WHITE PAPER THOUGHT LEADERSHIP Measuring IT Value With A Service-Oriented Approach Based On ITIL 91899

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BMC industry insights

Measuring IT Value with a Service-Oriented

Approach Based on ITIL
By Ken Turbitt and Marina Yesakova
The term value is an overused buzzword,
slapped onto any product that lines a super-
market shelf. But for IT managers, this term
means shifting the focus from the parts that
go into making a product — or the processes
behind producing a service — to the outputs.
How do consumers perceive the value of
the IT products and services they buy?

All too often, the business hears only the

bad news coming from IT and not the good.
As a result, some IT organizations today are
perceived as being “optional,” and business
units can, and do, take their IT business
elsewhere. To secure budget for more
investments, IT needs to show the value it
provides to the business: How many outages I.T. Focuses on Output the United States was manufacturing. “The
(the most common failure and cause of the “Focusing solely on the craft that goes into value chain, as taught in business schools,
erosion of profits) have been prevented the making of products and services ignores was presented as an assembly line meta-
by new monitoring software and change an important question: Are you making the phor,” Nieves says. “This model positions
management? How quickly did IT get a new right things to begin with?’’ says Nieves. “For the customer as the last item on the chain
service or solution out to market, adding to example, does rapid service desk response rather than as the genesis of value creation.
revenue? Measuring these IT outputs is the create customer benefits? Or, does it generate As a global economy, we’re only now really
new way to think about ROI, and IT needs frustration and incomplete work, because beginning to understand this thing called
to articulate these types of value back to personnel move too quickly from one call to ‘services’ and its implications. One of these
the business. the next? The focus on efficiently managing implications is the realization that it is easy
the resources that go into work is known as to become confused about what matters
Guidance from the latest release of the IT the manufacturing mindset. The priority is to customers and fall into well-meaning
Infrastructure Library® (ITIL ® V3) is especially to lower the unit costs of services by con- activities focused on ‘business as usual —
important in today’s marketplace. By focus- sistently doing the same thing over and only better’.”
ing on measuring the right outputs from IT, over again. This is not wrong, but when a
managers can maximize their resources and customer needs a shift, the service provider The implications go beyond business-to-
effectively allocate their IT staff to produce may fall into a management trap where business interactions. Whether consumers
more valuable and higher-quality products internal efficiency is confused with effec- are using an ATM, making travel reservations,
and services. tiveness or external efficiency. For instance, or interacting with the local cable installer,
what is less effective than an engineering chances are that their sole encounter with
We discussed this topic with Michael Nieves, team that efficiently churns out elegant a business is funneled through one depart-
author of the ITIL V3 Service Strategy book system designs for the wrong service?” ment: IT. In today’s global economy, IT must
and a partner at Accenture, and Jack Bischof, be treated as a true business partner that
an Accenture senior manager. Their comments The reason for this mindset lies in the fact helps the organization achieve its corporate
are included in this article. that until recently, the prevailing industry in goals. According to Bischof, “This means
identifying and designing services that provider comprehends what is effec- or service? How easy is it to obtain?
enable articulated and non-articulated tive in facilitating those outcomes. These are intangible, subjective ques-
business outcomes, and making those Locking organizational structures, tions that only the customer can answer.
services easily available and under- measurement systems, processes, Value is different for everyone. Some
stood. These services need to provide and technologies onto customer out- people swear by their cell phones;
a level of transparency in terms of comes allows the service provider others swear at people who use
cost/benefit and performance that has to better align internal efficiency them.” Unfortunately, although these
been common to businesses for centu- measurements to external efficiency are important factors to consider,
ries, but is relatively new to IT.” measurements,” says Nieves. they’re abstract concepts that are
difficult to quantify — and measure.
ITIL V3 Helps I.T. Leaders Adapt Business Service Management (BSM)
to the New Reality is the most effective approach for “Measurement is supposed to give us
The marketing mindset is a key con- managing IT from the perspective of insight, whether it’s financial or other-
cept introduced in ITIL V3. From this the business. By definition, BSM is wise,” Nieves says. “Its purpose is to
perspective, the value an organization an approach for managing IT from the give us something upon which to
seeks to create is not in its internal perspective of the customer. Organi­ remove uncertainties and to make
technologies, processes, or any other zations focused on business priorities strategic decisions. It’s a tool for man-
abilities, but in how consumers per- in this manner can reduce downtime agers, offering a glimpse of something
ceive its products or outcomes. As and service desk call volume, as well they didn’t know before. If managers
the legendary Harvard marketing pro- as improve call resolution rates. have a financial metric, they’re going
fessor Theodore Levitt put it, “People More­over, this approach enables IT to make financially based decisions.
don’t buy a quarter-inch drill. They buy decision-makers to start down the But the argument we’re making is that
a quarter-inch hole. You’ve got to study path of IT innovation by allocating time there are other considerations to help
the hole, not the drill. The drill is just and resources for strategic projects, remove risk and decrease uncertainty,
the solution for it.” 1
not just tactical ones, thereby moving and they’re not necessarily taken into
closer to effectively facilitating desired account with an ROI analysis.”
“In ITIL Version 2, there was a lot customer outcomes.
of language about effectiveness and Management needs to understand
engaging with customers, but the How to Measure Value that the paths to new opportunities
focus was generally on the inputs,” One of the most dramatic changes in can’t always be justified with a first-
says Nieves. “When you have limited IT is a shift toward a different type of order financial analysis; however, at
floor space, people, and computing measurement. Given the intangible some point intangibles need costs
capacity, the more efficiently you use nature of “value,” ROI is not neces­ associated with them. A service exists
your available resources, the more value sarily the most appropriate metric. only when it’s actually being consumed,
you create. But value emerges when “The idea of value creation, particular- so what’s the best way to approach
customers consume IT’s services in ly when dealing with intangible topics, value creation?
pursuit of their own outcomes. IT’s is not a widget coming off of an
challenge is, therefore, to understand assembly line,” says Nieves. “Over the Although no single way to measure
the jobs in customers’ lives for which past few years, we’ve realized that fol- value will fit all cases, ITIL offers
they might use IT’s services, design lowing ROI models restricts our thinking several paths to value:
a service and associated experiences to that domain, and, in turn, restricts >> Value on investment (VOI) appears
to facilitate that job, and deliver it in the opportunities available to us.” in the Continual Service Improvement
a way that reinforces its intended use. book of ITIL V3. This metric is the
Only then will customers seek and ROI refers to the measurement of cash total measure of benefits derived
value that service when they need flows, but the problem is that value from soft benefits. Used alone or
to get the job done,” Nieves says. takes on many forms. “It comes from with ROI, it allows decision-makers
many sources,” says Nieves. “For to take into account those benefits
“The service provider can apply inter- example, how useful is this service that are usually considered intangible.
nal efficiency measurements and or product? How do your consumers, Examples of these intangible benefits
effect change only when the service internal or external, perceive the product include the higher competency of

1 Source: Harvard Business Review, “Marketing Myopia,” 1960.

the IT department, increased (excess or shortfall) in present value
business throughput, the value of dollars to demonstrate the achieved Value Checklist
compliance, improved business (cash) return.
Follow a checklist when considering which
agility, and so on. >> Economic value add (EVA) is the metric to use, whether for your customer
>> Service valuation appears in the financial performance measure that or for your internal IT organization:
Service Strategy book of ITIL V3. estimates the true economic profit
>> First, define value for your organization. Identify
Measuring service value, or the by identifying the amount by which
the components of value that are most impor-
sources of it, is addressed by two earnings exceeded or fell short of
tant. Compare these metrics to how you
approaches to value: the required minimum return rate,
measured value two years ago. Remember,
–– The cost associated with delivering thus capturing the true economic
chances are that your value will continually
an IT service (provisioning value) profit of the enterprise.
evolve and not be the same over time.
–– The total value to the business >> Second, select the metric on the basis of your
Choosing the most appropriate
of that service (service value needs. Know whether you have available data
measurement tool depends on your
potential), which includes quanti­ to assess and to enter into the metric. If some
organizational goals and IT roles. For
fying the practical application of value measurement sounds good on paper, but
example, are you screening a new
the innovation when the value no data currently exists to measure it, then that
project? Are you measuring internal
potential of a service is unlocked, metric might not be a good fit. For example, the
effectiveness? Are you evaluating a
and exceeds the expected utility cost of gathering data might outweigh the benefit
project that has never been done
of a service of having a metric in place.
before? The motivation for doing the
These can be great metrics to use if >> Third, create accountability. Who is responsible
project dictates how you will begin
several stakeholders or departments for gathering the data, and what steps are taken
the process for measurement. Keep
need to agree on the value of a service. once the metric is available? Assign an owner
in mind that rigorous, established
>> Value for money appears in the financial metrics might not help you to the metric and a team that will make decisions
Service Strategy book of ITIL V3. measure innovation. However, the based on it, and hold them accountable.
It is a rather informal measure of more intangible variables can be diffi- >> Finally, establish several points at which the
cost-effectiveness that compares cult to measure. So what should you measure will be taken (since one measurement
one set of costs to the costs of do? Make sure to avoid these pitfalls data point will not be enough). This will show
alternatives. by clearly articulating your goals. See a clear record of your value achievement. For
>> Return on value (ROV) is used to help the organization through the eyes of example, if you projected an ROI before the
analyze factors beyond the strict rigor your customers, and identify the out- project, measure it once the solution is deployed
of ROI analysis, such as competitive, comes that matter most to them. to see what value was realized and what is still
functional, process, relationship, left on the table, and continue measuring the
strategic, and other values. Regardless of the technique employed, primary benefit drivers that went into the
every IT manager should become original analysis.
You may want to consider other mea- comfortable with the various metrics
sures that are based on accounting and be able to articulate value and justify
and finance practices: projects. Consider designating an expert
>> Return on investment (ROI) is a within the department who can identify Complex

financial metric that evaluates the which metric to employ. If all else fails,
efficiency of your IT investment. seek a specialist outside your company. Metrics

It is one of the more widely used The success of setting the right metric
methodologies that takes into account and creating measurable value outputs
on which you can take action will not Financial
all costs and the measurable (tangible) Metrics
benefits of the IT solution. only help you assess your current state,
but also will guide your decision-making
>> Net present value (NPV) is another
process and help you avoid costly, IT-based
financial metric that is used to Metrics
painful mistakes.
appraise long-term projects. Simple
It measures the cash flows Low POTENTIAL FOR PROFIT High
BMC industry insights

Conclusion about the authors

Customers don’t buy products; they buy sat- Ken Turbitt is a recognized industry expert
isfaction of a particular need. Service providers in IT best practices. Turbitt has been qualified
can do more harm than good by answering as an ISEB ITIL Manager for more than
questions about value for their customers. 12 years and was an official reviewer of
When you attempt to measure value using the ITIL V3 Service Design book. Turbitt is
a financial metric, you could miss out on an a member of the Institute for the Management
opportunity to make a better product. of Information Systems (member since 1985),
British Computer Society (BCS), and itSMF.
People don’t make every purchasing decision
based on price alone. If you focus only on Marina Yesakova is a senior strategic
price, and it isn’t a factor in the purchasing marketing manager at BMC Software.
decision, you haven’t measured value at all. She leads the financial justification of IT
If you step away from the product and take purchasing decisions by creating financial
a higher-level view, you might find new and statistical models and business cases
ways to make a better product or to create for BMC customers. Yesakova holds a B.A.
a new one altogether. and M.A. in linguistics from Moscow State
University, Russia, and an M.B.A. from
Adopting the new mindset and shifting the Rice University.
focus from inputs to outputs will position
your organization ahead of the competition. About BMC Software
ITIL V3 will help guide you through the BMC Software delivers the Business Service
steps of measuring value. Solutions from Management solutions IT needs to increase
a trusted vendor can support your quest business value through better management
to create a more strategy-focused IT depart- of technology and IT processes. Founded in
ment. Your vendor can also suggest several 1980, BMC has offices worldwide and fiscal
ways to measure the value of your solutions, 2007 revenues of $1.58 billion. Activate your
so that you can see the highest benefits business with the power of IT. www.bmc.com.
achieved and make sound judgments about
the future of your IT department.

For more information about these solutions,

visit www.bmc.com.

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