Lesson Plan Template (Task-Based Grammar Lesson)

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Lesson Plan Template (Task-Based Grammar



Target language (grammar and

Skill in focus:

Secondary skill focus:

Lesson objective:

Preliminary considerations:

What vocabulary/grammar/information/skills do your students already know in relation to today’s


• Ss will already have studied and be familiar with …

• Ss will have recently reviewed …

What aspects of the lesson do you anticipate How will you avoid and/or address each of
your students might find challenging/difficult? these problem areas?

© 2018 by World Learning. Lesson Plan Template (Task-Based Grammar Lesson) for the AE E-Teacher Program, sponsored by
the U.S. Department of State and administered by FHI 360. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
License, except where noted. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

This is a program of the U.S. Department of State

administered by FHI 360 and delivered by World Learning

Time Stage Procedure /steps Interaction



topic & task






This is a program of the U.S. Department of State

administered by FHI 360 and delivered by World Learning


Self-Evaluation Rubric for TBTL Lesson

Meets criteria Approaches criteria Does not meet criteria

Lesson plan contains all Lesson plan does not Lesson plan does not
TBTL TBTL components; contain all TBTL contain TBTL components;
components are well components; and /or and /or components are
Structure balanced components are not not balanced
completely balanced

Topic is sufficiently Topic is somewhat Topic is not sufficiently

TBTL explored; students have explored; and/or students explored; and/or students
enough opportunities to have some, but not are not sufficiently
Pre-task prepare for the task sufficient, opportunities prepared for the task
to prepare for the task

Students have clear roles; It is not completely clear Students’ roles are unclear;
they have enough time what roles students have; time for planning,
for planning, practicing and /or they do not have practicing and reporting is
and reporting; selected sufficient time for not balanced; selected
TBTL task(s) are age planning, practicing and task(s) are not age
Task appropriate and include reporting; selected task(s) appropriate and do not
critical thinking are somewhat age include critical thinking
appropriate and /or do
not include critical

Grammar focus is Grammar focus is Grammar focus is included,

included; students included, but is not but is completely teacher-
examine and discuss the organically integrated in centered; students are not
target grammar feature; TBTL; students are not engaged in examining and
Post-task teacher conducts practice actively engaged in discussing the target
of target patterns examining and discussing grammar feature; practice
the target grammar
feature; teacher conducts

This is a program of the U.S. Department of State

administered by FHI 360 and delivered by World Learning

some, but not sufficient, of target patterns is
practice of target patterns mechanical

The lesson has an activity The lesson has one or The lesson does not provide
that a) explicitly assesses more activities that could any way to assess learners’
learners’ achievement of be used to assess achievement of the lesson
TBTL the lesson objective and learners’ achievement of objective.
b) matches the language the lesson objective and
Evaluation proficiency focus of the one or more of these
objective. somewhat matches the
proficiency focus of the

This is a program of the U.S. Department of State

administered by FHI 360 and delivered by World Learning

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