Ingredients Method: Curry Paste Serves 4 Bhaji

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Serves 4 Curry paste

Bhaji 1 Fry the mustard, coriander, cumin and
• 500 g (1 lb 2 oz) closed-cap button fenugreek seeds for 2–3 minutes in a dry pan.
mushrooms 2 Transfer the fried spices to a pestle and
• ½ red onion, very finely chopped mortar and grind with the curry leaves. When
• 1 fresh plum tomato, finely ground, add the other spices.
3 Add the oil and vinegar to the spices and mix
• small handful of baby spinach
up into a paste.
• coriander to serve, roughly
• sour cream and Naan bread to
serve 1 Lightly fry the mushrooms in a little oil until
Curry paste just brown.
• 1 level dsp mustard seed 2 Add 1 heaped tbsp of the spice paste and the
• 2 level dsp coriander seeds water. (Cover the remaining spice paste and
• 1 level dsp cumin seeds leave in the fridge to use another day.)
• ¼ dsp fenugreek seeds 3 Place a lid over the pan and leave to heat for
• ½ dsp gram flour (chickpea flour) 2–3 minutes.
• ½ dsp garlic powder 4 Add the red onion and plum tomato and allow
• ½ dsp paprika to cook for 1–2 minutes.
• ½3 dsp turmeric 5 Add the spinach and stir into the hot bhaji.
• 1 dsp curry leaves 6 Season to taste with salt and pepper and serve
• ½ dsp ginger powder sprinkled with coriander and drizzled with sour
• ½ dsp chilli powder cream with Naan bread on the side.
• 1 tbsp vegetable oil
• ½ tbsp white wine vinegar
• 4 tbsp water
• vegetable oil to fry


To find out the best way to store mushrooms, buy about 6 small mushrooms
and store them in paper bags and plastic bags (or wrap some in cling film). Try
storing them in different temperatures, too; in the kitchen, in the bottom of
the fridge, in the freezer. Examine them carefully after a few days. Which
conditions work best?

„ Eighty or ninety per cent of mushrooms are water.

„ Mushrooms are a good source of minerals, particularly potassium, and a

good source of vitamins, in particular B vitamins.

„ Mushrooms live on organic material that thrives on compost, fallen leaves,

damp wood and any other dead plant or animal matter. Their role in
causing decay is important in maintaining ecological cycles.

„ Mushrooms have a naturally high metabolism and deteriorate faster than

other fruits and vegetables such as apples, pears and carrots.

„ Mushrooms should be stored in a fridge which will help them to slow their
metabolism. They should also be wrapped in moisture-absorbing packaging,
such as paper, rather than plastic.


If you want to learn more about the importance of a variety of food for human
nutrition, then you might like to take our science short course, Understanding
human nutrition (SK183).

For more information visit

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