Value: Appreciate The Importance in Observing Safety Precautions in Dancing

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Department of Education

Region X
Division of Bukidnon
Quezon II District


I. Objectives:
Assesses regularly participation in physical activities based on the Philippines physical
activity pyramid. (PE6PF-IVb-h-18)
1.. Identify the necessary safety precautions and its importance in dancing .
2. Appreciate the importance in observing safety precautions in dancing.
3. Execute safety precautions.
Value: appreciate the importance in observing safety precautions in dancing.

II. Subject Matter: Necessary Precautions in Dancing

References: Physical Education Quarter 3 – Module 2: Week 2 Necessary Precautions in
Dancing pp 1-7
Materials: Laptop, projector, pictures, video, module

III. Learning Activities:

A. Review:
 do needle work
 walking to church
 bicycling
 dancing
B. Motivation
Rearrange the scrambled letters to form words. These words are the precautionary
measures before , during and after dancing.



B. Presentation:

We have learned that Filipinos were fond of dancing. Dance is an activity where you move
your body in a beat. Dance has been done since the ancient times. It is very popular today.
Dancing can be done alone, with a partner, by a small group, or by a large group. You can
dance in a dance hall, dance floor, court, dance schools, dance studious, community halls, or
even in your own home. Dancing is very popular and many organizations adopt it for
competitions and for their fitness programs.

C. Lesson Proper
- Teacher discuss the Necessary Precautions in Dancing through video presentation.

- then raise the questions.

What are the necessary precautions in dancing?
Why is it important to observe the necessary precautions in dancing?
D. Activities
a. Exercise I
List down five (5) sentences each on what to do and what not to do before dancing.
Write your answer in your activity notebook and submit it to your PE teacher.

b. 1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.,
5. 5.

Exercise II
Directions: Read each statement carefully. Fill in the blank with the appropriate answer. Choose
the letter of your answer from the box below. Do the activity on your activity notebook.
Word Box
a. Water b. Barriers c. Wear d. injury e. dance f. guidelines
g. medical problem h. spacious i. warm- up j. stretches

You can reduce your risk of (1.) _________when dancing if you follow some simple (2.)
__________. See to it that you are in (3.) _________ area without (4.) __________.
(5.)__________ thoroughly before you start dancing and include (6.) ___________. (7.)
_________ professionally fitted shoes appropriate to your style of (8.)_________. See to it that
you do not have a (9.) _____________. Drink plenty of (10.)_________ before, during and after
c. Exercise III
Perform/ execute/ apply the following warm- up exercises before dancing. (Note:
Video/ picture yourself during the execution of the warm- up exercises and submit
the said video to your PE teacher.
Warm- up Exercises Rating
 Displayed satisfaction, appreciation, following necessary precautions, 5
and pride of being a Filipino in executing and performing the warm-up
 Displayed three of the following indicators stated above in executing 4
and performing the warm-up exercise.
 Displayed two of the following indicators stated above in executing 3
and performing the warm-up exercise.
 Displayed one of the following indicators stated above in executing 2
and performing the warm-up exercise.
 No performance/ execution 1

E. Generalization
What are the necessary precautions in dancing?
Why is it important to observe the necessary precautions in dancing?
IV. Evaluation:
I. Read each statement carefully. Write the word “safe” if the statement observes safety
precautions in dancing and write the word “unsafe” if the statement does not observe
safety precautions in dancing, then change the underlined word that possibly made
the statement wrong. Do the activity on your activity notebook.

__________1. Before dancing see to it that you are in hazardous area.

__________2. Warm up thoroughly before you start dancing and include stretches.
__________ 3. Proper dance shoes distribute load, absorb impact, and support your foot.
__________4. In dancing, see to it you are not carrying sharp objects that could hurt you.
__________5. Drink plenty of soft drinks before, during and after dancing.
__________6. You must rest before the dance session.
__________7. You should always be guided by safety precautions even without the presence of
your teachers.
__________8. You can reduce your risk of injury when dancing if you follow your co-dancer.
__________9. Cool down after a dance session and stretch again.
__________10. See your teacher for a check-up if you have a medical condition.

II. Directions: Identify each statement if it observes safety precautions in dancing. Write the
word “Go” if it observes necessary precautions and write the word “No” if it does
not observe necessary precautions. Write your answer in your activity notebook.

_______ 1. Reynaldo chooses to dance “Singkil”, a dance style that is appropriate to his level
of fitness
_______ 2. When Lester joins the folk dance “Maglalatik”, he warms up thoroughly before
he starts dancing.
_______ 3. Christopher does not wear professionally fitted shoes during dance practice.
_______ 4. Cherish always checks with her dance instructor that she is using the correct
posture or technique.
_______ 5. During dance practice, Zeke felt pain but he never rested.

V. Agreement:
Research the Different Skills Involved in the Dance Itik-Itik and Maglalatik.

Prepared by:


Teacher I
Noted by:

School Principal I

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