From Asset Swaps To Z Spreads

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Redington Asset Swaps to Z-spreads

13-15 Mallow Street

London EC1Y 8RD

020 7250 3331

RSA House 23rd September, 2010
Asset Swaps to Z-spreads

Asset Swaps to Z-spreads: Overview

• Our weekly RedVision report includes charts (such as Figure 1) which Figure 1: Historical Z-Spreads on Index-Linked Gilts
show the historical Z-spreads on selected gilts 120
• Historically, nominal and index-linked gilts yields were below nominal 100 UKTI 2.5% 20
and real swap rates respectively 80
UKTI 1.125% 37
• As a result, swaps were a very popular tool used by pension funds to 60
hedge interest rate and inflation risks: 40 UKTI 1.25% 55
o “unfunded” 0
o positive spread to gilts -20
• The historical relationship inverted in Q3 08 – gilt yields rose materially -60
above swap rates -80
• As a result: 02-Jan-07 02-Jan-08 02-Jan-09 02-Jan-10
o presently, longer dated nominal and index-linked gilts are more
attractive than swaps for interest rate and inflation hedging Figure 2: Historical Z-Spreads on Gilts
o this relationship needs monitoring to ensure that the nest 120
opportunities are captured
100 UKT 4.75% 20
The Z-spread is a theoretical spread, designed to allow a fair 80 UKT 4.75% 38
comparison between bond yields and swap rates 60
UKT 4.25% 55
• In this session, I will introduce the various building blocks necessary to
lead to an understanding of the Z-spread:
o The swap market; calculation of present values -20
o Zero coupon swaps ; the swap curve and derivation of discount -40
factors -60
o Asset swaps and different methods of asset swapping -80
o Z-spreads 02-Jan-07 02-Jan-08 02-Jan-09 02-Jan-10
o Inflation swaps & index-linked gilts
Source: Barclays Capital, Redington, Bloomberg
Asset Swaps to Z-spreads
Introduction to Swaps

Recap – What is a Swap?

Definition Figure 2: Interest Rate Swap
• A swap is an over-the-counter (“OTC”) derivative transaction where the counterparties Counterparty A
agree to exchange cash flows linked to specific market rates for a period of time
• One set of cash flows will typically be known – usually expressed as a fixed rate of interest
• The other set of cash flows will be unknown – for example, linked to short term rates or Collateral LIBOR Fixed Rate
• By definition, at the mid-market price, the present value of both sets of cash flows is the
Counterparty B
same at inception
Standardised documentation:
• International Swaps and Derivatives Association (“ISDA “) agreement
• Collateral governed by Credit Support Annex (“CSA”) Figure 3: Cash plus Interest Rate
Counterparty A
• An interest rate swap is an agreement to exchange fixed cash flows for variable cash flows
for example, 6m LIBOR1
• Cash + swap is very similar to a bond Collateral LIBOR Fixed Rate

Comparison with bonds Counterparty B

• Paying LIBOR, receiving fixed rate: has similar interest rate exposure to buying a bond
• Paying fixed rate, receiving LIBOR: has very similar interest rate exposure to being short a

Cashflows CASH
• Example: as at 5th July, 5yr GBP interest rate swap is quoted at 2.44%
• Every 6 months, in arrears, Counterparty A pays 6m LIBOR on swap notional LIBOR legs cancel out leaving
• Every 6 months, in arrears, Counterparty B pays 2.44% (at annual rate) on swap notional Counterparty B receiving a fixed
• See slide 6 for details rate

1London Interbank Offered Rate – the average calculated at 11:00am each day using a trimmed arithmetic mean (i.e. average after dropping the top and bottom
quartiles), based on submissions from a panel of contributor banks 4
Asset Swaps to Z-spreads
Present Values and Discount Factors

Recap – Calculation of Present Values; Discount Factors1

Present Value of 100 in 10 Years

at Different Discount Rates
100 7.5%
PERIOD: n years 5.0%
(1  i) n 60

This is also known as the “discount factor”

0 10

1Present value and discount factor calculations for bonds and swaps require detailed knowledge of day count and compounding conventions which is beyond the
scope of this presentation 5
Asset Swaps to Z-spreads
Interest Rate Swap Example

What is a Swap? Example: Cash Flows on a 5 year GBP Interest Rate Swap
Interest Rate Swap Cashflows
LIBOR payments - unknown
• All future cash flows on the fixed leg are known at inception
• LIBOR leg payments are unknown
• Forward LIBOR payments can be derived from the interest rate Fixed payments
swap curve (see page 9)
• Discount factors can also be derived for each payment date from
the swap curve (see page 9)
• BY DEFINITION, the present value of the fixed leg is equal to the
Periodic exchange of cash flows for life
present value of the floating leg at the time of the transaction of transaction
• Fixed rate  weighted average of forward LIBOR rates over life of

Example: 5year GBP Interest Rate Swap @ 2.44% Example: 5year GBP Interest Rate Swap @ 2.44%
Fixed Leg Floating Leg 2.0%
Discount Cash Present Cash Present 1.8%
Date 1.6%
Factor Flow Value Flow Value
07 Jan 11 0.99486 1.23% 1.22% 0.52% 0.51% 1.2%
07 Jul 11 0.98896 1.21% 1.20% 0.60% 0.59% 1.0%
09 Jan 12 0.98153 1.24% 1.22% 0.76% 0.74%
09 Jul 12 0.97235 1.22% 1.18% 0.94% 0.92%
0.6% Fixed Leg
07 Jan 13 0.96084 1.22% 1.17% 1.20% 1.15%
08 Jul 13 0.94771 1.22% 1.15% 1.38% 1.31% 0.4%
Floating Leg
07 Jan 14 0.93308 1.22% 1.14% 1.57% 1.46% 0.2%
07 Jul 14 0.91730 1.21% 1.11% 1.72% 1.58% 0.0%
07 Jan 15 0.90114 1.23% 1.11% 1.79% 1.62%
07 Jul 15 0.88439 1.21% 1.07% 1.89% 1.68%
Total 11.56% Total 11.56%
Source: Bloomberg, Redington Source: Bloomberg, Redington
Asset Swaps to Z-spreads
Introduction to Zero Coupon Swaps

What is a Zero Coupon (ZC) Swap?

ZC Interest Rate Swap Cashflows
LIBOR payments - unknown
• As for a par swap, which has semi-annual payments,
payments on a ZC swap are linked to periodic 6m LIBOR rates
and a fixed rate Fixed payments
• However, instead of semi-annual exchange of cash flows,
payments are compounded and exchanged at maturity

• Any desired cash flow profile can be structured using zero coupon
Single exchange of cash flows at end of
swaps transaction

• Zero coupon swap curve is very useful tool for calculating present
value of any series of future cash flows
• A key advantage is that it takes account of the shape of the swap
curve and uses a term specific rate for each cash flow • Fixed Leg: (1  ZCswaprate) n

• The discount factor is derived from the zero coupon swap rate (see n

box) • Floating leg:  (1  LIBOR )

i 1

• Discount factor: (1  ZCswaprate)  n

1For illustration of concepts only: actual calculations require detailed knowledge of day count and compounding conventions, which is beyond the scope of this presentation
Asset Swaps to Z-spreads
Discount Rates and Swap Curves

Discount Rates and Swap Curves

• Comparison of swaps vs. bonds: Par and Zero Coupon Swap Curves
as at 5th July, 2010
• Bonds: each coupon payment and the maturity proceeds are 3.0%
discounted using a single rate – the bond yield – in order to
obtain the dirty price
• Swaps: each cash flow discounted at a rate determined by the 2.0%
date on which it falls due
• A par swap rate is the rate on the fixed leg of a “vanilla” interest rate 1.0%
ZC Swap Rate
swap for the relevant maturity 0.5% Par Swap Rate
• Swap rates are available for any given maturity – however, liquidity and
transparency is greatest for whole number of years maturity dates 0.0%
• Zero coupon rates differ slightly from par swap rates

Term Structure of Interest Rates

Derivation of Forward LIBOR & ZC Discount Factors
Implied Zero
Forward 6m Implied Zero
Term Par Swap Rate Coupon Discount
LIBOR Rate Coupon Swap Rate
0.5 1.02% 1.02% 1.02% 0.9949
1.0 1.11% 1.20% 1.12% 0.9890
1.5 1.25% 1.49% 1.24% 0.9815
2.0 1.40% 1.89% 1.41% 0.9723
2.5 1.60% 2.40% 1.61% 0.9608
3.0 1.79% 2.78% 1.80% 0.9477
3.5 1.97% 3.13% 1.99% 0.9331
4.0 2.15% 3.47% 2.18% 0.9173
4.5 2.30% 3.56% 2.34% 0.9011
5.0 2.44% 3.82% 2.49% 0.8844

Source: Bloomberg, Redington

Asset Swaps to Z-spreads
Derivation of Discount Factors

Derivation of Discount Factor from Swap Curve

• The dark blue bars in the chart below show the semi-annual fixed rate
payments (expressed as annual rate) on a 1 year swap: 1.11%
• The first light blue bar is the 6m par swap rate: 1.02% • Present value of 1 year par swap fixed leg payments = present
• As this swap has just one cash flow, the par rate is, by definition, value of spot 6m LIBOR plus present value of 6m LIBOR 6m forward
identical to the ZC swap rate ParSwap1  DF0.5  ParSwap1  DF1  LIBOR0.5  DF0.5  LIBOR1  DF1
• The second light blue bar and the 1 year ZC discount rate are derived
from the fact that the present value of the light blue cash flows must • For zero coupon swaps, payment at maturity = compounded LIBOR
be the same as the PV of the dark blue cash flows leg – therefore:
1 1
• We find this comes to 1.20% DF1  
(1  0.5  ZCswaprate1 ) 2
(1  0.5  LIBOR0.5 )  (1  0.5  LIBOR1 )
• Similar methods are applied to find each subsequent forward LIBOR • These two equations can be combined to calculate DF1 and LIBOR1
rate and hence each zero coupon swap rate
• The same process can them be applied to calculate DF1.5 and
LIBOR1.5 in a process known as “bootstrapping”

Term Structure of Interest Rates

Derivation of Forward LIBOR & ZC Discount Factors
Implied Zero
Forward 6m Implied Zero
Term Par Swap Rate Coupon Discount
LIBOR Rate Coupon Swap Rate
0.5 1.02% 1.02% 1.02% 0.9949
1.0 1.11% 1.20% 1.12% 0.9890
1.5 1.25% 1.49% 1.24% 0.9815
2.0 1.40% 1.89% 1.41% 0.9723
2.5 1.60% 2.40% 1.61% 0.9608
3.0 1.79% 2.78% 1.80% 0.9477
3.5 1.97% 3.13% 1.99% 0.9331
4.0 2.15% 3.47% 2.18% 0.9173
4.5 2.30% 3.56% 2.34% 0.9011
5.0 2.44% 3.82% 2.49% 0.8844
Source: Bloomberg, Redington Source: Bloomberg, Redington
1For illustration of concepts only: actual calculations require detailed knowledge of day count and compounding conventions, which is beyond the scope of this presentation
Asset Swaps to Z-spreads
Introduction to Asset Swaps

What is an Asset Swap?

Overview Simplified Asset Swap
• An asset swap is a derivative transaction that results in a Bond (assume at par) Bond
change in the form of future cash flows generated by an
• In the bond markets, asset swaps typically take fixed cash Coupons
flows on a bond and exchange them for LIBOR (i.e. floating
rate payments)

Motivations for asset swapping

Collateral 6m Fixed Rate
BOND BUYER Interest Rate Swap
• Separation of interest rate and credit spread views: by
removing interest rate exposure, remaining exposure is only Counterparty
to credit spreads
• Better matching of liability cash flows Asset Swap
• Fixed coupon bonds can be issued to meet demand, whereas ASSUMPTIONS
treasury management may prefer floating rate liabilities • Bond priced at par
• Swap notional = bond notional
Simplified asset swap • Swap payment dates = bond coupon payment dates
• Buy bond at par NET CASH FLOWS for Investor
• Enter into interest rate swap with maturity matching bond • Pays 100 for bond
• Swap spread = bond yield – swap rate • Receives 6m LIBOR
• Receives (Coupon/Bond Yield – Swap Fixed Rate)
Simplest “real world” asset swap • Receives 100 maturity proceeds
• Buy bond (price above or below par) • If the bond coupon (yield) is above the swap rate, Investor
• Enter into interest rate swap with maturity matching bond ends up receiving cash flows equivalent to a floating rate bond
• Choose swap notional to duration weight with payments equal to LIBOR + swap spread
• Swap spread = bond yield – swap rate

Asset Swaps to Z-spreads
Par/Par Asset Swap - Example

What is an Asset Swap? Example: Par/Par Asset Swap

Overview Par/Par Asset Swap: cash flows Par/Par Asset Swap: ongoing
at inception and maturity cash flows
• One of several methods to address problem of bond prices departing
from par Bond Bond
• The “pull to par” is effectively amortised over the life of the bond:
o For bonds below par, yield > coupon At inception: At maturity: Coupons
o For bonds above par, yield < coupon Dirty Price 100

Method Investor Investor

• Fixed leg of interest rate swap exactly matches the bond coupons
• For a high coupon: At inception: 6m
o Bond price above par 100 – Dirty Collateral LIBOR +/- Fixed Rate =
Price Spread Coupon
o Fixed leg will be worth more than the fixed leg of an
interest rate swap at market rates Counterparty Counterparty
• For a low coupon
o Bond price below par
o Fixed leg will be worth less than the fixed leg of an ASSUMPTIONS
interest rate swap at market rates • Investor pays par for bond
• Swap notional = bond notional
• The difference between the coupon and the swap market rate is • Swap payment dates = bond coupon payment dates
offset against the amortisation of the discount or premium vs. par NET CASH FLOWS for Investor
• Pays 100 for bond, irrespective of price
The net result is the Swap spread which is added to LIBOR leg • Receives 6m LIBOR + swap spread
• Swap fixed leg payments = coupon payments
• To recap: • Receives 100 maturity proceeds
• Part of the swap spread is amortisation of bond discount or • Investor ends up receiving cash flows equivalent to a floating
premium vs. par rate bond with payments equal to LIBOR + swap spread
• Remainder of swap spread is difference between bond
coupon rate and interest swap rate
Asset Swaps to Z-spreads
Introduction to Z-spreads

We can now move on to the calculation of Z-spreads Zero Coupon Swap Curves
as at 5th July, 2010
• The Z-spread is a purely theoretical concept designed to
allow a bond yield to be compared to a swap rate as fairly as
possible 3.0%

• The Z-spread is defined as the size of the shift in the zero 2.5%

coupon swap curve such that the present value of a bond’s 2.0%

cash flows is equal to the bond’s dirty price 1.5%

1.0% ZS Swap rate +160.7bp
• Z-spreads are useful measure of asset swap relative value 0.5% ZC Swap Rate


Z-Spread Calculation - 4% 5 year GBP bond at Par
Par Swap + Z- Discount Factor
Term Par Swap Rate Bond Cash Flow Present Value
spread (160.7bp) 1.00
DF ZC Swap +160.7
0.5 1.02% 2.63% 2.00% 1.97%
1.0 1.11% 2.72% 2.00% 1.95%
1.5 1.25% 2.85% 2.00% 1.92%
2.0 1.40% 3.01% 2.00% 1.88%
2.5 1.60% 3.21% 2.00% 1.85% 0.90
3.0 1.79% 3.41% 2.00% 1.81%
3.5 1.97% 3.60% 2.00% 1.77%
4.0 2.15% 3.79% 2.00% 1.72% 0.85
4.5 2.30% 3.94% 2.00% 1.68%
5.0 2.44% 4.09% 102.00% 83.45%
100.00% 0.80

Source: Bloomberg, Redington Source: Bloomberg, Redington

Asset Swaps to Z-spreads
Introduction of Zero Coupon Inflation Swaps

What is a Zero Coupon Inflation Swap?

Definition Inflation Swap
• As for all swaps, an inflation swap is an OTC agreement where Counterparty A
the counterparties agree to exchange known cash flows for
unknown cash flows
• In the case of inflation swaps a fixed rate is exchanged for Collateral RPI Fixed Rate

Characteristics Counterparty B
• A zero coupon inflation swap is an agreement to exchange a

fixed cash flow for an unknown cash flow equal to the change
in the RPI index over the period
Unknown cash flow
Comparison with index-linked bonds => known cash flow
• The direct comparison with index-linked gilts is less
straightforward than for an interest rate swap

• Example: as at 5th July, 5yr GBP zero coupon inflation swap is
quoted at 3.20%
• After 5 years, Counterparty A pays the change in the RPI
index (= RPI5 /RPI0 ) on swap notional
• After 5 years, Counterparty B pays 3.20%, compounded for 5
years (=1.0325 = 127.7%) on swap notional THE MATHS1
• Fixed Leg: (1  ZCRPIswapraten ) n
Other forms of inflation swap
• There are other forms of inflation swap – for example with RPI n
annual inflation linked cash flows • Inflation Leg:
• The ZC swap is the most useful and common form

illustration of concepts only: actual calculations require detailed knowledge of day count and compounding conventions, inflation index publication lags & seasonality
which is beyond the scope of this presentation 13
Asset Swaps to Z-spreads
Index-Linked Gilts

Index-Linked Gilts – Real Yields, Asset Swaps and Z-Spreads

Key Features
• Index-linked gilt coupons (see chart) and principal payments
are linked to inflation (with a lag)
Real Yields
• The real yield can be calculated in two stages:
o Estimate future coupon and principal payments using
an assumed inflation rate e.g. 3% Index-Linked Gilt Coupons
o Find the interest rate at which the present value of with 3% Inflation
these payments is equal to the dirty price (i.e. price 0.60%
plus accrued) 0.58% Inflation adjustment
• Real yield = nominal yield – inflation rate1 0.56%
Stated coupon
• It turns out that the real yield is not very sensitive to small
changes in the assumed inflation rate 0.54%

• In order to do an asset swap, we need to be able to swap a
fixed rate (i.e. the coupon on a nominal bond) against a floating
rate 0.46%
• Therefore, asset swapping linkers is a two stage process: 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
o Swap inflation linked payments to fixed payments using Years
a series of zero-coupon inflation swaps, one for each Source: Redington – illustrative only
o Swap the fixed payments for floating payments using
interest rate swaps
• The Z-spread is then defined as before – i.e. the parallel shift in
the ZC swap curve such that the present value of the fixed
payments derived above is equal to the dirty price of the bond

1There are other more sophisticated ways to do this calculation

Asset Swaps to Z-spreads
Z-spreads on Government Bonds

What are Drivers of Z-Spreads on Government Bonds?

History Historical Z-Spreads on Index-Linked Gilts
• Swap rates exceeded government bond yields 120
• Key drivers: 100 UKTI 2.5% 20
o Supply & demand – note 2001 when, in UK, huge 80
UKTI 1.125% 37
quantities of long dated funding by Telcos bidding for 3G 60
40 UKTI 1.25% 55
licences moved swap spreads to >100bp
o Market participation – trend tightening of swap spreads
on back of LDI activity in mid-2000s
o Collateralised counterparty risk on mark-to-market vs. -40
government risk on coupons and principle -60
• Banking crisis inverted relationship – new paradigm? -80
02-Jan-07 02-Jan-08 02-Jan-09 02-Jan-10
Recent developments
• Banking crisis forced deleverage of bank balance sheets and Historical Sovereign Credit Default Swap Rates
extensive de-risking by hedge funds 200
• Implications France 5Y CDS
o unwinding of long bond/short swap positions Germany 5Y CDS
o natural counterparties to take advantage of dislocation
were the same way around 140
o relatively large bank holdings of index-linked gilts as 120

Spread (bps)
largest source of inflation to hedge inflation swaps 100
o issuance of inflation linked debt dried up due to issues
with monoline insurers who had wrapped much of this
• Bank balance sheets rapidly delevered – since then, other drivers: 40

o Sovereign credit risk 20

o Large budget deficits => massive supply of government 0
bonds Jul 2007 Jan 2008 Jul 2008 Jan 2009 Jul 2009 Jan 2010
o Corporate consolidations => little corporate bond supply Source: Barclays Capital, Redington, Bloomberg
Asset Swaps to Z-spreads
Z-spreads on Government Bonds (cont.)

What are Drivers of Z-Spreads on Government Bonds - continued?

Funded vs. Unfunded Exposure

• Government bonds
o Investing in a government bond results in full credit exposure to the government for both coupons and principal
o In event of default or debt restructuring, coupon and principal payments will be impaired to varying degrees

• A similar consideration applies to corporate bonds

o Balance sheet constraints resulted in corporate bond spreads widening materially more than credit default swap
rates => substantial negative basis
o Liquidity premium

• Interest rate swaps

o Interest rate swaps are unfunded
o The net present value (NPV) or price of a swap is by definition zero at inception
o Counterparty exposure arises as mark-to-market fluctuates through time
o Such exposures are fully collateralised under the terms and conditions of the CSA
o Therefore, for a loss to arise, an adverse market move AND a counterparty default are required simultaneously
o A further consideration is transactions costs associated with replacing the trade in adverse market conditions

Asset Swaps to Z-spreads
Corporate Bonds: Swap Spreads and Credit Spreads

What is a corporate bond asset Swap Spread?

• Exactly the same methodology can be used for corporate bond asset swap calculations Swap Counterparty
o Historically, this is where the bulk of asset swap market activity occurred
o The inversion of the relationship between government bonds and swaps resulted in a Fixed Rate LIBOR
big pick up in activity in government bond asset swaps
Credit spreads Fund
• Traditionally:
o Credit spread = corporate bond yield – gilt yield Fixed
• Corporates treasurers often swap fixed rate issuance back into floating rate, based on a funding
target of LIBOR +x% Corporate Bond
o Relative shape of swap curve and gilt curve drive issuance opportunities
• Gilt vs. swap spread a significant driver of gilt vs. corporate spread

OUTCOME • Corporate bond exposure is usually

unsecured and uncollateralised
• Market looks at asset swap spreads of corporates
• Fund therefore has default risk
exposure to the corporate bond
ANALYSIS OF CREDIT SPREADS • Average recovery rates in default have
• Representing compensation for: historically been assumed to be 40%
• Default risk – loss of coupons and principal but recent experience suggests worse
• Illiquidity recovery rates
• Risk premium
• Incremental return volatility
• Cost of funding

Z-Spreads are Useful Theoretical Model to Enable Comparison of Relative Value of Corporate Bonds

Overview of Alternative Asset Swap Methods
Asset Swaps to Z-spreads
Asset Swaps – Overview of Alternative Methods

Asset Swaps – Alternative Methods

• The table below summarises a range of methods used to calculate asset swap spreads

Method Definition Yield Curve Directionality Simplicity Use for Relative Value
Yield/Yield • Spread = difference between bond • Spread widens as • Convexity not hedged • The most simple • Good for flat curves
yield and same maturity swap rate curve steepens for – therefore hedge ratio ASW method • Poor for comparing bonds
• Duration weighted bonds above par needs adjusting on with very different coupons
large rate moves in steep curve environment

Par/Par • Spread added to floating leg such that • For given bond • Par/par spread falls as • Relatively complex • Spread highly dependent on
swap NPV = 100 – Bond dirty price price, par/par swap yields rise • Widely used, dirty price of bond therefore
• Bond bought for par spread falls as swaps • Trade not duration therefore good not idea l for RV use
• Swap fixed leg = bond coupons curve steepens neutral market familiarity
• Floating leg notional = bond notional
Market • Spread added to floating leg such that • For given bond • MVA spread rises as • Hard to estimate • Spread depends on dirty
Value swap NPV = 100 – Bond dirty price price, par/par swap yields rise P&L price of bonds – but not as
Accrued • Bond bought for dirty price spread falls as swaps • Trade not duration • Not frequently much as par/par, especially
or • Swap fixed leg = bond coupons curve steepens neutral trades for high coupon bonds
Proceeds • Floating leg notional = bond dirty price • Not widely traded, but
• Original dirty price – 100 paid to ASW preferred to par/par for RV
buyer at maturity calculations
Z - spread • Spread when applied to zero coupon • Some exposure to • Not directional • Straightforward to • Generally preferred for
swap curve such that when used to PV changes in relative calculate for most relative value use
bond cash flows, results in bond dirty steepness of risk systems
price government and
swap curves

Source: Morgan Stanley, “Using and Trading Asset Swaps”, 11 th May, 2006

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David Bennett
Director | Investment Consulting

[email protected]


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