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Abstract. This paper describes the assumptions and results of a study to assess whether cultivation of
medicinal plants can serve as a tool for combined biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation. The
study was carried out in the Amatola region of Eastern Cape, South Africa, where sustained beliefs in
medicinal plant use, also under non-traditional conditions, has resulted in an increase in commercial
demands. It was based on the assumption of poverty alleviation not only referring to an increase in
income and labour, but also an increase in social capital and human dignity. The study assessed the local
perceptions of the use and cultivation of medicinal plants and the need for conservation of these plants, as
well as the features of already ongoing cultivation practices and options for increased cultivation. It
consisted of participatory assessments in three villages involving around 250 persons and participatory
trials with 14 rural women selling medicinal plants on urban markets. The study indicated that the
growing demand for medicinal plants is related to the great cultural significance attached to medicinal
plants. The growing demand has not only resulted in increased hazard for overexploitation of wild plant
populations, but also increased interest in cultivation. Several factors need attention in linking of
biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation: (a) selection of specific target groups and the
identification of the links between cultivation practices and livelihood conditions, (b) role of cultural
factors in medicinal plant use and cultivation, and (c) cultivation by local people being not primarily
based on local awareness of the loss of wild species, but on local perceptions about financially lucrative
medicinal plants. It is concluded that the scope for cultivation of medicinal plants for combined
biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation should not be considered light-heartedly. However, the
impact can be positive in case cultivation is considered within the context of protecting and strengthening
the cultural values of biodiversity and creating a positive attitude towards biodiversity conservation in
Keywords: cultural values; financial values; medicinal-plant traders; participatory technology
R.J. Bogers, L.E. Craker and D.Lange (eds), Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 43-57.
© 2006 Springer. Printed in the Netherlands
Since the Johannesburg Earth Summit in 2002 much attention has been given to the
possibility of combining biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation. Within
this context the option of stimulating the production of non-timber forest products
(NTFPs) is often considered promising (Arnold and Perez 2001; Wunder 2001).
When considering the potential of NTFP production to contribute to poverty
alleviation two options need attention, e.g., the stimulation of either sustainable
exploitation of wild NTFPs in natural forests or cultivation in farming systems
(Wong and Hall 2004; Ros-Tonen and Wiersum 2005). These development options
are well illustrated in the case of medicinal plants. In many countries medicinal
plants are collected from the wild vegetation. But in response to the combined
impacts of dwindling supplies due to overexploitation of the natural resources and
increasing demands due to population growth and growing global markets medicinal
plants are also increasingly introduced into farming systems. Such cultivation often
takes place in multiple cropping systems including agroforestry systems. For
instance, medicinal plants may be planted in the lower strata of multistrata systems
such as homegardens (Rao et al. 2004).
The two types of medicinal plant exploitation can be related to two different
conservation strategies: in situ preservation through development of improved forms
of controlled use of naturally growing plants, and in domo conservation through
development of cultivation practices as a means to conserve the species within the
human domain (Heywood 1999; Wiersum 2003). It is increasingly recognized that
within the context of combining biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation,
not only in situ preservation of valuable wild plant species should be given attention,
but also in domo conservation (Ros-Tonen and Wiersum 2005). This form of
conservation is based on the understanding that rather than a dichotomy between
wild and cultivated lands there exist a wide array of plant production systems and
different degrees of (semi)domestication of wild plants (Wiersum and Shackleton
2005). The process of domestication is often interpreted as referring to the
modification of a plant’s morphological characteristics and genetic make-up as well
as the artificialization of the biophysical environment in which the plant is growing.
In a broader sense, however, the concept has been interpreted as also including the
acculturalization of a plant to a social management environment (Wiersum 1997).
Under the first interpretation, the process of stimulating domestication is normally
considered a two-phased process in which first proper crop cultivation techniques
are developed by scientists, followed by subsequent transfer of the scientifically
developed domestication technology to potential growers. According to the more
inclusive second interpretation, the stimulation process involves a socio-technical
approach in which attention is given to the interaction between technical, cultural
and institutional dimensions of domestication. According to this interpretation,
technology development is not a value-free process, but rather a process in which
human values and technical options are interrelated. Especially when addressing the
development needs of underprivileged groups of people, it is considered essential
that technologies are developed that are adjusted to the specific social values and
livelihood assets of the intended target groups.
This paper will discuss the design and results of a multi-focused study on the
scope for cultivation of medicinal plants as a means to contribute towards poverty
alleviation. The study was designed in accordance with the concept of domestication
as a multi-dimensional process involving technical, cultural and institutional
changes. Consequently, the stimulation of cultivation was conceived of as involving
a location-specific development process in which cultivation practices are developed
on the basis of both technical options, socio-cultural conditions and specific
livelihood conditions of the intended cultivators. First we will elaborate what aspects
are of importance when designing research projects aiming at the stimulation of
medicinal plant cultivation as a means to poverty alleviation. Next we will sketch
the importance of medicinal plants in South Africa and describe the research area
and methodology. Then we give an overview of local perception regarding the use
and cultivation of medicinal plants as well as the local beliefs regarding the need for
conservation of medicinal plants. Finally, we describe the results of experimental
trials to stimulate medicinal plant cultivation by female medicinal plant hawkers.
This information will serve to answer the question: What aspects need attention
when stimulating medicinal plant cultivation as a means to contribute towards a
combination of in domo conservation and poverty alleviation?
medicinal plants, most of which are collected from the wild causing high demands
on the natural resource base (Dold and Cocks 2002; Cocks et al. 2004). Many
medicines are derived from roots and bulbs, which are especially vulnerable to the
increasing harvesting pressure. Moreover, the harvesting techniques for medicinal
products from tree bark are often unsustainable. Consequently, there are clear signs
of depletion of stocks in several areas (Dold and Cocks 2001).
Research methodology
In order to assess whether a conscious combination of in domo resource
conservation and poverty alleviation is feasible in the research area, a multi-level
study was carried out. The first phase concerned a series of participatory appraisals
in order to contextualize the present social and cultural aspects of use and cultivation
of amayeza. A series of surveys, in-depth interviews and workshops took place
amongst the households in Cwengcwe and adjacent villages in the Amatola district
(Figure 1). Approximately 250 people participated in these surveys. Further details
on these participatory appraisals and their results are given by Husselman and
Postma (in prep.).
option for domestication of medicinal plants by poor people who are already
actively engaged in the medicinal plant trade. It was thought that this would provide
the best chance that the cultivation practices will replace the collection of wild
plants rather than form only an additional production source. Within the medicinal
plant trade, four main categories of stakeholders can be distinguished in the research
area, viz., informal gatherers, hawkers, traditional healers and amayeza store owners
(Cocks et al. 2004). The hawkers, who can also be informal gatherers, are the
poorest of these stakeholders. They are predominantly (75%) women, have a low
level of education (50% having no schooling at all and 41% having left school after
junior level) and the majority (57%) is earning less then R 500 per month. Over 80%
of these hawkers live in rural areas and commute daily to urban areas where they
maintain informal trading stalls. Periodically they collect plants or they sell plants
from other village people (Cocks et al. 2004). As target group for the participatory
cultivation trials the project selected a group of 14 women hawker traders selling
medicinal plants at the King Williamstown informal market (Figure 1). These
women reside in different villages within the Amatola District Municipality and
travel almost daily to the urban market places. Homegardens were selected as the
best location for the cultivation trials. In the first place, homegardens are normally
the women’s domain as well as the last land resort for poor people (Ninez 1984).
Moreover, in homegardens both domesticated and wild plants are usually grown,
and they often serve as experimental areas for new crops (Ninez 1984; High and
Shackleton 2000).
a result there are specific traditional regulations on how to handle amayeza species.
Explanations on the exact nature of these rules varied between respondents, but the
most widespread opinion was that polluted people should avoid contact with these
plants. ‘Pollution’ is a temporary state of being, associated with an increased risk of
contamination by evil spirits (Ngubane 1977; Hammond-Tooke 1989). A person is
considered polluted during menstruation, after sexual intercourse, after childbirth
and when there is a death in the household. Additionally, travelling to distant places
may cause pollution. This condition lasts several days (opinions on the precise
number varied between respondents) or until ritual cleansing with, e.g., Drimia
capensis (inqwebeba) has occurred. The second metaphysical danger is
witchcraft/sorcery: people with the proper know-how could deliberately destroy the
powers of the amayeza species. Once again, opinions on this subject differed
between respondents. Some of the respondents only believed that witchcraft could
affect people and not amayeza, while others believe that amayeza species could only
be destroyed if others know what they are used for.
During the appraisals, some people voiced concerns about the loss of interest of
young people in using amayeza. However, in a special survey amongst grade-9 and -
10 highschool students it was found that although 95% of the students use medicines
from health clinics, still 82% are also using amayeza for both healing and protection
purposes. Almost 80% of the students stated that they would continue using
amayeza in the future. And in a parallel preliminary school survey, children
mentioned that they believed that the cultural forms of wild-plant use would
continue even if utilitarian uses such as fuelwood would be replaced by modern
substitutes (Cocks and Wiersum 2003).
use cultivated amayeza for healing or protection purposes. However, those species
that are collected following ritual practice and species indicated by the ancestors in
dreams could only be collected from the wild to remain effective. Thirty-eight
percent of the respondents considered it inappropriate to use cultivated amayeza
species for ritual purposes. The most common reason given was that the collection
of the plants from the wild is an essential part of the ritual. Others argued that
amayeza species are mainly sensitive to loss of effectiveness through contact with
polluted people and witchcraft, and that it is not the cultivation per se, but rather the
proper handling of species during cultivation which impacts on their power.
appraisal study over 50 species were found to be present in the homegardens. The
most popular are Artemisia afra, Eucomis autumnalis, Tulbaghia acutiloba,
Agapanthus praecox and Drimia elata (Table 1). This almost exclusively involves
herbaceous and bulbous species that are relatively easy to propagate and which
provide quick yields. Most plant propagation material is collected from the wild and
transplanted in the gardens. Only 18% of the cultivated species are slow-growing
woody species. Due to the impacts of the cultural beliefs surrounding the use of
amayeza, the plants are often planted in secluded spots of the gardens and they are
not mixed with vegetables or other food crops in order to prevent loss of power.
No. Numeric and Botanical name, Xhosa Growth form and plant
relative frequency* name part used
1. 18 Artemisia afra Shrub
40% Umhlonyane Leaves and flowers
2. 12 Agapanthus praecox Small plant
27% Umkhondo Tuber
3. 10 Drimia elata Small plant
22% Umrateni Bulb
4. 7 Tulbaghia acutiloba Small plant
16% Itswele lomlambo Bulb
5. 7 Eucomis autumnalis Small plant
16% Inguduza 28 Bulb
6. 5 Haworthia attenuata Succulent
11% Intelezi encinci Whole plant
7. 5 Ruta graveolens Shrub
11% Ivendrik Leaves
8. 4 Gasteria bicolor Succulent
9% Intelezi Leaves
9. 4 Silene undulata Small plant
9% Unozitholana Roots
10. 3 Hypoxis hemerocallidea Small plant
7% Inongwe tuber
Frequency refers to the number of households (n=45) cultivating species
Source: Husselman and Postma (in prep.)
on average less than 11 hour per week. The estimated net income from the medicinal
plant trade is R 2400 - 7200 per annum. They were generally well aware that
overharvesting (mentioned by about 80%) and poor harvesting methods (mentioned
by around 15%) have resulted in a decrease of medicinal plants.
The trial participants were already more intensively involved in medicinal plant
cultivation than the average local households: 64% were already cultivating an
average of four species. After attending a training workshop at a medicinal plant
nursery their interest in cultivation further increased. This increased interest was
primarily based on their ideas regarding the commercial values of the plants, while
ideas on scarcity of species or cultural issues played only a minor role (Table 2).
Similar motives were found regarding the selection of species for cultivation (Table
3). Also in this case financial motives were stronger than cultural motives: preferred
species were selected on the basis of criteria such as high demand and financial
value, and cultural restrictions played only a role with respect to a few specific
species (e.g., Cassipourea flanaganii is not liked for cultivation as it is believed to
attract lightning). In addition, availability of propagation material, ease of
cultivation and drought resistance played a role, while hardly mention was made to
the need to conserve rare or endangered species. A comparison between the species
preferred for cultivation by local people with a list of 34 prioritized species for
conservation (Dold and Cocks 2002) indicated that only 50% of these 34 species
were considered important for cultivation.
However, the cultivation trials were not uniformly successful. As reported also in
other South-African studies (Crouch and Edwards 2004) local cultivation is hindered
by several technical constraints, most notably lack of water for irrigation, but also
difficulties with propagation and lack of experience with proper cultivation
requirements with respect to soil and light conditions. Notwithstanding the fact that
women hawkers are used to dealing with amayeza, they often buy part of the stock
from local collectors rather than collecting all plants themselves or having them
collected by their family members. Consequently, they have only limited knowledge
of natural growing conditions of most amayeza. Moreover, as the existing
cultivation practices are often carried out in a rather secluded manner, there is little
exchange of information amongst cultivators. Finally, there is a trade-off between
time spent in trade and in cultivation. In such cases other household members
including husbands or children have a major role to play in cultivation.
At present increasing attention is given to the stimulation of medicinal plant
cultivation as a means to combine biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation.
As indicated by our case study, in order to link in domo conservation of medicinal
plants effectively with poverty alleviation, several aspects merit careful attention,
starting with a clear conceptualization of the notion of poverty alleviation. This
notion can be interpreted as relating to an increase in income and employment as
well as to an increase in human capital and dignity. Considering the role of
medicinal plant cultivation in contributing to increased income and employment of
poor people, the study has been ongoing for a too limited period to present clear
results on income effects.
The study indicated various factors that need attention when planning the linking
of biodiversity conservation with increased income generation. It is essential to give
careful attention to the selection of specific target groups and assessment of their
livelihood conditions, and to identify how cultivation practices can be adjusted to
these livelihood conditions. In our project perhaps the selection of the target group
was not optimal. The women hawkers spend most of their time at the market rather
than at home, and thus cultivation competes with their trading activities. Moreover,
in contrast to initial assumptions, they were not all collecting the traded medicinal
plants themselves. Further cultivation trials should focus stronger on the primary
amayeza collectors.
It is also important to recognize that medicinal plant cultivation as a means for in
domo conservation by local people is not just based on local awareness of the loss of
wild species, but rather on awareness to optimize income from medicinal plants.
Consequently, stimulation of cultivation as a means to combine biodiversity
conservation and poverty alleviation should not be primarily focused on national
concerns regarding endangered species, but rather on local concerns regarding
economically attractive use of biodiversity. However, these two categories are not
mutually exclusive. Moreover, it should be recognized that efforts to stimulate in
domo conservation are often frustrated by locally perceived limitations in livelihood
activities due to efforts at in situ conservation. Stimulation of in domo conservation
by local people should not be seen as a compensation of loss afflicted by state-
controlled in situ conservation schemes, but rather as a compliment to local
participation in in situ conservation. The stimulation of cultivation should become
part of participatory forest management programmes.
Considering increasing human capital and dignity as important elements of
poverty alleviation, our data indicate that medicinal plants may play a significant
role in the maintenance of cultural identity. Biodiversity loss does not only entail a
loss in biological resources, but may also involve a loss of cultural practices. The
cultural value attributed to medicinal plants could be used as an argument to support
the conservation of biodiversity. However, such cultural values are not necessarily
identical for wild and cultivated plants, and it is important to distinguish between
cultural aspects concerning the use of the plants and cultural values regarding their
cultivation. Moreover, the cultural values should not be perceived as being static
(Cocks 2006). Our data demonstrate that as a consequence of the continued cultural
use of medicinal plants by people who have migrated from their rural villages to
(peri)urban areas, the trade in medicinal plants has increased. Local people have
already responded by initial cultivation practices. Although some studies have
indicated that African people in South Africa traditionally believe that cultivated
medicinal plants ‘lose power’ (Prins 1996), this belief was not found to be strong in
the study area and mostly concerned the use of amayeza for traditional ceremonies.
Apparently the beliefs concerning cultural uses of the medicinal plants were more
enduring than the traditional beliefs concerning their cultivation. The sustained
belief in cultural use practices, also under non-traditional conditions, has resulted in
an increase in commercial demands and a subsequent increased interest in
Finally, this study shows that one should not be too optimistic about the scope of
medicinal plant cultivation by poor people as a practical strategy for ín domo
conservation of threatened species. In the first place, preferred species for
cultivation are not necessarily the most threatened species. In the second place, it is
not clear whether such cultivation substitutes the collection of wild species or
supplements it. This does not mean, however, that cultivation efforts should be
disregarded as a conservation strategy. Rather than judging the impact of cultivation
on its direct impact on conserving threatened species, its scope should be considered
within a more general context of protecting and strengthening the cultural values of
biodiversity and thus creating a positive attitude towards biodiversity conservation
in general.
We gratefully thank Michel Postma, Jamie Pote, Nomtunzi Sizane, Mzwandile
Gatya and Sibusiso Madikizela for their contributions to field data collection. The
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