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aaa CONNECT. Watisa spooky or scary experience you have had? Tell us about it. & oA Look at the word—DISAPPEAR. Think of as many words as you can that beg REFLECT with dis-. Raise your hand and speak the words aloud. ag lat ha Imagine that somebody or something disappears all of a sudden. Whi IMAGINE next? Describe it in the class. 3 BEFORE YOU READ Mf fh HG Wells (1866-1946) was an English writer. He was born in Bromley, Kent. Wells is best, known for writing science fiction novels. He had a poor childhood and had to do many . odd jobs. Unable to afford a school education, he mostly taught himself by reading ata libraries. Often referred to as ‘the father of science fiction’, some of his best-known Wort include The Time Machine (1895), The Invisible Man (1897) and The War of the Worlds (1898) He was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature four times. 4 When the Furniture Went Mad is the sixth chapter in HG Wells’ The Invisible Man. Hu! beings have always been fascinated by the concept of invisibility. Wells wasn't the fist artist to explore invisibility in literature. The phenomenon of characters vanishing into thin air can be found even in plays by William Shakespeare. Though, Wells was one Ol” first writers and thinkers to link invisibility with science. That remains one of the re85 behind the massive popularity of The Invisible Man. ae Scanned with CamScanner {Onan early Stonday 5& | Mis Hall rushed nosing Sal agg | They were surprised toes then ear, | cor gan Stanger Twas as he expected, thebetes accel ce rete What was strange, howe the stranger's that the stranger's clothes and bandages were door. There Scattered on the chai andon the bed was no s e answer. He ‘knocked again, | then pushed open and, entered, ‘Janny, he’s not in As the husband and \\ his room, and his wife climbed up the stairs, they both thought they heard the stranger's door ern clothes are! Scanned with CamScanner xy — Sify @e "ys Then they heard someone sneeze behind their backs. When they entered, a strange thing happened. The bedelothes gathered themselves and leapt into the air. Itwas almost as though a hand had clutched them and flung them aside. f Si (eee ‘The couple turned pale with fright when the stranger's hat hopped af “the bedpost and whirled in the air before crashing into Mrs Halls fe. ‘The sponge left the washstand, the chair flung the stranger's cost and trousers. Mr and Mrs Hall ran around screaming. Scanned with CamScanner Spirits! I know they were spirits! Tables and chairs leaping and dancing! The jroom is haunted, and he has \ hexed my good furniture! Millie, get help! Lock Mout! We should have never let him in, I should have known with his goggling eyes, bandaged head and not going to church ona Sundg Mr Sandy Wadgers, the blacks Renee ane RR at onan ‘entice was called to join the diseussion. Mr Huxter was the genius from Prone as RCAC evans eros ere c ease Perens Scanned with CamScanner door, it opened of its own accord. Everyone | ‘They gawked at the sight of the bandaged fig descending the stairs. the congregat his room, Scanned with CamScanner Nota word was spoken until the last echoes of the slam SSC aaa pene Scanned with CamScanner used magic powers to harm somebody looking at somebody/something with eyes wide open a person who makes and repairs things made of iron a person who works foi i a person pipette employer to learn particular ski without being forced stared in a stupid way a group of people gathered together a room for visitors in a house violently and cruelly ended CONSOLIDATE Al. Answer these questions. 1. What was Mr Hall's reaction on seeing the stranger's clothes and bandages lying scattered? g : q 4 z 3 é = N ‘When they entered the room again, a strange thing happened.’ What strange thing is being spoken about in the above sentence? Why did Mr and Mrs Hall turn pale with fright? aw What had happened to Mrs Hall's furniture? Who were called to hold a discussion about the ‘stranger’? yy A2, Answer these questions with reference to the context. 1. But his clothes are! What's he doing without his clothes? a. Whose clothes are being spoken about in the above comment? b. Where is the person, being talked about, at the moment? What is the relationship between the speaker and the person talked about? 132 Scanned with CamScanner 2, Spirits! | know they were 5 irits! Ta Shee haunted, and he has hexed my jpn 2nd chairs leap I 35 hexed my good furnitures °2Pi"9 and nC91 The oom a. Why does the Speaker talk about Spirits? , b. Were there really any spirits? c. Why were the tables and chairs ‘leaping and dancing? door, but broken down, YOU cannot close a door once its a. Whois the speaker? b. Why does the speaker Say these lines? i 4 c Isthe door broken down finally? \ 43. Think and answer, 1. Why do you think the stranger wears bandages? 2. Who do you think made the clothes leap into the air and the hat hop off the bedpost? A4. Learn Interesting Terms The Invisible Man by HG Wells is a science fiction. A science y, fiction, often called sci-fi, deals with imaginative concepts = closely related to science, technology, space travel, time travel, ate, Note down the elements in the comic, When Furniture Went Mad, that classify it *8a science fiction. CREATE ' Read these sentences. ‘Word World, thes and * What was strange, however, was that the paver andages were scattered on the chair and on the 133 nopgpareeeee Scanned with CamScanner SSDS SL Chapter 12 © The couple turned bedpost and whirl EER gc pale with fright when the stranger's hat hopped off thi led in the air before crashing into Mrs Hall's face, z The language used in the above 4 sent i i i Mee ntences creates clear images in the mind of 3 We have already learnt that langu i , lage that produces i i is referred to as imagery. oe 5 Pen ot an ay Quote at least three more examples, from the comic, that use imagery, Cl. Determiners are words that co! i me before nouns to show how the nouns are being used. Determiners Language Ladder Demonstrative adjectives Adjectives of quantity Adjectives of —_ number Articles Possessive adjectives Study the table to learn more about determiners. a wT Determiners 4 2 LE LE a a a a Examples Explanation Articles Aand an are called indefinite articles. They are used with singular countable nouns. The is called the definite article. Itis used before a noun that is a particular thing, / place, animal or person. { For example, ¢ Anovel is written by an author. * The novel, Oliver Twist, was written PY Charles Dickens. 1 ‘iste TL ST a TL a a a 134 aODdDD CS SEO |” i BG BS _—d Scanned with CamScanner . 3PDPSDS_When the Ss ff Demonstrative adjectives / | f Determiner: Examples this, that, these, those ( adjectivesof la few, each, every, | Each of them shows the number of number first, last, one, Persons, places, animals or things. They f two, three... are used with countable nouns. For he conversation in a few minutes, ( Adjectives of some, much, less a [ee oe eee Possessive my, our, your, gdlectives their, his, her, its t Adeterminer isa a 7 ay amy Cut Nouns and "ew modifiers, aa a ay ay Furniture Went Mad RRR 4g cae + © aww, Explanation They show which specific Person, animal, Place or thing is being referred to, For example, * Thes © bandages belong to the invisibl man. le example, Mr Huxter drifted to a é Each of them shows the quantity of a noun. They are used with uncountable Nouns. For example, * The invisible man led to much curiosity, They are used before nouns and show Possession or belonging. For example, 4 ) 6 / f * Janny, he’s not in his room. 4 7 ET a ae 4 type of modifier. The words or phrases that give more information verbs are known as modifiers. Study the table to learn about two 135 Scanned with CamScanner S389333aQ. Chapter 12 EER Re gee aT MT LT ay Misplaced Modifier DS <7 LF F we Limiting Modifier A modifier that is not correctly | Pl before the noun it modifies is all misplaced modifier. Modifiers that impose limitations or restrictions on the words they modify are called limiting modifiers. sco like almost, hardly, nearly, just, only and merely are common limiting modifiers. For example, For example, Misplaced modifying word: e The invisible man ate a cold dish of cereal in breakfast. @* The stranger knew hardly s anybody in the town. © Only bandages were scattered on the chair. Correction: { * The invisible man ate a dish of cold cereal in breakfast. { Misplaced modifying phrase: © They said it would rain on the radio. Correction: © They said on the radio that it would f rain. 4 4 7 A a / 6 , s j 4 7 fT sw a 7 Fill in the blanks using correct determiners, 1. She tried to cover up___ mistakes. 2 traveller stopped outside hut and asked for a shelter for night. 3. How pencils do you need? Oh, not only 4. | bought scissors and lead. 5. It is a holiday today, the market is closed. the library is open. 6. The cuisine at the restaurant wasn’t up to the mark. late __ pears. 7. The dog wagged____tail and followed wagon. 136 “ODD Egeeo Scanned with CamScanner SPPPPS 5 wo, the Furniture Went Mag @. These Sentences have ™isplaced modifiers. Correct ee 4, The torn student's book lay on the chair. ences, 2, lonly contributed 19 "Upees to the fur 3, The dealer sold the Cr to the buyer 4, The three sisters talked quietly in th, nd for the Sports, With leather Seats, Corn, day, ‘ er eating ice Cream, 5, They saw a fence behind the factory made of barbed wire, 6. On her way home, Jhanvi found a gold Woman's Necklace, 7. She served Sandwiches to ©” Paper plates. G. It's time to play the Grammar Game with the help of your teacher, D. Listen to the Passage and fill in the given form for HG Wells, the children 7 J Listening Power {Personal details [Name (in full): {Date of birth: |Place of birth: Mother's name: Mother's profesional havin aaa a {Father's name: [Father's profession: {Schoolis) attended: {College(s) attended: |Achieverments: — 137 apppn Geer — Scanned with CamScanner BSPDDSSS- —ChapterB ~E RK KK gee E. Follow these three simple steps to take a good interview: 1. Contact the person. Arrange the interview by phone or email. Talk Time Some good ways to ask for an interview are: © Hello, this is Harsh. | would like to interview you... * Would you be interested in giving an interview? * Would you mind answering a few questions? . Be prepared. N Make sure you have written down all your questions beforehand. Begin with easy questions. If you ask difficult ones in the beginning, the * interviewee may lose interest. w . Take notes. Jot down the answers so that you don't forget them. You have to take an interview of the Invisible Man. Imagine your interviewee is sitting on an empty chair and ask relevant questions. Make sure you have already written down all the questions before you take the interview. EXTEND F. Read this sentence. Mr Huxter was the genius from parliament: he drifted to the conversation in a few minutes. Punctuation Points In the above sentence, the main clause ‘Mr Huxter was the genius from parliament is being further expanded through the use of a colon (:). A colon has many functions, one of which is to expand or clarify a main clause. Add colons wherever necessary. . 1. The doughnuts were amazing just the right amount of sweetness and soft tot core. 138 ~eppeeeegeeo _——-d Scanned with CamScanner G.A character sketch includes ment: tells about t al as Well as Ina character sketch, dese * physical characteristics, * actions, the ch; Physical trait Tibe a character's Write Away © likes and dislikes, * hobby or any special quality, * feelings, Write a 50-word long character s include all the i important points, RELATE HL In The Invisible Man, the Protag Some chemicals that turn him invi Take het P Of the Internet and make a working model of any n ‘entific object, law or process, Then, help organise, and Participate in, a exhibition at your school, ketch of the Invisible Man. Remember to Onist incidentally discovers isible, Go Beyond "Select a model displayed at the science exhibition and rate it on these Parameters, Al AlSO, Suggest one improvement, FUNCTIONAL PORTABILITY > Scanned with CamScanner

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