Hojun Song 2018
Hojun Song 2018
Hojun Song 2018
doi: 10.1093/isd/ixy008
Molecular Phylogenetics, Phylogenomics, and Phylogeography
Department of Entomology, Texas A&M University, 2475 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-2475, 2Rangeland Grasshopper and
Mormon Cricket Management Team, USDA: APHIS-PPQ-S&T-CPHST Phoenix Lab, Phoenix, AZ, 3División Entomología, Museo La
Plata, CEPAVE-CONICET, La Plata, Argentina, and 4Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected]
The grasshopper family Acrididae is one of the most diverse lineages within Orthoptera, including more than 6,700
valid species distributed worldwide. Grasshoppers are dominant herbivores, which have diversified into grassland,
desert, semi-aquatic, alpine, and tropical forest habitats, and exhibit a wide array of morphological, ecological, and
behavioral diversity. Nevertheless, the phylogeny of Acrididae as a whole has never been proposed. In this study,
we present the first comprehensive phylogeny of Acrididae based on mitochondrial genomes and nuclear genes
to test monophyly of the family and different subfamilies as well as to understand the evolutionary relationships
among them. We recovered the monophyletic Acrididae and identified four major clades as well as several well-
characterized subfamilies, but we also found that paraphyly is rampant across many subfamilies, highlighting the
need for a taxonomic revision of the family. We found that Acrididae originated in the Paleocene of the Cenozoic
period (59.3 million years ago) and, because the separation of South America and Africa predates the origin of the
family, we hypothesize that the current cosmopolitan distribution of Acrididae was largely achieved by dispersal.
We also inferred that the common ancestor of modern grasshoppers originated in South America, contrary to a
popular belief that they originated in Africa, based on a biogeographical analysis. We estimate that there have been
a number of colonization and recolonization events between the New World and the Old World throughout the
diversification of Acrididae, and, thus, the current diversity in any given region is a reflection of this complex history.
Grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae) are among the most recog- 1982). Some of the most important insect pests around the world
nizable and familiar insects in terrestrial habitats around the world. are locusts, which are grasshoppers that can form dense migrating
They are dominant herbivores and represent a ubiquitous component swarms and exhibit density-dependent phase polyphenism (Uvarov
of grasslands around the world (Uvarov 1966, Mitchell and Pfadt 1966, Pener 1983, Pener and Simpson 2009, Cullen et al. 2017).
1974, Gangwere et al. 1997, Cigliano et al. 2000, Guo et al. 2006). In While many grasshopper species are pests, some species are bene-
grassland ecosystems, grasshoppers contribute to more than half of ficial, such as Cornops aquaticum (Bruner, 1906) (Leptysiminae),
the total arthropod biomass in the above ground grass layer (Gillon which has been used as a successful biocontrol agent of water hya-
1983). They exert a significant ecological impact in grasslands in cinth in South Africa (Bownes et al. 2011, Coetzee et al. 2011), and
terms of nutrient cycling (Mitchell and Pfadt 1974, Belovsky and Hesperotettix viridis (Thomas, 1872) (Melanoplinae), which prefers
Slade 1993, Gangwere et al. 1997) and provide an important source to feed on noxious snakeweeds that can harm cattle and other live-
of nutrition for both invertebrates (Joern et al. 2006) and vertebrates stock (Thompson and Richman 1993).
(Gandar 1982), thus supporting other biological components of the Although grasshoppers are often thought to be associated with
ecosystem (Belovsky and Slade 1993). Grasshoppers can also be grasslands, many species are actually found in tropical forests, shrub-
excellent monitors of landscape use as they are ecologically sensitive lands, deserts, wetlands, and alpine regions around the world. For
and yet sufficiently mobile and abundant to serve as bioindicators example, Urnisiella rubropunctata Sjöstedt, 1930 (Catantopinae)
(Samways and Sergeev 1997, Gebeyehu and Samways 2002, Bazelet is highly adapted to the sandy habitat in the Australian outback,
and Samways 2014). Several species of grasshoppers are considered where it can withstand high temperatures and uses its long middle
major pests, especially when they periodically develop into local and legs to sweep sand over its body to bury itself when it is threat-
large-scale outbreaks, causing enormous economic damage (COPR ened (Rentz 1996). An aquatic grasshopper from South America,
© The Author(s) 2018. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America. 1
All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: [email protected].
2 Insect Systematics and Diversity, 2018, Vol. 2, No. 4
Marellia remipes Uvarov, 1929 (Marelliinae), lives on broad, float- Rocky Mountains of the United States (Knowles 2001, Knowles
ing leaves of aquatic plants and its hind tibiae are modified and and Richards 2005), and Orotettix Ronderos & Carbonell, 1994,
expanded to be oar-like, which help it swim underwater (Carbonell Jivarus Giglio-Tos, 1898, and Maeacris Ronderos, 1983 in the
1957). Many specialized grasshopper species in the subfamilies Andes in South America (Cigliano and Amédégnato 2010, Cigliano
Proctolabinae and Ommatolampidinae (= Ommatolampinae) live in et al. 2011, Pocco et al. 2015), which are typically characterized by
the canopies of tropical rainforests in the Amazon (Descamps 1976, short-wings and have limited dispersal abilities. Indeed, grasshop-
Amédégnato and Descamps 1978, Descamps 1978). A number of pers are extremely diverse in terms of size, body shape, feeding biol-
alpine grasshoppers in the subfamily Melanoplinae have diversified ogy, ecology, and life-history traits (Fig. 1) (Uvarov 1977, Chapman
in isolated mountain ranges, such as Melanoplus Stål, 1873 in the and Joern 1990).
Fig. 1. Diversity of Acrididae: (A) Anacridium aegyptium (Linnaeus, 1764) (Cyrtacanthacridinae), France; (B) Dactylotum bicolor Charpentier, 1845 (Melanoplinae),
Mexico; (C) Kosciuscola tristis Sjöstedt, 1934 (Oxyinae), Australia; (D) Adimantus ornatissimus (Burmeister, 1838) (Copiocerinae), Argentina; (E) Calliptamus italicus
(Linnaeus, 1758) (Calliptaminae), France; (F) Proctolabus mexicanus (Saussure, 1859) (Proctolabinae), Mexico; (G) Marellia remipes Uvarov, 1929 (Marelliinae),
Colombia; (H) Paulinia acuminata (De Geer, 1773) (Pauliniinae), Colombia; (I) Acrida sp. (Acridinae), Vietnam; (J) Hylopedetes surdus Descamps & Rowell, 1978
(Rhytidochrotinae), Costa Rica; (K) Trimerotropis pallidipennis (Burmeister, 1838) (Oedipodinae), Mexico; (L) Stenopola puncticeps (Stål, 1861) (Leptysminae),
Argentina; (M) Rhammatocerus pictus (Bruner, 1900) (Gomphocerinae), Argentina; (N) Abracris flavolineata (De Geer, 1773) (Ommatolampidinae), Costa Rica;
(O) Hemiacris fervens Walker, 1870 (Hemiacridinae), Mozambique. Photo credits. A, E, I, N: Ruben Foquet; B, O: Ricardo Mariño-Pérez; C, J: Hojun Song; D, L, M:
Maria Marta Cigliano; F, K: Paolo Fontana; G, H: Juan Manuel Cardona.
Insect Systematics and Diversity, 2018, Vol. 2, No. 4 3
The family Acrididae includes more than 6,700 valid species and structures, prosternal process (a short spine located ventrally on
represents the most diverse lineage within the orthopteran suborder the prosternum between the two front coxae), sculpting patterns on
Caelifera (Cigliano et al. 2018). It is hypothesized to have originated in head and pronotum, hind legs, and wings for classifying grasshop-
the early Cenozoic Era and diversified through the mid to late Cenozoic pers (Rehn and Grant 1961, Bei-Bienko and Mishchenko 1963),
(Song et al. 2015). By this time, major continents had already separated, later authors regarded male phallic structures as the single most
which suggests that dispersal might have played an important role in important characters for higher-level classification (Dirsh 1973,
forming current biogeographical patterns. There are currently 26 recog- Amedegnato 1976, Eades 2000). However, too much reliance on
nized subfamilies within Acrididae (Table 1), of which only five subfam- these phallic structures led to over-splitting of taxonomic concepts,
ilies (Acridinae, Cyrtacanthacridinae, Gomphocerinae, Melanoplinae, especially when Dirsh (1975) elevated several subfamilies to family
and Oedipodinae) have a cosmopolitan distribution, while others have level, resulting in four families and 40 subfamilies.
Table 1. The 26 currently recognized subfamilies within Acrididae, number of genera and species, and distribution
The numbers of genera and species are from OSF (Cigliano et al. 2018). Asterisks indicate those subfamilies not included in the present study due to
unavailability of DNA-grade specimens.
4 Insect Systematics and Diversity, 2018, Vol. 2, No. 4
There has never been a comprehensive phylogeny proposed for a total of 142 taxa, including 8 outgroup and 134 ingroup taxa cover-
Acrididae, although several studies have focused on the phylogen- ing the phylogenetic diversity within Acrididae (Table 2, Supplementary
etic relationships at subfamily level using either morphology or Table 1). The outgroups included seven representative families within
molecular data (Chapco et al. 2001, Litzenberger and Chapco 2001, Acridoidea based on our previous findings on the higher-level relation-
Amédégnato et al. 2003, Litzenberger and Chapco 2003, Rowell and ships (Leavitt et al. 2013, Song et al. 2015). Of these outgroup taxa, four
Flook 2004, Bugrov et al. 2006, Contreras and Chapco 2006, Fries are Old World families: Pamphagidae, Pamphagodidae, Lithidiidae,
et al. 2007, Song and Wenzel 2008, Chapco and Contreras 2011, and Lentulidae, and three are endemic to the New World: Tristiridae,
Chintauan-Marquier et al. 2011, Li et al. 2011, Nattier et al. 2011, Romaleidae (two representatives included), and Ommexechidae. For
Chintauan-Marquier et al. 2014). Flook and Rowell (1997) pre- ingroup sampling, we included 21 of the 26 currently recognized acridid
sented the first molecular phylogeny of Caelifera based on fragments subfamilies. Due to the difficulty in obtaining DNA-grade specimens,
Voucher #
Family Subfamily Species (TAMUIC-IGC-#) mtgenome 18S 28S H3 COI COII
Acrididae Acridinae Acrida willemsei OR059 NC_011303 KM853177 KM853512 KM853687 mtgenome mtgenome
Calephorus compressicornis OR192 N/A KM853192 KM853498 KM853673 MG888076 MG888143
Coryphosima stenoptera OR512 N/A MG888284 MG888333 MG888241 MG888120 MG888187
Gymnobothrus sp OR511 N/A MG888283 MG888332 MG888240 MG888119 MG888186
Hyalopteryx rufipennis OR240 N/A KM853210 KM853480 KM853655 MG888088 MG888155
Keya capicola OR514 N/A MG888286 MG888335 MG888243 MG888122 MG888189
Orthochtha sp OR513 N/A MG888285 MG888334 MG888242 MG888121 MG888188
Phlaeoba albonema N/A NC_011827 N/A N/A N/A mtgenome mtgenome
Truxalis sp OR510 N/A KM853325 KM853367 KM853543 MG888118 N/A
Calliptaminae Acorypha sp OR195 N/A MG888254 MG888300 MG888208 MG888078 MG888145
Calliptamus italicus OR193 NC_011305 KM853193 KM853497 KM853672 mtgenome mtgenome
Paracaloptenus caloptenoides OR194 N/A KM853194 KM853496 KM853671 MG888077 MG888144
Catantopinae Apotropis vittata OR493 N/A MG888277 MG888325 MG888233 MG888106 MG888173
Buforania sp OR500 N/A MG888278 MG888327 MG888235 MG888113 MG888180
Catantops sp OR237 N/A KM853209 KM853481 KM853656 MG888086 MG888153
Insect Systematics and Diversity, 2018, Vol. 2, No. 4
Table 2. Continued
Voucher #
Family Subfamily Species (TAMUIC-IGC-#) mtgenome 18S 28S H3 COI COII
Acrididae Cyrtacanthacridinae Austracris guttulosa OR182 MG993415 MG888252 MG888298 MG888206 mtgenome mtgenome
Chondracris rosea N/A NC_019993 N/A N/A N/A mtgenome mtgenome
Cyrtacanthacris tatarica OR181 MG993444 KM853184 KM853506 KM853681 mtgenome mtgenome
Nomadacris septemfasciata OR545 N/A KM853340 KM853352 KM853528 MG888136 N/A
Ornithacris sp OR544 N/A KM853339 KM853353 KM853529 MG888135 MG888202
Rhadinacris schistocercoides OR547 N/A KM853341 KM853351 KM853527 N/A MG888204
Schistocerca gregaria OR185 NC_013240 KM853186 KM853504 KM853679 mtgenome mtgenome
Euryphyminae Calliptamicus sp OR313 N/A MG888261 MG888308 MG888216 N/A N/A
Calliptamulus sp OR311 N/A KM853241 KM853449 KM853625 MG888094 MG888161
Euryphymus sp OR314 MG993388, MG993422, KM853243 KM853447 KM853623 mtgenome mtgenome
Pachyphymus sp OR308 N/A MG888260 MG888307 MG888215 MG888092 MG888159
Rhachitopis sp OR312 N/A KM853242 KM853448 KM853624 N/A N/A
Eyprepocnemidinae Cataloipus sp OR218 N/A KM853201 KM853489 KM853664 MG888079 MG888146
Eyprepocnemis plorans OR309 MG993386, KM853239 KM853451 KM853627 mtgenome mtgenome
Heteracris sp OR310 N/A KM853240 KM853450 KM853626 MG888093 MG888160
Shirakiacris shirakii N/A NC_021610 N/A N/A N/A mtgenome mtgenome
Tylotropidius sp OR219 N/A MG888255 MG888301 MG888209 MG888080 MG888147
Gomphocerinae Arcyptera coreana N/A NC_013805 N/A N/A N/A mtgenome mtgenome
Aulocara elliotii OR521 N/A KM853329 KM853363 KM853539 MG888129 MG888196
Dichromorpha viridis OR226 N/A KM853205 KM853485 KM853660 MG888083 MG888150
Euchorthippus fusigeniculatus N/A NC_014449 N/A N/A N/A mtgenome mtgenome
Gomphocerus sibiricus N/A NC_015478 N/A N/A N/A mtgenome mtgenome
Mermiria intertexta OR520 N/A KM853328 KM853364 KM853540 MG888128 MG888195
Mesopsis sp OR239 N/A MG888257 MG888304 MG888212 MG888087 MG888154
Orinhippus tibetanus N/A NC_023467 N/A N/A N/A mtgenome mtgenome
Pacris xizangensis N/A NC_023919 N/A N/A N/A mtgenome mtgenome
Prorocorypha snowi OR214 MG993438, KM853199 KM853491 KM853666 mtgenome mtgenome
Pseudogmothela sp OR519 N/A MG888289 MG888338 MG888246 MG888127 MG888194
Rhammatocerus OR346 N/A KM853258 KM853432 KM853608 MG888098 MG888164
Rhaphotittha sp OR518 N/A MG888288 MG888337 MG888245 MG888126 MG888193
Silvitettix sp OR343 N/A MG888267 MG888314 MG888222 N/A N/A
Syrbula montezuma OR227 N/A KM853206 KM853484 KM853659 MG888084 MG888151
Insect Systematics and Diversity, 2018, Vol. 2, No. 4
Voucher #
Family Subfamily Species (TAMUIC-IGC-#) mtgenome 18S 28S H3 COI COII
Acrididae Hemiacridinae Dirshacris aridus OR305 MG993398, MG888259 MG888306 MG888214 mtgenome mtgenome
Euroryma sp OR302 N/A KM853236 KM853454 KM853630 MG888090 MG888157
Hieroglyphus tonkinensis N/A NC_030587 N/A N/A N/A mtgenome mtgenome
Leptacris sp OR304 MG993429 KM853238 KM853452 KM853628 mtgenome mtgenome
Paulianiobia hirsuta OR301 N/A MG888258 MG888305 MG888213 MG888089 MG888156
Pristocorypha sp OR303 N/A KM853237 KM853453 KM853629 MG888091 MG888158
Leptysminae Stenacris sp OR342 N/A KM853255 KM853435 KM853611 N/A N/A
Insect Systematics and Diversity, 2018, Vol. 2, No. 4
Table 2. Continued
Voucher #
Family Subfamily Species (TAMUIC-IGC-#) mtgenome 18S 28S H3 COI COII
Acrididae Oedipodinae Angaracris barabensis N/A NC_025946 N/A N/A N/A mtgenome mtgenome
Bryodema miramae miramae N/A KP889242 N/A N/A N/A mtgenome mtgenome
Ceracris kiangsu N/A NC_019994 N/A N/A N/A mtgenome mtgenome
Chortoicetes terminifera OR524 N/A MG888290 MG888339 MG888247 MG888132 MG888199
Gastrimargus marmoratus N/A NC_011114 N/A N/A N/A mtgenome mtgenome
Heteropternis sp OR225 N/A KM853204 KM853486 KM853661 MG888082 MG888149
Locusta migratoria OR191 NC_001712 KM853191 KM853499 KM853674 mtgenome mtgenome
Psinidia fenestralis OR522 N/A KM853330 KM853362 KM853538 MG888130 MG888197
Pycnostictus seriatus OR525 N/A MG888291 MG888340 MG888248 MG888133 MG888200
Qualetta maculata OR526 N/A MG888292 MG888341 MG888249 MG888134 MG888201
Tomonotus ferruginosus OR523 N/A KM853331 KM853361 KM853537 MG888131 MG888198
Trilophidia annulata N/A NC_027179 N/A N/A N/A mtgenome mtgenome
Trimerotropis sp OR186 N/A KM853187 KM853503 KM853678 MG888073 MG888140
Xanthippus sp OR187 N/A KM853188 KM853502 KM853677 MG888074 MG888141
Ommatolampidinae Abracris sp OR222 MG993440 KM853202 KM853488 KM853663 mtgenome mtgenome
Anablysis teres OR362 N/A MG888269 MG888316 MG888224 N/A N/A
Kyphiacris sp OR363 N/A MG888270 MG888317 MG888225 N/A N/A
Locheuma brunneri OR366 N/A KM853268 KM853422 KM853598 N/A N/A
Lysacris festae OR365 N/A MG888271 MG888318 MG888226 N/A N/A
Ommatolampis OR364 MG993443 KM853267 KM853423 KM853599 mtgenome mtgenome
Pollostacris sp OR322 MG993391, MG888263 MG888310 MG888218 mtgenome mtgenome
Psiloscirtus sp OR348 N/A MG888268 MG888315 MG888223 MG888099 MG888165
Syntomacrella sp OR323 N/A MG888264 MG888311 MG888219 N/A N/A
Vilerna sp OR336 N/A KM853252 KM853438 KM853614 MG888097 N/A
Xiphidiopteron sp OR321 N/A MG888262 MG888309 MG888217 N/A N/A
Oxyinae Kosciuscola tristis OR396 MG993402, KM853278 KM853411 KM853588 mtgenome mtgenome
Oxya chinensis OR315 NC_010219 KM853244 KM853446 KM853622 mtgenome mtgenome
Pseudoxya diminuta N/A NC_025765 N/A N/A N/A mtgenome mtgenome
Pauliniinae Paulinia acuminata OR345 MG993401, KM853257 KM853433 KM853609 mtgenome mtgenome
Proctolabinae Coscineuta sp OR249 MG993441 KM853212 KM853478 KM853653 mtgenome mtgenome
Poecilocloeus napoana OR368 N/A KM853270 KM853420 KM853596 N/A N/A
Rhytidochrotinae Galidacris variabilis OR371 N/A KM853271 KM853419 KM853595 N/A MG888167
Insect Systematics and Diversity, 2018, Vol. 2, No. 4
Voucher #
Family Subfamily Species (TAMUIC-IGC-#) mtgenome 18S 28S H3 COI COII
Acrididae Rhytidochrotinae Paropaon sp OR337 MG993393, KM853253 KM853437 KM853613 mtgenome mtgenome
Insect Systematics and Diversity, 2018, Vol. 2, No. 4
Spathosterninae Spathosternum nigrotaeniatum OR224 MG993439 KM853203 KM853487 KM853662 mtgenome mtgenome
Tropidopolinae Petamella prosternalis OR560 MG993412 KM853343 KM853349 KM853525 mtgenome mtgenome
Lentulidae Lentulinae Lentula callani OR295 NC_020774 KM853234 KM853456 KM853632 mtgenome mtgenome
Lithidiidae Lithidiinae Lithidiopsis carinatus OR316 NC_020775 KM853245 KM853445 KM853621 mtgenome mtgenome
Ommexechidae Ommexechinae Ommexecha virens OR367 NC_020778 KM853269 KM853421 KM853597 mtgenome mtgenome
Pamphagidae Thrinchinae Prionotropis hystrix OR151 JX913764 KM853180 KM853509 KM853684 mtgenome mtgenome
Pamphagodidae Unplaced Hemicharilaus monomorphus OR540 JX913773 KM853337 KM853355 KM853531 mtgenome mtgenome
Romaleidae Romaleinae Romalea microptera OR1000 MG993392, MG888294 MG888343 MG888251 mtgenome mtgenome
MG993456, MG993457
Xyleus modestus OR265 NC_014490 KM853221 KM853469 KM853644 mtgenome mtgenome
Tristiridae Tristirinae Tristira magellanica OR204 NC_020773 KM853197 KM853493 KM853668 mtgenome mtgenome
‘N/A’ means that the sequence data were not available. ‘mtgenome’ means that the corresponding sequences were derived from the available mtgenome data. For some taxa, multiple Genbank accession numbers are assigned
for mtgenome, which indicates partial mtgenomes consisting of several fragments.
amino acids and aligning individually in MUSCLE (Edgar 2004) fossil was Tyrbula russelli Scudder, 1885, known from the Florissant
using default parameters in Geneious. All other genes were individu- Formation of the Eocene of the United States (37.2 to 33.9 MYA).
ally aligned in MUSCLE using default parameters, also in Geneious. A number of fragmentary fossils of Acrididae have been found in this
All these individual alignments were concatenated into a single mat- formation and the one we chose is the most completely preserved
rix using SequenceMatrix (Vaidya et al. 2011). We divided the data specimen known, which characteristically resembles the North
into a total of 66 data blocks (13 mitochondrial protein-coding American gomphocerine Syrbula (Scudder 1890). In our analyses,
genes divided into individual codon positions, 22 tRNAs, 2 mito- Gomphocerinae was paraphyletic with Acridinae and Oedipodinae,
chondrial rRNAs, 2 nuclear rRNAs, and 1 nuclear protein-coding although these three subfamilies as a whole formed a clade. In fact,
gene). We then used PartitionFinder v.1.1.1 (Lanfear et al. 2012) they have been considered paraphyletic grades in previous studies
using the ‘greedy’ algorithm (heuristic search) with branch lengths (Chapco and Contreras 2011). Thus, we used T. russelli to calibrate
3) DIVALIKE, a likelihood version of DIVA (dispersal-vicariance) (Fig. 2). For the total evidence dataset, the resulting relationships
(Ronquist 1997); 4) DIVALIKE+J (including founder-event specia- were also largely congruent between the two analyses, but in the
tion); 5) BAYAREALIKE, a likelihood version of the Bayesian infer- Bayesian tree (not shown, available at Mendeley), the positions of
ence of historical biogeography for discrete areas (BayArea) (Landis some of the smaller clades, which had low bootstrap support (<50)
et al. 2013); and, 6) BAYAREALIKE+J (including founder-event in the ML tree (Fig. 3), were not fully resolved. Between the back-
speciation). These six models included two parameters: d = dispersal bone trees and the total evidence trees in both inference methods,
and e = extinction. Likelihood values of these models were compared the majority of backbone relationships were preserved in the total
using a likelihood ratio test and we used the Akaike Information evidence trees and the taxa with lots of missing data (those with-
Criterion (AIC) to directly compare how well the different models fit out mtgenome sequenced) were placed in the expected positions
the data (Matzke 2013, 2014). in the backbone topology. The clade that had different positions
Fig. 2. Phylogeny of Acrididae based on the backbone dataset inferred in ML (a) and Bayesian (b) framework. Shown in red is the relationships that are different
between ML and Bayesian analyses. Green circles on the nodes represent 100% bootstrap values in the ML tree and 100% posterior probability values in the
Bayesian tree. Values lower than 100 are shown.
12 Insect Systematics and Diversity, 2018, Vol. 2, No. 4
Fig. 3. Phylogeny of Acrididae inferred from ML analysis. The numbers on nodes indicate bootstrap support values. Values lower than 50 are not known. Asterisk
indicates a paraphyletic group.
all of which are the New World families. These three New World of Lentulidae and Lithidiidae. Within Acrididae, we recovered four
endemic families and Acrididae collectively formed a monophyletic major clades, which we tentatively refer to as clades A, B, C, and
group, which was sister to the South African endemic clade consisting D, although the nodal support values for these clades were low
Insect Systematics and Diversity, 2018, Vol. 2, No. 4 13
(Fig. 3). Across all analyses, the placement of clade A at the base of well-characterized subfamilies with strong support, we found that
the Acrididae phylogeny was consistent, but the relationships among paraphyly is rampant across many subfamilies. This finding high-
the remaining three clades were unclear. The earliest diverging clade lights that the current classification has been affected by inadequate
(clade A, green in Fig. 3) consisted of the Central and South American subfamily definitions and calls for the urgent need to revise the tax-
endemic subfamilies: Marelliinae, Pauliniinae, Ommatolampidinae, onomy of Acrididae as a whole.
Leptysminae, and Rhytidochrotinae. Ommatolampidinae was Although the family concept of Acrididae has been used since
found to be largely paraphyletic. The two monotypic subfamilies, the 19th century, the formal definition of what constitutes the fam-
Marelliinae and Pauliniinae, formed a clade, which represented the ily has never been clearly made because different authors relied on
earliest diverging lineage within clade A. The second clade (clade different characters for recognizing the family (Dirsh 1975, Xia
B, red in Fig. 3) consisted of the Old World subfamilies (one rep- 1994, Eades 2000). In fact, there are no external characters whose
Major Clades Within the Phylogeny of Acrididae
Phylogenetic Relationships of Acrididae to Other Although there have been several phylogenetic hypotheses of acridid
Families grasshoppers at the subfamily level (Chapco et al. 2001, Litzenberger
Our study represents the first modern phylogenetic hypothesis of and Chapco 2001, Amédégnato et al. 2003, Litzenberger and Chapco
Acrididae based on a large taxon and molecular character sampling. 2003, Rowell and Flook 2004, Bugrov et al. 2006, Contreras and
While we recovered the monophyly of Acrididae as well as several Chapco 2006, Fries et al. 2007, Song and Wenzel 2008, Chapco and
14 Insect Systematics and Diversity, 2018, Vol. 2, No. 4
Fig. 4. A time-calibrated phylogeny of Acrididae based on three fossil calibration points using BEAST. Posterior probability values are shown as colored circles
(yellow: 96–100%, orange: 90–95%, red: 80–89%, below 79% not shown). Green bar indicates 95% HPD for a time estimate. Asterisk indicates a paraphyletic
group. (a) Marellia remipes Uvarov, 1929 (Marelliinae); (b) Paulinia acuminata (De Geer, 1773) (Pauliniinae); (c) Tucayaca parvula Roberts, 1977 (Leptysminae);
(d) Trichopaon tatei (Hebard, 1924) (Rhytidochrotinae); (e) Ommatolampis perspicillata (Johannson, 1763) (Ommatolampidinae); (f) Homoxyrrhepes punctipennis
(Walker, 1870) (Tropidopolinae); (g) Eucoptacra anguliflava (Karsch, 1893) (Coptacrinae); (h) Acanthoxia gladiator (Westwood, 1841) (Hemiacridinae);
(i) Uvarovium dirshi Uvarov, 1933 (Hemiacridinae); (j) Truxalis robusta (Uvarov, 1916) (Acridinae); (k) Mermiria picta (Walker, 1870) (Gomphocerinae);
(l) Amblytropidia mysteca (Saussure, 1861) (Gomphocerinae); (m) Oedipoda miniata (Pallas, 1771) (Oedipodinae); (n) Oxya japonica (Thunberg, 1815) (Oxyinae);
(o) Spathosternum pygmaeum Karsch, 1893 (Spathosterninae); (p) Adimantus ornatissimus (Burmeister, 1838) (Copiocerinae); (q) Proctolabus brachypterus
Bruner, 1908 (Proctolabinae); (r) Melanoplus sanguinipes (Fabricius, 1798) (Melanoplinae); (s) Eyprepocnemis plorans (Charpentier, 1825) (Eyprepocneminae);
(t) Calliptamus italicus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Calliptaminae); (u) Euryphymus haematopus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Euryphyminae); (v) Oxycatantops spissus (Walker,
1870) (Catantopinae); (w) Cyrtacanthacris tatarica (Linnaeus, 1758) (Cyrtacanthacridinae); (x) Eumecistes gratiosus Brančik, 1896 (Catantopinae).
Insect Systematics and Diversity, 2018, Vol. 2, No. 4 15
Fig. 5. Biogeographical histories of different lineages of Acrididae as inferred by BioGeoBEARS. Each terminal is a genus, and the colored squares indicate
where the species in the genus are currently distributed, as defined by six biogeographical realms. The colored circles on the nodes represent the probabilities
of each possible geographical range just before and after each speciation event. Some of the colored circles do not match with one of the six pre-defined colors
for the six biogeographical realms, which show ambiguity in the ancestral distribution. Orange represents either Ethiopian (yellow) or Oriental (red), and olive
green represents either Ethiopian (yellow), Oriental (red), or Palearctic (green). Major biogeographical events are indicated by the arrows on specific nodes, and
the recolonization of the New World (NW) from the Old World (OW) by various lineages is indicated by OW→NW. The colored maps next to each clade show
general hypothesized patterns of dispersals and colonization events for the subfamilies within each clade. A star represents the origin of Acrididae in South
America. Black circles represent a likely area where the most recent common ancestor of each clade could have originated. Thick arrows indicate likely paths of
colonization by major lineages, and thin arrows represent likely paths of colonization by lower taxonomic units (e.g., genus). Dotted arrows indicate possible
dispersal events between the Old World and the New World.
16 Insect Systematics and Diversity, 2018, Vol. 2, No. 4
Contreras 2011, Chintauan-Marquier et al. 2011, Li et al. 2011, acridid lineages has remained unclear. Our study found that Paulinia
Nattier et al. 2011), our study represents the first attempt to eluci- and Marellia form a well-supported clade, which instead suggests
date phylogenetic relationships among major subfamilies across the that their similar external morphology and unusual biology are, in
entire family. We found eight out of 21 subfamilies included in this fact, due to shared ancestry. However, we also found that the two
analysis to be paraphyletic: Acridinae, Catantopinae, Copiocerinae, lineages diverged in the Eocene, which means that there was ample
Gomphocerinae, Hemiacridinae, Oedipodinae, Ommatolampidinae, time for each lineage to accumulate species-specific traits that might
and Oxyinae. Most of these paraphyletic groupings are to be have confused earlier taxonomists.
expected because these subfamilies have either not been clearly Prior to 1974, all grasshopper species with the prosternal pro-
defined or used as taxonomic dumping grounds by previous tax- cess were artificially grouped into Catantopinae, which was occa-
onomists (Dirsh 1975, Grunshaw 1996, Eades 2000, Chapco and sionally elevated to the level of family (Dirsh 1961). This structure
homogeneous across species and genera with a reduced aedeagus grassland-adapted ecomorphs (such as Leptacris Walker, 1870) and
(Amedegnato 1977, Rowell 2013). The lack of tympana and the some have compressed body forms with forward-facing mandibles
lack of species-specific genitalia collectively suggest that these insects characteristic of arboreal ecomorphs (such as Pristocorypha Karsch,
probably rely on non-acoustic and non-genital courtships. Judging 1896), while others are flightless and small (such as Dirshacris
from their protuberant eyes, bright body coloration, and varied pat- Brown, 1959). As such, it is difficult to characterize what a typical
terning, it is likely that visual courtship might be the main mode of hemiacridine is.
species recognition in this group. Rhytidochrotines are also known Most species currently classified as Tropidopolinae prefer long
to feed on ferns (Rowell et al. 1983, Rowell 2013), which is quite grass savanna in Africa and have elongated body forms mimicking
unusual among grasshoppers. Another acridid subfamily that mainly grasses (Rowell and Hemp 2017). In our phylogeny, the single rep-
feeds on aquatic ferns is Pauliniinae (Carbonell 2000) while other resentative of tropidopoline Petamella Giglio-Tos, 1907 grouped
to distinguish these groups. Uvarov (1941) observed that Acridinae needed, especially because this clade contains dozens of agricultur-
could be characterized by a series of pegs on a special ridge of the ally important pest species and is also biologically fascinating.
hind femur that work against the raised second radial vein, while As mentioned above, Acridinae (141 genera, 484 species) is a het-
Oedipodinae lacks this trait. Following this observation, Dirsh erogeneous group, which is currently defined by negative characters,
(1951[1950]) proposed several tribes based on this stridulatory such as the lack of the stridulatory file. In our phylogeny, Acrida
mechanism, such that Truxalini was defined by the presence of the Linnaeus, 1758 (type genus of Acridinae) and Truxalis Fabricius, 1775
stridulatory pegs along the inside of the hind femur coupled with (type genus of Truxalinae) were recovered as sisters. The close rela-
the raised medial and radial vein, and Acridini was defined by the tionship between these two genera was also recovered by Chapco and
absence of these pegs and raised veins. Although Dirsh (1951[1950]) Contreras (2011) as well. These findings also support Jago’s (1996)
observed that the species classified as Oedipodinae could be char- synonymy of Truxalinae under Acridinae. In fact, both genera have a
New World endemic subfamilies Copiocerinae and Proctolabinae, as of phylogenetics, and all previous studies have consistently recov-
well as the large subfamily Melanoplinae, which is found through- ered it as a monophyletic group (Chapco et al. 2001, Amédégnato
out the New World and parts of Eurasia. Many species in this clade et al. 2003, Chintauan-Marquier et al. 2011, Chintauan-Marquier
are associated with herbaceous plants and some groups, such as et al. 2014, Woller et al. 2014). Among melanoplines, there is an
Oxyinae, Copiocerinae, and Proctolabinae are adapted to rainfor- enormous amount of interspecific differences in genital morphology
est habitats (Rowell 2013, Rowell and Hemp 2017) while other (Hubbell 1932, Cohn and Cantrall 1974), primarily in males, but
groups within Oxyinae and Melanoplinae appear to be secondarily females in some genera also show species-specific differences in geni-
associated with grasslands. Brachyptery appears to be common in talia (Cigliano and Ronderos 1994). Melanoplines do not exhibit
this clade and many species have independently adapted to alpine any pre-copulatory courtship behavior, such as visual or acoustic.
habitats (Knowles 2001, Cigliano and Amédégnato 2010, Tatarnic Instead, mating behavior appears to be coercive, in which males
well-developed lophi. Furthermore, the epiphallus is divided in the in this study are all restricted to the Old World and none of the
middle, similar to those observed in Oxyinae (Dirsh 1973, Rowell species belonging to these Old World families shows any morpho-
and Hemp 2017). Eyprepocnemidinae (26 genera, 159 species) is logical affinity to Acrididae. The earlier study by Flook and Rowell
the most diverse group among the three subfamilies, and is char- (1997) that grouped Proctolabinae (New World endemic subfamily
acterized by a flat dorsum of pronotum, downcurved male cerci, of Acrididae) with the Old World family Pamphagidae is most likely
and articulated ancorae of epiphallus. Most eyprepocnemidines are due to the small molecular character sampling (930 bp from mito-
associated with woodlands or forests, but some species are known chondrial rRNAs) and sparse taxon sampling that did not include
to be pests of economic importance (COPR 1982). any of the New World endemic families. Even the authors mentioned
The subfamily Catantopinae (341 genera, 1,077 species) used that this relationship was very unexpected because the relationship
to be a catch-all group to include any grasshopper species with the did not make sense in terms of male genital morphology.
World scattered throughout the phylogeny in addition to the five habitats (Song et al. 2015). Based on pollen fossils and phytoliths,
subfamilies in clade A (green in Fig. 5). This pattern suggests that Strömberg (2011) estimated that grasslands became abundant in
there must have been some recolonization events occurring from western Eurasia, North America, and southern South America during
the Old World back to the New World. Our study hypothesizes that the Eocene. Although the Acridinae-Gomphocerinae-Oedipodinae
there were at least three distinct waves of recolonization throughout clade as a whole is cosmopolitan, more than 70% of its diversity
the diversification of Acrididae. (~1,790 spp.) occurs in the Palearctic (northern Africa, Europe, and
The first wave of recolonization of the New World was likely temperate Asia) and the Ethiopian (sub-Saharan Africa) region, with
to be a westward transatlantic colonization by the common ances- the former region containing more than 48% of the diversity. This
tor of Copiocerinae, Proctolabinae, and Melanoplinae that took pattern of diversity, coupled with our biogeographical analysis and
place in the early Eocene. It is not clear how this common ancestor the diversification of grasslands, strongly suggest that this group
suggests that there was a single colonization event by the common Science Foundation (grant numbers DEB-1064082 and IOS-1253493 to H.S.)
ancestor of a lineage within Catantopinae that entered Australia in and the US Department of Agriculture (Hatch Grant TEX0-1-6584 to H.S).
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