Encuesta Millennial GenZ 2023-16-20

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Deloitte Global 2023 Gen Z and Millennial Survey

Gen Z and millennial hybrid and

remote work preferences
The survey data consistently shows that across countries and regardless of gender, sexuality, caretaking responsibilities, or
identification with a minority group, Gen Zs and millennials prefer hybrid work. But there are many variations of what hybrid
work looks like.

The top preference among Gen Zs and millennials is to have full choice in where they work. This might mean working remotely
all or most of the time and going to a common workplace or meeting with colleagues once a week, once a month, or even
once a year. Or it could mean working on-site more regularly while occasionally working from home.

A slightly smaller percentage of Gen Zs and millennials would prefer hybrid work models in which their employer has set
requirements for how often they need to be on-site. This could be because set requirements would provide structure and
ensure that in-person time is coordinated so that employees are not going into an empty office.

Less than two in 10 Gen Zs and millennials want a fully remote work pattern, in which they don’t go to a physical workplace at
all, signaling that some in-person collaboration with colleagues is important to these generations—but they want it to be on
their terms.

27% 27% 26%
21% 22% 21% 21% 22%
20% 19%
17% 18% 18%
16% 16% 16%
13% 13% 14%

Fully remote I have full choice in where I work both remotely and on My role could be done off site The nature of my role requires
I work (any combination of site, but my employer has set but my employer requires me to be physically present at
remote and on site) requirements for how often me to be on site my employer’s workplace
and / or when I need to be on

Gen Z current work pattern Gen Z preferred work pattern Millennial current work pattern Millennial preferred work pattern

© 2023. For information, contact Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited. 16

Deloitte Global 2023 Gen Z and Millennial Survey

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Work/life balance

The benefits of hybrid and remote work outweigh

the negatives for Gen Zs and millennials
Gen Zs and millennials see real benefits of remote and hybrid work:

• It enables better work/life balance by freeing up time to spend with family and friends (20% of Gen Zs and 28%
of millennials), to pursue hobbies (20% of Gen Zs and 25% of millennials), and take care of responsibilities outside
of work (20% of Gen Zs and 25% of millennials).

• It helps save money by reducing expenses related to commuting, buying work clothes, and dry cleaning (22% of
Gen Zs and 27% of millennials).

• For many, it drives greater productivity allowing them to stay focused without the typical distractions of an
office environment (18% of Gen Zs and 23% of millennials).

• Over half of Gen Zs (54%) and millennials (59%) think hybrid work is positive for their mental health. This is
especially true for parents (59% of Gen Zs/63% of millennials), ethnic minority groups (58% of Gen Zs/67% of
millennials), and Gen Zs with visible disabilities (60%).

While the majority say hybrid or remote work is beneficial for their mental health, nearly a quarter of
Gen Zs (22%) and 15% of millennials believe the opposite is true: they worry hybrid or remote work may
have a negative impact on their mental health. And, similar to last year, they have concerns about its
impact on their ability to make connections, find mentors and sponsorship opportunities with leaders,
and progress in their careers.

Gen Z and millennial concerns about remote and hybrid work:

• Some have experienced proximity bias, where people in positions of power tend to treat workers
who are physically closer to them more favorably, and they worry this may limit their career
progression (18% of Gen Zs/15% of millennials).

• It can make connecting with colleagues more difficult (14% of Gen Zs and millennials).

• Finding opportunities for mentorship/sponsorship from leaders in their organizations can be

more difficult when working remotely (13% of Gen Zs/12% of millennials).

• It can be isolating (10% of Gen Zs and millennials).

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Deloitte Global 2023 Gen Z and Millennial Survey

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Work/life balance

“Always-on” workplaces make it hard

for many to disconnect
While some progress has been made towards enabling better work/life balance, Gen Zs and millennials are still
struggling with their workloads and the balance between their work and personal lives. About three-quarters of
Gen Zs and millennials say their workload and poor work/life balance contribute to their stress levels.
And despite many benefits, the ability to work from anywhere has contributed to “always-on” workplaces which
can make it hard to disconnect, with seven in 10 Gen Zs and millennials responding to work emails/messages
outside of normal working hours at least one day a week.

Percentage who respond to work emails/messages outside of normal

working hours:

55% Main reasons for responding to work emails/messages outside
of normal working hours:
23% 22% Gen Zs Millennials

At least one day a week At least five days a week

To stay up to date on the latest 33% 34%
Gen Z total Gen Z remote Gen Z on-site

Email coming from a superior/

80% supervisor
30% 30%
30% To enhance my promotion/career
25% advancement prospects 22% 19%

At least one day a week At least five days a week Work anxiety/struggling to turn
off/disconnect from work 21% 21%
Millennials total Millennials remote Millennials on-site

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Deloitte Global 2023 Gen Z and Millennial Survey

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Work/life balance

Condensed work weeks and part-time jobs

are rising in popularity
When asked how they’d like organizations to foster better work/life balance, Factors which are preventing respondents from taking advantage
Gen Zs and millennials prioritized better career advancement opportunities of flexible work, or from reducing their hours:
for part-time jobs, condensed four-day work weeks, job sharing, and allowing (Flexible work refers to work patterns that provide greater choice over
employees to work flexible hours. The focus on part-time jobs and job sharing is a shift when people work).
from last year when they ranked toward the bottom of the list. Overall, these responses
Percentage who are concerned that…
indicate a growing demand among Gen Zs and millennials for more flexibility in terms of
when they work, whether it be part-time jobs, or full-time jobs with more flexible hours.
The pay cut it would require would 30%
In which of the following areas should organizations focus to help foster
not be a feasible option for me 27%
better work/life balance for their employees?

My workload wouldn’t 26%

Ensure part-time employees have comparable career
be reduced accordingly 23%
advancement (36% of Gen Zs/30% of millennials)

I am concerned it would hurt my 25%

Implement condensed four-day work weeks chances of promotion 21%
(33% of Gen Zs/31% of millennials)
I am concerned that I’d be given 20%
less interesting / challenging work 16%
Create more part-time jobs
(29% of Gen Zs/24% of millennials) 20%
I would be treated with less
respect by my manager 16%
Create more job-sharing options
(26% of Gen Zs/20% of millennials) I would be treated with less 18%
respect by my colleagues 15%

Allow employees to work flexible working hours

(24% of Gen Zs/30% of millennials) Gen Zs Millennials

More than three-quarters of Gen Zs (81%) and millennials (76%) are interested in more flexible working or in reducing their
working hours. Only one in 10 have no concerns about making the shift, while others don’t believe it’s a feasible option as they worry
their workload wouldn’t be reduced accordingly, that they’d be passed over for promotion opportunities, or given less interesting work.

© 2023. For information, contact Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited. 19

Deloitte Global 2023 Gen Z and Millennial Survey

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Work/life balance

Gen Zs and millennials discuss the importance of flexible working …

I wish we had more flexibility at work, but I don’t think I would go for a job that is full- I prefer working much more when I have the
that’s not happening right now. But it’s time in the office again. I’m surprised it was feeling that I have a bit of control over it myself. I
important to me because it makes me feel ever a thing in the first place—how did we all can decide how and when I work. This makes me
empowered, it makes me feel trusted. survive going into the office five days a week? happier, my work more effective and productive,
- Millennial, Female, US For me, it’s very important for employers to that’s modern and that’s how it should be.
be a lot more flexible and offer hybrid ways - Millennial, Female, Germany
of working.
- Millennial, Female, UK

It is very important for me to work remotely and I think choosing when and where to work is very I think employers can enable greater flexibility
work flexible hours. It gives me more time to important. The way you work makes a massive by offering options such as work-from-home,
take care of my personal life, my mental health, difference in the efficiency of your work. Let’s flexible hours and part-time schedules. They
my home life with my partner and for me to say, for example, that there’s someone who could also consider implementing policies
have better quality of life…Flexibility is very spends three hours commuting to and from that support work/life balance, such as
important, and I believe it is a trend without work (round trip). If we think about how much providing paid time off or offering employee
return, that all employers should adapt to. work can be done in that amount of time, and assistance programs to help employees manage

- Millennial, Female, Brazil then multiply that over the course of a year, I personal stressors that can impact their work
think it would be shocking. performance.

- Gen Z, Male, Japan - Gen Z, Male, India

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