Context Clues - Lesson Plan

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Name of School Arellano University Grade level Grade 8

Student Teacher Princess Diane D. Serran Learning Area English

I. Learning Objectives
At the of the lesson, the students will be able to:

A. identify the 5 types of context clues;

B. discern the significance of context clues in reading; and
C. formulate meaning of difficult/unknown words through context clues.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: “Context Clues”

Instructional Materials: Cartolina, white board marker

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities

A. Daily Routine

1. Opening Prayer
Good Morning Ma’am!
2. Greeting
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Condition

B. Recall

1. What was our topic last meeting? Participle and participial phrase ma’am!

2. What are participles again? Word/phrase formed from a verb that acts as an
adjective in a sentence.

3. Give me an example of a participle and state its Broken ma’am, it is past participle.
Falling ma’am, it is present participle.
4. Give me an example of participial phrase and tell People in the evacuation center, terrified by the storm,
me which is the participial phrase. continuously prayed for their lives and the phrase is
‘‘terrified by the storm ma’am’’.

I will need 1 volunteer from each group.

The game is similar to “pinoy henyo”

wherein an unknown word needs to be guessed.
but the volunteer will only give at least 5 discription
about the unknown word w/o mentioning it and the
other members of the group has to guess the word


1. Sea games
2. surf/surfing
3. typhoon
4. calligraphy
5. lantern


How did you come up with the right word? Ma’am, we carefully listened to his/her descriptions
How did you guess it? about the word.


What description stood out to you the most, “students will answer”
that made you sure of your guess?

Ok, very good. Nice work everyone.

So, with help of the descriptions of your classmate about

the unknown word you had an idea to come up with a
guess the words like: surf/surfing, typhoon, calligraphy,
and lantern; even though you have no clue of what the
words were.

When you read a novel or an ad or an article and you come

across to an unfamiliar word what do you do? “a student will answer”
with a dictionary ma’am!

Yes, that is useful but it distracts us and we often lose track

on our reading.

But did you know that that there are ways to decipher or to
understand the meaning of an unknown word…

We call it “context clues”

Teacher will now introduce the lesson and explain the

different types of Context clues.

“Context clues are hints found within a sentence,

Five types of Context clues
1. Restatement/Synonym Clues:
- Synonyms are used as context clues when an author
uses a similar word for a word which you might not
already know the definition.


The young girl was very aloof. She always seems

unsociable, unapproachable, and uninterested.

2. Antonym Context clues

- The author uses a word or phrase with an opposite

meaning to suggest the meaning of the new word.
Words like “although,” “however,” and “but” may
signal contrast clues. May or may not appear in the
same sentence


Chad is calm and quiet, buthis brother is boisterous

3. Definition / Description clue

- Usually defined for the reader, generally in the same
- The author provides a direct (explicit) definition of
an unknown word in the sentence.
- SIGNAL WORDS: Is, are, Is /are called Is / are, known
as, Is defined as
Means, Refers to
- Also, look for punctuation marks that set off a
definition, such as quotation marks, parentheses,
and brackets.


Biology is the science that studies life.

4. General knowledge clue

- The meaning of an unfamiliar word can be inferred

(guessed) from the description of a situation. The
author provides non-specific clues, often spread
over the sentence or number of sentences.
- You must draw conclusions based on the
information given.

Example: Jenny didn’t want to tell Sam the entire

plot of the movie, so he just gave her the gist of the
5.Examples clues

- The author provides examples or illustrations of the

new word to suggest its meaning.

SIGNAL WORDS: For example/For

instance/Including/Such as/Specifically/To illustrate


Celestial bodies, including the sun, moon, and stars,

have fascinated man through the centuries.


1. After seeing the picture of the starving people, we

felt compassion or pity for their suffering.

2. We thought the athletes would be famished after their

game, but they were not hungry at all

3. The dudeen – a short- stemmed clay pipe – is found in

Irish folk tales.

4. She told her friend, "I am through with blind dates

forever. What a dull evening! I was bored every minute. The Restatement/synonym
conversation was absolutely vapid."

5. Paula was suspended from school because of several

infractions of the rules, including smoking in the bathroom
and dressing improperly.
Definition/description clue
6. "That charlatan!" he cried. "That absolute fake!"

7. Every time that Jamal went to the library, he tried

to expand his understanding of the world, which means he General knowledge
tried to learn something new.

8. Coyotes have a voracious appetite. They eat insects,

lizards, snakes, rabbits, squirrels, grasses and even fruit. Example clue

9. The team felt victorious. They knew they would never Synonym clues
lose again.
Meaning: charlatan - a person falsely claiming to have a special
knowledge or skill; a fraud
10. “Bats, owls, raccoons, and crickets are chiefly nocturnal Definition Context Clues
Meaning: expand – become or make larger or more extensive.

General knowledge clue

Production Meaning: voracious  - wanting or devouring great quantities of

Antonym or Contrast Context Clue
PART 1 Meaning: victorious - having won a victory; triumphant.
Example clues
Explanation: “Bats, owls, raccoons, and crickets” are
examples of “nocturnal creatures” (creatures of the

Answer key:

Instruction: Among the 5 types of context clues choose at
least 2 and construct a sentence for each. Make sure to put an
unknown word to define in the sentence and state what type
you used.

(you can use your dictionary, but make sure that the unknown
word you will use is also new to you.)


1. Annoyed of her whining, he gave her an exasperated look.

Being annoyed at someone – Restatement or synonym clue

Direction: (1 whole sheet of paper)

Read the short passage about English Mastiffs, look for
unfamiliar words and try to decipher the meaning through
context clues. Use the graphic organizer below.

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