Successful Online Display Advertising

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Successful Online

Display Advertising
Small businesses that are considering online marketing strategies will find this booklet useful.
This booklet focuses on using online display advertising techniques (e.g. banner advertisements)
to advertise your own business. You may want to read this booklet in conjunction with other
booklets in this series that such as “Increasing Traffic to Your Website Through Search Engine
Optimization Techniques” and “Social Media Marketing” to gain a broader understanding of the
various online marketing strategies.

What is Display Advertising?

Online display advertising is the use of the Internet
as an advertising medium where “Indeed, many in the industry regard display
promotional messages appear on other advertising that can reach specific audiences as
websites and/or search engine results the next big online opportunity – the post-search
pages. These messages frequently contain information wave, the Internet ad market 2.0.”
such as text, logos, photographs or other pictures. - Source: Steve Lohr. Internet Marketing. Your Ad Goes Here. The
The images displayed may be static or animated. Two New York Times. May 16, 2007.
common ways to purchase display ads are Pay per Click
(PPC) or Cost per Impression (CPM).

Display Advertising is One of

Many Internet Marketing Strategies Your Internet marketing strategy should be
part of your overall marketing strategy that
Internet marketing refers to strategies to promote your may include more traditional (offline) forms
business online. Display advertising is one of many of marketing. Traditional low-cost marketing (e.g.
types of Internet marketing strategies. Your offline and print advertisements, business cards) can include
online marketing approaches should be part of your your website address, which can effectively
overall marketing strategy. encourage people to visit your website.

Disclaimer: This booklet is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, technical,
business or other advice and should not be relied on as such. Please consult a lawyer or other professional
advisor if you have any questions related to the topics discussed in the booklet. The P.E.I. Government does not
endorse any commercial product, process or service referenced in this booklet, or its producer or provider. The
P.E.I. Government also does not make any express or implied warranties, or assumes any legal liability for the
accuracy, completeness, timeliness or usefulness of any information contained in this booklet, including web-links
to other servers.
Formats for Online Display Advertising
Display Advertisements can be posted in a variety of formats. Some of these formats are described below:

Formats for Display Advertising

 anner Ads. A graphic image that announces the name and identity of a website, along with a brief
description. Banner Ads may also include audio/video content. An ad that is displayed on websites usually
contains a graphic image and some text. Banners are the most common format used for display advertising.
These ads are most effective when targeted to the right audience. The ads can be used to generate leads,
sales and build brand awareness.
• Visit the website for examples of banner ads located at the
bottom and right hand side of the page. Also note that these ads relate to the content of the website.
 op-up Ads. An advertisement that loads between two content pages. These types of ads can create
resentment in users and lead to low click-through-rates (i.e. very few users will click on these ads).
 ext Ads. Sometimes text ads may be more appropriate than the other ad formats. An example of text
ads is a commercial message sent to mobile device users. This type of ad downloads quickly and is not
affected by ad blocking software. You can also find text ads on Search Engine Results Pages.

What are the Benefits of Online

Display Advertising?
Internet advertising doesn’t have to be expensive. While display advertising can be expensive, keep in mind that
you can set a ceiling on how much you are willing to spend on online advertising. Start small and test out different
types of online advertising to see if they increase your web traffic.

Benefits of Online Display Advertising

• You can reach a wide audience with a small advertising budget.
• Pay per click advertising campaigns only require that you pay for advertising when someone clicks on
the link in the ad. Pay per click also allows you to set a ceiling on your advertising budget. You can
increase or decrease the amount you spend once you review whether the advertising has resulted in
more traffic to your website.
• Effective display advertising can produce immediate results.
• You can target your advertising campaign to the right audiences by placing your ad on relevant websites
and by choosing the right keywords (for ads on search engines).
• Even if users do not click on your ads, the advertisements can create and increase brand awareness.
• Online advertisements are usually easily tracked and monitored (e.g. you can monitor how many users
clicked on the ad). You can adjust your campaign accordingly, based on the results.

Limitations of Display Advertising

Banner ads have experienced declining click through rates (typically about .05% or less). This means that
people are unlikely to click on these ads. Used appropriately, however, this type of advertising can still be
beneficial, particularly in terms of helping to brand your business or product. Negotiate to decrease the costs
on your ad-buy and carefully monitor the results of your advertising campaign.
There is a risk associated with doing Pay Per Click advertising as your competitors can click on your advertisement
without purchasing anything and thus drive up your advertising costs.

Keep in mind that click through rates can increase based on the relevance, placement
and design of the ad on the website.

What is an Internet Advertising Network?

Before discussing advertising options, let’s take this opportunity to define advertising networks. An ad network is a
company that connects people who want to host ads on their websites known as publishers with advertisers who
want to run advertisements on those sites.

An ad network’s value proposition to publishers is that it can sell inventory that the publisher can’t sell
itself – either because the publisher is small (and so doesn’t have its own sales force), or, in the case
of larger publishers, the inventory is of too low-value to merit direct selling. This kind of inventory is called
remnant inventory. “[Ad] Networks come in all shapes and sizes. There are ‘premium’ networks which work
with remnant inventory for large publishers; there are vertical networks which focus on a particular industry
or technology (such as video); and, at the bottom end, there are contextual networks which provide an
auction-based marketplace for selling keyword-based ads on small sites. You may have heard of the #1
network in this space - it’s called Google AdSense”.
Source: Online Advertising Business 101, Part I - The Online Advertising Value Chain. June 2, 2008.

What Are My Options Regarding

Online Display Advertising?
As illustrated below, there are three main display advertising options. Please note that there are also different
costing models with respect to paid advertisements. These are discussed later in the booklet.

1. Ad Exchange 2. Purchase Ad Space Directly 3. Bid on Specific Key

on Specific Web Sites Words and Phrases that
Describe Your Product
You can opt to exchange ads This option is referred to as This is referred to as contextual
(typically banner ads) with direct advertising. Ad space on advertising. With this option,
another website. Try to ensure specific websites is purchased you bid on specific keywords
that the website where you directly. To increase the and phrases that describe your
want to place your ad has effectiveness of these ads you product. When users enter
sufficient web traffic. The can purchase ads on high traffic those keywords these ads will
other website should be sites and/or on sites that relate appear on either the search
complementary to your to the content of your website. engine results pages or
business (i.e. not a competitor). other web pages that relate
to your selected keywords.

Considerations Considerations Considerations

• Less costly option. • Cost will vary. Ad • Cost will vary depending
placement on high traffic on the popularity of the
• Works best if website sites will likely cost more. keywords you select.
is complementary to
your business. • You control on which • You can place a ceiling on
websites you would like your budget.
• Consider if you want to your ads to be placed.
design the ad yourself or • Little control over which
outsource design. • Consider ad networks. websites your advertisement
will appear on.

1. Ad Exchange – Finding Businesses
That Will Exchange Ads
Some suggestions for finding businesses to exchange display ads include:
 ontact local businesses that have complementary
websites and offer to exchange ads. Legal Issues

• S earch for businesses on the Internet. For example, Regardless of the option you might choose,
if you type in the keywords - banner exchange advertising laws require that advertising be
Atlantic Canada - you will find examples of Atlantic truthful, honest, fair and accurate.
Canada businesses that will exchange banner ads.

2. Purchasing Direct Ad Placement – Finding

Websites to Place Your Ads
Some suggestions for finding websites to place your ads include:
• Look at websites that are
directed to people who might Self-Serve Options
be interested in your products
An increasing number of advertising companies/networks are offering
or services. Check with the
self-service ad choices. Examples of companies/advertising networks
website to see if you can
that are offering self-service ad options include:
purchase ad space.
• Facebook (
• Check out some of the
• AdReady (
self-serve options that are
• AdBrite (
part of larger ad networks.
• AdItAll (
Source: Shira Ovide. Do-It-Yourself Display Ads May Reshape Online
Marketing. The Wall Street Journal

3. More About Contextual Advertising

If you enter key words into a
search engine such as Google There are companies/ad networks that offer to place your ads in
or Yahoo you will typically see search results pages and other relevant websites (using a network
a number of “sponsored links” of partner sites). These companies typically allow you to bid on a set
at the top or side of the search of keywords, and set a limit on how much you want to spend. Your ad
engine results page. Many of the is displayed until that limit is reached.
search engine companies also
According to, examples of companies that offer
place the ads on other relevant
contextual advertising services include:
websites (using a network of
partner websites) based on the • Google Adwords (
key words selected by the user. • Yahoo Search Marketing
These ads are believed to
• Microsoft adCenter (www.adcenter.
be effective (as compared
• (
to banner ads) in establishing
• Looksmart (
sales leads because the ads
are more targeted to what
users are looking for.

Advertising Through Product/Service
Search Engines
There are also special product search engines that can be used to find specific products or services. The products
are usually ranked according to how much the advertiser pays. However, the user can also sort the search results
by price.

According to, noteworthy product/service search engines include:


Costs and Cost Considerations

An attractive feature of online display advertising is that you can control the costs according to your budget. You
can manage your prices by selecting how much you are willing to pay per click or per impression and by setting a
daily budget for spending in your account.

Two main costing approaches with respect to online advertising

1.  Pay per Click - PPC (or cost per click). The price is based on the number of clicks your ad receives.
In other words, you pay for this ad only if a person clicks on the ad. A typical price range is 5 cents to
$1 per click. Costs for advertisements via search engines are pay per click (i.e. contextual advertising).
The amount you pay per click will depend on how targeted the keyword is and the competition for that
keyword. The ads are ranked based on how much you pay to advertise on each search phrase. However,
more targeted ads usually result in more sales.

2. C
 ost per Impression (CPM). Costs are based on the number of times the advertisements are
viewed. The M in the acronym is the Roman numeral for a thousand, and as such it is also referred to as
Cost per Mille. Banner ads are generally sold by CPM, but they can also be sold by pay per clicks. A $50
CPM means you pay $50 for every 1000 times your ad appears.

Note that pricing can also be based on number of sales, number of new leads and number of orders received.
Pay per Call and Cost per Action means that the business only pays when the ad delivers a solid lead. Click fraud
is minimized with this option.

Tips for Successful Online Display Advertising

Review the following table for tips for effective online advertising.

Tips for Successful Online Advertising

• Integrate your online and offline marketing strategies.

• P
 ay attention to the quality of content contained in your advertisement. It should be informative, clear,
concise and interesting. Questions or statements that create curiosity can be effective. Keep the
message and wording simple. The user needs to quickly understand what the ad is saying.

• Assess
 how you can best reach your target audience. What websites would your audience likely visit? What
keywords would they likely use?


Tips for Successful Online Advertising
• Pay attention to the design of the banner ad. A good design can increase click through rates. Keep in
mind that good design should highlight the content in a visually appealing way. Complex design involving
animation will not be effective if the content is not highlighted. Font sizes and colours should optimize
your ad’s readability.

• P
 ay attention to the placement of the ad on the website. Consider that home pages get the most traffic.
However, ad placement on other web pages may provide a more targeted audience.

• A
 void intrusive types of display ads (e.g. pop-ups). Limit the use of banner ads to web pages that are
relevant to the ad’s content.

• F or advertisements placed on other websites, ensure that the websites have high traffic and contain
content relevant to your advertisement.

• C
 arefully review “free” online advertising offers. For example a “free” banner ad developer may want
reciprocal links or ad placement on low quality websites (e.g. a website that contains a lot of
intrusive advertising, such as pop-up ads, a website that is not appropriate for your product).

• Where appropriate, the ad should clearly identify how the targeted market will benefit from your product
or service. If your product is geared to a specific audience, identify how they will benefit.

• For advertising via search engines, select a large number of relevant search words or phrases.
Advertise on the terms used to describe your business, products, services, the product names, product
codes, and questions a user might type into a search engine. Use keyword search tools such as to help you find search terms that result in a high number of
searches, but are low in competition (less competitive words will be less costly). If you specify search
words that you don’t want included, this will help users who are searching for a similar product (but one
that you don’t offer) avoid your website.

• Ensure that the ad takes the user to the most appropriate page of your website (e.g. the page with the
specific product rather than the homepage).

• Monitor the results of your advertising strategy and refine your strategy to better reach
your target audience.

Using Your Website to

Generate Advertising Revenue
You can earn extra revenue by using your website to advertise other businesses. You need to ensure that these
ads are professional, fit with the design of your own website, do not distract from the marketing of your own
business, and are complementary to your business.
You can opt to become part of an advertising network to host other businesses’ advertisements. Make sure you
carefully review the Terms and Conditions for using these networks. Some examples include:
• w Google AdSense matches ads to your website’s content, and you earn money whenever
visitors click on the ads.
• Allows you to approve and reject ads that will be shown on your website.
• h ttp:// Yahoo Publisher also matches ads to your website’s content and
allows you to earn money on qualified pay per clicks.

Tracking Online Advertising
It’s important to keep track of your online advertising
campaign to help you assess whether or not you should Popular web site analytics and
continue with online advertising, or whether you should statistics packages include:
increase your investment. Online advertising is easy to
track. You can measure success such as click-through rates, Web Trends –
page impressions, cost per sale and so on. Some search Google Analytics –
engine companies have free or low cost tracking tools Microsoft adCenter –
available (e.g. Google Adwords).
AWStats –
Conversion tracking helps you track the number of sales Yahoo Site Explorer –
you receive from your advertising campaign. Reviewing
your sales and the value of the sales can help you decide
if you should increase your budget or further adjust your,
advertising campaign to better target customers.

You may also want to know what the Click-through

rate or CTR is for your advertisement. The CTR is
obtained by dividing the number of users who clicked on an ad on a web page by the number of times the ad
was delivered. This means that your CTR would be 1% if your banner ad was delivered 100 times and one
person clicked on it.
There are also statistics packages that can help you measure your website traffic (e.g. number of visitors,
where visitors are coming from, where they are going, what pages they are visiting on your website,
how long they are staying).

Online Display Advertising Action Plan

Before you invest in online display advertising, consider the following steps. They are presented as an action plan
to help you document and explore the approach that is best suited for you.

Action Items Status

1. Explore different online advertising options.

2. Define your target market/audience.

3. Set a budget for your online advertising.

4. Select best option(s).

5. Track your success using online tools such as Google Analytics, Yahoo
Site Explorer or other analytics programs.

6. Decide whether to adjust your ad campaign.

Overview of Internet Marketing Strategies
While online display advertising is the focus of this booklet, it is important to consider a range of other Internet
marketing strategies as described below:

Type of Internet Description

Marketing Strategy
Search Engine Search engine optimization (SEO) involves designing, writing, and coding a website
Optimization in a way that helps to improve the volume and quality of traffic to your website
from search engines via a high page rank in the natural search results (in contrast
to paid advertisements posted with the search engine results). Generally, the earlier
a website shows up in the search results, the more users will visit that site. Search
Engine Optimization can involve a number of techniques to increase website traffic
(e.g. Article Submissions to other websites that contain your business’s website
address, link swaps, etc.). For more information see the booklet entitled: “Increasing
Traffic to Your Website Through Search Engine Optimization Techniques.”

Affiliate Marketing A business contracts with other individuals or companies (“affiliates”) who market
the company’s products for a commission (on sales or leads). Affiliate marketing
overlaps with other Internet marketing methods because affiliates can use a
variety of marketing strategies. Those methods include SEO, paid search engine
marketing, email marketing and display advertising. A common type of affiliate
marketing occurs where a Web advertiser or merchant recruits webmasters
to place the merchant’s banner ads or buttons on their own Web site. Webmasters
will receive a referral fee or commission from sales when the customer has clicked
the affiliate link.

Social Media Social media marketing (SMM) is essentially a strategy that promotes your business
Marketing through word of mouth via online networking. It involves methods for
generating publicity through social media and online communities. Examples
of social networking sites include and
and (a popular Canadian social networking website).
Examples of SMM methods include: Joining relevant online communities or social
networking sites to help promote your business; adding RSS feeds to your website
(RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication and is a simple format that can be used to
regularly update content); and blogging (where you add content to blogs); or creat-
ing a business blog. For more information about this type of marketing strategy see
the booklet entitled: “Social Media Marketing.”

Permission to publish the information found in this booklet was received from the
Province of Ontario, Ministry of Economic Development and Innovation and the
Ontario Queen’s Printer. We are grateful for their support.

This booklet is part of a series on advanced e-business topics which Telephone: (902) 368-6300
supplements an introductory handbook How You Can Profit from Facsimile: (902) 368-6301
E-Business. For more information on those publications, visit the E-mail: [email protected]
Innovation PEI website at Website:

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