IDC Bangkok

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My name is Vadim and I am from Moscow in Russia.

10 years ago I came to Thailand for the first time. Nice

climate, cheap food and accomodation.
In 2009 I decided to move to Thailand, to Pattaya.

I found a job as a manager in a nightclub and it was a

good time, bit alter I changed my job with same position
but more salary and the boss promised to get me a
work visa.
It was also a fun time.

I had a problem my passport expired and I needed to

change it.
I went to the Russian embassy in Bangkok, and i asked
how to renew my passport?

They told me they had two ways

1 Go back Moscow, lose around 1 month and 500-600$

for a plane ticket
2 My embassy “need only show visa”+ 25000 THB bribe

My boss knew about my problem but not did nothing for

me (I mean work visa),
that is why I left my job.

My passport was expired 2 months, but i had a good

visa. I paid for one year around 50000 THB
After I went to the Russian Embassy in Bangkok and
asked to renew the passport, I did not give 25000 THB. I
got a new passport when my visa finished.

So, I thought I will pay overstay at the airport, but police

caught me.

I am well now, I stay in Moscow, I have family and a

I'm worried about my friend who is still in there over one
year now ,and also other people,
they did not violate the criminal law.

I will definitely continue my story I will tell you about

what happens in the rooms 7.

The police did not arrest me at the airport. I did not

reach the airport . They caught me with a police trick.

About Thai women..

I think that Thailand is a different culture and many men
when come to Thailand and forget about this, European
mindset, "Thai women in Pattaya are very bad, the
Thai say: "Thai women make money".

I had many Thai women in Pattaya. they were all

I can tell you a lot about bad or very good things, also
about Thai women. I do not think that all Thai women in
Pattaya are terrible.
The problem is that men are looking for love and for
Thai women it's work.

Selling her body a Thai woman can earn around 1000$.

Most of them do not have any education, they need to
support their parents and feed their children, they will
not earn that much money with an other job.

About my overstay...
I always made sure that I did not have overstay.
I had a job but my boss did not give me a visa when it
was required to replace a passport , I quit my job.
In the embassy of Russia, I was asked to pay a bribe of
25,000 THB to replace the passport.

I only had a study visa and made the documents for the
renewal of the passport.
As a result, I would get a passport when my visa ended.
I decided to pay overstay at the airport, but I was
detained by the police, I was more accurately trapped.
We went on motorbike ride and I was brought to a police
checkpoint ...
It was about 100-150 km from Pattaya..

Its was a Saturday night. I was taken to the police

station. The policemen were polite to me they wrote a
report and put me in a cell, I was alone. The first night I
only had some newspapers that I put on the floor and
tried to fall asleep, but it was uncomfortable...
In the morning my girlfriend came and brought food and
a blanket and a mattress and a pillow, The room was
spacious. I took a shower, ate but could not fall asleep,
the policemen guarding me were friendly ....

On Sunday I got a shower gel, toothpaste and bed

accessories , but I could not sleep.
I just walked around in the cell,all night.

On monday morning police men drove me to court.

It was a police car and I was sitting in the back

seat,with aircon.
They treated me well, when we arrived in court my
girlfriend was also there.
She is Thai, I met her in Pattaya, we stayed together
around 8 years.

It turned out that the judge was busy and we needed to

wait. You will not believe but
the policeman invited us to a cafe and treated us with
coffee. We sat in pleasant coolness and drank coffee
then we returned to the courthouse.

Before the court session I was taken to the waiting

room, there were about 10 people.
They were dressed in prison clothes, some of them
were chained ,they were Thai and Cambodian.
Nobody paid any attention to me and the police guards
were polite and nice.
I sat in this room for about 40 minutes, then I was
summoned and handcuffed and brought to court.
The trial took 10 minutes
I had about 4 years of overstay.
I was fined 2500 THB, my girlfriend paid for me..

The policeman said that he would take me to the

immigration police from where I was going to IDC

In the beginning we went back to the police station and

then we went to the Immigration police ,

At the immigration police office the policeman

discovered that he had lost the passport of another
arrested person, the policeman was very upset and I
told him that he did not lose this passport and forgot it at
the police station.

So we went back to the police station, where we found

his passport.

I promised him not to escape and not to violate any law

and as a result, he left me at the police station for the
night. I was given a separate room, I could move around
I took a shower , had supper and went to sleep because
i was very tired.

In court I was offered the option of paying a fine or be

I do not remember exactly how much the penalty
imposed was, 2500 THB or 3500 THB.
My girlfriend paid the fine.

I was free to move around the police station, all the

policemen were friendly, I got coffee and breakfast.
This was the first time in my life I met such nice

In morning I was brought to the immigration police

To my surprise during my arrest, all the policemen were
polite and friendly.
In the evening by police car with air conditioning I was
brought to the IDC BKK around 18.00
I'm from Russia, we have a hard life.
I was ready for everything but IDC Bangkok is

When I arrived here I did not have the money for an air
ticket and this bothered me.

They took my phone and belt and gave me a ticket,

after which I was taken to a cell.
Inside there were around 40 man, almost all from Asia
(Cambodia,Laos, Birma), a few Europeans and
Pakistani men.

There were too many men and for me there was place,
my things were taken to the toilet.
I said that my things will not be kept in the toilet, but I
was told it was only temporary and the toilet was not
used by anyone.
In the evening we were transferred to another cell.
I immediately met with other Europeans. We talked and
joked. The time passed by quickly
I was very tired.
They brought our supper: rice with something
incomprehensible. I was hungry but did not eat.

Later we were taken to the corridor and ordered to sit on

the floor.
We were divided into three groups : Asians Europeans
and Pakistanis.
I saw how awful they treated the Asians, like animals.
They threw ID IDC cards on the floor,and shouted very
humiliating stuff.

The attitude towards me and other Europeans was

We got the cards and after that we were led to a

I've seen enough in my life BUT I saw such insanity for

the first time in room 7.

We were taken to room 7 to the leader, the leader of

room number 7.
I understand that his work is difficult.
He needs to maintain order in the cell and solve many
different problems.

The leader of room number seven was an Iranian,

named Yusef
I've never met an idiot like him, a stupid and bad man
He is one of those men who creates problems and then
resolves them and then
from morning until evening tells everyone what kind of a
hard job he has.

If it's so hard for him then why does he not give up ?

I’m not sure if he got a salary … weird degenerate.
For example,someone has been there a long time in
IDC and he is asks Yusef to check whether the air
ticket was purchased or not. He can lie that it is not
Or approach a person who does not have money for a
ticket and tell for you someone wants to buy ticket. a
person gets hopeful but later on ​Yousef said - “I’m
sorry, it’s wrong about your ticket”

That is disgusting.

He assembled a team of Iranian freaks who help him

manage the room … the best they can do is to mock the
old and the weak.

I had no conflicts with the Iranians or with anyone else,

no one mocked me and was rude.

It was humiliating , in cell 7 there about 130 people ,

we just sat there 24 hours a day and 2-3 times a week
we were led out to walk around one hour.
Often they turned off the water, there was no possibility
of showering or drinking water.

In the cell there were psychologically sick people.

Only the US Embassy and some European countries

I am a muslim. I have to pray 5 times a day at the right
When I came to this cage I saw many Asians, most
Asian Buddhists
I have to make a prayer.
I know that in Burma they kill Muslims.
I realized that if they attacked me, I could not defend
myself. There were too many.

I thought that maybe in the cell there would be

problems. But there were no problems.
Allah helped me.

The water supply is not permanent , it was very hot too.

Many of the people were smoking, there was no clean
air. All day long we sat only in one place

Taking a shower is a big problem, one time a toilet was

closed because there was no water for sweeping … 120
men had to wait until water came.

The people who came from prison, said that in prison it

was 1000% times better.

In the cell were mentally ill people, I'm not sure that they
understood where they were and if they knew their
names. They climbed in the trash in search for food.
This is psychologically very difficult to watch.

We did not violate the criminal law, why are the

conditions worse than for animals ?

In the cell there was a mentally ill man from England, he

became violent.
Police came in and said it’s a small problem and left him
in the cell.

In my cell there was a young guy from Ukraine, he had

10-12 days of overstay.
When he went to Laos to get a new visa the police
caught him in a petrol station.
He stayed in Tthailand around 25 days.
14 days on his arrival stamp and 10 in overstay.
All together he has to pay 4000$ and then he can go
back to Ukraine.
I have never been in room 4.
About this is room.
Muhammad, he is 23 years old.
Muhammad stayed around 4 month in this room.

In the IDC BKK people are divided into sectors and in

each sector
men and women are held separately.

Room 4 is the room for Asian people and for the people
being punished from the other room.
The Asian people are in small room many guilty of
violating political laws.

The Leader of room number 4 is from Vietnam.

He has been in IDC BKK for over 20 years.
Muhammad said that this Vietnamese man is very bad
and angry like a dog.

Many people vowed to kill this Vietnamese man if they

met him outside.

When a person from another room comes to room 4, he

is put in shackles.
The hand is buckled to the foot, after that the person is
heavily beaten,
by 5-7 people of Asia.
If someone from Asia refuses to beat, he is also will be
Muhammad told me about this room.

One men from USA wanted to stop the beating of a

weak man, he did not fight anybody.
In retaliation he was sent to room 4 and seriously

Another man forgot to give his telephone, he was also

severely beaten.

We have not been arrested why is our freedom taken

away ? Why should we give our phones ??? In room
number 4 he stayed around 10-14 days, later they go
back to their original room or home.

My Friend Muhammad told me that one person died.

The cops stayed in that room all day.

Yes we violated the immigration law, but not for serious


I was told by the Russian embassy that I would have to

stay until I buy the ticket for myself.
I asked - how long?
The embassy answered -some people sit inside 10-20
I asked the Russian embassy, in march in Russia
election for Putin.
Can we also vote?
NO answered the Russian embassy.

The food inside IDC BKK is disgusting.

Rice with a boiled cucumber or rice with some kind of


Sometimes they gave boiled eggs.

Once a week we got sweet lentils or something like that.

Once a week, sometimes they gave us a banana, milk

or wafers.

Of all the delicacies offered to me I ate only rice ,

bananas, waffles ,milk.

Muhammad shared food with me, we had noodles, we

mix it with rice also buy fish.

Muhammad also bought sweets and coffee, bread.

Sometimes the Russians gave me food I shared with

I did not have enough food but I tried not to eat food
from my friend,

because I knew that he shared the last he had.

I drank raw water from a tap, if i need to make coffee or

tea or - there was a cooler that heats the water.

Taking a shower was big problem, sometimes there was

no water.

One time for a whole day there was no water, NOTHING

to drink, NOT to take a shower, NOT for the toilets.

I thought that you have been sitting in this concentration

camp, IDC BKK, a lot earlier than me.

In room 7 there were around 110-130 person.

Almost every evening came the fat Iranian assistant of
the leader of the room.

And he began to move our mattresses (slim Blankets).

He approached this matter with great love and

concentration, but why does it, I don’t understand.

It looked like he played a game tetris.

In a word he is an idiot with initiative.

Allah helped me get out of this madhouse.

When I lost hope for help,I called a friend in Pattaya.

We met every Friday after prayer , we know each

other… not very long.

He told me that he knows what a terrible place this is.

After he bought a ticket for me, he said no problem for

the money.
It is the duty of Muslims to release captive Muslims.

Now I'm collecting money to give it back. I can not just

take the money and I appreciate that my friend gave to

Thanks, I am well, but my heart hurts.

Because so many people sit in IDC BKK and terribles

place like that.

My friend Muhammad sat there around 3 years,other

people 5-10-12 years.

I see people lose their mind and go crazy.

Once a man from **** ,some time we talked, came to

see me and asked about my air ticket ,

I answered " I don't know."

He told me like …

' don’t worry and when he is going home, he is will buy

a tikcet for me.
Because he want to buy a lottery ticket, and when he
wins he can help me' .

He is serious, no joke .

I do not answer anything ,I see he is crazy ..

IDC BKK does not only take freedom, it takes all.

(Testimony March 2018)

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