Students' Expectations

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Hello guys, I took the liberty to share the expectations you wrote at the beginning of the semester.

I can
say that this semester was like no other due to this COVID situation. Please find yours and reflect on what
you wrote at the beginning of the semester and what you now know about the subject.

It is wise to acknowledge that our expectations do not always represent the real purpose of taking a class
which is to learn something new, reinforce previous knowledge, create a fruitful project of which we can
feel proud and most importantly to enjoy the process. For this, I hope the subject of “Lingüística
Comparada y Análisis de Errores” has met your expectations regarding linguistics and that you are more
prepared to face all the real-life situations you will encounter when you finish your B.A. I wish you all
success in your professional and personal life. It was a pleasure to work with you.

Students’ expectations

For this course, I would like to understand what linguistica comparada is about, also I would like it to not
be difficult or overwhelming as it is a four-hour class. What I want to avoid is working in teams and if
possible, to participate a lot

• I hope there is a break to have breakfast

• Practical activities, not only theory
• Work in teams sometimes
• Not much homework

• I don’t mind working in teams, as long as we choose our team members

• I hope that the evaluation covers the topics seen on class and not things we never saw
• Please, no presentations. We do that in almost every single class and it just DOESN’T WORK

I expect not only to learn but use that knowledge in the future. I’m also expecting the subject wouldn’t be
too hard. I expect that the project we’ll do to delivery would be fruitful

• I actually would like to work in pairs

• I would like not to spend a lot of hours/time in the same thing or doing just one thing
I would like to be in a class with active participation. I do not want us to spend a lot of time reviewing just
one thing

• Work in teams
• Make class interesting, because it will be a long one
• No presentations
• Grading to be fair
• Talk about things related to the class

• To learn how to distinguish easier what kind of errors & mistakes a student can make during their
English learning.
• To learn theory so I can apply it
• To read interesting things

• Evitar las presentaciones de los temas por compañeros

• Que la explicación de la teoría conlleve práctica

• I don’t want to work in teams

• I want clear instructions regarding the project process
• I expect it to improve my knowledge about Applied Linguistics

• I hope to finally understand linguistics in a proper way (I do have knowledge, but I haven’t been
able to connect it nor consolidate it)
• I hope I don’t have to work with a team this semester
• I hope this course ain’t so difficult
• I would like the possibility of working on the project in class instead of at home
• 20 minute break to have the chance to eat something

• I hope I learn how to ease students’ problems or errors

• I hope I can apply this learning real soon

• I would like to work in teams because we already have 3 other projects

• I don’t like talking that much so I would like more homework or classwork instead of participation

Mis expectativas del curso son poder adquirir más conocimiento en la rama de la lingüística comparada.
También disfrutar de la clase y trabajar bien con el proyecto. Espero no estresarme tanto

I really want to review some of the topics we saw in our first semesters (general linguistics), that’s all

• To be honest, I have almost no clue on what this subject is about, so the only thing I can say that
I’m expecting from this course is to learn how to deal and treat errors
• Also, I would like to work the project while in class

1. I want to actually learn something useful. I mean theory is cool, but I also want to apply it.
2. I expect the teacher is conscious about the fact that we may be dumb and also have the other
subjects in our way so he can have a lot of patience
3. Clear explanations
• Be able to apply what I learn in class into the classroom. I would prefer not working in teams nor
• I really want to learn a lot in this class

Honestly, I don’t know much about the course; so I don’t have expectations. I just hope to apply everything
what I’ve learnt throughout the major, stay enthusiastic, be responsible, be on time and learn more things,
so I could apply them when teaching and become better.

• Play Kahoot!
• Include energizers to activate us
• Quizzes with our cellphones
• Tomar ejemplos de Netflix-Youutbe

• My expectations for this course is to learn more about linguistics and the process of applying it
into certain things such as the analysis, and maybe acquisition.
• I don’t want to work in teams and I really hope evaluation isn’t as hard as it looks because I don’t
do very well with exams

• To pass the subject :D

• To learn taxonomies for a contrastive analysis on semantics
• To refresh knowledge related to L1 and L2 learning/acquisition

No sé muy bien que expresar del curso. Entiendo que podría haber algo de lo que se ha visto en lingüística,
probablemente algo sobre análisis de textos, sin embargo desconozco que tipo de temas será abordados
durante el semestre

Tal vez lo único que puedo decir es que espero aprender algo nuevo, algo que me ayude a mejorar mi
forma de enseñar y tal vez me deje algo para la vida

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