(Bank of America) Hybrid ARM MBS - Valuation and Risk Measures

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RMBS Trading Desk Strategy

Hybrid ARM MBS: Valuation and Risk Measures November 27, 2006

Sharad Chaudhary  Hybrid ARMs have emerged as a popular investment alternative for investors who
212.583.8199 seek better extension protection and/or wider spreads than those offered by fixed-
[email protected]
rate mortgages. Institutional investors participating in the Hybrid ARM MBS sector
include banks, REITS, insurance companies, money managers and hedge funds.
RMBS Trading Desk Strategy  Prices of Agency hybrid ARMs are generally quoted in terms of Z-spread, which is
Ohmsatya Ravi a cash flow spread to the implied spot Treasury curve. The two exceptions to this
212.933.2006 quoting convention are 10/1 and seasoned hybrids ARMs. We present a detailed
[email protected]
discussion on the different quotation systems used in the ARMs market.
Qumber Hassan  The subject of tail valuation in hybrids has received significant attention recently
212.933.3308 due to an unprecedented level of discount seasoned hybrids resetting in 2006 and
[email protected]
2007. We present a detailed discussion of several factors that impact tail valuations.
Sunil Yadav  The Z-spread, OAS to reset and Bond Equivalent Effective Margin (BEEM)
[email protected]
measures have some significant limitations for the relative value analysis of ARMs.
OAS to maturity is a much better relative value metric since it accounts for the fact
Ankur Mehta that the tail is not worth par, cap structures have a non-zero value, and that
212.933.2950 prepayment speeds are not independent of rates.
[email protected]
 We provide a detailed discussion on the risk exposures of hybrid and fixed-rate
MBS. Hybrid ARM MBS provide a better hedge against extension risk relative to
RMBS Trading Desk Modeling fixed-rate products. In addition, short reset hybrids are a good hedge against
ChunNip Lee housing slowdown.
[email protected]
 Unlike fixed rate pass-throughs that have a fixed coupon and a variable servicing
fee, the vast majority of hybrid ARMs pay a weighted average coupon (WAC) to
Marat Rvachev security holders and have a fixed servicing fee. The presence of a fixed servicing
212.847.6632 fee in hybrid pools has the effect of allowing their WACs to change over time
[email protected]
depending upon how the individual loans within a pool pay down. An in-depth
Vipul Jain analysis of the factors that influence WAC drift and the implications from the
212.933.3309 valuation standpoint are presented in this primer.
[email protected]

This document is NOT a research report under U.S. law and is NOT a product of a fixed income research department. This document
has been prepared for Qualified Institutional Buyers, sophisticated investors and market professionals only.
To our U.K. clients: this communication has been produced by and for the primary benefit of a trading desk. As such, we do not hold
out this piece of investment research (as defined by U.K. law) as being impartial in relation to the activities of this trading desk.
Please see the important conflict disclosures that appear at the end of this report for information concerning the role of trading desk
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Hybrid ARMs have emerged as a popular investment alternative for investors who seek
better extension protection and/or wider spreads than those offered by fixed-rate mortgages.
A wide range of choices in selecting the length of the initial reset period in hybrids allows
investors to tailor their investments according to their duration preferences. Furthermore, as
discussed in our earlier publication on hybrid ARMs,1 because of the shorter tenure
horizons of the underlying borrowers in hybrid ARM pools, hybrid ARM MBSs possess
better convexity characteristics than fixed-rate MBSs. Consequently, hybrid ARMs not only
provide excellent extension protection when rates backup, they also provide better
prepayment protection than fixed-rate MBSs in a heavy refinancing environment. Recently,
Lehman Brothers announced their intention to include more than $300 billion Agency
Hybrid ARMs in their U.S. Aggregate index starting April of next year. This is expected to
deepen the participation of institutional investors in the ARMs market even further.
In view of the growing popularity of hybrid ARMs, this primer details some of the nuances
in Hybrid ARM MBS valuations, analyzes the risk profiles of ARMs, and provides some
perspective on relative value issues. First, we define and discuss the standard quoting
convention for hybrids and address some of the issues with using nominal spreads to gauge
relative value in hybrids. This section also includes a brief discussion on why OAS is a
superior relative value tool and presents an example to demonstrate how nominal spreads
can give quite different (and often wrong) relative value signals than OAS.
In the next section, we review the fundamentals of tail valuation in hybrids. To simplify the
discussion on tail valuation, we break down the problem into two parts by first considering
tail valuation of hypothetical securities without any caps and then focusing on the valuation
of embedded caps.
The discussion then segues into an analysis of the risk exposures of hybrid ARMs in
relation to fixed rate mortgage products. We highlight the key differences between hybrid
ARMs and 15-year and 30-year fixed rate MBSs in terms of duration, convexity, curve and
volatility exposures.
Next, we present an overview of hybrid ARM investors and their motivations for investing
in the hybrid ARM sector. Wider spreads make hybrid ARMs appealing to a wide range of
market participants. In addition, investors who are concerned about extension risk or a
housing slowdown also prefer hybrids over fixed-rate MBS.
Our primer concludes with an Appendix, presenting a detailed discussion on the issue of
WAC drift in hybrid ARMs. The presence of a fixed servicing fee in hybrid pools has the
effect of allowing their WACs to change over time depending upon how the individual
loans within a pool pay down. An in-depth analysis of the factors that influence WAC drift
and its implications from the valuation standpoint is presented in this primer.

Please see the primer titled Prepayments on Agency Hybrid ARM MBS published on November 13, 2006.
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Agency hybrid ARMs are generally quoted in terms of a Z-spread, which is a cash flow
spread to the implied spot Treasury curve. The two exceptions to this quoting convention
are 10/1 hybrid ARMs which are quoted in terms of a price drop relative to dwarfs and
highly seasoned hybrid ARMs which can be quoted in terms of bond equivalent effective
margin (BEEM) relative to the underlying index.2
A typical quotation for a 5/1 hybrid ARM MBS is: “$25mm FNMA 5/1 5.50% 1yr LIB +
170 5/2/5 60 MTR3 Oct Settle 99-29+ 70/Z”. This means that $25 million current face of a
5.50% net coupon 5/1 hybrid ARM, resetting in 60 months to 1-year LIBOR + 170 bps, is
offered for October settle at 99-29+ or 70/Z at 15% CPB. Similarly, a quote for a 10/1
hybrid might look like: “$25MM FNMA 10/1 5.75% 1yr CMT + 220 5/2/5 120 MTR Oct
Settle 99-241/4 or 101/Z or 17 back of interpolated 15-yr”. This means that $25million
current face of a 5.75% net coupon 10/1 hybrid ARM, resetting in 120 months to 1-year
CMT + 220 bps, is being offered for October settle at 99-241/4 or 101/Z at 15% CPB or
17/32’s behind the price of an interpolated 15-year MBS with the same coupon rate.

The standard quoted Z-spread is calculated assuming that the underlying collateral will
prepay at 15% CPR during the initial fixed-rate period of the security and that the borrowers
will make a balloon payment of the remaining principal balance at the end of the fixed-rate
period. The pricing convention that a hybrid pays off all its remaining outstanding balance
at its first reset date is called the CPB assumption. In reality, not all hybrid borrowers
prepay the remaining principal balance at the end of the fixed-rate period. Because of this, a
hybrid security holder continues to receive a series of principal and interest cash flows after
the first reset instead of receiving all the remaining principal back at the time of the first
reset. From a valuation perspective, the CPB assumption implies that the value of the series
of cash flows received after the first reset (called the “tail”) is equal to the face value of the
security at the time of the first reset (i.e., the tail is worth par).
Although the Z-spread is a commonly quoted number, investors need to be aware that it is
not a good relative value tool because of the following reasons:

• The Z-spread is calculated assuming that the tail is worth par. In practice, not all
Hybrid ARM borrowers prepay their mortgages before or at the reset date.

• The Z-spread is calculated at a 15% CPR prepayment speed regardless of the

coupon or age or type (3/1; 5/1; 7/1; or 10/1) of the underlying security. Actual
prepayment speeds on pools with different coupons or loan sizes can be
substantially different from 15% CPR.

• The Z-spread does not capture the value of different cap structures. The Z-spread
values a 2/2/5 cap the same as a 5/2/5 cap or a 2/2/6 cap.

• Z-spreads are not good relative value indicators because they change with the level
of interest rates and volatility. Note that Z-spread calculations use a 15% CPB
assumption while actual prepay speeds change with the level of interest rates.

Recently, dealers have started quoting Agency 10/1 hybrids on a Z-spread basis to allow for more consistent pricing.
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Similarly, prepayment and cap risks involved in a hybrid ARM pool change when
implied volatilities move. Consequently, the same Z-spread indicates different
levels of risk premium at different rate and volatility levels.

Bond Equivalent Effective Margin (BEEM)

The BEEM is defined as the difference between the bond-equivalent yield on a hybrid
security and a constant value of its underlying index.4 Unlike Z-spread calculations which
are based on a prepayment assumption of 15% CPB, BEEM calculations assume a constant
prepayment speed of 15% CPR for life. Hence, depending upon the value of fixed coupon
of a hybrid security in relation to the spot value of the underlying index and its periodic/life
caps, its tail could be worth above or below par.
Prices of highly seasoned hybrids are generally quoted using BEEM rather than Z-spreads.
The reason is that a significant portion of the value in a highly seasoned hybrid pool comes
from the tail. Because the Z-spread pricing always assigns par value to tail, highly seasoned
bonds look unattractive in Z-spread terms. For example, FNMA 3/1 4.00% 1yr LIB+170
2/2/6 6 MTR Oct Settle 100-00+ bond would be quoted at -174/Z in Z-spread terms. On the
other hand, the bond would be quoted as 115 BEEM at 15% CPR, which means that the
bond-equivalent yield on the bond is 115 bps higher than the assumed value of 1-yr LIBOR.
Like the Z-spread, BEEM is also a poor relative value tool due to its unrealistic constant
prepayment assumption for seasoned hybrids. However, it is quite popular among investors
who use it to stress test the tail value under very fast prepayment assumptions. For example,
investors use BEEM calculations to find out at what prepayment speed level a seasoned
hybrid will yield zero spread over its underlying index or some other benchmark. Although
BEEM represents a significant improvement over Z-spreads if used with some realistic
prepayment assumptions, it is still a static measure and fails to capture the cost associated
with the prepayment option and the caps.

Option Adjusted Spreads (OAS)

Both the Z-spread and BEEM have some significant limitations for relative value analysis
for the reasons mentioned above. A pricing measure that could account for the fact that the
tail is not worth par, cap structures have a non-zero value, and that actual prepayment
speeds could be different from 15% CPR would be a lot better relative value tool. The
option adjusted spread (OAS) can account for these features.
Note that the Z-spread can give quite different (and often misleading) relative value signals
compared to the OAS because of the former’s dependency on the level of rates and
volatility. For example, consider the strong directionality between Z-spreads on 5.50% 5/1
hybrid security and the level of rates in (Figure 1). On the other hand LOAS of the same 5/1
hybrid coupon bears no correlation with the level of rates (Figure 2).

Bond-equivalent yield on a pass-through security is computed so that it is comparable to a yield computed on a coupon security paying semi-annual
interest, calculated to the settlement date.
RMBS Trading Desk Strategy

Figure 1: Z-Spreads of Benchmark 5/1 Hybrid ARM Security vs. Level of Rates

85 5.4

80 5.2


Z-Spread (bps)

Yield (%)


60 4.2

55 4











FNAR 5.50% 5/1 10-yr Tsy Yield

Source: Banc of America Securities

Figure 2: OAS of Benchmark 5/1 Hybrid ARM Security vs. Level of Rates

25 5.4


OAS (bps)

Yield (%)



0 4












FNAR 5.50% 5/1 10-yr Tsy Yield

Source: Banc of America Securities

Recent Valuations of Hybrid ARMs under Different Metrics

As discussed above, standard relative value metrics used in the market for hybrid valuations
include Z-spread; BEEM; OAS to reset; and OAS to maturity. OAS to reset and BEEM are
especially very popular amongst investors for gauging relative value in seasoned hybrids.
Figure 3 compares relative value between different hybrids based on these relative value

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From the figure we see that seasoned hybrids trade through new hybrids in terms of Z-
spread. This however, does not reflect any relative value opportunity. The tighter spread on
the seasoned hybrid merely reflects the fact that a higher percentage of its value is coming
from its tail, which the Z-spread fails to capture due to its construction. The Z-spread is
based on 15% CPR to balloon date and hence, completely overlooks the tail contribution.
Figure 3 also shows the BEEM for the selected bonds based on a 15% CPR for life as well
as prepayment projections from our model. Notice how significantly the BEEM declines as
we use a more realistic prepayment vector in place of 15% CPR for life. From a relative
value perspective, the inability of BEEM to account for the option cost results in securities
with lower option cost appearing rich relative to those with higher option cost (all else being
equal). For example, the 5.5% seasoned 5/1 hybrid ARM (36 MTR) with a 5/2/5 cap
structure looks a few bps tighter than the corresponding bond with a 2/2/5 cap structure in
terms of BEEM.
Finally, OAS to reset has similar limitations as the Z-spread since it ignores the contribution
of the tail. The seasoned 5/1 hybrid ARMs (36 MTR) with a 5/2/5 cap have a tighter OAS
to reset than the corresponding 5/1s with a 2/2/5 cap across the three coupons, even though
all of them have same OAS to maturity. This occurs as a result of the higher tail valuation
for the former group due to a favorable cap structure. In this case, the tighter OAS to reset
on the 5/1 ARMs with a 5/2/5 cap structure does not imply richer valuations; it simply
reflects the limitation of OAS to reset in reflecting the higher tail value on the 5/2/5 cap.
Similarly, the 5.5% seasoned 5/1 hybrid ARM (36 MTR) has a tighter OAS to reset than the
newly issued 3/1 hybrid ARM in spite of having a wider OAS to maturity. Again, the tighter
OAS to reset compensates for the higher tail valuations on the 5/1s and is not an indicator of
richer valuations. A more fundamental question while analyzing the tail valuations of these
securities is the reason behind the higher tail value on the 5/1s. Even though both securities
have 36 months-to-roll, they have a different prepayment profile. Seasoned 5/1s will
initially prepay faster than the new 3/1s; however, as the 3/1s season, their prepayment
speeds will be faster than the 5/1s resulting in a smaller factor at reset. The combination of
higher baseline speeds and the smaller factor at reset on 3/1s reduces its tail value when
compared to seasoned 5/1s. This difference in the tail value between the 3/1s and the
seasoned 5/1s fades from 4 ticks on the 5.5% coupon to 2 ticks on the 4.5% coupon. The
reduction in tail value difference as we move down from the 5.5% coupon to the 4.5%
coupon occurs because the likelihood of the 3/1 and seasoned 5/1 ARMs hitting their cap
increases (since they both have a 2% initial cap). Both these securities may become a
discount if their rates hit the cap and because the factor on the 5/1 ARM is more than that
on the 3/1, it hurts the 5/1 tail valuations more. The likelihood of hitting the cap reduces if
the cap structure changes to a 5/2/5 cap. This is why the 5/1 ARM with the 5/2/5 cap
structure has a fairly stable tail value across different coupons.
To summarize, a tighter OAS to reset does reflect a higher tail valuation but not necessarily
a richer tail valuation. OAS to maturity is a more comprehensive measure of relative value
and we recommend using it over Z-spread, BEEM and OAS to reset - all of which fail to
fully capture the tail value in a hybrid ARM.

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Figure 3: Hybrid Tail Valuations

As of 10/12/06 close for 10/23/06 settle
BEEM BEEM Price to OAS to OAS to Tail Value Tail Value
Hybrid Coupon Caps MTR Z-Spread (15% CPR) (BOA 6.0) Price Reset Maturity Reset (ticks) (bps)
5/1 5.5% 5/2/5 60 71 60 25 99-28+ 99-16 15 0 12+ 15
5/1 5.5% 5/2/5 36 47 80 27 100-08+ 99-17+ 25 -17 23 42
5/1 5.5% 2/2/5 36 50 82 30 100-06 99-17+ 25 -12 20+ 37
3/1 5.5% 2/2/6 36 52 84 24 100-05 99-20+ 22 -6 16+ 28

BEEM BEEM Price to OAS to OAS to Tail Value Tail Value

Hybrid Coupon Caps MTR Z-Spread (15% CPR) (BOA 6.0) Price Reset Maturity Reset (ticks) (bps)
5/1 5.0% 5/2/5 60 63.4 55 20 98-20+ 98-06 15 -1 14+ 16
5/1 5.0% 5/2/5 36 35.9 75 24 99-14 98-21+ 25 -16 24+ 41
5/1 5.0% 2/2/5 36 42.6 77 29 99-09+ 98-21+ 25 -9 20 34
3/1 5.0% 2/2/6 36 42.5 78 20 99-09 98-23+ 20 -9 17+ 29

BEEM BEEM Price to OAS to OAS to Tail Value Tail Value

Hybrid Coupon Caps MTR Z-Spread (15% CPR) (BOA 6.0) Price Reset Maturity Reset (ticks) (bps)
5/1 4.5% 5/2/5 60 62 54 15 97-07 96-23+ 14 -3 15+ 17
5/1 4.5% 5/2/5 36 31 72 21 98-15+ 97-22 25 -16 25+ 41
5/1 4.5% 2/2/5 36 44 72 26 98-08 97-22 25 -4 18 29
3/1 4.5% 2/2/6 36 44 73 18 98-07 97-23 20 -5 16 25
Note: Tail value (ticks) refers to the above par value of the tail at the time of reset discounted back to the time of purchase of the security. It is computed by pricing
the hybrid at constant OAS to maturity and to reset and then taking the difference in the two prices. Tail value (bps) is the difference between OAS to maturity and
OAS to reset. More on this follows in the next section.
Source: Banc of America Securities

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The subject of tail valuation in hybrids has received significant attention recently. This has
happened primarily due to an unprecedented level of discount seasoned hybrids resetting in
2006. With the recent prepayment data showing higher than 20% factors at reset on
seasoned 3/1 hybrids, investors have been forced to take a hard look at hybrid tails.
Currently, market participants are not only trying to explore relative value opportunities
between seasoned and new origination pools, but are also evaluating relative value between
different cap structures and coupons. In this section, we review the fundamentals of tail
valuation in hybrids and highlight some of the common pitfalls that investors need to be
aware of from a relative value standpoint.

Tail Valuation without Caps

To get some insight into the value of the tail, consider the following two securities: 1) a
hybrid security indexed off 1-year LIBOR with zero net margin; and 2) a hybrid security
indexed off 1-year LIBOR with 170 bps net margin. Let us also assume that there are no
caps or floors and that prepayment speeds are identical on both the hybrid securities. The
only difference between these two securities comes from the additional 170 bps interest that
the holder of the second security receives during the floating rate period of the hybrid
If the appropriate discount rate for the cash flows of these two securities is equal to the 1-
year LIBOR rate, the tail of the first security should be worth par on the first reset date as
well as on every annual reset date (ignoring small deviations resulting from payment
delays), since it represents a pure floater. The owner of the second security, in addition to
receiving all the cash flows received by the owner of the first security, receives 170 bps of
interest during the floating rate period. Conceptually, this is equivalent to the second
security owner holding the first security and an IO strip with a coupon payment of 170 bps.
The notional principal of the IO strip will be equal to the remaining principal balance of the
security at the time of the first reset. In this example, the incremental value of the tail above
par at first reset is simply equal to the value of this IO strip.
A number of factors influence the present value of this IO strip when an investor is
considering buying a hybrid security.

• First, the outstanding principal balance at the first reset and how it reduces over the
remaining life of the underlying mortgage through scheduled and unscheduled
principal payments will naturally influence the total cash flows due to this IO strip. All
else being equal, the higher the outstanding balance at the first reset and the slower
subsequent prepayment speeds, the higher will be the value of the IO strip.
• Second, the size of the net margin is obviously important. All else equal, the higher the
net margin, the higher the total cash flows due to the IO strip. However, the tail value
generally increases by less than what one would expect for a given increase in the net
margin because a higher margin usually leads to faster prepayments on the collateral.
• Third, although we ignored caps and floors in this simplified example, they will impact
the value of the IO strip in actual hybrid securities because caps and floors can
effectively alter the cash flows due to the IO strip.
So far, we have considered the value of the IO strip at first reset. i.e., how far above par is

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the tail worth at the time of first reset? Now, let us consider the value of all the tail cash
flows at the time of buying a hybrid security. The tail cash flows on the hybrid security may
be thought of as consisting of two components: a security paying back the remaining
outstanding principal on the first reset date and a forward IO strip which starts generating
cash flows after the first reset. Usually, market participants refer to the value of the IO strip
discounted to the time of the purchase of a security as the “tail value”.
The tail value, as defined above, usually decreases as the length of the first reset period
increases. This is largely because of the lower remaining balances of longer hybrids at first
reset. The discounting of tail cash flows over a longer period of time also reduces the value
of the tail on longer hybrids relative to the value of the tail on comparable short hybrid
products. Thus, 3/1s usually have higher tail values than 5/1s and 7/1s, and 5/1s have higher
tail values than 7/1s.
Figure 4 shows our estimates of the value of the tail of several hybrid securities. Note that
the “tail value” here simply means the above par value of the tail at first reset discounted to
the time of purchase of the security. It can be estimated using either of the following two
approaches: a) the difference between the OAS computed with and without the balloon
payment assumption at first reset; or, b) the difference between the constant OAS prices of
a hybrid security with and without the balloon payment assumption at first reset. In the first
approach, the dollar price of the security is kept constant and two OAS values referred to as
“OAS to reset” and “OAS to maturity” are calculated. The “OAS to reset” is calculated
using model determined prepay vectors for the time until the first reset followed by a
balloon payment at the first reset. The “OAS to maturity” is calculated using model
projections of prepayment speeds until final maturity of the security. The tail value can then
be obtained by taking the difference between the “OAS to maturity” and the “OAS to
reset”. In the second approach, the “OAS to maturity” of a hybrid security is calculated first
at market price of the security and then the price of the security is recalculated at the same
OAS, but assuming that the remaining outstanding balance will be prepaid at first reset
(“Price to reset”). The difference between the market price and the price to reset represents
the “tail value”.

Figure 4: Tail Value of Selected Hybrid ARM Securities

As of 10/12/06 close for 10/23/06 settle
OAS to OAS to
Maturity Reset Tail Value Tail Value
Hybrid Coupon (bps) (bps) (bps) (ticks)
3/1 5.25 18 -12 30 18+
5.50 20 -10 30 18
5.75 21 -10 31 17+
6.00 21 -10 31 17+
5/1 5.25 14 -3 17 14+
5.50 15 -2 17 13+
5.75 16 1 15 12+
6.00 18 4 14 11
7/1 5.25 13 3 10 11+
5.50 15 5 10 10
5.75 18 9 9 8+
6.00 19 11 8 7+
Source: Banc of America Securities

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Valuation of Embedded Caps in Hybrid ARMs

An important component of tail valuations involves valuing the caps embedded in the
floating leg of a hybrid security. There are three types of caps in hybrids: the first reset cap,
the periodic cap and the life-time cap. These caps not only determine the magnitude of the
cash flows received by investors during the tail or the floating leg of the hybrid, but also add
some duration to the underlying hybrid security.
Several factors work together in determining the value of the caps. They include: 1)
outstanding balance of the hybrid security during the period when caps are effective; 2)
implied volatility levels; 3) level of interest rates and the shape of the yield curve; 4) length
of the fixed-leg of the security; and, 5) the actual cap structure.
The value of the caps embedded in a hybrid security clearly depends on the outstanding
balance of the underlying security when caps are hit. To understand why, let us consider a 0
WALA, 5/1 hybrid security issued today. Over the fixed-rate period of 5-years, the face
value of the hybrid security decreases because of both the scheduled and unscheduled
amortizations of underlying mortgages. Because caps are applicable on the outstanding
balance of principal at any point of time, the value of caps declines when the outstanding
balance of the security decreases. The faster amortization schedule of higher coupon
securities implies that caps on these securities should usually have less value than those on
lower coupon securities
The value of caps can also change based on the implied volatility levels in the market even
when outstanding balance of the underlying security remains the same. For instance, a first
reset cap on a 5/1 hybrid is nothing but a payer swaption on a 1-year rate with an option
expiration of 5 years. As discussed above, the notional value of the swaption depends on the
scheduled and unscheduled principal payments. The mortgage holder (borrower) has
effectively purchased this payer swaption, while the investor in hybrids is short this
swaption. Naturally, the value of this swaption is higher when volatility is higher. Thus, all
else equal, the value of embedded caps increases with a rise in implied volatilities in the
The first reset cap is set based on the interest rates at the time of origination. If rates rise
after hybrid loans are originated, caps will be more in-the-money. In addition, prepayments
are likely to decline with the rise in rates, which results in higher principal balances at reset
dates. Both of these effects boost the value of embedded caps. On the other hand, when
rates decline, caps will be less in-the-money and prepayment speeds rise resulting in lower
principal balances at reset dates, which together decrease the value of embedded caps. The
steepness of the curve also impacts the value of caps. When the curve is steep, the implied
1-year forward rates at different reset dates will be higher which indicates that there is a
higher probability that caps will be in-the-money.
The length of the fixed-leg of the hybrid also impacts the value of a cap because of the
complex relationship between prepayments over the fixed-leg, implied 1-year forward rates
at reset dates and the time value of the embedded cap. Hybrids are likely to have less
outstanding balance with a longer fixed-rate leg, which decreases the value of embedded
caps. On the other hand, embedded caps are similar to swaptions with different maturities
and expirations as discussed above. As the length of the fixed-rate leg of the hybrid
increases, the time to expiration of options implied by the embedded caps lengthens which

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increases the value of embedded caps. Similarly, implied 1-year forward rates at the time of
reset also change when length of the fixed-rate leg changes, which in turn has an impact on
the value of embedded caps.
Finally, the actual cap structure itself affects the value of a cap. Clearly, a 2/2/5 cap will
have higher value than that of a 5/2/5 cap on the same collateral. In other words, a security
with a 2/2/5 cap will be worth less than a security with a 5/2/5 cap. Note also that the
difference between the values of the two cap structures keeps changing as interest rates
move. Figure 5 shows our model based pay up for different coupon 5/1 hybrids with a 5/2/5
cap structure vs. their 2/2/5 counterparts. Note that the pay up for higher initial cap
decreases as the coupon increases.

Figure 5: Impact of Cap Structure on the Hybrid Value

As of 10/12/06 close for 10/23/06 settle
OAS to 5/2/5 vs.
Maturity 2/2/5 Tail
Hybrid Coupon (bps) (ticks)
5/1 5.25 14 5
5.50 15 4
5.75 16 3
6.00 18 2
Source: Banc of America Securities

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Figures 6 and 7 show different risk characteristics of hybrid and fixed-rate MBS products.
There are some substantial differences between the risk exposures of hybrid and fixed-rate
products as noted below.
1. Effective Duration: Effective duration is a measure of the price sensitivity of a
security to interest rate changes. For the same coupon rate, the effective duration
of hybrid securities increases with time to reset and hybrids usually have less
duration than that of 15-year and 30-year securities. The effective duration of 3/1s
is about 2 years and relative value players frequently compare their valuations
with the valuations of 2-year agency debentures and 2-year AAA bonds backed by
credit cards, CMBS and home equity loans. 5/1 hybrids have effective durations
that are comparable to the effective durations of short PACs and premium 15-year
pass-throughs. 7/1 and 10/1 hybrids have effective durations that are similar to the
effective durations of equal coupon 15-year pass-throughs.
2. Negative Convexity: For the same coupon, short to medium reset hybrids have
much better convexity characteristics than 15-year and 30-year fixed-rate
mortgages (i.e., hybrids are less negatively convex than 15-year and 30-year pass-
throughs). This is a direct consequence of the prepayment behavior of hybrid
securities. Prepayment speeds on hybrids are much faster than those of fixed-rate
products in a discount environment. However, peak prepayment speeds of hybrids
are slower than prepayments on fixed-rate mortgages in a heavy refinancing
environment. Thus, hybrids provide both extension and refinancing risk
protection, which is reflected in their lower negative convexity. The lower
negative convexity of hybrids also results in their lower option costs (equal to the
difference between ZVOAS and OAS) relative to the option cost of fixed rate
mortgages. The negative convexity of hybrids is also improved by the absence of
an active forward market in hybrid ARMs, which makes hybrid mortgage rates
stickier than those on fixed rate mortgages.
3. Exposure to the Curve Shape: An important risk factor embedded in investing in
hybrids over fixed-rate products is the relative impact of curve shape on these
products. Figure 7 shows the key rate partial durations with respect to swap rates
for selected hybrids and fixed rate MBS. The bracketed terms are the normalized
partial durations (partial duration/effective duration) and indicate the relative
percentage contribution of each key rate to the overall price change. A few salient
observations from this figure are as follows:
• Hybrids are generally more price sensitive to the shorter end of the yield
curve than are fixed rate MBS.
• While 3/1s have more exposure to the 2-year rate, 5/1s and 7/1s are more
sensitive to the 5-year rate.
• Usually, higher coupons have more exposure than lower coupons to the
short end of the yield curve.
Since hybrids have more exposure to the shorter end of the curve, in a bear-
flattening scenario, all else equal, their prices are hurt more relative to equal
duration 15-year securities. On the other hand, in a bull-steepener scenario (where

RMBS Trading Desk Strategy

the short term rates decline more than the long term rates), hybrids appreciate
more in price relative to15-years.
4. Volatility Exposure: Figure 6 shows volatility durations of hybrids and fixed-rate
products. The volatility duration shown here is defined as the change in the price
of a security (in cents) per 1 bp change in the implied volatility of a representative
swaption. The volatility exposure of hybrids is strongly dependent on the length of
the initial reset period and usually increases with the length of the reset period.
The volatility exposure of hybrids also differs from that of 15-year and 30-year
fixed-rate products because they are exposed to different parts of the volatility
surface. For instance, the volatility exposure of current coupon 30-year fixed-rate
mortgages is frequently hedged using 3yr*7yr, 3yr*10yr or 5yr*10yr swaptions.
The appropriate swaptions to use for hedging a hybrid security will have shorter
expiration and maturities than the swaptions used for hedging fixed-rate
mortgages. The presence of caps adds an additional complexity to hedging the
volatility exposure of hybrids. For instance, a first reset cap on a 5/1 hybrid is
nothing but a payer swaption on a 1-year rate with an option expiration of 5 years
(i.e., 5yr*1yr swaption) as explained before.

Figure 6: Risk Measures for Hybrids and Fixed-rate MBS (10/12/06)

Option Effective Effective Volatility

Coupon Price OAS ZVOAS Cost Duration Convexity Duration
3/1 5.00 99.34 18 32 14 1.9 -0.6 0.8
5.50 100.23 20 34 14 1.6 -0.7 0.8
6.00 101.04 21 34 13 1.3 -0.8 0.8
5/1 5.00 98.67 15 34 19 2.6 -0.9 1.5
5.50 99.93 15 38 23 2.1 -1.2 1.5
6.00 100.86 18 42 23 1.6 -1.2 1.4
7/1 5.00 97.86 13 38 25 3.3 -1.1 2.2
5.50 99.39 15 47 33 2.7 -1.4 2.3
6.00 100.55 19 55 36 2.1 -1.5 2.1
10/1 5.00 96.95 2 38 36 4.2 -1.3 3.3
5.50 98.89 3 50 47 3.3 -1.8 3.4
6.00 100.32 8 61 53 2.5 -2.0 3.0
15 Year 5.00 97.77 -16 17 33 3.6 -1.2 2.5
5.50 99.53 -17 28 46 3.0 -1.7 2.9
6.00 101.13 -15 39 54 2.2 -2.1 3.0
30 Year 5.00 95.47 -9 39 49 5.3 -1.4 3.9
5.50 97.94 -11 50 62 4.3 -2.0 4.5
6.00 100.00 -11 66 77 3.2 -2.5 4.5
Source: Banc of America Securities

RMBS Trading Desk Strategy

Figure 7: Key Rate Partial Durations of Hybrids and Fixed-rate MBS (10/12/06)

Partial Duration
Coupon Price
2 Year 5 Year 10 Year 30 Year
3/1 5.00 99.34 1.42 (74%) 0.61 (32%) -0.04 -(2%) -0.08 -(4%)
5.50 100.23 1.42 (86%) 0.44 (27%) -0.10 -(6%) -0.11 -(7%)
6.00 101.04 1.39 (101%) 0.29 (21%) -0.16 -(11%) -0.15 -(11%)
5/1 5.00 98.67 1.01 (38%) 1.73 (65%) 0.04 (2%) -0.14 -(5%)
5.50 99.93 1.09 (51%) 1.35 (63%) -0.12 -(5%) -0.20 -(9%)
6.00 100.86 1.12 (68%) 0.99 (60%) -0.24 -(15%) -0.23 -(14%)
7/1 5.00 97.86 0.84 (25%) 1.85 (55%) 0.83 (25%) -0.17 -(5%)
5.50 99.39 0.97 (36%) 1.52 (56%) 0.45 (17%) -0.23 -(9%)
6.00 100.55 1.04 (50%) 1.15 (56%) 0.14 (7%) -0.27 -(13%)
10/1 5.00 96.95 0.72 (17%) 1.34 (32%) 2.26 (54%) -0.11 -(3%)
5.50 98.89 0.88 (26%) 1.15 (34%) 1.52 (45%) -0.20 -(6%)
6.00 100.32 0.99 (39%) 0.91 (36%) 0.86 (34%) -0.25 -(10%)
15 Year 4.50 95.91 0.64 (15%) 1.53 (37%) 1.87 (46%) 0.07 (2%)
5.00 97.77 0.75 (20%) 1.41 (38%) 1.50 (41%) 0.02 (0%)
5.50 99.53 0.87 (29%) 1.21 (40%) 0.99 (33%) -0.07 -(2%)
6.00 101.13 0.97 (43%) 1.01 (45%) 0.45 (20%) -0.16 -(7%)
30 Year 5.00 95.47 0.56 (11%) 1.20 (23%) 2.57 (48%) 0.97 (18%)
5.50 97.94 0.72 (17%) 1.12 (26%) 1.93 (44%) 0.59 (14%)
6.00 100.00 0.90 (28%) 0.94 (29%) 1.18 (36%) 0.25 (8%)
6.50 101.58 0.99 (52%) 0.65 (34%) 0.38 (20%) -0.12 -(7%)
Source: Banc of America Securities

RMBS Trading Desk Strategy


Recently, the investor base in hybrids has expanded substantially because of the natural
extension protection and wider spreads offered by hybrids relative to fixed-rate mortgage
products. Hybrid ARM securities are a popular investment vehicle for banks, REITS,
insurance companies, money managers and hedge funds. Figure 8 shows a list of typical
investors in agency hybrid ARM sector for different reset hybrids along with the investors’
rational to invest in these securities. Further, Hybrid ARMs are expected to gain more
visibility among the index trackers after their inclusion in the Lehman Brothers’ U.S.
Aggregate Index in April 2007.

Figure 8: Buyers of Agency Hybrid ARMs

Hybrid ARM Investor Rationale

3/1 REITs If they are whole pool but not exclusively. Provide good yield for a
short duration asset. Many buy higher coupons w/less duration w/the
thought that if the market sells off that dollar prices are more protected.
Also, the profile of the borrower is more short term than other hybrids
implying that market rates would have to move significantly in order for the
borrower to change his financing horizon.
Banks Good short duration asset if it looks attractive vs. their funding.
Money Managers Will play if a good short duration alternative to CMOs and the like.
Hedge Funds

5/1 REITs If they are whole pool but not exclusively. Provide good yield for a
short duration asset. Many buy higher coupons w/less duration w/the
thought that if the market sells off that dollar prices are more protected.
Also, the profile of the borrower is more short term than other hybrids
implying that market rates would have to move significantly in order for the
borrower to change his financing horizon.
Banks Good short duration asset if it looks attractive vs. their funding.
Money Managers Will play if a good short duration alternative to CMOs and the like.
Hedge Funds

7/1 Banks Good short duration asset if it looks attractive vs. their funding. Not all
banks go out this far but there are some that do.
Money Managers
Insurance Companies
Hedge Funds

Hybrid ARMs for Extension Protection

Generally, investors with well-defined liabilities are very sensitive about managing the
interest rate exposure of their assets. An important concern for these investors about fixed-
rate mortgages is that they carry substantial extension and prepayment risks. Hybrid ARMs
provide an excellent hedge against extension risk because the time horizon of hybrid
borrowers is typically shorter than that of 30-year fixed-rate mortgage borrowers. In
addition, empirical data show that prepayment speeds on hybrid pools pickup around the
first reset providing natural extension protection. The pay-up for extension protection is
usually cheaper in the hybrid market relative to that in the CMO market as well. Finally,
hybrid ARMs also provide better prepayment protection in a heavy refinancing

Figure 9 shows the effect of instantaneous rises in rates (holding the OAS constant) on the

RMBS Trading Desk Strategy

effective duration and the weighted average life (WAL) of close to par-priced hybrid ARMs
and 15-year pass-throughs. As expected, the effective durations of hybrids extend a lot less
than those of 15-years. For example, for a 100 bps increase in the rates, the effective
durations of 3/1 and 5/1 par coupon hybrids extend by 0.5 years and 0.9 years respectively,
while a comparable 15-year pass-through extends by 1.2 years.

Figure 9: Effect on Instantaneous Rate Rises on Hybrids and 15-years (10/12/06)

0 bps +25 bps +50 bps +75 bps +100 bps
FNAR 5.25% 3/1 WAL 2.71 2.80 2.88 2.96 3.04
(Price = 99-26+) Eff. Dur 1.80 1.90 2.10 2.20 2.30
FNAR 5.50% 5/1 WAL 3.52 3.76 3.98 4.15 4.27
(Price = 99-29+) Eff. Dur 2.10 2.40 2.70 2.90 3.00
FNAR 5.75% 7/1 WAL 4.04 4.52 4.89 5.17 5.35
(Price = 99-31) Eff. Dur 2.40 2.80 3.10 3.40 3.60
FNCI 5.50% WAL 5.49 5.75 5.89 5.96 6.11
(Price = 99-17) Eff. Dur 3.00 3.40 3.80 4.00 4.20
Source: Banc of America Securities

In addition to providing extension protection in rates back up scenarios, short reset hybrids
are a good hedge against housing slowdown which in turn can lead to slower turnover
speeds. In Figure 10, we show the impact of 20% and 40% slower housing turnover relative
to our model projections on the prices of some discount hybrids and 15-year fixed rate
securities. To put things into perspective, a 20% and 40% drop in housing turnover relative
to our model projections correspond to a slowdown of 1% - 1.2% and 2.1% - 2.4%
respectively in long term prepayment speeds of 15-years; while, the corresponding numbers
for hybrids range from 0.9% - 1.2% and 1.8% - 2.5% respectively.
If realized turnover speeds are 40% lower than our model turnover speeds, 15-year
discounts will be worth 3+ to 11 ticks less (on an equal OAS basis). In contrast to fixed rate
MBS, short reset hybrids actually appreciate in value at slower turnover speeds. For
example, 4.5% to 5.0% 3/1 hybrids gain 4-5 ticks corresponding to a 40% drop from our
model turnover speeds. The intuition behind this price gain is as follows. As in the case of
fixed rate MBS, the impact of slower turnover speeds on hybrids is negative during their
fixed rate period. However, slower prepayment speeds in the fixed rate period also lead to a
larger pool factor at reset and also implies slower post reset speeds, both of which enhance
the value of the hybrid tail. Overall, the impact of slower turnover speeds is positive for
short reset hybrids. However, the positive impact of slower turnover speeds on a hybrid
value fades as the length of initial reset increases. This is due to combined effect of longer
fixed rate period and reduced tail contribution in longer reset hybrids.

RMBS Trading Desk Strategy

Figure 10: Impact of Slower Turnover Speeds on Hybrids and 15-years

Constant OAS Prices at Slower Turnover Constant OAS Price Change
MBS OAS Price 20% Less Turnover 40% Less Turnover 20% Less Turnover 40% Less Turnover
FNCI 4.5% -16 95-29 95-23+ 95-18 -0-5+ -0-11
FNCI 5.0% -16 97-24+ 97-21 97-17+ -0-3+ -0-7
FNCI 5.5% -17 99-17 99-15+ 99-13+ -0-1+ -0-3+
4.50% 3/1 18 98-09 98-11 98-13+ 0-2 0-4+
4.75% 3/1 19 98-26 98-28 98-31 0-2 0-5
5.00% 3/1 18 99-11 99-13+ 99-16+ 0-2+ 0-5+
4.75% 5/1 14 98-00 98-00 98-00+ 0-0 0-0+
5.00% 5/1 15 98-21+ 98-22 98-23 0-0+ 0-1+
5.25% 5/1 14 99-11 99-12 99-13 0-1 0-2
Source: Banc of America Securities

Hybrid ARMs for Relative Value Players

From a relative value perspective, investors consider hybrids as an alternative to short
agency debentures, premium 15-year MBS, short PACs and other AAA rated structured
bonds (Figure 11). The effective duration of current coupon and premium 3/1s is less than 2
years and relative value players frequently compare the valuations of 3/1s with the
valuations of 2-year agency debentures, short PACs and 2-year AAA rated structured bonds
backed by credit cards, CMBS and home equity loans. The 5/1 hybrids have effective
durations that are comparable to the effective durations of short PACs and premium 15-year
pass-throughs, while 7/1 hybrids have effective durations that are similar to the effective
durations of equal coupon 15-year pass-throughs.

Figure 11: Spreads of Hybrid ARMs and Alternative Investments

Nominal Spread to
Swaps (bps) LOAS (bps)
FNAR 5.5% 3/1 42 24
2yr Agency Debenture -18 -18
2yr Agency PAC (FHR 3098 KB) 9 -6
2yr AAA HEL 25
2yr AAA Credit Cards -9

FNAR 5.5% 5/1 43 16

3yr Agency Debenture -17 -17
3yr Agency PAC (FHR 3165 JA) 17 -4
FNCI 6.0 45 -13

FNAR 5.75% 7/1 58 19

FNCI 5.5 34 -15
Source: Banc of America Securities

In addition, more sophisticated investors also express views on tail valuations through
trades involving seasoned vs. new origination and 5/2/5 vs. 2/2/5 cap structure. However, to
a large extent, success of these trades depends upon the ability to accurately project
outstanding factors at the reset and post reset speeds.
Finally, a large fraction of the ARM investor base invests in Agency as well as Non-
Agency ARMs. These investors employ different tools including price drops, nominal
spread pickup, and OAS pickup to gauge relative value between these two sectors.

RMBS Trading Desk Strategy


Unlike fixed rate agency pass-throughs that have a fixed coupon and variable servicing fee, a
vast majority of hybrid ARMs pay a weighted average coupon (WAC) to security holders and
have a fixed servicing fee. A fixed servicing fee in hybrid pools means that their WACs can
change over time depending upon how the individual loans within a pool pay down. We first
discuss the factors that influence WAC drift followed by an analysis of historical data. We
conclude by discussing the implications of WAC drift from a valuation standpoint.

Drivers of WAC Drift

The direction of WAC drift over time is generally downwards. This is because loans with
higher mortgage rates (“note rate”) tend to prepay faster due to greater incentive to the
underlying borrowers. All else being equal, higher WAC drift can be expected for pools with
higher note rate dispersion.
The WAC drift of a pool is also affected by changes in the overall rate environment that the
pool experiences as it seasons. For a given note rate dispersion, the WAC drift of a pool is
highest when it stays close to par and can be expected to slow down when it becomes a deep
discount or a deep premium.
Another factor that can affect WAC drift is the dispersion in loan age. For newly originated
pools, the effect of loan age dispersion on WAC drift may be in either direction depending
upon the interest rate environment at the time of creating a pool. For a given age dispersion, a
pool created in a rising rate environment will have seasoned loans with lower note rates. These
seasoned loans, despite having lower note rates, may prepay faster as they are further along the
seasoning ramp and thus cause the WAC to drift upwards. In contrast, if a pool is created in a
declining rate environment, it will have more seasoned loans with higher note rates causing the
WAC to drift downwards. For pools close to reset, the drift could be in either direction
depending upon whether the reset rates are higher or lower than the initial rates of the resetting

Empirical Evidence on WAC Drift

WAC drift and its standard deviation at selected WALAs before reset are shown in Figure 12
for the entire population of FNMA and FHLMC 5/1 and 3/1 hybrid pools5. All summary
statistics are computed as weighted averages. We can summarise our key conclusions from the
data as follows:

• For both 3/1 and 5/1 pools, on average, WAC drift tends to be downwards and its
magnitude increases with age6. The increase in the magnitude of downward drift with age
is caused by an increase in cumulative prepayments.
• The standard deviation of WAC drift increases gradually with time. However, in the case
of FNMA 5/1s, the standard deviation increases significantly at WALA 48 months.
• In general, FNMA 5/1s have higher weighted average WAC drift and standard deviation

Note that we use gross WAC to carry out drift calculations. Since the servicing fee on the ARM pools is constant, there will be a one to one
correspondence between the gross WAC drift and net WAC (coupon being passed to security holders) drift.
Note that the populations across selected WALAs are overlapping but not identical. For example, all WALA 48 pools are part of WALA 36 and
lower WALA populations but the converse is not true. Our conclusion does not change even when we compare the same pools across different
RMBS Trading Desk Strategy

than FHLMC 5/1s. However, FNMA/FHLMC differences are less pronounced in case of
3/1 hybrids.
The higher weighted average standard deviation of WAC drift at WALA 48 months in FNMA
5/1s relative to FHLMC 5/1s can be explained by relatively higher loan age dispersion in the
former. Here we measure the weighted average loan age dispersion in a pool as the difference
between the maximum and minimum loan age (see Figure 13). At WALA 48, FNMA 5/1s
have a weighted average loan age dispersion of 16.3 months compared to 5.4 months for
FHLMC. The higher loan age dispersion at WALA 48 means that some of the loans have
already reset in the FNMA pools or are approaching reset (i.e., generally experiencing faster
prepayments). Both these effects could cause the standard deviation of WAC drift to increase.
However, loan age dispersion for newer 0agency production is actually very comparable
between the two agencies.

Figure 12: WAC Drift in Agency Hybrids (Issue WAC – Current WAC)

FNMA 5/1s FHLMC 5/1s

Average Std. Dev of Average Std. Dev of
WAC Drift WAC Drift WAC Drift WAC Drift
WALA (bps) (bps) WALA (bps) (bps)
12 2 2.4 12 0 4.2
24 3 4.8 24 2 5.1
36 4 7.4 36 3 6.4
48 5 20.7 48 3 9.0

FNMA 3/1s FHLMC 3/1s

Average Std. Dev of Average Std. Dev of
WAC Drift WAC Drift WAC Drift WAC Drift
WALA (bps) (bps) WALA (bps) (bps)
6 1 1.9 6 0 4.1
12 2 3.7 12 1 5.3
18 3 5.0 18 2 6.4
24 4 8.4 24 2 7.4
30 4 12.2 30 3 9.4
Source: Banc of America Securities

Figure 13: Loan Age Dispersion in Agency Hybrids (months)

5/1 Hybrids 3/1 Hybrids

12 4.0 1.9 6 3.1 1.2
24 6.9 2.0 12 3.3 1.2
36 10.3 2.4 18 3.8 1.3
48 16.3 5.4 24 5.2 1.6
30 6.1 1.8
Source: Banc of America Securities

Another interesting observation regarding WAC drift can be seen in Figure 14, which shows
that WAC drift distribution has a very high skew towards the right. This implies that it is more
likely for the WAC to drift downwards than upwards.
To conclude, empirical data suggest that on an average WAC of hybrids decreases steadily
with time by up to 4 bps to 5 bps over a three to four year period. While the average drift is
quite small, the increasing standard deviation of the drift with time and the presence of right-

RMBS Trading Desk Strategy

skewed WAC distributions in ARM pools imply that the risk of receiving lower payments than
the payments indicated by initial coupon on individual pools can be significant. For instance,
using the WAC drift data of FNMA 5/1s from Figure 12, if a hybrid pool is one standard
deviation away from the mean value of WAC drift, its coupon will be lower by 4.4 bps; 7.8
bps; 11.4 bps and 25.7 bps at WALA 12; 24; 36; and 48 respectively from its initial value.
Further, in a normal distribution the probability of being off from the mean by one standard
deviation in one direction is approx. 16%. However, in this case due to a highly skewed
distribution, this probability will be higher. We estimate the loss on the value of the pool to be
6.25 ticks if the coupon drifts in the above manner.

Figure 14: WAC Drift Distribution of FNMA 5/1 Hybrids at Selected WALAs

Distribution of WAC Drift (WALA= 12 ) Distribution of WAC Drift (WALA= 24 )

Balance (Million $)

Balance (Million $)


−30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 −40 −20 0 20 40 60 80 100

WAC Drift (bps) WAC Drift (bps)

Distribution of WAC Drift (WALA= 36 ) Distribution of WAC Drift (WALA= 48 )

Balance (Million $)

Balance (Million $)

0 4000

−100 −50 0 50 100 −100 −50 0 50 100 150

WAC Drift (bps) WAC Drift (bps)

Source: Banc of America Securities

The Magic of Diversification

The potential risk of WAC drift implies that investors should expect some extra compensation
for holding hybrids or other ARM products. However, the risk of WAC drift as highlighted
above is an overstatement of the true risk. This is so because the risk of WAC drift is
diversifiable and can be reduced significantly through increasing exposure to more number
and/or larger sized pools. Hence, for large investors the risk is much lower than what the
above analysis suggests. To illustrate this point, we repeat our calculations to estimate standard
deviation of WAC drift at selected WALAs after grouping the same pools as used before into
hypothetical mega pools of size $100MM7. We compare the new results with our original
estimates of standard deviation in Figure 15. The diversification has reduced the standard
deviation of WAC drift significantly across all selected WALAs. For example, at WALA 48,

Creating mega pools reduced our sample sizes significantly across all selected WALAs. However, the reduced sample sizes were still large enough
from a statistical standpoint. For example, in case of WALA 48 FNMA 5/1s, the sample size reduced from 2,441 to 69 when we grouped the pools to
create $100 MM sized mega pools.
RMBS Trading Desk Strategy

the standard deviation has reduced from 20.7 bps to 10.5 bps for FNMA pools. Similarly, for
FHLMC pools the standard deviation has reduced from 9.0 bps to 3.1bps.
With these new risk measures if a hybrid pool is one standard deviation away from the mean
value of WAC drift, its coupon will be lower by 3.3 bps; 5.5 bps; 6.5 bps and 15.7 bps at
WALA 12; 24; 36; and 48 respectively from its initial value. In this case, we estimate the
impact on the pool value to be approximately 4 ticks. If we consider a scenario in which
coupon is lower from the mean by two standard deviations throughout, then the impact on the
pool value is 6 ticks. Hence, a 4-6 ticks range represents an upper bound on the impact of WAC
drift based on the empirical evidence. A couple of corollaries of the above result are as follows:

• The maximum pay-up for LA prefix hybrids (FNMA hybrids with a fixed coupon)
should be 4-6 ticks.
• Since most models price hybrids based on a fixed coupon, they would overstate the
price by 4-6 ticks. Assuming that the market prices in WAC drift by demanding wider
spreads, we can attribute 5-7 bps of the OAS pickup that hybrids offer over fixed rates
to this WAC drift.

Figure 15: Impact of Diversification on WAC Drift

FNMA 5/1s FHLMC 5/1s

Std. Dev after Original Std. Dev after
Original Std. Diversification Std. Dev Diversification
WALA Dev (bps) (bps) WALA (bps) (bps)
12 2.4 1.3 12 4.2 2.9
24 4.8 2.5 24 5.1 3.0
36 7.4 2.5 36 6.4 3.1
48 20.7 10.5 48 9.0 3.1
Source: Banc of America Securities

RMBS Trading Desk Strategy


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