Grade 6 Daily Lesson Plan

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School: Grade Level: VI

GRADE 6 Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH (HEALTH)

DAILY LESSON PLAN Teaching Dates and Time: July 30-August 3, 2018 (Week 9) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER

A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of personal health issues and concerns and the importance of health appraisal procedures and community resources in preventing or
managing them
B. Performance Standard Practices selfmanagement skills to prevent and control personal health issues and concerns
C. Learning Competencies Identifies community health resources and facilities that may be utilized to address a variety of personal health issues and concerns.
(write the LC Code) H6 PH-Igh-23

II. CONTENT Community health resources and facilities


A. References
1. TG/CG pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Materials downloaded
from LRMDS
B. Other Learning Pictures, activity materials, power-point, video-clip
A. Reviewing previous Health inspection
lesson and presenting Cites some health appraisal procedures
new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose
for the lesson 1. Based from the picture shown,what are the services rendered by the health professionals?
2. What are the key roles they can play in supporting people and delivering care?
3. Is it important that we have to visit and consult this entire health practitioner? Why?
4. How do they help us to protect and prevent our illness?

C. Presenting A health professional is a qualified person who delivers proper health care in a systematic and professional way to any individual in need of health care services. A health
examples/instances of care provider may refer to a health professional or an organization that provides professional health services. Professionals are regulated by their body and/or the state.
the lesson
D. Discussing new Below are some of the health specialist you could check on:
concepts and practicing 1. Obstetrician – specialist in caring for the mother before during and immediately after birth.
new skills #1 2. Gynecologist-specialist in women’s condition and diseases, especially of the female reproductive system.
3. Pediatrician-specialist in health and illness of children.
4. Opthalmologist-specialist in treating eye conditions and diseases.
5. Neurologist- specialist in diagnosing and treating disorders of the nervous system.
6. Psychiatrist-specialist in the treatment of mental and emotional condition and disorders
E. Discussing new 7. Gerontologist- specialist for the aged and elderly
concepts and practicing 8. Surgeon-performs surgical related cases.
new skills #2 9. Nephrologist-specialist to the disorder of the kidney.
10. Podiatrist- specialist various feet related diseases.
F. Developing mastery
(lead to formative
assessment 3)
G. Finding practical Identify the best health resources for each situation.
application of concepts 1. Myrna is a week pregnant and must consult a medical professional already. What kind of doctor Should she seek?_________________
and skills in daily living 2. While playing, Jerome accidentally hit his head on the floor due to a bad fall. He was unconscious and was rushed to the hospital where it was found that he suffered a
blood clot in a part of his brain. Who should attend to him?________________
3. At birth, Baby Mica must already have her own medical specialist to monitor her growth and development. Who should her parents consult?
4. Miguel broke his leg after a vehicular accident. An emergency operation is need. Who must work on his case? ___________________________
5. Lucio is having difficulties urinating. He is starting to experience edema (swelling limbs or face) too. Whom must he consult?______________________________

H. Making generalization
and abstractions about Valuing: How do we show respect and value our health professionals?
the lesson What are the different specialist you should check on?
1. Obstetrician – specialist in caring for the mother before during and immediately after birth.
2. Gynecologist-specialist in women’s condition and diseases, especially of the female reproductive system.
3. Pediatrician-specialist in health and illness of children.
4. Opthalmologist-specialist in treating eye conditions and diseases.
5. Neurologist- specialist in diagnosing and treating disorders of the nervous system.
6. Psychiatrist-specialist in the treatment of mental and emotional condition and disorders.
7. Gerontologist- specialist for the aged and elderly
8. Surgeon-performs surgical related cases.
9. Nephrologist-specialist to the disorder of the kidney. 10. Podiatrist- specialist various feet related diseases.
I. Evaluating learning Match the description in Column A with the community health resources.
1. Treats persons with cardiac problems a. Nephrologist
2. Treats persons with urinary kidney disorder b. physical therapist
3. Treats persons with dental problems c. cardiologist
4. Treats persons with problems in the skin d. dentist
5. Rehabilitates persons with strength mobility e. dermatologist
and other muscular disorder
J. Additional activities for Do you have a Pediatrician? Family Doctor? Family dentist? How often do you get to see them? Write your most memorable experience with any of them.
application or
VI. REFLECTION Assessing yourself as a teacher and analyzing the students’ progress this week.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
acquired additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal can help me
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with other

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