Raft Consensus Mechanism and The Applications

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Raft consensus mechanism and the applications

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ICSP 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1544 (2020) 012079 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1544/1/012079

Raft consensus mechanism and the applications

Junjie Hu1*, Ke Liu2

School of Information Science and Engineering, Chongqing Jiaotong University,
Nan'an, Chongqing, 400047, China
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Nan'an,
Chongqing, 400047, China
Junjie Hu’s e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. Raft consensus algorithm is one of the commonly used consensus algorithms in
distributed systems. It is mainly used to manage the consistency of log replication. It has the
same function as Paxos, but compared to Paxos, Raft algorithm is easier to understand and
easier to apply to actual systems. The Raft algorithm is a consensus algorithm adopted by the
alliance chain. This article describes the details of Raft consensus algorithm and its application
in detail.

1. Raft Overview

1.1. Three states of Raft (role)

Table 1. Three states of Raft(role).

Passively accepts requests from Leader. The initial state of all nodes is in the Follower state.

Intermediate state transition from Follower to Leader.

Responsible for interacting with the client and log replication (log replication is one-way, that
is, the direction that the leader sends to Followers). Only one leader exists in the entire system
at the same time, that is, two or more leaders will not appear at the same time.

1.2. The transition relationship between the three states

The transition relationship between the three states is shown in Fig. 1. The Raft working mechanism in
the next section will be specifically analyzed.

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ICSP 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1544 (2020) 012079 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1544/1/012079

Fig. 1. The transition relationship between the three states.

2. Key concepts

2.1. Copy the state machine

In a distributed system database, if the state of each node is consistent and each node executes the
same command sequence, the entire distributed system will eventually get a consistent state[1]. That is,
in order to ensure the consistency of the entire distributed system, we need to ensure that each node
executes the same command sequence so that the logs of each node remain consistent[2]. Therefore,
ensuring the consistency of log replication is the job of consensus algorithms such as Raft[3]. The
replication state machine architecture is shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. The replication state machine architecture.

The figure above shows the specific process of Replicated State Machine. On one node, the
Consensus Module received commands from the client[4]. Then write the received command to the
log. This node communicates with other nodes through the consistency module to ensure that each log
eventually contains the same command sequence[5]. When the commands in these logs are copied

ICSP 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1544 (2020) 012079 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1544/1/012079

correctly, the State Machine of each node will execute these commands in the same sequence, and
finally get a consistent state[6]. The result of the consensus is then returned to the client, as shown in
Fig. 3 below.

Fig. 3. Consensus process.

2.2. Term
In distributed systems, "time synchronization" is a big problem[7]. Because each machine may be
always inconsistent due to its geographical location, machine environment and other factors. But in
order to identify "outdated information", time information is essential.
The Raft consensus algorithm uses the concept of Term. The time is divided into Term (at the same
time each node will maintain the Current Term locally), it can be considered as a logical time[8], as
shown in Fig. 4 below.

Fig. 4. Term.
Each Term begins with a leader election and one or more Candidates run for Leader. If a Candidate
wins the election, he will be the leader for the rest of the term. In some cases, multiple Candidate votes
may be the same. At this time, Leader may not be selected (such as Fig, 3), then another Term will be
started, and the next election will begin immediately. The Raft algorithm guarantees that there must be
at least one leader in a given Term, and there can be no situation without a leader.

2.3. Heartbeats and Timeout

In the Raft consensus algorithm, there are two Timeout mechanisms to control Leader election:
⚫ Election Timeout: the waiting time for the Follower to wait to become the Candidate state. This
time is randomly set between 150ms and 300ms.
⚫ Heartbeat Timeout: After a node becomes a leader, the leader will send an Append Entries
message to other nodes. This information is transmitted through Heartbeat Timeout. When the
follower receives Leader's heartbeat packet, it also resets the election timer.

3. Working Mechanism of Raft

3.1. Leader election

In the initial state, all nodes are started in the role of Follower, and Election Timeout is started
(random time, reducing collision probability[9].

ICSP 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1544 (2020) 012079 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1544/1/012079

If a node finds that it has not received the heartbeat request sent by the Leader after the Election
Timeout time, the node will become Candidate and stay in this state until one of the following three
situations occurs:
⚫ The Candidate wins the election
⚫ Other Candidate wins election
⚫ After a period of time, no server wins the election (enters the next round of Term elections and
randomly sets the Election Timeout time)
The Candidate will then send Request Vote to other nodes. If more than half of the nodes agree, it
becomes a leader. If the election has timed out and no Leader has been elected, it will enter the next
term and re-elect.
After completing the Leader election, the Leader will periodically send Heartbeat to other nodes.
Tell other nodes that the leader is still running, and reset the Election Timeout of these nodes. The re-
election process is shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5. The re-election process.

3.2. Log replication

Client submits instructions to Leader (such as DET 5). After Leader receives the command, it appends
the command to the local log. At this point, the command is in the Uncommitted state, and the
replication state machine will not execute the command.
Leader copies the command (SET 5) to other nodes concurrently, and waits for other nodes to write
the command to the log. If some nodes fail at this time or the command write time is too long, the
Leader node will try again until all nodes have saved the command to the log. Then the Leader node
submits the command (that is, the command is executed by the state machine, here: SET 5), and
returns the result to the Client node.
After the Leader node submits the command, the next heartbeat packet will carry a message to
notify other nodes to submit the command. After other nodes receive the Leader's message, they apply
the command to the State Machine, and eventually the logs of each node remain consistent.
The Leader node records the maximum log index that has been submitted. Subsequent Heartbeat
and Append Entries will carry this value. In this way, other nodes know which commands have been
submitted, and can let State Machine execute the commands in the log, so that the state machine data
of all nodes is consistent. The Leader election process is shown in Fig. 6.

ICSP 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1544 (2020) 012079 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1544/1/012079

Fig. 6. Leader election process.

In the case of inconsistent log content, the specific processing of the Raft consensus algorithm is as
follows: as shown in the following figure, if in a distributed network, the log status of each node is as
follows . When the Leader node sends a log copy request, it will bring the Index and Term of the last
log record. At this time, the Leader node sends a log copy request <next Index: 8, command: x ← 4,
the submitted log index is 7, and the term is 3>. At this point, after receiving the Leader's request,
node A compares the Index and Term of the previous log record recorded by the leader node and finds
Index (Leader)> Index (A)
Term (Leader)> Current Term (A)
The command was found to be absent from the node's log, and the request was rejected. At this
point, the Leader node knows that an inconsistency has occurred and decrements the next Index. And
send a log replication request to node A again until a node with consistent logs is found. Finally, the
Follower node's log is overwritten with the Leader node's log content[10].
In other words, for requests with inconsistent log content, the Raft algorithm will overwrite the log
content of the Follower node with the content of the Follower node. First find the location where the
two log records are inconsistent for the first time, and then overwrite to the location of the most
recently submitted command. The specific process is shown in Fig. 7.

ICSP 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1544 (2020) 012079 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1544/1/012079

Fig. 7. Log index.

3.3. Safety
The previous content discussed how the Raft algorithm conducts leadership elections and replicates
logs. However, so far this mechanism cannot guarantee that every state machine can execute the same
instructions in the same order. For example, when Leader submitted several log entries, a Follower
might go down. This Follower was then elected as a leader and overwritten the original log entries
with new ones. As a result, different state machines may execute different command sequences[11].
The Raft algorithm improves the Raft algorithm by adding a restriction during the Leader election
phase. This restriction guarantees that for a fixed term, any leader has all the log commands submitted
by the previous term. The Raft algorithm uses voting to prevent nodes that do not contain all log
commands from winning elections.
If a Candidate node wants to win an election, it needs to communicate with most nodes in the
distributed network. This means that each submitted log entry appears on at least one of the servers. If
Candidate's log is as new as the log on the majority server, then it must contain all the submitted log
entries. Request Vote RPC implements this limitation: RPC includes Candidate log information. If its
log is newer than Candidate's, then it will reject Candidate's voting request[12].
Method for judging the new and old log content of two nodes: Raft algorithm determines which log
content is newer by comparing the Index and Term of the last command in the log.
⚫ If the terms of the two logs are the same, the content of the log with the larger term is updated.
⚫ If the term number is the same, the content of the log is longer and the log is updated.

4. Case Study
How Raft maintains consistency when the network is partitioned. As shown below, we divide the
distributed network into two subnets. The two subnets are the subnet AB and the subnet CDE
respectively. At this time, the node B is a leader node.
However, there is no Leader node in subnet 1 due to network partitioning. At this time, the C, D,
and E nodes did not receive the heartbeat of the leader node, which caused the Election Timeout to
time out and entered the Candidate state. The entire distributed system began to conduct Leader
At this point we assume that node C wins the election and becomes the leader node of subnet 1.
Leader election process as shown in Fig. 8.

ICSP 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1544 (2020) 012079 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1544/1/012079

Fig. 8.Network partition.

At this time, if there are Client nodes in the two subnets, they submit data to the Leader nodes in
each subnet (such as: X ← 3). Since Leader node B in subnet 2 cannot be replicated to most nodes, its
X ← 3 command will always be in the Uncommitted state. Since subnet 1 was successfully replicated
to most nodes, X ← 3 finally reached a consensus on subnet 1. As shown in Fig. 9 below:

Fig. 9.Leadership election with network partition.1.

We assume that subnet 1 has undergone multiple elections and data interactions. The final log
status of subnet 1 is shown in the following fig. 10:

ICSP 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1544 (2020) 012079 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1544/1/012079

Fig. 10.Leadership election with network partition.2.

At this time, the partition isolation status disappears. Leader C and Leader B send heartbeat
requests respectively. In the end, Leader B found that Leader C had more votes than himself, so he
switched to Follower status. With Log Replication, all node logs are finally agreed. As shown in Fig.
11 below:

Fig. 11.Leadership election with network partition.3.

5. Raft Algorithm Overview

The core idea of the Raft algorithm is the same as that of other consensus algorithms, that is, it cannot
require all individuals in the system to run without errors. As long as the majority nodes in the entire
distributed system are running normally, the system can run well. In order to ensure the consistent
behavior of all nodes in the system, Raft puts forward two extremely important core requirements:
⚫ Safety: the safety of the system must be guaranteed no matter what.
⚫ Liveness: The system must run and serve the client. It is not just that there are no problems, but
also that the entire system can operate in a timely and good manner.
Raft consensus algorithm strengthens the status of Leader, divides the entire algorithm into two
parts clearly, and uses the continuity of logs to make a good response strategy for different states of
Leader. In order to ensure the correctness of the Leader, the Raft consensus algorithm emphasizes the
legitimacy and uniqueness of the Leader. Only one legal leader can exist at the same time. At the same
time, the newly elected Leader in the Leader election algorithm of the Raft consensus algorithm
already has all the logs that can be submitted[13]. Therefore, the Raft protocol log can simply send
and add log information only from the Leader to the Follower. Raft uses the continuity of the log to
make a lot of simplifications to Paxos, so that the entire algorithm can be truly applied to various
distributed problems[14].

ICSP 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1544 (2020) 012079 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1544/1/012079

Thanks to Professor Bo Mi for his patient guidance and the selfless help of the graduate team. The
theoretical analysis guidance provided by Professor Bo Mi and the good suggestions provided by the
graduate team make the writing and research process of the article highly efficient. Thanks for the
support from the School of Information Science and Engineering of Chongqing Jiaotong University.
Without their support, I would not be able to complete the full and efficient dissertation.

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