The Dark World of Kabbalah

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Knights Templar

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After the conquest of Jerusalem in 1099, the crusaders established military orders to
maintain a hold in Middle-East. Members of these orders came from all parts of Europe.
Military trainings were given out to them in a type of monastery. One such order was the
¶Knights Templar·. This order underwent a change that altered the course of history. To
be exact, this order was formed in 1118 i.e. 20 years after the conquest of Jerusalem by
the crusaders. The founders of this order were Hugh De Payens and Godfrey De Saint
Omer. Although the Templar called themselves as ´poor-soldiersµ, within a short span of
time these grew to be extremely rich!

The reason they named themselves after the temple of Solomon was because the place
they had chosen as a base was the temple mount where this ruined temple had been
located. This same location was where the Dome of the Rock (Qubbet as-Sakhrah) stood.

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jt is interesting to note that the Templar were the first to

set up a check and credit system, same as that of a bank.
The Templar had brought the Christian pilgrims, coming to
Palestine, under their control and used the pilgrim·s
money to become rich. According to the British authors,
Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, they established a
kind of Medieval capitalism, and led the way to modern
banking through their interest-based transactions.
jn due course of time, the Templar grew more powerful and richer.
Although Jerusalem was re-conquered by the Muslims, the Templar
became influential in Europe. Many historians think this to be the
reason for their persecution by the church and the European Kings.

There is no doubt that their political power made the monarchs of

Europe uneasy. But there was another aspect of the Templar that also
made the clergy ill at ease: the order had gradually apostatized from
the Christian faith, and while in Jerusalem, had adopted a number of
strange mystical doctrines. There were also rumors that they were
organizing strange rites to give form to these doctrines.

jn 1307, the Knights Templar was declared heretic by Pope

Clement V and was aided by French King Phillip Le Bel in arresting
the Templar and putting many of the order to death.

What is interesting here is that these were the very Templar

deemed honorable and dubbed as the ¶fellow-soldiers of Christ·
by the same Christian church.
Historians say that the Templar changed the way they saw the world
after they found something under the ruins of the Temple of Solomon
situated at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

But why did the Templar start digging there in the first place?

Were they looking for something? jf then, who told the Templar about
that which was buried under?

According to French historian, Gaetan Delaforge, the Templar were

looking for certain relics and manuscripts which contained the
essence of the secret traditions of ancient Egypt and Judaism.

There must have been something that led the Templar, despite the fact
that they had previously been Christian and came from a Christian part of
the world, to adopt a system of beliefs and a philosophy so completely
different from that of Christianity, celebrate heretical masses, and
perform rituals of black magic.
According to many researchers, that ¶something· was:







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jn short, Kabbalah is an alien pagan element that has

entered Judaism from the outside.
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ncient Egypt

Egypt was one of the most ancient and the most oppressive
civilizations of the world. the pyramids, sphinxes and obelisks³
were constructed by hundreds of thousands of slaves, worked to
the point of death, under the whip and threat of starvation. The
pharaohs, the absolute rulers of Egypt, wanted themselves to be
represented as gods and to be worshipped by the people. Although
the Egyptian alphabet was deciphered in the 19th century, we will
not take their inscriptions as the only source of information since
these were written by the officials and will be filled with biased
accounts that praise the state.
Moses said, "Pharaoh! j am truly a Messenger from the Lord of all the worlds, duty
bound to say nothing about God except the truth. j have come to you with a Clear
Sign from your Lord. So send the tribe of jsrael away with me."

He said, "jf you have come with a Clear Sign produce it if you are telling the

So he threw down his staff and there it was, unmistakably a snake.

And he drew out his hand and there it was, pure white to those who looked.

The ruling circle of Pharaoh's people said, "This is certainly a skilled magician who
desires to expel you from your land, so what do you recommend?"

They said, "Detain him and his brother and send out marshals to the cities, to
bring you all the skilled magicians." (Qur'an, 7: 104-112)



ïriests of ncient Egypt

The priests of ancient Egypt were referred to in the Qur·an as

¶magicians·. This was a cult which supported the regime. jt was
believed that they possessed special power and knowledge. By this
authority they influenced the people and ensured their position within
the administration of the pharaoh. This class, known from Egyptian
records as the "Priests of Amon," focused their attention on practicing
magic and administering their pagan cult; in addition, they also
studied various sciences such as astronomy, mathematics and
These people did not believe in creation of species by a Creator, rather
believed in EVOLUTjON, which is currently being promoted by the
materialist establishments!
js it a mere chance that the ancient Egyptian
philosophy of evolution still thrives in this age?

js there a possibility of a nexus of evil between

Kabbalah-Templar-Freemasonry which has been
maintaining the supremacy of this Egyptian
To know more about this, we must first examine
more closely the historical events that we have now
only briefly outlined. Let us again look into the Holy
Qur·an for the accurate details:

We conveyed the tribe of jsrael across the sea and they came upon some
people who were devoting themselves to some idols which they had.

They said, "Moses, give us a god just as these people have gods." He said,
"You are indeed an ignorant people.

What these people are doing is destined for destruction. What they are
doing is purposeless." (Qur'an, 7: 138-139)


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Despite Moses· warnings, the jsraelites continued in
such perversion, and when Moses left for Mount Sinai,
it manifested itself fully. Taking the advantage of
Moses· absence, a man by name SAMjRj fanned the
sparks of the jsraelites· inclination towards idolatry
Moses returned to his people in anger and great sorrow. He said,
"My people, did not your Lord make you a handsome promise? Did
the fulfillment of the contract seem too long to you or did you
want to unleash your Lord's anger upon yourselves, so you broke
your promise to me?"

They said, "We did not break our promise to you of our own
volition. But we were weighed down with the heavy loads of the
people's jewelry and we threw them in, for that is what As-Samiri

Then he produced a calf for them, a physical form which made a

lowing sound. So they said, "This is your god³and Moses' god as
well, but he forgot." (Qur'an, 20: 86-88)

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From the previous slides we come to know how influenced the
jsraelites were from the Egyptian cult. Their asking Moses (AS) to
show them God and their inclination to idol worship, despite being
helped by Allah several times, shows that these people were looking
for a ¶material· being that they could see, just like the pagan

Just imagine, during the life of Moses (AS) these jsraelites began to
create a likeness of what they had seen in Egypt. After his death,
they would have further backslid into their perversity. Of course,
there were many Jews who feared Allah, but there were some who
adopted Egyptian paganism. They slowly introduced the Egyptian
pagan doctrines into their religion

The doctrine that was introduced into

Judaism from ancient Egypt was:

Creation of The Universe According To Kabbalah


jt is interesting to note that the Kabbalah provides a different

account of creation than that of Torah ² the religious book of
According to Kabbalah, at the beginning of creation, things called
¶Sefiroth·, meaning "circles" or "orbits," with both material and spiritual
characteristics came into being. The total number of these things was
32. The first ten represented the solar system and the others
represented the masses of stars in space. This was very much what the
Egyptians believed.
Besides Egyptian paganism, the jsraelites also were
influenced by the Canaanite paganism which they
discovered after the invasion of Palestine. They were
further influenced by Mesopotamian paganism during their
captivity days in Babylon. This is referred to in the Qur·an:

´They follow what the satans recited in the reign of

Solomon. Solomon did not become unbeliever, but the
satans did, teaching people sorcery and what had been sent
down to Harut and Marut, the two angels in Babylon, who
taught no one without first saying to him, ¶We are merely a
trial and temptation, so do not become unbeliever.· People
learned from them how to separate a man and his wife but
they cannot harm anyone by it, except with God's
permission. They have learned what will harm them and
will not benefit them. They know that any who deal in it
will have no share in the hereafter. What an evil thing they
have sold themselves for if they only knew!µ
(Qur'an, 2: 102)
From the previous slide and the Quranic verse, we come
to know that certain Jews, although they knew that they
would earn Allah·s wrath, learned and adopted the dark
practices of magic.

From this we become aware of an important conflict in Jewish

history. The Prophets of Allah and their followers on one side, and
on the other, the perverse Jews who followed pagan practices and
rejected the command of Allah.
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Contrary to Torah, Kabbalah does not believe that the humans

were created, but are in some way, divine. jn Kabbalistic exegesis,
Jehovah (God) equaled Adam ² Adam was god. With this
affirmation they asserted that all humankind in highest realization
was God.
This is the source of the Sufi philosophy of ¶wahdat-ul-wajood· or
single existence. This, we will however, discuss at a later time.
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We learned from the previous slides about the Kabbalist theory that humans
were not created and always existed. This is just in accordance with the
Egyptian philosophy that matter always existed; in other words, they
rejected the idea that matter was created from nothing. To state it in
modern terms: the Ancient Egyptians were materialists.
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Kabbalah Today

Kabbalah has enticed many famous personalities

² politicians, rock stars, pop icons, film stars and
businessmen. There are some like Madonna who
openly proclaim their faith in Kabbalah while
others choose to keep it a secret.
Some rabbis argue that the Kabbalah they follow
is not the Kabbalah of ¶cabals· (occult). But we
have seen how pagan and occultist doctrines
have entered Judaism and that whatever anyone
may say, Kabbalah is OCCULT.

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From this and my previous presentation j have tried to show that there is
an elite group called Freemasonry which controls major governments
and educational systems.
That this group is influenced by the teachings of Kabbalah ² a ¶mystical·
Jewish sect, which in turn is influenced by ancient Egyptian paganism.
The Kabbalah is ancient Egyptian paganism which was brought into
Judaism by Samiri and his followers.
The Masonic system has forced ancient Egyptian theory of evolution for
This system is preparing the grounds for Dajjal to come.
Every Muslim must be aware of the sinister plot of Templar-Kabbalah-
Freemasonry to enslave all humans with their evil ideology.
Every Muslim must know that Kabbalah is an innovation in the Jewish
religion and has changed the true teachings of the Prophets (pbut).
We too must guard our religion from EVERY jNNOVATjON.
We know from our Holy Prophet (saw) that the Dajjal will be from Bani
Please forward this to as many Muslims
as you can!
May Allah saves us from the trials and
tribulations brought by Dajjal and his party!

May Allah grant us the wisdom to differentiate

between good and evil!

May Allah grant the Muslims the hidayah to discard

all innovations and follow the Qur·an and the
sunnah of our Holy Prophet (saw)!


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