Air Cooler Preliminary Sizing

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P-Mech Consultant Pvt. Ltd.

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Document Title:- Air cooler preliminary sizing

Sr. No. Input Unit

1 Cooler Duty kW 5010
2 Tube Side Inlet Temp T1 °C 170
3 Tube Side Outlet Temp T2 °C 95
4 Air Side Inlet Temp t1 °C 35
5 Air Outlet Temp t2 °C 65
6 Overall H.T. Coefficient U (bare) W/m².°C 820
7 Btu/h.ft².°F 144.4
8 Tube Length L m 10
9 Tube OD Do mm 25.4
10 Number of Tube Rows Nr --- 4
11 Tube Pitch Pt mm 65
12 Required No. of Tubes --- 190.4
13 Required Tubes per Row 47.6
14 Given Tubes per Row (if known) ---
15 Available Tubes per Row 48
16 Estimated Width m 3.1
17 Actual Width Wd (if known) m
18 Total No.of Tubes Nt --- 190
19 Available Bare Area Ab m2 152.0
20 Available Cooler Face Area Fa m2 30.95
21 Air Specific Heat Capacity Cpa kJ/kg.°C 1.022
22 Air Mass Flow Wa kg/s 163.4
23 Air Average Temp ta °C 50.0
24 Air Flow Rate @ Avg Temp Waa m3/s 149.60
25 Std Air Flow Rate Was @ 15 degC m3/s 133.39
26 Air Face Velocity Va @ Avg Temp m/s 4.8 Typically 2.5 - 3.5 m/s
27 ft/min 952
28 kg/s.m2 5.3
29 Air Static Pres Drop Fb (Fig. 9-10) Pa 49
30 Air Density Ratio Dr @ 0 m (Fig. 9-13) --- 0.91
31 Air Static Pres Drop PDS Pa 217
32 Parameter R --- 2.50
33 Parameter P --- 0.22
34 Factor F --- 0.5 = 0.96 approx. for 1-pass
35 Corrected MTD --- 40.2
36 Required Bare Area m2 151.96
37 Available Bare Area m2 151.96
38 Overdesign % 0.0
39 Tube Length m 10.0
40 Exchanger Width m 3.1
41 No. of Fans Nf --- 2
42 Fan Diameter Df m 5
43 Fan Efficiency Eff % 70
44 Speed Reducer Efficiency % 95
45 Fan Area Percent % 127
46 Draft Type --- FORCED INDUCED
47 Air Temp tf @ Fan °C 35.0 65.00
48 Air Density Ratio Dr (Fig 9-13) --- 0.95 0.87
49 Actual Air Flow per Fan ACMS m3/s 71.33 78.28
50 Velocity Pressure Drop Pa 8 8.32
51 Static Pressure Drop Dpa Pa 217 217.06
52 Pa 225 225.38
Total Pressure Drop PF
53 mmH2O 22.9 22.97 Typically <= 20mmH2O
54 Fan Driver Power KWf kW 24.1 26.53 Motor Size > 23 kW
55 Total Driver Power KWt kW 48.2 53.06

Revision No. / Date A B C D

Prepared By
Reviewed By
Approved By
This program is to be used only for feasibility and preliminary sizing.
WPACOOL requires the air outlet temperature, ACHE instead uses a performance factor
ACHE assumes 25mm tubes , WPACOOL allows different tube diameters but needs to specify tube pitch.

Input Units Rev.

Process fluid inlet temp (T1) °C 121
Process fluid outlet temp (T2) °C 66
Process fluid heat capacity (Cp) kJ/kg.°C 2.3256
Process fluid viscosity (mu) cP 0.285
Process fluid mass flow (W) kg/hr 123840
Cooling Duty (Q) kW 539.2 Calculated Figure= W x Cp x (T1-T2)/3600
Tube length (Lt) m 12
Ambient Air temp (ta) °C 38
Performance factor (Pf) kW/m2.°C 1.94
Number of tube rows (nr) - 6

Temperature efficiency (E) 0.663

Temperature correction factor (F) 0.636
Plot area (Ap) m2 5.3
Total rated fan power (Wf) kW 3.9
Min number of fan motors - 1
Plot width (Wt) m 0.4
Selected Plot Width 3.9
Min No of fans for 2 fans/ tube length - 0
Nominal fan diameter (df) m 4.28
Estimated air temperature rise °C 30.7
Approx air outlet temp °C 68.7
LMTD °C 38.9
OHTC (Ub) (for mu<0.7 cP) W/m2.°C 498.2
OHTC (Ub) (Lerner curves) W/m2.°C 498.8
Selected OHTC W/m .°C
Bare tube area required (Ab) m2 27.8
Estimated number of tubes (nt) - 29
Selected number of tubes - 390
Calculated tube area m2 373.4 WARNING: area difference greater than 20%

This calculation is based on the method outlined in the HTFS handbook (paper AM 17).
The results are suitable for use in: a) Feasibility studies
b) Initial costing
c) Plant layout studies
d) Process control planning
e) First pass estimate for detailed design software

It based on the following assumptions:

1. 25 NB tubes
2. The relationship between temperature and duty is linear. In most cases this is reasonably valid,
however in condensing duties the heat release curve may not be linear. In that instance AM 17
should be consulted, and the unit should be analysed using a detailed design package at the
earliest opportunity.

The following notes can be made on accuracy.

1. Accuracy is largely dependent on how closely the value of Pf approximates the actual service
2. The plot and power prediction is estimated to be +/- 20% (in most cases however it should be +/- 15%)
3. Predicted air side temperature rise is expected to be +/-20%.
4. Predicted uncorrected LMTD is expected to be +/- 15%
5. The two methods given for estimating OHTC should be +/- 20%

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