Motta Tavaresetal.2016 EcologyofPhyllodytesluteolus
Motta Tavaresetal.2016 EcologyofPhyllodytesluteolus
Motta Tavaresetal.2016 EcologyofPhyllodytesluteolus
Departamento de Ecologia, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rua São Francisco Xavier,
524, Pavilhão Haroldo Lisboa da Cunha, Maracanã, 20550-019 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Pública e Meio Ambiente, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Escola Nacional de
Saúde Pública Sérgio Arouca, Rua Leopoldo Bulhões, 1480, Manguinhos, 21041-210 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil
Instituto Socioambiental e dos Recursos Hídricos, Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia,
Av. Presidente Tancredo Neves, 2501, 66077-830 Terra Firme, Belém, PA, Brasil
Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biologia, Centro de Ciências Biológicas e Saúde, Universidade
Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Av. Pasteur, 458, Urca, 22240-290 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil
Manuscript received on July 22, 2014; accepted for publication on January 16, 2015
In this study, we analyzed diet, sexual dimorphism and bromeliad use in three populations of the hylid frog
Phyllodytes luteolus from restinga habitats along the Brazilian coast. We found 13 arthropods categories in
161 stomachs. Ants and termites were the dominant prey items. The similar trophic niche across populations
suggests this species has a conservative diet. We found sexual dimorphism regarding body size and jaw
width. We recorded P. luteolus in five bromeliad species, but predominantly in Aechmea blanchetiana
(35.6% of individuals recorded). We recorded solitary individuals in 44% of occupied bromeliads, and
never found two males sharing the same bromeliad. The data is suggestive that populations of P. luteolus
has a conservative diet independent of area, with ants and termites the being most relevant prey items. The
sexual dimorphism in jaw and the solitary males may suggest that this species have territorial behavior.
Key words: Atlantic forest, bromeliad, diet, sexual dimorphism, territorial behavior.
history, influencing different aspects of its ecology restinga remnants, and to evaluate the relationship
(Giaretta 1996, Ferreira et al. 2012, Lantyer-Silva of frogs with the bromeliads. We specifically aimed
et al. 2014). to assess i) the differences in array of prey types
Phyllodytes luteolus is a bromeligenous anuran consumed and trophic niche among populations,
species predominantly found in restinga habitats, and among adult males, adult females and juveniles,
where they inhabit tank bromeliads (Peixoto 1995, ii) sexual dimorphism in body and head size in the
Ferreira et al. 2012). Restingas are sandy, usually species, and iii) the bromeliad species used by the
open coastal habitats interspersed within the Atlantic individuals.
forest biome of Brazil. Phyllodytes luteolus occurs
along the Brazilian coast from the state of Paraíba MATERIALS AND METHODS
southwards to the north portion of the state of Rio Study Areas
de Janeiro (Vrcibradic et al. 2006, Frost 2013),
with the most inland record being from the state Field work was carried out between November
of Minas Gerais, where it occurs in some forest 1999 and March 2000, in three restinga sites along
remnants (Feio and Caramaschi 2002). In addition, the east coast of Brazil: Setiba district (20° 35’ S
an introduced population has been recorded for the and 39° 13’ W) in the municipality of Guarapari,
municipality of Rio de Janeiro (Salles and Silva- Guriri district, in the municipality of São Mateus
Soares 2010). This species is common inside (18° 41’ S and 39° 45’ W), both in the state of
bromeliads from open areas, and avoids bromeliad Espírito Santo, and one site in the municipality
axils containing less than 100 ml of water (Teixeira of Prado (17° 18’ S and 39° 13’ W), in the state
et al. 1997). Phyllodytes luteolus lay up to three of Bahia (Fig. 1). The mean annual temperature
eggs in bromeliad axils, where the larvae develop on these regions is around 23 °C and the annual
and feed on debris (Peixoto 1995, Giaretta 1996). rainfall ranges between 1000 and 1350 mm (Nimer
Papp and Papp (2000) showed a drastic population 1979). Setiba and Guriri are separated by 210 km,
reduction of P. luteolus after a fire in the Linhares whereas Guriri and Prado are 160 km apart, and
municipality, in the state of Espírito Santo. This fire Setiba and Prado 380 km apart. The bromeliad
destroyed more than 99.9% of the bromeliad Vrisea species composition varied among localities.
neoglutinosa (Rocha et al. 1996), supporting the
species strong dependence on bromeliads. Data Collection and Statistical Analyses
Association (AVMA) (2000) and the Canadian (Howard et al. 1999). Prey items were identified to
Council on Animal Care (CCAC) (1993), followed the taxonomic level of order (or family, in the case
by 10% formalin solution for fixation. of Formicidae). Unidentified arthropod remains
We measured snout-vent length (SVL) and jaw and plant residues were not considered in total
width (JW) of the frogs with calipers to the nearest volumetric analysis.
0.01 mm. We analyzed gonads to determine sex; We estimated the volume of each prey using
those individuals whose gonads were not developed the formula for an ovoid spheroid: V = 4/3π
were considered juveniles. We analyzed stomach (length/2) (width/2)² (Dunham 1983). We used
contents using a stereomicroscope, and characterized Pianka’s overlap index (Pianka 1973) to determine
the diet in terms of number of individual prey items the trophic niche similarity between populations:
consumed (N), total volume of prey (V, in mm³), n
and frequency of occurrence (F) of each prey ∑ pij × pik
category. Additionally, for each category of prey Ojk =
i =1
n n
we calculated an index of importance value (Ix): Ix
= [(nx/N) + (vx/V) + (fx/F)]/3, where nx, vx, and fx
∑ pij 2 ∑ pik 2
i =1 i =1
i. We calculated food niche overlap using the Systat 11 software, and used PAST software for
proportional values of number and volume of prey ANOSIM and NMDS analysis.
consumed. To determine if the frogs from each
populations statistically differed in terms of prey RESULTS
consumption, we performed a one-way analysis of
We analyzed 161 stomach content of P. luteolus from
similarity (ANOSIM) with Bray–Curtis distance
three restinga remnants in Brazil, of which 58 were
measure (Clarke 1993). We also did a nonmetric
from Setiba (27 males, 23 females, six juveniles
multidimensional scaling (NMDS) based on a
and two unknown), 43 from Guriri (20 males, 10
Bray-Curtis dissimilarity matrix to compare prey
females, 10 juveniles and three unknown) and 60
consumption by each frog from each population.
from Prado (29 males, 26 females, two juveniles
Mean prey volume was estimated as the mean
and three unknown). A total of 21 stomachs were
volume of the three largest prey items consumed
empty of which: five were from Setiba (8.6%;
per frog (or all items when stomach contained
two males, three females), 14 from Guriri (32.6%;
less than three). We tested for differences between
10 males, two females, two juveniles), and two
populations in the number of prey and in the
were from Prado (3.3%; one male, one juvenile).
mean prey volume consumed per frog using one-
Thirteen different arthropod categories were found
way analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by
Scheffe’s post hoc test (Zar 1999) when the results in the stomachs (Table I). Formicidae and Isoptera
were significant. We used Simple Regression were the most numerous and frequent prey (Table
Analysis between prey number and frog SVL I). These two taxa accounted for more than 90% of
and between mean prey volume and frog JW, to prey consumed in each population, and were the
evaluate if the number of prey items or the prey most important (Ix) prey items. Isoptera represented
volume were associated to body size and JW. the highest proportional volume in the stomachs
We identified the bromeliad species occupied (55.2% in Setiba, 53.0% in Guriri; 43.0% in Prado),
by P. luteolus when the frog was first seen. Additio followed by Formicidae (19.3% in Setiba; 16.4% in
nally, in Setiba and Guriri restingas, we counted Guriri; 38.7% in Prado).
the number of frogs per bromeliad, identified the There was no difference in the mean number
ontogenetic stage (juvenile or adult) and sex, and of prey items consumed by males, females and
searched for eggs and/or tadpoles in the bromeliad juveniles of P. luteolus (ANOVA, F2,118 = 1.350, P =
phytotelmata (i.e. axils and central rosette). 0.263; Table II). The mean volume of prey ingested
To assess whether there was sexual dimorphism differed among males, females and juveniles
in body size and head width of P. luteolus, we used (ANOVA, R2 = 0.091, F2,117 = 5.890, P = 0.004).
one-way ANOVA for differences in SVL and in JW Juveniles ingested smaller prey compared to
between males and females of each population. We males (Scheffe, P = 0.019), and females (Scheffe,
used analysis of covariance (ANCOVA, with SVL P = 0.004). There was no difference in the mean
as a covariate; Zar 1999) to test for differences in volume of prey consumed between adult males and
relative jaw width between sexes. females (Scheffe, P = 0.639).
Descriptive statistics are presented throughout The number of prey items consumed per frog
the text as mean ± one standard deviation. All data was not related to frog SVL in any population
were tested for normality and for homogeneity of (Regression Analysis, Setiba: F1,45 = 3.133, P =
variances before performing statistical analyses, 0.083, Guriri: F1,45 = 3.133, P = 0.956, and Prado:
and were log-transformed when necessary. We F1,53 = 0.499, P = 0.483). For Setiba population, the
performed ANOVA and ANCOVA analysis with volume of prey was influenced by JW (Regression
Diet of Phyllodytes luteolus in three restinga remnants along Brazil’s coast (Setiba, Guriri and Prado). N = Number of prey items; F = Frequency of occurrence;
V = Volume (in mm³), and Ix = Index of Importance Value. U.A.R = Unidentified arthropod remains.
Setiba Guriri Prado
Prey category N (%) F (%) V (%) Ix N (%) F (%) V (%) Ix N (%) F (%) V (%) Ix
Acari - - - - 3 (1.9) 3 (7.0) 0.2 (< 0.1) 3.0 11 (1.6) 5 (8.3) 3.7 (0.1) 3.4
Araneae 3 (0.5) 3 (5.2) 53.6 (2.6) 2.8 - - - - 2 (0.3) 2 (3.3) 35.7 (1.2) 1.2 (1.6)
Chilopoda 1 (0.2) 1 (1.7) < 0.1 (< 0.1) 0.6 - - - - - - - -
Blattaria - - - - - - - - 1 (0.1) 1 (1.7) 19.6 (0.6) 0.8
Adult 24 (4.4) 16 (27.6) 191.7 (9.3) 13.8 6 (3.8) 4 (9.3) 23.3 (2.9) 5.3 22 (3.3) 17 (28.3) 334.2 (11.0) 14.2
Larvae - - - - - - - - 1 (0.1) 1 (1.7) 6.7 (0.2) 0.7
Adult 9 (1.6) 5 (8.6) 20.7 (1.0) 3.8 - - - - - - - -
Pupa 2 (0.4) 1 (1.7) 0.1 (< 0.1) 0.7 - - - - - - - -
Hemiptera - - - - - - - - 1 (0.1) 1 (1.7) 0.9 (< 0.1) 0.6
Formicidae 207 (37.8) 36 (62.1) 395.4 (19.3) 39.7 75 (47.5) 15 (34.9) 133.0 (16.4) 32.9 327 (48.4) 52 (86.7) 1175.4 (38.7) 57.9
Number of prey and prey volume (mm3) per stomach for males, females and
juveniles of Phyllodytes luteolus in three restinga remnants along Brazil’s coast.
SD = Standard deviation.
Number of prey Prey volume
Mean ± SD Range Mean ± SD Range
Males (N=57) 9.8 ± 8.8 1 - 41 5.4 ± 7.1 0.1 - 30.7
Females (N=49) 14.0 ± 15.8 1 - 71 5.9 ± 6.6 0.03 - 30.5
Juveniles (N=15) 6.8 ± 5.1 1 - 16 1.8 ± 2.3 0.04 - 6.8
Total (N=121) 11.1 ± 12.0 1 - 71 5.2 ± 6.6 0.03 - 30.7
Analysis, F1,45 = 19.876, R2 = 0.31, P < 0.0001). The food niche overlap among populations was
In Prado population, the volume of prey had a high, both in terms of numerical and volumetric
nearly significant influence by JW (F1,45 = 3.778, proportions of prey items, with values of 0.90
P = 0.057), but Guriri’s population showed no or higher in all cases (Table III). The ANOSIM
relationship (F1,20 = 1.781, P = 0.197). indicated divergence in prey consumption between
There was no difference in the mean number populations, but with an R close to zero (R = 0.0470,
of prey items per stomach among P. luteolus P = 0.0195). Prado population had the most divergent
populations (ANOVA, F2,121 = 0.694, P = 0.502). prey consumption in comparison with the others
The mean volume of the three largest prey ingested (ANOSIM, Prado vs. Setiba: R = 0.0567, P = 0.0118;
per frog differed among populations (ANOVA, F2,121 Prado vs. Guriri: R = 0.0895, P = 0.0466). Setiba and
= 3.757, P = 0.026). Frogs from Prado consumed Guriri populations had similar prey consumption
larger prey than frogs from Setiba (Scheffe, P = (ANOSIM, R = - 0.0415, P = 0.8687). The prey
0.025) but not from Guriri (Scheffe, P = 0.193; Fig. consumption between individuals (Fig. 3) can be
2). Prey ingested by frogs from Setiba and Guriri interpreted as similar, with just a few individuals
did not differ in mean volume (Scheffe, P = 0.947). from Prado standing out (stress = 0.1148).
Diet niche overlap for Phyllodytes luteolus in three
remnants of restinga along the Brazilian coast based on
proportional values of prey items and prey volume.
Prey items Prey volume
Setiba x Guriri 0.98 0.99
Guriri x Prado 0.99 0.90
Prado x Setiba 0.98 0.99
Number of individuals (N), range, mean and standard deviation (SD) of snout–vent length (SVL, in mm) and jaw width (JW, in mm) of males, females and
juveniles of Phyllodytes luteolus in three restinga remnants along Brazil’s coast.
Setiba Guriri Prado Total
Size metric
N Range Mean ± SD N Range Mean ± SD N Range Mean ± SD N Range Mean ± SD
Males 21 7.5 - 9.8 9.1 ± 0.6 20 2.5 - 10.5 9.0 ± 1.7 31 5.5 - 10.3 8.1 ± 1.3 78 5.5 - 25.0 9.1 ± 2.1
Females 27 8.4 - 10.8 9.6 ± 0.6 10 8.0 - 10.0 9.2 ± 0.6 26 8.0 - 10.0 9.2 ± 0.6 57 7.5 - 10.0 9.1 ± 0.6
Juveniles 8 4.0 - 5.4 4.6 ± 0.5 11 2.5 - 9.4 5.0 ± 1.8 5 5.3 - 6.1 5.8 ± 0.3 24 2.5 - 9.4 5.0 ± 1.3
Total 56 4.0 - 10.8 8.7 ± 1.8 42 2.5 - 10.5 7.9 ± 2.4 64 5.3 - 10.3 8.4 ± 1.3 162 2.5 - 25.0 8.5 ± 2.2
Number and percentage of individuals of Phyllodytes luteolus found in bromeliads in three restinga remnants along Brazil’s coast.
Bromeliad species
Setiba (%) Guriri (%) Prado (%) Total (%)
Such as expected, we observed that juveniles data together with those available in the literature
of P. luteolus tended to consume smaller prey (Ferreira et al. 2012) suggests that P. luteolus has
compared to adults. Anurans ingest prey with some degree of conservatism regarding its trophic
size proportional to their JW, thus consuming niche, feeding on similar prey types (mainly
larger prey as their jaw size increases (e.g. Lima Formicidae and Isoptera) independent of local
and Moreira 1993, Marra et al. 2004, Dietl et al. patterns of prey supply in different sites.
2009, Martins et al. 2010). Smaller preys should Females were larger than males in the Prado
be less energetically profitable for adults, and population, which is consistent with observations for
the consumption of larger prey should result in a congeneric species (e.g. P. wuchereri, Caramaschi
greater amount of energy. et al. 2004; P. maculosus, Cruz et al. 2006). A
There were some inter-population differences possibility for the absence of dimorphism in body
in the mean volume of prey items consumed by size in the other two populations may be due to
P. luteolus. The volume of prey consumed may sample size. Overall, females tend to be larger than
have differed due to variation in prey availability males in most anuran species (Shine 1979). This
among the studied restingas. The distance between difference in body size occurs due to intra-sexual
sites might explain the variation in the volume of selection that favors larger relative body size of
prey consumed. For instance, a study with Rhinella females, which is linked to a capacity to produce
ornata (Spix, 1824) in three different localities larger clutch sizes or larger eggs (Duellman and
(which are at least 27 km distance from each one) Trueb 1986, Martins et al. 2010).
revealed that the populations differed with regard Because no more than one adult male was found
to the number and volume of prey consumed by in the same bromeliad and male P. luteolus have
individuals, but with a more similar diet between larger proportional jaw widths than females, we
the areas closest to each other and with similar propose that males of this species may have territorial
environments (Maia-Carneiro et al. 2013). behavior. Eterovick (1999) did not record territorial
Despite considerable distances between behavior in P. luteolus, contrary to Weygoldt
populations (> 150 km), trophic niches of P. (1981), who observed agonistic interactions among
luteolus were very similar (at least 90% overlap males under laboratory conditions. Teixeira et al.
in all cases). The probality of significance in the (1997) suggested that intra-specific competition
ANOSIM demonstrates a significant difference among males (e.g. for females, preys, shelters and/
between populations, but the R close to 0 indicates or reproductive sites) occurs in P. luteolus, and
similar prey consumption. The similarity between Weygoldt (1981) proposed that the low density of
populations is reinforced by observation of the adults per bromeliad suggests that males of this
NMDS outcomes in Figure 3. These ANOSIM species exhibit intra-specific territorial behavior.
results can be due to the divergence of Prado In the Brazilian restinga of Regência, two studies
from others sites, or the analyzed factor (prey also found a high percentage of solitary P. luteolus
consumption) was a weak factor. Two explanations inside bromeliads (individuals were not categorized
of extensive diet overlap between the populations by sex) − Schineider and Teixeira (2001) observed
are: i) similar arthropod faunas inhabiting that up to 80% of individuals were found alone
bromeliads in the studied restingas, or ii) an within a bromeliad depending on the bromeliad
inherent preference for Formicidae and Isoptera species, and Ferreira et al. (2012) found that 65%
is characteristic of P. luteolus. Evaluation of our of examined bromeliads had only one P. luteolus.
Sexual dimorphism in JW (males having relatively de Nível Superior (CAPES) and from FAPERJ.
larger jaws than females) also suggests territorial We thank IBAMA for the collection permit (No.
behavior. Males of P. luteolus use mandibular 096/99).
odontoids during fights (Weygoldt 1981, Duellman
and Trueb 1986), and males with larger jaws are
presumably more successful during territorial Neste estudo, analizamos a dieta, dimorfismo sexual
struggles. e uso de bromélias em três populações do hilídeo
Despite the consumption of a relatively wide Phyllodytes luteolus de habitats de restinga ao longo da
array of prey, particular food items, such as colonial costa brasileira. Encontramos 13 categorias de artrópodes
insects (ants and termites) for Phyllodytes luteolus, em 161 estômagos. Formigas e cupins foram as presas
might predominantly compose the diet of species. dominantes. O nicho trófico semelhante registrado
entre as populações sugere que essa espécie possui uma
Although may occur intra- and inter-population
dieta conservativa. Encontramos dimorfismo sexual
differences in types and sizes of preys consumed
referentes ao tamanho do corpo e largura da mandíbula.
by P. luteolus, in some cases these parameters Observamos P. luteolus em cinco espécies de bromélias,
might be conservative. Sexual dimorphism in mas predominantemente em Aechmea blanchetiana
size jaw width and body size, with males having (35.6% dos indivíduos encontrados). Encontramos
proportionally larger jaws than females and with indivíduos solitários em 44% das bromélias ocupadas,
females larger-sized than males, might confer an e nunca dois machos dividindo a mesma bromelia. Os
advantages during territorial interactions in males dados sugerem que as populações de P. luteolus possuem
and favor greater fecundity in females. uma dieta conservadora independente da localidade,
com formigas e cupins como as presas mais relevantes.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS O dimorfismo sexual no tamanho das mandíbulas e os
machos solitários podem sugerir que esta espécie possui
We are grateful to G.R. Winck for preparing comportamento territorial.
the map. Special thanks to J.H.F. Mello, K. Palavras-chave: Mata Atlântica, bromélia, dieta, dimor
Welsh, M. Almeida-Gomes and the anonymous fismo sexual, comportamento territorial.
reviewers for the contributions to the manuscript.
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