CRRC UNDP SocialCohesion-Presentation English

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Caucasus Research Resource Centers-

A Program of the Eurasia Partnership Foundation

2011 Social Cohesion Survey

CRRC-Armenia, UNDP
Social Cohesion:
4 Dimensions of Well-Being

1. Fair and equal access to justice

2. Individual (and collective) dignity
3. Autonomy of the individual
4. Participation in community life.
C3. There have been many changes since 1989. With respect to these
changes, do you think that TODAY you have better, worse or the same
opportunities to...?
(% of total)

Better The same Worse Don't know NA

Express what you think 45 18 28 7 2

Start a business 32 9 29 11 19

Achieve the desired level of education 29 14 37 7 13

Achieve a good standard of living 26 15 51 5 2

Have a good job 19 10 56 8 6

C8. If you had the chance, would you leave Armenia for permanent residence
in another country?
(% of total)





Yes Rather yes Rather no No Don't know

Social Cohesion Components

1. Norms, habits, institutions, trust facilitating relationships

2. Bonding versus bridging
3. Formalization and institutionalization
EDU6. Do you think the quality of education in your town/village has become
worse, better or remained the same compared to 5 years / 25 years ago?
(% of total)

Better The same Worse Don't know

25 years ago 18 6 65 11

5 years ago 26 26 40 8
EDU3. Indicate the local school issues for which you would like to participate
in finding a solution
(% of cases)

Wouldn't like to participate in such issues 72

Learning programmes 10

School building repair 10

Organization of school events 8

School budget 8

Don't know 6

Other 1
ISN11. Do you feel that you would be satisfied if you were more involved in the
decisions that your Mayor/Municipality makes regarding your local area?
(% of total)

Yes No Depends on the issue Don't know



Yes No Depends on the issue Don't know

C15. Trust towards…
(% of total)

A lot A fair amount Not very much Not at all Don't know

People in your family 88 8 3

People in your neighborhood 23 55 17 41

People in your surrounding

7 42 35 11 4

People in your country 4 32 41 16 7

People who you do not know 2 20 39 29 9

Reluctance to
ISN23. Talking about solving issues in your community, what do you think
about the following?
(% of total)

Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don't know

I think that there is nothing that depends on me in my

36 30 18 12 4
local community

People should be more active in my local community to

24 42 13 11 10
solve common issues

It's not our task; the local authorities should manage all
21 21 33 18 8
the issues we have in our local community

I would like to spend more time helping to solve issues

5 16 21 55 3
in my local community.

I think that I am proactive enough regarding

3 10 27 58 2
participation in my local community
ISN14. How would you go about influencing decisions in your local area?
(% of total)

Contact my mayor/municipality 49

None 23

Don't know 13

Contact marzpetaran 12

Attend a picket 5

Organize and sign a petition 5

Contact media or journalists 4

Contact the parliament member elected from my


Contact a government official 2

ISN13. Which, if any of these, might make it easier for you to influence
decisions in your local area?
(% of total)

If I knew that my opinion would matter/be taken into


If I knew what issues were on the agenda 23

If I had more time 22

If I could get involved in a group making decisions 18

If the mayor/member of municipality asked me to engage 17

Don't know 11

If it were easier to contact my mayor/municipality 4

If I knew who the mayor or members of the municipality

Challenging Socio-
QL5. Have you attended any cultural event (theatre, museums, concert, etc.) in
the last three months?
(% of total)



Yes No
QL6. Why haven’t you attended any cultural events during the last three
(% of those who didn’t attend any cultural event last 3 months), N=2799

Cannot access due to health condition 7

Too far away 9

Not important for me 16

Can't afford 65

Don't know 4
C9. Please indicate the level of importance for each of the following possible
reasons for your willingness to leave.
(% of those who would leave Armenia for permanent residence in another
country), N=793

Very important Somewhat important Not at all important Don't know/Refused

Economic and employment opportunities for

85 13 2
me/household members

Perspectives for my children both regarding education

61 15 11 13
and regarding employment

I don't feel needed here 45 26 25 4

Respect for human rights/feeling of security for

44 28 24 4
me/household members

My relatives/friends already live there 26 20 52 2

Other 8 13 30 48
QL1. For each of the following items on the card, can I just check how often your
household could afford it in the past 12 months?

Often Sometimes Seldom Never Don't know/Refused

Paying regularly the bills 63 23 10 21

Buying food for three meals a day 33 31 24 11 1

Keeping your home adequately warm 32 36 22 9 1

Buying medication that you or your household needed 30 31 29 6 4

Buying new clothes and shoes that you or your

17 35 38 9 1
household needed
Buying school materials/books for every child in your
15 14 10 17 43

Regular dental checks for every child in your household 10 13 20 24 34

Having friends or family for a drink or meal at least

3 8 14 73 2
once a month

Buying books, cinema or theatre tickets 3 11 16 68 2

Traveling to family celebrations/for family events 2 8 18 71 1

Paying for a week's annual holiday away from

24 12 81 1
ISN4.From whom would you get support in each of the following situations?

Partner/spouse Other family member Friend Neighbor

Work colleague Someone else Nobody Don't know

If you needed help around the house when ill 33 48 2 7 6 3

If you needed advice about a serious personal or family

27 43 8 5 7 8 2

If you were feeling a bit depressed and wanting

24 32 16 10 1 7 10
someone to talk to

If you needed help when looking for a job 11 20 17 24 8 26 13

If you needed to urgently raise 250,000 AMD to face an

9 22 12 52 13 31 7
ISN13. Which, if any of these, might make it easier for you to influence decisions
in your local area?

If I knew that my opinion would matter/be taken into


If I knew what issues were on the agenda 23

If I had more time 22

If I could get involved in a group making decisions 18

If the mayor/member of municipality asked me to engage 17

Don't know 11

If it were easier to contact my mayor/municipality 4

If I knew who the mayor or members of the municipality

NF6. What do you think, from the different sources of information could you get
realistic information about the following institutions.
Highly accessible Rather accessible Rather inaccessible Completely inaccessible Don't know/Refused

Educational Institutions 10 43 20 18 10
Hospitals 7 39 25 21 8
Banks 7 37 23 24 9
Your mayor 6 31 24 28 10
Army 6 37 26 22 8
Municipality 5 30 25 28 11
Political Parties 5 26 26 32 11
Private sector 5 20 27 34 14
Social protection services 4 27 26 31 12
Charity benevolent funds 4 24 25 32 15
Police 4 26 31 29 10
Presidential… 4 26 29 30 11
National Assembly 3 29 30 27 11
Government Ministries 3 30 27 28 11
Marzpetaran 3 24 28 32 13
Employment services 3 22 27 34 14
Tax/Custom Service 3 18 30 36 13
Court 3 18 33 35 11
H11. Please specify whether or not each of the following is present in your
residential area.
Yes No Don't know

Electricity 100
Drinking water 96 4
Market/shops 95 5
School 95 5
Gas 91 9
Landline telephone 90 9
Public transportation 85 15
Kindergarten 83 17
Pharmacy 81 19
Pharmacy 81 19
Area cleaning up 80 19
Sewage 80 20
Internet including 3G 80 15 5
Playground for children 34 65 1
Availability of green zone 33
Medical services 86 14
Most important issue in community
(percentage of cases, up to three answers)
Availablity of green zones 48
Playgrounds for children 43
Area cleanup 23
Cultural/sport infrastructure 22
Sewage 18
Public transport 18
Drinking water 16
Medical services 13
Pharmacy 10
Kindergarten 9
Gas 9
Market/ shops 6
School 4
Landline telephone 4
Electricity 3
Internet 2
C14. Who do you trust in your village/community
(% of cases, 6 answers possible)

Elderly people 54

Teachers 47

People who are respected inside


Mayor 36

Municipality 29

No one 29

Community "authorities" 17

Don't know 7
H5.3. Satisfaction with surrounding ecological situation

Completely satisfied Somewhat satsified Somewhat dissatisfied

Completely dissatisified Refused

Tavush 21 40 27 11 1

Yerevan 16 38 24 21 1

Shirak 16 27 19 37 1

Armavir 15 57 19 8

Kotayk 15 53 23 9

Gegharkunik 13 45 23 19

Vayots Dzor 11 41 31 16

Syunik 8 50 25 13 3

Aragatsotn 6 42 35 16

Ararat 5 40 33 20 2

Lori 2 31 29 36 2
H5.8. Satisfaction with education services available (kindergarten and school)
(% of total by Marz)

Completely satisfied Somewhat satsified Somewhat dissatisfied

Completely dissatisified Refused

Tavush 34 25 4 4 33

Vayots Dzor 34 42 4 5 15

Shirak 32 19 5 11 32

Kotayk 23 36 15 5 21

Armavir 22 51 11 3 13

Gegharkunik 21 40 14 7 17

Syunik 20 52 7 2 20

Aragatsotn 14 56 13 5 11

Ararat 14 37 13 5 31

Yerevan 13 30 8 12 37

Lori 12 43 14 5 26
Caucasus Research Resource Centers-
A Program of the Eurasia Partnership Foundation

2011 Social Cohesion Survey

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