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Journal of Education and Health Promotion

Wolters Kluwer -- Medknow Publications

To compare the effects of aerobic exercise and yoga on Premenstrual syndrome

Nirav Vaghela, Daxa Mishra, [...], and Vyoma Bharat Dani
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Eighty percent of women during their reproductive age experience some symptoms attributed
to premenstrual phase of the menstrual cycle. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is characterized
by emotional, behavioral, and physical symptoms that occur during late luteal phase of
menstrual cycle and are relieved after the onset of menstruation. Aerobic exercise and yoga
are one of the ways to reduce these symptoms. The aim of this study was to compare the
effects of aerobic exercise and yoga on PMS.


A total of 72 participants of PMS, referred for physiotherapy treatment (mean age 28 years),
were enrolled and allocated into two groups (Group A and B) by simple computerized
randomization. Patients in Group A received aerobic exercise and in Group B received yoga
movements for 40 min, 3 times a week 

for 1 month. The pain intensity (Visual Analog Scale) and PMS Scale were measured before,
at the end of 15 days, and 1 month of treatment program.


Data were analyzed by paired t-test, unpaired t-test, and one-way ANOVA; and the results
showed that both aerobic exercise and yoga movements significantly reduced pain intensity
and PMS symptoms. Significant reduction in PMS symptoms was found in patients treated
with yoga compared to aerobic exercise; however, no significant difference was found in pain
intensity between these two groups (P > 0.05).


It is concluded that both aerobic exercise and yoga movements are effective in treating PMS;
however, yoga is more effective in relieving the symptoms of PMS than aerobic exercise.

Keywords: Exercise, menstruation, premenstrual syndrome, Visual Analog Scale, yoga

Adolescence has turned out to be unique which greatly affects the psychological and
physiological system in the human body. Monthly menstrual cycle is considered to be the
major factor responsible for such changes in females’ life which usually begins between the
ages of 8 and 14 years,[1] about 2 years after the onset of puberty. The average age of
menstruation is considered to be between 12 and 13 years. Females go through
many psychological and physiological changes during their reproductive life, especially
during menstrual cycles, which are commonly termed as premenstrual symptoms, and this
disorder is known as premenstrual syndrome (PMS). These changes may initiate from 6 to 12
days prior to the menstruation cycle and last for 2–4 days after the onset of menstruation. The
term PMS is used to describe a group of physiological, cognitive, affective, and behavioral
symptoms that occur during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle and resolve quickly at or
within few days of the onset of menstrual cycle.[2]

The University of California at San Diego has developed the diagnostic criteria for PMS
which mainly includes the presence of any one symptom during the 5 days before menses in
each of the three previous cycles and these identified symptoms are affective symptoms
(depression, angry outbursts, irritability, anxiety, confusion, and social withdrawal) and
somatic symptoms (breast tenderness, abdominal bloating, headache, and swelling of

Although majority of females, approximately 90% experience these symptoms during their
childbearing age and around 5% of women experience severe symptoms which interfere with
their daily activities; the true prevalence of PMS is difficult to be established due to disparity
in availability and access to medical care, diagnostic criteria, self-treatment, and cultural
practices. Research in the community has shown the prevalence of PMS to be from 5.9%
upto 90%.[2] The pathophysiology of PMS is still indefinite, complex, multifactorial, and yet
to be fully elucidated. It is anticipated to have influential effects of progesterone on
neurotransmitters such as serotonin, opioids, catecholamine, and gamma-aminobutyric acid
(GABA). Increased sensitivity to progesterone in women with underlying serotonin
deficiency is also considered to be a responsible factor for this disorder.[3] Increased
prolactin level or increased sensitivity to the effect of prolactin, insulin resistance and
alteration of glucose metabolism, sensitivity to endogenous hormones, abnormal
hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis function, nutritional deficiencies, fluid and 

electrolyte imbalance, and genetic factors also seem to play a role for PMS.[2,3]

Till now, the main treatment goal for PMS has remained to ameliorate the symptoms and
reducing their effects on daily activities. Although pharmacotherapy has dominated the
treatments of PMS, recent clinical research has suggested the combination of
pharmacotherapies (such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, anxiolytic agents,
gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists, the diuretic spironolactone, nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs, and combination oral contraceptives [OCs]) and nonpharmacotherapy
treatments, namely, cognitive and behavioral therapies, aerobic exercises, reflexology, light
therapy, massage therapy, dietary and nutritional modifications, etc., to treat premenstrual

Exercises increase the release of several neurotransmitters including natural endorphins (the
natural painkillers), estrogen, dopamine and endogenous opiate peptides, as well as alter the
production of hormone secretion, suppressing prostaglandin from being released and raising
the estrone–estradiol ratio which acts to decrease endometrial proliferation and shunts blood
flow away from the uterus.[4] Exercise may act as a distraction from intrusive thoughts and
promote positive thoughts; reduce depression and improve mood and behavior.[5] Evidence
suggests that aerobic exercise reduces negative effect on women who exercise regularly. It is
also been said that frequent physical activity may, at least in part, reduce PMS and
premenstrual symptoms.

Yoga is a Sanskrit word, meaning connection of the mind, body, emotions, logic, and
attention to the action. Yoga exercise is composed of physical (asana), breathing
(pranayama), and mental (pratyahara) practices, resulting in health, relaxation, and positive
awareness.[6] Yoga is now recommended as a 

noninvasive method and easily accessed intervention for pain relief that is safe and cost-
effective with minimal or no side effects. Moreover, regular practice of yoga has positive
effects onthe menstrual cycle and psychobiological well-being probably by balancing the
neuroendocrinal axis. Yoga reduces the stress induced negative effects to immune system by
regulating positively the adjustment of immunoglobulin A and reduces harmful inflammatory
secretions, which makes women with PMS comfortable.[7]

The present study aimed to compare the effectiveness of these two nonphramacotherapies,
i.e., aerobic exercise and yoga in reducing the symptoms of PMS.

Materials and Methods

The approval was obtained from the Institutional Ethics Committee, H M Patel Center for
Medical Care and Education, Karamsad, before initiating the trial (Ethical Code:

Study design
This was a parallel-group randomized trial.

Sampling method
The sampling method used was convenience sampling.

Study setting
The study was carried out at K M Patel Institute of Physiotherapy, Shree Krishna Hospital,

It was a single-centered, interventional, parallel group randomized trial. Seventy-two females

with PMS, diagnosed by gynecologist, and referred for physiotherapy treatment were
recruited for the study by convenience sampling based on inclusion and exclusion criteria.
The written informed consent was obtained from all the recruited participants after explaining
the purpose of study.

Inclusion criteria
1. Age between 16 and 45 years

2. No history of any mental and physical diseases

3. No history of joint, motion, muscle, and bone diseases that reduce their abilities of
4. Not on any medication and mineral supplements during three menstrual cycles

5. Having regular menstrual cycles – 24–35 days

6. No incidents such as relatives’ death, marriage, or any medical emergency in the last
3 months

7. Females using nonhormonal contraception methods.

Exclusion criteria
1. Not able to tolerate physical exercise

2. Gynecological surgery

3. Professional athletes

4. Chronic disease: diabetes, hypertension, cardiac disease, infectious disease

5. Irregular and infrequent menstrual cycle

6. Using intrauterine devices, women on OCs, and hormonal therapy

7. Pregnancy.

Randomization was done using computer-generated random numbers. Participants were

allocated by using sequentially numbered opaque-sealed envelopes into two groups: Group A
and Group B. Females with PMS in Group A received aerobic exercises and in Group B
received yoga movements [Figure 1].

Detailed history was obtained and examination for PMS was carried out for all the
participants in both groups. They were assessed for their pain intensity using Visual Analog
Scale (VAS) and symptoms of PMS were assessed by PMS Scale (PMSS).

Patients in both groups received treatment for 40 min, 3 times a week for 1 month that is for
one menstrual cycle. Patients in Group A received aerobic exercise in the form of warm up
and cool down (both for 5 min) and treadmill (30 min) based on Target Heart Rate
(calculated using Karvonen formula at 60%–70% of heart rate reserve). Patients in Group B
were given yoga movements, including 10 min of Kapalbharti Pranayam which includes 

automatic inhalation with short and forceful exhalations, 20 min of yoga movements (Cat-
cow pose, Child's pose, Plank pose, Cobra pose – each for 5 min), and 10 min of
meditation/relaxation in Savasana pose. All the participants were reassessed for pain intensity
and premenstrual symptoms at the end of 15 days and 1 month of the treatment program.

All 72 participants completed 1 month of intervention in both groups. The results of the study
were recorded in terms of VAS and PMSS. Intra- and intergroup differences were compared
so as to evaluate the effectiveness of two treatment approaches in PMS. Statistical analysis
was done using SPSS 14 version software. Descriptive statistics such as frequency (%) and
mean and standard deviation were calculated.

Both the groups were compared for age, body mass index, age of menarche, average duration
of menstrual cycle, and interval between two menstrual cycles with independent t-test [Table
1] and no statically significant difference was found between two groups except for average
duration of menstrual cycle which was found to be higher in group of patients allocated to
yoga movements. Patients in both groups were also compared for baseline pain intensity and
PMSS [Table 1]. No statistically significant difference was found with regard to pain
intensity in both groups; however, patients in Group B (yoga) had higher score on PMSS
compared to Group A (aerobic exercise) (P < 0.05).

[table 1]

Comparison in pain intensity (VAS) and PMSS within the groups at baseline, 15 days
posttreatment, and at the end of 1 month of treatment program was carried out using one-way
ANOVA for both groups [Table 2]. The results showed significant reduction both in pain
intensity (VAS) and PMSS in both groups at the end ofthe treatment program (P < 0.05)
proving that both aerobic exercises and yoga movements help in reducing the symptoms of
PMS effectively.
[ table 2 ]

Difference/reduction in VAS and PMSS before and after 1 month of treatment was
compared between two groups using independent t-test, which showed significant
reduction in PMSS in Group B (yoga) compared to Group A (aerobic exercise); however, no
significant difference was found with regard to reduction in pain intensity (VAS) between
two groups at the end of treatment program (P < 0.05) [Table 3].

Efficacy of both aerobic exercise and yoga has been demonstrated in the literature among the
females with menstrual disorders; however, no study has compared the effectiveness of these
two treatment modalities. The present study aimed to compare the effectiveness of aerobic
exercise and yoga on PMS. 

A total of 72 patients with PMS participated in the present study, and the results revealed
significant reduction in pain intensity and PMS symptoms measured by VAS and PMSS,
respectively, in both groups.

Vishnupriya and Rajarajeswaram, 2011 studied the effectiveness of aerobic exercise at

different intensities in the management of PMS and concluded that moderate-intensity
aerobic exercise should be encouraged as a potential measure for PMS.[8] It was further
discussed that aerobic exercise intensely raises serum progesterone levels which may give
positive benefits to alter mood and decrease stress via neurotransmitter systems (e.g., GABA,
serotonin) modulated by sex steroids. The significant release of endorphin during exercises
has been found to be associated with reduction in pain, anxiety, and depression in PMS,
opposing the possible reduction in endorphin during the luteal phase.

Effectiveness of physical activity program on primary dysmenorrhea has been deliberated in

literature with one of the possible mechanisms explained was the positive effect of physical
activity on reduction in stress level which has been found to be associated with menstrual
pain and other menstrual disorders. Increased stress level significantly raises the sympathetic
activity leading to menstrual pain by significantly increasing the intensity of uterine
contraction. Exercise helps to reduce and alter the stress level, thereby reduces the
sympathetic activity leading to reduction in menstrual pain and other symptoms related to
menstrual disorders.[9,10] Another possible mechanism explained by Sabaei et al. was based
on the regulation of leptin during the menstrual cycle. Leptin is responsible for controlling
the emotional behavior, and it significantly increases in women with PMS compared to
women without PMS. High level of circulating leptin is associated with psychological
symptoms of PMS. Many studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of exercise in reducing
the blood leptin levels by 30%–34% and thus helping in reduction of behavioral symptoms of

Effects of aerobic and stretching exercise were compared by Vaziri et al. which revealed that
both aerobic and stretching exercise help alleviating the symptoms of menstrual disorders
especially menstrual pain and no one treatment was superior to other.[10]

Yoga movements carried out in the present study included breathing exercises,
meditation/relaxation, and four different yogic postures (cat-cow, child's pose, plank, and
cobra). Cat-cow pose stretches the abdominal muscles, neck, and back and maintains the
flexibility of the spine, and this pose is especially helpful for people with stiff backs. Child's
pose stretches the lower back and hips and helps to relieve stress, decreases back discomfort,
fatigue, gas, and bloating. Plank pose strengthens the arms, wrists, and spine, and the cobra
pose stretches the chest and abdominal muscles and maintains the flexibility of the spine. It
also improves poor posture and combats depression, lower back discomfort, and low energy.

Efficacy of yoga on menstrual pain and stress has been studied by Nag and Kodali among
medical students and concluded that yogic exercises help controlling the menstrual pain and
reduces the stress level. The possible mechanism explained was based on the level of serum
interleukin 6 (IL-6). It has been found that yoga performers produce less IL-6 in response to
stressor compared to nonyoga performers. Some yoga postures are also considered to be
immune enhancing and restorative.[12] These results are comparable with the study carried
out by Rakhshaee, who used cobra, cat, and fish poses and found significant reduction in
menstrual pain intensity among adolescent females.[13] A comprehensive review of the
literature has proven the role of yoga and pranayama on a variety of health outcomes and
conditions, namely, hypertension, coronary atherosclerosis, serum lipid profile and body
weight, cardiorespiratory efficiency and physical fitness, diabetes mellitus, neurohormonal
activity, reproductive functions and pregnancy, stress and anxiety, mood and functioning,
cancer, etc.[14]

Many mirroring reviews of yoga practices recommend that yoga can significantly reduce the
effects of elevated stress responses and reduces both anxiety and depression through
downregulating the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis which is activated in response to a
physical or psychological stressor and is responsible for a chain of behavioral, physiological,
and psychological responses in a human body. These changes are said to be due to the release
of cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine which can be regulated with a regular practice of
yoga, ultimately leading to a healthy mind, body, and soul.[14] As stress and anxiety are
proportionately related to the symptoms of PMS and menstrual pain, reduction in stress and
anxiety with yoga can significantly reduce menstrual pain and symptoms of PMS.

Harinath et al. examined the effects of yoga for 3 months on melatonin secretion in healthy
individuals and found significant increase in plasma melatonin level which may be
responsible for overall sense of well-being.[15] Twelve weeks of yoga program has been
found to be significantly effective in improving physical functions and reducing body aches,
breast tenderness, abdominal cramps, and cold sweats in females with PMS.[7] Yoga has
been found to have positive effects on activity of the central nervous system. Alpha-brain
waves production due to regular yoga practice are directly related with state of peace,
creativity, mood elevation, relaxation, and release of serotonin, thus leading yoga
practitioners feel more relaxed.[16]

In the present study, patients enrolled in yoga movements had more reduction in PMSS
compared to patients enrolled in aerobic exercise. Physical exercises and yoga movements
have many similarities but also have obvious differences, emphasizing breathing regulation,
peacefulness, and maintenance of body postures, which differentiate yoga from routine
physical exercises. A review and comparison between yoga and physical exercise were
conducted by Govindaraj et al., which concluded that yoga interventions are equal and/or
superior to physical exercises in most outcomes.[6]

The results of this study showed that 1 month of regular aerobic exercise and yoga
movements, both reduced pain intensity and symptoms of PMS in females with PMS.
However, yoga movements were more beneficial in relieving the symptoms of PMS
compared to aerobic exercise.

Financial support and sponsorship


Conflicts of interest
There are no conflicts of interest.

We acknowledge Dr. R. Harihara Prakash (PT), Professor & Head, K M Patel Institute of
Physiotherapy, for permitting us to carry out this research work. We would like to thank our
participants of the study for their consent and cooperation throughout the research work. We
also thank the consultant of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Shree Krishna
Hospital, Karamsad, for referring the patient for physiotherapy.

Article information
J Educ Health Promot. 2019; 8: 199.

Published online 2019 Oct 24. doi: 10.4103/jehp.jehp_50_19

PMCID: PMC6852652

PMID: 31867375

Nirav Vaghela, Daxa Mishra, Maitri Sheth,1 and Vyoma Bharat Dani

H M Patel Centre for Medical Care and Education, K M Patel Institute of Physiotherapy, Shree Krishna
Hospital, Karamsad, Anand, Gujarat, India
Aananya Physiotherapy and Nutrition Centre, Surat, Gujarat, India

Address for correspondence: Dr. Vyoma Bharat Dani, H M Patel Centre for Medical Care and
Education, K M Patel Institute of Physiotherapy, Shree Krishna Hospital, Karamsad, Anand, Gujarat,
India. E-mail: moc.oohay@2142amoyv

Received 2019 Feb 1; Accepted 2019 Jun 8.

Copyright : © 2019 Journal of Education and Health Promotion

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Articles from Journal of Education and Health Promotion are provided here courtesy of Wolters Kluwer
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