Capitalistic Musings

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Capitalistic Musings


Sam Vaknin, Ph.D.

Editing and Design:

Lidija Rangelovska

Lidija Rangelovska
A Narcissus Publications Imprint, Skopje 2003

First published by United Press International – UPI

Not for Sale! Non-commercial edition.

© 2002, 2003 Copyright Lidija Rangelovska.
All rights reserved. This book, or any part thereof, may not be used or reproduced in
any manner without written permission from:
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Visit the Author Archive of Dr. Sam Vaknin in "Central Europe Review":

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ISBN: 9989-929-37-8




I. Economics - Psychology's Neglected Branch

II. The Misconception of Scarcity
III. The Roller Coaster Market – On Volatility
IV. The Friendly Trend
V. The Merits of Inflation
VI. The Benefits of Oligopolies
VII. Moral Hazard and the Survival Value of Risk
VIII. The Business of Risk
IX. Global Differential Pricing
X. The Disruptive Engine - Innovation
XI. Governments and Growth
XII. The Distributive Justice of the Market
XIII. The Myth of the Earnings Yield
XIV. Immortality and Mortality in the Economic Sciences
XV. The Agent-Principal Conundrum
XVI. The Green-Eyed Capitalist
XVII. The Case of the Compressed Image
XVIII. The Fabric of Economic Trust
XIX. Scavenger Economies, Predator Economies
XX. Notes on the Economics of Game Theory
XXI. Knowledge and Power
XXII. Market Impeders and Market Inefficiencies
XXIII. Financial Crises, Global Capital Flows and
the International Financial Architecture
XXIV. War and the Business Cycle
XXV. America’s Current Account Deficit
XXVI. Anarchy as an Organizing Principle
XXVII. Narcissism in the Boardroom
XXVIII. Is Education a Public Good?
XXIX. The Demise of the Work Ethic
XXX. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) – Pros and Cons

XXXI. The Economics of Expectations
XXXII. Corruption and Transparency
XXXIII. Workaholism, Leisure, and Pleasure
XXXIV. Nation Branding and Place Marketing
XXXV. NGOs – The Self-appointed Altruists
XXXVI. The Wages of Science
XXXVII. The Lessons of Transition
XXXVIII. The Morality of Child Labor
XXXIX. Law and Technology
XL. The Author

Economics - Psychology's Neglected Branch

By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

Also published by United Press International (UPI)

It is impossible to describe any human action if one does

not refer to the meaning the actor sees in the stimulus as
well as in the end his response is aiming at.
Ludwig von Mises

Economics - to the great dismay of economists - is merely

a branch of psychology. It deals with individual behaviour
and with mass behaviour. Many of its practitioners sought
to disguise its nature as a social science by applying
complex mathematics where common sense and direct
experimentation would have yielded far better results.

The outcome has been an embarrassing divorce between

economic theory and its subjects.

The economic actor is assumed to be constantly engaged

in the rational pursuit of self interest. This is not a realistic
model - merely a useful approximation. According to this
latter day - rational - version of the dismal science, people
refrain from repeating their mistakes systematically. They
seek to optimize their preferences. Altruism can be such a
preference, as well.

Still, many people are non-rational or only nearly rational
in certain situations. And the definition of "self-interest"
as the pursuit of the fulfillment of preferences is a

The theory fails to predict important phenomena such as

"strong reciprocity" - the propensity to "irrationally"
sacrifice resources to reward forthcoming collaborators
and punish free-riders. It even fails to account for simpler
forms of apparent selflessness, such as reciprocal altruism
(motivated by hopes of reciprocal benevolent treatment in
the future).

Even the authoritative and mainstream 1995 "Handbook

of Experimental Economics", by John Hagel and Alvin
Roth (eds.) admits that people do not behave in
accordance with the predictions of basic economic
theories, such as the standard theory of utility and the
theory of general equilibrium. Irritatingly for economists,
people change their preferences mysteriously and
irrationally. This is called "preference reversals".

Moreover, people's preferences, as evidenced by their

choices and decisions in carefully controlled experiments,
are inconsistent. They tend to lose control of their actions
or procrastinate because they place greater importance
(i.e., greater "weight") on the present and the near future
than on the far future. This makes most people both
irrational and unpredictable.

Either one cannot design an experiment to rigorously and
validly test theorems and conjectures in economics - or
something is very flawed with the intellectual pillars and
models of this field.

Neo-classical economics has failed on several fronts

simultaneously. This multiple failure led to despair and
the re-examination of basic precepts and tenets.

Consider this sample of outstanding issues:

Unlike other economic actors and agents, governments are

accorded a special status and receive special treatment in
economic theory. Government is alternately cast as a
saint, seeking to selflessly maximize social welfare - or as
the villain, seeking to perpetuate and increase its power
ruthlessly, as per public choice theories.

Both views are caricatures of reality. Governments indeed

seek to perpetuate their clout and increase it - but they do
so mostly in order to redistribute income and rarely for

Economics also failed until recently to account for the role

of innovation in growth and development. The discipline
often ignored the specific nature of knowledge industries
(where returns increase rather than diminish and network
effects prevail). Thus, current economic thinking is
woefully inadequate to deal with information monopolies
(such as Microsoft), path dependence, and pervasive

Classic cost/benefit analyses fail to tackle very long term
investment horizons (i.e., periods). Their underlying
assumption - the opportunity cost of delayed consumption
- fails when applied beyond the investor's useful economic
life expectancy. People care less about their
grandchildren's future than about their own. This is
because predictions concerned with the far future are
highly uncertain and investors refuse to base current
decisions on fuzzy "what ifs".

This is a problem because many current investments, such

as the fight against global warming, are likely to yield
results only decades hence. There is no effective method
of cost/benefit analysis applicable to such time horizons.

How are consumer choices influenced by advertising and

by pricing? No one seems to have a clear answer.
Advertising is concerned with the dissemination of
information. Yet it is also a signal sent to consumers that a
certain product is useful and qualitative and that the
advertiser's stability, longevity, and profitability are
secure. Advertising communicates a long term
commitment to a winning product by a firm with deep
pockets. This is why patrons react to the level of visual
exposure to advertising - regardless of its content.

Humans may be too multi-dimensional and hyper-

complex to be usefully captured by econometric models.
These either lack predictive powers or lapse into logical
fallacies, such as the "omitted variable bias" or "reverse
causality". The former is concerned with important
variables unaccounted for - the latter with reciprocal
causation, when every cause is also caused by its own

These are symptoms of an all-pervasive malaise.
Economists are simply not sure what precisely constitutes
their subject matter. Is economics about the construction
and testing of models in accordance with certain basic
assumptions? Or should it revolve around the mining of
data for emerging patterns, rules, and "laws"?

On the one hand, patterns based on limited - or, worse,

non-recurrent - sets of data form a questionable
foundation for any kind of "science". On the other hand,
models based on assumptions are also in doubt because
they are bound to be replaced by new models with new,
hopefully improved, assumptions.

One way around this apparent quagmire is to put human

cognition (i.e., psychology) at the heart of economics.
Assuming that being human is an immutable and
knowable constant - it should be amenable to scientific
treatment. "Prospect theory", "bounded rationality
theories", and the study of "hindsight bias" as well as
other cognitive deficiencies are the outcomes of this

To qualify as science, economic theory must satisfy the

following cumulative conditions:

a. All-inclusiveness (anamnetic) – It must encompass,

integrate, and incorporate all the facts known about
economic behaviour.

b. Coherence – It must be chronological, structured and

causal. It must explain, for instance, why a certain
economic policy leads to specific economic outcomes -
and why.

c. Consistency – It must be self-consistent. Its sub-"units"
cannot contradict one another or go against the grain of
the main "theory". It must also be consistent with the
observed phenomena, both those related to economics and
those pertaining to non-economic human behaviour. It
must adequately cope with irrationality and cognitive

d. Logical compatibility – It must not violate the laws of

its internal logic and the rules of logic "out there", in the
real world.

e. Insightfulness – It must cast the familiar in a new light,

mine patterns and rules from big bodies of data ("data
mining"). Its insights must be the inevitable conclusion of
the logic, the language, and the evolution of the theory.

f. Aesthetic – Economic theory must be both plausible and

"right", beautiful (aesthetic), not cumbersome, not
awkward, not discontinuous, smooth, and so on.

g. Parsimony – The theory must employ a minimum

number of assumptions and entities to explain the
maximum number of observed economic behaviours.

h. Explanatory Powers – It must explain the behaviour of

economic actors, their decisions, and why economic
events develop the way they do.

i. Predictive (prognostic) Powers – Economic theory must

be able to predict future economic events and trends as
well as the future behaviour of economic actors.

j. Prescriptive Powers – The theory must yield policy
prescriptions, much like physics yields technology.
Economists must develop "economic technology" - a set
of tools, blueprints, rules of thumb, and mechanisms with
the power to change the " economic world".

k. Imposing – It must be regarded by society as the

preferable and guiding organizing principle in the
economic sphere of human behaviour.

l. Elasticity – Economic theory must possess the intrinsic

abilities to self organize, reorganize, give room to
emerging order, accommodate new data comfortably, and
avoid rigid reactions to attacks from within and from

Many current economic theories do not meet these

cumulative criteria and are, thus, merely glorified

But meeting the above conditions is not enough. Scientific

theories must also pass the crucial hurdles of testability,
verifiability, refutability, falsifiability, and repeatability.
Yet, many economists go as far as to argue that no
experiments can be designed to test the statements of
economic theories.

It is difficult - perhaps impossible - to test hypotheses in

economics for four reasons.

a. Ethical – Experiments would have to involve human
subjects, ignorant of the reasons for the experiments and
their aims. Sometimes even the very existence of an
experiment will have to remain a secret (as with double
blind experiments). Some experiments may involve
unpleasant experiences. This is ethically unacceptable.

b. Design Problems - The design of experiments in

economics is awkward and difficult. Mistakes are often
inevitable, however careful and meticulous the designer of
the experiment is.

c. The Psychological Uncertainty Principle – The current

mental state of a human subject can be (theoretically)
fully known. But the passage of time and, sometimes, the
experiment itself, influence the subject and alter his or her
mental state - a problem known in economic literature as
"time inconsistencies". The very processes of
measurement and observation influence the subject and
change it.

d. Uniqueness – Experiments in economics, therefore,

tend to be unique. They cannot be repeated even when the
SAME subjects are involved, simply because no human
subject remains the same for long. Repeating the
experiments with other subjects casts in doubt the
scientific value of the results.

d. The undergeneration of testable hypotheses –

Economic theories do not generate a sufficient number of
hypotheses, which can be subjected to scientific testing.
This has to do with the fabulous (i.e., storytelling) nature
of the discipline.

In a way, economics has an affinity with some private
languages. It is a form of art and, as such, it is self-
sufficient and self-contained. If certain structural, internal
constraints and requirements are met – a statement in
economics is deemed to be true even if it does not satisfy
external (scientific) requirements. Thus, the standard
theory of utility is considered valid in economics despite
overwhelming empirical evidence to the contrary - simply
because it is aesthetic and mathematically convenient.

So, what are economic "theories" good for?

Economic "theories" and narratives offer an organizing

principle, a sense of order, predictability, and justice.
They postulate an inexorable drive toward greater welfare
and utility (i.e., the idea of progress). They render our
chaotic world meaningful and make us feel part of a larger
whole. Economics strives to answer the "why’s" and
"how’s" of our daily life. It is dialogic and prescriptive
(i.e., provides behavioral prescriptions). In certain ways, it
is akin to religion.

In its catechism, the believer (let's say, a politician) asks:

"Why... (and here follows an economic problem or

The economist answers:

"The situation is like this not because the world is

whimsically cruel, irrational, and arbitrary - but because ...
(and here follows a causal explanation based on an
economic model). If you were to do this or that the
situation is bound to improve".

The believer feels reassured by this explanation and by the
explicit affirmation that there is hope providing he follows
the prescriptions. His belief in the existence of linear
order and justice administered by some supreme,
transcendental principle is restored.

This sense of "law and order" is further enhanced when

the theory yields predictions which come true, either
because they are self-fulfilling or because some real
"law", or pattern, has emerged. Alas, this happens rarely.
As "The Economist" notes gloomily, economists have the
most disheartening record of failed predictions - and


The Misconception of Scarcity
By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

Also published by United Press International (UPI)

My love as deep; the more I give to thee,

The more I have, for both are infinite.

(William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, Act 2, Scene 2)

Are we confronted merely with a bear market in stocks -

or is it the first phase of a global contraction of the
magnitude of the Great Depression? The answer
overwhelmingly depends on how we understand scarcity.

It will be only a mild overstatement to say that the science

of economics, such as it is, revolves around the
Malthusian concept of scarcity. Our infinite wants, the
finiteness of our resources and the bad job we too often
make of allocating them efficiently and optimally - lead to
mismatches between supply and demand. We are forever
forced to choose between opportunities, between
alternative uses of resources, painfully mindful of their

This is how the perennial textbook "Economics"

(seventeenth edition), authored by Nobel prizewinner Paul
Samuelson and William Nordhaus, defines the dismal

"Economics is the study of how societies use scarce

resources to produce valuable commodities and distribute
them among different people".

The classical concept of scarcity - unlimited wants vs.
limited resources - is lacking. Anticipating much-feared
scarcity encourages hoarding which engenders the very
evil it was meant to fend off. Ideas and knowledge -
inputs as important as land and water - are not subject to
scarcity, as work done by Nobel laureate Robert Solow
and, more importantly, by Paul Romer, an economist from
the University of California at Berkeley, clearly
demonstrates. Additionally, it is useful to distinguish
natural from synthetic resources.

The scarcity of most natural resources (a type of "external

scarcity") is only theoretical at present. Granted, many
resources are unevenly distributed and badly managed.
But this is man-made ("internal") scarcity and can be
undone by Man. It is truer to assume, for practical
purposes, that most natural resources - when not
egregiously abused and when freely priced - are infinite
rather than scarce. The anthropologist Marshall Sahlins
discovered that primitive peoples he has studied had no
concept of "scarcity" - only of "satiety". He called them
the first "affluent societies".

This is because, fortunately, the number of people on

Earth is finite - and manageable - while most resources
can either be replenished or substituted. Alarmist claims
to the contrary by environmentalists have been
convincingly debunked by the likes of Bjorn Lomborg,
author of "The Skeptical Environmentalist".

Equally, it is true that manufactured goods, agricultural
produce, money, and services are scarce. The number of
industrialists, service providers, or farmers is limited - as
is their life span. The quantities of raw materials,
machinery and plant are constrained. Contrary to classic
economic teaching, human wants are limited - only so
many people exist at any given time and not all them
desire everything all the time. But, even so, the demand
for man-made goods and services far exceeds the supply.

Scarcity is the attribute of a "closed" economic universe.

But it can be alleviated either by increasing the supply of
goods and services (and human beings) - or by improving
the efficiency of the allocation of economic resources.
Technology and innovation are supposed to achieve the
former - rational governance, free trade, and free markets
the latter.

The telegraph, the telephone, electricity, the train, the car,

the agricultural revolution, information technology and,
now, biotechnology have all increased our resources,
seemingly ex nihilo. This multiplication of wherewithal
falsified all apocalyptic Malthusian scenarios hitherto.
Operations research, mathematical modeling, transparent
decision making, free trade, and professional management
- help better allocate these increased resources to yield
optimal results.

Markets are supposed to regulate scarcity by storing
information about our wants and needs. Markets
harmonize supply and demand. They do so through the
price mechanism. Money is, thus, a unit of information
and a conveyor or conduit of the price signal - as well as a
store of value and a means of exchange.

Markets and scarcity are intimately related. The former

would be rendered irrelevant and unnecessary in the
absence of the latter. Assets increase in value in line with
their scarcity - i.e., in line with either increasing demand
or decreasing supply. When scarcity decreases - i.e., when
demand drops or supply surges - asset prices collapse.
When a resource is thought to be infinitely abundant (e.g.,
air) - its price is zero.

Armed with these simple and intuitive observations, we

can now survey the dismal economic landscape.

The abolition of scarcity was a pillar of the paradigm shift

to the "new economy". The marginal costs of producing
and distributing intangible goods, such as intellectual
property, are negligible. Returns increase - rather than
decrease - with each additional copy. An original software
retains its quality even if copied numerous times. The
very distinction between "original" and "copy" becomes
obsolete and meaningless. Knowledge products are "non-
rival goods" (i.e., can be used by everyone

Such ease of replication gives rise to network effects and
awards first movers with a monopolistic or oligopolistic
position. Oligopolies are better placed to invest excess
profits in expensive research and development in order to
achieve product differentiation. Indeed, such firms justify
charging money for their "new economy" products with
the huge sunken costs they incur - the initial expenditures
and investments in research and development, machine
tools, plant, and branding.

To sum, though financial and human resources as well as

content may have remained scarce - the quantity of
intellectual property goods is potentially infinite because
they are essentially cost-free to reproduce. Plummeting
production costs also translate to enhanced productivity
and wealth formation. It looked like a virtuous cycle.

But the abolition of scarcity implied the abolition of

value. Value and scarcity are two sides of the same coin.
Prices reflect scarcity. Abundant products are cheap.
Infinitely abundant products - however useful - are
complimentary. Consider money. Abundant money - an
intangible commodity - leads to depreciation against other
currencies and inflation at home. This is why central
banks intentionally foster money scarcity.

But if intellectual property goods are so abundant and

cost-free - why were distributors of intellectual property
so valued, not least by investors in the stock exchange?
Was it gullibility or ignorance of basic economic rules?

Not so. Even "new economists" admitted to temporary
shortages and "bottlenecks" on the way to their utopian
paradise of cost-free abundance. Demand always initially
exceeds supply. Internet backbone capacity, software
programmers, servers are all scarce to start with - in the
old economy sense.

This scarcity accounts for the stratospheric erstwhile

valuations of dotcoms and telecoms. Stock prices were
driven by projected ever-growing demand and not by
projected ever-growing supply of asymptotically-free
goods and services. "The Economist" describes how
WorldCom executives flaunted the cornucopian doubling
of Internet traffic every 100 days. Telecoms predicted a
tsunami of clients clamoring for G3 wireless Internet
services. Electronic publishers gleefully foresaw the
replacement of the print book with the much heralded e-

The irony is that the new economy self-destructed because

most of its assumptions were spot on. The bottlenecks
were, indeed, temporary. Technology, indeed, delivered
near-cost-free products in endless quantities. Scarcity was,
indeed, vanquished.

Per the same cost, the amount of information one can

transfer through a single fiber optic swelled 100 times.
Computer storage catapulted 80,000 times. Broadband
and cable modems let computers communicate at 300
times their speed only 5 years ago. Scarcity turned to glut.
Demand failed to catch up with supply. In the absence of
clear price signals - the outcomes of scarcity - the match
between the two went awry.

One innovation the "new economy" has wrought is
"inverse scarcity" - unlimited resources (or products) vs.
limited wants. Asset exchanges the world over are now
adjusting to this harrowing realization - that cost free
goods are worth little in terms of revenues and that people
are badly disposed to react to zero marginal costs.

The new economy caused a massive disorientation and

dislocation of the market and the price mechanism. Hence
the asset bubble. Reverting to an economy of scarcity is
our only hope. If we don't do so deliberately - the markets
will do it for us, mercilessly.


The Roller Coaster Market

On Volatility and Risk

By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

Also published by United Press International (UPI)

Volatility is considered the most accurate measure of risk

and, by extension, of return, its flip side. The higher the
volatility, the higher the risk - and the reward. That
volatility increases in the transition from bull to bear
markets seems to support this pet theory. But how to
account for surging volatility in plummeting bourses? At
the depths of the bear phase, volatility and risk increase
while returns evaporate - even taking short-selling into

"The Economist" has recently proposed yet another

dimension of risk:

"The Chicago Board Options Exchange's VIX index, a

measure of traders' expectations of share price gyrations,
in July reached levels not seen since the 1987 crash, and
shot up again (two weeks ago) ... Over the past five years,
volatility spikes have become ever more frequent, from
the Asian crisis in 1997 right up to the World Trade
Centre attacks. Moreover, it is not just price gyrations that
have increased, but the volatility of volatility itself. The
markets, it seems, now have an added dimension of risk."

Call-writing has soared as punters, fund managers, and
institutional investors try to eke an extra return out of the
wild ride and to protect their dwindling equity portfolios.
Naked strategies - selling options contracts or buying
them in the absence of an investment portfolio of
underlying assets - translate into the trading of volatility
itself and, hence, of risk. Short-selling and spread-betting
funds join single stock futures in profiting from the

Market - also known as beta or systematic - risk and

volatility reflect underlying problems with the economy as
a whole and with corporate governance: lack of
transparency, bad loans, default rates, uncertainty,
illiquidity, external shocks, and other negative
externalities. The behavior of a specific security reveals
additional, idiosyncratic, risks, known as alpha.

Quantifying volatility has yielded an equal number of

Nobel prizes and controversies. The vacillation of security
prices is often measured by a coefficient of variation
within the Black-Scholes formula published in 1973.
Volatility is implicitly defined as the standard deviation of
the yield of an asset. The value of an option increases with
volatility. The higher the volatility the greater the option's
chance during its life to be "in the money" - convertible to
the underlying asset at a handsome profit.

Without delving too deeply into the model, this

mathematical expression works well during trends and
fails miserably when the markets change sign.

There is disagreement among scholars and traders whether
one should better use historical data or current market
prices - which include expectations - to estimate volatility
and to price options correctly.

From "The Econometrics of Financial Markets" by John

Campbell, Andrew Lo, and Craig MacKinlay, Princeton
University Press, 1997:

"Consider the argument that implied volatilities are better

forecasts of future volatility because changing market
conditions cause volatilities (to) vary through time
stochastically, and historical volatilities cannot adjust to
changing market conditions as rapidly. The folly of this
argument lies in the fact that stochastic volatility
contradicts the assumption required by the B-S model - if
volatilities do change stochastically through time, the
Black-Scholes formula is no longer the correct pricing
formula and an implied volatility derived from the Black-
Scholes formula provides no new information."

Black-Scholes is thought deficient on other issues as well.

The implied volatilities of different options on the same
stock tend to vary, defying the formula's postulate that a
single stock can be associated with only one value of
implied volatility. The model assumes a certain -
geometric Brownian - distribution of stock prices that has
been shown to not apply to US markets, among others.

Studies have exposed serious departures from the price

process fundamental to Black-Scholes: skewness, excess
kurtosis (i.e., concentration of prices around the mean),
serial correlation, and time varying volatilities. Black-
Scholes tackles stochastic volatility poorly.

The formula also unrealistically assumes that the market
dickers continuously, ignoring transaction costs and
institutional constraints. No wonder that traders use
Black-Scholes as a heuristic rather than a price-setting

Volatility also decreases in administered markets and over

different spans of time. As opposed to the received
wisdom of the random walk model, most investment
vehicles sport different volatilities over different time
horizons. Volatility is especially high when both supply
and demand are inelastic and liable to large, random
shocks. This is why the prices of industrial goods are less
volatile than the prices of shares, or commodities.

But why are stocks and exchange rates volatile to start

with? Why don't they follow a smooth evolutionary path
in line, say, with inflation, or interest rates, or
productivity, or net earnings?

To start with, because economic fundamentals fluctuate -

sometimes as wildly as shares. The Fed has cut interest
rates 11 times in the past 12 months down to 1.75 percent
- the lowest level in 40 years. Inflation gyrated from
double digits to a single digit in the space of two decades.
This uncertainty is, inevitably, incorporated in the price

Moreover, because of time lags in the dissemination of

data and its assimilation in the prevailing operational
model of the economy - prices tend to overshoot both
ways. The economist Rudiger Dornbusch, who died last
month, studied in his seminal paper, "Expectations and
Exchange Rate Dynamics", published in 1975, the
apparently irrational ebb and flow of floating currencies.

His conclusion was that markets overshoot in response to
surprising changes in economic variables. A sudden
increase in the money supply, for instance, axes interest
rates and causes the currency to depreciate. The rational
outcome should have been a panic sale of obligations
denominated in the collapsing currency. But the
devaluation is so excessive that people reasonably expect
a rebound - i.e., an appreciation of the currency - and
purchase bonds rather than dispose of them.

Yet, even Dornbusch ignored the fact that some price

twirls have nothing to do with economic policies or
realities, or with the emergence of new information - and
a lot to do with mass psychology. How else can we
account for the crash of October 1987? This goes to the
heart of the undecided debate between technical and
fundamental analysts.

As Robert Shiller has demonstrated in his tomes "Market

Volatility" and "Irrational Exuberance", the volatility of
stock prices exceeds the predictions yielded by any
efficient market hypothesis, or by discounted streams of
future dividends, or earnings. Yet, this finding is hotly

Some scholarly studies of researchers such as Stephen

LeRoy and Richard Porter offer support - other, no less
weighty, scholarship by the likes of Eugene Fama,
Kenneth French, James Poterba, Allan Kleidon, and
William Schwert negate it - mainly by attacking Shiller's
underlying assumptions and simplifications. Everyone -
opponents and proponents alike - admit that stock returns
do change with time, though for different reasons.

Volatility is a form of market inefficiency. It is a reaction
to incomplete information (i.e., uncertainty). Excessive
volatility is irrational. The confluence of mass greed, mass
fears, and mass disagreement as to the preferred mode of
reaction to public and private information - yields price

Changes in volatility - as manifested in options and

futures premiums - are good predictors of shifts in
sentiment and the inception of new trends. Some traders
are contrarians. When the VIX or the NASDAQ Volatility
indices are high - signifying an oversold market - they buy
and when the indices are low, they sell.

Chaikin's Volatility Indicator, a popular timing tool,

seems to couple market tops with increased indecisiveness
and nervousness, i.e., with enhanced volatility. Market
bottoms - boring, cyclical, affairs - usually suppress
volatility. Interestingly, Chaikin himself disputes this
interpretation. He believes that volatility increases near
the bottom, reflecting panic selling - and decreases near
the top, when investors are in full accord as to market

But most market players follow the trend. They sell when
the VIX is high and, thus, portends a declining market. A
bullish consensus is indicated by low volatility. Thus, low
VIX readings signal the time to buy. Whether this is more
than superstition or a mere gut reaction remains to be

It is the work of theoreticians of finance. Alas, they are
consumed by mutual rubbishing and dogmatic thinking.
The few that wander out of the ivory tower and actually
bother to ask economic players what they think and do -
and why - are much derided. It is a dismal scene, devoid
of volatile creativity.


The Friendly Trend
By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

Also published by United Press International (UPI)

The authors of a paper published by NBER on March

2000 and titled "The Foundations of Technical Analysis" -
Andrew Lo, Harry Mamaysky, and Jiang Wang - claim

"Technical analysis, also known as 'charting', has been

part of financial practice for many decades, but this
discipline has not received the same level of academic
scrutiny and acceptance as more traditional approaches
such as fundamental analysis.

One of the main obstacles is the highly subjective nature

of technical analysis - the presence of geometric shapes in
historical price charts is often in the eyes of the beholder.
In this paper we offer a systematic and automatic
approach to technical pattern recognition ... and apply the
method to a large number of US stocks from 1962 to

And the conclusion:

" ... Over the 31-year sample period, several technical

indicators do provide incremental information and may
have some practical value."

These hopeful inferences are supported by the work of
other scholars, such as Paul Weller of the Finance
Department of the university of Iowa. While he admits the
limitations of technical analysis - it is a-theoretic and data
intensive, pattern over-fitting can be a problem, its rules
are often difficult to interpret, and the statistical testing is
cumbersome - he insists that "trading rules are picking up
patterns in the data not accounted for by standard
statistical models" and that the excess returns thus
generated are not simply a risk premium.

Technical analysts have flourished and waned in line with

the stock exchange bubble. They and their multi-colored
charts regularly graced CNBC, the CNN and other
market-driving channels. "The Economist" found that
many successful fund managers have regularly resorted to
technical analysis - including George Soros' Quantum
Hedge fund and Fidelity's Magellan. Technical analysis
may experience a revival now that corporate accounts -
the fundament of fundamental analysis - have been
rendered moot by seemingly inexhaustible scandals.

The field is the progeny of Charles Dow of Dow Jones

fame and the founder of the "Wall Street Journal". He
devised a method to discern cyclical patterns in share
prices. Other sages - such as Elliott - put forth complex
"wave theories". Technical analysts now regularly employ
dozens of geometric configurations in their divinations.

Technical analysis is defined thus in "The Econometrics

of Financial Markets", a 1997 textbook authored by John
Campbell, Andrew Lo, and Craig MacKinlay:

"An approach to investment management based on the
belief that historical price series, trading volume, and
other market statistics exhibit regularities - often ... in the
form of geometric patterns ... that can be profitably
exploited to extrapolate future price movements."

A less fanciful definition may be the one offered by

Edwards and Magee in "Technical Analysis of Stock

"The science of recording, usually in graphic form, the

actual history of trading (price changes, volume of
transactions, etc.) in a certain stock or in 'the averages' and
then deducing from that pictured history the probable
future trend."

Fundamental analysis is about the study of key statistics

from the financial statements of firms as well as
background information about the company's products,
business plan, management, industry, the economy, and
the marketplace.

Economists, since the 1960's, sought to rebuff technical

analysis. Markets, they say, are efficient and "walk"
randomly. Prices reflect all the information known to
market players - including all the information pertaining
to the future. Technical analysis has often been compared
to voodoo, alchemy, and astrology - for instance by
Burton Malkiel in his seminal work, "A Random Walk
Down Wall Street."

The paradox is that technicians are more orthodox than
the most devout academic. They adhere to the strong
version of market efficiency. The market is so efficient,
they say, that nothing can be gleaned from fundamental
analysis. All fundamental insights, information, and
analyses are already reflected in the price. This is why one
can deduce future prices from past and present ones.

Jack Schwager, sums it up in his book "Schwager on

Futures: Technical Analysis", quoted by,

"One way of viewing it is that markets may witness

extended periods of random fluctuation, interspersed with
shorter periods of nonrandom behavior. The goal of the
chartist is to identify those periods (i.e. major trends)."

Not so, retort the fundamentalists. The fair value of a

security or a market can be derived from available
information using mathematical models - but is rarely
reflected in prices. This is the weak version of the market
efficiency hypothesis.

The mathematically convenient idealization of the

efficient market, though, has been debunked in numerous
studies. These are efficiently summarized in Craig
McKinlay and Andrew Lo's tome "A Non-random Walk
Down Wall Street" published in 1999.

Not all markets are strongly efficient. Most of them sport
weak or "semi-strong" efficiency. In some markets, a filter
model - one that dictates the timing of sales and purchases
- could prove useful. This is especially true when the
equilibrium price of a share - or of the market as a whole -
changes as a result of externalities.

Substantive news, change in management, an oil shock, a

terrorist attack, an accounting scandal, an FDA approval,
a major contract, or a natural, or man-made disaster - all
cause share prices and market indices to break the
boundaries of the price band that they have occupied.
Technical analysts identify these boundaries and trace
breakthroughs and their outcomes in terms of prices.

Technical analysis may be nothing more than a self-

fulfilling prophecy, though. The more devotees it has, the
stronger it affects the shares or markets it analyses.
Investors move in herds and are inclined to seek patterns
in the often bewildering marketplace. As opposed to the
assumptions underlying the classic theory of portfolio
analysis - investors do remember past prices. They
hesitate before they cross certain numerical thresholds.

But this herd mentality is also the Achilles heel of

technical analysis. If everyone were to follow its guidance
- it would have been rendered useless. If everyone were to
buy and sell at the same time - based on the same
technical advice - price advantages would have been
arbitraged away instantaneously. Technical analysis is
about privileged information to the privileged few -
though not too few, lest prices are not swayed.

Studies cited in Edwin Elton and Martin Gruber's
"Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis" and
elsewhere show that a filter model - trading with technical
analysis - is preferable to a "buy and hold" strategy but
inferior to trading at random. Trading against
recommendations issued by a technical analysis model
and with them - yielded the same results. Fama-Blum
discovered that the advantage proffered by such models is
identical to transaction costs.

The proponents of technical analysis claim that rather than

forming investor psychology - it reflects their risk
aversion at different price levels. Moreover, the borders
between the two forms of analysis - technical and
fundamental - are less sharply demarcated nowadays.
"Fundamentalists" insert past prices and volume data in
their models - and "technicians" incorporate arcana such
as the dividend stream and past earnings in theirs.

It is not clear why should fundamental analysis be

considered superior to its technical alternative. If prices
incorporate all the information known and reflect it -
predicting future prices would be impossible regardless of
the method employed. Conversely, if prices do not reflect
all the information available, then surely investor
psychology is as important a factor as the firm's - now oft-
discredited - financial statements?

Prices, after all, are the outcome of numerous interactions

among market participants, their greed, fears, hopes,
expectations, and risk aversion. Surely studying this
emotional and cognitive landscape is as crucial as figuring
the effects of cuts in interest rates or a change of CEO?

Still, even if we accept the rigorous version of market
efficiency - i.e., as Aswath Damodaran of the Stern
Business School at NYU puts it, that market prices are
"unbiased estimates of the true value of investments" -
prices do react to new information - and, more
importantly, to anticipated information. It takes them time
to do so. Their reaction constitutes a trend and identifying
this trend at its inception can generate excess yields. On
this both fundamental and technical analysis are agreed.

Moreover, markets often over-react: they undershoot or

overshoot the "true and fair value". Fundamental analysis
calls this oversold and overbought markets. The
correction back to equilibrium prices sometimes takes
years. A savvy trader can profit from such market failures
and excesses.

As quality information becomes ubiquitous and

instantaneous, research issued by investment banks
discredited, privileged access to information by analysts
prohibited, derivatives proliferate, individual participation
in the stock market increases, and transaction costs turn
negligible - a major rethink of our antiquated financial
models is called for.

The maverick Andrew Lo, a professor of finance at the

Sloan School of Management at MIT, summed up the lure
of technical analysis in lyric terms in an interview he gave
to's "Technical Analysis of Stocks and
Commodities", quoted by Arthur Hill in

"The more creativity you bring to the investment process,
the more rewarding it will be. The only way to maintain
ongoing success, however, is to constantly innovate.
That's much the same in all endeavors. The only way to
continue making money, to continue growing and keeping
your profit margins healthy, is to constantly come up with
new ideas."


The Merits of Inflation
By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

Also published by United Press International (UPI)

In a series of speeches designed to defend his record, Alan

Greenspan, until recently an icon of both the new
economy and stock exchange effervescence, reiterated the
orthodoxy of central banking everywhere. His job, he
repeated disingenuously, was confined to taming prices
and ensuring monetary stability. He could not and, indeed,
would not second guess the market. He consistently
sidestepped the thorny issues of just how destabilizing to
the economy the bursting of asset bubbles is and how his
policies may have contributed to the froth.

Greenspan and his ilk seem to be fighting yesteryear's war

against a long-slain monster. The obsession with price
stability led to policy excesses and disinflation gave way
to deflation - arguably an economic ill far more pernicious
than inflation. Deflation coupled with negative savings
and monstrous debt burdens can lead to prolonged periods
of zero or negative growth. Moreover, in the zealous
crusade waged globally against fiscal and monetary
expansion - the merits and benefits of inflation have often
been overlooked.

As economists are wont to point out time and again,
inflation is not the inevitable outcome of growth. It
merely reflects the output gap between actual and
potential GDP. As long as the gap is negative - i.e., whilst
the economy is drowning in spare capacity - inflation lies
dormant. The gap widens if growth is anemic and below
the economy's potential. Thus, growth can actually be
accompanied by deflation.

Indeed, it is arguable whether inflation was subdued - in

America as elsewhere - by the farsighted policies of
central bankers. A better explanation might be
overcapacity - both domestic and global - wrought by
decades of inflation which distorted investment decisions.
Excess capacity coupled with increasing competition,
globalization, privatization, and deregulation - led to
ferocious price wars and to consistently declining prices.

Quoted by "The Economist", Dresdner Kleinwort

Wasserstein noted that America's industry is already in the
throes of deflation. The implicit price deflator of the non-
financial business sector has been -0.6 percent in the year
to the end of the second quarter of 2002. Germany faces
the same predicament. As oil prices surge, their
inflationary shock will give way to a deflationary and
recessionary aftershock.

Depending on one's point of view, this is a self-

reinforcing virtuous - or vicious cycle. Consumers learn to
expect lower prices - i.e., inflationary expectations fall
and, with them, inflation itself.

The intervention of central banks only hastened the
process and now it threatens to render benign structural
disinflation - malignantly deflationary.

Should the USA reflate its way out of either an impending

double dip recession or deflationary anodyne growth?

It is universally accepted that inflation leads to the

misallocation of economic resources by distorting the
price signal. Confronted with a general rise in prices,
people get confused. They are not sure whether to
attribute the surging prices to a real spurt in demand, to
speculation, inflation, or what. They often make the
wrong decisions.

They postpone investments - or over-invest and embark

on preemptive buying sprees. As Erica Groshen and Mark
Schweitzer have demonstrated in an NBER working paper
titled "Identifying inflation's grease and sand effects in the
labour market", employers - unable to predict tomorrow's
wages - hire less.

Still, the late preeminent economist James Tobin went as

far as calling inflation "the grease on the wheels of the
economy". What rate of inflation is desirable? The answer
is: it depends on whom you ask. The European Central
Bank maintains an annual target of 2 percent. Other
central banks - the Bank of England, for instance - proffer
an "inflation band" of between 1.5 and 2.5 percent. The
Fed has been known to tolerate inflation rates of 3-4

These disparities among essentially similar economies
reflect pervasive disagreements over what is being
quantified by the rate of inflation and when and how it
should be managed.

The sin committed by most central banks is their lack of

symmetry. They signal visceral aversion to inflation - but
ignore the risk of deflation altogether. As inflation
subsides, disinflation seamlessly fades into deflation.
People - accustomed to the deflationary bias of central
banks - expect prices to continue to fall. They defer
consumption. This leads to inextricable and all-pervasive

Inflation rates - as measured by price indices - fail to

capture important economic realities. As the Boskin
commission revealed in 1996, some products are
transformed by innovative technology even as their prices
decline or remain stable. Such upheavals are not
encapsulated by the rigid categories of the questionnaires
used by bureaus of statistics the world over to compile
price data. Cellular phones, for instance, were not part of
the consumption basket underlying the CPI in America as
late as 1998. The consumer price index in the USA may
be overstated by one percentage point year in and year
out, was the startling conclusion in the commission's

Current inflation measures neglect to take into account

whole classes of prices - for instance, tradable securities.
Wages - the price of labor - are left out. The price of
money - interest rates - is excluded. Even if these were to
be included, the way inflation is defined and measured
today, they would have been grossly misrepresented.

Consider a deflationary environment in which stagnant
wages and zero interest rates can still have a - negative or
positive - inflationary effect. In real terms, in deflation,
both wages and interest rates increase relentlessly even if
they stay put. Yet it is hard to incorporate this "downward
stickiness" in present-day inflation measures.

The methodology of computing inflation obscures many

of the "quantum effects" in the borderline between
inflation and deflation. Thus, as pointed out by George
Akerloff, William Dickens, and George Perry in "The
Macroeconomics of Low Inflation" (Brookings Papers on
Economic Activity, 1996), inflation allows employers to
cut real wages.

Workers may agree to a 2 percent pay rise in an economy

with 3 percent inflation. They are unlikely to accept a pay
cut even when inflation is zero or less. This is called the
"money illusion". Admittedly, it is less pronounced when
compensation is linked to performance. Thus, according
to "The Economist", Japanese wages - with a backdrop of
rampant deflation - shrank 5.6 percent in the year to July
as company bonuses were brutally slashed.

Economists in a November 2000 conference organized by

the ECB argued that a continent-wide inflation rate of 0-2
percent would increase structural unemployment in
Europe's arthritic labor markets by a staggering 2-4
percentage points. Akerloff-Dickens-Perry concurred in
the aforementioned paper. At zero inflation,
unemployment in America would go up, in the long run,
by 2.6 percentage points. This adverse effect can, of
course, be offset by productivity gains, as has been the
case in the USA throughout the 1990's.

The new consensus is that the price for a substantial
decrease in unemployment need not be a sizable rise in
inflation. The level of employment at which inflation does
not accelerate - the non-accelerating inflation rate of
unemployment or NAIRU - is susceptible to government

Vanishingly low inflation - bordering on deflation - also

results in a "liquidity trap". The nominal interest rate
cannot go below zero. But what matters are real - inflation
adjusted - interest rates. If inflation is naught or less - the
authorities are unable to stimulate the economy by
reducing interest rates below the level of inflation.

This has been the case in Japan in the last few years and is
now emerging as a problem in the USA. The Fed - having
cut rates 11 times in the past 14 months and unless it is
willing to expand the money supply aggressively - may be
at the end of its monetary tether. The Bank of Japan has
recently resorted to unvarnished and assertive monetary
expansion in line with what Paul Krugman calls "credible
promise to be irresponsible".

This may have led to the sharp devaluation of the yen in

recent months. Inflation is exported through the domestic
currency's depreciation and the lower prices of export
goods and services. Inflation thus indirectly enhances
exports and helps close yawning gaps in the current
account. The USA with its unsustainable trade deficit and
resurgent budget deficit could use some of this medicine.

But the upshots of inflation are fiscal, not merely
monetary. In countries devoid of inflation accounting,
nominal gains are fully taxed - though they reflect the rise
in the general price level rather than any growth in
income. Even where inflation accounting is introduced,
inflationary profits are taxed.

Thus inflation increases the state's revenues while eroding

the real value of its debts, obligations, and expenditures
denominated in local currency. Inflation acts as a tax and
is fiscally corrective - but without the recessionary and
deflationary effects of a "real" tax.

The outcomes of inflation, ironically, resemble the

economic recipe of the "Washington consensus"
propagated by the likes of the rabidly anti-inflationary
IMF. As a long term policy, inflation is unsustainable and
would lead to cataclysmic effects. But, in the short run, as
a "shock absorber" and "automatic stabilizer", low
inflation may be a valuable counter-cyclical instrument.

Inflation also improves the lot of corporate - and

individual - borrowers by increasing their earnings and
marginally eroding the value of their debts (and savings).
It constitutes a disincentive to save and an incentive to
borrow, to consume, and, alas, to speculate. "The
Economist" called it "a splendid way to transfer wealth
from savers to borrowers."

The connection between inflation and asset bubbles is
unclear. On the one hand, some of the greatest fizz in
history occurred during periods of disinflation. One is
reminded of the global boom in technology shares and
real estate in the 1990's. On the other hand, soaring
inflation forces people to resort to hedges such as gold
and realty, inflating their prices in the process. Inflation -
coupled with low or negative interest rates - also tends to
exacerbate perilous imbalances by encouraging excess
borrowing, for instance.

Still, the absolute level of inflation may be less important

than its volatility. Inflation targeting - the latest fad among
central bankers - aims to curb inflationary expectations by
implementing a consistent and credible anti-inflationary
as well as anti-deflationary policy administered by a
trusted and impartial institution, the central bank.


The Benefits of Oligopolies
By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

Also published by United Press International (UPI)

The Wall Street Journal has recently published an elegiac


"Twenty years ago, cable television was dominated by a

patchwork of thousands of tiny, family-operated
companies. Today, a pending deal would leave three
companies in control of nearly two-thirds of the market.
In 1990, three big publishers of college textbooks
accounted for 35% of industry sales. Today they have
62% ... Five titans dominate the (defense) industry, and
one of them, Northrop Grumman ... made a surprise
(successful) $5.9 billion bid for (another) TRW ... In
1996, when Congress deregulated telecommunications,
there were eight Baby Bells. Today there are four, and
dozens of small rivals are dead. In 1999, more than 10
significant firms offered help-wanted Web sites. Today,
three firms dominate."

Mergers, business failures, deregulation, globalization,

technology, dwindling and more cautious venture capital,
avaricious managers and investors out to increase share
prices through a spree of often ill-thought acquisitions -
all lead inexorably to the congealing of industries into a
few suppliers. Such market formations are known as
oligopolies. Oligopolies encourage customers to
collaborate in oligopsonies and these, in turn, foster
further consolidation among suppliers, service providers,
and manufacturers.

Market purists consider oligopolies - not to mention
cartels - to be as villainous as monopolies. Oligopolies,
they intone, restrict competition unfairly, retard
innovation, charge rent and price their products higher
than they could have in a perfect competition free market
with multiple participants. Worse still, oligopolies are
going global.

But how does one determine market concentration to start


The Herfindahl-Hirschmann index squares the market

shares of firms in the industry and adds up the total. But
the number of firms in a market does not necessarily
impart how low - or high - are barriers to entry. These are
determined by the structure of the market, legal and
bureaucratic hurdles, the existence, or lack thereof of
functioning institutions, and by the possibility to turn an
excess profit.

The index suffers from other shortcomings. Often the

market is difficult to define. Mergers do not always drive
prices higher. University of Chicago economists studying
Industrial Organization - the branch of economics that
deals with competition - have long advocated a shift of
emphasis from market share to - usually temporary -
market power. Influential antitrust thinkers, such as
Robert Bork, recommended to revise the law to focus
solely on consumer welfare.

These - and other insights - were incorporated in a theory
of market contestability. Contrary to classical economic
thinking, monopolies and oligopolies rarely raise prices
for fear of attracting new competitors, went the new
school. This is especially true in a "contestable" market -
where entry is easy and cheap.

An Oligopolistic firm also fears the price-cutting reaction

of its rivals if it reduces prices, goes the Hall, Hitch, and
Sweezy theory of the Kinked Demand Curve. If it were to
raise prices, its rivals may not follow suit, thus
undermining its market share. Stackleberg's amendments
to Cournot's Competition model, on the other hand,
demonstrate the advantages to a price setter of being a
first mover.

In "Economic assessment of oligopolies under the

Community Merger Control Regulation, in European
Competition law Review (Vol 4, Issue 3), Juan Briones
Alonso writes:

"At first sight, it seems that ... oligopolists will sooner or

later find a way of avoiding competition among
themselves, since they are aware that their overall profits
are maximized with this strategy. However, the question
is much more complex. First of all, collusion without
explicit agreements is not easy to achieve. Each supplier
might have different views on the level of prices which
the demand would sustain, or might have different price
preferences according to its cost conditions and market
share. A company might think it has certain advantages
which its competitors do not have, and would perhaps
perceive a conflict between maximising its own profits
and maximizing industry profits.

Moreover, if collusive strategies are implemented, and
oligopolists manage to raise prices significantly above
their competitive level, each oligopolist will be confronted
with a conflict between sticking to the tacitly agreed
behaviour and increasing its individual profits by
'cheating' on its competitors. Therefore, the question of
mutual monitoring and control is a key issue in collusive

Monopolies and oligopolies, went the contestability

theory, also refrain from restricting output, lest their
market share be snatched by new entrants. In other words,
even monopolists behave as though their market was fully
competitive, their production and pricing decisions and
actions constrained by the "ghosts" of potential and
threatening newcomers.

In a CRIEFF Discussion Paper titled "From Walrasian

Oligopolies to Natural Monopoly - An Evolutionary
Model of Market Structure", the authors argue that:
"Under decreasing returns and some fixed cost, the market
grows to 'full capacity' at Walrasian equilibrium
(oligopolies); on the other hand, if returns are increasing,
the unique long run outcome involves a profit-maximising

While intellectually tempting, contestability theory has

little to do with the rough and tumble world of business.
Contestable markets simply do not exist. Entering a
market is never cheap, nor easy. Huge sunk costs are
required to counter the network effects of more veteran
products as well as the competitors' brand recognition and
ability and inclination to collude to set prices.

Victory is not guaranteed, losses loom constantly,
investors are forever edgy, customers are fickle, bankers
itchy, capital markets gloomy, suppliers beholden to the
competition. Barriers to entry are almost always
formidable and often insurmountable.

In the real world, tacit and implicit understandings

regarding prices and competitive behavior prevail among
competitors within oligopolies. Establishing a reputation
for collusive predatory pricing deters potential entrants.
And a dominant position in one market can be leveraged
into another, connected or derivative, market.

But not everyone agrees. Ellis Hawley believed that

industries should be encouraged to grow because only size
guarantees survival, lower prices, and innovation. Louis
Galambos, a business historian at Johns Hopkins
University, published a 1994 paper titled "The Triumph of
Oligopoly". In it, he strove to explain why firms and
managers - and even consumers - prefer oligopolies to
both monopolies and completely free markets with
numerous entrants.

Oligopolies, as opposed to monopolies, attract less

attention from trustbusters. Quoted in the Wall Street
Journal on March 8, 1999, Galambos wrote:
"Oligopolistic competition proved to be beneficial ...
because it prevented ossification, ensuring that
managements would keep their organizations innovative
and efficient over the long run."

In his recently published tome "The Free-Market
Innovation Machine - Analysing the Growth Miracle of
Capitalism", William Baumol of Princeton University,
concurs. He daringly argues that productive innovation is
at its most prolific and qualitative in oligopolistic markets.
Because firms in an oligopoly characteristically charge
above-equilibrium (i.e., high) prices - the only way to
compete is through product differentiation. This is
achieved by constant innovation - and by incessant

Baumol maintains that oligopolies are the real engines of

growth and higher living standards and urges antitrust
authorities to leave them be. Lower regulatory costs,
economies of scale and of scope, excess profits due to the
ability to set prices in a less competitive market - allow
firms in an oligopoly to invest heavily in research and
development. A new drug costs c. $800 million to develop
and get approved, according to Joseph DiMasi of Tufts
University's Center for the Study of Drug Development,
quoted in The wall Street Journal.

In a paper titled "If Cartels Were Legal, Would Firms Fix

Prices", implausibly published by the Antitrust Division
of the US Department of Justice in 1997, Andrew Dick
demonstrated, counterintuitively, that cartels are more
likely to form in industries and sectors with many
producers. The more concentrated the industry - i.e., the
more oligopolistic it is - the less likely were cartels to

Cartels are conceived in order to cut members' costs of
sales. Small firms are motivated to pool their purchasing
and thus secure discounts. Dick draws attention to a
paradox: mergers provoke the competitors of the merging
firms to complain. Why do they act this way?

Mergers and acquisitions enhance market concentration.

According to conventional wisdom, the more concentrated
the industry, the higher the prices every producer or
supplier can charge. Why would anyone complain about
being able to raise prices in a post-merger market?

Apparently, conventional wisdom is wrong. Market

concentration leads to price wars, to the great benefit of
the consumer. This is why firms find the mergers and
acquisitions of their competitors worrisome. America's
soft drink market is ruled by two firms - Pepsi and Coca-
Cola. Yet, it has been the scene of ferocious price
competition for decades.

"The Economist", in its review of the paper, summed it up


"The story of America's export cartels suggests that when

firms decide to co-operate, rather than compete, they do
not always have price increases in mind. Sometimes, they
get together simply in order to cut costs, which can be of
benefit to consumers."

The very atom of antitrust thinking - the firm - has

changed in the last two decades. No longer hierarchical
and rigid, business resembles self-assembling, nimble, ad-
hoc networks of entrepreneurship superimposed on ever-
shifting product groups and profit and loss centers.

Competition used to be extraneous to the firm - now it is
commonly an internal affair among autonomous units
within a loose overall structure. This is how Jack
"neutron" Welsh deliberately structured General Electric.
AOL-Time Warner hosts many competing units, yet no
one ever instructs them either to curb this internecine
competition, to stop cannibalizing each other, or to start
collaborating synergistically. The few mammoth agencies
that rule the world of advertising now host a clutch of
creative boutiques comfortably ensconced behind Chinese
walls. Such outfits often manage the accounts of
competitors under the same corporate umbrella.

Most firms act as intermediaries. They consume inputs,

process them, and sell them as inputs to other firms. Thus,
many firms are concomitantly consumers, producers, and
suppliers. In a paper published last year and titled
"Productive Differentiation in Successive Vertical
Oligopolies", that authors studied:

"An oligopoly model with two brands. Each downstream

firm chooses one brand to sell on a final market. The
upstream firms specialize in the production of one input
specifically designed for the production of one brand, but
they also produce he input for the other brand at an extra
cost. (They concluded that) when more downstream
brands choose one brand, more upstream firms will
specialize in the input specific to that brand, and vice
versa. Hence, multiple equilibria are possible and the
softening effect of brand differentiation on competition
might not be strong enough to induce maximal
differentiation" (and, thus, minimal competition).

Both scholars and laymen often mix their terms.

Competition does not necessarily translate either to
variety or to lower prices. Many consumers are turned off
by too much choice. Lower prices sometimes deter
competition and new entrants. A multiplicity of vendors,
retail outlets, producers, or suppliers does not always
foster competition. And many products have umpteen
substitutes. Consider films - cable TV, satellite, the
Internet, cinemas, video rental shops, all offer the same
service: visual content delivery.

And then there is the issue of technological standards. It is

incalculably easier to adopt a single worldwide or
industry-wide standard in an oligopolistic environment.
Standards are known to decrease prices by cutting down
R&D expenditures and systematizing components.

Or, take innovation. It is used not only to differentiate

one's products from the competitors' - but to introduce
new generations and classes of products. Only firms with
a dominant market share have both the incentive and the
wherewithal to invest in R&D and in subsequent branding
and marketing.

But oligopolies in deregulated markets have sometimes

substituted price fixing, extended intellectual property
rights, and competitive restraint for market regulation.
Still, Schumpeter believed in the faculty of "disruptive
technologies" and "destructive creation" to check the
power of oligopolies to set extortionate prices, lower
customer care standards, or inhibit competition.

Linux threatens Windows. Opera nibbles at Microsoft's
Internet Explorer. Amazon drubbed traditional
booksellers. eBay thrashes Amazon. Bell was forced by
Covad Communications to implement its own technology,
the DSL broadband phone line.

Barring criminal behavior, there is little that oligopolies

can do to defend themselves against these forces. They
can acquire innovative firms, intellectual property, and
talent. They can form strategic partnerships. But the
supply of innovators and new technologies is infinite - and
the resources of oligopolies, however mighty, are finite.
The market is stronger than any of its participants,
regardless of the hubris of some, or the paranoia of others.


Moral Hazard and the Survival Value of Risk

By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

Also published by United Press International (UPI)

Also Read:

The Business of Risk

Risk transfer is the gist of modern economies. Citizens

pay taxes to ever expanding governments in return for a
variety of "safety nets" and state-sponsored insurance
schemes. Taxes can, therefore, be safely described as
insurance premiums paid by the citizenry. Firms extract
from consumers a markup above their costs to compensate
them for their business risks.

Profits can be easily cast as the premiums a firm charges

for the risks it assumes on behalf of its customers - i.e.,
risk transfer charges. Depositors charge banks and lenders
charge borrowers interest, partly to compensate for the
hazards of lending - such as the default risk. Shareholders
expect above "normal" - that is, risk-free - returns on their
investments in stocks. These are supposed to offset
trading liquidity, issuer insolvency, and market volatility

The reallocation and transfer of risk are booming
industries. Governments, capital markets, banks, and
insurance companies have all entered the fray with ever-
evolving financial instruments. Pundits praise the virtues
of the commodification and trading of risk. It allows
entrepreneurs to assume more of it, banks to get rid of it,
and traders to hedge against it. Modern risk exchanges
liberated Western economies from the tyranny of the
uncertain - they enthuse.

But this is precisely the peril of these new developments.

They mass manufacture moral hazard. They remove the
only immutable incentive to succeed - market discipline
and business failure. They undermine the very fundaments
of capitalism: prices as signals, transmission channels,
risk and reward, opportunity cost. Risk reallocation, risk
transfer, and risk trading create an artificial universe in
which synthetic contracts replace real ones and third party
and moral hazards replace business risks.

Moral hazard is the risk that the behaviour of an economic

player will change as a result of the alleviation of real or
perceived potential costs. It has often been claimed that
IMF bailouts, in the wake of financial crises - in Mexico,
Brazil, Asia, and Turkey, to mention but a few - created
moral hazard.

Governments are willing to act imprudently, safe in the
knowledge that the IMF is a lender of last resort, which is
often steered by geopolitical considerations, rather than
merely economic ones. Creditors are more willing to lend
and at lower rates, reassured by the IMF's default-staving
safety net. Conversely, the IMF's refusal to assist Russia
in 1998 and Argentina this year - should reduce moral

The IMF, of course, denies this. In a paper titled "IMF

Financing and Moral Hazard", published June 2001, the
authors - Timothy Lane and Steven Phillips, two senior
IMF economists - state:

"... In order to make the case for abolishing or drastically

overhauling the IMF, one must show ... that the moral
hazard generated by the availability of IMF financing
overshadows any potentially beneficial effects in
mitigating crises ... Despite many assertions in policy
discussions that moral hazard is a major cause of financial
crises, there has been astonishingly little effort to provide
empirical support for this belief."

Yet, no one knows how to measure moral hazard. In an

efficient market, interest rate spreads on bonds reflect all
the information available to investors, not merely the
existence of moral hazard. Market reaction is often
delayed, partial, or distorted by subsequent developments.

Moreover, charges of "moral hazard" are frequently ill-
informed and haphazard. Even the venerable Wall Street
Journal fell in this fashionable trap. It labeled the Long
Term Capital Management (LTCM) 1998 salvage - "$3.5
billion worth of moral hazard". Yet, no public money was
used to rescue the sinking hedge fund and investors lost
most of their capital when the new lenders took over 90
percent of LTCM's equity.

In an inflationary turn of phrase, "moral hazard" is now

taken to encompass anti-cyclical measures, such as
interest rates cuts. The Fed - and its mythical Chairman,
Alan Greenspan - stand accused of bailing out the bloated
stock market by engaging in an uncontrolled spree of
interest rates reductions.

In a September 2001 paper titled "Moral Hazard and the

US Stock Market", the authors - Marcus Miller, Paul
Weller, and Lei Zhang, all respected academics - accuse
the Fed of creating a "Greenspan Put". In a scathing
commentary, they write:

"The risk premium in the US stock market has fallen far

below its historic level ... (It may have been) reduced by
one-sided intervention policy on the part of the Federal
Reserve which leads investors into the erroneous belief
that they are insured against downside risk ... This
insurance - referred to as the Greenspan Put - (involves)
exaggerated faith in the stabilizing power of Mr.

Moral hazard infringes upon both transparency and
accountability. It is never explicit or known in advance. It
is always arbitrary, or subject to political and geopolitical
considerations. Thus, it serves to increase uncertainty
rather than decrease it. And by protecting private investors
and creditors from the outcomes of their errors and
misjudgments - it undermines the concept of liability.

The recurrent rescues of Mexico - following its systemic

crises in 1976, 1982, 1988, and 1994 - are textbook
examples of moral hazard. The Cato Institute called them,
in a 1995 Policy Analysis paper, "palliatives" which
create "perverse incentives" with regards to what it
considers to be misguided Mexican public policies - such
as refusing to float the peso.

Still, it can be convincingly argued that the problem of

moral hazard is most acute in the private sector.
Sovereigns can always inflate their way out of domestic
debt. Private foreign creditors implicitly assume
multilateral bailouts and endless rescheduling when
lending to TBTF or TITF ("too big or too important to
fail") countries. The debt of many sovereign borrowers,
therefore, is immune to terminal default.

Not so with private debtors. In remarks made by Gary

Stern, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Minneapolis, to the 35th Annual Conference on Bank
Structure and Competition, on May 1999, he said:

"I propose combining market signals of risk with the best
aspects of current regulation to help mitigate the moral
hazard problem that is most acute with our largest banks
... The actual regulatory and legal changes introduced over
the period-although positive steps-are inadequate to
address the safety net's perversion of the risk/return trade-

This observation is truer now than ever. Mass-

consolidation in the banking sector, mergers with non-
banking financial intermediaries (such as insurance
companies), and the introduction of credit derivatives and
other financial innovations - make the issue of moral
hazard all the more pressing.

Consider deposit insurance, provided by virtually every

government in the world. It allows the banks to pay to
depositors interest rates which do not reflect the banks'
inherent riskiness. As the costs of their liabilities decline
to unrealistic levels -banks misprice their assets as well.
They end up charging borrowers the wrong interest rates
or, more common, financing risky projects.

Badly managed banks pay higher premiums to secure

federal deposit insurance. But this disincentive is woefully
inadequate and disproportionate to the enormous benefits
reaped by virtue of having a safety net. Stern dismisses
this approach:

"The ability of regulators to contain moral hazard directly
is limited. Moral hazard results when economic agents do
not bear the marginal costs of their actions. Regulatory
reforms can alter marginal costs but they accomplish this
task through very crude and often exploitable tactics.
There should be limited confidence that regulation and
supervision will lead to bank closures before institutions
become insolvent. In particular, reliance on lagging
regulatory measures, restrictive regulatory and legal
norms, and the ability of banks to quickly alter their risk
profile have often resulted in costly failures."

Stern concludes his remarks by repeating the age-old

advice: caveat emptor. Let depositors and creditors suffer
losses. This will enhance their propensity to discipline
market players. They are also likely to become more
selective and invest in assets which conform to their risk

Both outcomes are highly dubious. Private sector creditors

and depositors have little leverage over delinquent debtors
or banks. When Russia - and trigger happy Russian firms -
defaulted on their obligations in 1998, even the largest
lenders, such as the EBRD, were unable to recover their
credits and investments.

The defrauded depositors of BCCI are still chasing the
assets of the defunct bank as well as litigating against the
Bank of England for allegedly having failed to supervise
it. Discipline imposed by depositors and creditors often
results in a "run on the bank" - or in bankruptcy. The
presumed ability of stakeholders to discipline risky
enterprises, hazardous financial institutions, and profligate
sovereigns is fallacious.

Asset selection within a well balanced and diversified

portfolio is also a bit of a daydream. Information - even in
the most regulated and liquid markets - is partial,
distorted, manipulative, and lagging. Insiders collude to
monopolize it and obtain a "first mover" advantage.

Intricate nets of patronage exclude the vast majority of

shareholders and co-opt ostensible checks and balances -
such as auditors, legislators, and regulators. Enough to
mention Enron and its accountants, the formerly much
vaunted Andersen.

Established economic theory - pioneered by Merton in

1977 - shows that, counterintuitively, the closer a bank is
to insolvency, the more inclined it is to risky lending.
Nobuhiko Hibara of Columbia University demonstrated
this effect convincingly in the Japanese banking system in
his November 2001 draft paper titled "What Happens in
Banking Crises - Credit Crunch vs. Moral Hazard".

Last but by no means least, as opposed to oft-reiterated
wisdom - the markets have no memory. Russia has
egregiously defaulted on its sovereign debt a few times in
the last 100 years. Only four years ago it thumbed its nose
with relish at tearful foreign funds, banks, and investors.

Yet, it is now besieged by investment banks and a horde

of lenders begging it to borrow at concessionary rates.
The same goes for Mexico, Argentina, China, Nigeria,
Thailand, other countries, and the accident-prone banking
system in almost every corner of the globe.

In many places, international aid constitutes the bulk of

foreign currency inflows. It is severely tainted by moral
hazard. In a paper titled "Aid, Conditionality and Moral
Hazard", written by Paul Mosley and John Hudson, and
presented at the Royal Economic Society's 1998 Annual
Conference, the authors wrote:

"Empirical evidence on the effectiveness of both overseas

aid and the 'conditionality' employed by donors to
increase its leverage suggests disappointing results over
the past thirty years ... The reason for both failures is the
same: the risk or 'moral hazard' that aid will be used to
replace domestic investment or adjustment efforts, as the
case may be, rather than supplementing such efforts."

In a May 2001 paper, tellingly titled "Does the World

Bank Cause Moral Hazard and Political Business
Cycles?" authored by Axel Dreher of Mannheim
University, he responds in the affirmative:

"Net flows (of World Bank lending) are higher prior to
elections ... It is shown that a country's rate of monetary
expansion and its government budget deficit (are) higher
the more loans it receives ... Moreover, the budget deficit
is shown to be larger the higher the interest rate subsidy
offered by the (World) Bank."

Thus, the antidote to moral hazard is not this legendary

beast in the capitalistic menagerie, market discipline. Nor
is it regulation. Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz,
Thomas Hellman, and Kevin Murdock concluded in their
1998 paper - "Liberalization, Moral Hazard in Banking,
and Prudential Regulation":

"We find that using capital requirements in an economy

with freely determined deposit rates yields ... inefficient
outcomes. With deposit insurance, freely determined
deposit rates undermine prudent bank behavior. To induce
a bank to choose to make prudent investments, the bank
must have sufficient franchise value at risk ... Capital
requirements also have a perverse effect of increasing the
bank's cost structure, harming the franchise value of the
bank ... Even in an economy where the government can
credibly commit not to offer deposit insurance, the moral
hazard problem still may not disappear."

Moral hazard must be balanced, in the real world, against

more ominous and present threats, such as contagion and
systemic collapse. Clearly, some moral hazard is
inevitable if the alternative is another Great Depression.
Moreover, most people prefer to incur the cost of moral
hazard. They regard it as an insurance premium.

Depositors would like to know that their deposits are safe
or reimbursable. Investors would like to mitigate some of
the risk by shifting it to the state. The unemployed would
like to get their benefits regularly. Bankers would like to
lend more daringly. Governments would like to maintain
the stability of their financial systems.

The common interest is overwhelming - and moral hazard

seems to be a small price to pay. It is surprising how little
abused these safety nets are - as Stephane Pallage and
Christian Zimmerman of the Center for Research on
Economic Fluctuations and Employment in the University
of Quebec note in their paper "Moral Hazard and Optimal
Unemployment Insurance".

Martin Gaynor, Deborah Haas-Wilson, and William Vogt,

cast in doubt the very notion of "abuse" as a result of
moral hazard in their NBER paper titled "Are Invisible
Hands Good Hands?":

"Moral hazard due to health insurance leads to excess

consumption, therefore it is not obvious that competition
is second best optimal. Intuitively, it seems that imperfect
competition in the healthcare market may constrain this
moral hazard by increasing prices. We show that this
intuition cannot be correct if insurance markets are

A competitive insurance market will always produce a
contract that leaves consumers at least as well off under
lower prices as under higher prices. Thus, imperfect
competition in healthcare markets can not have efficiency
enhancing effects if the only distortion is due to moral

Whether regulation and supervision - of firms, banks,

countries, accountants, and other market players - should
be privatized or subjected to other market forces - as
suggested by the likes of Bert Ely of Ely & Company in
the Fall 1999 issue of "The Independent Review" - is still
debated and debatable. With governments, central banks,
or the IMF as lenders and insurer of last resort - there is
little counterparty risk.

Private counterparties are a whole different ballgame.

They are loth and slow to pay. Dismayed creditors have
learned this lesson in Russia in 1998. Investors in
derivatives get acquainted with it in the 2001-2 Enron
affair. Mr. Silverstein is being agonizingly introduced to it
in his dealings with insurance companies over the
September 11 World Trade Center terrorist attacks.

We may more narrowly define moral hazard as the

outcome of asymmetric information - and thus as the
result of the rational conflicts between stakeholders (e.g.,
between shareholders and managers, or between
"principals" and "agents"). This modern, narrow definition
has the advantage of focusing our moral outrage upon the
culprits - rather than, indiscriminately, upon both villains
and victims.

The shareholders and employees of Enron may be entitled
to some kind of safety net - but not so its managers. Laws
- and social norms - that protect the latter at the expense
of the former, should be altered post haste. The
government of a country bankrupted by irresponsible
economic policies should be ousted - its hapless citizens
may deserve financial succor. This distinction between
perpetrator and prey is essential.

The insurance industry has developed a myriad ways to

cope with moral hazard. Co-insurance, investigating
fraudulent claims, deductibles, and incentives to reduce
claims are all effective. The residual cost of moral hazard
is spread among the insured in the form of higher
premiums. No reason not to emulate these stalwart risk
traders. They bet their existence of their ability to
minimize moral hazard - and hitherto, most of them have
been successful.


The Business of Risk
By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

Also published by United Press International (UPI)

Risk transfer is the gist of modern economies. Citizens

pay taxes to ever expanding governments in return for a
variety of "safety nets" and state-sponsored insurance
schemes. Taxes can, therefore, be safely described as
insurance premiums paid by the citizenry. Firms extract
from consumers a markup above their costs to compensate
them for their business risks.

Profits can be easily cast as the premiums a firm charges

for the risks it assumes on behalf of its customers - i.e.,
risk transfer charges. Depositors charge banks and lenders
charge borrowers interest, partly to compensate for the
hazards of lending - such as the default risk. Shareholders
expect above "normal" - that is, risk-free - returns on their
investments in stocks. These are supposed to offset
trading liquidity, issuer insolvency, and market volatility

In his recent book, "When all Else Fails: Government as

the Ultimate Risk Manager", David Moss, an associate
professor at Harvard Business School, argues that the all-
pervasiveness of modern governments is an outcome of
their unique ability to reallocate and manage risk.

He analyzes hundreds of examples - from bankruptcy law
to income security, from flood mitigation to national
defense, and from consumer protection to deposit
insurance. The limited liability company shifted risk from
shareholders to creditors. Product liability laws shifted
risk from consumers to producers.

And, we may add, over-generous pension plans shift risk

from current generations to future ones. Export and credit
insurance schemes - such as the recently established
African Trade Insurance Agency or the more veteran
American OPIC (Overseas Private Investment
Corporation), the British ECGD, and the French COFACE
- shift political risk from buyers, project companies, and
suppliers to governments.

Risk transfer is the traditional business of insurers. But

governments are in direct competition not only with
insurance companies - but also with the capital markets.
Futures, forwards, and options contracts are, in effect,
straightforward insurance policies.

They cover specific and narrowly defined risks: price

fluctuations - of currencies, interest rates, commodities,
standardized goods, metals, and so on. "Transformer"
companies - collaborating with insurance firms -
specialize in converting derivative contracts (mainly
credit default swaps) into insurance policies. This is all
part of the famous Keynes-Hicks hypothesis.

As Holbrook Working proved in his seminal work, hedges
fulfill other functions as well - but even he admitted that
speculators assume risks by buying the contracts. Many
financial players emphasize the risk reducing role of
derivatives. Banks, for instance, lend more - and more
easily - against hedged merchandise.

Hedging and insurance used to be disparate activities

which required specialized skills. Derivatives do not
provide perfect insurance due to non-eliminable residual
risks (e.g., the "basis risk" in futures contracts, or the
definition of a default in a credit derivative). But as banks
and insurance companies merged into what is termed, in
French, "bancassurance", or, in German, "Allfinanz" - so
did their hedging and insurance operations.

In his paper "Risk Transfer between Banks, Insurance

Companies, and Capital Markets", David Rule of the
Bank of England flatly states:

"At least as important for the efficiency and robustness of

the international financial system are linkages through the
growing markets for risk transfer. Banks are shedding
risks to insurance companies, amongst others; and life
insurance companies are using capital markets and banks
to hedge some of the significant market risks arising from
their portfolios of retail savings products ... These
interactions (are) effected primarily through
securitizations and derivatives. In principle, firms can use
risk transfer markets to disperse risks, making them less
vulnerable to particular regional, sectoral, or market

Greater inter-dependence, however, raises challenges for
market participants and the authorities: in tracking the
distribution of risks in the economy, managing associated
counterparty exposures, and ensuring that regulatory,
accounting, and tax differences do not distort behavior in
undesirable ways."

If the powers of government are indeed commensurate

with the scope of its risk transfer and reallocation services
- why should it encourage its competitors? The greater the
variety of insurance a state offers - the more it can tax and
the more perks it can lavish on its bureaucrats. Why
would it forgo such benefits? Isn't it more rational to
expect it to stifle the derivatives markets and to restrict the
role and the product line of insurance companies?

This would be true only if we assume that the private

sector is both able and willing to insure all risks - and thus
to fully substitute for the state.

Yet, this is patently untrue. Insurance companies cover

mostly "pure risks" - loss yielding situations and events.
The financial markets cover mostly "speculative risks" -
transactions that can yield either losses or profits. Both
rely on the "law of large numbers" - that in a sufficiently
large population, every event has a finite and knowable
probability. None of them can or will insure tiny,
exceptional populations against unquantifiable risks. It is
this market failure which gave rise to state involvement in
the business of risk to start with.

Consider the September 11 terrorist attacks with their

mammoth damage to property and unprecedented death

According to "The Economist", in the wake of the
atrocity, insurance companies slashed their coverage to
$50 million per airline per event. EU governments had to
step in and provide unlimited insurance for a month. The
total damage, now pegged at $60 billion - constitutes one
quarter of the capitalization of the entire global
reinsurance market.

Congress went even further, providing coverage for 180

days and a refund of all war and terrorist liabilities above
$100 million per airline. The Americans later extended the
coverage until mid-May. The Europeans followed suit.
Despite this public display of commitment to the air
transport industry, by January this year, no re-insurer
agreed to underwrite terror and war risks. The market
ground to a screeching halt. AIG was the only one to
offer, last March, to hesitantly re-enter the market. Allianz
followed suit in Europe, but on condition that EU
governments act as insurers of last resort.

Even avowed paragons of the free market - such as

Warren Buffet and Kenneth Arrow - called on the Federal
government to step in. Some observers noted the "state
guarantee funds" - which guarantee full settlement of
policyholders' claims on insolvent insurance companies in
the various states. Crop failures and floods are already
insured by federal programs.

Other countries - such as Britain and France - have, for

many years, had arrangements to augment funds from
insurance premiums in case of an unusual catastrophe,
natural or man made. In Israel, South Africa, and Spain,
terrorism and war damages are indemnified by the state or
insurance consortia it runs. Similar schemes are afoot in

But terrorism and war are, gratefully, still rarities. Even
before September 11, insurance companies were in the
throes of a frantic effort to reassert themselves in the face
of stiff competition offered by the capital markets as well
as by financial intermediaries - such as banks and
brokerage houses.

They have invaded the latter's turf by insuring hundreds of

billions of dollars in pools of credit instruments, loans,
corporate debt, and bonds - quality-graded by third party
rating agencies. Insurance companies have thus become
backdoor lenders through specially-spun "monoline"

Moreover, most collateralized debt obligations - the

predominant financial vehicle used to transfer risks from
banks to insurance firms - are "synthetic" and represent
not real loans but a crosscut of the issuing bank's assets.
Insurance companies have already refused to pay up on
specific Enron-related credit derivatives - claiming not to
have insured against a particular insurance events. The
insurance pertained to global pools linked and overall
default rates - they protested.

This excursion of the insurance industry into the financial

market was long in the making. Though treated very
differently by accountants - financial folk see little
distinction between an insurance policy and equity capital.
Both are used to offset business risks.

To recoup losses incurred due to arson, or embezzlement,

or accident - the firm can resort either to its equity capital
(if it is uninsured) or to its insurance. Insurance, therefore,
serves to leverage the firm's equity. By paying a premium,
the firm increases its pool of equity.

The funds yielded by an insurance policy, though, are
encumbered and contingent. It takes an insurance event to
"release" them. Equity capital is usually made
immediately and unconditionally available for any
business purpose. Insurance companies are moving
resolutely to erase this distinction between on and off
balance sheet types of capital. They want to transform
"contingent equity" to "real equity".

They do this by insuring "total business risks" - including

business failures or a disappointing bottom line. Swiss Re
has been issuing such policies in the last 3 years. Other
insurers - such as Zurich - move into project financing.
They guarantee a loan and then finance it based on their
own insurance policy as a collateral.

Paradoxically, as financial markets move away from

"portfolio insurance" (a form of self-hedging) following
the 1987 crash on Wall Street - leading insurers and their
clients are increasingly contemplating "self-insurance"
through captives and other subterfuges.

The blurring of erstwhile boundaries between insurance

and capital is most evident in Alternative Risk Transfer
(ART) financing. It is a hybrid between creative financial
engineering and medieval mutual or ad hoc insurance. It
often involves "captives" - insurance or reinsurance firms
owned by their insured clients and located in tax friendly
climes such as Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, Barbados,
Ireland, and in the USA: Vermont, Colorado, and Hawaii.

Companies - from manufacturers to insurance agents - are
willing to retain more risk than ever before. ART
constitutes less than one tenth the global insurance market
according to "The Economist" - but almost one third of
certain categories, such as the US property and casualty
market, according to an August 2000 article written by
Albert Beer of America Re. ART is also common in the
public and not for profit sectors. counts the advantages of self-insurance:

"The alternative to trading dollars with commercial

insurers in the working layers of risk, direct access to the
reinsurance markets, coverage tailored to your specific
needs, accumulation of investment income to help reduce
net loss costs, improved cash flow, incentive for loss
control, greater control over claims, underwriting and
retention funding flexibility, and reduced cost of

Captives come in many forms: single parent - i.e., owned

by one company to whose customized insurance needs the
captive caters, multiple parent - also known as group,
homogeneous, or joint venture, heterogeneous captive -
owned by firms from different industries, and segregated
cell captives - in which the assets and liabilities of each
"cell" are legally insulated. There are even captives for
hire, known as "rent a captive".

The more reluctant the classical insurance companies are
to provide coverage - and the higher their rates - the
greater the allure of ART. According to "The Economist",
the number of captives established in Bermuda alone
doubled to 108 last year reaching a total of more than
4000. Felix Kloman of Risk Management Reports
estimated that $21 billion in total annual premiums were
paid to captives in 1999.

The Air Transport Association and Marsh, an insurer, are

in the process of establishing Equitime, a captive, backed
by the US government as an insurer of last resort. With an
initial capital of $300 million, it will offer up to $1.5
billion per airline for passenger and third party war and
terror risks.

Some insurance companies - and corporations, such as

Disney - have been issuing high yielding CAT
(catastrophe) bonds since 1994. These lose their value -
partly or wholly - in the event of a disaster. The money
raised underwrites a reinsurance or a primary insurance

According to an article published by Kathryn Westover of

Strategic Risk Solutions in "Financing Risk and
Reinsurance", most CATs are issued by captive Special
Purpose Vehicles (SPV's) registered in offshore havens.
This did not contribute to the bonds' transparency - or

An additional twist comes in the form of Catastrophe
Equity Put Options which oblige their holder to purchase
the equity of the insured at a pre-determined price. Other
derivatives offer exposure to insurance risks. Options
bought by SPV's oblige investors to compensate the issuer
- an insurance or reinsurance company - if damages
exceed the strike price. Weather derivatives have taken off
during the recent volatility in gas and electricity prices in
the USA.

The bullish outlook of some re-insurers notwithstanding,

the market is tiny - less than $1 billion annually - and
illiquid. A CATs risk index is published by and option
contracts are traded on the Chicago Board of Trade
(CBOT). Options were also traded, between 1997 and
1999, on the Bermuda Commodities Exchange (BCE).

Risk transfer, risk trading and the refinancing of risk are at

the forefront of current economic thought. An equally
important issue involves "risk smoothing". Risks, by
nature, are "punctuated" - stochastic and catastrophic.
Finite insurance involves long term, fixed premium,
contracts between a primary insurer and his re-insurer.
The contract also stipulates the maximum claim within the
life of the arrangement. Thus, both parties know what to
expect and - a usually well known or anticipated - risk is

Yet, as the number of exotic assets increases, as financial
services converge, as the number of players climbs, as the
sophistication of everyone involved grows - the very
concept of risk is under attack. Value-at-Risk (VAR)
computer models - used mainly by banks and hedge funds
in "dynamic hedging" - merely compute correlations
between predicted volatilities of the components of an
investment portfolio.

Non-financial companies, spurred on by legislation,

emulate this approach by constructing "risk portfolios"
and keenly embarking on "enterprise risk management
(ERM)", replete with corporate risk officers. Corporate
risk models measure the effect that simultaneous losses
from different, unrelated, events would have on the well-
being of the firm.

Some risks and losses offset each others and are aptly
termed "natural hedges". Enron pioneered the use of such
computer applications in the late 1990's - to little gain it
would seem. There is no reason why insurance companies
wouldn't insure such risk portfolios - rather than one risk
at a time. "Multi-line" or "multi-trigger" policies are a first
step in this direction.

But, as Frank Knight noted in his seminal "Risk,

Uncertainty, and Profit", volatility is wrongly - and widely
- identified with risk. Conversely, diversification and
bundling have been as erroneously - and as widely -
regarded as the ultimate risk neutralizers. His work was
published in 1921.

Guided by VAR models, a change in volatility allows a
bank or a hedge fund to increase or decrease assets with
the same risk level and thus exacerbate the overall hazard
of a portfolio. The collapse of the star-studded Long Term
Capital Management (LTCM) hedge fund in 1998 is
partly attributable to this misconception.

In the Risk annual congress in Boston two years ago,

Myron Scholes of Black-Scholes fame and LTCM
infamy, publicly recanted, admitting that, as quoted by
Dwight Cass in the May 2002 issue of Risk Magazine: "It
is impossible to fully account for risk in a fluid, chaotic
world full of hidden feedback mechanisms." Jeff Skilling
of Enron publicly begged to disagree with him.

Last month, in the Paris congress, Douglas Breeden, dean

of Duke University's Fuqua School of Business, warned
that - to quote from the same issue of Risk Magazine:

" 'Estimation risk' plagues even the best-designed risk

management system. Firms must estimate risk and return
parameters such as means, betas, durations, volatilities
and convexities, and the estimates are subject to error.
Breeden illustrated his point by showing how different
dealers publish significantly different prepayment
forecasts and option-adjusted spreads on mortgage-backed
securities ... (the solutions are) more capital per asset and
less leverage."

Yet, the Basle committee of bank supervisors has based

the new capital regime for banks and investment firms,
known as Basle 2, on the banks' internal measures of risk
and credit scoring. Computerized VAR models will, in all
likelihood, become an official part of the quantitative
pillar of Basle 2 within 5-10 years.

Moreover, Basle 2 demands extra equity capital against
operational risks such as rogue trading or bomb attacks.
There is no hint of the role insurance companies can play
("contingent equity"). There is no trace of the discipline
which financial markets can impose on lax or
dysfunctional banks - through their publicly traded
unsecured, subordinated debt.

Basle 2 is so complex, archaic, and inadequate that it is

bound to frustrate its main aspiration: to avert banking
crises. It is here that we close the circle. Governments
often act as reluctant lenders of last resort and provide
generous safety nets in the event of a bank collapse.

Ultimately, the state is the mother of all insurers, the

master policy, the supreme underwriter. When markets
fail, insurance firm recoil, and financial instruments
disappoint - the government is called in to pick up the
pieces, restore trust and order and, hopefully, retreat more
gracefully than it was forced to enter.


Global Differential Pricing
By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

Also published by United Press International (UPI)

Also Read:

The Revolt of the Poor

Last April, the World Health Organization (WHO), the

World Trade Organization (WTO), the Norwegian
Foreign Ministry, and the US-based Global Health
Council held a 3-days workshop about "Pricing and
Financing of Essential Drugs" in poor countries. Not
surprisingly, the conclusion was:

"... There was broad recognition that differential pricing

could play an important role in ensuring access to existing
drugs at affordable prices, particularly in the poorest
countries, while the patent system would be allowed to
continue to play its role in providing incentives for
research and development into new drugs."

The 80 experts, who attended the workshop, proposed to
reconcile these two, apparently contradictory, aspirations
by introducing different prices for drugs in low-income
and rich countries. This could be achieved bilaterally,
between companies and purchasers, patent holders and
manufacturers, global suppliers and countries - or through
a market mechanism.

According to IMS Health, poor countries are projected to

account for less than one quarter of pharmaceutical sales
this year. Of every $100 spent on medicines worldwide -
42 are in the USA, 25 in Europe, 11 in Japan, 7.5 in Latin
America and the Caribbean, 5 in China and South East
Asia, less than 2 in East Europe and India each, about 1 in
Africa and the Commonwealth of Independent States
(CIS) each.

Vaccines, contraceptives, and condoms are already

subject to cross-border differential pricing. Lately, drug
companies, were forced to introduce multi-tiered pricing
following court decisions, or agreements with the
authorities. Brazilians and South Africans, for instance,
pay a fraction of the price paid in the West for their anti-
retroviral AIDS medication.

Even so, the price of a typical treatment is not affordable.

Foreign donors, private foundations - such as the Bill and
Melissa Gates Foundation - and international
organizations had to step in to cover the shortfall.

The experts acknowledged the risk that branded drugs

sold cheaply in a poor country might end up being
smuggled into and consumed in a much richer ones.

Less likely, industrialized countries may also impose price
controls, using poor country prices as benchmarks. Other
participants, including dominant NGO's, such as Oxfam
and Medecins Sans Frontieres, rooted for a reform of the
TRIPS agreement - or the manufacturing of generic
alternatives to branded drugs.

The "health safeguards" built into the Trade-related

Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)
convention allow for compulsory licensing -
manufacturing a drug without the patent holder's
permission - and for parallel imports - importing a drug
from another country where it is sold at a lower price - in
case of an health emergency.

Aware of the existence of this Damocles sword, the

European Union and the trans-national pharmaceutical
lobby have come out last May in favor of "global tiered

In its 2001 Human Development Report (HDR), the

United Nations Development Program (UNDP) called to
introduce differential rich versus poor country pricing for
"essential high-tech products" as well. The Health GAP
Coalition commented on the report:

"On the issue of differential pricing, the Report notes that,

while an effective global market would encourage
different prices in different countries for products such as
pharmaceuticals, the current system does not. With high-
tech products, where the main cost to the seller is usually
research rather than production, such tiered pricing could
lead to an identical product being sold in poor countries
for just one-tenth-or one-hundredth- the price in Europe or
the United States.

But drug companies and other technology producers fear
that knowledge about such discounting could lead to a
demand for lower prices in rich countries as well. They
have tended to set global prices that are unaffordable for
the citizens of poor countries (as with many AIDS drugs).

'Part of the battle to establish differential pricing must be

won through consumer education. The citizens of rich
countries must understand that it is only fair for people in
developing countries to pay less for medicines and other
critical technology products.' - stated Ms. Sukaki Fukuda-
Parr" the lead author of the Report.

Public declarations issued in Havana, Cuba, in San Jose,

Costa Rica in the late 1990's touted the benefits of free
online scholarship for developing countries. The WHO
and the Open Society Institute initiated HINARI - Health
InterNetwork Access to Research Initiative. Peter Suber,
the publisher of the "Free Online Scholarship" newsletter,
summarizes the initiative thus:

"Under the program, the world's six largest publishers of

biomedical journals have agreed to three-tiered pricing.
For countries in the lowest tier (GNP per capita below
$1k), online subscriptions are free of charge. For countries
in the middle tier (GNP per capita between $1k and $3k),
online subscriptions will be discounted by an amount to
be decided this June. Countries in the top tier pay full

The six participating publishers are Blackwell Synergy,
Elsevier Science Direct, Harcourt IDEAL, Springer Link,
Wiley Interscience, and Wolters Kluwer. The
subscriptions are given to universities and research
institutions, not to individuals. But they are identical in
scope to the subscriptions received by institutions paying
the full price."

Of 500 bottom-tier eligible institutions, more than 200

have already signed up. Additional publishers have joined
this 3-5 years program and most biomedical journals are
already on offer. Mid-tier pricing will be declared by
January next year. HINARI will probably be expanded to
cover other scientific disciplines.

Authors from developing countries also benefit from the

spread of free online scholarship coupled with differential
pricing. "Best of Science", for example, a free, peer-
reviewed, online science journal subsists on fees paid by
the authors. It charges authors from developing countries

But differential pricing is unlikely to be confined to

scholarly journals. Already, voices in developing
countries demand tiered pricing for Western textbooks
sold in emerging economies. Quoted in the Free Online
Scholarship newsletter, Lai Ting-ming of the Taipei
Times criticized, on March 26, "western publishers for
selling textbooks to third world students at first world
prices. There is a "textbook pricing crisis" in developing
countries, which is most commonly solved by illicit

Touchingly, the issue of the dispossessed within rich
country societies was raised by two African Special
Rapporteurs in a report submitted last year to the UN sub-
Commission on Human Rights and titled "Globalization
and its Impact on the Full Enjoyment of Human Rights".
It said:

" ... The emphasis on R & D investment conveniently

omits mention of the fact that some of the financing for
this research comes from public sources; how then can it
be justifiably argued that the benefits that derive from
such investment should accrue primarily to private
interests? Lastly, the focus on differential pricing between
(rich and poor) countries omits consideration of the fact
that there are many people within developed countries
who are also unable to afford the same drugs. This may be
on account of an inaccessible or inhospitable health care
system (in terms of cost or an absence of adequate social
welfare mechanisms), or because of racial, gender, sexual
orientation or other forms of discrimination."

Differential pricing is often confused with dynamic


Bob Gressens of Moai Technologies and Christopher

Brousseau of Accenture define dynamic pricing, in their
paper "The Value Propositions of Dynamic Pricing in
Business-to-Business E-Commerce" as: "... The buying
and selling of goods and services in markets where prices
are free to move in response to supply and demand

This is usually done through auctions or requests for
quotes or tenders. Dynamic pricing is most often used in
the liquidation of surplus inventories and for e-sourcing.

Nor is differential pricing entirely identical with non-

linear pricing. In the real world, prices are rarely fixed.
Some prices vary with usage - "pay per view" in the cable
TV industry, or "pay per print" in scholarly online
reference. Other prices combine a fixed element (e.g., a
subscription fee) with a variable element (e.g., payment
per broadband usage). Volume discounts, sales, cross-
selling, three for the price of two - are all examples of
non-linear pricing. Non-linear pricing is about charging
different prices to different consumers - but within the
same market.

Hal Varian of the School of Information Management and

Systems at the University of California in Berkeley
summarizes the treatment of "Price Discrimination" in A.
C. Pigou's seminal 1920 tome, "The Economics of

"First-degree price discrimination means that the producer

sells different units of output for different prices and these
prices may differ from person to person. This is
sometimes known as the case of perfect price

Second-degree price discrimination means that the

producer sells different units of output for different prices,
but every individual who buys the same amount of the
good pays the same price.

Thus prices depend on the amount of the good purchased,
but not on who does the purchasing. A common example
of this sort of pricing is volume discounts.

Third-degree price discrimination occurs when the

producer sells output to different people for different
prices, but every unit of output sold to a given person sells
for the same price. This is the most common form of price
discrimination, and examples include senior citizens'
discounts, student discounts, and so on."

Varian evaluates the contribution of each of these

practices to economic efficiency in a 1996 article
published in "First Monday":

"First-degree price discrimination yields a fully efficient

outcome, in the sense of maximizing consumer plus
producer surplus.

Second-degree price discrimination generally provides an

efficient amount of the good to the largest consumers, but
smaller consumers may receive inefficiently low amounts.
Nevertheless, they will be better off than if they did not
participate in the market. If differential pricing is not
allowed, groups with small willingness to pay may not be
served at all.

Third-degree price discrimination increases welfare when

it encourages a sufficiently large increase in output. If
output doesn't increase, total welfare will fall. As in the
case of second-degree price discrimination, third-degree
price discrimination is a good thing for niche markets that
would not otherwise be served under a uniform pricing

The key issue is whether the output of goods and services
is increased or decreased by differential pricing."

Strictly speaking, global differential pricing is none of the

above. It involves charging different prices in different
markets, in accordance with the purchasing power of the
local clientele (i.e., their willingness and ability to pay) -
or in deference to their political and legal clout.

Differential prices are not set by supply and demand and,

therefore, do not fluctuate. All the consumers within each
market are charged the same - prices vary only across
markets. They are determined by the manufacturer in each
and every market separately in accordance with local

A March 2001 WHO/WTO background paper titled

"More Equitable Pricing for Essential Drugs" discovered
immense variations in the prices of medicines among
different national markets. But, surprisingly, these price
differences were unrelated to national income.

Even allowing for price differentials, the one-month cost

of treatment of Tuberculosis in Tanzania was the
equivalent of 500 working hours - compared to 1.4
working hours in Switzerland. The price of medicines in
poor countries - from Zimbabwe to India - was clearly
higher than one would have expected from income
measures such as GDP per capita or average wages. Why
didn't drug prices adjust to reflect indigenous purchasing

According to the Paris-based International Chamber of
Commerce (ICC), differential pricing is also - perhaps
mostly - influenced by other considerations such as:
transportation costs, disparate tax and customs regimes,
cost of employment, differences in property rights and
royalties, local safety and health standards, price controls,
quality of internal distribution systems, the size of the
order, the size of the market, and so on.

Differential pricing was made possible by the application

of mass manufacturing to the knowledge society. Many
industries, both emerging ones, like telecommunications,
or information technology - and mature ones, like airlines,
or pharmaceuticals - defy conventional pricing theory.
They involve huge sunk and fixed costs - mainly in
research and development and plant.

But the marginal cost of each and every manufactured unit

is identical - and vanishingly low. Beyond a certain
quantitative threshold returns skyrocket and revenues
contribute directly to the bottom line.

Consider software applications. The first units sold cover

the enormous fixed and sunk costs of authoring the
software and the machine tools used in the manufacturing
process. The actual production ("variable" or "marginal")
cost of each unit is a mere few cents - the wholesale price
of the diskettes or CD-ROM's consumed. Thus, after
having achieved breakeven, sales revenues translate
immediately to gross profits.

This bifurcation - the huge fixed costs versus the
negligible marginal costs - vitiates the rule: "set price at
marginal cost". At which marginal cost? To compensate
for the sunk and fixed costs, the first "marginal units"
must carry a much higher price tag than the last ones.

Hal Varian studied this problem. His conclusions:

"(i) Efficient pricing in such environments will typically

involve prices that differ across consumers and type of
service; (ii) producers will want to engage in product and
service differentiation in order for this differential pricing
to be feasible; and, (iii) differential pricing will arise
naturally as a result of profit seeking by firms. It follows
that differential pricing can generally be expected to
contribute to economic efficiency."

Differential pricing is also the outcome of globalization.

As brands become ubiquitous and as the information
superhighway renders prices comparable and transparent -
different markets react differently to price signals. In
impoverished countries, differential pricing was
introduced illegally where manufacturers insisted on rigid,
rich-world, price lists.

Piracy of intellectual property, for instance, is a form of

coercive (and illegal) differential pricing. The existence of
thriving rip-off markets proves that, at the right prices,
demand is rife (demand elasticity). Both piracy and
differential pricing may be spreading to scholarly
publishing and other form of intellectual property such as
software, films, music, and e-books.

Consumers are divided on the issue of multi-tiered pricing
tailored to fit the customer's purchasing power. Not
surprisingly, rich world buyers are apprehensive. They
feel that differential pricing is a form of hidden subsidy,
or a kind of "third world tax".

On September 2000, conducted a unique

poll - this time among customers - regarding differential
pricing (actually, non-linear pricing) - showing different
prices to different users on the same book.

Forty two percent of all respondents though it was

"discrimination" and "should stop" - but a surprising 31
percent regarded it as "a valid use of data mining". A
quarter said it is "OK, if explained to users". The
comments were telling:

"I work over 80 hours a week. As a small business owner,

I may make good money, but does that mean I should be
charged more than unmotivated individuals who are broke
because they don't want to work more than 30 hours a
week. I don't think so ... Should (preferred) customers
disappear in (the) off-line world? Should Gold Cards or
Platinum Cards disappear? ...

The interesting thing is that discrimination of pricing is
very common in the insurance industry - the basis for
actuarial work and in airlines - based on load factors. The
key is the pricing available to groups of customers with
similar profiles ... Simple supply and demand, competition
from other suppliers should offset ... A dangerous policy
to implement ... As a consumer I don't necessarily like it,
(unless I get a lower price!). However, economically
speaking, (think of a monopolist's MR curve) the ideal is
to have each person pay the maximum amount that they
are willing to pay."


The Disruptive Engine

Innovation and the Capitalistic Dream

By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

Also published by United Press International (UPI)

On 18 June business people across the UK took part in

Living Innovation 2002. The extravaganza included a
national broadcast linkup from the Eden Project in
Cornwall and satellite-televised interviews with successful

Innovation occurs even in the most backward societies

and in the hardest of times. It is thus, too often, taken for
granted. But the intensity, extent, and practicality of
innovation can be fine-tuned. Appropriate policies, the
right environment, incentives, functional and risk seeking
capital markets, or a skillful and committed Diaspora -
can all enhance and channel innovation.

The wrong cultural context, discouraging social mores,

xenophobia, a paranoid set of mind, isolation from
international trade and FDI, lack of fiscal incentives, a
small domestic or regional market, a conservative ethos,
risk aversion, or a well-ingrained fear of disgracing failure
- all tend to stifle innovation.

Product Development Units in banks, insurers, brokerage

houses, and other financial intermediaries churn out
groundbreaking financial instruments regularly.

Governments - from the United Kingdom to New Zealand
- set up "innovation teams or units" to foster innovation
and support it. Canada's is more than two decades old.

The European Commission has floated a new program

dubbed INNOVATION and aimed at the promotion of
innovation and encouragement of SME participation. Its
goals are:

"(The) promotion of an environment favourable to

innovation and the absorption of new technologies by

Stimulation of a European open area for the diffusion of

technologies and knowledge;

Supply of this area with appropriate technologies."

But all these worthy efforts ignore what James O'Toole

called in "Leading Change" - "the ideology of comfort and
the tyranny of custom." The much quoted Austrian
economist, Joseph Schumpeter coined the phrase "creative
destruction". Together with its twin - "disruptive
technologies" - it came to be the mantra of the now
defunct "New Economy".

Schumpeter seemed to have captured the unsettling nature

of innovation - unpredictable, unknown, unruly,
troublesome, and ominous. Innovation often changes the
inner dynamics of organizations and their internal power
structure. It poses new demands on scarce resources.

It provokes resistance and unrest. If mismanaged - it can
spell doom rather than boom.

Satkar Gidda, Sales and Marketing Director for

SiebertHead, a large UK packaging design house, was
quoted in "The Financial Times" last week as saying:

"Every new product or pack concept is researched to

death nowadays - and many great ideas are thrown out
simply because a group of consumers is suspicious of
anything that sounds new ... Conservatism among the
buying public, twinned with a generation of marketing
directors who won't take a chance on something that
breaks new ground, is leading to super-markets and car
showrooms full of me-too products, line extensions and
minor product tweaks."

Yet, the truth is that no one knows why people innovate.

The process of innovation has never been studied
thoroughly - nor are the effects of innovation fully

In a new tome titled "The Free-Market Innovation

Machine", William Baumol of Princeton University
claims that only capitalism guarantees growth through a
steady flow of innovation:

"... Innovative activity-which in other types of economy is

fortuitous and optional-becomes mandatory, a life-and-
death matter for the firm."

Capitalism makes sure that innovators are rewarded for

their time and skills. Property rights are enshrined in
enforceable contracts.

In non-capitalist societies, people are busy inventing ways
to survive or circumvent the system, create monopolies, or
engage in crime.

But Baumol fails to sufficiently account for the different

levels of innovation in capitalistic countries. Why are
inventors in America more productive than their French or
British counterparts - at least judging by the number of
patents they get issued?

Perhaps because oligopolies are more common in the US

than they are elsewhere. Baumol suggests that oligopolies
use their excess rent - i.e., profits which exceed perfect
competition takings - to innovate and thus to differentiate
their products. Still, oligopolistic behavior does not sit
well with another of Baumol's observations: that
innovators tend to maximize their returns by sharing their
technology and licensing it to more efficient and
profitable manufacturers. Nor can one square this
propensity to share with the ever more stringent and
expansive intellectual property laws that afflict many rich
countries nowadays.

Very few inventions have forced "established companies

from their dominant market positions" as the "The
Economist" put it recently. Moreover, most novelties are
spawned by established companies. The single, tortured,
and misunderstood inventor working on a shoestring
budget in his garage - is a mythical relic of 18th century

More often, innovation is systematically and methodically

pursued by teams of scientists and researchers in the labs
of mega-corporations and endowed academic institutions.

Governments - and, more particularly the defense
establishment - finance most of this brainstorming. the
Internet was invented by DARPA - a Department of
Defense agency - and not by libertarian intellectuals.

A recent report compiled by PricewaterhouseCoopers

from interviews with 800 CEO's in the UK, France,
Germany, Spain, Australia, Japan and the US and titled
"Innovation and Growth: A Global Perspective" included
the following findings:

"High-performing companies - those that generate annual

total shareholder returns in excess of 37 percent and have
seen consistent revenue growth over the last five years -
average 61 percent of their turnover from new products
and services. For low performers, only 26 percent of
turnover comes from new products and services."

Most of the respondents attributed the need to innovate to

increasing pressures to brand and differentiate exerted by
the advent of e-business and globalization. Yet a full three
quarters admitted to being entirely unprepared for the new

Two good places to study routine innovation are the

design studio and the financial markets.

Tom Kelly, brother of founder David Kelly, studies, in

"The Art of Innovation", the history of some of the greater
inventions to have been incubated in IDEO, a prominent
California-based design firm dubbed "Innovation U." by
Fortune Magazine. These include the computer mouse, the
instant camera, and the PDA. The secret of success seems
to consist of keenly observing what people miss most
when they work and play.

Robert Morris, an Amazon reviewer, sums up IDEO's
creative process:

- Understand the market, the client, the technology, and

the perceived constraints on the given problem;

- Observe real people in real-life situations;

- Literally visualize new-to-the- world concepts AND the

customers who will use them;

- Evaluate and refine the prototypes in a series of quick


- And finally, implement the new concept for


This methodology is a hybrid between the lone-inventor

and the faceless corporate R&D team. An entirely
different process of innovation characterizes the financial
markets. Jacob Goldenberg and David Mazursky
postulated the existence of Creativity Templates. Once
systematically applied to existing products, these lead to

Financial innovation is methodical and product-centric.

The resulting trade in pioneering products, such as all
manner of derivatives, has expanded 20-fold between
1986 and 1999, when annual trading volume exceeded 13
trillion dollar.

Swiss Re Economic Research and Consulting had this to

say in its study, Sigma 3/2001:

"Three types of factors drive financial innovation:
demand, supply, and taxes and regulation. Demand driven
innovation occurs in response to the desire of companies
to protect themselves from market risks ... Supply side
factors ... include improvements in technology and
heightened competition among financial service firms.
Other financial innovation occurs as a rational response to
taxes and regulation, as firms seek to minimize the cost
that these impose."

Financial innovation is closely related to breakthroughs in

information technology. Both markets are founded on the
manipulation of symbols and coded concepts. The
dynamic of these markets is self-reinforcing. Faster
computers with more massive storage, speedier data
transfer ("pipeline"), and networking capabilities - give
rise to all forms of advances - from math-rich derivatives
contracts to distributed computing. These, in turn, drive
software companies, creators of content, financial
engineers, scientists, and inventors to a heightened
complexity of thinking. It is a virtuous cycle in which
innovation generates the very tools that facilitate further

The eminent American economist Robert Merton - quoted

in Sigma 3/2001 - described in the Winter 1992 issue of
the "Journal of Applied Corporate Finance" the various
phases of the market-buttressed spiral of financial
innovation thus:

"1. In the first stage ... there is a proliferation of

standardised securities such as futures. These securities
make possible the creation of custom-designed financial
products ...

2. In the second stage, volume in the new market expands
as financial intermediaries trade to hedge their market

3. The increased trading volume in turn reduces financial

transaction costs and thereby makes further
implementation of new products and trading strategies
possible, which leads to still more volume.

4. The success of these trading markets then encourages

investments in creating additional markets, and the
financial system spirals towards the theoretical limit of
zero transaction costs and dynamically complete

Financial innovation is not adjuvant. Innovation is useless

without finance - whether in the form of equity or debt.
Schumpeter himself gave equal weight to new forms of
"credit creation" which invariably accompanied each
technological "paradigm shift". In the absence of stock
options and venture capital - there would have been no
Microsoft or Intel.

It would seem that both management gurus and ivory

tower academics agree that innovation - technological and
financial - is an inseparable part of competition. Tom
Peters put it succinctly in "The Circle of Innovation"
when he wrote: "Innovate or die." James Morse, a
management consultant, rendered, in the same tome, the
same lesson more verbosely: "The only sustainable
competitive advantage comes from out-innovating the

The OECD has just published a study titled "Productivity
and Innovation". It summarizes the orthodoxy, first
formulated by Nobel prizewinner Robert Solow from MIT
almost five decades ago:

"A substantial part of economic growth cannot be

explained by increased utilisation of capital and labour.
This part of growth, commonly labelled "multi-factor
productivity, represents improvements in the efficiency of
production. It is usually seen as the result of innovation
by best-practice firms, technological catch-up by other
firms, and reallocation of resources across firms and

The study analyzed the entire OECD area. It concluded,

unsurprisingly, that easing regulatory restrictions
enhances productivity and that policies that favor
competition spur innovation. They do so by making it
easier to adjust the factors of production and by
facilitating the entrance of new firms - mainly in rapidly
evolving industries.

Pro-competition policies stimulate increases in efficiency

and product diversification. They help shift output to
innovative industries. More unconventionally, as the
report diplomatically put it: "The effects on innovation of
easing job protection are complex" and "Excessive
intellectual property rights protection may hinder the
development of new processes and products."

As expected, the study found that productivity

performance varies across countries reflecting their ability
to reach and then shift the technological frontier - a direct
outcome of aggregate innovative effort.

Yet, innovation may be curbed by even more all-pervasive
and pernicious problems. "The Economist" posed a
question to its readers in the December 2001`issue of its
Technology Quarterly:

Was "technology losing its knack of being able to invent a

host of solutions for any given problem ... (and) as a
corollary, (was) innovation ... running out of new ideas to

These worrying trends were attributed to "the soaring cost

of developing high-tech products ... as only one of the
reasons why technological choice is on the wane, as one
or two firms emerge as the sole suppliers. The trend
towards globalisation-of markets as much as
manufacturing-was seen as another cause of this loss of
engineering diversity ... (as was the) the widespread use of
safety standards that emphasise detailed design
specifications instead of setting minimum performance
requirements for designers to achieve any way they wish.

Then there was the commoditisation of technology

brought on largely by the cross-licensing and patent-
trading between rival firms, which more or less guarantees
that many of their products are essentially the same ...
(Another innovation-inhibiting problem is that) increasing
knowledge was leading to increasing specialisation - with
little or no cross- communication between experts in
different fields ...

... Maturing technology can quickly become de-skilled as

automated tools get developed so designers can harness
the technology's power without having to understand its
inner workings.

The more that happens, the more engineers closest to the
technology become incapable of contributing
improvements to it. And without such user input, a
technology can quickly ossify."

The readers overwhelmingly rejected these contentions.

The rate of innovation, they asserted, has actually
accelerated with wider spread education and more
efficient weeding-out of unfit solutions by the
marketplace. "... Technology in the 21st
century is going to be less about discovering new
phenomena and more about putting known things together
with greater imagination and efficiency."

Many cited the S-curve to illuminate the current respite.

Innovation is followed by selection, improvement of the
surviving models, shake-out among competing suppliers,
and convergence on a single solution. Information
technology has matured - but new S-curves are nascent:
nanotechnology, quantum computing, proteomics, neuro-
silicates, and machine intelligence.

Recent innovations have spawned two crucial ethical

debates, though with accentuated pragmatic aspects. The
first is "open source-free access" versus proprietary
technology and the second revolves around the role of
technological progress in re-defining relationships
between stakeholders.

Both issues are related to the inadvertent re-engineering of

the corporation. Modern technology helped streamline
firms by removing layers of paper-shuffling management.
It placed great power in the hands of the end-user, be it an
executive, a household, or an individual.

It reversed the trends of centralization and hierarchical
stratification wrought by the Industrial Revolution. From
microprocessor to micropower - an enormous centrifugal
shift is underway. Power percolates back to the people.

Thus, the relationships between user and supplier,

customer and company, shareholder and manager,
medium and consumer - are being radically reshaped. In
an intriguing spin on this theme, Michael Cox and
Richard Alm argue in their book "Myths of Rich and Poor
- Why We are Better off than We Think" that income
inequality actually engenders innovation. The rich and
corporate clients pay exorbitant prices for prototypes and
new products, thus cross-subsidising development costs
for the poorer majority.

Yet the poor are malcontented. They want equal access to

new products. One way of securing it is by having the
poor develop the products and then disseminate them free
of charge. The development effort is done collectively, by
volunteers. The Linux operating system is an example as
is the Open Directory Project which competes with the
commercial Yahoo!

The UNDP's Human Development Report 2001 titled

"Making new technologies work for human development"
is unequivocal. Innovation and access to technologies are
the keys to poverty-reduction through sustained growth.
Technology helps reduce mortality rates, disease, and
hunger among the destitute.

"The Economist" carried last December the story of the
agricultural technologist Richard Jefferson who helps
"local plant breeders and growers develop the foods they
think best ... CAMBIA (the institute he founded) has
resisted the lure of exclusive licences and shareholder
investment, because it wants its work to be freely
available and widely used." This may well foretell the
shape of things to come.


Governments and Growth
By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

Also published by United Press International (UPI)

Also Read:

The Washington Consensus - I. The IMF

It is a maxim of current economic orthodoxy that

governments compete with the private sector on a limited
pool of savings. It is considered equally self-evident that
the private sector is better, more competent, and more
efficient at allocating scarce economic resources and thus
at preventing waste. It is therefore thought economically
sound to reduce the size of government - i.e., minimize its
tax intake and its public borrowing - in order to free
resources for the private sector to allocate productively
and efficiently.

Yet, both dogmas are far from being universally


The assumption underlying the first conjecture is that

government obligations and corporate lending are perfect
substitutes. In other words, once deprived of treasury
notes, bills, and bonds - a rational investor is expected to
divert her savings to buying stocks or corporate bonds.

It is further anticipated that financial intermediaries -
pension funds, banks, mutual funds - will tread similarly.
If unable to invest the savings of their depositors in scarce
risk-free - i.e., government - securities - they will likely
alter their investment preferences and buy equity and debt
issued by firms.

Yet, this is expressly untrue. Bond buyers and stock

investors are two distinct crowds. Their risk aversion is
different. Their investment preferences are disparate.
Some of them - e.g., pension funds - are constrained by
law as to the composition of their investment portfolios.
Once government debt has turned scarce or expensive,
bond investors tend to resort to cash. That cash - not
equity or corporate debt - is the veritable substitute for
risk-free securities is a basic tenet of modern investment
portfolio theory.

Moreover, the "perfect substitute" hypothesis assumes the

existence of efficient markets and frictionless
transmission mechanisms. But this is a conveniently
idealized picture which has little to do with grubby reality.
Switching from one kind of investment to another incurs -
often prohibitive - transaction costs. In many countries,
financial intermediaries are dysfunctional or corrupt or
both. They are unable to efficiently convert savings to
investments - or are wary of doing so.

Furthermore, very few capital and financial markets are

closed, self-contained, or self-sufficient units.
Governments can and do borrow from foreigners. Most
rich world countries - with the exception of Japan - tap
"foreign people's money" for their public borrowing
needs. When the US government borrows more, it crowds
out the private sector in Japan - not in the USA.

It is universally agreed that governments have at least two
critical economic roles. The first is to provide a "level
playing field" for all economic players. It is supposed to
foster competition, enforce the rule of law and, in
particular, property rights, encourage free trade, avoid
distorting fiscal incentives and disincentives, and so on.
Its second role is to cope with market failures and the
provision of public goods. It is expected to step in when
markets fail to deliver goods and services, when asset
bubbles inflate, or when economic resources are blatantly

Yet, there is a third role. In our post-Keynesian world, it is

a heresy. It flies in the face of the "Washington
Consensus" propagated by the Bretton-Woods institutions
and by development banks the world over. It is the
government's obligation to foster growth.

In most countries of the world - definitely in Africa, the

Middle East, the bulk of Latin America, central and
eastern Europe, and central and east Asia - savings do not
translate to investments, either in the form of corporate
debt or in the form of corporate equity.

In most countries of the world, institutions do not

function, the rule of law and properly rights are not
upheld, the banking system is dysfunctional and clogged
by bad debts. Rusty monetary transmission mechanisms
render monetary policy impotent.

In most countries of the world, there is no entrepreneurial

and thriving private sector and the economy is at the
mercy of external shocks and fickle business cycles. Only
the state can counter these economically detrimental

Often, the sole engine of growth and the exclusive
automatic stabilizer is public spending. Not all types of
public expenditures have the desired effect. Witness
Japan's pork barrel spending on "infrastructure projects".
But development-related and consumption-enhancing
spending is usually beneficial.

To say, in most countries of the world, that "public

borrowing is crowding out the private sector" is wrong. It
assumes the existence of a formal private sector which can
tap the credit and capital markets through functioning
financial intermediaries, notably banks and stock

Yet, this mental picture is a figment of economic

imagination. The bulk of the private sector in these
countries is informal. In many of them, there are no credit
or capital markets to speak of. The government doesn't
borrow from savers through the marketplace - but
internationally, often from multilaterals.

Outlandish default rates result in vertiginously high real

interest rates. Inter-corporate lending, barter, and cash
transactions substitute for bank credit, corporate bonds, or
equity flotations. As a result, the private sector's financial
leverage is minuscule. In the rich West $1 in equity
generates $3-5 in debt for a total investment of $4-6. In
the developing world, $1 of tax-evaded equity generates
nothing. The state has to pick up the slack.

Growth and employment are public goods and developing

countries are in a perpetual state of systemic and multiple
market failures.

Rather than lend to businesses or households - banks
thrive on arbitrage. Investment horizons are limited.
Should the state refrain from stepping in to fill up the gap
- these countries are doomed to inexorable decline.


The Distributive Justice of the Market
By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

Also published by United Press International (UPI)

Also Read

The Principal-Agent Conundrum

The Green-Eyed Capitalist

The Misconception of Scarcity

The public outcry against executive pay and compensation

followed disclosures of insider trading, double dealing,
and outright fraud. But even honest and productive
entrepreneurs often earn more money in one year than
Albert Einstein did in his entire life. This strikes many -
especially academics - as unfair. Surely Einstein's
contributions to human knowledge and welfare far exceed
anything ever accomplished by sundry businessmen?
Fortunately, this discrepancy is cause for constructive
jealousy, emulation, and imitation. It can, however, lead
to an orgy of destructive and self-ruinous envy.

Entrepreneurs recombine natural and human resources in
novel ways. They do so to respond to forecasts of future
needs, or to observations of failures and shortcomings of
current products or services. Entrepreneurs are
professional - though usually intuitive - futurologists. This
is a valuable service and it is financed by systematic risk
takers, such as venture capitalists. Surely they all deserve
compensation for their efforts and the hazards they

Exclusive ownership is the most ancient type of such

remuneration. First movers, entrepreneurs, risk takers,
owners of the wealth they generated, exploiters of
resources - are allowed to exclude others from owning or
exploiting the same things. Mineral concessions, patents,
copyright, trademarks - are all forms of monopoly
ownership. What moral right to exclude others is gained
from being the first?

Nozick advanced Locke's Proviso. An exclusive

ownership of property is just only if "enough and as good
is left in common for others". If it does not worsen other
people's lot, exclusivity is morally permissible. It can be
argued, though, that all modes of exclusive ownership
aggravate other people's situation. As far as everyone, bar
the entrepreneur, are concerned, exclusivity also prevents
a more advantageous distribution of income and wealth.

Exclusive ownership reflects real-life irreversibility. A

first mover has the advantage of excess information and of
irreversibly invested work, time, and effort.

Economic enterprise is subject to information asymmetry:
we know nothing about the future and everything about
the past. This asymmetry is known as "investment risk".
Society compensates the entrepreneur with one type of
asymmetry - exclusive ownership - for assuming another,
the investment risk.

One way of looking at it is that all others are worse off by

the amount of profits and rents accruing to owner-
entrepreneurs. Profits and rents reflect an intrinsic
inefficiency. Another is to recall that ownership is the
result of adding value to the world. It is only reasonable to
expect it to yield to the entrepreneur at least this value
added now and in the future.

In a "Theory of Justice" (published 1971, p. 302), John

Rawls described an ideal society thus:

"(1) Each person is to have an equal right to the most

extensive total system of equal basic liberties compatible
with a similar system of liberty for all. (2) Social and
economic inequalities are to be arranged so that they are
both: (a) to the greatest benefit of the least advantaged,
consistent with the just savings principle, and (b) attached
to offices and positions open to all under conditions of fair
equality of opportunity. "

It all harks back to scarcity of resources - land, money,

raw materials, manpower, creative brains. Those who can
afford to do so, hoard resources to offset anxiety
regarding future uncertainty. Others wallow in paucity.
The distribution of means is thus skewed.

"Distributive justice" deals with the just allocation of
scarce resources.

Yet, even the basic terminology is somewhat fuzzy. What

constitutes a resource? what is meant by allocation? Who
should allocate resources - Adam Smith's "invisible
hand", the government, the consumer, or business? Should
it reflect differences in power, in intelligence, in
knowledge, or in heredity? Should resource allocation be
subject to a principle of entitlement? Is it reasonable to
demand that it be just - or merely efficient? Are justice
and efficiency antonyms?

Justice is concerned with equal access to opportunities.

Equal access does not guarantee equal outcomes,
invariably determined by idiosyncrasies and differences
between people. Access leveraged by the application of
natural or acquired capacities - translates into accrued
wealth. Disparities in these capacities lead to
discrepancies in accrued wealth.

The doctrine of equal access is founded on the

equivalence of Men. That all men are created equal and
deserve the same respect and, therefore, equal treatment is
not self evident. European aristocracy well into this
century would have probably found this notion abhorrent.
Jose Ortega Y Gasset, writing in the 1930's, preached that
access to educational and economic opportunities should
be premised on one's lineage, up bringing, wealth, and
social responsibilities.

A succession of societies and cultures discriminated

against the ignorant, criminals, atheists, females,
homosexuals, members of ethnic, religious, or racial
groups, the old, the immigrant, and the poor.

Communism - ostensibly a strict egalitarian idea -
foundered because it failed to reconcile strict equality
with economic and psychological realities within an
impatient timetable.

Philosophers tried to specify a "bundle" or "package" of

goods, services, and intangibles (like information, or
skills, or knowledge). Justice - though not necessarily
happiness - is when everyone possesses an identical
bundle. Happiness - though not necessarily justice - is
when each one of us possesses a "bundle" which reflects
his or her preferences, priorities, and predilections. None
of us will be too happy with a standardized bundle,
selected by a committee of philosophers - or bureaucrats,
as was the case under communism.

The market allows for the exchange of goods and services

between holders of identical bundles. If I seek books, but
detest oranges - I can swap them with someone in return
for his books. That way both of us are rendered better off
than under the strict egalitarian version.

Still, there is no guarantee that I will find my exact match

- a person who is interested in swapping his books for my
oranges. Illiquid, small, or imperfect markets thus inhibit
the scope of these exchanges. Additionally, exchange
participants have to agree on an index: how many books
for how many oranges? This is the price of oranges in
terms of books.

Money - the obvious "index" - does not solve this

problem, merely simplifies it and facilitates exchanges. It
does not eliminate the necessity to negotiate an "exchange
rate". It does not prevent market failures. In other words:
money is not an index.

It is merely a medium of exchange and a store of value.
The index - as expressed in terms of money - is the
underlying agreement regarding the values of resources in
terms of other resources (i.e., their relative values).

The market - and the price mechanism - increase

happiness and welfare by allowing people to alter the
composition of their bundles. The invisible hand is just
and benevolent. But money is imperfect. The
aforementioned Rawles demonstrated (1971), that we
need to combine money with other measures in order to
place a value on intangibles.

The prevailing market theories postulate that everyone has

the same resources at some initial point (the "starting
gate"). It is up to them to deploy these endowments and,
thus, to ravage or increase their wealth. While the initial
distribution is equal - the end distribution depends on how
wisely - or imprudently - the initial distribution was used.

Egalitarian thinkers proposed to equate everyone's income

in each time frame (e.g., annually). But identical incomes
do not automatically yield the same accrued wealth. The
latter depends on how the income is used - saved,
invested, or squandered. Relative disparities of wealth are
bound to emerge, regardless of the nature of income

Some say that excess wealth should be confiscated and

redistributed. Progressive taxation and the welfare state
aim to secure this outcome. Redistributive mechanisms
reset the "wealth clock" periodically (at the end of every
month, or fiscal year). In many countries, the law dictates
which portion of one's income must be saved and, by
implication, how much can be consumed.

This conflicts with basic rights like the freedom to make
economic choices.

The legalized expropriation of income (i.e., taxes) is

morally dubious. Anti-tax movements have sprung all
over the world and their philosophy permeates the
ideology of political parties in many countries, not least
the USA. Taxes are punitive: they penalize enterprise,
success, entrepreneurship, foresight, and risk assumption.
Welfare, on the other hand, rewards dependence and

According to Rawles' Difference Principle, all tenets of

justice are either redistributive or retributive. This ignores
non-economic activities and human inherent variance.
Moreover, conflict and inequality are the engines of
growth and innovation - which mostly benefit the least
advantaged in the long run. Experience shows that
unmitigated equality results in atrophy, corruption and
stagnation. Thermodynamics teaches us that life and
motion are engendered by an irregular distribution of
energy. Entropy - an even distribution of energy - equals
death and stasis.

What about the disadvantaged and challenged - the

mentally retarded, the mentally insane, the paralyzed, the
chronically ill? For that matter, what about the less
talented, less skilled, less daring? Dworkin (1981)
proposed a compensation scheme. He suggested a model
of fair distribution in which every person is given the
same purchasing power and uses it to bid, in a fair
auction, for resources that best fit that person's life plan,
goals and preferences.

Having thus acquired these resources, we are then
permitted to use them as we see fit. Obviously, we end up
with disparate economic results. But we cannot complain -
we were given the same purchasing power and the
freedom to bid for a bundle of our choice.

Dworkin assumes that prior to the hypothetical auction,

people are unaware of their own natural endowments but
are willing and able to insure against being naturally
disadvantaged. Their payments create an insurance pool to
compensate the less fortunate for their misfortune.

This, of course, is highly unrealistic. We are usually very

much aware of natural endowments and liabilities - both
ours and others'. Therefore, the demand for such insurance
is not universal, nor uniform. Some of us badly need and
want it - others not at all. It is morally acceptable to let
willing buyers and sellers to trade in such coverage (e.g.,
by offering charity or alms) - but may be immoral to make
it compulsory.

Most of the modern welfare programs are involuntary

Dworkin schemes. Worse yet, they often measure
differences in natural endowments arbitrarily, compensate
for lack of acquired skills, and discriminate between types
of endowments in accordance with cultural biases and

Libertarians limit themselves to ensuring a level playing

field of just exchanges, where just actions always result in
just outcomes. Justice is not dependent on a particular
distribution pattern, whether as a starting point, or as an
outcome. Robert Nozick "Entitlement Theory" proposed
in 1974 is based on this approach.

That the market is wiser than any of its participants is a
pillar of the philosophy of capitalism. In its pure form, the
theory claims that markets yield patterns of merited
distribution - i.e., reward and punish justly. Capitalism
generate just deserts. Market failures - for instance, in the
provision of public goods - should be tackled by
governments. But a just distribution of income and wealth
does not constitute a market failure and, therefore, should
not be tampered with.


The Myth of the Earnings Yield

By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

Also published by United Press International (UPI)

Also Read:

The Friendly Trend

Models of Stock Valuation

Portfolio Management Theory and Technical Analysis

Lecture Notes

In American novels, well into the 1950's, one finds

protagonists using the future stream of dividends
emanating from their share holdings to send their kids to
college or as collateral. Yet, dividends seemed to have
gone the way of the hoolah hoop. Few companies
distribute erratic and ever-declining dividends. The vast
majority don't bother. The unfavorable tax treatment of
distributed profits may have been the cause.

The dwindling of dividends has implications which are

nothing short of revolutionary. Most of the financial
theories we use to determine the value of shares were
developed in the 1950's and 1960's, when dividends were
in vogue. They invariably relied on a few implicit and
explicit assumptions:

1. That the fair "value" of a share is closely
correlated to its market price;

2. That price movements are mostly random, though

somehow related to the aforementioned "value" of
the share. In other words, the price of a security is
supposed to converge with its fair "value" in the
long term;

3. That the fair value responds to new information

about the firm and reflects it - though how
efficiently is debatable. The strong efficiency
market hypothesis assumes that new information is
fully incorporated in prices instantaneously.

But how is the fair value to be determined?

A discount rate is applied to the stream of all future

income from the share - i.e., its dividends. What should
this rate be is sometimes hotly disputed - but usually it is
the coupon of "riskless" securities, such as treasury bonds.
But since few companies distribute dividends -
theoreticians and analysts are increasingly forced to deal
with "expected" dividends rather than "paid out" or actual

The best proxy for expected dividends is net earnings. The

higher the earnings - the likelier and the higher the
dividends. Thus, in a subtle cognitive dissonance, retained
earnings - often plundered by rapacious managers - came
to be regarded as some kind of deferred dividends.

The rationale is that retained earnings, once re-invested,
generate additional earnings. Such a virtuous cycle
increases the likelihood and size of future dividends. Even
undistributed earnings, goes the refrain, provide a rate of
return, or a yield - known as the earnings yield. The
original meaning of the word "yield" - income realized by
an investor - was undermined by this Newspeak.

Why was this oxymoron - the "earnings yield" -


According to all current theories of finance, in the absence

of dividends - shares are worthless. The value of an
investor's holdings is determined by the income he stands
to receive from them. No income - no value. Of course, an
investor can always sell his holdings to other investors
and realize capital gains (or losses). But capital gains -
though also driven by earnings hype - do not feature in
financial models of stock valuation.

Faced with a dearth of dividends, market participants -

and especially Wall Street firms - could obviously not live
with the ensuing zero valuation of securities. They
resorted to substituting future dividends - the outcome of
capital accumulation and re-investment - for present ones.
The myth was born.

Thus, financial market theories starkly contrast with

market realities.

No one buys shares because he expects to collect an

uninterrupted and equiponderant stream of future income
in the form of dividends.

Even the most gullible novice knows that dividends are a
mere apologue, a relic of the past. So why do investors
buy shares? Because they hope to sell them to other
investors later at a higher price.

While past investors looked to dividends to realize income

from their shareholdings - present investors are more into
capital gains. The market price of a share reflects its
discounted expected capital gains, the discount rate being
its volatility. It has little to do with its discounted future
stream of dividends, as current financial theories teach us.

But, if so, why the volatility in share prices, i.e., why are
share prices distributed? Surely, since, in liquid markets,
there are always buyers - the price should stabilize around
an equilibrium point.

It would seem that share prices incorporate expectations

regarding the availability of willing and able buyers, i.e.,
of investors with sufficient liquidity. Such expectations
are influenced by the price level - it is more difficult to
find buyers at higher prices - by the general market
sentiment, and by externalities and new information,
including new information about earnings.

The capital gain anticipated by a rational investor takes

into consideration both the expected discounted earnings
of the firm and market volatility - the latter being a
measure of the expected distribution of willing and able
buyers at any given price. Still, if earnings are retained
and not transmitted to the investor as dividends - why
should they affect the price of the share, i.e., why should
they alter the capital gain?

Earnings serve merely as a yardstick, a calibrator, a
benchmark figure. Capital gains are, by definition, an
increase in the market price of a security. Such an increase
is more often than not correlated with the future stream of
income to the firm - though not necessarily to the
shareholder. Correlation does not always imply causation.
Stronger earnings may not be the cause of the increase in
the share price and the resulting capital gain. But
whatever the relationship, there is no doubt that earnings
are a good proxy to capital gains.

Hence investors' obsession with earnings figures. Higher

earnings rarely translate into higher dividends. But
earnings - if not fiddled - are an excellent predictor of the
future value of the firm and, thus, of expected capital
gains. Higher earnings and a higher market valuation of
the firm make investors more willing to purchase the
stock at a higher price - i.e., to pay a premium which
translates into capital gains.

The fundamental determinant of future income from share

holding was replaced by the expected value of share-
ownership. It is a shift from an efficient market - where all
new information is instantaneously available to all rational
investors and is immediately incorporated in the price of
the share - to an inefficient market where the most critical
information is elusive: how many investors are willing
and able to buy the share at a given price at a given

A market driven by streams of income from holding

securities is "open". It reacts efficiently to new
information. But it is also "closed" because it is a zero
sum game. One investor's gain is another's loss.

The distribution of gains and losses in the long term is
pretty even, i.e., random. The price level revolves around
an anchor, supposedly the fair value.

A market driven by expected capital gains is also "open"

in a way because, much like less reputable pyramid
schemes, it depends on new capital and new investors. As
long as new money keeps pouring in, capital gains
expectations are maintained - though not necessarily

But the amount of new money is finite and, in this sense,

this kind of market is essentially a "closed" one. When
sources of funding are exhausted, the bubble bursts and
prices decline precipitously. This is commonly described
as an "asset bubble".

This is why current investment portfolio models (like

CAPM) are unlikely to work. Both shares and markets
move in tandem (contagion) because they are exclusively
swayed by the availability of future buyers at given prices.
This renders diversification inefficacious. As long as
considerations of "expected liquidity" do not constitute an
explicit part of income-based models, the market will
render them increasingly irrelevant.


Immortality and Mortality in the
Economic Sciences
By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

Also published by United Press International (UPI)

The noted economist, Julian Simon, once quipped:

"Because we can expect future generations to be richer
than we are, no matter what we do about resources, asking
us to refrain from using resources now so that future
generations can have them later is like asking the poor to
make gifts to the rich."

Roberto Calvo Macias, a Spanish author and thinker, once

wrote that it is impossible to design a coherent philosophy
of economics not founded on our mortality. The Grim
Reaper permeates estate laws, retirement plans, annuities,
life insurance and much more besides.

The industrial revolution taught us that humans are

interchangeable by breaking the process of production
down to minute - and easily learned - functional units.
Only the most basic skills were required. This led to great
alienation. Motion pictures of the period ("Metropolis",
"Modern Times") portray the industrial worker as a nut in
a machine, driven to the verge of insanity by the numbing
repetitiveness of his work.

As technology evolved, training periods have lengthened,
and human capital came to outweigh the physical or
monetary kinds. This led to an ongoing revolution in
economic relations. Ironically, dehumanizing totalitarian
regimes, such as fascism and communism, were the first
to grasp the emerging prominence of scarce and expensive
human capital among other means of production. What
makes humans a scarce natural resource is their mortality.

Though aware of their finitude, most people behave as

though they are going to live forever. Economic and
social institutions are formed to last. People embark on
long term projects and make enduring decisions - for
instance, to invest money in stocks or bonds - even when
they are very old.

Childless octogenarian inventors defend their fair share of

royalties with youthful ferocity and tenacity. Businessmen
amass superfluous wealth and collectors bid in auctions
regardless of their age. We all - particularly economists -
seem to deny the prospect of death.

Examples of this denial abound in the dismal science:

Consider the invention of the limited liability corporation.

While its founders are mortals – the company itself is
immortal. It is only one of a group of legal instruments -
the will and the estate, for instance - that survive a
person's demise. Economic theories assume that humans -
or maybe humanity - are immortal and, thus, possessed of
an infinite horizon.

Valuation models often discount an infinite stream of

future dividends or interest payments to obtain the present
value of a security.

Even in the current bear market, the average multiple of
the p/e - price to earnings - ratio is 45. This means that the
average investor is willing to wait more than 60 years to
recoup his investment (assuming capital gains tax of 35

Standard portfolio management theory explicitly states

that the investment horizon is irrelevant. Both long-term
and short-term magpies choose the same bundle of assets
and, therefore, the same profile of risk and return. As John
Campbell and Luis Viceira point in their "Strategic Asset
Allocation", published this year by Oxford University
Press, the model ignores future income from work which
tends to dwindle with age. Another way to look at it is that
income from labor is assumed to be constant - forever!

To avoid being regarded as utterly inane, economists

weigh time. The present and near future are given a
greater weight than the far future. But the decrease in
weight is a straight function of duration. This uniform
decline in weight leads to conundrums. "The Economist" -
based on the introduction to the anthology "Discounting
and Intergenerational Equity", published by the Resources
for the Future think tank - describes one such

"Suppose a long-term discount rate of 7 percent (after
inflation) is used, as it typically is in cost-benefit analysis.
Suppose also that the project's benefits arrive 200 years
from now, rather than in 30 years or less. If global GDP
grew by 3 percent during those two centuries, the value of
the world's output in 2200 will be $8 quadrillion ... But in
present value terms, that stupendous sum would be worth
just $10 billion. In other words, it would not make sense
... to spend any more than $10 billion ... today on a
measure that would prevent the loss of the planet's entire
output 200 years from now."

Traditional cost-benefit analysis falters because it

implicitly assumes that we possess perfect knowledge
regarding the world 200 years hence - and, insanely, that
we will survive to enjoy ad infinitum the interest on
capital we invest today. From our exalted and privileged
position in the present, the dismal science appears to
suggest, we judge the future distribution of income and
wealth and the efficiency of various opportunity-cost
calculations. In the abovementioned example, we ask
ourselves whether we prefer to spend $10 billion now -
due to our "pure impatience" to consume - or to defer
present expenditures so as to consume more 200 years

Yet, though their behavior indicates a denial of imminent

death - studies have demonstrated that people intuitively
and unconsciously apply cost-benefit analyses to
decisions with long-term outcomes. Moreover, contrary to
current economic thinking, they use decreasing utility
rates of discount for the longer periods in their
calculations. They are not as time-consistent as
economists would have them be.

They value the present and near future more than they do
the far future. In other words, they take their mortality
into account.

This is supported by a paper titled "Doing it Now or

Later", published in the March 1999 issue of the
American Economic Review. In it the authors suggest that
over-indulgers and procrastinators alike indeed place
undue emphasis on the near future. Self-awareness
surprisingly only exacerbates the situation: "why resist? I
have a self-control problem. Better indulge a little now
than a lot later."

But a closer look exposes an underlying conviction of


The authors distinguish sophisticates from naifs. Both

seem to subscribe to immortality. The sophisticate refrains
from procrastinating because he believes that he will live
to pay the price. Naifs procrastinate because they believe
that they will live to perform the task later. They also try
to delay overindulgence because they assume that they
will live to enjoy the benefits. Similarly, sophisticated
folk overindulge a little at present because they believe
that, if they don't, they will overindulge a lot in future.
Both types believe that they will survive to experience the
outcomes of their misdeeds and decisions.

The denial of the inevitable extends to gifts and bequests.

Many economists regard inheritance as an accident. Had
people accepted their mortality, they would have
consumed much more and saved much less. A series of
working papers published by the NBER in the last 5 years
reveals a counter-intuitive pattern of intergenerational
shifting of wealth.

Parents gift their off-spring unequally. The richer the
child, the larger his or her share of such largesse. The
older the parent, the more pronounced the asymmetry.
Post-mortem bequests, on the other hand, are usually
divided equally among one's progeny.

The avoidance of estate taxes fails to fully account for

these patterns of behavior. A parental assumption of
immortality does a better job. The parent behaves as
though it is deathless. Rich children are better able to care
for ageing and burdensome parents. Hence the uneven
distribution of munificence. Unequal gifts - tantamount to
insurance premiums - safeguard the rich scions' sustained
affection and treatment. Still, parents are supposed to love
their issue equally. Hence the equal allotment of bequests.


The Agent-Principal Conundrum
By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

Also published by United Press International (UPI)

In the catechism of capitalism, shares represent the part-

ownership of an economic enterprise, usually a firm. The
value of shares is determined by the replacement value of
the assets of the firm, including intangibles such as
goodwill. The price of the share is determined by
transactions among arm's length buyers and sellers in an
efficient and liquid market. The price reflects expectations
regarding the future value of the firm and the stock's
future stream of income - i.e., dividends.

Alas, none of these oft-recited dogmas bears any

resemblance to reality. Shares rarely represent ownership.
The float - the number of shares available to the public - is
frequently marginal. Shareholders meet once a year to
vent and disperse. Boards of directors are appointed by
management - as are auditors. Shareholders are not
represented in any decision making process - small or big.

The dismal truth is that shares reify the expectation to find

future buyers at a higher price and thus incur capital gains.
In the Ponzi scheme known as the stock exchange, this
expectation is proportional to liquidity - new suckers - and
volatility. Thus, the price of any given stock reflects
merely the consensus as to how easy it would be to
offload one's holdings and at what price.

Another myth has to do with the role of managers. They
are supposed to generate higher returns to shareholders by
increasing the value of the firm's assets and, therefore, of
the firm. If they fail to do so, goes the moral tale, they are
booted out mercilessly. This is one manifestation of the
"Principal-Agent Problem". It is defined thus by the
Oxford Dictionary of Economics:

"The problem of how a person A can motivate person B to

act for A's benefit rather than following (his) self-

The obvious answer is that A can never motivate B not to

follow B's self-interest - never mind what the incentives
are. That economists pretend otherwise - in "optimal
contracting theory" - just serves to demonstrate how
divorced economics is from human psychology and, thus,
from reality.

Managers will always rob blind the companies they run.

They will always manipulate boards to collude in their
shenanigans. They will always bribe auditors to bend the
rules. In other words, they will always act in their self-
interest. In their defense, they can say that the damage
from such actions to each shareholder is minuscule while
the benefits to the manager are enormous. In other words,
this is the rational, self-interested, thing to do.

But why do shareholders cooperate with such corporate


In an important Chicago Law Review article whose
preprint was posted to the Web a few weeks ago - titled
"Managerial Power and Rent Extraction in the Design of
Executive Compensation" - the authors demonstrate how
the typical stock option granted to managers as part of
their remuneration rewards mediocrity rather than
encourages excellence.

But everything falls into place if we realize that

shareholders and managers are allied against the firm - not
pitted against each other. The paramount interest of both
shareholders and managers is to increase the value of the
stock - regardless of the true value of the firm. Both are
concerned with the performance of the share - rather than
the performance of the firm. Both are preoccupied with
boosting the share's price - rather than the company's

Hence the inflationary executive pay packets.

Shareholders hire stock manipulators - euphemistically
known as "managers" - to generate expectations regarding
the future prices of their shares. These snake oil salesmen
and snake charmers - the corporate executives - are
allowed by shareholders to loot the company providing
they generate consistent capital gains to their masters by
provoking persistent interest and excitement around the
business. Shareholders, in other words, do not behave as
owners of the firm - they behave as free-riders.

The Principal-Agent Problem arises in other social

interactions and is equally misunderstood there. Consider
taxpayers and their government. Contrary to conservative
lore, the former want the government to tax them
providing they share in the spoils.

They tolerate corruption in high places, cronyism,
nepotism, inaptitude and worse - on condition that the
government and the legislature redistribute the wealth
they confiscate. Such redistribution often comes in the
form of pork barrel projects and benefits to the middle-

This is why the tax burden and the government's share of

GDP have been soaring inexorably with the consent of the
citizenry. People adore government spending precisely
because it is inefficient and distorts the proper allocation
of economic resources. The vast majority of people are
rent-seekers. Witness the mass demonstrations that erupt
whenever governments try to slash expenditures,
privatize, and eliminate their gaping deficits. This is one
reason the IMF with its austerity measures is universally

Employers and employees, producers and consumers -

these are all instances of the Principal-Agent Problem.
Economists would do well to discard their models and go
back to basics. They could start by asking:

Why do shareholders acquiesce with executive

malfeasance as long as share prices are rising?

Why do citizens protest against a smaller government -

even though it means lower taxes?

Could it mean that the interests of shareholders and

managers are identical? Does it imply that people prefer
tax-and-spend governments and pork barrel politics to the
Thatcherite alternative?

Nothing happens by accident or by coercion. Shareholders
aided and abetted the current crop of corporate executives
enthusiastically. They knew well what was happening.
They may not have been aware of the exact nature and
extent of the rot - but they witnessed approvingly the
public relations antics, insider trading, stock option
resetting , unwinding, and unloading, share price
manipulation, opaque transactions, and outlandish pay
packages. Investors remained mum throughout the
corruption of corporate America. It is time for the


The Green-Eyed Capitalist
By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

Also published by United Press International (UPI)

Conservative sociologists self-servingly marvel at the

peaceful proximity of abject poverty and ostentatious
affluence in American - or, for that matter, Western -
cities. Devastating riots do erupt, but these are reactions
either to perceived social injustice (Los Angeles 1995) or
to political oppression (Paris 1968). The French
Revolution may have been the last time the urban sans-
culotte raised a fuss against the economically

This pacific co-existence conceals a maelstrom of envy.

Behold the rampant Schadenfreude which accompanied
the antitrust case against the predatory but loaded
Microsoft. Observe the glee which engulfed many
destitute countries in the wake of the September 11
atrocities against America, the epitome of triumphant
prosperity. Witness the orgiastic
castigation of avaricious CEO's.

Envy - a pathological manifestation of destructive

aggressiveness - is distinct from jealousy.

The New Oxford Dictionary of English defines envy as:

"A feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by

someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck ...
Mortification and ill-will occasioned by the contemplation
of another's superior advantages".

Pathological envy - the fourth deadly sin - is engendered

by the realization of some lack, deficiency, or inadequacy
in oneself. The envious begrudge others their success,
brilliance, happiness, beauty, good fortune, or wealth.
Envy provokes misery, humiliation, and impotent rage.

The envious copes with his pernicious emotions in five


1. They attack the perceived source of frustration in an

attempt to destroy it, or "reduce it" to their "size". Such
destructive impulses often assume the disguise of
championing social causes, fighting injustice, touting
reform, or promoting an ideology.

2. They seek to subsume the object of envy by imitating it.

In extreme cases, they strive to get rich quick through
criminal scams, or corruption. They endeavor to out-smart
the system and shortcut their way to fortune and celebrity.

3. They resort to self-deprecation. They idealize the

successful, the rich, the mighty, and the lucky and
attribute to them super-human, almost divine, qualities. At
the same time, they humble themselves. Indeed, most of
this strain of the envious end up disenchanted and bitter,
driving the objects of their own erstwhile devotion and
adulation to destruction and decrepitude.

4. They experience cognitive dissonance. These people
devalue the source of their frustration and envy by finding
faults in everything they most desire and in everyone they

5. They avoid the envied person and thus the agonizing

pangs of envy.

Envy is not a new phenomenon. Belisarius, the general

who conquered the world for Emperor Justinian, was
blinded and stripped of his assets by his envious peers. I -
and many others - have written extensively about envy in
command economies. Nor is envy likely to diminish.

In his book, "Facial Justice", Hartley describes a post-

apocalyptic dystopia, New State, in which envy is
forbidden and equality extolled and everything enviable is
obliterated. Women are modified to look like men and
given identical "beta faces". Tall buildings are razed.

Joseph Schumpeter, the prophetic Austrian-American

economist, believed that socialism will disinherit
capitalism. In "Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy" he
foresaw a conflict between a class of refined but dirt-poor
intellectuals and the vulgar but filthy rich businessmen
and managers they virulently envy and resent. Samuel
Johnson wrote: "He was dull in a new way, and that made
many people think him great." The literati seek to tear
down the market economy which they feel has so
disenfranchised and undervalued them.

Hitler, who fancied himself an artist, labeled the British a
"nation of shopkeepers" in one of his bouts of raging
envy. Ralph Reiland, the Kenneth Simon professor of free
enterprise at Robert Morris University, quotes David
Brooks of the "weekly Standard", who christened this
phenomenon "bourgeoisophobia":

"The hatred of the bourgeoisie is the beginning of all

virtue' - wrote Gustav Flaubert. He signed his letters
"Bourgeoisophobus" to show how much he despised
'stupid grocers and their ilk ... Through some screw-up in
the great scheme of the universe, their narrow-minded
greed had brought them vast wealth, unstoppable power
and growing social prestige."

Reiland also quotes from Ludwig van Mises's "The Anti-

Capitalist Mentality":

"Many people, and especially intellectuals, passionately

loathe capitalism. In a society based on caste and status,
the individual can ascribe adverse fate to conditions
beyond his control. In ... capitalism ... everybody's station
in life depends on his doing ... (what makes a man rich is)
not the evaluation of his contribution from any `absolute'
principle of justice but the evaluation on the part of his
fellow men who exclusively apply the yardstick of their
personal wants, desires and ends ... Everybody knows
very well that there are people like himself who succeeded
where he himself failed. Everybody knows that many of
those he envies are self-made men who started from the
same point from which he himself started. Everybody is
aware of his own defeat. In order to console himself and
to restore his self- assertion, such a man is in search of a

He tries to persuade himself that he failed through no fault
of his own. He was too decent to resort to the base tricks
to which his successful rivals owe their ascendancy. The
nefarious social order does not accord the prizes to the
most meritorious men; it crowns the dishonest,
unscrupulous scoundrel, the swindler, the exploiter, the
`rugged individualist.'"

In "The Virtue of Prosperity", Dinesh D'Souza accuses

prosperity and capitalism of inspiring vice and temptation.
Inevitably, it provokes envy in the poor and depravity in
the rich.

With only a modicum of overstatement, capitalism can be

depicted as the sublimation of jealousy. As opposed to
destructive envy - jealousy induces emulation. Consumers
- responsible for two thirds of America's GDP - ape role
models and vie with neighbors, colleagues, and family
members for possessions and the social status they endow.
Productive and constructive competition - among
scientists, innovators, managers, actors, lawyers,
politicians, and the members of just about every other
profession - is driven by jealousy.

The eminent Nobel prize winning British economist and

philosopher of Austrian descent, Friedrich Hayek,
suggested in "The Constitution of Liberty" that innovation
and progress in living standards are the outcomes of class
envy. The wealthy are early adopters of expensive and
unproven technologies. The rich finance with their
conspicuous consumption the research and development
phase of new products. The poor, driven by jealousy,
imitate them and thus create a mass market which allows
manufacturers to lower prices.

But jealousy is premised on the twin beliefs of equality
and a level playing field. "I am as good, as skilled, and as
talented as the object of my jealousy." - goes the subtext -
"Given equal opportunities, equitable treatment, and a bit
of luck, I can accomplish the same or more."

Jealousy is easily transformed to outrage when its

presumptions - equality, honesty, and fairness - prove
wrong. In a paper recently published by Harvard
University's John M. Olin Center for Law and titled
"Executive Compensation in America: Optimal
Contracting or Extraction of Rents?", the authors argue
that executive malfeasance is most effectively regulated
by this "outrage constraint":

"Directors (and non-executive directors) would be

reluctant to approve, and executives would be hesitant to
seek, compensation arrangements that might be viewed by
observers as outrageous."


The Case of the Compressed Image
By: Sam Vaknin, Ph.D.

Also published by United Press International (UPI)

Also Read:

The Disruptive Engine - Innovation

Forgent Networks from Texas wants to collect a royalty

every time someone compresses an image using the JPEG
algorithm. It urges third parties to negotiate with it
separate licensing agreements. It bases its claim on a 17
year old patent it acquired in 1997 when VTel, from
which Forgent was spun-off, purchased the San-Jose
based Compression Labs.

The patent pertains to a crucial element in the popular

compression method. The JPEG committee of ISO - the
International Standards Organization - threatens to
withdraw the standard altogether. This would impact
thousands of software and hardware products.

This is only the latest in a serious of spats. Unisys has

spent the better part of the last 15 years trying to enforce a
patent it owns for a compression technique used in two
other popular imaging standards, GIF and TIFF.

BT Group sued Prodigy, a unit of SBC Communications,
in a US federal court, for infringement of its patent of the
hypertext link, or hyperlink - a ubiquitous and critical
element of the Web. Dell Computer has agreed with the
FTC to refrain from enforcing a graphics patent having
failed to disclose it to the standards committee in its
deliberations of the VL-bus graphics standard.

"Wired" reported yesterday that the Munich Upper Court

declared "deep linking" - posting links to specific pages
within a Web site - in violation the European Union
"Database Directive". The directive copyrights the
"selection and arrangement" of a database - even if the
content itself is not owned by the database creator. It
explicitly prohibits hyperlinking to the database contents
as "unfair extraction". If upheld, this would cripple most
search engines. Similar rulings - based on national laws -
were handed down in other countries, the latest being

Amazon sued Barnes and Noble - and has since settled out
of court in March - for emulating its patented "one click
purchasing" business process. A Web browser command
to purchase an item generates a "cookie" - a text file
replete with the buyer's essential details which is then
lodged in Amazon's server. This allows the transaction to
be completed without a further confirmation step.

A clever trick, no doubt. But even Jeff Bezos, Amazon's

legendary founder, expressed doubts regarding the
wisdom of the US Patent Office in granting his company
the patent. In an open letter to Amazon's customers, he
called for a rethinking of the whole system of protection
of intellectual property in the Internet age.

In a recently published discourse of innovation and
property rights, titled "The Free-Market Innovation
Machine", William Baumol of Princeton University
claims that only capitalism guarantees growth through a
steady flow of innovation. According to popular lore,
capitalism makes sure that innovators are rewarded for
their time and skills since property rights are enshrined in
enforceable contracts.

Reality is different, as Baumol himself notes. Innovators

tend to maximize their returns by sharing their technology
and licensing it to more efficient and profitable
manufacturers. This rational division of labor is hampered
by the increasingly more stringent and expansive
intellectual property laws that afflict many rich countries
nowadays. These statutes tend to protect the interests of
middlemen - manufacturers, distributors, marketers -
rather than the claims of inventors and innovators.

Moreover, the very nature of "intellectual property" is in

flux. Business processes and methods, plants, genetic
material, strains of animals, minor changes to existing
technologies - are all patentable. Trademarks and
copyright now cover contents, brand names, and modes of
expression and presentation. Nothing is safe from these
encroaching juridical initiatives. Intellectual property
rights have been transformed into a myriad pernicious
monopolies which threaten to stifle innovation and

Intellectual property - patents, content libraries,

copyrighted material, trademarks, rights of all kinds - are
sometimes the sole assets - and the only hope for survival
- of cash-strapped and otherwise dysfunctional or
bankrupt firms.

Both managers and court-appointed receivers strive to
monetize these properties and patent-portfolios by either
selling them or enforcing the rights against infringing
third parties.

Fighting a patent battle in court is prohibitively expensive

and the outcome uncertain. Potential defendants succumb
to extortionate demands rather than endure the
Kafkaesque process. The costs are passed on to the
consumer. Sony, for instance already paid Forgent an
undisclosed amount in May. According to Forgent's 10-Q
form, filed on June 17, 2002, yet another, unidentified
"prestigious international" company, parted with $15
million in April.

In commentaries written in 1999-2000 by Harvard law

professor, Lawrence Lessig, for "The Industry Standard",
he observed:

"There is growing skepticism among academics about

whether such state-imposed monopolies help a rapidly
evolving market such as the Internet. What is "novel,"
"nonobvious" or "useful" is hard enough to know in a
relatively stable field. In a transforming market, it's nearly

The very concept of intellectual property is being

radically transformed by the onslaught of new

The myth of intellectual property postulates that
entrepreneurs assume the risks associated with publishing
books, recording records, and inventing only because -
and where - the rights to intellectual property are well
defined and enforced. In the absence of such rights,
creative people are unlikely to make their works
accessible to the public. Ultimately, it is the public which
pays the price of piracy and other violations of intellectual
property rights, goes the refrain.

This is untrue. In the USA only few authors actually live

by their pen. Even fewer musicians, not to mention actors,
eke out subsistence level income from their craft. Those
who do can no longer be considered merely creative
people. Madonna, Michael Jackson, Schwarzenegger and
Grisham are businessmen at least as much as they are

Intellectual property is a relatively new notion. In the near

past, no one considered knowledge or the fruits of
creativity (artwork, designs) as 'patentable', or as
someone's 'property'. The artist was but a mere channel
through which divine grace flowed. Texts, discoveries,
inventions, works of art and music, designs - all belonged
to the community and could be replicated freely. True, the
chosen ones, the conduits, were revered. But they were
rarely financially rewarded.

Well into the 19th century, artists and innovators were

commissioned - and salaried - to produce their works of
art and contrivances.

The advent of the Industrial Revolution - and the imagery
of the romantic lone inventor toiling on his brainchild in a
basement or, later, a garage - gave rise to the patent. The
more massive the markets became, the more sophisticated
the sales and marketing techniques, the bigger the
financial stakes - the larger loomed the issue of
intellectual property.

Intellectual property rights are less about the intellect and

more about property. In every single year of the last
decade, the global turnover in intellectual property has
outweighed the total industrial production of the world.
These markets being global, the monopolists of
intellectual products fight unfair competition globally. A
pirate in Skopje is in direct rivalry with Bill Gates,
depriving Microsoft of present and future revenue,
challenging its monopolistic status as well as jeopardizing
its competition-deterring image.

The Open Source Movement weakens the classic model

of property rights by presenting an alternative, viable,
vibrant, model which does not involve over-pricing and
anti-competitive predatory practices. The current model of
property rights encourages monopolistic behavior, non-
collaborative, exclusionary innovation (as opposed, for
instance, to Linux), and litigiousness. The Open Source
movement exposes the myths underlying current property
rights philosophy and is thus subversive.

But the inane expansion of intellectual property rights

may merely be a final spasm, threatened by the ubiquity
of the Internet as they are. Free scholarly online
publications nibble at the heels of their pricey and
anticompetitive offline counterparts.

Electronic publishing poses a threat - however distant - to
print publishing. Napster-like peer to peer networks
undermine the foundations of the music and film
industries. Open source software is encroaching on the
turf of proprietary applications. It is very easy and cheap
to publish and distribute content on the Internet, the
barriers to entry are virtually nil.

As processors grow speedier, storage larger, applications

multi-featured, broadband access all-pervasive, and the
Internet goes wireless - individuals are increasingly able
to emulate much larger scale organizations successfully.
A single person, working from home, with less than
$2000 worth of equipment - can publish a Webzine,
author software, write music, shoot digital films, design
products, or communicate with millions and his work will
be indistinguishable from the offerings of the most
endowed corporations and institutions.

Obviously, no individual can yet match the capital assets,

the marketing clout, the market positioning, the global
branding, the sales organization, and the distribution
network of the likes of Sony, or Microsoft. In an age of
information glut, it is still the marketing, the media
campaign, the distribution, and the sales that determine
the economic outcome.

This advantage, however, is also being eroded, albeit


The Internet is essentially a free marketing and - in the

case of digital goods - distribution channel. It directly
reaches 200 million people all over the world. Even with a
minimum investment, the likelihood of being seen by
surprisingly large numbers of consumers is high.

Various business models are emerging or reasserting
themselves - from ad sponsored content to packaged open
source software.

Many creative people - artists, authors, innovators - are

repelled by the commercialization of their intellect and
muse. They seek - and find - alternatives to the behemoths
of manufacturing, marketing and distribution that today
control the bulk of intellectual property. Many of them go
freelance. Indie music labels, independent cinema, print
on demand publishing - are omens of things to come.

This inexorably leads to disintermediation - the removal

of middlemen between producer or creator and consumer.
The Internet enables niche marketing and restores the
balance between the creative genius and the commercial
exploiters of his product. This is a return to pre-industrial
times when artisans ruled the economic scene.

Work mobility increases in this landscape of shifting

allegiances, head hunting, remote collaboration, contract
and agency work, and similar labour market trends.
Intellectual property is likely to become as atomized as
labor and to revert to its true owners - the inspired folks.
They, in turn, will negotiate licensing deals directly with
their end users and customers.

Capital, design, engineering, and labor intensive goods -

computer chips, cruise missiles, and passenger cars - will
still necessitate the coordination of a massive workforce
in multiple locations. But even here, in the old industrial
landscape, the intellectual contribution to the collective
effort will likely be outsourced to roving freelancers who
will maintain an ownership stake in their designs or

This intimate relationship between creative person and
consumer is the way it has always been. We may yet look
back on the 20th century and note with amazement the
transient and aberrant phase of intermediation - the
Sony's, Microsoft's, and Forgent's of this world.


The Fabric of Economic Trust
By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

Also published by United Press International (UPI)

Economics acquired its dismal reputation by pretending to

be an exact science rather than a branch of mass
psychology. In truth it is a narrative struggling to describe
the aggregate behavior of humans. It seeks to cloak its
uncertainties and shifting fashions with mathematical
formulae and elaborate econometric computerized

So much is certain, though - that people operate within

markets, free or regulated, patchy or organized. They
attach numerical (and emotional) values to their inputs
(work, capital) and to their possessions (assets, natural
endowments). They communicate these values to each
other by sending out signals known as prices.

Yet, this entire edifice - the market and its price

mechanism - critically depends on trust. If people do not
trust each other, or the economic "envelope" within which
they interact - economic activity gradually grinds to a halt.
There is a strong correlation between the general level of
trust and the extent and intensity of economic activity.

Trust is not a monolithic quantity. There are a few

categories of economic trust.

Some forms of trust are akin to a public good and are
closely related to governmental action or inaction, the
reputation of the state and its institutions, and its
pronounced agenda. Other types of trust are the outcomes
of kinship, ethnic origin, personal standing and goodwill,
corporate brands and other data generated by individuals,
households, and firms.

I. Trust in the playing field

To transact, people have to maintain faith in a relevant

economic horizon and in the immutability of the
economic playing field or "envelope". Put less obscurely,
a few hidden assumptions underlie the continued
economic activity of market players.

They assume, for instance, that the market will continue to

exist for the foreseeable future in its current form. That it
will remain inert - unhindered by externalities like
government intervention, geopolitical upheavals, crises,
abrupt changes in accounting policies and tax laws,
hyperinflation, institutional and structural reform and
other market-deflecting events and processes.

They further assume that their price signals will not be

distorted or thwarted on a consistent basis thus skewing
the efficient and rational allocation of risks and rewards.
Insider trading, stock manipulation, monopolies, hoarding
- all tend to consistently but unpredictably distort price
signals and, thus, deter market participation.

Market players take for granted the existence and
continuous operation of institutions - financial
intermediaries, law enforcement agencies, courts. It is
important to note that market players prefer continuity and
certainty to evolution, however gradual and ultimately
beneficial. A venal bureaucrat is a known quantity and
can be tackled effectively. A period of transition to good
and equitable governance can be more stifling than any
level of corruption and malfeasance. This is why
economic activity drops sharply whenever institutions are

II. Trust in other players

Market players assume that other players are (generally)

rational, that they have intentions, that they intend to
maximize their benefits and that they are likely to act on
their intentions in a legal (or rule-based), rational manner.

III. Trust in market liquidity

Market players assume that other players possess or have

access to the liquid means they need in order to act on
their intentions and obligations. They know, from
personal experience, that idle capital tends to dwindle and
that the only way to, perhaps, maintain or increase it is to
transact with others, directly or through intermediaries,
such as banks.

IV. Trust in others' knowledge and ability

Market players assume that other players possess or have

access to the intellectual property, technology, and
knowledge they need in order to realize their intentions
and obligations.

This implicitly presupposes that all other market players
are physically, mentally, legally and financially able and
willing to act their parts as stipulated, for instance, in
contracts they sign.

The emotional dimensions of contracting are often

neglected in economics. Players assume that their
counterparts maintain a realistic and stable sense of self-
worth based on intimate knowledge of their own strengths
and weaknesses. Market participants are presumed to
harbor realistic expectations, commensurate with their
skills and accomplishments. Allowance is made for
exaggeration, disinformation, even outright deception -
but these are supposed to be marginal phenomena.

When trust breaks down - often the result of an external or

internal systemic shock - people react expectedly. The
number of voluntary interactions and transactions
decreases sharply. With a collapsed investment horizon,
individuals and firms become corrupt in an effort to
shortcut their way into economic benefits, not knowing
how long will the system survive. Criminal activity

People compensate with fantasies and grandiose delusions

for their growing sense of uncertainty, helplessness, and
fears. This is a self-reinforcing mechanism, a vicious
cycle which results in under-confidence and a fluctuating
self esteem. They develop psychological defence

Cognitive dissonance ("I really choose to be poor rather
than heartless"), pathological envy (seeks to deprive
others and thus gain emotional reward), rigidity ("I am
like that, my family or ethnic group has been like that for
generations, there is nothing I can do"), passive-
aggressive behavior (obstructing the work flow,
absenteeism, stealing from the employer, adhering strictly
to arcane regulations) - are all reactions to a breakdown in
one or more of the four aforementioned types of trust.
Furthermore, people in a trust crisis are unable to
postpone gratification. They often become frustrated,
aggressive, and deceitful if denied. They resort to reckless
behavior and stopgap economic activities.

In economic environments with compromised and

impaired trust, loyalty decreases and mobility increases.
People switch jobs, renege on obligations, fail to repay
debts, relocate often. Concepts like exclusivity, the
sanctity of contracts, workplace loyalty, or a career path -
all get eroded. As a result, little is invested in the future, in
the acquisition of skills, in long term savings. Short-
termism and bottom line mentality rule.

The outcomes of a crisis of trust are, usually, catastrophic:

Economic activity is much reduced, human capital is

corroded and wasted, brain drain increases, illegal and
extra-legal activities rise, society is polarized between
haves and haves-not, interethnic and inter-racial tensions
increase. To rebuild trust in such circumstances is a
daunting task. The loss of trust is contagious and, finally,
it infects every institution and profession in the land. It is
the stuff revolutions are made of. Return

Scavenger Economies,

Predator Economies
By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

The national economies of the world can be divided to the

scavenger and the predator types. The former are parasitic
economies which feed off the latter. The relationship is
often not that of symbiosis, where two parties maintain a
mutually beneficial co-existence. Here, one economy
feeds off others in a way, which is harmful, even
detrimental to the hosts. But this interaction - however
undesirable - is the region's only hope.

The typology of scavenger economies reveals their

sources of sustenance:

Conjunctural - These economies feed off historical or

economic conjunctures or crises. They position
themselves as a bridge between warring or conflicting
parties. Switzerland rendered this service to Nazi
Germany (1933-1945), Macedonia and Greece to Serbia
(1992 to the present), Cyprus aided and abetted Russia
(1987 to the present), Jordan for Iraq (1991 to the
present), and now, Montenegro acts the part for both
Serbia and Kosovo. These economies consist of
smuggling, siege breaking, contraband, arms trade and
illegal immigration.

They benefit economically by violating both international
and domestic laws and by providing international outcasts
and rogues with alternative routes of supply, and with
goods and services.

Criminal - These economies are infiltrated by criminal

gangs or suffused with criminal behaviour. Such
infiltration is two phased: the properly criminal phase and
the money laundering one. In the first phase, criminal
activities yield income and result in wealth accumulation.
In the second one, the money thus generated is laundered
and legitimized. It is invested in legal, above-board
activities. The economy of the USA during the 19th
century and in the years of prohibition was partly
criminal. It is reminiscent of the Russian economy in the
1990s, permeated by criminal conduct as it is. Russians
often compare their stage of capitalist evolution to the
American "Wild West".

Piggyback Service Economies - These are economies,

which provide predator economies with services. These
services are aimed at re-establishing economic
equilibrium in the host (predator) economies. Tax shelters
are a fine example of this variety. In many countries taxes
are way too high and result in the misallocation of
economic resources. Tax shelters offer a way of re-
establishing the economic balance and re-instating a
regime of efficient allocation of resources. These
economies could be regarded as external appendages,
shock absorbers and regulators of their host economies.
They feed off market failures, market imbalances,
arbitrage opportunities, shortages and inefficiencies.
Many post-Communist countries have either made the
provision of such services a part of their economic life or
are about to do so.

Free zones, off shore havens, off shore banking and
transshipment ports proliferate, from Macedonia to

Aid Economies - Economies that derive most of their

vitality from aid granted them by donor countries,
multilateral aid agencies and NGOs. Many of the
economies in transition belong to this class. Up to 15% of
their GDP is in the form of handouts, soft loans and
technical assistance. Rescheduling is another species of
financial subsidy and virtually all CEE countries have
benefited from it. The dependence thus formed can easily
deteriorate into addiction. The economic players in such
economies engage mostly in lobbying and in political
manoeuvring - rather than in production.

Derivative or Satellite Economies - These are economies,

which are absolutely dependent upon or very closely
correlated with other economies. This is either because
they conduct most of their trade with these economies, or
because they are a (marginal) member of a powerful
regional club (or aspire to become one), or because they
are under the economic (or geopolitical or military)
umbrella of a regional power or a superpower. Another
variant is the single-commodity or single-goods or single-
service economies. Many countries in Africa and many
members of the OPEC oil cartel rely on a single product
for their livelihood. Russia, for instance, is heavily
dependent on proceeds from the sale of its energy
products. Most Montenegrins derive their livelihood,
directly or indirectly, from smuggling, bootlegging and
illegal immigration. Drugs are a major "export" earner in
Macedonia and Albania.

Copycat Economies - These are economies that are based
on legal or (more often) illegal copying and emulation of
intellectual property: patents, brandnames, designs,
industrial processes, other forms of innovation,
copyrighted material, etc. The prime example is Japan,
which constructed its whole mega-economy on these
bases. Both Bulgaria and Russia are Meccas of piracy.
Though prosperous for a time, these economies are
dependent on and subject to the vicissitudes of business
cycles. They are capital sensitive, inherently unstable and
with no real long term prospects if they fail to generate
their own intellectual property. They reflect the volatility
of the markets for their goods and are overly exposed to
trade risks, international legislation and imports. Usually,
they specialize in narrow segments of manufacturing
which only increases the precariousness of their situation.

The Predator Economies can also be classified:

Generators of Intellectual Property - These are

economies that encourage and emphasize innovation and
progress. They reward innovators, entrepreneurs, non-
conformism and conflict. They spew out patents, designs,
brands, copyrighted material and other forms of packaged
human creativity. They derive most of their income from
licensing and royalties and constitute one of the engines
driving globalization. Still, these economies are too poor
to support the complementary manufacturing and
marketing activities. Their natural counterparts are the
"Industrial Bases". Within the former Eastern Bloc,
Russia, Poland, Hungary and Slovenia are, to a limited
extent, such generators. Israel is such an economy in the
Middle East.

Industrial Bases - These are economies that make use of
the intellectual property generated by the former type
within industrial processes. They do not copy the
intellectual property as it is. Rather, they add to it
important elements of adaptation to niche markets, image
creation, market positioning, packaging, technical
literature, combining it with other products or services,
designing and implementing the whole production
process, market (demand) creation, improvement upon the
originals and value added services. These contributions
are so extensive that the end products, or services can no
longer to be identified with the originals, which serve as
mere triggers. Again, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia (and to a
lesser extent, Croatia) come to mind.

Consumer Oriented Economies - These are Third Wave

(Alvin Toffler's term), services, information and
knowledge driven economies. The over-riding set of
values is consumer oriented. Wealth formation and
accumulation are secondary. The primary activities are
concerned with fostering markets and maintaining them.
These "weightless" economies concentrate on intangibles:
advertising, packaging, marketing, sales promotion,
education, entertainment, servicing, dissemination of
information, knowledge formation, trading, trading in
symbolic assets (mainly financial), spiritual pursuits, and
other economic activities which enhance the consumer's
welfare (pharmaceuticals, for instance). These economies
are also likely to sport a largish public sector, most of it
service oriented. No national economy in CEE qualifies as
"Consumer Oriented", though there are pockets of
consumer-oriented entrepreneurship within each one.

The Trader Economies - These economies are equivalent
to the cardiovascular system. They provide the channels
through which goods and services are exchanged. They do
this by trading or assuming risks, by providing physical
transportation and telecommunications, and by
maintaining an appropriately educated manpower to
support all these activities. These economies are highly
dependent on the general health of international trade.
Many of the CEE economies are Trader economies. The
openness ratio (trade divided by GDP) of most CEE
countries is higher than the G7 countries'. Macedonia, for
instance, has a GDP of 3.6 Billion US dollars and exports
and imports of c. 2 billion US dollars. These are the
official figures. Probably, another 0.5 billion Us dollars in
trade go unreported. additionally, it has one of the lowest
weighted customs rate in the world. Openness to trade is
an official policy, actively pursued.

These economies are predatory in the sense that they

engage in zero-sum games. A contract gained by a
Slovenian company - is a contract lost by a Croatian one.
Luckily, in this last decade, the economic cake tended to
grow and the sum of zero sum games was more welfare to
all involved. These vibrant economies - the hope of
benighted and blighted regions - are justly described as
"engines" because they pull all other (scavenger)
economies with them. They are not likely to do so forever.
But their governments have assimilated the lessons of the
1930s. Protectionism is bad for everyone involved -
especially for economic engines. Openness to trade,
protection of property rights and functioning institutions
increase both the number and the scope of markets.


Notes on the Economics of Game Theory
By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

Consider this:

Could Western management techniques be successfully

implemented in the countries of Central and Eastern
Europe (CEE)? Granted, they have to be adapted,
modified and cannot be imported in their entirety. But
their crux, their inalienable nucleus – can this be
transported and transplanted in CEE? Theory provides us
with a positive answer. Human agents are the same
everywhere and are mostly rational. Practice begs to
differ. Basic concepts such as the money value of time or
the moral and legal meaning of property are non existent.
The legal, political and economic environments are all
unpredictable. As a result, economic players will prefer to
maximize their utility immediately (steal from the
workplace, for instance) – than to wait for longer term
(potentially, larger) benefits. Warrants (stock options)
convertible to the company's shares constitute a strong
workplace incentive in the West (because there is an
horizon and they increase the employee's welfare in the
long term). Where the future is speculation – speculation
withers. Stock options or a small stake in his firm, will
only encourage the employee to blackmail the other
shareholders by paralysing the firm, to abuse his new
position and will be interpreted as immunity, conferred
from above, from the consequences of illegal activities.

The very allocation of options or shares will be interpreted
as a sign of weakness, dependence and need, to be
exploited. Hierarchy is equated with slavery and
employees will rather harm their long term interests than
follow instructions or be subjected to criticism – never
mind how constructive. The employees in CEE regard the
corporate environment as a conflict zone, a zero sum
game (in which the gains by some equal the losses to
others). In the West, the employees participate in the
increase in the firm's value. The difference between these
attitudes is irreconcilable.

Now, let us consider this:

An entrepreneur is a person who is gifted at identifying

the unsatisfied needs of a market, at mobilizing and
organizing the resources required to satisfy those needs
and at defining a long-term strategy of development and
marketing. As the enterprise grows, two processes
combine to denude the entrepreneur of some of his initial
functions. The firm has ever growing needs for capital:
financial, human, assets and so on. Additionally, the
company begins (or should begin) to interface and interact
with older, better established firms. Thus, the company is
forced to create its first management team: a general
manager with the right doses of respectability,
connections and skills, a chief financial officer, a host of
consultants and so on. In theory – if all our properly
motivated financially – all these players (entrepreneurs
and managers) will seek to maximize the value of the
firm. What happens, in reality, is that both work to
minimize it, each for its own reasons. The managers seek
to maximize their short-term utility by securing enormous
pay packages and other forms of company-dilapidating

The entrepreneurs feel that they are "strangled",
"shackled", "held back" by bureaucracy and they "rebel".
They oust the management, or undermine it, turning it into
an ineffective representative relic. They assume real,
though informal, control of the firm. They do so by
defining a new set of strategic goals for the firm, which
call for the institution of an entrepreneurial rather than a
bureaucratic type of management. These cycles of
initiative-consolidation-new initiative-revolution-
consolidation are the dynamos of company growth.
Growth leads to maximization of value. However, the
players don't know or do not fully believe that they are in
the process of maximizing the company's worth. On the
contrary, consciously, the managers say: "let's maximize
the benefits that we derive from this company, as long as
we are still here." The entrepreneurs-owners say: "we
cannot tolerate this stifling bureaucracy any longer. We
prefer to have a smaller company – but all ours." The
growth cycles forces the entrepreneurs to dilute their
holdings (in order to raise the capital necessary to finance
their initiatives). This dilution (the fracturing of the
ownership structure) is what brings the last cycle to its
end. The holdings of the entrepreneurs are too small to
materialize a coup against the management. The
management then prevails and the entrepreneurs are
neutralized and move on to establish another start-up. The
only thing that they leave behind them is their names and
their heirs.

We can use Game Theory methods to analyse both these


Wherever we have economic players bargaining for the
allocation of scarce resources in order to attain their utility
functions, to secure the outcomes and consequences (the
value, the preference, that the player attaches to his
outcomes) which are right for them – we can use Game
Theory (GT).

A short recap of the basic tenets of the theory might be in


GT deals with interactions between agents, whether

conscious and intelligent – or Dennettic. A Dennettic
Agent (DA) is an agent that acts so as to influence the
future allocation of resources, but does not need to be
either conscious or deliberative to do so. A Game is the
set of acts committed by 1 to n rational DA and one a-
rational (not irrational but devoid of rationality) DA
(nature, a random mechanism). At least 1 DA in a Game
must control the result of the set of acts and the DAs must
be (at least potentially) at conflict, whole or partial. This
is not to say that all the DAs aspire to the same things.
They have different priorities and preferences. They rank
the likely outcomes of their acts differently. They engage
Strategies to obtain their highest ranked outcome. A
Strategy is a vector, which details the acts, with which the
DA will react in response to all the (possible) acts by the
other DAs. An agent is said to be rational if his Strategy
does guarantee the attainment of his most preferred goal.
Nature is involved by assigning probabilities to the
outcomes. An outcome, therefore, is an allocation of
resources resulting from the acts of the agents. An agent is
said to control the situation if its acts matter to others to
the extent that at least one of them is forced to alter at
least one vector (Strategy).

The Consequence to the agent is the value of a function
that assigns real numbers to each of the outcomes. The
consequence represents a list of outcomes, prioritized,
ranked. It is also known as an ordinal utility function. If
the function includes relative numerical importance
measures (not only real numbers) – we call it a Cardinal
Utility Function.

Games, naturally, can consist of one player, two players

and more than two players (n-players). They can be zero
(or fixed) - sum (the sum of benefits is fixed and whatever
gains made by one of the players are lost by the others).
They can be nonzero-sum (the amount of benefits to all
players can increase or decrease). Games can be
cooperative (where some of the players or all of them
form coalitions) – or non-cooperative (competitive). For
some of the games, the solutions are called Nash
equilibria. They are sets of strategies constructed so that
an agent which adopts them (and, as a result, secures a
certain outcome) will have no incentive to switch over to
other strategies (given the strategies of all other players).
Nash equilibria (solutions) are the most stable (it is where
the system "settles down", to borrow from Chaos Theory)
– but they are not guaranteed to be the most desirable.
Consider the famous "Prisoners' Dilemma" in which both
players play rationally and reach the Nash equilibrium
only to discover that they could have done much better by
collaborating (that is, by playing irrationally). Instead,
they adopt the "Paretto-dominated", or the "Paretto-
optimal", sub-optimal solution. Any outside interference
with the game (for instance, legislation) will be construed
as creating a NEW game, not as pushing the players to
adopt a "Paretto-superior" solution.

The behaviour of the players reveals to us their order of
preferences. This is called "Preference Ordering" or
"Revealed Preference Theory". Agents are faced with sets
of possible states of the world (=allocations of resources,
to be more economically inclined). These are called
"Bundles". In certain cases they can trade their bundles,
swap them with others. The evidence of these swaps will
inevitably reveal to us the order of priorities of the agent.
All the bundles that enjoy the same ranking by a given
agent – are this agent's "Indifference Sets". The
construction of an Ordinal Utility Function is, thus, made
simple. The indifference sets are numbered from 1 to n.
These ordinals do not reveal the INTENSITY or the
RELATIVE INTENSITY of a preference – merely its
location in a list. However, techniques are available to
transform the ordinal utility function – into a cardinal one.

A Stable Strategy is similar to a Nash solution – though

not identical mathematically. There is currently no
comprehensive theory of Information Dynamics. Game
Theory is limited to the aspects of competition and
exchange of information (cooperation). Strategies that
lead to better results (independently of other agents) are
dominant and where all the agents have dominant
strategies – a solution is established. Thus, the Nash
equilibrium is applicable to games that are repeated and
wherein each agent reacts to the acts of other agents. The
agent is influenced by others – but does not influence
them (he is negligible). The agent continues to adapt in
this way – until no longer able to improve his position.
The Nash solution is less available in cases of cooperation
and is not unique as a solution. In most cases, the players
will adopt a minimax strategy (in zero-sum games) or
maximin strategies (in nonzero-sum games).

These strategies guarantee that the loser will not lose more
than the value of the game and that the winner will gain at
least this value. The solution is the "Saddle Point".

The distinction between zero-sum games (ZSG) and

nonzero-sum games (NZSG) is not trivial. A player
playing a ZSG cannot gain if prohibited to use certain
strategies. This is not the case in NZSGs. In ZSG, the
player does not benefit from exposing his strategy to his
rival and is never harmed by having foreknowledge of his
rival's strategy. Not so in NZSGs: at times, a player stands
to gain by revealing his plans to the "enemy". A player
can actually be harmed by NOT declaring his strategy or
by gaining acquaintance with the enemy's stratagems. The
very ability to communicate, the level of communication
and the order of communication – are important in
cooperative cases. A Nash solution:

1. is not dependent upon any utility function;

2. it is impossible for two players to improve the
Nash solution (=their position) simultaneously
(=the Paretto optimality);
3. is not influenced by the introduction of irrelevant
(not very gainful) alternatives; and
4. is symmetric (reversing the roles of the players
does not affect the solution).

The limitations of this approach are immediately evident.

It is definitely not geared to cope well with more complex,
multi-player, semi-cooperative (semi-competitive),
imperfect information situations.

Von Neumann proved that there is a solution for every
ZSG with 2 players, though it might require the
implementation of mixed strategies (strategies with
probabilities attached to every move and outcome).
Together with the economist Morgenstern, he developed
an approach to coalitions (cooperative efforts of one or
more players – a coalition of one player is possible).
Every coalition has a value – a minimal amount that the
coalition can secure using solely its own efforts and
resources. The function describing this value is super-
additive (the value of a coalition which is comprised of
two sub-coalitions equals, at least, the sum of the values
of the two sub-coalitions). Coalitions can be
epiphenomenal: their value can be higher than the
combined values of their constituents. The amounts paid
to the players equal the value of the coalition and each
player stands to get an amount no smaller than any
amount that he would have made on his own. A set of
payments to the players, describing the division of the
coalition's value amongst them, is the "imputation", a
single outcome of a strategy. A strategy is, therefore,
dominant, if: (1) each player is getting more under the
strategy than under any other strategy and (2) the players
in the coalition receive a total payment that does not
exceed the value of the coalition. Rational players are
likely to prefer the dominant strategy and to enforce it.
Thus, the solution to an n-players game is a set of
imputations. No single imputation in the solution must be
dominant (=better). They should all lead to equally
desirable results. On the other hand, all the imputations
outside the solution should be dominated. Some games are
without solution (Lucas, 1967).

Auman and Maschler tried to establish what is the right
payoff to the members of a coalition. They went about it
by enlarging upon the concept of bargaining (threats,
bluffs, offers and counter-offers). Every imputation was
examined, separately, whether it belongs in the solution
(=yields the highest ranked outcome) or not, regardless of
the other imputations in the solution. But in their theory,
every member had the right to "object" to the inclusion of
other members in the coalition by suggesting a different,
exclusionary, coalition in which the members stand to
gain a larger payoff. The player about to be excluded can
"counter-argue" by demonstrating the existence of yet
another coalition in which the members will get at least as
much as in the first coalition and in the coalition proposed
by his adversary, the "objector". Each coalition has, at
least, one solution.

The Game in GT is an idealized concept. Some of the

assumptions can – and should be argued against. The
number of agents in any game is assumed to be finite and
a finite number of steps is mostly incorporated into the
assumptions. Omissions are not treated as acts (though
negative ones). All agents are negligible in their
relationship to others (have no discernible influence on
them) – yet are influenced by them (their strategies are not
– but the specific moves that they select – are). The
comparison of utilities is not the result of any ranking –
because no universal ranking is possible. Actually, no
ranking common to two or n players is possible (rankings
are bound to differ among players). Many of the problems
are linked to the variant of rationality used in GT. It is
comprised of a clarity of preferences on behalf of the
rational agent and relies on the people's tendency to
converge and cluster around the right answer / move.

This, however, is only a tendency. Some of the time,
players select the wrong moves. It would have been much
wiser to assume that there are no pure strategies, that all
of them are mixed. Game Theory would have done well to
borrow mathematical techniques from quantum
mechanics. For instance: strategies could have been
described as wave functions with probability distributions.
The same treatment could be accorded to the cardinal
utility function. Obviously, the highest ranking (smallest
ordinal) preference should have had the biggest
probability attached to it – or could be treated as the
collapse event. But these are more or less known, even
trivial, objections. Some of them cannot be overcome. We
must idealize the world in order to be able to relate to it
scientifically at all. The idealization process entails the
incorporation of gross inaccuracies into the model and the
ignorance of other elements. The surprise is that the
approximation yields results, which tally closely with
reality – in view of its mutilation, affected by the model.

There are more serious problems, philosophical in nature.

It is generally agreed that "changing" the game can – and

very often does – move the players from a non-
cooperative mode (leading to Paretto-dominated results,
which are never desirable) – to a cooperative one. A
government can force its citizens to cooperate and to obey
the law. It can enforce this cooperation. This is often
called a Hobbesian dilemma. It arises even in a population
made up entirely of altruists. Different utility functions
and the process of bargaining are likely to drive these
good souls to threaten to become egoists unless other
altruists adopt their utility function (their preferences,
their bundles).

Nash proved that there is an allocation of possible utility
functions to these agents so that the equilibrium strategy
for each one of them will be this kind of threat. This is a
clear social Hobbesian dilemma: the equilibrium is
absolute egoism despite the fact that all the players are
altruists. This implies that we can learn very little about
the outcomes of competitive situations from acquainting
ourselves with the psychological facts pertaining to the
players. The agents, in this example, are not selfish or
irrational – and, still, they deteriorate in their behaviour,
to utter egotism. A complete set of utility functions –
including details regarding how much they know about
one another's utility functions – defines the available
equilibrium strategies. The altruists in our example are
prisoners of the logic of the game. Only an "outside"
power can release them from their predicament and permit
them to materialize their true nature. Gauthier said that
morally-constrained agents are more likely to evade
Paretto-dominated outcomes in competitive games – than
agents who are constrained only rationally. But this is
unconvincing without the existence of an Hobesian
enforcement mechanism (a state is the most common
one). Players would do better to avoid Paretto dominated
outcomes by imposing the constraints of such a
mechanism upon their available strategies. Paretto
optimality is defined as efficiency, when there is no state
of things (a different distribution of resources) in which at
least one player is better off – with all the other no worse
off. "Better off" read: "with his preference satisfied". This
definitely could lead to cooperation (to avoid a bad
outcome) – but it cannot be shown to lead to the formation
of morality, however basic. Criminals can achieve their
goals in splendid cooperation and be content, but that does
not make it more moral.

Game theory is agent neutral, it is utilitarianism at its
apex. It does not prescribe to the agent what is "good" –
only what is "right". It is the ultimate proof that effort at
reconciling utilitarianism with more deontological, agent
relative, approaches are dubious, in the best of cases.
Teleology, in other words, in no guarantee of morality.

Acts are either means to an end or ends in themselves.

This is no infinite regression. There is bound to be an holy
grail (happiness?) in the role of the ultimate end. A more
commonsense view would be to regard acts as means and
states of affairs as ends. This, in turn, leads to a
teleological outlook: acts are right or wrong in accordance
with their effectiveness at securing the achievement of the
right goals. Deontology (and its stronger version,
absolutism) constrain the means. It states that there is a
permitted subset of means, all the other being immoral
and, in effect, forbidden. Game Theory is out to shatter
both the notion of a finite chain of means and ends
culminating in an ultimate end – and of the deontological
view. It is consequentialist but devoid of any value

Game Theory pretends that human actions are breakable

into much smaller "molecules" called games. Human acts
within these games are means to achieving ends but the
ends are improbable in their finality. The means are
segments of "strategies": prescient and omniscient
renditions of the possible moves of all the players. Aside
from the fact that it involves mnemic causation (direct and
deterministic influence by past events) and a similar
influence by the utility function (which really pertains to
the future) – it is highly implausible.

Additionally, Game Theory is mired in an internal
contradiction: on the one hand it solemnly teaches us that
the psychology of the players is absolutely of no
consequence. On the other, it hastens to explicitly and
axiomatically postulate their rationality and implicitly
(and no less axiomatically) their benefit-seeking
behaviour (though this aspect is much more muted). This
leads to absolutely outlandish results: irrational behaviour
leads to total cooperation, bounded rationality leads to
more realistic patterns of cooperation and competition
(coopetition) and an unmitigated rational behaviour leads
to disaster (also known as Paretto dominated outcomes).

Moreover, Game Theory refuses to acknowledge that real

games are dynamic, not static. The very concepts of
strategy, utility function and extensive (tree like)
representation are static. The dynamic is retrospective, not
prospective. To be dynamic, the game must include all the
information about all the actors, all their strategies, all
their utility functions. Each game is a subset of a higher
level game, a private case of an implicit game which is
constantly played in the background, so to say. This is a
hyper-game of which all games are but derivatives. It
incorporates all the physically possible moves of all the
players. An outside agency with enforcement powers (the
state, the police, the courts, the law) are introduced by the
players. In this sense, they are not really an outside event
which has the effect of altering the game fundamentally.
They are part and parcel of the strategies available to the
players and cannot be arbitrarily ruled out. On the
contrary, their introduction as part of a dominant strategy
will simplify Game theory and make it much more
applicable. In other words: players can choose to compete,
to cooperate and to cooperate in the formation of an
outside agency.

There is no logical or mathematical reason to exclude the
latter possibility. The ability to thus influence the game is
a legitimate part of any real life strategy. Game Theory
assumes that the game is a given – and the players have to
optimize their results within it. It should open itself to the
inclusion of game altering or redefining moves by the
players as an integral part of their strategies. After all,
games entail the existence of some agreement to play and
this means that the players accept some rules (this is the
role of the prosecutor in the Prisoners' Dilemma). If some
outside rules (of the game) are permissible – why not
allow the "risk" that all the players will agree to form an
outside, lawfully binding, arbitration and enforcement
agency – as part of the game? Such an agency will be
nothing if not the embodiment, the materialization of one
of the rules, a move in the players' strategies, leading them
to more optimal or superior outcomes as far as their utility
functions are concerned. Bargaining inevitably leads to an
agreement regarding a decision making procedure. An
outside agency, which enforces cooperation and some
moral code, is such a decision making procedure. It is not
an "outside" agency in the true, physical, sense. It does
not "alter" the game (not to mention its rules). It IS the
game, it is a procedure, a way to resolve conflicts, an
integral part of any solution and imputation, the herald of
cooperation, a representative of some of the will of all the
players and, therefore, a part both of their utility functions
and of their strategies to obtain their preferred outcomes.
Really, these outside agencies ARE the desired outcomes.

Once Game Theory digests this observation, it could
tackle reality rather than its own idealized contraptions.


Knowledge and Power
By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

"Knowledge is Power" goes the old German adage. But

power, as any schoolboy knows, always has negative and
positive sides to it. Information exhibits the same duality:
properly provided, it is a positive power of unequalled
strength. Improperly disseminated and presented, it is
nothing short of destructive. The management of the
structure, content, provision and dissemination of
information is, therefore, of paramount importance to a
nation, especially if it is in its infancy (as an independent

Information has four dimensions and five axes of

dissemination, some vertical and some horizontal.

The four dimensions are:

1. Structure – information can come in various

physical forms and poured into different kinds of vessels
and carriers. It can be continuous or segmented, cyclical
(periodic) or punctuated, repetitive or new, etc. The
structure often determines what of the information (if at
all) will be remembered and how. It encompasses not only
the mode of presentation, but also the modules and the
rules of interaction between them (the hermeneutic
principles, the rules of structural interpretation, which is
the result of spatial, syntactic and grammatical

2. Content – This incorporates both ontological and
epistemological elements. In other words: both
"hard" data, which should, in principle, be
verifiable through the employment of objective,
scientific, methods – and "soft" data, the
interpretation offered with the hard data. The soft
data is a derivative of a "message", in the broader
sense of the term. A message comprises both
world-view (theory) and an action and direction-
inducing element.

3. Provision – The intentional input of structured

content into information channels. The timing of
this action, the quantities of data fed into the
channels, their qualities – all are part of the
equation of provision.

4. Dissemination – More commonly known as media

or information channels. The channels which
bridge between the information providers and the
information consumers. Some channels are merely
technical and then the relevant things to discuss
would be technical: bandwidth, noise to signal
ratios and the like. Other channels are
metaphorical and then the relevant determinants
would be their effectiveness in conveying content
to targeted consumers.

In the economic realm, there are five important axes of


1. From Government to the Market – the Market

here being the "Hidden Hand", the mechanism which
allocates resources in adherence to market signals (for
instance, in accordance with prices).

The Government intervenes to correct market failures, or
to influence the allocation of resources in favour or
against the interests of a defined group of people. The
more transparent and accountable the actions of the
Government, the less distortion in the allocation of
resources and the less resulting inefficiency. The
Government should declare its intentions and actions in
advance whenever possible, then it should act through
public, open tenders, report often to regulatory and
legislative bodies and to the public and so on. The more
information provided by this major economic player (the
most dominant in most countries) – the more smoothly
and efficaciously the Market will operate. The converse,
unfortunately, is also true. The less open the government,
the more latent its intents, the more shadowy its
operations – the more cumbersome the bureaucracy, the
less functioning the market.

2. From Government to the Firms – The same

principles that apply to the desirable interaction
between Government and Market, apply here. The
Government should disseminate information to
firms in its territory (and out of it) accurately,
equitably and speedily. Any delay or distortion in
the information, or preference of one recipient
over another – will thwart the efficient allocation
of economic resources.

3. From Government to the World – The "World"
here being multilateral institutions, foreign
governments, foreign investors, foreign
competitors and the economic players in general
providing that they are outside the territory of the
information disseminating Government. Again,
any delay, or abstention in the dissemination of
information as well as its distortion
(disinformation and misinformation) will result in
economic outcomes worse that could have been
achieved by a free, prompt, precise and equitable
(=equally available) dissemination of said
information. This is true even where commercial
secrets are involved! It has been proven time and
again that when commercial information is kept
secret – the firm (or Government) that keeps it
hidden is HARMED. The most famous examples
are Apple (which kept its operating system a well-
guarded secret) and IBM (which did not),
Microsoft (which kept its operating system open to
developers of software) and other software
companies (which did not). Recently, Netscape
has decided to provide its source code (the most
important commercial secret of any software
company) free of charge to application developers.
Synergy based on openness seemed to have won
over old habits. A free, unhampered, unbiased
flow of information is a major point of attraction
to foreign investors and a brawny point with the
likes of the IMF and the World Bank. The former,
for instance, lends money more easily to countries,
which maintain a reasonably reliable outflow of
national statistics.

4. From Firms to the World – The virtues of
corporate transparency and of the application of
the properly revealing International Accounting
Standards (IAS, GAAP, or others) need no
evidencing. Today, it is virtually impossible to
raise money, to export, to import, to form joint
ventures, to obtain credits, or to otherwise
collaborate internationally without the existence of
full, unmitigated disclosure. The modern firm (if it
wishes to interact globally) must open itself up
completely and provide timely, full and accurate
information to all. This is a legal must for public
and listed firms the world over (though standards
vary). Transparent accounting practices, clear
ownership structure, available track record and
historical performance records – are sine qua non
in today's financing world.

5. From Firms to Firms – This is really a subset of

the previous axis of dissemination. Its distinction
is that while the former is concerned with
multilateral, international interactions – this axis is
more inwardly oriented and deals with the goings-
on between firms in the same territory. Here, the
desirability of full disclosure is even stronger. A
firm that fails to provide information about itself
to firms on its turf, will likely fall prey to vicious
rumours and informative manipulations by its

Positive information is characterized by four qualities:

1. Transparency – Knowing the sources of the

information, the methods by which it was obtained, the
confirmation that none of it was unnecessarily suppressed
(some would argue that there is no "necessary
suppression") – constitutes the main edifice of
transparency. The datum or information can be true, but if
it is not perceived to be transparent – it will not be
considered reliable. Think about an anonymous (=non-
transparent) letter versus a signed letter – the latter will be
more readily relied upon (subject to the reliability of the
author, of course).

2. Reliability – is the direct result of transparency.

Acquaintance with the source of information
(including its history) and with the methods of its
provision and dissemination will determine the
level of reliability that we will attach to it. How
balanced is it? Is the source prejudiced or in any
way an interested, biased, party? Was the
information "force-fed" by the Government, was
the media coerced to publish it by a major
advertiser, was the journalist arrested after the
publication? The circumstances surrounding the
datum are as important as its content. The context
of a piece of information is of no less consequence
that the information contained in it. Above all, to
be judged reliable, the information must "reflect"
reality. I mean reflection not in the basic sense: a
one to one mapping of the reflected. I intend it
more as a resonance, a vibration in tune with the
piece of the real world that it relates to.

People say: "This sounds true" and the word "sounds"
should be emphasized.

3. Comprehensiveness – Information will not be

considered transparent, nor will it be judged
reliable if it is partial. It must incorporate all the
aspects of the world to which it relates, or else
state explicitly what has been omitted and why
(which is tantamount to including it, in the first
place). A bit of information is embedded in a
context and constantly interacts with it.
Additionally, its various modules and content
elements consistently and constantly interact with
each other. A missing part implies ignorance of
interactions and epiphenomena, which might
crucially alter the interpretation of the information.
Partiality renders information valueless. Needless
to say, that I am talking about RELEVANT parts
of the information. There are many other segments
of it, which are omitted because their influence is
negligible (the idealization process), or because it
is so great that they are common knowledge.

4. Organization – This, arguably, is the most

important aspect of information. It is what makes
information comprehensible. It includes the spatial
and temporal (historic) context of the information,
its interactions with its context, its inner
interactions, as we described earlier, its structure,
the rules of decision (grammar and syntax) and the
rules of interpretation (semantics, etc.) to be
applied. A worldview is provided, a theory into
which the information fits. Embedded in this
theory, it allows for predictions to be made in
order to falsify the theory (or to prove it).

Information cannot be understood in the absence
of such a worldview. Such a worldview can be
scientific, or religious – but it can also be
ideological (Capitalism, Socialism), or related to
an image which an entity wishes to project. An
image is a theory about a person or a group of
people. It is both supported by information – and
supports it. It is a shorthand version of all the
pertinent data, a stereotype in reverse.

There is no difference in the application of these rules to

information and to interpretation (which is really
information that relates to other information instead of
relating to the World). Both categories can be formal and
informal. Formal information is information that
designates itself as such (carries a sign: "I am
information"). It includes official publications by various
bodies (accountants, corporations, The Bureau of
Statistics, news bulletins, all the media, the Internet,
various databases, whether in digitized format or in hard

Informal information is information, which is not

permanently captured or is captured without the intention
of generating formal information (=without the pretence:
"I am information"). Any verbal communication belongs
here (rumours, gossip, general knowledge, background
dormant data, etc.).

The modern world is glutted by information, formal and

informal, partial and comprehensive, out of context and
with interpretation. There are no conceptual, mental, or
philosophically rigorous distinctions today between
information and what it denotes or stands for.

Actors are often mistaken for their roles, wars are fought
on television, fictitious TV celebrities become real. That
which has no information presence might as well have no
real life existence. An entity – person, group of people, a
nation – which does not engage in structuring content,
providing and disseminating it – actively engages,
therefore, in its own, slow, disappearance.


Market Impeders and

Market Inefficiencies
By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

Even the most devout proponents of free marketry and

hidden hand theories acknowledge the existence of market
failures, market imperfections and inefficiencies in the
allocation of economic resources. Some of these are the
results of structural problems, others of an accumulation
of historical liabilities. But, strikingly, some of the
inefficiencies are the direct outcomes of the activities of
"non bona fide" market participants. These "players"
(individuals, corporations, even larger economic bodies,
such as states) act either irrationally or egotistically (too

What characterizes all those "market impeders" is that

they are value subtractors rather than value adders. Their
activities generate a reduction, rather than an increase, in
the total benefits (utilities) of all the other market players
(themselves included). Some of them do it because they
are after a self interest which is not economic (or, more
strictly, financial). They sacrifice some economic benefits
in order to satisfy that self interest (or, else, they could
never have attained these benefits, in the first place).
Others refuse to accept the self interest of other players as
their limit. They try to maximize their benefits at any cost,
as long as it is a cost to others. Some do so legally and
some adopt shadier varieties of behaviour. And there is a
group of parasites – participants in the market who feed

off its very inefficiencies and imperfections and, by their
very actions, enhance them.

A vicious cycle ensues: the body economic gives rise to

parasitic agents who thrive on its imperfections and lead
to the amplification of the very impurities that they
prosper on.

We can distinguish six classes of market impeders:

1. Crooks and other illegal operators. These take

advantage of ignorance, superstition, greed, avarice,
emotional states of mind of their victims – to strike. They
re-allocate resources from (potentially or actually)
productive agents to themselves. Because they reduce the
level of trust in the marketplace – they create negative
added value. (See: "The Shadowy World of International
Finance" and "The Fabric of Economic Trust").

2. Illegitimate operators include those treading the

thin line between legally permissible and ethically
inadmissible. They engage in petty cheating
through misrepresentations, half-truths, semi-
rumours and the like. They are full of pretensions
to the point of becoming impostors. They are
wheeler-dealers, sharp-cookies, Daymon Ranyon
characters, lurking in the shadows cast by the sun
of the market. Their impact is to slow down the
economic process through disinformation and the
resulting misallocation of resources. They are the
sand in the wheels of the economic machine.

3. The "not serious" operators. These are people too
hesitant, or phobic to commit themselves to the
assumption of any kind of risk. Risk is the coal in
the various locomotives of the economy, whether
local, national, or global. Risk is being assumed,
traded, diversified out of, avoided, insured against.
It gives rise to visions and hopes and it is the most
efficient "economic natural selection" mechanism.
To be a market participant one must assume risk, it
in an inseparable part of economic activity.
Without it the wheels of commerce and finance,
investments and technological innovation will
immediately grind to a halt. But many operators
are so risk averse that, in effect, they increase the
inefficiency of the market in order to avoid it.
They act as though they are resolute, risk assuming
operators. They make all the right moves, utter all
the right sentences and emit the perfect noises. But
when push comes to shove – they recoil, retreat,
defeated before staging a fight. Thus, they waste
the collective resources of all that the operators
that they get involved with. They are known to
endlessly review projects, often change their
minds, act in fits and starts, have the wrong
priorities (for an efficient economic functioning,
that is), behave in a self defeating manner, be
horrified by any hint of risk, saddled and
surrounded by every conceivable consultant,
glutted by information. They are the stick in the
spinning wheel of the modern marketplace.

4. The former kind of operators obviously has a
character problem. Yet, there is a more
problematic species: those suffering from serious
psychological problems, personality disorders,
clinical phobias, psychoneuroses and the like. This
human aspect of the economic realm has, to the
best of my knowledge, been neglected before.
Enormous amounts of time, efforts, money and
energy are expended by the more "normal" –
because of the "less normal" and the "eccentric".
These operators are likely to regard the
maintaining of their internal emotional balance as
paramount, far over-riding economic
considerations. They will sacrifice economic
advantages and benefits and adversely affect their
utility outcome in the name of principles, to quell
psychological tensions and pressures, as part of
obsessive-compulsive rituals, to maintain a false
grandiose image, to go on living in a land of
fantasy, to resolve a psychodynamic conflict and,
generally, to cope with personal problems which
have nothing to do with the idealized rational
economic player of the theories. If quantified, the
amounts of resources wasted in these coping
manoeuvres is, probably, mind numbing. Many
deals clinched are revoked, many businesses
started end, many detrimental policy decisions
adopted and many potentially beneficial situations
avoided because of these personal upheavals.

5. Speculators and middlemen are yet another

species of parasites. In a theoretically totally
efficient marketplace – there would have been no
niche for them. They both thrive on information

The first kind engages in arbitrage (differences in
pricing in two markets of an identical good – the result
of inefficient dissemination of information) and in
gambling. These are important and blessed functions
in an imperfect world because they make it more
perfect. The speculative activity equates prices and,
therefore, sends the right signals to market operators
as to how and where to most efficiently allocate their
resources. But this is the passive speculator. The
"active" speculator is really a market rigger. He
corners the market by the dubious virtue of his
reputation and size. He influences the market (even
creates it) rather than merely exploit its imperfections.
Soros and Buffet have such an influence though their
effect is likely to be considered beneficial by unbiased
observers. Middlemen are a different story because
most of them belong to the active subcategory. This
means that they, on purpose, generate market
inconsistencies, inefficiencies and problems – only to
solve them later at a cost extracted and paid to them,
the perpetrators of the problem. Leaving ethical
questions aside, this is a highly wasteful process.
Middlemen use privileged information and access –
whereas speculators use information of a more public
nature. Speculators normally work within closely
monitored, full disclosure, transparent markets.
Middlemen thrive of disinformation, misinformation
and lack of information. Middlemen monopolize their
information – speculators share it, willingly or not.
The more information becomes available to more
users – the greater the deterioration in the resources
consumed by brokers of information. The same
process will likely apply to middlemen of goods and

We are likely to witness the death of the car dealer,
the classical retail outlet, the music records shop. For
that matter, inventions like the internet is likely to
short-circuit the whole distribution process in a matter
of a few years.

6. The last type of market impeders is well known

and is the only one to have been tackled – with
varying degrees of success by governments and by
legislators worldwide. These are the trade
restricting arrangements: monopolies, cartels,
trusts and other illegal organizations. Rivers of
inks were spilled over forests of paper to explain
the pernicious effects of these anti-competitive
practices (see: "Competition Laws"). The short
and the long of it is that competition enhances and
increases efficiency and that, therefore, anything
that restricts competition, weakens and lessens

What could anyone do about these inefficiencies? The

world goes in circles of increasing and decreasing free
marketry. The globe was a more open, competitive and, in
certain respects, efficient place at the beginning of the 20th
century than it is now. Capital flowed more freely and so
did labour. Foreign Direct Investment was bigger. The
more efficient, "friction free" the dissemination of
information (the ultimate resource) – the less waste and
the smaller the lebensraum for parasites. The more
adherence to market, price driven, open auction based,
meritocratic mechanisms – the less middlemen,
speculators, bribers, monopolies, cartels and trusts.

The less political involvement in the workings of the
market and, in general, in what consenting adults conspire
to do that is not harmful to others – the more efficient and
flowing the economic ambience is likely to become.

This picture of "laissez faire, laissez aller" should be

complimented by even stricter legislation coupled with
effective and draconian law enforcement agents and
measures. The illegal and the illegitimate should be
stamped out, cruelly. Freedom to all – is also freedom
from being conned or hassled. Only when the righteous
freely prosper and the less righteous excessively suffer –
only then will we have entered the efficient kingdom of
the free market.

This still does not deal with the "not serious" and the
"personality disordered". What about the inefficient havoc
that they wreak? This, after all, is part of what is known,
in legal parlance as: "force majeure".


There is a raging debate between the "rational

expectations" theory and the "prospect theory". The
former - the cornerstone of rational economics - assumes
that economic (human) players are rational and out to
maximize their utility (see: "The Happiness of Others",
"The Egotistic Friend" and "The Distributive Justice of
the Market"). Even ignoring the fuzzy logic behind the ill-
defined philosophical term "utility" - rational economics
has very little to do with real human being and a lot to do
with sterile (though mildly useful) abstractions. Prospect
theory builds on behavioural research in modern
psychology which demonstrates that people are more loss
averse than gain seekers (utility maximizers).

Other economists have succeeded to demonstrate
irrational behaviours of economic actors (heuristics,
dissonances, biases, magical thinking and so on).

The apparent chasm between the rational theories

(efficient markets, hidden hands and so on) and
behavioural economics is the result of two philosophical
fallacies which, in turn, are based on the misapplication
and misinterpretation of philosophical terms.

The first fallacy is to assume that all forms of utility are

reducible to one another or to money terms. Thus, the
values attached to all utilities are expressed in monetary
terms. This is wrong. Some people prefer leisure, or
freedom, or predictability to expected money. This is the
very essence of risk aversion: a trade off between the
utility of predictability (absence or minimization of risk)
and the expected utility of money. In other words, people
have many utility functions running simultaneously - or,
at best, one utility function with many variables and
coefficients. This is why taxi drivers in New York cease
working in a busy day, having reached a pre-determined
income target: the utility function of their money equals
the utility function of their leisure.

How can these coefficients (and the values of these

variables) be determined? Only by engaging in extensive
empirical research. There is no way for any theory or
"explanation" to predict these values. We have yet to
reach the stage of being able to quantify, measure and
numerically predict human behaviour and personality
(=the set of adaptive traits and their interactions with
changing circumstances).

That economics is a branch of psychology is becoming
more evident by the day. It would do well to lose its
mathematical pretensions and adopt the statistical
methods of its humbler relative.

The second fallacy is the assumption underlying both

rational and behavioural economics that human nature is
an "object" to be analysed and "studied", that it is static
and unchanged. But, of course, humans change
inexorably. This is the only fixed feature of being human:
change. Some changes are unpredictable, even in
deterministic principle. Other changes are well
documented. An example of the latter class of changes in
the learning curve. Humans learn and the more they learn
the more they alter their behaviour. So, to obtain any
meaningful data, one has to observe behaviour in time, to
obtain a sequence of reactions and actions. To isolate,
observe and manipulate environmental variables and
study human interactions. No snapshot can approximate a
video sequence where humans are concerned.


Financial Crises, Global Capital Flows
The International Financial Architecture
By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

The recent upheavals in the world financial markets were

quelled by the immediate intervention of both
international financial institutions such as the IMF and of
domestic ones in the developed countries, such as the
Federal Reserve in the USA. The danger seems to have
passed, though recent tremors in South Korea, Brazil and
Taiwan do not augur well. We may face yet another crisis
of the same or a larger magnitude momentarily.

What are the lessons that we can derive from the last crisis
to avoid the next?

The first lesson, it would seem, is that short term and long
term capital flows are two disparate phenomena with very
little in common. The former is speculative and technical
in nature and has very little to do with fundamental
realities. The latter is investment oriented and committed
to the increasing of the welfare and wealth of its new
domicile. It is, therefore, wrong to talk about "global
capital flows". There are investments (including even long
term portfolio investments and venture capital) – and
there is speculative, "hot" money.

While "hot money" is very useful as a lubricant on the
wheels of liquid capital markets in rich countries – it can
be destructive in less liquid, immature economies or in
economies in transition.

The two phenomena should be accorded a different

treatment. While long term capital flows should be
completely liberalized, encouraged and welcomed – the
short term, "hot money" type should be controlled and
even discouraged. The introduction of fiscally-oriented
capital controls (as Chile has implemented) is one
possibility. The less attractive Malaysian model springs to
mind. It is less attractive because it penalizes both the
short term and the long term financial players. But it is
clear that an important and integral part of the new
International Financial Architecture MUST be the control
of speculative money in pursuit of ever higher yields.
There is nothing inherently wrong with high yields – but
the capital markets provide yields connected to economic
depression and to price collapses through the mechanism
of short selling and through the usage of certain
derivatives. This aspect of things must be neutered or at
least countered.

The second lesson is the important role that central banks

and other financial authorities play in the precipitation of
financial crises – or in their prolongation. Financial
bubbles and asset price inflation are the result of euphoric
and irrational exuberance – said the Chairman of the
Federal Reserve Bank of the United States, the legendary
Mr. Greenspun and who can dispute this? But the question
that was delicately side-stepped was: WHO is responsible
for financial bubbles?

Expansive monetary policies, well timed signals in the
interest rates markets, liquidity injections, currency
interventions, international salvage operations – are all co-
ordinated by central banks and by other central or
international institutions. Official INACTION is as
conducive to the inflation of financial bubbles as is
official ACTION. By refusing to restructure the banking
system, to introduce appropriate bankruptcy procedures,
corporate transparency and good corporate governance, by
engaging in protectionism and isolationism, by avoiding
the implementation of anti competition legislation – many
countries have fostered the vacuum within which financial
crises breed.

The third lesson is that international financial institutions

can be of some help – when not driven by political or
geopolitical considerations and when not married to a
dogma. Unfortunately, these are the rare cases. Most IFIs
– notably the IMF and, to a lesser extent, the World Bank
– are both politicized and doctrinaire. It is only lately and
following the recent mega-crisis in Asia, that IFIs began
to "reinvent" themselves, their doctrines and their recipes.
This added conceptual and theoretical flexibility led to
better results. It is always better to tailor a solution to the
needs of the client. Perhaps this should be the biggest
evolutionary step:

That IFIs will cease to regard the countries and

governments within their remit as inefficient and corrupt
beggars, in constant need of financial infusions. Rather
they should regard these countries as CLIENTS,
customers in need of service. After all, this, exactly, is the
essence of the free market – and it is from IFIs that such
countries should learn the ways of the free market.

In broad outline, there are two types of emerging
solutions. One type is market oriented – and the other,
interventionist. The first type calls for free markets,
specially designed financial instruments (see the example
of the Brady bonds) and a global "laissez faire"
environment to solve the issue of financial crises. The
second approach regards the free markets as the SOURCE
of the problem, rather than its solution. It calls for
domestic and where necessary international intervention
and assistance in resolving financial crises.

Both approaches have their merits and both should be

applied in varying combinations on a case by case basis.

Indeed, this is the greatest lesson of all:

There are NO magic bullets, final solutions, right ways

and only recipes. This is a a trial and error process and in
war one should not limit one's arsenal. Let us employ all
the weapons at our disposal to achieve the best results for
everyone involved.


I. War and the Business Cycle

II. New Paradigms, Old Cycles

By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

Also published by United Press International (UPI)

Also Read

The Disruptive Engine - Innovation and the Capitalist


The Friendly Trend - Technical vs. Fundamental


The Roller Coaster Market - On Volatility and Risk

The Myth of the Earnings Yield

The Bursting Asset Bubbles

The Misconception of Scarcity

The Merits of Inflation

The Washington Consensus - I. The IMF

The Distributive Justice of the Market

Governments and Growth

I. War and the Business Cycle

Peace activists throughout the world accuse the American

administration of profit-motivated warmongering. More
sophisticated types remind us that it was the second world
war - rather than President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's
New Deal - that ended the Great Depression. "Wag the
Dog" is a battle cry in Europe implying that the United
States is provoking yet another conflict in Iraq to restart
its stalled economy and take the collective mind off an
endless stream of corporate sleaze.

In the wake of the previous Gulf war, in the Spring 1991

issue of the Brookings Review, a venerable American
economist, George Perry, wrote:

"Wars have usually been good for the U.S. economy.

Traditionally they bring with them rising output, low
unemployment and full use of industrial capacity as
military demands add to normal economic activity."
According to Perry, writing long before the dotcom
euphoria and slump, war is counter-cyclical.

The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)

Business Cycle Dating Committee tends to support this
view. The strongest expansions were registered during
and after major crises - the Civil War, the first and second
world wars, the Korea War, throughout most of the
conflict in Vietnam and immediately following Operation
Desert Storm, the previous skirmish in Iraq.

In the wake of September 11, US military spending is
already up one tenth and poised to continue its uptrend.
Defense contractors and service industries, concentrated
across the southern USA stand to undoubtedly benefit
after a lean decade following the unwinding of the Cold
War. GDP may grow by 0.6 percent this year based on
$50 billion in war-related expenditures, project DRI-
WEFA for MSN's Money Central.

This is an unrealistic price tag. According to the Cato

Institute, Operation Desert Storm cost $80 billion (in 2002
dollars), the bulk of which was covered by grateful allies.
This war may be more protracted, less decisive and its
costs are likely to be borne exclusively by the United
States. Postwar reconstruction in Iraq will dwarf these
outlays, even allowing for extra revenues from enhanced
oil production.

DRI-WEFA present a worst case scenario in which GDP

falls by 2.2% over two quarters, the Fed Funds rate
ratchets up to 6% to staunch inflation, and unemployment
peaks at 7.8%. Recovery is unlikely in the first 18 months
of this nightmarish script.

On the minus side, the budget deficit has already

ballooned, crowding out lending to the private sector,
stoking inflation and threatening to reverse the downtrend
in interest rates. Edward Yardeni of Prudential has
demonstrated how inflation has followed every single
military conflict since 1800. Ultimately, taxes are likely to
rise as well.

Yet, that war impacts the timing and intensity of the
business cycle is by no means universally accepted.

In an International Finance Discussion Paper titled

"Money, Politics and the Post-war Business Cycle" and
published by the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve system in November 1996, the authors, Jon Faust
and John Irons, sweepingly dismiss "political effects on
the economy". "If they exist" - they add - "they are small
and difficult to measure with confidence."

David Andolfatto, from the Department of Economics of

Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, Canada, in
his "U.S. Military Spending and the Business Cycle"
dated October 2001, quotes an email sent to him by one of
his students:

"I heard someone say that the US government tends to

‘find themselves in war’ every time they are in a
recession. This person also claimed that the increased
government expenditures on war pulled the US out of
each of the last few recession they’ve been in.
Furthermore, this person said that the ‘military industry’ is
one of the biggest industries in the US, which is why
greater government expenditures on war always pull the
US out of recessions ... the boom the US had in the last
decade was in large part attributed to all their considerable
military effort ..."

Andolfatto then proceeds to demolish this conspiratorial
edifice. Military spending per adult in the USA has
remained constant at $2000 between 1947-2000. It
actually declined precipitously from 15 percent of gross
domestic product during the Korea War to 4-5 percent
today. Military buildups - with the exception of the Gulf
War - mostly happen during peacetime.

During the Unites States' recent spate of unprecedented

prosperity in the 1990s, military layouts actually shrank.
When they did expand in 1978-1987, the economy
endured at least one serious recession (1979-1983). In
reality, changes in military expenditures lag changes in
GDP. Surprisingly, mathematical analysis reveals that
GDP growth does not respond measurably to unexpected
surges in military spending. Rather, military budgets swell
when GDP suddenly increases.

But this is a minority view. Even economists who dispute

the economic schools of shock-driven cycles admit that
war does affect the economy. Theoretically, at least,
government spending, investment decisions and consumer
confidence should be affected.

Jonas Fischer at the Chicago Federal Reserve Bank claims

that real business cycle models cannot account for the
response to fiscal shocks of real wages and hours worked,
unless they unrealistically assume that marginal income
tax rates are constant and that increased government
purchases are financed in a specific manner.

In any case, war, or a commensurate military buildup, do
cause expansionary deficit-financed government
purchases, employment, output and nonresidential
investment to rise while real wages, residential investment
and consumption fall. This is compatible with the
predictions of neo-classical business cycle models.

There are longer-term effects. According to Martin

Eichenbaum from Northwestern University, productivity
in the manufacturing sector declines - though it rises in
the private sector as a whole. Ultimately, the production
of durable goods contracts and interest rates, having
initially dropped, end up rising. Marginal income tax rates
tend to mount post conflict.

Consumers and investors are inclined to postpone big-

ticket decisions in times of uncertainty. Hence the adverse
reaction of the capital markets to the recent crisis over
Iraqi disarmament. With the exception of the Gulf War
and the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Dow Jones Industrial
Average has always crumbled in the face of hostilities,
only to skyrocket when the situation stabilized and
certainty was restored.

The DJIA went down 12 percent when the Korean War

broke in 1953 - only to reverse the entire loss and climb
yet another 18 percent in the following 3 months. After
September 11, 2001 it plunged 14 percent and then
clawed back the shortfall and soared an extra 21 percent
by the yearend.

After the first victorious day in Operation Desert Storm,
stocks surged by 4.6 percent on Jan. 17, 1991, by another
7 percent in the following 30 days and by a total of 25
percent in the next 2 years. According to Ned Davis
Research, quoted by USA Today, the Dow has risen on
average by c. 15 percent in the year after every triumphant
excursion by America's military. Messier conflict, though
- like the Vietnam War - induce no exuberance, it seems.

The Gulf War was preceded by a brief recession in the

United States. The Dow lost one fifth of its value.
Unemployment soared. House prices fell and so did retail
sales. When the war erupted, business in shopping malls,
car dealerships and airlines ground to a halt. The spike in
oil prices added to their woes.

But the recession lasted merely nine months and ended

officially a month before the actual invasion of Kuwait by
Iraq. It was followed by the longest expansion on record.
It affected both sides of the Atlantic. This, despite the fact
that the economy was in bad shape long before Saddam's
antics. Interest rates stood at about 8 percent, inflation was
running at double the current rate and President George
Bush Sr. raised taxes rather than lower them, as his son
has done.

Was the quiver in 1991-2 induced by the war in Iraq - or

by the contraction of defense and aviation industries
following the end of the Cold War? Probably the latter.

But talking about a uniform trend in a country as vast as

the United States is misleading. As Knight Kiplinger,
editor-in-chief of the Kiplinger Letter notes, regions and
industries in the USA have endured recessions even as the
entire economy boomed.

So, is war good for business?

Depends on which economist you happen to ask. Some

would say that war reflates the economy, re-ignites the
economic engine, generates employment, increases
consumption, innovation and modernization. Others, that
it is merely a blip. The truth is out there but don't count on
the dismal science to reveal it.

II. New Paradigms, Old Cycles

The looming war in Iraq is a timely reminder of the

fleeting nature of economic fads.

Until recently, the very existence of business (trade)

cycles was called into question by the devotees of the
New Economy. It took a looming global recession to
convince wild-eyed optimists that old cycles are more
reliable guides than any new paradigm. Even now, three
years later and still in the throes of a meltdown of capital
and real markets on both sides of the Atlantic, the voguish
belief in the demise of pre-1990s economics is alive and

Consider inflation.

Even conservative voices, such as The Economist reassure

us that consumer price inflation is dead and that
policymakers should concentrate on the risk of deflation
brought on by asset disinflation.

Central bankers - particularly Alan Greenspan the
mythical Chairman of the Federal Reserve - are castigated
for adhering to outmoded schools of thought and for
fighting the last war (against inflation), or the wrong one
(artificially perking up the stock markets).

The Economist was among the most consistent and

persistent critics of the New Economy. Yet, by preaching
that certain economic phenomena - notably inflation - are
"over" it has joined, unwittingly, a growing camp of
"revisionist" economists who spot the demise of the
business cycle.

As recapped by Victor Zarnowitz, the research director of

the Foundation for International Business and Economic
Research in New-York, the optimists believed that
downsizing, new technologies, inventory control, the
predominance of the services sector, deregulation, better
government and globalization have rendered boom and
bust a thing of the past.

They tended to tone down the roles of earnings,

inventories, investment and credit, the drivers of the "now
defunct" classical business cycle. They also largely
ignored the interplay between different sectors of the
economy and between entwined national economies -
continuous interactions which determines inventory
planning, the level of wages and pricing. The purported
connection between the money supply and output was
largely discounted as unproven.

The consensus now, though, is that the cycle is alive and

well, though it is less volatile and more subdued.
Economies spend less time in recession than they used to
until 1980.

The cycle is still susceptible, though, to exogenous
shocks, such as war, or an abrupt increase in the price of
oil. Bursting asset bubbles, if they become more frequent
in the future due to financial liberalization, globalization
and unbridled credit growth, may restore past volatility,

Another ominous phenomenon is the synchronization of

recessions and expansions across continents. According to
the International Monetary Fund, gross capital flows has
exceeded $7.5 trillion globally in 2000 - four times the
amount of money sloshing around in 1990. Foreign
portfolio assets doubled as a percentage of household

The ratio of merchandise exports to world output has long

exceeded its 1913 level, the previous record year. Such
unhindered exchange exerts similar influences on
countries as far apart as Germany, the United states,
Argentina and Singapore - all in the throes of a concurrent

Still, expansions continue to be restricted by the increase

in population, net investment and, importantly,
technological innovation. The downside is also limited by
population increase, government policy on income
support and investment. The economy fluctuates to adjust
itself to these constraints. The business cycle is a
symptom of this process of adaptation.

The waxing and waning of credit made available by
alternately over-optimistic and over-cautious financial
intermediaries plays a crucial part. Fiscal policy - which
affects investment and employment - also matters as do
foreign trade, monetary policies and the reaction of the
financial markets.

The business cycle typically passes through seven phases

correlated with the fluctuations in the output gap - the
difference between an economy's actual and potential
gross domestic product. Cycles are self-perpetuating,
though they can be hastened by exogenous shocks, such
as a precipitous rise in oil prices or a protracted military
campaign. They can also be smoothed or ameliorated by
the operation of automatic fiscal stabilizers and
appropriate counter-cyclical government policies.

Centuries of cumulative experience allow us to identify

these stages better than ever before, though timing them
with any accuracy is still impossible. They are based on
the shifting balance between the emotions of greed and
fear - as immutable as human nature itself.

Every economic cycle invariably starts with inflation. The

previous sequence having ended – and the new one just
begun – the environment is mired in uncertainty. In the
wake of a recession, often coupled with deflation, goods
and services are (absolutely) scarce and money is
(relatively) abundant.

When too much money chases few products, the general
price level rises. But this constant and ubiquitous increase
(known as "inflation") is also the outcome of mass
psychology. Households and firms compensate for the
aforementioned high degree of uncertainty (that is, of risk)
by raising the prices they charge. Market signals are thus
garbled by psychological noise and uncertainty increases.
It is a vicious cycle: inflation brought on by uncertainty
only serves to enhance it.

Ignorant of the appropriate or optimal equilibrium price

level, everyone is trying to stay ahead of perceived
economic threats and instabilities by increasing the risk
premiums that they demand from their customers. On
their part, consumers are willing to pay more today to
avoid even higher prices tomorrow.

Inflation appears to be a kind of market pathology, or a

market failure. But the psychological underpinnings of
inflation have been thoroughly dissected in the last few
decades. It is the source and dynamics of economic
uncertainty that remain obscure.

Inflation disguises the suboptimal and inefficient

economic performance of firms and of the economy as a
whole. "Paper" profits make up for operational losses. The
incentives to innovate, modernize, and enhance
productivity suffer. Economic yardsticks and benchmarks
are distorted and prevent meaningful analyses and well-
founded decision making.

Inflation leads to technological and economic stagnation.
Pecuniary aspects are emphasized while industrial and
operational ones are neglected. Financial assets are
preferred to investments in machinery, infrastructure,
research and development, or marketing. This often yields
stagflation – zero or negative growth, coupled with

In an effort to overcome the pernicious effects of

inflation, governments liberalize, deregulate and open
their economies to competition. This forces firms to
innovate and streamline. Efficiency, innovation,
entrepreneurship, productivity and competitiveness are the
buzzwords of this phase.

As trade barriers fall, cross border capital flows and

investments increase, productivity gains and new products
are introduced. The upward price spiral is halted and
contained. The same amount of money buys better, more
reliable products, with added functionality.

The rise in real incomes results in increased demand. The

same dose of working capital generates more production.
This is technological deflation. It is beneficial to the
economy in that it frees economic resources and
encourages their efficient allocation.

Increased consumption (both public and private) coupled

with a moderate asset price inflation prevent an outright
downward spiral in the general price level (monetary
deflation). Moreover, as Jeffrey Miron demonstrated in
his book, "The Economics of Seasonal Cycles", output
growth causes a surge in money supply.

These conflicting influences allow inflation to remain
within a sustainable "band". This transitory phase - from
hyperinflation or high inflation to a more supportable
plateau - is known as "disinflation". It usually lasts one or
two decades.

Various studies have shown that the revolutions in

knowledge, communications and transportation
technologies have shortened both the cycle and every
stage in it. This is attributed to the more rapid
dissemination and all-pervasive character of contemporary

The values of important parameters such as the

equilibrium general price level and other gauges of
expectations (such as equity prices) are all determined by
data. The more information is available more readily – the
more efficient the markets and the shorter and the speedier
the business cycles. This enhances the false perception
that modern markets are inherently unstable. Yet, rapid
cycling does not necessarily imply instability. On the
contrary, the faster the adjustments in the marketplace –
the more efficient the mechanism is.

The psychological wellbeing and reassurance brought on

by disinflation generate demand for assets, especially
yielding ones (such as real estate or equities). The more
certain the future value of streams of income, the more
frequently people transact and the more valuable assets

Assets store expectations regarding future values. An
assets bubble is created when the current value (i.e. price)
of money is low compared to its certain future value. This
is the case when prices are stable or decreasing. Stock
exchanges and real estate then balloon in irrational
exuberance out of proportion to their intrinsic (or book)

All asset bubbles burst in the end. This is the fifth phase.
It signifies the termination of the bull part of the cycle.
Asset prices collapse precipitously. There are no buyers –
only sellers. Firms find it impossible to raise money
because their obligations (commercial paper and bonds)
are not in demand. A credit crunch ensues. Investment

The bursting of an assets bubble generates asset price

deflation. The "wealth effect" is replaced with a "thrift
effect". This adversely affects consumption, inventories,
sales, employment and other important angles of the real

The deflationary phase, on the other hand, is usually much

shorter. People do not expect it to last. They fully
anticipate inflation. But though not assured of low prices,
they are so preoccupied with economic survival that they
become strongly risk averse. While in times of inflation
people are looking for ways to protect the value of their
money – in times of deflation people are in pursuit of
mere livelihood. A dangerous "stability" sets in. People
invest in land, cash and, the more daring, in bonds. Banks
do the same. Growth grinds to a halt and then reverses.

If not countered by monetary and fiscal means – a
lowering of interest rates, a fiscal Keynesian stimulus, an
increase in money supply targets – a monetary deflation
might set in.

Full-fledged deflations are rare. Outright or growth

recessions, business slumps, credit crunches, slowdowns -
are more common. But a differentiated or discriminatory
deflation is more common. It strikes only certain sectors
of the economy or certain territories.

A monetary deflation - whether systemic or specific to

certain industries - is pernicious. Due to reversed
expectations (that prices will continue to go down), people
postpone their consumption and spending. Real interest
rates skyrocket because in an environment of negative
inflation, even a zero interest rate is high in real terms.
This is known as a "liquidity trap".

Investment and production slump and inventories shoot

up, further depressing prices. The decline in output is
accompanied by widespread bankruptcies and by a steep
increase in unemployment. The real value of debt
increases ("debt deflation"). Coupled with declining asset
prices, deflation leads to bank failures as a result of
multiple debts gone sour. It is a self- perpetuating state of
affairs and it calls for the implementation of the seventh
and last phase of the cycle: reflation.

The market's failure, at this stage, is so rampant that all
the mechanisms of self-balancing and allocation are
rendered dysfunctional. State intervention is needed in
order to restart the economy. The authorities need to inject
money through a fiscal stimulus, to embark on a monetary
expansion, to lower interest rates, to firmly support the
financial system and to provide tax and other incentives to
consume and to import.

Unfortunately, these goals are best achieved militarily.

War reflates the economy, re-ignites the economic engine,
generates employment, increases consumption, innovation
and modernization.

Still, with or without war, people sense the demise of an

old cycle and the imminent commencement of a new one,
fraught with uncertainty. They rush to buy things.
Because the recessionary economy is just recovering from
deflation – there aren't usually many things to buy. A lot
of money chasing few goods – this is the recipe for
inflation. Back to phase one.

But the various phases of the cycle are not only affected
by psychology – they affect it.

During periods of inflation people are willing to hazard.

They demand to be compensated for the risk of inflation
through higher yields (returns, profits) on financial
instruments. Yet, higher returns inevitably and invariably
imply higher risks. Thus, people are forced to offset or
mitigate one type of risk (inflation) with another (credit or
investment risk).

Paradoxically, the inflationary segment of the business
cycle is an interval of certainty. That inflation will persist
is a safe bet. People tend to adhere to doctrinaire schools
of economics. Based on the underlying and undeniable
certainty of ever-worsening conditions, the intellectual
elite and decision-makers resort to peremptory, radical,
rigid and sometimes coercive solutions backed by
ideologies disguised as "scientific knowledge".

Communism is a prime example, of course – but so is the

"Free Market" variant of capitalism, known as the
"Washington Consensus", practiced by the IMF and by
central bankers in the West.

O'Neill's Free Dinner

America's Current Account Deficit

By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

Also published by United Press International (UPI)

Only four months ago, the IMF revised its global growth
figures upward. It has since recanted but at the time its
upbeat Managing Director, Horst Koehler, conceded
defeat in a bet he made with America's outspoken and
ever-exuberant Treasury Secretary, Paul O'Neill. He
promised to treat him to a free dinner.

Judging by his economic worldview, O'Neill is a great

believer in free dinners. Nowhere is this more evident
than in his cavalier public utterances regarding America's
current account deficit. As opposed to other, smaller
countries, America's deficits have far reaching
consequences and constitute global, rather than domestic,
imbalances. The more integrated in the global
marketplace a country is - the harsher the impact of
American profligacy on its economy.

In a paper dated October 2001 and titled "The

International Dollar Standard and Sustainability of the US
Current Account Deficit", the author, Ronald McKinnon
of Stanford University, concluded:

"Because the world is on a dollar standard, the United
States is unique in having a virtually unlimited
international line of credit which is largely denominated
in its own currency, i.e., dollars. In contrast, foreign
debtor countries must learn to live with currency
mismatches where their banks’ and other corporate
international liabilities are dollar denominated but their
assets are denominated in the domestic currency. As these
mismatches cumulate, any foreign country is ultimately
forced to repay its debts in order to avoid a run on its
currency. But however precarious and over-leveraged the
financing of individual American borrowers—including
American banks, which intermediate such borrowing
internationally—might be, they are invulnerable to dollar
devaluation. In effect, America’s collective current-
account deficits are sustainable indefinitely."

In another paper, with Paul Davidson of the University of

Tennessee, the authors went as far as suggesting that
America's interminable deficit maintains the liquidity of
the international trading system. A reduction in the deficit,
by this logic, would lead to a global liquidity crunch.

Others cling to a mirror image of this argument. An

assortment of anti-globalizers, non-governmental
organizations, think tanks, and academics have accused
the USA of sucking dry the pools of international savings
painstakingly generated by the denizens of mostly
developing countries. Technically, this is true. US
Treasury bonds and notes compete on scarce domestic
savings with businesses in countries from Japan to Russia
and trounce them every time.

Savers - and governments - prefer to channel their funds
to acquire US government obligations - dollar bills, T-
bills, T-notes, equities, corporate bonds, and government
bonds - rather than invest in their precarious domestic
private sector. The current account deficit - at well over 4
percent of American GDP - absorbs 6 percent of global
gross savings and a whopping three quarters of the world's
non-domestic savings flows. By the end of last year,
foreign investors held $1.7 trillion in US stocks, $1.2
trillion each in corporate debt and treasury obligations -
12 percent, 24 percent, and 42 percent of the outstanding
quantities of these securities, respectively.

The November 2000 report of the Trade Deficit Review

Commission, appointed by Congress in 1998, concluded
that America's persistent trade deficit was brought on by -
as Cato Institute's Daniel Griswold summarizes it - "high
trade barriers abroad, predatory import pricing, declining
competitiveness of core U.S. industries and low wages
and poor working conditions in less-developed countries
(as well as low) levels of national savings, (high rates of)
investment, and economic growth - and exchange rate

Griswold noted, though, that "during years of rising

deficits, the growth of real GDP (in the USA) averaged
3.5% per year, compared to 2.6% during years of
shrinking deficits ... the unemployment rate has, on
average, fallen by 0.4% (compared to a similar rise) ...
manufacturing output grew an average of 4.6% a year ...
(compared to an) average growth rate of one
percent ... poverty rate fell an average of 0.2% from the
year before ... (compared to a rise of) an average of

A less sanguine Kenneth Rogoff, the IMF's new Chief
Economist wrote in "The Economist" in April: "When
countries run sustained current-account deficits up in the
range of 4 and 5% of GDP, they eventually reverse, and
the consequences, particularly in terms of the real
exchange rate, can be quite significant."

Rogoff alluded to the surreal appreciation of the dollar in

the last few years. This realignment of exchange rates
rendered imports to the USA seductively cheap and led to
"unsustainable" trade and current account deficits. The
IMF concluded, in its "World Economic Outlook",
published on September 25, that America's deficit serves
to offset - actually, finance - increased consumption and
declining private savings rather than productive

Greenspan concurred earlier this year in "USA Today":

"Countries that have gone down this path invariably have
run into trouble, and so would we." An International
Finance Discussion Paper released by the Fed in
December 2000 found, as "The Economist" put it, that
"deficits usually began to reverse when they exceeded 5%
of GDP. And this adjustment was accompanied by an
average fall in the nominal exchange rate of 40%, along
with a sharp slowdown in GDP growth."

Never before has the current account deficit continued to

expand in a recession. Morgan Stanley predict an
alarming shortfall of 6 percent of GDP by the end of next
year. The US is already the world's largest debtor having
been its largest creditor only two decades ago.

Such a disorientating swing has been experienced only by
Britain following the Great War. In five years, US net
obligations to the rest of the world will grow from one
eighth of its GDP in 1997 to two fifths of a much larger
product, according to Goldman Sachs. By 2006, a sum of
$2 billion dollars per day would be required to cover this
yawning shortfall.

Rogoff - and many other scholars - foresee a sharp

contraction in American growth, consumption and,
consequently, imports coupled with a depreciation in the
dollar's exchange rate against the currencies of its main
trading partners. In the absence of offsetting demand from
an anemic Europe and a deflation-struck Japan, an
American recession may well translate into a global
depression. Only in 2003, the unwinding of these
imbalances is projected by the IMF to shave 3 percentage
points off America's growth rate.

But are the twin - budget and current account - deficits the
inevitable outcomes of American fiscal dissipation and
imports run amok - or a simple reflection of America's
unrivalled attractiveness to investors, traders, and
businessmen the world over?

Echoing Nigel Lawson, Britain's chancellor of the

exchequer in the 1980's, O'Neill is unequivocal. The
current deficit is not worrisome. It is due to a "stronger
relative level of economic activity in the United States" -
he insisted in a speech he gave this month to Vanderbilt
University's Owen Business School. Foreigners want to
invest in the US more than anywhere else. The current
account deficit - a mere accounting convention - simply
encapsulates this overwhelming allure.

This is somewhat disingenuous. In the last three years,
most of the net inflows of foreign capital into the
spendthrift US are in the form of debt to be repaid. This
mounting indebtedness did not increase the stock of
income-producing capital. Instead, it was shortsightedly
and irresponsibly expended in an orgy of unbridled

For the first time in a long time, America's savings rate

turned negative. Americans borrowed at home and abroad
to embark on a fervid shopping spree. Even worse, the
part of the deficit that was invested rather than consumed
largely went to finance the dotcom boom turned bust.
Wealth on unimaginable scale was squandered in this
fraud-laced bubble. America's much hyped productivity
growth turned out to have been similar to Europe's over
the last decade.

Luckily for the US - and the rest of the world - its fiscal
stance during the Clinton years has been impeccable and
far stronger than Europe's, let alone Japan's. The
government's positive net savings - the budget surplus -
nicely balanced the inexorable demand by households and
firms for foreign goods and capital. This is why this fiscal
year's looming budget deficit - c. $200 billion - provokes
such heated debate and anxiety.

Is there a growing reluctance of foreigners to lend to the

US and to finance its imports and investment needs? To
judge by the dollar's slump in world markets, yes. But a
recent spate of bad economic news in Europe and Japan
may restore the global appetite for dollar-denominated

This would be a pity and a blessing. On the one hand,
only a flagging dollar can narrow the trade deficit by
rendering American exports more competitive in world
markets - and imports to the USA more expensive than
their domestic imperfect substitutes. But, as the late Rudi
Dornbusch pointed out in August 2001:

"There are two kinds of Treasury Secretaries those like

Robert Rubin who understand that a strong dollar helps
get low interest rates and that the low rates make for a
long and broad boom. And (those) like today's Paul
O'Neil. They think too much about competitiveness and
know too little about capital markets ...

Secretary of the Treasury Paul O'Neil, comes from

manufacturing and thinks like a manufacturer (who) have
a perspective on the economy that is from the rabbit hole
up. They think a weak dollar is good for exports and a
hard dollar hurts sales and market share. Hence they
wince any time they face a strong dollar and have wishy-
washy answers to any dollar policy question."

The truth, as usual, is somewhere in the middle. Until

recently, the dollar was too strong - as strong, in trade-
related terms, as it was in the 1980's. Fred Bergsten, head
of the Institute for International Economics, calculated in
his testimony to the Senate Banking Committee on May 1,
that America's trade deficit soars by $10 billion for every
percentage rise in the dollar's exchange rate.

American manufacturers shifted production to countries
with more competitive terms of trade - cheaper manpower
and local inputs. The mighty currency encouraged
additional - mostly speculative- capital flows into dollar-
denominated assets, exacerbating the current account

A strong dollar keeps the lid on inflation - mainly by

rendering imports cheaper. It, thus, provides the central
bank with more leeway to cut interest rates. Still, the
strength of the dollar is only one of numerous inputs - and
far from being the most important one - in the monetary
policy. Even a precipitous drop in the dollar is unlikely to
reignite inflation in an economy characterized by excess
capacity, falling prices, and bursting asset bubbles.

A somewhat cheaper dollar, the purported - but never

proven - "wealth effect" of crumbling stock markets, the
aggressive reduction in interest rates, and the wide
availability of easy home equity financing should conspire
to divert demand from imports to domestic offerings.
Market discipline may yet prove to be a sufficient and
efficient cure.

But, the market's self-healing powers aside, can anything

be done - can any policy be implemented - to reverse the
deteriorating balance of payments?

In a testimony he gave to the Senate in May, O'Neill

proffered one of his inimitable metaphors:

"All the interventions that have been modeled would do
damage to the U.S. economy if we decided to reduce the
size of the current account deficit. And so I don't find it
very appealing to say that we are going to cut off our arm
because some day we might get a disease in it."

This, again, is dissimulation. This administration - heated

protestations to the contrary notwithstanding - resorted to
blatant trade protectionism in a belated effort to cope with
an avalanche of cheap imports. Steel quotas, farm and
export subsidies, all manner of trade remedies failed to
stem the tide of national red ink.

The dirty secret is that everyone feeds off American

abandon. A sharp drop in its imports - or in the value of
the dollar - can spell doom for more than one country and
more than a couple of industries. The USA being the
global economy's sink of last resort - absorbing one
quarter of world trade - other countries have an interest to
maintain and encourage American extravagance.
Countries with large exports to the USA are likely to
reacts with tariffs, quotas, and competitive devaluations to
any change in the status quo. The IMF couches the
awareness of a growing global addiction in its usual
cautious terms:

"The possibility of an abrupt and disruptive adjustment in

the U.S. dollar remains a concern, for both the United
States and the rest of the world ... The question is not
whether the U.S. deficit will be sustained at present levels
forever - it will not - but more when and how the eventual
adjustment takes place ... While this would likely be
manageable in the short term it could adversely affect the
sustainability of recovery later on."

Another embarrassing truth is that a strong recovery in
Europe or Japan may deplete the pool of foreign capital
available to the USA. German and Japanese Investors may
prefer to plough their money into a re-emergent Germany,
or a re-awakening Japan - especially if the dollar were to
plunge. America requires more than $1 billion a day to
maintain its current levels of government spending,
consumption, and investment.

There is another - much hushed - aspect of American

indebtedness. It provides other trading blocks and
countries - for example, Japan and the oil producing
countries - with geopolitical leverage over the United
States and its policies. America - forced to dedicate a
growing share of its national income to debt repayment -
is "in growing hock" to its large creditors.

Last month, Arab intellectuals and leaders called upon

their governments to withdraw their investments in the
USA. This echoed of the oil embargo of yore. Ernest
Preeg of the Manufacturers Alliance was quoted by the
Toronto Star as saying: "China, for example, could
blackmail the United States by threatening to dump its
vast holdings of U.S. dollars, forcing up U.S. interest rates
and undermining the U.S. stock market. Chinese military
officials, he claimed, had included this kind of tactic in
their studies of non-conventional defence strategies."

These scenarios are disparaged by analysts who point out

that America's current account deficit is mostly in private
hands. Households and firms should be trusted to act
rationally and, in aggregate, repay their debts. Still, it
should not be forgotten that the Asian crisis of 1997-8 was
brought on by private profligacy. Firms borrowed
excessively, spent inanely, and invested unwisely.

Governments ran surpluses. As the IMF puts it: "To err is
human and this is as true of private sector investors as
anyone else."


Anarchy as an Organizing Principle

By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

Also published by United Press International (UPI)

The recent spate of accounting fraud scandals signals the

end of an era. Disillusionment and disenchantment with
American capitalism may yet lead to a tectonic
ideological shift from laissez faire and self regulation to
state intervention and regulation. This would be the
reversal of a trend dating back to Thatcher in Britain and
Reagan in the USA. It would also cast some fundamental -
and way more ancient - tenets of free-marketry in grave

Markets are perceived as self-organizing, self-assembling,

exchanges of information, goods, and services. Adam
Smith's "invisible hand" is the sum of all the mechanisms
whose interaction gives rise to the optimal allocation of
economic resources. The market's great advantages over
central planning are precisely its randomness and its lack
of self-awareness.

Market participants go about their egoistic business,

trying to maximize their utility, oblivious of the interests
and action of all, bar those they interact with directly.
Somehow, out of the chaos and clamor, a structure
emerges of order and efficiency unmatched. Man is
incapable of intentionally producing better outcomes.
Thus, any intervention and interference are deemed to be
detrimental to the proper functioning of the economy.

It is a minor step from this idealized worldview back to
the Physiocrats, who preceded Adam Smith, and who
propounded the doctrine of "laissez faire, laissez passer" -
the hands-off battle cry. Theirs was a natural religion. The
market, as an agglomeration of individuals, they
thundered, was surely entitled to enjoy the rights and
freedoms accorded to each and every person. John Stuart
Mill weighed against the state's involvement in the
economy in his influential and exquisitely-timed
"Principles of Political Economy", published in 1848.

Undaunted by mounting evidence of market failures - for

instance to provide affordable and plentiful public goods -
this flawed theory returned with a vengeance in the last
two decades of the past century. Privatization,
deregulation, and self-regulation became faddish
buzzwords and part of a global consensus propagated by
both commercial banks and multilateral lenders.

As applied to the professions - to accountants, stock

brokers, lawyers, bankers, insurers, and so on - self-
regulation was premised on the belief in long-term self-
preservation. Rational economic players and moral agents
are supposed to maximize their utility in the long-run by
observing the rules and regulations of a level playing

This noble propensity seemed, alas, to have been

tampered by avarice and narcissism and by the immature
inability to postpone gratification. Self-regulation failed
so spectacularly to conquer human nature that its demise
gave rise to the most intrusive statal stratagems ever

In both the UK and the USA, the government is much
more heavily and pervasively involved in the minutia of
accountancy, stock dealing, and banking than it was only
two years ago.

But the ethos and myth of "order out of chaos" - with its
proponents in the exact sciences as well - ran deeper than
that. The very culture of commerce was thoroughly
permeated and transformed. It is not surprising that the
Internet - a chaotic network with an anarchic modus
operandi - flourished at these times.

The dotcom revolution was less about technology than

about new ways of doing business - mixing umpteen
irreconcilable ingredients, stirring well, and hoping for the
best. No one, for instance, offered a linear revenue model
of how to translate "eyeballs" - i.e., the number of visitors
to a Web site - to money ("monetizing"). It was
dogmatically held to be true that, miraculously, traffic - a
chaotic phenomenon - will translate to profit - hitherto the
outcome of painstaking labor.

Privatization itself was such a leap of faith. State owned

assets - including utilities and suppliers of public goods
such as health and education - were transferred wholesale
to the hands of profit maximizers. The implicit belief was
that the price mechanism will provide the missing
planning and regulation. In other words, higher prices
were supposed to guarantee an uninterrupted service.
Predictably, failure ensued - from electricity utilities in
California to railway operators in Britain.

The simultaneous crumbling of these urban legends - the
liberating power of the Net, the self-regulating markets,
the unbridled merits of privatization - inevitably gave rise
to a backlash.

The state has acquired monstrous proportions in the

decades since the Second world War. It is about to grow
further and to digest the few sectors hitherto left
untouched. To say the least, these are not good news. But
we libertarians - proponents of both individual freedom
and individual responsibility - have brought it on
ourselves by thwarting the work of that invisible regulator
- the market.


Narcissism in the Boardroom
By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

Also published by United Press International (UPI)

Part I

Part II

The perpetrators of the recent spate of financial frauds in

the USA acted with callous disregard for both their
employees and shareholders - not to mention other
stakeholders. Psychologists have often remote-diagnosed
them as "malignant, pathological narcissists".

Narcissists are driven by the need to uphold and maintain

a false self - a concocted, grandiose, and demanding
psychological construct typical of the narcissistic
personality disorder. The false self is projected to the
world in order to garner "narcissistic supply" - adulation,
admiration, or even notoriety and infamy. Any kind of
attention is usually deemed by narcissists to be preferable
to obscurity.

The false self is suffused with fantasies of perfection,

grandeur, brilliance, infallibility, immunity, significance,
omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience. To be a
narcissist is to be convinced of a great, inevitable personal

The narcissist is preoccupied with ideal love, the
construction of brilliant, revolutionary scientific theories,
the composition or authoring or painting of the greatest
work of art, the founding of a new school of thought, the
attainment of fabulous wealth, the reshaping of a nation or
a conglomerate, and so on. The narcissist never sets
realistic goals to himself. He is forever preoccupied with
fantasies of uniqueness, record breaking, or breathtaking
achievements. His verbosity reflects this propensity.

Reality is, naturally, quite different and this gives rise to a

"grandiosity gap". The demands of the false self are never
satisfied by the narcissist's accomplishments, standing,
wealth, clout, sexual prowess, or knowledge. The
narcissist's grandiosity and sense of entitlement are
equally incommensurate with his achievements.

To bridge the grandiosity gap, the malignant

(pathological) narcissist resorts to shortcuts. These very
often lead to fraud.

The narcissist cares only about appearances. What matters

to him are the facade of wealth and its attendant social
status and narcissistic supply. Witness the travestied
extravagance of Tyco's Denis Kozlowski. Media attention
only exacerbates the narcissist's addiction and makes it
incumbent on him to go to ever-wilder extremes to secure
uninterrupted supply from this source.

The narcissist lacks empathy - the ability to put himself in

other people's shoes. He does not recognize boundaries -
personal, corporate, or legal. Everything and everyone are
to him mere instruments, extensions, objects
unconditionally and uncomplainingly available in his
pursuit of narcissistic gratification.

This makes the narcissist perniciously exploitative. He
uses, abuses, devalues, and discards even his nearest and
dearest in the most chilling manner. The narcissist is
utility- driven, obsessed with his overwhelming need to
reduce his anxiety and regulate his labile sense of self-
worth by securing a constant supply of his drug -
attention. American executives acted without
compunction when they raided their employees' pension
funds - as did Robert Maxwell a generation earlier in

The narcissist is convinced of his superiority - cerebral or

physical. To his mind, he is a Gulliver hamstrung by a
horde of narrow-minded and envious Lilliputians. The
dotcom "new economy" was infested with "visionaries"
with a contemptuous attitude towards the mundane:
profits, business cycles, conservative economists, doubtful
journalists, and cautious analysts.

Yet, deep inside, the narcissist is painfully aware of his

addiction to others - their attention, admiration, applause,
and affirmation. He despises himself for being thus
dependent. He hates people the same way a drug addict
hates his pusher. He wishes to "put them in their place",
humiliate them, demonstrate to them how inadequate and
imperfect they are in comparison to his regal self and how
little he craves or needs them.

The narcissist regards himself as one would an expensive

present, a gift to his company, to his family, to his
neighbours, to his colleagues, to his country. This firm
conviction of his inflated importance makes him feel
entitled to special treatment, special favors, special
outcomes, concessions, subservience, immediate
gratification, obsequiousness, and lenience.

It also makes him feel immune to mortal laws and
somehow divinely protected and insulated from the
inevitable consequences of his deeds and misdeeds.

The self-destructive narcissist plays the role of the "bad

guy" (or "bad girl"). But even this is within the traditional
social roles cartoonishly exaggerated by the narcissist to
attract attention. Men are likely to emphasise intellect,
power, aggression, money, or social status. Narcissistic
women are likely to emphasise body, looks, charm,
sexuality, feminine "traits", homemaking, children and

Punishing the wayward narcissist is a veritable catch-22.

A jail term is useless as a deterrent if it only serves to

focus attention on the narcissist. Being infamous is second
best to being famous - and far preferable to being ignored.
The only way to effectively punish a narcissist is to
withhold narcissistic supply from him and thus to prevent
him from becoming a notorious celebrity.

Given a sufficient amount of media exposure, book

contracts, talk shows, lectures, and public attention - the
narcissist may even consider the whole grisly affair to be
emotionally rewarding. To the narcissist, freedom, wealth,
social status, family, vocation - are all means to an end.
And the end is attention. If he can secure attention by
being the big bad wolf - the narcissist unhesitatingly
transforms himself into one. Lord Archer, for instance,
seems to be positively basking in the media circus
provoked by his prison diaries.

The narcissist does not victimise, plunder, terrorise and
abuse others in a cold, calculating manner. He does so
offhandedly, as a manifestation of his genuine character.
To be truly "guilty" one needs to intend, to deliberate, to
contemplate one's choices and then to choose one's acts.
The narcissist does none of these.

Thus, punishment breeds in him surprise, hurt and

seething anger. The narcissist is stunned by society's
insistence that he should be held accountable for his deeds
and penalized accordingly. He feels wronged, baffled,
injured, the victim of bias, discrimination and injustice.
He rebels and rages.

Depending upon the pervasiveness of his magical

thinking, the narcissist may feel besieged by
overwhelming powers, forces cosmic and intrinsically
ominous. He may develop compulsive rites to fend off
this "bad", unwarranted, persecutory influences.

The narcissist, very much the infantile outcome of stunted

personal development, engages in magical thinking. He
feels omnipotent, that there is nothing he couldn't do or
achieve if only he sets his mind to it. He feels omniscient -
he rarely admits to ignorance and regards his intuitions
and intellect as founts of objective data.

Thus, narcissists are haughtily convinced that

introspection is a more important and more efficient (not
to mention easier to accomplish) method of obtaining
knowledge than the systematic study of outside sources of
information in accordance with strict and tedious
curricula. Narcissists are "inspired" and they despise
hamstrung technocrats

To some extent, they feel omnipresent because they are
either famous or about to become famous or because their
product is selling or is being manufactured globally.
Deeply immersed in their delusions of grandeur, they
firmly believe that their acts have - or will have - a great
influence not only on their firm, but on their country, or
even on Mankind. Having mastered the manipulation of
their human environment - they are convinced that they
will always "get away with it". They develop hubris and a
false sense of immunity.

Narcissistic immunity is the (erroneous) feeling,

harboured by the narcissist, that he is impervious to the
consequences of his actions, that he will never be effected
by the results of his own decisions, opinions, beliefs,
deeds and misdeeds, acts, inaction, or membership of
certain groups, that he is above reproach and punishment,
that, magically, he is protected and will miraculously be
saved at the last moment. Hence the audacity, simplicity,
and transparency of some of the fraud and corporate
looting in the 1990's. Narcissists rarely bother to cover
their traces, so great is their disdain and conviction that
they are above mortal laws and wherewithal.

What are the sources of this unrealistic appraisal of

situations and events?

The false self is a childish response to abuse and trauma.

Abuse is not limited to sexual molestation or beatings.
Smothering, doting, pampering, over-indulgence, treating
the child as an extension of the parent, not respecting the
child's boundaries, and burdening the child with excessive
expectations are also forms of abuse.

The child reacts by constructing false self that is
possessed of everything it needs in order to prevail:
unlimited and instantaneously available Harry Potter-like
powers and wisdom. The false self, this Superman, is
indifferent to abuse and punishment. This way, the child's
true self is shielded from the toddler's harsh reality.

This artificial, maladaptive separation between a

vulnerable (but not punishable) true self and a punishable
(but invulnerable) false self is an effective mechanism. It
isolates the child from the unjust, capricious, emotionally
dangerous world that he occupies. But, at the same time, it
fosters in him a false sense of "nothing can happen to me,
because I am not here, I am not available to be punished,
hence I am immune to punishment".

The comfort of false immunity is also yielded by the

narcissist's sense of entitlement. In his grandiose
delusions, the narcissist is sui generis, a gift to humanity,
a precious, fragile, object. Moreover, the narcissist is
convinced both that this uniqueness is immediately
discernible - and that it gives him special rights. The
narcissist feels that he is protected by some cosmological
law pertaining to "endangered species".

He is convinced that his future contribution to others - his

firm, his country, humanity - should and does exempt him
from the mundane: daily chores, boring jobs, recurrent
tasks, personal exertion, orderly investment of resources
and efforts, laws and regulations, social conventions, and
so on.

The narcissist is entitled to a "special treatment": high
living standards, constant and immediate catering to his
needs, the eradication of any friction with the humdrum
and the routine, an all-engulfing absolution of his sins,
fast track privileges (to higher education, or in his
encounters with bureaucracies, for instance). Punishment,
trusts the narcissist, is for ordinary people, where no great
loss to humanity is involved.

Narcissists are possessed of inordinate abilities to charm,

to convince, to seduce, and to persuade. Many of them are
gifted orators and intellectually endowed. Many of them
work in in politics, the media, fashion, show business, the
arts, medicine, or business, and serve as religious leaders.

By virtue of their standing in the community, their

charisma, or their ability to find the willing scapegoats,
they do get exempted many times. Having recurrently
"got away with it" - they develop a theory of personal
immunity, founded upon some kind of societal and even
cosmic "order" in which certain people are above

But there is a fourth, simpler, explanation. The narcissist

lacks self-awareness. Divorced from his true self, unable
to empathise (to understand what it is like to be someone
else), unwilling to constrain his actions to cater to the
feelings and needs of others - the narcissist is in a constant
dreamlike state.

To the narcissist, his life is unreal, like watching an
autonomously unfolding movie. The narcissist is a mere
spectator, mildly interested, greatly entertained at times.
He does not "own" his actions. He, therefore, cannot
understand why he should be punished and when he is, he
feels grossly wronged.

So convinced is the narcissist that he is destined to great

things - that he refuses to accept setbacks, failures and
punishments. He regards them as temporary, as the
outcomes of someone else's errors, as part of the future
mythology of his rise to power/brilliance/wealth/ideal
love, etc. Being punished is a diversion of his precious
energy and resources from the all-important task of
fulfilling his mission in life.

The narcissist is pathologically envious of people and

believes that they are equally envious of him. He is
paranoid, on guard, ready to fend off an imminent attack.
A punishment to the narcissist is a major surprise and a
nuisance but it also validates his suspicion that he is being
persecuted. It proves to him that strong forces are arrayed
against him.

He tells himself that people, envious of his achievements

and humiliated by them, are out to get him. He constitutes
a threat to the accepted order. When required to pay for
his misdeeds, the narcissist is always disdainful and bitter
and feels misunderstood by his inferiors.

Cooked books, corporate fraud, bending the (GAAP or
other) rules, sweeping problems under the carpet, over-
promising, making grandiose claims (the "vision thing") -
are hallmarks of a narcissist in action. When social cues
and norms encourage such behavior rather than inhibit it -
in other words, when such behavior elicits abundant
narcissistic supply - the pattern is reinforced and become
entrenched and rigid. Even when circumstances change,
the narcissist finds it difficult to adapt, shed his routines,
and replace them with new ones. He is trapped in his past
success. He becomes a swindler.

But pathological narcissism is not an isolated

phenomenon. It is embedded in our contemporary culture.
The West's is a narcissistic civilization. It upholds
narcissistic values and penalizes alternative value-
systems. From an early age, children are taught to avoid
self-criticism, to deceive themselves regarding their
capacities and attainments, to feel entitled, and to exploit

As Lilian Katz observed in her important paper,

"Distinctions between Self-Esteem and Narcissism:
Implications for Practice", published by the Educational
Resources Information Center, the line between enhancing
self-esteem and fostering narcissism is often blurred by
educators and parents.

Both Christopher Lasch in "The Culture of Narcissism"

and Theodore Millon in his books about personality
disorders, singled out American society as narcissistic.
Litigiousness may be the flip side of an inane sense of

Consumerism is built on this common and communal lie
of "I can do anything I want and possess everything I
desire if I only apply myself to it" and on the pathological
envy it fosters.

Not surprisingly, narcissistic disorders are more common

among men than among women. This may be because
narcissism conforms to masculine social mores and to the
prevailing ethos of capitalism. Ambition, achievements,
hierarchy, ruthlessness, drive - are both social values and
narcissistic male traits. Social thinkers like the
aforementioned Lasch speculated that modern American
culture - a self-centred one - increases the rate of
incidence of the narcissistic personality disorder.

Otto Kernberg, a notable scholar of personality disorders,

confirmed Lasch's intuition: "Society can make serious
psychological abnormalities, which already exist in some
percentage of the population, seem to be at least
superficially appropriate."

In their book "Personality Disorders in Modern Life",

Theodore Millon and Roger Davis state, as a matter of
fact, that pathological narcissism was once the preserve of
"the royal and the wealthy" and that it "seems to have
gained prominence only in the late twentieth century".
Narcissism, according to them, may be associated with
"higher levels of Maslow's hierarchy of needs ...
Individuals in less advantaged nations .. are too busy
trying (to survive) ... to be arrogant and grandiose".

They - like Lasch before them - attribute pathological

narcissism to "a society that stresses individualism and
self-gratification at the expense of community, namely the
United States."

They assert that the disorder is more prevalent among
certain professions with "star power" or respect. "In an
individualistic culture, the narcissist is 'God's gift to the
world'. In a collectivist society, the narcissist is 'God's gift
to the collective'".

Millon quotes Warren and Caponi's "The Role of Culture

in the Development of Narcissistic Personality Disorders
in America, Japan and Denmark":

"Individualistic narcissistic structures of self-regard (in

individualistic societies) ... are rather self-contained and
independent ... (In collectivist cultures) narcissistic
configurations of the we-self ... denote self-esteem
derived from strong identification with the reputation and
honor of the family, groups, and others in hierarchical

Still, there are malignant narcissists among subsistence

farmers in Africa, nomads in the Sinai desert, day laborers
in east Europe, and intellectuals and socialites in
Manhattan. Malignant narcissism is all-pervasive and
independent of culture and society. It is true, though, that
the way pathological narcissism manifests and is
experienced is dependent on the particulars of societies
and cultures.

In some cultures, it is encouraged, in others suppressed. In

some societies it is channeled against minorities - in
others it is tainted with paranoia. In collectivist societies,
it may be projected onto the collective, in individualistic
societies, it is an individual's trait.

Yet, can families, organizations, ethnic groups, churches,
and even whole nations be safely described as
"narcissistic" or "pathologically self-absorbed"? Can we
talk about a "corporate culture of narcissism"?

Human collectives - states, firms, households, institutions,

political parties, cliques, bands - acquire a life and a
character all their own. The longer the association or
affiliation of the members, the more cohesive and
conformist the inner dynamics of the group, the more
persecutory or numerous its enemies, competitors, or
adversaries, the more intensive the physical and emotional
experiences of the individuals it is comprised of, the
stronger the bonds of locale, language, and history - the
more rigorous might an assertion of a common pathology

Such an all-pervasive and extensive pathology manifests

itself in the behavior of each and every member. It is a
defining - though often implicit or underlying - mental
structure. It has explanatory and predictive powers. It is
recurrent and invariable - a pattern of conduct melding
distorted cognition and stunted emotions. And it is often
vehemently denied.


Is Education a Public Good?

By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

I. Public Goods, Private Goods

Contrary to common misconceptions, public goods are not

"goods provided by the public" (read: by the government).
Public goods are sometimes supplied by the private sector
and private goods - by the public sector. It is the
contention of this essay that technology is blurring the
distinction between these two types of goods and
rendering it obsolete.

Pure public goods are characterized by:

I. Nonrivalry - the cost of extending the service or

providing the good to another person is (close to) zero.

Most products are rivalrous (scarce) - zero sum games.

Having been consumed, they are gone and are not
available to others. Public goods, in contrast, are
accessible to growing numbers of people without any
additional marginal cost. This wide dispersion of benefits
renders them unsuitable for private entrepreneurship. It is
impossible to recapture the full returns they engender. As
Samuelson observed, they are extreme forms of positive
externalities (spillover effects).

II. Nonexcludability - it is impossible to exclude anyone

from enjoying the benefits of a public good, or from
defraying its costs (positive and negative externalities).
Neither can anyone willingly exclude himself from their

III. Externalities - public goods impose costs or benefits
on others - individuals or firms - outside the marketplace
and their effects are only partially reflected in prices and
the market transactions. As Musgrave pointed out (1969),
externalities are the other face of nonrivalry.

The usual examples for public goods are lighthouses -

famously questioned by one Nobel Prize winner, Ronald
Coase, and defended by another, Paul Samuelson -
national defense, the GPS navigation system, vaccination
programs, dams, and public art (such as park concerts).

It is evident that public goods are not necessarily provided

or financed by public institutions. But governments
frequently intervene to reverse market failures (i.e., when
the markets fail to provide goods and services) or to
reduce transaction costs so as to enhance consumption or
supply and, thus, positive externalities. Governments, for
instance, provide preventive care - a non-profitable
healthcare niche - and subsidize education because they
have an overall positive social effect.

Moreover, pure public goods do not exist, with the

possible exception of national defense. Samuelson himself
suggested [Samuelson, P.A - Diagrammatic Exposition of
a Theory of Public Expenditure - Review of Economics
and Statistics, 37 (1955), 350-56]:

"... Many - though not all - of the realistic cases of
government activity can be fruitfully analyzed as some
kind of a blend of these two extreme polar cases" (p.
350) - mixtures of private and public goods. (Education,
the courts, public defense, highway programs, police and
fire protection have an) "element of variability in the
benefit that can go to one citizen at the expense of some
other citizen" (p. 356).

From Pickhardt, Michael's paper titled "Fifty Years after

Samuelson's 'The Pure Theory of Public Expenditure':
What Are We Left With?":

"... It seems that rivalry and nonrivalry are supposed to

reflect this "element of variability" and hint at a
continuum of goods that ranges from wholly rival to
wholly nonrival ones. In particular, Musgrave (1969, p.
126 and pp. 134-35) writes:

'The condition of non-rivalness in consumption (or,

which is the same, the existence of beneficial
consumption externalities) means that the same physical
output (the fruits of the same factor input) is enjoyed by
both A and B. This does not mean that the same
subjective benefit must be derived, or even that precisely
the same product quality is available to both. (...) Due to
non-rivalness of consumption, individual demand curves
are added vertically, rather than horizontally as in the
case of private goods".

"The preceding discussion has dealt with the case of a
pure social good, i.e. a good the benefits of which are
wholly non-rival. This approach has been subject to the
criticism that this case does not exist, or, if at all, applies
to defence only; and in fact most goods which give rise
to private benefits also involve externalities in varying
degrees and hence combine both social and private good
characteristics' ".

II. The Transformative Nature of Technology

It would seem that knowledge - or, rather, technology - is

a public good as it is nonrival, nonexcludable, and has
positive externalities. The New Growth Theory (theory of
endogenous technological change) emphasizes these
"natural" qualities of technology.

The application of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

alters the nature of technology from public to private good
by introducing excludability, though not rivalry. Put more
simply, technology is "expensive to produce and cheap to
reproduce". By imposing licensing demands on
consumers, it is made exclusive, though it still remains
nonrivalrous (can be copied endlessly without being

Yet, even encumbered by IPR, technology is

transformative. It converts some public goods into private
ones and vice versa.

Consider highways - hitherto quintessential public goods.
The introduction of advanced "on the fly" identification
and billing (toll) systems reduced transaction costs so
dramatically that privately-owned and operated highways
are now common in many Western countries. This is an
example of a public good gradually going private.

Books reify the converse trend - from private to public

goods. Print books - undoubtedly a private good - are now
available online free of charge for download. Online
public domain books are a nonrivalrous, nonexcludable
good with positive externalities - in other words, a pure
public good.

III. Is Education a Public Good?

Education used to be a private good with positive

externalities. Thanks to technology and government
largesse it is no longer the case. It is being transformed
into a nonpure public good.

Technology-borne education is nonrivalrous and, like its

traditional counterpart, has positive externalities. It can be
replicated and disseminated virtually cost-free to the next
consumer through the Internet, television, radio, and on
magnetic media. MIT has recently placed 500 of its
courses online and made them freely accessible. Distance
learning is spreading like wildfire. Webcasts can host - in
principle - unlimited amounts of students.

Yet, all forms of education are exclusionary, at least in
principle. It is impossible to exclude a citizen from the
benefits of his country's national defense, or those of his
county's dam. It is perfectly feasible to exclude would be
students from access to education - both online and

This caveat, however, equally applies to other goods

universally recognized as public. It is possible to exclude
certain members of the population from being vaccinated,
for instance - or from attending a public concert in the

Other public goods require an initial investment (the

price-exclusion principle demanded by Musgrave in 1959,
does apply at times). One can hardly benefit from the
weather forecasts without owning a radio or a television
set - which would immediately tend to exclude the
homeless and the rural poor in many countries. It is even
conceivable to extend the benefits of national defense
selectively and to exclude parts of the population, as the
Second World War has taught some minorities all too

Nor is strict nonrivalry possible - at least not

simultaneously, as Musgrave observed (1959, 1969). Our
world is finite - and so is everything in it. The economic
fundament of scarcity applies universally - and public
goods are not exempt. There are only so many people who
can attend a concert in the park, only so many ships can
be guided by a lighthouse, only so many people defended
by the army and police. This is called "crowding" and
amounts to the exclusion of potential beneficiaries (the
theories of "jurisdictions" and "clubs" deal with this

Nonrivalry and nonexcludability are ideals - not realities.
They apply strictly only to the sunlight. As
environmentalists keep warning us, even the air is a scarce
commodity. Technology gradually helps render many
goods and services - books and education, to name two -
asymptotically nonrivalrous and nonexcludable.


Samuelson, Paul A. and Nordhaus, William D. -

Economics - 17th edition - New-York, McGraw-Hill
Irian, 2001

Heyne, Paul and Palmer, John P. - The Economic Way of

Thinking - 1st Canadian edition - Scarborough, Ontario,
Prentice-Hall Canada, 1997

Ellickson, Bryan - A Generalization of the Pure Theory of

Public Goods - Discussion Paper Number 14, Revised
January 1972

Buchanan, James M. - The Demand and Supply of Public

Goods - Library of Economics and Liberty - World Wide

Samuelson, Paul A. - The Pure Theory of Public

Expenditure - The Review of Economics and Statistics,
Volume 36, Issue 4 (Nov. 1954), 387-9

Pickhardt, Michael - Fifty Years after Samuelson's "The

Pure Theory of Public Expenditure": What Are We Left
With? - Paper presented at the 58th Congress of the
International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF), Helsinki,
August 26-29, 2002.

Musgrave, R.A. - Provision for Social Goods, in:
Margolis, J./Guitton, H. (eds.), Public Economics -
London, McMillan, 1969, pp. 124-44.

Musgrave, R. A. - The Theory of Public Finance -New

York, McGraw-Hill, 1959.

Also Read

The Misconception of Scarcity

The Demise of the Work Ethic

By: Sam Vaknin

"When work is a pleasure, life is a joy! When work is a

duty, life is slavery."
Maxim Gorky (1868-1936), Russian novelist, author,
and playright

Airplanes, missiles, and space shuttles crash due to lack of

maintenance, absent-mindedness, and pure ignorance.
Software support personnel, aided and abetted by
Customer Relationship Management application suites,
are curt (when reachable) and unhelpful. Despite
expensive, state of the art supply chain management
systems, retailers, suppliers, and manufacturers habitually
run out of stocks of finished and semi-finished products
and raw materials. People from all walks of life and at all
levels of the corporate ladder skirt their responsibilities
and neglect their duties.

Whatever happened to the work ethic? Where is the pride

in the immaculate quality of one's labor and produce?

Both dead in the water. A series of earth-shattering social,

economic, and technological trends converged to render
their jobs loathsome to many - a tedious nuisance best

1. Job security is a thing of the past. Itinerancy in various

McJobs reduces the incentive to invest time, effort, and
resources into a position that may not be yours next week.
Brutal layoffs and downsizing traumatized the workforce
and produced in the typical workplace a culture of
obsequiousness, blind obeisance, the suppression of

independent thought and speech, and avoidance of
initiative and innovation. Many offices and shop floors
now resemble prisons.

2. Outsourcing and offshoring of back office (and, more

recently, customer relations and research and
development) functions sharply and adversely effected the
quality of services from helpdesks to airline ticketing and
from insurance claims processing to remote maintenance.
Cultural mismatches between the (typically Western)
client base and the offshore service department (usually in
a developing country where labor is cheap and plenty)
only exacerbated the breakdown of trust between
customer and provider or supplier.

3. The populace in developed countries are addicted to

leisure time. Most people regard their jobs as a necessary
evil, best avoided whenever possible. Hence phenomena
like the permanent temp - employees who prefer a
succession of temporary assignments to holding a proper
job. The media and the arts contribute to this perception of
work as a drag - or a potentially dangerous addiction
(when they portray raging and abusive workaholics).

4. The other side of this dismal coin is workaholism - the

addiction to work. Far from valuing it, these addicts resent
their dependence. The job performance of the typical
workaholic leaves a lot to be desired. Workaholics are
fatigued, suffer from ancillary addictions, and short
attention spans. They frequently abuse substances, are
narcissistic and destructively competitive (being driven,
they are incapable of team work).

5. The depersonalization of manufacturing - the

intermediated divorce between the artisan/worker and his

client - contributed a lot to the indifference and alienation
of the common industrial worker, the veritable
"anonymous cog in the machine".

Not only was the link between worker and product broken
- but the bond between artisan and client was severed as
well. Few employees know their customers or patrons first
hand. It is hard to empathize with and care about a
statistic, a buyer whom you have never met and never
likely to encounter. It is easy in such circumstances to feel
immune to the consequences of one's negligence and
apathy at work. It is impossible to be proud of what you
do and to be committed to your work - if you never set
eyes on either the final product or the customer! Charlie
Chaplin's masterpiece, "Modern Times" captured this
estrangement brilliantly.

6. Many former employees of mega-corporations abandon

the rat race and establish their own businesses - small and
home enterprises. Undercapitalized, understaffed, and
outperformed by the competition, these fledging and
amateurish outfits usually spew out shoddy products and
lamentable services - only to expire within the first year of

7. Despite decades of advanced notice, globalization

caught most firms the world over by utter surprise. Ill-
prepared and fearful of the onslaught of foreign
competition, companies big and small grapple with
logistical nightmares, supply chain calamities, culture
shocks and conflicts, and rapacious competitors. Mere
survival (and opportunistic managerial plunder) replaced
client satisfaction as the prime value.

8. The decline of the professional guilds on the one hand
and the trade unions on the other hand greatly reduced
worker self-discipline, pride, and peer-regulated quality
control. Quality is monitored by third parties or
compromised by being subjected to Procrustean financial
constraints and concerns.

The investigation of malpractice and its punishment are

now at the hand of vast and ill-informed bureaucracies,
either corporate or governmental. Once malpractice is
exposed and admitted to, the availability of malpractice
insurance renders most sanctions unnecessary or toothless.
Corporations prefer to bury mishaps and malfeasance
rather than cope with and rectify them.

9. The quality of one's work, and of services and products

one consumed, used to be guaranteed. One's personal
idiosyncrasies, eccentricities, and problems were left at
home. Work was sacred and one's sense of self-worth
depended on the satisfaction of one's clients. You simply
didn't let your personal life affect the standards of your

This strict and useful separation vanished with the rise of

the malignant-narcissistic variant of individualism. It led
to the emergence of idiosyncratic and fragmented
standards of quality. No one knows what to expect, when,
and from whom. Transacting business has become a form
of psychological warfare. The customer has to rely on the
goodwill of suppliers, manufacturers, and service
providers - and often finds himself at their whim and
mercy. "The client is always right" has gone the way of
the dodo. "It's my (the supplier's or provider's) way or the
highway" rules supreme.

This uncertainty is further exacerbated by the pandemic
eruption of mental health disorders - 15% of the
population are severely pathologized according to the
latest studies. Antisocial behaviors - from outright crime
to pernicious passive-aggressive sabotage - once rare in
the workplace, are now abundant.

The ethos of teamwork, tempered collectivism, and

collaboration for the greater good is now derided or
decried. Conflict on all levels has replaced negotiated
compromise and has become the prevailing narrative.
Litigiousness, vigilante justice, use of force, and "getting
away with it" are now extolled. Yet, conflicts lead to the
misallocation of economic resources. They are non-
productive and not conducive to sustaining good relations
between producer or provider and consumer.

10. Moral relativism is the mirror image of rampant

individualism. Social cohesion and discipline diminished,
ideologies and religions crumbled, and anomic states
substituted for societal order. The implicit contracts
between manufacturer or service provider and customer
and between employee and employer were shredded and
replaced with ad-hoc negotiated operational checklists.
Social decoherence is further enhanced by the
anonymization and depersonalization of the modern chain
of production (see point 5 above).

Nowadays, people facilely and callously abrogate their

responsibilities towards their families, communities, and
nations. The mushrooming rate of divorce, the decline in
personal thrift, the skyrocketing number of personal
bankruptcies, and the ubiquity of venality and corruption
both corporate and political are examples of such

dissipation. No one seems to care about anything. Why
should the client or employer expect a different treatment?

11. The disintegration of the educational systems of the

West made it difficult for employers to find qualified and
motivated personnel. Courtesy, competence, ambition,
personal responsibility, the ability to see the bigger picture
(synoptic view), interpersonal aptitude, analytic and
synthetic skills, not to mention numeracy, literacy, access
to technology, and the sense of belonging which they
foster - are all products of proper schooling.

12. Irrational beliefs, pseudo-sciences, and the occult

rushed in to profitably fill the vacuum left by the
crumbling education systems. These wasteful
preoccupations encourage in their followers an
overpowering sense of fatalistic determinism and hinder
their ability to exercise judgment and initiative. The
discourse of commerce and finance relies on unmitigated
rationality and is, in essence, contractual. Irrationality is
detrimental to the successful and happy exchange of
goods and services.

Also Read

The Labour Divide - I. Employment and Unemployment

The Labour Divide - II. Migration and Brain Drain

The Labour Divide - III. Entrepreneurship and


The Labour Divide - IV. The Unions after Communism

The Labour Divide - V. Employee Benefits and


The Labour Divide - VI. The Future of Work

Immigrants and the Fallacy of Labour Scarcity

Industrial Action and Competition Laws

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly:

Employees and Management Ownership of Firms

Make Your Workers Your Partners

Battling Society's Cancer: Unemployment

Growing Out of Unemployment

Meritocracy and Brain Drain

The Professions of the Future

Workaholism, Leisure and Pleasure

The Morality of Child Labor

Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) - Pros and Cons

Based on a lecture given at the Euro College Student

Union Business Forum, Kumanovo, Macedonia, May 3,

By: Sam Vaknin, Ph.D.

The role of foreign direct investment (FDI) in promoting

growth and sustainable development has never been
substantiated. There isn't even an agreed definition of the
beast. In most developing countries, other capital flows -
such as remittances - are larger and more predictable than
FDI and ODA (Official Development Assistance).

Several studies indicate that domestic investment projects

have more beneficial trickle-down effects on local
economies. Be that as it may, close to two-thirds of FDI is
among rich countries and in the form of mergers and
acquisitions (M&A). All said and done, FDI constitutes a
mere 2% of global GDP.

FDI does not automatically translate to net foreign

exchange inflows. To start with, many multinational and
transnational "investors" borrow money locally at
favorable interest rates and thus finance their projects.
This constitutes unfair competition with local firms and
crowds the domestic private sector out of the credit
markets, displacing its investments in the process.

Many transnational corporations are net consumers of

savings, draining the local pool and leaving other
entrepreneurs high and dry. Foreign banks tend to collude
in this reallocation of financial wherewithal by

exclusively catering to the needs of the less risky
segments of the business scene (read: foreign investors).

Additionally, the more profitable the project, the smaller

the net inflow of foreign funds. In some developing
countries, profits repatriated by multinationals exceed
total FDI. This untoward outcome is exacerbated by
principal and interest repayments where investments are
financed with debt and by the outflow of royalties,
dividends, and fees. This is not to mention the sucking
sound produced by quasi-legal and outright illegal
practices such as transfer pricing and other mutations of
creative accounting.

Moreover, most developing countries are no longer in

need of foreign exchange. "Third and fourth world"
countries control three quarters of the global pool of
foreign exchange reserves. The "poor" (the South) now
lend to the rich (the North) and are in the enviable
position of net creditors. The West drains the bulk of the
savings of the South and East, mostly in order to finance
the insatiable consumption of its denizens and to prop up
a variety of indigenous asset bubbles.

Still, as any first year student of orthodox economics

would tell you, FDI is not about foreign exchange. FDI
encourages the transfer of management skills, intellectual
property, and technology. It creates jobs and improves the
quality of goods and services produced in the economy.
Above all, it gives a boost to the export sector.

All more or less true. Yet, the proponents of FDI get their
causes and effects in a tangle. FDI does not foster growth
and stability. It follows both. Foreign investors are
attracted to success stories, they are drawn to countries

already growing, politically stable, and with a sizable
purchasing power.

Foreign investors of all stripes jump ship with the first

sign of contagion, unrest, and declining fortunes. In this
respect, FDI and portfolio investment are equally
unreliable. Studies have demonstrated how multinationals
hurry to repatriate earnings and repay inter-firm loans
with the early harbingers of trouble. FDI is, therefore,
partly pro-cyclical.

What about employment? Is FDI the panacea it is made

out to be?

Far from it. Foreign-owned projects are capital-intensive

and labor-efficient. They invest in machinery and
intellectual property, not in wages. Skilled workers get
paid well above the local norm, all others languish. Most
multinationals employ subcontractors and these, to do
their job, frequently haul entire workforces across
continents. The natives rarely benefit and when they do
find employment it is short-term and badly paid. M&A,
which, as you may recall, constitute 60-70% of all FDI are
notorious for inexorably generating job losses.

FDI buttresses the government's budgetary bottom line

but developing countries invariably being governed by
kleptocracies, most of the money tends to vanish in deep
pockets, greased palms, and Swiss or Cypriot bank
accounts. Such "contributions" to the hitherto
impoverished economy tend to inflate asset bubbles
(mainly in real estate) and prolong unsustainable and
pernicious consumption booms followed by painful busts.

Alphabetical Bibliography

Austria’s Foreign Direct Investment in Central and

Eastern Europe:‘Supply-Based’or ‘Market Driven’? - W
Altzinger - thInternational Atlantic Economic Conference,
Vienna, 1999

Blessing Or Curse?: Domestic Plants' Survival and

Employment Prospects After Foreign Acquisition - S
Girma, H Görg - 2001 -

Competition for Foreign Direct Investment: a study of

competition among governments to attract FDI - CP
Oman - 2000 -

(The) Contribution of FDI to Poverty Alleviation - C

Aaron - Report from the Foreign Investment Advisory
Service - 1999 -

Corruption and Foreign Direct Investment - M Habib, L

Zurawicki - Journal of International Business Studies,

Determinants Of, and the Relation Between, Foreign

Direct Investment and Growth - EG Lim, International
Monetary Fund - 2001 -

Direct Investment in Economies in Transition - K Meyer -

Cheltenham and Northampton (1998), 1998

(The) disappearing tax base: is foreign direct investment

(FDI) eroding corporate income taxes? - R Gropp, K
Kostial -

Does Foreign Direct Investment Accelerate Economic

Growth? - M Carkovic, R Levine - University of
Minnesota, Working Paper, 2002

Does Foreign Direct Investment Crowd Out Domestic

Entrepreneurship? - K De Backer, L Sleuwaegen - Review
of Industrial Organization, 2003

Does Foreign Direct Investment Increase the Productivity

of Domestic Firms? - BS Javorcik - American Economic
Review, 2004

Does foreign direct investment promote economic

growth? Evidence from East Asia and Latin America - K
Zhang - Contemporary Economic Policy, 2001

The Economics of Foreign Direct Investment Incentives -

M Blomstrom, A Kokko - 2003 – NBER

The effects of foreign direct investment on domestic firms

Evidence from firm-level panel data - J Konings - The
Economics of Transition, 2001

Effects of foreign direct investment on the performance of

local labour markets–The case of Hungary - K Fazekas -
RSA International Conference, Pisa, 2003

(The) Effects of Real Wages and Labor Productivity on

Foreign Direct Investment - DO Cushman - Southern
Economic Journal, 1987

Employment and Foreign Investment: Policy Options for

Developing Countries - S Lall - International Labour
Review, 1995

Export Performance and the Role of Foreign Direct

Investment - N Pain, K Wakelin - The Manchester School,

Exports, Foreign Direct Investment and Employment: The

Case of China - X Fu, VN Balasubramanyam - The World
Economy, 2005

Facts and Fallacies about Foreign Direct Investment - RC

Feenstra - 1998 -

FDI and the labour market: a review of the evidence and

policy implications - N Driffield, K Taylor - Oxford
Review of Economic Policy, 2000

Foreign Direct Investment and Capital Flight - C Kant -

1996 -

Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Development -

T Ozawa - Transnational Corporations, 1992 -

Foreign Direct Investment and Employment: Home

Country Experience in the United States and Sweden - M
Blomstrom, G Fors, RE Lipsey - The Economic Journal,

Foreign Direct Investment and Income Inequality: Further

Evidence - C our FAQ, R Zone - World Development,

Foreign Direct Investment and Poverty Reduction - M

Klein, C Aaron, B Hadjimichael, World Bank - 2001 -

Foreign Direct Investment as a Catalyst for Industrial

Development - JR Markusen, A Venables - 1997 - NBER

Foreign Direct Investment as an Engine of Growth - VN
Balasubramanyam, M Salisu, D Sapsford - Journal of
International Trade and Economic Development, 1999

Foreign Direct Investment, Employment Volatility and

Cyclical Dumping - J Aizenman - 1994 – NBER

Foreign Direct Investment in Central and Eastern Europe:

Employment Effects in the EU - H Braconier, K Ekholm -
2001 -

Foreign Direct Investment in Central Europe since 1990:

An Econometric Study - M Lansbury, N Pain, K
Smidkova - National Institute Economic Review, 1996

Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries: A

Selective Survey - Luiz R. de Mello Jr. – NBER

Foreign Investment, Labor Immobility and the Quality of

Employment - D Campbell - International Labour
Review, 1994

Foreign direct investment-led growth: evidence from time

series and panel data - L de Mello - Oxford Economic
Papers, 1999

Home and Host Country Effects of FDI - RE Lipsey -

2002 – NBER

How Does Foreign Direct Investment Affect Economic

Growth? - E Borensztein, J De Gregorio, JW Lee -
Journal of International Economics, 1998

The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment Inflows on

Regional Labour Markets in Hungary - K Fazekas -
SOCO Project Paper 77c, 2000

(The) Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Wages and

Employment - L Zhao - Oxford Economic Papers, 1998

(The) link between tax rates and foreign direct investment

- SP Cassou - Applied Economics, 1997

Location Choice and Employment Decisions: A

Comparison of German and Swedish Multinationals - SO
Becker, K Ekholm, R Jäckle, MA Muendler - Review of
World Economics, 2005

Much Ado about Nothing? Do Domestic Firms Really

Benefit from Foreign Direct Investment? - H Gorg - The
World Bank Research Observer, 2004

Should Countries Promote Foreign Direct Investment? -

GH Hanson - 2001 -

Taxation and Foreign Direct Investment: A Synthesis of

Empirical Research - RA de Mooij, S Ederveen -
International Tax and Public Finance, 2003

Trade, Foreign Direct Investment, and International

Technology Transfer: A Survey - K Saggi - The World
Bank Research Observer, 2002

Troubled Banks, Impaired Foreign Direct Investment: The

Role of Relative Access to Credit - MW Klein, J Peek, ES
Rosengren - The American Economic Review, 2002

Vertical foreign direct investment, welfare, and

employment - W Elberfeld, G Gotz, F Stahler - Topics in
Economic Analysis and Policy, 2005

Volatility, employment and the patterns of FDI in

emerging markets - J Aizenman - 2002 – NBER

Who Benefits from Foreign Direct Investment in the UK?

- S Girma, D Greenaway, K Wakelin - Scottish Journal of
Political Economy, 2001

Why Investment Matters: The Political Economy of

International Investments - Singh, Kavaljit - FERN (UK
and Belgium)

The Economics of Expectations

By: Sam Vaknin, Ph.D.

Economies revolve around and are determined by

"anchors": stores of value that assume pivotal roles and
lend character to transactions and economic players alike.
Well into the 19 century, tangible assets such as real estate
and commodities constituted the bulk of the exchanges
that occurred in marketplaces, both national and global.
People bought and sold land, buildings, minerals, edibles,
and capital goods. These were regarded not merely as
means of production but also as forms of wealth.

Inevitably, human society organized itself to facilitate

such exchanges. The legal and political systems sought to
support, encourage, and catalyze transactions by
enhancing and enforcing property rights, by providing
public goods, and by rectifying market failures.

Later on and well into the 1980s, symbolic representations

of ownership of real goods and property (e.g, shares,
commercial paper, collateralized bonds, forward
contracts) were all the rage. By the end of this period,
these surpassed the size of markets in underlying assets.
Thus, the daily turnover in stocks, bonds, and currencies
dwarfed the annual value added in all industries

Again, Mankind adapted to this new environment.

Technology catered to the needs of traders and
speculators, businessmen and middlemen. Advances in
telecommunications and transportation followed
inexorably. The concept of intellectual property rights was

introduced. A financial infrastructure emerged, replete
with highly specialized institutions (e.g., central banks)
and businesses (for instance, investment banks, jobbers,
and private equity funds).

We are in the throes of a third wave. Instead of buying

and selling assets one way (as tangibles) or the other (as
symbols) - we increasingly trade in expectations (in other
words, we transfer risks). The markets in derivatives
(options, futures, indices, swaps, collateralized
instruments, and so on) are flourishing.

Society is never far behind. Even the most conservative

economic structures and institutions now strive to manage
expectations. Thus, for example, rather than tackle
inflation directly, central banks currently seek to subdue it
by issuing inflation targets (in other words, they aim to
influence public expectations regarding future inflation).

The more abstract the item traded, the less cumbersome it

is and the more frictionless the exchanges in which it is
swapped. The smooth transmission of information gives
rise to both positive and negative outcomes: more
efficient markets, on the one hand - and contagion on the
other hand; less volatility on the one hand - and swifter
reactions to bad news on the other hand (hence the need
for market breakers); the immediate incorporation of new
data in prices on the one hand - and asset bubbles on the
other hand.

Hitherto, even the most arcane and abstract contract

traded was somehow attached to and derived from an
underlying tangible asset, no matter how remotely. But
this linkage may soon be dispensed with. The future may

witness the bartering of agreements that have nothing to
do with real world objects or values.

In days to come, traders and speculators will be able to

generate on the fly their own, custom-made, one-time,
investment vehicles for each and every specific
transaction. They will do so by combining "off-the-shelf",
publicly traded components. Gains and losses will be
determined by arbitrary rules or by reference to
extraneous events. Real estate, commodities, and capital
goods will revert to their original forms and functions:
bare necessities to be utilized and consumed, not
speculated on.

Corruption and Transparency

By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

Also published by United Press International (UPI)

I. The Facts

Just days before a much-awaited donor conference, the

influential International Crisis Group (ICG) recommended
to place all funds pledged to Macedonia under the
oversight of a "corruption advisor" appointed by the
European Commission. The donors ignored this and other
recommendations. To appease the critics, the affable
Attorney General of Macedonia charged a former Minister
of Defense with abuse of duty for allegedly having
channeled millions of DM to his relatives during the
recent civil war. Macedonia has belatedly passed an anti-
money laundering law recently - but failed, yet again, to
adopt strict anti-corruption legislation.

In Albania, the Chairman of the Albanian Socialist Party,

Fatos Nano, was accused by Albanian media of
laundering $1 billion through the Albanian government.
Pavel Borodin, the former chief of Kremlin Property,
decided not appeal his money laundering conviction in a
Swiss court. The Slovak daily "Sme" described in
scathing detail the newly acquired wealth and lavish
lifestyles of formerly impoverished HZDS politicians.
Some of them now reside in refurbished castles. Others
have swimming pools replete with wine bars.

Pavlo Lazarenko, a former Ukrainian prime minister, is

detained in San Francisco on money laundering charges.

His defense team accuses the US authorities of "selective

They are quoted by Radio Free Europe as saying:

"The impetus for this prosecution comes from allegations

made by the Kuchma regime, which itself is corrupt and
dedicated to using undemocratic and repressive methods
to stifle political opposition ... (other Ukrainian officials)
including Kuchma himself and his closest associates, have
committed conduct similar to that with which Lazarenko
is charged but have not been prosecuted by the U.S.

The UNDP estimated, in 1997, that, even in rich,

industrialized, countries, 15% of all firms had to pay
bribes. The figure rises to 40% in Asia and 60% in Russia.

Corruption is rife and all pervasive, though many

allegations are nothing but political mud-slinging.
Luckily, in countries like Macedonia, it is confined to its
rapacious elites: its politicians, managers, university
professors, medical doctors, judges, journalists, and top
bureaucrats. The police and customs are hopelessly
compromised. Yet, one rarely comes across graft and
venality in daily life. There are no false detentions (as in
Russia), spurious traffic tickets (as in Latin America), or
widespread stealthy payments for public goods and
services (as in Africa).

It is widely accepted that corruption retards growth by

deterring foreign investment and encouraging brain drain.
It leads to the misallocation of economic resources and
distorts competition. It depletes the affected country's
endowments - both natural and acquired. It demolishes the

tenuous trust between citizen and state. It casts civil and
government institutions in doubt, tarnishes the entire
political class, and, thus, endangers the democratic system
and the rule of law, property rights included.

This is why both governments and business show a

growing commitment to tackling it. According to
Transparency International's "Global Corruption Report
2001", corruption has been successfully contained in
private banking and the diamond trade, for instance.

Hence also the involvement of the World Bank and the

IMF in fighting corruption. Both institutions are
increasingly concerned with poverty reduction through
economic growth and development. The World Bank
estimates that corruption reduces the growth rate of an
affected country by 0.5 to 1 percent annually. Graft
amounts to an increase in the marginal tax rate and has
pernicious effects on inward investment as well.

The World Bank has appointed last year a Director of

Institutional Integrity - a new department that combines
the Anti-Corruption and Fraud Investigations Unit and the
Office of Business Ethics and Integrity. The Bank helps
countries to fight corruption by providing them with
technical assistance, educational programs, and lending.

Anti-corruption projects are an integral part of every

Country Assistance Strategy (CAS). The Bank also
supports international efforts to reduce corruption by
sponsoring conferences and the exchange of information.
It collaborates closely with Transparency International,
for instance.

At the request of member-governments (such as Bosnia-
Herzegovina and Romania) it has prepared detailed
country corruption surveys covering both the public and
the private sectors. Together with the EBRD, it publishes
a corruption survey of 3000 firms in 22 transition
countries (BEEPS - Business Environment and Enterprise
Performance Survey). It has even set up a multilingual
hotline for whistleblowers.

The IMF made corruption an integral part of its country

evaluation process. It suspended arrangements with
endemically corrupt recipients of IMF financing. Since
1997, it has introduced policies regarding misreporting,
abuse of IMF funds, monitoring the use of debt relief for
poverty reduction, data dissemination, legal and judicial
reform, fiscal and monetary transparency, and even
internal governance (e.g., financial disclosure by staff

Yet, no one seems to agree on a universal definition of

corruption. What amounts to venality in one culture
(Sweden) is considered no more than hospitality, or an
expression of gratitude, in another (France, or Italy).
Corruption is discussed freely and forgivingly in one
place - but concealed shamefully in another. Corruption,
like other crimes, is probably seriously under-reported and

Moreover, bribing officials is often the unstated policy of

multinationals, foreign investors, and expatriates. Many of
them believe that it is inevitable if one is to expedite
matters or secure a beneficial outcome. Rich world
governments turn a blind eye, even where laws against
such practices are extant and strict.

In his address to the Inter-American Development Bank
on March 14, President Bush promised to "reward nations
that root out corruption" within the framework of the
Millennium Challenge Account initiative. The USA has
pioneered global anti-corruption campaigns and is a
signatory to the 1996 IAS Inter-American Convention
against Corruption, the Council of Europe's Criminal Law
Convention on Corruption, and the OECD's 1997 anti-
bribery convention. The USA has had a comprehensive
"Foreign Corrupt Practices Act" since 1977.

The Act applies to all American firms, to all firms -

including foreign ones - traded in an American stock
exchange, and to bribery on American territory by foreign
and American firms alike. It outlaws the payment of
bribes to foreign officials, political parties, party officials,
and political candidates in foreign countries. A similar law
has now been adopted by Britain.

Yet, "The Economist" reports that the American SEC has

brought only three cases against listed companies until
1997. The US Department of Justice brought another 30
cases. Britain has persecuted successfully only one of its
officials for overseas bribery since 1889. In the
Netherlands bribery is tax deductible. Transparency
International now publishes a name and shame Bribery
Payers Index to complement its 91-country strong
Corruption Perceptions Index.

Many rich world corporations and wealthy individuals

make use of off-shore havens or "special purpose entities"
to launder money, make illicit payments, avoid or evade
taxes, and conceal assets or liabilities. According to Swiss
authorities, more than $40 billion are held by Russians in

its banking system alone. The figure may be 5 to 10 times
higher in the tax havens of the United Kingdom.

In a survey it conducted last month of 82 companies in

which it invests, "Friends, Ivory, and Sime" found that
only a quarter had clear anti-corruption management and
accountability systems in place.

Tellingly only 35 countries signed the 1997 OECD

"Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public
Officials in International Business Transactions" -
including four non-OECD members: Chile, Argentina,
Bulgaria, and Brazil. The convention has been in force
since February 1999 and is only one of many OECD anti-
corruption drives, among which are SIGMA (Support for
Improvement in Governance and Management in Central
and Eastern European countries), ACN (Anti-Corruption
Network for Transition Economies in Europe), and FATF
(the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering).

Moreover, The moral authority of those who preach

against corruption in poor countries - the officials of the
IMF, the World Bank, the EU, the OECD - is strained by
their ostentatious lifestyle, conspicuous consumption, and
"pragmatic" morality.

II. What to Do? What is Being Done?

Two years ago, I proposed a taxonomy of corruption,

venality, and graft. I suggested this cumulative definition:

a. The withholding of a service, information, or

goods that, by law, and by right, should have been
provided or divulged.

b. The provision of a service, information, or goods
that, by law, and by right, should not have been
provided or divulged.

c. That the withholding or the provision of said

service, information, or goods are in the power of
the withholder or the provider to withhold or to
provide AND That the withholding or the
provision of said service, information, or goods
constitute an integral and substantial part of the
authority or the function of the withholder or the

d. That the service, information, or goods that are

provided or divulged are provided or divulged
against a benefit or the promise of a benefit from
the recipient and as a result of the receipt of this
specific benefit or the promise to receive such

e. That the service, information, or goods that are

withheld are withheld because no benefit was
provided or promised by the recipient.

There is also what the World Bank calls "State Capture"

defined thus:

"The actions of individuals, groups, or firms, both in the

public and private sectors, to influence the formation of
laws, regulations, decrees, and other government policies
to their own advantage as a result of the illicit and non-
transparent provision of private benefits to public

We can classify corrupt and venal behaviors according to
their outcomes:

a. Income Supplement - Corrupt actions whose sole

outcome is the supplementing of the income of the
provider without affecting the "real world" in any

b. Acceleration or Facilitation Fees - Corrupt

practices whose sole outcome is to accelerate or
facilitate decision making, the provision of goods
and services or the divulging of information.

c. Decision Altering (State Capture) Fees - Bribes

and promises of bribes which alter decisions or
affect them, or which affect the formation of
policies, laws, regulations, or decrees beneficial to
the bribing entity or person.

d. Information Altering Fees - Backhanders and

bribes that subvert the flow of true and complete
information within a society or an economic unit
(for instance, by selling professional diplomas,
certificates, or permits).

e. Reallocation Fees - Benefits paid (mainly to

politicians and political decision makers) in order
to affect the allocation of economic resources and
material wealth or the rights thereto. Concessions,
licenses, permits, assets privatized, tenders
awarded are all subject to reallocation fees.

To eradicate corruption, one must tackle both giver and


History shows that all effective programs shared these
common elements:

a. The persecution of corrupt, high-profile, public

figures, multinationals, and institutions (domestic
and foreign). This demonstrates that no one is
above the law and that crime does not pay.

b. The conditioning of international aid, credits, and

investments on a monitored reduction in
corruption levels. The structural roots of
corruption should be tackled rather than merely its

c. The institution of incentives to avoid corruption,

such as a higher pay, the fostering of civic pride,
"good behavior" bonuses, alternative income and
pension plans, and so on.

d. In many new countries (in Asia, Africa, and

Eastern Europe) the very concepts of "private"
versus "public" property are fuzzy and
impermissible behaviors are not clearly
demarcated. Massive investments in education of
the public and of state officials are required.

e. Liberalization and deregulation of the economy.

Abolition of red tape, licensing, protectionism,
capital controls, monopolies, discretionary, non-
public, procurement. Greater access to information
and a public debate intended to foster a
"stakeholder society".

f. Strengthening of institutions: the police, the

customs, the courts, the government, its agencies,

the tax authorities - under time limited foreign
management and supervision.

Awareness to corruption and graft is growing - though it

mostly results in lip service. The Global Coalition for
Africa adopted anti-corruption guidelines in 1999. The
otherwise opaque Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
(APEC) forum is now championing transparency and
good governance. The UN is promoting its pet convention
against corruption.

The G-8 asked its Lyon Group of senior experts on

transnational crime to recommend ways to fight
corruption related to large money flows and money
laundering. The USA and the Netherlands hosted global
forums on corruption - as will South Korea next year. The
OSCE is rumored to respond with its own initiative, in
collaboration with the US Congressional Helsinki

The south-eastern Europe Stability Pact sports its own

Stability Pact Anti-corruption Initiative (SPAI). It held its
first conference in September 2001 in Croatia. More than
1200 delegates participated in the 10th International Anti-
Corruption Conference in Prague last year. The
conference was attended by the Czech prime minister, the
Mexican president, and the head of the Interpol.

The most potent remedy against corruption is sunshine -

free, accessible, and available information disseminated
and probed by an active opposition, uncompromised
press, and assertive civic organizations and NGO's. In the
absence of these, the fight against official avarice and
criminality is doomed to failure. With them, it stands a

Corruption can never be entirely eliminated - but it can be
restrained and its effects confined. The cooperation of
good people with trustworthy institutions is indispensable.
Corruption can be defeated only from the inside, though
with plenty of outside help. It is a process of self-
redemption and self-transformation. It is the real

Note - The Psychology of Corruption

Most politicians bend the laws of the land and steal

money or solicit bribes because they need the funds to
support networks of patronage. Others do it in order to
reward their nearest and dearest or to maintain a lavish
lifestyle when their political lives are over.

But these mundane reasons fail to explain why some

officeholders go on a rampage and binge on endless
quantities of lucre. All rationales crumble in the face of a
Mobutu Sese Seko or a Saddam Hussein or a Ferdinand
Marcos who absconded with billions of US dollars from
the coffers of Zaire, Iraq, and the Philippines,

These inconceivable dollops of hard cash and valuables

often remain stashed and untouched, moldering in bank
accounts and safes in Western banks. They serve no
purpose, either political or economic. But they do fulfill a
psychological need. These hoards are not the
megalomaniacal equivalents of savings accounts. Rather
they are of the nature of compulsive collections.

Erstwhile president of Sierra Leone, Momoh, amassed

hundreds of video players and other consumer goods in
vast rooms in his mansion. As electricity supply was

intermittent at best, his was a curious choice. He used to
sit among these relics of his cupidity, fondling and
counting them insatiably.

While Momoh relished things with shiny buttons, people

like Sese Seko, Hussein, and Marcos drooled over money.
The ever-heightening mountains of greenbacks in their
vaults soothed them, filled them with confidence,
regulated their sense of self-worth, and served as a love
substitute. The balances in their bulging bank accounts
were of no practical import or intent. They merely catered
to their psychopathology.

These politicos were not only crooks but also

kleptomaniacs. They could no more stop thieving than
Hitler could stop murdering. Venality was an integral part
of their psychological makeup.

Kleptomania is about acting out. It is a compensatory act.

Politics is a drab, uninspiring, unintelligent, and, often
humiliating business. It is also risky and rather arbitrary. It
involves enormous stress and unceasing conflict.
Politicians with mental health disorders (for instance,
narcissists or psychopaths) react by decompensation. They
rob the state and coerce businessmen to grease their palms
because it makes them feel better, it helps them to repress
their mounting fears and frustrations, and to restore their
psychodynamic equilibrium. These politicians and
bureaucrats "let off steam" by looting.

Kleptomaniacs fail to resist or control the impulse to steal,

even if they have no use for the booty. According to the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV-TR (2000), the bible
of psychiatry, kleptomaniacs feel "pleasure, gratification,
or relief when committing the theft." The good book

proceeds to say that " ... (T)he individual may hoard the
stolen objects ...".

As most kleptomaniac politicians are also psychopaths,

they rarely feel remorse or fear the consequences of their
misdeeds. But this only makes them more culpable and

Also Read:

Straf - Corruption in the CEE

Money Laundering in a Changed World

Workaholism, Leisure and Pleasure

By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

The official working week in France has being reduced to

35 hours a week (though the French are now tinkering
with it). In most countries in the world, it is limited to 45
hours a week. The trend during the last century seems to
be unequivocal: less work, more play.

Yet, what may be true for blue collar workers or state

employees – is not necessarily so for white collar
members of the liberal professions. It is not rare for these
people – lawyers, accountants, consultants, managers,
academics – to put in 80 hour weeks. The phenomenon is
so widespread and its social consequences so damaging
that it acquired the unflattering nickname: workaholism, a
combination of the words "work" and
"alcoholism". Family life is disrupted, intellectual
horizons narrow, the consequences to the workaholic's
health are severe: fat, lack of exercise, stress take their
toll. Classified as "alpha" types, workaholics suffer three
times as many heart attacks as their peers.

But what are the social and economic roots of this


Put succinctly, it is the result of the blurring borders and

differences between work and leisure. The distinction
between these two types of time – the one dedicated to
labour and the one spent in the pursuit of one's interests –
was so clear for thousands of years that its gradual
disappearance is one of the most important and profound
social changes in human history.

A host of other shifts in the character of the work and
domestic environments of humans converged to produce
this momentous change.

Arguably the most important was the increase in labour

mobility and the fluid nature of the very concept of work
and the workplace. The transitions from agricultural to
industrial, then to the services and now to the information
and knowledge societies, each, in turn, increased the
mobility of the workforce. A farmer is the least mobile.
His means of production are fixed, his produce was
mostly consumed locally because of lack of proper
refrigeration, preservation and transportation methods. A
marginal group of people became nomad-traders. This
group exploded in size with the advent of the industrial
revolution. True, the bulk of the workforce was still
immobile and affixed to the production floor. But raw
materials and the finished products travelled long
distances to faraway markets. Professional services were
needed and the professional manager, the lawyer, the
accountant, the consultant, the trader, the broker – all
emerged as both the parasites of the production processes
and the indispensable oil on its cogs.

Then came the services industry. Its protagonists were no

longer geographically dependent. They rendered their
services to a host of "employers" in a variety of ways and
geographically spread. This trend accelerated today, at the
beginning of the information and knowledge
revolution. Knowledge is not locale-bound. It is easily
transferable across boundaries. Its ephemeral quality gives
it a-temporal and non-spatial qualities. The location of the
participants in the economic interactions of this new age
are geographically transparent.

These trends converged with an increase of mobility of
people, goods and data (voice, visual, textual and
other). The twin revolutions of transportation and of
telecommunications really reduced the world to a global
village. Phenomena like commuting to work and
multinationals were first made possible. Facsimile
messages, electronic mail, other modem data transfers, the
Internet broke not only physical barriers – but also
temporal ones. Today, virtual offices are not only spatially
virtual – but also temporally so. This means that workers
can collaborate not only across continents but also across
time zones. They can leave their work for someone else to
continue in an electronic mailbox, for instance.

These last technological advances precipitated the

fragmentation of the very concepts of "work" and
"workplace". No longer the three Aristotelian dramatic
unities. Work could be carried out in different places, not
simultaneously, by workers who worked part time
whenever it suited them best, Flexitime and work from
home replaced commuting as the preferred venue (much
more so in the Anglo-Saxon countries, but they have
always been the pioneering harbingers of change). This
fitted squarely into the social fragmentation which
characterizes today's world: the disintegration of
previously cohesive social structures, such as the nuclear
(not to mention the extended) family. This was all neatly
wrapped in the ideology of individualism which was
presented as a private case of capitalism and
liberalism. People were encouraged to feel and behave as
distinct, autonomous units. The perception of individuals
as islands replaced the former perception of humans as
cells in an organism.

This trend was coupled with – and enhanced by – the
unprecedented successive annual rises in productivity and
increases in world trade. These trends were brought about
by new management techniques, new production
technology, innovative inventory control methods,
automatization, robotization, plant modernization,
telecommunications (which facilitates more efficient
transfers of information), even new design concepts. But
productivity gains made humans redundant. No amount of
retraining could cope with the incredible rate of
technological change. The more technologically advanced
the country – the higher its structural unemployment
(attributable to changes in the very structure of the
market) went.

In Western Europe, it shot up from 5-6% of the workforce

to 9% in one decade. One way to manage this flood of
ejected humans was to cut the workweek. Another was to
support a large population of unemployed. The third,
more tacit, way was to legitimize leisure time. Whereas
the Jewish and Protestant work ethics condemned idleness
in the past – they now started encouraging people to "self
fulfil", pursue habits and non-work related interests and
express the whole of their personality.

This served to blur the historical differences between

work and leisure. They were both commended now by the
mores of our time. Work became less and less structured
and rigid – formerly, the main feature of leisure
time. Work could be pursued – and to an ever growing
extent, was pursued – from home. The territorial
separation between "work-place" and "home turf" was
essentially eliminated. The emotional leap was only a
question of time. Historically, people went to work
because they had to – and all the rest was designated

"pleasure". Now, both were pleasure – or torture – or
mixture. Some people began to enjoy their work so much
that it fulfilled for them the functions normally reserved to
leisure time. They are the workaholics. Others continued
to hate work – but felt disoriented in the new, leisure
enriched environment. They were not qualified or trained
to deal with excess time, lack of framework, no clear
instructions what to do, when, with whom and to what.

Socialization processes and socialization agents (the State,

parents, educators, employers) were not geared – nor did
they regard it as being their responsibility – to train the
populace to cope with free time and with the baffling and
dazzling variety of options.

Economies and markets can be classified using many

criteria. Not the least of them is the work-leisure
axis. Those societies and economies that maintain the old
distinction between (hated) work and (liberating) leisure –
are doomed to perish or, at best, radically lag behind. This
is because they will not have developed a class of
workaholics big enough to move the economy ahead.

And this is the Big Lesson: it takes workaholics to create,

maintain and expand capitalism. As opposed to common
beliefs (held by the uninitiated) – people, mostly, do not
engage in business because they are looking for money
(the classic profit motive). They do what they do because
they like the Game of Business, its twists and turns, the
brainstorming, the battle of brains, subjugating markets,
the ups and downs, the excitement. All this has nothing to
do with pure money. It has everything to do with
psychology. True, the meter by which success is measured
in the world of money is money – but very fast it is
transformed into an abstract meter, akin to the monopoly

money. It is a symbol of shrewdness, wit, foresight and

Workaholics identify business with pleasure. They are the

embodiment of the pleasure principle. They make up the
class of the entrepreneurs, the managers, the
businessmen. They are the movers, the shakers, the
pushers, the energy. Without them, we have socialist
economies, where everything belongs to everyone and,
actually to none. In these economies of "collective
ownership" people go to work because they have to, they
try to avoid it, to sabotage the workplace, they harbour
negative feelings. Slowly, they wither and die
(professionally) – because no one can live long in hatred
and deceit. Joy is an essential ingredient.

And this is the true meaning of capitalism: the abolition of

work and leisure and the pursuit of both with the same
zeal and satisfaction. Above all, the (increasing) liberty to
do it whenever, wherever, with whomever you
choose. Unless and until the Homo East Europeansis
changes his set of mind – there will be no real
transition. Because transition happens in the human mind
much before it takes form in reality. It is no use to dictate,
to legislate, to finance, to cajole, to offer – the human
being must change first. It was Marx (a devout non-
capitalist) who said: it is consciousness that determines
reality. How right was he. Witness the USA and witness
the miserable failure of communism.

Nation Branding and Place Marketing

I. The Marketing Plan

II. The Product

III. The Price

IV. The Place

V. Promotion, Sales, and Advertising

VI. The Sales Force

VII. Marketing Implementation, Evaluation, and Control

VIII. The Psychology and Demographics of the Consumer

By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

I. The Marketing Plan

In the decades since World War II, economics prowess

replaced military power as the crucial geopolitical
determinant. The resilience of a country is measured by its
inflows of foreign investment and by the balance of its
current account - not by the number of its tanks and

Inevitably, polities the world over - regions, states,

countries, and multinational clubs - behave as only
commercial businesses once did. They actively market
themselves, their relative advantages, their history and
culture, their endowments and assets, their mentality and
affiliations. In short, they aggressively promote their
brand names ("brands" throughout this article).

To cast countries in the role of brands implies that they act
as "producers" to some "consumers" out there. But what
do countries - as distinct from firms - produce? And who
are the consumers enticed by said statal brand placement
and regional location marketing? And how does the
process of exchange take place - who gives what to whom
and where?

Few governments know the answers to these

economically crucial questions. Ministers of finance and
industry the world over religiously repeat the mantras of
"attracting foreign direct investment" and "encouraging
entrepreneurship". They recite the list of advantages
proffered by their country to the lucky investor, manager,
scientist, expatriate, or businessman. But they lack a deep
understanding of the process and meaning of nation

Few countries - Britain being the notable exception in the

past decade - conduct serious market research and bang
heads together in think tanks or inter-ministerial
committees to redesign the national brand. Even fewer
maintain long-term, sustained branding campaigns
supported by proper advertising. Only recently did a few
pioneering polities hire the services of nation branding
experts. None has in place the equivalent of a corporate
"brand manager".

One of the critical mistakes of countries the world over is

the self-centered lack of emphasis on customer
satisfaction. Meeting and exceeding the "client's"
expectations is merely an afterthought - rather than the
axis around which the planning, evaluation, control, and
revision of the marketing mix revolve. At best, countries
concentrate on concluding specific transactions instead of

on the development and cultivation of long-term
relationships with their "clients".

It is as though countries arrogantly refuse to acknowledge

their dependence on the goodwill of individuals and firms
the world over. The traditional and impregnable
supremacy of the sovereign nation-state has gone the way
of the dodo - but decision-makers still have to be
appraised of this startling development. Most countries -
and nowadays there is a surfeit of sovereigns - are
nothing more than bit players in the global marketplace. It
takes getting used to. Many politicians mentally equate
self-marketing with humiliating mendicancy.

Instead, decision makers should hire marketing (and, more

specifically, brand name) experts to prepare a thorough
and comprehensive place marketing and nation branding
plan for them:

Strategic Marketing Analysis

I. Identify what needs and whose needs can the country

meet and satisfy. What preference groups (of investors,
for instance) or even market niches (e.g., stem cell
scientists) should be targeted to optimize economic

II. Compile databases of past clients of the state, its

resources, offerings, laws, regulations, international
treaties, and economic opportunities (e.g., state companies
to be privatized). These allow for micro-branding (or
segment branding as opposed to mass branding): tweaking
the national brand to suit the preferences, likes, dislikes,
and wishes of specific target groups, down to single,
important, individuals.

III. Position the country in relation to its competitors,
emphasizing its natural and human endowments and its
relative advantages. The process of positioning aims to
identify the nation with an image, perception, concept, or
trait which capture its essence and further its appeal to the
clients it had identified in stage I above (investors, other
countries, diplomats, scientists, and so on). Great care
should be taken to align the positioning messages with
realities on the ground. Anything perceived by the
preference groups as being a lie or an exaggeration will

IV. Marketing is about optimal allocation of resources in

view of objectives and opportunities.

The classic STP model calls for:

I. Segmentation - Identify potential customers - for

instance, foreign direct investors, or expatriates and the

II. Targeting - Concentrate on those "clients" you can

serve most effectively, to whom you are most valuable
and thus can "charge" the most for your offerings

III. Positioning - Communicate effectively the main

benefits you offer to the targeted group.

The marketing mix comprises 4 P's which are perfectly

applicable to nations as they are to businesses:

Product - Your "products" as a country being tax

incentives, infrastructure, natural endowments, human
resources, a geographic vantage point, helpful laws and
regulations (or absence thereof), etc.

Price - Demonstrate a relative or absolute advantage in
terms of return on investment

Place - Facilitate the unhindered exchange of goods,

services, and capital (tax holidays, free processing zones,
no red tape, double taxation treaties and free trade
agreements with other countries, etc.)

Promotion - The advertising and dissemination of news

and information, lobbying, public relations, media
campaigns, etc.

But what products do countries offer and market and how

are they tailored to the needs of specific market segments?

II. The Product

What products do countries offer and market and how are

they tailored to the needs of specific market segments?

In a marketing mix, the first and foremost element is the

product. No amount of savvy promotion and blitz
advertising can disguise the shortcomings of an inferior

Contrary to entrenched misinformation, the role of

marketing precedes the development of the product. The
marketer gathers information regarding the expectations
of the target market (the customers). In the case of a
country, its clients are its citizens, investors (both foreign
and domestic), tourists, export destinations, multilateral
organizations (the international community), non-
governmental organizations (NGOs), and neighboring

The marketer communicates to statal decision-makers
what features and benefits does each of these disparate
groups desire and suggests how to reconcile their
competing and often contradictory needs, interests,
preferences, priorities, and wishes.

The marketer or brand manager then proceeds to

participate in the design of the country's "products": its
branding and public relations campaigns both within and
without its borders, its investment laws and regulations,
the development and presentation of its tourist attractions,
the trumpeting of the competitive or unique qualities of its
export products, the tailoring and monitoring of its
mutually-beneficial relationships with neighbors, NGOs,
and international organizations.

In designing its "products" and, thus, in acquiring a brand

name, a country makes use of and leverages several

1. Natural Endowments

The country's history, geographical location, tourism sites,

climate, national "mentality" (hard working, forward
looking, amicable, peaceful, etc.)

2. Acquired Endowments, Public Goods, and


Level of education, knowledge of foreign languages,

quality of infrastructure, the court, banking, and public
health systems

3. Risk Mitigation

International standing and the resolution of extant
conflicts (political risk), the country's laws, regulations,
and favorable international treaties, its credit history,
insurance available to investors and exporters

4. Economic Prowess

Growth promoting policies, monetary stability, access to

international credit, the emergence of new industries

Governments can influence many of these factors.

Granted, there is little they can do about the country's past
history or climate - but pretty much all the rest is up for
grabs. Aided by input from its brand managers and
marketers, a country can educate its population to meet
the requirements of investors and exporters. It can
improve infrastructure, reform the court system, pass
growth-promoting laws, cut down red tape, support
monetary stability, resolve conflicts with the international
community and so on.

It is important to understand that the "products" and brand

name of a country are not God-given, unalterable
quantities. They can and should be tailored to optimize the
results of the marketing and branding campaigns.

Maintaining the country's brand name and promoting its

products are ongoing tasks - not one off assignments.
They require a constant infusion of financial and human
resources to conduct research and development to
evaluate the shifting sentiments of the country's clients.
States and regions are no different to corporate entities.
They, too, must gauge and study their markets and
customers at every turn and respond with alacrity.

Exactly like commercial outfits, political entities seek to
extract a price for their offerings and products.
Increasingly, the price they can obtain is settled by highly
efficient global markets in perceptions, goods, and
services. As competition stiffens and the number of state-
players increases, the barriers to entry become more

III. The Price

A product's price reflects the shifting balance between

supply and demand (scarcity) as well as the value of
inputs, the product's quality, and its image as conveyed
and fostered by marketing and advertising campaigns
(positioning). Price is, therefore, a packet of compressed
information exchanged between prospective buyers and
interested sellers.

In principle, countries "price" themselves no differently.

But, first, we should see how the price mechanism comes

into play in the global marketplace of sovereigns and their

The "price" of a country is comprised of two elements:

(i) The average (internal rate of) return on investments in

its infrastructure, human capital, goods, and services -
adjusted for (ii) The risks associated with doing business

The first component takes into account the costs of

conducting business in the territory - everything from
outlays on inputs to taxation. The second component
considers the country's political risk, volatility (as

measured, for instance, by fluctuations in the prices of its
financial assets and obligations), quality of governance,
transparency or lack thereof, dysfunctional institutions,
stability of policies and legislation, and other hazards.

A country should strive to maximize it price and, thus,

create an aura of quality and prosperity. "Selling oneself
cheap" communicates desperation and compromised
standards. The way to attract investors, tourists, and other
clients is to project a kind of "promised land" but without
resorting to exaggerations, confabulations, or outright lies.

The message should be relayed both directly (though not

obtrusively) and subtly (though not incomprehensibly or
deviously). The country should enumerate and emphasize
its natural and human endowments, capital stock and
infrastructure, favorable tax and regulative regime,
political stability, good governance, transparency,
functioning institutions, and so on. It should also appear to
be substantial, sophisticated, forward-looking, pleasant,
welcoming and so forth.

As an increasing number of people around the world

"buy" the country's self-perception (where it stands now)
and its vision (about its future) - its price keeps climbing
and its value is enhanced.

It is much debated whether countries should engage in

negative marketing and discount pricing. "Negative
marketing" is the disparagement of sovereign competitors
and their products and services which are comparable to
the country's own offerings or substitute for them.
Discount pricing is the strategy of providing at a discount
products and services identical to those offered by the
country's sovereign competitors.

An example of negative marketing would be to point to a
neighboring country's uneducated and expensive labor as
a reason not to do business there. An example of discount
pricing is to offer tax holidays and rent-free facilities to a
relocating multinational.

From my experiences, both practices diminish the

country's perceived value and hence, its price. In the long
run, the damage to its image far outweighs any dubious
economic benefits engendered by these unsavory

Still, some countries are geographically disadvantaged.

Recent studies have shown that being landlocked or
having a tropical climate carry a hefty price tag in terms
of reduced economic growth. These unfavorable
circumstances can be described as "natural discounts" to a
country's price.

What can be done to overcome such negative factor


IV. The Place

Some countries are geographically disadvantaged. Recent

studies have demonstrated how being landlocked or
having a tropical climate carry a hefty price tag in terms
of reduced economic growth. These unfavorable
circumstances can be described as "natural discounts" to a
country's price.

What can be done to overcome such negative factor


In classical microeconomics, the element of "place" in the
marketing plan used to refer to the locus of delivery of the
product or service. Well into the 19th century, the "place"
was identical to the region where the product was
manufactured or the service rendered. In other words,
textiles weaved in India were rarely sold in Britain.
American accountants were unlikely to practice in Russia.
Distribution was a local affair and networks of
dissemination and marketing were geographically

A host of historical and technological developments

drastically altered the scene and frayed the straitjacket of

The violent disintegration of the old system of

geopolitical alliances led to the formation of massive,
multiplayer trading blocs within which and among which
the movement of goods and, increasingly, services is

The vast increase in the world's population - matched by

the exponential rise in purchasing power - created a global
marketplace of unprecedented wealth and a corresponding
hunger for goods and services. The triumph of liberal
capitalism compounded this beneficial effect.

The advent of mass media, mass transport, and mass

communications reduced transaction costs and barriers to
entry. The world shrank to become a veritable "global

The value of knowledge (processed information) has fast

risen to surpass that of classical (physical) goods and
services. Information has some of the properties of a

public good (for instance, nonrivalry) - coupled with all
the incentives of a private good (e.g., profit-making).

Thus, the very nature of distribution had been irrevocably

changed. The distribution channel, the path from producer
to consumer (in our case, from country to foreign investor
or tourist, for example) is less encumbered by topography
than it used to be.

Even the poorest, most remote, landlocked, arid, and

disadvantaged country can nowadays leverage air flight,
the Internet, television, cell phones, and other miracles of
technology to promote itself and its unique offerings
(knowledge, plant and animal species, scenery, history,
minerals, cheap and educated manpower, cuisine, textiles,
software, and so on).

The key to success is in a mix of both direct and indirect

marketing. Nowadays, countries can (and do) appeal
directly to consumers (ads targeted at tourists or road
shows aimed at investors). They present themselves and
what they have to offer, circumventing brokers and agents
of all kinds (disintermediation). Still, they should not fail
to cultivate more traditional marketing channels such as
investment banks, travel agents, multilateral
organizations, or trade associations.

With many of the physical obstacles to marketing

removed in the last few decades, with the very concept of
"place" rendered obsolete, promotion emerged as the most
critical facet of nation branding and place marketing.

V. Promotion, Sales, Public Relations, Marketing, and


Advantages have to be communicated to potential
customers if they are not to remain unrealized potentials.
Moreover, communication alone - the exchange of
information - is not enough. Clients have to be influenced
and motivated to visit a country, invest in it, or trade with

This is where promotion comes in. Not to be confused

with marketing, it is concerned with setting up a trained
sales force, and with advertising, sales, and public

We deal with sales forces at length in our next installment.

Suffice to say, at this stage, that poor countries will be
hard pressed to cater to the pecuniary needs of high-level
and, therefore, expensive, salespersons. Setting up a body
of volunteers under the supervision, guidance, and
training of seasoned sales personnel maybe a more
suitable solution.

Advertising is a different ballgame. There is no substitute

for a continued presence in the media. The right mix of
paid ads and sponsored promotions of products, services,
and ideas can work miracles for a country's image as a
preferred destination.

Clever, targeted, advertising also ties in with sales

promotion. Together they provide the customer with both
motivation and incentive to "buy" what the country has on
offer. Brand switching is common in the global arena.
Investors and tourists, let alone exporters and importers,
are fickle and highly mobile. This inherent disloyalty is a
boon to new and emerging markets.

An interesting and related question is whether countries
constitute similar or dissimilar brands. In other words, are
countries interchangeable (fungible) as investment,
tourism, and trade destinations? Is cost the only
determining factor? If countries are, indeed, mere variants
on given themes, acquiring and sustaining permanent
market shares (inducing a market shift) may prove to be a

The answer is that the issue is largely irrelevant.

Specialization and brand differentiation may be crucial
inside countries - in domestic markets - but, they are not
very important in the global arena.

Why is that?

Because the global marketplace is far less fractionated

than national markets. Niche investors, off-the-beaten-
track tourists, and boutique traders are rarities.
Multinationals, organized package tours, and commodity
traders rule the Earth and they have pretty similar tastes
and uniform demands. Catering to these tastes and
demands makes or breaks the external sector of a
country's economy.

Enter public relations.

While advertising and sales promotion try to access and

influence the masses - public relations focuses on opinion-
leaders, decision-makers, first-movers, and tipping points.
Public relations is also concerned with the country's
partners, suppliers, and investors. It directly appeals to
major tour operators, foreign legislators, multinationals,
and important non-government organizations (NGOs), as
well as regional and international forums.

As the name implies, public relations is about follow-up
(monitoring) and relationships. This is especially true in
the country's dealings with the news media and with
specialized publications. Press conferences, presentations,
contests, road shows, one-on-one meetings or briefings,
seminars, lobbying, and community events - are all tools
of the twin trades of marketing public relations and image

A recent offshoot of the discipline of public relations -

which may be of particular relevance and importance
where countries are concerned - is crisis management.
Public awareness of crises - from civil wars to
environmental disasters - can be manipulated within limits
of propriety and veracity. Governments would do well to
appoint "public policy and image advisors" to tackle the
periodic flare-ups that are an inevitable part of the
political and the economic dimensions of an increasingly
complex world.

Yet, even governments are bottom-line orientated

nowadays. How should a country translate its intangible
assets into dollars and cents (or euros)?

VI. The Sales Force and Marketing Implementation


How should a country translate its intangible assets into

dollars and cents (or euros)?

Enter its Sales force and marketing intermediaries.

Even poor countries should allocate funds to train and

maintain a skilled sales force and pay its wages, expenses,
and perks. Salespeople are the human face of the country's

promotion efforts. They tailor to individual listeners
(potential customers) the message the country wishes to
convey about itself, its advantages, and its prospects.

As their title implies, salespersons personalize the sales

pitch and enliven the sales process. They are as
indispensable in mass-attendance road shows and in retail
marketing (e.g., of tourism packages) as they are in one-
on-one meetings with important decision-makers and

The country's sales force should be trained to make

presentations, respond to queries and objections, close
deals, and cope with account growth. Its work should be
tightly integrated with other promotional efforts such as
mass mailings, telemarketing, media releases, and direct
offers. Sales personnel should work hand in hand with
marketing intermediaries such as travel agents, financial
firms, investment funds, and corporate buyers.

Marketing intermediaries are at least as crucial to the

country's success as its sales force. They are trusted links
to investors, tourists, businessmen, and other "clients".
They constitute repositories of expertise as well as venues
of communication, both formal and informal. Though
usually decried by populist and ignorant politicians, their
role in smoothing the workings of the marketplace is
crucial. Countries should nurture and cultivate brokers
and go-betweens.

A marketing expert - preferably a former salesperson with

relevant experience in the field - should head the country's
marketing implementation oversight board or committee.
The Marketing Implementation Oversight Board should
include representatives of the various state bureaucracies,

the country's branding and advertising consultants and
agents, its sales force - and collaborating marketing

This body's task is to harmonize and coordinate the

country's various efforts at branding, advertising,
publicity, and promotion. It is the state's branding
headquarters and should enjoy wide supervisory as well as
executive powers.

In other words, marketing implementation is about

ensuring that the country's message is both timely
(synergetic) and coherent and, thus, both credible
(consistent) and efficient. Scarce resources are better
allocated and deployed if the left hand consults the right
one before it moves.

But how can a country judge the efficacy of its attempts to

brand or re-brand itself and, consequently, to attract

VII. Marketing Implementation, Evaluation, and


How can a country (region, state, city, municipality, or

other polity) judge the efficacy of its attempts to brand or
re-brand itself and, consequently, to attract customers
(investors, tourism operators, bankers, traders, and so on)?

Marketing is not a controlled process in an insulated lab.

It is prone to mishaps, last minute changes, conceptual
shifts, political upheavals, the volatility of markets, and,
in short, to the vagaries of human nature and natural
disasters. Some marketing efforts are known to have
backfired. Others have yielded lukewarm results.

Marketing requires constant fine tuning and adjustments
to reflect and respond to the kaleidoscopic environment of
our times.

But maximum benefits (under the circumstances) are

guaranteed if the client (the country, for instance)
implements a rigorous Marketing Implementation,
Evaluation, and Control (MIEV) plan.

The first task is to set realistic quantitative and qualitative

interim and final targets for the marketing program - and
then to constantly measure its actual performance and
compare it to the hoped for outcomes. Even nation
branding and place marketing require detailed projections
of expenditures vs. income (budget and pr-forma financial
statements) for monitoring purposes.

The five modules of MIEV are:

1. Annual plan control

This document includes all the government's managerial

objectives and (numerical) goals. It is actually a
breakdown of the aforementioned pro-forma financial
statements into monthly and quarterly figures of "sales"
(in terms of foreign direct investment, income from
tourism, trade figures, etc.) and profitability.

It comprises at least five performance gauging tools:

I. Sales analysis (comparing sales targets to actual sales

and accounting for discrepancies).

II. Market-share analysis (comparing the country's

"sales" with those of its competitors). The country should

also compare its own sales to the total sales in the global
market and to sales within its "market segment"
(neighboring countries, countries which share its political
ambience, same-size countries, etc.).

III. Expense-to-sales analysis demonstrates the range of

costs - both explicit and hidden (implicit) - of achieving
the country's sales goals.

IV. Financial analysis calculates various performance

ratios such as profits to sales (profit margin), sales to
assets (asset turnover), profits to assets (return on assets),
assets to worth (financial leverage), and, finally, profits to
worth (return on net worth of infrastructure).

V. Customer satisfaction is the ultimate indicator of

tracking goal achievement. The country should actively
seek, facilitate, and encourage feedback, both positive and
negative by creating friendly and ubiquitous complaint
and suggestion systems. Frequent satisfaction and
customer loyalty surveys should form an integral part of
any marketing drive.

Regrettably, most acceptable systems of national accounts

sorely lack the ability to cope with place marketing and
nation branding campaigns. Intangibles such as enhanced
reputation or investor satisfaction are excluded. There is
no clear definition as to what constitute the assets of a
country, its "sales", or its "profits".

2. Profitability control

There is no point in squandering scarce resources on

marketing efforts that guarantee nothing except name

recognition. Sales, profits, and expenditures should count
prominently in any evaluation (and re-evaluation) of on-
going campaigns. The country needs to get rid of
prejudices, biases, and misconceptions and clearly
identify what products and consumer groups yield the
most profits (have the highest relative earnings-capacity).
Money, time, and manpower should be allocated to cater
to the needs and desires of these top-earners.

3. Efficiency control

The global picture is important. An overview of the

marketing and sales efforts and their relative success (or
failure) is crucial. But a micro-level analysis is
indispensable. What is the sales force doing, where, and
how well? What are the localized reactions to the
advertising, sales promotion, and distribution drives? Are
there appreciable differences between the reactions of
various market niches and consumer types?

4. Strategic control

The complement of efficiency control is strategic control.

It weighs the overall and long-term marketing plan in
view of the country's basic data: its organization,
institutions, strengths, weaknesses, and market
opportunities. It is recommended to compare the country's
self-assessment (marketing-effectiveness rating review)
with an analysis prepared by an objective third party.

The marketing-effectiveness rating review incorporates

privileged information such as input and feedback from
the country's "customers" (investors, tourist operators,
traders, bankers, etc.), internal reports regarding the

adequacy and efficiency of the country's marketing
information, operations, strengths, strategies, and
integration (of various marketing, branding, and sales

5. Marketing audit

The marketing audit is, in some respects, the raw material

for the strategic control. Its role is to periodically make
sure that the marketing plan emphasizes the country's
strengths in ways that are compatible with shifting market
sentiments, current events, fashions, preferences, needs,
and priorities of relevant market players. This helps to
identify marketing opportunities and new or potential

The Encyclopedia Britannica (2005 edition) describes the

marketing audit thus:

"... (I)t covers all aspects of the marketing climate

(unlike a functional audit, which analyzes one
marketing activity), looking at both macro-environment
factors (demographic, economic, ecological,
technological, political, and cultural) and micro- or task-
environment factors (markets, customers, competitors,
distributors, dealers, suppliers, facilitators, and publics).
The audit includes analyses of the company's marketing
strategy, marketing organization, marketing systems,
and marketing productivity. It must be systematic in
order to provide concrete conclusions based on these
analyses. To ensure objectivity, a marketing audit is best
done by a person, department, or organization that is
independent of the company or marketing program.
Marketing audits should be done not only when the

value of a company's current marketing plan is in
question; they must be done periodically in order to
isolate and solve problems before they arise."

VIII. The Psychology and Demographics of the


The country's "customers" are its investors, tourists,

traders, market intermediaries, NGOs, and office-holders
in other countries and in multilateral institutions.
Understanding their psychology and demographics is
crucial. Their interactions with one another take place in a
complex environment, affected by governments, social
forces, cultural factors, and markets.

The country must clearly identify its clientele: who are

they, what motivates them, what do they do and buy (and
how, where and when), what are their decision-making
processes and priorities, who influences these and how. It
is important to remember that people and institutions buy
goods and services to satisfy needs. Nation branding is
tantamount to casting the country as the superior if not
exclusive answer to those needs it can cater to or even

The country's brand manager would do well to analyze the

purchasing process: how, when, and where transactions
are concluded. Understanding consumption and
investment habits and patterns allows for better targeting
and education of relevant market segments in order to
influence and alter the behavior of target customers.

The brand manager must distinguish consumer customers

from business customers and from institutional customers.

Consumer customers purchase goods and services from
the country for their own consumption. Tourists are
consumer customers.

Business customers buy goods and services from the

country on behalf of third parties. Tour operators are
business customers.

Institutional customers assemble information about the

country and analyze it in order to make or to influence
political and credit decisions. Banks, governments, NGOs,
and lenders evaluate and finance tourism projects based
on such data.

Business customers operate on a large scale and are,

therefore, less numerous and less dispersed than consumer
customers. Consequently, it is easier to foster long-term
and close relationships with them. But, being dependent
as they are on end-users, theirs is a volatile, demand-
driven market. Moreover, business customers are tough
negotiators (though some of them seek quality rather than
price advantage).

To attract these movers and shakers, the country's brand

manager must constantly monitor the global economy as
well as the economies of the nation's main partners.
Everything, from monetary policy to regulatory and fiscal
developments affect purchasing and investment decisions.

The Encyclopedia Britannica 2005 Edition mentions some

additional considerations:

"... Organizational factors, which include the objectives,

policies, procedures, structures, and systems that
characterize any particular company... Interpersonal

factors are more salient among business customers,
because the participants in the buying process—perhaps
representing several departments within a company—
often have different interests, authority, and
persuasiveness. Furthermore, the factors that affect an
individual in the business buying process are related to
the participant's role in the organization. These factors
include job position, risk attitudes, and income."

Consumer customers are the hardest to predict and

"manipulate" because they are influenced not merely by
hard-nosed intelligence - but also by rumors, age,
education, stage in one's life-cycle, occupation, lifestyle,
self-conception, past experiences, pecuniary
circumstances, personal predilections and prejudices, as
well as by a variety of cultural and social factors such as
one's values, perceptions, preferences, one's status,
reference groups, family, and role models. Thus, the
customer's idiosyncratic background largely determines
the economic outcome.

It is here that branding has an often decisive role. The

more costly, infrequent, and risky the purchase, the higher
the consumer's emotional involvement in the buying task.
The more differentiated the country's brand, the less the
anxiety provoked by the need to commit resources

NGOs - The Self-Appointed Altruists

By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

Also published by United Press International (UPI)

Their arrival portends rising local prices and a culture

shock. Many of them live in plush apartments, or five star
hotels, drive SUV's, sport $3000 laptops and PDA's. They
earn a two figure multiple of the local average wage. They
are busybodies, preachers, critics, do-gooders, and
professional altruists.

Always self-appointed, they answer to no constituency.

Though unelected and ignorant of local realities, they
confront the democratically chosen and those who voted
them into office. A few of them are enmeshed in crime
and corruption. They are the non-governmental
organizations, or NGO's.

Some NGO's - like Oxfam, Human Rights Watch,

Medecins Sans Frontieres, or Amnesty - genuinely
contribute to enhancing welfare, to the mitigation of
hunger, the furtherance of human and civil rights, or the
curbing of disease. Others - usually in the guise of think
tanks and lobby groups - are sometimes ideologically
biased, or religiously-committed and, often, at the service
of special interests.

NGO's - such as the International Crisis Group - have

openly interfered on behalf of the opposition in the last
parliamentary elections in Macedonia. Other NGO's have
done so in Belarus and Ukraine, Zimbabwe and Israel,
Nigeria and Thailand, Slovakia and Hungary - and even in

Western, rich, countries including the USA, Canada,
Germany, and Belgium.

The encroachment on state sovereignty of international

law - enshrined in numerous treaties and conventions -
allows NGO's to get involved in hitherto strictly domestic
affairs like corruption, civil rights, the composition of the
media, the penal and civil codes, environmental policies,
or the allocation of economic resources and of natural
endowments, such as land and water. No field of
government activity is now exempt from the glare of
NGO's. They serve as self-appointed witnesses, judges,
jury and executioner rolled into one.

Regardless of their persuasion or modus operandi, all

NGO's are top heavy with entrenched, well-remunerated,
extravagantly-perked bureaucracies. Opacity is typical of
NGO's. Amnesty's rules prevent its officials from publicly
discussing the inner workings of the organization -
proposals, debates, opinions - until they have become
officially voted into its Mandate. Thus, dissenting views
rarely get an open hearing.

Contrary to their teachings, the financing of NGO's is

invariably obscure and their sponsors unknown. The bulk
of the income of most non-governmental organizations,
even the largest ones, comes from - usually foreign -
powers. Many NGO's serve as official contractors for

NGO's serve as long arms of their sponsoring states -

gathering intelligence, burnishing their image, and
promoting their interests. There is a revolving door
between the staff of NGO's and government bureaucracies
the world over. The British Foreign Office finances a host

of NGO's - including the fiercely "independent" Global
Witness - in troubled spots, such as Angola. Many host
governments accuse NGO's of - unwittingly or knowingly
- serving as hotbeds of espionage.

Very few NGO's derive some of their income from public

contributions and donations. The more substantial NGO's
spend one tenth of their budget on PR and solicitation of
charity. In a desperate bid to attract international attention,
so many of them lied about their projects in the Rwanda
crisis in 1994, recounts "The Economist", that the Red
Cross felt compelled to draw up a ten point mandatory
NGO code of ethics. A code of conduct was adopted in
1995. But the phenomenon recurred in Kosovo.

All NGO's claim to be not for profit - yet, many of them

possess sizable equity portfolios and abuse their position
to increase the market share of firms they own. Conflicts
of interest and unethical behavior abound.

Cafedirect is a British firm committed to "fair trade"

coffee. Oxfam, an NGO, embarked, three years ago, on a
campaign targeted at Cafedirect's competitors, accusing
them of exploiting growers by paying them a tiny fraction
of the retail price of the coffee they sell. Yet, Oxfam owns
25% of Cafedirect.

Large NGO's resemble multinational corporations in

structure and operation. They are hierarchical, maintain
large media, government lobbying, and PR departments,
head-hunt, invest proceeds in professionally-managed
portfolios, compete in government tenders, and own a
variety of unrelated businesses. The Aga Khan Fund for
Economic Development owns the license for second
mobile phone operator in Afghanistan - among other

businesses. In this respect, NGO's are more like cults than
like civic organizations.

Many NGO's promote economic causes - anti-

globalization, the banning of child labor, the relaxing of
intellectual property rights, or fair payment for
agricultural products. Many of these causes are both
worthy and sound. Alas, most NGO's lack economic
expertise and inflict damage on the alleged recipients of
their beneficence. NGO's are at times manipulated by - or
collude with - industrial groups and political parties.

It is telling that the denizens of many developing countries

suspect the West and its NGO's of promoting an agenda of
trade protectionism. Stringent - and expensive - labor and
environmental provisions in international treaties may
well be a ploy to fend off imports based on cheap labor
and the competition they wreak on well-ensconced
domestic industries and their political stooges.

Take child labor - as distinct from the universally

condemnable phenomena of child prostitution, child
soldiering, or child slavery.

Child labor, in many destitute locales, is all that separates

the family from all-pervasive, life threatening, poverty. As
national income grows, child labor declines. Following
the outcry provoked, in 1995, by NGO's against soccer
balls stitched by children in Pakistan, both Nike and
Reebok relocated their workshops and sacked countless
women and 7000 children. The average family income -
anyhow meager - fell by 20 percent.

This affair elicited the following wry commentary from
economists Drusilla Brown, Alan Deardorif, and Robert

"While Baden Sports can quite credibly claim that their

soccer balls are not sewn by children, the relocation of
their production facility undoubtedly did nothing for their
former child workers and their families."

This is far from being a unique case. Threatened with

legal reprisals and "reputation risks" (being named-and-
shamed by overzealous NGO's) - multinationals engage in
preemptive sacking. More than 50,000 children in
Bangladesh were let go in 1993 by German garment
factories in anticipation of the American never-legislated
Child Labor Deterrence Act.

Former Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich, observed:

"Stopping child labor without doing anything else could

leave children worse off. If they are working out of
necessity, as most are, stopping them could force them
into prostitution or other employment with greater
personal dangers. The most important thing is that they be
in school and receive the education to help them leave

NGO-fostered hype notwithstanding, 70% of all children

work within their family unit, in agriculture. Less than 1
percent are employed in mining and another 2 percent in
construction. Again contrary to NGO-proffered panaceas,
education is not a solution. Millions graduate every year
in developing countries - 100,000 in Morocco alone. But
unemployment reaches more than one third of the
workforce in places such as Macedonia.

Children at work may be harshly treated by their
supervisors but at least they are kept off the far more
menacing streets. Some kids even end up with a skill and
are rendered employable.

"The Economist" sums up the shortsightedness,

inaptitude, ignorance, and self-centeredness of NGO's

"Suppose that in the remorseless search for profit,

multinationals pay sweatshop wages to their workers in
developing countries. Regulation forcing them to pay
higher wages is demanded... The NGOs, the reformed
multinationals and enlightened rich-country governments
propose tough rules on third-world factory wages, backed
up by trade barriers to keep out imports from countries
that do not comply. Shoppers in the West pay more - but
willingly, because they know it is in a good cause. The
NGOs declare another victory. The companies, having
shafted their third-world competition and protected their
domestic markets, count their bigger profits (higher wage
costs notwithstanding). And the third-world workers
displaced from locally owned factories explain to their
children why the West's new deal for the victims of
capitalism requires them to starve."

NGO's in places like Sudan, Somalia, Myanmar,

Bangladesh, Pakistan, Albania, and Zimbabwe have
become the preferred venue for Western aid - both
humanitarian and financial - development financing, and
emergency relief. According to the Red Cross, more
money goes through NGO's than through the World Bank.
Their iron grip on food, medicine, and funds rendered
them an alternative government - sometimes as venal and
graft-stricken as the one they replace.

Local businessmen, politicians, academics, and even
journalists form NGO's to plug into the avalanche of
Western largesse. In the process, they award themselves
and their relatives with salaries, perks, and preferred
access to Western goods and credits. NGO's have evolved
into vast networks of patronage in Africa, Latin America,
and Asia.

NGO's chase disasters with a relish. More than 200 of

them opened shop in the aftermath of the Kosovo refugee
crisis in 1999-2000. Another 50 supplanted them during
the civil unrest in Macedonia a year later. Floods,
elections, earthquakes, wars - constitute the cornucopia
that feed the NGO's.

NGO's are proponents of Western values - women's lib,

human rights, civil rights, the protection of minorities,
freedom, equality. Not everyone finds this liberal menu
palatable. The arrival of NGO's often provokes social
polarization and cultural clashes. Traditionalists in
Bangladesh, nationalists in Macedonia, religious zealots
in Israel, security forces everywhere, and almost all
politicians find NGO's irritating and bothersome.

The British government ploughs well over $30 million a

year into "Proshika", a Bangladeshi NGO. It started as a
women's education outfit and ended up as a restive and
aggressive women empowerment political lobby group
with budgets to rival many ministries in this
impoverished, Moslem and patriarchal country.

Other NGO's - fuelled by $300 million of annual foreign

infusion - evolved from humble origins to become mighty
coalitions of full-time activists. NGO's like the
Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC) and

the Association for Social Advancement mushroomed
even as their agendas have been fully implemented and
their goals exceeded. It now owns and operates 30,000

This mission creep is not unique to developing countries.

As Parkinson discerned, organizations tend to self-
perpetuate regardless of their proclaimed charter.
Remember NATO? Human rights organizations, like
Amnesty, are now attempting to incorporate in their ever-
expanding remit "economic and social rights" - such as
the rights to food, housing, fair wages, potable water,
sanitation, and health provision. How insolvent countries
are supposed to provide such munificence is conveniently

"The Economist" reviewed a few of the more egregious

cases of NGO imperialism.

Human Rights Watch lately offered this tortured argument

in favor of expanding the role of human rights NGO's:
"The best way to prevent famine today is to secure the
right to free expression - so that misguided government
policies can be brought to public attention and corrected
before food shortages become acute." It blatantly ignored
the fact that respect for human and political rights does
not fend off natural disasters and disease. The two
countries with the highest incidence of AIDS are Africa's
only two true democracies - Botswana and South Africa.

The Centre for Economic and Social Rights, an American

outfit, "challenges economic injustice as a violation of
international human rights law". Oxfam pledges to
support the "rights to a sustainable livelihood, and the
rights and capacities to participate in societies and make

positive changes to people's lives". In a poor attempt at
emulation, the WHO published an inanely titled document
- "A Human Rights Approach to Tuberculosis".

NGO's are becoming not only all-pervasive but more

aggressive. In their capacity as "shareholder activists",
they disrupt shareholders meetings and act to actively
tarnish corporate and individual reputations. Friends of
the Earth worked hard four years ago to instigate a
consumer boycott against Exxon Mobil - for not investing
in renewable energy resources and for ignoring global
warming. No one - including other shareholders -
understood their demands. But it went down well with the
media, with a few celebrities, and with contributors.

As "think tanks", NGO's issue partisan and biased reports.

The International Crisis Group published a rabid attack on
the then incumbent government of Macedonia, days
before an election, relegating the rampant corruption of its
predecessors - whom it seemed to be tacitly supporting -
to a few footnotes. On at least two occasions - in its
reports regarding Bosnia and Zimbabwe - ICG has
recommended confrontation, the imposition of sanctions,
and, if all else fails, the use of force. Though the most
vocal and visible, it is far from being the only NGO that
advocates "just" wars.

The ICG is a repository of former heads of state and has-

been politicians and is renowned (and notorious) for its
prescriptive - some say meddlesome - philosophy and
tactics. "The Economist" remarked sardonically: "To say
(that ICG) is 'solving world crises' is to risk
underestimating its ambitions, if overestimating its

NGO's have orchestrated the violent showdown during the
trade talks in Seattle in 1999 and its repeat performances
throughout the world. The World Bank was so intimidated
by the riotous invasion of its premises in the NGO-
choreographed "Fifty Years is Enough" campaign of
1994, that it now employs dozens of NGO activists and let
NGO's determine many of its policies.

NGO activists have joined the armed - though mostly

peaceful - rebels of the Chiapas region in Mexico.
Norwegian NGO's sent members to forcibly board
whaling ships. In the USA, anti-abortion activists have
murdered doctors. In Britain, animal rights zealots have
both assassinated experimental scientists and wrecked

Birth control NGO's carry out mass sterilizations in poor

countries, financed by rich country governments in a bid
to stem immigration. NGO's buy slaves in Sudan thus
encouraging the practice of slave hunting throughout sub-
Saharan Africa. Other NGO's actively collaborate with
"rebel" armies - a euphemism for terrorists.

NGO's lack a synoptic view and their work often

undermines efforts by international organizations such as
the UNHCR and by governments. Poorly-paid local
officials have to contend with crumbling budgets as the
funds are diverted to rich expatriates doing the same job
for a multiple of the cost and with inexhaustible hubris.

This is not conducive to happy co-existence between

foreign do-gooders and indigenous governments.
Sometimes NGO's seem to be an ingenious ploy to solve
Western unemployment at the expense of down-trodden

natives. This is a misperception driven by envy and

But it is still powerful enough to foster resentment and

worse. NGO's are on the verge of provoking a ruinous
backlash against them in their countries of destination.
That would be a pity. Some of them are doing
indispensable work. If only they were a wee more
sensitive and somewhat less ostentatious. But then they
wouldn't be NGO's, would they?

Interview granted to Revista Terra, Brazil, September


Q. NGOs are growing quickly in Brazil due to the

discredit politicians and governmental institutions face
after decades of corruption, elitism etc. The young
people feel they can do something concrete working as
activists in a NGOs. Isn't that a good thing? What kind
of dangers someone should be aware before enlisting
himself as a supporter of a NGO?

A. One must clearly distinguish between NGOs in the

sated, wealthy, industrialized West - and (the far more
numerous) NGOs in the developing and less developed

Western NGOs are the heirs to the Victorian tradition of

"White Man's Burden". They are missionary and charity-
orientated. They are designed to spread both aid (food,
medicines, contraceptives, etc.) and Western values. They
closely collaborate with Western governments and
institutions against local governments and institutions.

They are powerful, rich, and care less about the welfare of
the indigenous population than about "universal"
principles of ethical conduct.

Their counterparts in less developed and in developing

countries serve as substitutes to failed or dysfunctional
state institutions and services. They are rarely concerned
with the furthering of any agenda and more preoccupied
with the well-being of their constituents, the people.

Q. Why do you think many NGO activists are narcissists

and not altruists? What are the symptoms you identify
on them?

A. In both types of organizations - Western NGOs and

NGOs elsewhere - there is a lot of waste and corruption,
double-dealing, self-interested promotion, and, sometimes
inevitably, collusion with unsavory elements of society.
Both organizations attract narcissistic opportunists who
regards NGOs as venues of upward social mobility and
self-enrichment. Many NGOs serve as sinecures,
"manpower sinks", or "employment agencies" - they
provide work to people who, otherwise, are
unemployable. Some NGOs are involved in political
networks of patronage, nepotism, and cronyism.

Narcissists are attracted to money, power, and glamour.

NGOs provide all three. The officers of many NGOs draw
exorbitant salaries (compared to the average salary where
the NGO operates) and enjoy a panoply of work-related
perks. Some NGOs exert a lot of political influence and
hold power over the lives of millions of aid recipients.
NGOs and their workers are, therefore, often in the
limelight and many NGO activists have become minor
celebrities and frequent guests in talk shows and such.

Even critics of NGOs are often interviewed by the media

Finally, a slim minority of NGO officers and workers are

simply corrupt. They collude with venal officials to enrich
themselves. For instance: during the Kosovo crisis in
1999, NGO employees sold in the open market food,
blankets, and medical supplies intended for the refugees.

Q. How can one choose between good and bad NGOs?

A. There are a few simple tests:

1. What part of the NGO's budget is spent on salaries and

perks for the NGO's officers and employees? The less the

2. Which part of the budget is spent on furthering the aims

of the NGO and on implementing its promulgated
programs? The more the better.

3. What portion of the NGOs resources is allocated to

public relations and advertising? The less the better.

4. What part of the budget is contributed by governments,

directly or indirectly? The less the better.

5. What do the alleged beneficiaries of the NGO's

activities think of the NGO? If the NGO is feared,
resented, and hated by the local denizens, then something
is wrong!

6. How many of the NGO's operatives are in the field,

catering to the needs of the NGO's ostensible
constituents? The more the better.

7. Does the NGO own or run commercial enterprises? If it
does, it is a corrupt and compromised NGO involved in
conflicts of interest.

Q. The way you describe, many NGO are already more

powerful and politically influential than many
governments. What kind of dangers this elicits? Do you
think they are a pest that need control? What kind of
control would that be?

A. The voluntary sector is now a cancerous phenomenon.

NGOs interfere in domestic politics and take sides in
election campaigns. They disrupt local economies to the
detriment of the impoverished populace. They impose
alien religious or Western values. They justify military
interventions. They maintain commercial interests which
compete with indigenous manufacturers. They provoke
unrest in many a place. And this is a partial list.

The trouble is that, as opposed to most governments in the

world, NGOs are authoritarian. They are not elected
institutions. They cannot be voted down. The people have
no power over them. Most NGOs are ominously and
tellingly secretive about their activities and finances.

Light disinfects. The solution is to force NGOs to become

both democratic and accountable. All countries and
multinational organizations (such as the UN) should pass
laws and sign international conventions to regulate the
formation and operation of NGOs.

NGOs should be forced to democratize. Elections should

be introduced on every level. All NGOs should hold
"annual stakeholder meetings" and include in these
gatherings representatives of the target populations of the

NGOs. NGO finances should be made completely
transparent and publicly accessible. New accounting
standards should be developed and introduced to cope
with the current pecuniary opacity and operational double-
speak of NGOs.

Q. It seems that many values carried by NGO are

typically modern and Western. What kind of problems
this creates in more traditional and culturally different

A. Big problems. The assumption that the West has the

monopoly on ethical values is undisguised cultural
chauvinism. This arrogance is the 21st century equivalent
of the colonialism and racism of the 19th and 20th
century. Local populations throughout the world resent
this haughty presumption and imposition bitterly.

As you said, NGOs are proponents of modern Western

values - democracy, women's lib, human rights, civil
rights, the protection of minorities, freedom, equality. Not
everyone finds this liberal menu palatable. The arrival of
NGOs often provokes social polarization and cultural

The Wages of Science

By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

Also published by United Press International (UPI)

In the United States, Congress approved, In February

2003, increases in the 2003 budgets of both the National
Institutes of Health and National Science Foundation.
America is not alone in - vainly - trying to compensate for
imploding capital markets and risk-averse financiers.

In 1999, chancellor Gordon Brown inaugurated a $1.6

billion program of "upgrading British science" and
commercializing its products. This was on top of $1
billion invested between 1998-2002. The budgets of the
Medical Research Council and the Biotechnology and
Biological Sciences Research Council were quadrupled

The University Challenge Fund was set to provide $100

million in seed money to cover costs related to the hiring
of managerial skills, securing intellectual property,
constructing a prototype or preparing a business plan.
Another $30 million went to start-up funding of high-tech,
high-risk companies in the UK.

According to the United Nations Development

Programme (UNDP), the top 29 industrialized nations
invest in R&D more than $600 billion a year. The bulk of
this capital is provided by the private sector. In the United
Kingdom, for instance, government funds are dwarfed by
private financing, according to the British Venture Capital
Association. More than $80 billion have been ploughed
into 23,000 companies since 1983, about half of them in

the hi-tech sector. Three million people are employed in
these firms. Investments surged by 36 percent in 2001 to
$18 billion.

But this British exuberance is a global exception.

Even the - white hot - life sciences field suffered an 11

percent drop in venture capital investments in 2002,
reports the MoneyTree Survey. According to the Ernst &
Young 2002 Alberta Technology Report released in
March 2003, the Canadian hi-tech sector is languishing
with less than $3 billion invested in 2002 in seed capital -
this despite generous matching funds and tax credits
proffered by many of the provinces as well as the federal

In Israel, venture capital plunged to $600 million in 2002 -

one fifth its level in 2000. Aware of this cataclysmic
reversal in investor sentiment, the Israeli government set
up 24 hi-tech incubators. But these are able merely to
partly cater to the pecuniary needs of less than 20 percent
of the projects submitted.

As governments pick up the monumental slack created by

the withdrawal of private funding, they attempt to
rationalize and economize.

The New Jersey Commission of Health Science Education

and Training recently proposed to merge the state's three
public research universities. Soaring federal and state
budget deficits are likely to exert added pressure on the
already strained relationship between academe and state -
especially with regards to research priorities and the
allocation of ever-scarcer resources.

This friction is inevitable because the interaction between
technology and science is complex and ill-understood.
Some technological advances spawn new scientific fields
- the steel industry gave birth to metallurgy, computers to
computer science and the transistor to solid state physics.
The discoveries of science also lead, though usually
circuitously, to technological breakthroughs - consider the
examples of semiconductors and biotechnology.

Thus, it is safe to generalize and say that the technology

sector is only the more visible and alluring tip of the
drabber iceberg of research and development. The
military, universities, institutes and industry all over the
world plough hundreds of billions annually into both basic
and applied studies. But governments are the most
important sponsors of pure scientific pursuits by a long

Science is widely perceived as a public good - its benefits

are shared. Rational individuals would do well to sit back
and copy the outcomes of research - rather than produce
widely replicated discoveries themselves. The government
has to step in to provide them with incentives to innovate.

Thus, in the minds of most laymen and many economists,

science is associated exclusively with publicly-funded
universities and the defense establishment. Inventions
such as the jet aircraft and the Internet are often touted as
examples of the civilian benefits of publicly funded
military research. The pharmaceutical, biomedical,
information technology and space industries, for instance
- though largely private - rely heavily on the fruits of
nonrivalrous (i.e. public domain) science sponsored by the

The majority of 501 corporations surveyed by the
Department of Finance and Revenue Canada in 1995-6
reported that government funding improved their internal
cash flow - an important consideration in the decision to
undertake research and development. Most beneficiaries
claimed the tax incentives for seven years and recorded
employment growth.

In the absence of efficient capital markets and

adventuresome capitalists, some developing countries
have taken this propensity to extremes. In the Philippines,
close to 100 percent of all R&D is government-financed.
The meltdown of foreign direct investment flows - they
declined by nearly three fifths since 2000 - only rendered
state involvement more indispensable.

But this is not a universal trend. South Korea, for instance,

effected a successful transition to private venture capital
which now - even after the Asian turmoil of 1997 and the
global downturn of 2001 - amounts to four fifths of all
spending on R&D.

Thus, supporting ubiquitous government entanglement in

science is overdoing it. Most applied R&D is still
conducted by privately owned industrial outfits. Even
"pure" science - unadulterated by greed and commerce - is
sometimes bankrolled by private endowments and

Moreover, the conduits of government involvement in

research, the universities, are only weakly correlated with
growing prosperity. As Alison Wolf, professor of
education at the University of London elucidates in her
seminal tome "Does Education Matter? Myths about
Education and Economic Growth", published in 2002,

extra years of schooling and wider access to university do
not necessarily translate to enhanced growth (though
technological innovation clearly does).

Terence Kealey, a clinical biochemist, vice-chancellor of

the University of Buckingham in England and author of
"The Economic Laws of Scientific Research", is one of a
growing band of scholars who dispute the intuitive
linkage between state-propped science and economic
progress. In an interview published in March 2003 by
Scientific American, he recounted how he discovered that:

"Of all the lead industrial countries, Japan - the country

investing least in science - was growing fastest. Japanese
science grew spectacularly under laissez-faire. Its
science was actually purer than that of the U.K. or the
U.S. The countries with the next least investment were
France and Germany, and were growing next fastest.
And the countries with the maximum investment were
the U.S., Canada and U.K., all of which were doing very
badly at the time."

The Economist concurs: "it is hard for governments to

pick winners in technology." Innovation and science
sprout in - or migrate to - locations with tough laws
regarding intellectual property rights, a functioning
financial system, a culture of "thinking outside the box"
and a tradition of excellence.

Government can only remove obstacles - especially red

tape and trade tariffs - and nudge things in the right
direction by investing in infrastructure and institutions.
Tax incentives are essential initially. But if the authorities
meddle, they are bound to ruin science and be rued by

Still, all forms of science funding - both public and private
- are lacking.

State largesse is ideologically constrained, oft-

misallocated, inefficient and erratic (the recent examples
being stem-cell and cloning research in the USA). In the
United States, mega projects, such as the Superconducting
Super Collider, with billions already sunk in, have been
abruptly discontinued as were numerous other defense-
related schemes. Additionally, some knowledge gleaned
in government-funded research is barred from the public

But industrial money can be worse. It comes with strings

attached. The commercially detrimental results of drug
studies have been suppressed by corporate donors on
more than one occasion, for instance. Commercial entities
are unlikely to support basic research as a public good,
ultimately made available to their competitors as a
"spillover benefit". This understandable reluctance stifles

There is no lack of suggestions on how to square this


Quoted in the Philadelphia Business Journal, Donald

Drakeman, CEO of the Princeton biotech company
Medarex, proposed In February 2003 to encourage
pharmaceutical companies to shed technologies they have
chosen to shelve: "Just like you see little companies
coming out of the research being conducted at Harvard
and MIT in Massachusetts and Stanford and Berkley in
California, we could do it out of Johnson & Johnson and

This would be the corporate equivalent of the Bayh-Dole
Act of 1980. The statute made both academic institutions
and researchers the owners of inventions or discoveries
financed by government agencies. This unleashed a wave
of unprecedented self-financing entrepreneurship.

In the two decades that followed, the number of patents

registered to universities increased tenfold and they spun
off more than 2200 firms to commercialize the fruits of
research. In the process, they generated $40 billion in
gross national product and created 260,000 jobs.

None of this was government financed - though,

according to The Economist's Technology Quarterly, $1
in research usually requires up to $10,000 in capital to get
to market. This suggests a clear and mutually profitable
division of labor - governments should picks up the tab
for basic research, private capital should do the rest,
stimulated by the transfer of intellectual property from
state to entrepreneurs.

But this raises a host of contentious issues.

Such a scheme may condition industry to depend on the

state for advances in pure science, as a kind of hidden
subsidy. Research priorities are bound to be politicized
and lead to massive misallocation of scarce economic
resources through pork barrel politics and the imposition
of "national goals". NASA, with its "let's put a man on the
moon (before the Soviets do)" and the inane International
Space Station is a sad manifestation of such dangers.

Science is the only public good that is produced by

individuals rather than collectives. This inner conflict is
difficult to resolve. On the one hand, why should the

public purse enrich entrepreneurs? On the other hand,
profit-driven investors seek temporary monopolies in the
form of intellectual property rights. Why would they share
this cornucopia with others, as pure scientists are
compelled to do?

The partnership between basic research and applied

science has always been an uneasy one. It has grown more
so as monetary returns on scientific insight have soared
and as capital available for commercialization multiplied.
The future of science itself is at stake.

Were governments to exit the field, basic research would

likely crumble. Were they to micromanage it - applied
science and entrepreneurship would suffer. It is a fine
balancing act and, judging by the state of both universities
and startups, a precarious one as well.

Also Read:

The Solow Paradox

The Internet in Countries in Transition

Leapfrogging Transition - Technology and Post


The Revolt of the Poor - Intellectual Property Rights

Leapfrogging to Cellular

Transition in Context

By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

Also published by United Press International (UPI)

The implosion of communism was often presented - not

least by Francis Fukuyama in his celebrated "The end of
History" - as the incontrovertible victory of economic
liberalism over Marxism. In truth, the battle raged for
seven decades between two strands of socialism.

Social democracy was conceived in the 19th century as a

benign alternative to the revolutionary belligerence of
Marx and Engels. It sparred with communism - the
virulent and authoritarian species of socialism that
Marxism has mutated into. European history between
1946-1989 was not a clash of diametrically opposed
ideologies - but an internecine war between two
competing interpretations of the same doctrine.

Both contestants boasted a single market - the European

Union and COMECON, respectively. In both the state
was heavily involved in the economy and owned a sizable
chunk of the means of production, though in the Soviet
Union and its satellites, the state was the economy.

Both sported well-developed, entrenched and all-

pervasive welfarism. Both east and west were stiflingly
bureaucratic, statist, profoundly illiberal and
comprehensively regulated. Crucially, the west was
economically successful and democratic while Russia
evolved into a paranoid nightmare of inefficiency and
gloom. Hence its demise.

When communism crumbled, all of Europe - east and
west - experienced a protracted and agonizing transition.
Privatization, deregulation, competition and liberalization
swept across both parts of the continent. The irony is that
central and east Europe's adaptation was more farfetched
and alacritous than the west's.

The tax burden - a measure of the state's immersion in the

economy - still equals more than two fifths of gross
domestic product in all members of the European Union.
The countries in transition - from Russia to Bulgaria and
from Estonia to Hungary - are way more economically
liberal today than France, Germany and even Britain - let
alone the nations of Scandinavia.

An increasingly united Europe has opted for "capitalism

with a human face" - the democratic isotope of socialism
(sometimes with a touch of corporatism). But it now faces
the challenge of the Anglo-Saxon variety of the free
market. Nowhere is this ideological altercation more
evident than in the countries formerly behind the iron

Long before Enron and, the tech bubble and

Wall Street's accounting frauds and pernicious conflicts of
interest - transition has exposed the raw and vulnerable
nerves running through the foundations of Anglo-Saxon
capitalism. Eastern Europe is a monument to the folly of
unmitigated and unbridled freemarketry.

Transition has given economists a rare chance to study

capitalism and economic policies from scratch. What's
more important - free markets, institutions, education,
democracy, or capital? Central and east Europe became a
giant lab in which to peruse policies pertaining to

criminality, private property ownership, entrepreneurship,
privatization, income distribution, employment, inflation
and social welfare.

Superficially, the debate revolved around the scientific

rigor and usefulness - or lack thereof - of the "Washington
Consensus". Opposing monetary and fiscal policies, free
trade versus protectionism, capital controls and
convertibility - these occupied the minds and writings of
all manner of economic and development "experts" in the
first decade after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Yet, deep underneath, transition - perhaps because it was

so thoroughly botched - taught us unforgettable lessons
about markets and the way they work, namely that
"objective", "mechanical" capitalism is a mirage.

Perhaps the most important moral is that, like all other

economic processes - transition is, mostly, in the mind.
Successful capitalism requires education and experience.
The blind in east Europe were led by the one-eyed.
Capitalism was presented - especially by Western
protagonists of "shock therapy" - as a deus ex machina, a
panacea, guaranteed to transport the region's derelict
economies and destitute people to the kitschy glamour of
the tacky soap operas that flooded their television screens.

Bedazzled by the alleged omnipotence and omniscience of

the "invisible hand", no one predicted the utter meltdown
that ensued: the mass unemployment, the ubiquitous
poverty, the glaring abyss between new rich and always
poor, or the skyrocketing prices even as income
plummeted. Nor were the good parts of the new economic
regime understood or explained: private property,
personal profit, incentives.

The dangers of transition were flippantly ignored and the
peoples of central and eastern Europe were treated as
mere guinea pigs by eager Western economists on fat
retainers. Crime was allowed to hijack important parts of
the post-communist economic agenda, such as the
privatization of state assets. Kleptocracies subsumed the
newborn states. Social safety nets crumbled.

In their vainglorious attempt to pose as accurate and, thus,

"respectable", scientists, economists refused to admit that
capitalism is not merely a compendium of algorithms and
formulas - but mainly a state of mind. It is an all-
encompassing, holistic, worldview, a set of values, a code
of conduct, a list of goals, aspirations, fantasies and
preferences and a catalog of moral do's and don'ts. This is
where transition, micromanaged by these "experts" failed.

The mere exposure to free markets was supposed to

unleash innovation and entrepreneurship in the long-
oppressed populations of east Europe. When this recipe
bombed, the West tried to engender a stable, share-
holding, business-owning, middle class by financing small
size enterprises. It then proceeded to strengthen and
transform indigenous institutions. None of it worked.
Transition had no grassroots support and its prescriptive -
and painful - nature caused wide resentment and

The process of transition informed us that markets, left to

their own devices, unregulated and unharnessed, yield
market failures, anomies, crime and the misallocation of
economic resources. The invisible hand must be firmly
clasped and guided by functioning and impartial
institutions, an ingrained culture of entrepreneurship and

fair play, classes of stakeholders, checks and balances and
good governance on all levels.

Wealth, behavioral standards, initiative, risk seeking - do

not always "trickle down". To get rid of central planning -
more central planning is required. The state must
counteract numerous market failures , provide some
public goods, establish and run institutions, tutor
everyone, baby-sit venture capitalists, enhance innovation,
enforce laws and standards, maintain safety, attract
foreign investment, cope with unemployment and, at
times, establish and operate markets for goods and
services. This omnipresence runs against the grain of
Anglo-Saxon liberalism.

Moreover, such an expanded role of the state sits

uncomfortably with complete political liberty. That
capitalism is inextricably linked to democracy is a well-
meaning fallacy - or a convenient pretext for geopolitical
power grabs. East Europe's transition stalled partly due to
political anarchy. China's transition, by comparison, is
spectacular - inflated figures notwithstanding - because it
chose a gradual approach to liberalization: first economic,
then political.

Last but not least, pure, "American", capitalism and pure

Marxism have more in common than either would care to
admit. Both are utopian. Both are materialistic. Both are
doctrinaire. Both believe that "it's a jungle out there".
Both seek social mobility through control of the means of
production. Both claim to be egalitarian forms of social
engineering and are civilizing, millennial, universal,
missionary pseudo-religions.

The denizens of the nether regions of central and eastern
Europe have been the victims of successive economic
utopias. They fear and suspect ideological purity. They
have been conditioned by the authoritarian breed of
socialism they endured, really little more than an
overblown conspiracy theory, a persecutory delusion
which invariably led to Stalinesque paranoid backlashes.
Indeed, Stalin was more representative of communism
than any other leader before or after him.

The Economist summed this semipternal mass hysteria

neatly thus:

"The core idea that economic structure determines

everything has been especially pernicious ... The idea
that ... rights have a deeper moral underpinning is an
illusion. Morality itself is an illusion., just another
weapon of the ruling class. As Gyorgy Lukasc put it,
'Communist ethics makes it the highest duty to act
wickedly ... This is the greatest sacrifice revolution asks
from us.' Human agency is null: we are mere dupes of
'the system', until we repudiate it outright. What goes for
ethics also goes for history, literature, the rest of the
humanities and the social sciences. The 'late Marxist'
sees them all ... not as subjects for disinterested
intellectual inquiry but as forms of social control."

Many in Europe feel that the above paragraph might as

well have been written about Anglo-Saxon capitalism.
Reduced to bare-bones materialism, it is amoral, if not
immoral. It upholds natural selection instead of ethics,
prefers money to values, wealth formation to social

Predators everywhere - Russian oligarchs, central
European cronies, Balkan kleptocrats, east European
managers - find this gratifying. All others regard
capitalism as yet another rigid and unforgiving creed, this
time imposed from Washington by the IMF and
multinationals rather as communism was enjoined from
Moscow by the Kremlin.

With eight of the former communist countries now new

members of the European Union - albeit second rate ones
- transition is entering is most fascinating phase. Exposed
hitherto to American teachings and practices, the new
members are forced to adhere to a whole different rule
book - all 82,000 pages of it.

European "capitalism" is really a hybrid of the socialist

and liberal teachings of the 19th century. It emphasizes
consensus, community, solidarity, equality, stability and
continuity. It places these values above profitability,
entrepreneurship, competition, individualism, mobility,
size, litigation and the use of force. Europeans firmly
believe that the workings of the market should be
tampered with and that it is the responsibility of the state
to see to it that no one gets left behind or trampled upon.

European stakeholder capitalism is paternalistic and

inclusive. Employees, employers, the government,
communities and suppliers are partners in the decision
making process or privies to it. Relics of past models of
the market economy still abound in this continent:
industrial policy, Keynesian government spending,
development aid, export and production subsidies, trade
protectionism, the state-sanctioned support of nascent and
infant industries. Mild corporatism is rife and manifest in
central wage bargaining.

For some countries - notably Estonia - joining the EU has
translated into a de-liberalized and re-regulated future.
Others find the EU's brand of the market a comfortable
and dimly familiar middle ground between America's
harsh prescriptions and communism's delusional model.
The EU's faceless and Kafkaesque bureaucracy in
Brussels - Moscow revisited - should prove to be a relief
compared to the IMF's ruffians.

The EU is evolving into a land empire, albeit glacially.

The polities of central and eastern Europe were always
constituents of empires - reluctantly or by choice. In some
ways they are better suited to form an "ever closer union"
than the more veteran members.

Lessons in Transition from Communism to Capitalism

By: Sam Vaknin, Ph.D.

Question: What have been the most successful

approaches to attracting direct foreign investments:
offering prospective investors tax breaks and similar
benefits, or improving the overall investment climate of
the country?

Empirical research has demonstrated that investors are not

lured by tax breaks and monetary or fiscal investment
incentives. They will take advantage of existing schemes
(and ask for more, pitting one country against another).
But these will never be the determining factors in their
decision making. They are much more likely to be swayed
by the level of protection of property rights, degree of
corruption, transparency, state of the physical
infrastructure, education and knowledge of foreign
languages and "mission critical skills", geographical

position and proximity to markets and culture and

Question: What have been successful techniques for

countries to improve their previously negative investment

The politicians of the country need to be seen to be

transparently, non-corruptly encouraging business,
liberalizing and protecting the property rights of investors.
One real, transparent (for instance through international
tender) privatization; one case where the government
supported a foreigner against a local; one politician
severely punished for corruption and nepotism; one
fearless news medium – change a country's image.

Question: Should there be restrictions on repatriation of

foreign investment capital (such restrictions could prevent
an investment panic, but at the same time they negatively
affect investor's confidence)?

Short term and long term capital flows are two disparate
phenomena with very little in common. The former is
speculative and technical in nature and has very little to
do with fundamental realities. The latter is investment
oriented and committed to the increasing of the welfare
and wealth of its new domicile. It is, therefore, wrong to
talk about "global capital flows". There are investments
(including even long term portfolio investments and
venture capital) – and there is speculative, "hot" money.
While "hot money" is very useful as a lubricant on the
wheels of liquid capital markets in rich countries – it can
be destructive in less liquid, immature economies or in
economies in transition.

The two phenomena should be accorded a different
treatment. While long term capital flows should be
completely liberalized, encouraged and welcomed – the
short term, "hot money" type should be controlled and
even discouraged. The introduction of fiscally-oriented
capital controls (as Chile has implemented) is one
possibility. The less attractive Malaysian model springs to
mind. It is less attractive because it penalizes both the
short term and the long term financial players. But it is
clear that an important and integral part of the new
International Financial Architecture MUST be the control
of speculative money in pursuit of ever higher yields.
There is nothing inherently wrong with high yields – but
the capital markets provide yields connected to economic
depression and to price collapses through the mechanism
of short selling and through the usage of certain
derivatives. This aspect of things must be neutered or at
least countered.

Question: What approach has been most useful in best

serving the needs of small businesses: through private
business support firms, business associations, or by
government agencies?

It depends where. In Israel (until the beginning of the

90s), South Korea and Japan (until 1997) – the state
provided the necessary direction and support. In the USA
– the private sector invented its own enormously
successful support structures (such as venture capital
funds). The right approach depends on the characteristics
of the country in question: how entrepreneurial are its
citizens, how accessible are credits and microcredits to
SMEs, how benign are the bankruptcy laws (which always
reflect a social ethos), how good is its physical
infrastructure, how educated are its citizens and so on.

Question: How might collective action problems among
numerous and dispersed small and medium entrepreneurs
best be dealt with?

It is a strange question to ask in the age of cross-Atlantic

transportation, telecommunication and computer networks
(such as the Internet). Geographical dispersion is
absolutely irrelevant. The problem is in the diverging self-
interests of the various players. The more numerous they
are, the more niche-orientated, the smaller – the lesser the
common denominator. A proof of this fragmentation is the
declining power of cartels – trade unions, on the one hand
and business trusts, monopolies and cartels, on the other
hand. The question is not whether this can be overcome
but whether it SHOULD be overcome. Such diversity of
interests is the lifeblood of the modern market economy
which is based on conflicts and disagreements as much as
it is based on the ability to ultimately compromise and
reach a consensus.

What needs to be done centrally is public relations and

education. People, politicians, big corporations need to be
taught the value and advantages of small business, of
entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship. And new ways to
support this sector need to be constantly devised.

Question: How might access of small business to start-up

capital and other resources best be facilitated?

The traditional banks all over the world failed at

maintaining the balancing act between risk and reward.
The result was a mega shift to the capital markets. Stock
exchanges for trading the shares of small and technology
companies sprang all over the world (NASDAQ in the
USA, the former USM in London, the Neuemarkt in

Germany and so on). Investment and venture capital funds
became the second most important source quantitatively.
They not only funded budding entrepreneurs but also
coached them and saw them through the excruciating and
dangerous research and development phases.

But these are rich world solutions.

An important development is the invention of "third world

solutions" such as microcredits granted to the agrarian or
textile sectors, mainly to women and which involve the
whole community.

Question: Women start one-third of new businesses in the

region: now can this contribution to economic growth be
further stimulated?

By providing them with the conditions to work and

exercise their entrepreneurial skills. By establishing day
care centres for their children. By providing microcredits
(women have proven to be inordinately reliable
borrowers). By giving them tax credits. By allowing or
encouraging flexitime or part time work or work from
home. By recognizing the home as the domicile of
business (especially through the appropriate tax laws). By
equalizing their legal rights and their pay. By protecting
them from sexual or gender harassment.

The Morality of Child Labor

By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

Also published by United Press International (UPI)

From the comfort of their plush offices and five to six

figure salaries, self-appointed NGO's often denounce
child labor as their employees rush from one five star
hotel to another, $3000 subnotebooks and PDA's in hand.
The hairsplitting distinction made by the ILO between
"child work" and "child labor" conveniently targets
impoverished countries while letting its budget
contributors - the developed ones - off-the-hook.

Reports regarding child labor surface periodically.

Children crawling in mines, faces ashen, body deformed.
The agile fingers of famished infants weaving soccer balls
for their more privileged counterparts in the USA. Tiny
figures huddled in sweatshops, toiling in unspeakable
conditions. It is all heart-rending and it gave rise to a
veritable not-so-cottage industry of activists,
commentators, legal eagles, scholars, and
opportunistically sympathetic politicians.

Ask the denizens of Thailand, sub-Saharan Africa, Brazil,

or Morocco and they will tell you how they regard this
altruistic hyperactivity - with suspicion and resentment.
Underneath the compelling arguments lurks an agenda of
trade protectionism, they wholeheartedly believe.
Stringent - and expensive - labor and environmental
provisions in international treaties may well be a ploy to
fend off imports based on cheap labor and the competition
they wreak on well-ensconced domestic industries and
their political stooges.

This is especially galling since the sanctimonious West
has amassed its wealth on the broken backs of slaves and
kids. The 1900 census in the USA found that 18 percent
of all children - almost two million in all - were gainfully
employed. The Supreme Court ruled unconstitutional laws
banning child labor as late as 1916. This decision was
overturned only in 1941.

The GAO published a report last week in which it

criticized the Labor Department for paying insufficient
attention to working conditions in manufacturing and
mining in the USA, where many children are still
employed. The Bureau of Labor Statistics pegs the
number of working children between the ages of 15-17 in
the USA at 3.7 million. One in 16 of these worked in
factories and construction. More than 600 teens died of
work-related accidents in the last ten years.

Child labor - let alone child prostitution, child soldiers,

and child slavery - are phenomena best avoided. But they
cannot and should not be tackled in isolation. Nor should
underage labor be subjected to blanket castigation.
Working in the gold mines or fisheries of the Philippines
is hardly comparable to waiting on tables in a Nigerian or,
for that matter, American restaurant.

There are gradations and hues of child labor. That

children should not be exposed to hazardous conditions,
long working hours, used as means of payment, physically
punished, or serve as sex slaves is commonly agreed. That
they should not help their parents plant and harvest may
be more debatable.

As Miriam Wasserman observes in "Eliminating Child

Labor", published in the Federal Bank of Boston's

"Regional Review", second quarter of 2000, it depends on
"family income, education policy, production
technologies, and cultural norms." About a quarter of
children under-14 throughout the world are regular
workers. This statistic masks vast disparities between
regions like Africa (42 percent) and Latin America (17

In many impoverished locales, child labor is all that

stands between the family unit and all-pervasive, life
threatening, destitution. Child labor declines markedly as
income per capita grows. To deprive these bread-earners
of the opportunity to lift themselves and their families
incrementally above malnutrition, disease, and famine - is
an apex of immoral hypocrisy.

Quoted by "The Economist", a representative of the much

decried Ecuador Banana Growers Association and
Ecuador's Labor Minister, summed up the dilemma
neatly: "Just because they are under age doesn't mean we
should reject them, they have a right to survive. You can't
just say they can't work, you have to provide alternatives."

Regrettably, the debate is so laden with emotions and self-

serving arguments that the facts are often overlooked.

The outcry against soccer balls stitched by children in

Pakistan led to the relocation of workshops ran by Nike
and Reebok. Thousands lost their jobs, including
countless women and 7000 of their progeny. The average
family income - anyhow meager - fell by 20 percent.
Economists Drusilla Brown, Alan Deardorif, and Robert
Stern observe wryly:

"While Baden Sports can quite credibly claim that their
soccer balls are not sewn by children, the relocation of
their production facility undoubtedly did nothing for their
former child workers and their families."

Such examples abound. Manufacturers - fearing legal

reprisals and "reputation risks" (naming-and-shaming by
overzealous NGO's) - engage in preemptive sacking.
German garment workshops fired 50,000 children in
Bangladesh in 1993 in anticipation of the American
never-legislated Child Labor Deterrence Act.

Quoted by Wasserstein, former Secretary of Labor, Robert

Reich, notes:

"Stopping child labor without doing anything else could

leave children worse off. If they are working out of
necessity, as most are, stopping them could force them
into prostitution or other employment with greater
personal dangers. The most important thing is that they be
in school and receive the education to help them leave

Contrary to hype, three quarters of all children work in

agriculture and with their families. Less than 1 percent
work in mining and another 2 percent in construction.
Most of the rest work in retail outlets and services,
including "personal services" - a euphemism for
prostitution. UNICEF and the ILO are in the throes of
establishing school networks for child laborers and
providing their parents with alternative employment.

But this is a drop in the sea of neglect. Poor countries

rarely proffer education on a regular basis to more than
two thirds of their eligible school-age children. This is

especially true in rural areas where child labor is a
widespread blight. Education - especially for women - is
considered an unaffordable luxury by many hard-pressed
parents. In many cultures, work is still considered to be
indispensable in shaping the child's morality and strength
of character and in teaching him or her a trade.

"The Economist" elaborates:

"In Africa children are generally treated as mini-adults;

from an early age every child will have tasks to perform in
the home, such as sweeping or fetching water. It is also
common to see children working in shops or on the
streets. Poor families will often send a child to a richer
relation as a housemaid or houseboy, in the hope that he
will get an education."

A solution recently gaining steam is to provide families in

poor countries with access to loans secured by the future
earnings of their educated offspring. The idea - first
proposed by Jean-Marie Baland of the University of
Namur and James A. Robinson of the University of
California at Berkeley - has now permeated the

Even the World Bank has contributed a few studies,

notably, in June, "Child Labor: The Role of Income
Variability and Access to Credit Across Countries"
authored by Rajeev Dehejia of the NBER and Roberta
Gatti of the Bank's Development Research Group.

Abusive child labor is abhorrent and should be banned

and eradicated. All other forms should be phased out
gradually. Developing countries already produce millions
of unemployable graduates a year - 100,000 in Morocco

alone. Unemployment is rife and reaches, in certain
countries - such as Macedonia - more than one third of the
workforce. Children at work may be harshly treated by
their supervisors but at least they are kept off the far more
menacing streets. Some kids even end up with a skill and
are rendered employable.

The Technology of Law
The Law of Technology

An Epistolary Dialogue Between

Roberto Calvo Macias and Dr. Sam Vaknin

"The juvenile sea squirt wanders through the sea

searching for a suitable rock or hunk of coral to cling to
and make it its home for life. For this task, it has a
rudimentary nervous system. When it finds its spot and
takes root, it doesn't need its brain anymore, so it eats it.
(its rather like getting tenure)."
Daniel Dennet - Quoted in Paul Thagard's Mind - An
Introduction to Cognitive Science

"Everything in nature, in the inanimate as well as the

animate world, happens according to rules, although we
do not always know these rules."
Immanuel Kant, Logic

"The fuzzy principle states that everything is a matter of

Bart Kosko, Fuzzy Thinking: The New Science of Fuzzy

"When one admits that nothing is certain one must, I

think, also add that some things are more nearly certain
than others."
Bertrand Russell, "Am I an Atheist or an Agnostic?"

"Most of us can learn to live in perfect comfort on higher

levels of power. Everyone knows that on any given day
there are energies slumbering in him which the
incitements of that day do not call forth. Compared with
what we ought to be, we are only half awake. It is evident

that our organism has stored-up reserves of energy that are
ordinarily not called upon - deeper and deeper strata of
explosible material, ready for use by anyone who probes
so deep. The human individual usually lives far within his
William James

Hi, Sam

Thanks for the info. Those problems reveal the

contradictions of legality and the new technologies. In
fact, this is a question of "statism and mobility". To
resolve this (apparent?) contradiction is a great task for
judges and legislators. F.G. Junger studied this matter on
"Die Perfektion of Technology" (1939). He said that
technicians were going to attack the law, transforming
traditional law (with its classic proceedings) into a
technological regulation. This is, in my opinion,
inevitable. So, it seems to me, that we shall work in that
direction. How can technological regulation - as fast as it
is - be humanlike? One (possible) solution(?) is the one I
have developed in "Chaos AD", which is biased towards
the big difference of the speed between the dissemination
of financial and other information and the much slower
democratic proceedings. My idea (based upon the book
"The Economy of Chaos" by Antonio Escohotado, 1999)
was to reduce this unevenness by speeding democratic
transmissions (elections, referenda, legal procedures)
while, at the same time, reducing legal complications. But
my idea seem to be just that, an idea(l). The problem
remains because the law, of its very being, is slow
(compared to the speed of light financial movements).

From another angle, we should study not only the legal
questions but the real possibilities. It is evident that
normal persons will always have legal problems
(remember that prisons and madhouses are usually
inhabited by the poor). But to the cyber-elites things are
quite different for they know the THE SECRET ART OF
POWER of the internet. The problem to an elite of
hackers lies not in legal impediments but in divining its
proper real name.

As I have said in Elite, hackers, as a techno-vanguard, are

not subjected to any moral or legal constraints, for they
are out of the boundaries of the law (in time and space).
They are like conquerors, the law follows them. This does
not mean that they do not have (legal) problems but they
are of another kind and of other risks. So, I think we
should distinguish in our work between those two kinds of
actions (positive and passive).

Before start I would like to make some refinements. As

the Law is directly related to language, I shall declare that
my knowledge of the Law is practically non-existent. To
this understatement, we must add my precarious
knowledge of the English language. So, I am in a
disadvantaged position. Due to this you should take the
heavy part of this dialogue. My position will be confined
only to making some intuitive questions. In doing that we
could also clear some obscure questions on "The
Economics of Law and the laws of Economy" - as if this
dialogue were to be an appendix to that large course of
economics you have been running on your website for
some years now.

As you can see, I have tied "economics" and law. In my

opinion the two are, in civilized cultures, tied inextricably

- just like the Romans observed very well. This won´t be a
problem to our study because economics is, since the 70s,
under the complete dominion of technology and its new
race of techno-economic engineers and their financial

Its also necessary to delineate some aspects of this

subject. It is my contention that historical points of view
are not enough to evaluate correctly this "strange world of
ours". So, I will use, apart from historical reviews,
mythical contexts.

There are some major questions that arise in that terrible

"clash" between technology and law. Here are several
tracks to take off:

Ethics have been always related to slow motion. Does

technology mean the death of morality (to use Nietzsche's
terms:-). What kind of justice and laws can be applied in
such a fast tempo? There are great problems with official
documents and digital formats.

Some good analysis of a space with fast changing laws

are: Alice in Wonderland and in a more technologically-
orientated way: Wittgenstein's study of the
transformations of language.

Another important feature of technology that has a direct

relationship to the realm of the law is the cybernetic field
(the pennant of this complex world is the book
"Cybernetica" by Norbert Wiener), which has the
revealing subtitle: "Control in Animals and Humans").
The ever increasing figures of mechanic, electronic and
photo-technological controls belongs to "the sign of the

The eruption of a enormous amount of lawyers which
almost form a new class.

The problems inherent in legislating in the financial realm

with its new instruments and techniques which include
financial computing, special contracts "over the counter"
of great complexity, new theoretical products that appear
at great speed (the great problems of the USA
administration to control these "volcanic eruptions" of

The using of money as Leibniz´s universal characteristic

(and its consequences: devaluation of all values).

The ever increasing complexity of Laws and their

(priest/secret) arcane languages which open an abyss
between the normal person and the "initiated".

Well, I think it is enough for a start. Your turn.

best regards

Dear RCM,

No amount of self-deprecation will suffice to hide the fact

that you are an original thinker. One does not to be a
lawyer to discuss the law, the way one has to be a
quantum physicist to discuss string theory. The law has
one thing in common with technology: it is all-pervasive,
it permeates every minutest aspect of our existence, it is
the embodiment of (social and economic) philosophies
and it evolves constantly (though, as you say, less
speedily than technology does).

Before I explore to your various points (probably in my
next letter, not to render this one too long) - let me be the
nitpicker and set up the framework for our intellectual
Christmas adventure.

One can discern the following relationships between the

Law and Technology:

1. Sometimes technology becomes an inseparable part of

the law. In extreme cases, technology itself becomes the
law. The use of polygraphs, faxes, telephones, video,
audio and computers is an integral part of many laws -
etched into them. It is not an artificial co-habitation: the
technology is precisely defined in the law and forms a
CONDITION within it. In other words: the very spirit and
letter of the law is violated (the law is broken) if a certain
technology is not employed or not put to correct use.
Think about police laboratories, about the O.J. Simpson
case, the importance of DNA prints in everything from
determining fatherhood to exposing murderers. Think
about the admissibility of polygraph tests in a few
countries. Think about the polling of members of boards
of directors by phone or fax (explicitly required by law in
many countries). Think about assisted suicide by
administering painkillers (medicines are by far the most
sizeable technology in terms of money). Think about
security screening by using advances technology (retina
imprints, voice recognition). In all these cases, the use of a
specific, well defined, technology is not arbitrarily left to
the judgement of law enforcement agents and courts. It is
not a set of options, a menu to choose from. It is an
INTEGRAL, crucial part of the law and, in many
instances, it IS the law itself.

2. Technology itself contains embedded laws of all kinds.
Consider internet protocols. These are laws which form
part and parcel of the process of decentralized data
exchange so central to the internet. Even the language
used by the technicians implies the legal origin of these
protocols: "handshake", "negotiating", "protocol",
"agreement" are all legal terms. Standards, protocols,
behavioural codes - whether voluntarily adopted or not -
are all form of Law. Thus, internet addresses are allocated
by a central authority. Netiquette is enforced universally.
Special chips and software prevent render certain content
inaccessible. The scientific method (a codex) is part of
every technological advance. Microchips incorporate in
silicone agreements regarding standards. The law
becomes a part of the technology and can be deduced
simply by studying it in a process known as "reverse
engineering". In stating this, I am making a distinction
between lex naturalis and lex populi. All technologies
obey the laws of nature - but we, in this discussion, I
believe, wish to discuss only the laws of Man.

3. Technology spurs on the law, spawns it, as it were,

gives it birth. The reverse process (technology invented to
accommodate a law or to facilitate its implementation) is
more rare. There are numerous examples. The invention
of modern cryptography led to the formation of a host of
governmental institutions and to the passing of numerous
relevant laws. More recently, microchips which censor
certain web content led to proposed legislation (to forcibly
embed them in all computing appliances). Sophisticated
eavesdropping, wiring and tapping technologies led to
laws regulating these activities. Distance learning is
transforming the laws of accreditation of academic
institutions. Air transport forced health authorities all over
the world to revamp their quarantine and epidemiological

policies (not to mention the laws related to air travel and
aviation). The list is interminable.

Once a law is enacted - which reflects the state of the art

technology - the roles are reversed and the law gives a
boost to technology. Seat belts and airbags were invented
first. The law making seat belts (and, in some countries,
airbags) mandatory came (much) later. But once the law
was enacted, it fostered the formation of whole industries
and technological improvements. The Law, it would
seem, legitimizes technologies, transforms them into
"mainstream" and, thus, into legitimate and immediate
concerns of capitalism and capitalists (big business).
Again, the list is dizzying: antibiotics, rocket technology,
the internet itself (first developed by the Pentagon),
telecommunications, medical computerized scanning -
and numerous other technologies - came into real,
widespread being following an interaction with the law. I
am using the term "interaction" judiciously because there
are four types of such encounters between technology and
the law:

a. A positive law which follows a technological

advance (a law regarding seat belts after seat belts
were invented). Such positive laws are intended
either to disseminate the technology or to stifle it.

b. An intentional legal lacuna intended to encourage

a certain technology (for instance, very little
legislation pertains to the internet with the express
aim of "letting it be"). Deregulation of the airlines
industries is another example.

c. Structural interventions of the law (or law

enforcement authorities) in a technology or its

implementation. The best examples are the
breaking up of AT&T in 1984 and the current anti-
trust case against Microsoft. Such structural
transformations of monopolists release hitherto
monopolized information (for instance, the source
codes of software) to the public and increases
competition - the mother of invention.

d. The conscious encouragement, by law, of

technological research (research and
development). This can be done directly through
government grants and consortia, Japan's MITI
being the finest example of this approach. It can
also be done indirectly - for instance, by freeing up
the capital and labour markets which often leads to
the formation of risk or venture capital invested in
new technologies. The USA is the most prominent
(and, now, emulated) example of this path.

4. A Law that cannot be made known to the citizenry or

that cannot be effectively enforced is a "dead letter" - not
a law in the vitalist, dynamic sense of the word. For
instance, the Laws of Hammurabi (his codex) are still
available (through the internet) to all. Yet, do we consider
them to be THE or even A Law? We do not and this is
because Hammurabi's codex is both unknown to the
citizenry and inapplicable. Hammurabi's Laws are
inapplicable not because they are anachronistic. Islamic
law is as anachronistic as Hammurabi's code - yet it IS
applicable and applied in many countries. Applicability is
the result of ENFORCEMENT. Laws are manifestations
of asymmetries of power between the state and its
subjects. Laws are the enshrining of violence applied for
the "common good" (whatever that is - it is a shifting,
relative concept).

Technology plays an indispensable role in both the
dissemination of information and in enforcement efforts.
In other words, technology helps teach the citizens what
are the laws and how are they likely to be applied (for
instance, through the courts, their decisions and
precedents). More importantly, technology enhances the
efficacy of law enforcement and, thus, renders the law
applicable. Police cars, court tape recorders, DNA
imprints, fingerprinting, phone tapping, electronic
surveillance, satellites - are all instruments of more
effective law enforcement. In a broader sense, ALL
technology is at the disposal of this or that law. Take
defibrillators. They are used to resuscitate patients
suffering from severe cardiac arrhythmia's. But such
resuscitation is MANDATORY by LAW. So, the
defibrillator - a technological medical instrument - is, in a
way, a law enforcement device.

But, all the above are superficial - phenomenological -

observation (though empirical and pertinent). There is a
much more profound affinity between technology and the
Law. Technology is the material embodiment of the Laws
of Nature and the Laws of Man (mainly the former). The
very structure and dynamics of technology are identical to
the structure and dynamics of the law - because they are
one and the same. The Law is abstract - technology is
corporeal. This, to my mind, is absolutely the only
difference. Otherwise, Law and Technology are
manifestation of the same underlying principles. To
qualify as a "Law" (embedded in external hardware -
technology - or in internal hardware - the brain), it must

a. All-inclusive (anamnetic) – It must encompass,
integrate and incorporate all the facts known about
the subject.

b. Coherent – It must be chronological, structured

and causal.

c. Consistent – Self-consistent (its parts cannot

contradict one another or go against the grain of
the main raison d'être) and consistent with the
observed phenomena (both those related to the
subject and those pertaining to the rest of the

d. Logically compatible – It must not violate the laws

of logic both internally (the structure and process
must abide by some internally imposed logic) and
externally (the Aristotelian logic which is
applicable to the observable world).

e. Insightful – It must inspire a sense of awe and

astonishment which is the result of seeing
something familiar in a new light or the result of
seeing a pattern emerging out of a big body of
data. The insights must be the logical conclusion
of the logic, the language and of the development
of the subject. I know that we will have heated
debate about this one. But, please, stop to think for
a minute about the reactions of people to new
technology or to new laws (and to the temples of
these twin religions - the scientist's laboratory and
the courts). They are awed, amazed, fascinated,
stunned or incredulous.

f. Aesthetic – The structure of the law and the
processes embedded in it must be both plausible
and "right", beautiful, not cumbersome, not
awkward, not discontinuous, smooth and so on.

g. Parsimonious – The structure and process must

employ the minimum number of assumptions and
entities in order to satisfy all the above conditions.

h. Explanatory – The Law or technology must

explain or incorporate the behaviour of other
entities, knowledge, processes in the subject, the
user's or citizen's decisions and behaviour and an
history (why events developed the way that they
did). Many technologies incorporate their own
history. For instance: the distance between two
rails in a modern railroad is identical to the width
of Roman roads (equal to the backside of two

i. Predictive (prognostic) – The law or technology

must possess the ability to predict future events,
the future behaviour of entities and other inner or
even emotional and cognitive dynamics.

j. Transforming – With the power to induce change

(whether it is for the better, is a matter of
contemporary value judgements and fashions).

k. Imposing – The law or technology must be

regarded by the citizen or user as the preferable
organizing principle some of his life's events and
as a guiding principle.

l. Elastic – The law or the technology must possess
the intrinsic abilities to self organize, reorganize,
give room to emerging order, accommodate new
data comfortably, avoid rigidity in its modes of
reaction to attacks from within and from without.

Scientific theories should satisfy most of the same

conditions because their subject matter is Laws (the laws
of nature). The important elements of testability,
verifiability, refutability, falsifiability, and repeatability –
should all be upheld by technology.

But here is the first important difference between Law and

technology. The former cannot be falsified, in the
Popperian sense.

There are four reasons to account for this shortcoming:

1. Ethical – Experiments would have to be

conducted, involving humans. To achieve the
necessary result, the subjects will have to be
ignorant of the reasons for the experiments and
their aims. Sometimes even the very performance
of an experiment will have to remain a secret
(double blind experiments). Some experiments
may involve unpleasant experiences. This is
ethically unacceptable.

2. The Psychological Uncertainty Principle – The

current position of a human subject can be fully
known. But both treatment and experimentation
influence the subject and void this knowledge. The
very processes of measurement and observation
influence the subject and change him.

3. Uniqueness – Psychological experiments are,
therefore, bound to be unique, unrepeatable,
cannot be replicated elsewhere and at other times
even if they deal with the SAME subjects. The
subjects are never the same due to the
psychological uncertainty principle. Repeating the
experiments with other subjects adversely affects
the scientific value of the results.

4. The undergeneration of testable hypotheses –

Laws deal with humans and with their psyches.
Psychology does not generate a sufficient number
of hypotheses, which can be subjected to scientific
testing. This has to do with the fabulous
(=storytelling) nature of psychology. In a way,
psychology has affinity with some private
languages. It is a form of art and, as such, is self-
sufficient. If structural, internal constraints and
requirements are met – a statement is deemed true
even if it does not satisfy external scientific

Thus, I am forced to conclude that technology is the

embodiment of the laws of nature is a rigorous manner
subjected to the scientific method - while the law is the
abstract construct of the laws of human and social
psychology which cannot be tested scientifically. While
the Law and technology are structurally and functionally
similar and have many things in common (see the list
above) - they diverge when it comes to the formation of
hypotheses and their falsifiability.


Hi, Sam

Fortunately recovered from my technological injuries

(computer´s malaise) and its blind laws and we can go on
with our dialogue.

By the way, I have to say that interactive work is one of

the best achievements of technology. Your exposition of
"the quasi-identity of law and technology" cleared a blind
spot in my vision. I was so focused on the contradictions
that I couldn't see the similarities. And so it is. This is
evident in warfare, for instance, where each new weapon
(the Huns' step and powder are great examples) induces
new rules of war (where is the Clausewitz of the nuclear

Indeed, your comparison takes us to higher

considerations. If we adopt some of your conclusions, we
can assert, conversely, that the "new rulers" are the
technicians (confirming F.G. Jünger's prognosis). For if
technology is law then its technicians are the legislators.
This, then, is a great change of even greater consequences.
Let us remember that philosophers have been the
legislators in later centuries (laws were founded on
philosophical principles). Another question, that I will
explore deeply in the next letters is: who is the technician
and which are his thoughts?

Setting aside this strange hypothesis, lets us see what is

actually happening. Whether they have a pessimistic
approach or an optimistic one, it seems that thinkers agree
on the fact that technology has been the buzzword of the
century. An all-encompassing wave that permeates all,
even thought. The whole surface of the earth has been

covered with a technological mantle, and not only the
earth but the universe, the cosmos, is being cloaked by

These machines and their technology abruptly altered the

human atmosphere and its "tempo". The point of view is
no longer human, or terrestrial but rather a cosmic one.
Video technologies and real time interactions change, as
McLuhan brilliantly observed 30 years ago, not only
traditional law but its (habitual? last 2500+ years?)
enclosing frame: the alphabetic language. This is precisely
what most thinkers and intellectuals fail to see - while
continuing to debate old things within the old frame. To
affirm the identity of law and technology is indeed to
erase the law - the law as we know it, in the historical
sense - to return to tribal (mythical) law. Apparently, there
is a contradiction between the ever increasing complexity
of post-modern laws and this "tribalizing" effect but there
is no discord between the two. The flow of language
(hypertexts) means the flowing of the law - it reminds one
of a pre-Socratic tribe studying "physis" in search of new
myths to explain a constantly changing nature, to
discover, with emotion and delight, forms, attractors
emerging from that chaotic madness.

The distinctive mark of this law, the law of this great

tribe, is the intensive use of images (and its numerical
control and its purified hyper-rational/scientific method:
statistical mechanics). The avalanche of video
technologies, filming methods, digital processing, all this
"new imagery" can be summarized in what Nobert Wiener
once said:

"In Newton's times automatism was a clock-machinery

with music and rigid statuettes spinning up over the lid. In

the XIXth century the automaton is the glorified steam
motor, that burns combustible fuel instead the glycogen of
human muscles. The contemporary automaton opens
doors with photoelectric cells, points nuclear weapons or
solves differential equations."

This "wave of imagery" converts the law into a cybernetic

process. It is also interesting to note, as I said in my
previous letter, that "Cybernetics" (derived from a greek
word: kybernetes: "pilots", steersmen), which can be
fairly considered as the beast's mother, has for its subtitle
the sentence "Control and communication in the Animal
and the Machine". These controls are based on the real-
time evaluation and comparison of photographic
impressions, quanta of light (and information) measured
by digital processes (mostly based on vision and less on
sound and other sensa). It changes dramatically not only
the traditional law but also the space such law works in,
and finally leads not only to a return of the acoustic, tribal
word but also to something else: a new grammar that
should be better called PHOTOGRAMMAR. The further
consequences of this change are not yet observable, but
for those of our readers which still possess a
consciousness of higher spiritual and poetic orders I
would like to note a relationship: the predominance of
vision is the nature of predators and birds of prey.

"Cybernetics" and the rest of Wiener's works provide us

with the "original" documents (with the "Roseta Stone")
of the new law of the new land. N. Wiener is without a
doubt one of the most brilliant and powerful scientists and
mathematicians of the XX century. Apart from his great
contributions to mathematics, computing and other fields,
the minor fact that he was deeply interested in Goethe´s
"The Wizard´s Apprentice" (and the answers he came up

with) demonstrates the profundity of his thought. We are
faced with a serious, first class, thinker. At the centre of
Cybernetics is one, at first view, simple mechanism: the
feedback loop. In fact, this mechanism was known as
early as the XVIII century. Watts' steam engine used a
centrifugal regulator based on feedback. Also it has its
roots in Hegel's and Fichte's (dialectic) thought and its
refined version by the (hallucinatory) mathematical mind
of C.S.Pierce. This mechanism is at the heart of all new
systems of control and, by extension, of the new social
organizations. It is what fashionable intellectuals
(Giddens) call "reflexivity" and others "government at
distance" or "tele-government" - as per the consumer's

On a prosaic level this means a new way (law) of

organization, a life in constant movement, changing,
reflecting, adapting to new situations always at increasing
complexity. On a superior level, if we want to provide an
exact and complete "figure", a grammatically well defined
prototype, the cybernetic revolution means entering a
magical space, much alike that of Alice in Wonderland
were laws appear and disappear from fantasy.

Especially interesting (and fascinating and striking) are

Wiener´s opinions on the "law of the laws", that is to say,
the auto-propagation (and self-learning) of machines.
Wiener's writings on these matters provide us with a map
of the technological future. But that is another tale

The end of my loop.

Time for your feedback:-)

best regards

My dear RCM,

It is always such a gift to receive your letters. They

provoke in me uncontrollable floods of thoughts which I
can rarely capture by putting pen to paper (yes, I blush in
admitting to such retro devices...;o(((

Mankind is coming back a full circle - from ideograms

through alphabet to ideograms. Consider computers. They
started as pure alphabet beasts. I recall my programming
days with ASSEMBLY, COBOL and PL/1 on a clunky
IBM 360 and later, IBM 370. We used Hollerith punch
cards. It was all very abstract and symbol-laden. The user
interface was highly formal and the formalism was highly
mathematical. Computers were a three-dimensional
extension of formal logic which is the set of RULES that
govern mathematics.

Then came the Macintosh and its emulation, the windows

GUI (Graphics User Interface). I remember geeks and
hackers sneering at the infantilism and amateurism of it
all. Taming your computer by lashing DOS commands at
it was still the thing to do. But, gradually, we were all
converted. Today, the elite controls both the alphabet
(machine and high level programming languages) and the
ideograms (GUIs) - the masses have access only to the
ideograms. But it seems that the more widespread the use
of the ideograms (graphic interface operating systems and
applications), the "wiser" (self-learning, self-diagnosing,
self-correcting) they become - the less needed, indeed, the
more obsolete the elite is. Finally, it will all be ideograms,

the "alphabet" buried under hundreds of layers of graphics
and imagery and accessible only to the machine itself.

It is then that we should begin to lose sleep. It is when

ONLY the machine has access to its alphabet that we,
humans, will find ourselves at the mercy of technology.
Having access to one's alphabet is possessing self-
consciousness and intelligence (in the Turing sense).
Don't misunderstand me: self-awareness and intelligence
can be perfectly mediated through images. But access to
an alphabet and to the RULES of its meaningful
manipulation is indispensable to survival, at least to the
survival of intelligence. By "meaningful" I mean:
generating a useful and immediately applicable
representation of the world, of ourselves and of our
knowledge about the world, ourselves and our interactions
with the world. When no longer capable of generating
such meaningful representations (because technology has
hidden our alphabet - the RULES - from our sight) - that
day, technology, philosophy and law-making will be one
and the same and humans will have no place in such a
world - at least, they will have no MEANINGFUL place
in it.

It is false that science generates technology - the reverse

has always been true. All the big and important
technological advances, the Promethean breakthroughs -
were achieved by ENGINEERS and technicians, not by
scientists. Engineers manipulate the world - scientists
manipulate rules, the laws of nature. What computers did
is MERGE this two activities and make them
indistinguishable. Writing a new software application is
both composing rules and engaging in technology. This is
because the substance upon which technological
innovation is exercised is no longer MATERIAL. Both

technology and laws deal with INFORMATION now.
This is the convergence of the real and the abstract, the
Platonic ideal and its inferior shadow, matter and energy.
It is no less revolutionary than E=MC2.

So, technology leads science. Both technology and

science start with images. Kekula dreamt the structure of
the Benzen molecule, Einstein envisioned the geometry of
space and so on. But, in the past, technology ended up
generating objects - while science ended up generating
rules and embedding them or expressing them in
formalisms. The big revolution of the second half of this
passing century is that now both science and cutting age
technology produce the same: rules, formalisms, abstract
entities. In other words: information and its manipulation -
RULES - have become the main product of modern
society. Some of the output is hard to classify as rules. Is a
television show a rule or a set of rules? The
deconstructivists will say: definitely so and I will second
that. a television show, a software application, a court
procedure, a text - are all repositories and depositories of
rules, thousands of them: social rules, cultural rules,
physical laws of nature, narratives and codes and myriad
other guidelines.

This leads us to cybernetics.

At first - during the 50s and 60s - an artificial distinction

was drawn between cybernetic systems (such as biological
ones) and programmable computers (or universal Turing
machines). The former were considered limited by the
rigidity of the repertoire of their responses to their
feedback loops. Computers, on the other hand, were
considered infinitely flexible by virtue of their
programmability. This view was shattered by the

unexpected enormous complexity of biological organisms
and even automata. Gradually, cybernetics was subsumed
under computing (rather, vice versa) and computers were
considered to be a class of cybernetic systems. I
recommend to you to read "Cybernetics and the
Philosophy of Mind" by Sayre published in London in

They all contain information stored, a set of rules to

regulate behaviour and feedback loops. Yet, few people -
if any - noticed how politically subversive this model was.
If the "center's" behaviour is potentially profoundly
alterable by feedback from the "periphery" - then centre
and periphery become equipotent. More accurately, the
very notions of centre and periphery disintegrate and are
replaced by a decentralized, loosely interacting system of
information processing and information storage "nodes".
The Internet, to regurgitate the obvious, is an example of
such a decentralized system. The simultaneous emergence
of mathematical theories (fractals, recursiveness) that de-
emphasized centrality helped to give birth to the
inevitably necessary formalism - the language of networks
(neural, computers, social and other).

Decentralization removes the power of law-making from

any particular node in the system. Each node is a law unto
itself. The system, as a whole, as long as it wishes to
remain a system and continue to function as such, reaches
a "legislative equilibrium". It is a Prigogine type
thermodynamic trajectory: it is dynamic, unstable, ever-
changing, fluctuating but, by and large, it is identity-
preserving and it is functional. The new systems are
systems of INFORMAL law as opposed to the older
systems which are mainly and mostly systems of

The clash between these two models was and is
unavoidable. The internet, for instance, regulates itself
imposing a set of unwritten rules vaguely called the
"Netiquette". Part mores and part habits, it is amorphic
and always debatable. Yet it functions much better than
drug-related laws in formal law systems (like modern
states). With no effective enforcement mechanisms, no
netiquette-enforcement agencies to speak of - the
netiquette maintains an iron grip over netizens. There are
other examples outside the internet: the self regulating
financial industry in Britain has a better record of
compliance that the heavily regulated, SEC-threatened
financial community in the USA. Efforts top tax the
Internet and to regulate the City are examples of turf wars
between formal law systems and informal law systems.

Informal law system will win, there is no question in

mind. Not only because they constitute a better
organizational model but because they are more adept at
processing the raw material of the next millennium,
information. Thus, they are better positioned to guarantee
the survival of our race.

But there is a price to pay and it is the ever growing

fuzziness of our laws. The more complex the world, the
more demanding the raw material, the more probabilistic
the output - the fuzzier the logic, the less determinate the

This is what I would like to explore in this dialogue - the

death of the LAW as humanity knew it hitherto and its
replacement by ever-fuzzier, ever less certain technology.

I will start by studying two celebrated occurrences of


Asimov robots and programmable computers (universal
Turing machines, to be precise).

Consider Asimov's robots:

Sigmund Freud said that we have an uncanny reaction to

the inanimate. This is probably because we know that –
despite pretensions and layers of philosophizing – we are
nothing but recursive, self aware, introspective, conscious
machines. Special machines, no doubt, but machines

The series of James bond movies constitutes a decades-

spanning gallery of human paranoia. Villains change:
communists, neo-Nazis, media moguls. But one kind of
villain is a fixture in this psychodrama, in this parade of
human phobias: the machine. James Bond always finds
himself confronted with hideous, vicious, malicious
machines and automata.

It was precisely to counter this wave of unease, even

terror, irrational but all-pervasive, that Isaac Asimov, the
late Sci-fi writer (and scientist) invented the Three Laws
of Robotics:

1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through

inaction, allow a human being to come to harm;
2. A robot must obey the orders given it by human
beings, except where such orders would conflict
with the First Law;
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as
such protection does not conflict with the First or
Second Laws.

Many have noticed the lack of consistency and the virtual
inapplicability of these laws put together. First, they are
not the derivative of any coherent worldview and
background. To be properly implemented and to avoid a
potentially dangerous interpretation of them – the robots
in which they are embedded must be also equipped with a
reasonably full model of the physical and of the human
spheres of existence. Devoid of such a context, these laws
soon lead to intractable paradoxes (experiences as a
nervous breakdown by one of Asimov's robots). Conflicts
are ruinous in automata based on recursive functions
(Turing machines) as all robots must be. Godel pointed at
one such self destructive paradox in the "Principia
Mathematica" ostensibly comprehensive and self
consistent logical system. It was enough to discredit the
whole magnificent edifice constructed by Russel and
Whitehead over a decade.

Some will argue against this and say that robots need not
be automata in the classical, Church-Turing, sense. That
they could act according to heuristic, probabilistic rules of
decision making. There are many other types of functions
(non-recursive) that can be incorporated in a robot. True,
but then, how can one guarantee full predictability of
behaviour? How can one be certain that the robots will
fully and always implement the three laws? Only
recursive systems are predictable in principle (their
complexity makes even this sometimes not feasible).

An immediate question springs to mind: HOW will a

robot identify a human being? Surely, in an age of perfect
androids, constructed of organic materials, no superficial,
outer scanning will suffice. Structure and composition
will not be sufficient factors of differentiation. There are
two possibilities to settle this very practical issue: one is

to endow the robot with the ability to conduct a Converse
Turing Test, the other is to somehow "bar-code" all the
robots by implanting some signalling device inside them.
Both present additional difficulties.

In the second case, the robot will never be able to

positively identify a human being. He will surely identify
robots. This is ignoring, for discussion's sake, defects in
manufacturing or loss of the implanted identification tag –
if the robot will get rid of the tag, presumably this will fall
under the "defect in manufacturing" category. But the
robot will be forced to make a binary selection: one type
of physical entities will be classified as robots – all the
others will be grouped into "non-robots". Will non-robots
include monkeys and parrots? Yes, unless the
manufacturers equip the robots with digital or optical or
molecular equivalent of the human image in varying
positions (standing, sitting, lying down). But this is a
cumbersome solution and not a very effective one: there
will always be the odd position which the robot will find
hard to locate in its library. A human disk thrower or
swimmer may easily be passed over as "non-human" by a
robot. So will certain types of amputated invalids.

The first solution is even more seriously flawed. It is

possible to design a test which the robot will apply to
distinguish a robot from a human. But it will have to be
non-intrusive and devoid of communication or with very
limited communication. The alternative is a prolonged
teletype session behind a curtain, after which the robot
will issue its verdict: the respondent is a human or a robot.
This is ridiculous. Moreover, the application of such a test
will make the robot human in most of the important
respects. A human knows other humans for what they are
because he is human. A robot will have to be human to

recognize another, it takes one to know one, the saying
(rightly) goes.

Let us assume that by some miraculous way the problem

will be overcome and robots will unfailingly identify
humans. The next question pertains to the notion of
"injury" (still in the First Law). Is it limited only to a
physical injury (the disturbance of the physical continuity
of human tissues or of the normal functioning of the
human body)? Should it encompass the no less serious
mental, verbal and social injuries (after all, they are all
known to have physical side effects which are, at times,
no less severe than direct physical "injuries"). Is an insult
an injury? What about being grossly impolite, or
psychologically abusing or tormenting someone? Or
offending religious sensitivities, being politically
incorrect? The bulk of human (and, therefore, inhuman)
actions actually offend a human being, has the potential to
do so or seem to be doing so. Take surgery, driving a car,
or investing all your money in the stock exchange – they
might end in coma, accident, or a stock exchange crash
respectively. Should a robot refuse to obey human
instructions which embody a potential to injure said
instruction-givers? Take a mountain climber – should a
robot refuse to hand him his equipment lest he falls off the
mountain in an unsuccessful bid to reach the peak? Should
a robot abstain from obeying human commands pertaining
to crossing busy roads or driving sports cars? Which level
of risk should trigger the refusal program? In which stage
of a collaboration should it be activated? Should a robot
refuse to bring a stool to a person who intends to commit
suicide by hanging himself (that's an easy one), should he
ignore an instruction to push someone jump off a cliff
(definitely), climb the cliff (less assuredly so), get to the
cliff (maybe so), get to his car in order to drive to the cliff

in case he is an invalid – where does the responsibility and
obeisance buck stop?

Whatever the answer, one thing is clear: such a robot must

be equipped with more than a rudimentary sense of
judgement, with the ability to appraise and analyse
complex situations, to predict the future and to base his
decisions on very fuzzy algorithms (no programmer can
foresee all possible circumstances). To me, this sounds
much more dangerous than any recursive automaton
which will NOT include the famous Three Laws.

Moreover, what, exactly, constitutes "inaction"? How can

we set apart inaction from failed action or, worse, from an
action which failed by design, intentionally? If a human is
in danger and the robot tried to save him and failed – how
will we be able to determine to what extent it exerted
itself and did everything that it could do?

How much of the responsibility for the inaction or partial

action or failed action should be attributed to the
manufacturer – and how much imputed to the robot itself?
When a robot decides finally to ignore its own
programming – how will we be informed of this
momentous event? Outside appearances should hardly be
expected to help us distinguish a rebellious robot from a
lackadaisical one.

The situation gets much more complicated when we

consider conflict states. Imagine that a robot has to hurt
one human in order to prevent him from hurting another.
The Laws are absolutely inadequate in this case. The
robot should either establish an empirical hierarchy of
injuries – or an empirical hierarchy of humans. Should
we, as humans, rely on robots or on their manufacturers

(however wise and intelligent) to make this selection for
us? Should abide by their judgement – which injury is
more serious than the other and warrants their

A summary of the Asimov Laws would give us the

following "truth table":

A robot must obey human orders with the following two


a. That obeying them will cause injury to a human

through an action, or
b. That obeying them will let a human be injured.

A robot must protect its own existence with three


a. That such protection will be injurious to a human;

b. That such protection entails inaction in the face of
potential injury to a human;
c. That such protection will bring about
insubordination (not obeying human instructions).

Here is an exercise: create a truth table based on these

conditions. There is no better way to demonstrate the
problematic nature of Asimov's idealized yet highly
impractical world.

Or consider Turing's universal computers (machines):

In 1936 an American (Alonzo Church) and a Briton (Alan

M. Turing) published independently (as is often the
coincidence in science) the basics of a new branch in

Mathematics (and logic): computability or recursive
functions (later to be developed into Automata Theory).

The authors confined themselves to dealing with

computations which involved "effective" or "mechanical"
methods for finding results (which could also be
expressed as solutions (values) to formulae). These
methods were so called because they could, in principle,
be performed by simple machines (or human-computers
or human-calculators, to use Turing's unfortunate
phrases). The emphasis was on finiteness: a finite number
of instructions, a finite number of symbols in each
instruction, a finite number of steps to the result. This is
why these methods were usable by humans without the
aid of an apparatus (with the exception of pencil and
paper as memory aids). Moreover: no insight or ingenuity
were allowed to "interfere" or to be part of the solution
seeking process.

What Church and Turing did was to construct a set of all

the functions whose values could be obtained by applying
effective or mechanical calculation methods. Turing went
further down Church's road and designed the "Turing
Machine" – a machine which can calculate the values of
all the functions whose values can be found using
effective or mechanical methods. Thus, the program
running the TM (=Turing Machine in the rest of this text)
was really an effective or mechanical method. For the
initiated readers: Church solved the decision-problem for
propositional calculus and Turing proved that there is no
solution to the decision problem relating to the predicate
calculus. Put more simply, it is possible to "prove" the
truth value (or the theorem status) of an expression in the
propositional calculus – but not in the predicate calculus.
Later it was shown that many functions (even in number

theory itself) were not recursive, meaning that they could
not be solved by a Turing Machine.

No one succeeded to prove that a function must be

recursive in order to be effectively calculable. This is (as
Post noted) a "working hypothesis" supported by
overwhelming evidence. We don't know of any effectively
calculable function which is not recursive, by designing
new TMs from existing ones we can obtain new
effectively calculable functions from existing ones and
TM computability stars in every attempt to understand
effective calculability (or these attempts are reducible or
equivalent to TM computable functions).

The Turing Machine itself, though abstract, has many

"real world" features. It is a blueprint for a computing
device with one "ideal" exception: its unbounded memory
(the tape is infinite). Despite its hardware appearance (a
read/write head which scans a two-dimensional tape
inscribed with ones and zeroes, etc.) – it is really a
software application, in today's terminology. It carries out
instructions, reads and writes, counts and so on. It is an
automaton designed to implement an effective or
mechanical method of solving functions (determining the
truth value of propositions). If the transition from input to
output is deterministic we have a classical automaton – if
it is determined by a table of probabilities – we have a
probabilistic automaton.

With time and hype, the limitations of TMs were

forgotten. No one can say that the Mind is a TM because
no one can prove that it is engaged in solving only
recursive functions. We can say that TMs can do whatever
digital computers are doing – but not that digital
computers are TMs by definition. Maybe they are –

maybe they are not. We do not know enough about them
and about their future.

Moreover, the demand that recursive functions be

computable by an UNAIDED human seems to restrict
possible equivalents. Inasmuch as computers emulate
human computation (Turing did believe so when he
helped construct the ACE, at the time the fastest computer
in the world) – they are TMs. Functions whose values are
calculated by AIDED humans with the contribution of a
computer are still recursive. It is when humans are aided
by other kinds of instruments that we have a problem. If
we use measuring devices to determine the values of a
function it does not seem to conform to the definition of a
recursive function. So, we can generalize and say that
functions whose values are calculated by an AIDED
human could be recursive, depending on the apparatus
used and on the lack of ingenuity or insight (the latter
being, anyhow, a weak, non-rigorous requirement which
cannot be formalized).

Quantum mechanics is the branch of physics which

describes the microcosm. It is governed by the
Schrodinger Equation (SE). This SE is an amalgamation
of smaller equations, each with its own space coordinates
as variables, each describing a separate physical system.
The SE has numerous possible solutions, each pertaining
to a possible state of the atom in question. These solutions
are in the form of wave functions (which depend, again,
on the coordinates of the systems and on their associated
energies). The wave function describes the probability of
a particle (originally, the electron) to be inside a small
volume of space defined by the aforementioned
coordinates. This probability is proportional to the square
of the wave function. This is a way of saying: "we cannot

really predict what will exactly happen to every single
particle. However, we can foresee (with a great measure
of accuracy) what will happen if to a large population of
particles (where will they be found, for instance)."

This is where the first of two major difficulties arose:

To determine what will happen in a specific experiment

involving a specific particle and experimental setting – an
observation must be made. This means that, in the absence
of an observing and measuring human, flanked by all the
necessary measurement instrumentation – the outcome of
the wave function cannot be settled. It just continues to
evolve in time, describing a dizzyingly growing repertoire
of options. Only a measurement (=the involvement of a
human or, at least, a measuring device which can be read
by a human) reduces the wave function to a single
solution, collapses it.

A wave function is a function. Its REAL result (the

selection in reality of one of its values) is determined by a
human, equipped with an apparatus. Is it recursive (TM
computable and compatible)? In a way, it is. Its values can
be effectively and mechanically computed. The value
selected by measurement (thus terminating the
propagation of the function and its evolution in time by
zeroing its the other terms, bar the one selected) is one of
the values which can be determined by an effective-
mechanical method. So, how should we treat the
measurement? No interpretation of quantum mechanics
gives us a satisfactory answer. It seems that a probabilistic
automaton which will deal with semi recursive functions
will tackle the wave function without any discernible
difficulties – but a new element must be introduced to
account for the measurement and the resulting collapse.

Perhaps a "boundary" or a "catastrophic" automaton will
do the trick.

The view that the quantum process is computable seems

to be further supported by the mathematical techniques
which were developed to deal with the application of the
Schrodinger equation to a multi-electron system (atoms
more complex than hydrogen and helium). The Hartree-
Fok method assumes that electrons move independent of
each other and of the nucleus. They are allowed to interact
only through the average electrical field (which is the
charge of the nucleus and the charge distribution of the
other electrons). Each electron has its own wave function
(known as: "orbital") – which is a rendition of the Pauli
Exclusion Principle.

The problem starts with the fact that the electric field is
unknown. It depends on the charge distribution of the
electrons which, in turn, can be learnt from the wave
functions. But the solutions of the wave functions require
a proper knowledge of the field itself!

Thus, the SE is solved by successive approximations.

First, a field is guessed, the wave functions are calculated,
the charge distribution is derived and fed into the same
equation in an ITERATIVE process to yield a better
approximation of the field. This process is repeated until
the final charge and the electrical field distribution agree
with the input to the SE.

Recursion and iteration are close cousins. The Hartree-

Fok method demonstrates the recursive nature of the
functions involved. We can say the SE is a partial
differential equation which is solvable (asymptotically) by
iterations which can be run on a computer. Whatever

computers can do – TMs can do. Therefore, the Hartree-
Fok method is effective and mechanical. There is no
reason, in principle, why a Quantum Turing Machine
could not be constructed to solve SEs or the resulting
wave functions. Its special nature will set it apart from a
classical TM: it will be a probabilistic automaton with
catastrophic behaviour or very strong boundary conditions
(akin, perhaps, to the mathematics of phase transitions).

Classical TMs (CTMs, Turing called them Logical

Computing Machines) are macroscopic, Quantum TMs
(QTMs) will be microscopic. Perhaps, while CTMs will
deal exclusively with recursive functions (effective or
mechanical methods of calculation) – QTMs could deal
with half-effective, semi-recursive, probabilistic,
catastrophic and other methods of calculations (other
types of functions).

The third level is the Universe itself, where all the

functions have their values. From the point of view of the
Universe (the equivalent of an infinite TM), all the
functions are recursive, for all of them there are effective-
mechanical methods of solution. The Universe is the
domain or set of all the values of all the functions and its
very existence guarantees that there are effective and
mechanical methods to solve them all. No decision
problem can exist on this scale (or all decision problems
are positively solved). The Universe is made up only of
proven, provable propositions and of theorems. This is a
reminder of our finiteness and to say otherwise would,
surely, be intellectual vanity.

Enough, I have broken every law of netiquette in this

never ending letter and I am becoming fuzzier and fuzzier


Dear Sam,

It is always my intention to offer our readers not only

speculative ideas but also "pragmatic" lessons.

But, before descending to terrestrial considerations, I

would like to briefly comment on some of your, as usual,
interesting opinions.

I will maintain your order:

Alphabet and ideograms:

You talk about elites losing power, this is, to me, a

prejudice. whether with ideograms, or with alphabet there
will always be elites.

Machines and secret alphabet:

This is the nightmare of post modern man. The machine

as dictator. To me machines are nothing more than
scenery, man has built them and can dismantle them. In
my opinion, the problem is much like the Wizard's
Apprentice, or Aladdin. It seems that men created the
machine without knowing exactly his destiny, and now he
cannot stop it. The machine is not the enemy - Man is.
The problem is, and always was: what do we "actually"
want? But, who knows? Could dreams (and nightmares)
come true?

Technology vs. Science:

The two are great myths, one of functionality and the
other of purity.

Matter and energy:

These distinctions were preciously introduced by

scientists themselves (re-mixing old dualistic beliefs).
As you have well noted fractals and the mathematics of
complexity have gone far beyond that.
I don´t know exactly what a fractal is, but is it matter or
energy, information or reality?

De-centralization and power:

Your opinion regarding the future victory of the informal,

networked systems is, to my mind, correct.
The Technician knows no classes and no secrets. Another
question is the distribution of power.
Certainly, horizontality induces, at first view, some
egalitarian version of the world. But this is to me a
Horizontality has its own versions of power, it is the field
We should study these mechanisms before making any
For the few, who, like me, put emphasis on the individual
instead of on the masses, horizontality means "open

Robots and laws:

Your extensive study of the laws of robotics laws

demonstrates that there is no possibility of control.
When one wants to play with hazard one should know
what is being gambled and what is the game.

Technicians, extremely focused as they are on pure
functionality, always fail to consider these questions.

Quantum Mechanics:

The paradoxes and fallacies of quantum mechanics can be

summarized through the life and thoughts of Richard
Feynman, who was at the same time, one of the best
mathematicians of QM and one of its fiercest critics.
Listening to Murray Gell-Man talking about chromatism
makes one lose the little trust in scientists that still
remains. Quantum mechanics has finally ended in
metaphysics, and not of the best class - better go back to

Loops and recursive learning:

It is quite curios that recursive learning, originally created

for the military-industrial complex (for the purposes of
rocket navigation) was founded on the observation of the
fights of animals. N. Wiener writes about some of them,
like the well known fight between the snake (cobra) and
the mongoose. This sampling is nothing new. Most
martial arts were founded on this kind of observation of
nature. Tai-chi is founded on the fight between the crane
and the snake, Ba Gua Zhang is founded on ten animal
forms, and so on. On these matters, such old fables as the
Japanese "the fencer and the cat" provides us with
analyses superior to Wiener's.

Finally, this leads us to the crucial point. In your analysis

of the Prigogine-type social systems, you include one
philosophically-dubious term: identity-preserving. Which
identity? human race? life? nature? Isn't it precisely
horizontality, the net-work, the idoneus systems which are

built for mutations, for the auto-propagation of "micro-
changes" into "macro-effects"? The real question is: what
does it mean, and what do we understand by the words
SURPASSING, OVER-COMING? Oh, divine, immortal
Zarathustra! How little did you suspect the form in which
your strange prophecies would come to be! Ah, if you
would have known....! but the oracle is always ambiguous.

Well, we shall leave the pragmatic lessons to the next


I promise our readers some (martial arts) techniques for

personal consumption:-)

best regards

PS: Just an aesthetic note. Your intensive use of the word

"fuzzier" is revealing for FUZZ is the SOUND OF THE
From the sound of bells, the "tic-tac" of mechanical
clocks to the hum of atomic clocks and computers. It is
the sound of speed, of electrification, intensification,
movement, anxiety, desperation... the sound of the last
velocity, of metamorphosis. Where did we hear that noise
before? Is it, perhaps, the sound of a nest of white ants?

Dear Roberto,

I fully share your view that both the Law and Technology
(as I told you, I regard them as two manifestations of one
and the same thing) - are concerned with the preservation
and propagation of identity.

The Law (religious and secular alike) is chiefly concerned
with the protection of what IS, of the prevailing social and
economic order, with the maintenance of social structure
and of social function (or, at the least, of their
appearance). Put differently, the Law - a mechanism of
social control - is designed mainly to preserve and
conserve an ideal of structural immutability coupled with
functional flexibility. As immutability and flexibility are
contradictory traits - the Law embodies a great tension
between its dynamic aspects and its conservative ones.
This tension is resolved by the introduction of the idea of
identity. It is an abstraction put to good use by individuals
as well as by nations and states. It is the belief that as long
as an entity invariably succumbs to the same set of laws
which dictate both its structure and its processes (the
space of its permitted changes) - it is one and the same
over time.

Thus the law is structurally static (aspires to maintain

structures) and functionally dynamic (aspires to contain
change and assimilate it with minimum alteration of the
structure). Despite appearances to the contrary, these are
the characteristic of technology and technological
innovation. Technology aspires to restrain and tame
change within recognizable structures. In other words, it,
too, is interested in the dynamic preservation of identity
by co-opting and "domesticating" change. This is typical
of science as well, in my view. I do not agree with Kuhn's
model of "paradigmatic" revolutions. I find Deutsch's
model of scientific advance through the substitution of
explanations within identity-preserving scientific
processes to be much closer to reality.

In this sense, the compact disc, for instance, is the

structure maintained (carried over from the long play,

vinyl record) as it incorporates changes: the quality of
sound, the deciphering mechanism, the material from
which the record is made. The internet is a vastly changed
network, the likes of which existed before (for instance,
the telegraph).

You raise the important issue of incremental changes that

somehow (through accumulation or epiphenomenally)
accrue to a major change. But this is not the kind of
change I am referring to. Few are the changes that disrupt
identity to the extent of replacing it by another. One
should not mistake the FLUX of identities - emerging,
submerging and merging - with a FUNDAMENTAL
substitution of an identity by another.

Identities are DEFINITIONS and both the Law and

technology are preoccupied by definitions (law) and
language (technology).

Allow me to digress a little and talk about cats, chairs and

death (isn't this fun? Don't be mad at me - in dialogues
there is no LAW that says that we CANNOT or NOT
ALLOWED TO digress).

The sentence "all cats are black" is evidently untrue even

if only one cat in the whole universe were to be white.
Thus, the property "being black" cannot form a part of the
definition of a cat. The lesson to be learnt is that
definitions must be universal. They must apply to all the
members of a defined set (the set of "all cats" in our

Let us try to define a chair. In doing so we are trying to

capture the essence of being a chair, its "chairness". It is
chairness that is defined – not this or that specific chair.

We want to be able to identify chairness whenever and
wherever we come across it. But chairness cannot be
captured without somehow tackling and including the uses
of a chair – what is it made for, what does it do or help to
do. In other words, a definition must include an operative
part, a function. In many cases the function of the
Definiendum (the term defined) constitutes its meaning.
The function of a vinyl record is its meaning. It has no
meaning outside its function. The Definiens (the
expression supplying the definition) of a vinyl record both
encompasses and consists of its function or use.

Yet, can a vinyl record be defined in vacuum, without

incorporating the record player in the definiens? After all,
a vinyl record is an object containing audio information
decoded by a record player. Without the "record player"
bit, the definiens becomes ambiguous. It can fit an audio
cassette, or a compact disc. So, the context is essential. A
good definition includes a context, which serves to
alleviate ambiguity.

Ostensibly, the more details provided in the definition –

the less ambiguous it becomes. But this is not true.
Actually, the more details provided the more prone is the
definition to be ambiguous. A definition must strive to be
both minimal and aesthetic. In this sense it is much like a
scientific theory. It talks about the match or the
correlation between language and reality. Reality is
parsimonious and to reflect it, definitions must be as
parsimonious as it is.

Let us summarize the characteristics of a good definition

and then apply them and try to define a few very mundane

First, a definition must reveal the meaning of the term or
concept defined. By "meaning" I mean the independent
and invariant meaning – not the culturally dependent,
narrative derived, type. The invariant meaning has to do
with a function, or a use. A term or a concept can have
several uses or functions, even conflicting ones. But all of
the uses and functions must be universally recognized.
Think about Marijuana or tobacco. They have medical
uses and recreational uses. These uses are expressly
contradictory. But both are universally acknowledged, so
both define the meaning of marijuana or tobacco and form
a part of their definitions.

Let us try to construct the first, indisputable, functional,

part of the definitions of a few terms.

"Chair" – Intended for sitting.

"Game" – Deals with the accomplishment of goals.

"Window" – Allows to look through it, or for the

penetration of light or air (when open or not covered).

"Table" – Intended for laying things on its surface.

It is only when we know the function or use of the

definiendum that we can begin to look for it. The
function/use FILTERS the world and narrows the set of
candidates to the definiendum. A definition is a series of
superimposed language filters. Only the definendum can
penetrate this line-up of filters. It is like a high-specificity
membrane: only one term can slip in.

The next parameter to look for is the characteristics of the

definiendum. In the case of physical objects, we will be

looking for physical characteristics, of course. Otherwise,
we will be looking for more ephemeral traits.

"Chair" – Solid structure Intended for sitting.

"Game" – Mental or physical activity of one or more

people (the players), which deals with the
accomplishment of goals.

"Window" – Planar discontinuity in a solid surface, which

allows to look through it, or for the penetration of light or
air (when open or not covered).

"Table" – Structure with at least one leg and one flat

surface, intended for laying things on its surface.

A contrast begins to emerge between a rigorous

"dictionary-language-lexical definition" and a "stipulative
definition" (explaining how the term is to be used). The
first might not be immediately recognizable, the second
may be inaccurate, non-universal or otherwise lacking.

Every definition contrasts the general with the particular.

The first part of the definiens is almost always the genus
(the wider class to which the term belongs). It is only as
we refine the definition that we introduce the differentia
(the distinguishing features). A good definition allows for
the substitution of the defined by its definition (a bit
awkward if we are trying to define God, for instance, or
love). This would be impossible without a union of the
general and the particular. A case could be made that the
genus is more "lexical" while the differentia are more
stipulative. But whatever the case, a definition must
include a genus and a differentia because, as we said, it is

bound to reflect reality and reality is hierarchical and
inclusive ("The Matriushka Doll Principle").

"Chair" – Solid structure Intended for sitting (genus).

Makes use of at least one bodily axis of the sitter
(differentia). Without the differentia – with the genus
alone – the definition can well fit a bed or a divan.

"Game" – Mental or physical activity of one or more

people (the players), which deals with the
accomplishment of goals (genus), in which both the
activities and the goals accomplished are reversible
(differentia). Without the differentia – with the genus
alone – the definition can well fit most other human

"Window" – Planar discontinuity in a solid surface

(genus), which allows to look through it, or for the
penetration of light or air (when open or not covered)
(differentia). Without the differentia – with the genus
alone – the definition can well fit a door.

"Table" – Structure with at least one leg and one flat

surface (genus), intended for laying things on its
surface(s) (differentia). Without the differentia – with the
genus alone – the definition can well fit the statue of a
one-legged soldier holding a tray.

It was Locke who realized that there are words whose

meaning can be precisely explained but which cannot be
DEFINED in this sense. This is either because the
explanatory equivalent may require more than genus and
differentia – or because some words cannot be defined by
means of others (because those other words also have to
be defined and this leads to infinite regression). If we

adopt the broad view that a definition is the explanation of
meaning by other words, how can we define "blue"? Only
by pointing out examples of blue. Thus, names of
elementary ideas (colours, for instance) cannot be defined
by words. They require an "ostensive definition"
(definition by pointing out examples). This is because
elementary concepts apply to our experiences (emotions,
sensations, or impressions) and to sensa (sense data).
These are usually words in a private language, our private
language. How does one communicate (let alone define)
the emotions one experiences during an epiphany? On the
contrary: dictionary definitions suffer from gross
inaccuracies precisely because they are confined to
established meanings. They usually include in the
definition things that they should have excluded, exclude
things that they should have included or get it altogether
wrong. Stipulative or ostensive definitions cannot be
wrong (by definition). They may conflict with the lexical
(dictionary) definition and diverge from established
meanings. This may prove to be both confusing and costly
(for instance, in legal matters). But this has nothing to do
with their accuracy or truthfulness. Additionally, both
types of definition may be insufficiently explanatory.
They may be circular, or obscure, leaving more than one
possibility open (ambiguous or equivocal).

Many of these problems are solved when we introduce

context to the definition. Context has four conceptual
pillars: time, place, cultural context and mental context (or
mental characteristics). A definition, which is able to
incorporate all four elements is monovalent, unequivocal,
unambiguous, precise, universal, appropriately exclusive
and inclusive, aesthetic and parsimonious.

"Chair" – Artificial (context) solid structure Intended for
sitting (genus). Makes use of at least one bodily axis of
the sitter (differentia). Without the context, the definition
can well fit an appropriately shaped rock.

"Game" – Mental or physical activity of one or more

people (the players), subject to agreed rules of
confrontation, collaboration and scoring (context), which
deals with the accomplishment of goals (genus), in which
both the activities and the goals accomplished are
reversible (differentia). Without the context, the definition
can well fit most other non-playing human activities.

"Window" – Planar discontinuity in a solid artificial

(context) surface (genus), which allows to look through it,
or for the penetration of light or air (when not covered or
open) (differentia). Without the context, the definition can
well fit a hole in a rock.

It is easy to notice that the distinction between the

differentia and the context is rather blurred. Many of the
differentia are the result of cultural and historical context.
A lot of the context emerges from the critical mass of

We have confined our discussion hitherto to the structural

elements of a definition. But a definition is a dynamic
process. It involves the sentence doing the defining, the
process of defining and the resulting defining expression
(definiens). This interaction between different definitions
of definition gives rise to numerous forms of equivalence,
all called "definitions". Real definitions, nominal
definitions, prescriptive, contextual, recursive, inductive,
persuasive, impredicative, extensional and intensional

definitions, are stars in a galaxy of alternative modes of

But it all boils down to the same truth: it is the type of

definition chosen and the rigorousness with which we
understand the meaning of "definition" that determine
which words can and cannot be defined. In my view, there
is still a mistaken belief that there are terms which can be
defined without going outside a specified realm (=set of
terms). People are trying to define life or love by resorting
to chemical reactions. This reductionism inevitably and
invariably leads to the Locke paradoxes. It is true that a
definition must include all the necessary conditions to the
definiendum. Chemical reactions are a necessary
condition to life. But they are not sufficient conditions. A
definition must include all the sufficient conditions as

Now we can try to define "definition" itself:

"Definition" – A statement which captures the meaning,

the use, the function and the essence (the identity) of a
term or a concept.

Let us go one level higher. Let us define ABSENCE

rather than PRESENCE, nothing rather than something,
inaction rather than action.

In other words, let us try to define death.

A classical point of departure in defining Death, seems to

be Life itself. Death is perceived either as a cessation of
Life - or as a "transit zone", on the way to a continuation
of Life by other means.

While the former presents a disjunction, the latter is a
continuum, Death being nothing but a corridor into
another plane of existence (the hereafter).

Another, logically more rigorous approach, would be to

ask "Who is Dead" when Death occurs.

In other words, an identity of the Dying (=it which

"commits" Death) is essential in defining Death. But what
are the means to establish an unambiguous, unequivocal

Is an identity established through the use of quantitative


Is it dependent, for instance, upon the number of discrete

units which comprise the functioning whole?

If so, where is the level at which useful distinctions and

observations are replaced by useless scholastic mind-

Example: if we study a human identity - should it be

defined by the number and organization of its limbs, its
cells, its atoms?

The cells in a human body are replaced (with the

exception of the cells of the nervous system) every 5
years. Would this imply that we gain a new identity each
time this cycle is completed?

Adopting this course of thinking leads to absurd results:

When humans die, the replacement rate of their cells is

infinitely reduced. Does this mean that their identity is

better and longer preserved once dead? No one would
agree with this. Death is tantamount to a loss of identity -
not to its preservation.

So, a qualitative yardstick is required.

We can start by asking will the identity change - if we

change someone's' brain by another's? "He is not the
same" - we say of someone with a brain injury. If a partial
alteration of the brain causes such sea change (however
partial) in the determinants of identity - it seems safe to
assume that a replacement of one's brain by another will
result in a total change of identity, to the point of its
abolition and replacement by another.

If the brain is the locus of identity, we should be able to

assert that when (the cells of) all the other organs of the
body are replaced (with the exception of the brain) - the
identity will remain the same.

The human hardware (body) and software (the wiring of

the brain) are conversely analogous to a computer.

If we change all the software in a computer - it will still

remain the same (though more or less capable) computer.
This is equivalent to growing up in humans.

However, if we change the computer's processor - it will

no longer be identified as the same computer.

This, partly, is the result of the separation between

hardware (=the microprocessor) and software (=the
programmes that it processes). There is no such separation
in the human brain. These 1300 grams of yellowish
material in our heads are both hardware and software.

Still, the computer analogy seems to indicate that our
identity resides not in our learning, knowledge, or
memories. It is an epiphenomenon. It emerges when a
certain level of hardware complexity is attained. Yet, it is
not so simple. If we were to eliminate someone's entire
store of learning and memories (without affecting his
brain) - would he still be the same person (=would he still
retain the same identity)? Probably not.

Luckily, achieving the above - erasing one's learning and

memories without affecting his brain - is impossible. In
humans, learning and memories ARE the brain. They
change the hardware that processes them in an irreversible

This, naturally, cannot be said of a computer. There, the

separation is clear. Change a computer's hardware and
you changed its identity. And computers are software -

We are, therefore, able to confidently conclude that the

brain is the sole determinant of identity, its seat and
signifier. This is because our brain IS both our processing
hardware and our processing software. It is also a
repository of processed data. ANY subsystem comprising
these functions can be justly equated with the system of
which it is a part. This seems to hold true even under the
wildest gedanken experiments.

A human brain detached from any body is still assumed to

possess identity. And a monkey implanted with a human
brain will host the identity of the former owner of the

Around this seemingly faultless test revolved many of the
debates which characterized the first decade of the new
discipline of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Turing's Test pits invisible (hardware - less) intelligences

(=brains) against one another. The answers which they
provide (by teleprinter, hidden behind partitions)
determine their identity (human or not). When the
software (=the answers) is accessible, no direct
observation of the hardware (=the brains) is necessary in
order to determine identity. But the brain's status as THE
privileged identity system is such that even if no answers
are forthcoming from it - the identity will reside with it.

For instance, if for some logistical or technological

problem, a brain will be prevented from providing output,
answers, and interactions - we are likely to assume that it
has the potential to do so. Thus, in the case of an inactive
brain, an identity will be the derivative of its potential to
interact (rather than of its actual interaction).

After all, this, exactly, is what paleoanthropologists are

attempting to do. They are trying to delineate the identity
of our forefathers by studying their skulls and, by
inference, their brains and their mental potentials. True,
they invest effort in researching other types of bones.
Ultimately, they hope to be able to draw an accurate
visual description of our ancestors. But we must not
confuse description with identity, phenomenology with
aetiology. What dies, therefore, is the brain and only the

Functionally, Death can also be defined (really, observed)

from the outside. It is the cessation of the exertion of
influence (=power) over physical systems. It is sudden

absence of physical effects exerted by the dead object, a
singularity, a discontinuity. It is not an inert state of

Inertia is a balance of forces - and in Death the absence of

any force whatsoever is postulated. Death is, therefore,
also not an entropic climax. Entropy is an isotropic,
homogeneous distribution of energy. Death is the absence
of any and all energies. While, outwardly, the two might
seem identical - they are the two poles of a dichotomy.

So, Death, as opposed to inertia or entropy, is not

something that modern physics is fully equipped to deal
with. Physics, by definition, deals with forces and
measurable effects. It has nothing to say about force-less,
energy-devoid physical states. Actually, this would be a
stark contradiction in its terms.

Indeed, this definition of Death has reality itself to argue

against it.

If Death is the cessation of impacts on physical systems

(=the absence of physical effects), we are hard pressed to
explain memory away.

Memory is a physical effect (=electrochemical activity of

the brain) within a physical system (=the Brain). It can be
preserved and shipped across time and space in capsules
called books or articles (or art). These containers of
triggers of physical effects (in recipient brains) defy
Death. The physical system which produced the memory
capsule will surely cease to exist - but it will continue to
physically impact other physical systems long after its
demise, long after it was supposed to have ceased to do

Memory divorces Death from the physical world. As long
as we (or our products) are remembered - we continue to
have a physical effect on future physical systems. And as
long as this happens - we are not technically (or, at least,
fully) dead. Our Death will be fully accomplished only
after our memory will have been wiped out completely,
not even having the potential of being reconstructed in the
future. Only then will we cease to have any dimension of
existence (=effect on other physical systems).

Philosophically, there is no difference between being

influenced by a direct discussion with Kant - and being
influenced by his words preserved in a time-space capsule
(=a book). For the listener/reader Kant is very much alive,
more alive than many of his neighbours whom he never

This issue can be further radicalized. What is the

difference between a two dimensional representation of
Kant (portrait), a three dimensional representation of the
philosopher (a statute) and yet another three dimensional
representation of him (Kant himself as perceived by his
contemporaries who chanced to see him)?

As far as a bias-free observer is concerned (a camera

linked to a computer) - there is no difference. All these
representations are registered and mathematically
represented in a processing unit so as to allow for a
functional, relatively isomorphic mapping. Still, human
observes will endow the three dimensional versions with a
privileged status.

Philosophically, there is no rigorous reason to do so.

It is conceivable that, in the future, we will be able to
preserve a three-dimensional likeness (a hologram),
replete with smells, temperature and tactile effects. Why
should the flesh and blood version be judged superior to
such a likeness?

Physically, the choice of a different medium does not

create a hierarchy of representations, from better to worse.
In other words, the futuristic hologram should not be
deemed inferior to the classic, organic version as long as
they both possess the same information content.

Thus, the hierarchy cannot be derived from describing the

state of things.

An hierarchy is established by considering potentials,

namely: the future. Non-organic representations
(hereinunder referred to as "representations") of intelligent
and conscious organic originals (hereinunder referred to
as ; "organic originals") are finite. The organic originals
are infinite in their possibilities to create and to procreate,
to change themselves and their environment, to act and be
acted upon within ever more complex feedback loops.

The non-organic versions, the representations, are self

contained and final. The organic originals and their
representations may contain identical information in a
given nano-second. But the amount of information will
increase in the organic version and decrease in the non-
organic one (due to the second Law of Thermodynamics).
This inevitable divergence is what endows the organic
original with its privileged status.

This property - of increasing the amount of information

(=order) through creation and procreation - characterizes

not only the organic originals but also anything that
emanates from them. It characterizes human works of art
and science, for instance, or the very memory of humans.
All these tend to increase information (indeed, they are, in
themselves, information packets).

So, could we happily sum and say that the propagation

and the continuation of physical effects (through memory)
is the continuation of Life after Death? Life and Memory
share an important trait. They both have a negentropic
(=order and information increasing) impact on their
surroundings. Does that make them synonymous? Is
Death only a transitory phase from one form of Life
(organic) to another (informational, spiritual)?

However tempting this equation is - in most likelihood, it

is also false.

The reason is that there are two sources of the increase in

information and what sets them apart is not trivial. As
long as the organic original lives, all creation depends
upon it. After it dies, the works that it has created and the
memories that are associated with it, continue to affect
physical systems.

However, their ability to foster new creative work, new

memories, in short: their capacity to increase order
through increased information is totally dependent upon
other, living, organic originals. In the absence of all other
organic originals, they will stagnate and go through an
entropic decrease of information and order.

So, this is the crux of the distinction between Life and


LIFE is the potential, possessed by organic originals, to
create (=to fight entropy by increasing information and
order), using their own software. Such software can be
coded into hardware - e.g., the DNA - and then the
creative act involves the replication of the organic original
or parts thereof.

Upon the original's DEATH, the potential to create is

propagated through Memory. Creative acts, works of art
and science, other creations can be carried out only within
the software (=the brains) of other, living, organic

Both forms of creation can co-exist during the original's

life. Death, however, is proclaimed only with the
incapacitation of the first form of creation (by an organic
original independent of others), only when the surrogate
form of creation becomes exclusive.

Memories created by one organic original resonate

through the brains of others. This generates information
and provokes the creative potential in recipient brains.
Some of them do react by creating and, thus, play host to
the parasitic, invading memory, infecting other members
of the memory-space (=the cultural space).

Death is, therefore, the assimilation of the products of an

organic original in a Collective. It is, indeed, the
continuation of Life but in a collective, rather than in an
individualistic mode.

Alternatively, Death could be defined as a terminal

change in the state of the hardware with designated pieces
of the software injected to the brains of the Collective.
This, of course, is reminiscent of certain viral

mechanisms. The comparison may be superficial and
misleading - or may open a new vista: the individual as a
cell in the large organism of humanity. Memory has a role
in this new form of socio-political evolution which
superseded Biological Evolution, as an instrument of

Certain human reactions - e.g., opposition to change and

religious and ideological wars - can perhaps be viewed as
immunological reactions in this context.

I hope I made my point clear and that you can see the
forest from the (too many) woods. Both the Law and
Technology deal with identities and definitions - in other
words, both are manipulations of language.

We have come a full circle. I opened by saying that

technology is the embodiment of valid statements - such
as protocols (language) in the physical realm. The Law is
a series of such valid statements and, in many respects,
Technology feeds the Law and embodies Laws in its
hardware and software.

Now, if you still wish to get practical - I am all eyes ...:o))


Hi Sam,

I must say that your "apparent" disgressions on linguistic

problems and concerning life-after-death are no
disgression at all but very pertinent questions (all my
analyses are, in fact, based solely upon life and death).
These two are, in my opinion, the only pair of words that

remain clear. Indeed, your disgression on linguistics
provides us with a beautiful example of the contradictions
and tensions implied in the couplet "identity and
velocity". It would seem that the Law (as does Art) has its
own rules of "tempo" and "weight". Indeed, your
digression offers a great example of what I call "the
inclined enclosing frame", that is to say, all is in motion,
even the frame of mind. This is not yet a revolution,
however great, this is a change, a metamorphosis.

Regarding your comments on life-after-death I should say

that, in spite of your suggestive presentation, they are
nothing new. The First world War marked a red line in
history fostering a new figure: the anonymous soldier, the
cell in the organism, the wheel in the machine . No other
form of life-after-death was wished (and considered) by
the old Celtic races: sons (propagation of genetic
material). In fact, what other life-after-death more real
than a son? Those evolutionary ideas! Does anybody still
think it is a risk that they have appeared recently? As far
as I know Nietzsche was the first who cast the problem in
real terms. By the way, I must say that it was Nietzsche
himself who thought about life-after-death in your terms
and even went far beyond by asking himself, with his
habitual poetic genius: "Wouldn't Life be just a strange
kind of Death?". Anyway, Nietzsche stumbled on
spurious Darwinism as most thinkers, even today, do, but
he thought (erroneously?) that there was a truth hidden in
Darwinism: a drive to continuous perfection and thus, to
supermanhood. Ignoring Nietzsche´s "Rennaisance-like
hysteria of power" and, over all his "sins", his titanic
deviation, it seems that sometimes, depeneding on his
turbulent style and his protean fogs, he brings an
investigation to light, a choleric prophecy, a question of
destiny: what does it mean to us, the self-appointed

pinnacle of nature, its more powerful tool, this "ever-
present" drive to perfection?

To put it in your terms, which trait is common, if any, to

IDENTITY and SURPASSING? If we translate such
ideas to our century (which, by the way, was considered
by Nietzsche as his proper home) a question arises: are we
tempted, with our technolgical advances (genetics and
artificial intelligence) into achieving supermanhood in its
more spurious, materialistic, vulgar and titanical ways?

But, in spite of these metaphysicaI depths, I still wish to

be practical:-)

As the only real subject of the law of Life and Death, my

writing is always focused on the individual. Humanity,
society, seems to be only cast in History (of the past). To
start with, it must be said that there is no longer the old "in
versus out" (internal versus external) problem (the
individual against nature, the state, or culture). As I have
pointed out, in a certain way, you, too, live on an inclined
plane. It is not only the world which, at an ever increasing
"molto vivace" tempo, is changing and threatening us -
but also it is our conceptions of world which are changing.
From a birds' eye view, all these characteristics: fuzziness,
extreme movement, ever faster tempo, the hunger for
energy, are the signs of metamorphosis. Finally, the
individual himself has to put a face to the dilemma, the "to
be or not to be"? Is he with man or with superman? Are
we transforming ourselves into information (the modern
version of what the ancients called the soul, the spirit)? Is
the age of information our supermanhood: the Supermind?

Then, how will the techno-future be related to the

individual, which poisons and pleasures, which treats and

fights are there for him? The individual should know, in
the first place, that his position is, more than ever, ad hoc.

The First Premise: THERE IS NO EXIT. The

technological organization is total. It covers the Earth
completely - the environment is now auxiliary. He should
also know that the new selection principle is
technological, the arena is in n-dimensional spaces, the
weapons are mathematics. The old knowledge of nature
(and its possibilities) must be accompanied by
technological knowledge (for instance, a full knowledge
of techno-pharmacology). Technology admits all the old
myths and probably new possibilities: masks, guerrilla
warfare, etc... all are there for the individual. And it poses
new dangers: totalitarianism is le must of these dangers.
The domination of technology works with sweeping
controls. The use of the mask seems almost essential to
survival (the mask of mediocrity is the best). New
changes in the selection principle are always possible, the
spiritual man must be fully aware of the extension and
velocity of the tech-waves. The arena is a magic space,
changing abruptly. To survive, the mind of the spiritual
man should be like that of a Tai-chi fighter's: open to all
the possibilities, just like water (the spirit of Zen), a
universal action from a universal point of view. Always
ready to fight, always ready to play; extremely relaxed
and extremely fixed. Technology feeds on the four
elements, only the fifth, Eros, is out of its dominion.
Sexual love, friendship and the muses are the only true
riches. Whenever we enjoy these pleasures, we are out of
the power of the technological Leviathan. There are no
morals yet, only models. Stoicism, hedonism and all the
other pre-Socratic concepts are always helpful tools (the
two ages have some things in common).

A study of other cultures is essential (a full, real-time
adaptation to any place and any time). "Umheilicht" must
be overcome with two movements of extreme tension: a
deep study in history (natural, universal, human, religious,
philosophical, etc.) and the diary observation of the
technological breaking point (what the old historians
called: the "short time" and the "long time"). To combine
these two fields is the mark of the cultivated future man.
As Goethe beautifully stated: our feet firmly on earth
(reality), our minds always connected to the stars. That is
our destiny and also our pleasure.

These are nothing more than incomplete advices. The total

field is changing all the time. Fully settled in traditional
knowledge, the spiritual man should always be attuned to
the last movement, ever changing his mind without
changing his heart. The (re-)creation of new myths is the
superlative "work" bestowed upon the unique person.
"Life is UNCONDITIONAL, death is only the

Well, thats all for now. In my next letter, I'll talk about the
king: the technician and his politics. It is essential for the
unique person to know who and how rules. Your turn.

Best regards

Dear Roberto,

Indeed, we are almost in full agreement (does this begin to

worry you? ...;o))

I also think that the age of information will see the
revolutionizing of the very process of evolution, its speed,
its ends, its means, its distribution (all-pervasiveness). I
am not sure that we have a choice (between Man and
Superman, for instance). I think the phase transition will
occur when a new principle of selection is introduced, as
you have suggested. It will be a principle of selection
between competing models of civilization. In this, its
nature will be no different to its predecessors. But it will
employ different criteria. For the first time, technology
per se, as DISTINCT from humanity - will have a say.
From now on - and ever more so in the future - we are
TWO equal partners: the Man and the Machine. The
increasing complexity of the latter will render it intelligent
and the equal of Man himself.

Actually, what you are talking about in your letter is a

kulturkampf, a clash or battle of cultures. I tend to doubt
this specific outcome - I think transition will be smoother
and that disparate cultures will COHABITATE - though I
fully agree with all your premises. Here is why:

Culture is a hot topic. Scholars (Fukoyama, Huntington, to

mention but two) disagree about whether this is the end of
history or the beginning of a particularly nasty chapter of

What makes cultures tick and why some of them tick

discernibly better than others – is the main bone of

We can view cultures through the prism of their attitude

towards their constituents: the individuals they are
comprised of. More so, we can classify them in

accordance with their approach towards "humanness", the
experience of being human.

Some cultures are evidently anthropocentric – others are

anthropo-transcendental. These two lingual coins need
elaboration to be fully comprehended.

A culture which cherishes the human potential and strives

to create the conditions needed for its fullest
materialization and manifestation is an anthropocentric
culture. Such striving is the top priority, the crowning
achievement, the measuring rod of such a culture, its
attainment - its criterion of success or failure.

On the other pole of the dichotomy we find cultures which

look beyond humanity. This "transcendental" look has
multiple purposes.

Some cultures want to transcend human limitations, others

to derive meaning, yet others to maintain social
equilibrium. But what is common to all of them –
regardless of purpose – is the subjugation of human
endeavour, of human experience, human potential, all
things human to this transcendence.

Granted: cultures resemble living organisms. They evolve,

they develop, they procreate. None of them was "created"
the way it is today. Cultures go through Differential
Phases – wherein they re-define and re-invent themselves
using varied parameters. Once these phases are over – the
results are enshrined during the Inertial Phases. The
Differential Phases are period of social dislocation and
upheaval, of critical, even revolutionary thinking, of new
technologies, new methods of achieving set social goals,
identity crises, imitation and differentiation.

They are followed by phases of a diametrically opposed

Preservation, even stagnation, ritualism, repetition,

rigidity, emphasis on structures rather than contents.

Anthropocentric cultures have differential phases which

are longer than the inertial ones.

Anthropotranscendental ones tend to display a reverse


This still does not solve two basic enigmas:

What causes the transition between differential and

inertial phases?

Why is it that anthropocentricity coincides with

differentiation and progress / evolution – while other
types of cultures with an inertial framework?

A culture can be described by using a few axes:

Distinguishing versus Consuming Cultures

Some cultures give weight and presence (though not

necessarily equal) to each of their constituent elements
(the individual and social structures). Each such element
is idiosyncratic and unique. Such cultures would
accentuate attention to details, private enterprise,
initiative, innovation, entrepreneurship, inventiveness,
youth, status symbols, consumption, money, creativity,
art, science and technology.

These are the things that distinguish one individual from

Other cultures engulf their constituents, assimilate them to

the point of consumption. They are deemed, a priori, to be
redundant, their worth a function of their actual
contribution to the whole.

Such cultures emphasize generalizations, stereotypes,

conformity, consensus, belonging, social structures,
procedures, forms, undertakings involving the labour or
other input of human masses.

Future versus Past Oriented Cultures

Some cultures look to the past – real or imaginary – for

inspiration, motivation, sustenance, hope, guidance and
direction. These cultures tend to direct their efforts and
resources and invest them in what IS. They are, therefore,
bound to be materialistic, figurative, substantive, earthly.

They are likely to prefer old age to youth, old habits to

new, old buildings to modern architecture, etc. This
preference of the Elders (a term of veneration) over the
Youngsters (a denigrating term) typifies them strongly.
These cultures are likely to be risk averse.

Other cultures look to the future – always projected – for

the same reasons.

These cultures invest their efforts and resources in an

ephemeral future (upon the nature or image of which there
is no agreement or certainty).

These cultures are, inevitably, more abstract (living in an
eternal Gedankenexperiment), more imaginative, more
creative (having to design multiple scenarios just to
survive). They are also more likely to have a youth cult: to
prefer the young, the new, the revolutionary, the fresh – to
the old, the habitual, the predictable. They are be risk-
centered and risk-assuming cultures.

Static Versus Dynamic (Emergent) Cultures

Consensus versus Conflictual Cultures

Some cultures are more cohesive, coherent, rigid and

well-bounded and constrained. As a result, they will
maintain an unchanging nature and be static. They
discourage anything which could unbalance them or
perturb their equilibrium and homeostasis. These cultures
encourage consensus-building, teamwork, togetherness
and we-ness, mass experiences, social sanctions and social
regulation, structured socialization, peer loyalty,
belonging, homogeneity, identity formation through
allegiance to a group. These cultures employ numerous
self-preservation mechanisms and strict hierarchy,
obedience, discipline, discrimination (by sex, by race,
above all, by age and familial affiliation).

Other cultures seem more "ruffled", "arbitrary", or

disturbed. They are pluralistic, heterogeneous and torn.
These are the dynamic (or, fashionably, the emergent)
cultures. They encourage conflict as the main arbiter in
the social and economic spheres ("the invisible hand of
the market" or the American "checks and balances"),
contractual and transactional relationships, partisanship,
utilitarianism, heterogeneity, self fulfilment, fluidity of the
social structures, democracy.

Exogenic-Extrinsic Meaning Cultures versus
Endogenic-Intrinsic Meaning Cultures

Some cultures derive their sense of meaning, of direction

and of the resulting wish-fulfillment by referring to
frameworks which are outside them or bigger than them.
They derive meaning only through incorporation or

The encompassing framework could be God, History, the

Nation, a Calling or a Mission, a larger Social Structure, a
Doctrine, an Ideology, or a Value or Belief System, an
Enemy, a Friend, the Future – anything qualifies which is
bigger and outside the meaning-seeking culture.

Other cultures derive their sense of meaning, of direction

and of the resulting wish fulfilment by referring to
themselves – and to themselves only. It is not that these
cultures ignore the past – they just do not re-live it. It is
not that they do not possess a Values or a Belief System
or even an ideology – it is that they are open to the
possibility of altering it.

While in the first type of cultures, Man is meaningless

were it not for the outside systems which endow him with
meaning – In the latter the outside systems are
meaningless were it not for Man who endows them with

Virtually Revolutionary Cultures versus Structurally-

Paradigmatically Revolutionary Cultures

All cultures – no matter how inert and conservative –

evolve through the differential phases.

These phases are transitory and, therefore, revolutionary
in nature.

Still, there are two types of revolution:

The Virtual Revolution is a change (sometimes, radical)

of the structure – while the content is mostly preserved. It
is very much like changing the hardware without
changing any of the software in a computer.

The other kind of revolution is more profound. It usually

involves the transformation or metamorphosis of both
structure and content. In other cases, the structures remain
intact – but they are hollowed out, their previous content
replaced by new one. This is a change of paradigm
(superbly described by the late Thomas Kuhn in his
masterpiece: "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions").

The Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome Differentiating


As a result of all the above, cultures react with shock

either to change or to its absence.

A taxonomy of cultures can be established along these


Those cultures which regard change as a trauma – and

those who traumatically react to the absence of change, to
paralysis and stagnation.

This is true in every sphere of life: the economic, the

social, in the arts, the sciences.

Neurotic Adaptive versus Normally Adaptive Cultures

This is the dividing line:

Some cultures feed off fear and trauma. To adapt, they

developed neuroses. Other cultures feed off hope and love
– they have adapted normally.

Neurotic Cultures Normal Cultures

Consuming Distinguishing

Past Oriented Future Oriented

Static Dynamic (Emergent)

Consensual Conflictive

Exogenic-Extrinsic Endogenic-Intrinsic

Virtual Revolutionary Structurally-Paradigmatically


PTSS reaction to change PTSS reaction to stagnation

So, are these types of cultures doomed to clash, as the

current fad goes – or can they cohabitate?

It seems that the Neurotic cultures are less adapted to win

the battle to survive. The fittest are those cultures flexible
enough to respond to an ever changing world – and at an
ever increasing pace, at that. The neurotic cultures are
slow to respond, rigid and convulsive. Being past-
orientated means that they emulate and imitate the normal

cultures – but only when they have become part of the
past. Alternatively, they assimilate and adopt some of the
attributes of the past of normal cultures. This is why a
traveller who visits a neurotic culture (and is coming from
a normal one) often has the feeling that he has been thrust
to the past, that he is experiencing a time travel.

A War of Cultures is, therefore, not very plausible. The

neurotic cultures need the normal cultures. The latter are
the generators of the former's future. A normal culture's
past is a neurotic culture's future.

Deep inside, the neurotic cultures know that something is

wrong with them, that they are ill-adapted. That is why
members of these cultural spheres entertain overt
emotions of envy, hostility even hatred – coupled with
explicit sensations of inferiority, inadequacy,
disappointment, disillusionment and despair. The eruptive
nature (the neurotic rage) of these cultures is exactly the
result of these inner turmoils. On the other hand, soliloquy
is not action, often it is a substitute to it. Very few
neurotic cultures are suicidal – and then for very brief
periods of time.

To forgo the benefits of learning from the experience of

normal cultures how to survive would be suicidal, indeed.
This is why I think that the transition to a different model,
replete with different morals, will be completed with
success. But it will not eliminate all pervious models - I
foresee cohabitation.


Hi Sam,

I am not worried at all about being in full agreement with
you - it is you who should be worried indeed:-)

But, I think we are not dealing with the same question. I

am presenting this question in absolute terms. Though all
those considerations about cultures are interesting indeed,
it is not my intention at all to come with another page of
the "futurology of technology" or to try to make a new
version of techno-waves, futures shocks and versions of
culture wars of Toffler's, Huntington's and all the rest (E.
J. said enough in 1931). Concerning this special issue I
will elaborate in my next letter, again with pragmatic
intentions. I will try to give the reader a brief picture of
the king: the technician. It is essential for the individual to
know who is the ruler and how he rules.

But I wasn't talking about that when I referred to

Nietzsche. My question was not about cultures, nations,
techno-waves, races or any other profiles. My
interrogation was about the human species as a whole,
those strange things we called humans. I don't know what
SURPASSING, OVERCOMING, mean de facto. I was
just asking the readers (and myself): What does it mean, if
we accept the hypothesis (and this is another question) of

Could be a significant change in the human species? I am

thinking in "surpassing" humans with genetic engineering,
the creation of not only new races but whole new species.
That is my central idea in this dialogue: What if
technology embodies the Law of Nature, and the Law of
nature is an eternal drive to perfection? Doesn't it mean
that man must, de facto, be overcome? Does anybody
think yet, that a superior species (if this means anything at
all) would live with us in pax and harmony? Finally, I will

ask you again: can humans be surpassed? What does it
mean, philosophically and existentially, OVERCOMING?

Well, I promise to the readers that the next letter will be

entirely pragmatic:-)

We will talk a little about the king and his clothes? Or is

he naked?

Best regards

Dear RCM,

Sometimes, I am so obsessed with WHAT I have to say -

that I forget to explain WHY I say it.

I fully understood your questions the first time around.

The confluence of genetic engineering, computer
networking (communal neural networks),
telecommunications (especially wireless) and mass
transport is bound to alter humanity profoundly and
irreversibly. One possibility is, indeed, surpassing and
overcoming on the way to the emergence of a Superman,
in the Nietzschean sense (whatever that is). Whether this
is the inevitable result - is debatable. But it is a possibility
which merits discussion.

I prefer to be less metaphysical. I think that a new

CULTURE will emerge. Cultures are highly structured
reactive patterns adopted by human communities in
response to shocks (including positive shocks), traumas,
or drastic changes in circumstances. Cultures to human
communities are very much as personalities are to

individuals. I think the new technologies will spawn a
host of new cultures (or, more like it, a global new


We must always bear in mind that:

a. Only a small minority of humanity will be thus

effected. Only the citizens of the rich, developed
world are likely to have access to genetic
engineering and computing and
telecommunications on a pervasive scale. The
"new species" is likely to be an isolated
phenomenon, confined to niches of the Earth. The
"new culture" will be a Rich Man's culture. This is
what I meant by cohabitation. Even today we have
technologically advanced cultures cohabiting with
stone age cultures (in the Amazon River basin, in
Africa, in Asia).

b. Even if we assume that the idea of historical

progress (asymptotically aspiring to perfection) is
valid (HIGHLY debatable); and even if we assume
that technology will come to embody this idea (of
progress); and even if we accept that, in becoming
the embodiment of the idea of progress -
technology will supplant the Law, it will
BECOME THE LAW - even then, it is not certain
that it will have any impact on humanity as such.
Judging by history, it is more reasonable to assume
that people will simply react by generating a new
culture. They will respond to these new realities,
making use of a series of newly and especially
developed formalisms, rituals and behaviours

intended to enhance their survivability in a
technological universe.

c. It would not be true to say that history can be no

guide to us this time around because the new
technologies are so unprecedented. What can
history teach us about genetic engineering and its
capacity to reconstruct Man and to create whole
new species, you can wonder. The answer is: it can
teach us a lot. Low-tech genetic engineering
(especially in agriculture and breeding) has been
going on for millennia now. How can history help
us when we try to cope with the Internet? The
answer is: is many ways. The Internet is only the
latest in a string of networks which spanned the
globe (the telegraph, the railway, the radio,

So, I went and had a look at history and came up with the
conclusion that ALL cultures that I reviewed (by no
means a complete survey), present and future, fall into the
taxonomic framework that I suggested to you. I believe
that the NEW CULTURE, the reaction to the new
technologies, will fall into one of the taxonomic rubrics
that I suggested and that it will co-exist with other, older,
different cultures. That is why I went into this elaborate
classification of cultures.

I hope I made myself a lot clearer and I am awaiting your

Hans Christian Andersen treatment of the technicians and
their clothes.


Hi Sam

Reading your answer, I finally understand why people are

not scared by genetic progress: it is that we simply cannot
imagine a surpassing of MAN. We, as the self-appointed
pinnacle of nature cannot conceive of anything superior to
us. You say that even though THIS CHANGE is possible
- it is not likely. But, don't you think that is in
contradiction with your own system. You affirm that
manipulation of information can be incarnated in matter,
that is to say, that changes in the quanta of info imply a
change in matter. So, dreams could come true.

Can we dream about something higher than man? Are

there any more steps between us and the Universe?:-)
What I was asking you, my dear Ph. D., is to discuss this
matter, from a philosophical point of view. But you elude
it, maybe it is because we humans cannot think further
than humans do, maybe there is no concept of perfection
beyond Man...

Well, let us get off these speculations and take off into the
land of the Technicians, these new mandarins of the
Empire(R). But, before starting our "graphic adventure" in
the techno-jungle of our Play-SuperStation(TM) thou
should know the rules of the game and the tools at thou

First: This is a game, any resemblance to reality is pure


Second: Every instrument has two sides.

Third: To play this game everyone has to pay a price (and
you know what it is).

Fourth: The game is not over yet.

"Is it a fact - or have I dreamt it - that by means of

electricity, the world of matter has become a great nerve,
vibrating thousands of miles in a breathless point of time?
Rather, the round globe is a vast head, a brain, instinct
with intelligence!"
Nathaniel Hawthorn (1804-1864)

The Technician, (a lullaby)

Believe me or not, beloved public, but the truth is that our

king, the king of this tale, was born a poor child, son of
the marriage between Science and "homo faber". For
some years he served as apprentice in forges and labs,
learning all he saw. One day he had a dream and in it he
was the king the world. Inebriated by his dreams, in
keeping with the way of the old heroes, he went to the
battlefields with his new toys and his grey uniform. Its
was time for the world to know him.

The birth of a new ruler. So, with his war machines, he

drew a red line (hereinafter called the "death zone") in
history. 1914, year one of Age of the Technicians (TM).
In those days he was young, arrogant and violent. He was
not interested in art, the spirit, self-control... but in his
death toys. After the "necessary" destruction of the old
world, he donned his new clothes: the overall, the uniform
of the Worker, to build his own world (that he had a
dreamt of). But the old directors were stupid, they did not
see the new world, they were blind and weak, he had to
liquidate them. Like the Pied Piper he walked all over the

world, playing his electrifying symphony of work and
vengeance. All, young and old alike, awoke and heard the
enchantment. The hammer hit the anvil, the sickle
harvested flowers and heads, the propeller triturated meat.
Flames twisted in revolt, the earth opened its abyss
wherefrom the demons entered, but nothing of this
affected our young boy, who looked fascinated by his map
and his time-clocks and pushed the buttons of his
switchboard. When the tempest ended, he was the director
of the factory. But, now he needed money,, so he went
with his machines to Eldorado(TM), he invented
RiskGames (TM) to win in the roulette of the Casino of
the Isle(R). Now he was the the director of Starve, Mooty
and Poors(TM) and wore Armani(TM). But his thirst was
infinite, he wanted all the prize. He wanted girls: the
Romans ravished the Sabines(TM). He became an artist,
clad in leather, he started a heavy-metal band called The
Garage(TM). It was then that he discovered TV, so he
contracted a band from Seattle(TM) and invented the
grunge. He was now the director of a EFE(TM)
(Entertainment For Ever), the megacorp of
communications, and wore Burton(TM) shirts. He has all
the channels: sports, porno, music, surgery, religion, even
one of horoscopes, it was called Acuarium(TM) TV and
the TV spot went: "we sell future 24 hours a day, only 5$
per hour". Now he had already discovered the most cruel
and sublime pleasure: to control other people's minds. So
he bought the various parts of AT&T and made the world
over a Net of titanium and silicon - satellites were marked
with his trademarked name. Then, he created a new
company of software games with the best techno-artists he
found. He also bought the biggest chemical/genetic
corporation: SupremArtis(TM). Finally he merged all
them up and created the Ultimate Super-Megacorp, which

sold mega-consoles whose games were more real than
Reality(TM), and he called it The Dream(TM).

Game Over

Insert Coin

Well, hope you liked it. I think it is enough for now. It is

always a pleasure to dialogue with you, hope we will keep
our team work - I think our different points of view can
offer new perspectives to our readers and that is a very
good thing.

And, dear readers, never forget: technology, the machine,

is only a scenery, you are both the actor and the author.

"He only earns his freedom and his life

Who takes them everyday by storm."


best regards


Shmuel (Sam) Vaknin

Curriculum Vitae

Born in 1961 in Qiryat-Yam, Israel.

Served in the Israeli Defence Force (1979-1982) in
training and education units.
Graduated a few semesters in the Technion – Israel
Institute of Technology, Haifa.
Ph.D. in Philosophy (major: Philosophy of Physics) –
Pacific Western University, California, USA.
Graduate of numerous courses in Finance Theory and
International Trading.
Certified E-Commerce Concepts Analyst by Brainbench.
Certified in Psychological Counselling Techniques by
Certified Financial Analyst by Brainbench.
Full proficiency in Hebrew and in English.
Business Experience
1980 to 1983
Founder and co-owner of a chain of computerized
information kiosks in Tel-Aviv, Israel.

1982 to 1985
Senior positions with the Nessim D. Gaon Group of
Companies in Geneva, Paris and New-York (NOGA and
– Chief Analyst of Edible Commodities in the Group's
Headquarters in Switzerland
– Manager of the Research and Analysis Division
– Manager of the Data Processing Division
– Project Manager of the Nigerian Computerized Census
– Vice President in charge of RND and Advanced
– Vice President in charge of Sovereign Debt Financing
1985 to 1986
Represented Canadian Venture Capital Funds in Israel.
1986 to 1987
General Manager of IPE Ltd. in London. The firm
financed international multi-lateral countertrade and
leasing transactions.
1988 to 1990
Co-founder and Director of "Mikbats-Tesuah", a portfolio
management firm based in Tel-Aviv.
Activities included large-scale portfolio management,
underwriting, forex trading and general financial advisory

1990 to Present
Freelance consultant to many of Israel's Blue-Chip firms,
mainly on issues related to the capital markets in Israel,
Canada, the UK and the USA.
Consultant to foreign RND ventures and to governments
on macro-economic matters.
Freelance journalist and analyst for various media in the
1990 to 1995
President of the Israel chapter of the Professors World
Peace Academy (PWPA) and (briefly) Israel
representative of the "Washington Times".
1993 to 1994
Co-owner and Director of many business enterprises:
– The Omega and Energy Air-Conditioning Concern
– AVP Financial Consultants
– Handiman Legal Services – Total annual turnover of the
group: 10 million USD.
Co-owner, Director and Finance Manager of COSTI Ltd.
– Israel's largest computerized information vendor and
developer. Raised funds through a series of private
placements locally in the USA, Canada and London.
1993 to 1996
Publisher and Editor of a Capital Markets Newsletter
distributed by subscription only to dozens of subscribers

In a legal precedent in 1995 – studied in business schools
and law faculties across Israel – was tried for his role in
an attempted takeover of Israel's Agriculture Bank.
Was interned in the State School of Prison Wardens.
Managed the Central School Library, wrote, published
and lectured on various occasions.
Managed the Internet and International News Department
of an Israeli mass media group, "Ha-Tikshoret and
Assistant in the Law Faculty in Tel-Aviv University (to
Prof. S.G. Shoham).
1996 to 1999
Financial consultant to leading businesses in Macedonia,
Russia and the Czech Republic.
Economic commentator in "Nova Makedonija",
"Dnevnik", "Makedonija Denes", "Izvestia", "Argumenti i
Fakti", "The Middle East Times", "The New Presence",
"Central Europe Review", and other periodicals, and in
the economic programs on various channels of
Macedonian Television.
Chief Lecturer in Macedonia in courses organized by the
Agency of Privatization, by the Stock Exchange, and by
the Ministry of Trade.
1999 to 2002
Economic Advisor to the Government of the Republic of
Macedonia and to the Ministry of Finance.

2001 to 2003
Senior Business Correspondent for United Press
International (UPI).
Web and Journalistic Activities
Author of extensive Web sites in:
– Psychology ("Malignant Self Love") – An Open
Directory Cool Site,
– Philosophy ("Philosophical Musings"),
– Economics and Geopolitics ("World in Conflict and
Owner of the Narcissistic Abuse Study List and the
Abusive Relationships Newsletter (more than 6000
Owner of the Economies in Conflict and Transition Study
List, the Toxic Relationships Study List, and the Link and
Factoid Study List.
Editor of mental health disorders and Central and Eastern
Europe categories in various Web directories (Open
Directory, Search Europe,
Editor of the Personality Disorders, Narcissistic
Personality Disorder, the Verbal and Emotional Abuse,
and the Spousal (Domestic) Abuse and Violence topics on
Suite 101 and Bellaonline.
Columnist and commentator in "The New Presence",
United Press International (UPI), InternetContent,
eBookWeb, PopMatters, "Global Politician", eBookNet,
and "Central Europe Review".

Publications and Awards
"Managing Investment Portfolios in States of
Uncertainty", Limon Publishers, Tel-Aviv, 1988
"The Gambling Industry", Limon Publishers, Tel-Aviv,
"Requesting My Loved One – Short Stories", Yedioth
Aharonot, Tel-Aviv, 1997
"The Suffering of Being Kafka" (electronic book of
Hebrew and English Short Fiction), Prague and Skopje,
"The Macedonian Economy at a Crossroads – On the Way
to a Healthier Economy" (dialogues with Nikola
Gruevski), Skopje, 1998
"The Exporters' Pocketbook", Ministry of Trade, Republic
of Macedonia, Skopje, 1999
"Malignant Self Love – Narcissism Revisited", Narcissus
Publications, Prague and Skopje, 1999-2007
The Narcissism Series (e-books regarding relationships
with abusive narcissists), Skopje, 1999-2007
"After the Rain – How the West Lost the East", Narcissus
Publications in association with Central Europe
Review/CEENMI, Prague and Skopje, 2000
Winner of numerous awards, among them Israel's Council
of Culture and Art Prize for Maiden Prose (1997), The
Rotary Club Award for Social Studies (1976), and the
Bilateral Relations Studies Award of the American
Embassy in Israel (1978).

Hundreds of professional articles in all fields of finances
and the economy, and numerous articles dealing with
geopolitical and political economic issues published in
both print and Web periodicals in many countries.
Many appearances in the electronic media on subjects in
philosophy and the sciences, and concerning economic

Write to Me:
[email protected]
[email protected]

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