It Investment Value INTEL BVI

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The white paper discusses developing a methodology called the Business Value Index (BVI) to help prioritize IT investments based on potential business value, impact on IT efficiency, and financial attractiveness.

The Business Value Index (BVI) methodology helps to prioritize investment options, make data-driven decisions, and monitor progress. It encompasses business value, IT efficiency value, and financial criteria. BVI complements analysis tools that measure return on investment (ROI).

The Business Value Index evaluates three criteria - business value, which measures the impact on business strategy and priorities; IT efficiency value, which gauges the impact on infrastructure; and financial criteria, which considers factors like time to return on investment, cost/benefit ratio, and net present value.

Intel Information Technology White Paper

IT investments, business value

Managing IT Investments
Intel's IT Business Value metrics

Traditional financial and accounting measures

often fail to properly quantify the business benefits
of IT investments. Intel's Business Value Index
(BVI) methodology helps us prioritize our IT
investments through a common language and
framework for assessing potential business value,
impact on IT efficiency, and financial

August 2003
IT investments are growing more complex, more strategic, and larger in scope. At the same time,
traditional financial and accounting measures often fail to properly quantify the business benefits of
those investments. Intel IT strives to invest in projects that bring both business value and IT
efficiency, and are also financially attractive. To prove such bottom-line results, we developed the IT
Business Value (ITBV) program at the end of 2001 to forecast the real value of an IT project and
document the actual business value it delivers to Intel.

The Business Value Index (BVI) methodology helps to prioritize investment options, make data-
driven decisions, and monitor progress. It encompasses business value, IT efficiency value, and
financial criteria. Business value measures the impact of a project on our business strategy and
priorities. IT efficiency value gauges how well the investment will use or enhance our existing
infrastructure. The financial criterion measures the financial attractiveness of the investment,
including time to return investment, cost/benefit ratio, and net present value (NPV) of a project.

BVI complements analysis tools that measure return on investment (ROI). Using the BVI
methodology, Intel's decision makers evaluate proposed IT investments based on potential business
value, impact on IT efficiency, and financial attractiveness. Our decision makers also value early
stage investments-managed as IT strategic options—using BVI.

Table of Contents
Background ...........................................................................................................................................3
What is the Business Value Index?.......................................................................................................3
How is the Business Value Index Used? ..............................................................................................4
Criteria and weightings .................................................................................................................................4
Ongoing assessment process .......................................................................................................................6
BVI adoption: Example ................................................................................................................................7

Background infrastructure. The Intel IT Business Value Index, shown in
Figure 1, provides a way to conduct a relative comparison
of these different IT initiatives to facilitate investment
According to the META Group, more than 70 percent of IT
decisions that bring the most value to Intel and IT.
organizations are still perceived as cost centers rather than
value centers. Managing the real and perceived business BVI is a composite index of factors that impact the value of
value of IT is thus very difficult. an IT investment. It evaluates IT investments along three
vectors: IT business value (that is, impact to Intel's
With tight IT budgets, an effective and strategic way of
business), impact to IT efficiency, and the financial
managing IT investments becomes more critical for the
attractiveness of an investment. All three factors use a
success of IT organizations. Faced with this challenge,
predetermined set of defining criteria that includes
Intel IT developed the BVI methodology, a new approach to
customer need, business and technical risks, strategic fit,
identify and evaluate potential benefits from making
revenue potential, level of required investment, the
investments. BVI evaluates factors beyond the traditional
innovation and learning generated, and other factors. Each
cost framework. This approach helps identify the potential
factor's criteria are weighted according to the ongoing
strategic value of an initiative and effectively communicate
business strategy and business environment—changes in
it to our executive management.
business strategy could change how criteria are weighted
for different factors.
What is the Business
The predefined criteria include, but are not limited to:
Value Index?
Customer need
Some IT projects provide indirect benefits to a company,
Business and technical risks
such as improving IT efficiency through optimized wide
area network capacity while also delivering a new IT Strategic fit
business capability to employees at a reduced cost. Other
Revenue potential
projects deliver direct benefits to a company by improving
throughput, enhancing productivity, and increasing Level of required investment
revenues. These projects deliver business value to the
Amount of innovation and learning generated
corporation but have no direct impact on the IT

Improved IT Improved
Efficiency with Business Value
+ LOB/user
no Business AND
Value penalty IT Efficiency

Business Value
Necessary, but with no or
IT Efficiency 0 Failure
low value limited IT

0 Financial
Requires Attractiveness
- Failure Failure incremental IT
- 0 +
Business Value

Figure 1. The Business Value Index

Table 1. Sample Assessment Criteria and Scoring

Criteria Weight 0 1 2 3

Customer pull/need 4 Low Medium High Very high

Customer product cost reduction 3 Increase No impact Marginal Substantial
reduction reduction
Business strategic fit and impact 3 Low/NA Medium High Very high
Customer performance improvement 3 Decrease <5% >5% >10%

A crucial aspect of BVI is its ability to reveal the intangible

How is the Business
benefits and strategic value of potential investments. It has
a number of key characteristics that differentiate it from Value Index Used?
other prioritization methods. It provides a level comparison
for multiple, strategic IT investment options. Weighted
Criteria and weightings
criteria support "what-if" analyses and rapid adjustments to Each vector in the BVI tool is comprised of a set of
changing business priorities. It tracks a potential assessment criteria. Each criterion is weighted according to
investment's intangible benefits and strategic value, its importance in light of the business environment and
returning a series of decision points that depict the change current strategies. As project managers or program owners
in a project's relative value over a period of time. evaluate their proposed investments using the BVI tool,
they score their project against these criteria on a scale of
BVI also highlights the most influential factors for assessing 0 to 3, depending how the IT investment will likely perform
investments, indicates how each investment might add against a range of values set for a particular assessment
value to the company, and displays the results in a matrix criteria. Table 1 shows a range of assessment criteria for a
that enhances comparative analysis of multiple investment particular type of investment.
opportunities. This approach supports options-based
management of IT investments, helping us decide whether The products of the weighting and scoring of a particular
a project merits further funding. investment's set of assessment criteria are summed to
produce total scores for each of the three vectors—IT
Using the BVI methodology, our management compares efficiency, financial attractiveness, and business value.
and contrasts investments, and then decides what After several projects have been scored, the Business
investments align best with our business priorities. Value Chart graphically depicts the three indices for each
project. The position of a bubble relative to the horizontal
and vertical axes shows each project's business value and
IT efficiency values. The width of a bubble shows each
project's financial attractiveness value. Figure 2, on the
next page, depicts sample, evaluated projects.

The chart's graphical representation enables a quick

assessment of investments relative to one another.
The "win-win" circle shows that projects in the upper right
corner of the chart have value both to IT and to Intel's
business. Financial attractiveness is also important when
evaluating the relative strength of various investments.

+ -W
Invest #2
Invest #1
Invest #4

IT Efficiency
Invest #5
0 Invest #3

Invest #6

Invest #7

- 0
Business Value

Figure 2. Sample Business Value Chart

Concentric circles identify projects with similar total BVI the points lost. The matrix differentiates how the
and IT efficiency index (ITI) scores. In Figure 2, for investments add value in different ways. Higher values in
example, although investments 1 and 6 are on the same each section are shaded green or orange to visually depict
concentric circle, investment 1 is stronger in IEI, and the strengths and weaknesses of each project. The control
investment 6 is stronger in BVI. The two investments have values are shown at the bottom of the matrix.
similar scores, but important differences exist. For that
This level of analysis—combined with knowledge of the
reason, business strategy and current priorities should
group's current business strategy and environment—
guide the final prioritization of these projects, not solely the
guides prioritization of investments. Differences in parts of
information on the chart.
the business or changes in business strategy can lead a
Figure 3 shows a Project Comparison Matrix, which team to adjust the weighting of different factors for
compares investments on a factor-by-factor basis. It shows analytical purposes.
the points accrued by each project in each factor minus

Figure 3. Sample Project Comparison Matrix

Ongoing assessment process Results
An ongoing Strategic Portfolio Management process
continuously manages a team's investments, ensuring that BVI introduced a methodical, systematic approach to
investments are closely aligned with Intel IT's business investment prioritization that supports data-driven
strategies and priorities, and that IT resources are decisions. Building on the BVI philosophy, we are
effectively utilized. implementing a strategic portfolio management framework
that constitutes an integrated approach to investment
The Strategic Portfolio Management process is a closed-
decision-making and aims to identify and proactively
loop process using the BVI tool. The process starts with
manage a balanced investment portfolio mix. The
understanding IT's business strategies and then proposing
framework encompasses common evaluation criteria (that
projects to support those strategies. We access, prioritize,
is, BVI), investment categories and asset class definition,
and rank proposals using BVI. Once the investment
and visualization metrics.
decisions are made, we commit resources based on the
results of BVI and other qualitative data. The team builds BVI has assisted in decision-making activities over a wide
monitors and indicators that track success at various variety of IT projects. For example, our Distributed Systems
stages of the project lifecycle. Management (DSM) team, People Systems group, IT
Innovation organization, Customer Services group, and
We re-compute BVI on a regular basis to monitor the
Global Infrastructure teams are using this tool to prioritize
change in business value over time for the investments.
their project portfolios. We are using this approach to
Investment priorities can be adjusted based on the
prioritize our IT Research and Development portfolio.
indicators and the BVI results. We track the actual results
and benefits of the investment and measure them against An example of a successful initiative prioritized through BVI
the desired business results to provide feedback to the is our Content Distribution System project, a peer-to-peer
management process. This model's strength is that it middleware services and knowledge management system.
enables continuous alignment between the IT investment Using BVI, we prioritized the proof of concept (POC) for
portfolio and the dynamic business strategies and priorities. this project and gave it the go-ahead for development.
Actual results are measured against expectations set at the Following the successful POC, this project has now
beginning of the investment. The model also enables data- emerged as a potential next-generation technology for IT.
driven decisions that may result in canceling projects or
initiatives that fall short of expectations or no longer map to Another example is our Electronic Content Distribution
business priorities. System (eCDS) project. We intercepted the development of
eCDS before it was integrated into SKOOOL, a national

Track and Understand Propose

measure business solution
benefits strategy

Compute BVI’s;
re-prioritize Strategic Portfolio Assess benefits,
portfolio Management costs, risks;
compute BVI

Make Prioritize
Investments, proposals,
establish metrics rank BVI’s
(such as IT BV Program)

Figure 4. Ongoing portfolio management

educational portal in Ireland. The preliminary BVI
evaluation proved accurate, resulting in a successful
implementation. In parallel with SKOOOL, eCDS has also
BVI provides a common language and framework for
been integrated internally into an e-learning site, and
discussing IT investments, assessing business value and IT
externally at the University of Reading, as part of a pan-
efficiency contribution based on common criteria, and
European, e-learning educational initiative.
prioritizing diverse investments based on environment and
BVI adoption: Example IT strategy. The BVI process enables continued and
The Telecom and Call Center Services (TCCS) group in proactive alignment of the IT project portfolio with corporate
our IT Global Infrastructure organization recently adopted and IT business strategies.
BVI into their business process. TCCS is responsible for Intel IT applies BVI to a variety of IT projects, which are
infrastructure projects funded by IT and for pay-per-view then used by the ITBV metrics program. BVI creates an
projects funded directly by IT customers. The group was initial composite index to help gauge likely business
looking for a method to help prioritize these diverse benefits. The metrics program then looks more closely at
projects and make the right investment decisions. In light of the actual value delivered by a given project and assigns a
the recent economic environment, prioritization became an real dollar value to the deliverables.
even more important process in business management.
TCCS turned to BVI as a potential tool to help solve their BVI is a decision support tool for IT investment decisions. It
prioritization dilemmas. should not, however, be used as the only tool or factor in
the decision making process. A thorough IT investment
A group composed of TCCS managers and project decision should be made based on the BVI results, the
managers studied the BVI tool and started a pilot effort that business drivers for different initiatives, the dependencies
evaluated whether BVI would fit their business between projects (both within the group and between other
requirements. The group selected a set of current and groups), the impact to internal and external customers, the
potential future projects for the pilot and used the BVI tool amount of investment, and other relevant business or
to conduct assessments. environmental factors.

As the pilot concluded, the group conducted a survey to

gather feedback. The pilot team had found the tool
valuable in helping them understand and assess the
business impact of their projects and communicate that
information more effectively to customers. The BVI tool
also helped the team better prioritize their projects. The
team commented that the time spent going through the
process was well invested.

The group presented their findings to senior management,

resulting in adoption of BVI as part of their ongoing
business processes. Every project request is now
associated with a BVI assessment before consideration for
funding approval.

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