RPS Paragraph Writing

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UNIVERSITAS / FAKULTAS : Universitas Batanghari/ Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

JURUSAN / PROGRAM STUDI : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
TAHUN AKADEMIK / SEMESTER : 2017/2018 Ganjil
MATA KULIAH / KODE / SKS : Paragraph Writing / UBP 12111

By the end of the course, students are expected to make good paragraph which included paragraph process, cause and effect paragraph, comparison and
contrast paragraph, classification paragraph.

DOSEN : Nurul Fitri, S.S, M.Hum

Pertemuan Tujuan Sub Pokok Bahasan Proses Pembelajaran Tugas dan Bobot
ke Pembelajaran /Rincian Materi DOSEN MAHASISWA Media Evaluasi Referensi Nilai
Khusus (Indikator) Kuliah
1 Students are able to Syllabus Giving a Discussion Syllabus - Syllabus 0
identify the concepts of lecture sheet
this course
2 Students are able to use The meaning of Giving a Discussion LCD Test group Kumar 5
identify and understand paragraph lecture projector and/or
the concepts, paradigm, , laptop, Individual
and process of research projector assignment
in daily life. screen
3 Students are able to use Structure and parts of Giving a Presentation and LCD Test group Kumar 5
explain and write paragraph lecture Discussion projector and/or
literature review. , laptop, Individual
projector assignment
4-5 Students are able to Topic Sentence Giving a Presentation and LCD Test group Kumar 5
explain and arrange lecture Discussion projector and/or
formulation of , laptop, Individual
research projector assignment
6-7 Students are able to The process of writing: Giving a Presentation and LCD Test group Kumar 5
explain the concepts Cohesion and Coherence lecture Discussion projector and/or (2011), pp.
and functions of , laptop, Individual 81-90
hypotheses testing. projector assignment
8 Mid Semester Test
9 Students are able to Method of developing Giving a Presentation and LCD Test group Kumar 5
understand and design paragraph lecture Discussion projector and/or (2011), pp.
qualitative research , laptop, Individual 122-134
projector assignment
10 Students are able to Process paragraph Giving a Presentation and LCD Test group Kumar 5
explain the method of lecture Discussion projector and/or (2011), pp.
collecting data , laptop, Individual 137-166
projector assignment
11 Students are able to Cause and effect Giving a Presentation and LCD Test group Kumar 5
identify measurement paragraph lecture Discussion projector and/or (2011), pp.
of attitudes in , laptop, Individual 167-176
quantitative and projector assignment
qualitative research screen
12 Students are able to Comparison and contrast Giving a Presentation and LCD Test group Kumar 5
identify validity and paragraph lecture Discussion projector and/or (2011)
reliability of a , laptop, Individual
research instrument projector assignment
13 Students are able to Classification paragraph Giving a Presentation and LCD Test group Kumar 5
explain how to take lecture Discussion projector and/or (2011), pp.
sample of research , laptop, Individual 167-176
projector assignment
14 Students are able to Types of paragraphs Giving a Presentation and LCD Test group Kumar 5
explain the lecture Discussion projector and/or (2011), pp.
implementation of , laptop, Individual 167-176
research ethics projector assignment
15 Students are able to The essay Giving a Presentation, LCD Test group Kumar 5
explain the technique lecture discussion, and projector and/or (2011), pp.
of data processing and group task. , laptop, Individual 251-310
to be able to make projector assignment
good research screen
16 Final Semester Test
Kriteria Penilaian


Menunjukkan pemahaman yang lengkap tentang masalah. 5 Sangat baik

Semua persyaratan dalam tugas terdapat dalam jawaban.

Menunjukkan pemahaman yang cukup banyak tentang masalah. 4 Baik

Semua persyaratan tugas disertakan.

Menunjukkan sebagian pemahaman tentang masalah. 3 Cukup baik

Kebanyakan persyaratan tugas tercukupi

Menunjukkan sedikit pemahaman tentang masalah. 2 Kurang baik

Persyaratan tugas banyak yang hilang.

Tidak ada menunjukkan pemahaman tentang masalah 1 Tidak baik

Daftar Referensi
Kumar, R. 2011. Research Methodology: A Step-by-step Guide for Beginners (3rd ed). London: Sage Publications, Ltd.
Mengetahui, Jambi, 26 September 2017
Ketua Program Studi Dosen

( Dra. Hj. Wennyta, M.Pd) ) ( Nurul Fitri, S.S, M.Hum )

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