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12 twelve English Tenses

Present Past Future

 Present continuous  Simple past tense  Simple future tense

tense  Past continuous tense  Future continuous
 Simple present tense  Past perfect tense tense
 Present perfect tense  Past perfect  Future perfect
 Present perfect continuous tense continuous
continuous  Conditional tenses

This book has been written by a team of some university students

 Ubah Ismail Ibrahim (ADMAS UNIVERSITY)

 Amran Ahmed Mahamoud ( EDNA ADAN UNIVERSITY)
 Asia Ahmed Mahamoud (EDNA ADAN UNIVERSITY)

And secondary English teacher A.rahman Sameeco who have been

teaching English as a second language for over 10 years

Primary English for Somaliland provides students with comprehensive

preparation for the Somaliland national examination (SLNEC)

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 1

Al-rahma institute welcomes you with open hands ..
. Tell: 063-4179350 (Telesom) 063-4242890 ( Telesom)

What is a tense?
Tense is the form of verb, which indicates the time of action.

How many tenses are there in English grammar? There are twelve
tenses in English Grammar and they are

1. Present continuous
2. Simple present tense
3. Simple past tense
4. Simple future tense
5. Past continuous tense
6. Present perfect tense
7. Present perfect continuous tense
8. Past perfect tense

9. Past perfect continuous tense

10. Future perfect tense
11. Future continuous tense
12. Conditional tenses

1. The present continuous tense

What is the present continuous tense? The present continuous tense
is used for an action which is happening right now or at the moment of
speaking. There are three auxiliary verbs used with this tense and they
are ‘’am, is, are”
 I is used with am
 He, she, it are used with is
 We you they are used with are

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 2

Al-rahma institute welcomes you with open hands ..
. Tell: 063-4179350 (Telesom) 063-4242890 ( Telesom)

The affirmative formula of this tense is;;

Subject+ am, is, are, +verb+ing +object +adverb of time
1. I am reading a lesson now
2. We are playing football now
3. You are going to school now
4. He is listening the teacher now
5. She is cooking the dinner now
6. They are teaching you maths now
The interrogative formula of this tense is
Am , is, are+ subject +verb+ing +object +adverb of time
7. Am I reading a lesson now?
8. Are we playing football now?
9. Are you going to school now?
10. Is he listening the teacher now?
11. Is she cooking the dinner now?
12. Are they teaching you maths now?
The negative formula of this tense is
Subject +am is are +not +verb+ ing +object+ adverb of time
13. I am not reading a lesson now
14. We are not playing football now
15. You are not going to school now
16. He is not listening the teacher now
17. She is not cooking the dinner now
18. They are not teaching you maths now

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 3

Al-rahma institute welcomes you with open hands ..
. Tell: 063-4179350 (Telesom) 063-4242890 ( Telesom)

The tag question formal [long form] is

Is am are +subject +not +verb +ing +object +adverb of time
19. Am I not reading a lesson now?
20. Are we not playing football now?
21. Are you not going to school now?
22. Is he not listening the teacher now?
23. Is she not cooking the dinner now?
24. Are They not teaching you maths now?

The tag question short form is

Is am are not short [n’t] +subject +verb +ing +object +adverb of time
1. Aren’t they teaching you maths now?
2. Aren’t you going to school now?
3. Isn’t she cooking the dinner now?
4. Isn’t he speaking English?

Rules of present continuous tense

 Verb+ ing is called present participle

 Am cannot be used with short form [amn’t+

 Some verbs can be added (ING) and they are called [perception verbs]

such as ‘’love, believe, understand, like , smell, see, and etc”

 If the verb ends in [E] we lose it and add (ING) as

‘’take, come, give, make, advice, and etc.”

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 4

Al-rahma institute welcomes you with open hands ..
. Tell: 063-4179350 (Telesom) 063-4242890 ( Telesom)

 Note= there are some exceptional verbs end in double [E] as

[agree, flee] those verbs are added [ING] without omitting [E]

Many refugees are fleeing to Kenya
 if the verb ends in these nine consonant letters [B, G, L, M, N, R, T, P, D] we

double these letters before we adding[ING]

1. Why you are nodding your head?

2. I am running the class

3. The poor people are begging the rich people

4. The government is not controlling the inflation

5. She is swimming in the sea.

6. He is sitting in the car

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 5

Al-rahma institute welcomes you with open hands ..
. Tell: 063-4179350 (Telesom) 063-4242890 ( Telesom)

Exercise 1

A: Fill in the spaces with the present continuous tense of the verb in
brackets and write complete sentences.

The sun.................................................................................... (Shine).

1. The boys .................................................................(sing).
2. The car........................................................... (travel) along the road.
3. The driver........................................................ (drive) the car.
4. The girls............................................................. (clean) their bicycles.
5. Ubah.........................................................(stand) in front of her shop.
6. The children................................................ (play) with a ball.
7. The policeman............................................... (talk) to two boys.
8. A plane............................................................ (fly) over the town.

B:Fill in the blank spaces to write complete negative sentences

The boys.................................................................................. (cry).
1. The driver................................................................. (turn) right.
2. The children............................................... (play) with their puppy.
3. It......................................................................... (rain) today.
4. The girls................................................... (Clean) their shoes.

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 6

Al-rahma institute welcomes you with open hands ..
. Tell: 063-4179350 (Telesom) 063-4242890 ( Telesom)

2. Simple present tense

What is the simple present tense? Simple present tense is used for an
action which happens every day, every week, every month, every year,
every season or habitual action. There are two auxiliary verbs and they
are (do & does)

I, we, you, they are used with do

He, she, it are used with does

The affirmative formula of this tense is

Subject + do does+ main verb present+ object + adverb of time

1. I do speak English everyday

2. We do listen the teacher every morning

3. You do write your lessons everyday

4. He does go to al-rahma institute

There is also another affirmative formula of this tense

Subject + main verb present +object+ adverb of time

1. I play foot ball every afternoon

2. The train leaves every morning

3. The sun rises up east

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 7

Al-rahma institute welcomes you with open hands ..
. Tell: 063-4179350 (Telesom) 063-4242890 ( Telesom)

The interrogative formula of this tense is:

Do does + subject + main verb present + object

1. Do I learn English every day?

2. Does she get magazine weekly?

3. Do we go to his house?

Rules of the simple present tense

When the tense is simple present tense, the kind of the sentences is
affirmative and the subject is one of the third personal singular
numbers [he, she, it,] also [does] is not include in the sentences we add
[S, ES, I E S,] to the main verb

A: We add [S]to the verbs those end in consonant letters except

[H, X, S, Z,] we also add[ S ]the verbs end [E] Example :

 He loves his wife

B. WE add [es] to the verbs those end in [O, X, H, Z, S,]

1. He goes to al- rahma every day 2. She watches films every night

we add [IES] to the verbs those end in [Y] after consonant letter

Example : [Replies, cry, fly, , supply, try. carry, and etc]

 he replies the teachers question every day
 she flies to Europe every day
We add only [S] when [Y] is after a vowel letter
Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 8
Al-rahma institute welcomes you with open hands ..
. Tell: 063-4179350 (Telesom) 063-4242890 ( Telesom)

Exercise 2
A: Fill in the blank spaces with the correct part of the verb in
brackets and write complete sentences
EXAMPLE: He.............. (Watch) videos every weekend.
. He watches videos every weekend.

1. A cat...... (have) whiskers on its face.

2. Said.....( wash) his face every morning.
3. Aisha always......(do)her home work early.
4. He never.......(tell) the truth.
5. Ubah usually.........(go) shopping on Saturday.
B: fill in the blank space with the correct question form of the verb
in brackets and write complete sentences.
...................you..........................(walk) to al-rahma English institute?
1. What colour............................he.....................? (prefer)
2. How many sister.......................you............................?( have)
3. .............................they..........................(study) hard?
4. ...........................she...........................(like) music?
5. ...........................it........................(snow) in winter in Hargeisa?
6. ................we.................. (have) English grammar lesson on Wednesday?

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 9

Al-rahma institute welcomes you with open hands ..
. Tell: 063-4179350 (Telesom) 063-4242890 ( Telesom)

C: Fill in the blank spaces with the correct negative form of the verb
in brackets and write complete sentences.
1. He......(like) cabbage.
2. Water.....(run) up a hill.
3. She....(speak) French.
4. I ...........(have) any sister or brothers.
5. A.rahman Sameeco..............(like) watching fanparoj films.
6. Elephants....................(eat) meat.
D: Fill in the blank space with the correct tense of either present continuous
tense or simple present tense and write complete sentences

1. He............................. (goes/is going) to Nairobi every year.

2. They............................(leave/are leaving) his lunch now.
3. Salma......................(eats/ is eating) her lunch now.
4. The sun.....................(shines/ is shining) today and the
birds............................(sing/are singing)
5. Mahamed........................(plays/is playing) football every
6. Water..............................( freezes/ is freezing) at 0 degrees

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 10

Al-rahma institute welcomes you with open hands ..
. Tell: 063-4179350 (Telesom) 063-4242890 ( Telesom)

Simple past tense

What is the simple past tense? Simple past tense is used for an action
which happened in the past time. There is one auxiliary verb used with
this tense and it is ‘’did’’

The affirmative formal of tense is

Subject + did + main verb present + object+ adverb of time

1. I did marry Ubah last month

2. We did go to the pilgrimage
3. You did learn English last year
4. He did buy this those from down town
5. She did tell us Somali history yester day
The interrogative formal of tense is

Did +Subject + main verb present + object+ adverb of time?

1. Did I meet Ubah last night?

2. Did we go to the pilgrimage?
3. Did you learn English last year?
4. Did He buy this those from down town?
5. Did she tell us Somali history yester day?

Rules of simple past tense

If [did] is included in the sentences the verb express an action remains

in its present form because *did+ and past verb can’t follow together

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 11

Al-rahma institute welcomes you with open hands ..
. Tell: 063-4179350 (Telesom) 063-4242890 ( Telesom)

1. I did have a good time last summer
2. I had a good time last summer
3. We did tell you true story yesterday
4. We told a true story yesterday
5. You did go to the beach last month
6. You went to the beach last month

Exercise 3

A: fill in the blank spaces with he correct simple past form

of the verb in brackets and write complete sentences.

1. Jama’s father........................................(work) for Ace Engineering

company in the 1990s.
2. He........................................(move) to Burao in 1981.
3. Both Hodan and Asia..............................(study) at Edna Adan
university in the 2016.
4. Ubah...................................(work) at Ibnu-Qayim primary school
three years ago.
5. We..................................(watch) an exciting video last night.
6. Rahma.................................(live) in Borama for six years.
7. My father ................................(carry) the freedom torch when it
passed through our village two years ago.
8. Nima’an..........................................(pass) his grade 12 exam last year.
9. I........................................(arrive) at Hargeisa international Airport
early yesterday morning.

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 12

Al-rahma institute welcomes you with open hands ..
. Tell: 063-4179350 (Telesom) 063-4242890 ( Telesom)

B: Complete these sentences with correct form of the

verb in brackets
1. He ………………………….*went, has gone ] to Berbera yesterday
2. I ……………………………….*did learn, learning ] English yesterday
3. She ………………………*does , did ] her home work last night
4. we………………………..*didn’t , don’t ] to the school before
5. they had left before he ……………………..*come , came ] yesterday
6. you ……………………..*had told, told ] me a story last night
7. my mother……………………….*did visited , visited ] us last night
8. Amina …………………………*fail, failed] last year
9. the children did ………………………….*eat, ate, ] ice –cream
10. my brother did ………………………*wrote write ] a letter
c: write the past form of these verbs









Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 13

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. Tell: 063-4179350 (Telesom) 063-4242890 ( Telesom)


















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Al-rahma institute welcomes you with open hands ..
. Tell: 063-4179350 (Telesom) 063-4242890 ( Telesom)


















Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 15

Al-rahma institute welcomes you with open hands ..
. Tell: 063-4179350 (Telesom) 063-4242890 ( Telesom)

D:Write these questions in past simple using the verb in brackets.

..............................he..................... (Go) to school yesterday?

1. Where..................you..................... (Put) that spoon?
2. How much...................he................... (Pay) for his new trousers?
3. ...................they.......................(fly) to Hargeisa or...................they
................(travel) by bus?
4. ............you................(say) that you father is very famous?

Rewrite these sentences as negative

He saw the plane land.
1. They paid their electricity bill last month.
2. He wore his new suit at the wedding last week.
3. Amina was very clever. She understood her teachers well.
4. Rashid brought his books with him.

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 16

Al-rahma institute welcomes you with open hands ..
. Tell: 063-4179350 (Telesom) 063-4242890 ( Telesom)

4. Simple future tense

What is the simple future tense? Simple future tense is used for an
action which will happen in the future time. There are two auxiliary
verbs used whit this tense and they are [will, shall]

 Shall is only used in the first person [I, we]

 And will is used all of them [I , we, you, he , she, it, and they]

The affirmative formula of this tense

Subject+ will, shall+ main verb present + object +adverb of time

1. I shall come to al-rahma tomorrow

2. We shall visit you next week
3. You will teach me English next month
4. He will give you money after tomorrow
5. They will have an examination next month

Interrogative formula of this tense is

Will, shall +subject +main verb present + object +adverb of time

1. Shall I come to al-rahma tomorrow?

2. Shall we visit you next week?
3. Will you teach me English next month?
4. Will he give you money after tomorrow?
5. Will they have an examination next month?

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 17

Al-rahma institute welcomes you with open hands ..
. Tell: 063-4179350 (Telesom) 063-4242890 ( Telesom)

Negative formula of simple future tense is

Subject +will, shall +not +main verb present +object +adverb of time

1. I shall not come to al-rahma tomorrow

2. We shall not visit you next week
3. You will not teach me English next month
4. He will not give you money after tomorrow
5. They will not have an examination next month

Note: in short form (will not) becomes (won’t) and shall not becomes (shan’t)
Exercise 4
Multiple choices
1. I will ……………………to al- rahma tomorrow
a. Shall going b) Will go c) Will gone d) Shall go
2. He will …………………...come here on Sunday
a. Shall b) Will be c) Will d) Shall be
3. We will ……………………….preparation form marriage on Friday
a. Make b) Made c) Making d)Makes
4. You …………………a letter tomorrow
a. Shall write
b. Will write
c. Will written
d. Shall written
5. She ……………….. cook dinner tomorrow
a. Will
b. Shall
c. Will be
d. Shall be

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 18

Al-rahma institute welcomes you with open hands ..
. Tell: 063-4179350 (Telesom) 063-4242890 ( Telesom)

5. The past continuous tense

What is the past continuous tense? Is used for an action which was
happening in the past time continuously there are two auxiliary verbs
used with this tense and they are [was, were]
 I , he, she, it are used with was
 We, you, they are used with were
The affirmative formula of this tense
Subject +was, were +verb +ing +object +adverb of time
1. I was reading a lesson this morning
2. We were making practice all day
3. He was writing a letter all yesterday
4. She was cooking food all night
The interrogative formula of this tense is
Was, were +subject +verb +ing +object +adverb of time
1. Was I reading a lesson this morning?
2. Were we making practice all today?
3. Was he writing a letter all yesterday?
4. Was she coking a food all night?
The negative formula of this tense is

Subject +was, were +not +verb + ing +object +adverb of time

1. I was not reading a lesson this morning

2. We were not making a practice all day
3. He was not writing a letter all yesterday
4. She was not cooking a food all night

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 19

Al-rahma institute welcomes you with open hands ..
. Tell: 063-4179350 (Telesom) 063-4242890 ( Telesom)

Rules of past continuous tense

1. Verb +ing is called present participle
2. Some verbs cannot be added ING and they called [perception verbs]
as “love, believe, understand, like, smell, see, and etc,” but if one
of these verb is added [ING]it functioning as a noun and it is called
E .g smoking is bad habit.
3. If the verbs ends in [E] we lose it and add ING as
(take, come, give, make, advice, and etc),
4. There are some exceptional verbs ends in double [EE]as
(agree and flee) these verbs are added ing without omitting (E)
E.g many Somali refugees are fleeing to Kenya
5. If the verbs ends in one of this nine consonant letters
[ B,G,L,M,N,R,T,P,D] we double these letters before we adding
E .g. they are digging the garden all yesterday
Note. All the rules of the present continuous tense except rule two are
applied with the past continuous tense also
 The present perfect continuous tense
 The past perfect continuous tense
 Future continuous tense are applied with this rules
Exercise 5: A: Fill in the blank spaces with either the past continuous
tense or simple past tense the verb in brackets
1. While magan ....................(sleep), thieves...................(steal) his radio
2. The girls.....................(play) netball) when the storm...............(begin)
3. When the police ......................(arrive), the thieves....................(put)
the money into their bags.
4. Ibrahim ........................(eat) his rice when he......................(find) a
big stone in it

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 20

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. Tell: 063-4179350 (Telesom) 063-4242890 ( Telesom)

B:Change all these tenses into past continuous


Example: We are playing football

We were playing football

1. The birds are flying in the sky

2. I do study English
3. You did write a letter
4. We will have an exam
5. It is raining heavily outside
6. Rahma speaks good English
7. He dog barked loudly last night
8. Rolando and kaka play football well
9. My mother will do well In the food
10. Ubah visit her grand parents

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 21

Al-rahma institute welcomes you with open hands ..
. Tell: 063-4179350 (Telesom) 063-4242890 ( Telesom)

6. Present perfect tense

What is the present perfect tense? Is used for an action which has
already happened There are two auxiliary verb used with this tense and
they are [have, and has]

 I, we, you, they, are used with have

 He, she, it are used with has
The affirmative formula of these tense is
Subject +have, has +main verb past participle + object +adverb of tim

1. I have just sent a letter my father

2. We have just understood the lesson
3. You have just scored goals
4. She has just played football
5. She has just had her lunch

Interrogative formula of these tense

Have, has +subject +main verb past participle +object

1. Have I just sent a letter my father?

2. Have we just understood the lesson?

3. Have you just scored goals?

4. Has he just played football?

5. Has she just had her lunch?

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 22

Al-rahma institute welcomes you with open hands ..
. Tell: 063-4179350 (Telesom) 063-4242890 ( Telesom)

The negative formula of this tense

Subject + have has +not +main verb past participle +object

1. I have not just sent a letter my father

2. We have not just understood the lesson

3. You have not just scored goals

4. He s not just played football

5. She has not just had her lunch

Revision files the past participle

The past participles: is very important part of a verb when you are using the
passive voice

 The seeds are planted

It is also very important when you are using the present prefect tense

 He has played the guitar for five years

Most past participles end in (ED) but some do not. You must learn the
ones that do not Examples

Present Past participle

Go Gone

Come Come

Do Done

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 23

Al-rahma institute welcomes you with open hands ..
. Tell: 063-4179350 (Telesom) 063-4242890 ( Telesom)

Conjugation of the verbs

What is the conjugation of the verbs? Conjugation of the verbs shows
us the difference parts of the verbs and they are:

 Regular verbs
 Irregular verbs
Regular verbs
What are the regular verbs? Regular verbs are those past form and past
participle form by adding (D, ED, OR IED)

Here are the rules

A: we add (D) those verbs end in (E)

Present Past Past participle
Arrange Arranged Arranged

Advise Advise Advise

Agree Agree Agree

Bore Bored Bored

Care Cared Cared

Change Changed Changed

Charge Charged Charged

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 24

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Present Past Past Participle

Create Created Created

Desire Desired Desired

Die Died Died

Excuse Excused Excused

Face Faced Faced

Force Forced Forced

Hate Hated Hated

Hope Hoped Hoped

Image Imaged Imaged

Like Liked Liked

Love Loved Loved

Prepare Prepared Prepared

Promise Promised Promised

Refuse Refused Refused

Surprise Surprised Surprised

Vote Voted Voted

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. Tell: 063-4179350 (Telesom) 063-4242890 ( Telesom)

B: we add (ED) those verbs end in consonant letters

Present Past
past Past
Add Added Added

Accept Accept Accept

Clean Cleaned Cleaned

Enter Entered Entered

Expect Expected Expected

Help Helped Helped

Miss Missed Missed

C: by doubling the last consonant and adding - ED

Present Pastpast Pastpast
Bag Bagged Begged

Drop Dropped Dropped

Fit Fitted Fitted

Occur Occurred Occurred

Plan Planned Planned

Travel Travelled Travelled

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 26

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. Tell: 063-4179350 (Telesom) 063-4242890 ( Telesom)

We add (IED) those verbs end in (y) when –y is preceded

before another consonant letters. Change the final –y
Present Past Past participle
Apply Applied Applied

Cry Cried Cried

Dry Dried Dried

Reply Replied Replied

Supply Supplied Supplied

Irregular verbs
What are the irregular verbs? Irregular verbs are those past form and past
participle form one or both change instead of adding D, ED, OR IED

A: some of irregular verbs present, past and past participle

form are different from one another

Present Past Past participle

Arise Arose Arisen

Awake Awoke Awaken

Be Was/were Been

Bear Bore Born

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 27

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Begin Began Begun

Bend Bent Bent

Bite Bit Bitten

Blow Blew Blown

Break Broke Broken

Choose Chose Chosen

Do Did Done

Draw Drew Drown

Drink Drank Drunk

Drive Drove Driven

Eat Ate Eaten

Fall Fell Fallen

Fly Flew Flown

Forgive Forgave Forgiven

Freeze Froze Frozen

Give Gave Given

Go Went Gone

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 28

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Grow Grew Grown

Hide Hid Hidden

Know Knew Known

Lie Lay Lain

Ride Rode Ridden

Ring Rung Rung

Rise Rose Risen

See Saw Seen

Shake Shook Shaken

Shrink Shrank Shrunk

Sing Sang Sung

Sink Sank Sunk

Speak spoke Spoken

Steal Stole Stolen

Swim Swam Swum

Take Took Taken

Tear Tore Torn

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 29

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. Tell: 063-4179350 (Telesom) 063-4242890 ( Telesom)

Throw Threw Thrown

Wake Woke Waken

Wear Wore Worn

Write Wrote Written

B: some of irregular verbs past and past participle are same

present is different only
Present Past Past participle
Bind Bound Bound

Bleed Bled Bled

Bring Brought Brought

Build Built Built

Burn Burnt Burnt

Catch Caught Caught

Creep Crept Crept

Deal Dealt Dealt

Dig Dug Dug

Feed Fed Fed

Feel Felt Felt

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 30

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Fight Fought Fought

Find Found Found

Flee Fled Fled

Hang Hung Hung

Have Had Had

Hear Heard Heard

Hold Held Held

Keep Kept Kept

Lay Laid Laid

Lead Led Led

Make Made Made

Mean Meant Meant

Meet Met Met

Pay Paid Paid

Say Said Said

Sell Sold Sold

Send Sent Sent

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 31

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Sleep Slept Slept

Spend Spent Spent

Stand Stood Stood

Sting Stung Stung

Tell Told Told

Think Thought Thought

Understand Understood Understood

Weep Wept Wept

Some of irregular verbs present and past participle are same.

Past is different only
Present Past Past participle

Come Came Come

Become Became Become

Ran Run Ran

Some of irregular verbs present, past and past participle are same.

Present Past Past participle

Burst Burst Burst

Cast Cast Cast

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 32

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Cost Cost Cost

Cut Cut Cut

Hurt Hurt Hurt

Let Let Let

Put Put Put

Set Set Set

Shut Shut Shut

Spread Spread Spread

Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast

Upset Upset Upset

NB: most English verbs have four forms

 Present verb
 Past verb
 Past participle verb
 Present participle verb

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 33

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Exercise 6

1. What is conjugation of the verbs?

2. What is the regular verb?
3. What is the in irregular verb?
4. What is the present perfect tense?
5. What is used for past participle verbs?

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 34

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B: Change into past and past participle

Present past past participle

1. Advise ..........................................................................
2. Arrange..........................................................................
3. Agree.............................................................................
4. Care................................................................................
5. Love..............................................................................
6. Hate...............................................................................
7. Save..............................................................................
8. Create...........................................................................
9. Prepare..........................................................................
10. Change.....................................................................
11. Add..............................................................................
12. Want.........................................................................
13. Wash ...................................................................
14. Wait..................................................................
15. Miss....................................................................
16. Carry..................................................................
17. Pray......................................................................
18. Cry......................................................................
19. Play....................................................................
20. Try........................................................................
21. Know.................................................................
22. Fall....................................................................
23. Arise.................................................................
24. Take..................................................................
25. Go.....................................................................
26. Drink...............................................................

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 35

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C : fill in the blank space with has, hasn’t, have, haven’t an d the correct past
participle of the verb in bracket and write complete .sentence

Halima………………………. (has/hasn’t) ever…………………(visit) Hargeisa.

1. Although he lives in Erigabo, Ruqia........................(hasn’t/ haven’t)
..............................(climb) mount Daali yet.
2. ............................ (has/ have) you......................(see) Musa? No,
I.......................(hasn’t/ haven’t)..........................(see) him for three
3. The road is very wet. It......................(has/ have)just..................(rain).
4. She..........................(has/ have) know Awale since she started
primary school.
5. Maryam’s daughters..............................(has/ have) never.................
(fly) in a plane before.
6. ...............................(has/ have) you ever.......................(sing) in the
school choir? No, we...............................(haven’t/ hasn’t) but
we.....................................(has/have) ......................(run) in the
athletics championship.
7. My parents...........................( has/ have) never......................... (be)
to lasanood.
8. ..............................(has/ have) he...............................(finish) his
homework yet? I.............................(has/ have)..........................(finish)
mine and i want to go out.

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 36

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D: Choose the correct tense for the verb in brackets using

either simple past or the present perfect ct tense
He.................................... (go) to Zambia in 1998.
1. My brother................................ (work) for the same company since
2. Cameroon.................................... (won) the African football
championship in 2000.
3. Abdullahi Qarshe and lucky Dube................................. (be) famous
for many years.
4. Aisha’s father.................................. (come) back from America a year
5. US FAMILY.......................... (build) their new house in January 2017.
6. Mr. Abdirahman ................................(teach) for over twenty years.
7. The boys...................................... ( take) their grade seven exam last
8. Ubah and Asia ..............................(learn) English for seven years.
Choose the correct word or words that complete the sentences.
1. Somaliland...................................independent in 1991.
a) Has become
b) Is becoming
c) Becomes
d) Became
e) Was becoming

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 37

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2. Look out! The box..............................................down!

a) Is falling
b) Falls
c) Has fallen
d) Fell
e) Are falling
3. Ali...................................when the thieves broke into his house.
a) Is sleeping
b) Sleeps
c) Has slept
d) Slept
e) Was sleeping
4. It’s very cloudy. I think it....................................................
a) Is raining
b) Is going to rain
c) Has rained
d) Was raining
e) Rains
5. He........................................ for yanga in 1998.
a) Has played
b) Have played
c) Is playing
d) Played
e) Was playing

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 38

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6. Farhan....................................... four years old next week.

a) Was being
b) Has been
c) Is being
d) Was
e) Will be
7. He....................................his house two years ago.
a) Was building
b) Is building
c) Built
d) Has built
e) Builds
8. Haile Gebreselassie...................already............... an Olympic gold
a) Is/ winning
b) Have/ won
c) Has/ won
d) Was/winning
e) Will/ win

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 39

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Write these sentences choosing the correct word or words

that complete them.
1. He loves rice. He………………………….it every day.
a) eat
b) eats
c) has eaten
d) was eating
e) is eating
2. ........................they.........................................yet?
a) Have/arrived
b) Did/ arrive
c) Were/arriving
d) Will/ arrive
e) Are/ arriving
3. While Mr Ruqia................................a bird flew into the room.
a) Was taught
b) Teaches
c) Taught
d) Is teaching
e) Was teaching
4. Where’s Muuse now? He……………………………………………in the farm.
a) worked
b) works
c) is working
d) work

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 40

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e) will work
5. My pen friend……………………….our school next year.
a) was visiting
b) visits
c) is going to visit
d) has visited
e) shall visit
6. my parents......................................... in Raaxo for six years.
a) Have lived
b) Are living
c) Live
d) Lived
e) Were living
7. Malyuun’s sister.....................................from university in 2001.
a) Graduated
b) Was graduating
c) Will graduate
d) Is graduating
e) Is going to graduate
8. It always...............................in Bangladesh in July.
a) Rained
b) Has rained
c) Will rain
d) Rains
e) Is raining

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 41

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7. Present perfect continuous Tense

What is the present perfect continuous tense? Present perfect
continuous tense is for an action which begun in the past and still
continuing or has just finished

There are three auxiliary verbs and they are [have, has, +been]

The affirmative formula of this tense is

Subject +have, has, +been, +main verb +ing +object +adverb of time

1. I have been learning English for a year

2. We have been playing football

3. He has been reading this book for the last two hors

4. You have been waiting me since 7.30

5. She has been dancing since this morning

The interrogative formula of this tense

Have, has +subject +been + verb +ing +object +adverb of time

1. Have I been learning English for a year?

2. Have we been playing foot ball?

3. Has he been reading this book for the last two hours?

4. Has she been dancing since this morning?

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 42

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8) Past perfect tense

What is past perfect tense? Past perfect tense is used to show the
sequence of two events in the past we past perfect for that happened
earlier and simple pas for the later event.

There is one auxiliary verb used with this tense and it is (had)

The affirmative formula of this tense is

Subject+ had+ main verb past participle + object

1. I had cleaned the house

2. we had played foot ball

3. We had eaten his break fast

4. She had finished her exercise

5. You had kicked the ball

The interrogative formula of this tense is

Had+ Subject+ main verb past participle + object

1. Had i cleaned the house

2. Had we played foot ball

3. Had you eaten his break fast

4. Had she finished her exercise

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 43

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9) Past perfect continuous tense

What is past perfect continuous tense? Past perfect continuous tense is
used for an action which begun in the past time and was completed in
the past. There are two auxiliary verbs used with this tense and they
are (had + been)

The affirmative formula of this tense is

Subject+ had+ been+ main verb past participle + object

6. I had been playing foot ball for a long time

7. we had been singing a song all night

8. you had been listening to the teacher

9. he had been thinking of marry Ubah for a long time

10. You had been making practice

The interrogative formula of this tense is

Had+ Subject+ been+ main verb past participle + object

1. Had I been playing foot ball for a long time?

2. Had we been singing a song all night?

3. Had you been listening to the teacher?

4. Had he been thinking of marry Ubah for a long time?

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 44

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10) Future continuous tense

Future continuous tense is used for an action which will be continuing
in the future time.

There are three auxiliary verbs used with this tense and they are
(will shall + be)

The affirmative formula of this tense is:

Subject+ will shall + be+ verb+ ing + object+ adverb of time

1. I will be waiting for Ubah when her plane arrives to night

2. We will be walking
3. You will be eating rice.
4. I will be going to al-rahma English institute.

Interrogative formula
Will, shall +subject + be + verb +ing + object + adverb of time?

1. Will you be coming US family house?

2. Will she be going to the supermarket?
3. Will he be playing football?
4. Negative formula:
5. Subject+ will shall + not+ be+ verb+ ing + object+ adverb of time
1. I will not be sitting in front of my TV.
2. He won’t be coming anytime soon

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 45

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11. Future perfect tense

What is the future perfect tense? Future perfect tense is used to
express action which is expected to be completed at a certain time in
the future , there are three auxiliary verbs used with this tense and they
are ‘’shall, will+ have’’

The affirmative formula of this tense is

Subject+ will shall +have +main verb past participle +object+ adverb

1. I will have watched TV this afternoon

2. We shall have gossiped our teacher by 9;30
3. You will have reached Hargeisa by tomorrow
4. He will have solved the problem next week
5. She will have completed the lessons by august
6. They will have finished the job by night
The interrogative formula of this tense is

Will shall + Subject+ have +main verb past participle +object+ adverb

7. Will I have watched TV this afternoon?

8. Shall We have gossiped our teacher by 9;30?
9. Will you have reached Hargeisa by tomorrow?
10. Will He have solved the problem next week?
11. Will She have completed the lessons by august?
12. Will they have finished the job by night?

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 46

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12. Conditional tense s

There are two types of conditional tense and they are

1. Present conditional tense (would, should)

2. Perfect conditional tense (would, should + have)

A) Present conditional tense

There are two auxiliary [would, should]

The affirmative formula of this tense
Subject+ would, should + main verb present + object

1. I would go to al-rahma tomorrow

2. We would learn English tomorrow

3. You would meet him on Sunday

The interrogative formula of this tense

Would, should + subject+ main verb present + object
4. Would I go to al-rahma tomorrow?

5. Would we learn English tomorrow?

6. Would you meet him on Sunday?

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 47

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General exercise
A change present participle
No present No present participle

1. Write 1

2. Flee 2

3. Agree 3

4. Take 4

5. Make 5

6. Stop 6

7. Plan 7

8. Control 8

9. Nod 9

10. Play 10

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 48

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B: circle the correct verb

1. I do ……………………………………..to al-rahma institute

a. Going b. go c. cone d. went
2. Excuse me do you ………………………….English
a. Speak b. spoke c. spoken d. speaking
3. My parents ……………………..in Hargeisa
a. Lived b. live c. living d. A $ b
4. Ahmed ……………………….very hard most of the time
a. Works b. working c. worked d. work
5. Ali doesn’t ……………………………….tea very often

C; Add [S, ES, IES] To the Main Verb

1. Finish……………………………….
2. Do ………………………
3. Clean…………………………
4. Play…………………………..
5. Fly……………………………….
6. Eat……………………………
7. Go ……………………….
8. Kiss………………………….
9. Feel………………………..
10. Learn…………………….
11. Try………………………………
12. Study…………………………………
13. Enjoy……………………………….
14. Pray……………………………….
15. Very……………………………..

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 49

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D; change these simple present tense in to simple past

Simple present tense simple past
1. I like my teacher 1. I liked my teacher
2. We invite you 2. ……………………………..
3. I work daily 3. …………………………………
4. The police stop me 4. …………………………………
5. I learn English every day 5……………………………………
E ; underline the correct verb in bracket to complete each sentence
1. Rahma [wrote, write] more than ten books
2. We [see, saw] Hafsa in town view days ago
3. It was cold I [shut, shutting] the window
4. The children [eat ate] ice cream yesterday
F change into interrogative
Affirmative interrogative
1. I shall help you 1. ………………………………………
2. We will go to school 2………………………………………
3. You will teach me English 3………………………………………
4. He will give you money 4……………………………………..
5. She will participate a ceremony 5…………………………………

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 50

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G ; complete these sentences with correct form of the

verb in the brackets
Amran ………………………. learn]man y different subject at al –rahma
institute She ………………………………….*get up +early in the morning then
She ……………………………*clean +her teeth with a brush And
…………………………….*wash + her hands $face with clean water, she
……………………………………….*catches +a bus to school the bus
……………………………………..*come+ at seven o, clock every day to
……………………………………*take + her , yester morning she
………………………………*over sleep+ and …………………………..*miss + the bus

H ; add one more word in the table to match the given words

1 teacher student Boy Girl

2 I we You he

3 want wait help Clean

4 Quickly badly slowly Softly

5 good bad easy Difficult

6 In on out From

7 And There after As well

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 51

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1. What.................................you been doing for the last 30 minutes?

a) Are
b) Were
c) Have
d) Had
2. Ubah usually..........................in front of the window during the class.
a) Sits
b) Sitting
c) Sit
d) Sat
3. We can’t go out to night because we..........................dinner at US
family’s house.
a) Have
b) Had
c) Are having
d) Doing
4. Most of the time we........................................in the park.
a) Sat
b) Were sitting
c) Were being Sat
d) Will be sit
5. She ..........................................( not, be) six years old.
a) Isn’t
b) Is
c) Doesn’t
d) Does

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 52

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6. He is.........................................English now.
a) Study
b) Studying
c) Studies
d) Studied
7. While i........................... in my room, my sister left home
a) Was studying
b) Studied
c) Study
d) Studies
8. What.................................you....................................last weekend?
a) We’re do
b) Did/ doing
c) Did/do
d) Were/ doing
9. At three o’clock tomorrow, it..............................................
a) Will rain
b) Will have rained
c) Will be raining
d) None of them
10. A.rahman Sameeco........................English language in
Al-Jazeera, Al-Huda, Quule, Dayib guray and Farah Omar secondary
a) Teach
b) Teaches
c) Taught d) teaching

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 53

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Fill in the blank spaces with the part of the verb and write complete

1. Jama............................................ (Play/ plays) football every evening.

2. The pupils at M. Da’ud primary school always..................................
(Clean/cleans) the compound before the classes.
3. We always.............................. (Arrive/arrives) at school on time.
4. Nadifa’s daughters....................................... (Enjoy/ enjoys) reading.
5. Hassan always.................................. (help/ helps) his mother.

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Passive voice
Why passive voice is used? Passive voice is used

 When the subject is unknown

 When the subject is not interest
 When the subject is not important
 When we want to make our a speech difficult
 Only transitive verb can be used in passive voice.

When an active voice sentences is changed into passive

voice the rules must be carried out
 The object of the active voice becomes the subject of the passive
 in the passive voice the main verbs are past participle but auxiliary
verbs must be suitable
 the subject of the active voice becomes object of the passive voice
 Intransitive verb cannot be used in passive voice.

1. The present continuous tense in passive voice

Present continuous tense is used for an action which is happening right
now or at the moment of speaking, in passive voice the present
continuous tense has four auxiliary verbs and they are
[ am, is , are, +being]

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 56

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The affirmative formula of the present continuous tense is

Object +am, is, are +being +main verb past participle +by +subject
Active voice I am reading a lesson

Passive voice A lesson is being read by me

Active voice We are playing foot ball

Passive voice Foot ball is being played by us

Active voice He is listening the teacher

Passive voice The teacher is being listened

Active voice She is calling me

Passive voice I am being called by her

The interrogative formula of the present continuous tense is

Am, is, are, +object +being + main verb past participle + by +subject

Active voice Am I reading a lesson now?

Passive voice Is a lesson being read now by me

Active voice Are we playing football?

Passive voice Is foot ball being played by us

Active voice Is asha abused me?

Passive voice Am I being abused by asha

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The negative formula of present continuous tense is

Object +am, is are +not + being +main verb pp +by + subject

Active voice: I am not reading a lesson

Passive voice: a lesson is not being read by me

Active voice: we are not playing foot ball

Passive voice: football is not being played

Active voice: Amina is not calling me

Passive voice: I am not being called by Amina

Simple present tense in passive voice

Simple present tense is used for an action which happens every day
every week or habitual action in the passive voice this tense has three
auxiliary verbs and they are [am, is, are]

The affirmative of the simple present tense is

Object + am, is , are +main verb past participle + by +subject

Active voice they do learn English

Passive voice English is learn by them
Active voice you speak English
Passive voice English is spoken by you

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Interrogative formula of simple present tense is

Am, is, are, +object +main verb past participle +by +subject

Active voice do they learn English?

Passive voice is English learnt by them?

Active voice do you speak English?

Passive voice is English spoken by you?

Active voice does she visit me?

Passive voice am I visited by her

The negative formula of the simple present tense is

Object + am, is ,are+ not + main verb past participle +by +subject

1. Active voice: she doesn’t love him

Passive voice: he isn’t loved by her
2. Active voice: I don’t speak French.
Passive voice: French isn’t spoken by me.
3. Active voice: my friend and Ahmed don’t like tea.
Passive voice: tea isn’t like by my friend and Ahmed.
 Remember to use is when you are talking about one thing.
 And are when you are talking about more than one thing
 Am is used with I

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Fill in the blank spaces with the simple present tense in passive voice

A groove…………………………………….(make) in middle of a cotton reel.

1. A piece of wire................................. (bend) to hold the cotton reel.

2. The pulley.............................................. (hang) on a nail.
3. The nail..................................................... (fix) to a door frame.
4. The tin.................................................(fill) with soil.
5. One end of the string........................................... (pass) over the
groove in the cotton reel.
6. The free end of the string.....................................(pull).
7. The tin of soil.............................................(lift)
8. The eggs......................................................(lay) by Ismail’s hens.
9. Some of his hens............................................ (kill).
10. They......................... then................................ (roast) at the kiosk.
11. The flour of chapattis..................................(buy) at the village
12. The milk for the tea and coffee................................( produced) by
Ismail’s father’s cows.
13. The cooking oil................................................ (sell) on the market.
14. The potatoes.......................................... (peel) to make chips.
15. The doughnuts.......................................... (make) with flour, sugar
and water.
16. Fresh meat...................................... (use) to make the pilau.

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Simple past tense in passive voice

What is the simple past tense? Simple past tense is used for an action
which happened in the past time. There are two auxiliary verbs used
with this tense and they are ‘’was, were’’

The affirmative formula of this tense is

Object+ was, were+ main verb past participle + by+ subject
1. Active voice: scientist launched a space rocket in 1959.
Passive voice: a space rocket was launched in 1959 by scientists
2. Active voice: Muhyadin built the house in 1985.
Passive voice: the house was built in 1985 by Muhyadin
3. Active voice: he did like the movie.
Passive voice: the movie was liked by him.
4. Active voice: the police arrested the thief
Passive voice: the thief was arrested by the police.
5. Active voice: someone took all the injured persons to the hospital
Passive voice: all the injured persons were taken to the hospital
6. Active voice: the court sentenced him to the death.
Passive voice: he was sentenced him to death.

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 61

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Interrogative formula of the simple past passive voice

Was, were +object + main verb past participle + by +subject

1. Active voice: did you play football last week?

Passive voice: was football played last week by you?
2. Active voice: did you go to Al-rahma institute?
Passive voice: was al-rahma institute gone to?
3. Active voice: did you go shopping?
Passive voice: was shopping gone?
Complete the blank spaces with the simple past passive voice of
the world in brackets.
An email message...........................(send) to him two minutes ago
1. The farm....................................(prepare) for planting last week.
2. Somali script....................................... (establish) in 1974.
3. Trees.....................................( plant) in Salahley Village last week.
4. Bile............................... ( cook) for the wedding party last
5. Mr. Kassim’s tomatoes...............................( steal) last week.

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 62

Al-rahma institute welcomes you with open hands ..
. Tell: 063-4179350 (Telesom) 063-4242890 ( Telesom)

4. Simple future tense in passive voice

What is the simple future tense? Simple future tense is used for an
action which will happen in the future time. In passive voice there are
three auxiliary verbs used whit this tense and they are [will, shall+ be]

Affirmative formula of the simple future tense in passive voice

Object + will, shall, + be main verb past participle+ by+ subject
1. Active voice: The ministers will distribute the prizes.
Passive voice: the prize will be distributed by the minister.
2. Active voice: Ahmed will sell his car.
Passive voice: his car will be sold by Ahmed.
3. Active voice: the government will set up a library.
Passive voice: a library will be set up by the government.
4. Active voice: A.rahman Sameeco will begin an important lecture.
Passive voice: an important lecture will be begun by A.rahman Sameeco

Change into passive voice construction
1. Active voice: Indians do not eat beef
Passive voice: ..............................................................................
2. Active voice: they do not use tractors everywhere.
Passive voice: ...........................................................................
3. Active voice: Nobody spoke any words
Passive voice: ...........................................................................

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 63

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. Tell: 063-4179350 (Telesom) 063-4242890 ( Telesom)

5. The past continuous tense in passive voice

What is the past continuous tense? Is used for an action which was
happening in the past time continuously in passive voice there are
three auxiliary verbs used with this tense and they are [was, were+

Affirmative formula of this tense is:

Object + was, were+ being + verb past participle + by + subject

1. Active voice: the inspector was questioning them about their

income tax yesterday
2. Passive voice: they were being questioned about their income tax
3. Active voice: I was crossing the road.
Passive voice: the road was being crossed
4. Active voice Ubah was giving me a flower
Passive voice: I was being given a flower by Ubah
5. Active voice: they were talking about him
Passive voice: he was being talked about
6. Active voice: I was watching TV.
Passive Voice: TV was being watched.
7. Active voice: I was writing letters this morning
Passive voice: letters was being written

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 64

Al-rahma institute welcomes you with open hands ..
. Tell: 063-4179350 (Telesom) 063-4242890 ( Telesom)

6. Present perfect tense in passive voice

What is the present perfect tense? Present perfect tense is used for an
action which has already happened in passive voice There are three
auxiliary verb used with this tense and they are [have, has + been]

Affirmative formula of this tense is:

Object +have, has+ been + past participle +object+ adverb of time

1. Active voice: I have read that novel.

Passive voice: that novel has been read by me.
2. Active voice: Rahma has written a letter.
Passive voice: a letter has been written by Rahma.
3. Active voice: She has qualified the exam
Passive voice: The exam has been qualified by her
4. Active voice: He has bought a camera.
Passive voice: A camera has been bought by him.
5. Active voice: They have helped us
Passive voice: We have been helped by them.

Interrogative formula
Have, has+ object+ been+ past participle+ by + subject
1. Active voice: have you understood the lesson?
2. Passive voice: has the lesson been understood?
3. Active voice: has she torn me books?
4. Passive voice: have books been torn?

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 65

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. Tell: 063-4179350 (Telesom) 063-4242890 ( Telesom)

7) Past perfect tense in passive voice

What is past perfect tense? Past perfect tense is used to show the
sequence of two events in the past we past perfect for that happened
earlier and simple pas for the later event. In passive voice

There are two auxiliary verbs used with this tense and they are
(had + been)

Affirmative formula
Object+ had+ been+ past participle+ by+ subject
1. Active voice: she had established her company.
Passive voice: her company had been established by her.
2. Active voice: they had gotten engaged.
Passive voice: engaged had been gotten by them.
3. Active voice: I had fallen asleep.
Passive voice: asleep had been fallen by me
4. Active voice: she had met him
Passive voice: he had been met by her
5. Active voice: I had written the email.
Passive voice: the email had been written by me.

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 66

Al-rahma institute welcomes you with open hands ..
. Tell: 063-4179350 (Telesom) 063-4242890 ( Telesom)

8. Future perfect tense

What is the future perfect tense? Future perfect tense is used to
express action which is expected to be completed at a certain time in
the future , in passive voice there are four auxiliary verbs used with this
tense and they are ‘’shall, will+ have + been’’

Affirmative voice

Object+ will, shall, +have + been + past participle + by +subject

1. Active voice: he will have completed his project.

Passive voice: his project will have been completed by him.
2. Active voice: they will have enjoyed party.
Passive voice: party will have been enjoyed by them.
3. Active voice: I have taken my breakfast.
Passive voice: my breakfast has been taken by me.
4. Active voice: the kids will have played football in the al-rahma.
Passive voice: football will have played in the al-rahma.
5. Active voice: she will have been started a new job.
Passive voice: a new job will have been started by her.

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 67

Al-rahma institute welcomes you with open hands ..
. Tell: 063-4179350 (Telesom) 063-4242890 ( Telesom)

Interrogative formula
Will, shall + object + have + past participle+ by+ subject
1. Active voice: will they have helped his friend?
Passive voice: will his friend have been helped?
2. Active voice: will he have made a plan for his studies?
Passive voice: will a plan have been made for his studies?
3. Active voice: will she have gone to America?
Passive voice: will America have been gone to?
4. Active voice: will they have completed their work easily?
Passive voice: will their work have been completed easily?
5. Will they have announced the result of the exam?
Passive voice: will the result of the exam have been announced?

Negative formula

Object+ will, shall+ not+ have+ been+ past participle+ by+ subject

1. Active voice: he will have not reached his home.

Passive voice: his home will not have been reached by him.
2. Active voice: she will have not bought her papers.
Passive voice: her paper will have not been bought by her.
3. Active voice: the boys will have not eaten their food.
Passive voice: their food will have not been eaten by the boys.
4. Active voice: She will have not received the letters
Passive voice: the letters will have not been received by her.

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 68

Al-rahma institute welcomes you with open hands ..
. Tell: 063-4179350 (Telesom) 063-4242890 ( Telesom)

Grammar practice
A:Change the following sentences into passive voice sentences
1. Active voice: He read the book
Passive voice: .......................................................................................
2. Active voice: The child eats the bananas.
Passive voice: .......................................................................................
3. Active voice: She wrote a story.
Passive voice: .......................................................................................
4. Active voice: They built a Masjid.
Passive voice: .......................................................................................
5. Active voice: He reads books every day.
Passive voice: .......................................................................................
6. Active voice: Somebody stole my pants.
Passive voice: ..................................................................................
7. Active voice: He wore a blue shirt.
Passive voice: .......................................................................................
8. Active voice: They go to the shop.
Passive voice: .......................................................................................

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 69

Al-rahma institute welcomes you with open hands ..
. Tell: 063-4179350 (Telesom) 063-4242890 ( Telesom)

Change the following sentence into active voice sentences

1. Passive voice: We are taught grammar by Mr. Sameeco.

Active voice: .....................................................................................
2. Passive voice: He was helped by the teacher.
Active voice: .....................................................................................
3. Passive voice: The town was destroyed by an earthquake.
Active voice: .....................................................................................
4. Passive voice: The building was damaged by the fire.
Active voice: .....................................................................................
5. Passive voice: The thieves were caught by the police.
Active voice: .....................................................................................
6. Active voice: These clothes were worn by him yesterday
Active voice: .....................................................................................
There is no real ending it’s just the place where you stop -
- the 12 English tenses and passive voice
I am secondary English teacher
A.rahman Sameeco works at:
 Al-huda secondary school
 Al-jazeera secondary school
 Quule adan secondary school
 Farah omaar secondary school
 Dayib guray secondary school

Prepared By: A.rahman Ahmed Mahamoud {Sameeco}. 70

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