Short Answer (Chapter 1) : Jerry Croft Fri Sep 07 04:34:00 PDT 2012
Short Answer (Chapter 1) : Jerry Croft Fri Sep 07 04:34:00 PDT 2012
Short Answer (Chapter 1) : Jerry Croft Fri Sep 07 04:34:00 PDT 2012
Name three reasons for using feedback control systems and two reasons for not using them
1. automation (convenience)
2. remote control
3. adjust automatically for changes in system
1. more expensive
2. more complicated
If the error signal is not the difference between input and output, by what general name can we describe the error signal?
actuating signal
Adjustments of the forward path gain can cause changes in the transient response. True or False?
TRUE¬e=true 1/1
6/7/2020 StudyBlue printing of Short Answer (Chapter 2)
What assumption is made concerning initial conditions when dealing with transfer functions?
initial conditions are equal to zero
Why do transfer functions for mechanical networks look identical to transfer functions for electrical networks?
There are direct analogies between the electrical variables and components and the mechanical variables and components.
The motor's transfer function relates armature displacement to armature voltage. How can the transfer function that relates load
displacement and armature voltage be determined?
Multiply the transfer function by the gear ratio relating armature position to load position¬e=true 1/1
6/7/2020 StudyBlue printing of Short Answer (Chapter 3)
State an advantage of the transfer function approach over the state-space approach.
yields qualitative insight
An eighth-order system would be represented in state space with how many state equations?
If the state equations are a system of first order differential equations whose solution yields the state variables, then the output
equation performs what function?
Forms linear combinations of the state variables and the input to form the desired output¬e=true 1/1
6/7/2020 StudyBlue printing of Short Answer (Chapter 4)
What does the performance specification for a first-order system tell us?
The time for the step response to reach 63% of its final value.
In a system with an input and an output, what poles generate the steady-state response?
The input pole
In a system with an input and an output, what poles generate the transient response?
The system poles
What is the difference between the natural frequency and the damped frequency of oscillation?
Natural frequency is the frequency of the system with all damping removed; the damped frequency of oscillation is the frequency of
oscillation with damping in the system
If a pole is moved along a radial line extending from the origin, what will the responses have in common?
They will all have the same percent overshoot and the same shape although differetly scaled in time.
For a second-order underdamped system, how many specifications completely determine the response?
Only two since a second-order system is completely defined by two component parameters.
Name two conditions under which the response generated by a pole can be neglected.
1. Pole's real part is large compared to the dominant poles
2. Pole is near a zero
Does the solution of the state equation yield the output response of the system? Explain.
No - one must then use the output equation
Name a major advantage of using time domain techniques for the solution of the response.
computer simulation
Name a major advantage of using frequency domain techniques for the solution of the response.
Pole-zero concepts give one an intuitive feel for the problem
What three pieces of information must be given in order to solve for the output response of a system using state-space techniques?
1. State equations
2. Output equations
3. Initial value for the state-vector
How can the poles of a system be found from the state equations?
Det(sI-A) = 0¬e=true 1/2
6/7/2020 StudyBlue printing of Short Answer (Chapter 4)¬e=true 2/2
6/7/2020 StudyBlue printing of Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Jerry Croft Fri Oct 05 03:03:22 PDT 2012
Name the four components of a block diagram for a linear, time-invariant system.
1. Signals
2. Systems
3. Summing Junctions
4. Pickoff Points
Name three basic forms for interconnecting subsystems and for each of the forms, state how the equivalent transfer function is found.
1. Cascade - product of individual transfer functions
2. Parallel - sum of individual transfer functions
3. Feedback - forward gain divided by one plus the product of the forward gain times the feedback gain.
For a simple second order feedback control system of the type shown in Figure 5-14, describe the changes in damping ratio as the
gain, k, is increased over the underdamped region.
As K is varied from 0 to infinity, the system goes from overdamped to critically damped to underdamped. When the system is
underdamped, the settling time remains constant.
If a forward path touched all closed loops, what would be the value of deltak?
Which two forms of the state-space representation are found using the same model?
The Jordan canonical form and the parallel form result from a partial fraction expansion.
When the system matrix is diagonal, what quantities lie along the diagonal?
The system poles, or eigenvalues
What is the significance of using eigenvectors as basis vectors for a system transformation?
Resulting system matrix is diagonal.¬e=true 1/1
6/7/2020 StudyBlue printing of Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Jerry Croft Fri Oct 05 03:23:08 PDT 2012
What part of the output response is responsible for determining the stability of a linear system?
Natural response
What does the Routh-Hurwitz criterion tell us? What does this mean about the system's stability?
The number of poles of the closed-loop transfer function that are in the left-half plane, the right-half place, and on the jw axis.
If there are any sign changes, there are positive real poles equal to the number of sign changes. These represent exponential growth
in the system and in turn, instability.
Chapter 6 Problem 1
What causes a zero to show up only in the first column of the Routh table?
Just the way the math worked out¬e=true 1/1
6/7/2020 StudyBlue printing of Chapter 7
Chapter 7
Jerry Croft Fri Oct 05 03:32:17 PDT 2012
How many integrations in the forward path are required in order for there to be zero steady-state error for a ramp input?
Increasing system gain has what effect upon the steady-state error?
Decreases the steady-state error.
Define system type. Show it using a transfer function and a block diagram with feedback.
System type - the number of pure integrations in the forward path
For a step input disturbance at the input to the plant, describe the effect of controller gain upon minimizing the effect of the
distubance. Also consider the effect of plant gain.
If each transfer function has no pure integrations, then the disturbance is minimized by decreasing the plant gain and increasing the
contoller gain. If any function has an integration then there is no control over its effects through gain adjustment.
Explain the difference between the actuating signal and the error signal.
Define, in words, sensitivity and describe the goal of feedback-control-system engineering as it applies to sensitivity.
The fractional change in a function caused by a fractional change in a parameter.¬e=true 1/1
6/7/2020 StudyBlue printing of Chapter 8
Chapter 8
Jerry Croft Sat Nov 03 18:00:03 PDT 2012
Do the zeros of a system change with a change in gain? Why or why not?
What are two ways to find where the root locus crosses the imaginary axis?
1. Apply Routh-Hurwitz to the closed-loop transfer function's denominator.
2. Deltas = 0 with s=jw
How can you tell from the root locus if a system is unstable?
If any branch of the root locus is in the rhp, the system is unstable.
How can you tell from the root locus if the settling time does not change over a region of gain?
If the branch of the root locus is vertical, the settling time remains constant for that range of gain on the vertical section.
How can you tell from the root locus that the natural frequency does not change over a region of gain?
If the root locus is circular with origin at the center.
How would you determine whether or not a root locus plot crossed the real axis?
Determine if there are any break-in or breakaway points.
Briefly describe how the zeros of the open-loop system affect the root locus and the transient response.
The zeros of the open loop system help determine the root locus. The root locus ends at the zeros. Thus, the zeros are the closed-
loop poles for high gain.¬e=true 1/1
6/7/2020 StudyBlue printing of Chapter 9
Chapter 9
Jerry Croft Sat Nov 03 18:08:55 PDT 2012
Name two major advantages of the design techniques of Chapter 9 over the design techniques of Chapter 8.
1. Permits design for transient responses not on original root locus and unattainable through simple gain adjustments.
2. Transient response and steady-state error specifications can be met separately and independently without the need for tradeoffs.
What kind of compensation improves both steady-state error and transient response?
PID or lag-lead compensation
Cascade compensation to improve the steady-state error is based upon what pole-zero placement of the compensator? Also, state
the reasons for this placement.
A pole is placed on or near the origin to increase or nearly increase the system type. The zero is placed near the pole in order not to
change the transient response.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a passive lead network instead of an active PD controller?
In order to speed up a system without changing the percent overshoot, where must the compensated system's poles on the s-plane
be located in comparison to the uncompensated system's poles?
Further out along the same radial line drawn from the origin to the uncompensated poles.
Why is there more improvement in steady-state error if a PI controller is used instead of lag network?
The PI controller places a pole right at the origin, thus increasing the system type and driving the error to zero. A lag network palces
the pole only close to the origin yielding improvement but no zero error¬e=true 1/1
6/7/2020 StudyBlue printing of Controls Exam #2
Controls Exam #2
Christopher Bonuel Fri Nov 04 23:10:34 PDT 2011
Name the four components of a block diagram for a linear, time-invariant system.
Signals, systems, summing junctions, pickoff points
If a forward path touched all closed loops, what would be the value of delta sub k?
When the system matrix is diagonal, what quantities lie along the diagonal?
The system poles, or eigenvalues
What is the advantage of having a system represented in a form that has a diagonal system matrix?
Solution of the state variables are achieved through decoupled equations. i.e. the equations are solvable individually and not
For what kind of system would you use the observer canonical form?
Systems with zeros.
What is the significance of using eigenvectors as basis vectors for a system transformation?
Resulting system matris is diagonal.
What does the performance specification for a first-order system tell us?
The time for the step response for reach 63% of its final value.
In a system with an input and an output, what poles generate the steady-state response?
The input pole
In a system with an input and an output, what poles generate the transient response?
The system poles
What is the difference between the natural frequency and the damped frequency of oscillation?¬e=true 1/2
6/7/2020 StudyBlue printing of Controls Exam #2
Natural frequency is the frequency of the system with all damping removed; the damped frequency of oscillation is the frequency of
oscillation with damping in the system.
If a pole is moved with a constant imaginary part, what will the responses have in common?
Their damped frequency of oscillation will be the same.
If a pole is moved along a radial line extending from the origin, what will the responses have in common?
The will all have the same percent overshoot and the same shape although differently scaled in time.
What pole locations characterize (1) the underdamped system, (2) the overdamped system, and (3) the critically damped system?
(1) Complex, (2) Real, (3), Multiple real
Name two conditions under which the response generated by a pole can be neglected.
Pole's real part is large compared to the dominant poles, (2) Pole is near a zero
Name a major advantage of using time-domain techniques for the solution of the response.
Pole-zero concepts give one an intuitive feel for the problem.
How can the poles of a system be found from the state equations?
Det(s I - A) = 0¬e=true 2/2
6/7/2020 StudyBlue printing of Exam 3 Short Answers
Do the zeros of a system change with a change in gain? Why or why not
The zeros come from the numerator G(s) and the poles come from the denominator (1+G(s)H(s)). Gain value comes from H(s).
What are two ways to find where the root locus crosses the imaginary axis
(1) Apply Routh-Hurwitz to the closed-loop transfer function's denominator. (2) Search along the
imaginary axis for 180 degrees
How can you tell from the root locus if a system is unstable
If any branch of the root locus is in the rhp, the system is unstable
How can you tell from the root locus if the settling time does not change over a region of gain?
If the branch of the root locus is vertical, the settling time remains constant for that range of gain on the vertical section.
How can you tell from the root locus that the natural frequency does not change over a region of gain?
If the root locus is circular with origin at the center.
Briefly describe how the zeros of the open-loop system affect the root locus and the transient response
The zeros of the open loop system help determine the root locus. The root locus ends at the zeros. Thus,
the zeros are the closed-loop poles for high gain
Name two major advantages of the design techniques of Chapter 9 over the design techniques of Chapter 8
A. Permits design for transient responses not on original root locus and unattainable through simple gain adjustments.
B. Transient response and steady-state error specifications can be met separately and
independently without the need for tradeoffs
What kind of compensation improves both steady-state error and transient response
PID or lag-lead compensation
Cascade compensation to improve the steady-state error is based upon what pole- zero placement of the compensator? Also, state
the reasons for this placement
A pole is placed on or near the origin to increase or nearly increase the system type, and the zero is placed near the pole in order not
to change the transient response
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a passive lead network instead of an active PD controller?
AdvantageNo additional power required
Noise due to differentiation is reduced
Additional pole does not reduce number of branches that cross imaginary axis
In order to speed up a system without changing the percent overshoot, where must the compensated system's poles on the s-plane
be located in comparison to the uncompensated system's poles?
Further out along the same radial line drawn from the origin to the uncompensated poles¬e=true 1/2
6/7/2020 StudyBlue printing of Exam 3 Short Answers
Why is there more improvement in steady-state error if a PI controller is used instead of a lag network?
The PI controller places a pole right at the origin, thus increasing the system type and driving the error to zero. A lag network places
the pole only close to the origin yielding improvement but no zero error¬e=true 2/2
6/7/2020 StudyBlue printing of FB Test #1
FB Test #1
Lee Seela Sun Nov 17 00:17:09 PST 2013
Name three reasons for using feedback control systems and two reasons for not using them
FOR: Power gain, remote control, parameter conversion
NOT: Expense, complexity
If the error signal is not the difference between input and output, by what general name can we describe the error signal?
Actuating signal
Determine system parameters to meet the transient response specifications for the system.
Adjustments of the forward path gain can cause changes in the transient response. True or false?
What assumption is made concerning initial conditions when dealing with transfer functions?
initial conditions are equal to zero¬e=true 1/3
6/7/2020 StudyBlue printing of FB Test #1
Why do transfer functions for mechanical networks look identical to transfer functions for electrical networks?
There are direct analogies between the electrical variables and components and the mechanical variables and components.
The motor's transfer function relates armature displacement to armature voltage. How can the transfer function that relates load
displacement and armature voltage be determined?
Multiply the transfer function by the gear ratio relating armature position to load position
State an advantage of the transfer function approach over the state-space approach.
Yields qualitative insight.
An eighth-order system would be represented in state space with how many state equations?
If the state equations are a system of first-order differential equations whose solution yields the state variables, then the output
equation performs what function?
Forms linear combinations of the state variables and the input to form the desired output
The variables that are being differentiated in each of the linearly independent energy storage elements
Time constant
In a system with an input and an output, what poles generate the steady-state response?
In a system with an input and an output, what poles generate the transient response?¬e=true 2/3
6/7/2020 StudyBlue printing of FB Test #1
What is the difference between the natural frequency and the damped frequency of oscillation?
Natural frequency is the frequency of the system with all damping removed; the damped frequency of oscillation is the frequency of
oscillation with damping in the system.
If a pole is moved along a radial line extending from the origin, what will the responses have in common?
They will all have the same percent overshoot and the same shape although differently scaled in time
For a second-order underdamped system, how many specifications completely determine the response?
Name two conditions under which the response generated by a pole can be neglected.
Does the solution of the state equation yield the output response of the system? Explain.
Name a major advantage of using time domain techniques for the solution of the response.
Computer simulation
Name a major advantage of using frequency domain techniques for the solution of the response.
What three pieces of information must be given in order to solve for the output response of a system using state-space techniques?
State equations, output equations, and initial value for the state-vector
How can the poles of a system be found from the state equations?
Det(sI-A) = 0¬e=true 3/3
6/7/2020 StudyBlue printing of Feedback Test 4
Feedback Test 4
Matthew Summa Wed Dec 05 18:09:37 PST 2012
Each pole of a system contributes how much of a slope to the Bode magnitude plot
20 dB/decade
A system with three poles and two zeros would exhibit what value of slope at high frequencies in a Bode magnitude plot?
40 dB/decade
What causes a zero to show up only in the first column of the Routh table
Just the way the arithmetic works out
Name two major advantages of the design techniques of Chapter 9 over the design techniques of Chapter 8
A. Permits design for transient responses not on original root locus and unattainable through simple gain
adjustments. B. Transient response and steady-state error specifications can be met separately and
independently without the need for tradeoffs
What are two differences between Bode magnitude plots for first-order systems and for underdampedsecond-order systems
Second-order systems require a correction near the natural frequency due to the peaking of the curve for
different values of damping ratio. Without the correction the accuracy is in question.
Name three advantages of frequency response techniques over the root locus
a. Transfer functions can be modeled easily from physical data; b. Steady-state error requirements can be
considered easily along with the design for transient response; c. Settles ambiguities when sketching root
locus; (d) Valuable tool for analysis and design of nonlinear systems.
What simplification to the Nyquist criterion can we usually make for systems that are open-loop stable?
We need only map the positive imaginary axis and then determine that the gain is less than unity when
the phase angle is 180o
Briefly explain how to find the static error constant from the Bode magnitude plot¬e=true 1/6
6/7/2020 StudyBlue printing of Feedback Test 4
For Type zero: Kp = low frequency gain; For Type 1: Kv = frequency value at the intersection of the
initial slope with the frequency axis; For Type 2: Ka = square root of the frequency value at the intersection
of the initial slope with the frequency axis
Name three reasons for using feedback control systems and two reasons for not using them
power gain, remote control, parameter conversion; Expense, complexity
If the error signal is not the difference between input and output, by what general name can we describe the error signal
Actuating signal
Adjustments of the forward path gain can cause changes in the transient response. True or false
What assumption is made concerning initial conditions when dealing with transfer functions
Initial conditions are zero
Why do transfer functions for mechanical networks look identical to transfer functions for electrical networks
Components can be treated the same in a mechanical system as in an electrical system
The motor's transfer function relates armature displacement to armature voltage. How can the transfer function that relates load
displacement and armature voltage be determined
Armature inertia, armature damping, load inertia, load damping¬e=true 2/6
6/7/2020 StudyBlue printing of Feedback Test 4
State an advantage of the transfer function approach over the state-space approach
Yields qualitative insight
An eighth-order system would be represented in state space with how many state equations
If the state equations are a system of first-order differential equations whose solution yields the state variables, then the output
equation performs what function
Forms linear combinations of the state variables and the input to form the desired output
In a system with an input and an output, what poles generate the steady-state response
The input pole
In a system with an input and an output, what poles generate the transient response
The system poles
What is the difference between the natural frequency and the damped frequency of oscillation
Natural frequency is the frequency of the system with all damping removed; damped frequency include damping
If a pole is moved along a radial line extending from the origin, what will the responses have in common?
They will all have the same percent overshoot and the same shape although differently scaled in time
For a second-order underdamped system, how many specifications completely determine the response?¬e=true 3/6
6/7/2020 StudyBlue printing of Feedback Test 4
Name two conditions under which the response generated by a pole can be neglected
Pole's real part is large compared to the dominant poles, (2) Pole is near a zero
Does the solution of the state equation yield the output response of the system? Explain
No; one must then use the output equation
Name a major advantage of using time domain techniques for the solution of the response
Computer simulation
Name a major advantage of using frequency domain techniques for the solution of the response
Pole-zero concepts give one an intuitive feel for the problem
What three pieces of information must be given in order to solve for the output response of a system using state-space techniques
State equations, output equations, and initial value for the state-vector
How can the poles of a system be found from the state equations
Det(sI-A) = 0
Name the four components of a block diagram for a linear, time-invariant system
Signals, systems, summing junctions, pickoff points
Name three basic forms for interconnecting subsystems and for each of the forms, state how the equivalent transfer function is found
Cascade, parallel, feedback
For a simple, second-order feedback control system of the type shown in Figure 5-14, describe the changes in damping ratio as the
gain, K, is increased over the underdamped region
As K is varied from 0 to ∞, the system goes from overdamped to critically damped to underdamped.
When the system is underdamped, the settling time remains constant
If a forward path touched all closed loops, what would be the value of deltak
Which two forms of the state-space representation are found using the same method
The Jordan canonical form and the parallel form result from a partial fraction expansion
When the system matrix is diagonal, what quantities lie along the diagonal
The system poles, or eigenvalues
What is the significance of using eigenvectors as basis vectors for a system transformation
Resulting system matrix is diagonal
What part of the output response is responsible for determining the stability of a linear system
Natural response
What does the Routh-Hurwitz criterion tell us? What does this mean about the system's stability
The number of poles of the closed-loop transfer function that are in the left-half-plane, the right-halfplane,¬e=true 4/6
6/7/2020 StudyBlue printing of Feedback Test 4
and on the jω axis
How many integrations in the forward path are required in order for there to be zero steady-state error for a ramp input
Step(position)-1, ramp(velocity)-2, parabola(acceleration)-3
Increasing system gain has what effect upon the steady-state error
Decreases the steady-state error
Define system type. Show it using a transfer function and a block diagram with feedback
The number of pure integrations in the forward path
For a step input disturbance at the input to the plant, describe the effect of controller gain upon minimizing the effect of the
disturbance. Also consider the effect of plant gain
If each transfer function has no pure integrations, then the disturbance is minimized by decreasing the
plant gain and increasing the controller gain. If any function has an integration then there is no control over
its effect through gain adjustment
Define, in words, sensitivity and describe the goal of feedback-control-system engineering as it applies to sensitivity
The fractional change in a function caused by a fractional change in a parameter
Do the zeros of a system change with a change in gain? Why or why not
What are two ways to find where the root locus crosses the imaginary axis
(1) Apply Routh-Hurwitz to the closed-loop transfer function's denominator. (2) Search along the
imaginary axis for 180 degrees
How can you tell from the root locus if a system is unstable
If any branch of the root locus is in the rhp, the system is unstable
How can you tell from the root locus if the settling time does not change over a region of gain
If the branch of the root locus is vertical, the settling time remains constant for that range of gain on the
vertical section
How can you tell from the root locus that the natural frequency does not change over a region of gain
If the root locus is circular with origin at the center
How would you determine whether or not a root locus plot crossed the real axis
Determine if there are any break-in or breakaway points¬e=true 5/6
6/7/2020 StudyBlue printing of Feedback Test 4
Briefly describe how the zeros of the open-loop system affect the root locus and the transient response
The zeros of the open loop system help determine the root locus. The root locus ends at the zeros. Thus,
the zeros are the closed-loop poles for high gain
What kind of compensation improves both steady-state error and transient response
PID or lag-lead compensation
Cascade compensation to improve the steady-state error is based upon what pole- zero placement of the compensator? Also, state
the reasons for this placement
A pole is placed on or near the origin to increase or nearly increase the system type, and the zero is
placed near the pole in order not to change the transient response
In order to speed up a system without changing the percent overshoot, where must the compensated system's poles on the s-plane
be located in comparison to the uncompensated system's poles?
Further out along the same radial line drawn from the origin to the uncompensated poles
Name two different frequency response characteristics that can be used to determine a system's transient response.
Transient response can be obtained from (1) the closed-loop frequency response peak, (2) phase margin
Why is there more improvement in steady-state error if a PI controller is used instead of a lag network?
The PI controller places a pole right at the origin, thus increasing the system type and driving the error
to zero. A lag network places the pole only close to the origin yielding improvement but no zero error¬e=true 6/6
Q. Universe is a large system having infinite small systems.
Q. Simultaneous equations can be solved by using signal flow graph technique.
Q. An open loop control system is one in which the control action is not
independent of the output.
Q. All control systems operated by present timing mechanism are open loop.
Q. In the presence of non-linearities the closed-loop control system operates
better in comparison to an open loop control system.
Q. In open-loop control system stability cannot be ensured.
Q. Each system may have a large number of subsystems.
Q. Closed-loop control systems are generally troubled with problems of
Q. In a closed loop control system feedback signal is usually negative.
Q. A positive feedback signal improves the performance of an automatic control
Q. In open loop control system, the control action depends upon the desired
Q. A linear system obeys superposition theorem.
Q. The transfer function equation determines the system dynamics.
Q. A Temperature control system is process control system.
Q. Negative feedback reduces the gain of the system.
Q. Mason’s gain formula is used to determine the overall gain of the system.
Q. For a system having damping factor zero, the magnitude of the output will be
Q. A high damping ratio will give a high overshoot.
Q. Two systems having same damping ratio but different ωn will have same
Q. Type of the system and order of the system are one and the same thing.
Q. The resonance peak of the system will occur when the system gain is at the
critical damping.
Q. Velocity feedback increases the damping ratio without affecting undamped
natural frequency of the system.
Q. For a second order system there is a correlation between frequency and
transient response.
Q. From the state variable representation of plant, transfer function cannot be
Q. Damping due to back emf is observed in armature controlled dc motor.
Q. Transfer function of a control system depends on initial conditions of input
and output.
Q. Transfer function of control system depends on the system parameters alone.
Q. The capacitance is not used to fabricate a lag network.
Q. The range of frequencies ω2 = 10ω1 is called the decade.
Q. The range of frequencies ω2 = 2ω1 is called the octave.
Q. Bode plot and Nyquist plot have some relation.
Q. From Bode plot static error coefficient cannot be determined.
Q. The Bode plot of gain constant is a straight line parallel to the frequency axis
with phase angle 0° for positive value and 180° for negative value of gain
Q. The polar plot and Nicholas plot can be had from Bode plot and vice versa.
Q. The Bode plot is a plot relating log w with magnitude in decibel and phase
Q. The closed loop frequency response can be had from open loop frequency
Q. The bandwidth of a system is the range of frequencies (of the output) over
which the system will respond satisfactorily.
Q. Roots of the closed loop control system can be had from Bode plot.
Q. The root locus originates at the zeros of the characteristic equation.
Q. The polar plot relates the magnitude in decibel with phase angle.
Q. According to the Shanon’s sampling theorem, the lowest sampling frequency
is double the bandwidth.
Q. A system is stable if its closed-loop poles are on the RHS of the s-plane.
Q. For a system it is possible that open loop to be unstable but closed loop
Q. Active devices cannot be employed for stabilization.
Q. A system is absolutely stable if its oscillations are not strong enough to change
the parameters of the system.
Q. Routh-Hartwiz criterion suggests the way to improve the system stability.
Q. Nyquist criteria gives direct value of corner frequency.
Q. The root locus terminates at the poles of the characteristic equation.
Q. In an unstable system, it is possible to achieve initial equilibrium state.
Q. When transient response is satisfactory and steady state characteristics are not
satisfactory, normally lag compensation is employed.
Q. Phase lag network is employed for increasing system stability as well as
Q. Phase lag network is used to increase system stability and maintain velocity
gain constant.
Q. The friction coefficient in a system is a kept low to increase velocity lag error.