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This study examines current scenario and prospects of flower marketing in Dhaka city. It also
attempts to identify the value chains and channels of flower marketing in Dhaka city. In the study
primary data have been collected from the flower wholesalers, retailers, frequent users and also
from the infrequent users. The study reveals that Bangladesh flower market reaches 1500 crores
expanding at 10% per annum. The present study also reveals that because of natural advantages
such as fertile soil, good climate condition and other facilities a bright prospect of flower
business and floriculture are ahead of Bangladesh. Lack of scientific knowledge and training,
inadequate and underdeveloped transportation and communication system, unstable market
price, inadequate market information, lacking storage facilities, unsold flower, inadequate shop
space, demand fluctuations, strikes and unstructured market are among market related problems
that are faced by our flower traders in Bangladesh. If the above mention problems could be
solved, flower and floriculture industry will be one of the leading industries in Bangladesh.

The findings of the study showed some important trends and prospects of flower business. These
are: the total number of places from where fresh flower are supplied have been increasing; the
total number of structured and unstructured flower shop has been also increased. Marketers of
flower in Dhaka city using multiple channels such as traditional, online, offline etc for selling
flowers and flower made products. Different types of community and event management centers
are increasing swiftly in Dhaka city. For that reason demand of flower in Dhaka city is increasing
day by day. At present the number of national level celebration days has increased greatly which
is signaling high demand of flower in Dhaka city cum whole Bangladesh. Data from the
customers showed that the family incomes of the customers have been increasing and their
willingness to spend more on flower and flower made product as a luxury item also increasing
with the economic progress. Customers are using flower and flower made products for
multipurpose uses and they also want more variety in flowers and flower made products which
signals increasing customer demand for flower in Dhaka city. But china and Thai artificial low
costly plastic flower are also being used as alternative of fresh (cut) flower by customer which
may bring an unwanted situation for the fresh flower marketing in Dhaka city.

1.1. Introduction:
If you have one penny, buy food for your hungry stomach.
If you have two penny, buy flower with one of two penny for your mental satisfaction.
- said poet Shotendronath Dutt
Beauty, purity, love and passion are some of the emotions symbolized by the flowers. The
feelings of love, affection and joy are conveyed effectively with these non-speaking beauties of
nature, for example a lotus conveys purity, rose love, pansy thoughts and narcissus egotism.
Flowers have a definite role to play at almost all occasions of human affairs like birth, marriage,
worship, adornments and death. Besides flowers, other ornamental plants also play an important
role in environmental planning of urban and rural areas and from wasteland development to
overcoming pollution. An important aspect of floriculture is that it is a good avenue to generate
gainful employment for youth and women of peri-urban and rural area.

Flower is a widely used product around the world. Global export of cut flower and flower buds
for bouquets, fresh, dried (HS.0603) have exceeded 1000 crore US dollar. So, flowers are no
longer in a condition of treating as a source of pleasure, love, sensation and nice feeling but rather
a product of commercialization. Columbia started commercial export of flowers in the 18th
century. Floriculture was brought to light in late 70’s by some innovative farmers who took up
tuberose (the popular flower at that time) for small scale production. This kick start step acted as
the foundation on which large scale commercial production of flower in Bangladesh started in
Jhikargacha Upazilla of Jessore district in the mid 80’s. Afterward it was extended to Jessore
Sadar, Sharsha and Chowgachha Upazilla as well as Kushtia, Chuadanga and Satkhira districts.
Within a short period of time Jessore, Savar, Chuadanga, Mymensingh and Gazipur turned to be a
major flower production belt of Bangladesh. With the increasing demand for flowers and
ornamentals, the floriculture industry had been gaining popularity among the farmers as it gives 3-
5 times and 1.5-2 times more profit from rice and vegetable production respectively. A study by
Hossain and Rahman (1994) reveals that the capital investment in flower business has been
increasing. At present 10000 hectares of land is under flower cultivation where approx. 5000
resilient farmers are actively growing flowers and foliage in the country with 150000 people
directly or indirectly involved in it as their sole livelihood. Different varieties including marigold,
tuberose, rose, gladiolus, gerbera and chrysanthemum are grown commercially. Flowers growers
and traders make huge money every year in February, a month that sees huge sale of flowers as
people celebrate three major events – “Pohela Falgun” (Spring Festival), Valentine’s Day and
International Mother Language Day. According to Mohiuddin (2016), about 4000 retail shops are
available in the country of which 40% is present in Dhaka, 25% in Sylhet and Chittagong and the
rest 10% in other districts with a wholesale flower business transaction of $16000 every day. But
this still is not sufficient enough to meet the market demand. To satisfy the market demand,
Bangladesh requires importing flower and ornamental plants up to Tk. 2-3 million from abroad.
This indicates that aesthetic sense of people is increasing as the standard of living is increasing.
But the stage of commercial development is still at a very early stage. There exist some serious
problems such as, poor extension and consultancy services, lack of knowledge and infrastructure
of post-harvest management, lack of quality certification of flowers and government support is
very limited. The flower cultivation had a potential market where government should come
forward to solve the problems and provide necessary support for flower and ornamental plants
exporting. Also, introduction of new flowers of high international demand is needed to catch the
export market that will boost the export potential of the flower market.

Bangladesh has fertile land and capable labor force but has not well developed marketing and
distribution system. Bangladesh government has already identified this sector as a profitable
sector but no proper planning and investments have been done to this sector. Because of improper
planning and underdeveloped storage and marketing system, Dhaka city as well as the whole
country flower marketers are depriving of huge domestic and foreign market opportunity.

1.2. Rationale for the study:

Commercial production of flower started in Bangladesh at 1983 when a farmer of Jhikorgancha,
Jessore produced tuberose in his land. Then flower production expanded swiftly in many areas of
Bangladesh. Presently, different types of flowers are produced in 10000 hectors land of 25
districts of Bangladesh. More than 1500 crore taka comes from the flower production in
Bangladesh. About 5000 farmers and 2 million people are directly or indirectly with the flower
business in Bangladesh. Now about 700 flower shop are in Dhaka city where as there were only 5
to 8 of such shops prior to 1983. People once used to cultivate flowers in kitchen garden as
fashionable items. Now-a-days, also produced the same for dual purposes, using as a fashionable
item as well as selling it to the market. Moreover, there are a good number of hawkers selling the
flowers in different places of Dhaka city on temporary basis to supplement their monthly income.

Apart from this, Bangladesh has experienced a significant export growth despite many
hindrances, namely the world economic recession and domestic political turmoil. Bangladesh
export promotion sector has also taken many incentives and plans to enhance the growth of cut
flower and foliage export to different countries. Not so many studies have been done concerning
the prospective industry of Bangladesh. This study will present a clear picture of marketing and
distribution system of cut flower in Bangladesh as well as the business opportunity of cut flower
in global market and domestic market. The study also highlights the contribution of government
to this business. This paper would have significant roles to play in shaping the future of cut flower
industry in Dhaka city cum whole Bangladesh and encourage new entrepreneurs to come up with
new ventures in the export business of cut flower and foliage. This study will also open up further
research avenues for both government research and private sector research works.

1.3. Literature review

Though Bangladesh has great potential to grow into one of the major exporters of flower to many
countries of the world, not many academic studies have been conducted to explore the problems
and prospects of this industry. However, some studies have been done in many other flower
exporting countries which can be considered as learning points for Bangladeshi flower growers
and exporters.
Hossain and Rahman, 1994 in a study on the potential of flower marketing in Dhaka city have
presented the trend and behavior of flower production from the farmers view point. They have
also presented socio economic character of users and non users of flowers and the problem they
face. The study describes the characteristics of flower sellers and their pattern of business and also
the problems they face. Finally they have judged the potentiality of flower business in

Raha and Sultana, 1995 a study on marketing of flowers in Dhaka city have estimated the
marketing cost and margin of the flower traders and also identified the problems and solutions of
flower marketing in Dhaka city

A research paper on economic policy on WTO Agreement on agriculture by Choudhury and

Sharifa in 2005 has discussed potential of agro processing products in Bangladesh. They have
presented global economic situation, a review of business environment, investment, export and
import climate of Bangladesh. They have also indicated trends of production and export of
agricultural and agro processed products from Bangladesh. They also have analyzed the National
Agricultural policy and Export Policy of Bangladesh, highlighting features of Agreement on
Agriculture, and explained the agriculture trade under GATT regime.

A report on Market News Service, a monthly bulletin by ITC, Plasmeijer and Yanai, 2012 has
presented informative notes and statistical analysis on Cut Flower trade in Major European and
international markets, which are helpful for identifying relevant factors of cut flower export.

A research paper on cut flower production and development in Asia done by FAO indicated some
key factors which promote cut flower business in Asia. The study analyzes market opportunities
in both domestic and export market from south Asia and highlighted the production opportunity
for cut flower in Asia. It suggests emphasizing cooperation and commitment in terms of
education, research, funding and communication from countries in Asia is essential for the Asian
flower industry to succeed. (C.Wernett, 1998)

A report on cut flower business in rural China explained export success of China. In this report,
the author gave details of how Yunnan’s cut flower industry has grown from a mere 16 hectares to
more than 10,000 hectares of production and yielded as successful export trade with the help of
International Trade Center (ITC). (Hunt, 2004)

Another study on export growth and prospect of floriculture in India by Dr. Amitava Saha,
Deputy Director, DGCI&S has compared global floriculture business from 1996to 2005 with
India’s export and import business performance from 1996 to 2005. The study has also underlined
the problems in export of flower from India and suggests some measures to overcome those
problems. In this regard, a study on Economics of floriculture in Pakistan (Manzoor et al, 2001)
indicated economically the flower business is not doing well. This study identified some
constraints and in flowers business mainly in farm level and retail level and suggested
recommendations to enhance flower business in Pakistan.

Another study on present status of cut flower business in Kathmandu, Paudel, 2014illustrated the
production process, storage and maintenance process , the marketing system and the problems
pertaining to this industry. The study also identified prospects of cut flowers business in Nepal as
well as the export obstructions and recommended some requirements to promote this business.

In a study on export potential of cut flower in Bangladesh, Jalil et al, 2007 examined the export
potential of some selected flowers such as tuberose, rose, gladiolus and marigold of Bangladesh.
They used exponential model for describing the growth pattern of cut flower export and made
forecast on growth pattern. They also described the scope of Bangladesh for expanding
floriculture export as it enjoys comparative advantages in terms of favorable climatic conditions
to meet seasonal market opportunities in the overseas market. Some problems in the export of cut
flower have also come up with recommendations. In this regard, Mannan et al, 2007 conducted a
study and identified the present status of flower cultivation along with the problems faced by the
farmers at Zhikargacha Upazilla of Jessore district of Bangladesh.

Mou 2012 in her study on profitability of flower production and marketing system of Bangladesh
examined the production and profitability of some selected flowers in comparison with their
competing crops. She identified the value chain and channels of flower marketing in Bangladesh,
the constraints of flower marketing and also suggested recommendations which may help develop
flower industry and strengthen its marketing system.

Islam and Rahman, 2013 in a study on flower cultivation in Jessore, have presented flower
cultivation as a lucrative business which ensures higher potential to return compared to other
agricultural crops. They illustrated mainly with economic view point such as positive influence in
national GDP growth and in employment generation and potentialities to grab international
market due to low production cost. Salahuddin, 2013conducted an economic study to estimate
productivity and profitability of commercial floriculture in some selected areas of Jessore district
of Bangladesh. He used simple statistical technique as well as Cobb-Douglas production function
to analyze the data. He found that floriculture was profitable in the study area where Rose,
Marigold, Gladiolus are mainly produced. Alike other studies, this study also highlights the
constraints prevailing in this business sector. Correspondingly, in a newspaper article, Arya 2014,
has discussed the current situation of flower business in Bangladesh which specifies the history of
cut flower industry in Bangladesh and the problems faced by the farmers and intermediaries.

Bangladesh Trade Assessment 2013, a study, which was conducted by USAID through Carana
Corporation to determine the potential for promoting regional and global trade linkages with the
South/Southwest region of Bangladesh, which is considered to be the FTF region. The study
identifies exports prospects for value chains in the SSW; cut flower is evaluated to have
promising export growth potential. These are nontraditional exports that have not yet penetrated
export market on a substantial scale, though, global demand for cut flower is strong and
Bangladesh should be able to make inroads in foreign markets. In Another technical paper on
floriculture and flower market development in Bangladesh, Khan 2013, suggested that the flower
market development initiative should take different strategies for local market and export market.
Several weaknesses are identified and specific recommendations are proposed. Infect, a report on
Annual General Meeting of APBPC (Agro Products Business Promotion Council) held on
November 3, 2013, advised some planning for export promotion of cut flower.

Chowdhury and khan, 2015 a study on cut flower export from Bangladesh have presented the
growth of cut flower industry in Bangladesh and also have analyzed export performance of cut
performance of cut flower and challenges faced by export oriented cut flower producers of
Bangladesh. The study suggests measures to improve cut flower export to assure greater
contribution of this industry to the economy of Bangladesh.

Mohiuddin, 2016 have found out the total conditions of flower business in Bangladesh and
evaluated present export performance of flowers in the context of global market. He also explored
the constraints of flower business and existing flower marketing system in Bangladesh.

1.4. Objective of the study:

The primary objective of the present study is to evaluate the marketing and distribution system of
flowers in Dhaka city so that problems, challenges and prospects of this could be suggested. More
specifically, the study has been conducted with the following objectives:-

1. To examine trend and present scenario of flower marketing and distribution system in
Dhaka city.
2. To know the socio economic character of the users and non-users of flowers and the
problems they face.
3. To know about the national demand and production of flower and flower made products.
4. To identify the problems, challenges of flower marketing and suggest measures for
5. To analyze export performance of cut flower industry in Bangladesh.
6. To judge the potentiality of flower business in Bangladesh based on Dhaka city findings.

1.5. Research methodology:

Both exploratory and descriptive research methods have been used to conduct the study.
Information has been collected from both primary and secondary sources. Secondary information
has been collected from research documents, articles, journals, online, annual reports and other
such materials. The existing literatures have been studied thoroughly. The primary data have been
collected through some unstructured interviews with flower traders in Dhaka city. The interviews
were conducted on flower traders and marketers within Dhaka city for the reason of convenience
of data collection. 80 customers of flower have been surveyed by me for collecting information
about their choice, preference, liking, disliking and problems. The survey questionnaires were
prepared with great care so that it provides maximum information from the selected respondents.
Like secondary data, primary data have also played a significant role in deriving findings of the
study. After analysis of both primary and secondary data, findings have been presented in tabular

and graphical format. The relevant information then has been analyzed for qualitative explanation
of the matter.

1.6. Scope of the study:

Based on the objectives of the study stated above, the analysis of the findings of the study has
confined mainly on six aspect of flower trading. These are: a) trend and present scenario of
flower business b) socio economic and demographic characteristics of users and non users c)
national demand and flower production level d) problems and challenges of flower business e)
export performance of Bangladeshi flowers and f) potentiality of flower business in Bangladesh.
The findings of the study have been discussed mainly on these aspects.

1.7. Limitations of the study:

Present study suffers from the following limitations:-

 Most of the flower traders and marketers are poorly educated and for this reason they
could not properly answer the asked questions. Most of the observations were collected
through personal interviews and respondents from all categories were often unable to
recall exact information, say income, sales volume, cost, total channel production etc.
which were required in the questionnaire.
 In case of flower users, it was observed that they considered flower purchase as luxury
items. So, when they answered questions, some biasness has been observed from them. So
reliability of data therefore posed some confusion.
 The amount of time and funds that were available for the study also thwarted me in
making the study more scientific and authentic.

2. Analysis and findings:

2.1. Marketing status of flower in Bangladesh:
In Bangladesh, fresh cut flower business is a very new concept. In late 80’s only there were a few
shops that were opened in Dhaka city for selling fresh cut flower. Now fresh cut flowers are sold
in most of the city and district even Upazilla towns of Bangladesh. Flowers are daily auctioned in
the morning at Shahbag Avenue, Agargaon flower market in Dhaka. Dhaka is the main center of
flower business in Bangladesh. A large number of flower shops have been developed in and
around Dhaka city which can give a picture of present flower market situation. In Dhaka, flower
shops are two types, i) Permanent, and ii) Temporary. It is estimated that there are more than 100
permanent and 450 temporary shops in Dhaka metropolitan city.

Individual business of each shop ranges between Tk. 3000–6000 even more. According to official
statistics, the country earned USD 1,530.22 from exports of cut flowers in the fiscal year 2015-
2016,while the earnings were USD 25,516.07 in the FY 2012-2013 (The Financial Express, Sep-
2016). One of the reasons behind this decrease was said to be the increasing domestic demand for
flower which is encouraging farmers and traders to focus their attention on the domestic market.
This indicates that aesthetic sense of people is increasing as the standard of living is increasing.
Rose, Gladiolus, Tuberose, Dahlia, Marigold, Gerbera, Beli, Dolanchampa are the examples of
some important cut flowers that have high demand in the inland markets (BBS, 2015). This is also
important for international market.

Flower society of Godkhali (Jessore) reported that flower of about USD 54 crores are produced
in Godkhali alone every year and the total business amount stands at USD 100 crores.

Table: Growth of flower sector in Bangladesh

Year Area(ha) Production(MT) Quantity sold in Market value

retail (MT) (Million USD)
2009-2010 1,774.0 23,720.0 18,050.0 31.5
2010-2011 2,040.0 34,558.0 21,800.0 40.0
2011-2012 2,326.0 37,938.0 26,100.0 50.2
2012-2013 2,651.0 42,726.0 31,400.0 63.5
2013-2014 3,054.0 49,877.0 37,668.0 79.9
2014-2015 3,520.0 56,649.0 45,187.0 100.0
Source: USDA 2014
Flower demand is increasing day by day and simultaneously the land under flower cultivation and
the total yield of flower is also increasing (Table 1). Now flower market is around USD100
Million or more. Officially, now it has reached about Taka 1200 core and day by day the flower
market is showing increasing return.

Table: Flower species and their market share, 2013/2014

Flower species Production of the Revenue at the Revenue at Market share(%)

farm gate level farm gate level retail level
(MT) (Million USD) (million USD)
Tuberose (single) 1,298.0 0.405 1.4 1.62
Tuberose( 10,814.0 4.06 15.2 17.38
Rose 11,132.0 4.731 21.3 24.32
Gladiolous 9,914.0 10.04 27.9 31.11
Marigold 12,624.0 3.8 7.1 7.92
Gerbera 72.0 0.261 0.6 0.64
Other ornaments 10,795.0 5.5 17.3 17.0
Total 56,649.0 28.8 90.8 100.0

Source: USAID 2014

among the cut flower rose contributes the maximum. In the FY 2012-2013, cultivation of Rose
occupied an area of 189 acres which expanded to 281 acres within FY 2013-14 according to the
report of Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics. Gladiolus coming into play in recent times occupied the
top position with a percent market share of 31.11. But an interesting fact is that even though the
production of Gerbera is done in Jessore in huge amount its market share in case of revenue is
quite minimal. There are several reasons behind it which will be discussed in the limitations.
Marketing of ornamentals involves many players that deals in different channels. The flower
market chain in Bangladesh is really at a very early stage although it is getting structured day by
day. The farmers usually get their inputs like seedlings, corms, bulbs from local seedling
producers as well as produce themselves. Some special ones like Gerbera they import from India
as the quality of the seedlings production in Bangladesh is still lacking. The financial and
technical support for flower production comes from different GO’s and NGO’s as well as from

The general flower market chain in Bangladesh operates through some middle men and
wholesalers to the final consumers and export. Farmers may deal directly to the local whole sale
market or they may sell their flower to the middlemen like “Foria” who then brings it to the local
market. From the local wholesale market, the flowers are that packed and sent to wholesale
market in Dhaka and other parts of the country.

In case of export the flower business man and some well fare associations as well as NGO’s deals
with international market; as a smooth channel for direct export is still under developed in
Bangladesh. Also lack of an international auction market limits the exposure of the flowers
produced here.
producer/ Raw materials /
India gerbera poly shed
Resource persons
Seedlings/ Foria
from BARI, DAE,
corms/ bulbs/
Private Nursery
National and
Training Local wholesale International and
(home and market NGO’s
Bank/ MFI

Flower Businessmen and

Welfare Farmer’s Association

Export to
Other’s Wholesale
flower market
District market in

Plate: Actors in flower value chain

2.2. Actors in Flower value chain:
2.2.1. Flower farmers:

Generally flower growers sell flowers to Foria’s, Local wholesale market, flower businessmen
and welfare Farmer’s Associations etc. Sometimes, farmers directly sell to wholesale markets in
Dhaka and also sell to other districts wholesale market.

2.2.2. Foria:

Foria buy flowers from farmers and sell flowers to Local wholesale market, flower businessmen
and welfare Farmer’s Associations etc. Sometimes they directly export flower to international
flower market through flower businessmen and welfare Farmer’s Associations.

2.2.3. Local wholesale market:

Local wholesale markets buy directly from farmers and also from the forias. Then they sell
flowers to flower businessmen and welfare Farmer’s Associations etc. Sometimes, they directly
sell to wholesale markets in Dhaka and also sell to other districts wholesale market. . Sometimes
they directly export flower to international flower market through flower businessmen and
welfare Farmer’s Associations.

2.2.4. Bank/ MFI:

Farmers, Forias and local wholesale marketers take Short term loan from the Banks/ MFIs.

2.3. Marketing Functions in the Flower value chain:

Marketing value chain denotes the steps involved in the marketing process that ensures the quality
of the produce reaching the consumers. At present, the value chain process of the flower in
Bangladesh is so broken that even though farmers are producing quality flowers, the consumers
are not getting the benefit of it. The present limitations of the flower value chain are presented

2.3.1. Harvest and storing:

In general, farmers harvest the flowers in the morning and place them in water in buckets to
remove the field heat. Then these flowers are packed and during packaging water are sprinkled to
maintain high humidity. It is a crude method that doesn’t always ensure quality. On the other
hand, the traders and florists usually place the flowers in cool water in buckets in the flower shop
in shade and occasionally change the water. During the winter season flower remain fresh for
longer time but in the summer season flower remain fresh for only one or two days, then get

2.3.2. Grading:

No specific standard is followed in flower grading as there is no standard developed for the
specific flowers yet. As such screening out good quality flowers and maintaining standard pricing
is often difficult. Usually the grading is done based on size, color and defect.

2.3.3. Packaging:

Packaging at farmer field level was really crude at the beginning as old newspapers were used for
wrapping the harvested flowers. As such they remained prone to damage. Recent times, some
farmers started to use corrugated box for packaging flowers specially Gerbera. But its use is not
still wide spread. Also, as they are not specifically made for flowers, they often fail to ensure
proper aeration around the flowers as such the quality deteriorates. Use of bamboo made box
came as an alternative which are sturdier but due to presence of sharp chips, padding is required.
Also use of plastic cup pouch for protection of gerbera and net cap for rose has come to use but
it’s not quite wide spread yet.

2.3.4. Transportation:

The damaging section of the flower value chain in Bangladesh is the age-old transport system
using rickshaw, van and shoulder load also in trucks for long distance. Collected flowers are
heaped on vans/rickshaws or packed tightly in bags and loaded on trucks that cause heavy damage
to the flowers escalating postharvest loss. Also, during handling dropping the heap of flowers
from shoulder height crushes the flower in the bottom leaving them unusable for market display.
Tight packaging or heaping also prevents free air flow around the flowers resulting heat buildup
deteriorating the flowers further.

2.3.5. Processing and arrangement:

Usually the florist shops in Dhaka or other cities follow some catalogued designs to decorate
using flowers. The consumer chooses a design and they recreate it using flowers. At present
certain modern base materials like “Oasis” is used which holds sufficient amount of water to keep
the arrangement hydrated for a long time but often fails to offset the stress and damage caused
during the transport.

2.3.6. Pricing:

They charge different price for different kinds of products and flowers. Their pricing charts
which are charged from the customers:

Zinia / Zerbera 20 taka per stick

Rose Local (Red, yellow) 10 taka per piece
Rose (Black, special order only) 4000 to 5000 taka per piece
Rose white 15 taka per piece
Rose Chinese 30 taka per piece
Gladiolas (Yellow) 15 taka per piece
Gladiolas ( white) 20 taka per piece
Rajnigandha 10 taka per stick
Mum (imported from india) 10 taka per stick
Zipsi 5 taka one bouquet
Garlands of Marigold (42 flowers are within 1) 20 taka per piece
Kadbeni Gajra 50 taka one piece
Rajnigondha Gajra 80 to 100 taka per piece
Gajra (Mum and Zipsi) 100 taka per piece
Bouquet 150 – 1200 vary by customer choice
Lili Local 50 taka per stick
Lili (imported) 250 taka per stick
Garland of Beli 10 taka per piece

2.4. Online flower marketing in Dhaka city:

Online purchase of different items by using smart phone has become common in major cities and
towns. Online purchase provides consumers convenience and best choice because they do not
have to go to the store physically for finding best solution of their problem. Now-a-days,
consumers of fresh (cut) flower also have started to purchase flower from online flower shops. 8
to 11 % purchasers of flower are purchasing from online. So it is quite clear that online flower
marketing are getting accepted by consumers of Dhaka city. Some online flower shops are
operating within Dhaka city and information about them being provided in the bellow:

2.4.1. Florista Delivery: Florista Delivery provides flower for all occasions in Dhaka. They are
great choice for birthdays because aside from the actual flower arrangement, one can add gift
baskets, gourmet chocolates, gourmet cookies and cakes and house plants to one’s order.
Proceeds from orders also allow them to support community projects through partnerships with
charitable organizations. Their price range from BDT 750 to BDT 3999.

2.4.2. Dhaka Rosarium: Dhaka Rosarium was established in 1986 and they aim to introduce
fresh flower to interior design for a wider audience. In terms of their online shop for flower
delivery in Dhaka, their collection is small, curated and changes depending on the availability of
flower. They have beautiful, rustic basket arrangements which customers can give as gifts for
birthdays, housewarming parties, and religious festivals and so on.

2.4.3. JMC Florists: JMC Florists provides a lot of payment options, even cash on delivery, so
even you do not have a credit card, one can quickly send and conveniently send fresh flower to
one’s loved one. While online florists in Dhaka are ideal for special occasions and rush
deliveries, one can also find mixed daily bouquets for blooming one’s home. After all, flower
can transform a house into a home with their bright. Colorful and soothing presence.

2.4.4. Upohar BD: Upohar BD is more of a one-stop-gifting-shop than an online florist. If one is
looking for novelty gifts and great deals without going to the local mall, one can check out their
gift bundles and bouquets.

2.4.5. Varieties BD: Varieties BD is more of a one-stop-gifting-shop for gift bundles and
bouquets than an online florist. If one is looking for novelty gifts and great deals without going
to the local mall, one can check out their gift bundles and bouquets.

2.5. National celebration days and domestic demand for flower:

List of Celebration days at national level:

13 February Pahela Falgun

14 February Valentine’s days
21 February International Mother Language Day
7 March Bangabondhu Speech day
17 March Birthday of Father of Nation
26 March Independence day
14 April Pahela Boishakh
01 May May day
15 August National Mourning day
14 December National Buddhijibi day
16 December Victory day

The number of National level celebration days has increased greatly than that was before 20
years back. From 2000, with the economic progress people have started to celebrate various
national days such as pahela Falgun, Valentine’s day, Pahela Boishakh etc in a very joyful
manner. Flower demand has increased greatly with the increased celebration of national days. If
the present situation continues, demand of fresh (cut) flower will increase even more in domestic

2.6. Event management activity of flower sellers and traders in

Dhaka city:

Flower sellers of Dhaka city are also engaged with various events management activities.
Customers have to provide hall room to the shopper who is going to manage the event.
Customers who want to use their own home premises, rooms, cars to be decorated usually
contract with the flower shop for decoration. They charge different price for different events
which vary by the cost of the sellers and requirements of the buyers. Price list of different events
are given bellow:

Type of events Price ranges
Stage Decoration (15000 – 250000)
Bashor Ghar (3000 – 50000)
Birthday Party (5000 - 80000)
Car Decoration ( 2500 - 55000)

2.7. Community and event management centers’ influence on

demand of flower:
Over 50 renowned community and event management centers are operating within Dhaka city to
make the special moments of people even more special. People of Dhaka city cum whole
Bangladesh are preferring event management and community centers for celebrating their special
moments and events. Event management and community centers are also increasing with the
greater preference of people. This increasing trend of community and event management centers
has increased demand for fresh (cut) flower within the whole country. Finally it can be said that if
this trend continues, it will surely increase domestic demand for fresh (cut) flower even more than

2.8. Flower selling in footpath: Poor children and women are found with flower
bouquets in the footpath of Dhaka city. They usually earn 100 to 800 taka per day. But most of
their incomes are spent on their family need or they provide to their MAHAJON. Very little
amount left to them for fulfilling their personal need. They usually buy frowsty flowers from
different wholesaling markets of Dhaka city at a cheap rate. Then they sell at different points of
Dhaka city for earning some money.

2.9. Characteristics of the users of flower:

2.9.1. Age of the respondents:

43.75 percent of the respondents were within the age group of 15 to 30, followed by 30 percent
within the age group of 31 to 45 and 23.75 percent were within 45 to 60 age group. Age group
composition of the respondents indicates that the respondents are mature enough and have the
capability to make proper decision in respect to flower purchase. (see appendix, table no-1)

2.9.2. Sex of the respondents and their participation in purchase decision:

Sex wise distribution of the respondents and users participation in purchase decision has been
shown in the appendix table no-2 and 3. The table shows that the flower market is mainly
dominated by the male respondents (48.75%). So, most of the times flower purchase decision is
made by the male users, flowed by 36.25 per cent female users .percentage of the female users are
not significantly less than the male users percentage because more education and economic
freedom has made our women more influential in family purchase of flowers.
2.9.3. Family size:

76.25 percent of the respondents were within the family size of 3 to 5 members, followed by 20
percent within the family size of 1 to 2 members and 3.75 percent were within 6 to 8 members’
family size. The appendix table-5 indicates that a good majority of the respondents have on
average 3 to 5 members in their families. Family size is negatively related with the spending
pattern on flower purchase. So, the more bigger the family, less money will be spent on flower
purchase. Because customers purchase flowers only when he / she thinks all of the essential needs
of the family members have been fulfilled.

2.9.4. Monthly expenditure pattern:

63.75 percent respondents spent taka 10000 to 25000 to meet monthly family expenditures,
followed by 13.75 percent of the respondents who spent taka 25000 to 35000. Only 10 percent
spent taka 35000 to 50000 to meet family expenditures. The appendix table no-4 clearly shows
that most of the respondents are quite solvent and have the capability to purchase flowers if they

2.9.5. Annual spending pattern of users on flower purchase:

Annual spending pattern of the users for purchasing the flowers was also allotted in the study. In
this regard, required information has been shown in the table given bellow:-

Table: Showing the distribution of the users annual expenditure for flower purchase:

Percentage of annual income No. of the respondents Percentage

Bellow 5% 45 56.25
5% 21 26.25
10% 11 13.75
15% 3 3.75
Total 80 100.0

The table reveals that over 56 percent of the user families annually spent bellow 5 % of their
annual income to purchase flowers. 26.25 percent on average spent 5% of their annual income,
followed by 13.75 percent spent 10% of their annual income and only 3.75 percent families spent
15% of their annual income to purchase flowers. However, considering the pattern of spending on
flowers and also the increasing trend of the number of flower shops in Dhaka city as well as
variety of flower and flower made products indicate that flower use will even increase more in
years to come.

2.9.6. Reason behind the non use of flowers:

Bangladesh is still a low and middle income country.24.3 percent of total population still live
below the poverty line (BBS- 2017). And most of the people who are members of middle income
group strive hard for meeting their family requirements.

On the other hand, literacy rate in Bangladesh is not very high. Most of the people are under
graduate and have only primary education. When people get educated, they become more willing
to purchasing flower as luxury items. Where people do not have proper income and education,
there flower purchase remains always low

Unemployment rate is also very high in Bangladesh. At present 2.7 million (BBS-2017) people
are unemployed in our country. As unemployment is negatively related to flower purchase, the
more people will be unemployed, the few flower products will be purchased by people.

A study by Hossain and Rahman (1994) indicated that there are a good number of people residing
in Dhaka city who do not still use flowers. Four groups of people identified as non users of
flowers are: poor income group, people having no good education, financially capable highly
educated but culturally backward and the people who consider spending money to purchase
flowers are mere wastage of resources. Some people do not also use flower because no flower
shop exists around their residence area.

2.9.7. Buying habits of the users only:

A question was put before the respondents, how many times in a month do you buy flowers. The
question was just to know the buying habits of the users. However, in reply to this question, about
23.75 percent of users said that they used to buy regularly and 76.25 percent of the users stated
the irregularity of their purchases. Respondents who stated irregularity of their buying pattern
attributed it to their financial constraint as the pivotal cause.(see appendix, table no-13)

2.9.8. The frequency of flower purchase days (monthly):

60 percent of the users stated that they buy flowers 2 times in a month. About 30 percent of users
buy flowers 3 to 5 times in a year, followed by 10 percent of users use flowers for more than 5
times in a month. But the frequency of flower purchase days will increase with the economic
progress of users. (See appendix, table no – 8)

2.9.9. Purpose of flower use:

Flowers with their beauty make every special occasion or purpose more appealing and enjoyable.
Users generally purchase flowers for various purposes. In the study I identified five types of
purposes. These are: personal beautification, special occasion (marriage, birthday party, reception
party etc), gift item, home decoration, tribute purpose and others. The respondents stated one or
more purposes. 63.75 percent said that they purchase flower for special occasion. About 60
percent of the users buy flower for tribute purpose, followed by 46.25 percent for personal
beautification, 36.25 percent for home decoration and 30 percent as a gift item. Data obtained in
the study suggest that people not only use for their own mental satisfaction but also use flowers
for variety purposes also. If marketers would diversify the flower business as per the needs and
wants of the users, demand of the flowers would be increased day by day in Dhaka city and all
over the country in general. (see appendix, table no-6)
2.9.10. Attitude toward prices of flower purchase:

Price is an important factor in a country like Bangladesh. The respondents are asked about their
attitude toward prices of different kinds flowers. Users’ opinions in this regard have been
presented in the following table:

Table: showing the distribution of the users attitude toward flower price

Users attitude toward flower No of users (n=80) Percentage

Very high 8 10
High 19 23.75
Reasonable 42 52.50
Low 11 13.75

Over 52 percent of the users felt that the price of flowers charged by the sellers was reasonable,
23.75 percent perceived it as high and 10 percent thought it to be very high. Combining the
opinions of high and very high prices of flower, it is seen that a good number of people still
consider flower purchase as beyond their reach. They also blamed the sellers to charge high price
for flowers on various national and international day.

2.9.11. Types of flower made products purchased:

Now- a- days, people purchase different types of flower made products. To increase the demand
for fresh cut flowers, marketers have brought various diversifications into flower made products.
Respondents are asked about, what types of flower made product you purchase. They stated more
than one or two options.76.25 percent of the users stated that they purchase buequets.56.25
percent of the users stated that they purchase fresh flower made garlands for different purposes.
About 53.75 percent purchase stage decoration, followed by 43.75 percent purchase Bashor Ghar
decoration, 36.25 percent purchase Gate decoration, 36.25 percent purchase fresh flower made
ornaments, 26.25 percent purchase flower Basket, 23.75 percent purchase Gajra and 16.66
percent of the users purchase flower made ring crown. However from the appendix table -10, it
appears logical to draw an inference that if the present trend continues, the business of flower
made products will flourish even more in near future.

2.9.12. User choice of the shops:

About 70 percent of the users of flowers purchase flower from the organized shop, followed by 20
percent purchase flower from both the organized and unorganized shop and 10 percent of
customer purchase from various online shop. At present we are in the digital world and people
using internet and mobile phone for variety purposes. Now-a –days, people are also using online
fresh flower shop for purchasing flowers. But still a great number of people purchasing from the
traditional organized flower shops because these kind of shops them a great variety of fresh
flower and flower made products.( see appendix, table no-8)
2.9.13. Why and why not people prefer artificial flowers:

At present, a great number of people are using china and Thai plastic flower for home decoration.
Different community and event management centers are also reducing their cost by using artificial
flower for stage decoration, bashor ghar and gate decoration purposes. So, a different type of
question was asked to the users. The question was, why and why not you prefer artificial flowers?
From table-11 and 12, every user stated that they prefer because artificial flowers are imperishable
and reusable. About 43 percent of the users said that artificial flowers are low costly considering
the reusable situation.86.25 percent of the users stated that artificial flowers are preferable for
their attractive shape, color and design, followed by about 60 percent prefer for the sophistications
of artificial flower. People do not use artificial flower because artificial flowers do not have
natural scent, touch and pure sensation. About 90 percent of the users said that they do not prefer
because artificial flowers do not have beautiful scent fresh cut flowers, followed by 76.25 percent
want natural touch and 63.75 percent want pure sensation that do not have in the artificial flower.(
see appendix table no-10 and 11)

2.9.14. Problems faced by users during flower purchase:

From the table-14, I see that about 80 percent of the users face the problem of unstable price on
different occasions, followed by 70 percent face the problem of high price, 60 percent of the users
face the problem of flower variety within the shop and 56.25 percent of the users complained
about the low quality or availability of frowsty flowers. Solutions recommended by the users to
solve the problem: From the table- 15, I see that about 73 percent of the users suggested that
marketers should charge stable price on every occasion and day. About 60 percent suggested that
marketers should keep available a good variety in flowers and flower made products within their
shop. 40 percent stated that marketers should put greater emphasis on flower quality. It is quite
clear that if marketers solve these problems from the users’ point of view, the cut flower of
Bangladesh will see a bright future in the near future. (see appendix, table no-14 and 15).

2.10. Cut flowers sector in Bangladesh is suffering from various

Major barriers of this sector are:
2.10.1. Little knowledge about flower preservation:

Farmers use jute bags for packaging flowers. When these flowers reach markets in Dhaka,
Chittagong or other divisional or district level towns, they dry up. Many flowers are wasted
during transportation.

2.10.2. Absence of cold storage/cold chain to transport or preserve fresh flowers:

There is no cold storage in Bangladesh to preserve or store flowers during emergency. Therefore a
large amount of flowers perish in the field or market. Bangladesh Railway has no night couch for
transporting flowers within night so that quality of the flowers could be maintained. Bangladesh
railway also has not any railway compartments which have built-in cold storage for transporting
vegetables and flowers. The farmers do not have the option of storing unsold flowers as there is
no cold storage for flowers. The existing cold storages for potatoes and other vegetables only
allow flower seeds to be stored only for a specific time. Also, these practices rather cause
contamination reducing the quality of the stored seeds.

But Bangladesh has no properly developed cold storage for storing flower only. Developed
countries such as Netherlands, Columbia have properly developed storage and auction system that
provide their producers and marketers opportunity to avoid risks of wastage of perishable product
like flower. As Bangladesh has no proper developed storage system, marketers of Bangladesh
have to face the risk of huge wastages of flower that are cutting their profits every day.
Bangladesh could export huge amount of flower that are getting wasted everyday if proper storage
facility could be provided to the marketers and producers.

For example, the idea of storing flower seeds and bulbs in cold storage, generally used for storing
vegetable, meet the demand for a separate cold storage for flower and invention of basket made
with bamboo for gerbera packaging made it possible to market them more conveniently. As a
result, quality of the flowers cannot be maintained.

2.10.3. Absence of backward linkage industry:

Bangladesh is producing only a few types of flowers from the inception. It is now essential to
increase the variety of flowers to meet the demand of the local and global markets. But there is no
system of supplying variety of flower seeds or plants to enlarge the basket. Seeds, fertilizers,
preservation technology, packaging variety, i.e., backward linkage industries could energies the

2.10.4. Absence of forward linkage industry:

Perfume industry, herbal cosmetic industry etc. forward linkage industry of Cut flowers are
absent in Bangladesh. Therefore, industrial use of Bangladeshi fresh flowers is almost zero.

2.10.5. Absence of permanent flower market in major cities:

There are no permanent wholesale flower markets in Dhaka, Chittagong, or any other
divisional/district towns of Bangladesh. . Lack of fixed place for wholesale market in Dhaka with
modern facilities is also a major problem. There are only two major locations in Dhaka where
flower wholesale market is in operation, Shahbag and Agargaon.

However, there is no permanent infrastructure for such market. In Shahbag, there are also retail
shops. Agargaon has the larger wholesaler's base and most of the farmers and traders in Jessore
send their flowers to wholesalers at Agargaon. From there the flowers get distributed all over the
city. Poor infrastructure and lack of appropriate holding system of the flowers causes the produce
to lose their quality leading to economic loss.

2.10.6. Unavailability of large amount industrial loan:

Cut flower growing is considered a farming activity. Policy-makers do not yet consider the
industrial or commercial aspects of flower. As a result, flower growers or businesses get small
amount of agriculture loan instead of industrial/SME loans. But cultivating high-priced flowers
like Gerbera needs green house/sheds. Making a green house/flower shed is costly.

2.10.7. Poor knowledge about flower export:

Hardly any farmer knows how to export Cut flowers. A very limited number of businesses are
involved with export occasionally.

2.10.8. Knowledge about value addition:

Bangladeshi flower growers/businessmen are not aware about post-harvest value addition of

2.10.9. Scarcity of other support staffs:

Fertilizer, seed, polyethylene sheet, water for irrigation, new variety of flowers etc. are not easily
available in the local market. Therefore, farmers find it difficult to grow quality flowers in

2.10.10. Packaging and transportation problem:

Along with the packaging system, flower transporting system is still quite underdeveloped.
Farmers still use age old means of transportation such as rickshaw van or cycle. The flowers are
transported to Dhaka and other district towns on the roof of regular intercity buses from local
market. The sacks are stacked on top of one another which deteriorate the quality of the flowers,
reduce their shelf life and increases spoilage. There is no specialized vehicle for transporting
flowers. As a result, quality of the flowers cannot be maintained. The wholesalers have no option
for preserving the unsold flowers as there is no storage facility. Especially during summer time,
the spoilage is higher

2.10.11. Greater import of low cost plastic flower:

Customers are getting more and more attracted to china and Thai plastic flower which is also
decreasing the demand for fresh cut flower within the country.

Institutional credit should be made available to the intermediaries on easy terms and at a lower
rate of interest. Marketing loss should be reduced by improving storage, handling and processing
facilities. Government should arrange training for flowers traders on post harvesting handling and
storage of flowers on scientific basis. Market facilities, such as pucca floor, tin shed, drainage, etc.
should be improved.

2.11. SWAT analysis for floriculture business in Dhaka city

 Growing market, flower loving people;  High demand of low volumes and
 Emerging institutional capacity mainly cheap products.
building in the form of industry unions;  Weak institutional environment for all
 Realization of the need for co-operative the stakeholders’ rights protection.
actions, though action is lacking;
 Unfavorable trade and production
 Gradually rising level of “doing the legislation.
business” with a higher degree of
trustful relations and collaborative  Poor market infrastructure.
culture in the supply chain.  Small industry scale that does not
allow narrow specialization
 Still poor knowledge and low
professionalism is taking place in the
 Bad reputation of business culture
 Lack of co-operation among the
industry actors
 Low production efficiency
 Scientific and market research lacking
 As a result weaker capabilities in the
global floriculture industry value chain
 All above mentioned constrains the
interest of foreign trade partners and

 Market is far from saturation and has a  Unstable business, political and
market niche for both sophisticated institutional environment.
import and cheap domestic product  Demand fluctuations
 Gradually rising prosperity of people  Legislative and economic uncertainties
bring the demand for landscape design  Plants business requires big financial
and sophisticated production investments and bears big material risks
 Complicated import procedures due to the product perish ability and
provides bigger opportunities for own unfavorable conditions for running
production business in Dhaka city
 Developing the industry through higher
collaboration, collective learning and
building up sustainable relations.

2.12. Export of flower from Bangladesh:

Export earning is one of the most important driving forces for developing economies, of which
Bangladesh is not an exception. Bangladesh exports many products to different parts of the world.
Cut flower is one of the promising export products and it would be a growing export product in
near future. Over the past couple of years, the export of cut flowers and foliage has exceeded the
target by over10% as it had turned out to be an emerging industry of high potentials for the
entrepreneurs that would widen the country’s export basket.
Export of cut flowers and ornaments, live trees and other plants, bubs, roots and the likes (Million

Larger share of export receipts of cut flowers and ornamental foliage, live trees and plants by
Bangladesh in 2009-2010 was from European countries, while larger share of import expenses for
the same period was from China and Indonesia. Table 1a shows continent-wise export receipts
(from FY 2003-04 to2009-10).

Export of cut flower from Bangladesh to different countries:
Source: Export Promotion Bureau report 2016 to 2019.
2016 - 2017 (July-November) 2017 – 2018 (July-December) 2018 – 2019 (July-November)
19994.26 41806.19 3944255.22

Chart Title
2016 - 2017 (July- 2017 – 2018 (July- 2018 – 2019 (July-
November) December) November)

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3

There is a high demand of fresh flower and pot plants in Europe, America, Japan and Middle East.
The important flowers and ornamental plants which have high demand in the world market can
easily be grown in Bangladesh at a low cost. During the fiscal year 2016–2017, 2017–2018 and
2018-2019 flowers worth of $19994.26, $41806.19, $3944255.22 respectively were exported to
different countries. Very recently Bangladesh Govt. has included flowers in the export policy.
This will surely open a new avenue for the flower growers of Bangladesh to develop export
oriented floral industry. In 2013-14 fiscal years, flower export generated $39.34 million of foreign
earnings for the country, which is slightly lower than $42.88 million in 2010-11 fiscal years.
According to official statistics, the country earned US $1,530.22 from exports of cut flowers in
the fiscal year 2015-2016, while the earnings were US$ 25,516.07 in the FY 2012-2013. Last
fiscal's exports also registered a 58.36 per cent fall over that of the previous FY 2014-15, the
Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) figures showed.

2.13. World export market for flower and situation of Bangladesh:

The floriculture sector is characterized by an increasing degree of internationalization. The
international trade is to a large extent organized along regional lines: African and European
countries are the principal suppliers to the main European markets; the North-American market is
supplied by Colombia and Ecuador; and Japan and Hong Kong source from Asia-Pacific
countries. And the world market is growing again from its previous low in 2008.

Bangladesh exports only 86000 USD to different countries of the world. But it is very low when
compared with total world market of 1000 crore USD. In the medium- to long-term, Bangladesh
could become a significant exporter of flowers. As can be seen in the cut flower global export
profile, Ethiopia is the latest East African entrant to achieve high growth rates and build a

significant industry. With significant investments in production, cold chain and then market
development, Bangladesh could likely be competitive in Middle Eastern and European markets.

(in 000’US$)

Exporters Exported value in Exported value in Exported value in Exported value in

2008 2009 2010 2011
World 7705363 7360609 7594282 9050145

2.14. Import of flower from different countries into Bangladesh:

Despite the domestic production, Bangladesh has to import significant quantity of flowers due to
customer demand. The major imported flowers are gladiolus, tuberose, chrysanthemum from

India; orchids, gerbera, anthurium and Thai rose from Thailand and a massive number of flowers
from China and Indonesia.
Table 1b shows country-wise import expenses (from FY 2005-06 to 2009-10) of Cut Flowers and
Ornamental Foliage, Live trees and Plants by Bangladesh.
From the table 1(b), I am seeing that import expense of Bangladesh of cut flowers and ornamental
foliage, live trees and plants was high in the fiscal year of 2008 to 2009. But from the fiscal year
2009 to 2010 it has started to decrease which signals a booming floriculture industry in

2.15. Initiatives taken by government and USAID to flourish flower
business of Bangladesh:

Name of the Initiatives taker Description of the initiatives

Government Government organized two day flower fest in
2016 and 2018. As per record, the fair was
intended to motivate flower growers to increase
their produce while the government would
support strives to boost flower exports. The
agriculture minister of Bangladesh is also
stressing on rising production and export of
Dhaka Flower Merchant Welfare Association DFMWA provides some training for the people
(DFMWA) involved in flower production, cutting,
packaging, preservation and marketing.
USAID USAID provides some training for the people
involved in flower production, cutting,
packaging, preservation and marketing. USAID
is also helping to construct proper cold storage
for flower producers in jessore.

3. Prospects of flower in domestic and international market:

Demand for flowers in domestic market has steadily increased over the years. In recent times,
flowers are being used in celebrating different occasions and various national days. Market for
high value flowers is also growing. Demand for cut flowers in the international market is also
increasing over time. Bangladesh has been exporting cut flowers such as Tuberose and Gladiolas.
There is good potential for growth in exporting flowers if quality of the flowers can be improved.
It is suggested that the flower market development initiative should take different strategy for
local market and export market (Khan 2013)

Domestic Market size:

2015 - 2016 2016 – 2017 2017 – 2018 2018 – 2019

800 core taka 1000 core taka 1200 crore taka 1500 crore taka




Series 3
Series 2
Series 1


2015 - 2016 2016 -2017 2017 - 2018 2018 - 2019

Flower and flower made products are contributing in the GDP growth of Bangladesh. The
entrepreneurs of Bangladesh are trying to tap a strong demand for the non-conventional product in
global market, said an Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) official. Environment and climate are very
much suitable for flower cultivation and flower market which is extending day by day. Each and
every year flower market is getting the growth at the rate of 11%. In our country we also can
increase the production of flower by applying tissue culture system. Most of the flower market in
the world is being dominated by Netherlands, Holland, U.S.A, Germany, France, India, Pakistan,
Italy, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Philippines, Singapore, Japan, Great Britain and
Denmark. Kenya, Israel, Zimbabwe, Ecuador, Uganda appeared as major flower exporting
countries as the cut flower trade is a multibillion dollar world industry with the United States,
Germany, Italy, France, Japan, Switzerland being major world consumers. According to flower
specialist, International flower market is very prosperous but in case of surviving in the
competition of flower market farmers of Bangladeshi of course has to develop the varieties of
flowers as well as the packing system and also develop the grading system, processing &
distribution system, storage etc. eloped countries as well as can be the close source of this flower
to the neighboring ones.

3.1. Prospects of Nandini in Bangladesh

Along with the potential of proper export orientation of flower market, the time has come to target
production of new flowers that have high demand abroad. Nandini (Lisianthus) being a flower
well known all over the world for its beautiful colors, variations and post-harvest life can be the
cue for us to capture the international market. With the production of this flower in Bangladesh,
we will be able to increase our export to the developed countries.

3.1.1. Nandini (Lisianthus) is a popular flower ranking among the top ten cut flowers in the
International market showing high demand in international markets.

3.1.2. The environmental condition in Bangladesh is very suitable for commercial production of
this Flower for export.

3.1.3. The neighboring countries still can’t produce this flower from seed giving us the
opportunity to capture their market too

3.1.4. We can also produce good quality of viable seeds of Nandini (Lisianthus) and so seed and
Seedling export can also develop as a part of the market.

3.1.5. Introduction and commercial production of Nandini will bring the focus of the international
Market on Bangladesh and that will pave the way for us to present the potential of our Floriculture

4. Conclusion
Flower business should be needed more attention and care for trading as perishable goods.
Bangladesh has favorable climatic condition and natural competitiveness to take targeted
measures for local and export market expansion. There is ample opportunity for increasing the
profit from flower production due to increased demand. But post harvest losses affected the profit
of flower grower income from floriculture has a remarkable contribution to increase total
household income. Farmers and traders are showing keen interest in floriculture and flower
business in Bangladesh, as a high value of agricultural corps, floriculture shall receive proper
prioritization within public planning and initiatives. For small, medium and large farmers, income
from different sources was also increased than before situation of practicing commercial

Hence, commercial floriculture has a remarkable positive impact on increasing total household
income. There is scope remains for the future researchers to conduct study on different related
aspects of floriculture and flower business like pre & post flower production condition, flower
marketing, economic potential of dried flower and so forth. There could be a debate whether Cut
flowers are farming or industrial product. It may be argued that as flowers are cultivated in the
field, collected and sold; Cut flowers are an agricultural crop. Government agencies like
Agriculture Extension Department, Agriculture Research Council etc. will promote, nourish the
Cut flowers sub-sector. But as Cut flowers are widely traded, exported, used as raw materials in
perfume or herbal cosmetics, herbal medicine etc, these may be put under industrial agro-
processing sector. Packaging, transportation, ware house, cold storage/cold chain etc. are directly
linked with the sub-sector. Therefore, Cut flowers could be considered as an agro-processed
industrial product. Government agencies working to promote enterprises/industries like the
Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation (BSCIC), Small and Medium Enterprise
Foundation (SME Foundation) etc. could play a role to develop and promote the Cut flowers sub-
sector. Whatever the classification is, Cut flowers are a very promising sector offering higher
return. So this foreign exchange-earning sector should get priority from all agencies to develop.

5. Recommendation on flower market and Nandini
Following recommendations could be considered to develop and promote the Cut flowers sub-

5.1. Teaching Flower Preservation System:

Most important support to the flower growers could be teaching them how to preserve flowers for
a comparatively longer period.

5.2. Supplying modern flower packaging materials:

Non-perishable flower packaging system could help the flower growers to add more value to

5.3. Assisting in development of cold chain:

Government/donor agencies/ development partners could take the lead in developing a

preservation-friendly cold chain (storage & transport) system for the flower growers. It is
important to have separate cold storage to store flower seeds, corms and unsold flowers.
Specialized cold storage for flowers can ensure better price for the farmers as they will have the
option of not selling the cut flowers if the price is too low.

Bangladesh railway should have night couch for transporting flowers within night so that quality
of the flowers could be maintained. Bangladesh railway also should arrange some railway
compartments which have built-in cold storage for transporting vegetables and flowers.

5.4. Establishing permanent flower wholesale market:

City corporations, municipal authorities and district administrators could establish permanent
wholesale flower markets.

5.5. A tissue culture lab can be established through public-private partnership in order to address
the lack of availability of good quality mother plants and to increase the supply of mother plants
of different color varieties of high value flowers.

5.6. Specialized vehicles to transport flowers can be introduced on an experimental basis.

5.7. In order to ensure fair price for the farmers and traders, the wholesalers at different level of
the supply chain can also be included in the process.

5.8. It is very important to explore the possibility of environment friendly pest management such a
pheromone traps. Investment in research may be required in order to come up with an integrated
pest management system for flower cultivation.

5.9. It is important to establish linkage with the local entrepreneurs to motivate them to produce
and supply low-cost high-quality packaging materials such as cartons, boxes and bamboo cages to
ensure the quality of the flowers and to lengthen their shelf life.

5.10. Private sector needs to be motivated in order to invest in this sector to establish a whole sale
market with modern facilities such as paved floor, water supply, drainage system, shed and cold
storage. Such facilities are essential to ensure growth of this sub-sector. Future project can also
explore establishing direct linkage between local farmers/traders and exporters to ensure higher
income for the farmers.

5.11. Our government should also set limitation on the importation of the plastic cut flower so that
unplanned import of plastic flowers cannot harm our fresh cut flower business of our country.

5.12. Nandini can be introduced to the farmers as a high value cut flower and proper training for
production and seedling supply will ensure its adoption in commercial production.

6. Reference
Dhaka Tribune Journal
BBS. (2017). 'Statistical Yearbook of Bangladesh 2017', Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, Dhaka.
Hossain and Rahman (1994). The Potential of Flower Marketing in Dhaka City, Bureau of
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