An Overview of Impellers, Velocity Profile and Reactor Design

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An Overview of Impellers, Velocity Profile and

Reactor Design
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Praveen Patel , Pranay Vaidya , Gurmeet Singh
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
Indian Oil Corporation Limited, R&D Centre Faridabad

Abstract: This paper presents a simulation operation and hence in estimating the
approach to develop a model for understanding efficiency of the operating system. The
the mixing phenomenon in a stirred vessel. The involved processes can be analysed to optimize
mixing in the vessel is important for effective the products of a technology, through defining
chemical reaction, heat transfer, mass transfer the model with adequate parameters.
and phase homogeneity. In some cases, it is Reactors are always important parts of any
very difficult to obtain experimental working industry, and for a detailed study using
information and it takes a long time to collect several parameters many readings are to be
the necessary data. Such problems can be taken and the system has to be observed for all
solved using computational fluid dynamics
adversities of environment to correct for any
(CFD) model, which is less time consuming,
inexpensive and has the capability to visualize skewness of values. As such huge amount of
required data, it takes a long time to collect
the real system in three dimensions.
enough to build a model. In some cases, also it
As reactor constructions and impeller is difficult to obtain experimental information
configurations were identified as the potent also. Pilot plant experiments can be considered
variables that could affect the macromixing as an option, but this conventional method has
phenomenon and hydrodynamics, these been left far behind by the advent of
variables were modelled. Using detailed Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models
hydrodynamic modelling of a system, we can
owing to its main advantage examining the real
optimize the critical parameters and operation
limits. Besides the detailed examination of the system in three dimensions along with option
processes, we can attain better yields and for scaling. A validated CFD model can
higher quality products. support design, research and development,
optimization, scale up or other complex
The results were presented to IOCL in the form engineering tasks, such as polymerization and
of a report. For the implementation of the crystallization operations .
models COMSOL Multiphysics 3.5 was used. In our research work, COMSOL
Keywords: Computational Flow Dynamics, Multiphysics 3.5 has been used, in which
velocity profile, impellers, mixing, stirred Different reactors with varying impeller
vessel configurations have been modelled to achieve a
better understanding of mixing and
1. Introduction hydrodynamics in a stirred tank. Velocity
profile and homogeneity of the system were
The stirred vessel is one of the most studied. The reactor constructions were flat
commonly used devices in the production
industry. Chemical reactors are sorted bottom and ellipsoid bottom tank with different
according to the operation (batch, fed-batch, types of impellers: T shaped impellers, rotating
continuous) or the used impeller type (turbine, disc, three-bladed impeller, four-bladed
jet, blade, etc.) or by any similar kind of impeller and pitched blade impellers [Figure-
classification as convenient for the specific 1]. Each reactor configuration was simulated at
industry, the mentioned being majority. The different revolution speeds such as 10, 20, 50
mixing in the vessel is important for effective and 100 RPM. With this detailed modelling, the
chemical reaction, heat transfer, mass transfer
ideal parameters were computed for reactor
and phase homogeneity. For the suitable
homogeneity, adequate mixing is required design.
which depends on the design and size of the The achieved results are shown in three
moving parts. Thus, it is an important problem. dimensional animations, and streamline
Static parts attached to a stirred tank (such as diagrams. Background study involves the
baffles) in certain situations may also have a governing equations which are needed to
significant effect on mixing phenomena. describe mixed systems and are mentioned in
A detailed modelling of fluid dynamics the section that follows.
will help in determining the regimes of

Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2014 COMSOL Conference in Bangalore

2. Governing Equations Where, ρ denotes the fluid’s density (kg/m3), U
represents the average velocity (m/s), η is the
The flow is described by the Navier-Stokes dynamic viscosity (kg/(m.s)), P equals the
equations having the local changes term, the
pressure (Pa), k refers to the turbulence energy
convective term, stress term, and the body
forces term (F) (m2/s2), ε is the dissipation rate of turbulent
kinetic energy (m2/s3) and is a model constant.

3. Modelling and method

Single phase fluids were examined in

laminar and turbulent regimes for modelling a
The next equation is the continuity equation, stirred tank reactor. We used COMSOL
describing the conservation of mass. Multiphysics 3.5 to implement the models.
The fluid properties are described by
mainly three parameters: revolution speed,
density and viscosity. The density used is the
density of the water, and the dynamic viscosity
Two models were used to describe is equal to the value of the viscosity, took from
the model library built-in example.
turbulence modeling variable k-ε models and
Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations. Table 1 Model Parameter used
The k-ε models use a modified Navier-Stokes
equation, calculating the velocity field by rpm Revolution speed 20,50,100 1/min
using turbulence viscosity. In the Reynolds
rho Density 1000 Kg/m^3
averaged Navier -Stokes equation the stresses
are calculated as average stresses to lower the eta Viscosity 0.01 Kg/(m .s)
need of computation. Equation expresses the
For every impeller a 3D geometry was
stress tensor (Pk)
drawn and exported to the different tank
geometries. Figure 1 shows the different
In these equations, u denotes for velocity
(m/s), the density (kg/m3), the dynamic impeller geometries.
viscosity (Pa.s), and p the pressure (Pa). For a
stationary, axisymmetric flow the equations
reduce to

3-Bladed 4- Bladed Disc


To describe turbulent flow in the reactor the

model uses the k-ε model, for which the
momentum transport and continuity equations 2-Bladed 4-Bleded 3-Bladed
Pitched 45 pitched with Baffles

Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2014 COMSOL Conference in Bangalore

Pitched Blade T-Shaped
with Baffles Impeller

Figure 1 The used impellers

Figure 2 The finalized geometry
The results are shown for a model
obtained from model navigator using chemical The fluid properties are designed by user
engineering module. The designed reactor is itself. In Physics menu user defined the wall
an ellipsoid bottom tank with a 4- bladed boundary and the outer boundaries conditions
impeller. The geometry was created in except for the upper two boundaries, those
COMSOL Multiphysics 3.5 manually, using were symmetry boundaries. The rotating
geometry modelling. The stirred vessel was domains: the inner subdomain and rotating
created from cylindrical and ellipsoid shapes. wall have the similar boundary conditions as
Using identity pair, the designed geometry the impeller have. Every simulation had done
(reactor vessel and impeller) was assembled. for three different values of rotational speed
Identity pairs were used to join the rotating with counter clockwise direction having
part (impeller) to the fixed part (reactor positive angular velocity. Identity pair defined
vessel). We choose chemical engineering the flow between the outer and inner
module with rotating machinery from subdomain. One of the points of the upper
COMSOL Multiphysics for the moving mesh edge of the reactor was fixed as a pressure
model. The investigated model has two point constraint. In every case, put initial
subdomains: the outer subdomain is fixed, and values of the velocity in every direction zero.
the inner subdomain rotates. The identity pair A user defined mesh with tetrahedral
describes the connection between the two elements was used in every simulation. In this
subdomains. Table 2 contains the geometry particular case coarse mesh is used. Figure 3
parameters described the given model, and shows the meshed geometry.
Figure 2 shows the finalized geometry.

Table 2 Geometry parameters

Inner subdomain diameter 1 m

Outer subdomain diameter 1.2 m
Reactor height 1.8 m
Impeller diameter 0.33 m
Impeller height 1.5 m
Impeller bottom distance 0.15 m

Figure 3 The meshed geometry

The results are shown as slice diagrams

showing the velocity field in the vessel
geometry, and streamline diagrams.
Animations were created from the slice

Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2014 COMSOL Conference in Bangalore

diagrams to visualize dynamical behaviour of introducing baffles when pitch is not presented
the system. for 4-bladed impeller

4. Results and discussion

The slice plot is the type of post processing.

In Figure 4 five parallel vertical slices are
implemented through the whole diameter of
the reactor, which shows the results of the
dynamic simulation, the velocity field in the
case of 4-bladed turbine impeller. The
revolution speed is 100 1/min. The figure
shows, that the fluid velocity is higher near the
impeller than near the wall.

Figure 6: The velocity profile for different type

of impellers

Figure 6 shows velocity profile for different

impellers at time 60s by stationary solver. The
graph shows, that average velocity of fluid in
stirred vessel increases with rotational speed
and also shows that the average velocity for 4-
bladed impeller is greater among three bladed
impeller, 2-bladed pitched blade impeller, 4-
bladed impeller, 4 bladed 45̊ pitched blade
impeller and disc impeller for higher revolution

Figure 4 The simulation results of the stirred

tank with a 4-bladed impeller. (100 1/min)

Figure 5 shows the streamline plot of the

vorticity affects mixing phenomena. The
streamline plot shows, that the reactor is well
mixed. Baffles can be used to achieve a
adequate mixing in stirred vessel when
vorticity is formed.

Figure 7: The velocity profile for 3-bladed and

4-bladed impellers with and without baffles

Figure 7 shows comparison of velocities

between 3-bladed and 4-bladed impellers with
and without baffles at time t = 60 sec by
stationary solver. It's evident that the average
velocity of impellers with baffles is less than
the one without baffles and the difference
increases with rotational speed. Hence, baffles
Figure 5 : The streamline plot of vorticity helps in preventing vortex formation.
with and without baffles
Maximum vorticity of 4-bladed impeller with
and without baffles is 513.04 and 186
respectively. Hence, vorticity is reduced by

Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2014 COMSOL Conference in Bangalore

The above graph shows, that the 4-bladed
impeller has greater velocity than 3-bladed
impeller but in case of impellers with baffle the
3-bladed impeller has greater velocity than 4-
bladed impeller.

Figure 10: The velocity profile for different


The fluid properties like density and viscosity

also affect the rate of mixing. The average
Figure 8: The velocity profile for different
velocity decreases as viscosity of fluid
reactor geometry.
Figure 10 shows velocity profile of 4-bladed
Reactors always play an important role in any
impeller for different fluids at time 60s by
working industry. Designing of reactor affects
stationary solver. It is obvious that velocity for
reaction rate as well as installation cost. To
hexane and TiCl4 (less viscous fluid) is greater
make industry more economically profitable,
than the water and high viscous fluid.
optimized reactor parameters are required.
Figure 8 shows velocity profile of 4-bladed
5. Conclusions
impeller for different reactor geometry at time
60 sec by stationary solver. It's evident that
Velocity profile and mixing in stirred vessel
velocity of 4-bladed impeller is optimum at
has been investigated using computational
L/D = 1 for higher revolution speed.
fluid dynamics (CFD). The purpose was to
understand the effect of reactor geometry,
impeller configuration, rotation speed, baffle
and fluid properties (density and viscosity) on
the mixing phenomenon. The results are
shown in the form of slice diagrams,
streamline plots and graphs. In future, one can
do the same simulation for higher revolution
speed, multi-impeller systems and continuous

6. References

1. Robert E. Treybal, McGraw-Hill. Mass

Figure 9: The velocity profile for different ratio Transfer Operation, Third edition-
of impeller to reactor diameter Mechanically agitated vessel.
2. James R. Couper, W. Roy Penney, James R.
Impellers are used in reactor for effective Fair and Stanley M. Wala, Chemical Process
mixing to produce the desired effect in the least Equipment, Second edition-Selection and
amount of time. Here, different reactors with Design.
varying impeller configurations have been 3. A. Egedy, T. Varga, T. Chovan,
modeled to achieve a better understanding of “Investigations on Hydrodynamic in Stirred
mixing and hydrodynamics in a stirred tank. Vessels for Educational Purposes” Department
The above graph shows velocity profile of 4- of Process Engineering, University of
bladed impeller for different ratios of the Pannonia
impeller diameter to the reactor diameter at time 4. Butterworth’s, Mixing in the Process
60s by stationary solver. It's evident that Industries.
velocity for 4-bladed impeller is optimum at
di/D = 0.6and di/D = 0.7 for lower revolution
speed and higher revolution speed respectively.

Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2014 COMSOL Conference in Bangalore

7. Acknowledgements

This work has been supported by Indian Oil

Corporation Limited and Indian Institute of
Technology, Bombay.

8. Appendix

Table 1 : Notation

Variable Description Unit

ρ density [kg/m ]
μ viscosity [Pas]
μt turbulent viscosity [Pas]
k turbulent kinetic energy [m2/s3]
2 2
ε energy dissipation rate [m /s ]
u velocity vector [m/s]
ω angular velocity [rad/s]
r radius [m]
t Time [s]
 nambla
F force vector N
P pressure Pa

Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2014 COMSOL Conference in Bangalore

Table 2: The velocity profile for different reactor and impeller configuration

10 rpm
di/D L/D
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2
3-bladed 0.0104 0.0155 0.02 0.0202 0.0205 0.0162 0.0198 0.0155 0.0147 0.0118
4-bladed 0.0252 0.0315 0.0378 0.0444 0.0315 0.0315 0.0315 0.0315 0.0315 0.0315
45°pitch 0.0179 0.0278 0.0313 0.0378 0.0294 0.0286 0.0283 0.0278 0.0287 0.0254
20 rpm
di/D L/D
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2
3-bladed 0.0224 0.0304 0.0414 0.0422 0.0403 0.0318 0.04 0.0304 0.0272 0.0228
4-bladed 0.0504 0.063 0.0757 0.0903 0.063 0.063 0.063 0.063 0.063 0.063
45°pitch 0.0344 0.0551 0.124 0.26 0.0579 0.0528 0.0562 0.0551 0.057 0.0494
50 rpm
di/D L/D
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2
3-bladed 0.0479 0.18 0.252 0.181 0.099 0.169 0.139 0.18 0.171 0.0672
4-bladed 0.126 0.158 0.334 0.225 0.158 0.376 0.176 0.158 0.158 0.158
45°pitch 0.0805 0.138 0.407 0.348 0.144 0.126 0.14 0.138 0.141 0.121
100 rpm
di/D L/D
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2
3-bladed 0.177 0.659 0.73 0.686 0.223 0.768 0.499 0.659 0.773 0.28
4-bladed 0.252 0.315 0.512 0.792 0.413 1.169 0.739 0.734 0.732 0.435
45°pitch 0.172 0.275 0.31 0.375 0.495 0.597 0.279 0.275 0.281 0.239

In table 2, shows the average velocity for different reactor and impeller configurations. From the table one can
easily conclude the optimized reactor and impeller configuration for stirred vessel using in industry. Using table 2,
for a given reactor size, one can easily suggest which impeller is best for the given reactor design and vice-versa.

Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2014 COMSOL Conference in Bangalore

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