Kura Kura Dan Kelinci

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The Tortoise and the Hare

One day, there was the Hare which was once boasting of his speed before the other animals.
“I have never been beaten,” he said arrogantly, “if i run with my full speed. I challenge
everyone here to against me in a racing.”
The Tortoise replied quietly, “I will accept your challenge.”

“is that a joke?” said the Hare again; “I could dance round you all the way from the start to
the finish spot.”

“Keep your boasting till you win,” the Tortoise answered. “Shall we start?”

So a course was agreed and a starting point was made. at once The Hare darted almost out of
sight, but soon he stopped and to show his contempt for the Tortoise, he lay down to have a
nap soundly. The Tortoise plodded on and plodded on as the time going, and when the Hare
awoke from his nap, he was shocked to see the Tortoise just near the winning-post and could
not run up in time to save the race.

Kelinci dan kura-kura

Suatu hari, ada seekor kelinci yang sedang membual tentang kecepatannya berlari
dibandingkan hewan – hewan lain. “Saya tidak pernah terkalahkan,” katanya angkuh, “jika
saya berjalan dengan kecepatan penuh saya.” Saya menantang semua orang di sini untuk
melawan saya di arena balap.”

Kura-kura menjawab dengan tenang, “Aku akan menerima tantanganmu.”

“Apakah ini lelucon?” kata Kelinci lagi; “Aku bisa menari mengelilingimu sepanjang jalan
dari awal sampai titik finish.”

“Teruslah membual sampai kamu menang,” jawab kura-kura. “Bagaimana kalau kita mulai?”
Kemudian perjanjian disepakati dan titik awal dibuat. Seketika si kelinci melesat hampir
tidak terlihat, tapi ia kemudian berhenti dan menunjukkan penghinaan untuk kura – kura, ia
berbaring untuk tidur siang dengan nyenyak. Seiring waktu berlalu, kura-kura terus berusaha
dengan susah payah, dan ketika Kelinci terbangun dari tidur, ia terkejut melihat kura-kura
telah mendekati titik kemenangan dan ia tidak bisa berlari dalam waktu sesingkat itu
memenangkan balapan.

Kemudian Kura-kura berkata: “Proses yang lambat tapi stabil akan memenangkan

A Tortoise and a Hare

One day in a forest, there was a tortoise that intended to challenge a hare who was known to
be arrogant in a fast running match. The tortoise dared to challenge the hare because he had
been insulted. The hare insulted the tortoise by saying that the tortoise was a slow and stupid

Hearing about the challenge from the tortoise, the hare thoughtlessly accepted the challenge
with confidence.

"A stupid tortoise is challenging me to run. But it is clear that the winner is me", said the hare
with confidence.
"Let's see." Said the tortoise calmly.

The next day, a long line of a run track had been prepared. The other animals were there to
watch the race. They wanted to see who would win the rece. More of that, they want to
support the tortoise to win the race .

Served as a referee, a monkey was asked to give a signal as a sign to start the race. In a short
time the hare run fast and he was far ahead leaving the tortoise behind. But the tortoise did
not give up. He kept running. A few moments passed, the hare had almost reached the finish
line. But after running fast, the hare felt tired and wanted to take a break.

However, the hare slept longer than he had thought and woke up. He couldn’t see the tortoise
anywhere! He went at full-speed to the finish line, but found the tortoise there waiting for

Kura-kura dan Kelinci

Suatu hari di hutan, ada seekor kura-kura yang bermaksud menantang kelinci yang dikenal
sombong dalam pertandingan lari cepat. Kura-kura itu berani menantang kelinci karena dia
telah dihina. Kelinci tersebut menghina kura-kura tersebut dengan mengatakan bahwa kura-
kura itu adalah hewan yang lamban dan bodoh.

Mendengar tentang tantangan dari kura-kura itu, kelinci itu dengan tidak sabar menerima
tantangan itu dengan percaya diri.

"Kura-kura bodoh menantang saya untuk lomba lari, tapi jelas bahwa pemenangnya adalah
saya", kata si kelinci dengan percaya diri.
"Lihat saja nanti." Kata kura-kura itu dengan tenang.

Keesokan harinya, garis panjang jalur lari telah disiapkan. Binatang lainnya ada di sana untuk
menyaksikan balapan. Mereka ingin melihat siapa yang akan memenangkan tanda terima.
Lebih dari itu, mereka ingin mendukung kura-kura untuk memenangkan perlombaan karena
kelinci itu begitu sombong dan kasar tidak hanya pada kura-kura tapi kepada juga hewan lain.

Sebagai wasit, seekor monyet diminta memberi isyarat sebagai tanda untuk memulai balapan.
Dalam waktu singkat kelinci berlari cepat dan dia jauh di depan meninggalkan kura-kura.
Tapi kura-kura itu tidak menyerah. Dia terus berlari. Beberapa saat berlalu, kelinci itu hampir
mencapai garis finish. Tapi setelah berlari kencang, si kelinci merasa lelah dan ingin

"Kura-kura masih jauh di belakangku, dia terlalu lambat untuk menyamai kecepatanku,
kurasa aku akan beristirahat sebentar di bawah pohon ini untuk memulihkan kekuatanku."
Gumam kelinci. Kelinci itu lalu bersandar di bawah pohon dan tertidur di sana.

Namun, kelinci tidur kelamaan dari perkiraanya. Ketika terbangun, dia tidak melihat kura-
kura dimana pun. Dia lari dengan kecepatan penuh menuju garis finish tetapi mendapati kura-
kura sudah menunggunya disana.
The Hare and the Tortoise
Once, there lived a boastful hare. He could run very fast and was over proud of
his speed. While he was walking around, the hare met a slowly moving tortoise.
He laughed at him and said, “You’re such a slowcoach, buddy!” The tortoise was
annoyed by the hare words and replied, “My dear friend, hare! You’re over proud
of your speed. Let’s have a race, and see who is the faster between us?”

Next day, the hare and the tortoise had a race. The hare ran very fast and left the
tortoise far behind. He confidently thought that he would surely win the race. “The
tortoise will take a very long time to get here, so I will catch my breath first for a
moment,” said the hare to himself.

After waiting for quite a while, the hare started to get bored. He leaned on a tree
and decided to take a nap for a while. The tortoise kept walking slowly but
steadily until he passed the hare. The hare suddenly woke up and saw that the
tortoise was just about an inch from the finish line.

Then the hare started to run as fast as he could, but it was too late. The tortoise
had just crossed the finish line and won the race. At last, the hare was really
disappointed and bowed his head down admitting his lose.

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