Problems Faced by Women Construction Workers in Theni District
Problems Faced by Women Construction Workers in Theni District
Problems Faced by Women Construction Workers in Theni District
Abstract— Women are the weaker section in rural Tamil pregnant workers remain jobless on account of become
Nadu due to social stigma. Most of the women population pregnant in the construction sector. Most of the women
in rural area engaged manual work only. Theni district is a construction workers are causal labourers. They do work
one of the economically backward southern district of that is physically hard and work under close supervision
Tamil Nadu. Construction sector is the one of the major without proper safety equipments, which results in
contributor to provide employment next to agriculture and industrial accidents and employment injuries.
textile industries. This current study aimed to focus the Domestic violence is another severe problem faced by
major problems faced by the women construction labourers women construction workers. Female workers are
at both workplace and their home. It found that unskilled discriminated in wage payment in the construction
women labourers were helps the male workers and they operations, which are better performed by them. Many of
popularly known as ―Chithaals‖ in the construction field. the national and international enactments had not altered
They were paid very less compared (half) to the male the socio economic conditions of women construction
workers and they enjoyed poor basic amenities in the workers. Sexual harassment and occupational hazards are
worksites and there is no practice of welfare schemes and the serious problems for women construction workers.
maternity benefits. It suggest that the sector should monitor Many of the sexual harassment against women worker at
by the both government and non government bodies to construction sites is unnoticed as the affected persons
working condition to implement the welfare schemes to conceal the fact. The present study analyzes the working
provide fulfil the basic needs at worksites and equal pay for condition and problems of the women workers engaged in
their work. Further it open up the new avenues to conduct construction sector in Theni district.
the research in the construction sector to enhance the
working condition of the women workers in future. 2. Statement of the Problem
Keywords— Women; Construction Workers; Sexual Most of problems surrounding the women construction
Harassments; Inequality; Working Condition. workers draw the attention of work hazards, sexual
harassments and occupational health in recent times. The
1. Introduction Government of India recognizing the importance of
construction labour force had enacted a separate legislation.
Construction industry is one of the central pillars of An object to regulate the employment and conditions of
growing Indian economy by developing infrastructure and building and other construction workers and to provide the
generating more employment. The construction sector has safety, health and welfare measures the ―The Building and
the largest number of unorganized labourers in India next Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment
to agriculture sector. Women constitute a significant part of and Conditions Service) Act, 1996 was enacted. The
the workforce in India and a big pool of unskilled labour Government of Tamil Nadu even before the enactment of
force in the construction segment. The worker participation above stated central Act had passed a separate Act for the
rate of women is increasing in construction sector. Women regulate the employment and working conditions of the
workers in the unorganized sector face many problems manual workers. In addition to the above said legislations
especially in construction sector. Their basic rights and specifically applicable to the construction workers, a
duties were violated in many forms like sexual harassment number of other national and international laws are also
at work place, occupational hazards, poor safety measures applicable to construction workers including women
are the important factor which affects the mental health of workers. To study the above issues will certainly leads to a
the women workers and their right to work with dignity is meaningful assessment of the existing conditions of women
greatly affected. Maternity benefits were absences and the workers in Construction sector and the effective
International Journal of Management Research and Social Science (IJMRSS) ISSN 2394-6407(Print)
Volume 3, Issue 2, April – June 2016 ISSN 2394-6415(Online)
implementation of the suitable policies and programmes industrially growing district of Tamil Nadu. Hence the
and its lapses if any so as to formulate a policy decision at study was absolutely needed at this point of time to picture
national level. out the real life situation of women construction workers in
Theni District.
3. Overview of Literature
5. Objectives of the Study
Many of the practicenors, researchers, authors,
voluntary organizations, and Government agencies have To study the socio economic profile of Women
undertaken several studies on women’s employment and Construction workers.
their problems. Women construction workers are exploited To examine the working conditions of women
because they are illiterate, socially backward, unskilled, construction workers.
unorganized, uninformed and poor (Johri and Pandey) To suggest suitable measures to improve the standard of
.Vinita Shah (1998) found that non-implementation of living and occupational health of women construction
labour laws. Anand (1998) observes that the wages of the workers.
women workers in the unorganized sector, particularly in
the construction industries, have been significantly below 6. Methodology of the Study
the minimum wage payable under the Minimum Wages
Act 1948. Gender discrimination was well entrenched and The present study on the problems faced by the women
women workers were paid less than men workers for construction workers is a descriptive cum analytical in
similar work (Vettriselvan, R., & Balakrishnan, A., 2013). nature. In order to accomplish the study objectives both
Over three fourth of the women workers in the construction primary and secondary data has collect and analyse for the
sector are working for more than 10 to 12 hours every day study purpose. The present study has been conducted
(Ram Lakhani 2004). Sexual harassment at workplace among selected women construction workers in Theni
affected the workers and many seek to opt for other District. The population is unknown due to the situational
contractors. Vaughn (1999) reported tainted image and changing trend in the construction sector so study employs
reputation of the construction industry and claims that convenient sampling method to select 150 samples from
sexual harassment is inherent in the construction sector. the population and collect necessary primary data by
Most of the research studies reveal the fact that the structured interview schedule which has consist of socio
conditions of women construction workers were found to economic, working conditions of the women construction
be pathetic and their legal rights violated to great extent. workers to understand their condition. Averages and chi-
The problems pointed out in the previous researchers were square methods were used as statistical tools to analyze the
taken as a main theme to conduct this present study. collected data. Therefore the present study is an attempt to
investigate various forms of violations take part of the
4. Conceptual Framework women construction workers in Theni District. To draw the
suitable measures to improve their working and living
Women Construction workers were encountered by conditions of women construction workers.
plenty of difficulties, because of their distressing and
pitiable working conditions in the field. Basic rights of the 7. Results and Discussion
women workers at construction sector were violated in
various forms such as sexual harassments, work hazards In this section results and discussion of the study was
and poor health and safety measures. There is an presented on the basis of collected primary data from the
imperative need to take up more studies at this level to field. Table 1 discusses about the distribution of the women
understand the problems of women construction workers construction workers by nature of job.
more widely. Such an understanding is absolutely
necessary to evolve appropriate strategy to deal with their Table 1: Nature of Job
problems and to bring out overall development of women S.No Nature Frequency Percent
construction workers to create awareness about the
1 Building works 99 66
importance of better working condition and welfare and
safety measures in their working field. This study was 2 Roads & Canals 51 34
helpful to frame the programmes and policies to improve Total 150 100
the working condition of the women construction workers. Source: Computed from Primary data
Construction sector in Tamil Nadu shows the steady
growth in recent period due to high growth of the industrial In general construction workers are engaged in the two
sector. This study tries to cover the women workers in kinds of works in the study area namely building works
construction sector in Theni District, which is more and roads & canal works. Majority (66 percent) of the
International Journal of Management Research and Social Science (IJMRSS) ISSN 2394-6407(Print)
Volume 3, Issue 2, April – June 2016 ISSN 2394-6415(Online)
respondents were selected from building works and abusements, wage discrimination, work hazards, poor
remaining (34 percent) from roads and canal works. It working condition and occupational ill health as a
clears that building construction sector plays a vital role in components to study the problems of the women
provide the employment opportunities to the women. Table construction workers.
2 deals about the reason for continuing construction jobs by
women workers in the study area and opinion about the Table 4: Problems Faced in the Worksite
reasons. S.No Problems Yes No Total
1 Sexual Abusements 123 27 150
Table 2: Reason for Continuing Construction Job 2 Wage 150 0 150
S.No Reason Good Average Poor Total Discrimination
1 Wage 66 57 27 150 3 Work Hazards 84 66 150
Working 4 Poor Working 104 46 150
2 24 30 96 150
Environment Condition
3 Job Security 57 42 51 150 5 Occupational Ill 78 72 150
Maternity health
4 9 54 87 150
Benefits Total 539 241 750
Rest rooms Source: Computed from Primary data
5 6 51 93 150
& Toilet
Total 162 234 354 750 From the result of the table 4 majority (71 percent) of
Source: Computed from Primary data the respondents facing the above mentioned problems at
their worksite. Among that cent percent of the women
Nearly half (47.5 percent) of the women construction workers are facing wage discrimination, more than four
workers opinion that working condition was poor and fifth (82 percent) of them suffered by sexual abusements,
nearly (31.5 percent) are graded as average and remaining more than two third (69 percent) of them enjoys poor
(22 percent) only reported that working condition was good. working environment following more than half (56
Among the given variables wage (44 percent) and job percent) of them struggled work hazards and 52 percent
security (38 percent) only got the good as opinion from the meet the occupational ill health at their worksites. Wage
women construction workers in the study area. Poor discrimination highlights the gender inequality in the sector
working environment, absence of restroom and toilet and the sexual abusements show the pathetic situation of
facilities and non availability of maternity benefits are the the women construction workers in the society.
major problems in the field. Table 3 presents comparative Focus group discussions were conducted to understand
values of the respondents experience and wage. This table the real scenario of the women construction workers. They
also employed the chi-square distribution and results of the reveal that many of them were forced to work in the field
variables. due to their poor economic condition and non availability
of any other works. They are facing the major problems
Table 3: Experience Vs Wage
such as poor security in the working environment and the
Upto Rs.151 Rs.201 Rs.251 Total supervisors (mesthris) and the co-workers force them and
Wage Rs.150 to to and abuse sexually in the name of job and payment of wages. If
Experience Rs.200 Rs.250 above the women denied their sexual abusements they may be
Upto 1 24 9 0 0 33
terminated. Government and the nongovernmental
1.1 to 3 6 27 9 0 42
organizations were failed to protect women workers from
years these critical issues. These abusements may lead to the loss
3.1 to 5 0 3 9 6 18 of their lives and hidden in the name of workplace
years accidents. They were sexually harassed by the external
5.1 years 0 0 27 30 57 people due the absence of restrooms in the workplace and
and above using of open surface for the latrines and urinals.
Total 30 39 45 36 150
8. Suggestions
Source: Computed from Primary data
9 degrees of freedom at 5% table value is 23.5893 Proper restroom and sanitary facilities should be
calculated Chi-square value is 157.81. Calculated chi- created and maintained;
square value is more than the table value clears that the Proper awareness should be provided to the women for
experience is not only the determinant for the wages to the their rights and duties;
women construction workers. Table 4 presents the Promote gender equality and equal pay;
distribution of respondents by problems faced by the The punishments against the sexual harassments should
women construction workers in the study area. Sexual be revised and increased; and
International Journal of Management Research and Social Science (IJMRSS) ISSN 2394-6407(Print)
Volume 3, Issue 2, April – June 2016 ISSN 2394-6415(Online)
9. Conclusion
[10]Vaughn., (1999). ―Women in construction‖. L.A Times Feb,20.
[11] Vinita Shah., (1998).―Women Building Workers –An Area Study‖ in
The present modernized society with the improved Bombay NICMAR.
culture o one is responsible for the things happen to them. [12]Yugantar., ( 1999). ―The nature, incidence, extent and impact of
Every one of us has the responsibility to do something to sexual harassment of women at work place in the state of
Maharashtra‖. CDCLHRPS,
reduce their problems to save them from the harassments. [13] Vettriselvan, R., & Balakrishnan, A. (2013). Plight of Women
Here all the three parties Government, Nongovernmental Workers in Dindigul District in Development and Displacement:
organizations and the ordinary citizens to think together to Social Justice Paradigm, APH Publishing Corporation, New Delhi.
protect from their problem by providing equal opportunity
and pay, health and hygiene working environment, proper Dr.R.Vettriselvan is a Lecturer and
awareness for their basic rights and duties, education for Head, School of Management Studies,
gender equality in order to promote them. It concludes that DMI-St.Eugene University, Zambia.
civilization should give the proper education and equality He has 5years experience in teaching
UG, PG, M.Phil level and 6 years
for all the humans, power is meant to guide them in the research experience. At present he is
right path not to abuse and harass. The change should be guiding 2 full time and part time
start form the individual’s heart to the empowerment of the research scholars. He is specialized in
women. This kind of equal practices should be followed Human Resource Management,
Finance, Marketing and Economics. He
and implemented for all the women in the world especially also won lot of awards and published
in the construction sector. and presented more number of research books and papers throughout the
world. He is also member in Population Association of America.
10. Reference S.Anu is an Assistant Lecturer & Head,
School of Commerce, DMI-St.Eugene
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[2] Civija., (1998). ―A Study of Chittals‖. Report submitted to Bharath specialized in Banking, Finance,
Institute for Women Studies, Chennai. Insurance and Accountancy. She
[3] Dhamodharan., K. (2001). ―Sexual Harassment at Work places‖. published and presented the number of
CDCLHRPS. research papers and articles in many
[4] Gopal Iyer.K., (2004). ―Distressed Migrant Labours in India‖, seminars and conferences.
Kanishka, New Delhi
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Delhi. Sri Ram Publication, New Delhi. Commerce, DMI-St.Eugene University,
[6] Kalpana Sharma., (1988). ―Women in Perspective‖. Indian Express Zambia. He has 6 years experience in
July,31 p-8. teaching UG, PG, and 6 years research
[7] Keya acarya., (1999). ―Hard Grind for Construction Workers‖. Inter experience. He is specialized in
Press Third World News Agency. Commerce, Accountancy, Finance and
[8] Praba., (2005). ―A Study on Women Building Construction Workers Insurance. He published and presented
in Erode‖ M.Phil dissertation Annamalai University. the number of research papers and
[9] Sinha., & Ranade., (1975). ―Construction Workers : Report of two articles nationally and internationally.
Surveys‖. Allied Publishers Bombay.