Tribology Prof. DR Harish Hirani Department of Mechanical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

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Prof. Dr Harish Hirani

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian institute of Technology, Delhi

Module No. # 01
Lecture No. # 02
Interdisciplinary Approach and Economic Benefits

Welcome to 2nd lecture of Tribology course, title of this lecture is Interdisciplinary

Approach and Economic Benefits.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:36)
Example to demonstrate the role of
Various disciplines in TRIBOLOGY
• Motion under load induces
– breakage/elastic
bending of surface
– plastic deformation
(grooving) of soft
surface. ⎛ E′ ⎞ σ
ψ = 0.6⎜ ⎟
⎝H⎠ β

In previous lecture, we started with one example contact between two surfaces or more
particularly contact between two rough surfaces, we say that there is a surface 1, surface 2
and there is a possibility of relative speed when we are applying some force on surface
1. Due to this force, this component surface 1 will be pushed against the component two
or surface 2, in that situation there are number of possible situations, one is that there
is a possibility of elastic binding of asperities, second possibility is that breakage of
surface asperities and third possibility is that plastic deformation of soft surface. What
is the
meaning of that?If one surface is much softer compared to other surface,in that case,
harder surface will plow the soft surface and cut number of grooves in soft surface.
We know to avoid failure to enhance the life of components, what we require? Only
elastic deformation, we cannot tolerate too much breakage of asperities, we cannot
tolerate plastic deformation of other surface, this will reduce life of component.
Therefore, our emphasis will be more and more elastic deformation or no deformation
at all between these two surfaces.
However, there is a problem, when the component is new, there will be irregular
surface; that is why, there will be some breakages of asperities, which is tolerable,
that is why we showed in my previous lecture, this bath tub curve. Bath tub curve
clearly indicates initially wear out will be more or rate of wear will be more it will
reach to an steady state condition and that steady state condition is going to decide,
what is the useful life of the component, once that useful life of the component is
over, again wear rate will enhance will increase and that will increase the clearance
between component, will increase the noise between component, will increase the
vibration between components and we need to change on replace that component.
So, based on the tribological knowledge we can avoid excessive wear, we can
minimize excessive wear and enhance the life. Number of possible combination or
number of possibilities which we can think to enhance the life or something like we
can use lubricant to avoid the breakages of asperities but lubrication itself is a
subjective term where the thin film lubrication, thick film lubrication or just partial
lubrication to quantify all this what we do, we can define a parameter, what is called a
plasticity index? Here it is equal to 0.6 in bracket we have E divided by H, here E
appears to be young's modulus and what we are saying here, this young's modulus is a
composite young's modulus or effective young's modulus, it accounts the both the
surfaces, it accounts young's modulus of the both surface as well as poison ratio of the
surfaces. Additional term is that, the square root of sigma divided by beta; here the
sigma is a roughness, surface roughness of the component, while beta is a spacing
between the two peaks at which we take at any time.

(Refer Slide Time: 04:42)
Role of Elastic Deformation

⎛ E′ ⎞ σ
  ψ = 0.6⎜ ⎟
⎝H⎠ β

  Fig. Using elasticity to smooth the ride

• Elastically deformed substance fills the irregular surfaces
  and provides smooth ride.
• Cyclic loading Æ limiting life
  • Roughness
  stress on smooth surface =
  stress on rough surface =

To continue with this we can say if plasticity index is very low value that means, it is going to
give us more elastic deformation or lesser breakages of asperities, services life will be much
better. So, we need to keep this plasticity index to minimum,How can we do that? First if the
surface roughness value is high the typical figure is shown over here, we can see the surface
roughness peaks and valleys, the certain peaks are coming out, that is harmful for the
machine component, this surface roughness is higher naturally plasticity index will be high
value and because of the high value of plasticity, index, there will be some sort of
deformation on the surface, that will lead to reduction in the service life.
Another one is young's modulus. It interesting to know that, we are emphasizing on low
young's modulus, low young's modulus will reduce the plasticity index. In general
mechanical engineering, we prefer high young's modulus, but from tribological application
point of view we prefer, low young's modulus, that is interesting thing.In addition we have
another parameter, that is hardness, higher hardness will always be preferable. If you want
lesser wear rate high hardness will be preferable and high hardness also reduces the plasticity
index, that means, if we are able to keep low plasticity index either by means of young's
modulus or hardness or surface roughness or any combination of this, that will be good
option for us or to increase the life of component.
One of the easiest method to that, to achieve low plasticity index is use a third substance
between two substances. Let us look at this example, here we are showing the force is
pushing the component, I am assuming this is the trolley and there is a another component
over here may be I am assuming there is a ground, we are trying to push trolley on this
ground and there is a carpet in between, in this carpet has a some fibers, we know carpet
fibers will be elastically deformed, if there is a force by trolling and elastic deformation of
this fibers will not take too much force they will be easily bend, as they are easily bendable.
Friction force on this will be much lesser and wear will be almost negligible and that is
preferable for us.
Now, coming to the mathematical term, we say generally we find a stress, linear stress or we
say uniaxial stress, that is stress can be figured out or can be calculated can be estimated by
using force divided by area expression, here area in this case is apparent area which is
generally used in mechanical engineering, but when we talk about the tribological
components we need to take only fraction of this area, we know very well whole area cannot
be in intimate contact due to the asperities, and because of the asperities effective area or real
area will be much lesser, 99 percent this area has a lesser than 16 percent of total area, as
lesser than 16 percent, so I can say effective stress on machine component will be almost six
times compared to what we calculate with ordinary formula.
There is a possibility of six times or other one possibility is that, if there is a high stress; a
stress is equaling to the elastic limit naturally the component of asperities will bend and will
allow other asperities to come into picture or in other words, if the load is more, and more
asperities will come into contact, reduce a stress back to the stress elastic limit stress, that is
preferable and maximum in that case, if the whole area whole real area is equivalent to
apparent area then in the situation, we can say that can tolerate that much maximum force.
Now, I can add one more sentence that, is see the why we prefer elastically deformation of
the gamma asperities? reason being that, due to irregular surfaces or irregular surface where
the peaks and valleys are there if the peaks are bending easily and then they are getting filled
one way, another way to the other irregular asperities, then it will provide us very smooth
surface, it will provide us plain surface will much lesser irregularities and that is what we
really require from tribological point of view, wecan say that, will provide us smooth ride.
However, there is a limitation; we know from fatigue point of view if any component is
elastically deformed again and again and again and again, there will be cyclic loading that
will experience cyclic loading, it will experience fatigue. And if this fatigue having some
endurance strength, a stress is beyond or more than, that a stress component will be having
limited life. We now
n other than
t iron or ferrous material
m nott a single ccomponent has any
endurannce strengthh, that will be continuuously decreeasing or coomponent w
will toleratee or can
toleratee much lesser stress annd high num
mber of cyccles. So, alm
most all thee componen
nts other
than iroon will havee limiting life if I am using
u any lu
ubricant, thaat also will hhave a limitting life,
that is why
w we neeed to replacce lubricantt frequently
y or dependd on duratioon may be say
s after
ten is too six cycle, may be ten is to ten cyycle for whicch it was deesigned.

Now, who
w will thhis slide was
w relatedd to the su
urface roughhness, harddness and young’s
moduluus, has beenn experienceed.The surfface roughn
ness plays a major rolee compared to other
propertiies young’ss module annd hardnesss, reason beeing surfacee roughnesss will contiinuously
Initiallyy, may be surface
s rouughness is one
o value after
a operating some ooperating ho
ours the
surface roughness value will change, it may
m be bettter side, maay be the worse side, iff we are
able to achieve bettter surface roughness that means, componennt is comingg to the steaady state
it will survive
s for a longer duration,
d buut if surfacee roughnesss is enhanceed or increaased the
value of surface rooughness is increased, then
t in thatt case compponent is gooing towards failure
it is nott reached to the steady state condittion, but it will
w be subjeect to the frrequent failu

(Refer Slide Time: 12:36)

face Rough

• Surfface roughnness is verticcal deviatioons from

noominal surfaace/line. Larrger the devviations,
roougher the surface.

changes wwith
operatingg time.
Average Ro
oughness (R
Root Mean
n Square Ro
oughness (R )
So, there is a need to give couple of slides or explore couple of slides on the surface
roughness, that is what I am projecting this slide we say the surface roughness and a meaning
of the surface roughness is the vertical deviation from a nominal surface, nominal line. If
there is larger magnitude deviation surface will be rougher. There is a nominal line passing
through almost the center and these are the peaks and valleys.This amplitude shows the
surface roughness larger than the amplitude. To evaluate this surface roughness often we use
a measuring equipment and when we try to measure this surface roughness we account three
lengths, one is traversing lengths, other is evaluating lengths and third one is the sampling
lengths, reason being why we are choosing three length is that, we do not want to account
start and its stop of measuring equipment.
There is a possibility that, at this start some jump phenomenon happens and similarly the
access and some jump phenomenon happens, so we want to avoid first and last portion, we
want to account only five portions remaining and this sampling lengths I am assuming there
is one portion. We know this surface roughness is statistical we cannot find a single value, so
what we do in that case, we try to average this five sample lengths and whatever the data
comes that will mean surface roughness, so there will be some main value of surface
roughness as a rest under deviation have more number of sampling lengths it will groove
better reason, but it will consume more time and that iswhy as per the standards, they have
come to the final figure of the five sampling length, that gives a reasonably good results to us,
that is why we are choosing this mode.

Now, from tribological point of view, as I earlier mentioned we will be choosing; we will be
preferring low surface roughness value, surface compared to the high surface roughness, so in
other words I will be choosing or I will be preferring left hand side of this image, compared
to the right hand side of this image, there is a possibility may be the average surface
roughness of these two comes to the same, because there is a valley over here, there is a peak
over here, if I sum up these two I may get same results, but I will be preferring this portion
compared to this portion, because of the lesser surface roughness in this line or lesser value of
the peak.
But this again at the start only, if there is a possibility or fracture of this sharp peak at the start
itself, then there is no problem we can choose this surface roughness at this surface also.
However, to intimate this kind of approach we generally use running in time between
components, we know when we buy a new car or new automobile it has been instructed or
generally people instruct, company instruct us to drive. That vehicle at the lower speed. So,
that all running in or dudding in time is over at the lowest peak, does not cause a catastrophic
failure.After driving in low speed for some time we change oil that means, all the large size
asperities are broken or tear away from the surface they get mixed with oil and we replace
that oil and we get good surface for the longer life after that, we can speed up vehicle we can
drive vehicle at a higher speed.
Now, there are number of surface roughness parameter which we call a peak amplitude
related parameters also, most commonly used surface roughness parameter are average
surface roughness, where we take peaks and valleys and sum up and take average value of
that.How about when the root mean is square roughness we again peak and valley we square.
It, we average it and then we take a square of that.
In tribology we generally prefer R q value over R value or we prefer root mean is square
roughness compared to the average surface roughness, reason behind this is that, average
surface roughness does not signify completeness of the peak and valleys, we said that, we
want to panelize peaks slightly more compared to low peaks. I may say that, high peaks
should be panelized, more than low peak values if I count only the average surface roughness
then, there is equal Vertis given to the low value, low peaks and highpeaks while when it is
we are taking the root mean is square roughness or R q value in that case the more penalty is
paid by high value peaks.

And as I mentioned earlier roughness changes with operating time, so, whenever we are
designing component, we need to design component according to the time.If a short life
component is designed(only for the 10 hours). I will keep running in time at the own industry.
I will not give that component to the customer at all, but if I know the life of the component
is 15 years, 20 years, then may be the bedding in time can be given to the customer, let them
have a feel that they are buying a fresh component they are buying a new component and new
component will have always asperities and values and let him judge his component as per his
(Refer Slide Time: 18:32)

Quantification of Surface Roughness

Ra = ( z1 + z 2 + ... z n−1 + z n )/ n z 2 (x ) dx

Rq =
l 0

To quantify surface roughness as I mentioned we use equipment and what equipment and
then it does it break a whole surface and number of digits or number of points and like in this
figure, we are showing there is one surface and has been divided may be sixty divisions and
then this sixty division we try to find out what is the peak value, to first simplicity it is shown
on your sinusoidal profile, but in actual case it may be any random surface.What we do, we
divide component whatever the analog signal we get, we divide in number of parts and based
on the division, we evaluate what is the z value, what is the peak value, what is the amplitude
of surface roughness at that point, we sum up to avoid getting a zero value of surface
roughness, we take absolute values as is in this case, weare taking absolute Z1 absolute Z2.
Similarly we take absolute Z11 and Z12.Then we will be able to get really good average
surface roughness.

As I earlier mentioned there is another surface roughness parameter which is preferred in

tribology division or tribological application is R q value and interesting thing is that R q
value will be always higher than R a value, that is good for application point of view.We are
taking more conservative approach and as I mentioned earlier, we panelize peaks. So, if Z is
lower may be say one unit it is going to get only one unit, but if Z is two units the result is
going to be four units, so the more penalties are paid if z is three units z is curve return out to
be nine units, so much higher penalty on that, that is the reason, why Rq value is preferred for
Ra value it gives much more meaningful result from tribological application point of view.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:44)

R (root mean square) roughness is preferred

over R (Average) roughness.

Based on lower value of R for second surface, that

surfaceperform better than first surface.

Segmented surfaces.

Now, we have studied Ra and Rq values, let us say which surface will be preferred and when
we are choosing Rq as I mentioned earlier there is a penalty, more penalty on high peaks,
particularly in Rq value. Let us look at this example, this is one surface; this is another
surface, now I am trying to find out Ra value and Rq value for this surface as well as this
surface.What I find Ra value is 0.25 microns in this example, similarly Ravalue 0.25 in this
example. Now coming to the Rq value, in this case Rq value is 0.581, in this case Rq is 0.37,
so what we are sayingwhatever we were planning to give more penalty to high peak value
that is been imposed on this, we can say based on high Rqvalue, this bearing surface is bad
surface or this surface is good surface and again these are only comparative terms they are
not absolute terms, I am saying that this surface on right hand side portion, is better than left
hand side portion, we are not saying it as absolute.This is the best value that can be obtained.

So, I can conclude based on this diagram, on lower value of R q second surface right hand
side surface, will perform better than first surface. However, there is another clue about this
surface, you can see they are valleys.Many a times we say these valleys are helpful to us, as a
storage of lubricant. If I supply lubricant that will get dumped in these valleys, so it will
provide me a resist space, I do not have to keep larger clearance between two surfaces to keep
lubricant firm, if the lubricant can be stored in this valleys is more like I am getting a natural
resource in a surface itself, so that will give me a good result.

In addition, this kind of surface is preferred from wear point of view, When wear is on one
surface, wears of other against the other surface, there will be some generation of particles
and if these particle come between two surfaces they will reduce area of contact, real area of
contact, that is harmful again there reduction under area of contact will re-increase the stress
value and there is a possibility of jamming two components and harm high wear rate. So, in
that case particularly this valleys will act as a dustbin if the particle debri is generated it will
get bumped in this surface, it will not be between two surfaces, it will not be kept for longer
time in between two surfaces, so that is beneficial for us.

So, in short we can say this right hand side surface performs better, from lubricant esterase
point of view to remove debris from this contacting surface, from these two point of view is it
is going to give us good results, that is why many a times, we use the word as a segmented
surface. This surface is more like a segmented surface and to some extent people can
appreciate this surface from energy point of view from heat dissipation point of view. In this
case, heat will be there if only straight surface, plain surface is here.Effective area of heat
distribution will be lesser compared to heat dissipation area in this surface or available on this
surface, so this kind of segmentedsurfaces, this kind of punch surfaces or nodular surface will
be preferred over irregular surface.

(Refer Slide Time: 24:51)

• Dimensionless film
parameter Λ (“Specific film
Rrms ,a + Rrms
2 2

• Boundary lubrication, Λ<1

• Mixed lubrication, 1<Λ<3
• Hydrodynamic lubrication, Λ>5
• Elastohydrodynamic, 3<Λ<5

To add some more value, to find whether the solvent mechanic should be used, fluid
mechanic should be used, material science should be used or chemistry should be used or a
combination of all four subjects should be used simultaneously, we can define one parameter
that is known as a dimensional less from thickness parameter, it is a ratio between the
separation or between the two surfaces over which is the composite surface roughness. So,
here r m s value of surface a, r m s value of surface b is accounted, so if r m s value of any
one surface is higher than overall thickness ratio or is a dimensional less from parameter or
lambda will be lesser.
To increase this lambda value we need to increase separation between two surfaces that
means, if we are providing lubricant layer between two surfaces or we are providing some
soft material between two surfaces or some poultry material between two surfaces, that is
going to increase this capital lambda value, if the capital lambda value is higher, then
operating mechanism will be different and overall result may be in favorable sight. So, we
generally divide in four domain compile lubrication mechanism in a four domain you say
now a lubricant is negligible that means, there is hardly a film thickness between two
surfaces.In that case, capital lambda will be lesser than one that means, surface roughness is
of higher value compared to film thickness.

However, if we are providing some lubricant, partial lubrication, then this value will turn out
to be lesser than 3, but greater than 1, if we are providing thick film lubrication it will be
lambda, will be greater than 5. So, what we can say in that case, this is the hydro dynamic
lubrication, there will not be any contact between two life of the interacting surfaces,
contacting surfaces will be infinity, there will not be any wear; there will be only friction and
we are saying that, because of wear component has a restricted life.

Anyway, there is a possibility of intermediated stage, where lambda is greater than 3, but
lesser than 5.In this view particularly there will not be any asperity contact, but there will be
elastic deformation of asperities while in earlier case hydrodynamic case there was no
deformation of surface at all, no deformation of asperities also. While in this case
deformation of surface is accounted which is a more natural phenomenon;We have so many
bone joints in our body and almost all the joints work on Elastohydrodynamic lubrication
mechanism even the gears, bearings, common follower they work on Elastohydrodynamic
lubrication mechanism, that is a most economic tribosphere for us.
(Refer Slide Time: 28:05)
Boundary Lubrication
Mixed Lubrication
• Dimensionless film Hydrodynamic Lubrication

parameter Λ (“Specific  
film thickness)
Rrms ,a + Rrms
2 2

• Boundary lubrication, LOAD/TEMPERATUR

• Mixed lubrication, 1<Λ<3
• Hydrodynamic
lubrication, Λ>5
• Elastohydrodynamic,

To give more insight about this, we can plot Sommerfeld number, where the viscosity of the
lubricant is accounted relative speed between two components is accounted, and apparent
pressure which is applied on the surface is accountedif you are using the word here apparent
pressure, because it is not real pressure.Real pressure may be greater than this apparent
pressure, we in this case are directly using the word force divided by area which is apparent
pressure and real case it will be force divided by real area and the pressure may be six time or
seven time more than apparent pressure.

Now, when we plot coefficient of friction with this sommerfeld number what we find? When
the sommerfeld number is a low, coefficient of friction is high and that signifies the boundary
lubrication, coefficient of friction is relatively high. However, there is a lot of discussion keep
going on,in this survey whether they really initially coefficient of friction may be that low,
that is difficult to achieve, because we cannot achieve zero speed whenever there is a zero
speed or zero viscosity or infinite ratio we cannot get any result.

So, that is why, there is always a possibility to leave a slight gap between this and y axis, the
coefficient of friction axis. Now this figure shows as a apparent as a sommerfeld number is
increasing which may increase due to the apparent viscosity may be speed or reduction in
ratio any one parameter or a combination of all three parameters, the coefficient of friction is
going to decrease it reaches to the bottom or the minimum value and after that again
So, we are always targeting if I want to design a tribosphere, if I want to design a machine
component, I should prefer this lower portion, where the coefficient of friction is in
minimum, that should be our target and if it is not achievable, then we may negotiate with the
hydrodynamic lubrication or to some extent mix lubrication mechanism depend on operating
condition, depend on the device for which we are working.

Now, if I see the wear behavior, ideally they should not be any wear for hydrodynamic
lubrication and mix on the this what we say, this line as elastohydrodynamic lubrication in
reality it will always be there due to start, during start, during its stop or some transient force
operation there will be some film, that is what the minimum wear is shown in the case of
hydrodynamic lubrication, that is the green color line over here.

Now, we are using two parameters here, one is a load if the load is increasing slowly
hydrodynamics lubrication will turn out to mix lubrication to the boundary lubricationand if
the temperature is increasing which will reduce the viscosity same thing again will happen
indirectly it is going to increase the load, now if I try to relate this parameter over here what
we are saying the load is increasing sommerfeld number is decreasing that means, if the sum
component was and the hydrodynamic lubrication slowly is moving towards the left hand
side you will see the red color portion and then if you still high load is applied or temperature
increased, then it will turn out is be boundary lubrication mechanism.

So, every hydrodynamic lubrication mechanism if subjected to higher load or sever load it
will turn out to be mixed lubrication mechanism or it will turn out to be boundary lubrication
mechanism. If I for the same load condition and different area condition if I assume, we find
always the wear rate in boundary lubrication mechanism is much higher compared to
hydrodynamic and mixed lubrication mechanism. So, we should avoid as far as possible
boundary lubrication mechanism, we should provide some lubricant one way or another way,
I am not saying that it has to be a liquid lubricant it can be any lubricant, it can be
hydrodynamic lubricant, it can be gases, it can be solid lubricant which can be utilized two
lubricate to surface, which will be detailing when we treat a friction or wear topic of this
(Refer Slide Time: 32:49)

Interdisciplinary Approach

• Under boundary lubrication condition

material science, solid mechanics and
• Under mixed lubrication
condition, all four disciplines.
• Under hydrodynamics only
fluid mechanics.
• Under elastohydrodynamic lubrication
solid and fluids mechanics.
• Hydrostatic/Aerostatic/Aerodynamic ??

Now, we require really a true interdisciplinary approach to find out the real good results, if I
treat or deal with only boundary lubrication mechanism I require material science Irequire
solid mechanics and I require chemistry. Chemistry is required to find chemical reaction
between the surface and contacting surface or contacting lubricant layer under mixed
lubrication condition We need to have all four disciplines, we cannot avoid any single
discipline, we require material science, we require fluid mechanics, we require solid
mechanics, we require chemistry, all four disciplines are essential to find out true mixed
lubrication results and hydrodynamic lubrication, which is one of the simplest and most
extensively used in number of text books and number of lectures.Fluid mechanics is one of
the simplest one.
In an elastohydrodynamic lubrication mechanism we need to use solid as well as fluid
mechanism, we may not use in this case material science to a great extent only material
properties are required which generally are covered in solid mechanics and we require fluid
properties, then fluid effect of loading condition on the fluids. So, that can be utilized in a
fluid mechanics, so for elastohydrodynamic lubrication we require both solid and fluid
mechanics.For hydrodynamics which is one of the very simplest one is it requires only fluid
mechanics.One of the difficult or say one of the most difficult in mixed lubrication
mechanism, where we require all four disciplines where we require a number of iteration to
get real good solution.
Now, there are some other points, so we say that we are not covered hydrostatic aerostatic
and aerodynamic in this case, so that question is obvious in this case; we are assuming that
hydrostatic is more like hydrodynamic only the pumping source is getting changed.In
hydrodynamic case pumping source is self acting is a relative speed and a combination with
the load. While in hydrostatic it is a extra pressure or external pressure which is fed between
two surfaces to levitate one surface with related to other surface.Same thing with the
aerostatic; in case of aerostatic we are putting gas, this gas can be anything it can be nitrogen,
it can be any neutral gas, it can be air also which is not going to curve the surface, that is only
our aim.

Otherwise any gas can be utilized, so that we can say aerodynamic bearing will be the
cheapest, because the sources are naturally available I can directly pump or pressurize and
pressurize here, between two surfaces, but there is a difficulty in this case particularly
viscosity of air is much lower than any fluid viscosity. So, we need to have much smoother
surface for aerodynamic bearing which is very difficult to achievethat is, why it requires
sophisticated manufacturing processes to find out, to develop a aerodynamic mechanism or
aerostatic mechanism.

Another interesting fact which I want to highlight is that, may be some time we keep using
only hydrodynamic lubrication mechanism; assuming a two surfaces are always separated
and we are accounting at the initial level or the start level and end level. We are pumping
liquid we are levitating two surfaces or one surface related to other surface and we are always
trying to keep mechanism or contact pair under hydrodynamic lubrication, but it is not a
general case, if there are some third particle passing in liquid, they can occupy the space
between surfaces and then they can reduce particle film thickness or you can increase
effectively the surface roughness.

So, hydrodynamic mechanism can be shifted to the mix lubrication after operating condition,
so we need to account all four disciplines whenever we want to attack any tribological
(Refer Slide Time: 37:35)

Econoomic Beneefits
• Savingg by reducinng energy lo oss due to frriction, losss
due to breakdownns, reducing g depreciatioon of
– Jost Reporrt (1966) saaving of aboout
£515M/yeear by impleementing triibology in UK
• There are a number of examp ples (i.e. I.C
C. engines,
turbommachinery, gears,
g cam-ffollowers, bearings,
where attem mpts have beeen made too reduce wear
and friiction to enhhance servicce life and reduce
r loss of

Economic Benefits:
B Examples

Inside a dissk drive, a slider

s with read/write
r reecording heead
flies over a rotating disk.
d Reducction in spaacing betweeen
head sensoor & maggnetic med dium by implementiing
tribologicallguidelines, increases the areal density and
larger data can be storeed in relativ
vely smallerr space.

We havve number of
o benefits, which we can
c gain wh
hen we applly tribologiccal knowled
dge may
be say if
i we learn all
a four discciplines andd coupling between
b all four discipllines, we caan utilize
those eqquations, thhat knowleddge to increease service life, reduce friction loosses increaase wear
life or to
t reduce material
m wasstage whichh is been do
one either in a lubricannt form or an solid
form, thhat can be saved to a grreater valuee.

This waas pointed out

o in 19666 by Jost Reeporter or itt was pointed out in Joost Report by
b Peter
Jost andd his compaany, and his committeee members.He pointedd out that w
we can savee or U K
ment can saave 515 milllion poundss per year, ju
ust by implementing trribology kno
he componeents to reduuce down time, to
in U K industriess, to avoid breakages between th
reduce inventory cost,
c he couuld calculatee 5 15 million in 1966,, we know nnumber of machine
have increased now drastically compared to 1966, there are many new machines have come
up much more sophisticated machines wheather, the earlier tribology was not required, but
now it is required.

So, if you count those many applications, we can save lot of money for our nation and that
can be used for some other good purposes compared to just getting wasted in tribological
components, it is been observed that this kind of tribology can be used in all I C engines
irrespective of type all I C engines, it can be used in all turbo machineries for all kind of
gears, all kind of camp fall over mechanisms, all kind of bearings, including magnetic
bearings, all kind of seals. So, this kind of knowledge can be utilized for so many
components because I have not seen any machine without any bearing or it does not have any
support system, almost every machine has some support system that means, every machine
requires tribology if we are able to implement that is going to save lot of amount, lot of cost
which is incurred otherwise.

Now, I will take a couple of examples to convey my meaning or of the saving related to the
nation; let us take an example of hard disk drive, we know the hard disk drive is based on a
magnetic read and write, data or printer are written on the disk using the magnetic media and
in one hard disk there may be a number of actuators, number of plats, higher and higher
capacity is always demanded. Earlier, the if you say we required a memory in K B’S then in
M B’S now in G B’S and now we are talking the terabytes the capacity of the hard disk is
continuously increasing, what is the reason behind that, if I go in detail I find that all rotary
actuators and hard disks, act as bearings.

So, this blur color is I am assuming, that is the developed surface is a magnetic disk and this
is a read and write head, when magnetic head is available here if gap between head and disk
is very nerve, very low value, then there is a possibility of boundary lubrication there is a
possibility of surface roughness of magnetic disk may hurt head and damage ahead, there is a
possibility; however, if we design this properly then, that possibility can be reduced.

What is the advantage of reducing the gap between this magnetic head and a magnetic media,
can be elaborated through this mechanism, you see if the distance between the head and the
disk is lower than data loss or signal to noise ratio will be very high if the head is very close
to this the data can be directly picked up, if the this disk head is slightly away then there is a
possibility of external or other data getting captured by the head. So, signal to noise ratio will
reduce that will help me in other way also, if I am able to reduce a gap between this
concenttric circles or the radiius of the one n disk cycle is slightlyy lower or slightly
o concern
moved, than other circles, thaat will be prreferable co
ompared to distance beetween thesee circles
is very high.

You sayy that if I am

a taking a radius of one M M A radius off 1.01 may be say ten
n micron
differennce, then thhat will bee preferablee compared
d to 1.0, 1..1 M M raadius, if there is a
shrinkage or there is a very naarrow domaain availablee signal to noise
n ratio w
will improvee as well
as this is
i going to save
s a disk space.In thee same size disk I can store
s more nnumber of data.
d So,
that is the
t demand we want too enhance sttorage capaccity withoutt increasingg this space and that
is achieevable due to
t tribologyy. Now the surface
s is how
h it is beeen generateed in such a manner
lubricannt layer havve been gennerated as made
m in succh a manneer, then therre is no losss of the
data annd it can reead and wrrite, can bee repeated yen numbeer of times,, avoid you
u to the
unavailability of thhe good lubbricants.If was
w very difficult to acchieve zero wear or neegligible
wear, of b now thaat is achievaable that is possible; nnow we aree talking
o the magnnetic disk, but
about thhis height arre roughly 25
2 nano meeter, 25 nano
o meter is very
v low vallue.Our ordiinary air
thickness comes rooughly 60 too 70 micronn.

And wee are talkinng one thouusand lesseer than thatt.That meanns, if I do a parallel cutting;
howeveer, here wheen I can divide one air in thousand
d or more nuumber of piieces we aree talking
about thhat distancee that is achiievable becaause of tribo

(Refer Slide Time: 44:28)

Economicc Benefits: Examplees

Let us take another example what we are talking about cylinders, alloy engine cylinders we
now piston is generally supported on the piston ring and it reciprocates in a cylinder head and
lubricant layer is provided over the piston rings. So, that it can freely reciprocate in a piston,
but it has been estimated this is one of the major source of friction in I C engine.
If I along with that account other sources is something like wall mechanism, we know very
well walls are used in I C engine to open the port for the fuel and air and close the port for
compression and expansion stroke and finally, open the cylinder for expelling out the exhaust
cases. So, those walls get very high temperature and they have to reciprocate in a cylinder,
along with that there are number of bearings in I C engine if I try to control all this, if I try to
utilize good tribology or good tribological knowledge on those I C engine components there
is a possibility of reduction in friction by 15 percent; 15 percent is been generally targeted.
People have accounted that even they have achieved around 20 percent saving in friction their
mechanical efficiency has reached to 95 percent and in older times the mechanical efficiency
was some what 60 percent to 70 percent and may be say around 3 to 4 years back it was 85
percent, now people have achieved 95 percent the great saving due to tribological knowledge.

(Refer Slide Time: 46:16)

Economic Benefits: Examples

Number of Vehicles (in world) > 700 million. Average power

of engine ≅ 30 BHP. If we assume 2% improvement in BHP,
then 420 million HP can be saved.

Now, there is another change in technology to avoid or to reduce the tribology knowledge. In
older time this kind of the wall mechanism were used. There was a cam, push rod, rocker arm
and the rocker shaft and ampli. This signal was amplified to push the piston, push the wall in
wall guide. So, we can find out there are number of tribospheres say wall and push rod, there
will be some friction there is mechanical contact, there is a loot applied and there is a relative
speed. Similarly this is the contact sphere push rod and rocker arm, rocker arm and shaft,
rocker arm and wall and wall and wall guide, so there are too many tribospheres in that and
almost every tribosphere causes some friction losses.
That was replaced with over head technology. There is a cam there is a follower and directly
wall, so all intermediate links have been removed, we know very well the free remove
intermediate link one is reliability is going to improve or reliability of system will be higher
in addition to that there are number of tribospheres which have been eliminated. So, friction
loss will be reduced; however, there was only one problem how to use or how to carry
lubricant from cam case to the camshaft, now that also has been resolved they are able to
provide good lubrication or the inverted head condition also or we say that over head
condition also.
So, if we implement all this conditions if there is an huge saving and a rough estimation says,
that number of vehicles in the world are more

than 700 millions, if I count, power range of all vehicles I can find out average value will be
roughly 30 H P by one motor vehicle which is on lower side which is more on conservative
side we are doing a rough estimation and in verse to verse case. If I assume we are able to
save two percent of that energy using tribological knowledge I am going to view what we are
going to achieve is something like a 420 million H P that is a huge saving that means, even
the delta improvement on the tribological level is going to help us drastically.
So, we should implement, we should learn tribology, we should learn how to apply this
tribology in couple of applications. Once we learn that application how to implement for
couple of applications, we can enhance, we can say enlarge our domain for other
applications. So, tribology or bio tribology is one of the coming up area and people have
worked, they have really designed good prospective joints based on tribological knowledge
and they are able to achieve joined efficiency as well as a life up to 20 years.
(Refer Slide Time: 49:37)

Economic Benefits: Examples

• Average Iron and Steel industry allots Rs.

3-5 million for maintenance / Replacement
of bearings.
• A rough estimation indicates that 10%
percent of bearing life can be improved
by better lubricant, lubricant additive,
proper bearing installation.
• Implementation of tribological knowledge
in iron and steel industries of INDIA can
save 3 to 5 million rupees per year.

Let’s take another example, this bearing example is related the roller bearing is a multi row
roller bearing and it failed due to misalignment due to wrong mind thing or due to wrong
impression of the mounted may be the person who mounted was not knowledgeable how to
mount it and carry over the fast of work he mounted this bearing and this bearing frict with in
100 hours there were two bearings or one bearing failed 100 hours and other bearing failed in
300 hours.

While estimated life of this bearing was roughly 4000 hours, so there is a percentage hundred
hours verses 40000 hours 40000 is very huge amount and almost 4 years 5 years duration
while this turn out to be less than one month. Now this kind of bearings are very cam, this
bearings are common in steel industry and we know almost every industry use the bearings I
am just taking only this one example and when we estimated all iron and steel industry they
divide or maybe they keep some money for bearing replacement bearing purchase capital
inventory whenever there is a bearing failure they just simply replace without really going
through or without diagnosing properly.
So, they keep generally 3 to 5 million for maintenance and replacement of the bearings that is
a huge amount roughly in India we have ten plus this kind of industry and if I am targeting if
I am thinking at least ten industries I am leaving all other part of this industries are able to
save this much money, that will be very helpful to us and you say that worst to worst if I am
able to save 10 percent of the bearing life as per my understanding bearings are mostly failed,
because of the maintenance problem if that can be avoided or I am just saying the rough
estimation 10 percent can be avoided later keep a 90 percent same.
Even in that case, we are going to save roughly 3 to 5 million per year just based on ten iron
and steel industry if I am counting all other if I start counting other bearing industries or
other industries if the bearings are used, naturally saving will be huge.

(Refer Slide Time: 52:13)

Economic Benefits

Successful implementation of tribological

knowledge in INDIA can save 1 to 1.5% of
GNP ($ 3.4 Trillion) Æ Rs. 1500 million.

If 50% of this cost needs to be invested

in unsuccessful trials and fruitless
hypotheses, still INDIA will gain from
practicing tribology.

In short I want to conclude whether in this light it says that rough estimation say, we can save
energy, we can save material and if I talk in monetary point of view we can save almost 1 to
1.5 percent of GNP. GNP is a 3.4 trillion dollars.
So, what we are talking about roughly the 15000 million rupees can be saved by
implementing right tribological knowledge; however, there is always a problem people say
not all efforts will be always successful. So, I agree with that, we say may be assuming only
50 percent efforts are success and 50 percent efforts are not successful, we are wasting half
of money and just putting efforts, we are not getting returns, but only half of money which
we put, we are getting returns. Saving will be huge, there is a significant amount of the
saving we are going to achieve if we implement tribological knowledge. Thank you for your
attention and we will be covering friction topic in our next lecture.

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