the supra-aortic branches reaching
the arch. The aortic arch is incised from the ascend-
..Fig. 27.21  Selective perfusion of the brain during
ing segment as far as necessary for reconstruction,
aortic arch replacement. In order to shorten the duration
of total circulatory arrest, the innominate artery and in extreme cases even beyond the arterial ligament.
the left carotid artery can be intubated from the arch At this point, active measures are taken to pro-
lumen and perfused. The left subclavian artery is occluded tect the brain; here we apply selective cerebral
here with a Fogarty catheter perfusion via the first two aortic arch branches
(see 7 Sect.  27.4.1, «Access and Extracorporeal
used for retrograde administration of cardioplegic Circulation»). It may be helpful to first loop these
solution. We perform the entire arch procedure vessels because it is then easier to maintain the
under these conditions – irrespective of the extent of position of the perfusion catheter during lengthy
the arch replacement – with the body under circula- procedures.
tory arrest but brain circulation maintained. In our If extracorporeal circulation is established
experience and as a general rule, the entire aortic through arterial perfusion via the right axillary
arch replacement procedure takes between 40 and artery, the cerebrum can also be perfused via this
60 min, for proximal replacement only 15–25 min; route as an alternative, whereby the innominate
thus, lowering the temperature during circulatory artery is then clamped near the branch or blocked
arrest to 26–28 °C suffices. If deep hypothermic cir- with an occlusion catheter. It is advisable under
culatory arrest has to be instituted without selective these conditions to intubate the left carotid artery
cerebral perfusion for >15 min, nasopharyngeal tem- separately in order to ensure that both brain
peratures of <20 °C, better 16–18 °C, are required. hemispheres are supplied with blood.
During the rewarming phase, the perfusionist If, however, the surgeon decides for retrograde
ensures that the water temperature in the heat cerebral perfusion, the venous drainage catheters
exchanger does not exceed the arterial blood tem- in the superior vena cava should first be recon-
perature by more than 6–8 °C so as to prevent gas nected to the arterial line of the extracorporeal
bubbles from pearling from the oversaturated circulation. This technique requires bicaval can-
blood. The anesthesiologist compensates the nulation for extracorporeal circulation.
omnipresent, more or less pronounced acidosis in Now, the surgeon needs to determine the kind
a stepwise fashion. Administration of vasodilators and extent of aortic replacement. In principle, the
facilitates homogenous rewarming of the body. line of the prosthesio-aortic anastomosis needs to
lie far enough distally so that it can be sutured to
an intact segment of aortic wall. For atheroscle-
27.4.2   scending Aorta: Decision
A rotic aneurysms, this is often only possible after
Making plaques and atheromas have been completely
debrided. They must be removed by targeted
After connecting the patient to extracorporeal cir- suction and lavage of the arch including the origin
culation, the next step involves further mobilizing of the supra-aortic vessels. For aneurysms, the
and then clamping the ascending aorta, which is distal prosthesio-aortic anastomosis is placed
892 M. Karck and K. Kallenbach

There are four options for protecting the When a core body temperature of 26 °C has
brain during circulatory arrest: been reached after a least 30 min of cool-
55 Deep hypothermia (nasopharyngeal ing (measured both in the urinary bladder
temperature of 16–18 °C) and nasopharyngeally), the extracorporeal
55 Deep hypothermia combined with circulation is stopped and the aortic clamp
retrograde cerebral perfusion opened; in addition, the supra-aortic ­vessels
55 Deep hypothermia with selective are exposed. After intubating the innominate
antegrade cerebral perfusion artery and the left common carotid artery,
55 Moderate hypothermia of 26–28 °C the catheters are blocked carefully using
27 (depending on the duration of circulatory balloons and shifted cranially out of the
surgical field. Via a separate roller pump on
arrest) with selective antegrade cerebral
perfusion the heart-lung machine, cold, oxygenated
blood at 26 °C is infused at a rate of 10 ml/
kg body weight/min, which should produce
a perfusion pressure (measured in the right
Although the evidence is still questionable, radial artery) of 40–60 mmHg. The perfusion
we prefer selective antegrade cerebral perfu- cannulas are removed just before completing
sion under moderate hypothermia even for the aortic anastomosis. Then, extracorporeal
complete arch replacement up to 60 min and circulation is reestablished, so that the brain
more. One great advantage of this technique has only been without selective perfusion for
lies in the shorter warming period and avoid- a few minutes during circulatory arrest.With
ing very low core body temperatures, which this technique, the duration of circulatory
can promote clotting disorders and systemic arrest of >90 min can be tolerated without
inflammatory reactions. We also employ this increasing the rate of neurological complica-
technique for procedures at the proximal tions (Kazui et al. 2007).
aortic arch, which usually require shorter peri-
ods of circulatory arrest. For this, we use the
self-occluding balloon catheter for cerebral
perfusion that was developed originally for perfusion catheter. Now perfusion is resumed,
retrograde cardioplegia (RSCP MR 20, 15F, whereby the patient remains in Trendelenburg
Medtronic, Minneapolis, USA). position. While the prosthesis is filling, any resid-
ual air is expelled from the supra-aortic vessels by
careful digital or instrumental manipulation.
beyond the dilated segment of aorta where the Subsequently, the prosthesis is clamped proxi-
intima is usually intact. The surgeon can often mally and the rewarming process is initiated. Any
successfully create a beveled anastomosis in the anastomotic bleeding is stopped by placing rein-
arch so that the supra-aortic vessels do not need forced mattress sutures at the source.
to be joined to the arch prosthesis separately.
Notably, one should anastomose the bases of one,
two, or all three vessels with one window that is 27.4.3   ortic Arch Replacement
created at the convexity of the arch prosthesis for Aneurysms
(subtotal or total arch replacement). As an alter-
native to this technique, special vascular prosthe- Proximal Replacement
ses with prefabricated side branches are available A proximal, partial aortic arch replacement is rec-
for attaching each individual supra-aortic vessel. ommended as a complementary step while repair-
Kazui and colleagues have gained substantial ing extensive ascending aorta aneurysms,
experience in using these implants, particularly in particularly in patients with dissections (Ohtsubo
conjunction with selective antegrade cerebral per- et al. 2002). We always do this when the ascending
fusion (Kazui et al. 2007). aorta is dilatated well beyond the level of the occlu-
After finishing the arch replacement, the vas- sion clamp that is always placed immediately prox-
cular prosthesis is cannulated with the arterial imal to the brachiocephalic trunk. After opening
Chapter 27 · Aneurysm and Dissection of the Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Aorta
893 27
the aortic arch and initiating selective antegrade sutures. Suturing begins directly distal of the
cerebral perfusion, a prosthesis is selected whose branch of the artery that is farthest downstream
diameter corresponds to that of the aortic lumen. and often involves the vessel itself. First, it is sewn
The tube graft is trimmed and beveled such that dorsally from out of the prosthetic orifice, later
the aneurysmatic part of the arch can be com- continued at the front, and finally tied just this
pletely replaced upstream of the selected anasto- side of the innominate artery branch (. Fig. 27.23).
motic line. Complete resection of the aneurysm During this procedure, it is sensible to insert a
often helps to create a primary, blood-tight suture suction catheter into the descending aorta through
line by anastomosing end to end for the entire
length. The anastomosis is started at the deepest
point of the surgical field in the concavity of the
arch with a row of initially open stitches (3/0
sutures, continuous everting). The stitches are then
placed along the dorsal and ventral circumference
of the aorta until they meet up directly to the right
of the innominate artery. If this vessel is also dilated
due to aneurysm, we recommend anastomosing its
distal segment to an 8-mm prosthesis end to end
before initiating hypothermic circulatory arrest
and joining this to the arch prosthesis later.
After expelling the air from the arch, the prox-
imal anastomosis is created directly above the
commissures. If the ascending aorta is being
replaced at the same time, the prosthetic stumps
are anastomosed in end-to-end fashion.
..Fig. 27.22  Total arch replacement. Distal end of the  Subtotal and Total Replacement prosthesis and orifice of the descending aorta have
already been anastomosed end to end. The arch
After opening the arch and initiating antegrade prosthesis is then sparingly fenestrated at its zenith across
cerebral perfusion, a prosthesis is selected whose from the branches of the supra-aortic vessels. A
diameter corresponds exactly to that of the aorta sufficiently great distance between the distal
at the planned level of anastomosis. If possible, prosthesio-aortic anastomosis and this window facilitates
the connection should be established at the orifice considerably anastomosing the island carrying the
supra-aortic vessels with the window of the prosthesis
of the descending aorta. Beginning at the deepest
point of the planned line of anastomosis, the pros-
thesis and aorta are joined by placing several open
turns of big bites using a running double-armed
3/0 sutures. Suturing is continued on both sides in
the aortic lumen, pulling the threads at regular
intervals, before ligating the sutures at the front.
Please note that the suture line should run rather
distal to the takeoff of the left subclavian artery,
which facilitates the anastomosis to the arch pros-
thesis considerably. If the subclavian artery take-
off has a significant distance from the left carotid
artery, it may sometimes be better to leave it out-
side the prosthetic graft, distal to the prosthesio-­
aortic anastomosis.
The next step involves excising an oval piece of
prosthesis from the convexity of the arch graft that
corresponds exactly with the branches of the ves-
sels that will be anastomosed (. Fig. 27.22). Their ..Fig. 27.23  Beginning at the distal point of the
common base is then in turn anastomosed to the prosthetic window the dorsal margin of the island
arch prosthesis with continuous and deep 3/0 carrying the supra-aortic branches is anastomosed first
894 M. Karck and K. Kallenbach


..Fig. 27.25  The proximal aorta has already been

replaced. The arch and the proximal aortic prosthesis are

two synthetic tube grafts are shortened consider-

..Fig. 27.24  The anastomosis is completed. After ably and beveled before joining together by using
de-airing the aorta and the supra-aortic vessels, the aortic
continuous sutures (. Fig.  27.25). After de-­airing
prosthesis is clamped proximally. Any leakage can be
identified and dealt with when the extracorporeal the heart and releasing the cross-clamp from the
circulation is resumed aortic tube graft, there is enough time during the
rewarming process to properly trim any remaining
bits of the aneurysm and sew them tightly around
the prosthetic tube graft to keep the surgical field the prosthesis, thereby supporting hemostasis.
free of blood. After suturing is finished, the arch
prosthesis is cannulated arterially, expelling air
while initiating the extracorporeal circulation in a 27.4.4   ortic Arch Replacement
stepwise fashion, and then clamped proximal to the in Type A Dissection
brachiocephalic trunk. At this point, the down-
stream parts of the body can be fully perfused and Replacing the proximal and also the entire aortic
the rewarming process initiated (. Fig. 27.24). arch in dissection follows the same principles that
If the takeoff of the left subclavian artery lies apply to the procedure for arch aneurysms in terms
very deep, we prefer excising the three aortic of access, extracorporeal circulation, and exposing
branch orifices from the aortic arch wall as tissue the aorta. However, the procedure for acute dissec-
islands already at the outset. Thereafter, we dissect tion requires a far-reaching, technically difficult,
the descending aorta directly distal to the branch and sometimes questionable reconstruction of the
of the left subclavian artery over the entire cir- delicate and fragile vessel wall layers. If the dissec-
cumference. By using this technique, we can tion extends beyond the aortic occlusion clamp,
establish the necessary mobility for being able to then at least the proximal aortic arch needs to be
securely anastomose the vascular prosthesis to the replaced employing circulatory arrest. If upon
descending aorta and then to the island carrying inspection no «reentry» is visible in the aortic arch,
the supra-aortic branches. and the wall of the aortic arch can be safely recon-
Depending on the measures that need to be structed by gluing the dissected layers or using a
taken for repairing the ascending aorta, either the suitable suture technique alone, we only replace the
arch prosthesis is anastomosed to the supracom- proximal segment of the arch. In all other cases, the
missural ascending aorta or to the remaining pros- aortic arch needs to be replaced completely, possi-
thetic reconstruction of the proximal segment of bly also including the proximal descending aorta,
the aorta, here, too. In this case, upon lifting the by using the («frozen») elephant trunk technique
heart and pulling the aortic clamp caudally, the (Karck et al. 2003; Shiono et al. 2006).
Chapter 27 · Aneurysm and Dissection of the Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Aorta
895 27
The indications for arch replacement in
chronic dissection correspond to those for aneu-
rysms of other origins; however, even for arch seg-
ments of a normal caliber, an open revision
procedure is required if the dissected intimal cyl-
inder does not appear to be intact at the level of
the aortic occlusion clamp.

kSurgical Technique
First extracorporeal circulation is initiated. For
proximal arch replacement, the body temperature
is cooled to 27–28 °C as measured both in the uri-
nary bladder and nasopharyngeally; for total ..Fig. 27.26  After applying the gelatin-
resorcin-formaldehyde glue components into the false
replacement, the body temperature is lowered to lumen, the resected wall layers are firmly adapted with
26 °C. These target temperatures apply under the Borst clamps
condition that the brain is still being protected by
antegrade arterial perfusion during circulatory may be reconstructed by placing suture lines sup-
arrest. Without brain perfusion, the body tem- ported with one or more Teflon felt strips (Fleck
perature should be reduced to a deep hypother- et  al. 2003; Sabik et  al. 2000). Here, a vascular
mic level first (16–18  °C nasopharyngeal or prosthesis that has been fashioned accordingly by
tympanal temperature). After ventricular fibrilla- beveling is anastomosed to the reconstructed aor-
tion ensues, the distal ascending aorta is occluded tic wall with continuous 3/0 everting sutures. In
by using a soft clamp, and the first steps are this case, the branches of the innominate artery,
undertaken to replace the proximal aorta. Once the left carotid artery, and the subclavian artery
the desired body temperature is reached, the aor- remain beyond this anastomosis. For total
tic clamp is removed and the arch is opened – first replacement of an acutely dissected aortic arch,
only narrowly – by making an incision from the the aortic wall layers must be stabilized enough to
ascending aorta to determine the point at which allow for a blood-tight anastomosis between the
the second (arch) prosthesis can be anastomosed. prosthesis and the distal aorta. First, we resect the
The aortic arch is then mobilized at least far dissected aortic arch in toto up to the descending
enough beyond this point to create enough space aorta, sparing one tissue cuff that is bearing the
to reinforce the site on the outside with Teflon felt supra-aortic branches. With regard to the stability
strips where the anastomosis will later be estab- of the anastomosis that will be created later, it is
lished. Likewise, the proximal segments of the particularly important to entirely spare the
innominate artery and left carotid artery, possibly adventitia of the descending aorta and the vascu-
also of the left subclavian artery, are mobilized. lar cuff carrying the arch branches. Before estab-
The goal of reconstructing an acutely dissected lishing the prosthesio-aortic anastomosis, the
aortic arch is to restore antegrade circulation of dissected aortic wall downstream is joined by glu-
the true lumen of the arch, possibly also their ing the tissue or by using a reconstruction suture
branches, by joining the wall of the false lumen that is reinforced with felt strips. Alternatively,
with that of the true lumen. For this, we use the prosthesio-­aortic anastomosis can be estab-
gelatin-­resorcin-formaldehyde tissue glue, which lished directly by using felt-armed sutures both
is first allowed to harden after adapting the wall on the outside and possibly also inside the aorta.
layers before the prosthesio-aortic anastomosis is Whenever possible, the aortic arch branches
established. Quite often additional reinforcement should be reconstructed with the aid of reinforced
of the suture line with a Teflon felt strip is advis- mattress sutures such that a common base is cre-
able (. Fig.  27.26). It has proven useful in such ated for the subsequent anastomoses with the
situations to completely transect the aorta proxi- aortic arch prosthesis (. Fig. 27.27). In contrast to
mal to the innominate artery branch in order to acute arch dissection, in chronic dissection, it is
then mobilize the arch and its vascular branches usually not necessary and mostly not possible to
from the dorsal side. Alternatively and instead of rejoin the aortic wall layers because scar tissue
gluing, the dissected layers of the aortic arch wall has already formed on the adventitia of the aorta
896 M. Karck and K. Kallenbach

pletion of the repair far downstream. Crawford

simplified the surgical procedure originally devel-
oped by Borst (Crawford et al. 1990): A segment
of the distal end of the aortic arch prosthesis cor-
responding to the segment of the descending
aorta that is to be replaced is invaginated. The free
ends of the double-layered prosthesis thus created
are pushed into the descending aorta. The distal
aortic anastomosis is then completed between the
folding edge of the prosthesis and the circumfer-
27 ence of the descending aorta right distal of the
origin of the left subclavian artery. Then the
invaginated segment of the prosthesis, which was
pushed into the descending aorta as an inner
layer, is everted. In the past, the distal part of the
trunk end that remained in the descending aorta
was marked with metal clips. This is no longer
necessary – and under certain circumstances even
..Fig. 27.27  The dissected aortic arch branches are
bothersome – thanks to today’s advanced imaging
reconstructed by suturing with the aid of Teflon felt strips
For patients with chronic dissection, it is
giving sufficient stabilization for direct suture. important to excise or incise the floating wall far
The floating segments of the dissection mem- enough so that both lumina are perfused via the
brane are resected within the arch and, insofar as trunk prosthesis. In acute dissection, however, the
they can be viewed, into the descending aorta, elephant trunk prosthesis needs to be forwarded
also. If the dissection extends into the supra-aor- into the true lumen of the descending aorta only
tic vessels, it is usually sufficient to join the wall before sewing the circumferential anastomosis
layers of their orifices with non-reinforced, con- between all layers of the descending aorta and
tinuous everting sutures that are stitched from the invaginated prosthesis inside. The rest of the
inside out of the arch lumen. Thereafter, their procedure at the aortic arch is performed using
common base is anastomosed to the window in ­conventional aortic arch replacement technique
the convexity of the aortic arch prosthesis created (. Fig. 27.28b).
for this purpose. In the meantime new types of vascular (hybrid)
prostheses have become available, rendering a sec-
ond procedure as required for the «elephant trunk
27.4.5  Total Aortic Arch technique» superfluous. A wire mesh is integrated
Replacement Using in the distal segment of these prostheses to create
the Elephant Trunk a radial force within the vascular graft («frozen
Prosthesis elephant trunk technique»). This variant enables
alignment of the frozen elephant trunk segment to
For the successive replacement of the aortic arch the inner wall of the descending aorta at a desired
and the descending aorta, Borst developed the so-­ level thereby promoting thrombus formation
called elephant trunk technique (Borst et  al. within the perigraft space. The implant is inserted
1983). In the course of a complete aortic arch via the open aortic arch into the descending aorta
replacement procedure via a median sternotomy, by using a delivery system (. Fig. 27.29). Further
the distal end of a vascular prosthesis is pushed procedure is the same as for conventional «ele-
into the descending aorta, where it floats freely phant trunk» technique (Karck et al. 2003). More
(. Fig. 27.28a). In the second operation to repair recently, protheses with sidearms were developed
the aneurysm of the descending aorta via a lateral allowing for seperately anastomosing the supra-
thoracotomy, it is either anastomosed with native aortic vessels to the frozen elephant trunk pros-
undiseased downstream aorta directly or to a sec- thesis. This strategy fascilitates partrial clamping
ond prosthesis, which, in the latter, allows com- of the aortic arch while the heart-lung machine is
Chapter 27 · Aneurysm and Dissection of the Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Aorta
897 27

a b

..Fig. 27.28  a, b Preparation for descending aorta replacement while replacing the arch using the «elephant trunk
technique.» a Already at the beginning of the arch replacement procedure the distal end of the aortic prosthesis is
invaginated (according to Borst). The folding edge of the invaginated prosthesis is anastomosed with the proximal end
of the descending aorta. Thereafter, the invaginated edge is pushed into the descending aorta with a long straight
clamp. This trunk-shaped prosthesis now lies freely in the aneurysmatic descending aorta. b The supra-aortic vessels are
then anastomosed to the arch prosthesis. The arterial perfusion cannula is finally transferred to the arch prosthesis

connected through a seperate sidearm to the

prothesis, thus reducing the circulatory arrest time
(Shrestha et al. 2016).

27.4.6   istal Aortic Arch

Replacement Surgical Access
Acquired and congenital aneurysms can affect the
distal aortic arch, usually in conjunction with the
descending aorta. A type B dissection occasion-
ally extends retrograde into the distal arch seg-
ment, only rarely as far as into the ascending aorta
(Cipriano and Griepp 1979). The goal of surgical
treatment is to eliminate the affected aortic arch ..Fig. 27.29  The hybrid vascular prosthesis is inserted
segment and segments of the descending or tho- via the opened aortic arch into the descending aorta by
racoabdominal aorta via a left-lateral access. using a delivery system. Further procedure for arch
replacement remains unchanged
Typical variants of distal arch replacement are
illustrated in . Fig. 27.30.
Normally, the chest is opened via a standard of the same skin incision before preparing the dis-
left posterolateral thoracotomy in the fourth inter- tal end point of the aortic repair. The anesthesiolo-
costal space to gain unhindered access to the dis- gist is responsible for ensuring that the left lung is
tal aortic arch, to the proximal descending aorta, collapsed for the entire duration of the procedure
and also to the heart. No compromises should be because the descending aorta can only be viewed
made concerning the height at which the chest is without compressing the heart if the lungs are not
opened. For aortic aneurysms extending beyond in the way. The use of a «cell saver» is absolutely
the seventh intercostal space, it is advisable to per- essential for these operations, which may involve a
form a second thoracotomy below the seventh rib considerable amount of blood turnover and blood
as well. The skin incision is planned to be corre- loss as well.
spondingly lower than for a solitary thoracotomy Crawford et al. (1987) proved it is possible to
only. The second thoracotomy is undertaken out replace the entire aortic arch using a left-lateral
898 M. Karck and K. Kallenbach

a b c


..Fig. 27.30  a–c Three variants of distal aortic arch replacement. a Beveled prosthesio-aortic anastomosis, which
spares the arch vessels on the native aortic wall. b Prosthesio-aortic anastomosis directly distal to the branch of the left
carotid artery; anastomosis of the left subclavian artery in the arch prosthesis. c Prosthesio-aortic anastomosis between
the innominate artery and the left common carotid artery. Implantation of the common base of the common carotid
and subclavian artery into a window of the arch prosthesis

access. More often, however, only the distal seg- gia – with the exception of emergency bleeding
ment of the aortic arch with the branches of the left from a ruptured aneurysm (Girardi et al. 2005;
carotid artery and the left subclavian artery need to Safi et al. 1998b; Schäfers et al. 1987; Schepens
be replaced via this access (. Fig. 27.30b, c). et al. 1999). Therefore, we perform these proce-
dures with the patients completely heparinized   anaging Intra- and
M and using the heart-lung machine for normo-
Extracorporeal Circulation thermic partial extracorporeal circulation. The
After sufficiently exposing the aorta, the sur- perfusion cannulas can often be placed intratho-
geon must decide whether to proceed under racically via the lateral access. Venous return
conditions of simple clamping of the aorta, may be accomplished by retrograde cannulation
under partial extracorporeal circulation (left of the right ventricle via the pulmonary artery
ventricular bypass or femorofemoral bypass), (solitary angulated catheter with a diameter of
or under deep hypothermia and circulatory 14  mm) and arterial inflow by cannulating the
arrest. distal descending aorta. Should intrathoracic
cannulation be cumbersome because of pericar-
kSimple Aortic Clamping and Extracorporeal dial adhesions or pronounced aortic sclerosis,
Circulation we prefer to access the left femoral vessels.
In the past, individual authors emphatically Usually pump flow volumes of 2.0  l/m2 body
propagated simple aortic clamping for distal surface area/minute are sufficient to achieve
aortic arch replacement, pointing to the advan- physiological pressure values in an adult patient
tages of not having to cannulate the aorta or to proximally and distally to the clamped segments
heparinize the patients. Indeed, the surgical of the aorta. The anesthesiologist, the perfusion-
mortality and risk of paraplegia did not seem to ist, and the surgeon must work closely together
be significantly higher when compared to the under continuous monitoring to maintain an
use of extracorporeal circulation (Crawford adequate equilibrium between the two circula-
et  al. 1984; Hammerlijnk et  al. 1989; Kay et  al. tion segments.
1986). Convincing evidence has been presented As an alternative to this regimen, an isolated
that perfusion of the distal descending and tho- left ventricular bypass is often employed. The
racoabdominal aorta through active circulatory means of connecting and operating the centrifu-
bypass helps to minimize the risk of paraple- gal pumps, which can be used under mild
Chapter 27 · Aneurysm and Dissection of the Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Aorta
899 27
heparinization (5,000  IU), have been described (Borst et al. 1964). In 1984, Crawford et al. (1984)
frequently (DeBois et al. 2000). After administer- again reported on the utility of this technique for
ing heparin, the left common femoral artery is complex procedures of the aortic arch via a left-
cannulated. The pericardium is opened via a lon- lateral access. Today, such a procedure should
gitudinal incision dorsal to the course of the mainly be considered when the arch cannot be
phrenic nerve and a purse-string suture is placed controlled and clamped proximally from the
on the left lower or upper pulmonary vein. Then, dilated segment in large or even ruptured aneu-
the vessel is cannulated with an angulated perfu- rysms. Here, starting with moderate hypother-
sion catheter. If the lumen of the pulmonary veins mia, one should proceed according to the
is too narrow or they are not accessible for other protocol for circulatory arrest as outlined in
reasons, the left auricle represents an alternative 7 Sect.  27.4.1, «Access and Extracorporeal
site for cannulation with a straight venous can- Circulation». After arresting the circulation, the
nula. However, the catheter may not be put under aneurysm is opened longitudinally from distal to
any tension during perfusion as the auricular proximal. The patient is positioned with the head
myocardium tears easily. lowered. The ostia of the left carotid artery and
A heparin-free TDMAC shunt without a the innominate artery are then intubated with
pump (Argyle, Fa. Shervood, St. Louis, USA) can perfusion catheters and selective antegrade cere-
be applied during distal aortic arch and descend- bral perfusion is commenced. Again, the left sub-
ing aorta replacement procedures if the surgeon clavian artery is either clamped or blocked with a
abstains from active circulatory support via a Fogarty catheter. If the aortic valve is patent, we
blood pump. In this case, however, the shunt put the heart under isoelectric arrest by infusing
should originate in the ascending aorta (Verdant cardioplegic solution into the aortic root via a
et al. 1988). Another technique widely applied by blocked Foley catheter. Beforehand, the catheter
some teams involves establishing a temporary is inserted retrogradely under digital control via
vascular prosthetic bypass between the right sub- the aortic arch into the ascending aorta. The
clavian artery and the left iliac artery (Kogel prosthesis, which has a side arm, can now be
2001). anastomosed – possibly including one or more of
If surgery must be performed under simple the supra-aortic vessels  – to the arch.
aortic clamping in an emergency setting, the Subsequently, the prosthesis is filled with blood,
anesthesiologist is primarily responsible for man- clamped distally, and the upper half of the body is
aging the patient, ensuring that the left ventricle is perfused via the side arm, while the lower half of
not overloaded in this phase and compensating the body continues to be perfused via the original
for any ensuing metabolic acidosis continuously site of cannulation (femoral artery or distal
and effectively. The proximally measured arterial descending aorta). The distal prosthesio-aortic
blood pressure is controlled by administering anastomosis is created during the rewarming
vasodilators such that baseline values are not phase.
exceeded to any significant degree. A Swan-Ganz
catheter provides information about the preload  Procedure at the Aorta
of the left ventricle. Induced vasodilation is termi- As already mentioned, a standard incision in the
nated right before removing the aortic clamp. bed of the fourth rib offers ideal access to the dis-
Blood gas analysis is required at 10- to 15-min tal aortic arch and to the proximal segment of the
intervals. Metabolic acidosis has to be antago- ascending aorta. Any pleural adhesions present
nized without delay before and especially after the must be carefully detached in order to prevent any
aortic clamps have been removed. At this point, bleeding into the lung – particularly under hepa-
we recommend restoring left pulmonary ventila- rinization. Adhesions of the lung with the aneu-
tion to support hemostasis. rysm are only detached as far as needed to
mobilize the aorta proximal and distal to the
kHypothermic Circulatory Arrest clamp. If a strip of aorta is free of adhesions dor-
Borst performed an operation of the aortic arch sally, the vessel lumen can later be opened in this
through a left-lateral access under deep hypo- area without having to detach the lung. The
thermia and circulatory arrest already in 1963 phrenic nerve is identified, the vagus nerve is
900 M. Karck and K. Kallenbach

protected with an elastic vessel loop, and the sion site, and the distal aorta are clamped. This
recurrent branches mobilized as far as possible. may not be required under circulatory arrest. The
The left common carotid and left subclavian arter- aneurysm is then opened along the longitudinal
ies are mobilized to enable later control. axis. In the presence of a type B dissection, one
Depending on the proximal extent of the repair, first encounters the false lumen and often also the
the aorta is mobilized between the innominate proximal «entry.» The free wall of the true lumen
artery and the left carotid artery or between that is excised immediately in order to gain an over-
and the left subclavian artery. We recommend view of any residual intercostal arterial bleeding;
first dissecting the tissue between these vessels these vessels are then oversewn with heavy
with scissors or electrocautery and then with the sutures. As soon as bleeding has ceased, the sur-
27 index finger until the front face of the trachea can geon decides upon the subsequent procedure at
be palpated. This is then followed in a caudal the proximal and distal aorta.
direction. The next step involves dissecting the
arterial ligament just at the aorta followed by care- kProximal Anastomoses for Aneurysms
ful dissection into the concavity of the aortic arch For distal arch aneurysms, the surgeon attempts
until the level of tracheal bifurcation is reached. to establish the proximal and distal anastomoses
Any tissue fibers behind the aortic arch should be at the point where the diameter of the aorta
dissected under visual control, if possible. approaches a normal size and where the condi-
Subsequently, the surgeon can navigate around tions of the wall are suitable for the anastomotic
the distal arch using a curved clamp and digital sutures – as shown by an intact intima. For aneu-
guidance. After dissecting the parietal pleura, the rysms, if possible, the proximal prosthesio-aortic
readily visible intercostal arterial branches 1–4 anastomosis at the distal arch is created such that
should be closed with metal clips right away so the supra-aortic vessels do not have to be joined to
that they do not need time-­consuming sutures the prosthesis separately. The prosthesis is strongly
from inside, once the aneurysm is opened. beveled in order to sew it to the aortic wall at the
Irrespective of whether the surgeon is operat- lowest point, beginning in the concavity of the
ing under conditions of simple aortic clamping or arch (. Fig. 27.31a). Suturing is continued both at
extracorporeal circulation, the proximal aorta, the back and the front in preferably healthy aortic
the supra-aortic branches distal from the occlu- wall tissue until the level of the supra-aortic ves-

a b

..Fig. 27.31  a, b The proximal prosthesio-aortic anastomosis is created in the lumen of the open distal arch.
a The branch of the left subclavian artery remains downstream of the anastomosis line in this case. b The base of the
subclavian artery is anastomosed with the prosthesis. The distal prosthesio-aortic anastomosis is completed
Chapter 27 · Aneurysm and Dissection of the Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Aorta
901 27
sels is reached. The leftover prosthetic flap is then recommend anastomosing the prosthesis there so
sutured to the aortic wall first at the back and then that true and false lumens communicate.
at the front just before these vessels take off, For acute retrograde dissections extending to
whereby the ends of the thread are tied just left of the ascending segment, a beveled prosthesio-­
the origin of the carotid artery or the subclavian aortic anastomosis should be avoided. Rather, the
artery. If for reasons of surgical technique these aortic arch should be circumferentially mobilized
vessels need to remain downstream of the anasto- up to the selected line of anastomosis and tran-
mosis just created, they can be anastomosed sected there. If there is not enough space and too
directly or via vascular bridges to the tubular pros- little tissue surface for gluing, the dissected wall
thesis at a later point. Two surgical steps in creat- layers are joined here, too, by placing Teflon felt
ing a prosthesio-aortic anastomosis between the strips on the outside and in between the layers
left common carotid artery and the subclavian using continuous mattress sutures so that there is
artery and subsequent implantation of the latter a firm opposing point to anastomose the prosthe-
vessel into the prosthesis are illustrated in sis. Normally, the left-lateral arch vessels, whose
. Fig. 27.31. The sutures for the distal prosthesio-­ branches may need to be reconstructed, are anas-
aortic anastomosis are either sewn end to end or tomosed directly to the arch prosthesis.
beveled such that large intercostal arterial branches
downstream of the seventh thoracic segment are kDistal Anastomosis
spared in order to preserve spinal perfusion. If Distal anastomoses for the combined replace-
extensive aortic replacement is required, it is usu- ment of the aortic arch and the descending aorta
ally better to implant the intercostal arterial are placed at that site where the vessel diameter
branches that come into question as an island into approaches a normal size, if possible. Often, how-
a window that has been created in the prosthesis ever, the aneurysmatic dilatation involves the
and to anastomose the end of the prosthesis with entire downstream aorta so that a compromise
the distal aorta. A prerequisite for preserving such must be made as regards which vessel segment
vessels, however, is that aortic wall is still available
should be replaced. Experience has shown that the
at the base that can be used for suturing. According aorta narrows when kinking toward the hiatus
to more recent observations, all thoracic intercos- aorticus, where it can be anastomosed quite often.
tal arterial branches can also be sacrificed under Removing the residual diseased aorta is then post-
certain conditions without increasing the risk of poned to a second procedure, which may be pre-
spinal cord injury (Etz et al. 2006). pared for using the distal elephant trunk technique
(see 7 Sect.  27.4.5, «Total Aortic Arch Replacement
kProximal Anastomosis for Dissection Using the Elephant Trunk Prosthesis»). The distal
Whenever possible, the proximal end of a type B prosthesio-­aortic anastomosis must be made to
dissection extending retrograde to the aortic arch the true lumen for acute dissections. This implies
should be selected as the site for anastomosis so that the entire wall must be reconstructed by using
that sutures can be placed in a firm vascular wall. Teflon felt-reinforced mattress sutures. For chronic
If the proximal end of the dissection cannot be dissections, the distal prosthesio-aortic anastomo-
reached in acute dissections, the walling of the sis is always established with the scarred adventitia
false and true lumen proximal to the dilatation of of the aorta. However, first the floating part dissec-
the aorta, which is always present and quite exten- tion membrane should be excised so that both
sive, is joined so that the proximal prosthesio-­ lumina remain perfused. For this purpose, it may
aortic anastomosis can be established at this level. be necessary to release the distal aortic cross-­
Gluing here is only possible in exceptional cases if clamp briefly. By using this maneuver, the dissec-
enough wall tissue is available. Thus, the tech- tion membrane can be excised under direct vision
nique of applying reinforced Teflon felt-supported over a length of 2–4 cm, and an additional incision
sutures to join the walls of a dissected aortic lumen of the membrane may even reach much farther.
is mostly utilized; this technique is described in We have made it our rule to sacrifice all inter-
7 Sect.  27.3.4, «Acute Type A Dissection». For costal arterial branches up to the level of the sixth
chronic retrograde type B dissections that have a thoracic segment, while larger vessels branching
firmer outer aortic wall as a result of scarring, we farther distally must be spared by using a beveled
902 M. Karck and K. Kallenbach

prosthesio-aortic anastomosis or implanting the segment of the ascending aorta is needed to sub-
relevant vessel-bearing islands of the aortic wall sequently anastomose the prosthesis. By extend-
in the prosthetic tube graft. For the distal anasto- ing the sternotomy to the umbilicus and excising
mosis itself, the aorta is incised to the right and the hepatic ligament, the surgeon can advance to
left of the clamp as far as necessary so that a 3-cm the aortic hiatus to mobilize the aorta. The vessel
strip of intact wall is preserved dorsally. First open is either doubly occluded or tangentially clamped
stitches are made out of this strip; subsequently, off. Then, a right-angled end-to-side anastomosis
the edge of the prosthesis and the cut edge of the is created between the prosthesis, which is at least
aorta are anastomosed on both sides and the 14-mm in diameter, and the aorta. At this point,
thread tied at the front. After carefully expelling the patient is fully heparinized. An incision is then
27 the air from the aortic arch, the vessel branches, made in the diaphragm, and the prosthetic tube,
and the prosthesis, the clamps are removed with from which the air has been expelled and then put
the patient in Trendelenburg position. The wall of under tension, is pulled along the right atrium to
the aneurysm is sewn closely around the pros- the ascending aorta in order to determine the
thetic tube graft for graft inclusion. length that is required. The graft is then tailored
The «elephant trunk» technique as described by strongly beveling and then anastomosing it to
in 7 Sect. 27.4.5 can also be employed for the dis- the right aspect of the clamped ascending aorta. In
tal anastomosis whenever it appears likely that the next step, the common bases of the cerebral
further downstream repair will become necessary and brachial bridges are joined to the aortic graft
in the future (Carrel et  al. 2001). The distal end to side; after careful de-airing, these vessels
prosthesio-­aortic anastomosis is then not fash- can be unclamped. The branches of the supra-aor-
ioned end to end in the standard way but rather tic vessels are ligated. Finally, the natural aortic
the descending aorta prosthesis is invaginated for blood stream is interrupted beyond the anasto-
several centimeters in order to connect the thus mosis, between the aortic prosthesis and the prox-
created edge of the prosthesis and the descending imal arch, by using a specialized plastic clip
aorta. Just before tightening the suture, the invag- developed by Carpentier et al. (1981). Alternatively
inate is manipulated into the distal aorta and the the aorta can be dissected between the anastomo-
anastomosis then completed. The prosthetic ses, cut and oversewn by placing reinforced, con-
stump that is suspended in the lumen of the tinuous mattress sutures. The affected segments of
downstream aorta serves to simplify the connec- the aorta will then thrombose up to the branches
tion of the thoracoabdominal aortic prosthesis in of the first vital arteries. Late outcome results of
a future operation. this complex procedure are not available.
The hybrid technique for aortic arch replace-
ment is in part similar to the method Carpentier
27.4.7  Alternative Techniques has described; however, it has only been used in
for Aortic Arch Replacement relatively small numbers of patients to date.
Circulatory aids are not required, and here, too,
An imaginative suggestion for managing exten- the aortic arch is first «debranched,» whereby the
sive aortic arch and descending aorta aneurysms, left subclavian artery is detached close to its
the «thrombo-occlusion» operation, was origi- branch and anastomosed end to side to the left
nated by Carpentier et al. (1981). This technique carotid artery. After establishing an end-to-side
presumes that a normal aortic base and normal anastomosis between the proximal branch of a
ascending aorta are present. The operation can be Y-­prosthesis and the distal ascending aorta, the
performed without using mechanical circulatory left carotid artery is also detached close to its
support. A longitudinal sternotomy and pericar- branch and anastomosed end to end with the
diotomy are made to access the heart and large right distal branch of the Y-prosthesis.
vessels. The first segments of the ascending aorta Subsequently, this route can be unclamped and
and the supra-aortic vessels are mobilized. The perfused while the left branch of the prosthesis is
latter are anastomosed side to end with 8-mm anastomosed end to side to the innominate artery,
prosthetic bridges during short-term occlusion or which can then also be unclamped centrally. In a
clamping. The authors recommend preparing bi- second step, the entire aortic arch vessels can be
or trifurcational prostheses so that only a short excluded by transfemorally inserting an endograft
Chapter 27 · Aneurysm and Dissection of the Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Aorta
903 27
that has been selected to correspond to the As an alternative to this procedure, surgery
patient’s individual arch anatomy. Although the can be started by performing a right anterolateral
initially available early outcome data show a con- thoracotomy in the bed of the fourth rib. If the
siderably higher mortality than for similar tech- aneurysm can be dissected from the front part of
niques performed under extracorporeal the thorax with little difficulty, a longitudinal ster-
circulation, it is to be expected that with growing notomy is undertaken and the procedure con-
experience, this technique will also produce simi- ducted in the usual way. Otherwise, the right
larly good outcome as with «open» surgical treat- atrium (or one of the femoral veins) is cannulated
ment (Kotelis et al. 2011; Schumacher et al. 2006). with a large-lumen catheter and an arterial access
is established for extracorporeal circulation via a
peripheral artery. In presence of aortic valve
27.5 Reoperations regurgitation, the patient’s core temperature is
only cooled moderately to start with (30  °C) to
Even today reoperations after prior thoracic aortic avoid premature spontaneous atrial fibrillation. If
aneurysm surgery are considered to be extraordi- there is no regurgitation, hypothermia can be
narily difficult, high-risk procedures that pose a deepened as needed. Then the sternum is opened
great challenge to the surgical team’s imagination by using an oscillating saw. Here, like with the
and technical skill. It would be beyond the scope previous technique, if the aneurysm is damaged,
of this chapter to describe such multifaceted oper- the aorta can be mobilized and clamped after
ations at the various segments of the thoracic aorta short-term cessation of the extracorporeal perfu-
in detail. The reader is referred in this regard to the sion and induced ventricular fibrillation.
extensive experience as published by Crawford’s Instead of using a right-lateral technique, con-
group and others (Crawford et al. 1984; Yamashita trol of an aneurysm can be achieved by applying a
et al. 1998; Lombardi et al. 2003). In our own expe- bilateral anterolateral thoracotomy in the bed of
rience from a more modest number of such reop- the fourth rib («clamshell thoracotomy»), whereby
erations, the technique used for the ascending the thoracic segment that is in contact with the
aorta, the arch, and descending segments does not aneurysm is dissected horizontally. An access cre-
differ significantly from that for other difficult car- ated in this way is excellent but considerably more
diovascular reoperations – except for the fact that traumatic than a longitudinal sternotomy.
great care must be taken if a second sternotomy is
required. Essentially, therefore, we will discuss safe
opening of the chest. 27.6 Aneurysms and Dissections
An overview of the site and extent of a possibly of the Descending Aorta
present contact zone of the aneurysm with the
sternum is best gained by using contrast-enhanced 27.6.1  Treatment Strategies
computed tomography. If the aneurysm has inti-
mate contact with the anterior chest wall or if even The range of options for surgical treatment of dis-
osseous destruction has developed from pulsating eases of the descending aorta has been extended
pressure, we first establish extracorporeal circula- by the interventional methods (see 7 Chapter
tion via femorofemoral access. While continu- «Endovascular Surgical Therapy of Thoracic and
ously cooling on bypass, we separate the front Thoracoabdominal Disease of the Aorta», Sect. 28.6;
blade of the sternum. Subsequently, the incision is Sect. 28.7). This group of extra-anatomical recon-
then only completed in the inferior section, struction procedures, including what is known as
whereupon the diaphragmatic surface of the heart a «hybrid procedure», exclude the diseased sec-
is detached as far as necessary so that a vent cath- tions of the aorta by implanting one or more vas-
eter can be inserted transapically or into the lower cular ­ endografts. By taking an endovascular
right pulmonary vein (interatrial groove) in the treatment approach, all forms of intraoperative
event that ventricular fibrillation develops in circulatory support through extracorporeal circu-
patients with aortic valve insufficiency. When lation or temporary placement of extra-anatomi-
reaching a body temperature of 25 °C, the extra- cal shunting can be avoided. These procedures
corporeal circulation is stopped briefly and full differ distinctly from conventional «open» surgi-
sternotomy is completed (Karck et al. 1996). cal procedures, in which the diseased segment of
904 M. Karck and K. Kallenbach

the aorta is not excluded but rather replaced with experience is based on this form of intraoperative
a vascular prosthesis. In open procedures, circulatory support.
circulatory support is needed in order to mini-
mize the risk of organ damage as a consequence of
inadequate perfusion as the aorta is cross-clamped 27.6.3  Indications
while vascular areas distal to the aorta are being
repaired. The indications for surgical replacement of the
descending aorta for aneurysms or dissections
depend on the etiology, the maximum vessel
27.6.2  Circulatory Support diameter, the temporal dynamics of the develop-
27 ing vascular dilatation, and the patient’s symp-
In addition to the passive circulatory support toms. For us, the indication to replace a diffuse,
techniques by temporarily placing shunts or an asymptomatic aneurysm of the descending
extra-anatomic vascular prosthetic bypass, active aorta with or without dissection is given in a
blood pumps with or without an integrated oxy- patient when the maximum vessel diameter
genator are available. Some groups prefer repair- exceeds 6  cm. If the number of risk factors
ing aneurysms not involving the arch by using a increases, for example, confirmed deficiencies in
centrifugal pump as an isolated left ventricular various organ functions, then the decision to
bypass; this reduces the risk of perioperative operate must be made on a very individual basis.
bleeding as the patient does not require full hepa- For clearly limited aneurysms that developed
rinization (Coselli and LeMaire 1999; DeBois because of a plaque rupture, the surgical indica-
et al. 2000; Schepens et al. 1999). A disadvantage tion may already be given in smaller maximum
of this technique as compared to classic extracor- vessel diameters even though the cutoff value has
poreal circulation, however, lies in the fact that not been reached yet because here the three-layer
hypothermia cannot be induced here. This is aortic walling is affected and the vascular walls
important for patients with proximal aneurysms may already be dangerously thin. The same
of the terminal aortic arch just involving the applies for suture line aneurysms that can
descending aorta. Indeed, it is not rare that the develop after post childhood patch repair of an
surgeon can only decide during the procedure aortic coarctation. Here, too, owing to the lack of
whether to open the arch in order to anastomose reliable data concerning the risk associated with
the vascular prosthesis with a healthy segment of the spontaneous course of rupture, the surgeon
the aorta. In such cases, extracorporeal circula- will likely decide for an early intervention
tion is used to induce a sufficiently deep level of (Aebert et  al. 1993; Karck et  al. 2002).
hypothermia – in our hands, the core body tem- Posttraumatic aneurysms of the descending
perature is cooled to 26 °C. After interrupting the aorta represent a special form for which no
extracorporeal circulation, we initiate selective proven, maximum tolerable vascular diameter
antegrade cerebral perfusion for neuroprotection can be given. In these cases, the temporal dynam-
(see 7 Sect., «Managing Intra- and ics for increasing diameter of the affected seg-
Extracorporeal Circulation»). ment in the context of the individual surgical
We also cool the body core temperature for risk profile and age of the patient will speak for
surgeries in which circulatory arrest is not used, or against operative intervention.
for reasons of organ protection mediated by hypo-
thermia, but only by about 2–3 °C. In this regard,
our own technique differs from the method of 27.6.4  Selecting a  Technique
Kouchoukos, who performed procedures of the
descending aorta under deep hypothermic car- Thoracic Access
diocirculatory arrest (Kouchoukos et al. 2002). For proximal aneurysms of the descending aorta,
We consider the option of oxygenating the patients are positioned on their right side with
blood and being able to precisely regulate the the left arm in abduction. The pelvis is rotated
blood volume distribution as additional advan- slightly in a dorsal direction as this facilitates
tages of using extracorporeal circulation for pro- better access to the left inguinal vessels needed
cedures on the descending aorta. Thus, our recent for establishing the extracorporeal circulation.
Chapter 27 · Aneurysm and Dissection of the Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Aorta
905 27
To separately ventilate the right and left lung, a For this purpose, the aorta needs to be mobilized for
double-lumen endotracheal tube is required. For a short distance between the Th3 and Th5 segments,
access to the proximal aneurysm of the descend- whereby it is occasionally necessary to detach one
ing aorta, we choose standard thoracotomy in or two segmental arteries. In a medial direction, the
the fourth intercostal space (see 7  Sect., esophagus, which is frequently adherent to the
«Surgical Access»). Via this access, the most prox- aneurysm, should be safely mobilized before clamp-
imally located diseased segments can be reached, ing and kept out of the level of clamping.
and, moreover, it is possible to prepare for clamp- The aorta is now double clamped, proximally
ing the aortic arch between the left common at a healthy, more or less normal site where the
carotid artery and the left subclavian artery. If proximal anastomosis with the vascular prosthesis
the arch is definitely not involved and instead is to be performed and distally at some distance,
the  entire descending aorta up to the passage most often still within the diseased segment of the
into the diaphragm is to be replaced, it may be aorta. The vascular segment lying in-­ between
helpful to place the thoracotomy one intercostal these clamps is opened longitudinally and pre-
space deeper, partially resect the fifth rib, or cre- pared for anastomosing. Any intercostal vessels
ate an additional second access through the sev- that are still bleeding are oversewn. Thereafter, the
enth intercostal space (see 7  Sect., aorta is cut subtotally or over the whole circum-
«Surgical Access»). ference, depending on which variant provides the
most secure anastomosis, and leaving an approx.  Thoracic Aorta Replacement 1-cm-wide tissue cuff for anastomosis. Continuous
The prophylactic effect of lumbar puncture in pro- suturing with a vascular prosthesis of equal diam-
tecting patients from spinal injury is disputed; eter can now be performed in a routine fashion,
nonetheless, however, we preoperatively drain the adding Teflon felt strips to the suture line for frag-
cerebrospinal fluid before carrying out any exten- ile tissue. With the vascular prosthesis clamped,
sive thoracic and thoracoabdominal aorta proce- the proximal anastomosis then allowed to be per-
dures (Coselli et al. 2002; Schepens et al. 2004). The fused and tested for any blood leakage.
catheter is inserted for this procedure on the day The next level for distal clamping is chosen as
before surgery in order to exclude any acute, punc- far downstream as needed to create the prosthesio-­
ture-induced spinal bleeding before full heparin- aortic anastomosis with a segment of the aorta
ization for extracorporeal circulation is initiated. that shows only slight pathological changes. For
At sites that have not been operated upon pre- aneurysms that extend to the takeoff of the celiac
viously and when the distal descending aorta is trunk, an indentation needs to be made in the dia-
not affected, extracorporeal circulation can be phragm before clamping the aortic hiatus. If
established via intrathoracic cannulation of the clamping cannot be safely done at this site with-
pulmonary artery trunk and the distal descending out damaging the branch of the celiac trunk, an
aorta (see 7 Sect., «Managing Intra- and occlusion catheter can be inserted into the distal
Extracorporeal Circulation»). This form of cannula- aorta under visual control. For this, however, the
tion spares exposing additional peripheral vessels extracorporeal circulation needs to be stopped for
like femoral artery and vein. a few seconds in order to open the aorta.
For aneurysms of the descending aorta that do The aorta is then incised longitudinally. For
not involve the arch, the aorta can usually be aortic dissections, the dissection membrane is
clamped directly behind the takeoff of the left sub- resected at its origin in the aortic wall. Any inter-
clavian artery. The phrenic and vagal nerves are costal vessels from the proximal aorta segment that
mobilized by creating a tissue pedicle and held are still bleeding are oversewn. Segmental arteries
aside: these nerves should not be skeletonized. As originating further distally can be reimplanted
for terminal aortic arch replacement, great care individually or in multiples with continuous
must be taken here, too, when exposing and mobi- sutures in a vascular prosthetic window corre-
lizing the recurrent nerve in order to protect it sponding to the vascular tissue island; this improves
from injury caused by clamping or suturing. spinal cord perfusion. The criteria for selecting
The second clamp is placed such that the proxi- these vessels are still the subject of scientific contro-
mal prosthesio-aortic anastomosis can be estab- versy. As described in 7 Sect., «Procedures at
lished under the best possible technical conditions. the Aorta», we prefer to liberally reimplant most
906 M. Karck and K. Kallenbach


Type I Type II Type III Type IV

..Fig. 27.32  Classification of thoracoabdominal aneurysms by Crawford et al. (1986)

large-lumen intercostal vessel branches that origi- the seventh intercostal space needs to be per-
nate from the lower half of the thoracic aorta formed using the same skin incision in order to
because the collateral supply of the middle and gain safe access to the infradiaphragmatic aorta.
lower spinal cord is less well developed than in the In contrast, thoracotomy in the seventh intercos-
more cranial segment (Biglioli et al. 2004; Minatoya tal space is sufficient to adequately expose the tho-
et al. 2002). racic aorta segment that must be replaced for type
Finally, the distal prosthesio-aortic anastomo- III or IV aneurysms.
sis is created, depending on the wall conditions Independent of type of aneurysm, the left rib
either by using an inlay technique or an end-to-­ arch at the ventral end of the thoracotomy in the
end anastomosis. sixth or seventh intercostal space is dissected first.
Creating a «graft inclusion» from native aortic From here, the surgeon begins to mobilize the dia-
wall tissue can occasionally help to stop any bleed- phragm in a circular pattern up to the aortic hiatus,
ing caused by the suturing in the area of the inter- whereby a rim of 3 cm is left at the point of insertion
costal artery anastomoses. Covering the vascular of the diaphragm at the thoracic wall. Compared to
prosthesis with native tissue might also protect the alternative of radial mobilization of the dia-
the site against infection and erosion. phragm, this technique spares the phrenic nerve
and facilitates later reconstruction. With progress-  Thoracoabdominal Access ing ventrodorsal mobilization of the diaphragm,
For type I and II aneurysms of the thoracoab- the intact peritoneal sac can be mobilized carefully
dominal aorta according to Crawford (. Fig. 27.32; in a craniocaudal direction on Gerota’s fascia and
Svensson et al. 1993), we prefer performing thora- medial up to the aorta. In the next step, the left-lat-
cotomy in the sixth intercostal space and continu- eral portion of the diaphragm can be sharply dis-
ing the incision above the rib arch from pararectal sected from the aorta in the hiatus, whereby the
in a caudal direction. For aneurysms that extend branches of the celiac trunk and the superior mes-
far upstream in the direction of the aortic arch, it enteric artery can be exposed at their origin from
may be necessary to choose a thoracotomy one or the aorta. The insertion at the aorta and the course
even two intercostal spaces farther cranial. In of the left renal artery can now be identified from
these less frequent cases, a second thoracotomy in dorsal. Further distal and in the same preparation
Chapter 27 · Aneurysm and Dissection of the Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Aorta
907 27
step from the left, the infrarenal aorta is reached artery in an end-to-end fashion (Vascutek-­
from dorsal, which can now be followed and con- Terumo, Gelweave R  – thoracoabdominal pros-
trolled via this access up to the left iliac artery. thesis after Coselli).
Finally, perfusion of the visceral organs can be  Thoracoabdominal Aorta restored before completing the reconstruction by
Replacement establishing the distal prosthesio-aortic anastomo-
After exposing the diseased segment of the thora- sis, depending on the aortic pathology. This anasto-
coabdominal aorta, we begin with the vascular mosis is created before, at, or behind the iliac artery
prosthetic replacement in craniocaudal order. In bifurcation as a Y-prosthesis. Before weaning the
the same manner as described for thoracic aorta patient from the extracorporeal circulation, not
replacement, the aorta is cross-clamped proximal least for reasons of better spontaneous hemostasis,
to the lesion as well as some distance downstream. the body temperature should be normal. Like for
In between these two clamps, the aorta is incised replacement of thoracic aorta, the prosthesis should
longitudinally. After completion of the proximal be enclosed by native aorta as graft inclusion.
prosthesio-aortic anastomosis the next, farther
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913 28

Endovascular Surgical
Therapy of Thoracic
and Thoracoabdominal
Disease of the Aorta
Ali Khoynezhad, René H. Bombien, and Aamir Shah

28.1 Introduction – 915

28.2 Devices Approved for TEVAR – 915

28.2.1  ore TAG Device – 915
28.2.2 Medtronic Talent/Valiant – 916
28.2.3 Cook Zenith TX2 Device – 916

28.3 Preprocedural Considerations – 917

28.3.1 S tent Graft Selection – 917
28.3.2 Aortic Arch Landing Zones – 917
28.3.3 Left Subclavian Artery Coverage – 918
28.3.4 Cerebrospinal Fluid Drainage – 919
28.3.5 Neuromonitoring – 920
28.3.6 Vascular Access – 920
28.3.7 Guidewires, Catheters and Sheaths – 920 Initial Access and Lesion Crossing – 920 Guidewires – 921 Catheters – 921 Sheaths – 923

28.4 Imaging – 923

28.4.1 Computed Tomographic (CT) Angiography – 923
28.4.2 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) – 925
28.4.3 Intravascular Ultrasound – 925
28.4.4 Transesophageal Echocardiography (TEE) – 925

28.5 Adjunctive Pharmacology – 926

28.5.1 Heparin – 926
28.5.2 Vasopressin – 926

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_28
28.5.3 Adenosine – 927
28.5.4 Beta-Adrenergic Receptor Blockers – 927
28.5.5 Aspirin – 927
28.5.6 Clopidogrel – 928
28.5.7 Preoperative Antibiotics – 928
28.5.8 Nephroprotective Adjuncts – 928

28.6  EVAR for Thoracic Descending and Thoracic

Abdominal Aneurysm – 928
28.6.1 Open Debranching and TEVAR (Hybrid Aortic Repair) – 930
28.6.2 Branched and Fenestrated Grafts for TEVAR – 931

28.7 TEVAR for Acute Thoracic Aortic Dissection – 932

28.7.1  ncomplicated Type B Dissection – 932
28.7.2 Complicated Type B Dissection – 933
28.7.3 TEVAR in Blunt Aortic Injury – 934

28.8 Complications After TEVAR – 935

28.8.1 Endoleaks – 935
28.8.2 Vascular Access Injury – 936
28.8.3 Neurologic Complications – 936

28.9  echnical Failures and Late Complications

in TEVAR – 937
28.9.1 Device Migration – 937
28.9.2 Retrograde Dissection – 938
28.9.3 Graft Infection – 938
28.9.4 Device Malfunction – 938
28.9.5 Aortobronchial or Aortoesophageal Fistula – 939

28.10 Trends and Future Directions in TEVAR – 939

28.10.1 Total Percutaneous TEVAR – 939
28.10.2 Low Profile TEVAR Devices – 939
28.10.3 Devices for Ascending TEVAR – 940

28.11 Conclusions – 941

References – 941
Chapter 28 · Endovascular Surgical Therapy of Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Disease
915 28
28.1 Introduction stays (Criado et  al. 2005; Greenberg et  al. 2005;
Song et al. 2006). TEVAR avoids cardiopulmonary
Open repair of aortic disease of the descending bypass with the need for aortic cross-­clamping and
and thoracoabdominal aortic pathologies remains deep hypothermic circulatory arrest.
the gold standard for the treatment (Coselli et al.
2004; Dillavou and Makaroun 2008; Estrera et al.
2005; Khoynezhad et  al. 2005; Kouchokos et  al. 28.2 Devices Approved for TEVAR
1995; Stone et al. 2006; Svensson et al. 1993). This
approach can be associated with significant 28.2.1  Gore TAG Device
morbidity and mortality, with variable results
throughout different centers. The application of The thoracic aneurysm graft (TAG) endopros-
endovascular techniques utilizing stent graft tech- thesis (WL Gore and Associates, Flagstaff, AZ)
nology has evolved rapidly and changed the treat- received FDA approval in 2005 and was the first
ment paradigm of aortic diseases. Parodi and thoracic aortic device clinically approved for
coworkers first demonstrated the feasibility of implantation in the United States (Makaroun
endovascular exclusion of abdominal aortic aneu- et al. 2005) (. Fig. 28.1). This is a modular endo-
rysms in 1991  in a small clinical series that prosthesis composed of an expanded polytetra-
described the use of stent-anchored knitted fluoroethylene (ePTFE) tube with an external
Dacron grafts to treat abdominal aortic aneurysms flexible nitinol exoskeleton and has covered flares
(Parodi et al. 1991). The development and adop- with a sealing cuff present on both ends of the
tion of endovascular therapy for the treatment of device. The exoskeleton is bonded to the graft
descending thoracic aortic aneurysms soon fol- material without sutures and is constrained by a
lowed the promising use of this revolutionary PTFE sleeve. The device profile depends on the
technology. Dake and coauthors reported the first size of the graft and requires an 18–24-F sheath
series of endovascular treatment for descending for delivery. The device deploys from the middle
thoracic aortic aneurysms in 1994 (Mitchell et al. section outward by pulling on a deployment
1996; Dake et  al. 1994). Semba and colleagues cord. The approved clinical indication is for
published the first reports of the endovascular descending thoracic aortic aneurysms with prox-
treatment of traumatic thoracic aortic injury in imal and distal landing zones of 20 mm. The new
1997 (Kato et al. 1997). White and coworkers per- conformable TAG (cTAG) was approved by the
formed the first thoracic endovascular aortic FDA in 2011 with an oversizing window ranging
repair (TEVAR) for chronic type B aortic dissec- from 6 to 33 %. This device conforms to the
tion in 1999 (Khoynezhad et al. 2009a).
In 2005, the US Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) approved the first commercially available
stent graft for thoracic endovascular aortic repair
(TEVAR) for the treatment of descending tho-
racic aortic aneurysms (Gore TAG, Gore and
Associates, Inc, Flagstaff, AZ) (Bavaria et al. 2007;
Hughes et  al. 2012; Makaroun et  al. 2005). Two
additional devices subsequently obtained FDA
approval in 2008: Talent (Medtronic, Santa Rosa,
CA) and TX2 (Cook, Inc, Bloomington, IN)
(Fairman et al. 2008; Matsumura et al. 2008).
Since then, the feasibility and successful utiliza-
tion of TEVAR have been established in selected
patients for the treatment of various aortic patholo-
gies including traumatic aortic injury, penetrating
aortic ulcers, and aortic dissections. Potential
advantages of TEVAR versus open surgery include
shorter operative time, less blood loss, decreased ..Fig. 28.1  The Gore TAG device (From W.L.Gore &
need for general anesthesia, and shorter hospital Associates; used with permission)
916 A. Khoynezhad et al.

..Fig. 28.2 Valiant
thoracic stent graft (From
Medtronic; used with


geometry of the aorta with better apposition the stents which allows for greater graft flexibility
along the inner curvature of the aortic arch. This and conformability and increased number of
device is available in diameters from 21 to proximal and distal uncovered stents (8-peak
45 mm, with the intended treatment diameter of crown compared to 5-peak configuration of
the noncritically diseased aorta ranging from 16 Talent) which distributes radial force across more
to 42 mm. Tapered device configurations are also points of contact and allows for better sealing
available. characteristics. The Captivia delivery system
allows for tip capture and for more controlled
28.2.2  Medtronic Talent/Valiant

The Talent device (Medtronic, Inc, Santa Rosa, 28.2.3  Cook Zenith TX2 Device
CA) was approved by the FDA in 2008 and is a
modular device composed of a woven polyester The TX2 device was also approved in 2008
graft sutured to a nitinol lattice with a proximal (Cook, Inc, Bloomington, IN) and is composed
bare stent to improve fixation (Fairman et  al. of woven Dacron fabric sutured to self-expand-
2008). It is available in diameters of 22–46  mm, ing stainless steel Z-stents (Greenberg et al. 2005;
and the delivery system ranges from 22 to 25 Fr. Matsumura et  al. 2008). There are barbed cov-
Stent graft oversizing of 10–20 % relative to the ered top stents at the proximal end and an uncov-
native aortic neck diameter is recommended to ered barbed stent at the distal end of the device.
provide the necessary outward radial force to These barbed stents are intended to provide pos-
maintain apposition against the native aortic wall. itive fixation at both ends of the device. It is
The intended treatment diameter of the noncriti- available in diameters ranging from 28 to 42 mm
cally diseased aorta ranges from 18 to 42  mm, with sheath sizes of 20–22 Fr. Recommended
with 20  mm long proximal and distal landing oversizing ranges from 10 to 25 %, with 25 mm
zones required. In 2012 the Valiant (Medtronic, long proximal and distal landing zones of non-
Inc, Santa Rosa, CA) stent graft was approved by critically diseased aorta. Zenith TX2 with Pro-
the FDA, representing an improved overall design form was approved in 2011, designed to provide
(. Fig.  28.2). The Valiant stent graft differs from better apposition to the aortic wall in cases
the Talent device in several ways including elimi- of  tortuous anatomy (Melissano et  al. 2010)
nation of the longitudinal connecting bar between (. Fig. 28.3).
Chapter 28 · Endovascular Surgical Therapy of Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Disease
917 28

..Table 28.1  Anatomic requirements for

successful TEVAR

Proximal/distal Absence of circumferential

landing zones calcification and significant
thrombotic material greater than
20 mm length; diameter greater
than 16 mm, less than 42 mm

Access vessels Common/external iliac artery

greater than 7 mm diameter

Arterial angulation between

common and external iliac
artery less than 90°

Absence of extreme tortuosity

of access vessels and aorta

proximal (type Ia) or distal (type Ib) endoleaks.

With regard to treatment of traumatic aortic
injury and acute type B dissection, oversizing of
up to 10 % is ­recommended.
Proper pharmacotherapy during deployment
is important for an accurate positioning of the
stent graft, especially in the aortic arch and during
subsequent balloon angioplasty to enhance the
apposition of the stent graft to the aortic wall and
to reduce the risk of type I endoleaks. Distal
migration of the stent graft can occur during
..Fig. 28.3  Zenith TX2 thoracic stent graft. inflation of the balloon resulting in a technical
Permission for use granted by Cook Medical Incorporated, failure or malpositioning of the device. Therefore,
Bloomington, Indiana the use of intraoperative adjuncts including ade-
nosine to induce a temporary cardiac arrest, anti-
28.3 Preprocedural Considerations hypertensive medications such as a short-acting
beta-blocker, or rapid right ventricular pacing to
28.3.1  Stent Graft Selection minimize the left ventricular output is very
important during this procedure (Khoynezhad
Meticulous preoperative sizing and planning are et al. 2010) (. Table 28.1).
critical for performing TEVAR with a successful
outcome. Careful attention must be directed
toward determining the diameter of the endo- 28.3.2  Aortic Arch Landing Zones
graft, its length, and its relation to vital branch
vessels. A minimum of 2 cm of noncritically dis- The aortic arch is commonly divided into five
eased aorta free of significant amounts of throm- landing zones that are demarcated by the origins
bus or calcification is required both proximal and of the branch vessels (Azizzadeh et  al. 2009).
distal to the diseased segment of aorta to be Zone 0 is the distal ascending aorta including
excluded in order to achieve adequate graft fixa- the innominate artery; zone 1 is distal to the
tion and prevent potential device migration innominate artery including the left common
(. Table  28.1). Oversizing of more than 20 % in carotid artery; zone 2 is distal to the left common
the aortic arch in patients with a tight arch radius carotid artery including the left subclavian artery
may be associated with catastrophic endograft (LSA); zone 3 is from the left subclavian artery to
collapse due to poor apposition of the endograft a point 2 cm distal; and zone 4 is the descending
to the inner curve of the aorta. Conversely, inad- thoracic aorta starting farther than 2  cm distal
equate oversizing may be associated with either to  the left subclavian artery (.  Fig.  28.4).
918 A. Khoynezhad et al.

a b c


d e f

..Fig. 28.4  a Distribution of landing zones for TEVAR. b, c Placement of a device in zones 3 or 4 does not require any
revascularization. d Revascularization of covered LSA with a left carotid–subclavian bypass. e Revascularization of
covered left carotid and subclavian arteries with a carotid–carotid and carotid subclavian bypass. f Complete revascular­­
ization of all aortic arch vessels with aorto-innominate and left carotid bypass as well as carotid–subclavian bypass
(This figure was published in Cirugía Cardiovascular, Vol 17, Issue 1, Azizzadeh A, Valdés JA, Estrera AL, Charlton-­
Ouw KM, Safi HJ. Reparación endovascular torácica aórtica (TEVAR): un enfoque sobre complicaciones, Pages 11–23,
Copyright © 2010 Sociedad Española de Cirugía Torácica-Cardiovascular. Published by Elsevier España S.L. All rights
reserved. Published with permission of the author and the publisher)

Deployment of the endograft into zones 0 and 1 28.3.3   eft Subclavian Artery
requires prior revascularization of the innomi- Coverage
nate and left common carotid arteries utilizing
debranching techniques. This usually does not The current management of preoperative left sub-
require shunting or extracorporeal circulation, clavian revascularization in cases with planned
unless there is a contralateral occlusion or high- device coverage of the subclavian artery is not uni-
grade stenosis of internal carotid artery. These form as most of the data regarding morbidity with
debranching procedures include aorto-innomi- this is derived from various single institutional
nate and aorto-carotid or carotid–carotid bypass. series. The Society of Vascular Surgery (SVS)
Deployment in zone 2 with coverage of the left recently formulated clinical practice guidelines
subclavian artery may require selective subcla- based on a systematic review and meta-­analysis of
vian revascularization. the current literature in order to address this issue
Chapter 28 · Endovascular Surgical Therapy of Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Disease
919 28
(Matsamura and Rizvi 2010). The meta-analysis (Khoynezhad et al. 2007b). Perioperative hypoten-
revealed that coverage of the LSA without revascu- sion may also lead to an inadequate spinal cord
larization was associated with a much higher risk perfusion. SCI sequelae can range from monopare-
of arm and vertebral-basilar ischemia compared sis or paraparesis to paraplegia or quadriplegia and
with patients who underwent preoperative LSA can occur immediately or in a delayed fashion.
revascularization (Rizvi et al. 2009). There was also The EUROSTAR registry (Buth et  al. 2007)
a trend toward an increased risk of paraplegia and enrolled 606 patients from 2000 to 2006 undergo-
anterior circulation stroke. A review of the ing TEVAR for aneurysm or dissection in the tho-
European Collaborators on Stent/Graft Techniques racic aorta. The incidence of paraplegia or
for Aortic Aneurysm Repair (EUROSTAR) regis- paraparesis was 2.5 %, and multivariate analysis
try revealed that LSA coverage without revascular- revealed LSA coverage without revascularization,
ization resulted in a significantly higher incidence renal failure, concomitant abdominal aortic sur-
of spinal cord ischemia or stroke than in patients gery, and the use of three or more stent grafts to
with prior LSA revascularization (8.4 % vs. 0 %; be associated with spinal cord injury. Coverage
p = 0.49) (Buth et al. 2007). and occlusion of the T10 level intercostal arteries
The SVS made the following GRADE 1 level C were also more frequent in patients with SCI than
recommendations (Matsamura and Rizvi 2010) in patients without neurologic symptoms.
for preoperative LSA revascularization: The mechanism of SCI after TEVAR has not
1. Presence of a patent left internal mammary to been well investigated. The lower 10  cm located
coronary artery bypass proximal to the celiac axis is felt to be a critical area
2. Termination of the left vertebral artery into of stent graft coverage. This segment of the aorta is
the posterior inferior cerebellar artery known to be the origin of the Adamkiewicz artery,
3. Absent, atretic, or occluded right vertebral artery which contributes significant collateral blood flow
4. Patent left arm arteriovenous shunt for dialysis to the spinal cord (Hyodoh et  al. 2005). In our
5. Prior infrarenal aortic operation with previously experience with 184 TEVAR procedures performed
ligated lumbar and middle sacral arteries between 1998 and 2005, aneurysmal pathology, use
6. Planned extensive (>20 cm) coverage of the of an iliac conduit, and internal iliac artery cover-
descending thoracic aorta age were highly associated with postoperative SCI
7. Internal iliac artery occlusion after TEVAR (Khoynezhad et al. 2007a). It is likely
8. Presence of early aneurysmal disease where that immediate SCI post-TEVAR may be related to
further therapy involving the distal thoracic acute ischemia of the spinal cord secondary to cov-
aorta may become necessary erage of a large segment of intercostal vessels and/
or other collaterals to the spinal cord blood supply.
For these reasons, placement of preoperative
28.3.4  Cerebrospinal Fluid Drainage CSF drainage in patients undergoing TEVAR
should be strongly considered when:
The relationship between cerebrospinal fluid 1. Prior infrarenal aortic repair is present
(CSF) pressure and the development of paraplegia 2. Extensive coverage of thoracic aorta (>20 cm)
after thoracic aortic surgery was first suggested by is planned
Sugie and colleagues in 1957 (Sugie et al. 1957). 3. Coverage of the lower segments of thoracic
There have been various reports of the benefits of aorta (T8–L2 vertebrae levels) is planned
CSF drainage during open thoracic aortic repairs 4. Coverage of LSA without revascularization is
(Cina et al. 2004; Safi et al. 1994). planned
The incidence of paraplegia or spinal cord isch- 5. Use of iliac conduit or hypogastric artery
emia (SCI) in various large published series of coverage is planned
TEVAR performed for primarily aneurysmal dis-
ease has been reported between 0.6 % and 4.3 % Estrera and associates described a protocol for
(Etezadi et al. 2012; Khoynezhad et al. 2007a; Ricco CSF drain management based on their extensive
et al. 2006; Whateley et al. 2006). Possible mecha- TAAA surgical experience (Estrera et al. 2009). The
nisms for immediate SCI after TEVAR are coverage authors reported a complication rate of 1.5 % associ-
of critical intercostal or other collateral arteries that ated with CSF drain placement with no spinal hema-
provide segmental blood flow to the spinal cord tomas being observed. The CSF drain is clamped
920 A. Khoynezhad et al.

and removed on the first postoperative day if the passage of the delivery sheath or endograft, which
patient remains neurologically intact. In patients can range from 18 to 25 F diameter. With open sur-
who develop postoperative spinal cord ischemia, the gical access, either a vertical or oblique skin inci-
CSF is drained to maintain a pressure <5  mmHg, sion can be used. The advantage of a vertical
oxygen delivery is optimized by achieving a cardiac incision is that it allows the ability to gain additional
index of >2.5  L/min/m2 and blood transfusion to exposure of the common femoral artery if there is
maintain target hemoglobin of >12  gm/dl, and a significant atherosclerotic disease that may require
relatively high mean arterial pressure of >90 mmHg an endarterectomy or reconstruction. An oblique
and spinal cord perfusion pressure of >80  mmHg incision may minimize wound complications by
are maintained to optimize spinal cord blood flow. keeping the skin incision above the femoral crease.
If the femoral or external iliac arteries are of
insufficient caliber to allow passage of the device,
28.3.5  Neuromonitoring then a conduit to the common iliac artery may be
28 constructed (Abu-Ghaida et  al. 2002). The iliac
The efficacy of neuromonitoring using both artery is exposed via a retroperitoneal exposure. A
somatosensory-evoked potentials (SSEPs) and prosthetic conduit (10  mm Dacron or PTFE will
motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) during thoracic accommodate the largest required sheath) is then
and thoracoabdominal aortic repair has been pre- used to perform an end-to-side anastomosis to the
viously demonstrated by Safi and colleagues common iliac artery. The conduit is then tunneled
(Achouh et  al. 2007; Keyhani et  al. 2009). This percutaneously under the inguinal ligament
is  not a uniformly recognized intraoperative through a femoral counter-incision and the distal
adjunct. However, Estrera and colleagues demon- segment of the conduit is then readily accessed.
strated that an alteration in surgical conduct with The utilization of iliac conduits was reported to be
reimplantation of intercostal arteries in patients 15 % in the Gore TAG trial, 9.4 % in the Zenith TX2
undergoing open TAAA repair and alterations in trial, and 21 % in the Medtronic VALOR trial
anesthesia management to optimize spinal cord (Fairman et  al. 2008; Makaroun et  al. 2005;
perfusion in patients who lost neurologic signals Melissano et al. 2010). Alternative access sites, such
resulted in a return of neuromonitoring signals as the subclavian/axillary and the carotid artery,
(Estrera et  al. 2010). This suggested a benefit of have been used along with the infrarenal aorta, the
intercostal artery reimplantation and alteration in ascending aorta, and the transapical approach.
anesthesia conduct in order to maximize perfu-
sion to the collateral network of the spinal cord.
Neuromonitoring in patients undergoing 28.3.7   uidewires, Catheters and
TEVAR may be a useful intraoperative adjunct as it Sheaths
may identify patients who are at risk of SCI follow-
ing stent graft deployment and in whom intraop- The physician performing TEVAR needs familiar-
erative maneuvers may be performed to optimize ity, experience, and expertise with a wide array of
spinal cord perfusion via the collateral network. endovascular tools. This includes devices not fre-
These maneuvers as described by Estrera include: quently managed in most endovascular procedures,
1. Increasing proximal aortic mean pressure to such as large-diameter occlusion balloons and
>80 mmHg endografts. However, perhaps the most important
2. Decreasing CSF pressure by gravity drainage consideration in TEVAR lies in the use of common
3. Increasing hemoglobin levels by transfusion endovascular equipment to facilitate a remarkable
4. Perform LSA revascularization if necessary to solution to a life-threatening abnormality.
improve collateral blood flow to the spinal cord I nitial Access and Lesion
28.3.6  Vascular Access In TEVAR, the suggested guidewire for initial arte-
rial access using the Seldinger technique is a nonhy-
The proper planning of vascular arterial access is drophilic-coated Bentson-type wire (Bentson
critical in avoiding potential complications. The Starter, Boston Scientific Corp., Natick, MA, USA,
femoral artery must be of sufficient caliber to allow or Bentson, Cook, Inc., Bloomington, IN, USA).
Chapter 28 · Endovascular Surgical Therapy of Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Disease
921 28
Traditionally, soft J-tipped wires (e.g., Safe T-J, the Meier wire is intended for TEVAR. However, a
Cook, Inc.) have been used for initial access because very stiff guidewire may be needed to further
of their association with the lowest risk of dissec- straighten vessel tortuosity and provide the track-
tion or other vessel injury (Andros et  al. 2006; ing capability needed when delivering large
Ayerdi and Hodgson 2005). We find the Bentson devices such as thoracic aortic endograft systems
Starter wire especially useful in that its straight (Andros et  al. 2006; Deeb and Williams 2004;
floppy tip forms an atraumatic «functional J-tip» Ohki and Malas 2005; Schneider 2006). For this
when advanced through a vessel, and yet the wire is we choose either an Amplatz Super-Stiff wire
able to cross tight stenoses because the «J» is not (Boston Scientific Corp.) or a Lunderquist Extra-
fixed. The primary access guidewire in TEVAR will Stiff wire (Cook, Inc.). The Lunderquist wire is the
also be used to cross the lesion in the thoracic aorta, stiffest guidewire in our supply and so the action is
in combination with a steerable selective catheter. first attempted with the Amplatz Super-Stiff wire.
The wire is later exchanged through this catheter for The most flexible and safest guidewire that can
a stiff wire, to be used for intravascular ultrasound accommodate the intended action should be used
(IVUS) interrogation and/or device tracking. first. The Lunderquist and Amplatz stiff wires fea-
The hydrophilic-coated Glidewire manufac- ture a short, straight tip; alternatively, a stiff guide-
tured by Terumo (Terumo Medical Corporation, wire with a preformed J-tip could be used, such as
Somerset, NJ, USA) features a nitinol mandrel a Rosen wire (Cook, Inc.) (Chuter 2006). This
with a polyurethane outer coating instead of a wire is often employed for exchange of angioplasty
metal coil. The polyurethane material contains catheters. .  Table  28.2 lists various guidewires,
tungsten for radiopacity, and this surface is fur- both standard and exchange length, commonly
ther coated with a hydrophilic polymer (most used in TEVAR (Khoynezhad and Kruse 2009).
manufacturers now offer similarly constructed
wires). This wire is well known for its ability to Catheters
track in tortuous areas and stenoses (Andros et al. Diagnostic catheters allow the practitioner to
2006; Ayerdi and Hodgson 2005) and is our assess areas of the vascular system in order to
choice for gaining access to the abdominal aorta if evaluate for a possible intervention, but they also
the Starter wire fails. However, care must be taken assist in performing the intervention. Often, this
when using this or any hydrophilic-coated wire, entails the delivery of radiographic contrast for
as there is a greater risk of dissection or perfora- opacification of the vessel lumen in radiographic
tion owing to the little resistance offered by these studies. This can involve visualization of a specific
wires when advanced through vessels. branch vessel using a selective catheter or visual-
ization of a significant portion of the arterial arbo- Guidewires rization using a nonselective catheter. Angiography
Exchange-length guidewires function to provide in TEVAR is used to visualize the thoracic and
support and tracking ability to various catheters thoracoabdominal aorta, as well as all branch ves-
introduced over them, and their characteristics sels that may be affected by endograft placement.
often reflect the task they are enlisted to help . Table 28.3 presents some useful catheter prop-
accomplish (. Table 28.2). In TEVAR, a relatively erties determined by catheter material.
stiff guidewire is needed to accommodate the Nonselective catheters are usually constructed
IVUS catheter for inspection of the thoracic aorta. of nylon and designed to rapidly infuse large vol-
The guidewire also needs a soft tip so that when it umes of contrast agent without injuring the vessel.
is «anchored» by reflecting off the aortic valve, To accomplish this, the distal portion of these cath-
injury to the valve is avoided. For this purpose we eters contains multiple side holes in addition to the
prefer the Nitrex wire (ev3, Inc., Plymouth, MN, standard end hole. This distal portion is preformed
USA), Platinum Plus wire (Boston Scientific into a shape that assists in dispersion of the contrast,
Corp.), or Meier wire (Boston Scientific Corp.). that is, Omniflush, Grollman pigtail, straight, tennis
The Nitrex wire has become a favorite because it racket, and multipurpose (Ayerdi and Hodgson
routinely reflects off the valve without any diffi- 2005; Dauterman et al. 2005; White and Silva 2007).
culty. These wires provide enough support to track Nonselective catheters are generally used only in
most large catheters or devices; the Platinum Plus large-diameter vessels such as the aorta or its pri-
is often used for peripheral stent placement, and mary branches. Aortography in TEVAR cases is


..Table 28.2  Guidewires used in TEVAR

Device Dimensions and materials Company Characteristics

Initial access and lesion crossing

Bentson Starter 0.035″ × 180 cm; stainless steel Boston Scientific Corp. (Natick, MA, USA) Preferred wire for initial access, TFE-coated
medium rigid wire with straight floppy tip
A. Khoynezhad et al.

Safe T-J 0.035″ × 180 cm; stainless steel Cook, Inc. (Bloomingdale, IM,USA) TFE coated with soft J-tip

Wholey 0.035″ × 145 cm; stainless steel with gold tip Mallinckrodt, Inc. (St. Louis, MO, USA) TFE-coated steerable wire with floppy tip

Glidewire 0.035″ × 180 cm; nitinol core wire, Terumo Medical Corp. (Somerset, NJ, USA) Hydrophilic coated, adept at traversing
polyurethane jacket with tungsten difficult anatomy, dissection risk

Magic torque 0.035″ × 180 cm; stainless steel Boston Scientific Corp. Hydrophilic-coated, calibrated wire fair
support for catheters

Catheter and device tracking

Nitrex 0.035″ × 260 cm; eV3 Inc. (Plymouth, MN, USA) Preferred wire for reflection off aortic valve and
nitinol core wire, Gold–tungsten coll aortic inspection with IVUS; silicone coated

Platinum plus 0.025″ × 260 cm; stainless steel with Boston Scientific Corp. TFE coated with shapeable platinum
platinum distal coil floppy tip

Meier 0.035″ × 300 cm; stainless steel with Boston Scientific Corp. TFE-coated, flexible tip
gold-plated tungsten distal

Amplatz Super Stiff 0.035″ × 260 cm; stainless steel Boston Scientific Corp. TFE-coated stiff wire with 6-cm flexible
straight tip

Lunderquist 0.035″ × 260 cm; stainless steel Cook, Inc. TFE-coated extremely stiff wire, 4-cm flexible
tip, useful in straightening tortuous anatomy

Rosen 0.035″ × 260 cm; stainless steel Cook, Inc. TFE-coated stiff wire with flexible J-tip

Amplatz Ultra Stiff 0.035″ × 260 cm; stainless steel Cook, Inc. TFE-coated stiff wire with 7-cm flexible tip

Glidewire 0.035″ × 450 cm; nitinol core wire, Terumo Medical Corp. Long wire for brachiofemoral access/«body
polyurethane jacket with tungsten floss» technique

From Khoynezhad and Kruse (2009)

TFE (poly)tetrafluoroethylene, IVUS intravascular ultrasound
Chapter 28 · Endovascular Surgical Therapy of Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Disease
923 28

..Table 28.3  Catheter construction and physical properties

Flexibility/ability to track guidewire to intended position

(Greatest) 4 3 2 1 (Least)

Polyurethane Polyethylene Nylon Teflon

Coefficient of friction

(Greatest) 4 3 2 1 (Least)

Polyurethane Polyethylene Nylon Teflon

Torqueability (turning the ex vivo portion of the catheter results in rotation of the distal tip)

(Greatest) 4 3 2 1 (Least)

Teflon Nylon Polyethylene Polyurethane

From Khoynezhad and Kruse (2009)

Teflon (poly)tetrafluoroethylene

normally done with a 5-F pigtail catheter inserted Sheaths

via retrograde femoral artery cannulation contralat- Introducer sheaths currently provide the safest
eral to the side of endograft device introduction. method of maintaining access to the vascular sys-
Selective catheters, with a single end hole, are tem during an endoluminal procedure. Use of
designed for the selective catheterization and con- sheaths is now recommended for nearly every
trast injection of specific branch vessels. An abun- endoluminal procedure, diagnostic or interven-
dant selection of preformed distal ends is available tional. Large-diameter sheaths (18–24 F) are avail-
to assist in catheterization of the various anatomic able for deployment of endografts in the treatment
branch points of the vascular system. For primary of aortic pathologies. Often, these sheaths are
aortic access in TEVAR from a retrograde femoral included into the endograft delivery systems.
artery approach, we prefer a Berenstein-tipped Sheath lengths range from 10 to 65 cm. However,
catheter (Imager II Selective BERN, Boston a majority of sheaths used in our endograft cases
Scientific Corp.), which is a shape similar to a are 10 cm in length. .  Table 28.5 lists the com-
hockey stick. When it is necessary to navigate monly used sheaths in TEVAR procedures.
tight stenoses, an alternate angled tip catheter that
is hydrophilic coated may be useful (Glidecath,
Terumo Medical Corp., or Slip-Cath, Cook, Inc.). 28.4 Imaging
For selective catheterization of aortic arch
branches, common catheter shapes include 28.4.1  Computed Tomographic (CT)
Berenstein or vertebral, JR4, Vitek (Cook, Inc. Angiography
Bloomington, IN), headhunter, and Simmons
(Andros et  al. 2006; Ayerdi and Hodgson 2005; The pre-interventional contrast-enhanced CT
Dauterman et al. 2005; White and Silva 2007). For angiography is the most common and precise
catheterization of renal or mesenteric arteries, imaging to delineate aortic pathology. If available,
popular shapes are cobra, renal double curve, a fine-cut CT scan of the thoracic and abdominal
Judkins right, and shepherd hook (Simmons or aorta should be performed. Its noninvasive nature,
Omni SOS). Although TEVAR can often be per- the fast and extensive image receipt, the decreased
formed with only routine catheter types such as amount of contrast needed, and the added value of
Berenstein and pigtail, familiarity with the range visualization of structures in relation with the aorta
of available catheter shapes is needed in order to are important aspects of this method. Nevertheless,
accommodate anatomic variations. Nonselective the radiation exposure to the patient needs to be
and selective catheters commonly used in TEVAR taken into account, ­especially in the occasional
are shown in . Table 28.4. very young or in the rare pregnant patients.

..Table 28.4  Catheters used in TEVAR

Device Dimensions and materials Company Characteristics


Imager II selective 5 F × 100 cm (4 F with brachial access); Pebax Boston Scientific Corp. Berenstein tip; preferred catheter for
composite with tungsten layering for aortic access in combination with
A. Khoynezhad et al.

radiopaque tip Bentson Starter wire; antifriction coating

Glidecath 5 F × 100 cm; nylon/polyurethane with braided Terumo Medical Corp. Angled tip; hydrophilic coated
stainless steel mesh

Slip-Cath 5 F × 100 cm; nylon with braided stainless steel Cook, Inc. Angled tip; hydrophilic coated

Alternate selective catheter tip shapes: Judkins (JR4), multipurpose


Royal Flush Plus 5 F × 90 cm (4 F with brachial access); nylon Cook, Inc. Pigtail; preferred catheter for

Accu-Vu Sizing Pigtail 5 F × 100 cm; nylon Anglodynamics, Inc. (Queensbury, NY, USA) Pigtail; 1-cm radiopaque markers; soft,
radiopaque tip

Imager II Flush 5 F × 100 cm; Pebax composite with tungsten Boston Scientific Corp. Pigtail
layering for radiopaque tip

Alternate flush catheter shapes: Omniflush, tennis racket


Visions PV 8.2 F 8.2 F × 90 cm Volcano Corp. (San Diego, CA. USA) 8–10 MHz IVUS catheter; preferred
catheter for thoracic aortic pathology

Atlantis PV 8 F × 95 cm Boston Scientific Corp. 15 MHz IVUS catheter

Sonicath Ultra 6 F × 95 cm Boston Scientific Corp. 12.5 MHz IVUS catheter

From Khoynezhad and Kruse (2009)

IVUS intravascular ultrasound
Chapter 28 · Endovascular Surgical Therapy of Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Disease
925 28

..Table 28.5  Sheaths used in TEVAR

Device Dimensions Company Characteristics

Pinnacle introducer 7–11 F × 10–25 cm (4-F Terumo Medical Corp. Straight sheath with
with brachial access) cross-cut hemostatic valve

Large (12–24 F) sheaths are incorporated in endograft delivery system

 Keller–Timmerman 18–24 F × 25–56 cm Cook, Inc. Large, valved sheath

 Large and extra large, 10–24 F × 25–60 cm Cook, Inc. Tapered sheath with
Check-Flo hemostatic valve

From Khoynezhad and Kruse (2009)

Accurate measurements using advanced imaging application of IVUS is the confirmation of the
software that allow 3D reconstructions are of para- true vessel lumen in aortic dissection.
mount importance (Criado 2011; Ferreira et  al. Adequate positioning of the endovascular graft
2008; Melissano et al. 2009; Setacci et al. 2012). has been cited as the major difficulty leading to
technical failure (Fattori et al. 2003; Grabenwöger
et  al. 2000). The introduction of intravascular
28.4.2  Magnetic Resonance Imaging ultrasound has proved to be an important adjunct
(MRI) used during the endovascular procedure. It allows
a more accurate length measurement of the proxi-
MRI angiography is very helpful when CT angiog- mal and distal landing zones, better evaluation of
raphy is contraindicated as in contrast intolerance aortic side branch anatomy, and confirmation of
or renal insufficiency. The dynamic contrast- the position of the wire in the true lumen in aortic
enhanced MR angiography provides stable imag- dissections (Fernandez et al. 2008; Lee and White
ing within an acceptable speed. Alternatively 2004a). After release of the endograft, IVUS per-
«time-of-flight» noncontrast MRA can provide mits confirmation of adequate stent graft deploy-
adequate imaging of the aorta. When dealing with ment, complete apposition to the vessel, and
aortic dissection, a second MR scan for the late evaluation for endoleaks and gives a good assess-
enhancement may be helpful (Rousseau et  al. ment of true and false lumen diameter and flow to
2009) (. Table 28.5). the branch vessels (Lee and White 2004a). IVUS
can significantly reduce the amount of contrast
material used and fluoroscopy exposure to both
28.4.3  Intravascular Ultrasound the patient and the team of healthcare providers.
For evaluation of the larger-diameter thoracic and
Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) catheters consti- thoracoabdominal aorta, a low-frequency catheter
tute a valuable resource for the practitioner per- is needed (e.g., Visions PV 8.2 F; Volcano Corp.,
forming endoluminal procedures. The distal San Diego, CA, USA). Familiarity with the arti-
portion of the IVUS catheter incorporates a cylin- facts produced by guidewires and catheters in the
drical ultrasound transducer that generates real-­ arterial lumen is essential in using this technology
time cross-sectional images of vessels. This (. Tables 28.6 and 28.7).
technology has numerous applications in
TEVAR.  IVUS is the most accurate modality in
measuring the luminal diameter of vessels and 28.4.4  Transesophageal
can also be used to identify the position of branch Echocardiography (TEE)
vessels, inspect vessel wall morphology, evaluate
for the presence of plaques or thrombi, and select The use of two-dimensional (2D) TEE has some
appropriate landing zones for endografts advantages in early diagnosis of thoracic aortic
(Khoynezhad et al. 2012a; Mauri and Kinlay 2007; pathologies. The TEE should be available in nearly
White 2004, 2006). A particularly important all emergency rooms; it is semi-invasive and can be
A. Khoynezhad et al.

..Table 28.6  IVUS available for TEVAR


 Visions PV 8.2 F 8.2 F × 90 cm Volcano Corp. (San Diego, CA, USA) 8–10 MHz IVUS catheter; preferred
catheter for thoracic aortic

 Atlantis PV 8 F × 95 cm Boston Scientific Corp. 15 MHz IVUS catheter

 Sonicath Ultra 6 F × 95 cm Boston Scientific Corp. 12.5 MHz IVUS catheter

From Khoynezhad and Kruse (2009)

IVUS intravascular ultrasound

are described along with their clinical indications
..Table 28.7  Commonly used abbreviations and limitations in today’s endovascular practice.

EUROSTAR European Collaborators on Stent/Graft

Techniques for Aortic Aneurysm Repair
28.5.1  Heparin
IDE Investigational Device Exemption

INSTEAD The Investigation of Stent Grafts in

Anticoagulation with heparin is performed before
Aortic Dissection Trial the large-bore sheaths are introduced into the
arteries. This serves to reduce thrombotic compli-
PETTICOAT Provisional Extension to Induce
Complete Attachment procedure
cations secondary to stagnant circulation of the
ipsilateral extremity. The initial bolus dose of hep-
STABLE Study of Thoracic Aortic Type B arin is 80  U/kg and the activated clotting time
Dissection Using Endoluminal Repair
(ACT) is checked after 3 min. The large sheath is
introduced into the femoral and iliac arteries after
STARZ Study of Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm successful systemic anticoagulation is confirmed.
[TAA] Repair with the Zenith TX2
The therapeutic range of ACT is 200–300 s during
Thoracic TAA Endovascular Graft
the TEVAR procedure. The ACT is rechecked
TAG trial Gore Thoracic Aneurysm Graft trial every 30–45  min and more heparin is given
TEVAR Thoracic endovascular aortic repair according to the ACT. At the end of the endovas-
cular procedure, and once the presence of distal
VALOR Medtronic Vascular Talent Thoracic
pulses has been confirmed, protamine can be
Stent Graft System for the Treatment
of Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms trial given to reverse the heparin effects. The only
exception to this practice is in patients with trau-
matic aortic transections, who frequently have
performed without using contrast dye. The TEE trauma-related cerebral and abdominal bleeding
allows imaging of the thoracic, ascending, and that can be exacerbated by heparin bolus in the
descending aorta including the supra-aortic ves- endovascular operating room. In these cases,
sels. At times, parts of the upper abdominal aorta based on the surgeon’s judgment, either no hepa-
can be visualized, too. By using color Doppler, the rin is given or a subtherapeutic bolus (2,000–
intimal tear or the blood disturbances in an aneu- 4,000 U) is given to polytraumatized patients.
rysm can be detected (Rousseau et al. 2009).

28.5.2  Vasopressin
28.5 Adjunctive Pharmacology
In endovascular procedures, vasopressin or other
In order to have a successful endovascular proce- vasoactive drugs (e.g., epinephrine, norepinephrine)
dure, a series of adjunctive medications is used are used to increase systemic blood pressure in
either during or after the procedure. In the follow- patients who are at high risk of spinal cord ischemia.
ing, the most frequently used pharmacologic agents Unlike catecholamines, vasopressin does not cause
Chapter 28 · Endovascular Surgical Therapy of Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Disease
927 28
tachycardia, which can have deleterious effects on for the treatment of hypertension in patients with
coronary perfusion and increase in myocardial con- angina, prior myocardial infarction, or heart fail-
tractility during stent graft deployment. The blood ure (Rosendorff et al. 2007). Their use in TEVAR
supply to the spinal cord arises from the intercostal is limited to temporary anti-impulsive/antihy-
arteries (most importantly from the T7 to L3 seg- pertensive therapy during deployment and bal-
mental arteries) and from branches of the subclavian looning of the stent graft and is therefore not
and internal iliac arteries. When a significant por- addressed by the American Heart Association
tion of this network of vessels is affected by the stent guidelines.
graft, the possibility of spinal cord injury resulting in Beta-blockers are competitive inhibitors of
paraplegia or paraparesis is increased (Khoynezhad endogenous catecholamines at beta-adrenergic
et al. 2005, 2007b; Khoynezhad and Donayre 2007a; receptor sites, causing negative chronotropic and
Maeda et  al. 2012; Safi et  al. 2008). An increased inotropic effects that are desired during certain
blood pressure following the use of vasopressin portions of TEVAR procedure. For the same rea-
increases the spinal cord perfusion pressure and sons, short-acting beta-blockers such as esmolol
therefore reduces the possibility of postprocedural are preferred during TEVAR. The onset of action
spinal cord ischemia (Eggebrecht et  al. 2006a; after intravenous administration is extremely
Khoynezhad et al. 2007a). The mean arterial pres- rapid, with steady-state concentrations achieved
sure is kept between 85 and 95 mmHg using vaso- within 5  min of a loading dose being given.
pressin or other hemodynamic stimulants. Steady-state esmolol concentrations are propor-
tional to the infusion rate. Following discontinua-
tion, esmolol effects begin to decline in 1–2 min,
28.5.3  Adenosine with beta-antagonist activity completely reversed
within approximately 20 min. Another beneficial
Adenosine bolus is utilized during percutaneous side effect is the beta-1-selectivity. Cardioselective
intervention of the aorta to induce transient asys- beta-blockers such as esmolol have less influence
tole so as to reduce the impulse of the cardiac out- on bronchial and vascular beta-2 receptors and
put during stent graft deployment. The usual are safer for patients with chronic obstructive
intravenous dose for TEVAR is 36  mg adenosine lung disease (Andrus and Loyed 2008).
(followed by 18 mg for subsequent episodes), which
will produce a cardiac asystole for a period of 4–6 s
(Lippmann et  al. 2007). This transient asystole 28.5.5  Aspirin
reduces the maximum rate of pressure develop-
ment in the left ventricle and the aorta and the force Aspirin is an integral part of treatment during and
applied to the stent graft at the time of the deploy- after endovascular interventions, including intra-­
ment. The reduced «windsocking» effect allows for aortic and intracoronary stent implantation
a more precise deployment of the stent graft and (Rodondi et al. 2005). Aspirin can also reduce the
reduces the chance of malposition and inadvertent size of an embolic stroke by decreasing subse-
coverage of vital brachiocephalic arteries. The quent clot formation.
«windsocking» effect also applies to ballooning of Most patients undergoing TEVAR are already
the stent graft. This is performed to expand the on aspirin for the aforementioned reasons.
stent graft to appose the aortic wall, thereby stop- However, some patients with aortic dissection,
ping type I endoleaks. Adenosine cardiac arrest is aortic transection, or aortic aneurysm might not
used at this time as well. Alternatives to adenosine be receiving an antiplatelet agent. To reduce the
include rapid right ventricular pacing which is also chance of clot formation in the proximity of the
often used for transcatheter valve replacement. proximal and distal junctions of the stent graft
and the aorta, these patients should be placed on
low-dose aspirin initiated on the first postopera-
28.5.4  Beta-Adrenergic Receptor tive day for a period of 3–6 months after original
Blockers TEVAR. This will allow for pseudo-intimal cover-
age of the stent graft, including the critical seg-
The American Heart Association has published ment of the aorta that may be prone to clot
guidelines recommending the use of beta-­blockers formation and distal embolization.
928 A. Khoynezhad et al.

28.5.6  Clopidogrel Kidney Foundation is not reliably used (Levey

et al. 2003). The etiology of increased post-TEVAR
In order to reduce stroke and the thrombotic renal dysfunction is thought to be contrast
complications in proximity of the proximal and nephropathy, although an atherosclerotic embolic
distal junctions of the stent graft and the aorta, component during TEVAR cannot be excluded
patients undergoing TEVAR should receive an (Eggebrecht et al. 2006a).
antiplatelet medication for 3–6 months after index The principles of renal protection in the peri-
TEVAR.  Aspirin is the first-choice antiplatelet operative period include bicarbonate-based intra-
medication; however, a dual antiplatelet or sole venous hydration, maintenance of adequate blood
clopidogrel therapy is indicated in a subset of pressure, avoidance of nephrotoxic drugs, rapid
patients, including those with aspirin sensitivity, treatment of malperfusion syndromes in patients
allergy to aspirin, or aspirin resistance. with aortic dissections, the use of low-osmolar
Although there is increased surgical or inter- contrast medium, and reducing the amount of
28 vention associated bleeding with the preoperative administered contrast medium (Maeder et  al.
use of clopidogrel, this is not clinically significant 2004). The latter is arguably the most important in
unless a retroperitoneal iliac artery exposure or routine, uncomplicated TEVAR cases. A reduc-
sternotomy for vascular access is necessary. In tion in the amount of contrast material might be
these patients, the risks and complications associ- achieved by adjunctive use of intravascular ultra-
ated with increased perioperative bleeding must sound during the TEVAR and a feasible reduction
be weighed against the benefits of starting clopi- in contrast bolus amount and concentration
dogrel preoperatively early in patients with coro- (Pisimisis et al. 2010). The use of N-acetylcysteine,
nary artery disease, especially with recent originally a routine measure to protect the kidney,
drug-eluting stents. Premature discontinuation of was found to be ineffective in avoiding contrast
dual antiplatelet therapy prior to noncardiac sur- nephropathy in recent trials (Ferrario et al. 2009).
gery has been found to be associated with
increased rate of stent thrombosis, myocardial
infarction, and death (Vicenzi et al. 2006). 28.6  EVAR for Thoracic Descending
and Thoracic Abdominal
28.5.7  Preoperative Antibiotics
To date, there have not been any randomized tri-
Prophylactic antibiotic administration is indi- als comparing TEVAR to open surgical repair
cated before the skin incision is made for TEVAR (OSR) for treatment of DTAAs. The published tri-
to reduce surgical site and possible stent graft als leading to the FDA approval of the three com-
infection. Antibiotic administration should take mercially available devices in the United States
place within 1  h of skin incision for vascular were nonrandomized, industry-sponsored stud-
access. Redosing of intraoperative antibiotics is ies comparing endovascular to open surgical
indicated for lengthy procedures of significant repair of DTAAs (Fairman et al. 2008; Makaroun
blood loss. Postoperative antibiotics are not neces- et al. 2005; Melissano et al. 2010).
sary and might increase opportunistic infections. In 2008, the 5-year results of the Gore TAG trial
were published, comparing patients undergoing
TEVAR (n = 140) with standard open surgical con-
28.5.8  Nephroprotective Adjuncts trols (n = 94) from 1999 to 2001 (Makaroun et  al.
2008). Early data showed a significantly lower aneu-
There is controversy in the literature regarding the rysm-related mortality after endovascular repair
incidence of worsening renal function following compared to open surgery after 5  years (2.8 % vs.
repair of thoracic aortic pathologies with stent 11.7 %, p < 0.008), but no difference in the all-cause
grafts resulting in a large spectrum of reported mortality after 5  years (68 % vs. 67 %, p = 0.43).
incidence ranging from 1.5 to 33 % (Eggebrecht During follow-up the TEVAR group was less likely
et al. 2006b; Fairman et al. 2008). This is partially to be subject to experience major adverse events
the case because a standard definition for renal (57.9 % vs. 78.7 %, p < 0.01) or an additional second-
failure such as the one supported by National ary interventions (15.0 % vs. 31.9 %, p < 0.01).
Chapter 28 · Endovascular Surgical Therapy of Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Disease
929 28
In the STARZ (Matsumura et al. 2008) (Study urgent/emergent repair, age ≥80 years, general anes-
of Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm [TAA] Repair with thesia, and dissection pathology. Overall rates of
the Zenith TX2 Thoracic TAA Endovascular mortality and neurological complications were rela-
Graft) multicenter study, 160 patients were treated tively low, but there were a substantial number of
with the Zenith TX2 TEVAR system and 70 late deaths that could be attributed to patient selec-
patients underwent open surgical repair (OSR) tion and treatment failures.
from 2004 to 2006. The 30-day survival was non- A meta-analysis of 42 nonrandomized studies
inferior for the TEVAR group (TEVAR 98.1 %1 vs. involving 5,888 patients comparing TEVAR and
open group 94.3 %, p < 0.01), and the cumulative OSR for treatment of DTAA performed by Cheng
major morbidity scores were significantly lower in et al. was recently published (Cheng et al. 2010).
the TEVAR group at 30 days compared with the TEVAR patients were significantly older, but there
open group (Matsumura et  al. 2008). was no significant difference in baseline comor-
Reintervention rates were similar in both groups bidities between the two groups including coro-
at 12  months (TEVAR 4.4 %, OSR 5.7 %). At nary artery disease, diabetes, chronic obstructive
30  days, The TEVAR patients had fewer cardio- pulmonary disease, smoking, hypertension, and
vascular, pulmonary, and vascular adverse events renal insufficiency. At 30 days, all-cause mortality
compared to OSR, but no significant difference in (5.8 % TEVAR vs. 13.9 % OSR), paraplegia, car-
neurologic events (TEVAR 8.1 %, OSR 14.3 %, diac complications, transfusions, reoperation for
p  0.15). There were no ruptures or conversions bleeding, renal dysfunction, pneumonia, and
during the first year. At 12  months, aneurysm length of stay were lower for TEVAR compared to
growth was identified in 7.1 %. OSR. However, there was no significant difference
The VALOR (Medtronic Vascular Talent in stroke, myocardial infarction, aortic reinter-
Thoracic Stent Graft System for the Treatment of vention, and mortality beyond 1 year.
Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms) clinical trial enrolled An observational study comparing all Medicare
195 patients with DTAA undergoing TEVAR patients in the United States undergoing TEVAR
between 2003 and 2005 (Fairman et al. 2008). The and OSR for intact and ruptured DTAAs from
results were compared to those obtained in 189 1998 to 2007 was recently published (Goodney
patients after OSR for DTAA. Patients received a et  al. 2011). Overall, 12,573 patients underwent
mean number of 2.7 ± 1.3 stent graft components. OSR, and 2,732 patients underwent TEVAR. This
In 33.5 % of patients, the bare spring segment of review of «national, real-world practice» found
the most proximally implanted device was in zone that perioperative mortality was lower for patients
1 or 2 of the aortic arch. Left subclavian revascu- undergoing TEVAR compared with OSR for both
larization was performed prior to TEVAR in intact (6.1 % vs. 7.1 % p = 0.07) and ruptured (28 %
5.2 %. The incidence of paraplegia was 1.5 % and vs. 46 %, p < 0.0001) DTAA.  However, patients
stroke 3.6 %. The TEVAR group had better acute undergoing TEVAR for intact DTAA had signifi-
procedural outcomes compared to OSR cantly worse survival than those undergoing OSR
(p < 0.001), decreased number of 30-day major at 1 year (TEVAR 82 %, OSR 87 %, p = 0.001) and at
adverse events (41 % vs. 84.4 %, p < 0.001), lower 5  years (TEVAR 62 %, OSR 72 %, p = 0.001). In
perioperative mortality (2 % vs. 8 %, p < 0.001), adjusted and propensity-­matched cohorts, patients
and decreased 12-month aneurysm-related mor- undergoing TEVAR had worse 5-year survival
tality (3.1 % vs. 11.6 %, p < 0.002), respectively. than those undergoing OSR.  The authors inter-
Lee et al. (2011a, b) reported a series of 400 con- preted these findings to suggest that higher-risk
secutive patients receiving TEVAR from 2000 to patients are being offered TEVAR who previously
2009 for various pathologies including aneurysms may not have undergone OSR. However, since the
(49 %), dissections (25 %), penetrating ulcers (14 %), propensity-matched analysis demonstrated worse
and traumatic transections (6 %). The overall 30-day long-term survival in patients undergoing TEVAR,
mortality was 6.5 % (elective 2.6 %, urgent 9.5 %, these differences in survival could be explained by
emergent 20 %), spinal cord ischemia occurred in device-related complications occurring within the
4.5 % of patients, and stroke in 3 %. Spinal drains first 5 years of surgery.
were placed prophylactically in 32 % of planned These studies all demonstrate TEVAR to be a
extended aortic coverage. The 3-year survival rate safe and effective alternative to OSR, with lower
was 78 %. Risk factors for mortality included stroke, perioperative mortality and complications.
930 A. Khoynezhad et al.

However, sustained benefits on long-term sur- States requiring TAAA repair, a complete endo-
vival have not yet been proven (Cheng et al. 2010), vascular solution is not commercially available.
and randomized trials will be needed to address For these patients, hybrid aortic repair may be a
this question. reasonable option.
Hughes and colleagues reported a series of 47
patients from March 2005 to June 2011 undergo-
28.6.1   pen Debranching and
O ing extra-anatomic debranching of all visceral
TEVAR (Hybrid Aortic Repair) vessels followed by endovascular aneurysm exclu-
sion (Hughes et  al. 2012). The debranching and
Generally, patients with «physiological con- endovascular portions of the procedure were per-
straints,» not being suitable candidates for open formed in a single operation in the initial 33
thoracoabdominal or aortic arch repair, are usu- patients and as a staged procedure during a single
ally evaluated for TEVAR (including fenestrated hospitalization in the most recent 14 patients. The
28 and branched TEVAR), while patients with 30 day rates of death, stroke, and permanent para-
«anatomic constraints,» not having proper prox- paresis/paraplegia were 8.5 %, 0 %, and 4.3 %,
imal and distal landing zones, are considered for respectively, but were 0 % in the 14 patients
open repair. There is a cohort of patients, who undergoing staged repair. Lin and colleagues also
are poor candidates due to physiologic and ana- reported a lower rate of renal insufficiency in
tomic constraints that may benefit from open patients undergoing a staged approach versus a
debranching followed by TEVAR exclusion of single operation (Lin et al. 2010).
the branched-­aortic portion (.  Fig.  28.5a, b). Our midterm follow-up of debranching pro-
Alternatively, for most patients in the United cedures in the TAAA and aortic arch has been

a b

..Fig. 28.5  Extra-anatomic bypass to celiac, superior mesenteric, and both renal arteries coming off the left common
iliac artery using a custom quadfurcated graft a. Completion angiogram reveals patency of all bypassed grafts and
exclusion of the aneurysm. Same custom graft can be used for total aortic arch hybrid repair b
Chapter 28 · Endovascular Surgical Therapy of Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Disease
931 28
published (Khoynezhad et  al. 2012b). From 342 arch debranching procedures combined with
patients between 2005 and 2011, 195 required a TEVAR for arch aneurysms involving zones 0
combined open and endovascular approach. and 1 can be performed without the need for car-
From this group, 52 patients with multiple diopulmonary bypass in patients who are at sig-
­comorbidities had hybrid repair using the custom nificant risk with open surgical repair. Antoniou
quadfurcated graft for TAAA (35 %) or arch and colleagues performed an analysis in 2010 of
(65 %) repair. Forty patients underwent simulta- all published series reporting on hybrid aortic
neous repair. There were 4 % perioperative stroke, arch repair with supra-aortic branch revascular-
with no paraplegia/paraparesis, no endoleak, and ization and thoracic stent graft deployment
no new-onset renal replacement therapy. Early (Antonioua et al. 2010). A total of 18 series with
mortality was 6 %, with 4-year survival rate at 195 patients were analyzed (only series with
79 %. All surgical grafts were patent; there was one greater than 5 patients were included in analysis).
endovascular reintervention and no aortic-related Complete arch repair was performed in 63 %;
death in average 34 months follow-up. In our perioperative mortality was 9 %. The incidence of
experience hybrid aortic repair is feasible, safe, perioperative stroke was 7 %, spinal cord isch-
and effective in this selected high-risk patient emia 0.5 %, and endoleak (type I or III) 9 %.
cohort. Furthermore, appropriate patient selec- Experience with branched and fenestrated
tion for hybrid debranching is critical for optimal devices has accumulated in a few specialized
outcomes, and with increased penetration of centers throughout the world during the past
commercially available branched and fenestrated decade. Rodd et al. (2011) studied 70 consecutive
stent grafts, the role of hybrid debranching would patients with thoracic abdominal aortic aneu-
be limited (Khoynezhad et al. 2012b). rysms. Only 60 % of the patients were identified
as suitable for complete endovascular repair. In
1999, Inoue (Inoue et  al. 1999) implanted sur-
28.6.2  Branched and Fenestrated geon-made stent grafts (one to three side
Grafts for TEVAR branches) into 15 patients with thoracic aortic
aneurysm with a primary success rate of 60 %, a
Conventional open surgical techniques to repair median follow-up of 12.6  months, and two late
thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms (TAAA) have deaths. Uchida (Uchida et al. 2010) reported on a
achieved excellent results in the modern era with case of an ascending aortic rupture that was
the addition of intraoperative adjuncts including treated with endovascular therapy using a cus-
distal aortic perfusion, cerebrospinal fluid drainage, tom-made fenestrated stent graft introduced via
and passive moderate hypothermia with the overall the femoral artery. These examples demonstrate
incidence of neurologic deficits decreasing to that experience with branched endovascular aor-
approximately 2 % (Estrera et  al. 2005; Safi et  al. tic repair and fenestrated endovascular aortic
2008). Due to the complexity of this procedure, repair is still limited (Bungay et al. 2011; Murphy
endovascular techniques have been adopted for the et al. 2012). Chuter and coauthors (2003) devel-
treatment of TAAAs in patients who are at high risk oped branched stent grafts with a simplified
for open surgical repair. If thoracic aneurysms modular approach to make branched and fenes-
require fixation or landing zones within the aortic trated TEVAR technology ready for a more wide-
arch or visceral segment of the aorta, endovascular spread use. Dijkstra, Greenberg, and colleagues
repair requires either a hybrid two-staged operation reported on advances in imaging technologies
with open surgical debranching followed by endo- with the ability to integrate a preoperative CT
vascular graft exclusion or a single-stage endovas- scan into the operative fluoroscopic image which
cular repair using either branched or fenestrated allowed for more accurate positioning of the
stent grafts. In the United States, these devices are stent graft in relation to critical branches without
currently available only as part of a physician-­ the need for angiography and reduced radiation
investigator-­sponsored IDE (Investigational Device and contrast medium exposure in complex
Exemption) study. branched and fenestrated endovascular stent
Open surgical aortic arch replacement graft cases (Dijkstra et al. 2011).
requires cardiopulmonary bypass with deep Greenberg and colleagues reported a series of
hypothermic circulatory arrest. Hybrid aortic 406 patients with thoracoabdominal aneurysms
932 A. Khoynezhad et al.

and 227 patients with juxtarenal aneurysms who branch vessel malperfusion, and weakening of
underwent repair with branched endografts the aortic wall (Kodama et  al. 2008; Svensson
(Greenberg et  al. 2010). Reinforced fenestrated et al. 2008).
branches coupled with balloon-expandable stent Estrera and colleagues reported a series of 159
grafts, and sidearm branch designs were used in patients with acute type B aortic dissection in
the study. When patients undergoing e­ ndovascular which the mortality associated with uncompli-
repair (ER) were matched with those undergoing cated dissection (85/159 patients) was 1.2 % with
surgical repair (SR) for anatomic extent of dis- medical management (Estrera et  al. 2007).
ease, mortality at 30 days (5.7 % ER vs. 8.3 % SR), Nevertheless, long-term mortality rates remain
mortality at 12 months (15.6 % ER vs. 15.9 % SR), high and successful management remains a clini-
and paraplegia risk (4.3 % ER vs. 7.5 % SR) were cal challenge. Data from the International Registry
similar between the two groups. Reinforced fenes- of Acute Aortic Dissection (IRAD) indicates that
trated branch patency when coupled with bal- the 3-year survival of patients treated medically
28 loon-expandable stent grafts was 97.8 % with a was only 77 % and that independent predictors of
mean follow-up of 15 months. mortality include female gender, history of prior
aortic aneurysm, history of atherosclerosis, inhos-
pital renal failure, and inhospital hypotension
28.7 TEVAR for Acute Thoracic (Tsai et al. 2006).
Aortic Dissection Persistent patency of the false lumen has been
implicated as a predictor of poor long-term out-
28.7.1  Uncomplicated Type B comes. The European multicenter study showed
Dissection that late outcome was better in patients with a
thrombosed false lumen than in those with a patent
Acute descending thoracic aortic dissection false lumen (Erbel et al. 1993). In an analysis of 62
(Stanford type B) is a dramatic and potentially patients with chronic type B dissections undergoing
catastrophic condition. The current treatment of regular follow-up CT scans, Sueyoshi et  al. found
type B dissection remains medical (Estrera et al. that the presence of blood flow in the false lumen
2007), and the majority of patients with uncom- was the only significant risk factor for the increase in
plicated disease can be treated conservatively diameter. The patients with blood flow in the false
with anti-impulsive and antihypertensive lumen had significantly higher mean growth rate of
therapy (Khoynezhad and Plestis 2006).
­ the aorta (3.3 mm/year) than the patients without
Antihypertensive therapy should include blood flow (−1.4 mm/year) (Sueyoshi et al. 2004).
ß-blockers such as labetalol, esmolol, and meto- The Investigation of Stent Grafts in Aortic
prolol. This has two goals: reduction in blood Dissection (INSTEAD) trial was undertaken to
pressure and prevention of a reflex tachycardia. determine if endovascular treatment might
Reflex tachycardia may increase the maximum improve long-term outcome in patients with type
left ventricular contraction force (dP/dt) and B dissections (Nienaber et  al. 2009). This was a
must be avoided in the acute phase of the disease randomized trial in which 140 patients in stable
(Khoynezhad et al. 2009b). If ß-blockers cannot clinical condition at least 2 weeks after the index
be used, calcium channel blockers may serve as dissection underwent either elective TEVAR in
equally efficacious alternative, without inducing addition to optimal medical therapy or optimal
reflex tachycardia. The target heart rate should medical therapy alone. The investigators found no
be less than 60 bpm and the target systolic blood difference in all-cause mortality or aortic-related
pressure less than 100 mmHg. An effective pain mortality between the two groups; the 2-year sur-
control regimen using morphine is recom- vival rate was 95.6 % with optimal medical ther-
mended to tranquilize the patient and reduce apy versus 88.9  % with TEVAR (p = 0.15).
stress-induced hypertension (Garbade et  al. Although there was no difference in midterm sur-
2010; Gupta et al. 2009; Khoynezhad and Plestis vival, aortic remodeling (defined as true lumen
2006; Khoynezhad et  al. 2010; Svensson et  al. recovery and thoracic false lumen thrombosis)
2008). Hemodynamic stabilization in the acute occurred with 91.3 % of patients with TEVAR ver-
setting is important to decrease the risk of sec- sus 19.4 % of those with optimal medical therapy.
ondary adverse events such as further dissection, The question of whether thrombosis of the false
Chapter 28 · Endovascular Surgical Therapy of Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Disease
933 28
lumen in the thoracic aorta has any impact on type B dissection undergoing TEVAR in whom
survival needs further reporting of long-term fol- the 30-day mortality was 4 %, and the survival at
low-­up on these patients. 1, 3, and 5 years was 82 %, 79 %, and 79 %, respec-
A randomized European trial comparing tively (Zeeshan et  al. 2010). Twenty patients
TEVAR with the GORE TAG device and best undergoing open surgical repair with similar
medical therapy to best medical therapy alone characteristics had 30-day mortality of 40 % with
(ADSORB) in patients with uncomplicated acute 1-, 3-, and 5-year survival of 58 %, 52 %, and 44 %
type B dissections is currently ongoing (Brunkwall (p = 0.008).
et al. 2012). The primary outcomes include false The «PETTICOAT» (Provisional ExTension
lumen thrombosis, aortic rupture, and aortic dila- to Induce COmplete Attachment) procedure
tion. The results of this trial may help further employing a covered Zenith TX2 stent graft
define the role of TEVAR in the management of placed over the proximal entry tear with self-­
uncomplicated acute type B dissection. expandable bare stents placed distally has been
performed in patients undergoing TEVAR for
complicated type B dissection (Lombardi et  al.
28.7.2  Complicated Type B 2012; Melissano et al. 2012a). The STABLE (Study
Dissection of Thoracic Aortic Type B Dissection Using
Endoluminal Repair trial) investigators recently
Management of complicated type B dissection published their results of a prospective single-arm
remains challenging, as open surgical repair per- multicenter study with 40 patients using a com-
formed under emergent conditions even in experi- posite TEVAR (Lombardi et al. 2012). The study
enced centers of excellence is associated with reports 5 % inhospital mortality and a 90 % sur-
significant morbidity and mortality (Crawford et al. vival after 1  year. Morbidity within 30  days
1988; Estrera et  al. 2007). Estrera and colleagues included stroke 7.5 %, paraplegia 2.5 %, retro-
reported a mortality of 17 % in their series of grade progression of dissection 5 %, and renal
patients with complicated type B dissection (Estrera failure 12.5 %. Favorable aortic remodeling was
et  al. 2007). For this reason, TEVAR is gaining observed during follow-up, with complete throm-
increasing acceptance as an initial treatment for bosis of the thoracic false lumen noted in 31 %
patients with complicated type B dissection (Dake noted at 12 months.
et al. 1999; Hansen et al. 2004; Nienaber et al. 1999). TEVAR for complicated type B dissection is
The goal of this therapy is to exclude the primary associated with superior early and midterm out-
entry site, obliterate the false lumen, prevent aortic come compared to open surgical repair. A large
rupture, and relieve lower body malperfusion. trial with a multicenter registry is needed to sub-
In 2009, we reported midterm results of 28 stantiate these findings and establish long-term
patients undergoing endovascular interventions (>10 years) durability and safety of stent grafts in
for complicated acute type B aortic dissection complicated acute type B aortic dissection.
(Khoynezhad et al. 2009a). Indications for emer- An intramural hematoma (IMH) without inti-
gency TEVAR were rupture in 14 %, severe lower mal disruption occurs in approximately 5–20 % of
body malperfusion in 29 %, visceral/renal malp- the patients with acute aortic syndromes and is
erfusion in 25 %, persistent chest pain despite most often located in the descending aorta
proper anti-impulsive therapy in 18 %, uncontrol- (Evangelista et  al. 2003; Ganaha et  al. 2002;
lable hypertension in 4 %, and acute dilation of Nienaber and Eagle 2003; Shimizu et  al. 2000;
false lumen with impending rupture in 11 % of Svensson et al. 2008). Progression to aortic dissec-
patients. Overall survival was 82 % at 1 year and tion occurs in 16–36 % of patients, and symptom-
78  % at 5  years follow-up (mean follow-up atic patients can be managed in similar fashion as
36  months with complete follow-up in 100 %). patients with acute type B dissections (Evangelista
The aorta-related mortality was 10 % for the entire et al. 2003; Maraj et al. 2000; Svensson et al. 2008).
follow-up period. Complete thrombosis of the TEVAR is indicated in IMH associated with pen-
false lumen was observed in 85 % of survivors, etrating aortic ulcer (PAU) or secondary to vasa
and partial thrombosis was observed in the vasorum hemorrhage in the media, as progres-
remainder. Zeeshan, Bavaria, and colleagues sion of disease with enlargement of the aneurysm
reported a series of 45 patients with complicated and ongoing dissection has to be expected
934 A. Khoynezhad et al.

(Grabenwoger et al. 2003). PAU may appear as an systematic review included 7,768 patients (mean
«ulcerlike» projection into the media of the aorta age 39 years TEVAR, 36 years OSR). The mortal-
and is often associated with extensive atheroscle- ity rate was significantly lower in patients under-
rosis, with or without IMH, as well as pseudoan- going TEVAR compared to OSR (9 % vs. 19 %,
eurysms (Chong et  al. 2012; Ledbetter 2005; p < 0.01). There was no significant difference in
Svensson et  al. 2008). The aortic pathology is stroke rate between the two groups, but the risk of
regional with PAU, and therefore, endovascular spinal cord ischemia (SCI) and end-stage renal
repair may be the ideal therapy (Czerny et  al. disease (ESRD) was higher with OSR compared
2004; Demers et al. 2004; Neuhauser et al. 2004), with TEVAR (SCI 9 % open vs. 3 % TEVAR,
although significant atherosclerotic burden may p = 0.01; ESRD 8 % open vs. 5 % TEVAR, p = 0.01).
make suitable sheath access and passage of guide- The percentage of patients undergoing open sur-
wires into the aortic arch challenging (Svensson gical repair utilizing adjuncts including distal aor-
et al. 2008). tic perfusion is not stated. Open repair was
28 associated with an increased risk of graft infection
and systemic infections compared with TEVAR,
28.7.3  TEVAR in Blunt Aortic Injury but there was a trend toward increased risk of a
secondary procedure in TEVAR compared with
Blunt traumatic aortic injury is the second leading open repair (p = 0.07) with a median follow-up of
cause of death from blunt trauma after head injury, 2 years.
though it accounts for less than 1 % of trauma admis- A classification system for grading and treat-
sions (Clancy et al. 2001). Following traumatic aor- ment of traumatic aortic injury has been published
tic injury, approximately 85 % of the patients die by Azizzadeh et al. and adopted by the SVS for man-
before being transferred to the hospital, and 30 % of agement of these injuries (Azizzadeh et  al. 2009)
those reaching the hospital alive die within the next (. Fig. 28.6). The grading classification is as follows:
6 h (Hoffer 2008; McGwin et al. 2002). grade I (intimal tear), grade II (intramural hema-
Endovascular repair is an effective treatment toma), grade III (pseudoaneurysm), and grade IV
option in patients who may not be able to undergo (rupture). Azizzadeh and associates recommend
open surgical repair safely and may decrease the expectant management with serial imaging for
risk of paraplegia. Early endovascular experience grade I injuries, with repair recommended for
included the use of commercially available aortic grades II–IV.
cuffs to treat these injuries since there were no Based on the findings of the commissioned
commercially available thoracic stent grafts suit- party, the SVS published clinical practice guide-
able for this application (Sam et  al. 2003). With lines for endovascular repair of traumatic aortic
the availability of smaller diameter thoracic stent injury in 2011 (Lee et al. 2011a, b). All of the rec-
grafts which conform better to the aortic arch in ommendations were categorized as grade 2, level
younger patients who are frequently the victims C statements:
of traumatic aortic injury, TEVAR offers the 1. Endovascular repair to be performed
potential for a durable aortic repair while avoid- preferentially over open surgical repair or
ing the morbidity of a thoracotomy, aortic cross-­ nonoperative management, regardless of
clamping, and extracorporeal circulation. In 2012, patients age if anatomically suitable
the US FDA approved the first commercially 2. Regarding timing: urgent (<24 h) repair when
available stent graft (Gore TAG, Gore and feasible with respect to other potential
Associates, Inc., Flagstaff, AZ) for endovascular life-threatening injuries and at the latest prior
aortic repair for the treatment of traumatic aortic to hospital discharge
injury. 3. Expectant management with serial imaging
The Society of Vascular Surgery (SVS) com- for grade I injuries
missioned a third party (Knowledge and 4. Suggest selective revascularization of LSA
Encounter Research Unit, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, 5. Routine heparinization but at a lower dose
MN) to perform a systematic review and meta- than in elective TEVAR
analysis of the available literature to address this 6. Do not suggest routine spinal drainage
issue, and published clinical practice guidelines 7. Suggest general anesthesia
based on the findings (Lee et  al. 2011a, b). The 8. Suggest open femoral exposure
Chapter 28 · Endovascular Surgical Therapy of Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Disease
935 28

..Fig. 28.6  Grading classification of traumatic aortic injury according to Azizzadeh and colleagues (Reprinted with
permission, Azizzadeh et al. 2009; Copyright Mr Chris Akers)

28.8 Complications After TEVAR The incidence of endoleaks following TEVAR

in a recent meta-analysis of reported studies is
28.8.1  Endoleaks 12.1 % (Cheng et al. 2010). However, this may not
be an accurate estimate since many studies did
Endoleaks were defined as reporting standards by not report data on endoleaks. Type I endoleaks
Chaikof and coworkers (2002). Type I endoleaks have been identified as an independent risk factor
communicate with the aneurysm sac from around the of early mortality after TEVAR (Khoynezhad et al.
proximal (Ia) or distal (Ib) landing zone. Type II 2008a). In the VALOR trial (Fairman et al. 2008),
endoleaks are not connected or associated to the land- the overall incidence of endoleaks at 30 days post-
ing zones or the junction between various stent grafts. operatively was 25.9 % (4 % type I; 4 %, 15.5 %
Type III endoleaks occur between the junctions of type II; 1.7 % type III; and indeterminate 4.6 %),
two or more stent graft components. Both type I and At 12  months, the incidence was 12.2 % (4.9 %
type III endoleaks are indicative of a technical failure. type I, 4.9 % type II, 2.4 % indeterminate). In the
Type IV endoleaks are caused by graft wall porosity Zenith TX2 (Matsumura et  al. 2008) trial, the
and mainly a problem of first-generation stent graft incidence of endoleaks was 12.6 % at predis-
materials. Endotension refers to an endoleak charac- charge, 4.8 % at 30  days, 2.6 % at 6  months, and
terized by an increase in aneurysm diameter by per- 3.9 % at 12  months. Most endoleaks were type
sisting pressure in the excluded sac without radiologic II.  The reintervention rate was 4.4 %, with most
evidence of an endoleak (. Fig. 28.7 a-d). being due to type I or III endoleaks. No type II
936 A. Khoynezhad et al.

a b c d

..Fig. 28.7 a-d  Type I endoleaks communicate with the aneurysm sac from around the proximal (Ia) or distal (Ib)
landing zone. a Type II endoleaks are not connected or associated to the landing zones or the junction between various
stent grafts. b Type III endoleaks occur between the junctions of two or more stent graft components. c Type IV
endoleaks are caused by graft wall porosity and mainly a problem of first-generation stent graft materials d

endoleaks required reintervention. In the TAG 2011). Using large-caliber systems (18-F to 25-F),
trial (14,78 Makaroun et al. 2005, 2008), the rates complications include arterial dissection, rup-
of observed endoleaks decreased from 8.1 % at ture, tear or thrombosis, hematoma, pseudoaneu-
1 month to 4.3 % at 5 years. Endoleaks were not rysm, arteriovenous fistula, retroperitoneal
consistently observed in some patients at all bleeding, embolism, and wound infection. This
times, and a total of 15 % had an endoleak detected underscores the importance of using iliac con-
at some time during the first 2 years of follow-up. duits whenever access vessels are of questionable
Most were of undetermined origin on CT scan. caliber and the need to perform these procedures
A review of the etiology of endoleaks follow- in an operating room where resources and equip-
ing TEVAR in 200 patients at the Cleveland ment are readily available to facilitate treatment
Clinic reported an incidence of 19.5 % (type I of any complications.
7 %, type II 8 %, type III 3.5 %) with mean follow-
up of 30 months (Morales et al. 2008). The type I
and III endoleaks were treated with either sec- 28.8.3  Neurologic Complications
ondary endovascular intervention or conserva-
tively. Of the type II endoleaks, glue embolization Stroke is among the most feared and devastating
was used to treat those due to coverage of LSA, complications of endovascular and open repairs of
and the rest were observed. Factors associated the thoracic aorta. Perioperative stroke has an inci-
with endoleaks were presence of a carotid-LSA dence of 3.5–5.5 % with a similar rate in both open
bypass and longer aortic coverage by the stent and endovascular interventions (Ehlert et al. 2011;
graft. The authors concluded that secondary Go et  al. 2007; Maeda et  al. 2012). Perioperative
intervention is required for most type I and III stroke after TEVAR may be related to patient age
endoleaks, and conservative treatment is ade- and underlying cerebrovascular disease, etiology
quate for most type II endoleaks. of the treated aortic pathology and proximal extent
of disease, coverage involving the aortic arch ves-
sels, systemic factors (hypotension, hypertension,
28.8.2  Vascular Access Injury anticoagulation), intracranial causes (hemorrhage,
edema, CSF drainage), or emboli (air, atheroma,
Vascular access injury is a major issue in TEVAR thrombus) (Matsamura and Rizvi 2010). Most
with potentially fatal sequelae. Incidence of injury strokes in the anterior circulation likely have an
to access vessels occurs in 1–15 % of patients embolic etiology, and posterior circulation strokes
(Dake et al. 2011; Lee et al. 2011a, b; Tonnessen are likely ischemic in origin. Over 60 % of patients
Chapter 28 · Endovascular Surgical Therapy of Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Disease
937 28
have a dominant left vertebral artery with absent or stroke were obesity (body mass index >30 kg/m2),
hypoplastic right vertebral artery, and coverage of peripheral vascular embolization/thrombosis,
the LSA in these circumstances can be associated and significant blood loss.
with significant risk (Matsamura and Rizvi 2010). Feezor et  al. reported on the risk factors for
Embolization may be related to the use and perioperative stroke during TEVAR for various
advancement of wires, catheters, and devices into aortic pathologies (Feezor et al. 2007). The study
a diseased atheromatous aortic arch, with dis- included 196 patients treated with TEVAR with a
lodgement of atherosclerotic plaque to the brain. 4.6 % incidence of stroke. Proximal extent of
As a result, patients with a significant atheroscle- repair was significantly associated with a higher
rotic burden and those with aneurysms close to incidence of strokes (zones 0–2 vs. 3–4, p = 0.025).
the aortic arch are inherently at higher risk. In a Fifty-five percent of patients suffering a stroke
2007 review of 171 patients undergoing TEVAR, had intraoperative hypotension (SBP <80 mmHg).
Gutsche et al. reported a 5.8 % incidence of stroke Selective LSA revascularization based on preop-
which was associated with a 33 % inhospital mor- erative cerebrovascular imaging demonstrating a
tality rate (Gutsche et al. 2007). Severe atheroma- dominant left vertebral artery or incomplete circle
tous disease involving the aortic arch (>5  mm of Willis resulted in lower rates of stroke (6.4 % vs.
protrusion into aortic lumen) was strongly associ- 2.3 %, p = 0.30) and posterior circulation infarcts
ated with stroke (P = 0.0016). Combining a his- (5.5 % vs. 1.2 %, p = 0.13). The authors concluded
tory of prior stroke with extent A coverage that proximal extent of repair might serve as a
(proximal descending thoracic aorta) carried a surrogate marker for greater severity of degenera-
60 % stroke incidence, while extent C coverage tive disease in the aortic arch. Avoidance of hypo-
(entire descending thoracic aorta) resulted in a tension and preservation of antegrade vertebral
15 % incidence. There were no perioperative perfusion may be important in prevention of pos-
strokes in patients undergoing extent B coverage terior circulation strokes (Canaud et  al. 2010;
(distal descending thoracic aorta). After review- Feezor et  al. 2007). Furthermore, maintaining
ing these data, three risk factors for perioperative stable hemodynamics and therapeutic anticoagu-
stroke were identified: (1) a history of preopera- lation and performing the procedure expedi-
tive stroke, (2) CT grade IV atheroma (>5 mm) in tiously may further decrease the risk of stroke
the aortic arch or proximal descending aorta, and (Khoynezhad et  al. 2009b; Maeda et  al. 2012;
(3) extent A or C. Melissano et al. 2012b).
In a 2007 prospective multicenter report from
the EUROSTAR registry (European Collaborators
on Stent/Graft Techniques for Aortic Aneurysm 28.9  echnical Failures and Late
Repair) on 606 patients with endovascular repair Complications in TEVAR
of thoracic aorta pathologies (aneurysm, dissec-
tion, traumatic injury, anastomotic pseudoaneu- 28.9.1  Device Migration
rysm, and infectious/nonspecified), Buth et  al.
found a 3.1 % incidence of stroke (Buth et  al. Migration is defined as greater than 10 mm move-
2007). Using multivariate regression analysis, ment of the endograft or any movement of the
female sex and duration of procedure >160  min device leading to symptoms or requiring inter-
were associated with an increased risk for stroke. vention. Outside of clinical trials, there is little
This is likely related to lengthy manipulation of published data and it is likely to be underreported.
catheter, wires, and devices within the aortic arch. In the Gore TAG trial, there were three prox-
The use of transcranial Doppler ultrasound may imal migrations (4  %) and four component
be helpful in selecting appropriate catheters, migrations (6 %) at 2  years follow-up without
wires, and maneuvers to reduce significantly the any associated clinical events (Makaroun et  al.
embolization (Khoynezhad et al. 2008b). 2005). In the Cook TX2 trial, proximal or distal
In our 2007 review of 184 TEVARs for DTAA, migration was noted in three stent grafts (2.8 %)
type B aortic dissection, traumatic aortic injury, within 12  months, with two cases of caudal
and penetrating aortic ulcer, we reported a stroke migration of the proximal graft and one case of
rate of 4.3 % (Khoynezhad et  al. 2007b). Using cranial migration of the distal graft (Matsumura
univariate analysis, risk factors associated with et  al. 2008). None were associated with clinical
938 A. Khoynezhad et al.

events or required a secondary intervention. All surgery (28 %, p  = 0.868). Causes of RAAD
three patients had oversizing of the proximal included the stent graft in 60 %, manipulation of
neck diameter of less than 10 %, and all had guidewires and sheaths in 15 %, and progression
placement of the barbed stent in either an acutely of underlying aortic disease in 15 %. The majority
angled segment or in an area of thrombus. In the of cases were associated with proximal bare
Medtronic VALOR trial, four stent graft migra- spring stent grafts, with direct evidence of device-
tions (2.1 %) were noted within 12  months related injury noted at surgery or autopsy in one-
(Fairman et  al. 2008). Two migrations involved half of the patients.
the proximal end of the graft moving distally, Dong et al. reported an incidence of RAAD of
and two involved the distal end of the graft mov- 2.5 % in a series of 443 patients undergoing
ing proximally. One patient required a second- TEVAR for type B dissection (chronic 75 %, acute
ary intervention related to device migration. 25 %) (Dong et al. 2009). Three of 11 patients had
Marfan syndrome. The perioperative mortality
28 was 27.3 %, and the site of new entry was identi-
28.9.2  Retrograde Dissection fied at the tip of the bare spring of the stent graft
in 81 %.
Retrograde type A dissection (RAAD) is a rare
and catastrophic complication of TEVAR.  It is
defined as an intimal tear distal to the aortic arch 28.9.3  Graft Infection
which extends retrograde proximally into the
ascending aorta. The incidence has been reported The reported incidence of graft infection ranges
to be between 1.3 % and 6.8 % (Eggebrecht et al. from 1 to 5 % (Cernohorsky et  al. 2011; Chiesa
2006b, 2009a; Fattori et al. 2005; Neuhauser et al. et al. 2010a; Heyer et al. 2009). Etiology includes
2005). RAAD has been attributed to several fac- perioperative contamination, hematogenous seed-
tors in these series: (1) trauma from the TEVAR ing, local bacterial translocation, and graft erosion
procedure (caused by wire manipulation, into the aerodigestive tract (Chiesa et al. 2010b).
sheaths/large-bore delivery systems, and stent The most commonly isolated organisms include
graft balloon dilation); (2) device properties Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Propionibacterium
(semi-­rigidity and proximal bare spring stent, species, Enterobacter cloacae, Escherichia coli, and
excessive oversizing >20  % causing increased Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Cernohorsky et  al.
radial force); (3) aortic wall friability (acute and 2011; Heyer et al. 2009). The median time elapsed
chronic dissection); and (4) connective tissue from the TEVAR procedure to the diagnosis of
disorders (Marfan syndrome, Ehlers–Danlos infection ranges from 115 to 244  days
syndrome). (Cernohorsky et  al. 2011; Heyer et  al. 2009).
The European Registry on Endovascular Treatment requires surgical explantation of the
Aortic Repair Complications reports an inci- infected endograft, in situ replacement with either
dence of RAAD of 1.3 % (Eggebrecht et al. 2009b) homograft or antibiotic-impregnated Dacron graft
with a total of 63 cases being reported from 28 with possible coverage of the new graft with an
centers between 1995 and 2008. Of these, 81 % omental flap, and lifelong antibiotic therapy. The
underwent TEVAR for type B dissection (acute mortality from this complication ranges from 25
54 %, chronic 27 %), and 83 % had a bare proxi- to 60 % (Cernohorsky et  al. 2011; Heyer et  al.
mal spring stent graft placed. RAAD occurred 2009).
before the TEVAR procedure in 21 %, during the
procedure in 15 %, and during follow-up after
discharge in 65 %. Management consisted of 28.9.4  Device Malfunction
emergent surgical repair in 64 %, elective repair
in 13 %, and nonoperative treatment with anti- Several factors including larger hemodynamic
impulse therapy in 23 %. Overall mortality was forces, more tortuous anatomy, and larger devices
42 %, which included 19 % of patients who pre- delivered over a longer distance increase the com-
sented with sudden death. The mortality rates plexity of device delivery and deployment in the
were similar for conservative management thoracic aorta relative to the abdominal aorta. Lee
(33 %), elective surgery (20 %), and emergency described the failure modes of thoracic stent
Chapter 28 · Endovascular Surgical Therapy of Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Disease
939 28
grafts and prevention and management strategies 10 years, increased risk of AEF/ABF was found to
(Lee 2009). Intraoperative factors leading to mal- be associated with aortic pseudoaneurysm as an
deployment include inability to advance the deliv- indication for TEVAR and emergent and compli-
ery system, unintended device movement, and cated procedures (Chiesa et al. 2010b). Perioperative
inability to conform to local tortuous anatomy mortality of patients undergoing surgical treatment
(Lee et  al. 2007a, 2009). A transbrachiofemoral was 64 %, and all patients treated nonoperatively
wire (body floss) may be used to overcome severe died within 30 days. The overall survival was 16 %
aortic tortuosity by providing two points of wire at a mean follow-up of 17.7 months.
fixation that can provide a stiff rail to facilitate
device delivery (Lee 2009). Device infolding is
related to excessive oversizing and/or lack of 28.10 Trends and Future Directions
apposition of the device to the inner curve of the in TEVAR
aortic arch, almost exclusively being associated
with Gore TAG stent graft (Bandorski et al. 2010). 28.10.1  Total Percutaneous TEVAR
The newer generation of Gore TAG has been
designed to have greater conformability to the The total percutaneous TEVAR without the need
lesser curve of the aortic arch in patients who of inguinal dissection is an important tool, mini-
have a tight radius. mizing postoperative complications, such as lym-
In the postoperative period, device failures can phocele or wound healing complications.
manifest as endograft collapse, component sepa- Percutaneous closure devices are designed to place
rations, and metallic fractures and fabric tears. sutures into the arterial wall prior to large sheath
Additional endografts and bare stents can be introduction. After the procedure and removal of
placed to increase the radial force of the stent graft the large-bore deployment devices, the previously
and prevent proximal collapse of the device (Rodd placed sutures can be approximated and the entry
et al. 2007; Steinbauer et al. 2006). A meta-­analysis deficit of the arterial wall can be closed. The
(Jonker et al. 2010) of all published cases of endo- Perclose ProGlide (Abbott Vascular, Redwood
graft collapse in 2010 identified 60 reported cases City, California) device has a success rate ranging
with a median time interval from TEVAR to diag- from 88 to 100 %. Shorter overall procedural times
nosis of endograft collapse of 15 days (range 1 day and reduced complications, such as wound healing
to 79  months). On average, the collapsed endo- problems, have been achieved (Dosluoglu et  al.
grafts were oversized by 26.7 ± 12.0 %. Excessive 2007; Lee et al. 2007b; Ni et al. 2011; Shafique et al.
oversizing was reported as the primary cause of 2009). However, the deployment of these devices
endograft collapse in 20 %, and a small radius of should be done with caution. Known contraindi-
curvature of the aortic arch was responsible for cations are obesity, especially morbid obesity,
48 % of the cases. The 30-day mortality was 8.3 %. severe atherosclerosis, multiple previous proce-
Treatment entails either a redo-TEVAR with a dures in the target area, and an anatomically high
high radial force device if feasible or a conversion femoral bifurcation (Criado et al. 2009). The ben-
to an open repair (Tadros et al. 2011). All devices efit of these devices with very low short- and mid-
are subject to material fatigue, which underscores term complications is apparent in selected patients
the need for lifelong surveillance in all patients (Bent et al. 2009), but in the event problems with
undergoing endovascular repair. percutaneous closure occur, a conversion to open
surgical access arterial repair is necessary to avoid
late complications such as pseudoaneurysms or
28.9.5  Aortobronchial or limb ischemia (Lee et al. 2011a, b).
Aortoesophageal Fistula

Erosion of the thoracic endograft into adjacent tis- 28.10.2  Low Profile TEVAR Devices
sue can manifest as aortobronchial (ABF) or aorto-
esophageal fistula (AEF). The incidence of ABF or Major limiting factors in TEVAR are compromised
AEF has been reported to be 1.7–2 % (Chiesa et al. vascular access and arterial tortuosity. Commonly
2010a; Eggebrecht et al. 2009a). In a retrospective used delivery sheath sizes are 20–25-F with
review of 1,113 TEVAR procedures performed over required vascular diameters from 7.3 to 9.2 mm.
940 A. Khoynezhad et al.

Low-profile devices with increased flexibility will ity of ascending aortic stent grafting in selected
expand TEVAR availability to patients with subop- patients.
timal vascular access, as well (Pavčnik et al. 2001; In another series of 11 patients with ascending
Strecker et al. 2004). Future generation of thoracic aortic intramural hematoma, floating thrombus
stent grafts will focus on lower profile to reduce after chronic type A aortic dissection, and pene-
vascular injury in this patient cohort. trating aortic ulcer, Kolvenbach et  al. (2011)
reported their experience with endovascular
treatment of these pathologies. Patients included
were high risk according to the American Society
28.10.3   evices for Ascending
D of Anesthesiologists (ASA) classification
TEVAR ≥IV. Patients with acute type A aortic dissection
were excluded due to a missing ethical board
The various pathologies of the ascending aorta approval. The combined mortality and morbidity
28 such as dissections, aneurysms, or pseudoaneu- was 18 %. Bavaria et al. (2010) treated 27 patients
rysms are treated with open ascending aortic with distal arch aneurysms with a hybrid proce-
replacement (see 7 Chapter «Aneurysm and dure consisting of debranching followed by
Dissection of the Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal ascending aortic stenting. They report a success-
Aorta», Sect. 27.1.1). Currently TEVAR for patients ful stent deployment rate of 100 % and a 30-day
with ascending aortic pathology is not indicated mortality of 11 %. These data support hybrid
in patients with acceptable surgical risk (Lin et al. repair for ascending or arch aneurysms in selected
2007). The stent grafts that have been used for this high-risk patients.
purpose were commercially available descending In order to perform TEVAR for ascending
thoracic aorta stent grafts. Taking the aortic aortic pathology such as type A aortic dissection,
pathology into account, antegrade access may the available devices must be adapted accordingly
offer better success to enter the true lumen. with shorter distal tips and elimination of bare
Retrograde deployment is more difficult and springs. Problems and technical pitfalls such as
could put the entire supra-aortic trunk perfusion penetrating bare springs, risk of cerebral and
at risk or trigger a rupture of the false lumen. myocardial emboli, a very short landing zone, and
Only a few case reports and small series have the risk of aortic rupture have to be considered
been published. Rayan et al. described in 2004 the during planning of the procedure.
endovascular repair of a mycotic ascending aortic Development of TEVAR specifically designed
pseudoaneurysm in a 54-year-old man using 28.5- to address ascending aortic pathologies would be
mm × 3.3-cm Gore Excluder aortic cuff that was advantageous compared to the open surgery
deployed via the left subclavian artery by cutdown without the need for extracorporeal circulation,
(Rayan et  al. 2004). Three years later, Lin et  al. deep hypothermia, and circulatory arrest.
(2007) reported the same procedure in 78-year- Currently, all authors concur that ascending
old man suffering from an ascending aortic pseu- TEVAR should only be reserved for high-risk
doaneurysm after cannulation of the aorta for patients. But if the future brings a broad special
coronary artery bypass. Its dimension was 8 × 12 device portfolio for ascending aortic EVAR, the
cm, located in the midsegment of the ascending number of treated patients will grow.
aorta compressing the pulmonary arteries. Due to There are current attempts to use permeable
his comorbidities, the patient was not suitable for multilayer stent grafts that can cover aortic side
open surgery. Under general anesthesia, using branches, maintain perfusion of branch vessels,
fluoroscopy and TEE, a Zenith aortic cuff device and simultaneously decrease blood flow within
(32 × 36-cm) was delivered via the left common the aneurysm sac. These stents are called multi-
carotid artery with transient cardiac arrest using layer aortic repair stents (MARS) (Carrafiello
intravenous adenosine. No complications et  al. 2011). Potential applications of this device
occurred, and the 1-month follow-up CT scan include dissections or aneurysms involving aortic
identified a successful procedure without segments with multiple side branches, such as the
endoleak. Similar case reports support the feasibil- arch or the abdominal aorta.
Chapter 28 · Endovascular Surgical Therapy of Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Disease
941 28
28.11 Conclusions cal repair of descending thoracic aortic aneurysms in
low-risk patients: a multicenter comparative trial.
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 133(2):369–377
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especially in high-risk patients. The only FDA- Total percutaneous aortic repair: midterm outcomes.
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traumatic disruptions. Patient selection is impor- Brunkwall J, Lammer J, Verhoeven E, Taylor P (2012)
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Surgical Therapy of Atrial

Timo Weimar and Kai-Nicolas Doll

29.1 Epidemiology – 948

29.2  lectrophysiological Aspects of
Atrial Fibrillation – 948
29.2.1  bnormal Impulse Formation – 948
29.2.2 Reentrant Activation – 949
29.2.3 Atrial Remodeling – 949
29.3 The Development of Surgical Therapy of AF – 950
29.3.1 T he Maze Principle – 950
29.3.2 Ablation Technologies – 951 Cryo-energy – 952 Radiofrequency Energy – 952 High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound – 953

29.4 Preoperative Modalities – 953

29.4.1  lassification of Atrial Fibrillation – 953
29.4.2 Indications for Surgical Ablation – 954
29.4.3 Preoperative Evaluations – 954
29.5 Postoperative Management – 956
29.6 Surgical Techniques and Their Outcomes – 956
29.6.1 The Ablation-Assisted Cox-Maze Procedure (CMP IV) – 956 Outcomes – 957
29.6.2 Left-Atrial Lesion Sets – 957 Outcomes – 958
29.6.3 Pulmonary Vein Isolation – 958 Outcomes – 958
29.6.4 Endoscopic Left-Atrial Lesion Set – 960 Outcomes – 960
29.6.5 The Hybrid Approach – 960 Outcomes – 961

 References – 962

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_29
948 T. Weimar and K.-N. Doll

29.1 Epidemiology approaches 30 % for patients between 80 and

90  years. The intensity of anticoagulation
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common sus- required involves a fine balance between pre-
tained arrhythmia affecting about 2 % of the gen- vention of ischemic stroke and avoidance of
eral population and almost 3 million people in hemorrhagic complications.
the USA. The number of AF-related hospitaliza- Overall, AF has been identified as an indepen-
tions is increasing, with predictions to double by dent risk factor for mortality. Using the data from
the year 2025. Its prevalence is highly correlated the Framingham study, the established risk factor
with age. It increases from 0.1 % in persons adjusted odds ratio for death in men and women
younger than 50 years of age to 10–15 % in per- with AF was 1.5 and 1.9, respectively (Benjamin
sons older than 80 years. Overall, a person’s life- et al. 1998).
time risk to develop AF is estimated to approach
25 % (Lloyd-­Jones et  al. 2004). This results in a
costly public health issue. A study analyzing three 29.2 Electrophysiological Aspects
federally funded databases of the USA in 2005 of Atrial Fibrillation
29 suggested a total annual cost of US $ 6.65 billion
for the treatment of AF. This included $ 2.93 bil- There are four main components, which play an
lion for hospitalizations with a principal dis- important role in the initiation and the sustention
charge diagnosis of AF, US $ 1.53 billion for of AF:
outpatient treatment of AF, and US $ 235 million 1. A trigger, which can be a single premature
for prescription drugs (Coyne et al. 2006). In all beat or a run of focal ectopic depolarization
analyses, AF was a significant contributor to hos- 2. The effective atrial refractory period
pital cost. 3. The conduction velocity
Comorbidities that are recognized to be asso- 4. The geometry or anatomy of the atrium
ciated with AF include arterial hypertension,
heart failure, and valvular or ischemic heart dis- In general, as the refractory period is
ease possibly resulting in interstitial fibrosis and decreased, the conduction velocity is slowed, or
atrial dilatation. However, 10–15 % of patients the atrial size increases, and the probability of
present with lone AF without any underlying car- initiating and sustaining AF increases. If the
diac pathology. underlying distribution of atrial refractory peri-
Although AF itself is not considered life ods becomes more inhomogeneous, unidirec-
threatening, it is associated with significant tional block can occur. This is a necessary
morbidity secondary to hemodynamic compro- condition for the initiation of reentry. However,
mise and tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy when unidirectional block occurs, reentrant
in some patients. While palpitations frequently arrhythmia will occur only if a critical mass of
result in discomfort and anxiety, the loss of syn- tissue is present.
chronous atrioventricular contractility may Although the precise mechanisms that cause
cause various degrees of ventricular dysfunc- atrial fibrillation are incompletely understood, AF
tion, exercise intolerance, or congestive heart appears to require both an initiating event and a
failure. Furthermore, stasis of blood flow in the permissive atrial substrate. There is supportive
fibrillating left atrium increases the risk of data for multiple wavelets, mother waves, fixed or
thrombus formation. Thromboembolic events moving rotors, and macro-reentrant circuits play-
and stroke remain the most feared complica- ing a role in AF. In a given patient, multiple mech-
tions in these patients. AF accounts for about anisms may coexist at any given time.
25 % of strokes in patients older than 80  years
and increases a person’s risk of stroke by five-
fold with an average rate of stroke of about 5 % 29.2.1  Abnormal Impulse Formation
per year in affected patients (Wolf et al. 1991).
While the prevalence of stroke is low in patients An increase in the slope of spontaneous diastolic
under the age of 60 with less than 0.5 %, it depolarization in myocytes possessing pacemaker
Chapter 29 · Surgical Therapy of Atrial Fibrillation
949 29
activity can cause enhanced automaticity. Other
causes are a lowered threshold of the action Excitable gap
potential upstroke or a less negative maximal dia-
stolic potential. Triggered activity arises from
membrane oscillations following normal action
potentials. If such oscillation reaches threshold of
depolarizing currents, they can provoke new
action potentials. Dependent on the time of
occurrence, they can be differentiated in early or
delayed after depolarizations. Under certain cir-
cumstances, such triggered responses can in turn
elicit new action potentials, resulting in self-­
sustaining runs of triggered activity.
Once the role of pulmonary veins (PVs) in ini-
tiating AF was reported, most interventional treat-
ment strategies focused on the isolation of triggers
from these anatomic sources (Haïssaguerre et al. ..Fig. 29.1  Circus movement reentrant
1998). Indeed, the conduction velocity within the
PVs is slower (0.3 m/s) compared to the surround-
ing atrial tissue (0.9 m/s). The complex fiber orien- minimal path length for circus movement reen-
tation spiraling perpendicularly around the vein try can be calculated as the product of conduc-
with other fibers running parallel to the vein and tion velocity and refractory period called the
the lack of Connexin40 in the veins, a major deter- wavelength. If the path of the circuit is longer
minant of conduction velocity in the atria, proba- than the wavelength, an «excitable gap» occurs.
bly contribute to this slower conduction. This In the leading circle concept, an unstable reen-
arrangement creates heterogeneity of electrical trant circuit that does neither require an anatomical
conduction around the pulmonary veins, which is obstacle nor a fully excitable gab propagates through
thought to promote reentry and sustain AF. While relatively refractory tissue. The dynamics of reentry
the PVs have the substrates needed to initiate and are determined by the smallest possible loop in
maintain AF in most patients, current mapping which the impulse can continue to circulate.
data suggest that up to 50 % of patients have mul- In the spiral wave theory, the rotor rotates
tiple potential drivers for AF that originate not around an unexcited yet excitable core
exclusively from the PVs but also from the coro- (. Fig.  29.2). Along the wave front, there is a
nary sinus and the left or right posterior atrium. decline in conduction velocity until block occurs
where the activation front and the repolarization
tail meet, a point of undefined voltage state occurs
29.2.2  Reentrant Activation that is usually referred to as the phase singularity.
This results in a rotor.
There are multiple theories for the mechanism of Multiple unstable rotors resemble conduc-
electrical reentry in the atrium: tion patterns similar to that of the multiple wave-
Circus movement reentry is characterized by let hypotheses. According to Moe’s computer
an activation that travels around a preformed simulation, wave fronts continuously undergo
anatomical structure or obstacle, i.e., the orifices wave front-wave tail interactions resulting in
of the pulmonary veins, the atrial appendage, or wave breaks and generation of new wave fronts.
the atrioventricular anulus. Initiation of circus
movement reentry requires unidirectional con-
duction block often occurring in regions with 29.2.3  Atrial Remodeling
long refractory periods (. Fig.  29.1). A short
refractory period and a low conduction velocity Alessie’s group demonstrated that during rapid
make circus movement reentry more likely. The atrial pacing, action potential duration and atrial
950 T. Weimar and K.-N. Doll

..Fig. 29.2  a Leading

circle concept. b Spiral
a b
wave theory

refractory period both decreased (Wijffels et  al. the sinus impulse throughout both atria. Thus,
1995). This electrical remodeling led to an most of the atrial myocardium could still be
increased susceptibility of AF («AF begets AF»). activated, resulting in preservation of atrial
However, structural changes of the atrium con- transport function in most patients. Although
tribute to this remodeling process as well. Age, the possible underlying pathomechanism was
arterial hypertension, congestive heart failure, or not all known at that time, this principle
heart valve diseases are all strong predictors for accounted for all theories we consider to be pos-
the development of AF.  The pathomechanism sibly responsible for initiating and sustaining AF
includes increasing atrial wall stress and some today: it isolated anatomical structures and
degree of atrial dilatation due to enhanced vol- obstacles and reduced the critical mass, thus iso-
ume or pressure load. All these conditions can be lating triggers and preventing or terminating
the cause of the development of fibrosis and myo- reentrant circuits and rotors. In general, the
cyte hypertrophy, both of which may result in atria are not capable to fibrillate anymore after a
slow conduction or even conduction block in Cox-Maze procedure (CMP).
some areas of the atrium. The final iteration of the Maze procedure,
termed the Cox-Maze III procedure (CMP III),
became the gold standard in the surgical treat-
29.3 The Development of Surgical ment of AF with excellent long-term freedom
Therapy of AF from symptomatic AF of 95 % with a median fol-
low-­up of 5.9 years and a low postoperative risk of
29.3.1  The Maze Principle stroke (Weimar et  al. 2012a). There is no differ-
ence in success rates between patients undergoing
Unlike other historical attempts to surgically a stand-alone CMP and those undergoing con-
address AF, such as the left atrial isolation proce- comitant procedures, and it is also equally
dure, His-bundle ablation, the corridor proce- ­efficacious in paroxysmal and persistent or long-
dure, or the atrial transection procedure, the standing persistent AF (Prasad et  al. 2003a;
Maze procedure, introduced by Jim Cox in 1987, Weimar et al. 2012a, b).
was designed to block the multiple Despite its proven efficacy, the CMP III was
­macro-­reentrant circuits which were believed to technically challenging and invasive, and it was
be the sole cause of AF at that time while suc- not widely adopted in cardiac surgery. With the
cessfully restoring both atrioventricular syn- development of ablation technologies, the surgi-
chrony and sinus rhythm (Cox et  al. 1991) cal incisions have been replaced with linear lines
(. Fig. 29.3). The operation consisted of creating of ablation using a variety of different energy
a myriad of surgical incisions in both the right sources like radiofrequency (RF), cryothermy,
and left atrium while allowing propagation of or high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU).
Chapter 29 · Surgical Therapy of Atrial Fibrillation
951 29
a RAA b



..Fig. 29.3  a Propagation of the sinus impulse throughout both atria in the original Cox-Maze procedure. b The
original cut-and-sew Cox-Maze procedure III (From Cox et al. 1991; used with permission)

These ablation-assisted procedures have greatly anatomy provide a challenge to any unidirectional
expanded the field of AF surgery in the past device attempting to achieve transmural lesions.
decade. With present ablation technology, sur- The chosen ablation technology and devices to
gery can be performed with low mortality and efficaciously replace surgical incisions must meet
morbidity as well as limited access incisions three important criteria:
while preserving the high success rates of the 1. It must reliably produce bidirectional
original «cut-and-sew» procedure. con­­duc­­tion block since this is the mechanism
by which incisions either block macro- and
micro-reentrant circuits or isolate trigger
29.3.2  Ablation Technologies foci. Even small gaps as narrow as 1.5 mm
within ablation lines can conduct fibrillatory
Different alternative energy sources were intro- impulses.
duced to simplify and shorten the procedure, 2. It must be safe. This requires a precise definition
reduce morbidity, and allow for a minimally inva- of dose-response curves to limit excessive or
sive or endoscopic approach. The heterogenic inadequate ablation. The surgeon must also
morphology of the atria has to be kept in mind have knowledge of the effects of the specific
when using any ablation device. While the mean ablation technology on surrounding vital car-
posterior left atrial wall ranges from 2.1 ± 0.9 mm diac structures, such as the coronary sinus, cor-
to 2.5 ± 1.3 mm in patients with a history of AF, onary arteries, and valvular structures. The risk
structures as the Bachmann’s bundle as a preferen- of collateral damage to surrounding extracardial
tial conduction pathway between the right and structures like the esophagus or the phrenic
left atrium crossing across the roof of the atria in nerve should be minimized.
the transverse sinus might be much thicker with 3. It must be simple to use and allow for a
4.6 ± 1.1  mm (range 1.7–9.3  mm). In general, minimally invasive or endoscopic approach.
patients with structural heart diseases reflect
more closely patients referred for surgical abla- This would require features such as rapid lesion
tion, who frequently present with a significant formation, simplicity of use, adequate length and
larger atrial wall thickness. Moreover, epicardial flexibility, and the ability to reliably create trans-
fat is a barrier to depth of penetration for most mural lesions epicardially on the beating heart.
ablation technologies. Even in normal individu- Currently, no device has perfectly met all of these
als, the fat layer at the posterior mitral anulus can criteria yet. It is imperative for surgeons to develop a
be 10 mm thick. In addition, there are free run- complete understanding of the effects of each surgi-
ning pectinate muscles in both the right and left cal ablation technology and carefully consider varia-
atrium that are not continuous with the epicardial tions in atrial anatomy and electrophysiology. This
surface. This highly variable wall thickness and will allow for more appropriate use of devices in the
952 T. Weimar and K.-N. Doll

operating room for each individual patient. While while argon can reach temperature of
most of the devices have shown to be efficacious in −185.7 °C. Cryoablation has a well-defined effi-
the arrested heart, few have shown the capability of cacy and safety profile and is generally safe
creating reliable transmural lesions on the beating except around the coronary arteries. The rela-
heart. This has to be considered in the era of the tively long time period of 1–3  min required to
development of endoscopic and hybrid approaches reliably create transmural lesions is one poten-
in an attempt to evoke less invasive surgical ablation tial disadvantage of cryoablation. There is also
techniques difficulty in creating lesions on the beating heart
Three different energy sources are currently due to the «heat sink» of the circulating blood.
available for the surgical endocardial or epicardial Furthermore, if blood is frozen during epicar-
ablation of AF. dial ablation on the beating heart, it coagulates,
creating a potential thromboembolic risk. Cryo-energy However, it preserves fibrous tissue and collagen
Cryoablation has an excellent safety profile and and can therefore safely be used close to valvular
has been used for ablation of arrhythmia for tissue or the fibrous skeleton of the heart with a
29 more than three decades. As opposed to other low arrhythmogenic potential.
alternative energy sources, cryoablation creates
direct physical injury, cumulative sublethal cel- Radiofrequency Energy
lular stress response, and molecular-based cell Radiofrequency (RF) energy has been used in the
death by freezing instead of heating. The forma- electrophysiology laboratory for many years and
tion of intracellular and extracellular ice crystals was one of the first energy sources to be applied in
disrupts the cell membrane and causes cell the operating room. RF energy uses alternating
death. A homogenous surface contact is essen- current in the range of 100–1,000 kilohertz (kHz).
tial for good ablation performance. Any fluid or This frequency is high enough to prevent rapid
vapor trapped between the probe and the tar- myocardial depolarization and the induction of
geted tissue freezes to form ice balls. Ice has a ventricular fibrillation, yet low enough to prevent
low thermal conductivity coefficient and tissue vaporization and perforation. The lesion
increases thermal resistance. Thus, ice ball for- size created by thermal coagulation injury
mation within the valleys of a nonuniform sur- depends on electrode-tissue contact area, the
face-probe contact acts as an insulator, retarding interface temperature, the current and voltage
heat loss. As heat is removed by various cryo- (power), as well as the duration of delivery. On
gens such as nitrous oxide, argon, or liquid oxy- histologic examination of radiofrequency lesions,
gen; extracellular fluid freezes at −20 °C, creating a focal coagulation necrosis predominates. This
a hyperosmotic environment that causes cell correlates with the irreversible nature of the
shrinkage and ultimately cell death. Rapid freez- injury, which occurs at temperatures >50 °C. There
ing to −40 °C induces expansion of intracellular is destruction of the myocardial collagen matrix
ice formation that disrupts organelles and cell and replacement with fibrin and collagen. At high
membranes even before osmotic imbalance temperatures greater than 100 ° C, char formation
occurs. A fast rate of cooling will increase cell predominates. Char presents as an impediment to
death, while slowly thawing the tissue is also heat transduction and has been associated with
effective in prolonging the mechanisms of cell asymmetrical ablations. The depth of the lesion
destruction (Mazur 1970). Currently, two com- can be limited by char formation, epicardial fat,
mercially available sources of cryothermal myocardial and endocavity blood flow, as well as
energy are being used in cardiac surgery. One is tissue thickness.
manufactured by AtriCure (Cincinnati, Ohio) RF energy can be delivered by either unipolar
and uses a disposable malleable linear probe or or bipolar electrodes.
reusable rigid probes with nitrous oxide as cool-
ing agent. More recently, Medtronic kUnipolar RF
(Minneapolis, Minnesota) has distributed a Numerous devices are currently on the market
malleable linear probe and a clamp device based with popular devices distributed by Estech (San
on argon. At 1 atmosphere of pressure, nitrous Ramon, California), nContact (Raleigh, NC),
oxide is capable of cooling tissue to −89.5  °C, and Medtronic (Minneapolis, Minnesota). These
Chapter 29 · Surgical Therapy of Atrial Fibrillation
953 29
include both dry and irrigated devices as well as nated most of the collateral damage that occurred
devices which incorporate suction to improve with the unipolar devices likely due to the focused
tissue surface contact. Resistive heating occurs delivery of energy within the jaws of the clamp.
only within a narrow rim of tissue in direct con- However, the devices with side-by-side bipolar
tact with the electrode, usually less than 1  mm. electrodes have not been extensively evaluated for
The deeper tissue heating occurs via passive con- safety yet and could have the same potential prob-
duction. To prevent char formation at the tissue-­ lems as unipolar devices.
electrode interface, irrigated catheters were
developed keeping temperatures cooler at the High-Intensity Focused
tissue-­probe interface. While in animals, unipo- Ultrasound
lar RF has been shown to create transmural High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is an
lesions on the arrested heart with sufficiently ablation energy marketed by St. Jude Medical (St.
long ablation times of 60–120  s, this has been Paul, MN) and effectively ablates tissue via
more difficult in clinical use. After 2-min endo- mechanical hyperthermia. It utilizes ultrasound
cardial ablations during mitral valve surgery, beams in the frequency range of 1–5 megahertz
only 20 % of the in vivo lesions were transmural. (MHz) or higher causing compression, refraction,
Epicardial ablation has been even more difficult. and particle movement and thus creating focused
Animal studies have consistently shown that uni- lesions by rapidly raising the temperature of the
polar RF is incapable of creating transmural targeted tissue to above 80 °C. This translates into
lesions epicardially on the beating heart. A recent kinetic energy and coagulative tissue necrosis.
clinical study confirmed this problem. Epicardial HIFU produces rapid, high-concentration energy
RF ablation resulted in only 7 % of lesions being in a focused area and is reportedly able to create
transmural despite electrode temperatures of up transmural epicardial lesions even through epi-
to 90 °C.  One main reason for failure has been cardial fat in a short time.
felt to be the heat sink (Santiago et al. 2003). The HIFU is unique in that it is able to create non-
complications of unipolar RF devices have been contact focal ablation in three-dimensional vol-
described after extensive clinical use and include ume without affecting intervening and surrounding
coronary artery injuries, cerebrovascular acci- tissue. Its ability to focus the target of ablation at
dents, and the devastating creation of esophageal specific depths is an advantage over other energy
perforation leading to atrial-esophageal fistula modalities. Unlike all other energy sources that
(Doll et al. 2003). heat or cool tissue by thermal conduction, HIFU
ablates tissue by directly heating the tissue in the
kBipolar RF acoustic focal volume and is therefore much less
This technology is either applied between elec- affected by the «heat sink» of the circulating endo-
trodes embedded in the jaws of a clamp or cardial blood pool. The clinical studies utilizing
between electrodes arranged in parallel in linear HIFU, however, have had mixed results (Ninet
devices. By using a clamp, the electrodes are et  al. 2005). There has been little independent
shielded from the circulating blood pool, which experimental verification of the efficacy of HIFU
allows for faster ablation times and limits collat- devices to reliably create transmural lesions, and
eral injury to surrounding structures. Bipolar RF long-term efficacy seems to be rather disappoint-
ablation clamps are the most reliable devices for ing. The fixed depth of penetration of these devices
creating transmural lesions on the beating heart may be a major problem in the wide range of thick-
both in animals and humans with short ablation ness of pathologically altered atrial tissue.
times (Gaynor et  al. 2004; Prasad et  al. 2002,
2003b). The linear devices developed for epicar-
dial ablation on the beating heart have not been as 29.4 Preoperative Modalities
reliable and seem to be more affected by the heat
sink affect and variable wall thickness. Three 29.4.1  Classification of Atrial
companies (AtriCure, West Chester, OH; Fibrillation
Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN; and Estech, San
Ramon, CA) currently market bipolar RF devices. As per recent guidelines, AF can be defined as fol-
Use of the bipolar RF clamp devices has elimi- lows (Calkins et al. 2012):
954 T. Weimar and K.-N. Doll

1. Paroxysmal AF: recurrent AF (≥2 episodes) 1. AF patients who develop a contraindication to

that terminates spontaneously within 7 days long-term anticoagulation and have a high
or episodes of ≤48 h duration that are risk for stroke (CHADS2 score ≥ 2,
terminated by electrical or pharmacological . Table 29.3) are excellent candidates for
cardioversion surgery. Surgery does not only eliminate AF
2. Persistent AF: continuous AF that is sustained in most of these patients but also amputates
beyond 7 days or AF episodes ≥48 h of the left atrial appendage (LAA), which is
duration that are terminated by electrical or known to be one of the main sources of atrial
pharmacological cardioversion thrombus formation. The stroke rate following
3. Long-standing persistent AF: continuous AF a CMP off ­anticoagulation has been
of greater than 12 months’ duration remarkably low, even in patients with high
CHADS2 scores.
The term «permanent AF» is felt to be not 2. Patients with long-standing AF who have
appropriate in the context of patients undergoing suffered a cerebrovascular accident despite
surgical ablation, as it refers to a group of patients adequate anticoagulation are at high risk for
for which a decision has been made not to restore
29 sinus rhythm by any means.
repeat neurological events.
3. AF patients with a clot in the left atrial
With regard to treatment strategies, a differen- appendage are not candidates for catheter
tiation between paroxysmal and nonparoxysmal ablation and should be primarily considered
AF might be more helpful. While the pulmonary for surgical ablation.
veins have been identified to be the main source
of triggers responsible for initiation of the arrhyth-
mia in many patients with paroxysmal AF, isola- 29.4.3  Preoperative Evaluations
tion of the PVs (PVI) might be appropriate and
sufficient in the majority of this patient group. Surgery is indicated in patients with recurrent
However, patients with nonparoxysmal AF usually symptomatic episodes of AF refractory to class I
require and extend left-atrial or biatrial lesion set or III medical therapy in whom electrical or
to additionally treat the substrate responsible for pharmacological cardioversion failed within
sustaining AF. 6  months prior surgery. Patients undergoing
stand-alone procedures older than 60  years of
29.4.2  Indications for Surgical age and younger patients with an existing cardio-
Ablation vascular risk profile should undergo preopera-
tive coronary angiography or cardiac CT
In general, surgical ablation is reasonable for symp- evaluating Ca++ scores. To define the anatomical
tomatic patients undergoing cardiac surgery for location of the circumflex coronary artery is
other indications regardless of their type of AF (class important to safely create the left-atrial isthmus
IIa/level C, . Table 29.1). This is valid for patients lesion and to perform the ablation of the coro-
who do not tolerate or are refractory to class 1 or 3 nary sinus. In patients who have failed catheter
antiarrhythmic medication (see . Table 9.10) as ablation, a chest CT is indicated to assess for pul-
well as for patients prior to initiation of antiarrhyth- monary vein stenosis.
mic drug therapy (Calkins et al. 2012). Besides documentation of the patient’s heart
Regardless of their type of AF, symptomatic rhythm, preoperative transthoracic and an
patients who do not tolerate or are refractory to intraoperative transesophageal echocardiogram
class 1 or 3 antiarrhythmic medication qualify for should be performed to determine left-atrial
a stand-alone surgical ablation, if they either pre- diameter and to evaluate for the presence of a
fer a surgical approach or have failed one or more left-­atrial thrombus. Left-atrial size is a signifi-
catheter ablations (class IIb/level C, . Table 29.2) cant predictor of failure and is important to
(Calkins et al. 2012) (. Table 29.2). define prior to surgery (Damiano et al. 2011). It is
In addition to these recommendations, we feel also important to determine the precise atrial
that there are several more indications for surgery tachyarrhythmia (ATA) in patients who have
that were not included or clearly expressed in the failed catheter ablation, which may require an
consensus statement: electrophysiological study. Atrial tachycardia is
Chapter 29 · Surgical Therapy of Atrial Fibrillation
955 29

..Table 29.1  Indications for concomitant surgical ..Table 29.2  Indications for stand-alone surgical
ablation of atrial fibrillation (AF) (Calkins et al. 2012) ablation of atrial fibrillation (AF) (Calkins et al. 2012)

Class Level Class Level

Symptomatic AF refractory or intolerant to at least Symptomatic AF refractory or intolerant to at least

one class 1 or 3 antiarrhythmic medication one class 1 or 3 antiarrhythmic medication

Paroxysmal: Surgical ablation is IIa C  
Paroxysmal: Stand-alone IIb C
reasonable for patients surgical ablation may be
undergoing surgery for other considered for patients who
indications have not failed catheter
ablation but prefer a surgical
Persistent: Surgical ablation is IIa C approach
reasonable for patients
undergoing surgery for other  
Paroxysmal: Stand-alone IIb C
indications surgical ablation may be
considered for patients who
Long-standing persistent: IIa C have failed one or more
Surgical ablation is reasonable attempts at catheter ablation
for patients undergoing
surgery for other indications  
Persistent: Stand-alone surgical IIb C
ablation may be considered for
Symptomatic AF prior to initiation of antiarrhythmic patients who have not failed
drug therapy with a class 1 or 3 antiarrhythmic agent catheter ablation but prefer a
Paroxysmal: Surgical ablation is IIa C surgical approach
reasonable for patients  
Persistent: Stand-alone surgical IIb C
undergoing surgery for other ablation may be considered for
indications patients who have failed one or
Persistent: Surgical ablation is IIa C more attempts at catheter
reasonable for patients ablation
undergoing surgery for other  
Long-standing persistent: Stand- IIb C
indications alone surgical ablation may be
Long-standing persistent: IIb C considered for patients who
Surgical ablation may be have not failed catheter
considered for patients ablation but prefer a surgical
undergoing surgery for other approach
Long-standing persistent: IIb C
Stand-alone surgical ablation
may be considered for patients
who have failed one or more
attempts at catheter ablation
usually not amendable to surgical ablation, and
atypical atrial flutter usually necessitates a full
biatrial Cox-Maze lesion set.
..Table 29.3 CHADS2 score
There are still conflicting data whether an
extended left-atrial lesion set is sufficient to treat Condition Points
the underlying pathomechanism of AF.  Future
diagnostic tools to identify the patient subgroup C Congestive heart failure 1
benefiting from a biatrial ablation might further H Hypertension: blood pressure 1
improve results. Electrocardiographic imaging consistently above 140/90 mmHg
(ECGI) can be used to compute epicardial poten- (or treated hypertension on
tials noninvasively and reconstruct a three-­ medication)
dimensional anatomical map of atrial electrical A Age ≥75 years 1
activity using multiple surface electrodes and
D Diabetes mellitus 1
anatomic data obtained through computerized
tomography, thus potentially providing a map-­ S2 Prior stroke or TIA or 2
directed approach in the future. thromboembolism
956 T. Weimar and K.-N. Doll

29.5 Postoperative Management Moreover, new approaches have been devel-

oped for the treatment of lone AF.  Epicardial
Following rhythm surgery, patients are started on lesions performed on the beating heart including
antiarrhythmic drugs. Amiodarone is the current PVI and left-atrial lesion sets allow for an endo-
drug of choice if postoperative atrial tachyarrhythmias scopic approach without the need for cardiopul-
(ATAs) occur. Over 40 % of patients might experience monary bypass. Furthermore, a hybrid team
ATAs including AF, atrial flutter, or atrial tachycardia approach with electrophysiologists applying endo-
during the first month. Electrical cardioversion might cardial catheter ablation techniques combines the
be performed as needed to restore sinus rhythm. promising success rates of epicardial surgical abla-
Antiarrhythmics are discontinued within 3 months if tion with more sophisticated mapping to deter-
the patient is in normal sinus rhythm as documented mine lesion integrity and evaluate results.
by ECG or prolonged monitoring.
Anticoagulation with warfarin should be
started postoperatively with a targeted INR of 2.0– 29.6.1  The Ablation-Assisted
2.5. Anticoagulation is discontinued at 3 months, Cox-Maze Procedure (CMP IV)
29 if prolonged monitoring shows no ATAs and echo-
cardiography shows no atrial stasis or thrombus. This biatrial procedure can be performed con-
Postoperative sinus node dysfunction might comitantly or as stand-alone procedure via a
occur in up to 5 % of patients, many of whom have median sternotomy or a minimally invasive right
had a history of sick sinus syndrome, and therefore lateral minithoracotomy using cardiopulmonary
successful treatment of AF may have just unmasked bypass. It can be performed using cryo-energy or
it. In patients developing postoperative bradycar- a combination of cryo- and bipolar radiofre-
dia or slow junctional rhythms, antiarrhythmic quency energy. It contains all lesions of the origi-
medication may be discontinued and pacemaker nal CMP III except the interseptal lesion.
implantation should be considered after 5–7 days. After initiating normothermic cardiopulmo-
Follow-up should include prolonged electro- nary bypass, the right and left PVs are bluntly dis-
cardiographic monitoring at 3, 6, and 12 months sected. If the patient is in AF, amiodarone is
and annually thereafter. Success rates should be administered, and the patient is electrically car-
defined as freedom from ATAs and antiarrhyth- dioverted after a left-atrial thrombus has been
mic medication documented by prolonged ruled out by intraoperative transesophageal echo-
monitoring of at least 24 h. A recurrence of any cardiography. Pacing thresholds are obtained
ATAs >30 s is considered a failure according to from each PV. Using a bipolar RF ablation device,
the recent consensus statement (Calkins et  al. the PVs are isolated by ablating a cuff of sur-
2012). However, the implantation of an insert- rounding atrial tissue. Proof of electrical isolation
able cardiac monitoring device (Reveal® DX, is confirmed by demonstrating exit and/or
Medtronic Inc., Minneapolis, MN) is strongly entrance block from each PV.
recommended to improve patient’s compliance The right atrial lesion set is performed on the
with follow-up protocols, to avoid an underesti- beating heart. A single incision is usually made in
mation of recurrent ATAs and to gain a better the right atrial free wall. All ablations are per-
understanding of the actual AF burden. formed with the bipolar radiofrequency clamp
except for two endocardial ablation lines to the
tricuspid anulus. These are performed endocardi-
29.6 Surgical Techniques and Their ally with a linear cryoprobe, which is cooled to
Outcomes −60 °C for 2–3 min (. Fig. 29.4).
The left-sided lesion set is performed via a
There is a myriad of surgical procedures currently standard left atriotomy in the interatrial groove
performed to ablate AF. They can be grouped into under cardioplegic arrest. Isolating the entire pos-
three broad categories: terior left atrium with connecting ablation lines
1. The biatrial Cox-Maze procedure between the upper and lower pulmonary veins,
2. Left-atrial lesion sets termed the box lesion set, which resembles more
3. Pulmonary vein isolation closely the original CMP III lesion set, has resulted
Chapter 29 · Surgical Therapy of Atrial Fibrillation
957 29

a b

..Fig. 29.4  a Right atrial lesion set of the Cox-Maze procedure IV. b Left-atrial lesion set of the Cox-Maze procedure IV
(From Damiano et al. 2011; used with permission)

in a significantly higher drug-free freedom from antiarrhythmic medication of 84 % at 2 years with
AF at 6 and 12  months. Cryoablation is used to no intraoperative mortality and no postoperative
connect the lesion to the mitral anulus and com- strokes were reported (Weimar et  al. 2011).
plete the left-trial isthmus line. It is important to Moreover, 84 % of patients were free from antico-
remember that the coronary sinus needs to be agulative therapy with warfarin. In CMP IV series
ablated epicardially in line with the endocardial including concomitant cardiac procedures, the
ablation in order to create the left-atrial isthmus freedom from AF was 89 %, and the freedom from
line. This is usually done with either the bipolar AF off antiarrhythmic drugs was 78 % at one year
RF clamp or a linear cryoprobe placed epicardi- (Damiano et  al. 2011). There is no difference in
ally over the coronary sinus. The left atrial success rates for patients with paroxysmal com-
appendage is amputated, and a final ablation is pared to persistent or long-­standing persistent AF
performed through the amputated left atrial with this procedure (Damiano et al. 2011; Weimar
appendage into one of the left pulmonary veins. et al. 2011). An enlarged left-atrial diameter, failure
In patients undergoing a right minithoracotomy, to isolate the entire posterior atrium by a complete
cryoablation is more extensively applied to com- box lesion set, and early atrial tachyarrhythmias
plete the posterior left-atrial isolation, and the left are predictors identified for late AF recurrence
atrial appendage is oversewn from the inside. (Damiano et al. 2011) (. Figs. 29.5 and 29.6). Outcomes
A propensity analysis has shown that there was no 29.6.2  Left-Atrial Lesion Sets
significant difference in the freedom from AF at 3,
6, or 12  months between the cut-and-sew Cox-­ Over the past decade, numerous new procedures
Maze III and the ablation-assisted CMP IV (Lall have been introduced to surgically treat
et al. 2007). However, the CMP IV has significantly AF.  Especially as a concomitant procedure to
shortened operative time and lowered complica- mitral valve surgery where the left atrium is opened
tion rates while maintaining the high success rate already, this lesion set has gained popularity. These
of the original Cox-Maze III procedure (Lall et al. procedures generally involved subsets of the left-
2007; Melby et al. 2006). A Kaplan-­Meier estimate atrial lesion set of the Cox-Maze procedure. This
of freedom from symptomatic AF for the CMP concept is supported by the fact that the majority
(III + IV) was 85 % at 10  years (Weimar et  al. of paroxysmal AF appears to originate around the
2012a). In 100 patients undergoing a stand-alone PVs and the posterior left atrium. A left-atrial
CMP IV for lone AF (31 % paroxysmal and 69 % lesion set typically involves pulmonary vein isola-
persistent or long-standing persistent AF), a free- tion with an isthmus lesion to the mitral anulus as
dom from AF of 90 % and freedom from AF off well as removal of the left atrial appendage.
958 T. Weimar and K.-N. Doll Outcomes opened anterior and parallel to the phrenic nerve

A myriad of ablation technologies has been used from the superior vena cava to the diaphragm.
to create these left-atrial lesion sets with various The space above and below the right pulmonary
degrees of success ranging from 20 to 90 % free- veins is dissected to allow for insertion of an artic-
dom from recurrent AF. There have been no ran- ulating dissector. The dissector and a guiding
domized trials of biatrial versus left-atrial ablation sheath are introduced and guided into the space
for patients treated surgically. Because of this, the between the PVs and the right pulmonary artery.
importance of the right atrial lesions of the tradi- After the dissector is removed, the sheath remains
tional Cox-Maze procedure is difficult to deter- in place as a guide for the insertion of the bipolar
mine. A meta-analysis of the published literature RF clamp. At this point, the patient is cardioverted
revealed that a biatrial lesion set resulted in a sig- into sinus rhythm if needed so that pacing thresh-
nificantly higher late freedom from AF when olds can be obtained from the right PVs. In addi-
compared to a left-atrial lesion set alone (87 % tion, some surgeons also take advantage of the
versus 73 %, p = 0.05) (Barnett and Ad 2006). surgical exposure to detect and ablate ganglion-
ated plexi at this time. High-frequency stimula-
29 tion evokes a vagal response with bradycardia
29.6.3  Pulmonary Vein Isolation when applied to ganglionated plexi. The detected
areas can be ablated until the vagal response
Pulmonary vein isolation is an attractive thera- diminishes. However, there is no strong evidence
peutic strategy that may be considered in patients in the literature that ablating ganglionated plexi
with paroxysmal AF undergoing concomitant improves long-term success. After pacing maneu-
cardiac procedures, because the procedure can be vers are completed, the guiding sheath is attached
done on the beating heart before initiating car- to the lower jaw of the radiofrequency clamp. The
dioplegic arrest. Moreover, it can also be per- PVs are isolated by placing the jaws of the abla-
formed endoscopically or by minimal access tion device on the surrounding cuff of atrial tis-
incisions on the beating heart as a stand-alone sue. Ablation is continued until bidirectional
procedure. Based on the original report of block can be documented from each PV. However,
Haïssaguerre, it has been documented that the we recommend to repeat ablation runs at least in
triggers for paroxysmal AF originate from the triplicate. The approach to the left chest is similar
pulmonary veins in many patients with lone AF as described above. However, the ports are posi-
(Haïssaguerre et al. 1998). However, it is impor- tioned more posteriorly. The pericardium is
tant to remember that up to 30 % of triggers may opened posterior to the course of the phrenic
originate outside the pulmonary veins. This might nerve. The ligament of Marshall is divided. The
be even more often the case in patients with struc- dissector and the guiding sheath were used to
tural heart disease. The pulmonary veins can be position the clamp around the left PVs. After iso-
isolated separately or combined as a box lesion. lation, bidirectional block is confirmed for the left
Additionally, the left atrial appendage is resected. PVs. The left atrial appendage (LAA) can be
The most common technique which is described resected by stapling across the base with an endo-
here utilizes an endoscopic, port-based approach scopic stapler device.
to minimize incisional size and pain for the
patient. At our institution, bipolar RF clamps are Outcomes
favored to isolate the pulmonary veins, but unipo- The results of PVI alone have been variable and
lar radiofrequency and HIFU devices have been have been dependent on patient selection.
used as well. Encouraging results have been reported in patients
Patients are intubated with a double-lumen with paroxysmal AF, suggesting a success rate
endotracheal tube and external defibrillator pads between 80 and 89 % after PVI. However, success
are placed. A camera port is placed at the right rates decrease remarkable in patients with persis-
fifth intercostal space slightly above the anterior tent or long-standing persistent AF. Edgerton and
axillary line (. Fig.  29.7). Under thoracoscopic colleagues reported only 56 % of patients with
vision, two working ports are placed in the fourth persistent AF being free from AF at 6 months after
and sixth intercostal space at the midaxillary line. PVI, with merely 35 % being both free from AF
Under one-lung ventilation the pericardium is and antiarrhythmic medication (Edgerton et  al.
Chapter 29 · Surgical Therapy of Atrial Fibrillation
959 29
..Fig. 29.5 Kaplan-Meier
(K-M) analysis of freedom risk: 173 86 39 20
from atrial fibrillation (AF)
for the Cox-Maze
procedure. Pts patients
(From: Weimar et al. 2012a;
used with permission)

Freedom from AF


K-M probability
Lower limit
Upper limit

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (years)

..Fig. 29.6 Freedom
from atrial tachyarrhyth- 100
mias (ATAs) and freedom
from ATA off antiarrhyth- 90
mic drugs following a
stand-alone Cox-Maze IV
procedure (From Weimar
et al. 2011; used with







3 months 6 months 12 months 24 months

Free of ATAs Free of ATAs/off antiarrhythmics

960 T. Weimar and K.-N. Doll

mended to add a trigonal line of ablation from

the isolated superior right PV to the aortic anu-
lus. To confirm conduction block of the ablation
lines, pacing should be performed from within
the box (. Fig. 29.8). Outcomes
Early results with an extended left-atrial lesion set
in addition to PVI have shown improved success
especially in patients with persistent AF com-
pared to PVI alone. Sirak and colleagues reported
a success rate of 87 % off antiarrhythmic drugs
after 6  months in 32 patients with persistent
..Fig. 29.7  Port positioning for thoracoscopic approach AF.  In a larger series of almost 90 patients, the
(From Weimar et al. 2012b; used with permission) authors reported success rates of about 90 %
29 ­freedom from AF and 85 % freedom from AF off
drugs at 12 and 24  months follow-up indepen-
2008). With concomitant procedures, the success dently from the type of AF with no conversion to
rate of PVI is even worse. This is not surprising sternotomy (. Fig.  29.9) (Weimar et  al. 2012b).
because those patients present with different Moreover, quality of life improved significantly
underlying mechanisms for AF, and a choice for postoperatively (. Fig.  29.10). A recently pub-
PVI as treatment option just based on the type of lished randomized trial comparing endoscopic
AF seems to be insufficient in most of those surgical ablation to catheter ablation revealed
patients. superior success rates of 66 % vs. 37 % at one year
in favor of surgery (Boersma et al. 2012). However,
it is important to point out that it is technically
29.6.4  Endoscopic Left-Atrial challenging and more time-consuming to per-
Lesion Set form these extended lesions thoracoscopically
and that proof of conductance block is mandatory
There is wide consent that the goal of develop- for the box lesion set as well. This necessity to
ing less invasive procedures should not be at the prove lesion integrity is due to the fact that there
cost of success rates. To address the shortcom- are still no devices on the market that reliably cre-
ings of PVI alone in many patients, new ablation ate linear transmural lesion on the beating heart
devices have been developed allowing for an except for the bipolar clamps. Also it is important
extension of the applied lesion set that can be to note that acute demonstration of conduction
performed thoracoscopically. Using a new gen- delay or block does not guarantee a chronic block
eration of bipolar and unipolar RF devices, it is or transmural lesion. Moreover the demonstra-
possible to perform a more extensive left-atrial tion of conduction delay can be difficult and may
box lesion set epicardially via port access. In lead to misinterpretation even by experienced
addition to the PVI technique described above, surgeons and electrophysiologists.
the transverse and oblique sinuses are dissected.
This allows for a box lesion set to be performed
isolating not just the PVs but the entire poste- 29.6.5  The Hybrid Approach
rior left atrium. It is crucial that attention is paid
to overlapping the lines of ablation from the The goal of the hybrid procedure is to combine
right and the left side to avoid gaps and to com- the benefits of epicardially performed surgical
plete a transmural roof lesion. An inferior line is ablation and endocardially performed catheter
created to connect the encircling ablation of the ablation in a dual approach. While thoracoscopic
inferior right PV with that of the inferior left surgery is effective in isolating the PVs, address-
PV.  Because it is impossible to perform a left- ing the ligament of Marshall and managing the
atrial isthmus line epicardially, it is recom- left atrial appendage, it has its limitations in
Chapter 29 · Surgical Therapy of Atrial Fibrillation
961 29
effectively ablating atrial tissue, particularly the . Fig. 29.8). Ideally, this procedure should be per-
right and left-atrial isthmus and the coronary formed in a hybrid operating room. Because the
sinus. Those areas can be addressed by catheter underlying pathomechanism are more complex
ablation if intraoperative mapping performed by in patients with persistent AF, this team approach
the electrophysiologist shows gaps and conduc- may allow for a more patient-­tailored lesion set
tion in one or more of this regions. Also the suc- that more effectively prevents AF recurrence. A
cess of creating transmural ablation lines can be recent study from Allessie and colleagues has
confirmed by instantaneous mapping and by formed what they call the «Double-­ Layer
demonstrating conduction block using pacing. Hypothesis», where narrow wavelets in the endo-
Possible gaps can then be closed by endocardial cardial and epicardial layers of the heart con-
catheter ablation in the same setting (see stantly feed each other in persistent AF (Eckstein
et al. 2011). Although this has to be confirmed by
further studies, it could add further support as to
why hybrid ablation might be a promising
approach for persistent AF. Outcomes
Only a few centers have reported on hybrid pro-
cedures. In many institutions it has been challeng-
ing to set up a team approach involving both
electrophysiologists and surgeons. In a combined
series of the University of Virginia and University
of Maastricht, 12 patients with persistent AF
received hybrid ablation. At 12 months of follow-
­up, 83 % of patients were free from atrial fibrilla-
tion and off antiarrhythmic drugs (Edgerton et al.
2008). A larger series of 63 patients reported by La
Meir’s group revealed significant better success
rates for a hybrid approach compared to sole
endoscopic ablation (100 % vs. 87.5 %, p = 0.04)
(La Meir et al. 2012). However, it is too early to
comment on the efficacy or safety of the hybrid
..Fig. 29.8  Endoscopically performed extended left- approach. Scientifically conducted trials are
atrial lesion set (From Weimar et al. 2012b; used with needed to evaluate any advantage over other abla-
permission) tion strategies.

..Fig. 29.9 Freedom
from recurrent AF after Freedom from atrial fibrillation
endoscopic left-atrial
ablation on the beating Free of AF
heart (From Weimar et al. Free of AF off drugs
2012b; used with

permission) 60
6 months 12 months 24 months
Pts. at risk: 89 51 19
962 T. Weimar and K.-N. Doll

..Fig. 29.10  Changes in

quality of life after endo- Quality of life
scopic left-atrial ablation 100 * *
* * * * * * Preoperative
on the beating heart (From
Weimar et al. 2012b; used 80 Postoperative
with permission)

SF-36 score




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965 30

Device Therapy of Rhythm

Heiko Burger, Tibor Ziegelhöffer, and Kai-Nicholas Doll

30.1 Introduction – 967

30.1.1  ilestones of Rhythm Device History – 967
30.1.2 Nomenclature and Modes of Cardiac Pacing – 967

30.2 Indications for Pacing – 967

30.2.1 T emporary Pacing – 967
30.2.2 Permanent Pacing – 969

30.3 Pacing Device Implantation – 969

30.3.1 T ransvenous Leads – 969
30.3.2 Implantation – 970 Cephalic Vein Access – 970 Subclavian Vein Access – 971
30.3.3 Epicardial Leads – 972 Surgical Approach – 973
30.3.4 Generator Pocket – 974

30.4  ardiac Rhythm Device Therapy

in Severe Heart Failure – 975
30.4.1 Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT) – 975 Implantation of Transvenous Left Ventricular
(CRT-) Lead – 977 LV Lead Types – 979
30.4.2  ardiac Contractility Modulation (CCM) – 979
30.4.3 CCM Device Implantation – 980

30.5  ardiac Implantable Electronic

Device (CIED) Exchange – 981

30.6  omplications After Cardiac

Rhythm Device Implantation – 982
30.6.1  neumothorax – 982
30.6.2 Hematothorax and Pocket Hematoma – 982

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_30
30.6.3 L ead Dislocation or Dysfunction – 983
30.6.4 Lead Perforation – 984
30.6.5 Pericardial Tamponade During Lead Positioning – 985
30.6.6 Broken Lead and Technical Dysfunction – 985
30.6.7 Venous Thrombosis, Vascular Stenosis After Lead
Implantation, and Vena Cava Superior Syndrome – 986
30.6.8 Pocket and Lead Track Irritation, Perforation, and
Infection – 986
30.6.9 Cardiac Arrhythmia – 986
30.6.10 Phrenic Nerve Stimulation – 987
30.6.11 Pectoral Muscle Stimulation – 987

30.7 Lead Extraction – 987

30.7.1 S election of Extraction Method – 988
30.7.2 Percutaneous Lead Extraction – 989 Lead Locking Devices – 989 Passive Mechanical Outer Sheath – 989 Active Outer Sheath Systems – 990 Advanced Extraction Tools – 990
30.7.3 L ead Extraction by Open-Heart Surgery – 991
30.7.4 Lead Extraction Via Median Sternotomy – 991
30.7.5 Lead Extraction via Right-Sided Minimal Access
Thoracotomy – 991

References – 992
Chapter 30 · Device Therapy of Rhythm Disorders
967 30
30.1 Introduction 30.1.2  Nomenclature and Modes
of Cardiac Pacing
In general, cardiac rhythm device implantation is
a standardized and safe procedure. The overall The majority of pacing devices are versatile and
number of complications decreased over the past capable of different pacing modes. In conduction
years. Nevertheless, serious and life-threatening disorders requiring temporary or permanent pac-
complications may still occur. The possible com- ing, the most appropriate pacing mode for each
plications and their management are elucidated. patient must be selected to accommodate his spe-
The last part of this chapter is dedicated to cific clinical needs. In order to standardize and
lead extractions, a part of CIED therapy reserved clearly arrange the terminology, an international
for advanced surgeons. The indications, tech- ICHD code (ICHD, Intersociety Commission for
niques, and available extracting tools are summa- Heart Disease Resources) was implemented and
rized for both percutaneous and lead extractions periodically updated.
via open-heart surgery. At present, a five-letter position code is valid
The development of modern cardiac implant- to describe pacemaker function based on the
able electronic devices is based on more than generic pacemaker code (NBG) of the North
50  years of clinical research and experience. American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology
Nowadays, the treatment of heart rhythm disor- (NASPE) and British Pacing and Electrophysiology
ders with cardiac implantable electronic devices Group (BPEG). See . Table 30.1.
represents a well-recognized standardized ther- According to established pacemaker code,
apy with low-risk, low-morbidity, and reliable ICD functions are also defined by the North
results. American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology
(NASPE) and British Pacing and Electrophysiology
Group (BPEG) in Generic Defibrillator (NBD)
30.1.1   ilestones of Rhythm Device
M code (. Table 30.2).
History The purpose of cardiac pacing is to treat patients
who have AV conduction block, bradyarrhythmias,
or tachyarrhythmias. Temporary pacing is utilized
1958 The first clinical implantation of a fully
implantable pacemaker at the Karolinska
when arrhythmia is transient or as a temporary
Institute in Solna, Sweden, performed by Åke measure until definite long-term therapy can be
Senning via thoracotomy (Elmqvist and initiated. Permanent pacing is absolutely indicated
Senning 1960). The first patient, Arne Larsson, when long-term pacing is necessary to avoid or to
received 26 pacemakers during his lifetime. prevent life-threatening arrhythmias, especially in
He died in 2001, at the age of 86.
1959 Temporary transvenous pacing with the
higher-grade AV conduction block. For all other
catheter electrode inserted via the patient’s indications, the clinical condition and symptom-
basilic vein (Furman and Robinson 1959). atology of the patient are the decisive factors.
1962 Permanent transvenous pacing in
conjunction with an implanted pacemaker
(Parsonnet et al. 1962; Lagergren and 30.2 Indications for Pacing
Johansson 1963).
1964 Principle of demand-function (Castellanos
et al. 1964). 30.2.1  Temporary Pacing
1969 Principe of bifocal sequential stimulation
(Berkovits et al. 1991). The first group of indications for temporary pac-
1971 Introduction of lithium-iodide cell ing includes pacing for a reversible condition.
(Greatbatch et al. 1971).
1980 Implantation of the first implantable
This may be a result of injury to the AV node or
cardioverter/defibrillator (ICD) in human the His-Purkinje system after heart surgery.
(Watkins et al. 1980). Empirically, it may improve over time, making
1981 Programming of pacemaker via telemetry permanent pacing unnecessary.
(Kirk 2001). Intraoperative or perioperative overdrive pac-
1999 Implantation of the first cardiac
resynchronization therapy (CRT) device
ing might be used to prevent atrial fibrillation and
(Sutton et al. 2007). See also 7 Chapter «The atrial flutter, although beta-blockers are usually the
History of Cardiac Surgery», 7 Sect. 1.11. treatment of choice (Blommaert et  al. 2000).
968 H. Burger et al.

..Table 30.1  North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (NASPE)/British Pacing and
Electrophysiology Group (BPEG) Generic Pacemaker Code (NBG)

First letter Second letter Third letter Fourth letter Fifth letter

Pacing Sensing Modus of pacemaker Antitachycardia

chamber(s) chamber(s) response to sensing Programmable options function(s)

A = atrium A = atrium I = inhibited R = rate modulation 0=none

V = ventricle; V= ventricle; T = triggered; P = programmable P=pacing

D = dual chamber D = dual D = inhibited and
(atrium and chamber (atrium triggered
ventricle) and ventricle)

0 = none 0 = no detection 0 = no response M = multiprogrammable S = shock

of sensing
C = communicating D = dual (pacing
and shock)
0 = absence of rate

..Table 30.2  North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (NASPE)/British Pacing and
Electrophysiology Group (BPEG) Generic Defibrillator Code (NBD)

First letter Second letter Third letter Fourth letter

Antitachycardia pacing Antibradycardia pacing

Shock chamber(s) chamber(s) Tachycardia detection chamber(s)

A = atrium A = atrium E = electrogram A = atrium

V = ventricle V = ventricle H = hemodynamic (not V = ventricle

available yet)
D = dual chamber D = dual chamber D = dual chamber (atrium
(atrium and ventricle) (atrium and ventricle) and ventricle)

0 = none 0 = none 0 = none

Similarly, rapid burst pacing can terminate AV causes for bradycardia (e.g., digoxin, beta-blocker,
nodal and AV reentry and sustained monomorphic antiarrhythmic drug therapy, etc.) may require
ventricular tachycardias. Some polymorphic ven- temporary pacing as well.
tricular tachyarrhythmias can be prevented by rapid Temporary bradycardia may occur in the set-
pacing as well. In case of polymorphic ventricular tings of acute myocardial infarction. Permanent
tachycardia associated with prolongation of QT pacing is mostly not required since bradycardia
interval, like torsades de pointes, rapid pacing can and conduction abnormalities usually will
prevent its initiation by shortening the QT interval resolve. There may, however, be a need for tem-
and by preventing ventricular premature beats. porary pacing like in case of asystole, unstable
Prophylactic pacing prior to surgery is rarely hemodynamics (hypotension, signs of hypoper-
indicated. However, temporary pacing might be a fusion, congestive heart failure), and/or com-
part of surgical or nonsurgical intervention like plete AV block with very slow ventricular rate.
rapid pacing in a case of transcatheter aortic valve Finally, temporary pacing is indicated in
implantation (TAVI) or catheter ablation proce- pacemaker-­dependent patients when a lead revi-
dures in patients who undergo AV nodal modifi- sion or pacemaker generator change is necessary
cation to slow conduction in the AV node during or if the permanent pacemaker needs to be
rapid rates in atrial fibrillation. explanted because of underlying infection.
Inflammatory entities like bacterial endocar- If necessary, temporary pacing can be per-
ditis or Lyme carditis may also harm the electrical formed via endocardial leads, epicardial electrodes
conduction system of the heart. Toxic, metabolic, placed at the time of heart surgery, external trans-
electrolyte (hyperkalemia), and drug-induced thoracic patches, and an esophageal electrode.
Chapter 30 · Device Therapy of Rhythm Disorders
969 30
30.2.2  Permanent Pacing 30.3.1  Transvenous Leads

Permanent pacing is absolutely indicated in patients Since the introduction of transvenous leads into
with life-threatening arrhythmias. Relative indica- clinical practice in the early 1960s, lead technol-
tions include preservation, restoration, or improve- ogy and design have improved substantially.
ment of patients’ clinical performance. Guidelines Bipolar leads mostly replaced the original unipo-
for permanent pacing have been established by a lar leads. The current bipolar leads are preferred
task force of the American College of Cardiology, because of greater signal-to-noise ratio, less
the American Heart Association, and the Heart interference with external signals (e.g., skeletal
Rhythm Society (ACC/AHA/HRS) in cooperation myopotentials), better prevention of skeletal
with the American Association for Thoracic muscle stimulation seen at the pulse generator
Surgery (AATS) and the Society of Thoracic site, and less frequent cross talk between the
Surgeons (Epstein et al. 2008). Concordant guide- atrial and ventricle electrodes. Another improve-
lines have also been established by the European ment in lead design is related to the improvement
Society of Cardiology (ESC) (Vardas et al. 2007). of lead fixation mechanisms. The leads utilize
Indications for permanent pacemaker implan- either passive fixation via tines or fins entangle-
tation are as follows: ment in the trabeculae of the ventricle and atrium
55 Symptomatic sinus bradycardia (. Fig.  30.1a) or active fixation via a grasping
55 Sinus node blockade/arrest screw (. Fig.  30.1b). Although both lead types
55 AV block grade IIb/III and AV block IIa with reveal equally good performances, the screw-in
complementary symptoms leads are preferred because of more versatility in
55 Trifascicular block fixation site (not dependent on the presence of
55 Sick sinus syndrome trabeculae). Especially the current technique of
55 Carotid sinus syndrome septal positioning of the ventricular lead would
55 Bradyarrhythmia absoluta and be almost impossible without an active fixation
bradyarrhythmia under indicated process. Another advantage of screw-in leads is
antiarrhythmic medication their easier removal when needed.
Steroid-eluting leads represent one of the most
For other indications, the clinical condition important landmark developments in lead tech-
and presence of symptoms of the patient are the nology. Contemporary electrodes have a reservoir
determining factors. within the tip of the electrode that elutes steroids
in order to decrease local reactive tissue fibrosis at
the screw-in site.
30.3 Pacing Device Implantation

The group of devices for permanent cardiac a

pacing includes pacemakers, implantable
cardioverter-­defibrillators with pacing function,
and devices for cardiac resynchronization ­therapy.
Besides the generator, the placement and flawless
functioning of the leads are of utmost importance
for the performance of pacemaker system.
Historically, epicardial leads were primarily
used for permanent cardiac pacing. However,
with advances in techniques, a fully transvenous
approach has become the technique of choice for
pacemaker lead implantation. Nowadays, almost b
all primary lead implantations in adults or older
children are conducted using a transvenous
approach; nevertheless, the epicardial leads regain
importance in the past years again. Neonates,
infants and small children in need for permanent ..Fig. 30.1  a transvenous lead with passive fixation
pacemaker therapy still require epicardial leads. (anchor lead), b transvenous screw-in lead
970 H. Burger et al.

30.3.2  Implantation for lead positioning. An alternative approach is an

incision parallel to the deltopectoral groove. This
Prerequisites of transvenous pacemaker implan- scenario makes it easier to find and dissect the
tation are informed consent and standard preop- cephalic vein but may limit access to the subcla-
erative preparation of the patient. The required vian vein and may hamper pocket preparation.
equipments for the intervention include ECG
monitoring, external defibrillator, pacing system Cephalic Vein Access
analyzer (PSA), blood pressure cuff, oxygen satu- The cephalic vein is located in the groove between
ration probe, fluoroscopy, and sterile surgical the pectoralis major and deltoideus muscles at the
instruments. The intervention could be per- dorsal border of pectoralis muscle. After the cephalic
formed either in a conventional operating theater, vein is dissected, two loops are placed around the
a hybrid OR, or in a cath lab, assuming that steril- vein. The distal loop (absorbable material) will be
ity is guaranteed and skilled staff is available. knotted and the vein incised proximally to the liga-
Most of the pacemakers are implanted under ture. At times, insertion of the lead may be challeng-
local anesthesia either via surgically exposed ing due to the presence of a venous valve. In this
cephalic vein or via puncture of the subclavian case, a Seldinger wire should be introduced into the
vein. Rarely, in case of not feasible subclavian vein in order to open and pass the valve. The
30 access, external or internal jugular vein may serve advancement of the lead via the T-junction of the
as access site (. Fig. 30.2). subclavian vein and superior cava vein may repre-
After skin disinfection and infiltration with sent another obstacle; however, usually after cau-
local anaesthetic, a 5–6 cm incision approximately tious back and forth movements or after guide wire
3–4  cm below and parallel to the lateral third of preforming, this is easily overcome. The proximal
the clavicle can be performed. This incision allows loop from nonabsorbable material around the
easy-device-pocket fashioning and ensures good cephalic vein will be knotted at the end of the
access to the subclavian vein but may cause few implantation procedure in order to fix the lead in an
challenges for the dissection of the cephalic vein appropriate position.

M. deltoideus A. thoracoacromialis

V. cephalica

M. pectoralis
N. pectoralis

V. cephalica

..Fig. 30.2  Cephalic vein anatomy

Chapter 30 · Device Therapy of Rhythm Disorders
971 30 Subclavian Vein Access of the right ventricular (RV) lead is a matter of
The cephalic vein is often of insufficient diameter debate. Traditionally, the RV leads have been posi-
to incorporate two pacing leads. In this case, a tioned in the apex (. Fig. 30.3c). However, in the
direct puncture of the subclavian vein is a valid past years, there is growing evidence that position
alternative. Although subclavian access carries a on the septum or RV outflow tract might be advan-
slightly higher complication potential, in the hands tageous. Once the lead is in optimal anatomical
of skilled operators, it is very safe. Indeed, for many position, the pacing parameters need to be deter-
physicians, it is their first choice of access. The mined in order to obtain satisfactory and durable
insertion of pacing leads by means of subclavian pacing characteristics. Therefore, the final lead
vein puncture is performed in a standard Seldinger position is dependent on the intraoperative mea-
technique. Briefly, after the puncture, a Seldinger surement of sensing, impedance, and pacing
wire and peel-away sheath are introduced into the threshold via pacing system analyzer (PSA).
subclavian vein. The forward push and the maneu- The placement of the right atrial (RA) lead fol-
verability of the lead with stylet are mostly satisfac- lows a similar protocol. Traditionally, the RA
tory. Sometimes a stylet may be reshaped to allow leads are placed in the RA appendage (. Fig. 30.4a).
its tip to be steered into a specific direction. In case In case of unsatisfactory pacing characteristics,
that a direct passage through the tricuspid valve is the leads may be placed anywhere in the RA, most
not possible, a slight pullback of the stylet, thereby frequently at the lateral wall (. Fig. 30.4b).
creating a lead loop, might be helpful (. Fig. 30.3a, For both ventricular and atrial leads, it is
b). Similarly, reshaping of the stylet may help to important to avoid any tension on the lead in order
passage the tricuspid valve. The optimal placement to prevent lead dislocation. Therefore, a small loop

a b


5 6


..Fig. 30.3  a–c Right

ventricular lead placing
972 H. Burger et al.

..Fig. 30.4  a, b Right

a b
atrial lead placing 12 3

..Fig. 30.5 Intraoperative
view on a right atrial placed
30 epicardial suture-on lead
(Medtronic CapSure Epi

should be left in the course of the lead in order to they became very popular not only because of
allow to follow heart movement without tension. easier and faster placement in a less-incriminat-
ing implantation procedure but also because of
reliable and satisfactory function. In addition,
30.3.3  Epicardial Leads further development of steroid-­coated transve-
nous leads and ongoing miniaturization in the
In the early days of pacemaker therapy, epicar- late 1980s increased its reliability and popularity
dial leads were the only option to connect pace- (Sutton et  al. 2007). Therefore, epicardial leads
maker with the myocardium. The first went out of fashion. Original epicardial leads
implantable ­pacemaker in 1958 stimulated the were uncoated unipolar myocardial screw-in
heart via an epicardial lead (Elmqvist and leads. They acquired a bad reputation because of
Senning 1960). Unfortunately, the initial epicar- frequent and steep increase of pacing threshold
dial leads which all had to be placed by means of and therefore need for frequent replacement.
open-chest cardiac surgery were quite unreli- Another breakthrough has been the introduc-
able, and they had to be frequently replaced. tion of suture-on epicardial leads containing ste-
Transvenous leads for endocardial pacing roids (Medtronic CapSure Epi 4965, 4968) into
became available during the late 1960s. Soon, the clinical daily routine (. Fig. 30.5).
Chapter 30 · Device Therapy of Rhythm Disorders
973 30
..Fig. 30.6  Modern epicardial 3. Epicardial LV lead implantation for
screw-in lead (St. Jude Medical permanent CRT pacing
1084 T). Screw-in lead tip
1. Alternative if transvenous LV lead
approach fails
2. Chronic phrenic nerve stimulation or
inacceptable pacing threshold of
transvenous LV lead if alternative vein
for transvenous lead positioning is
4. Simultaneous epicardial pacing lead
implantation concomitant to open-heart surgery
1. In patients undergoing CABG or valve
surgery if additional CRT indication
5. Tricuspid valve prosthesis
1. Mechanical tricuspid valve prosthesis
represents a contraindication for
The latest step has been the development of transvenous RV lead implantation
epicardial bipolar steroid-coated screw-in leads 2. Biological valve prostheses depict a
(e.g., St. Jude/1084 T) (. Fig. 30.6). Except for reli- relative contraindication for transvenous
ability and excellent electrical performance, the RV leads
reduction in size and development of introducer 6. Pediatric heart surgery
(implant tool) enabled their implantation via min- 1. Small vessel size for transvenous access
imally invasive lateral thoracotomy or even by and children’s growth make epicardial
means of an endoscopic approach. leads a useful solution.
Current epicardial pacing leads gained nowa- 2. For ICD treatment in small children, a
days again good standing due to their excellent defibrillation coil can be placed in the
electrical performance and durability as recently pericardium or sinus transversus.
reported (Burger et al. 2012). Surgical Approach
Indications for epicardial pacing lead implan- Standard access for epicardial LV lead implanta-
tation include: tion is left-sided anterolateral or lateral thoracot-
1. Pacemaker/defibrillator infection, sepsis, or omy. Full-lateral approach allows better view and
valve endocarditis in pacemaker-dependent more comfortable manipulations, but the patient
patients needs to be positioned on table in 60–80° right-­
1. Complete removal of the cardiac sided position. Therefore, many surgeons prefer
implantable electronic device (CIED) the anterolateral approach.
system in case of pacemaker lead infection The implantation is performed under general
in pacemaker-­dependent patients anesthesia. Double-lumen intubation might be
2. Systemic infection or valve endocarditis helpful for easier implantation but is not mandatory.
requiring open-heart surgery and Incision is preferentially performed in the fourth or
concomitant pacemaker indication fifth intercostal space, the subcutaneous tissue is
2. Impossible venous access divided, and the intercostal muscles are separated
1. Due to the rising number of patients close to the upper side of the rib. It might be useful
requiring cardiac electronic devices or to infiltrate local anesthetics into the intercostal
system upgrades, venous occlusion space and periostium to prevent severe postopera-
appears increasingly. Epicardial lead tive pain. After retractor placement, the pericardium
implantation represents an option for will be directly visible (. Fig. 30.7a). If present, peri-
upgrades or new implantations if cardial fatty tissue can be carefully resected while
contralateral lead implantation or paying attention to phrenic nerve. Pericardiotomy is
extraction of functional or nonfunctional performed via an L-incision. Pericardial stay sutures
leads to regain venous access fails. are placed and coronary arteries are identified. The
974 H. Burger et al.

a b

..Fig. 30.7  Implantation of epicardial lead via left sided mini-thoracotomy a exposure of pericardium after
thoracotomy, b exposure of targeted myocardium and implantation of screw-in lead after pericardiotomy

left ventricular epicardial lead should be placed dor- approaches are also practicable, and even robotic-­
30 sal to the first diagonal branch. based implantations have been reported.
Electrical mapping before lead fixation is pos-
sible, especially by using suture-on leads. Mapping
procedures while using screw-in lead implement 30.3.4  Generator Pocket
high risk for bleeding complications with low
risk/benefit ratio. Epicardial leads should be fixed The implantation side does not matter. Some phy-
directly on the myocardial tissue and areas of fatty sicians prefer the right side to preserve the left
tissue should be avoided. Suture-on leads are side for a possible later defibrillator implantation;
fixed with 5–0 Prolene suture (. Fig. 30.7b). the others prefer the patient’s nondominant
The initial pacing threshold usually decreases side—mostly the left side. This would be our rec-
after a few minutes and initial values about ommended access site as well.
1.5–2 V are acceptable. After lead fixation, an ade- With the size of current generators, the pocket
quate lead loop should be left in the pericardium for pacemaker is usually formed subcutaneously.
and might be fixed with a fine suture. The pericar- After the skin incision, the subcutaneous tissue
dium should be closed with single sutures. has to be divided until the pectoralis fascia
Afterward, the lead will be positioned across the appears. Once in the correct plane, using two fin-
intercostal space and then subcutaneously tun- gers to gently spread the tissue creates the pocket.
neled to the pocket and connected with device. Alternatively, and especially in young patients
The thoracotomy closure is performed in its ana- with tight tissue, an electrocautery or sharp dis-
tomical layers. section might be used. Some surgeons prefer to
Another option for epicardial lead implanta- place a sponge soaked in antibiotic solution into
tion is the simultaneous approach during con- the pocket until final generator placement.
comitant cardiac surgery (e.g., CABG, valve In patients with a very slim habitus and pref-
surgery, etc.). Both screw-in and suture-on leads erentially in all ICD patients, a submuscular
can be implanted. They can be subsequently (subpectoral) pocket should be the preferred
connected with device or alternatively tempo- approach. In order to create a submuscular
rarily be placed subcutaneously and connected pocket, the pectoralis major muscle is divided by
in a subsequent second intervention. blunt dissection parallel to the clavicle just down
In addition, anterior or subxiphoid thoracot- to the pectoralis minor. By doing so, some fatty
omy can be performed for RV lead and occasional tissue and vessel-­nerve bundle running medially
right-atrial-lead implantation, and right-sided and laterally can be found. This bundle may be
thoracotomy might be useful for atrial epicardial clipped to reach an adequate pocket size.
lead implantation. For LV lead implantation, After the pocket was prepared, the leads are
minithoracotomy approaches or thoracoscopic secured with nonabsorbable suture material and
Chapter 30 · Device Therapy of Rhythm Disorders
975 30
connected with the device. The device will be reported in several randomized multicenter clini-
placed in the pocket and the redundant length of cal studies. According to them, a significant
the leads forming coils preferably placed behind improvement in patient symptoms, quality of life,
the generator. The generator itself should be fixed exercise tolerance, and reduction of hospitaliza-
with nonabsorbable suture in the pocket in order to tions was observed (Abraham et al. 2002; Bristow
avoid its migration. Wound drains might be placed et al. 2004).
in selected cases of diffuse bleeding or in patients In the Cardiac Resynchronization-Heart
with high bleeding risk. Afterward, the wound Failure (CARE-HF) study (Cleland et al. 2005), a
­closure is usually performed with two layers of 52 % reduction of heart insufficiency-based hospi-
absorbable sutures and intracutaneous suture. talizations and a 39 % reduction of severe cardio-
vascular event-dependent hospitalization in CRT-P
patients were observed. Furthermore, a 36  %
30.4  ardiac Rhythm Device
C reduction of mortality within a period of 29 months
Therapy in Severe Heart could be demonstrated. Consistent results have
Failure been observed in the Comparison of Medical
Therapy, Pacing, and Defibrillation in Chronic
30.4.1  Cardiac Resynchronization Heart Failure (COMPANION) study (Bristow et al.
Therapy (CRT) 2004) with 36 % reduction of mortality in CRT-D
patient. The Multicenter InSync ICD Randomized
For almost 20 years now, cardiac resynchroniza- Clinical Evaluation (MIRACLE-­ ICD) study
tion therapy (CRT) is a well-established and effec- (Abraham et  al. 2002) pointed out advantages of
tive therapy in patients suffering advanced heart using CRT-D in patients suffering NYHA class III/
failure when optimal medical treatment fails IV, LVEF ≤35 %, QRS width ≥120  ms, and com-
(Auricchio et  al. 1993; Auricchio and Abraham mon ICD indication. In addition, several studies
2004). Especially, patients with severe heart fail- illustrated reduction of left ventricular end-dia-
ure based on abnormally prolonged ventricular stolic diameters and an increase of left ventricular
activation (left bundle block), systolic ventricular ejection fraction (EF) within six months, illustrat-
dysfunction, prolonged QRS duration (>120 ms), ing the effect of «reverse remodeling» in more than
New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional 70 % of patients (Yu et al. 2005).
class III or IV symptoms, left ventricular ejection . Tables  30.3, 30.4, 30.5, 30.6, 30.7, and 30.8
fraction less than 35 %, and optional mitral valve give  an overview of current CRT indications
insufficiency benefit from CRT therapy. The posi- according to the European Society of Cardiology
tive impact of biventricular pacing (CRT-P (pace- (ESC) and German Society of Cardiology (DGK)
maker) and CRT-D (defibrillator)) on ventricular guidelines (see current guidelines; Dickstein et al.
strength and clinical outcome, even in long-term 2010; Vardas et  al. 2007; Vlay 2009; Zipes et  al.
follow-up, has been thoroughly investigated and 2006).

..Table 30.3  Classes of recommendations

Classes of Suggested wording to

recommendations Definition be used

Class I Evidence and/or general agreement that a given treatment or Is recommended/is

procedure is beneficial, useful, effective indicated

Class II Conflicting evidence and/or a divergence of opinion about the Should be considered
usefulness/efficacy of the given treatment or procedure

Class IIa Weight of evidence/opinion is in favor of usefulness/efficacy May be considered

Class IIb Usefulness/efficacy is less well established by evidence/opinion

Class III Evidence or general agreement that the given treatment or Is not recommended
procedure is not useful/effective and in some cases may be

976 H. Burger et al.

..Table 30.4  Levels of evidence

Level of evidence A Data derived from multiple randomized clinical trials or meta-analyses

Level of evidence B Data derived from a single randomized clinical trials or large nonrandomized studies

Level of evidence C Consensus of opinion of the experts and/or small studies, retrospective studies, registries

..Table 30.5  Recommendation for patient with severe heart failure – New York Heart Association (NYHA) class

Recommendation Patient Class of recommendations Level of evidence

CRT-P/CRT-D implantation NYHA class III and IV I A

for reduction of morbidity LVEF ≤35 %
and mortality rate is QRS ≥120 ms
recommended (life Sinus rhythm
expectancy >1 year) Optimal medical
30 Patient in NYHA class IV
should be able to walk

CRT cardiac resynchronization therapy, CRT-D CRT with additional defibrillator function, CRT-P CRT with only pace-
maker function, LVEF left ventricular ejection fraction, NYHA New York Heart Association, QRS QRS complex

..Table 30.6  Recommendation for patient with advanced heart failure – New York Heart Association (NYHA)
class II

Class of Level of
Recommendation Patient recommendations evidence

CRT-P but preferred CRT-D implantation is NYHA class II I A

recommended for reduction of morbidity LVEF ≤35 %
and mortality rate and to prohibit a QRS ≥150 ms
progression of heart failure (only for patients Sinus rhythm
with QRS ≥150 ms) Optimal medical treatment

CRT cardiac resynchronization therapy, CRT-D CRT with additional defibrillator function, CRT-P CRT with only pace-
maker function, LVEF left ventricular ejection fraction, NYHA New York Heart Association, and QRS QRS complex

..Table 30.7  Recommendation for patient with advanced heart failure and permanent atrial fibrillation (AF)

Class of
Recommendation Patient recommendations Level of evidence

CRT-P/CRT-D implantation should NYHA class III/IV IIa B

be considered for reduction of LVEF ≤35 %
morbidity (life expectancy >1 year) QRS ≥130 ms
Pacemaker dependent after
AV knot ablation

CRT-P/CRT-D implantation should NYHA class III/IV IIa C

be considered for reduction of LVEF ≤35 %
morbidity (life expectancy >1 year) QRS ≥130 ms
Ventricular bradycardia and
frequent stimulation

CRT cardiac resynchronization therapy, CRT-D CRT with additional defibrillator function, CRT-P CRT with only pace-
maker function, LVEF left ventricular ejection fraction, NYHA New York Heart Association, QRS QRS complex
Chapter 30 · Device Therapy of Rhythm Disorders
977 30

..Table 30.8  Recommendation for patient with advanced heart failure and class I indication for pacemaker

Class of
Recommendation Patient recommendations Level of evidence

CRT-P/CRT-D implantation is recommended for NYHA class III/IV I B

reduction of morbidity (life expectancy LVEF ≤35 %
>1 year) QRS ≥120 ms

CRT-P/CRT-D implantation should be NYHA class III/IV IIa C

considered for reduction of morbidity LVEF ≤35 %
(life expectancy >1 year) QRS <120 ms

CRT-P/CRT-D implantation should be NYHA class II IIb C

considered for reduction of morbidity LVEF ≤35 %
(life expectancy >1 year) QRS <120 ms

CRT cardiac resynchronization therapy, CRT-D CRT with additional defibrillator function, CRT-P CRT with only pace-
maker function, LVEF left ventricular ejection fraction, NYHA New York Heart Association, QRS QRS complex Implantation of Transvenous and its course might be sometimes a very challeng-
Left Ventricular (CRT-) Lead ing procedure. For this purpose, many specific tools
For implantation of a transvenous left ventricular have been developed: different curved delivery
lead, we recommend to use a left-sided approach. sheaths, EP catheters, assessable EP catheters, inner
This simplifies coronary sinus intubation because sheath catheters, different guide wires, and the LV
of the more homogeneously curved course of the lead itself together with a special stylet are available.
lead as compared to a double-angled course on the Description of all variants of implantation
right side when accessing via the subclavian vein. techniques is beyond the scope, but the most com-
It is reasonable to start the procedure by mon approach for LV lead implantation should be
implanting a right ventricular lead. This gives the described herein: When reaching the right atrium
option for external pacing in case of acute AV block with a delivery sheath, a little bulk of contrast agent
or even asystole, which is a possible complication can be injected close to the tricuspid valve in a dor-
when manipulating with firm guiding sheaths close sal direction in order to locate the coronary sinus
to the tricuspid valve while trying to intubate the ostium. Coronary sinus location can be hindered
coronary sinus. Moreover, the presence of an RV by the eustachian ridge, which is mostly prominent
lead indicates the position of the tricuspid valve by close to the inferior vena cava, or Thebesian valve
the course of the lead’s loop and makes it easier to located at an inferior boundary close to the coro-
locate the ostium of the coronary sinus. An argu- nary sinus ostium or a large valve flap occluding
ment against this approach would be the possibility the ostium. Furthermore, other anatomic variants
of RV lead dislocation and sometimes reduced can seriously aggravate coronary sinus cannula-
space for the delivery catheters, especially when the tion. If coronary sinus cannulation fails, one pos-
right atrium is small. Our first choice, however, is sibility might be to place the delivery sheath into
to always start with the RV lead placement first. the right ventricle, torque it dorsally, and pull the
The procedure begins usually with subclavian catheter carefully backward with simultaneous
vein puncture and insertion of a peelable lead intro- administration of contrast fluid. When passing the
ducer valve sheath. Cephalic vein access can also be tricuspid valve, the catheter then quite often slips
used but is surgically more challenging, and the vein into the coronary sinus tube. Specific landmarks
caliber is mostly not suitable for insertion of three on the triangle of Koch are shown in . Fig. 30.8.
leads. Afterward, a delivery catheter is inserted. After successful cannulation of the coronary
Good knowledge of coronary sinus anatomy and its sinus, a target vein for LV lead placement has to
variants is indispensable for the implanting physi- be identified. For this purpose, a venography can
cian and cannulation of the coronary sinus orifice, be useful (. Fig.  30.9). Contrast agent may be
978 H. Burger et al.

Course of Tendon of Todaro

Superior vena cava
Central fibrous body

Limbus fossae ovalis Anterior

Area of
Right atrium AV node
Oval Tricuspid valve

Tricuspid valve

30 Triangle
of Koch

vena cava Thebesian valve
valve ridge
Ostium of coronary sinus

..Fig. 30.8  Triangle of Koch

guide wire in order to find an appropriate left lateral

target vein. Another possibility is to abdicate the
use of delivery catheter and contrast fluid and try to
insert LV lead directly by the use of a bended stylet.
Lateral, posterolateral, or anterolateral cardiac
veins can be targeted in order to obtain effective
LV pacing. Transvenous leads in the anterior car-
diac vein or the posterior interventricular vein
will usually only stimulate the interventricular
septum and thus do not lead to resynchronization
of the ventricle.
In the next step, a coronary guide wire should
be introduced into the target vein (. Fig. 30.10a).
Once the coronary guide wire is in target position,
the LV lead can be introduced in an over-the-wire
technique (. Fig. 30.10b).
The projected position of LV lead should be
..Fig. 30.9  Contrast agent fluoroscopy of the coronary verified by fluoroscopy in LAO projection. Pacing
sinus threshold, impedance, and sensing have to be deter-
mined. Moreover, no phrenic nerve stimulation
should appear on maximal pacing output (e.g.,
injected directly through the delivery catheter or 10 V). If intraoperatively measured parameters are
after temporarily blocking the coronary sinus not satisfactory or phrenic nerve stimulation
with a single-lumen balloon catheter. occurs, alternative lead positions must be looked
Some physicians disclaim venography and for. If measured values are acceptable, all guide
directly after CS-cannulation insert a coronary wires and catheters should be taken off, and the lead
Chapter 30 · Device Therapy of Rhythm Disorders
979 30

a b

..Fig. 30.10  Guide wire introduced into anterolateral target vein a followed by LV lead positioning via over-the-wire
technique b

should be fixed on the pectoralis muscle by the use (CCM). Several clinical trials could demonstrate
of permanent suture and the lead sleeve provided. the efficacy of CCM therapy in patients with
Unfortunately, not every patient can be treated severe heart failure, ejection fraction fewer than
with a transvenous LV lead. In some cases, insur- 30 % but without left bundle block, and no pro-
mountable anatomical variants, coronary sinus longed QRS complex. This patient group is not
thrombosis, coronary sinus dissection, unacceptable indicated for and will not benefit from cardiac
thresholds, no LV target vessel available, or ongoing resynchronization therapy (CRT). Therefore,
phrenic nerve stimulation represent major obstacles CCM seems to be an additional device therapy in
for successful transvenous LV lead placement. In the battle against advanced heart failure, offering
some of these cases, a second attempt is reasonable also the possibility of left ventricular «reverse
(e.g., coronary sinus dissection); however some- remodeling» in long-term therapy.
times, the only alternative for efficient LV pacing is In contrast to CRT system, CCM does not ini-
transthoracic implantation of epicardial LV leads. tiate an action potential and causes myocardial
contraction like cardiac pacing in order to resyn- LV Lead Types chronize the failing ventricle. The biphasic CCM
In consideration of the great variance of coronary impulses are delivered during the absolute ven-
venous system, various caliber and curvatures of tricular refractory period of the contractile cycle.
target veins and many different LV leads are avail- This impulse, delivered 30  ms after QRS onset
able. Besides unipolar and bipolar leads, multipolar with high voltage of 5–7 V for duration of about
leads have been developed offering numerous (up to 20  ms, can enhance ventricular inotropy in the
fourteen) possible stimulating vectors. Furthermore, failing myocardium (. Fig. 30.11).
different lead sizes are available ranging from 6 Several clinical trails have been performed in
French (Fr) down to 4 Fr size. The majority of intra- order to get knowledge about the regional and global,
venous LV leads are being passively fixed (curved as well as the acute and long-term effects of CCM
lead tips, leads with little tines). Nevertheless, an stimulation on myocardial interactions and func-
active fixation in very large veins is also possible, tions (Winter et al. 2011). The rapid and acute posi-
although this may lead to difficulties whenever lead tive inotropic effect on myocardial contraction
extraction should be required at a later stage. appears only a few minutes after CCM stimula-
tion gets started. It depends on the increase in phos-
phorylation of phospholamban. Phospho­lamban is a
30.4.2  Cardiac Contractility key protein that modulates the activity of sarco-
Modulation (CCM) endoplasmatic reticulum calcium ATPase type 2a
(SERCA2a) that modulates the sarcoplasmatic retic-
A novel device therapy for advanced heart failure ulum calcium turnover (Imai et al. 2007). In chronic
represents the cardiac contractility modulation heart failure, it was found that SERCA2a expression
980 H. Burger et al.

..Fig. 30.11 CCM
biphasic impulse

Du y

decreases and increases again by ongoing CCM has been inserted into the left ventricle by femoral
stimulation. Moreover, it was observed that this artery access and connected with a special monitor-
effect in long-­term CCM-stimulated hearts was not ing system (Millar box). With increased experience
limited only close to the stimulation area SERCA2a nowadays, the use of Millar catheter is not required.
30 expression increases even in remote regions. Most often, surgical implantation starts by
Therefore, two reasons may explain the global effect. right-sided skin incision in sulcus deltoideopec-
First, the benefit is a secondary effect based on the toralis. Afterward, a generator pocket must be
benefits in global hemodynamics, and it is responsi- prepared anterior to the pectoralis fascia. Because
ble for a change of gene expression in remote areas, of substantial energy need, the CCM impulse
and second, the change of gene expression in remote generator (Optimizer IV®, Impulse Dynamics
areas is a direct effect transmitted via gap junctions. Inc., Orangeburg, NY, USA) has to be recharged
In summary, not all details are known, yet, but regularly. In order to guaranty a safe recharging
current literature could demonstrate that CCM contact, the device cannot be overlaid by tissue
impulse may have a direct impact on cellular phys- more than 2 cm thick and so a subpectoral device
iology besides the acute effect on calcium turnover placement is not reasonable. It is also important
by increasing the intracellular calcium level. Signal that the recharging coil be placed toward an out-
can impact protein-protein interaction, modulate side direction (. Fig. 30.12).
gene expression (including reversal of fetal gene
program expressed in heart failure), and increase
local and global myocardial contractility without
the increase of myocardial oxygen consumption.
Moreover, in long-term follow-up, CCM stimula-
tion induces reverse ventricular remodeling simi-
lar to the observed ventricular remodeling after
CRT system implantation (Zhang et al. 2013).

30.4.3  CCM Device Implantation

The device implantation procedure for CCM is

similar to pacemaker implantation, and it is per-
formed under local anesthesia, sometimes com-
bined with moderate sedation. General anesthesia
would influence the necessary measurements of
acute CCM effects during the procedure and there-
fore is not recommended. In the beginning of CCM
implantation, acute stimulation benefit has been
monitored by the increase of dP/dt measured by ..Fig. 30.12  Optimizer IV® generator is about the size
Millar box. Therefore, additional Millar catheter of a defibrillator
Chapter 30 · Device Therapy of Rhythm Disorders
981 30
All leads have to be checked for proper posi-
tion via PSA measurements of sensing, pacing
threshold, and impedance. Also important is a
high-voltage output test (10 V) to exclude sensa-
tions and phrenic nerve stimulation. When all
leads are fixed well, a CCM delivery test is per-
formed, and all leads are connected via sterile
cable to optimize test device. When Millar box is
used, a baseline dP/dt is set, and the changes after
temporary CCM activation are observed. An
increase of 5–10 % in dP/dt after 10 min will indi-
..Fig. 30.13  Target zone, right ventricular mid-septal cate good lead function and successful therapy. If
position no dP/dt increase can be observed, locations of
the ventricular leads have to be changed until, in
new positions, an adequate response will be
When the test is passed successfully, lead
sleeves have to be fixed by using permanent
sutures, and the CCM device has to be connected.
The device has to be fixed in the pocket by a non-
absorbable suture. Afterward, wound closure is
usually performed with two layers of absorbable
sutures and intracutaneous suture.
After completion of the implantation
(. Fig.  30.14), any possible interference with a
concomitantly implanted ICD system should be
tested for.

30.5  ardiac Implantable Electronic

Device (CIED) Exchange
..Fig. 30.14  CCM lead positions in combination with All patients with CIED (e.g., pacemaker, ICD,
single-chamber defibrillator
CRT, etc.) undergo regular check-up of the sys-
tem. Besides pacing parameters, the capacity of
The Optimizer IV® will be connected to the heart battery is of major importance. An elective gen-
by two standard ventricular leads fixed in septal posi- erator replacement is indicated when interroga-
tion of the right ventricle (. Fig. 30.13). Lead implan- tion of device shows elective replacement
tation can be done via cephalic vein or via subclavian interval (ERI). An urgent replacement is indi-
access (see 7 Sect., «Cephalic Vein Access»; cated when the term end of life (EOL) of the bat-
7 Sect., «Subclavian Vein Access»). For the tery appears.
necessary septal lead position, screw-in leads guaran- A complete system check-up, including lead
teeing good and safe fixation should be used. The dis- parameters, is necessary before planning any
tance between both leads should be at least 2  cm. device replacement. Moreover, the generator
Importantly, these leads should be implanted with pocket should be critically examined, and the
some distance to the often concomitantly implanted patient should be asked for any problems, pares-
ICD leads to avoid any interference. thesia, or pain.
For a safe and proper CCM impulse timing, a The replacement is usually performed in local
right atrial lead has to be fixed in usual atrial loca- anesthesia with or without additional intrave-
tions in addition to the ventricular leads. The atrial nous sedation. After skin incision, with the
lead is needed to enable the generator to detect ven- removal of the old scar for better cosmetics, lead
tricular arrhythmias by the intrinsic atrial signal. In loops and generator should be palpated. Careful
this case, the CCM signal delivery will be suspended. and gentle lead mobilization with electrocautery
982 H. Burger et al.

or scissors is carefully performed paying atten- In general, complications can be divided

tion not to damage the leads by stretching, pull- into early/perioperative and late events. In the
ing, or inadequate flexure. The pocket will be following, the most common complications are
opened and the device pulled out. While device described.
extraction ECG monitoring is mandatory, pace-
maker-dependent patients with implanted or
programmed unipolar leads will not be stimu- 30.6.1  Pneumothorax
lated, once the device looses the contact with the
patient’s body. In this case, an external pacing via Postoperative pneumothorax is mostly a conse-
pacing system analyzer (PSA) is necessary. quence of venous puncture by implanting the
When the leads are connected to the external leads via the subclavian vein. Its incidence is
PSA threshold, impedance and intrinsic signal about 0.4–2.8 % and depends on the skills and
should be controlled and compared with previ- experience of the implanting physicians
ous measurements in order to attest the proper (Blommaert et  al. 2002). A pneumothorax may
lead function. Moreover, all visible parts of the occur immediately, but it also occurs with some
lead have to be inspected for potential insulation time delay of hours or even 1–2  days after the
or lead damage. If insulation damage appears, intervention. Therefore, chest X-ray should be
you can try to seal it with special silicone pipes performed at least 2–4 h after the procedure, and
30 and silicone glue. In most of the cases, the dam- in case of any suspicion, it has to be repeated. In
aged leads cannot be repaired and need to be case of a relevant pneumothorax, thoracic drain-
replaced as well. In our experience, newer gen- age should be placed, thus controlling the pneu-
eration of active-fixed leads should be extract- mothorax effectively. The essential drain time
able up to 2 years, whereas passive-fixed leads up varies between 1 and 10 days.
to half a year after implantation. The extractabil-
ity can be checked by moderate lead traction
under fluoroscopy control. If the leads cannot be 30.6.2  Hematothorax and Pocket
removed, they should be isolated with plastic Hematoma
protection cap and left in situ. For detailed
description, see ▶ Sect. 30.7, «Lead Extraction». In general, bleeding complications after pace-
The pocket has to be modified according to the maker/ICD interventions lead to an increase risk
new generator size and form. After connection for infection, cause pain, and may boost the over-
of the leads with a new device, the generator all costs. Patients scheduled for pacemaker/ICD
should be fixed with nonabsorbable suture to intervention who require oral anticoagulation
avoid its later movement, and stepwise wound therapy (e.g., after stent implantation, mechanical
closure is performed. valve replacement), and particularly with dual
platelet therapy, are assumed to have higher post-
operative bleeding risk.
30.6 Complications After The incidence of relevant postoperative bleed-
Cardiac Rhythm Device ing causing hematothorax, however, is very low.
Implantation Nevertheless, once any hematothorax occurs, it
has to be treated surgically. In the majority of
In general, cardiac rhythm device implantation is cases, the patients’ coagulation system needs to be
a standardized, straightforward, and very safe normalized, and thorax drainage should be
procedure. The overall number of complications placed. Surgical intervention including thoracot-
decreased over the past years, and lethal compli- omy is rarely necessary. The essential drain time
cations are extremely rare. Serious and life-­ varies between 1 and 10 days.
threatening complications are still possible, and The incidence of relevant pocket hematoma
therefore, pacemaker/ICD or CRT systems should in  comparison with that of hematothorax is
be implanted only by a well-trained team in hos- much  higher (between 0.2 and 1.7 %). Pocket
pitals with an adequate surgical risk management bleedings can appear very fast and may reach large
(Trohman et al. 2004). ­dimensions. Its expansion depends on the pocket
Chapter 30 · Device Therapy of Rhythm Disorders
983 30
position (subfascial or subpectoral), and the device manipulation by patient. On purpose
­hematoma can spread to the lateral thorax wall or or unconsciously, the patient rotates the device
to the caput humeri. Except for pain, it may com- in a circle and thereby extracts the leads
promise tissue perfusion, especially of the pectora- (. Fig. 30.16a–c).
lis muscle. In this case, the pocket has to be revised
immediately and the bleeding should be stopped.
A local small drainage is often helpful to deflect the a
secondary edema. Antibiotic prophylaxis is often
performed in order to prevent infection.

30.6.3   ead Dislocation or


Compromised lead function due to lead disloca-

tion, exit block, loss of pacing threshold, sensing,
or increase of impedance is generally described
with an incidence of 1–7.7 % in the German and
Danish ICD and pacemaker registries as well as in
the literature (Parsonnet et  al. 1989, Parsonnet
and Roelke 1999; Yamamura et al. 1999; Kiviniemi b
et  al. 1999; Connolly et  al. 2000; Karnatz et  al.
2000; Trappe and Gummert 2011) (. Fig. 30.15).
In detail, oversensing (the detection of impulse
noise) with 0.7 %, undersensing (the failure to
detect impulses) with 3.8 %, electrode fractures
with 3.8 %, and isolation defects with 3.4 % inci-
dence are reported (Trappe and Gummert 2011).
Regardless of the causality of lead dysfunction,
the lead needs to be replaced.
A special case of lead dislocation is the
Twiddler syndrome. It describes potential

..Fig. 30.15  Right atrial lead dislocation. Arrow indicates ..Fig. 30.16  Formation of Twiddler syndrome. Arrow
position of lead tip indicates position of lead tip
984 H. Burger et al.

30.6.4  Lead Perforation a

Lead perforation represents a seldom but seri-

ous complication with a frequency up to 1 %
(Trappe and Gummert 2011). Perforations may
occur ­perioperatively or several days thereafter.
Powerful acting and the use of firm guide wires
are the major causes of intraoperative lead per-
foration. The use of stiff anchor leads and forced
maneuvers in the ventricular apex in order to
passively immobilize these leads may increase
the risk of lead perforation. Additionally, risk
rises in older patients with conspicuously weak
myocardium, dilated ventricles, very thin and
tender atrial wall, or dilated coronary sinus. In
these cases, it is safer to place the RV lead in the
ventricular septum and to use a screw-in lead b
30 for the right atrium.
Indices for ventricular perforation:
55 Acute loss of pacing capture
55 Lead tip outside the heart on chest X-ray
55 Changes of ECG
55 Acute change of hemodynamic parameters
55 Dyspnea
55 Rising venous pressure

Late lead perforations after initial intraoper-

ative correct lead positioning (. Fig. 30.17a) are
caused by different mechanisms. The screw of
the atrial screw-in lead can accidentally also
capture the pericardium outside of the atrium.
The ongoing heartbeat or change of patient posi- c
tion can cause consistent tracking on the lead
leading to a tear in the atrial wall with a conse-
quent pericardial tamponade. Moreover, any RV
lead can perforate the ventricle even days after
implantation if the lead loop is too big and the
atrial constriction pushed the lead repeatedly
against the ventricular wall (. Fig. 30.17b,c).
In case of early intraoperative perforation, the
lead can be carefully pulled back and reposi-
tioned, and the perforation leak usually closes
spontaneously in most cases. Small pericardial
effusions (<200  ml) stay usually without conse-
quences. Nevertheless, an echocardiography
should be performed in order to exclude any
increase in pericardial effusion and rule out the ..Fig. 30.17  Example of RV lead ventricular perforation
risk for tamponade. A pigtail catheter should be within 10 days. Arrow indicates position of lead tip
available for acute relief. Rarely, in case of fulmi-
nant pericardial bleeding, a thoracotomy may be
Chapter 30 · Device Therapy of Rhythm Disorders
985 30
30.6.5  Pericardial Tamponade frequency of 0.1 % (Markewitz 2008). Urgent
During Lead Positioning transesophageal echocardiography may be help-
ful in order to verify the dimension and location
As described above, lead perforation or lead of the tamponade. The treatment of choice is usu-
extraction may cause acute pericardial effusion ally the insertion of a pigtail catheter. However,
leading to fulminant cardiac tamponade with a one must be aware of inadvertent malpuncture,
e.g., to the liver. Alternatively, thoracotomy could
be performed. In this case, the bleeding can be
effectively stopped via direct suture; however, the
infectious risk rises and reconvalescence is some-
what prolonged. . Figure 30.18 shows lead perfo-
ration during position, leading to pericardial
tamponade as seen in fluoroscopy.

30.6.6   roken Lead and Technical


Pacemaker and ICD leads are sensitive to mechan-

ical pressure and rubbing. For example, too-tight
fixation of the sleeves might cause lead damage.
Also, incorrect puncture technique of the sub-
clavian vein may lead to lead damage. Any rela-
tively medial puncture of the subclavian vein may
result in compression of the lead between the
..Fig. 30.18  Example for ventricular RV lead perforation clavicle and the first rib during arm movements
causing acute pericardial tamponade. Arrow indicates which could lead to, later on, lead fractures
position of lead tip («­subclavian lead crash») (. Fig. 30.19). Therefore,

..Fig. 30.19 Subclavian
lead crash. Arrow indicates
site of wire crack and/or
deinsulation of wires due
to incorrect puncture
technique far too medial.
This results in an acute
angle between coil and
further wire course.
Additionally, compression
between clavicle and rib
lead to wear and tear of the
insulation sleeve (insert)
986 H. Burger et al.

the lead should be inserted into the subclavian superior syndrome). One positive predictor for
vein at the level of the lateral third of the clavicle. complete cava thrombosis is a high number of
implanted leads present. Fortunately, because of
numerous collateral vessels, the blood flow is usu-
30.6.7  Venous Thrombosis, Vascular ally not perilously compromised, and patients in
Stenosis After Lead chronic state often are asymptomatic.
Implantation, and Vena Cava
Superior Syndrome 30.6.8  Pocket and Lead Track
Irritation, Perforation,
Subsequent venous thrombosis directly after lead
and Infection
implantation is rarely reported, but the incidence
may be underestimated. Frequency increases by
The reasons for this group of complications are
the number of implanted leads present, by lead
inadequate implant technique, device dislocation,
insertion via subclavian vein puncture, and in
patient habits (especially when certain kinds of
the presence of less surgical experience.
sport are practiced), patient weight loss, and acci-
Historically, total venous occlusions after lead
dents with mechanical trauma of the pocket.
implantation were reported to occur as frequent
Independent of causality, the pocket has to be sur-
30 as in 30–50 % of patients, mostly localized in the
gically revised.
area of lead insertion (Da Costa et  al. 2002)
Device or lead perforation as well as chronic
(. Fig. 30.20). With the introduction of modern
fistulae bears high risk of pocket infection.
rather thin transvenous leads into clinical prac-
Moreover, under a worst-case scenario, a descend-
tice, the incidence of this complication decreases.
ing lead infection with consequent endocarditis
Clinical signs and symptoms of venous throm-
may occur. In order to prevent these dramatic
bosis are pain, swelling of the subsequent extrem-
complications, once perforating the leads and the
ity, and development of collateral circuits.
device have to be removed and pocket be surgi-
Repeated vessel puncture, lead extraction, or
cally debrided. Similarly, also in a scenario of
vessel dissection can be causative for acute
already manifested pocket infection (incidence
thrombosis. Chronic thrombosis resulted usually
about 1 %), surgical treatment is the therapy of
from «vascular overload» with leads or external
choice (Parsonnet and Roelke 1999; Kiviniemi
vein compression.
et al. 1999).
Diagnostic tools for confirming the suspicion
for venous thrombosis after lead implantations
include venography, ultrasound or CT, and, in a
case of an MRI compatible system, also MRI. 30.6.9  Cardiac Arrhythmia
Very rarely, the superior vena cava can be
completely obliterated by a thrombus (vena cava Ventricular extrasystole, tachycardia, or ventricu-
lar fibrillation as well as acute AV block or atrial
fibrillation can be triggered by mechanical manip-
ulation during implant procedures. Ventricular
arrhythmia usually terminates spontaneously
after the lead is pulled out of the ventricle; how-
ever, occasionally, external defibrillation may
become necessary.
Lead manipulation close to the tricuspid
valve can provoke acute AV block. In this case,
external pacing via RV or LV lead is indispens-
able. Fortunately, most of the higher-graded AV
blocks occurring during implantation are only
In predisposed patients, manipulation in the
..Fig. 30.20  Subclavian vein stenosis. Lead tip (arrow) right atrial appendage can cause atrial fibrillation.
Chapter 30 · Device Therapy of Rhythm Disorders
987 30
Removing lead does not necessarily terminate 30.7 Lead Extraction
arrhythmia. Antiarrhythmic drug treatment may
be less effective in narcotized patients, thus Infective endocarditis after pacemaker or ICD
requiring external cardioversion. One prerequi- implantation represents the most severe complica-
site for external electrical cardioversion is echo- tion with up to 33 % mortality in CIED.  In addi-
cardiographic exclusion of the presence of tion, the presence of lead vegetations with size
intracardial thrombi. >10 mm increases the potential hazard of pulmo-
nary embolism substantially. Moreover, the tricus-
pid valve can be involved and therefore open-heart
30.6.10  Phrenic Nerve Stimulation surgery might be necessary. Infected leads have to
be removed completely, and simultaneous antibi-
Phrenic nerve stimulation after pacemaker or otic therapy has to be initiated to avert the patient
ICD implantation may occur even if intraopera- of lethal complication. In case of pocket infection,
tive testing with 10  V stimulation test was not endocarditis, device or lead perforation, lead-
able to provoke diaphragm contractions. The rea- dependent arrhythmia, or high number of
son might be a different more caudal or slightly implanted leads with lead dysfunction, lead extrac-
turned heart position after the patient gets up. tions can become necessary or urgent. The major-
Diaphragm contractions are in vast majority of ity of data for lead extractions in the current
cases caused by phrenic nerve stimulation via LV literature is based on extractions due to infection
lead. Nevertheless, although relatively rare, RV (54–73.4  %) and lead dysfunction (20.3–40  %)
and RA leads may also stimulate the phrenic (Smith et al. 1994; Jones et al. 2008; Rusanov and
nerve. Spotnitz 2010).
In some cases, phrenic nerve stimulation via Lead extractions represent the most challeng-
LV lead can be suppressed by reprogramming the ing operations within the framework of cardiac
stimulation vector or different impulse widths. In rhythm device interventions. Therefore, these
this scenario, the multipolar LV leads have a clear high-risk operations at times should be con-
advantage. If phrenic nerve stimulation cannot ducted in special centers with adequate experi-
be solved via reprogramming, a temporary ence. According to published results, complete
switch-­off LV lead for a period up to 3  months lead extraction success is more than 90 % with
may lead to desired effect. The possible mecha- increase in efficiency with modern coated leads.
nism is callus formation around the tip of the The mortality varies between 0.5 and 1 % inde-
lead, causing slight electrical isolation. Failing of pendently of the extraction method (Hemmer
these alternatives makes lead replacement indis- et al. 2002).
pensable. While there is no doubt about the necessity
of lead extraction in case of infected system,
extraction of old functionless leads was for a
30.6.11  Pectoral Muscle Stimulation long time controversial. Traditionally, the func-
tionless leads were shortened but left in situ.
Unipolar pacing can cause pectoral muscle stim- New leads are usually implanted from the same
ulation, when the pacemaker contact surface is side, if impossible from the contralateral side.
very small and direct muscle contact exists. Therefore, some patients collected relevant num-
Nowadays, preferentially, bipolar pacemaker ber of leads over the years. With increasing
leads are mostly used, making a simple solution number of leads, the risk for vascular stenosis/
of pacemaker stimulation vector switch to bipo- thrombosis also increases making any new lead
lar stimulation possible. If only unipolar lead is implantation without extraction of the some-
present, the generator pocket can be revised to times-very-old leads impossible. Moreover, it is
perform a different device placement. However, known that the risk of incomplete lead extrac-
pectoral muscle stimulation is in majority of tion or extraction complication increase in par-
cases caused by lead insulation defects. In these allel to lead age.
cases, the lead replacement, rather than insula- As a consequence of the dilemma and ongo-
tion repair, represents the solution. ing discussion, guidelines for transvenous lead
988 H. Burger et al.

extraction have been renewed in May 2009 by the Evolution/Shortie®, Cook Medical or
Heart Rhythm Society in collaboration with the TightRail/Mini®,Spectranetics), or excimer
American College of Cardiology (ACC) and the laser devices (SLS II® or GlideLight®,
American Heart Association (AHA) (Wilkoff Spectranetics) are currently available. These
et al. 2009). devices can be used even in case of complete
According to them, lead removal should be subclavian vein occlusion to extract
performed in patients if a CIED implantation the leads.
would require more than four leads on one side or 2. Lead extraction by open-heart surgery
five leads through the superior vena cava (class IIa In case of massive vegetation >30 mm,
indication) are indicated. strongly scarred or calcified tissue
The number of patients treated with implant- surrounding the leads, in cases of
able cardiac rhythm devices increases rapidly. endocarditis or when additional cardiac
Therefore, despite decreasing percentages of surgery is required anyways, an open-heart
complications due to better implantation tech- access is advisable. Depending on individual
nique and material improvements, the absolute circumstances, a median thoracotomy with
number of patients requiring lead extraction all cardiac surgical options or a minimally
increases substantially. For this reason, lead invasive right-sided thoracotomy with
extractions become an important part in some slightly limited options (no concomitant
30 cardiac surgery centers. Some of the different CABG possible) could be performed.
approaches for lead extraction are described Before starting the extraction, some impor-
below in detail. tant questions need to be clarified:
In general, two different approaches for lead 55 Reason for extraction
extraction exist: 55 Lead type: anchor or screw-in lead
1. Percutaneous lead extraction 55 Lead position and number
1. Unproblematic percutaneous lead removal by 55 Pacemaker or ICD lead, single or dual coil
moderate traction: Transvenous screw-in 55 Lead age
leads may be relatively easily removed by 55 Lead size
moderate traction if implanted only 1 and 55 Pacemaker-dependent patient (AV block)
up to 3 years ago. Anchor leads (passive fixa- 55 Echocardiography with information about
tion), however, tend to adhere substantially lead vegetation and its dimension, potential
especially at the lead tip. Therefore, lead lead adhesion to myocardium or tricuspid
removal via moderate traction can even be valve, tricuspid valve function, pericardial
impossible after 6 months. effusion, and ejection fraction
2. Percutaneous lead extraction by the use of 55 Number of and reason for previous pocket or
extraction devices: Old leads or leads with lead revision
strong adhesions can be extracted by 55 Previous cardiac surgery
using various extraction devices. In differ- 55 Optionally, venography to evaluate the
ent escalation steps, special lead locking subclavian and superior cava vein
devices (e.g., Liberator®, Cook Medical or 55 Other cardiac entities (e.g., coronary or valve
LLD®, Spectranetics) can be used to lock diseases) and eventually the need for cardiac
the lead and raise traction power. surgery (CABG, valve operations, etc.)
Moreover, mechanical dilating sheaths
(e.g., Byrd Sheath®, Cook Medical or
VisiSheath®, Spectranetics) can be 30.7.1  Selection of Extraction
threaded over the lead, followed by Method
countertraction, rotation, and push
forward to chip adhesions free the lead. Pacemaker screw-in leads within the first year and
The next escalation step for strong often up to 3  years after the implantation most
adhesions is the use of active extraction often can be simply extracted by moderate traction.
devices. For this purpose, electrocautery Leads with passive fixation (e.g., anchor leads)
systems (Perfecta®, Cook Medical) tend to adhere tightly, especially at the lead tip.
mechanical rotating dilator sheaths (e.g., Therefore, lead removal via moderate traction can
Chapter 30 · Device Therapy of Rhythm Disorders
989 30
even be impossible already after 3  months. under local anesthesia. However, it may limit esca-
Nevertheless, moderate traction is the method of lation of extraction methods when needed.
first choice in these leads up to 3 years after the The percutaneous lead extraction starts with
implantation. the removal of the generator out of pocket fol-
For older leads or for patients with known lowed by lead and sleeve mobilization. Thereafter,
adhesions or vein occlusions, alternative extrac- a purse string is placed around the lead close to the
tion methods using different extraction tools have clavicula. A guide wire should be inserted into the
to be applied. lead to avoid lead damage by lead pulling. In a case
Lead extractions in the presence of lead vegeta- of screw-in lead, the screw will be released. The
tions are controversially discussed in current litera- lead is carefully pulled out by continuously
ture. In general, very large vegetations should be increased traction under fluoroscopy. Because val-
extracted by open-chest cardiac surgery. Until now, vular leaflet adhesions to the lead may exist, spe-
no consensual clear cutoff exists in order to decide cial attention should be paid to tricuspid valve
whether percutaneous or open-heart lead extraction function as visualized by transesophageal echocar-
should be performed. Most physicians make a cutoff diography. In case of leaflet adhesions, further
at 20–30 mm vegetation size. The structure, form, and traction on the lead may cause massive tricuspid
consistence of vegetations as estimated in TEE also insufficiency through valve damage. In these cases,
are of utmost importance. Therefore, the decision extraction method has to be changed and counter-
whether percutaneous or open-heart lead extraction traction technique be performed. For this purpose,
will be performed must be made individually. The passive mechanical tissue dilating outer sheaths
advantage of open-heart surgery is the safe removal of like Byrd Sheath® (Cook Medical, Bloomington,
all vegetations. On the other hand, bleeding risk and IN, USA) or SightRail®/VisiSheath® (Spectranetics,
risk of infection are much higher, and reconvales- Colorado Springs, CO, USA) can be used. In case
cence is much longer when compared to any percuta- of massive adhesion more aggressive, active outer
neous approach. The disadvantage of percutaneous sheaths can become necessary like an electrosurgi-
approach is the risk of pulmonary embolism, which cal dissection cautery sheath (Perfecta® Cook
increases with larger and with friable vegetations. Medical), sharp rotating trephines like the stiff
Selection of the extraction method is based on Evolution® (Cook Medical) or the flexible
objective lead/patient characteristics, available TightRail® (Spectranetics) or an excimer laser
devices, and last but not least, on personal experi- device (SLS II®/GlideLight®, Spectranetics).
ence. Extraction should be performed either
directly in cardiac surgery or in institutions with Lead Locking Devices
cardiac surgery being readily available. If more traction is needed, guide wire should be
taken out and lead end be cut to remove the plug
connector. The inner diameter of the lead should
30.7.2  Percutaneous Lead be determined by using gauging tool and corre-
Extraction sponding locking stylet like LLD® (Spectranetics)
or Liberator® (Cook Medical) inserted into the
Lead extractions should be performed under gen- lead. It is recommendable to fix the lead at the end
eral anesthesia, especially if the use of extraction by robust suture or metal device like Bulldog®
devices is expected. According to estimated (Cook Medical) in order to redistribute part of the
extraction risk dependent on lead age and expected traction power on lead surface (. Fig. 30.21).
adhesions or venous occlusion, transesophageal
echocardiography should be simultaneously per-  assive Mechanical Outer
formed in order to evaluate the function of tricus- Sheath
pid valve and eventual pericardial effusion. In After locking stylet is introduced into the lead, an
addition, extracorporeal circulation (ECC) should outer sheath device can be threaded over the lead.
be available on standby for any emergency situa- The device should be oriented parallel to lead
tions of potential hemodynamic instability or direction. Afterward, the dilator sheath can be
severe bleedings. In the case of leads implanted rotated and pushed forward under fluoroscopy
within 1 year, without vegetations and no expected control in order to stepwise dissect the lead and
adhesions, the removal can also be performed reach the subclavian vein. In addition, a combina-
990 H. Burger et al.

the first procedural step, a new transvenous or

epicardial lead must be implanted and connected
before the old leads could be extracted.
The first part of the operation is performed in
analogy to the procedure using mechanical outer
sheaths (lead mobilization, locking stylet, purse
string). Fluoroscopy (in order to visualize the
working area) and transesophageal echocardiog-
raphy (in order to assess tricuspid valve function,
presence of lead or valve vegetations, and pericar-
dial effusion control) are mandatory.
..Fig. 30.21  Example for unlocked (above) and locked/
expanded (below) locking stylet. Liberator® (Cook
Medical) and LLD® (Spectranetics) Advanced Extraction Tools

kElectrosurgical dissection cautery sheath

tion of two telescopic sloped dilation devices can Electrosurgical dissection cautery sheath (Per-
be advantageous in dissecting the lead by shear fecta®, Cook Medical) represents the weakest of
movements. After reaching the subclavian vein, all advanced extraction tools. This device has to
30 an intravascular device should be carefully intro- be connected by special adapter to an electrosur-
duced in the same manner. The leads are often not gical cautery generator (e.g., Valleylab®, Covidien
adherent for substantial part of their intravascular Surgical Solutions Group, CO, USA). Lead adhe-
course, and therefore, the dilator can be easily sions or scarred tissue will be dissected by radio-
pushed forward. Strong adhesions have to be frequency (RF) energy applied between bipolar
expected usually close to the innominate vein and electrodes at sheath top. In order to dissect the
the SVC as well as at the distal end of lead. lead, the device should be carefully pushed for-
Countertraction and opposite device rotation are ward, while the lead is pulled out by tension to the
often effective in order to finally free the lead. The locking device. Although effective in many cases,
lead can be pulled out and the purse string will be heavy calcified tissue mostly cannot be dissected
tightened to prevent bleeding. when using this tool. Active Outer Sheath Systems kMechanical rotating trephine dilator sheath
Regrettably, very old leads often have solid adhe- Mechanical rotating dilator sheaths like the stiff
sions, which cannot be separated by use of passive Evolution® (Cook Medical) or the flexible Tight-
mechanical dilator devices or contratraction Rail® (Spectranetics) represent powerful non-
devices. Moreover, extraction of the leads under electrical extraction tools. In principle, these
these circumstances represents relatively high risk trephine sheaths distinguish by the kind of its
of tricuspid valve or vascular damage. Therefore, drill bit, the character of its tubular shank and its
active outer sheath systems should be applied to length. The short versions (Shortie®, Cook Medi-
escalate extraction method after passive extraction cal and TightRail Mini®, Spectranetics) are
devices failed. Exemplary tools are electrosurgical offered to reopen the first pathway and to per-
dissection cautery sheaths, mechanic rotating tre- form constriction from lead entrance to the sub-
phine dilator sheaths, or excimer laser sheaths. clavian vein passing the clavicle and first rib.
If an active device-based lead extraction is Especially the Shortie® device mills more side-
planned, the patients should be evaluated accord- wise, and therefore, it can even dissect a very tight
ing to expected complication risk. General anes- lead adhesions close to the bone or ligamentum
thesia, ECG and arterial pressure monitoring costoclaviculare (usually as a consequence of very
unit, simultaneous transesophageal echocardiog- median subclavian vein puncture followed by
raphy (TEE), and essential instruments for pacing inadequate lead insertion). The longer devices
and defibrillation and emergency cardiac surgical Evolution® and TightRail® can thoroughly mobi-
support including an ECC on standby should be lize adhesions all throughout intravascular lead
assured. In case of pacemaker dependency, either course. Evolution® seems to be more aggressive
a temporary pacing lead has to be inserted or, as and its blades forces mostly forward even in case
Chapter 30 · Device Therapy of Rhythm Disorders
991 30
of heavy calcification. TightRail® also includes a 30.7.3  Lead Extraction
powerful drill bit which remains shielded in the by Open-Heart Surgery
shaft until activated and therefore may course less
complication. Its greatest advantage supposed to Nowadays, open-heart surgery for lead extraction
be the flexible tubular shank that allows easily to has become rare because of high efficacy of percuta-
trail lead´s course. neous lead extraction devices. But, nevertheless, in
case of incomplete lead removal, large vegetations
kExcimer laser sheath. on the leads and/or tricuspid valve, or need of addi-
Excimer laser system (SLS II®/GlideLight®, Spec- tional heart surgery anyways, it still plays an impor-
tranetics) represents another powerful extraction tant role in absolutely indicated lead extractions.
tool. In analogy to devices described above, the
locked lead is threaded into the inner lumen of
the laser sheath. To begin with, the laser sheath 30.7.4  Lead Extraction Via Median
should be pressed gently into the obstructing tis- Sternotomy
sue, followed by moderate pressure on the laser
sheath while laser is working forward. The device Lead extraction via median sternotomy is per-
can advance into the tissue with approximately formed in standard approach, bicaval cannula-
1 mm per second. Continuous homogenous trac- tion, and total cardiopulmonary bypass. After
tion on the lead must be assured (. Fig. 30.22). right atriotomy, all leads and vegetations can be
Older laser generations have sometimes removed under excellent exposure (. Fig. 30.23).
been  insufficient to deal with massive calcifica- If necessary, tricuspid valve repair or replace-
tion. Therefore, the new enhanced laser system ment and/or additional surgery like mitral valve
(GlideLight®) offers now 80 Hz instead of the ear- repair/replacement or CABG might be simultane-
lier 40 Hz (SLS II®). This new enhanced laser sys- ously performed.
tem noticeably increases the dissecting speed and
theoretically also the possibility to release calci-
fied tissue without an increase in risk for vascular 30.7.5  Lead Extraction
perforations. In case of strong calcified tissue, the via Right-Sided Minimal
laser sheath should be a little oversized. A sloped Access Thoracotomy
outer sheath can also be slid over the laser sheath
and additional mechanical dissection maneuvers Median sternotomy represents the gold standard
are possible. The laser should not be used any- in cardiac surgery for lead extraction in case of
more when the lead tip is closer than 1 cm. The tip additional cardiac surgery. If there are no addi-
of the lead should be released by countertraction
using the outer sheath and the traction device.


e d

..Fig. 30.22  Advanced extraction tools, from top to

bottom a–e Mechanical rotating dilator sheaths a Tight-
Rail®, Spectranetics; b Evolution Shortie®, Cook Medical; c
Evolution®, Cook Medical. Excimer laser sheath d Glide-
Light®, Spectranetics. Electrosurgical dissection cautery ..Fig. 30.23  Intraoperative view of lead vegetations of
sheath e Perfecta®, Cook Medical the septal tricuspid valve cusp (median sternotomy)
992 H. Burger et al.

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995 31

Cardiac Tumors
and Pericardial Diseases
Christof Schmid

31.1 Cardiac Tumors – 996

31.1.1  reliminary Remarks – 996
31.1.2 Surgical Anatomy – 996 Myxomas – 996 Other Benign Tumors – 996 Primary Malignant Cardiac Tumors – 997 Secondary Malignant Tumors (Metastases) – 997
31.1.3  linical Presentation – 997
31.1.4 Diagnosis and Indication for Surgery – 998
31.1.5 Operative Techniques – 999 Access to the Left Atrium – 999 Access to the Right Atrium – 1000 Access to the Ventricles – 1000 Extended Accesses and Autotransplantation – 1001
31.1.6 Complications and Prognosis – 1001

31.2 Pericardial Diseases – 1001

31.2.1  reliminary Remarks – 1001
31.2.2 Pericardial Effusion – 1002 Diagnosis and Indication for Pericardiocentesis – 1002 Pericardial Puncture – 1002 Subxiphoid Pericardiotomy – 1003 Pericardial Window – 1004
31.2.3 Constrictive Pericarditis – 1005 Diagnosis and Indication for Pericardiectomy – 1005 Pericardiectomy – 1005
31.2.4 Pericardial Cysts and Tumors – 1007

References – 1007

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_31

996 C. Schmid

31.1 Cardiac Tumors atria (Reynen 1995). However, 94 % of tumors are
solitary (Carney 1985). Myxomas are usually
31.1.1  Preliminary Remarks pedunculated. They rarely sit on a broad base.
They typically arise from the interatrial septum at
Cardiac tumors are rare and have been found in the cranial border of the fossa ovalis, but they may
large autopsy statistics with an incidence of 0.17– develop at any place of the endocardium, includ-
0.19 %, which is about 1 in 500 cases (Strauss and ing heart valves and even caval veins. It has been
Merliss 1945). This includes primary benign and assumed that the reason for the preferred localiza-
malignant cardiac tumors, as well as cardiac tion at the fossa ovalis is due to the late develop-
metastases. ment of the atrial septum from fetal mesenchymal
cells, and the content of immature tissue.
The length of the tumor pedicle determines
tumor mobility. Surgically, it is interesting that the
Seventy-five percent of primary cardiac tumors tumor growth inside the stalk only rarely reaches
are benign (Mc Allister and Fenoglio 1978). beyond the endocardial layer.
Macroscopically, two-thirds of tumors present
as an ovoid or ball-shaped structure with a smooth
Myxomas account for 50 % of primary benign or slightly lobulated surface. These myxomas are
cardiac tumors followed by rhabdomyomas with rather solid. Less often (one-third of cases), a
20 % and several nonmyxomatous cardiac tumors polyploid villus-type tumor pattern is seen, which
31 with 30 % (Silverman 1980). Primary malignant is fragile, and tends to fragmentation and emboli-
tumors are dominated by sarcomas with 75 % of zation. It has been assumed that myxomas develop
cases; however, in many instances, an exact histo- from pluripotent, subendothelial mesenchymal
logical classification is impossible (Mc Allister cells (Ferrans and Robert 1973).
and Fenoglio 1978). The most frequent sarcomas There are few reports to support the hypothe-
are angiosarcomas, rhabdomyosarcomas, malig- sis that myxomas may develop malignancy. Local
nant mesotheliomas, and fibrosarcomas (Mc aggressive tumor growth as well as distant metas-
Allister and Fenoglio 1978). Secondary ­malignant tases including vessel wall infiltration has been
cardiac tumors, namely, cardiac metastases are observed (Read et al. 1974; Seo et al. 1980).
also very uncommon, but they can be found in
about 10–20 % of patients dying of disseminated Other Benign Tumors
cancer (Fine 1968; Silverman 1980). The term nonmyxomatous cardiac tumor sum-
marizes rhabdomyomas, fibromas, and lipomas,
or any type of mesenchymal tissue described as
31.1.2  Surgical Anatomy main component of a heart tumor (Mc Allister
and Fenoglio 1978). In contrast to the peduncu- Myxomas lated, usually solitary endoluminal growth of
Myxomas are mesenchymal tumors of the heart, mxyomas, nonmyxomatous cardiac tumors pres-
which can develop at any age. Their incidence is ent with intramyocardial growth even in both
highest between the third and sixth decades of life, ventricles at multiple sites. This renders surgical
with females being affected two to three times therapy difficult and radical resection in most
more often than the males (Bulkley and Hutchins cases impossible (Reece et al. 1984). At the surface
1979). On average, myxomas are 5–6 cm large and of heart valves, papillary fibroelastomas may
have a weight of about 50–60 g, but myxomas with develop, which can obstruct coronary ostia and
a diameter exceeding 15  cm have been reported cause emboli by fragmentation, also.
(Reynen 1995; Wold and Lie 1980). While 75 % of Rhabdomyomas account for 20 % of all benign
myxoma cases are localized in the left atrium, 20 % cardiac tumors. They are the most frequent car-
are in the right atrium. One ventricle, either right diac tumors found in childhood (Bigelow et  al.
or left in the same frequency, is involved in only 1954). Eighty-five percent of rhabdomyoma
5 % of cases. Multiple myxomas in different heart patients are younger than 15  years. In >90 % of
chambers have been described, most often in both cases, rhabdomyomas simultaneously develop at
Chapter 31 · Cardiac Tumors and Pericardial Diseases
997 31
multiple sites, mostly affecting the ventricles. Secondary Malignant Tumors
Pathoanatomically, rhabdomyomas are hamarto- (Metastases)
mas. Therefore, half of the children further dem- At autopsy, myocardial or pericardial metastases
onstrate symptoms of tuberous sclerosis. of extracardiac malignant tumors are much more
Fibromas of the heart also are typical for child- often found than primary malignant cardiac
hood cardiac tumors with more than 80 % occur- tumors. However, they are usually not clinically
ring in children, especially in infants and toddlers. evident because of the limitations related to the
In contrast to other tumors, they are more often underlying disease (Fine 1968). It has been esti-
solitary and exclusively found in the ventricles. mated that 10 % of metastasizing tumors finally
There is no association with other diseases or any reach the heart and pericardium, either hematog-
known hereditary trait. enously, via lymphatics, or direct ingrowth. Such
Lipomas can develop anywhere in the heart metastases are common for malignant melanoma,
and at any age. They are well encapsulated and can bronchial carcinoma, and breast cancer, and they
reach a considerable size before clinical symptom mainly involve the ventricles and the pericar-
may develop. A nonencapsulated fat deposition in dium. A peculiar variant is the endoluminally
the interatrial septum is termed «lipomatous growing hypernephroma, which reaches the heart
hypertrophy» and can be found predominantly in via the inferior caval vein. It can almost com-
obese elderly patients. pletely occlude the right atrium and ventricle with
Papillary fibroelastomas account for about a cone-like tumor mass (Paul et al. 1975).
7 % of all cardiac tumors. They arise characteris-
tically at aortic or mitral valve leaflets, less fre-
quently at tricuspid valve leaflets, or at the 31.1.3  Clinical Presentation
ventricular septum.
Myxomas are typically sporadic and isolated,  rimary Malignant Cardiac
P which means they are not associated with other
Tumors anomalies. Only about 5 % of myxoma patients
Primary malignant tumors account for about 25 % of show a hereditary familial clustering with an
all primary cardiac tumors (Mc Allister and Fenoglio autosomal dominant transmission. The latter are
1978). Almost all of them are ­sarcomas. They do usu- younger, without a gender preference, and present
ally not appear clinically before adulthood and there more often with multisite tumors. One out of five
is equal distribution for gender. The preferred local- myxoma patients suffers from additional neo-
ization is the right heart, mainly the right atrium. plasms (adrenocortical nodular hyperplasia,
Histologically, different mesenchymal tissues are Sertoli cell tumor, pituitary gland tumor, multiple
involved. Most common is the angiosarcoma, myxoid fibroadenomas of the breast, cutaneous
whereas rhabdomyosarcomas, myosarcomas, and myomas, and pigment alterations). This is why
other soft tissue sarcomas are much less frequent. this clinical entity has also been termed «complex
Highly malignant and undifferentiated tumors, how- myxoma» (Carney 1985).
ever, often cannot be classified histologically. The clinical presentation of the myxomas is
Sarcomas arise from the endocardium or pericar- primarily determined by their localization and
dium and rapidly infiltrate the myocardial wall, grow texture. A characteristic feature of all cardiac
into adjacent mediastinal structures, and metastasize tumors is a (variable) symptom-free interval until
early into the liver, lung, and brain (Bjerregard and diagnosis is established (Larrieu et al. 1982). Most
Baandrup 1979). At the time of diagnosis, 80 % of commonly, a local complication such as obstruc-
patients already suffer from metastases in both lungs. tion of the left ventricular outflow tract or a syn-
Another growth pattern exhibits a more intramyo- cope as sign of an intermittent LV inflow
cardial, horizontal expansion, where the endocar- obstruction initiates first symptoms and ulti-
dium and pericardium remain intact for quite a mately leads to diagnosis.
while. Finally, sarcomas sometimes demonstrate an Myxomas of the left atrium reaching a certain
exophytic growth into the heart chambers. size may impair left ventricular filling and mimic
An extremely rare primary malignant heart mitral stenosis. If myxomas grow into the mitral
tumor is the hemangioendothelioma (Lisy et al. 2007). ostium or prolapse into the left ventricle, the

998 C. Schmid

clinical picture of mitral incompetence occasion- nated by a rapidly progressive, myocardial failure
ally may evolve, also. A short and acute medical with cardiomegaly not responding to medical ther-
history is characteristic and contrasts with the apy. Intramyocardially growing tumors may lead to
long-­standing symptoms in patients with postin- conduction disturbance. The suspected diagnosis is
flammatory mitral valve disease. Ultimately, the usually cardiomyopathy. Some patients complain
pedunculated myxomas lead to dyspnea due to about thoracic pain, fever, and weight loss, suspi-
lung congestion, particularly when the patients cious of a pulmonary disease. Not infrequently,
lie in on their back and the tumor prolapses into patients are referred on an emergency basis because
the mitral valve. of hemorrhagic pericardial effusion and symptoms
It is a distinctive feature in cardiac myxomas of tamponade. There also may be severe venous
that heart failure builds up suddenly and may be congestion of the upper half of the body.
associated with supraventricular rhythm disor-
ders, which do not respond to digitalis and diuret-
ics. Furthermore, syncopes (extremely rare in In patients with an extracardial malignant
acquired mitral stenosis) and seizures can be trig- disease, a secondary involvement of the
gered by hypotensive episodes. Myxomas adher- heart has to be thought of, if intractable
ent to the atrial wall provoke intermittent dyspnea bradycardia or tachycardia, cardiomegaly,
which increases with tumor growth. Peripheral hemorrhagic pericardial effusion, or
and central emboli due to detached tumor frag- obstruction of a caval vein without a visible
ments are noted in 30–40 % of cases (Silverman mediastinal neoplasm is present.
31 1980). Pathohistology of suspicious embolic
debris removed from peripheral arteries can occa-
sionally be the first diagnostic tool for cardiac The detection of malignant cells of the pri-
myxoma (Bulkley and Hutchins 1979). The inci- mary tumor after pericardial puncture may estab-
dence of cerebral emboli is high and has been lish diagnosis of cardiac metastases. Massive
reported in several investigations to be as high as hemopericardium may lead to hospital admission
50 % (Sandok et al. 1980). Neurological symptoms on an emergency basis like in cases with primary
associated with atrial myxomas have to be seen as malignant cardiac tumors; however, an acute out-
a consequence of cerebral tumor embolism. flow tract obstruction is more often responsible
Myxomas of the right atrium can lead to tricus- for referral.
pid valve dysfunction, which resembles the clinical
presentation of tricuspid stenosis, chronic right
heart failure, or constrictive pericarditis. Recurrent 31.1.4  Diagnosis and Indication
tumor embolization into the pulmonary vascula- for Surgery
ture can cause pulmonary hypertension. Rarely,
paradoxical tumor embolism of a right atrial myx- The clinical examination is unspecific and hardly
oma through a patent foramen ovale occurs. Right productive except in cases which manifest heart
atrial myxomas not infrequently lead to a «myx- failure. The chest x-ray is usually normal, but car-
oma disease,» which includes fever, arthralgies, diac enlargement, pulmonary congestion, and
polymyositis, weight loss, and hypergammaglobu- sometimes an intracardiac calcification can give a
linemia (Fitzpatrick et al. 1986). A rather common hint. The ECG is also of little help, even if rhythm
misdiagnoses is rheumatoid disease and long-term disturbances are present. The diagnosis of an
cortisone therapy for that with secondary osteopo- atrial myxoma is established by echocardiogra-
rosis has been published (Reynen 1995). phy. It also may be an incidental finding following
Ventricular myxomas and other tumors peripheral tumor embolism (DePace et al. 1981).
become symptomatic only at a very late stage. Both the transthoracic and even better the trans-
Only the progressive expansion of the tumor leads esophageal technique allow for exact visualization
to an obstruction of the inflow or outflow tract, or of the tumor location and size. Alternative diag-
an extracardial tumor growth finally compromises nostic methods are cardiac computed tomogra-
adjacent structures such as the phrenic nerve. phy and magnetic resonance imaging. Cardiac
The symptoms of malignant tumors depend on catheterization is not necessary to establish indi-
their growth pattern. The clinical picture is domi- cation for surgery but may be necessary to rule
Chapter 31 · Cardiac Tumors and Pericardial Diseases
999 31
out concomitant coronary artery disease in elderly favorable. During institution of extracorporeal cir-
patients. Indication for surgery is always given as culation, manipulation at the heart should be
the natural course of the disease cannot be pre- reduced to a minimum to prevent tumor emboliza-
dicted. The important differential diagnosis of a tion. For the same reason, it is reasonable to encircle
thrombus has to be always considered. the caval veins not before initiation of cardiopulmo-
The diagnosis of the other benign and malig- nary bypass and cross-clamping the aorta.
nant tumors is ascertained by computed tomogra- Myocardial protection is achieved with standard
phy and magnetic resonance imaging, if the patients aortic root cardioplegia and mild hypothermia.
present with heart failure, unspecific chest pain,
and/or weight loss. Echocardiography can establish Access to the Left Atrium
the diagnosis of a malignant cardiac tumor, too. A left atrial myxoma can be approached directly
Abnormal ventricular wall motion or displacement through the left atrium via the interatrial groove
of coronary vessels in ventriculography may be sus- (Waterston’s groove) similar to a mitral access. At
picious of intramural cardiac tumor, but an exact the arrested heart, the tumor size can be analyzed,
topographic diagnosis is not possible by catheter- and the tumor pedicle can be completely excised. It
ization. Sometimes, primary malignant cardiac is recommended to excise the pedicle with a 5 mm
tumors are only recognized during an emergency surrounding of healthy tissue in a subendocardial
explorative thoracotomy. layer or even better a local full-thickness resection
of the interatrial septum. There are advantages and
disadvantages of a direct left atrial access. In face of
An indication for surgery is given in all a large tumor, retrieval in one piece and the exci-
patients when distant metastases have been sion of the pedicle may be difficult. Moreover, clo-
excluded with an adequate staging sure of the septal defect after tumor resection may
procedures and when complete resectability become difficult with this access.
of the tumor seems to be likely. We prefer a transseptal access coming through
the right atrium. The right atriotomy is followed by
an incision of the interatrial septum along the
31.1.5  Operative Techniques upper (or lower) edge of the fossa ovalis. The septal
incision is further directed toward the right upper
Although myxomas are operated upon in a rather pulmonary vein or superior caval vein (or to the
typical fashion, a so-called gold standard tech- left atrial roof if necessary) (. Fig.  31.1a).
nique has not been defined, yet. Basically, simple Thereafter, the tumor pedicle—usually attached to
myxomas are only excised out of their endocar- the atrial septum at the cranial part of the fossa
dial basis, whereas familial myxomas may also be ovalis—is exposed caudad to the incision
treated more aggressively. All other cardiac (. Fig. 31.1b). The pedicle is then excised out of the
tumors are resected as radical as possible to lower septum with a piece of full-thickness septum. The
the rate of local recurrence and clinical impor- septum is further incised as much as necessary
tance. The limits of resectability are determined until the entire tumor can be seen and completely
by the remaining functionality of the heart. removed (. Fig. 31.1c). After tumor resection and
Usually, complete tumor resection is only pos- removal, the left atrium, the pulmonary lung ori-
sible with the use of extracorporeal circulation fices, and the left ventricular cavity have to be
(Dein et al. 1987). Closed techniques for resection meticulously inspected for tumor fragments, and
of an atrial myxoma are obsolete as tumor frag- they have to be intensively rinsed. If part of the
ments or adherent thrombi can be dislodged. The pedicle of the tumor/myxoma or other tumor rem-
standard approach for extirpation of a cardiac nants are found, further resection with an appro-
tumor/atrial myxoma is the median sternotomy. priate healthy surrounding is necessary to prevent
Extracorporeal circulation is connected with bica- recurrent disease. This is usually true when the
val cannulation, where direct cannulation of both tumor arose not from the atrial septum but the free
caval veins offers the best access to the atria. If the left atrial wall and when the tumor tears off.
tumor reaches the orifice of a caval vein, one caval Whether a subendocardial resection is sufficient or
and additional cannulation of a femoral vein or the an aggressive transmural resection is necessary has
right jugular vein respectively can be more not been adequately clarified yet. The resulting
C. Schmid

a b c

..Fig. 31.1  a Access to the left atrium through the atrial septum. The right atrium is longitudinally incised; the dashed
line shows the incision in the atrial septum. b The opened atrial septum gives exposure to the tumor pedicle. The
pedicle is resected around its insertion. c The left atrial tumor is removed through the extended septal incision

atrial free wall between the right pulmonary

veins—corresponding to the Dubost access to the
mitral valve (DuBost et  al. 1966). Following two
stay stitches, the tumor can be well exposed. After
31 RV
tumor resection, the atrial septum and the biatrial
incisions are closed with a simple running suture. Access to the Right Atrium

After bicaval cannulation, there are multiple ways
RA to enter the right atrium. Most commonly, an
oblique incision from the tip of the right auricle in
direction to the right lower pulmonary vein is
favored. When the tumor is found, it is carefully
exposed and its attachment(s) identified.
Thereafter, the tumor and its pedicle or basis can
be completely excised as described above. As right
atrial tumors frequently originate from the sep-
..Fig. 31.2  Biatrial access. An additional incision in the tum, a septal defect has to be closed after resec-
left atrium below the interatrial groove facilitates the
localization of the myxoma. RV right ventricle, RA right
tion—like with left atrial tumors—with a
atrium pericardial or PTFE patch. Prior to closure of the
septal defect, the left atrium should be inspected
atrial wall defects can be closed by direct suture or for additional tumors, also (Marvasti et al. 1984).
insertion of a pericardial or PTFE (polytetrafluoro-
ethylene) patch according to size and localization. Access to the Ventricles
After atrial closure and deairing of the heart, the The site of cardiac access for a ventricular tumor
aortic cross-clamp is released and extracorporeal depends on its localization and the size/extension
circulation terminated in any routine fashion. and presumed type of neoplasm. Removal of a myx-
A biatrial approach with an additional left oma out of one of the ventricles usually does not
atrial incision is another option, which facilitates require transmural resection since the tumor has an
exposure and localization of the myxoma, espe- endocardial origin (see 7 Sect., «Myxomas»)
cially when a large tumor mass is present and/or and recurrent disease has not been reported with
the localization of the site of adhesion is still not the respective surgical approach. Therefore, the
known (. Fig. 31.2). A vertical incision is also pos- standard access for ventricular myxomas is transatri-
sible, particularly in small anatomical dimensions. ally, also, i.e., through the corresponding atrium and
The incision starts at the basis of the right auricle, atrioventricular valve. Only in exceptional cases, the
crosses the interatrial groove, and reaches the left access is via the great arteries and their semilunar
Chapter 31 · Cardiac Tumors and Pericardial Diseases
1001 31
valves or via a ventriculotomy. Moreover, especially course is usually uncomplicated. Cerebral and
in these cases, both atria should be explored as well peripheral deficits following intraoperative tumor
to rule out additional atrial tumors. In very rare embolization have become a rare complication with
cases, in which the tumor pedicle originates from the introduction of extracorporeal circulation and
the AV valve or if AV valve function is compromised the tumor removal under direct sight. Postoperative
by tumor prolapse or compression, the valvular supraventricular tachycardias are frequent, but can
function should be analyzed on the arrested heart be well treated medically (Dein et al. 1987).
and surgically restored if necessary. The complete resection of a myxoma is cura-
The other benign tumors, especially those with tive. In case of a complex myxoma (myxoma dis-
transmural growth, are treated like malignant ease/syndrome), the decline of clinical symptoms
tumors. Most important is the preservation of car- and inflammatory markers indicates the surgical
diac function or the release of an obstruction, i.e., a success. The risk of a recurrent myxoma has been
radical resection is not obligatory. The free left ven- reported in several cases. Assumed underlying
tricular wall allows only limited tumor resection, as reasons were inadequate resection, intraoperative
a ventricular wall replacement by a PTFE or Dacron tumor spread, as well as multilocalized disease to
patch is associated with a more or less considerable start with (Read et al. 1974).
loss of contractility. The interventricular septum is
surgically not well a­ ccessible. In contrast, the right
ventricle as well as the tricuspid valve can be totally Yearly echocardiographic controls are
resected, unless pulmonary hypertension prevails. advised to timely recognize recurrent disease.
With normal pulmonary resistance, the blood from
the caval veins can drain passively into the lung like
after a Fontan operation in congenital heart surgery. In malignant tumors, a widespread infiltration
of cardiac structures or neighboring organs and Extended Accesses early distant metastases limit radical and curative
and Autotransplantation surgical therapy. Occasionally, partial ventricular
An extensive tumor growth, especially with infiltra- wall resection, valve replacement, and aortocoro-
tion of the basis of the left atrium and its adjacent nary bypass surgery are necessary to relieve a life-­
structures, cannot be sufficiently approached with threatening tumor obstruction (Poule et al. 1983).
the standard surgical accesses. However, all large After radical surgical tumor resection, polychemo-
vessels which are connected with the heart can be therapy and radiotherapy are frequently added to
divided step by step until complete or curative lower the incidence of early relapse. The prognosis
tumor resection is possible. In a simple case, separa- of a primary malignant cardiac tumor is very unfa-
tion of the superior caval vein or aorta and pulmo- vorable; only few rare cases have been reported
nary artery may suffice. The extreme variant is the with a survival beyond 1 year and cure of the dis-
autotransplantation, in which the heart is excised ease in a few cases only (Sortie et al. 1984). The best
according to the technique of Lower and Shumway prognoses supposedly have solitary metastases,
or its bicaval modification after hypothermic con- which have been seen in some cases years after pri-
servation and later reimplanted again (see 7 Chapter mary surgery (Bigelow et al. 1954). In many cases,
«Heart and Heart-Lung Transplantation», 7 Sect.; only palliative treatment measures like drainage of
7 Sect. The advantage of the autotrans- recurrent pericardial effusion by fenestration of
plantation is an ex situ operation with an access to the pericardium into the pleura or the relief of a
all structures of the heart in a bloodless field. The right ventricular obstruction can be anticipated.
tumor can be completely exposed. The best possible
resection and reconstruction of the ensuing struc-
tural defects may be simpler ex situ (Hoffmeier 31.2 Pericardial Diseases
et al. 2004).
31.2.1  Preliminary Remarks
31.1.6  Complications and Prognosis The pericardium holds the heart in its position
and prevents excessive distension of the heart in
After a limited local tumor resection and clearance case of sudden systemic volume overload. It is
of an intracardiac obstruction, the postoperative composed of a collagen-enriched stable tissue

1002 C. Schmid

(parietal layer), which is covered with a thin meso- cardiography. Typical findings during echocar-
thelium (visceral layer) at its inner side. This fibro- diography are a diastolic collapse of the right
elastic sac contains about 20  cc of serous fluid, atrium and ventricle and the free floating heart
which maintains a low frictional resistance of the within the effusion («swinging heart»). Computed
moving heart against the surrounding structures tomography and magnetic resonance imaging
(pleura, mediastinum, diaphragm) (Schollmayer may serve as alternative tools, as both diagnostic
1982). The pericardial fluid also represents a bar- techniques have a high diagnostic value, also with
rier against inflammation following contamina- regard to the composition of the pericardial fluid.
tion or infection of the surrounding tissues. A pericardial tamponade is a critical increase
The clinically most important diseases of the of the amount of pericardial fluid/effusion to the
pericardium are a pericardial effusion and a tam- point of circulatory compromise. It can be
ponade as well as constrictive pericarditis. assumed in case of a decreased systemic blood
Pericardial cysts and primary pericardial tumors pressure, an increased central venous pressure,
are extremely rare. and tachycardia in combination with an accord-
ing medical history. Diagnosis is confirmed again
with the abovementioned imaging techniques.
31.2.2  Pericardial Effusion

An acute or chronic inflammation of the pericar- The indication for a pericardiocentesis is

dium may lead to an increase and/or an alteration based on the compromised hemodynamics
31 of the composition of the pericardial fluid and and not on the amount of pericardial
compromise cardiac function. A rapid (acute) effusion. With known pericardial effusions,
increase of the pericardial fluid by 150–200  mL pericardiocentesis should always be
can already lead to a pericardial tamponade, accomplished before a tamponade develops.
whereas in chronic processes up to 3  l can be
accumulated without a significant restriction of
the hemodynamic situation. The aim of pericardial relief is the instanta-
With regard to the etiology, serous, serofibri- neous reduction of the intrapericardial pressure
nous, putride, and hemorrhagic forms of pericardial to relief the compression of the heart and to pre-
effusion are differentiated. Serous and serofibrinous vent a circulatory low output failure. In an acute
effusions dominate in case of heart failure, idio- situation, either a pericardial puncture or a surgi-
pathic pericarditis, chronic renal insufficiency, cal (inferior) pericardiotomy can be performed.
rheumatic and metabolic diseases, and in metastatic Chronic effusions are best treated with a pericar-
tumor diseases. In cardiac surgery, the postcardiot- dial fenestration or a pericardiectomy.
omy syndrome is relevant (Dressler-Syndrome;
Dressler 1956). Putride effusions develop after per- Pericardial Puncture
forating, purulent, or neoplastic processes in the The idea to perform a pericardial puncture and
abdomen or anterior or posterior mediastinum. A descriptions of technical details about how to do
hemorrhagic pericardial effusion can be seen in it are well known from the literature for 300 years
unspecific inflammatory diseases. However, most (Kleinschmidt 1945). Nowadays, the subxiphoid
commonly, it is a consequence of a trauma, a myo- approach is preferred. According to Larrey, the
cardial injury after diagnostic or therapeutic inter- needle is inserted in the triangular space between
ventions (insertion of a central venous line, the left-sided base of the xiphoid and the united
angiography, cardiac catheterization, and/or inter- extremities of the seventh and eighth ribs (Rehn
vention as well as pacemaker implantation), or a 1913; Sauerbruch 1925). Formerly, patients were
penetrating or dissecting aortic aneurysm. put into an almost upright position (elevated
30–45°) to reach the lowest part of the pericar- Diagnosis and Indication dium and to lessen the risk of a ventricular lac-
for Pericardiocentesis eration. Nowadays, more often pericardial
Suspicion for a pericardial effusion arises with an puncture is performed in a supine position con-
increase of the cardiac silhouette in the chest trolled by echocardiography or fluoroscopy in a
x-ray. The diagnosis is then confirmed by echo- cath lab.
Chapter 31 · Cardiac Tumors and Pericardial Diseases
1003 31
The puncture area is cleaned, sterilized, and The most frequent complication is an acciden-
infiltrated with a local anesthetic. The puncture tal puncture of the ventricle. It can be recognized
may be performed directly or is accomplished when a pulsating blood steam is pouring through
using Seldinger’s technique. The long puncture the needle which rapidly clots (old blood from the
needle attached to a syringe via a three-way stop- pericardium does not clot!). The catheter is then
cock is advanced between the xiphoid process and pulled back into the pericardial sac and left there.
the left costal margin toward the left shoulder. The The laceration of the myocardial wall normally
penetration of the pericardium is recognized with seals with time, usually pretty rapidly; till then the
the drop of resistance and the instantaneous aspi- blood can drain over the catheter. Therefore, a
ration of fluid. A guidewire is inserted through surgical intervention rarely is necessary.
the cannula and the latter is removed. Over the
guidewire, a flexible atraumatic catheter, usually a Subxiphoid Pericardiotomy
pigtail catheter with side holes, is forwarded and The subxiphoid pericardiotomy is a simple and
the pericardial effusion aspirated (. Fig. 31.3a, b). efficient surgical procedure which can be well
If the subxiphoid approach is not possible, the applied in critical and difficult patients. The
apical and the parasternal puncture may serve as access is provided by a longitudinal or transverse
alternatives. The apical puncture is performed at subxiphoidal incision. The pericardiotomy today
the assumed cardiac apex in the fourth or fifth is employed after open heart surgery, where due
intercostal space at the anterior or midaxillary line. to the open pericardium it rather is a mediasti-
A parasternal puncture is possible on the fourth notomy, and occasionally, it is done in case of
intercostal space and is considered as last resort. infected effusion. It guarantees an ongoing drain-

..Fig. 31.3  a, b a b
Pericardiocentesis with
Seldinger’s technique. a A
guidewire is forwarded into
the pericardium through
the needle. b The needle
has been removed. A
smooth catheter is inserted
into the pericardium over
the guidewire so that the
effusion can be aspirated
C. Schmid

age and also allows local rinsing as well the instil- persistent fenestration of the pericardium as an
lation of drugs. internal drainage into the pleura (Effler and
Under local or general anesthesia, a 4–6  cm Proudfit 1957) or a pericardial resection is recom-
median incision starting at the base of the xiphoid mended (Levitsky et al. 1976).
caudally is followed by division of the former and A thoracoscopy requires a lateral position of
the rectus abdominis muscle. A spreader is put into the patient which sometimes is not well tolerated.
place, and with elevation of the lower sternum and It also requires a double-lumen endotracheal tube
detaching the diaphragm from the sternum, the intubation and a pleural cavity without dense
pericardium can be identified. A separation of the adhesions. In selected patients, it may be an ele-
diaphragm is seldom required. The pericardium is gant alternative to open surgery.
transversely incised over a length of 2–3 cm at the After endotracheal anesthesia and thoracot-
lower border, and a smooth drainage is placed after omy, the pericardium is incised ventrally to the
aspiration of the pericardial effusion (. Fig. 31.4). phrenic nerve, and by pericardial resection, a
window of about 4 × 6  cm is created, carefully Pericardial Window avoiding a prolapse of the heart. The pericardial
In patients with chronically recurrent serous peri- effusion is aspirated, and a drainage is placed into
cardial effusions, a simple subxiphoid pericardi- the pericardium as well as into the pleura prior to
otomy is inadequate since the drains would have closure of the wound. This pericardial drainage is
to stay in situ rather long until the healing process deemed to be important by some to keep the
has finished which would add a considerable window open as long as the intrapericardial
31 increase in the risk of infection. In these cases, a secretion maintains. A different opinion is espe-

..Fig. 31.4 Subxiphoid
pericardiotomy. After a
median skin incision along
the xiphoid process, the
abdominal wall layers are
divided and the Sternum
pericardium is opened. A
smooth pericardial
drainage is placed which is
then exited over the skin
incision or separately



M. transversus


Chapter 31 · Cardiac Tumors and Pericardial Diseases
1005 31
cially not to employ a pericardial drain but only a cases, a calcified shell corresponding to the peri-
pleural drain. The idea is that, with a pericardial cardial sac is visible. More suitable for diagnosis
drain placed, the window created may lose its are computed tomography and magnetic reso-
function prematurely being not necessary as long nance imaging, as they also allow visualization of
as the pericardial drain is in place. Obviously, the pericardial thickness, cardiac size (atrial dila-
both ways work in most of the patients. tation, ventricular constriction), and the delinea-
The surgical technique of the pericardial tion of the myocardial and pericardial layers
resection is similar to the pericardiectomy in con- (Soulen et al. 1985; Sutton et al. 1985). Moreover,
strictive pericarditis (see below). an infiltration of the pericardial calcification into
the myocardium which increases the operative
risk due to myocardial lacerations can be verified.
31.2.3  Constrictive Pericarditis Echocardiography is less suitable to diagnose a
constrictive pericarditis; however, the restriction
In the second half of the last century, the incidence of diastolic filling with a simultaneously preserved
of constrictive pericarditis has steadily decreased systolic contractile function can be well demon-
and finally was reported to account for 0.2–0.5 % strated.
of all cardiac diseases (Hermann et  al. 1983; The hemodynamic proof of a constriction is
McCaughan et al. 1985; Wood 1961). Whereas for- obtained by a right heart catheterization. When
merly previous tuberculosis had been responsible measuring the pressure course in the right ven-
in most cases for this disease, a tuberculous etiol- tricle, a characteristic dip and plateau phenome-
ogy is now encountered in <3 % of constrictive non is noted, which comprises an undisturbed
pericarditis (Hamelmann 1962; McCaughan et al. early diastolic filling («dip») and an abrupt stop of
1985). Nowadays, the underlying etiology is quite the ventricular filling («plateau»). Additionally,
variable. Each pericarditis—of unspecific, viral, an equalization of the right atrial and right ven-
bacterial, or fungal origin—can finally result in a tricular pressure is visible. This phenomenon is
constriction of the heart. Increasingly important typical for a restrictive disease, but does not dif-
are a mediastinal radiation, a postcardiotomy ferentiate between restrictive cardiomyopathy
inflammation, and a trauma (Bubenheimer et  al. and constrictive pericarditis.
1985; Pick et al. 1984; Rice et al. 1981). A pathological electrocardiogram and unspe-
The embrace and constriction of the heart by cific ST segment and T wave alterations are com-
the scarred pericardium, and sometimes also cal- mon, but barely specific. A low voltage of the QRS
cified shells, with a thickness of up to 1 cm, leads complex or atrial fibrillation is noted in one-third
to an increasing impediment of atrial and con- of patients (McCaughan et al. 1985).
secutively ventricular filling. When the superior The indication for a pericardiectomy is estab-
or inferior caval veins are strangulated, the venous lished with the typical clinical and diagnostic
return is additionally impaired. The constrictive findings.
pericarditis also compromises myocardial con-
traction und ultimately leads to muscular atrophy. Pericardiectomy
Cardiac ejection fraction drops and the body is A pericardiectomy is an elective surgical proce-
underperfused. Already in NYHA II, end-organ dure.
dysfunction of lung, liver, and kidney evolves
(Hermann et  al. 1983). Clinically, dyspnea on
exertion, abdominal complaints with hepatomeg- The perioperative management requires
aly and ascites, and peripheral edema dominate. monitoring of the systemic arterial and both
systemic and pulmonary venous pressures Diagnosis and Indication (right and left atrium), since the filling
for Pericardiectomy pressures can rapidly alter after release of the
The diagnosis of constrictive pericarditis can be pericardial constraint and the pump function
established with evaluation of hemodynamic/ worsens due to the lessened wall tension.
functional parameters and/or with imaging tech- Moreover, this online monitoring allows an
niques. A chest x-ray only rarely demonstrates an immediate online control of the surgical result.
increased silhouette of the heart, but in 40 % of
C. Schmid

Myocardium of the similar to a preparation in cardiac reoperation.

Right ventricular The backside of the heart can be only partially
pericardiectomized. At the lateral sides, the peri-
cardium should be resected down to the phrenic
nerve; the latter is identified after opening of the
pleura (. Fig.  31.5). Kocher clamps are fixed to
the detached pericardial scar and gentle traction
is applied, while the surgeon carefully holds the
myocardium in the opposite direction with a
humid gauze swab. With this technique, the cut
surface is gently but well exposed. A laceration
of the myocardium, however, cannot always be
prevented even with the gentlest approach.
If the calcifications of the pericardium pene-
trate into the myocardium, its detachment can
cause trouble, especially when the calcific spikes
are in closest proximity to coronary arteries. An
adequate preparation, i.e., separation of the cor-
Pervascular rect layers, is most important here as a blunt
fatty tissue extraction of the calcified shells can ensue myo-
31 cardial lacerations with severe bleeding. Deep
..Fig. 31.5  The pericardium is incised with a #11
intramyocardial calcified fragments were cut
blade and detached from the myocardium bluntly
or with the knife. The phrenic nerve has to be short and left in situ, i.e., small remaining calci-
identified before and taken care of fied islands can be left in place if their detach-
ment seems to be hazardous. Larger calcified
During the procedure, the patient should be plaques, which cannot be removed in total but
provided with external defibrillation electrodes to may hinder myocardial contraction, should be
be able to rapidly terminate ventricular fibrilla- divided. Nevertheless, one should strive to
tion once occurred when induced during surgical achieve a complete decortication of the heart
preparation. (Robertson and Mulder 1984). Special attention
The best surgical access is a median sternot- should be paid when dissecting close to the coro-
omy, since all four chambers can be approached, nary vessels, especially the left anterior descend-
although the historical off pump approach always ing artery and its branches. It is recommended
has been via a left lateral thoracotomy. The median that the unsoldered pericardial flap is not imme-
sternotomy also allows an extracorporeal circula- diately resected but held up with hemostat clamps
tion that can be easily instituted in case of compli- or sutures. When lacerations or significant bleed-
cations (hemodynamic instability, bleeding) ing occurs, the prepared pericardial flap can be
(Shumaker and Roshe 1960). The classic approach pushed back on the epicardial surface. Minor
allowed only limited access to the right ventricle bleedings can be controlled with careful com-
and the caval veins, which, however, are the main pression or few stitches (fine needle and suture).
targets in this therapeutic approach. In some instances, fibrin glue is helpful. Not
After sternotomy, the thickened pericardium infrequently, a dense or calcified scar across the
is inspected, and areas of less thickened and less right ventricular outflow tract is present; its
calcified pericardium are identified. Frequently, removal or division is important to avoid a post-
these areas are best to start preparation at, since operative functional pulmonary stenosis with
the pericardium can be detached there more eas- consecutive right ventricular hypertension
ily. If there is a homogeneous scar, it is least dan- (Portal et al. 1966). The resection of the calcified
gerous to start preparation caudally close to the plaques in the atrioventricular groove is hazard-
diaphragm. When a suitable layer between the ous as there are coronary vessels. Yet, at least a
heart and the pericardium is found, the pericar- partial resection (1–2  cm) should be asked for
dium is carefully detached from the whole ante- (Paul et al. 1948). Decortication of the atria and
rior and lateral epicardium as far as possible, the orifices of the caval veins is only indicated if
Chapter 31 · Cardiac Tumors and Pericardial Diseases
1007 31
hemodynamically relevant stenoses are present. carcinoma infiltrates the adjacent pericardium.
It may be necessary to weigh the operative risk Sometimes, metastases of a distant tumor settle in
against the expected result. the pericardium. A curative resection is hardly
possible. Frequently, only a tumor reduction is
achievable, which though should be as extensive
as possible to prevent a later constriction of the
After removal of the pericardial shell which heart by a tumor relapse.
acted like a corset, the heart tends to dilate
and ventricular function may deteriorate.
Therefore, it is helpful to treat the patients
after surgery with digitalis and References
catecholamines (e.g., epinephrine) even
prophylactically. Bigelow NH, Klinger NS, Wright AW (1954) Primary tumors
of the heart in infancy and early childhood. Cancer
Bjerregard P, Baandrup U (1979) Haemangioendotheliosarcoma
of the heart. Diagnosis and treatment. Br Heart
31.2.4  Pericardial Cysts and Tumors J 42:734–737
Bubenheimer P, Villanyi J, Tollenaese P (1985) Pericarditis con-
Pericardial tumors are extremely rare. The benign strictiva als Spätkomplikation von Herzoperationen.
Z Kardiol 74:91–98
tumors most commonly are cysts, filled with Bulkley BH, Hutchins GM (1979) Atrial myxomas: a fifty year
serous fluid and originating from the diaphrag- review. Am Heart J 97:639–643
matic site of the pericardium. Their wall is thin Carney JA (1985) Differences between nonfamilial and
and endothelialized. Acquired cysts are a conse- familial cardiac myxoma. Am J Surg Pathol 64:53–55
quence of pericardial inflammation and contain a Dein JR, Frist WH, Stinson EB et al. (1987) Primary cardiac
neoplasms. Early and late results of surgical treatment
murky fluid and a thickened wall. The differential in 42 patients. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 93:502–511
diagnosis of cysts includes diverticula which can DePace NL, Soulen RL, Koder MN, Mintz GS (1981) Two-­
also be inborn or acquired and are not easy to dis- dimensional echocardiographic detection of
tinguish. Further benign pericardial tumors are intraatrial masses. Am J Cardiol 48:954–960
teratomas, angiomas, lipomas, and fibromas. Dressler W (1956) A post-myocardial infarction syndrome:
preliminary report of a complication resembling idio-
These tumors are usually discovered by chance as pathic, recurrent, benign pericarditis. JAMA 160:
they rarely cause symptoms. Only occasionally, 1379–1383
their growth may cause dyspnea, difficulties in DuBost C, Guilmet D, de Parades B, Pedeferri G (1966)
swallowing, or arrhythmias. Nouvelle technique d’ouverture d’oreillette gauche en
Once diagnosis is established, the indication chirurgie à coeur ouvert: l’abord bi-auriculaire trans-
septal. Presse Med 74:1607–1608
for surgery is widely accepted. The removal of Effler DB, Proudfit WL (1957) Pericardial biopsy: role in
benign pericardial tumors is technically simple. diagnosis and treatment of chronic pericarditis. Am
The surgical access is dependent on the tumor Rev Tuber 75:469–475
localization which is verified by computed tomog- Ferrans VJ, Robert WC (1973) Structural features of cardiac
raphy or magnetic resonance imaging. A small myxomas. Histology, histochemistry and electron
microscopy. Hum Pathol 4:111–146
pericardial defect after cyst or tumor resection is Fine G (1968) Neoplasms of the pericardium and heart. In:
harmless. Care has to be given when larger Gould SE (ed) Pathology of the heart and blood ves-
defects, especially on the left side, may allow for sels. Thomas, Springfield, pp 851–883
luxation of the heart (when the patient’s position Fitzpatrick AP, Lanham JG, Ooyle OY (1986) Cardiac tumors
changes). In such a situation, it is recommended simulating collagen vascular disease. Br Heart
J 55:592–595
to close the pericardial defect with an artificial Hamelmann H (1962) Die konstrictive Perikarditis und die
membrane (e.g., PTFE) or with a surgical (resorb- Ergebnisse ihrer operativen Behandlung. Ergebn Chir
able) mesh. Orthop 44:144–200
Malignant tumors originating from the peri- Hermann G, Gahl K, Simon R, Borst HG, Lichtlen PR (1983)
cardium are very uncommon. The histological Pericarditis constrictiva: Ergebnisse und Probleme konser-
vativer und operativer Behandlung. Z Kardiol 72:504–513
analysis differentiates between sarcomas, primary Hoffmeier A, Deiters S, Schmidt C et al. (2004) Radical
carcinomas, and endotheliomas. More often a resection of cardiac sarcoma. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg
malignant neighboring tumor like a bronchial 52:77–81
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Kleinschmidt O (1945) Die Eingriffe an der Brust und in der and prognosis of lesions other than cIassical benign
Brusthöhle. Allgemeine und spezielle chirurgische myxoma in 20 patients. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg
Operationslehre, Bd 111/3. Springer, Berlin 88:439–452
Larrieu A, Jamieson WR, Tyers GF et al. (1982) Primary car- Rehn L (1913) Zur experimentellen Pathologie des
diac tumors. Experience with 25 cases. J Thorac Herzbeutels. Verh Dtsch Ges Chir 42:339
Cardiovasc Surg 83:339–348 Reynen K (1995) Cardiac myxomas. N Engl J Med 333:
Levitsky S, Engelman R, Konchigevi HN, Wyndham CRC, 1610–1617
Roper K (1976) Total pericardiectomy for uremic peri- Rice PL, Pifarre R, Montoya A (1981) Constrictive pericardi-
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1009 32

Cardiac Injury
Thierry Carrel

32.1 Introduction – 1010

32.2 Penetrating Cardiac Injury – 1010

32.2.1 Pathophysiology – 1010
32.2.2 Clinical Presentation – 1011
32.2.3 Treatment – 1011

32.3 Stab Wounds and Gunshot Wounds – 1012

32.4 Blunt Cardiac Trauma – 1013

32.5 Heart Valve Injury – 1013

32.6 Coronary Artery Injury – 1014

32.7 Pericardial Injury – 1014

32.8 Myocardial Injury – 1014

32.9 Traumatic Ventricular Septal Defect – 1014

32.10 Iatrogenic Cardiac Injury – 1014

References – 1015

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_32
1010 T. Carrel

32.1 Introduction Three significant risk factors for early mortality

in penetrating cardiac injury are (American
The first successful repair of a penetrating cardiac College of Surgeons Subcommittee on Trauma
injury was performed on a beating heart by 2004; Demetriades et al. 2004):
Ludwig Rehn in 1896 (Rehn 1897) 7 Chapter 55 Extensive thoracic injury
«The History of Cardiac Surgery», Sect. 1.1. Since 55 Severe concomitant neurological injury
then, relatively little has changed in regard to the 55 Systolic blood pressure of <90 mmHg at
technique in the treatment of such injuries, admission
although there have been significant advances in
the instruments used, such as heart-lung machines If the systolic blood pressure is over
for extracorporeal circulation (ECC) to unload 100 mmHg with no obvious bleeding, a compre-
the heart, modern suture material with atraumatic hensive diagnostic investigation can be carried
needles and materials such as xenopericardium, out (Burack et  al. 2007; Renz et  al. 2000). The
prosthetic patches and biological glues. patient’s clinical status dictates the most appro-
The blunt cardiac injury sustained in the con- priate diagnostic and/or therapeutic course of
text of a chest injury has to be distinguished from action. Circulatory instability requires immedi-
penetrating trauma caused by stab or gunshot ate surgical exploration, while stable circulation
wounds. In addition, the development of endo- should prompt further investigation with exact
vascular and endocardiac t­ echniques has led to an localisation of any bleeding followed by a more
increase in iatrogenic injuries to structures such focused therapy. After localization, the bleeding
as the atrium, myocardium, valves or coronary site can either be treated surgically or possibly
arteries as a result of interventional or diagnostic via percutaneous intervention using coil emboli-
32 catheter procedures, positioning or removing zation or, for instance, by implantation of an
pacemakers or defibrillator probes and after myo- endovascular covered coronary stent graft if
cardial biopsy. The most common accompanying injury to a single coronary artery is the only site
symptom of a penetrating cardiac injury is peri- that requires intervention (Romaguera and
cardial tamponade caused by hemopericardium, Waksman 2011).
which also occurs relatively frequently following
blunt cardiac injuries. However, hemopericar-
dium may not be seen in patients with prior car- 32.2.1  Pathophysiology
diac surgery or after pericarditis, because of
adhesions between the pericardium and the epi-
cardial surface of the heart. In these cases, the
degree of the injury may be hidden or a hemotho- A penetrating injury in the mid-thoracic area,
rax may appear as a symptom. which extends into the pericardium, usually
also damages the heart and/or the adjacent
large vessels. These patients should therefore
32.2 Penetrating Cardiac Injury be immediately admitted into a hospital with
an experienced cardiac surgery team.
A penetrating cardiac injury normally presents in
association with mediastinal penetrating trauma.
Due to the mechanism of the trauma (stab, knife The prognosis for a stab wound is more favor-
and gunshot), the direction of penetration is more able than that for a gunshot wound because the
frequently anterior-posterior less often lateral and latter causes more internal tissue trauma, heavier
most rarely posterior-anterior or caudocranial, bleeding, and tends to lead more rapidly to
resulting in various concomitant injuries to death. Projectiles that enter the chest and fur-
organs in the anterior, middle and posterior ther the pericardium usually pass completely
mediastinum as well as the lungs or abdominal through the heart and/or chest, although they
organs. The causes of penetrating mediastinal can also graze the heart or become lodged. This
injuries are mainly gunshot wounds and stab depends on several factors relating to the projec-
wounds; less common causes are impalements tile, e.g. size, material shape and velocity. In
and other traumatic injuries.
Chapter 32 · Cardiac Injury
1011 32
patients in whom a projectile pierces the medi- 32.2.3  Treatment
astinum and injures a thoracic vessel, approxi-
mately 50  % suffer hemodynamic instability. The initial management of penetrating cardiac
This results in a rather high operative mortality injuries in an ideal case would begin at the site of
rate of 20–40 % (Burack et  al. 2007; Degiannis the accident and depends on the patient’s circula-
et  al. 2000; Renz et  al. 2000; Richardson et  al. tory status. However it rather begins later, most
1981). For penetrating cardiac injuries, a sur- often in an emergency room (Nagy et al. 2002).
vival rate of >40–50 % is considered excellent The most important immediate goal is to stabi-
and is only possible with immediate surgical lize the cardiopulmonary system by endotracheal
treatment (Asensio et al. 1998). intubation, pressure-regulated infusion of warm
crystalloid solution and blood products as well as
insertion of a chest tube in the case of a hemo-
32.2.2  Clinical Presentation thorax or pneumothorax. The circulatory state
can be determined by hemodynamic parameters
Due to severe loss of blood, patients with pene- such as heart rate, blood pressure and transcuta-
trating cardiac injury usually present hypovolemic neous pulse oximetry (Lu et  al. 2006). Objects
shock. Tachycardia with collapsed jugular veins is lodged in the chest are initially left in situ and
the most frequent clinical sign. Superior vena should be removed only when surgical control of
cava syndrome with a distended jugular vein indi- the injury in an operating room environment is
cates pericardial tamponade. With stab wounds, possible. The vital parameters will be further sta-
the superficial wound is not always recognizable bilized in the emergency center, if this had not
on initial inspection and does not always provide been the case in the first place of treatment, any-
information regarding the extent of the internal way. Stable patients receive a chest X-ray and
injury; this is particularly the case for penetrating transthoracic echocardiography. A CT scan to
injuries. Damage to the myocardium, as well as determine intrathoracic and intra-abdominal
lesions of the coronary arteries, may be present. organ damage is reserved for patients with a sta-
ECG changes, supraventricular or ventricular ble circulation. Inconclusive results can be fol-
arrhythmia and chronic arteriovenous fistulas are lowed up with further examination, e.g.
possible in these cases. Heart valves may also be endoscopy (Burack et  al. 2007; . Fig.  32.1). In
injured. case of pericardial effusion, subxiphoid drainage

..Fig. 32.1 Algorithm
for treatment of a patient
Trauma Patient
with penetrating
mediastinal trauma
Circulatory status. Stable?

Instable Stable

Surgery Diagnostics

Chest x-ray, transthoracic

also: angiography, endoscopy

Surgery Close Surveillance

1012 T. Carrel

is performed. Any posttraumatic hemopericar- and has to be treated with a patch, the injured
dium represents an indication for surgery. ventricle generally requires unloading with the
Unstable patients are treated in the emergency help of the extracorporeal circulation. If there is
room by left anterolateral thoracotomy. Stable no cardiopulmonary bypass circuit available, a
patients are treated, when necessary, in the oper- short period (preferably less than 3–5 min) of bi-
ating room by median sternotomy or left thora- caval inflow occlusion (clamping of the superior
cotomy, depending on the site of injury (Asensio vena cava and the inferior vena cava) may be per-
et al. 1998). A stab wound to the right side of the formed following hyperventilation and maximal
sternum is rather approached via a sternotomy; a oxygen delivery. The ventricles will be empty after
stab wound to the left chest via a left anterior tho- a few heartbeats and the aorta can also be clamped.
racotomy (Kaljusto and Tønnessen 2012; Sanchez The cardiac injury can be treated in the remaining
et al. 2010; Mitchell et al. 1993). 2–3  min, after which the circulation can be re-
established (if necessary with manual cardiac
massage to start).
32.3 Stab Wounds and Gunshot With less extensive injuries, the heart can be
Wounds temporarily and repeatedly stopped using intra-
venous administration of adenosine in order to
Patients who are admitted to hospital with a suture the myocardium (Kokotsakis et  al. 2007).
stab wound to the heart but do not require Stabilizers used in «off-pump» bypass surgery can
resuscitation have a relatively good chance of help local immobilization of the heart. In addition
surviving the injury if they receive adequate to the pericardium, both pleural cavities should
treatment. This is in contrast to patients who be opened via median sternotomy in order to
32 require resuscitation or have borderline hemo- eliminate or treat further sources of bleeding from
dynamics, as is often the case with gunshot intercostal or mammary arteries, as well as hilar
wounds. In a hospital with a cardiac surgery vessels and lung parenchyma. In cases in which
unit, a median sternotomy is the preferred there is a transdiaphragmatic stab wound directed
option to approach the chest, because this towards the heart, the upper abdomen (stomach,
approach usually allows maximal control of the liver) also must be evaluated.
major cardiac injuries and facilitates the use of A significant rate of postdischarge complica-
extracorporeal circulation if needed. However, tions is associated with penetrating cardiac inju-
ECC use is also possible through femoro-femo- ries. In a retrospective trauma registry review
ral cannulation if thoracotomy has been chosen from a level I trauma center, (Tang et  al. 2011)
as the surgical approach. However, cardiac inju- reviewed 406 patients who sustained a penetrat-
ries originating parasternally from the right ing cardiac injury during a 10-year period. Besides
should only be treated via median sternotomy. observations on the in-hospital stay, outpatient
If possible, foreign objects should only be follow-up, echocardiogram results and outcomes
removed after opening of the pericardium and were analyzed. One hundred nine (26.9 %) sur-
the placement of sutures to control bleeding. vived to hospital discharge. A significant rate of
Bleeding wounds at the atrium, the aorta or the cardiac complications was observed, and follow-
vena cava are best controlled with partial clamp- ­up echocardiographic evaluation was found to be
ing when possible; a localized ventricular myo- necessary prior to discharge.
cardial injury is best controlled digitally. After Cardiac chambers involved were the right
the source of bleeding has been verified, sutures ventricle (45.9 %), left ventricle (40.3 %), right
can be placed. atrium (10.1 %), left atrium (0.9 %) and combined
Atrial perforations are closed with polypro- (2.8 %). Abnormal echocardiograms demon-
pylene 4/0 or 5/0. For larger injuries, an autolo- strated pericardial effusion, abnormal wall
gous or xenopericardial patch may be used. Large motion, decreased ejection fraction (<45  %),
sutures in the ventricle are best reinforced with intramural thrombus and valve injury as the most
Teflon felt or xenopericardium to prevent further frequently observed complications following pen-
tearing of the tissue. Biological glues can provide etrating cardiac trauma. Following discharge, the
additional strengthening of the closure (Jones 1-year and 9-year survival rates were 97 % and
et  al. 2012). When the heart is severely injured 88 %, respectively.
Chapter 32 · Cardiac Injury
1013 32
32.4 Blunt Cardiac Trauma sometimes only becoming so after hours or days,
potentially leading to heart failure (Asensio et  al.
Blunt cardiac trauma and blunt trauma to the 1998). In this case, other injuries such as traumatic
large vessels frequently occur in association with ventricular septal defect or traumatic valvular
multiple injuries, mainly in road traffic accidents defect must be excluded first. Delayed or long-
(deceleration trauma), but also in falls, explo- term effects may include pericardial tamponade,
sions, combat actions or dangerous sports. The rupture of the injured endocardium and formation
steering wheel injury was once the most common of a ventricular aneurysm in the contusion area,
cause, but this has been significantly reduced with which are treated either surgically, endovascularly
the advent of seat belts and airbags. or using hybrid procedure (Kadner et al. 2007).
The presentation of blunt, posttraumatic car- The treatment of myocardial contusion is gen-
diac injuries ranges from a total lack of symptoms erally conservative. Antiarrhythmic medication
to impaired myocardial function, although this and, if necessary, catecholamines are initiated; if
rarely leads to symptoms of cardiogenic shock. cardiac instability persists, invasive monitoring
Blunt trauma can result in the following damages including a Swan-Ganz catheter is advisable. In
to the heart: cases of severe ventricular dysfunction, an intra-­
55 Myocardial contusion aortic balloon pump or other cardiac support sys-
55 Injury to the pericardium, the atrial free wall, tems like peripheral ECMO may be used until the
the endocardium, the interventricular heart shows signs of recovery. Pericardial effusion,
septum, the valves and the coronary arteries as long as not hemorrhagic in origin, is treated with
drainage or occasionally by repeated puncture.
Cardiac trauma may be present without any vis-
ible external chest injury. Electrocardiogram is com-
monly normal. Fractures to the sternum, ribs (in 32.5 Heart Valve Injury
particular parasternal fractures) and mediastinal
enlargement as well as an atypical mediastinal shape The appropriate surgical method for managing an
are always suspicious. The most important diagnos- injury to a heart valve is selected based on the char-
tic feature is a widened mediastinum, which can be acter of the heart valve injury, e.g. direct sutures for
observed on an anterior-­ posterior chest X-ray. small tears, refixation for partial avulsion or other
Immediate surgery with the use of cardiopulmonary reconstructive procedures. Large valve defects occa-
bypass is only appropriate in patients with significant sionally necessitate valve replacement (Hashmi
injuries rehoming valve repair or replacement or et al. 2010). AV valve ruptures caused by tearing of
reconstruction of another initial structure. The deci- the valve leaflets or by rupture of the chordae or
sion to operate under full heparinization (as required papillary muscles occasionally occur, in particular
for cardiopulmonary bypass) must be weighed following accidents leading to rudder new are
against the risks of a life-threatening hemorrhage in increase in the chest. Regarding AV valves, the more
other organ systems (e.g. brain), especially in cases of ventrally positioned tricuspid valve is more often
associated cranial and pelvic fractures or other sites affected than the mitral valve (Thekkudan et  al.
of frank bleeding. The management also involves 2012); however, tricuspid valve insufficiency usually
continuous ECG monitoring (arrhythmias, signs of becomes symptomatic only in a chronic state. Acute
myocardial infarction) and echocardiography. If mitral valve insufficiency can be followed by pul-
allowed by the hemodynamic status, coronary angi- monary hypertension with concomitant acute pul-
ography as well as radiological MRI may be indi- monary edema. The insufficient mitral valve must
cated in the presence of elevated serum parameters usually be operated on immediately. Rupture of the
for significant myocardial ­ischemia. aortic valve occurs less frequently than of the AV
While commotio cordis simply describes a valves. If the patient survives the acute trauma, a
functional disorder of the heart, cardiac contusion new murmur and signs of decompensation may
involves a pathological change to the myocardium later appear. Depending on the severity of the injury,
caused by trauma and can range from small, local- this can occur immediately, but may also appear
ized endo-, intra- or epicardial bleeding to trans- later. Posttraumatic heart failure carved by a valve
mural necrosis (Berg et  al. 2012). A cardiac injury that cannot be controlled conservatively
contusion is not always immediately symptomatic, must be treated surgically in a timely fashion.
1014 T. Carrel

32.6 Coronary Artery Injury pigtail catheter should be inserted above the
puncture needle in order to provide further drain-
Coronary artery injury is characterized by a high age. Should the bleeding be severe or persistent, a
mortality rate (Asensio et al. 1998). In general, cor- large subxiphoidal chest tube must be inserted
onary artery injury leads to pericardial tamponade. (Thorson et al. 2012). A complete tear of the peri-
Assuming it can be promptly recognized by a tho- cardium with cardiac herniation into the pleural
racotomy, the acute treatment of small vessel lesions space with circulatory collapse due to kinking of
is best performed by ligation of the appropriate seg- the heart is extremely rare.
ment. Larger vessels (>1.5 mm) should be bypassed
(aortocoronary venous bypass or left internal tho-
racic artery bypass (see also 7 Chapter «Coronary 32.8 Myocardial Injury
Artery Disease», Sect. 22.4.1). Arteriovenous coro-
nary fistulas and arterial fistulas to the heart cavities Injury to the myocardium after blunt and penetrating
are rare complications and have to be closed surgi- trauma usually involves the right atrium, although
cally exceptionally by transcatheter method. if the other locations are possible. A complete rupture is
shunt volume is large. Occasionally, catheter- usually first identified at necropsy. If the patient does
guided interventional treatment using coils or reach the clinic, a suspected myocardial rupture
other occlusion devices may be necessary. The most should be immediately treated in the operating the-
frequent carve of coronary artery injury is catheter ater (Kumar et  al. 2012). Myocardial rupture can
intervention. More recently, coronary injuries have appear immediately or after an asymptomatic inter-
been described following interventional antiar- val of several days and without clinical warnings.
rhythmic ablation procedures (Wong et al. 2011).
32.9 Traumatic Ventricular Septal
32.7 Pericardial Injury Defect
The most common cardiac injury involves the peri- A traumatic ventricular septal defect usually
cardium. If this results in persistent bleeding from the appears shortly after the accident and can be sus-
pericardium, hemopericardium or hemothorax may pected by evidence of a murmur and the clinical
develop. Small bleeding varices are not acutely life- situation and verified by echocardiography. A small
threatening and may sometimes only be recognized ventricular septal defect with no hemodynamic
by a pericardial friction murmur. Even small amounts impairment can initially be treated conservatively.
of pericardial fluid (100–200  ml) can cause typical Immediate surgical intervention is only required
signs and symptoms of a tamponade with jugular for large ventricular septal defects with acute pul-
venous distension with or without a drop of the arte- monary hypertension (Sugiyama et al. 2011; Ryan
rial pressure. et  al. 2012). As with muscular defects, they are
closed using conventional suture technique with
patches. In case of thermodynamic stability, pros-
thetic or xenopericardial traumatic defects are ide-
Early signs of cardiogenic shock in
ally closed after 4–12 weeks once the borders have
combination with a decline of the diuresis, an
become fibrotic (Schaffer et  al. 1999). In certain
enlarged cardiac silhouette in the chest X-ray
situations, an interventional percutaneous defect
or a direct sign of a pericardial effusion in
closure may be considered.
echocardiography or CT scan require
immediate pericardial puncture or
subxiphoid drainage (Adams et al. 2012). 32.10 Iatrogenic Cardiac Injury

In theory, an iatrogenic cardiac injury can happen

during any diagnostic or therapeutic catheter
Pericardial puncture may be performed under insertion. A serious, but rare, complication of per-
echocardiographic control to prevent additional cutaneous coronary angiography and therapy is
injury to the heart. Using the Seldinger method, a coronary artery perforation, which can either be
Chapter 32 · Cardiac Injury
1015 32
treated conservatively (after insertion of pericar- Gerber RT, Osborn M, Mikhail GW (2012) Delayed mortality
dial drainage in case of pericardial tamponade), from aortic dissection post transcatheter aortic valve
implantation (TAVI): the tip of the iceberg. Catheter
directly with catheter techniques, or surgically by Cardiovasc Interv 76:202–204
coronary bypass (Romaguera et al. 2011). A spe- Hashmi ZA, Maher TD, Sugumaran RK et al. (2010) Acute
cial form is the development of subepicardial tam- aortic valve rupture secondary to blunt chest trauma.
ponade after coronary laceration and after J Card Surg 25:381–382
electrophysiology ablation treatment (Verna et al. Hayashida K, Bouvier E, Lefèvre T et al. (2013) Potential
mechanism of anulus rupture during transcatheter
1992; Nagamine et  al. 2011; Wong et  al. 2011). aortic valve implantation. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv
Furthermore, cardiac perforations can be caused 82:E742–E746
during placement or removal of pacemakers, Jones EL, Burlew CC, Moore EE (2012) BioGlue hemostasis
insertion of thoracic or pericardial drainage or of penetrating cardiac wounds in proximity to the left
insertion of central venous catheters through the anterior descending coronary artery. J Trauma Acute
Care Surg 72:796–798
superior vena cava, the latter occurring more com- Kadner A, Fasnacht M, Kretschmar O, Prêtre R (2007)
monly in newborns and children than in adults. Traumatic free wall and ventricular septal rupture;
More recently, new injuries have been “hybrid” management in a child. Eur J Cardiothorac
observed during transcatheter (retrograde trans- Surg 31:949–951
femoral or antegrade transapical) aortic valve Kaljusto ML, Tønnessen T (2012) How to mend a broken
heart: a major stab wound of the left ventricle. World
implantation, such as rupture of the aortic anulus J Emerg Surg 7:17
during balloon valvuloplasty or deployment of Kokotsakis J, Hountis P, Antonopoulos N, Skouteli E,
the stented valve, aortic dissection or rupture due Athanasiou T, Lioulias A (2007) Intravenous adenosine
to excessive manipulation with catheter and the for surgical management of penetrating heart
introducing devices (Ong et al. 2011; Gerber et al. wounds. Tex Heart Inst J 34:80–81
Kumar S, Moorthy N, Kapoor A, Sinha N (2012) Gunshot
2012; Hayashida et al. 2013; Pasic et al. 2012; Lee wounds: causing myocardial infarction, delayed ven-
et al. 2014; Aminian et al. 2011) and after use of tricular septal defect, and congestive heart failure. Tex
left ventricular assist devices crossing the aortic Heart Inst J 39:129–132
valve (Chandola et al. 2012). Lee L, Henderson R, Baig K (2014) Successful treatment of
aortic root rupture following transcatheter aortic valve
implantation in a heavily calcified aorta: a novel
References approach to a serious complication. Catheter Cardiovasc
Interv Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 84:303–305
Adams A, Fotiadis N, Chin JY et al. (2012) A pictorial review of Lu KJ, Chien LC, Wo CC, Demetriades D, Shoemaker WC
traumatic pericardial injuries. Insights Imaging 3:307–311 (2006) Hemodynamic patterns of blunt and penetrat-
American College of Surgeons Subcommittee on Trauma ing injuries. J Am Coll Surg 203:899–907
(2004) Advanced trauma life support program for doc- Mitchell ME, Muakkassa FF, Poole GV et al. (1993) Surgical
tors, 7th edn. American College of Surgeons, Chicago approach of choice for penetrating cardiac wounds.
Aminian A, Lalmand J, El Nakadi B (2011) Perforation of the J Trauma 34:17–20
descending thoracic aorta during transcatheter aortic Nagamine H, Sawa S, Ikeda C et al. (2011) Left ventricular
valve implantation (TAVI): an unexpected and dra- perforation and dissecting subepicardial hematoma
matic procedural complication. Catheter Cardiovasc after catheter ablation for Wolff-Parkinson-White syn-
Interv 77:1076–1078 drome. Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 59:280–283
Asensio JA, Berne J, Demetriades D et al. (1998) One hun- Nagy KK, Roberts RR, Smith RF et al. (2002) Trans-­
dred five penetrating cardiac injuries: a 2-year pro- mediastinal gunshot wounds: are “stable” patients
spective evaluation. J Traum 44:1073–1082 really stable? World J Surg 26:1247–1250
Berg RJ, Okoye O, Teixeira PG et al. (2012) The double jeop- Ong SH, Mueller R, Gerckens U (2011) Iatrogenic dissection
ardy of blunt thoracoabdominal trauma. Arch Surg of the ascending aorta during TAVI sealed with the
147:498–504 CoreValve revalving prosthesis. Catheter Cardiovasc
Burack JH, Kandil E, Sawas A et al. (2007) Triage and out- Interv 77:910–914
come of patients with mediastinal penetrating trauma. Pasic M, Unbehaun A, Dreysse S et al. (2012) Rupture of the
Ann Thorac Surg 83:377–382 device landing zone during transcatheter aortic valve
Chandola R, Cusimano R, Osten M, Horlick E (2012) Severe implantation: a life-threatening but treatable compli-
aortic insufficiency secondary to 5L Impella device cation. Circ Cardiovasc Inter 5:424–432
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Romaguera R, Waksman R (2011) Covered stents for coro- Tang AL, Inaba K, Branco BC et al. (2011) Postdischarge
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Cardiovasc Interv 78:246–253 vivable injury with a high postdischarge complication
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septal defect. Ann Thorac Surg 91:908–910

1017 33

Combined Procedures
in Cardiac and Vascular
Heinz G. Jakob and Stephan C. Knipp

33.1 Introduction – 1018

33.2 CABG and Carotid Endarterectomy – 1018

33.2.1  revalence of Coronary Artery Disease
and Carotid Stenosis – 1020
33.2.2 Stroke in CABG – 1020
33.2.3 The Role of CEA in Stroke Prevention – 1021
33.2.4 Surgical and Interventional Options – 1022 Isolated CABG or CABG Followed
by CEA (Reverse Staged) – 1024 Staged CEA Followed by CABG – 1025 Synchronous CEA plus CABG – 1026
33.2.5 T reatment Rationale in Coronary Artery
Disease and Concomitant Carotid Stenosis – 1026

33.3  ther Combined Cardiac and Vascular

Procedures – 1027
33.3.1  ombined Cardiac and Abdominal Aortic
Aneurysm Surgery – 1027
33.3.2 Cardiac Surgery and Peripheral Vascular
Procedures – 1028

References – 1028

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_33
1018 H.G. Jakob and S.C. Knipp

33.1 Introduction Other combined cardiac and vascular proce-

dures are rather rare. There are a notable number
Most procedures in cardiac surgery, namely, coro- of publications on combined cardiac surgery and
nary artery and aortic valve surgery, are caused by abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. In particular,
sequelae of atherosclerosis. Being a systemic dis- the option of off-pump heart surgery has insti-
ease, atherosclerosis frequently is present in other gated numerous new publications on this subject.
branches of the vascular tree at the time of cardiac Heart surgery combined with procedures of the
surgery. Thus the question may arise regarding peripheral vascular tree has elicited less interest.
synchronous or staged treatment of atheroscle- In the past, such combined surgery has always
rotic disease in different parts of the vascular tree. been in small numbers, and with the advent of
A well-known scenario is coronary artery dis- interventional vascular procedures, these num-
ease with concomitant carotid stenosis. Apart bers will decrease even further.
from atherosclerosis of the ascending aorta, Although smoking is among the major risk
carotid stenosis is one of the most significant risk factors for both atherosclerosis and lung cancer,
factors for perioperative stroke in cardiac surgery. concomitant lesions of the heart and lung are
In Germany, there are 4000–6000 patients per year uncommon, but when present they pose a thera-
who present with coronary artery disease and con- peutic challenge (Rao et  al. 1996). In fact, such
comitant carotid disease. In the USA, this figure cancers are usually seen as incidental findings in
has exceeded 20,000 patients per year. While there the course of preoperative diagnostic workup for
is agreement in symptomatic carotid stenosis CABG.  Combined synchronous cardiac surgery
about the indication for carotid endarterectomy and lung resection may facilitate the treatment of
before or during coronary artery bypass grafting two major problems with one intervention,
(CABG) surgery, there is controversy about what improving outcome and providing economic
to do with significant, but asymptomatic, carotid benefit. However, the use of cardiopulmonary
stenosis at the time of CABG. The literature does bypass (CPB) may adversely affect the natural his-
33 not provide clear recommendations for such cases. tory of pulmonary malignancies, while off-pump
Therefore, this situation always presents an indi- surgery eliminates organ dysfunction and sup-
vidual challenge when planning CABG. In simul- pression of immune system related to extracorpo-
taneous procedures combining CABG with real circulation. In the few retrospective case
carotid endarterectomy (CEA), the primary objec- series of combined coronary bypass surgery and
tive is to prevent the increased risk of periopera- lung resection available in the literature, each
tive stroke arising from carotid stenosis and less so comprising no more than 30 cases, the procedures
the long-term risk of stroke. Presently there is no can be performed without increased early or late
high-level evidence favoring routine combined mortality and/or morbidity (Rao et  al. 1996;
surgery (either synchronous or staged). Neither is Danton et al. 1998; Dyszkiewicz et al. 2004, 2008).
there any evidence backing the «conservative» Long-term results are primarily determined by
approach of isolated CABG while leaving the histological diagnosis and tumor stage. Thus, in
severe carotid stenosis untouched. This open issue selected patients, the combined procedure may be
can only be settled by a randomized controlled an alternative to the two-stage approach.
trial. Since statistics demand a large number of
patients and therefore a large number of trial sites
as well, for a long time, such a trial was regarded as 33.2 CABG and Carotid
not feasible. When a multicenter coronary artery Endarterectomy
bypass graft surgery in patients with asymptom-
atic carotid stenosis (CABACS) trial was starting Stroke and its sequelae are the third most com-
to enroll patients from December 2010 to mon cause of death in industrial nations. In addi-
December 2014, there was hope to receive answers tion, stroke-induced impairments not only
to this important question (Knipp et  al. 2012). represent a major psychosocial problem by reduc-
Unfortunately, the trial was stopped early by the ing quality of life significantly but also represent
funder because of slow recruitment (Weimar et al. an economic problem. There is speculation that
2016). stenosis of the extracranial internal carotid artery
Chapter 33 · Combined Procedures in Cardiac and Vascular Surgery
1019 33
accounts for up to 20 % of all strokes (Lloyd-Jones disease and carotid stenosis are primarily retro-
et al. 2009). The prevalence of carotid stenosis is spective single-center reports (Das et  al. 2000;
difficult to estimate since asymptomatic stenoses Naylor 2009). While some centers perform this
are usually found incidentally, and broad-based type of surgery with good success, the overall
screening investigations do not exist. Carotid combined complication rate in the literature of
duplex scanning demonstrated carotid stenosis 10–12 % for stroke, myocardial infarction, and/or
>50 % in about 2–8 % of adults (Moussa et  al. death is relatively high (Naylor 2009). On the
2007). The prevalence is clearly dependent on age other hand, the evidence for isolated CABG, the
with carotid stenosis >50% found in 6–8 % of least invasive and most cost-effective strategy, is
patients aged 65 years and up to 15 % of patients limited to a small series of patients from individ-
above 70 years (Hillen et al. 2000). Stroke during ual centers only (Ghosh et al. 2005; Schoof et al.
cardiac surgery is far more common than in any 2007; Mahmoudi et al. 2011). These series report
other type of surgery. The overall incidence of this different endpoints, and they have no control
complication after CABG is about 2 %, but rises to groups. In the absence of prospective randomized
almost 9 % in patients aged 75  years and older controlled trials, there is no evidence that com-
(Tarakji et al. 2011). In patients undergoing valve bined CABG and CEA (synchronous or staged
procedures or those with concomitant cerebro- CEA-CABG or reverse staged CABG-CEA) in
vascular disease, this rate increases to almost 16 % asymptomatic carotid stenosis and symptomatic
(Ricotta et al. 1995; Roach et al. 1996). Since more coronary artery disease provide any benefit com-
and more elderly patients, often suffering from pared with isolated CABG. Conversely, it remains
concomitant disorders predisposing to stroke, to be seen if the risk observed for synchronous
undergo cardiac surgery, it has to be assumed that surgery is justified in asymptomatic patients with
the impact of stroke on patient outcome will con- severe carotid stenosis. The CABACS trial is the
tinue to be significant. Numerous studies have first prospective randomized controlled trial
identified a number of factors which may increase worldwide comparing the safety and efficacy of
the risk of stroke during cardiac surgery and synchronous CABG with and without CEA
which also may be useful in risk assessment. (Knipp et  al. 2012). Since December 2010, both
Apart from ascending aorta and aortic arch ath- strategies are being compared at more than 30
erosclerosis and previous cerebrovascular events, trial sites in 2 countries; perioperative morbidity
carotid stenosis is regarded as the strongest pre- and mortality (cumulative rate of stroke or death
dictor of stroke (Hogue et al. 1999; Tarakji et al. within 30 days after randomization) are the pri-
2011). Diagnosis of carotid artery atherosclerosis mary endpoint, and the follow-up for each patient
is important in order to detect increased cardio- is 5 years. It is expected that the trial will provide
vascular risk and to prevent stroke by appropriate the basis for defining an evidence-­based stan-
surgery or endovascular intervention. dard. In addition, this will also make it possible to
Michael E. DeBakey established carotid end- develop and assess improvements in surgical
arterectomy as the standard procedure for carotid technique and strategy, therefore having a signifi-
stenosis (DeBakey et  al. 1965). It was Victor cant impact on the treatment of this disease
Bernhard in 1972 who opened the discussion entity. As long as the results of this trial are not
whether carotid surgery may help lower the risk available, it is impossible to define clear-cut rec-
of stroke during CABG by successfully perform- ommendations, and it becomes necessary for
ing synchronous combined procedures on the each heart surgery center to take into account its
heart and carotid artery (Bernhard et  al. 1972). expertise and competence when developing indi-
Since then, hundreds of papers have been pub- vidual concepts and solutions for each case. Due
lished with evidence in favor of or against prophy- to the quality assurance modules for CABG as
lactic intervention on the carotid artery, but no well as CEA, which are mandatory in many
consensus has been reached as yet. In order to health-care systems, it is possible to compare the
lower the increased rate of perioperative and results of one’s own institution with those in pub-
long-term stroke, some heart and vascular sur- lications, thereby implementing a continuous
geons favor combined CABG and CEA. The pub- improvement process and approaching optimal
lications on combined surgery for coronary artery results.
1020 H.G. Jakob and S.C. Knipp

33.2.1   revalence of Coronary

P ing additional treatment of the carotid stenosis
Artery Disease and Carotid (Ascher et  al. 2001; Durand et  al. 2004; Sheiman
Stenosis and d’Othee 2007).

33.2.2  Stroke in CABG

The synchronicity of carotid stenosis and cor-
onary artery disease is well known. The data Stroke is defined as an acute focal or global neuro-
on the prevalence of >50 % stenosis of the logical deficit. The diagnostic criteria also com-
extracranial internal carotid artery in patients prise: (a) the deficit lasts for more than 24  h, or
scheduled for CABG vary quite widely and neuroimaging demonstrates acute bleeding or
range from 3 to 22 % (Naylor et al. 2003a; ischemia; (b) there are no other directly identifiable
Ricotta and Wall 2003; van der Heyden et al. non-stroke causes for the symptoms (e.g., brain
2007). On the other hand, surgically relevant tumor, infection, trauma, hypoglycemia, pharma-
coronary artery disease was also seen in up cological effects); (c) the diagnosis is confirmed by
to 28 % of the patients scheduled for CEA. a neurologist or by neuroimaging (Daneault et al.
2011). The subsequent degree of disability resulting
from the stroke may be classified further according
to the Rankin Scale (. Table 33.1), where a Rankin
In 1997 and 1998, the New  York State Cardiac score ≥3 must be regarded as disabling stroke
Surgery Reporting System recorded 0.48 % syn- (Rankin 1957; Barnett et al. 1998).
chronous operations (Ricotta et al. 2005). A simi- Published retrospective analyses list a
lar percentage of 0.51  % in 132,762 CABG median rate of 1.4 % for cerebrovascular inci-
procedures was seen in Canada over a 10-year dents in CABG, while prospective studies yield a
period (Hill et al. 2005). A review comparing sev- rate of 2.0 % (Naylor et  al. 2003b; Tarakji et  al.
33 eral states in the USA cited an increase in 2011). In 23 % of the cases, stroke is the immedi-
­combined CABG and CEA ranging from 1.1 % in ate cause of death. Between 33 and 45 % of
1993 to 1.58 % in 2002 (Dubinsky and Lai 2007). strokes manifest within the first 24  h after sur-
An analysis of Medicare patients in the USA gery. However, the majority of neurological defi-
yielded a rate of 2.1 % (Brown et al. 2003). cits become evident 1–7  days after surgery
The varying rate of synchronous operations (McKhann et al. 2006).
may be due to the fact that many surgeons will only
perform synchronous procedures if there is symp-
tomatic carotid stenosis. The publication in 1995 of
the trials on surgery of asymptomatic carotid ste- ..Table 33.1  Modified Rankin scale
nosis probably sparked the fleeting enthusiasm for
synchronous procedures (Executive Committee for 0—No symptoms at all
the Asymptomatic Carotid Atherosclerosis Study 1—No significant disability despite symptoms. Able
1995). On the other hand, the advent of carotid to carry out all usual duties and activities
stenting by interventionists in angiology, radiology, 2—Slight disability: unable to carry out all previous
and cardiology and their reluctance toward syn- activities but able to look after own affairs without
chronous surgery promoted a tendency in the other assistance
direction (Byrne et al. 2006). Furthermore, there is 3—Moderate disability: requiring some help, but
no consensus on routine carotid screening before able to walk without assistance
heart surgery. Diagnostic carotid duplex screening
4—Moderately severe disability: unable to walk
should be carried out in patients aged 65 years and without assistance and unable to attend to own
older, with peripheral arterial occlusive disease, ste- bodily needs without assistance
nosis of the left main coronary artery, previous
5—Severe disability: bedridden, incontinent, and
cerebrovascular events, hypertension, and in smok- requiring constant nursing care and attention
ers. These patient populations are characterized by
an up to 30 % higher rate of high-grade carotid ste- From: van Swieten et al. (1988); used with permission
nosis and warrant particular care possibly involv-
Chapter 33 · Combined Procedures in Cardiac and Vascular Surgery
1021 33
The incidence of stroke very much depends on Trial Collaborators 1991). Two years after the
patient age. In those patients aged 50  years and start of the trial, CEA in the subgroup of patients
younger, it is <0.5 % and increases to 8 % or 9 % in
with >70  % high-grade symptomatic stenosis
patients aged 80  years and older. The following (stroke without severe disability [Rankin score
risk factors predispose to postoperative stroke: <3], amaurosis fugax, transient ischemic attack
advanced age, previous cerebrovascular accident, [TIA]) resulted in a statistically highly significant
atherosclerosis of the ascending aorta, high-grade absolute risk reduction of 17 % (9 % post-CEA
carotid stenosis, peripheral arterial occlusive dis-
stroke rate versus 26 % in the control arm). The
ease, hypertension, prolonged on-pump period, number of patients needed to treat (NNT = 1/
and atrial fibrillation (Tarakji et al. 2011). The rate
absolute risk reduction [ARR]) over a period of
of cerebrovascular accidents increases with the 2  years in order to prevent one stroke was 5.9.
severity of the carotid obstruction. While a steno-Apart from the NASCET trial, the European
sis of <50 % correlates with a 1.9 % stroke rate Carotid Surgery Trial (ECST) also studied the
(Tarakji et al. 2011), this rate increases to 6.7 % for
effect of carotid endarterectomy on secondary
50–99 % stenosis and to 11.7 % for unilateral prevention in patients with symptomatic stenosis
carotid occlusion. Significant bilateral lesions (European Carotid Surgery Trialists᾽
increase the risk even further. Patients with bilat-
Collaborative Group 1998). In patients with
eral occlusion of the internal carotid arteries are at
>80 % stenosis, the initially higher risk of surgery
the highest risk (Naylor and Bell 2002). was more than compensated 3 years after surgery,
Half of the patients with stroke do not have since the surgery arm of the trial showed a sig-
any obstruction of the extracranial carotid arter- nificantly lower rate of stroke (14.9 % vs. 26.5 %;
ies. According to radiological pattern criteria in p < 0.001). The recommendation for CEA in
cerebral infarction, embolism is the underlying patients with symptomatic carotid stenosis and a
cause in 62 % of these cases. Watershed stroke, perioperative mortality and risk of stroke of <6 %
probably due to obstruction of the carotid artery, was based on the results of these two trials. The
is only seen in 9 % of cases (Likosky et al. 2003).earlier the patients underwent surgery after the
Atherosclerosis of the aorta probably is the most onset of symptoms, the more marked the reduc-
common cause of embolization. It is seen in half tion in the risk of stroke (NASCET 1991;
of the patients with carotid stenosis and coronary European Carotid Surgery Trialists᾽ Collaborative
artery disease. Presumably the microemboli spill- Group 1998). With the advent of carotid inter-
ing forth from broken carotid plaques are more vention by carotid artery angioplasty and stent-
important than the hemodynamics of the carotid ing (CAS), a number of trials comparing CEA
stenosis. The delayed manifestation of stroke may with CAS in symptomatic carotid stenosis have
also be caused by embolism due to fresh postop- been conducted. In the Carotid Revascularization
erative atrial fibrillation, discontinuation of anti-
Endarterectomy versus Stenting Trial (CREST),
coagulants, and the surgical trauma induced by there was a greater incidence of stroke in the CAS
activation of the hemostasis system with subse- arm, but this was offset by a greater occurrence of
quent hypercoagulability (Selim 2007). myocardial infarction in the CEA arm (Brott
et  al. 2010; Hill et  al. 2012;). Likewise, in the
International Carotid Stenting Study (ICSS) a
33.2.3  The Role of CEA in Stroke higher occurrence of minor stroke in the CAS
Prevention arm was balanced by a higher occurrence of cra-
nial nerve palsy in the CEA arm (ICSS
In the late 1980s and early 1990s, several large-­ Investigators 2010).
scale prospective randomized trials were able to Apart from demonstrating the benefits of CEA
demonstrate the benefits of CEA in symptomatic with its effect of secondary prevention, a number
as well as asymptomatic isolated carotid stenosis. of trials have also studied the benefits of surgery in
In 1987, the North American Symptomatic those patients with severe carotid stenosis who had
Carotid Endarterectomy Trial (NASCET) stud- been asymptomatic until the time of surgery. In
ied the benefits of carotid surgery in a total of the Asymptomatic Carotid Atherosclerosis Study
2226 patients with >50 % carotid stenosis (North (ACAS) from 1987 to 1993, 1662 patients with
American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy >60 % stenosis were randomized in the CEA plus
1022 H.G. Jakob and S.C. Knipp

ACST: 5-year risk for stroke

100 Operative group 6,42 % Conservative group 11,78 %

Stroke free survival (%)



ARR = 5,35 % (CI 2,96-7,75)

85 p = 0,00001

0 1 2 3 4 5

..Fig. 33.1  Kaplan-Meier curves for stroke-free survival in the Asymptomatic Carotid Surgery Trial (ACST). In this trial,
33 CEA resulted in a 5.35 % ARR over 5 years. As you can see from the curves, the stroke rate in the conservative group
remained constant over time (s. ACST Halliday et al. 2004)

acetylsalicylic acid arm or the acetylsalicylic acid sus 17.9 % (ARR 4.6 %) (Halliday et  al. 2010)
monotherapy arm (controls) (Executive (. Figs. 33.2 and 33.3).
Committee for the Asymptomatic Carotid The benefits of surgery for isolated carotid dis-
Atherosclerosis Study 1995). Despite a periopera- ease still strongly depend on the severity of the
tive complication rate of 2.3 %, the rate of ipsilat- carotid stenosis. Most often it is expressed as per-
eral stroke after 5 years was significantly lower in centage reduction of the lumen. Although the results
the surgery group compared with the controls obtained very much depend on the actual method of
(5.1 % vs. 11 %; relative risk reduction 54 %; NNT measurement, quite often, the latter is not stated. The
16.9; p < 0.004) (Rothwell 2004). Between 1993 and angiographic measurements of the US trials
2003, a total of 3120 patients with >60 % stenosis (NASCET) do not coincide with those of the
from 30 countries were randomized in 126 trial European studies (ECST), and only rarely are these
sites as part of the subsequent large-scale European measurements checked against duplex scans and cal-
Asymptomatic Carotid Surgery Trial (ACST) culations, which are increasingly becoming a routine
(Halliday et al. 2004). After the expected increased modality. In the case of 70 % stenosis determined by
initial risk, the Kaplan-Meier graphs of both the NASCET method, it has to be realized that this
groups already intersected 2  years after random- really corresponds to an extremely severe case of ste-
ization, and 5 years later, the rate of stroke was sig- nosis with as much as 95 % reduction in lumen.
nificantly lower for the surgery arm (6.4 % vs.
11.8 %; p < 0.0001) (. Fig.  33.1). While meta-­
analysis of both trials shows a benefit with CEA, 33.2.4  Surgical and Interventional
this benefit is far less pronounced than in symp- Options
tomatic patients. Even 10  years after randomiza-
tion, the benefits of successful carotid surgery still For patients requiring coronary surgery who also
persist with a combined risk of stroke and death present with significant carotid atherosclerosis,
(perioperative and over the course) of 13.4 % ver- various combinations regarding sequence of
Chapter 33 · Combined Procedures in Cardiac and Vascular Surgery
1023 33

..Fig. 33.3  This carotid angiogram illustrates a

subjectively perceived high degree of stenosis which,
however, corresponds to an actual reduction in lumen of
..Fig. 33.2  The prospective randomized US and
less than 70 % and therefore does not warrant surgery
European trials on carotid surgery (North American
Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial [NASCET] and
European Carotid Surgery Trial [ECST]) rely on different
reference values for determining the degree of stenosis.
continued development of interventional proce-
The NASCET trial established a relationship between the dures have created new treatment strategies for
stenosis and the diameter of the internal carotid artery hybrid revascularization; for example, the carotid
downstream of the stenosis where the vessel runs in artery is revascularized by angioplasty and stenting
parallel again, whereas the ECST trial refers the diameter (CAS) which is followed by CABG.  This can be
of the stenosis to a virtual diameter of the vessel not
revealed by contrast medium at the level of the stenosis.
synchronous, in the same session (hybrid OR), or
Graphical representation of the conversion of various staged with CABG following CAS a few days or up
methods for determining the degree of stenosis to 4–5  weeks later (Versaci et  al. 2007, 2009). To
(reduction in lumen determined by duplex scanning; date, no prospective trials comparing the various
values in percent) (NASCET = (1−md/C) × 100 % and methods have been performed.
ECST = (1−md)/B × 100 %), carotid index: C/A
Systematic reviews of 97 observational studies
comprising more than 9000 patients have shown
that combined synchronous surgery is favored by
procedures, type of anesthesia, and type of surgical far compared to other strategies (Naylor et  al.
technique are available. Carotid endarterectomy 2003a; Naylor 2009). A combined complication
may either be performed synchronously at the time rate of 8.7 % for stroke and death was seen in those
of CABG, before CABG («staged»), or after CABG patients undergoing synchronous surgery; how-
(«reverse staged»). CABG itself may be on-­pump ever, this group of patients included in ­particular
or off-pump. Isolated CABG, leaving the carotid those with severely impaired pump function, ste-
stenosis as it is, may also be a treatment option nosis of the left main coronary artery, and urgent
(Ghosh et al. 2005; Schoof et al. 2007; Mahmoudi indication for surgery. The stroke rate varied from
et  al. 2011). The increasing implementation and commendably low value of <2 % in «synchronous
1024 H.G. Jakob and S.C. Knipp

CEA + off-pump CABG» to 2.7 % in «staged CEA- amputation of the internal carotid artery (ICA) and
CABG,» 4.2 % in «staged CAS-­CABG,» 4.6 % in subsequent anastomosis with the common carotid
«synchronous CEA + on-pump CABG,» and 6,3 % artery (CCA). The latter technique is particularly
in «reverse staged CABG-CEA» (Naylor et  al. useful when the internal carotid artery is elongated.
2003a, 2009). The relative low stroke rate in the After the oblique skin incision along the anterior
«staged CEA +CABG» arm was partially offset by margin of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, dissec-
the highest rate of myocardial infarction (6.5 %). In tion is carried out first through the subcutaneous
«reverse staged surgery,» where CABG was per- tissue, then the platysma, and finally the neurovas-
formed first followed by CEA, the rate of myocar- cular bundle; both the hypoglossal nerve and the
dial infarction was lowest (0.9 %); on the other vagus nerve must be treated with meticulous
hand, this group displayed the highest risk of stroke. respect. A transverse facial vein is transected
Somewhat unexpectedly, «staged CAS-­CABG» was between ligatures. Once the carotid vessels have
associated with the highest procedural mortality been exposed, vessel loops are placed around the
rate of 5.5 %. The cumulative 30-day rate of stroke, arteries, and the vessels are then clamped. The CCA
myocardial infarction, and death was comparable is opened and longitudinal arteriotomy extended
in all groups at 10–12 %, while other analyses beyond the stenosis into the ICA. The stenosing cal-
showed rates of up to 17.7 % (Roffi 2007). A large- cified cylinder is separated from the wall with a dis-
scale ­nationwide hospital database analysis in the sector and extracted under direct vision of its distal
USA for the period 1998–2007 compared patients end. Care must be taken not to leave any intimal
who ­underwent CEA before or after CABG during flap. In case of severe contralateral carotid stenosis
the same hospital stay, but not on the same day, or if there is no neuromonitoring (e.g., SSEP, NIRS,
with patients who underwent synchronous CEA + transcranial duplex scanning), shunting is recom-
CABG. Mortality (4.2 % vs. 4.5 %) and stroke rate mended, and the TEA should be performed as an
(3.5 % vs. 3.9 %) in the 6153 patients of the «staged» open procedure. Usually, the arteriotomy is closed
arm were similar to that in the 16,639 patients of with a patch plasty fashioned from autologous
33 the synchronous arm (p > 0.7 for both) (Gopaldas saphenous vein, a procedure which lends itself in
et al. 2011). However, morbidity was slightly higher case of synchronous CABG; patches tailored from
in the «staged» group (48.4 % vs. 42.6 %; OR 1.8; xenogenic bovine or Vascu-Guard pericardium or
95 % confidence interval [CI] 1.5–2.2; p < 0.001). Dacron may also be employed. In case of a large-­
These results imply the necessity for prospective diameter artery (>8 mm), the arteriotomy may be
comparison trials studying sequential or synchro- closed directly. Due to intraoperative hepariniza-
nous combined treatment and also stand-alone tion, the wound should only be closed after comple-
conservative treatment without touching the tion of the CABG and heparin reversal. In order to
carotid stenosis. avoid hyperperfusion while the patient is on-pump,
In synchronous surgery, the carotid procedure it is desirable to leave the autoregulation of the brain
is usually carried out before CABG. Quite often, it intact. Thus, the theoretical advantages of alpha-stat
is performed by separate teams of vascular and blood gas management strategy should be employed
heart surgeons. In synchronous surgery, some- to avoid hypercapnia which may otherwise affect
times the carotid procedure is performed under autoregulation (Schoof et al. 2007; Selim 2007).
regional anesthesia.
Carotid revascularization is performed either as I solated CABG or CABG
conventional thromboendarterectomy (TEA) with Followed by CEA (Reverse
dissection of the intima cylinder and patch graft or Staged)
as eversion endarterectomy (EEA) with transverse The estimated prevalence of significant carotid
stenosis (i.e., ≥50 %) in patients undergoing CABG
is 6–8 %, but the rate of synchronous combined
If surgery is performed under general anes- surgery is about 2 % in administrative data banks
thesia without routine intraluminal shunting, on CABG (Naylor and Bell 2002). This suggests
cerebral monitoring (e.g., somatosensory that quite a substantial number of cardiac opera-
evoked potentials [SSEP], near-infrared spec- tions are performed without actively addressing
troscopy [NIRS]) is recommended. concomitant carotid stenosis. Despite this com-
mon practice, there are only few data available
Chapter 33 · Combined Procedures in Cardiac and Vascular Surgery
1025 33
examining the correlation between untreated with impaired ventricular function, the percent-
severe asymptomatic carotid stenosis and the rate age of patients where staged CEA is indicated
of stroke during and after cardiac surgery. A sin- should be low. The percentage of patients eligible
gle-center case series of 50 patients with >70 % for this procedure is estimated at less than 10 %
carotid stenosis did not demonstrate an increased (Hertzer et al. 1997).
rate of stroke compared with a patient population
without carotid stenosis (Ghosh et al. 2005). In a
larger retrospective study of 878 patients with
In the overwhelming majority of cases with
documented preoperative carotid duplex scans
concomitant carotid artery stenosis and
who underwent isolated CABG between 2003 and
coronary artery disease, it is not justified to
2009, the group of 117 patients with carotid steno-
risk myocardial infarction by performing
sis >75 % did not suffer from an increased rate of
isolated CEA.
in-hospital stroke (3.4 % vs. 3.6 %) or death (3.4 %
vs. 4.2 %) when compared to patients without
(severe) carotid stenosis (Mahmoudi et al. 2011).
In contrast, the only prospective observational Once interventional treatment of carotid steno-
trial in patients with (symptomatic and asymp- sis became more prevalent, the benefits of dilating
tomatic) carotid stenosis comparing isolated and stenting the carotid stenosis before CABG were
CABG with combined CABG followed by CEA also studied. So far, experience with this regimen is
(«reverse staged CABG-CEA») found a higher still limited. Prospective trials with a small number
rate of stroke, but a lower ­mortality and a lower of patients have concluded that changing the surgi-
rate of myocardial infarction (Hertzer et al. 1989). cal sequence in favor of intervening on the carotid
Irrespective of the impact on the immediate artery before cardiac surgery is not justified
perioperative rate of stroke once the carotid stenosis (Randall et al. 2006; Versaci et al. 2009). Analysis of
has been eliminated as part of the combined CABG several trials including 760 patients with carotid
and CEA procedure, it is also necessary to consider angioplasty and stenting before CABG found a
the effect of CEA in the long-term prevention of combined risk of stroke, myocardial infarction, and
stroke. While previous trials on asymptomatic death in 9.4 % of the cases over a 30-day period after
carotid stenosis (ACAS, ACST) have demonstrated CABG; however, the 5.5 % rate of death was higher
a slight benefit for primary preventive CEA than in any other treatment series (van der Heyden
(Executive Committee for the Asymptomatic et  al. 2007, 2008). After carotid angioplasty and
Carotid Atherosclerosis Study 1995; Halliday et al. stenting, it is highly recommended to initiate anti-
2004), this is being reexamined by several ongoing platelet therapy with acetylsalicylic acid and clopi-
trials, the nonsurgical regimen of which has been dogrel for 4 weeks, which in turn will delay cardiac
improved as compared with the past, in particular surgery due to the increased risk of bleeding. Since
with regard to consistent administration of choles- a waiting period of 5–7 days is also required after
terol synthesis inhibitors (i.e., statins), acetylsali- termination of clopidogrel, this mandates a waiting
cylic acid, and close control of blood pressure (e.g., period of at least 5 weeks before cardiac surgery can
angiotensin-­ converting enzyme inhibitors, AT1 be performed. Whether this is acceptable must be
receptor blockers) (Transatlantic Asymptomatic assessed for each patient individually. In order to
Carotid Intervention Trial [TACIT], Stent- avoid such waiting periods, some study groups per-
Protected Angioplasty vs.Carotid Endarterectomy-2 form carotid angioplasty and stenting under acetyl-
[SPACE-2] in asymptomatic carotid stenosis, salicylic acid and full heparinization 24 h before or
Asymptomatic Carotid Trial [ACT]). The CABACS on the same day as CABG, whereas clopidogrel is
trial will also contribute to this. started after heart surgery (Versaci et  al. 2007,
2009). Due to the low number of cases and a lack of  taged CEA Followed by
S comparison trials, for the time being, this hybrid
CABG revascularization cannot be deemed superior. With
If CABG is strictly indicated only in highly symp- the growing interest of cardiologists in interven-
tomatic patients or is performed as a preventive tional carotid procedures and its enthusiastic accep-
measure in patients with a stenotic left main coro- tance by the patients, an unbiased evaluation of this
nary artery and coronary three-vessel disease treatment option is warranted.
1026 H.G. Jakob and S.C. Knipp Synchronous CEA plus CABG chronous surgery seems to be higher than the
In synchronous combined surgery for cardiac and simple addition of the known complication rates
carotid disease, the sequence of events is not uni- for each procedure alone.
form; most often, first, CEA is performed, usually The question as to whether additional carotid
under general anesthesia but sometimes under surgery actually increases the complication rate as
regional anesthesia. Some centers prefer to revas- such or if a less favorable risk profile of the patients
cularize the carotid artery once extracorporeal undergoing synchronous procedures is responsi-
circulation is initiated, still delaying cardiac sur- ble for this result yields conflicting answers. A
gery. With this protocol, the moderate hypother- comparison of patients registered in the New York
mia on cardiopulmonary bypass may serve as a State Cardiac Surgery Database who underwent
brain-protecting measure (Minami et  al. 2000). combined surgery with a group of patients having
One risk, however, is the rather prolonged on-­ the same risk according to the propensity score
pump period using extracorporeal circulation. A did not demonstrate any difference in the compli-
trial comparing both protocols was unable to cation rate. This implies that the additional CEA
demonstrate the presumed benefits of CEA per- does not add to the increased complication rate
formed on bypass (Bonacchi et al. 2002). (Ricotta et al. 2005). However, a study comparing
Systematic meta-analysis of a large number of patients undergoing isolated CABG with a risk-­
single-center observational studies, comprising a adjusted group of patients undergoing synchro-
total of 7753 patients undergoing synchronous nous surgery demonstrated a complication rate
CEA + CABG, demonstrated a 4.6 % rate of stroke which was higher by 38 % (Dubinsky and Lai
for the 30-day period following the surgery 2007). The authors of this study blamed it on the
(Naylor et  al. 2003a; Naylor 2009). The cumula- combined surgery.
tive rate of stroke or death was 8.2 % (95 % CI
7.1–9.3 %). Taking also into account the signifi-
cance of preventing perioperative myocardial 33.2.5  Treatment Rationale
33 infarction, a complication often neglected in the in Coronary Artery Disease
context of preventive CEA, the 30-day risk of and Concomitant Carotid
death, stroke, or myocardial infarction increased Stenosis
to 11.5 % (95 % CI 10.1–13.1 %). A nationwide US
register trial comprising 26,197 patients who There are no clear-cut recommendations in the
underwent surgery between 2000 and 2004, not current literature or guidelines regarding the treat-
including the systematic reviews cited above, ment rationale in patients requiring coronary sur-
found an 8.6 % risk of stroke or death after syn- gery and also exhibiting high-grade asymptomatic
chronous CABG and CEA (Timaran et al. 2008). carotid stenosis. Therefore, optimum treatment
One alternative to traditional synchronous CEA strategy for this disease entity still is open for
and on-pump CABG is the combination of CEA debate. The higher complication rates in (staged or
and off-pump CABG. Pooled data from trials on synchronous) combined surgery compared with
synchronous CEA and off-pump CABG in 324 isolated CABG (leaving the asymptomatic carotid
patients showed a relatively low risk of stroke at stenosis untouched) demand that the need for
1.1 % and a 30-day risk of death, stroke, or myo- combined surgery must be assessed in detail for
cardial infarction of only 3.6 % (95 % CI 1.6– each patient. Appropriate strategies would involve
5.5 %) (Beauford et  al. 2003; Garcia-Rinaldi and assessment of each disease on its own in terms of
Cruz 2004; Mishra et al. 2004; Fareed et al. 2009). the urgency of its treatment. To this end, data are
Although this might be due to statistical error available at the highest evidence level, together
(e.g., small series, publication bias, etc.), another with guidelines derived from these data. Priority
important explanation could be the simple fact should be given to treatment of the symptomatic
that off-pump CABG avoids manipulation and disease. Recurrent transient ischemic attacks, par-
cannulation of the aorta as well as extracorporeal ticularly within a period of 14  days after onset,
circulation. Thus, more detailed research into this underline the urgency of treating the carotid
protocol is warranted. Therefore, the risk of syn- stenosis. On the other hand, unstable angina or
Chapter 33 · Combined Procedures in Cardiac and Vascular Surgery
1027 33
stenosis of the left main coronary artery is an indi- 33.3  ther Combined Cardiac
cation for urgent treatment of the coronary artery and Vascular Procedures
disease. Should both coronary disease and carotid
disease be symptomatic, this situation would 33.3.1  Combined Cardiac
necessitate synchronous surgery. and Abdominal Aortic
If there are no symptoms or if angina is only Aneurysm Surgery
triggered at high levels of physical exertion, the deci-
sion must be based on objective findings. Filiform Of all patients requiring abdominal aortic aneu-
stenosis of important coronary arteries should not rysm (AAA) repair, 27–46 % also presented with
be put at the risk of occlusion prior to CEA, while coronary artery disease (Kioka et  al. 2002;
moderate stenosis of the left main coronary artery Garofalo et al. 2005). Coronary artery disease and
should allow synchronous surgery or even isolated its sequelae are the main causes for perioperative
CABG leaving the carotid stenosis untouched. complications and mortality in AAA repair. For
Asymptomatic carotid stenosis requires a very this reason, special emphasis is placed on presur-
precise assessment of the severity of the stenosis, gical diagnostics of coronary heart disease, in par-
primarily through diagnostic angiography as well ticular, when prophylactic surgery of
as carotid duplex scanning. It should be ensured asymptomatic abdominal aortic aneurysms is
that the degree of stenosis is >70 % according to planned. Several trials, including one with a pro-
the NASCET method or >80 % according to the spective randomized design, however, could not
ECST protocol. Here, too, there are no verified demonstrate an overall advantage of preventive
data on the necessity of synchronous surgery, and coronary revascularization preceding major vas-
the results of perspective randomized trials need cular procedures (McFalls et  al. 2004). Only
to be awaited. An asymptomatic significant patients with symptomatic angina pectoris at low
carotid stenosis according to the above measure- exercise levels (Canadian Cardiovascular Society
ments, with concomitant occlusion of the contra- [CCS] classes III and IV), unstable angina, or
lateral carotid artery, however, would support the acute coronary syndrome should not undergo
decision for synchronous surgery. Furthermore, elective vascular surgery without prior coronary
the decision should also be based on the results of revascularization. There are no data on the risks
prospective trials on isolated surgery of asymp- of elective vascular procedures in patients with
tomatic carotid stenosis since long-term preven- morphological findings relevant for the prognosis
tion of stroke is to be expected (SPACE-2, TACIT). of long-term survival such as left main coronary
When it comes to surgical techniques and stenosis or left main equivalent coronary disease
sequence of treatment for coexisting carotid and or three-vessel coronary disease with impaired
coronary disease, there are insights into which left ventricular function. It has to be assumed,
treatment method may be superior. To date, the however, that these conditions will increase the
expectations for interventional treatment of surgical risk. In coronary heart disease, AAA does
carotid stenosis before CABG have fallen short. not represent a complication-prone concomitant
The results of on-pump CEA under the protection disorder. Although asymptomatic AAA with a
of hypothermia also did not yield any benefits diameter >5 cm is not infrequent in patients with
when compared with the other protocols. coronary disease (incidence 1–5.2 %), AAA rup-
There were hopes to get further insights into ture during heart surgery appears to be extremely
the best treatment strategy for concomitant coro- rare (Durham et  al. 1991; Bergersen et  al. 1998;
nary and carotid arteriosclerotic disease with reli- Monney et al. 2004).
able data, from the CABACS trial (A Randomised The risk of aneurysm rupture increases expo-
Comparison of Synchronous CABG and Carotid nentially with its diameter, and for aneurysms with
Endarterectomy Vs. Isolated CABG in Patients a diameter >7 cm, the risk of rupture within a year
with High-Grade Carotid Stenosis), starting in is 32.5 % (Lederle et  al. 2002). Aneurysms of this
December 2010. These hopes were blasted, when size should be repaired at an early stage—approx.
the trial was stopped early by the funder because 2  weeks after cardiac surgery—or, at the latest,
of slow recruitment (Weimar et al. 2016). when they are 8 cm in diameter and simultaneously
1028 H.G. Jakob and S.C. Knipp

with cardiac surgery (Blackbourne et  al. 1994). ficial femoral artery, these procedures are par-
Simultaneous surgery should preferably also be ticularly promising if there is angiographic
performed on symptomatic aneurysms (Onwudike evidence of collateral vessels connecting to a
et al. 2000). The coincidence of coronary artery dis- popliteal artery which is still patent. If this is
ease and AAA, both urgently requiring surgery, missing completely up to the level of the trifurca-
appears to be rare. tion in the lower leg and if there is also gangrene,
In terms of surgical technique, the AAA is best bypass revascularization, with its known risks, of
exposed through full-length median sternotomy one of the arteries in the lower leg cannot be
and laparotomy. This extensive access offers an avoided. It is recommended that this procedure
exceptionally good view for both procedures. be performed after successfully completed
Current publications describe the benefits and, in CABG surgery and carried out in a cardiovascu-
part, better results of off-pump CABG surgery lar context which can be predicted to be as stable
(Ascione et  al. 2001; Wolff et  al. 2006). The per- as possible. The bypass material available and the
ceived benefits of the on-pump technique, how- quality of the target vessels should offer a reason-
ever, include a decreased load on the heart during able expectation of successful revascularization
the aortic clamping period and the possibility of as the need for revision surgery during the post-
autotransfusion during extracorporeal circulation. operative period can thus be kept as low as pos-
In exceptionally rare cases, it may be advisable sible. In any case of peripheral vascular occlusive
to perform simultaneous carotid surgery, CABG, disease, the respective extremity should be
and AAA repair. spared from vein harvesting. With significant
peripheral vascular occlusive disease present at
the time of cardiac surgery, the patient must
33.3.2  Cardiac Surgery always be informed in detail about the possibility
and Peripheral Vascular of severe limb ischemia.
Although many patients with coronary artery
disease reveal peripheral arterial occlusive dis- References
ease also, synchronous surgery is rarely required.
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1033 34

Combined Cardiac
and Thoracic Surgery
Mark K. Ferguson

34.1 Introduction – 1034

34.2 Concerns – 1034

34.2.1 I mmunosuppression – 1034
34.2.2 Organ Dysfunction – 1034
34.2.3 Oncologic Issues – 1035

34.3 Indications and Contraindications – 1036

34.4 Operative Management – 1036

34.4.1 I ncisions – 1036
34.4.2 Sequence of Procedures – 1037
34.4.3 Perioperative Management – 1037

34.5 Outcomes – 1037

34.6 Conclusions – 1039

References – 1039

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_34
1034 M.K. Ferguson

34.1 Introduction ..Table 34.1  Potential concerns regarding

combined cardiac surgery and lung surgery for
Cardiac surgery and thoracic surgery developed cancer
contemporaneously during the 1940s and 1950s
after the foundation for intrathoracic surgery was Immunosuppression induced by cardiopulmonary
established during the two previous decades (see bypass
also 7 Chapter «The History of Cardiac Surgery», Sect. Acute organ dysfunction related to cardiopulmo-
1.2; Sect. 1.6). Development of cardiac surgery nary bypass
required the ability to arrest blood flow through Passage of circulating cancer cells through the car-
the heart, devices for valve replacement, blood diopulmonary bypass circuit
vessel substitutes, and mechanisms for pacing the
Unfavorable access to performing
heart. Successful thoracic surgery required an
understanding of risk assessment for lung resec-  Parenchymal-sparing anatomic resections
tion based on pulmonary function testing, facility  Complete regional nodal dissections
in single lung ventilation, and better knowledge of
staging and long-term outcomes for cancers of Limited ability to administer postoperative adjuvant
therapy when indicated
the lung and esophagus. The development of both
required improved anesthetic management,
advances in blood component therapy, and the 34.2.1  Immunosuppression
ability to manage temporary organ dysfunction.
It is not surprising that combined operations Immunosuppression is one of the mechanisms
for synchronous problems separately affecting the thought to be responsible for the permissive
heart and thoracic organs have been performed development of metastases in patients undergo-
since heart and lung surgery became common- ing cancer surgery and can be facilitated by the
place. Lung cancer, coronary artery disease, and trauma of surgery, anesthetic agents, analgesics,
esophageal cancer often share the same underlying transfusion, alterations in body temperature,
etiology (tobacco use and other environmental pain, and psychological stress (Vallejo et al. 2003).
34 exposures) and affect similar age groups of patients. Immunosuppression is thus common after any
The fact that surgeons treating cardiac problems major operation. Its underlying mechanisms are
are usually trained in thoracic surgery made this related in part to a shift in adrenocortical
combined approach almost intuitive: the advan- responses, causing a decline in cell-mediated
tages of a single anesthetic, a single incision, and a immunity, especially through a decrease in natu-
single recovery period seemed obvious. However, ral killer (NK) cell activity. In addition to this
outcomes of such operations have been reported ubiquitous postoperative process, the use of car-
only sporadically, and it remains unclear whether diopulmonary bypass (CPB) for cardiac opera-
they are comparable to outcomes of the compo- tions results in a marked systemic inflammatory
nent operations done separately. This chapter response (Pintar and Collard 2003) that can only
focuses on issues surrounding combined heart and be partially abrogated pharmacologically and that
lung surgery and the outcomes of such operations. likely also interferes with natural immune pro-
cesses designed to limit cancer spread (Ng and
Wang 2012).
34.2 Concerns

A number of concerns have been raised during the 34.2.2  Organ Dysfunction
past two decades regarding whether eliminating
an additional anesthetic and an additional inci- Organ dysfunction is common after cardiopul-
sion, both of which are required for staged cardiac monary bypass and is related to the systemic
and lung operations, is sufficient to overcome the inflammatory response that results in part from
potential adverse effects of a combined operation CPB as well as other factors such as hypoperfu-
(. Table  34.1). These issues may have limited the sion and hypoxemia. Subclinical organ dysfunc-
number of combined operations performed for tion is common and becomes clinically manifest
patients with cardiac problems and lung cancer. in patients with limited reserve or who have an
Chapter 34 · Combined Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery
1035 34
exaggerated inflammatory response to CPB.  The 1997), at least one case report of systemic tumor
incidence of major organ dysfunction after iso- dissemination during such surgery has been pub-
lated coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is lished (Hasegawa et  al. 2002). The systemic
appreciable, including renal failure in 3.6 %, respi- inflammatory response that follows CPB may
ratory failure in 9.6 %, cerebrovascular accident in increase the ability of such cells to adhere to the
1.4 %, and composite adverse outcomes in 14.4 % vascular endothelium, diapedese through the
(Shahian et al. 2009). Such perturbations in organ capillary wall, and develop into micrometastases.
function adversely affect a lung resection patient’s The mechanism for this may be an increase in cir-
ability to recover from surgery. Impaired cogni- culating adhesion molecules which has been
tion reduces a patient’s ability to cooperate with reported after CPB, whereas no such change was
postoperative pulmonary toilet exercises and identified during lung resection operations (Boldt
other physical therapies; renal dysfunction may et  al. 1998). Interestingly, one study reported
precipitate fluid overload and contribute to prob- improved long-term survival in lung cancer
lems with respiratory gas exchange; cardiac patients in whom the cancer was removed prior to
­dysfunction may also contribute to pulmonary institution of CPB (Brutel de la Reviere et  al.
edema. Ventilation is severely impaired during 1995). Whether this was related to elimination of
the first 24–48 h after major lung resection, result- most circulating tumor cells prior to the onset of
ing in a 60–70 % decrease in forced vital capacity; bypass and the systemic inflammatory response is
other contributions to pulmonary dysfunction unknown.
related to concomitant cardiac surgery may fur- One of the primary concerns about the ade-
ther test pulmonary reserve during this critical quacy of major lung resection at the time of a car-
period. diac operation is surgical exposure and access to
the hilum and mediastinum. In general, the surgi-
cal approach is chosen to favor exposure for the
34.2.3  Oncologic Issues cardiac operation, while exposure for lung resec-
tion is a secondary or sometimes a tertiary con-
Circulating tumor cells can be identified in the sideration. Most often the cardiac and thoracic
peripheral blood of a moderate number of lung procedures are performed through a sternotomy.
cancer patients and in a large percentage of pul- Although it is technically feasible to do most stan-
monary venous blood in such patients (Okumura dard lobectomies or pneumonectomies using this
et al. 2009). The percentages vary somewhat with approach, a sternotomy is rarely the incision of
the staining techniques used for identifying the choice for a major lung resection. In addition,
cells. Such circulating cells are found in 20 % of access to performing a left lower lobectomy can
patients with stage I lung cancer (Chen et  al. be challenging, particularly in patients with car-
2013). The importance of these cells is not entirely diomegaly. More technically demanding opera-
clear, although they have been shown to have tions, such as segmental resections, bronchoplasty
prognostic value, in addition to histology and or arterioplasty, and sleeve resections, can be
stage, for survival. They have also been purported quite difficult to accomplish through the exposure
to serve as a means for identifying tumor makers offered by a standard sternotomy. If combined
and for monitoring response to systemic therapy surgery is necessary, it is optimal to perform the
(O’Flaherty et al. 2012; Young et al. 2012). While more technically demanding pulmonary resec-
the lung tumor is the source of circulating tumor tions through a separate incision at the time of the
cells in patients with early stage lung cancer, the cardiac operation.
lung also serves as a filter removing such cells Of perhaps more importance is access to the
from the peripheral circulation. Placing patients mediastinum for performing systematic lymph
on cardiopulmonary bypass circulates the blood node sampling or mediastinal nodal dissection,
past this natural filter directly into the systemic which is a standard of care for lung cancer resec-
circulation, potentially exposing the peripheral tion (Lardinois et  al. 2006; De Leyn et  al. 2007).
circulation to a higher concentration of circulat- The regions that are most difficult to access
ing cells. Although one study demonstrated that through a sternotomy include the pulmonary lig-
most circulating tumor cells are trapped on the ament (level 9), paraesophageal (level 8), and
internal surface of arterial filters (Akchurin et al. subcarinal (level 7) nodes. Lack of adequate
1036 M.K. Ferguson

s­ ampling/dissection is associated with decreased intervention; only a minority of patients require

survival, likely because of inaccurate pathologic cardiac surgery to enable them to subsequently
staging and the resultant failure to provide undergo lung resection.
appropriate postoperative adjuvant therapy.
­ In both situations, the suspected/proven lung
Lymphadenectomy also has the chance of reduc- cancer should be of clinical early stage (ideally
ing local recurrence (Nwogu et al. 2012; D’Andrilli stage I) and technically resectable through a ster-
et al. 2012). notomy. A standard pulmonary evaluation should
There is general agreement that patients with be performed, including spirometry and assess-
clinical stages I and II non-small cell lung cancer ment of diffusing capacity. In patients who are at
should undergo local therapy as their initial treat- increased risk based on these tests, normally peak
ment, which typically is anatomic lung resection oxygen consumption during exercise is assessed as
for the majority of patients. Those who are identi- a final measure of operative risk. Patients with sub-
fied as having hilar or mediastinal nodal involve- stantial underlying cardiovascular disease are not
ment undergo postoperative adjuvant therapy candidates for such testing, leaving the difficult
consisting of chemotherapy and often hilar and decision of whether to proceed with lung resection
mediastinal radiation therapy. The ability of up to the surgeon’s experience and judgment.
patients to withstand a full course of postopera- Relative contraindications to combined sur-
tive adjuvant chemoradiotherapy, whether gery include regionally advanced cancer, includ-
administered concomitantly or sequentially, is ing mediastinal nodal involvement and chest wall
somewhat limited after major lung resection. It is involvement (T3 status). Tumors that invade vital
very likely that even fewer patients would tolerate structures (T4) that require CPB for resection
an entire course of postoperative adjuvant therapy have unfavorable cancer-related survival, and this
if they have undergone combined cardiac and should be considered a relative contraindication
pulmonary surgery. Failure to complete a full to resection. In one report, 75 % of patients under-
course of adjuvant therapy likely would have an going resection of T4 tumors on CPB died of can-
adverse effect on cancer-specific long-term sur- cer recurrence with a median survival of just over
vival. 1 year (Kauffmann et al. 2013).
34.3 Indications 34.4 Operative Management
and Contraindications
34.4.1  Incisions
The primary indications for combined cardiac
surgery and pulmonary surgery fall into two main The choice of incisions is typically based on needs
categories. Some patients are identified as having for the cardiac portion of the operation. No series
cardiac disease for which corrective surgery is of minimally invasive combined operations has
indicated and during evaluation are found to have been described to date. The most common
a suspicious lung nodule/mass that also requires approach is via a partial or complete sternotomy.
evaluation and treatment. In one series of over For patients undergoing initial or redo heart sur-
3,300 coronary bypass operations, 5 % of patients gery through a left or right anterior thoracotomy,
were found to have pulmonary lesions, 80 % of access for ipsilateral lung resection is enhanced
which were benign on the basis of calcifications compared to sternotomy, whereas there is no
(Johnson et  al. 1996). The overall prevalence of access for contralateral lung resection. Occasional
malignancy was 7.8 %; nodules >2  cm in maxi- reports have described the use of a posterolateral
mum diameter had a substantially increased risk thoracotomy for lung resection and concomitant
of malignancy (37 %). grafting; one included a single graft to a dominant
Other patients are identified initially as having circumflex lesion performed off pump (Ahmed
a confirmed or suspected lung cancer amenable to and Sarsam 2001). Of course, the combined oper-
resection but are found to have underlying car- ations could also be performed through two inci-
diac disease that would not permit lung resection sions, as has been reported (Voets et  al. 1997),
unless it is corrected. In the second instance, most optimizing the exposure for each but causing
patients’ disease is managed via percutaneous additional pain and trauma. This was associated
Chapter 34 · Combined Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery
1037 34
with increased operative mortality compared to 34.4.3  Perioperative Management
sternotomy alone (27.2 % vs 2.9 %) in at least one
study (Brutel de la Reviere et al. 1995). Perioperative management presents challenges in
patients undergoing combined cardiac and pul-
monary surgery. During and after isolated lung
34.4.2  Sequence of Procedures resection, great care is taken to limit intravenous
fluid administration to help prevent pulmonary
A variety of methods are used to manage the edema and compromise of gas exchange. In con-
sequence of intraoperative events, which are trast, fluid administration and fluid shifts during
related to heparinization (related to bleeding), and after cardiac surgery, especially when CPB is
decompression of the heart (related to access), used, are substantial and detrimental to gas
and patient hemodynamic stability (governing exchange. Lung resection sometimes results in a
whether it is feasible to perform the lung resec- residual pleural space, which is routinely drained
tion prior to heparinization while off bypass). by thoracostomy tubes and rarely is complicated
There are few reliable data that inform us about by hemothorax. In contrast, blood loss after a car-
the relative advantages and disadvantages of diac operation, particularly those performed on
these choices. Some surgeons perform the lung CPB, is not uncommon. Such postoperative
resection first, followed by heparinization, insti- bleeding is normally easily managed with medias-
tution of CPB, and cardiac surgery. For patients tinal drains. However, ongoing bleeding in a
who are at high risk from a cardiac perspective, it patient with a common pleural and mediastinal
is more often the case that the cardiac operation cavity, in whom a residual pleural space exists, is
is performed initially. The lung resection may at increased risk for the development of a retained
then be accomplished while on bypass, with the hemothorax. It is not unusual to keep patients
heart decompressed for improved exposure. intubated and ventilated for a period of time after
Alternatively, performing the lung resection after cardiac surgery, whereas lung resection patients
discontinuation of CPB and heparin reversal are best extubated in the operating room to per-
helps identify sites where bleeding may be a con- mit them to begin vigorous pulmonary toilet
cern postoperatively. However, exposure can be exercises as soon as possible.
challenging, and manipulation of the heart in a Pleural space management problems are a
patient who has just been weaned from CPB often particular concern in patients undergoing com-
results in myocardial impairment and cardiac bined cardiac surgery and pneumonectomy
output or rhythm disturbances. One additional through the same incision. There is no soft tissue
concern regarding exposure for the lung resec- to tamponade even modest bleeding into the
tion relates to the use of internal mammary ves- pleural space. Vigorous drainage of the pleural
sels for coronary revascularization. Access to the space after pneumonectomy, in an effort to pre-
pleural space may be compromised, and retrac- vent hemothorax, is associated with pulmonary
tion of the heart away from that pleural space dysfunction related to volotrauma, and this may
could put tension on the coronary anastomosis. be exacerbated by the systemic inflammatory
One method of mitigating some of the issues response associated with CPB.
surrounding CPB and heparinization is to per-
form off-pump surgery with concomitant lung
resection. This eliminates the increased bleeding 34.5 Outcomes
risk and abrogates much of the systemic inflam-
matory response. Successful performance of such Clinical outcomes for combined cardiac and pul-
operations has been reported sporadically monary operations have been reported sporadi-
(Ahmed and Sarsam 2001; Koksal et  al. 2002), cally (. Table  34.2) (Brutel de la Reviere et  al.
and has been associated with decreased blood loss 1995; Johnson et al. 1996; Voets et al. 1997; Danton
and ventilation requirements (Danton et al. 1998). et al. 1998; Schoenmakers et al. 2007; Ulicny et al.
Off-pump bypass also has been shown to decrease 1992; Yokoyama et al. 1993; Rosalion et al. 1993;
postoperative pulmonary complications com- Miller et  al. 1994; La Francesca et  al. 1995; Rao
pared to on-pump bypass (Schoenmakers et  al. et  al. 1996; Patane et  al. 2002; Dyszkiewicz et  al.
2007). 2008; Cathenis et al. 2009). No randomized trials

M.K. Ferguson

..Table 34.2  Outcomes of combined cardiac surgery and major pulmonary resection in series reporting ten or more patients

Author Year Patients Lung cancer Cardiac operations Operative mortality Major morbidity

Ulincy et al. 1992 10 5 CABG (7), AVR (1), CABG + MVR (2) 1 (10 %) 8 (80 %)

Yokoyama et al. 1993 10 10 CABG 0 0

Rosalion et al. 1993 10 10 CABG 0 5 (50 %)

Miller et al. 1994 23 23 Primarily CABG 2 (8.7 %) –

La Francesca et al. 1995 19 19 Primarily CABG 0 1 (5 %)

Brutel de la Riviere et al. 1995 79 79 CABG (72), AVR (5), CABG + AVR (2) 5 (6.3 %) 12 (15 %)

Rao et al. 1996 11 11 Primarily CABG 2 (18.1 %) 7 (64 %)

Johnson et al. 1996 18 11 CABG 1 (5.5 %) –

Danton et al. 1997 13 10 CABG (12), AVR (1) 0 6 (46 %)

Voets et al. 1998 24 24 CABG 5 (20.8 %) 6 (25 %)

Patane et al. 2002 11 9 CABG (6), AVR (2), MVR (1), AVR + MVR (1), 0 0
myxoma resection (1)

Schoenmakers et al. 2007 43 43 CABG 3 (7 %) 20 (47 %)

Dyszkiewicz et al. 2008 21 21 CABG 0 6 (28 %)

Cathenis et al. 2009 27 27 CABG 922), valve (2), valve + CABG (3) 0 16 (59 %)
Chapter 34 · Combined Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery
1039 34
evaluating the potential benefit or harm have been more advanced lung cancer at the time of treat-
performed. It is likely that such combined opera- ment. Therefore, the conclusions from this iso-
tions represent much less than 5 % of all major lated study need confirmation in larger clinical
lung resections for cancer. There is a trend toward experiences.
somewhat increased operative mortality for com-
bined operations compared to cardiac surgical
procedures alone. It is not possible to reliably 34.6 Conclusions
determine whether long-term cancer-specific sur-
vival is related to whether the lung resection was Combined cardiac and pulmonary operations
performed in a staged or synchronous manner. are uncommon. A number of theoretical con-
Survival data for combined operations are scarce cerns exist regarding the adverse effects of com-
and are not reported according to clinical stage, so bining the operations, but the data regarding
direct comparisons are not possible. One retro- these concerns are limited and few clear conclu-
spective observational study reported no differ- sions can be drawn. No general agreement exists
ence in long-term survival for staged procedures as to which portion of the operation should be
compared to combined procedures (Voets et  al. done first, whether the lung resection should be
1997), whereas another study from the same time performed on or off bypass, whether performing
period reported significantly better 5-year sur- the cardiac operation off pump is advantageous
vival for pathologic stage I patients who had a and whether performing the lung resection
staged resection compared to those who under- through a separate incision provides any advan-
went combined resection, 100 % vs 36.5 % (Miller tage. There appears to be an increase in both
et al. 1994). operative mortality and surgical morbidity for
It is unclear from the literature whether, when combined operations compared to isolated car-
a combined approach is used, a subspecialist in diac and thoracic operations. Staged, rather than
thoracic surgery performs the lung resection or combined, surgery may provide a cancer-specific
whether this is done by the cardiothoracic sur- survival benefit.
geon who is also performing the cardiac opera-
tion. Recent findings suggest that subspecialist
thoracic surgeons perform a more oncologically References
appropriate operation for lung cancer when per-
formed as an isolated operation compared to gen- Ahmed AA, Sarsam MA (2001) Off-pump combined coro-
eral and cardiac surgeons (Farjah et al. 2009; Ellis nary artery bypass grafting and left upper lobectomy
et  al. 2011). Morbidity and mortality for major through left posterolateral thoracotomy. Ann Thorac
Surg 71(6):2016–2018
lung resection are lower for thoracic surgeons
Akchurin RS, Davidov MI, Partigulov SA, Brand JB, Shiriaev
than for cardiac surgeons and general surgeons AA, Lepilin MG, Dolgov IM (1997) Cardiopulmonary
(Schipper et  al. 2009). Survival after lung cancer bypass and cell-saver technique in combined onco-
resection is also better when surgery is performed logic and cardiovascular surgery. Artif Organs
by a thoracic surgeon than a cardiothoracic or 21(7):763–765
Boldt J, Kumle B, Papsdorf M, Hempelmann G (1998) Are
general surgeon (Farjah et  al. 2009). How these
circulating adhesion molecules specifically changed in
findings apply to a combined cardiac and pulmo- cardiac surgical patients? Ann Thorac Surg 65(3):
nary operation is unclear. 608–614
Despite the theoretical risk that extracorpo- Brutel de la Rivière A, Knaepen P, Van Swieten H,
real circulation will increase metastatic potential, Vanderschueren R, Ernst J, Van den Bosch J (1995)
Concomitant open heart surgery and pulmonary
this has not been borne out reliably in the litera-
resection for lung cancer. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg
ture. In fact, one retrospective observational 9(6):310–314
study demonstrated improved long-term all- Cathenis K, Hamerlijnck R, Vermassen F, Van Nooten G,
cause survival in patients undergoing combined Muysoms F (2009) Concomitant cardiac surgery and
coronary revascularization on CPB and lung can- pulmonary resection. Acta Chir Belg 109(3):306–311
Chen Q, Ge F, Cui W, Wang F, Yang Z, Guo Y, Li L, Bremner
cer resection compared to those undergoing
RM, Lin PP (2013) Lung cancer circulating tumor cells
revascularization without CPB (Schoenmakers isolated by the EpCAM-independent enrichment strat-
et al. 2007). However, the off-pump group in this egy correlate with Cytokeratin 19-derived CYFRA21–1
study was significantly older and had somewhat and pathological staging. Clin Chim Acta 419C:57–61
1040 M.K. Ferguson

D’Andrilli A, Venuta F, Rendina EA (2012) The role of lymph- Nwogu CE, Groman A, Fahey D, Yendamuri S, Dexter E,
adenectomy in lung cancer surgery. Thorac Surg Clin Demmy TL, Miller A, Reid M (2012) Number of lymph
22(2):227–237 nodes and metastatic lymph node ratio are associated
Danton MH, Anikin VA, McManus KG, McGuigan JA, with survival in lung cancer. Ann Thorac Surg
Campalani G (1998) Simultaneous cardiac surgery 93(5):1614–1620
with pulmonary resection: presentation of series and O’Flaherty JD, Gray S, Richard D, Fennell D, O’Leary JJ,
review of literature. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 13(6):667– Blackhall FH, O’Byrne KJ (2012) Circulating tumour
672 cells, their role in metastasis and their clinical utility in
De Leyn P, Lardinois D, Van Schil P, Rami-Porta R, Passlick B, lung cancer. Lung Cancer 76(1):19–25
Zielinski M, Waller D, Lerut T, Weder W, ESTS (2007) Okumura Y, Tanaka F, Yoneda K, Hashimoto M, Takuwa T,
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2(4):357–361 patients. Ann Thorac Surg 87(6):1669–1675
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Perek B, Gasiorowski L, Kaczmarek E (2008) The early Simultaneous operation for cardiac disease and lung
and late results of combined off-pump coronary cancer. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg 1(2):69–71
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Intraoperative oncologic staging and outcomes for nary resection and cardiac operation. Ann Thorac Surg
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Curr Opin Pharmacol 12(2):155–159 tumor cells in lung cancer. Acta Cytol 56(6):655–660
1041 35

Pulmonary Embolectomy
and Pulmonary
Stein Iversen

35.1  ulmonary Embolectomy for Acute

Pulmonary Embolism – 1042
35.1.1  linical Presentation – 1042
35.1.2 Diagnostics – 1043
35.1.3 Medical Treatment and Surgical Therapy – 1044 T hrombolytic Therapy – 1044 Indication for Pulmonary Embolectomy – 1046 Techniques of Pulmonary Embolectomy – 1046 Results – 1047

35.2 Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary

Hypertension and Pulmonary
Thromboendarterectomy – 1049
35.2.1  linical Presentation – 1049
35.2.2 Pathophysiology – 1049
35.2.3 Diagnostics – 1050 Basic Diagnostic Procedures – 1050 Cardiac Diagnostic – 1050 Radiologic Imaging – 1051
35.2.4 Surgical Indications and Operative Techniques – 1051 Indications and Patient Selection – 1051 Operative Techniques – 1052
35.2.5 Postoperative Treatment – 1055 Ventilator Therapy – 1055 Fluid Balance and Diuresis – 1055 Anticoagulation and Cava Filter – 1056
35.2.6  esults – 1056
35.2.7 Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension – 1057

References – 1057

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_35
1042 S. Iversen

35.1 Pulmonary Embolectomy 55 Oral contraceptive and postmenopausal

for Acute Pulmonary Embolism hormone substitution
55 Puerperal period
35.1.1  Clinical Presentation 55 Obesity
55 Long (flight) travels
Massive pulmonary embolism carries a mortality
rate of >30 %, and its acute clinical presentation The multiple facets in clinical appearance of
may be life threatening. Immediate therapeutic pulmonary embolism make a timely and correct
action is mandatory. Two thirds of deaths occur diagnosis difficult. There are on one hand the clin-
within the first hours (Stulz et al. 1994). Autopsy ical symptoms, which depend not only upon the
statistics have shown pulmonary embolism to be severity of the embolism but also on the patient’s
the major cause of death among patients without underlying condition. On the other hand, none of
a clinically diagnosed cause (­Morgenthaler and the symptoms or symptom complexes are highly
Ryu 1995; Morpurgo and Schmid 1995). In up to specific (. Table 35.1). Therefore, correct diagno-
90 % of cases, pulmonary embolism is caused by sis is missed in more than 50 % of cases (Moser
venous thrombi mainly originating from the 1997).
lower limbs. Only seldom may fatty tissue, bone Clinical severity, mainly hemodynamic con-
fragments, amnion fluid, air, tumor tissue, bacte- sequences of the thromboembolic event, dictates
ria, parasites, or foreign bodies embolize. In treatment of acute pulmonary embolism and
approximately 10–20 % of cases, emboli arise determines the patient’s course and outcome.
from the area of the superior vena cava, and its The historic grading into four severities of pul-
incidence has increased with the more frequent monary embolism is based upon the pathophysi-
invasive diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in ologic changes and clinical manifestation (Grosser
the current era. In a study by Sandler and Martin 1980). Today, for therapeutic decision-making,
(1989), deep venous thrombosis of the lower we only differentiate between hemodynamic non-­
extremities was found at autopsy in more than effectual pulmonary embolism, i.e., without right
80 % of patients who died from pulmonary embo- heart strain (equates Grosser grade I–II) and a
lism. In only a quarter of those, 19 % of the whole hemodynamic effectual embolic event (Grosser
group had been diagnosed already clinically ante
35 mortem. Furthermore, Moser et  al. (1994) ..Table 35.1  Symptoms and signs in patients
revealed asymptomatic pulmonary emboli by with confirmed pulmonary embolism
scintigraphy in 40 % of patients with deep venous
thrombosis. Symptoms
The Virchow triad—vascular wall lesion,  Dyspnea 80 %
blood stasis, and hypercoagulation—is consid-
  Chest pain (pleuritic) 52 %
ered to be the underlying pathological mecha-
nisms of venous thrombosis formation.   Chest pain (retrosternal) 12 %
The recognized risk factors are:  Cough 20 %
55 Advanced age
55 Surgery (depending upon procedure and  Hemoptysis 11 %
duration of anesthesia; hip and knee  Syncope 19 %
procedures in particular)
55 Thrombophilic diathesis
55 Antithrombin III deficiency  Tachypnea 20 %
55 Protein C or S deficiency   Tachycardia (>100 bpm) 26 %
55 Resistance against activated protein V
  Signs of DVT 15 %
55 Malignant disease
55 Previous venous thromboembolism   Fever (>38.5 °C) 7 %
55 Immobilization  Cyanosis 11 %
55 Trauma to the lower limbs
55 Internal diseases requiring prolonged bed rest From: Torbicki et al. (2008); used with permission
(such as cardiac insufficiency)
Chapter 35 · Pulmonary Embolectomy and Pulmonary Thromboendarterectomy
1043 35
grade III–IV). While a hemodynamic non-­ specific. While a normal perfusion scan reliably
effectual embolism may be also coined nonmassive rules out pulmonary embolism, mismatch in ven-
embolism, a submassive embolism causes right tilation–perfusion has a high probability for the
ventricular dysfunction, and a massive embolism diagnosis of pulmonary embolism in the clinical
leads to systemic hypotension or even a shock. setting being suspicious for it. However, scintigra-
phy is not available in all institutions and has lost
its stand to more modern radiologic CT methods.
Right heart strain is considered a decisive fac- Although the investigation is safe and radiation
tor for the short-term prognosis in acute pul- exposure low, the method is time consuming and
monary embolism. may be unsuitable for patients in critical condition
as further radiological imaging tests may be
required to establish the pathway of treatment.
The aggressiveness of diagnostic and thera- Echocardiography in experienced hands is an
peutic procedures ensues the degree of right ven- extremely useful diagnostic tool. Its noninvasive
tricular dysfunction (Konstantinides et  al. 1997; and mobile applicability allows for quick assess-
Lualdi and Goldhaber 1995). ment of the patient’s hemodynamic condition. It
can ascertain imminent deterioration, help deter-
mine the intensity of monitoring required, and
35.1.2  Diagnostics guide the treatment plan. It’s highly effective for dif-
ferential diagnosis of acute dyspnea, chest pain, cir-
Baseline diagnostics include plain chest x-ray culatory instability, and other clinical situations
examination, a standard 12-lead electrocardio- when acute pulmonary embolism may be sus-
gram, an arterial blood gas analysis, and determi- pected. However, the method is subjective and
nation of serum D-dimer concentration. Chest observer dependant and has only limited value in
x-ray and ECG are often inconclusive, arterial differentiating causes of right heart strain. The
blood gases (Brau et al. 1981), and D-dimer may assessment of important right heart parameters—
point toward early diagnosis but are also of limited such as right atrial and ventricular size, contractil-
value and often inconclusive. Although moderate ity of the free wall, movement of the ventricular
in severity, hypoxemia and associated hypocapnia septum, degree of tricuspid valve insufficiency, and
are present in approximately 95 % of patients with calculation of pulmonary artery pressure—does,
confirmed acute pulmonary embolism. Right–left however, suffice for initiation of aggressive treat-
shunting may aggravate hypoxemia. ment when the patient’s condition is critical. At the
D-dimer is elevated in >90 % of patients with same time, echocardiography evaluates left ventric-
pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis; ular function and may also differentiate between
a normal D-dimer value rules out the diagnosis of acute and chronic pulmonary hypertension. In
acute pulmonary embolism (Bounameaux et  al. acute pulmonary embolism, a previous normal
1991). On the other hand, D-dimer may also be right ventricle will not maintain a systolic pressure
elevated in a wide variety of conditions, i.e., above 40 mmHg. Moreover, in massive pulmonary
inflammation, infection, aortic dissection, and embolism, pulmonary pressure may decrease as a
cancer, and therefore, the positive predictive result of right heart and secondary circulatory fail-
value of D-dimer is low. Elevation of cardiac tro- ure. In these cases interpretation of pulmonary
ponines and pro-BNP are markers for the degree artery pressure must be evaluated in the clinical
of right ventricular dysfunction and damage context (Wacker et  al. 2003). Transesophageal
(Konstantinides et al. 2002). echocardiography may even confirm diagnosis by
The critical consequence of a pulmonary detection of thromboemboli in the central pulmo-
thromboembolic episode is hemodynamic deteri- nary arteries. Also right heart thrombi, which are
oration secondary to right heart failure. Evaluation detected by transthoracic echocardiography in up
of right ventricular function by echocardiography to 20 % of patients, justify aggressive treatment.
and radiologic pulmonary vascular bed imaging Simultaneously, venous ultrasound may be per-
are the two pillars upon which the decision for formed to substantiate diagnosis and allows for risk
invasive therapy is founded. Ventilation–perfu- stratification of therapy. The sensitivity for detec-
sion scintigraphy (V/Q scan) is very sensitive and tion of deep vein thrombosis by ultrasound color
1044 S. Iversen

flow imaging (CFI, also: color flow Doppler imag- high (up to 90 %). Hemodynamic and respiratory
ing - CD sonography) is concordant with the result support is required when hypotension or even
of CT venography (van Belle et al. 2006). shock are present. Aggressive volume expansion
Multi-detector computed tomography has may further impair right ventricular function by
replaced conventional angiography as «gold stan- causing additional mechanic overstretch, tricus-
dard» of radiologic imaging of the pulmonary pid regurgitation, and further loss of contractility.
vasculature in routine clinical practice. The visu- Modest fluid support, however, may improve car-
alization of the pulmonary arteries is adequate up diac index. Positive inotropic drugs should be
to the segmental level, and the detection of administered to improve contractility and main-
thrombi suffices as evidence of pulmonary embo- tain adequate coronary perfusion. No clinical
lism. The large PIOPED II (Prospective data are available on noradrenaline (norepineph-
Investigation of Pulmonary Embolism Diagnosis) rine) in pulmonary embolism; dobutamine
study observed a sensitivity of 83 % and a specific- improves cardiac index but may cause systemic
ity of 96 % (van Belle et  al. 2006). Additionally, vasodilation and hypotension. Adrenaline (epi-
evaluation of right ventricular size and strain is nephrine) combines the beneficial properties of
feasible, and a CT venogram decides the status of drugs mentioned and exerts beneficial effects in
deep vein thrombosis (Goldhaber 2005; Loud shock patients (Torbicki et  al. 2008). Systemic
et al. 2005; Perrier et al. 2005; Stein et al. 2004). administration of vasodilators may be detrimen-
However, due to the relatively high overall exami- tal due to systemic hypotension, but may be ben-
nation radiation, the value of CT venography is eficial when inhaled. For respiratory support by
debated in spite of diagnostic accuracy and should mechanical ventilation, it is important to avoid
be used selectively (Torbicki et al. 2008). excessive increase in intrathoracic pressure as it
Magnetic resonance imaging is noninvasive may further compromise right ventricular func-
and provides reliable diagnostic data. The method tion. Therefore, high end-inspiratory pressures
is time consuming, expensive, and not always and PEEP are avoided.
available. Especially for unstable patients with Occasionally, extracorporeal membrane oxy-
high-risk status, this diagnostic option is not genation (see 7 Chapter «Extracorporeal Circulation
suited (Madini and Jamieson 2003). and Myocardial Protection in Adult Cardiac Surgery»,
Sect. 6.3) may be necessary at times extended to
35 mechanical circulatory support (7 Chapter
In patients with suspected high-risk pulmo- «Cardiac Assist Devices and Total Artificial Heart»,
nary embolism, i.e., presenting with shock or Sect. 38.4.3), followed by thrombolysis or surgery.
hypotension, diagnostic measures must be Anticoagulant therapy is mandatory in patients
kept at a minimum, either after echocardiog- with pulmonary embolism, and immediate full
raphy alone, or, if allowed for by stabilized heparin administration should even be consid-
hemodynamics, after a pulmonary CT, imme- ered before definite diagnosis of pulmonary
diate therapeutic action (thrombolysis or sur- embolism is confirmed. Unfractionated heparin
gical embolectomy) is imperative. given intravenously and low molecular weight
heparin and fondaparinux (Factor XA Inhibitor)
administered subcutaneously are all equally effec-
tive and approved for treatment of low-risk pul-
35.1.3  Medical Treatment monary embolism and the latter two generally
and Surgical Therapy preferred due the easier application modus
(Konstantinides 2006; Kucher and Goldhaber
All patients with suspected significant pulmonary 2005). Unfractionated heparin is applied in
embolism should immediately be transferred to patients with high risk of bleeding, in renal fail-
the ICU. Acute right ventricular failure and subse- ure, and/or in high-risk pulmonary embolism.
quent shock, which is the leading cause of mortal-
ity, may be imminent, and rapid diagnosis  Thrombolytic Therapy
followed by supportive therapy is imperative. Thrombolysis is the treatment of choice in high-­
About 40–50 % of patients with acute pulmonary risk patients with cardiogenic shock and persistent
embolism have right heart strain. If this leads to hypotension due to massive pulmonary embolism
circulatory instability, mortality is exorbitantly (Jerjes-Sanchez et al. 1995).
Chapter 35 · Pulmonary Embolectomy and Pulmonary Thromboendarterectomy
1045 35

..Table 35.2  Contraindications to thrombolytic ..Table 35.3  Thrombolytic regimens for

therapy pulmonary embolism

Absolute: Streptokinase 250,000 IU bolus over 30 min,

followed by 100,000 IU/kg/h over
 Hemorrhagic stroke at any time 12–24 h
 Ischemic stroke within preceding 6 months Accelerated regimen: 1.5 mill IU
 Central nervous system damage or neoplasm over 2 h

 Recent major trauma/surgery/head injury within Urokinase 4,400 IU/kg bolus over 10 min,
preceding 3 weeks followed by 4,400 IU/kg/h over
12–24 h
 Gastrointestinal bleeding within preceding 1 month
Accelerated regimen: 3 mill IU
 Active bleeding over 2 h

Relative: rtPA 100 mg over 2 h

 TIA in preceding 6 months alt. 0.6 mg/kg over 15 min

(maximum dose 50 mg)
 Oral anticoagulant therapy

 Pregnancy or within 1 week postpartum Heparin is infused concurrently with rtPA administra-
tion only, with urokinase and streptokinase afterward
 Non-compressible punctures From: Torbicki et al. (2008); used with permission
 Traumatic resuscitation

 Refractory hypertension (syst. >180 mmHg)

the three, rtPA (recombinant tissue plasminogen
 Advanced liver disease
activator), a short-term lytic agent infused over
 Infective endocarditis two hours, seems to offer faster hemodynamic
 Active peptic ulcer improvement compared to either urokinase or
streptokinase and is therefore recommended. Data
From: Torbicki et al. (2008); used with permission from other thrombolytic agents (reteplase and
tenecteplase) seem to provide equally good hemo-
dynamic and efficient results (Tebbe et  al. 1999;
Active lysis rapidly resolves the thromboem- Melzer et al. 2004). Direct local infusion in the pul-
bolus within a few hours, thereby restoring the monary artery offers no advantage over systemic
vascular lumen and reducing right ventricular intravenous administration (Verstraete et al. 1988).
afterload. Studies have demonstrated a 30  % In patients with stable hemodynamics but right
reduction in mean pulmonary arterial pressure, heart dysfunction, the usefulness of thrombolytic
15 % increase in cardiac index, and reduction of therapy is not proven, yet, but intensely debated.
right ventricular size (Dalla-Volta et  al. 1992; This group, accounting for 40–50 % of patients pre-
Goldhaber et  al. 1993). The greatest benefit is senting with acute pulmonary embolism, has a
observed when treatment is begun within the first higher mortality than the group without RV strain
two days, but substantial effect can be observed (Goldhaber et al. 1999). In larger studies thromboly-
up to 2 weeks after onset of symptoms. The hemo- sis in patients without right heart dysfunction
dynamic effect of therapy is vastly confined to the showed no advantage in terms of endpoint mortal-
first 2  days of therapy with >90 % of patients ity (Goldhaber et al. 1999; Wan et al. 2004). It is sug-
responding. In randomized trials, the major risk gested that after rapid risk stratification, selected
of thrombolytic therapy is bleeding with a cumu- high-risk patients without hypotension and with
lative rate of major bleeding in 13 % and intracra- low bleeding risk should receive thrombolytic ther-
nial/fatal hemorrhage in 1.8 % (Torbicki et  al. apy (ACCP recommendation grade IIB; Kearon
2008). Absolute and relative contraindications are et al. 2008). Patients without right heart dysfunction
few (. Table  35.2) and may become inconsider- and stable hemodynamics have an excellent long-
able in the face of a life-threatening situation. term prognosis following therapy with heparin only.
Three agents (. Table  35.3) are approved for Analyses of mortality (approximately 4–6 %)
thrombolytic therapy of pulmonary embolism. Of between unselected patient groups receiving
1046 S. Iversen

thrombolytic therapy versus heparin only revealed 55 Massive right ventricular failure and absolute
no significant difference in outcome (Konstantinides contraindication to thrombolytic therapy
et al. 2002; Wan et al. 2004; Dong et al. 2006), but 55 Hemodynamic instability and imminent
Konstantinides found a significant higher degree of circulatory failure in spite of ongoing
clinical deterioration requiring secondary (rescue) thrombolytic treatment
thrombolysis in the heparin-­only group. In patients
with massive pulmonary embolism and hemody- Furthermore, patients with floating (transit)
namic instability, thrombolysis is associated with intracardial thrombi and/or patent foramen ovale
lower mortality rates than the heparin group (6.2 % should primarily be considered for surgical removal.
vs. 12.7 %) but without statistical significance (Wan In this group mortality is particularly high, 80–100 %
et al. 2004). It is accepted that randomized studies when left untreated. With thrombolytic therapy,
cannot be obtained. Therefore, although not veri- mortality is still beyond 20 % as the intracardiac
fied, thrombolytic treatment has become a guide- thrombus does not always dissolve in situ, but may
line-based standard of care. Whether thrombolytic disperse and migrate to the pulmonary vascular bed
therapy is effective for chronic thromboembolic (Chartier et al. 1999; Torbicki et al. 2003). However,
pulmonary hypertension or for preventing its aggressive interventionists see no contraindication
occurrence after acute pulmonary embolism in this constellation and have reported good results
remains unclear (Meneveau et al. 2003). with low mortality (Rose et al. 2002). In the pres-
Interventional percutaneous techniques to ence of a patent foramen ovale, hospital mortality is
reopen the central pulmonary arteries can be significantly higher (33 % vs. 14 %). Atrial shunts
applied either in adjunct to ongoing thrombolysis may be easily detected during the primary diagnos-
or as an alternative to lytic therapy or surgical tic procedures and the finding must be considered
embolectomy when these measures are absolutely in the decision-making of therapy; especially in
contraindicated. Various techniques are applied event of «paradoxical» emboli, morbidity and
either for removal (i.e., Greenfield suction cathe- mortality are increased (Chartier et  al. 1999;
ter) or fragmentation and dispersion of thrombo- Konstantinides et al. 1998; Rose et al. 2002). Patients
emboli utilizing conventional or specially with subacute pulmonary embolism (older than
designed catheters. By fragmentation a greater 5–7 days), in whom the thromboembolic debri has
contact area for the lytic agent is achieved migrated into the segmental arteries and systemic
organization and break down of clot has begun, are
35 (Uflacker et al. 1996, Uflacker 2004). Its applica-
poor candidates for embolectomy, as the removal of
tion should be limited to the central arteries to
avoid perforation and terminated as soon as hemo- clot may be incomplete or impossible. Likewise,
dynamic improvement is attained. Hemodynamic patients with recurrent pulmonary embolism
improvement can be substantial and lifesaving, superimposed on long-standing history of dyspnea
and various good results have been described, but and pulmonary hypertension should not undergo
definite evaluations in larger trials are pending pulmonary embolectomy, but should be evaluated
(Greenfield et al. 1969; Kucher et al. 2005; Brady for pulmonary thromboendarterectomy.
et al. 1991; Chamsuddin et al. 2008).  I ndication for Pulmonary In life-threatening situations, ongoing throm-

Embolectomy bolysis is no contraindication for surgical
Thrombolytic therapy is feasible in most hospitals embolectomy. Likewise, immediate throm-
and in every intensive care unit and has proven bolysis must be initiated in patients with
highly effective as an emergency treatment in apparent indication for embolectomy when
patients with acute significant pulmonary embo- surgery is delayed for logistic reasons.
lism. Thus the role of surgery has long been mod-
ified to be offered to patients with absolute
contraindications for thrombolytic therapy or,  Techniques of Pulmonary
moreover, when no hemodynamic improvement Embolectomy
in spite of is achieved. Thus surgical intervention Pulmonary embolectomy is performed via a
is indicated for patients with massive or fulminant median sternotomy. Rapid cannulation and insti-
pulmonary embolism in the presence of: tution of normothermic cardiopulmonary bypass
Chapter 35 · Pulmonary Embolectomy and Pulmonary Thromboendarterectomy
1047 35
provide immediate restoration of systemic blood emboli by manual compression and massage of
flow and oxygen supply to the tissues. It also pro- lung tissue after opening the pleural space has
vides excellent resuscitation in cardiogenic shock. been described, but is not advocated. This
Single atrial cannulation may be used, but sepa- maneuver may be damaging to the lung tissue,
rate caval cannulation with snares for total bypass entail atelectases, and provoke or aggravate a
may be necessary for exploration of intracardiac potential pulmonary reperfusion edema (Couves
chambers (i.e., thrombi, patent foramen ovale) or et  al. 1973; Mahfood et  al. 1988; Makey et  al.
when performing the Trendelenburg maneuver. 1971; Timby et al. 1990; Ward and Pearse 1989).
Bicaval cannulation also avoids air block of the The pulmonary incisions are closed with a dou-
venous line after pulmonary artery incision. ble row of running polypropylene sutures (4/0–
Cardiopulmonary bypass or extracorporeal mem- 6/0 and small needles depending upon the
brane oxygenation systems may also be inserted thickness and consistence of the vessel wall). The
via the femoral vessels either by surgical cutdown right heart cavities are then explored via a small
or percutaneously in patients under ongoing right atrial incision. If present, transit emboli are
resuscitation. This may be instituted in the cath removed and a patent foramen ovale closed.
lab, in the intensive care unit, or at the outside Jakob et al. (1995) recommends compressing and
hospital before transfer to the cardiac surgery milking out the lower limbs with an Esmarch
unit. In ­certain patients—considered poor candi- wrap and subsequently compressing the abdo-
dates for sternotomy and embolectomy—tempo- men with the inferior cava open and cannula
rary use of peripheral cardiopulmonary bypass temporarily removed. Thus, further venous
may maintain circulation and oxygenation under thrombi are mobilized and recurrent emboliza-
thrombolytic therapy (also bridge to recovery). tion intraoperatively or early postoperative pre-
Aortic cross-clamping should be avoided to vented. For these procedures obviously, bicaval
allow for restoration of right ventricular function. cannulation is necessary.
A 4 cm longitudinal main pulmonary arteriotomy Postoperatively a Doppler—or CT—examina-
is performed (. Fig.  35.1). If required it may be tion of the venous system should be performed to
extended into the concavity of the left pulmonary identify potential thromboembolic threats and
artery after blunt dissection of the pericardial help decide whether the insertion of a filter device
flexion toward the hilum. In such cases one must is indicated. The routine insertion of a cava filter
be cautious not to incise upper lobe or lingular postsurgery is debated but probably indicated.
artery branches. Larger intraluminal embolic Under all circumstances, early heparin therapy is
material is removed with broad forceps or a bile indicated after surgery with an overlapping start
duct clamp, and peripheral smaller emboli may be of oral anticoagulant treatment. This treatment
removed by suction. Often the emboli are local- can be discontinued after 3  months in patients
ized further distally blocking the orifices of the with a first episode of pulmonary embolism and
segmental arteries. They may be either dissemi- an identified reversible risk factor and after
nated smaller thromboemboli or just migrated 6  months if venous thromboembolism is idio-
distally through the pressure wave. The inspection pathic. In patients with recurrent VTE or con-
of the peripheral vessels may be facilitated by rou- tinuing risk factors, anticoagulation should be
tine use of loupes and headlight. rather indefinite (Torbicki et al. 2008).
An additional incision may be required in the
right pulmonary artery for better peripheral  Results
exposure of the right pulmonary vessels. This Results of surgical embolectomy are poor. In an
incision is placed in the right pulmonary artery earlier analysis of pooled data from various
reaching into the lung hilum after mobilization reports, the mean operative mortality was 36 % in
of the superior vena cava (see 7 Sect., 356 patients, varying between 20 and 44  %
«Operative Techniques», . Fig. 35.2). The removal (Iversen 1997). Most evidently, patients requiring
of embolic material at the (sub)segmental level is resuscitation before surgery carry the highest risk
usually not required, but can, if necessary, be with a reported mortality ranging from 47 to
accomplished with a fine coronary sucker or suc- 74 %. Patients with stable or stabilized circulation
tion dissector. Inflating the lungs is helpful to at time of surgery have significantly better chance
mobilize peripheral thromboemboli. The origi- of survival. If embolectomy was performed in
nal alternative approach to mobilize peripheral patients with massive pulmonary embolism but
1048 S. Iversen

Heat exchanger




..Fig. 35.1  Longitudinal incision of the pulmonary artery in the main stem. Grasping and extraction of a large
thromboembolus with a bile duct clamp. Insert: removal of peripheral embolic material by suction

absence of shock, mortality varied between 6 and nary embolectomy is set at different levels in
8 % (Aklog et  al. 2002; Leacche et  al. 2005; different institutions. The primary goal of the
Meneveau et al. 2006). Furthermore, patient age, operative procedure performed in an emergency
duration of symptoms, and number of episodes of situation on moribund patients is to prevent acute
pulmonary embolism influence results. The wide death from circulatory collapse. Any conventional
range of mortality rates reported reflects the inho- statistical analysis of results does not apply in
mogeneity of the investigated patients with the these situations. If the patient is already in shock,
diagnosis massive or fulminant pulmonary embo- mortality will be high. Working against long odds,
lism. It also reflects that the indication for pulmo- each single success will corroborate the method.
Chapter 35 · Pulmonary Embolectomy and Pulmonary Thromboendarterectomy
1049 35
35.2 Chronic Thromboembolic Symptoms in patients with pulmonary hyper-
Pulmonary Hypertension tension are mostly nonspecific, and the early
and Pulmonary course of the disease is insidious and correct diag-
Thromboendarterectomy nosis is often missed in the early stage. The most
ostensible symptom is progressive dyspnea upon
35.2.1  Clinical Presentation exertion—in advanced stages, signs of right heart
failure, arterial hypoxemia, and cyanosis become
Chronic pulmonary hypertension caused by pul- evident. Up to two-third of patients with chronic
monary embolism is a rare disease. Approximately thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension have
4 % of patients experiencing a pulmonary embo- no evident history of acute pulmonary embolism
lism develop pulmonary artery hypertension (Lang 2004). In the daily practice, there is much
within 2 years after the embolic event (Pengo et al. uncertainty, lack of knowledge, and controversial
2004; Tapson and Humbert 2006). opinions in regard to indication for surgery,
It has been estimated that only 0.1 % of all pul- patient selection, and timing of surgery. Much too
monary embolism patients require surgery for often, patients are referred to surgery in advanced
chronic thromboembolic hypertension (Fedullo stages as a last resort after years of misdiagnoses
et al. 2000). Left untreated, the prognosis in these and/or palliative medical treatment (Auger et al.
patients is poor and correlates with the degree of 1999; Riedel 2003; Thistlethwaite et al. 2002).
elevation in right ventricular afterload and pul-
monary pressures. An older analysis showed that
the 5-year survival rate was 30 % when the mean 35.2.2  Pathophysiology
pulmonary artery pressure exceeded 30  mmHg,
and merely 10 % at mean pressures was measured In acute pulmonary embolism, the intraluminal
beyond 50 mmHg. On the contrary, if mean pul- obstruction of the pulmonary vessels by fresh
monary artery pressures were found below thromboemboli can be easily mobilized. In
30  mmHg, the survival rate was nearly 90 % chronic pulmonary embolism, the thromboem-
(Riedel et al. 1982). bolic mass has become organized, i.e., incorpo-
In general, pulmonary artery hypertension of rated into the vascular intimal layer, altered into
various etiologies remains a chronic disease with- fibrous and elastic tissue, and endothelialized. The
out definite cure. In spite of recent advances, med- pulmonary arteries reveal characteristic features of
ical treatment is at large a palliative therapeutic intimal thickening, membranous occlusions, intra-
option (Bresser et  al. 2006; Galiè et  al. 2004; luminal webs and bands, and stenoses (Wagenvoort
Ghofrani et  al. 2003). The mortality of patients and Wagenvooort 1977). The central arteries
treated medically—dependent upon the degree of may—but not obligatory—be filled with intralumi-
pulmonary artery pressure elevation—amounted nal appositional thrombi of various ages.
to 31.5 % at 18  months at the beginning of this Fundamental for the progression of pulmonary
century (Lewczuk et al. 2001). But modern drug hypertension once established is the development
therapy—today approximately ten different drugs of a precapillary vasculopathy mainly in the still
are in use alone and in combinations—has man- perfused vascular bed. By mechanisms not yet
aged to reduce mortality by 43 % (Galiè et  al. clearly understood, probably by relative hyperper-
2009). fusion, the small vessels restrict, undergo a media
Pulmonary thromboendarterectomy is a sur- hypertrophy, and become sclerotic. In the end, the
gical desobliteration of the obstructed pulmonary vascular pathology of chronic thromboembolic
artery vessels that has been established for pulmo- pulmonary hypertension presents as a mixed pic-
nary hypertension caused by chronic persistent or ture of mechanically obstruction at the stem, lobar,
recurrent pulmonary embolism (Archibald et al. and (sub)segmental level which may be surgically
1999; Daily et  al. 1999; D’Armini et  al. 2000; removed and in the end stage an irreversible vascu-
Iversen 1994; Jamieson et al. 2003). Thus, chronic lopathy in the primarily nonobstructed vessels.
thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension has The degree of small vessel vasculopathy signifi-
become a surgically manageable form of pulmo- cantly determines the surgical outcome (Galiè and
nary hypertension with the potential of curative Kim 2006; Moser and Bloor 1993; Timby et  al.
treatment. 1990; Yi et  al. 2000). The degree of vascular
1050 S. Iversen

obstruction and the level of precapillary vasculop- sion capacity (diffusion lung capacity for carbon
athy are individual, highly variable, and time monoxide (DLCO)) is commonly found
dependent. Thus, the degree of pulmonary hyper- decreased, and 20 % of the patients present with
tension, the course of the disease, the patient’s con- reduction of vital capacity below 80 % due to
dition at time of diagnosis, and the angiographic parenchymal scarring. The pulmonary function is
findings are different in each case. The progression otherwise normal in the majority of patients
of vascular changes leads to a gradual increase of (Fischer et al. 1995; Moser et al. 1990).
right ventricular afterload which at first is compen-
sated by right ventricular hypertrophy, and cardiac  Cardiac Diagnostic
output remains normal. With time, however, right Transthoracic echocardiography will document
ventricular dysfunction and failure become evi- right ventricular strain with hypertrophy and dil-
dent. The clinical condition worsens with parallel atation and the presence of pulmonary hyperten-
progressive hypoxemia due to reduced pulmonary sion at rest. Ventricular contractility as well as
gas exchange and decreased low cardiac output valvular function of both cardiac chambers may
leading to global cardiopulmonary failure. be determined and rule out left ventricular dys-
function as a cause of pulmonary hypertension.
There will be a variable degree of right atrial and
35.2.3  Diagnostics ventricular dilation, tricuspid regurgitation, and a
leftward shift of the interventricular septum. A
All diagnostic procedures aim at establishing the progressive right and in later stages, also left ven-
correct diagnosis of thromboembolic pulmonary tricular dysfunction may be diagnosed. A pericar-
hypertension and stage of the disease, differenti- dial effusion may be seen, and in many instances
ating from other forms of pulmonary hyperten- high right atrial pressures may reopen a previ-
sion, and above all evaluating the possibility of ously closed interatrial communication and a pat-
and indication for surgical intervention. ent foramen ovale may be demonstrated by contrast
or color echocardiography (Menzel et al. 2000).  Basic Diagnostic Procedures Invasive cardiac evaluation and coronary angi-
The general diagnostic work-up in patients pre- ography are generally required in patients with
senting with dyspnea on exertion must consider chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hyperten-
35 all differential diagnoses. ECG, chest x-ray exami- sion, especially if the patient is more than 40 years
nation, arterial blood gas analysis, and pulmonary old or in the presence of risk factors. Response to
function tests will help rule out other causes of vasodilator therapy such as sildenafil or nitric
dyspnea and focus on pulmonary hypertension. oxide inhalation may be tested. Right heart cath-
ECG may show right heart strain through axis eterization is mandatory and must include record-
deviation, a p-pulmonale, and specific changes of ing of all right-sided pressures, determination of
the QRST segment. X-ray findings in chronic right and left side oxygen saturations, as well as
thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension may cardiac output and calculation of pulmonary vas-
be absent or discrete, but full and large pulmo- cular resistance to assess the hemodynamic
nary hili, right heart enlargement, and sparse, impairment. The correct measurement of pulmo-
irregular, pulmonary, vascular markings with nary wedge pressure may be difficult to achieve if
clear lung fields are suggestive. Signs of peripheral measured in a thrombotic obstructed vessel. Thus,
scarring from previous infarction may be seen. repeated measurements at different sites or inclu-
The arterial blood gas analysis may be normal or sion of LV end diastolic pressures may be neces-
show a mild hypocapnia at normal oxygen value sary to correctly obtain pulmonary vascular
also in significant pulmonary hypertension. resistance. Left ventricular catheterization and
Hypercapnia is generally associated with obstruc- coronary angiography provide evidence of valvu-
tive or interstitial lung disease. A decline in oxy- lar and/or coronary heart disease and indicate
gen level at rest occurs in advanced stages of whether concomitant surgery at time of pulmo-
pulmonary hypertension or becomes unmasked nary endarterectomy will be required.
with exertion. Pulmonary function tests must be Radioisotope ventilation and perfusion scan is
performed to rule out severe obstructive or helpful to establish the diagnosis of chronic
fibrotic lung disease. The alveolar–arterial diffu- thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension. The
Chapter 35 · Pulmonary Embolectomy and Pulmonary Thromboendarterectomy
1051 35
typical mismatch found with a normal ventilation Schwickert et al. 1994). The investigation is less
scan demonstrates segmental perfusion defects precise at the segmental level and the diagnostic
with high sensitivity and specificity, but may also value limited (Auger et  al. 1999; Bergin et  al.
highly underestimate its extent and localization of 1997; Pitton et al. 2002).
obstructions and therefore play only a minor role The immaculate imaging of both central and
when assessing operability. distal pulmonary vasculatures is a conditio sine qua
non because the exact location of chronic throm-  Radiologic Imaging boembolic vascular changes and the prediction of
Pulmonary angiography in the form of digital sub- possibility for surgical removal of obstructions and
traction angiography combined with multi-­slice CT consecutive reduction of right ventricular after-
scan remains the «gold standard» for imaging of the load are crucial. Profound knowledge of the patho-
pulmonary arteries and definition of the pathomor- morphologic changes of the pulmonary vasculature
phologic anatomy. It will differentiate the chronic in chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hyperten-
thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension from sion is important to understand and correctly
that of other etiologies, help determine the location interprets the radiologic findings. Extensive
of obstructions, and assess the surgical accessibility thromboembolic masses and vascular changes
and thus technical operability. centrally in the major pulmonary arteries are char-
Pulmonary angiography should be performed acterized mainly by a mechanical obstruction with
biplane with the advantage of a lateral view and sparse antegrade perfusion. The secondary small
with separate contrast injections of the left and vessel disease and reactive hypertension may be
right side. The investigation is safe also in patients expected to be less pronounced and the prospect
with severe pulmonary hypertension when per- of surgical success auspicious. Solely distally
formed in an experienced setting. Characteristic located thromboembolic obstructions are associ-
angiographic findings may include various filling ated with a significantly higher operative mortality
defects, abrupt vessel narrowing or cutoff, intimal (Auger et al. 1999; McGoon et al. 2004; Oikonomou
irregularities with pouching, or intraluminal webs et al. 2004). Moreover, distal occlusions with time
and bands, or the vessels will be completely and in advanced stages of the disease coincide with
thrombosed with total occlusion at the segmental a higher degree of secondary reactive vascular
level or of the larger branches (Auger et al. 1992). changes and progressive pulmonary hypertension.
Contrast-enhanced multi-slice chest CT is In cases with long-standing thromboembolic pul-
often used primarily in the imaging of patients monary hypertension over many years, the angio-
presented for surgical evaluation. The fast acqui- graphic findings of thromboembolic obstruction
sition of images in a single-breath technique is may become discrete and do not correlate with the
less invasive, advantageous, and safe in this often advanced elevation of pulmonary vascular resis-
very sick patient group. CT findings consist of tance. With excessively elevated pulmonary vascu-
chronic thromboembolic material within the lar resistance and the presence of frank right heart
pulmonary arteries often lining the vessels failure, the operative risk will be very high and the
eccentrically, enlargement of the central arteries, patients finally become inoperable.
as well as variability in the distribution and size
of peripheral pulmonary branches. Typically, in
the parenchymal «window,» a mosaic pattern 35.2.4  Surgical Indications
reflecting the inhomogeneous perfusion (along and Operative Techniques
with underperfused areas with low attenuation)
is seen. Chest CT scan will also reveal parenchy-  Indications and Patient
mal defects from prior infarctions, concomitant Selection
fibrous or emphysematous lung disease, obstruct- Prerequisite for successful surgery is careful
ing tumors, or mediastinal fibrosis. Contrast- patient selection. All patients with the diagnosis of
enhanced thoracic CT alone will determine thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension should
thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension in all primarily be considered surgical candidates.
patients and predict technically operability with Pulmonary endarterectomy is indicated if pul-
a specificity of 77 % and sensitivity of 100 % monary vascular resistance at rest exceeds
(Bergin et  al. 1996, 2000; Castañer et  al. 2009; 300 dyn·s·cm−5 (Daily et al. 1999; Iversen et al. 1992;
1052 S. Iversen

Jamieson et al. 1993, 2003; more recent literature ­surgery—in dubio pro operatione—be offered
does not add to current knowledge). A few after extensive and detailed patient information.
patients may present with less elevated pulmo- More recently, excellent results were reported for
nary vascular resistance although they have a distal chronic thromboembolic pulmonary
complete central, but only one-sided, occlusion. hypertension patients also (D’Armini et al. 2014).
They suffer from significant dyspnea upon exer- The presence of parenchymal lung disease is a
tion due to death space ventilation and also strong contraindication for surgery, as this condi-
should be considered surgical candidates. Another tion is associated with an increased postoperative
subgroup of patients in the early course of the dis- morbidity and mortality due to respiratory failure.
ease will reveal pathologically elevated pressures Perivascular inflammatory reactions which
only during physical stress. Considering the may complicate or frankly render thromboembo-
chronic course with progression of pulmonary lectomy impossible must be expected after septic
hypertension due to reactive vasculopathy, it pulmonary emboli. In patients with subacute pul-
seems expedient to offer early surgery to these monary embolism, surgery should be postponed
patients in the absence of contraindications. A for at least 3  months to allow for completion of
complete restitutio ad  integrum is only possible the organization process of the thromboembolic
with removal of the thromboembolic obstruc- material. Concomitant heart procedures such as
tions in the early stages of the disease. In advanced myocardial revascularization or valve interven-
stages, however, pulmonary thromboendarterec- tions can be performed simultaneously.
tomy may be too late because the progressive Pulmonary thromboendarterectomy is tech-
increase of pulmonary resistance is associated nically possible if thromboembolic vascular wall
with a decrease of cardiac output. This condition changes are indentified at or proximal to the lobar
has proven significant for both the surgical risk arteries. With this criterion fulfilled, further
and the long-term success of the procedure peripherally located vascular changes are irrele-
(Iversen et al. 1992; Jamieson et al. 2003; Dartevelle vant. As a prerequisite of technical operability, the
et al. 2004; Corsico et al. 2008). Decision for sur- surgical intimal dissection must start centrally, but
gical treatment is based upon the vascular will then extend into the subsegmental arteries.
obstructions deemed accessible for removal and a Solely peripheral, i.e., at the (sub)segmental level
significant (i.e., >50 %) reduction of right ventric- located, thromboembolic vascular lesions are
35 ular afterload predicted. The decision-making only marginally or non-accessible to desoblitera-
depends upon the accuracy of diagnostics and its tion. Surgery limited to these segments carries the
interpretation and is strongly influenced by the hazard of incomplete removal, inadequate
experience of the surgical team (Bergin et  al. decrease in pulmonary vascular resistance, and
1996, 2000; Daily et al. 1989, 1999; Iversen et al. consecutive right heart failure postoperatively.
1993; Jamieson et al. 1993, 2003; Dartevelle et al.
2004). In patients in whom the thromboembolic  Operative Techniques
obstructions are mainly located in the central pul- The desobliteration of pulmonary arteries in
monary vessels, surgery should always be per- chronic thromboembolism is a true endarterec-
formed, because a significant reduction in tomy different from the techniques applied dur-
pulmonary vascular resistance can be expected. ing embolectomy for acute pulmonary embolism.
In turn, the solely peripheral manifestation of vas- The pathological intima must be extracted along
cular changes combined with year-long-standing with the intraluminal obstructions; the removal of
pulmonary hypertension and the presence of intraluminal thrombi alone will not clear the
frank right heart failure are associated with high underlying vascular obstructions. The operative
operative risk and deficient right ventricular techniques developed by Pat O.  Daily have only
afterload reduction. Between these two extremes, been slightly modified over the last 20 years (Daily
the variety in clinical stages and pathological find- et  al. 1989; Iversen et  al. 1993; Jamieson et  al.
ings is broad, and ultimately, the individual sur- 1993).
geon’s expertise will determine when to operate The surgical approach is via a median sternot-
which patient. In young patients, in particular, in omy with the use of extracorporeal circulation in
whom the long-term prognosis with any alternate deep hypothermia and periods of circulatory
therapy already is highly limited, should arrest. The heart is arrested with cardioplegia
Chapter 35 · Pulmonary Embolectomy and Pulmonary Thromboendarterectomy
1053 35
before the first period of circulatory arrest. Some during cooling to save operative time because,
basic principles and tricks applied during the from experience, most thrombotic material is
preparation of the procedure differ from the stan- found on the right side and the proximal sequence
dard heart operation and will facilitate the expo- of endarterectomy may here be performed with-
sure of the pulmonary arteries in the dorsal out the need of circulatory arrest. For this part of
pericardium. The pleural cavities remain closed the procedure, it is advantageous for the surgeon
during the procedure. The pericardium is incised to change to the left side of the table. The right pul-
in a wing-door fashion by mobilizing the pericar- monary artery is exposed either lateral or medial
dial flexion around the great vessels and the rims to the superior vena cava by placing a small (blunt)
fixed to the presternal tissue. The valves of the self-retaining retractor (e.g., type cone); vision is
sternal retractor are placed underneath to span facilitated using loupes and headlight. The inci-
and elevate the pericardial sac. The superior caval sion is begun proximal to the truncus anterior and
vein is mobilized entirely up to the confluence of extended into the intermediate stem carefully
the hemiazygos vein hereby dissecting the adhe- avoiding the orifice of the middle lobar artery.
sions between the right atrium and right Distally, the exposure may be improved by elevat-
­pulmonary artery. This is followed by an incision ing the overlying upper pulmonary vein with a
of the pericardial flexion posterior and parallel to fine malleable (e.g., type «Marberger») vein retrac-
the phrenic nerve over the upper right pulmonary tor. After identification of the correct plane within
vein and the loose surrounding connecting tissue the pulmonary wall (i.e., lamina elastica interna),
divided. Hence, the ventral aspect of the truncus, the dissection is at first carried out circumferen-
and anterior, main, and intermediate stem of the tially in the central pulmonary artery and then
right pulmonary artery is exposed. It is recom- continued peripherally (. Fig.  35.2). The intimal
mended to perform this dissection before heparin cast of each segmental branch is mobilized and
administration; often dilated bronchial vessels, extracted, and the successful endarterectomy
lymph channels and engorged veins embedded in extends to the subsegmental level beyond the
fatty tissue are encountered, which demand subtle obstructions where the intimal layer is thin and
dissection and hemostasis. It is important to leave
the adventitia of the pulmonary arteries intact and
not dissect it, as the dilated artery wall will become Sucker tip dissector
quite thin and fragile after the endarterectomy.
For the same reason, subsequently only the adven-
titial tissue but never the artery wall or rims of
incision is grasped transmurally with forceps to
avoid lesions and bleeding. Following administra-
tion of heparin, the arterial cannulation is carried
out high in the ascending aorta or even in the arch
to improve pulmonary artery exposure. Bicaval
cannulation with tape snares around both veins is
obligatory for total venous return. Because of the
often massive collateral blood flow in the pulmo-
nary vessels via the bronchial arteries, vent cathe-
ters are placed both in the left ventricle over the
left atrium and in the pulmonary artery trunk.
Cooling of the patient is initiated immediately to a
core temperature of 18 °C with temperatures mea- V. cava superior
sured both for core (rectal or vesical) and the brain
(nasopharyngeal or tympanal). Cerebral protec- ..Fig. 35.2  Anatomic view via median sternotomy: the
tion is carried out under EEG monitoring and adventitia and the media layer of the right pulmonary
includes administration of barbiturates and pred- artery are incised from the level of the truncus anterior
into the intermediate stem at a length of 5 cm without
nisolone as well as additional topical cooling (ice- opening the intima. The intimal cast is circumferentially
packs or cooling helmet). The endarterectomy is mobilized before the dissection is continued
begun in the right pulmonary artery already peripherally
1054 S. Iversen

nonobstructive (. Fig. 35.3). This subtle anatomi- Circulatory arrest and exsanguination are rarely
cal dissection is considerably facilitated using spe- required for desobliteration of the upper lobe seg-
cially constructed, slim suction dissectors (Daily mental vessels. The incisions are closed with a
et al. 1992). double row of 6/0 Prolene running suture starting
In spite of these measures, accurate vision and distally. It’s advisable to use sutures with a small
precise endarterectomy are hindered by the pres- (CV) needle to minimize suture hole bleeding,
ence of severe collateral blood flow via the bron- and in the event of extreme fragile remnant pul-
chial arteries, and therefore, the peripheral monary wall after endarterectomy, the area may
desobliteration is best achieved in periods of be patched using autologous pericardium to
either reduced flow of extracorporeal circulation relieve strain from the suture row.
or complete exsanguination of the pulmonary The left pulmonary artery is then exposed by
vessels in deep hypothermic circulatory arrest. sharp and blunt dissection of the pericardial flex-
After initiation of circulatory arrest, the lungs are ion and mobilization of the crossing left upper
repeatedly hyperinflated by the anesthetist and pulmonary vein. The preparation is carried out
the patient’s blood drained into the reservoir via close to the vessels to avoid lesion to the phrenic
the venous and vent lines. With increased surgical nerve. The arteriotomy is made in the ventral
experience, circulatory arrest times exceeding aspect of the concavity into the pars basalis, avoid-
20  min for each lung side are rarely required. ing the take-off of the lingual artery (. Fig. 35.4).
When longer arrest times are necessary, intermit- The incision extends to the level of the crossing
tent whole body reperfusion is recommended. If upper lobe bronchus, with the intraluminal expo-
required, an additional incision may be made in sure being facilitated by stay sutures on both sides
the truncus anterior of the upper lobe when the of the incision and by retraction of the pulmonary
obstructions are located peripherally and cannot vein (e.g., Zenker retractor). The thromboembolic
be removed via the right pulmonary artery stem. accretion and intimal changes on the left side are
generally less distinct and often located in the lin-
gual and lower lobe artery. Centrally the intima
may appear normal, but may be elevated with the
use of sharp intimal dissector. Endarterectomy is


Aorta Truncus pulmonalis

..Fig. 35.4  After mobilization of the pericardial flexion,

..Fig. 35.3  The endarterectomy process continues the concavity of the left pulmonary artery is opened and
circumferentially into each one of the segmental branches the incision retracted with two stay sutures. The incision
using a suction dissector. At this, the intimal cast is extends to the crossing upper lobe bronchus. The ostia of
grabbed with vascular forceps and gently extracted. The the upper lobe segmental arteries are visualized.
reopening of a segmental area is characterized by brisk Endarterectomy is begun by elevating the intimal layer
back bleeding of arterialized collateral blood with a sharp dissector
Chapter 35 · Pulmonary Embolectomy and Pulmonary Thromboendarterectomy
1055 35
carried out as described and further distally inti- areas of the lung caused by increased permeabil-
mal thickening and scaring become apparent. The ity, shift of perfusion pattern in the vascular
specimen obtained after successful endarterec- regions, and hyperperfusion may entail right ven-
tomy resembles a cast of the pulmonary vascula- tricular and/or pulmonary dysfunction and pose
ture with intimal layer thickened and scarred and significant challenges. Thus, some patient will
the inner lumen membranous occluded or maybe present with circulatory instability, metabolic dis-
with thrombotic debris in various stages of orga- orders, and respiratory dysfunction immediately
nization. postsurgery.
Rewarming of the patient is started during
closing of the pulmonary incision as described  Ventilator Therapy
above. During reperfusion a patent foramen ovale, Initially, the mechanical ventilation parameters
present in 10–15 % of the patients, is closed, the are set at higher than normal minute volume to
right heart chambers are inspected for thrombo- abolish metabolic acidosis after deep hypother-
embolic material, and a severe tricuspid regurgita- mia, circulatory arrest, and prolonged extracor-
tion is corrected (Daily et al. 1989). Even though poreal circulation. A high tidal volume (at least
the tricuspid regurgitation has been shown to alle- 12  ml/kg BW) is chosen with a PEEP of
viate after decrease of right ventricular afterload 5–7 mmHg. Respiratory rate is adjusted to achieve
(Dittrich et  al. 1989; Mayer et  al. 1996; Menzel an arterial pCO2  in the low to mid thirties.
et  al. 2000) and surgical correction thus seems Hypercapnia is to be avoided. This will counteract
superfluous, the often unstable hemodynamic sit- pulmonary fluid overload, atelectasis, intrapul-
uation in the early postoperative period is favor- monary shunting, and pulmonary vasoconstric-
ably enhanced by the competent valve function. In tion. Besides securing oxygenation, it will also
the presence of pure anular dilation, we prefer a help improve the ventilation–perfusion ratio and
fast and simple reduction anuloplasty (Kay et al. thus pulmonary vascular resistance. Other poten-
1965; DeVega 1972; see 7 Chapter «Surgery for tial negative effects of hypercapnia in these
Acquired AV-Valve Disease», Sect. 25.6.3) over the patients are the intracerebral vasodilation with
posterior leaflet, which adds no extension to the increased intracranial pressure and cerebral
surgical procedure. The implantation of a ring edema, reduced myocardial contractility, and
prosthesis is hardly ever required. increased myocardial excitability with arrhyth-
mia. Maximal inspiratory pressures on ventilation
exceeding 30 mmHg should be avoided. The time
35.2.5  Postoperative Treatment on respiration is 24–36  h for the most patients,
but is largely dependent upon the patient’s fluid
The treatment of the patient in the ICU generally status. At times, prolonged ventilation is advisable
complies with the guidelines of postoperative car- until a significant fluid overload has been elimi-
diac surgical care. Patient monitoring, therapy for nated especially with significant residual pulmo-
cardiac arrhythmias and cardiac low output, and nary hypertension. It also may be required when
management of coagulopathies and bleeding dis- outright pulmonary reperfusion edema is present.
orders follow the standardized regimens of heart
surgery. There are certain specifics that need  Fluid Balance and Diuresis
attention to secure the surgical result. The main Dependent upon the level of chronic right heart
goals of ICU treatment are optimized right ventric- failure and congestion preoperatively as well as the
ular afterload and maintenance of adequate circu- unpredictable intraoperative fluid balance in
lation, oxygenation, and diuresis. In most patients, patients undergoing circulatory arrest and pro-
the reduction of right ventricular afterload after longed bypass time, the danger of postoperative
removal of pulmonary artery obstruction is asso- fluid overload is imminent. Accordingly, subtle
ciated with an immediate decrease of pulmonary fluid monitoring and balancing along with securing
artery pressure, an increase of cardiac output, and diuresis are mandatory. Fluid administration is
improved gas exchange and diuresis. However, restricted to a minimum. In most cases the postop-
residual pulmonary hypertension, postoperative erative hourly urine output is adequate due to the
pulmonary vasoconstriction, and development of improved hemodynamics after reduction of pul-
reperfusion edema in the endarterectomized monary vascular resistance. Systemic hypotension
1056 S. Iversen

is well tolerated when cardiac output is increased, the reactive increase in cardiac output prevails,
but aggressive diuresis should be sustained by but it will further decline over time with regres-
maintaining a mean arterial pressure beyond sion of right ventricular hypertrophy (D’Armini
70  mmHg. Additional administration of furose- et  al. 2000; Iversen et  al. 1992; Madini and
mide is suggested to achieve an early negative fluid Jamieson 2003; Mayer et al. 1996; Moser et al. 1987).
balance. Hematocrit is kept at values >30 % also to In own material a reduction of pulmonary vascular
improve oxygen transport capacity. These mea- resistance >80 % (from mean 1045 to 194−5)
sures serve to obviate the development of pulmo- was found (Iversen et  al. 1992). This complies
nary reperfusion edema. Total negative fluid with data reported from others (Daily et al. 1999;
balance before extubation must consider the pre- Moser et al. 1987; Tscholl et al. 2001; Mayer et al.
operative status of the patient as well as the intra- 2011). The early relieve of right ventricular strain
operative balance and not solely depend upon may also be confirmed by echocardiography
postoperative fluid management, arterial blood gas (Dittrich et al. 1989). Normalization of right ven-
analyses, and chest x-ray examination under tricular volume, decline in tricuspid regurgita-
mechanical ventilation. tion, and paradoxical septal movement can be
seen already in the first postoperative days.  Anticoagulation and Cava In the early postoperative period, the pulmo-
Filter nary gas exchange remains impaired and lags
Patients undergoing pulmonary thromboendar- behind the hemodynamic convalescence. The
terectomy remain on lifelong anticoagulation regi- arterial blood gas analysis may even show worse
men to prevent recurrent pulmonary embolism or values compared to preoperative values and pro-
thrombus formation due to remnant obstructions longed continuous oxygen supplement be neces-
in the pulmonary vessels. In the absence of bleed- sary. However, oxygenation and gas exchange
ing, continuous intravenous heparin administra- enhance with improvement of ventilation–perfu-
tion is begun 6 h postoperatively (initially in «low» sion ratio after absorption of pulmonary edema,
dose—normal prothrombin time) and increased resolution of pulmonary infiltrates, and normal-
to therapeutic dose (PTT doubled to 60–80 s) on ization of pulmonary microcirculation (Kapitan
the first postoperative day. After mobilization on et al. 1990). Accordingly, further decrease of pul-
the normal ward, the overlapping therapy with monary vascular resistance can be expected in the
35 oral anticoagulants is affected. Although debated late postoperative course (Fadel et al. 2004; Hirsch
in the literature, as hard data are difficult to obtain et al. 1996; Iversen 1994; Moser et al. 1987). Final
in this patient group, an inferior vena cava filter statements concerning the degree of circulatory
device is inserted before discharge, if it not had and respiratory improvement after pulmonary
been placed preoperatively already. As various thromboendarterectomy can thus not be made
degrees of unresolved pulmonary artery hyper- until 6–12 months postoperatively.
tension will remain in some of the patients, the The attained operative results are generally
additional filter protection against recurrent sustained. Long-term follow-up reports reveal
embolism is prudent even in the absence of 6  years survival rate >75 %. The majority of the
thrombophlebitis residue in the lower body. At patients are classified into NYHA stage I or II
the most, the exception would be the definite ori- (Archibald et al. 1999; D’Armini et al. 2000; Mayer
gin of thromboembolus in the upper body (e.g., et  al. 1996). The procedure may be curative in
pacemakers, port access devices, etc.) after exclu- individual patients, dependent upon the preoper-
sion of hereditary or acquired coagulopathies. ative status, whereas in cases with incomplete sur-
gical removal of peripherally located obstructions
residual pulmonary hypertension, persistence of
35.2.6  Results symptoms and compromised long-term progno-
sis may be expected in survivors. Also, a relapse in
The effectiveness of pulmonary thromboendar- the clinical condition and progression of pulmo-
terectomy correlates with the degree of pulmo- nary hypertension after temporarily postopera-
nary vessel recanalization and presents with an tive improvement are occasionally observed.
immediate decrease in pulmonary vascular resis- Reasons may be rethrombosis in the pulmonary
tance. The immediate reduction of pulmonary arteries due to inadequate anticoagulation or
artery pressures may be only moderate as long as presence of severe coagulopathy, but in particular
Chapter 35 · Pulmonary Embolectomy and Pulmonary Thromboendarterectomy
1057 35
due to progression of secondary vasculopathy in a major and independent risk factor for in-hospital
patients who presented to surgery at an advanced and 1-year mortality, and therefore the indication
stage of the clinical course. for surgery in patients with peripheral disease and
Repeat pulmonary thromboendarterectomy high pulmonary vascular resistance remains con-
may be possible in highly selected patients. In own troversial. Some authors propagate that all patients
experience also corresponding with literature (Mo are operable but they show some reluctance in the
et  al. 1999), reoperations are nearly exclusively presence of risk factors (Jamieson et  al. 2003;
limited to patients in whom the primary interven- Thistlethwaite et  al. 2002). The definitely high
tion was inadequate and incomplete. Such patients operative risk in this patient subgroup must be
should better be reinvestigated and evaluated in evaluated in the light of limited alternative treat-
an experienced high-volume center, and the indi- ment modalities and life expectancy without
cation for surgery is set on a case-to-case basis. attempted thromboendarterectomy. Surely, high
Albeit it’s potential success, pulmonary throm- pulmonary vascular resistance (exceeding
boendarterectomy is associated with a high opera- 1500−5) alone should not pose a contra-
tive mortality. Main causes of death are respiratory indication to surgery, but the individual patient’s
failure due to reperfusion edema, cardiac failure as findings rather be evaluated to predict outcome
a result of persistent pulmonary hypertension, or a (accessibility, duration of pulmonary hyperten-
combination of these two complications. sion, and thus potential operative reduction of
Perioperative morbidity is also high. In an interna- right ventricular afterload). For inoperable
tional registry (Mayer et al. 2011), nearly every sec- patients, bilateral lung transplantation may be an
ond patient suffered from one or more option when medical therapy fails. Due to limited
complications—e.g., pulmonary and other infec- donor organ availability, waiting-list pre-transplant
tions, persistent pulmonary hypertension, reperfu- mortality is as high as 30 %. Posttransplant survival
sion edema, neurologic and bleeding complications, at 3 months and 1  year is merely 76 % and 50 %,
and pericardial effusion. Yet, operative risk has respectively, in patients operated for idiopathic
decreased significantly over the past 20 years due to pulmonary hypertension. For patients surviving
increased experience in patient selection, operative the first year, half-life survival is 9.5  years (Long
techniques, and perioperative management. et al. 2011; Christie et al. 2011). Thus, transplanta-
Published results from various centers indicate an tion remains a palliative measure limited to inop-
operative mortality between 4.5 and 23.5  % erable patients, and no alternative to potentially
(D’armini et al. 2000; Doyle et al. 2004; Hartz et al. curative pulmonary thromboendarterectomy.
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1061 36

Lung Transplantation
Clemens Aigner and Walter Klepetko

36.1 Introduction – 1063

36.2 Indications for Lung Transplantation – 1063

36.3 Contraindications for Lung Transplantation – 1064

36.4 Recipient Evaluation – 1065

36.5 Legal Situation of Organ Donation – 1065

36.6 Donor Selection – 1066

36.6.1  rain Dead Organ Donors – 1066
36.6.2 Donation After Circulatory Death (DCD) – 1066
36.6.3 Living Donation – 1066
36.6.4 Ex Vivo Lung Perfusion (EVLP) – 1066

36.7 Organ Procurement – 1067

36.8 Operative Techniques – 1067

36.8.1 S urgical Approach – 1067
36.8.2 Standard Technique – 1068
36.8.3 Extracorporeal Support – 1069

36.9 Advanced Operative Techniques – 1069

36.9.1 S ize-Reduced Lung Transplantation – 1069
36.9.2 Retransplantation – 1070

36.10 Peri- and Postoperative Management – 1070

36.11 Immunosuppression – 1070

36.11.1 I ntroduction – 1070
36.11.2 Cyclosporin A – 1071
36.11.3 Tacrolimus – 1071
36.11.4 Mycophenolat Mofetil – 1071
36.11.5 Prednisone – 1071
36.11.6 Sirolimus, Everolimus – 1071

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_36
36.11.7 A ntithymocyte Globulins – 1072
36.11.8 Interleukin-2 Receptor Antagonists – 1072
36.11.9 Alemtuzumab – 1072

36.12 Management of Complications – 1072

36.12.1  irway Complications – 1072
36.12.2 Hyperacute Rejection – 1072
36.12.3 Acute Rejection – 1072
36.12.4 Chronic Rejection – 1073
36.12.5 Infection – 1073
36.12.6 Post-transplantation Malignancy – 1074

36.13 Results – 1074

36.13.1 M ortality – 1074
36.13.2 Functional Outcome – 1074

36.14 Future Perspectives – 1075

References – 1075
Chapter 36 · Lung Transplantation
1063 36
36.1 Introduction 36.2 Indications for Lung
Lung transplantation is the established thera-
peutic option for all nonmalignant end stage Virtually all non-malignant end stage lung diseases
lung diseases. The surgical technique is stan- causing mono-organ failure are potential indications
dardized and advances in perioperative and for lung transplantation (. Table 36.1). A general pre-
long-term patient management lead to requisite is a limited life expectancy due to the end
improved results in long-­ term survival and stage lung disease, the failure of all other conserva-
quality of life. According to the International tive and surgical treatment options and a continuous
Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation progression of the disease (De Meester et al. 2001).
(ISHLT) registry, there is a continuous increase A specific indication is the retransplantation
in the number of procedures performed world- due to acute or chronic graft failure which will be
wide with meanwhile almost 4000 procedures discussed separately.
reported annually (. Fig. 36.1). This increase is The most frequent indication for lung trans-
due to a constant rise in bilateral lung trans- plantation still is chronic obstructive pulmonary
plants, whereas the number of single lung disease (COPD) followed by idiopathic pulmo-
transplants shows a steady state. The number of nary fibrosis (IPF) and cystic fibrosis (CF). Other
combined heart-lung transplants is decreasing. parenchymal and vascular lung diseases account
This chapter mainly deals with the surgical and for smaller percentages of transplantations per-
perioperative aspects of lung transplantation, formed worldwide. Lung transplantation for
whereas medical issues which are usually han- advanced lung cancer of a bronchioloalveolar
dled by pulmonary transplant physicians are growth pattern is not accepted by most centers
only briefly mentioned. due to the high recurrence rate (Machuca and

Adult Lung Transplants

Number of Transplants by Year and Procedure Type
Bilateral/Double Lung 4033 3973
Single Lung 3755 3752

3500 3459

Number of Transplants

3000 2841
2000 1903 1938
1500 1417 1445
1296 1300
1000 874
500 385
5 6 32 69


NOTE: This figure includes only the lung transplants that

are reported to the ISHLT Transplant Registry. As such,
this should not be construed as representing changes in
the number of lung transplants performed worldwide.

..Fig. 36.1  Annual number of lung transplant procedures by type (From: Yusen et al. (2016) ISHLT; used with
1064 C. Aigner and W. Klepetko

..Table 36.1  Indications for lung transplantation

Parenchymal lung disease Vascular lung disease

Restrictive lung disease Primary pulmonary hypertension

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis Secondary pulmonary hypertension (Eisenmenger’s

syndrome due to atrial or ventricular septal defect or
Exogenic allergic alveolitis complex cardiac defects, chronic thromboembolic
Histiocytosis X pulmonary hypertension not accessible to
pulmonary thrombendarterectomy)


Obstructive lung disease

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

α1-Antitrypsin deficiency syndrome

Cystic fibrosis


Keshavjee 2012; de Perrot et al. 2004). However, pressure >15 mmHg, mean pulmonary arterial
incidental nodules or even verified early stage pressure >55 mmHg (Orens et al. 2006).
non-small cell lung cancer stage I do not neces- The most commonly used age limit for lung
sarily pose a contraindication for lung transplan- transplantation is 65; however, the biological age
tation and good outcome has been reported in rather than the actual age should guide the deci-
carefully selected patients. Since the introduction sion for waiting list acceptance.
of the lung allocation score (LAS), which priori-
tizes patients with a higher risk for mortality on
the waiting list, a significant shift in the indication 36.3 Contraindications for Lung
spectrum occurred with a steady increase in the Transplantation
number of procedures performed for IPF et al.
36 (Pierson et al. 2000). There are only few absolute contraindications for
The decision for referral and listing for trans- lung transplantation; however, a number of relative
plantation is not only based on functional criteria contraindications exist, which might vary from cen-
alone, but also takes the prognosis of the specific ter to center according to different individual experi-
disease, the anticipated waiting list time and qual- ences and differences in the availability of donor
ity of life into account. organs. Absolute contraindications are: significant
The functional parameters indicating the systemic diseases, severe extrapulmonary organ dys-
necessity for lung transplantation are as follows: functions, recent malignancies, HIV infection,
COPD: FEV1 <25 % predicted, pCO2 >55 mmHg Hepatitis B or C, pan-resistant MRSA or Burkholderia
with or without subsequent pulmonary hyper- cepacia, active nicotine, alcohol or drug abuse.
tension. The large number of relative contraindications
CF: FEV1 <30 % predicted, increasing hospitaliza- must be individually judged from case to case:
tion time, cachexia, pO2 <55  mmHg, pCO2 osteoporosis, muscular or skeletal diseases,
>50 mmHg extreme cachexy or obesity, long time corticoste-
IPF: Forced vital capacity (FVC) or Diffusing roid therapy, infection with mycobacteria, coro-
capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide nary disease or left ventricular dysfunction,
(DLCO) <50 % predicted significant peripheral vascular disease, renal
Pulmonary hypertension: WHO functional class insufficiency, mechanical ventilation, severe chest
III or IV, cardiac index <2 l/min/m2, right atrial wall deformity and psychosocial instability.
Chapter 36 · Lung Transplantation
1065 36
36.4 Recipient Evaluation bilateral transplantation which is the standard
approach for pulmonary vascular disease.
Prior to accepting a patient on the waiting list, a Combined heart-lung transplantation is reserved
complete medical workup is required. A list which for complex cardiac defect with Eisenmenger’s syn-
might serve as an example for required examina- drome. In simple atrial or ventricular septal
tions is shown in . Table 36.2. Apart from these defects, intraoperative repair during double lung
objective findings, the patient’s clinical appear- transplantation on cardio­pulmonary bypass (CPB)
ance and quality of life are major factors for the can usually be performed (Pielsticker 2001).
decision. If the patient is put on the waiting list, a The necessity of a ventilator support or extra-
physiotherapeutic training program is strongly corporeal bridging device has long been consid-
recommended (Schwaiblmair et al. 1999). ered a contraindication for lung transplantation.
The decision whether to list a patient for single However, with refinements in the management
(SLTX) or bilateral lung transplantation (BLTX) and the introduction of new allocation algo-
depends on various factors. In infectious diseases rithms, such as the lung allocation score (LAS),
such as CF or bronchiectasis, bilateral transplanta- significantly improved outcome has been reported
tion is required to avoid cross infection of the in the group of patients. The current strategy in
transplanted organ. In COPD and IPF, single lung patients requiring invasive support is to try to
transplantation is possible; however, most available avoid intubation and keep the patient ambulatory
data report on favorable outcome for bilateral pro- with early implantation of an extracorporeal
cedures. In pulmonary hypertension various bridging device (Lang et al. 2012). By using this
approaches exist. Due to the shortage of donor strategy the patient can be kept awake and in
organs, unilateral transplantation was suggested, some cases even maintain physiotherapy to mini-
which, however, has the significant disadvantage mise amyotrophia. There are several bridging
that almost the entire cardiac output is directed in modalities available for different indications. The
the transplanted lung. This can be overcome by arteriovenous Novalung® is used for CO2 removal
(Camboni et al. 2009; Schmid et al. 2008; Strueber
..Table 36.2  Recipient evaluation et  al. 2009). Veno-venous extracorporeal mem-
brane oxygenation (ECMO), which can be
Medical history and physical examination inserted with two separate cannulas or via a single
Blood tests: routine laboratory examinations
double-lumen cannula (Avalon®, iLA activve®),
offers additional oxygenation (Hayes et  al. 2012;
 Blood group Garcia et  al. 2011), although its main function
 TSH, T4, T3, PTH, calcitonin, osteocalcin, Vit. D remains CO2 removal as first described by
Gattinoni in 1980 as ECCO2-R (Extracorporeal
 HLA—typing, panel reactive antibodies
(PRA)—lymphocytotoxic antibodies
CO2 removal, Gattinoni et  al. 1980, 1986).
Hemodynamic support with reduction of pulmo-
 Tuberculin test, virus serology: CMV (IgG/IgM), nary arterial pressure is only provided by veno-
EBV, HIV, Hepatitis A, B, C
arterial ECMO, which is the standard bridging
Chest X-ray, chest CT, lung function test, ventilation/ tool in patients with pulmonary hypertension
perfusion scan (Fuehner et al. 2012).
Sputum culture

ECG, echocardiography
36.5 Legal Situation of Organ
Bone densitometry Donation
Abdominal sonography
There are different legal regulations of organ
Disease specific: sinus x-ray, right cardiac catheter,
donation. Three main forms of legislation can be
coronary angiography, sonography of the carotid
and vertebral arteries described:
Presumed consent (e.g. Austria, Belgium,
Age >40 years: tumor markers, gynecologic Luxemburg, Slovenia): Everyone diagnosed
examination, mammography, urologic examination
brain dead is a potential organ donor, unless
Additional examinations according to patient registration in an opting-out register has been
specific considerations performed during lifetime.
1066 C. Aigner and W. Klepetko

Informed consent (e.g. Germany, Netherlands): donors are categorized according to the Maastricht
To be a potential organ donor, an informed criteria in the controlled and uncontrolled. The
consent has to be signed during their lifetime. majority of centers are using Maastricht category
Additionally there is the possibility for the III controlled donors with result comparable to
relatives to give permission at the time of brain dead donors. One Spanish center has accu-
death, usually in the knowledge that the mulated a substantial experience with uncon-
potential donor had expressed a wish to trolled DCD. The rate of primary graft dysfunction
become a donor. is higher than in other donor groups; however,
Required request (e.g. USA): The physician in long-term results are encouraging. With the
charge of potential donors is required to ensure development of ex vivo lung perfusion (EVLP), a
that someone speaks to the relatives about powerful tool to evaluate DCD lungs has been
organ donation. introduced.

36.6 Donor Selection 36.6.3  Living Donation

36.6.1  Brain Dead Organ Donors Living lung donation was initially reported in
1994 and has been primarily used in pediatric CF
The lung is especially susceptible to bacterial recipients to overcome donor shortage (Cohen
infection or aspiration before brain death and and Starnes 2001). Results are comparable and in
organ procurement and is furthermore exposed some series even superior to brain dead donor
to the trauma of mechanical ventilation; therefore grafts. Two adults, either the parents or close rela-
potential donors have to be carefully evaluated. tives serve as donor, each donating one lower lobe
When mechanically ventilated with a FiO2 and a bilateral lobar transplantation is performed
of 1.0 and positive end-expiratory pressure of via clamshell incision using ECMO support.
5  cm H2O, a suitable allograft is characterized Access for harvesting the lobe is gained by antero-
by a pO2 of at least 300 mmHg. When ventilated lateral thoracotomy. No donor mortality has been
with a FiO2 of 0.4, pO2 has to be above described and 85 % of the donors report about no
120  mmHg. Concerning the acceptable donor difference in their health status since donation.
age, different guidelines exist, though donors
above 65  years are generally not accepted. The
smoking history should be <20 pack-years. 36.6.4   x Vivo Lung Perfusion
36 Chest radiography should be without any patho- (EVLP)
logic intrapulmonal findings. A chest trauma or
in certain cases an infiltrate, if unilateral, does EVLP has emerged as a new option to increase the
not preclude the donation of the unimpaired donor organ pool for lung transplantation. The
lung. Bronchoscopy is performed routinely first experience with EVLP was reported by the
prior to harvesting. group in Lund, who used a blood-based perfusion
Besides those specific criteria the general pre- solution for evaluation of a DCD lung. Thereafter
clusion criteria like malignant tumors, general- EVLP was applied to repair and improve lungs
ized infections, HIV infection and, in most cases, which were not suitable for transplantation by
Hepatitis B and C apply. conventional functional criteria. Several technical
The definite decision whether the organ is refinements have been made during the develop-
suitable for transplantation or not is made after ment process of EVLP with a complete paradigm
retrieval and after inspection of the parenchyma shift from cold to normothermic perfusion. The
and hilar structures. first extended experience with EVLP was reported
by the Toronto group, who used acellular Steen
solution (®XVIVO, Gothenberg, Sweden) for pro-
36.6.2  Donation After Circulatory longed perfusion periods of up to 12 h. From the
Death (DCD) same group derives the currently largest clinical
experience, published in the NEJM in April 2011
Donation after circulatory death has led to a sig- with 23 EVLPs resulting in 20 transplantations
nificant increase in the available donor pool. DCD during a 17-months observation period (Cypel
Chapter 36 · Lung Transplantation
1067 36
et al. 2011). We evaluated EVLP in a prospective fourth or fifth intercostal space depending on the
clinical trial at 13 occasions resulting in nine individual anatomical situation (. Fig. 36.2). For
transplantations with excellent short term results double lung transplantation, access is gained
(Aigner et  al. 2012). According to the current either by bilateral transsternal anterior thoracot-
experience, EVLP is a valuable tool for evaluation omy (. Fig.  36.3), the so-called ‘clamshell inci-
and functional improvement of borderline donor sion’ (. Fig. 36.4) or by two separate anterolateral
lungs. However, it remains undetermined how far
the limits for acceptance can be pushed by the use
of EVLP. Furthermore, the potential of EVLP to
recondition damaged lungs by counteracting the
functional impairments caused by brain death has
to be evaluated. Also still undetermined is
whether the quality of procurement in standard
donor lungs may be improved by routine EVLP.

36.7 Organ Procurement

Retrieval of the donor lungs is performed via a

median sternotomy. The pericardium and both
pleurae are opened and a first palpation and visual
..Fig. 36.2  Anterolateral thoracotomy
inspection of the lungs is performed. Compliance
is checked by temporarily disconnecting the ven-
tilator which should result in immediate collapse
of the lungs. The superior and inferior caval veins
are encircled and a suture around the superior
vena cava is placed for later ligation. The aorta is
separated from the pulmonary artery to allow
aortic cross clamping. The donor is heparinized
with 300  IE/kg intravenously. The pulmonary
artery is cannulated and 500 mcg PGE1 is admin-
istered either intravenously or directly in the pul-
monary artery. After the aorta is cross-clamped,
the lungs are perfused with 6 l of perfusion solu-
tion via a cannula placed in the pulmonary artery.
An extracellular high molecular dextran-based
..Fig. 36.3  Bilateral anterolateral thoracotomies
solution is the most widely used perfusion solu-
tion. After explantation of the donor heart, both
lungs are retrieved en bloc while fully inflated.
The lungs are separated at the backtable. After
inspection of the hilar structures and the paren-
chyma, the lungs are stored in perfusion solution
at an average temperature of +4–6  °C.  An isch-
emic time of at least 6–8 h is usually tolerated.

36.8 Operative Techniques

36.8.1  Surgical Approach

The surgical approach for single lung transplanta-

tion is an anterolateral thoracotomy in either the ..Fig. 36.4  Clamshell incision
1068 C. Aigner and W. Klepetko

..Fig. 36.5  Positioning for bilateral transplantation ..Fig. 36.6  Right hilum after preparation for

thoracotomies (. Fig. 36.5). Sequential implanta-

tion of the lungs is the standard technique used
worldwide in bilateral procedures.
Depending on the underlying disease and the
patient’s individual condition, the operation is
performed with or without extracorporeal circu-
lation. Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is the
most widespread device; however, extracorporeal
membrane oxygenation (ECMO) can fully
replace CPB and has distinct advantages such as
avoiding full heparinization and the possibility to
prolong the device directly in the postoperative
period. Intraoperatively ECMO just does not
directly accept blood suctioned from the surgical
..Fig. 36.7  Right donor lung prior to implantation
field. It is crucial that the entire team is familiar
with all details in the management of the device
36 in use to achieve satisfying outcome. The details
are discussed in the 7 Chapter «Extracorporeal of the peribronchial tissue. For bronchial anasto-
Circulation and Myocardial Protection in Adult moses the standard techniques are either a single
Cardiac Surgery», Sects. 6.1 and 6.3. running suture technique or a running suture on
the membranous wall and single stitches on the
anterior cartilaginous part. Thereafter the left
36.8.2  Standard Technique atrium and the pulmonary artery are anasto-
mosed with running suture technique.
The recipient pneumonectomy is begun after con- Occasionally a donor pericardial flap is inter-
tralateral single lung ventilation is installed and the posed between the bronchus and the pulmonary
lung is collapsed. The hilar structures are prepared artery. Now the air tightness of the bronchial
with attention to the conservation of the phrenic anastomosis is checked. Endovascular de-airing is
and vagus nerve, the pulmonary artery and veins performed by retro- and antegrade flushing of the
are clamped and transected and the main bronchus pulmonary vessels. Thereafter, the lungs are per-
is cut with a scalpel in an open fashion (. Fig. 36.6). fused in a controlled manner by partial manual
Stay sutures are placed on the recipient’s main compression of the pulmonary artery for 10 min
bronchus to avoid retraction into the mediasti- to lower the risk of reperfusion edema if the pro-
num. The left atrium and the pulmonary artery cedure is performed without extracorporeal sup-
are prepared intrapericardially. The donor bron- port. Finally, the chest is adequately drained and
chus should be kept short with careful protection closed (. Fig. 36.7).
Chapter 36 · Lung Transplantation
1069 36
In the case of double lung transplantation, the or peripheral cannulation. Additionally the
lungs are implanted sequentially. ECMO support can be directly prolonged into the
postoperative period via femorofemoral cannula-
tion providing controlled reperfusion with low
36.8.3  Extracorporeal Support perfusion pressures and the possibility for protec-
tive ventilation (Pereszlenyi 2002).
Both single lung transplantation and bilateral Generally patients with vascular lung diseases
lung transplantation can be performed without are always operated with the use of an extracorpo-
the use of any extracorporeal support in hemody- real support device to provide adequate hemody-
namically stable patients without significant pul- namic support. Pediatric recipients and patient
monary hypertension who tolerate single lung undergoing lobar transplantation are also trans-
ventilation (Sherdan 1998). In bilateral transplan- planted on a veno-arterial device due to the
tation the first implanted lung is consequently reduced vascular bed to avoid an overflow of the
exposed to the entire cardiac output during first implanted lung. In other recipients the deci-
implantation of the second lung, potentially lead- sion on the use of an extracorporeal device is
ing to increased reperfusion injury. Therefore, based on clinical necessity.
some centers routinely employ CPB in BLTX
(Szeto 2002). One paper even described a survival
benefit for the use of CPB in emphysema patients 36.9 Advanced Operative
with two Human leucocyte antigen-DR Techniques
(HLA-DR) mismatches due to immunosuppres-
sive effects (de Boer 2002). Due to the lack of pro- 36.9.1  Size-Reduced Lung
spective studies, no definite recommendations on Transplantation
the use of CPB are possible.
An established alternative to CPB is the use of Due to donor organ shortage it can be difficult to
ECMO. While CBP allows to save blood from the find suitable donor organs in due time especially
operating field, ECMO consists of a closed circuit for pediatric and small adult recipients. Therefore,
without a reservoir and no recirculation of suc- options to downsize donor organs have been
tioned blood. The use of ECMO for bridging has developed in order to allow for accepting over-
already been discussed. The application in post- sized donors for these recipients. In cases of mod-
operative graft dysfunction is widespread as well erate size mismatch between donor and recipient,
(Meyers 2000; Nguyen 2000). The intraoperative downsizing of the donor lung can be achieved by
use has been repeatedly described and it has been simple wedge resection. Especially middle lobe
demonstrated that the veno-arterial ECMO can and lingula are preferred targets for this type of
replace CPB intraoperatively with at least compa- resection. In order to overcome more pronounced
rable results (Ko 2001; Aigner 2007). A distinct size discrepancies, lobar transplantation is an
advantage of ECMO is the use of a low dose anti- option. Basically any combination of lobes can be
coagulation due to heparin bound cannulas which transplanted; however, a bronchial stump is at
avoids full heparinization. Thus the blood high risk of dehiscence, thus the combination of
­turnover can be minimized while stable hemody- right upper and middle lobe should be avoided.
namics and oxygenation are provided during the Lobar transplantation can also be used for unex-
implantation. A significant amount of the cardiac pected localized pathologies found during har-
output is bypassed by the lung to allow optimal vesting. The organ retrieval is performed in a
controlled reperfusion with the additional bene- standard fashion with the preparations of the
fits of non-aggressive ventilation. The flow rate lobes performed immediately prior to implanta-
has to be set in a way to ensure a pulsatile pulmo- tion (Aigner 2004).
nary blood flow which can be monitored by the Another technically challenging procedure
pulmonary artery pressure curve and the end-­ which is performed only in few centers is the so-­
tidal CO2. If the flow is too high the entire cardiac called ‘split lung transplantation’. A left donor lung
output is bypassed by the lung which then suffers is separated in the upper and lower lobe and used
from a warm ischemia. Intraoperative extracor- for a bilateral procedure in a recipient with approx-
poreal support can be provided either by central imately 50 % of the donor Total lung capacity
1070 C. Aigner and W. Klepetko

a b

180° Upper


..Fig. 36.8  a Technique of split lung transplantation and b typical postoperative chest X-ray (From Marta et al. 2005.
Used with permission)

(TLC). The lower lobe is implanted on the left side overload, infusions should be minimized and
and the upper lobe is rotated 180° along the longi- intravenous drips concentrated. Blood pressure is
tudinal axis and implanted on the right side to be supported by catecholamines at low doses
(Couetil 1997). The technique is demonstrated in rather than by volume loading.
. Fig. 36.8. On the right side, the upper lobe bron- Physiotherapy is important for secretion
chus is stapled and the intermediate bronchus is clearance and should be started as early postop-
used for the anastomosis to allow sufficient length eratively as possible. Once the patient is extu-
and improve size match. The atrial cuff is divided in bated, early mobilization is crucial.
the upper and lower lobe vein. The left donor pul- Routine bronchoscopies are performed imme-
monary artery is stapled and the fissural aspect of diately before extubation, usually on the first post-
the artery is splitted and used for the anastomosis. operative day. Surveillance bronchoscopies start
1  week postoperatively. Additional bronchosco-
pies are performed upon clinical necessity.
36.9.2  Retransplantation Usually patients can be discharged from the
36 ICU 1 or 2 days after successful extubation.
Retransplantation has been used for the treatment of Since wound healing is decelerated due to the
acute and chronic graft failure refractory to other high corticosteroid doses required, skin sutures
treatment options (Novick et al. 1992, 1998). Results and staples must not be removed before the 12th
of early retransplantation for primary graft dysfunc- postoperative day. A lung function test and a
tion are disappointing and do not justify the use of computed tomography of the chest are performed
donor organs for this indication. However, with before discharge of the patient.
retransplantation for patients with chronic lung After uneventful postoperative course,
allograft dysfunction without relevant comorbidity, patients can usually be discharged 3 weeks post-
results close to those of primary transplantation can operatively and will subsequently spend 4 weeks
be achieved (Aigner et al. 2008; Strueber 2006). in a rehabilitation facility.

36.10 Peri- and Postoperative 36.11 Immunosuppression

36.11.1  Introduction
After uneventful transplantation, early weaning
and extubation should be favored, though extuba- Changes in immunosuppression and develop-
tion should not be rushed in patients transplanted ment of new drugs did substantially improve the
for vascular lung disease. In order to avoid fluid results of lung transplantation. Data from the
Chapter 36 · Lung Transplantation
1071 36
ISHLT registry indicate that about 60 % patients though Tacrolimus is 10–100 times more potent
after lung transplantation receive some type of than CSA. Oral bioavailability is poor (20–25 %),
induction therapy (20  % polyclonal anti-­ but completely independent of bile. Therapeutic
lymphocyte preparations, 40  % anti-IL2-­drug monitoring is performed by through con-
antibodies, 4 % OKT3, 10 % Alemtuzumab). The centration measurement. Starting dosage is 0.01–
induction therapy is used in the early postopera- 0.03  mg/kg/24  h IV.  Target level is 18–21  ng/ml
tive period, when the risk of rejection is the initially and then gradually decreased, being
highest. The aim is to decrease the incidence of 8–12 ng/ml after 1 year.
acute rejections, which in lung transplantation
is one of the highest among the solid organ
transplantations. 36.11.4  Mycophenolat Mofetil
For maintenance therapy most centers cur-
rently use a triple drug protocol consisting of Mycophenolat Mofetil (MMF): Inhibits both T and
either cyclosporine A or tacrolimus, corticoste- B cell proliferation by reversely and competitively
roids and either azathioprine or mycophenolat inhibiting inosine monophosphate dehydroge-
mofetil. Additionally a number of new agents like nase. Bone marrow suppression occurs to a lesser
sirolimus and the IL-2 receptor antagonists basil- extent than with azathioprine. Therapeutic drug
iximab and daclizumab have recently been devel- monitoring is not routinely performed.
oped and are tested in clinical trials. When
obliterative bronchiolitis or bronchiolitis obliter-
ans syndrome is diagnosed, augmentation and 36.11.5  Prednisone
changes of maintenance immunosuppression are
usually used in an attempt to slow the progression Prednisone: Corticosteroids were the first immu-
of the disease. nosuppressive drugs used in solid organ transplan-
tation. They are non-specific anti-inflammatory
agents that inhibit both humoral and cell-medi-
36.11.2  Cyclosporin A ated immunity. Thus they are useful for prevention
and treatment of rejection. There are various regi-
Cyclosporine A (CSA): Was introduced into clini- mens to which corticosteroids are applied.
cal practice in 1979 and is a specific inhibitor of
IL-2 production in CD4+ cells. Oral bioavailabil-
ity, which is highly bile-dependent, ranges from 36.11.6  Sirolimus, Everolimus
10 % to 90 % and thus has to be monitored exactly.
Most centers use through level monitoring. Drug Sirolimus and Everolimus: Were approved for
interactions are described with various agents, clinical use in 1999. They reveal their properties
e.g. rifampicin or phenytoin will cause a decrease by binding to the same FK—binding protein like
in CSA level, while macrolide antibiotics, some tacrolimus. Sirolimus can be used in combina-
calcium channel blockers, azole antifungals and tion with both CSA and tacrolimus. The latter
grapefruit juice will increase blood levels. Initial was discussed since both are binding to the same
dose, if renal function is unimpaired, is 2  mg/ binding protein, but studies have demonstrated
kg/24 h IV and adjusted to achieve a through level that these are ubiquitous available in  vivo and
of 350–400  ng/ml in the beginning. The target thus competition for the receptor is unlikely.
level is gradually decreased, being 250 ng/ml after Oral bioavailability is poor (~15 %). Therapeutic
1 year postoperative. levels are about 10–20  ng/ml when used with
either CSA or tacrolimus. Because of the variabil-
ity in bioavailability, therapeutic drug monitor-
36.11.3  Tacrolimus ing is required. These drugs are frequently used
in case of compromised renal function. Their
Tacrolimus (former FK 506): Was approved for administration allows a reduction of calcineurin
clinical use in 1994 and is used as an alternative inhibitor levels which leads to reduced nephro-
for CSA in double and triple drug regimen. The toxicity. Additionally a potent antiviral activity
mechanism of action is similar to that of CSA, has been described.
1072 C. Aigner and W. Klepetko

36.11.7  Antithymocyte Globulins 36.12 Management of Complications

Antithymocyte Globulins (Thymoglobulin® (rabbit 36.12.1  Airway Complications

ATG, Genzyme), Atgam® (equine ATG, Pfizer)): Is
used as induction therapy as well as for treatment Postoperative airway complications are nowa-
of steroid resistant acute rejection and to stabilize days very rare due to improved anastomotic sur-
or delay bronchiolitis obliterans. Recommended gical techniques and preservation strategies.
dosage is 1,5 mg/kg/day for thymoglobulin® and Problems could either be dehiscence, hardly
10–20 mg/kg/day for Atgam® for 3 up to 14 days. seen in experienced centers, or bronchial steno-
sis, which typically occurs 2–6  months postop-
eratively due to granulation tissue ingrowth at
36.11.8  Interleukin-2 Receptor the anastomotic site. Therapy of choice for the
Antagonists latter is balloon dilatation or insertion of a stent
via rigid bronchoscopy. Granulation tissue can
Interleukin (IL-2) Receptor Antagonists be removed via surgical or laser ablation (Colt
(Basiliximab, Daclizumab): These are murine- et al. 1992).
human monoclonal antibody preparations. They
are used for induction therapy and have
improved side effect profiles and a lower inci- 36.12.2  Hyperacute Rejection
dence of immunogenicity compared to OKT3
(Muromonab-CD3). Longtime follow-up experi- Due to careful evaluation, prior to transplantation
ence is still limited with these agents, though and crossmatching between donor and recipient,
favorable short time results have been reported. hyperacute rejection is extremely rare. The most
important differential diagnosis is post-ischemia-­
reperfusion injury. Preformed antibodies against
36.11.9  Alemtuzumab HLA or ABO blood group donor antigens may
cause a fulminant humoral reaction against the
More recently Alemtuzumab (Campath-1H; Berlex, donor vascular endothelium minutes to hours
Montville, NJ), a humanized rat monoclonal anti- after implantation of the graft. Subsequent throm-
CD52 antibody, has been used off label for induc- bosis of blood vessels causes graft failure.
tion therapy (Morris and Russell 2006; Shyu et al. Hyperacute rejection has an unfavorable progno-
2011; van Loenhout et al. 2010). Even with one dose sis concerning recipient survival.
36 of 30 mg, prolonged lymphocyte depletion can be
reached. CD52 is expressed on 95 % of peripheral
blood lymphocytes, natural killer cells, monocytes, 36.12.3  Acute Rejection
macrophages and thymocytes. Monocytes and B
cell recovery can be seen after 3 and 12  months, Patients are most prone to acute rejection during
respectively, while T cells recover only to 50 % after the first six postoperative months. Acute rejection
36 months. It is a powerful cytolytic agent and has has a broad spectrum of clinical presentations—
been used therapeutically in bone marrow trans- from completely asymptomatic patients to severe
plantation, several autoimmune diseases and organ dyspnea, cough, fever or anorexia. Functional
transplantation. Although it first had been used in indicators are a decline in peak flow of 10–15 %
organ transplantation in 1998 to prevent rejection, and a decrease in FEV1 as well as in vital capacity,
it is now being used with increasing frequency as both having a high sensitivity. Specificity, how-
induction therapy in many institutions. With the ever, is low since etiology can hardly be derived
profound and prolonged lymphocyte depletion from functional impairment. Radiography is not
achieved with Alemtuzumab, most of these studies infrequently unrevealing, though pleural effu-
have utilized Alemtuzumab induction to facilitate a sions and perihilar or interstitial infiltrates may be
reduction in maintenance immunosuppression indicators. Diagnosis is usually established by
either with or without calcineurin inhibitors. bronchoscopically gained transbronchial biopsy.
Chapter 36 · Lung Transplantation
1073 36
Severity of rejection is classified into four grades Risk factors include prior acute rejection episodes,
(A0–A4) according to the International Society especially late recurrent or refractory rejection,
for Heart and Lung Transplantation. Frequently lymphocytic bronchitis or bronchiolitis, cytomeg-
acute rejection and infection occur together, so alovirus infections, insufficient immunosuppres-
that an infection should be excluded or adequate sion, HLA mismatches and eventually airway
therapy initiated before augmentation of immu- ischemia. Symptoms are non-specific: patients
nosuppression. Main agent for the treatment of usually report insidious dry or productive cough
acute rejection is a 3-day course of high dose cor- and dyspnea. Many different strategies are used
ticosteroids (7–15  mg/kg/day). If symptoms for ­treatment including augmentation of immu-
­persist cytolytic therapy with antithymocyte glob- nosuppression, switching from CSA to tacrolimus
ulins should be considered. or sirolimus, cytolytic therapy and photopheresis.
Treatment usually slows but does not terminate
functional decline (Sarahrudi et al. 2002). Another
36.12.4  Chronic Rejection therapeutic option is retransplantation, which
also might be performed for acute graft failure.
Long-term survival after lung transplantation is While early results showed increased morbidity
still limited, mainly due to development of oblit- and mortality in comparison to initial transplan-
erative bronchiolitis. Its exact etiology remains tation (Novick et al. 1995), more recent data sug-
unclear and many hypotheses exist for the patho- gest that retransplantation outcomes are similar to
physiological genesis. While histological diagno- those of primary transplantation (Strueber et  al.
sis is difficult, a clinical grading scale is used to 2006; Aigner et al. 2007).
determine the severity of bronchiolitis obliterans
syndrome (BOS). After the most recent revision,
the clinical severity is divided in five grades 36.12.5  Infection
depending on the extent of airflow limitation
(Estenne et al. 2002). Grades BOS 0 to BOS 3 are As a side effect of immunosuppressive therapy,
listed in . Table 36.3, where baseline is defined as defense mechanisms are diminished and therefore
the average of the two highest measurements— infections are more likely to occur. Especially lung
not necessarily consecutive—obtained at least transplant recipients are prone to infections due to
3  weeks apart. Incidence is as high as 40 % of permanent exposure of the transplanted organ to
patients after 2  years (Radley-Smith et  al. 1995) the outside environment. In addition, impairment
and 60–70 % after 5  years (Heng et  al. 1998). of both the cough reflex and mucociliary clear-
Recently the term «chronic lung allograft dys- ance facilitates susceptibility to infections.
function» (CLAD) has been suggested since this Bacterial infections are the most common
incorporates also the restrictive form of lung infections in the first two postoperative months.
allograft dysfunction which is observed in some As prophylaxis all of our patients receive oral
patients (Verleden et  al. 2011; Sato et  al. 2011). tazobactam 4.5  g three times daily and 800
mg/160 mg trimethoprim/sulfametrol orally
three times a week initiated 2  weeks postopera-
..Table 36.3  Classification of bronchiolitis tively. Additional antibiotics are given as neces-
obliterans syndrome
sary according to culture and sensitivity data.
Fortunately less frequent but nevertheless impor-
BOS 0 FEV1 >90 % of baseline and FEV25–75
>75 % of baseline
tant are mycobacterial infections, which are pre-
disposed by chronic lung disease and
BOS 0-p FEV1 81–90 % of baseline and/or immunosuppression, also. Mycobacterium avium
FEV25–75 <75 % of baseline
complex is the most common in these infections.
BOS 1 FEV1 66–80 % of baseline Viral infections are almost exclusively caused
BOS 2 FEV1 51–65 % of baseline by herpes group viruses, with cytomegalovirus
(CMV) being the predominant source of infection.
BOS 3 FEV1 <50 % of baseline Infections may occur due to reactivation of the
1074 C. Aigner and W. Klepetko

virus or as primary infections mainly in the con- ing on the size of the transplant center and has
stellation of a CMV negative recipient who receives been significantly reduced since the introduction
a graft from a CMV-positive donor. Symptoms are of the lung allocation score (LAS). Calculation of
non-specific and are not infrequently accompa- the LAS is based on formulas that take into
nied by leukenia. Treatment of choice is currently account the statistical probability of a patient’s
ganciclovir or valganciclovir. Additionally patients survival in the next year without a transplant,
may receive CMV hyperimmunoglobulin (IgM) how long that survival would be, the probability
100 mg IV weekly for the first 4 weeks. All patients of survival following a transplant and the pro-
are routinely screened for CMV infection at every jected length of survival post-transplant. A raw
outpatient follow-up appointment. allocation score based on these values is calcu-
Fungal infections occur mainly during the lated and normalized to obtain the actual LAS,
first 2  months after transplantation with which has a range from 0 to 100. Recipients under
Aspergillus species and Candida species being the 12  years of age automatically receive priority in
predominant pathogens. Treatment of manifest organ allocation.
infection is performed by administration of IV Survival statistics provided by the Interna-
antifungal agents, according to the underlying tional Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation
subtype. (ISHLT) report: 1-year, 3-year and 5-year survival
Protozoan infections, especially with rates of about 79 %, 63 % and 52 %, respectively;
Pneumocystis carinii or Toxoplasma gondii are however, there has been a significant rise in sur-
usually prevented by lifelong administration of vival rates recently as shown in . Fig. 36.9. There
trimethoprim/sulfametrol (3 days per week). is a difference in the survival rates in favor of dou-
ble lung recipients versus single lung recipients,
which diverges between the third and fourth year
36.12.6  Post-transplantation postoperatively. The survival benefit of transplan-
Malignancy tation versus medical therapy differs depending
on the underlying disease.
Due to immunosuppression the incidence of some
neoplasms is higher in transplant patients than
usual. Non Hodgkin lymphomas may appear 36.13.2  Functional Outcome
3–12 months after transplantation. Post-­transplant
lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD) is associ- After successful transplantation most patients
ated with Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), with EBV- experience a major improvement in functional
36 negative recipients being at higher risk. PTLD is capacity and report by the end of the first year
commonly found in extranodal sites like the lungs, about no restriction in activity. Six-minute walking
intestine or central nervous system. Therapy con- tests are at least twice the preoperative value (Cas-
sists of a decrease in immunosuppression with tleberry et al. 2015). A progressive rise in total lung
additional chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Apart capacity, FEV1 and vital capacity is observed. Work
from PTLD the incidence of squamous cell cancer capacity, tidal volumes and peak minute ventilation
of the skin and lip, carcinoma of vulva and are not statistically different between single and
perineum, as well as the kidney and hepatobiliary double lung recipients (Schwaiblmaier et al. 1998).
tumors, are elevated. Quality of life is markedly improved after lung
transplantation. Independence from oxygen
insufflation with diminished dyspnea, improved
36.13 Results sleep, improved mobility and energy to accom-
plish activities of everyday life all collude for
36.13.1  Mortality improved quality of life. Three years after trans-
plantation according to ISHLT, more than 40 % of
Mortality on the waiting list varies widely from the patients are full- or part-time employed.
country to country depending on the individual Thereafter, with the development of bronchiolitis
legal situation. Eurotransplant reports about an obliterans syndrome, this trend reverses, though
overall mortality of 25 % on the waiting list. In most patients remain active for quite some time,
the USA the average waiting time differs depend- despite the development of obliterative bronchiol-
Chapter 36 · Lung Transplantation
1075 36

Adult Lung Transplants

Kaplan-Meier Survival by Procedure Type
(Transplants: January 1994 – June 2012)
Median survival (years):
Bilateral/Double lung: 7.1; Conditional = 9.7
80 Single lung: 4.6; Conditional = 6.5

p < 0.0001
Survival (%)





Bilateral/Double Lung (N=25,041)
Single Lung (N=15,251)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

..Fig. 36.9  Survival rates international (From: Yusen et al. (2014) ISHLT; used with permission)

itis. Another problem restricting long-term qual- systemic immunosuppression is carried out and
ity of life is the side effects of immunosuppressive might hold potential for the future.

36.14 Future Perspectives
Aigner C, Mazhar S, Jaksch P, Seebacher G, Taghavi S, Marta
Lung transplantation is now an established ther- G, Wisser W, Klepetko W (2004) Lobar transplantation,
apy option for advanced lung disease. Restricting split lung transplantation and peripheral segmental
resection–reliable procedures for downsizing donor
factors are the limited availability of donor organs
lungs. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 25(2):179–183
and limited long time survival after transplanta- Aigner C, Wisser W, Taghavi S, Lang G, Jaksch P, Czyzewski
tion. Options for an increase of available donor D, Klepetko W (2007) Institutional experience with
organs are living related donations, especially for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in lung trans-
pediatric recipients and split lung transplantations, plantation. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 31(3):468–473
Aigner C, Jaksch P, Taghavi S et al. (2008) Pulmonary retrans-
which are already performed in increasing num-
plantation: is it worth the effort? A long-term analysis of
bers. Donation after circulatory death already had 46 cases. J Heart Lung Transplant 27(1):60–65
an impact on the number of available lung donors, Aigner C, Slama A, Hötzenecker K et al. (2012) Clinical ex vivo
and ex vivo lung perfusion holds a great potential lung perfusion—pushing the limits. Am J Transplant
for a further increase in the donation rates. 12(7):1839–1847
Camboni D, Philipp A, Arlt M et al. (2009) First experience
Refinements in organ procurement, lung pres-
with a paracorporeal artificial lung in humans. ASAIO
ervation and immunosuppression will hopefully J 55(3):304–306
contribute to increased long-term survival rates. Castleberry AW, Englum BR, Snyder LD, Worni M, Osho AA,
Research on induction of graft tolerance without Gulack BC, Palmer SM, Davis RD, Hartwig MG (2015)
1076 C. Aigner and W. Klepetko

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1079 37

Heart and Heart–Lung
Bruno Meiser and Bruno Reichart

37.1 Heart Transplantation in Adults – 1081

37.1.1  istory and State of the Art – 1081
37.1.2 Indication, Management of Candidates, Listing – 1081
37.1.3 Organ Donation, Evaluation and Allocation – 1083
37.1.4 The Donor Operation – 1084 Donor Operation for Orthotopic Heart Transplantation
Using Atrial Anastomoses – 1084 Donor Operation for Orthotopic Heart Transplantation
Using Bicaval Anastomoses – 1085 Donor Preparation for Heterotopic Transplantation – 1085 Heart Preservation – 1085
37.1.5 Recipient Operation – 1086 Orthotopic Implantation of the Heart According to Lower
and Shumway (1960) – 1086 Bicaval Anastomoses: Orthotopic Heart Transplantation – 1088 Heterotopic Implantation of the Heart – 1088 Transplantation in Patients with Mechanical Circulatory
Support Devices – 1090 Cardiac Re-transplantation – 1090

37.2  eart Transplantation in Neonates and

Infants – 1090
37.2.1 I ndications and Outcome – 1090
37.2.2 Primary Orthotopic Heart Transplantation
Technique Used for Hypoplastic Left Heart
Syndrome (HLHS) – 1091
37.2.3 Techniques of Heart Transplantation After Fontan
Surgery for Single Ventricle – 1092

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_37
37.3 Heart–Lung Transplantation – 1092
37.3.1  istory and State of the Art – 1092
37.3.2 Indications – 1093
37.3.3 Evaluation of Donors for Combined Heart and
Lung Transplantation – 1093
37.3.4 Donor Operation – 1094
37.3.5 Organ Implantation in Combined Heart–Lung
Transplantation – 1095
37.3.6 Reoperation After Heart–Lung Transplantation – 1097

37.4 Postoperative Care – 1097

37.4.1  ejection – 1097
37.4.2 Immunosuppression – 1097 Induction Therapy – 1098 Maintenance Immunosuppression – 1098
37.4.3 Additional Medication – 1099

References – 1100
Chapter 37 · Heart and Heart–Lung Transplantation
1081 37
37.1 Heart Transplantation first human heart transplant. Within 2 years, more
in Adults than 60 teams had transplanted hearts in some
150 patients (see also 7 Chapter «The History of
37.1.1  History and State of the Art Cardiac Surgery», Sect. 1.12).
The leading European pioneer in this field was
The basic surgical technique behind the transplan- Christian Cabrol at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital
tation of organs, the suturing of blood vessels, was in Paris. He performed in 1968 the first heart
developed by Alexis Carrel, a French surgeon, at transplantation in Europe.
the beginning of the twentieth century. Together At that time, the missing experience with the
with Charles Guthrie, he described the first het- post-transplant immune reaction and the very
erotopic heart transplant in ‘The Transplantation limited variety of immunosuppressant drugs
of Veins and Organs’ (Carrel and Guthrie 1905). In available (methylprednisolone, azathioprine,
1912 Carrel received the Nobel Prize in Medicine antilymphocyte globulin) resulted in 80 % 1-year
and Physiology for his groundbreaking research. mortality. The results were discouraging, and the
The next surgeon to experiment extensively number of heart transplants worldwide went
with heart transplantation was Vladimir down to 18 in 1970 (DiBardino 1999).
Demikhov, a Russian. By the 1940s, he had already One of the few groups who continued was
developed an artificial heart and transplanted Norman Shumway’s group at Stanford University.
‘piggyback’ hearts and heart–lungs in dogs. His His team developed techniques to determine and
most far-reaching achievement was a series of quantify rejection allowing them to tailor immu-
experiments in which canine hearts were success- nosuppression and to achieve 65 % 1-year sur-
fully transplanted orthotopically, at a time when vival. In 1980, they were the first to test cyclosporin
hypothermia had not been used and the equip- A clinically and to incorporate its use into clinical
ment for successful extracorporeal circulation practice after heart transplantation.
had not been invented. In the following decade, the improved outcome
In the 1950s, Norman Shumway and Richard resulted in a second boom, reaching a peak in the
Lower, heart surgeons at Stanford University, mid-1990s with about 4,700 heart transplants per
began publishing their experiments. It proved to year. Subsequently, mainly due to the limited avail-
be the beginning of a long list of important ability of donor hearts, the annual number began to
achievements. Key to their success was the use of level off and has reached in the last few years a
topical hypothermia, which allowed the interrup- steady state of about 4,000 to 4,500 cases (Lund
tion of blood flow and adequate time to operate et al. 2015).
on the hearts. In 1960, they described their stud-
ies with orthotopic homotransplantations of
canine hearts (Lower and Shumway 1960). In the 37.1.2  Indication, Management
following years, they improved and optimized of Candidates, Listing
their technique and management for orthotopic
allotransplantation (Lower et  al. 1962). The Indication for cardiac transplantation is the sig-
‘Shumway technique’ is today still the preferred nificant, irreversible functional impairment of the
method for cardiac replacement (Lower et  al. heart despite maximal medical therapy.
1965). The most common causes are either idiopathic
On December 3, 1967, Christiaan Barnard dilated cardiomyopathy or ischemic cardiomyop-
used this technique to transplant the first human athy caused by coronary artery disease. Less com-
donor heart at the Groote Schuur Hospital in mon are congenital heart disease, valvular heart
Cape Town, South Africa. The patient died of disease or damage of the myocardium by condi-
pneumonia on the eighteenth postoperative day tions like amyloidosis or sarcoidosis. . Figure 37.1
(Barnard 1967). Three days after Barnard, sur- gives the distribution of the current indications
geons at the Maimonides Medical Center in for heart transplantation worldwide between 2005
Brooklyn undertook the second human heart and 2010 (Lund et al. 2015).
transplantation. Recipient was a 3-month-old An optimal management of potential cardiac
infant who died the same day. One month later, transplant candidates is mandatory. It includes
Norman Shumway and his team undertook their pharmacological and non-pharmacological
1082 B. Meiser and B. Reichart

11% 6%
1% 1%
2% Cardiomyopathy Congenital
2% 3%
74% Retransplant CAD 2%
Other Valvular

18–39 40–59
years years
56% 57%
1% 1%
3% 2%

60–69 70+
years years

1% 38%
1% 44% 3%

..Fig. 37.1  Indications for heart transplantation in adults between 2009 and 2014 (Lund et al. 2015)

measures: The retention of body fluids results in these cases, the temporary implantation of a
peripheral edema and ascites which should be mechanical circulatory assist device should be con-
controlled by the application of diuretics. Chronic sidered in order to prevent further deterioration of
heart failure activates the neuroendocrine system the clinical status and to improve renal and liver
of the body as a reaction to the malperfusion of function. In cases of intermittently disabling tachy-
the vital organs. The sympathetic nervous sys- cardia or cardiac dyssynchrony, cardiac re-synchro-
tem, the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system is nization therapy with an implantable cardioverter
activated. Vasopressin, cytokines and endothelin defibrillator should be used (Moss et al. 2002; Bardy
are released. Therefore, neurohormonal antago- et al. 2005; Gronda et al. 2006).
nists like ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme) Elective transplant listing should be guided by
or ARB (angiotensin receptor blockers) should evaluation of several parameters: Indication for
37 be used. Furthermore, ß–blockers or aldosterone transplantation is given if the maximal cardiopul-
antagonists can be added (Jessup et al. 2006). monary exercise test results in a peak oxygen con-
These pharmacologic measures should be sumption (Vo2) <10  ml/kg/min; a peak Vo2
accompanied by restriction of salt and fluid intake between 10 and 14 ml/kg/min in combination with
and regular exercises. Periodical examinations by a major limitation to the activities of daily life can
a medical team experienced in heart failure treat- also be considered. In addition, the Heart Failure
ment should be conducted, including semi-­annual Survival Score (HFSS) may be used. The score is a
right heart catheterization to access pulmonary predictive model calculated from seven prognostic
vascular resistance and to adjust medical treat- variables including peak Vo2, left ventricular ejec-
ment (Jessup et al. 2006). tion fraction, serum sodium, mean blood pressure,
If cardiac function further deteriorates, intrave- heart rate at rest, non-specific intraventricular con-
nous vasodilators are first choice options in medical duction delay and ischemic heart failure etiology.
management; in cases of hypoperfusion short term After calculation of the score, it can be grouped in
inotropic therapy can be used (Hübner et al. 2015; risk strata: Low-risk strata are considered ≥8.10,
von Scheidt et al. 2016) If patients with cardiac fail- medium-risk strata 7.20–8.09 and high-risk strata
ure of class NYHA (New York Heart Association) <7.20 (Aaronson et al. 1997; Mehra et al. 2006).
III or IV are refractory to medical treatment, urgent Before listing for transplantation, patients
indication for heart transplantation is given. In should undergo a psychosocial assessment.
Chapter 37 · Heart and Heart–Lung Transplantation
1083 37
­ valuation should include their ability to comply
E countries with that type of legislation, the rate of
with instructions, including drug therapy. consent for organ donation by next of kin is rather
Possible co-morbidities must be carefully low. No more than 50 % of those US families from
evaluated. Age over 70, pre-transplant body mass whom donation is requested agree to donate.
index (BMI) >30  kg/m2 and pre-existing neo- Nevertheless, the United States still achieve annu-
plasms with a high risk of tumor recurrence are ally around 25 donors per million inhabitants.
associated with poor outcome after transplanta- The organ donation process itself is country
tion. Diabetes with end-organ damage, irrevers- specific organized by national organ procurement
ible renal dysfunction and severe symptomatic organizations. In Germany, this duty is contracted
cerebrovascular disease should also be considered to the German Foundation Organ Transplantation
as relative contraindications for transplantation (Deutsche Stiftung Organtransplantation, DSO).
(Mehra et al. 2006). In the United States, more than 50 organ procure-
Serial evaluations are essential for patients ment organizations (OPOs) provide this service
placed on the transplant waiting list. Assessment for the close to 300 transplant centers. The major-
of heart failure stability should include echocar- ity of these OPOs are private, nonprofit organiza-
diogram and electrocardiogram as well as routine tions, only a few are hospital based. Each OPO has
laboratory testing to evaluate multi-organ func- a contiguous geographical service area designated
tion. Right heart catheterization should be used to by the Federal Government for recovering organs
examine pulmonary pressures. Pulmonary hyper- in all hospitals in that region (Nathan et al. 2003).
tension should be challenged by vasodilators to Even in countries with high donation rates,
determine whether it is fixed or reversible. the shortage of post-mortem organ donors in
Irreversible pulmonary artery hypertension is a general and especially of donors for thoracic
relative contraindication to cardiac transplanta- organs represents the biggest challenge and limi-
tion when the pulmonary vascular resistance tation for heart transplantation. In addition to the
(PVR) is >5 Wood units, the pulmonary vascular lack of donors, the mean donor age is steadily
resistance index (PVRI) is >6 or the transpulmo- increasing, further reducing the acceptance of
nary gradient (TPG) exceeds 16–20  mmHg potential heart grafts. Therefore, optimal donor
(Mehra et al. 2006). management and improved evaluation and utili-
zation of cardiac grafts are mandatory.
The care of brain-dead donors should involve
37.1.3   rgan Donation, Evaluation
O cardiologists, pulmonologists, intensive care spe-
and Allocation cialists and surgeons. Their goal should be optimi-
zation of the hemodynamic management,
Organ donation rates vary significantly between maintaining a neutral acid-base balance and cor-
the countries in Western Europe. While the recting hormonal perturbations. Treatment with
Eurotransplant members Croatia, Austria and insulin, corticosteroids, triiodothyronine and
Belgium as well as Spain achieve donor rates per arginine vasopressin as well as blood transfusions
million inhabitants far above 20, Germany only in cases of severe anemia might improve cardiac
reaches an annual quota of about 10–15 per mil- function (Novitzky et al. 1984; Zaroff et al. 2002).
lion. Besides organizational variations, the major Older donors (>55 years of age) can be used
difference is how consent is regulated by law. Most particularly for higher-risk or older recipients if
countries have implemented donation rules based other risk factors (left ventricular hypertrophy,
on presumed consent while Germany still relies ischemic time) are not significant. In donors aged
on informed consent. The new German trans- 46–55  years, coronary angiography is recom-
plantation law, however, introduced several mea- mended; older donors should have it routinely.
sures to improve donation rates (e.g. in house Minor coronary plaques in angiography or ele-
coordinators and regular education and informa- vated cardiac enzymes without the presence of
tion of the population) but did not alter the other donor risk factors do not justify nonuse of a
underlying informed consent (which is now donor heart (Zaroff et al. 2002).
called decisional consent) system. Heart grafts should be declined if there is echo-
In the United States, organ donation is also cardiographic and ECG evidence of ­substantial
based on informed consent. Similar to other left ventricular hypertrophy, severe valvular or
1084 B. Meiser and B. Reichart

congenital cardiac abnormality or if the expected are set by OPTN/UNOS. All patients waiting for
cold ischemic time exceeds 6 h. The value of echo- an organ from a deceased donor are required to
cardiography to determine the physiological suit- be placed in the common waiting list database; a
ability of a donor heart is limited. Particularly computer algorithm for allocation of each type of
younger hearts with left ventricular dysfunction organ matches donor and recipient. The current
can recover normal function over time (Zaroff allocation algorithm prioritizes matching patients
et al. 2002). in the local OPO service area, followed by
A growing number of recipients are pre-sensi- regional and then national candidates.
tized mainly due to former blood transfusions or a
previous transplantation. The pre-existing antibod-
ies might result in antibody mediated rejection, 37.1.4  The Donor Operation
either hyeracute or chronic, associated with hemo-
dynamic compromise, increased graft loss and car-  onor Operation for Orthotopic
diac allograft vasculopathy. Solid-phase assays to Heart Transplantation Using
determine antibody presence in the recipient have Atrial Anastomoses (Lower et al.
allowed for the development of a calculated panel- 1965)
reactive antibody to avoid donors harboring the Before starting the surgery to explant the donor
corresponding unacceptable antigens (Kobashigawa heart, the matching blood groups of donor
et al. 2011; Chang et al. 2012). Recently a portable respectively recipient should be checked similar
warm blood perfusion system for donor hearts to procedures before blood transfusions. Due to
(organ care system) has been introduced. The the immaturity of the immune system of new-
machine maintains the heart in a functioning status borns and infants, ABO-incompatible trans-
outside of the body. The technology might allow to plantation my be an option in that age group.
increase the time between explanation and implan- Low isohemagglutinin levels are a prerequisite
tation (allowing longer transport or recipient prep- (West et al. 2001).
aration times), to assess the function more After median sternotomy the pericardium
thoroughly and to improve function or to enable opened. The heart is carefully inspected, particu-
resuscitation of the organ. Another perfusion sys- larly for possible signs of coronary artery disease.
tem developed in Lund, Sweden, also revealed Contractility of both the right and the left ventri-
promising results (Steen et al. 2016). Further evalu- cle is assessed. After the final decision to explant
ation of the benefit of the systems, also considering the organ is made, preparations begin: First, the
the substantial costs for its use, is necessary. ascending aorta is separated from the pulmonary
In Germany as well as in currently six other trunk. The superior vena cava (SVC) is exposed
European states, donor organs are allocated by the all the way up to its junction with the azygos vein
37 Eurotransplant International Foundation in and the inferior vena cava (IVC) down into the
Leiden, the Netherlands. Allocation guidelines diaphragm. The course of both the right and the
are being continuously further developed by left pulmonary veins is noted. Heparin (2.5–
national authorities. In Germany, the German 3.0 mg/kg i.v.) is administered. Next, the SCV is
Medical Association determines the rules based divided between two ligatures. The vessel should
on an organ-specific common waiting list and a be divided up high, as close as possible to the azy-
patient-specific allocation system. While alloca- gos vein (. Fig.  37.2). This minimizes possible
tion regulations should consider urgency and suc- damage to the sinus node. The ascending aorta is
cess according to the German transplantation law, cross clamped proximal to the brachiocephalic
heart allocation is currently predominantly attrib- trunk, after which the cardio-protective solution
uted to urgency. The vast majority of patients is inserted into the aortic root. The IVC is clamped
transplanted in Germany are therefore belonging directly at the diaphragmatic level and incised
to the so-called high-urgency status group. proximally in order to empty the right heart. An
In the United States, the United Network for incision into one of the pulmonary veins empties
Organ Sharing (UNOS), based in Richmond, VA, the left heart. During infusion of cold cardiople-
administers the national Organ Procurement and gic solution, further cooling is achieved by filling
Transplantation Network (OPTN), in which each the pericardium with ice-cold, normal saline
OPO is a member. The rules for organ allocation solution.
Chapter 37 · Heart and Heart–Lung Transplantation
1085 37

..Fig. 37.2  Excision of the donor heart for orthotopic

transplantation: The superior caval vein is separated
between two ligatures; an aortic clamp is placed. The inferior
caval vein is divided just above the diaphragm, the aorta
distally to the cardioplegia site. Both pulmonary arteries and
the pulmonary veins are cut directly at their pericardial entry
site. The dashed line at the right atrial appendage displays ..Fig. 37.3  Heterotopic heart transplantation: For
the extended incision done prior to implantation preparation of implantation of the donor organ, inferior
caval vein as well as the right pulmonary veins are closed
with running sutures. The azygos vein and the superior
After the desired quantity of cardioplegic solution caval vein are ligated. The incision of the right atrium is
has been administered, the excision of the donor heart performed posterior in cranio-caudal direction
commences from caudal to cranial: First, the IVC is
divided, followed by the left and the right pulmonary
veins, a high transection of the ascending aorta and  onor Preparation for
the pulmonary artery trunk near the bifurcation. The Heterotopic Transplantation
heart is then submerged in a bowl filled with ice-cold For heterotopic procedures the full length SVC is
normal saline and prepared for final implantation: An necessary. The azygos vein is therefore divided
incision is made in the right atrium in the direction of between two ligatures.
the right atrial appendage, starting at the IVC. The final preparation again takes place while
The interatrial septum is inspected. If a fora- the explanted donor heart is kept in 4 °C normal
men ovale is discovered, it must be closed, in saline: The two openings in the right pulmonary
order to prevent right to left shunting early post- veins are closed by continuous 5–0 polypropylene
operatively. The left atrium is incised along a line sutures the same technique is applied to the
connecting the orifices of the four pulmonary IVC.  Then the muscle bridge between the left
veins to each other. Finally, the ligature at the SVC upper and the left lower pulmonary vein is
is additionally secured by suture. divided. This newly created opening in the left
For long-distance transportation, the heart is atrium should have the same diameter as the
packed into three plastic bags, each of which is mitral valve orifice. Finally, the lateral wall of the
filled with cold saline solution. SVC and the right atrium are incised; the ligated
azygos vein serves as a reference point. The  onor Operation for Orthotopic
D approximately 5-cm long incision should be
Heart Transplantation Using placed in such a way that about half of its length
Bicaval Anastomoses (Dreyfus includes the right atrial wall (. Fig. 37.3).
et al. 1991)
For bicaval anastomoses, explantation of the Heart Preservation
donor heart has to be slightly modified. The har- The average ischemic time for donor hearts
vesting must include segments of the superior and steadily increased over the last decade. The per-
inferior vena cava as well as the four pulmonary missible maximum ischemic time of hearts is,
veins. The tissue bridge between the superior and however, much more limited than that of kid-
inferior pulmonary veins is then resected to create neys or livers. Therefore, adequate allograft pres-
single left and right orifices. ervation techniques are absolutely mandatory.
1086 B. Meiser and B. Reichart

Preservation of cardiac allograft is based on a

static cold flush with a crystalloid solution, sup-
pressing metabolism and catabolic enzymes. Both
intracellular and extracellular types (sodium con-
tent greater than or equal to 70  mmol/l) can be
used. All commonly selected preservation solu-
tions contain scavengers, energy substrates, buf-
fers and substances to maintain osmotic pressure
and prevent edema (Jacobs et al. 2010).
The University of Wisconsin (UW) solution
was originally developed by Belzer and
Southard in 1987 for preservation of the pan-
creas (Belzer and Southhard 1988). The solu-
tion contains osmotic agents like lactobionate
and raffinose as well as high potassium
(120 mmol/l), resulting in a rapid cardiac arrest.
While the solution seems to be superior for lon-
ger ischemic times, the potassium concentra- ..Fig. 37.4  Excision of the recipient heart: The right
tion might cause endothelial damage resulting atrium is excised at the crista terminalis. Beginning at the
in a higher incidence of graft vasculopathy right atrial appendage, the incision is started cranially in
(Kajihara et al. 2006). direction of the aortic basis and caudally to the coronary
sinus. The atrial septum is opened (dashed line), and the
An extracellular solution (sodium 100 mmol/l)
incision is again extended towards to the aortic base and
is Celsior, which was developed in 1994 for hearts the coronary sinus. After transection of the aorta and the
but is today the preferred solution for lungs main pulmonary artery adjacent to their valves, the
(Menasche et al. 1994). The solution combines the resection of the recipient’s heart is continued along the
buffer concept of HTK with the osmotic agents of wall of the left atrium, staying below the coronary sinus
and the left atrial appendage
UW (Maathius et al. 2007).
The only solution approved for preservation of
donor hearts in Germany is the histidine–trypto- Cardiopulmonary bypass is commenced and
phan–ketoglutarate (HTK) solution, which was the nasopharyngeal temperature lowered to
developed by Bretschneider and coworkers in the 30  °C.  Explantation of the recipient’s own heart
1970s. It is a low-potassium/high-volume solu- follows occlusion of tourniquets placed around
tion (Bretschneider et  al. 1975; Hölscher and the SVC and IVC: The ascending aorta is clamped
Groenewoud 1991). In the United States, however, proximally to the arterial cannula. The resection
37 a variety of proprietary plegia solutions are uti- of the right atrium starts at the crista terminalis.
lized, of which the UW and Celsior are the most The fossa ovalis is incised, emptying blood from
common. the left atrium and ventricle. The resection of the
recipient’s heart is continued along the wall of the
left atrium while keeping below the coronary
37.1.5  Recipient Operation sinus. The ascending aorta and the pulmonary
artery trunk are divided midway. Orthotopic Implantation The donor heart, with the right atrium facing
of the Heart According anteriorly, is then placed in the recipient’s pericar-
to Lower and Shumway (1960) dium to the left of the atrial remnants. Suturing
A median sternotomy is done and the pericar- begins at the level of the left upper pulmonary
dium opened longitudinally. After administration vein (. Fig.  37.5). The anastomosis is continued
of 2.5–3.0  mg/kg of heparin, tapes are passed clockwise and counterclockwise, using a single
around the SVC and IVC (. Fig.  37.4). The continuous technique with a double-armed 4–0
ascending aorta is cannulated as close to the arch polypropylene suture. The stitches are kept tight
as possible. Venous return is achieved via two and placed deeply. Both halves of the suture meet
separate large cannulas which are inserted directly in the center of the atrial septum remnants and
into both venae cavae. are then tied. A second suture commences at this
Chapter 37 · Heart and Heart–Lung Transplantation
1087 37

..Fig. 37.7  After adequate length adjustment,

recipient and donor aortae are anastomosed end to end.
Before the suture is finished, the heart is carefully de-aired
..Fig. 37.5  Implantation of the donor heart: The through the aorta. Before, the main pulmonary arteries
transplantation begins with the anastomosis of both left were also anastomosed to each other in the same fashion
atria starting at the recipient’s left upper pulmonary vein.
The direction of the suture line is caudal and cranial and
ends at the midpoint of the recipient’s atrial septum pulmonary veins, left atrium and left ventricle will
be removed, and the aortic suture line is tied. The
left ventricular apex may be punctured for addi-
tional de-airing using a thick needle. It is however
more important to allow for continuous de-airing
at the site of the ascending aorta where continu-
ous needle suction may be employed. The ascend-
ing aorta may be partially clamped distal to the
de-airing needle.
Spontaneous ventricular rhythm usually
resumes, but direct electrical shock may be
required if ventricular fibrillation persists. 500-­
mg methylprednisolone is administered intrave-
nously and rewarming to 35–37 °C commences.
Temporary pacemaker wires are placed in the
right atrial (on the donor side of the atrial anasto-
mosis) and ventricular myocardium.
After approximately 30  min of reperfusion,
extracorporeal circulation is slowly discontinued
and the venous cannulas are removed. Protamine
..Fig. 37.6  Both right atria are anastomosed with sulfate is administered in a quantity of 1.25 times
running sutures in a similar way as in . Fig. 37.5 greater than the amount of heparin previously
point and is brought around the right atrium in a After circulatory stability has been achieved,
similar fashion (. Fig. 37.6); de-airing of the right the arterial cannula may also be removed. Before
heart, after brief loosening of the IVC tourniquet, the chest is closed, drains are placed, one inferior
followed by tying. to the heart in the pericardium and one posterior
Implantation of the heart is now completed by to the sternum in the anterior mediastinum.
suturing the pulmonary artery and the aortic Primary graft failure is a highly dangerous com-
stumps (. Fig. 37.7). For de-airing, the tourniquet plication. It may be caused by persistent pulmonary
around the IVC is loosened again briefly before hypertension; its treatment consists of intravenous
tying the aortic suture line. The pump flow of the prostaglanoids. If biventricular failure persists in
extracorporeal circulation is then reduced. At the spite of adequate doses of catecholamines, the
same time the anesthetist inflates both lungs. By intraaortic balloon pump is introduced; thereafter
doing so, most of the remaining air within the heart function should improve within half an hour.
1088 B. Meiser and B. Reichart

If one is still not able to discontinue the heart–lung level of the SVC respectively IVC extended to a
machine support—and if the anesthetist has to point approximately 2  cm anterior to the right
increase the amount of catecholamines, especially phrenic nerve. This pericardial flap is laid over
adrenaline—the quick decision for the insertion of the hilum of the right lung and serves as a cradle
an extracorporeal membrane oxygenation system for the donor heart. The transplanted organ will
is life-saving, in our experience in about half of the be located within the right chest and partially
cases. The circulation cannulas are then connected compresses the right middle and lower lobe of
to the right atrium and the ascending aorta; the lung.
heparin-­coated lines should be used. The chest is After commencing extracorporeal circula-
then enclosed with a plastic patch which is attached tion, the body temperature is cooled to 30 °C, the
to the skin using running suture. ascending aorta is cross clamped and the cardio-
plegic solution is infused into the recipient’s Bicaval Anastomoses: heart. In addition ice-cold physiologic saline
Orthotopic Heart solution is applied topically. The donor heart is
Transplantation (Dreyfus et al. now placed in the right chest, the opening within
1991) the left atrium facing anteriorly (. Fig.  37.8).
Bicaval anastomoses might generate an undisturbed This is followed by a longitudinal incision into
flow within the right atrium, when compared with the recipient’s left atrium through the interatrial
the original Lower and Shumway technique; bicaval groove, as of for mitral valve surgery. Both left
connections are essential in patients with certain atria are connected to each other by a continu-
congenital cardiovascular lesions and their correc- ous suture line of double-armed 4–0 polypropyl-
tions. The Paris group described in their paper not ene. One half of the suture is laid clockwise, the
only the end-to-end anastomosis of SVC respec- other half counterclockwise, and finally tied at
tively IVC but also the separate implantation of the
left and the right pulmonary vein pairs—like for
solitary lung transplantations.
Sarsam and coworkers modified in 1993 this
original Dreyfus technique by leaving the pulmo-
nary vein within the remnants of the left atrium as
in classic orthotopic heart transplantation
(Sarsam et al. 1993). Heterotopic Implantation

of the Heart
37 Nowadays, heterotopic techniques seem only
rarely be indicated, like in patients with fixed pul-
monary resistance of 6–8 Wood units. In these
cases, the recipient’s right heart is ‘conditioned’
and thereby supports the donor right side in the
early postoperative course. Barnard and Losman
introduced heterotopic heart transplantation in
the 1970s in Cape Town, a technique which suited
the South African circumstances in those days:
long distances with only propeller-driven aircrafts
available and therefore long ischemic times
(Losman et al. 1977; Novitzky et al. 1985). ..Fig. 37.8  Heterotopic heart transplantation: On total
The operation begins in the same way as pre- cardiopulmonary bypass the recipient’s left atrium is
viously described for orthotopic heart trans- opened along the interatrial groove as for mitral valve
plantation (with the exception that the SVC surgery. With a running suture line, a broad anastomosis is
performed with a combined opening of both the left
cannula might be advanced via the right atrial pulmonary veins of the donor. The dashed line at the right
appendage). A right-sided pericardial flap is atrium displays the incision for the right atrial
then created by making two incisions at the anastomosis
Chapter 37 · Heart and Heart–Lung Transplantation
1089 37
the midpoint of the interatrial groove. As this atrial appendage avoiding, however, the sinus node
anastomosis will be almost inaccessible later, region. The two right atria are then combined.
absolute care must be taken that it is completely The implantation continues with the aortic
hemostatic. end-to-side anastomosis. It is important to leave
Next, the two right atria are anastomosed. An the donor aorta as short as possible, in order to
incision in the lower lateral part of the recipient exert traction in an anterior and superior direc-
SCV and atrium is already made earlier in the tion and facilitate a wide opening of the right and
procedure, before the left atrial anastomosis is left atria. An adequate longitudinal incision into
done. The first stitch, with a 4–0 double-armed the recipient’s ascending aorta is performed. It
polypropylene suture, is directed from outside to may be made in the most convenient area and
inside at the most proximal part of the right atrial should ideally be situated slightly to the right of
incision of the donor; it is then directed towards the midline.
the mid-portion of a corresponding incision made Finally, the two main pulmonary arteries are
in the recipient’s SVC and atrium (. Fig.  37.9). joined with the help of an adequate interposition
After tying, the anastomosis is continued in both Dacron graft (. Fig. 37.10). The end-to-side anas-
directions until the two ends of the suture meet at tomosis on the recipient side is performed first,
a point directly opposite in front. proximal to the bifurcation. Then, an end-to-end
The right atrial diamond-shaped anastomosis anastomosis is constructed, joining the donor’s
as just described follows the original recommen- main pulmonary artery to the Dacron tube.
dation of Barnard. A modification suggests an Occasionally, a Dacron graft can be avoided by
even larger anastomotic area: The donor SVC is anastomosing the donor’s right pulmonary artery
left open; an incision leads from its orifice into the directly to the pulmonary artery of the recipient.
Then the orifice of the donor’s left pulmonary
artery must be closed using a running suture.
Before both hearts are allowed to eject, air
must be removed from both organs. This is done
in the manner already described for orthotopic
heart transplantation.
Extracorporeal circulation is discontinued
and protamine given. After careful hemostasis has
been achieved, three drains (one additional into

..Fig. 37.9  The right atrial anastomosis is performed ..Fig. 37.10  The donor aorta is anastomosed end to
with a running suture starting at the midpoint of the side to the ascending aorta of the recipient. The main
recipient incision as shown in Fig. 37.8. The pulmonary artery of the donor is then extended with a
diamond-shaped anastomosis is then finished in a circular vascular prosthesis which is finally anastomosed end to
way like for the left atrium side to the recipient’s main pulmonary artery
1090 B. Meiser and B. Reichart

the right chest) are inserted. It is also recom- adhesions, which have formed between the donor
mended that pairs of temporary epicardial pacing heart and the right lower lobe, present a great
wires are placed onto each heart. Then, the chest challenge. Multiple lung leaks are, therefore, not
is closed in a routine fashion. infrequent and pose a source of infection in an
The right-sided donor heart within the right area of blood clots and extensive dissection. In
pleural cavity impedes expansion of the middle order to make these procedures easier and safer,
and lower right lung lobes—a situation which is orthotopic replacement of the recipient’s old heart
usually well tolerated. After heterotopic proce- is recommended, leaving the heterotopic donor
dures, patients need heparin immediately fol- heart untouched. As a result, the patient is left with
lowed by long-term coumadin in order to prevent two different donor hearts—a situation which is
thrombus formation within the left ventricular well tolerated. The two other possibilities—
cavity of the recipient heart. replacement of the rejected heterotopic heart or its
removal followed by orthotopic transplantation— Transplantation in Patients are not favored because of severe bleeding compli-
with Mechanical Circulatory cations and a high risk of infection. The latter
Support Devices technique, changing from a heterotopic to an
After implantation of a mechanical circulatory orthotopic situation, is especially unfortunate,
support device, severe adhesions must be since it creates an empty space previously filled by
expected. The adhesions are the result of foreign the donor heart. Decortication of the right lung
surfaces, in permanent non-physiological move, would then be necessary (Novitzky et al. 1987).
with heat generation and chronic inflammations/
infections. It is therefore safe to connect the
patient to extracorporeal circulation first, utilizing 37.2 Heart Transplantation
the groin vessels; a long venous cannula may be in Neonates and Infants
advanced into the IVC. Later on, when the recipi-
ent heart and the great vessels are dissected out, 37.2.1  Indications and Outcome
only the SVC must be accessed for full venous
return; venous tourniquets are snared. Terminal heart diseases necessitating transplanta-
If extremely severe adhesions are encoun- tions at a younger age may be caused by systolic
tered, the SVC cannula may be introduced percu- pump failure, most probably due to hereditary
taneously via the right jugular vein. dilated cardiomyopathies or in the follow-up of
The ascending aorta will then be cross valvular malformations at the aortic or atrioven-
clamped, allowing the surgeon to work on an tricular level (Dipchard et al. 2015). Cases of
open and empty heart, a step which greatly facili- myocarditis are a primary indication for left or
37 tates further dissections. Once the in- and outflow biventricular assist devices; transplants seem to be
tubes of the assist system and the device itself are only indicated after irreversible cardiac damage in
removed, this may take 2–3  h, the actual heart spite of a lengthy treatment period. Bland–White–
transplantation can begin. Garland syndrome or Kawasaki syndrome caus-
At the end of the operation and with good ing myocardial infarctions are rare. Patients with
control of bleeding sites, the remaining cavities of corrected transposition of the great vessels or
the previous assist system are also drained. In those after atrial switch operations (Senning or
cases of local infections, irrigation lines are advis- Mustard procedure) have two ventricular cham-
able as well as i.v. antibiotics according to bacte- bers (see 7 chapter «Congenitally Corrected
rial cultures and their resistance profile. Transposition and D-transposition of the Great
Arteries», Sect.; the systemic ventricle is, Cardiac Re-transplantation however, the anatomical right one—and as such
Acute or chronic rejection crises may necessitate not suited for lifelong function to generate sys-
re-transplantations. After orthotopic implantation temic pressures; severe systemic heart failure may
of the heart, this operation differs little from other be the result.
reoperations that form part of a cardiac surgeon’s Morbus Ebstein and Uhl’s disease (right ven-
routine. However, following heterotopic opera- tricular dysplasia) are rare causes of isolated ter-
tions, greater difficulties are encountered. Lung minal right ventricular failure.
Chapter 37 · Heart and Heart–Lung Transplantation
1091 37
Endocardial fibroelastosis and diffuse, hyper- branches are isolated and loosely taped. Heparin
trophic cardiomyopathy cause terminal diastolic is given and the venous cannula inserted into the
pump disorders. right atrium.
Different types of univentricular circulations The arterial cannula is inserted via the distal
may necessitate transplantations mostly during main pulmonary artery through the patent ductus
adolescence. This very complex group of con- into the descending aorta and extracorporeal cir-
genital cardiac diseases comprises many lesions culation is commenced immediately. A loose tape
and includes tricuspid atresia, double inlet left placed around the patent ductus is tightened after
ventricle, mitral/aortic atresia, respectively, full bypass.
hypoplasia (see 7 Chapter «Definite Palliation of The recipient is now cooled to 18 °C. Bags of
Functional Single Ventricle», Sect. 13.3). crushed ice around the head are additionally used
The majority of patients just mentioned pres- to protect the brain. Deep hypothermic circulatory
ent after previous thoracic surgery, like bilateral arrest is instituted and the patient’s blood drained
Glenn anastomosis, various modifications of into the reservoir, both cannulas are removed.
­Fontan procedures including multistage pallia- Before that, the supraaortic vessels were snared.
tions like Norwood operations (see 7 chapter The excision of the heart commences at the level
«Surgery for Aortic Atresia, Hypoplastic Left Heart of the left and right atria, just above the AV valves.
Syndrome, and Hypoplastic Left Heart Complex», The main pulmonary artery is transected at the
Sect. 17.6.2). bifurcation, the patent ductus close to the descend-
Transplant vasculopathy is also a limiting factor ing aorta. On the side of the pulmonary artery, the
in pediatric cases, with an incidence of 2, 9 and 17 % ductus is ligated or suture closed. The diminutive
(after 1, 3 and 5 years), numbers which are much ascending aorta is cut. The concavity of the aortic
lower when compared with adult transplantation arch is incised, from the level of the brachiocephalic
patients; new-onset terminal heart failure was seen trunk to a point distal of the transected ductus.
in 1, 4 and 9 % after 1, 5 and 9 years (Pahl et al. 2005). The donor heart is removed as for routine har-
Re-transplantations are possible; their long-term vest, with the exception that the full ascending aorta
results are, however, inferior, if compared with pri- and the arch are retained. All aortic arch vessels are
mary interventions (Chin et al. 2006). tied off, except for the brachiocephalic trunk
This brief overview, which by far is not a com- through which cardioplegic solution is infused. The
plete compilation of possible indications (Rosenthal donor main pulmonary artery branches are tran-
et  al. 2004), proves that the rare pediatric cardiac sected separately, and one large opening is created
transplantation should be reserved for those few by cutting the tissue bridge at the bifurcation.
centers who have experience in both cardiothoracic Implantation of the donor heart is carried out
transplantation and surgical correction of congeni- with continuous 6 or 7–0 polypropylene sutures,
tal heart disease and their follow-­up. Under these beginning with the left and right atria, the original
circumstances, follow-up results of pediatric car- Shumway technique. The pulmonary artery anas-
diac transplantations are good and surpass those of tomosis is facilitated by the relatively large donor
adults (Groetzner et al. 2005; Ross et al. 2006). vessel circumference created by joining the right
and left main branches. The donor aorta is cut
obliquely behind the brachiocehalic trunk in
37.2.2   rimary Orthotopic Heart
P order to match the incision made in the aortic
Transplantation Technique arch and isthmus of the recipient. After finishing
Used for Hypoplastic Left the aortic anastomoses, extracorporeal circula-
Heart Syndrome (HLHS) tion is reinstituted by reinserting a venous can-
nula into the atrium; an aortic cannula is placed
In 1985, L.  Bailey and coworkers from Loma into the arch via the open brachiocephalic trunk.
Linda performed the first transplants in neonates After air is evacuated, rewarming to 37 °C starts.
with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (Bailey et al. Thereafter, bypass is discontinued and protamine
1986). given. Hemostasis is achieved, pacing wires and
A sternotomy is performed and the pericar- drains are inserted and the chest is closed.
dium opened longitudinally. The thymus is almost While in the 1980s and early 1990s, neonatal
completely removed. Thereafter, the aortic arch cardiac transplantation was a viable alternative to
1092 B. Meiser and B. Reichart

Norwood-type palliations for HLHS, nowadays In cases of TGA, the (donor) pulmonary
primary choice for HLHS patients, is conven- artery trunk must be anastomosed to the left
tional Norwood surgery. It can be expected, how- (recipient) pulmonary artery branch, the anasto-
ever, that some of the Fontan children (‘Stage III mosis augmented with an incised (autologous
Norwood’) will need transplantations in the preferable) pericardial patch.
future due to the fact that the univentricular An unrestricted venous return is difficult to
(right) ventricle has to support the systemic circu- achieve in patients with situs inversus. The
lation and may fail in addition to the shortcom- description of a case may serve as an example:
ings of a Fontan circulation. dextrocardia with a univentricular heart (with
hypoplastic left ventricle, ASD, VSD and mitral
atresia) and TGA; during the previous Fontan
37.2.3  Techniques of Heart intervention, the left-sided right atrial auricle was
Transplantation After Fontan connected to the left pulmonary artery. An azygos
Surgery for Single Ventricle drainage of the IVC complicated the situs inversus
position of the SVC; hepatic veins drained into
The ascending aorta or the femoral artery serve as the atrium directly on the left.
arterial access, IVC (or extracardiac tunnel) and The femoral artery served as arterial access;
SVC (or innominate vein) as venous return. After the lower part of the body was drained with a
commencing extracorporeal circulation, the long cannula which was advanced from the
ascending aorta is cross clamped and the venous femoral into the azygos vein. The anonymous
return snared with tourniquets. The recipient heart and hepatic veins were further drained by two
and the great vessels are freed from adhesions separate cannulas.
which are usually severe due to multiple previous Cross clamping of the ascending aorta was fol-
interventions (it would therefore be important to lowed by the removal of the dissected heart. The
always reconstruct the precardial pericardium implantation started at the left atrial level, after
with a PTFE membrane (Gore-Tex®) at the end of rotating the donor organ counterclockwise by
each complex pediatric intervention before closing 30–45°; by doing so, an end-to-end anastomosis
the chest—to facilitate future interventions). of the donor IVC and the connecting vessel of the
A Glenn-anastomosis, atrio-pulmonary con- hepatic veins became possible. Both recipient pul-
nections, respectively an extracardiac tunnel, monary artery branches were enlarged with an
both cranial and caudal of the right pulmonary adequately trimmed (and partially incised) autol-
artery branch, are taken down and their openings ogous pericardial patch, which was then con-
closed, preferably utilizing autologous pericar- nected with the donor pulmonary artery trunk.
dium. An extracardial tunnel will be removed and After the end-to-end anastomosis of both ascend-
37 the IVC transected. ing aortic stumps, the confluence of the azygos
The implantation follows the modified ortho- drainage with the SVC was connected to the right
topic technique by Sarsam and coworkers (1993) as atrium directly using a large-sized ring-stabilized
described in 7 Sect., «Bicaval Anastomoses: Gore-Tex® prosthesis; alternatively a pulmonary
Orthotopic Heart Transplantation (Dreyfus et  al. or aortic homograft may have been chosen. The
1991)». It is advisable to keep the SVC long (to a orifice of the donor SVC was finally oversown.
point where the anonymous vein merges).
Two additional vascular anomalies, may be
worthwhile mentioning: A persistent left-sided SVC 37.3 Heart–Lung Transplantation
(without anonymous vein connection to the right
side) and the transposition of the great arteries (TGA). 37.3.1  History and State of the Art
If the presence of a left-sided SVC is known in
advance, the innominate (donor) vein may be dis- The first attempts of combined heart and lung
sected and left attached to the SVC; the innomi- transplantation were reported by Cooley 1968 and
nate (donor) vein will later be anastomosed end to Lillehei in 1969, respectively. In those times immu-
end to the (recipient) left superior caval vein. nosuppressive therapy was crude, consisted of only
Hemodynamically significant left-sided SVCs corticosteroids and azathioprine, and therefore the
need an extra venous cannula for drainage. results were disappointing. It was decided that
Chapter 37 · Heart and Heart–Lung Transplantation
1093 37
heart–lung transplantation techniques render no tal heart diseases (and originally unrestricted
long-term results and have therefore no future. A pulmonary artery flow) causing Eisenmenger
decade later, however, Bruce Reitz from Stanford syndrome (extreme cases of pulmonary atresia
University proved in non-human primates the without distal vessels are another, however, rare
opposite, using cyclosporine A as primary immu- indication).
nosuppressive agent (Reitz et al. 1980). In 1981, he Under these circumstances the pulmonary
performed the first successful human heart–lung artery pressure is at systemic level or above;
transplantation, and the 45-year-old female patient concomitant severe tricuspid incompetence is
survived more than 4 years. present.
In 2014, according to the ISHLT statistics, less Echocardiography, x-ray, computer tomogra-
than 100 heart–lung transplantations were done phy, and magnet resonance techniques verify the
worldwide. Congenital cardiac lesions with severe diagnoses. Lung function tests reveal restrictive
pulmonary hypertension were the main indica- and obstructive lesions.
tion (Yusen et al. 2015; Goldfarb et al. 2015). In
our own experience with 36 patients receiving
combined heart and lung transplantations at the 37.3.3  Evaluation of Donors
University of Munich Medical Center after 1996, for Combined Heart and 
71 and 63 % survived 1 and 10  years, compared Lung Transplantation
with 50 and 28 % of those treated between 1983
and 1996. Patients with congenital cardiac lesions The cardiac function should be checked as
were younger and lived longer: of those who were described in paragraph 7 Sect. 37.1.3, «Organ
under 18 years of age at the time of the operation, Donation, Evaluation and Allocation».
82 and 71 % survived 1 and 10 years. Special considerations include freedom from
any pulmonary impairment or serious lung con-
tusion. Careful attention is directed toward clear-
37.3.2  Indications ing pulmonary secretions with regular gentle
aspiration via the endotracheal tube; retrieved
During the last decade, combined heart and lung aspirate is sent for culture and direct examination.
procedures were indicated in fewer and fewer The tracheal aspirate should not show gross con-
patients—this was due to the success of bilateral tamination, particularly with candida. A bron-
lung transplantations even in patients with mod- choscopy is always indicated to rule out severe
erate to severe primary pulmonary hypertension. (sometimes hidden) bronchial infection.
Bilateral lung transplants were even successfully A size match is more important in combined
performed in patients with congenital cardiac heart–lung than in lung transplantation only. In
malformations (and Eisenmenger reaction). order to match for size, measurements of the max-
Under these preconditions concomitant correc- imal thoracic diameters and the heights of the
tions of the heart lesions are necessary—a lengthy thoracic cavities are compared (. Fig.  37.11).
operation not without risks. In straightforward Ideally, the donor chest should be slightly smaller
cases without previous interventions, it may than that of the recipient to avoid postoperative
therefore still be simpler and safer to decide for a atelectasis that would inevitably follow the inabil-
combined transplant of both lungs and the heart. ity of larger lungs to expand within a smaller chest
In combined heart and lung transplantations cavity. Mismatches of up to 10 % may be accepted.
in primary pulmonary hypertension patients, one Too big lungs may produce severe impairment of
may consider the ‘domino heart’ strategy whereby cardiac function, once the chest will be closed.
the non-malformed (right sided) hypertrophied The only solution would then be an atypical lung
(recipient) heart is transplanted into another per- resection or the removal of the left lower lobe.
son with somewhat elevated pulmonary artery Functional parameters include a peak infla-
pressure but otherwise acceptable pulmonary tion pressure on the respirator being less than
function (Yacoub et al. 1990). 30-cm H2O with a minute ventilation of 15 cc/kg
Heart–lung transplants are indicated in at eight breaths per minute. Adequate gas
NYHA class III–IV and IV patients with termi- exchange is mandatory, with an arterial oxygen
nal double organ failure, mostly due to congeni- tension of more than 100 mmHg on a FiO2 of 0.4.
1094 B. Meiser and B. Reichart

..Fig. 37.11 Thoracic
diameters allowing a
comparison between
donor and recipient
measures: 1 sternal length
(jugulum to xiphoid), 2
thoracic aperture, 3
jugulum to acromion, 4 3
thoracic diameter at the
height of the mammillae, 5
1 2
thoracic diameter at the
height of the thoracic 4

In a trial with the FiO2 being increased to 1.0, the are dissected; the arterial ligament is transected;
PO2 should rise to more than 300 mmHg. Positive on the right, the ascending aorta and SVC are
end-expiratory pressure of 3–5-cm H2O is main- freed of pulmonary artery tissue. Care must be
tained to prevent atelectasis. taken not to damage the upper lobe pulmonary
In recent years these just-describe ‘classic’ artery. Anterior traction on the aorta and the bra-
principles of pulmonary harvesting were success- chiocephalic trunk facilitates the exposure of the
fully extended following the lead of Patterson and trachea which is located just distal to, and slightly
Cooper (1988) and Aigner et al. (2005). A history to the right of the vessels. The trachea is freed,
of smoking is no more important as are small with care being taken to leave the peritracheal
lung damages, which can be excluded using sta- connective tissue intact as far as possible, espe-
37 pler devices. The donor age is being increased cially 2 cm above the carina.
continuously. The SVC is then divided in between two liga-
tures. A straight vascular clamp is used to occlude
the IVC which is then divided proximally. Once
37.3.4  Donor Operation the right heart is decompressed, the ascending
aorta is cross clamped as distal as possible. Ice-­
After median sternotomy, the pericardium is cut cold cardioplegia is given (see 7 Sect. 37.1.3,
longitudinally and resected on both sides down as «Organ Donation, Evaluation and Allocation»); the
far as the pulmonary veins, while both phrenic pulmonary protection with 4,000  ml LPD solu-
nerves are divided and the thymus gland is tion (Perfadex®; Müller et al. 1999) is started with
removed. added Tris buffer (0.5 ml/l).
Heparin is now administered intravenously. It is recommended that 500-mg epoprostenol
The SVC and IVC are exposed, as well as the azy- (Flolan®) is administered before infusing the
gos vein; the latter vessel is doubly ligated and Perfadex solution in order to dilate the pulmo-
transected. Umbilical tape, passed around the nary arterioles. The tip of the left atrial appendage
ascending aorta, is used to pull the aorta away is cut to decompress the left ventricle. A few liters
from the pulmonary trunk. Then the bifurcation, of ice-cold saline solution are used for continuous
the right and the left pulmonary artery branches external cooling.
Chapter 37 · Heart and Heart–Lung Transplantation
1095 37
Finally, the ascending aorta is divided imme-
diately proximal to the brachiocephalic trunk.
The lungs are inflated to about one third when
the trachea is clamped 4  cm above the carina.
With the clamp in place, the trachea is divided
proximally. The clamp is pulled gently anterior
by the assistant. The back walls of the trachea
and of the main bronchi are dissected off the
esophagus in a cranial to caudal direction. The
remainder of the pericardium and the pleura are
divided, as well as the right and the left pulmo-
nary ligaments.
For transportation, the trachea is closed with a
stapling device and the clamp removed. Thereafter
the block of organs is secured in three plastic bags ..Fig. 37.12  Left- and right-sided pericardial pedicle
incorporating the left and right phrenic nerves. After the
filled with ice-cold saline solution.
excision of the recipient’s heart, the dorsal portions of the
left and right atrial structures are exposed. Aorta and
main pulmonary artery are transected. The excision of
37.3.5  Organ Implantation both lungs starts at the dorsal wall of the left atrium
in Combined Heart–Lung which is split in between the left respectively the right
pulmonary pair of veins.
Transplantation (Reitz et al.

The operation commences with a median ster-

notomy. Then the whole frontal part of the peri-
cardium is removed; right and left pleural cavities
are opened widely. If pulmonary adhesions are
present, it is advisable to divide them before hepa-
rinization. However, if significant cardiomegaly is
present, it may not always be possible to reach all
portions of the pulmonary surface, particularly at
the apex and posteriorly. In cases with anticipa-
tion of severe pleural adhesions, instead of a
median sternotomy, a transverse bilateral
­thoracotomy (within the fourth intercostal space)
may therefore be extremely helpful; both mam-
mary arteries will then be divided, the sternum
split transversely.
Cannulation takes place as for orthotopic car- ..Fig. 37.13  The left lung is completely removed after
dividing the main bronchus between two stapler lines
diac transplantation. With full flow on extracor- and transecting the pulmonary artery
poreal circulation, the venae cavae are snared and
the ascending aorta is cross clamped. The heart is
then excised at the atrial level. Attention is now dissected areas, electrocautery is used wherever
turned to the left chest: A horizontal incision is possible. The right and left pulmonary vein pairs
made in the pericardium immediately anterior to are separated with a vertical incision through to the
the left pulmonary veins, posterior to the phrenic oblique sinus. Two mosquito clamps, attached to
nerve, leaving as much distance from the left the posterior part of the veins, are gently pulled lat-
phrenic nerve as possible. This has the effect of erally, and this facilitates separation of the pulmo-
preserving the phrenic nerve upon a pedicle of nary veins from the tissue of the posterior
pericardium (. Fig. 37.12). mediastinum. Care must be taken not to damage
A left-sided pneumonectomy is now performed both vagus nerves which follow the esophagus. The
(. Fig. 37.13). In order to minimize bleeding from pulmonary arteries are divided. A cuff of the vessel
1096 B. Meiser and B. Reichart

is left in the area of the arterial ligament, in order to

avoid injury to the left recurrent laryngeal nerve.
After division of the pulmonary ligament and dis-
section of the posterior pleural reflection, the left
lung remains attached only by the left main bron-
chus. It is our practice to staple the bronchus proxi-
mally to reduce the possibility of contamination of
the chest. The left lung is now lifted out of its pleu-
ral cavity.
The left-sided pneumonectomy may be com-
plicated if a hemodynamically significant left per-
sistent SVC is present. Whenever that structure
drains into the coronary sinus, it should be sepa-
rated from both the left atrium and ventricle. The
..Fig. 37.14  Situs after complete removal of the
left SVC is then cannulated separately. Connection recipient’s heart and lungs. The trachea is seen below the
to the right donor atrium is made simple if one ascending aorta, and it is cut just above the carina
leaves the donor innominate vein long; reconsti-
tution of the venous drainage is then achieved by
end-to-end anastomosis.
Attention is now turned to the right lung.
Here also, the pericardium is incised above the
right-sided pulmonary veins. Extra care must be
taken as the right phrenic nerve lies closer to the
hilum of the lung than on the left. An incision is
now made in the left atrium from the right side, in
the interatrial groove, as for mitral valve replace-
ment. This has the effect of separating the right
pulmonary veins from the right atrium. The main
pulmonary artery is separated from the ascending
aorta and the SVC, in order to allow it to be pulled
into the right pleural cavity. The right main bron-
chus is dissected and divided, as described for the
left side, and the right lung is removed.
Finally, the trachea and the carina are exposed
37 to the right of the ascending aorta (. Fig. 37.14). ..Fig. 37.15  Insertion of the donor organ block into
the chest: The left lung is pushed behind the phrenic
As much peritracheal connective tissue as possi-
pedicle into the left thoracic cavity. The right lung is
ble should be preserved to avoid interruption of pushed behind the right atrium and both cavae into the
the vascular supply. The trachea is then transected right chest. The implantation starts with the end-to-end
at the level of the carina and left open; the rem- tracheal anastomosis, and the dorsal part of the
nants of the distal carina and of the right and left anastomosis is displayed
bronchial stumps are removed.
Prior to the implantation of the donor organ Suturing commences: First, the donor trachea is
block, the mediastinal structures are again connected end to end to the recipient trachea by a
inspected thoroughly for bleeding; it is difficult to single continuous suture of 4–0 polypropylene.
approach these areas at a later stage. The recipient trachea is commonly larger than the
After removal of the tracheal stapler line, the donor counterpart; the lumina are matched along
donor organs are placed in the recipient thorax the pars membranacea.
(. Fig.  37.15). The left lung is gently squeezed When the anastomosis is complete, it is
through the left-sided pericardial window and checked under water for air tightness. Biological
underneath the left phrenic nerve. The right lung glue may be applied additionally as an unproven
is pushed underneath the right atrium and both safety feature. Finally, the area is covered with sur-
cavae and pulled through into the right chest. rounding connective tissue.
Chapter 37 · Heart and Heart–Lung Transplantation
1097 37
reperfusion but is only observed in very rare cases.
Acute cellular rejection is, however, more com-
mon, particularly in the first 6 months after heart
transplantation. Antibody-mediated rejection, also
known as vascular humoral rejection, might be
found in conjunction with acute cellular rejection
in patients with hemodynamic instability.
As introduced by Caves, the standard for detec-
tion of cardiac rejection in adult patients is peri-
odic endomyocardial biopsy (Caves et al. 1974), at
least during the first postoperative year. The myo-
cardial tissue samples are stained and histologically
classified according to the heart allograft rejection
grading system (Stewart et  al. 2005), which was
..Fig. 37.16  Start of the right atrial suture line: The inci- developed based on the pioneering work of
sion within the right donor atrium was performed Margaret Billingham (1981). For detection of
according to the orthotopic cardiac transplantation
technique. Both aortic ends are displayed open. The aortic
antibody-­mediated rejection, evaluation by immu-
anastomosis is the last of the three anastomoses in heart nofluorescence for deposits of immunoglobulins
and lung transplantation. The open left atrial appendix is and complement should be performed.
suture closed Noninvasive monitoring using electrocardio-
gram, echocardiography and magnetic resonance
Now right atrial and aortic anastomoses fol- imaging as well as biochemical and inflammatory
low, as in orthotopic transplantation. The open left markers like B-type natriuretic peptide, troponin
atrial appendix is suture closed (. Fig.  37.16). I or T or CRP are not very reliable as the primary
After de-airing via the left ventricular apex and the methods for acute heart rejection surveillance
ascending aorta, the aortic clamp is released and (Taylor et al. 2012).
the coronaries are perfused again. Secure hemo- Recently, the predictive value of gene expression
stasis is achieved. This may be a long and tedious profiling (Allomap) has been assessed in several tri-
task, especially after previous thoracic surgeries. als. So far, it only proved to be useful for ruling out
Pacemaker leads are implanted. Two drains are higher-grade acute cellular rejection episodes in
placed in each pleural cavity—one in the phrenico- low-risk patients 6  months after transplantation
costal sinus, one in the apex. The chest is then (Taylor et  al. 2012). After heart-lung transplanta-
closed in a routine fashion. tion, acute lung rejection may commence earlier
(fifth post-operative day) than acute heart rejection
(seventh post-operative day). For diagnostic tools
37.3.6  Reoperation see 7 chapter «Lung Transplantation», Sect. 36.12.3.
After Heart–Lung The first-line therapy for higher-grade and/or
Transplantation symptomatic acute cellular rejection is methyl-
prednisolone, 1,000 mg daily given for three con-
Chronic obliterative bronchiolitis may necessitate secutive days. If the clinical situation does not
repeat transplantation. Isolated right-sided pul- improve, control biopsy does not show resolution
monary transplantation is a reasonable option, of histological changes or if hemodynamic com-
under these conditions—especially if there is promise is present, antithymocyte antibodies
good cardiac function. should be administered additionally (Taylor et al.
2012). Furthermore, maintenance immunosup-
pression might need adjustment.
37.4 Postoperative Care

37.4.1  Rejection 37.4.2  Immunosuppression

Hyperacute allograft rejection by preformed recip- With the routine use of cyclosporine A in the
ient antibodies occurs within minutes after graft mid-­
1980s, immunosuppression after heart
1098 B. Meiser and B. Reichart

transplantation followed a standard protocol: a Maintenance

triple drug regimen consisting of cyclosporine, Immunosuppression
azathioprine and steroids with or without anti- Long-term immunsosuppression after heart
body induction therapy. In the meantime inten- transplantation is still based on the use of calci-
sive pharmacological research has produced a neurin inhibitors. The introduction of cyclospo-
number of new agents with a variety of immuno- rine A (CyA) at the beginning of the 1980s
suppressive actions. represented a milestone in cardiac transplantation
(Oyer et  al. 1983). Improvement of the original Induction Therapy compound (Sandimmune®) by a microemulsion
The benefits of antibody induction therapy in the formulation (Neoral®) resulted in a more consis-
initial phase after heart-and heart-lung transplan- tent pharmacokinetics and better bioavailability
tation are discussed controversially. The applica- (Cooney et al. 1998). In the meantime, there are
tion of mono- or polyclonal antibodies enables a several generics of CyA available.
gentler, less nephrotoxic initiation of calcineurin Monitoring of CyA is based on the standard-
inhibitor therapy and prevents rejection in the ized measurement of 12-h trough concentrations.
early postoperative period. This, however, may Further research into improving CyA administra-
lead to short- and long-term adverse effects pos- tion revealed that concentrations measured 2  h
sibly associated with induction therapy and there- after administration (C2) gave more information
fore may be over all disadvantageous. about CyA exposure than measurements just
To date, roughly 50 % of centers use initial before drug intake (C0). In most centers, this
antibody induction therapy (Lund et  al. 2015), proved to be not practical for daily clinical routine
and the variety of therapy schedules used has but might be useful in selected patients in whom a
been steadily increasing with the number of anti- pharmacokinetic profile of CyA is desired (Taylor
body preparations available. et al. 2012).
The traditionally used polyclonal antithymocyte Tacrolimus, like CyA a calcineurin phospha-
globulin preparations (ATG Fresenius®, ATGAM®) tase inhibitor, revealed superior immunosuppres-
induce dose-dependent T-cell depletion in blood sive activity in the first single (Pham et  al. 1996)
and peripheral lymphoid tissues. While their use and multicenter (Reichart et al. 1998) trials com-
seems to decrease rejection incidence when com- paring the two compounds after cardiac transplan-
pared to no induction (Carrier et  al. 1999), they tation. This finding was confirmed by subsequent
have the disadvantage of being generated in animals evaluations (Meiser et al. 1998; Taylor et al. 1999).
(rabbit, horse), causing a subsequent anti-­antibody While both calcineurin inhibitors cause renal
response by the human recipient. impairment, tacrolimus is associated with a smaller
In order to avoid drug clearance and serum incidence of hypertension, gingival hyperplasia
37 sickness, a chimeric (30  % murine and 70  % and dyslipidemia but more often with diabetes
human protein) monoclonal anti-interleukin-2 when compared to CyA (Taylor et  al. 2012).
(IL-2) antibody preparation has been developed. Meanwhile, the majority of the centers worldwide
Basiliximab® has been studied in several heart use a tacrolimus-based immunosuppression after
transplant trials. Comparison of the IL-2 receptor heart transplantation (Lund et al. 2015).
antagonist either with no induction or with thy- Morning pre-dose level monitoring of tacroli-
moglobulin induction did not reveal significant mus is in most cases sufficient for drug exposure
rejection or survival benefit (Aliabadi et al. 2011). estimate. While there are in the meantime several
In summary, the question whether induction tacrolimus generics available, the original manu-
therapy is beneficial for patients after heart trans- facturer has introduced an extended release once-­
plantation has not been solved, yet. There is, daily product which should be taken in the
however, evidence that specific patient groups, morning for pharmacokinetic reasons.
particularly sensitized patients with circulating In adjunction to a calcineurin inhibitor, most
preformed antibodies (Kobashigawa et al. 2009) maintenance immunosuppressive protocols add
and patients with severe renal dysfunction pre- an antimetabolite agent. In the early days, azathi-
and perioperatively (Cantarovich et  al. 2004), oprine used to be the antimetabolite of choice.
seem to benefit from thymoglobulin induction. Meanwhile, mycophenolate mofetil and
Chapter 37 · Heart and Heart–Lung Transplantation
1099 37
mycophenolate sodium preparations proved to be plant recipients remains the renal impairment
more efficacious for the prevention of rejection caused by chronic calcineurin inhibitor intake. In
(Kobashigawa et al. 1998). Their active metabolic selected patients, a calcineurin inhibitor-free
form, mycophenolic acid, is a reversible blocker of immunosuppression using a combination of
inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase, an mycophenolic acid and a proliferation signal
enzyme which inhibits de novo purine guanosine inhibitor is an acceptable therapeutic approach
synthesis. The compound is not nephrotoxic; which might improve renal function and avoid
most common side effects are leukopenia and further deterioration (Groetzner et  al. 2009;
gastrointestinal toxicities. Meiser et  al. 2011). In general, complications
Mycophenolate is generally administered as a caused by immunosuppressive drugs underscore
fixed-dose regimen. While routine therapeutic the need for individualization of immunosup-
drug monitoring of mycophenolic acid levels to pression according to the characteristics and risks
adjust doses is not generally recommended of the individual recipient (Taylor et al. 2012).
(Taylor et al. 2012), there are reports of a correla-
tion between pre-dose levels and rejection inci-
dence (Meiser et  al. 1999). At least in children, 37.4.3  Additional Medication
and in adult patients with a high rejection rate,
monitoring might be helpful to improve outcome. Besides treatment of the underlying disease, addi-
Another class of immunosuppressants, siroli- tional medication is mostly needed due to the
mus and everolimus, are proliferation signal or complications/side effects of chronic immuno-
mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors. While suppressive drugs. As mentioned already, in cases
the initial immunsuppressive property of rapamy- of renal impairment, an alternative immunosup-
cin (Morris and Meiser 1989) was discovered pressive regimen in combination with a minimi-
around the same time tacrolimus was evaluated, the zation or withdrawal of calcineurin inhibitors
regulatory approval took much longer. The com- should be considered. Similarly, the development
pound acts later in the cell circle and inhibits IL-2- of post-transplant diabetes might be counteracted
dependent T-cell proliferation via arrest in the G1 by introduction of a calcineurin inhibitor-sparing
to S phase. Sirolimus and everolimus have proven to regimen in combination with avoidance of addi-
be very efficatious for prevention of rejection either tional risk factors. Arterial hypertension in trans-
in combination with CyA (Lehmkuhl et al. 2009) or planted patients should be treated with the same
tacrolimus (Meiser et al. 2007). medications and goals as used by the general pop-
Proliferation signal inhibitors are given once ulation (Hunt et al. 2012).
daily, usually in between calcineurin inhibitor Allograft vasculopathy should be assessed
intake because of drug interactions; therapeutic annually by conventional angiography only or in
drug monitoring using trough concentration lev- cases of progression in combination with intra-
els is recommended (Taylor et al. 2012). The com- coronary ultrasound. Baseline should be an
pounds are not nephrotoxic, but they potentiate examination 4–6  weeks after transplantation. In
the nephrotoxic effects of calcineurin inhibitors. order to prevent the development of the disease as
The most common toxicities include hyperlipid- much as possible, control of cardiovascular risk
emia, oral ulcerations, lower extremity edema, factors (hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia,
bone marrow suppression, postsurgical wound-­ smoking, obesity) in combination with statin
healing complications and pleural and pericardial therapy is advised (Hunt et al. 2012).
effusions. In adults, the early use of HMG–CoA reduc-
Either mycophenolic acid or a proliferation tase inhibitors or statins after transplantation is
signal inhibitor should be included into the long-­ recommended regardless of cholesterol levels
term immunosuppressive regimen because these (Taylor et  al. 2012). Statins have both immuno-
drugs have been shown to reduce both, onset and suppressive and lipid-lowering properties.
progression of cardiac allograft vasculopathy Treatment results in significantly lower allograft
(Taylor et al. 2012). vasculopathy incidence (Wenke et al. 1997), par-
Besides the development of graft vessel dis- ticularly when initiated early after transplanta-
ease, a major problem in long-term heart trans- tion. The most serious adverse effect of statins is
1100 B. Meiser and B. Reichart

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1103 38

Cardiac Assist Devices

and Total Artificial Heart
Reiner Koerfer, Sotirios Spiliopoulos, and Gero Tenderich

38.1 Introduction – 1105

38.2 History of Mechanical Circulatory Support – 1105
38.3  efinition of Mechanical Circulatory
Support – 1106
38.4 I ndications for Mechanical Circulatory
Support – 1107
38.4.1  eneral – 1107
38.4.2 Bridge to Transplantation (BTT) – 1107
38.4.3 Bridge to Recovery (BTR) – 1107
38.4.4 Bridge to Bridge (BTB) – 1108
38.4.5 Destination Therapy (DT) – 1108
38.5 I ndications for Left Ventricular and
Biventricular Support – 1109
38.5.1 L eft Ventricular Support – 1109
38.5.2 Biventricular Support – 1109
38.5.3 Total Artificial Heart (TAH) – 1109
38.6  ontraindications for Mechanical Circulatory
Support – 1109
38.7  dverse Events During Mechanical Circulatory
Support – 1110
38.7.1  leeding – 1110
38.7.2 Air Embolism – 1110
38.7.3 Thromboembolic and Major Neurological Events – 1110
38.7.4 Hemolysis – 1111
38.7.5 Right Heart Failure – 1111
38.7.6 Infection – 1111
38.7.7 Ventricular Arrhythmias – 1112
38.7.8 Technical Disorders – 1112
38.7.9 Psychological Disorders – 1113
38.8 Assist Devices – 1113
38.8.1 Extracorporeal Assist Devices – 1113

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

G. Ziemer, A. Haverich (eds.), Cardiac Surgery, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-52672-9_38 Centrimag LVAD – 1113 Biomedicus Centrifugal Pump – 1114
38.8.2 Paracorporeal Assist Devices (PAVD) – 1114 Thoratec PVAD – 1114 BerlinHeart EXCOR – 1114
38.8.3 Partially Implantable Assist Devices – 1115 Implantable Ventricular Assist Device (IVAD) – 1115 Axial Flow Pumps – 1115 Miniaturized Centrifugal Pumps – 1117

38.9 Past Assist Devices – 1118

38.9.1 Extracorporeal Assist Devices – 1118 Abiomed BVS 5000 – 1118
38.9.2 Paracorporeal Assist Devices (PAVD) – 1118 Medos VAD – 1118
38.9.3 Partially Implantable Assist Devices – 1118 HeartMate XVE LVAD – 1118
38.9.4 Axial Flow Pumps – 1118 HeartAssist 5 – 1118
38.9.5 Miniaturized Centrifugal Pumps – 1119 CorAide LVAD – 1119 DuraHeart LVAD – 1119 VentrAssist LVAD – 1119
38.9.6 Fully Implantable, Pulsatile LVAD LionHeart – 1121
38.10 Total Artificial Hearts – 1121
38.10.1 S ynCardia CardioWest TAH – 1121
38.10.2 AbioCor TAH – 1122
38.10.3 ReinHeart TAH – 1123
38.11 Post-operative Care – 1123
38.11.1  oagulation Management – 1123
38.11.2 Circulatory Management – 1124
38.11.3 Physical Therapy – 1124
38.11.4 Nutritional Management – 1124
38.11.5 Medical Therapy – 1124 Inotropic Therapy – 1124 Antibiotics – 1124 Heart Failure Medication – 1124 Antiarrhythmic Medication – 1124
38.11.6 W ound Management – 1125
38.11.7 Ambulatory Care – 1125
38.12 Summary and Perspectives – 1125
References – 1126
Chapter 38 · Cardiac Assist Devices and Total Artificial Heart
1105 38
38.1 Introduction Considering the shortage of allografts for car-
diac transplantation, mechanical circulatory sup-
Heart failure is a disorder with a high incidence port could be the major treatment option for
and an increasing prevalence among the Western end-stage heart failure. It still has to prove, how-
population. In severe forms, namely end-stage ever, to be close or equivalent to the effectiveness
heart failure (NYHA stage III–IV/AHA/ACC of orthotopic heart transplantation.
stage D), the mortality rate is up to 30–40 % per
year. Observational studies revealed the incidence
and prevalence rising with age, being at 2–5 % for 38.2 History of Mechanical
age 65–70  years and an estimated 10 % for the Circulatory Support
population 70 years and older (Hoppe et al. 2001).
For this reason, in the context of the ongoing The rationale for mechanical circulatory support
demographic change with the aging population, originates in the event of post-cardiotomy cardio-
heart failure already has significant medical and genic shock observed after open heart surgery
socioeconomic implications. employing cardiopulmonary bypass and has been
Orthotopic heart transplantation is still the of great interest since the advent of cardiac sur-
gold standard for the treatment of end-stage heart gery in the early 1950s.
failure. The progress in medical/pharmacological In a patient suffering from post-cardiotomy
management of cardiovascular disease as well as cardiogenic shock after double-valve surgery,
interventional treatment has led to more and Michael DeBakey was the first to implant a pneu-
more patients experiencing end-stage heart fail- matically driven pump in 1966. The 37-year-old
ure. While this creates a rising demand for cardiac female patient was successfully weaned off sup-
transplantation, the number of suitable allografts port 10  days later and was discharged from the
is not increasing. Mechanical circulatory support hospital (DeBakey 1971). Two similar patients
(MCS) therefore is an alternative therapy with a could also be successfully managed with a tempo-
growing importance. There has been remarkable rary left ventricular pump as a bridge to recovery
technical progress over the last 30 years, both in in 1971 (Campbell et al. 1988).
the propulsion design and size of the assist As it was not technically feasible to replace the
devices. Current assist devices are miniaturized native heart artificially in the late 1970s and early
and therefore fully implantable resulting in 1980s, orthotopic heart transplantation (oHTx)
high  patient comfort and significantly improved was established as the standard procedure for the
quality of life. The durability of the devices
­ surgical treatment of end-stage heart failure.
has  also increased due to implementation of Mechanical circulatory support, however, was
­magnetic and hydrodynamic bearing technology. implemented as a bridge to transplantation in the
The REMATCH trial (Randomized Evaluation of face of acute organ donor shortage. In 1984,
Mechanical Assistance for the Treatment of Portner et al. reported the first case of a successful
Congestive Heart Failure) showed superior sur- orthotopic heart transplantation following
vival for patients with mechanical circulatory mechanical circulatory support with a Novacor
support when compared to optimal medical treat- left ventricular assist device (Portner et al. 1985).
ment (Rose et al. 1999, 2001). Today it seems rea- Frazier et  al. 1992 reported the first successful
sonable to expand the indication for MCS beyond bridge to transplantation case with a HeartMate
short-­term bridge to recovery and medium-term XVE (Thoratec Inc., Pleasantville, NJ, USA) left
bridge to transplantation and aim for long-term ventricular assist device in 1992. The HeartMate
destination therapy. XVE assist device received FDA approval for its
In cases with extended myocardial damage, use in the bridge to transplantation setting in
biventricular support is indicated. In our experi- 1994 and later on for destination therapy (2003).
ence, carefully selected patients with structural The first successful bridge to transplantation
damage to the heart due to myocardial infarction case in our experience at Bad Oeynhausen dates
(LV-aneurysm), thrombi, intracardiac shunts, or back to 1989. The first pediatric case was per-
patients with congenital heart defects may benefit formed at the German Heart Center Berlin in1990.
from the implantation of a Total Artificial Heart With the development of small, portable
(TAH). ­drivers in the early 1990s, it became possible to
1106 R. Koerfer et al.

discharge patients from hospital with mechanical the Jarvik 7 TAH was performed in 1985 by the
circulatory support for their waiting time before same group. The patient was discharged and was
cardiac transplantation. Loisance et  al. were the finally able to return to work.
first to use a portable Novacor driver in 1993 In 1991 the Jarvik 7 TAH was renamed the
(Loisance et  al. 1994). We started doing this in CardioWest (SynCardia Cardiosystems, Tucson,
Bad Oeynhausen in 1994. USA). To date, more than 1,100 implants have been
In contrast to the first-generation assist performed with 79 % of all patients having been suc-
devices which operated as displacement pumps cessfully bridged to transplant (Copeland et al. 2004,
and generated pulsatile flow, the miniaturized sec- 2006; Leprince et al. 2003). A modified BerlinHeart
ond- and third-generation devices are continuous EXCOR mobile driver which makes the discharge of
flow systems. The first time a second-generation the patients possible has been available since 2004.
axial flow device (Micromed DeBakey) was CE certification for the mobile driver was issued on
implanted was in 1998  in the German Heart the basis of the results of a clinical trial carried out by
Center Berlin (Noon et al. 2001). The only second-­ our group in Bad Oeynhausen.
generation axial flow pump device currently The Abiocor (Abiomed, Danvers,
approved by the FDA for destination therapy in Massachusetts, USA) is a completely implantable
the USA is the HeartMate II (Thoratec Inc., TAH developed by the Texas Heart Institute and
Pleasantville, NJ, USA). Abiomed. The first implant took place in 2001 at
In third-generation assist devices, the rotor is the Jewish Hospital in Louisville, Kentucky. In a
magnetically suspended. This suspension signifi- first clinical trial, the Abiocor was implanted in
cantly decreases the degree of hemolysis and the patients not eligible for transplantation and with a
rate of thromboembolic complications (Gazzoli life expectancy of <30 days. Results have not been
et  al. 2007; Nishinaka et  al. 2006). We started satisfying so far. The Abiocor is still under further
implanting the CorAide (Arrow Inc., Reading, development (Copeland et al. 2006).
USA) in 2001 and the DuraHeart assist devices
(Terumo Heart Inc., Ann Arbor, USA) in 2004 in
Bad Oeynhausen. Both have been first implanta- 38.3 Definition of Mechanical
tions worldwide. The DuraHeart is the only third-­ Circulatory Support
generation assist device so far to receive CE
approval (CE: Conformité Européenne), the cer- The term mechanical circulatory support (MCS)
tificate to allow for widespread use in Europe. is used when a mechanical pump sustains sys-
The Arrow LionHeart LVD 2000 (Arrow temic and/or pulmonary circulation over a vari-
International) was the first fully implantable left able period of time. A distinction between
ventricular assist system specifically designed for univentricular (left or right sided ventricle) and
destination therapy. All components including the biventricular support is made. Almost always the
pump with the inlet and outlet cannulae, the native heart remains in situ.
38 motor controller, the transcutaneous energy When left ventricular support is introduced,
transmission systems and the compliance cham- blood flow is directed either from the left atrium
ber were implanted in a preperitoneal pocket, the or the left ventricle through the pump into the
subcutaneous and the right pleural space, respec- aorta. For reliable unloading of the left ventricle,
tively. The system was first implanted by our the inflow cannula is typically placed in the left
group in 1999 at Bad Oeynhausen (El-Banayosy ventricle via the apex than in the left atrium. In
et al. 2003; Mehta et al. 2001). Unfortunately, due right ventricular support, blood flow is from the
to logistical reasons, the LionHeart is currently right atrium or the right ventricle through the
not available. pump and then into the main pulmonary artery.
The pioneering research of Kolff, Olsen and In order to employ a total artificial heart
Jarvik in the field of TAH aimed to develop a (TAH), both ventricles have to be excised at the
device capable of permanently replacing the atrioventricular level. The inflow cuffs of the TAH
native heart. In the early 1980s, in four patients are sutured to the remaining native atria, and the
with end-stage heart failure, the Jarvik 7 TAH was artificial ventricles are connected to the aorta and
implanted. Two of these patients suffered a stroke. pulmonary artery via vascular outflow prostheses,
Ultimately, all four patients died due to sepsis. The respectively. The two TAH systems which are cur-
first successful bridge to transplantation case with rently available are the CardioWest (SynCardia
Chapter 38 · Cardiac Assist Devices and Total Artificial Heart
1107 38
Systems Inc., Tucson, USA) and the Abiocor 55 Myocarditis (frequently giant cell myocarditis)
(Abiomed Inc., Danvers, USA). The Carmat TAH 55 Acute myocardial infarction
has been developed by Alain Carpentier and 55 Congenital heart defects
Matra Défense. The first in-man implant is sched- 55 Post-cardiotomy cardiogenic shock
uled for 2012. The ReinHeart TAH is being
­developed by our institution and the Department In chronic patients, the decision to employ
of Applied Medical Engineering in Aachen, MCS is rather based on the deteriorating clinical
Germany and is currently being tested in acute state (NYHA stage IV, AHA/ACC stage D) and
and chronic animal models. the left ventricular ejection fraction, estimated by
echocardiography (<20 %), than on the invasive
hemodynamic parameters (Cardiac Index <2.2 l/
38.4 I ndications for Mechanical qm/min, systolic blood pressure <90 mmHg, pul-
Circulatory Support monary wedge pressure >20 mmHg and maximal
oxygen uptake <12 ml/kg/min).
38.4.1  General

Mechanical circulatory support is indicated in 38.4.3  Bridge to Recovery (BTR)

cases of an end-stage heart failure (@@NYHA-
class III–IV, AHA/ACC stage D) or in acute car- As volume and pressure overload trigger patho-
diogenic shock once conservative therapy options logic remodeling of the heart, mechanical unload-
have been exhausted and conventional reparative ing by means of MCS may well reverse or at least
surgery is not possible/indicated. ameliorate the effects observed, resulting in recov-
Intentions to treat include the following: ery of the myocardium and restoration of ven-
55 Bridge to transplantation (BTT) tricular function.
55 Bridge to recovery (BTR) Mechanical circulatory support in a bridge to
55 Bridge to bridge (BTB) recovery setting is conceivable for the following
55 Destination therapy (DT)/alternative to situations:
transplantation (ATT) 55 Post-cardiotomy cardiogenic shock
55 Acute, fulminant myocarditis (giant cell myo-
The indication for MCS and the intention to carditis exempted)
treat takes the anticipated duration of support into 55 Acute myocardial infarction
account: 55 Primary allograft failure
55 Short-term support: up to 30 days 55 Acute allograft rejection
55 Medium-term support: 30–360 days 55 Right ventricular failure following orthotopic
55 Long-term support: more than 360 days heart transplantation
55 Right ventricular failure following fulminant
pulmonary thromboembolism
38.4.2  Bridge to  Transplantation 55 Toxic cardiomyopathy
(BTT) 55 Postpartum cardiomyopathy

Mechanical circulatory support as a bridge to trans- Although it is known that in dilated cardiomy-
plantation is an established therapy for end-­stage opathy assisted circulation may contribute to
heart failure in chronic patients with dilated or isch- reverse remodeling, it is still unclear in which sub-
emic cardiomyopathy demonstrating clinical dete- sets of patients this reverse remodeling once tak-
rioration with an imminent risk of death despite ing place on the cellular level actually does translate
maximal inotropic support while being on the to myocardial recovery and restoration of the basic
waiting list for transplantation. The aim is to secure cardiac functions. Successful weaning and long-
survival and to prevent multiple organ ­ failure term cardiac stability has been reported so far in
before cardiac transplantation can be performed. less than 10 % of patients following the implanta-
Furthermore, bridge to transplantation may tion of a left ventricular assist device for dilated
be considered as a therapeutic option in patients cardiomyopathy. It has been hypothesized that the
with an end-stage heart failure resulting from: myocyte atrophy resulting from long-­term ven-
55 Valvular cardiomyopathy tricular unloading may impair successful weaning
1108 R. Koerfer et al.

from assisted circulation despite the  potentially patients with contraindications for cardiac trans-
beneficial reverse remodeling. Clenbuterol, a selec- plantation.
tive b2-agonist, initially approved for the treat- According to the current recommendations of
ment of bronchial asthma, has been reported to the US Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
have beneficial effects on remodeling and protec- Services, destination therapy is covered for patients
tive effects against cellular apoptosis (Birks et  al. who have chronic end-stage heart failure for at
2006; Dandel et al. 2005; Mancini et al. 1998; Mann least 90  days with a life expectancy of less than
and Willerson 1998; Simon et al. 2005). 2  years, who are not candidates for heart trans-
In post-cardiotomy cardiogenic shock, recov- plantation and meet the following conditions:
ery of the ventricular function should be expected 55 The patient’s Class IV heart failure symptoms
within 7–14 days. In acute allograft rejection, pri- have failed to respond to optimal medical
mary allograft failure or isolated right ventricular management, including dietary salt restric-
failure after heart transplantation recovery should tion, diuretics, digitalis, beta-blockers and
be within 14  days, also, while in chronically ACE inhibitors (if tolerated) for at least 60 of
dilated cardiomyopathy recovery may take as long the last 90 days.
as 6 months. 55 The patient has a left ventricular ejection
fraction (LVEF) <25 %.
55 The patient has demonstrated functional
38.4.4  Bridge to Bridge (BTB) limitation with a peak oxygen consumption
<12 ml/kg/min; or the patient has a contin-
Bridge to Bridge support mostly is considered in ued need for intravenous inotropic therapy
patients in whom at the initiation of MCS the owing to symptomatic hypotension, decreas-
potential duration of support required was quite ing renal function, or worsening pulmonary
unclear. Most of these patients had been in acute congestion.
cardiogenic shock and were under resuscitation 55 The patient has the appropriate body size
before and during MCS initiation. The neurologi- (≥1.5 m2) to support the VAD implantation.
cal state and the extent of end-organ failure are
initially unclear. Extracorporeal life support sys- The REMATCH trial has been the landmark
tems allow a short-term support of up to 1 month. study for the destination therapy concept. Long-­
If there are no further contraindications for heart term mechanical circulatory support resulted in a
transplantation, long-term support systems can significant risk reduction for death of any cause of
be implanted during that time frame. up to 48 % in NYHA IV patients when compared to
Common causes of cardiogenic shock are the optimal medical therapy (Rose et al. 1999, 2001).
following: The INTERMACS registry (Interagency
55 Acute myocarditis Registry for Mechanical Assisted Circulatory
55 Acute myocardial infarction Support) has the aim to define those patients who
38 55 Toxic cardiomyopathy are eligible for mechanical circulatory support and
55 Post-cardiotomy circulatory failure to optimize the clinical outcomes (Kirklin and
55 Acute heart failure Naftel 2008). Seven patient profiles (‘levels’) have
55 Postpartum cardiomyopathy been defined according to the clinical symptoms:
1. Persistent cardiogenic shock despite an esca-
Although in most of these cases after initial life- lating inotropic support.
saving short-term circulatory support the next step 2. Progressive decline despite inotropic sup-
is a BTT therapy, it also may end in a bridge to port.
recovery. However, a secondary device employed 3. Patient is stable under moderate inotropic
for BTT or BTR may require a further step, a change support.
to a device compatible with destination therapy. 4. Recurrent advanced heart failure susceptible
to medical treatment.
5. Comfortable at rest but intolerant to light
38.4.5  Destination Therapy (DT) exercise.
6. Comfortable at rest but limited to light exercise.
Destination therapy is the long-term MCS as an 7. Comfortable at rest but limited to mild exer-
alternative to cardiac transplantation for those cise.
Chapter 38 · Cardiac Assist Devices and Total Artificial Heart
1109 38
Destination therapy is currently recom- According to our experience, biventricular sup-
mended in those patients who are clinically stable port is indicated in the presence of the following:
and in whom implantation can be performed elec- 55 Biventricular heart failure refractory to
tively (levels 3–6). For these patients the results of medical treatment
the third-generation assist devices are indeed 55 Including high-dose i.v. inotropic therapy
encouraging. The 1-year survival is at 86 % and is 55 Imminent multi-organ failure (renal failure
comparable to orthotopic heart transplantation. requiring hemodialysis and hepatic failure
Destination therapy could therefore become a safe resulting in an increase of bilirubin >5 mg/dl
alternative to heart transplantation, especially for and an increase of GOT and GPT three times
elderly people (Lietz and Miller 2005; Pennington the standard value)
et al. 1999; Stevenson and Rose 2003). 55 Malignant arrhythmias

38.5 I ndications for Left Ventricular 38.5.3  Total Artificial Heart (TAH)

and Biventricular Support
Implantation of a total artificial heart (TAH) is
indicated in the presence of end-stage biventri­
38.5.1  Left Ventricular Support
cular heart failure and:
55 Imminent multi-organ failure
Prior to the implantation of a left ventricular assist
55 Complex congenital heart disease
device, it is essential to exclude the presence of an
55 Intracardiac thrombi
intracardiac shunt and of any left ventricular
55 Intracardiac shunts
thrombus by means of 2D echocardiography.
55 Cardiac neoplasms
It is furthermore important to identify the
55 Acute, fulminant myocarditis or a giant cell
patients who are at high risk of developing right
ventricular failure while on left ventricular sup-
55 Malignant arrhythmias
port. According to our experience, the presence of
55 Extended myocardial infarction with massive
the following:
left ventricular impairment
55 Central venous pressure (CVP) >16 mmHg
55 Cardiac index (CI) <2.0 l/m2/min
55 Systemic vascular resistance >1,400 38.6 Contraindications
dyn/s/cm5 for Mechanical Circulatory
55 Pulmonary vascular resistance >250 Support
Absolute contraindications for mechanical circu-
Suggests that the patient is at high risk of develop- latory support include:
ing right ventricular failure. Female gender and 55 Sepsis (only short-term resuscitative measure
an emergency procedure are additional risk fac- MCL support indicated)
tors for right ventricular failure. A reduced right 55 Decreased life expectancy due to severe
ventricular stroke index is most likely to indicate comorbidities (HIV, irreversible cerebral
the need for prolonged therapy with i.v. inotropes damage, aggressive neoplasms)
during the post-operative course, but it does not 55 Anatomical limitations
indicate the need for right ventricular mechanical 55 Severe psychiatric disorders
support. 55 Severe abuse of alcohol or recreational drugs
55 Non-compliance
55 Irreversible end-organ failure
38.5.2  Biventricular Support 55 Severe coagulation disorders

Since mandatory guidelines are not available, the Relative contraindications for mechanical cir-
indication for biventricular support is mainly based culatory support include:
upon clinical criteria. Hemodynamic parameters 55 Aortic valve regurgitation > I°
(CI <2.2  l/qm/min, CVP >18  mmHg, pulmonary 55 Mechanical prosthesis in the aortic position
vascular resistance >500  dyn/s/ym5, low pulmo- 55 Fixed pulmonary hypertension >6 Woods
nary artery pressure) in addition are helpful. units
1110 R. Koerfer et al.

38.7  dverse Events During

A Also, free air could be sucked through a porous
Mechanical Circulatory inflow graft due to the negative pressure inside the
Support pump. It is therefore essential to completely deair
the pump and the native heart and to preclot a
38.7.1  Bleeding porous inflow graft before activating the device.
Transesophageal echocardiography can reveal
Bleeding is a frequent perioperative complication trapped air. Events of air embolism are relatively
observed in MCS patients. The reasons are coagu- rare. However, incidence and prevalence of air
lopathies either due to liver dysfunction or due to embolism in MCS has not been examined in a
previous oral anticoagulation therapy which is systematic fashion, yet.
prevalent in many end-stage heart failure patients.
Furthermore, interactions at the blood–device
interface may result in a disseminated intravascu- 38.7.3  Thromboembolic and Major
lar coagulation disorder (DIC). Neurological Events
As the myocardium of the failed heart is
extremely vulnerable, it is essential to take care Thromboembolic complications (major neuro-
that no surgical bleeding persists. This includes logical events, renal infarction, occlusion of
implementation of atraumatic surgical technique peripheral vessels) are a major concern. The com-
and meticulous hemostasis. Coagulation should mon cause of perioperative events can be traced
be optimized by substituting platelets, fresh fro- back to the embolization of preformed thrombi
zen plasma, factor VII and optionally Vitamin located in the native ventricles and the atria. It is
K. Heparin must be completely reversed by prot- therefore essential to perform transesophageal
amine, but not overdone. echocardiography and to directly inspect the ven-
tricles and atria during the procedure. Once
detected, thrombi have to be removed or even
excised prior to the implantation of the device.
We strongly recommend avoiding any
The interactions at the blood–device interface
systemic anticoagulation therapy with
stimulate local thrombus formation. This may
heparin during the first 24 h following the
lead to neurological events such as stroke, tran-
implantation procedure. Once the
sient ischemic attacks and intracerebral bleeding
coagulation status is normal and the bleeding
even during the late post-operative course. The
from the chest tubes has stopped, systemic
incidence varies depending on the device
heparin therapy can be carefully initiated.
implanted between 5 and 37 % (Copeland et  al.
2001; El-Banayosy et al. 2000; Goldstein 2003; Pae
et al. 2007b; Rose et al. 2001; Thomas et al. 2001).
The incidence of bleeding complications is In our institution, the incidence of thromboem-
38 still high and is about 40 % (Mc Bride et  al. bolic events in patients managed with first-­
1999). In our institution bleeding complications generation assist devices was about 20  %
were observed in 22–35 % of all patients with (El-Banayosy et al. 2001).
generation assist devices (Novacor, According to the results of the REMATCH
Thoratec PVAD, HeartMate XVE) (El-Banayosy trial, 76 % of all patients treated with a left
et al. 2001) but only in 15 % of all patients with a ­ventricular assist device had been free of any neu-
third-­generation assist device (DuraHeart). This rological complications, although oral anticoagu-
could be due to the smaller artificial surface area lation therapy (other than aspirin) was not used
and the absence of biological membranes in the routinely (Rose et al. 1999, 2001). A major neuro-
new generation continuous flow devices. logic event (stroke) was observed in 10 % of all
cases of which 47 % had complete resolution of
the clinical symptoms.
38.7.2  Air Embolism In the year 2000, the clinical outcome of the
first-generation pulsatile pumps (Novacor,
The major causes of air embolism are trapped air, BerlinHeart EXCOR) was compared with axial
either in the native ventricles or in the pump. flow pumps (Micromed DeBakey, BerlinHeart
Chapter 38 · Cardiac Assist Devices and Total Artificial Heart
1111 38
INCOR). Fifteen percent of patients with a first-­ 38.7.5  Right Heart Failure
generation pulsatile pump experienced a major
neurological event and 17.5 % any additional Reasons for acute right heart failure during left
thromboembolic event. In patients treated with ventricular support in the early post-operative
an axial flow pump, intra-pump thrombus forma- (LVAD implantation) course are as follows:
tion could be detected in 37 % and any thrombo- 55 The inability of a dysfunctional right ventricle
embolic complications were reported in 25 % to cope with the increased venous return
(Koster et al. 2000). 55 The increase of pulmonary vascular resis-
In our experience, the incidence of thromboem- tance resulting from extracorporeal circula-
bolic complications in patients treated with a third- tion and mass transfusion
generation pump (CorAide, Ventracor, DuraHeart)
is less than 3 %, although the anticoagulation ther- In order to ameliorate end-organ failure
apy regimen we implement is rather moderate. resulting from an increased central venous pres-
In order to prevent thromboembolic and neuro- sure, it is essential to decrease the pulmonary vas-
logical events, it is mandatory to follow a strict anti- cular resistance and the right ventricular afterload
coagulation therapy regimen consisting of warfarin by the use of the following:
and, depending on the device, additional use of 55 Phosphodiesterase III inhibitors
aspirin and clopidogrel. Patients have to be properly 55 Levosimendan
trained in oral anticoagulation self-­management. 55 Prostaglandin derivates
55 Nitric oxide ventilation

38.7.4  Hemolysis Frequent causes for right heart failure late

after LVAD implantation are as follows:
Hemolysis is defined as the constant increase of 55 A deviation of the interventricular septum to
free hemoglobin plasma levels >50 mg/dl for over the left due to unloading of the left ventricle
5 h. 55 Air embolism
The degree of hemolysis is mainly dependent
on the pump design, the degree of shear stress and The diagnostic method of choice is trans-
the severity of turbulence red blood cells are esophageal echocardiography.
exposed to during the downstream passage In our experience, right heart failure occurs in
through the pump and the inflow and outflow 5–20 % of patients with a left ventricular assist
cannulae. Theoretically, kinking of the cannulae device (LVAD), of which only 3 % require an
or an acute regurgitation through the valves can ‘upgrade’ to biventricular support.
also cause hemolysis. An emergency procedure proved to be an
The plasma levels of lactate dehydrogenase, a independent risk factor for a right heart failure in
marker of hemolysis, depend on the design of the 25 % of Novacor, 19 % of Thoratec and 26 % of
system. Plasma levels of lactate dehydrogenase are HeartMate patients treated at our institution (El-­
significantly higher with pulsatile (on average Banayosy et al. 2001). During the DuraHeart reg-
600  U/l) than with continuous flow pumps (on istration trial, right heart failure occurred in 37 %
average 200 U/l). In our institution, hemolysis was of patients of whom 78 % could be medically
documented in 6 % of the Thoratec BIVAD and treated. Biventricular support was not necessary
7 % of the CardioWest patients. A multicenter in any of these patients.
trial investigating the results of the HeartMate II
system reported hemolysis in 3 % (Miller et  al.
2007). 38.7.6  Infection

With an incidence rate of 0.39 per patient year,

Plasma levels of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) according to the REMATCH trial (Rose et  al.
and free hemoglobin have to be measured 2001), infection events at the driveline site and the
on a regular basis. The reasons for hemolysis pump pocket are the most frequent complica-
have to be identified and treated accordingly. tions. Multi-organ failure and cerebral embolism
resulting from sepsis (Gordon et al. 2006) occur
1112 R. Koerfer et al.

mostly during the early post-operative course in 38.7.7  Ventricular Arrhythmias

patients being already multimorbid to start with
(Holman et al. 2003). Any forms of ventricular arrhythmias are
Risk factors for infection are as follows: observed in up to 20 % of all MCS patients. In the
55 A long driveline majority they are not relevant, they can be treated
55 A large pump pocket medically. They may finally resolve due to the pro-
55 Reduced general and nutritional status gressive unloading of the ventricle.
55 Long-term support It is difficult to predict the effects of ventricu-
lar tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation on the
In the early days of MCS, driveline infections output of the pump. An implantable cardioverter-­
were observed in 24 % of Novacor patients and defibrillator is indicated in the presence of recur-
pump pocket infections in 30 % of HeartMate rent, therapy-refractory malignant arrhythmias.
XVE patients. Since we observed that the rate of Until now, less than 6 % of our patients with
driveline infections was directly associated to any type of assist device have developed severe,
the length of the driveline, we routinely tunnel medically refractory ventricular arrhythmias.
the driveline to the right upper abdominal quad-
rant since 1998. The friction between the pump
body and the pocket walls contributes to pocket 38.7.8  Technical Disorders
infections. We therefore cover the upper surface
of the pump with a collagen-impregnated Second to systemic infections, a device failure, the
Dacron patch (Hemashield) in order to stimu- most severe technical disorder, proved to be a
late tissue ingrowth. We additionally fix the body common cause of death in the REMATCH trial
of the pump with four stitches. (HeartMate XVE), contributing to a 2-year sur-
Endocarditis due to an infected inflow or out- vival rate of only 23 % (Rose et al. 2001).
flow conduit was observed in 3–4 % of all Novacor The current second- and third-generation
and HeartMate XVE patients in our experience devices are more durable. According to our experi-
(El-Banayosy et al. 2001). ence, there have been, so far, no cases of device fail-
The miniaturized third-generation continu- ure among the HeartMate II, DuraHeart and
ous flow pumps require a small pocket, if any at CorAide patients. Nevertheless in 3–7  % of all
all. Therefore, the rate of infection in this group is HeartMate II patients, the pump had to be exchanged
low and limited to the driveline. Fifteen percent of due to pump thrombosis or technical problems
all our DuraHeart patients developed infections associated with the implantation procedure, such as
associated with the pump, of which three had kinking of the inflow cannula. Similarly, the
been located at the driveline, one at the pump DuraHeart assist device had to be exchanged in two
pocket and one at the driveline and the pump known cases due to flow disorders.
pocket. Local infections were documented in The extracorporeal system components are
38 none of our CorAide patients. prone to wear and tear. Driveline fractures, filter
Lietz et al. (2007) reported that perioperative blocks and failure of the external batteries are
mortality due to sepsis and multi-organ failure common and usually easy to repair.
was high in patients with a reduced general and Wear and tear of the intracorporeal system com-
nutritional status at the time of implantation. ponents is rare but even more serious. The artificial
Zierer et al. (2007) reported a possible relation valves which are integrated in the inflow and out-
between the duration of mechanical support and flow parts of the first-generation as well as in the
the incidence of late infections. Especially in pneumatically driven assist devices facilitate uni-
Novacor and HeartMate patients, infections were directional blood flow. These devices become dys-
difficult to treat, and they were associated with a functional over time due to their exposure to
high mortality rate. distinct flow and pressure. For the same reason,
Post-operative infection precautions include the flexible polyurethane diaphragms of the artifi-
antibiotic prophylaxis with cephalosporins until cial ventricles of a CardioWest TAH can rupture.
the chest tubes can be removed. It is essential to This has been observed as a rare event in two of
ensure asepsis while changing of the driveline our patients. The first could be successfully trans-
dressing. planted while the second patient died.
Chapter 38 · Cardiac Assist Devices and Total Artificial Heart
1113 38
38.7.9  Psychological Disorders as advanced care planning and deactivation of the
assist device (Dudzinski 2006).
Psychological disorders, such as a severe reac-
tive depression to the point of suicidal thoughts,
are frequent, especially among patients with a 38.8 Assist Devices
long-­term circulatory assistance. Until now,
these events have not been systematically exam- 38.8.1  Extracorporeal Assist Devices
ined. According to our experience, a reliable
social environment and a permanent out-of- In extracorporeal assist devices, the circulation
hospital team providing aftercare are essential in may be cannulated peripherally or centrally. The
order to identify and successfully treat psycho- pump may be even outside the bed, or extracor-
logical disorders. Depending on the severity of poreal/paracorporeal.
symptoms, a low-dose anti-depressive mono-
therapy proved to be sufficient in most of our  Centrimag LVAD
patients. The CentriMag LVAD (Levitronix/Pharos,
The guidelines which have been elaborated by Zurich, Switzerland; . Fig. 38.1) is a magnetically
the STS deal with the ethical, and in a broader levitated centrifugal pump which has been
context, psychosocial problems emerging from designed for short-term circulatory support,
long-term mechanical circulatory support, such especially for cases of post-cardiotomy heart

..Fig. 38.1 CentriMag
1114 R. Koerfer et al.

failure. The CentriMag LVAD is ideal as an ‘extra- Thoratec PVAD.  Meanwhile, more than 7,000
corporeal life support system’. The pump rotates patients have been treated with this device.
at speeds between 1,500 and 5,500 rpm and gen- The pump consists of a rigid polysulfone case
erates a flow of up to 9 L/min. Since the pump is and a soft and flexible Thoralon pumping sack.
magnetically levitated without any bearings or The Thoralon material provides a low thromboge-
seals included, the degree of hemolysis is remark- nicity and high endurance of the pump regarding
ably low. wear and tear. Mechanical valves within the inflow
Similar systems are the Rotaflow (Maquet and outflow conduits facilitate unidirectional
Cardiopulmonary AG, Rastatt, Germany) and the blood flow.
TandemHeart (CardiacAssist Inc., Pittsburgh, PA, The filling state of the pump is controlled by a
USA). sensor which triggers blood ejection. The pump
can generate a stroke volume of up to 65 ml at a  Biomedicus Centrifugal Pump stroke rate between 20 and 110/min. The resulting
The Biomedicus centrifugal pump (Medtronic, cardiac output ranges from 1.3–7.2 l/min.
Eden Prairie, MN, USA) is frequently used as a In the LVAD position, the inflow graft/can-
short-term circulatory support in patients with nula gets blood from the left atrium or the native
post-cardiotomy heart failure or in any form of LV.  The outflow cannula is connected to the
cardiogenic shock. It may be employed as a ascending aorta. In order to prevent kinking, the
femoro-­femoral or standard central cardiopulmo- ventricular and the arterial cannulas are wire
nary bypass as part of an extracorporeal mem- reinforced. A velvet coat minimizes the risk of
brane oxygenation (ECMO) system. It is possible ascending percutaneous mediastinitis via the
to either support one or both ventricles. tubes.
Electrical and pneumatic leads connect the
pump to the dual driver. The operating pump rate,
the vacuum level and the pressure of the system
First-generation extracorporeal systems can be adjusted. In biventricular support these
have been associated with a high rate of adjustments can be made for each pump sepa-
adverse events, including hemolysis, rately. There are two modes of operation: a fixed
excessive bleeding and thromboembolism. rate mode and a volume mode. The volume mode
For these reasons, we currently prefer the is beneficial, since the pump can respond to an
CentriMag pump. increased demand on stroke volume during exer-
Due to the paracorporeal placement of the
pumps, the Thoratec PVAD can also be used in
38.8.2   aracorporeal Assist Devices
P small patients down to a body surface area of
(PAVD) 0.73 m2.
38  BerlinHeart EXCOR
During paracorporeal assist the pump is placed
outside but close to the body. Inflow and outflow The BerlinHeart EXCOR (BerlinHeart AG, Berlin,
grafts are used to connect the heart via atrium or Germany) is a pneumatically driven system for
ventricle and also the great vessels. uni- or biventricular support. Since different sizes
of the pumps are available (10–80 ml), it can be  Thoratec PVAD used not only in adults with a small body surface
The Thoratec PVAD (Thoratec Inc., Pleasanton, area but also in children. The three leaflet valves
CA, USA) is designed for uni- and biventricular in the inflow and outflow conduits are made of
support. It was developed in the early 1980s by polyurethane. The system is operated by a porta-
William Pierce and James Donachy at ble dual driver. Like the Thoratec PVAD, the
Pennsylvania State University. In 1984 Donald BerlinHeart EXCOR is mainly used in the bridge
Hill reported the first successful BTT case with a to transplantation setting.
Chapter 38 · Cardiac Assist Devices and Total Artificial Heart
1115 38
38.8.3   artially Implantable Assist

In partially implantable assist devices, part of the

device, namely, the pump, is implanted, while the
driver and controller are placed paracorporeally.  Implantable Ventricular Assist

Device (IVAD)
The implantable ventricular assist device
(Thoratec Inc., Pleasanton, CA, USA) consists of a
pneumatically driven displacement pump within
a titanium housing, one inflow and one outflow
conduit with a mechanical valve and a driveline
which connects the pump with the external driver.
The pump weighs 339 g and is placed in the left
upper abdominal quadrant. The pump can gener-
ate a stroke volume of up to 65 ml. The IVAD can
be implanted in patients with a body surface area
>1.3 m2 and can be used for uni- and biventricu-
lar support as a bridge to transplantation system.  Axial Flow Pumps

The operation of axial flow pumps is based on the
principle of the Archimedes screw: an impeller
rotates at a very high speed and propels the blood
forward. Axial flow pumps therefore do not gen-
erate a pulsatile, but a rather continuous blood ..Fig. 38.2  HeartMate II
The advantages of axial flow pumps are the The HeartMate II LVAD is an electromechani-
following: cally driven axial flow pump with a weight of
55 Small size 350 g. The pump consists of an impeller in a tita-
55 Absence of mechanical or biological valves in nium case (length 6 cm) which rotates at a speed
the inflow and outflow conduits between 6,000 and 15,000  rpm and generates a
55 Absence of compliance chambers flow of up to 10  l/min, depending on the rota-
55 Low power consumption tional speed and the pressure gradient between
55 Quiet operation the inflow and the outflow conduit.
55 Less mechanical components which are The inflow conduit is anastomosed to the left
prone to wear and tear, therefore longer dura- ventricular apex and the outflow conduit to the
bility ascending aorta. The pump is positioned in the left
55 Easy to implant upper abdominal quadrant. The driveline is tun-
neled in the right upper abdominal quadrant and
kHeartMate II LVAD connects the pump to the external driver. The pump
The HeartMate II LVAD (Thoratec Inc., blood flow is calculated by the power of the motor
Pleasanton, CA, USA; . Fig. 38.2) was implanted and the rotational speed of the pump. The external
for the first time by R.  Kormos in Israel (Lietz batteries have to be recharged every 7–10 h.
et  al. 2007) and shortly thereafter by us in Bad Based on the results of a prospective, random-
Oeynhausen. Due to a high incidence of throm- ized clinical trial, the Food and Drug
bosis, the pump had to be redesigned and was Administration approved the HeartMate II as a
reintroduced in 2003. Since then, the HeartMate permanent treatment for advanced heart failure
II has been implanted in more than 7,000 patients. in the USA for 2010 (Slaughter et al. 2009).
1116 R. Koerfer et al.

The main indication for left ventricular sup- The pump is implanted through a left-sided
port with the HeartMate II LVAD is still bridge to thoracotomy (5th or 6th intercostal space) under
transplantation (BTT). According to the results of femoro-femoral bypass. The outflow graft is anas-
the bridge to transplantation pivotal trial, the tomosed to the descending aorta, the driveline is
combined survival rate for recovery, ongoing sup- tunneled in the right anterior abdominal quad-
port or transplantation was 79 % at 18  months. rant and the pump is finally positioned into the
The incidence of major complications such as left ventricle through the left ventricular apex.
neurological events and infections was remark- Until now, the Jarvik 2000 has been implanted
ably low (Pagani et al. 2009). In the post-approval in more than 200 patients of whom 75 % have
bridge to transplantation study, combined sur- received the device as a bridge to transplantation.
vival at 6 and 12  months was 90 % and 85 %, The main adverse event has been pump thrombosis.
respectively (Starling et al. 2011). The longest duration of support has been 7.5 years.

kJarvik 2000 kBerlinHeart INCOR

The Jarvik 2000 (Jarvik Heart Inc., New York, NY, The BerlinHeart INCOR LVAD (BerlinHeart
USA, . Fig.  38.3) is an electrically driven axial GmbH, Berlin, Germany) is the only axial flow
flow pump with an impeller which can generate a pump with a fully magnetically suspended impel-
blood flow of up to 6 l/min at a rotational speed ler. The pump weighs 200 g, is 12 cm long and has
between 8,000 and 12,000  rpm. The device, a diameter of 3 cm. The pump generates a flow of
including the pump and the titanium housing up to 7  l/min at a rotational speed of 5,000–
only weighs 85 g, is 5.5 cm long and has a diame- 12,000  rpm. Blood flows from the left ventricle
ter of 2.5 cm. (silicone inflow cannula at the left ventricular
The system consists of pump, Dacron outflow apex) into a rigid cone in which it is rotated
graft (16  mm), external driver and batteries. All through the impeller. Before exiting the pump,
blood-contact surfaces of the pump are made of blood flows into a streamer which ameliorates the
smooth titanium. The impeller is made of a rotation of the blood, builds up an additional pres-
neodymium-­ iron-boron magnet and titanium sure and drives the blood into the outflow cannula
blades and is held in position by ceramic bearings. (silicone outflow cannula at the ascending aorta).
The driver and the batteries only weigh 1 kg. The The pump is positioned completely into the peri-
batteries have to be recharged every 7 h. cardial space. In order to avoid thrombus forma-
In order to avoid blood stasis in the aortic tion, all blood-contact surfaces consist of titanium
root, a speed controller automatically decreases which is coated with heparin (carmeda coating).
the pump speed to 6,000  rpm every minute, However, according to our experience, an aggres-
allowing the aortic valve to potentially open. sive anticoagulation regimen is still necessary.
The BerlinHeart INCOR was implanted for
the first time in 2002 and received CE approval in
38 2003. Since then, over 500 patients have been
treated and the longest duration of support has
been 6 years so far.

The clinical experience with the

first-­generation partially implantable and
paracorporeal assist devices demonstrated
that it is possible to effectively treat patients
with end-stage heart failure in absence of any
other therapy option. Furthermore, it became
obvious that it is necessary to develop and
implement innovative technological concepts
in order to minimize the incidence of adverse
..Fig. 38.3  Jarvik 2000
Chapter 38 · Cardiac Assist Devices and Total Artificial Heart
1117 38
kHeartWare MVAD
The HeartWare MVAD (HeartWare Inc., Miramar,
Fla, USA) is a miniaturized axial flow pump with
a displacement volume of only 15 cc designed to
be implanted in small and pediatric patients. The
pump body consists of a wide-bladed rotor in a
titanium housing which can generate a flow of up
to 10  l/min at a rotational speed of 16,000–
28,000  rpm. The rotor is suspended by passive
magnetical and hydrodynamic forces. Real-time
flow measurements of the pump flow are facili-
tated by an ultrasonic probe attached to the out-
flow graft. The HeartWare MVAD is still an
investigational device. ..Fig. 38.4 ReinVAD  Miniaturized Centrifugal kReinVAD

Pumps The ReinVAD (. Fig.  38.4) is a miniaturized
kHeartWare HVAD device, which is currently being developed by our
The HeartWare HVAD (HeartWare Inc., new institution and the Department of Applied
Miramar, Fla, USA) is currently the smallest left Medical Engineering of the Helmholtz Institute in
ventricular assist device available in the market. Aachen, Germany. The pump consists of a centrif-
It weighs 160  g, has a short inflow cannula ugal impeller within a titanium housing. The
integrated in the pump body and a displacement impeller is suspended both magnetically and
volume of only 55  cc, thereby diminishing the hydrodynamically. The main design features are as
need for a pump pocket. The system consists of follows:
the centrifugal pump with an impeller which is 55 The ‘wearless’ bearing system incorporates a
suspended by passive magnetic and hydrody- journal bearing for radial/tilt support and a
namic forces and can generate a flow of up to spiral groove thrust bearing for additional tilt
10 l/min at a rotational speed of 2,400–3,200 rpm, and axial support.
a thin (4.2 mm thick) driveline, an external con- 55 Passive magnets are used to reduce the load
troller and a battery pack with 8 lithium-ion on the hydrodynamic bearings.
cells. A first prospective, non-randomized inter- 55 Reducing hydraulic and magnetic forces acting
national BTT trial was performed between 2006 on the impeller increases the suspension
and 2008. Survival to 180 days on the device or to capacity with higher clearance gaps.
transplantation was 91 %. One year and 2  years 55 The axial ‘slotless’ motor configuration
survival was 85 % and 79 %, respectively. CE incorporates a thin back iron yoke and is
mark was granted at 2009. designed to be highly efficient (maximal
The prospective, multicenter, non-­randomized power consumption of 5 W at a support level
ADVANCE trial was initiated at 2010 and com- of 5 l/min at 80 mmHg).
pared clinical outcomes to the INTERMACS reg- 55 The 38-mm impeller is designed to produce
istry cohort. Survival at 180 days was 91 % and at full physiological support (5 l/min@100
2 years 84 %. Following adjustment of the antico- mmHg) at a speed of 2,600 rpm.
agulation protocol and sintering of the pump on
the outer surface of the inflow in order to promote In vitro testing in a pulsatile mock circulation
tissue ingrowth, ischemic stroke rate declined loop confirmed the ability of the device to restore
from previously 6.3 to 4.7 %. Similarly, the rate of pathological hemodynamic conditions to normal
thrombosis-associated pump failure was 4.2 % in a pulsatile flow environment.
significantly lower than in the past (Aaaronson A first experimental proof of concept in vivo was
et al. 2012). established by six acute trials in a sheep model. The
animals could be supported successfully for up to 4 h.
1118 R. Koerfer et al.

38.9 Past Assist Devices

The following devices are currently not available

for clinical use. They are mentioned either due to
historical reasons or due to specific technical
­features which are still of great interest in the clin-
ical setting.

38.9.1  Extracorporeal Assist Devices  Abiomed BVS 5000
The Abiomed BVS 5000 (Abiomed Inc., Danvers,
MA, USA) was a pneumatically driven pump
designed for short-term uni- or biventricular
­circulatory support. It consisted of two polyure-
thane chambers placed extracorporeally. The
atrial chamber was filled passively by gravity and ..Fig. 38.5  HeartMate XVE
the ventricular chamber pumped the blood pneu-
matically into the patient’s circulation. A flow of 83 ml and a cardiac output of up to 10 l/min. The
up to 5 l/min could be generated. inflow cannula (diameter: 25  mm) was anasto-
mosed to the left ventricular apex and the outflow
conduit (diameter: 20  mm) to the ascending
38.9.2   aracorporeal Assist Devices
P aorta. Biological valves within the inflow and out-
(PAVD) flow conduits facilitated unidirectional blood
flow. The pump was placed in the left upper  Medos VAD abdominal quadrant. The driveline connected the
The paracorporeal Medos system (Medos AG, pump with the external controller. The pump
Stolberg, Germany) was designed for short- and weighed 1,200  g and the controller 300  g. An
midterm uni- and biventricular support. The sys- advantage of the HeartMate XVE was that the
tem consisted of the following components: a dis- inner surface of the pump consisted of titanium
placement pump, wire-reinforced inflow and microspheres which promoted the formation of
outflow cannulae and a pneumatic mobile dual pseudoneointima and minimized the risk of
driver. The pump sizes varied between 9 and thrombus formation. Due to the positive results of
80 ml; the system could therefore be applied not the REMATCH trial, the HeartMate XVE was the
only in adults with large and small body surface first left ventricular assist device to receive Food
38 area but also in children. and Drug Administration approval for destina-
tion therapy in the USA.

38.9.3   artially Implantable Assist

Devices 38.9.4  Axial Flow Pumps  HeartMate XVE LVAD  HeartAssist 5
The HeartMate XVE LVAD (Thoratec Inc., The HeartAssist 5 (Micromed Cardiovascular,
Pleasanton, CA, USA; . Fig. 38.5) was developed Houston, TX, USA) is an electromagnetically
by Thermo Cardiosystems and the Texas Heart driven axial flow pump which was introduced in
Institute in the early 1990s. The XVE was an elec- 2009. With a weight of only 92 g, the HeartAssist
tromechanically driven displacement pump with 5 was one of the smallest pumps ever available.
a rigid titanium housing. A flexible diaphragm Due to its small size, it was implantable in patients
separated the air from the blood chamber. The with a body surface area of less than 0.7 m2. The
pump could generate a stroke volume of up to HeartAssist 5 was therefore approved by the FDA
Chapter 38 · Cardiac Assist Devices and Total Artificial Heart
1119 38
as a Humanitarian Device Exemption for use in In order to avoid thrombus formation, all
pediatric patients in the USA. blood-contact surfaces were coated with fluori-
Like its predecessor, the Micromed DeBakey nated ethylene propylene (FEP). The pump gener-
pump, the HeartAssist 5 pump consisted of an ated a flow between 1.5 and 8 l/min at a rotational
impeller surrounded by a titanium casing and was speed of 2,000–3,000 rpm.
magnetically suspended. Pump speed varied The implantable parts of the system were the
between 7,500 and 12,000 rpm. A flow between 2 pump with the inflow cannula and at a right angle
and 10 l/min could be generated. Due to its small to the pump the outflow cannula. The pump was
size, the pump could be positioned in the pericar- positioned into the pericardial space.
dial space. The inflow graft was anastomosed to The results of the first multicenter trial (20
the left ventricular apex and the outflow graft to patients) showed a low infection rate and a low
the ascending aorta. The driveline was tunneled in rate of thromboembolism. However, the magnetic
the right upper abdominal quadrant and was con- suspension of the rotor proved to be unstable,
nected to the external driver. resulting in severe hemolysis.
While in all other currently available left ven-
tricular assist devices, blood flow is calculated by  DuraHeart LVAD
the power of the motor and the rotational speed of The DuraHeart LVAD (Terumo Heart Inc., Ann
the pump, HeartAssist 5 had an ultrasonic flow Arbor, MN, USA; . Fig.  38.6) was the first cen-
probe attached to the outflow graft which deliv- trifugal pump with a fully magnetically levitated
ered real-time measurements of the blood flow. impeller. The pump weighed 540 g, had a diame-
This is of great importance for the management of ter of 72 mm, was 45 mm thick and generated a
critical hemodynamic situations like acute right flow of up to 8 l/min at a rotational speed between
heart failure which we could observe and success- 1,200 and 2,000  rpm. The pump flow could be
fully treat in one of our patients. adjusted to the patient’s pre- and afterload. The
A further feature of this device was that all rel- system consisted of the pump within a titanium
evant data, such as blood flow, power consump- housing a titanium inflow conduit, a Vascutek
tion and alarms, could be transmitted online to GelWeave outflow conduit, the driveline, an
the transplant center (remote home monitoring). external controller, external batteries (recharge-
The HeartAssist 5 was withdrawn from mar- able every 6  h) and an external console. The
ket in the year 2011 due to a number of cases of DuraHeart LVAD was implanted for the first
pump stop caused by default rear bearings. time in the year 2004 at our center in Bad
Oeynhausen. We conducted a multicenter trial
which included 33 patients with an average dura-
38.9.5  Miniaturized Centrifugal tion of support of 231 ± 194 days. The implanta-
Pumps tion was successful in 79 % of cases. The 2-year
survival rate was 77 %. Infection rate, incidence  CorAide LVAD of thromboembolism and hemolysis were low.
The CorAide LVAD (Arrow International Inc.,
Reading, PA, USA) was the first third-generation  VentrAssist LVAD
assist device to implement the principle of mag- The VentrAssist LVAD (Ventracor, Australia;
netic and hydrodynamic suspension of the rotor. . Fig. 38.7) was a pump with a hydrodynamically
Due to severe hemolysis, the pump was rede- suspended rotor. The pump weighed 298  g and
signed. The first multicenter trial began in had a diameter of 67 mm. The pump consisted of
February 2005. titanium. In order to avoid thromboembolism the
CorAide was an electromechanically driven rotor was cone-shaped and was driven by four
pump. The pump worked either in a fixed speed blades. Furthermore, all blood-contact surfaces
mode or an automatic mode in which the rotational were coated with a carbon layer. The pump gener-
speed of the pump was adjusted to the systemic ated a flow of up to 10 l/min. The pump could be
pressure and the heart rate. The pump weighed placed in the pericardial space. The system con-
303 g and consisted of titanium. The external bat- sisted of the pump, silicone inflow cannula, a
teries and the external controller weighed 1,350 g. gelatine-­coated outflow cannula (Vascutek Ltd.,
1120 R. Koerfer et al.

..Fig. 38.6 DuraHeart


..Fig. 38.7 VentrAssist
Chapter 38 · Cardiac Assist Devices and Total Artificial Heart
1121 38
Renfrewshire, Scotland, UK), driveline, external the most reliable and therefore the most frequently
controller and the external batteries. implanted TAH. The system received FDA approval
The VentrAssist LVAD was implanted for the as a bridge to transplantation therapy device in
first time in the year 2003 and was CE certified. patients with end-stage heart failure and has been
The medical device maker collapsed in 2009. already implanted more than 1,100 times. Recently
it received additional approval as a Humanitarian
Use Device designation to be used for destination
38.9.6   ully Implantable, Pulsatile
F therapy. Due to the large dimensions of the artifi-
LVAD LionHeart cial ventricles (70  cc), the SynCardia CardioWest
TAH can be currently used only in patients with a
The LionHeart LVAD 2000 (Arrow LionHeart body surface area of more than 1.7 m2. A smaller,
LVAD, Arrow International, Reading, PA, USA) 50 cc system, which is designed for patients with a
was the only fully implantable left ventricular body surface area between 1.2 and 1.7 m2, is cur-
assist device. It was developed by The Pennsylvania rently being developed.
State University (Penn State) in the USA as an Technical description: The SynCardia
alternative to transplantation (destination ther- CardioWest TAH is a pneumatically driven,
apy). It was implanted for the first time in 1999 by biventricular system used for the orthotopic
our group in Bad Oeynhausen. It was tested in the replacement of the native ventricles. The pump
CUBS trial (Clinical Utility Baseline Study (Pae consists of four flexible polyurethane diaphragms
et al. 2007a)). Although initial clinical results have housed in a semi-rigid polyurethane sack. By dis-
been satisfying, currently, the LionHeart is not placement the diaphragms generate a stroke vol-
available for clinical implantation due to high ume of up to 70 ml and a pump flow of up to 10 l/
development costs. min. Two mechanical valves, which are mounted
in the inflow (Medtronic Hall 27  mm) and the
outflow (Medtronic Hall 25 mm) conduits facili-
38.10 Total Artificial Hearts tate unidirectional blood flow. Two wire-rein-
forced, Dacron-coated drivelines connect the
Carefully selected patients with intracardiac artificial ventricles to the external console.
shunts or thrombi, structural damage to the The external console consists of two pneu-
heart due to an extended myocardial infarction matic drivers (of which one serves as a backup),
or with end-stage congenital heart disease may batteries, air reserve tanks, an alarm panel and a
benefit from implantation of a total artificial computer system which monitors the operation of
heart (TAH). the TAH. There are two different drivers available.
The Companion 2 hospital driver was approved
by the FDA in the year 2012. During the initial
38.10.1  SynCardia CardioWest TAH recovery stage, the driver is docked in the hospital
cart and after leaving the bed in the companion
The SynCardia CardioWest TAH (SynCardia caddy which enables greater mobility during hos-
Systems Inc., Tucson, AZ, USA; . Fig. 38.8) is still pital stay. Prior to discharge the patients are
switched over to the Freedom 2 portable driver.
This weighs 6  kg, is worn in the backpack or a
shoulder bag and is powered by two lithium-ion
batteries. The Freedom portable driver received
CE mark at the year 2010 and is currently under-
going an investigational device exemption clinical
study in the USA.
In order to prevent end-organ failure and in
order to minimize thrombus formation on the
blood-contact surfaces, it is essential to provide a
pump flow of 7–8 l/min at a systemic pressure of
70–90  mmHg and a perfusion pressure of
..Fig. 38.8  CardioWest TAH 55–80 mmHg. For this reason:
1122 R. Koerfer et al.

..Fig. 38.9  CardioWest TAH system components

55 It is important to overcome the systemic and the tricuspid valve and a 1–2-cm wide rim of ven-
the pulmonary artery pressure by adjusting tricular muscle. The ascending aorta and the main
the drive pressure at the right side 30 mmHg pulmonary artery are then excised immediately
over the systolic pulmonary artery pressure above the valvular level. The trimmed cuffs are
and the drive pressure at the left side anastomosed to the native atria and the outflow
60 mmHg over the systemic systolic artery grafts to the aorta and the pulmonary artery. The
pressure. driveline is tunneled, and the artificial ventricles are
55 The TAH beat rate should range between 100 connected to the native atria and the outflow grafts.
and 130/min, and the systolic duration The ventricles are deaired by inflating the lungs and
should be between 50 and 60 % of the com- gradually declamping the great vessels.
plete cardiac cycle length.
55 The negative force, the vacuum in the artifi-
cial ventricles, should range between −10 and 38.10.2  AbioCor TAH
−15 mmHg.
The AbioCor (Abiomed Inc., Danvers, MA, USA)
38 Implantation procedure: the system consists is the first totally implantable, electrically driven
of the following components (. Fig. 38.9): TAH, designed as an alternative to cardiac trans-
55 Two artificial ventricles plantation in patients:
55 Two atrial cuffs 55 With end-stage biventricular heart failure
55 Two outflow grafts 55 Who are not eligible for transplantation
55 One driveline 55 Who cannot be weaned from inotropic
55 Tools for leakage testing therapy
55 Who cannot be weaned from a biventricular
Prior to median sternotomy, the outflow con- mechanical circulatory support
duits are precoated with CoSeal Surgical Sealant 55 Who are younger than 75 years of age
(Baxter, Deerfield, IL, USA) and then cut to a length
of 4–5 cm for the aortic and 5–6 cm for the pulmo- The internal part of the system consists of a
nary outflow. On total cardiopulmonary bypass, centrifugal pump, which can generate a flow of up
the native ventricles are excised at the atrioventric- to 8 l/min at a rotational speed of 4,000–8,000 rpm,
ular level while care is taken to spare the mitral and a controller, a rechargeable battery and a coil for
Chapter 38 · Cardiac Assist Devices and Total Artificial Heart
1123 38

2 5

2 1
3 4

7 3


..Fig. 38.10  ReinHeart TAH pump unit: (1) linear motor,
(2) left pusher plate, (3) right pusher plate, (4) linear
bearing, (5) left artificial ventricle, (6) right artificial
ventricle, (7) mechanical valve (From Pelletier et al. (2014))

energy transmission (TET). The external part

..Fig. 38.11  ReinHeart TAH system components: (1) pump
consists of a coil, a TET monitor, a controller and unit, (2) electronic controller, (3) TET coil, (4) external batteries,
batteries, which have to be recharged every 4 h. (5) compliance chamber (From Pelletier et al. (2014))
In 2006 the FDA approved the Abiocor under
the Humanitarian Device Exemption program
(HDE) for its use in patients with end-stage biven- linear bearing. The pusher plates are actuated in
tricular heart failure who are not eligible for an alternating way, pumping the blood out of the
transplantation and cannot be weaned from ino- chambers in a physiological sinusoidal way.
tropic or biventricular mechanical device ­support. Depending on the operational frequency, a cham-
ber output between 4.5 and 7 l/min can be gener-
ated. Four mechanical valves embedded in the
38.10.3  ReinHeart TAH inlets and outlets of the pump chambers facilitate
unidirectional blood flow.
The ReinHeart (. Fig.  38.10) is an electrically The system consists of pump, electronic control-
driven TAH currently being developed by our ler and a transcutaneous energy transmission system
new Institution and the Department of Applied (TET). This system consists of two coils and a TET
Medical Engineering of the Helmholtz Institute, monitor, external batteries and a compliance cham-
Aachen, Germany. The ReinHeart TAH is ber, which prevents suction events (. Fig. 38.11).
designed as an alternative to heart transplanta- The ReinHeart concept is currently being suc-
tion, aiming to support patients for at least 5 years. cessfully tested in the chronic animal model.
Anatomical and virtual fit studies demonstrated
that the system can be implanted in patients with
a minimum body surface area of 1.63 m2. 38.11 Post-operative Care
The application of a linear motor concept
diminishes the need for wear-prone ball bearings, 38.11.1  Coagulation Management
gears and lubricants. This increases the potential
durability and the reliability and promises an In order to avoid an excessive bleeding during the
extended lifetime of the system for more than first 24 post-operative hours:
5 years. The linear motor is directly connected to 55 Avoid any routine intravenous anticoagula-
a left and a right pusher plate, guided by a single tion medication
1124 R. Koerfer et al.

55 Keep the International Normalized Ratio aim for increasing the endurance and the func-
(INR) higher than 1.5 tional independence of the patient. The final
55 Keep the platelet count above 100,000 ul target is to gradually reintegrate the patient in
55 Keep the partial thromboplastin time (PTT) his social and working environment.
around 50–60 s

38.11.4  Nutritional Management

Quality of life depends highly on the physical
state (Pennington et al. 1999). Malnutrition and even cachexia are common
among patients with end-stage heart failure. It is
therefore essential to substitute amino acids, lipids,
minerals, vitamins and trace elements either par-
Systemic anticoagulation has to be initiated enterally or better via the enteral pathway. Since
carefully. Partial thromboplastin time should not serum albumin maintains the oncotic pressure and
exceed 60 s. The small-molecule, direct thrombin regulates the intravascular volume, its levels must
inhibitor, Argatroban, is a safe alternative to hepa- be routinely controlled and substituted if necessary
rin in the presence of a heparin-induced throm-
bocytopenia (HIT).
Oral anticoagulation with warfarin (INR 2.5– 38.11.5  Medical Therapy
3.5) can be initiated only in the absence of any
end-organ failure and after all chest tubes have  Inotropic Therapy
been removed. Depending on the device, aspirin 55 Phosphodiesterase III inhibitors, levosimen-
(1 mg/kg) or clopidogrel can be added to the oral dan and prostaglandin derivates are useful
anticoagulation. for the treatment of a right heart failure.
We use to train the patients in oral anticoagu- 55 Vasoactive substances (noradrenaline): since
lation self-management prior to their discharge the pump flow depends on afterload, it is
from hospital. essential to maintain a normal systemic vas-
cular resistance.

38.11.2  Circulatory Management  Antibiotics

55 All patients receive antibiotic prophylaxis
The following hemodynamic parameters have to with cephalosporins (3 × 2 g/day) for the time
be monitored during the perioperative course: until the chest tubes can be removed.
55 Arterial pressure 55 A calculated antibiotic therapy is indicated in
55 Central venous pressure the presence of an infection.
55 Pulmonary artery pressure 55 Patients who have already been treated with
55 Pulmonary wedge pressure antibiotics preoperatively should receive a
38 55 Systemic vascular resistance combination of vancomycin and piperacillin
55 Cardiac output tazobactam for at least 4 weeks.

The hemodynamic data should be always cor-  Heart Failure Medication
related to the data displayed by the pump controller. 55 The standard heart failure medication must be
continued according to the recommendations
of the ACCF/AHA (Jessup et al. 2009). The
38.11.3  Physical Therapy diastolic arterial pressure should not exceed
90 mmHg.
We always seek to wean the patients from
mechanical ventilation as early as possible.  Antiarrhythmic Medication
This is possible in 80 % of our MCS patients. 55 Since arrhythmias are a common event, a
Physical therapy can therefore be started pre-­existent antiarrhythmic therapy must be
already on the first post-operative day. Manual continued even after the implantation of an
therapy techniques and therapeutic exercise assist device.
Chapter 38 · Cardiac Assist Devices and Total Artificial Heart
1125 38
38.11.6  Wound Management problems, were frequent. Our own experience
with positive displacement pumps, such as the
A meticulous aseptic wound management is crucial HeartMate XVE, confirmed these results. The
in order to prevent driveline and pump pocket infec- incidence of bleeding complications was 54 %, the
tions. The relatives of the patient have to be trained incidence of thromboembolism 7.4 %. Driveline
to appropriately change the driveline dressings. infections were documented in 21 % of all cases
and a pump failure in 11 %. Fifty percent of all
MCS patients underwent a heart transplantation
38.11.7  Ambulatory Care (El-Banayosy et al. 2000, 2001).
The REMATCH trial has been important for
Ambulatory care is possible when: two reasons: it proved that a long-time support is
55 The patient has fully recovered and is in possible, and it outlined the necessity to develop
NYHA stage I–II. assist devices, which would be associated with less
55 There are no signs for an end-organ failure. adverse events.
55 There are no signs for a systemic infection. Magnetically suspended pumps have several
55 The patient and his relatives are familiar with advantages: (1) they are small and can therefore
the handling of the device and the oral-­ be used even in pediatric patients, (2) adverse
coagulation self-management. events such as excessive hemolysis, thromboem-
55 The patient and his relatives are familiar with bolism and bleeding disorders are less frequent
the management of the driveline dressings. and finally they are longer durable than other
55 Social and familial support is granted. pump principles.
55 A contact person from the hospital (VAD Due to bleeding complications associated with
coordinator) is available at any time. an aggressive anticoagulation management, 1-year
survival rate in patients treated with the DuraHeart
A follow-up is performed regularly (every third-generation assist device was initially only
8 weeks) and includes: 70 %. Following adjustment of the anticoagulation
55 A physical examination management, employing self-management also,
55 An ECG examination 1-year survival rate went up to 90 %. An infection
55 An echocardiographic examination was documented in 15 % and an acute right heart
55 A laboratory examination failure in 31 % of all DuraHeart patients. Right
55 An inspection of the driveline heart failure was always treated medically and all
patients recovered fully. Major neurological events
in this group were documented in 27 % of patients.
38.12 Summary and Perspectives There were no cases of pump failure, excessive
hemolysis or pump thrombosis. In two cases the
Mechanical circulatory support is a well-­ pump had to be replaced due to a temporary flow
established option for the treatment of end-stage interruption. This resulted from a distortion of the
heart failure. The clinical experience and the results motor back electromotive force waveform which
of several multicenter trials demonstrate that it is led to a temporary interruption of the rotation of
possible to maintain survival and at the same time the motor.
provide comfort for these critically ill patients. The results of the HeartMate II second-­
The REMATCH trial is considered to be the generation axial flow pump are similar to those
landmark study in the field of mechanical circula- obtained with the DuraHeart. Bleeding complica-
tory support. The results, which were published in tions were reported in 31 %, driveline infections
2001 (Rose et  al. 2001), demonstrated a signifi- in 14 %, medically treatable right heart failure in
cantly higher 1-year survival in those patients, 13 %, excessive hemolysis in 3 % and major neuro-
who were treated with the pulsatile HeartMate logical events in 8 % of HeartMate II patients.
XVE LVAD when compared to medically treated There had been no cases of a pump failure.
patients (52  % vs. 25  %, respectively). MCS However, the pump had to be replaced in five
patients also experienced a superior quality of life. cases (3.7 %). This was due to pump thrombosis or
However, adverse events, such as infections, complications associated with the operative pro-
bleeding disorders and technical or mechanical cedure. There had been three device-associated
1126 R. Koerfer et al.

deaths: two patients died due to technical prob- series 1. Mechanical circulatory support. Elsevier,
lems of the external batteries and one due to kink- Amsterdam, pp 105–125

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