Physical Disability and Physical Activity A Review

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European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity, 3(2), 37-55

© European Federation of Adapted Physical Activity, 2010



Martin Saebu*

* Department of Coaching and Psychology, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Oslo,

Norway, and Beitostølen Healthsports Centre, Beitostølen, Norway

The purpose of this article was to examine the literature on correlates and associations of physical
activity among adults (age 16-65 years) with physical disabilities. Electronic searches were
conducted to identify research articles published from 1980 to 2009. Specific inclusion criteria were
identified. The search produced 4,189 articles; however, only 57 met all specified criteria. They
represented seven different disability groups, including one cross-over category with two or more
disabilities. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health developed by the
World Health Organization were used as a structural framework for organizing the results. The
results revealed a substantial core of research concerning a few disability groups, among them
spinal cord injury and multiple sclerosis. Significant correlates were identified in relation to type of
disability and functioning, but also among environmental factors (e.g. costs, accessibility, built
environment, information and social support) and personal factors (e.g. age, exercise self efficacy,
depression, and mental health). Findings are discussed relative to conducting future physical
activity research on persons with disabilities.

KEYWORDS: physical activity, exercise, disability, correlates, determinants

physical activity in persons with a disability

and there was a call for training guidelines for
Despite the huge amount of research
that has been published in the field of exercise this population (e.g., Compton, Eisenman, &
science over the past three decades, relatively Henderson, 1989). The public health
little attention has been paid to physical perspective was still strong during the nineties
activity behavior among people with a (e.g., Heath & Fentem, 1997), but an
disability (Rimmer, Braddock, & Pitetti, emerging interest for correlates, determinants
1996). The health benefits and the impact on and associations between physical activity
well-being (Heath & Fentem, 1997; Physical and disability could be discerned (e.g., Kinne,
Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee, Patrick, & Maher, 1999).
2008) are well documented, and it has even In 1995, a study on physical activity
been claimed that for the health and well- and public health (Pate et al., 1995) sponsored
being of people with a disability a physically by the Centers for Disease Control and
active lifestyle is more important than for the Prevention (CDC) and The American College
general population (van der Ploeg, van der of Sports Medicine (ACSM), barely
Beek, van der Woude, & van Mechelen, mentioned persons with physical disabilities.
2004). In the past thirty years we have seen They were grouped along with older adults,
developments in research on physical activity the socioeconomically disadvantaged, and the
and disability. During the eighties researchers less educated. The part of the report which
were concerned about the health benefits of cited data about the proportion of adults who
did not engage in leisure time physical

37 EUJAPA, Vol. 3, No. 2

Saebu Disability and physical activity

activity, categorized by gender, race, annual that lack of motivation, lack of energy, and
income, and education, did not include lack of interest were the most frequently cited
persons with disabilities (Rimmer et al., barriers to exercise among individuals with
1996). SCI, emphasizing that psychosocial aspects
However, 15 years later, there exists are important, too. Consequently, personal
more knowledge about this population and factors should be included, in a similar way as
also about various disability groups. In 2005, in research on able-bodied (Bauman, Sallis,
CDC reported that twice as many adults with Dzewaltowski, & Owen, 2002). Personal
a disability (25,6%) were physically inactive factors include demographic-, biological-,
during the preceding week, compared to psychological-, cognitive-, and emotional
adults without a disability (12,8%) (Centers correlates. The correlates of environmental
for Disease Control and Prevention, 2007). and personal factors were chosen based on
This was consistent with other studies from similar research among able-bodied (Bauman
the U.S. (Boslaugh & Andresen, 2006; Ellis, et al., 2002; Trost, Owen, Bauman, Sallis, &
Kosma, Cardinal, Bauer, & McCubbin, 2007; Brown, 2002).
McGuire, Strine, Okoro, Ahluwalia, & Ford, In summary, the purpose of this paper
2007; Rimmer, Rubin, & Braddock, 2000). is to provide a comprehensive review of the
There is also an increasing amount of research literature which examines (1) physical activity
connected to activity level and methods for level and (2) correlates and associations of
measuring physical activity and exercise in physical activity among adults with a
this population (Cervantes & Porretta, 2010; disability, in relation to (a) functioning (b)
Washburn, Zhu, McAuley, Frogley, & Figoni, environmental factors and (c) personal
2002). Therefore, the aim of this review was factors. Finally, (3) we will also examine the
to get an overview of the existing knowledge- studies in relation to disability type.
base about correlates and associations of
physical activity and disability. METHOD
Selection of variables within the ICF factors Scoping reviews are particularly
Within the factor functioning and important as an overview when a research
disability, there has been a call for research on area (such as disability and physical activity)
potential differences in activity patterns does not have uniformity in study design and
between groups of people with different measurement (Hempel, Norman, Golder,
disabilities (Rimmer et al., 1996). Research Aguiar-Ibanez, & Eastwood, 2008; Rimmer,
indicates that the severity of the disability is Chen, McCubbin, Drum, & Peterson, 2010).
negatively correlated with physical activity This type of review use specific protocols to
(Jahnsen, Villien, Aamodt, Stanghelle, & increase focus in study identification,
Holm, 2003). Consequently, information appraisal, and synthesis, thereby reducing bias
about the type and the severity of the (Petticrew & Roberts, 2006). On this basis,
disability seems important to include. the methodological approach of a scoping
Furthermore, environmental barriers seem to review was preferable.
limit participation in physical activity for
people with disabilities (Rimmer, 2005; Literature search
Rimmer, Wang, & Smith, 2008). PubMed, PsycINFO and
Consequently, information about SPORTdiscus were systematically searched
environmental factors should be included to for relevant articles. These databases were
fully understand the correlates of physical chosen because together they are generally
activity. Environmental factors include acknowledged to provide a complete
physical environment factors, social and overview of studies and articles covering
cultural correlates. In addition, Scelza, disability and physical activity/exercise, in
Kalpakjian, Zemper and Tate (2005) reported relation to sport, psychology and

38 EUJAPA, Vol. 3, No. 2

Saebu Disability and physical activity

rehabilitation. This is in line with previously review. Physical disability was defined as
conducted similar literature reviews (van der someone with a mobility or sensory
Ploeg et al., 2004). We specifically looked for impairment. Although important, cognitive,
studies describing the relationship between mental health and developmental disabilities
physical activity and disability. The keywords were not included in this review. The search
used in the Medline search were “exercise” included articles about persons with a
(Medical Subject Headings term – MeSH - physical disability aged 18-65 years
including both “physical activity” and (excluding children and older adults), for the
exercise) and disabled persons (MeSH term period from 1980-2009. The research before
including disabled, disability, physically 1980 was limited and mostly described the
disabled, physically challenged, physically health benefits of activity, and early
handicapped). PsycINFO was searched using experiences with physical activity and
“physical activity” or “exercise” and “disab*” disability. Further, we excluded articles
to include disability, disabled and people with concerning physical activity in school and
a disability. SPORTdiscus was searched using education, athletes with a disability, low back
the terms “physical activity”, “exercise”, pain, and fibromyalgia. Due to the scope and
“motivation” and “disab*” to include complexity of the present review, studies
disability, disabled and people with a testing theoretical models and constructs were
disability. also excluded. Keywords for the link between
physical activity and persons with a disability
Selection criteria were; determinants, associations, correlates,
English language peer-reviewed predictors, barriers, facilitators, and
primary literature that examined physical mediators. Search results are presented in
activity (or exercise) and disability among Table 1.
adults with disabilities was included in the

Table 1. Search terms, publication year and results

Database Search terms Publ. year No. Citations
PubMed Disabled persons AND exercise 1980 - 1989 27
1990 - 1999 162
2000 - 2009 405
SPORTDiscus Disability AND physical activity 1980 - 1989 479
Disability AND exercise 1990 - 1999 752
2000 - 2009 1560
PsycINFO Disability AND physical activity 1980 - 1989 17
Disability AND exercise 1990 - 1999 135
2000 - 2009 652
All databases Total 4189

Article citations were excluded at the dissertations, chapters, non-peer-reviewed

abstract level if they met the following articles, and conference presentations).
exclusion criteria: not disability related, not Reviews of the literature on outcomes of
physical activity or exercise related, sample exercise interventions for persons with
based on athletes with a disability, descriptive physical and cognitive disabilities have been
articles or program descriptions, non-English conducted previously (Rimmer et al., 2010;
language, published before 1980, all study Taylor, Baranowski, & Young, 1998). The
participants younger than 18 years or older focus of most interventions have been on
than 65 years, physical education/school and physical and mental health gains of physical
non-peer-reviewed publications (i.e., activity in clinical or community practice,

39 EUJAPA, Vol. 3, No. 2

Saebu Disability and physical activity

and less with correlates of existing physical Table 2. Percent and number of physical
activity. Rimmer et al. (2010) were for activity studies by disability, research design,
instance focusing on health outcomes (i.e., data collection method, and publication year
functional health, cardiorespiratory health,
musculoskeletal health, metabolic health Characteristic N %
including healthy weight and mental health) Disability
of clinical exercise interventions. Therefore,
Stroke 1 1,8
intervention studies were excluded in the
MS 9 15,8
present paper.
The reason for excluding studies SCI 12 21,0
involving participants aged 65 years and older CP 5 8,8
was to control for aging related factors that Parkinson 1 1,8
may attenuate the potential impact of the Heterogeneous 29 50,8
exercise interventions on younger individuals Sum 57 100,0
with disabilities. In conclusion, studies that Research design
met the following criteria were included: (1) Cross sectional 42 73,7
cross sectional studies, prospective studies; Qualitative 15 26,3
qualitative studies (2) health outcomes Sum 57 100,0
(physical activity or disability) as dependent Data collection method
variables or discussion point; and, most
Postal questionnaire 30 52,6
importantly, (3) describing correlates,
determinants, associations or mediators in Telephone-interview questionnaire 5 8,8
relation to physical activity. 57 studies were Internet-questionnaire 1 1,8
included in the final analysis (see Table 2.) In-depth interview 13 22,8
Focus-group 2 3,5
Data extraction and synthesis Combined (e.g.
For studies that met the inclusion pedom./accelerom./quest.) 6 10,5
criteria, we extracted the data for each Sum 57 100,0
individual study by type of disability, research Publication year
design, data collection method, type of 2000 - 2009 44 77,1
independent variables (environmental, 1990 - 1999 12 21,1
personal and function-related) and dependent 1980 - 1989 1 1,8
variable. Type of disability was classified Sum 57 100,0
according to the participants’ main diagnosis
described were cross-over activities (more
(1) Stroke; (2) Multiple Sclerosis; (3) Spinal
than one activity).
cord injury; (4) Cerebral palsy; (5)
Parkinson’s disease; (6) Combined diagnosis
or disability groups. The research design was
classified into one of the following categories:
Initial search results
(1) Cross-sectional studies and (2) Qualitative
Table 1 provides an overview of the
studies. Data collection method as listed
review process. After completing the
under the following headings: (1) Postal
literature search, 4,189 articles were
questionnaire; (2) Telephone-interview
identified. The first-level review involved 460
questionnaire; (3); Internet-questionnaire; (4)
articles related to physical activity and
In-depth interview (5) Focus-groups and (6)
exercise. A second-level review was
Combined (e.g., pedometer/accelerometer/
conducted in order to identify studies that
questionnaire). Types of exercise was also
were strictly physical activity/exercise and
extracted, but yielded only limited
disability related. Among the 460 citations,
information. Ninety percent of the activities
262 additional studies were excluded because
they focused on specific rehabilitation

40 EUJAPA, Vol. 3, No. 2

Saebu Disability and physical activity

interventions (e.g., gait training, functional fast wheeling (IPAQ Research Committee,
electrical stimulation, constraint-induced 2005).
movement training), athletes, elderly, lower Further, Santaigo & Coyle (2004)
back pain or fibromyalgia, and 131 studies reported leisure time physical activity
were excluded because they were; testing a participation to be 2.9 times (+ 5.12) per week
theoretical model or construct, describing the in 170 women with physical disabilities, with
research field, literature reviews or 39.4% reporting no participation at all. In a
commentaries. Another 10 studies were study among Afro-American woman with
excluded because they did not primarily focus physical disabilities (N = 50) Rimmer, Rubin,
on physical activity. As a result, a total of 57 Braddock, & Hedman (1999) revealed low
studies met the inclusion criteria and were levels of leisure time physical activity. Only
included in the final analysis. 8.2% of the sample participated in leisure-
time physical activity, and only 10% engaged
Physical activity studies sorted by disability, in some kind of aerobic exercise three or more
research design and publication year days per week for at least 15 min.
Table 2 provides the characteristics of Unstructured physical activity (e.g., work-
the 57 studies by disability, research design, related activity, housework, gardening,
data collection method, and publication year. shopping) was nearly absent.
Please note the high number of studies In a study among 4,038 adults with
including people with spinal cord injury disability, Boslaugh and Andresen (2006)
(SCI). We also noticed a significant number concluded that the majority of adults with
of studies including multiple sclerosis (MS). disability did not meet basic
However, most of the studies included several recommendations for physical activity. The
diagnostic groups (n = 29, 50.8%). Of the recommendation of the CDC and ACSM for
articles included, there was only one study moderate physical activity was used:
from the eighties, and a small amount of moderate exercise for at least 30 minutes on 5
studies from the nineties (n = 12, 21.1%). or more days per week in segments of at least
Forty-two of the studies were cross-sectional 10 minutes each was considered to be
and 15 were qualitative studies/case studies. sufficiently active. Participants were
About half of the studies in the present review classified dichotomously as meeting this
used postal questionnaires as the main data recommendation or not.
collection method (see Table 2). Among the studies on cerebral palsy
(CP), van der Slot et al. (2007) concluded that
How active are adults with a physical the levels of everyday physical activity and
disability? community participation, measured by an
In this review, studies that are activity monitor in adults with CP, were
measuring both total physical activity and comparable to levels in able-bodied. Other
leisure time physical activity are included. studies including persons with CP have
Several studies have reported activity levels, reported quite low levels of activity. Jahnsen
but only a few of them are accurate when it et al. (2003) reported that among 403 adults
comes to description of the activity level. with CP, 46% were regularly physically
Among the diagnostic cross-over studies, active, defined as a minimum of 1 hour a
Ellis et al. (2007) reported that among 223 week. In their qualitative study among 22
adults (M_age = 45.4 years, SD = 10.8) who individuals aged 35-68 years, Sandstrom,
completed a web-based survey, the average Samuelsson and Oberg (2009) demonstrated
total physical activity score was 20.5 a low activity level among the interviewed
metabolic equivalent (METS)-hours/day (SD participants.
= 16.8). This corresponds approximately to Several studies included persons with
five hours a week with extensive walking or SCI. In a group of 985 persons with SCI, just
over half (52.1 %, n = 501) of participants

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Saebu Disability and physical activity

engaged in no sports activities each week monitor. They calculated that the duration of
(Tasiemski, Kennedy, Gardner, & Blaikley, average dynamic activities was 49 minutes
2004). They had no measure for total physical per day in the SCI-group. This was
activity. Van den Berg-Emons et al. (2008) significantly lower than the mean duration of
reported low activity level compared to able- dynamic activities among able-bodied (143
bodied in a group (N =16) of persons with min. per day).
SCI, one year after in-patient rehabilitation.
The activity level was measured by activity-

Table 3. Correlates of physical activity in adults with disabilities

Associations with overall physical
Determinant or correlate
Functioning and disability
Increasing MS --
High degree of CP --
High level of SCI --
High Body mass index -
Fatigue --
Environmental factors
High costs --
Lack of transportation -
Lack of assistance -
Lack of equipment -
Low accessibility --
Lack of information --
Strong social support ++
Personal factors
Increasing age --
Gender 0
Unemployment -
Depression --
High intrinsic motivation +
Self efficacy ++
++ = repeatedly documented positive association with physical activity, + = weak or mixed evidence of
positive association with physical activity, 0 = weak or mixed evidence of no association with physical
activity, - = weak or mixed evidence of negative association with physical activity, - - = repeatedly
documented negative association with physical activity. “Support” is defined as a code of - , - - , + and + +.
Demographic and biological variables are not included in this summary. Adapted from Bauman, Sallis,
Dzewaltowski and Owen (2002).

Does the disability and the level of disability as an important correlate when
functioning count? discussing physical activity and disability. In
Table 3 provides an overview of the following we have reported some of these
correlates of physical activity and disability. studies, starting with the cross-over studies
Several studies have outlined functioning and without any specific diagnosis.

42 EUJAPA, Vol. 3, No. 2

Saebu Disability and physical activity

Longmuir and Bar-Or (2000) observed for physical independence, mobility, and
significant differences in habitual physical occupation were positively correlated with
activity between disability types, specific physical activity in quadriplegic persons.
diagnostic categories, and age in a study They also concluded that physical activity
among 957 youths with a disability. They also may play an important role in perceived
found significant differences in perceived physical function for persons with SCI, and
participation limitations among disability particularly for persons with quadriplegic
types. Youths with CP, muscular dystrophy, injuries.
and visual impairment had the most sedentary Furthermore, studies conducted in the
lifestyles. Gender, however, did not influence domain of multiple sclerosis (MS) also give
the results. Among a number of variables, support to level of functioning as an important
Santiago & Coyle (2004) emphasized that de- correlate. Becker and Stuifbergen (2004)
conditioning was inversely related to the reported that fatigue and grade of impairment
ability of 170 moderately mobility- impaired were significantly associated with decreased
women to participate in leisure time physical activity level in a study in 2,710 persons with
activity. Shifflett, Cator, & Megginson (1994) MS. This observation was supported by
also reported that functional health barriers in several studies which found that increased
62 persons with a disability had a negative MS and decreased function reduced the
impact on their adherence to an active activity level (Crocker, 1993; Kasser, 2009;
lifestyle. Motl, Snook, McAuley, Scott, & Gliottoni,
Twenty percent of the survey 2007; Stroud, Minahan, & Sabapathy, 2009).
respondents in a study (N = 2298) by Finch, Finally, CP represents a heterogeneous
Owen, & Price (2001) posted current injury or disability group. Not surprisingly, studies
disability as a reason for not being more have revealed associations between physical
active. There was a significant trend toward activity and type of disability and functional
more frequently mentioning current injury or level. According to Jahnsen et al.(2003), the
disability as a barrier for participation in degree of CP seems to play a main role for the
activities with increased age. High body mass activity level. This was supported by van Eck
index and current low physical activity levels et al. (2008), who found low activity levels in
were significantly related to the injury or persons with more severe CP (Gross Motor
disability barriers. This was supported by Function Classification System - GMFCS
Warms et al (2007) and Ellis et al. (2007). III/IV) than persons with GMFCS I/II.
Further, adults with disabilities (N = 117) In summary, increasing body mass
were more likely to engage in a health- index, low levels of health status, low
promoting lifestyle if less mechanical mobility level, and low physical function
assistance was required (Stuifbergen & seems to be correlated with reduced activity
Becker, 1994), assuming that less mechanical level. Further, increasing severity of MS, and
assistance also indicates higher physical severe degree of SCI or CP also demonstrate
functioning. In a study by Bodde, Seo and high correlation with reduced activity level.
Frey (2009), a national US-sample of 46,883
adults with disabilities was examined. They Environmental factors
reported that physical activity participation Focus on environmental barriers and
was significantly associated with self-rated facilitators have increased in this field over
health status. the last decade. These factors are many and
When looking at the diagnose-specific quite heterogeneous, because we are
studies, Manns & Chad (1999) found that discussing different kind of environments
among 38 participants with SCI, physical (e,g., social, natural, technical, equipment,
activity was negatively correlated with built environment, facilities, transportation
reduced physical functioning in quadriplegic etc). Among the general studies, Lockwood
and paraplegic persons. Hence, higher scores (1997) explored views and behaviors of 493

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Saebu Disability and physical activity

people with and without disabilities in among 206 persons with SCI suggested a role
relation to their levels of participation in of the physical environment in predicting
physical activity in settings ranging from physical activity; particularly moderate
segregated to fully inclusive. The findings intensity leisure time wheeling (Arbour &
identified that there is considerable room for Martin Ginis, 2007). In a qualitative
improvement in areas such as training, interview-study with 32 participants, Vissers
flexible programming, support services for et al. (2008) discussed the most important
inclusive settings and transport to sporting barriers to and facilitators of the level of
facilities. everyday physical activity in thirty-two
The four major environmental barriers persons with a SCI. The major environmental
reported by Rimmer et al. (2000) among fifty barriers were accessibility of stores and
African American women with physical buildings. The most frequently mentioned
disabilities were cost of the exercise program facilitators were preparation in the
(84.2%), transportation (60.5%), and not rehabilitation centre with respect to daily
knowing where to exercise (57.9%). Financial activities and social activities and stimulation
resources were also representing important to be physically active.
barriers to physical activity in the studies by When caregivers perceived greater
Becker and Stuifbergen (2004) and Scelza et benefits of exercise, adults with CP (N = 83)
al. (2005). The latter study also emphasized were likely to exercise more frequently
the importance of knowledge of where to (Heller, Ying, Rimmer, & Marks, 2002). This
exercise and access to a place to exercise is supported by Sandstrom, Samuelsson and
among 72 individuals with SCI. Ellis et al. Oberg, who committed an interview with 22
(2007) revealed that factors obstructing community-living adults (35 - 68 years) with
physical activity were disability itself and CP. They identified five different themes, and
associated symptoms, and a lack of access to among the environmental factors we mention
adequate facilities, equipment, or programs. “being integrated in daily life”, and
The factors that facilitate physical activity “supportive healthcare with competent
were access to adequate facilities, equipment, professionals” from that study. Social support
or programs, and support or assistance. was also underlined as important mediator on
Rimmer et al. (2008) administered a the pathway between physical activity and
survey to a group of 83 adults with unilateral quality of life in a sample of persons with MS
stroke (M age = 54.2 years) to explore their (Motl & McAuley, 2009).
perceived barriers to exercise. The five most Among wheelchair users, Warms et al.
common barriers ranked in order were (1) (2007), demonstrated that subjectively
cost of the program (61%), (2) lack of measured activity correlated significantly
awareness of a fitness centre in the area with healthcare providers discussing exercise,
(57%), (3) no means of transportation to a and social support for exercise. These results
fitness centre (57%), (4) no knowledge of also adhere to the results of Standal and
how to exercise (46%), and (5) no knowledge Jespersen (2008) who investigated the
of where to exercise (44%). As revealed, the learning that took place when people with
financial cost has repeatedly been emphasized disabilities interacted in a rehabilitation
in several studies as a barriers to participate in context. The results indicated that peer
physical activity (Becker & Stuifbergen, learning extends beyond skills and
2004; Scelza, Kalpakjian, Zemper, & Tate, techniques, and includes ways for the
2005; Rimmer et al., 2008; Rimmer et al., participants to make sense of their situations
2000) as wheelchair users.
Shifflett, Cator and Megginson (1994) Rolfe, Yoshida, Renwick and Bailey
also pointed out access to activities and (2009) explored how material and social
facilities as correlates of leisure time physical structures and functions, existing and
activity level in their study, while findings operating within 15 disabled women's

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Saebu Disability and physical activity

communities at community-based exercise Staples (2005), nine youth campers with

facilities, affected their participation. They physical, sensory, or behavioral disabilities
concluded that the first and most important experienced increased self-reliance,
step in encouraging and facilitating women’s independence, and new understandings of
exercise participation was to engage women their physical potential after participating in
living with disabilities in dialogue about their activities at a summer camp.
needs and preferences, and to include them in Among the diagnose specific studies,
the planning and development of accessible Becker and Stuifbergen (2004) reported that
exercise programs and community services. intrapersonal factors contributed significantly
When support (instrumental, emotional, to the prediction of barriers to healthy
informational) was provided to participants, behavior in persons with MS (N = 2710), and
each of these had a positive influence on Jahnsen et al. (2003) found that having learnt
physical activity participation in a qualitative to take responsibility for personal health
study among seven participants with during childhood was the strongest correlate
Parkinson’s disease (Ravenek & Schneider, for being physically active as an adult with
2009). CP (N= 406) of persons with CP.
The trend in the literature revealed that The aim of the study by Wahman,
costs, physical access, equipment, assistance Biguet and Levi (2006) was to identify factors
and social support were the strongest that may promote participation in physical
environmental correlates to physical activity activity among people with SCI. In qualitative
for persons with a disability. multiple case studies, sixteen participants
with SCI were interviewed. The main themes
Personal factors they identified were: using cognitive and
Among the personal factors, behavioural strategies; exploring motivation
increasing age seemed to be associated with post injury; and capturing new frames of
reduced activity level (Boslaugh & Andresen, reference. Further, in another study, the most
2006; Finch, Owen, & Price, 2001; Motl, frequently cited concerns about barriers
Snook, McAuley, Scott, & Hinkle, 2007; among individuals with SCI were lack of
Warms, Belza, & Whitney, 2007). However, motivation, lack of energy and lack of interest
increasing age may also indicate reduced level (Scelza et al., 2005). Tasiemski et al. (2004)
of physical function. Female gender was detected that persons with SCI (N = 678) had
associated with a lower level of physical lower levels of athletic identity than able-
activity, but this does not correspond with bodied adults and adolescents with physical
Boslaugh and Andresen (2006) who found no disabilities. Finally, Lannem, Sorensen,
correlation between gender and activity level. Froslie and Hjeltnes (2009) concluded that
In the same study, African Americans were participants (N = 69) in a study with
significantly less active and annual income of incomplete SCI who exercised regularly
$50,000 or higher were significantly related to experienced a significantly higher life
higher physical activity level. satisfaction and perceived exercise fitness, but
Santiago and Coyle (2004) found that lower perceived exercise mastery than their
secondary conditions of isolation were inactive peers.
significantly and inversely related to leisure Motl and McAuley (2009) and Motl,
time physical activity participation, while McAuley, Snook and Gliottoni (2009)
Mitra, Wilber, Allen and Walker (2005) observed a pattern of relationships that
found that depression was negatively supported the possibility that physical activity
correlated with physical exercise. is indirectly associated with improved quality
Consequently, reduced mental health and of life through pathways that include fatigue,
depression seems to interfere with physical pain, social support, and self-efficacy in
activity among adults with a disability. In a individuals with MS. Their results were
qualitative interview-study by Goodwin and supported in a study among 786 persons with

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Saebu Disability and physical activity

MS. The effects of severity of illness on approaches to motivation, and while

quality of life were mediated partially by enjoyment (Sandstrom, Samuelsson, &
health-promoting behaviors, resources, Oberg, 2009) is representing intrinsic
barriers, self-efficacy and acceptance motivation, awareness of the health-benefits
(Stuifbergen, Seraphine, & Roberts, 2000). of physical activity (Stroud et al., 2009) is
Self-efficacy correlated significantly representing a controlled motivation-
with vigor for the fifty wheelchair tennis regulation. Health professionals often assume
participants in a study by Greenwood & that persons with a disability are motivated by
Dzewaltowski (1990). Furthermore, the health imperatives because of their
wheelchair-mobility self-efficacy correlated disability, but additional research is needed to
significantly with mood factors except increase our knowledge about these issues.
depression for the wheelchair non-tennis What energizes physical activity behavior
participants. It was concluded that wheelchair seems to be a central question, for persons
mobile individuals participating in tennis may with a disability, as well as for able-bodied.
be more confident about performing tennis Clearly, mental health and depression
skills and general wheelchair mobility tasks seems to interplay with physical activity
than are wheelchair mobile nonparticipants. (Mitra, Wilber, Allen, & Walker, 2005;
Several studies have revealed that a high Santiago & Coyle, 2004). This corresponds
score on self-efficacy for exercise is a with earlier results (Stewart et al., 1994). The
significant correlate of physical activity incidence of depression is higher among
(Kasser, 2009; Kinne et al., 1999; Motl, people with a disability (Roe, Dalen, Lein, &
McAuley, Snook, & Gliottoni, 2009; Motl & Bautz-Holter, 2008) than in the able-bodied
McAuley, 2009; Plow, Resnik, & Allen, population, and may to some extent explain a
2009; Stroud et al., 2009; Stuifbergen & part of the reduced activity level in a
Becker, 1994), but it is also interesting to population with a disability.
notice that five of these six studies have been Among the frequently represented
conducted in a sample of persons with MS. environmental factors we detected that the
In conclusion, several personal factors costs of the activity played a major role. The
seem to interplay with physical activity. financial resources in this population may be
Increasing age, unemployment and depression limited, and results in reduced activity level
is correlated with reduced physical activity, (Becker & Stuifbergen, 2004; Scelza et al.,
while high intrinsic motivation, coping skills 2005; Rimmer et al., 2008; Rimmer et al.,
and exercise efficacy are correlates of 2000). Many individuals with a disability are
increasing physical activity. living on social security, and additionally,
their participation most often requires adapted
DISCUSSION facilities, equipment and personal support for
Traditionally, personal factors as being physically active. It is likely that
correlates of physical activity among people limited income and need for additional paid
with a disability have received little attention, services to be physically active results in an
but there are an increasing number of studies even more challenging situation, which might
that addresses this issue. The results lead to reduced physical activity as compared
demonstrate no strong evidence for gender as to an able-bodied population.
a strong correlate. This is not in line with Further, there seems to be a
research among able-bodied, where male connection between transportation to
gender is positively correlated with higher facilities, access to facilities, adapted
amount of intensity and total physical activity equipment and physical activity. Not
(Anderssen & Strømme, 2001). surprisingly, the strongest evidence for these
Very few studies have investigated limitations are found in studies representing
motivational issues (Kinne et al., 1999; Scelza persons with severe mobility impairments like
et al., 2005). However, there are different SCI (Scelza et al., 2005; Vissers et al., 2008)

46 EUJAPA, Vol. 3, No. 2

Saebu Disability and physical activity

and MS (Plow et al., 2009). Hence, an Betzen, 1990), and especially in MS (Motl et
inaccessible environment seem to be al., 2009; Motl & McAuley, 2009). Daily
negatively correlated with physical activity in activities require additional energy for those
populations with SCI (Arbour & Martin who are severely impaired (Kemp &
Ginis, 2007). As an example, lack of paved Thompson, 2002), and may have an influence
pathways is an obstacle for wheelchair access. on the activity level . However, the results
Focus on support and assistance is also give some support to statements that
needed in some populations (eg. Lockwood, there is a connection between general,
1997), but were not among the strongest heterogeneous groups with disability and
correlates in the studies reviewed. More increasing inactivity (Boslaugh & Andresen,
emphasized was the need for information on 2006), and that having a disability, regardless
where to exercise (Buffart, Westendorp, van of type, reduces the average activity level.
den Berg-Emons, Stam, & Roebroeck, 2009; Research on the effect of body mass index on
Ravenek & Schneider, 2009), indicating that activity in this population is needed.
there is a need for more research on how to We can conclude that people with a
reach the targeted population with disability are on average less active than the
information about adapted facilities, general population, but we must be aware of
equipment and activity. the great differences in defining physical
Social support for being physically activity and ways of measuring the activity
active represents some of the strongest (Cervantes & Porretta, 2010). This makes it
correlates, and are represented across further difficult to compare results from
diagnosis and age (Ellis et al., 2007; Motl et various studies. However, using the
al., 2009; Plow et al., 2009; Standal & acknowledged definition by Caspersen,
Jespersen, 2008; Stuifbergen et al., 2000; Powell, & Christenson (1985) is quite usual,
Wahman, Biguet, & Levi, 2006; Warms et al., and probably also correct, because many
2007), including support from health persons with a disability use much energy to
professionals (Ellis et al., 2007). The solid finish daily activities. In a public health
documentation on this issue emphasizes the perspective, daily tasks and activities that
need for additional research on how to change require calorie expenditure are also important
attitudes among family, friends and peers. to measure. Low levels of physical activity
Activity planners should plan programs that are defined as less than half an hour, five days
place emphasis on modifying the social a week (2 ½ hours per week) with moderate
environment and removing attitudinal physical activity (Haskell et al., 2007).
barriers. Most of the studies are across
The level of physical activity among diagnoses, probably because of the limited
adults with a disability demonstrated some number of people within the different
differences between types and degrees of categories or diagnosis. It is challenging to
functioning and disability that could be get access to a representative sample,
expected, and indicated a positive correlation especially for low-incidence disability groups
between reduced functioning and reduced (Rimmer et al., 2010). However, it need to be
physical activity. This seems to be most clear addressed that SCI also represents a low-
in the populations with severe activity incidence disability group, but is frequently
limitations like MS (Becker & Stuifbergen, represented here. Unfortunately, there is a
2004; Crocker, 1992; Motl et al., 2007; lack of research including persons with
Stroud et al., 2009) CP (Jahnsen et al., 2003) hearing disabilities and persons with visual
and SCI (Manns & Chad, 1999). These impairment, which represent high-incidence
groups also struggle with fatigue and exertion, disability groups. Accordingly, the number of
which seems to be negatively correlated with incidents does not explain the whole picture,
physical activity in this population (Becker & so there is a need for other ways to explain
Stuifbergen, 2004; Fernandez, Pitetti, & the different representation of disability

47 EUJAPA, Vol. 3, No. 2

Saebu Disability and physical activity

groups. Another possible explanation may be power, it limits the generalizability of the
connected to the fact that the studies results. Whenever possible, studies should be
presented here in this review on MS and SCI designed with more homogeneous samples in
represent a few but active research terms of age, health status, and functional
environments. This may indicate that level. Consequently, we emphasize the need
scientific environment and the choice of for researchers that address specific disability
topics, as well as economical issues and groups, but are also aware of the
grants may play a role of the priority in this heterogeneity between and within disability
field. groups. The low incidence of many
Persons with stroke are only disabilities make it extremely difficult to
represented in one study in this review. This obtain adequate sample sizes when recruiting
reflects the age criterion set for ages 16-65 subjects from one setting (Rimmer et al.,
years. The incidence of stroke is much higher 2010).
after 65 years, and can probably explain why It is difficult to make comparisons
only one study is present here. The same between studies when instruments are not the
explanation may be given for Parkinson’s same or not explained well enough to make
disease, which is quite often represented in critical comparisons between them. Cervantes
studies on persons with disabilities, but the and Porretta (2010) suggest the use of a
incidence of Parkinson’s is low under 65 combination of measurement methods (i.e.,
years. multiple measures of physical activity), and
we agree that this appears to offer the best
Study limitations solution for assessing the level of physical
The search terms we used may not activity. However, until then, we may suggest
have captured all the relevant studies, or the the development and consensus in the future
number and scope of search-engines could be to use of one survey to measure physical
too limited. There is also a possibility that the activity among persons with a disability.
exclusion criteria selected were too many, or Most research material is conducted
too narrow. In addition, the review was with volunteers, and it is difficult to
limited to papers published in English with generalize the findings of the study to the
abstract and only peer-reviewed journals. As entire subgroup. In general, those who are
such, unpublished papers from proceedings responding are also those most interested in
and abstracts were excluded due to physical activity. The people who volunteer
convenience. Studies involving adults older for exercise- related research may also have a
than 65 years were not reported, which limits higher functional level. Given the complexity
the findings of age-related conditions like of identifying and recruiting individuals with
Parkinson’s disease and stroke. We also disabilities for exercise research, classifying
excluded research from education, but are subjects by function (ICF) rather than
aware of the extensive research and the disability may be an alternative approach to
significant contribution coming from this increase recruitment size and identify key
research field. health outcomes that generalize across
disability groups (Rimmer et al., 2010).
Future research Perspective
The 57 studies identified in this review There is a need to establish a stronger
were spread across seven different disability evidence base to increase our knowledge of
groups (including one category that combined correlates, determinants and associations in
two or more types of disabilities) although relation to physical activity and disability.
heterogeneous populations make it easier to The results revealed a need for common
recruit subjects (e.g., including individuals measurement methods to assess physical
with paraplegia and quadriplegia in the same activity among persons with a disability. This
study) and obtain higher levels of statistical is in line with previous research (Cervantes &

48 EUJAPA, Vol. 3, No. 2

Saebu Disability and physical activity

Porretta, 2010). Further, there is a need for Boslaugh, S. E. & Andresen, E. M. (2006).
research on determinants and associations in Correlates of physical activity for adults
relation to physical activity and disability with disability. Preventing Chronic Disease,
among specific diagnosis, and specifically 3, A78.
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environmental factors, we emphasize the need Emons, R. J., Stam, H. J., & Roebroeck, M.
for research on informational routines and E. (2009). Perceived barriers to and
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[email protected]



Die Absicht dieses Artikels war es, die Literatur, die sich mit den Korrelationen und
Assoziationen zwischen körperlicher Aktivität Erwachsener (im Alter zwischen 16 und 65 Jahren)
und Körperbehinderung beschäftigt, zu untersuchen. Es wurde elektronisch nach
Forschungsartikeln gesucht, die zwischen 1989 und 2009 veröffentlicht worden waren. Es wurden
dazu spezifische Einschlusskriterien identifiziert. Die Suche ergab 4.189 Artikel, wobei allerdings
nur 57 alle spezifizierten Kriterien erfüllten. Sie repräsentierten sieben verschiedene
Behinderungsgruppen, einschließlich einer Crossover-Kategorie mit zwei oder mehr
Behinderungsformen. Die von der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) entwickelte Internationale
Klassifikation der Funktionsfähigkeit, Behinderung und Gesundheit (ICF) wurde als Bezugssystem
zur Strukturierung der Ergebnisse verwendet. Die Resultate deckten auf, dass es einen wesentlichen
Kern an Forschung zu einigen wenigen Behinderungsgruppen gibt, wozu Rückenmarksverletzungen
und Multiple Sklerose zählen. Signifikante Zusammenhänge konnten in Bezug auf die Form der
Behinderung und die Funktionsfähigkeit gefunden werden, aber auch zwischen Umweltfaktoren
(z.B. Kosten, Zugänglichkeit, bauliche Umwelt, Information und soziale Unterstützung) und
personalen Faktoren (z.B. Alter, Trainingsselbstwirksamkeit, Depression, mentale Gesundheit). Die
Diskussion der Untersuchungsergebnisse bezieht sich auf zukünftige Studien zu körperlicher
Aktivität mit Menschen mit Behinderungen.

SCHLÜSSELWÖRTER: körperliche Aktivität, Training, Behinderung, Zusammenhänge,

bestimmende Faktoren



L’objectif de cet article était d’établir une revue de la littérature sur les corrélats et les
associations de l’activité physique et du handicap moteur chez des personnes adultes (16-65 ans).
Une recherche électronique a été réalisée pour identifier les articles scientifiques publiés entre 1980
et 2009. Des critères de sélection spécifiques ont été choisis. La recherche a fourni au total 4 189
articles ; cependant seulement 57 ont été retenus sur la base des critères de sélection. Ces articles
représentaient 7 groupes de handicap différent, incluant une catégorie pour laquelle deux ou
plusieurs handicaps étaient compris. La classification internationale du fonctionnement, du
handicap et de la santé développée par l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé a été utilisé afin
d’organiser les résultats. Les résultats ont démontré que la recherche scientifique était orientée vers

53 EUJAPA, Vol. 3, No. 2

Saebu Disability and physical activity

des handicaps spécifiques, parmi lesquels les blessés médullaires et la sclérose en plaques sont très
présents. Des corrélations significatives ont été identifiées dépendantes du type de handicap et des
facteurs environnementaux (par exemple le coût, l’accessibilité, l’environnement, l’information et
l’aide sociale) mais aussi des facteurs personnels (par exemple l’âge, l’estime de soi, la dépression,
la santé mentale). Les résultats confirment la nécessité de mener de futures recherches sur l’activité
physique au sein des personnes handicapées.

MOTS CLES : activité physique, exercice, handicap, corrélats, déterminants.



Целью данной статьи было изучение литературы, где отображены соотношение и

взаимосвязь физической активности среди взрослых (в возрасте 16-65 лет) с ограниченными
физическими возможностями. Электронный поиск был осуществлен таким образом, что
отбирались исследовательские статьи, опубликованные с1980 по 2009 года. Было найдено
4189 статей; однако, только 57 из них отвечали всем определенным критериям. Они
представляли семь групп инвалидности, включая перекрестную категорию с двумя или более
видами инвалидности. В качестве структурной основы для обработки результатов была
использована Международная классификация функционирования, ограничений деятельности
и здоровья, разработанная Всемирной организацией здравоохранения. Результаты показали
существенное ядро исследования, касающееся нескольких групп инвалидности, в том числе
травмы спинного мозга и рассеянный склероз. Была выявлена значительная взаимосвязь с
типом инвалидности и функционирования, а также с внешними факторами (например,
расходы, доступность, окружающая среда, информация и социальная поддержка) и
личностными (например, возраст, самостоятельность, депрессия, психическое здоровье).

КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: физическая активность, упражнения, инвалидность, взаимосвязь,




El propósito de este artículo fue analizar la literatura sobre correlaciones y asociaciones de la

actividad física en adultos (edad 16-65 años) con discapacidad física. Las búsquedas electrónicas se
realizaron para identificar artículos de investigación publicados desde 1980 hasta 2009. Fueron
identificados los criterios específicos de inclusión en el estudio. La búsqueda obtuvo 4.189
artículos; sin embargo, sólo 57 cumplieron con todos los criterios especificados. Ellos representaban
a siete grupos de discapacidad, incluyendo categorías con dos o más discapacidades. La
Clasificación Internacional del Funcionamiento, la Discapacidad y la Salud, desarrollado por la
Organización Mundial de la Salud, se utilizó como marco estructural para la organización de los
resultados. Los resultados revelaron un núcleo sustancial de investigaciones relacionadas con unos
pocos grupos de discapacidad, entre ellos las lesiones medulares y la esclerosis múltiple. No solo se
identificaron correlaciones significativas en relación con el tipo de discapacidad y el
funcionamiento, sino también entre los factores ambientales (por ejemplo, los costes, la
accesibilidad, el medio ambiente construido, información y apoyo social) y factores personales

54 EUJAPA, Vol. 3, No. 2

Saebu Disability and physical activity

(edad, ejercicio, autoeficacia, depresión, salud mental). Los resultados se discuten en relación con la
realización de futuras investigaciones de actividad física en las personas con discapacidad.

PALABRAS CLAVE: Actividad física, ejercicio, discapacidad, correlaciones, determinantes.



O objectivo do presente artigo foi analisar a revisão da literatura face às correlações e às

associações da actividade Física entre adultos (idades 16-65 anos) com deficiência física. Uma
pesquisa electrónica foi levada a cabo para identificar artigos publicados entre 1980 e 2009. Foram
identificados critérios específicos de inclusão. A pesquisa produziu 4189 artigos, no entanto apenas
57 cumpriram todos os critérios de inclusão. Eles representavam sete grupos diferentes de
deficiência, incluindo uma categoria cruzada com dois ou mais tipos de deficiência. A Classificação
Internacional da Funcionalidade, Deficiência e Saúde desenvolvida pela Organização Mundial de
Saúde foi utilizada como quadro de referência conceptual para a organização dos resultados. Os
resultados demonstraram um núcleo substancial de pesquisa relacionado com poucos grupos de
deficiência, entre os quais os traumatizados vertebro-medulares e as escleroses múltiplas. Foram
encontradas correlações significativas entre tipo de deficiência e funcionalidade, mas também entre
factores do envolvimento (ex: custos, acessibilidade, envolvimento construído, informação e
suporte social) e (ex: idade, auto-eficácia do exercício, depressão e saúde mental). Os resultados
são discutidos relativamente à condução futura de pesquisas na área da actividade física em pessoas
com deficiência.

PALAVRAS CHAVE: Actividade física, exercício, deficiência, correlações, determinantes

55 EUJAPA, Vol. 3, No. 2

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