Bearing Capacity of Foundations On Soft Clays With Granular Column and Trench

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Soils and Foundations 57 (2017) 488–495

Bearing capacity of foundations on soft clays with granular

column and trench
Paramita Bhattacharya a, Jyant Kumar b,⇑
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur 721302, India
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India

Received 3 August 2016; received in revised form 17 December 2016; accepted 4 February 2017
Available online 18 May 2017


The bearing capacity of foundations on soft clays under undrained conditions has been computed with inclusion of (i) a single vertical
granular trench below a strip footing and (ii) a granular column placed below a circular footing. A lower bound plane strain and axisym-
metric limit analysis, in conjunction with finite elements and an optimization procedure, has been used. The efficiency factor (n) has been
determined by varying Bt/Bf; where (i) Bt = diameter of the column (width of the trench) and (ii) Bf = diameter of the circular footing
(width of the strip footing). The effect of (i) the depth (D) of the column (trench) and (ii) the angle of internal friction (/) of the column
(trench) material has been explored for a wide range of cu/(cBf); cu and c imply undrained cohesion and the unit weight of the clay mass,
respectively. Factor n increased quite significantly with increases in Bt/Bf and D/Bf. Factor n improved further with (i) increases in / and
(ii) decreases in cu/(cBf).
Ó 2017 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Japanese Geotechnical Society. This is an open access article under the CC BY-
NC-ND license (

Keywords: Bearing capacity; Clays, Finite elements; Foundations; Limit analysis; Optimization; Plasticity; Stone columns

1. Introduction and full-scale field tests (Mitchell, 1981, 1985; Stuedlein

and Holtz, 2012) have been carried out by a few research-
A number of investigations, that examined the improve- ers. These different model and field tests revealed that the
ment in the bearing capacity of foundations by the inser- bearing capacity of foundations can be increased quite sig-
tion of granular trenches and columns, have been nificantly with an increase in the depth of the granular
reported in literature. The studies are based on (i) analyti- trench.
cal approaches (Madhav and Vitkar, 1978; Bouassida and In the present paper, the aim is to determine the bearing
Hadhri, 1995; Bouassida et al., 1995), (ii) elasto-plastic capacity of both strip and circular footings, placed on soft
finite element analyses (Schweiger and Pande, 1986; to medium soft clays reinforced with a single granular
Mitchell, 1985), and (iii) numerical lower and upper bound trench and column, respectively, by using the lower bound
finite element limit analyses (Bouassida et al., 2015). limit analysis with finite elements and the optimization
Series of small-scale model experiments (Hamed, 1986; principle.
Nazir and Azzam, 2010; Bouassida and Porbaha, 2004)

2. Problem statement
Peer review under responsibility of The Japanese Geotechnical Society.
⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (P. Bhattacharya), A strip footing with width Bf and a circular footing with
[email protected] (J. Kumar). diameter Bf are placed over a soft clay deposit with / = 0.
0038-0806/Ó 2017 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Japanese Geotechnical Society.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
P. Bhattacharya, J. Kumar / Soils and Foundations 57 (2017) 488–495 489

The strip footing is provided with a vertical granular trench 3. Problem domain and boundary conditions and finite
of width Bt and the circular footing is reinforced with a ver- element mesh
tical column of diameter Bt. The depth of the column
(trench) is D. The undrained shear strength of the clayey A rectangular domain KLST, shown in Fig. 1(a), has
deposit is cu and the internal friction angle of the granular been considered for solving the problem. The entire prob-
trench/column material is /. The clayey deposit and gran- lem domain remains symmetric about the vertical axis
ular soil media are assumed to follow the Tresca and MN passing through the centre of the footing. Accord-
Mohr-Coulomb yield criteria, respectively. The internal ingly, zone MNST has been chosen for the analysis. The
friction angle of / of the clay is taken as being equal to horizontal distance (Lr) from the right edge of the footing
0. The associated flow rule is assumed to be applicable to the vertical boundary, ST, is varied from 5Bf to 15Bf for
for granular material as well as for clay. It is to determine different values of /. Depending upon D/Bf and /, the ver-
the magnitude of Pu for different values of Bt/Bf, D/Bf, cu/ tical extent (Ld) of the domain is chosen to be between 6Bf
(cBf), and /. The interface between the footing and the and 15Bf. The values for Lr and Ld are selected in a manner
underlying soil mass is assumed to be perfectly rough. such that (i) the yielded elements do not approach any of
The unit weights of both clay and granular materials are the chosen domain boundaries (ST and NS) and (ii) incre-
chosen to be the same. Computations for a number of ments in the size of the domain do not affect the magnitude
cases, however, have also been exclusively carried out by of the collapse load.
varying the ratio of the unit weights of these two different The stress boundary conditions, applicable along differ-
materials. ent boundaries of the domain, are illustrated in Fig. 1(a).

Fig. 1. (a) Schematic diagram of the problem, (b) typical finite element mesh for a strip/circular footing with a granular trench, (c) zoomed view of mesh
around footing.
490 P. Bhattacharya, J. Kumar / Soils and Foundations 57 (2017) 488–495

Apart from the imposition of the inequality constraint to where r3f is the minor principal stress at failure and j
avoid the yielding of the elements, no implicit stress bound- implies the node number. The expression for r3f is given
ary conditions need to be specified along boundaries NS or below.
ST. Since vertical line MN represents the axis (plane) of
rz þ rr rz þ rr
symmetry, the shear stress along MN becomes equal to r3f ¼ þ f þ c cot /g sin / ð4Þ
2 2
zero. A shear slip is permitted along the interface of the
footing and surrounding the soil mass. Along the For an axisymmetric problem, in addition to the
footing-soil interface, the following stress boundary condi- inequality constraints given by Eq. (2), the constraints
tions are imposed: given by Eqs. 3 and 4 also need to be imposed. The original
For a strip footing : jsxy j 6 ðc cot /  ry Þ tan d ð1aÞ Mohr-Coulomb yield function was linearized by following
the methodology proposed by Bottero et al. (1980). The
For a circular footing : jsrz j 6 ðc cot /  rz Þ tan d ð1bÞ yield function (Eq. (2)) becomes a circle in the X-Y plane
which is approximated by a regular polygon of sides p
The problem domain was discretized into a number of inscribed to the parent yield circle; X ¼ rx  ry and
three-node triangular elements in such a way that the sizes Y ¼ 2sxy . The nonlinear inequality condition can thus be
of all the elements decreased continuously towards the edge replaced by p numbers of linear inequality constraints as
of the footing. Typical finite element meshes, for strip and given herein:
circular footings with a granular trench (column), having
Bt/Bf equal to 1 and D = Ld, are shown in Fig. 1(b); N, Ak rxj þ Bk ryj þ ck sxyj 6 D k ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; p ð5Þ
E, Dc, and Ni imply the total number of nodes, elements,   
stress discontinuities, and nodes along the soil-footing where, Ak ¼ cos 2pk p
þ sin / cos pp ; Bk ¼ sin / cosðpp Þ
interface, respectively.     
 cos 2pk
; C k ¼ 2 sin 2pk
; D ¼ 2c cos / cos pp ; c and /
4. Analysis refer to the cohesion and the internal friction angle of the
soil mass, respectively. In case of an axisymmetric problem,
The methodology used in this paper has been followed the inequality constraints (5) are imposed by replacing rx,
from (i) Sloan (1988), for solving a plane strain problem, ry, and sxy with rr, rz, and srz, respectively, in the following
and (ii) Kumar and Khatri (2011), for dealing with an form:
axisymmetric problem. The nodal stresses, (i) rx, ry, and
sxy, for a strip anchor and (ii) rr, rz, rh, and srz, for a cir- Ak rrj þ Bk rzj þ ck srzj 6 D k ¼ 1; 2; . . . . . . ; p ð6Þ
cular footing, become the basic unknown stress variables;
rh is the circumferential normal stress for an axisymmetric
problem. Z
Statically admissible stress discontinuities are permitted Pu ¼ ðrn dAÞ ð7Þ
Footing-soil interface
along all the common edges shared by any two adjacent
elements. Along the interface of a column (trench) material where rn is the normal stress acting over the element of
and surrounding the clay, the values for normal and shear area dA on the surface of the footing.
stresses need to always be continuous. The Mohr-Coulomb The linear optimization problem is finally defined by the
failure criterion for a plane strain problem can be written in following form:
following form:
2 2 Maximize the objective function : fgg frg ð8aÞ
F ¼ ðrx  ry Þ þ 4s2xy  ½2c cos /  ðrx þ ry Þ sin / ¼ 0
ð2Þ Subjected to ðiÞ equality constraints : fAeq gfrg ¼ fbeq g
In the case of the Tresca failure criterion, the value for /
becomes equal to 0. For an axisymmetric problem, rx, ry, ðiiÞ inequality constraints : fAineq gfrg 6 fbineq g ð8cÞ
and sxy are simply replaced with rr, rz, and srz, respectively.
For an axisymmetric problem, there is an additional stress
variable, rh, apart from rr, rz, and srz. The value for rh, fol- 5. Definition of efficiency factor (n)
lowing the Harr-von Karman hypothesis (Haar and von
Karman, 1909), is kept closer to minor principal stress r3 The efficiency factor is defined as the ratio of the bearing
(Kumar and Khatri, 2011) capacity (pum) of the foundation, with an inclusion of the
rhj P rrj ð3aÞ vertical granular column (trench), to one (pu) without any
column (trench).
rhj P rzj ð3bÞ
Efficiency factor n ¼ ð9Þ
rhj 6 r3fj ð3cÞ pu
P. Bhattacharya, J. Kumar / Soils and Foundations 57 (2017) 488–495 491

6. Results and comparisons of the column (trench) was varied from Bf to 10Bf, and
two different values were used for the internal friction angle
The results have been obtained for different values of (i) (/) of the column (trench) material, namely, 40° and 45°.
Bt/Bf, namely, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, and 2.0 and (ii) cu/ The variations in n are shown in Figs. 2(a,b,c) and 2(d,e,
(cBf), namely, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and 1.0. The depth f) for (i) a rough strip footing with a granular trench and

Fig. 2. The variation in efficiency factor (n) with D/Bf for: strip footing with (a) Bt /Bf = 0.2, (b) Bt /Bf = 0.6, (c) Bt /Bf = 1, and circular footing with (d) Bt
/Bf = 0.2, (e) Bt /Bf = 0.6, (f) Bt /Bf = 1.
492 P. Bhattacharya, J. Kumar / Soils and Foundations 57 (2017) 488–495

(ii) a circular rough footing with a granular column, respec- lar footing and Af ¼ ðBf  1Þ for the strip footing. These
tively. The non-dimensional bearing capacity factor values for Nc were found to match well with the corre-
(N c ¼ APfuc) for the strip and the circular footings was found sponding values of 5.14 and 6.05 for the strip and the cir-
to be 5.09 and 6.05, respectively; Af ¼ pB2f =4 for the circu- cular footings on the basis of the slip line method
(Martin, 2005). By knowing the values for n and Nc, the
magnitude of Pu can be simply determined using
Table 1 P u ¼ N c Af n.
Maximum efficiency factor and corresponding optimal values of D/Bf for The value for n increases continuously with an increase
a strip footing reinforced with a granular trench. in D/Bf up to a certain value for (D/Bf)opt, after which the
Bt/Bf cu/cBf / = 45° / = 40° magnitude of n becomes almost constant. The magnitude
(D/Bf)opt n (D/Bf)opt n of n becomes greater for larger values of Bt/Bf and /. On
0.2 0.10 4 2.14 3 1.85 the other hand, the magnitude of n increases continuously
0.50 3 1.68 2 1.48 with a decrease in cu/(cBf) by keeping the values of Bt/Bf
1.00 3 1.58 2 1.42 and / constant. In other words, employing the granular
0.6 0.10 >10 5.60 8 4.18 column (trench) leads to a considerable increase in n espe-
0.50 7 3.21 4 2.55 cially for very small values of cu/(cBf). The optimal values
1.00 6 2.83 4 2.28 for D/Bf and the corresponding n for the strip and circular
1.0 0.10 >10 11.13 >10 7.86 foundations are presented in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. It
0.50 9 5.08 6 3.82 can be noted that the optimal values for D/Bf and the cor-
1.00 7 4.21 5 3.25 responding n increase continuously with (i) a decrease in cu/
(cBf) and (ii) an increase in Bt/Bf. The optimum magnitude
of D/Bf and the corresponding n value for a circular foun-
Table 2 dation placed on clayey soil with cu/(cBf) = 0.25, with a
Maximum efficiency factor and corresponding optimal values of D/Bf for granular column of Bt/Bf = 0.6, are (i) 4.0 and 3.08 for /
a circular footing reinforced with a granular column.
= 45° and (ii) 3.0 and 2.45 for / = 40°. On the other hand,
Bt/Bf cu/cBf / = 45° / = 40° the optimum magnitude of D/Bf and the corresponding n
(D/Bf)opt n (D/Bf)opt n value for a strip foundation placed on clayey stratum with
0.2 0.10 2 1.26 2 1.19 cu/(cBf) = 0.25, with a granular column of Bt/Bf = 0.6, are
0.50 2 1.20 1 1.15 (i) 7.0 and 3.85 for / = 45° and (ii) 5.0 and 3.01 for /
1.00 2 1.19 1 1.14 = 40°. Note that with the same values for cu/(cBf), Bt/Bf,
0.6 0.10 6 3.88 4 2.96 and /, as compared to a circular footing, the improvement
0.50 4 2.79 3 2.26 in the bearing capacity becomes greater for a strip footing.
1.00 4 2.64 3 2.16 For (i) csand/cclay = 1.0 and 1.5, (ii) Bt/Bf = 2, and (iii) cu/
1.0 0.10 >10 11.18 8 7.77 cclayBf = 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5, the values of n for different
0.50 6 6.31 4 4.67 magnitudes of D/Bf are presented in Table 3 for both strip
1.00 5 5.67 4 4.26
and circular footings. The maximum difference in n by

Table 3
A comparison between efficiency factors for csand/cclay = 1 and csand/cclay = 1.5.
Footing type Bt/Bf csand/cclay D/Bf Efficiency factor (n)
c/cclayBf = 1.0 c/cclayBf = 2.0
Strip 1 1.0 4 2.89 2.83
1.5 2.60 2.70
1.0 Full 3.25 2.94
1.5 3.17 2.90
2 1.0 4 3.81 3.39
1.5 3.30 3.34
1.0 Full 4.16 3.40
1.5 4.21 3.53
Circular 1 1.0 4 4.27 4.07
1.5 4.22 4.04
1.0 Full 4.27 4.07
1.5 4.22 4.04
2 1.0 4 7.89 6.22
1.5 8.36 6.88
1.0 Full 7.89 6.21
1.5 8.38 6.89
P. Bhattacharya, J. Kumar / Soils and Foundations 57 (2017) 488–495 493

varying csand/cclay from 1.0 to 1.5 is found to be around (trench) for which the shear strength is good, but at the
13.4%. This implies that for different csand/cclay values, the same time light in weight. An admixture of gravel, sand,
results do not differ as significantly as the results obtained fly ash, and lime could perhaps be one suitable option; note
when assuming csand/cclay = 1.0. This is because the shear that fly ash is light in weight which may be beneficial for
strength of the soil mass plays a major role in determining reducing the overall density of the compacted admixture.
the magnitude of the failure load. Therefore, all the results However, more research will be needed to explore the suit-
were finalized by assuming csand/cclay = 1. It was noted that ability of the trench/column material for very soft clays.
for a greater value of cu/cclayBf, with larger Bt/Bf and D/Bf,
an increase in the magnitude of csand/cclay causes a marginal 7. Comparisons of the results
increase in the efficiency factor. On the other hand, a nom-
inal decrease in the value of n was noted with an increase in The efficiency factors obtained from the present numer-
csand/cclay with smaller Bt/Bf and D/Bf. For cu/cclayBf = 1.5, ical analysis were compared with different numerical, ana-
an increase in the value of csand/cclay was found to cause an lytical, and experimental results reported in literature for
increase in the magnitude of n. In contrast, for cu/cclay- both strip and circular footings with the usage of a granu-
Bf = 1.0, an increase in the value of csand/cclay generally lar column (trench).
leads to a decrease in n. For cu/cclayBf = 1.5, an increase For a smooth strip footing laid on soft clays reinforced
in the magnitude of csand/cclay was found to cause an with a granular trench, a comparison between the present
increase in n. This reverse trend occurs due to the fact that results and the upper bound solution of Madhav and
for very soft clays, the increased weight of the column Vitkar (1978) has been presented in Fig. 3 with two differ-
(trench) itself exerts an additional load on the underlying ent values for cu/(cBf), namely, 0.1 and 1.0 and for / = 40°
soft clay stratum and, as a result, the efficiency factor and 45°. Note that the results from both analyses for the
decreases with an increase in csand/cclay. This observation smooth footing match well. In most of the cases, the pre-
implies that for very soft clays, it would be advantageous sent analysis provides lower values for the efficiency factors
to use such a granular material for filling the column compared to those of the solution by Madhav and Vitkar

Fig. 3. A comparison of the present analysis with the results of Madhav and Vitkar (1978) for (a) / = 40° and (b) / = 45°, (c) experimental data of Hamed
(1986) for a strip footing reinforced with the trench, and (d) experimental and numerical data of Ornek et al. (2012) for a circular footing reinforced with a
granular column.
494 P. Bhattacharya, J. Kumar / Soils and Foundations 57 (2017) 488–495

Table 4 explored while making the comparison. It has already been

A comparison between present numerical results and that reported by noted that the efficiency factor for a strip footing becomes
Bouassida et al. (2015) for a strip footing (Bf = 3 m) with a deep granular
trench for cu/(cBf) = 0.39 and = 30°.
significantly greater than that for a circular footing.
For a circular footing stabilized with a granular column,
Bt/Bf Q/Bf cu
the results from the present analysis have been compared
FELA FELA 3D Present work with the experimental and numerical works performed by
1/3 7.3*(7.45)** 7.4 7.3 Ornek et al. (2012) for Bt/Bf = 5 with cu/(cBf) = 4.62. A
Numerical lower bound finite element analysis using nonlinear opti- comparison of these results is presented in Fig. 3(b) with
mization by Kuhn-Tucker optimality up to one decimal place. / = 43° and w = 13°. The maximum difference between
Numerical upper bound finite element analysis up to one decimal place. the two solutions has been found to be 10% for D/Bf
= 0.33. However, the values for the efficiency factors from
(1978), except for Bt/Bf < 0.8 with cu/(cBf) = 1 where both the experiments have been found to be a little lower for D/
analyses provide almost the same results (Table 4). Bf = 1.0.
For the strip footing placed on soft clay reinforced with For (i) a strip foundation reinforced with a granular
a granular trench, a comparison between the present results trench and (ii) a circular foundation reinforced with a gran-
and the experimental data provided by Hamed (1986), ular column, the results from the present analysis have also
based on small-scale model tests, has been presented in been compared with the expression proposed by Stuedlein
Fig. 3. In this comparison, the variation in the efficiency and Holtz (2013) on the basis of the test results given in
factor with changes in D/Bf has been illustrated for cu/ Mitchell (1981) to discover the ultimate bearing capacity
(cBf)  4.96 and Bf/Bt = 1. The trench is comprised of sand of a single aggregate pier. A corresponding comparison
with two different relative densities: (i) dense sand with / of the results is shown in Table 5 with / = 45° for a gran-
= 43° and (ii) medium dense sand with / = 40°. The value ular column/trench and cu/(cBf) = 2.5 for in-situ clay. The
of the dilatancy angle (w) was obtained by Bolton’s empir- values for the efficiency factors from the present analysis
ical expression (Bolton, 1986, 1987). Although the lower are found to be smaller than the values given by
bound limit analysis is strictly applicable to materials that Stuedlein and Holtz (2013) and Mitchell (1981). The differ-
follow an associated flow rule, one can approximately dis- ence between the two series of results increases with (i) an
cover the magnitude of the collapse load (Sloan, 2013) by increase in Bt/Bf for a strip footing reinforced with a gran-
using reduced shear strength parameters c* and /*, instead ular trench and (ii) a decrease in Bt/Bf for a circular footing
of c and /, based on the following expressions established with a single granular column.
by Davis (1968):
8. Conclusions
  cos w cos /
tan / ¼ g tan /; c ¼ gc and g ¼ ð10Þ
1  sin w sin / The improvement in the bearing capacity of strip and
circular foundations on soft clays with the application of
a single vertical granular column (trench) below the centre
It can be noted from Fig. 3(a) that the present results of the footing has been evaluated by using the lower bound
match reasonably well with the experimental data reported finite element limit analysis. The efficiency factor has been
by Hamed (1986). The values for the efficiency factor from found to increase continuously with an increase in the
the model tests for a trench with dense sand compare very diameter (width) of the column (trench). The internal fric-
closely with the present results. On the other hand, the effi- tion angle (/) of the column (trench) material has a signif-
ciency factor for a trench with medium dense sand has been icant impact on the improvement in the bearing capacity.
found to be approximately 20% greater than that of the The efficiency factor (n) increases continuously with an
present solution. It should be mentioned that in the model increase in the depth (D) of the column (trench) up to a cer-
tests, the length to width ratio of the footing was kept equal tain depth before attaining a certain maximum value. The
to 4, whereas the present analysis is strictly meant for a optimal values for D/Bf and the corresponding n increase
strip footing. The size effect of the footing was also not continuously with (i) a decrease in cu/(cBf) and (ii) an

Table 5
A comparison of the efficiency factor (n) between the present analysis and the empirical expression of Stuedlein and Holtz (2013) following the tests’ results
of Mitchell (1981).
Type of footing Bt/Bf Efficiency factor (n)
Present analysis Stuedlein and Holtz (2013) using test results of Mitchell (1981)
Strip footing with a granular trench 0.2 1.523 1.646
0.6 2.180 2.939
Circular footing with a granular column 0.2 1.193 1.984
0.6 2.554 3.455
P. Bhattacharya, J. Kumar / Soils and Foundations 57 (2017) 488–495 495

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