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IRC 78:2020 PART 2


Code of Practice
Limit State Design for Foundations

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Limit State Design for foundations

1.0 Symbols
2.0 Design Philosophy and Verifications under ultimate and serviceability limit states
2.1 Design Philosophy
2.2 .1 Combinations of actions for Verifications under ultimate limit state for open foundation
2.2.2 Verification under serviceability limit state.
3.0 Open Foundation
3.1 Check for Loss of equilibrium
3.1.1 Verification against overturning
3.1.2 Verification against sliding
3.2 Verification for Bearing Resistance
3.2.1 Partial factor for actions and combination of actions
3.2.2 Partial factor on materials
3.2.3 Calculation of bearing pressure on soil
3.2.4 Calculation of bearing pressure on rock
3.2.5 Calculation of bearing pressure for structural design of foundation
3.2.6 Calculation of allowable bearing capacity
3.3 Verification of uplift limit state
3.4 Verification of Serviceability limit state
3.4.1 Verification of contact area of base and bearing pressure
3.4.2 Calculation of Settlement
3.4.3 Allowable Settlement
3.5 Special vehicle loading
3.5.1 Verifications required
3.5.2 Method of verification
3.6 Other Provisions
4.0 Pile Foundation
4.1 General

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4.2 Actions and Combinations
4.3 Set value of Partial factor for geo-technical materials to be used for computation of
geo technical action and ground resistance
4.4 Ultimate limit state verifications
4.4.1 Loss of equilibrium
4.4.2 Verification of bearing resistance for pile resting on soil through pile capacity Estimation of design axial compression load on a pile and pile groups
4.5 Calculation of Pile Capacity of piles resting on soil.
4.5.1 Calculation of pile capacity using ground parameters from site investigation
4.5.2 Calculation of pile capacity from profiles of ground test results
4.5.3 Calculation of pile capacity from static load tests
4.5.4 Calculation of pile capacity from dynamic testing using wave equation analysis
4.5.5 Calculation of pile capacity from pile driving formula
4.5.6 Negative skin friction
4.6 Group action of piles
4.6.1 Piles subjected to compressive loads
4.6.2 Piles subjected to negative skin friction
4.7. Calculation of pile capacity for piles resisting on rock and intermediate Geo-Materials
4.7.1 Behavior of pile foundation resting on rock
4.7.2 Socketing length of pile
4.7.3 Calculation of pile capacity using ground parameters from site investigation for serviceability limit
4.7.4 Allowable load on pile from static load tests
4.7.5 Allowable displacement of pile under working load for rare combination
4.7.6 Verification of pile capacity under ultimate loads
4.7.7 Load test on piles
4.7.8 Group action of piles
4.8 Verification of Tensile resistance of pile foundation
4.8.1 Combination of actions
4.8.2 Resistance capacity of a single pile
4.8.3 Calculation of shaft tensile resistance of piles in soil

3 of 64 Calculation of Shaft tensile resistance from ground parameters Calculation of shaft tensile resistance from pull out tests. Calculation of shaft tensile resistance from ground profile test result Total uplift resistance of piles or group of piles in soil Uplift resistance of pile foundation in rock or intermediate Geo-materials.
4.9 Settlement and Serviceability limit state
4.10 Routine load test
4.11 Piles subjected to lateral load
4.11.1 Ultimate horizontal Capacity of Pile
4.11.2 Ultimate horizontal Capacity of Piles in a Group.
4.11. Horizontal Capacity of Pile under Serviceability limit state.
4.12 Structural analysis of pile
4.13 Structural design of pile
4.15 Special vehicle loading
4.15.1 Verifications required
4.15.2 Method of verification
4.16 Other provisions

5.0 Well Foundations

5.1 Limit State of verification of side earth resistance and bearing resistance
5.2 Actions and Combinations
5.3 Partial factor for Geo-Technical material for computation of resistances
5.4 Resistance factors for side and base resistance and limitation of side resistance
5.4.1 Resistance factors for side and base resistance
5.4.2 Limitation of side resistance

5.5 Summary of resistance factors for base resistance

5.6 Verification of base resistance and base contact area
5.6.1 Wells resting on soil
5.6.2 Wells resting on rock
5.7 Verification of serviceability limit state

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5.8 Structural Design of Foundation
5.9 Special vehicle loading
5.9.1 Verifications required
5.9.2 Method of verification
5.10 Other provisions

Annexure-1 Explanatory Note

Annexure-2 Worked out Examples

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The “IRC:78 Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges Section VII – Foundation and
Sub-Structure” was published first in July 1980 as part of General Features of design. Later, first revision
was published in December 1980 incorporating Part II and Amendments 1, 2 and 3 to Part I as an unified
code. The second revision was published in December 2000. The third revision which is the current edition
was published in January 2014 incorporating all amendments and errata published up to December 2013.
The BSS Committee during the meeting held on ------ desired that since Loads and Load Combination Code
(IRC: 6) and concrete bridge code (IRC: 112) using Limit State approach have already been published and
the Steel Bridges Committee (IRC 24) and Bearings Committee (IRC 83) are also expected to revise the
codes based on Limit State approach, the Foundation and Substructure Committee should also revise IRC:78
to suit the limit State approach as early as possible.
Soon after the BSS committee meeting, the B-3 committee tool up the work of preparation of draft code on
limit State approach for design of foundations. A subcommittee comprising of the following was constituted
to prepare the draft document.
Sub-Committee B 3-1 : Limit State Design Guidelines for Foundation:

(i) Shri S.S. Gaharwar, Convener;

(ii) Dr. A.K. Sinha, Member;
(iii) Shri P.V. Mayur, Member;
(iv) Shri Ashok Basa, Member;
(v) Shri T. Viswanathan, Member;
(vi) Dr. B.K. Maheshwari, Member.

The subcommittee held few meetings. Subsequently, on the request of Convener B-3 committee, Mr T.
Viswanathan took up the responsibility of preparing the draft document. The draft was prepared by Mr
Viswanathan and discussed in several meetings of the B-3 Committee. The draft was revised a number of
times and the present version was approved by B-3 Committee in its 11th meeting held on 2.8.2019.
Committee also decided that an Explanatory Note and Worked out examples using the limit state approach
and working stress approach be also included in the document for easy understanding of the users. Since
revision of IRC:78 is likely to take some more time the Committee decided to recommend publication of this
document as standalone IRC:78-Part 2. The B-3 Committee also recommended that option may be given to
designers for the next 2 years to follow either the working stress method as per present IRC:78 which will be
renumbered as IRC:78 Part 1 on revision or as per Limit State approach given in this Part 2 for design of

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foundations for bridges.
The Draft Document was approved by the Bridges Specification and Standards Committee in its meeting
held on ----------------- at New Delhi and lately Executive Committee on ------. The draft was discussed and
approved by the Council of the Indian Roads Congress at the ------------ meeting held at Goa on --------
The composition of the B-3 Committee is given below:

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1.0 Symbols

1) Latin Letters
AC : The area of base of foundation in contact with soil
Width of foundation
CR5 CR6 Correlation factors
Cu = Un-drained shear strength
Cud = Design value of un-drained shear strength
d = Diameter of circular foundation
e = Eccentricity of vertical loads
eB = Eccentricity of vertical loads in transverse direction

eL= Eccentricity of vertical loads in longitudinal direction

GR5 GR6 : GRS Partial factor for ground Resistance.
Hd Factored design Horizontal force at base foundation
Ka Active earth pressure coefficient
Kp Passive earth pressure coefficient
L Length of foundation
M Modal factor
QRd Reduced capacity of pile based on partial factor for ground Resistance
Qtd Design tensile Resistance of pile
Qtk Characteristic tensile Resistance of pile
Quc Characteristic compressive Resistance of pile
Qbc Characteristic base Resistance of pile
Qufc Characteristic shaft frictional Resistance of pile
Qud Ultimate design Resistance of pile
Rd Design value of Resistance of an action

V factored design vertical action acting normal to foundation base

2) Greek letters

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δ Structure ground interface friction angle (wall or base interface)

γb Partial factor for base Resistance of pile

γc Partial factor for effective cohesion
γcu partial factor for un-drained shear strength
γm Partial factor for soil parameter
γqu Partial factor for unconfined strength
γR Partial factor for Ground Resistance
γs Partial factor for shaft Resistance of a pile

γst Partial factor for tensile Resistance of pile

Partial factor for total Resistance of pile or Partial factor for the density of the
Φ Angle of shearing Resistance of soil
Φ1 Design angle of shearing Resistance of soil.
σv Base pressure

For definitions Section 3 of IRC112 may be referred to.

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2.0 Design Philosophy and Verifications under Ultimate and Serviceability Limit States
2.1 Design Philosophy
Limit state design philosophy will ensure that the foundation will be safe with regards to the various limit
states requirement under different design situations. The philosophy will ensure that the limits stated
herein are not exceeded during the life of the structure.
The limit states can be divided into two types, ultimate limit state and serviceability limit state.
Under the ultimate limit state, the loss of equilibrium of the structure, excessive deformation of the
ground (bearing failure) and loss of equilibrium of the structure or the ground due to uplift by buoyancy
are to be verified. Under serviceability limit state, the contact area of base, the bearing pressure under
open and well foundations and settlement under all foundations are to be investigated.
The procedure outlined in the following sections shall be used for carrying out the geotechnical design of
foundations. The structural design of foundations shall be carried out in accordance with IRC: 112.For
substructures subjected to geotechnical actions (e.g., abutment, retaining wall excluding reinforced earth
wall, abutment well cap and pile cap) the structural design shall be carried out according to IRC 112 for
load combinations given in Table B4 of IRC: 6 for ultimate limit state using appropriate material safety
factors on soil and as per Table B3 of IRC: 6 for serviceability limit state. Open foundation, Pile
foundation, and well foundation are covered in these sections of limit state design.
2.2 Combinations of actions for Verifications under ultimate limit state for open foundation
The verifications have to be carried out under the ultimate limit state for loss of equilibrium and bearing
resistance failure for combinations of actions shown in clause 2.2.1.
. For open foundations the passive earth pressure (relieving earth pressure) can be considered in the
calculation provided the soil is well compacted and protected against scour in front. However, passive
resistance on the foundation shall not be considered for open foundations resting on clayey soils due to
possibility of shrinking.

2.2.1 Verification under ultimate limit state

Verifications required are:

a) Loss of equilibrium (i.e.) overturning, overall stability, sliding of foundation and uplift. This verification
shall be carried out using Table B1 of IRC 6 and material safety factor shown in TableTable 1.

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b) Bearing resistance failure: Bearing resistance failure shall be verified using the following combinations
of actions as shown in Table B4 of IRC6 :2017, partial factor on materials and ground resistance
factors. The combination can be expressed as

Action combination 1 + partial factor on materials set 1 value+ Resistance factor R1.

Action combination 2 + partial factor on materials set 2 value + Resistance factor R1

Failure of Shallow

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Failure of
retaining wall

Seismic combination + partial factor on materials set 2 value + Resistance factor R2

Accidental combination + partial factor on materials set 2 value + Resistance factorR1

Meaning of “+” is combined with

c) Loss of equilibrium due to uplift of structure subjected to hydraulic uplift.

2.2.2 Verification under serviceability limit state

Under serviceability limit state the following verifications may be required to be carried out

(a) Contact area of base where applicable under frequent combination (b) Base pressure under rare
combination (c) settlement under quasi permanent combination

3. Open Foundation

3.1. Check for loss of equilibrium:

The structure loses its equilibrium when it overturns or slides or gets uplifted.. Hence it shall be ensured that

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the structure neither over turns nor slides. The uplift verification may be carried out where required

3.1.1 Verifications against overturning and overall stability

Verification against overturning for all structures and over turning and overall stability for foundations
supporting the retaining structure or abutments shall be carried out using the partial factors for actions shown
in table no. B.1 of IRC: 6:2017 for all the combinations. The partial factor for water pressure shall be taken
as 1.0. If encountered. However partial factor needs to be applied on the geo technical materials which are
shown below while computing the effect of Geo-technical actions. The computed geotechnical actions are to
be further multiplied by partial factor for actions shown in table B1 of IRC 6. The design parameter for geo
technical material to be adopted for computation of geo technical action is calculated from the characteristic
parameter. Design Parameter = characteristic Parameter obtained from tests / γm except for angle of shearing
resistance. The design angle of shearing resistance shall be computed as given at the bottom of table 1.The
partial factor on materials shown below is applicable to check stability(over turning , over all stability,
sliding and uplift.)

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Partial Factor for Soil Parameter (γm ) for stability verification

Soil Parameter Symbol Partial Factors

Angle of Shearing ϕ 1.1
Effective Cohesion γc 1.1

undrained Shear γcu 1.2

Unconfined γqa 1.2
compressive strength
Density γt 0.9

Design angle of shearing resistance = φ1= tan-1(tanφ/γm)

It shall be ensured that the overturning moment ≤ Resisting Moment

3.1.2 Verification against sliding

The verification against sliding shall be carried out by using the, partial factors for actions shown in table B.1
of IRC: 6 – 2017. The partial factor for materials for computing the geo technical action shall be adopted
given in Table 1.It shall be ensured that factored design horizontal forces are less than the resisting forces.
Hd ≤ Vtanδ + passive resistance of soil if considered
Hd = factored design horizontal forces acting at base of foundation
V = is the factored design vertical forces acting at base of foundation
tanδ = can be taken as tanϕ1 between soil and concrete and 0.8 between good rock and concrete and 0.7 for
fissured rock and concrete.
For undrained condition the design resistance(R d )for cohesive soil can be taken as Rd= Ac Cud.
Where Ac is the area of base in contact as per clause 3.2.3 and Cud is the factored undrained design shear

Hd ≤Rd where. C ud = C u / γ cu . This check shall be carried out after calculating the contact area of the base as
per clause 3.2.3

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3.2 Verification for Bearing Resistance
It shall be ensured that the pressure transmitted by the foundation does not exceed the ultimate bearing
3.2.1 Partial factor for actions and combination of actions.

The bearing resistance has to be verified for the factored actions and their combinations shown in table B.4
of IRC: 6-2017. Where ever water pressure is encountered the partial factor shall be taken as 1.0 for the

3.2.2 Partial factor on materials

Geo-technical actions and the bearing or ground capacity shall be computed using the partial factor for
materials as given in Table 2. The design parameters for geotechnical materials shall be obtained from the
characteristic parameters as specified in clause 3.1.1 for computing the geotechnical actions and ground


Partial Factor for Soil Parameters (γm) for computing the geo technical actions and bearing

Soil Parameter Symbol Set 1 Set 2

To be used in To be used in
Combination (1) and in Combination (2) and in
Accidental Combination seismic combination
Angle of Shearing ϕ 1.0 1.25
Effective Cohesion γc 1.0 1.25

Undrained Shear γcu 1.0 1.4

unconfined compressive γqa 1.0 1.4
Density γt 1.0 1.0

Design angle of shearing resistance = φ1= tan-1(tanφ/γm)

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3.2.3 Calculation of bearing pressure on soil

When the foundation is subjected to moment about one axis or both axes the base pressure shall be
calculated assuming a uniformly distributed pressure over an effective base area.

Reduced Footing Dimensions ULS Pressure Distribution


Double axes eccentricity Single axis eccentricity

The bearing pressure transmitted when subjected to single axis eccentricity in case of rectangular footing is.

σv = Σv/(L-2e)

When subjected to double axes eccentricity σ v = Σv/(L-2eL) (B-2eB)

Σv = is the total vertical load on foundation σv is the bearing pressure transmitted.

L and B are dimensions of footing as shown

e, eL and eB are eccentricities.

It shall be ensured that the minimum contact of base area shall not be less than 50% under all four
combinations. In case of circular foundation the bearing pressure transmitted will be worked out as shown

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Σv/effective area of contact. The contact area will have uniform pressure.

The effective contact area shall be calculated as follows. The centroid of the contact area shall coincide with
the point of application of load which is the location of eccentricity .Table below gives the contact area for
various e/d ratios.

Area of Contact

e/d 0.1 0.125 0.15 0.20

Area of contact 76% 70% 64 50%

3.2.4 Calculation of Bearing Pressure on Rock.

When the foundation is supported on Rock, the base Pressure shall be calculated by assuming a linearly
varying pressure over effective base area. The contact pressure diagram will be either triangle or trapezoidal.

The minimum contact area of base of 67% for all four combinations shall be ensured. When the UCS
exceeds or equal to 4 Mpa the strata shall be treated as rock for this purpose of this clause

3.2.5 Calculation of bearing pressure for structural design of foundation

For the structural design of an eccentrically loaded foundation, a triangular or trapezoidal contact pressure
depending upon the eccentricity based on the factored loads shall be worked out and used both for the
foundations resting on soil and rock .

3.2.6 Calculation of allowable bearing capacity.

The ultimate net bearing capacity for soils shall be calculated as per IS: 6403. The bearing capacity shall be
calculated using the partial factor for materials given in Table 2 for the respective combinations. The reduced
dimensions of the foundation have to be used for estimating the ultimate bearing capacity which will lead to
calculation of bearing capacity for each combination. The bearing capacity thus worked out shall be further
divided by the following ground resistance factors to arrive at the allowable ultimate bearing capacity

Ground resistance factor R1 for foundations resting on soil shall be taken as 1.3 for all combinations except
for seismic combination. For seismic combination ground resistance factor R2 can be taken as 1.1. For
foundations resting on rock, the ground resistance factor shall be taken as 4.5.

3.3 Verification of uplift limit state (Buoyancy)

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Verification of uplift limit state is required for structures subjected to uplift force e.g. an underpass subjected
to uplift due to the ground water level raising up to a high level. The check shall be carried out for the
combinations shown in Table B-1 of IRC: 6-2017. The partial factor for actions shall be adopted as shown in
the above table. Any additional resistance (Rd) to counter the uplift is mobilized either by providing tension
piles or anchors or both, the design additional resistance shall be computed by dividing the calculated
characteristic additional resistances (Rd) by the partial factors as given below

For Anchors 1.1 and for tensile pile resistance as given under pile foundation section (Table 10). For soil
parameters to be used in the computation of the resistance, the partial factors on materials shown in Table 1
shall be applied (Angle of Shearing resistance, effective Cohesion, undrained Shear Strength, , Density).
Verification for uplift shall be carried out by checking the design value of combination of unfavorable uplift
actions is less than or equal to sum of resisting actions and of any additional resistance to uplift

V unfavorable < V favorable + Design additional Resistance

Verification against uplift failure of the block of ground containing the piles and ground anchors shall also be
carried out using partial factors on materials shown in Table 1

While considering the uplift, of the block of ground containing the piles, the shear resistance along the sides
of the block, the self weight of soil in the block and weight of piles shall be added to other resisting self
weights if any with the partial factor shown in Table B-1 of IRC: 6 for stabilizing actions.

3.4 Verification of Serviceability Limit State

Verification of serviceability limit consists of verification contact area of base, bearing pressure and
settlement under the foundation. For these verifications the partial factor on materials shall be taken as 1.0

3.4.1 Verification of base contact area and bearing pressure

The contact area of base under foundation shall be verified using the frequent Combination of loads shown in
table B3 of IRC: 6:2017. . The partial factor for buoyancy shall be taken as 1.0

For foundation resting on soil, 90% contact area of the base shall be ensured. In case of foundations resting
on rock, 80% contact area of base shall be ensured The pressure distribution under foundation shall be
worked out based on either trapezoidal on triangular variation. The maximum base pressure shall be checked
under the rare combination of action as per table B.3 of IRC 6 and factor of safety of 2.25for foundations
resting on soil shall be ensured against ultimate bearing capacity. In case of foundations resting on rock a
factor of safety of 7.0 shall be ensured against ultimate capacity

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3.4.2 Calculation of Settlement.

For the calculation of settlement under the foundation the Quasi permanent combination shown in table B-3
of IRC:6 – 2007 shall be used and shall be ensured that settlement and angular deviation is within allowable
limit. The settlement calculation shall be performed as per IS Code. 8009 part1

3.4.3 Allowable settlement

The allowable settlement shall be as given below for foundations resting on soil. For foundations resting on
rock the settlement shall be limited to 15mm.


Allowable settlement for foundations resting on soil

Bridges Maximum Settlement Angular Distortion

in mm
For steel Bridges on 50 1 in 400
Isolated foundation

For Concrete Bridges Isolated 75 1in 400

For Steel Bridges on raft foundation 75 1 in 400

For Concrete Bridges on raft 75 1 in 400


3.5 Special Vehicle Loading

3.5.1 Verifications required
Verification of equilibrium, base pressure and strength checks are to be carried out under ULS.
Verification of base pressure and strength check for rare combination of loads under SLS shall also be carried
out. The Partial factor on SV loading shall be taken as 1.15 as given in clause 204.5.4 of IRC: 6 for ULS
verifications except for combination 2. For combination 2 and rare combination under SLS the partial factor
on SV loading shall be taken as 1.0.
3.5.2 Method of Verification

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All the relevant clauses given above will also be applicable for carrying out the verifications with the
following modifications.
(a) The ground resistance factor shall be taken as 1.2 as against 1.3 mentioned in clause 3.2.6 for arriving at
the allowable ultimate bearing capacity under combination 1 and 2 for foundations resting on soil.
(b) The actor of safety of 1.75 shall be ensured on ultimate bearing capacity as against 2.25 mentioned in
clause 3.4.1 while checking the base pressure under rare combination of loads for foundations resting on soil.
(c) Factor of Safety of 6.0 shall be ensured as against 7.0 mentioned in clause 3.4.1 while checking the base
pressure under rare combination of loads for foundations resting on rock.
3.6 Other provisions
Other provisions for open foundation not covered in the above clauses shall be governed by existing
provisions given in sections705 and 707.of IRC 78 part 1 may be refereed to.

4.0 Pile Foundation

4.1 General

This section covers the design of end- bearing pile, friction pile, tension pile and laterally loaded pile
installed by boring or diving, resting on Soil or rock or intermediate Geo-materials. The sub sections will
cover Actions, Combination of actions, estimation of axial capacity of pile, acceptance criteria, design of pile
subjected to axial tension and Pile subjected to lateral loads.

4.2 Actions and Combinations

The actions to be considered for the design are shown in Table B.4 of IRC: 6-2017 along with their partial
factors for actions for various combinations. Combinations, to be considered are action combination 1, action
combination 2, seismic combination and accidental combination. Certain actions are not covered in the
above table and the same are indicated below along with their partial factors.

(a) Negative skin friction effect from the ground. The partial factor for this action, in combination 1 and
in accidental combination is 1.35 and for the remaining combinations it shall be taken as 1.0.

(b) Pile foundations are subjected to lateral Loads generated by Geo-technical actions due to different
amounts of surcharge on either side of foundation (e.g near abutment), due to different level of
excavation on either side and pile foundation constructed on slope The partial factor for this lateral
loading in combination 1 is 1.50 and in Combination 2 is1.3 and in other combinations it shall be
taken as 1.0

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(c) Pile foundations in seismic zone are also be subjected to lateral loads due to seismic action. .

4.3 Set value of partial factor (γm) for Geo-technical materials to be used for computation of action and
ground Resistance

The relevant set to be used for computation of action and ground resistance from Geo-technical materials
(soil, rock and intermediate Geo-materials) shall be as shown in Table 4. The partial factors for the relevant
set can be obtained from table no 2.

Table 4 Set Values of Partial Factor(γm) to be used for Material for

Computation of Geo Technical action/Ground resistance.
Combination Set
For computation of ground resistances(both in vertical and in lateral 1
direction), negative skin friction effects, and estimation of effects due to
geotechnical lateral actions including those specified in clause 4.2 for
combination 1
For computation of ground resistance in vertical direction in Combination 2 , 1
and in seismic combination
In Combination 2 and in seismic combination for estimation of ground 2
resistance in lateral direction, computation of negative skin friction effects and
effects due lateral actions including those specified in clause 4.2
In accidental combination for estimation of ground resistance in vertical 1
direction and estimation of negative skin friction effects
In accidental combination for estimation of ground resistance in lateral direction 2
and estimation of effects of lateral actions including those specified in clause

The vertical ground resistance shall be computed using set 1 value only for materials, in all combinations for
piles subjected to both compressive and tensile forces.. The partial factor for ground resistance for
combination 1 is GR1 and for combination 2 is GR2, GRS for seismic combination and GRA for accidental
combination which shall be obtained from table 5.. For computation of negative skin friction effect on the
piles, the characteristic undrained shear strength or unconfined compressive strength (for calculation of shear
strength,) the material safety factor shown in table 2 shall be used as multiplier and not as a divider to arrive
at the design value from the characteristic value Taking into account the actions, combinations, partial factor
on materials and ground resistance factors, the combinations can be expressed as

Action combination 1 + Partial factor on materials set1 value + Ground resistance factor GR1

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Action combination 2 + Partial factor on materials set 2 or set1 value as per above table + Ground
resistance factor GR2

Seismic combination + Partial factor on materials set 2 or set1 value as per above table + Ground
resistance factor GRS

Accidental combination + Partial factor on materials set2 or set 1 value as per above table + Ground
resistance factor GRA

Meaning of “+” is combined with.

4.4 Ultimate Limit States Verifications

The following ultimate limit states shall be verified for the pile foundation.

(i)Loss of Equilibrium

(ii)Bearing Resistance Failure of the pile foundation through Pile Capacity

(iii)Uplift or tensile resistance of pile

(iv) Settlement under serviceability limit state

(vi) Failure of the ground due to lateral loading on pile

(vii) Structural failure of pile

4.4.1 Loss of Equilibrium

Loss of equilibrium if required only need to be checked as the pile foundation is not liable to lose
equilibrium except in case of short pile foundations.

4.4.2 Verification of bearing resistance for piles resting on soil through pile capacity. Estimation of design axial compression load on a pile and pile groups.

The design axial load on a pile shall be estimated for all the 4 combinations described in clauses 4.2 and.4.3.
It shall be ensured that the design axial compression load on a pile or on a group of piles do not exceed the
corresponding axial capacity based on bearing resistance of the ground to avoid bearing resistance failure.
The self weight of pile with associated partial factor should be included while calculating the design axial
compression load under the following circumstances.

1) The down ward drag is significant

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2) The exposed pile length of pile above scour level is large (> 60% of total length)

When the above conditions are not met with, then the common practice of assuming that the weight of the
pile is balanced by that of over burden allowing both to be excluded from load as well as from resistance
can be followed

4.5 Calculation of Pile Capacity piles resting on soil

The pile capacity can be calculated by any one of the following methods.

a) By calculation, using the ground parameters obtained from site investigation

b) By calculation, from profiles of ground test results obtained from in-situ site investigation

c) Directly from static pile load test

d) From Dynamic pile load tests

e) From pile driving formula

For the methods mentioned in (a, (b) (d) and (e) the static pile load test is required to be conducted as
specified in clause 4.5.3 adhering to all requirements for verifying the theoretical capacity worked out

4.5.1. Calculation of pile capacity using ground parameters from site investigation

The ground parameters can be obtained either from field in-situ tests such as vane shear test, SPT or from lab
tests on samples taken from the site. This method shall be adopted when the capacity is calculated using
equation or charts

Characteristic pile resistance (pile capacity) of the pile Quc is determined by calculating the end bearing
resistance and skin friction resistance along the pile surface based on the soil parameters. The method of
calculation of characteristic pile resistance or ultimate pile resistance (Quc) is given in Appendix – 5.of IRC
78 part 1 The characteristic capacity thus arrived shall be further divided by partial factor for ground
resistance γR and modal factor M in order to arrive at the design pile resistance (pile capacity) Partial factor
for ground resistance will also be depend upon the method of installing the piles. The reduced resistance of a
pile may be obtained either by treating the characteristic pile resistance as a total resistance or by separately
obtaining base and shaft resistances. If the characteristic pile resistance is obtained as a total resistance, then
this resistance is further divided by the combined partial factor for ground resistance. If the pile resistance is
calculated as base and shaft components separately, then these resistances are divided by respective partial
ground resistance factors to obtain reduced resistances (capacity). Both principles are accepted. The partial

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factor for ground resistance is given in table 5.

QRd = Quc/γt or Qubc/ γb + Qufc/γs Where

Quc is the characteristic total resistance

Qubc characteristic base resistance

Qufc Characteristic shaft resistance

QRd is the reduced capacity of pile based on partial factor for ground resistance.


Partial factor for ground resistance for shaft in compression (γR)

Component Symbol For bored and Driven Piles GRS for GRA for accidental Modal
continuous Seismic combination Factor for
auger Pile Combinati bored and
on auger pile
and driven

GR1 GR2 GR1 GR2 For Vehicle Ship M

Log Impact
and barge

For Base γb 1.0 1.7 1.0 1.5 1.40 1.25 1.40 1.2

For shaft γs 1.0 1.4 1.0 1.3 1.15 1.25 1.15 1.2

Total γt 1.0 1.7 1.0 1.5 1.40 1.25 1.40 1.2


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Resistance factors shown under GR1 shall be used for arriving at the reduced resistance under action
combination1, Resistance factor shown under GR2 shall be used for arriving at the reduced resistance of
ground under combination 2. GRS resistance factor shall be used for arriving at the reduced resistance under
seismic combination. GRA shall be used for arriving at the reduced resistance under the respective accidental
situations. In order arrive at the design pile resistance or capacity. Q Rd shall be further divided by a modal
factor M.

Qud = QRd / M

Where Qud is the ultimate design resistance or capacity of pile.

QRd is the reduced capacity of pile based on partial factor for ground resistance.

M = is the modal factor.

It shall be ensured that the design axial load imposed on piles in all combination Vcd ≤ Allowable design
resistance or capacity of pile Qud

The characteristic ultimate capacity of pile Quc or (Qubc + Qufc) arrived shall be load tested and ensured that
the displacement is less than 10% of the pile diameter.

4.5.2 Calculation of Pile capacity from profiles of ground test results obtained from in-situ site investigation

The static cone penetration test or pressure meter test shall be conducted at the same location of pile
foundations proposed in the project.Complete in-situ profile of the soil at the foundation location shall be
obtained in order to adopt this method. Using the parameters, the capacity of piles based on the resistances
obtained shall be calculated for each location and by adopting the procedure given in Appendix-5 clause 7 of
IRC 78 Part 1 in case of cone penetration tests. This method is strictly applicable when the investigation is
carried out by in-situ method for obtaining the profile of the ground at the proposed location of the
foundation and no equation or charts are used to compute the pile capacity. This is called as calculated
capacity of pile.

The mean calculated pile capacity shall be obtained from the calculated pile capacity for the different
locations. The lowest calculated capacity also shall be identified. Depending upon the number of test
locations the correlation factor (or the weightage factor) has also been suggested. The correlation factor
given in the table 6 shall be used to arrive at the characteristic capacity of pile

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Correlation factor for obtaining the characteristic capacity of pile from ground profile test results

No. of tests 1 2 3 4 ≥5

CR1 1.40 1.30 1.29 1.25 1.23

CR2 1.40 1.26 1.20 1.17 1.14

The characteristic calculated capacity of pile = Minimum of [Mean calculated capacity/CR1 or Minimum
calculated capacity/CR2]. (Minimum of the two to be taken as characteristic pile capacity)

The characteristic calculated capacity thus obtained shall be further divided by the partial ground resistance
factors shown in Table No. 5 for arriving at the design resistance or capacity of pile. The resistance factor
shall be applied on total capacity as a single factor or can be applied separately on to the friction and bearing
components. If the capacity is arrived using two components the following procedure shall be followed

The characteristic capacity of pile= Minimum of ((mean of base capacity + mean of shaft capacity)/CR1 or
(Minimum of (base capacity + shaft capacity)/CR2).For arriving at the minimum capacity the base and shaft
resistances have to be taken together for the same location

If the mean capacity is governing, then the design capacity of pile=( mean base capacity/CR1x γb + mean
shaft capacity/ CR1x γs )

In case if the minimum capacity is governing, then the design capacity of pile = Minimum ( base capacity/
CR2x γb + shaft capacity /CR2x γs) . Minimum of base and shaft capacity shall be taken for the same
location. Calculated characteristic pile capacity shall be verified by conducting load tests..

4.5.3 Calculation of Pile capacity from static load tests.

Pile capacity can also be arrived by conducting static load tests. Number of load tests can be conducted. The
capacity of pile shall be arrived based on settlement equivalent to 10% of pile diameter. This is called
measured pile capacity. The mean of measured capacity shall be obtained. The minimum measured capacity
shall also be identified.

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The capacity of pile thus arrived shall be divided by the correlation factor to arrive at the allowable
characteristic design resistance or capacity of pile. Depending upon the number of test locations, the
correlation factor has been suggested. The correction factor shall be applied both on the mean capacity and
on the minimum capacity. The correlation factor to be used is given in table 7.


Correlation Factors for Obtaining the Characteristic Capacity of Pile

Foundation from Static Pile Load Test.
No. of tests 1 2 3 ≥4

CR3 1.40 1.33 1.29 1.25

CR4 1.40 1.22 1.11 1.04

The characteristic capacity of pile Quc = Minimum of[Mean measured capacity/CR3, or Minimum measured

Design resistance of pile or pile capacity shall be obtained by dividing Q uc by partial factor for resistance
shown in Table 5.

Qud = Quc/γt

4.5.4 Calculation of Pile Capacity from Dynamic testing using wave equation analysis.

Dynamic tests shall be used to estimate the resistance of the ground provided adequate site investigations
have been carried out in the form of boring and field tests. The test results have to be calibrated against static
load test for characteristic capacity. Static load tests shall be conducted and all requirements shall be
satisfied as given in clause 4.5.3

The design value of the pile capacity is derived from the results of wave equation analysis on a number of
representative piles. It shall be assessed as follows.

Characteristic capacity of pile Quc= Minimum of [Mean capacity/CR5, Minimum capacity/CR6]

Design resistance of pile or capacity of pile = Characteristic pile capacity/ γt.

The value of CR5 and CR6 are shown in table 8.

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Correlation factors for obtaining the characteristic capacity of pile by dynamic testing

No. of tests ≥2 ≥5 ≥10 Remarks

CR5 1.94 1. 85 1.83 These factor can be multiplied by a factor

CR6 1.50 1.35 1.30 0.85 if signal matching is carried out

4.5.5 Calculation of pile capacity from pile diving formula.

The requirements as stated under 4.5.4 will be applicable for this method also. The CR factor stated in Table
8 also is applicable except with the following modifications. The shown values will be multiplied by modal
factor 1.1 when the quasi – elastic pile head displacement is measured and 1.2 when it is not. Appendix 7 of
IRC 78 part 1 method 2 can be followed.
4.5.6 Negative skin friction
Piles which are taken through a fill to a suitable bearing stratum in the underlying natural soil or rock no
support for compressive loads from shaft friction shall be assumed over the length of the pile shaft passing
through fill due to downward movement of the fill as it compresses under its own weight or under the weight
of the further surcharge placed over the fill area. This down ward movement results in drag forces known as
negative skin friction on the pile shaft. Clause 4.2 shall be referred to for the partial factor for this action. The
partial factor on undrained shear strength given in table no2 for set 2 to be used for assessment of negative
skin friction action for combination2 and seismic combination. For other combinations set 1 value can be
used. Method of application of partial factor on materials given in Clause 4.3.may be referred to
Using pile soil interaction, the depth of neutral point within this compressive layer shall be arrived which
gives the length of pile subjected to negative skin friction. Alternatively as a simpler approach the entire
length of the pile passing through the compressible layer can be taken as the length of pile subjected to skin
friction. The negative skin friction force can be estimated to act over this length along the surface of the pile
using the partial safety factor on undrained shear strength. For piles deriving its capacity from friction the
arrived downward drag force shall be multiplied by 0.25 and piles which are end bearing it shall be

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multiplied by 0.5 to arrive at the design force due to negative skin friction.

4.6 Group action of piles

4.6.1 Piles subjected to compressive loads
. For the piles founded in clay soil, the group capacity may be estimated as given in clause 709.3.3 (ii) of
IRC 78 part1. For block failure the base resistance and side resistance shall be estimated for each
combination. The ground resistance factor given under open foundation shall be used to arrive at the base
resistance capacity of the block which shall be added to the side resistance capacity to arrive at the total
capacity of block. The material safety factor used for estimation of block capacity shall be same as used to
estimate the capacity of individual piles. However ground resistance factor 1.3 or 1.2 will be applicable
given under open foundation. The partial factor for actions also will be same as used for the calculation of
actions on individual piles.
4.6.2 Piles subjected to negative skin friction
Piles passing through a fill will be subjected to negative skin friction effects. No support to compressive
loads from the skin friction shall be assumed over this length. The skin friction on group of shall be
estimated as follows. The lesser of the value (a) or (b) shall be used as negative skin friction effect on group
of piles.
(a) Number of piles x Negative skin friction effect on single pile
b)Area of the block enclosing all piles x length of pile as estimated in clause 4..5.6 x density of soil in
this block
4.7 Calculation of pile capacity for piles resting on rock and intermediate Geo-Materials
4.7.1 Behavior of pile foundation resting on Rock
The load –penetration curve for rock of medium strength or less (≤ 100 Mpa) has a large plastic component
despite the brittle nature of rock. The displacements required to mobilize the full bearing capacity of such
rocks are very large and that a factor safety of 3 or 4 is required to limit the displacement to less than 2% of
the diameter .Very brittle rocks (≥ 150 Mpa) do not exhibit plastic load -penetration curve and once the
maximum strength is exceeded at any point in the brittle material total collapse occurs. Hence to limit the
displacement, as such large displacements cannot be achieved at the site, the serviceability limit state
approach has been suggested as a principal approach for design and verification by load tests. However only
the capacity of pile at the ultimate state is required to be verified

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The allowable load on the pile under serviceability limit state shall be calculated from any of the following
(1) By calculation using the ground parameters obtained from site investigation
(2) Directly from static load tests
For method (1) static load tests need to be performed for correlation of pile capacity obtained by calculations
4.7.2 Socketing length for pile
The socket length for piles shall be provided as follows
(a)For hinged piles resting on rock proper seating has to be ensured. The minimum socket length should be
300 mm in hard rock and 0.5 times the diameter of the pile in weathered rock
(b) For moment carrying pile or pile fixed at base the length of socket shall be arrived as per clause 9.2 of
Appendix -5 of Part1 of IRC 78
4.7.3 Calculation of pile capacity using ground parameters from site investigation for serviceability limit
The ultimate axial load carrying capacity of the pile is determined by calculating the socketing resistance
and end bearing resistance separately based on the properties of rock obtained by laboratory testing or based
in N value, as out lined in clause 9.1 of appendix-5 of IRC 78 Part 1 The ultimate capacity thus calculated
shall be further divided by the relevant ground resistance factors for the base resistance and socket resistance
given in appendix- 5 of IRC 78 Part 1 to obtain the allowable load on pile under Rare combination given in
table B .3 of IRC 6 ;2017.. Ground resistance factors shall be taken as 6.0 for socket friction and 3.0 for base
resistance. The end bearing component contribution after dividing by ground resistance factor shall be
further limited to 5Mpa. For calculation of socket friction capacity, the top 300 mm depth of rock shall be
neglected. The frictional capacity shall be further limited to a depth of six times the diameter of pile. The
displacement of pile under rare combination of load shall not exceed the limit specified in clause 4.7.5.
4.7.4 Allowable load on pile from static load tests.
The pile load test shall be conducted to satisfy the displacement limit specified in clause 4.7.5. The load thus
obtained from load tests shall be divided by correlation factor given in table 7 of clause 4.5.3 depending up
on the number of tests conducted to arrive at the allowable load under rare combination.
4.7.5 Allowable displacement under allowable load for rare combination
The displacement under allowable load shall be limited to
For piles having diameter less than 600 mm 2% of pile diameter but limited to 10mm
For piles having diameter 600 mm or more 2% of the pile diameter but limited to 18mm

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The displacement under the pile can be estimated theoretically by using IS 14593
4.7.6 Verification of pile capacity under ultimate loads
The characteristic capacity of pile using the partial factor on material set 1 value given in table 2 shall be
computed.. For calculating the characteristic capacity Qu, clause 9 .1 of appendix 5 of IRC 78 Part1 shall be
used .The ultimate frictional and base resistances shall be calculated separately. Calculated resistances shall
be further divided by the partial factors for ground resistance shown in table 9 and added to get the design
capacity. The design capacity shall be compared with the axial forces applied on the pile
GR3 resistance factors are to be adopted to estimate the reduced resistance of the pile under action
combination 1. GR4 values are to be used for combination 2. GRS resistance factor shall be used for arriving
at the reduced resistance under seismic combination. GRA shall be used for arriving at the reduced resistance
under the respective accidental situation. In addition Modal factor of 1.25 shall be used along with the
resistance factors to get the design resistance of piles
The allowable end bearing component after dividing by the resistance factor and modal factor shall be
limited to 8.0 Mpa under all combinations. For calculation of socket friction capacity, the top rock 300 mm
depth of rock shall be neglected. The friction capacity shall be further limited to depth of six times the
diameter of pile.
Partial Factor for ground Resistance (γr)
Symbol For bored and continuous GRS for GRA for Accidental
component augur flight piles Seismic Combination

GR3 GR4 For Vehicle Ship

Log Impact
and barge

For Base γs 1.5 2.4 1.9 1.5 1.9


For Socket γs 3.0 4.8 3.9 3.0 3.9

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For Combined γt 1.5 2.4 1.9 1.5 1.9


4.7.7 Load test on piles

Load tests on piles shall be carried out for arriving at the capacity or verification of capacity already
calculated or for correlation of capacity when the capacity is estimated by methods other than load tests. The
test pile will be same type, length, cross section and comparable soil parameters. Piles will be subjected to
characteristic loads for piles resting on soil and to allowable load under rare combination in case of piles
resting on rock
4.7.8 Group action of Piles
There will not be any block failure in case of piles founded on rock. The capacity of group will be taken as
Pile capacity of single pile X number of piles
4.8 Verification of Tensile Resistance of pile foundation
4.8.1. Combination of Actions
In order to arrive at the design tensile resistance of an isolated pile, the load combinations shown in table B.4
of IRC: 6-2017 shall be followed. However the partial safety factor for actions shall be modified as follows.
Permanent actions resisting the tensile force, the partial factor shall be taken as 1.0 .These actions are
considered favorable actions in all combinations. However if the permanent actions increase the tensile
force, the same may be considered with the partial factors shown in the table B.4. For buoyancy the partial
factor shall be taken as 1.0.
4.8.2 Resistance capacity of single pile
The tensile resistance capacity of the pile is dependent on the friction around the shaft and the weight of pile.
The Buoyant weight of pile is calculated with partial factor as 1.0. The shaft tensile resistance of single pile
shall be calculated using the partial factor on material properties of set 1 value shown in table 2 for all the
combinations. The frictional resistance offered by shaft can be assessed by any of the following methods
(a) By direct calculation from the ground parameters obtained from site investigation
(b) By carrying out pull out tests
(c) By calculating from ground profile test results
4.8.3 Calculation of shaft tensile resistance of pile in soil Calculation of shaft tensile resistance from ground parameters.

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The shaft frictional resistance Qufc offered by the pile shall be calculated using clause 2 of Appendix5 of
IRC78 part1
This shall be treated as characteristic shaft tensile resistance of pile Q tk is obtained. This characteristic
resistance is to be further divided by partial factor for ground resistance and modal factor given in table 10
for arriving at the design shaft tensile resistance of pile.

Partial Factor for Resistance for Tension Piles (γR) in soil
Resistance Symbol GR5 For GR6 For GRS for GRA for Accidental Modal
combination combination 2 Factor
Seismic Combination

For Vehicle Ship

Log Impact
and barge

Shaft in γst 1.0 2.0 1.60 1.25 1.60 1.5


Qtd = Qtk / γst M Calculation of shaft tensile resistance from pull out test
Pull out tests will be carried out at number of locations. The mean value of resistance shall be calculated.
The characteristic shaft tensile resistance Qtk will be worked as Minimum of [Mean resistance / CR3,
Minimum Resistance / CR4]
CR3 and CR4 are the values mentioned in table 7 shall be multiplied by 1.1 and used.
The design shaft tensile resistance Qtd = characteristic tensile resistance/ partial factor for ground resistance
Partial factor for ground resistance shall be taken from table 10. . The modal factor shall not be used Calculation of shaft tensile resistance from ground profile test result (eg. Cone penetration)
The shaft resistance shall be calculated using the ground parameters from the field tests. Reference can be

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made to clause 7 of Appendix-5 of IRC 78 Part1 for the calculation of shaft tensile resistance. Thus obtained
resistance is termed as calculated resistance. The characteristic resistance shall be as given below.
- Qtk characteristic shaft tensile resistance = Minimum of {Calculated mean resistance/CR1 ; Minimum
tensile resistance / CR2}
CR1 and CR2 values are to be obtained from table 6 and shall be multiplied by a factor 1.1 and used.
The Characteristic shaft tensile resistance shall be divided by partial factor for ground resistance given in
table 10 to arrive at the design tensile resistance. Qtd
Qtd= Qtk /γst Total Uplift Resistance of piles or group of piles in soil.

The total uplift resistance of a single pile (TRSP) will be equal to tensile resistance of single pile + weight of
pile. The uplift resistance of single pile shall be calculated as mentioned above
The uplift resistance of group of piles when all of them are subjected to tensile force shall be calculated as
per clause 709.3.6.3. of IRC 78 Part1
.The shear resistance mobilized on the surface of perimeter shall be calculated using the partial factors
shown under set 1 on materials given in table 2 for all combinations. The partial factor on weight of soil
contained in the block and self weight of pile shall be taken as 1.0. The tensile resistance of group of piles
subjected to tension or uplift shall be the lower of the sum of tensile resistance of the capacity of individual
piles in the group or the block resistance calculated as above Ultimate capacity of uplift resistance of piles in rock or intermediate Geo-materials.

The top 0.3 depth of the socket may be omitted for calculating using ground parameters. The ultimate socket
resistance shall be calculated as per clause 9 of appendix 5.of IRC 78 Part1 The ultimate socket resistance
shall be divided by the ground resistance factor for socket resistance which may be taken from table 9 to
obtain the design resistance. The length of the socket shall be limited to 6 times the pile diameter. The
frictional resistance capacity of soil above the socket shall be calculated as per clause and added to
socket resistance capacity to arrive at the pull out resistance of pile socketed in rock. The self weight of pile
shall also be added. The design pull out capacity can also be estimated from pull out tests. The correlation
factor for pull out test shall be taken from table 7 and multiplied by factor 1.1 and used to estimate the
characteristic capacity arrived from pull out tests The method shown in clause shall be followed to
work out the design capacity using the correlation factor and socket resistance factor given in table 9 from

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the field test results The total uplift resistance of block shall be
Pile capacity of single pile X Number of piles
4.9. Settlement and Serviceability Limit State
Piles resting in medium to dense soils, the partial factor for ultimate design have been so chosen that
occurrence of serviceability limit state in the supported structure is prevented. Thus the settlement check is
not required. However if settlement is required or the soil is not medium to dense or the soil is a cohesive
the settlement may be calculated as per clause 709.3.4 of IRC 78 Part 1 under quasi permanent load
combination given in table B3 of IRC 6 ;2017 using IS 8009 part 2
4.10 Routine load test
The piles resting on soil will be tested for 1.5 times of the rare combination of loads calculated using table
B.3 of IRC 6;2017. The settlement shall not exceed the settlement arrived based on shear parameters and
settlement parameters. For pile resting on rock the piles may be tested for rare combination of load and the
settlement shall satisfy clause 4.7.5
4.11 Piles Subjected to lateral Load
4.11.1 Ultimate horizontal capacity of pile
The design lateral Capacity of a pile shall be calculated and checked against all combinations of factored
actions shown in Table B-4 of IRC: 6-2017. For arriving at the characteristic lateral capacity the partial
factor on material, set 2 values shown in table 2 shall be used to estimate the geo technical actions and lateral
resistances for combination 2, for seismic combination and for accidental combination. For combination 1
partial factor for set 1 value shall be used. No ground resistance factor needs to be applied in lateral
direction . The characteristic lateral capacity thus arrived shall be multiplied by partial factor shown
in Table B-4 to arrive at the design capacity
The ultimate horizontal capacity of the short pile shall be estimated by using Brinch Hansen’s method or
Broms method for which specialist literature( pile design and construction by M. J . Tomlinson or H.G .
Poulos or any other relevant literature) may be referred to. The piles will be treated as fixed head when pile
caps are provided.
In case of infinitely long piles the passive resistance provided by the lower part of soil pile is infinite. Thus
the ultimate horizontal load which can be carried by the pile is determined solely from the moment of
resistance of the pile. Alternatively piles can be analyzed using special software applicable to pile
foundations taking care of the ultimate behavior of soils. It shall be ensured that the resistance capacity of
pile worked out shall be greater than the requirement

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4.11.2 Ultimate horizontal capacity of piles in a group
The Design horizontal ultimate capacity of group of piles shall be arrived by calculating the passive
resistance using the set 2 material safety factor given in table 2 for combination2, seismic combination and
accidental combinations and set 1 values shall be used for combination1 over a wall depth equal to 6D and
width equal to L+2 B where L .D, B are defined in clause 709.3.5.1 of IRC 78 Part1 and multipled by
partial factor on actions as given In table B-4
However the lateral resistance of a pile group must not exceed the sum of lateral resistance of individual
4.11.3 Horizontal capacity of pile under serviceability limit state
The single pile resistance capacity shall be arrived by conducting lateral load test .The lateral deflection shall
not exceed 1% of pile diameter at scour level.
Arrived capacity shall be checked against the capacity requirement for Rare combination of actions as given
in table B.3 of IRC6 2017 For other combinations no test need to be conducted
4.12. Structural Analysis of pile
The ultimate moment obtained from the horizontal capacity worked out by any one of the above methods
shall be proportioned to the ultimate horizontal load applied on the pile to obtain the design ultimate moment
in the pile.
For serviceability limit state check, the moment in the pile can be obtained by treating the pile as an elastic
beam supported on soil springs using modulus of sub grade reaction or by using Matlock and Reese method
or by Broms method or equivalent cantilever method which is applicable to light loading .The deflection can
be computed by using the above methods or the method giving by Poulos and Davis .The equivalent
cantilever method is applicable to calculation of deflection due to small load and also is an approximate
4.13 Structural design of pile
Structural design of pile shall be carried out both for ultimate limit state and serviceability limit state as per
IRC: 112.
For U.L.S Verification combinations of action given in B-4 along with the relevant partial factor for geo
technical materials to estimate the Geo-technical actions shall be used.
For S.L.S verification combination of action given Table B-3 of IRC: 6-2017 shall be used taking partial
factor on geo technical materials as 1.0 to estimate geo technical action

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4.14 Special Vehicle Loading
4.14.1 Verifications Required.
Verification of Pile capacity and strength checks are required to be carried out under ULS. The partial factor
of 1.15 as given in clause 204.5.4 IRC 6 shall be taken on SV loading for combination 1 and equilibrium
check and the same shall be taken as 1.0 when combination 2 is used
4.14.2 Method of Verification
All the relevant clauses given above will also be applicable for verifications with the following
(a) The ground resistance factors (GR) shall be reduced by 15% when using combination 2 for piles resting
on soil when subjected to compressive loads.
(b) The ground resistance factor shall be taken as 1.2 for calculation the group block capacity of piles as
mentioned in clause 4.6.1 for piles resting on soil when subjected to compressive loads.
(c) The factored ultimate resistance of piles computed as given in clause 4.7.6 shall be further increased by
1.25 times to arrive at the ultimate capacity under this loading for piles resting on rock.

4.15 other provisions

Any provisions not covered in these sections shall be as stated in section 709 of IRC78 part1 may be referred
5.0 Well Foundations
5.1 Limit State Verification of side earth resistance and Bearing Resistance
The side earth resistance and bearing resistance of well foundation shall be verified for all the four
combinations outlined in Table of B.4 of IRC:6-2017.
The equilibrium check shall be carried out by using partial factor for material given in table 1 and for actions
given in Table B1 of IRC 6 and resistance factors given in 5.3. At first the partial factor on materials (given
in table 1 for equilibrium check and in table 2 for foundation design) shall be applied and the active and
passive pressure forces shall be calculated. Partial factor on actions (on active and passive earth pressure
forces) shall be applied as per table B 1 for equilibrium check and table B4 for foundation design The net
earth side resistance and moment shall be calculated. The calculated side resistance force and moment shall
be divided by side resistance factor given in 5.3 to obtain the design side resistance.
In case of base resistance, the characteristic base resistance shall be calculated by using the respective partial
factor on materials. The design base resistance shall be obtained by dividing the characteristic resistance by

37 of 64
respective base resistance partial factor given in 5.5

5.2 Actions and Combinations

The four combinations given in Table B.4 of IRC:6-2017 are
(a)Action Combination 1
(b)Action Combination 2
(c)Seismic Combination
(d)Accidental Combination
The partial factors for actions have been shown in the table B4 of IRC 6:2017. All actions shown are to be
combined. For tilt and shift effects the respective partial factor for loads shall be used to arrive at the tilt and
shift moment. The principle of combination is as follows
Action combination 1 + Partial factor on Material set value 1+ Resistance factor for side resistance and
base resistance

Action combination 2 + Partial factor on Material set value 2 + Resistance factor for side resistance and
base resistance

Seismic combination + Partial factor on Material set value 2 + Resistance factor for side resistance and
base resistance

Accidental combination + Partial factor on Material set value 2 + + Resistance factor for side
resistance and base resistance

Meaning of “+” combined with

5.3 Partial factor for geo-technical material for computation of resistances.

Two sets of partial factors for materials are shown in table no.2 Viz set 1 and set 2. The active and passive
pressure co-efficient shall be calculated using clause 1 of appendix-3 of IRC 78 part 1 using partial factor on
The partial factors shown under set 1 value shall be used to arrive at the geo technical action to check Action
Combination 1 and partial factors shown under set 2 shall be used for remaining combinations. The partial
factors on materials shall be used for arriving at the side earth resistance as well as the base resistance. The
side earth resistance shall be ignored in case of foundations when resting on rock having a unconfined
compressive strength more than 6 Mpa.

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5.4 Resistance factors for side and base resistance and limitation of side resistance
5.4.1 Resistance factors for side and base resistance
The partial factor for side resistance shall be taken as 1.0 for all combinations
Te partial factor for ground resistance (bearing capacity) shall be adopted as shown in table 11.
5.4.2 Limitation of side resistance
The following requirement shall also be satisfied for the combinations shown in table B4 for the design of
foundation. The ratio of Characteristic net side resistance (Pp_-Pa) / design net side resistance ((Pp_-Pa) shall
not be less than 1.9 for combination 2and 1.5 for seismic and accidental combinations. The Characteristic net
side resistance shall be calculated by using both for partial safety factor for actions and partial factor on
materials as 1.0. For calculating the design net side resistance the relevant partial factor on actions and on
materials shall be considered.

5.5 summary of resistance factor for base resistance

The base resistance factors are shown in Table 11 applicable for wells resting on soil
Summary of base resistance factor for all combinations
Combination Action Action Seismic Accidental
Combination (1) Combination (2) Combination Combination

Partial Factor Set 1 Set 2 Set 2 Set 2

for Materials 1.35 1.10 1.0 1.0
for Base

5.6. Verification of base resistance and base contact area

5.6.1 Wells resting on soil.
The base pressure will be verified for all the combinations shown in Table no. B4 of IRC 6:2017 along with
the appropriate partial factor on material and partial factor on resistance. 80% of contact area of base shall be
ensured under all combinations. Linear pressure distribution shall be assumed for calculation of base
pressure. The allowable bearing pressure shall be further restricted to 2.5 mpa

5.6.2 Wells resting on rock

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The base pressure will be verified for all the combinations shown in Table B4 of IRC6:2017. The partial
factor on materials shall be used. The base resistance capacity will be based on the crushing strength of rock
with resistance factor of 4.5 for all combinations
. The contact area of base shall not be less than a minimum of 80% of the base for combinations 1 and 2 .and
67% for seismic and accidental combination

5.7 Verification of Serviceability Limit State

The differential( angular distortion) settlement of the foundation will be verified by using Quasi permanent
combination and the differential settlement will be restricted as given in clause no 3.4..3
For calculation of base pressure the characteristic net side resistance shall be divided by 2.0 to arrive at the
design net side resistance .This reduced net side resistance shall be used in the calculation. The partial
factor on material shall be taken as 1.0 for this purpose
The base contact area shall be 100% for foundations resting on soil and 80% for foundations resting on rock
under frequent combination of live load. The base pressure shall be estimated under rare combination of
loads and it shall have a factor of safety of 7 with respect to unconfined compressive strength in case of wells
resting on rock For foundations resting on soil the allowable pressure will be restricted to 1.25 Mpa and
further the factor safety of 2.0 shall be maintained with respect to ultimate bearing capacity

5.8 Structural Design of Foundation

The structural design of foundation shall be carried out for all the combinations shown under table B4 and
B3 of IRC 6:2017 according to IRC 112.Due considerations shall be given to material safety factor for geo
technical materials while computing the effect of geo technical actions.

5.9 Special Vehicle Loading

5.9.1 Verifications required.
Verification of Equilibrium and base pressure checks are required to be carried out under ULS. Verification
of base pressure and strength checks for rare combination of loads under SLS shall also be carried out. The
partial factor on SV loading for combination 1 and Equilibrium check shall be taken as 1.15 as given in
clause 204.5.4 of IRC 6 for ULS verifications. For verifications under combination 2 under ULS and rare
combination under SLS the partial factor on SV loading shall be taken as 1.0.
5.9.2 Method of Verification

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All the relevant clauses given above will also be applicable for carrying out the verifications with the
following modifications.
1) The base resistance factor shall be taken as 1.20 for combination 1 and 1.0 for combination 2 as against
1.35 and 1.10 mentioned in clause 5.5 for arriving at the allowable bearing capacity for foundations resting
on soil.
2) Factor of safety of 6.0 shall be ensured as against 7.0 mentioned in clause 5.7 while checking the base
pressure under rare combination of loads for foundation resting on rock. For foundations resting on soil the
allowable pressure will be restricted to 1.5Mpa and further the factor of safety of 1.6 shall be maintained
with respect to ultimate bearing capacity under rare combination of loads

5.9. Other provisions

Any provision not covered in these sections shall be governed by provisions of section 708 of IRC 78 Part 1.
Well foundations designed by this method need not be checked using IRC: 45.

1. Euro code 7 Geo technical design part 1 General rules.
2. U.K National Annex to Euro code 7.
3. Euro code 7 Geo technical design worked examples by Andrew J.Board, Bernd Schuppener,
Giuseppe scarpelli trevor ll. Orr.
4. Foundations Design by R. Webster O Brooker
5. Design of pile foundations By Tomlinson and Woodward 5th edition
6. Design of pile foundations following Euro code 7 BY R. FRANK
7. Cyprus National Annex
8. Report from Birmingham university
10. IS Codes on pile foundations
11. IRC:6-2017 Loads and Load Combination
12. IS 6403 code of practice for determination of bearing capacity of shallow foundation.
13. IS 1904 code of practice for design and construction foundation in soil.
14. IRC-78: Sector VII foundation and Substructure.

41 of 64

Explanatory Note

Limit State Design Code

for Foundation Design

42 of 64

1.0 Background

This note gives the limit state approach adopted in the IRC Code. Euro code-7 and BS NA form the basis of
this code and further supplemented by AASHTO LRFD provisions and articles written by several authors, on
Euro code. Pile foundation design and construction practice by M.J Tomlinson and pile foundations analysis
and design published by H.G Poulos have also been followed.

1.1 Adoption of Partial factor on Geo-technical Material for Equilibrium Check

Check for overturning

B.S NA recommendations for partial factor on geotechnical materials have been followed
Partial Factor on Earth Pressure action = 1. 5

Applying the material safety factor as per BSNA.

Increase in Earth Pressure 1.12 times
Partial Factor on Stabilizing force = 0.9
FOS against overturning as per UK annex is 1.5 x 1..12/0.9= 1.87 which is approximately 2.0

Resisting moment = 1.87 times overturning moment. For seismic condition 1.5/0.9 =1.67times overturning
Check for sliding

Hd ≤ Rd

Hd is the sliding force and Rd is the resisting force inclusive of any passive resistance considered.
Partial factor on Earth pressure 1.50.
Increase in Earth Pressure due to BSNA 1.12
Reduction in Tan δ value as per BSNA 0.92

Present level 1.5 is the factor of safety against sliding. Ignoring passive resistance
1.5 1.66
0.9 tan δ
Resisting force required when material safety factor 1.0 is adopted
Tan δ taken as 1.0 for comparison.
Increase in factor if BSNA is adopted= 0.9x0.92 = 2 . 02
If no geo technical action is involved then 1.5/0.9X0.92 =1.8 (seismic case)

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i.e., 1.66 H ≤ V tan δ or 2.02 H ≤ V tan δ Increase level from present 1.5 to 1.30

1.2 Explanation to the pressure diagram

The pressure diagram shown is as per clause and commentary of, C., and
of AASHTO LRFD 2012 edition and also as per the article “How to design structures using Euro code 2
foundations” by Mr. R.webster and O.Brooker Published by concrete center of UK. For foundations resting
on soil, the principle is the centre of gravity of reduced effective area is always concentrically loaded. The
C.G of effective area and the location of applied load should coincide (AASHTO) so that the foundation will
have uniform pressure under ULS condition.

This method is also given in IS: 6403. For foundations resting on rock triangular or trapezoidal shape of
diagram has been recommended. For SLS condition the pressure diagram will be either triangular or
trapezoidal for both these foundations. For structural design of foundations, the shape of diagram will always
be linear. All recommendations are from AASHTO LRFD and some recommended by both codes.

1.3 Discussion on Base contact area

A) Rectangular Foundation:
Table: 1 Eccentricity VS the base area in contact

Sl. No e/B For Uniform Pressure distribution For Triangular Pressure distribution
Contact area Max Pressure Base width of Contact area Max Base width in
in percentage coefficient contact in in percentage Pressure contact
percentage coefficient In percentage
1 0.10 80 1.25 80 100 1.60 100
2 0.15 70 1.43 70 100 1.90 100
3 0.166 67 1.49 67 100 2.0 100
4 0.20 60 1.66 60 90 2.22 90
5 0.23 54 1.85 54 81 2.47 81
6 0.25 50 2.0 50 75 2.66 75
7 0.33 34 2.94 34 51 3.92 51

B) Circular Foundation
Table 2
S. No. e/d For uniform pressure distribution For Triangular Pressure distribution
Contact area Max Pressure Base width in Contact area Max Pressure Base width in
in percentage coefficient contact in percentage coefficient contact
percentage percentage

44 of 64
1 0.05 87 1.15 82
2 0.75 79 1.20 75
3 0.10 76 1.31 71
4 0.125 70 1.43 65 100 2.0 100
5 0.15 64 1.56 60 93 2.23 91
6 0.20 50 2.0 50 80 2.76 76
7 0.25 39 2.56 41 65 3.55 61.5
8 0.275 32 3.125 37 57 4.150 55.0
9 0.300 28 3.57 32 50 4.96 48.5
10 0.40 19 13.87 23.5

1.4 Fixation of Minimum allowable base contact area

To fix the minimum allowable area of base in contact, combination A2 under ULS which is a critical
condition and frequent combination under serviceability limit state have been taken up with different Dead
Load and Live load ratios to arrive at a conclusion. Dead load live load ratios considered are 50:50 60:40 and
70:30. Combination A2 is chosen as it will be critical combination for arriving at the size of foundation as it
is similar to service load combination

A) Foundation resting on Soil Rectangular Footing:

Table 3
Description DL:LL 50:50 DL:LL 60:40 DL:LL 70:30
Combination A2 Serviceability Combination A2 Serviceability Combination A2 Serviceability
limit state limit state limit state
frequent load frequent load frequent load
combination combination combination
Dead Load (Total 0.5P 0.5P 0.6P 0.6P 0.7P 0.7P
Load P)
Live Load 0.5 x 0.65P 0..375P 0.52P 0.3P 0.39P 0.225P
0.4 x 1.3=0.52
0.3x1.3 =0.39
0.5 x 0.75=0.375
0.4 x 0.75=0.3
0.3 x 0.75-0.225
Total Load 1.15P 0.875P 1.12P 0.9P 1.09P 0.925P
Moment 1.3x1.25 1.625M 1.00M 1.625M 1.0M 1.625M 1.0M
(PF x variation in

e= 1.41 (M/P) 1.14 (M/P) 1.45 (M/P) 1.11 (M/P) 1.49 (M/P) 1.08 (M/P)

45 of 64
Assume 50% 50 - 50 - 50 -
base contact at
For this contact e 0.25B 0.25B 0.25B
= for rectangular
Corresponding e - 0.20B - 0.20B - 0.18B
for serviceability
limit state (0.25 x
Corresponding - 90% - 90% - 96%
contact area at
Maximum 2x1.15 = 2.30 2.22x0.875 = 2x1.12=2.24 2.22x0.9 = 2.0 2x1.09 = 2.18 2.08x92 = 1.924
Pressure 1.94
(Maximum 2.0 2.0 2.0
pressure will be
resisted with a
factor of safety
2.0 on ULS

FOS at SLS 2x2.3

= 2.37
2x2 . 24
= 2 . 24 2x2.19
1.94 2 .0 1.924 .2.28

Conclusion 50% contact at ULS will lead to 90% of contact at serviceability limit state.
FOS for bearing pressure ULS=2.0 FOS for bearing pressure at serviceability limit state not be less than 2.25

Table 4
Foundation Resting on Soil – Circular Footing
Description DL:LL 50:50 DL:LL 60:40 DL:LL 70:30
Combination Serviceability limit Combination Serviceability limit Combination Serviceability
A2 state frequent load A2 state frequent load A2 limit state
combination combination frequent load
Circular Foundation
e for Circular 0.20d 0.20d 0.20d
foundation for
50% contact
Base contact at ULS 50% 50% 50%
Corresponding for - 0.16d - 0.16d - 0.144d
serviceability limit
Corresponding base - 91 91 93

46 of 64
contact at SLS
Maximum 10% Loss of Contact of Base
Maximum base 2x1.15=2.30 2.33x8.75=2.04 2x1.12=2.24 233.09=2.09 2x1.09=2.18 2.23x925=2.06

FOS at SLS 2x2.30/2.04 2x2.24/2.09 2x2.18/2.06

= 2.25 =2.14 =2.12
FOS average will be 2.17
This proposal can be adopted (i.e) 50% contact at ULS to 90% contact at serviceability limit state
FOS at ULS 2.00 at SLS = 2.17

Table 5
Checking of Rectangular Foundation for Factor of Safety against Bearing Capacity for Combination
A1 and Rare Combination
Description DL:LL50:50 DL:LL 60:40 DL:LL 70:30 Remarks
Combination A1 Rare Combination
DL: LL Ratios Combination A1 Combination A1 Combination A1 Rare Rare Rare
50:50 60:40 70:30 Combination Combination Combination
50:50 60:40 70:30
Dead Load 0.675P 0.81P 0.945P 0.5P 0.6P 0.7P
(Total Load P)
Live Load 0.5 x 0.75P 0.60P 0.45P 0.50 0.4P 0.3P
1.5 P

Total Load 1.425P 1.41P 1.39P 1.0P 1.0P 1.0P

Moment 1.5M 1.5M 1.5M 1.5M 1.0M 1.0M 1.0M

e = M/P 1.5/1.42 x M/P = 1.063 1.07 1.0 1.0 1.0

For 50% at 1.0.5/1.41 x .25 1.0.6/1.45 x .25 1.0.5/1.49 x .25
e/B =e for
width of
contact of base
new e//B 0.186 0.182 0.180 0.177 0.172 0.168

47 of 64
Base % 63 63.70 64.11 96.76 98.82 99.41
Maximum 1.59 1.57 1.56 2.07 2.04 2.01

Maximum 1.425 x 1.59 = 2.21 2.17 2.07 2.04 2.01

Pressure 2.26

Factor of 2 x 2.30 / 2.26 = 2 x 2.24 / 2.21 = 2 x 2.18 / 2.17 = 2 x 2.3 / 2.07 = 2 x 2.24 /2.04 = 2 x 2.18 /2.01 =
Safety 2.035 2.03 2.00 2.22 2.20 2.17

Conclusion: Combination A2 Combination A1 Rare Combination Frequent Combination

50 60 70 50 60 70 50 60 70 50 60 70
Ratio of DL:LL
50 40 30 50 40 30 50 40 30 50 40 30
Base Contact 50 50 50 63 63.70 64.01 97 99 99.50 90 90 96
FOS against 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.04 2.03 2.0 2.22 2.20 2.17 2.37 2.20 2.28
bearing capacity

Note combination A2 is critical for size of foundation: Both for contact are and base pressure. If A2 is
satisfied all other combination will be automatically satisfied.

Table 6

For information of BSS, if full contact area at serviceability load is insisted there will be no advantage by
adopting limit state method.
Rectangular foundation on soil

Ratio 1.23 - 1.30 - 1.38 -

e/B ratio 0.204 0.166 0.215 0.166 0.229 0.166
Base in contact 60% 100% 58% 100% 54% 100%
Maxim pressure x 1.66x1.15 2x.875 1.72x1.12 2x.9 1.85x1.09 2x.925
(P/A) =1.906 =1.75 =1.93 =1.80 =2.01 =1.85
Ratio of Bearing 2.00 2x1.9/1.75 2.00 2x.1.93/1.80 2.00 2x2.01/1.85
capacity to = 2.17 =2.14 =2.17

48 of 64
Conclusion 58% contact at ULS and full contact at SLS. FOS at ultimate limit is 2.00, AT SLS = 2.17

For circular foundation resting on soil

Description DL:LL 50:50 DL:LL 60:40 DL:LL 70:30
Circular Combination A2 SLS Combination A2 SLS Combination A2 SLS
Ratio (ULS/SLS) 1.23 - 1.30 - 1.38 -
x eccentricity
e/d ratio 0.154 0.125 0.163 0.125 0.172 0.125
Base in contact 64% 100% 61% 100% 58% 100%
Maxim pressure x 1.56x1.15 2x.875 1.65x1.12 2x.9 1.75x1.09 2x.925
(P/A) =1.79 =1.75 =1.85 =1.80 =1.90 =1.85
Ratio of Bearing 2.00 2x1.79/1.75 2.00 2x1.85/1.80 2.00 2x1.9/1.85
capacity to = 2.04 =2.05 =2.05
Conclusion 60% contact area at ULS. Full contact at SLS. FOS will be 2.00 in both cases.

B) Foundation Resting on Rock

Linear distribution to be adopted. Adopt 80% contact at SLS.
Rectangular foundation. Triangular distribution – on Rock.
Base area at SLS - 80% - 80% - 80%
Ratio ULS/SLS 1.23 - 1.30 - 1.38 -
e/b ratio 0.28 0.23 0.29 0.23 0.32 0.23
Base in contact 66 80 63 80 54 80
Revise base 0.277 0.225 0.277 0.220 0.277 0.200
Contact to 67% at
Base in contact 67% 83% 67% 84% 67% 90%
both in ULS and
Max pressure 2.98x1.15 2.40x875 2.98x1.12 2.38x0.9 2.98x1.09 2.22x.925
=3.43 =2.10 =3.34 =2.14 =3.24 =2.04
adopting fos 7 in 7x2.1/3.43 7 7x2.14/3.34 7 7x2.04/3.24 7
SLS =4.3 =4.48 =4.40
FOR 0.24 0.24/1.23 0.24 0.24/1.26 0.24 0.24/1.38
CIRCULAR = 0.195 =0.19 =0.174
e/d for Circular
Foundation for

49 of 64
67% contact at

% of base contact 67 80 67 83 67 87

Max pressure 3.39x1.15 2.76x0.875 3.39x1.12 2.65x0.9 3.3.9x1.09 2.5x0.925

=3.90 =2.41 =3.80 =2.38 =3.70 =2.317
FOS 4.3 7 4.38 7 4.35 7
For rock 67% contact at ULS will lead to More than 80% contact in service.

Based on the above calculation it is recommended to have the following % of contact of base.

Under ULS Under SLS

In Soil 50% 90%
I Rock 67% 80%

If shall be noted if we satisfy one condition the other condition will be automatically satisfied.

1.5 Allowable Bearing Pressure

For calculation of allowable bearing pressure the partial factor on material is 1.0 for all parameters in
combination 1, and accidental combination
Hence whatever the capacity is worked out shall be used. The average partial factor on action will be
approximately 1.45 in case of combination 1.
The Euro code has provisions that if any country feels that the factor of safety is inadequate, a Resistance
factor to the ground resistance can be further introduced. Using this provision by introducing resistance
factor 1.3, the FOS will workout ≈2.0. ( 1.45x1.3) for combination 1 and 1.3 for accidental combination
For combination,2 and the seismic combination, the partial factor on material has to be used. Hence the
reduction in main contribution to bearing capacity is from Nq . Reduction in Nq Refer sensitivity Table under
the well foundation. It will be only 65% after adopting partial factor on material will lead to factor of safety
of 1.538. In order to have safety factor 2.0 the resistance factor can be 1.30.for combination A2.
Hence the resistance factor 1.3 is recommended for the 3 combinations.(A1, A2 and Accidental). For seismic
combination the factor will be 1.1 (1.538X1.1=1.7)
The size of footing will be governed by combination 2 and the structural design will govern by combination
This will ensure a factor safety of 2.25 on bearing capacity at serviceability limit against the ULS capacity.
In case of Rock the factor of safety at ULS for combination 2 will be 6.3 (4.5x1.4) which will lead to factor
of safety at SLS more than 7.0( Which are more are less same as the existing code)

1.6 Serviceability Limit State Check

50 of 64
The contact area requirement shall be satisfied using frequent combination. The bearing pressure need to be
checked under rare combination. The combination 2 represents almost serviceability limit state. The factor of
safety automatically will be 2.25 and for rock 7.0. The settlement shall be as given in the table. No code
gives the value of allowable settlement. Only IS codes (N.B.C) has given this value. Hence the limits have
been proposed based on NBC but modified. Settlement calculation has to be carried out using Quasi
Permanent Combination and Partial safety factor on material shall be taken as 1.0. .
1.7 Final Recommendations

(a) For checking the equilibrium the material safety factor as suggested in British National Annex shall be

(b) Base in contact (Soil) At ULS 50%

At SLS 90%
Base in contact (Rock) At ULS 67%
At SLS 80%

(c) Ground Resistance factor for 3 combinations is 1.3 and for, Seismic Combination 1.1 FOS on ULS
bearing capacity 2.0 and 2.25 in Serviceability Limit State for soil.
For rock a factor of safety of 4.5 at ULS will lead to FOS of 7 at SLS

(d) Serviceability Limit State

Bearing Pressure and base contact need be checked at Serviceability limit state. The settlement has to be
calculated and ensured using Quasi or Semi Permanent Combination.

1.8 Factors modified for SV loading

Analysis of Safety factor on Soil for SV loading for 50% DL: LL ratios

1.8.1 Normal Case of loading

Partial factor on actions in combination A2 =(1+1.3)/2 = 1.15

Material Safety Resistance factor is 1.538

Combination A2 total FOS DL: LL 50:50 = 1.15 x 1.3 x 1.538 = 2.30
DL: LL 70:30 = 1.09 x 1.3 x 1.538 = 2.17
AV: 2.20
On Ground Strength FOS= 2.0
Partial factor on actions in combination A1= (1.35+1.5)/2 = 1.425

51 of 64
Combination A1 total FOS DL:LL 50:50 = 1.425 x 1.30 x 1.0 = 1.85
DL:LL 70:30 = 1.395 X 1.30 x 1.0 = 1.81
AV: 1.83
On Ground Strength FOS= 1.30
1.8.2 With S.V loading

For combination A2 1.0 x 1.2 x 1.538 = 1.85 ( 1.85/2.3x100= 80%) on Ground strength = 1.85

For Combination A1: DL: LL 50:50 = 1.25 x 1.2 x 1.0 = 1.5 (82%) on Ground strength = 1.20
DL: LL 70:30 = 1.29 x 1.20 = 1.55 (85%)

So adopt 1.2 for both the combinations for Sv loading for ground resistance

Analysis of safety factor for Rock Foundation for SV loading

Combination A2 for Normal loading: DL: LL 50:50 = 1.15 x 4.5 x 1.4 = 7.245
DL: LL 70:30 = 1.09 x 4.5 x 1.4 = 6.86 AV: 7

For combination A1 DL: LL 50:50 = 1.425 x 4.50 = 6.40

DL: LL 70:30 = 1.395 x 4.50 = 6.27 AV: 6.35

Now with SV loading For combination A2 = 1.0 x 4.5 x 1.4 (6.3) (90%)

For Combination A1 DL:LL 50:50 = 1.25 x 4.50 = 5.6

DL:LL 70:30 = 1.29 x 4.50 = 5.8
AV: 5.7 (90%)
Hence retain resistance factor of 4.5 given for other loading for SV loading also

52 of 64
2. Pile Foundation

2.1 Material Factor adopted for checking Equilibrium:

Adopted from the U.K National Annexure as discussed earlier

2.2 Partial factor on material for checking geotechnical capacity and Geo technical actions
Partial factor on material set 1 and set 2 values are same in EC7 and BS NA. Hence adopted the
2.3 Ground Resistance Factor:
The Euro Code gives the flexibility for a particular country through their national annex for
adoption of partial factors for ground resistances so that the load carrying capacity of the pile is
acceptable to that country or at least close to the existing code of practice being adopted by the
The ground resistance factors have been adopted from British national Annex for action
combination 1 and 2...The fos for combination 2 will work out to 2.0 with respect to ultimate
carrying capacity.. Committee recommends this value.
For seismic combination Euro code 8 part 5.and Cyprus national annex have been consulted both for
seismic and accidental combinations. The partial factor for ground resistance suggested is as follows:

Partial factor for ground resistance for shaft in compression

Component Symbol For bored and Driven Piles GRS for GRA for accidental Modal Factor
continuous auger Seismic combination for bored and
Pile Combination auger pile and
driven piles
GR1 GR2 GR1 GR2 For Vehicle Ship M
collision, Log Collision
Impact and
barge collision
For Base γb 1.0 1.7 1.0 1.5 1.40 1.25 1.40 1.2
For shaft γs 1.0 1.4 1.0 1.3 1.15 1.25 1.15 1.2
Total combined γt 1.0 1.7 1.0 1.5 1.40 1.25 1.40 1.2

2.4 Modal Factor (to be used in case shear parameters are used for estimation of pile capacity)
Modal factor to be used to estimate pile capacity using shear parameter in addition to ground resistance
When the pile capacity is calculated using the ground parameters and resistance factors, in addition.

53 of 64
Modal factor to be adopted to arrive at the pile capacity. Modal factor can be chosen by a country to achieve
the desired factor of safety. We have adopted a factor of 1.2 as suggested in BS NA.
So factor of safety 1.2 x 1.7 = 2.04 for bored and CFA Piles. For driven 1.2 x 1.5 = 1.8 for combination 2.
For seismic combination 25% overstressing is allowed as per present code. Retaining the same concept fos
is 1.4x1.2=1.7. For ship impact same value is retained. For other vehicle collisions 1.25 x1.2 =1.5 and for
combination 1 is 1x1.2x1.4= 1.7. So The fos will be 2.04,1.7 and 1.5
The Euro code does not suggest any modal factor and left to individual country.

2.5 Methods of designing piles

The present code covers 5 methods for designing the pile. Same 5 methods are retained and the euro code
also covers these 5 methods. The methods are (1) calculation from shear parameters (2) calculation from
ground in situe profiles (3) direct load tests (4) Dynamic tests (5) pile driving formula
For the first method the characteristic capacity is to be arrived using the formula and shear parameters and to
be divided by ground resistance factor and modal factor to arrive at the design resistance
Other methods are capacity from static load testing, ground in situe profiles and dynamic test and using pile
driving formula Correlation factors (weight age factors for methods) are to be used instead of modal factors
when the capacity is computed using field in- situ tests
It is to be noted with the interest that correlation factors differ, for static pile load test, computation from
ground profiles and from dynamic methods. The number increase in same order. In BSNA note states for
structures having sufficient strength and stiffness to transfer load from weak to strong piles the values
can be divided by 1.1 for piles in compression. Using this recommendation

(a)From static pile load tests.

Correlation factors
Number of tests 1 2 3 4
On Mean Value 1.40 1.33 1.29 1.26
On Minimum Value 1.40 1.22 1.11 1.04

The factor safety will be on mean value: for single pile 1.70 x 1.40 = 2.38 and on the min value also same.
For two pile testing: it will be 1.70 x 1.33 = 2.26 or1.70 x 1.22 = 2.07
For 3 pile testing: it will be 1.70 x 1.29 = 2.19 or 1.70 x 1.11 = 1.89
For 2 pile testing the fos will be come 2.00 Roughly.

(b) For Ground Profile tests:

Correlation factors

54 of 64
Number of tests 1 2 3 4 5
On Mean Value 1.40 1.33 1.29 1.26 1.24
On Minimum Value 1.40 1.26 1.2 1.17 1.14

Up to 3 locations the values are same.

FOS single location testing = 2.38 on mean value and min value
FOS for two locations testing = 1.33 x 1.70 = 2.21 on mean value
On minimum value = 1.26 x 1.70 = 2.14
FOS 3 location testing = 1.29 x 1.70 = 2.19 and 2.04
FOS 4 locations = 1.26 x 1.70 = 2.14 and 1.99

(c) From Dynamic Tests

Number of tests ≥ 2 ≥3 ≥ 10 ≥ 15 ≥ 20 Remarks

On Mean Value 1.94 1.85 1.83 1.82 1.81 Where signal
On Minimum 1.90 1.76 1.70 1.67 1.66 matching is
Value done. The
factors can be
multiplied by

Up to 10 locations the factors will vary from 3.30 to 3.1 on mean values.
and on minimum values = FOS 3.23 to 2.89

(d) Conclusions :
a. The FOS is not uniformly 2
b. The correlation factor Increase from static load test to Dynamic load tests which indicate the
reliability of the method.

Minimum 2 or 3 Pile static load test when conducted the FOS will be 2.00 and cannot get away with single
pile test For cone penetration test at least at 4 locations the cone penetration test have to be conducted to
achieve FOS 2.0.
Dynamic test results to be less reliable .The FOS will be higher varying from 3.30 to 3.1 on mean value and
3.23 to 2.89 on Minimum value.
If Signal matching is done then this will be 2.80 to 2.63 on mean values and on min value 2.74 to 2.45.
The code wants the FOS to be 2.75 for this method.

2.6 Calculation of pile capacity for piles resting on rock and intermediate Geo-Materials

55 of 64
Behavior of pile foundation resting on Rock
The load –penetration curve for rock of medium strength or less (≤ 100 Mpa) has a large plastic component
despite the brittle nature of rock. The displacements required to mobilize the full bearing capacity of such
rocks are very large and that a factor safety of 3 or 4 is required to limit the displacement to less than 2% of
the diameter .Very brittle rocks (≥ 150 Mpa) do not exhibit plastic load -penetration curve and once the
maximum strength is exceeded at any point in the brittle material total collapse occurs. Hence to limit the
displacement, as such large displacements cannot be achieved at the site, the serviceability limit state
approach has been suggested as a principal approach for design and verification by load tests. However only
the capacity of pile at the ultimate state is required to be verified
The allowable load on the pile under serviceability limit state shall be calculated from any of the following
By calculation using the ground parameters obtained from site investigation
Directly from static load tests
For method (1) static load tests need to be performed for correlation of pile capacity obtained by calculation
Euro code does not deal with the pile foundations socketed in rock. Both Poulos and Davis and M. J .
Tomlinson recommend allowable load concept by adopting suitable factor of safety on ultimate strength of
rock. Hence in this code this methodology is retained. The ground resistance factors are adjusted to suit the
present code which means the present code is converted to Euro code approach in this draft. Piles have to be
designed only under ULS using ground resistance factor and modal factor 1.25.The piles also have designed
under rare combination of loads and load tested at site. The ground resistance factors for piles on rock are as

Partial Factor for ground Resistance (γr)

Symbol For bored and continuous GRS for GRA for Accidental
component augur flight piles Seismic Combination

GR3 GR4 For Vehicle Ship

collision, Collision
Log Impact
and barge
For Base γs 1.5 2.4 1.9 1.5 1.9
For Socket γs 3.0 4.8 3.9 3.0 3.9
For Combined γt 1.5 2.4 1.9 1.5 1.9

56 of 64
FOS for combination A2 for end bearing 2.4x1.25 =3.0 . For socket friction 4.8X1.25= 6.0

FOS for seismic combination and ship accidents for end bearing 1.9x1.25 =2.4 . For socket friction
3.9X1.25= 4.8

FOS for combination A1 and other accidental combinations for end bearing 1.5x1.25 =1.9 . For socket
friction 3.0X1.25= 3.75

2.7 Tensile resistance of pile foundation

For combinations 1and 2 as suggested in BS NA factor 1 and 2 have been adopted . The BSNA also suggests
modal factor, our present code suggests a FOS of 3.0. Hence a modal factor of 1.5 has been suggested so that
under combination 2. a fos of 3.0 is achieved (SLS Case).For other combinations the resistance factor has
been adjusted in the same principles as suggested earlier for other cases

Partial Factor for Resistance for Tension Piles (γR) in soil

Resistance Symbol GR5 For GR6 For GRS for GRA for Accidental Modal
combination combination 2 Seismic Combination Factor

For Vehicle Ship

collision, Collision
Log Impact
and barge
Shaft in γst 1.0 2.0 1.60 1.25 1.60 1.5

2.8 Routine load test

Routine load test for piles on soil shall be conducted to 1.5 times of rare combination of load and settlement
to be restricted to theoretical settlement calculated using shear parameters. For piles seated on rock 1.0 time
rare combination of load may be load tested

2.9 Piles subjected to lateral loads

Euro code does not provide any solution for piles subjected to horizontal load except makes a mention.
Method suggested by Tomlinson ( BROMS method and Brinch Hansen’s method) has been recommended.

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Poulos and Davis also suggest these methods for ULS verification. Use of special software applicable for
pile foundations has also been recommended
For SLS condition using soil springs, Matlock and Reese method or equivalent cantilever method has been

2.10 Factors modified for SV loading

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Analysis on Partial safety factor for using SV loading on piles foundation.

2.10.1 Normal Loading : Factor of safety (Load 100% Resistance Ultimate)

i) Calculation of Pile FOS using shear parameters

Combination A1 DL:LL 50:50 = 1.2 x 1.425x1.0 = 1.71
DL:LL 70:30 = 1.20 x 1.395x1.0 = 1.67 (Average 1.69)
Ground Strength alone = 1.20

Combination A2 DL:LL 50:50 = 1.20 x 1.15 x 1.70 = 2.346
DL:LL 70:50 = 1.20 x 1.09 x 1.70 = 2.22

Ground strength alone 1.2 x 1.7 = 2.04

ii) Calculation of piles FOS using ground test results

The factors are some because the modal factor and CR2 factor for 3 locations are same 1.20. GR factor also
remain same.

iii) Calculation of pile FOS from static load test

Taking 3 static loads conducted
Combination A1 DL: LL 50:50 = 1.11 x 1.425 = 1.580
DL: LL 70:30 = 1.11 x 1.395 = 1.540

Combination A2 DL: LL 50:50 = 1.11 x 1.15 x 1.70 = 2.17

DL: LL 70:30 = 1.11 x 1.09 x 1.70 = 2.05
Ground strength alone 1.90

iv) Calculation of pile FOS from Dynamic tests

Taking tests conducted at two locations
Combination A1 DL:LL 50:50 = 1.50 x 1.425 = 2.13
DL:LL 70:30 = 1.50 x 1.395 = 2.09

Combination A2 DL:LL 50:50 = 1.50 x 1.15 x 1.70 = 2.93

DL:LL 70:30 = 1.50x 1.09 x 1.70 = 2.77

2.10.2 SV Loading Case

Reduce the ground resistance factor by 15% for A2 case

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i) FOS using shear Parameters

Combination A1 DL: LL 50:50 = 1.20 x 1.250 = 1.50 (88%)

DL: LL 70:30 = 1.20 x 1.29 = 1.55 (95%)
On Ground strength alone 1.20

Combination A2 DL:LL 50:50 = 1.20 x 1.00 x 1.70 x0.85 = 1.73 (78%)

DL:LL 70:30 = 1.20 x 1.00 x 1.7 x 0.85 = 1.73 (78%)

ii) FOS using ground test result: Value will be same as above
iii) FOS using static test result:

Combination A1 DL: LL 50:50 = 1.11 x 1.25 = 1.39 (88%)

DL: LL 70:30 = 1.11 x 1.290 = 1.43 (92%)
Ground Strength alone 1.11

Combination A2 DL:LL 50:50 = 1.11 x 1.0 x 1.7 x0. 85 = 1.60 (74%)

DL:LL 70:30 = 1.11 x 1.11 x 1.0 x 1.7 x0. 85 = 1.60 (78%)
Ground strength alone 1.60

iv) FOS using Dynamic tests

Combination A1 DL: LL 50:50 = 1.50 x 1.25 = 1.88 (88%)
DL: LL 70:30 = 1.50 x 1.29 = 1.94 (93%)
On Ground Strength 1.50

Combination A2 DL: LL 50:50 = 1.50 x 1.0 x 1.7 x 85 = 2.16 (74%)

DL: LL 70:30 = 1.50 x 1.0 x 1.75 x 85 = 2.16 (78%)
Ground strength alone 2.16

Factor of safety remains 1.60 and above for normal method and for dynamic method 2.20.
Target for normal methods 2.0 for normal loading: A25% of over stressing when compared to normal load.
Hence can be accepted.

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3. Well Foundations

3.0 Well Foundations

Well foundations are not covered by Euro code. Hence present IRC 78 needs to be followed. However the
present code is converted into euro code approach so that it is in line with other chapters. Moreover it has to
follow the load combinations and partial factors given in table B4 of IRC6
3.1 Limit State Verification of side and base Resistance
The side and base resistances of well foundation shall be verified for all the four combinations outlined in
Table of B.4 of IRC:6-2017. These are the only two checks for well foundations required
3.2 Actions, Combinations, material set values and resistance factor
The principles of combination is as follows
Action combination 1 + Material set value 1+ Resistance factor for base and side
Action combination 2 + Material set value 2 + Resistance factor for base and side
Seismic combination + Material set value 2 + Resistance factor for base and side
Accidental combination + Material set value 2 + Resistance factor for base and side
Meaning of “+” combined with
1.3 Partial factor for Geo-technical Material.
Two sets of partial factors are shown in table no.2 Viz set 1 and set 2.
The factors shown under Set 1 shall be used to check Action Combination 1 and factors shown under set 2
shall be used for remaining combinations.
Sensitivity Analysis Table
In combination 1 side earth resistance will be almost fully utilized as shown below.

Value Actual Reduced FOS

For φ 250 (kp - ka) (3.91– 0.35) = 3.56 (3.91 – 0.35×1.5) = 3.39 1.05

Fφ φ = 300 (kp - ka) (5.74 – 0.30) = 5.44 (5.74 – 0.30×1.5) = 5.29 1.03

For φ = 350 (9.15– 0.22) = 8.92 (9.15 – 0.22×1.5) = 8.85 1.012

However this will not be governing case. The utilisation will be low in case of action combination 2. When

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action combination 2 is adopted side resistance factor of fos is as follows.

Actual Reduced FOS

For φ 250 (kp – ka) = (3.91 – (2.89 x 0.85 – 0.42 x 1.3) = 1.91 1.86
0.35) = 3.56

For φ 30 0(5.74 – 0.30) = 5.44 (3.85 x 0.85 – 0.35 x 1.3) = 2.82 1.93

For φ 350 (9.15 – 0.23) = 8.92 5.4 x 0.85 – 0.29 x 1.3) = 4.21 2.11

The fos requirement is 2.0 and 1.6 .for normal and seismic combinations as per present code. Adopting a side
resistance factor of 1.0for all combinations fos will be 1.93 for combination 2. For seismic combination and
accidental combination fos will be 1.55
3.4 Partial Factor on ground Resistance for foundations resting on soil
The partial factor for ground resistance is as given below. Partial resistance factor average for actions in
combination 1 shall be taken as 1.40. Take ground resistance factor as 1.35
Taking 1.4 as partial factor on loads in combination1 as average,the f.o.s on base resistance will work to 1.4
x 1.35 = 1.90. Principle is, actions are factored, when partial factor on materials are not applied
For combination 2 reduction in Nq, Nγ. Due to adoption of set 2 value.

φ Nq Nγ φ reduced Nq Nγ Reduction Reduction

in Nq in Nγ

25 10.66 10.88 20.5 6.4 5.39 60% 50%

30 18.40 22.40 25 10.66 10.88 58% 49%

35 33.30 48.05 29 16.8 20.0 50% 42%

Average reduction in Nq = 56% and in Nγ = 47%

As the depth factor dominate taking the bearing capacity reduced by 56% fos will 1.78.
Hence ground resistance factor can be kept as 1.10. This will ensure fos of 1.95 for combination A2. For
seismic and accidental combination partial factor on ground resistance can be kept as 1.0 as the partial factor
for seismic force is 1.5 which includes Hydrodynamic force also. The fos for seismic and accidental
combinations will work out 1.78

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3.5 Summary of Resistance factor

Summary of resistance factor are shown for all combinations

Combination Action Action Seismic Accidental

Combination (1) Combination (2) Combination Combination

Partial Factor Set M1 Set M2 Set M2 Set M2

On Materials 1.35 1.10 1.0 1.0

On Resistance

3.6 Verification of base resistance and base contact area for wells resisting on soil.
The base pressure will be verified for all the combinations along with the appropriate partial factor on
material and partial factor on resistance. 80% of contact area of base shall be ensured. Maximum base
pressure of 2.5mpa has been limited to
3.7 Verification of Base Resistance and base contact for well resting on rock.
The base pressure will be verified for all the combinations. The partial factor on materials shall be used
for estimating Geo-technical actions and for resistance. The base resistance capacity will be based the
crushing strength of rock with resistance factor 4.5. The base contact area shall be ensured a minimum of
80% and 67% for appropriate combinations.
3.8 Serviceability Limit State Verification
The differential settlement (angular distortion) of the foundation will be verified by using Quasi permanent
combination and the settlement will be restricted as given in clause no. 5.1.4. . The contact area should be
100% foundations resting on soil and 80% resting on rock with FOS mentioned to be checked under frequent
and rare combination. The allowable pressure on soil and FOS has been stipulated .ie 1.25mpa and 2
3.9 Structural Design of Foundation
The structural design of foundation shall be carried out for all the combination as per IRC: 112
3.10 Factors adjusted for SV loading

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Analysis of partial safety factor on soil for SV loading for base resistance

3.10.1 Normal loading case

For Combination A1 DL:LL 50:50 = Total FOS= 1.425 x 1.35 x 1.0 = 1.92
DL:LL 70:30 = Total FOS =1.395 x 1.35 x 1.0 = 1.88
Fos on Soil = 1.35

For Combination A2 DL:LL 50:50 = Total FOS= 1.15 x 1.1 x 1.78 = 2.25
DL:LL 70:30 = Total FOS = 1.09 x 1.1 x 1.78 = 2.13
FOSs on Soil = 1.96

3.10.2 With SV Loading Case

For Combination A1 DL:LL 50:50 = Total Fos = 1.25 x 1.20 x 1.0 = 1.50 (78%)
DL:LL 70:30 = Total Fos =1.29 x 1.20 x 1.0 = 1.55 (82%)
Fos on Soil = 1.20

For Combination A2 DL:LL 50:50 = Total Fos = 1.0 x 1.10 x 1.78 = 1.96 (89%)
DL:LL 70:30 = Total Fos = 1.0 x 1.10 x 1.78 = 1.96 (89%)
Fos on Soil = 1.96

Hence Resistance Factor of 1.20 and 1.1 can be taken. For SLS check the FOS shall be reduced to 1.6 against
ultimate bearing capacity while checking under rare combination. For Foundation resting on Rock, base
Resistance Factor of 4.5 is retained. Reference can be made to open foundation calculation.

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